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<<nobr>> <img src="Part1/Avatar.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="right"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> This is an interactive story that follows you as you head off to college. You briefly begin as a young man, but volunteer to be transformed into a young woman soon after your arrival at university. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your character begins at age 18. All other characters are at least that old as well. This is an adult game and even on otherwise "pure/virginal" paths you will have adult fantasies. So you should also be at least 18 to proceed. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "X-Change" refers to the fictional gender transformation pill popularized on the [[/r/xChangePill|]] subreddit, and elsewhere. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> This is an interactive story, not an open-world. Your choices at each point in the story may be limited by your prior choices, your characters desires and conditions, restraints your character might be wearing, or other factors. In some cases you may only have one option to select. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> For the latest version of the game, look for it on [[TFGamessite|]]. There is also a [[forum|]] there which is the best place to leave any suggestions or bug reports. It is also the best place to go for disccussions, hints, or walkthroughs. <</nobr>> [[Start Game|Start0]] <<nobr>> <h2>Content warning</h2> There are a large number of paths that can be followed. Some of these may occur depending on the paths you take: <ul> <li>Violence (sexual and otherwise)</li> <li>Human trafficking</li> <li>Workplace sexual harrassment</li> <li>Bondage (consensual and non-consensual)</li> <li>Student/Professor relationships</li> <li>Inappropriate family situations</li> <li>Pregnancy along with childbirth, abortion, or miscarriage</li> </ul> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <h2>Credits / Content</h2> I don't own the visual media provided in this game. If you are an owner of an image or video, please contact me (via reddit) and I will remove it. Alternatively, if you'd like me to credit you and link to your website, I will gladly do that. <br><br> If anyone wants to host this game elsewhere, I have no objections. <</nobr>><h1>Home</h1> <<nobr>> <<set $StoryKeysLearn to "">> <<set $body to {}>> <<set $student to true>> <<set $sex to []>> <<set $neighbours to []>> <<set $dating to []>> <<set $exes to []>> <<set $fwb to []>> <<set $friendzone to []>> <<set $female to 0>> <<set $inventory to {}>> <<set $tempBabyNameBoys to ["Casey","Liam","Brandon","Wyatt","Eli"].map((name) => {return {name, sex:"male"}})>> <<set $tempBabyNameGirls to ["Hope","Delilah","Emma","Sophia","Mia"].map((name) => {return {name, sex:'female'}})>> <<set $tempBabyName to [$tempBabyNameBoys, $tempBabyNameGirls]>> <<include [[ModeDebug]]>> You are a young man, graduating high school in just a few months. You know what university you are hoping to attend, but you’ve applied to several others as well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Most of the schools have responded already, but from your first-choice school, you’ve only received a notice saying your application is still being reviewed. You figure that at least it’s not a rejection, but you are really hoping for an acceptance letter soon. <</nobr>> As you look over the responses from the universities that have given you an answer already, you see: * Mostly acceptance letters. You’ve always been [[a good student|Start1][$PlayerGoodStudent to 1]]. * Only acceptance letters from your ‘safety’ school choices. You’re [[an average student|Start1][$PlayerAverageStudent to 1]], you knew some of those others were a stretch anyway. * All rejection letters so far. You’ve [[never been that great of a student|Start1][$PlayerLazyStudent to 1]]. You hope to turn things around when you get to college. If you get into college, that is. * <<nobr>> <<set $PlayerRollDice to either(1,2,3)>> Or, now that you think about, you realize you haven't received any responses yet. <<switch $PlayerRollDice>> <<case 1>> [[(Random)|Start1][$PlayerGoodStudent to 1]] <<case 2>> [[(Random)|Start1][$PlayerAverageStudent to 1]] <<case 3>> [[(Random)|Start1][$PlayerLazyStudent to 1]] <</switch>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if false>> STORY MODE DISABLED FOR NOW <br><br>* <<if setup.getAchievementEndingCount()>> Actually, your college days are in the past, but you remember it all like it were yesterday. [[(Story Mode)|StoryMode]] <<else>> <i>Story Mode available after reaching at least one ending</i> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<set $gameMode = 'debug'>> <<set Config.history.controls = true;>><<set $gameMode = 'standard'>> <<set Config.history.controls = true;>>Don't use this yet. turning off the history control would currently get you stuck if you went to any of the side bar pages <<set $gameMode = 'hardcore'>> <<set Config.history.controls = false;>><<nobr>> <span style="display:none"><<if $playerName>>$playerName<<if $MindBlank>>Marie<</if>>: <</if>></span> <<set $pageMessages = []>> <!-- DEBUG: $StoryKeys<br> DEBUG2: $StoryKeysLearn<br> --> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <span id="StoryKeyFlag" style="display:none">TRUE</span> <span id="StoryModeMessage"><<if $StoryKeys>><br><br><i>(Story mode - press "X" to disable)</i><</if>></span> <br><br> <i> <<print $pageMessages.join("<br>")>> </i> <</nobr>>A story by [[xChangeFan]]. <<if passage()=="Start">><<elseif $MindBlank>><<include [[SideBarMindBlank]]>><<elseif $Dead>><<include [[SideBarDead]]>><<elseif $PlayerSlave>><<include [[SideBarSlave]]>><<elseif $ShowHorniness>><<include [[SideBarHorniness]]>><<elseif $female>><<include [[SideBarFemale]]>><<elseif $Purple>><<include [[SideBarPurple]]>><<else>><<include [[SideBarMale]]>><</if>> <<include [[SideBarAchievementLink]]>> <<include [[SideBarDebug]]>>\ <<include [[SideBarNavigation]]>><<nobr>> <h2>Me</h2> This is not what I look like. Though if you work for a pharmaceutical company that has invented X-Change, contact me as I'd like to volunteer to be a test subject. <br> <img src="Part1/Author.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <h2>Support</h2> I don't have a Patreon, or anything similar. This interactive story is a labor of love (or some four letter word beginning with 'L' at least). I don't want or need any donations, though I appreciate the thought from those who have offered. <br><br> If you still have an urge to donate, I suggest donating to an LGBTQ-friendly charity of your choice instead. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <h2>Contact</h2> If you need to contact me you can do so via one of the following: <ul> <li>[[TFGames Forum|]] (Best for bug-reports, suggestions for future enhancments, or for help for the game) </li> <li>[[Reddit|]] (To view other content I've made, primarily captioned images and videos, or to message me privately) </li> </ul> <</nobr>><div style="font-size: 90%">\ <<include [[SideBarBody]]>> <<include [[SideBarBirthControl]]>> <<if $PlayerMoneySet and !$PlayerCumslutPermanent and !$DropoutConcubine>><br><<print "Money: $">>$PlayerMoney<</if>> [[Inventory|SideBarInventory]]\ <<include [[SideBarChastity]]>>\ <<if $student>><<include [[SideBarMentor]]>><</if>>\ <<include [[SideBarNeighbours]]>>\ <<include [[SideBarRelationship]]>>\ <<include [[SideBarJob]]>>\ <<include [[SideBarStudentYear]]>>\ <<include [[SideBarStudentLifeBalance]]>>\ <<include [[SideBarFamily]]>>\ </div><div style="font-size: 90%">\ <<include [[SideBarBody]]>> [[Inventory|SideBarInventory]]\ <<include [[SideBarChastity]]>>\ <<if $student>><<include [[SideBarMentor]]>><</if>>\ <<include [[SideBarNeighbours]]>>\ <<include [[SideBarRelationship]]>>\ <<include [[SideBarJob]]>>\ <<include [[SideBarStudentYear]]>>\ <<include [[SideBarFamily]]>>\ </div><<nobr>> <<if $MaleAgain>> <<include [[SideBarMaleAgain]]>> <<else>> You are a young man trying to decide where to go to college. <</if>> <</nobr>><div style="font-size: 90%">\ <<include [[SideBarBody]]>> [[Inventory|SideBarInventory]]\ <<include [[SideBarChastity]]>>\ <<if $student>><<include [[SideBarMentor]]>><</if>>\ <<include [[SideBarNeighbours]]>>\ <<include [[SideBarRelationship]]>>\ <<include [[SideBarJob]]>>\ <<include [[SideBarStudentYear]]>>\ <<include [[SideBarFamily]]>>\ </div><<nobr>> You were <<if $playerName>>$playerName, <</if>> <<if $BodyType == 'Standard'>> a beautiful, <<elseif $BodyType == 'Plus'>> a curvy, <<elseif $BodyType == 'Petite'>> a petite, <<elseif $BodyType == 'Fit'>> an athletic, <<else>> a mysterious, <</if>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> pregnant, <</if>> young <<if $PlayerCumslut>> cumslut. <<elseif $IslandPet>> pet. <<elseif $PlayerMother>> mother. <<else>> woman. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your body was never recovered.<br> <</nobr>><div style="font-size: 90%">\ <<include [[SideBarBody]]>> <<include [[SideBarBirthControl]]>> [[Inventory|SideBarInventory]] </div> <div style="font-size: 125%">\ <<include [[SideBarPartyHorninessLevel]]>>\ <<include [[SideBarMasterPartyTime]]>>\ </div><div style="font-size: 90%">\ <<include [[SideBarBodyMindBlank]]>> You love working at the brothel. </div><div style="font-size: 90%">\ <<include [[SideBarBody]]>> <<include [[SideBarBirthControl]]>> [[Inventory|SideBarInventory]] </div><<nobr>> You are Marie, <<if $BodyType == 'Standard'>> a beautiful, <<elseif $BodyType == 'Plus'>> a curvy, <<elseif $BodyType == 'Petite'>> a petite, <<elseif $BodyType == 'Fit'>> an athletic, <<else>> a mysterious, <</if>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> pregnant, <</if>> young woman. <</nobr>><<nobr>> You are <<if $PlayerSlave > 1>> an obedient slave. <<elseif $PlayerSlave>> a slave. <<elseif $MaleAgain>> back to [[something similar|SideBarBodyDetail]] to your original body. <<else>> <<if $playerNickname>>$playerName AKA $playerNickname, <<elseif $playerName>>$playerName, <</if>> <<if $BodyType == 'Standard'>> a beautiful<<elseif $BodyType == 'Plus'>> a curvy<<elseif $BodyType == 'Petite'>> a petite<<elseif $BodyType == 'Fit'>> an athletic<<else>> a mysterious<</if>><<if $PlayerPregnant>>, pregnant<</if>><<if !$PlayerOlder>>, young<</if>> <<if $PlayerCumslut>> cumslut. <<elseif $IslandPet>> pet. <<elseif $PlayerMother>> mother. <<elseif $Purple>> person. <<elseif $JobCatgirl>> catgirl. <<else>> woman. <</if>> <<if $PlayerPregnant and $PregnancyWeek and $student>> You are $PregnancyWeek <<if $PregnancyWeek == 1>>week<<else>>weeks<</if>> pregnant. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerCumslutPermanent>> You are a permanent cumslut <<elseif $MaleAgain>> <<else>> [[This body|SideBarBodyDetail]] <<if $PlayerSlave>> doesn't belong to you anymore. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> is yours for the rest of your life. <<else>> is yours for at least the next few years. <<if $PlayerDecidePermanent>> But you plan on making sure it's yours the rest of your life. <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $BrokenLeg>> You are still recovering from your broken leg.<br><br> <</if>> <<if $PlayerSlave>> <<elseif $DropoutCumslut>> You've adjusted to the permanent conditions your body has now. <br><br> <<include [[SideBarSideEffects]]>> <<elseif $DropoutBreeder>> You've adjusted to the permanent conditions your body has now. <br><br> <<include [[SideBarSideEffects]]>> <<elseif $ExWifeTrap>> You are unable to orgasm thanks to Paul's ex-wife. <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasochist or $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist or $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive or $PlayerSideEffectPheromones or $PlayerSideEffectOral or $PlayerSideEffectAnal or $PlayerSideEffectLibido or $PlayerSideEffectDreams>> The side effects your implant gave your new body seem minor now. <<elseif $PlayerNoBodyHair or $PlayerWeightControl or $PlayerReducedSleep >> The features your implant has don't change that. <<elseif $PlayerEasytoOrgasm or $PlayerPowerfulOrgasms or $PlayerSuperOrgasms>> You miss the features your implant used to have. <<else>> That has affected you in other ways as well. <</if>> <br><br> <<include [[SideBarExWifeTrapSideEffects]]>> <<else>> You are <<if $MaleAgain>> trying to adjust to the side effects your original body now has. <br><br> <<include [[SideBarSideEffects]]>> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectNude or $PlayerSideEffectMasochist or $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock or $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock or $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist or $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive or $PlayerSideEffectPheromones or $PlayerSideEffectOral or $PlayerSideEffectAnal or $PlayerSideEffectLibido or $PlayerSideEffectDreams or $PlayerSideEffectBreeder>> trying to adjust to the side effects your implant gave your new body. <br><br> <<include [[SideBarSideEffects]]>> <<elseif $PlayerNoBodyHair or $PlayerWeightControl or $PlayerReducedSleep or $PlayerEasytoOrgasm or $PlayerPowerfulOrgasms or $PlayerSuperOrgasms>> enjoying the features of your new body. <br><br> <<include [[SideBarSideEffects]]>> <<else>> enjoying your new body. <</if>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> <<if $IslandPet>> <br><br>Your implant has blocked you from feeling your orgasms until you can get to the X-Change office to have them allowed again. <<else>> <br><br>Your implant has blocked you from feeling your orgasms until you are able to get your grades up. <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><h1>Implant Effects</h1> <ul> <<nobr>> <li>You are unable to orgasm until the denial gel Paul's ex tricked you into using wears off, whenever that may be.</li> <li>Even though you can't orgasm, you find it hard not to think about sex. Your mind tells you that you can't cum, but your body keeps telling you to try anyway.</li> <<if $PlayerNoBodyHair>> <li>You have no body hair.</li> <</if>> <<if $PlayerWeightControl>> <li>You have perfect <<if $PlayerPregnant>> weight, when you aren't pregnant. <<else>> weight. <</if>> </li> <</if>> <<if $PlayerReducedSleep>> <li>You don't need much sleep.</li> <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectDreams>> <li>Your dreams are always erotic. Frequently you wake up horny and frustrated, and you worry that your body has tried to orgasm while you slept, extending the duration of your denial</li> <</if>> <<if $PlayerEasytoOrgasm >> <li>You remember how easy it use to be for you to orgasm. Now it's impossible.</li> <</if>> <<if $PlayerPowerfulOrgasms >> <li>You remember how intense your orgasms used to be. What you wouldn't give to feel one of those again now.</li> <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist >2 >> <li>You crave being naked in public, you dislike wearing clothes.</li> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist >1 >> <li>You like the thought of being naked in public, you want to wear revealing clothes.</li> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> <li>You like the thought of being naked in public.</li> <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive >> <li>You are submissive in sexual situations. You let Paul fuck you whenever and however he wants, even though you know it might extend your denial.</li> <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasochist>> <li>You it when Paul bends you over his knee and spanks your ass until it's red.<li> <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones >3 >> <li>Being next to any man will instantly excite you.</li> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectPheromones >2 >> <li>The smell of sweating men excites you, being next to multiple men will instantly excite you.</li> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectPheromones >1 >> <li>The smell of sweating men excites you, regular men will excite you if you stay too long next to them.</li> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> <li>The smell of sweating men excites you.</li> <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectLibido >2 >> <li>Your libido is much higher than normal, you can never refuse sex.</li> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectLibido >1 >> <li>Your libido is much higher than normal, you will often accept or suggest sex to anyone showing the slightest interest.</li> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectLibido>> <li>You libido is higher than normal. Your thoughts frequently return to sex.</li> <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral >1 >> <li>You love oral sex and can never refuse it. You do your best to hold back from orgasming from it. But you know you aren't always successful, end up extending your denial</li> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOral>> <li>You love oral sex. You only hope you body doesn't try to cum from it and extend your denial.</li> <<else>> <li>You love oral sex because you know it makes Paul happy, and doesn't risk extending your denial.</li> <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal >1 >> <li>You love anal sex and can never refuse it. You do your best to hold back from orgasming from it. But you know you aren't always successful, end up extending your denial</li> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> <li>You love anal sex. You only hope you body doesn't try to cum from it and extend your denial.</li> <<else>> <li>You love anal sex because you know it makes Paul happy, and is less likely to extend your denial.</li> <</if>> <</nobr>> </ul><h1><<if $MaleAgain>>Side Effects<<else>>Implant Effects<</if>></h1> <ul> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectNude>> <li>You find it uncomfortable to wear most clothing and so are usually nude, or nearly so.</li> <</if>> <<if $PlayerNoBodyHair>> <li>You have no body hair.</li> <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectAlwaysWet>> <li>Your pussy is always wet.</li> <</if>> <<if $PlayerWeightControl>> <li>You have perfect <<if $PlayerSideEffectBreeder>> weight, when you aren't pregnant. But you prefer being pregnant. <<elseif $PlayerPregnant>> weight, when you aren't pregnant. <<else>> weight. <</if>> </li> <</if>> <<if $PlayerReducedSleep>> <li>You don't need much sleep.</li> <</if>> <<if $SideEffectsForHusband>> <<set $tempHusbandText to " and usually about " + $Spouse>> <<else>> <<set $tempHusbandText to "">> <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectDreams >3 >> <li>Your dreams are always erotic $tempHusbandText and you have trouble distinguishing them from reality.</li> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectDreams >2 >> <li>Your dreams are always erotic $tempHusbandText and will affect you during the day.</li> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectDreams >1 >> <li>Your dreams are always erotic $tempHusbandText.</li> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectDreams>> <li>Your dreams are sometimes erotic $tempHusbandText.</li> <</if>> <<if $PlayerEasytoOrgasm >3 >> <li>Sex is one continuous orgasm for you.</li> <<elseif $PlayerEasytoOrgasm >2 >> <li>You always have multiple orgasms.</li> <<elseif $PlayerEasytoOrgasm >1 >> <li>It takes you only a few minutes to reach orgasm.</li> <<elseif $PlayerEasytoOrgasm>> <li>It is easier for you to reach orgasm.</li> <</if>> <<if $PlayerPowerfulOrgasms >3 >> <li>Your orgasms are so powerful and long that you often pass out.</li> <<elseif $PlayerPowerfulOrgasms >2 >> <li>Your orgasms are so powerful and long that your mind goes blank.</li> <<elseif $PlayerPowerfulOrgasms >1 >> <li>Your orgasms are stronger and longer than normal.</li> <<elseif $PlayerPowerfulOrgasms>> <li>Your orgasms are stronger than normal.</li> <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock >3 >> <li>There is a 40% chance not to orgasm during sex (90% chance outside of it).</li> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock >2 >> <li>There is a 20% chance not to orgasm during sex (75% chance outside of it).</li> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock >1 >> <li>There is a 10% chance not to orgasm during sex (60% chance outside of it).</li> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> <li>There is a 5% chance not to orgasm during sex (50% chance outside of it).</li> <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock >3 >> <li>You cannot orgasm from masturbating, touching or thinking about it will make you horny.</li> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock >2 >> <li>You cannot orgasm from masturbating, just touching yourself is enough to make you horny.</li> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock >1 >> <li>You cannot orgasm from masturbating, trying to will make you horny.</li> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> <li>You cannot orgasm from masturbating.</li> <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist >3 and !$SideEffectsForHusband>> <li>You crave always being naked, you dislike wearing clothes, you cannot refuse sex when naked.</li> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist >2 >> <li>You crave being naked in public, you dislike wearing clothes.</li> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist >1 >> <li>You like the thought of being naked in public, you want to wear revealing clothes.</li> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> <li>You like the thought of being naked in public.</li> <</if>> <<if $SideEffectsForHusband>> <<set $tempHusbandText to " and usually about " + $Spouse>> <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectDominant and $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <li>You can be either dominant or submissive in sexual situations, depending on the situation.</li> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectDominant>> <li>You are usually dominant in sexual situations.</li> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive >4 >> <li>You long to be controlled. You want nothing more to serve and to be dominated <<if $SideEffectsForHusband>> by $Spouse <</if>>. </li> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive >3 >> <li>You are submissive in sexual situations, you can never refuse anything <<if $SideEffectsForHusband>> from $Spouse <</if>>. </li> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive >2 >> <li>You are submissive in sexual situations, you can never refuse sex <<if $SideEffectsForHusband>> with $Spouse <</if>>. </li> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive >1 >> <li>You are submissive in sexual situations, you can never refuse sex <<if $SideEffectsForHusband>> with $Spouse <</if>> if you are already horny.</li> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <li>You are submissive in sexual situations <<if $SideEffectsForHusband>> with $Spouse <</if>>. </li> <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasochist>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>> <li>You love it when Daddy bends you over his knee and spanks your ass until it's red.</li> <<else>> <li>You love when you get punished like you deserve. A little pain only makes the pleasure more intense.</li> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones and $SideEffectsForHusband>> <li>The smell of sweating men excites you so you try to avoid them unless you are with your husband.</li> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectPheromones >3 >> <li>Being next to any man will instantly excite you.</li> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectPheromones >2 >> <li>The smell of sweating men excites you, being next to multiple men will instantly excite you.</li> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectPheromones >1 >> <li>The smell of sweating men excites you, regular men will excite you if you stay too long next to them.</li> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> <li>The smell of sweating men excites you.</li> <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectLibido and $SideEffectsForHusband>> <li>Your libido is much higher than normal. Frequently your thoughts are on the next time $Spouse will be inside you again.</li> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectLibido >2 >> <li>Your libido is much higher than normal, you can never refuse sex.</li> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectLibido >1 >> <li>Your libido is much higher than normal, you will often accept or suggest sex to anyone showing the slightest interest.</li> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectLibido>> <li>You libido is higher than normal. Your thoughts frequently return to sex.</li> <</if>> <<if $PlayerCumslutPermanent>> <li>You love the feel of a cock in your mouth.</li> <<if $DropoutCumslut>> <li>You've stopped orgasming while giving blowjobs, but you don't mind. The feel of his cock in your mouth and the joy you get making him cum is all you need.</li> <<else>> <li>You can only orgasm while giving a blowjob. You never know when it will happen, but it's a welcome reward when it does.</li> <</if>> <li>If you go too long without a cock in your mouth, you'll beg for one until someone lets you suck their cock.</li> <li>You'll never turn down a cock offered to you. You'll drop to you knees immediately if they let you.</li> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOral and $SideEffectsForHusband>> <li><<if $PlayerCumslut>>Like a good cumslut, you<<else>>You<</if>> love oral sucking $Spouse's cock. You try to wake him up with a blowjob every day, and greet him with another after work.</li> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOral >3 and !$PlayerSideEffectBreeder>> <li><<if $PlayerCumslut>>Like a good cumslut, you<<else>>You<</if>> love oral sex, you cannot orgasm without it, and can never refuse it, you sometimes suggest it as a reward.</li> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOral >2 and !$PlayerSideEffectBreeder>> <li><<if $PlayerCumslut>>Like a good cumslut, you<<else>>You<</if>> love oral sex and can never refuse it, you sometimes suggest it as a reward.</li> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOral >1>> <li><<if $PlayerCumslut>>Like a good cumslut, you<<else>>You<</if>> love oral sex and can never refuse it.</li> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOral>> <li><<if $PlayerCumslut>>Like a good cumslut, you<<else>>You<</if>> love oral sex.</li> <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> <li> You love anal <<if $SideEffectsForHusband>> sex and are thrilled whenever $Spouse wants it. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectAnal >3 and !$PlayerSideEffectBreeder>> sex and can never refuse it, your lovers need to play with your ass for you to be able to orgasm, you constantly need something in your ass. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectAnal >2 and !$PlayerSideEffectBreeder>> sex and can never refuse it, your lovers need to play with your ass for you to be able to orgasm. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectAnal >1 >> sex and can never refuse it. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> sex. <</if>> <<if $PlayerCumslutPermanent>> As long as they finish in your mouth, that is. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectBreeder>> As long as they cum inside you, that is. <<elseif !$PlayerSideEffectPermanent and $PlayerSideEffectAnalPermanent and !$MaleAgain>> <i>This effect is permanent, even if you change back to your old body.</i> <</if>> </li> <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPermission>> <li>You can only orgasm if a man gives you permission.</li> <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectBreeder>> <li>You have powerful orgasms. But you can only orgasm when you are pregnant, or when someone cums inside you.</li> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlockFormer>> <li>You need a regular supply of cum or you aren't able to orgasm.</li> <</if>> <</nobr>> </ul><<nobr>> <<if $PlayerHunted>> <<if $HuntFinished and $HuntWinner>> You have survived the hunt, and finished in first place. <<elseif $HuntFinished>> You have survived the hunt. <<elseif $HuntCaptures > 1>> <b>You have lost the hunt.</b> You are at the mercy of the hunters now. <<elseif $HuntCaptures>> <b>You are being hunted.</b> You been captured once, but still have one more chance. <<else>> <b><u>You are being hunted.</u></b> <</if>> <<if $HuntFinished>> <<elseif $HuntAhead < 0>> You think you are <<if $HuntAhead < -1>>far<</if>> behind the other girls. <<elseif $HuntAhead > 0>> You think you are <<if $HuntAhead > 1>>far<</if>> ahead of the other girls. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <br> <<if $PlayerSlave>> Your new owner will decide whether he wants to breed you or not. <<if $PlayerProtectionPerfect or $PlayerProtectionPermanent>> Though he'll have to deal with your implant if he does decide to breed you. <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerHunted>> <<include [[SideBarHunted]]>> <<elseif $PlayerPregnant>> <<elseif $PlayerProtectionSilent>> <<elseif $PlayerProtectionMalePill>> $Spouse is on the male birth control pill. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionPrince>> The injections you receive will prevent pregnancy and menstration <<if $DropoutConcubine>> for as long as you work for the Prince. <<else>> for the summer. <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerProtectionDanVasectomy>> Dan has had a vasectomy. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionTry>> You are trying to get pregnant. <<if $PlayerCumslutPermanent>> If not, you'd ask to swallow every drop instead. <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerProtectionNone>> You are not using any birth control. <<if $PlayerCumslutPermanent>> As long as he only fucks your mouth, you don't really need any, do you? <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> <<if $Spouse>> <<if $Spouse == 'Veronica' or $Spouse == 'Kate'>> If it were ever an issue, you would ask guys <<else>> You ask $Spouse <</if>> <<elseif setup.haveGirlfriend()>> If it were ever an issue, you would ask guys <<else>> You ask guys <</if>> to pull out during sex. <<if $PlayerCumslut>> You want them to cum in your mouth instead. <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> You use condoms. <<if $PlayerCumslutPermanent>> At least whenever you aren't swallowing his cum instead. <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerProtectionPill>> You use birth control pills. <<if $PlayerProtectionPrince>> The injection you received will also pregnancy for the next few months. <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerProtectionPermanent>> Your body has a permanent pill implant. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> Your implant prevents pregnancy. <<else>> You aren't sure what sort of birth control to use yet. <</if>> <<if $PlayerProtectionFertile and !$PlayerProtectionPrince>> You are especially <<if $PlayerSideEffectBreeder>> fertile and you want men to cum inside you. <<else>> fertile. <</if>> <<if $PlayerProtectionPeriodPill>> The pill you take to reduce the severity of your periods does nothing to reduce your fertility. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><h1>Inventory</h1> <<nobr>> <<if $JobCatgirl>> Your owner manages all of your posessions. <<elseif $PlayerSlave>> You own nothing. <<elseif $JobMurderer>> Most of your posessions are in storage until you are "released from prison". You suppose that means they'll be mailed to your family after you die. <<elseif $JobReeducation>> The institute has most of your prior posessions in storage. They provide you with whatever you need. <<elseif $Prison>> Most of your posessions are in storage until you are released from prison. <<elseif $IslandNudity>> Your clothing is in storage<br><br><br> <<include [[SideBarToys]]>><br><br> <<include [[SideBarPiercing]]>> <<else>> <<include [[SideBarClothing]]>><br><br> <<include [[SideBarToys]]>><br><br> <<include [[SideBarPiercing]]>><br><br> <<include [[SideBarSexInventory]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $PlayerCumslut>> You always have hair tie handy to tie back your hair before giving a blowjob.<br> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOral && !setup.haveGirlfriend() && setup.sexCount()>> You try to keep a hair tie handy, so you can tie back your hair if you need to.<br> <</if>> <<if setup.sexCount()>> <<if $PlayerProtectionPill>> You also have your birth control pills. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionCondoms && !setup.haveGirlfriend()>> You usually try to have a few condoms with you too. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionWithdraw && !setup.haveGirlfriend()>> You usually try to keep a few "moist towelettes" handy to clean up with. <</if>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerProtectionPill>> You also have your birth control pills. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> You still have the condoms they gave you at orientation. You wonder if those things can expire. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> Wardrobe: <</nobr>> <<nobr>> - Clothes: <<print setup.listInventory('clothes')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> - Sleepwear: <<print setup.listInventory('sleepwear')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> - Underwear: <<print setup.listInventory('underwear')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> - Costumes/Uniforms: <<print setup.listInventory('costumes')>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> Piercings: <<print setup.listInventory('piercings')>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> Equipment:\ <</nobr>> <<nobr>> - Tools: <<print setup.listInventory('tools')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> - Sex Toys: <<print setup.listInventory('sex toys')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> - Other Toys: <<print setup.listInventory('toys')>> <<if $PlayerItemNerdKey>><br><br><<print "You have Peter's Chastity Key. ">><</if>> <<if $PlayerItemBuddyKey>><br><br><<print "You have Bailey's Chastity Key. ">><</if>> <<if $DylanChastityKey>><br><br><<print "You have Dylan's Chastity Key. ">><</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $tempHaveBelt to setup.haveInventory('sex toys', 'chastity belt') or setup.haveInventory('sex toys', 'electronic chastity belt')>> <<set $tempHaveBra to setup.haveInventory('sex toys', 'chastity bra') or setup.haveInventory('sex toys', 'electronic chastity bra')>> <<if $PlayerChastityPiercing>> <br> You wear a chastity piercing. <<if $Keyholder>> Your orgasms belong to $Keyholder. <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt>> <br> <<if $PeterKeyPurchase>> Peter has locked you in a chastity <<if $PlayerChastityBra>> belt and bra. <<else>> belt. <</if>> Your father would approve. <<elseif $BoyfriendStrictChastity>> <<if $Keyholder == "computer">> $ComputerChastityOwner <<else>> $Keyholder <</if>> has locked you in a chastity <<if $PlayerChastityBra>> belt and bra, <<else>> belt, <</if>> as your father instructed. <<if $Keyholder == "computer">>You are beta testing a new computerized model<</if>> <<elseif $FatherChastity>> Your father has locked you in a chastity <<if $PlayerChastityBra>> belt and bra. <<else>> belt. <</if>> until your wedding day. <<elseif $PlayerCumslut>> You are locked in a chastity <<if $PlayerChastityBra>> belt and bra, <<else>> belt, <</if>> as you should be. <<if $Keyholder>> $Keyholder has your key. <</if>> <<elseif $Keyholder == "computer">> You are <<if $PermanentChastity>> permanently <<else>> currently <</if>> locked in a computerized chastity <<if $PlayerChastityBra>> belt and bra. <<else>> belt. <</if>> <<if setup.haveInventory('piercings', 'tongue sensor')>> You have a tongue sensor installed as well. <</if>> <<if $ComputerChastityOwner>> $ComputerChastityOwner controls your belt. <</if>> <<else>> You are currently locked in a chastity <<if $MaleAgain>> cage. <<elseif $PlayerChastityBra>> belt and bra. <<else>> belt. <</if>> <<if $Keyholder>> $Keyholder has your key. <<if $Keyholder != 'Kate' and $MasterKate>> Kate has a copy. <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerChastityBra>> <br> You are locked in a chastity bra. <<if $Keyholder>> $Keyholder has your key. <</if>> <<if $tempHaveBelt>> You are currently locked in your chastity belt. <</if>> <<elseif $tempHaveBelt and $tempHaveBra>> <br> You have a chastity belt and bra, but you aren't currently locked. <<elseif $tempHaveBelt>> <br> You have a chastity belt, but you aren't currently locked. <<elseif $tempHaveBra>> <br> You have a chastity bra, but you aren't currently locked. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $DormFriendLevel>> You and her <<if $DormFriendLevel <= -3>> can't stand each other. <<elseif $DormFriendLevel < 0>> don't see eye-to-eye. <<elseif $DormFriendLevel >= 3>> are <<if $SchoolWeek < 4>>becoming<</if>> good friends. <<else>> get along well together. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><br> <<nobr>> <<if $DropoutCumslut || $DropoutConcubine || $IslandPet || $FatherChastity>> <<elseif $Roommate == 'Marissa'>> Your roommate is Marissa. <<include [[SideBarDormFriendLevel]]>> <<elseif $Roommate == 'Kiera'>> Your roommate is Kiera. <<include [[SideBarDormFriendLevel]]>> <<elseif $Roommate == 'Natalie'>> Your roommate is Natalie. <<include [[SideBarDormFriendLevel]]>> <<elseif $Mentor == 'Faith'>> Faith is your mentor <<if $Roommate == 'Faith'>> and roommate <<elseif setup.isNeighbour('Faith')>> and neighbour <</if>> <<print ". ">> <<elseif $Mentor == 'Emily'>> Emily is your mentor <<if $Roommate == 'Emily'>> and roommate <</if>> <<print ". ">> <<elseif $Mentor == 'Hannah'>> Hannah is your mentor <<if $Roommate == 'Hannah'>> and roommate <<elseif setup.isNeighbour('Hannah')>> and neighbour <</if>> <<print ". ">> <<elseif $Mentor == 'Samantha'>> Samantha is your mentor <<if $Roommate == 'Samantha'>> and roommate <<elseif setup.isNeighbour('Samantha')>> and neighbour <</if>> <<print ". ">> <<elseif $Mentor == 'Olivia'>> Olivia is your mentor <<if $Roommate == 'Olivia'>> and roommate <<elseif setup.isNeighbour('Olivia')>> and neighbour <</if>> <<print ". ">> <<if $OliviaChastityBelt>> She is currently locked in a chastity belt. <</if>> <<elseif !$Roommate and $SororityDTD>> You are staying at the Δ Τ F house, but don't have a roommate yet. <<elseif !$Roommate and $SororitySEX>> You are staying at the Σ Ε Ξ house, but don't have a roommate yet. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if !$student || $FatherChastity>> <<elseif ($Spouse and $Spouse != 'Dan') or $Roommate == 'Andrew' or $Roommate == 'Paul' or $Roommate == 'Kate' or $Roommate == 'Veronica' or $Roommate == 'Aaron'>> <<elseif $Roommate == 'Sorority Sister'>> You live with your sorority sisters. <<elseif $neighbours and $neighbours.length == 1>> Your neighbour is <<print $neighbours[0]>>. <<elseif $neighbours and $neighbours.length > 1>> Your neighbours are <<print $neighbours.join(" and ")>>. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $PrisonSentence>> <<if setup.areDating('Brenda')>><br>You are Brenda's bitch.<</if>> <<elseif $DropoutCumslut>> You live at home with your parents, but are looking for your own apartment. <<elseif $DropoutConcubine>> You live at the palace. <<elseif $IslandPet>> <br>You live on an island as a pet. <<elseif $Dropout == "Hypno">> <br>You live with <<if $Spouse == "Kyle">>your husband<</if>> Kyle, and take care of his every need. <<else>> <<if $ExSpouse>>You are divorced.<br><</if>> <<if $Cuckcake>> <<if $Roommate == $dating[0]>> $dating[0] is dating $Cuckcake and living with her. But they let you sleep on the floor next to them. <<else>> You are in a relationship with $dating[0], but it's $Cuckcake he fucks, not you. <</if>> <<elseif $Spouse>> <<if $Spouse == 'Aaron'>> You are married to your "Daddy", Aaron. <<elseif $Spouse == 'Mike'>> You are married to your master, Mike. <<elseif $Spouse == 'Dan'>> You are married to Dan.<br> Your are Danielle's step-mother. <<else>> You are married to $Spouse. <</if>> <<elseif $MasterKen>> Ken, the artist, is your master and you are living in his loft. <<elseif $BaileyKyleMarried>> You are married to Bailey and Kyle. <<elseif $BaileyKyleEngaged>> You are engaged to Bailey and Kyle. You live with them. <<elseif setup.areDating('Bailey') and setup.areDating('Kyle')>> You are in a relationship with Bailey and Kyle. <<if $Roommate == 'Kyle'>> You all live together. <<elseif $Roommate == 'Bailey'>> You live with Bailey. <</if>> <<elseif $Engaged>> <<if $Engaged == 'Aaron'>> You are engaged to your "Daddy", Aaron, and living together. <<elseif $Engaged == 'Barry'>> You are engaged to Barry, and live with him as his pet. <<elseif $Engaged == 'Mason'>> You are engaged to Mason, but stil living at your parents house. <<elseif $Engaged == 'Mike'>> You are engaged to your master, Mike, and living together. <<elseif $Engaged == 'Justin'>> You are engaged to Justin. <<elseif $Engaged == 'Emmett'>> You are engaged to Emmett, and spend most of your time at his house. <<else>> You are engaged to $Engaged, and living together. <</if>> <<elseif setup.areDating($Roommate)>> <<if $Roommate == "Barry">> You live with Barry as his pet. <<elseif $Roommate=='Aaron'>> Aaron is your Daddy and you are his Baby Girl. You live with him. <<elseif $Roommate=='Paul'>> You are your boss, Paul's, girlfriend. You live with him. <<else>> You are in a relationship with $Roommate, and living together. <</if>> <<elseif $MasterKate>> You are Mistress Kate's pet. <<elseif $dating.length>> <<if setup.areDating('Barry')>> You serve Barry as his pet. <<elseif setup.areDating('Kate')>> You are Mistress Kate's pet and girlfriend. You live with her. <<elseif setup.areDating('Aaron')>> Aaron is your Daddy and you are his Baby Girl. <<elseif setup.areDating('Paul')>> You are your boss, Paul's, mistress. <<else>> You are in a relationship with $dating[0]. <</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter') and $PlayerItemNerdKey>> You keep him locked in chastity. <</if>> <<elseif $Dropout == 'Uncle'>> You are living with your master, Mike. <<elseif $MasterMike>> Mike is your master. <<elseif $MasterRobert>> You are a slave to Robert. <</if>> <<if $dating.length == 0>> <<if setup.isFWB('Josh')>><br>You are friends with benefits with Josh.<</if>> <<if setup.isFWB('Zack')>><br>You are friends with benefits with Zack.<</if>> <<if setup.isFriendzoned('Peter')>> <br>Peter is your boy toy. <<elseif $PlayerItemNerdKey>> <br>You have the key to Peter's chastity cage. <<elseif setup.isFWB('Peter')>> <br>You are friends with benefits with Peter. <</if>> <<if setup.isFWB('Barry')>><br>Barry likes to humiliate you.<</if>> <<if setup.isFWB('David')>><br>You are friends with benefits with David.<</if>> <<if setup.isFWB('James')>><br>You are friends with benefits with James.<</if>> <<if setup.isFWB('Jayden')>><br>You are friends with benefits with Jayden.<</if>> <<if setup.isFWB('Gang')>> <br>You are available for any of the guys in the gang to fuck. <<elseif setup.isFWB('Emilio')>> <br>You are friends with benefits with Emilio. <</if>> <</if>> <<if !setup.areDating('Peter') and !setup.isFriendzoned('Peter') and $PlayerItemNerdKeyStripper>><br>Peter is a regular at the strip club, you hold the key to his chastity cage.<</if>> <</if>> <<if $DylanChastityKey>><br><<print "You have the key to Dylan's chastity cage.">><</if>> <<if $PlayerItemBuddyKey>><br><<print "You have the key to Bailey's chastity belt.">><</if>> <<if $children and $children.length>> <br> You are the mother of <<if $children.length > 2>> <<print $children.slice(0, $children.length - 1).map((child) => {return}).join(", ")>> and <<print $children[$children.length - 1].name>>. <<else>> <<print $ => {return}).join(" and ")>>. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $JobSilent>> <<elseif $JobFreeUse>> <br><br> Your body is freely available to use by any man who wants to do so. <<elseif $DropoutCumslut>> <br><br> You work at a smoothie bar. <<elseif $JobStreetWhore>> <br><br> You are one of Marcus's whores. <<elseif $JobOther>> <br><br> You are $JobOther. <<elseif $FatherChastity or $Dropout == 'Uncle' or $StudentBreak == 'Dan'>> <<if $JobHomemaker>> <br><br> <<if $PlayerMother>> You are a stay-at-home mother. <<elseif $Spouse>> You are a stay-at-home wife. <<elseif $Engaged>> You are a stay-at-home fiancée. <<else>> You are a stay-at-home girlfriend. <</if>> <<elseif $FatherChastityBarista>> <br><br> You are working as a Barista, but just until you can find a job in your field. <<if $PlayerStudentLoan>> All your pay is going to pay off your student loan. <</if>> <</if>> <<elseif $DropoutConcubine>> You serve the Prince in whatever way he desires. <<elseif $IslandPet>> You do your best to make the guests at the resort very happy. <<elseif $JobSurrogate>> You are a professional surrogate. <<elseif $BrokenLeg>> You aren't working until your leg heals. <<elseif $PlayerJobSet>> <br><br> <<if $JobHomemaker>> <<if $PlayerMother>> You are a stay-at-home mother. <<elseif $Spouse>> You are a stay-at-home wife. <<elseif $Engaged>> You are a stay-at-home fiancée. <<else>> You are a stay-at-home girlfriend. <</if>> <</if>> <<if $JobReeducation>>You are in the X-Change Re-education Program. <</if>> <<if $JobProstitute>><<print "You are a prostitute. ">><</if>> <<if $JobWaitress>><<print "You are a waitress. ">><</if>> <<if $JobDrugMule>><<print "You are a drug mule. ">><</if>> <<if $JobMurderer>>You've been convicted of murder and drug trafficking. <<elseif $JobDrugTrafficker>>You are $JobDrugTrafficker drug trafficker.<</if>> <<if $PrisonSentence > 100>><br>You are serving a life sentence in prison. <<elseif $PrisonSentence>><br>You are serving a $PrisonSentence year prison sentence.<</if>> <<if $JobWitness>><br>You are under witness protection.<</if>> <<if $JobAthlete>><<print "You are training as an Athlete. ">><</if>> <<if $JobCheerleader>><<print "You are a Cheerleader. ">><</if>> <<if $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>><<print "You are a Fundraiser for the Cheerleaders.">><</if>> <<if $JobFitness>><<print "You work as a Fitness Instructor. ">><</if>> <<if $JobFitnessYoga>><<print "You work as a Natural Yoga Instructor. ">><</if>> <<if $JobFitnessMassage>><<print "You work as a Masseuse. ">><</if>> <<if $JobLibrary>><<print "You work as a Librarian. ">><</if>> <<if $JobEngineer>><<print "You work as an Engineer. ">><</if>> <<if $JobEngineerLock>>You are an Engineering penetration tester.<</if>> <<if $JobEngineerToy>>You are Kyle's personal test subject.<</if>> <<if $JobEngineerAssistant>>You are Kyle's assistant.<</if>> <<if $JobTestSubject>><<print "You are a test subject at the lab. ">><</if>> <<if $JobBetaTester>>You are a chastity belt beta<<if $BuddyElectronicChastity>>tester, and so is Bailey.<<else>>tester.<</if>><</if>> <<if $JobArt>><<print "You work as an Art Model. ">><</if>> <<if $JobModel>><<print "You work as an Model. ">><</if>> <<if $JobBarista>><<print "You work as a Barista. ">><</if>> <<if $JobBikiniBarista>><<print "You work as a Bikini Barista. ">><</if>> <<if $JobOffice>><<print "You are an Office Worker. ">><</if>> <<if $JobOfficePA>><<print "You work as an Office Personal Assistant. ">><</if>> <<if $JobOfficeManager>><<print "You work as an Office Manager. ">><</if>> <<if $JobOfficeIntern>><<print "You work as an Office Intern. ">><</if>> <<if $JobCallGirl>><<print "You work as a Call Girl. ">><</if>> <<if $JobBartender or $JobBartenderGirls or $JobBartenderGuys or $JobBartenderBi or $JobBartenderSub or $JobBartenderDom>><<print "You work as a Bartender. ">><</if>> <<if $JobWebModel>><<print "You work as a Web Model. ">><</if>> <<if $JobPornOral>><<print "You work as an Oral Porn Actress. ">><</if>> <<if $JobPornAnal>><<print "You work as an Anal Porn Actress. ">><</if>> <<if $JobPornGang>><<print "You work as a Porn Actress. ">><</if>> <<if $JobPorn>><<print "You work as an Porn Actress. ">><</if>> <<if $ProfessorAllowance>><<print "You do not work, but Daddy gives you a weekly allowance. ">><</if>> <<if $JobEros>>You are an Eros sales representative.<</if>> <<if $JobStripperMain>>You work as a stripper.<</if>> <<if !$JobStripperMain and $JobStripper>><br>You have a side-job as a stripper<</if>> <<if $JobGloryHole>><br>You have a side-job sucking cocks at the sex shop<</if>> <<if $JobCallGirlSide>><br>You have a side-job as a Call Girl.<</if>> <<if $JobWebModelSide>><br>You have a side-job as a Web Model.<</if>> <<if $JobPornOralSide>><br>You have a side-job as an Oral Porn Actress.<</if>> <<if $JobPornAnalSide>><br>You have a side-job as an Anal Porn Actress.<</if>> <<if $JobPornGangSide>><br>You have a side-job as a Porn Actress.<</if>> <<if $JobPornSide>><br>You have a side-job as a Porn Actress.<</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $Major>> <<set $tempMajorText to " majoring in " + $Major + ".">> <<else>> <<set $tempMajorText to ".">> <</if>> <<if $JobCatgirl>> <<elseif $JobFreeUse>> <<elseif $student>> <br> <<if $Graduated>> <<if $Major>> You have graduated with a degree in <<print $Major>>. <<else>> You have graduated! <</if>> <<elseif $StudentYearsCompleted >= 3>> You are a senior<<print $tempMajorText>> <<elseif $StudentYearsCompleted == 2>> You are a junior<<print $tempMajorText>> <<elseif $StudentYearsCompleted == 1>> You are a sophomore<<print $tempMajorText>> <<else>> You are a freshman<<print $tempMajorText>> <</if>> <<if $StudentBreak>> You are taking a semester off. <</if>> <<elseif $Dropout == "Flunk">> <br>You have flunked out of college. <<elseif $Dropout>> <br>You have dropped out of college. <<elseif $Expelled>> <br>You were expelled from college. <</if>> <</nobr>><<if $PlayerPointsSet>><br><br><<print "Student life balance:">><</if>>\ <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerPointsSet>> <<if $FunPoints > 10>> You are a total party animal. <<elseif $FunPoints > 8>> You are a the life of every party. <<elseif $FunPoints > 6>> You like fun just like everyone else. <<elseif $FunPoints > 4>> You like fun, but only occasionaly. <<elseif $FunPoints > 2>> You are not a complete recluse. <<else>> You are completely boring. <</if>> <<if $AcademicPoints > 11>> You are an excellent student. <<elseif $AcademicPoints > 9>> You are a good student. <<elseif $AcademicPoints > 6>> You are an okay student. <<elseif $AcademicPoints > 4>> You are an average student. <<elseif $AcademicPoints > 2>> You are a below average student. <<elseif $AcademicPoints > 0>> You are a really bad student. <<else>> You are the laziest student. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>>\ <<if $student && $AcademicProbation>><br>You are on academic probation.<</if>>\<<nobr>> <<if $JobCatgirl>><br>You have a loving owner who takes good care of you. <<elseif $JobFreeUse>> <<elseif $FatherDisown>><br>Your father has disowned you.<</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $PartyHorniness <= 0>> Your need is satisfied. For the moment. <<elseif $PartyHorniness < 5>> You can feel how wet you are getting. <<elseif $PartyHorniness < 10>> You could really use an orgasm right now. <<elseif $PartyHorniness < 15>> Everyone can see the hunger in your eyes, and the wetness between your legs. <<elseif $PartyHorniness < 20>> You see all these guys around you, you ache for one of them to fuck you. <<elseif $PartyHorniness < 25>> You can't think straight. All you can think about is how much you need a cock right now. <<else>> You'd do anything for a chance to cum right now. <</if>> <</nobr>> <br><<nobr>> <<if $PartyTime < 0>> The party hasn't started yet. <<elseif $PartyTime < 60>> The party is just getting started. <<elseif $PartyTime < 120>> You're not sure how long you've been here. <<elseif $PartyTime < 150>> You've been bound here for a while. <<elseif $PartyTime < 180>> The party seems to be ending soon. <<elseif $PartyTime < 215>> The party is wrapping up. <<else>> The party ended a while ago. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <div style="font-size: 70%"> <<if false>> Debug: Current: <<print passage()>> | Previous: <<print previous()>> | [[Variables List|VariablesMasterDebugger]] <<else>> Debug: Current: <<print passage()>> | Previous: <<print previous()>> | [[Sexual History|SexualHistoryTable]] <</if>> </div> <</nobr>><div style="font-size: 70%">[[One-handed navigation|SideBarNavigationHelp]]</div><h1>One-handed Navigation</h1> In addition to the standard click navigation, the following is supported for one-handed navigation. (That way your other hand will be free to hold your coffee... or whatever.) <ul> <li>For pages of the story that have just a single option: <ul> <li>You can press the right arrow key to proceed with that 'choice'.</li> <li>You can press the '1' key to proceed.</li> </ul> </li> <li>For pages with multiple options: <ul> <li>There will be a small number to the right of the link ( Example<sup>[1]</sup> )</li> <li>You can then select any of the options by pressing the corresponding number.</li> <li>If you want to randomly select any of the options displayed, you can press '.' or 'r' or '`' (back quote) </li> <li>(If there are too many options on the page, number selection is disabled)</li> </ul> </li> <li>For either of these, or with standard navigation, you can press the left arrow to go back. (Like you need to do now to get back to whichever page you just came from)</li> </ul> <<nobr>> <i>I'd ask for a round of applause for <strong>"HiEv"</strong> who provided the code for this feature, but it's hard to clap with just one hand.</i> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if setup.getAchievementCount() == 1>> [[1 Achievement Earned|SideBarAchievements]] <<else>> <<set _tempAchieveText to "" + setup.getAchievementCount() + " Achievements Earned">> <<link _tempAchieveText SideBarAchievements>><</link>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if setup.getAchievementCount()>> <h1>Earned Achievements (<<print setup.getAchievementNonEndingCount()>> of <<print setup.getTotalNonEndingCount()>>)</h1> <<print setup.getAchievementTable()>> <h1>You have reached <<print setup.getAchievementEndingCount()>> of the <<print setup.getTotalEndingCount()>> endings completed so far</h1> <<print setup.getAchievementEndingTable()>> <<else>> <h1>No Achievements Earned</h1> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> [[Load Achievements|SideBarLoadAchievements]] <<if setup.getAchievementCount()>> <br> [[Save Achievements|SideBarSaveAchievements]]<br> (Note: Achievements will be lost if you clear your browser's local storage, or if you are in incognito mode and end your session. Save them if you want to restore your progress later.)<br><br><br> [[Clear All Achievements|SideBarClearAchievements]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Warning: This will clear all of your achievements</h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <span id="ClearAchievementsSpan"> <<link "Click here to confirm">> <<set setup.clearAchievements()>> <<replace "#ClearAchievementsSpan">> Achievements Cleared. <<back>> <</replace>> <</link>> </span> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Load Saved Achievements</h1> Paste in the achievement data that you previously saved to restore your achievements. Then click "Load Achievements" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <span id="LoadAchievementSpan"> <<textarea "$achievementData" "" autofocus>><br> <<link "Load Achievements">> <<if setup.restoreLoadedAchievementData($achievementData)>> <<replace "#LoadAchievementError">> <</replace>> <<replace "#LoadAchievementSpan">> Achievements Loaded. <<back>> <</replace>> <<else>> <<replace "#LoadAchievementError">> Unable to process saved achievement data <</replace>> <</if>> <</link>> </span> <span id="LoadAchievementError"> </span> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Achievement Save Data</h1> Achievements, as well as any Saves except those that you have "saved to disk", are stored in your browser local storage. This is lost if you clear it, or if you are in 'incognito/private mode' and close your browser. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can save the below text and then use "Load Achievements" later to restore your achievements. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <textarea rows="10" cols="60"> <<print setup.getAchievementSaveData()>> </textarea> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Story Mode</h1> To follow a story path, select one below, and then press the one key or the right arrow key on each page to advance to the next. Continue on until you reach the end of your story. You can press "x" if you want to leave the story and continue on a different path from there forward. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <h2>Stories:</h2> <</nobr>> *<<nobr>> God has answered your prayers and given you a chance to become the woman you've always longed to be. Hopefully he'll also send a husband your way eventually too. Whether you have a [[large family|StoryMinistryHusbandLarge]] or a [[small family|StoryMinistryHusbandSmall]], as long as it's with the right man you know you'll be happy. <</nobr>> *<<nobr>> There's nothing more beautiful than the female body. That's why artists have been depicting women in the nude since prehistoric times. Now that you will have your own beautiful body, you hope you can [[find an artist to appreciate it|StoryArtKen]]. <</nobr>> *<<nobr>> When most guys watch porn and see a woman on her knees with a cock in her mouth, they imagine they are the guy and wonder how good it must feel. But not you. You imagine [[it's you on your knees|StoryCumslut]]. You wonder if that guy's cum tastes any different the guys that you've already tasted. There's only one way to know for sure. <</nobr>> *<<nobr>> You know women are often mistreated in the workplace. But it's not harassment if [[you want your boss as much as he wants you|StoryPaulWife]]. You don't even care if he has a wife. If he cheats on her, that her problem, not yours. <</nobr>> *<<nobr>> It's a dangerous world out there for a young woman. Now that you are going to be one, you'll need to be careful or [[something might happen to you|StorySlave]]. <</nobr>> *<<nobr>> You've always wanted to travel and to meet people from other countries. Now that you'll be a beautiful young woman, maybe you can [[find a rich and powerful man|StoryConcubine]], that will should you a whole new world. You'll probably want to stay close to him though. It can be [[dangerous|StoryMemoryWipe]] for a woman alone in a country she doesn't know. <</nobr>> *<<nobr>> You'd love to live on a tropical island somewhere. But you don't want to be waited on hand and foot. That'd be to expensive anyway. If you were the one [[on your hands and knees, serving the guests every need|StoryResortPet]], then you probably wouldn't even have to pay to stay there. And if you [[were especially fertile, they might even have other needs|StoryBreedingPet]] you can help with. <</nobr>> *<<nobr>> You've always longed to be a woman. You can imagine anything more wonderous than feeling a [[new life growing inside you|StoryBreeder]]. You aren't ready to raise a child yet though. But there's always someone that can't or doesn't want to carry a child themselves, and would love for you to carry one for them. <</nobr>> *<<nobr>> You wonder if being away at college, unsupervised is really the best idea. You've heard how wild girls can get right after changing from X-Change. Maybe after see for yourself how true the stories are, you decide moving back home after your first year is the best idea. Then you could [[go to a school closer to home instead|StoryChasteWife]]. <</nobr>> *<<nobr>> Or, maybe college isn't for you at all. But after a year there, and in your new body, you know you need someone older and wiser to help guide you. Maybe someone [[with a daughter of his own|StoryStepMom]] would know what's best for you. Or maybe you need more than just guidance. You need to be told what to do. Your Aunt Kim used to be married to someone like that. he wasn't right for her, [[maybe he is right for you|StoryUncle]]. <</nobr>> *<<nobr>> You've always liked to take things apart to see how they work, and to build things. You haven't always been the best student, but you did do well in your math and computer classes, so maybe the university will [[let you into the Engineering program despite your GPA|StoryHypno]]. The guys will probably out number the girls there, so if you wanted to meet one with similar interests, you'll likely have plenty : You wonder if you'll meet a nice guy to settle down <br> [[StoryPoly]] <br> [[StoryPermaChaste]] <br> [[StoryBossBabe]] <br> [[StorySugarBaby]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $PlayerGoodStudent to 1>> <<set $StoryModePassClass to 1>> <<set $StoryKeys to "121112112411111112211111111111111121111112111112111111111211112123112111111111111111111111111111211111111111111111111111111111111111">> <<set $StoryModePregnant to {"medical test - 1st term":"Andrew"}>> <<include [[Start1]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $PlayerGoodStudent to 1>> <<set $StoryModePassClass to 1>> <<set $StoryKeys to "12111211221111111221111111111111112111111211111111111111112111121231121111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111">> <<set $StoryModePregnant to {"medical test - 2nd term":"Andrew"}>> <<include [[Start1]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $PlayerGoodStudent to 1>> <<set $StoryKeys to "121112211111111711111111111">> <<set $StoryModePregnant to {"medical test - Ken":"Ken"}>> <<include [[Start1]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $PlayerLazyStudent to 1>> <<set $StoryModeFailClass to 1>> <<set $StoryKeys to "1211111111251111111115221111111111112111111111111111111111111111111111111111111113111111111111111111111111111111111121111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111">> <<set $StoryModePregnant to {}>> <<include [[Start1]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $PlayerLazyStudent to 1>> <<set $StoryModeFailClass to 1>> <<set $StoryKeys to "1211111111221251112111111211111111121121111111111121111111111111111111113111211111111111111111111111122211111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111">> <<set $StoryModePregnant to {"medical test - 2nd term":"Paul"}>> <<include [[Start1]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $PlayerGoodStudent to 1>> <<set $StoryKeys to "1211121122111111111111211111112122111111111">> <<include [[Start1]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $PlayerLazyStudent to 1>> <<set $StoryModeFailClass to 1>> <<set $StoryModePregnant to {"medical test - Mason":"Mason"}>> <<set $StoryKeys to "1211111111231251112111512111111111111121111211111111111111111111111111111111111111111131111111111111111111111111111122211122111111211111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111">> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<include [[StoryPrinceCommon]]>> <<set $StoryKeys += "11111111121">> <<include [[Start1]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<include [[StoryPrinceCommon]]>> <<set $StoryKeys += "21121111111">> <<include [[Start1]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $PlayerLazyStudent to 1>> <<set $StoryModeFailClass to 1>> <<set $StoryKeys to "12111111112212111121161211111111111111211112111111111111111111111111111111111111113111111111111111111111111111111112221111111111211111111111111111111111111121111111111111111111111131111111111111">> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<include [[StoryResortCommon]]>> <<set $StoryModeHuntRoll to [1,3,1,2]>> <<set $StoryModePregnant to {}>> <<set $StoryKeys += "111111111111111111">> <<include [[Start1]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<include [[StoryResortCommon]]>> <<set $StoryModeHuntRoll to [2,0,3,2]>> <<set $StoryModePregnant to {"medical test - hunt start":true, "medical test - island collar": true}>> <<set $StoryKeys += "2212111111111111111111">> <<include [[Start1]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $PlayerLazyStudent to 1>> <<set $StoryModeFailClass to 1>> <<set $StoryModePregnant to {"medical test - 1st term":"Andrew"}>> <<set $StoryKeys to "121111111123122111211111111111211111112111121111111112311111111111111111111111111111311111111111111121111211112111111111111111121111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111">> <<include [[Start1]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $PlayerLazyStudent to 1>> <<set $StoryModeFailClass to 1>> <<set $StoryModePregnant to {}>> <<set $StoryKeys to "1211111111211251111111111111121111111121111111111111111111111111111111111111111111131111111111111111111111111111111122111112311111111111111111111111111131111111111111111111111111311111111111111111121111111112111111111111111111111111111111111111">> <<include [[Start1]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set $PlayerLazyStudent to 1>> <<set $StoryModeFailClass to 1>> <<set $StoryModePregnant to {}>> <<set $StoryKeys to "">> <<include [[Start1]]>> <</nobr>> uncle: {text: "Submissive Wife", image: "Uncle.png", isEnding:true},<<nobr>> <<set $PlayerLazyStudent to 1>> <<set $StoryModeFailClass to 1>> <<set $StoryModePregnant to {}>> <<set $StoryKeys to "">> <<include [[Start1]]>> <</nobr>> stepmom: {text: "Stepmother", image: "StepMother.png", isEnding:true},hypno: {text: "Stepford Wife", image: "Hypno.gif", isEnding:true},poly: {text: "Polyamorous Wife", image: "Poly.jpg", isEnding:true}permaChaste: {text: "Permanent Chastity", image:"PermaChaste.jpg", isEnding:true}bossBabe: {text: "Boss Babe", image:"BossBabe.jpg", isEnding:true}sugarBaby: {text: "Sugar Baby", image:"Lolipop.jpg", isEnding:true}Need to deal with side effect selection if not using a "Package" Need to handle random when in story mode (probably need an array of values for it to pull from) Need to handle pregnancy during second year when in story mode (since not being checked at discreet times)<h1>Acceptance Letter</h1> <<nobr>> <<set $StoryKeysLearn to "">> You are excited when the response from your first-choice school arrives. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You weren’t sure if your scores and grades would be good enough, and you had no idea how you’d ever pay for it, but you applied anyway since it was the university you’d always dreamed of attending. You’re thrilled to find out that not only were you accepted, you were offered a scholarship that covers your tuition! There’s just once catch. The offer is contingent on your participation in their Student X-Change Program. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You had seen that mentioned and checked the box saying you were interested. If any of your family had asked about it you would have told them that you had mistakenly thought the <i>"Student X-Change Program"</i> was some sort of semester abroad when you applied. But you knew exactly what it was. But now that you are really looking at spending your entire four years at college as a woman, it is a lot more real than it was when you applied! <</nobr>> <img src="Part1/Start1A.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<nobr>> Whether you are excited or scared now at that prospect (or perhaps both), you decide you can’t pass up the offer. You figure spending four years as a woman is certainly better than going to a different school and mountains of student loans. Maybe it will be a learning experience too. Like their brochure says: <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <blockquote> We invite you to join us for four years that will change your life forever! <br><br> You can learn about the world at any university, but here you'll learn even more about yourself! </blockquote> <</nobr>> <img src="Part1/Start1B.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<nobr>> You continue reading their letter: <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <blockquote> Congratulations on your acceptance to our university. And thank you for your willingness to participate in our Student X-Change Program. <br><br> This program serves several purposes. First, it is an FDA trial of a new implantable form of X-Change being offered by the X-Change Corporation.(*). But also it also helps promote understanding between genders and helps balance campus demographics. </blockquote> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The letter goes on and on for a while, your eyes skim over most of it until the end: <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Additional details will be provided at freshman orientation. We look forward to seeing you! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course you are going to share the good news about your admission and your scholarship with your family. The only thing you aren't sure about is whether you should [[tell them both|StartTalkParents]] about the X-Change trial now, or [[wait to share that news|Start2]] until after you've already changed. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <span style="font-size: 50%">*Please see the enclosed disclosures regarding the risks of your participation including risks of permanency and possibility of side effects. Also enclosed are required financial disclosures regarding compensation the university receives for facilitating the trial.</span> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Talking to your parents</h1> <img src="Part1/ParentTalk.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> <<set $FatherSettings to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You see your mother looking at you strangely after you tell them about the X-Change trial. "No. No, I'm not upset," she tells you. "I'm just imagining what a beautiful young lady you'll be the next time we see you." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I wouldn't say I'm 'upset' either," you father tells you. "I think we all knew you were going to be taking X-Change sooner or later." You start to say something, but you know it's true. You just hadn't realized it was obvious to others how much you'd thought about taking a pink pill before. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You get concerned when your father tells you, "I do have some concerns though." But you are relieved as he adds, "But I understand this is important to you, so I won't stand in your way as long as you promise to comport yourself as a proper young lady at school." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Of course, I promise I will behave myself." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Wonderful," he says. "Just let me go through the paperwork when we get home to make sure there's nothing amiss there. I'll give them a call with any concerns I still have." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are so relieved as you finish your breakfast with your parents. This went much better than you had worried it might. After breakfast, you finish packing so you are ready when it's time to head to campus. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Before your leave, your dad goes over what he discussed with the X-Change people, and what you need to do [[at your orientation|Start2Father]]. <</nobr>><h1>Freshman Orientation</h1> <<nobr>> "In a moment, you’ll be asked to sign the disclosure and consent form. I won’t go over everything again since I’m sure you all closely read the disclosure documents we mailed you, right? But as a reminder, here are the key parts..." You wonder if you are the only one that already knows most of this stuff. Thankfully your dad read through it all and told you all the important bits already. Most of the other guys in the room look like they might be learning some of this stuff for the first time. <<set $playerName to setup.getDefaultName()>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "The implant you are about to receive will release X-Change continually into your system throughout your time at the University. So, for the next four years, you’ll experience all the joys and all of the difficulties of being a woman. Just like each of our students that were born that way." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "After graduation, what you do will be up to you. Some of you may want to change back, and some of you may find you prefer life as a woman." After a long talk with your father, you realized you are one of the later. You had been telling yourself at first that you might want to change back after graduation. But your father said it was obvious to everyone you were never meant to be a man. And he also seemed sure if you were holding on to the thought that you were only going to be a woman for four years, you'd "go wild" to try to experience everything in those four years. <</nobr>> <img src="Part1/Start2A.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"><img src="Part1/Start2B.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"><img src="Part1/Start2C.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <<nobr>> "Keep in mind, you’ll have all the concerns of any other woman now. In particular, this includes the possibility of getting pregnant. And remember, if you do get pregnant, we won’t be able to change you back to your male body after graduation." You aren't concerned with the not changing back part, but your father was very concerned with the pregnancy part. You don't know why, you could always get an abortion if that happened. But thankfully they have an option so even that won't be necessary. You assume they'll get to that soon. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "We do have an on-campus daycare though, so at least you’ll be able to continue your studies." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Based on your transcript and application, we have preselected a set of implant options we think might appeal to you. You are welcome to visit with one of our implantation specialists if you wish to make any changes from what was selected for you. If you've [[already contacted us with your preferences|BodyFather]] and don't have any changes, then proceed to that desk over there. That's you, so you'll go there as soon as he's done talking." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "A prescription for birth control pills will also be provided. If you want to discuss other birth control options, then continue on to speak with one our specialists. A brief discussion will occur after your body selection process." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "After your change, new identitiy documents with the female name you provided on your application will be generated for you." In your case, the name you provided was <b><i>$playerName</i></b>. "If you've changed your mind about this, then please visit with one of our implant specialists and he or she can assist you with changing it before we submit your information officially." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "If you are happy with the selections provided, then you can proceed directly to the implantation station. Then come back here and get to know each other while you wait for the others." <</nobr>><h1>Freshman Orientation</h1> <<nobr>> "In a moment, you’ll be asked to sign the disclosure and consent form. I won’t go over everything again since I’m sure you all closely read the disclosure documents we mailed you, right? But as a reminder, here are the key parts..." <<set $playerName to setup.getDefaultName()>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "The implant you are about to receive will release X-Change continually into your system throughout your time at the University. So, for the next four years, you’ll experience all the joys and all of the difficulties of being a woman. Just like each of our students that were born that way." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "After graduation, what you do will be up to you. Some of you may want to change back, and some of you may find you prefer life as a woman." <</nobr>> <img src="Part1/Start2A.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"><img src="Part1/Start2B.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"><img src="Part1/Start2C.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <<nobr>> "Keep in mind, you’ll have all the concerns of any other woman now. In particular, this includes the possibility of getting pregnant. And remember, if you do get pregnant, we won’t be able to change you back to your male body after graduation." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "We do have an on-campus daycare though, so at least you’ll be able to continue your studies." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Based on your transcript and application, we have preselected a set of implant options we think might appeal to you. You are welcome to [[visit with one of our implantation specialists|Body]] if you wish to make any changes from what was selected for you. If you've already contacted us with your preferences and don't have any changes, then proceed to that desk over there." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "A prescription for birth control pills will also be provided. If you want to discuss other birth control options, then continue on to speak with one our specialists. A brief discussion will occur after your body selection process." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "After your change, new identitiy documents with the female name you provided on your application will be generated for you." In your case, the name you provided was <b><i>$playerName</i></b>. "If you've changed your mind about this, then please visit with one of our implant specialists and he or she can assist you with changing it before we submit your information officially." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "If you are happy with the selections provided, then you can proceed directly to the implantation station. Then come back here and get to know each other while you wait for the others." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Looking over your documentation... for you, they've selected the <<if $PlayerGoodStudent>> <b><i>[[Natural Woman Package|BodyNaturalPackage]]</i></b><br> <ul> <li>You'll be to enjoy your new body, but still focus on your studies with this package.</li> <li>This package gives you a body type determined by how the X-Change interacts with your DNA 'naturally'</li> <li>There is no chance of any side-effect occurring during activation with this package</li> </ul> <<elseif $PlayerLazyStudent>> <b><i>[[Party Girl Package|BodyPartyPackage]]</i></b><br> <ul> <li>You'll be the center of attention at every party with this package.</li> <li>This package gives you the standard X-Change look we all love. You'll be average to tall for a woman, and traditionally beautiful.</li> <li>You won't ever have to worry about body hair.</li> <li>Eat as much as you want, and you won't gain weight!</li> <li>You'll find it much easier to orgasm than most women! And they'll be more powerful orgasms too!</li> <li>Modifying the standard settings for the implant to give you these great features results in unavoidable activation side effects. But with this standard package we were able to control which ones are likely to activate and selected ones we expect you'll enjoy. These are:</li> <ul> <li>You'll have a much hightened desire for sex. Although, are you sure the X-Change is entirely to blame for that?</li> <li>You're likely to have vivid and sexually-charged dreams. Try not to wake your roommate!</li> <li>A love for both oral and anal sex. (And of course more traditional sex as well.)</li> <li>You won't be able to orgasm from masturbation. But of course why would you want to when sex with someone else is so much more fun?</li> </ul> </ul> <<else>> <b><i>[[Student-Athlete Package|BodyAthletePackage]]</i></b><br> <ul> <li>You'll have a fit body, in peak athletic condition with this package.</li> <li>This package doesn't come with our weight-control option, since you'll be working out so much you won't need it.</li> <li>Modifying the standard settings for the implant to give you the perfect body results in unavoidable activation side effects. But with this standard package we were able to control which ones are likely to activate and selected ones we expect you'll enjoy. These are:</li> <ul> <li>You'll love the smell of men, especially when they've working out. You're going to be around athletes all the time, why not enjoy it?</li> <li>You'll enjoy showing off your new body. And why shouldn't you?</li> </ul> <li>Note: Securing a position on the univeristy team in your chosen sport is not a guarantee. We only promise the body. The talent and effort needed is up to you.</li> </ul> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Body Type</h1> <<set $BodyType to 'Standard'>> <<set $DadShoppingMoney to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffects to 0>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <i>The name you've decided on is: </i> <<textbox "$playerName" $playerName>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You discussed all the options with your father before you left, for your body type, birth control, what options and side effects you should expect. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part1/BodyStandard1.jpg" align="left" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <img src="Part1/BodyStandard2.jpg" align="right" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> You'd discussed the other body type options with your father, but he strongly encouraged you to go with the [[standard option|BodyFather2]], and trying to talk you out of the petite body you were wanting. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "The standard is the one they have the most experience with, so you are less likely to have problems, for one," he says as he starts to list the reasons he recommends that body type. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You'll likely have a much easier time finding a husband... or wife." He adds the 'or wife' at the end, though you sense he thinks it unlikely. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He lists a bunch of other reasons he thinks it's the best choice for you, ending with what he considers an afterthough, "And it will be much easier for you to find clothes you like." You start thinking about all the different kind of clothes you'll be able to wear as a woman. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I see that appeals to you," he says knowing how to remove any lingering doubts you might have. "I tell you what. When you come home for Christmas, I'll send you and Cassie to the mall with my credit card and let you both pick out a bunch of new clothes for your new body. How does that sound?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It sounds great. Especially since he'd already convinced you about three reasons earlier. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you and him had talked, your dad worked with the X-Change people to get everything setup in advance to minimize the chance of any unexpected side effects. They said some would be unavoidable, but that it was easier to select which ones they'd be since they'd be setting your implant up to be permanent from the start. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Pregnancy Prevention</h1> <<set $female to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are thrilled with your new body, your dad was right. This body is perfect. And now it's yours for the rest of your life! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your father was insistent about this next part: birth control. "I'd prefer you not be having sex at all yet, but I'm not stupid. I know you probably will," he had told you. "And don't even try to tell me you'd only be interested in other girls. I'm not even sure if that's true now, and almost certainly won't be after your change." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Looking over the birth control options that were available had, he didn't think you could be trusted to use any of them consistently, even the birth control pill. The experimental built-in birth control option was the only one he thought you'd be able to rely on. <</nobr>> <img src="Part1/PregPrevent1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"><img src="Part1/PregPrevent2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <img src="Part1/PregPrevent3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"><img src="Part1/PregPrevent4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <<nobr>> That option virtual guaranteed you wouldn't get pregnant. And you didn't have to worry about condoms, taking a pill, pulling-out, or anything. They said they'd only be able to [[activate it|ExperimentalPregnancy][$ExperimentalPregnancyOption to 2]] now, before your first cycle started. Your father did warn you it was likely to cause a side effect or two. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Natural Woman Package</h1> <<set $female to 1>> <<set $PlayerProtectionPill to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffects = 0>> <<switch either(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20)>> <<case 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8>> <<set $BodyType to 'Standard'>> <img src="Part1/BodyStandard1.jpg" align="left" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <img src="Part1/BodyStandard2.jpg" align="right" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<case 9 10 11 12>> <<set $BodyType to 'Plus'>> <img src="Part1/BodyCurvy1.jpg" align="left" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <img src="Part1/BodyCurvy2.jpg" align="right" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<case 13 14 15 16>> <<set $BodyType to 'Petite'>> <img src="Part1/BodyPetite1.jpg" align="left" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <img src="Part1/BodyPetite2.jpg" align="right" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<case 17 18 19 20>> <<set $BodyType to 'Fit'>> <img src="Part1/BodyFit.jpg" align="left" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</switch>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Congratulations $playerName, I hope you're happy with your new body. <<if $BodyType == 'Standard'>> Don't let all of the boys fawning over you interfere with your studies! <<elseif $BodyType == 'Plus'>> I think the more realistic bodies are the best, don't you? <<elseif $BodyType == 'Petite'>> Aren't you just the cutest thing ever! <<else>> I can already picture you out on the track now, winning first place! <</if>> You don't have any side-effects to worry about so, you can [[head on over|EndPart1]] to meet your mentor. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $female to 1>> <<set $PlayerProtectionPill to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffects = 0>> <<set $BodyType to 'Fit'>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionistShow to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPheromones to 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice to 5>> <h1>Student-Athlete Package</h1> <img src="Part1/BodyFit.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Congratulations $playerName, I hope you're happy with your new body. I can already picture you out on the track now, winning first place! Now let me go over your implants [[side-effects|BodySideEffectsChoose2]] for you quickly before you head over to meet your mentor. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $female to 1>> <<set $PlayerProtectionPill to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffects = 0>> <<set $BodyType to 'Standard'>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlockShow to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectLibido to 2>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectDreams to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOral to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectAnal to 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice to 3>> <h1>Party Girl Package</h1> <img src="Part1/BodyStandard1.jpg" align="left" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <img src="Part1/BodyStandard2.jpg" align="right" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Congratulations $playerName, I hope you're happy with your new body. I can already tell you are going to have a lot of fun this year! Now let me go over your implants [[side-effects|BodySideEffectsChoose2]] for you quickly before you head over to meet your mentor. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $PlayerSideEffects = 0>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 0>> <h1>Body Type</h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> We won’t know for sure what your body type will be until after your change, and then you’ll have that body for at least the next four years. Normally your eye color won’t change, nor will your skin color or natural hair color. The rest is really up to your DNA and how the X-Change interacts with it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> I think they all turn out beautifully, but some people are hoping for something specific. Or thet want something they know their DNA isn’t going to give them. If that’s what you want, then I can tweak some settings a bit and customize it for you. It works every time, you'll get exactly the look you want, but it causes side effects. The side effects won’t affect what you look like though, and some people actually enjoy theirs. It’s up to you though. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = either(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20)>> You can <<switch $PlayerRollDice>> <<case 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8>> [[let X-Change and DNA decide|PregnancyPrevention][$BodyType to 'Standard']] <<case 9 10 11 12>> [[let X-Change and DNA decide|PregnancyPrevention][$BodyType to 'Plus']] <<case 13 14 15 16>> [[let X-Change and DNA decide|PregnancyPrevention][$BodyType to 'Petite']] <<case 17 18 19 20>> [[let X-Change and DNA decide|PregnancyPrevention][$BodyType to 'Fit']] <</switch>> , or you can customize your appearance. If you want something custom let me know where to start from and I'll start programming it in for you: <</nobr>> <p style="clear: both;"> <img src="Part1/BodyStandard1.jpg" align="left" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <img src="Part1/BodyStandard2.jpg" align="right" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<link [[Standard X-Change Body|PregnancyPrevention]]>><<set $BodyType to 'Standard'>><<set $PlayerSideEffects += 2>><</link>> Average to tall for a woman, the traditionally beautiful, X-Change look. </p> <p style="clear: both;"> <img src="Part1/BodyCurvy1.jpg" align="left" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <img src="Part1/BodyCurvy2.jpg" align="right" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<link [[Plus-size|PregnancyPrevention]]>><<set $BodyType to 'Plus'>><<set $PlayerSideEffects += 2>><</link>> Heavier than the traditional X-Change look. Some people think that’s better though. </p> <p style="clear: both;"> <img src="Part1/BodyPetite1.jpg" align="left" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <img src="Part1/BodyPetite2.jpg" align="right" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<link [[Petite|PregnancyPrevention]]>><<set $BodyType to 'Petite'>><<set $PlayerSideEffects += 2>><</link>> Shorter and smaller chested than the the traditional look. But trust me, your back will thank you. </p> <p style="clear: both;"> <img src="Part1/BodyFit.jpg" align="left" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<link [[Fit|PregnancyPrevention]]>><<set $BodyType to 'Fit'>><<set $PlayerSideEffects += 2>><</link>> You probably want to talk to the athletic department they’ll put your body to use, and help you keep it fit. </p><<set $female to 1>> <<nobr>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 0>> <h1>Pregnancy Prevention</h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> I hope you are each thrilled with your new body. I think you each turned out as beautiful young women. Of course, you've already given us the name you want to use with your new body. But we find sometimes, after you are actually in your new body, a different name calls out to you. So if anyone wants to choose a new name, let us know and we'll change it for you before we send the forms to the registration office. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>The name you've decided on is: </i> <<textbox "$playerName" $playerName>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But now that you are young women, there’s something I need to discuss with you: pregnancy. Maybe you weren’t interested in men before, so you think this discussion doesn’t apply to you. Trust me, you might feel differently now. Many participants find their sexuality much more fluid than it used to be after their change. <</nobr>> <img src="Part1/PregPrevent1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"><img src="Part1/PregPrevent2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <<nobr>> But if you’re going to be having sex with men, at all, and want the chance to change back to your old body after graduation, then you’ll need to avoid getting pregnant in your new body. Becoming pregnant will make your change irreversible. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> If you actually do [[want to get pregnant|BodyOptionalFeatures][$PlayerProtectionTry to 1]], then you can skip the rest of this talk. <</nobr>> <img src="Part1/PregPrevent3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"><img src="Part1/PregPrevent4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <<nobr>> Even if you know already that you want this body forever, I’d recommend waiting on motherhood until after graduation. College can be stressful enough without starting a family at the same time. But it's your body, so the decision is yours. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Most forms of control aren't compatible with the trial you are participating in, the only standard options available are [[condoms|BodyOptionalFeatures][$PlayerProtectionCondoms to 1]] and [[birth control pills|BodyOptionalFeatures][$PlayerProtectionPill to 1]] Let us know what you choose. Make sure you are diligent about whichever you use though. One time without a condom, or a single missed pill could be all it takes. If you get pregnant, of course you'll have options, but changing back to your old body won’t be one of them. <</nobr>> <img src="Part1/PregPrevent5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"><img src="Part1/PregPrevent6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <<nobr>> Of course it's up to you. You could also [[ask the guy to pull out|BodyOptionalFeatures][$PlayerProtectionWithdraw to 1]] before he ejaculates. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, it's your body now, so if you [[don't want to use any form of birth control|BodyOptionalFeatures][$PlayerProtectionNone to 1]] then that's your choice. But if even if you aren't planning on having sex, or not having it with guys, the pill can still help reduce or eliminate your period. But it's up to you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> There is one additional option. There’s an experimental feature on your implant we can activate for you. It might prevent pregnancy and eliminate your periods. Let us know if [[you would like to hear more about it|ExperimentalPregnancyChoice]]. There’s a good chance it will help, and a small chance that it will make things worse. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = either(1,2,3,4,5,6)>> Even if you aren't sure, you have to tell them something, even if you just choose one of the options at <<switch $PlayerRollDice>> <<case 1>> [[random.|BodyOptionalFeatures][$PlayerProtectionTry to 1]] <<case 2>> [[random.|BodyOptionalFeatures][$PlayerProtectionNone to 1]] <<case 3>> [[random.|BodyOptionalFeatures][$PlayerProtectionWithdraw to 1]] <<case 4>> [[random.|BodyOptionalFeatures][$PlayerProtectionCondoms to 1]] <<case 5>> [[random.|BodyOptionalFeatures][$PlayerProtectionPill to 1]] <<case 6>> [[random.|ExperimentalPregnancy][$ExperimentalPregnancyOption to either(1,2)]] <</switch>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $FatherSettings>> <<include [[BodyOptionalFeaturesFather]]>> <<else>> <<include [[BodyOptionalFeaturesStandard]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $PreventSideEffectCount to 0>> <<set $PreventSideEffectCountMax to 0>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock to 0>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock to 0>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist to 0>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive to 0>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPheromones to 0>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOral to 0>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectAnal to 0>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectLibido to 0>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectDreams to 0>> <<set $PlayerPowerfulOrgasms to 0>> <<set $PlayerEasytoOrgasm to 0>> <<set $PlayerNoBodyHair to 1>> <<set $PlayerWeightControl to 1>> <<set $PlayerReducedSleep to 0>> <<set $PlayerReducedSleepUpdate to 0>> <<set $PlayerEasytoOrgasm to 0>> <<set $PlayerEasytoOrgasmUpdate to 0>> <<set $PlayerPowerfulOrgasms to 0>> <<set $PlayerPowerfulOrgasmsUpdate to 0>> <<set $PlayerSuperOrgasms to 0>> <h1>Optional ‘Features’</h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your implant specialist then goes over the features that your father selected for you and the ones that he rejected. Of course, you and him already discussed all of these before you'd left home. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Your implant also has several options that can make your experience as a woman either a little easier, or more fun. Don’t worry, unlike the experimental birth control option, these always work as intended." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Let see the ones you implant has enabled." <</nobr>> <p style="clear: both;"> <img src="Part1/BodyFeatureNoHair.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> <span id="NoBodyHair"><<print "No Body Hair (selected)">></span> <br> "Unlike most women, you won’t have to worry about shaving your legs, or anything else. The hair on your head is all that will ever grow." <br> Your father said that this feature will make your life much easier, and make your future husband happy too. </p> <p style="clear: both;"> <img src="Part1/BodyFeatureWeight.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> <span id="WeightControl"><<print "Weight Control (selected)">></span> "The implant will control your metabolism. You tell us what weight to set it at, and no matter how much you eat, you won’t gain past that. Though if you ever get pregnant, it will temporaily adjust your set point up an appropriate amount." <br> Your father thought this would be another one that you and your future spouse would appreciate. He said that your husband would especially appreciate it after you've been together for a decade or two. You wonder if he was commenting on the few pounds your mom has put on since they first met. </p> <p style="clear: both;"> <img src="Part1/BodyFeatureLowSleep.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> <span id="ReducedSleep"><<print "Reduced Sleep (not selected)">></span> "The university suggested this one to the X-Change team. You’ll only need a couple hours sleep each night. You can use all the extra time you have to study more. (Ha ha, sorry, I have to say that part.)" <br> Your father said the extra hours in the middle of the night would just be extra hours to get into trouble, so this one wasn't selected. </p> <p style="clear: both;"> <img src="Part1/BodyFeatureEasyO.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> <span id="EasytoOrgasm"><<print "Easy to Orgasm (not selected)">></span> "It’s usually harder to orgasm as a woman than as a man. But you won’t ever have that problem." <br> Your father said if you want to be a woman, you have to take the good with the bad, and that it isn't worth more side effects just to make getting off a bit easier. </p> <p style="clear: both;"> <img src="Part1/BodyFeaturePowerfulO.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> <span id="PowerfulOrgasms"><<print "Powerful Orgasms (not selected)">></span> "You’ll be amazed when you have your first orgasm as a woman anyway. But if you pick this option, it’ll be even more powerful whenever you orgasm." <br> Your father was convinced this one would turn you into a giant slut, though he didn't use those exact words. He vehmently rejected you getting this one. Hopefully the natural ones will still be amazing, you hope. </p> <<nobr>> Your father worked with them to make sure the [[side effects|FatherSettingsPermanent]] that got triggered for you wouldn't negatively impact your education, or your future marriage. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $ExperimentalPregnancyOption == 2>> <<set $PlayerSideEffects += either(0,0,0,0,0,1,2,3,4,5)>> <</if>> <<set $PreventSideEffectCount to 0>> <<set $PreventSideEffectCountMax to 2>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 0>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock to 0>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock to 0>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist to 0>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive to 0>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPheromones to 0>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOral to 0>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectAnal to 0>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectLibido to 0>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectDreams to 0>> <<set $PlayerPowerfulOrgasms to 0>> <<set $PlayerEasytoOrgasm to 0>> <<set $PlayerNoBodyHair to 0>> <<set $PlayerNoBodyHairUpdate to 1>> <<set $PlayerWeightControl to 0>> <<set $PlayerWeightControlUpdate to 1>> <<set $PlayerReducedSleep to 0>> <<set $PlayerReducedSleepUpdate to 1>> <<set $PlayerEasytoOrgasm to 0>> <<set $PlayerEasytoOrgasmUpdate to 1>> <<set $PlayerPowerfulOrgasms to 0>> <<set $PlayerPowerfulOrgasmsUpdate to 1>> <<set $PlayerSuperOrgasms to 0>> <h1>Optional ‘Features’</h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your implant specialist then goes over several of the options available for your implant. Your father and you have already discussed each of these. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Your implant also has several options that can make your experience as a woman either a little easier, or more fun. Don’t worry, unlike the experimental birth control option, these always work as intended. But they also usually cause other side effects." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Let me know if you want me to activate any of these. After I’ve done that, we’ll run some tests and see if your implant has given you any side-effects you’ll want to know about." <</nobr>> <p style="clear: both;"> <img src="Part1/BodyFeatureNoHair.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> <span id="NoBodyHair"><<print "No Body Hair (not selected)">></span> "Unlike most women, you won’t have to worry about shaving your legs, or anything else. The hair on your head is all that will ever grow." </p> <p style="clear: both;"> <img src="Part1/BodyFeatureWeight.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> <span id="WeightControl"><<print "Weight Control (not selected)">></span> "The implant will control your metabolism. You tell us what weight to set it at, and no matter how much you eat, you won’t gain past that. Though if you ever get pregnant, it will temporaily adjust your set point up an appropriate amount." </p> <p style="clear: both;"> <img src="Part1/BodyFeatureLowSleep.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> <span id="ReducedSleep"><<print "Reduced Sleep (not selected)">></span> "The university suggested this one to the X-Change team. You’ll only need a couple hours sleep each night. You can use all the extra time you have to study more. (Ha ha, sorry, I have to say that part.)" </p> <p style="clear: both;"> <img src="Part1/BodyFeatureEasyO.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> <span id="EasytoOrgasm"><<print "Easy to Orgasm (not selected)">></span> "It’s usually harder to orgasm as a woman than as a man. But you won’t ever have that problem." </p> <p style="clear: both;"> <img src="Part1/BodyFeaturePowerfulO.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> <span id="PowerfulOrgasms"><<print "Powerful Orgasms (not selected)">></span> "You’ll be amazed when you have your first orgasm as a woman anyway. But if you pick this option, it’ll be even more powerful whenever you orgasm." </p> <p style="clear: both;"> <<nobr>> <<link "Select all of them.">> <<if !$PlayerNoBodyHair>><<set $PlayerSideEffects++>><</if>> <<if !$PlayerWeightControl>><<set $PlayerSideEffects++>><</if>> <<if !$PlayerReducedSleep>><<set $PlayerSideEffects++>><</if>> <<if !$PlayerEasytoOrgasm>><<set $PlayerSideEffects++>><</if>> <<if !$PlayerPowerfulOrgasms>><<set $PlayerSideEffects++>><</if>> <<set $PlayerNoBodyHair = 1>> <<set $PlayerNoBodyHairUpdate = 1>> <<set $PlayerWeightControl = 1>> <<set $PlayerWeightControlUpdate = 1>> <<set $PlayerReducedSleep = 1>> <<set $PlayerReducedSleepUpdate = 1>> <<set $PlayerEasytoOrgasm = 1>> <<set $PlayerEasytoOrgasmUpdate = 1>> <<set $PlayerPowerfulOrgasms = 1>> <<set $PlayerPowerfulOrgasmsUpdate = 1>> <</link>> <<print " | ">> <<link "De-select all of them.">> <<if $PlayerNoBodyHair>><<set $PlayerSideEffects-->><</if>> <<if $PlayerWeightControl>><<set $PlayerSideEffects-->><</if>> <<if $PlayerReducedSleep>><<set $PlayerSideEffects-->><</if>> <<if $PlayerEasytoOrgasm>><<set $PlayerSideEffects-->><</if>> <<if $PlayerPowerfulOrgasms>><<set $PlayerSideEffects-->><</if>> <<set $PlayerNoBodyHair = 0>> <<set $PlayerNoBodyHairUpdate = 1>> <<set $PlayerWeightControl = 0>> <<set $PlayerWeightControlUpdate = 1>> <<set $PlayerReducedSleep = 0>> <<set $PlayerReducedSleepUpdate = 1>> <<set $PlayerEasytoOrgasm = 0>> <<set $PlayerEasytoOrgasmUpdate = 1>> <<set $PlayerPowerfulOrgasms = 0>> <<set $PlayerPowerfulOrgasmsUpdate = 1>> <</link>> <br> <<link "Select randomly.">> <<set $PlayerRollMultiplier = either(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = either(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)>> <<set $PlayerRollDice += $PlayerRollMultiplier>> <<if $PlayerRollDice > 9>> <<if !$PlayerNoBodyHair>><<set $PlayerSideEffects++>><</if>> <<set $PlayerNoBodyHair = 1>> <<set $PlayerNoBodyHairUpdate = 1>> <</if>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = either(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)>> <<set $PlayerRollDice += $PlayerRollMultiplier>> <<if $PlayerRollDice > 9>> <<if !$PlayerWeightControl>><<set $PlayerSideEffects++>><</if>> <<set $PlayerWeightControl = 1>> <<set $PlayerWeightControlUpdate = 1>> <</if>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = either(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)>> <<set $PlayerRollDice += $PlayerRollMultiplier>> <<if $PlayerRollDice > 9>> <<if !$PlayerReducedSleep>><<set $PlayerSideEffects++>><</if>> <<set $PlayerReducedSleep = 1>> <<set $PlayerReducedSleepUpdate = 1>> <</if>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = either(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)>> <<set $PlayerRollDice += $PlayerRollMultiplier>> <<if $PlayerRollDice > 9>> <<if !$PlayerEasytoOrgasm>><<set $PlayerSideEffects++>><</if>> <<set $PlayerEasytoOrgasm = 1>> <<set $PlayerEasytoOrgasmUpdate = 1>> <</if>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = either(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)>> <<set $PlayerRollDice += $PlayerRollMultiplier>> <<if $PlayerRollDice > 9>> <<if !$PlayerPowerfulOrgasms>><<set $PlayerSideEffects++>><</if>> <<set $PlayerPowerfulOrgasms = 1>> <<set $PlayerPowerfulOrgasmsUpdate = 1>> <</if>> <</link>> <<print " | ">> <<link "De-select randomly.">> <<set $PlayerRollMultiplier = either(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = either(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)>> <<set $PlayerRollDice += $PlayerRollMultiplier>> <<if $PlayerRollDice > 9>> <<if $PlayerNoBodyHair>><<set $PlayerSideEffects-->><</if>> <<set $PlayerNoBodyHair = 0>> <<set $PlayerNoBodyHairUpdate = 1>> <</if>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = either(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)>> <<set $PlayerRollDice += $PlayerRollMultiplier>> <<if $PlayerRollDice > 9>> <<if $PlayerWeightControl>><<set $PlayerSideEffects-->><</if>> <<set $PlayerWeightControl = 0>> <<set $PlayerWeightControlUpdate = 1>> <</if>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = either(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)>> <<set $PlayerRollDice += $PlayerRollMultiplier>> <<if $PlayerRollDice > 9>> <<if $PlayerReducedSleep>><<set $PlayerSideEffects-->><</if>> <<set $PlayerReducedSleep = 0>> <<set $PlayerReducedSleepUpdate = 1>> <</if>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = either(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)>> <<set $PlayerRollDice += $PlayerRollMultiplier>> <<if $PlayerRollDice > 9>> <<if $PlayerEasytoOrgasm>><<set $PlayerSideEffects-->><</if>> <<set $PlayerEasytoOrgasm = 0>> <<set $PlayerEasytoOrgasmUpdate = 1>> <</if>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = either(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)>> <<set $PlayerRollDice += $PlayerRollMultiplier>> <<if $PlayerRollDice > 9>> <<if $PlayerPowerfulOrgasms>><<set $PlayerSideEffects-->><</if>> <<set $PlayerPowerfulOrgasms = 0>> <<set $PlayerPowerfulOrgasmsUpdate = 1>> <</if>> <</link>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You will gain <span id="PlayerSideEffects">$PlayerSideEffects</span><<print " ">> [[side effects|BodySideEffects]]. <<nobr>> "If you get the same side effect more than once, it intensifies the effect", he warns you. "If you get a side effect you really don't like, we are usually able to reverse it and keep it from happening again. But we can only do it for a couple times and it causes it's own side effects. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $gameMode == 'debug' and !$FatherSettings>> <br><br> There is also an experimental way that will let you <<link "choose the side effects,">> <<set $PlayerSideEffects += 3>> <<goto [[BodySideEffectsChoose1]]>> <</link>> however it will most likely cause you to gain 3 additional side effects. (Not recommended for first playthrough) <</if>> <</nobr>> <</nobr>></p> <<nobr>> <<include [[BodyOptionalFeatures_Updates]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<silently>> <<repeat 200ms>> <<if $PlayerNoBodyHairUpdate>> <<if !$PlayerNoBodyHair>> <<replace "#NoBodyHair">> <<link "No Body Hair (not selected)">> <<if !$PlayerNoBodyHair>><<set $PlayerSideEffects++>><</if>> <<set $PlayerNoBodyHair = 1>> <<set $PlayerNoBodyHairUpdate = 1>> <</link>> <</replace>> <<else>> <<replace "#NoBodyHair">> <<link "No Body Hair (selected)">> <<if $PlayerNoBodyHair>><<set $PlayerSideEffects-->><</if>> <<set $PlayerNoBodyHair = 0>> <<set $PlayerNoBodyHairUpdate = 1>> <</link>> <</replace>> <</if>> <<set $PlayerNoBodyHairUpdate = 0>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffects">>$PlayerSideEffects<</replace>> <</if>> <<if $PlayerWeightControlUpdate>> <<if !$PlayerWeightControl>> <<replace "#WeightControl">> <<link "Weight Control (not selected)">> <<if !$PlayerWeightControl>><<set $PlayerSideEffects++>><</if>> <<set $PlayerWeightControl = 1>> <<set $PlayerWeightControlUpdate = 1>> <</link>> <</replace>> <<else>> <<replace "#WeightControl">> <<link "Weight Control (selected)">> <<if $PlayerWeightControl>><<set $PlayerSideEffects-->><</if>> <<set $PlayerWeightControl = 0>> <<set $PlayerWeightControlUpdate = 1>> <</link>> <</replace>> <</if>> <<set $PlayerWeightControlUpdate = 0>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffects">>$PlayerSideEffects<</replace>> <</if>> <<if $PlayerReducedSleepUpdate>> <<if !$PlayerReducedSleep>> <<replace "#ReducedSleep">> <<link "Reduced Sleep (not selected)">> <<if !$PlayerReducedSleep>><<set $PlayerSideEffects++>><</if>> <<set $PlayerReducedSleep = 1>> <<set $PlayerReducedSleepUpdate = 1>> <</link>> <</replace>> <<else>> <<replace "#ReducedSleep">> <<link "Reduced Sleep (selected)">> <<if $PlayerReducedSleep>><<set $PlayerSideEffects-->><</if>> <<set $PlayerReducedSleep = 0>> <<set $PlayerReducedSleepUpdate = 1>> <</link>> <</replace>> <</if>> <<set $PlayerReducedSleepUpdate = 0>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffects">>$PlayerSideEffects<</replace>> <</if>> <<if $PlayerEasytoOrgasmUpdate>> <<if !$PlayerEasytoOrgasm>> <<replace "#EasytoOrgasm">> <<link "Easy to Orgasm (not selected)">> <<if !$PlayerEasytoOrgasm>><<set $PlayerSideEffects++>><</if>> <<set $PlayerEasytoOrgasm = 1>> <<set $PlayerEasytoOrgasmUpdate = 1>> <</link>> <</replace>> <<else>> <<replace "#EasytoOrgasm">> <<link "Easy to Orgasm (selected)">> <<if $PlayerEasytoOrgasm>><<set $PlayerSideEffects-->><</if>> <<set $PlayerEasytoOrgasm = 0>> <<set $PlayerEasytoOrgasmUpdate = 1>> <</link>> <</replace>> <</if>> <<set $PlayerEasytoOrgasmUpdate = 0>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffects">>$PlayerSideEffects<</replace>> <</if>> <<if $PlayerPowerfulOrgasmsUpdate>> <<if !$PlayerPowerfulOrgasms>> <<replace "#PowerfulOrgasms">> <<link "Powerful Orgasms (not selected)">> <<if !$PlayerPowerfulOrgasms>><<set $PlayerSideEffects++>><</if>> <<set $PlayerPowerfulOrgasms = 1>> <<set $PlayerPowerfulOrgasmsUpdate = 1>> <</link>> <</replace>> <<else>> <<replace "#PowerfulOrgasms">> <<link "Powerful Orgasms (selected)">> <<if $PlayerPowerfulOrgasms>><<set $PlayerSideEffects-->><</if>> <<set $PlayerPowerfulOrgasms = 0>> <<set $PlayerPowerfulOrgasmsUpdate = 1>> <</link>> <</replace>> <</if>> <<set $PlayerPowerfulOrgasmsUpdate = 0>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffects">>$PlayerSideEffects<</replace>> <</if>> <</repeat>> <</silently>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Experimental Birth Control</h1> <img src="Part1/PregPrevent7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Excellent!", the technicaian says. "There's actually two different options we can try out. They both only work now, before your first menstrual cycle has started. If you ever decide you want to concieve, just come in and let us know. We can trigger you to start ovulating that day. But we won't be able to reactivate these options after your pregnancy. So you'll have to use one of the traditional means after that." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "[[The first option|ExperimentalPregnancy][$ExperimentalPregnancyOption to 1]] works as intended about 75% of the time. If it works for you, then it will be as effective as taking the pill, except you never have to worry about forgetting about it. And sometimes it's even more effective.". He doesn't go into details on what happens the other 25% of the time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Birth control is a frequently requested feature, especially in college settings, so our engineers have been working to improve this feature's effectiveness. They have a [[new version available|ExperimentalPregnancy][$ExperimentalPregnancyOption to 2]] that is 100% effective at preventing pregnancy. But there is a 50% chance it can generate some other unrelated side effects. If you definitely don't want to get pregnant, then this is the option for you. Though, if you are wanting to change back after graudation, you might want to think hard before choosing this option. Causing your change to become permanent is one of the possible side-effects." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "With either, there have been some reports of inreased sex drive. But it's hard to determine how much of that is because of the birth control option directly, and how much is just because of the freedom to have fun without the risk of pregnancy. I'm sure it's mostly the latter. But more importantly, both options' contraceptive effects start immediately. And after a month or two, your periods should stop or become much lighter as well." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "And, if or when you ever decide you want to concieve, just come in and let us know. We can trigger you to start ovulating that day. We won't be able to reactivate the experimental option though, so you'll have to use one of the traditional means after that." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Or, if you've changed your mind and want to choose a more traditional option, like [[pulling out|BodyOptionalFeatures][$PlayerProtectionWithdraw to 1]], [[condoms|BodyOptionalFeatures][$PlayerProtectionCondoms to 1]], [[the pill|BodyOptionalFeatures][$PlayerProtectionPill to 1]], [[or nothing at all|BodyOptionalFeatures][$PlayerProtectionNone to 1]] that's fine too. " <</nobr>><video src="Part1/ExperimentalPregnancy2.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="854"></video> <<nobr>> <<set $PlayerProtectionPerfect = 1>> [[It worked perfectly.|BodyOptionalFeatures]] There’s almost no chance you’ll get pregnant now. They say if you ever do want to conceive, let them know and they can deactivate it. But once it's deactivated, they can't reactivate it. <</nobr>><video src="Part1/ExperimentalPregnancy2.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="854"></video> <<nobr>> <<set $PlayerProtectionPermanent = 1>> Well, [[it worked.|BodyOptionalFeatures]] But remember, there is still a small chance of pregnancy, similar to if you were on the pill, except without the risk of forgetting to take it. They say if you ever do want to conceive, let them know and they can deactivate it. But once it's deactivated, they can't reactivate it. <</nobr>><video src="Part1/ExperimentalPregnancy1.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="854"></video> <<nobr>> <<set $PlayerProtectionFertile = 1>> Oh... Um.... Well, it appears you are part of that 25% I mentioned. As you were informed this is still an experimental feature. Activating it did have an effect on your cycle, but not the one we had intended. You are going to have a longer fertile period each month, so your chances of pregnancy are actually higher than normal. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> On the bright side, it will be much easier to concieve when you are ready to start a family. Some of the others that have had this happen have just taken it as a sign and decided to [[start trying to conceive right away|BodyOptionalFeatures][$PlayerProtectionTry to 1]]. Of course if not, then [[condoms|BodyOptionalFeatures][$PlayerProtectionCondoms to 1]] or [[pulling out|BodyOptionalFeatures][$PlayerProtectionWithdraw to 1]] are still options. Hormonal birth control is not going to be effective for you however. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You could just not worry about it and let [[whatever happens, happen|BodyOptionalFeatures][$PlayerProtectionNone to 1]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = either(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)>> <h1>Experimental Birth Control</h1> <<if $ExperimentalPregnancyOption == 2 or $PlayerRollDice == 6 or $PlayerRollDice == 7 or $PlayerRollDice == 8>> <<include [[ExperimentalPregnancyPerfect]]>> <<elseif $PlayerRollDice == 3 or $PlayerRollDice == 4 or $PlayerRollDice == 5>> <<include [[ExperimentalPregnancyPill]]>> <<else>> <<include [[ExperimentalPregnancyFertile]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffects>> <<include [[BodySideEffectsYes]]>> <<else>> <<include [[SideEffectDisclaimer]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $validOptionsThisRoll = []>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> <<if $PreventSideEffectCount > 0>> <<set $validOptionsThisRoll.push(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)>> <<if $PreventSideEffectCount > 1>> <<set $validOptionsThisRoll.push(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)>> <<if $PreventSideEffectCount > 2>> <<set $validOptionsThisRoll.push(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <<set $validOptionsThisRoll.push(1, 1)>> <</if>> <<if !$PreventSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> <<set $validOptionsThisRoll.push(2)>> <<else>> <<set $validOptionsThisRoll.push(2, 2, 2, 2)>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if !$PreventSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> <<set $validOptionsThisRoll.push(3)>> <<else>> <<set $validOptionsThisRoll.push(3, 3, 3, 3)>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if !$PreventSideEffectSubmissive>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <<set $validOptionsThisRoll.push(4)>> <<else>> <<set $validOptionsThisRoll.push(4, 4, 4, 4)>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if !$PreventSideEffectExhibitionist>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> <<set $validOptionsThisRoll.push(5)>> <<else>> <<set $validOptionsThisRoll.push(5, 5, 5, 5)>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if !$PreventSideEffectPheromones>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> <<set $validOptionsThisRoll.push(6)>> <<else>> <<set $validOptionsThisRoll.push(6, 6, 6, 6)>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if !$PreventSideEffectOral>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral>> <<set $validOptionsThisRoll.push(7)>> <<else>> <<set $validOptionsThisRoll.push(7, 7, 7, 7)>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if !$PreventSideEffectAnal>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> <<set $validOptionsThisRoll.push(8)>> <<else>> <<set $validOptionsThisRoll.push(8, 8, 8, 8)>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if !$PreventSideEffectLibido>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectLibido>> <<set $validOptionsThisRoll.push(9)>> <<else>> <<set $validOptionsThisRoll.push(9, 9, 9, 9)>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if !$PreventSideEffectDreams>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectDreams>> <<set $validOptionsThisRoll.push(10)>> <<else>> <<set $validOptionsThisRoll.push(10, 10, 10, 10)>> <</if>> <</if>> <<set $validOptionsThisRoll.push(11, 11)>> <<switch either($validOptionsThisRoll)>> <<case 1>><<include [[BodySideEffectPermanent]]>> <<case 2>><<include [[BodySideEffectOrgasmBlock]]>> <<case 3>><<include [[BodySideEffectMasturbationBlock]]>> <<case 4>><<include [[BodySideEffectSubmissive]]>> <<case 5>><<include [[BodySideEffectExhibitionist]]>> <<case 6>><<include [[BodySideEffectPheromones]]>> <<case 7>><<include [[BodySideEffectOral]]>> <<case 8>><<include [[BodySideEffectAnal]]>> <<case 9>><<include [[BodySideEffectLibido]]>> <<case 10>><<include [[BodySideEffectDreams]]>> <<case 11>><<include [[BodySideEffectSuperOrgasm]]>> <<default>><<include [[BodySideEffectFail]]>> <</switch>> <</nobr>>Actually, it looks like there weren't quite as many as I had thought. That was [[your last side effect.|SideEffectDisclaimer]]<<nobr>> <h1>Permanent Change</h1> <img src="Part1/SideEffectPermanent.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You weren't entirely sure you wanted to stay a woman forever, but your father convinced you it was the right decision. "If you don't do it now, you'll likely be much more reckless while you are at college, thinking you only have four years to 'try everything'," he warned you. "And I know you would eventually want to change permanently anyway, and I think deep down, you know that too." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He was happy when you agreed with him. "I'm sure you'll be a more responsible young woman knowing that it'll be who you are for the rest of your life," he told you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Thankfully, making your change permanent from the start made it easier for them to configure which [[side effects|BodySideEffectSubmissive]] you'd end up getting due to you and your father's other choices. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Side-Effect: Permanent</h1> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent = 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffects -= 1>> <img src="Part1/SideEffectPermanent.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $FatherSettings>> You and your father discussed this one, of course. It was likely to happen if you rejected other side-effects. But he'd already convinced you a permanent change was for the best anyway, so this just makes it easier. <br><br> <</if>> Your change is permanent. We won’t be able to change you back after graduation. Or ever. And this isn't a side effect that we are able to reverse. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffects == 1>> It looks like you have one side effect left. [[Let's see what it is.|BodySideEffects]] <<elseif $PlayerSideEffects <= 0>> <<set $PlayerSideEffects to 1>> Actually, it looks like there is one additional side effect more than my initial count showed. [[Let's see what it is.|BodySideEffects]] <<else>> It looks like you have $PlayerSideEffects side effects left. [[Let's see what the next one is.|BodySideEffects]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Side-Effect: Orgasm Denial</h1> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock += 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffects -= 1>> <video src="Part1/OrgasmBlock.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="854"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock == 1>> <<if $PreventSideEffectCount >= $PreventSideEffectCountMax >> Except the technician says they've already rejected as many side-effects as he can. You are stuck with this one, regardless of whether you or your father want you to have it. <</if>> Each time that your would normally orgasm there’s a chance that you won’t. (5% chance if it’s during sex, 50% chance if it’s not) <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock == 2>> Each time that your would normally orgasm there’s an even higher chance that you won’t. (10% chance if it’s during sex, 60% chance if it’s not) <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock == 3>> Each time that your would normally orgasm there’s an even higher chance that you won’t. (20% chance if it’s during sex, 75% chance if it’s not) <<else>> Each time that your would normally orgasm there’s an even higher chance that you won’t. (40% chance if it’s during sex, 90% chance if it’s not) <</if>> When it happens, it will leave you extremely frustrated and you won’t be able to cum for the next 24-72 hours. You’ll keep trying though, because you won’t be able to think of much else but how horny you are. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock == 1 and $PreventSideEffectCount < $PreventSideEffectCountMax >> If you really don't care for this one, I should be able to <<link [[disable it|BodySideEffects]]>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock = 0>> <<set $PreventSideEffectCount += 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffects += 2>> <<set $PreventSideEffectOrgasmBlock = 1>> <</link>> and prevent it from happening again. It'll probably cause more of other side effects though. Otherwise, it looks like <<else>> It looks like <</if>> <<set $tempSideEffect to $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> <<include [[BodySideEffectNext]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Side-Effect: Masturbation Denial</h1> <<set $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock += 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffects -= 1>> <video src="Part1/MasturbationBlock.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="854"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock == 1>> You won’t be able to orgasm by masturbation. Either with your hand or a toy, if you’re controlling it, then it’ll feel good, but you will never get off that way. You can get really close, but you’ll never quite be able to cum. The longer you try, the hornier and more desperate to cum it will make you. <<if $PreventSideEffectCount >= $PreventSideEffectCountMax >> Except the technician says they've already rejected as many side-effects as he can. You are stuck with this one, regardless of whether you or your father want you to have it. <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock == 2>> Not only will you not be able to orgasm by masturbation, but even trying to masturbate will immediately make you horny and desperate to cum. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock == 3>> Not only will you not be able to orgasm by masturbation, but even just touching yourself accidentally is enough to make you horny and desperate to cum. <<else>> Not only will you not be able to orgasm by masturbation, but even just thinking about masturbation is enough to make you horny and desperate to cum. <</if>> With a partner though, especially if they're controlling the action, you’ll be able to orgasm just fine. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock == 1 and $PreventSideEffectCount < $PreventSideEffectCountMax >> If you really don't care for this one, I should be able to <<link [[disable it|BodySideEffects]]>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock = 0>> <<set $PreventSideEffectCount += 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffects += 2>> <<set $PreventSideEffectMasturbationBlock = 1>> <</link>> and prevent it from happening again. It'll probably cause more of other side effects though. Otherwise, it looks like <<else>> It looks like <</if>> <<set $tempSideEffect to $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> <<include [[BodySideEffectNext]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $tempSideEffect == 1 and $PreventSideEffectCount < $PreventSideEffectCountMax and $FatherSettings>> <<if $PlayerSideEffects == 0>> that was your last side effect. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffects == 1>> you have one side effect left. Let's see what it is. <<else>> you have $PlayerSideEffects side effects left. Let's see what the next one effect is. <</if>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffects == 0>> that was [[your last side effect.|SideEffectDisclaimer]] <<elseif $PlayerSideEffects == 1>> you have one side effect left. [[Let's see what it is.|BodySideEffects]] <<else>> you have $PlayerSideEffects side effects left. [[Let's see what the next one effect is.|BodySideEffects]] <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Side-Effect: Submissive</h1> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive += 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffects -= 1>> <video src="Part1/SideEffectSubmissive.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="854"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive == 1>> <<if $FatherSettings>> Your father said this one might not even be due entirely to the X-Change, but just how you already are before the change. "And, on top of that, many women tend toward being submissive anyway. Just don't let the first guy you meet turn you into his little pet or something, and this one should be fine." <br><br> <</if>> You’ll find that you are much more submissive than you would have been, especially in sexually situations. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive == 2>> You are so submissive that when you are already horny you can never refuse anything sexual that is asked of you. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive == 3>> You are so submissive that you can never refuse anything sexual that is asked of you. <<else>> You are so submissive that you can never refuse anything that is asked of you. <</if>> Gagged, tied, held down, or commanded by your ‘master’, it won’t matter. The more helpless you feel, the more it will excite you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $FatherSettings>> The technician then smiles as he starts to explains the [[next side effect|BodySideEffectOral]] to you. <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive == 1 and $PreventSideEffectCount < $PreventSideEffectCountMax>> If you really don't care for this one, I should be able to <<link [[disable it|BodySideEffects]]>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive = 0>> <<set $PreventSideEffectCount += 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffects += 2>> <<set $PreventSideEffectSubmissive = 1>> <</link>> and prevent it from happening again. It'll probably cause more of other side effects though. Otherwise, it looks like <<else>> It looks like <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffects == 0>> that was [[your last side effect.|SideEffectDisclaimer]] <<elseif $PlayerSideEffects == 1>> you have one side effect left. [[Let's see what it is.|BodySideEffects]] <<else>> you have $PlayerSideEffects side effects left. [[Let's see what the next one effect is.|BodySideEffects]] <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Side-Effect: Exhibitionist</h1> <<set $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist += 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffects -= 1>> <video src="Part1/SideEffectExhibitionist.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="854"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist == 1>> <<if $FatherSettings>> Your father had hoped you wouldn't get this side-effect. He didn't want you "running around naked, acting like a slut". But he was also worried about causing more side-effects and getting something worse. So in the end, he left it up to you to decide whether to have them block this one or not. <<if $PreventSideEffectCount >= $PreventSideEffectCountMax >> Except the technician says they've already rejected as many side-effects as he can. You are stuck with this one, regardless of whether you or your father want you to have it. <</if>> <br><br> <</if>> You’re going to crave the risk of being exposed in public. You’ll love the thought of being caught having sex where you shouldn’t, of being naked where you shouldn’t. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist == 2>> Not only will you crave the risk of being exposed in public, but wearing any clothes that cover you too much will constantly make you feel unconforable. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist == 3>> Not only will you crave the risk of being exposed in public, but wearing any clothes will constantly make you feel unconforable. <<else>> Not only will you crave the risk of being exposed in public, but being naked will make you accept sex with anyone who is asking. <</if>> We’ll get the university to go easy on you if you get caught, but make sure you don’t get arrested off-campus. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist == 1 and $PreventSideEffectCount < $PreventSideEffectCountMax >> If you really don't care for this one, I should be able to <<link [[disable it|BodySideEffects]]>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist = 0>> <<set $PreventSideEffectCount += 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffects += 2>> <<set $PreventSideEffectExhibitionist = 1>> <</link>> and prevent it from happening again. It'll probably cause more of other side effects though. Otherwise, it looks like <<else>> It looks like <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffects == 0>> that was [[your last side effect.|SideEffectDisclaimer]] <<elseif $PlayerSideEffects == 1>> you have one side effect left. [[Let's see what it is.|BodySideEffects]] <<else>> you have $PlayerSideEffects side effects left. [[Let's see what the next one effect is.|BodySideEffects]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Side-Effect: Pheromones</h1> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPheromones += 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffects -= 1>> <img src="Part1/SideEffectPheromones.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones == 1>> <<if $FatherSettings>> You weren't surprised at all that your father was against this side effect. <<if $PreventSideEffectCount >= $PreventSideEffectCountMax >> Except the technician says they've already rejected as many side-effects as he can. You are stuck with this one, regardless of whether you or your father want you to have it. <</if>> <br><br> <</if>> Have you heard of pheromones? Well, people have them too, but they are usually too weak to be noticed. But not for you. You’ll notice them on men, especially if he’s been sweating. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectPheromones == 2>> Pheromones will cause staying too long next to a man will now make you horny for hours after. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectPheromones == 3>> Pheromones will now instantly make you horny if there are more than one guy in the same room. <<else>> Pheromones will now instantly make you horny if there is any guy next to you in the same room. <</if>> A trip to the gym will probably fill your mind with lustful thoughts of every guy you smell. And be careful, the effect is especially strong around the time you ovulate. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones == 1 and $PreventSideEffectCount < $PreventSideEffectCountMax >> If you really don't care for this one, I should be able to <<link [[disable it|BodySideEffects]]>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPheromones = 0>> <<set $PreventSideEffectCount += 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffects += 2>> <<set $PreventSideEffectPheromones = 1>> <</link>> and prevent it from happening again. It'll probably cause more of other side effects though. Otherwise, it looks like <<else>> It looks like <</if>> <<set $tempSideEffect to $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> <<include [[BodySideEffectNext]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Side-Effect: Oral Lover</h1> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOral += 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffects -= 1>> <video src="Part1/SideEffectOral.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="854"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral == 1>> <<if $FatherSettings>> You were surprised, but your father didn't have a problem with this one. "I'm sure it'll make your future husband very happy some day," he told you. "And you're not going to get pregnant from anything you swallow." He also made a joke, wishing your mother had this side effect. <br><br> <</if>> Most of us like oral sex, right? We’ll not as much as you will. Whether you're interested in girls or guys, the thought of feeling them on your lips, your tongue, or hearing them moan is going to give you almost as much pleasure as you’re giving them. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOral == 2>> You like oral sex so much that you can never refuse anyone asking for it or even suggesting it. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOral == 3>> You like oral sex so much that you will always suggest it as a reward to people helping you. <<else>> You like oral sex so much that you can no longer orgasm if you haven’t also pleasured your lover orally. <</if>> And if you like guys, from what other girls with this side effect have told me about the taste of cum... Well, you’re going to love it. Even if girls are you thing, you’ll probably be finding a guy to blow now and then. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $FatherSettings>> The technician looks down at your report and the proceeds to explain your [[next side effect|BodySideEffectAnal]]. <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral == 1 and $PreventSideEffectCount < $PreventSideEffectCountMax>> If you really don't care for this one, I should be able to <<link [[disable it|BodySideEffects]]>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOral = 0>> <<set $PreventSideEffectCount += 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffects += 2>> <<set $PreventSideEffectOral = 1>> <</link>> and prevent it from happening again. It'll probably cause more of other side effects though. Otherwise, it looks like <<else>> It looks like <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffects == 0>> that was [[your last side effect.|SideEffectDisclaimer]] <<elseif $PlayerSideEffects == 1>> you have one side effect left. [[Let's see what it is.|BodySideEffects]] <<else>> you have $PlayerSideEffects side effects left. [[Let's see what the next one effect is.|BodySideEffects]] <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Side-Effect: Anal Lover</h1> <<set $PlayerSideEffectAnal += 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffects -= 1>> <video src="Part1/SideEffectAnal.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="854"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal == 1>> <<if $FatherSettings>> You were surprised, but your father didn't have a problem with this one either. "I'm sure it'll make your future husband very happy some day too," he told you. "And you're not going to get pregnant that way." <br><br> <</if>> Some women like anal sex, some women hate it, and some women love it. Guess which you’re going to be. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectAnal == 2>> You like anal sex so much that you can never refuse anyone asking for it or even suggesting it. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectAnal == 3>> You like anal sex so much that you can no longer orgasm if your lover doesn't also play with your ass. <<else>> You like anal sex so much that you will constantly feel the need to have something in your ass. <</if>> It’s going to feel amazing for you, You’ll probably be begging any guy you’re with to try it. But don’t worry, most will be happy to oblige. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $FatherSettings>> The technician takes a last look at your report and lets you know that that was [[your last side effect.|SideEffectDisclaimer]] <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal == 1 and $PreventSideEffectCount < $PreventSideEffectCountMax>> If you really don't care for this one, I should be able to <<link [[disable it|BodySideEffects]]>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectAnal = 0>> <<set $PreventSideEffectCount += 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffects += 2>> <<set $PreventSideEffectAnal = 1>> <</link>> and prevent it from happening again. It'll probably cause more of other side effects though. Otherwise, it looks like <<else>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectAnalPermanent and either(1,2,3,4,5,6) < 6>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectAnalPermanent to 1>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> This side effect would be permanent even if you changed back, but since your change is permanent, that doesn't really matter. <<else>> Your need for anal sex is permanent, even if you change back. You probably won't be able to get off unless your ass is getting fucked. So if you change back and prefer men, you'll definitely be a bottom. But even if you prefer women, don't worry there are options there too. <</if>> <br> <video src="Part1/SideEffectAnal2.webm" autoplay loop muted width="650"></video> <br><br> <</if>> It looks like <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffects == 0>> that was [[your last side effect.|SideEffectDisclaimer]] <<elseif $PlayerSideEffects == 1>> you have one side effect left. [[Let's see what it is.|BodySideEffects]] <<else>> you have $PlayerSideEffects side effects left. [[Let's see what the next one effect is.|BodySideEffects]] <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Side-Effect: Increased Libido</h1> <<set $PlayerSideEffectLibido += 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffects -= 1>> <video src="Part1/SideEffectLibido.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="854"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $ExperimentalPregnancyOption and $PlayerSideEffectLibido == 1 and !$FatherSettings>> You aren't even done with orientation, and you are already thinking about sex. You wonder if what the technician mentioned about the birth control feature causing a higher sex drive is true. <<if !$PlayerProtectionFertile>> What's the harm if it is? You don't have to worry about get pregnant after all. <</if>> <br><br> <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectLibido == 1>> <<if $FatherSettings>> You weren't surprised at all that your father was against this side effect. He was convinced you'd be the campus whore if you ended up with this one. <<if $PreventSideEffectCount >= $PreventSideEffectCountMax >> Except the technician says they've already rejected as many side-effects as he can. You are stuck with this one, regardless of whether you or your father want you to have it. <</if>> <br><br> <</if>> Your libido is going to be much, much higher than normal. You'll probably feel a near-irresistible need for an orgasm growing within you several times a day. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectLibido == 2>> Your need for sex will be so strong that you will often choose sex when given the choice. <<else>> Your need for sex will be so strong that you will always accept people asking you for sex. <</if>> If you feel the need growing during class, you’ll probably think about quietly pleasuring yourself. Don’t. Trust me, you’ll only start off quiet. It’s better to find a classmate you can pull into a broom closet for a few minutes, just to take the edge off then you can get back to class and focus on your studies. If class is almost over, maybe you can wait it out and hurry back to your dorm instead. But don’t try to ignore the need for too long. It will always win. Eventually it’ll overcome your judgement, and who knows what you’ll do to satisfy it, or where you’ll do it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if ($FatherSettings or !$ExperimentalPregnancyOption) and $PlayerSideEffectLibido == 1 and $PreventSideEffectCount < $PreventSideEffectCountMax >> If you really don't care for this one, I should be able to <<link [[disable it|BodySideEffects]]>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectLibido = 0>> <<set $PreventSideEffectCount += 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffects += 2>> <<set $PreventSideEffectLibido = 1>> <</link>> and prevent it from happening again. It'll probably cause more of other side effects though. Otherwise, it looks like <<else>> It looks like <</if>> <<set $tempSideEffect to $PlayerSideEffectLibido>> <<include [[BodySideEffectNext]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Side-Effect: Erotic Dreams</h1> <<set $PlayerSideEffectDreams += 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffects -= 1>> <video src="Part1/SideEffectDreams.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="854"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectDreams == 1>> <<if $FatherSettings>> You didn't understand what the harm of dreams were, but your father was convinced it turn you into a slut while you slept, so he told you to block this one. <<if $PreventSideEffectCount >= $PreventSideEffectCountMax >> Except the technician says they've already rejected as many side-effects as he can. You are stuck with this one, regardless of whether you or your father want you to have it. <</if>> <br><br> <</if>> Nearly every night you’ll have highly erotic dreams. Sometimes they’ll be passionate or romantic and filled with guys or girls you know. Other times they’ll be dark and disturbing fantasies you didn’t even know you had. Sometimes they’ll be both. Either way, you won’t be able to help but think about them all day. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectDreams == 2>> You will now have erotic dreams every night. Sometimes they’ll be passionate or romantic and filled with guys or girls you know. Other times they’ll be dark and disturbing fantasies you didn’t even know you had. Sometimes they’ll be both. Either way, you won’t be able to help but think about them all day. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectDreams == 3>> Not only will you have erotic dreams every night, but the more erotic they are, the hornier you will be during the day. <<else>> Not only will you have erotic dreams every night, but they will be so realistic that you will find it hard to realize if you are dreaming or are awake. <</if>> But the dreams will always leave you unsatisfied when you wake up. Every morning you’ll start the day extremely horny. You might want to sleep with a friend to help you start the day. Or if not, make sure you always have a fresh supply of batteries. And try not to be late for class. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectDreams == 1 and $PreventSideEffectCount < $PreventSideEffectCountMax >> If you really don't care for this one, I should be able to <<link [[disable it|BodySideEffects]]>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectDreams = 0>> <<set $PreventSideEffectCount += 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffects += 2>> <<set $PreventSideEffectDreams = 1>> <</link>> and prevent it from happening again. It'll probably cause more of other side effects though. Otherwise, it looks like <<else>> It looks like <</if>> <<set $tempSideEffect to $PlayerSideEffectDreams>> <<include [[BodySideEffectNext]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Side-Effect: Enhanced Orgasms</h1> <<set $PlayerPowerfulOrgasms += 1>> <<set $PlayerEasytoOrgasm += 1>> <<set $PlayerSuperOrgasms += 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffects -= 1>> <video src="Part1/SideEffectOrgasm.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="854"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set $PlayerPowerfulOrgasms += 1>> <<set $PlayerEasytoOrgasm += 1>> <<set $PlayerSuperOrgasms += 1>> <<if $FatherSettings>> <<set $PlayerPowerfulOrgasms to 0>> <<set $PlayerEasytoOrgasm to 0>> <<set $PlayerSuperOrgasms to 0>> As much as you want this side-effect, with its easy and powerful orgasms, your father was convinced it would turn you into a sex-addict and made you promise to turn it down. Thankfully this is one they can easily deactivate without any additional side-effects. Though it's rare for anyone to want them to disable it. They say it may appear again, but they can just disable it again. <<if $PreventSideEffectCount >= $PreventSideEffectCountMax >> And thankfully this one isn't subject to the limit on rejected side-effects like most of them are. <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerPowerfulOrgasms + $PlayerEasytoOrgasm < 4>> Oh wow, you really lucked out. You’re going to find it much easier to orgasm, and when you do, it’s going to much more intense than it is for the average woman. <<else>> Your orgasms are going to be even more intense than I mentioned earlier, and come even easier for you. You might even find guys losing patience with how often they have to stop and let you recover from another orgasm during sex. If it gets to be a problem, just tell them to hold you down and don’t stop until they cum. They’ll love counting how many times they can make you cum before they do. But you’ll probably need quite a while to recover after they’ve finished. <br><br> We don't usually have people requesting to <<link [[block this side effect|BodySideEffects]]>> <<set $PlayerPowerfulOrgasms -= 1>> <<set $PlayerEasytoOrgasm -= 1>> <<set $PlayerSuperOrgasms -= 1>> <</link>> but it's actually the easiest one to block. Doing so won't even trigger any additional side effects. Let me know if you want me to do that. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It looks like <<set $tempSideEffect to $PlayerSideEffectDreams>> <<include [[BodySideEffectNext]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Disclaimer</h1> <img src="Part1/SideEffectDisclaimer.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal or $PlayerSideEffectDreams or $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist or $PlayerSideEffectLibido or $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock or $PlayerSideEffectOral or $PlayerSideEffectPermanent or $PlayerSideEffectPheromones or $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive or $PlayerSuperOrgasms>> "Please note," the technician starts reading some disclaimer off of a card. "The descriptions of your side effects and their severity are intended as an estimate for most users in most situations. Side-effect severity may vary from individual to individual. How a side-effect presents for the same individual may vary from situation to situation. <br><br> "Side-effects may be more or less severe than described. Multiple side-effects may interact in unforseen ways. Additional side-effects may present at a later time. Please use caution until you understand how your individual side-effect or side-effects impact you." <<else>> "Please note," the technician starts reading some disclaimer off of a card. "While no side effects have been identified as part of your initial transition, side-effects may present at a later time. Side-effect severity may vary from individual to individual. How a side-effect presents for the same individual may vary from situation to situation. <br><br> "Side-effects may be more or less severe than how they may be described to you if and when they are identified. Multiple side-effects may interact in unforseen ways. Please use caution until you understand how your individual side-effect or side-effects impact you." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He puts down the card. "Sorry, I had to read that part. But I'm sure <<if $FatherSettings and !$PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> you'll be fine.<br><br> When he's done with his disclaimer, you let him know about the [[final thing you and your father discussed|FatherSettingsPermanent]]. <<else>> [[you'll be fine|EndPart1]]" <</if>> <</nobr>><h1>Freshman Orientation</h1> <<nobr>> Now that you know all about the body you’re going to have for <<if $PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> the rest of your life, <<else>> at least the next four years, <</if>> you can take a few minutes to meet some of the other girls in the program and tell each other a bit about yourself and how you plan on making the most of the next four years. <</nobr>> <img src="Part1/EndPart1A.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="430"> <img src="Part1/EndPart1B.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="430"> <img src="Part1/EndPart1C.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="430"> <<nobr>> We’re going to plug you all into the computer so it can match you up with roommates for the upcoming year. Then we’ll come back and tell you about your dorms and who you’ll be sharing them with. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Later in the afternoon, they’ll be booths set up for various student activities, and some on and off-campus employers. But I’ll leave you to get to know one another, [[see you in a bit.|Part2Start]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $PlayerMentorPick = 0>> <h1><<print "Dormitories">></h1> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'shirts')>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'sweat pants')>> <<set setup.addInventory('tools', 'makeup')>> <<if !$PlayerNoBodyHair>> <<set setup.addInventory('tools', 'razors')>> <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> <<set setup.addInventory('tools', 'anal cleaning kit')>> <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'cuffs')>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<print "Now, we are going to go over where you’ll be staying your first year here. All freshman stay on-campus in dormitories, so that makes it simpler.">> <img src="Part2/Start.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "Our dorm rooms are all mixed-gender suites. You’ll be sharing a bedroom with another female student. ">><<if $FatherSettings>>[[She’ll be your mentor.|MentorFather]]<<else>>[[She’ll be your mentor.|Mentor]]<</if>> <<print " She has years of experience living with a female body and will be able to help you with any day-to-day difficulties your new body may present for you.">> <<print "Next door will be a different bedroom with two male students. They won’t be aware of your participation the Student X-Change Program, unless you choose to tell them.">> <<print "The four of you will all share a common living room and bathroom.">><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Mentors">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "When you hear your name, come on up and meet your mentor. We’ll give the two of you some time to get to know each other.">> <img src="Part2/Mentor.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "Your mentor will also have a gift card provided by the folks at X-Change. She’ll take you out and buy some basic hygiene and beauty products for you, along with some clothes she’ll help you pick out. And maybe even your first trip to the jewelry store at the end!">> <<print "Of course you’ll probably be buying lots more for yourself once you settle in and have a bit of money. This is just a gift to get you started.">> <<nobr>> Most of the girls are being randomly paired with mentors. But your father had already talked to the people running the program to let them know what he thought you needed in a mentor, and they'd already arranged one for you. Her name is [[Faith|Faith1]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Mentors">></h1> <</nobr>> <<switch $PlayerMentorPick>> \ <<case 0>> \ <<print "When you hear your name, come on up and meet your mentor. We’ll give the two of you some time to get to know each other.">> <img src="Part2/Mentor.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "Your mentor will also have a gift card provided by the folks at X-Change. She’ll take you out and buy some basic hygiene and beauty products for you, along with some clothes she’ll help you pick out. And maybe even your first trip to the jewelry store at the end!">> <<print "Of course you’ll probably be buying lots more for yourself once you settle in and have a bit of money. This is just a gift to get you started.">> <<nobr>> <<print "Normally, our mentors will come up and ">> <<if $PlayerGoodStudent>> <<set $PlayerRollDice to either(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11,13,14,15,17,18,19,21,22,23,24)>> <<elseif $PlayerLazyStudent>> <<set $PlayerRollDice to either(1,5,6,7,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,25,26,27,28)>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerRollDice to either(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20)>> <</if>> <<link "call out who they were paired with.">> <<switch $PlayerRollDice>> <<case 1 2 3 4 21 22 23 24>> <<goto [[Faith1]]>> <<case 5 6 7 8>> <<goto [[Emily]]>> <<case 9 10 11 12 25 26>> <<goto [[Hannah]]>> <<case 13 14 15 16>> <<goto [[Samantha]]>> <<case 17 18 19 20 27 28>> <<goto [[Olivia]]>> <</switch>> <</link>> <<print "However this time there are a lot quite a few extra mentors available so we can also ">> <<link [[let you choose, if you want.|Mentor]]>><<set $PlayerMentorPick = 1>><</link>> <</nobr>> <<case 1>> <<print "We have 5 mentors, whom we think would fit you nicely, so all you have to do now is pick the one you like the most.">> <p style="clear: both;"><img src="Part2/Faith1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> [[Faith,|Faith1]]<<print " a proper-looking girl who grew up in small town in the midwest. You think she might have a religious background.">></p> <p style="clear: both;"><img src="Part2/Emily1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> [[Emily,|Emily]]<<print " a normal-looking girl from Denver. She’s been hanging since the moment you arrived with one guy, her boyfriend perhaps?">></p> <p style="clear: both;"><img src="Part2/Hannah1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> [[Hannah,|Hannah]]<<print " a really energetic girl, whom you’ve overheard talking about guys and sex quite openly.">></p> <p style="clear: both;"><img src="Part2/Samantha1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> [[Samantha,|Samantha]]<<print " whom you think looks normal, but you can swear that it looks like she’s flirting with some of the other girls.">></p> <p style="clear: both;"><img src="Part2/Olivia1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> [[Olivia,|Olivia]]<<print " a goth looking girl, she doesn’t look as friendly as the other and you’ve heard her mention the word master a couple of times, whatever that means..">></p> <</switch>><<nobr>> <<set $Mentor to 'Faith'>> <<set $Roommate to 'Faith'>> <h1><<print "Faith">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Hi, my name’s Faith. I grew up in small town in the midwest. Trust me, you’ve never heard of it, but I loved it. Now, I know that X-Change has a bad reputation, but I want to help you show people it doesn’t have to be like that. You have it in you to the kind of woman God wants you to be, and I’ll do what I can to help you.">> <img src="Part2/Faith1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "You didn’t get any of those side effects that make you extra ‘horny’ that they mentioned did you? If you did, you shouldn’t see it as some sort of punishment. Or an excuse to act all slutty either. I’ll do what I can to help you deal with it though.">> <<print "Oh god - I can tell from the way you’re looking at me what you thought I meant. No, I don’t meant that! I wouldn’t even touch *myself* like that! I just meant that I know several guys from the campus ministry that are looking to meet someone to settle down with and start a family right away.">> <<print "(blushing) If... if it gets too much for you to take, I’m sure God would probably forgive you and him if you didn’t wait until you were actually married, as long as that’s where it was heading between you.">> <<print "Before we go shopping, how about we go and ">>[[select our neighbours?|Neighbours]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'long dresses')>> <h1><<print "Faith">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Now you’ll probably go out and pick up some more casual clothes later too. Simple blouses and jeans and such. I’ll let you do that on your own later.But I’d recommend you stay away from those “skinny jeans” I see a lot of girls wearing though. They’re so tight, sometimes it’s almost like they aren’t wearing much at all.">> <img src="Part2/Faith2A.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"><img src="Part2/Faith2B.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"><img src="Part2/Faith2C.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <<print "I think it’s better to look pretty, but not to show too much. I think a ">>[[nice dress|Faith3]]<<print " is perfect. Trust me, you’ll feel so beautiful wearing one. And the guys love seeing a girl wearing a nice dress too. Besides which would you rather have: a guy staring at your butt in skinny jeans imagining what your bare butt looks like, or him seeing you in a beautiful dress and thinking about taking you home to meet his family? I know which one I’d prefer.">><<nobr>> <<set setup.addInventory('underwear', 'cotton underwear')>> <<set setup.addInventory('sleepwear', 'regular sleepwear')>> <h1><<print "Faith">></h1> <</nobr>> <p style="clear: both;"><img src="Part2/Faith3A.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<print "I think simple cotton underwear is great. They are so comfortable and easy to clean. It’s not like anyone else is going to see it on you anyway. Well, except me at home of course. And they are so inexpensive, I have some money left over for a little treat for you if you want.">></p> <p style="clear: both;"><img src="Part2/Faith3B.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> <<nobr>> <<print "They suggested taking you to get your ">> <<link [[ears pierced if you want.|Neighbours2]]>> <<set setup.addInventory('piercings', 'diamond earrings')>> <</link>> <<print "With the extra we have left, I can get you some small diamond earrings instead of the plain ones they normally give you! Trust me, they’ll look beautiful on you no matter what you’re wearing.">> <</nobr>> <<print "If you don’t want your ears pierced I think that would be a shame, but ">>[[we can head for home.|Neighbours2]]</p><<nobr>> <<set $Mentor to 'Emily'>> <<set $Roommate to 'Emily'>> <<set setup.addNeighbour("Emily's Boyfriend")>> <h1><<print "Emily">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Hi, I’m Emily. And I’m going to be your mentor this year. I’m from Denver originally. But I doubt that’s were we will move after we graduate. Oh, by “we”, I mean my boyfriend and me. We’ve been dating since freshman year, and we’re practically inseparable. When we graduate next year we’ll be moving in together. We just haven’t decided on the city yet.">> <img src="Part2/Emily1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "But we won't have to wait until then! He will be in the room right next door to us all year. I’m so excited!">> <<print "(Your mind wanders as she goes on and on about her relationship. You can already see how this is going to go. For a week or two you’ll try to manage sharing a room with her, but nearly every night the two of them will be going at it a few feet away on her bed. First the sound will turn you on, and you’ll lie in bed trying to quietly pleasure yourself. After a while it’ll just keep you from sleeping or studying. You’ll eventually switch rooms with him. Hopefully things don’t get weird between you and the guy in his assigned room. Since you’ll be sleeping in the bed next to him now).">> <<print "Oh god, I’m sorry, today’s supposed to be about getting you started, not me going on and on about my boyfriend. Let’s go ">>[[choose our other neighbour|Neighbours]]<<print ". Since I got to pick one, my boyfriend obviously, I'll let you choose the other one. That sounds fair, right? After that we can head to the mall and get you setup.">><<nobr>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'jeans')>> <h1><<print "Emily">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Unless you’ve tried X-Change before, you probably don’t know what kind of styles you’ll like now.">> <img src="Part2/Emily2A.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"><img src="Part2/Emily2B.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <img src="Part2/Emily2C.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"><img src="Part2/Emily2D.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <<print "And I don’t want to be like some of those other mentors I saw, and force my style on you, so I’ll just help you ">>[[get a few practical things|Emily3]]<<print " you can wear around campus. Then you can go buy whatever you want after you settle in.">><<nobr>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'vibrator')>> <<set setup.addInventory('underwear', 'regular underwear')>> <<set setup.addInventory('sleepwear', 'comfy sleepwear')>> <h1><<print "Emily">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "We’ll grab you some underwear too, but I should probably get you some ">>[[comfy sleepwear too.|Emily4]]<<print " I’m sure neither of us want you in your underwear when my boyfriend comes over, right?">> <img src="Part2/Emily3A.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"><img src="Part2/Emily3B.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"><img src="Part2/Emily3C.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<print "I know a lot of the new girls ended up with side effects that will make them horny all the time. I’ll help you pick out the perfect vibrator to take the edge off until you meet a guy (or a girl, whatever you want). If that doesn’t help for you, maybe you could talk to my boyfriend’s roommate and see if he can help out.">><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Emily">></h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<print "They gave us money for ">> <<link [[getting your ears pierced.|Neighbours2]]>> <<set setup.addInventory('piercings', 'stud earrings')>> <</link>> <<print "We could do that, but I have a better idea.">> <</nobr>> <img src="Part2/Emily4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> <<nobr>> <<print "You can ">> <<link [[get your tongue pierced!|Neighbours2]]>> <<set setup.addInventory('piercings', 'tongue')>> <</link>> <<print " I got mine done last year. And, oh my god, does my boyfriend love how the piercing feels when I suck his cock. He always loved me giving him head, but he loves it even more now.">> <</nobr>> <<print "But even when I’m not doing that, I still love feeling it in my mouth and thinking about it. And I can sometimes see his guy friends notice it and get jealous of him. And that always makes me a little happy too.">> <<print "Come on, lets go. It only hurts for a second.">><<nobr>> <<set $Mentor to 'Hannah'>> <<set $Roommate to 'Hannah'>> <h1><<print "Hannah">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Hey, my name’s Hannah, and we’re going to be roommates this year! I’m so excited. I’m really looking forward to helping your learn and watching as you experience everything about being a woman for the first time!">> <img src="Part2/Hannah1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "I know people sometimes think of X-Change girls as slutty or something, but I don’t think that’s fair at all. I mean I love sex too, and I was born a woman. You’re 18 and I’m 20, and we’re on a campus full of guys, and everyone’s hormones are going full tilt. What are they expecting is going to happen? Just enjoy it. Whether you’re changing back after graduation or not, you’ll probably never have more fun than you do the next four years.">> <<print "Some girls want to get a boyfriend right away when they get to college. I think that’s silly. I don’t know what I want yet, and you certainly don’t yet either. We’re too young to settle down. Now’s the time to try lots of things, see what you like, see what you don’t. If you’re shy, don’t worry, I’ll help you along.">> <<print "And, if you’re nervous about sex at first, and want some help, just let me know. I don’t think the two of us would have any trouble at all finding a guy wanting a threesome. And he won’t mind being a teaching aid for me to show you all I know.">> <<print "Before then though. If you have any of those side effects that are giving you trouble. Just let me know if I can help. Guys are more my thing, but helping my roommate out in her moment of need sounds like it could be fun from time-to-time too.">> <<print "Before we go shopping, how about we go and ">>[[select our neighbours?|Neighbours]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'blouses')>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'skirts')>> <h1><<print "Hannah">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You’ll have lots of time to build your whole wardrobe out, but I think the most basic thing you need are some nice skirts.">> <img src="Part2/Hannah2A.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"><img src="Part2/Hannah2B.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "You can wear a mid-length one almost anytime. You can even get long ones if you are trying to look ‘respectable’ or something that day. Or you can wear one as short as you date to if you want to crank up the sexy that day.">> <<print "And best of all, no matter which length it is. If you feel a certain need, and find the right guy, it only takes a second to hike up your skirt and let him get to work.">> <img src="Part2/Hannah2C.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" width="500"> <<print "Ha - I can see you thinking about it right now. ">>[[We’re going to make great roommates this year!|Hannah3]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addInventory('sleepwear', 'regular sleepwear')>> <<set setup.addInventory('underwear', 'sexy underwear')>> <h1><<print "Hannah">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "I’m supposed to help you pick out some underwear too. Now, I know a lot of girls that have two different sets of underwear: boring, everyday stuff they normally wear, and then their sexy underwear they only wear when they plan on going home with someone.">> <img src="Part2/Hannah3A.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"><img src="Part2/Hannah3C.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "I’d rather wear the sexy stuff every day. Even if I don’t end up going home with someone that day, it still makes me feel sexy all day wearing it. I have a bunch of Angel Rewards points saved up that I’ll use on you today, so we can splurge a bit and get you enough so you can wear ">>[[something sexy every day too.|Hannah4]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addInventory('piercings', 'stud earrings')>> <h1><<print "Hannah">></h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<print "They have some money here to get your ears pierced. We’ll do that, but I hooked up with a body piercer a few weeks ago. I know he’ll give us a deal if you want a second piercing. Here, look what I had him do with my navel, ">> <<link [[maybe you can get one too.|Neighbours2]]>> <<set setup.addInventory('piercings', 'navel')>> <</link>> <</nobr>> <img src="Part2/Hannah4A.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <<nobr>> Or wait. No! I have an even better idea! I’ve been thinking about a clit hood piercing. Why don’t we both get one! I’ve heard it’s amazing how it feels. The bar will rest right against your clit and all day long you’ll feel it when you walk or run, or whatever. <</nobr>> <img src="Part2/Hannah4B.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <<nobr>> That’s probably a bit much to ask him as favor though. Unless we both give him something in return. I’m sure we can [[find someway to make it worth his time|Hannah5]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Hannah">></h1> <<set setup.addInventory('piercings', 'clit hood')>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Piercer'})>> <img src="Part2/Hannah4C.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Hannah kept talking about how stimulating the piercing will be and how hot it would look. She reminds you that with the medicine they'll give you, it will be healed and ready for action in a couple days, not the weeks it used to take. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She definitely had you convinced. You weren't quite as sure about the deal she worked out with the piercer though. You think about how you've only been a woman for a few hours, and you're doing this already. But Hannah reassures you. She tells you that you have a beautiful body, why not use it to your advantage when you can. And if he's ok with the deal, and you're ok with the deal, then what's wrong with it? You agree. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She's still a bit worried you might back out, so she has you go first. She talks you through giving what she assumes is your first blowjob. You're a bit unsure of yourself, but quickly pick up signs of what feels good for him. <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral>> You soon see what they meant when they told you about your oral side effect. Having his cock in your mouth just feels so... right. The way it slides across your tongue, it sends a warm feeling down your spine, you could do this all day. But clearly he can't. <</if>> It isn't long until you are feeling his cum hitting your tongue and your throat. <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral>> They were so right about what the taste would be like for you now. Your eyes rollback for a second as you savor it. <</if>> You swallow every drop, just like Hannah instructs. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You weren't expecting to get as turned on as you did. You're tempted to sneak off somewhere to masturbate, but Hannah quickly coaxes you up onto the chair and your feet into the stirrups. You feel so open and exposed, and you know both of them can see how turned on you are. Your thoughts of masturating are soon gone though as you feel the sharp pain of the piercing. It's gone after just a second though. He gives you a few pills to take and some cleaning supplies, and explains how to use them, and repeats that you shouldn't have any sex or masturbate for at least two days. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I can't have sex for two days after my piercing?", Hannah confirms. "In that case, how soon BEFORE my piercing am I allowed to have sex?", she asks as she feels to see if the piercer has recovered from his previous orgasm. As you watch him fuck her to her last orgasm for the next 48 hours, you feel a bit of envy, knowing you'll have to wait at least that long before you can have your first orgasm as a woman. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once he's done, he tosses his condom in the trash and washes up while Hannah climbs into the chair for her piercing. When she's done the two of you finish up your shopping before [[heading back|Neighbours2]] to your room. On the way you run into a couple of the other new girls and their mentors. You and Hannah secretly smile to each other while the others talk about their dresses and show off their ear piercings. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $Mentor to 'Samantha'>> <<set $Roommate to 'Samantha'>> <h1><<print "Samantha">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Hi, I’m Samantha. But you can just call me Sam if you like. Congratulations on your change! I’m not sure if you’re planning on changing back after graduation or not, but I’m pretty sure once you see how wonderful being a woman is, you won’t have any interest in going back to being a man.">> <img src="Part2/Samantha1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "Personally, I think the world would be a much better place if every guy just took a pink Plus pill, and everyone was a woman. (I guess we’d have to keep a few blue pills around for baby making, but that’s about it.) Unfortunately that’s not going to happen. But I’m happy to be doing my small part and helping you with your transition at least.">> <<print "Sadly, a lot of the women on X-Change start having desires for men, even if that didn’t afflict them before the X-Change. If you’re one of them, then you have my condolences. But if it didn’t, or if you end up bi, I can certainly show you around town and all the best places to meet someone. Whether you’re looking for Ms Right, or Ms Right Now.">> <<print "It’s probably better we keep thing as friends between us, no matter which way you end up. Things can get awkward if relationships don’t work out, and we’re going to be together all year. But I certainly wouldn’t mind giving you a few pointers as you learn how to pleasure you new body. There’s nothing more amazing than watching a woman’s first orgasm. And if you end up in a bad way from any of those side effects they mentioned, I’ll try to help out if I can.">> <<print "Before we go shopping, how about we go and ">>[[select our neighbours?|Neighbours]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'dresses')>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'jeans')>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'blouses')>> <h1><<print "Samantha">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Most of the former guys I know tend to be fairly fem, so why don’t we get some casual dresses for you. Once you find your own style we can go shopping again. But these should get you by until then.">> <img src="Part2/Samantha2A.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"><img src="Part2/Samantha2B.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"><img src="Part2/Samantha2C.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <<print "But we’ll also pick you up some jeans and t-shirts. They’re great too. I’m guessing you probably already have a closet full of them. But guess what, they won’t fit now.">> <<print "Now you get to buy the same things again, but this time for twice the cost. You might be tempted to shop in the mens section because it’s cheaper (and from habit, I suppose). ">>[[I wouldn’t recommend it,|Samantha3]]<<print " at least at first. Even at the same size, things just don’t fit the same.">><<nobr>> <<set setup.addInventory('underwear', 'sexy underwear')>> <<set setup.addInventory('underwear', 'regular underwear')>> <<set setup.addInventory('sleepwear', 'comfy sleepwear')>> <h1><<print "Samantha">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "I don’t know what you’re going to prefer, so we’ll get a couple different styles of underwear for you. But there’s one important thing that a lot of women overlook - even ones born as women. And that’s how important it is to have a bra that fits. I’ll take you to a shop I like that will measure you accurately. Trust me, you’ll thank me later for this.">> <img src="Part2/Samantha3A.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"><img src="Part2/Samantha3B.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"><img src="Part2/Samantha3C.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <<nobr>> <<print "They gave us some money to get your ears pierced too. ">> <<link [[They probably just meant the lobes.|Neighbours2]]>> <<set setup.addInventory('piercings', 'stud earrings')>> <</link>> <<print " But we have enough money left, you could go for something a bit more.">> <</nobr>> <img src="Part2/Samantha3D.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> <<nobr>> <<print "Maybe a helix or an industrial? Why don’t we have the piercer take a look at your ear and then you two can talk about what you want and ">> <<link [[what would work well for your ear.|Neighbours2]]>> <<set setup.addInventory('piercings', 'multiple ear piercings')>> <</link>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $Mentor to 'Olivia'>> <<set $Roommate to 'Olivia'>> <h1><<print "Olivia">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "I’m Olivia, and I’ll be your roommate this year. You must be so excited and nervous, starting out in a whole new life! I’ll do as best I can to make sure everything works out well for you.">> <img src="Part2/Olivia1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "I know the questions everyone always has when they see me, so I’ll answer them for you. No, there’s no way for me to get the collar off. It’s locked and I don’t have the key - someone very special to me does. He locked this on me, with my permission, and he’s the only one that can take it off. But I hope he never does. You’ll get to meet him. The group we’re in is having a meeting in a few weeks, and he told me I should bring you along. Trust me, you’ll have a great time.">> <<print "Anyway, I know a lot of new girls can have a rough start right after their change. My master gave me some suggestions to help you get started and make sure that doesn’t happen to you.">> <<print "If you have any of those side effects they mentioned, I won’t be able to help you until after you meet my master. But if he says it’s ok, I can certainly help you after that. But any more traditional girl issues you have - let me know, and I can absolutely help with those.">> <<print "Before we go shopping, let’s go and ">>[[select our neighbours?|Neighbours]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'blouses')>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'jeans')>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'dresses')>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'latex dress')>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'latex top')>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'leather top')>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'leather skirt')>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'short skirt')>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'hobble skirt')>> <h1><<print "Olivia">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "We’ll use the gift card they gave me to get you some regular, boring clothes first. You can wear those to class or whatever. But we have some more fun shopping to do. My master gave me his credit card to buy you some other things too. He said it made him sad thinking of a girl, new to the world, with nothing to wear but sweat pants and t-shirts. ">>[[He said you don’t have to pay him back.|Olivia3]]<<print " But you can thank him when you meet him if you want.">> <img src="Part2/Olivia2A.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <img src="Part2/Olivia2B.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"><img src="Part2/Olivia2C.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <<print "Some you can technically wear to class, though it might turn a few heads. But probably no more than my collar does. Some of the others you’ll want to save for special occasions.">><<nobr>> <<set setup.addInventory('underwear', 'erotic underwear')>> <<set setup.addInventory('underwear', 'regular underwear')>> <h1><<print "Olivia">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Oh god, you look so hot in all of these. You have those plain ones to wear every day if you want, but think how fun it would be sitting in class, knowing you’re wearing something like this underneath your regular clothes.">> <img src="Part2/Olivia3A.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"><img src="Part2/Olivia3B.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <img src="Part2/Olivia3C.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"><img src="Part2/Olivia3D.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <<print "Ok. There’s one more thing ">>[[I want you to try on.|Olivia4]]<<print " It’s not underwear really, but I think it’ll look so hot on you...">><<nobr>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'chastity belt')>> <<set $PlayerChastityBelt = 1>> <<set $Keyholder to "Robert">> <<set $KeyholderPronoun to "he">> <<set $KeyholderPronounPossessive to "his">> <h1><<print "Olivia">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Oh god, yes. Seeing you like that, and thinking about how it would keep you from having sex, or even masturbating. Just thinking about how horny it would make me is getting me so wet right now. Oh don’t bother taking it off, it’s another treat from my master.">> <img src="Part2/Olivia4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<print "It’s not like those keys you have would work anyway. I switched the locks out when you were trying to get it on. The ones you just locked on there aren’t the ones from the box you tested first, they are ones my master gave me. Ones only he has the key to. Don’t worry, like I said earlier, you’ll get to meet him in a couple weeks.">> <<print "I’m sorry I tricked you like that, but really it’s for your own good. So many of the new X-Change girls run around like crazy their first couple weeks. You wouldn’t believe how many are pregnant at their first check-up!">> <<print "He didn’t say it, but I think he also wanted you in the belt so you’d be more willing to obey when you meet him. I know from experience, a couple weeks of not getting off and you’ll do just about anything he asks for a chance at an orgasm.">> <<print "But trust me, that’s a good thing. He’ll take very good care of you. ">>[[Well, lets go. We have one more stop to make.|Olivia5]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addInventory('piercings', 'stud earrings')>> <<set setup.addInventory('piercings', 'nipples')>> <h1><<print "Olivia">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "We’ll get your ears pierced from the gift card, but master also told me to get your nipples pierced too. It’s technically your choice, but if you want any chance of getting that belt off when you meet him, you don’t want to start disobeying him already.">> <img src="Part2/Olivia5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<print "They look so hot on you! And you might not have noticed yet, but those bars have little weights in them. They’ll gently vibrate as you move around. Mine have that too. It feels amazing! You’ll probably get wet just walking to class.">> <<print "And like the piercer said, you’ll want to keep them in for a while. ">>[[But It’s not like you have a choice.|Neighbours2]]<<print " Those need a special tool to take off, and he’s sending that directly to master, not home with us.">> <<nobr>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectLibido>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectLibido to 1>> <i>The gentle vibrations you keep feeling on your nipples constantly make you think about sex. But the chastity belt you have locked on keeps you from doing anything about the growing need you feel. It seems like you are horny all the time now. You find yourself frequently fantasizing about the sex you can't have. (Your implant has developed an 'Increased Libido' side effect.)</i> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Job/Activity Fair</h1> Welcome back ladies. I hope everyone had a good first day in their new bodies. I hope everyone took the time to get to know your mentors a bit better as well. Most of you probably hit it off right away. Although, for some of you, it might take a while for you to grow on each other. But if you have any difficulties, remember, your mentor is only trying to look out for you, as best she sees how. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> I can see you all had fun on your shopping trips yesterday as well. The first shopping trip was on us. But you'll need some money of your own for the next one. Which brings us to today's event. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> We’ve lined up several local employers with job openings that some of you may qualify for. These include both on and off campus employers. <img src="Part3/Start.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <</nobr>> <<print "There are also some representatives from the athletic department here as well. Those positions aren’t technically allowed to pay you. But they do offer scholarships that would cover some of your tuition. That means you’d get to keep some of the money X-Change would have paid to the school. So it works out about the same as if they did pay you.">> <<print "Before you head out to the fair, talk to your mentor. She may have another job for you to think about while you’re looking over your other options.">> <<print "But keep in mind the choice is yours. Well, yours and the employers. Your mentor is just giving you another option to choose from.">> [[Check the job booths.|JobList1]]<<nobr>> <h1>Job/Activity Fair</h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $Mentor == 'Faith'>> <<link [[Faith's Recommendation (Barista)|JobDecided]]>> <<set $JobBarista = 1>> <</link>>: I looked through the jobs out there. Most of them look ok, I guess, but some of them... well, I just hope their parents don’t learn how they earn their money. I’m glad my parents give me enough I don’t have to worry about a job at school. I hope I still meet my future husband while I’m here, and I never have to work outside the home. But I guess that’s not an option for you yet, so I’ll try to help out.<br> <img src="Part2/Faith1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"><img src="Part3/JobFaith.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"><br> Anyway, I know this guy, Andrew, who’d be perfect for you. To hire you I mean. He’s here working on his business degree, but he also manages the coffee shop on campus. His dad actually owns the whole chain of stores. Andrew will be running it all in a few years. Most girls think he’s handsome too. I’m sure he’ll make someone a wonderful husband some day. <br><br> Why don’t I set you two up for a dat... a dinner meeting. So he can get to know you and see about a job for you. Even if he doesn’t have a job, I’m sure you’ll have a great time. One of the dresses we bought earlier will be perfect for your... meeting. <<if $FatherSettings>> <br><br> You expect your father would approve of this job. Though probably not for the same reason Faith seems to be recommending it to you. <</if>> <<elseif $Mentor == 'Emily'>> <<link [[Emily's Recommendation (Office Worker)|JobDecided]]>> <<set $JobOffice = 1>> <</link>>: I checked out the job booths. There are some pretty good choices out there. There’s probably one that you’d like.<br> <img src="Part2/Emily1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"><img src="Part3/JobEmily.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"><br> I didn’t know of any jobs to recommend for you so I asked my boyfriend about it and he had an idea. His brother is a manager at an office that’s not to far from campus. Their receptionist quit not to long ago, and they are looking for a new one. He said he could put in a good word for you. Take a look at the other options too, and let me know if you’re interested. <<elseif $Mentor == 'Hannah'>> <<link [[Hannah's Recommendation (Call Girl)|JobDecided]]>> <<set setup.addInventory('costumes', 'call girl outfits')>> <<set $JobCallGirl = 1>> <</link>>: <i>(Hannah looks around to make sure no one is within earshot.)</i> If you want one of those jobs out in the booths, take it. But I have another option for you. <br><br> You already know how much I like sex. And I’m pretty sure you feel the same way. Well, we don’t have to GIVE it away, you know. <img src="Part2/Hannah1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"><img src="Part3/JobHannah.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"><br> No, I wouldn’t use the word ‘prostitute’ that sounds like a street walker or something. I prefer ‘call girl’. I use this service, I just tell them when I want to work, and they give me a text with the address I’m supposed to go to. I can make as much in a night as most of those jobs pay in a week or more. <br><br> And even if you do want one of those other jobs, you can still <<link "do this every now and then for some extra money.">> <<set setup.addInventory('costumes', 'call girl outfits')>> <<set $JobCallGirlSide = 1>> <<set $JobSide = 1>> <<goto [[JobList2]]>> <</link>> If you want it as your only job, you can just make up a lie to tell your family what your job is. <br><br> Let me know if you’re interested. And don’t tell anyone. <<elseif $Mentor == 'Samantha'>> <<link [[Samantha's Recommendation (Bartender)|JobDecided]]>> <<set $JobBartender = 1>> <</link>>: Some of those jobs in the booths look ok, but I have another option for you. My favorite bar is looking for a new bartender. Looking like you do, it won’t matter if you don’t have any prior experience. As long as you don’t mind a bunch of horny, half-drunk women flirting with you, you can pick up the rest on the job.<br> <img src="Part2/Samantha1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"><img src="Part3/JobSamantha.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"><br> And if you do a little flirting back at them, you’ll be going home with lots of tips every night. *Who* you go home with is entirely up to you, of course. <br><br> And don’t worry about your age. As long as you keep the girls buying drinks, the boss isn’t going to care. After you look around, let me know if you are interested. <<elseif $Mentor == 'Olivia'>> <<link [[Olivia's Master's request (Web Model)|JobDecided]]>> <<set $JobWebModel = 1>> <</link>>: I wanted to let you know about two things before you started looking. <br><br> First, my master owns an adult toy and clothing store. It’s the one we got your chastity belt from in fact.<br> <img src="Part2/Olivia1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"><img src="Part3/JobOlivia.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"><br> He’s looking for another model for their website. You’ll get to dress, or wear, or use many of the things they sell there. And you’ll get to work with me, as I’m their other model! Plus we get to keep a lot of what we model too! <br><br> The other thing is, master didn’t want you to feel pressured to take the job. He said to take it only if you wanted it. You can also decide to only <<link "do this every now and then for some extra money.">> <<set $JobWebModelSide = 1>> <<set $JobSide = 1>> <<goto [[JobList2]]>> <</link>> <br><br> Olivia says that if you decide on one of the jobs at the fair, her master will make sure your boss has a copy of your belt’s key. That way they’ll be able to take it off if you need to be unbelted for practice, or work,... or whatever. He’ll just make them promise to make sure it’s back on when you leave. Let me know what you decide on. <br><br> As good as it sounds getting out of this stupid belt, even for a little while at work, it makes you wonder why that'd be necessary. You wonder if it'd be safer just finding your own job instead. You saw a "Now Hiring" sign at the [[coffee shop|JobChasteBarista]] you visited earlier, maybe you could try there. <</if>> <</nobr>> <hr> <<nobr>> <<if $BodyType == "Fit" or !$FatherSettings>> <<link "Student Athlete">> <<set $JobAthlete = 1>> <<goto [[JobDecided]]>> <</link>>: <<else>> Student Athlete: <</if>> You’ll be training or competing 5 or 6 days a week. You’ll have access to state-of-the-art training facilities and the help of the university’s trainers. So you’re sure to stay in peak condition. The partial scholarship from the athletic department will free up some of the X-Change stipend that was paying for tuition, so you will have some spending money available. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part3/JobAthleteA.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"><img src="Part3/JobAthleteB.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $BodyType == "Fit">> They seem eager to have you join the team. You are thankful for this new body X-Change gave you. You feel like try-outs will probably be a sure thing for you. <<else>> Your new body isn't as athleticly built as some of the new girls' bodies are, and so are worried you won't make the team. The let you know that there are many different sports on campus, and they aren't all looking for the same thing. They welcome you to try out if you are interested. <<if $FatherSettings>> <br><br> When you told him what body type you were going to choose, your father warned you not to even bother with athletics. He's much more concerned with your academics. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <hr> <<nobr>> <<if $BodyType == "Plus">> Cheerleader: You can see they are mostly looking a mainly looking for girls with a body type. Most of the X-Change girls would probably be fine, but you suspect you are a bit more curvy than what they are looking for, so you move on to the next booth. <<elseif $BodyType != "Standard" and $FatherSettings>> Cheerleader: Your father was right. When you told him what sort of body you were choosing, he said you'd be too <<if $BodyType == "Fit">> buff <<elseif $BodyType == "Petite">> tiny <<else>> differently built <</if>> to fit the 'cheerleader' look a big school is looking for. So you move on to the next booth. <<else>> <<link "Cheerleader">> <<set $JobCheerleader = 1>> <<goto [[JobDecided]]>> <</link>>: <<if $BodyType != "Standard">> You can tell you are <<if $BodyType == "Fit">> more muscular <<elseif $BodyType == "Petite">> smaller <<else>> built differently <</if>> than most of the cheerleaders, but they assure you that there's a place for you if you are interested. <</if>> You’ll be practicing or working out 4 days a week, and then going to games to cheer on Saturdays. You’ll also be expected to attend university fundraising events occasionally. <br> <img src="Part3/JobCheerleaderA.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"><img src="Part3/JobCheerleaderB.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <br> They get donations from alumni contributors to fund the program and offer a stipend equivalent to what most of the other jobs here pay. Plus they’ll cover your squad travel, uniform, and beauty-care expenses. <</if>> <</nobr>> <hr> <span style="font-size: 120%"><<print "On-Campus Employment">></span> <p style="clear: both;"><img src="Part3/JobOnCampusA.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> <<nobr>> <<if $FatherSettings>> Campus Fitness Center Assistant <<else>> <<link "Campus Fitness Center Assistant">> <<set $JobFitness = 1>> <<goto [[JobDecided]]>> <</link>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Entry level athlete care position available. Help us keep our athletes in top condition! <<if $FatherSettings>> <br><br> What little faith knows about the fitness center is enough to let you know it's probably not a job your father would approve of. <</if>> <</nobr>> <p style="clear: both;"><img src="Part3/JobOnCampusB.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> <<nobr>> <<link "Campus Library">> <<set $JobLibrary = 1>> <<goto [[JobDecided]]>> <</link>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Duties will include processing check outs and returns, refiling returned books. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The library has an opening. You’ll be helping people check out and refiling returned books. <<if $FatherSettings>> <br><br> You can't imagine your father objecting to you working at a library. <</if>> <</nobr>> <p style="clear: both;"><img src="Part3/JobOnCampusC.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> <<nobr>> <<if $FatherSettings>> Engineering Department Assistant <<else>> <<link "Engineering Department Assistant">> <<set $JobEngineer = 1>> <<goto [[JobDecided]]>> <</link>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Multiple openings available. Technical position requires STEM major. Non-technical positions open to all. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> There are a couple openings from the engineering department. One requires you to be in an STEM-field major, the other is open to anyone. <<if $FatherSettings>> <br><br> Faith warns you that she's heard rumors about the engineering department and that it doesn't sound like the sorts of tests they do there would be something your father would approve of. <</if>> <</nobr>> <p style="clear: both;"><img src="Part3/JobOnCampusD.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> <<nobr>> <<if $FatherSettings>> Art Department Model <<else>> <<link "Art Department Model">> <<set $JobArt = 1>> <<goto [[JobDecided]]>> <</link>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Looking for models to pose for various classes. Nudity may be required. All bodies are beautiful. <<if $FatherSettings>> <br><br> Obviously "Nutidy may be required" means this is not going to be a job your father would approve of. <</if>> <</nobr>> <p style="clear: both;"> <<nobr>> <<if !$FatherSettings>> <<print "If you have not decided on a job, then ">> <<link "we can assign one for you. (Random)">> <<if $BodyType != 'Plus'>> <<set $PlayerRollDice to either(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerRollDice to either(1,2,3,4,5,6)>> <</if>> <<switch $PlayerRollDice>> <<case 1>> <<set $JobAthlete = 1>> <<case 2>> <<set $JobEngineer = 1>> <<case 3>> <<set $JobFitness = 1>> <<case 4>> <<set $JobLibrary = 1>> <<case 5>> <<set $JobArt = 1>> <<case 6>> <<if $Mentor == 'Faith'>><<set $JobBarista = 1>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Emily'>><<set $JobOffice = 1>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Samantha'>><<set $JobBartender = 1>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Hannah'>><<set $JobCallGirl = 1>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Olivia'>><<set $JobWebModel = 1>><</if>> <<case 7>> <<set $JobCheerleader = 1>> <</switch>> <<set $PlayerRollDice to either(1,2,3)>> <<if $Mentor == 'Hannah' and !$JobCallGirl and $PlayerRollDice == 1>><<set $JobCallGirlSide = 1>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Olivia' and !$JobWebModel and $PlayerRollDice == 1>><<set $JobWebModelSide = 1>><</if>> <<goto [[JobDecided]]>> <</link>> <</if>> <</nobr>></p><<nobr>> <<set $PlayerJobSet = 1>> <h1><<print "Job/Activity Fair">></h1> <</nobr>> <span id="JobsListSpan2">"."</span> <<silently>> <<repeat 100ms>> <<switch $JobSide>> <<case 1>> <<replace "#JobsListSpan2">>\ <<print "You still need to choose a main job.">> <<nobr>> <<link "Student Athlete">> <<set $JobAthlete = 1>> <<goto [[JobDecided]]>> <</link>> <</nobr>> <<print "You’ll be training or competing 5 or 6 days a week. You’ll have access to state-of-the-art training facilities and the help of the university’s trainers. So you’re sure to stay in peak condition.">> <img src="Part3/JobAthleteA.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"><img src="Part3/JobAthleteB.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <<print "The partial scholarship from the athletic department will free up some of the X-Change stipend that was paying for tuition, so you will have some spending money available.">> <<print "You are certain to be accepted if you have a “Fit” (or an equivalent custom) body type. But some sports have different needs, so there might be an opening for someone of a different body type as well.">> <span id="CheerJob"></span> <span style="font-size: 120%"><<print "On-Campus Employment">></span> <p style="clear: both;"><img src="Part3/JobOnCampusA.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> <<nobr>> <<link "Campus Fitness Center Assistant">> <<set $JobFitness = 1>> <<goto [[JobDecided]]>> <</link>> <</nobr>> <<print "Entry level athlete care position available. Help us keep our athletes in top condition!">></p> <p style="clear: both;"><img src="Part3/JobOnCampusB.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> <<nobr>> <<link "Campus Library">> <<set $JobLibrary = 1>> <<goto [[JobDecided]]>> <</link>> <</nobr>> <<print "Duties will include processing check outs and returns, refiling returned books.">> <<print "The library has an opening. You’ll be helping people check out and refiling returned books.">></p> <p style="clear: both;"><img src="Part3/JobOnCampusC.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> <<nobr>> <<link "Engineering Department Assistant">> <<set $JobEngineer = 1>> <<goto [[JobDecided]]>> <</link>> <</nobr>> <<print "Multiple openings available. Technical position requires STEM major. Non-technical positions open to all.">> <<print "There are a couple openings from the engineering department. One requires you to be in an STEM-field major, the other is open to anyone.">></p> <p style="clear: both;"><img src="Part3/JobOnCampusD.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> <<nobr>> <<link "Art Department Model">> <<set $JobArt = 1>> <<goto [[JobDecided]]>> <</link>> <</nobr>> <<print "Looking for models to pose for various classes. Nudity may be required. All bodies are beautiful.">></p> <p style="clear: both;"> <<nobr>> <<print "If you have not decided on a job, then ">> <<link "we can assign one for you. (Random)">> <<if $BodyType != 'Plus'>> <<set $PlayerRollDice to either(1,2,3,4,5,6)>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerRollDice to either(1,2,3,4,5)>> <</if>> <<switch $PlayerRollDice>> <<case 1>> <<set $JobAthlete = 1>> <<case 2>> <<set $JobEngineer = 1>> <<case 3>> <<set $JobFitness = 1>> <<case 4>> <<set $JobLibrary = 1>> <<case 5>> <<set $JobArt = 1>> <<case 6>> <<set $JobCheerleader = 1>> <</switch>> <<goto [[JobDecided]]>> <</link>> <</nobr>></p> <<silently>> <<repeat 100ms>> <<if $BodyType != 'Plus'>> <<replace "#CheerJob">> <<nobr>> <<link "Cheerleader">> <<set $JobCheerleader = 1>> <<goto [[JobDecided]]>> <</link>> <</nobr>> <<print "You’ll be practicing or working out 4 days a week, and then going to games to cheer on Saturdays. You’ll also be expected to attend university fundraising events occasionally.">> <img src="Part3/JobCheerleaderA.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"><img src="Part3/JobCheerleaderB.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <<print "You know they’re looking for girls that meet that typical X-Change look, but you think they might take you if you’re fit or petite. If you’re on the heavy size you know the answer will be no though.">> <<print "They get donations from alumni contributors to fund the program and offer a stipend equivalent to what most of the other jobs here pay. Plus they’ll cover your squad travel, uniform, and beauty-care expenses.">> <</replace>> <<stop>> <</if>> <</repeat>> <</silently>> <</replace>> <<stop>> <<case 2>> <<replace "#JobsListSpan2">> <span id="JobsMentor"></span>\ <<silently>> <<repeat 100ms>> <<if $Mentor == 'Hannah'>> <<replace "#JobsMentor">>\ <<nobr>> <<link [[Hannah's Recommendation (Call Girl).|JobDecided]]>> <<set $JobCallGirlSide = 1>> <</link>> <</nobr>> <<print "(Hannah looks around to make sure no one is within earshot.)">> <<print "I see that you have already found another job from the booths, however maybe you can still consider my offer every now and then for some extra money.">> <<print "You already know how much I like sex. And I’m pretty sure you feel the same way. Well, we don’t have to GIVE it away, you know.">> <img src="Part2/Hannah1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"><img src="Part3/JobHannah.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <<print "Let me know if you’re interested. And don’t tell anyone. ">>[[If you are not interested, then that is also fine.|JobDecided]] <</replace>> <<stop>> <</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Olivia'>> <<replace "#JobsMentor">>\ <<nobr>> <<link [[Olivia's Master's request (Web Model).|JobDecided]]>> <<set $JobWebModelSide = 1>> <</link>> <</nobr>> <<print "I see that you have already found another job from the booths, however maybe you can still consider my master's suggestion every now and then for some extra money.">> <img src="Part2/Olivia1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"><img src="Part3/JobOlivia.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <<print "Let me know what you decide on. ">>[[If you are not interested, my master will be disappointed, but he doesn't want to force you into it.|JobDecided]] <</replace>> <<stop>> <</if>> <</repeat>> <</silently>> <</replace>> <<stop>> <</switch>> <</repeat>> <</silently>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Barista">></h1> <<set setup.addInventory('costumes', 'barista apron')>> <<set $JobBarista to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You were thinking you were just going to drop off an application and hope to hear back from them. But instead you meet with the store manager, Andrew. After discussing what little work experience you had before, and explaining the duties of the job, he asks when you an start. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are thrilled at how easy that was. And it was completely professional. He's not going to care that you are in a chastity belt, or need a key to it. And why would he. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Though as you watch Andrew walk away you think that maybe you wouldn't have minded him having the key as much as you would have one of the creepy, middle-aged guys you were expecting as a manager for the other jobs. But you push that thought out of your mind. You want to stay professional at work. Besides, you seriously doubt Olivia's master would give Andrew the key, even if Andrew wanted it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part3/JobBarista2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You work diligently at your new job, and decide that you made the right decision to not even ask about that. It's best to keep your work life and your love life, or lack of it, separate. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You also decide to work hard to keep [[any desires X-Change might have given you|Part5Olivia1]] from interfering with your job. Of course you can't help that your mind is always thinking about sex. But if you stay busy it helps take your mind off of how horny you usually are. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Barista - Interview">></h1> <<unset $JobFitnessMassage>> <<unset $JobFitnessYoga>> <</nobr>> <<print "Faith arranges a meeting for you and Andrew. But after some prodding from you she has him pick someplace less formal and where you can talk, not dance. You tell her you’re looking for a job, not a boyfriend.">> <img src="Part3/JobBarista1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> <<if !setup.areDating('Josh')>> <<print "When you arrive at the restaurant, it’s quickly obvious to you that she didn’t make that last part clear to Andrew. He’s clearly thinking of this as a date, not a business meeting. You can ">>[[let him know right away,|JobBaristaPro1]]<<print " or you can ">>[[go with it and see where it leads.|JobBaristaDate]] <<else>> <<print "When you arrive at the restaurant, it’s quickly obvious to you that she didn’t make that last part clear to Andrew. He’s clearly thinking of this as a date, not a business meeting. You can ">>[[let him know right away that this is strictly professional.|JobBaristaPro1]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Office Interview">></h1> <<unset $JobFitnessMassage>> <<unset $JobFitnessYoga>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'business clothes')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Emily has her boyfriend set up the interview for you. The job isn’t actually for his brother, but for Paul, a different manager at the company. So you’re a bit nervous as you doubt whatever recommendation Emily’s boyfriend provided is going to go very far. <</nobr>> <img src="Part3/JobOffice1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> But you dress for the job, and come well prepared for the interview. Still, you aren’t sure the interview is going that well. A lot of the software you’ll be expected to use, you’ve never even heard of before. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.haveInventory('piercings', 'tongue')>> Near the end of the interview, you notice a confused look from him and you wonder if maybe you should have removed the tongue ring before the interview. Sure enough, the questions about your piercing start. You offer to remove it for work if it's a problem, but he seems much more interested in it than concerned about it. <br><br> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral>> You tell yourself it's to get the job, but the thought of a cock in your mouth is too irresistible to you, so you tell him how it improves oral, [[and offer him a demonstration.|JobOfficeBlowjob1]]. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectLibido>> You tell yourself it's to get the job, but all you can think about is him ripping off your business clothes and bending you over the meeting room table. You know that's not going to happen, so you try for the next best thing. You tell him how much your piercing improves oral, [[and offer him a demonstration.|JobOfficeBlowjob1]]. <<elseif setup.areDating('Josh')>> You <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> [[try to stay professional|JobOfficeSub]] <<else>> [[try to stay professional|JobOfficePro1]] <</if>> and change the subject to something else. <<else>> You could <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> [[try to stay professional|JobOfficeSub]] <<else>> [[try to stay professional|JobOfficePro1]] <</if>> and change the subject to something else, or you could tell him how much your piercing improves oral, [[and offer him a demonstration.|JobOfficeBlowjob1]]. <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOral or $PlayerSideEffectLibido>> Your mind is drifting as he talk about the job requirements. You unconciously tease your lip with your pen as you imagine <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral>> kneeling under the table and sucking his cock. <<else>> him ripping off your business clothes and bending you over the meeting room table. <</if>> You wonder if he could tell what you are thinking when he asks, "Do you have any other skills... that maybe aren't listed on your resume?" <<if ($PlayerSideEffectOral and $PlayerSideEffectLibido) or ($PlayerSideEffectOral > 1) or ($PlayerSideEffectLibido > 1)>> You take the hint and kneel down to [[give him a demonstration|JobOfficeBlowjob1]] of one of your skills. <<else>> You can take the hint and kneel down to [[give him a demonstration|JobOfficeBlowjob1]] of one of your skills. Or you can pretend like it was an innocent question and <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> [[try to stay professional|JobOfficeSub]], <<else>> [[try to stay professional|JobOfficePro1]], <</if>> telling him about some of your hobbies. <</if>> <<else>> You are nervous the entire interview but you <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> [[try to stay professional|JobOfficeSub]], <<else>> [[try to stay professional|JobOfficePro1]], <</if>> and answer the questions as best you can. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Call Girl - First Client">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You were practically trembling on the elevator ride up to his room. But you managed to knock on his door and walk in. After he handed you the money you went to the bathroom to change. (And also to count the money and to call the service to let them know you’d arrived safely.)">> <video src="Part3/JobCall1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<print "You still can’t believe what you are about to do. You glance down again at the money in your purse to remind yourself why you are doing this.">> [[You finally work up your nerve again, and head back out to take care of your first client.|JobCall2]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Bartender">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Learning to make drinks isn’t the only skill you’ve needed to learn. You’ve also had to master flirting back at customers. You try to flirt just enough to make them happy, and tipping well. But you don’t want to over do it and make them think you are actually interested in going home with them, if you aren’t.">> <img src="Part3/JobBar1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> <<print "You think you’ll always be at least a bit bi, but when you close your eyes and imagine your ideal partner ">> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> you can't see anything. Because you know your ideal partner would have [[you blindfolded, tied down, and helpless.|JobBarSub]] <<print " You imagine a tongue between your legs sending waves of pleasure through your body. Does it matter who it belongs to as long as it feels so good?">> <<else>> do you see a [[a beautiful woman|JobBarGirl]] like the ones that hit on you most nights, or even though you work all day around beautiful women, is it a [[handsome man|JobBarGuy]] you fantasize about? Or do you [[just not know|JobBarUnsure1]] what you want yet? <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $MasterRobert = 1>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'leather top')>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'leather skirt')>> <h1><<print "Web Model">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Olivia introduces you to her master. He has a name, of course, but you aren’t allowed to use it. At first he has you call him “Sir”, but eventually you are calling him “Master” as well. He unlocks you from your chastity belt for your first modeling session.">> <<print "You love the way the skirt feels on your skin. You love how it limits your walk, forcing you to take smaller steps. And most of all, you love how you look in it.">> <img src="Part3/JobOlivia1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "You were already so horny from being trapped in the belt. But now, with Master and all the crew looking at you in this skirt, it’s even worse. When you think of people viewing the photos they are taking online, you wonder how many will be shopping for skirts, and how many will just be looking at you while they masturbate.">> <<print "The thought of thousands of men (and women) looking at you, and pleasuring themselves, makes your frustration almost unbearable.">> <<nobr>> <<print "If the skirt wasn’t blocking you, you’d be masturbating right now, ">> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist = 1>> <<print "which makes you realize that ">> [[you are starting to become an exhibitionist.|JobWebModel2]] <<else>> [[however you can’t.|JobWebModel2]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $PlayerRollDice to either(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20)>> <<if $BodyType == 'Fit'>><<set $PlayerRollDice += 12>><</if>> <<if $PlayerReducedSleep>><<set $PlayerRollDice += 5>><</if>> <h1><<print "Athlete Trials">></h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<print "You show up at tryouts and do your best to qualify for your chosen sport.">> <<if $BodyType == 'Fit'>> <<print "X-Change has gifted you with a body in peak condition. Still, you haven’t had much time to train, at least in this body.">> <<if $PlayerReducedSleep>><<print " You’ve also been using your extra free time to put it as much training as you could prior to today. That should give you an edge.">><</if>> <<else>> <<print "X-Change may have made you beautiful, but it didn’t make you an athlete. Your body might be right for the sport you chose, but you haven’t had much time to train, at least in this body.">> <<if $PlayerReducedSleep>><<print " However you’ve been using your extra free time to put it as much training as you could prior to today. That should give you an edge.">><</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <img src="Part3/JobAthlete1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<switch $PlayerRollDice>> <<case 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9>> <<nobr>> <<print "Despite you efforts, you have failed to qualify and have no option but to give up. Most of the other jobs from the fair have already filled up. Your mentor’s job is still available, so you can ">> <<link "go back and take that one.">> <<set $JobAthlete = 0>> <<if $JobWebModelSide>> <<set $JobWebModelSide = 0>> <<set $JobWebModel = 1>> <<goto [[JobWebModel3]]>> <</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Emily'>> <<set $JobOffice = 1>> <<goto [[JobOffice1]]>> <</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Hannah'>> <<set $JobCallGirl = 1>> <<set $JobCallGirlSide = 0>> <<goto [[JobCall1]]>> <</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Faith'>> <<set $JobBarista = 1>> <<goto [[JobBarista1]]>> <</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Samantha'>> <<set $JobBartender = 1>> <<goto [[JobBar1]]>> <</if>> <</link>> <</nobr>> <<case 10 11 12 13 14 15>> <<print "Despite you efforts, you have failed to qualify and have no option but to give up. Most of the other jobs from the fair have already filled up. Your mentor’s job is still available, so you can ">><<link "go back and take that one.">> <<set $JobAthlete = 0>> <<if $JobWebModelSide>> <<set $JobWebModelSide = 0>> <<set $JobWebModel = 1>> <<goto [[JobWebModel3]]>> <</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Emily'>> <<set $JobOffice = 1>> <<goto [[JobOffice1]]>> <</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Hannah'>> <<set $JobCallGirl = 1>> <<set $JobCallGirlSide = 0>> <<goto [[JobCall1]]>> <</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Faith'>> <<set $JobBarista = 1>> <<goto [[JobBarista1]]>> <</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Samantha'>> <<set $JobBartender = 1>> <<goto [[JobBar1]]>> <</if>> <</link>> <<print "However you also you saw one of the coaches staring at your ass earlier. You think you could meet with him privately and ">>[[“persuade” him to reconsider.|AthleteReconsider]] <<case 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37>> <<nobr>> <<print "Your efforts have paid off and ">> [[you have qualified.|AthleteQualified]] <</nobr>> <</switch>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Chearleaders Trials">></h1> <<set setup.addInventory('costumes', 'cheerleader uniform')>> <</nobr>> <<print "As you arrive for the first day of cheer practice you quickly learn there are actually two completely different squads of cheerleaders here: “A” squad and “D” squad. You wonder to yourself why “B” and “C” are skipped.">> <img src="Part3/JobCheerleader1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> <<if $BodyType == 'Standard'>> <<print "You are sorted into ">>[[‘“A” squad|JobCheerleaderA]]<<print " and you are excited to find that you’ll be cheering at all the big sporting events and competing in cheerleading competitions.">> <<else>> <<print "You are a bit disappointed that you don’t make “A” squad. But you are relieved to find you do make it onto ">>[[“D” squad.|JobCheerleaderD]]<<print " You’ll be cheering for some of the less popular sports and helping out with fundraising. Well, at least you made the team. Head outside to join the rest of the squad.">> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Fitness Center">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You love working in the campus fitness center. You love doing your small part to help the school’s athletes train to be their best.">> <img src="Part3/JobFitness1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "You even think of your own ways to encourage the athletes to push themselves just a little bit harder.">> <<print "Your boss has noted all the positive comments he’s received about you from the athletes and has offered you a promotion. He lets you decide between the ">>[[Yoga Instructor|JobFitnessYoga1]]<<print " and ">>[[Massage|JobFitnessMassage1]]<<print " positions.">><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Campus Library">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Most people probably wouldn’t find your job exciting. You spend most of your workday putting books back up on the shelves.">> <img src="Part3/JobLibrary1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "But you’ve always had a thing for ‘sexy librarians’. You’d never imagined that you’d actually be one some day.">> [[And you love every minute of it.|JobLibrary2]]<<nobr>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> <<set $PlayerRollDice += $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <h1>Engineering Department</h1> "Welcome to the Engineering Department’s Special Projects Lab," the Department Head tells you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "As you are still clothed, I assume you are here for the engineering role. We don’t require any prior experience but we require that you be pursing a science, technology, engineering, or mathematics degree." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist > 3 or ($PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist > 1 and $PlayerRollDice > 3)>> <<if $PlayerLazyStudent>> "Though, looking here at your transcript, I'm not sure if Engineering is a good fit for you. But you are more than <<else>> "If that’s you, then you can stay while I give the orientation for the new subjects. And if it’s not, then you are <</if>> welcome to strip and stay as a subject. I’ll wait while you go change." You are not sure what this is for, but <span id="Engineer1SubjectSpan"> <<link "the thought of getting naked arouses you too much.">> <<set $JobEngineer = 0>> <<set $JobTestSubject = 1>> <<set $Engineer1Update = 1>> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#Engineer1SubjectSpan">> the thought of getting naked arouses you too much. <</replace>> <</link>> </span> <<elseif $PlayerLazyStudent>> "Though, looking here at your transcript, I'm not sure if Engineering is a good fit for you. But you are more than welcome to strip and <span id="Engineer1Span"> <<link "stay while I give the orientation for the new subjects.">> <<set $Engineer1Update = 1>> <<set $JobEngineer to 0>> <<set $JobTestSubject to 1>> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#Engineer1SubjectSpan">> persuade him to reconsider letting you be an engineer. <</replace>> <<replace "#Engineer1Span">> stay while I give the orientation for the new subjects. <</replace>> <</link>> </span> " Looking at the hard-on he has with all these naked women standing around, you wonder if you could <span id="Engineer1SubjectSpan"> <<link "persuade him to reconsider letting you be an engineer.">> <<set $JobEngineer to 1>> <<set $JobTestSubject to 0>> <<set $Engineer1Update to 1>> <<set $tempEngineerReconsider to 1>> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#Engineer1SubjectSpan">> persuade him to reconsider letting you be an engineer. <</replace>> <<replace "#Engineer1Span">> stay while I give the orientation for the new subjects. <</replace>> <</link>> </span> <<else>> If that’s you, then you can <span id="Engineer1Span"> <<link "stay while I give the orientation for the new subjects.">> <<set $Engineer1Update to 1>> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#Engineer1SubjectSpan">> to strip and stay as a subject. <</replace>> <<replace "#Engineer1Span">> stay while I give the orientation for the new subjects. <</replace>> <</link>> </span> And if it’s not, then you are welcome <span id="Engineer1SubjectSpan"> <<link "to strip and stay as a subject.">> <<set $JobEngineer to 0>> <<set $JobTestSubject to 1>> <<set $Engineer1Update to 1>> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#Engineer1SubjectSpan">> to stay as a subject. <</replace>> <<replace "#Engineer1Span">> stay while I give the orientation for the new subjects. <</replace>> <</link>> </span> I’ll wait while you go change." <</if>> <</nobr>><span id="Engineer2Span"></span> <<silently>> <<repeat 100ms>> <<if $Engineer1Update>> <<replace "#Engineer2Span">> <img src="Part3/JobEngineer1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> "Subjects, as described in the forms you signed earlier, the primary purpose here is to gather data for a research study comparing orgasm response between natal women and X-Change users." "Please do not disclose which you are to any of our staff, the fewer of us aware of your status, the better. Researchers from the Biology department will be analyzing all the data we collect and will have access to the information you provided earlier." "The secondary purpose is to help our engineering students gather useful design skills as part of a technology program funded by a generous contributor to the university." <<nobr>> "You may be assigned to different test groups each week. Please don’t bother begging our staff to change which group you are in for a given week, <<if $tempEngineerReconsider>> the assignments are all done by computer. $playerName please [[follow me to my office|EngineerReconsider]] so we can discuss that issue you'd mentioned. The rest of you may proceed to your first round of testing." <<else>> <<link "the assignments are all done by computer.\"">> <<if $JobEngineer>> <<goto [[JobEngineer2]]>> <<else>> <<goto [[JobEngineerSubject1]]>> <</if>> <</link>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <</replace>> <<stop>> <</if>> <</repeat>> <</silently>><<nobr>> <h1>In the engineering department head's office</h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I know my academic past is less than great, but a lot has changed for me since then, and the new me is going to be a much better student. And, if you notice, Math and Science classes were the ones I did well in, it was all the other ones that brought my GPA down to where it was," you plead your case but he doesn't look convinced. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "And I'm willing to do whatever it takes to be part of this program," you say as you drop down to your knees in front of him. You look up and see a smile on his face, then you unbuckle his pants and get to work giving your <<if setup.sexMaleCount() - setup.sexVaginalCount() > 0>> second blowjob today. <<else>> first blowjob - in this body at least. <</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Engineering Department Head'})>> <</nobr>> <img src="PartX/BackHome20.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <<nobr>> Once you are finished he tells you, "If you are as motivated as this to improve your academic performance, I'm sure you'll do well. Now, there's always a few late arrival subjects. You can go make sure they strip down and [[start testing|JobEngineer2]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Coach', vaginal: true, birthControlOverride: 'vasectomy'})>> <h1><<print "Coach Persuasion">></h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You talk to him later in private, “I saw the way you were looking at my ass earlier. I don’t think you’re supposed to do that. But don’t worry, I’m not going to tell. I would like to talk with you more about what I’d need to improve to make it on the team... Maybe back at your house.” <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> You are worried for a moment that you might have been too subtle, but when you see him take the key to your chastity belt out of a locked drawer and put it in his pocket, you know your message was clear enough. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<print "When you are at his house, the more you tease him, the more clothes he sheds. Once all of his clothes are shed, he rips the seat of your pants and slides his cock in to you, commenting on how wet you are as he does. He sits back and has you do the work, enjoying every moment as you ride his cock.">> <video src="Part3/JobAthlete2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "You cum before he does and your thrusts back at him stop as you cum. He grabs your hips and pulls you back again and again, burying his cock deep inside you each time. Finally you hear him grunt and he holds you there, with his cock twitching deep inside you until he is finished. Then he lets go and you slide off of his cock.">> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>><br><<print "He tells you to put your belt back on. You comply, with drops of his cum still leaking out of you as it clicks shut. You bite your lower lip, wondering how long it will be before you will feel a cock inside you again.">><br><</if>> <<print "He slaps you on the ass, congratulates you on making the team, and hands you a few dollars, pointing you to the nearest bus stop. You do your best to hide your ripped pants and walk to wait for the bus back to your dorm.">> [[Congratulations on making the team after all!|AthleteQualified]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Athlete Training">></h1> <<set setup.addInventory('costume', 'athletic clothing')>> <</nobr>> <<print "Ladies, congratulations on making the team!">> <<print "Now comes the hard part. You are going to be training every day. And if you are thinking you are going to be getting special treatment in class, you’re mistaken. You’ll be expected to do well in your classes if you want to stay eligible to compete. So, don’t expect to have much free time.">> <video src="Part3/JobAthlete3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "Now, you may notice we have one fewer coach today. I’m sorry to say we’ve heard multiple reports about inappropriate conduct, and we suspect other unreported instances. He agreed to resign when we confronted him about it. If you were one of those affected, I apologize. But don’t worry, your place on the team is not in jeopardy, but you will have to work hard to keep your spot. But then, so does every else.">> <<nobr>> <<if !$JobWebModelSide and !$JobCallGirlSide>> <<link "Spend time in your dormitory.">> <<if $Mentor == 'Emily'>><<goto [[Part5Emily1]]>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Samantha'>><<goto [[Part5Samantha1]]>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Faith'>><<goto [[Part5Faith1]]>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Olivia'>><<goto [[Part5Olivia1]]>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Hannah'>><<goto [[Part5Hannah1]]>><</if>> <</link>> <<else>> <<if $JobWebModelSide>>[[For now, you have to go to also work as a Web Model.|JobWebModel3]]<</if>> <<if $JobCallGirlSide>>[[For now, you have to go to also work as a Call Girl.|JobCall1]]<</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><<set $CheatedJosh += 1>><<set $HideJobJosh = 1>><</if>> <h1><<print "Gym">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Most days between late nights studying and training all day, you are too exhausted to think about dating, or sex, or even masturbating.">> <<print "You are usually asleep before your head hits the pillow.">> <img src="Part3/JobAthlete4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "But you’re locked in your belt except when you’re with your coach. At least tasting each guys cum as your take in the musky odor of his recent workout helps take the hunger away...">> [[Just a bit. You know it will return soon.|AthleteChastity]] <<achievement>>train<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Gym">></h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Each day your coach unlocks your belt for practice or to compete, but each day he has you lock it back on before you leave. Thinking the belt was your idea, he says he understand your desire to keep yourself focused, body and mind, on your training. Usually you are too tired at the end of the day to think about sex anyway, but still your need builds a bit more each day. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When your need overwhelms you, you begin to beg him to let you masturbate. He doesn’t, but he makes you an offer. You’ll need to train hard for the next several months. And then you’ll need to compete well at the big competition. If you do, then he’ll leave you alone in his office, unbelted, for a whole hour. <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> <br><br> When you explain your 'condition' and that you can't get off from masturbating, you are wondering, or even hoping, that he's going to volunteer to help you instead. You know the coach they fired would have. He doesn't do that, but he does have another option for you. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> <video src="Part3/JobAthlete9.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<else>> <video src="Part3/JobAthlete5.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Later, as you stagger out of <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> the fitness center's massage room <<else>> his office <</if>> with your belt secured once again, he tells you he’s decided to offer the same deal for you again. He brushes off your requests to be out of the belt for good. "I know you aren't thinking clearly after an hour in there. I know if you were, you wouldn't want to give up what's shown to be an excellent training incentive for you. Of course, I'm not going to let you do that." The key goes back into his pocket without unlocking you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Go have some fun. Relax for a few days, then we'll start training again. And if you do as well at the competition four months from now, as you did this time, we can do this again then." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$JobWebModelSide and !$JobCallGirlSide>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>> <<print "You wonder whether you should ">> [[tell Josh about what happened,|Part5JoshFWB]] <<print "or keep it a secret from him and ">> [[spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]] <<else>> [[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]] <</if>> <<else>> <<if $JobWebModelSide>>[[For now, you have to go to also work as a Web Model.|JobWebModel4]]<</if>> <<if $JobCallGirlSide>>[[For now, you have to go to also work as a Call Girl.|JobCall3]]<</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete', vaginal: true})>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><<set $CheatedJosh += 1>><<set $HideJobJosh = 1>><</if>> <h1><<print "Gym">></h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> <img src="Part3/JobAthlete6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <p/> <<unset $CampusMinistry>> <<set $CampusMinistryFail to 1>> You can't take it anymore and finally snap one day. A group of male athletes walk past you on their way to the showers. The smell of them is so intense after the workout they just finished, it overpowers you. You can't help yourself and follow them into their locker room. <br><br> They don't take much convincing to give you exactly what you've been needing. <br><br> Faith is disapointed when you let her know that you've given up on their plan to help you. You can only imagine what she'd say if you'd told her the details about why. You're too ashamed to see Pastor Mark again, but she lets him know and he wishes you the best and hopes you continue with your music at least. <<else>> Most days between late nights studying and training all day, you are too exhausted to think about dating, or sex, or even masturbating. You are usually asleep before your head hits the pillow. <br><br> <img src="Part3/JobAthlete6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <br><br> But... then there’s days where you can smell the guys working out nearby. All you can think about is how wonderful a good fuck would feel. Thankfully, the guys are always willing to accommodate. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$JobWebModelSide and !$JobCallGirlSide>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>> <<print "You wonder whether you should ">> [[tell Josh about what happened,|Part5JoshFWB]] <<print "or keep it a secret from him and ">> [[spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]] <<else>> [[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]] <</if>> <<else>> <<if $JobWebModelSide>>[[For now, you have to go to also work as a Web Model.|JobWebModel4]]<</if>> <<if $JobCallGirlSide>>[[For now, you have to go to also work as a Call Girl.|JobCall3]]<</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<achievement>>train<</achievement>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'Masseuse'})>> <h1><<print "Fitness Center">></h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> <<unset $CampusMinistry>> <<set $CampusMinistryFail to 1>> You know you should stop her, but even her soft touch on your thigh felt so good, you just can't, and you let your legs part again. “How long has it been?”, she asks as her fingers graze across your lips. <br><br> <video src="Part3/JobAthlete7.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <br><br> “Forever”, comes out in ragged breaths. She keeps her skilled hands slick with the lube at her side as she continues to work your body, inside and out. Soon your screams are echoing through the tiny room. “Oh, god! Thank you.”, you manage to say when you catch your breath. "Why didn't I come here sooner?", you asks yourself. <br><br> “You’re very welcome.”, she replies. “We are here for all the athletes, stop by whenever you need to. If you ever want one of the guys instead, be sure to let them know if you’re not on birth control and they’ll wear a condom. We don’t want one of our top athletes getting pregnant in the middle of the season.” Her hand slides across your bare mons and asks, “Are you ready for another?” <br><br> Faith is disapointed when you let her know that you've given up on their plan to help you. You can only imagine what she'd say if you'd told her the details about why. You're too ashamed to see Pastor Mark again, but she lets him know and he wishes you the best and hopes you continue with your music at least. <<else>> Your coach says he can see the stress of training so hard is starting to get to you and tells you to go get a massage at the fitness center. You think it might be awkward with a guy giving your massage, so you request a woman. As you lie naked on the bench, she works the aches and pains from your overused muscles. <br><br> As her hand brushes across your inner thigh, you moan and your legs instinctively part. You’re instantly mortified and move your legs together, but she tries to sooth you. “It’s ok.”, she says as her hand works further and further up your thigh and you let your legs part again. “How long has it been?”, she asks as her fingers graze across your lips. <br><br> <video src="Part3/JobAthlete7.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <br><br> “Too long”, comes out in ragged breaths. She keeps her skilled hands slick with the lube at her side as she continues to work your body, inside and out. Soon your screams are echoing through the tiny room. “Oh, god! Thank you.”, you manage to say when you catch your breath. <br><br> “You’re very welcome.”, she replies. “We are here for all the athletes, stop by whenever you need to. If you ever want one of the guys instead, be sure to let them know if you’re not on birth control and they’ll wear a condom. We don’t want one of our top athletes getting pregnant in the middle of the season.” Her hand slides across your bare mons and asks, “Are you ready for another?” <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$JobWebModelSide and !$JobCallGirlSide>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>> <<print "You wonder whether you should ">> [[tell Josh about what happened,|JobAthleteReliefJosh]] <<print "or keep it a secret from him and ">> [[spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]] <<else>> [[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]] <</if>> <<else>> <<if $JobWebModelSide>>[[For now, you have to go to also work as a Web Model.|JobWebModel4]]<</if>> <<if $JobCallGirlSide>>[[For now, you have to go to also work as a Call Girl.|JobCall3]]<</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>><h1><<print "Chearleaders “A” Squad">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You quickly become acquainted with Veronica, the squad leader. She looks you over and starts pointing out what she sees as flaws with your appearance, starting with you hair, then your makeup, and working her way down. You are are almost in tears when she’s done.">> <img src="Part3/JobCheerleader2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "She doesn’t have the power to kick you of the squad, but you’re not sure if you want to make her your enemy either.">> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>>[[You can pull yourself together,|JobCheerleaderBitch]]<<print " tell her to stop being such a bitch and worry about that giant pimple on her forehead instead. Or, ">><</if>>[[You can burst into tears,|JobCheerleaderNice1]]<<print " tell her you weren’t allowed to wear makeup growing up and ask her to help you.">><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Chearleaders “D” Squad">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "In addition to cheering, you’ll also be expected to attend private fundraising events with the athletic department’s top contributors - in your skimpy cheerleading uniform. Eye candy for horny old men, you assume.">> <img src="Part3/JobCheerleader3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "But it quickly becomes clear that you’ll be expected to flirt with them, act like you’re interested in him if one of them hits on you, and accompany him back to his hotel if he asks.">> <<print "They keep talking about how important you role is to the athletic programs and how grateful they are to have you on the squad.">> <<nobr>> <<print "At the first practice, everyone is chanting “Give me a ‘D’!... D Squad!”. ">> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> [[The thought of being unlocked for your ‘fundraising’ entices you to stay.|JobCheerleaderFundraiser1]] <<else>> [[You can join in,|JobCheerleaderFundraiser1]] <<print " or you can get up and leave.">> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<if !$PlayerChastityBelt>> <<print "If you leave, most of the other jobs have filled already, ">><<link "go back and take the job your mentor was offering.">> <<set $JobCheerleader = 0>> <<if $JobWebModelSide>> <<set $JobWebModelSide = 0>> <<set $JobWebModel = 1>> <<goto [[JobWebModel3]]>> <</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Emily'>> <<set $JobOffice = 1>> <<goto [[JobOffice1]]>> <</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Hannah'>> <<set $JobCallGirl = 1>> <<set $JobCallGirlSide = 0>> <<goto [[JobCall1]]>> <</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Faith'>> <<set $JobBarista = 1>> <<goto [[JobBarista1]]>> <</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Samantha'>> <<set $JobBartender = 1>> <<goto [[JobBar1]]>> <</if>> <</link>> <</if>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Football Player', vaginal: true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Football Player', vaginal: true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Football Player', vaginal: true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Football Player', vaginal: true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Football Player', vaginal: true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Football Player', vaginal: true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Football Player', vaginal: true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Football Player', vaginal: true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Football Player', vaginal: true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Football Player', vaginal: true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Football Player', vaginal: true, repeat:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Football Player', vaginal: true, repeat:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Football Player', vaginal: true, repeat:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Football Player', vaginal: true, repeat:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Football Player', vaginal: true, repeat:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <h1><<print "Chearleaders Hazing">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Veronica storms off after you give her some of her own treatment.">> <<print "But you realize you may have made a mistake when her and two of her minions tackle you outside after practice. Before you can do anything they’ve pulled you behind some bushes and have you stripped and staked out spread-eagle on the ground.">> <video src="Part3/JobCheerleader4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "“Normally, for their hazing, new girls just have to fuck one of the football players, back at his dorm.”, she tells you. They usually love it, some of them even start dating afterwards.">> <<print "“But I told the team you’re special. I told them you’re a horny little slut that begged to be tied up and fucked by the whole team.”. She keeps talking as you try and fail to keep her from putting a ball gag in your mouth. ">> <<print "“I told them to ignore your struggles, that’s part of your fantasy. Don’t worry though. They know to stop right away if you give them your safeword signal.” She laughs as she’s walking away.">> <<print "“It’s too bad, you have no idea what I told them your signal is, isn’t it?”">> <<nobr>> <<print "When you are finally done, you ">> <<if !$JobWebModelSide and !$JobCallGirlSide>> <<link "decide to spend some time in your dormitory.">> <<if $Mentor == 'Emily'>><<goto [[Part5Emily1]]>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Samantha'>><<goto [[Part5Samantha1]]>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Faith'>><<goto [[Part5Faith1]]>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Olivia'>><<goto [[Part5Olivia1]]>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Hannah'>><<goto [[Part5Hannah1]]>><</if>> <</link>> <<else>> <<if $JobWebModelSide>>[[have to go to also work as a Web Model.|JobWebModel3]]<</if>> <<if $JobCallGirlSide>>[[you have to go to also work as a Call Girl.|JobCall1]]<</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<achievement>>train<</achievement>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <h1><<print "Chearleaders Hazing">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "As soon as you start crying and telling her about your sheltered upbringing, Veronica softens. She apologizes for coming off so mean. She really thinks you are very attractive, and she was just jealous. She says she’d be glad to help you learn.">> <<print "You thought you were on good terms with her, so you’re shocked when her and two other girls tackle you after practice.">> <<print "“I may like you.”, she says, “but you’re still new here and have a hazing coming. But I’ll take care of yours myself instead of leaving it to one of the football players.”">> <video src="Part3/JobCheerleader5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="444"></video> <<print "The three of them hold you while Veronica mercilessly works over you clit with her high-powered vibrator. It isn’t long before the sounds of your orgasm is echoing through the locker room. But she doesn’t stop, she keeps going pushing you to orgasm after orgasm.">> <<print "When she finally thinks you’ve had enough, she turns off the vibe. “Still friends?”, she asks. You don’t have the strength to speak yet, so you nod “yes”.">> <<nobr>> <<if $JobWebModelSide>>[[For now, you have to go to also work as a Web Model.|JobWebModel3]]<</if>> <<if $JobCallGirlSide>>[[For now, you have to go to also work as a Call Girl.|JobCall1]]<</if>> <<if !$JobWebModelSide and !$JobCallGirlSide>>[[Continue Chearleaders practice.|JobCheerleaderNice2]]<</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.startDating('Veronica')>> <h1><<print "Cheerleaders - Veronica">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "When you find out that, other than you, Veronica is the only other cheerleader on your squad that hasn’t slept with one of the football players yet. Not even for the hazing. You’re pretty sure why, but you wait until the two of you are alone at her house to find out for sure.">> <<print "After you confess your attraction to her, she tells you she feels the same way. Your afternoon ’make-over session’ quickly turns into a ‘make-out session’. ">><<if $PlayerChastityBelt>><<print "As you’re in chastity, then the pleasure most days together is one sided, but she does her best to sneak in an orgasm occasionally for you in the shower after practice sometimes. when no one is around.">><</if>> <video src="Part3/JobCheerleader6.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "You and Veronica soon start dating secretly. But eventually you both decide to stop hiding it, and come out as a couple to the squad. They are all very excited for you both.">> <<print "You vow to yourself that no matter what ‘side-effects’ this X-Change might throw at you, you are going to channel all the desires it gives you into ">><<if $PlayerChastityBelt>>[[your relationship with Veronica.|Part5Veronica1]]<<else>>[[your relationship with Veronica.|Part5Veronica2]]<</if>><<if $JobCallGirlSide>><<set $JobCallGirlSide = 0>><<print " You also decide to stop working as a call girl.">><</if>><<nobr>> <<set $JobCheerleader = 0>> <<set $JobCheerleaderFundraiser = 1>> <h1><<print "Chearleaders “Fundraising”">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "At this fundraiser, instead of your cheerleading outfits, you are all wearing more formal dresses and dancing with the old men that help fund the university. Well, some aren't as old as the others. When they see one in particular looking at you, your squad members tell you he’s one of the top donors. Not just for the squad, but also several other departments on campus. You resolve to do your best to make his night enjoyable.">> <video src="Part3/JobCheerleader7.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "When you get to his hotel room, you begin to strip, ready to give him a night to remember. But he stops you. He wraps ropes around your breasts and binds your arms behind you. He then leads you back. out to his suite’s dining table and helps you sit down. A few moments later there is a knock at the door.">> <<print "He tells you not to try to cover yourself as room service pushes a tray in. “Don’t worry, Tony here doesn’t mind seeing a pretty girl naked, do you Tony?”, he says. Clearly this is not the first time Tony has been here for a night like this. Tony hands him a tray with small pieces of fruit from the cart, ">>[[and positions himself behind you out of sight.|JobCheerleaderFundraiser2]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'University Donor'})>> <h1><<print "Chearleaders “Fundraising”">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "With your hands still bound, the man begins to feed you the fruit. As soon as the first bite is in your mouth, you feel Tony’s hand between your other lips, gently stroking you. The man just smiles as he fetches another piece of fruit. Your mind is soon a blur of sensations, but he makes sure Tony backs off on his touch whenever you feel an orgasm approaching.">> <video src="Part3/JobCheerleader8.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "Finally, when the small tray is empty, he hands Tony an extremely large tip, and the two of you are alone again. As he seats you on the edge of the bed, still bound, and begins to strip, you know what he wants you to do.">> <<print "You take his cock into your mouth, letting it’s taste mix with the flavor of the fruit that still lingers on your tongue. As you feel his hardness in your mouth, you want him to push you back onto the bed and ">>[[fuck you with your hands still tied behind you.|JobCheerleaderFundraiser3]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'University Donor', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'University Donor', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'University Donor', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Tony', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Tony', vaginal: true})>> <h1><<print "Chearleaders “Fundraising”">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Instead he lifts you up and lies back on the bed himself. He places you on his lap and then you lower yourself onto his cock. Its hard to balance yourself, but his hands on your ass help to steady you until you adjust. ">> <video src="Part3/JobCheerleader9.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "You ride him until you finally cum. When you stop riding, he rolls you over onto your back and fucks you through your orgasm until he cums too.">> <<print "He unites your arms and sends you go to the bathroom to clean up a it. You clean the bits of fruit and precum from your face, and the cum oozing between your legs.">> <<print "You head back out expecting to spend the rest of the evening with him. But it seems he is done with you tonight. He has your clothes gathered together for you with several hundred dollar bills resting on top. “Those are for you, of course”, he says. “Be sure to stop by and visit Tony downstairs on your way out. I have an important meeting in the morning, so I told him he could have you for the rest of the night. He was such a good sport earlier.”">> <<nobr>> <<if !$JobWebModelSide and !$JobCallGirlSide>> <<link "Spend some time in your dormitory.">> <<if $Mentor == 'Emily'>><<goto [[Part5Emily1]]>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Samantha'>><<goto [[Part5Samantha1]]>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Faith'>><<goto [[Part5Faith1]]>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Olivia'>><<goto [[Part5Olivia1]]>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Hannah'>><<goto [[Part5Hannah1]]>><</if>> <</link>> <<else>> <<if $JobWebModelSide>>[[Next, you have to go to also work as a Web Model.|JobWebModel3]]<</if>> <<if $JobCallGirlSide>>[[Next, you have to go to also work as a Call Girl.|JobCall1]]<</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $JobFitness = 0>> <<set $JobFitnessYoga = 1>> <<set setup.addInventory('tools', 'yoga mat')>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'yoga pants')>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'sports bra')>> <h1><<print "Yoga Class">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You’d been struggling with enrollment in your yoga classes. All of the female athletes already had their favorite instructors, so they weren’t signing up for your class. And the male athletes were so focused on strength training that it was hard to convince them to take an interest in yoga. You were starting to worry that your job would be cut and you’d be unemployed. But then you had an idea.">> <<print "You came up the idea for ‘natural yoga’. You tried to act like it was some ancient, pure form of yoga, but really it was just a way to get the guys to finally sign up for your classes. Your boss didn’t care as long as the athletes were happy.">> <img src="Part3/JobFitness2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "You had hoped the guys would go ‘natural’ too, but they didn’t want to see each other naked, so you had to settle for shirtless and gym shorts for them.">> <<nobr>> <<print "The mat directly facing yours was always the most sought after, so you started using that as an incentive to get the guys to ">> [[try the poses too instead of just watching you the whole hour.|JobFitnessYoga2]] <<if !$PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist = 1>> <<print " You definetly feel that you have started to enjoy being naked in public.">> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete (massage client)', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete (massage client)'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete (massage client)', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete (massage client)', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete (massage client)'})>> <<set $JobFitness = 0>> <<set $JobFitnessMassage = 1>> <<set setup.addInventory('tools', 'massage oils')>> <h1><<print "Fitness Center - Massage Room">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Our athletes work hard every day staying in shape. Sometimes they need a nice massage to work out those aches and pains from their sore muscles. But that’s not usually why they come to see you.">> <<print "Maybe they’re too busy to find someone. Maybe they have a girlfriend back home somewhere. Or maybe they have one right here on campus. It doesn’t matter to you. They just need someone else to do the work for a change.">> <video src="Part3/JobFitness4b.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "You let them lie back and enjoy the view. Most love it the most when you ride reverse. Then they can stare at your ass while they watch their cock slide in and out of you. They always grab your ass near the end though. They want to go deep when they cum. And maybe they’re worried you might pull away at the end. But you never would.">> <<nobr>> <<print "After that, you ">> <<nobr>> <<if $JobWebModelSide>>[[have to go to also work as a Web Model.|JobWebModel3]]<</if>> <<if $JobCallGirlSide>>[[have to go to also work as a Call Girl.|JobCall1]]<</if>> <<if !$JobWebModelSide and !$JobCallGirlSide>> <<link "decide to spend some time in your dormitory.">> <<if $Mentor == 'Emily'>><<goto [[Part5Emily1]]>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Samantha'>><<goto [[Part5Samantha1]]>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Faith'>><<goto [[Part5Faith1]]>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Olivia'>><<goto [[Part5Olivia1]]>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Hannah'>><<goto [[Part5Hannah1]]>><</if>> <</link>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete (yoga)', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete (yoga)', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete (yoga)', vaginal: true})>> <h1><<print "Yoga Class">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Posing nude in front of all those muscular athletes, and seeing their erections straining against their gym shorts, it got you so turned on every class. And you couldn’t even hide your arousal. You knew the guy at the closest mat could see just how wet you were, especially when your ass was up in the air, and your wet lips were glistening directly in front of him.">> <<print "The fact that all you could think about was him taking you right here in front of everyone, certainly didn’t help any.">> <video src="Part3/JobFitness3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "At the end of the class, you asked him to stay after class to work on a few ‘advanced poses’. Now the guys are even more eager to work hard during class so they can get the best mat for class next time, and the 1-on-1 attention after class that comes with it.">> <<nobr>> <<print "After that, you ">> <<nobr>> <<if $JobWebModelSide>>[[have to go to also work as a Web Model.|JobWebModel3]]<</if>> <<if $JobCallGirlSide>>[[have to go to also work as a Call Girl.|JobCall1]]<</if>> <<if !$JobWebModelSide and !$JobCallGirlSide>> <<link "decide to spend some time in your dormitory.">> <<if $Mentor == 'Emily'>><<goto [[Part5Emily1]]>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Samantha'>><<goto [[Part5Samantha1]]>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Faith'>><<goto [[Part5Faith1]]>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Olivia'>><<goto [[Part5Olivia1]]>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Hannah'>><<goto [[Part5Hannah1]]>><</if>> <</link>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete (massage client)'})>> <h1><<print "Fitness Centre">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Sometimes, they really are wanting a massage. If that’s the case, you can spend almost their whole time with working away their aches and pains. The tables are well designed to make sure that it won’t get uncomfortable for them if their body enjoys it more than they expected.">> <video src="Part3/JobFitness5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "Of course, you’d never make them leave like that. You keep a close eye on when the time is running low so you can be sure you have time to work every inch of their body before they go. You always make sure they leave the session happy and satisfied.">> <<print "You, on the other hand, are so horny at the end of these sessions. You always hope the next one wants something more. You usually aren’t disappointed.">> <<nobr>> <<if !$JobWebModelSide and !$JobCallGirlSide>> [[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]] <<else>> <<if $JobWebModelSide>>[[For now, you have to go to also work as a Web Model.|JobWebModel4]]<</if>> <<if $JobCallGirlSide>>[[For now, you have to go to also work as a Call Girl.|JobCall3]]<</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'Athlete (massage client)'})>> <h1><<print "Fitness Centre">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Not all of our athletes are male, of course. And you love taking care of our female athletes too. Seeing the pleasure wash over her tired body always makes you so happy. And, unlike the poor guys, she is usually ready for another, and another, ...">> <video src="Part3/JobFitness6.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<if $JobCallGirl or $JobCallGirlSide>>[[You have to work as a call girl.|JobCall4]] <<else>><<if $JobPornOral or $JobPornOralSide>>[[You have to film another porn movie.|JobPornOral2]] <<else>><<if $JobPornGang or $JobPornGangSide>>[[You have to film another porn movie.|JobPornGang2]] <<else>>[[You join a study group.|Part6StudyGroup]] <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Campus Library">></h1> <img src="Part3/JobLibrary2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $FatherSettings>> Your father thinks you have the most innocent job in the world. And your actual job duties are. But each <<else>> Each <</if>> day you try to push your wardrobe a bit more. You love seeing guys getting flustered when they talk to you, or if you happen to see them staring from across the room. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your boss, on the other hand seems to be getting close to his limit.[[So you wonder if you need to tone it down or risk losing your job.|JobLibrary3]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Library Boss'})>> <h1><<print "Campus Library - Boss Office">></h1> <<set setup.addInventory('tools', 'library key')>> <<print "You decide making your wardrobe more boring wouldn’t be much fun.">> <</nobr>> <<print "Thankfully, you and your boss are able to come to another agreement.">> <img src="Part3/JobLibrary3.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "You’re sure he’s not going to fire you for your clothes now. You’ll probably want to stop by his office every now and then to renew your agreement with him.">> <<nobr>> <<print "He even gives you a copy of the library’s keys ">> <<if !$JobWebModelSide and !$JobCallGirlSide>> <<link "so you can come in after-hours to do some of your work then, away from prying eyes, if you want.">> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<goto [[JobLibraryRestricted]]>> <<else>> <<goto [[JobLibrary4]]>> <</if>> <</link>> <<else>> <<print "so you can come in after-hours to do some of your work then, away from prying eyes, if you want.">> <</if>> <</nobr>><<if $JobWebModelSide>><br><br>[[For now, you have to go to also work as a Web Model.|JobWebModel3]]<</if>><<if $JobCallGirlSide>><br><br>[[For now, you have to go to also work as a Call Girl.|JobCall1]]<</if>><<nobr>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>><<set $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist = 1>><</if>> <h1><<print "Campus Library">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "It’s just you there after hours, well except for the occasional maintenance worker, but they don’t seem to mind. You decide there’s no reason you need to wear anything at work after the library closes">> <img src="Part3/JobLibrary5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "You love the freedom of walking through the stacks completely naked.">> <<print "And the thrill of knowing if anyone happens to be walking by the library at 11 pm, and glances up at the big glass wall, they’ll see a beautiful, naked librarian pushing a cart of books.">> <<nobr>> <<link "Spend time in your dormitory.">> <<if $Mentor == 'Emily'>><<goto [[Part5Emily1]]>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Samantha'>><<goto [[Part5Samantha1]]>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Faith'>><<goto [[Part5Faith1]]>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Olivia'>><<goto [[Part5Olivia1]]>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Hannah'>><<goto [[Part5Hannah1]]>><</if>> <</link>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<unset $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<unset $Keyholder>> <<set $OliviaChastityBelt = 1>> <<set setup.removeInventory('sex toys', 'chastity belt')>> <h1><<print "Campus Library - Restricted Section">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Much to your happiness, your job gives you access to the some sections of the library a normal student wouldn’t be allowed in to.">> <<print "One section in particular catches your interest.">> <img src="Part3/JobLibrary4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "It takes you a while, but you’re eventually able to get the belt off once and for all.">> <<print "Olivia will be asleep by the time you get home from work. You’ll lock it on her then.">> <<print "You hope her master decides to punish her when she shows up wearing it instead of you.">> [[Spend more time in the Library.|JobLibrary4]]<<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Josh', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Josh', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Josh', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Josh', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Josh', vaginal:true})>> <<else>> <<if setup.isGoldStarLesbian()>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'girl at the library'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'girl at the library'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'girl at the library'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'girl at the library'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'girl at the library'})>> <<else>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'guy at the library', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'guy at the library', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'guy at the library', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'guy at the library', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'guy at the library', vaginal:true})>> <</if>> <</if>> <h1><<print "Library">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Working at the library, you know all the rarely visited corners, where two people could grab a moment alone and not get caught... probably.">> <<if setup.isGoldStarLesbian()>><img src="Part3/JobLibrary8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"><<else>><video src="Part3/JobLibrary6.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video><</if>> <<nobr>> <<print "Even when you’re not working, you still like to visit the library sometimes. ">> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>> <<print "You love calling Josh over and taking him to one of those spots.">> <<else>> <<if setup.isGoldStarLesbian()>> <<print "You love finding a girl and taking her to one of those spots. Of course, you could have her take you back to her dorm, or maybe yours, but that would be boring.">> <<else>> <<print "You love finding a guy and taking him to one of those spots. Of course, you could have him take you back to his dorm, or maybe yours, but that would be boring.">> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<print "It’s more exciting knowing that the two of you could get caught at any moment. And it’s fun struggling to stay quiet as you cum.">> <<nobr>> <<if !$JobWebModelSide and !$JobCallGirlSide>> [[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]] <<else>> <<if $JobWebModelSide>>[[For now, you have to go to also work as a Web Model.|JobWebModel4]]<</if>> <<if $JobCallGirlSide>>[[For now, you have to go to also work as a Call Girl.|JobCall3]]<</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $AcademicPoints += 2>> <<set $FunPoints += 0>> <h1><<print "Campus Library">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Maybe it’s from having so many orgasms, with the smell of a shelf of books in your face, or maybe it’s just how horny you are now.">> <img src="Part3/JobLibrary7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "But now, when you read, you frequently begin stroking yourself without even realizing it. By the time you realize you’ve been doing it, you usually have to put the book down, and finish what you’ve started.">> <<print "When you’re done, you always have to back up a few pages when you pick the book up again.">> <<nobr>> <<if $JobCallGirl or $JobCallGirlSide>>[[You have to work as a call girl.|JobCall4]] <<else>><<if $JobPornOral or $JobPornOralSide>>[[You have to film another porn movie.|JobPornOral2]] <<else>><<if $JobPornGang or $JobPornGangSide>>[[You have to film another porn movie.|JobPornGang2]] <<else>>[[You join a study group.|Part6StudyGroup]] <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'Engineering Subject'})>> <<set setup.addInventory('tools', 'engineering toolbox')>> <<set setup.addInventory('tools', 'engineering projects')>> <h1><<print "Engineering Department">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Your favorite test group to administer is always the forced orgasm group. You love the need, the begging of “please, don’t stop” as they get closer to their orgasm. You love even more the frantic squirming and begging of “please, stop - it’s too much” that comes after their first orgasm, when they realize you don’t plan on letting up at all.">> <video src="Part3/JobEngineer2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<if $JobWebModelSide>>[[For now, you have to go to also work as a Web Model.|JobWebModel3]]<</if>> <<if $JobCallGirlSide>>[[For now, you have to go to also work as a Call Girl.|JobCall1]]<</if>> <<if !$JobWebModelSide and !$JobCallGirlSide>>[[Continue testing.|JobEngineer3]]<</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Engineering Department">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You feel so helpless and vulnerable as you wait for your first test. You don’t even know what it’s going to be. Are they planning on teasing you until you can’t stand it but not letting you cum? Are they going to let you cum but then make you cum again and again afterwards? Or, you hope, are they going to do something in between, and just record every detail of your orgasm with their machines?">> <<print "You don’t even know who’s going to be doing the tests. One of the many guys you saw, or that beautiful woman engineer? You imagine what one the male engineer might do to you when he comes in and you are helpless like this. He could forget about the tests, and just fuck you and you couldn’t stop him, or even make a sound.">> <img src="Part3/JobEngineer6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640"> <<print "You don’t hear them talking outside the room: “Look how aroused Subject 391 is already, and you haven’t even started yet.”">> <<print "“Yeah, this is going to be a fun one I think. See you in a couple hours...”">> <<nobr>> <<print "After you finish, ">> <<if !$JobWebModelSide and !$JobCallGirlSide>> <<link "you spend some time in your dormitory.">> <<if $Mentor == 'Emily'>><<goto [[Part5Emily1]]>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Samantha'>><<goto [[Part5Samantha1]]>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Faith'>><<goto [[Part5Faith1]]>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Olivia'>><<goto [[Part5Olivia1]]>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Hannah'>><<goto [[Part5Hannah1]]>><</if>> <</link>> <<else>> <<if $JobWebModelSide>>[[you have to go to also work as a Web Model.|JobWebModel3]]<</if>> <<if $JobCallGirlSide>>[[you have to go to also work as a Call Girl.|JobCall1]]<</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Engineering Department">></h1> Since you are one of the few women on the team, you get to test much of the new equipment before it’s tried on the subjects. <<if $Keyholder == "Robert">> <<unset $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<unset $Keyholder>> <br><br> Olivia’s master reluctantly agrees to release you from the belt, since you have to test the devices away from the lab as well. He lets you keep the belt and the keys. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part3/JobEngineer3.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You get to see what works well, what doesn’t, and help the team make improvements before it’s tried out for real. You record every session for later analysis. You love seeing the effect watching the recordings later has on your male coworkers. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You especially love to taunt Kyle. He's leading a team on some special project, and always thinks he's better than everyone else. You like taking him down a notch sometimes. "The only thing my 'rocker' is missing is something for my mouth. It'd be great to have a nice, hard cock to wrap my lips around while I rode it." When you see him shift uncomfortably as his erection strains against his jeans, you smile and walk away. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> While you can get a good idea of what will work during your experiments, you can't get off playing with your creations by yourself. It sure feels good though. When you are left incredibly horny at the end of one of your equipment tests, you know you are on the right track. <<else>> After a while though, it seems to get harder and harder to get off with some of the equipment - or even just masturbating. You make a visit to the health center, and after some tests they let you know that all of the masturbation you’ve been doing for work (and otherwise) has activated some latent side-effect of your X-Change. You can still orgasm as well as you could before, but just not with you in control. <<set $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock = 1>> <br><br> <i>You are no longer able to orgasm from masturbation.</i> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<link "Spend time in your dormitory.">> <<if $Mentor == 'Emily'>><<goto [[Part5Emily1]]>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Samantha'>><<goto [[Part5Samantha1]]>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Faith'>><<goto [[Part5Faith1]]>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Olivia'>><<goto [[Part5Olivia1]]>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Hannah'>><<goto [[Part5Hannah1]]>><</if>> <</link>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Kyle'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Engineering Coworker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Engineering Coworker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Engineering Coworker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Engineering Coworker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Engineering Coworker'})>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><<set $CheatedJosh += 1>><<set $HideJobJosh = 1>><</if>> <h1><<print "Engineering Department">></h1> The new equipment still needs to be tested. And instead of letting the other woman on the team get all the fun, you come up with another way. If you are locked in, and someone else is controlling the machine, it works fine on you. <</nobr>> <video src="Part3/JobEngineer4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> Your male coworkers soon find that you are quite horny and very willing to negotiate when you’re bound, helpless, and desperate for them to leave the machine on long enough to let you orgasm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Kyle usually makes sure to be at the front of the line when he knows you are going to be helpless and willing to do anything. He's always more forceful than the other guys, more than happy to fuck your throat until you gag, or slap your tits or clit until you cry out in pain. You'd regret teasing him as much you do, if you didn't love being treated like that when you are bound. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And your fellow engineers also find you are even more willing to do what they want later, when you want them to turn off the machine after you cum. Though, after they've gotten off, sometimes they prefer to just watch you struggle for a while as you are forced to cum again and again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$JobWebModelSide and !$JobCallGirlSide>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>> <<print "You wonder whether you should ">> [[tell Josh about what happened,|JobEngineerJosh]] <<print "or keep it a secret from him and ">> [[spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]] <<else>> [[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]] <</if>> <<else>> <<if $JobWebModelSide>>[[For now, you have to go to also work as a Web Model.|JobWebModel4]]<</if>> <<if $JobCallGirlSide>>[[For now, you have to go to also work as a Call Girl.|JobCall3]]<</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Engineering Department">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "This devices is entirely your own creation. The computer system controls when you are released, when you are teased, when you are allowed to cum, and when you are forced to. Once you press the lock button on the remote, you are powerless.">> <<print "You try just setting it on a preset tease then orgasm program, but your side-effect keeps it from work right on you. You think about experimenting with creating an AI “master” to have full control instead. You wonder if that would defeat this damn X-Change side effect. You might add that later, once you’ve had a few AI classes. But for now, you have another solution.">> <video src="Part3/JobEngineer5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "Instead you set up a webcam pointing at you and a website where random strangers can watch you and take turns controlling the toys you add to your machine. At first it’s just a vibrator that they can use to tease, pleasure, or torment you as they wish. But your mind fills with ideas for other attachments you could add over time.">> <<print "And you won’t be released until they get bored, and no one takes control for 15 minutes. A second after you press the lock button you wonder if maybe setting a maximum time might have been a good idea, just in case.">> <<nobr>> <<if $JobCallGirl or $JobCallGirlSide>>[[You have to work as a call girl.|JobCall4]] <<else>><<if $JobPornOral or $JobPornOralSide>>[[You have to film another porn movie.|JobPornOral2]] <<else>><<if $JobPornGang or $JobPornGangSide>>[[You have to film another porn movie.|JobPornGang2]] <<else>>[[You join a study group.|Part6StudyGroup]] <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Engineering Department">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You don’t like the weeks where you get assigned to the denial tests. Those weeks, they build up your pleasure until you almost cum, and then their machines stop before you do. And then it repeats, again and again, for hours. Your begging them, offering your anything you can think of, for just a little more stimulation.">> <video src="Part3/JobEngineer7.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "But as your orgasm washes over you, you are thankful this isn’t one of those weeks.">> <<nobr>> <<if !$JobWebModelSide and !$JobCallGirlSide>> [[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]] <<else>> <<if $JobWebModelSide>>[[For now, you have to go to also work as a Web Model.|JobWebModel4]]<</if>> <<if $JobCallGirlSide>>[[For now, you have to go to also work as a Call Girl.|JobCall3]]<</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Engineering Department">></h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part3/JobEngineer8.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<if $SubjectOrgasmDenialGoo>> The orgasm denial punishment you received at your previous session still prevents you from orgasming. You are assigned duty as a lab assistant until the punishment wears off and you can orgasm again. <br><br> That consists of getting the machines or restraints ready before the tests and locating whatever equipment the person performing the test needs. <br><br> This session you can't help but watch on with envy as he forces this subject to come over and over and over again. She's begging for him to stop now, but you'd trade places with her in a second for the change to orgasm again today. <br><br> Of course, assisting also means mopping up afterwards the mess she makes on the floor during the session. <<else>> They have a third type of test group you’ve discovered. When you felt your first orgasm wash over you, you assumed this was the same as <<if $SubjectSessionNumber>> the visit before your 'special project'. <<else>> your previous visit. <</if>> <br><br> But then, he didn’t stop. He didn’t turn down the vibe. He didn’t let up at all. He just kept the vibrator on your clit. <br><br> It wasn’t long until you were straining against your bindings and finding you could do nothing to lessen the stimulation. You could only endure as you were forced to cum again, and again, and again... <<if !$PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <br><br> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive = 1>> Being bound and teased, bound and allowed an orgasm, and now, being bound and forced to cum over and over, you realize you love the lack of control. The feeling that someone else has control over your pleasure or frustration excited you. After he finally relents with the vibrator, and you are able to calm down, you realize how submissive you have become working here. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobCallGirl or $JobCallGirlSide>>[[You have to work as a call girl.|JobCall4]] <<else>><<if $JobPornOral or $JobPornOralSide>>[[You have to film another porn movie.|JobPornOral2]] <<else>><<if $JobPornGang or $JobPornGangSide>>[[You have to film another porn movie.|JobPornGang2]] <<else>>[[You join a study group.|Part6StudyGroup]] <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Barista">></h1> <<set setup.addInventory('costumes', 'barista apron')>> <</nobr>> <<print "You explain to Andrew about the misunderstanding. He’s very understanding, he comments on how Faith is always trying to play matchmaker, so he’s not really surprised.">> <<print "Despite the romantic setting, the two of you have a friendly, but professional dinner discussing the coffee shop, what it’s like to be a barista, and school. Somewhere during the conversation he makes it clear the job is yours if you want it.">> <img src="Part3/JobBarista2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "You work diligently at your new job, and decide that you made the right decision to keep work and your love life separate. ">> <<nobr>> <<if !setup.areDating('Josh')>> <<print "You also decide to work hard to keep ">>[[any desires X-Change might have given you|Part5Faith1]]<<print " from interfering with your job. But... if something happens outside of work, with one of your attractive co-workers, you don’t think that would be so bad.">> <<else>> [[You also decide to work hard|Part6Start1]]<<print " to keep any desires X-Change might have given you from interfering with your job. But... if something happens outside of work, with one of your attractive co-workers, you don’t think that would be so bad.">> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal:true})>> <h1><<print "Andrew - One Night Stand">></h1> <<set setup.addInventory('costumes', 'barista apron')>> <</nobr>> <<print "Andrew is handsome, and he seems nice, but you aren’t looking for a relationship. But you do have needs you can’t ignore. You turn his romantic, goodnight kiss into something more passionate. It isn’t long before he’s inviting you back to his apartment.">> <video src="Part3/JobBarista3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "As he fucks you to orgasm after orgasm all night, you know you made the right decision. You’ve only just got this body. There’s lots more fun you want to have before you’d even think of limiting yourself to just one person.">> <<print "You can feel Faith’s glare burn into you as you stumble into your dorm room disheveled ">>[[the next morning.|JobBaristaFun2]]<<print " But you don’t care. All you can think about was how much fun you had the night before.">><<nobr>> <<set setup.startDating('Andrew')>> <<set setup.addInventory('costumes', 'barista apron')>> <h1>Andrew - Date (Imagining)</h1> <<print "As much as you wanted to go home with him that night, you decided to wait and see where it leads. That night you thought you’d be lying in bed imagining the sex you could have had. You are, but your mind also wanders to thoughts of what a life with Andrew would be like. What your children with him would look like. You, wearing a wedding dress.">> <</nobr>> <video src="Part3/JobBarista4.mp4" height="640" autoplay loop muted></video> <<print "You wonder if this is because of the flood of new hormones you have, from listening to Faith too much, or something more. When Andrew calls the next day to set up a second date with you, Faith seems almost as happy about it as you are.">> <<print "As your relationship develops, you do your best to keep your mind on your work at your new job. Andrew, thoughtfully, seems to be making it easier by scheduling himself at different times than you.">> <<print "A few dates later, you do end up at Andrew’s apartment. The dinner he’d planned to make for you is quickly abandoned though, ">>[[as the need you both have is too much to wait.|JobBaristaRomance2]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal:true})>> <h1><<print "Andrew - Date">></h1> He’s given you several orgasms already, but when you feel him finally slide into you, you know this is what you’ve wanted. You can’t imagine why you ever waited. Nothing has felt more right than this. Another orgasm is washing over you as you see his face change and feel him cum inside you. Sometime during the next several hours, hunger eventually pulls the two of you away from the bed to finally eat, before returning and spending the rest of the night in each other’s arms. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part3/JobBarista5.mp4" height="640" autoplay loop muted></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you two make it clear that your relationship is exclusive, you vow to yourself that no matter what ‘side-effects’ this X-Change might through at you, you are going to channel [[all the desires it gives you into your relationship with Andrew.|JobBaristaRomance3]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Barista - Dating Andrew">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "A few months later, Andrew takes you to meet his parents. They seemed very nice, and seem to like you as well. His father, in particular, seems happy that Andrew has finally settled down with a ‘nice, respectable young woman’.">> <<print "His dad also promotes him to a position at the corporate office. You’re not sure if its because he’s pleased with the progress Andrew has made learning the business, or if it’s so Andrew won’t be your direct manager anymore. You suspect it’s a bit of both.">> <img src="Part3/JobBarista6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "Regardless of the reason, both you and Andrew are happy for him and his new position. Of course, some of your co-workers are still a bit less open with you, since they still think of you as the ‘bosses girlfriend’. But you’ve long since stopped caring about that. You do your job well, even if you don’t plan on making a career of it.">> <<print "The thought of careers makes you think of the two paths you could take if you end up marrying Andrew.">> <<print "You know you both eventually want kids. You could decide to stay at home to take care of them full-time. Or, you could decide to work outside the home and be a wife, a mother, and have a career.">> <<print "You and Andrew have talked enough to know that he’d be ">>[[perfectly happy with whichever you decide.|Part5Andrew]]<<print " But, of course, all that is still years away. You and Andrew still both want to finish school first.">><<nobr>> <<set $JobOffice = 0>> <<set $JobOfficePA = 1>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Paul'})>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><<set $CheatedJosh += 1>><</if>> <h1><<print "Office Oral Demonstrastion">></h1> <img src="Part3/JobOffice2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<print "You love the feel of Paul's cock as it slides into your mouth. You are still learning how to best use your ">><<if setup.haveInventory('piercings', 'tongue')>><<print "pierced ">><</if>><<print "tongue to add to his pleasure, but from his moans you know you’re doing good so far.">> <<print "It isn’t that long until you begin to feel his cock twitch in your mouth. You swallow every drop of his warm cum, and then tease his cock with your tongue as you slide his cock from your mouth.">> <<nobr>> <<if !setup.areDating('Josh')>> <<print "You didn’t get the job you were interviewing for, ">>[[but you did get hired.|Part5Emily1]]<<print " You aren’t sure what a “Personal Assistant” does exactly, but you start on Monday.">> <<else>> <<print "You didn’t get the job you were interviewing for and you weren’t planning to cheat on Josh, but you did get hired. You aren’t sure what a “Personal Assistant” does exactly, but you start on Monday.">> <<print "As there are no other jobs available, you can either ">> <<link "tell Josh about what happened and hope he'll understand,">><<goto [[JobOfficeProJosh]]>><</link>> <<print " or ">> <<link "decide to keep it a secret from him.">><<set $HideJobJosh = 1>><<goto [[JobOfficeBlowjob2]]>><</link>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $JobOffice = 0>> <<set $JobOfficeManager = 1>> <h1><<print "Office Promotion">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "When the interview is over, he offers you an entry-level position. You’re quickly learning all those programs he’d mentioned during the interview and confident you’d easily be able to get a similar job anywhere now.">> <<print "You notice he also hired a ‘personal assistant’ around the same time as you. She doesn’t actually seem to do much work, and spends a great deal of time in his office with the door closed. But it’s not your concern so you ignore it.">> <img src="Part3/JobOffice4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "Until his ‘assistant’ is away on vacation that is. He calls you in to his office and explains how he can help your career, if you just give him a little demonstration of ">><<if setup.haveInventory('piercings', 'tongue')>><<print "your tongue piercing. “I googled tongue piercings after your interview, and I’ve been wondering what yours would feel like on my cock ever since.”">><<else>><<print "your oral skills. “I’ve been watching you every day after your interview, and I’ve been wondering what your lips would feel like around my cock ever since.”">><</if>> <<print "You explain to him that it is never going to happen. But he is still going to help your career. And he’s never going try something like this again with you, or anyone else. That is, if he doesn’t want HR finding out about this meeting, and his wife finding out about his “assistant”.">> <<print "You’re very happy with the transfer and promotion he requests for you. And you love your new private office.">> <<nobr>> <<print "You have a chat with his “assistant”. She seems happy with her role, ">> <<if !setup.areDating('Josh')>>[[so you let things be there.|Part5Emily1]]<<else>>[[so you let things be there.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <<print " But you let her know to come to you if she ever has a problem with him.">> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $JobOffice = 0>> <<set $JobOfficeIntern = 1>> <h1><<print "Office Spanking">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "When the interview is over, he offers you an entry-level position. You are doing your best to pick up all the things you are supposed to learn, but the X-Change keeps you so horny all the time that it’s hard to focus sometimes.">> <<print "One slow afternoon there’s no work for you, so you are browsing the Internet. Without even thinking about the fact that you are at work, you soon find yourself staring at pictures of bound and helpless women, and imagining it’s you. You quickly close the browser when your boss walks up, but it’s too late, you’ve been caught.">> <video src="Part3/JobOffice6.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "When he calls you into his office, you’re sure you’re about to be fired. But that’s not what he says.">> <<nobr>> <<if !setup.areDating('Josh')>> <<print "“I think firing you for a first offense would be too harsh. But you do deserve to be punished. I think a spanking is the appropriate punishment for a horny little girl like you, ">>[[don’t you agree?”|Part5Emily1]] <<else>> <<print "“I think firing you for a first offense would be too harsh. But you do deserve to be punished. I think a spanking is the appropriate punishment for a horny little girl like you, don’t you agree?”">> <</if>> <</nobr>><<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><br><br><<print "Your submissive nature makes you ">>[[agree with him,|Part6Start1]]<<print " but you perhaps you should still ">>[[mention what happened to Josh.|JobOfficeProJosh]]<</if>><<nobr>> <<set setup.startDating('Paul')>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <h1><<print "Office">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You can’t type that <del>grate</del> <ins>great</ins>, you sometimes <del>mispel</del> <ins>misspell</ins> things, and you still don’t know how to use XL, or whatever, but you do love your job. You spend most of your day fetching your boss coffee, or picking up his dry cleaning, or doing work you know he’ll have to fix later. That’s the boring part of your day.">> <video src="Part3/JobOffice3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "The part you look forward to is when he tells you to lock his office door. You start getting wet the moment he says it. You know that means that soon you’ll be kneeling behind his desk with your lips around his cock. Or, he’ll be bending you over his desk and sliding his cock into you.">> <<print "As great as your quick fun at work is, you still look forward to when he finally leaves his wife. Then you can be together for real. You’ll be able to be seen with him in public, and you and him will be able to do this all night long. He say you just need to wait a little longer.">> [[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Office Coworker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Office Coworker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Office Coworker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Office Coworker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Office Coworker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Office Coworker'})>> <h1><<print "Office">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You don’t blame your old boss for getting horny at work. That happens to you too sometimes, probably more than most due to the X-Change. But trying to coerce a subordinate like your old boss did is something you’d never do. Not to mention having sex in the office.">> <<print "Thankfully, you have several coworkers that have made their interest in you clear. One even lives close enough to work to make some quick visits back to his apartment possible.">> <video src="Part3/JobOffice5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "You make it clear to him what you’re offering. Your visits together aren’t going to help his career. And they aren’t going to help his cock. He’s going to spend his lunch hour, every day, eating your pussy.">> <<if setup.haveInventory('piercings', 'tongue')>><<print "You visibly rub your piercing along your lip. ">><</if>><<print "Then you let him know, that maybe, once every few weeks, you might stop by his place after work to return the favor.">> [[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true, repeat:true})>> <h1><<print "Call Girl - First Client">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Maybe it’s how horny your X-Change makes you, but once you actually get started with your first client, you stop worrying about the fact that you are getting paid to fuck this guy. You are just enjoying sucking his cock, and then him fucking you.">> <video src="Part3/JobCall2.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "When his time is finally up with you, you are almost disappointed it’s over. You’d only scheduled one client for your first night to see how you’d do. You wash up in his bathroom and say good bye.">> <<print "On your way to the elevator, you call the service to let them know you’ve left, and to tell them it went well, and to let them know what your schedule is going to be.">> <<nobr>> <<if $JobCheerleader and setup.haveFucked('Veronica')>>[[You go for Cheerleaders practice the next day.|JobCheerleaderNice2]]<</if>> <<if $JobAthlete>>[[Spend some time in your dormitory.|Part5Hannah1]]<</if>> <<if $JobArt>>[[Pose for Ken.|JobArt5]]<</if>> <<if $JobLibrary>> <<link "You go to the Library.">> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<goto [[JobLibraryRestricted]]>> <<else>> <<goto [[JobLibrary4]]>> <</if>> <</link>> <</if>> <<if $JobEngineer>> [[You go to the engineer department.|JobEngineer3]]<</if>> <<if $JobFitnessMassage>>[[Spend some time in your dormitory.|Part5Hannah1]]<</if>> <<if $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>>[[Spend some time in your dormitory.|Part5Hannah1]]<</if>> <<if !$JobCallGirlSide>>[[Spend some time in your dormitory.|Part5Hannah1]]<</if>> <<if $JobCheerleader and !setup.haveFucked('Veronica')>>[[Spend some time in your dormitory.|Part5Hannah1]]<</if>> <<if $JobFitnessYoga>>[[Spend some time in your dormitory.|Part5Hannah1]]<</if>> <<if $JobTestSubject>>[[Spend some time in your dormitory.|Part5Hannah1]]<</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Call Girl Client'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, repeat:true})>> <h1><<print "Call Girl">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Few clients wanted to use a condom anymore. STDs were no longer a concern, and they figured pregnancy was your problem to prevent or live with. And even that wasn’t a concern if they were going to fucking your ass.">> <video src="Part3/JobCall3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "Some of the older guys still wore them, probably out of habit more than anything else.">> <<print "You didn’t really care why though, it was always a welcome surprise. It meant that it’d be that much easier to clean up before you headed to your next client.">> [[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Call Girl Client'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <h1><<print "Call Girl">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You can’t believe how much money you make now. Every side-effect X-Change threw at you has only made you want to see more clients, or make them more eager to see you, or both.">> <video src="Part3/JobCall4.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "You wonder if it’s even worth bothering to stay in school. But you decide to stick with it. Maybe you’ll want to just work a regular job someday. And besides, it really turns some of your clients on knowing you were sitting in class just a few hours ago.">> [[You join a study group.|Part6StudyGroup]]<<nobr>> <<set $MasterKate = 1>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Kate'})>> <<set $JobBartender = 0>> <<set $JobBartenderSub = 1>> <h1><<print "Mistress Kate">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Women came on to you every day at work, but this was different. There was something about her that drew you to her. It was like she could see right through the act you were trying to put on. She could see how submissive you really were, how you wanted - needed - to be controlled.">> <<print "You were powerless from that first night you met her. She didn’t ask you to go home with her, she just informed you that you would be. She told you you’d be pleasuring her all night, but that you’d be crawling back to your dorm room horny and unsatisfied. Why did being told you wouldn’t cum make you so wet?">> <video src="Part3/JobBar2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "Seeing her cum so many times made you ache for the chance yourself. But you went back to your dorm still aching. And she forbid you from pleasuring yourself - or letting anyone else - until she was back in town. She said she would decide if you’d get an orgasm then or not.">> <<print "Waiting for her return was the longest wait of your life. You were hornier than you ever thought possible. Thankfully, she decided to reward you for your obedience.">> <<print "You soon discovered she had far more experience at pleasuring a woman’s body than you do. But you’ve spent many days and nights since then kneeling before her, ">>[[learning what she has to teach you.|Part5Kate]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'Bar Patron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'Bar Patron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'Bar Patron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'Bar Patron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'Bar Patron'})>> <<set $JobBartender = 0>> <<set $JobBartenderGirls = 1>> <h1><<print "Bar Hookup">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You love going into work every day. You love your job - helping people have a good time. Watching the girls flirt with each other - and you. But you also love going in, because you know you probably won’t be leaving alone.">> <video src="Part3/JobBar3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<print "It’s a different girl every night. Well, usually it’s just one. You both know before you start this is probably just for tonight, so you do your best to enjoy every minute of it. You have no interest in settling down right now. Maybe someday, but not now.">> <<print "You even love getting back to your dorm room the next morning. You know Sam will be starting with questions about who you went home with this time, ">>[[and then the two of you will be comparing notes.|Part5Samantha1]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'Bar Patron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Bar Patron', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'Bar Patron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Bar Patron', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'Bar Patron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Bar Patron', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'Bar Patron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Bar Patron', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'Bar Patron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Bar Patron', vaginal:true})>> <<set $JobBartender = 0>> <<set $JobBartenderGuys = 5>> <h1><<print "Bar Hookup">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You flirt back at the women hitting on you all day, but it’s only the guys that interest on you. There aren’t many here, but guys hit on you enough at school, so usually you take care of your needs away from work.">> <<print "But then there’s the couples that come into the bar from time to time. The wife, or girlfriend, is bi-curious. She has feelings she wants to explore and her husband is more than happy to go along. Most of the regulars refer to them as ‘tourists’ and avoid them, but not you.">> <video src="Part3/JobBar4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "You know what she wants, so you usually start with her eating you out. With her husband’s cock pounding her from behind, she’s horny and eager the whole time. Even if she’s new at it, she knows what feels good for her, that and her eagerness make up for any inexperience.">> <<print "Meanwhile, you’re looking up into her husbands eyes. Both you and him are eager for the next round, when you know it will be you that his cock is inside.">> <<print "You know that when you get back to your dorm room the next morning ">>[[Sam will be starting with questions about who you went home with this time.|Part5Samantha1]] <<achievement>>threesome:FMF<</achievement>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'Bar Patron'})>> <<set $JobBartender = 0>> <<set $JobBartenderBi = 1>> <h1><<print "Bar Hookup">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You’ve had some time to adjust to the X-Change and what it’s done to your body, and your emotions, but you’re still not sure if you like guys or girls. You see a hot girl, and you get turned on. You see a hot guy, and you get turned on.">> <<print "You confide about the X-Change, and your confusion with Sarah, one of the other bartenders you work with. She tells you that you’ll be coming by her house this weekend and she’ll help you solve this confusion once and for all.">> <video src="Part3/JobBar5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "You can quickly tell her skilled hands have had plenty of practice and you are soon screaming out. After you orgasm you look into her beautiful eyes and wonder to yourself, “so, I guess this means I’m a lesbian then.” Once you catch your breath you ask her if it’s her turn now.">> <<print "“Not yet.”, she says, ">>[[“We’ve only answered half of the question so far.”|JobBarUnsure2]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: "Sarah's Brother", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: "Sarah's Brother", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: "Sarah's Brother", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: "Sarah's Brother", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: "Sarah's Brother", vaginal:true})>> <h1><<print "Bar Hookup">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Sarah tells you to wait a moment, and then leaves the room. She returns a short time later wearing an oversized t-shirt and standing next to her brother! You start to cover yourself, but Sarah tells you you don’t have to.">> <<print "“How can you know which you prefer, if you don’t give both a try?”, she asks before walking away, leaving you and her brother alone. It doesn’t take you long to decide she’s right, and soon you are kissing him.">> <<print "A little later, when you drop to your knees and slide his cock into your mouth, you think about how much you love the way it feels on your tongue and how happy and proud the little moans he makes make you. “So I’m not a lesbian then?”, you wonder.">> <video src="Part3/JobBar6.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "By the time he’s fucking you to another orgasm, and filling you with his, you don’t care about labels anymore. You decide you don’t have to be one thing or the other.">> <<print "You give him a kiss and tell him, “I’ll be back in a few minutes. You need some time to recover, and I owe your sister an orgasm.”. Then you head back toward Sarah’s room. You know that when you get back to your dorm room the next morning ">>[[Sam will be starting with questions about who you went home with.|Part5Samantha1]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'collar')>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'cuffs')>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'thigh bands')>> <h1>Web Model</h1> <</nobr>> <img src="Part3/JobOlivia2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<print "After that first shoot, Master told you to put your belt back on.">> <<print "You could have refused. You could have walked out. But you didn’t.">> <<print "You might tell yourself it’s because you wanted the job, but you know that’s not why.">> <<print "You wanted him to control you.">> <<print "He’s decided to keep the belt locked on you, removing it only when you are working. Though Master is generous sometimes, rewarding you with an orgasm at the end of good week.">> <<print "As you get more and more accustomed to the belt, Master adds thigh bands, wrist and ankle cuffs, and eventually a collar to what you wear when you are not at work.">> <<nobr>> <<print "When you are in private, at his home, or in your dorm, it’s all you are allowed to wear. In public, you are allowed clothes, and your chastity belt is concealed, but the cuffs and collar are usually visible for all to see. ">> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <<print "But by now, the looks you get only excite you.">> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive = 1>> <<if $JobCheerleader>>[[You feel that you have accepted your submissive nature.|JobCheerleader1]]<</if>> <<if $JobAthlete>>[[You feel that you have accepted your submissive nature.|JobAthlete1]]<</if>> <<if $JobArt>>[[You feel that you have accepted your submissive nature.|JobArt1]]<</if>> <<if $JobEngineer>>[[You feel that you have accepted your submissive nature.|JobEngineer1]]<</if>> <<if $JobLibrary>>[[You feel that you have accepted your submissive nature.|JobLibrary1]]<</if>> <<if $JobFitness>>[[You feel that you have accepted your submissive nature.|JobFitness1]]<</if>> <<if !$JobWebModelSide>>[[You feel that you have accepted your submissive nature.|JobWebModel3]]<</if>> <<else>> <<if $JobCheerleader>>[[But by now, the looks you get only excite you.|JobCheerleader1]]<</if>> <<if $JobAthlete>>[[But by now, the looks you get only excite you.|JobAthlete1]]<</if>> <<if $JobArt>>[[But by now, the looks you get only excite you.|JobArt1]]<</if>> <<if $JobEngineer>>[[But by now, the looks you get only excite you.|JobEngineer1]]<</if>> <<if $JobLibrary>>[[But by now, the looks you get only excite you.|JobLibrary1]]<</if>> <<if $JobFitness>>[[But by now, the looks you get only excite you.|JobFitness1]]<</if>> <<if !$JobWebModelSide>>[[But by now, the looks you get only excite you.|JobWebModel3]]<</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Web Model">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Now that you are accustomed to the collar and cuffs, Master only sometimes has you wear them.">> <<print "You feel almost like a part of you is missing when he takes them off.">> <<print "The belt is still always with you though except on set.">> <img src="Part3/JobOlivia3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "The store’s inventory has all been photographed now. But Master doesn’t want Olivia’s or your talents to go to waste.">> <<print "Luckily the Internet has many other website looking for beautiful women to pose for them so he is able to find plenty of work for you.">> <<nobr>> <<print "In the meantime, you ">> <<if $JobCheerleader and setup.haveFucked('Veronica')>>[[decide to spend some time with Veronica.|JobCheerleaderNice2]]<</if>> <<if $JobAthlete>>[[go home for now.|Part5Olivia1]]<</if>> <<if $JobArt>>[[decide to pose for Ken.|JobArt5]]<</if>> <<if $JobLibrary>> <<link "go work at the Library">> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<goto [[JobLibraryRestricted]]>> <<else>> <<goto [[JobLibrary4]]>> <</if>> <</link>> <</if>> <<if $JobEngineer>>[[go work at the lab.|JobEngineer3]]<</if>> <<if $JobFitnessMassage>>[[go home for now.|Part5Olivia1]]<</if>> <<if $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>>[[go home for now.|Part5Olivia1]]<</if>> <<if !$JobWebModelSide>>[[go home for now.|Part5Olivia1]]<</if>> <<if $JobCheerleader and !setup.haveFucked('Veronica')>>[[go home for now.|Part5Olivia1]]<</if>> <<if $JobFitnessYoga>>[[go home for now.|Part5Olivia1]]<</if>> <<if $JobTestSubject>>[[go home for now.|Part5Olivia1]]<</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 0>> <<set $PlayerRollDice += $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> <<set $PlayerRollDice += $PlayerSideEffectLibido>> <h1><<print "Web Model">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "The photos of you on the Internet have become very popular.">> <<print "You get wet thinking of how many fans you have now, masturbating to their collection of images of you, of how many orgasms have been had looking at a picture of you.">> <img src="Part3/JobOlivia4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "Eventually the interest in you prompts several porn studios to contact Master about you.">> <<nobr>> <<print "He is already intimately aware of you sexual interests - those you were born with, those X-Change gave you, and those you have developed since. ">> <<if !setup.areDating('Veronica')>> <<link "He helps you decide on which of the offers is best for you.">> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral and $PlayerSideEffectAnal and $PlayerRollDice > 3>> <<goto [[JobPornGang1]]>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral>> <<goto [[JobPornOral1]]>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> <<goto [[JobPornAnal]]>> <<else>> <<goto [[JobPornOther]]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</link>> <<else>> [[However you do not want to do porn and decide to spend more time on campus from now on.|Part6Start1]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $JobWebModel>><<set $JobWebModel = 0>><<set $JobPornOral = 1>> <<else>><<set $JobWebModelSide = 0>><<set $JobPornGangOral = 1>><</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar", vaginal:true})>> <h1><<print "Porn Shooting">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "As soon as you hear the offer, you know it’s the one for you.">> <<print "The thought of being paid to wrap your lips around a gorgeous cock, to feel it sliding across your tongue, to feel his cum filling your mouth... You stop discussing the offer to ask Master if you can suck his cock before going on. He grants your request.">> <video src="Part3/JobOlivia5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "Many of the shoots start with oral, but then lead to you being fucked. You are usually so turned on from the blowjob you were giving that you cum soon after you feel him inside you.">> <<print "Your fans though always love your oral-only scenes the most. They can see the hunger in your eyes, and the joy you feel when your mouth fills with cum. So those are always your most popular videos.">> [[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<<nobr>> <<if $JobWebModel>><<set $JobWebModel = 0>><<set $JobPornAnal = 1>> <<else>><<set $JobWebModelSide = 0>><<set $JobPornAnalSide = 1>><</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar", vaginal:true})>> <h1><<print "Porn Shooting">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "As soon as you hear the offer, you know it’s the one for you.">> <<print "The thought of a porn star’s massive cock filling your ass, and getting paid for it... You stop discussing the offer to ask Master to fuck your ass before going on. He tells you “No. Perhaps later.” and tells you to focus on the issue at hand.">> <video src="Part3/JobOlivia8.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<print "Your fans assume you are just a great actress. ">><<if $PlayerChastityBelt>><<print "None of them know that you are kept in chastity except when you are filming. ">><</if>><<print "They think the orgasms you film look real, but must be fake. Of course, you know they’re not.">> <<print "You ache all week for your next shoot. Because you know that then you’ll be ">><<if $PlayerChastityBelt>><<print "unlocked and ">><</if>><<print "orgasming with a cock cumming deep in your ass. And thousands will be watching every minute of it.">> [[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar"})>> <<if $JobWebModel>><<set $JobWebModel = 0>><<set $JobPorn = 1>><<else>> <<set $JobWebModelSide = 0>><<set $JobPornSide = 1>><</if>> <h1><<print "Porn Shooting">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Your fans assume you are just a great actress. They think the eagerness you have to be fucked in your videos is an act. They think the need they see in your eyes, the orgasms they see, are all faked.">> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>><<print "None of them know that you are kept in chastity except when you are filming. ">><</if>><<print "Everything they see is real.">> <video src="Part3/JobOlivia9.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<print "You ache to be on set for your next shoot. You don’t care if it’s a beautiful woman’s tongue on your clit, cameras filming you toying with your pussy, or one, two, or a dozen men fucking you.">><<if $PlayerChastityBelt>><<print " You just know this is the only chance you will have to cum until your next shoot.">><</if>> <<print "And knowing that so many will be watching it later, and orgasming too, only makes each orgasm feel that much better.">> [[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar"})>> <h1><<print "Porn Shooting">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "The studio decides to give your fans what they want. They film a special video at the start of the next phase of your career.">> <<print "It shows you captured, placed in chastity, and locked in a cage. To escape, you offer to blow your guard. As you suck his cock through the bars, you steal his keys, using them a short time later as he sleeps.">> <video src="Part3/JobOlivia6.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "Later, you use your skills to convince a worker to quietly let you slip out a back door.">> <<print "Finally you thank the passing motorist that picked you up by blowing him as he drives you to freedom. The final shot shows you still belted, with the key still back in the dungeon you escaped from, forever out of your reach.">> [[You join a study group.|Part6StudyGroup]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar"})>> <h1><<print "Porn Shooting">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "All the videos you do after that have you wearing your belt.">><<if $PlayerChastityBelt>><<print " In fact, Master never removes it all anymore, except when you are restrained for cleaning.">><<else>><<print " Fortunately Master no longer forces you to keep it on outside of that.">><</if>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>><<print "Now the only pleasure you ever get is what the effects of your X-Change give you when you feel a cock in your mouth. It still feels so exquisite, though it’s never enough to let you cum, so each day you are more horny than the last, and more eager for the next cock to suck.">><<else>><<print "The pleasure your X-Change gives you when you feel a cock in your mouth feels so exquisite, so each day you are more horny than the last, and more eager for the next cock to suck.">><</if>> <video src="Part3/JobOlivia7.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "Your fans are always excited when they see you in public, They know all they need to do is ask, and you’ll soon be somewhere nearby with your lips around their cock (or, occasionally, your tongue flicking across their clit).">> <<print "And you have a large and increasing number of fans on campus.">> [[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Frat1]]<<nobr>> <<set $PlayerJobSet = 1>> <h1><<print "Job/Activity Fair">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Now that you have talked to your mentor and visited the activity and job booths, it’s time to apply for the job or activity you have decided on.">> <img src="Part3/JobDecide.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<nobr>> <<print "Once you’ve turned in your applications, or spoken with your mentor about the job she told you about, then you should ">> <<link "go and attend your job interview.">> <<if $JobWebModel or $JobWebModelSide>> <<goto [[JobWebModel1]]>> <<else>> <<if $JobAthlete>><<goto [[JobAthlete1]]>><</if>> <<if $JobCheerleader>><<goto [[JobCheerleader1]]>><</if>> <<if $JobEngineer>><<goto [[JobEngineer1]]>><</if>> <<if $JobFitness>><<goto [[JobFitness1]]>><</if>> <<if $JobLibrary>><<goto [[JobLibrary1]]>><</if>> <<if $JobArt>><<goto [[JobArt1]]>><</if>> <<if $JobBarista>><<goto [[JobBarista1]]>><</if>> <<if $JobOffice>><<goto [[JobOffice1]]>><</if>> <<if $JobBartender>><<goto [[JobBar1]]>><</if>> <<if $JobCallGirl>><<goto [[JobCall1]]>><</if>> <</if>> <</link>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Andrew - Date">></h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Andrew talk and talk. At first it’s about the job. You relax after he offers it to you and you accept. Then you both become much more relaxed and the evening does become much more like a date. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part3/JobBarista1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He’s much more open-minded than you expected from someone Faith set you up with. You feel like you could talk with him for hours. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Before you realize it though, the date is ending and he’s giving you a good night kiss. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You had a wonderful time, and you’re pretty sure he did too. You know he’ll jump at the chance to go home with you if you <<if $FatherSettings>> were just looking for a night of fun. But you don't want to prove your father right by sleeping with the first guy you date on your very first date. But Andrew is looking for a relationship, then this [[could be the start of something much more|JobBaristaRomance1]]. Surely your father isn't expecting you to go four years, or the rest of your life, without dating at all. <<else>> are [[just looking for a night of fun.|JobBaristaFun1]] But you also think this [[could be the start of something much more|JobBaristaRomance1]] if you want that. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Barista">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "After your job starts, you do a good job, but you quickly learn a bit of flirting usually does a better job of earning you a nice tip than making the perfect latte art ever does.">> <img src="Part3/JobBarista2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "You never have any interest in starting a relationship with Andrew. Of course whenever the effects of your X-Change, ">>[[or just regular horniness,|Part5Faith1]]<<print " get to much you know quick relief is never too far away. All it takes is a look and saying “Andrew, can I talk to you in your office for a moment?”">><<nobr>> <<set $HideJobJosh = 0>> <<set setup.makeFWB('Josh')>> <<achievement>>fwb:Josh<</achievement>> <<set $WasRomanticWithJosh to 1>> <h1><<print "Josh">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "When you tell Josh about your work he is shocked at first. You can see he is looking at you differently than he did before.">> <img src="Part5/Josh1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "The budding romance between the two of you quickly fades. He still seems to enjoy the visits you make to his bed though, but you know it’s only ever going to be about the sex between the two of you.">> <<if $JobFitnessMassage>>[[You go to work at the fitness centre.|JobFitnessMassage2]]<<else>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>><<nobr>> <<set $JobOfficePA = 0>> <<set $JobOfficeIntern = 0>> <<set $JobOfficeManager = 1>> <<set $HideJobJosh = 0>> <h1><<print "Office Promotion">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You confess to Josh some of the other ‘duties’ of your job. When he hears of you ">><<if $JobOfficePA>><<print "on your knees servicing your boss’s cock">><</if>><<if $JobOfficeIntern>><<print "bent over his desk getting your ass spanked">><</if>><<print " he gets angry. You start to cry, but you quickly realize he’s not angry at you, but at your boss.">> <<print "He calls your boss the next day. He explains to your boss that unless he wants a very public lawsuit, he’s going to transfer you to a better job with a better boss immediately. You boss quickly agrees. You take the rest of the week off (with pay) and start your new position the following Monday.">> <img src="Part3/JobOffice4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "You’re very happy with the transfer and promotion he requests for you. And you love your new private office.">> [[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]] <<achievement>>fwb:Josh<</achievement>><<nobr>> <<set $HideJobJosh = 0>> <<set $EngineerJosh = 1>> <h1><<print "Engineering Department">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Since your male coworkers like to take advantage of you when you are helpless bound in one of your creation, you’ve started having Josh help you test instead.">> <video src="Part5/Josh2.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "You are surprised and excited at how fast seeing you bound, helpless and begging has brought out Josh’s dominant side.">> <img src="Part5/Josh2.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> [[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: "Athlete's Girlfriend (Yoga)"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: "Athlete's Girlfriend (Yoga)"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: "Athlete's Girlfriend (Yoga)"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: "Athlete's Girlfriend (Yoga)"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: "Athlete's Girlfriend (Yoga)"})>> <h1><<print "Yoga Class">></h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>> <<print "You continue with your ‘natural yoga’, but you no longer have sex with the male students. You have no issue whatsoever with having them join in on some one on one practice.">> <<else>> <<print "Some of the guys in the class have convinced their more open girlfriends to join your class.">> <</if>> <</nobr>> <video src="Part3/JobFitness4a.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>> <<print "However, being naked makes you so horny. Surely getting some ‘relief’ from some of your female students won’t count as cheating on Josh. The guys in your class are disappointed that you no longer keep anyone after class for any extra fun, but still enjoy the new type of show during class.">> <<else>> <<print "The guys in your class don’t mind at all the extra show during class, and they can’t wait to get their turn for some fun.">> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$JobWebModelSide and !$JobCallGirlSide>> [[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]] <<else>> <<if $JobWebModelSide>>[[For now, you have to go to also work as a Web Model.|JobWebModel4]]<</if>> <<if $JobCallGirlSide>>[[For now, you have to go to also work as a Call Girl.|JobCall3]]<</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Gym">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Josh listens closely as you describe your experiences in the fitness center’s massage rooms. You think he’s going to be upset, but the thought of another woman’s hands on you seems to be turning him on.">> <<print "You don’t mention that they also have men working there too, but you decide to avoid them in the future anyway.">> <video src="Part3/JobAthlete8.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "However, with Josh making sure your sexual needs are taken care of, you no longer need to visit the fitness center massage rooms as much. Now when you do, you keep your panties on to let them know you are only wanting a massage.">> [[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Barista">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Your boss Andrew is disappointed that your mid-day breaks together come to an end, but you decide it’s best to keep your work and fun separate.">> <img src="Part3/JobBarista6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "Eventually his dad promotes him to a position at the corporate office and you stop seeing him around anymore. But you’ve long since stopped caring about that. You do your job well, even if you don’t plan on making a career of it.">> [[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<<nobr>> <<if $JobWebModel>><<set $JobWebModel = 0>><<set $JobPornGang = 1>> <<else>><<set $JobWebModelSide = 0>><<set $JobPornGangSide = 1>><</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar", vaginal:true})>> <h1><<print "Porn Shooting">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "As soon as you hear the offer, you know it’s the one for you.">> <<print "The thought of a porn star’s massive cock filling your ass, or to wrap your lips around it, to feel it sliding across your tongue, to feel his cum filling your mouth... You stop discussing the offer to ask Master to fuck your ass before going on. He tells you “No. Perhaps later.” and tells you to focus on the issue at hand.">> <video src="Part3/JobOlivia10.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "Many of the shoots start with anal, but then lead to you finishing off the guy with a blowjob..">> <<print "Your fans assume you are just a great actress. ">><<if $PlayerChastityBelt>><<print "None of them know that you are kept in chastity except when you are filming. ">><</if>><<print "They think the orgasms you film look real, but must be fake. Of course, you know they’re not.">> <<print "You ache all week for your next shoot. Because you know that then you’ll be ">><<if $PlayerChastityBelt>><<print "unlocked and ">><</if>><<print "orgasming with a cock fucking you deep in your ass. And thousands will see the joy you feel when your mouth fills with cum.">> [[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar", vaginal:true})>> <h1><<print "Porn Shooting">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "The studio offers you to join in your first threesome video and you eagerly accept.">> <<print "The feeling of having a cock in your mouth at the same time as another is fucking your ass sends waves of pleasure through your body as soon as you start.">> <video src="Part3/JobOlivia11.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "Many of your fans start debating that your orgasms look so real so perhaps you are not just faking them. ">><<if $PlayerChastityBelt>><<print "None of them know that you are kept in chastity except when you are filming. ">><</if>><<print "Of course, you’re being fucked so well that even if you wanted to fake them, you would just be overrun by the real ones.">> [[You join a study group.|Part6StudyGroup]] <<achievement>>threesome:MFM<</achievement>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar", vaginal:true})>> <h1><<print "Porn Shooting">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "The studio decides to give your fans what they want, proof that you are a slut. They film a special video at the start of the next phase of your career.">> <<print "You are a bit disapointed when you are told that it is going to be just a solo shoot today. It starts normally with you getting fucked in the ass until you orgasm.">> <<print "As you recover and the guy resumes fucking your ass, you are surprised to see 3 more guys entering the room, ready to fuck you in all your holes.">> <<print "You are so excited and happy by this turn of events, but you cannot help but genuinely smile.">> <video src="Part3/JobOlivia12.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "The pleasure your X-Change gives you when you get fucked in all your holes feels so exquisite, so each day you are more horny than the last, and more eager for the next cock to suck or fuck.">> <<print "Your fans are always excited when they see you in public, They know all they need to do is ask, and you’ll soon be somewhere nearby with your lips around their cock (or, occasionally, your tongue flicking across their clit), or maybe you would even let them fuck you.">> <<print "And you have a large and increasing number of fans on campus.">> [[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Frat1]] <<achievement>>train<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Art Model">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Your first assignment as a model is for a painting class.">> <<print "They have you strip down and pose as a dozen art students carefully look over every detail of your body and then try to capture it on their canvas.">> <img src="Part3/JobArt1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "You feel naked and exposed at first, but the students are all business, worrying about the light and shadow and getting their work just right.">> <<print "It’s doesn’t even seem to be turning them on. And, thankfully, ">>[[your leg hides from view just how much it is turning you on.|JobArt2]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Art Model">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Your second assignment is a class drawing in pencil.">> <<print "Unlike the previous class, this class is focusing on you as an object of desire, not just a subject of abstract beauty.">> <img src="Part3/JobArt2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "After the class has ended, you soon see you weren’t as successful at hiding your desire this class.">> <<print "As you look over the drawings of you, many show your lips glistening, or drops of dew falling from them forming a puddle beneath you. ">>[[The students were clearly very aware of just how much you were enjoying being the subject of their work.|JobArt3]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Art Model">></h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> From how much you clearly enjoyed the previous assignment, you’ve been given a special assignment. Now are you are modeling for a famous photographer who is a guest instructor at the school this year. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As they carefully tie your arms and legs, his assistant explain the erotic nature of his photographs. She explains that his work explores the beauty of the female body, and the transcendent joy of a woman’s orgasm. “Would you like to be a part of that?”, she asks you. Your head is still untied, and you quickly nod. <</nobr>> <img src="Part3/JobArt3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> She strokes your clit as your feel your pleasure building. You watch the photographer just sitting, watching her work, not photographing anything. After a while, she stops stroking and you feel a dildo slide effortlessly into you. You feel your orgasm building closer and closer as she fucks you with the dildo. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> “Now.”, the photographer says as he finally stands and ready’s his camera. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The assistant leaves the dildo inside you, securing it with a rope. “I’ll let you cum when he’s finished.”, she whispers in your ear as she ties the rope to your hair. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As she steps away, he begins circling you, photographing you from various angles for the series he later titles [[‘Anticipation’.|JobArt4]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Art Model">></h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Another Art Model"})>> <</nobr>> <<print "You are amazed at the rope construction filling much of the room when you enter. Even more so when you realized you are about to become a part of it.">> <<print "After you and the other model are helped into the structure, the stool you had been using is pulled away. As your weight pushes down on the ropes, you feel yourselves pressed into one another.">> <<print "Your weight is distributed so well that you feel little pressure from the ropes, but they hold you both so tightly that neither of you can move an inch.">> <img src="Part3/JobArt4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "“Good, good, excellent”, the photographer mutters as he takes his photos from various angles. “Ok, proceed”, he tells one of his assistants after a while. She turns on a vibrator and slides it between you, hidden from view, and secures it with a bit of rope.">> <<print "“Excellent, excellent. Enjoy the sensations. Let the pleasure flow between you.”, he talks as he snaps away. “Feel the pleasure build.”">> <<print "“Don’t worry they won’t stop you this time”, he reassures you. “In fact, once you both climax, they will turn your mutual friend to its highest setting.”">> <<print "“I haven’t decided yet whether to title the final phase ‘Too Much’ or ‘No Escape’. ">><<if !$JobWebModelSide and !$JobCallGirlSide>>[[We shall see... Excellent...”|JobArt5]]<</if>>\ <<if $JobWebModelSide>><<print "We shall see... Excellent...”">><br><br>[[For now, you have to go to also work as a Web Model.|JobWebModel3]]<</if>>\ <<if $JobCallGirlSide>><<print "We shall see... Excellent...”">><br><br>[[For now, you have to go to also work as a Call Girl.|JobCall1]]<</if>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Art Model - Private Session">></h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> This time you are alone with the photographer in his private studio. He ties you similar to before, but this time he hoists you into the air, forcing you to arch your back and part your legs. He teases your nipples a bit until they are erect and then begins tying string around each and securing them to the frame. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> “I’m sure once you see my vision, you’ll want to be the subject that brings it to life.”, he tells you as he shows you a series of sketches he’s made, all of you, bound as you are now. In the first drawing you see yourself exactly as you are now, but with the flush of a recent orgasm plain on your body, cum dripping out of you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Each one after shows your belly growing larger and larger. The final photo shows you still bound, your belly at it’s largest, and a look of pain on your face and sweat dripping from your body. <</nobr>> <img src="Part3/JobArt5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerProtectionPill or $PlayerProtectionPermanent or $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> “You may need to talk to your doctor to take you off any medication that would interfere with my vision before we can truly begin. But even so, I see no reason we can’t take the first set of photographs this session.”. <br><br> <</if>> You are already wet imagining him inside you. You imagine the strings tugging at your nipples as you sway a bit with each of his thrusts. As you stare at his sketch, you realize what it would take to be the one to make his vision a reality. <<if $PlayerProtectionPermanent or $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> To see it come to life in his photographs, and to feel it come to life inside you, you would have to ask the X-Change technicians to [[deactivate your birth controll implant.|JobArt6]] <<else>> To see it come to life in his photographs, and to feel it come to life inside you, [[you would have to allow him to do as he wishes with your body.|JobArt6]] <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But are you ready to take that kind of commitment? Or should you stop going to the art class and <<if $Mentor == 'Faith'>><<print "Ask Faith">><<link " about that barista job she was suggesting?">><<set $JobBarista = 1>><<set $JobArtFormer to 1>><<unset $JobArt>><<goto [[JobBarista1]]>><</link>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Emily'>><<print "Ask Emily">><<link " about that office job she was suggesting?">><<set $JobOffice = 1>><<set $JobArtFormer to 1>><<unset $JobArt>><<goto [[JobOffice1]]>><</link>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Samantha'>><<print "Ask Sam">><<link " about that bartender job she was suggesting?">><<set $JobBartender = 1>><<set $JobArtFormer to 1>><<unset $JobArt>><<goto [[JobBar1]]>><</link>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Hannah'>> <<if $JobCallGirlSide>> <<link "just focus on your call girl job?">><<set $JobArtFormer to 1>><<unset $JobArt>><<set $JobCallGirl = 1>><<set $JobCallGirlSide = 0>><<goto [[Part5Hannah1]]>><</link>> <<else>> <<print "Ask Hannah">><<link " about that call girl job she was suggesting?">><<set $JobCallGirl = 1>><<set $JobArtFormer to 1>><<unset $JobArt>><<goto [[JobCall1]]>><</link>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Olivia'>> <<if $JobWebModelSide>> <<link "just focus on your web model job?">><<set $JobArtFormer to 1>><<unset $JobArt>><<set $JobWebModel = 1>><<set $JobWebModelSide = 0>><<goto [[Part5Olivia1]]>><</link>> <<else>> <<print "Ask Olivia">><<link " about that web model job she was suggesting?">><<set $JobWebModel = 1>><<set $JobArtFormer to 1>><<unset $JobArt>><<goto [[JobWebModel1]]>><</link>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Or, maybe you can see if you could go back to <<if $BodyType == 'Plus' or $BodyType == 'Petite'>> [[just modeling for students again|Part6ArtReturnReject]] <<else>> [[just modeling for students again|Part6ArtReturn]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $MasterKen = 1>> <<set $MasterRobert = 0>> <<set $Roommate = 'Assistant'>> <<set $MasterKen = 1>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'bondage rope')>> <<set $PlayerProtectionTry = 1>> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone = 0>> <<set $PlayerProtectionWithdraw = 0>> <<set $PlayerProtectionCondoms = 0>> <<set $PlayerProtectionPill = 0>> <<set $PlayerProtectionPermanent = 0>> <<set $PlayerProtectionPerfect = 0>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(20, {sex:"male", name:"Ken", vaginal:true})>> <h1><<print "Ken's 'Canvas'">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Thanks to the X-Change, once you stopped trying to prevent it, your body was fertile within days. Of course he started 'using your body as his canvas' even before then.">> <<print "He's arranged for you to stay at his loft until he is sure his child is growing inside you, but one of his female assistants is always there to help you whenever he is not there. They also help you watch the lectures and complete the classwork your professors send over.">> <img src="Part3/JobArt6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<print "Of course, it's hard to concentrate on schoolwork all day when all you can think about is that night when he finally comes home to his 'muse'.">> <<print "You wonder if you are pregnant now. If you are, you'll ">>[[find out at your doctor visit in a few weeks.|JobArt7]]<<print " You wonder if your arms will feel strange and foreign to you when you have use of them again. Of course, you'll still be back several times a week so he can document every step of your pregnancy.">> <<print "You hope he'll still find your body as inspiring months from now and will do more with his 'canvas' than just photograph it.">><<nobr>> <<set $PregnancyCheck = setup.overrideForcePregnancy('medical test - Ken')>> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <h1><<print "Pregnancy Test">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You couldn’t wait for the doctor’s appointment he set up for you, you had to know if you were pregnant or not.">> <<print "The assistant that helps you while Ken is at his studio was very happy to pick up a home pregnancy test for you on her way in.">> <<print "She was considerably less excited when she realized you’d need her help taking the test as well.">> <img src="Part3/JobArt7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<print "You were overjoyed when you saw those two lines appear on the test. ">> <<print "The assistant placed her hand on your stomach. Of course she didn’t feel anything yet, but you both marveled at the thought of another life growing inside you.">> <<print "You look closely at your body in the mirror. You knew that it’d be changing a lot over the next few months, but that it will still be the body you’ll have for the rest of your life.">> [[You couldn’t be more thrilled at the thought.|JobArt8]] <<nobr>> <<if setup.pregnantFirstTime()>> <<achievement>>firsttime+pregnant<</achievement>> <<else>> <<achievement>>pregnant<</achievement>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<unset $student>> <<set $Dropout to "Baby">> <<set $children to []>> <h1><<print "Doctor Visit">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "The doctor confirms what you already knew. She talks with you about what to expect and when she wants to see you again for all of your many follow up appointments.">> <img src="Part3/JobArt8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "You don’t want the stress of school on top of everything else, so you officially withdraw.">> <<print "The people at the X-Change office are very happy for you. Your obstetrician will be sending them copies of her reports from your visits (and eventual delivery) to close out your participation in the trial, so you probably won’t be seeing any of them again.">> [[You say your goodbyes and thank them for the wonderful new life they’ve given you before you leave.|JobArt9]] <<achievement>>dropout<</achievement>><<nobr>> <<set $Spouse to 'Ken'>> <h1><<print "Wedding">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Ken says your love ‘transcends antiquated, prosaic institutions like marriage’. But he knows it’s important to you, so he proposes anyway.">> <img src="Part3/JobArt9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> <<if $Mentor == 'Faith'>><<print "Faith">><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Emily'>><<print "Emily">><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Hannah'>><<print "Hannah">><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Samantha'>><<print "Sam">><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Olivia'>><<print "Olivia">><</if>> <<print " is thrilled to be your maid of honor. She even catches the bouquet.">> <</nobr>> <<print "It’s one of the happiest days of your life so far, and his too, despite what he’s said about marriage.">> <<print "He can’t turn the artist in himself off completely though you notice, ">>[[as you watch him struggle not to take over for the event photographers.|JobArt10]] <<achievement>>married<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Ken's Wife & 'Canvas'">></h1> <<set $tempBabyName to [[{name: "Pablo", sex: 'male'}], [{name: "Frida", sex: 'female'}]]>> <<set $tempBaby to $tempBabyName[either(0,1)].shift()>> <</nobr>> <<print "He continues to photograph you every step of the way throughout your pregnancy.">> <img src="Part3/JobArt10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "Sometimes you imagine how surreal it will feel years from now walking through a museum and seeing your nude form looking back at you from the wall.">> <<print "But usually you just wonder what it will be like ">>[[not to be waddling around with this giant belly anymore.|JobArt11]]<<nobr>> <<set $PlayerPregnant = 0>> <<unset $PregnancyCheck>> <<set $PlayerMother = 1>> <<set $children.push($tempBaby)>> <<unset $tempBaby>> <h1><<print "Ken's Wife & 'Canvas'">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You’d thought you knew what pain felt like, but you discover childbirth is another level entirely.">> <<print "But once you see you son’s face for the first time, you don’t care about the pain you just endured anymore, you just want to hold him.">> <<print "It’s still a few months though before the thought of trying for a little brother or sister for him starts to cross your mind.">> <<print "You miss the ropes you wore through your pregnancy. Walking around clothed and with your hands free feels strange at first, but you adjust. Of course you enjoy the special occasions where you are tied and helpless again even more than your husband does.">> <img src="Part3/JobArt11.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "Taking care of your growing family consumes much of your time, but you also have a growing interest as a fashion designer as well. Of course, everyone knows exactly where you get your inspiration from.">> [[The End.|GameOverArt]] <<achievement>>mother<</achievement>><h1><<print "Game Over - Wife of an Artist">></h1> <img src="PartX/GameOver1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<achievement>>kenWife<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Choosing Neighbours</h1> <img src="Part5/Neighbours0.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Most of the dorm rooms on campus are assigned randomly, but there are a few sets that haven't been assigned yet. They said we could pick which guys would be in the room next door to us if we wanted. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "If you don't care who <<if $Mentor == 'Emily'>> the second neighbour is, we can just have him <<else>> our neighbours are, we can just have them <</if>> [[randomly assigned for us|NeighbourAssign]]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "But if you want, you can pick <<if $Mentor != 'Emily'>> one out, and I'll pick <</if>> the other one out. But it's not like we are at the animal shelter picking out kittens or something. There's just a list of names. I did ask around and get a little info on a few of them though. [[Here are the ones I know|NeighbourSelect]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Neighbour Selection</h1> $Mentor fills you in on the names she recognizes from the list of potential neighbours: <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part5/Neighbours0.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> <<link "Barry">><<set setup.addNeighbour("Barry")>><<goto [[NeighbourAssign]]>><</link>>: <<if $Mentor == 'Olivia'>> I've... ummm... met Barry before actually. I like it when guys put me in my place, and Barry is good at that. But I know some other girls don't like him at all. <<else>> One of the other mentors knew him. She seemed to like him, but from the way she described him, he sounded like a bit of <<if $Mentor == 'Faith'>> a jerk. <<else>> an ass. <</if>> <</if>> But it's your choice. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<link "James">><<set setup.addNeighbour("James")>><<goto [[NeighbourAssign]]>><</link>>: <<if $Mentor == 'Hannah'>> I think I hooked up with him once. It was just a fun, one-time thing, so don't let that discourage you if you're interested. <<else>> A couple of the girls I talked with <<if $Mentor == 'Faith'>> have... ummm... dated James. But he doesn't really seem like 'future husband' material to me. <<else>> have fooled around with James. They all sounded like they had a good time though. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<link "Josh">><<set setup.addNeighbour("Josh")>><<goto [[NeighbourAssign]]>><</link>>: He seemed ok from what I heard. Nothing really stood out, so he's probably a safe choice. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<link "Peter">><<set setup.addNeighbour("Peter")>><<goto [[NeighbourAssign]]>><</link>>: <<if $Mentor == 'Faith'>> He helped me in a math class I was struggling in last year. He's a sweet guy - and really smart too. Having him right next door would probably be a big help if either of us need any tutoring help this year. <<else>> He's tutored a few of the girls I talked with. He seems nice. And smart I guess. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<link "Zack">><<set setup.addNeighbour("Zack")>><<goto [[NeighbourAssign]]>><</link>>: <<if $Mentor == 'Samantha'>> My ex-girlfriend was into skydiving and Zack is too, so I've met him a few times. He's a bit on the wild side, but pretty cool. For a guy anyway. <<else>> It sounds like he's into rock climbing and skydiving and stuff. He might be fun to hang out with if you're the adventurous type. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Neighbour Assignment</h1> <img src="Part5/Neighbours0.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> <<if $Mentor == 'Faith'>> <<set $tempMentorChoice1 to "Peter">> <<set $tempMentorChoice2 to "Josh">> <<elseif $Mentor == 'Emily'>> <<set $tempMentorChoice1 to either("Barry", "James", "Zack", "Peter", "Josh")>> <<elseif $Mentor == 'Hannah'>> <<set $tempMentorChoice1 to "James">> <<set $tempMentorChoice2 to "Zack">> <<elseif $Mentor == 'Samantha'>> <<set $tempMentorChoice1 to "Zack">> <<set $tempMentorChoice2 to "Peter">> <<else>> <<set $tempMentorChoice1 to "Barry">> <<set $tempMentorChoice2 to "Zack">> <</if>> <<if $neighbours.length == 0>> <<set $tempRoommatePick to 0>> <<set $tempPlayerPick to 0>> <<set $tempNeighbours = ["Barry", "James", "Zack", "Peter", "Josh"]>> <<set $tempNeighbourPick = either(0,1,2,3,4)>> <<set setup.addNeighbour($tempNeighbours[$tempNeighbourPick])>> <<set $tempNeighbours to $tempNeighbours.slice(0,$tempNeighbourPick).concat($tempNeighbours.slice($tempNeighbourPick + 1))>> <<set setup.addNeighbour($tempNeighbours[either(0,1,2,3)])>> <<unset $tempNeighbourPick>> <<unset $tempNeighbours>> <<elseif $neighbours.length == 1>> <<set $tempRoommatePick to 1>> <<if $Mentor == 'Emily'>> <<set $tempPlayerPick to 0>> <<else>> <<set $tempPlayerPick to 1>> <</if>> <<if setup.isNeighbour($tempMentorChoice1)>> <<set setup.addNeighbour($tempMentorChoice2)>> <<else>> <<set setup.addNeighbour($tempMentorChoice1)>> <</if>> <<else>> <<set $tempPlayerPick to 1>> <<set $tempRoommatePick to 1>> <</if>> <<unset $tempMentorChoice1>> <<unset $tempMentorChoice2>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $Mentor == 'Emily'>> Emily selected her boyfriend and you <<if $tempPlayerPick>> selected <<else>> were assigned <</if>> $neighbours[1] as neighbours. <<elseif $tempPlayerPick>> You selected $neighbours[0] and $Mentor selected $neighbours[1] as neighbours. <<else>> You and $Mentor were assigned $neighbours[0] and $neighbours[1] as neighbours. <</if>> <<unset $tempPlayerPick>> <<unset $tempRoommatePick>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'll be able to meet them both when we get back from <<if $Mentor == 'Faith'>>[[your shopping trip.|Faith2]] <<elseif $Mentor == 'Emily'>>[[your shopping trip.|Emily2]] <<elseif $Mentor == 'Hannah'>>[[your shopping trip.|Hannah2]] <<elseif $Mentor == 'Samantha'>>[[your shopping trip.|Samantha2]] <<else>>[[your shopping trip.|Olivia2]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Meeting the Neighbours">></h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you and $Mentor get back from your shopping trip you start unpacking and settling into your room. Eventually you hear the guys coming in next door. <<if $Mentor == "Emily">> As soon as Emily hears her boyfriend come in, she excitedly leads you next door to meet him and your other neighbour. <<else>> Eventually you and $Mentor head over to meet your new neighours. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<for _i = 0; _i < $neighbours.length; _i++>> <br> <<switch $neighbours[_i]>> <<case "Emily's Boyfriend">> <img src="Part5/Neighbours2F.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"><br/> You try to talk with Emily‘s boyfriend, but she keeps all his attention for herself. He seems normal though. And it gives you more time to get to know your other neighbour. <<case 'Barry'>> <img src="Part5/Neighbours2A.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"><br/> On the plus side, you can tell Barry thinks of you the same as he does any other woman. Though you can quickly tell in his case that might not be such a good thing. He doesn't seem to think much of women in general, and of you in particular. You get the impression he's only interested in one thing from you and the other women on campus, and it's not your opinions. <br><br> "I know a lot of girls like to slut it up their first semester. Feel free to stop by anytime and I'll give you what you need. Or at least what you deserve," he tells you. <<if $Mentor == "Olivia">> "Unless all your best parts are locked away like they are for your roommate that is," he adds. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> "Ha! I take it from that face you just made you're wearing one too. Well, I still love blowjobs so the offer still stands. I'll get my dick sucked, and I won't have to hear you talk - that sounds twice as good." <</if>> <</if>> <<case 'James'>> <img src="Part5/Neighbours2B.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"><br> <<if $Mentor == "Hannah">> When Hannah sees James she tells you, "Yeah, that is the guy I was thinking off. He's a fun time if you ever get bored." Then she holds her hands an impressive number of inches apart and gives you a thumbs up sign. James notices the gesture and flashes a smile at you. <br><br> <</if>> As you talk to James he seems quite charming, and says all the right things and you feel like you could just keep talking to him. Later, $Mentor warns you, <<if $Mentor == "Hannah">> "If you're looking for a committment, you'll probably want to look somewhere where else. But if you are just looking for good time, he'll give you one." <<else>> "I've seen guys like him before. He'll charm the pants off a girl like you and quickly move on to the next one." <<if $Mentor != "Faith">> Of course, if that's what you want too, it'll probably be a good time while it lasts. <</if>> <</if>> <<case 'Peter'>> <img src="Part5/Neighbours2C.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"><br> Peter seems quite shy, especially when he's talking to you. <<if $Mentor == "Faith">> He seemed more talkative with Faith though. She tells you later "Don't worry, he'll open up. Peter's always nervous around girls he's just met, especially the pretty ones. He must really like you." <<else>> He seems sweet, but you seem to really make him nervous. He seems a little less nervous talking to $Mentor. You wonder if it's because he finds you attractive. <</if>> <br><br> Part of you wonders what kind of a boyfriend Peter would make if you could get him to come out of his shell a bit. <<case 'Zack'>> <img src="Part5/Neighbours2D.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"><br> <<if $Mentor == "Samantha">> "How have you been?", Zack says when he sees Sam walk in. "I haven't seen you in a while, are you still jumping?"<br><br> "No, Beth was the adventerous one, I'm happy keeping both feet on the ground now," Sam replies before gesturing towards you, "I think my roommate here is looking to try new things, so she might be interested."<br><br> <</if>> As you to talk to Zack you can tell he lives for adventure. Rock climbing, skydiving, you-name-it, he loves anything that gets the adrenaline going. He makes it sounds fun too, he's already talked you into giving skydiving a try - just once to see if you like it. <<case 'Josh'>> <img src="Part5/Neighbours2E.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"><br> Josh seems like a typical 18 year old guy, a bit immature, but friendly and polite. If you were still a guy, and he was your roommate, you're guessing you would be come good friends. <br><br> As you get to know him more you find out he’s the first in his family to go to college. He’s excited, and nervous about it all, and wants to make the best of it. <</switch>> <br> <</for>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you are done meeting the guys, you head back to your room to finish unpacking. You talk with $Mentor for a while before you decide it's time to settle in for your first night's sleep in a new town, a new bed, and a new body. Hopefully you'll sleep well, tomorrow is another big day, with the [[Job Fair|Part3Start]] that the X-Change people have set up for you. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set setup.removeInventory('clothes', 'short dresses')>> <<set setup.removeInventory('clothes', 'short skirts')>> <<set setup.removeInventory('underwear', 'cotton underwear')>> <<set setup.addInventory('underwear', 'sexy underwear')>> <<set setup.addInventory('sleepwear', 'lingerie')>> <<set $Roommate to "Andrew">> <h1><<print "Andrew’s Apartment">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You promised Andrew, and yourself, that you’d be faithful. But you’re horny all the time though, and you can’t even try to masturbate with Faith in the next bed.">> <<print "You spend every weekend with Andrew, but it’s not enough. Eventually you find yourself waking up horny and half awake thinking how easy it would be to convince one of the guys next door to help you out...">> <img src="Part5/Master1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "You decide you can’t stay there anymore if you’re going to keep your promise and you start spending every night at Andrew’s apartment. Eventually his dad makes a call to the university and they waive the freshman dorm requirement for you.">> <<nobr>> <<print "Some of the boxes of your stuff got lost in the move, but Andrew helped you buy new stuff to replace it with. (Including some sexier clothes than what Faith picked out.)">> <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <<print "Your condoms were also in one of the boxes that went missing. But you’ve forgotten about it and haven’t been using any protection at all since the move.">> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone = 1>> <<set $PlayerProtectionCondoms = 0>> <<set $PlayerProtectionCondomsForgot = 1>> <</if>> <<if $PlayerProtectionPill == 1>> <<print "Your birth control pills were also in one of the boxes that went missing. But you’ve forgotten about it and haven’t been using any protection at all since the move.">> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone = 1>> <<set $PlayerProtectionPill = 0>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<print "Of course, you still wake up horny every morning, but Andrew certainly doesn’t mind.">> [[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Kate'})>> <h1><<print "Mistress Kate">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "The time between your lessons with Mistress Kate are agony. The X-Change and the thoughts of your next visit together leave you horny all the time. But you’re not allowed to satisfy your own needs, or allow anyone else but Mistress Kate to either. So your need only builds until she returns to town.">> <video src="Part5/Master2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "Of course she doesn’t have to deny herself. In fact, whenever she’s out of town, what you most look forward to is one of her phone calls. You listen as she pleasures herself, describing every touch in great detail for you to imagine. You can almost feel the pleasure yourself when you hear her orgasm over the phone. Almost.">> <<print "Thankfully she usually rewards you for being such a good girl when she gets home.">> [[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You try not think about sex, but you can’t help it, you still wake up ever morning incredibly horny. And you can’t even try to masturbate with Faith in the next bed over.">> <img src="Part5/Faith1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> You can try sneaking over the guys' room to see if <<if $neighbours[0] == 'Barry'>>[[Barry|Part5Jerk1]] <<elseif $neighbours[0] == 'James'>>[[James|Part5Player1]] <<elseif $neighbours[0] == 'Peter'>>[[Peter|Part5Nerd1]] <<elseif $neighbours[0] == 'Josh'>>[[Josh|Part5Regular1]] <<else>>[[Zack|Part5Thrill1]] <</if>> or <<if $neighbours[1] == 'Barry'>>[[Barry|Part5Jerk1]] <<elseif $neighbours[1] == 'James'>>[[James|Part5Player1]] <<elseif $neighbours[1] == 'Peter'>>[[Peter|Part5Nerd1]] <<elseif $neighbours[1] == 'Josh'>>[[Josh|Part5Regular1]] <<else>>[[Zack|Part5Thrill1]] <</if>> are willing to help, or you can [[try to endure your horniness.|Part5Faith2]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Your suspicions were correct, Emily’s boyfriend spends far more time in your room with her than he does in his own. At first you try to give them some space, but you need a room too.">> <img src="Part5/Emily1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> <<print "You could just give up on sharing a room with Emily and ">> <<link "start sleeping in the room her boyfriend is supposed to be in">> <<set setup.removeNeighbour("Emily's Boyfriend")>> <<set $Roommate to $neighbours[0]>> <<set setup.removeNeighbour($Roommate)>> <<set setup.addNeighbour("Emily")>> <<set setup.addNeighbour("Emily's Boyfriend")>> <<if $Roommate == 'Barry'>><<goto [[Part5Jerk1]]>><</if>> <<if $Roommate == 'James'>><<goto [[Part5Player1]]>><</if>> <<if $Roommate == 'Peter'>><<goto [[Part5Nerd1]]>><</if>> <<if $Roommate == 'Zack'>><<goto [[Part5Thrill1]]>><</if>> <<if $Roommate == 'Josh'>><<goto [[Part5Regular1]]>><</if>> <</link>> <<print " and letting Emily and him have your room to themselves.">> <</nobr>> <<print "Or you can stop trying to ‘give them space’ and ">>[[just try to ignore them.|Part5Emily2]]<<nobr>> <h1>Bedroom</h1> You’ve noticed Olivia’s master has upgraded her collar to a thicker, more secure one. And he’s added cuffs on her wrists and ankles to go with it. <<if $OliviaChastityBelt>> You’re not sure if the new hardware she wears is a punishment for you getting out of your chastity belt. <<else>> You’re not sure if the new hardware she wears is a reward to her for getting that chastity belt on you or not. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part5/Olivia1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $OliviaChastityBelt>> [[It doesn’t matter though because she loves wearing it.|Part5OliviaHelp]] <<else>> [[It doesn’t matter though because she loves wearing it.|Part5OliviaChastity]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You can usually get your needs taken care of elsewhere, but sometimes you just can’t wait anymore and you need to get off now. This is one of those times.">> <<print "It started with you and Sam just horsing around innocently, but your body didn’t care if you were just playing. It got turned on, and now it needs an orgasm.">> <img src="Part5/Sam1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "You know Sam offered to help with any issues like this. ">>[[You can ask her for help if you want.|Part5Samantha2]] <<print "Or maybe you’d rather ">>[[go next door and see if one of the guys could help.|Part5SamanthaNeighbours]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You can usually get your needs taken care of elsewhere, but sometimes it doesn’t work out and you find yourself at home, horny, and alone. Tonight’s one of those nights. You’d been talking to Hannah about how X-Change has done this to you. She’s not sure it was the X-Change causing it, but understood the problem.">> <<print "She’s gone on her date now, but sends you a text asking if you were able to “solve your problem” yet.">> <img src="Part5/Hannah1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> <<print "You can reply: ">> [[“Nope, still horny”.|Part5HannahHorny]] <<print "Or, you can reply: ">> [[“Not yet, going next door to see if one of the guys can help”.|Part5HannahNeighbour1]] <<if !$PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock and !$PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>><<print "Or, you can decide to ignore her text so ">>[[you can focus on taking care of your horniness problem yourself and masturbate.|Part5HannahMasturbate]]<</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $MasterRobert = 0>> <h1><<print "Veronica">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "After Olivia let her master know you’re in an exclusive relationship, he gave the key to your belt to Veronica. He said the thought of a beautiful woman keeping another locked in chastity is worth far more to him than the cost of the belt.">> <<nobr>> <<print "When you were alone though, she handed you the key and gave you a choice. ">> <span id="Veronica1Span1"> <<link "You could take off the belt,">> <<unset $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<unset $Keyholder>> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#Veronica1Span1">> <<print "You could take off the belt,">> <</replace>> <<replace "#Veronica1Span2">> <<print "Or you could hand the key back to her,">> <</replace>> <<replace "#Veronica1Span3">> [[But she never makes you wait too long...|Part5Veronica2]] <</replace>> <</link>> </span> <<print " and it would go in the closet - just an occasional toy the two of you might take out as an occasional game.">> <</nobr>> <img src="Part5/Master3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> <span id="Veronica1Span2"> <<link "Or you could hand the key back to her,">> <<set $Keyholder to "Veronica">> <<set $KeyholderPronoun to "she">> <<set $KeyholderPronounPossessive to "her">> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#Veronica1Span1">> <<print "You could take off the belt,">> <</replace>> <<replace "#Veronica1Span2">> <<print "Or you could hand the key back to her,">> <</replace>> <<replace "#Veronica1Span3">> [[But she never makes you wait too long...|Part5Veronica2]] <</replace>> <</link>> </span> <<print " and she would keep it, and decide when it comes off and when it doesn’t. Your orgasms would be hers to control from now on. It was completely up to you which you choose.">> <</nobr>> <<print "With either choice, she loves when you wake up next to her horny, and she brings you to the edge of an orgasm, and then stops and locks the belt on you. You then spend your day out with her, horny, and wondering if she’s going to let you cum that night, or make you wait even longer.">> <span id="Veronica1Span3"><<print "But she never makes you wait too long...">></span><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <h1><<print "Veronica">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "When you and Veronica aren’t in class you are usually together, on the field practicing or cheering, walking around campus hand-in-hand, or alone together back in her room. Of course that last one is your favorite.">> <<print "She loves how horny you are all the time, and loves teasing you and making you beg for an orgasm. But she loves watching you cum too much to ever make you wait that long.">> <img src="Part5/Master4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "But it’s not just the sex, you really care for her too.">> <<print "You know the tough act she gives for everyone else is just that, an act. You’re both able to be who you really are with each other though.">> <<print "The two of you plan on getting an apartment together next year, once you are required to live in the dorms any longer. You look forward to when you’ll be able to wake up next to her every morning.">> <<if $JobWebModelSide>>[[You decide to do some more web posing in order to save more money.|JobWebModel4]]<<else>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Constantly Horny">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You are trying to be good, like Faith.">> <img src="Part5/Faith2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "But the more you try to suppress the urges you have, the stronger they seem to get.">> [[You find yourself thinking about sex all the time now.|Part5Faith3]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Constantly Horny">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "At night, when you try to sleep, your thoughts are filled with images of men in your bed.">> <img src="Part5/Faith3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "Your roommates, friends, professors - everyone.">> [[You wish you’d at least orgasm in your sleep so you might get some relief, but it never happens.|Part5Faith4]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Constantly Horny">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Now the same thoughts are filling your mind during the day.">> <img src="Part5/Faith4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "You find it difficult to concentrate when you talk to men now.">> [[Their words become a haze as you imagine them naked and erect, and you on your knees in front of them.|Part5Faith5]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Dormitory Shower">></h1> <<set $tempShowerGuy to Math.floor(Math.random() * 2)>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> At first you think it’s another waking fantasy, but you realize this is real, you’ve just walked in on $neighbours[$tempShowerGuy] showering. <</nobr>> <img src="Part5/Faith5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> Your mind was in such a fog you didn’t even hear the water running. You can't help but watch as he rinses the soap from his body. Before you realize it your hand has slid down into your panties. You know you <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> would like go back to your room, and see if you can get yourself off before Faith gets home. But, of course, your X-Change's side effect keeps you from doing that. So instead you take your hand out and just [[keep watching him|Part5Faith5KeepWatching]]. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectPheromones > 1>> should go back to your room, and see if you can get yourself off before Faith gets home. But his scent fills the small bathroom, and you find it intoxicating. You can't help but to [[keep watching him|Part5Faith5KeepWatching]] as your finger rubs your clit. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectLibido>> should go back to your room, and see if you can get yourself off before Faith gets home. But your need is too much. You can't stop, and you can't walk away. You just [[keep watching him|Part5Faith5KeepWatching]] as your finger rubs your clit. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectDreams>> should go back to your room, and see if you can get yourself off before Faith gets home. But this is so much like one of the dreams you had. You wonder if it'll play out the same way that one did. You can't help but to [[keep watching him|Part5Faith5KeepWatching]] as your finger rubs your clit. <<elseif $JobTestSubject>> should go back to your room, and see if you can get yourself off before Faith gets home. But the tests you did in the engineering lab teased you until you thought you were going to go insane, and never let you orgasm. You couldn't imaging pulling your hand away from your clit now. Your hand stays where it is, and [[your eyes stay fixed on him|Part5Faith5KeepWatching]] <<elseif setup.sexCount() > 0>> should go back to your room, and see if you can get yourself off before Faith gets home. But <<if setup.sexVaginalCount() > 0>> it's been too long since you've had a cock inside you, and you need one right now! <<else>> you've tasted a cock before, but never felt one inside you. And you can't wait any longer. <</if>> So you just [[keep watching him|Part5Faith5KeepWatching]] as your finger rubs your clit. <<else>> should probably [[sneak back to your room|Part5Faith6]] before he realies you are there. But your body cries out for you to [[keep watching him|Part5Faith5KeepWatching]] and to keep your finger rubbing your clit. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Dormitory Shower">></h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part5/Faith6.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<nobr>> You're too preoccupied to notice when he starts to turn around. When he does, he catches you <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> biting your lower lip <<else>> pleasuring yourself <</if>> as you stare. <<if $neighbours[$tempShowerGuy] === 'Peter'>> He's embarrassed at first, but you can see how hard he's gotten at knowing you've been watching him. You take the first move and <<else>> He smiles when he realizes you've been watching him. He opens the door to the shower and invites you in. You quickly <</if>> drop your clothes and join him in the shower. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set setup.makeFWB($neighbours[$tempShowerGuy])>> <<achievement>>fwb:$neighbours[$tempShowerGuy]<</achievement>> The two of you fool around a bit in the shower, but it's cramped and the water has started to get cold, so you quicky decide to <<if $neighbours[$tempShowerGuy] === 'Peter'>> [[move this to his room|Part5Nerd1]]. <<else>> [[move this to his room|Part5Faith5KeepWatching2]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>$neighbours[$tempShowerGuy]'s Room</h1> <video src="Part5/Faith7.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="508"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You hadn't imagined when you'd met that you'd end up here in $neighbours[$tempShowerGuy]'s bed. Well, you might have imagined it a few times. But you'd, thought it'd only ever be in your imagination. But he was here, and he was hard, and you couldn't hold back any longer. As you feel his cock slide into you, you wonder why you'd waited. You and him could have been doing this since you moved in. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When your need is finally satisfied you climb out of $neighbours[$tempShowerGuy]'s wet bed, as you do <<if $neighbours[$tempShowerGuy] === 'Barry'>> he give's you a swat on the ass and says, "That was fun, slut. Come back whenever you need more. You caught me by surprise today, don't count on me being so nice next time." <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> You know you should be angry, but it just turns you on. You know it's your implant's fault but you can't help it. Your mind is filled with thoughts of what he might do next time for days. <<else>> You're a little angry at him calling you a slut. <<if setup.sexCount() == 0>>This was your first time, after all.<</if>> But as you feel the lingering sting from his hand on your ass, you have to admit that part turned you on a bit. You tell yourself there won't be a next time, but you can't help but wonder what he might do if there was. <</if>> <<else>> he thanks you for a wonderful time, and tells you you're welcome back any time. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $neighbours[$tempShowerGuy]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $neighbours[$tempShowerGuy], vaginal:true})>> As you start to leave his room, you realize Faith has returned. Thankfully she doesn't seem to have heard your moans. You carefully sneak back to the bathroom to grab your clothes and get dressed. You know you'll probably be sneaking back over to <<if $neighbours[$tempShowerGuy] == 'Barry'>>[[Barry's room|Part5Jerk1]] <<elseif $neighbours[$tempShowerGuy] == 'James'>>[[James's room|Part5Player1]] <<elseif $neighbours[$tempShowerGuy] == 'Josh'>>[[Josh's room|Part5Regular1]] <<else>>[[Zack's room|Part5Thrill1]] <</if>> again soon. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your Room</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part5/Faith8.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <<nobr>> You stop watching and head to your room. But you can't stop thinking about his naked body, his wet skin, his ass. You imagine what his cock would have looked like if he'd turned around... You haven't been able to masturbate as much as you've needed to thanks to sharing a room with Faith. But now you need to more than ever. Thankfully Faith isn't home. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As your finger circles your clit, you hold back the moans your body tries to make. As you grind into your hand and your comforter, you can feel your pleasure building. You know the relief you need is only moments away. But just before you orgasm, you see Faith open the door and walk in. You quickly stop, and your chance for an orgasm is lost. There's no use lying, the look on Faith's face makes it clear she saw everything you were doing. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You apologize for her seeing that, but tell her you just couldn't hold back any longer. You tell her about the dreams you've been having at night, and the fantasies you can't get out of your mind during the day. You tell her about seeing your neighbour in the shower, and about how you barely resisted joining him in the shower. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You tell her that even with the urges this body has given you, you haven't had sex at all yet. But you warn her that you don't know how much longer you'll be able to resist. You let her know you're scared that you're going to go crazy, or that the urges will overwhelm you and you'll try to fuck every guy on campus. You [[beg her to help you|Part5Faith7]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your Room</h1> <img src="Part5/Faith9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Faith realizes your desperation is real and calms down. She seems genuinely concerned for you as she listens to the desires you have been coping with. "...And the worst part", you finish, "is I never know if what I'm feeling is normal, something the X-Change caused, or if I'm just a sick person.". <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You're not a sick person," she reassures you. "Some desires are normal. I feel them sometimes too. It's God's way of encouraging us to get married and start a family." You listen skeptically as she continues, "But I think the X-Change makes it much worse. Trust me you've done very well so far in coping with it. You wouldn't believe some of the stories I've heard from the other mentors about what their mentees have done." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Faith suggests you [[join her at the campus ministry|Part5Faith8]] tomorrow, and talk with her pastor about the troubles you've been having. You aren't sure about it, but at this point you are desperate to try anything. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Confession</h1> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <img src="Part5/Faith10b.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOral>> <img src="Part5/Faith10d.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> <img src="Part5/Faith10a.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> <img src="Part5/Faith10e.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<else>> <img src="Part5/Faith10c.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After the group meeting, Faith introduces you in private to her pastor. She starts telling him about the troubles you've been having. You continue, telling him about the fantasies that you can't get out of your mind. You tell him how they started just as dreams, but now the same erotic thoughts are interrupting your thoughts throughout the day. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Pastor Mark tries to comfort you, "I can see how much these thoughts are troubling you. Even right now, as you are discussing it with us, it's clear how vivid the thoughts are in your mind. But you shouldn't be ashamed of them, they aren't your fault. <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> Many women have fantasies of being helpless, of submitting themselves fully to their husband. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOral>> There's nothing wrong with a wife wanting to submit to her husband and desiring to give him pleasure. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> Of course, one purpose of sex within a marriage is to have children, but that isn't it's only purpose. There's nothing wrong with a wife wanting to share pleasure with her husband in other ways as well. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> I can see why you find them distrubing though. Some of them seem very debaucherous. But these are likely the result of your implant, not because of some personal failing on your part. <<else>> Fantasizing about being with your future husband, holding him in your arms, bearing his children is perfectly normal. That's part of God's plan for you, of course. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Historically, a woman your age might already be married, or would be likely to get married very soon. It's only in more recent times that people have chosen to wait longer. There's nothing wrong with that per se. It's when it leads to premarital promiscuity, as it so often does, that it becomes troubling. The fact that you are here seeking help to avoid that is a good sign." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The two of you set up a time to [[come back and discuss the situation further|Part5Faith9]] with him later in the week. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Making a plan</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part5/Faith11.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<nobr>> Pastor Mark has had more time to think about your situation. "I think you need to act soon. I can tell your resistance to your desires is starting to weaken. I fear you may decide to give in to them. And after you did once, I doubt you would hesitate to do so again. I expect you would sprial out of control soon after that. Can you imagine what you might do if that happened? Sorry, that was a poor choice of words. Don't actually try to imagine that." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The first thing he wants to try is to give you something else to do to take your mind off of your desires. "Most of the activities available on campus would just put you in more situations that would tempt you to sin. I'm sure promiscuity and licentious behavior are problems at most campuses, but it seems much worse here for some reason." Faith has told him about how you'd wanted to learn the play the guitar, but had never learned. He offers to teach you, and then you can play at ministry events eventually. That'll keep you away from temptation as much as possible. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can tell him: "That's a wonderful idea. I need to [[try something|Part5Faith10]]." Or, you could tell him: "Thank you for trying to help me, but I don't think the campus ministry is for me. I'll learn to [[manage my desires on my own|Part5FaithNo]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your Room</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part5/Faith13.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<nobr>> You want no part of Faith and Mark's plans for you. They didn't even what you to masturbate! It certainly wasn't the X-Change that made you like that. And the thought of spending hours learning to play boring church songs on a guitar sounded like torture. They are disappointed when you let them know you are not interested. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> On the way home, you stop the sex shop in town to pick up a dildo. You see one of the other mentors, Olivia, working there. She seems much less uptight than Faith. You wonder how much more fun you would have been having if she had been your mentor instead. She recognizes you as well and gives you her employee discount and tells you to have fun with your new toy. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Thankfully, Faith is at the ministry frequently, so you don't have to wait long until you have the room to yourself. You suck on your new toy as you other hand finds its way to your clit. Once you've gotten yourself wet and can't wait any longer, you <<if $PlaySideEffectOral>>reluctantly<</if>> pull the dildo out of your mouth. You moan as it feels so good sliding in. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> "Why have I been denying myself this?", you wonder. But as you keep going instead of it feeling better and better, you start to feel it less and less. You pick up the pace and go deeper with the dildo, and try rubbing your clit, but it doesn't help. Even as the feelings diminish, your hunger for some release goes up and up. <br><br> You eventually give up, realizing it's the masturbation denial side effect they'd told you about causing this. By the time you stop, you are feeling almost nothing, but far hornier than when you'd started. You are tempted to go out and find some guy, right now! But you manage to summon up just enough willpower to throw the dildo in your drawer and try to get some sleep. Maybe you can [[figure out something on Sunday|Part5FaithNo2]] when Faith will be gone all morning. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> "Why have I been denying myself this?", you wonder. You keep going as you feel your orgasm build and build... "No!!!", you cry out as you suddenly feel your oragasm slip away just before you can cum. You realize your implant's side effect has denied your orgasm. You'd try again, but you know the result will be the same for at least the next day. You toss the dildo into a drawer and try to tell yourself, "Well, at least it felt good while it lasted." You figure you'll [[try again on Sunday|Part5FaithNo2]] when Faith will be gone all morning. <<else>> "Why have I been denying myself this?", you wonder. You keep going as you feel your orgasm build and build... "Yes! Yes! Oh God Yes!", you scream as you cum. <<if $PlayerPowerfulOrgasms or $PlayerSuperOrgasms>> Wave after wave of pleasure washes over you, it takes you several minutes to recover from them. <<else>> Waves of pleasure wash over you. It takes you a moment to recover. <</if>> You hide your dildo in a drawer, you know you'll be using your new toy again very soon. [[Maybe Sunday|Part5FaithNo2]] when Faith will be gone all morning. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock or $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> <h1>Some Guy's Room</h1> <video src="Part5/Faith14.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Basketball Player', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Basketball Player', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Basketball Player', vaginal:true, repeat:true})>> <<elseif $JobAthlete>> <h1>Athletic Center</h1> <video src="Part5/Faith15a.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Masseur', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Masseur', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Masseur', vaginal:true, repeat:true})>> <<else>> <h1>Quiet Study Room</h1> <video src="Part5/Faith15b.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Classmate', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't make it until Sunday. It's just two days later <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock or $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> when you are leaving your yoga class at the fitness center. You were hoping the class would take your mind off the frustration you've been feeling, but it didn't. As you are walking through the center, you see the basketball team practicing and sit down in the front row of the empty bleachers to watch. <br><br> You don't even realize how much you've been staring until after they are done and one of the players comes over to talk to you. He noticed how you were looking at him while he practiced. He says he's about to head to the shower, but wants to know if you'd like to join him for coffee after he's done. <br><br> "How about we just go back to your room, right now instead?", you ask. He doesn't take any convincing and decides to leave his other clothes in the locker room to pick up later and heads straight to his room with you. <br><br> As soon as you feel his cock slide into you, you've know you'd made the right decision. You don't know why you ever tried to avoid this. As you get closer you worry that you'll be denied again, either by your implant, or by him cumming too soon. But thankfully, neither is the case this time. <br><br> After you both have came, you lie next to him for a while. It's been so long since you had an orgasm. You hope you never have to go that long again. <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>>But unless your implant thwarts you again, you shouldn't have to wait very long until your next one.<</if>> After you've given him a bit of time to recover, you take his cock into your mouth and begin to coax it back to life for another round. <<elseif $JobAthlete>> when your sore muscles lead you to the massage area at the athletic center. You tell yourself you are just getting a massage, but you knew that wasn't true when you walked in. Why else would you have specifically requested one of the guys for your massage? Even when his hands are just oiling up your stomach and legs, your body tells you that you've made the right decision. You've denied it for far too long. <br><br> He sees your reactions and knows you want more. You would have thought your smile as his hands slide up your thigh and part your legs would be enough to confirm it for him. But as his deft fingers tease the outside of your lips and slide across your clit he asks, "Do you want me to continue?" <br><br> "Not with your hands," you answer as you pull the draw string to untie his pants. <br><br> After you've both came, he returns to your actual massage for a while, until he's ready for another round. <<else>> when you are leaving class. You'd known he'd had a cursh on you since the begining of the semester, but you hadn't been interested in him. Today he'd finally worked up the nerve to ask you out on a date. You still aren't interested in him, but you have a need that you've been ignoring for too long, and you know he'd be more than willing to help you with it. You tell him you aren't interested in a date, but that you have something better he can help you with, right now. <br><br> He doesn't seem to mind you rejecting his date offer as you pull him into an empty study room near your class room. It isn't long until your skirt is up and your panties are down and his cock is sliding into you. As you get close to cumming, he reaches a hand around to cover your mouth so no one hears the moans coming from the 'quiet' study room. His hand over your mouth pushes you over the top and you are soon screaming into his hand as you orgasm. That's enough to push him over the top too as he thursts a final time and cums inside you. <br><br> As you straighten yourself back up and start to head out of the room, you tell him this is just a one time thing, and he's fine with that. But you also realize you'll be in the same class with him the rest of the semester, and you're sure he'll be ready for another trip to the study room if you ever need it again. <</if>> <</nobr>> [[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<<nobr>> <<set $CampusMinistry to 1>> <<set $CampusMinistrySaves to 3>> <h1>Learning to Play</h1> <<set setup.addInventory('toys', 'guitar')>> <</nobr>> <video src="Part5/Faith12.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<nobr>> Mark is an excellent teacher, you've really started to pick things up quickly. It probably helps that you practice all the time to take your mind off of the other things you could be doing. You are also happy to discover that you have a nice singing voice now as well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Mark and Faith are so excited at your progress. They think they might have 'cured' your problem. It's definitely helped. You think you'll probably be able to resist the temptations your body is throwing at you every day. But you don't have the heart to tell them that you are anything but 'cured'. And you <strong><i>really</i></strong> don't want to tell either of them the kind of thoughts that fill your mind when Pastor Mark and you are alone during your guitar lessons. You hope that those too will pass in time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobAthlete>> When you aren't at the ministry, you try to throw yourself into your workout regime. You figure if your body is exhausted and sore, sex will be the last thing on your mind. <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> But being around all the men working out, seeing the sweat glistening on their bodies. It's just so intoxicating. You know it's the X-Change implant doing this to you, but you [[just can't resist any longer|AthletePheromones]]! <<else>> <<set $CampusMinistrySaves -= 1>> Your coach says he can see the stress of training so hard is starting to get to you and tells you to go get a massage at the fitness center. You think it might be to much of a temptation with a guy giving your massage, so you request a woman. You are a bit nervous as you strip down to your underwear. She carefully works over all your sore muscles and you are feeling much better. <br><br> As her hand brushes across your inner thigh, you feel a shiver of pleasure shoot through you. Your legs instinctively part and a moan escapes your lips. You're instantly mortified and move your legs together, but she tries to sooth you. “It’s ok.”, she says as her hand begins to slide up further. You body cries out to [[let her continue|AthleteRelief]]. It takes all the willpower you have, but you put your hand on hers to stop it and say "no." <br><br> "Ok, if you ever change your mind, we're here for all the athletes. If you prefer a guy instead, they are available too." Your thoughts quickly turn to what might have happened if she had been a guy. You do your best to push the images of you bent over the massage table out of your mind as quickly as you can. <br><br> You thank her, but know you won't be returning for another massage. The temptations here are just too much for you. <</if>> <<elseif $JobBarista>> When you aren't at the ministry, you try to work at the coffee shop as much as you can. The money is helpful, and it keeps you busy and your thoughts away from other things. Well, usually anyway. You see one of the girls disappear into Andrew's office freqently. From the disheveled look she usually has when she leaves, you're pretty sure you know what they do in there. You try not to think about it though, and just focus on doing your job. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$JobAthlete || !$PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> Of course there's [[your classwork to worry about|Part6Start1]] as well. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You never knew two people could fuck as much as the two of them do. They usually start off trying to be quiet while you try to sleep. But more often than not you’re left struggling to sleep over the sounds of Emily’s moans.">> <img src="Part5/Emily2.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<print "You try not to, but sometimes you can’t help but peek one eye open and watch the two of them. It only makes the horniness you already had worse though. You can’t ignore it anymore and need to do something.">> <<print "You can ">>[[ask Emily if she’d be open to a threesome|Part5EmilyThree]]<<if !$PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock and !$PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>><<print " or you can ">>[[You can try quietly masturbating while you watch them|Part5EmilyWatch]]<</if>><<print ".">><<nobr>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'magic wand')>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You do your best to stay quiet as you explore your body while you watch them go at it. You try to stay quiet so the don’t know you are watching, or masturbating.">> <video src="Part5/Emily3.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<print "You imagine you are Emily with her boyfriend fucking you, you imagine it’s the three of you all intertwined together, before long you are covering your mouth trying to muffle the sound of your orgasm. Thankfully they were far to focused on each other to notice you at all.">> <<print "The next evening though, there’s a wrapped present from Emily on your bed. When you open it you see it’s one of those ‘magic wand’ vibrators. “It was so hot last night with you watching us.”, Emily tells you, “But I could tell the other vibrator we’d picked up on our shopping trip wasn’t working for you, so I picked up this one for you. it’s a bit noisy, but it’ll definitely get the job done. We’ll try to put on a good show for you tonight so you can try it out.”">> <<nobr>> <<if $JobOfficePA>>[[You go to work at the office.|JobOfficeBlowjob2]]<</if>> <<if $JobOfficeManager>>[[You go to work at the office.|JobOfficePro2]]<</if>> <<if $JobAthlete>> <<link "You go to train at the Gym.">> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> <<goto [[AthleteOral]]>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<goto [[AthleteChastity]]>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> <<goto [[AthletePheromones]]>> <<else>> <<goto [[AthleteRelief]]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</link>> <</if>> <<if $JobEngineer>>[[You go to work at the lab.|JobEngineer4]]<</if>> <<if $JobTestSubject>>[[You go to work at the lab.|JobEngineerSubject2]]<</if>> <<if $JobLibrary>>[[You go to work at the library.|JobLibrary5]]<</if>> <<if $JobFitnessMassage>>[[You go to work at the fitness centre.|JobFitnessMassage2]]<</if>> <<if $JobFitnessYoga>>[[You go to work at the fitness centre.|JobFitnessYoga3]]<</if>> <<if $JobOfficeIntern>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <<if $JobCheerleader>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <<if $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Emily'})>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Your horniness finally overcomes your inhibitions, and you ask Emily if she’d be open to a threesome.">> <<print "At first you see a flash of jealousy on Emily’s face when she thinks you have a crush on her boyfriend. But as you explain to her that it’s not that at all, she’s far more understanding.">> <img src="Part5/Emily4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "When you explain how their constant lovemaking is making your already high libido even worse, she starts trying to think of how to best help you with your problem.">> <<print "She’s still not willing to share her boyfriend, but she does come up with a way to help you. You’re very happy with her solution. Her boyfriend doesn’t seem to mind it either.">> <<nobr>> <<if $JobOfficePA>>[[You go to work at the office.|JobOfficeBlowjob2]]<</if>> <<if $JobOfficeManager>>[[You go to work at the office.|JobOfficePro2]]<</if>> <<if $JobAthlete>> <<link "You go to train at the Gym.">> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> <<goto [[AthleteOral]]>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<goto [[AthleteChastity]]>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> <<goto [[AthletePheromones]]>> <<else>> <<goto [[AthleteRelief]]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</link>> <</if>> <<if $JobEngineer>>[[You go to work at the lab.|JobEngineer4]]<</if>> <<if $JobTestSubject>>[[You go to work at the lab.|JobEngineerSubject2]]<</if>> <<if $JobLibrary>>[[You go to work at the library.|JobLibrary5]]<</if>> <<if $JobFitnessMassage>>[[You go to work at the fitness centre.|JobFitnessMassage2]]<</if>> <<if $JobFitnessYoga>>[[You go to work at the fitness centre.|JobFitnessYoga3]]<</if>> <<if $JobOfficeIntern>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <<if $JobCheerleader>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <<if $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <</nobr>> <<achievement>>threesome:FMF<</achievement>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Hannah'})>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "With Hannah out, you have the room to yourself until she stumbles in tomorrow morning. You begin exploring your body and feel your need building. It takes much longer than it ever did when you were a guy, but it feels amazing. You’re getting pretty close to an orgasm when you hear the door start to open. You quickly scramble under the covers and act innocent.">> <<print "“What-cha Doin’...?”, Hannah asks with a huge grin on her face. She closes and locks the door behind her as she comes in. “Don’t stop because of me. My date wasn’t really my type, so I didn’t go home with him. So I guess we’re both horny and frustrated now.”, then she pauses for a moment. “Actually... I have an idea...”">> <video src="Part5/Hannah2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "At that she lays down next to you and starts to play with herself. She tells you how good it feels and encourages you to do the same. It isn’t long until you both are coming and then collapsing beside each other.">> <<print "“I don’t want you to get the wrong idea.”, she tells you, “I still prefer guys. But us roommates have to help each other out sometimes though, right?”">> <<nobr>> <<if $JobAthlete>> <<link "You go to train at the Gym.">> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> <<goto [[AthleteOral]]>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<goto [[AthleteChastity]]>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> <<goto [[AthletePheromones]]>> <<else>> <<goto [[AthleteRelief]]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</link>> <</if>> <<if $JobCallGirl>>[[You go to work as a Call Girl.|JobCall3]]<</if>> <<if $JobCallGirlSide and !$JobAthlete and !$JobEngineer and !$JobTestSubject and !$JobLibrary and !$JobFitnessMassage and !$JobFitnessYoga>>[[You go to work as a Call Girl.|JobCall3]]<</if>> <<if $JobEngineer>>[[You go to work at the lab.|JobEngineer4]]<</if>> <<if $JobTestSubject>>[[You go to work at the lab.|JobEngineerSubject2]]<</if>> <<if $JobLibrary>>[[You go to work at the library.|JobLibrary5]]<</if>> <<if $JobFitnessMassage>>[[You go to work at the fitness centre.|JobFitnessMassage2]]<</if>> <<if $JobFitnessYoga>>[[You go to work at the fitness centre.|JobFitnessYoga3]]<</if>> <<if $JobCheerleader and !$JobCallGirlSide and !$JobWebModelSide>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <<if $JobCheerleaderFundraiser and !$JobCallGirlSide and !$JobWebModelSide>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Hannah'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Hannah'})>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "“Don’t worry, I’ll be there soon with a solution for you.”, she replies back. You wait, not sure what to expect. You were thinking a vibrator or something, but she walks through the door with her date.">> <<print "“When I asked Tom if he was willing to help you with your little problem, he was more than happy to help.”">> <img src="Part5/Hannah3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "Tom spends several hours with the two of you. By the time Hannah sends him home, all three of you are quite satisfied.">> <<print "“Thank you for being so... ummm... generous, sharing your date with me.”, you say.">> <<print "“Oh, don’t worry about it. I actually thought he was pretty boring on the date and I was going to call it a night and come home alone before I got your text. This way was much more fun for all of us.”">> <<nobr>> <<if $JobAthlete>> <<link "You go to train at the Gym.">> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> <<goto [[AthleteOral]]>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<goto [[AthleteChastity]]>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> <<goto [[AthletePheromones]]>> <<else>> <<goto [[AthleteRelief]]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</link>> <</if>> <<if $JobCallGirl>>[[You go to work as a Call Girl.|JobCall3]]<</if>> <<if $JobCallGirlSide and !$JobAthlete and !$JobEngineer and !$JobTestSubject and !$JobLibrary and !$JobFitnessMassage and !$JobFitnessYoga>>[[You go to work as a Call Girl.|JobCall3]]<</if>> <<if $JobEngineer>>[[You go to work at the lab.|JobEngineer4]]<</if>> <<if $JobTestSubject>>[[You go to work at the lab.|JobEngineerSubject2]]<</if>> <<if $JobLibrary>>[[You go to work at the library.|JobLibrary5]]<</if>> <<if $JobFitnessMassage>>[[You go to work at the fitness centre.|JobFitnessMassage2]]<</if>> <<if $JobFitnessYoga>>[[You go to work at the fitness centre.|JobFitnessYoga3]]<</if>> <<if $JobCheerleader and !$JobCallGirlSide and !$JobWebModelSide>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <<if $JobCheerleaderFundraiser and !$JobCallGirlSide and !$JobWebModelSide>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <</nobr>> <<achievement>>threesome:FMF<</achievement>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $neighbours[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $neighbours[1]})>> <h1><<print "Neighbour’s Bedroom">></h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Before you knock on their door, you try to think of how to invite one of the guys back to your room, but then you come up with a better idea. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You tell them both how horny you are and that you plan on taking one of them back to your room to fuck you. You then tell them you want to make sure whichever one it is can last long enough to satisfy you. You tell them you’ll stroke them both off and whichever one cums first loses. <</nobr>> <video src="Part5/Hannah4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<nobr>> Of course, they think it's a fair competition between them, but it's not. Really, it's up to you to decided whether <<link $neighbours[0]>><<set $tempStrokeWinner = 0>><<goto [[Part5HannahNeighbour2]]>><</link>> or <<link $neighbours[1]>><<set $tempStrokeWinner = 1>><<goto [[Part5HannahNeighbour2]]>><</link>> wins this game. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> All you have to do is just squeeze a bit tighter and stroke a bit deeper, to make sure the other one ‘loses’. As his cum covers your hand, you are sure he's never had more fun losing before in his life. You take your winner back to your room. You plan on having him eat you out long enough that you are close to an orgasm, and so that the one he was holding back will have faded, before you'll let him finally start to fuck you. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Hannah'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $neighbours[$tempStrokeWinner], vaginal:true})>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and $neighbours[$tempStrokeWinner] are barely in your room when Hannah walks in. Her date didn’t go well so she ended it when she saw your text. “I saw your text and figured I’d take whichever guy you didn’t.”, she says, “But now that I see how horny and frustrated you have this one already, I want to play too.”’You tell her you’d be happy to share. <</nobr>> <img src="Part5/Hannah5.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<nobr>> You and her have hours of fun with $neighbours[$tempStrokeWinner]. You take turns, one rides his face while the other teases his cock. You and Hannah have came many times, but you make sure to keep him on the edge of an orgasm, but never let him cum. As he’s eating Hannah out for the final time he begs for you to let him cum this time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> This final time instead of teasing him again, you climb on top of him. You’re sure <<print $neighbours[(1-$tempStrokeWinner)]>> next door hears the moan $neighbours[$tempStrokeWinner] makes as you slide his cock inside you. You grind slowly, teasing him inside you, until after he gets Hannah off again. When she’s satisfied, then you begin riding him in earnest. He doesn’t last very long after that. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobAthlete>> <<link "You go to train at the Gym.">> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> <<goto [[AthleteOral]]>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<goto [[AthleteChastity]]>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> <<goto [[AthletePheromones]]>> <<else>> <<goto [[AthleteRelief]]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</link>> <</if>> <<if $JobCallGirl>>[[You go to work as a Call Girl.|JobCall3]]<</if>> <<if $JobCallGirlSide and !$JobAthlete and !$JobEngineer and !$JobTestSubject and !$JobLibrary and !$JobFitnessMassage and !$JobFitnessYoga>>[[You go to work as a Call Girl.|JobCall3]]<</if>> <<if $JobEngineer>>[[You go to work at the lab.|JobEngineer4]]<</if>> <<if $JobTestSubject>>[[You go to work at the lab.|JobEngineerSubject2]]<</if>> <<if $JobLibrary>>[[You go to work at the library.|JobLibrary5]]<</if>> <<if $JobFitnessMassage>>[[You go to work at the fitness centre.|JobFitnessMassage2]]<</if>> <<if $JobFitnessYoga>>[[You go to work at the fitness centre.|JobFitnessYoga3]]<</if>> <<if $JobCheerleader and !$JobCallGirlSide and !$JobWebModelSide>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <<if $JobCheerleaderFundraiser and !$JobCallGirlSide and !$JobWebModelSide>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <</nobr>> <<achievement>>threesome:FMF<</achievement>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Samantha'})>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Sam said she’d help out when the effects of the X-Change got to much for you. You were thinking your playful wrestling might continue, but with a little more action, but she had something else in mind.">> <<print "Her touches were gentle at first, getting you even more worked up. She made sure you were ready before you even felt the first finger slide in. You were begging for more before she slid the second finger in.">> <img src="Part5/Sam2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "Before she’d finished, her whole hand was inside you. You felt it moving back and forth, filling you. You couldn’t speak, or think, all you could do was cry out in pleasure. When you finally came, you came harder than you ever had before, soaking your comforter in the process.">> <<print "You hadn’t realized how loud you’d been until a couple minutes later when the dorm RA knocked on your door to make sure everyone was alright after he had gotten calls about someone screaming.">> <<nobr>> <<if $JobAthlete>> <<link "You go to train at the Gym.">> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> <<goto [[AthleteOral]]>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<goto [[AthleteChastity]]>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> <<goto [[AthletePheromones]]>> <<else>> <<goto [[AthleteRelief]]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</link>> <</if>> <<if $JobEngineer>>[[You go to work at the lab.|JobEngineer4]]<</if>> <<if $JobTestSubject>>[[You go to work at the lab.|JobEngineerSubject2]]<</if>> <<if $JobLibrary>>[[You go to work at the library.|JobLibrary5]]<</if>> <<if $JobFitnessMassage>>[[You go to work at the fitness centre.|JobFitnessMassage2]]<</if>> <<if $JobFitnessYoga>>[[You go to work at the fitness centre.|JobFitnessYoga3]]<</if>> <<if $JobOfficeIntern>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <<if $JobCheerleader>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <<if $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <<if $JobBartender or $JobBartenderBi or $JobBartenderGirls or $JobBartenderGuys>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $neighbours[0], vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $neighbours[1], vaginal:true})>> <h1><<print "Neighbours’s Bedroom">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You knocked on the door to the guys room not knowing what you were going to say. You couldn’t invite one one of them back to your room, since Sam was still there, and you couldn’t ask one of them to leave his own room so you could fuck his roommate, could you? And you were far too horny to wait any longer...">> <img src="Part5/Sam3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "Before you know it you have one of their cocks in your mouth and the other is sliding into your pussy from behind you. Your moans are nearly silent, suppressed by the cock in your mouth. Your moans are less muffled later though as one of the guys moves to fuck your ass instead.">> <<print "Hours later when you finally head back to your room, you can feel them both leaking out of you still. Sam sees you smiling from more orgasm than you can count and just says, “It looks like someone had a good time.” then you collapse on your bed, exhausted.">> <<nobr>> <<if $JobAthlete>> <<link "You go to train at the Gym.">> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> <<goto [[AthleteOral]]>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<goto [[AthleteChastity]]>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> <<goto [[AthletePheromones]]>> <<else>> <<goto [[AthleteRelief]]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</link>> <</if>> <<if $JobEngineer>>[[You go to work at the lab.|JobEngineer4]]<</if>> <<if $JobTestSubject>>[[You go to work at the lab.|JobEngineerSubject2]]<</if>> <<if $JobLibrary>>[[You go to work at the library.|JobLibrary5]]<</if>> <<if $JobFitnessMassage>>[[You go to work at the fitness centre.|JobFitnessMassage2]]<</if>> <<if $JobFitnessYoga>>[[You go to work at the fitness centre.|JobFitnessYoga3]]<</if>> <<if $JobOfficeIntern>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <<if $JobCheerleader>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <<if $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <<if $JobBartender or $JobBartenderBi or $JobBartenderGirls or $JobBartenderGuys>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <</nobr>> <<achievement>>threesome:MFM<</achievement>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Olivia'})>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Olivia now wears a chastity belt all the time. You know her master hasn’t let her cum since you took your belt off. But since you don’t have a belt on anymore, you can take your pleasure almost anywhere, and you do.">> <video src="Part5/Olivia2.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "It’s still convenient having Olivia in the next bed over though whenever you feel the slightest desire for an orgasm. You love it not just for the pleasure she gives you, but also to remind her of what she can’t have. Your little revenge for her putting that belt on you in the first place.">> <<nobr>> <<if $JobAthlete>> <<link "You go to train at the Gym.">> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> <<goto [[AthleteOral]]>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<goto [[AthleteChastity]]>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> <<goto [[AthletePheromones]]>> <<else>> <<goto [[AthleteRelief]]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</link>> <</if>> <<if $JobWebModel>>[[You go and do more web posing.|JobWebModel4]]<</if>> <<if $JobWebModelSide and !$JobAthlete and !$JobEngineer and !$JobTestSubject and !$JobLibrary and !$JobFitnessMassage and !$JobFitnessYoga>>[[You go and do more web posing.|JobWebModel4]]<</if>> <<if $JobEngineer>>[[You go to work at the lab.|JobEngineer4]]<</if>> <<if $JobTestSubject>>[[You go to work at the lab.|JobEngineerSubject2]]<</if>> <<if $JobLibrary>>[[You go to work at the library.|JobLibrary5]]<</if>> <<if $JobFitnessMassage>>[[You go to work at the fitness centre.|JobFitnessMassage2]]<</if>> <<if $JobFitnessYoga>>[[You go to work at the fitness centre.|JobFitnessYoga3]]<</if>> <<if $JobCheerleader and !$JobCallGirlSide and !$JobWebModelSide>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <<if $JobCheerleaderFundraiser and !$JobCallGirlSide and !$JobWebModelSide>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Bedroom</h1> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex: 'male', name: $neighbours[0]})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex: 'male', name: $neighbours[1]})>> Every night you struggle to go to sleep, your pussy aching to be filled. And every morning you wake up even hornier than the night before. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It drives you even more insane with lust knowing there are two willing cocks only feet away from you the whole time. If only you weren’t in this damn belt. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part5/Olivia3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You have to at least suck one, or both, of them off before you can even function in the morning. It doesn’t help much, but it helps a little. Luckily they are both more than willing to help you start your day. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobAthlete>> <<link "You go to train at the Gym.">> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> <<goto [[AthleteOral]]>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<goto [[AthleteChastity]]>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> <<goto [[AthletePheromones]]>> <<else>> <<goto [[AthleteRelief]]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</link>> <</if>> <<if $JobWebModel>>[[You go and do more web posing.|JobWebModel4]]<</if>> <<if $JobWebModelSide and !$JobAthlete and !$JobEngineer and !$JobTestSubject and !$JobLibrary and !$JobFitnessMassage and !$JobFitnessYoga>>[[You go and do more web posing.|JobWebModel4]]<</if>> <<if $JobEngineer>>[[You go to work at the lab.|JobEngineer4]]<</if>> <<if $JobTestSubject>>[[You go to work at the lab.|JobEngineerSubject2]]<</if>> <<if $JobLibrary>>[[You go to work at the library.|JobLibrary5]]<</if>> <<if $JobFitnessMassage>>[[You go to work at the fitness centre.|JobFitnessMassage2]]<</if>> <<if $JobFitnessYoga>>[[You go to work at the fitness centre.|JobFitnessYoga3]]<</if>> <<if $JobCheerleader and !$JobCallGirlSide and !$JobWebModelSide>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <<if $JobCheerleaderFundraiser and !$JobCallGirlSide and !$JobWebModelSide>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <<if $JobBarista>>[[You have to work at the cafe.|Part6Barista]]<</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Barry', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Barry', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Barry', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Barry', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Barry', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.makeFWB('Barry')>> <<achievement>>fwb:Barry<</achievement>> <h1><<if $Mentor == 'Emily'>><<print "Your New Bedroom">><<else>><<print "Barry’s Bedroom">><</if>></h1> <</nobr>> <<if $Mentor == 'Emily'>><br><<print "You try to ignore him, but you can hear Emily’s moans from next door through the thin walls. And you know the guy next to you would love to help you make just as much noise back. Eventually you give up trying to suppress your urges and give in to them.">><br><br><<print "You know it’s probably a mistake, but you can’t help it, so you tell one of the guys just exactly what you need from him...">><br><br><</if>> <<print "He calls you a pathetic slut. You want to get mad and scream at him, but some part of you believes what he’s saying. And as much as you hate to admit it, you need a cock right now. Even if it’s his.">> <<print "He says he’ll fuck you, since that’s all you’re good for anyway. Before he does, he calls you horrible names. And he makes you agree and repeat all the horrible things he says back to him.">> <img src="Part5/GoNeighbour1.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<print "Finally he makes you say you need to be punished for being such a slut. Only after your ass is on fire from his belt does he finally fuck you.">> <<print "You crawl back into your bed, ashamed and humiliated. You can’t even look at him for days.">> <<print "But soon you feel the same hunger building up inside you again. You can’t help it and it isn’t long before ">>[[your need forced you back to him again.|Part5Jerk2]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'James', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'James', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'James', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'James', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'James', vaginal:true})>> <h1><<if $Mentor == 'Emily'>><<print "Your New Bedroom">><<else>><<print "James’s Bedroom">><</if>></h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part5/GoNeighbour3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<nobr>> <<if setup.isFWB('James')>> You've seen the girls that head into James room, and you've heard their moans through the wall too. So you don't have any illusions about what this is between you and James. And you like it that way. <br><br> You know whenever you feel that aching empty feeling inside, you can sneak over to James's bed and he'll take care of it for you. You know you'll be crawling back into your own bed with a smile on your <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> face, and James's cum inside you. <<else>> face. <</if>> <<else>> <<set setup.makeFWB('James')>> <<achievement>>fwb:James<</achievement>> <<if $Mentor == 'Emily'>> <br> You try to ignore him, but you can hear Emily’s moans from next door through the thin walls. And you know the guy next to you would love to help you make just as much noise back. Eventually you give up trying to suppress your urges and give in to them. <br><br> You know it’s probably a mistake, but you can’t help it, so you tell one of the guys just exactly what you need from him... <br><br> <</if>> You’ve seen more girls than you can count head into his room and, you’ve heard their moans through the wall too. So you don’t have any illusions when your need finally drives you to him. <br><br> And he knows why you’re there. He doesn’t bother with the promises or lies he tells the others, he knows you’re there for the same thing he is. <br><br> When you’ve gotten your fill, you head back to your bed with a big smile on your face. And he lets you know his cock is ready whenever you need it again. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobOfficePA>>[[You go to work at the office.|JobOfficeBlowjob2]]<</if>> <<if $JobOfficeManager>>[[You go to work at the office.|JobOfficePro2]]<</if>> <<if $JobAthlete>> <<link "You go to train at the Gym.">> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> <<goto [[AthleteOral]]>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<goto [[AthleteChastity]]>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> <<goto [[AthletePheromones]]>> <<else>> <<goto [[AthleteRelief]]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</link>> <</if>> <<if $JobEngineer>>[[You go to work at the lab.|JobEngineer4]]<</if>> <<if $JobTestSubject>>[[You go to work at the lab.|JobEngineerSubject2]]<</if>> <<if $JobLibrary>>[[You go to work at the library.|JobLibrary5]]<</if>> <<if $JobFitnessMassage>>[[You go to work at the fitness centre.|JobFitnessMassage2]]<</if>> <<if $JobFitnessYoga>>[[You go to work at the fitness centre.|JobFitnessYoga3]]<</if>> <<if $JobBarista>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <<if $JobOfficeIntern>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <<if $JobCheerleader>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <<if $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Peter'})>> <h1><<if $Mentor == 'Emily'>><<print "Your New Bedroom">><<else>><<print "Peter’s Bedroom">><</if>></h1> <img src="Part5/GoNeighbour5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.isFWB('Peter')>> You and Peter hadn't hit it off that well at first. He seemed shy, especially around you and you hadn't gotten to know him that well. But he was here, and he was hard, and you couldn't wait any longer. You grab his hand and lead him into his room and push him back onto his bed. <br><br> <<if setup.sexCount() == 1>>You wonder if he'd believe you if you told him that he's your first.<</if>> You expect that you are probably his first. You don't think he's going to last long his first time, so you want your needs taken care of first. <<else>> <<if $Mentor == 'Emily'>> <br> You try to ignore him, but you can hear Emily’s moans from next door through the thin walls. And you know the guy next to you would love to help you make just as much noise back. Eventually you give up trying to suppress your urges and give in to them. <br><br> You know it’s probably a mistake, but you can’t help it, so you tell one of the guys just exactly what you need from him... <br><br> <</if>> You need something to help with the need you are feeling. He may be shy and a bit awkward, but you’ve seen how hard he gets when you leave the bathroom after your shower, wearing just a towel. You know he’ll be willing to help. <br><br> This morning the others are gone and it’s just the two of you in the dorm. You drop your towel and push him onto his bed. <br><br> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It seems to be his first time eating a girl out, but he listens well and improves fast. [[It isn’t long before you are grinding into his face as you cum.|Part5Nerd2]] <<set setup.startDating('Peter')>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Zack', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Zack', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Zack', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Zack', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Zack', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.makeFWB('Zack')>> <<achievement>>fwb:Zack<</achievement>> <h1><<if $Mentor == 'Emily'>><<print "Your New Bedroom">><<else>><<print "Zack’s Bedroom">><</if>></h1> <</nobr>> <<if $Mentor == 'Emily'>><br><<print "You try to ignore him, but you can hear Emily’s moans from next door through the thin walls. And you know the guy next to you would love to help you make just as much noise back. Eventually you give up trying to suppress your urges and give in to them.">><br><br><<print "You know it’s probably a mistake, but you can’t help it, so you tell one of the guys just exactly what you need from him...">><br><br><</if>> <<print "As your late night visits to his bed become more frequent, the activities when you get there become more adventurous.">> <img src="Part5/GoNeighbour9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "This time you were bound to his bed again. As he held the candle over your body, your heart raced as you waited for the first drop of wax to hit your breast.">> <<print "Once the shock of the first flash of pain passed, there was still the anticipation of not knowing when or where the next drop would hit. Would it be the dull pain on your chest again? or the sharp, intense pain when it lands on your nipple? ">>[[Or will he put the candle aside to soothe your pain with pleasure again.|Part5Thrill2]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Josh', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Josh', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Josh', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Josh', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Josh', vaginal:true})>> <h1><<if $Mentor == 'Emily'>><<print "Your New Bedroom">><<else>><<print "Josh's Bedroom">><</if>></h1> <img src="Part5/GoNeighbour12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.isFWB('Josh')>> It isn't long before your need sends you back into Josh's bed again. You lie next to him a while afterwards. You know this is just sex. You have needs, and he has needs, and that's all this is. But you're worried he might think this is some sort of relationship. So you let him know, "This is just about sex, OK. No strings attached. Agreed?" <<else>> <<set setup.makeFWB('Josh')>> <<achievement>>fwb:Josh<</achievement>> <<if $Mentor == 'Emily'>> You try to ignore him, but you can hear Emily’s moans from next door through the thin walls. And you know the guy next to you would love to help you make just as much noise back. Eventually you give up trying to suppress your urges and give in to them. <br><br> You know it’s probably a mistake, but you can’t help it, so you tell one of the guys just exactly what you need from him... <br><br> <<else>> When your need finally overwhelms you, you find your way to Josh’s bed. <</if>> Once he gets over the shock of what is happening, he’s a very attentive lover. You’ve already came several times before you climb on top of him and slide his cock into you. <br><br> You and him talk a bit as you lie next to him afterwards. Once he falls asleep, you quietly sneak back to your own bed. <br><br> The next morning, you are embarrassed and flustered and worried what you might have done to your friendship. “Let’s just pretend like last night never happened.”, you ask him. <</if>> <</nobr>> [[“Whatever you think is best.”, he says.|Part5Regular2]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Barry'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Friend of Barry"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Friend of Barry"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Friend of Barry"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Friend of Barry"})>> <h1><<if $Mentor == 'Emily'>><<print "Your New Bedroom">><<else>><<print "Barry’s Bedroom">><</if>></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "This time he tells you he’s bored of fucking you, but that he’ll make use of your mouth. He says maybe he’ll fuck your “used up cunt” later if you please him though.">> <<print "He ties you to his bed post and blindfolds you. You struggle for breath as he fucks your face. You don’t have any choice but to swallow every drop as he shoots down your throat as he cums. When he’s done he leaves you there and starts messaging his friends.">> <img src="Part5/GoNeighbour2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "You don’t know how many of his friends are in the room, but they remove your bra. They slap your breasts, and call you horrible names as they write on you with markers.">> <<print "And they fuck your mouth, of course. They don’t all make you swallow like he did though. Some prefer to cover your chest, your face, your hair.">> <<print "Only after they’ve all enjoyed you multiple times does one of them reach down between your legs to finally give you some relief.">> <<print "When his friends leave, he orders you back to your bed without showering. You feel dry cum all over you and have things like “Whore”, “Slut”, “Fuckpig”, and worse written on you, but you obey.">> <<print "“Let me know when you get horny again slut. You still have one hole left for us to try next time.”">> <<nobr>> <<if $JobOfficePA>>[[You go to work at the office.|JobOfficeBlowjob2]]<</if>> <<if $JobOfficeManager>>[[You go to work at the office.|JobOfficePro2]]<</if>> <<if $JobAthlete>> <<link "You go to train at the Gym.">> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> <<goto [[AthleteOral]]>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<goto [[AthleteChastity]]>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> <<goto [[AthletePheromones]]>> <<else>> <<goto [[AthleteRelief]]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</link>> <</if>> <<if $JobEngineer>>[[You go to work at the lab.|JobEngineer4]]<</if>> <<if $JobTestSubject>>[[You go to work at the lab.|JobEngineerSubject2]]<</if>> <<if $JobLibrary>>[[You go to work at the library.|JobLibrary5]]<</if>> <<if $JobFitnessMassage>>[[You go to work at the fitness centre.|JobFitnessMassage2]]<</if>> <<if $JobFitnessYoga>>[[You go to work at the fitness centre.|JobFitnessYoga3]]<</if>> <<if $JobBarista>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <<if $JobOfficeIntern>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <<if $JobCheerleader>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <<if $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <</nobr>> <<achievement>>train<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1><<if $Mentor == 'Emily'>><<print "Your New Bedroom">><<else>><<print "Peter’s Bedroom">><</if>></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You start to repay the favor, slowly at first. You planned on just a quick blowjob, but once you taste his precum you forget about that and want him inside you.">> <img src="Part5/GoNeighbour6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "He closes his eyes in bliss as your tongue licks the precum from his cock. Your other hand is sifting through his nightstand looking for the box of condoms you assume every college guy has in there, when you find something else.">> [[Pulling it out you recognize it, and start asking him about it.|Part5Nerd3]]<<nobr>> <<set $PlayerItemNerdKey = 1>> <h1><<if $Mentor == 'Emily'>><<print "Your New Bedroom">><<else>><<print "Peter’s Bedroom">><</if>></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "He’s horribly embarrassed about you discovering his cock cage, but an occasional stroke of his cock is enough to ensure he keeps talking and telling you all about it.">> <<print "He’s only ever held the key himself. Wearing it to class or out with friends, and leaving the key in his room, is the only time he’s been locked without the key.">> <<print "You can see how excited he is when you suggest him wearing it now for you.">> <img src="Part5/GoNeighbour7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "It takes some time, but eventually he manages to get in it. As soon as you start looking at it you can see how well it prevents him from getting hard.">> <<print "You worry his cock is going to crack the plastic when you suggest he give you the keys.">> [[You hide one somewhere safe, but the other you wear on an anklet so he can see it every day.|Part5Nerd4]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Peter'})>> <h1><<if $Mentor == 'Emily'>><<print "Your New Bedroom">><<else>><<print "Peter’s Bedroom">><</if>></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "But it’s the nights he really looks forward to. He hopes it’s one of the many nights you crawl into his bed to make use of his tongue.">> <<print "He hopes even more it’s one of the special nights where you take his cock out of it’s cage. and tease it a while. He knows how good you make it feel, even though he’s not allowed to cum.">> <img src="Part5/GoNeighbour8.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<print "But the night he really looks forward to is when you decide to unlock him and let his cock feel the inside of a woman for the first time. Maybe tonight will be the night you finally let him cum. ">> <<nobr>> <<print "You haven’t decided yet. But it won’t be tonight. ">> <span id="Nerd4Span1"> <<link "Maybe next month for his birthday.">> <<set $NerdBirthdaySex = 1>> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#Nerd4Span1">> <<print "Maybe next month for his birthday.">> <</replace>> <<replace "#Nerd4Span2">> <<print "locked up forever instead.">> <</replace>> <<replace "#Nerd4Span3">> <<include [[Part5NerdAfter]]>> <</replace>> <</link>> </span> <<print " Or, you might just decide to keep your horny, virgin plaything ">> <span id="Nerd4Span2"> <<link "locked up forever instead.">> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#Nerd4Span1">> <<print "Maybe next month for his birthday.">> <</replace>> <<replace "#Nerd4Span2">> <<print "locked up forever instead.">> <</replace>> <<replace "#Nerd4Span3">> <<include [[Part5NerdAfter]]>> <</replace>> <</link>> </span> <</nobr>> <span id="Nerd4Span3"></span><<nobr>> <<if $JobOfficePA>>[[You go to work at the office.|JobOfficeBlowjob2]]<</if>> <<if $JobOfficeManager>>[[You go to work at the office.|JobOfficePro2]]<</if>> <<if $JobAthlete>> <<link "You go to train at the Gym.">> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> <<goto [[AthleteOral]]>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<goto [[AthleteChastity]]>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> <<goto [[AthletePheromones]]>> <<else>> <<goto [[AthleteRelief]]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</link>> <</if>> <<if $JobEngineer>>[[You go to work at the lab.|JobEngineer4]]<</if>> <<if $JobTestSubject>>[[You go to work at the lab.|JobEngineerSubject2]]<</if>> <<if $JobLibrary>>[[You go to work at the library.|JobLibrary5]]<</if>> <<if $JobFitnessMassage>>[[You go to work at the fitness centre.|JobFitnessMassage2]]<</if>> <<if $JobFitnessYoga>>[[You go to work at the fitness centre.|JobFitnessYoga3]]<</if>> <<if $JobBarista>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <<if $JobOfficeIntern>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <<if $JobCheerleader>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <<if $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'leather jeans')>> <h1><<if $Mentor == 'Emily'>><<print "Your New Bedroom">><<else>><<print "Zack’s Bedroom">><</if>></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "While your adventures in bed continue to explore new areas, the fun has started to expand outside the bedroom as well.">> <<print "You knew he was buying you clothes of some sort when he took all those measurements, but you were still surprised when you opened his gift. The jeans he’d bought you fit perfectly, though they did take you quite a while to actually squeeze into them.">> <img src="Part5/GoNeighbour10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "After he told you that he wanted you to wear this to class tomorrow, ">>[[your heart was racing again imagining the reactions you are going to get.|Part5Thrill3]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'vibrating panties')>> <h1><<print "Classroom">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You thought his next purchase was more tame than the last. Sure it had two dildos that would be inside you all day, but no one would know except the two of you.">> <<print "Zack smiled as you lubed them up and slid them in. Then he watched you finish dressing, with normal clothes over it, and head to class.">> <img src="Part5/GoNeighbour11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "As you walk to class and feel each step move the dildos inside you see why he bought these. But you manage to hold back your orgasm and make it to class. You sit down, and breathe, and the feeling passes after a while.">> <<print "But a few minutes into class you start to feel something, it’s small at first, but soon the vibrations are unmistakable. “How’s class going ;-)”, he texts you. The vibrations increase again right after his text.">> <<print "You know if you stand and walk out of class the motion will push you over the edge and you’ll cum immediately. So you stay at your desk and try to hold back the orgasm you know is coming, hoping he doesn’t use the remote to increase the vibrations again.">> <<nobr>> <<if $JobOfficePA>>[[You go to work at the office.|JobOfficeBlowjob2]]<</if>> <<if $JobOfficeManager>>[[You go to work at the office.|JobOfficePro2]]<</if>> <<if $JobAthlete>> <<link "You go to train at the Gym.">> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> <<goto [[AthleteOral]]>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<goto [[AthleteChastity]]>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> <<goto [[AthletePheromones]]>> <<else>> <<goto [[AthleteRelief]]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</link>> <</if>> <<if $JobEngineer>>[[You go to work at the lab.|JobEngineer4]]<</if>> <<if $JobTestSubject>>[[You go to work at the lab.|JobEngineerSubject2]]<</if>> <<if $JobLibrary>>[[You go to work at the library.|JobLibrary5]]<</if>> <<if $JobFitnessMassage>>[[You go to work at the fitness centre.|JobFitnessMassage2]]<</if>> <<if $JobFitnessYoga>>[[You go to work at the fitness centre.|JobFitnessYoga3]]<</if>> <<if $JobBarista>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <<if $JobOfficeIntern>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <<if $JobCheerleader>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <<if $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set setup.startDating('Josh')>> <h1><<print "Date with Josh">></h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your friendship with Josh is back to normal. But you feel those same urges building up again, and you've also started to wonder if you shouldn’t have backed away like you did. Maybe Josh senses your change in interest, because not long after you start having thoughts about him again, he asks you out. Not as friends, but as a date. You eagerly accept. <</nobr>> <img src="Part5/GoNeighbour13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "The date goes wonderfully. And you are thankful there’s no reason to be coy about sleeping with him on the first date, ">>[[so the night goes wonderfully as well.|Part5Regular3]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Josh', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Josh', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Josh', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Josh', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Josh', vaginal:true})>> <<set $CheatedJosh = 0>> <h1><<if $Mentor == 'Emily'>><<print "Your New Bedroom">><<else>><<print "Neighbour’s Bedroom">><</if>></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Your relationship with Josh has continued to grow, and you are seeing him exclusively now.">> <img src="Part5/GoNeighbour14.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "Your bed lies unused most nights as you spend every night in Josh’s.">> <<if $Mentor == 'Emily'>><<print "Emily loves that you and her can go on double dates now. And she’s happy that no one is complaining about who is in which bedroom anymore.">><br><br><</if>><<if $Mentor == 'Faith'>><<print "Faith is annoyed at first but eventually decides you and Josh are destined to get married eventually, so it’s ok. Josh’s roommate is alternatively annoyed or aroused by what goes on in Josh’s bed, depending on the day.">><br><br><</if>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobOfficeManager>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <<if $JobAthlete>> <<link "You go to train at the Gym.">> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> <<goto [[AthleteOral]]>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<goto [[AthleteChastity]]>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> <<goto [[AthletePheromones]]>> <<else>> <<goto [[AthleteRelief]]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</link>> <</if>> <<if $JobLibrary>>[[You go to work at the library.|JobLibrary5]]<</if>> <<if $JobEngineer>>[[You go to work at the lab.|JobEngineer4]]<</if>> <<if $JobTestSubject>>[[You go to work at the lab.|JobEngineerSubject2]]<</if>> <<if $JobBarista>> <<if setup.haveFucked('Andrew')>> [[You go to work at the restaurant.|JobBaristaJosh]] <<else>> [[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]] <</if>> <</if>> <<if $JobCheerleader>>[[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]<</if>> <<if $JobOfficeIntern>><<goto [[Spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]>><</if>> <<if $JobOfficePA or $JobOfficeIntern>><<print "You think your job might be an issue in your relationship, however even if you wanted, there is no other job available. Do you tell Josh about The sexual favours you do for your boss?">><</if>> <<if $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>><<print "You think your job might be an issue in your relationship, do you tell Josh about your job as a cheerleader fundraiser?">><</if>> <<if $JobFitnessYoga>><<print "You think your job might be an issue in your relationship, do you tell Josh about your job as natural yoga instructor?">><</if>> <<if $JobFitnessMassage>><<print "You think your job might be an issue in your relationship, do you tell Josh about your job as masseuse?">><</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobOfficePA>>* [[Tell him about your boss before going to work.|JobOfficeProJosh]]<</if>> <<if $JobOfficeIntern>>* [[Tell him about your job.|Part5JoshFWB]]<</if>> <<if $JobFitnessMassage>>* [[Tell him about your job.|Part5JoshFWB]]<</if>> <<if $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>>* [[Tell him about your job.|Part5JoshFWB]]<</if>> <<if $JobFitnessYoga>>* [[Tell him about your job.|Part5JoshFWB]]<</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobOfficePA or $JobFitnessMassage>> * <<link "Pretend that you have a normal job and go to work.">> <<set $HideJobJosh = 1>> <<if $JobOfficePA>><<goto [[JobOfficeBlowjob2]]>><</if>> <<if $JobFitnessMassage>><<goto [[JobFitnessMassage2]]>><</if>> <<if $JobFitnessYoga>><<goto [[JobFitnessYoga3]]>><</if>> <</link>> <<else>> <<if $JobCheerleaderFundraiser or $JobOfficeIntern>>* <<link [[Pretend that you have a normal job and spend some time on campus.|Part6Start1]]>><<set $HideJobJosh = 1>><</link>><</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobFitnessMassage or $JobCheerleaderFundraiser or $JobFitnessYoga>> <<if $Mentor == 'Faith'>>* [[Talk with Faith about a new job.|JobBarista1]]<</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Emily'>>* [[Talk with Emily about a new job.|JobOffice1]]<</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>One Final Classroom Modeling</h1> <<if $BodyType == 'Plus'>> <img src="Part6/ArtModel11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<else>> <img src="Part6/ArtModel12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Ken is disappointed when you decline his offer, but you doubt it will take him long to find one of your fellow students more than happy to be his 'canvas'. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and !$JobWebModelSide>> In his disappointment though, he leaves without remembering to put your belt back on you. You take the belt home with you and hide it in your closet. You think about maybe locking it onto Olivia while she sleeps some night. <<unset $PlayerChastityBelt>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You talk to the head of the Art department and let him know that you aren't going to be modeling for Ken any longer, and that you'd like to go back to modeling for art sudents in the classroom again. "I'd like to tell you yes, but unfortunately I can't," he says. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "We only have a limited number of slots available for our <<if $BodyType == 'Plus'>>larger<<else>>smaller<</if>> models. When you stopped classroom modeling, I had to find someone else to fill your position. It wouldn't be fair to ask her to leave now. I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you took her spot for one final class though. That way I can justify paying you until through the end of the month." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You feel a bit exposed your first day in front of a classroom again. It's not the lack of clothes that makes you feel that way though, you are quite accustomed to that. It's being untied with not a single rope around you. But mostly your thoughts are about this being your last session. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<unset $JobArt>> <<set $JobArtFormer to 1>> <<if $JobCallGirlSide>> <<set $JobCallGirl to 1>> <<unset $JobCallGirlSide>> You suppose you'll just have to focus on your [[call girl job full time|Part5Hannah1]]. <<elseif $JobWebModelSide>> <<set $JobWebModel to 1>> <<unset $JobWebModelSide>> You suppose you'll just have to focus on your [[web model job full time|Part5Olivia1]]. <<else>> You suppose you'll have to talk to $Mentor about that <<switch $Mentor>> <<case "Faith">><<link "barista job">><<set $JobBarista = 1>><<goto [[JobBarista1]]>><</link>> <<case "Emily">><<link "office job">><<set $JobOffice = 1>><<goto [[JobOffice1]]>><</link>> <<case "Hannah">><<link "call girl job">><<set $JobCallGirl = 1>><<goto [[JobCall1]]>><</link>> <<case "Samantha">><<link "bartender job">><<set $JobBartender = 1>><<goto [[JobBar1]]>><</link>> <<case "Olivia">><<link "web model job">><<set $JobWebModel = 1>><<goto [[JobWebModel1]]>><</link>> <</switch>> she was suggesting after all. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Returning to Classroom Modeling</h1> <img src="Part6/ArtModel1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Ken is disappointed when you decline his offer, but you doubt it will take him long to find one of your fellow students more than happy to be his 'canvas'. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> In his disappointment though, he leaves without remembering to put your belt back on you. You take the belt home with you and hide it in your closet. You think about maybe locking it onto Olivia while she sleeps some night. <<unset $PlayerChastityBelt>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You talk to the head of the Art department and let him know that you aren't going to be modeling for Ken any longer, and that you'd like to go back to modeling for art sudents in the classroom again. "Sure, if that's what you want," he tells you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Of course, we can't pay you the increased amount you were making when you were modeling for a professional artist. Your pay will go back to what it was when you started. But the work should be less demanding as well." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I understand you not wanting to be part of his 'special project', but I hope working with him was rewarding for you. Regardless, having professional experience with someone of his renown will certainly help your career prospects should you wish to continue modeling." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You feel a bit exposed your first day in front of a classroom again. It's not the lack of clothes that makes you feel that way though, you are quite accustomed to that. It's being untied with not a single rope around you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But the unease only lasts a short while. By your second session, its feeling perfectly natural again. Of course you still miss the feeling of ropes around your wrists, of being tied down unable to move, of feeling helpless and vulnerable. You'll just have to save that fun for [[when you aren't working from now on|Part6ArtReturn2]]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <i>You realize you are even more submissive than you were before.</i> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive += 1>> <<else>> <i>You realize you've become much more submissive than you once were.</i> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive to 2>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Trying it youself</h1> <img src="Part6/ArtModel2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> You are missing that helpless feeling you had when Ken tied you during his photo shoots. All it takes is a quick trip to the hardware store for some rope, and some internet searches on self-bondage, and you're set. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $Roommate == "Faith">> You don't want to risk Faith walking in and seeing you, so you go over to $neighbours[0] and $neighbours[1]'s room. They'll both <<elseif $Roommate == "Olivia">> You don't want to risk Olivia finding you helpless like this. Not after she tricked you into that chastity belt. So you go over to $neighbours[0] and $neighbours[1]'s room instead. They'll both <<else>> $Roommate will <</if>> be in class for another couple hours. And based on what your research showed, you should be able to work yourself loose long before then. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You leave a bit of slack in your bindings, just like the guide said. So you get the feeling of the ropes holding you down, but you know you'll be able to release yourself whenever you like. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It shouldn't feel different than before. You know all you had to do before is ask and Ken or an assistant would have quickly released you. But knowing it's entirely in your power makes your captivity seem less 'real' to you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But then you start thinking about if you tugged on the ropes in just the right way, the way the instruction said would prevent you from being able to untie yourself. You don't have to actually do it, but the more you think about it, and how helpless you'd be, the wetter you get. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You feel your hips moving, as you fantasize about what would happen next. When you've gotten yourself so horny that eventually you aren't going to be able to resist any longer. You need so badly to untie yourself, at least one hand, and masturbate. <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> For all the good that would do. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But before you do that another thought flashes through your mind, just for a second. You yank at the rope in just the right way, tightening your bindings and making escape impossible. Now you've prevented your release. You've made sure you're stuck here until <<if $Roommate == "Faith" or $Roommate == "Olivia">> $neighbours[0] or $neighbours[1] [[return home|Part6ArtReturn3Male]]. Then you'll be at his mercy. <<elseif setup.isNeighbour("Emily")>> $Roommate [[gets home|Part6ArtReturn3Male]]. Then you'll be at his mercy. <<elseif $Roommate == "Samantha">> Samantha [[gets home|Part6ArtReturn3Samantha]]. Then you'll be at her mercy. <<elseif $Roommate == "Emily">> Emily [[gets home|Part6ArtReturn3]]. Will she let her boyfriend have his way with you? Probably not. Or maybe she'll have him spank you for being such a bad girl and trying to tempt him. Then maybe she'll make you watch, horny and helpless, as he fucks her instead right in front of you. <<else>> $Roommate [[gets home|Part6ArtReturn3]]. What will she do? Will she untie you, or leave you tied up and horny like this all night. What if she doesn't come home alone? It doesn't matter now. It's too late to change your mind anyway. <</if>> The thought makes you even wetter than before, and you ache for the relief you know you've denied yourself any chance for the time being. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After a bit, you wonder if you have made a mistake. But it's too late now. After double-checking your bonds, you see that you are truely stuck until you are untied by someone else. The more you struggle against your bindings, the more turned on you get. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In the common area</h1> <video src="Part6/ArtModel3.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video><p/> <<set $tempCommonRoom to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When $Roommate gets home she has <<if $Roommate == "Emily">> her boyfriend <<else>> some guy <</if>> with her. She laughs when she sees you tied and helpless. You can't see his reaction, and he doesn't say anything, but you imagine him getting hard seeing you like this. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "It looks like she's got herself all worked up and horny," $Roommate says. "You don't mind giving her a little show do you?" Of course he doesn't mind. They position you with a clear view of $Roommate's bed, and make you watch as he eats her out. Your clit throbs with need as she orgasms. Then when he starts fucking her, it only makes you feel how empty you are right now, and ache to be fucked too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once they've had a bit of fun, she has him move you. He places your bound body in the common area, the room connecting both your and $Roommate's room and the guy's room. She tells you, "We are going to fuck some more. You'll have to just listen this time. I'm sure <<if $Mentor == "Emily">> $neighbours[1] will take care of you when he gets <<else>> $neighbours[0] or $neighbours[1], or maybe both, will take care of you when they get <</if>> home." She pauses then adds, "Unless you want to beg me to untie you before then." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your mind is racing trying to decide whether to beg for release or not. You wonder what <<if $Mentor == "Emily">> $neighbours[1] will do if he finds <<else>> the guys will do to you if they find <</if>> you like this. Well, you don't have to wonder, you have a pretty good idea. But you are imagining it in detail. You are still trying to decide when she says, "Times up. You'll have to <<if $Mentor == "Emily">> [[wait for him to get home|Part6ArtReturn3Male]]." <<else>> [[wait for the boys to get home|Part6ArtReturn3Male]]." <</if>> Then she ties the belt from her robe around your head like a gag and goes back to her room. She leaves the door cracked a bit so you can still hear the moans as you wait to be discovered. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Discovered and Used</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part6/ArtModel4.webm" autoplay loop muted height="580"></video><p/> </div> <<if setup.isNeighbour("Emily")>> <<set $tempFoundBy to $Roommate>> <<elseif $Mentor == "Emily">> <<set $tempFoundBy to $neighbours[1]>> <<elseif $neighbours.length > 1>> <<set $tempFoundBy to either($neighbours[0], $neighbours[1])>> <<else>> <<set $tempFoundBy to $neighbours[0]>> <</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $tempFoundBy, vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $tempFoundBy})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $tempFoundBy})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> $tempFoundBy is thrilled when he comes home and sees you bound and helpless in <<if $tempCommonRoom>> the common room. You have worked yourself into a horny mess as you struggled against the ropes and waited. "Please fuck me", you mumble through your gag. After he unties it so you can speak, you beg, "You can use me however you want, just please let me cum!" You don't have to ask twice, and he quickly carries you off to his room. Once there he begins stripping off his clothes. <<else>> his room. You have worked yourself into a horny mess as you struggled against the ropes and waited. "Please fuck me", you tell him. "You can use me however you want, just please let me cum!", you beg. You don't have to ask twice, and he quickly beings stripping off his clothes. <</if>> <<if $tempFoundBy == "Peter">> <<if $PlayerItemNerdKey>> <br><br> You tell Peter exactly where you have his key hid, and he quickly comes back and removes his chastity cage. <<else>> <br><br> When Peter's pants come off, you see he's wearing a chastity cage on his cock! You are worried you are going to be left horny still. But he rumages through his dresser quickly and pulls out a key and frees his cock. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> A finger inside you shows him how wet you already are, so he decides foreplay isn't needed right now. You moan loudly as he slides into you. His balls slap against your clit as he fucks you hard and fast. <<if $PlayerEasytoOrgasm>> It doesn't take long and you are screaming out in the orgasm you've been fantasizing about for the last hour or more. Not long after you cum, he does too, thrusting a final time and leaving his cock deep inside you as he cums. <<elseif $tempFoundBy == "Peter">> You feel your orgasm building, but it <<if $PlayerItemNerdKey>> has been <<else>> must have been <</if>> a while since Peter's last orgasm. The feeling of finally being inside a woman, your moans, probably of just being able to get hard, it all must have been too much for him. He thrusts a final time and leaves his cock deep inside you as he cums. <br><br> "Please... I need more.", you beg. Peter quickly complies. Your hands are still tied behind you as he flips you over onto your back. He buries his head between your legs and soon brings you to first one and then a second orgasm. He doesn't seem to mind his own cum leaking out of you as he does. In fact, you think it turns him on even more. <<else>> You feel your orgasm building. You can also tell $tempFoundBy is getting close. Your orgasm arrives just before his. You are still crying out as he thrusts a last time. You can feel your spasms trying to pull every last drop from him. <</if>> <<if $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> <br><br> Only afterwards, as you feel his cum leaking out of you, do you think about protection. You wonder if he would have pulled out if you'd asked. You needed to cum to bad to even think about stopping him before your orgasm though, so the thought never occurred to you. <<elseif $PlayerProtetionCondoms>> <br><br> Only afterwards, as you feel his cum leaking out of you, do you think about protection. You wonder if he would have worn a condom if you'd asked. You were too horny to even think about it. And it's not like you could have stopped him if he'd said no. Of course you know you wouldn't have even tried. You needed to cum too much to wait any longer. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After he's enjoyed your body a few more times, he finally unties you. "Feel free to be waiting like that on my bed anytime you like," he tells you. <<if $tempFoundBy == "Peter">> Before you head to the bathroom to clean up, you ask him, <<if $PlayerItemNerdKey>> "Aren't you forgetting that there's [[something you need to return|]]." <<else>> "Isn't there something else [[you'd like to give me|Part6ArtReturn3Peter]]?" <</if>> <<else>> <<if !setup.areDating($tempFoundBy)>> <<set setup.makeFWB($tempFoundBy)>> <<achievement>>fwb:$tempFoundBy+fwb:Barry<</achievement>> <</if>> You smile before [[heading to the bathroom|Part6Start1]] to clean up. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Locking Peter's Cock</h1> <img src="Part5/GoNeighbour7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Your cock has been out, and it has had its fun. Several times, in fact," you tell him. "Isn't it time it goes back where it belongs?" He quickly obeys and puts his cock back into his chastity cage. You expect he'd probably have had a harder time of it with you watching, if he hadn't just came three times. But he manages to stay soft long enough to get it locked on again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You place your hand out to receive the key. <<if $PlayerItemNerdKey>> He obediently returns the key. "Thank you so much for tonight," he tells you. <br><br> "You are very welcome," <<else>> <<set $PlayerItemNerdKey to 1>> When he gives you a confused look, you tell him. "There's not much point in wearing a cage like that, if you are going to have your own key, is there?" There's a look of happiness, with a hint of fear, on his face as he hands you the key. <br><br> "Good boy," <</if>> you tell him before you [[head to the bathroom|Part6Start1]] to clean up. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With Samantha</h1> <video src="Part6/ArtModel5.webm" autoplay loop muted height="580"></video><p/> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Samantha'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Sam laughs when she comes through the door and sees you bound and helpless. After she stops laughing she asks, "So, did you get stuck like this on accident, or did you leave yourself wrapped up as present for me?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> While you try to summon the nerve to answer she says, "The bright red shade you are turning tells me you left yourself like this for me to find you. And this..." You gasp as she slides two fingers into you showing how wet you are. "That shows just how much you've been looking forward to me getting home." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Of course, what kind of a roommate would I be if I didn't take care of you when I saw how much in need you were." Then she flips you over and goes to work on you with her tongue. She pauses only long enough, of course, you're a good roommate too, so you can [[return the favor|Part6ArtReturn3Samantha2]] once I'm done with you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It isn't long before her skilled tongue has you screaming out with an orgasm. Of course, she doesn't stop at giving you just one. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With Samantha</h1> <video src="Part14/Island35.webm" autoplay loop muted height="580"></video><p/> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Samantha'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After your orgasms, Sam unties you just enough to tie you to her bed. Then she straddles your face. As you eagerly begin to eat her out, you see she's nearly as turned on as you were when she came home. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She only unties you once she's came and came again. "That was fun," she tells you. "But let's not make it a regular thing. You're great and all, but it would get weird if we started dating and it didn't work out." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Whether you think it's worth risking it or not, you tell her you agree. She smiles at you and says, "If you are planning on going back out today, you'll probably want to [[head to the bathroom|Part6Start1]] to clean up. I've made quite a mess of your makeup." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<unset $tempShowerGuy>> <<unset $tempStrokeWinner>> <<unset $tempFoundBy>> <<set $PlayerPointsSet to 1>> <<set $FunPoints to 0>> <<set $AcademicPoints to 0>> <h1><<print "Classroom">></h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You’re surprised at how little time you actually have to spend in the classroom at college compared to high school. Though your professors make up for it with all the homework they assign. <</nobr>> <img src="Part6/Start1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> But you’re also surprised to find that no one is actually checking on you to make sure you show up for class, or do the homework. All your professors care about is how well you do on your exams. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With all the other distractions you have now, it can be pretty tempting to blow off classwork and go have fun instead. But this morning you are [[tempted to miss class for a different reason|Part6Period]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $PlayerProtectionPermanent or $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> <<set setup.notPregnant('period avoided by implant)')>> <img src="PartP/Cramps1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"><br> You wake up with a bit of a stomache ache, but the discomfort is actually a bit lower than that. When you talk to $Mentor about it, she said it's probably period cramps. The X-Change people had told you might experience some minor discomfort the first month or two, but that they should stop entirely after that. <<else>> <<set setup.notPregnant('period')>> <img src="PartP/Cramps2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"><br> You wake up feeling like someone is twisting your insides into a knot. When you describe your pain to $Mentor, she tells you it sounds like period cramps. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerProtectionPermanent or $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> From how $Mentor describes her periods, you think your implant has already helped you quite a bit, since it isn't that bad even this month. <<else>> You head to the bathroom to take a couple pain pills. As you sit down on the toilet, you quickly confirm that $Mentor was right. When you are done going to the bathroom, <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and !setup.areDating('Veronica')>> you struggle cleaning the belt. You eventually do and manage to put a pad over it. <<else>> you follow the instructions on the box of tampons and manage to get one in without making too much of a mess. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerProtectionPermanent or $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> You take the pain pills she gives you and then you head to class. By afternoon, you are back to your old routine. <<elseif $PlayerGoodStudent>> You feel miserable still, but you don't want to miss class today. You make your way to class and do your best to function. As soon as it's over, you head back to your bed to recover. <<elseif $PlayerAverageStudent>> You feel miserable still, and decide you're not going to class today. You text one of your classmates and she understands and says she'll stop by later to share her notes with you. You lay in bed and hope you feel better soon. <<elseif $PlayerLazyStudent>> You know there's no way you are going to class today. You lay in bed and hope you feel better soon. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerProtectionPermanent or $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> The next day you wake up feeling great. "That wasn't so bad", you think to yourself. <<else>> The next day you are feeling a bit better. The cramps are still there, but at least they aren't as intense as yesterday. The bleeding hasn't stopped though. It takes several more days until you are back to normal. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerProtectionPermanent or $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> A <<else>> But a <</if>> week later you've forgotten about it entirely and are back to your usual routine. Well, that and looking forward to dressing up for <<if setup.areDating('Veronica') or setup.areDating('Andrew') or setup.areDating('Aaron') or setup.areDating('Josh') or $PlayerItemNerdKey or setup.areDating('Barry') or setup.isFWB('Barry') or $MasterKate or $PlayerChastityBelt>> [[Halloween|Part6Halloween]]. <<elseif $CampusMinistry>> <<set $HalloweenNice to 1>> [[Halloween|Part6Halloween]]. As you are doing your best to be a good girl, you try to think of something sweet and innocent to wear. <<elseif $CampusMinistryFail>> <<set $HalloweenNice to 0>> [[Halloween|Part6Halloween]]. As you've decided to embrace your 'sinful desires' as Faith and Pastor Mark called them, you figure "Why not dress the part?" Faith is less than pleased. <<elseif setup.areDating('Paul')>> [[Halloween|Part6HalloweenPaul]]. You're allowed to dress up for Halloween at work, and you want to wear one of the sexy costumes you saw at the store. The dress code is a little more relaxed for Halloween, but you know you can't get away with what you could at one of the campus parties. Still, you're pretty sure you've found something Paul will love. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> <<link "Halloween">> <<set $HalloweenNice to 0>> <<goto [[Part6Halloween]]>> <</link>>. <<else>> Halloween. You just haven't decided whether you want something something <<link "sweet and innocent">> <<set $HalloweenNice to 1>> <<goto [[Part6Halloween]]>> <</link>> or if you want to be a <<link "bad girl">> <<set $HalloweenNice to 0>> <<goto [[Part6Halloween]]>> <</link>> this year. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobTestSubject>> You also remember the engineering people had told you after your last test that they were looking for volunteers for some [[special project|SpecialProjectIntro]]. You'd just been teased and denied for an hour right before he told you, so you weren't really paying that close of attention to what he had said. But you remember it paid $500. You also remember it being the afternoon of the 31st. You could technically go to the Halloween party afterwards, but you know you're usually so exhausted after a testing session you'll probably just go home and sleep. <<if !$PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>>Well, and masturbate, if you end up in the denied group again.<</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> But after the fun of Halloween is over, everything is back to normal for a few more weeks. Of course, for you that means <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and !setup.areDating('Veronica')>> [[you constantly feel horny because of this belt you are in.|Part6StartBeltMaster]] <<elseif $MasterKate>> [[you constantly feel horny because of your Mistress's instructions.|Part6StartBeltMaster]] <<elseif $PlayerGoodStudent>> [[you want to study to keep up your grades.|Part6StartGood]] <<elseif $PlayerLazyStudent>> [[you just want to have fun.|Part6StartLazy]] <<else>> [[you study to keep your grades decent, but you also want to have fun.|Part6StartAverage]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Halloween</h1> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> <<include [[Part6HalloweenVeronica]]>> <<elseif setup.areDating('Andrew') or setup.areDating('Aaron') or setup.areDating('Josh')>> <<include [[Part6HalloweenBoyfriend]]>> <<elseif $PlayerItemNerdKey>> <<include [[Part6HalloweenPeter]]>> <<elseif setup.areDating('Barry') or setup.isFWB('Barry')>> <<include [[Part6HalloweenJerk]]>> <<elseif $MasterKate>> <<include [[Part6HalloweenKate]]>> <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<include [[Part6HalloweenChastity]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part6Halloween2]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Office Halloween</h1> <img src="Part6/Halloween10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="750"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addInventory('costumes', 'sexy schoolgirl')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your schoolgirl costume pushes the line a bit, but HR isn't going to complain if your skirt is a few inches short on Halloween. Besides, Paul loves it. He does make one small change though during your first visit to his office that day. He has you take off the white cotton panties you were hiding under your skirt. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You're hoping he's about to bend you over his desk, hike your skirt up and fuck you, but sadly he says he doesn't have time this morning. The office is closing early today, and he's got a lot of work to get done if he's going to be able to leave early with everyone else. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He does have time for a quick blowjob before his next meeting though. By the you're done, you can feel your wetness trickling down your thigh a bit. As he heads to his meeting, instead of handing your panties back, he smiles and puts them in his pocket. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Thankfully he's able to get his work done in time, and he tells you he has a [[surprise for you|Part6HalloweenPaul2]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Hotel Room</h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Paul', vaginal: true, ovulating: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Paul'})>> <img src="Part6/Halloween11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="750" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Paul says he's told his wife that he has to work late. So between leaving early and getting home late, he has hours to spend with you. And he's booked a hotel nearby! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The two of you are barely through the door of your room before you are on your knees on the bed begging him for the fuck you were deprived of earlier. He lifts up your skirt like you had hoped for earlier, and fucks you with it still on. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you've both recovered a bit, you start giving him a little striptease as you unzip your top. "Do you like my pretty young breasts?", you teasingly ask him. You don't wait for an answer as you lean over and take his cock in your mouth and feel it quickly get hard again. <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Paul'})>> "Do you want to fuck my ass this time?", you ask hopefully as you pull his cock out of your mouth for a moment. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Paul', vaginal: true, ovulating: true})>> "Do you want to tie my hands to the bed when you fuck me this time?", you ask hopefully as you pull his cock out of your mouth for a moment and grab the neck tie he had been wearing. <<else>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Paul'})>> "Do you want to cum on them this time?" <</if>> You smile, knowing what his answer is going to be. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Paul', vaginal: true, ovulating: true})>> You wish you could spend all night here with him, but sadly you only have time for one more fuck before he has to straighten himself up and head back to his wife. He's about to head out the door when you remember and say, "panties!". He reaches into his pocket and grabs your panties from this morning. He kisses you as he hands them back to you. "Thank you! That would have been a mess if my wife had found those!". <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He's gone, but you still have the room for the night. As you fall asleep alone that night, you are wondering if maybe it would have been better if you hadn't said anything, and his wife had found out about the two of you. Then maybe you'd have him to yourself. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part6HalloweenNextScene]]>><<nobr>> As your session is about to begin you glance at the warning at the bottom of the display above you. It <<if $SubjectPunishLastMessage == $SubjectPunish>> still says <<else>> says <</if>> <<if $SubjectPunish <= 1>> "Punishment for First Orgasm: Reduction of Study Payment by $50" <<if $SubjectPunishLastMessage != 1>> You aren't that concerned. You figure $50 isn't that much, you'll still get $450, right? <</if>> <<elseif $SubjectPunish == 2>> "Punishment for Second Orgasm: <strong>Orgasm Denial</strong> Agent - minimum duration 30 days" <<if $SubjectPunishLastMessage != 2>> <<if $Keyholder == 'Robert'>> You aren't that worried, you might have had to wait that long or more before you'd have been allowed out of your belt anyway. The orgasms here during testing are usually all you get. <<else>> "You try to squirm away from the dildo as soon as you read the next punishment, but you can't move enough. You can't imagine what 30 days without an orgasm will be like, and you don't want to find out! <</if>> <</if>> <<elseif $SubjectPunish == 3>> <<if $PlayerProtectionPerfect or $PlayerProtectionPermanent>> "Punishment for Third Orgasm: <strong>Permanent Deactivation</strong> of Implant Birth Control" <<else>> "Punishment for Third Orgasm: <strong>Permanent Activation</strong> of Implant Enhanced Fertility Feature" <</if>> <<if $SubjectPunishLastMessage != 3>> <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> "No! Not that!", you say as you tug at your restraints. You want them to think this is a punishment for you like it's supposed to be. Of course, since you're trying to get pregnant, it's anything but a punishment. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionFertile>> "No! Not that!", you say as you tug at your restraints. You want them to think this is a punishment for you like it's supposed to be. Of course, you are already extremely fertile, and able to get pregnant during most of your cycle. You dobut whatever their 'punishment' is coul make you any more fertile. <<else>> You tug again at your bonds. "Permanent! Fuck I should have read that disclosure closer!" you say to yourself. <</if>> <</if>> <<elseif $SubjectPunish == 4 and $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> "Punishment for Fourth Orgasm: <strong>Corporal Punishment</strong>" <<if $SubjectPunishLastMessage != 4>> You wonder who the hell Corporal Punishment is. Is there someone from the army going to come in and fuck you? You just hope he does it before they give you the denial treatment. <</if>> <<elseif $SubjectPunish == 4>> "Punishment for Fourth Orgasm: <strong>Live Semen Sample</strong> Used During Male's Orgasm Instead of Simulant for Remainder of Testing" <<if $SubjectPunishLastMessage != 4>> You thrash at your bonds again. "What!? Whose? No!", you yell to the empty room. <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> You imagine if this wasn't exactly what you wanted, you'd be pretty upset at this possibility, but you try not to overact and let them know you hope to leave here today pregnant. You can't help yourself cum directly, but you'll concentrate on his cum filling you and giving you the baby you want. Maybe that will help you cum a little bit faster. <<elseif !$PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> You realize if it gets you pregnant, you'll never be able to change back after graduation. <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> "Punishment for Fifth Orgasm: Reduction of Study Payment by $400" <<if $SubjectPunishLastMessage < 5>> <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> Well, if you walk out of here with $50 in your account and a baby inside you, that's still an evening well spent. But you'll get his cum even if you don't orgasm, so maybe it'd be better to hold back this time. But you doubt you'll be able to. <<else>> You sigh in frustration. You haven't been able to hold out yet, you doubt you will now either. Now you'll probably walk out of here with almost nothing. Well, nothing except however many loads of cum are sloshing around inside you right now. <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <<set $SubjectPunishLastMessage to $SubjectPunish>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> You see the screen over you flash red with the message <<if $SubjectPunish <= 1>> "$50 Penalty Applied" <<set $SpecialProjectMoney -= 50>> <<elseif $SubjectPunish == 2>> <<set $SubjectOrgasmDenialGoo to 1>> <<set $ProjectPunishmentDenial to 1>> "Orgasm Denial Agent punishment will be administered after final session" <<elseif $SubjectPunish == 3>> <<if $PlayerProtectionPerfect or $PlayerProtectionPermanent>> "Implant Birth Control Permanently Deactivated - Ovulation likely within next 24 hours" <<set $ProjectPunishmentBirthControl to 1>> <<if $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone to 1>> <<set $SubjectBirthControlChange to 1>> <</if>> <<if $PlayerProtectionPermanent>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPermanent>> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone to 1>> <<set $SubjectBirthControlChange to 1>> <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerProtectionFertile>> <<set $ProjectPunishmentSemen to 1>> <<set $SubjectPunishLastMessage to 4>> "ERROR - Fertility Feature Already Active" The dildo plunges into you again and you feel it release something inside you, but less than before. "Live Semen Sample deposited". You thrash at your bonds again. "What!? Whose? No!", you yell to the empty room. <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> You're sure anyone watching would think you really were upset. <</if>> The machine freezes for a moment and then releases inside you again. "Live Semen Sample deposited". And then it happens a third time. And a fourth and fifth time. <img src="Part6/SpecialProject11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <br><br> You are wondering if you are going to have to be this machine's cum dumster all night when the message changes. "Malfunction detected - Error cleared - resuming testing." <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Remote Tester', vaginal: true, ovulating: true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Remote Tester', vaginal: true, ovulating: true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Remote Tester', vaginal: true, ovulating: true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Remote Tester', vaginal: true, ovulating: true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Remote Tester', vaginal: true, ovulating: true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<else>> <<set $ProjectPunishmentFertile to 1>> "Implant Enhanced Fertility Feature Permanently Activated - Oral Contraceptives Ineffective - Ovulation likely within next 24 hours" <<if $PlayerProtectionPill>> <<set $SubjectBirthControlChange to 1>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPill>> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone to 1>> <</if>> <<set $PlayerProtectionFertile to 1>> <</if>> <<elseif $SubjectPunish == 4 and $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> <<set $ProjectPunishmentCorporal to 1>> <<set $tempCorporalPunishmentDue to 1>> "Corporal Punishment will be administered after final session" <<elseif $SubjectPunish == 5 and $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> "$400 Penalty Applied" <<set $SpecialProjectMoney -= 400>> <<elseif $SubjectPunish == 4>> <<set $ProjectPunishmentSemen to 1>> "Live Semen Sample deposited" <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> You wonder if you'll look back on this as the moment your future baby was concieved. <</if>> <<elseif $SubjectPunish == 5>> <<set $ProjectPunishmentSemen to 1>> "Live Semen Sample deposited, $400 Penalty Applied" <<set $SpecialProjectMoney -= 400>> <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>>Another message appears below that reading "Live Semen Sample deposited".<</if>> <<set $SubjectPunish += 1>> <<set $SubjectHorniness to 3>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Engineering Department">></h1> <img src="Part6/SpecialProject1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<set $SubjectSessionNumber to 0>> <<set $SubjectSessionTarget to 5>> <<set $SubjectPunish to 1>> <<set $SubjectHorniness to 0>> <<set $SubjectPunishLastMessage to 0>> <<set $SpecialProjectMoney to 500>> <<if $PlayerEasytoOrgasm>> <<set $SubjectOrgasmThreshold to 6>> <<else>> <<set $SubjectOrgasmThreshold to 10>> <</if>> <<set $subjectEnjoyPoints to [2,3,5,8,7]>> <<set $subjectResistPoints to [6,5,7,3,5]>> <<set $subjectStrugglePoints to [4,7,3,5,2]>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> This time they have a bunch of documents for you to sign, you skim over most of it, two key phrases tell you all you care about anyway: "$500" and "High Probability of Orgasm". A third phrase makes you laugh a bit "subject will be discouraged from orgasming", like you're going to listen to that. After you sign, they lead you in to one of their test chambers and strap you into a machine and leave the room. Once the room is empty except for you, someone begins speaking with you over the intercom. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "As per the test protocol you signed, this will be our only communication with you during the test. Your responses will, of course, be recorded for later analysis. This test will be controlled remotely by male students that have been randomly selected for you. They will be using a toy on themselves, their actions on the toy will be replicated for you by the machine you are attached to." <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> <br><br> "As described in your disclosure form, due to the potential activiation of your implant's denial side-effect the test protocol has been altered slightly in your case. Specifically, a cream will be applied at the start of the first session that will make the effect less likely to occur during test testing. As noted, this experimental cream does have a high chance of causing permanent denial with repeated use, but as this is you first time using it, there is no danger today." <br><br> "Additionally, instead of a simulant, real male pre-cum and semen will be used during your testing as this minimizes the chance of triggering your denial effect. Some punishments have been altered as a result of this." <br><br> <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> That's Wonderful! I can't believe they are paying me for this, <<elseif $PlayerProtectionCondoms or $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> Shit, it will be cumming inside me, with no protection, with real cum. I could get actually get pregnant from this, <<elseif $PlayerProtectionPermanent or $PlayerProtectionPerfect or $PlayerProtectionPill>> Well, it's a good thing I'm on birth control, <<else>> Wouldn't this be a strange way to get pregnant, <</if>> you think to yourself. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "A live stream of you will transmitted to your male participant. You will be able to hear him on the speakers as you are hearing me now. The monitors you see will be displaying your test progress or erotic images that previous tests have shown most likely to appeal to you. Once each male participant orgasms, you will have a 30 second break before the next session begins." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "As described in the disclosure, unlike most of the experiments here, this experiment is to test your ability to <i>resist</i> orgasming. As such, there will be punishments of increasing severity administered for orgasming during the experiment. These will be administered automatically if an orgasm is detected. Thank you for your participation." At that the intercom cuts off. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'm supposed to try <i>not</i> to orgasm. I guess it depends on what these punishments are whether I will or not though," you think. <<if $PlayerEasytoOrgasm>> Knowing how easy it is for you to cum, you hope the punishments aren't too severe, because you doubt you'll be able to stop yourself. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The monitor above you that was showing the countdown switches to displaying erotic images, [[along with a warning message|SpecialProjectSession]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $SubjectSessionNumber += 1>> <h1>Session $SubjectSessionNumber of $SubjectSessionTarget</h1> <<if $SubjectSessionNumber == 1 and ($PlayerProtectionTry or !$PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock)>> <video src="Part6/SpecialProject2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="580"></video><p/> <<else>> <video src="Part6/SpecialProject3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="580"></video><p/> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<include [[SpecialProjectPunishWarnMessage]]>> <<nobr>> As the session starts, you hear a guys voice through the speakers say, <<if $SubjectSessionNumber == 1>> "Damn, they didn't tell me you'd be this hot. I can't wait to watch you cum." <<elseif $SubjectSessionNumber == 2>> "Wow, ok. That wasn't what I was expecting. I thought you'd be sitting at a computer like me, not tied up like a Christmas turkey. But, I guess we both signed up for this, so it's too late to back out now." <<elseif $SubjectSessionNumber == 3>> "I'm recording this to post online later, so make sure you put on a good show. I've turned off the punishments for this session, so feel free to cum as many times as you like." <<elseif $SubjectSessionNumber == 4>> "They said you get punished if you cum. Good. You're a dirtly little slut and deserve to be punished. I'm going to do my best to hold back as long as I can to make sure they give you what you deserve." <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> You're ashamed to realize the way he's talking to you is actually exciting you even more. <</if>> <<else>> "There's nothing better than a beautiful woman in bondage. Too bad I'm not there in person, you probably need someone to spank that pretty ass of yours for being such a naughty girl. I hope they have you strapped down well so you don't try to escape before I'm finished with you." <</if>> There's a brief pause then you feel the machine's dildo slide into you as he begins thrusting into his toy. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Do you want to just <<link "lie back and enjoy it">> <<set $SubjectAction to "enjoy">> <<goto SpecialProjectResult>> <</link>>, or do you think you should <<link "try to resist.">> <<set $SubjectAction to "resist">> <<goto SpecialProjectResult>> <</link>>? Or do you want to <<link "struggle to get free">> <<set $SubjectAction to "struggle">> <<goto SpecialProjectResult>> <</link>>? <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<unset $SpecialMessage>> <<if $SubjectPunish >= 4 and $PlayerProtectionTry>> <<set $SubjectHorniness += 3>> <</if>> <<if $SubjectAction == "struggle">> <<set $SubjectHorniness += $subjectStrugglePoints[$SubjectSessionNumber - 1]>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <<set $SubjectHorniness += 3>> <</if>> <<elseif $SubjectAction == "resist">> <<set $SubjectHorniness += $subjectResistPoints[$SubjectSessionNumber - 1]>> <<else>> <<set $SubjectHorniness += $subjectEnjoyPoints[$SubjectSessionNumber - 1]>> <</if>> <h1>End of Session $SubjectSessionNumber of $SubjectSessionTarget</h1> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> <img src="Part6/SpecialProject11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<elseif $SubjectHorniness >= $SubjectOrgasmThreshold>> <<if $SubjectPunish > 3>> <img src="Part6/SpecialProject11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<elseif $SubjectPunish > 1>> <img src="Part6/SpecialProject9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<else>> <img src="Part6/SpecialProject8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <</if>> <<elseif $SubjectHorniness >= $SubjectOrgasmThreshold * 0.8>> <img src="Part6/SpecialProject7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<else>> <img src="Part6/SpecialProject10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $SubjectHorniness >= $SubjectOrgasmThreshold>> <<if $SubjectAction == "struggle">> Your tugs at your restraints turns into a violent thrashing as the orgasm you were trying to avoid comes crashing over you. <<if ($SubjectPunish == 3 or $SubjectPunish == 4) and $PlayerProtectionTry>> You hope your performance was convincing. <</if>> Finally as it subsides, you give up your struggles just as he finishes. <<elseif $SubjectAction == "resist">> As much as you try to fight against it, you can't resist the orgasm the machine, and the guy on the other end of it, force on you. Your stern face of resistance finally gives way to screams of pleasure. <<if $SubjectPunish >= 4 and $PlayerProtectionTry>> You hope your performance was convincing. <</if>> He keeps going through your orgasm until eventually he cums too. <<else>> You lie back and let the machine, and the guy on the other end of it, has his way with you. You moan as the dildo slides in and out of you. Finally you feel your orgasm building and know there's nothing you could do to stop it now. A moment later your orgasm overtakes you. You forget about him entirely for a moment until it passess, and you feel the machine 'cum' inside you and hear him speak. <</if>> <<elseif $SubjectHorniness >= $SubjectOrgasmThreshold *0.8>> <<if $SubjectAction == "struggle" or $SubjectAction == "resist">> <<if ($SubjectPunish == 3 or $SubjectPunish == 4) and $PlayerProtectionTry>> You were so close to an orgasm, if only he'd lasted just a bit logner. <<else>> You are able to hold back, but only barely. <</if>> <<if $SubjectSessionNumber != $SubjectSessionTarget>> You doubt you'll be able to hold it back much longer. <</if>> <<else>> You are enjoying the feeling of the machine, and the guy on the other end of it, as they fuck you. You feel your orgasm getting closer and closer, but before you can reach it, the machine stops thrusting and 'cums' inside you. You let out a small whimper of frustration before you hear him speak. <</if>> <<else>> <<if $SubjectSessionNumber == $SubjectSessionTarget>> <<if ($SubjectPunish == 3 or $SubjectPunish == 4) and $PlayerProtectionTry>> Saddly, there was no chance at orgasming that time. You'll just have to conceive the old-fashioned way after all, you suppose. <<else>> Thankfully, there wasn't any danger of you orgasming that time. <</if>> <<else>> <<if ($SubjectPunish == 3 or $SubjectPunish == 4) and $PlayerProtectionTry>> Saddly, there was no chance at orgasming that time. You hope you'll have better luck with the next guy. <<else>> There wasn't any danger of you orgasming that time. You wonder if you'll be as lucky next time. <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $SubjectAction == "struggle">> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> Struggling against your restraints did nothing but remind you how helpless you are. And that only turned you on more. <<else>> The straps hold you down too well, you were unable to move much at all. <</if>> <br><br> <<if $SubjectSessionNumber == 1>> He doesn't last that long, <<if $SubjectHorniness >= $SubjectOrgasmThreshold>> though it was long enough to get you off. Before disconnecting he says, "I'm glad you got off too. I wasn't sure if you were enjoying yourself or not, it looked like you were trying to get away for a while there." <<else>> thankfully. Before disconnecting he says, "I'm sorry if you didn't enjoy yourself. It looks like you were trying to get away there." <</if>> <<elseif $SubjectSessionNumber == 2>> He seems to last forever, <<if $SubjectHorniness >= $SubjectOrgasmThreshold>> fucking you to a second orgasm before he finaly cums. Thankfully the machine only counts one per session. Before disconnecting he says, "Sorry I took so long. I'm a bit claustrophobic and seeing you tied up and struggling like that... well you seemed to enjoy it at least." <<else>> though you're able to avoid orgasming. Before disconnecting he says, "Sorry I took so long. I'm a bit claustrophobic and seeing you tied down and struggling like that made it a bit harder for me to get off." <</if>> <<elseif $SubjectSessionNumber == 3>> He cums quicker than you were expecting, <<if $SubjectHorniness >= $SubjectOrgasmThreshold>> though not quick enough for you to avoid cumming. Before disconnecting he says, "That was great! I wish I really could have recorded it. But I can't belive you actually believed me about being able to turn off your punishment. I hope that orgasm was worth whatever punishment they have in store for you." <<else>> thankfully. Before disconnecting he says, "That was great! I wish I really could have recorded it." <</if>> <<elseif $SubjectSessionNumber == 4>> He lasted a bit longer than normal, but he did say he was going to try to hold back. Before disconnecting he says, <<if $SubjectHorniness >= $SubjectOrgasmThreshold>> "I'm glad I held out long enough to make sure get the punishment you deserve. I only wish they'd let me watch that part too." <<else>> "Aww too bad. Well, maybe the next guy can finish what I started, so you get the punishment you deserve." <</if>> <<else>> He cums quicker than you were expecting, <<if $SubjectHorniness >= $SubjectOrgasmThreshold>> though not quick enough for you to avoid cumming. Before disconnecting he says, "Watching you helpless and struggling was such a turn on. Clearly, you enjoyed it as much as I did. I hope they don't punish you too harshly." <<else>> thankfully. Before disconnecting he says, "Sorry I couldn't last a little longer so you could cum too. Watching you helpless and struggling was just too much of a turn on for me." <</if>> <</if>> <<elseif $SubjectAction == "resist">> <<if $SubjectSessionNumber == 1>> He lasts a bit longer than you expected, <<if $SubjectHorniness >= $SubjectOrgasmThreshold>> long enough to get you off. Before disconnecting he says, "I'm glad you got off too. I wasn't sure if you were enjoying yourself or not at first." <<else>> but you are able to avoid orgasming. Before disconnecting he says, "I'm sorry you didn't enjoy yourself. If I'd been there with you in person there would have be a lot more foreplay, I'm sure that would have helped." <</if>> <<elseif $SubjectSessionNumber == 2>> Before disconnecting he says, <<if $SubjectHorniness >= $SubjectOrgasmThreshold>> "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. I'd be freaking out if they had me tied up like that." <<else>> "You're coping with those restraints better than I would be. Hopefully they'll release you soon." <</if>> <<elseif $SubjectSessionNumber == 3>> He seems to last forever, <<if $SubjectHorniness >= $SubjectOrgasmThreshold>> fucking you to a second orgasm before he finaly cums. Thankfully the machine only counts one per session. Before disconnecting he says, "I know you didn't believe me about turning off the punishment. But you came anyway. That's hilarious. It's too bad I couldn't actually record all this." <<else>> though you're able to avoid orgasming. Before disconnecting he says, "Aww, I guess you didn't believe me about turning off the punishment. And it's probably a good thing I couldn't really record this, because that was a dreadful performance." <</if>> <<elseif $SubjectSessionNumber == 4>> He cums quicker than you were expecting, <<if $SubjectHorniness >= $SubjectOrgasmThreshold>> though not quick enough for you to avoid cumming. Before disconnecting he says, "Seeing you try to fight it was amazing. I'm glad I held out log enough to make sure you earned your punishment. I only wish they'd let me watch that part too." <<else>> thankfully. "Aww too bad. Seeing you try to fight it was just too much of a turnong. Well, maybe the next guy can finish what I started, so you get the punishment you deserve." <</if>> <<else>> Before disconnecting he says, <<if $SubjectHorniness >= $SubjectOrgasmThreshold>> "I wasn't sure you were enjoying it as much as I was, but I'm glad you were. I hope they don't punish you too harshly." <<else>> "I guess whatever punishments they have for you must be pretty bad, because you were fighting hard not to cum. Still, I would have liked to see that." <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> <<if $SubjectSessionNumber == 1>> He doesn't last very long at all, <<if $SubjectHorniness >= $SubjectOrgasmThreshold>> but it's enough to get you off. Before disconnecting he says, "That was amazing! I wish we could do this again." <<else>> thankfully. Before disconnecting he says, "I'm sorry you didn't get off. If I'd been there with you in person there would have be a lot more foreplay, I'm sure that would have helped." <</if>> <<elseif $SubjectSessionNumber == 2>> He cums quicker than you were expecting, <<if $SubjectHorniness >= $SubjectOrgasmThreshold>> though not quick enough for you to avoid cumming. Before disconnecting he says, "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. I'd be freaking out if they had me tied up like that." <<else>> thankfully. Before disconnecting he says, "I'm not sure I'd be able to cum all tied up like that either, but I'm glad you enjoyed yourself as much as you could. Hopefully they'll release you soon." <</if>> <<elseif $SubjectSessionNumber == 3>> Before disconnecting he says, <<if $SubjectHorniness >= $SubjectOrgasmThreshold>> "You really believed me about turning off the punishment! It's too bad I couldn't actually record this, because I'd love to rewatch this." <<else>> "You should probably consider yourself lucky you didn't manage to get off, because I made all that up about turning off the penalty and recording this. I did get them to double the number of sessions you have to do. Oh my god, your face... you believed me again." <</if>> <<elseif $SubjectSessionNumber == 4>> He seems to last forever, <<if $SubjectHorniness >= $SubjectOrgasmThreshold>> fucking you to a second orgasm before he finaly cums. Thankfully the machine only counts one per session. Before disconnecting he says, "I guess the punishments aren't that bad, because you didn't even seem to be trying to hold back. Or maybe you're just that much of a slut that your need to cum won out. Either way, enjoy your punishment, slut." <<else>> though you're somehow able to avoid orgasming. Before disconnecting he says, "I would have loved to see you earn your punishment, slut, even though they must not be as bad as all that. But seeing you denied the chance to cum was fun too. I'm sure the next guy will give you the orgasm you crave, and earn you the punishment you deserve." <</if>> <<else>> He seems to last forever, <<if $SubjectHorniness >= $SubjectOrgasmThreshold>> fucking you to a second orgasm before he finaly cums. Thankfully the machine only counts one per session. Before disconnecting he says, "I'm glad you enjoyed it. Though I wish I'd been there, then I could have spanked your ass or gave you some reason to struggle a bit more." <<else>> though you're able to avoid orgasming. Before disconnecting he says, "I wish I'd been there, then I could have spanked your ass or gave you some reason to struggle a bit more." <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Remote Tester', vaginal: true, birthControlOverride: ($PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock or $SubjectPunish > 3) ? false : 'goo', ovulating: true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $SubjectHorniness >= $SubjectOrgasmThreshold>> <<include [[SpecialProjectPunishAdministerMessage]]>> <<elseif $SubjectPunish > 4 or $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> You see the screen over you flash red with the message "Live Semen Sample deposited" <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> You do your best to suppress a smile. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $SubjectSessionNumber < $SubjectSessionTarget>> <<if $SubjectHorniness <= 0 or $PlayerProtectionTry>> You only have short time to recover as the display above finishes its countdown. Then it's time for the [[next session|SpecialProjectSession]]. <<else>> You don't have long before the [[next session|SpecialProjectSession]], but you take what time you have to try to think about something else so you aren't as close to an orgasm. <<if $PlayerSideEffectLibido>> You fail though, you're too horny to think about anything else. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> You fail though. Being tied up like this turns you on too much to think of anything else. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> You fail though. Thinking about how many people are watching, or will watch the video later, turns you on too much to think of anything else. <<else>> It helps a little, but not much. <<set $SubjectHorniness -= 1>> <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> Your mind is hazy but you're pretty sure that was $SubjectSessionTarget. That should be the [[last one|SpecialProjectFinalResult]], right? <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Engineering Department</h1> <<if $SubjectPunish < 3>> <img src="Part6/SpecialProject4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<else>> <img src="Part6/SpecialProject12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You lie there recovering for a minute or two when you see a message displayed on the screen. <<if $SubjectPunish >= 3>> "Administering Orgasm Denial Agent". You try to get away as the machine springs to life again, but can't move. This time instead of fucking you like before, it only goes part way in and stops. You feel it spray something inside you, then it pulls out and sprays again. You feel a strange tingling sensation for a moment but then it passes. <br><br> The dildo then presses itself against your clit and begins vibrating. It doesn't take long before you feel your orgasm approaching. But just when you think you are going to cum, you go numb. You can still sense the dildo vibrating, but it feels distant and isn't giving you pleasure any longer. <br><br> The display then says, "Orgasm Denial Agent Successful - Subject Unable to Orgasm for 30 - 60 days. Continue to report for your regularly testing appointments. You will be assigned other duties until your ability to orgasm returns." <br><br> <<if $Keyholder == 'Robert'>> You think, "Well, at least you know there won't be any point in even begging to be let out of your chastity belt again until December. Not like the begging would have worked anyway." <<else>> You thrash at the straps holding you down in frustration, but you know it's too late now. <</if>> <br><br> "$ $SpecialProjectMoney deposited into subject's account" is the final message on the screen as you hear the door open and the lab technician come back in. "Gee, thanks," you think. "But I'd rather have a month or two worth of orgasms though." <<else>> "$ $SpecialProjectMoney deposited into subject's account" is the final message on the screen as you hear the door open and the lab technician come back in. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $SubjectBirthControlChange>> <span id="SubjectBirthControlChangeSpan"> As the birth control <<if $PlayerProtectionFertile>> pills you were previously taken will no longer be effective for you what method of birth control would you like to use now? <<else>> provided by your implant has been deactivated, what method of birth control would you like to use now? <<link "Pills">> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone to 0>> <<set $PlayerProtectionPill to 1>> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#SubjectBirthControlChangeSpan">> You decide to start using birth control pills. <br><br> <<include [[SpecialProjectNextScene]]>> <</replace>> <</link>>, <</if>> <<link "Condoms">> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone to 0>> <<set $PlayerProtectionCondoms to 1>> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#SubjectBirthControlChangeSpan">> You decide to have guys start using condoms when they are with you. <br><br> <<include [[SpecialProjectNextScene]]>> <</replace>> <</link>>, <<link "Withdrawal">> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone to 0>> <<set $PlayerProtectionWithdraw to 1>> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#SubjectBirthControlChangeSpan">> You decide to have guys pull out when they are with you. <br><br> <<include [[SpecialProjectNextScene]]>> <</replace>> <</link>>, or <<link "None">> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone to 1>> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#SubjectBirthControlChangeSpan">> You decide not to bother with birth control anymore. <br><br> <<include [[SpecialProjectNextScene]]>> <</replace>> <</link>>? Or have you decided to <<link "Try to get pregnant">> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone to 0>> <<set $PlayerProtectionTry to 1>> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#SubjectBirthControlChangeSpan">> You decide you might as well start trying to get pregnant. <br><br> <<include [[SpecialProjectNextScene]]>> <</replace>> <</link>>instead? </span> <<elseif ($dating.length == 0 or setup.areDating('Peter')) and $PlayerItemNerdKey>> Just as you'd thought, you are pretty tired after the testing. But you'd picked out a [[special costume with Peter in mind|Part6HalloweenPeter]], and you don't want to let it go to waste. <<else>> <<include [[SpecialProjectNextScene]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<achievement>>train<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Engineering Department</h1> <video src="Part6/SpecialProject13.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video><p/> <<unset $tempCorporalPunishmentDue>> <<set $CorporalPunishment to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She leads you into another room and binds you to wooden cross. Then another technician wheels a machine out. You wonder how it's going to fuck you since she had you put your panties back on. Then when you see him attach a whip to the machine and carefully measure the machines distance to you realize what the machine is for. You really start to worry as he adjust the height to be level with your breasts and remeasures, making sure the whip reaches both breasts. <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <br><br> When the technician sees how excited you are getting as your are bound and then measured for the whip, she warns you, "Even if this is something you would normally get off on, you certainly won't tonight. That denial gel they just applied will keep you from getting aroused at all tonight. You'll only feel the pain. Don't worry, you'll be able to get aroused again tomorrow. The orgasms will take much longer to come back though." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You try not to cry out in pain when the first strike hits directly across your breast. Then another one follows and it hurts even more than the first. You try to prepare yourself for each one, but you soon discover the machine controlling them randomizes the times between each strike. There might be two, three, or four in quick succession, or there might be ten or even twenty seconds between each one. Every time one hits you are unprepared again for the pain that comes with it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They wouldn't tell you how long this was going to last, and you have no idea how much time has passed. When the machine doesn't strike for a while you are dreading that it will hit you many times in a row suddenly to make up for the moment of peace. You are releived when you see the [[female technician aproaches you|SpecialProjectCorporalPunishment2]]. You know she wouldn't come between you and the whip if it was still going. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Engineering Department</h1> <video src="Part6/SpecialProject14.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video><p/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She's wearing gloves again. This time she sprays something on your chest and rub it all over your breasts. You don't mind as the searing pain you still felt is gone almost instantly. Then she uncuffs you from the cross you'd been attached to at lets you down. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can't help but touch your breast and are surprised that there isn't any pain at all. "It only takes it a few seconds for the healing spray to set, so it should be safe to touch now. Your breasts will heal up without a mark by morning," she says. Then she adds, "They'll probably still be quite sensitive for about a week, you'll need to leave them uncovered. We'll write you a note for your professors." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you ask when you should return to class she clarifies, "The note is to explain why you are topless in class, of course. Not to excuse you from class entirely. We wouldn't want you to fall behind." You realize, you'll be expected to continue your normal schedule for the next week, even though you [[won't be able to wear much of anything|SpecialProjectCorporalPunishment3]] covering your chest. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>School Cafeteria</h1> <video src="Part6/SpecialProject15.webm" autoplay loop muted height="580"></video><p/> When your schedule alows, you try to go to visit the cafeteria when it's less busy as your current state usually attracts a lot of attention. While normally that might be fun, it's something you want to avoid this week. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The guys most likely to hit on you right now, obviously will want to play with your breasts, since that's what brought them to your table. But they are far too sensitive for that right now. And besides, you're still unable to get off and will be for weeks after your breasts return to normal. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know you won't be able to wait a month or two for sex, but that's ok. Not be able to get off you can handle, intense pain from having your breast squeezed right now, you can't. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are relieved finally when you discover your breasts are no longer affected, and you can go back to dressing normally. Finally, things will be back to normal. <</nobr>> <<include [[SpecialProjectNextSceneBase]]>><<nobr>> <<if $SubjectOrgasmDenialGoo>> Well, except for how horny you are all the <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and !setup.areDating('Veronica')>> time, though maybe that isn't that unusual for you [[thanks to your chastity belt|Part6StartBeltMaster]]. <<elseif $MasterKate>> time, though maybe that isn't that unusual for you [[thanks to your Mistress's instructions|Part6StartBeltMaster]]. <<elseif $PlayerGoodStudent>> time. But still [[you need to study to keep up your grades|Part6StartGood]]. <<elseif $PlayerLazyStudent>> time. But still [[you want to have what fun you can|Part6StartLazy]]. <<else>> time. But still [[you want to study to keep your grades decent, but you also want to have what fun you can|Part6StartAverage]]. <</if>> <<else>> Of course, for you that means <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and !setup.areDating('Veronica')>> [[you constantly feel horny because of this belt you are in.|Part6StartBeltMaster]] <<elseif $MasterKate>> [[you constantly feel horny because of your Mistress's instructions.|Part6StartBeltMaster]] <<elseif $PlayerGoodStudent>> [[you want to study to keep up your grades.|Part6StartGood]] <<elseif $PlayerLazyStudent>> [[you just want to have fun.|Part6StartLazy]] <<else>> [[you study to keep your grades decent, but you also want to have fun.|Part6StartAverage]] <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $tempCorporalPunishmentDue>> You are still lying there bound in place, covered in the denial goop they squirted in and onto you when someone comes in. She is wearing latex gloves as she hoses you down until the goo is no longer visible. You suppose they don't need it on you anymore, now that it's done it's work. Then they [[lead you into another room|SpecialProjectCorporalPunishment]]. <<else>> <<if $SubjectOrgasmDenialGoo>> You are still lying there bound in place, covered in the denial goop they squirted in and onto you when someone comes in. He is wearing latex gloves as he hoses you down until the goo is no longer visible. You suppose they don't need it on you anymore, now that it's done it's work. Once that is done, he releases you. <br><br> <</if>> Everything is fairly normal for you for the next couple weeks. <<include [[SpecialProjectNextSceneBase]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><div style="display:flex;"> <img src="Part6/Halloween6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <br><br> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Kate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Kate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Kate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Kate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Kate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Kate'})>> <<set setup.addInventory('costumes', 'latex kitten')>> You love the costume mistress picked out for you. The way the latex clings to your skin is exhilirating. You are a little self-conscious at first, going out in public wearing it. <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> Of course, the thrill of it turns you on as well. <</if>> But when you glance at yourself in the mirror, and see how beautiful you look, and how no one will know who you really are, it doesn't worry you anymore. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Between your own costume, and one Mistress is wearing, you have a hard time focusing on the party. The whole time you are imagining what you and Mistress will do after you get home.<br> <</nobr>> </div> <div style="display:flex;"> <<nobr>> When you do arrive back at her house, she orders you not to remove your costume - yet anyway. And she only removes a couple key parts of her own as you watch from your place on the floor. When she parts her legs and calls, "here, Kitty, Kitty", you quickly crawl towards her and start using your tongue on her like a good kitty should. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you've pleased her to her satisfaction, she has you remove your costume, except for the mask and collar. Then she clips her leash to your collar and leads you to the bedroom. "You've been a good kitty. Now it's time for your treat." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It isn't long until she has you purring. Well, it's more like moaning, but you certainly aren't going to argue with her about it. She eventually has you remove your mask, but you're still wearing you collar hours later when you finally fall asleep curled up next to her. <</nobr>> <img src="Part6/Halloween6A.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="560" align="right"><p/> </div> <<include [[Part6HalloweenNextScene]]>><div style="display:flex;"> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Sexy Fireman'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Sexy Fireman', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Sexy Fireman', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Sexy Fireman', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addInventory('costumes', 'vampire')>> <img src="Part6/Halloween7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="720" align="left"><p/> You see all the sexy costumes the store has, and there's so many you'd love to wear. But nearly all of them would show everyone the chastity belt you have locked on. You want to avoid that, so you try to find something that will allow you to conceal it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Finally you settle on a vampire costume. It's still sexy enough, without showing your belt to everyone. Many of the girls let you know how nice you look. Though you'd much rather be a sexy, half-naked kitten than this, you accept their complements. The guys certainly are paying closer attention to the girls in some of the other costumes, but there is one at the party that's taken an interest in you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've been in the belt for a while now, and you've thought you'd gotten used to it, but tonight the frustration of it is much worse than it normally is. You want so bad to go home with this sexy fireman and have you fuck you all night. Your body aches to feel him inside you and you can't stop thinking about it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He sees the way you are looking at him and smiles. "You seem to be a very hungry vampire tonight. I'm sure you could lure me back to your lair. I just hope you don't decide to drain me completely." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> His disappointment when you explain your belt is soon forgotten as you take out your costume fangs and wrap your lips around his cock. When he does finally leave your 'lair' later that night, he is completely drained, though not of his blood. You still feel the same hunger though, but it's one that you know you won't be able to satisfy tonight. <</nobr>> </div> <img src="Part6/Halloween7A.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"><p/> <<include [[Part6HalloweenNextScene]]>><<nobr>> <<if $HalloweenNice>> <<set setup.addInventory('costumes', 'sexy mouse')>> <img src="Part6/Halloween5Good.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"><p/> <<else>> <<set setup.addInventory('costumes', 'sexy devil')>> <img src="Part6/Halloween5Bad.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"><p/> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> As you look through the costume options, you quickly realize that nearly all of the women's costumes are the 'sexy' version of something. Even the sweet and innocent mouse costume you'd planned makes you look anything but innocent. But you don't care if others find you tempting or not, you have your temptations under control, right? <br><br> Faith doesn't like your costume and suggest skipping the costume and the party and going to some event at the ministry instead, but you tell her no this time. You've always loved Halloween, and you'd always been a bit envious at the costumes that the girls got to wear. This is something you've been looking forward to since your change and you're going to enjoy yourself. Though not too much, you promise her. You just want to dance a little and enjoy being a sexy mouse for a night. <<elseif $HalloweenNice>> As you look through the costume options, you quickly realize that nearly all of the women's costumes are the 'sexy' version of something. You see they've even managed to make a sexy version of a cartoon mouse. But you have to admit, you look pretty hot wearing it, so you decided this is the costume for you. <<else>> When you see the devil costume, and realize that you'll be essentially just be wearing some red lingerie, with some horns and a pitchfork added on, you know it's the costume for you. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> The guys clearly do find you tempting in your costume. One handsome pirate in particular has been flirting with you most of the night. Despite what you'd told yourself earlier, you realize you've been flirting back as well. <<elseif setup.isGoldStarLesbian() && !$CampusMinistryFail>> The guys clearly like your costume choice as well, though it's usully the opinion of other women that you are more interested in. But tonight there's one handsome pirate in particular that has been flirting with you most of the night, and you are surprised to find yourself flirting back. <<else>> The guys clearly like your costume choice as well. You've been flirting back and forth with one handsome pirate in particular most of the night. <</if>> As the party starts to wind down, he tells you that <<if $HalloweenNice>> he'd like you to join him in his room tonight, so he can show you a 'magical' time. <<else>> seeing you tonight has filled him with lustful thoughts, and inspired him to sin tonight. He invites you back to his room to join him. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> <<set $CampusMinistrySaves -= 1>> You know what you promised Faith, but your body is telling you how much it wants you to [[head back to his room with him|Part6Halloween3]]. One time wouldn't be a big deal, right? <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> Your mind fills with thoughts of him cumming inside you, of him impregnating you... <</if>> "Wait, what am I saying?", you wonder. I should tell him <<if setup.isNeighbour('Barry')>> [[no thanks, and go back to my room|Part6Halloween2NoBarry]]. <<else>> [[no thanks, and go back to my room|Part6Halloween2No]]. <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive > 2 or $PlayerSideEffectLibido > 2>> You are already horny from walking around like this all night. You know thanks to your implant's side effects that you can never turn down an offer for sex when you are like this, so you quickly accept his suggestion and [[head back to his room with him|Part6Halloween3]] <<elseif $CampusMinistryFail>> You have too much time to make up for. You have already wasted months of time you could have been enjoying all that this new body has to offer, and you don't want to waste any more. Your body is telling you how much it wants you [[head back to his room with him|Part6Halloween3]], and you've decided to start listening. <<elseif setup.isGoldStarLesbian()>> You are already horny from walking around like this all night, and find his invitation oddly compelling for some reason. You aren't usually into guys, and you're not sure why the thought of him inside you is suddenly filling you mind. <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> You think about going home and taking care of this problem yourself, but you quickly remind yourself that you can't even do that. Your body is telling you how much it wants you to [[head back to his room with him|Part6Halloween3]], and you can't resist it tonight. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionTry>> You know how much you want to get pregnant, and you know you're going to have to do this sooner or later. As horny as you are right now, you know they'll never be a better time. You are nervous and excited as you [[head back to his room with him|Part6Halloween3]]. <<else>> You could probably still [[resist the thought|Part6Halloween3Alone]] if you tried though. But your body is telling you how much it wants you to [[head back to his room with him|Part6Halloween3]]. <</if>> <<else>> You are already horny from walking around like this all night and you knew an hour or more ago that you'd be going home with him tonight. In fact, you've been thinking about little else the last hour but having him inside you. Of course you quickly accept and [[head back to his room with him|Part6Halloween3]]. On the way, you wonder why you are feeling even more horny than usually tonight. You figure it must be dressing up and all the excitement of Halloween. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Discovering Barry's Guest</h1> <img src="Part6/Halloween12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You managed to leave the party before you do something you might regret. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you get back to the room you discover a young woman wearing some sort of a straitjacket trying to open the door to your unit's bathroom. You assume it's some kind of "mental patient" Halloween costume, though you wonder how she's managed the rest of the evening. You also note that she's bolder than you, as nothing of her butt is covered except for a single strap going between her legs and between her cheeks like a thick leather thong. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She explains that she's here with Barry. You offer to undo her arms but she shows you they are little padlocks keeping them secured behind her. You instead open the door for her and undo the bottom strap that goes between her legs. That one didn't have any lock on it. You are assuming for just this reason. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are slightly embarrassed that she isn't wearing any underwear underneath. She asks you to stay, so you do. Thankfully she only has to pee. When she's done, you don't want to help her pat dry, so you put a towel between her legs and move it back and forth like floss. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She asks you to buckle her bottom strap again, before she heads back to Barry's room. That's perfectly understandable now that you know she's not wearing anything under it. After that interesting encounter you head [[back to your room|Part6Halloween2NoBarry2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your Room</h1> <<if $PlayerNoBodyHair>> <img src="Part6/Halloween9a.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<else>> <img src="Part6/Halloween9b.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you are back in your room and alone in your bed, it's quiet in your room, so you can hear some of the sounds from Barry's room. At first you can hear what can only be spanking, with the girls voice sometimes crying out, though clearly not in a way that sounds like she's unhappy about her situation. Your mind can't help but imagine her right now. She's probably bent over Barry's knee with him spanking her unprotected butt. And you know she can't move her arms to do anything to stop him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's quiet for a while, but then you hear her again. This time, it's definitely not pain she's crying out with. You imagine her on her back on Barry's bed, her arms still immobile. You imagine her bent in two, with her legs on Barry's shoulders as he fucks her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part6/Halloween13.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Unlike the video you remember watching, the girl with Barry is probably wearing more than just her socks. She's probably completely helpless right now. Her arms trapped in the jacket, and her legs pinned down by Barry's body. She can't do anything except take whatever pleasure he gives her. And it sounds like it's quite a lot. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'd already felt a need at the party, a need Faith and Pastor Mark have been trying to help you not give into. But now it's too much to bear. You need to get yourself off. You don't care if they are right and it makes your fantasies more intense next time or not. You need it. You should probably just do it [[right here in bed|Part6Halloween2NoBarry3a]] while you listen to her moan and scream. But it might be even better if you snuck over and [[listened in outside of his door|Part6Halloween2NoBarry3b]] so you could hear much better. <</nobr>><<nobr>> You imagine being her, helpless and unable to resist, and you feel how wet you are before you even get started. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Over her moans, you hear one loud groan from Barry, then her moans soon stop. You imagine being her, and after giving you orgasm after orgasm, he finally cums inside you. <<if $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> You were powerless to make him pull out, and now his seed fills your unprotected body. You wonder if he's just gotten you pregnant. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> You were powerless to make him put on a condom, and now his seed fills your unprotected body. You wonder if he's just gotten you pregnant. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionNone>> You weren't having sex, so you weren't using any protection. But you powerless to to stop him, and now his seed fills your unprotected body. You wonder if he's just gotten you pregnant. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionTry>> As he seed fills your body, you wonder if this is how you finally get pregnant. <<else>> You imagine his seed filling you. Then as he pulls out of you, you start to feel it leak out of you, with no way for you to clean it up. Even when he lets you stand, you'll feel it drip down your leg, for everyone to see when he sends you home. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Can't hold back anymore</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part6/Halloween14.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video><p/> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Faith and <<print setup.otherRoommate("Barry")>> should both still be gone for hours, and Barry is far too busy to notice, but you still aren't bold enough to masturbate in the common area. So instead you get close to the common wall between the bedroom so you can hear better. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part6Halloween2NoBarry3Common]]>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> At that thought, your eager fingers push you over the edge to your own orgasm. You try to be quiet, but still scream out at the end. You wonder if Barry and his friend heard you. You quickly put your night clothes on and get into bed, just in case Faith comes home early. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You quickly fall sound asleep, and don't even hear Barry's friend leave, or even Faith returning. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part6HalloweenNextScene]]>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <i>You realize you are even more submissive than you were before. Hopefully your future husband will appreciate that.</i> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive += 1>> <<else>> <i>You realize the thought of being bound and submissive excites you. Hopefully you can save that for your future husband.</i> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive to 1>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Caught listening in</h1> Faith and <<if $neighbours[0]=="Barry">>$neighbours[1]<<else>>$neighbours[0]<</if>> should both still be gone for hours, and Barry is far too busy to notice, so you decide to make the best of the situation and sneak over near Barry's door to masturbate. That way you can hear all of the action better. <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Barry's mental patient"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Barry"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Barry", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true, ovulating:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part6Halloween2NoBarry3Common]]>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are sitting there, your mind still in a fog after you needed orgasm, when Barry peeks out of his room. "Oh, we have an eavesdrop listening in on us," he says. Then he steps out into the common area, still completely naked! "Don't go trying to sneak back into your room. You have to be punished for being such a naughty girl." He then leads you into his bedroom. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> His friend is still in the straight jacket when you enter the room, but he tosses you some keys and tells you to unlock her while he goes into his closet. He comes back with with some cuffs and a blindfold. "Strip," he says authoritatively. You nervously comply, far too horny to resist. Once you are naked, he grabs one of your hands forcefully, sending a quiver of anticipation through your body. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After he's placed a cuff on that one, he does the same with the other. He then puts the blindfold on you and pushes you back onto his bed. You feel him attach your cuffs to the headboard, and then put cuffs and secure your legs in a similar way. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Should we go again, and let her listen up close this time?" Barry asks his friend. "No, wait, lets make sure she can't listen at all." You feel earbuds being put in your ear, and then music is turned on. You can no longer hear anything thing except the music. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part6/Halloween15.webm" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video><p/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> For a minute or two, nothing happens. Or at least you don't know what was happening. Then you feel a sudden sting of something hot on your stomach and let out a small sound. After another drip a bit lower, you realize it's candle wax. Other drops hit, randomly. You can't prepare for when or where they are going to hit. Sometimes it's your stomach, sometimes it's your breasts, other times its your mons, worrying you that he will go lower still. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Eventually the drips stop, and you the heat and pain are replaced by the touch of soft hands roaming your body. You are assume they are hers, since they seem too soft to be Barry's. Frustratingly, they seem to touch you everywhere except where you most want them. She seems to carefully stroke your breasts, but never touch your nipples, and slide up your thigh, but then skip to your stomach again. You think you are going to go insane with need. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You smell something musky, then you feel something brush your cheek, and then your lips. Your mouth opens and turns towards it without you even thinking about it. When it touches your lips again you realize it's Barry's hard cock. You open wider and stick your tongue out a bit, offering your mouth to him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your do your best as more and more of his cock enters your mouth. You know to keep your teeth away, and to use your tongue, and to wrap your lips around it. You hope you are doing it right, but if you aren't you can't hear him tell you about it. All you can do is keep it up as he thrusts in and out of your mouth, a bit deeper each time. You struggle to breath a few times until he pulls back out. Your powerless to do anything about it just turns you on more. And the whole time, her hands continue to roam and tease your body. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your mouth feels empty when he pulls out. You tremble with anticipation though as you feel him move down towards your feet. You feel his cock tease your opening, making you ache for him to enter you. Finally you start to feel him slide into you. He stops for a moment and then slowly pushes forward. You feel a sharp pain for just an moment, but then you feel only the pleasure of his cock sliding in and out of you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are enjoying the wonderful fealing of being fucked for the first time, when you feel something else. You realize it is her legs against your cheeks, and then you feel her lips, her lower lips, against you mouth. As you put out your tongue to start to search for her clit, she moves her body to make it easier for you. You eat her out as you feel your own pleasure building. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You feel Barry's cock somehow get even harder and he starts thrusting you deeper than before. It pushes you over the edge and you start to orgasm again. You feel yourself tugging at your restaints as your body spasms. Your moans are quieted from the woman still griding against your face. Not long after you cum, you feel Barry thrust one more time into you, and then you [[feel a warmth spread inside you|Part6Halloween2NoBarry3b2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In Barry's Room</h1> <<unset $CampusMinistry>> <<set $CampusMinistryFail to 1>> <<set setup.makeFWB("Barry")>> Not long after Barry cums, the girl on your face does too. You feel some of her wetness drip down your face as she climbs off of you. Barry leaves you there for a bit, with her orgasm still on your face, and his inside you. Finally you feel him remove your restraints. When he does, you take off the blindfold and take out the earbuds. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part6/Halloween16.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Just like when you were fantasizing earlier about her, Barry came inside you. <<if $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> You couldn't even ask him to pull out, since your mouth was very busy at the time. Now his warm cum fills you. The thought of getting pregnant is suddently a real possibility, not some fantasy or distant thought far in the future. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> You were far too turned on and lost in the moment to even think about condoms until now. You don't know if he had any, or would have worn one if he did. You certainly wouldn't have told him to stop regardless. Now his warm cum fill you. The thought of getting pregnant is suddently a real possibility, not some fantasy or distant thought far in the future. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionNone>> You'd told yourself you didn't need protection because you weren't going to have sex. Now his warm cum fills you. The thought of getting pregnant is suddently a real possibility, not some fantasy or distant thought far in the future. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionTry>> Now, as his warm cum fills you, the thought of getting pregnant is suddently a real possibility. Maybe you won't have to wait for years until you are married. Maybe it's already happened. <<else>> Now, as his warm cum fills you, it feels a bit different than you'd fantasized. You'd fantasize about feeling it shoot into you, but you only felt the warmth of it afterwards. You felt his cock twitch, but that was all. Maybe you were too distracted from your own orgasm and the woman on your face. And now, as some of starts to leak from you, you feel some of it trickle down, but other parts don't and dry to your skin. You hadn't imagined that part. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Isn't being a slut much more fun than being a prude like Faith," Barry says as he smacks you on the ass. Being called a slut should upset you, but it mostly doesn't. You feel a little ashamed, but it mostly excites you. The shame might even be adding to the excitement of it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The only part you feel a little bad about is how disappointed Faith and and Pastor Mark will be that their plans to 'help' you have failed. But now that you know how good getting fucked feels, you have no interest at all in their plans. You plan on having as much sex as you can to make up for months of missed time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "If you ever need me to treat you like the slut you are, come on over again," Barry tells you as he ushers you out of his room, naked and dripping with his cum. You aren't upset, you assume him and his friend probably want to get back to what they were doing before you joined in. You head to the bathroom to clean up before heading to your room, hopefully before Faith returns. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part6HalloweenNextScene]]>> <<nobr>> <i> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> You realize you are even more submissive than you thought you were. <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive += 1>> <<else>> You've realize just how much being bound and submissive turns you on. <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive to 1>> <</if>> Hopefully you and Barry can have more fun with you helpless in his room. </i> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your Room</h1> <<if $PlayerNoBodyHair>> <img src="Part6/Halloween9a.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<else>> <img src="Part6/Halloween9b.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You managed to leave the party before you do something you might regret. When you are home and alone in your bed, you can still feel the need you'd felt at the party. You are tempted to take care of it yourself right now, imagining what would have happened if you'd gone home with that pirate. But you don't. Faith and Pastor Mark told you giving in to your fantasies will just make them that much more intense the next time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You struggle, but eventually find sleep. You can't help that your dreams are all filled with thoughts of a certain pirate ravishing you over, and over, and over... <</nobr>> <<include [[Part6HalloweenNextScene]]>><<nobr>> <h1>His Room</h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Handsome Pirate', vaginal: true, noPullout:true, ovulating:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Handsome Pirate', repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> His tongue feels amazing, and you know he'd keep going until you came, but you don't want his tongue, you want his cock. He certainly doesn't argue when you tell him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <img src="Part6/Halloween5C.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="540"><p/> You are so anxious to have him inside you that you almost forgot to have him wear a condom. Even when you remember, the thought occurs to you to not worry about it this time. But you dismiss that thought and get a condom out of your purse. Of course, you don't make him put it on himself. <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral>> Feeling his cock in your mouth feels so good that you're tempted to just suck his cock instead. But the ache you feel to have his cock fucking you quickly helps you realize that it's just your implant's oral side effect messing with you. So you take his cock out of your mouth so he can put it somewhere even better. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part6/Halloween5A.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="480"><p/> When you finally feel his cock rub against your clit, then push your lips apart and slide into you, your eyes roll back. As you feel him thrusting in and out of you, you are so glad you decided to come home with him. After a while, you feel your orgasm start to build. Your moans probably aren't helping him hold back his orgasm and you are worried he might pull out before you are able to cum. You instinctively wrap your legs around his torso and squeeze, pulling him into you. <<if $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> You know you should have him pull out, but you are too close, and you need this too much right now. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He isn't able to hold back much longer, but it was just enough. As he starts to cum, you orgasm too. As he finishes his last thrust, you feel your body still clenching and squeezing his cock until finally your orgasm passes and he pulls out of you. <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> You pull the condom off of him and toss it in the trash can. You lick a stray bit of cum off the end of his cock. You giggle a bit as he squirms from the sensation on his over-sensitive cock. <<else>> <img src="Part6/Halloween5B.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="360"><p/> <</if>> <</nobr>> <p/> <<nobr>> <<if setup.isFWB('James')>> Eventually you find your way back to your dorm. Somehow you are still horny. What's gotten into you tonight you wonder. But you figure James is back home by now, and he's always willing to [[help a girl out...|Part6Player2]] <<elseif setup.isFWB('Zack')>> Eventually you find your way back to your dorm. Somehow you are still horny. What's gotten into you tonight you wonder. But you figure Zack is back home by now, and he's always willing to [[help a girl out...|Part6Thril2]] <<else>> You both lie there recovering a bit. After a while, you move down to take his cock into your mouth and coax it back to life for another round. <<if $CampusMinistry>> <<unset $CampusMinistry>> <<set $CampusMinistryFail to 1>> <br><br> When you stumble in after your night of fun, Faith seems disappointed, but not surprised. You are too embarrassed to talk to Pastor Mark, so Faith lets him know you are giving up on their plan, though she spares him the details. He wishes you luck and says he hopes you at least keep at it with your music. <</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Handsome Pirate', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Handsome Pirate', vaginal: true, repeat:true, ovulating:true})>> <<include [[Part6HalloweenNextScene]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Zack's Room</h1> <video src="Part6/GoNeighbour6.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="580"></video><p/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you get back to the dorm, you stand in the doorway to his room striking a seductive pose and wait for Zack to see you. When he finally turns to notice you realize it's not Zack but <<if $Mentor=='Emily'>> <<set $halloweenOtherGuy to "Zack's friend">> a friend of his! <<elseif $neighbours[0] == 'Zack'>> <<set $halloweenOtherGuy to $neighbours[1]>> his roommate $neighbours[1]! <<else>> his roommate $neighbours[0]! <<set $halloweenOtherGuy to $neighbours[0]>> <</if>> Then you hear Zack from behind you coming from the restroom. "You seem to have a familiar look of need tonight," he says when he sees you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Zack continues, "How about we try something different tonight? I've had a threesome with two girls before, but I've never had one with two guys before. I'm game if you two are." $halloweenOtherGuy quickly agrees to it. You came here needing Zack's cock, a second one is an unexpected bonus, so you quickly agree as well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> You're thrilled when $halloweenOtherGuy wants to fuck your ass while you ride Zack's cock. You cum in no time thanks to your implant and and your love for anal. Of course, the guys still haven't came, so they just hold you in place fucking you to another orgasm before the they finally cum. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOral>> You were hoping the guys were going to 'spit-roast' you, but instead $halloweenOtherGuy fucks your ass while you ride Zack's cock. Zack knows about much you crave oral and tells you, "Don't worry I know how much you love sucking cock. We'll get there. We have all night." <<else>> You aren't sure which way they want to start, but you get the message when Zack sits down. You climb on top of him and start riding his cock. It isn't long until you feel another cock push into your ass. You feel so full as the two guys fuck you from either side. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Zack', vaginal:true, ovulating: true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $halloweenOtherGuy})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Zack'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $halloweenOtherGuy, vaginal:true, ovulating: true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Zack'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $halloweenOtherGuy})>> <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> After the two guys cum, you get up and grab a trash can for them to toss their condoms in. Then you show the full box you'd grabed from Zack's nightstand "And we have enough for all night," you tell them. <<else>> After the two guys cum, you get up. You feel cum leaking out of you from both sides. $halloweenOtherGuy goes to the bathroom for a second to clean his cock. When he comes back you tell them, <</if>> "Let me know when you're ready to go <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> again. This time I want Zack fucking my ass." <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOral>> again. This time I want at least one cock in my mouth." <<else>> again." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But eventually the guys are worn out, and you know it's time for bed. You fall asleep with a smile on your face though. You're pretty sure you know two guys that did too. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part6HalloweenNextScene]]>> <<achievement>>threesome:MFM<</achievement>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'James', vaginal:true, ovulating: true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'girl James brought home'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'girl James brought home', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'James', vaginal:true, ovulating: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'girl James brought home', repeat:true})>> <h1><<if $Mentor == 'Emily'>><<print "Your New Bedroom">><<else>><<print "James’s Bedroom">><</if>></h1> <</nobr>> <img src="Part6/GoNeighbour4.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<nobr>> In the dark room, your clothes are off and you've climbed into his bed before you realize there's already someone there next to him! Embarrassed, you quickly get up and start to pick up your clothes and leave, but they both tell you to join them. You smile, drop your clothes, and climb into bed with them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> James is already hard, and you don't want to wait any longer, so you don't waste any time climbing onto him and sliding his cock into you. The other girl straddles his face and leans forward to make out with you. You don't climb off of him until you've emptied him of every drop. You can hear his muffled grunts as you ride him a bit longer after he cums. You and her keep each other entertained for a while as she waits for him to recover and take her turn on his cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and her wake up before James and decided to have one last bit of fun before she heads back to her room. Of course, the moans wake James up and he decides to join in too. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part6HalloweenNextScene]]>> <<achievement>>threesome:FMF<</achievement>><<nobr>> <video src="Part6/Halloween8.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video><p/> You don't know why you wanted to bring a guy back to your room so bad tonight, but you aren't about to start that now. You definitely need to feel something inside you though, but you have something right here for that, and it doesn't require a guy at all. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you dildo slides in and out of you, you find yourself still craving more. You remembered the smaller dildo you still had. You pulled that one out from the back of your drawer. You'd already gotten the larger one wet, so you use that one on your ass while it's smaller cousin takes it's place. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> At first you just think about the pleasure, and how good the dildos feel. But as you get close to your orgasm, you begin to imagine the dildos are cocks attached to two guys. As your orgasm washes over you, you imagine the two guys fucking you harder and faster until they both cum inside you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you lie there, recovering from your orgasm, you wonder what's come over you tonight. You don't normally have fantasies like this. But you don't care, it felt amazing. And even better, these aren't really guys, so you don't even have to wait for anyone to recover as you start working your way towards another orgasm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But eventually you know it's time for bed. You wash your toys and put them away and fall asleep. Of course the two guys you'd imagined while you were awake return again as you dream and enjoy you many times through the night. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part6HalloweenNextScene]]>><<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <video src="Part6/Halloween1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video><p/> <<set setup.addInventory('costumes', 'sexy kitten')>> You and Veronica have a blast in your matching 'sexy kitten' costumes. You both love the looks you get at the party, but really there's only one person looking at you that you really care about. Seeing Veronica in her costume is really turning you on, and you are hoping you are having the same effect on her. You know you are when asks you, "Do kittens go into heat?" <p/> "Regular kittens don't until they are older," you tell her. "But sexy kittens are always in heat." <p/> "Well, lets get out of here then", she tells you. The two of you make your exit from the party and spend the rest of the evening in her room. <<include [[Part6HalloweenNextScene]]>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0], vaginal:true, ovulating:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0], vaginal:true, ovulating:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0], vaginal:true, ovulating:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0], vaginal:true, ovulating:true})>> <<set setup.addInventory('costumes', 'sexy kitten')>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'kitten-tail butt plug')>> <video src="Part6/Halloween2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video><p/> You have a wonderful time at the Halloween party, and love the looks you get in your 'sexy kitten' costume. But the whole time all you can think about it is getting back home and having $dating[0] take it off you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you finally are alone together, he jokes about how his kitten is in heat. You can't really disagree. After he has you out of most of your costume he tells you he has a surprise for you. He shows you the tail butt plug he bought for you. "My little kitten can't be without her tail can she?", he says as he puts a bit of lube on it and slides it into your ass. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When the two of you are finally finished for the night, you lie next to him with your tail still in. You snuggle up next to him and do your best to make a purring sound for a bit before you fall asleep. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part6HalloweenNextScene]]>><img src="Part6/Halloween4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"><p/> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addInventory('costumes', 'sexy kitten')>> At the party Barry leads you around by your 'leash'. When he sits on the sofa with some of his friends, he doesn't let you sit beside him, you're told to curl up on the floor at his feet. <p/> As you lie there he stokes your back and apologizes for you, telling everyone how you are in heat right now. "Well, really she is most of the time," he adds. You think about objecting, but <<if $PlayerSideEffectLibido or $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock or $PlayerSideEffectDreams>> your implant's side effects do make you horny all the time. <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> Especially with everyone looking at you in your skimpy costume, and acting like Barry's sluttly little kitten. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> Especially when Barry tugs on your leash and you feel collar around your neck. <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> you are getting turned on with everyone looking at you in your skimpy costume, and acting like Barry's sluttly little kitten. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> you do feel yourself getting more turned on every time Barry tugs at your leash and you feel the collar around your neck. <<else>> you are having trouble thinking of anything other than getting home and feeling Barry's cock inside you. <</if>> So maybe you are 'in heat'. <p/> When the party is over, he brings one of his friends with him. They walk ahead and have you follow behind. Not to far behind though, as he gives your leash a little tug if you start to stray to far. Eventually the three of you arrive [[back at the dorm|Part6HalloweenJerk2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <img src="Part6/Halloween4A.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"><p/> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Barry'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Friend of Barry'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Barry', vaginal:true, ovulating:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Barry', vaginal:true, ovulating:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Barry'})>> After Barry straps you down, him and his friend explore their helpless kitten with the toys Barry has ready. Whenver you start to get to aroused though, they stop and Barry smacks your ass hard with the paddle he has ready. "Bad Kitty!, you can't cum yet," he tells you. <p/> Eventually Barry decides he's done with the toys. At first, as he slides into you, you are moanining into your gag. But that only lasts a moment, as soon Barry's friend is removing your gag to make room for his cock. The two of the fuck you from either end, until they both cum, first Barry, then his friend. You are left aching for more, but unable to even beg for it once his friend puts the gag back in place. <p/> Barry's friend thanks him and says good night leaving you and Barry alone. When Barry's ready to go again, he tells you, "I guess you've been a good kitty. You're allowed to cum this time." <</nobr>> <<include [[Part6HalloweenNextScene]]>> <<achievement>>threesome:MFM<</achievement>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> <img src="Part6/Halloween3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"><p/> <<set setup.addInventory('costumes', 'Star Trek crew')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wanted to wear a costume that Peter would love. You'd had two choices in mind at the store. But after you spotted another 'Slave Girl Leia' costume at the party, you are glad you went with this one. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you leave the party and are alone with Peter, you see your costume has made him just as horny as you had hoped. Though, considering how rarely you let him cum, you could have probably worn a burlap bag and gotten him excited. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You have him bury his head under your uniform's skirt. <<if $SubjectOrgasmDenialGoo>> You aren't sure if the machine was telling the truth or not, but you soon find out for sure as your orgasm is taken away from you at the last moment. That's not Peter's fault though, so you still want to reward him for 'completing his mission'. <<else>> After he takes the edge off your horniness with your first of many orgasms tonight, you can think clearly. You try to decide how you want to want to reward Peter for 'completing his mission'. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You decide to let him pick his favorite quote. The one he chooses is: "[[I'm Givin' Her All She's Got, Captain!|Part6HalloweenPeterAllShesGot]]", "[[Resistance Is Futile|Part6HalloweenPeterFutile]]", or "[[To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before|Part6HalloweenPeterBoldly]]" <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>"I'm Givin' Her All She's Got, Captain!"</h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter', vaginal:true, ovulating:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> <img src="Part6/Halloween3A.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"><p/> You tell Peter you are going to let him inside you tonight. But then you tell him that it'll be with his cage still on. He still gets some pleasure as he can feel you slide across his cock through the bars. Of course you think it's probably just the thought of being inside you that is exciting him so much, and the sight of you moaning beneath him as his hand rubs your clit between thrusts. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Whichever it was exciting him, it's enough that he manages to cum, at least a bit, while he's inside you. You can tell it wasn't anything near as satisfying for him as it would have been without the cage though. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $SubjectOrgasmDenialGoo>> There's no change for your satisfaction though. But that doesn't stop you from having him get <<else>> Your satisfaction is guaranteed though. You get him <</if>> right back to work with his tongue, you tell him he can start by cleaning up the mess he just made for you. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part6HalloweenNextScene]]>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> <<set $PeterRuinedOrgasm to 1>> <h1>Resistance Is Futile</h1> <video src="Part6/Halloween3B.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video><p/> You've decide you want to be nice to Peter today. You were already nice enough to pick out a costume you knew he'd love, and now you've decided to grant him an orgasm. <p/> Of course, you don't want to get carried away and spoil your little toy. So, once you know that you've stroked his cock enough that an orgasm is inevitable, you stop stroking. He whimpers a bit as he aches for more stimulation right as you've taken it away. His cock spurts out some of his pent up cum, but he's still left needing more. <p/> "There, that should take some of the pressure off," you tell him. You know that while his balls might be a bit lighter now, it won't have satisfied him, and he'll still be aching for an orgasm. Of course he probably won't be getting another one for a while. <<if $SubjectOrgasmDenialGoo>> You'll both be spending the night in horny frustration. <<else>> He'll be spending the rest of the night giving you as many as you need though. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<include [[Part6HalloweenNextScene]]>><<nobr>> <h1>"To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before"</h1> <<if setup.haveFuckedVaginal('Peter')>> Peter doesn't point out that this is certainly not someplace that no man has gone before. <<else>> Peter doesn't know whether this is really some place that no man has gone before or <<if setup.sexVaginalCount() == 0>> not, though you know that it is. <<else>> not. <</if>> <</if>> He's just happy to be going there now. <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter', vaginal:true, ovulating:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter', vaginal:true, ovulating:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part6/Halloween3C.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video><p/> After you remove his cage, you climb on top of him and slide him into you. You are enjoying riding his cock, but he cums disappointingly soon. You could lock him right back up now and he'd still be a happy man, but you want more tonight. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $SubjectOrgasmDenialGoo>> You know you're not going get off tonight, but you still want more than his short fuck. You have him eat you out, cleaning up the mess he made with his early orgasm. Once he's ready to go again, you have him make another attempt, this time with him on top. <br><br> He lasts long enough this time, but your orgasm is denied anyway. As you lock his cock back in it's cage you realize, tonight it's Peter falling asleep with a satisfied smile on his face, and you going to bed horny and frustrated. <<else>> You have him eat you out, and clean up the mess he made with his early orgasm. Once he's ready to go again, you have him make another attempt. This time he lasts long enough to satisfy you before he cums again. After you lock his cock back in it's cage, you have him give you one last orgasm before you both are too tired to go on tonight. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<include [[Part6HalloweenNextScene]]>><<nobr>> <<if setup.isNeighbour('Peter')>>[[You spend some time with Peter.|Part6Nerd]] <<elseif setup.isNeighbour('Zack')>>[[You spend some time with Zack.|Part6Thrill]] <<elseif $PlayerReducedSleep>>[[You have lots of extra time from not having to sleep as much.|Part6StartSleep]] <<elseif $JobEngineer>>[[You have to work at the Lab.|JobEngineer5]] <<elseif $JobTestSubject>>[[You have to work at the Lab.|JobEngineerSubject3]] <<elseif $JobCheerleader>>[[You have to cheer for the football team’s derby.|Part6Cheerleader]] <<elseif $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>>[[You help the university with another fundraiser.|Part6CheerleaderFundraiser]] <<elseif $JobAthlete>>[[You practice in the gym.|Part6Athlete]] <<elseif $JobFitnessMassage>>[[You have to work at the Fitness Centre.|JobFitnessMassage3]] <<elseif $JobCallGirl or $JobCallGirlSide>>[[You have to work as a call girl.|JobCall4]] <<elseif $JobPornOral or $JobPornOralSide>>[[You have to film another porn movie.|JobPornOral2]] <<elseif $JobPornGang or $JobPornGangSide>>[[You have to film another porn movie.|JobPornGang2]] <<elseif $JobArt>>[[You have another class to model for.|Part6JobArt]] <<else>>[[You join a study group.|Part6StudyGroup]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if setup.isNeighbour('Zack')>>[[You spend some time with Zack.|Part6Thrill]] <<elseif $PlayerReducedSleep>>[[You have lots of extra time from not having to sleep as much.|Part6StartSleep]] <<elseif $JobEngineer>>[[You have to work at the Lab.|JobEngineer5]] <<elseif $JobTestSubject>>[[You have to work at the Lab.|JobEngineerSubject3]] <<elseif $JobCheerleader>>[[You have to cheer for the football team’s derby.|Part6Cheerleader]] <<elseif $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>>[[You help the university with another fundraiser.|Part6CheerleaderFundraiser]] <<elseif $JobAthlete>>[[You practice in the gym.|Part6Athlete]] <<elseif $JobFitnessMassage>>[[You have to work at the Fitness Centre.|JobFitnessMassage3]] <<elseif $JobCallGirl or $JobCallGirlSide>>[[You have to work as a call girl.|JobCall4]] <<elseif $JobPornOral or $JobPornOralSide>>[[You have to film another porn movie.|JobPornOral2]] <<elseif $JobPornGang or $JobPornGangSide>>[[You have to film another porn movie.|JobPornGang2]] <<elseif $JobArt>>[[You have another class to model for.|Part6JobArt]] <<else>>[[You join a study group.|Part6StudyGroup]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $PlayerReducedSleep>>[[You have lots of extra time from not having to sleep as much.|Part6StartSleep]] <<elseif $JobEngineer>>[[You have to work at the Lab.|JobEngineer5]] <<elseif $JobTestSubject>>[[You have to work at the Lab.|JobEngineerSubject3]] <<elseif $JobCheerleader>>[[You have to cheer for the football team’s derby.|Part6Cheerleader]] <<elseif $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>>[[You help the university with another fundraiser.|Part6CheerleaderFundraiser]] <<elseif $JobAthlete>>[[You practice in the gym.|Part6Athlete]] <<elseif $JobFitnessMassage>>[[You have to work at the Fitness Centre.|JobFitnessMassage3]] <<elseif $JobCallGirl or $JobCallGirlSide>>[[You have to work as a call girl.|JobCall4]] <<elseif $JobPornOral or $JobPornOralSide>>[[You have to film another porn movie.|JobPornOral2]] <<elseif $JobPornGang or $JobPornGangSide>>[[You have to film another porn movie.|JobPornGang2]] <<elseif $JobArt>>[[You have another class to model for.|Part6JobArt]] <<else>>[[You join a study group.|Part6StudyGroup]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $JobEngineer>>[[You have to work at the Lab.|JobEngineer5]] <<elseif $JobTestSubject>>[[You have to work at the Lab.|JobEngineerSubject3]] <<elseif $JobCheerleader>>[[You have to cheer for the football team’s derby.|Part6Cheerleader]] <<elseif $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>>[[You help the university with another fundraiser.|Part6CheerleaderFundraiser]] <<elseif $JobAthlete>>[[You practice in the gym.|Part6Athlete]] <<elseif $JobFitnessMassage>>[[You have to work at the Fitness Centre.|JobFitnessMassage3]] <<elseif $JobCallGirl or $JobCallGirlSide>>[[You have to work as a call girl.|JobCall4]] <<elseif $JobPornOral or $JobPornOralSide>>[[You have to film another porn movie.|JobPornOral2]] <<elseif $JobPornGang or $JobPornGangSide>>[[You have to film another porn movie.|JobPornGang2]] <<elseif $JobArt>>[[You have another class to model for.|Part6JobArt]] <<else>>[[You join a study group.|Part6StudyGroup]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Sculpture Class</h1> <img src="Part6/ArtModel6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="680" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> This time you are modeling for a sculpting class instead of painting or drawing class, but the work is mostly the same. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> For you, the main difference is that you don't just see the back of the canvas as they work. Now you can see as they turn a lump of clay into a representation of you. Obviously some are better at this than others. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As their creations stop looking like lumps of clay and more like a woman, your mind starts to imagine their hands on your actual body instead of just the clay representations of it. Thankfully, the pose they chose for you today hides most of your arousal. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course by the time the session is over, you ache to feel hands on you like you've been imagining. And you know just where to go. The only thing you need to decide is whether you want the [[firm hands of a man|Part6JobArt2Male]] or [[the soft hands of another woman|Part6JobArt2Female]] as your 'sculptor' <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Fitness Center</h1> <video src="Part6/ArtModel7.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'Masseuse'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Normally the massage rooms at the fitness center are just for the athletes. But many of those athletes are in the classes you model for. Most of them spend more time admiring you while you model, and relatively little actually drawing or painting. From looking at their work, you assume they being graded more on their athletic skill than their artistic skill. The main benefit for you is that they were able to pull a string or two and get you permission to use the massage rooms too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your massage starts off with her rubbing warm oil all over your body. You aren't made out of clay and being molded by her like you were imagining in class. But you do feel 'like putty in her hands'. She already knows what you really want from your body's reactions, your moans as her hands rub your upper thigh, and probably many more signs her trained eyes picked up from your body. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Her skilled hands soon have you squirming on her table with a wonderful orgasm, and then another, and another. By the time your hour is up, you feel like you can barely stand and walk out of the room. As you stumble home, you think to yourself that you'll have to say thank you to the guys later for getting you in here. <</nobr>> [[You join a study group.|Part6StudyGroup]]<<nobr>> <h1>At the Fitness Center</h1> <video src="Part6/ArtModel8.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Masseur', repeat: true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Normally the massage rooms at the fitness center are just for the athletes. But many of those athletes are in the classes you model for. Most of them spend more time admiring you while you model, and relatively little actually drawing or painting. From looking at their work, you assume they being graded more on their athletic skill than their artistic skill. The main benefit for you is that they were able to pull a string or two and get you permission to use the massage rooms too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your massage starts off with him rubbing warm oil all over your body. You aren't made out of clay and being molded by him like you were imagining in class. But you do feel 'like putty in his hands'. He already knows what you really want from your body's reactions, your moans as his hands rub your upper thigh, the glances you keep making back at his cock, and probably many more signs his trained eyes picked up from your body. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> His skilled hands soon have you squirming on his table with a wonderful orgasm, and then one another. You know he'd keep going, focusing on your plesure the entire hour. But glancing over seeing how hard he's gotten from getting you off, you'd rather [[spend some time pleasuring him|Part6JobArt2Male2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Fitness Center</h1> <video src="Part6/ArtModel9.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Masseur', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Masseur', vaginal: true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You start by using some of his own oil and stroking his cock. You don't do that for very long though before the sounds of his moans turn you on even more. Your hands are still around his hard cock, but they are joined now by your lips. Of course his moans only increase, making your ache for his cock even more intense. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't even need to ask, he senses what you want - what you need. Soon you are back on your back on his table. This time with your knees pressed to your chest and him slowly sliding into you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Whether it's going slow but deep, fucking you hard and fast, or reaching a hand down to rub your clit with his thumb, he always seems to know just what to you need at every moment. You've lost track of your own orgasms when finally he <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> moans and cums for you. He leaves his cock deep inside you for just a moment, before carefully pulling his cock out and the now-full condom along with it. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> pulls out. You roll over as he comes to the other side of the table. You finish him with your mouth, swallowing every drop. <<else>> moans and cums inside you. He leaves his cock deep inside you as he kisses you again before slowly pulling out and getting a warm cloth to help you clean yourself up. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your legs are weak as you gather your things and get dressed. As you stumble home, you think to yourself that you'll have to [[find a way to thank the guys|Part6JobArt2Male3]] for getting you in here. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Thanking the Team</h1> <video src="Part6/ArtModel10.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The guys from the team had gotten you permission to use the massage room at the fitness center. All they wanted in 'payment' was for you go give them a full and detailed report of how your session went. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But as your description of your hour went on, you were getting more and more turned on recounting your story. And they were clearly getting excited from listening to it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You end up never finishing your story, but they are more than happy with helping you make a new one instead. <</nobr>> [[You join a study group.|Part6StudyGroup]] <<achievement>>train<</achievement>><<nobr>> <<set $FunPoints += 2>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Classmate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Classmate'})>> <h1><<print "Campus">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "It’s so hard for you to focus sometimes, ">><<if $PlayerChastityBelt>><<print "your chastity belt keeps ">><<else>><<print "your mistress’s orders keep ">><</if>><<print "you from the orgasms you so desperately want. Your constant need keeps you from concentrating on your studies as much as you should be.">> <video src="Part6/Start2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> The only pleasure you are allowed is what you give to others. Even if you'd rather it be a beautiful woman you are bringing to orgasm, you find it's much easier to find a guy whenever your need gets too much to take. The joy from making someone orgasm, helps you forget about your own orgasm you desperately crave. Though the relief doesn't last long. Soon your thoughts will be back to wonder when you'll be allowed to cum again. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part6NextAll]]>><<nobr>> <<set $AcademicPoints += 2>> <h1><<print "Campus">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You’ve always been a good student. You don’t need someone watching over you to make sure you do your work. You make sure that you don’t let all the new fun that college (or your new body) presents keep you from doing your classwork.">> <img src="Part6/Start3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<include [[Part6NextAll]]>><<nobr>> <<set $FunPoints += 1>> <<set $AcademicPoints += 1>> <h1><<print "Campus">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You did ok before, with your parents and teachers pushing you every day, but now it’s way too easy to skip the homework for a night out. And it’s even more tempting the next morning to sleep in and skip class.">> <img src="Part6/Start4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<include [[Part6NextAll]]>><<nobr>> <<set $FunPoints += 4>> <h1><<print "Campus">></h1> You were never a good student, so you should be studying even harder to catch up with your classmates. <</nobr>> <img src="Part6/Start5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> But you didn’t like studying before, and the X-Change didn’t change that about your personality. So you find much more often you are spending your time doing something more fun than studying like... well, everything else. <<if $CampusMinistry>> <br><br> You feel guilty doing it, but even just sitting around fantasizing about the sex you hear about everyone else is having is more fun than doing homework. You don't even mind that you have to change your underwear after they end up all wet and messy afterwards. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<include [[Part6NextAll]]>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "The extra hours you have every night give you extra time to use however you please.">> <img src="Part6/Start6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> <span id="Sleep1Span1"> <<link "You can use it all to study,">> <<set $AcademicPoints += 2>> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#Sleep1Span1">> <<print "You can use it all to study,">> <</replace>> <<replace "#Sleep1Span2">> <<print "you can use the time for fun.">> <</replace>> <<replace "#Sleep1Span3">> <<include [[Part6Next]]>> <</replace>> <</link>> </span> <<print "or ">> <span id="Sleep1Span2"><<link "you can use the time for fun.">><<goto [[Part6StartSleepFun]]>><</link>></span> <</nobr>> <span id="Sleep1Span3"></span><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Of course, you might want to use the extra time for something more fun than studying.">> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><br><video src="Part6/SleepVeronica.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video><br>\ <<else>><<if setup.areDating('Josh') or setup.areDating('Andrew')>><img src="Part6/SleepBoyfriend.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650">\ <<else>><<if !setup.isGoldStarLesbian()>><<if !$PlayerChastityBelt>><img src="Part6/SleepColleagues1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650">\ <<else>><img src="Part6/SleepColleagues3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"><</if>>\ <<else>><<if !$PlayerChastityBelt>><br><video src="Part6/SleepColleagues4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video><br> <<else>><br><video src="Part6/SleepColleagues2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video><br><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> <<print "You have fun with Veronica, but she will probably fall asleep as soon as you finish.">> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>> <<print "You have fun with Josh, but he will probably fall asleep as soon as you finish.">> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Josh', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Josh', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Josh', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Josh', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Josh', vaginal:true})>> <</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>> <<print "You have fun with Andrew, but he will probably fall asleep as soon as you finish.">> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew', vaginal:true})>> <</if>> <<if !setup.areDating('Andrew') and !setup.areDating('Josh') and !setup.areDating('Veronica')>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<print "You chastity belt prevents you from getting any pleasure of you own, but that doesn't stop you to have fun with some of your colleagues. But they will probably fall asleep as soon as you finish.">> <<else>> <<print "You have fun with some of your colleagues, but they will probably fall asleep as soon as you finish.">> <</if>> <<if !setup.isGoldStarLesbian()>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Classmate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Classmate', vaginal:!$PlayerChastityBelt})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Classmate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Classmate', vaginal:!$PlayerChastityBelt})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Classmate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Classmate', vaginal:!$PlayerChastityBelt})>> <<achievement>>threesome:FMF<</achievement>> <<else>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Classmate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Classmate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Classmate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Classmate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Classmate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Classmate'})>> <<achievement>>threesome:FFF<</achievement>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $SubjectOrgasmDenialGoo>> You only wish you had your ability to orgasm back, so you could enjoy it as much as your partner. <</if>> <span id="Sleep2Span1"> <<link "unless you never finish and just have fun the whole night.">> <<set $FunPoints += 2>> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#Sleep2Span1">> <<print "unless you never finish and just have fun the whole night.">> <</replace>> <<replace "#Sleep2Span2">> <<print "finally do a little bit of homework.">> <</replace>> <<replace "#Sleep2Span3">> <<include [[Part6Next]]>> <</replace>> <</link>> </span> <<print "Or maybe head back to your room to ">> <span id="Sleep2Span2"> <<link "finally do a little bit of homework.">> <<set $FunPoints += 1>> <<set $AcademicPoints += 1>> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#Sleep2Span1">> <<print "unless you never finish and just have fun the whole night.">> <</replace>> <<replace "#Sleep2Span2">> <<print "finally do a little bit of homework.">> <</replace>> <<replace "#Sleep2Span3">> <<include [[Part6Next]]>> <</replace>> <</link>> </span> <</nobr>> <span id="Sleep2Span3"></span><<nobr>> <<set $AcademicPoints += 2>> <<set $FunPoints += 1>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew', vaginal:true})>> <h1><<print "Andrew">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Andrew is a good student, and encourages you to study and do your work too. He also helps you whenever he can if you are struggling with anything.">> <video src="Part6/Andrew.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "But you also make sure he still takes time out for the occasional night out, or sometimes just a for nice warm bath at home.">> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerReducedSleep>>[[You have lots of extra time from not having to sleep as much.|Part6StartSleep]] <<else>>[[You have to work at the cafe.|Part6Barista]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $AcademicPoints += 1>> <<set $FunPoints += 2>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <h1><<print "Veronica">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Veronica isn’t the best student, but she knows the best places near campus to have a good time. Of course, the best part about stumbling back to her room after a late night out is waking up next to her the next morning.">> <img src="Part6/Veronica.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "But she does remind you from time to time about the need to stay off academic probation if you want to stay on the squad. So you both remember to take some time away from the fun to hit the books occasionally.">> <<nobr>> <<if setup.isNeighbour('Peter')>>[[You spend some time with Peter.|Part6Nerd]] <<elseif setup.isNeighbour('Zack')>>[[You spend some time with Zack.|Part6Thrill]] <<elseif $PlayerReducedSleep>>[[You have lots of extra time from not having to sleep as much.|Part6StartSleep]] <<else>>[[You have to cheer for the football team’s derby.|Part6Cheerleader]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $AcademicPoints += 1>> <<set $FunPoints += 1>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Josh', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Josh', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Josh', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Josh', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Josh', vaginal:true})>> <h1><<print "Josh">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Josh makes sure to hit the books from time to time, but he doesn’t want to spend his four years here buried in a book either.">> <video src="Part6/Josh1.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "You and him both try to balance studying with the occasional night out. Of course, what you do at the end of the night is pretty similar either way.">> <<include [[Part6NextZackJosh]]>><<nobr>> <<if setup.isFWB('Zack')>> <<set $FunPoints += 4>> <<else>> <<set $FunPoints += 1>> <</if>> <h1><<print "Zack">></h1> <<if $CampusMinistry>> <img src="Part6/Start7a.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<else>> <img src="Part6/Start7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<print "He makes sure to include you on his adventures from time to time. You never know what to expect, but it’s always exciting.">> <<if setup.isFWB('Zack')>><br><<print "He makes sure to that you join him as often as possible.">><br><</if>> <<include [[Part6NextZackJosh]]>><<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>> <<set $AcademicPoints += 3>> <<set $FunPoints += 1>> <<else>> <<if setup.haveFucked('Peter')>> <<set $AcademicPoints += 2>> <<else>> <<set $AcademicPoints += 1>> <</if>> <</if>> <h1><<print "Peter">></h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He’s a great student, and willing to help you study or with any work you are struggling with, if he’s not too busy with his own work. <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>> <<if $SubjectOrgasmDenialGoo>> <img src="Part6/Nerd2.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="440"> <<else>> <img src="Part6/Start8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <</if>> <<else>> <img src="Part5/Neighbours2C.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>> <<if $SubjectOrgasmDenialGoo>> <<if $PeterRuinedOrgasm>> You were researching online for any way around your orgasm denial problem. You didn't have any luck there, but you kept reading more and more about ruined orgasms. You'd already given him one on Halloween and you'd loved it, but you'd been <<else>> <<set $PeterRuinedOrgasm to 1>> You were researching online for any way around your orgasm denial problem. You didn't have any luck there, but you kept reading more and more about ruined orgasms. They sounded like a lot of fun. You'd thought about trying it before with Peter, but you'd <</if>> worried you'd go to far and let him have a full orgasm. But now you're confident you won't let that happen. <br><br> You told Peter you might let him cum for his birthday, and so you do. You never said you'd keep stroking after that, or that it wouldn't leave him just as horny as he was when you stated. <br><br> Who knows, maybe you'll let him have a real orgasm once you are able to have one too. Or maybe not, giving him ruined ones are much more fun. <<else>> Of course, with you holding the key to his cock, he’s somehow able to always find the time to help you when you need it. You’ve had him buy a nice metal one so he can keep it on as long as you like. <br><br> But you make sure your toy has a little fun sometimes too. You love hearing him wince on the dance floor as you grind against him and his cock struggles to get hard in it’s cage. [[And you planned something special for his birthday.|Part6NerdBirthday]] <</if>> <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Peter')>> <<print "You are a bit close so he he can find only so he can find some time to help you.">> <<else>> <<print "Unfortunately you are not that close so he can find only a little time to help you.">> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<include [[Part6NextPeter]]>><<nobr>> <<set $AcademicPoints += 2>> <h1><<print "Campus Library">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You’re alone (usually) in the library for hours every night.">> <<print "You find time to get some studying in too when you take a break from work.">> <img src="Part6/Library.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "No one said you had to do your homework at home. ">>[[Or clothed.|JobLibrary6]]<<nobr>> <<set $FunPoints += 2>> <h1>Bar</h1> <img src="Part6/Bar1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="720" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> While you're working, you aren't usuall having as much fun as the people that you are serving. But you know when <<if setup.areDating('Kate')>> [[when your shift ends|Part6BarKate]], <<elseif $JobBartenderGuys>> [[when your shift ends|Part6BarCouple]], <<else>> [[when your shift ends|Part6BarWoman]], <</if>> you probably will be. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Really, where else could you have beautiful women trying to buy you drinks all night - and get paid for it. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Her house</h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Bar Patron"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Bar Patron", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Bar Patron", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Bar Patron", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Bar Patron", repeat:true})>> <video src="Part6/Bar2a.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's usually an hour or so before the end of your shift when it becomes clear who you'll be heading home with that night. Whenever it's someone new, you're never quite sure whether it'll be soft and gentle, or if she'll be pulling your hair back while she fucks you with a strap-on. Your favorite nights are when she alternates back and forth between both. <</nobr>> <video src="Part6/Bar2b.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<if $JobCallGirl or $JobCallGirlSide>>[[You have to work as a call girl.|JobCall4]] <<elseif $JobPornOral or $JobPornOralSide>>[[You have to film another porn movie.|JobPornOral2]] <<elseif $JobPornGang or $JobPornGangSide>>[[You have to film another porn movie.|JobPornGang2]] <<else>>[[You join a study group.|Part6StudyGroup]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Their house</h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Bar Patron"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Bar Patron", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Bar Patron", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Bar Patron", vaginal:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Bar Patron", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Bar Patron", vaginal:true, repeat:true})>> <video src="Part6/Bar3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Usually, the couples you go home with are timid, trying everything out for the first time. That can be fun, but you really love the times where it's them that introduces you to something new. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobCallGirl or $JobCallGirlSide>>[[You have to work as a call girl.|JobCall4]] <<elseif $JobPornOral or $JobPornOralSide>>[[You have to film another porn movie.|JobPornOral2]] <<elseif $JobPornGang or $JobPornGangSide>>[[You have to film another porn movie.|JobPornGang2]] <<else>>[[You join a study group.|Part6StudyGroup]] <</if>> <</nobr>> <<achievement>>threesome:FMF<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Kate's House</h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:"Kate"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:"Kate"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:"Kate"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:"Kate"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:"Kate"})>> <video src="Part6/Bar4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know that whenever Kate is in town, she'll know just how to help you unwind after a long shift. If you're really lucky, she might even let you orgasm too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobCallGirl or $JobCallGirlSide>>[[You have to work as a call girl.|JobCall4]] <<elseif $JobPornOral or $JobPornOralSide>>[[You have to film another porn movie.|JobPornOral2]] <<elseif $JobPornGang or $JobPornGangSide>>[[You have to film another porn movie.|JobPornGang2]] <<else>>[[You join a study group.|Part6StudyGroup]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $AcademicPoints += 2>> <h1><<print "Study Group">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You’ve joined some of your classmates in a study group preparing for your exam tomorrow. It’s hard work, but you are struggling in that class and need the help.">> <img src="Part6/Study1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<print "After the session goes on for a while some of the group want stop and go to a nightclub near campus to blow off some steam. The others want to study a bit more, and then get a good night’s sleep.">> <<nobr>> <<print "You can ">> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>>[[call Andrew and go to the club together.|Part6Club1]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>>[[call Veronica and go to the club together.|Part6Club1]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>>[[call Josh and go to the club together.|Part6Club1]]<</if>> <<if !setup.areDating('Andrew') and !setup.areDating('Josh') and !setup.areDating('Veronica')>>[[go to the club with the group.|Part6Club1]]<</if>> <<if $CampusMinistry or (!$CampusMinistryFail and $FunPoints >0)>> <<print "Or you can ">> [[keep studying to improve your grades.|Part6Study2]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock and !$PlayerChastityBelt and !$PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> <<set $AcademicPoints += 1>> <</if>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You study for a while longer, then head back to your room. You’re anxious about the exam tomorrow have some trouble sleeping at first, so you browse your favorite websites for a while to help you relax. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> <img src="Part6/Study5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt>> <img src="Part6/Study4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<elseif setup.haveInventory('sex toys', 'magic wand')>> <video src="Part6/Study3.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<else>> <video src="Part6/Study2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> You download a few songs you want to learn and practice a bit on your guitar before finally heading to bed. <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt>> Unfortunately you can’t ‘relax’ with your chastity belt on and have trouble sleeping at all. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock or $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> Unfortunately you can’t ‘relax’ and have trouble sleeping at all. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.isFWB('Josh')>>[[You spend some time with Josh.|Part6StartJosh2]] <<elseif $JobOfficePA or $JobOfficeManager or $JobOfficeIntern>>[[You have to go to work at the office.|Part6Office]] <<elseif $JobPornOralSide or $JobPornOral>>[[You go and film another porn movie the next day.|JobPornOral3]] <<elseif $JobPornGang or $JobPornGangSide>>[[You have to film another porn movie.|JobPornGang3]] <<else>>[[You spend some time on campus the next day.|Part6Frat1]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Club</h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you get to the club and see the sign about being 21, you remember you don’t have a fake ID - not one with your new face on it anyway. <</nobr>> <img src="Part6/Club1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew') or setup.areDating('Josh') or setup.areDating('Veronica')>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>>Fortunately, Andrew<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>>Fortunately, Josh<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>>Fortunately, Veronica<</if>> sees the worried look on your face and realizes the problem, then slips some cash to the bouncer and he looks the other way [[while you both enter the club.|Part6ClubDate1]] <<elseif $CampusMinistry>> You [[give up and go back home|Part6Frat1]]. <<else>> You can see the way the bouncer is looking at you. You’re pretty sure you [[can ‘persuade’ him to let you in|Part6ClubPersuade]]. <<if $CampusMinistryFail>> You are done being too timid to enjoy yourself, and decide to do what you need to do to get in. <<elseif $SubjectOrgasmDenialGoo>> You decide to do whatever it takes, maybe some drinks will take your mind off your frustration. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOral >= 2>> It sounds like the perfect idea for you. You can do what you love, and you get into the bar without an ID. <<elseif setup.areDating('Peter')>> Or you can stay faithful to Peter, and [[give up and go home|Part6Frat1]] <<elseif $FunPoints >= 4>> You'd hate to lose your 'party girl' reputation by heading home without even getting into the club. <<else>> Or you <<link "can just give up and go back home.">> <<if setup.isFWB('Josh')>><<goto [[Part6StartJosh2]]>> <<elseif $JobOfficePA or $JobOfficeManager or $JobOfficeIntern>><<goto [[Part6Office]]>> <<elseif $JobPornOralSide or $JobPornOral>><<goto [[JobPornOral3]]>> <<elseif $JobPornGangSide or $JobPornGang>><<goto [[JobPornGang3]]>> <<else>><<goto [[Part6Frat1]]>> <</if>> <</link>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Campus</h1> After one of your classes, a classmate hands you a flyer and tells you about a party his fraternity has this weekend. He promises you’ll have a great time. <</nobr>> <img src="Part6/Frat1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry or setup.areDating('Veronica') or setup.areDating('Andrew') or setup.areDating('Josh')>> You decide it’ll be a sausage fest, and [[toss the flyer when you get to your next class|Part6Grades1]]. <<else>> You can hold on to the flyer and try to decide if [[you’re going to go|Part6Frat2]]. <<if $CampusMinistryFail>> Of course you are going to go! <<elseif setup.areDating('Peter')>> You suspect it'll be sausage fest, since they said not to bring your boyfriend Peter. A frat party isn't really his thing anyway, but the fact that they mentioned it means they're probably trying to get you buzzed and get in your pants. It might be a good idea to [[toss the flyer when you get to your next class|Part6Grades1]]. <<elseif $FunPoints < 6 and !$SubjectOrgasmDenialGoo>> Or, you can decide it’ll be a sausage fest, and [[toss the flyer when you get to your next class.|Part6Grades1]]. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $FunPoints += 2>> <h1><<print "Club">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You have a few drinks with your date, then you hit the dance floor.">> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew') or setup.areDating('Josh')>><img src="Part6/Club2A.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"><<else>><img src="Part6/Club2B.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"><</if>> <<print "You both have a great time, but eventually you’re ready to head home. While you two are dancing, you lean over to your partner’s ear and tell them exactly what you want them to do to you when you get back home. Moments later, the two of you are out the door and struggling to ">>[[keep your hands off each other on the way to the taxi.|Part6ClubDate2]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Club Bouncer'})>> <h1><<print "Club">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "“I, uhh, lost my ID. Is there *anything* I could do to convince you to let me in.”, you tell him as you bite your lower lip.">> <<print "He has someone else take over at the door and takes you back to a storage room. You want to get this over with and don’t waste any time. You get down on your knees, pull down his pants and get to work.">> <img src="Part6/Club3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "It isn’t that long before you feel him filling your mouth. You try to swallow it all, but the smell and taste of his cum are more pungent than you expect and you have trouble getting it all down. He helpfully hands you a bar towel to wipe your face with.">> <<print "“He walks you over to the bar and tells the bartender to give you a shot on him. “She’s earned it.”">> <<print "The bartender grins as he hands you the shot and says, “If you want any more free drinks, we can work something out.” You’re embarrassed, but down the shot. It help wash away the taste. A little bit anyway.">> <<print "A group of women are at the bar doing shots ">>[[and invite you over after they see you down one.|Part6Shots1]]<<print " Or you can order something a little weaker ">>[[and join the rest of your group at a table near the dance floor.|Part6Dance1]]<<nobr>> <<set $FunPoints += 2>> <h1><<print "Club">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You are downing shots with the girls and having a great time. You do notice the alcohol is hitting you much harder than it used to.">> <img src="Part6/Club4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> <<print "After a while your friends from the study group come by to tell you they are leaving.">> <<if $JobTestSubject>><<print "You realize that you have to go to work at the lab the next day">> <<else>><<if $JobPornOralSide or $JobPornOral or $JobPornGang or $JobPornGangSide>><<print "You realize that you have to film another porn movie the next day">><</if>> <</if>> Do you leave with them and <<if setup.isFWB('Josh')>> [[go back home,|Part6StartJosh2]] <<elseif $JobOfficePA or $JobOfficeManager or $JobOfficeIntern>> [[go back home,|Part6Office]] <<elseif $JobPornOralSide or $JobPornOral>> [[go back home,|JobPornOral3]] <<elseif $JobPornGangSide or $JobPornGang>> [[go back home,|JobPornGang3]] <<else>> [[go back home,|Part6Frat1]] <</if>> <<print "or do you ">> [[keep going?|Part6Shots2]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $FunPoints += 1>> <h1><<print "Club">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You and your classmates are having fun drinking and watching more outgoing people dance. You’re trying a few different drinks. You finally settle on one you like.">> <img src="Part6/Club6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "Its isn’t as hard as what you used to drink. You feel a bit like a stereotype with your ‘fruity girl drink’, but then you decide you don’t care. It tastes good, and you’re getting a decent buzz.">> <<print "Enough of a buzz in fact that when Troy, who’s been undressing you with his eyes all night, asks you to dance, ">>[[you say yes.|Part6Dance2]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Becky'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kim'})>> <<set $AcademicPoints -= 1>> <<set $FunPoints += 1>> <h1><<print "Becky and Kim's Apartment">></h1> <img src="Part6/Club5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You tell your classmates bye, and keep drinking shots with your new friends. Eventually they call it a night too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Becky and Kim invite you back to their apartment with them though, and you happily join them. The three of you have an amazing time that <<if $SubjectOrgasmDenialGoo>> night. Becky and Kim feel sorry for your lack of orgasms, but they do their best to make sure you experience as much pleasure as you are capable of right now. <<else>> night. <</if>> But you don’t get hardly any sleep and are coping with a hangover during your test. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Before you head back to campus to get ready for class, you made sure to exchange numbers with Becky and Kim so the three of you can do this again sometime soon. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.isFWB('Josh')>>[[You spend some time with Josh the next day.|Part6StartJosh2]] <<elseif $JobOfficePA or $JobOfficeManager or $JobOfficeIntern>>[[You have to go to work at the office.|Part6Office]] <<elseif $JobPornOralSide or $JobPornOral>>[[You have to film another porn movie the next day.|JobPornOral3]] <<elseif $JobPornGang or $JobPornGangSide>>[[You have to film another porn movie.|JobPornGang3]] <<else>>[[You spend some time on campus the next day.|Part6Frat1]] <</if>> <</nobr>> <<achievement>>threesome:FFF<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Club">></h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You’re definitely feeling the alcohol on the dance floor. You hadn’t ever thought of Troy like that before, but now you’re grinding your ass against him, teasing him. You feel yourself getting wet when you feel his cock straining against his jeans. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and (($PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist > 1 and $PlayerSideEffectPheromones > 1) or $PlayerSideEffectLibido > 2)>> <img src="Part6/Club13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<else>> <img src="Part6/Club7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> He is surprised when you slide your hand inside his pants, right on the dance floor! “Feels like I’m not the only one excited right now.”, you say. “Why don’t we get out of here and go back to your dorm?” <<else>> You’re surprised when he slides his hand into your jeans, and his finger inside you, right on the dance floor! “Feels like I’m not the only one excited right now.”, he says. “Why don’t we get out of here and go back to my dorm?” <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<print "You are too excited to not accept his invitation and ">>[[leave to hookup with Troy.|Part6TroyHook]] <<else>> <<if ($SubjectOrgasmDenialGoo or $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive > 2 and $PlayerSideEffectPheromones > 1) or $PlayerSideEffectLibido > 2 or $CampusMinistryFail>> <<print "You are too excited to not accept his invitation and ">>[[leave to hookup with Troy.|Part6TroyHook]] <<else>> <<print "You could ">>[[leave to hookup with Troy,|Part6TroyHook]]<<print " or you could ">>[[reject him and go back to the table.|Part6Dance3]] <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Troy', vaginal:!$PlayerChastityBelt, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <h1><<print "Troy’s Bedroom">></h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> You head back to Troy’s dorm and while he is initially disappointed when he learns about your chastity belt, he quickly figures out there's something else that he can fuck until you both fall asleep. <<else>> You head back to Troy’s dorm and have sex until you both fall asleep. <<if $SubjectOrgasmDenialGoo>> You go to sleep still feeling an ache inside. You wish you had your ability to orgasm back, then those orgasms Troy thought you had would have all been real. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>><video src="Part6/Club12.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video><<else>><video src="Part6/Club8.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video><</if>> <<print "You wake up the next morning and look over at him sleeping next to you. You remember that you find him a bit annoying. And you don’t think he’s particularly attractive.">> <<nobr>> You wonder what “What was I thinking last night?” As you quietly get out of his bed, careful not to wake him, you feel <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> dried cum on your face. <<else>> cum ooze out of you and down your leg. <</if>> Then you remember exactly what you were thinking last night. <</nobr>> <<print "“Ok, I admit, it was fun. Hopefully it won’t be weird in class after this.”, you think to yourself as you quietly dress and head back to your own dorm to clean up and get ready for class.">> <<nobr>> <<if setup.isFWB('Josh')>>[[You spend some time with Josh the next day.|Part6StartJosh2]] <<elseif $JobOfficePA or $JobOfficeManager or $JobOfficeIntern>>[[You have to go to work at the office.|Part6Office]] <<elseif $JobPornOralSide or $JobPornOral>>[[You have to film another porn movie the next day.|JobPornOral3]] <<elseif $JobPornGang or $JobPornGangSide>>[[You have to film another porn movie.|JobPornGang3]] <<else>>[[You spend some time on campus the next day.|Part6Frat1]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Club">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You tell Troy you aren’t interested and go to rejoin the rest of your friends. But they seem to have left while you were on the dance floor. Thankfully your drink is right where you left it. You decide to finish it and then head home.">> <<print "You’re not quite done with it though and you start to feel drunk. Really drunk. You go to stand up and feel very unsteady. You were dancing minutes ago, and your drink wasn’t that strong. You wonder if maybe someone drugged in it.">> <img src="Part6/Club9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<print "You are having trouble thinking clearly, but wonder was Troy with you the whole time? He couldn’t have done it, could he? But, even if he didn’t do it, ">>[[can you trust him not to take advantage of you?|Part6TroyHelp]] <<print "You definitely don’t trust the bartender or bouncer, there’s no way you’ll go to them for help. The lights and the music are starting to make you nauseous, ">>[[you wonder if some fresh air would help.|Part6Dance4]]<<nobr>> <<set $AcademicPoints -= 2>> <<set $TroyHelp to 1>> <h1><<print "Troy’s Bedroom">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "“Hey. Wake up... You need to get up.”, someone is saying.">> <<print "You wake up confused and disoriented and with the worst hangover of your life. You have no idea where you are or how you got here.">> <img src="Part6/Club10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<print "He’s talking to you again, you realize it’s Troy. You must be in his room, but you don’t remember anything after dancing with him. Oh god, did the two of you...">> <<print "“You were so drunk last night you could barely stand, and you couldn’t even remember where your dorm was. You passed out as soon as we got here. I slept on the recliner.”, he tells you.">> <<print "“T...Thank you for helping me. I’m sorry I got so wasted.”, you tell him. “God, I feel disgusting. I need a shower.”">> <<print "“There’s no time. We both overslept. We have to leave for class now to make it for the final.”">> <<print "You drag yourself into class, fight through your hangover, and try your best on the final. But you know it wasn’t good.">> <<nobr>> <<if setup.isFWB('Josh')>>[[You spend some time with Josh the next day.|Part6StartJosh2]] <<elseif $JobOfficePA or $JobOfficeManager or $JobOfficeIntern>>[[You go to work at the office|Part6Office]] <<elseif $JobPornOralSide or $JobPornOral>>[[You have to film another porn movie the next day.|JobPornOral3]] <<elseif $JobPornGang or $JobPornGangSide>>[[You have to film another porn movie.|JobPornGang3]] <<else>>[[You spend some time on campus the next day.|Part6Frat1]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Dungeon">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You stumble out the door. The cool night air feels refreshing for a moment, but everything is still spinning. “I’m you Uber driver miss, get in.”, some guy says to you as he helps you into the back of his car. Your last thought before you pass out is “I don’t even remember ordering one.” (you didn’t)">> <img src="Part6/Club11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "You wake up in darkness with the worst hangover of your life. You quickly realize you can’t move and it’s not dark, you’re just bound, gagged, and blindfolded.">><<if $PlayerChastityBelt>><<print " You’re too scared and confused to wonder what happened to your chastity belt, or even notice it’s absence.">><</if>> <<print "As the cloud starts to clear from your mind you hear two men talking. “Oh good catch with this one. We’ll get top dollar for her. Do you think the boss would mind if we had a little fun with her before we put her on the truck?”">> <<print "“I’m not going to tell him if you aren’t”, the other one responds. ">>[[There’s nothing you can do as you hear their footsteps approach...|Kidnapped1]]<<nobr>> <<set $FunPoints += 2>> <h1><<print "Frat Party">></h1> <img src="Part6/Frat2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You have a blast at the party. You can’t believe you ever considered not coming. You also find out they have a party like this every few weeks. You’re going to be sure to attend in the future too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As the night goes on, you notice more and more people pairing off and leaving. You notice that it’s mostly just you and a bunch of single frat guys left. David, the classmate who told you about the party, has been flirting with you all night. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt or $SubjectOrgasmDenialGoo>> You decide to stay and [[keep drinking with the rest of the guys.|Part6Frat3]] <<else>> You can [[decide to head up to his room with him if you want.|Part6David1]] Or you could stay and [[keep drinking with the rest of the guys.|Part6Frat3]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> You’re doing great and you are pretty sure you have nothing to worry about. <<if $CampusMinistry>> [[Eventually it is time for your semester finals.|Part6Exam]] <<else>> You wonder if there's [[any way to be more sure you'll pass|Part6Professor1]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> You are really struggling in the class, and you don't see how you are ever going to pass. You have to do something though if you want to stay on the <<if $JobAthlete>>team<<else>>squad<</if>>. <<if $CampusMinistry>> One of the other girls tells you exactly how she plans to make sure she passes one of her classes. It involves getting on her knees in the professors office, and she didn't mean to pray. <br><br> You are in tears as you tell Mark about it. He suggests just talking to the professor about the trouble you are having. So, you stop by to [[talk to the professor|Part6ProfessorRecover]] to see if there is anything you can do to pass. Anything <b>except</b> what your friend suggested that is. <<else>> You wonder if there's [[any way to still pass|Part6Professor1]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> You’re going to fail, there’s no way to pull your grade up enough to pass now. [[Eventually it is time for you semester finals.|Part6Exam]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Campus">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You check the grades for the class you’ve been struggling in.">> <img src="Part6/Grades1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<nobr>> <<if $StoryModePassClass>> <<include [[Part6Grades1WillPass]]>> <<elseif $StoryModeMaybePassClass>> <<include [[Part6Grades1MightPass]]>> <<elseif $StoryModeFailClass>> <<include [[Part6Grades1WillFail]]>> <<elseif $AcademicPoints > 9>> <<include [[Part6Grades1WillPass]]>> <<elseif $AcademicPoints < 5 and !$PlayerGoodStudent and ($JobAthlete or $JobCheerleader or $JobCheerleaderFundraiser)>> <<include [[Part6Grades1MightPass]]>> <<elseif $AcademicPoints < 5 and !$PlayerGoodStudent>> <<include [[Part6Grades1WillFail]]>> <<elseif $KidnapEscape>> You are in-between, it could go either way. You know missing so much class didn't help. You stop by to [[talk to the professor|Part6ProfessorRecover]] to see if there is anything you can do to pass. <<elseif $CampusMinistry>> You are in-between, it could go either way. Mark suggests talking to the professor about the trouble you are having. You stop by to [[talk to the professor|Part6ProfessorRecover]] to see if there is anything you can do to pass. <<else>> You are in-between, it could go either way [[depending on how you do the rest of the term.|Part6Professor1]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Frat Party">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "On the way up to his room, David holds you against the wall and slides his hand under your skirt.">> <video src="Part6/Frat3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "You feel his hard cock against your ass as he slides two fingers inside you. Once they are slick, he begins rubbing your clit.">> <<print "You can’t help but moan. Other frat guys walk past. Some stop and watch for a bit or clap, but you don’t care.">> [[Thankfully David keeps you from falling when your legs go weak as you orgasm.|Part6David2]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Frat Party">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You decide to stay down at the party. After a little while, the few remaining girls at the party besides you have all left with someone and you’re the only one left with the single guys.">> <img src="Part6/Frat6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "One of the guys suggests strip poker. You’re a bit reluctant at first, but they talk you into into it. (They don’t have to try that hard) Once you’re actually playing though, you’re having a lot of fun.">> <<print "But you seem to remember being better at poker. Maybe it’s the beer, or maybe it’s just that you enjoy the reactions you get from the guys as you strip off each article of clothing so you aren’t really trying to win. Either way, it isn’t long until you ">><<if $PlayerChastityBelt>>[[start to run low on clothes.|Part6FratChastity]]<<else>>[[start to run low on clothes.|Part6FratForfeit]]<</if>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'David', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'David', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'David', vaginal:true})>> <h1><<print "Frat Party">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "David finds the door to his room locked. “Give us a few minutes.”, someone yells from the other side when he bangs on the door and tells them to get out.">> <video src="Part6/Frat4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<print "You’re both too horny to wait for them, and you head to the unoccupied bathroom across the hall where he ">>[[fucks you against the closet door.|Part6David3]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'David', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'David', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'David', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.makeFWB('David')>> <<achievement>>fwb:David<</achievement>> <h1><<print "Frat Party">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "By the time David can finally get the other couple out of his room, he’s ready to go again. After several more rounds, you both finally fall asleep.">> <video src="Part6/Frat5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<print "The next day you can tell David is interested in this being more than a one-time event. As many times as you came last night, you don’t want it to be either. But you’re not really interested in dating him.">> <<print "You decide to let him know that you’d like to stay “friends with benefits”, and he thinks that’s great. You have one last fuck that morning before you start looking for your clothes (you never do find the panties you left in the bathroom). Then you head back to your dorm.">> [[You go to class the next day.|Part6Grades1]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat guy'})>> <h1><<print "Frat Party">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You were hoping you’d play better and you wouldn’t have to strip this far, but eventually you are down to only your chastity belt. The guys think it’s really hot at first, but they are disappointed when they find out you can’t take it off.">> <img src="Part6/Frat7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "But instead of having the game end there, you propose another idea. For every hand you lose, you’ll give the winner a blowjob. The guys obviously think this is a great idea.">> <<print "That lasts for a little while, but after a few hands, the pretext of the game is dropped entirely, and it’s just you and a circle of eager frat guys.">> [[You go to class the next day.|Part6Grades1]] <<achievement>>train<</achievement>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat guy', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat guy', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat guy', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat guy', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat guy', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat guy', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat guy', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat guy', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat guy', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat guy', vaginal:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat guy', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat guy', repeat:true})>> <h1><<print "Frat Party">></h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you’ve lost all your clothes, you lose one more hand and have to forfeit. Of course, you don’t mind. You’ve been waiting for this part ever since the first of your opponents was in his underwear and you could see his erection stretching out his underwear. <</nobr>> <video src="Part6/Frat8.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<if $SubjectOrgasmDenialGoo>> You can't orgasm tonight, but still you love it as you <<else>> You <</if>> are overwhelmed with the sensations as they fuck you three at a time. They must be enjoying it too, as it isn’t long before you feel the first of them cumming inside you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Thankfully, there are more than just three of them, and another comes in to take his place. By the time they’ve all had a turn, the first is ready to go again. <</nobr>> [[You go to class the next day.|Part6Grades1]] <<achievement>>train<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Classroom">></h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And finally the most stressful days of the semester have arrived, the days of the final exams. You hope that you have prepared enough for this day in all the ways which you could. <</nobr>> <img src="Part6/Grades3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> <<if !$KidnapEscape>> You wish you could party a bit more, but you cannot afford any time to do so during these days. <br><br> <</if>> <<if $SubjectOrgasmDenialGoo>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> Something seems to be different today. Your pussy aches to be filled, even more than normal. You can feel your wetness leaking through your belt. You suspect that that orgasm denial stuff they used at Halloween has finally worn off. You only wish you could get this damn belt off so you could find a cock to help you verify it. <br><br> Instead, you try to ignore the empty feeling and wait for your [[for your final results.|Part6Grades2]] <<else>> One you finish, you decide that [[you need to blow of some steam|Part6AfterExam]] after your exams. <</if>> <<else>> Once you finish, you are at least happy that you will not have to worry about studying for at least a while. All you can do now is wait [[for your final results.|Part6Grades2]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<unset $SubjectOrgasmDenialGoo>> <<set $SubjectOrgasmDenialGooWoreOff to 1>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> <h1>Your room</h1> <video src="Part6/Steam2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Veronica'})>> <<else>> <h1>Some Guy's Room</h1> <img src="Part6/Steam1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Classmate', vaginal:true, birthControlOverride:'cycle'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Classmate', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Classmate', vaginal:true, birthControlOverride:'cycle', repeat:true})>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> Veronica and you are both stressed after your exams, and decide to take your minds off it. You were planning on giving her several orgasm, but expecting to be frustated again yourself. <br><br> But this time instead of that frustrated feeling as your orgasm vanishes at the last moment, you feel it keep going and waves of pleasure crash over you. You'd almost forgotten how amazing it feels. A smile crosses Veronica's face and she quickly gets to work giving you another one. <<else>> You were stressed after your exams and needed something to take your mind of it. One of your classmates finishes his exam at about the same time you did, and he doesn't take much convincing to bring you back to his room. <br><br> You were only expecting few minutes of pleasurable, but ultimately frustrating, distraction. But this time, instead of your orgasm vanishing from you at the last moment, you feel it keep going and waves of pleasure crash over you. You'd almost forgotten how amazing it feels. Your classmate doesn't last much longer after that. <br><br> You lie beside him for a while, enjoying the post-orgasm glow after so long without one. After a few minutes though, you decide you want another one. You reach over and start playing with his cock, trying to get it hard again. Of course, when he is ready, you direct his head between your legs to give you another orgasm first, before he puts his cock to work. <</if>> <</nobr>> [[All you can do now is wait for the results of your exams.|Part6Grades2]]<<nobr>> <<set $ProfessorHelp to 1>> <h1>Professor's Office</h1> <img src="Part9/Start3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <</nobr>> <<if $KidnapEscape>> <<nobr>> You don't go into too many details, really you don't remember much anyway. You try to keep from crying as you tell him what you do know, about waking up in the hospital, and about what the doctors told you had happened to you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He listens to your story, and does his best to comfort you. He tells you not to worry about the your grade this term. He does say that you'll need to know the material you missed though, since you plan on taking the course after this as well. So he sets up a few more office visits with you to help you [[get caught up|Part6Exam]]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You feel very relieved when you leave his office. You can't believe some of those rumors you've heard about him. He's not like that at all. <</nobr>> <<else>> <<nobr>> You talk to the professor about how you've been struggling in his class. You mention some 'personal issues' you've been dealing with, but don't go into any details. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He tells you that the first semester can be difficult for many, and he understands. He tells you that it's important that you pick up this material though, since the next class you'll be in depends on it. He sets up a few more office visits with you to help you [[get caught up|Part6Exam]]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You feel very relieved when you leave his office. You can't believe some of those rumors you've heard about him. He's not like that at all. <</nobr>> <</if>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Classroom">></h1> <img src="Part6/Professor1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You really don’t want to fail this class. <<if $JobAthlete or $JobCheerleader or $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>> You can’t risk getting on academic probation. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You’ve seen the way the professor looks at you, especially when you wear something sexy to class. You’re confident you could visit his office some evening <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral or $FunPoints > 8>> [[and come to an ‘arrangement’ to ensure you pass,|Part6Professor2]] and the thought of it excites you too much to pass up on visiting him. <<else>> [[and come to an ‘arrangement’ to ensure you pass.|Part6Professor2]] <</if>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectOral and $FunPoints < 9 and !$JobAthlete and !$JobCheerleader and !$JobCheerleaderFundraiser>> Or you can decide that [[you want to be judged just on your work.|Part6Exam]] <<elseif $FatherSettings and setup.sexUniqueMaleCount() <= 1>> <br><br> But you know your dad would think you are a slut for sucking some professor's cock for a better grade. <<if $dating.length>> And you're also worried $dating[0] would find out and think less of you too. <</if>> Maybe you should just [[be judged based on your work.|Part6Exam]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Aaron'})>> <<set $PlayerProfessorVisit = 1>> <h1><<print "Professor’s Office">></h1> <</nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><br><<print "You’ve already talked to Veronica and she understands you have to do what you have to do to stay on the squad.">><br><</if>><br><<if setup.areDating('Andrew') or setup.areDating('Josh')>><<print "You decide that what your boyfriend doesn’t know, won’t hurt him, and keep this to yourself.">><br><</if>> <<print "When you start talking about wanting to make sure you pass his class, your professor starts mentioning extra work he could assign. You lock the door and explain that you had something else in mind.">> <img src="Part6/Professor2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "As you feel his cock twitch on your tongue and his cum fill your mouth, you think you’ve done enough to pass and you’re done. But he tells you he wants to meet with you again to ">>[[discuss your studies further.|Part6Professor3]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Aaron'})>> <h1><<print "Professor’s Office">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You are surprised when he has you leave his door open at first this time.">> <<print "“You don’t have to worry about your missing assignments, or the tests you’ve failed.”, he explains, “but I can’t send you on to the next class not knowing anything, or you’ll fail that one too. And I doubt Mrs. Anderson will be as willing to work with you as I am.”">> <img src="Part6/Professor3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "He spends the next hour tutoring you 1-on-1, helping catch you up. “I think that’s enough for today.”, he says before he gets up to lock his door. From there, ">>[[things proceed much more like you were expecting them to go.|Part6Professor4]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Aaron'})>> <h1><<print "Professor’s Office">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "This time he pulls out before he cums, covering your face when he does.">> <img src="Part6/Professor4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "“That’s a good girl. I think a few more sessions like this one and you’ll be all caught up in class, and sure to get an ‘A’.”, he says.">> <<print "Then he hands you some napkins and goes back to grading papers.">> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica') or setup.areDating('Andrew') or setup.areDating('Josh')>> <<print "You just want to get it over with and pass this class: You have just a few more visits just like this one and then stop.">> <<else>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt or $PlayerSideEffectOral or $MasterKate>> <<print "You enjoy the meetings almost as much as he does. You keep having them long after you could have stopped. Eventually you drop the study portion completely.">> <</if>> <<if !$PlayerChastityBelt and !$PlayerSideEffectOral and !setup.areDating('Andrew') and !setup.areDating('Veronica') and !setup.areDating('Josh') and !$MasterKate>> <<print "You wonder why you keep coming back again and again. Eventually, you have to either get it over with and pass this class and ">> [[have just a few more visits just like this one and then stop.|Part6Exam]] <<print "or to ">> [[realize how much you crave his approval and want him to take care of you.|Part6Professor5]] <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt or $PlayerSideEffectOral or setup.areDating('Andrew') or setup.areDating('Veronica') or setup.areDating('Josh') or $MasterKate>>[[Eventually it is time for you semester finals.|Part6Exam]]<</if>><<nobr>> <<set setup.startDating('Aaron')>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'pink dresses')>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'pink collar')>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'pink gag')>> <<set setup.addInventory('toys', 'teddy bear')>> <h1><<print "Professor’s House">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "After a while he has you stop meeting him at his office. Instead you start spending more and more time at his house.">> <<print "He has you stop calling him “Professor” and now you call him “Daddy”, at least when you aren’t at school.">> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>><<set setup.friendZone('Peter')>>\ <br><<print "Eventually you tell him about the nerd next door and how you ended up with his chastity key a few months back, before your relationship with started. “I guess I should give it back now.”, you tell him.">><br><br>\ <<print "“No, my baby doesn't have to give up her toy.”, he tells you. “Just make sure he stays in the 'friend zone' and it's fine. I'm sure he'd love for you to keep holding his key after you move in here with me. He'll love hearing about all the sex you and I have. You can even tease him a bit if you like, as long as it's 'look but don't touch'”">><br><</if>>\ \ <<if setup.isFWB('Barry')>><<set setup.breakupWith('Barry')>><br><<print "Eventually you tell him about the issues you have with Barry, and he promises you that after threatening to have him on academic probation he will stop bothering you.">><br><</if>>\ \ <<if setup.isFWB('David') or setup.isFWB('Josh') or setup.isFWB('James') or setup.isFWB('Zack')>><br><<print "You decide he doesn’t need to know about other guys you occasionally have fun with, especially since you plan to stop doing that from now on.">><br><</if>>\ <<print "This term you have to keep your relationship secret. But once you are done with his class, and you won’t have to hide. He’s even made you your own room at his house for when you can move it. It’s all decorated in pink just for you.">> <<print "Of course you’ll probably use the desk more than the bed. It’s much more fun to sleep in daddy’s bed than your own. ">> <img src="Part6/Professor5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "Daddy takes good care of you, helping you with all your homework - not just for his class. He want’s his baby girl to be a good student.">> <<print "He’s even bought you new clothes to wear to school, sexier than what you used to wear. He loves seeing you in it in class.">> [[But you like the play clothes he has you wear when you are alone even more.|Part6Professor6]] <<if $MasterRobert>><br><<print "When you tell Olivia about your relationship with Daddy you expect her (and her master) to be upset, but it's quite the opposite. She tells you “Master was worried that your new urges would get you into trouble if you were left on your own. He's been really worried about you since you took off your belt. Now that he knows you are being well taken care of, he'll be quite relieved.” ">><br><</if>><<set $MasterRobert = 0>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Professor’s House">></h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You try to be a good girl, but sometimes you aren’t. Sometimes you don’t do your homework, are late to class, or forget your chores. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part6/Professor6.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobPornOralSide or $JobPornAnalSide or $JobPornGangSide or $JobPornSide or $JobCallGirlSide>> <<if $JobPornOralSide>><<set $JobPornOralSide = 0>><<set $JobPornOralSideOld = 1>><</if>> <<if $JobPornAnalSide>><<set $JobPornAnalSide = 0>><<set $JobPornAnalSideOld = 1>><</if>> <<if $JobPornGangSide>><<set $JobPornGangSide = 0>><<set $JobPornGangSideOld = 1>><</if>> <<if $JobPornSide>><<set $JobPornSide = 0>><<set $JobPornSideOld = 1>><</if>> <<if $JobCallGirlSide>><<set $JobCallGirlSide = 0>><<set $JobCallGirlSideOld = 1>><</if>> As you have a naughty side job, you know you need to be punished for that too. Your Daddy convinces to quit your side job. <br><br> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobCheerleaderFundraiser or $JobOfficePA or $JobPornOral or $JobPornOral or $JobPornAnal or $JobPornGang or $JobPorn or $JobCallGirl>> As you have a naughty job, you know you need to be punished for that too. Your Daddy convices you to quit your job and is going to give you an allowance. He says you can find another, less naughty job if you'd like, but you soon find you enjoy spending the extra time with Daddy or in making sure everything is perfect for him when he gets home. <<set $ProfessorAllowance = 1>> <<if $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>><<set $JobCheerleaderFundraiser = 0>><<set $JobCheerleaderFundraiserOld = 1>><</if>> <<if $JobOfficePA>><<set $JobOfficePA = 0>><<set $JobOfficePAOld = 1>><</if>> <<if $JobPornOral>><<set $JobPornOral = 0>><<set $JobPornOralOld = 1>><</if>> <<if $JobPornAnal>><<set $JobPornAnal = 0>><<set $JobPornAnalOld = 1>><</if>> <<if $JobPornGang>><<set $JobPornGang = 0>><<set $JobPornGangOld = 1>><</if>> <<if $JobPorn>><<set $JobPorn = 0>><<set $JobPornOld = 1>><</if>> <<if $JobCallGirl>><<set $JobCallGirl = 0>><<set $JobCallGirlOld = 1>><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Paul')>> <<set setup.breakupWith('Paul')>> <</if>><br><br> <<elseif $JobArt>> "Don't worry, baby," Daddy tells you. "There won't be any marks that will still be showing when you have to model next. Though if the students ever want to paint your ass with a healthy red glow or some well placed stripes, just stop by my office before the art class, and I'll take care of it." <br><br> <</if>> When Daddy punishes you know it’s only because he loves you. <<if setup.isFriendzoned('Peter')>> That’s probably part of why you get so wet whenever he does. [[Some times you ask Peter to help you find the right gift for your Daddy.|Part6Professor7]] <<else>> [[That’s probably part of why you get so wet whenever he does.|Part6Professor8]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Aaron', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Aaron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Aaron', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Aaron', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Aaron', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Aaron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Aaron', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addInventory('underwear', 'pink underwear')>> <<set setup.addInventory('piercings', 'heart earrings')>> <h1><<print "Professor’s House">></h1> <</nobr>> <img src="Part6/Professor7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<nobr>> Daddy also likes to reward you for good behavior, like when you get a good grade on a quiz or give an especially good blowjob. Sometimes it’s a gift, like a new dress, lingerie, a teddy bear, or new earrings. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you’re favorite is always just spending time with Daddy. You think that’s his favorite too. <<if $SubjectOrgasmDenialGoo>> Tonight even more than most. Instead of being denied this time, you finally feel the orgasm you've been craving for over a month wash over you. Daddy smiles as he watches you quiver and twitch. "Would my Baby like another?" he asks. <<unset $SubjectOrgasmDenialGoo>> <<set $SubjectOrgasmDenialGooWoreOff to 1>> <</if>> <</nobr>> [[Eventually it is time for you semester finals.|Part6Exam]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Dungeon">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "He cuts off what’s left of your clothing and says, “Don’t worry, I have a solution for ones like you.”">> <<print "He calmly adds a weight to the chain between your nipples, increasing the pain, but also your pleasure. He repeats several more times. Each time when the pain starts to fade a bit, he adds another weight. ">> <<print "Eventually he starts doing the same thing to you pussy and then asks you, “So what are you?”">> <<print "“I am a worthless slave, please use me as you wish!”, you eagerly answer.">> <<print "“Good. Normally slaves would get punished by now, but you definitely derserve a reward.”, he says, as he gags you.">> <video src="Part6/Slave10.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "He uses a vibrator on your pussy and it doesn't take long for you to reach your first orgasm.">> <<print "But then he just keeps going, overwhelming you with pleasure, making your mind go blank.">> [[“We are going to have so much fun together.”|KidnappedSub2]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Dungeon">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "When he finally does finish, he removes your clamps and binds you to a bench. “Such a good slave also deserves to be fucked.”, he says.">> <<print "Your hear still racing from your orgasms, you eagerly await him to do so. ">> <<print "“But good slaves also want to serve, and you are a good slave, aren't you?”, he asks.">> <<print "As you smile and nod he calls over one of his assistants and tells you to serve him as best as you can.">> <<print "You immidiately open you mouth wide and as you see his cock approaching you suddenly no longer see anything, realizing that you have just been blindfolded.">> <video src="Part6/Slave11.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "You know it doesn't matter, all you have to and want to do is focus on giving pleasure to the cock in your mouth and on the feeling of the cock fucking your pussy.">> <<print "“This one sure is special, boss, ">>[[”we can definetly use her for that special order.”|KidnappedSub3]]<<print " your hear the asisstant saying. ">><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Dungeon">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Later on they tell you that they will transform you into a cat pet slave.">> <<print "They bind your feet and arms, put catears on your head and insert a cat tail buttplub in your ass. They also gag you, as cats do not need to talk, only to purr and meow and add. ">> <<print "“Your new masters wants you to behave exactly as a cat.”, he says.">> <video src="Part6/Slave12.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "They have lots of fun treating you as an animal and making you play around as a cat.">> <<print "And the more you do it, ">>[[the more excited you get.|KidnappedSub4]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Dungeon">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "As your horniness overwhelms you, you start playing in a more sexual way.">> <<print "“Looks like she is in heat again.”, you hear the assistant joking.">> <<print "Unlike what you expected, they strap you to a table again.">> <video src="Part6/Slave13.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "“You are not ovulating now, you need to learn to learn that you can only go into heat when you are, and we're going to make sure that you remember that.”">> <<print "They spend the rest of the day flogging you, and the couple of weeks more training you further, ">>[[until you are finally ready.|KidnappedSub5]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Your new life">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Eventually they tell you to get you ready for your new owner.">> <<print "They tell you your owner has paid a lot of money for you, but you no longer care about that, you only want to act like a cat. You can’t wait to show your new owner how grateful you are when you arrive. You hope he makes use of you often.">> <<print "He leads you out to the van for your drive to the docks. There you board the ship that will take you to your new home.">> <img src="Part6/Slave14.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "You now spend most of your time cat napping or playing around when your owner is not home.">> <<print "And when he is home, you spend most of the time rubbing against him or relaxing in his lap while he pets your head.">> <<print "All the time counting the days until you “go into heat” again.">> [[The End.|GameOverKidnappedSlave]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter', vaginal:$NerdBirthdaySex})>> <h1><<print "Peter">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You tell him you have the best birthday present for him, you are going to let him fuck you.">> <<if $NerdBirthdaySex>><<print "You can see the excitement on his face as he anxiously wait for you to unlock him.">><<else>><<print "You can see his confusion when you pull out a strapon from your bag. You tell him he is going to fuck you, just not with his cock.">><</if>> <<if $NerdBirthdaySex>><video src="Part6/Birthday1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video><<else>><video src="Part6/Birthday2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video><</if>> <<if $NerdBirthdaySex>><<print "As you push him inside, you notice that he immediately starts to moan and wonder how long he will last. To no surprise, it takes him less than a minute to start cumming.">><<else>><<print "You tell him to lie on his back and you slowly start sliding the strapon inside you.">><</if>> <<if $NerdBirthdaySex>><<print "You think about punishing him for it, but then just the fact that he is going to be locked for months before he ever gets the same chance again, if ever, is punishment enough.">><<else>><<print "You tell him that he is allowed to look, but not touch, as you use him for your pleasure only.">><</if>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.isNeighbour('Zack')>>[[You spend some time with Zack.|Part6Thrill]] <<elseif $PlayerReducedSleep>>[[You have lots of extra time from not having to sleep as much.|Part6StartSleep]] <<elseif $JobLibrary>>[[You go and study at the Library.|Part6Library]] <<elseif $JobEngineer>>[[You have to work at the Lab.|JobEngineer5]] <<elseif $JobTestSubject>>[[You have to work at the Lab.|JobEngineerSubject3]] <<elseif $JobBarista>>[[You have to work at the cafe.|Part6Barista]] <<elseif $JobCheerleader>>[[You have to cheer for the football team’s derby.|Part6Cheerleader]] <<elseif $JobBartenderGirls or $JobBartenderGuys or $JobBartenderBi>>[[You have to work at the Bar.|Part6Bar]] <<elseif $JobFitnessMassage>>[[You have to work at the Fitness Centre.|JobFitnessMassage3]] <<else>>[[You join a study group.|Part6StudyGroup]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Professor’s House">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Thank you, Peter, for helping me pick out something special to wear for when Daddy gets back from his conference. You can't imagine how horny I've gotten since he's been away. Oh, yeah, I guess you can.">> <<print "So do you like this one, or the previous one more? I think this one is sexy, but it was more expensive and I'm worried he might get too eager and rip the panties instead of letting me take them off slowly and seductively like I planned.">> <img src="Part6/Nerd1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "From that look you are making, I'm thinking I'm right, that's probably what he'll do. But it's probably worth it, knowing I made him lose control like that, if only for a moment.">> <<print "Now, you've been a dear, but you need to head home. ">>[[He'll be home soon.|Part6Professor8]]<<print " Maybe I'll have a chance in a few weeks to unlock you for a minute or two so you can jerk off. I know it's been a while, but we'll have to see.">><<nobr>> <<if $MasterKate>><h1><<print "Mistress Kate">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><h1><<print "Professor’s House">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>><h1><<print "Peter’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<print "You tell ">> <<if $MasterKate>><<print "Mistress Kate">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><<print "Daddy">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>><<print "Peter”">><</if>> <<if $SexNewYearMale>> <<print " of your new year party adventure, how you just found a random guy on the dance floor and then let him fuck you all night.">> <<else>> <<print " of your new year party adventure, how you just found a random girl on the dance floor and then let her fuck you all night.">> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<if $SexNewYearMale>><video src="Part8.5/NewYear2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video><<else>><video src="Part8.5/Newyear1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video><</if>> <<nobr>> <<if $MasterKate>><<print "“It sounds like you had a great deal of pleasure without my permission. I think you’ll agree you need to be punished.">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>> <<if $SexNewYearMale>> <<print "“You’ve been a very naughty girl and you need to be punished severely.”">> <<else>> <<if $TalkPunishSevere>> <<print "“It was just fun with another girl, but that was not the only thing you did. You’ve been a very naughty girl and you need to be punished severely.”">> <<else>> <<if $TalkPunishLight>> <<print "“It was just fun with another girl, but there was still that incident in the car. I will go easy on your punishment this time, but I want you to think about what you’ve done.”">> <<else>> <<print "“I’m not upset, it was just fun with another girl. Maybe I can find you more play friends in the future.”">> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>><<print "“Wow that sounds so hot. I wish I could have been with you at the party.”">><</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $MasterKate>>[[She is clearly upset from this confession.|Part85Punish2]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>> <<if $SexNewYearMale>> [[You see him going towards the closet.|Part85Punish2]] <<else>> <<if $TalkPunishSevere>> [[You see him going towards the closet.|Part85Punish2]] <<else>> <<if $TalkPunishLight>> [[You see him starting to unbuckle his belt.|Part85Punish1]] <<else>> [[“But I have a different gift for you now.”|Part85Daddy]] <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Josh', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Josh', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Josh', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Josh', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Josh', vaginal: true})>> <</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><h1><<print "Andrew’s Apartment">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><h1><<print "Josh’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><h1><<print "Veronica’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <</nobr>> <<print "The two of you spend the ride back home kissing and touching yourself in the back of the cab. The driver, while somewhat distracted by your actions, does not really mind the show you two provide for him in the rearview mirror.">> <<print "As you arrive home, you are both so excited that you just start undressing each other in the middle of the room, the bed just too far away to take a break from one another.">> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew') or setup.areDating('Josh')>><video src="Part6/Date1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video><<else>><video src="Part6/Date2.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video><</if>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><<print "You start by sucking on Andrew’s cock before he proceeds to pounding you on the floor.">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><<print "You start by sucking on Josh’s cock before he proceeds to pounding you on the floor.">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<print "You and Veronica spend the first few minutes kissing each other, but it doesn’t take long before she pushes you on the floor.">><</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew') or setup.areDating('Josh')>><<print "It doesn’t take long before both of you are close to cumming. The feeling of him throbbing inside of you finally pushes you over the edge, and you both orgasm together.">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<print "Veronica’s skilfull kisses bring you to orgasm soon enough and you know it will be your turn to return the favour, once you finally recover.">><</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobOfficePA or $JobOfficeManager or $JobOfficeIntern>>[[You have to go to work at the office.|Part6Office]] <<else>>[[You spend some time on campus the next day.|Part6Frat1]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Cheerleaders “A” Squad</h1> It’s the day you have been preparing for the most, the football team’s match against their biggest rival. The crowd gathered to watch the match is amazing. <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> <<set $FunPoints += 2>> <<else>> <<set $FunPoints += 1>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> You have been training hard with the team, especially for this day, and you can’t wait to show everyone, and especially Veronica, how much your skills have improved. <<else>> Despite your bad relations in the beginning with the rest of the squad, through training you were able to get friendly with most of the other girls on the team. Not Veronica though, whom you always do your best to avoid. All the football players are also very friendly to you, which is no surprise considering that they all got to fuck you. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part6/Cheerleader1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> Cheerleading for such a big event is so much fun, especially seeing how much the audience also enjoys your dance moves. <<else>> Seeing the audience enjoy your dance move so much helps you somewhat forget some of the bad memories, but also wish it had been like this from the beginning. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It is a hard match, but in the end your team narrowly wins <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> wins, and you hope your efforts helped support that victory. Everyone in the stadium is extatic and you see Veronica smiling at you affectionately. You know that you will have your own kind of celebration for this victory. <<else>> wins. Everyone in the stadium is extatic, and you can say that overall it was a pleasant experience for you today. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobCallGirl or $JobCallGirlSide>>[[You have to work as a call girl.|JobCall4]] <<elseif $JobPornOral or $JobPornOralSide>>[[You have to film another porn movie.|JobPornOral2]] <<elseif $JobPornGang or $JobPornGangSide>>[[You have to film another porn movie.|JobPornGang2]] <<else>>[[You join a study group.|Part6StudyGroup]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Fundraising</h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'University Donor', vaginal: true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'Cheerleader'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'University Donor', vaginal: true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'University Donor', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'University Donor', vaginal: true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'University Donor', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'University Donor', vaginal: true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'Cheerleader'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'University Donor', vaginal: true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <</nobr>> <video src="Part6/Cheerleader2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> It seems like the university is always having fundraisers, you don't complain though, you enjoy doing your part to help. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The wealthy men you are meant to entertain are used to getting what they want. Sometimes they are content to just use your body however they please. But other nights you aren't enough for them, and you head to their hotel room with a friend. Those are usually your favorite nights. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobCallGirl or $JobCallGirlSide>>[[You have to work as a call girl.|JobCall4]] <<else>><<if $JobPornOral or $JobPornOralSide>>[[You have to film another porn movie.|JobPornOral2]] <<else>><<if $JobPornGang or $JobPornGangSide>>[[You have to film another porn movie.|JobPornGang2]] <<else>>[[You join a study group.|Part6StudyGroup]] <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<achievement>>threesome:FMF<</achievement>><<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> <h1>Out for a Run</h1> <video src="Part6/Athlete1a.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <br><br> You know you have access to the university's state-of-the-art fitness center, but often you'd rather just go for a run outside. It's not just the fresh air, though that's nice too. At the gym there's always other athletes. Sometimes their sweaty, toned bodies, and their tight fitting workout clothes... Well, sometimes you think it's better to just avoid the temptation. <br><br> Out here all you have to worry about are cat-calls from creepy guys on the street or yelling from cars, but at least there's no temptation for you there. <<elseif $PlayerItemNerdKey or $dating.length or $fwb.length>> <h1>Fitness Center</h1> <video src="Part6/Athlete1b.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> It's always a welcome surprise when <<if $dating.length>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $dating[0], vaginal:true})>> $dating[0] <<elseif $PlayerItemNerdKey>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Peter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Peter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Peter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Peter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Peter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Peter'})>> Peter <<else>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $fwb[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $fwb[0], vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $fwb[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $fwb[0], vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $fwb[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $fwb[0], vaginal:true})>> $fwb[0] <</if>> stops by the fitness center for a visit. You don't finish your workout early, but you do like to give him a little show so he stays around until you're done. It also makes sure that as soon as you are done, he's ready to head back to his room for a different kind of workout. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <h1>Guy's Locker Room</h1> <img src="Part6/Athlete2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<achievement>>train<</achievement>> <<else>> <h1>Guy's Locker Room</h1> <img src="Part6/Athlete3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete', vaginal: true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<achievement>>train<</achievement>> <</if>> <br><br> The male athletes have started to pick up on how horny you get after they've been working out. It's actually been helping encourage them to work out longer and harder to build up more of a sweat. Of course that's not the only thing they've been doing longer and harder. <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt>> <h1>Locker Room</h1> <img src="Part6/Athlete5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<achievement>>train<</achievement>> <br><br> You beg the coach to unlock your chastity belt, but he won't. He says you've been doing great with your training and he doesn't want to disrupt that now. He reminds you it's only a few more months to the next competition. If you do as well then as you did last time, he'll give you another hour alone in his office with your belt off, with all the toys you want. <br><br> "A few more months!", you think, "that's easy for him to say when he can get himself off whenever he wants." You still can't satisfy your need, but you know getting one of your fellow athletes off sometimes takes the edge off your frustration, just a bit. It's never too difficult to find someone willing to volunteer. <<else>> <h1>Fitness Center</h1> <video src="Part6/Athlete4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Masseur', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Masseur', vaginal: true, repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Masseur', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'Masseuse'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Masseur', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Masseur', vaginal: true, repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'Masseuse'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Masseur', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Masseur', vaginal: true, repeat: true})>> Working out all the time puts a lot of strain on your body. It's nice to be able to go get a massage whenever you need one. Well, it starts as a massage anyway. After your aches and pains are worked on, they can tell you're ready for them to help you in a different way. <br><br> The girls are usually booked up ahead of time, but there's almost always a guy available when you stop by. That's fine by you. The only downside is waiting until he's ready to go again. Of course he can just go back to working your muscles for a while until you see him start to get hard again. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobCallGirl or $JobCallGirlSide>>[[You have to work as a call girl.|JobCall4]] <<else>><<if $JobPornOral or $JobPornOralSide>>[[You have to film another porn movie.|JobPornOral2]] <<else>><<if $JobPornGang or $JobPornGangSide>>[[You have to film another porn movie.|JobPornGang2]] <<else>>[[You join a study group.|Part6StudyGroup]] <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Barista">></h1> <<if !setup.areDating('Andrew') and !setup.areDating('Josh') and setup.haveFucked('Andrew')>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex: 'male', name:'Andrew', vaginal:true})>> <</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>> You are not sure if how long you want to keep working as a barista, but for the moment you do enjoy it. Living with Andrew has made you so happy that you could probably enjoy any work. <<elseif setup.areDating('Josh')>> You are not sure if how long you want to keep working as a barista, but for the moment you do enjoy it. You look forward the most to the moments when Josh pops in to get a coffee from you. <<else>> You are not sure if how long you want to keep working as a barista, but for the moment you have found ways to make the most fun out it, even though you find things such as latte art extremely boring. Who needs it anyway when you can get much bigger tips from flirting with the clients or showing them some skin now and then? <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew') or setup.areDating('Josh')>> <img src="Part6/Barista1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640"> <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Andrew')>> <br> <video src="Part6/Barista2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <br> <<else>> <img src="Part6/Barista3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640" align="left"> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>> You spend lots of time practising latte art and you can say that you have become quite skillful at it. You use it as way to share part of the happiness in your life with the customers that come into the cafe. <br> <<elseif setup.areDating('Josh')>> You spend lots of time practising latte art and you can say that you have become quite skillful at it. You are sure that Josh appreciates the extra effort you put into his daily coffee. <br> <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Andrew')>> But of course, your favorite part at work is the occasional fuck you have with Andrew, sometimes in his office, sometimes behind the counter’s wall. The thought that customers could catch you in the act makes it even more thrilling. <br> <</if>> [[You join a study group.|Part6StudyGroup]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $FunPoints += 1>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Josh', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Josh', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Josh', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Josh', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Josh', vaginal:true})>> <h1>Josh</h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $WasRomanticWithJosh>> Josh and you still meet from time to time, at first to study, but you soon realize that you don’t really care that much about talking to each other anymore. <br><br> <video src="Part6/Josh2.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <br><br> You do however enjoy the sex between the two of you. It is no longer romantic like before, but more raw and rough. Not that you are complaining about the orgasms you are getting from it. <<else>> Josh and you still fuck sometimes, but it's only about the sex. It's so convenient having a fuck buddy available whenever you need one. <br><br> <video src="Part6/Josh2.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <br><br> You love sex between the two of you. But that's all it will ever be between you too. Not that you are complaining about the orgasms you are getting from it. And he certainly isn't complaining either. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobOfficePA or $JobOfficeManager or $JobOfficeIntern>>[[You have to go to work at the office.|Part6Office]] <<elseif $JobPornOralSide or $JobPornOral>>[[You go and film another porn movie.|JobPornOral3]] <<elseif $JobPornGang or $JobPornGangSide>>[[You have to film another porn movie.|JobPornGang3]] <<else>>[[You spend some time on campus.|Part6Frat1]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Office">></h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobOfficeManager>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> <<print "Most of the days you spend in the office are frustrating. You are always horny, but you do not want to become like your former boss.">> <<else>> <<print "Most of the days you spend in the office you get so horny, but you do not want to become like your former boss.">> <</if>> <<else>> <<if $JobOfficePA>> <<print "You find the work pretty boring, but you do enjoy the attention you get from your boss, Paul, as well as the occasional fuck in his office. You even enjoy spending time sucking him off under his desk, especialy when someone else is in the room and they are unaware of your presence.">> <<else>> <<print "Most of the days you spend in the office are frustrating. You are always horny, but you do not want to get caught again watching porn as you are affraid of being fired.">> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobOfficeManager>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> <<print "Sometimes you find yourself unconsciously thinking about masturbating as your hands start exploring.">> <<else>> <<print "Fortunately, you can always watch some porn on your pc to relieve the tension in your office.">> <</if>> <<else>> <<if $JobOfficePA>> <<print "He always talks about how he is going to leave his wife for you, but you have yet to see him doing anything regarding that.">> <<else>> <<print "Unconsciously, you have started dressing up sexier and sexier every day for you job. You crave the attention you get when you wear something that shows off your body.">> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<if $JobOfficeManager>><br><</if>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobOfficeManager>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> <video src="Part6/Office3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<else>> <video src="Part6/Office4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <</if>> <<else>> <<if $JobOfficePA>> <img src="Part6/Office2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<else>> <img src="Part6/Office1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<if $JobOfficeManager>><br><</if>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobOfficeManager>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> <<print "You know you have to control yourself, otherwise you would end up just making things even worse. Or would losing control maybe make things better?">> <<else>> <<print "You make sure to tell your co-workers that you are taking a nap, so that they don’t catch you in the act. Hopefully you won’t forget to lock your office door one day.">> <</if>> <<else>> <<if $JobOfficePA>> <<print "But you have learned that if you ask him too much, he will soon follow with a gift for you, usually jewelry, so you have started to take advantage of that at least.">> <<else>> <<print "With each day that passes you think more and more that maybe getting another punishment wouldn’t be that bad.">> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> [[You spend some time on campus.|Part6Frat1]]<<nobr>> <<unset $PlayerPointsSet>> <<set $PlayerRollDice to either(1,2,3,4,5,6)>> <<set $PlayerRollDice += $AcademicPoints>> <<if !$StoryModePassClass and !$ProfessorHelp and !$PlayerProfessorVisit and $PlayerRollDice < 11>><<set $AcademicProbation to 1>><</if>> <<if $StoryModeFailClass>><<set $AcademicProbation to 1>><</if>> <h1><<print "Campus">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "It’s the end of the first term, and there’s just one class you were worried about.">> <img src="Part6/Grades2.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbation>> <<print "You have failed. You have to take the same class again next term. But the website also says that you’ve been placed on “Academic Probation”. You try to figure out what that means for you, since you aren’t in sports or anything, but you have no idea.">> <<else>> <<if $PlayerProfessorVisit>> <<print "You have passed your class with an “A”.">> <<else>> <<print "You passed that class and that is all that matters.">> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> [[You should go for a medical exam before the holidays.|Part7Start1]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Medical Clinic">></h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You’re all done with your classes for the semester. You just have your check-up at the clinic today, before heading home for winter break tomorrow evening. <</nobr>> <img src="Part7/Start1A.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> You’ve always hated filling out forms, but checking the box labeled “Female”, makes you happier than you would have thought it would. <</nobr>> <img src="Part7/Start1B.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="130"> <<nobr>> Your mood changes though when you get to the question that asks [[“Date of Last Menstruation”.|Part7Start3]] As you write down the date, you realize that yours was almost two months ago now, and you haven't had one since. <<if $PlayerProtectionPermanent or $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> You assume, your implant has finally kicked in fully. You assume you won't have to worry about having one again. Well, unless you decide to deactivate it someday. <<else>> You know they said that your cycles might be irregular at first, and you assume that's probably what it is. <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> Of course, you are hopeful that it's because you are pregnant, but you don't want to get your hopes up yet. Even if you're not pregnant, you are glad <<elseif setup.sexVaginalCount() == 0>> Really, what other reason could there be. You're just glad <<else>> Of course, you are also worried there might be another reason you haven't had a period. But you don't want to worry too much just yet. For now, you're just grateful <</if>> you didn't have to go through that pain again last month. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Medical Clinic">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You get to the “Contraception” box and then think about what you’ve been using the past month or two.">> <<nobr>> <<if setup.sexVaginalCount() == 0>> <img src="Part7/Start5M.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<elseif $PlayerProtectionWithdraw or $PlayerProtectionNone>> <img src="Part7/Start3A.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<else>> <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>><img src="Part7/Start3B.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<else>><img src="Part7/Start3C.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.sexCount() == 0>> [[You write “Abstinence”.|Part7Start4]] <<elseif setup.sexMaleCount() == 0>> [[You write “Lesbian”.|Part7Start4]] <<elseif setup.sexVaginalCount() == 0>> [[You write “Abstinence”.|Part7Start4]] You figure it's true enough, at least with regard to birth control. You aren't going to get pregnant from <<if setup.sexMaleCount() == 1>> a blowjob. <<elseif setup.sexMaleCount() == 2>> a blowjob or two. <<else>> a blowjob, no matter how many of them you give. <</if>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerProtectionPerfect or $PlayerProtectionPermanent>>[[You write “Implant”.|Part7Start4]]<</if>> <<if $PlayerProtectionPill>>[[You write “Pill”.|Part7Start4]]<</if>> <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> [[You write “Condoms”|Part7Start4]]. <<if setup.sexVaginalCount() == 0>> Well, at least in theory that's what you'd use. <<elseif $JobCallGirl or $JobCallGirlSide>> Clients don't count, right? <<else>> You've used one everytime... or at least you think so. <</if>> <</if>> <<if $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> [[You write “Withdrawal Method”.|Part7Start4]] <<if setup.sexVaginalCount() == 0>> Well, at least in theory that's what you'd use. <<elseif $JobCallGirl or $JobCallGirlSide>> Clients don't count, right? <<else>> They've all done that... or at least you think so. <</if>> <</if>> <<if $PlayerProtectionNone or $PlayerProtectionTry>>[[You write “None”.|Part7Start4]]<</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Medical Clinic">></h1> <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> <<set $PregnancyCheck = setup.checkForNewPregnancy('medical test - 1st term', 0.25)>> <<else>> <<set $PregnancyCheck = setup.checkForNewPregnancy('medical test - 1st term', 0)>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<print "The next question asks you how often you have had sex and with how many different guys.">> <<nobr>> <<if setup.sexUniqueVaginalCount() == 1 and setup.sexVaginalCount() == 1>> <img src="Part7/Start5A.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<elseif setup.sexUniqueVaginalCount() == 1 and setup.sexVaginalCount() > 1>> <img src="Part7/Start5C.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<elseif setup.sexUniqueVaginalCount() == 2>> <img src="Part7/Start5A.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350"> <img src="Part7/Start5C.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350"> <<elseif setup.sexUniqueVaginalCount() > 2>> <img src="Part7/Start5C.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <img src="Part7/Start5B.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <<else>> <img src="Part7/Start5D.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <</if>> <</nobr>> [[You write your answer and wait for a nurse to come in.|Part7Start5]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Medical Clinic">></h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You give them a urine sample, and they take it off to test it. <<if setup.sexVaginalCount() == 0>> Obviously, you know what the outcome is going to be. <<else>> You can't help but be a little nervous about what the answer is going to be. <</if>> <</nobr>> <img src="PartP/PregTest1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<nobr>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.count == 0 and $PlayerProtectionTry>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> You know you want to be a mother someday, but you have to meet the right man first. You hope that happens soon. Still, you have to wait for them to come back with [[the results|Part7Start6]], even though you know what it will be. <<else>> You know you will be disappointed by [[the results|Part7Start6]]. Maybe you'll find a guy soon to help you. <</if>> <<elseif $PregnancyCheck.count == 0>> You know you haven't gone that far with any guys recently, so you are not worried about [[the results|Part7Start6]]. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> You opted for the birth control feature on your implant, and it worked perfectly, so you are not worried about [[the results.|Part7Start6]] <<else>> <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> You hopefully await <<else>> You nervously await <</if>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.isPregnant>> [[the results.|Part7Preg1]] <<else>> [[the results.|Part7Start6]] <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Medical Clinic">></h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.count == 0>> Obviously you aren't pregnant, there's no way you could be. <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> But somehow it's still disappointing when they come back and confirm it officially. <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerProtectionTry>> <<print "You are a bit disappointed to hear them confirm that you are not pregnant.">> <<else>> <<print "You are relieved to hear them confirm that you are not pregnant.">> <</if>> <</nobr>> <img src="PartP/PregTest2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> <<if !$PlayerProtectionPerfect>> <<print "They let you know that an irregular cycle is fairly normal at first, but that from the tests it looks like yours has normalized now. ">> <<if $PlayerProtectionPill or $PlayerProtectionPermanent>> <<print "You probably won’t have to worry about the cramps and bleeding again.">> <<else>> <<set $PlayerMenstruation = 1>> <<if !$PlayerProtectionFertile>> <<print "You can get them to prescribe ">> <span id="NotPregSpan1"> <<link "birth control pills">> <<set $PlayerProtectionTry = 0>> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone = 0>> <<set $PlayerProtectionWithdraw = 0>> <<set $PlayerProtectionCondoms = 0>> <<set $PlayerProtectionPill = 1>> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#NotPregSpan1">> <<print "birth control pills">> <</replace>> <</link>> </span> <<print " for you now. You’ll start taking them once your period starts up, which should be soon.">> <<else>> <<if !$PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <<print "As birth control pills don't work on you, she also suggests reconsidering ">> <span id="NotPregSpan2"> <<link "using condoms for protection.">> <<set $PlayerProtectionTry = 0>> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone = 0>> <<set $PlayerProtectionWithdraw = 0>> <<set $PlayerProtectionCondoms = 1>> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#NotPregSpan2">> <<print "using condoms for protection.">> <</replace>> <</link>> </span> <<print " to decrease your risk of getting pregnant in the future.">> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> <<print "As the implant has prevented you from getting periods so far, she assures you that it will continue working properly in the future.">> <</if>> <</nobr>> [[You can start packing for your winter holiday.|Part7Pack1]]<<nobr>> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 1>> <h1><<print "Medical Clinic">></h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The doctor comes in with the news. <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> You'd wanted to get pregnant, so you ecstatic when you hear that you are. <<else>> You are <<if setup.sexVaginalCount() > 5>> surprised <<else>> shocked <</if>> when you learn of your unplanned pregnancy. <</if>> <</nobr>> <img src="PartP/PregTest3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <<nobr>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> You'd never wanted to change back anyway, and now you know you'll never have to. <<else>> The doctor informs you that regardless of what you decided to do about the pregnancy, one thing is certain. This is the body you’ll have from now on. They explained when you got your implant that it’d become permanent if you got pregnant, and you have. They also had said that any side-effects the implant has, or that develop later, will also be something you’ll have to deal with for the rest of your life as well. <</if>> <br><br> <</if>> The doctor goes over your options with you in detail, but you already knew what they were. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Do you want to [[end the pregnancy now,|Part7Preg2]] or do you want to [[carry the baby to term,|Part7Preg3]]?<br> (If you are considering adoption, then that's something you can discuss with your obstetrician later.) <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.pregnantFirstTime()>> <<achievement>>firsttime+pregnant<</achievement>> <<elseif setup.pregnantFromLoophole()>> <<achievement>>loopholeBaby+pregnant<</achievement>> <<else>> <<achievement>>pregnant<</achievement>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry and setup.isNeighbour('Barry')>> <<include [[Part7Pack1Barry]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part7Pack1Main]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Tricked by Barry</h1> You are about to start packing for the holiday break when Barry comes in and asks for a favor. "$playerName, I picked out a gift for my girlfriend back home, and I wanted to see if it's going to fit her before I leave. The store is here in town so I can exchange it on my way out if it doesn't." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You raise an eyebrow when you find out he has a girlfriend back home. You are pretty sure that wasn't her on Halloween, or any of the girls you've seen go into his room. But maybe they have an open relationship, or just got back together. Or maybe she's found out he's been cheating and that's why he got her a special gift. Regardless, it's not your problem. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part7/Barry.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Anyway," Barry continues. "She's pretty close to your size, so if you could try it on and see if it fits, and give me a woman's opinion of it, that be great." You tell him you'd be happy to help. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He steps out of his room so you can put it on. When he comes back he says "Wow, it looks great!" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You tell him it's a bit snug, but that you guess it's probably supposed to be. "And it's shorter than any dress or skirt I would wear," you tell him. "But if your girlfriend likes to show a lot of leg, then she'll probably be ok with that." You keep adjusting the dress, pulling the hem down, but everytime you move a bit it seems to creep right back up again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Thanks," Barry tells you. "Maybe we should get a second opinion about the length then. I don't want to get her something that will make her uncomfortable. I'd also like to see what it looks like in daylight. It's always so dim in these dorms." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and him head down the hall towards the exit. You blush a bit and say, "the guys seem to like how tight fitting it is." You get even more learing looks when you get outside. It excites you a bit. You wonder if you should wear tight clothes and short skirts more often. You doubt Faith or Pastor Mark would approve though. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Barry are outside when you spot one of your friends. You head over to ask for her opinion, when you happen to glance down at yourself. That's when you notice that the dress is nearly transparent in the sunlight! It had just looked white back in the dorm! You are suddenly aware that you've been walking around almost naked. No wonder all the guys were staring, they could see everything! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You turn around and Barry is already gone. You try to head back in the door you came out of, but your keycard is back upstairs, and you can't get back in that door. You have to go all the way around the building to the main entrance to get back in. When you get back upstairs Barry starts laughing. "That was amazing!" he tells you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You start off furious with him for tricking you. But then he says, "Don't tell me you didn't enjoy it. I saw how much you were loving all the attention you were getting, don't deny it." You can't, you were loving it - before you realized how much you were showing at least. And don't tell me you weren't turned on once you realzied you were nearly naked outside. I could see it on your face as I watched you run around trying to get back in the building." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You calm down, because you know he was right about both parts. You still aren't happy about getting tricked though. "Why don't you keep the dress as a Christmas present from me?" he tells you. "It's not like I have a girlfriend back home. I just saw the dress and bought it to see if I could get you to wear it." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You forgive him, mostly at least. And thank him for the "dress". You head back to your room to [[start packing|Part7Pack1Main]]. You make sure to pack your new dress. Mainly so Faith doesn't find it, but part of you is already fantasizing about if you could wear it somewhere back home. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> <i>You realize you get turned on by other people seeing you naked, or nearly so.</i> <<set $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist to 1>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Bedroom</h1> <<if $PlayerProtectionTry && !$PregnancyCheck.isPregnant>> <<if $PlayerAbortion>> <<print "While the ending of your pregnancy upset you, you do realize that you have yet to find the right time and guy to go through with it. ">> <<else>> <<print "Although you have yet to manage to get pregnant, you do hope that it will happen in the future. ">> <</if>> <br> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<print "You start packing your bags for the holiday break. You are excited about seeing your family and friends again. But you are also nervous as this will be the first time any of them has seen the new you in person.">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerPregnant or $PlayerProtectionPermanent or $PlayerProtectionPill or $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> <img src="Part7/Pack3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<else>> <img src="PartP/Cramps1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerMenstruation>> <br> You realize you’ve just started your period. <<if $Keyholder == 'Veronica'>> You struggle with trying to deal with it in your chastity belt. Getting a tampon, or anything else, inside you is still impossible. You plan on visiting Veronica before you leave to ask for help. Hopefully she will be understanding again and let you out of this thing, at least for the week. <<else>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> You struggle with trying to deal with it in your chastity belt. Getting a tampon, or anything else, inside you is still impossible. You plan on calling 'Master' to ask for help. Hopefully he will be kind this time and let you out of this thing, at least for the week. <<else>> You put in a tampon, and are thankful that the cramps, while unpleasant, don’t seem to be as bad as last time. Still, it makes packing much more of a chore. <</if>> <</if>> <br> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$PlayerAbortion>> [[You finish packing your bags, and you head home for winter break.|Part8Start1]] <<else>> [[You are not feeling very well.|Part7Pack2]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "The second pill you took has kicked in. The bleeding has been bad all day, more than your previous period. The cramps have been horrible too. You’ve been in bed most of the day.">> <img src="PartP/Cramps3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "Thankfully they have both eased up now and it’s about the same as a heavy period. You are eventually able to gather enough energy to pack.">> [[Once you finally finish packing your bags, you head home for winter break.|Part8Start1]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Medical Clinic">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "The initial shock has passed, and now you are excited thinking about how there is a life growing inside you. A little scared too still.">> <img src="PartP/PregTest4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> The doctor helps you estimate that you’re about five weeks along. But it could be a couple weeks more or less. She also explains what the next few weeks will be like. You aren’t looking forward to the morning sickness, which you’ll probably be starting soon. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Afterwards one of the aids comes in and helps you find an obstetrician near campus for your later visits, and helps you fill out some additional forms. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set $impossibleFathers to 0>> <<set $named to 0>> <<set $unnamed to 0>> When she gets to the questions about the father <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.length == 1 and $PregnancyCheck.actualFather.indexOf('Kidnapper') >= 0 >> you relaize in horror, that this can only be from [[whatever happened during your memory lapse|Part7Unknown]]. <<else>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.length == 1>> you know it has to be: <<else>> you're not certain who it is. It could be: <</if>> <ul> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('Andrew') >= 0>> <<set $named += 1>> <li> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew') >> Your boyfriend, [[Andrew|Part7AndrewBoyfriend]] <<else>> Your boss, [[Andrew|Part7AndrewBoss]] <</if>> </li> <</if>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('Josh') >= 0>> <<set $named += 1>> <li> <<if setup.areDating('Josh') >> Your boyfriend, [[Josh|Part7Josh]] <<else>> [[Josh|Part7Josh]], from the dorm <</if>> </li> <</if>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('Paul') >= 0>> <<set $named += 1>> <li>Paul, your [[boss from the office|Part7OfficeBoss1]]</li> <</if>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('Aaron') >= 0>> <<set $named += 1>> <li>Your [["Daddy"|Part7Aaron]], Aaron</li> <</if>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('Barry') >= 0>> <<set $named += 1>> <li> Barry, the [[jerk from your dorm|Part7Barry]], <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> maybe he finally did something nice for you <<else>> finding one more way to humiliate you <</if>> </li> <</if>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('James') >= 0>> <<set $named += 1>> <li>[[James|Part7James]], from the dorm. But, if you don't want to involve him in this you could just tell him [[it's not his|Part7Unknown]].</li> <</if>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('Peter') >= 0 or setup.areDating('Peter')>> <<set $named += 1>> <li> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('Peter') < 0>> <<set $impossibleFathers += 1>> Maybe it's [[Peter|Part7Peter]]. You haven't let him out to fuck you since your last period, but you've teased him enough. Maybe something happened then. He'll certainly believe that anyway. <<elseif setup.areDating('Peter')>> [[Peter|Part7Peter]], maybe unlocking his cock wasn't <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> a bad idea after all <<else>> such a good idea <</if>> <<else>> [[Peter|Part7Peter]], from the dorm <</if>> </li> <</if>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('Zack') >= 0>> <<set $named += 1>> <li><<link "Zack">> <<set $PregnancyCheck.claimedFather to "Zack">> <<goto [[Part7FWB]]>> <</link>>, from the dorm, though you don't really want to involve him in this</li> <</if>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('Tom') >= 0>> <<set $unnamed += 1>> <li>It could be that guy Tom, or something like that, that Hannah brought home. But [[you aren't even sure of his name|Part7Unknown]], and you doubt she remembers either.</li> <</if>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('Troy') >= 0>> <<set $named += 1>> <li>Your classmate, <<link "Troy">> <<set $PregnancyCheck.claimedFather to "Troy">> <<goto [[Part7FWB]]>> <</link>>, though you don't really want to involve him in this</li> <</if>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('David') >= 0>> <<set $named += 1>> <li>Your classmate, <<link "David">> <<set $PregnancyCheck.claimedFather to "David">> <<goto [[Part7FWB]]>> <</link>>, though you don't really want to involve him in this</li> <</if>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf("Zack's friend") >= 0>> <<set $unnamed += 1>> <li>[[Zack's friend|Part7Unknown]], but you don't want to involve him</li> <</if>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('Some Football Player') >= 0>> <<set $unnamed += 1>> <li>[[Some football player|Part7Unknown]], but you have no idea which one</li> <</if>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('Some Athlete (yoga)') >= 0>> <<set $unnamed += 1>> <li>[[Some athlete from your yoga class|Part7Unknown]], but you have no idea which one</li> <</if>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('Some Athlete (massage client)') >= 0>> <<set $unnamed += 1>> <li>[[Some athlete you gave a very happy ending|Part7Unknown]], but you have no idea which one</li> <</if>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('Some Athlete') >= 0>> <<set $unnamed += 1>> <li>[[Some athlete|Part7Unknown]], but you have no idea which one</li> <</if>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('Some Masseur') >= 0>> <<set $unnamed += 1>> <li>[[One of the massage guys at the fitness center|Part7Unknown]], but you have no idea which one</li> <</if>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('Some Bar Patron') >= 0>> <<set $unnamed += 1>> <li>[[Some guy at the bar you work at|Part7Unknown]], but you have no idea which one</li> <</if>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf("Sarah's Brother") >= 0>> <<set $unnamed += 1>> <li>[[Your former coworker's brother|Part7Unknown]]. She quit a while ago and you're not even sure you remember her name, and you certainly don't remember his</li> <</if>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('Some University Donor') >= 0>> <<set $unnamed += 1>> <li>[[One of the university donors you entertained|Part7Unknown]], but you have no idea which one</li> <</if>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('Some Friend of Barry') >= 0>> <<set $unnamed += 1>> <li>[[One of Barry's friends|Part7Unknown]], but you have no idea which one</li> <</if>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('Some Strip Club Customer') >= 0>> <<set $unnamed += 1>> <li>[[Someone you gave a bit more than a lapdance|Part7Unknown]] at the strip club, but you have no idea who</li> <</if>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('Some Porn Costar') >= 0>> <<set $unnamed += 1>> <li>[[One of your porn costars|Part7Unknown]], but you have no idea which one</li> <</if>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('Some Handsome Pirate') >= 0>> <<set $unnamed += 1>> <li>[[That pirate guy from Halloween|Part7Unknown]], but you called him by his character's name all night, you don't even know what his real name is</li> <</if>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('Some Call Girl Client') >= 0>> <<set $unnamed += 1>> <li> [[One of your call girl clients|Part7Unknown]], <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> with your most generous tip yet. <<else>> it's an occupational hazard you suppose. <</if>> But you have no idea which one it would be. </li> <</if>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('Call Girl GFE Client') >= 0>> <<set $unnamed += 1>> <li> [[Your 'Girlfriend Experience' client|Part7Unknown]], but you decide it's <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> your baby, <<else>> your problem to deal with, <</if>> not his. </li> <</if>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('Some Classmate') >= 0>> <<set $unnamed += 1>> <li>[[One of your classmates|Part7Unknown]], but you have no idea which one</li> <</if>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('Some Frat guy') >= 0>> <<set $unnamed += 1>> <li>[[Some guy from one of the frat parties you went to|Part7Unknown]], but you have no idea which one</li> <</if>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('Some Remote Tester') >= 0>> <<set $unnamed += 1>> <li>[[One of the anonymous sperm samples|Part7Unknown]] from the 'special project' you participated in</li> <</if>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('Kidnapper 1 (no memory)') >= 0 >> <<set $unnamed += 3>> <li>You realize in horror that this could be [[related to your memory lapse.|Part7Unknown]]</li> <</if>> <<if $named + $unnamed < $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.length>> <li> You're [[not sure who|Part7Unknown]] <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.length == 1>> it could be. <<else>> else it could be. It's not like you have a log of every guy you've ever had sex with. <</if>> </li> <</if>> </ul> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They let you know that if you want to be sure who the father is, they can test his DNA for you. If you are still in touch with him, you get him to come in and leave a sample. Or, if don't want to tell him that you aren't sure if he is the father or not, you could <<if $named > 0 and ($impossibleFathers + $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.length) > 1>> [[collect a sample yourself|Part7PregSample]] <<else>> collect a sample yourself <</if>> and bring it in. <<if ($impossibleFathers + $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.length) == 1>> You tell them that won't be necessary, it can only be one person. <<elseif $named == 0>> You tell them that won't really be possible. <<else>> You tell them you'll think about it. Though you also realize you could just decide who you <i>want</i> to be the father, and tell him that he <i>is</i> the father. He'll never know the difference anyway. <</if>> <</nobr>><video src="PartP/Sample.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> You think about collecting your samples with a condom, but you worry that the spermicide might mess up the sample. So instead, you use a blowjob with him finishing on your face. <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>> Peter is, of course, thrilled with this rare treat. <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral>> It takes a lot of your willpower to pull him out of your mouth, you want to swallow every drop like you always do. But you are able to resist the effects of your implant this time, at least enough to get your sample. Though, you make sure you get a taste too. <<else>> You make sure enough goes on your face and swallow the rest. <</if>> Then you go in the bathroom to clean up. Of course instead of just washing it off, you put it in the vial with his name on it that you'd prepared earlier. <<if setup.areDating('Peter') and setup.areDating('Paul')>> You also get a sample from Paul the next day at work. You are careful to keep them labeled to be sure you don't mix them up. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Miss, when we said 'sample', we meant a swab of cells from his cheek," the lab tech tells you when you visit them. "But it's ok, this works too. And I imagine your way was more fun anyway." She then leaves to run her tests while you wait for her return. When she finally comes back, she has your results: <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set $isNamed to 0>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.actualFather == 'Andrew'>> You are relieved when she tells you, "Congratulations! [[Andrew|Part7AndrewBoyfriend]] is the father!". <<else>> You are crushed when she tells you, "Andrew is NOT the father." But as you contemplate your choices, you realize that Andrew would never doubt he was the father, and having him as the father would provide the best life for your child that you could hope for. You feel bad for a moment when you decided to lie and [[tell Andrew he is the father|Part7AndrewBoyfriend]], but then you think of you and your baby in a big beautiful house with Andrew happily unaware next to you and decide it's the best for everyone. <br> <img src="PartP/FatherTest.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"> <</if>> <<elseif setup.areDating('Paul') and setup.areDating('Peter')>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Peter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Paul'})>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.actualFather == 'Paul'>> You are relieved when she tells you, "Congratulations! [[Paul|Part7OfficeBoss1]] is the father!". <<elseif $PregnancyCheck.actualFather == 'Peter'>> You are happy when she tells you, "Congratulations! [[Peter|Part7Peter]] is the father!". <<else>> You are upset when she tells you, "Neither Peter nor Paul is the father." But you realize that it doesn't matter really as long as you tell one of them he is. <br><br> If you [[tell Paul he is the father|Part7OfficeBoss1]], it will probably be enough to get him to finally leave his wife like he keeps talking about. Then he can be with you. <br><br> Peter would probably be dutifully by your side even if you told him the baby wasn't his. But he'd probably be happier [[believing the baby was his|Part7Peter]]. Plus, why take the chance he wouldn't accept the baby, and you'd be left raising him or her by yourself. <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('Peter') < 0>> You'll just need to tell him that it must have been all that precum he's always leaking that got you pregnant, or maybe that ruined orgasm that got on your hand before you masturbated. He'll want to believe, so it won't take much convincing. <</if>> <br> <img src="PartP/FatherTest.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"> <</if>> <<elseif setup.areDating('Paul')>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Paul'})>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.actualFather == 'Paul'>> You are relieved when she tells you, "Congratulations! [[Paul|Part7OfficeBoss1]] is the father!". <<else>> You are upset when she tells you, "Paul is NOT the father." But you realize that it doesn't matter really as long as you [[tell him he is|Part7OfficeBoss1]]. It will probably be enough to get him to finally leave his wife like he keeps talking about. <br> <img src="PartP/FatherTest.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"> <</if>> <<elseif setup.areDating('Josh')>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Josh'})>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.actualFather == 'Josh'>> You are relieved when she tells you, "Congratulations! [[Josh|Part7Josh]] is the father!". <<else>> You are upset when she tells you, "Josh is NOT the father." But you know telling him that will end your relationship with him. If you decide to keep the baby, Josh would be a better father than the other possibilities. And if you decide not to keep it, then what's the harm in [[lying and telling Josh he is the father|Part7Josh]] <br> <img src="PartP/FatherTest.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"> <</if>> <<elseif setup.areDating('Peter')>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Peter'})>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.actualFather == 'Peter'>> You are happy when she tells you, "Congratulations! [[Peter|Part7Peter]] is the father!". <<elseif $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('Peter') >= 0>> You aren't especailly surprised when she tells you, "Peter is NOT the father." It's not like you let him out that often. But you know having him at your side will make the next nine months (or longer) much easier than going it alone, so you decide to [[tell Peter he is the father|Part7Peter]] anyway. <br> <img src="PartP/FatherTest.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"> <<else>> "Peter is NOT the father," she says. Of course Peter isn't the father. But given how much precum he's always leaking out of his chastity cage, you had to be sure. But you don't want to have to do this by yourself, and you know Peter will be dutifully by your side if you [[tell him he is the father|Part7Peter]]. You expect he probably would even if you told him the truth, but you don't want to take any chances on that. <br> <img src="PartP/FatherTest.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"> <</if>> <<elseif setup.areDating('Aaron')>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron'})>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.actualFather == 'Aaron'>> You are absolutely giddy when she tells you, "Congratulations! [[Aaron|Part7Aaron]] is the father!". <<else>> You are in tears when she tells you, "Aaron is NOT the father." You must have already been pregnant when he became your Daddy. You know you can't lie to him, so you tell him the truth. Daddy holds you in his arms and comforts you. He tells you that it doesn't matter who the baby's father really is, if you decide to keep it, then you and Daddy will [[raise the baby together|Part7Aaron]]. And if you decide on adoption, he'll help you through the next nine months. <br> <img src="PartP/FatherTest.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"> <</if>> <<else>> <ul> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('Andrew') >= 0>> <li> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.actualFather == 'Andrew'>> <<set $isNamed to 1>> "Congratulations! [[Andrew|Part7AndrewBoss]] is the father!" <<else>> "Andrew is NOT the father." (Of course you could [[lie to him|Part7AndrewBoss]] about it.) <</if>> </li> <</if>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('Josh') >= 0>> <li> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Josh'})>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.actualFather == 'Josh'>> <<set $isNamed to 1>> "Congratulations! [[Josh|Part7Josh]] is the father!" <<else>> "Josh is NOT the father." (Of course you could [[lie to him|Part7Josh]] about it.) <</if>> </li> <</if>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('Paul') >= 0>> <li> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Paul'})>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.actualFather == 'Paul'>> <<set $isNamed to 1>> "Congratulations! [[Paul|Part7OfficeBoss1]] is the father!" <<else>> "Paul is NOT the father." (Of course you could [[lie to him|Part7OfficeBoss1]] about it.) <</if>> </li> <</if>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('Aaron') >= 0>> <li> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron'})>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.actualFather == 'Aaron'>> <<set $isNamed to 1>> "Congratulations! [[Aaron|Part7Aaron]] is the father!" <<else>> "Aaron is NOT the father." (You never could lie to him when you were together, so you know you can't about this.) <</if>> </li> <</if>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('Barry') >= 0>> <li> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Barry'})>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.actualFather == 'Barry'>> <<set $isNamed to 1>> "Congratulations! [[Barry|Part7Barry]] is the father!" <<else>> "Barry is NOT the father." (Of course you could [[lie to him|Part7Barry]] about it.) <</if>> </li> <</if>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('James') >= 0>> <li> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'James'})>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.actualFather == 'James'>> <<set $isNamed to 1>> "Congratulations! [[James|Part7James]] is the father!" Though, if you don't want to involve him in this you could just tell him [[it's not his|Part7Unknown]]. <<else>> "James is NOT the father." (Of course you could [[lie to him|Part7James]] about it.) <</if>> </li> <</if>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('Peter') >= 0>> <li> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Peter'})>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.actualFather == 'Peter'>> <<set $isNamed to 1>> "Congratulations! [[Peter|Part7Peter]] is the father!" <<else>> "Peter is NOT the father." (Of course you could [[lie to him|Part7Peter]] about it.) <</if>> </li> <</if>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('Zack') >= 0>> <li> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Zack'})>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.actualFather == 'Zack'>> <<set $isNamed to 1>> "Congratulations! <<link "Zack">> <<set $PregnancyCheck.claimedFather to "Zack">> <<goto [[Part7FWB]]>> <</link>>, <<else>> "Zack is NOT the father." (Well, you didn't really want him involved in this anyway.) <</if>> </li> <</if>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('Troy') >= 0>> <li> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Troy'})>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.actualFather == 'Troy'>> <<set $isNamed to 1>> "Congratulations! <<link "Troy">> <<set $PregnancyCheck.claimedFather to "Troy">> <<goto [[Part7FWB]]>> <</link>>, is the father!" <<else>> "Troy is NOT the father." (Well, you didn't really want him involved in this anyway.) <</if>> </li> <</if>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('David') >= 0>> <li> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'David'})>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.actualFather == 'David'>> <<set $isNamed to 1>> "Congratulations! <<link "David">> <<set $PregnancyCheck.claimedFather to "David">> <<goto [[Part7FWB]]>> <</link>>, is the father!" <<else>> "David is NOT the father." (Well, you didn't really want him involved in this anyway.) <</if>> </li> <</if>> <<if $isNamed>> <li>You know who the father is. But if you [[don't want him involved in this|Part7FWB]], you could tell him that he is not the father. Of course, you know that if your relationship is anything more than just casual sex, then doing this will almost certainly end it.</li> <<else>> <li>You realize that you'll [[probably never know|Part7Unknown]] who the father really is.</li> <img src="PartP/FatherTest.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"> <</if>> </ul> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 0>> <<unset $PregnancyCheck>> <<set $PlayerAbortion to 1>> <<set $PlayerMenstruation to 1>> <h1><<print "Medical Clinic">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You decide you aren’t ready for this.">> <img src="PartP/PregTest5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<print "After going over everything in great detail with the doctor and signing a bunch of forms, the doctor gives you a pill which you take right then.">> <<nobr>> <<print "She also gives you another one to take tomorrow morning. She tells you to expect bleeding and cramps, like a period, but worse. ">> <<if $PlayerProtectionPill>> <<print "She also gives you a new supply of birth control pills to start with tomorrow.">> <<else>> <<if !$PlayerProtectionPermanent>> <<if !$PlayerProtectionFertile>> <<print "If you want to ">> <span id="AbortSpan1"> <<link "start using birth control pills,">> <<set $PlayerProtectionTry = 0>> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone = 0>> <<set $PlayerProtectionWithdraw = 0>> <<set $PlayerProtectionCondoms = 0>> <<set $PlayerProtectionPill = 1>> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#AbortSpan1">> <<print "start using birth control pills,">> <</replace>> <</link>> </span> <<print "she can also give you a supply of those to start with tomorrow.">> <<else>> <<if !$PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <<print "As birth control pills don't work on you, she recomends starting to ">> <span id="NotPregSpan2"> <<link "use condoms for protection.">> <<set $PlayerProtectionTry = 0>> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone = 0>> <<set $PlayerProtectionWithdraw = 0>> <<set $PlayerProtectionCondoms = 1>> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#NotPregSpan2">> <<print "use condoms for protection,">> <</replace>> <</link>> </span> <<print " so that you don't end up in the same situation again.">> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> [[You can start packing for your winter holiday.|Part7Pack1]] <<achievement>>childfree<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Andrew">></h1> <</nobr>> <<set $StatedFather to 'Andrew'>> <<include [[Part7Breakup]]>> <<print "You meet Andrew at his apartment and let him know about the pregnancy. He’s a little freaked out at first, but less than you were.">> <img src="Part7/Preg4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> <<print "Do you plan on ">> <span id="AndrewBossSpan1"> <<link "putting the baby up for adoption,">> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#AndrewBossSpan1">> <<print "putting the baby up for adoption,">> <</replace>> <<replace "#AndrewBossSpan2">> <<print "keeping the baby after it’s born?">> <</replace>> <<replace "#AndrewBossSpan3">> <<print "After talking over the issues it would cause with HR (not to mention his father), you both decide to keep it quiet that he’s the father. Andrew will help you with money and time off from work during the pregnancy, but neither of you are going to say he’s the father. ">> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>> <<print "You decide to postpone telling Josh about your pregnancy until after the holidays. ">> <</if>> <</replace>> <<replace "#AndrewBossSpan4">> <<print "You contact the doctor and have them ">>[[change the form to say “Unknown”.|Part7Unknown]] <</replace>> <</link>> </span> <<print "or on ">> <span id="AndrewBossSpan2"> <<link "keeping the baby after it’s born?">> <<set setup.startDating('Andrew')>> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#AndrewBossSpan1">> <<print "putting the baby up for adoption,">> <</replace>> <<replace "#AndrewBossSpan2">> <<print "keeping the baby after it’s born?">> <</replace>> <<replace "#AndrewBossSpan3">> <<print "Your relationship had started out as just “no strings” fun, but you’d both been kidding yourself that that was all it was still. You both drop the pretenses and stop pretending you aren’t dating. ">> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>> <<set setup.breakupWith('Josh')>> <<print "You expected Josh to be angry when you tell him that you are breaking up with him, but instead he seems reliefed to know that he isn't going to be a father any time soon. ">> <</if>> <</replace>> <<replace "#AndrewBossSpan4">> <<print "He was planning on meeting his parents for dinner today, and he calls to see if he can ">>[[bring you along to introduce you to them.|Part7AndrewBoss2]]<<print " You both decide to wait to tell them about the pregnancy though.">> <</replace>> <</link>> </span> <</nobr>> <span id="AndrewBossSpan3"></span> <span id="AndrewBossSpan4"></span><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Andrew">></h1> <</nobr>> <<set $StatedFather to 'Andrew'>> <<include [[Part7Breakup]]>> <<print "You can barely contain your excitement on the way home. When you tell Andrew, he’s as excited as you are. He says that the two of you had always talked about starting a family, but he’d never expected to start so soon. He places his hand on your stomach, but obviously there’s nothing to feel yet.">> <img src="Part7/Preg6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "You both decide to keep the news just between the two of you for now. Maybe after the holidays you might start thinking of telling others.">> <<print "You both spend the rest of the imagining how to convert the extra bedroom into a nursery, talking about baby names, and trying to imagine what it’s going to be like. Well, that’s not all you spend the day doing, a good deal of it is spent in the main bedroom too.">> [[You can start packing for your winter holiday.|Part7Pack1]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.breakupWith('Josh')>> <<set setup.removeNeighbour('Josh')>> <<set $JoshFlee = 1>> <h1><<print "Josh">></h1> <</nobr>> <<set $StatedFather to 'Josh'>> <<include [[Part7Breakup]]>> <<print "Josh is in shock when you first tell him about your pregnancy. Once he calms down he offers to pay for your abortion and to drive you there if you need a ride. When you let him know that you’ve already decided against getting an abortion, he goes silent. After a while he says he needs some time to process everything, and says you can talk about it after you both get back from the holiday break.">> <img src="Part7/Preg7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "You will try calling and texting him over the holidays, but won’t get ahold of him.">> <<print "You find out from friends of his that he freaked out about “his life being ruined” and has left town for a different university. ">>[[You’re on your own for the pregnancy.|Part7Unknown]]<<print " You might be able to get some help with expenses afterwards if you go after him for child support though.">><<nobr>> <<set $JobOfficePA = 0>> <<set $JobOfficeManager = 1>> <<set $PaulPregnancyMoney = 1>> <h1>Paul</h1> <</nobr>> <img src="Part7/Preg9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<set $StatedFather to 'Paul'>><<include [[Part7Breakup]]>><<set setup.breakupWith('Paul')>> <<nobr>> He’s been talking about finally divorcing his wife so he can be with you. You are sure he’s finally going to do it when you tell him about your pregnancy. But he won’t commit to it. He tells you how much it turns him on knowing you’re carrying his baby and tries to turn the conversation to sex. That’s when you realize he’s never going to leave her. Not unless you do something. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You say you are going to go tell his wife that you’ve been sleeping with him for months, and that now you’re pregnant with his baby. You tell him, then she’ll want a divorce and he’ll be free. He begs you not to do that. If she finds out about everything, she’ll take him for everything he has. And HR will probably see that he’s fired. When you imagine him without his money or power, you realize that’s all you really found attractive about him anyway, so doing that wouldn’t help you at all. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>> [[Instead you agree to say on the forms that the father is “Unknown”.|Part7PeterAfterPaul]] <<else>> [[Instead you agree to say on the forms that the father is “Unknown”.|Part7Unknown]] <</if>> He’ll give you get a generous payment every month. And he expects a paternity test and court papers if the payments ever stop, so you doubt they will. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Angry at him leading you on, and turned off by how pitiful he seems to you now, you decide you don’t want a relationship with him after all. You’ll stay silent as long as the money keeps coming though. He gives you a transfer to a new, and more professional, boss. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Daddy">></h1> <<set $StatedFather to 'Aaron'>> <</nobr>> <<include [[Part7Breakup]]>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> You and Daddy have been trying for a baby, and he's as excited as you are at the news! <<elseif $PlayerProtectionNone>> You and Daddy haven't been trying for this, but you also haven't been trying to avoid it either. You both knew you wanted a child together eventually, and figured you'd let nature take its course. Nature didn't want to wait. Daddy is as excited as you are when you tell him the news. <<else>> You'd told Daddy about your irregular cycles, but he'd pointed out this was another possiblity. You definitely picked up more excitment than worry in his voice when he'd mentioned it. Now that you both know that you are pregnant, he's as excited as you are about it. <</if>> <</nobr>> <img src="Part7/Preg8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "For now the two of you are planning on keeping this a secret between the two of you. Once the holiday break is over, and you’ve moved in with him, fewer people will question the timeline of your pregnancy. Hopefully no one that matters will realize (or care) that you were one of his students when the baby was conceived.">> <<print "But for now, you are proceeding with your planned trip home for the break. Of course, you enjoy an evening with your “Daddy” before then though.">> [[You can start packing for your winter holiday.|Part7Pack1]]<<nobr>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.actualFather == 'Barry'>> <h1>Barry - Confirmed</h1> <img src="PartP/PaternityPositive.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<else>> <h1>Barry - Busted!</h1> <img src="PartP/PaternityNegative.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<set $StatedFather to 'Barry'>> <<include [[Part7Breakup]]>> <<nobr>> When you first start to tell Barry, he's surpried and annoyed that you didn't just "deal with it" as soon as you found out about the pregnancy. But when he gets past that, he doubts that he is the actual father. He demands a paternity test - with him providing a cheek swab directly to the lab himself. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.actualFather == 'Barry'>> When the test comes back positive, he accepts that he is the father, though he's clearly not happy about it. "You can't fault me for wanting to be sure. We both know what a slut you are." <p/> "I hope you don't think I'm going to help you raise that thing, I'm certainly not interested in being a father yet. You know if you are having second thoughts about it, it's not too late to go back and have them get rid of it for you. If you are concerned about the cost of that, I'd be more than happy to pay it. Actually, how about I just give you [[a couple thousand dollars I have saved up|Part7BarryAbortionBribe]], and that should cover it, right? You can keep whatever extra is left." <p/> "I know it's your decision though. If you [[decide to keep it|Part7BarryKeep]], don't expect me to be driving you to doctor's appointments and shit. If you plan on putting it up for adoption, then that's probably a good idea, you aren't ready to be a mother yet, let me know if there's anything I need to sign to help with that." <p/> "Though if you decide to keep it, I know I'll be stuck paying child support for the next 18 years. I won't be able to afford much. But at the rate you are going, you'll probably have a two or three more kids, all with different fathers by the time you graduate. So, I'm guessing the payments will add up." <<else>> When the test comes back negative, he's overjoyed. "I knew I wasn't the father. God only knows how many other men could be the father, but I don't really care who it is as long as it's not me." <p/> "But, you're still welcome to come back to my bed anytime you need me to remind you what a slut you are. But then again, I guess your body will be reminding you of that every day for the next nine months or so, won't it." <p/> You realize you are going to be dealing with this preganancy [[without any help|Part7Unknown]] from the father. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Reconsidered</h1> <<set $BarryBribe to 1>> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 0>> <<unset $PregnancyCheck>> <<set $PlayerAbortion to 1>> <<set $PlayerMenstruation to 1>> <<set setup.breakupWith('Barry')>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'jeans')>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'blouses')>> <<set setup.addInventory('underwear', 'sexy underwear')>> <img src="Part7/Jeans.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="764" align="left"> <br> Barry drives by his bank to make a withdrawal on the way to the clinic. He hands you the money and drops you off at the clinic. "I'm not waiting around. You have more than enough to call a ride when they are done," he tells you. You're pretty sure that you and Barry are going to both do your best to see each other as little as possible from now on. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wait your turn and then go in to see the doctor again. You let her know you've thought it over and reconsidered. After going over everything in great detail with the doctor and signing a bunch of forms, the doctor gives you a pill which you take right then. She gives you another one to take tomorrow morning. She tells you to expect bleeding and cramps, like a period, but worse. <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> She starts to talk to you about birth control, but you explain that you actually want a baby, but just not with this man. She understands, and wishes you luck. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionPill>> <<print "She also gives you a new supply of birth control pills to start with tomorrow.">> <<else>> <<if !$PlayerProtectionPermanent>> <<if !$PlayerProtectionFertile>> <<print "If you want to ">> <span id="AbortSpan1"> <<link "start using birth control pills,">> <<set $PlayerProtectionTry = 0>> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone = 0>> <<set $PlayerProtectionWithdraw = 0>> <<set $PlayerProtectionCondoms = 0>> <<set $PlayerProtectionPill = 1>> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#AbortSpan1">> <<print "start using birth control pills,">> <</replace>> <</link>> </span> <<print "she can also give you a supply of those to start with tomorrow.">> <<else>> <<if !$PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <<print "As birth control pills don't work on you, she recomends starting to ">> <span id="NotPregSpan2"> <<link "use condoms for protection.">> <<set $PlayerProtectionTry = 0>> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone = 0>> <<set $PlayerProtectionWithdraw = 0>> <<set $PlayerProtectionCondoms = 1>> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#NotPregSpan2">> <<print "use condoms for protection,">> <</replace>> <</link>> </span> <<print " so that you don't end up in the same situation again.">> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, there's no charge for the visit, or the pills. All of that is covered by the X-Change people. But you and Barry both know that's not why he paid you. You feel a small tinge of guilt, but then you tell yourself that you didn't really want to raise a kid with him as the father anyway. Then you look down at the cash he gave you, and the guilt is gone. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Looking at all the extra money you have, and feeling glad that you won't have a huge belly growing anytime soon, You decide to pick up something nice to wear over the holidays before you head back to campus. Putting on the matching bra and panties, and squeezing into your new jeans puts a smile on your face. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your smile doesn't last that long though, as you feel the cramps she'd warned you about start. Thankfully the bleeding hasn't started yet. You would have hated to ruin your new underwear already. The next morning you take the [[second pill|Part7Pack2]] she gave you. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>childfree<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> <<set setup.breakupWith('Barry')>> <img src="Part7/Preg10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Barry's not going to be any help during this pregnancy. He claims he'll pay child support when the time comes, though you expect you'll have to fight him every step of the way to actually get that to happen. The one thing you are sure of, is that he'll be more than willing to go along if you decide on adoption. Well, the second thing you are sure of is that you won't be sharing a bed with Barry ever again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know you’ll be on your own with this pregnancy, and the thought is overwhelming you a bit. You need to take your mind off the stress of learning all this. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You think about enjoying some zero-risk sex with someone new. That certanly wouldn't surprise Barry. Besides, what more could happen now? But what you actually do is relax in a nice hot bath as you try to imagine all the ways your life is about to change. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You decide that you don’t want to share the news with anyone else just yet. It’ll be obvious enough to everyone later. You’ll probably tell your mentor after the holiday, but for now it’s your secret. <</nobr>> [[You put off packing for your trip home until tomorrow.|Part7Pack1]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Peter">></h1> <<if $PlayerProtectionTry || !setup.areDating('Peter')>> <img src="Part7/Preg12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<else>> <img src="Part7/Preg11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Peter'})>> <<set $StatedFather to 'Peter'>> <</nobr>> <<include [[Part7Breakup]]>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>> While Peter is eating you out, you tell him <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('Peter') < 0>> how that even though you haven't unlocked him, some of what's oozed out of his caged cock has managed to get you pregnant. If he doubts your story, he doesn't say anything. <<else>> that even though you don't let him orgasm very often, it only takes one time. You tell him that now you're pregnant and he's the father. <</if>> <br><br> <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> You tell Peter how happy you are, and that you are going to reward him with a special treat today for giving you the baby you've been wanting. You can tell from his moans, as your lips wrap around his cock, that he isn't going to last long. You don't care, he's earned this. <<if $PregnancyCheck.actualFather != 'Peter'>> Or, that's what you've decided to believe at least. <</if>> Of course, after you've given him his reward, you're craving one of your own. He happily returns to his usual place, with his head between your legs. <</if>> <<elseif !setup.areDating('Aaron')>> <<set setup.startDating('Peter')>> <<set $PlayerItemNerdKey to 1>> <img src="Part5/GoNeighbour7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> You hadn't been dating Peter, but since he's going to be the father of your child, you decide you probably should. You'd planned on having sex with him again, and then telling about the baby afterwards. But he's surprisingly coy as you start to unbuckle his jeans. Once you finally have them pulled down you see why. His cock is locked in a chastity cage. <br><br> "Give me the keys," you order him. He quickly, but nervously hands them over. He's clearly happy when you unlock his cock and start sucking on it. After he's close you stop sucking and switch to occasionally stroking his cock to keep him close, but not too close, to an orgasm. "I have some news for you...". You proceed to keep him on the verge of an orgasm as you let him know about your baby, and that he's the father. <br><br> <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> "I want to reward for giving me this baby", you say as you put your hand on your stomach, "but I don't think an orgasm is the best way to reward you. I think for you, denying your orgasm today is the bigger reward." You pull your hand away as you finish your sentence. <<else>> "This thing is obviously dangerous", you say, swatting gently at his cock. "I think it needs to be locked up for safe keeping for a while." You give his cock one last stroke before pulling your hand away. <</if>> He whimpers a bit, but you know he loves it. It takes a while, but eventually his cock gets soft enough to get it back in its cage. You lock the cage and keep the keys. "I think it's best I hold on to these from now on, don't you agree?", you ask. After he nods, you spread your legs apart and push his head down between them. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !setup.areDating('Aaron')>> You know he's going to be by your side throughout the pregnancy. Or, if not by your side, then kneeling in front of you, which is even better. After he finishes up with you, you send him off for the holiday still caged, while you [[start your packing for your own trip home|Part7Pack1]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Peter">></h1> <<if $PlayerProtectionTry || !setup.areDating('Peter')>> <img src="Part7/Preg12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<else>> <img src="Part7/Preg11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Peter'})>> <<set $StatedFather to 'Peter'>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> While Peter is eating you out, you tell him you are pregnant, but you aren't sure who the father is yet. You tell him you had thought it was Paul's but it turns out it wasn't. <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('Peter') < 0>> You tell them even though you haven't unlocked him, some of what's oozed out of his caged cock might have managed to get you pregnant. <<else>> You tell him that even though you don't let him orgasm very often, it only takes one time. <</if>> But, it could be someone else's. <br><br> Peter tells you he doesn't care if he's the biological father or not, he's going to treat the child as it's his. "Unless you want me to get tested to be sure," he adds timidly. You tell him that won't be necessary, and that you couldn't imagine a better father than he will be. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You submit the forms with Peter's name instead of "Unknown", so Peter's name will be the one on the birth certificate. Of course Paul's not going to know that, so you assume his checks will keep coming. He still wants you to keep quiet about the affair after all. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know he's going to be by your side throughout the pregnancy. Or, if not by your side, then kneeling in front of you, which is even better. After he finishes up with you, you send him off for the holiday still caged, while you [[start your packing for your own trip home|Part7Pack1]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set setup.breakupWith('James')>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.actualFather == 'James'>> <h1>James - Confirmed</h1> <img src="PartP/PaternityPositive.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<else>> <h1>James - Paternity Excluded</h1> <img src="PartP/PaternityNegative.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<set $StatedFather to 'James'>> <<include [[Part7Breakup]]>> <<nobr>> As you tell James about the pregnancy and that he's the father, he seems unsurprised. You don't think this is the first time this has happened to him. He says he needs to make a phone call and then steps away for a bit. When he comes back he says, "I'm not supposed to discuss this any further with you. You should discuss this with my attorney instead.". He hands you a slip of paper with a name and phone number on it, and then leaves. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You stare at the number for a minute, and then decide to call it. The man on the other end is friendly and tells you he understands what an emotional time this is for you and that James wants to help you in this difficult time. But then he tells you that, of course it's necessary to confirm that James is in-fact the father. He lets you know that this is only a formaility and that neither James nor him intend any offense in suggesting anyone other than James could be the father. You reluctantly agree with his request. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> James visits the clinic and submits a sample and they test it and confirm that James <<if $PregnancyCheck.actualFather == 'James'>> is the father. His lawyer tells you, "I hope you understand we had confirm paternity before we proceeded. Please [[visit my office|Part7James2]] later this week and we can discuss the matter further." <<else>> is not the father. His lawyer tells you, "My client wishes you and the child's father well, but of course will not be able to provide any further assitance.". He hands you his business card and adds, "If you determine the true father and need any legal help pursuing child support, feel free to contact me." Of course, you won't. You've [[given up|Part7Unknown]] on trying to get the father involved in this. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Attorney's Office</h1> <img src="PartP/Lawyer.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="480"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> James's attorney lets you know that, while James's family has money, James only gets a 'modest' allowance from his parents while he is in school. He would certainly pay his child support obligations, but it would be quite minimal until James finished his undergraduate degree and his MBA after that. In a slightly quieter tone he adds, "And given what I know about James, that might take longer than usual.". <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "But there is another option I think you should consider," he tells you. "You and James are both so young, and just beginning your lives. It would be a shame to spoil your future with a child neither of you are ready for...". You cut him off to tell him you have no plans for an abortion. "No, no, I'm sorry for any confusion. That's not what I mean at all. I'm referring to adoption," you relax in your chair again as he continues. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I have a number of clients. Wealthy clients... That would be interested in adopting your child. They would, of course, cover all of your pregnancy-related expenses: medical expenses, clothing, housing, and transportation." They estimate that $25,000 should cover everything. When you let him know that most of that is being covered by the X-Change people already he tells you, "If another party is paying those expenes for you, that would be between you and them. Any money from my clients that you didn't spend during the pregnancy would be yours to keep afterwards. Of course, you shouldn't construe this as an offer of cash in exchange for choosing adoption." (You sense, however, that that's exactly what it is.) "Please consider it, and let me know." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You spend the next several days considering his offer. You think about the responsibility of raising a child, essentially on your own since while James might pitch in some money, he's certainly not going to help with parenting. Then you think of what kind of life your child would have with you, a poor college student, or with some rich couple. You tell yourself it would be selfish of you to keep the child. You make an appointment to meet with the lawyer again, and let him know that you [[agree with his adoption proposal|Part7James3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your Room</h1> <video src="PartP/Lawyer2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<set $JamesBribe to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you signed the paperwork, the attorney gives you a check for $3000 to cover pre-natal visits and maternity clothing and any other things you might need early on. Of course, you don't need any maternity clothes just yet, and the X-Change company is paying for the doctor visits. Seeing the balance in your account, you can't resist buying a few things today though. You have a bit of fun modeling them for $Mentor. [[You put off packing for your trip home until tomorrow.|Part7Pack1]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> <</nobr>> <<unset $StatedFather>> <<include [[Part7Breakup]]>> <<if !$NotUnknown>> <<nobr>> You and $PregnancyCheck.claimedFather have had some fun before, but you don't really want him involved in this. You aren't even completely positive about what you are going to do when the baby is born yet. Whatever you decide you want it to be your decision. You don't want him being a problem if you decide to put the baby up for adoption, and you certainly don't want to have to deal with $PregnancyCheck.claimedFather for the rest of your life if you decide to keep the baby. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's not like the two of you were exclusive anyway, so he won't have any reason to dobut you when you tell him he's not the father. You expect he'll probably be more relieved than anything. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know you’ll be on your own with this pregnancy, and the thought is overwhelming you a bit. You need to take your mind off the stress of learning all this today. <</nobr>> <img src="Part7/Preg10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> Maybe you decide to enjoy that you can have zero-risk sex (since what more could happen now), or maybe you stay home for a nice hot bath. Either way, it only takes your mind off things for a bit. Soon you are back to where you were a few hours before, trying to imagine all the ways your life is about to change. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You decide that you don’t want to share the news with anyone else just yet. It’ll be obvious enough to everyone later. You’ll probably tell your mentor after the holiday, but for now it’s your secret. <</nobr>> [[You put off packing for your trip home until tomorrow.|Part7Pack1]] <</if>><<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> When Veronica finds out you are pregnant, she breaks up with you for cheating on her. Now you won't have her help, or the father's. <<set setup.breakupWith('Veronica')>> <br><br> <<elseif setup.areDating('Aaron') and $StatedFather != 'Aaron'>> <<set $NotUnknown to 1>> You are in tears as you tell Daddy that you are pregnant and that he might not be the father, that you might have already been pregnant when the two of you got together. Daddy holds you in his arms and comforts you. He tells you that it doesn't matter who the baby's father really is, if you decide to keep it, then you and Daddy will [[raise the baby together|Part7Aaron]]. And if you decide on adoption, he'll help you through the next nine months. <<elseif $dating.length > 0 and !setup.areDating($StatedFather)>> When you tell $dating[0] you are pregnant, and that he is NOT the father, he's devastated that you've been cheating on him. <<if $dating[0] == 'Paul'>> As if he's one to talk! <<set $JobOfficeIntern to 1>> <<set $JobOfficePA to 0>> <</if>> Whatever there was between the two of you is over now. You wonder if maybe telling him he was the father would have been better. But it's too late now. <<set setup.breakupWith($dating[0])>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> <img src="Part7/Preg10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<unset $StatedFather>> <<include [[Part7Breakup]]>> <<if !$NotUnknown>> <<nobr>> You know you’ll be on your own with this pregnancy, and the thought is overwhelming you a bit. You need to take your mind off the stress of learning all this today. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Maybe you decide to enjoy that you can have zero-risk sex (since what more could happen now), or maybe you stay home for a nice hot bath. Either way, it only takes your mind off things for a bit. Soon you are back to where you were a few hours before, trying to imagine all the way your life is about to change. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You decide that you don’t want to share the news with anyone else just yet. It’ll be obvious enough to everyone later. You’ll probably tell your mentor after the holiday, but for now it’s your secret. <</nobr>> [[You put off packing for your trip home until tomorrow.|Part7Pack1]] <</if>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Andrew’s Parents">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Andrew’s parents seem very nice and seem to like you. His father seems happy that Andrew has “finally settled down with a nice, respectable, young woman”. You think his mom has noticed that you never take a sip of your wine, but she doesn’t say anything.">> <img src="Part7/Preg5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "His dad also promotes him to a position at the corporate office. You suspect this is at least in part to make it so that he isn’t both your boyfriend and your boss to avoid HR issues.">> <<print "As you say goodbye to his parents you can’t help but wonder if you’ll be obviously pregnant the next time you meet them, and how they will react.">> <<print "You and Andrew decide that you should move in with him after the holiday. You want to be close to each other, and he’ll be able to help later when you need it. You’re sure his dad can pull some strings if the university complains about the dorm requirement.">> [[You can start packing for your winter holiday.|Part7Pack1]]<<nobr>> <<set $PlayerMoney = 0>> <<set $PlayerMoneySet = 1>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> Before you leave for home, you check how much money you have left. You know you won’t be getting paid again until after New Years. You have a credit card now though, so you can spend more if you need to, but you want to avoid doing that... again. <</nobr>> <img src="Part8/Start1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> <<if $ProfessorAllowance>><<set $PlayerMoney += 500>><<print "You have saved $500 from your Daddy's allowance.">><br><</if>> <<if $JobEngineer>><<set $PlayerMoney += 700>><<print "You have saved $700 from working as an engineer.">><br><</if>> <<if $JobOfficePA or $JobOfficeManager or $JobOfficeIntern>><<set $PlayerMoney += 700>><<print "You have saved $700 from working at the office.">><br><</if>> <<if $JobCallGirl>><<set $PlayerMoney += 1000>><<print "You have saved $1000 from working as a call girl.">><br><</if>> <<if $JobWebModel>><<set $PlayerMoney += 500>><<print "You have saved $500 from working as a web model.">><br><</if>> <<if $JobPornOral or $JobPornAnal or $JobPorn or $JobPornGang>><<set $PlayerMoney += 1000>><<print "You have saved $1000 from working as a porn actress.">><br><</if>> <<if !$ProfessorAllowance and !$JobEngineer and !$JobOfficePA and !$JobOfficeManager and !$JobOfficeIntern and !$JobCallGirl and !$JobWebModel and !$JobPornOral and !$JobPornAnal and !$JobPorn and !$JobPornGang>><<set $PlayerMoney += 500>><<print "You have saved $500 from working at your job.">><br><</if>> <<if $SpecialProjectMoney>><<set $PlayerMoney += ($SpecialProjectMoney / 2)>>You have $<<print $SpecialProjectMoney / 2>> left of the 'Special Project' money you received.<br><</if>> <<if $JobCallGirlSide>><<set $PlayerMoney += 500>><<print " You have also saved $500 from occasionally working as a call girl.">><br><</if>> <<if $JobWebModelSide>><<set $PlayerMoney += 300>><<print " You have also saved $300 from occasionally working as a web model.">><br><</if>> <<if $JobPornOralSide or $JobPornAnalSide or $JobPornSide or $JobPornGangSide>><<set $PlayerMoney += 500>><<print " You have also saved $500 from occasionally working as a porn actress.">><br><</if>> <<if $PaulPregnancyMoney>><<set $PlayerMoney += 500>><<print " You have an additional $500 from your former boss, Paul, to keep quiet about your pregnancy.">><br><</if>> <<if $BarryBribe>><<set $PlayerMoney += 1900>><<print " You have $1900 left from what Barry paid you to get an abortion.">><br><</if>> <<if $JamesBribe>><<set $PlayerMoney += 2800>><<print " You have $2800 left from what the attorney gave you to cover 'first trimester expenses'.">><br><</if>> <<print "In total, you have $">>$PlayerMoney<<print " saved.">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $Keyholder == 'Veronica'>> [[You ask Veronica about your chastity belt.|Part8StartChastity]] <<else>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $Keyholder == 'Robert'>> [[You give master a call about your chastity belt.|Part8StartChastity]] <<else>> [[Start driving home.|Part8Start2]] <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$PlayerChastityBelt>> (Or you can [[skip past|Part8ChristmasSkip]] the holiday break) <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if setup.haveInventory('underwear', 'sexy underwear')>> <<set setup.addInventory('underwear', 'erotic underwear')>> <<else>> <<set setup.addInventory('underwear', 'sexy underwear')>> <</if>> <<if $dating.length and $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'remote vibrator')>> <</if>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> <<include [[Part8ChristmasSkipMinistry]]>> <<elseif $KidnapEscape>> <<include [[Part8ChristmasSkipKidnapEscape]]>> <<elseif $dating.length>> <<include [[Part8ChristmasSkipDating]]>> <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<include [[Part8ChristmasSkipChastity]]>> <<elseif setup.sexMaleCount() == 0 and !$PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> <<include [[Part8ChristmasSkipLesbian]]>> <<elseif $PlayerMenstruation or $PlayerAbortion>> <<include [[Part8ChristmasSkipRide]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part8ChristmasSkipDrive]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>There and back again</h1> <table> <tr><td style="vertical-align:center"> <<if $PlayerMenstruation or $PlayerAbortion>> <<set $CarBrad = 1>> <img src="Part8/Start4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> You got started packing a bit late and left late too. When you discovered your flat tire, it was too late to get it fixed. Thankfully your friend Brad was willing to give you a ride home. <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Brad'})>> <<set $PlayerMoney -= 150>> You figured you should give him something for your share of gas each way. But then you figured there was something you could give him that he'd enjoy more that $50. <video src="Part8/Road3.webm" autoplay loop muted height="300"></video> <br><br> You know you'll be paying to get your tire fixed later, so there was no reason to spend another $100, especially when this way is more fun for both of you. When you get back to school, it ends up being $150 to get your tire fixed. It was almost another $300, but thankfully you were able to 'work something out' with the mechanic, and keep it at just the $150 for the tire. <<else>> <img src="Part8/Road8.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <br> Thankfully you got an early start on your trip home, because you came out to find your tire flat. It cost $150 to get it fixed. Then, in your hurry to get home on time after the delay, you get pulled over for speeding. When the officer arrests you, he discovers your chastity belt. <br><br> Back at the jail, while inspecting your belt they discover how wet and horny you are. You end up eagerly sucking nearly every cock in the department before they let you go. But they decide to drop the ticket at least. <br> <img src="Part8/Road9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> <<set $PlayerMoney -= 100>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Police Officer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Police Officer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Police Officer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Police Officer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Police Officer', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Police Officer', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Police Officer', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Police Officer', repeat:true})>> <<achievement>>train<</achievement>> <</if>> </td></tr> <tr><td> <br> You have fun shopping with your sister Cassie at the mall. It's even more exciting when guys are hitting on you. You meet up with one of them later. You wish you could get out of your chastity belt, but he doesn't seem to mind that you are only able to suck his cock. </td></tr> <tr><td> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex: 'male', name: 'Cody'})>> <<set $PlayerMoney -= 150>> <video src="Part8/Evening11.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> </td></tr> <tr><td> <img src="Part8/Christmas1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"> <img src="Part8/Uncle4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"> </td></tr> <tr><td> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex: 'male', name: 'Mike'})>> <img src="Part8/Christmas6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <br><br> <br><br> Presents with your family was nice. Your brother was a bit weird about your change, but your mom and sister were wonderful. You decided to avoid dealing with your grandfather's reaction to your change by skipping the big family meal and watching the game at your ex-uncle's house instead. <br><br> That turned out to be much more exciting that you had expected after your uncle discovers your chastity belt. You spend most of your time at his house watching the game from a cage, sucking his cock whenever he wants. <br><br> After Christmas, the rest of your visit was nice. Your brother was a bit weird about your change, but your mom and sister were wonderful. </td></tr> <tr><td> <<if $PlayerMenstruation or $PlayerAbortion>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Brad'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Brad'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Mechanic'})>> <video src="Part8/Return3.webm" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <br><br> You and Brad have more fun on the ride back home. Well, Brad had considerably more fun, but it did make the trip seem much shorter for you too. <br><br> But you are glad to be [[back at school|Part8Return8]]. <<else>> Your return trip is much less eventful, and before you know it you are [[back at school|Part8Return8]]. <</if>> </td></tr> </table> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>There and back again</h1> <table> <tr><td style="vertical-align:center"> <img src="Part8/Start4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> <<if ($PlayerMenstruation or $PlayerAbortion)>> <<set $CarBrad = 1>> <<set $PlayerMoney -= 50>> <<if $DadShoppingMoney>> <<set setup.addInventory('tools', 'expensive makeup')>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerMoney -= 150>> <</if>> <<if $PlayerMoney < 50 and $DadShoppingMoney>> <<set $PlayerMoney to 50>> <</if>> <<set $PlayerMoney -= 50>> You got started packing a bit late and left late too. When you discovered your flat tire, it was too late to get it fixed. Thankfully your friend Brad was willing to give you a ride home. You ended up giving him $50 for gas each way. <br><br> You also had to pay another $450 to get your car fixed when you came home. <<set $PlayerMoney -= 450>> <<if $PlayerMoney < 0>> <<set $PlayerMoney -= 50>> Plus another $50 in fees from the cash advance you had to take out on your credit card. <</if>> <img src="Part8/Road1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="250"> <<else>> <br><br> Thankfully you got an early start on your trip home, because you came out to find your tire flat. It cost $150 to get it fixed. Then, in your hurry to get home on time after the delay, you get pulled over for speeding. But when the thought of being in handcuffs and in jail triggers memories of your recent kidnapping, the officer decides to let you off with a warning. <<set $PlayerMoney -= 150>> <<set $PlayerMoney -= 100>> <<set $PlayerMoney -= 350>> <</if>> </td></tr> <tr><td> <<if !$DadShoppingMoney>> <<set $PlayerMoney -= 150>> <</if>> <<if $PlayerMoney < 50 and $DadShoppingMoney>> <<set $PlayerMoney to 50>> <</if>> <img src="Part8/Mall1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <<if !$DadShoppingMoney>> <br><br> <<if $PlayerMenstruation or $PlayerAbortion>> Maybe you shouldn't have spend that money at the mall shopping with your sister. <<else>> You probably shouldn't have spent the $150 with your sister at the mall. <</if>> But it was so much fun being able to shop as a girl now, and having her there to help. She even did her best to divert the attention of some guys that were hitting on you when she saw it was making you uncomfortable. <br> <</if>> </td></tr> <tr><td> <img src="Part8/Christmas1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"> <img src="Part8/Christmas5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"> </td></tr> <tr><td> <img src="Part8/Christmas6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <br><br> <br><br> The rest of the visit was nice. Your brother was a bit weird about your change, but your mom and sister were wonderful. After a long talk with your sister about what happened to you, you feel better. Hopefully you'll be able to move on now that you are [[back at school|Part8Return8]]. </td></tr> </table> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>There and back again</h1> <table> <tr><td style="vertical-align:center"> <img src="Part8/Start4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> <<if $PlayerMenstruation or $PlayerAbortion>> <<set $CarBrad = 1>> You got started packing a bit late and left late too. When you discovered your flat tire, it was too late to get it fixed. Thankfully your friend Brad was willing to give you a ride home. <<set $PlayerMoney -= 50>> <<set $PlayerMoney -= 50>> <<set $PlayerMoney -= 450>> You ended up giving him $50 for gas each way. <br><br> You also had to pay another $450 to get your car fixed when you came home. <<if $PlayerMoney < 0>> <<set $PlayerMoney -= 50>> Plus another $50 in fees from the cash advance you had to take out on your credit card. <</if>> <img src="Part8/Road1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="250"> <<else>> Thankfully you got an early start on your trip home, because you came out to find your tire flat. It cost $150 to get it fixed. Then, in your hurry to get home on time after the delay, you ended up getting a speeding ticket and arrested! <img src="Part8/Jail.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="250"> <<set $PlayerMoney -= 150>> <<set $PlayerMoney -= 350>> <</if>> </td></tr> <tr><td> <<if $DadShoppingMoney>> <<set setup.addInventory('tools', 'expensive makeup')>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerMoney -= 150>> <</if>> <<if $PlayerMoney < 50 and $DadShoppingMoney>> <<set $PlayerMoney to 50>> <</if>> <img src="Part8/Mall1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <<if !$DadShoppingMoney>> <br><br> <<if $PlayerMenstruation or $PlayerAbortion>> Maybe you shouldn't have spend that money at the mall shopping with your sister. <<else>> You probably shouldn't have spent the $150 with your sister at the mall. <</if>> But it was so much fun being able to shop as a girl now, and having her there to help. It was also fun having guys hit on you at the mall, even if you did tell him you weren't interested. <br> <</if>> <img src="Part8/Mall3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"> </td></tr> <tr><td> <img src="Part8/Christmas1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"> <img src="Part8/Uncle3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"> </td></tr> <tr><td> <<set $UncleChair = 1>> <img src="Part8/Christmas6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <br><br> <br><br> Presents with your family was nice. Your brother was a bit weird about your change, but your mom and sister were wonderful. You decided to avoid dealing with your grandfather's reaction to your change by skipping the big family meal and watching the game at your ex-uncle's house instead. <br><br> That turned out to be much more exciting that you had expected. It could have been even more exciting, but you stopped Mike, letting him know you wanted to stay faithful to $dating[0]. You watched the rest of the game from his "Time-out" Chair. You don't remember a single play from the game. <br><br> The rest of the visit was nice. Your brother was a bit weird about your change, but your mom and sister were wonderful. But you are glad to be [[back at school|Part8Return8]] and back with $dating[0]. </td></tr> </table> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>There and back again</h1> <table> <tr><td style="vertical-align:center"> <img src="Part8/Start4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> <<if $PlayerMenstruation or $PlayerAbortion>> <<set $CarBrad = 1>> <<set $PlayerMoney -= 50>> <<if $DadShoppingMoney>> <<set setup.addInventory('tools', 'expensive makeup')>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerMoney -= 150>> <</if>> <<if $PlayerMoney < 50 and $DadShoppingMoney>> <<set $PlayerMoney to 50>> <</if>> <<set $PlayerMoney -= 50>> You got started packing a bit late and left late too. When you discovered your flat tire, it was too late to get it fixed. Thankfully your friend Brad was willing to give you a ride home. You ended up giving him $50 for gas each way. <br><br> You also had to pay another $450 to get your car fixed when you came home. <<set $PlayerMoney -= 450>> <<if $PlayerMoney < 0>> <<set $PlayerMoney -= 50>> Plus another $50 in fees from the cash advance you had to take out on your credit card. <</if>> <img src="Part8/Road1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="250"> <<else>> Thankfully you got an early start on your trip home, because you came out to find your tire flat. It cost $150 to get it fixed. Then, in your hurry to get home on time after the delay, you ended up getting a speeding ticket and arrested! <img src="Part8/Jail.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="250"> <<set $PlayerMoney -= 150>> <<if $PlayerMoney < 50 and $DadShoppingMoney>> <<set $PlayerMoney to 50>> <</if>> <<set $PlayerMoney -= 350>> <</if>> </td></tr> <tr><td> <img src="Part8/Mall1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <<if !$DadShoppingMoney>> <<set $PlayerMoney -= 150>> <br><br> <<if $PlayerMenstruation or $PlayerAbortion>> Maybe you shouldn't have spend that money at the mall shopping with your sister. <<else>> You probably shouldn't have spent the $150 with your sister at the mall. <</if>> But it was so much fun being able to shop as a girl now, and having her there to help. It was also fun having guys hit on you at the mall, even if you did tell him you weren't interested. <</if>> <br> <img src="Part8/Mall3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"> </td></tr> <tr><td> <img src="Part8/Christmas1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"> <img src="Part8/Christmas5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"> </td></tr> <tr><td> <img src="Part8/Christmas6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <br><br> <br><br> The rest of the visit was nice. Your brother was a bit weird about your change, but your mom and sister were wonderful. But you are glad to be [[back at school|Part8Return8]]. </td></tr> </table> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>There and back again</h1> <table> <tr><td style="vertical-align:center"> <img src="Part8/Start4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> <<if $PlayerMenstruation or $PlayerAbortion>> <<set $CarBrad = 1>> <<set $PlayerMoney -= 50>> <<set $PlayerMoney -= 150>> <<set $PlayerMoney -= 50>> You got started packing a bit late and left late too. When you discovered your flat tire, it was too late to get it fixed. Thankfully your friend Brad was willing to give you a ride home. You ended up giving him $50 for gas each way. <br><br> You also had to pay another $450 to get your car fixed when you came home. <<set $PlayerMoney -= 450>> <<if $PlayerMoney < 0>> <<set $PlayerMoney -= 50>> Plus another $50 in fees from the cash advance you had to take out on your credit card. <</if>> <img src="Part8/Road1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="250"> <<else>> Thankfully you got an early start on your trip home, because you came out to find your tire flat. It cost $150 to get it fixed. Then, in your hurry to get home on time after the delay, you ended up getting a speeding ticket and arrested! <img src="Part8/Jail.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="250"> <<set $PlayerMoney -= 150>> <<set $PlayerMoney -= 350>> <</if>> </td></tr> <tr><td> <<if !$CarBrad>> Thankfully once you are home you are able to take your mind off of your ordeal. <</if>> <video src="Part8/Home9.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="350"></video> </td></tr> <tr><td> <<set $PlayerMoney -= 150>> <img src="Part8/Mall1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <br><br> <<if $PlayerMenstruation or $PlayerAbortion>> Maybe you shouldn't have spend that money at the mall shopping with your sister. <<else>> You probably shouldn't have spent the $150 with your sister at the mall. <</if>> But it was so much fun being able to shop as a girl now, and having her there to help. It was also fun having guys hit on you at the mall, even if you did tell him you weren't interested. <br> <img src="Part8/Mall3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"> </td></tr> <tr><td> You certainly don't need some guy to help you take care of your needs. <video src="Part8/Evening14.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="350"></video> </td></tr> <tr><td> <img src="Part8/Christmas1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"> <img src="Part8/Christmas5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"> </td></tr> <tr><td> <img src="Part8/Christmas6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <br><br> <br><br> The rest of the visit was nice. Your brother was a bit weird about your change, but your mom and sister were wonderful. But you are glad to be [[back at school|Part8Return8]]. </td></tr> </table> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $CarBrad = 1>> <h1>There and back again</h1> <table> <tr><td style="vertical-align:center"> <img src="Part8/Start4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> You got started packing a bit late and left late too. When you discovered your flat tire, it was too late to get it fixed. Thankfully your friend Brad was willing to give you a ride home. <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Brad'})>> <<set $PlayerMoney -= 150>> You figured you should give him something for your share of gas each way. But then you figured there was something you could give him that he'd enjoy more that $50. <video src="Part8/Road3.webm" autoplay loop muted height="300"></video> <br><br> You know you'll be paying to get your tire fixed later, so there was no reason to spend another $100, especially when this way is more fun for both of you. When you get back to school, it ends up being $150 to get your tire fixed. It was almost another $300, but thankfully you were able to 'work something out' with the mechanic, and keep it at just the $150 for the tire. </td></tr> <tr><td> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Cody'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Cody', vaginal: true, birthControlOverride:'cycle'})>> <<if $DadShoppingMoney>> <<set setup.addInventory('tools', 'expensive makeup')>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerMoney -= 150>> <</if>> <<if $PlayerMoney < 50 and $DadShoppingMoney>> <<set $PlayerMoney to 50>> <</if>> <img src="Part8/Mall1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <<if !$DadShoppingMoney>> <br><br> Maybe you shouldn't have spend that money at the mall shopping with your sister. But it was so much fun being able to shop as a girl now, and having her there to help. It was also fun having guys hit on you at the mall, especially that cute guy Cody you hooked up with later. <br> <</if>> <video src="Part8/Evening12.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="300"></video> </td></tr> <tr><td> <img src="Part8/Christmas1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"> <img src="Part8/Uncle6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"> </td></tr> <tr><td> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Mike', vaginal: true, birthControlOverride:'cycle'})>> <img src="Part8/Christmas6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <br><br> <br><br> Presents with your family was nice. Your brother was a bit weird about your change, but your mom and sister were wonderful. You decided to avoid dealing with your grandfather's reaction to your change by skipping the big family meal and watching the game at your ex-uncle's house instead. <br><br> That turned out to be much more exciting that you had expected. <br><br> The rest of the visit was nice. Your brother was a bit weird about your change, but your mom and sister were wonderful. </td></tr> <tr><td> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Brad', vaginal: true, birthControlOverride:'cycle'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Mechanic'})>> <img src="Part8/Return5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300" align="left"> <br><br> <br><br> Your ride back with Brad was even more fun the ride to your parents. <br><br> But you are glad to be [[back at school|Part8Return8]]. </td></tr> </table> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>There and back again</h1> <table> <tr><td style="vertical-align:center"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Police Officer', vaginal: true, birthControlOverride:'cycle'})>> <<set $PlayerMoney -= 150>> <img src="Part8/Start4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> Thankfully you got an early start on your trip home, because you came out to find your tire flat. It cost $150 to get it fixed. Then, in your hurry to get home on time after the delay, you ended up getting pulled over for speeding. Luckily you and the officer were able to work something out so you didn't get a ticket. <video src="Part8/Road5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="300"></video> </td></tr> <tr><td> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Cody'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Cody', vaginal: true, birthControlOverride:'cycle'})>> <<if $DadShoppingMoney>> <<set setup.addInventory('tools', 'expensive makeup')>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerMoney -= 150>> <</if>> <<if $PlayerMoney < 50 and $DadShoppingMoney>> <<set $PlayerMoney to 50>> <</if>> <img src="Part8/Mall1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <<if !$DadShoppingMoney>> <br><br> Maybe you shouldn't have spend that money at the mall shopping with your sister. But it was so much fun being able to shop as a girl now, and having her there to help. It was also fun having guys hit on you at the mall, especially that cute guy Cody you hooked up with later. <br> <</if>> <video src="Part8/Evening12.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="300"></video> </td></tr> <tr><td> <img src="Part8/Christmas1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"> <img src="Part8/Uncle6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"> </td></tr> <tr><td> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Mike', vaginal: true, birthControlOverride:'cycle'})>> <img src="Part8/Christmas6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <br><br><br> Presents with your family was nice. Your brother was a bit weird about your change, but your mom and sister were wonderful. You decided to avoid dealing with your grandfather's reaction to your change by skipping the big family meal and watching the game at your ex-uncle's house instead. <br><br> That turned out to be much more exciting that you had expected. <br><br> The rest of the visit was nice. Your brother was a bit weird about your change, but your mom and sister were wonderful. <br><br> Your ride back was pretty uneventful, but you are glad to finally be [[back at school|Part8Return8]]. </td></tr> </table> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Cassie'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Cassie'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Cassie'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Cassie'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Cassie'})>> <h1><<print "Cassie's Bedroom">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You’ve definitely become closer to your sister; you both had plenty of chances to spend time together your last few days in town.">> <video src="Part8/Christmas7.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<print "Cassie figured out that attaching a strapon to you chastity belt will at least make your time together more diversified. And you do enjoy the feeling of having her moan and squirm under you.">> <<else>> <<if setup.isGoldStarLesbian()>> <<print "Cassie even bought a strapon to show you what you are missing out on by not having sex with guys, and you can't help it but moan and squirm under her.">> <<else>> <<print "Cassie even bought a strapon to make your time together even more enjoyable, and you can't help it but moan and squirm under her.">> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<print "Eventually, it is time to ">>[[leave home and return to campus|Part8ChristmasReturn]]<<nobr>> <h1> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> <<print "Cafe">> <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<print "Living Room">> <<else>> <<print "Bathroom">> <</if>> </h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You’ve definitely become closer to your brother; you both had plenty of chances to spend time together your last few days in town.">> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>><br><video src="Part8/Christmas8.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video><br><<else>><<if $PlayerChastityBelt>><img src="Part8/Christmas10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"><<else>><br><video src="Part8/Christmas9.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video><br><</if>><</if>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> <<print "You especially enjoyed teasing him even more by flashing him whenever he least expects it.">> <<else>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<print "As there wasn't much you could do with him, you started figuring out more ways to mess with him around the house, often leaving your clothes only a bit revealing and prettending that you don't notice.">> <<else>> <<print "You started figuring out more ways to mess with him around the house, such as leaving the bathroom door open when you shower and waiting for him to come in accidentally.">> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<print "The night before you leave you decide to give Dylan another reward for all the teasing he had to endure.">> <<print "Eventually, it is time to ">>[[leave home and return to campus|Part8ChristmasReturn]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Restaurant">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You had a couple of lunchs date with Cody, followed by afternoons back at his apartment.">> <<print "He knows this was just a bit of holiday fun, but he looks forward to the possibility of a call next time you are back in town.">> <img src="Part8/Christmas11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640"> <<print "You made sure that he also has something more to remember him of you.">> <<print "Eventually, it is time to ">>[[leave home and return to campus|Part8ChristmasReturn]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Uncle Mike’s Playroom">></h1> <<if setup.haveFuckedVaginal('Mike')>> <<print "You made another visit to your uncle’s house. This time you spent nearly the entire day in the ‘playroom’.">> <<else>> <<print "You made another visit to your uncle’s house. This time you spent nearly the entire day bound somewhere else in his house.">> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<if setup.haveFuckedVaginal('Mike')>><img src="Part8/Christmas12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"><<else>><br><video src="Part8/Christmas13.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video><br><</if>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.haveFuckedVaginal('Mike')>> <<print "He tied you to a chair, blindfolded, and started fucking you stopping just before you orgasmed. And then he left you there to wait and cool down, before starting all over again.">> <<else>> <<print "He seemed much nicer this time and at gave you some sexy latex clothes to wear, but as he started using you this quickly changed.">> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.haveFuckedVaginal('Mike')>> <<print "Eventually you started beggin for him to let you cum, louder each time; except he didn't. After what felt like hours of going insane, he finally allowed you to cum, in what felt like one of the strongest orgasms of your life.">> <<else>> <<print "He called you a naughty girl and all sorts of things. All you could do was sit there looking around with a gaping mouth. You squirmed and shifted, only getting wetter as time went on.">> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !setup.haveFucked('Cassie') and !setup.haveFucked('Dylan') and !setup.haveFucked('Cody')>> <<print "At the end of the day ">>[[you return home,|Part8ChristmasReturn]]<<print " feeling completely euphoric. ">> <<else>> <<print "At the end of the day you return home, feeling completely euphoric. ">> <<if setup.haveFucked('Cassie')>><br>[[You spend most of the remaining holiday time with Cassie.|Part8ChristmasSister]]<</if>> <<if setup.haveFucked('Dylan')>><br>[[You spend most of the remaining holiday time with Dylan.|Part8ChristmasBrother]]<</if>> <<if setup.haveFucked('Cody')>><br>[[You spend most of the remaining holiday time with Cody.|Part8ChristmasCody]]<</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Road Home">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You start on the long drive home, but you’re just a few miles from campus when you get a flat tire. Changing it is much harder than it used to be, especially getting the lug nuts off, but you get the job done.">> <img src="Part8/Start4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "You don’t feel safe driving all that way on the tiny spare though. You know there’s a service station in the small town near campus, so you head there.">> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerMenstruation or $PlayerAbortion>><<set $CarBrad = 1>> <<print "The cramps you were dealing with all day made you start packing later, and take longer packing. When you get to town, you find the only service station is closed and won’t be open until Monday. ">> [[You have no choice but to go to back on campus.|Part8Road1]] <<else>> <<set $PlayerMoney -= 150>> <<print "You get to the service station shortly before closing. They’re anxious to get home, but they quickly help you get a new tire on your car before they close up. ">> [[You spend $150 and go continue driving home.|Part8Road4]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $Keyholder == 'Veronica'>> <<unset $PlayerChastityBelt>> <</if>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $Keyholder == 'Veronica'>><<print "You are very grateful as she unlocks you and leaves you unbelted for your trip home.">><<set $PlayerChastityBelt = 0>> <<else>><<print "Your request to be unlocked for the trip home was denied. ">><<if !$PlayerProtectionPermanent and !$PlayerProtectionPill and !$PlayerProtectionPerfect>><<print "If you are on your period, Olivia instructs you on using pads and period panties to deal with it, and on using the shower sprayer to clean up.">><</if>><</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $Keyholder == 'Veronica'>> <img src="Part8/Start3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<else>> <img src="Part8/Start2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> [[Start driving home.|Part8Start2]] <</nobr>> <<nobr>> (Or you can [[skip past|Part8ChristmasSkip]] the holiday break) <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $RideBrad = 1>> <h1><<print "Road Home">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You head back to your dorm. You plan on checking online to see if there’s a nearby town with a station open tomorrow. But you run into Brad in the hallway getting ready to leave for home. He lives about an hour past your home town. You know driving you home on his way would just add an extra half hour to his trip.">> <img src="Part8/Road1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "When you explain your predicament, he offers you a ride and you gladly accept. You text your family to let them know you’ll be in late and not to wait up for you ">>[[and head on your way.|Part8Road2]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Road Home">></h1> You try to make up for lost time and drive fast the whole way. Between gas and tolls you spend $100 on your trip. But your speeding eventually gets you pulled over going considerably over the speed limit. <<set $PlayerMoney -= 100>> <img src="Part8/Road4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The officer explains that for someone going as fast as you were, he has to arrest you. But as soon as the judge sets bail you can pay it and be on your way. <<if !$KidnapEscape>>You’ve heard of women crying their way out of a ticket, but you’re pretty sure that won’t help here.<</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $KidnapEscape>> <<set $PlayerMoney -= 150>> <<if $PlayerMoney < 0>><<set $PlayerCredit = 1>><</if>> You start sobbing uncontrollably at the thought of being in handcuffs and then locked in a cell. The officer sees how upset you are, and has been doing this long enough to realize it's not an act. He tells you that he'll put it down as a much lower speeding ticket. You'll be able to the pay $150 online when you get home and he won't need to arrest you at all. You thank him as you try to wipe away your tears. [[You’re careful to stay under the speed limit the rest of your trip.|Part8Home1]] <<elseif $CampusMinistry>> [[You can't believe this is happening to you.|Part8Jail]] <<else>> From the way the officer is looking at you, you suspect that something else might though. <br><br> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> But with your chastity belt, your options are limited. And you suspect a blowjob isn't going to be enough to get you out of this. So [[you'll just have to pay for your crime|Part8JailChastity]]. <<else>> Maybe you can go home right now. Well, soon anyway. You could probably tell the officer you’re really sorry for speeding, [[that you’d do *anything* to make this just go away,|Part8Road5]], and ask if maybe there’s somewhere private you could go to make it up to him for wasting his time like this. [[Or you could just pay for your crime with your wallet instead of your body.|Part8Jail]] <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Road Home">></h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<print "Even though he was going this way anyway, it’s a long drive and you feel guilty not paying your own way.">> <<if !$KidnapEscape and ($PlayerSideEffectPheromones > 2 or $PlayerSideEffectDreams > 3 or $PlayerSideEffectLibido > 2 or $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist > 2 or ( $PlayerSideEffectPheromones > 1 and $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist > 1) or ( $PlayerSideEffectLibido > 1 and $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist > 1) or ( $PlayerSideEffectDreams > 2 and $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist > 1))>> <<print " Sitting in the car so long next to him eventually makes you so excited that you start making your outfit more revealing bit by bit.">> <</if>> <<if !$KidnapEscape and ($PlayerSideEffectPheromones > 2 or $PlayerSideEffectDreams > 3 or $PlayerSideEffectLibido > 2 or $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist > 2 or ( $PlayerSideEffectPheromones > 1 and $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist > 1) or ( $PlayerSideEffectLibido > 1 and $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist > 1) or ( $PlayerSideEffectDreams > 2 and $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist > 1))>> <br><video src="Part8/Road6.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video><br> <<else>> <img src="Part8/Road2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You figure you should probably <<if $KidnapEscape or $CampusMinistry>> <<link [[pay him $50 for part of the gas.|Part8Home1]]>><<set $PlayerMoney -= 50>><</link>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones > 2 or $PlayerSideEffectDreams > 3 or $PlayerSideEffectLibido > 2 or $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist > 2 or ( $PlayerSideEffectPheromones > 1 and $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist > 1) or ( $PlayerSideEffectLibido > 1 and $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist > 1) or ( $PlayerSideEffectDreams > 2 and $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist > 1)>><<print "pay him $50 for part of the gas.">><<else>><<link [[pay him $50 for part of the gas.|Part8Home1]]>><<set $PlayerMoney -= 50>><</link>><</if>> <<print " But then you think, there’s an ">>[[alternative means of payment|Part8Road3]]<<print " that Brad would probably appreciate more. And that might make the ride more fun for both of you.">> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Brad'})>> <h1><<print "Road Home">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "It’s no surprise that Brad loves your idea. You make sure to swallow every drop so you don’t make a mess in his car. The excitement of blowing him while he’s driving really turns you on too.">> <video src="Part8/Road3.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "You think about having him to pull over somewhere to fuck you in the back seat, or even just masturbating as he keeps driving down the interstate.">> <<print "But then you remember your period, and what a mess doing either of those would make in his car. ">>[[So instead you just try to enjoy the drive,|Part8Home1]]<<print " and give Brad a repeat performance a bit later.">><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Home">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You arrive home, but everyone has already gone to sleep. You quietly head up to your old room. You really want to take a shower, but you don’t want to wake anyone up so you decide to take one in the morning instead.">> <img src="Part8/Home1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "You are having trouble sleeping. You are a bit nervous about how your family will react when they see you for the first time. They’ve only seen pictures and videos until now, this is the first time they’ll actually see the new you in person.">> <<if !$CampusMinistry and !$PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock and !$PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock and !$PlayerChastityBelt>>[[You can masturbate|Part8Home2]]<<print " if you think that might help take your mind off it and get to sleep, or you can ">><<else>><<print "You ">><</if>><<print "just toss and turn a while longer, ">>[[but eventually get to sleep.|Part8Home3]]<<nobr>> <h1>Jail Inspection</h1> <img src="Part8/Road8.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The officer notices your chastity belt as soon as he pats you down checking for weapons. As soon as he realizes it's not a weapon you are hiding, he's very curious about it. "Well, what do we have here?" When you are too embarrassed to talk he says, "You can be shy if you like, we'll get a good look back at the station." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He calls all the other officers over to see as you are ordered to strip. Well, as far as you can. At first they don't believe you that you don't have the key. They search your purse looking for it. When they find the leather collar <<if $Mentor == 'Olivia'>> Olivia had loaned you to play with over the summer, <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Barry')>> Barry had left on your bed the last time you'd been together, <<else>> you'd left in there, <</if>> they use it to chain you to the wall while they keep looking. You think they normally would have used your cuffs for that, but that they are having too much fun humiliating you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When they are convinced you really don't have the key they tease you some more. "Are you that big of a slut, that your boyfriend has to lock you in that to keep you under control," one of them says. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "She hasn't said much. Maybe she put the key in her mouth when you pulled her over," one of the officers suggests. "Or maybe there's a pocket hidden in the belt somewhere." With you still bound to the wall, they decide to thoroughly check both possibilities. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral>> As the officers latex-gloved finger slides into your mouth to probe for the key, your instincts take over. Your lips wrap around it and begin their familiar motions on it before you even realize it. "No, I think you were right the first time, she's locked in this because of what a slut she is, and she doesn't have the key. But I don't think it matters anyway. I think she'd be thrilled if we let her have an hour or two of [[community service|Part8JailChastity2]] instead of a night in jail." You nod enthusiastically, with your lips still wrapped around his latex-covered finger. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive or $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist or $PlayerSideEffectLibido or $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> After one of the officers probes your mouth with a latex-gloved finger and finds nothing, he then moves down to your belt checking for hidden releases or anywhere a key could be hidden. When he checks the underside of your belt he sees how much you are leaking through the panel covering your lips. You can't help how horny <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive or $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist or $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> being bound and displayed like this, and surrounded by all of these men, makes you. <<else>> you always are. <</if>> <br><br> As he pulls a thin thread of your juices away from your belt with his gloved finger to show his coworkers, he laughs. "No, I think you were right the first time, she's locked in this because of what a slut she is, and she doesn't have the key. But I don't think it matters anyway. I think she'd be thrilled if we let her have an hour or two of [[community service|Part8JailChastity2]] instead of a night in jail." You nod enthusiastically, only wishing they could have found a key so you mouth wasn't the only thing they could fill. <<else>> After one of the officers probes your mouth with a latex-gloved finger and finds nothing, he then moves down to your belt checking for hidden releases or anywhere a key could be hidden. He finds nothing, of course. "No, I think you were right the first time, she's locked in this because of what a slut she is, and she doesn't have the key." <br><br> "Well, I guess it'll be fine. She's going to [[be in a cell by herself|Part8Jail]] anyway. How much trouble could she get into in one night?" <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Community Service</h1> <img src="Part8/Road9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Police Officer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Police Officer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Police Officer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Police Officer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Police Officer', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Police Officer', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Police Officer', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Police Officer', repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As soon as they remove the collar from your neck you drop to your knees, eager for the first cock. When they see how much you love it with your hands still cuffed behind your back, they leave them like that. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You work your way through all four of the officers at the jail. By then the first one is ready for another. After you give each of them another blowjob, they let you know your 'community service' is complete, and unlock your handcuffs. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You still feel the familiar need beneath your belt, but you decide this was far more fun than a night in jail. And cleaning a bit of cum off your top is something you've gotten used to by now. Even if it stains, a new blouse costs much less than the $300 you would have had to pay if they hadn't tore up the ticket for you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After one of them takes you back to your car, [[you’re careful to stay under the speed limit the rest of your trip.|Part8Home1]] <</nobr>> <<achievement>>train<</achievement>><<nobr>> <<set $PlayerMoney -= 300>> <<if $PlayerMoney < 0>><<set $PlayerCredit = 1>><</if>> <h1><<print "Jail Cell">></h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> After they've finished humiliating you and inspecting your belt, they remove the collar and cuffs and let you dress yourself before they finish processing you. <<else>> You’re cuffed and placed in the back of the police car and taken to the station. <</if>> By the time you’re processed, they say it’s too late in the evening to call the judge. You’ll have to stay overnight and they’ll call him in the morning to set your bail. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They let you text your mom, and you tell her you got tired and decided to pull over at a motel for the night. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> Then they confiscate your phone and take you to your cell. <<else>> Then they confiscate your phone. Next they search you, inside and out, before taking you your cell. <</if>> <</nobr>> <img src="Part8/Jail.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> You guess that the jail mainly has male prisoners as you’re the only woman here and you have a cell to yourself. There’s several men in the cells nearby though, and they are quite vocal about exactly what they’d like to do to you. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> The fact that your belt would prevent some of their suggestions somehow doesn't make you feel any better. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you glance over at your ‘bathroom’ and it’s complete absence of privacy, you are regretting all the coffee you drank on your ride. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> You are hoping you'll be able to conceal your belt if you have to use it. You can only imagine the other prisoners' reactions if they see it. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You survive the night. In the morning, the judge sets your bail at $300. You pay it and drive away as just fast as legally allowed. You arrive at home a while later and head straight to the shower [[to try to wash away the experience from your mind.|Part8HomeShower]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Police Officer', vaginal: true, birthControlOverride:'cycle'})>> <h1><<print "Patrol Car">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "He doesn’t answer at first, and you worry you’ve just gotten yourself into even more trouble. But then he has you join him in the front of his squad car and he calls in “10-7” and says he’ll be on dinner break for the next hour. Then he drives you both to a secluded area.">> <<print "You start sucking his cock, hoping that’s all that will be needed. But after a while he has you go to the back seat where he joins you. He doesn’t seem interested in any more foreplay and plunges right into you.">> <video src="Part8/Road5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "You aren’t getting any enjoyment from it, but he clearly is. You figure a little acting on your part will make this be over faster, so you moan and eventually fake an orgasm. It seems to help, or maybe he wasn’t going to last long anyway.">> <<print "He still has plenty of time left to eat his dinner after he drops you back off at your car and you continue on your way. ">>[[You’re careful to stay under the speed limit the rest of your trip.|Part8Home1]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Shower">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Your hot shower feels amazing. You enjoy finally feeling clean again after having crawled under your car yesterday to deal with the tire, plus anything that might have happened after that.">> <img src="Part8/Home5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<if $PlayerMenstruation or $PlayerAbortion>><br><<print "You are happy to see that your period appears to be over now. You aren’t sure if it’s the X-Change, or if you’re just fortunate, but either way you’re glad it’s done for this month.">><br><</if>> [[You wrap a towel around yourself and head over to your room to dress.|Part8HomeMorning1]]<<nobr>> <<set $HomeMasturbate = 1>> <h1><<print "Home">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Once you get started, you forget about your worries about tomorrow.">> <img src="Part8/Home2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "This is certainly not the first time you’ve masturbated in this room, although it feels very strange doing it here in your new body. You make sure to keep form moaning like you normally would be, so no one hears you.">> <<if $PlayerMenstruation or $PlayerAbortion>><<print "You sacrifice an old towel to avoid making a mess from the blood. It turns out not to be quite as messy as you’d worried it might be, and you feel better after your orgasm. You toss the towel in the trash and wash up. ">><</if>>[[After your orgasm, you quickly fall asleep.|Part8Home3]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Dream">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Being back home must be having an effect on you. You dream that you are back in high school. But it’s not like it really was. Everything else looks the same. The classmates and teachers are all the same. But you are in the body you have now, not the one you were actually in back then.">> <img src="Part8/Home3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<if !$KidnapEscape and $PlayerSideEffectDreams>>[[Still in your dream, it’s time for gym class.|Part8Home4]]<<else>><<print "When you wake you realize that the clothes you were wearing were definitely not on the school dress code, but they seemed perfectly normal to you in your dream.">><</if>> <<if $KidnapEscape or !$PlayerSideEffectDreams>><<print "Your dream also makes you wonder later what high school would have really been like if you could have made this change four years earlier.">><</if>> <<if $KidnapEscape or !$PlayerSideEffectDreams>>[[You should take a shower.|Part8HomeShower]]<</if>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Dream">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You change out of your skirt and blouse and into your skin-tight, latex gym outfit.">> <img src="Part8/Home4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "In your dream it seems a perfectly normal thing to wear to gym class. Though you do feel yourself getting aroused from the obvious erections it is causing for the guys in the class. You also notice that you’re the only girl in the class.">> <<print "Today’s activity is wrestling. After your opponent easily pins you, he has you blow him in front of the entire class.">> <<print "Then he tells you to get into position. You get on your hands and knees to wrestle again, but instead he pulls down your shorts. You bite down on your lower lip as you anticipate the feel of his cock inside you.">> <<print "But then you wake up, horny and wet, and wishing for just a few more minutes back in your dream.">> <<print "You realize that the clothes you were wearing were definitely not on the school dress code, but they seemed perfectly normal to you in your dream.">> <<print "Your dream also makes you wonder later what high school would have really been like if you could have made this change four years earlier.">> [[You should take a shower.|Part8HomeShower]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Kitchen">></h1> “Oh my goodness! Let’s take a look at you!”, your mom says when you join them near the kitchen table. They both complement you on your new appearance and pepper you with questions about how you’ve been adjusting, and with more general questions about how school has been going too. After a while she stops with her questions to comment on what a beautiful young woman you’ve become. <</nobr>> <img src="Part8/Home7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> <<if $KidnapEscape>> You're clearly uncomfortable after your sister slaps your ass jokingly and says, “yeah, I bet those college boys are lining up for a piece of that, aren’t they ‘Sis’?”. <<else>> You blush but don’t answer when your sister slaps your ass jokingly and says, “yeah, I bet those college boys are lining up for a piece of that, aren’t they ‘Sis’?”. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $KidnapEscape>> Your mom sees that your sister's teasing has upset you and tells her to stop. She tells your sister, "Clearly this change has been difficult for her. It's a big adjustment. I know you like to tease Cassandra, but give her some time for now before you start." You want to change the subject, so you [[mention that you need to do some shopping.|Part8HomeMall1]] <<else>> “Cassandra Grace!”, your mom yells at Cassie, “Don’t tease your sister.” Then she turns to you and starts with new questions. “But I am wondering though, they said whether you like boys or girls changes sometimes after your body changes. It’s fine either way, I’m just curious I guess. I’m guessing you would have figured out by now...” <br><br> You answer: <br> <<if !setup.areDating('Veronica') and !$MasterKate>> <span id="MorningSpan1"> * <<link "“I’m attracted to men.”">> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#MorningSpan1">> “I’m attracted to men.” <</replace>> <<replace "#MorningSpan2">> <</replace>> <<replace "#MorningSpan3">> <</replace>> <<replace "#MorningSpan4">> Mom: “I guess that’s normal. Most women prefer men after all. <br><br> <<print "Sister: “I’m guessing you’ve already figured out a good man is hard to find, but a hard man is ...”">> <br><br> <<print "Mom: “Cassandra!”">> <br><br> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>>[[Your mom leaves the room for a bit.|Part8HomeMorning3]]<<else>>[[Mention that you need to do some shopping.|Part8HomeMall1]]<</if>> <</replace>> <</link>> </span> <<else>> <span id="MorningSpan1"></span> <</if>> <br> <<if !setup.areDating('Andrew') and !setup.areDating('Josh') and !setup.areDating('Aaron') and !setup.isFWB('Zack') and !setup.areDating('Peter') and !setup.isFWB('James') and !setup.isFWB('Josh') and !setup.areDating('Paul')>> <span id="MorningSpan2"> * <<link "“I’m still attracted to women.”">> <<set $LikeFemales = 1>> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#MorningSpan1">> <</replace>> <<replace "#MorningSpan2">> “I’m still attracted to women.” <</replace>> <<replace "#MorningSpan3">> <</replace>> <<replace "#MorningSpan4">> Mom: “I guess that makes sense. X-Change just changed your body, not the person inside.” <br><br> Sister: “Yep, and she’s still my horny little brother on the inside, right?” <br><br> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>>[[Your mom leaves the room for a bit.|Part8HomeMorning3]]<<else>>[[Mention that you need to do some shopping.|Part8HomeMall1]]<</if>> <</replace>> <</link>> </span> <<else>> <span id="MorningSpan2"></span> <</if>> <br> <span id="MorningSpan3"> * <<link "“I’m attracted to both.”">> <<set $LikeBoth = 1>> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#MorningSpan1">> <<print "">> <</replace>> <<replace "#MorningSpan2">> <<print "">> <</replace>> <<replace "#MorningSpan3">> <<print "“I’m attracted to both.”">> <</replace>> <<replace "#MorningSpan4">> <<print "Mom: “I guess that would make sense. You probably know more than most that it’s who someone is on the inside that matters anyway.”">> <br><br> <<print "Sister: (She holds her hand up for a high five.) “Maybe it’s genetic.”">> <br><br> <<print "Mom: (Looks away nervously, avoiding eye contact)">> <br><br> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>>[[Your mom leaves the room for a bit.|Part8HomeMorning3]]<<else>>[[Mention that you need to do some shopping.|Part8HomeMall1]]<</if>> <</replace>> <</link>> </span> <</if>> <</nobr>> <span id="MorningSpan4"></span><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You put on something casual and get ready to head downstairs. You are still a bit nervous about how your family is going to react, but before you can head down a couple of old friends come by your room to visit.">> <img src="Part8/Home6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "They are a bit confused at first, but you are soon as good of friends as ever.">> <<if $KidnapEscape>>After everything that has happened to you, it's nice to just hold and pet your old friend for a bit and just forget about everything else.<</if>> <<print "After spending a bit of time with them, your confidence is boosted and you head downstairs. You find that your brother, Dylan, won’t be home for a few days and your dad is at work, so just ">>[[your mom and your sister, Cassie, are here now.|Part8HomeMorning2]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Kitchen">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Cassie starts questioning you about the hard metal she felt when she slapped your butt a bit earlier.">> <<print "You reluctantly reveal your belt and explain that your roommate locked it on your shortly after you changed. And that you don’t have the key to it.">> <img src="Part8/Home8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "“So you are on a campus, surrounded by hot men and women, looking as beautiful as you do, and you’re trapped in that thing.”">> <<print "She doubles over laughing. “Come on, you have to admit that’s hilarious. I mean when it’s someone else anyway. I think I’d go insane if someone locked me in one of those.” ">> [[She stops discussing your belt quickly as your mom comes back into the room.|Part8HomeMall1]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Shopping Mall">></h1> <img src="Part8/Mall1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<if !$DadShoppingMoney>> <<set $PlayerMoney -= 200>> <<if $PlayerMoney < 0>><<set $PlayerCredit = 1>><</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you mention that you still need to buy gifts, Cassie excitedly suggests the two of you head to the mall. <<if $DadShoppingMoney>> She's extra excited when your mom gives you the credit card, like your father had promised you he'd do before you left for school. <br><br> Cassie leads you from store to store. You are having fun and your sister seems to really enjoy having a little sister that [[she can shop with now.|Part8HomeMall2]] She really seems to love dressing you up and having you try things on. <<else>> You spend around $200 buying all the gifts you need for everyone. <<if $PlayerCredit>> Maybe you should be more careful about spending on credit, but you still think it was worth it. <</if>> <br><br> But instead of heading home you keep shopping. You’re having fun, and your sister seems to really enjoy having a little sister that [[she can shop with now.|Part8HomeMall2]] She really seems to love dressing you up and having you try things on. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <br><br> Although due to your chastity belt some clothing options don’t work for you, but you still have fun with what you can wear. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Shopping Mall</h1> When your sister takes you to a cosmetics store, you are amazed and overwhelmed at how huge it is and all the different options. You are also shocked at how much everything costs. <<if $DadShoppingMoney>> Though that's not a problem for you today. <<else>> She explores with you though and helps you make a list of what would work well for you, and tells to keep it handy and watch for sales. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part8/Mall2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your mentor taught you the basics with your makeup, but you can see there’s a lot more you can learn too. <<if $DadShoppingMoney>> <<set setup.addInventory('tools', 'expensive makeup')>> Cassie has you sit while one of ladies at the makeup store does your makeup for you. When she's finished you are amazed at how beautiful you look. You buy one of everything she used with your dad's credit card. You only hope you'll be as good at applying it as the woman here was. <br><br> <<if $PlayerMoney < 50>> <<set $PlayerMoney to 50>> You'd told your sister about your money troubles and that you were so glad Dad was letting you use the card. That gave her an idea. "Why don't I buy a few things too with Dad's card. And then I'll pay you what I would have paid the store. Dad's not going to complain about you spending too much here, especially since he knows you're starting from scratch." She seems to have thought this through. You wonder how many times she's done something similar to get money from your father. <br><br> <</if>> You and Cassie then [[head toward the next store.|Part8HomeMall3]] <<else>> The two of you leave the store without buying anything, [[but you save the list on your phone for later.|Part8HomeMall3]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Shopping Mall</h1> As you and Cassie walk from store to store, a cute guy starts flirting with you. <<if $KidnapEscape>> Your sister tries to get you to flirt back at him, but you don't. She decides to flirt back with him instead. <<else>> Even if you wouldn’t normally, your sister’s prodding encourages you to flirt back. <</if>> <</nobr>> <img src="Part8/Mall3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> <<if $KidnapEscape>> You're not sure why, but her flirtiness is annoying you slightly. But seeing the next store she's taking you to, you at least know he [[won't be following you there.|Part8HomeMall4]] <<else>> You are having fun playfully flirting with him. But seeing the next store you are going into, you know he’s not going to follow. [[You flash him a last, teasing smile as you walk in.|Part8HomeMall4]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if !setup.areDating('Aaron') and !$DadShoppingMoney>><<set $PlayerMoney -= 150>><</if>> <<if setup.haveInventory('underwear', 'sexy underwear')>> <<set setup.addInventory('underwear', 'erotic underwear')>> <<else>> <<set setup.addInventory('underwear', 'sexy underwear')>> <</if>> <<if $dating.length>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'remote vibrator')>> <</if>> <h1>Shopping Mall</h1> The cute guy just watches as Cassie and you disappear into the Victoria’s Secret store. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She helps you pick out a <<if $DadShoppingMoney>> bunch of <<else>> few <</if>> things that you both think look <<if $KidnapEscape>>pretty<<else>>sexy<</if>> on you. You also help her find a couple things for herself as well. It’s an odd feeling at first, watching your sister try on lingerie, but it doesn’t take you long to adjust. <</nobr>> <img src="Part8/Mall4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> <<if $DadShoppingMoney>> You put Cassie's and your purchases on your Dad's credit card. <<else>> <<print "You are shocked as your small bag of purchases totals up to $150. (Ok, so maybe it was more than one bag. But you look so <<if $KidnapEscape>>beautiful<<else>>sexy<</if>> in them all, and you just couldn’t decide on just one.) ">> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>> <<print "“Daddy” has given you a credit card to use for purchases just like this, so you use that.">> <<else>> <<if $PlayerMoney < 0>> <<if $PlayerCredit>> <<print "You are already on credit, so spending a bit more wont't hurt, right?">> <<else>> <<set $PlayerCredit = 1>> <<print "Maybe you should be more careful about spending on credit, but you still think it was worth it.">> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<print "When you leave, <<if $KidnapEscape>>Cassie looks around and is a bit disappointed<<else>>you look around and are a bit disappointed <</if>>">> [[to see the cute guy is long gone.|Part8HomeMall5]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Coffee Shop">></h1> <img src="Part8/Mall5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your sister and you stop at the coffee shop near the mall before heading home. While you are there, Cassie points out the guy from earlier, at another table drinking a latte and looking at his phone. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He glances up and sees the two of you looking over at him and comes over to introduce himself. <<if $KidnapEscape>> You head up to the counter to get your mom's drink and to let the two of them be alone for a bit. You sit over at a different table and play on your phone until your sister finally sends him on his way and [[joins you|Part8Home5]]. <<else>> Your sister says she is going back to the counter to pick up a drink for your mom, and invites him to take her seat. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<if !$KidnapEscape>><<print "You have a very pleasant conversation with him. When you have completely finished with your drink, you realize that your sister has been gone quite a while. When you look around the shop, you see her at another table, finished with her drink and holding your mom’s.">><</if>> <<if !$KidnapEscape>><<print "When you tell Cody that your sister is waiting and that you probably need to get going, he says goodbye and asks you for your number.">><</if>> <<if !$KidnapEscape>><<link [[If you give him yours,|Part8Home5]]>><<set $NumberCody = 1>><</link>><<print " Cody gives you his in return. Otherwise, he is disappointed, but gracious when ">>[[you politely decline.|Part8Home5]]<</if>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> That night you think about the day and what a fun time <<if $KidnapEscape>> [[it was.|Part8Text1]] <<else>> it was. But then you think of ways it could have been even more fun. Whichever of the ideas that flood your mind excites you the most, you linger on that one, imagining it in great detail: <</if>> <</nobr>> <<if !$KidnapEscape>><<print "What if you’d gone home with Cody instead of your sister. What would have happened at his house.">><<if $NumberCody>><<print " What if you called him right now and asked to come over now?">><</if>><</if>> <<if !$KidnapEscape and !$CampusMinistry and !$PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock and !$PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock and !$PlayerChastityBelt>><br><video src="Part8/Home9.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video><br><<else>><img src="Part8/Home10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"><</if>> <<if !$KidnapEscape>><<print "You remember that cute shop girl that helped you find a bra that fit. What if she had followed you into the changing booth and helped you in other ways.">><</if>> <<if !$KidnapEscape>><<print "You remember the black lace panties your sister bought today. You wonder if she’s wearing them right now. You wonder if she’s wearing anything else.">><</if>> <<if !$KidnapEscape>><<if !$CampusMinistry and !$PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock and !$PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock and !$PlayerChastityBelt>><<print "Your hand soon finds its way between your legs and you masturbate as you imagine what might have been. ">>[[You go to sleep relaxed and satisfied.|Part8Text1]]<<set $HomeMasturbate = 1>><<else>>[[You go to sleep horny and frustrated, yet again.|Part8Text1]]<</if>><</if>><<nobr>> <h1>Bedroom</h1> You have a lot of time to yourself over the next few days. [[You spend plenty of it on your phone,|Part8Text2]] staying in touch with everyone that matters to you back at school. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part8/Text1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<if $NumberCody>> <br> You text quite a bit with Cody as well. <br> <</if>> <<if $KidnapEscape>> <br> Spending time with family is helping you take your mind off recent events and you are feeling a bit better. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Bedroom</h1> You snap a sexy selfie during the day. <</nobr>> <img src="Part8/Text2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<print "You send your picture to Veronica, and tell her how much you miss her. ">>[[You promise to text more tonight.|Part8Text4]] <<elseif setup.areDating('Andrew')>><<print "You send your picture to Andrew, and tell him how much you miss him. ">>[[You promise to text more tonight.|Part8Text4]] <<elseif setup.areDating('Josh')>><<print "You send your picture to Josh, and tell him how much you miss him. ">>[[You promise to text more tonight.|Part8Text4]] <<elseif setup.areDating('Aaron')>><<print "You send your picture to Daddy, and tell him how much you miss him. ">>[[You promise to text more tonight.|Part8Text4]] <<elseif setup.areDating('Peter')>><<print "You send it to Peter with a teasing message and ">>[[promise more fun tonight.|Part8Text3]] <<elseif $NumberCody>><<link "You send it to Cody.">><<if $PlayerChastityBelt>><<goto [[Part8TextChastity1]]>><<else>><<goto [[Part8Text5]]>><</if>><</link>> <<else>><<print "You just save the picture on your phone and don’t send it to anyone. ">>[[You go to sleep.|Part8Arrival1]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Bedroom</h1> You can’t be there in person to tease him. But you know he’s back at his own parent’s house locked in chastity and thinking of you. Just because he’s hundreds of miles away, that doesn’t mean you can’t still tease him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part8/Text3.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <</nobr>> <<print "You let him know the Christmas spirit has you feeling especially generous. You say that if you were there with him, you might let him out of his chastity to stroke himself to an orgasm. Or even let him fuck you as his Christmas present. Too bad for him, you’re not. (Whether it’s true or not, you still love thinking of his poor little cock, straining against its cage, when you tell him.)">> <<print "You set up your video call and position the phone to give him the perfect view. Once you get yourself good and wet, you pull out the special vibrator you bought. ">>[[As you slide it in,|Part8Text4]]<<print " you tell him to imagine it’s his cock sliding into you. But you also say that he should take his time making you cum. You want this to last a while, not like if it were actually his cock inside you.">><<nobr>> <h1>Bedroom</h1> You nestle the remote-controlled vibrator you brought with you inside you and against your clit. The earbuds in your ear ensure that only you can hear the sounds your would-be lover makes. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<print "Hundreds of miles away, ">> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<print "Veronica">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><<print "Andrew">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><<print "Josh">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><<print "Daddy">><<else>><<if setup.areDating('Peter')>><<print "Peter">><<else>><</if>><</if>> <<print " fires up the app on their phone to control the toy inside you. You feel the vibrator start to slowly twist and throb inside you and the soft (for now) buzz against your clit.">> <</nobr>> <img src="Part8/Text4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<print "Veronica">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><<print "Andrew">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><<print "Josh">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><<print "Daddy">><<else>><<if setup.areDating('Peter')>><<print "Peter">><<else>><</if>><</if>> <<print " continues and watches as you begin to quietly moan and writhe in pleasure.">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<print "With ">> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<print "her other hand she tends to her own pleasure.">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><<print "his other hand he tends to his own pleasure.">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><<print "his other hand he tends to his own pleasure.">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><<print "his other hand he tends to his own pleasure.">><<else>><<if setup.areDating('Peter')>><<print "his other hand he tugs at his chastity cage and wishes that he could tend to his own pleasure.">><<else>><</if>><</if>> <<print " Your hands are free to roam your body, imagining that they are the hands of your lover instead.">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<print "The ">> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<print "moans">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><<print "moans">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><<print "moans">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><<print "moans">><<else>><<if setup.areDating('Peter')>><<print "frustrated whimpers">><<else>><</if>><</if>> <<print " you hear amplify the pleasure for you, and soon your hands move to cover your mouth as the first of several orgasms rock your body.">> <</nobr>> [[Eventually you say your goodbyes, hide your toy away, and fall soundly asleep.|Part8Arrival1]]<<nobr>> <h1>Bedroom</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part8/Text5.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You continue texting with Cody that night. At some point in your flirtatious exchange, he asks about your purchases at the lingerie store. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He's disappointed when you text that you're not going to tell him what you bought there. But you were only teasing him. You plan on showing him instead. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He loves the show you give him. You know he'd love to see even more. You wonder if <<if ($PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist or $PlayerSideEffectLibido) && !$CampusMinistry>> [[you should continue.|Part8Text6]] <<else>> [[you should continue,|Part8Text6]] or if perhaps it’s better to [[leave him wanting more instead.|Part8Arrival1]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Airport">></h1> <<print "The next morning you head to the airport to pick up your brother, Dylan">><<if !$CarBrad>><<print ", borrowing your mom’s car.">><<else>><<print ".">><</if>> <</nobr>> <<print "When your brother passes the security gate, you spot him instantly, but he doesn’t recognize you at first. Once you greet him, he recognizes you from your pictures though.">> <img src="Part8/Arrival1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "As you head back out to the car, he can’t help saying over and over how he can’t believe his brother is a girl now.">> <<nobr>> <<if $KidnapEscape or $CampusMinistry>> You [[head home with your brother|Part8Arrival3]]. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> [[You decide to have a little fun with him.|Part8Arrival2]] <<else>> <<print "Maybe you could tease him and ">> [[have a little fun with him,|Part8Arrival2]] <<print "or just ">> <<link "head home with your brother.">> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<goto [[Part8Arrival4]]>> <<else>> <<goto [[Part8Arrival3]]>> <</if>> <</link>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $CodySexting to 1>> <h1>Bedroom</h1> <img src="Part8/Text6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> You field so naughty as you <<else>> You <</if>> do a sexy dance as Cody watches you remove the bra and panties you were just modeling for him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wonder if he's stroking himself as he watches you. You're sure that if he isn't now, then he will while rewatching the video many times in the future. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you are nude, you dance a bit more for him. Then you stop and tell him you want to know how much he enjoyed your show. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He starts to answer, but you say that no, [[you want to *See* how much he enjoyed it.|Part8Text7]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You continue texting with Cody that night. At some point in your flirtatious exchange he asks about your purchases at the lingerie store.">> <img src="Part8/Text8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "You want to model your new purchases for him, but you know it’d be hard to hide your chastity belt if you did. You worry seeing it would scare him off, so you just tell him what bought.">> <<print "When he hints at wanting to see you in one of them, ">>[[you tell him you have something better in mind.|Part8TextChastity2]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> <<set $CodyDickPick to 1>> <</nobr>> <<print "When the pictures you requested in return for your show arrive, it’s unmistakable just how much Cody enjoyed your performance.">> <img src="Part8/Text7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<print "You imagine wrapping your lips around it and hearing him moan as your lips slide down it. You imagine pushing him back onto the bed and slowly lowering yourself onto it.">> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral or setup.haveFucked('Brad')>><<print "You can’t stop thinking about wrapping your lips around Cody’s cock, ">>[[and you can’t help telling him that.|Part8Text8]]<<else>><<print "You are tempted to drive over to his house right now. But you have to pick up your brother at the airport early in the morning, and can’t. “Maybe some other time”, you think. You flirt a bit more with Cody, ">>[[but eventually end the call and fall asleep|Part8Arrival1]]<<print " fantasizing about Cody.">><</if>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You whisper into your phone how much you want to feel his cock in your mouth as your fingers tease around your lips and slide in and across your tongue.">> <img src="Part8/Text10.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<print "You wonder if your bare breasts are distracting him from how you are teasing your finger. But the occasional moan you hear from him lets you know that he is enjoying it either way as he strokes himself along with your tease.">> <<print "After a while you hear him tell you that he’s going to cum soon. You bite down on your finger and say. “No. Stop. I want you to save it for me. I want to taste every drop. But not tonight.”">> <<print "The whimper he makes as he pulls his hand way lets you know he obeyed. Of course, you wonder if he didn’t finish the job as soon as you’ve said ">>[[goodnight and ended the call.|Part8Arrival1]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "When he sees the topless photos you send, he soon loses any interest in the lingerie.">> <<print "You carefully frame the shots to make sure your belt isn’t visible. He doesn’t suspect anything as he just assumes you are carefully avoiding sending more intimate pictures.">> <img src="Part8/Text9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "Even though you know most of your pleasure would be denied, you still wish you were there with him.">> <<print "If you didn’t have to pick up your brother so early tomorrow you would be in the car now.">> <<print "Even though you know most of your pleasure would be denied, you still wish you were there with him.">> <<print "You are maddeningly aware of the fact that he couldn’t fuck you, but you still fantasize about your lips around his cock, how it would feel as it slid across your tongue.">> [[You can’t help but tell him how much you want to suck his cock.|Part8Text8]]<<nobr>> <<set $BrotherFlashed = 1>> <h1><<print "Airport">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Then you pull up your top and flash him saying “Believe it! I’m 100% woman now!.”">> <video src="Part8/Arrival2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "And then you laugh as he is suddenly stunned into silence.">> <<link "Head home with your brother.">> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<goto [[Part8Arrival4]]>> <<else>> <<goto [[Part8Arrival3]]>> <</if>> <</link>><<nobr>> <<set $BrotherThong = 1>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> <<print "Later that day, you are texting on your phone when Dylan walks in to let you know that lunch is ready. You hear the shocked sound he makes as he sees you.">> <</nobr>> <video src="Part8/Arrival3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<print "“What are you freaking out about, I have a skirt on. And besides, you’ve seen me in my underwear plenty of times before.”, you reassure him.">> <<print "“Well, it’s different now. And maybe if you were wearing some underwear now...”, He replies.">> <<nobr>> <<if $KidnapEscape>> <<set $BrotherThong = 0>> You get angry at him, "It's my damn room. Maybe if you'd learned how to knock. Or if you weren't such a perv about it it wouldn't be a problem!". He leaves without saying anything. A few minutes later you hear your mom yelling from downstairs telling you to [[come down for lunch.|Part8Arrival4]]. <<else>> <<print "““Of course I am.”, you cut him off as you flip up your skirt to make it clear you have a thong on. ">>[[“Anyway, tell mom, I’ll be right down.”|Part8Arrival4]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Woods">></h1> <img src="Part8/Arrival4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $KidnapEscape>> After lunch, your brother reluctantly agres to go on a hike in the woods near the house, like you guys do all the time. You tell him that you've been going through a lot lately, and that’s why you got so upset earlier. You tell him you realize his brother suddenly being a woman is probably an adjustment, so you'll try to be more patient with him. <<else>> <<print "After lunch, you and your brother go for a hike in the woods near the house. He has tons of questions about your change and what it’s been like. And how college in general has been.">> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<print "You know if you hadn’t changed he’d be asking about relationships and who you’d been with, but he avoids that topic entirely. You don’t mention it either.">> <<nobr>> <<if !$KidnapEscape and ($BrotherFlashed or $BrotherThong or setup.haveInventory('piercings', 'tongue'))>> <<set $BrotherCrush = 1>> <<print "You can tell he has a bit of crush on you or something making him uncomfortable, probably ">> <<if $BrotherFlashed>> <<print "due to flashing him earlier.">> <<else>><<if $BrotherThong>> <<print "due to seeing your thong earlier.">> <<else>><<print "due to noticing your tongue piercing.">> <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> [[The rest of your hike continues pleasantly.|Part8Evening]] <</if>> <</nobr>> <<if !$KidnapEscape and $BrotherCrush>> <<print "You’re a bit freaked out by this at first, but then you realize that’s a perfectly normal reaction for him. He’s never seen you before today. He may know that you’re his brother, but in another way, you’re just a pretty girl he’s just met.">> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> You tell him that you understand that your change is awkward for him. You let him know that maybe now that you are his little sister instead of his little brother [[he should probably be more careful about knocking from now on|Part8Evening]] to avoid situations like what happened earlier. <br><br> But you remind him that you may look different on the outside, but you’re still his little brother on the inside. <<elseif !$PlayerSideEffectPheromones or $PlayerSideEffectPheromones < 4>> <<print "You can either ">> <<link [[flirt back just a bit to have fun|Part8Evening]]>><<set $BrotherFlirt = 1>><</link>> <<print " with how nervous and awkward it makes him. Or you can tell him that you understand that your change is awkward for him, ">> [[and apologize for making it more difficult earlier.|Part8Evening]] <<print " You can remind him that you look different on the outside, but you’re still his little brother on the inside. And resolve to yourself to act a bit tamer around him in the future.">> <<else>> <<print "You are so excited from his smell ">> <<link [[that you unconsciouslly flirt back with him,|Part8Evening]]>><<set $BrotherFlirt = 1>><</link>> <<print " making him nervous and awkward.">> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<if !$CampusMinistry>><<print "Either way, the rest of your hike continues pleasantly.">><</if>> <</if>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> <<if $KidnapEscape>> That night sleep is difficult to find. You toss and turn, and after a while, you get up for a bit to use the bathroom. <<else>> <<print "That night a familiar aching need to to be filled is making sleep difficult to find. You toss and turn, and after a while, you get up for a bit to use the bathroom.">> <</if>> <</nobr>> <img src="Part8/Evening1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<if $CodyDickPick and $CampusMinistry>> You return to your bed, but your thoughts won't let you sleep. <<print "You'd planned to be a good girl on break, just like you'd promised Faith you would be. You were just playing around earlier with Cody, just some harmless fun. You guys were miles apart, right? But now you can't get the thought of Cody's cock out of your mind. You keep imagining what it would taste like, how good it would feel inside you. ">>[[You send him a text seeing if he'd like you to come over|Part8EveningBooty1]]. <<else>> <<print "On the way back you see the light on in your sisters room. ">>[[You can go talk to her for a while|Part8EveningSister1]]<<print " to see if that takes your mind off it.">>\ <<if !$KidnapEscape and $BrotherFlirt>><br><br><<print "You also look at your brother’s door and wonder if he’s jerking off right now, thinking of you in your hot new body. ">>[[You can peek into his room to see if you want.|Part8EveningBrother1]]<</if>>\ <<if !$KidnapEscape and setup.areDating('Veronica')>><br><br><<print "You could ">>[[text Veronica|Part8EveningCall]]<<print " and tell her how much you wish she were here next to you.">><</if>>\ <<if !$KidnapEscape and setup.areDating('Andrew')>><br><br><<print "You could ">>[[text Andrew|Part8EveningCall]]<<print " and tell him how much you wish he were here next to you.">><</if>>\ <<if !$KidnapEscape and setup.areDating('Josh')>><br><br><<print "You could ">>[[text Josh|Part8EveningCall]]<<print " and tell him how much you wish he were here next to you.">><</if>>\ <<if !$KidnapEscape and setup.areDating('Aaron')>><br><br><<print "You could ">>[[text Daddy|Part8EveningCall]]<<print " and tell him how much you wish he were here next to you.">><</if>>\ <<if !$KidnapEscape and $NumberCody && !$CampusMinistry>><br><br><<print "You could check on Cody, and see if he’s up for a late-night booty-call, maybe ">>[[text him to see if he’s receptive to the idea.|Part8EveningBooty1]]<</if>>\ <<if !$KidnapEscape and $NumberCody && $CampusMinistry>><<set $CampusMinistrySaves -= 1>><br><br><<print "You keep thinking of Cody. You know you'd promised Faith you'd be a good girl over break, but you also know all it would take would be ">>[[one text to Cody|Part8EveningBooty1]] asking if he'd like you to come over, and this need you've been feeling could finally be satisfied.<</if>>\ <<if !$KidnapEscape and !$CampusMinistry and !$PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock and !$PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock and !$PlayerChastityBelt>><br><br><<print "Or you can ">>[[try masturbating to see if that helps.|Part8EveningMasturbate]]<</if>>\ <</if>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Cassie's Bedroom">></h1> <<print "You gently knock on your sisters door before you walk in.">> <</nobr>> <img src="Part8/Evening6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "The two of you sit in bed for a while as you tell her all about what you’ve gone through since your change. You talk about any side effects your implant has given you and how you’ve coped with them. She seems very understanding of it all, and you feel much better after finally having someone to tell it all to.">> <<if $PlayerPregnant>><br><<print "You want to tell her that you are pregnant, but you just can’t find the words so you don’t mention it.">><br><</if>> <<nobr>> <<if $KidnapEscape>> She senses something has been bothering you though and asks you about it. After a long pause you tell her the whole story of your kidnapping, what you know of it anyway. She listens in shock and horror imagining what must have happened to you that you don't remember. She does her best to comfort you. You ask her to not tell your parents, brother, or anyone else about it. <<elseif $CampusMinistry>> You thank her for listening to everything and head back to your room. [[Before you fall asleep|Part8Christmas1]] you think you hear her car pull out of the driveway. <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt or $PlayerSideEffectLibido or $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock or $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> She senses the need you have and tells you she feels a similar need and knows just how to help you with yours. [[You put your arm around her and kiss her.|Part8EveningSister2]] <<else>> She gives you a mischevious grin and says "I can tell that you are looking for a little fun tonight. I know just the thing." You can either [[put your arm around her and kiss her.|Part8EveningSister2]] or [[tell her you're starting to get tired and head to bed|Part8Christmas1]]. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $KidnapEscape>> She sends someone a text cancelling whatever her other plans were and the two of stay awake for hours talking. You finally [[fall asleep in her bed|Part8Christmas1]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Dylan's Bedroom">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You were right, as you peek in the door, the shaft of light from the hallway shines on his bed and you see him with his eyes closed, stroking himself.">> <img src="Part8/Evening2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "You don’t know if he was thinking of you while he was doing it, but you softly close the door and say “mind if I help”.">> <<nobr>> <<print "He starts to cover himself, but you put a hand under the covers, grab his still-hard cock and pick up where he left off. He soon stops trying to hide it and just ">> <<link "closes his eyes again in pleasure.">> <<if setup.haveInventory('piercings', 'tongue')>> <<goto [[Part8EveningBrother2]]>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt or $PlayerSideEffectOral>> <<goto [[Part8EveningBrother3]]>> <<else>> <<goto [[Part8EveningBrother4]]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</link>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Cody’s Apartment">></h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Cody'})>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> <<set $CampusMinistryFail to 1>> <<set $CampusMinistryFailChristmas to 1>> <<unset $CampusMinistry>> You've waited too long for this, you need this too bad to resist any longer. <</if>> You don’t waste much time once you are in Cody’s apartment. You have his clothes off and are kissing him while you stroke his cock, feeling it stiffen in your hand. When you can’t resist any longer, you drop to your knees. You begin licking the underside of his cock before you wrap your lips around it and slide it into your mouth. <</nobr>> <video src="Part8/Evening11.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "As you hear him moan and feel his hands gently holding your head, it doesn’t take long before you are aching with need.">> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt or $PlayerSideEffectOral>> <<print "You keep sucking his cock, then your head bobs faster and faster up and down his cock, trying to take as much of it in as you can each stroke. His warm cum soon fills your mouth. From the amount of it, you think that maybe he did save it for you like you’d hopped. You lick his cock clean of every drop, smiling as each lick sends another shiver through his body.">> <<else>> <<print "You want his cock inside you.">> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<print "You go back home and sneak in. ">>[[You fall asleep still with an aching need,|Part8Christmas1]] <<print " but with a smile on your face and a familiar taste in your mouth.">> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOral>> <<print "You let him put his tongue to work until ">>[[his cock is ready for action again.|Part8EveningBooty2]] <<else>> <<print "You take his cock from your mouth and ">>[[tell him to fuck you.|Part8EveningBooty2]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $ChristmasEveOrgasm = 1>> <<set $HomeMasturbate = 1>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You decide to try masturbating in order to have any hope of getting to sleep.">> <video src="Part8/Evening14.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "You think about how much your life has changed for the better since you've become a woman and about all the new experiences this has granted you.">> <<print "You were so horny that it doesn’t take you long before you reach that sweet release you've been craving for so long.">> [[You are finally able to sleep, with a satisfied smile on your face,|Part8Christmas1]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<print "You text Veronica, telling her how much you miss her, how much you wish she were here. You tell her what you’d do to to her if she were here, and she texts back telling you what she would do to you.">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><<print "You text Andrew, telling him how much you miss him, how much you wish he were here. You tell him what you’d do to to him if he were here, and he texts back telling you what he would do to you.">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><<print "You text Josh, telling him how much you miss him, how much you wish he were here. You tell him what you’d do to to him if he were here, and he texts back telling you what he would do to you.">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><<print "You text Daddy, telling him how much you miss him, how much you wish he were here. You tell him what you’d do to to him if he were here, and he texts back telling you what he would do to you.">><</if>> <</nobr>> <img src="Part8/Evening13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock and !$PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock and !$PlayerChastityBelt>><br><<print "You can’t help but want to masturbate after your exchange">><<if !$PlayerEasytoOrgasm>><<print ", eventually reaching the sweat release that you crave.">><<set $ChristmasEveOrgasm = 1>><<else>><<print ", though the release of orgasm eludes you.">><</if>><br><</if>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock and !$PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock and !$PlayerChastityBelt and $PlayerEasytoOrgasm>>[[You go to sleep with a satisfied smile on your face,|Part8Christmas1]]<<else>>[[You go to sleep horny,|Part8Christmas1]]<</if>><<print " your mind is filled with pleasant thoughts of your lover, and when you will be together again.">><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Dylan'})>> <h1><<print "Dylan's Bedroom">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "As you stroke his cock you see him looking at your mouth. He confesses he’s been fantasizing about your tongue on his cock ever since he saw your piercing.">> <img src="Part8/Evening3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "You smile and stop stroking. A moment later you have his cock in your mouth. You know just how to use your tongue to drive him insane.">> <<print "It isn’t long before he’s warning you he’s about to cum. With your lips around his cock, you swirl your piercing around the underside of his cock. As he grunts and cums you continue until he’s squirming and struggling to handle the sensations.">> <<print "“Merry Christmas”, you whisper before you sneak back out of his room and back to your own room. ">>[[You quickly fall asleep with a smile on your face and a familiar taste in your mouth.|Part8Christmas1]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Dylan'})>> <h1><<print "Dylan's Bedroom">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You stop stroking his cock and a moment later your lips are on its head. You can see a last bit of uncertainty on his face as he looks down and sees the face of his little brother (now his little sister).">> <img src="Part8/Evening4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "But as your lips slide over the head and he feels them and your tongue slide down the length of his cock his eyes roll back and all doubts disappear.">> <<print "It isn’t long before he’s warning you he’s about to cum. You take his cock deep into your mouth and it into your throat. After you feel his cum slide down the back of your throat, you continue sucking his cock, hungry for every last drop, as he squirms and struggles. When you've gotten the last, you finally stop.">> <<print "“Merry Christmas”, you whisper before you sneak back out of his room and back to your own room. ">>[[You quickly fall asleep with a smile on your face and a familiar taste in your mouth.|Part8Christmas1]]<<nobr>> <<set $ChristmasEveOrgasm = 1>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Dylan'})>> <h1><<print "Dylan's Bedroom">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Stroking his cock and seeing the pleasure on his face only makes you more aware of your own need again. You change positions so that you are straddling his face. Seeing your wet lips in front of him quickly helps him overcome any last bit of doubts he might have had and he gets to work.">> <video src="Part8/Evening5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "You continue stroking his cock, aided now by your mouth and tongue. Whenever you feel a moan you can’t suppress coming on, you take his cock deep into your throat stifling the sound.">> <<print "When you feel your orgasm approaching, you pick up the pace stroking his cock to ensure he cums when you do. As you orgasm you again take his cock in your mouth all the way to it’s base. This pushes him over the edge as well, and you feel his cum slide down your throat.">> <<print "After your orgasm, you come up to catch your breath. After you recover from the aftershocks of your orgasm, you climb off him and whisper, “Merry Christmas”, before sneaking back to your own room. ">>[[You quickly fall asleep with a smile on your face and a familiar taste in your mouth.|Part8Christmas1]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Living Room">></h1> <<print "Compared to when you were younger, much more of your fun on Christmas morning is from watching people open the gifts you’d bought for them, instead of opening your own.">> <</nobr>> <img src="Part8/Christmas1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "But you love the gifts you get too though. Your sister must had made another trip to the mall after the trip with you, as several of the gifts she has for you are the very items she’d had you try on a few days ago. ">> <<if $CodyHickey>><br><<print "You hope that your turtleneck hides your hickey from last night. Cassie isn’t fooled though. When you are alone, she pulls the colllar a bit to verify her suspicion that you were hiding something. “Hmm, looks like I wasn’t the only one that snuck out last night.”">><br><</if>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>> When no one is paying attention, [[you sneak back into your room.|Part8Christmas2]] <<else>> [[Everyone goes into the kitchen.|Part8Christmas3]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Sister's Car">></h1> <<print "“I didn’t mean that! But it’s good to know my pervy little brother is still in there.”, she says as she pushes you off her. “Besides, I have something better in mind.”">> <</nobr>> <img src="Part8/Evening7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> <<print "She was feeling horny too, and had been texting with her boyfriend to hook up just before you’d came to her door. She decided to bring you on as a bonus. He is pleasantly surprised when he opens his door to ">> <<link "see both of you standing there.">> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<goto [[Part8EveningSister5]]>> <<else>> <<goto [[Part8EveningSister3]]>> <</if>> <</link>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive > 1 or $PlayerSideEffectPheromones > 3 or $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist > 3 or $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock > 3 or $PlayerSideEffectDreams > 3 or !$LikeFemales>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Cassie'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Greg'})>> <<set $ChristmasEveOrgasm = 1>> <</if>> <h1><<print "Cassie's Boyfriend House">></h1> <<if $LikeFemales>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive > 1 or $PlayerSideEffectPheromones > 3 or $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist > 3 or $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock > 3 or $PlayerSideEffectDreams > 3>> <<print "You can't help it but both take turns enjoying the attention of his tongue. Your sister eventually can’t wait any longer. She climbs on top of him and slides his cock into her while you are atop his face.">> <<else>> <<print "Your sister starts by enjoying the attention of his tongue as you sit and watch her. ">> <</if>> <<else>> <<print "You both take turns enjoying the attention of his tongue. Your sister eventually can’t wait any longer. She climbs on top of him and slides his cock into her while you are atop his face.">> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive > 1 or $PlayerSideEffectPheromones > 3 or $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist > 3 or $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock > 3 or $PlayerSideEffectDreams > 3 or !$LikeFemales>><video src="Part8/Evening8.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video><<else>><video src="Part8/Evening16.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video><</if>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive > 1 or $PlayerSideEffectPheromones > 3 or $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist > 3 or $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock > 3 or $PlayerSideEffectDreams > 3 or !$LikeFemales>> <<print "As good as his tongue feels on your clit, you are enjoying kissing your sister as she moans and rides his cock even more.">> <<else>> As she starts returning the favour and starts sucking him off, you can no longer hold your excitment and start masturbating. <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> You know better, of course, as you know you won't be able to get off. It ends up only making you hornier. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive > 1 or $PlayerSideEffectPheromones > 3 or $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist > 3 or $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock > 3 or $PlayerSideEffectDreams > 3 or !$LikeFemales>> <<print "It’s plain how much he is enjoying it all as well. He soon grabs your hips pulling you into his face as he moans with an orgasm.">> <<else>> <<print "Your sister eventually can’t wait any longer. She climbs on top of him and slides his cock into her while you watch. He soon grabs her hips pulling her closer as he moans with an orgasm.">> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<print "“I think he might need a minute to recover.”, your sister says as she climbs off him, ">>[[“But I’m not ready to stop yet.”|Part8EveningSister4]] <<achievement>>threesome:FMF<</achievement>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Cassie'})>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive > 1 or $PlayerSideEffectPheromones > 3 or $PlayerSideEffectOral > 2 or $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock > 3 or $PlayerSideEffectDreams > 3 or !$LikeFemales>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Greg'})>> <</if>> <h1><<print "Cassie's Boyfriend House">></h1> <<print "You can only watch in envy as his skillful tongue brings your sister to orgasm. You do love kissing her as the pleasure washes over her again and again.">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $LikeFemales>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive > 1 or $PlayerSideEffectPheromones > 3 or $PlayerSideEffectOral > 2 or $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock > 3 or $PlayerSideEffectDreams > 3>> <video src="Part8/Evening10.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<else>> <video src="Part8/Evening15.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <</if>> <<else>> <video src="Part8/Evening10.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $LikeFemales>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive > 1 or $PlayerSideEffectPheromones > 3 or $PlayerSideEffectOral > 2 or $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock > 3 or $PlayerSideEffectDreams > 3>> <<print "Later as he fucks her, you can't help it but explore her body with your mouth and hands, happy to see her joy, but also jealous of it. After Cassie cums, she has him stop and you both kneel in front of him and take turns sucking his cock.">> <<else>> <<print "Later as he fucks her, you can't help it but explore her body with your mouth and hands, happy to see her joy, but also jealous of it. After Cassie cums, she has him stop and she kneels in front of him and starts sucking his cock.">> <</if>> <<else>> <<print "Later as he fucks her, you explore her body with your mouth and hands, happy to see her joy, but also jealous of it. After Cassie cums, she has him stop and you both kneel in front of him and take turns sucking his cock.">> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive > 1 or $PlayerSideEffectPheromones > 3 or $PlayerSideEffectOral > 2 or $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock > 3 or $PlayerSideEffectDreams > 3 or !$LikeFemales>> <<print "When he tells you he is about to cum, your sister makes sure to finish him onto your face. Then she kisses you and licks some of it from your face as he watches.">> <<else>> <<print "When she tells her he is about to cum, your sister makes sure to finish him on her face. Then she uses her fingers to lick some of it from her face as you watch.">> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<print "The two of you gather your things and say goodbye and head home. You both quietly sneak back into the house. ">>[[You are quickly asleep with a smile (among other things) on your face.|Part8Christmas1]] <<achievement>>threesome:FMF<</achievement>><<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive > 1 or $PlayerSideEffectPheromones > 3 or $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist > 3 or $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock > 3 or $PlayerSideEffectDreams > 3 or !$LikeFemales>> <<else>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Cassie'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Greg'})>> <<set $ChristmasEveOrgasm = 1>> <</if>> <h1><<print "Cassie's Boyfriend House">></h1> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive > 1 or $PlayerSideEffectPheromones > 3 or $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist > 3 or $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock > 3 or $PlayerSideEffectDreams > 3 or !$LikeFemales>> <<print "Cassie lays down and pulls you over on top of her. Her tongue picks up the job just where her ex’s had left off. You begin doing the same for her, tasting the cum he’d filled her with as you do.">> <<else>> <<print "Cassie climbs on top of you. Her tongue picks up the job just where your fingers had left off. You begin doing the same for her, tasting the cum he’d filled her with as you do.">> <</if>> <</nobr>> <video src="Part8/Evening9.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive > 1 or $PlayerSideEffectPheromones > 3 or $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist > 3 or $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock > 3 or $PlayerSideEffectDreams > 3 or !$LikeFemales>> <<print "She comes before you do, and continues her work after you have stopped yours. You are lost in the pleasure she is giving you, but you notice something new in front of you. You realize it’s his cock, pushing against her lips, teasing them apart.">> <<else>> <<print "Your sister climbs on top of you. Her tongue picks up the job just where your fingers had left off. You begin doing the same for her, tasting the cum he’d filled her with as you do.">> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive > 1 or $PlayerSideEffectPheromones > 3 or $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist > 3 or $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock > 3 or $PlayerSideEffectDreams > 3 or !$LikeFemales>> <<print "A moment later you moan loudly as his cock slides into you. Whether this is a familiar feeling to you, or something brand new, the combination of his cock and your sister’s tongue is overpowering and you are soon cumming hard. Cassie grips your ass tightly holding you in place as they both continue through your orgasm and the next one.">> <<else>> <<print "A moment later she moans loudly as his cock slides into her. The combination of seeing his cock so close and your sister’s tongue is overpowering and you are soon cumming hard. Cassie grips your ass tightly holding you in place as they both continue through your orgasm and the next one.">> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive > 1 or $PlayerSideEffectPheromones > 3 or $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist > 3 or $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock > 3 or $PlayerSideEffectDreams > 3 or !$LikeFemales>> <<print "When he finally comes, your sister licks the stray bits that drip out of you before you collapse onto the bed next to her.">> <<else>> <<print "When he finally comes, you start licking the stray bits that drip out of her, wondering how it would have felt to have him come in you instead, before she collapse onto the bed next to you.">> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<print "When you have both finally recovered, you gather your things and say goodbye, head home. You quietly sneak back into the house. ">>[[You are quickly asleep, with a smile on your face.|Part8Christmas1]] <<achievement>>threesome:FMF<</achievement>><<nobr>> <<set $ChristmasEveOrgasm = 1>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Cody', vaginal: true, birthControlOverride:'cycle'})>> <<set $CodyHickey to 1>> <h1><<print "Cody’s Apartment">></h1> The need that’s been building in you <<if $CampusMinistryFailChristmas>> for so long <<else>> since you arrived back home <</if>> is finally answered as he pushes into you. Each time he pulls out you feel that need return, and a desperate emptiness inside you, only to feel the joy of his next thrust wash over you again a moment later. <</nobr>> <video src="Part8/Evening12.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "You moan and hold his head in place as he sucks at your neck. The intense pleasure between your legs and the more passionate pleasure at your neck both radiate through you until it feels like your whole body is on fire.">> <<print "It builds and builds within you, until finally you feel your orgasm wash over you. You grab and claw at his back as thrusts harder and faster. Finally he thrusts one finally time, holding his cock deep inside you until it stops pulsing.">> <<print "Once you summon the strength to get up, you tell him goodbye and gather your things. You go home and sneak back in and ">>[[collapse on to the bed and are quickly asleep.|Part8Christmas1]]<<print " You don’t notice the large hickey Cody has left you with until the next morning.">><<nobr>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'pink latex suit')>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> <<print "Once you are alone, you retrieve the present “Daddy” gave you.">> <</nobr>> <img src="Part8/Christmas2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "You excitedly open it see the amazing latex outfit he’d bought for you. And in your favorite color: pink.">> <<print "You wish you could wear it all day, but sadly you only have time to take a quick selfie in the mirror for him before you have to change back.">> <<print "You smile again when he texts back telling you how beautiful you look in it and how he’s glad you like it.">> <<print "He says not to worry, you’ll have plenty of chances to wear it when you get back.">> [[You should head back before everyone starts wondering where you are.|Part8Christmas3]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Kitchen">></h1> <<print "When you walk into the kitchen your mom and sister are talking about the day’s plans and whether you should join them at the family dinner. They include you in the discussion when you walk in. Your mom repeats the last bit for you.">> <</nobr>> <img src="Part8/Christmas3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> <<if $KidnapEscape>> Your mom tells you, "I was going to send you over to your uncle's house to watch the football game. You've been in a mood lately and I didn't want my parents saying something rude and making it worse. But Cassandra was pretty insistent that you join us at the [[family Christmas|Part8Christmas4]]. Try not to let anything they say upset you though. <<else>> <<print "You ask Cassie what’s she’s planning to do and she tells you, “Being at Aunt Kim and Mike’s house always creeped me out. I think it was how she always called him ‘Sir’ when they were at home. Anyway, three years of them being married was enough for me. I’m just fine with not going there ever again.”. A moment later she adds, “But I know you and him got along well, so do what you want.”">> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<if !$KidnapEscape>><<print "“Of course, you are welcome at the family Christmas. I just know how judgmental my parents can be sometimes, and I didn’t want you to be miserable all day.”">><</if>> <<nobr>> <<if $KidnapEscape>> <<elseif $CampusMinistry and $dating.length>> You let her know that you want to [[go to your grandparents|Part8Christmas4]] for Christmas dinner, with the rest of the family. <<elseif $CampusMinistry or $ChristmasEveOrgasm>> <<print "Your mother asks you if you want to ">> [[go to your uncle’s to watch football,|Part8Uncle1]] <<print "or to ">> [[go to your grandparents for the Christmas dinner.|Part8Christmas4]] <<else>> <<print "You’ve been crabby all morning from being so aroused last night but not getting any release. Your mom doesn’t know what has you so on edge, but decides the added stress of your grandparents isn’t a good idea. She decides for you that it’ll be better to">> [[go to your uncle’s to watch football.|Part8Uncle1]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Uncle Mike’s House">></h1> <img src="Part8/Uncle1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<print "“Wow. They told me about your change, but they never mentioned how beautiful you are now.”, Mike tells you. Your conversation is mostly about the game you are watching, only briefly venturing into topics like your studies or his recent divorce.">> <<print "You are searching through a junk drawer in the kitchen for a utensil when you stumble on a pair of handcuffs, and their key. You forget about what you were looking for and play around with them a bit.">> <<print "It’s only when you go to unlock them that you realize the way they connect together prevents you from using the key yourself.">> <<print "You sheepishly walk back to the other room to show your former uncle the handcuffs and hand him the key.">> <<print "“Oh, naughty girl. You want me to have the key do you?”, he says as he puts the key in his pocket. “I wonder why those weren’t in the playroom though.”">> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>>[[You submissively say “Yes, sir.”|Part8Uncle2]]<<else>><<print "You start to say, “I couldn’t unlock the cuffs myself, I wanted you to...”, ">>[[but then your curiosity traps you again as you ask, “What Playroom?”.|Part8Uncle2]]<</if>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Grandparent’s House">></h1> <<print "You are pleasantly surprised that your grandma completely accepts the new you. “Of course, I love all my granddaughters.”, she tells you. “Just don’t go getting yourself pregnant your first year at college like your cousin Ashley did though.”. You nod but don’t say anything.">> <</nobr>> <img src="Part8/Christmas4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<print "You spend most of the afternoon in the kitchen with her, your mom, and your sister. And you do your best to avoid your grandfather who you know will be less accepting.">> [[Eventually, you finish and go into the dining room.|Part8Christmas5]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Grandparent’s House">></h1> <<print "When you finally do have to sit down with your grandfather, he seems to be confused about who you are. He tells you “My grandson is a lucky young man to have such a beautiful girlfriend. And to think, all this time I thought the boy was queer... Where is he anyway?”">> <</nobr>> <img src="Part8/Christmas5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "You and several of your relatives exchange glances and silently decide to not correct your grandfather’s confusion. “He had to step out for a bit.”, your mom tells him and your grandfather soon loses interest.">> <<nobr>> <<if !setup.haveFucked('Cassie') and !setup.haveFucked('Dylan') and !setup.haveFucked('Cody')>> <<print "You are grateful that the rest of the evening passes uneventfully, ">>[[and you head back home at the end of the day.|Part8ChristmasReturn]] <<else>> <<print "You are grateful that the rest of the evening passes uneventfully, and you head back home at the end of the day.">> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<if setup.haveFucked('Cassie')>><br>[[You spend most of the remaining holiday time with Cassie.|Part8ChristmasSister]]<</if>>\ <<if setup.haveFucked('Dylan')>><br>[[You spend most of the remaining holiday time with Dylan.|Part8ChristmasBrother]]<</if>>\ <<if setup.haveFucked('Cody')>><br>[[You spend most of the remaining holiday time with Cody.|Part8ChristmasCody]]<</if>>\<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Living Room">></h1> <<if !setup.haveFucked('Cassie') and !setup.haveFucked('Dylan') and !setup.haveFucked('Cody')>> <<print "You visit with your family for a few more days.">> <<else>> <<print "You make sure to spend a bit of time with your mother as well. ">> <</if>> <</nobr>> <img src="Part8/Christmas6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "After you finish packing your bags, you say your goodbyes to your family. ">> <<if $RideBrad>>[[You ask Brad for a ride back home.|Part8Return2]]<<else>>[[You drive back home.|Part8Return1]]<</if>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Uncle Mike’s Playroom">></h1> <<print "He unlocks a room off to the side of the basement, and then leads you into the ‘playroom’ your aunt and him used to share. As you look around the room you imagine what it would be like to be helpless and bound to the various pieces as he did whatever he wanted.">> <</nobr>> <img src="Part8/Uncle2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<print "The handcuffs aren't the only things locking you, so you realize that you can only ">> [[agree to whatever he may ask from you.|Part8Uncle3]] <<else>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica') or setup.areDating('Andrew') or setup.areDating('Josh') or setup.areDating('Aaron') or $MasterKate or $MasterRobert or setup.areDating('Peter') or !setup.sexUniqueVaginalCount()>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive > 1>> <<print "You wonder if you should say something about it before you get carried away. ">> [[But the thought of being bound in this dungeon is too enticing.|Part8Uncle5]] <<else>> <<print "You wonder if ">> [[you should say something|Part8Uncle4]] <<print " about it before you ">> [[get carried away.|Part8Uncle5]] <</if>> <<else>> <<print "You realize that there's nothing you can do now but ">> [[agree to whatever he may ask from you.|Part8Uncle5]] <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Road to School">></h1> <<print "You are careful to watch your speed on the way home, especially through the town you were pulled over in before. You’ve left with plenty of time, so you are in no hurry.">> <</nobr>> <img src="Part8/Return1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "You are happy when you finally get to some warmer weather. You make a quick pitstop to change into something a bit more to your liking.">> [[You arrive back at school without any incidents.|Part8Return8]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Mike'})>> <h1><<print "Uncle Mike’s Playroom">></h1> <<print "You strip as he instructs you. When he sees the chastity belt you are locked into he comments on what a bad girl you must be to need to be locked into such a thing. He says it does limit your playtime options though. He retrieves a cage from the playroom and brings it upstairs.">> <</nobr>> <img src="Part8/Uncle4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "There’s only enough room in it for you to kneel, though with your head poking through the hole in the cage and your neck locked in place, it’s not like you could have stood up anyway.">> <<print "Your position does allow you to watch the game with him. Whenever there is a commercial break, you know he will be over beside your cage. You just don’t know if he’ll be at the front for it making use of your mouth, or at the back making use of his riding crop on your bare ass.">> <<nobr>> <<if !setup.areDating('Veronica') and !setup.areDating('Andrew') and !setup.areDating('Josh') and !setup.areDating('Aaron') and !$MasterKate and !$MasterRobert and !setup.areDating('Peter')>> <<print "When the game is finally over he has ample time to make use of both before he releases you and you return home. You know it won't be long before you ">>[[visit him again.|Part8Uncle7]] <<else>> <<if !setup.haveFucked('Cassie') and !setup.haveFucked('Dylan') and !setup.haveFucked('Cody')>> <<print "When the game is finally over he has ample time to make use of both before he releases you and ">>[[you return home.|Part8ChristmasReturn]] <<else>> <<print "When the game is finally over he has ample time to make use of both before he releases you and you return home. ">> <<if setup.haveFucked('Cassie')>><br>[[You spend most of the remaining holiday time with Cassie.|Part8ChristmasSister]]<</if>> <<if setup.haveFucked('Dylan')>><br>[[You spend most of the remaining holiday time with Dylan.|Part8ChristmasBrother]]<</if>> <<if setup.haveFucked('Cody')>><br>[[You spend most of the remaining holiday time with Cody.|Part8ChristmasCody]]<</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $UncleChair = 1>> <h1><<print "Uncle Mike’s Playroom">></h1> “You were thinking about being a naughty girl, weren’t you?”, he asks. When you admit that you were, he tells you that you’re going to have to go to timeout. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He leads you back upstairs, then he goes back downstairs to get the “Time-out chair”. He points it at the television and seats you on the chair. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part8/Uncle3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He uncuffs your hands only to secure them and your feet to the four straps attached to the chair. Once those are secure, he attaches a belt around your waist as well. You realize you are unable to move at all, and you feel the bulb of the magic wand that pokes through the chair pressing firmly against you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are still fully clothed, but even on “Low”, the wand is powerful enough that you gasp when he turns it on. Once he does he goes back to watching them game. Whenever the action on screen stops though, he returns to you to switch the vibrator to its high setting until the game returns. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your memory of halftime is a fog of orgasm after orgasm you are unable to prevent until finally they kick-off again and the vibrator is returned to a teasing low setting. After the game is over he again turns the vibrator to high once again, though mercifully turning it off after you cum one last time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<print "When he undoes the straps and releases you from the chair, you look back and see what a mess you’ve left for him on it. ">> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica') or setup.areDating('Andrew') or setup.areDating('Josh') or setup.areDating('Aaron') or setup.areDating('Peter')>> [[As you leave to head home,|Part8ChristmasReturn]] you wonder if he made the chair himself, or if it is something you could find online and talk $dating[0] into into purchasing as well. <<elseif $MasterKate>> [[As you leave to head home,|Part8ChristmasReturn]] you wonder if he made the chair himself, or if it is something you could find online and talk your Mistress into into purchasing as well. <<elseif $MasterRobert>> [[As you leave to head home,|Part8ChristmasReturn]] you wonder if he made the chair himself, or if it is something you could find online and talk your Master into into purchasing as well. <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Cassie')>> As you leave to head home, you wonder if he made the chair himself, or if it is something you could find online. <br><br> [[You spend most of the remaining holiday time with Cassie.|Part8ChristmasSister]] <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Dylan')>> As you leave to head home, you wonder if he made the chair himself, or if it is something you could find online. <br><br> [[You spend most of the remaining holiday time with Dylan.|Part8ChristmasBrother]] <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Cody')>> As you leave to head home, you wonder if he made the chair himself, or if it is something you could find online. <br><br> [[You spend most of the remaining holiday time with Cody.|Part8ChristmasCody]] <<else>> [[As you leave to head home,|Part8ChristmasReturn]] you wonder if he made the chair himself, or if it is something you could find online. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.sexCount() == 0>> Even if you did just have more orgasms you could count, right in front of your uncle, you still consider yourself a virgin. You tell yourself, that you have still never had sex, at least not in this body. <br><br> But whenever your thoughts turn to sex, now you remember the feeling of being forced to orgasm over and over again. Thinking about how you couldn't move turns you on whenever you think about it. And when you remember what it was like when he gagged you too, so your moans would stop distracting from the game, you know your panties will be soaked if you dwell on those thoughts too long. <br><br> You hope whenever you do meet the right man, he won't mind the perverted thoughts you have, and will tie you up and have his way with you sometimes. <br><br> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <i>You realize you are even more submissive than you were before.</i> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive += 1>> <<else>> <i>You realize you've become more submissive than you once were.</i> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive to 1>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Uncle Mike’s Playroom">></h1> He removes your handcuffs and has you strip. <<if $CampusMinistry>> As he orders to take of your clothes, you know you could refuse, you could run back upstairs. But you don't want to. You yearn to submit to him, to do whatever he tells you, even though you know where it will lead. Or where you hope it will lead. <</if>> He then cuffs your hands and feet to the bondage cross in the playroom. <<if $CampusMinistry>> You tell yourself that it doesn't matter now if you have sex, since it's no longer up to you to decide what happens. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As he goes to select a riding crop you stare into the mirror across the room. The reflection of a beautiful, helpless woman stares back at you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part8/Uncle5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your are quickly snapped out of your self-admiration as you feel the first sting of his crop against your bare ass. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You tremble as the crop approaches your clit, scared of how much it will hurt, but instead of a swift strike he gently pats your sensitive area with the crop. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It is a pleasant, teasing sensation. But it still terrifies and excites you. You know if he chose to strike harder, you’d be powerless to stop him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> [[You are both relieved and disappointed when he returns his attention again to your ass.|Part8Uncle6]] <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <i>You realize you've become more submissive than you once were.</i> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive to 1>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Mike', vaginal: true, birthControlOverride:'cycle'})>> <h1><<print "Uncle Mike’s Playroom">></h1> After a while he takes you down from the cross and straps you down to a bench. He gives your ass a few more swats with his hand, but soon his hand is stroking your clit and sliding inside you. You can do nothing but moan and enjoy it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are disappointed when his hands pull away, but it soon changes to excitement as you hear him tearing open a condom wrapper. You try to push back against him as he thrusts into you, but can scarcely move. <</nobr>> <img src="Part8/Uncle6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> He pulls your head back as he plunges deep into you as you cum. But he doesn’t stop, continuing through your orgasm. It isn’t much longer though until you feel him make a final thrust inside you. After his cock stops twitching inside you and filling the condom, he pulls out of you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He removes the condom and goes around to the other end of the bench to have you clean his cock with your tongue and mouth before he finally unbuckles the straps holding you down. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !setup.areDating('Veronica') and !setup.areDating('Andrew') and !setup.areDating('Josh') and !setup.areDating('Aaron') and !$MasterKate and !$MasterRobert and !setup.areDating('Peter')>> After you dress, the two of you return upstairs. Before you leave, the two of you watch the highlight reel from game you’d missed, just in case anyone asks how it was. You know it won't be long before you [[visit him again.|Part8Uncle7]] <<else>> <<if !setup.haveFucked('Cassie') and !setup.haveFucked('Dylan') and !setup.haveFucked('Cody')>> After you dress, the two of you return upstairs. [[Before you leave,|Part8ChristmasReturn]] the two of you watch the highlight reel from game you’d missed, just in case anyone asks how it was. <<else>> After you dress, the two of you return upstairs. Before you leave, the two of you watch the highlight reel from game you’d missed, just in case anyone asks how it was. <<if setup.haveFucked('Cassie')>><br>[[You spend most of the remaining holiday time with Cassie.|Part8ChristmasSister]]<</if>> <<if setup.haveFucked('Dylan')>><br>[[You spend most of the remaining holiday time with Dylan.|Part8ChristmasBrother]]<</if>> <<if setup.haveFucked('Cody')>><br>[[You spend most of the remaining holiday time with Cody.|Part8ChristmasCody]]<</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> <<unset $CampusMinistry>> <<set $CampusMinistryFailChristmas to 1>> You can't help but wonder why you waited so long to finally start having some fun. You feel like you've wasted half a year in your new body. You don't want to waste any more time. Hopefully Faith and Mark won't be too disappointed with your decision. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Road to School</h1> Brad picks you up to give you a ride back to school. You want to compensate him for his trouble and gas again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.haveFucked('Brad')>> <br><video src="Part8/Road7.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video><br> <<else>> <img src="Part8/Return2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640"> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.haveFucked('Brad')>> <<print "He is certainly hoping for more of the ">>[[same kind of payment as last time.|Part8Return3]] <<elseif $KidnapEscape or $CampusMinistry>> You <<link [[pay him another $50|Part8Return6]]>><<set $PlayerMoney -= 50>><</link>> for the ride back. <<elseif $CampusMinistryFailChristmas>> You know you could pay Brad another $50 for the ride back. But decide it would be much more fun to see if he'd enjoy a [[different form of payment|Part8Return3]] instead. <<else>> <<print "You can ">><<link [[pay him another $50|Part8Return6]]>><<set $PlayerMoney -= 50>><</link>><<print " for the ride back. Although he certainly wouldn’t mind if you decided to ">>[[pay him a different way instead.|Part8Return3]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><<print "Andrew’s Apartment">><<else>><<print "Bedroom">><</if>></h1> <<if $KidnapEscape>> You are feeling much better after your trip. You're glad to be back at school now though. <<else>> <<print "You are so happy to finally be back at school.">> <</if>> You think of this more as your home now than where you grew up. <<if $CampusMinistryFailChristmas>> One part you hadn't been looking forward to is talking to Faith. You let her know that you've decided to give up on her and Mark's plan to 'help' you. You don't give her any details about what's happened since you last saw her, though she probably has a pretty good guess. She's disappointed, but not surprised. You don't plan returning to the ministry, so she says she'll let Pastor Mark know. <</if>> <</nobr>> <img src="Part8/Return8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"> <<nobr>> You try on the purchases you made, <<if $KidnapEscape>> looking in the mirror and seeing how beautiful makes you excited for the new year, and ready to forget the old one. <<elseif $CampusMinistry>> Faith isn't a fan of some of the sexier ones your sister helped you pick out. But you tell her not to worry, you just enjoy how beautiful you feel wearing them, they aren't for any guys to see. <<else>> especially the sexier ones you couldn’t show off at your parents. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<print "Veronica is very happy with your new purchase as well.">> <<elseif setup.areDating('Andrew')>>[[Andrew is very happy with your new purchase as well.|Part8Return9]] <<elseif setup.areDating('Josh')>><<print "Josh is very happy with your new purchase as well.">> <<elseif setup.areDating('Aaron')>><<print "Daddy is very happy with your new purchase as well.">> <<elseif setup.areDating('Peter')>><<print "Peter is very happy with your new purchase as well.">> <<elseif setup.isFWB('Zack')>><<print "Zack is very happy with your new purchase as well.">> <<elseif setup.isFWB('James')>><<print "James is very happy with your new purchase as well.">> <<elseif $MasterKate>><<print "Mistress Kate is very happy with your new purchase as well.">> <<elseif $MasterRobert>><<print "Master is very happy with your new purchase as well.">> <<else>><<print "You smile to yourself as you wear your new purchases under your regular clothes as you take care of errands around campus.">> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<if !setup.areDating('Andrew')>>[[Eventually, it's time for the New Year’s Party.|Part8NewYear1]]<</if>><<nobr>> <h1>Road to School</h1> You give him a blowjob as he drives. It makes the long drive much more enjoyable for both of you. Well, especially for him. <<if $CampusMinistryFailChristmas>> It turns you on much more than you thought it would. You don't hestiate when suggests you [[stop somewhere for something more.|Part8Return4]] <<else>> It turns you on as much as it did the last time, but <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> there’s nothing you can do about it anyway. <<else>> now you have more than enough time to [[stop for something more.|Part8Return4]] <</if>> <</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Brad'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part8/Return3.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> He keeps driving and you wait until he’s ready for another blowjob and then give him a repeat performance. <<elseif setup.areDating('Veronica') or setup.areDating('Andrew') or setup.areDating('Josh') or setup.areDating('Aaron') or $MasterKate or $MasterRobert or setup.areDating('Peter')>> Or, maybe you should try to stay somewhat more faithful and resist the urge to do more with Brad, and instead give him a little show as you [[try to take care of your needs yourself.|Part8Return5]] <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>>[[You eventually arrive at your destination.|Part8Return6]]<</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Mechanic</h1> Brad drops you off at the service station where you’d left your car. They’d called while you were gone and let you know that the turbo encabulator was about to go out too and suggested you take care of now so it didn’t fail while you were driving down the highway. That sounded dangerous, so you told them to fix it as well. <</nobr>> <img src="Part8/Return6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> <<print "Now you get the total and it’s $150 for the tire AND another $300 for the turbo-whatever. He notices the shocked look on your face at the large total and hints that he might be able to ">> <<link [[‘work something out’|Part8Return7]]>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Mechanic'})>> <</link>> <<print " to lower that amount for you. ">> <<if $PlayerMoney < 450>> <<if $KidnapEscape or $CampusMinistry or setup.isGoldStarLesbian() or (setup.sexUniqueMaleCount() + setup.sexUniqueFemaleCount()) <= 1>> You ask him about paying on credit, but he insists on cash only, and you really need your car back. You could go to the ATM and get a <<link [[cash advance from your credit card.|Part8Return8]]>> <<set $PlayerMoney -= 500>> <<set $PlayerCredit = 1>> <</link>> They'll probably charge you another $50 in fees on top of the $450. <<else>> <<print " You ask him about paying him on credit, but he insists on cash only, and you really need your car back.">> <</if>> <<else>> <<link [[Or you can just pay the $450 total.|Part8Return8]]>> <<set $PlayerMoney -= 450>> <</link>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Road to School</h1> You decide that a blowjob is the closest you can go to “not cheating”. <</nobr>> <video src="Part8/Return4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "But you figure out there's a different way you can take care of your horniness. Brad certainly doesn't complain about the show you provide for him.">> [[You eventually arrive at your destination.|Part8Return6]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Brad', vaginal: true, birthControlOverride:'cycle'})>> <h1>Road to School</h1> <<print "It doesn’t take Brad long to find somewhere private. You’ve already gotten yourself turned on enough in the car, you just tell him to “fuck me now!” and he happily obliges.">> <</nobr>> <img src="Part8/Return5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "You cum before he does. After you do, you get on your knees and finish him with your mouth again.">> <<print "When you are both satisfied, you get back in the car and ">>[[continue your ride home,|Part8Return6]]<<print " both of you much happier.">><<nobr>> <<set $PlayerMoney -= 150>> <<if $PlayerMoney < 0>><<set $PlayerCredit = 1>><</if>> <h1><<print "Mechanic">></h1> <<print "He can’t drop the $150 for the tire, so you still have to pay that part. But you and him come to another arrangement for the encabulator.">><<if $PlayerCredit>><<print " He even agrees to make an exception and let you pay for it on credit.">><</if>> <</nobr>> <img src="Part8/Return7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "As you kneel on the dirty floor in the back of his garage with your lips around his cock, you keep reminding yourself of the $300 you are saving. That’s worth a couple minutes of embarrassment, right?">> <<if $CampusMinistry>> <<nobr>> <<set $CampusMinistryFail to 1>> <<set $CampusMinistryFailChristmas to 1>> <<unset $CampusMinistry>> You know this is supposed to be humiliating and degrading, and it is. But you also can't deny how much it is turning you on. Feeling your lips around his cock, hearing his moans, and eventually tasting his cum on your tongue. You think, if you are enjoying even this, how much better would it be with someone you were attracted to, someone who was attending to your needs. You wonder why you've been denying yourself this for so long. You know you won't be any longer. <</nobr>> <</if>> [[Once you finish, you drive you car back home.|Part8Return8]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "New Year’s Party">></h1> <<print "You have a really fun time at the big New Year’s Party.">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> <img src="Part8/NewYear2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<elseif setup.areDating('Andrew') or setup.areDating('Josh')>> <img src="Part8/NewYear1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<else>> <img src="Part8/NewYear3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> <<print "You enjoy a romantic kiss with Veronica as the clock strikes twelve, before making your exit soon after to ">>[[continue the party at home.|Part8NewYear2]] <<elseif setup.areDating('Andrew')>> <<print "You enjoy a romantic kiss with Andrew as the clock strikes twelve, before making your exit soon after to ">>[[continue the party at home.|Part8NewYear3]] <<elseif setup.areDating('Josh')>> <<print "You enjoy a romantic kiss with Josh as the clock strikes twelve, before making your exit soon after to ">>[[continue the party at home.|Part8NewYear3]] <<elseif $KidnapEscape>> <<print "You cheer as the clock strikes twelve, then you stay at the party for [[a bit more champagne.|Part8NewYear4]]">> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> Well, sparkling grape juice for you, champagne for everyone else. <</if>> <<elseif setup.areDating('Aaron')>> It's too bad Daddy doesn't get back to campus for another couple days, you'd rather have him here to share a New Year's kiss with. But you are excited that at least you won't need to hide your relationship anymore. Tonight though, you just cheer as the clock strikes twelve, then stay at the party for [[a bit more champagne.|Part8NewYear4]] <<if $PlayerPregnant>> Well, sparkling grape juice for you, champagne for everyone else. <</if>> <<else>> As the clock strikes twelve, you can kiss one of the [[guys|Part8NewYear3]] or [[girls|Part8NewYear2]] you were dancing with at midnight. Feeling the way you do right now, you know you'll probably leave here tonight with them as well. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !setup.areDating('Aaron') and !$KidnapEscape and !setup.areDating('Veronica') and !setup.areDating('Andrew') and !setup.areDating('Josh') and (!$PlayerSideEffectLibido or $PlayerSideEffectLibido < 3) and (!$PlayerSideEffectPheromones or $PlayerSideEffectPheromones < 3)>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> <<print "Or you can stay at the party for ">>[[some more dancing.|Part8NewYear4]] <<else>> <<print "Or you can stay at the party for ">>[[a bit more champagne.|Part8NewYear4]] <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Andrew’s Apartment">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You’d thought it was a little tacky when you’d opened the skirt your parents gave you for Christmas, but when you model it for Andrew, he doesn’t seem to mind it.">> <img src="Part8/Return9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "You are both so glad to be together again that neither of you even leave your apartment your first day back.">> [[Eventually, it's time for the New Year’s Party.|Part8NewYear1]]<<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <<else>> <<if $MasterKate or setup.areDating('Aaron')>><<set $SexNewYearFemale = 1>><</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"New Year's Eve hookup"})>> <</if>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> You and Veronica spend the first few hours of the new year with your bodies intertwined, trying to discover all the way to give each other pleasure <<else>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> You spend the first hours of the new year giving the pleasure you yearn for. Seeing and hearing the joy you are giving the beautiful woman is the only pleasure you can have today though <<elseif $CampusMinistry>> You decide to leave Faith and Mark and their plans for you in the old year. This new year is going to be about having fun. The beautiful woman you went home with is more than happy to spend the first few hours of the new year showing you all the pleasure your bodies can give each other, and helping you make up for lost time. <<else>> You and the beautiful woman sharing your bed spend the first few hours of the new year with your bodies intertwined, trying to discover all the way to give each other pleasure. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> <img src="Part8/NewYear5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<else>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <img src="Part8/NewYear8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<else>> <img src="Part8/NewYear5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> <<print "Finally, the two of you are exhausted and fall asleep curled up next to each other. You wake up the next morning excited for what ">> <<link "the new year might hold.">> <<goto [[Part85Talk1]]>> <</link>> <<elseif $CampusMinistry>> <<set $CampusMinistryFail to 1>> <<unset $CampusMinistry>> Finally, the two of you are exhausted and fall asleep curled up next to each other. You wake up the next morning excited for what the [[new year might hold|Part9Start1]]. The only part you aren't looking forward to is the talk with Faith when you get back to your room. She seems disappointed, but not surprised, and says she'll let Mark know that you've abandonded their plan for you. <<else>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<print "You wake up the next morning, aching with need, but excited for what ">> <<link "the new year might hold.">> <<if $MasterKate or setup.areDating('Veronica') or setup.areDating('Peter') or setup.areDating('Aaron')>> <<goto [[Part85Talk1]]>> <<else>> <<goto [[Part9Start1]]>> <</if>> <</link>> <<else>> <<print "Finally, the two of you are exhausted and fall asleep curled up next to each other. You wake up the next morning excited for what ">> <<link "the new year might hold.">> <<if $MasterKate or setup.areDating('Veronica') or setup.areDating('Peter') or setup.areDating('Aaron')>> <<goto [[Part85Talk1]]>> <<else>> <<if setup.isFWB('Barry')>> <<goto [[Part85Jerk]]>> <<else>> <<goto [[Part9Start1]]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</link>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $MasterKate or setup.areDating('Aaron')>> <<set $SexNewYearMale = 1>> <</if>> <h1><<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><<print "Andrew’s Apartment">><<else>><<print "Bedroom">><</if>></h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>> <<print "You and Andrew spend the first few hours of the new year enjoying the pleasure of each others bodies, until you fall asleep beside him.">> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<elseif setup.areDating('Josh')>> <<print "You and Josh spend the first few hours of the new year enjoying the pleasure of each others bodies, until you fall asleep beside him.">> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Josh', vaginal: true})>> <<elseif $CampusMinistry>> You decide to leave Faith and Mark and their plans for you in the old year. This new year is going to be about having fun. The guy you went home with is more than happy to help you try to make up for lost time. <<else>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: "New Year's Eve hookup"})>> <<print "You spend the first hours of the new year giving the pleasure you yearn for. Seeing and hearing the joy you are giving him is the only pleasure you can have today though.">> <<else>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: "New Year's Eve hookup", vaginal: true, noPullout: true})>> <<print "You and him spend the first few hours of the new year enjoying the pleasure of each others bodies, until you fall asleep beside him.">> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew') or setup.areDating('Josh')>>\ <br><video src="Part8/NewYear6.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"><br></video>\ <<else>>\ <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>>\ <img src="Part8/NewYear7.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640">\ <<else>>\ <br><video src="Part8/NewYear6.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"><br></video>\ <</if>>\ <</if>>\ <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<print "You wake up the next morning, aching with need, ">> <<link "but excited for what the new year might hold.">> <<if $MasterKate or setup.areDating('Andrew') or setup.areDating('Josh') or setup.areDating('Peter') or setup.areDating('Aaron')>> <<goto [[Part85Talk1]]>> <<else>> <<goto [[Part9Start1]]>> <</if>> <</link>> <<elseif $CampusMinistry>> You wake the next morning excited for what the [[new year might hold|Part9Start1]]. The only part you aren't looking forward to is the talk with Faith when you get back to your room. <<else>> <<print "You wake the next morning excited for what ">> <<link "the new year might hold.">> <<if $MasterKate or setup.areDating('Andrew') or setup.areDating('Josh') or setup.areDating('Peter') or setup.areDating('Aaron')>> <<goto [[Part85Talk1]]>> <<else>> <<if setup.isFWB('Barry')>> <<goto [[Part85Jerk]]>> <<else>> <<goto [[Part9Start1]]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</link>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew') or setup.areDating('Josh')>> <<print "He wakes when you do. When you notice his morning erection pressed against you, you can’t think of a better way to start the first day of the new year and ease yourself back, smiling as you feel it slide inside you.">> <<else>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<print "He wakes when you do. When you notice his morning erection pressed against you, you can’t think of a better way to start the first day of the new year but with a mouthful of cock.">> <<else>> <<print "He wakes when you do. When you notice his morning erection pressed against you, you can’t think of a better way to start the first day of the new year and ease yourself back, smiling as you feel it slide inside you.">> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> <<set $CampusMinistryFail to 1>> <<unset $CampusMinistry>> When you have the conversion with Faith, she's more disappointed than surprised. She says she'll let Pastor Mark know that you've given up on their plan to 'help' you. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> <</nobr>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>><<print "You have fun dancing for another hour or two before you catch a ride home. You make it to your bed, but are asleep as soon as your head hits the sheets.">><<else>><<print "You have fun dancing and drinking champagne for another hour or two before you catch a ride home. You make it to your bed, but are asleep as soon as your head hits the sheets.">><</if>> <img src="Part8/NewYear4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>><<print "You wake up the next morning with your legs sore, ">><<else>><<print "You wake up the next morning with a bit of hangover, ">><</if>> <<if $KidnapEscape>>ready to move on from last year,<</if>> <<link "but excited about what the new year might hold.">> <<if $MasterKate or setup.areDating('Peter') or setup.areDating('Aaron')>> <<goto [[Part85Talk1]]>> <<else>> <<if !$KidnapEscape and setup.isFWB('Barry')>> <<goto [[Part85Jerk]]>> <<else>> <<goto [[Part9Start1]]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</link>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $TalkEvent = 0>> <<set $TalkUpset = 0>> <<set $TalkPunishLight = 0>> <<set $TalkPunishSevere = 0>> <<if $MasterKate>><h1><<print "Mistress Kate's House">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><h1><<print "Andrew’s Apartment">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><h1><<print "Josh’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><h1><<print "Veronica’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>><h1><<print "Peter’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><h1><<print "Professor’s House">></h1><</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<print "After the holidays are over, you and ">> <<if $MasterKate>><<print "Mistress Kate">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><<print "Andrew">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><<print "Josh">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<print "Veronica">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>><<print "Peter">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><<print "Daddy">><</if>> <<print " finally have some time to sit down and talk about your time away from each other.">> <</nobr>> <<if $MasterKate or setup.areDating('Veronica')>><img src="Part8.5/Talk2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"><<else>><img src="Part8.5/Talk1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"><</if>> <<nobr>> <<if $MasterKate and $PlayerPregnant>> You start with the biggest news, your pregnancy. Kate seems excited for you, but a bit upset as well. Regardless of what you thought the future of your relationship with her was, it's clear she thought it might be something serious and long-term. But it's clear she's not interested in having a new baby in her life, at least not one she had no part of. <<elseif !setup.haveFucked('Cassie') and !setup.haveFucked('Greg') and !setup.haveFucked('Mike') and !setup.haveFucked('Brad') and !setup.haveFucked('Dylan') and !setup.haveFucked('Police Officer') and !setup.haveFucked('Cody') and !setup.haveFucked('Mechanic') and !$HomeMasturbate and !$UncleChair and !$SexNewYearMale and !$SexNewYearFemale>> <<print "You tell ">><<if $MasterKate or setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<print "her">><<else>><<print "him">><</if>><<print " that you ">>[[were completely faithful|Part85Faithful]]<<print " while you were away">><<if $MasterKate>><<print "and that you did not disobey her.">><<else>><<print ".">><</if>> <<else>> <<if !setup.haveFucked('Cassie') and !setup.haveFucked('Greg') and !setup.haveFucked('Mike') and !setup.haveFucked('Brad') and !setup.haveFucked('Dylan') and !setup.haveFucked('Police Officer') and !setup.haveFucked('Cody') and !setup.haveFucked('Mechanic') and !$UncleChair and !$SexNewYearMale and !$SexNewYearFemale>> <<if $MasterKate>><<print "You tell her you’ve been masturbating when you were told not to, ">>[[but did not do anything worse.|Part85Sticky]]<<else>><<print "You tell ">><<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<print "her">><<else>><<print "him">><</if>><<print " that you ">>[[were completely faithful|Part85Faithful]]<<print " while you were away.">><</if>> <<else>> <<print "You’ve explained how the X-Change has affected you, and ">> <<if $MasterKate or setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<print "she said she’ll try to be understanding. But you know that even her understanding has a limit, and you hope that you haven’t crossed it. You try to gauge her reaction ">><<else>><<print "he said he’ll try to be understanding. But you know that even his understanding has a limit, and you hope that you haven’t crossed it. You try to gauge his reaction ">><</if>> <<link "as you tell your story">> <<if setup.haveFucked('Mechanic')>><<goto [[Part85Mechanic]]>> <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Police Officer')>><<goto [[Part85Patrol]]>> <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Brad')>><<goto [[Part85Brad]]>> <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Dylan')>><<goto [[Part85Brother]]>> <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Cassie')>><<goto [[Part85Sister1]]>> <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Cody')>><<goto [[Part85Cody]]>> <<elseif $UncleChair>><<goto [[Part85Uncle2]]>> <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Mike')>><<goto [[Part85Uncle1]]>> <<elseif $SexNewYearMale or $SexNewYearFemale>><<goto [[Part85NewYear]]>> <</if>> <</link>> <<if $MasterKate or setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<print " and she pictures the events in her mind.">><<else>><<print " and he pictures the events in his mind.">><</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $MasterKate and $PlayerPregnant>> You've had some time to think about your relationship, and while it was fun while it lasted, you and Kate clearly are wanting different things from life right now. You've decided that [[it's best to end the relationship.|Part85BreakUp3]] <<elseif setup.areDating('Aaron') and $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive >= 3>> <<elseif $MasterKate and $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive >= 2>> <<else>> Unless the time apart let you rethink your relationship [[and you want to end it.|Part85BreakUp1]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $MasterKate>><h1><<print "Mistress Kate">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><h1><<print "Andrew’s Apartment">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><h1><<print "Josh’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><h1><<print "Veronica’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>><h1><<print "Peter’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><h1><<print "Professor’s House">></h1><</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> <img src="Part8.5/Faithfull2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<elseif $MasterKate>> <br><video src="Part8.5/Faithfull4a.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video><br> <<elseif setup.areDating('Aaron')>> <br><video src="Part8.5/Faithfull5.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video><br> <<elseif setup.areDating('Peter')>> <img src="Part8.5/Faithfull6.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<else>> <img src="Part8.5/Faithfull1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $MasterKate or setup.areDating('Veronica')>> <<print "You talk to her about how much you missed her while you were away and how awkward it was with your relatives at Christmas.">> <<else>> <<print "You talk to him about how much you missed him while you were away and how awkward it was with your relatives at Christmas.">> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $MasterKate or setup.areDating('Veronica')>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> <<print "She evidently missed you as much as you missed her. Soon the two of you stop discussing what you did during your time apart and ">>[[go back to enjoying your time together.|Part85Together]] <<else>> <<print "She evidently missed toying with you as much as you missed her. Soon the two of you stop discussing what you did during your time apart and she tells you that you deserve a reward for being so obedient to her while you were away.">> <</if>> <<else>> <<if !setup.areDating('Aaron')>> <<print "He evidently missed you as much as you missed him. Soon the two of you stop discussing what you did during your time apart and ">>[[go back to enjoying your time together.|Part85Together]] <<else>> <<print "He evidently missed you as much as you missed him. Soon the two of you stop discussing what you did during your time apart and Daddy finally embraces you for the first time in so long.">> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $Keyholder == 'Veronica'>><<set $PlayerChastityBelt = 1>><<print "Later that night she locks you back in your chastity belt.">><</if>> <<if $Keyholder == 'Kate'>><<print "As you have your first orgasm in so long, ">>[[you realize just how happy you are to be with your mistress.|Part85Together]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><<print "After he finishes fucking you, ">>[[he mentions that he has prepared a gift for you.|Part85Daddy]]<</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Mistress Kate">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Your mistress listens closely as you confess your unauthorized orgasms. You think she’s decided not to punish you as she begins using the wand on you and you feel yourself building towards an orgasm.">> <video src="Part8.5/Punish2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "You soon realize this IS your punishment though. She repeatedly stops the stimulation just before you can orgasm, only to start it again a moment later. She tells you that she had planned many orgasms for you tonight, but now you won’t be receiving any of them.">> <<print "After what seems like hours of being denied she finally stops, leaving you dripping wet and unsatisfied. Then you spend the rest of the evening pleasuring her.">> <<print "She says, if you behave, ">>[[maybe she’ll allow you an orgasm next week.|Part85Together]]<<nobr>> <<set $TalkEvent += 1>> <<if $MasterKate>><h1><<print "Mistress Kate">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><h1><<print "Andrew’s Apartment">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><h1><<print "Josh’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><h1><<print "Veronica’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>><h1><<print "Peter’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><h1><<print "Professor’s House">></h1><</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $MasterKate>> <<print "You can see the amused look in ">> <<if $MasterKate>><<print "Mistress Kate">><</if>> <<print "’s eyes as you describe kneeling on the dirty shop floor and sucking the mechanic’s cock in order to get your car back.">> <<else>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>> <<print "You can see the excited look in ">> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>><<print "Peter">><</if>> <<print "’s eyes as you describe kneeling on the dirty shop floor and sucking the mechanic’s cock in order to get your car back.">> <<else>> <<print "You can see the disgusted look in ">> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><<print "Andrew">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><<print "Josh">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<print "Veronica">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><<print "Daddy">><</if>> <<print "’s eyes as you describe kneeling on the dirty shop floor and sucking the mechanic’s cock in order to get your car back.">> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <video src="Part8.5/Mechanic.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<if $MasterKate>><<print "She starts laughing, “that’s not even a real car part that he ‘fixed’. He just took advantage of you.”">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><<print "“Oh god, I’m sorry you had to go through that. Next time call me, you should have to sell yourself like that!”">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><<print "“Your blowjobs are pretty good, but I’m glad you don’t charge me $300 for them.”">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<print "“Well, I don’t even like guys, but for $300, I'd probably blow someone too. But not that guy. Him I would have just laughed at, because that’s not even a real car part that he ‘fixed’. He just took advantage of you.”">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>><<print "He pauses and says “that’s not even a real car part that he ‘fixed’. He just took advantage of you.”">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><<print "“I’m not upset, but I am a bit disappointed in you. You should remember that not all life’s problems can be solved with a blowjob.”">><</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !setup.haveFucked('Cassie') and !setup.haveFucked('Greg') and !setup.haveFucked('Mike') and !setup.haveFucked('Brad') and !setup.haveFucked('Dylan') and !setup.haveFucked('Police Officer') and !setup.haveFucked('Cody') and !$UncleChair and !$SexNewYearMale and !$SexNewYearFemale>> <<if $MasterKate>>[[Luckly, that is all you did so she will not punish you for being gullible.|Part85Together]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>>[[Luckly, that is all you did so he will not get mad at you for getting in trouble.|Part85Together]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>>[[Luckly, that is all you did so he will not get mad at you for trying to save money.|Part85Together]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>>[[Luckly, that is all you did so she does not get mad at you for being gullible.|Part85Together]]<<print " But it does seem that she will enjoy making jokes abou it in the future.">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>>[[He seems a bit disappointed that there isn't anything more to your story.|Part85Together]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>>[[As he unzips his pants he adds, “Thankfully this isn’t one of those times.”|Part85Daddy]]<</if>> <<else>> <<link "You continue telling your story.">> <<if setup.haveFucked('Police Officer')>><<goto [[Part85Patrol]]>> <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Brad')>><<goto [[Part85Brad]]>> <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Dylan')>><<goto [[Part85Brother]]>> <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Cassie')>><<goto [[Part85Sister1]]>> <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Cody')>><<goto [[Part85Cody]]>> <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Mike')>><<goto [[Part85Uncle1]]>> <<elseif $UncleChair>><<goto [[Part85Uncle2]]>> <<elseif $SexNewYearMale or $SexNewYearFemale>><<goto [[Part85NewYear]]>> <</if>> <</link>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $TalkEvent += 1>> <<if $MasterKate>><h1><<print "Mistress Kate">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><h1><<print "Andrew’s Apartment">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><h1><<print "Josh’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><h1><<print "Veronica’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>><h1><<print "Peter’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><h1><<print "Professor’s House">></h1><</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $MasterKate>> <<print "You can see worry, then concern, and maybe anger (but not at you) cross ">> <<if $MasterKate>><<print "Mistress Kate">><</if>> <<print "’s face as you tell of your speeding and what you had to do to avoid arrest.">> <<else>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>> <<print "You can see worry, then concern, and maybe anger (but not at you) cross ">> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>><<print "Peter">><</if>> <<print "’s face as you tell of your speeding and what you had to do to avoid arrest.">> <<else>> <<print "You can see worry, then concern, and maybe anger (but not at you) cross ">> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><<print "Andrew">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><<print "Josh">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<print "Veronica">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><<print "Daddy">><</if>> <<print "’s face as you tell of your speeding and what you had to do to avoid arrest.">> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <video src="Part8.5/Cop.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<if $MasterKate>><<print "“It sounds like it went further than you expected, and besides it sounds like you didn’t get much pleasure out of the encounter. So I’ll forgo your punishment this time.”">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><<print "“Oh god, I’m sorry you had to go through that. I can’t believe he abused his authority like that, that’s horrible!”">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><<print "“Wow. Right there in his police car... Well, I guess it’s better than going to jail.”">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<print "“I would have tried to get out of it too. Fucking some disgusting cop in the back of his car is better than jail, right?”">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>><<print "“Wow. Right there in his police car... Well, I guess it’s better than going to jail.”">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><<print "“I’m not upset, but I am a bit disappointed in you. You seem to have a habit of using sex to get out of trouble with authority figures.”">><</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !setup.haveFucked('Cassie') and !setup.haveFucked('Greg') and !setup.haveFucked('Mike') and !setup.haveFucked('Brad') and !setup.haveFucked('Dylan') and !setup.haveFucked('Cody') and !$UncleChair and !$SexNewYearMale and !$SexNewYearFemale>> <<if $MasterKate>>[[Luckly, that is all you did so she will not punish you for getting in trouble.|Part85Together]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>>[[Luckly, that is all you did so he will not get mad at you for getting in trouble.|Part85Together]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>>[[Luckly, that is all you did so he will not get mad at you for getting in trouble.|Part85Together]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>>[[Luckly, that is all you did so she does not get mad at for getting in trouble.|Part85Together]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>>[[He seems a bit disappointed that there isn't anything more to your story.|Part85Together]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>>[[As he unzips his pants he adds, “Though, I suppose that’s not always a bad thing.”|Part85Daddy]]<</if>> <<else>> <<link "You continue telling your story.">> <<if setup.haveFucked('Brad')>><<goto [[Part85Brad]]>> <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Dylan')>><<goto [[Part85Brother]]>> <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Cassie')>><<goto [[Part85Sister1]]>> <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Cody')>><<goto [[Part85Cody]]>> <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Mike')>><<goto [[Part85Uncle1]]>> <<elseif $UncleChair>><<goto [[Part85Uncle2]]>> <<elseif $SexNewYearMale or $SexNewYearFemale>><<goto [[Part85NewYear]]>> <</if>> <</link>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $TalkEvent += 1>> <<set $TalkPunishLight = 1>> <<if $MasterKate>><h1><<print "Mistress Kate">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><h1><<print "Andrew’s Apartment">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><h1><<print "Josh’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><h1><<print "Veronica’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>><h1><<print "Peter’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><h1><<print "Professor’s House">></h1><</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $MasterKate>> <<print "You tell ">> <<if $MasterKate>><<print "Mistress Kate">><</if>> <<print " about how you felt bad taking Brad out of his way and you wanted to thank him, and how that led to a blowjob, and how that led to even more.">> <<else>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>> <<print "You tell ">> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>><<print "Peter">><</if>> <<print " about how you felt bad taking Brad out of his way and you wanted to thank him, and how that led to a blowjob, and how that led to even more.">> <<else>> <<print "You tell ">> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><<print "Andrew">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><<print "Josh">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<print "Veronica">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><<print "Daddy">><</if>> <<print " about how you felt bad taking Brad out of his way and you wanted to thank him, and how that led to a blowjob, and how that led to even more.">> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <video src="Part8.5/Car.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<if $MasterKate>><<if setup.haveFuckedVaginal('Brad')>><<print "“If you wanted to thank him, you should have just given him his pleasure. Fucking him was not necessary.”">><<else>><<print "“If you wanted to thank him, you should have just given him his pleasure. Yours belongs to me. I’ll let it go this time, unless there is more, but don’t let it happen again.”">><</if>><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><<if setup.haveFuckedVaginal('Brad')>><<print "“I know you didn’t plan it. You car broke down and you needed a ride, and then one thing led to another... But... Did you really need to fuck him?”">><<else>><<print "“I know you didn’t plan it. You car broke down and you needed a ride, and then one thing led to another... Just...Please, don’t do anything like that again.”">><</if>><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><<print "“I understand, I know with your side-effects things can get out of control sometimes. But I’ll expect the same in-car fun for me on our next road-trip.”">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<if setup.haveFuckedVaginal('Brad')>><<print "“You do know guys usually accept money also, right? Why didn’t you just pay... why didn’t you stop with just blowjobs... Whatever.”">><<else>><<print "“You do know guys usually accept money also, right? Why didn’t you just pay... just... Whatever.”">><</if>><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>><<print "“Wow that sounds so hot. I wish I could get at least part of that pleasure one day.”">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><<print "“It was good that you wanted to thank him for helping you, but you let things go to far. I will go easy on your punishment this time, unless there is more, but I want you to think about what you’ve done.”">><</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.haveFuckedVaginal('Brad') and !setup.areDating('Peter') and !setup.areDating('Aaron') and !setup.areDating('Josh')>> <<set $TalkUpset = 1>> <<set $TalkPunishSevere = 1>> <<if !setup.haveFucked('Cassie') and !setup.haveFucked('Greg') and !setup.haveFucked('Mike') and !setup.haveFucked('Dylan') and !setup.haveFucked('Cody') and !$UncleChair and !$SexNewYearMale and !$SexNewYearFemale>> <<if $MasterKate>>[[“You disobeyed my orders and need to be severely punished.”|Part85Punish2]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>>[[He is clearly upset from this confession.|Part85Upset1]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>>[[She is clearly upset from this confession.|Part85Upset1]]<</if>> <<else>> <<link "You continue telling your story.">> <<if setup.haveFucked('Dylan')>><<goto [[Part85Brother]]>> <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Cassie')>><<goto [[Part85Sister1]]>> <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Cody')>><<goto [[Part85Cody]]>> <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Mike')>><<goto [[Part85Uncle1]]>> <<elseif $UncleChair>><<goto [[Part85Uncle2]]>> <<elseif $SexNewYearMale or $SexNewYearFemale>><<goto [[Part85NewYear]]>> <</if>> <</link>> <</if>> <<else>> <<if !setup.haveFucked('Cassie') and !setup.haveFucked('Greg') and !setup.haveFucked('Mike') and !setup.haveFucked('Dylan') and !setup.haveFucked('Cody') and !$UncleChair and !$SexNewYearMale and !$SexNewYearFemale>> <<if $MasterKate>>[[Luckly, that is all you did so she will not punish you for trying to save money.|Part85Together]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>>[[He is upset for a bit, but there aren’t any lasting repercussions just from this confession.|Part85Together]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>>[[He is upset for a bit, but there aren’t any lasting repercussions just from this confession.|Part85Together]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>>[[She is upset for a bit, but there aren’t any lasting repercussions from this confession.|Part85Together]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>>[[You can tell that the last confession made him particularly excited.|Part85Together]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>>[[You see him starting to unbuckle his belt.|Part85Punish1]]<</if>> <<else>> <<link "You continue telling your story.">> <<if setup.haveFucked('Dylan')>><<goto [[Part85Brother]]>> <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Cassie')>><<goto [[Part85Sister1]]>> <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Cody')>><<goto [[Part85Cody]]>> <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Mike')>><<goto [[Part85Uncle1]]>> <<elseif $UncleChair>><<goto [[Part85Uncle2]]>> <<elseif $SexNewYearMale or $SexNewYearFemale>><<goto [[Part85NewYear]]>> <</if>> <</link>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $TalkUpset = 1>> <<set $TalkPunishSevere = 1>> <<if $MasterKate>><h1><<print "Mistress Kate">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><h1><<print "Andrew’s Apartment">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><h1><<print "Josh’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><h1><<print "Veronica’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>><h1><<print "Peter’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><h1><<print "Professor’s House">></h1><</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $MasterKate>> <<print "">> <<if $MasterKate>><<print "Mistress Kate">><</if>> <<print "listens in shock as you tell about your brother’s crush on you, how you flirted back at him to egg him on, and then how you creeped into your brothers room while he was masturbating, and all that followed that.">> <<else>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>> <<print "">> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>><<print "Peter">><</if>> <<print "listens in shock as you tell about your brother’s crush on you, how you flirted back at him to egg him on, and then how you creeped into your brothers room while he was masturbating, and all that followed that.">> <<else>> <<print "">> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><<print "Andrew">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><<print "Josh">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<print "Veronica">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><<print "Daddy">><</if>> <<print "listens in shock as you tell about your brother’s crush on you, how you flirted back at him to egg him on, and then how you creeped into your brothers room while he was masturbating, and all that followed that.">> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <img src="Part8.5/Brother.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> <<if $MasterKate>><<print "“You disobeyed my orders and need to be severely punished.”">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><<print "“With your brother? Is this the first time, or was this happening before your change... actually I don’t want to know.”">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><<print "“I try to be open minded, but that’s a bit much even for me.”">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<print "“Not just with a guy, but with your Brother?! Seriously?”">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>><<print "“With your brother? That sounds so wrong, and yet so hot.”">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><<print "“You’ve been a very naughty girl. You need to be punished severely.”">><</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !setup.haveFucked('Mike') and !$UncleChair and !$SexNewYearMale and !$SexNewYearFemale>> <<if $MasterKate>>[[She is clearly upset from this confession.|Part85Punish2]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>>[[He is clearly upset from this confession.|Part85Upset1]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>>[[He is clearly upset from this confession.|Part85Upset1]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>>[[She is clearly upset from this confession.|Part85Upset1]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>>[[You can tell that the last confession made him particularly excited.|Part85Together]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>>[[You see him going towards the closet.|Part85Punish2]]<</if>> <<else>> <<link "You continue telling your story.">> <<if setup.haveFucked('Mike')>><<goto [[Part85Uncle1]]>> <<else>><<if $UncleChair>><<goto [[Part85Uncle2]]>> <<else>><<if $SexNewYearMale or $SexNewYearFemale>><<goto [[Part85NewYear]]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</link>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $TalkUpset = 1>> <<set $TalkPunishSevere = 1>> <<if $MasterKate>><h1><<print "Mistress Kate">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><h1><<print "Andrew’s Apartment">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><h1><<print "Josh’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><h1><<print "Veronica’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>><h1><<print "Peter’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><h1><<print "Professor’s House">></h1><</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $MasterKate>> <<print "You tell ">> <<if $MasterKate>><<print "Mistress Kate">><</if>> <<print " about your talk with your sister, and how horny you had been that night. You tell how your sister had sensed it and invited you along to her late night visit to her ex. And then you tell about the threesome at his house.">> <<else>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>> <<print "You tell ">> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>><<print "Peter">><</if>> <<print " about your talk with your sister, and how horny you had been that night. You tell how your sister had sensed it and invited you along to her late night visit to her ex. And then you tell about the threesome at his house.">> <<else>> <<print "You tell ">> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><<print "Andrew">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><<print "Josh">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<print "Veronica">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><<print "Daddy">><</if>> <<print " about your talk with your sister, and how horny you had been that night. You tell how your sister had sensed it and invited you along to her late night visit to her ex. And then you tell about the threesome at his house.">> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <video src="Part8.5/Sister1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<if $MasterKate>><<print "“You disobeyed my orders and need to be severely punished.”">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><<print "You tell your boyfriend about the threesome you had with your sister and her ex. But the way you explain it, it wasn’t cheating. It was the first part of a trade. Your sister will be returning the favor sometime soon and having a threesome with you and your boyfriend.">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><<print "You tell your boyfriend about the threesome you had with your sister and her ex. But the way you explain it, it wasn’t cheating. It was the first part of a trade. Your sister will be returning the favor sometime soon and having a threesome with you and your boyfriend.">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<print "“I can’t believe you let your sister talk you into that!”">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>><<print "“With your sister? That sounds so wrong, and yet so hot.”">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><<print "“You’ve been a very naughty girl. You need to be punished severely.”">><</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !setup.haveFucked('Mike') and !$UncleChair and !$SexNewYearMale and !$SexNewYearFemale>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><<print "He’s a little upset at first. But as you talk about how hot it will be, sharing him with your sister, he soon forgets about his objections to what happened over the break. ">>[[Instead he’s interested in when your sister will be able to come through on her part of the bargain.|Part85Sister2]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><<print "He’s a little upset at first. But as you talk about how hot it will be, sharing him with your sister, he soon forgets about his objections to what happened over the break. ">>[[Instead he’s interested in when your sister will be able to come through on her part of the bargain.|Part85Sister2]]<</if>> <<if $MasterKate>>[[She is clearly upset from this confession.|Part85Punish2]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>>[[She is clearly upset from this confession.|Part85Upset1]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>>[[You can tell that the last confession made him particularly excited.|Part85Together]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>>[[You see him going towards the closet.|Part85Punish2]]<</if>> <<else>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew') or setup.areDating('Josh')>><<print "He’s a little upset at first. But as you talk about how hot it will be, sharing him with your sister, he soon forgets about his objections to what happened with your sister. ">><</if>> <<link "You continue telling your story.">> <<if setup.haveFucked('Mike')>><<goto [[Part85Uncle1]]>> <<else>><<if $UncleChair>><<goto [[Part85Uncle2]]>> <<else>><<if $SexNewYearMale or $SexNewYearFemale>><<goto [[Part85NewYear]]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</link>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $TalkPunishSevere = 1>> <<if $MasterKate>><h1><<print "Mistress Kate">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><h1><<print "Andrew’s Apartment">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><h1><<print "Josh’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><h1><<print "Veronica’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>><h1><<print "Peter’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><h1><<print "Professor’s House">></h1><</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $MasterKate>> <<print "You tell ">> <<if $MasterKate>><<print "Mistress Kate">><</if>> <<print " about flirting with Cody at the mall. You tell how you gave him your number at the coffee shop. You confess the moment of weakness when you called him and then drove to meet him. And then you confess what happened after that.">> <<else>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>> <<print "You tell ">> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>><<print "Peter">><</if>> <<print " about flirting with Cody at the mall. You tell how you gave him your number at the coffee shop. You confess the moment of weakness when you called him and then drove to meet him. And then you confess what happened after that.">> <<else>> <<print "You tell ">> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><<print "Andrew">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><<print "Josh">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<print "Veronica">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><<print "Daddy">><</if>> <<print " about flirting with Cody at the mall. You tell how you gave him your number at the coffee shop. You confess the moment of weakness when you called him and then drove to meet him. And then you confess what happened after that.">> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <img src="Part8.5/Cody.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> <<if $MasterKate>><<print "“You disobeyed my orders and need to be severely punished.”">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><<print "“I can’t believe you cheated on me with some guy you’d just met!”">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><<print "“I can’t believe you cheated on me with some guy you’d just met!”">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<print "“I can’t believe you cheated on me with some guy you’d just met!”">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>><<print "“You had sex with a guy you just met? That guy was so lucky.”">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><<print "“You’ve been a very naughty girl. You need to be punished severely.”">><</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh') or setup.areDating('Andrew') or setup.areDating('Veronica')>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><<print "Andrew">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><<print "Josh">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<print "Veronica">><</if>> <<print "does not want to continue hearing about your holidays and ">>[[is clearly furious with your actions|Part85BreakUp2]] <<else>> <<if !setup.haveFucked('Mike') and !$UncleChair and !$SexNewYearMale and !$SexNewYearFemale>> <<if $MasterKate>>[[She is clearly upset from this confession.|Part85Punish2]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>>[[You can tell that the last confession made him particularly excited.|Part85Together]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>>[[You see him going towards the closet.|Part85Punish2]]<</if>> <<else>> <<link "You continue telling your story.">> <<if setup.haveFucked('Mike')>><<goto [[Part85Uncle1]]>> <<else>><<if $UncleChair>><<goto [[Part85Uncle2]]>> <<else>><<if $SexNewYearMale or $SexNewYearFemale>><<goto [[Part85NewYear]]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</link>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $TalkPunishSevere = 1>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive = 1>> <</if>> <<if $MasterKate>><h1><<print "Mistress Kate">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><h1><<print "Andrew’s Apartment">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><h1><<print "Josh’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><h1><<print "Veronica’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>><h1><<print "Peter’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><h1><<print "Professor’s House">></h1><</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $MasterKate>> <<print "You tell ">> <<if $MasterKate>><<print "Mistress Kate">><</if>> <<print " of your innocent mistake with the handcuffs, of being led to the dungeon, and being bound and helpless.">> <<else>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>> <<print "You tell ">> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>><<print "Peter">><</if>> <<print " of your innocent mistake with the handcuffs, of being led to the dungeon, and being bound and helpless.">> <<else>> <<print "You tell ">> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><<print "Andrew">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><<print "Josh">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<print "Veronica">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><<print "Daddy">><</if>> <<print " of your innocent mistake with the handcuffs, of being led to the dungeon, and being bound and helpless.">> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <img src="Part8.5/Uncle1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> <<print "“Were you gagged?”, ">> <<if $MasterKate>><<print "Mistress Kate">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><<print "Andrew">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><<print "Josh">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<print "Veronica">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>><<print "Peter">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><<print "Daddy">><</if>> <<print " asks. “Then did you ask him to stop?” “Why not?” You realize the answer now, even if you didn’t before. The thrill of being helpless and used was too much for you. As soon as those handcuffs clicked shut your submissive side took over your actions.">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $MasterKate or setup.areDating('Veronica')>> <<print "You tell her you wanted to be faithful, but you felt like you couldn’t help but do as he wanted you to do.">> <<else>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>> <<print "You tell him how you felt like you couldn’t help but do as he wanted you to do.">> <<else>> <<print "You tell him you wanted to be faithful, but you felt like you couldn’t help but do as he wanted you to do.">> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<print "You wonder if it’s from the X-Change, or if you’ve always had it.">> <<nobr>> <<if $MasterKate>><<print "When she asks, you are ashamed as you tell her how much you enjoyed it.">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><<print "When he asks, you are ashamed as you ">>[[tell him how much you enjoyed it.|Part85Submissive1]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><<print "When he asks, you are ashamed as you ">>[[tell him how much you enjoyed it.|Part85Submissive1]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<print "When she asks, you are ashamed as you ">>[[tell her how much you enjoyed it.|Part85Submissive1]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>><<print "When he asks, you ">>[[tell him how much you enjoyed it.|Part85Together]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><<print "When he asks, you are ashamed as you tell him how much you enjoyed it.">><</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$SexNewYearMale and !$SexNewYearFemale>> <<if $MasterKate>><br><<print "“You’ve been a very naughty girl. ">>[[You need to be punished severely.”|Part85Punish2]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><br><<print "“You’ve been a very naughty girl. ">>[[You need to be punished severely.”|Part85Punish2]]<</if>> <<else>> <<print "“You’ve been a very naughty girl. ">> <<link "You continue telling your story.">> <<if $SexNewYearMale or $SexNewYearFemale>><<goto [[Part85NewYear]]>> <</if>> <</link>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $MasterKate>><h1><<print "Mistress Kate">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><h1><<print "Andrew’s Apartment">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><h1><<print "Josh’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><h1><<print "Veronica’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>><h1><<print "Peter’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><h1><<print "Professor’s House">></h1><</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $MasterKate>> <<print "You tell ">> <<if $MasterKate>><<print "Mistress Kate">><</if>> <<print " of your innocent mistake with the handcuffs, of being led to the dungeon, and being bound and helpless.">> <<else>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>> <<print "You tell ">> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>><<print "Peter">><</if>> <<print " of your innocent mistake with the handcuffs, of being led to the dungeon, and being bound and helpless.">> <<else>> <<print "You tell ">> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><<print "Andrew">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><<print "Josh">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<print "Veronica">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><<print "Daddy">><</if>> <<print " of your innocent mistake with the handcuffs, of being led to the dungeon, and being bound and helpless.">> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <video src="Part8.5/Uncle2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<if !$SexNewYearMale and !$SexNewYearFemale>> <<if $MasterKate>><<print "“It sounds like you had a great deal of pleasure without my permission. ">> <<if $TalkPunishSevere>>[[I think you’ll agree you need to be punished.”|Part85Punish2]] <<else>>[[I think you’ll agree you need to be punished.”|Part85Sticky]] <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> <<if $MasterKate>> <<print "“It sounds like you had a great deal of pleasure without my permission. ">> <</if>> <</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><<print "“Man, and I thought my family was weird. I’m glad you stopped him before anything else happened though.”">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><<print "“Wow, that sounds intense. Maybe I could tie you up later and use your vibrator to make you cum until you beg me to stop. Wouldn’t that be hot! ”">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<print "“I’m glad you stopped him before it got out of control. That chair sounds pretty fun. Maybe when we get an apartment we can get one of those. I get the first turn though since you’ve had your fun.”">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>><<print "“Wow, that sounds intense. That chair sounds pretty fun, maybe I can find it online for you.”">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><<print "“Good girl, stopping him before things got out of control. And It sounds like you enjoyed that time-out chair. Maybe I’ll buy you one for your birthday. ”">><</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><<if $TalkUpset>>[[Even so, your other actions did upset him.|Part85Upset1]]<<else>><<if setup.haveFucked('Cassie')>>[[Eventually, you have to keep that promise regarding your sister.|Part85Sister2]]<<else>>[[You finish your story.|Part85Together]]<</if>><</if>><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><<if $TalkUpset>>[[Even so, your other actions did upset him.|Part85Upset1]]<<else>><<if setup.haveFucked('Cassie')>>[[Eventually, you have to keep that promise regarding your sister.|Part85Sister2]]<<else>>[[You finish your story.|Part85Together]]<</if>><</if>><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<if $TalkUpset>>[[Even so, your other actions did upset her.|Part85Upset1]]<<else>>[[You finish your story.|Part85Together]]<</if>><</if>> <<if !$SexNewYearMale and !$SexNewYearFemale>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>>[[You can tell that the last confession made him particularly excited.|Part85Together]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><<if $TalkPunishLight>>[[“But first you need to be punished.”|Part85Punish1]]<<else>><<if $TalkPunishSevere>>[[“But first you need to be punished.”|Part85Punish2]]<<else>>[[“But I have a different gift for you now.”|Part85Daddy]]<</if>><</if>><</if>> <<else>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron') or setup.areDating('Peter') or $MasterKate>> <<link "You continue telling your story.">> <<if $SexNewYearMale or $SexNewYearFemale>><<goto [[Part85NewYear]]>> <</if>> <</link>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Professor’s House">></h1> <img src="Part8.5/Faithfull4b.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> “I was saving this until after you returned from visiting your family.”, he says. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The collar he shows you isn’t a heavy, metal one like you’d seen online, but a thin, cute one. You instantly love it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You thank him as he fastens it around your neck and clicks the small padlock closed in back. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Then he attaches a leash to the front of it and leads you back to the bedroom. Later, when you are looking in the mirror you can’t help but be excited at how beautiful it is, and how it will show everyone who sees you how much your Daddy loves you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set $Roommate to 'Aaron'>> Later, you are thrilled when he hands you another gift, this one is your key to his house. You are finally able to be open about your relationship with him, and can move in! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> [[You are excited about the start of the new semester,|Part9Start1]] about finally being able to live with Daddy, and about how people will react to your new collar. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $MasterKate>><h1><<print "Mistress Kate">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><h1><<print "Andrew’s Apartment">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><h1><<print "Josh’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><h1><<print "Veronica’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>><h1><<print "Peter’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><h1><<print "Professor’s House">></h1><</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<print "You are so happy being back with ">> <<if $MasterKate>><<print "Mistress Kate, you hope you never have to be apart from her that long again.">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><<print "Andrew, you hope you never have to be apart from him that long again.">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><<print "Josh, you hope you never have to be apart from him that long again.">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<print "Veronica, you hope you never have to be apart from her that long again.">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>><<print "you boy toy, you certainly missed teasing him.">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><<print "Daddy, you hope you never have to be apart from him that long again.">><</if>> <</nobr>> <img src="Part8.5/Faithfull3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> <<if $MasterKate>><<print "When you see how she is looking at you, you are pretty sure she feels the same way about you.">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><<print "When you see how he is looking at you, you are pretty sure he feels the same way about you.">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><<print "When you see how he is looking at you, you are pretty sure he feels the same way about you.">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<print "When you see how she is looking at you, you are pretty sure she feels the same way about you.">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>><<print "When you see how he is looking at you, you are pretty sure this is what he desires as well.">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><<print "When you see how he is looking at you, you are pretty sure he feels the same way about you.">><</if>> <</nobr>> [[You are ready to face whatever challenges the new semester has in store for you together.|Part9Start1]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Professor’s House">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "When Daddy takes off his belt you think he’s about to bend you over his knee, but instead he ties you to the headboard and goes to get his crop instead.">> <<print "He said he would have let you off with a warning if you’d only given Brad a blowjob, but you didn’t do that.">> <img src="Part8.5/Punish1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "Your ass is soon red and sore. You assure him you’ve learned your lesson.">> <<print "He tells you he forgives you and tosses his crop aside. He gently strokes your sore bottom, soothing the pain a bit.">> <<print "He leaves you tied to the bed as he grabs your legs and turns you over onto your back.">> <<print "You instinctively part your legs, wet with anticipation for what is to come next.">> <<print "The next several hours are amazing, though you can still feel the sting from earlier.">> <<print "The next several hours are amazing, though you can still feel the sting from earlier.">> [[Eventually he tells you that he has also prepared a gift for you.|Part85Daddy]]<<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><h1><<print "Andrew’s Apartment">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><h1><<print "Josh’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><h1><<print "Veronica’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><<print "Andrew is very upset that you cheated on him. You try to explain that your new body, and the X-Change, and being away from him, it all made you so horny and you couldn’t control yourself.">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><<print "Josh is very upset that you cheated on him. You try to explain that your new body, and the X-Change, and being away from him, it all made you so horny and you couldn’t control yourself.">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<print "Veronica is very upset that you cheated on her. You try to explain that your new body, and the X-Change, and being away from her, it all made you so horny and you couldn’t control yourself.">><</if>> <</nobr>> <<if setup.haveFucked('Mike')>><br><<if setup.haveFucked('Dylan') or setup.haveFucked('Cassie')>><<print "You’d misbehaved with your uncle as well, but what happened with your sibling troubles your partner much more.">><<else>><<print "You’d misbehaved with your uncle as well, but what happened with Brad troubles your partner much more.">><</if>><br><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><img src="Part8.5/Upset2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"><<else>><img src="Part8.5/Upset1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"><</if>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.haveFucked('Dylan') or setup.haveFucked('Cassie')>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><<print "He believes you that you couldn’t help it. The X-Change effects, being away from each other for so long, and probably some feelings you’d always had for your sibling but repressed, all contributed to what happened. But he is still furious.">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><<print "He believes you that you couldn’t help it. The X-Change effects, being away from each other for so long, and probably some feelings you’d always had for your sibling but repressed, all contributed to what happened. But he is still furious.">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<print "She believes you that you couldn’t help it. The X-Change effects, being away from each other for so long, and probably some feelings you’d always had for your sibling but repressed, all contributed to what happened. But she is still furious.">><</if>> <<else>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><<if setup.sexUniqueVaginalCount() == 1>><<print "He believes you that you couldn’t help it. The X-Change effects, being away from each other for so long, and probably some mixed feelings you’ve had about seeing if sex with another man feels different, but repressed, all contributed to what happened. But he is still furious.">><<else>><<print "He believes you that you couldn’t help it. The X-Change effects, being away from each other for so long, and probably some mixed feelings you’ve had about still sleeping with multiple men, but repressed, all contributed to what happened. But he is still furious.">><</if>><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><<if setup.sexUniqueVaginalCount() == 1>><<print "He believes you that you couldn’t help it. The X-Change effects, being away from each other for so long, and probably some mixed feelings you’ve had about seeing if sex with another man feels different, but repressed, all contributed to what happened. But he is still furious.">><<else>><<print "He believes you that you couldn’t help it. The X-Change effects, being away from each other for so long, and probably some mixed feelings you’ve had about still sleeping with multiple men, but repressed, all contributed to what happened. But he is still furious.">><</if>><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<print "She believes you that you couldn’t help it. The X-Change effects, being away from each other for so long, and probably some mixed feelings you’ve had about trying sex with a man, but repressed, all contributed to what happened. But she is still furious.">><</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><<print "The two of you have a big fight. At the end you are alone and crying wondering if your relationship can be saved. In the end, he does forgive you. Though you sense it will take a lot of time and a lot of work before you can ">>[[fully earn his trust back.|Part85Upset2]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><<print "The two of you have a big fight. At the end you are alone and crying wondering if your relationship can be saved. In the end, he does forgive you. Though you sense it will take a lot of time and a lot of work before you can ">>[[fully earn his trust back.|Part85Upset2]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<print "The two of you have a big fight. At the end you are alone and crying wondering if your relationship can be saved. In the end, she does forgive you. Though you sense it will take a lot of time and a lot of work before you can ">>[[fully earn her trust back.|Part85Upset2]]<</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $MasterKate>><h1><<print "Mistress Kate">></h1><<set $Keyholder to "Kate">><<set $KeyholderPronoun to "she">><<set $KeyholderPronounPossessive to "her">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><h1><<print "Professor’s House">></h1><<set $Keyholder to "Aaron">><<set $KeyholderPronoun to "he">><<set $KeyholderPronounPossessive to "his">><</if>> <</nobr>> <<print "You are told that since you can’t control your desires, you will have to have them controlled for you. Then you are ordered to lock the chastity belt you are given onto yourself.">> <<print "As you click the locks closed you wonder how long it will be before they are unlocked.">> <<if setup.haveInventory('sex toys', 'chastity belt') and $Mentor=="Olivia">><br><<print "You see that the high-security locks on your belt are well beyond your skills.">><br><</if>><<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'chastity belt')>><<set $PlayerChastityBelt = 1>> <img src="Part8.5/Punish3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "You are ordered to bend over for the rest of your punishment. When the first strike hits your ass, you cry out in pain, but you know there are many more to come.">> <<print "When your punishment is complete, your ass and legs are red and inflamed. You promise to yourself you aren’t going to cheat ever again. But then you remember, you couldn’t now even if you wanted to.">> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>>[[Eventually he tells you that he has also prepared a gift for you.|Part85Daddy]]<<else>>[[She tells you that you will have to be extremely obedient from now on if you ever want to orgasm again.|Part85Together]]<</if>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Hotel Room">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "When you actually mention the idea to Cassie, she is thankfully excited about it too. Her job brings her not far away a few weeks later and the two of you are able to join her for a fun night in her hotel room. You feel a bit jealous as you watch his cock slide into her. But are you jealous of her using your boyfriend’s cock, or of him getting to fuck her? Maybe a bit of both.">> <video src="Part8.5/Sister2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "After that evening of fun, ">>[[the relationship between you two returns pretty much to normal.|Part85Together]]<<print " Though you wonder if things will be awkward at future family events now.">><<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><h1><<print "Andrew’s Apartment">></h1><<set $Keyholder to "Andrew">><<set $KeyholderPronoun to "he">><<set $KeyholderPronounPossessive to "his">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1><<set $Keyholder to "Josh">><<set $KeyholderPronoun to "he">><<set $KeyholderPronounPossessive to "his">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1><<set $Keyholder to "Veronica">><<set $KeyholderPronoun to "she">><<set $KeyholderPronounPossessive to "her">><</if>> <</nobr>> <<print "“I knew you had this side to your personality. But I guess I under-estimated how powerful it was. I’ll have to think how to handle this so that I can trust you. Maybe helping you explore this side of yourself will help.”">> <<print "Over the next week you find your lover becoming much more dominate with you. You, of course, love it. But you are surprised at how much it seems to be turning them on as well.">> <<print "One day your lover comes to you and tells you that they’ve decided they know how they can be sure your submissive nature won’t get the best of you and cause you to cheat again.">> <<print "When they hand you the chastity belt and command you to wear it, you feel yourself getting turned on. “Don’t you want to have sex before I put it on?”, you ask hopefully.">> <img src="Part8.5/Upset3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "“No. Put it on now.” You get a familiar exhilarating feeling of helplessness as you click the locks closed.">> <<if setup.haveInventory('sex toys', 'chastity belt') and $Mentor=="Olivia">><br><<print "You see that the high-security locks on your belt are well beyond your skills.">><br><</if>><<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'chastity belt')>><<set $PlayerChastityBelt = 1>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.haveFucked('Cassie') and (setup.areDating('Josh') or setup.areDating('Andrew'))>> <<print "“You’ll be wearing that from now on whenever we are apart. And often when we are together as well. Tonight, for instance, you will wear it while you attend to my pleasure, and thank me for being so generous and forgiving.” ">> [[He wastes no time on asking you when your sister will be able to come through on her part of the bargain.|Part85Sister2]] <<else>> <<print "“You’ll be wearing that from now on whenever we are apart. And often when we are together as well. Tonight, for instance, you will wear it while you attend to my pleasure, ">>[[and thank me for being so generous and forgiving.”|Part85Together]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><h1><<print "Andrew’s Apartment">></h1><<set $Keyholder to 'Andrew'>><<set $KeyholderPronoun to "he">><<set $KeyholderPronounPossessive to "his">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><h1><<print "Josh’s Bedroom">></h1><<set $Keyholder to 'Josh'>><<set $KeyholderPronoun to "he">><<set $KeyholderPronounPossessive to "his">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><h1><<print "Veronica’s Bedroom">></h1><<set $Keyholder to 'Veronica'>><<set $KeyholderPronoun to "she">><<set $KeyholderPronounPossessive to "her">><</if>> <</nobr>> <<print "“I know you’re sorry for what happened, and I know you couldn’t completely help it.”">> <<print "“But I need to be able to trust you if we are going to be together. I know you have desires you can’t control, and I’ve figured out a way that I can help you.”">> <<print "You realize what they mean when they show you the chastity belt. “You’ll be wearing that from now on whenever we are apart.”">> <img src="Part8.5/Upset3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<if setup.haveInventory('sex toys', 'chastity belt') and $Mentor=="Olivia">><br><<print "You see that the high-security locks on your belt are well beyond your skills.">><br><</if>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive < 3>> <<print "You can refuse to wear it, ">> <span id="UpsetSpan1"> <<link "and end the relationship instead.">> <<unset $Keyholder>> <<goto [[Part85BreakUp2]]>> <</link>> </span> <<else>> <<print "You think for a moment about refusing to wear it, but you find the thought way too exciting.">> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive < 3>> <span id="UpsetSpan2"> <<link "Or you can be thrilled that now they’ll finally be able to trust you again">> <<set $PlayerChastityBelt = 1>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'chastity belt')>> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#UpsetSpan1">> <<print "and end the relationship instead.">> <</replace>> <<replace "#UpsetSpan2">> <<print "Or you can be thrilled that now they’ll finally be able to trust you again">> <</replace>> <<if setup.haveFucked('Cassie') and (setup.areDating('Josh') or setup.areDating('Andrew'))>> <<replace "#UpsetSpan3">> <<print "You feel your heart race as you click the locks closed. ">> [[He wastes no time on asking you when your sister will be able to come through on her part of the bargain.|Part85Sister2]] <</replace>> <<else>> <<replace "#UpsetSpan3">> [[You feel your heart race as you click the locks closed.|Part85Together]] <</replace>> <</if>> <</link>> </span> <<print " - and that you’ll be able to trust yourself.">> <<else>> <<print "You are thrilled that now they’ll finally be able to trust you again - and that you’ll be able to trust yourself.">> <<set $PlayerChastityBelt = 1>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'chastity belt')>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive < 3>> <span id="UpsetSpan3"><<print "">></span> <<else>> <<if setup.haveFucked('Cassie') and (setup.areDating('Josh') or setup.areDating('Andrew'))>> <<print "You feel your heart race as you click the locks closed. ">> [[He wastes no time on asking you when your sister will be able to come through on her part of the bargain.|Part85Sister2]] <<else>> [[You feel your heart race as you click the locks closed.|Part85Together]] <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><h1><<print "Andrew’s Apartment">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><h1><<print "Josh’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><h1><<print "Veronica’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><<print "Andrew is extremely upset that you cheated on them. You try to claim it was side-effects from your X-Change that made you do it, but he isn’t believing it.">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><<print "Josh is extremely upset that you cheated on them. You try to claim it was side-effects from your X-Change that made you do it, but he isn’t believing it.">><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<print "Veronica is extremely upset that you cheated on them. You try to claim it was side-effects from your X-Change that made you do it, but she isn’t believing it.">><</if>> <</nobr>> <img src="Part8.5/Alone1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "“You were in control when you gave him your phone number, weren’t you? Why would you have done that if you weren’t planning to cheat from the moment you met him?” You try to calm them down, but it doesn’t help. “If I can’t trust you for a week or two at your parents, then how can I ever trust you?”">> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><<print "You try to salvage the relationship over the next few days, but he soon makes it clear it’s over between the two of you. You move out and are back in your old dorm room.">><<set $Roommate to "Faith">><<set setup.breakupWith('Andrew')>><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><<set setup.breakupWith('Josh')>><<print "You try to salvage the relationship over the next few days, but he soon makes it clear it’s over between the two of you. ">><<if setup.isNeighbour('Emily')>> <<print "Emily isn’t entirelly thrilled when you decide to move back to your old room, but she is still supportive of you.">> <<set $Roommate to 'Emily'>> <<set setup.removeNeighbour('Emily')>> <</if>><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<print "You try to salvage the relationship over the next few days, but she soon makes it clear it’s over between the two of you.">><<set setup.breakupWith('Veronica')>><</if>> <</nobr>> [[Most of the next few days you spend in tears in your room.|Part85BreakUp3]]<<nobr>> <<set $NewYearBreakUp = 1>> <<if $MasterKate>><h1><<print "Mistress Kate">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><h1><<print "Andrew’s Apartment">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><h1><<print "Josh’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><h1><<print "Veronica’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>><h1><<print "Peter’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><h1><<print "Professor’s House">></h1><</if>> <</nobr>> <<print "You’ve been feeling like you maybe jumped into this relationship too soon. You were still adjusting to your new life, your new body, and didn’t really know what you wanted yet.">> <<if $MasterKate or setup.areDating('Veronica')>><img src="Part8.5/Alone4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"><<else>><img src="Part8.5/Alone3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"><</if>> <<print "Having a little time to think (and maybe to explore) over the holiday made you realize this isn’t what you want. Maybe someone else would be better for you, or maybe monogamy just isn’t for you right now.">> <<nobr>> <<if $MasterKate>><<print "You do your best to escape her power as easy as you can, ">>[[but it’s still upsetting for both of you.|Part85BreakUp3]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><<print "You do your best to let him down easy, ">>[[but it’s still upsetting for both of you.|Part85BreakUp3]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><<print "You do your best to let him down easy, ">>[[but it’s still upsetting for both of you.|Part85BreakUp3]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<print "You do your best to let her down easy, ">>[[but it’s still upsetting for both of you.|Part85BreakUp3]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>><<print "You do your best to let him down easy, ">>[[but it’s still upsetting for him especially.|Part85BreakUp3]]<</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>> <<if $JobOfficePAOld or $JobCheerleaderFundraiserOld>> <<print "You do your best to escape his influence as easy as you can, but it’s still upsetting for both of you.">> <<if setup.isFWB('Barry')>><<print " And you know that Barry will start finding new ways to take advantage of you now that there is no one to protect you.">><</if>> <<if setup.isFWB('David') or setup.isFWB('Josh') or setup.isFWB('James') or setup.isFWB('Zack')>><<print " But if needed, you can always fall back on one of your past flings to make you feel better.">><</if>> <<if setup.isFriendzoned('Peter')>><<print " Fortunately, you also still have Peter who will do anything to comfort you.">><</if>> <<else>> <<print "You do your best to escape his influence as easy as you can, ">>[[but it’s still upsetting for both of you.|Part85BreakUp3]] <<if setup.isFWB('Barry')>><<print " And you know that Barry will start finding new ways to take advantage of you now that there is no one to protect you.">><</if>> <<if setup.isFWB('David') or setup.isFWB('Josh') or setup.isFWB('James') or setup.isFWB('Zack')>><<print " But if needed, you can always fall back on one of your past flings to make you feel better.">><</if>> <<if setup.isFriendzoned('Peter')>><<print " Fortunately, you also still have Peter who will do anything to comfort you.">><</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $MasterKate>><<set $MasterKate = 0>><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><<print "You move out and back into your old dorm room.">><<set $Roommate to "Faith">><<set setup.breakupWith('Andrew')>><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>> <<if setup.isNeighbour('Emily')>> <<print "The two of you still live next to each other. ">> <</if>> <<print "You decide to occasionally sleep together as ‘friends with benefits’, but any pretense of a relationship is gone now.">> <<set setup.makeFWB('Josh')>> <<achievement>>fwb:Josh<</achievement>> <</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>> <<if setup.isNeighbour('Emily')>> <<print "Emily isn’t entirelly thrilled when you decide to move back to your old room, but she is still supportive of you.">> <<set $Roommate to 'Emily'>> <<set setup.removeNeighbour('Emily')>> <</if>> <<set setup.breakupWith('Peter')>> <<set $BreakUpNerd = 0>> <<set $PlayerItemNerdKey = 0>> <</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><<if $Keyholder == 'Veronica'>><<unset $PlayerChastityBelt>><<unset $Keyholder>><<print "She returns to you the key to your chastity belt.">><</if>><<set setup.breakupWith('Veronica')>><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>> <<if setup.isFriendzoned('Peter')>><<set setup.startDating('Peter')>><</if>> <<set setup.breakupWith('Aaron')>><<set $ProfessorAllowance = 0>> <<if $JobOfficePAOld>><<print "You have no choice but to ">>[[try and get your old job back.|Part85Office]]<</if>> <<if $JobCheerleaderFundraiserOld>><<print "You have no choice but to ">>[[try and get your old job back.|Part85Fundraiser]]<</if>> <<if $JobPornOralOld>><<set $JobPornOralOld = 0>><<set $JobPornOral = 1>><<print "You decide to resume your porn career. ">><</if>> <<if $JobPornAnalOld>><<set $JobPornAnalOld = 0>><<set $JobPornAnal = 1>><<print "You decide to resume your porn career. ">><</if>> <<if $JobPornGangOld>><<set $JobPornGangOld = 0>><<set $JobPornGang = 1>><<print "You decide to resume your porn career. ">><</if>> <<if $JobPornOld>><<set $JobPornOld = 0>><<set $JobPorn = 1>><<print "You decide to resume your porn career. ">><</if>> <<if $JobCallGirlOld>><<set $JobCallGirlOld = 0>><<set $JobCallGirl = 1>><<print "You decide to resume your call girl career. ">><</if>> <<if $JobPornOralSideOld>><<set $JobPornOralSideOld = 0>><<set $JobPornOralSide = 1>><<print "You also decide to resume your porn career. ">><</if>> <<if $JobPornAnalSideOld>><<set $JobPornAnalSideOld = 0>><<set $JobPornAnalSide = 1>><<print "You also decide to resume your porn career. ">><</if>> <<if $JobPornGangSideOld>><<set $JobPornGangSideOld = 0>><<set $JobPornGangSide = 1>><<print "You also decide to resume your porn career. ">><</if>> <<if $JobPornSideOld>><<set $JobPornSideOld = 0>><<set $JobPornSide = 1>><<print "You also decide to resume your porn career. ">><</if>> <<if $JobCallGirlSideOld>><<set $JobCallGirlSideOld = 0>><<set $JobCallGirlSide = 1>><<print "You also decide to resume your call girl career. ">><</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> <<if $MasterKate>><<set $MasterKate = 0>><</if>> <</nobr>> <<print "You were really down the first week or so after the break-up, but your mentor was there to help you through it.">> <img src="Part8.5/Alone2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "Eventually you are ready to move on, though you think maybe being single is better for you for now. Of course, who knows, that might change if you meet the right person.">> <<link "You are excited to start the new semester, and to see new opportunities it might hold.">> <<if setup.isFWB('Barry')>> <<goto [[Part85Jerk]]>> <<else>> <<goto [[Part9Start1]]>> <</if>> <</link>><<nobr>> <<set $JobOfficePAOld = 0>> <<set $JobOfficePA = 1>> <h1><<print "Office">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "As you go to the office to your old boss, Paul's office, you see him smiling when you enter.">> <<print "He tells you they are not hiring any new people at the moment, but he can make an exception if you can prove that you really want your job back.">> <video src="Part8.5/JobOffice.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "You end up spending the whole day under his desk, servicing his cock.">> <<print "At the end of the day, satisfied with your performance, he tells you can be his personal assistant again from next week.">> [[You go home, knowing that at least you will have an income.|Part85BreakUp3]]<<nobr>> <<set $JobCheerleaderFundraiser = 1>> <<set $JobCheerleaderFundraiserOld = 0>> <h1><<print "Chearleaders “Fundraising”">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "The rest of the cheerleaders “D” Squad are not very happy that you left them mid year, as they had to do extra work for the new year fundraising events.">> <<print "They are however willing to accept you back if you can get a considerable number of new sponsor from a meeting they were all supposed to attend the next day.">> <<print "As you arrive the meeting, the potential sponsors are surprised as they were expecting more than just one girl. But you are determined to show them that you are more than enough.">> <video src="Part8.5/JobCheerleader.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "You spend a whole evening fucking and sucking the investors and at the end you can tell that you managed to convince them.">> <<print "Thanks to your stellar performance, you are accepted back on the “D” Squad and are sure to be assigned to more events in the future.">> [[You go home, knowing that at least you will have an income again.|Part85BreakUp3]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Barry', vaginal: true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Barry'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Friend of Barry", vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Friend of Barry", vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Friend of Barry", vaginal: true})>> <h1><<if $Mentor == 'Emily'>><<print "Your New Bedroom">><<else>><<print "Barry’s Bedroom">><</if>></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Unforunately not everything in the new year is that great. Barry tells him that his friends are coming over to play cards and that you need to join.">> <<print "You don’t really want to join, but you are afraid that refusing would only make things worse. You hope that at worst it’s only going to be a game of strip poker and if you’re lucky you can win and escape any trouble.">> <img src="Part8.5/Jerk.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "Your hopes are crushed when you realize they don’t need you as a player, but plan to use you as the table instead. One in which they can stick their dicks while they play cards and drink beer.">> <<print "They don’t even acknowledge your presence as a person, while they have their twisted fun.">> <<print "At the end of the day, you feel miserable and your body is all sore.">> [[You are not sure how the rest of the year is going to be,|Part9Start1]]<<print "you just hope it is going to be better than this.">><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Class">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Classes have started back up and you are making an effort to study harder this term. You do still want to enjoy your time at college though, and you see there’s a big recruitment event coming up for fraternities and sororities. You are considering joining a sorority.">> <img src="Part9/Start1.jpeg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<if $AcademicProbation>><<print "You failed a class last semester your GPA dropped too low and you ended up on academic probation. You find out that means you can’t join sororities, or participate in a lot of other activities on campus until you manage to pull your GPA up.">><<else>><<if $PlayerPregnant>>[[You check yourself in the mirror.|Part9Start2]]<<else>><<if $ProfessorNewJob>>[[Daddy has found some jobs you can switch to.|Part9JobSelect]]<<else>>[[Find out more about sororities.|Part9Greek1]]<</if>><</if>><</if>> <<if $AcademicProbation>><<print "You can either decide to ">>[[swallow you pride|Part9Prof1]]<<print " and go to the professors office to do whatever it takes to get your grade changed, or ">>[[accept that you will be on probation|Part9SororityEndNo]]<<print " and not part of any sorority.">><</if>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You are pregnant and about 10 weeks along. Since your periods weren’t on a regular schedule yet, they aren't sure about the dates yet. But they should be more sure in a few weeks after your ultrasound.">> <video src="Part9/Start4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="650"></video> <<print "No one that you haven’t told about the pregnancy can really tell yet, but you are starting to notice your clothes fitting differently. You wonder how much longer it’ll be before you have to start looking for maternity clothes.">> <<print "You can’t help checking yourself in the mirror and wondering how long it will be before you start to show.">> <<if $ProfessorNewJob>>[[Daddy has found some jobs you can switch to.|Part9JobSelect]]<<else>>[[Find out more about sororities.|Part9Greek1]]<</if>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Greek Week">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You attend the big Greek recruitment event on campus. The slide show they give beforehand explains the benefits of fraternities and sororities. Your eyes gloss over a bit as they go on and on about “networking” and “leadership opportunities”.">> <img src="Part9/Greek1.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640"> <<print "You are more interested later when they are talking about being able to live in the sorority house instead of the dorms. You find out it costs about the same as the dorms would, so the X-Change scholarship covers it.">> <<print "You have a couple days to check out their websites and to ask among your friends and classmates as you try to ">>[[decide what you want to do.|Part9Greek2]]<<nobr>> <<set $SororityDTD = 0>> <<set $SororitySEX = 0>> <<set $SororityELP = 0>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You’ve decided that maybe sorority life isn’t for you. You’ve been having fun and meeting people since you got here.">> <img src="Part9/End3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "Why would you need some sorority to help with that.">> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> [[You should go for another doctor visit.|Part95Start1]] <<elseif $PlayerItemNerdKey>> [[Continue.|Part10StartPeter]] <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt>> [[Continue.|Part10StartChastity]] <<else>> [[Continue.|Part10Start]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Classroom">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You are retaking the class you failed again this term, and you have the same professor this term. You decide to pay him a visit near the end of his office hours. You’ve heard the rumors about him, and are prepared to do whatever it takes to get your grade changed.">> <img src="Part9/Start2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> [[You prepare yourself, and head to his office.|Part9Prof2]]<<print " You expect that your pride won’t be the only thing you’ll need to swallow this afternoon.">><<nobr>> <<set $AcademicProbation = 0>> <h1><<print "Professor’s Office">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "After you explain your situation and tell him you’ll ‘do whatever it takes’ to get off academic probation, you wait for his response. As he thinks about your request, you notice a photo of a girl about your age on his desk. Is that his daughter? His girlfriend? You are pretty sure you recognize her from somewhere...">> <img src="Part9/Start3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "You are pleasantly surprised by the deal he offers. He’s not expecting any sexual favors at all! Nothing like that. You wonder if the rumors about him were just a vicious lie from a bad student.">> <<print "He says he’ll change your grade from last term to “Incomplete”. It won’t count against your GPA anymore, and when you pass his class this term, it’ll disappear off your transcript completely. You are very thankful and promise to be a better student this term. When you check online later, it’s showing you are no longer on probation!">> <<if $PlayerPregnant>>[[You check yourself in the mirror.|Part9Start2]]<<else>>[[Find out more about sororities.|Part9Greek1]]<</if>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Greek Week">></h1> <</nobr>> <p style="clear: both;"><img src="Part9/Greek2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> <<nobr>> <<if !$LikeFemales and !setup.areDating('Veronica')>> <<link "Delta Tau Digamma">> <<set $SororityDTD = 1>> <<goto [[Part9DTF1]]>> <</link>> <<else>> <<print "Delta Tau Digamma">> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<print "Δ Τ F">> <<print "No one has anything bad to say about the Deltas. Well one girl called them “a bunch of sluts” but you’re pretty sure it’s just because her boyfriend’s ex was a Delta, so that doesn’t really count. The other girls you talked thought they were fine. The guys that had an opinion said all the Deltas they knew were friendly and outgoing.">> <<nobr>> Their website seems to focus on how much fun your college years should be and about all the new friends you’ll make as a Delta. <<if $LikeFemales or setup.areDating('Veronica')>> <br><br> You get the impression that you wouldn’t really fit in with the Deltas. You feel like they are interested in you just so they can claim they are ‘diverse’, but that you’d never really feel like you fit in there, so you rule out the Deltas. <<elseif $CampusMinistry>> <br><br> Faith says she's never met someone from the campus ministry from this sorority, so she doesn't know much about them. <</if>> <</nobr>> <p style="clear: both;"><img src="Part9/Greek3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> <<nobr>> <<if !setup.areDating('Andrew') and !setup.areDating('Josh') and !setup.areDating('Aaron')>> <<link "Sigma Epsilon Xi">> <<set $SororitySEX = 1>> <<goto [[Part9SEX1]]>> <</link>> <<else>> <<print "Sigma Epsilon Xi">> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<print "Σ Ε Ξ">> <<print "You get some mixed reports about the Sigmas. Most of the girls you talk to have good things to say about them and how they stick together, though one did say she’d heard something about hazing there. You didn’t see any complaints on the university’s website, so it’s probably just a rumor.">> <<print "Their website seems to focus on the life-long bonds you’ll form with your sorority sisters and how they are a close-knit community.">>\ <<if setup.areDating('Andrew') or setup.areDating('Josh') or setup.areDating('Aaron')>><br><br><<print "Your boyfriend is worried about you after hearing the hazing rumors about the Sigmas, so he talks you out of pledging the Sigmas.">><</if>>\ <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>><br><br><<print "You and Veronica both are excited at the opportunity to move in together finally, and want to pledge the same sorority. You don’t consider the Etas since they don’t have a house. And she got the same vibe from the Deltas as you did, so you both agree to pledge the Sigmas.">><br><br><</if>></p>\ <<if $CampusMinistry>>Faith says she's heard rumors about some hazing at this sorority, but doesn't known anything for sure. She doesn't know anyone from here either.<</if>> <p style="clear: both;"><img src="Part9/Greek4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> <<nobr>> <<if !setup.areDating('Veronica') and !$CampusMinistryFail>> <<link "Eta Lambda Phi">> <<set $SororityELP = 1>> <<goto [[Part9HAP1]]>> <</link>> <<else>> <<print "Eta Lambda Phi">> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<print "Η Λ Ρ">> <<print "The Etas are a service sorority, so they are more focused on community service and not so much on the social aspects. Though it still sounds like a good way to make friends and ’network’ and all that other stuff they talked about.">> <<print "Most of what you’ve heard asking around is very positive and talking about the wonderful work they do, except for one guy that tells you they aren a ‘real sorority’ if they don’t have parties or their own house.">> <<print "Their website focuses on the people they are helping in the community. Since they don’t have a sorority house, living there wouldn’t be an option.">></p> <<if $CampusMinistry>>Faith says she knows several girls from this sorority, and she says they do a lot of great charity work.<<elseif $CampusMinistryFail>>It sounds like really boring. Like the sort of sorority Faith might join. You aren't interested.<</if>> <<print "There's a ton of other sororities on campus, but the rest either don't have any interest to you, or it was clear they weren't interested in you. ">> <p style="clear: both;"><<if !setup.areDating('Veronica') and !$CampusMinistryFail>>[[Or you can decide not to pledge.|Part9SororityEndNo]]<</if>></p><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Δ Τ F">></h1> <img src="Part9/Delta1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The Deltas say you aren’t allowed to skip a single class this week. You wonder why they are so concerned about your studies, since that doesn’t exactly fit their reputation. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you see the real reason for their rule when they show you the clothes they’ve picked out for you to wear this week. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They want to be sure you don’t hide away in your room instead of going to class in what they’ve chosen for you to wear. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your professors are used to things like this during pledge week as they don’t say anything. You think they rather enjoy it, in fact. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are a bit more careful of how you sit in class though, once you realize the desks are open in the front and offer a clear view to your instructors. [[Especially since the Delta’s wardrobe selections didn’t include any underwear.|Part9DTF2]] <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> Faith doesn't approve of the wardrobe they've selected for you. But you tell her it's ok. It's only for pledge week. You don't tell her how much you enjoy the looks you've been getting with your new wardrobe this week. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Σ Ε Ξ">></h1> Your future sorority sisters made a mess cooking for the welcome ceremony. You and your fellow pledges are required to cleanup the kitchen afterwards. They have you strip down so you “don’t ruin your clothes”. <<if $CampusMinistry>> It's a little embarrassing, but you figure it's ok. You are all girls after all. <</if>> <</nobr>> <img src="Part9/Sigma1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> <<if $JobCheerleader>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> <<print "You and Veronica agree to do whatever you need to do to make it in, and give each other a ‘pass’ for any hazing-related activities. ">> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>><<print "She unlocks you for pledge week.">><</if>> <<else>> <<if setup.haveFucked('Football Player')>> <<print "Veronica is one of the other pledges, you think you better do your best to avoid her. ">> <<else>> <<print "Veronica is one of the other pledges, which leads to some awkward looks between the two of you. ">> <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> <<print "You notice one girl named Veronica, you think you have seen her before on campus dressed as a cheerleader.">> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<link "You are presented with your pledge tasks.">> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and !setup.areDating('Veronica')>> <<goto [[Part9SEX3]]>> <<else>> <<goto [[Part9SEX2]]>> <</if>> <</link>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Η Λ Ρ">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You aren’t looking to live in a sorority house, and you aren’t looking for wild parties or any kind of crazy hazing.">> <<print "You just want to make some new friends, and give back to the community. So you sign up for the Etas.">> <img src="Part9/Eta1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "They don’t have any elaborate tasks for you to perform, or hazing, or initiation to endure.">> <<print "You’re immediately welcomed in, and they start introducing you and the other new members around.">> <<print "They let you know about the events they have coming up. ">>[[You are looking forward to the charity fashion show this weekend,|Part9HAP2]]<<print " and then the team building event the following weekend.">><<nobr>> <h1>Η Λ Ρ</h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> At the charity fashion show, people from around the university bought tickets to the show to watch the girls from the sorority, and even a few guys from your brother fraternity, take turns modeling on stage. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The outfits were all donated to the cause by local stores. In addition to the tickets and other donations people are making, there’s also a silent auction for the clothing items. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The casual clothes are easy to find volunteers to model. There’s not much trouble finding someone to wear the formal wear items either. But there’s one item no one is volunteering for, the bikini. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> Thankfully, $Keyholder has unlocked you for the evening so you can partcipate in the event, so you decide to give it a shot. <<else>> You decide to give it a shot. <</if>> <</nobr>> <video src="Part9/Eta2.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> You are nervous at first, but once you are up there showing off, you really enjoy it, especially with the crowd cheering you on. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> Your mind can help but think about how you are finally unlocked, at least until the show is over. You could get yourself off right now if only all these people weren't watching you. <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> Of course, thinking of them watching you just turns you on more. But you remind yourself that this is supposed to be a family-friendly, charity event, and you reluctantly hold back on trying anything. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Later, when they are looking at the auction results you see people kept outbidding each other on the bikini, and it’s final price was almost $300, many times more than it would cost at the store. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'bikini')>> You find out it was Andrew that won it. He thought you looked so sexy in it, he didn’t want anyone going home with it but you. And the money was for charity after all, so he didn’t mind paying too much for it. <<elseif setup.areDating('Aaron')>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'bikini')>> You find out it was Daddy that won it. He thought you looked so sexy in it, he didn’t want anyone going home with it but you. And the money was for charity after all, so he didn’t mind paying too much for it. <</if>> <</nobr>> [[Attend the team building event the following weekend.|Part9HAP3]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Η Λ Ρ">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You and your new sisters have a blast at the team building outing. Your favorite part was the mud obstacle course at the end of the day.">> <video src="Part9/Eta3.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "You laughed a bit as you all walked across campus to the showers, seeing the looks you got. You guess seeing a couple dozen mud-covered women strolling across campus is not something you see every day.">> [[You definitely made the right choice with this sorority.|Part9SororityEndYes]]<<nobr>> <<if $SororityDTD>><h1><<print "Δ Τ F">></h1><</if>> <<if $SororitySEX>><h1><<print "Σ Ε Ξ">></h1><</if>> <<if $SororityELP>><h1><<print "Η Λ Ρ">></h1><</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $SororityDTD>><<print "Your sorority life is full of wild parties, and you love the time you are able to spend with all the new friends you’ve made.">><</if>> <<if $SororityELP>><<print "Your sorority life is full of volunteering at a soup kitchen, and you love the time you are able to spend with all the new friends you’ve made.">><</if>> <<if $SororitySEX>><<print "Your sorority life is full spending time with your new sisters, and you love the time you are able to spend with all the new friends you’ve made.">><</if>> <</nobr>> <<if $SororityELP>><img src="Part9/End2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"><<else>><img src="Part9/End1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"><</if>> <<nobr>> You already know some of you will be friends for life. <<if $CampusMinistryFailSorority>> Faith on the other hand, is disappointed, but not surprised when she finds out you are giving up on her and Mark's plan to 'help' you. She helps you pack your things for your move to the sorority house. She says she'll let Pastor Mark know you won't be returning to the ministry. <<set $Roommate to "Sorority Sister">> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> [[You should go for another doctor visit.|Part95Start1]] <<elseif $PlayerItemNerdKey>> [[Continue.|Part10StartPeter]] <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt>> [[Continue.|Part10StartChastity]] <<else>> [[Continue.|Part10Start]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Δ Τ F">></h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are told you need to gather ‘recommendations’ from around campus. You soon realize that their recommendations are actually sex reviews! <<if $CampusMinistry>> Faith was right to suspect something was strange after the may they made you dress! You should probably let them know this isn't the sorority for you. But you also can't help that you keep fantasizing about going to all the guys that have started to notice you this week, as well as all the ones that noticed you even when Faith was helping you dress, and earning a review from them. <<else>> You might need to adapt your strategy about getting those recommendations based on your situation: <</if>> <</nobr>> <img src="Part9/Delta2a.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"><img src="Part9/Delta2B.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew') or setup.areDating('Josh') or setup.areDating('Aaron')>> <<print "You already have a boyfriend, so you only want one recommendation, ">>[[a glowing one from him.|Part9DTFBoyfriend1]] <<else>> <<if $MasterKate>> <<print "You are hoping for just a recommendation from Mistress Kate, but she says “No. Not after your behavior over Christmas.” She does tell you it shouldn’t be too hard for you to find guys on campus willing to ">>[[trade blowjobs for recommendations though.|Part9DTFBlowjob1]] <<else>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<print "As you are in a chastity belt, ">> <<if setup.isFWB('David') or setup.isFWB('Josh') or setup.isFWB('James') or setup.isFWB('Zack')>> <<print "blowjobs are going to be your only option for earning recommendations ">> [[and you already have someone in mind with whom you could start.|Part9DTFBlowjobFWB]] <<else>> [[blowjobs are going to be your only option for earning recommendations.|Part9DTFBlowjob1]] <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerItemNerdKey>> You twirl Peter's key around in your hand and think about your options. You could unlock Peter and fuck his brains out for the next week, but what fun would that be. Well, obvious he would like that idea, and be sure to give you a glowing recommendation, but you don't want to spoil him. You decide you can either [[ramp up his teasing this week|Part9DTFPeter]] and have him give you a recommendation based on that, or you could just leave him locked as usual, and [[find other guys to earn your recommendations|Part9DTFSex1]] <<else>> <<if setup.isFWB('David') or setup.isFWB('Josh') or setup.isFWB('James') or setup.isFWB('Zack')>> [[You already have someone in mind with whom you could start.|Part9DTFSexFWB]] <<else>> [[Finding guys willing to have sex with you should be easy.|Part9DTFSex1]] <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<if !setup.areDating('Andrew') and !setup.areDating('Josh') and !setup.areDating('Aaron') and !$MasterKate and !$CampusMinistryFail>><<set $CampusMinistrySaves -= 1>>[[Or you can chicken out and drop out from your pledge.|Part9SororityEndNo]]<</if>><<nobr>> <h1>Peter's Bed</h1> <video src="Part9/DeltaPeter1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Peter's so happy to have his cock out of his cage and in your hand. He knows his chances for an orgasm are small, but he's desperate for whatever pleasure you give him. You tell him about the reviews the Delta's want from you. He assumes that means you will be sleeping with many men around campus to earn your reviews and accepts that. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you tell him you aren't doing that, but are just going to be getting your reviews from him, he's so happy he's almost in tears. Though you might be wrong about the reason. He could just be that desperate for you to keep going just a little bit longer. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He promises to give you the most wonderful reviews, and say whatever you want in them. You tell him [[you might|Part9DTFPeter2]] let him cum this week. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Peter's Bed</h1> <img src="Part9/DeltaPeter2.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You tell Peter that you don't want him to be dishonest on his review. You'd hate to get into the Deltas on a lie. He can tell them just exactly how much you tease and deny him, and how much he loves every minute of it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You give him a lesson on honesty this evening. Normally this toy is just for you, but tonight Peter gets to enjoy it too. But he has to be honest with you. He has to tell you whenever he gets close to an orgasm, even though he knows you'll stop when he tells you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He hopes that one of the times you won't stop. That one of these times he'll tell you he's about to cum, and you won't immediately pull it away, you'll hold it there and make him cum and hold it there afterwards until he can't stand it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> [[He's wrong, of course.|Part9DTFPeter3]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $DTFNickname to 'Smurfette'>> <h1>Peter's Bed</h1> <video src="Part9/DeltaPeter3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter', vaginal: true, noCondom: true, pullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Peter wrote your review for you, and it was everything you'd hoped for. The Delta's were impressed with his devotion to you. They joke about how blue Peter's balls must be by now. "But Smurfette here likes their balls blue," one of them says. You quickly realize that your new nickname at your sorority is going to be Smurfette. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They tell you that since you just have the one review, and Peter's not in their brother fraternity, they'll need a litle bit more from you. But they tell you not to worry, you'll leave the [[frat boys with balls as blue as Peters|Part9DTFBoyfriend3]]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> That's tomorrow though, tonight you are going to reward Peter. As you slide along his cock, he keeps hoping you'll let him inside you tonight. You were thinking about it, but before you can, his long-deprived cock decides it can't wait any longer. His cum sprays up hitting your clit and then dripping down onto his stomach. You use it as extra lubrication as you keep sliding across his cock a while longer. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>$dating[0]’s Bedroom</h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<print "There’s only one ‘recommendation’ that you plan on getting, and if that’s not good enough then you figure the Deltas aren’t right for you anyway.">> <video src="Part9/Delta3a.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <video src="Part9/Delta3b.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<print "You know he’s going to give you a great recommendation anyway, but you still find yourself working extra hard to ">>[[make him happy this week.|Part9DTFBoyfriend2]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer'})>> <</nobr>> <<print "You aren’t allowed to have sex with any of them, but it’s not hard to find guys willing to sit back and enjoy a blow job.">> <img src="Part9/Delta5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "You know some aren’t going to fill out the survey like they promised, so you make sure to get more than enough. The quick ones that don’t even want to bother with taking your clothes off make it even easier to ">>[[squeeze more into your day.|Part9DTFBlowjob2]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'guy from your econ class', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'guy at the coffee shop', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'guy down the hall from you', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'guy from your math class', vaginal:true})>> <img src="Part9/Delta8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> <<unset $CampusMinistry>> <<set $CampusMinistryFail to 1>> <<set $CampusMinistryFailSorority to 1>> As you fuck the first guy, a cute one from your econ class who has been flirting with you since the start of the semester, you try to tell yourself, that you are just doing it to get into the sorority, and that you're go back to being a 'good girl' after you're in. <br><br> But after you have a few more 'reviews' you quit quit trying to fool yourself. It feels so good, why did you deny yourself this for so long? You don't care how many reviews you 'need' to get, you are going to get as many as you can, and have the time of your life doing it!<br><br> <</if>> You quickly work through the list of guys you knew that were interested in you, and also all the ones that expressed an interest after your recent wardrobe change. So, you have to start finding strangers to help you earn even more recommendations. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Thankfully, you find that with most of the guys on campus, it doesn’t take much more than a look and an offer and you and him are [[heading back to his room.|Part9DTFSex2]] <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Or maybe just to the nearest broom closet. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $DTFNickname to 'Squeaky'>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>><h1><<print "Andrew’s Apartment">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>><h1><<print "Josh’s Bedroom">></h1><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><h1><<print "Professor’s House">></h1><</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<print "The Deltas read your boyfriend’s recommendation aloud to everyone. It’s much more detailed than the other recommendations, providing far more information than was asked for.">> <<print "It’s embarrassingly graphic in parts, describing in detail how exquisite your blowjobs are, for example. But it’s also surprisingly touching in other parts, talking about how much he cares about you.">> <video src="Part9/Delta3c.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <video src="Part9/Delta3d.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<print "He even describes how much he loves that squeaky little moan you make just before you orgasm. You quickly realize that your new nickname at your sorority is going to be “Squeaky”.">> <<print "If your boyfriend was in Delta’s brother fraternity, the letter would be enough. But they tell you they’ll need a little more from you since he’s not. But not to worry, it won’t be anything your boyfriend would object to. ">>[[Well probably not anyway.|Part9DTFBoyfriend3]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Δ Τ F">></h1> <</nobr>> <img src="Part9/Delta4.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<nobr>> You are relieved when they inform you your additional task is just that you have to clean the frat house. But then you see the ‘maid outfit’ you’ll have to wear. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But they assure you that although the frat guys will be watching you closely to supervise your cleaning, they won’t touch you at all. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $DTFNickname == 'Smurfette'>> Dispite her assurances, you know Peter is imagining all the things the fraternity full of guys might do to you. When he sees the outfit you are going to wear you can see the pained look on his face as his cock furiously strains at it's metal prison. "Bye for now, I'll be sure to tell you everything when I get back," you tell him. <<else>> Your boyfriend accepts their assurances, and yours, that nothing will happen. And if he had any remaining objections, they vanish when he learns that the outfit is yours to keep afterwards. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> He even sends you unlocked from your chastity belt. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The frat lives up to their promise and keep their hands off you. Though, considering how turned on your got with them watching you crawl on your hands and knees, you almost wish they had broken it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $DTFNickname == 'Smurfette'>> Thankfully when you get home and wear the outfit for Peter, his 'no touch' policy only applies to his own cock, not your body. <<else>> Thankfully when you get home and wear the outfit for your boyfriend, he doesn’t have any ‘no touch’ policy. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> [[It is time for your sorority initiation.|Part9DTFInitiation1]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Δ Τ F">></h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You’ve been accepted and just have the initiation ceremony to go through and you’ll be officially a Delta! <img src="Part9/Delta12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $DTFNickname == 'Squeaky'>> "And don’t worry Squeaky, we had your boyfriend send over his measurements, [[so your dildo should be just his size.|Part9DTFInitiation2]]" <<elseif $DTFNickname == 'Textbook'>> "Textbook, that big one at the end has your name on it. [[I’m sure you can handle it.|Part9DTFInitiation3]]" <<elseif $DTFNickname == 'Cupcake'>> "Cupcake, you’ll be sitting on the sidelines for much of the activities, so you can get us started now. Show the other recruits some of your techniques. When it’s their turn, you walk behind them and give their heads a little push if they need it. [[Some of them aren’t as good at taking the whole thing as you are.|Part9DTFInitiation4]]" <<elseif $DTFNickname == 'Smurfette'>> Smurfette, that bare spot on the bench is yours. Here's your dildo. We kept it sealed in the box for you since we figured [[that's how you'd want it|Part9DTFInitiationSmurfette]]. <</if>> <<if $DTFNickname == 'Smurfette'>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'commemorative dildo (unopened)')>> <<else>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'commemorative dildo')>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer'})>> <</nobr>> <<print "You want the best possible ratings in your recommendations, so you do your best to find out exactly what each guy likes and give him what he wants.">> <img src="Part9/Delta6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "Like, for example, how some guys want you to take their cock deep into your throat as they cum, and others prefer to pull out and cover your face with their cum.">> <<print "You don’t even object when some of the guys ask if they can take a photo to remember the experience. You know if they enjoyed it that much, ">>[[then they’ll be sure to give you a high rating.|Part9DTFBlowjob3]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer'})>> <<set $DTFNickname = 'Cupcake'>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "When they are reading out the recommendations, you have quite a few, and they are mostly positive.">> <<print "A few complain about ‘only a blowjob’ and no sex, but your sisters understand your situation and don’t count those against you.">> <<print "Everyone really enjoys the photos some reviewers decided to send along.">> <img src="Part9/Delta7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "One of the Deltas comments that the cum dripping down your face or breasts in some of the pictures makes you look like a cupcake with icing on top.">> [[You soon realize your new nickname is going to be “Cupcake”.|Part9DTFInitiation1]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer', vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<print "You want to get as many recommendations as you can, so unless the guy seems to be enjoying the foreplay as much as you are, you quickly move things along.">> <img src="Part9/Delta9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<if $PlayerEasytoOrgasm>><<print "Fortunately, you X-Change side effects allows you to orgasm easily, so speed is never a problem for you.">><<else>><<print "That usually means he’ll be cumming long before you do. You don’t want him feeling bad about that and maybe giving you a poor rating, so you fake your orgasms most of the time.">><</if>> <<if $PlayerEasytoOrgasm>><<print "The session leaves you still horny and unsatisfied, that’s probably better anyway. It means you’ll want to go out to find another guy ">>[[to earn another recommendation that much faster.|Part9DTFSex3]]<<else>><<print "You enjoy every session so much, and it still makes you ">>[[eager for the next one.|Part9DTFSex3]]<</if>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer'})>> <</nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>><<print "Some guys seem to be very eager to try anal. And they quickly pick up on how willing you are to do whatever they want in bed.">><<else>><<print "You don’t always love it, but some guys seem to be very eager to try anal. But you just think about the high marks he’s going to give and wait as he lubes up his cock.">><</if>> <img src="Part9/Delta10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectAnal>><<print "Once he slides in though, you forget about all that. ">><</if>><<print "All you can think about is how small and submissive you feel with him on top of you, and how full your ass feels with his cock inside it.">> <<print "You just know that you have to ">>[[get even more recommendations.|Part9DTFSex4]]<<nobr>> <<set $DTFNickname to 'Textbook'>> <h1><<print "Bedroom">></h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'DTF Reviewer', vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<print "You realize sticking to one guy at a time is slowing you down, so you decide to start working more efficiently.">> <<print "You find it doesn’t take that long to work your way through an entire frat house if you take them two or three at a time.">> <video src="Part9/Delta11.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "When your Delta sisters are going through the recommendations at the end of the week, you quickly realize you have, by far, the most recommendations, and they are overwhelmingly positive. It’s more than enough to be accepted.">> <<print "One of your sisters comments on the stack of recommendations for you and says that she’s had textbooks smaller than that. ">>[[You soon realize your new nickname is going to be “textbook”.|Part9DTFInitiation1]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Δ Τ F">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "No, take her gag off. We wouldn’t want to miss out on hearing how Squeaky earned her nickname, now would we?">> <img src="Part9/Delta13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> [[Everyone takes turns performing different sexual tasks on the dildos.|Part9DTFInitiation4]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Δ Τ F">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "“Textbook, you’re the expert on this. Show Kitten how to please two cocks at once.”">> <img src="Part9/Delta14.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "“I think she’s feeling a bit shy in front of the group, why don’t you reach down and give her a little encouragement to help her along.”">> [[Everyone takes turns performing different sexual tasks on the dildos.|Part9DTFInitiation4]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Δ Τ F">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "“Smurfette, you can stop now. The rest of you keep going.”">> <img src="Part9/Delta18.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "“Smurfette, your dildo will just have to watch while the other girls finish theirs.”">> [[You stop working your dildo and wait while the other girls continue.|Part9DTFInitiation4]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Δ Τ F">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You and your fellow pledges sit together on the initiate bench as you are formal welcomed as Delta sisters. As the ceremony continues on for a while, most of you fidget in your seat eliciting soft moans from some of the more sensitive girls.">> <img src="Part9/Delta15.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<if $DTFNickname == 'Squeaky'>><br><<print "Well everyone, except for you. You are accepted as well, but you sit at the end on a bare part of the bench looking enviously at the others.">><br><</if>> <<print "At the end of the night, ">>[[you are all Delta sisters!|Part9SororityEndYes]]<<print " And almost everyone gets to take home an added souvenir, one they’ve became very acquainted with throughout the evening.">><<nobr>> <<set $SexTaskCount = 0>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral>><<set $SexTaskOral = 1>><<set $SexTaskCount += 1>><</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>><<set $SexTaskExhibitionist = 1>><<set $SexTaskCount += 1>><</if>> <<if $LikeFemales or $LikeBoth>><<set $SexTaskLesbian = 1>><<set $SexTaskCount += 1>><</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>><<set $SexTaskAnal = 1>><<set $SexTaskCount += 1>><</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>><<set $SexTaskStrip = 1>><<set $SexTaskCount += 1>><</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist or $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>><<set $SexTaskBondage = 1>><<set $SexTaskCount += 1>><</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectLibido > 1 or $CampusMinistry>> <<if !$SexTaskOral>><<set $SexTaskRandomOral = 1>><</if>><<set $SexTaskOral = 1>> <<if !$SexTaskExhibitionist>><<set $SexTaskRandomExhibitionist = 1>><</if>><<set $SexTaskExhibitionist = 1>> <<if !$SexTaskLesbian>><<set $SexTaskRandomLesbian = 1>><</if>><<set $SexTaskLesbian = 1>> <<if !$SexTaskAnal>><<set $SexTaskRandomAnal = 1>><</if>><<set $SexTaskAnal = 1>> <<if !$SexTaskStrip>><<set $SexTaskRandomStrip = 1>><</if>><<set $SexTaskStrip = 1>> <<if !$SexTaskBondage>><<set $SexTaskRandomBondage = 1>><</if>><<set $SexTaskBondage = 1>> <<else>> <<if !$SexTaskCount>><<set $SexTaskCountRandom = 1>><</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectLibido and $SexTaskCount < 3>><<set $SexTaskCountRandom = 3>><<set $SexTaskCountRandom -= $SexTaskCount>><</if>> <</if>> <<if $SexTaskCountRandom>> <<set $PlayerRollDiceArray = []>> <<if !$SexTaskOral>><<set $PlayerRollDiceArray.push(1)>><</if>> <<if !$SexTaskExhibitionist>><<set $PlayerRollDiceArray.push(2)>><</if>> <<if !$SexTaskLesbian>><<set $PlayerRollDiceArray.push(3)>><</if>> <<if !$SexTaskAnal>><<set $PlayerRollDiceArray.push(4)>><</if>> <<if !$SexTaskStrip>><<set $PlayerRollDiceArray.push(5)>><</if>> <<if !$SexTaskBondage>><<set $PlayerRollDiceArray.push(6)>><</if>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = either($PlayerRollDiceArray)>> <<switch $PlayerRollDice>> <<case 1>><<set $SexTaskRandomOral = 1>><<set $SexTaskOral = 1>><<set $SexTaskCountRandom -= 1>> <<case 2>><<set $SexTaskRandomExhibitionist = 1>><<set $SexTaskExhibitionist = 1>><<set $SexTaskCountRandom -= 1>> <<case 3>><<set $SexTaskRandomLesbian = 1>><<set $SexTaskLesbian = 1>><<set $SexTaskCountRandom -= 1>> <<case 4>><<set $SexTaskRandomAnal = 1>><<set $SexTaskAnal = 1>><<set $SexTaskCountRandom -= 1>> <<case 5>><<set $SexTaskRandomStrip = 1>><<set $SexTaskStrip = 1>><<set $SexTaskCountRandom -= 1>> <<case 6>><<set $SexTaskRandomBondage = 1>><<set $SexTaskBondage = 1>><<set $SexTaskCountRandom -= 1>> <</switch>> <</if>> <<if $SexTaskCountRandom>> <<set $PlayerRollDiceArray = []>> <<if !$SexTaskOral>><<set $PlayerRollDiceArray.push(1)>><</if>> <<if !$SexTaskExhibitionist>><<set $PlayerRollDiceArray.push(2)>><</if>> <<if !$SexTaskLesbian>><<set $PlayerRollDiceArray.push(3)>><</if>> <<if !$SexTaskAnal>><<set $PlayerRollDiceArray.push(4)>><</if>> <<if !$SexTaskStrip>><<set $PlayerRollDiceArray.push(5)>><</if>> <<if !$SexTaskBondage>><<set $PlayerRollDiceArray.push(6)>><</if>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = either($PlayerRollDiceArray)>> <<switch $PlayerRollDice>> <<case 1>><<set $SexTaskRandomOral = 1>><<set $SexTaskOral = 1>><<set $SexTaskCountRandom -= 1>> <<case 2>><<set $SexTaskRandomExhibitionist = 1>><<set $SexTaskExhibitionist = 1>><<set $SexTaskCountRandom -= 1>> <<case 3>><<set $SexTaskRandomLesbian = 1>><<set $SexTaskLesbian = 1>><<set $SexTaskCountRandom -= 1>> <<case 4>><<set $SexTaskRandomAnal = 1>><<set $SexTaskAnal = 1>><<set $SexTaskCountRandom -= 1>> <<case 5>><<set $SexTaskRandomStrip = 1>><<set $SexTaskStrip = 1>><<set $SexTaskCountRandom -= 1>> <<case 6>><<set $SexTaskRandomBondage = 1>><<set $SexTaskBondage = 1>><<set $SexTaskCountRandom -= 1>> <</switch>> <</if>> <<if $SexTaskCountRandom>> <<set $PlayerRollDiceArray = []>> <<if !$SexTaskOral>><<set $PlayerRollDiceArray.push(1)>><</if>> <<if !$SexTaskExhibitionist>><<set $PlayerRollDiceArray.push(2)>><</if>> <<if !$SexTaskLesbian>><<set $PlayerRollDiceArray.push(3)>><</if>> <<if !$SexTaskAnal>><<set $PlayerRollDiceArray.push(4)>><</if>> <<if !$SexTaskStrip>><<set $PlayerRollDiceArray.push(5)>><</if>> <<if !$SexTaskBondage>><<set $PlayerRollDiceArray.push(6)>><</if>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = either($PlayerRollDiceArray)>> <<switch $PlayerRollDice>> <<case 1>><<set $SexTaskRandomOral = 1>><<set $SexTaskOral = 1>><<set $SexTaskCountRandom -= 1>> <<case 2>><<set $SexTaskRandomExhibitionist = 1>><<set $SexTaskExhibitionist = 1>><<set $SexTaskCountRandom -= 1>> <<case 3>><<set $SexTaskRandomLesbian = 1>><<set $SexTaskLesbian = 1>><<set $SexTaskCountRandom -= 1>> <<case 4>><<set $SexTaskRandomAnal = 1>><<set $SexTaskAnal = 1>><<set $SexTaskCountRandom -= 1>> <<case 5>><<set $SexTaskRandomStrip = 1>><<set $SexTaskStrip = 1>><<set $SexTaskCountRandom -= 1>> <<case 6>><<set $SexTaskRandomBondage = 1>><<set $SexTaskBondage = 1>><<set $SexTaskCountRandom -= 1>> <</switch>> <</if>> <h1><<print "Σ Ε Ξ">></h1> The Sigmas say they have a series of tasks for the pledges to perform, but they want to make sure each pledge gets tasks that they’ll enjoy. <</nobr>> <img src="Part9/Sigma2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> They take some of the paper towels left over from the kitchen cleaning. They have you sit on one of them while you watch different porn videos they play for you. At the end of each video, they collect everyone’s towels and try to judge which of you were [[the most turned on by each video.|Part9SEX4]] <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> You know Faith would definitely not approve! But you don't see the harm. They just want to tease everyone for getting turned on. You find it humiliating, but figure it's harmless. It's much better than the binge drinking hazing stories you'd heard about from your parents. You decide, you just won't tell Faith about this part. You aren't sure if you'll confess it to pastor Mark or not yet. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $SexTaskOral = 1>> <<set $SexTaskChastity = 1>> <h1><<print "Σ Ε Ξ">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Everyone looks at your belt and teases you about how you must get insanely horny, and you admit that you do.">> <img src="Part9/Sigma3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "But when it comes time to do the testing, they decide they can’t test you with the belt on. “We’ll just mark you down as ‘Oral’, since that’s really your only option anyway.”.">> [[You still have you watch all the videos.|Part9SEX4]]<<print " They want you to imagine all the things you can’t experience with your belt on.">><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Σ Ε Ξ">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "The first video is of a girl giving a guy a slow, sensual blowjob. You watch closely until the end when he cums in her mouth. You watch as she lets some of it sloppily drip from her mouth afterwards.">> <img src="Part9/Sigma4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> <<if $SexTaskOral>> <<if $SexTaskChastity>> [[You would have definitely “won” this one anyway if you weren’t in chastity.|Part9SEX5]] <<else>> <<if $SexTaskRandomOral>> [[You are not sure why, but you feel like this one made you particularly horny.|Part9SEX5]] <<else>> [[You definitely “win” this one.|Part9SEX5]] <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> [[You finish watching the video.|Part9SEX5]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Σ Ε Ξ">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You watch as a beautiful woman strips on empty train platform. She’s all alone as she begins masturbating. But, as she starts to get close to her orgasm, a train pulls into the station.">> <img src="Part9/Sigma5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "She’s too close to want to stop, and keeps going, finally cumming as people are exiting the train all around her.">> <<nobr>> <<if $SexTaskExhibitionist>> <<if $SexTaskRandomExhibitionist>> [[You are not sure why, but you feel like this one made you particularly horny.|Part9SEX6]] <<else>> [[You definitely “win” this one.|Part9SEX6]] <</if>> <<else>> [[You finish watching the video.|Part9SEX6]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Σ Ε Ξ">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Two beautiful woman explore each other’s bodies. You watch intently as they slowly bring each other closer and closer to orgasm.">> <img src="Part9/Sigma6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "They both show no signs of stopping after their first orgasms, but, sadly, your sisters stop the video at that point.">> <<nobr>> <<if $SexTaskLesbian>> <<if $SexTaskRandomLesbian>> [[You are not sure why, but you feel like this one made you particularly horny.|Part9SEX7]] <<else>> [[You definitely “win” this one.|Part9SEX7]] <</if>> <<else>> [[You finish watching the video.|Part9SEX7]] <</if>> <</nobr>> <<print "You notice that Veronica was one of the winners of this video.">><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Σ Ε Ξ">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You watch as the girl’s tiny ass is stretched by the porn stars cock.">> <img src="Part9/Sigma7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "As you watch, you wonder just what a big cock would feel like in your ass.">> <<nobr>> <<if $SexTaskAnal>> <<if $SexTaskRandomAnal>> [[You are not sure why, but you feel like this one made you particularly horny.|Part9SEX8]] <<else>> [[You definitely “win” this one.|Part9SEX8]] <</if>> <<else>> [[You finish watching the video.|Part9SEX8]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Σ Ε Ξ">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You watch as a woman dances on stage, shedding one piece of clothing after another. When her songs finish, she’s topless and wearing only a tiny g-string.">> <img src="Part9/Sigma8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "One of the men that had been dancing for her pays for a private dance and she leads him to a room in back.">> <<print "She drops the g-string and dance nude for him, moaning as she grinds against his jeans.">> <<print "Eventually he pays her more money and she pulls his jeans down and slides his cock into her and begins riding it.">> <<nobr>> <<if $SexTaskStrip>> <<if $SexTaskRandomStrip>> [[You are not sure why, but you feel like this one made you particularly horny.|Part9SEX9]] <<else>> [[You definitely “win” this one.|Part9SEX9]] <</if>> <<else>> [[You finish watching the video.|Part9SEX9]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Σ Ε Ξ">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You watch as young women are led into a number of small booths. Some of these have glory holes, others larger openings. The woman the camera is following is led to one with a larger opening.">> <img src="Part9/Sigma9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "She is made to lie down on a bench. Her legs are fed through the opening and someone outside secures them to the wall. Inside the booth, her arms are secured to the bench. A gag is placed in her mouth and she is left to wait. She doesn’t have to wait long though.">> <<print "After a few moments men begin to enter. They examine each woman, deciding which they want to use. The woman inside the booth moans as one of the men begins teasing her clit before sliding his cock into her.">> <<print "You watch in wonder, imagining if such a place really exists, and wondering what it would be like to be bound and helpless and used like that. To be fucked by a man without ever knowing what he looked like.">> <<nobr>> <<if $SexTaskBondage>> <<if $SexTaskRandomBondage>> [[You are not sure why, but you feel like this one made you particularly horny.|Part9SEXTask1]] <<else>> [[You definitely “win” this one.|Part9SEXTask1]] <</if>> <<else>> [[You finish watching the video.|Part9SEXTask1]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Σ Ε Ξ">></h1> You don’t think you’ve ever watched that much porn before without touching yourself. <<if $SexTaskChastity>> Not that you had much of a choice anyway. <<else>> And you haven't even done that for a while. Faith says it only encourages the desires you are trying to suppress. <</if>> <<if $SexTaskChastity>> <img src="Part9/Task2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<else>> <img src="Part9/Task1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <</if>> <br> When you are finished, they start listing the tasks and who has been matched to each. You listen closely for your name and the other pledges that will be joining you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They tell you each task is supposed to teach a lesson about being a sorority sister here, but they want your learning to be fun, so they’ve tried to match each pledge with a task or tasks that she’ll enjoy. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $SexTaskCount == 6>> The sigmas write your name on one of the soaked paper towels and save it to frame and send to their brother fraternity as the wettest one of the year. You aren’t sure if they are joking or not, but you are marked as ‘winner’ for every video. <</if>> <<link "It is time to start your tasks.">> <<if $SexTaskOral>><<goto [[Part9Task2]]>> <<else>><<if $SexTaskBondage>><<goto [[Part9Task3]]>> <<else>><<if $SexTaskExhibitionist>><<goto [[Part9Task4]]>> <<else>><<if $SexTaskBondage or $SexTaskLesbian>><<goto [[Part9Task8]]>> <<else>><<if $SexTaskLesbian>><<goto [[Part9Task9]]>> <<else>><<if $SexTaskAnal>><<goto [[Part9Task10]]>> <<else>><<if $SexTaskStrip>><<goto [[Part9Task11]]>> <<else>><<goto [[Part9Task14]]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</link>> You realize as they start assigning tasks, that nearly every one of them involve having sex with someone. Or multiple people! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> Veronica reminds you about sharing a room, and talks you out of any thoughts of chickening out of it at this point. <<elseif $CampusMinistry>> <<unset $CampusMinistry>> <<set $CampusMinistryFail to 1>> <<set $CampusMinistryFailSorority to 1>> All the videos you watched, and the fantasies they've given you, it's made you far too eager to try their tasks to back out now. You know Faith will be disappointed, but you don't care. If the tasks have anything to do with the videos you just watched, you wouldn't dream of saying no right now. <<elseif !$CampusMinistryFail>> [[Or you can chicken out and drop out from your pledge.|Part9SororityEndNo]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Σ Ε Ξ &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; "Sisters Work Together"</h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Jessica are sent over to the sorority’s brother fraternity. Lily and Kayla are assigned the same task, but sent to visit the football team instead. <</nobr>> <img src="Part9/Task3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> You and Jessica have to give each frat brother that wants one a blowjob. <<if setup.sexCount() == 0>> You never would have imagined that your first time having sex as a woman would be giving a frat full of guys all blowjobs, but you love it more with each cock. You only wish you could do more than that. You want to ride each guy until he cums and then move to the next. <br><br> But the Sigmas give you strict instructions, so that's all you do. Thankfully, one plus side of having been denied so long is that every test video they showed you turned you on. So they have pleanty of task for you. Surely you'll get fucked in at least one of them. God you hope so at least. <<else>> You could get the job done twice as fast if you each took half of the guys by yourself. But you are supposed to do the job right, and you both have to team up to service each cock. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $SexTaskChastity>> You can only look on in jealousy as some of the guys use their hands to entertain Jessica while she works their cock. <<elseif setup.sexCount() == 0>> Until then you'll have to settle for the half hearted teasing some of the guys give you with their hands as you suck their cock. <<else>> Some of the guys use their hands to entertain Jessica and you while you work their cocks. You try to keep focused on your work as you enjoy the added encouragement. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<link "You continue your tasks.">> <<if $SexTaskBondage>><<goto [[Part9Task3]]>> <<else>><<if $SexTaskExhibitionist>><<goto [[Part9Task4]]>> <<else>><<if $SexTaskBondage or $SexTaskLesbian>><<goto [[Part9Task8]]>> <<else>><<if $SexTaskLesbian>><<goto [[Part9Task9]]>> <<else>><<if $SexTaskAnal>><<goto [[Part9Task10]]>> <<else>><<if $SexTaskStrip>><<goto [[Part9Task11]]>> <<else>><<goto [[Part9Task14]]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</link>> <</nobr>> <<achievement>>train<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Σ Ε Ξ &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; "Remember the Value of Education"</h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Tutor 1'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Tutor 2'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Tutor 3'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Tutor 1'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Tutor 2'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Tutor 3', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Tutor 1'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Tutor 2', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Tutor 3'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Tutor 1', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Tutor 2'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Tutor 3'})>> <</nobr>> <img src="Part9/Task4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<nobr>> The Sigmas want to thank the guys that serve as tutors for the sorority. So they bring you over to the dorm room of one of the tutors. They pin your arms and legs back like you are some sort of science fair butterfly, so the tutor and his friends can study you ‘for educational purposes’. “We’ll be back for her in a few hours, have fun guys!”, your sisters say as they leave you." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> From the erections you can already see, you know it won’t be long before one of them is fumbling at the button on your jeans to get them off you. At least you hope it won’t be very long. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<link "You continue your tasks.">> <<if $SexTaskExhibitionist>><<goto [[Part9Task4]]>> <<else>><<if $SexTaskBondage or $SexTaskLesbian>><<goto [[Part9Task8]]>> <<else>><<if $SexTaskLesbian>><<goto [[Part9Task9]]>> <<else>><<if $SexTaskAnal>><<goto [[Part9Task10]]>> <<else>><<if $SexTaskStrip>><<goto [[Part9Task11]]>> <<else>><<goto [[Part9Task14]]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</link>> <</nobr>> <<achievement>>train<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Σ Ε Ξ &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; "We give back to the community"</h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Guy by the science building', vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<print "Several of the older sisters pair off with you and the other girls selected for this task. You aren’t sure where the other girls go, but your ‘big’, Rebecca, takes you to the science building and has you wait by the stairs.">> <<print "You have to ask the next person leaving the building if they want to fuck you. If they say yes, then you are to fuck them, right then and there. Rebecca sits on a bench not far away making sure you don’t cheat.">> <video src="Part9/Task5.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "He says yes to fucking you but tries to talk you into going back to his dorm instead. When you begin stripping down and pulling his cock out, he quickly decides he doesn’t care about being seen after all. You do your best to get him off as quick as you can though ">>[[before anyone else comes out.|Part9Task5]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Campus">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Right after he cums, the guy you were fucking pulls up his pants and runs off. You realize a moment later why, when a campus police officer approaches.">> <<print "You quickly pull your panties up and straighten your clothes, but you already know it’s too late, the officer has seen you and is heading right toward you.">> <img src="Part9/Task6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "You glance over at the bench to see if Rebecca can rescue you somehow, but she’s no longer there. The officer handcuffs you and puts you in his car and heads back to the station.">> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>>[[You choose to keep quiet about the sororities involvement.|Part9Task7]]<<else>>[[You can tell him that you are a victim of hazing|Part9Task6]]<<print "and hope that the school won’t punish you. Or, you can ">>[[choose to keep quiet about the sororities involvement.|Part9Task7]]<</if>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Campus">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You tell him about the hazing you’ve already been put through by the Sigmas and tell him this was part of it as well. They look into the complaint even though you can tell they don’t really want to. All the Sigmas, including the other new pledges, deny the whole thing, so it’s your word against everyone else’s.">> <<print "There’s also a note on your file with the campus police that the X-Change people left. It lets the university that your pill might have side-effects that could cause you to behave inappropriately at times and asks them to be understanding if you break any rules because of it.">> <<print "The note gets you out of trouble, but it convinces the university that you were acting on your own, not due to hazing, and they throw out your complaint.">> <img src="Part9/Task7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "A few weeks later you find the windshield on your car destroyed. The campus police say it was probably just an accident from kids playing ball nearby, but you’re pretty sure ">>[[it is revenge from the Sigmas for ratting them out.|Part9SororityEndNo]] <<if $CampusMinistryFailSorority>>Faith evidently still has some resentment about you abandoning the plan her and Mark had for you. She tells you it's probably an act of God, trying to punish you. You are not especially happy that you're going to have to continue to share a room with her the rest of the year. You don't \ care what she thinks though. If God didn't want you having sex, why did he make it feel so good?<</if>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Campus">></h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Campus Police Officer'})>> <</nobr>> <<print "The officer know it’s pledge week and asks you if this was some sort of hazing thing.">> <<print "You don’t want to get the Sigmas in trouble, so you tell him you don’t know what he’s talking about, that you were just really horny and used poor judgement and that you are really sorry. You are worried you’ll be suspended or something though and wonder if there’s a way out of this mess.">> <<print "You tell him that maybe it’s from being handcuffed, or just how buff he is, but you’re still feeling really horny. You ask him if there’s any way he can just forget this ever happened.">> <video src="Part9/Task8.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "After you suck his cock for a while, he fucks you from behind. Once he’s added his cum to what the guy earlier left, he uncuffs you and you head back to the sorority house to clean up.">> <<nobr>> <<link "You continue your tasks.">> <<if $SexTaskBondage or $SexTaskLesbian>><<goto [[Part9Task8]]>> <<else>><<if $SexTaskLesbian>><<goto [[Part9Task9]]>> <<else>><<if $SexTaskAnal>><<goto [[Part9Task10]]>> <<else>><<if $SexTaskStrip>><<goto [[Part9Task11]]>> <<else>><<goto [[Part9Task14]]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</link>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Σ Ε Ξ &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; "The ties that bind us together as sisters"</h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$SexTaskLesbian>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Veronica'})>> They tie you up and have Veronica, who was chosen for the lesbian video, force you to orgasm again and again while the rest of the sorority watches. Caitlin and Sophie are similarly paired off together. <<else>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Sophia'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Sophia'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Sophia'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Sophia'})>> They tie up Sophia, one of the non-lesbian girls chosen for the “Bondage” video and have you bring her to orgasm after orgasm while the rest of the sorority watches. Veronica and Amy are similarly paired off together. <</if>> <</nobr>> <video src="Part9/Task9.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<link "You continue your tasks.">> <<if $SexTaskLesbian>><<goto [[Part9Task9]]>> <<else>><<if $SexTaskAnal>><<goto [[Part9Task10]]>> <<else>><<if $SexTaskStrip>><<goto [[Part9Task11]]>> <<else>><<goto [[Part9Task14]]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</link>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Σ Ε Ξ &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; "There's no joy like time spent with my sisters"</h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Veronica'})>> <</nobr>> <<print "They pair you and the other lesbian “winner”, Veronica, up together and put the two of you in a room together. They station one of the ‘bigs’ outside the room and tell her not to let you two out until she’s heard plenty of orgasms through the door.">> <video src="Part9/Task10.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<if $JobCheerleader>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> <<print "As you are dating, you obviously enjoy yourselves to the fullest.">> <<else>> <<if setup.haveFucked('Football Player')>> <<print "You quickly work through your differences and spend an hour enjoying each other, and wishing you’d done this months ago.">> <<else>> <<print "You put aside your differences for an hour to get through the task. It reminds you both how great the sex was between you two. But nothing has changed about why you broke up, so it’s just a one-time event for the sake of the task.">> <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> <<print "You and her quickly become acquainted with each other and do your best to ensure your hall monitor hears all the orgasms she’s expecting more and more.">> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<link "You continue your tasks.">> <<if $SexTaskAnal>><<goto [[Part9Task10]]>> <<else>><<if $SexTaskStrip>><<goto [[Part9Task11]]>> <<else>><<goto [[Part9Task14]]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</link>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Student Activities Office &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; "Learning to network with the right people"</h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Student Activities Guy 1', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Student Activities Guy 2'})>> <</nobr>> <<print "Your sorority president pulls you aside and tells you she has a special, secret task for you. The sorority has some friends in the student activities office. They are willing to look the other way about some of the unpleasant rumors that sometimes circulate about the sorority.">> <video src="Part9/Task11.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "She wants you to pay them a visit to thank them personally for being so understanding and flexible.">> <<nobr>> <<link "You continue your tasks.">> <<if $SexTaskStrip>><<goto [[Part9Task11]]>> <<else>><<goto [[Part9Task14]]>> <</if>> <</link>> <</nobr>> <<achievement>>threesome:MFM<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Strip Club &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; "Charity is it's own reward"</h1> <</nobr>> <<print "The sorority is raising money to support their favorite charity.">> <<print "Tonight is amateur night at the local strip club, and you’ll be dancing.">> <img src="Part9/Task12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> [[All your tips will go towards the fundraiser.|Part9Task12]] <<print "They help you find the perfect outfit and help you practice. That night you are introduced as a sexy young coed named “Charity”. Another pledge, Brooke, is introduced as “Cherry”.">><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Strip Club">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "At first you are nervous and your dancing a bit awkward, but quickly you get used to dancing on the stage.">> <<print "The looks you are getting from the guys watching excites you as well and soon you are almost as turned on as they are.">> <img src="Part9/Task13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "As you take turns with guys around the stage, dancing up close and letting them slide money into your panty string, one of them asks for a private dance when your set is done. It means even more money for the cause so you, of course, accept.">> [[As you continue dancing,|Part9Task13]]<<print " you wonder if he offers even more money like in the video you watched, ">>[[if you’ll be willing to do even more to help the cause.|Part9Task13b]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Strip Club">></h1> <<set setup.addInventory('costumes', 'stripper outfits')>> <</nobr>> <<print "At the end of the night, you’ve collected quite a stack of cash for the fundraiser. (Much more than Brooke/Cherry did). Your sororities sisters are thrilled at how much you were able to make.">> <img src="Part9/Task14.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "The manager of the club also noticed how popular you were tonight, and offered you a job working a few nights a week. You decide to give it a try. Of course the money now will be going to you, not your sororities pet cause.">> <<set $JobStripper to 1>> <<nobr>> <<link "You continue your tasks.">> <<goto [[Part9Task14]]>> <</link>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Σ Ε Ξ">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "After all the tasks are complete, you wait at the house for Zoe and Laura to return from their task.">> <<print "Eventually everyone is back. Ashely, the sorority president, calls everyone together. She calls up Rebecca and chastises her for letting the “little” she was supposed to be look-out for get caught by the campus police. Everyone is relieved to hear that the ‘little’ involved was able to do what was needed in order to keep the sorority out of trouble.">> <img src="Part9/Task15.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "She then bends Rebecca over her knee and spanks her bottom until it’s bright red. She then sends her back with the other older members feeling ashamed of herself.">> <<print "“I know Rebecca is not the only one deserving of punishment tonight though. Not all of you have tried as hard as you could have this week. Some of you might have even cheated. Each of you has a piece of paper. I want you to write down the name of a pledge that should be spanked like Rebecca was. Let me know when everyone is finished and we’ll proceed.”">> <<print "Do you ">><<link "write one of your sisters name">><<set $SisterSEXBetray = 1>><<goto [[Part9Task15]]>><</link>><<print " or perhaps just ">>[[write your own name instead?|Part9Task15]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Σ Ε Ξ">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "“Look at the name on your paper. If it’s your own name, stand up and come over here. You won’t be punished, since you already understand this lesson.”">> <<print "“Did anyone write down my name, ‘Ashley’? If so, come up here. I’ll spank you myself, by hand, for being a little smart-ass.”">> <img src="Part9/Task16.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "“As for the rest of you... You wrote down the name of one of your sisters. Sigma sisters watch out for each other, they don’t turn each other in. It doesn’t matter which sister’s name you wrote or why, *you* are the one being punished for betraying one of your sister.”">> [[Before dealing with the other girls,|Part9Task16]]<<print " Ashley spanks the smart ass by hand. She goes a bit easier on her than she did Rebecca though.">><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Σ Ε Ξ">></h1> <</nobr>> <<if $SisterSEXBetray>><<print "The pledges that betrayed one of their sisters are stripped and told to bend over. You don’t get a soft, loving hand on your assess. Your offense is much worse than the smart-ass or even Rebecca’s was. You get the paddle.">><<else>><<print "The pledges that betrayed one of their sisters are stripped and told to bend over. They don’t get a soft, loving hand on their ass. Their offense is much worse than the smart-ass or even Rebecca’s was. They get the paddle.">><</if>> <img src="Part9/Task17.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> [[Before Ashley stops swinging,|Part9Task17]]<<if $SisterSEXBetray>><<print " tears are running down many of the girls’ faces. including yours. “I hope this lesson will ensure all of you remember that Sisters Always Come First.”, she says.">><<else>><<print " tears are running down many of the girls’ faces. “I hope this lesson will ensure all of you remember that Sisters Always Come First.”, she says.">><</if>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Σ Ε Ξ">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "After the punishments are handed out, you are all given robes to wear for the rest of the evening. Besides the ceremony, you suspect part of the reason for the robes is because many of the girls’ asses are still too sensitive to put their clothes back on yet.">> <img src="Part9/Task18.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "When the final ceremony is complete, you are all welcomed as official Sigma sisters!">> <<nobr>> <<if $JobCheerleader>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> <<print "You and Veronica requested a room together and now are ">>[[finally together all the time!|Part9SororityEndYes]] <<else>> <<if setup.haveFucked('Football Player')>> <<if $SexTaskLesbian>> <<print "You are sure Veronica would ">> <<link "accept dating you, should you ask her">> <<set setup.startDating('Veronica')>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> <<goto [[Part9SororityPregnant]]>> <<else>> <<goto [[Part9SororityEndYes]]>> <</if>> <</link>> <<print " and that the sorority would give you a room together in that case.">> Or if you want to stay single, [[you are assigned a random roommate from your sisters.|Part9SororityEndYes]] <<else>> [[You are assigned a random roommate from your sisters.|Part9SororityEndYes]] <</if>> <<else>> <<print "You and Veronica both made sure you do not end up in the same room and ">>[[you are assigned a random roommate from your sisters.|Part9SororityEndYes]] <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> <<if $SexTaskLesbian>> <<print "You are sure Veronica would ">> <<link "accept dating you, should you ask her">> <<set setup.startDating('Veronica')>> <<if $JobOfficePA and setup.areDating('Paul')>> <<set setup.breakupWith('Paul')>> <<unset $JobOfficePA>> <<unset $JobOffice>> <<set $JobBarista to 1>> <</if>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> <<goto [[Part9SororityPregnant]]>> <<else>> <<goto [[Part9SororityEndYes]]>> <</if>> <</link>> <<print " and that the sorority would give you a room together in that case.">> Or if you want to stay single, [[you are assigned a random roommate from your sisters.|Part9SororityEndYes]] <<if $JobOfficePA and setup.areDating('Paul')>> <br><br> Of course, you'd have to stop seeing your boss Paul if you started dating Veronica. And since you are far better at sucking his cock than anything you are supposed to be doing there, it'd probably be easier if you just got a job somewhere else. It shouldn't be that hard, you know the coffee shop is always hiring. <</if>> <<else>> [[You are assigned a random roommate from your sisters.|Part9SororityEndYes]] <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Strip Club">></h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Strip Club Customer'})>> <</nobr>> <<print "He seems like a rich guy, so you decide to pull out and start stroking his cock.">> <<print "As it looks like it would take a while like this and as you are already quite horny, you just straddle him and start giving him a different kind of lap dance.">> <video src="Part9/Task13b.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "Eventually he tells you he is about to cum, so you get off and finish him on your face.">> <<print "You smile as he pulls out his wallet and ">>[[gives you a large wad of cash.|Part9Task13]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Campus Library">></h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Aaron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Aaron', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Aaron', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Aaron', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Aaron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Aaron', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Aaron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Aaron', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Aaron', vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<print "Most people probably wouldn’t find your job exciting. You spend most of your workday putting books back up on the shelves.">> <<print "But eventually you start liking your new ‘sexy librarians’ look.">> <img src="Part9/JobLibrary.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "And as Daddy's office is close to the library, you soon realize that he can sneak in during his breaks to have some fun with you.">> <<print "And he does seem to have a lot of breaks. You probably will be spending most of your work hours naked than clothed at this rate.">> [[Find out more about sororities.|Part9Greek1]]<<nobr>> <<if $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>><<set $JobCheerleaderFundraiser = 0>><</if>>\ <<if $JobOfficePA>><<set $JobOfficePA = 0>><</if>>\ <<if $JobPornOral>><<set $JobPornOral = 0>><</if>>\ <<if $JobPornAnal>><<set $JobPornAnal = 0>><</if>>\ <<if $JobPornGang>><<set $JobPornGang = 0>><</if>>\ <<if $JobPorn>><<set $JobPorn = 0>><</if>>\ <<if $JobCallGirl>><<set $JobCallGirl = 0>><</if>>\ <h1><<print "Student Job Office">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Daddy has asked around on campus and convinced some departments to make an exception for you and let you join mid-year, should you wish to.">> <<nobr>> <<link "Student Athlete">> <<set $JobAthlete = 1>> <<goto [[Part9JobAthlete]]>> <</link>> <</nobr>> <<print "You’ll be training or competing 5 or 6 days a week. You’ll have access to state-of-the-art training facilities and the help of the university’s trainers. So you’re sure to stay in peak condition.">> <img src="Part3/JobAthleteA.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"><img src="Part3/JobAthleteB.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <<print "The partial scholarship from the athletic department will free up some of the X-Change stipend that was paying for tuition, so you will have some spending money available.">> <span id="CheerJob"></span> <span style="font-size: 120%"><<print "On-Campus Employment">></span> <p style="clear: both;"><img src="Part3/JobOnCampusA.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> <<nobr>> <<link "Campus Fitness Center Assistant">> <<set $JobFitnessYoga = 1>> <<goto [[Part9JobFitness]]>> <</link>> <</nobr>> <<print "Entry level yoga instructor position available. You will help keep our athletes in top condition!">></p> <p style="clear: both;"><img src="Part3/JobOnCampusB.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> <<nobr>> <<link "Campus Library">> <<set $JobLibrary = 1>> <<goto [[Part9JobLibrary]]>> <</link>> <</nobr>> <<print "Duties will include processing check outs and returns, refiling returned books.">> <<print "You’ll be helping people check out and refiling returned books.">></p> <p style="clear: both;"> <<nobr>> <<print "If you have not decided on a job, then ">> <<link "Daddy can choose one for you. (Random)">> <<if $BodyType == 'Standard'>> <<set $PlayerRollDice to either(1,3,4,7)>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerRollDice to either(1,3,4)>> <</if>> <<switch $PlayerRollDice>> <<case 1>> <<set $JobAthlete = 1>> <<goto [[Part9JobAthlete]]>> <<case 2>> <<set $JobFitnessYoga = 1>> <<goto [[Part9JobFitness]]>> <<case 4>> <<set $JobLibrary = 1>> <<goto [[Part9JobLibrary]]>> <<case 7>> <<set $JobCheerleader = 1>> <<goto [[Part9JobCheerleader]]>> <</switch>> <</link>> <</nobr>></p> <<silently>> <<repeat 100ms>> <<if $BodyType == 'Standard'>> <<replace "#CheerJob">> <<nobr>> <<link "Cheerleader">> <<set $JobCheerleader = 1>> <<goto [[Part9JobCheerleader]]>> <</link>> <</nobr>> <<print "You’ll be practicing or working out 4 days a week, and then going to games to cheer on Saturdays. You’ll also be expected to attend university fundraising events occasionally.">> <img src="Part3/JobCheerleaderA.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"><img src="Part3/JobCheerleaderB.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <</replace>> <<stop>> <</if>> <</repeat>> <</silently>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Campus Library">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You start training at the gym, mostly doing weightlifting and running.">> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>><<print "Being around so many sweaty men for so long excites you so much. ">><<if $PlayerChastityBelt>><<print "However your chastity belt will at least prevent you from going to far once you can no longer contain your excitement.">><<else>><<print "You know that eventually you will no longer be able to keep you excitement contained.">><</if>><<else>><<print "Knowing that Daddy will enjoy your toned body makes the effort so much more rewarding.">><</if>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectPheromones>><img src="Part9/Gym1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"><<else>><br><video src="Part9/Gym2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video><br><</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>><<print "For now, you have somehow managed to limit yourself to just flashing some of the hot guys from time to time.">><<else>><<print "Most of the day you think about him finally squeezing your plumb butt.">><</if>> [[Find out more about sororities.|Part9Greek1]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Yoga Class">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "As all of the female athletes had already picked their favorite instructors last semester, they weren’t really interested in signing up for your class. And the male athletes were so focused on strength training that it was hard to convince them to take an interest in yoga. You were starting to worry that your job would be cut and you’d be unemployed. But then you had an idea.">> <video src="Part9/Yoga.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video><br> <<print "You have decided to start offering blowjobs to new male students, and that has helped bring up the numbers. After all, Daddy does not need to know everything you do.">> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Athlete (yoga)'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Athlete (yoga)'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Athlete (yoga)'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Athlete (yoga)'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Athlete (yoga)'})>> <<print "You are not yet sure how you will manage to keep their interest in the class however.">> [[Find out more about sororities.|Part9Greek1]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Locker Room">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You quickly become acquainted with Veronica, the squad leader. She doesn’t have the power to kick you of the squad, but you’re not sure if you want to make her your enemy either.">> <<print "She tells you that unless you want to have a bad time on the squad, you have to have sex with one of the footbal team's players. Luckily she didn’t mention how.">> <<print "You figure out that the fastest way is to just blow one of them in their locker rooms.">> <video src="Part9/Cheerleader.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video><br> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Athlete'})>> <<print "As you prepare to enter, you are not sure how to approach the player inside, so you decide to just jump him and that way he will get the idea.">> <<print "After you finish and Veronica confirms your story with the guy, you are happy to see that everyone on the team is nice to you.">> [[Find out more about sororities.|Part9Greek1]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Δ Τ F">></h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You decide it would be better to start with people you know, and <<if setup.isFWB('Josh')>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Josh'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Josh'})>> Josh <<elseif setup.isFWB('James')>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'James'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'James'})>> James <<elseif setup.isFWB('Zack')>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Zack'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Zack'})>> Zack <<else>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'David'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'David'})>> David <</if>> is more than happy with helping you with your task. <</nobr>> <video src="Part9/Delta16.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "You make sure to put as much effort into the blowjob as you can, listening closely to any instructions he gives you during it, in order to get the best recommendation possible.">> <<print "After you finish with him and he gives you a stellar review, despite only giving him a blowjob, ">>[[it is time to start thinking about who next to approach.|Part9DTFBlowjob1]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Δ Τ F">></h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<print "You decide it would be better to start with people you know, and ">> <<if setup.isFWB('Josh')>> <<print "Josh">> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'James'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'James', vaginal:true})>> <<elseif setup.isFWB('James')>> <<print "James">> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'James'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'James', vaginal:true})>> <<elseif setup.isFWB('Zack')>> <<print "Zack">> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Zack'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Zack', vaginal:true})>> <<else>> <<print "David">> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'David'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'David', vaginal:true})>> <</if>> <<print " is more than happy with helping you with your task.">> <</nobr>> <video src="Part9/Delta17.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "You want to make your first recommendation count so you tell him that you will work his cock really good. All he has to do is lay back and enjoy the pleasure.">> <<print "After you finish with him and he gives you a stellar review, ">>[[it is time to start thinking about who next to approach.|Part9DTFSex1]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Medical Clinic">></h1> <img src="Part9.5/Start1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<print "This is your first doctor visit after finding out about your pregnancy, and you are both excited and nervous about it. ">> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>> <<print "You didn’t want to go alone so you bring Andrew with you for support.">> <<set $DoctorAndrew = 1>> <<else>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>> <<print "You didn’t want to go alone, but you haven’t told Josh about your pregnancy, so you bring ">> <<if $Mentor == 'Faith'>><<print "Faith">><<set $DoctorFaith = 1>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Emily'>><<print "Emily">><<set $DoctorEmily = 1>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Hannah'>><<print "Hannah">><<set $DoctorHannah = 1>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Samantha'>><<print "Sam">><<set $DoctorSamantha = 1>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Olivia'>><<print "Olivia">><<set $DoctorOlivia = 1>><</if>> <<print " with you for support instead.">> <<else>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>> <<print "You didn’t want to go alone so you bring Daddy with you for support. You make an effort to call him by his given name, Aaron, during your appointment to avoid another embarrassing situation where someone thinks he’s your actual father.">> <<set $DoctorDaddy = 1>> <<else>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>> <<set $DoctorNerd = 1>> You didn’t want to go alone so you bring Peter with you for support. <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.length == 1 && $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers[0] == 'Peter'>> He is the baby's father after all. <<elseif $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.indexOf('Peter') < 0>> Besides you enjoy the fact that the visit itself subtly teases him, proving that another man has done things to you he could only fantasize about. <</if>> <<else>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> <<set $DoctorVeronica = 1>> <<print "You didn’t want to go alone so you bring Veronica with you for support.">> <<else>> <<print "You didn’t want to go alone so you bring ">> <<if $Mentor == 'Faith'>><<print "Faith">><<set $DoctorFaith = 1>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Emily'>><<print "Emily">><<set $DoctorEmily = 1>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Hannah'>><<print "Hannah">><<set $DoctorHannah = 1>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Samantha'>><<print "Sam">><<set $DoctorSamantha = 1>><</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Olivia'>><<print "Olivia">><<set $DoctorOlivia = 1>><</if>> <<print " with you for support.">> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> [[You are told to enter the waiting room.|Part95Start2]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Medical Clinic">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "As you sit in the waiting room, you look around at other women there. Some aren’t showing, or maybe aren’t pregnant. But others clearly are, and are much further along than you are.">> <img src="Part9.5/Start2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "You can’t help but imagine that that’s what you are going to look like in a few months.">> <<print "As they struggle to get out of their chair when their names are called, you know that’s ">>[[going to be you before too long.|Part95Start3]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Medical Clinic">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "After a long wait in the waiting room your name is finally called.">> <img src="Part9.5/Start3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "Before taking you to the exam room, one of the doctor’s assistants checks your weight.">> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerWeightControl>> <<print "If you had the “weight control” option on your implant, It’s about 5 pounds higher than what it’s supposed to be. The assistant sees your surprise and tells you, “Your implant’s weight control feature deactivates during pregnancy so you can gain as much as the baby needs. But don’t worry, it’ll reactivate and slowly adjust back to normal after you deliver.”">> <<else>> <<if $JobAthlete or $JobCheerleader>> <<print "You’ve been keeping in shape, but are up about 5 pounds. You realize you might have to put your athletics on hold for a while soon.">> <<else>> <<print "You realize you’ve put on about 20 pounds since your change. You wonder how much is from the pregnancy, and how much is just that you’ve been eating like you used to even though your new body needs fewer calories.">> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<print "You know it’ll be going up over the coming months. You’ll worry about getting it back to where you want it ">>[[after the baby is born, not now.|Part95Start4]]<<nobr>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = either(1,2)>> <<if $PlayerRollDice == 1>><<set $BabyBoy = 1>><<else>><<set $BabyGirl = 1>><</if>> <<set $BabyKnow = 0>> <h1><<print "Medical Clinic">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "After you change into the gown they give you, the assistant takes some blood so she can run some tests on you and the baby.">> <img src="Part9.5/Start4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<link "“Do you want to know the baby’s sex?”,">><<set $BabyKnow = 1>><<goto [[Part95Exam1]]>><</link>><<print " she asks.">> <<print "When she sees your confused look she adds, “The cffDNA tests we do these days can show that easily enough, but some people still ">>[[don’t want to know until the baby is born.|Part95Exam1]]<<print " We’ll still do all the other tests either way. We just skip that one if you want to be surprised.”">> <<print "You give her your answer and she leaves with the vials of your blood">><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Medical Clinic">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "The doctor comes in and introduces himself and congratulates you. He checks your vital signs and checks you over externally.">> <<print "They told you to have a full bladder for your appointment and so you have to concentrate to suppress the urge to pee as he press around on you.">> <<print "He has you put your feet into the stirrups to continue his check.">> <img src="Part9.5/Exam1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "You gasp a bit as you feel the cold metal of the speculum.">> <<nobr>> <<print "You feel very awkward, vulnerable and exposed as he checks to make sure everything is at it should be. ">> <<if $DoctorAndrew>><<print "You hold Andrew’s hand, as you sense he is feeling a bit uncomfortable being here, but you are grateful that he is here supporting you.">><</if>> <<if $DoctorDaddy>><<print "You hold Daddy’s hand, as you sense he is feeling a bit uncomfortable being here, but you are grateful that he is here supporting you.">><</if>> <<if $DoctorNerd>><<print "You hold Peter’s hand, as you sense he is feeling a bit uncomfortable being here, but you are grateful that he is here supporting you.">><</if>> <<if $DoctorFaith>><<print "You hold Faith’s hand, as you sense she is feeling a bit uncomfortable being here, but you are grateful that she is here supporting you.">><</if>> <<if $DoctorEmily>><<print "You hold Emily’s hand, as you sense she is feeling a bit uncomfortable being here, but you are grateful that she is here supporting you.">><</if>> <<if $DoctorHannah>><<print "You hold Hannah’s hand, as you sense she is feeling a bit uncomfortable being here, but you are grateful that she is here supporting you.">><</if>> <<if $DoctorSamantha>><<print "You hold Sam’s hand, as you sense she is feeling a bit uncomfortable being here, but you are grateful that she is here supporting you.">><</if>> <<if $DoctorOlivia>><<print "You hold Olivia’s hand, as you sense she is feeling a bit uncomfortable being here, but you are grateful that she is here supporting you.">><</if>> <<if $DoctorVeronica>><<print "You hold Veronica’s hand, as you sense she is feeling a bit uncomfortable being here, but you are grateful that she is here supporting you.">><</if>> <</nobr>> <<print "When the doctor is done looking you over he tells you. “Everything looks good so far. ">>[[You can wait here and Nancy will be in to do your ultrasound.|Part95Exam2]]<<print " I’ll be back after that, we should have your blood work finished by then.">><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Medical Clinic">></h1> <</nobr>> <p style="clear: both;"><img src="Part9.5/Exam2a.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> <<print "Nancy, the sonographer, comes in and gets you into position for your test. She sees the worried look in your eye when you see the long probe next to her. “Oh, don’t worry, you’re far enough long, we shouldn’t need that one.”">> <<print "She squirts some cold gel onto your stomach and begins moving the ‘normal’ wand around, checking out various parts of you. You again have to hold back on the urge to pee. Finally, she stops checking on you and moves on to the baby.">></p> <p style="clear: both;"><img src="Part9.5/Exam2b.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300" align="left"> <<print "“There we go.”, she says as you finally see a tiny image of your baby for the first time.">> <<print "You are already staring in wonder, but a few clicks later and the ">>[[image zooms in showing your baby in more detail.|Part95Exam3]]</p><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Medical Clinic">></h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<print "You gasp and cover your mouth excitedly as you see your baby for the first time.">> <<if $DoctorAndrew>><<print "Andrew holds your hand tighter and you notice him watching the screen in wonder.">><</if>> <<if $DoctorDaddy>><<print "Daddy holds your hand tighter and you notice him watching the screen in wonder.">><</if>> <</nobr>> <img src="Part9.5/Exam3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "Nancy clicks on various buttons on her console. Some cause images to be saved or printed, others make measurement lines appear on the image. She glances down at your chart. You hear her make a “Hmm?” sound.">> <<print "“What? Is something wrong?”, you ask worriedly.">> <<print "“No. Everything looks great.”, she says. “Your baby looks great. He or she is about 3 1/2 inches (9 cm) now. That’s about the size of a lemon.">> <<print "Finally she finishes. “The doctor will be in a moment to go over everything with you. You can take a moment to use the restroom before then if you want.”">> <<print "You quickly head to the restroom to empty your bladder and to wipe the remaining gel from your stomach before ">>[[returning to wait for the doctor.|Part95Exam4]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Medical Clinic">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "The doctor comes in, looking through your results.">> <img src="Part9.5/Exam4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "“Well, everything looks good on the tests and on the ultrasound. But it looks like the pregnancy is just a little further along than the other doctor had thought.”">> <<print "“That’s not uncommon when your cycle is irregular, like yours had been. Anyway, based on everything I see here, I’m pretty confident you are at about 14 weeks now.” You’re mentally trying to calculate the dates in your head when he continues.">> <<nobr>> “That would put conception most likely around October 31st. Trick or Treat! Though with X-Change users, the speed of development can vary somewhat. Don't worry, there's no harm to the baby. It just means our estimates aren't quite as reliable at predicting the start of the pregnancy. It could be a week or two in either direction from my estimate. But I'm confident in estimating your due date. It should be near July 24th.” <</nobr>> The doctor [[continues with his exam|Part95Result1]].<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Medical Clinic">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "The doctor then lets you listen to the baby’s heartbeat. You can’t believe how fast it is. But the doctor said its supposed to sound like that. You still can’t believe it’s coming from a tiny baby growing inside *you*.">> <img src="Part9.5/Result1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <p style="clear: both;"><<if $BabyKnow>><<if $BabyBoy>><img src="Part9.5/Result2a.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"><<else>><img src="Part9.5/Result2b.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"><</if>><br><</if>> <<nobr>> <<if $BabyKnow>> <<if $BabyBoy>> <<print "As you wanted to know the gender, the doctor tells you now that it’s a boy.">> <<else>> <<print "As you wanted to know the gender, the doctor tells you now that it’s a girl.">> <</if>> <<else>> <<print "As you did not want to know the gender, the doctor keeps that a secret from you.">> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<print "On you way out, you schedule your next appointment for a month from now.">> <<nobr>> <<if $JamesBribe>> <<set $BabyAdoption = 1>> Hearing the heartbeat, and seeing the ultrasound makes everything about the baby more real for you. You think through your decision to put it up for adoption. [[You come to the same conclusion|Part95Result2]], a wealthy couple would give your baby a much better home than you and a dead-beat James would. The thought of the money that you've already spent doesn't figure in to your decision at all, of course. <<elseif !$FatherProfessor and !$FatherAndrew and !$FatherJosh and !$FatherNerd and !setup.areDating('Veronica')>> <<print "You know you should start thinking whether you ">> [[want to keep the baby|Part95Result2]] <<print " after it is born, or you">> <<link "want to give it for adoption.">> <<set $BabyAdoption = 1>> <<goto [[Part95Result2]]>> <</link>> <<else>> <<if $FatherProfessor and !$FatherRealProfessor>> [[You should tell Daddy the good news.|Part95Professor]] <<else>> <<if $FatherJosh>> [[You should tell Josh the good news.|Part95Josh]] <<else>> [[You know it wont be long until other people notice your pregnancy.|Part95Result2]] <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>></p><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Halloween">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You remember wanting to give Peter a special treat for Halloween.">> <<print "You remember letting him lick you to several orgasms that night while you were still in your costume.">> <img src="Part6/Halloween3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "His orgasms aren’t that important to you, it’s usually more fun denying them. So you have a harder time remembering if he even came that night.">> <<print "But you can tell from the look on Peters face after the doctor estimated the conception date ">>[[that he did.|Part95Halloween4]]<<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>><<set $FatherNerd = 1>><</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><<set $FatherProfessor = 1>><</if>> <h1><<print "Halloween">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "As you think harder about what happened that night after the Halloween party...">> <img src="Part6/Halloween4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "You remember leaving him locked, and leting him try to fuck you with his cage still on. You remember how much you teased him after that pitiful half-orgasm he leaked out inside you? Well, it appears the joke is on both of you now.">> <<print "You never promised Peter you’d be faithful, you even promised him you wouldn’t be. So maybe there’s other guys it could have been too.">> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>><<print "If you want it, they can do a quick test of Peter’s DNA, and they confirm he’s the father. Or, if you’d rather Peter never be completely sure whether he’s really the father or not, then you can skip the test.">><<else>><<print "If you want it, they can do a quick test of Peter’s DNA, ">>[[and they confirm he’s the father.|Part95Result1]]<<print " Or, if you’d rather Peter never be completely sure whether he’s really the father or not, ">>[[then you can skip the test.|Part95Result1]]<</if>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>> <<print "You decide it is more fun ">>[[having Peter never know the answer,|Part95Result1]]<<print " and that you will tell Daddy about your pregnancy and that he is the father.">> <<else>> <<print "Whether you confirm it or not though, Peter and you both agree to acknowledge him as the father, at least on paper when the time comes.">> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Bedroom</h1> <<if $BabyAdoption>> You realize you can’t hide this any longer, so you decide to let your family and close friends know. You let your mom tell the rest of your relatives quietly about the situation, and don’t make a formal announcement. <<else>> You realize you can’t hide this any longer, so you decide to let your family and friends know. You start by calling your parents, then your brother and sister. Your mother and sister are both excited for you. (If they have any concerns they keep them to themselves). Your father and brother seemed to be a bit stunned, both that their son/brother is really gone for good now, and that their new daughter/sister is pregnant on top of it. Buy you’re sure they’ll be ok once the shock wears off. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $BabyAdoption>> <img src="Part9.5/Adoption.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="250"> <<else>> <img src="Part9.5/Result4.jpeg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $BabyAdoption>> <<print "You send a discreet message to your closest friends, and they all reply saying that you have their full support.">> <<else>> You make a post on social media to let everyone else know: <br><br> As you all know, my life has changed quite a bit over the last few months.<br> Well, there’s one more change that’s coming, and it’s going to be a big one... <img src="Part9.5/Result3.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"> <br> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>> Aaron and I will have our hands full starting this July! We’ll be sure to keep you all updated. You make sure to stay vague about how far along you are, so no one realizes you were his student when you got pregnant. <<elseif setup.areDating('Andrew')>> Andrew and I will have our hands full starting this July! We’ll be sure to keep you all updated. <<elseif setup.areDating('Peter')>> Peter and I will have our hands full starting this July! We’ll be sure to keep you all updated. <<elseif setup.areDating('Veronica')>> Veronica and I will have our hands full starting this July! We’ll be sure to keep you all updated. <<else>> I’ll have my hands full starting this July! I’ll be sure to keep you all updated. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> [[Continue.|Part10Start]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Daddy">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "This was either something the two of you were trying for, or a possibility he’d talked to you about when he’d notice you hadn’t had period lately. Either way he’s as excited as you are.">> <img src="Part7/Preg8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "He is a bit disappointed that you haven’t told him earlier, but understands that you wanted to be sure that he is the father, even though he would have cared for you even if he wasn’t.">> <<print "A you’ve moved in with him, few people will question the timeline of your pregnancy. Hopefully no one that matters will realize (or care) that you were one of his students when the baby was conceived.">> [[And you know it wont be long until other people notice your pregnancy.|Part95Result2]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.breakupWith('Josh')>> <<set setup.removeNeighbour('Josh')>> <<set $JoshFlee = 1>> <h1><<print "Josh">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You are excited to tell Josh about your pregnancy, but he is in shock when you first tell him. Once he calms down he offers to pay for your abortion and to drive you there if you need a ride. When you let him know that the pregnancy is already so far ahead, he freaks out even more and tells you he needs a few days to calm down and then everything will be all right.">> <img src="Part7/Preg7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "After a few days you find that he has emptied his room and is nower to be found. You try calling and texting him, but can’t get ahold of him.">> <<print "You find out from friends of his that he freaked out about “his life being ruined” and has left town for a different university. You’re on your own for the pregnancy. You might be able to get some help with expenses afterwards if you go after him for child support though.">> <<nobr>> <<print "But for now you should start thinking whether you ">> [[want to keep the baby|Part95Result2]] <<print " and raise it alone, or you">> <<link "want to give it for adoption">> <<set $BabyAdoption = 1>> <<goto [[Part95Result2]]>> <</link>> <<print " after it is born.">> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Veronica">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You approach Veronica to ask your relationship and she quickly answers that she wants to be your girlfriend.">> <<print "She is surprised when she sees you nervous after her response and asks you what is wrong.">> <<print "You confess that you are actually pregnant and that maybe that is too much for her to handle.">> <img src="Part9/Veronica.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<nobr>> <<print "You are relieved when she hugs you and tells you that no matter if you.">> [[plan to keep the baby|Part9SororityEndYes]] <<print " after it is born, or you">> <<link "want to give it for adoption">> <<set $BabyAdoption = 1>> <<goto [[Part9SororityEndYes]]>> <</link>> <<print "she will be with you all the way.">> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Peter's Key">></h1> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>> <video src="Part10/Keyholder2.webm" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <<else>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> <img src="Part10/Keyholder.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left"> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>> It’s the start of February, and you realize Peter hasn't came since you started dating Aaron, last semester. Daddy still has the 'look but don't touch' rule for Peter. Peter's not allowed to touch you at all, though the rule has been relaxed a bit for you. <br><br> Daddy said you should reward Peter for all the tutoring and other help he gives you. So once a month, you cuff Peter's hands and tease his cock for a while. Usually you tell Peter about what it feels like as Daddy fucks you, and tell Peter to imagine what it must feel like for Aaron when he does. Of course, you always stop before Peter has a chance to cum. Then you tell him to imagine what it feels like for Aaron when he keeps going and cums for you. <br><br> Daddy wouldn't mind if you let Peter orgasm, you just stop because you want to. But based on how well you did last semester, with Peter's help, and to reward him for his own straight-A's as well, Daddy said you should give him a special reward. "How special?", you ask, hoping Daddy isn't suggesting what you think he is. <br><br> "Don't worry, I didn't mean that special, naughty girl," he says before giving your bare bottom a playful smack. "Maybe a little relief though." <br><br> When Peter's next tease session arrives, he's disappointed at first that he won't feel your hands on his cock this time. The gag you put on him quickly silences his whining, though it would have stopped as soon as he felt the vibrations on his cock anyway. He's desperate to get as much stimulation from the wand as he can, he doesn't know you plan on letting him cum today, and thinks you might turn off the wand at any time. <br><br> Only after he's covered himself in his own cum, and manuvered his sensitive cock away from the wand do you turn it off. You leave him there a while longer, until the cum on his stomach, legs, and chest has dried. <br><br> "Thank you for your help last semester, and this semester too," you tell him as you put his cock back in it's cage. "I want you to remember how grateful and generous I am, so you aren't allowed to wash this mess off until tomorrow morning." <br><br> "Mes, msstrss", he mumbles into his gag. <br><br> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> [[Continue.|Part10StartChastity]] <<else>> [[Continue.|Part10Start]] <</if>> <<else>> It’s the start of February, and you realize you haven’t let Peter cum at all this year yet. Once a week, you’ve unlocked him though. But it’s just been for a tease before locking him back up again. <br><br> You had planned to let him cum today. But when you realized Valentine’s Day is only a few weeks away, you decided to wait until then instead. <br><br> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> [[Continue.|Part10StartChastity]] <<else>> Of course he’s still taking care of your needs whenever you ask. <br><br> [[Continue.|Part10Start]] <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<if $Keyholder == 'Robert'>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Chastity">></h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> You haven't been able to cum since Oliva put this belt on you, and you're horny all the time! She said her master might be generous around Valentine's day, but that's weeks away! If he even lets you out then! <</nobr>> <img src="Part10/ChastityFemaleKH.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" > <<nobr>> You are always willing to give someone else an orgasm. Though making a beautiful woman writhe on the floor in exstacy would make anyone happy. But you can't help but also feel a bit jealous, wondering when you'll have a chance <</nobr>> <img src="Part10/ChastityMaleKH.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<nobr>> Of course, you also love the feel of a guy's cock as it twitches then fills your mouth with it's warm cum. Though you always feel an ache inside, as your body tries to tell you where it'd rather have that cock. <</nobr>> [[Continue.|Part10Start]] <<else>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Chastity">></h1> $Keyholder hasn’t let you cum in weeks and you’re horny all the time now! You think $Keyholder might be making you wait until Valentine’s Day a few weeks from now. God, you hope $KeyholderPronoun won’t make you wait any longer than that. But you know better than to beg for release. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $KeyholderPronoun eq "he">> <img src="Part10/ChastityMaleKH.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left" /> You are always willing to give him an orgasm though. Feeling him fill your mouth when he cums makes you so happy. But it also makes you ache for when you’ll be able to cum again too. <<set $KeyholderGender to 'male'>> <<else>> <img src="Part10/ChastityFemaleKH.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" /> <br> You are always willing to give her an orgasm though. Seeing her writhe on the floor as she cums would make anyone happy. But it also makes you ache for when you’ll be able to cum again too. <<set $KeyholderGender to 'female'>> <</if>> <<if $Keyholder == 'Daddy'>> <<set $tempKeyholderName to 'Aaron'>> <<else>> <<set $tempKeyholderName to $KeyHolder>> <</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: $KeyholderGender, name: $tempKeyholderName})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: $KeyholderGender, name: $tempKeyholderName})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: $KeyholderGender, name: $tempKeyholderName})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: $KeyholderGender, name: $tempKeyholderName})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: $KeyholderGender, name: $tempKeyholderName})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: $KeyholderGender, name: $tempKeyholderName})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: $KeyholderGender, name: $tempKeyholderName})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: $KeyholderGender, name: $tempKeyholderName})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: $KeyholderGender, name: $tempKeyholderName})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: $KeyholderGender, name: $tempKeyholderName})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: $KeyholderGender, name: $tempKeyholderName})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: $KeyholderGender, name: $tempKeyholderName})>> <<unset $tempKeyholderName>> <</nobr>> [[Continue.|Part10Start]] <</if>><<nobr>> <h1>Paying Bills</h1> <</nobr>> <img src="Part10/PayingBills.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" /> <<nobr>> You got the email about your credit card statement days ago, but you’ve just been leaving it in your inbox unopened. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerPregnant or $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<set $cantWorkStripper to 1>> <</if>> <<if $PlayerMoney > 0 >> Your due date is still a couple weeks away, but you want to make sure you don't forget it. You've mainly just been using the card for shopping online occasionally anyway, and you've been careful to leave enough aside to pay it in full every month. That's what you do this time too. You click on the "Pay Current Balance" button, and then forget about it for another month. <<set $NeedSideJob to 0>> <<else>> You’ve decided to try to act like an adult today though, and you quit ignoring it or hiding from it, and finally open it. <<set $NeedSideJob to 1>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerPregnant and $JobAthlete>> <<if $NeedSideJob>> You click on the "Pay Minimum Payment" box again. You are a bit worried as you know the total balance keeps going up and up, and the "Available Credit" keeps dropping. You can't keep going like this every month, your card will be maxed out soon. Money has already been tight, so you've been putting it off, but you know it's time to [[let your coach know|Part10Disability]] about your pregnancy. <<else>> It makes you feel like a real adult, paying your bills off ahead of time. But the thing you've really been avoiding isn't your bills, but telling your coach about your pregnancy. But you realize you need to [[tell him now|Part10Disability]] before it's obvious to everyone. <</if>> <<if !$JamesBribe>> <<set $NeedSideJob to 1>> <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerPregnant and $JobStripper>> You were pregnant when you started at the strip club, so you knew it wouldn't last long. Now that you've stared to show, you'll [[have to stop|Part10StripPregnant]], at least for now. The extra money had been nice though. <<elseif $Roommate == 'Andrew'>> <<set $NeedSideJob to 0>> <<if $PlayerMoney <= 0>> Now that you aren't paying for a dorm, and Andrew is [[paying the rent|Part10LivingTogether]], you haven't been using your credit card bill as much. You should have the balance you'd ran up paid off pretty soon. <<else>> You were doing alright already, and now that you aren't paying for a dorm, and Andrew is [[paying the rent|Part10LivingTogether]], it's even easier to make your money last. <</if>> Since you're living with Andrew now <<elseif setup.areDating('Aaron')>> <<set $NeedSideJob to 0>> <<if $PlayerMoney <= 0>> Daddy helped you set up a budget, so you've stopped running up your credit card bill every month and started paying it down. Making a budget is a lot easier with Daddy [[taking care of most of your expenses|Part10LivingTogether]] though. <<else>> You were doing alright already, and now that you aren't paying for a dorm, and Aaron is [[paying the rent|Part10LivingTogether]], it's even easier to make your money last. <</if>> <<elseif $JobCallGirl or $JobCallGirlSide>> <<set $NeedSideJob to 0>> Working as a call girl works out great for you. How many hours you work or how many clients you want to see each week, is always up to you. Whether money is running low, you want some extra cash to spurge on something nice, or you just want to make as much as you can to save for the future, the answer is the same. All it takes to give yourself a raise is [[one little phone call|Part10CallGirlAlready]]. <<elseif $JobStripper>> <<set $NeedSideJob to 0>> Since you started [[dancing at the strip club|Part10StripAlready]], you've had much more money coming in, so you have more than enough to cover your credit card bill. <<elseif $NeedSideJob>> You click on the "Pay Minimum Payment" box again. You are a bit worried as you know the total balance keeps going up and up, and the "Available Credit" keeps dropping. You can't keep going like this every month, your card will be maxed out soon. You're going to need to find a way to <<if $CampusMinistry>> get more money coming in. <br><br> Your fantasies are messing with your mind again, as all the possible jobs you think of all involve sex in some way. You push those thoughts out of your mind, but you can't think of any available jobs to replace them. You were trying to avoid [[getting a student loan|Part10StudentLoan]], but you realize you need to in order to make ends meet. <<else>> [[get more money coming in|Part10ExtraMoney]]. <</if>> <<else>> It makes you feel like a real adult, [[paying your bills off|Part10Responsible]] ahead of time. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerPregnant and $JobCheerleaderFundraiser >> You are happy that at least your 'cheerleading' stipend isn't going to be affected by your pregnancy. As long as you keep up your fundraising activities, and don't ask any of the university's donors to take a paternity test, the athletic department doesn't mind. It's not like this is an unexpected outcome given their fundraising methods. <<elseif $PlayerPregnant and $JobCheerleader >> You are happy that your pregnancy isn't going to be affect your cheerleading stipend. Obviously you won't be out on the field on top of a pyramid for a while. But they still have you helping in other ways. Unsurprisingly, you aren't the first cheerleader that this has happened to. After the baby, your spot on the squad will be waiting for you. <</if>> <</nobr>><h1>Disability Leave</h1> <img src="Part10/CoachTalk.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" /> <<nobr>> You realize that you’re not going to be able to compete or cheer much longer, so you go talk to the athletic director about sitting out the rest of the year. You are worried you might lose your scholarship or stipend, maybe even have to drop out. But you are relieved to hear that they can put you on the temporary disability list for the rest of the semester. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You won’t be getting as much money as you were before, but at least it’s something. One downside though is that you aren’t allowed to work another job if you want to get the disability payments. At least not any official job, that is. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobStripper>> As if the drop in income from being put on the disability list wasn't bad enough, you know [[another source of income|Part10StripPregnant]] is going a way for a while too. <<elseif $JobCallGirl or $JobCallGirlSide>> You're not that worried about the drop in income from being put on the disability list. You know you have [[another source of income|Part10CallGirlAlready]] to help cover your expenses. <<elseif $Roommate == 'Andrew'>> Thankfully, you aren't paying for a dorm anymore and Andrew is [[paying the rent|Part10LivingTogether]]. Your spending had already dropped quite a bit, and Andrew will definitely be willing to cover even more during your pregnancy. So the disabiity payment should be enough. <<elseif setup.areDating('Aaron')>> Daddy helped you set up a budget, so you'd already started improving your financial situation. You don't really have that much you need to pay for since Daddy is [[taking care of most of your expenses|Part10LivingTogether]]. So the disabiity payment should be enough. <<elseif $JamesBribe>> You're not worried about the drop in income from being put on the disability list. You know you have the money the attorney is giving you, and [[you'll be fine|Part10Responsible]]. <<else>> But the disability payment alone isn't going to be enough to cover your expenses. You're going to need to think of a way to [[earn extra money|Part10ExtraMoney]] every month. <</if>> <</nobr>><h1>Living Together</h1> <img src="Part10/LivingTogether1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" /> <<nobr>> <<set $PlayerMoneySet to 0>> You offered to help pay your share of the household expenses, but he says he’d have to pay it even if you weren’t there, so he doesn’t think you should have to pay anything. You know the money is much less of a problem for him than it would be for you, so you don’t argue. Besides, you think he enjoys ‘taking care of you’. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> That means you’re only left paying for your personal expenses. So, money hasn't been that much of a problem for you lately. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You use some of the extra you usually have left over to <<if $PlayerNoBodyHair>> [[buy the occasional sexy outfit, or visit the spa|Part10LivingTogether2]] <<else>> [[buy the occasional sexy outfit, or visit the spa|Part10Waxing]] <</if>> to keep yourself looking beautiful. You think your boyfriend enjoys you spending your money on this more than he would you paying the electric bill anyway. <</nobr>><img src="Part10/Waxing1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" /> Of course, you keep things looking nice yourself between visits, but you have a monthly \ waxing appointment at the spa too. It only hurts for moment, and you love how sexy you \ feel after you leave. <img src="Part10/Waxing2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" /> Of course, you love the feel of your boyfriend's hands as they slide across your bare skin \ that night [[even more|Part10LivingTogether2]].<<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $dating[0]})>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $dating[0]})>> <<else>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <</if>> <video src="Part10/LivingTogether2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Even though you can’t contribute money, you do your best to do your share of the chores around the house. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Sometimes you even dress for the occasion. Although that usually results in both of you forgetting about cleaning and him bending you over the kitchen counter instead. Of course that’s what you had in mind anyway. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> [[Continue|Part10End]] <</nobr>><img src="Part10/Responsible.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left"/> <<nobr>> <<set $PlayerMoneySet to 0>> Maybe you’ve been thrifty, saving money when you can... however you can. Or maybe your job just pays well enough that money hasn’t been a big problem for you. Either way, you've been living within your means, and paying off your credit card bill in full every month. You've even put aside enough for the occasional new outfit. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You could just [[keep going like you have been|Part10End]]. Though it might be nice to have a [[some extra money|Part10ExtraMoney]] to splurge now and then, or even just to save for a rainy day. <</nobr>><<set $JobStripper to 0>> <<set $ExStripper to 1>> <img src="Part10/StripClub1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left" /> <<nobr>> You've were pregnant when you started at the strip club, so you knew it was only going to be for a little while. It's hard to hide a baby bump when your clothes are in a pile next to you. <<if $JobAthlete>> Besides that, it wouldn't be allowed while you were on disability leave. <</if>> You realize it's time to put your dancing on hold at least until after the baby is born. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobCallGirl or $JobCallGirlSide>> You didn't actually get that much money working at the club anyway compared to your other job. It was a nice place to find clients though. Anytime a horny guy would ask for 'extras' while getting a dance, you could just tell him to give the agency a call and book you at your other job. But it's not like you'll be running short of clients any time soon, so [[you aren't worried|Part10End]]. <<else>> Of course, you'd gotten used to that money coming in. You're going to have to figure out some way to make some [[extra money|Part10ExtraMoney]] to make up for it. <</if>> <</nobr>>You start trying to think of ways to earn a little extra money on the side... <img src="Part10/CallGirl1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left" /> <<nobr>> <<if $Mentor == 'Hannah'>> Hannah had offered to help get you started as a call girl. You know Hannah is never short on money, and she seems to love her job. You weren't interested when she suggested it back at the begining of the school year, but you've changed quote a bit since then. <<else>> Hannah, one of the other X-Change mentors, mentioned to you at one of the X-Change support group meetings her job as a call girl. You were curious about what it was like for her, so you talked to her in private about it after the meeting. She said she could always help you get started with the same agency if you were interested. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> Of course, it would be rather difficult to be a call girl with this belt locked on you. You doubt that Hannah's agency would want to deal with a girl who is only able to give blowjobs and handjobs. You'll have to <<if $JobWebModel or $JobWebModelSide or $JobPorn or $JobPornSide or $JobPornOral or $JobPornOralSide or $JobPornAnal or $JobPornAnalSide or $JobPornGang or $JobPornGangSide>> [[think of something else|Part10ExtraMoney3]]. <<else>> [[think of something else|Part10ExtraMoney2]]. <</if>> <<else>> You can <<if setup.areDating('Kate')>> [[see if Kate would be ok with it|Part10CallGirlStartKate]]. <<elseif setup.areDating('Veronica')>> [[see how Veronica would feel about it|Part10CallGirlStartVeronica]]. <<else>> [[take Hannah up on her offer|Part10CallGirlStart]] <<if $dating.length>> You'll just have to make sure $dating[0] doesn't find out about it. <</if>> <</if>> Or you can <<if $JobWebModel or $JobWebModelSide or $JobPorn or $JobPornSide or $JobPornOral or $JobPornOralSide or $JobPornAnal or $JobPornAnalSide or $JobPornGang or $JobPornGangSide>> [[try to think of something else|Part10ExtraMoney3]]. <<else>> [[try to think of something else|Part10ExtraMoney2]]. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Discussing your job plans with Kate</h1> "If you are needing money that badly, I can help out," Kate tells you when you mention your idea to start working as a call girl. But then she senses there's more to it than just the money. "Or, is the money not really the point?" <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You admit that the money will be nice, but that it also turns you on, being desired and wanted like that. To have men willing to [[pay that much money just to be with you|Part10CallGirlStart]]. You also admit that being an object, used for their pleasure, with no regard for your own, is also a big turn on for you too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Very well," Kate tells you. "You can be three holes for them to use how they like, if that's what you want. But you aren't allowed to orgasm with them, is that understood." <<if $PlayerSuperOrgasms or $PlayerEasytoOrgasm>> You remind her how easy it is for you to orgasm. "I know that, but you'll <<else>> "You'll <</if>> resist as much as you can, and fake your orgasms for them. You'll tell me whenever you have a real one with them, and you'll be punished for it. Is that understood?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes, mistress," you tell her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part10/Kate.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Discussing your job plans with Veronica</h1> "Is your money situation that bad?" Veronica asks. "Maybe we can both get part-time jobs and you won't have to do that." When you let her know how much the pay is for the call girl job, she understands better your motivation. "Oh, well it'd be pretty hard for either of us to get a part-time job that matched up with that." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "And it's not just the money," you confess. "It's also quite a turn-on, thinking of being that desired, that men would pay that much money just to be with me for a little while. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That does sound exciting," she admits as you talk more about it. "Maybe we might treat one of your clients to a double-feature one day, if I work up the nerve." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part8.5/Faithfull2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Ok. If it's what you really want, then [[take the job|Part10CallGirlStart]]. Just remember though, they are just renting you for a little while. You belong to me." <</nobr>><video src="Part10/CallGirl2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set $PlayerMoneySet to 0>> <<set $JobCallGirlSide to 1>> <<set setup.addInventory('costumes', 'call girl outfits')>> You're shocked to find out how much guys are willing to pay to be with you for a few hours. But what really surprised you was when Hannah had told you how many of the men had wives waiting for them back home. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She explained that some are just having fun while out of town on business. Some have gotten bored after a couple decades of marriage. And some do it because they know you’ll let them do [[things their wife never would.|Part10CallGirl]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Extra Clients</h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set $JobCallGirl to 1>> <<set $JobCallGirlSide to 0>> <<set $PlayerMoneySet to 0>> <</nobr>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> <img src="Part10/CallGirlPregnant.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" /> <<nobr>> You let your agency know about your pregnancy. You're worried that they won't be sending many clients your way now. But they let you know that they actually get quite a few men that specifically request a pregnant woman, and they especially like a college-aged girl. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are also worried you might lose some of your regular clients for a while too. But they keep coming back. You think they each imagine that the baby is theirs. Who knows, maybe one of them is right. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> A few potential new clients choose someone else, but for most of the others, you are a [[warm, wet place to put their cock|Part10CallGirl]] and they don't care whether you are pregnant or not. <</nobr>> <<else>> <video src="Part10/CallGirl2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> You give your agency a call and let them know you'd like them to send more clients your way. They are happy to do so. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Some of their girls are unwilling to provide some 'services' that clients want. But the agency knows that they can send them to you and the client will be able to get exactly [[what he wants|Part10CallGirl]]. <</nobr>> <</if>><img src="Part10/WebModel.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left" /> <<nobr>> <<if $Mentor == 'Olivia'>> Olivia had mentioned to you about a job modellling for her master's website. But you know she finished with that quite a while ago, so you assume that's out of the question now. You'll just have to <<else>> You remember one of the other girls from the X-Change support group mentioning a web modeling job that her mentor had got for her. You could [[give Olivia a call|Part10WebModel]] to see if that's still available. Or you can <</if>> keep thinking to see if you <<if $ExStripper>> [[have any other ideas|Part10StudentLoanReconsider]]. <<else>> [[have any other ideas|Part10ExtraMoney3]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><img src="Part10/StripClub1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left" /> <<nobr>> You’ve seen the strip club in town. Maybe you’ve even paid it a visit before. You wonder how much you could make a night working there. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> Of course, that's really not an option in your current condition. <<if $JobAthlete>> Besides, even if they wanted a pregnant dancer, it wouldn't be allowed while you were on disability leave. <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<if $Keyholder == 'Veronica'>> <<set $cantWorkStripper to 0>> Veronica is skeptical at first. She's not real excited aobu the thought of you grinding on top of strange men. And she's heard that sometimes much more than that goes on too. After you promise that it'll just be dancing, nothing more, she says she'll unlock your belt if you want to give it a try. <<else>> You dismiss that idea of course. Stripping is rather difficult when your clothes are locked on and you don't have the key. Well, not all your clothes. But the chastity belt certainly prevents you from showing your customers all that they'd want to see. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $cantWorkStripper>> You'll have to try to [[think of something else|Part10StudentLoanReconsider]]. <<else>> You can put on something sexy, and head down there to [[see about getting a job|Part10StripHire]]. Or, you can see if you can [[come up with any other ideas|Part10StudentLoanReconsider]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<set $ReconsideredLoan to 1>> <img src="Part10/StudentLoan.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left" /> <<nobr>> You are out of ideas. Well, except for the one that you’d been hoping to avoid: student loans. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know it’ll make things easier now, but you also know you’ll be paying it back for years and years. Maybe those other ideas weren’t so bad after all. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $NeedSideJob or $ExStripper>> If you really want to go through with it, you can [[head over to the financial aid office|Part10StudentLoan]]. But is that really what you want to do? <<else>> You don't really need the money. You aren't going to sign up for a student loan now, after you've worked so hard to stay out of debt. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and ($JobWebModel or $JobWebModelSide or $JobPorn or $JobPornSide or $JobPornOral or $JobPornOralSide or $JobPornAnal or $JobPornAnalSide or $JobPornGang or $JobPornGangSide)>> You can't really think of any way to earn extra money with this belt locked on you. <<elseif $Keyholder == 'Robert'>> You realize your only option to earn extra money is if Olivia's master will hire you. You can [[double check with her|Part10WebModel]] about openings. <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt>> You realize you don't really have any options for extra income with the chastity belt locked on you. <<else>> You could always change your mind and <<if setup.areDating('Kate')>> see if Kate would be ok with you [[working as a call girl|Part10CallGirlStartKate]]. <<elseif setup.areDating('Veronica')>> see how Veronica would feel about you [[working as a call girl|Part10CallGirlStartVeronica]]. <<else>> talk to Hannah about [[working as a call girl|Part10CallGirlStart]] <</if>> <<if $Mentor == 'Olivia' or $cantWorkStore or $CampusMinistryFail>> . <<elseif $refusedBelt>> or you could go back to the store and tell Master Robert you've reconsidered and that you will wear that chastity belt and [[work at the store|Part10WebModel4]]. A little horniness now is better than years of debt, right? <<else>> or you could ask Olivia about [[that modeling job|Part10WebModel]]. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$cantWorkStripper and !$ExStripper>> You could also get a job dancing at the [[strip club|Part10StripHire]] if you wanted. <</if>> <<if !$NeedSideJob and !$ExStripper>> Of course, just [[forgetting about the extra money|Part10End]] is an option too since you don't really need it. <</if>> <</nobr>><img src="Part10/StudentLoan.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left" /> <<nobr>> <<set $PlayerMoneySet to 0>> <<set $PlayerStudentLoan to 1>> You stop by the financial aid office, and fill out the paper-work. It takes a few weeks before the money comes in, but you’re able to pay off your credit card bill when it does. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don’t have much left over after that, so you know you’ll be in the same situation when next semester starts and will be needing to visit the financial aid office again then. You wonder how much you'll end up owing by the time you graduate, and how long it will take you to pay it all back. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But paying back the money is a problem for future-you. Today, you're just happy that you aren't living on the financial edge anymore. <</nobr>> Now you can [[think about something more fun|Part10End]].<<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <video src="Part10/CallGirl3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> For many of them though, it’s not just about the sex. You know it’s the whole experience you give them that makes them tip big at the end of your visit, and makes sure they ask for you again next time they call the agency. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It doesn’t matter if it’s just lying there afterwards listening to him talk about his day, or role-playing that you’re his naughty step-daughter trying to get out of being grounded. You’ve quickly learned what will keep each guy [[coming back for more|Part10CallGirl2]]. <</nobr>><video src="Part10/CallGirl4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Wealthy Call Girl Client'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Wealthy Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Wealthy Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Wealthy Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Wealthy Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Wealthy Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Wealthy Call Girl Client'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Wealthy Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Wealthy Call Girl Client'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Wealthy Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Wealthy Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> It doesn’t happen often, but you love when one of your rich clients books you for an entire weekend of travel. You love the money, of course, but that’s not the only reason. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You especially love it if he’s young and attractive. Whether he’s a trust fund kid or some tech millionaire, it’s easy to pretend to be his girlfriend. In fact, when you aren’t taking care of his fantasies, you’re usually having one of your own. One where he decides he can’t live without you and marries you like in that movie. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, even if you’re just arm candy for some old rich guy, you’re still fantasizing about him marrying you. It’s just that in that fantasy the wedding night fun is too much for his poor, old heart. Of course he left his fortune to you, so you still live happily ever after. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But until then, it’s [[back to school|Part10End]] and your other clients when the trip is over. You may not be a rich trophy wife...yet, but at least money isn't a problem for you now. <</nobr>><img src="Part10/Store1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" /> <<nobr>> <<if $Mentor == 'Olivia'>> Desperate for money, you reluctantly ask Olivia if her Master has any modeling openings still available. <<else>> You get Olivia’s number and give her a call. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You’re disappointed to hear that most of the modeling work is done. But she says new things come in all the time, and her "Master" likes new and eager models, so there might be some work available now or soon. So you head to the shop with her to meet with "Master Robert". <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you walk into the shop you see the wide variety of products they sell. The thought of wearing some of these outfits, and the pictures being online for everyone to see, it both terrifies and excites you. After showing you around the store a bit she [[leads you in back|Part10WebModel2]] to meet with "Master Robert" <</nobr>><img src="Part10/Store2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" /> <<nobr>> Master Robert <<if !$Keyholder or $Keyholder != "Robert">> (you are expected to call him that at work, even if he isn’t your Master) <</if>> lets you know that there’s not much modeling work right now. He can certainly use you, but it’d only be a few hours a week and so not much money, but it’d be in cash and you’d usually get to keep what you model. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He can see your disappointment, and tells that there’s another opening working in the store that he thinks you’d be perfect for. As you look at all the products they sell here, working as a clerk sounds like it might be interesting. He says this job pays in cash too, which <<if $Keyholder == 'Robert' >> [[sounds great to you|Part10WebModel3]]. <<else>> sounds great to you. There’s [[just one catch...|Part10WebModel3]] <</if>> <</nobr>><img src="Part10/Store3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left" /> <<nobr>> <<if $Keyholder == 'Robert'>> <<unset $PlayerMoneySet>> <<set $JobGloryHole to 1>> You'll, of course, still be locked in the chastity belt while at work. But you hope that maybe if you [[work for him at the store|Part10WebModel5]], he might let you out every now and then. Maybe if he needs to test out some new toy... <<else>> After hearing the other girls talk at the X-Change meetings, you’re not particularly shocked to find that Master Robert will require you to wear a chastity belt if you are going to work here. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $Keyholder == 'Robert'>> <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt>> Robert smiles when you lift up your skirt to show the belt you already wear. He is happy that you are securely belted, but there is no way $Keyholder is going to hand over the key to Robert, nor would you want $KeyholderPronounPossessive to. <<set $cantWorkStore to 1>> <<elseif setup.areDating('Andrew') or setup.areDating('Paul') or setup.areDating('Josh') or setup.areDating('Aaron')>> If you were going to wear a chastity belt, you'd want your boyfriend to have the key, not this guy. <<set $cantWorkStore to 1>> <<elseif setup.areDating('Veronica')>> If you were going to wear a chastity belt, you'd want your Veronica to have the key, not this guy. <<set $cantWorkStore to 1>> <<elseif $JobCallGirl or $JobCallGirlSide>> You couldn't very well keep working as a call girl if you were locked in a chastity belt, and that job pays much better than this one would. <<set $cantWorkStore to 1>> <<elseif $JobArt or $JobModel>> You couldn't exactly model wearing a chastity belt, at least not the kind of modeling you do. And you certanly aren't going to give up your regular job for this. <<set $cantWorkStore to 1>> <<else>> <<set $cantWorkStore to 0>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<if $Keyholder == 'Robert'>> <<elseif $cantWorkStore>>Since this job isn't going to work for you, you'll have to [[think of something else|Part10ExtraMoney3]]. <<else>> <<nobr>> You try to negotiate, and see if it could be just a uniform at work, that you can take off when you go home. But he says “No”, and tells you that you’ll be wearing it all the time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He does make one concession though. If your boss at your day job wants a copy of the key, he’ll send him a copy after he discusses the matter with him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you certainly won’t have a copy of the key, or ever be left alone and unlocked. He says he’ll think about letting you out for a little fun from time to time though, with proper supervision of course. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He shows you the belt you’ll be wearing and you and quickly see the lock would very hard to pick, and you can only imagine what kind of tools you need to get out of it without the key. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $MasterKate>> When he lets you know that Mistress Kate will have a copy of the key to use when she sees fit, your resistance disappers. The thought of getting horny at work all day and then begging Mistress Kate to let you out is too much to resist. You [[agree to wear the belt|Part10WebModel4]]. <<elseif $PlayerItemNerdKey>> You've been keeping Peter in chastity for a while now, you feel like you'd be a hypocrite if you backed out on the job now because you weren't willing to wear one yourself. You [[agree to wear the belt|Part10WebModel4]]. <<elseif $ReconsideredLoan>> You stop for a moment to think about whether you want to [[agree to wear the belt|Part10WebModel4]]. You've already decided against taking out a student loan, so your only other <<if $cantWorkStripper>> option for extra money is to talk to Hannah about working as a [[call girl|Part10CallGirlStart]]. <<else>> options for extra money are to talk to Hannah about working as a [[call girl|Part10CallGirlStart]] or to start dancing at the [[strip club|Part10StripHire]]. <</if>> <<if !$NeedSideJob>> Of course, you can also just make do with what you've been earning, and [[forget about earning extra cash|Part10End]]. <</if>> <<elseif $CampusMinistryFail>> <<set $refusedBelt to 1>> You've just started to enjoy your body, you're not about to let someone lock away all your fun now! You decline his offer and [[try to think of something else|Part10ExtraMoney3]] <<else>> You stop for a moment to think about whether you want to [[agree to wear the belt|Part10WebModel4]] or decline his offer and <<link [[try to think of something else|Part10ExtraMoney3]]>> <<set $refusedBelt to 1>> <</link>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <</if>><img src="Part10/Store4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left" /> <<nobr>> <<unset $PlayerMoneySet>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'chastity belt')>> <<set $PlayerChastityBelt to 1>> <<set $JobGloryHole to 1>> <<set $Keyholder to "Robert">> <<set $KeyholderPronoun to "he">> <<set $KeyholderPronounPossessive to "his">> He says you won’t be starting work for a couple days, so you are planning on spending that time <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> fucking like crazy. <<else>> fucking and masturbating as much as you can. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But then he tells you you’ll need to put the belt on now, before you leave. <<if $PlayerPregnant>> You try to get out of it by telling him you're pregnant, but he says not to worry. He'll have the fit adjusted on a regular basis, and make sure your obstetrician's office has a key for emergencies and exams. <</if>> He's offering you a cash advance before you start the job and he want's to be sure you actually show up. The cash advance he offers you will really come in handy, so you agree to it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As Olivia begins to fit the belt on to you for him, your heart starts to race. When she finally clicks the lock closed you realize you are at his mercy now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You aren’t sure how legal the contract you signed is, but it said that he’d decide when the belt came off as long as you worked here. And even if you quit, it wouldn’t come off until you paid back any advances he's given you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It’s only a couple days before you start work, but by the time you do, you are much hornier than you imagined you would be. It’s not even the lack of sex or masturbating, but the thought of knowing that you can’t, that is [[driving you insane|Part10WebModel5]]. <</nobr>><video src="Part10/Store5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<set $PlayerMoneySet to 0>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Glory Hole Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Glory Hole Customer'})>> You’re expecting to be working behind the counter, but you find out that is Olivia’s job. Your job is cleaning out the booths. The back of the store has video booths where guys go to watch porn and jerk off. You wonder why they don’t just do it at home for free like normal people, but it doesn’t matter. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you start cleaning the disgusting mess in one of the booths, you think about how little you are getting paid for this, especially with part of your pay going to pay back the <<if $Mentor == 'Olivia'>> advance. <<else>> advance and part going to pay for the cost of the belt. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> While you are lost in thought, you notice a hole in the wall between the booths and absentmindedly peek through it. In the dim light from the screen you can make out some guy starting to stroke himself. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You reach down, wishing you could give yourself some pleasure too, but remember you can’t. You look away, and get back to work. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> A moment later you see a couple fingers holding some cash poke through the hole. You take the generous tip and look at it. It’s not much, but you figure ever bit helps. But then a moment later the fingers are replaced as a cock appears through the hole. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Maybe your horniness is clouding your judgement, but you look at the money in your hand, and back at the cock. Then you then drop to your knees and get to work. You figure at least there won’t be any mess in the booth to clean up this time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Before long he is moaning and filling you mouth with cum. You realise that if you spit it out, it just be one more mess you'd have to clean up, so you swallow it down. After a moment, you brush yourself off and head [[back to the front of the store|Part10WebModel6]]. <</nobr>><img src="Part10/Store6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left" /> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Glory Hole Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Glory Hole Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Glory Hole Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Glory Hole Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Glory Hole Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Glory Hole Customer'})>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'knee pads')>> After you leave the booth, Olivia tosses you some knee pads from one of the displays. She tells you, "You’re going to need these. The booths will be much more popular once everyone hears we have a ‘Cleaning Girl’ again. Don’t worry, Master said to just take the cost of the pads out of your pay." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wonder if you've made a mistake <<if $Mentor == 'Olivia'>> coming to work for Master Robert. But what other option did you have? <<else>> putting on this belt, but you know that you couldn't back out now, even if you wanted to. <</if>> So you just try not to think about it and [[think about something else instead|Part10End]]. <</nobr>><img src="Part10/StripClub2.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" /> <<nobr>> <<set $PlayerMoneySet to 0>> Nobody expected you to be that skilled on stage back when it was amateur night. They were just excited to see a beautiful young woman stripping for the first time. Once you started working at the club for real, the expectations were higher. You did your best to focus on your dance moves and your pole work. You also frequently watch the other girls when you aren't on stage to try to learn from them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Well, that’s not the only reason you watch them. You may be a woman now, but they are still beautiful and it still turns you on watching them. And you admire how they move even more now that you know how difficult it can be. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Thankfully, you've started [[getting better|Part10Strip]] and don’t feel so awkward on stage anymore. <</nobr>><img src="Part10/StripClub2.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" /> <<nobr>> <<set $PlayerMoneySet to 0>> <<set $JobStripper to 1>> <<set setup.addInventory('costumes', 'stripper outfits')>> When you first start working at the club, you focus on your dance moves and your pole work. You watch some of the other girls when y ou aren’t on stage to try to learn. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Well, that’s not the only reason you watch them, you may be a woman now, but they are still beautiful and it turns you on watching them. And you admire how they move even more now that you know how difficult it can be. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Thankfully, after a few nights, you are getting better and don’t feel so awkward [[on stage|Part10Strip]] anymore. <</nobr>><img src="Part10/StripClub3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" /> <<nobr>> The dollars they slide into your G-string when you dance on the stage are nice, but you know the real money is from giving private dances. Even if you keep everything hands-off like you’re supposed to, you can make much more that way. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You’ve had a few, but you just don’t seem to be having as much luck as some of [[the other girls|Part10Strip2]] at getting guys to pay for the personal attention. <</nobr>><img src="Part10/StripClub4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" /> <<nobr>> There’s always a few girls you can chat with when you’re getting ready to go on stage. They’ve been helpful with suggestions on things like where to shop for outfits and the best hair or body products. Some have even been able to offer you some advice on getting guys to pay for private dances. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You’re eager to try out what they have said when you [[go out tonight|Part10Strip3]]. <</nobr>><img src="Part10/StripClub5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" /> <<nobr>> You still make sure your dancing is as good as it usually is, but tonight you focus much more on flirting. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Whether it’s making more eye contact, breathing on his ear as you ask if he wants a dance, or just your added confidence, it seems to be working. You’re having much more success at selling [[private dances|Part10Strip4]] now. <</nobr>><img src="Part10/StripPrivate1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" /> <<nobr>> You let guys roam a bit more with their hands during your private dances, but invariably they push the line. When their hands roam to far, you’re supposed to <<if setup.haveFucked('Strip Club Customer')>> make them stop. But you learned your first night stripping that you can make much more money if [[you let them keep going|Part10StripExtras]]. If it's sometimes fun for you too, well that's a nice bonus. <<else>> [[make them stop|Part10StripPeter]], but sometimes you [[don’t want to stop them.|Part10StripExtras]] Maybe you’re too turned on and enjoy it, or maybe you’re just hoping for a nice tip at the end of your dance. <</if>> <</nobr>><img src="Part10/StripPrivate2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" /> <<nobr>> You let his hand slide up your thigh and across your ass. He takes your silence as permission and continues, first giving your ass a little squeeze. Then his hand moves lower and his fingers begin to trace the outline of your lips. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You let out a soft moan as his finger finds your clit and begins rubbing it through your panties. Whether your pleasure is real or just for show, he’ll never know, but he enjoys it just the same. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> You know if you sucked his cock, or took him to the VIP room for even more, then he'd pay you even more. But you promised Veronica, so you don't try for anything more. Of course, you can't be blamed if his [[hands roam where they shouldn't|Part10StripHands]] can you? <<else>> He's feeling bolder and pulls your panties to the side and his fingers begin teasing your lips apart. He'll probably give you a nice tip if you [[let him continue|Part10StripHands]]. He'd probably tip even better if you unzipped his pants and [[pull out his cock|Part10StripOral]]. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !setup.areDating('Veronica')>> Of course, you could invite him to the [[VIP room|Part10StripVIP]] if he wants more action than you can get away with out here in the open. <</if>> <</nobr>><video src="Part10/StripPrivate3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Strip Club Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Strip Club Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Strip Club Customer'})>> You let him continue with his hands. Soon his finger is sliding in and out of you as you whimper and moan. When his song is over, you give him a desperate look and say, "God, I'm so close! You want to go for another song, right?" Of course he keeps going. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Part way through his next song you cover you mouth with your hand to stifle a scream while your other hand claws at and slaps the cushion beside you. You pause for a moment to catch your breath, then tell him how wonderful that was. After he pays you for his dances you say goodbye. Then you nibble softly on his ear and tell him, "Please, come back soon." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerEasytoOrgasm>> After he leaves, heading home to masturbate you assume, you lie there for a while with a smile on your face. Thanks to your implant, you rarely have to fake an orgasm for your customers. You wonder if the guys think you are faking, or if they know it was the real thing. Either way, it's certainly real to you. After you recover, you make a quick trip in back to freshen up, then you [[head back out|Part10StripPeter]]. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> After he leaves, heading home to masturbate you assume, you want to sneaking off to do the same. Of course you can't, thanks to your implant's side effect. Hopefully your act convinced him. But it didn't fool your body, and now you're horny as hell and unable to take care of the problem yourself. It's probably for the best though. You think the guys must pick up when you're really horny, because that always sees like when you get the best tips. So, after a quick trip in back to freshen up, you [[head back out|Part10StripPeter]]. <<else>> After he leaves, heading home to masturbate you assume, you want to sneaking off to do the same. Hopefully your act convinced him. But it didn't fool your body, and now you're horny as hell. You decide not to take care of that little problem right now though. You think the guys must pick up when you're really horny, because that always sees like when you get the best tips. So, after a quick trip in back to freshen up, you [[head back out|Part10StripPeter]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><video src="Part10/StripOral1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Strip Club Customer'})>> After his song is over, you tell him how much he owes. As he’s getting his money out, you stroke the bulge in his pants and let him know that you might be able to help with that if he’s a generous tipper. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He pays you the cash for his dances, and a bunch more as a ‘tip’. After you look around to make sure no one is watching, you unzip his pants, pull out his hard cock, and wrap your lips around it. By the time the next song is over he’s moaning and shooting his cum down your throat. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He zips up and heads for the door with a smile on his face. You gather your money and clothes and head [[back to the changing room|Part10StripOral2]]. <</nobr>><img src="Part10/StripOral2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left" /> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Strip Club Bouncer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Strip Club Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Strip Club Bouncer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Strip Club Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Strip Club Bouncer'})>> A bit later in the evening the bouncer that works near th private dance area confronts you about what happened earlier. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He says he doesn’t mind looking the other way as long as he gets something in return. He tells you he’s fine with either a cut of the money from your ‘extras’, or you can just give him a little sample each night instead. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Well, you have no interest in sharing your money, tonight or [[any other night|Part10StripPeter]]. <</nobr>><img src="Part10/StripVIP.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" /> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Strip Club Customer', vaginal: true, condom: true})>> After his song is over, you tell him how much he owes. As he’s getting his money out you see is has quite a bit more cash. You stroke the bulge in his pants and tell him if wants to put more than just his finger inside you, then the two of you can go to the VIP room. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once’s he’s paid you, you go to the bartender and give him the club’s fee for the room and he hands you the key. You notice he’s also handed you a condom. When he sees your confused and guilty look he reminds you that you have another set on stage coming up soon, and you don’t want your customer ‘making a mess’. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Later, as you’re tossing the used condom into the trash, you realize what a disaster it would have been having that dripping out of you during your set. After you lead your customer back downstairs, you head to the locker room to straighten up before you go [[back on stage|Part10StripVIP2]]. <</nobr>><video src="Part10/StripBartender.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Strip Club Bartender', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Strip Club Customer', vaginal: true, condom: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Strip Club Bartender', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Strip Club Customer', vaginal: true, condom: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Strip Club Bartender', vaginal: true})>> At the end of the night, before you head home, you stop by to thank the bartender for looking out for you. He said he always has condoms behind the bar to help make sure ‘what happens in the VIP room stays in the VIP room’ and it’s no big deal. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Still, you want to thank him for helping keep the new girl out of trouble. And, you admit to yourself, you're rather horny from the night's activities. Faked orgasms in the VIP room may be profitable, but they aren't that satisfying. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You’re glad you did, because your quick fuck with him after closing was far more satisfying than anything you've had for weeks. You definitely plan on stopping by to visit the bartender after your <<if setup.isEx("Peter")>> next shift too. <br><br> [[Continue|Part10End]] <<else>> [[next shift|Part10StripPeter]] too. <</if>> <</nobr>><img src="Part10/StripPeter1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" /> <<nobr>> You get all types of customers at the club. Factory workers, business men, and even students from your school, like the nerdy guy named Peter watching you from next to the stage this evening, for example. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerItemNerdKey>> Of course, he's here because you ordered him to come watch you. You wanted him to see you dance for other men, and to make his cock strain at its cage as you [[dance for him|Part10StripPeterOrdered]]. <<elseif setup.isEx('Peter')>> When you broke up, you and him parted on friendly terms. He would have been happy with you holding his chastity key and burying his head between your legs when you wanted. But that wasn't really what you were looking for in a relationship. But if wants to [[pay to spend time with you|Part10StripPeterNeighbour]], you aren't going to tell him no. <<elseif $Roommate == 'Peter' or setup.isNeighbour('Peter')>> Of course you know him very well since he was assigned the dorm room next to yours. You know how shy he is so you plan on [[leading the action|Part10StripPeterNeighbour]] for him. <<else>> You know he's a student at your univeristy, but you've [[seen him here|Part10StripPeterRegular]] at the club more times than you've seen him on campus. <</if>> <</nobr>><img src="Part10/StripPeterRegular1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" /> <<nobr>> He’s sat by the stage while you danced many times. You could tell from the way he watches you that you turn him on. That he clearly prefers you over the other dancers here. You guess he probably recognizes you from school as well. But he seems shy and nervous when you come over and talk to him. When you’ve asked him before if he wanted a private dance he was too flustered to even answer, just shaking his head "No". <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you see him this time, you have another idea. This time you don’t ask him any questions. When you are done on stage, you just grab his hand and say "follow me" and lead him back to the private area. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You plan on giving him a private lap dance for free for a song or two. Then you'll let him know he needs to pay you for the next one if he wants you to keep going. You know once he’s had his first, he won’t be so nervous and will probably be buying them from you [[every time he comes in|Part10StripPeterRegular2]]. <</nobr>><img src="Part10/StripPeterRegular2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" /> <<nobr>> Once you start grinding against him, you notice there’s something different about the bulge in his pants and you think you know what it is. You nibble on his ear and whisper, "Do you have the key with you?". He doesn't answer, but the look on his face confirms your suspicion. After he’s paid you for several more dances you say goodbye. Then you breathe onto his ear as you whisper, "and bring the key next time." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> On his next visit, you have him take off the cage for his private dance. As his you feel his erection you wonder how long it’s been since he’s allowed himself to get hard. You know you could probably get him off just from grinding hard enough against his pants. You don’t. But you do make sure to keep him close through most of the dance. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When your time together is over, you leave him alone so he can get soft enough to put his cage back on. Meanwhile you make a quick trip to your locker. When you return, you click his lock shut on his cage. You hold out your hand until he nervously hands over his key. Then you smile and attach the numbered plastic seal you’d purchased after his last visit to the cage also. "Just in case you have a back-up key. Now I'll know for sure that you haven't taken it off." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "If you come back next week and that’s still on there, maybe I’ll let you cum that time." <<set $PlayerItemNerdKeyStripper to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> After you are done with his dance, you [[head back out|Part10StripVeronica]] to continue your shift. Peter heads home, straining against his cage, knowing someone else is in control of his cock for the first time. <<else>> After you are done with his dance, you head back out to continue your shift. Peter heads home, straining against his cage, knowing someone else is in control of his cock for the first time. Of course, for you, there's other things more [[more interesting to be thinking about|Part10End]] than Peter's poor, caged cock. <</if>> <</nobr>><img src="Part10/StripPeterOrdered.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" /> <<nobr>> You do most of his teasing at home, in private, but sometimes you tell him to come to work and watch you dance. You always make sure to give him a good show. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your favorite part though is when you lead some uncaged guy with a handful of cash off to for a private dance <<if !setup.areDating('Veronica')>> or a trip to the VIP room <</if>> . The way Peter bites his lip, imagining that guy was him, always gets you wet. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You love watching Peter walk out when you are done teasing him. You know his mind is flooded with thoughts of you naked. You know that his hand would be around his cock as soon as he got home, if he could wait that long. You smile knowing he can't, not until you allow it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't worry about him too long though. There's a room full of horny guys with full wallets, <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> and you need to get [[back to work|Part10StripVeronica]]. <<else>> and you going to make sure at least one of those isn't still true when they leave here tonight. Of course, separating your clients from their money [[isn't the only thing on your mind|Part10End]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><img src="Part10/StripPeterNeighbour1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" /> <<nobr>> When you spot Peter at the stage watching you, you smile seductively and crawl across the stage towards him. The club isn’t crowded yet, so you spend most of your set entertaining him. When you are done on stage, you grab his hand, and lead him back to the private area. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He seems nervous, but you try to reassure him. "Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle... probably. And I’m giving you the [[first one for free|Part10StripPeterNeighbour2]] <<if setup.isEx('Peter')>>, for old time's sake<</if>>." <</nobr>><img src="Part10/StripPeterNeighbour2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" /> <<nobr>> Once you start grinding against him, you notice there’s something different about the bulge in his pants and you’re pretty sure you know what it is. You smile and unzip his pants. You soon reveal his caged cock, desperately trying to get hard in its metal prison. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You sit on his laps with your legs on either side of him, his caged cock pressed against you. Then you nibble on his ear and whisper, "do you have the key with you?". "," he struggles to say. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Aww, don’t look so disappointed. I wasn’t going to let you out. I was going to keep it. You’ll just have to give it to me when we get home then." Once he agrees, then you continue dancing for him. "Actually, I’ll pick up my own lock on the way home instead," you tell him, "just in case you have another key." <<if setup.isEx('Peter')>> <br><br> "But don't get the wrong idea," you tell him. "We aren't a couple again. I'm just holding your key because we both know you don't deserve to have it yourself." <br><br> "Yes, ma'am," he says obediently. <<set $PlayerItemNerdKeyStripper to 1>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerItemNerdKey to 1>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> After you are done with his dance, you [[head back out|Part10StripVeronica]] to continue your shift. Peter heads home, wishing he was able to masturbate while he thinks of your dance. <<else>> After you are done with his dance, you head back out to continue your shift. Peter heads home, wishing he was able to masturbate while he thinks of your dance. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After your shift, you stop by the hardware store and pick up a lock to fit his cage. You make him keep his cage on, only switching out the lock with your own. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !setup.areDating('Veronica')>> While Peter can only think about when he'll be able to cum again, you have something [[more important to think about|Part10End]]. But then again, just about anything is more important to you than Peter's next orgasm. <</if>> <</nobr>><img src="Part10/StripVeronica1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left" /> <<nobr>> You weren’t sure how Veronica would feel about your new job, so you told her to come visit you at work. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once she was there though, you could tell it was going to be fine. You could see how much watching you, and the other girls, on stage was turning her on. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When she was watching you, you pulled her up on stage with you, and started making out with her as you pulled off bits of her clothes. She loved the thrill of it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Now, she works with you at the club. Usually you are on separate stages, but you love it when they decide to put the two of you together. The guests always [[love it too|Part10StripVeronica2]]. <</nobr>><img src="Part10/StripVeronica2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" /> <<nobr>> Most of your customers are guys, and they can only imagine going home with you and Veronica. But sometimes the two of you are feeling adventurous and the cute lesbian buying you drinks doesn’t have to imagine. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Or when a husband and wife come in. You and Veronica can spot the bicurious wife right away. You offer them a 2-for-1 lap dance with one of you dancing for her husband and the other for her. The wife always agrees even before the husband can. Of course the husband has to go home alone while his wife heads home with you and Veronica. But he’ll get to hear all about her exciting night the next day. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'Strip Club Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'Strip Club Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'Strip Club Customer'})>> You love bringing in a third girl sometimes, but there's one day coming up that's going to be for [[just the two of you|Part10End]]. <</nobr>><img src="Part10/WaitingVDay.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left" /> <<nobr>> You keep checking to see how many days it is until Valentine’s Day. It can’t seem to come soon enough. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew') >> You're excited about spending that evening out with Andrew. You know he's made plans, but he hasn't told you what they are. Whatever they are though, you know you are going to have a wonderful time. <<elseif setup.areDating('Veronica') >> You're excited about spending that evening out with Veronica. You have plans to take her out for dinner and dancing. You are sure you are both going to have a wonderful time. <<elseif setup.areDating('Josh') >> You're excited about spending that evening with Josh. You don't know if he has anything planned or not, but as long as you spend the evenning together, you know you'll have a wonderful time. <<elseif setup.areDating('Aaron') >> You're excited about spending that evening with Daddy. You know he's made plans, but he hasn't told you what they are. Whatever they are though, you know you are going to have a wonderful time. <<elseif $JobCallGirl >> You don't have any specific plans, you'll just be glad when all the shopping ads stop flooding your email about it. Maybe that evening you'll just relax at home and avoid all the romance. Or, you could give your agency a call and let them know you are available for clients that evening. <<elseif setup.areDating('Paul') >> What you want to be doing is spending that evening with your boss, Paul. Of course you know that won't happen. He's going to spend the evening with his wife, and you'll spend it alone at home. But that doesn't stop you from fantasizing until then. <<elseif $MasterKate >> You don't know if she'll be in town or not, but you are hoping to spend that evening serving Mistress Kate. <<elseif $MasterKen or $Spouse == 'Ken' >> <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt >> You'd like to spend that evening with someone else's head in <i>your</i> lap for a change, giving <i>you</i> pleasure, but you know that's not likely. But that doesn't stop you from fantasizing until then. <<elseif $PlayerItemNerdKey >> You're not sure what you are going to do that evening yet. If you can't find anything better to do, you could always have some fun toying with Peter. He probably hopes you are going to let him orgasm that night since it's a special occasion. <<elseif setup.sexFemaleCount() > setup.sexMaleCount() >> You aren't sure what you're going to do that evening yet. Maybe you'll see if you can find a woman to spend the night with. Or you might just stay at home to avoid all the couples everywhere. Either way, at least all the shopping ads flooding your email with Valentine's Day specials should stop. <<elseif setup.sexFemaleCount() * 3 > setup.sexMaleCount() >> You aren't sure what you're going to do that evening yet. Maybe you'll see if you can find someone to spend the night with. Or you might just stay at home to avoid all the couples everywhere. Either way, at least all the shopping ads flooding your email with Valentine's Day specials should stop. <<elseif setup.sexUniqueMaleCount() > 10 >> You aren't sure what you're going to do that evening yet. Maybe you'll see if you can find a guy or two to spend the night with. Or you might just stay at home to avoid all the couples everywhere. Either way, at least all the shopping ads flooding your email with Valentine's Day specials should stop. <<else>> You aren't sure what you're going to do that evening yet. Maybe you'll see if you can find a guy to spend the night with. Or you might just stay at home to avoid all the couples everywhere. Either way, at least all the shopping ads flooding your email with Valentine's Day specials should stop. <</if>> <</nobr>> Thankfully, [[Valentine's Day|Part11Start]] isn't that far away.<<if setup.areDating('Andrew') >><<include [[Part11Andrew]]>> <<elseif setup.areDating('Veronica') >><<include [[Part11Veronica]]>> <<elseif setup.areDating('Josh') >><<include [[Part11Josh]]>> <<elseif setup.areDating('Aaron') >><<include [[Part11Professor]]>> <<elseif $JobCallGirl or $JobCallGirlSide >><<include [[Part11CallGirl]]>> <<elseif setup.areDating('Paul') >><<include [[Part11Office]]>> <<elseif $MasterKate >><<include [[Part11Mistress]]>> <<elseif $MasterRobert >><<include [[Part11Master]]>> <<elseif $PlayerItemNerdKey >><<include [[Part11Peter]]>> <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt >><<include [[Part11Chastity]]>> <<elseif setup.isFWB('David') or setup.isFWB('Josh') or setup.isFWB('James') or setup.isFWB('Zack') or setup.isFWB('Barry') or setup.haveFucked('Kim') or setup.haveFucked('Becky') or setup.haveFucked('Troy') or $TroyHelp>><<include [[Part11FWB]]>> <<elseif setup.isNeighbour('Barry') and $CampusMinistry>><<include [[Part11BarryMinistry]]>> <<else>><<include [[Part11Single]]>><</if>><<nobr>> <h1>Valentine's Day</h1> <img src="Part11/Andrew1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left" /> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Andrew made reservations months ago at a nice restaurant. You’re excited to finally be able to wear that dress Faith had helped you pick out months ago. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> Your dress doesn’t fit quite as well as it once did. Your growing baby bump is still small, but noticeable. But you still look beautiful tonight. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> Andrew unlocks you before you get ready. You are already wet imagining what will happen after your date this evening. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You have a wonderful date with Andrew. All evening though, your mind can’t help but imagine two different things. One is picturing what the two of you will be doing when you <<if $PlayerPregnant>> get home <<else>> [[get home|Part11AndrewHome]] <</if>> tonight. The other is imagining you and Andrew together years from now. <<if $PlayerPregnant>> You're anxious to get home, but Andrew wants to go on a [[romantic walk|Part11AndrewPropose]] first. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Romantic Walk</h1> <img src="Part11/Andrew2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" /> <<set $Engaged to 'Andrew'>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After dinner you are looking forward to heading home to continue your Valentine’s Day fun in private, but Andrew wants to go for a walk first. He seems really excited about showing you the romantic view of town along the way, so you agree. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you see the view, you enjoy it for a moment. You turn back around to tell Andrew he was right, but you can’t speak. All you can do is look at Andrew, down on one knee and holding a ring! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your hand is still covering your mouth in shock as he asks you to marry him. You and him had talked about getting married eventually, but you hadn’t expected him to propose this soon. He says he hopes you will say yes, but he understands if you want to wait. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> For a moment you wonder if this is all moving too fast and whether you should tell him that you think you should wait. But then you imagine you and Andrew a few years from now. You’re in a beautiful house, the baby you are carrying now is a toddler, and you are holding another baby. You can’t imagine saying no to him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes! Yes!", you tell him. After he stands you kiss him and say, "But can we wait until tomorrow to tell everyone. I want to [[go home|Part11AndrewHome]] and enjoy the rest of Valentines Day with just you." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Andrew</h1> <video src="Part11/Andrew3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You take a moment to freshen up in the bathroom when you get home. Andrew smiles when you come out wearing the new lingerie you’d purchased for tonight. He kisses you passionately and then lifts you into his arms and carries you to the bed Even after all these months as a woman, you are surprised at how easy it for him to pick you up. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you see the bed, covered in rose petals, and candles flickering off to the side, you know he was busy too while you changing. You and him continue making out amid the smell of roses. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As his hands reach to remove your lingerie you try to remove his belt. "That can wait," he tells you. Then he kisses your lips, then your neck, slowly working his way down. He knows your body very well, and it isn’t long before your are holding his head tightly against you as you enjoy your first orgasm of the night. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Now, it's [[his turn|Part11AndrewHome2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Andrew</h1> <video src="Part11/Andrew4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You pull him up next to you and he holds you as the afterglow of your orgasm flows through you. When you’ve recovered a bit, you are ready to return the favor. You roll him over onto his back and crawl down to unfasten his belt and remove his pants. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You kiss his cock a few times before finally wrapping your lips around it. You love the moan he makes when you start to move your lips. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know is body well also, and you know how to prolong his pleasure. You go slowly at first, letting it build. But you can never hold back too long. Soon it’s his hands on your head as you try to swallow every drop. You suck his cock a bit more, loving how he squirms from too much pleasure. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Finally, you crawl up next to him. You love being the [[‘little spoon’|Part11AndrewHome3]] as he holds you from behind. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Andrew</h1> <video src="Part11/Andrew5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew', vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> At first he’s just holding you, enjoying the closeness of your body after his orgasm. But after a while he begins kissing on your neck. Then his hands begin to roam, first to your breasts. After a while though they continue on. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As his fingers tease your clit, you can feel his previously-soft cock getting hard again as it presses against you. Finally you can’t wait any more, and you beg him to fuck you, "Please, I need you inside me!" It doesn’t take him long to respond. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You continue until you are both exhausted and fall asleep. It doesn't matter that Valentine's Day is over, because tomorrow you'll be waking up next to Andrew again. Maybe the first thing the two of you will do tomorrow will be to have some early morning sex to start the day. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course after that, the second thing you'll probably want to do is to <<if $Engaged == 'Andrew'>> start [[making phone calls|Part11PhoneCall]] to let everyone know the big news! <<else>> change the sheets. The two of you have a mess of these. Maybe later on in the day you can [[give your family a call|Part11PhoneCall]] and talk about what a great time you had. On the date that is. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Valentine's Day</h1> <</nobr>> <img src="Part11/Veronica1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <<nobr>> You had made reservations at your and Veronica’s favorite restaurant a while back. Afterwards the two of you head out for a night of dancing. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you’ve been dancing a while, a romantic kiss on the dance floor leads too a more passionate one. The two of you quickly decide you are done dancing, and you want to [[head home.|Part11Veronica2]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Veronica</h1> <</nobr>> <img src="Part11/Veronica2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <<nobr>> You and Veronica start making out in the hallway, but continue in earnest once you are alone in your room together. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Veronica'})>> You love feel of her lips on yours, but you crave the taste of her other lips. You move from her mouth to her neck and slowly begin <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> [[working down from there...|Part11VeronicaChastity]] <<else>> [[working down from there...|Part11VeronicaHome]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Veronica</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/Veronica3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Veronica'})>> You ache for an orgasm after weeks without one. Veronica removed your chastity belt before your date, but she forbid you from touching yourself. You’ve been hoping and fantasizing all night about whether she will finally let your orgasm tonight. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You plan on kissing your way down and pleasuring her with your tongue, as you have so many other nights, but she stops you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She reaches into the nightstand and pulls out a gag and places it in your mouth. "You only get to watch this time," she tells you. "I want you to watch my orgasm while I decide whether or not you’ll have one tonight, or if you need to wait a bit longer." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can only [[watch with envy and hope|Part11VeronicaChastity2]] as Veronica brings hers herself to her first orgasm of the evening. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Veronica</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/Veronica4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Veronica'})>> After she cums, Veronica takes off your gag and tells you that you’ve been a good girl these past few weeks and that she’s ready to reward you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She goes to the closet to get an old friend of yours that you’ve been forced to neglect for a while. She starts it off low, but even so, the pleasure is overpowering after so long without feeling anything. And she doesn’t leave it on low for long. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She tells you you’ll be back in the belt in the morning, but she’ll make sure you enjoy your [[night of freedom|Part11VeronicaTogether]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Veronica</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/Veronica5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Veronica'})>> You kiss your way down until your head is between Veronica’s legs. She moans as your tongue slides across her lips, and circles her clit. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your own body aches with need as well, but you keep going until she begins grinding into your face and moaning more and more. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Soon her first orgasm of the night is washing over her. But you know [[it won’t be her last|Part11VeronicaTogether]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Veronica</h1> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'double-ended dildo')>> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/Veronica6.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Veronica'})>> Veronica tells you she picked up something special for tonight. She reaches into a drawer and pulls out a double-ended dildo. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you both move back and forth you can feel the pleasure of each thrust you make as well as each of hers. As you two reach a rhythm with your thrusts, you both soon are getting closer and closer to orgasm. She reaches down with her hand to tease her clit or your own, ensuring that you both cum [[at the same time|Part11VeronicaTogether2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Veronica</h1> <</nobr>> <img src="Part11/Veronica7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Veronica'})>> After you are both spent, you fall asleep next to one another. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Sometime during the night one of you must have kicked off the covers. You [[wake up the next morning|Part11PhoneCall]] with her cuddled up next to you. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Valentine's Day</h1> <</nobr>> <img src="Part11/Josh1.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"/> <<nobr>> You and your boyfriend Josh consider going out for Valentine’s Day, but everything is already booked or really crowded. You both decide to just stay in and watch a romantic movie together instead. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> At first you both do watch the movie, with your head in his lap as he gently strokes your hair. But it isn’t long before you both <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive or $PlayerChastityBelt>> [[lose interest in the movie|Part11JoshBlindfolded]]. <<else>> [[lose interest in the movie|Part11Josh2]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Josh</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/Josh2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Josh'})>> Josh’s hands are free to roam your body as you rest your head in his lap. When his hand discovers how wet you are, he has you sit up. He pulls off your shorts and panties and then buries his head between your legs. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> His tongue feels so good, you hold his head in place, worried he’ll stop at any moment. But he doesn’t, and soon you are bucking against him and squeezing his head between your legs as you cum. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you enjoy the afterglow of your orgasm, he picks you up and effortlessly [[carries you off to bed|Part11Josh3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Josh</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/Josh3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Josh', vaginal:true})>> "I want you inside me." you tell him as he lays you down on the bed. He’s out of his clothes in seconds. He teases his cock against your still-sensitive clit a few times before sliding it into you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You’ve came again before he finally thrusts one last time and cums as well. Then he collapses next to you. You lie there a few minutes enjoying the closeness of each other. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> That is, until a few minutes later when you lean over and begin kissing his soft cock, taking it in your mouth and quickly getting it ready for round two. Eventually you [[fall asleep|Part11PhoneCall]] next to Josh. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Josh</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/Josh4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Josh'})>> You stop kissing Josh and roll over and begin to unzip his pants. When he stops you, you make a fake pouty face and say "But I want to suck your cock." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He says "You will, but not like that." He leaves for a moment and grabs a blindfold from his room and fastens it around your head. "Now, stand up and strip for me, and maybe I’ll let you." You do as he said, doing your best to strip seductively for him without being able to see. It turns you on when you think that anyone could have quietly entered the room and be watching and you wouldn’t even know. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you are naked, he lets you suck his cock. You aren’t allowed to use your hands though. He teases you a bit before he finally lets you wrap your lips around it. After a while though he pulls his cock out of your mouth, making a pop sound as you try to keep sucking it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$PlayerChastityBelt>> You move your head around with your lips parted, trying to find his cock again. Before you do though, you feel Josh lift you up and [[carry you towards the bed|Part11JoshBlindfolded2]]. <<elseif $Keyholder == 'Josh'>> You ache as he finally removes the belt from you. He slides one finger inside you and back out, just once, to tease you. Then he takes your hand and [[leads you to the bedroom|Part11JoshBlindfolded2]], careful to make sure you don’t run in to anything. <<else>> You tremble as you feel Josh's finger trace the edge of your chastity belt, getting as far he as can without the key. You ache for him to unlock it and fuck you. But unfortunately, [[he's not the one with the key|Part11JoshChastityLocked]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Josh</h1> <</nobr>> <img src="Part11/Josh5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <<nobr>> After he cuffs your wrists to the bed, he gets the rose he’d bought for you and begins caressing your body with it. Its soft petals kissing your sensitive skin. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But then he puts the rose aside, and reaches for the candle he’d lit. You are powerless to resist the drips of hot wax as they hit your skin, or to even know [[where they are going to hit next|Part11JoshBlindfolded3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Josh</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/Josh6.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Josh', vaginal:true})>> You are relieved when he takes the candle away, but anxious about what he might have planned next. You are pleasantly surprised though when you feel his cock brushing against your clit and teasing its way into you. You want to pull him in, hard and deep, but you can only wait until he’s ready. Thankfully you don’t have to wait long. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you both cum, he lies next to you, with his head resting on your arm. You're still blindfolded, but feel his breath against you. As he recovers, his hand roams across your stomach and then to your breasts. You ache for something more as his finger slowly circles your nipple. Finally, when he's hard again, he unclips one of your wrists from the bed. You quickly reach over and unclip the other one. Moments later you are on top of him, sliding his cock into you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Eventually you fall asleep next to Josh. As you wake up and [[answer your phone call|Part11PhoneCall]] the next morning, you notice the cuffs still on your wrists. You think about ending your call quickly and seeing if you could reclip them to the bed by yourself. You wonder how long you'd have to wait until Josh woke up, and what he would do to you when he did. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Josh</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/Josh7.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Josh'})>> Josh tells you how much he wishes he could fuck you right now. You ache to feel him inside you and you can’t believe that you are stuck like this. It’s Valentine’s Day and you can’t even fuck your boyfriend. But, it’s not Josh’s fault you are stuck like this, and it’s not fair to him that he can’t have sex with his girlfriend on Valentine’s Day either. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You lie back and tell him to fuck your mouth hard and deep just like he he would fuck you if you weren’t in this chastity belt. Thankfully, you’ve had plenty of practice at this, so you are confident you’ll be able to handle this. Well, you think you’ll [[be able to handle it|Part11JoshChastityLocked2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Josh</h1> <</nobr>> <img src="Part11/Josh8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Josh'})>> You are gasping for breath at the end, but you make it. You are grateful when he tells you take your blindfold off just in time to see him cum. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You [[fall asleep|Part11PhoneCall]] next to him, wishing you could have done more - so much more. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Valentine's Day</h1> <</nobr>> <img src="Part11/Professor1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <<nobr>> Aaron, your "Daddy", is taking you for dinner and dancing tonight. But first you need to get ready. He’s drawn a warm bubble bath for you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> He removes your belt before you get into the tub and for the rest of the night. As he places his hand on your mons you ache to feel his finger stroke your clit, or slide into you, but he only says, "Don’t have too much fun in the bath. I want you just this excited when we get home." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He comes in a few times during your bath, once to to shave himself, once to help you wash your back, and the other to just sit and watch as your bathe. But eventually, bath time is over, and you climb out of the tub and get to work with the [[rest of your preparations|Part11Professor2]] for the evening. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Valentine's Day</h1> <</nobr>> <img src="Part11/Professor2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"/> <<nobr>> When you are finally ready to go, you take one last look in the mirror. You think you look amazing, and from the way he is looking at you, Daddy agrees. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your dinner is wonderful, and you love dancing with Aaron, his arms around you as he leads you around the dance floor. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But really, your mind keeps going back to when you get home tonight. You know Daddy has [[more planned|Part11Professor3]] for this evening, and you know it’s going to be even more fun than the public portion of Valentine’s Day. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Daddy</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/Professor3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> Back home, you are barely through the front door before you are kissing him and sliding your hand under his suit jacket. You give him a pouty face when he stops you from unbuttoning his shirt (and you hadn’t even gotten to his pants yet). <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He pulls out a blindfold and collar and has you wear them. He then clips a leash to your collar and begins to lead you. You bite your lip with anticipation assuming you are heading to the bedroom, but that’s not the direction he takes you. Instead he leads you into the living room. Still blindfolded, he has you remove your dress for him, then he binds your arms. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you stand there, blindfolded, and helpless, he begins kissing you neck and exploring your body with his hands. You beg to feel him inside you, but he just answers, "[[In due time.|Part11Professor4]]" as he teases his hand just under your panty before pulling it away again. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Daddy</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/Professor4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Aaron'})>> After he removes your bra, his slow, maddening teasing continues, focusing on your breasts. Finally, when you think you can’t endure anymore, he begins kissing his way down from there. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he reaches your panties, he slowly begins pulling them down. He plants a single kiss on your lower lips, and then continues kissing down your thigh and leg as he continues his slow decent. After you step out of your panties he begins kissing his way back up, your legs part as you ache for him to continue. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Finally he reaches the top of your leg. You moan loudly as his lips move from your thigh to your clit. You want to hold his head there forever, but you can only stand helpless enjoying the waves of pleasure he gives you for [[as long as they last|Part11Professor5]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Daddy</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/Professor5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Aaron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Aaron', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Aaron', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Aaron', vaginal:true})>> After he’s given you several orgasms, he stands again. He removes your blindfold and kisses you. If you were able, you’d drop to your knees and return the pleasure he’d just given you, but he has other plans. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your legs are weak after you both cum, but he hold you steady until it passes. Then he unties your hands, and picks you up and carries you toward the bedroom to continue the night’s fun until you [[fall asleep|Part11PhoneCall]] in Daddy's bed. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Valentine's Day</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/CallGirl1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> You don’t have any other plans, so when one of your regular clients calls seeing if you are available for a "girlfriend experience", [[you accept|Part11CallGirl2]]. And he’s paying for the whole evening too. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Valentine's Day</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/CallGirl2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> You head back to your room to ready for the evening. You pick out something nice to wear in case he wants to go out in public, but you spend even more time picking out what you are going to wear underneath, [[just for him|Part11CallGirl3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Client's Room</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/CallGirl3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> You can see he enjoys the public portion of your evening together, flirting with you as if you really were his girlfriend. And enjoying the looks he gets with a beautiful, younger girl on his arm. But eventually it’s time to head back to his room for what he’s really paid for. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As he strips off your clothes, you can see he’s quite happy with the other clothes you’ve chosen for him. Though, as he [[runs his hands|Part11CallGirl4]] over your midsection, you expect he’d probably be happy with whatever you’d worn. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Client's Room</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/CallGirl4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Call Girl GFE Client'})>> Usually your clients are only concerned about their own pleasure. You don’t mind, they are paying you after all. But tonight is different. He’s asked for a girlfriend experience, and is playing along with his side of it as well and trying to focus on your pleasure sometimes too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He’s actually pretty good at it too, <<if $PlayerEasytoOrgasm>> though thanks to your wonderful implant, even the most inexperienced client can usually get you off if he tries. His more experienced hands have already brought you to one orgasm, and are well on their way to a second. <<else>> so it’s much less of an act for you than it is with most clients. <</if>> Eventually it's time for him to [[get what he really wants|Part11CallGirl5]] though... <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Client's Room</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/CallGirl5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Call Girl GFE Client', vaginal:true})>> Your first time with him that evening is slower and more romantic that it usually is with your clients. As he caresses you and strokes your hair it’s easy for you to forget for a moment that you are just doing this for money. When he moves his hand down to stroke your clit as he fucks you, you realize your body already has forgotten. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know he’ll cum soon. You wonder if the <<if $PlayerEasytoOrgasm>> second <</if>> orgasm you feel building inside you will arrive before then, or if you’ll just have to pretend that it did. <<if !$PlayerEasytoOrgasm and $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> You feel your orgasm building, but before you reach it, you feel it slip away. You know this frustrating feeling all to well, and you curse your implant every time it happens. You don't let on though, and are soon moaning and acting as though you just came. <<else>> You don't have to fake it tonight. Between his thumb on your clit and his cock inside you, it's enough to push you over and you scream out as <<if $PlayerEasytoOrgasm>> another <<else>> an <</if>> orgasm washes over you. <</if>> Seeing you cum is enough to drive him over the edge and he cums a few moments later. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He lies next to you afterwards. You run your fingers through the hair on his chest as you [[wait for him to receover|Part11CallGirl6]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Client's Room</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/CallGirl6.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Call Girl GFE Client', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Call Girl GFE Client', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Call Girl GFE Client'})>> Of course, he’s paid for the whole evening so as soon as he’s ready to go again, so are you. Of course your later rounds aren’t nearly as romantic as the first. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Now he’s only concerned with his own pleasure. He’s paid to fuck you and that’s what he wants to do. Of course he doesn’t mind that you seem to enjoy it when he pulls your hair or pins your arms back as he fucks you from behind. <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> Of course, you know it's not an act. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But eventually the evening is over and he’s drained (in more ways than one). After you get dressed, you give him a kiss goodbye and head home to clean up. You [[fall asleep|Part11PhoneCall]] <<if !$PlayerEasytoOrgasm and $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> wishing you could have had the pleasure you pretended to have tonight. But you know that will be denied to you until at least tomorrow evening, and perhaps a few days more. <<else>> with a contented smile on your face. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Paul's Office</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/Office1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> You always love the time you spend alone with your Paul in his office, but you always wish it could be more than just that. You were actually feeling a bit sad about Valentine’s Day coming up, because you knew he’d be spending it with his wife, and you’d be spending it alone. Or if not alone, not with the one you really wanted to be with. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It was a few days before Valentine’s Day when he gave you the good news. You were kneeling behind his desk and helping him relieve some stress after an important meeting. He stroked your hair and told you about his wife’s visit to see her family and how she’d be gone for Valentine’s Day. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You did your best to demonstrate to him how excited you were that you’d be able to spend the whole day together, [[alone at his house|Part11Office2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Paul's House</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/Office2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> As the holiday approaches, you wonder what kind of wife would leave town for Valentine’s Day. Maybe they are finally splitting up. You’d hoped for that for a long time, but had started to wonder if his talks about leaving her to be with you were just talk. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But he doesn’t want to discuss the future today, and honestly you don’t either. You just want to enjoy your time together. Still, as he fucks you in every corner of his beautiful home, you can’t help but [[wonder what it would be like|Part11Office3]] to live here with him. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Paul's Wife's Closet</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/Office3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> The next morning you wake up before him and take some time to explore. You are amazed, just one of her closets is almost as big as your entire dorm room. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you look at all the beautiful things he’s bought for her, and try on her clothes, you can’t help but imagine what it would be like to be her. You imagine what it would be like to wake up every day next to him, to have him pay for your every need or want, maybe even have his children someday. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your fun starts to turn a bit sad as you realize that will [[probably never happen|Part11Office4]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Paul's Wife's Closet</h1> <</nobr>> <img src="Part11/Office4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <<nobr>> You realize that though he’s firm and decisive at work, he just can’t seem to make the tough decisions at home. You realize he’s probably never going to leave her like he says. He’ll just stay in his loveless marriage forever. You don’t want him to go on being unhappy, only being truly happy at work when he’s with you. And you also don’t want some other woman at his side, leading this life, the life that could be yours. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You decide that maybe you can be the decisive one this time, the one that makes the tough decision. You decide to leave behind a little surprise for his wife to find in her closet. You know she won’t mistake the panties for her own. And even now that the evidence has dried, it's easy to see by looking at them just how much [[fun you and her husband had|Part11Office5]]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Maybe when she discovers her husband has another woman, it will finally put an end to their sham of a marriage. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Paul's House</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/Office5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> When you hear him start to wake up, you head back into the bedroom so he doesn’t realize you’ve been away at all. You take his morning erection into your mouth to help him wake up fully. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Between his moans he tells you how he wishes you didn’t have to leave this morning. But his wife will be home this afternoon, so you’ll have to head back home soon. You pause your blowjob for a moment to tell him, "It’s ok, I understand. Let’s just enjoy the time we have until then." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you’ve finished him, you dress and gather your things before he takes you [[back to campus|Part11PhoneCall]]. Well, most of your things that is. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Valentine's Day</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/Mistress1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<nobr>> You are showering at Mistress Kate’s house before your Valentine’s Day date together. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> She has your belt off for the evening, so she keeps an eye on you to make sure you don't give yourself any unauthorized pleasure tonight. <</if>> You can tell she’s getting distracted looking at you in the mirror as she gets ready at the sink. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Eventually she abandons trying to get ready, and just [[comes over to watch you for a while|Part11Mistress2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Mistress Kate</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/Mistress2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> By the time you finish in the shower, Mistress has left the bathroom to get dressed for tonight. You dry yourself, put your collar back on, and head to the mirror and start to get ready. After you’ve finished you head to the bedroom and start to dress for the evening. Mistress comes to find you just as you are finishing. She doesn’t say a word, but clips her leash onto your collar and leads you into the living room. You instinctively kneel at feet like you’ve been trained to when she sits down. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Watching you shower got me a bit excited. I’ll need you to take care of that for me so I won’t be horny and distracted all evening," she says as she tugs you towards her. After you finish, you realize that while she might not be horny and distracted all evening now, you will be. She removes your collar and puts it in her purse for the evening as you both [[head out the door|Part11Mistress3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Mistress Kate</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/Mistress3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> You and Mistress Kate have a wonderful time on your date, though most of the time your mind kept going back to fantasizing about after you got home. When you finally get back home you aren’t disappointed. She blindfolds you and has you strip down. She stops you when you get down to your bra and panties. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She says she sees how wet you are, and knows it’s been weeks since your last orgasm. She says she plans on giving you one tonight, and she’s wet thinking about it. She takes off her panties and stuff them in your mouth to prove it to you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She has you hold your hands behind your back and slides her hand into your panties. "I’ll [[keep going|Part11Mistress4]] as long as you keep your hands behind your back", she promises. You can only nod your agreement. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Mistress Kate</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/Mistress4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> You keep your hands behind you as you were told and Mistress continues with her slow, teasing fingers between your legs. As you slowly feel your pleasure building, she takes her panties out of your mouth so she can hear your moans. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Finally you feel the pleasure of the orgasm you’ve needed for so long wash over you. Mistress’s fingers don’t stop though until you finally move your hands from behind you and wrap them around her and pull her close. "Thank you," is all you are able to say. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wonder if you are heading upstairs to the bedroom now, but she takes off your blindfold and tells you there’s something she wants to talk to you about. "Now that your mind is clear, there’s something I want to [[talk to you about|Part11Mistress5]]. We can continue our fun afterwards," she tells you. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Kate</h1> <</nobr>> <img src="Part11/Mistress5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left"/> <<nobr>> She has you call her Kate for the moment instead of Mistress as she tells you how much she enjoys the time the two of you spend together and how much she cares about you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She says she wants to know if you want to move in with her. She says she’ll still have to be gone frequently for work, but that nothing would make her happier than knowing you’ll be there waiting for her when she gets back home. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She hopes you’ll say yes, but she says she understands completely if you aren’t interested in a commitment. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <span id="MoveInSpan"> Do you answer: <<link "Yes!">> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#MoveInSpan">> You tell her you feel the same way, and accept her offer to move in. She thrilled of course. The two of you have a passionate night together and [[plan your move|Part11MistressMovingIn]] as you curl up together in bed afterwards. <</replace>> <</link>> &nbsp;&nbsp;or&nbsp;&nbsp; <<link "Ummm...">> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#MoveInSpan">> You tell her how much fun your time together is, but that you aren’t looking for anything serious right now. She's disappointed, of course, but understands. The two of you continue your fun that evening, but you [[head home afterwards|Part11MistressSupervising]] to keep things from being awkward. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> Your hand shakes a bit as she hands the key to your belt over to you before you leave. <</if>> <</replace>> <</link>> </span> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Kate's House</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/Mistress6.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:"Kate's New Pet"})>> <<set setup.makeFWB('Kate')>> <<unset $MasterKate>> <<unset $Keyholder>> <<unset $PlayerChastityBelt>> When you spot Kate at the bar with another girl about your age you assume she must have moved on. But you realize that’s not entirely the case when she invites you to come home with them both at the end of your shift. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You watch as the new girl’s tongue laps across Kate’s clit. She doesn’t want you to feel left out though and pulls you over for a kiss. "I know you’re more submissive than not now, but I think it might be fun to help you bring out your more dominate side," she tells you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Trust me, being the mistress has it’s benefits," she adds. Then Kate points between your legs and her new pet stops pleasuring Kate and [[moves her attention|Part11MistressSupervising2]] over to your clit. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>threesome:FFF <</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Kate's House</h1> <</nobr>> <img src="Part11/Mistress7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:"Kate's New Pet"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Submissive Girl from the Bar'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Submissive Girl from the Bar', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Submissive Girl from the Bar', repeat:true})>> After helping Kate train her new pet, she says you’re ready for one of your own. Working at the bar, it doesn’t take you long to find one. Kate’s helpful enough to let you use her house whenever she’s out of town. It certainly makes it much easier than trying to be a mistress in your dorm room. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Still, even though you didn’t let on, you were nearly as nervous as your pet was that first time you led her down to the [[basement dungeon|Part11MistressSupervising3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Training your Pet</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/Mistress8.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Submissive Girl from the Bar'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Submissive Girl from the Bar', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Submissive Girl from the Bar', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Submissive Girl from the Bar'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Submissive Girl from the Bar', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Submissive Girl from the Bar', repeat:true})>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectDominant to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive to 0>> You aren’t interested in settling down right now with one pet, but thankfully there’s a steady stream available to you coming into the bar every night. Some are actual lesbians of course, but many of them are curious straight girls looking for an adventure, and some are even guys on X-Change. And you’ve gotten pretty good at spotting which is which right away. You don’t judge of course, as long as they are willing to serve you during your time together. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The real lesbians, will serve you for a while, before you both move on to something new. The straight girls though will just be a few nights of fun before they head back to their old lives. You know they’ll be coming back to the memories you’ve left them with years from now though, with their boyfriends or husbands on top of them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Maybe it’s because they remind you of what you used to be, or maybe they just need more training, but you find yourself being much more strict with the guys on X-Change. They love it though, as it’s never long before they take another pill and beg to feel the sting of your riding crop again on their cute little ass. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you [[drift of to sleep|Part11PhoneCall]] one night, you realize the submissive side you'd had before seems to be gone. With Kate's help, your more dominant side has taken over. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Mistress Kate</h1> <</nobr>> <img src="Part11/Mistress9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left"/> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <<set $Roommate to 'Kate'>> <<set setup.startDating('Kate')>> You are so excited to move out of your dorm or sorority house and in with Mistress Kate. You love being able to [[spend as much time with her|Part11MistressMovingIn2]] as possible. She’s still away for work a lot, but you love greeting her at the door wearing something sexy. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Whenever she gets back from a trip, it's fun helping her unpack. You always wonder how far the two of you will get before she gets too turned on and forgets about her bags. Because you know that long before her bags are empty, she’ll be pointing down and you’ll be on your knees with your head buried between her legs. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Mistress Kate</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/Mistress10.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> Sometimes the sex between you and Mistress Kate is tender, loving, and sweet. And other times she’s strict and punishes you. Of course, you and her both know the times you love the most are when it’s both of those at the same time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She loves denying your orgasm for a week or more and then fucking you with her strap on. She could just reach up and stroke your poor, aching clit and you’d get off in moments. But instead she spanks your ass with her paddle as she fucks you and makes the orgasm you need so much take far longer. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you finally do cum though, it feels so amazing. And even hours later, the sore achey feeling inside from her strap-on and stinging feeling from her paddle linger on your body and put a [[smile on your face|Part11MistressMovingIn3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Mistress Kate</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/Mistress11.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> Mistress Kate has done what she can with her work, so she doesn’t have to spend quite as much time away. Of course, that means that she has to call in to boring teleconferences sometimes when she’s there. You always do your part to let her know how much you appreciate her doing that for you, and to make her [[boring call|Part11PhoneCall]] a bit more fun for you both. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Master's Party</h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set $ShowHorniness to 1>> <<set $PartyHorniness to 2>> <<set $PartyTime to -30>> <img src="Part11/Master1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left"/> Master is having a party for Valentine’s Day and he’s invited you. Though, of course, you’ll be one of the party’s ‘attractions’, not an actual guest. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He picked out a lovely latex outfit for you to wear, and you’ll be without your chastity belt for the evening. Any hopes you had of sneaking off to masturbate are dashed though when you find out you’ll be on display all evening in the pillory he’s set up to amuse his guests. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You realize you’ll be helpless to stop the guests from doing whatever they want to you, but master promises that the guests won’t even touch you unless you say it’s ok. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are already horny from not being allowed to cum for weeks, and are already fantasizing about what they might do to you once you are [[powerless to stop them|Part11Master2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Master's Party</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/Master2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<nobr>> <<set $PartyTime += 15>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectLibido>> <<set $PartyHornyPerTime to (1 + $PlayerSideEffectLibido)>> <<else>> <<set $PartyHornyPerTime to 1>> <</if>> You have a view across the room to where Olivia and another girl are on display. You watch as Master tests the control panel the guests will use. You can hear as he explains it to them: <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "With the big knob on the panel set in the middle, both girls are getting a mild, teasing vibration." (He turns it one way and Olivia lets out a moan and begins struggling.) "This way gives one girl all the fun." (He pauses for a moment before continuing) "And this way gives it all to the other." (He turns the knob the other way and Olivia is able to catch her breath as the other girl moans and struggles.) <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He then resets the knob in the middle and turns the machine off until the guests arrive. [[For the rest of the night|Part11Master3]], you find your eyes returning again and again to Olivia and her companion as you watch them orgasm so many times throughout the evening. You can't help but get turned on watching them. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Master's Party</h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set $PartyTime += 15>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <<set $PartyHornyPerTime += 2>> <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> <<set $PartyHornyPerTime += 2>> <</if>> <img src="Part11/Master3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"/> You get nervous as master begins laying out an assortment of lubes and sex toys on the table near you. "You only get to decide IF they can use your body," he tells you, "If you allow them to use it, then what they do with it is completely up to them." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As the guests arrive at the party they explore the room, admiring you and some of the other girls decorating the event. Most of them walk around you, admiring you from every angle, like you are a piece of art, not interacting with you at all. But your eyes are at the perfect level to see that [[their interests in your body|Part11MasterHandsOn]] are more than just aesthetic. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive and $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> Everyone can see how wet being helpless and unable to move is making you. And knowing they are all looking at you is turning you one even more. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> Everyone can see how wet being helpless and unable to move is making you. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> Being on display for everyone is making you wet. And knowing they can see that turns you on even more. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Master's Party</h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set $PartyHorniness += $PartyHornyPerTime>> <<set $PartyTime += 30>> <<if $PartyHorniness < 5>> <<if $PartyTime < 90>> <img src="Part11/Master4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"/> <<else>> <img src="Part11/Master4A.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"/> <</if>> <<elseif $PartyHorniness < 10>> <img src="Part11/Master4B.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"/> <<else>> <img src="Part11/Master4C.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"/> <</if>> <<if $PartyTime < 60>> Most of the guests are content to only look and admire. But every so often one comes by that is more interested in you, and are perhaps a bit bolder. They want to do more than just look. <<elseif $PartyTime < 120>> You can't see it, but you know there's a puddle underneath you. You can feel how wet you are, and you can only imagine how much has dripped down. <<if $PartySex>> And that doesn't even include all the cum that's leaked out of you. <</if>> <<if $PartyNippleClamp>> Though the cum that's dripped down off your face onto the floor in front of you is easy enough to see. <</if>> <<elseif $PartyTime < 180>> You wonder how long the party has been going on. You feel like you've been here for hours. You asked if you could go pee a little while ago, thinking they would let you out for a minute, but they just said, "Well, what's stopping you?". Now there's an even bigger puddle beneath you. <<else>> You know the party is almost over. Some of the guests have started to leave already. But the ones that remain seem interested in exploring you a bit closer. Maybe they didn't want a big audience. Or maybe they just know you're probably to eager to say no at this point. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PartyHorniness > 25>> You can't take it any longer, and you start [[begging to be allowed to cum|Part11MasterBegging]]. <<elseif $PartyTime > 180>> The guests have started to leave. Of course, you're still here, unable to move until [[master comes by to release you|Part11MasterEndOfNight]] <<elseif $PartyHorniness > 10>> You are desperate for any chance to orgasm, you can't help but say <<set $YesText to "Yes!">> <<elseif ($PlayerSideEffectSubmissive > 2) or ($PlayerSideEffectSubmissive > 1 and $PartyHorniness > 5)>> Master said you could tell them no, but the thought of how helpless you are, and that you couldn't really stop them from doing anything they wanted to you. You can't help but tell him to <<set $YesText to "use your body however he wants.">> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist > 3>> Knowing that whatever he does to you will be right here, in front of everyone, is just too exciting for you. You can't help but <<set $YesText to "let him put on a show for everyone.">> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectPheromones > 2>> The smell of all these excited men surrounding you is too much for you. You can't help but say <<set $YesText to "Yes.">> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectLibido > 2>> Your libido is so high all the time, and now that you are out of that belt, at least for the moment... Of course you say <<set $YesText to "Yes!">> <<elseif $PartyOrgasm>> You've had an orgasm finally tonight, and your body greedily cries out for another one. <<set $YesText to "You say Yes! and hope for another one.">> <<else>> You wonder if it'd be safe to [[tell him no|Part11MasterNo]]. But you went so long without and orgasm, and now your body cries out for one. You really want to tell him <<set $YesText to "Yes.">> <</if>> <<if $YesText>> <<set $PlayerRollDice to either(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20)>> <<switch $PlayerRollDice>> <<case 1 2 3 4 5>> [[$YesText|Part11MasterTeased]] <<case 16 17 18 19 20>> [[$YesText|Part11MasterSex]] <<default>> [[$YesText|Part11MasterOral]] <</switch>> <<unset $YesText>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Master's Party</h1> <</nobr>> <<if !$PartyNo>><<set $PartyNo to 0>><</if>> <<set $PartyNo += 1>> <<if $PartyNo == 2>> <img src="Part11/MasterNoA.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"/> \ Master notices you turning down the guests. He doesn't chastise you, it's your choice after all. \ But he does position one of the other girls in front of you. Now you can watch as Master's \ guests bring her to orgasm after orgasm. You feel yourself getting wetter as you watch, imagining \ it were you. Maybe you'll give the [[next guest|Part11MasterHandsOn]] a different answer. \ <<set $PartyHornyPerTime += 3>> <<else>> <img src="Part11/MasterNo.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"/> \ The guest is disappointed, but he respects your wishes. You watch as he heads over to play \ with the dials controlling the pleasure going to Olivia or her companion. Watching \ them twist and moan in ecstasy make you wonder if you made the right choice. It's too late \ to change your mind now though. But you know another guest will [[probably be along soon|Part11MasterHandsOn]] <</if>><<nobr>> <h1>Master's Party</h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Party Guest'})>> <<if !$PartyTease>> <<set $PartyTease to 1>> <img src="Part11/Master5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"/> <<elseif $PartyTease == 1>> <<set $PartyTease to 2>> <img src="Part11/Master5B.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"/> <<elseif $PartyTease == 2>> <<set $PartyTease to 3>> <img src="Part11/Master5C.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"/> <<else>> <<set $PartyTease += 1>> <video src="Part11/Master5D.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <br> <</if>> <<set $PartyHorniness += 3>> You are hopeful as his hands start to roam your body. <<if $PartyTease > 1>> Maybe this one will let you cum. <</if>> You feel the orgasm you desperately crave getting nearer as dozens of onlookers watch. But his hands pull away before you can cum and head to the bench. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are hoping to feel one of the toys sliding into you, but instead you feel the sharp sting from one of the toys on your ass. You whimper and squirm to avoid the next blow, but it’s no use. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After a few swats he returns to his teasing touches again. The cycle repeats until he loses interest. When he leaves, your ass is still stinging, and you are [[left unsatisfied and hornier than you were before|Part11MasterHandsOn]]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$PartyButtPlug and either(1,2) == 1>> <img src="Part11/Master5A.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"/> <br/> <<set $PartyButtPlug to 1>> After he finish teasing you, he grabs a shiny butt plug from the table next to you. You can't help but moan slightly as he lubes it up and slowly slides it into your ass. He leaves it there and walks away. <<set $PartyHorniness += 3>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> You wish it were a cock and feeling it inside you excites you more than you already were. <<set $PartyHornyPerTime += 2>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Master's Party</h1> <</nobr>> <img src="Part11/Master6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Party Guest'})>> He walks in front of you and pulls out his cock. You can do nothing but wait as you stare at it. He smacks your face with it a couple times before he slides into your mouth. You do your best to breathe as he fucks your face. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he’s about to cum, he pulls out. You instinctively close your eyes and a second later feel his warm cum spray across your face, joining any that might have been there from earlier. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral>> <<set $PartyHorniness += 4>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Party Guest'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Party Guest'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Party Guest'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Party Guest'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Party Guest'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Party Guest'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Party Guest'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Party Guest'})>> Everyone can see how turned on you are from servicing him. This attracts other guests to come and request the same. You eagerly agree each time. You spend most of the next 30 minutes with one guy after another using your mouth. When they’ve all been satisfied, they leave your face a sticky mess before moving on to the other ‘exhibits’. You're left wondering how long it will be before you can taste the next cock. <<else>> As you catch your breath, you feel some of his cum slowly trickling down, and the rest drying and sticking to your face. There’s nothing you can do to clean up either though. He clearly enjoyed himself, but it didn’t do much to relieve your need. <<set $PartyHorniness -= 0>> <</if>> You are left [[waiting for the next guest|Part11MasterHandsOn]] that wants to use you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$PartyNippleClamp>> <<set $PartyNippleClamp to 1>> <img src="Part11/Master6A.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"/> As he walks away, his wife walks up. She grabs the pair of nipple clamps from the table next to you. You wince for a moment as she attaches them to your nipples. Then she presses a button on each and you feel them both start to vibrate, making you get even more aroused than you already were. <<set $PartyHornyPerTime += 5>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Master's Party</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/Master7.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Party Guest', vaginal:true})>> <<if !$PartySex>><<set $PartySex to 0>><</if>> <<set $PartySex += 1>> You can’t see him, but you feel his hand stroke your bare ass. When you hear the familiar sound of his pants unzipping you know what is coming next. Luckily, you are already wet and eager to feel him inside you as he doesn’t bother with any further foreplay and plunges into you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set $PlayerRollDice to either(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20)>> If your hands were free, you could reach down and play with your clit to make sure you get off too, but you can’t. He could reach under you and play with it too if he cared whether or not you got off, but he doesn’t. He’s only concerned with how good your body feels <<if !$PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>><<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive to 0>><</if>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>><<set $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist to 0>><</if>> <<if $PlayerEasytoOrgasm or ($PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist + $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive + $PlayerRollDice >= 20)>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> [[wrapped around his cock.|Part11MasterDenied]] <<else>> [[wrapped around his cock.|Part11MasterOrgasm]] <</if>> <<else>> [[wrapped around his cock.|Part11MasterNoOrgasm]] <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PartyNippleClamp>> You feel the clamps tug at your nipples as the sway back and forth with each of this thrusts. <<set $PartyHorniness += 2>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Master's Party</h1> <</nobr>> <img src="Part11/Master8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <<nobr>> <<set $PartyHorniness += 5>> You feel yourself getting close, but you whimper in frustration as he pulls out too soon. It feels like you just needed a couple more thrusts and you’d have orgasmed too. But instead he grunts and then covers your back with his cum. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Either way, as he pulls up his pants and walks away, you are left even hornier than you were before. You want someone else to continue where he left off, but the [[rest of the guests|Part11MasterHandsOn]] nearby prefer to watch you squirm and whimper in frustration for a while. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Master's Party</h1> <</nobr>> <img src="Part11/Master9.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="480"/> <<nobr>> <<set $PartyHorniness to 0>> <<if !$PartyOrgasm>><<set $PartyOrgasm to 0>><</if>> <<set $PartyOrgasm += 1>> You feel yourself getting closer and closer, until finally you cry out as an orgasm washes over you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your moaning and writhing in pleasure turn him on even more and he fucks you faster and harder. It isn’t much longer though until you feel him plunge deep into you one last time as he cums. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He stays there with his cock inside you for a moment before pulling out. As he walks away, some of his cum drips out of you and onto the floor beneath you. That doesn't concern you though. You wait for the [[next guest|Part11MasterHandsOn]] with a smile on your face. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Master's Party</h1> <</nobr>> <img src="Part11/Master10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <<nobr>> <<set $PartyHorniness += 10>> <<set $PartyDenial to 1>> You feel your orgasm building. Finally you feel yourself cresting and know your orgasm is about to wash over you. And then… nothing. You still feel his cock thrusting inside you but there’s no orgasm. Well none for you that is. Your moaning pushed him over the edge and he fills you with his cum a moment later. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You whimper in frustration, realizing the "Denial" side effect of your X-Change implant must have just triggered. You feel him thrust a final time before he cums inside you. As he pulls out you are left with an empty feeling, but also the realization that it’s not just this guest that is going to leave you unsatisfied. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The denial effect always lasts at least a day when it happens, so you won’t be able to cum tonight at all, no matter how hard you try! And you know even though you don’t have any chance to cum, you’re [[too horny to say no|Part11MasterHandsOn]] to anyone right now. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Master's Party</h1> <</nobr>> <img src="Part11/Master11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <<nobr>> After a couple hours, the evening’s events are ending. Master has someone come by and release you. <<if $PartyNippleClamp>> <<unset $PartyNippleClamp>> You wince as the nipple clamps are removed. <</if>> She then help you clean up a bit and put any clothes the guests removed back on. Then she brings you over to talk to him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He tells you what a good girl you were tonight. He gives your clit a few, teasing strokes as he complements you on your ‘performance’ this evening. <<if $PartyHorniness > 20>> You beg him for just one <<if $PartyOrgasm>> more <</if>> orgasm before he locks your belt on. But he just pats your ass and tells you that your chance for that is over for a while. Then <<elseif $PartyHorniness > 10>> You ache for just one <<if $PartyOrgasm>> more <</if>> orgasm before he locks your belt on. But you know your chance for that is over now as <<else>> You meekly wait as <</if>> he <<if $PartyButtPlug>> pulls the butt plug out of your ass and <</if>> puts your belt back, clicking the lock shut before [[sending you home|Part11MasterBackHome]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Back Room</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/Master12.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<set $PartyTime to 230>> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Party Guest', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Party Guest', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Party Guest', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Party Guest', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Party Guest', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Party Guest', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Party Guest', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Party Guest', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Party Guest', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Party Guest', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Party Guest', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Party Guest', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Party Guest', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Party Guest', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Party Guest', vaginal:true})>> <<if !$PartySex>><<set $PartySex to 0>><</if>> <<set $PartySex += random(10, 15, 20)>> Eventually your horniness and frustration become too much and you can’t just stay quiet or still any longer. You begin begging for someone, anyone, to fuck you. Master comes over and sees your desperation and takes mercy on you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He gags you to stop your begging, but he promises you won’t need to beg much longer. He removes you from the <<if $PartyNippleClamp>> <<unset $PartyNippleClamp>> pillory, removes the nipple clips, <<else>> pillory <</if>> and takes you to a room nearby. After your arms are secured above your head, master calls someone into the room. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are already dripping wet, and he doesn’t waste anytime before he starts fucking you. He’s only the first of many though, because as soon as he’s filled you with his cum, the next guy walks in to take his place. Clearly there are plenty of guests here that are eager to fuck you but that didn’t want to do it in front of everyone else. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You spend the rest of the night, long after the main party has ended, being fucked by one guy after another. You’re even used by a few women, using strap-ons, or their own fist. <</nobr>> <<if !$PartyDenial and $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> <<nobr>> <<set $PartyDenial to 1>> You whimper in frustration, realizing the "Denial" side effect of your X-Change implant must have just triggered. You feel him thrust a final time before he cums inside you. As he pulls out you are left with an empty feeling, but also the realization that it’s not just this guest that is going to leave you unsatisfied. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The denial effect always lasts at least a day when it happens, so you won’t be able to cum tonight at all, no matter how hard you try! And you know even though you don’t have any chance to cum, you’re [[too horny to say no|Part11MasterHandsOn]] to anyone right now. <</nobr>> <</if>> <<nobr>> <<if $PartyDenial>> You aren’t going to be able to cum tonight, but each time you get close you can’t help but hope that it will be different, that you will cum. You need to cum. But each time you are denied. But still you beg anyone that will listen to fuck you. Or at least you would if they could understand what you are saying through the gag. When the last of the guests have left you are still horny and unsatisfied. <<else>> <<if !$PartyOrgasm>><<set $PartyOrgasm to 0>><</if>> <<set $PartyOrgasm += random(5, 6, 7, 10)>> You’ve lost track of how many orgasms you’ve have tonight. You know if the ropes weren't holding you up, you would have collapsed onto the floor a while ago. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When everyone is done, Master comes to retrieve you. He comments on the impressive pool of cum leaking out of you onto the floor. He <<if $PartyButtPlug>> pulls the butt plug out of your ass and <</if>> locks your belt back on you before sending you [[back home|Part11MasterBackHome]]. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>train<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Your Bed</h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part11/Master13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"/> <<unset $ShowHorniness>> <<unset $PartyButtPlug>> <<unset $PartyTease>> After Master has locked you back in your chastity belt, you head back home. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt or !$JobLibrary>> You don’t know when you’ll be out of the belt again. You do your best to clean yourself up with the belt on. <br><br> <<if $PartyOrgasm>> Orgasming tonight has certainly eased the frustration you've been feeling lately. You know the memory of how good it felt will be fresh in your mind for quite a while. But you wonder if that memory will make being locked back in the belt even more frustrating until your next orgasm. Whenever that might be. <<else>> You stare down at your locked belt. <<if $PartyDenial>> If only your implant's side effect hadn't blocked your one chance at an orgasm. <<elseif $PartyNo>> You can't help but feel some regret, your one chance at an orgasm, and you let it slip away. <<else>> You can't believe your one chance at an orgasm is gone. <</if>> Who knows when you'll have another opportunity. <</if>> <br><br> You hope it will be soon. <br><br> <<else>> It's been so long since you last had to pick the lock, you aren't sure where you picks are. You might have to order a new set. The thought of being stuck in the belt for a few days, once again unable to orgasm when you want, quickly has you horny again. Though at least your freedom won't have to wait that long. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PartyOrgasm and $PlayerSideEffectDreams>> You fall asleep quickly for once. Your dreams are filled with thoughts of the party, though in your dreams you are left wanting more each time. You wake up horny the [[next morning|Part11PhoneCall]] wishing you could go back to the party again. <<elseif $PartyOrgasm>> You fall asleep quickly for once and sleep soundly. You wake up refreshed and content the [[next morning|Part11PhoneCall]]. <<else>> You toss and turn for a while before falling asleep. Your dreams are filled with thoughts of the party. You are used over and over again in your dreams all night. But each time you are left wanting more. You wake up the [[next morning|Part11PhoneCall]] aching to feel something inside you and tugging at your unyielding belt. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Valentine's Day</h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part11/Peter1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left"/> You and Peter skip going out to have a little fun at home instead. You haven’t let Peter come in weeks and you are really loving how horny it’s made him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You told him you’d probably let him cum on Valentines Day. He may even be hoping for <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> a blow job. <<else>> sex, or maybe a blow job. <</if>> Well, really he’s always hoping for that. Though he'd also be thrilled to cum in your hands. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He’s been trying extra hard to please you lately in the hope that you <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> [[don’t change your mind|Part11PeterLockedTogether]]. <<else>> [[don’t change your mind|Part11Peter2]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Valentine's Tease</h1> <</nobr>> <img src="Part11/Peter2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left"/> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> Peter moans as your lips wrap around his caged cock. His cock throbs and strains against his cage as your lips slide across its head. You continue for a while. You know if you kept going he’d probably be able to cum soon, with his cage still on. And you are tempted to do just that. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But instead you give one last flick of your tongue along the underside of his cock before you pull your mouth away. His hips arch as his cock aches for more. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I hope you didn’t think I was going to let you cum in my mouth," you tell him. "But, I do plan on letting you cum tonight. But I want you staring into my eyes when you do." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You leave him and his aching cock for a moment as you [[search through your dresser|Part11Peter3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> "That’s good, because he should be here soon," you tell him and wait for his reaction to the realization that you didn’t mean his cock. He must have loved the idea because a few moments later he is staring into your eyes and grunting as you fuck him to his first orgasm in weeks. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You make him lock his cage back on before sending him to the bathroom to clean up your strap-on, and to wipe up the mess he made on his stomach. Meanwhile, you get yourself ready for your [[guest to arrive|Part11Peter4]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> "Too bad," you tell him. "But I do have something special planned for you tonight. She should be here soon." He must have loved that idea because a few moments later his is staring into your eyes and grunting as you fuck him to his first orgasm in weeks. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You make him lock his cage back on before sending him to the bathroom to clean up your strap-on, and to wipe up the mess he made on his stomach. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he gets back from the bathroom he sees that you are dressed and his clothes have been hidden away. "I hope you weren't planning on dressing to hide your cage. That's not necessary. She already knows I own your cock. And she wants to see it for herself. And [[she'll be arriving any moment now|Part11Peter4MFF]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Peter's Orgasm</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/Peter3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> As you put on the strap-on you watch Peter for his reaction. You ask him if he’s ready for you to fuck him now, but he’s too embarrassed to talk. He just bites his lower lip and nods as he watches you lube up your toy. You unlock his cock so you can stroke it every now and then if you want. He's not allowed to touch it though. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you can tell he’s getting close, you tell Peter you want to feel a cock inside you tonight and ask him if he likes that idea. "Oh god yes!" he manages to say. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.sexUniqueMaleCount() == 1>> <<include [[Part11Peter3NoCuck]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part11Peter3Cuck]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Showing off Peter's Skills</h1> <video src="Part11/Peter6.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When your friend Monica arrives she has a good laugh at Peter's caged cock before the two of you sit down for a drink or two. The three of you talk for a while, with you and Monica fully clothed, and Peter wearing only his cage. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Monica hears you going on about how skilled Peter has become and eating you out. She says she doesn't believe you. You offer to let Peter prove it to her, if he's willing. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He's not only willing, but eager, to prove it to her. You even get him offer up his next three orgasms in exchange, letting them being ruined instead of real ones. You wonder if he'd have been so willing to give up his orgasms he hadn't just had one. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Luckily you and Monica had planned this all in advance, so you could be sure to drain Peter before you asked. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Ok. I admit he's pretty good," Monica says after recovering from the orgasm Peter gave her. "But how can you say he's the 'best', without [[something to compare it to|Part11Peter5MFF]]?" <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Monica Helping you Compare</h1> <video src="Part11/Peter7.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Monica"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Monica"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Monica brings you to an orgasm as Peter watches. The two of you have given up the pretense of comparing skills any longer and just focus on each other's pleasure. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Peter doesn't have to watch now though, he can join in. Of course his cock stays locked. But his hands and tongue, along with yours and Monica's, roam wherever they want. You lose track of how many orgasms you and Monica have before the night is done. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Peter doesn't have any more though. Just the one you fucked him to earlier in the night. But still, you are confident this is favorite Valentine's Day ever. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You [[sleep soundly that night|Part11PhoneCall]], and you imagine Peter does too for the first time in weeks. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>threesome:FMF<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Your Turn</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/Peter4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Roger', vaginal:true})>> Peter doesn’t have to spend Valentine’s Day listening to the fun from next door this time, or just watching from the sofa. Your friend, Roger, lets Peter in on some of the fun too. He has Peter hold you arms so you can’t move. You love how powerless it makes you feel. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You also love the way Peter’s eyes dart back and forth. He wants to look into your eyes as you orgasm, but he also can’t help watching as another man’s cock slides in and out of you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Peter is looking into your eyes when your orgasm comes though. His hands hold firm to your wrists as Roger continues to fuck you. Once yours start to fade, his eyes shift back to watch as Roger's cock thrusts into you faster. Only after Roger cums does Peter let go of your arms. You lay there a while recovering while Peter <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> throws away the condom Roger left on your stomach. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> cleans up the mess Roger left on your stomach. <<else>> tries to clean up the mess Roger left leaking out of you. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You [[sleep soundly that night|Part11PhoneCall]], and you imagine Peter does too for the first time in weeks. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>threesome:MFM<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Locked Together</h1> <</nobr>> <img src="Part11/Peter5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left"/> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> Peter doesn’t have the key to your chastity belt, but you do have key to free his cock. So even though you can’t cum tonight, he could if you allowed it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you don’t unlock him. You’ve told him he’s not allowed to cum again until you do. Before you were in this belt, he had plenty of practice making you orgasm, now he just needs to learn how to do it a new way. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You kiss him and push his head down towards your breasts again. You moan as his tongue circles your nipple. Maybe tonight will be the night you are finally able to come with this belt still on. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You’ve promised him a blowjob without his cage on if manages it. You’ll let him fill your mouth with cum just like your customers at work do. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But more likely, the two of you will cuddle up next to each other in a few hours, and you will both [[fall asleep|Part11PhoneCall]] horny and unsatisfied as usual. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Valentine's Day</h1> <</nobr>> <img src="Part11/Chastity1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"/> <<nobr>> You’ve been trying not to think about Valentine’s Day. Letting yourself get locked into this chastity cage prevents you from having any fun anyway, even if you had a date for tonight. But seeing all the couples walking around today, your mind wanders. You begin imagining what they’ll be doing together later today. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You feel yourself getting wet, but there’s nothing you can do about it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You start to resign yourself to another night alone and horny. But you remember Olivia talking about her master’s big party and how she’ll probably get to cum tonight. You wonder if he’d let you orgasm if you agreed to [[become one of his submissives too|Part11ChastitySubmit]]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You also think that it probably wouldn’t be very difficult to [[find a guy for the night|Part11ChastityBJ]]. You obviously wouldn’t get off, but maybe getting him off would help a bit with your horniness. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> The thought of submitting to him has made you too horny to just stay home and do nothing. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOral>> The thought of feeling a cock in your <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral > 1>> mouth, hearing him moan, tasting his cum, <<else>> mouth <</if>> has made you too horny to just stay home and do nothing. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectLibido>> You are far too horny to just stay at home and do nothing. <<else>> Of course, it's just another night, and you are used to being horny by now. You could just cope with the hunger you feel and [[stay home for the night|Part11ChastityAlone]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Master's House</h1> <</nobr>> <img src="Part11/Chastity2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"/> <<set $MasterRobert to 1>> <<nobr>> You already had a submissive side, and the belt has made it so much stronger. You knew where this was heading from the moment you heard the lock click shut, and you’ve decided not to resist it any longer. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You call Master Robert to let him know that you want to be one of his submissives, like Olivia. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you go to meet him, he tells you that you made the right choice, and you are in time to join the others at his Valentine’s Day party. He takes the belt off of you, but you are ordered to keep your hands behind your back. You ache to touch yourself finally, but you do as you are told. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He wants to take some time before the party to help you get used to your new place, kneeling at his side. Once your time alone together is over, he calls Olivia in to help you [[get ready for the party|Part11Master]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your Bed</h1> <</nobr>> <img src="Part11/Chastity3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"/> <<nobr>> You go home and try to forget about how horny you are. You try to watch TV, but soon lose track of the plot as your mind imagines fantasies you have about the characters. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You try to check your email and social media, but before you realize it, you’ve clicked over to a porn site, and are watching other women have the orgasms you can’t. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But eventually your frustrating day is nearly over, and it’s time for bed. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You go to bed alone, and desperate to cum, but there’s nothing you can do about it. You toss and turn, but eventually you find sleep. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You go to sleep knowing you are going to [[wake up horny again tomorrow|Part11PhoneCall]] and the next day and the day after that. You wonder when you’ll finally be able to orgasm again. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your Room</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/Chastity4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> Whether it’s someone you already knew, or someone new, you were right. It doesn’t take very long at all to find a willing guy. You have your lips around his cock before sunset. You take your time, making his pleasure last. Of course you know he’d rather you not have the chastity belt on so he could fuck you, and every inch of your body aches for that as well, but that's not an option. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Finally, you can’t resist any longer, you need to taste him. His moans get louder as your slow teasing becomes faster and more intense. It isn’t long before you feel his hands on your head and his cock twitching in your mouth. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You carefully lick clean the last few drops of cum from his cock. He thanks you before he leaves. When he’s gone, you’re left alone again. You feel a little better than before, but it’s not enough. You decide to go find [[another cock|Part11ChastityBJ2]]... you mean guy... to bring home. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your Room</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/Chastity5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> The second guy you bring home is much more specific about what he wants from you. He tells you exactly how he wants you to suck his cock. You eagerly do exactly as he tells you to do. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he is about to cum, you prepare for him to thrust deeply into your throat, but instead he pulls out and spray his massive load across your face and into your hair. Even what does get in your mouth he tells you to spit out. He says he wants you to wear it, not swallow it. When he is finally finished, he strokes the clean side of your head and tells you what a good little cumslut you are. Before he leaves, he tells you that you are not to clean off the gift he gave you until tomorrow morning. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It’s late, and though you are still horny, your hunger is satisfied enough that you can hopefully get some sleep. You turn off the lights and lay down for the night. You [[drift off to sleep|Part11ChastityBJ3]] feeling his cum drying on your face. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your Bathroom</h1> <</nobr>> <img src="Part11/Chastity6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <<nobr>> The next morning your shower takes longer than usual as you have to scrub to remove the dried cum from your face, neck, and hair. But you don’t mind, as you smile to yourself remembering last night. When you are finished, you dress for class. As you step into the hallway you see a [[box sitting outside the door|Part11CumslutCollar]] with your name on it. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your Room</h1> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'cumslut collar')>> <</nobr>> <img src="Part11/Chastity7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"/> <<nobr>> When you open the package you see a collar inside, with "CUMSLUT" printed on it. You put it on and look at yourself in the mirror. You love the way it looks and imagine what wearing it in public would be like… <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You see there’s also a note and a small, open padlock in the box. The note reads, "If you lock this collar on, you don’t belong to me, but to any man who wants to use you." As you look at the lock you see the keyhole has been blocked with glue. Once the lock is clicked closed there’ll be no way to unlock it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive and $PlayerSideEffectOral>> The thought of being unable to remove the collar and the thought of how guys will react to it both excite you. Together it's too much to resist, and you [[put on the collar and lock it|Part11ChastityCumslut]]. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> The thought of being unable to remove the collar excites you. You are tempted to [[put on the collar and lock it|Part11ChastityCumslut]]. But then you think that maybe it would be better to wait and get a lock that can actually be unlocked instead. But you have to get to class. Perhaps you should [[put the collar away for now|Part11PhoneCall]]. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOral>> The thought of how guys would react to you wearing the collar excites you. You wonder how many cocks you'd get to suck if you [[put on the collar and locked it|Part11ChastityCumslut]]. But then you think that you could always just put it on without the lock. But you have to get to class. Perhaps you should [[put the collar away for now|Part11PhoneCall]]. <<else>> As hot as the thought of [[putting on the collar and locking it|Part11ChastityCumslut]] is, you know the sensible thing is to just [[put it away for now|Part11PhoneCall]] and get to class. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Some broom closet</h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part11/Chastity8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left"/> <<set $PlayerCumslut to 1>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOral += 2>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOral = 2>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <span style="font-size: 150%"><strong><i>Cumslut</i></strong></span> - the word has been echoing through your mind ever since he called you that on Valentine’s Day. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As soon as you saw it, you put the collar on without a second thought. You couldn’t resist locking it on, knowing you don’t have the tools (or the desire) to get it off. Now everyone will know what you are. The one's that didn't know already that is. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The first day of class is the most difficult. So many questions. So many dirty looks from the girls. And so many guys asking to meet you after class. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Classmate"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Classmate"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Classmate"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Classmate"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Classmate"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Classmate"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Classmate"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Classmate"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Classmate"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Classmate"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Classmate"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Classmate"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Classmate"})>> By the end of the first week you’ve learned about many secluded spots around your class buildings where a <span style="font-size: 150%"><strong><i>Cumslut</i></strong></span> can take an eager classmate for a few minutes before or after class. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobAthlete or $JobCheerleader or $JobCheerleaderFundraiser or $JobFitness or $JobFitnessMassage or $JobFitnessYoga>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Athlete"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Athlete"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Athlete"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Athlete"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Athlete"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Athlete"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Athlete"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Athlete"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Athlete"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Athlete"})>> <<elseif $JobArt>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Art Student"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Art Student"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Art Student"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Art Student"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Art Professor"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Art Student"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Art Student"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Art Professor"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Art Student"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Art Student"})>> <<elseif $JobBarista>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coffee Shop Customer"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coffee Shop Customer"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coffee Shop Customer"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker"})>> <<elseif !setup.areDating('Paul') and ($JobOffice or $JobOfficeIntern or $JobOfficeManager or $JobOfficePA)>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Package Delivery Guy"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Security Guard"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker"})>> <<elseif $JobBartender>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Coworker"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:"Beer Delivery Guy"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Coworker"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Bar Patron"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Bar Patron"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Coworker"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Bar Patron"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Bar Patron"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Bar Patron"})>> <<elseif $JobLibrary>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Classmate"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:"Library Boss"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Classmate"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:"Library Boss"})>> <<elseif $JobEngineer>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker"})>> <<elseif $JobTestSubject>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Lab Technician"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Lab Technician"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Lab Technician"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Lab Technician"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Lab Technician"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Lab Technician"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Lab Technician"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Lab Technician"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Lab Technician"})>> <<else>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Classmate"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Classmate"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Librarian"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Classmate"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Classmate"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Pizza Delivery Guy"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Classmate"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Professor"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Book Store Clerk"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Classmate"})>> <</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Guy at the Club"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Professor"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Classmate"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Classmate"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Guy at the Library"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Professor"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Guy at the Club"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Mall Security Guy"})>> If you have a day job that doesn’t approve, you hide it under a scarf at work, but it makes you feel ashamed and dishonest, and you remove it as soon as you leave. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And when you aren’t in class or at work, the guys around campus and around town don’t take long to learn what your collar means. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Soon everyone knows, that whether you are reading in the library, dancing at the club, or shopping at the mall, all it takes is a few words from them and a place to be alone together, and your lips will be around their cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You always wonder when you [[wake up in the morning|Part11PhoneCall]] how long you'll have to wait before the first guy asks to make use of the campus <span style="font-size: 150%"><strong><i>Cumslut</i></strong></span>. You rarely have to wait very long. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Valentine's Day</h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part11/FWB1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left"/> You’d planned on just relaxing at home tonight. The thought of finding someone just so you or your ‘date’ could pay for an overpriced meal at a crowded restaurant doesn’t interest you. You figure you’ll let the lovesick couples have their day of fun. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you start getting a bit horny thinking of all the fun those couples will be having when they get home. You decide just because you aren’t having a romantic night out, that doesn’t mean you have to spend the evening all alone. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You pull out your phone and start scrolling through your contacts, looking for people you've hooked up with before. Well, assuming you saved their phone number that is. You skip past ones you think might be busy: <ul> <<if setup.isFWB('David')>> <li><<link David Part11FWBGuy>><<set $ValentineFWB to "David">><</link>></li> <</if>> <<if setup.isFWB('Josh')>> <li><<link Josh Part11FWBGuy>><<set $ValentineFWB to "Josh">><</link>></li> <</if>> <<if setup.isFWB('James')>> <li><<link James Part11FWBGuy>><<set $ValentineFWB to "James">><</link>></li> <</if>> <<if setup.isFWB('Zack')>> <li>[[Zack|Part11FWBThrill]]</li> <</if>> <<if setup.isFWB('Barry')>> <li>[[Barry|Part11FWBBarry]]</li> <</if>> <<if setup.haveFucked('Troy')>> <li><<link Troy Part11FWBGuy>><<set $ValentineFWB to "Troy">><</link>></li> <</if>> </ul> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.haveFucked('Kim') or setup.haveFucked('Becky')>> <br> You weren't going to call Becky or Kim, since you figured they'd be doing something together. But you get a text from them that implies that [[what they want to do together tonight is You.|Part11FWBGirls]] <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !setup.haveFucked('Troy') and $TroyHelp>> <br> You haven't hooked up with him, but you did pass out that one night a Troy's house. You could [[give him a call|Part11FWBTroyHelp]]. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> If you don't want to text one of them, you could always just [[go it alone|Part11Single]] instead. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>$ValentineFWB's Room</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/FWB2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$ValentineFWB})>> <<if $ValentineFWB == "Zack">> <br> You're begging for Zack to fuck you by the time you walk through the door, and thankfully he [[doesn't make you wait|Part11FWBGuy2]]. <<else>> You make it clear to $ValentineFWB that just because this is Valentine’s Day, that he shouldn’t read anything into this. This is just some no-strings-attached fun. You are still a bit worried he doesn’t quite believe you and that he’ll have a bunch of flowers that will be dead in a week waiting for you when you see him. <br><br> But thankfully there’s none of that. He just takes your hand and leads you to the bed. It doesn’t take long before he has you wet and begging for his cock, which [[he happily provides|Part11FWBGuy2]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>$ValentineFWB's Room</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/FWB3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$ValentineFWB, vaginal:true})>> He’s sure to stay at the top of your list to contact when you feel the need again as he’s made sure you’ve already orgasmed twice before he finally finishes onto your stomach. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He’s clearly enjoyed his time with you as well. But you’ve gotten what you came here for, and so has he. You don’t want to complicated this with feelings or anything else. There’s no cuddling, or talking, or goodbye kiss. You just gather your clothes and tell him, "That was fun, lets do it again soon." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $ValentineFWB==$Roommate>> You head to the shower to clean up. You're thankful he's gone for a while when you get back, avoiding any awkward moments. <<else>> You leave his room and head back to your dorm to clean up. <</if>> You [[fall asleep|Part11PhoneCall]] alone in your bed, but feeling content. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your Room</h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part11/FWB4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left"/> You’re preparing to take a hot bath when a text comes in. It’s from Kim. (You know, as in Becky and Kim, the two girls you hooked up with after doing shots at the club. Surely you couldn't have been so drunk you forgot that!) <</nobr>> Kim: Hey… You have plans tonight? You: Nope. Just sitting at home. Kim: Well, we were looking for someone fun to do for Valentine’s Day and wondered if you had any suggestions. You: SomeONE fun to do? Kim: Oh, is that what I typed? [[You quickly volunteer|Part11FWBGirls2]] and head to their apartment.<<nobr>> <h1>Kim and Becky's House</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/FWB5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Becky'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kim'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Becky'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kim'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Becky'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kim'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Becky'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kim'})>> You throw a few things in your bag and head to their apartment. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The three of you take turns pleasuring one another for hours. After more more orgasms than you can count, you fall asleep between them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next morning you wake up before they do and quietly exit their bed and start to dress. As you notice the two of them snuggling up together, now that you are no longer between them, you think about how it might be nice to find a girl to settle down with someday. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Not today, of course", you think. "But maybe someday". You look back at them, still sleeping, and smile to yourself, then head back toward campus. Your [[phone rings|Part11PhoneCall]] just as you are exiting their building. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Out with Zack</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/FWB6.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<set $ValentineFWB to "Zack">> Zack wants to go out for a few drinks first. You make it clear this isn't a date, but he tells you he knows exactly what it is and he says that he likes things out in the open. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After a couple drinks, he asks if you dressed like he told you to. When you tell him that you did, he asks you to prove it to him. He tells you to reward yourself for following his instructions, by having a little taste before you head home. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He repeatedly has you tease and taste yourself when (probably) no one is watching. Each time you fingers come back a bit wetter, and there's more for you to taste. After a while Zack has you give him a taste as well. Finally, when you can't stand to wait anymore, he tells you it's [[time to leave|Part11FWBGuy]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Barry</h1> <video src="Part11/FWB7.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<unset $tempNeedCock>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Barry bends you over his desk and flips your skirt up. As he starts to firmly spank your tender ass, he asks you, <<if $CampusMinistry>> "So, are you finally ready to admit you're really a slut, not the prude that Faith has been trying to force you to be? I'll reward you in a minute for finally admitting who you are. But first I need to punish you for snooping through my stuff the other day. And for not letting me watch the rest of the show." <<else>> "So are you just such a slut that you couldn't go one night without finding a cock to fill you? Or is it that you just love the way I treat you, because you know that's exactly what you deserve? Or, was it just that you remembered me saying I was going to fuck your ass next time, and you couldn't wait any longer?" <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He doesn't stop spanking your ass until you confess to all three. After you tell him what a worthless slut you are, and [[beg him to fuck your ass|Part11FWBBarry2]], only then does his hand stop. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Barry</h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part11/FWB8.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set $tempAnalAccident to (Math.random() < 0.4)>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Barry', analAccident:$tempAnalAccident})>> He's already hard from your spanking, and doesn't care whether you cum tonight or not. As soon as you've tossed the skirt aside, he's lubed up his cock and is sliding it in. As he fucks your ass, he makes sure to give your butt another firm swat every now and then whenever he thinks the pain from earlier might have started to fade. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> Thankfully, few things feel better to you than a cock in your ass, and you're sure to cum. You moan and squirm with each thrust and beg him to fuck you harder and deeper. Barry mocks what a depraved little whore you are as he grants your request and rams into you. <<elseif $PlayerEasytoOrgasm>> Thankfully, your orgasms come easy, and as ashamed as you are about it, Barry's abuse has gotten you excited. You feel your orgasm getting closer with each thrust of his cock. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> You know Barry's cock isn't going to be enough to get you off, not in your ass anyway. But you know if it you tried to do anything yourself it wouldn't work either. You whimper and beg Barry to reach around and play with your clit, but he only laughs at you and continues pounding your ass. <<else>> You know Barry's cock isn't going to be enough to get you off, not in your ass anyway. So you take matters into your own hands and reach under yourself to play with your clit as he fucks you. "What a greedy little whore. I guess my cock isn't enough for you?", Barry says, swatting your ass more and more as he continues to fuck you. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal or $PlayerEasytoOrgasm or !$PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> As you feel Barry squeeze your butt and pull you towards him, you cry out with your own orgasm. He shoves his cock deep into your ass as he grunts and then cums. With his cock still inside you, he swats your ass hard repeatedly as your orgasm washes over you. <br><br> "Did you enjoy that slut?", he asks after a moment. You have to admit that you did before he sends you on your way. You go to sleep that night satisfied, but with your butt stinging from his hand and bits of lube and Barry's cum leaking out of you. <<else>> As you feel Barry squeeze your butt and pull you towards him, you cry out with your own orgasm. He shoves his cock deep into your ass as he grunts and then cums. With his cock still inside you, he swats your ass hard repeatedly as your orgasm washes over you. <br><br> "Did you enjoy that slut?", he asks after a moment. You have to admit that you did before he sends you on your way. You go to sleep that night satisfied, but with your butt stinging from his hand and bits of lube and Barry's cum leaking out of you. <</if>> The next morning you wake up with your butt still sore, inside and out, and your panties soaked with the mess that has leaked out of your ass. <<if $tempAnalAccident>> <br><br> <img src="PartP/AnalAccident.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <br><br> Later, when you are using the bathroom, you notice some of Barry's cum between your lower lips. He must have either missed a bit, or it drained there afterwards. <<if $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> Thankfully, you don't have to worry about getting pregnant. <<else>> Hopefully that won't be a problem. <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> Now that you have had time to reflect you wonder if you [[really are the slut|Part11FWBBarry3]] Barry said you were while you were cumming with his cock in your ass. But you also think about how disappointed Faith and Pastor Mark will be. Maybe you should [[forget about last night|Part11StillAVirgin]]. After all, technically you're still a virgin. Anal doesn't count, right? <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectAnal or $PlayerEasytoOrgasm or !$PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> As you feel Barry squeeze your butt and pull you towards him, you feel your orgasm comming. But at the last moment, you feel it fade into nothing. Your implant has denied you again! You feel Barry shove his cock deep into your ass as he grunts and then cums. "Too bad slut, maybe next time," he tells you as he gives you a final swat on the ass and sends you on your way. You [[go to sleep|Part11PhoneCall]] that night still incredibly horny and with your butt stinging from his hand and bits of lube and Barry's cum leaking out of you. <<else>> As you feel Barry squeeze your butt and pull you towards him, you cry out with your own orgasm. He shoves his cock deep into your ass as he grunts and then cums. With his cock still inside you, he swats your ass hard repeatedly as your orgasm washes over you. <br><br> "Did you enjoy that slut?", he asks after a moment. You have to admit that you did before he sends you on your way. You [[go to sleep|Part11PhoneCall]] that night satisfied, but with your butt stinging from his hand and bits of lube and Barry's cum leaking out of you. <</if>> <<if $tempAnalAccident>> <br><br> <img src="PartP/AnalAccident.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <br><br> Later, when you are using the bathroom, you notice some of Barry's cum between your lower lips. He must have either missed a bit, or it drained there afterwards. <<if $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> Thankfully, you don't have to worry about getting pregnant. <<else>> Hopefully that won't be a problem. <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> You feel Barry squeeze your butt and pull you towards him, shoving his cock deep into your ass as he gunts and then cums. Your own orgasm was still out of reach. "Too bad slut, maybe next time," he tells you as he gives you a final swat on the ass and sends you on your way. You [[go to sleep|Part11PhoneCall]] that night still horny and with your butt stinging from his hand and bits of lube and Barry's cum leaking out of you. <<if $tempAnalAccident>> <br><br> <img src="PartP/AnalAccident.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <br><br> Later, when you are using the bathroom, you notice some of Barry's cum between your lower lips. He must have either missed a bit, or it drained there afterwards. <<if $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> Thankfully, you don't have to worry about getting pregnant. <<else>> Hopefully that won't be a problem. <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Accepting who you are</h1> <video src="Part11/Barry11.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <<unset $CampusMinistry>> <<set $CampusMinistryFail>> <<set setup.makeFWB("Barry")>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know Faith and Pastor Mark will be disappointed, but Barry is right. This is who you are - a slut who would rather have Barry's cock in her ass than keep pretending to be like Faith. And nothing makes you happier than finally being able to admit it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are planning the next time you are going to get a cock in your ass, and hopefully in your pussy too, when your [[phone rings|Part11PhoneCall]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Exploiting the loophole</h1> <<set $LoopholeVirgin to 1>> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part11/Barry7.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Well, maybe "forget" wasn't the right word. You definitely remember how much fun you had. But maybe Barry and Faith are both partially right. You did love having his cock in your ass. But maybe you should save your... vagina, for your future husband. But your ass, and maybe your mouth, those don't count, right? <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Maybe you can have some fun while you are at college, but still stay a virgin too. Your thoughts are interrupted though when [[your phone starts ringing|Part11PhoneCall]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Troy's Room</h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part11/FWB9.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left"/> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Troy'})>> <<set setup.makeFWB('Troy')>> <<achievement>>fwb:Troy<</achievement>> You'd never thought Troy was particularly attractive and you even find him a bit annoying at times. But you remember that night you got black-out drunk and he let you sleep it off at his place. Well, really you remember waking up there more than the rest. But you remember he didn't take advantage of you, and who knows what would have happened to you if you'd stayed at the club alone like that. You never did properly thank him for that... <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Ha, who are you kidding. You're horny, and you knew he'd be probably be available. And you know he's eager to get in your pants since he was trying to do exactly that all night at the club - before you got too drunk. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Troy doesn't care why you're there. He's been wanting to fuck you for months and was glad to get your call. You don't bother with much small talk or any kissing. You're barely through his door before you've pushed him back onto his bed and are letting him [[bury his tongue|Part11FWBTroyHelp2]] between your lips, like he's wanted to do since last semester. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Troy's Room</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/FWB10.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Troy', vaginal:true})>> When you know you are ready, you don't even have him get up. You just lower yourself down onto his cock. You love the way his eyes roll back as he feels you slide down around his cock. <<if $BodyType == 'Fit'>> Your thrusts start to get more erratic as you get close to your orgasm. Troy rolls you over onto your back. As you feel his cock slide in and out of you unrelentingly, you know you are going to cum soon. <<else>> After a while you start to slow as you feel the muscles in your leg burn a bit. Troy rolls you over onto your back and picks up the pace again. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your fingernails dig into his shoulder as he fucks you through your orgasm. Finally you feel him <<if $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> pulls cock out and cover your stomach with his cum. <<else>> thrust one final time. <</if>> After you recover, you thank him for a wonderful time and then gather your things and head back to your room to [[sleep alone in your own bed|Part11PhoneCall]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Cleaning Barry's room</h1> It seems Barry has some big plans for Valentine's Day. He's offered to pay you to clean up his and <<print setup.otherRoommate("Barry")>>'s room. You don't know if he's just too lazy to do it himself, or he just enjoys making you do domestic work for him. With spring break just around the corner, some extra spending money will be nice. You still don't know for sure what you are going to do over break, but you'll have more options if you have some extra cash. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part11/Barry1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300" align="left"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He's gone until this evening, so you are cleaning the room now. You have most of the room clean, but then you stumble on some sexy-looking women's clothes in Barry's closet. And under them is a pink case. For a second, with the pink box and the girl's clothes, you wonder if Barry wears these when no one is around. You never would have expected that about him. But holding one up to yourself, you see that they are about your size, too small for Barry to wear. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Now you are too curious about the pink case to resist trying to open it. Luckily the clasps aren't locked and it comes right open. When you look inside you see there are various kinds of restraints. Gags, cuffs, rope, vibrators, and other things like that. Now you are guessing this is Barry's "Toy Box" to play with the girls he brings back to his room. Judging from the sounds his guests usually make, they must be very fun toys. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've laid awake many times listening to them, imagining the pleasure the girls must be feeling. Usually you lie there frustrated and horny, wishing Faith wasn't there to stop you, so you could masturbate while you fantasized. And after the woman you saw on Halloween, you've also been looking up stuff like this online when you can. You haven't told Faith or Pastor Mark about it though. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can't resist the opportunity to play with some of the toys. The only thing you need to decide if you want to start with [[playing with the restraints|Part11BarryMinistryRestraint]] or if you'd just like to [[dress up a little bit instead|Part11BarryMinistryDildo]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Trying out the restraints</h1> <img src="Part11/Barry2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"/> You spotted the skirt and thought it looked cute. But then when you held it up and saw how short it was, you realized why it was mixed in with the other clothes Barry had. You imagined how slutty everyone would think you were if you wore a skirt that short in public. "Especially if you didn't have any panties under it," you think. You quickly strip off your panties and put on the skirt and the matching shoes and the 'shirt' which barely covers your breasts. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Feeling sexy and turned on, you start digging through the restraints, fantasizing about being a sex slave for Barry and <<print setup.otherRoommate("Barry")>>. You put on the leg cuffs first, and clip them to each other. Sex slaves shouldn't be able to run away. Then you put on the collar, so everyone will know you are just a sex slave. Your owners would put a lock through the little hole for one, but you just buckle it instead. And then you put on the gag, because sex slaves' mouths aren't meant for talking. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your hands are roaming your body, imagining your scenario. Then you see something else it take you a minute to figure out how it works. Eventually you realize it's like a glove, but for both your hands at the same time. Its meant to hold your arms together and behind your back. You see a zipper running the length of it. It'd be easy enough to get in and out of with it unzipped. There'd be no way to zip or unzip it yourself. So you'd be a helpless sex slave once one of your owners zipped it up. You'll just pretend like they did. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are rolling around on Barry's bed, imagining all the things being done to your helpless body, and it is really getting you turned on. Eventually you can't wait any longer, you need to masturbate. You sit back up and start to take off the arm-thing. But you realize it's tighter than it was before and you can't get it off. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You try to look behind you to see what happened, but the collar keeps you from turning around enough to see. You can only guess that when you were rolling around the zipper caught on something and zipped up, at least part way. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You obviously can't call anyone for help. You could try open the door and head out to the hallway and see if you could get help. But at best you'd be mortified being caught like this, and at worst, someone could just pull you into their room, and have their way with you. You feel your arousal increase as both of those ideas also turn you on. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> No. The best option, is just to lay back down, and try to squirm around on the bed some more, but with the intent of moving the zipper down instead of up. You try for a while and then get up to see if you've succeeded. It didn't seem to help, so you try again. And again. Each time just makes you think more and more about how you really are helpless now, and get you more and more aroused. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are on your back squirming again when you hear [[the door to the room open|Part11BarryMinistryRestraint2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Caught by Barry</h1> There's nothing you can do, nowhere you can hide. Barry comes in and catches you, wearing the clothes and restraints meant for his lovers. When he reaches behind you and zips the glove thing up the rest of the way, and then places his hand on your thigh, you realize you are now just as helpless as you had been fantasizing about. You do nothing as his hand slowly moves up your thigh. You only blush when he flips the skirt up and comments first on your lack of panties, and then on how wet you are. <<unset $CampusMinistry>> <<set $CampusMinistryFail to 1>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Barry"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Barry", vaginal:true, noCondom:true, pullout:true})>> <<set setup.makeFWB("Barry")>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Did the naughty little schoolgirl get herself stuck playing with Barry's toys?" Barry asks. You nod. "And I bet all her struggling made her so horny that she'd do anything for an orgasm right now." You nod again. "Too bad. You'll have to wait. First you need to be punished for snooping." Then he flips you over onto your stomach and begins to spank you. You cry out with the first smack on your bottom, but not much comes out of the gag you are wearing. You butt is throbbing and feels like it is probably bright red by the time he stops. But over the throbbing pain from your bottom, you also feel a need inside you. Barry's spanking has only made you even hornier. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part11/Barry4.webm" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He flips you back over again so you are face up. He pulls up your half shirt, exposing your breasts. He then begins teasing your nipples. First softly stroking them with his finger tips, then pinching. Both seem to be only making you ache for an orgasm, preferably with him inside you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> For an hour or more, he continues to tease you. Playing with your breasts, sliding a finger inside you, stroking your clit, but always stopping before you can cum. He gets to cum though, making you beg to suck his cock, and then drop to your knees. The taste of his cum in your mouth is stronger than you expected, but you swallow it all down anyway. Being used for his pleasure and still being so achingly needy makes you feel like such a slut, and ache for him even more. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part11/Barry5.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300" align="left"/> He just goes back to teasing and denying you more after his blowjob though. Though eventually he decides he's ready to fuck you. You cum as his cock is still teasing your clit and your lips just below it. Your pleasure is mixed with pain for a moment as he slides further into you. But soon it is only the pleasure. You manage to orgasm again before he pulls out and covers your stomach with more of his cum. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Isn't being a slut much more fun than being a prude like Faith," Barry says as he removes the last of your restraints. Being called a slut should upset you, but it mostly doesn't. You feel a little ashamed, but it mostly excites you. The shame might even be adding to the excitement of it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You do feel a little bad about how disappointed Faith and and Pastor Mark will be that their plans to 'help' you have failed. But now you know how much you love being tied up and fucked, you have no interest at all in their plans. You plan on having as much sex as you can to make up for months of missed time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "If you ever need me to treat you like the slut you are, come on over again," Barry tells you. "And maybe I'll buy you a little maid costume for the next time I pay you to clean my room." You head to the bathroom to clean up, hopefully before Faith gets home. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> While you are in the shower, you wonder if your fun together today has [[changed Barry's Valentine's Day plans|Part11BarryAfterMinistry]] at all. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Trying out the toys</h1> You see the lacy white panties, with the matching collar and cuffs, and you have to try them on. Once you start to put on the collar and cuffs, you realize there is a chain connecting them. After you put them on you see that the chain doesn't restrict your movements that much, just keeping your arms from spreading out. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part11/Barry3.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> </div> What it does do is give you a feeling of being controlled, of being owned. You imagine someone put these on you. The lace material is thin and looks like it could easily be ripped or escaped from. The chain looks weak and like it could be snapped <<if $BodyType == "fit">>especially<<else>>even<</if>> by a girl of your strength. Something must be keeping you from breaking free of your lacy bondage. Is it your owners psychological control over you? Or is it something more than that? <</nobr>> <<nobr>> In your fantasy, your owner is a powerful mage. The collar, cuffs, and chain look weak and easily defeated, but they are actually quite unbreakable and removable only by magic. Though you would never dream of trying to escape anyway, your devotion to your Master is far to great to even consider it. Keeping you captive is not why he has you wear these. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> No, he has you wear these for the enchantments he's placed on them, well and because he loves how you look in them. The collar keeps you here in the tower, unable to leave even if you wanted to. The panties are enchanted to always make you insatiably horny. It keeps you always wet and waiting for your master. You blush when you imagine that the enchantment even keeps your other hole, your ass, magically clean and lubricated, always ready for your master's cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The cuffs also prevent you from touching yourself, from ever satisfying your own needs. That's a feeling you know outside of your fantasy as well, except it's Faith's watchful eye that keeps you from touching yourself... except for now that is. You see a pink dildo in the box and imagine it is a toy your Master had used on you. He'd neglected to lock it away this time. The enchantment around your wrists don't prevent you from using the toy, only your own hands directly. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are starting to get close. Hopefully your master won't somehow know and punish you. Or maybe you want him to punish you... You hear a sound at the door. For a moment you are still in the fantasy and think it is your Master coming home to catch you being a naughty little slave. But then you snap out of it and realize it's real. Barry is back early! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> There's no denying what you were doing. Part of you wants to [[run back to your room|Part11BarryMinistryDildoShame]] and hide in shame. But another part of you, specifically the part currently wrapped around a pink dildo, [[wants to keep going|Part11BarryMinistryDildo2]]. Barry has already seen everything, and from the look on his face, he doesn't seem to be minding the show. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Barry"})>> <<if $tempShame>> <h1>Returning to Barry's Room</h1> You ran out in shame, but you walk back to his room out of need. Barry's already seen you topless and playing with your breast with one hand and fucking yourself with a dildo with the other. You picture him with a massive hard right now from your show, and you can't resist going to see if it's true. You plan on going back into the room and picking up where you left off. Watching him stroke himself while you masturbate too sounds like it would be incredibly hot. <<else>> <h1>Caught by Barry</h1> There's no reason to stop now, Barry's already seen you topless and playing with your breast with one hand and fucking yourself with a dildo with the other. He might as well see your orgasm too, because you are too close to stop now. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He has other plans though. He grabs your wrists and pulls them away from your pussy. Then he grabs both wrists with a single hand, then takes away your toy with the other. "What a naughty slut, playing with other people's things," he teases you. He then grabs a different set of restraints. "I think we need something a bit more secure than what you are wearing." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part11/Barry10.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once he's secured your hands again, behind you this time, he takes control of the dildo, fucking you with it. You know a good girl would tell him to stop, but that's the last thing you want. Every part of you wants him to keep going. As he fucks you with the dildo, his thumb teases your clit, and he soon has you on the verge of an orgasm. Just then he pulls the dildo away and tells you, "No. You need to earn it first slut." A few moments later, and Barry's cock is sliding in and out of your mouth. You eagerly start sucking it, willing to do whatever it takes to earn your orgasm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As he moans you wonder what your first load of cum will taste like. But you won't be finding out tonight, or at least not right now. Barry has [[something else|Part11BarryMinistryDildo3]] in mind. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Bound by Barry</h1> <img src="Part11/Barry8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"/> Barry instead pulls out of your mouth. Then he adds some more cuffs, around your ankles this time. Then he secures your wrists to your ankles, keeping you face down on the bed, with your virgin pussy open and exposed. <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Barry", vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.makeFWB("Barry")>> <<unset $CampusMinistry>> <<set $CampusMinistryFail to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He gives your ass a few spanks first, telling you what a naughty slut you are. Then he teases your clit for a while then stops. Then he does it again. He tells you that you have to beg if you want him to fuck you. You can't take anymore, so you beg, "Please, please fuck me!. Fuck my virgin pussy! I need you inside me!" <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> Of course, asking him to put on a condom, like you'd planned to do if you ever had sex, is the farthest thing from your mind. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He doesn't make you wait any longer. You feel your wet lips part as his cock slowly slides into you. It doesn't hurt like you'd worried it might, in fact it feels amazing. It's so much better than the dildo was. It's warm and hard, but that's not even the best part. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The best part is Barry's hands on your hips, pulling back onto his cock with great urgency. You know you've driven him to this level of lust, and it makes you feel like a beautiful woman and a slut, and both make you happy right now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After a while he starts thrusting deeper and faster, and moaning even more about how tight you are. You feel his cock get really hard, then you feel him thrust deep a last time and his cum fill you. That pushes you over the edge, and you cum too. You can feel your body shake, and your pussy grip his cock, trying to keep it inside you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Isn't being a slut much more fun than being a prude like Faith," Barry says as he slowly pulls out of you. A few hours ago being called a slut would have upset you, but it doesn't now, at least not when Barry says it. When you [[tell Faith|Part11BarryMinistryDildo4]] about this evening, and she calls you a slut then. That might upset you. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Back in your room</h1> <img src="Part11/Barry9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"/> You head back to your room. You'll take a shower in a minute, Faith won't be home for a while still. Right now you just want to lay here in the warm afterglow of the orgasm from your first time having sex. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can't believe you waited this long for this. You could have been doing this for months! Why did you ever let Faith and Pastor Mark convince you this was wrong. Nothing has ever felt more right to you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As soon as she gets home, you'll let her know you won't need their 'help' any more. Though you should probably get up and clean up first. Faith is going probably going to know why you've changed your mind. But it'll be better that she doesn't see you naked with Barry's cum leaking out of you, and remove any doubt. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once that unpleasantness is over with, you can start looking forward to Valentine’s Day. You had planned on just staying home or maybe going to some thing boring thing with Faith. But now you are going to be sure to something that includes you getting fucked again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set $tempNeedCock to 1>> Barry's plans didn't seem to involve any specific girl, just whoever he ended up with that day. He'd probably be more than happy it be you that [[ends up in his room|Part11FWBBarry]] on Valentine's Day. But maybe you'd like to see what a different cock is like. You know there's a [[single's night|Part11SinglesNight]] at a club near campus, surely you can meet a guy there. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $tempShame to 1>> <h1>Back in your room</h1> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'lace bondage set')>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'pink dildo')>> You run back to your room and close the door. At first you are horribly embarrassed by being caught. But the more you think about Barry having seen you like that, topless and playing with your breast with one hand and fucking yourself with a dildo with the other, the more you are just getting turned on by it. You decide to continue where you left off before you do something really crazy, like [[heading back into Barry's room|Part11BarryMinistryDildo2]]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The collar and cuffs are getting in the way, plus they'd be hard to explain if Faith returned, so you take them off and hide them away. You continue with the fantasy though. You can use the dildo, but not your hands. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part11/Barry6.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You fuck yourself with the dildo. First imagining you are the slave girl in the mage's tower still. It feels so good, but you can't quite get off. You know a single stroke on your clit would probably put you over the top, but the magic is too strong. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But then your fantasy shifts to what might have happened if you'd stayed in or returned to Barry's room. Barry probably would have taken the dildo from your hand and tossed it across the room. He then would have replaced it inside you with something warmer, harder, and better - his cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You imagine him keeping you right on the edge until he's about to cum. Then he starts stroking your clit while he fucks you. A moment later you explode with an orgasm. You imagine Barry groaning and then filling you with his warm cum just as you do. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You hide the dildo away, hoping Faith doesn't stumble upon it or the lacy set either. Later, when you see Barry again your face is red seeing the way he is looking at you. You know he is picturing you naked, wantonly fucking yourself with a dildo. "I enjoyed your little show, though I would have liked to see more," he says. "You can keep the toy and what you were wearing. The show was certainly worth that much. Besides, I still have plenty of things to play with for whoever I end up with on [[Valentine's Day|Part11Single]]" <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Valentine's Day</h1> <img src="Part11/FWB1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left"/> Not that long ago, you'd planned on just relaxing at home tonight. But after your fun with Barry the other day, you don't want to miss this perfect opportunity to get fucked again. <<set $tempNeedCock to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know you are going to do your best to get a cock inside you tonight. The only question is whether you want to hook up with [[Barry|Part11FWBBarry]] again, assuming he's available. Or you could try to [[find someone new|Part11Single]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your Room</h1> <</nobr>> <img src="Part11/Single1.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"/> <<nobr>> You’re not in a relationship currently, so you feel a bit left out with all the Valentine’s Day events going on. But, there’s a club near campus that had something going on tonight that might be ok though. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It’s their ‘singles-only’ night, for people that don’t want to sit at home, but don’t want to deal with the romantic couples that will be everywhere else. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistryFail>> You've missed out on too much fun already, you try to find something sexy to wear and [[head to the single-only event|Part11SinglesNight]]. <<else>> You're still not quite sure whether you'd rather [[go there|Part11SinglesNight]], or [[just stay at home|Part11HomeAlone]]. <<if setup.isNeighbour('Barry')>> Though part of you is tempted to see if [[Barry|Part11FWBBarry]] would like to tie you to his bed with those toys you'd found, and have his way with you. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your Bathroom</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/Single2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> You plan on just taking a nice, hot bath and forgetting about all this romantic nonsense. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You do relax in the warm water for a bit, but your mind keeps wandering to what’s probably going on in many of the rooms around you, and your soon realize the water isn’t the only thing making your body feel warm all over. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry and !setup.isNeighbour("Barry")>> You try to ignore it and just relax in the tub. Eventualy the water starts to get cold and you get up and dry off. As you make you way back to your bed you wonder if you're the only one sleeping alone tonight. The faint snoring you hear from Faith's bed makes you think "Well, there's at least one more." <br><br> You may have gone to bed alone, but your dreams are filled with thoughts of romantic dates and passionate nights. But eventually morning comes as you are awoken when your [[phone rings|Part11PhoneCall]] with a call from your mom. <<else>> Thankfully, you have [[something perfect|Part11HomeAlone2]] for times just like this... <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your Bathroom</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/Single3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry and setup.isNeighbour("Barry")>>You use the dildo you'd found in Barry's closet.<</if>> The suction cup makes sure it doesn’t move as you first tease the dildo and then take more and more of it into your mouth. <<if setup.sexFemaleCount() > setup.sexMaleCount() >> You imagine it's a strap-on being worn by a beautiful woman. Soon all you can think about is how good it would feel when she fucked you with it. <<else>> You imagine it's a real cock attached to a <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> sweaty, musky-smelling <<else>> cute <</if>> guy. <<if $CampusMinistry and setup.isNeighbour("Barry")>>Or maybe it's Barry's.<</if>> Soon all you can think about is how good it would feel when he fucked you. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if ($PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock or $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock)>> <<if setup.sexFemaleCount() > setup.sexMaleCount() >> You suck her strap-on a while longer. As you do, your fingers find their way to your clit, pleasuring yourself without your lips ever the dildo. You ache for an orgasm, but you already know that won't be possible for you tonight. You suck the dildo a while longer, until you pull away. Your lover pats you on the head and tells you "good job, better luck next time for you". Then you lay back in the tub, knowing you won’t have any relief tonight. <<else>> You suck your imaginary cock a while longer. As you do, your fingers find their way to your clit, pleasuring yourself without your lips ever leaving his cock. You ache for an orgasm, but you already know that won't be possible for you tonight. You focus on his pleasure instead. Soon you are imagining his hands on your head, holding you in place as his cock is deep in your throat. He finally lets go after he cums. As you pull away from his cock and catch your breath, you give his cock one last kiss. Then you lay back in the tub, knowing you won’t have any relief tonight. <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOral>> You keep your lips on the dildo, taking all of it into your mouth and down your throat. Your hand finds it way to your clit, and you pleasure yourself without ever taking your lips off. As your orgasm gets close, you take the dildo deep into your throat. You imagine <<if setup.sexFemaleCount() > setup.sexMaleCount() >> her holding your head there until you cum. <<else>> him holding your head there as he cums. <</if>> After you orgasm, you pull back and catch your breath. You give the dildo one last kiss and then lie back in the tub to recover. <<else>> You get on your hands and knees. You moan a bit as your guide the dildo into you and push yourself back onto it. This lover makes you do all the work, but soon the sounds of your orgasm are echoing off the bathroom tile. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectDreams or $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock or $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> That night after you fall asleep, you dream you'd gone to the club, and gone home with someone. In your dream <<if setup.sexFemaleCount() > setup.sexMaleCount() >> she <<else>> he <</if>> is eating you out, and you feel your pleasure building and building. Just before you orgasm though, you wake up. It's morning and your [[phone is ringing|Part11PhoneCall]] with a call from your mom. <<else>> You are content as you fall asleep. You sleep soundly all night until you are awoken the next morning as your [[phone rings|Part11PhoneCall]] with a call from your mom. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Club</h1> <</nobr>> <img src="Part11/Single4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"/> <<nobr>> You were <<if !$CampusMinistry and setup.sexFemaleCount() > setup.sexMaleCount() >> worried <<elseif $CampusMinistry or setup.sexFemaleCount() * 3 > setup.sexMaleCount() >> expecting <<else>> hoping <</if>> that it’d be mostly guys at the singles event, but it’s quite the opposite, a majority are attractive young women. Though, from the poorly applied make-up that some of them are wearing, you suspect tonight might be the first night as a woman for some of them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> You were thinking this would be mainly about dancing and avoiding the romance. But as more and more couples pair off and disappear - sometimes for the night, other times for just a few minutes - you realize that you were wrong. You know you should <<if setup.isNeighbour("Barry")>> go home before something happens, but your body wants this so much. All it would take would be a smile to one of the guys, and this need you've been feeling will finally be answered. <<elseif $CampusMinistrySaves>> <<set $CampusMinistrySaves -= 1>> [[go home|Part11HomeAlone]] before something happens, but your body wants this so much. All it would take would be a smile to one of the guys, and this need you've been feeling will finally be answered. You expect most of the girls here are guys on X-Change Basic, they probably wouldn't take much convincing either. <<else>> go home before something happens, but you've been so close to giving your body what it wants, so many times. You need this tonight, and you aren't going to run away from it again. <</if>> <<else>> But who cares if their X-Change Basic pills will wear off tomorrow, it’s not like anyone is here looking for anything more than a night of fun, right? You head to the dance floor to start doing just that. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $tempNeedCock or setup.isNeighbour("Barry")>> There are plenty of girls to choose from tonight, but you aren't interested in any of them, not tonight at least. Tonight you want to be filled. You need a cock, and you need it soon. Thankfully there are a few [[guys|Part11SinglesGuy]] here as well. <<else>> There are plenty of [[girls|Part11SinglesGirl]] to choose from tonight. Though there's a few [[guys|Part11SinglesGuy]] here as well. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Emma's Apartment</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/Single5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Rachel'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Rachel'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Rachel'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Rachel'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Rachel'})>> Rachel sees you looking nervously towards her and some of the other girls as you dance. She smiles at you and then comes over to introduce herself after the song ends. The two of you chat for a while and then join each other on the dance floor. Unlike many of the others here, she seems very comfortable in her body and looks well put together, you suspect she's a woman every day, not just tonight like the others. <<else>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Emma'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Emma'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Emma'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Emma'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Emma'})>> You spotted "Emma" watching you dance. You flash her a smile and then head over to introduce yourself when the song ends. After you chat a while, you convince her to join you on the dance floor. She’s clearly not danced in this body before, but once she gets used to it, she’s enjoying herself as much as you are. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But as the evening goes on, it’s clear to you that you both want to get out of the club and be alone together. The two of you decide to head back to her apartment. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> <<unset $CampusMinistry>> <<set $CampusMinistryFail to 1>> As the two of you start making out on her sofa, she senses your nervousness and asks, "Is this your first time with another woman?". <br><br> "This is my first time with anyone," you tell her. <br><br> She smiles and says, "I'll do my best to make it a memorable evening then." She buries her head between your legs and gives you your first orgasm in months. As the pleasure ripples through your body, you wonder why you've been avoiding this. All this time wasted, you could have been doing this since you changed. You aren't going to waste any more time. <br><br> As you start to recover, you plan on taking your turn giving her an orgasm, but she has other ideas. While you were lost in your own thoughts, she was putting on her strap-on. "Are you ready for another one?", she asks. "Something a little different this time.". After you nod eagerly, she playfully pushes you back onto your back. <br><br> You hate leaving Rachel's house, not just beacuse of how much fun you had, but because you know you'll have to face Faith. You don't go into details, but you let her know you are done with the plan her and Mark had for you. She's more disappointed than surprised and says she'll let him know. You [[fall asleep|Part11PhoneCall]] in your own bed, imagining all the things you want to try next. <<else>> The two of start making out on her sofa, but it doesn’t take long before your head is buried between her legs. After she cums, you ask, "Was that your first orgasm as a woman?". She shyly nodes yes. Then you ask, "Would you like another one?" as you pull your strap-on out of your bag. <br><br> "Yes... please," she answers. Before the night is over "Emma" and you have both had more orgasms than you cared to count. You decide it will be less awkward if you’re gone before she changes back. So when the fun’s over, you gather your clothes and toys and head back to your dorm and [[fall asleep there|Part11PhoneCall]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Club Men's Room</h1> <</nobr>> <video src="Part11/Single6.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Guy at the Club', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Guy at the Club', vaginal: true})>> You flashed him a smile after you saw him checking you out on the dance floor. It isn’t long before he’s dancing beside you. <<if $CampusMinistry>> As you grind against him on the dance floor, you know you should stop, but you are enjoying it too much. But it's also adding to your desire. Before long you know you can't wait any longer. <<else>> You’re having fun with the ‘no-strings’ atmosphere of the event, and so is he, and it isn’t long before you’re grinding against him on the dance floor. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You decide you want to continue in private. "I have a roommate. Can we go back to your place?", you whisper into his ear when there’s a quiet moment between songs. "I have a better idea," he says as he takes your hand and leads you back to the empty men’s room. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> As you drop your panties to the floor, you are nervous someone will walk in, and ashamed about what you are doing, but they both just add to the excitement and make you want to keep going. It isn't long until you are bent over the sink watching in the mirror as he fucks you from behind, his hand playing with your clit as he does. The thrill of it all, not to mention his cock inside you, and his hand on your clit, soon has you watching yourself as you orgasm. As you feel the pleasure course through your body, and watch it on your own face, you wonder why you'd waited this long. You know you won't wait long for the next time. <<else>> It isn’t long before your panties are on the floor and you’re bent over the sink watching in the mirror as he fucks you from behind, his hand playing with your clit as he does. You’re nervous that someone will walk in at any moment, but the thrill of it is turning you on too. Between that, his cock, and his hand, you are soon watching yourself orgasm. Not long after you do, he cums too. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you put your underwear back on and straighten your clothes, he heads back into the club. When you exit the restroom, you look but he’s already left the club. You smile a bit, realizing you never even got his name, then you head back to the dance floor to enjoy the rest of the evening. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> <<unset $CampusMinistry>> <<set $CampusMinistryFail to 1>> You don't wait very long at all. You soon spot another interested guy. This time you are the one leading him back to the men's room for a quick fuck. <br><br> Of course, eventually the night has to end. The conversation with Faith doesn't go as badly as you had feared it might. Of course, you don't go into the details, but she seems much more disappointed than she does surprised. She says she'll let Pastor Mark know that you've abandoned their plans for you. You [[fall asleep|Part11PhoneCall]] in your bed, imagining all the things you want to try next. <<else>> You wonder if you'll make another visit to the mens room with a different guy before the night is over and it's time to [[go home|Part11PhoneCall]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<unset $ShowHorniness>> <<unset $PartyOrgasm>> <<unset $PartyNo>> <<unset $PartyDenial>> <h1>Calling your brother</h1> <img src="Part11/Phone1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew') or $Engaged == 'Andrew'>> The next day, after you've talked to your mom and sister, you give your brother a call. <<else>> You talk to your mom and sister frequently, but not as often to your brother. Today, after talking to your mom and sister, you decide to give him a call too. <</if>> <<if $Engaged == 'Andrew'>> You've given him the big news about your engagement, and he seems happy for you. He seems to be acting a bit weird again though. <<else>> You chat for a bit, but he seems to be acting a bit weird. <</if>> <<if $KidnapEscape>> He says he misses you. You're worried the talk you'd had over Christmas break had done nothing, and he was still having a crush, or whatever it was, on you. Now you're really glad you didn't send him a copy of that selfie you'd taken. <<else>> You’d hoped he had got that all out of his system over break. <<if setup.haveFucked('Dylan')>> You'd hoped maybe you'd gotten it out of your system as well. <</if>> You were hoping he could go back to just being your brother again. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<if $KidnapEscape or $CampusMinistry>> <<nobr>> But then he tells you that he means he misses the <b>old</b> you. He misses having a brother. He's says he's fine with having two sisters, but it's just [[not the same anymore.|Part11End]] <</nobr>> <<elseif !$CodySexting and !setup.haveFucked('Cody')>> <<nobr>> You think about the sexy selfie you'd taken over Christmas break. You'd thought about sending that to your brother, just to tease him a bit. Now you're [[glad you didn't|Part11End]] <</nobr>> <<else>> <<nobr>> You press him on what is going on and eventually he sends you a link ‘a friend’ sent him. As soon as you see the picture you recognize it, and all the others. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CodySexting and setup.haveFucked('Cody')>> The first ones are the pictures of your body you had texted to Cody over Christmas break. Those are followed by the even more explicit ones you let him take of you back at his appartment. <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Cody')>> They are the pictures you let Cody take of you at his apartment. They are intimate, private pictures of you. First with your lips around his cock looking up at him, and of then of you naked <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> except for your chastity belt, with a desperate look in your eyes. <<else>> with his <<if $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> <<elseif $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> used condom lying next to you. <<else>> cum leaking out of you, <</if>> <<if $PlayerPowerfulOrgasms >1 >> Your eyes distant are distant and you clutch at the sheets, still lost in the pleasure of your extended orgasm. <<else>> A post-orgasm glow is clear to see on your face. <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> They are the pictures of your body you texted to Cody over Christmas break. <</if>> You hadn't wanted anyone but Cody to see those, and certainly not [[your brother|Part11PhoneCall2]]! <</nobr>> <</if>><<nobr>> <h1>Interrogating to your brother</h1> <img src="Part11/Phone2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> No wonder your brother was acting weird. You bet he’s been jerking off to these, but you don’t even want to ask. You do ask him why the hell Cody sent them to him - your brother! - in the first place though. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "He didn’t. I just saw them on a porn site I usually go to." You look at the URL and realize he’s right. These photos and videos are posted publicly for <b><i>everyone</i></b> to see! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you scroll down you can even see random guys making crude comments about them and about you. As you read comment you get angrier and angrier: <ul> <<if $BodyType == 'Plus'>> <li>"Thicc!"</li> <</if>> <<if $BodyType == 'Petite'>> <li>"I'd fuck that spinner"</li> <li>"Mods!!!"</li> <</if>> <<if $BodyType == 'Fit'>> <li>"Death by Snu Snu!"</li> <</if>> <<if $BodyType == 'Standard'>> <li>"6/10 would not bang"</li> <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> <li>"What an attention whore."</li> <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive and setup.haveFucked('Cody')>> <li>"Looks like he spanked her ass good before that one."</li> <</if>> <li>"I went to high school with her!"</li> <li>-- "Sure you did"</li> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones and setup.haveFucked('Cody')>> <li>"Bitch looks like she's in heat - lol"</li> <</if>> <<if ($PlayerSideEffectOral or $PlayerChastityBelt) and setup.haveFucked('Cody')>> <li>"Dumb whore, you're supposed to swallow it all, not let it drip down your chin"</li> <</if>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt && setup.haveFucked('Cody') && !setup.haveFuckedVaginal('Cody')>> <li>"I get that he keeps his whore locked up, but he could at least take it off for the pictures"</li> <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal and setup.haveFucked('Cody') and !$PlayerChastityBelt>> <li>"Looks like he tore that ass up before he took that one"</li> <</if>> <<if $BodyType == 'Plus'>> <li>"2/10 I would let her suck my cock, except I'd worry she'd eat it."</li> <li>"I could die happy between those thighs"</li> <</if>> <<if $JobAthlete or $JobCheerleader or $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>> <li>"I've seen her before somewhere."</li> <</if>> <<if $JobPorn or $JobPornSide>> <li>"I think I've seen a porn video of her <<if $JobPornAnal or $JobPornAnalSide>> getting her ass pounded. <<elseif $JobPornGang or $JobPornGangSide>> getting fucked by three guys at once. <<elseif $JobPornOral or $JobPornOralSide>> sucking 37 dicks. <<else>> before. <</if>> "</li> <</if>> <<if (setup.haveInventory('piercings', 'clit hood') and !$PlayerChastityBelt) or setup.haveInventory('piercings', 'multiple ear piercings') or setup.haveInventory('piercings', 'tongue') or setup.haveInventory('piercings', 'navel') or setup.haveInventory('piercings', 'nipples')>> <li>"Piercings are disgusting, why would she do that to herself."</li> <</if>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt && setup.haveFucked('Cody') && !setup.haveFuckedVaginal('Cody')>> <li>"OP's mom needs one of those chastity belts, then maybe she wouldn't be such a whore."</li> <li>-- "That wouldn't help. It sure didn't for this slut."</li> <</if>> <li>...</li> </ul> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Finally you can’t hold it anymore and you fire off a text at Cody, "[[What the fuck asshole!|Part11Cody]] How could you do that!" <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Cody Responds</h1> <</nobr>> <img src="Part11/Phone3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"/> <<nobr>> You're still glaring at your computer screen a few minutes later when you get a response from Cody, "Sorry, new phone. Who exactly is this and what did I do?" A moment later you are calling him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Cody tells you his phone was stolen weeks ago. He said he was more upset about losing your number than the phone itself. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He said he was disappointed about losing the photos too, but he never imagined they’d end up on some website. He figured the phone was just wiped by the thief. He apologizes over and over again for this happening to you before you two hang up. You’re still furious, but now it’s just at whoever it was that stole his phone and shared your pictures, not at him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobPorn or $JobPornSide>> You see from some of the other comments that people on the thread have [[identified who you are.|Part11ViralMarketing]] <<elseif $JobAthlete or $JobCheerleader or $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>> You see from some of the other comments that people on the thread have [[figured out where you go to school.|Part11Identified]] <<else>> Of course, you still have [[your brother|Part11End]] to deal with. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Univeristy Website</h1> <</nobr>> <img src="Part11/Phone4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"/> <<nobr>> You see the commenters on the website have somehow managed to match your face with photos of you on the university’s website. You are not pleased that now all of these creeps know where you go to school. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are even less happy when you see comments saying "Oh yeah, I’m a student there too. I have a class with her!" You try not to think about it. Besides, you still have [[your brother|Part11End]] to deal with. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Identified</h1> <video src="Part11/Phone5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Some of the commenters recognize you from your porn career. Some suspect the photos are just some marketing gimmick to boost clicks and sales for your videos. That certainly wasn’t the case, you had intended those pictures to be private. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you do notice your video metrics have been trending up since your photos were posted, so you figure it’s not so bad. One of your producers even wants to know if Cody is willing to do a series of ‘Amateur’ videos with you to capitalize on the buzz. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But then you realize your brother has probably been reading these comments too. So he certainly knows about your porn career now. He might be watching one of your videos right now in fact. As if things weren’t [[awkward enough before with him|Part11End]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Letting go</h1> <img src="Part11/Phone6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After your call, your realize that your change has made things difficult for him in ways you hadn’t thought about beforehand. You send him a casual picture of yourself from a few days ago and a long text. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I’m sorry that this change has been complicated for you. But you need to let go of any thoughts you have of me as your brother. That guy is gone <<if $PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> for good now. <<else>> for at least the next four years. Maybe for good. <</if>> This is who am I now. <<if $KidnapEscape>> The sooner you accept who am now, the sooner we can start figuring out what it's like to be brother and sister. <<else>> But you also need to stop thinking of me as some pretty girl you just met. I’m your sister <<if setup.haveFucked('Dylan')>> now. I know I let things go way to far a Christmas, and I made things worse. But lets move on from that." <<elseif $BrotherFlashed>> now. I know my teasing at the airport didn't help, and probably made things worse. But lets move on from that." <<else>> now." <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $KidnapEscape>> He pauses for a while and then respond. "k, sis". He's at least calling you sister. You hope the conversation helped, and he'll stop thinking of you as his brother and adjust to the new you. (But not get weird about it like he did at Christmas.) <<else>> There’s a long pause before he responds with "k, sis". You know he’s read the message, but you wonder if it’ll change anything. <<if setup.haveFucked('Dylan')>> Deep down, you're not sure if you really want it to or not. You know what happened was wrong, but you also know you enjoyed it. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $Engaged == 'Andrew'>> Once your call with your brother is over, you know you have [[other calls you need to make|Part12StartEngagementNews]]. <<else>> But you can worry about that later. For now you need to get back to your homework. Well, that and daydreaming about what you are going to do over <<if setup.areDating('Paul') and setup.areDating('Josh')>> [[spring break|Part12PaulBreakup]] in a few weeks. <<elseif setup.areDating('Paul') and $JobCallGirlSide>> spring break. <br><br> You realize you haven't been spending as much time with Paul since you started your 'side job'. You wonder if maybe you should skip [[spring break|Part12PaulBreakup]] to spend time at work with him. <<else>> [[spring break|Part12Start]] in a few weeks. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><h1>Spreading the News</h1> <div><<nobr>> <span style="float: left;width: 40%;padding-right: 20px;"> <video src="Part12/Engaged1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="769"></video> </span> <</nobr>><span style=""> <<nobr>> When your call with your brother is over, you give your sister, Cassie, another call. You're trying to see how everyone is taking the news, especially your dad. You knew he was upset after finding out about the pregnancy, and you're hoping he's taking this better. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She said he's actually relieved and excited to hear the news. He had been worried about you raising the baby on your own. He'd even thought you might end up back at their house with the kid. But now he knows that won't be a problem. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You have quite a few other calls to make, and none of them are quick. Andrew's calls go much faster so he's left waiting for you to get off the phone. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew'})>> You're able to make sure he doesn't get too bored while he waits though. You wonder how [[Faith|Part12StartEngagementNews2]] would react if she knew what you were doing while you were on the phone with her. <</nobr>> </span> </div><<nobr>> <h1>Spreading the News</h1> <img src="Part12/Engaged2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"/> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew', vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your mentor, Faith, is overjoyed to hear about Andrew’s proposal. She tells you she’d knew you and him would be perfect for each other. You don’t recall actually asking her, but Faith just assumes she’ll be your maid-of-honor. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you realize your only other real option anyway is your sister, and she’s hours away and frequently traveling for work. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> So Faith probably is the best choice. Though you’re guessing you won’t be having any wild bachelorette parties with her running things. But then again, considering how pregnant you’ll be by then, that probably wasn’t likely anyway. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You have one bit of the wedding settled now, but there's so much more [[left to plan|Part12AndrewPlanning]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Paul's Office</h1> <video src="Part12/Paul1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.breakupWith('Paul')>> <<unset $JobOfficePA>> <<unset $JobOffice>> <<set $PaulSeverance to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are a bit torn about whether to go on spring break with <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>> Josh, or to tell him <<else>> your friends, or to tell them <</if>> that you have to work and can't go. It's not that you enjoy working here that much, but you do like the steady source of money and having a job that will look good on a resume, so you'll do what you have to in order to keep it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are concerned you boss, Paul, might be thinking about replacing you. Being gone for an entire week might make that much more likely. Paul hasn't called you into his office for a 'private meeting' for a while now. You wonder if he's gotten bored of you and wants someone new. You also wonder if maybe he's picked up that your heart is somewhere else and that's what is wrong. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You decide to make a visit to his office, taking the initiative this time instead of waiting for him. After you've shown him what a valuable employee you are to him, you'll tell him you are available to work through spring break, and that you look forward to spending the extra time with him. Once there you are a bit relieved, you can see the look in his eyes, and know he wants to bend you over his desk. You wonder why is still hasn't though. "You look a bit tense today. Is there <i>anything</i> I can do tell help relieve some of the stress?", you ask him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He takes a moment to collect his thoughts before speaking. "Actually, there is something I need to talk to you about." Your heart sinks, this can't be good. "I really enjoyed the fun we've had together, but I can't do it anymore. My wife and I have started seeing a counselor, and we are trying to work out the problems with our marriage." You start to apologize and leave his office to go try and look busy at your desk, but tells you to wait. "I thought you could stay working here, that we could just stop our private meetings, and you could just keep working here. Your work has actually improved quite a bit since you first started. But I can see today that is going to present problems." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Are you firing me?", you ask. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "No. I wouldn't do that," he says. You feel a bit relieved but wonder what's next. "Given our past... relationship, that might put the company in an awkward legal position. But, I could make a generous severance package available if you were to leave voluntarily. How much would it take for you to be willing to quit, and pretend our relationship never happened?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you pause, processing what he's said, he offers up an amount. You want to jump at the offer. It's more than you've made then entire time you've worked here! But you sense you could get more from him, though you don't want to push it too far. "Is that the best you can offer?", you ask him. You've heard him say the same thing, negotiating over the phone with someone. He thinks for a moment and gives you another amount, even more than the first. You accept this one. He writes you a personal check for the agreed amount, and you sign a resignation letter talking about how you [[want to quit|Part12PaulBreakup2]] so you can "focus on your schoolwork". <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $JobBikiniBarista to 1>> <h1>Meeting with Brian</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part12/Brian1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="700"></video> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You aren't going to be hurting for <<if $JobCallGirlSide>> money, especially with your side-job. But you figure you should have some visible source of income so people don't question where your money comes from. <<else>> money for a while, but decide you still probably should look for a job so the money from Paul will last. <</if>> You've heard people talking about a new coffee shop that is opening up. Except this one will feature baristas in bikinis. You've only ever made regular coffee for Paul, but you know you look good in a bikini, so you hope that will be enough. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you call the number on the flyers posted around campus you meet up with Brian, the manager. Given your past experience with Paul, and the fact that you'll be wearing a bikini for your interview, you are expecting you'll have to do a bit more than talk about coffee to land the job. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are pleasantly surprised that the interview isn't like that at all. He says you look great in a bikini, and lets you know that they'll be other girls with you to help out at first, so its fine that you don't have any experience. You let him know when you are wanting to start, and he says that's perfect. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But before then, you plan on [[having a blast on spring break|Part12Start]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Spring Break</h1> <img src="Part12/Start1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'bikini')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Spring break is finally here! The whole campus is shutting down for the week as everyone heads off to the beach, or home, or anywhere but school. <<if $Engaged == 'Andrew'>> You're not going anywhere though, you and Andrew have [[far to much to plan|Part12AndrewPlanning]]! <<elseif setup.areDating('Andrew')>> You're not going anywhere though. But you and Andrew did [[request off work this week|Part12AndrewHome]] so you could spend it together. <<elseif setup.areDating('Aaron')>> But you're a bit disappointed when you find out Daddy doesn't want to go to the beach. He doesn't want to spend his week off surrounded by a bunch of students. Well [[except you, of course|Part12Aaron]]. <<elseif setup.areDating('Paul')>> You're not going anywhere though. Since you won't have to be in class, you can spend more time at work. Not that you are that excited about working. It just means you'll have [[more time together with your boss, Paul|Part12Paul]]. <<elseif setup.areDating('Kate')>> You're not going anywhere though. Mistress Kate has the week off and you'll be [[spending it with her|Part12Kate]], which is even better than sitting on some beach. <<else>> You're thrilled as you pack your things and get ready to leave. <<if $Keyholder == 'Robert'>> <br><br> Master Robert says he doesn't want you getting into too much trouble on your spring break, so he's decided to keep you locked for the week. He assures you that your belt is perfectly safe in the water. <<elseif $Keyholder>> <br><br> $dating[0] unlock your chastity belt for the week. $KeyholderPronoun understands that things might get a crazy this week. But <<print $KeyholderPronoun>>'ll be right there with you, so you shouldn't get into anything $KeyholderPronoun doesn't approve up. <</if>> <br><br> <<if $PlayerItemNerdKey and ($PlayerCumslut or setup.areDating('Josh') or setup.areDating('Veronica'))>> Before you leave you see Peter's key on your dresser. You toss it into your underwear drawer, out of sight. You have much more exciting things to worry about this week. You're not sure what Peter is doing this week, you just know it doesn't involve you... or his cock. <br><br> <<include [[Part12Intro2]]>> <<elseif setup.areDating('Peter')>> <<set $SpringBreakPeter to 1>> You almost forget to bring Peter's key along, but remember to grab it just before you leave. You hide it in your makeup bag so you don't lose it. <br><br> <<include [[Part12Intro2]]>> <<elseif $PlayerItemNerdKey>> <span id="NerdKey"> Just before you head out the door, you notice Peter's chastity key on your dresser, you'd forgotten all about it. Do you want to <<link "grab it">> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#NerdKey">> <<set $SpringBreakPeter to 1>> You grab Peter's chastity key before you leave. You hide it in your makeup bag so you don't lose it. <br><br> <<include [[Part12Intro2]]>> <</replace>> <</link>> since you probably want to unlock him for teasing on the trip. Who knows, maybe more than just teasing. <br><br> Or would you rather <<link "leave it">> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#NerdKey">> You toss Peter's chastity key into your underwear drawer, out of sight. You have much more exciting things to worry about this week. <br><br> <<include [[Part12Intro2]]>> <</replace>> <</link>> since Peter's not going down with you. You're not sure what he's doing this week, you just know it doesn't involve you... or his cock. </span> <<else>> <<include [[Part12Intro2]]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> Veronica has [[arranged a ride|Part12VeronicaRide]] for the two of you. <<elseif setup.areDating('Josh')>> Josh has [[arranged a ride|Part12JoshRide]] for the two of you. <<elseif $PlayerCumslut>> One of the fraternties also invited you to ride on their [[party bus|Part12PartyBus]]. You know you'll probably be spending the whole trip sucking one frat boy's cock after another. You can't think of a better way to travel. <<elseif $SpringBreakPeter>> There's some girls you know that are riding down. You and Peter chip in on gas and [[join them|Part12RideGirls]]. <<elseif $CampusMinistry>> Alexis invited you to ride down with her and her sister, but you know Alex has a crush on you, so you declined. A classmate told you about one of the fraternitie's [[party bus|Part12PartyBus]]. They are offering to let you ride for free. <br><br> Faith had also invited you to [[help out with some charity project|Part12Ministry]] the campus ministry is doing this week. She's heard a lot about what goes on at spring break, and thinks going there is a bad idea for you. <<else>> There's some girls you know that are riding down. You can chip in on gas and [[join them|Part12RideGirls]]. One of the fraternties also invited you to ride on their [[party bus|Part12PartyBus]]. It's already paid for and they'll probably be beer. Who are you kidding, of course there will be beer. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Wedding Planning</h1> <img src="Part12/Engaged3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Andrew had decide on a date in early June. It’ll be a few weeks after the semester is over, so you won’t be worrying about school. But it’s still early enough you won’t be too uncomfortably standing for a long time, and you shouldn’t have to worry about going into labor at the wedding. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know Andrew is planning a honeymoon. You remind him to keep in mind that you’ll be 33 or 34 weeks pregnant by then. After you imagine going into labor on some remote island, you add that it might be a good idea to keep it close to home, just in case. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Tomorrow you and Faith will be out [[shopping for wedding dresses|Part12AndrewPlanning2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Wedding Planning</h1> <img src="Part12/Engaged4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Faith is such a big help. You know many girls have probably planned their weddings in their mind for years, but you’d never thought about it at all until a few months ago. And there are so many decisions to make. The one you and her have been spending time on lately is your dress. When you start looking for what fits, Faith reminds you that you’ll be much bigger by then. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The belly pad the store lets you wear while trying on the dresses helps you and Faith picture what they’ll look like in a few months at the wedding. And the store tells you they’ll make alterations the week before the wedding to make sure it looks beautiful on you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> There's a lot of planning to do, but you make sure to [[spend some time with Andrew|Part12AndrewPlanning3]] too. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Wedding Planning</h1> <video src="Part12/Engaged5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Most everyone else is away for spring break, so campus is eerily quiet this week. You and Andrew are staying in town though. With no classes, you’ve been using your extra time to work on wedding planning. Well, some of the time anyway. You’ve also been spending quite a bit of it at home with Andrew. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don’t know if it’s all the extra curves you have now, or just knowing that his baby is growing inside you, but Andrew can barely keep his hands off of you. And you love it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But all to soon the week is over, and it's [[back to class|Part12BackToClass]]. You and Andrew will have to work the rest of your planning in between work, classes, and homework. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Andrew</h1> <img src="Part12/Andrew1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Andrew had both scheduled off work for spring break, but something important came up at the office where he works and so now he has to work anyway. You have no interest in going on spring break without him, so he cancels the reservations. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The manager that replaced Andrew at your store had already made the schedule for the week. You’re sure he’d squeeze you back in if you asked, but you decide not to. Your coworker was happy to get the extra hours, and it’s not like you and Andrew are hurting for money, especially after his promotion. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> So a whole week, with no work and no classes. You wonder what you’re going to do with all the [[free time|Part12AndrewHome2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Andrew</h1> <video src="Part12/Andrew2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don’t have to go to work, but you wake up when Andrew does. You make breakfast while he starts to get ready for work. The goodbye kiss he gives you before he leaves turns into more. Before you know it you’re half-naked in the kitchen with his cock in your hand. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can tell he wants to bend you over the counter and fuck you right here, but he realizes what time it is and has to leave. You tell him you don’t him going to work horny and frustrated. So you drop to your knees and give him a quick blowjob to make sure he gets to work with a smile on his face. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After he leaves for work you have the [[house to yourself|Part12AndrewHome3]] all day. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home Alone</h1> <video src="Part12/Andrew3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, he may be going to work satisfied, but you are still horny and frustrated after he leaves. But at least you still have the taste of him still lingering in your mouth. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> You know you'll be horny and frustrated all day waiting for him to get home. Though [[what other choice|Part12AndrewHomeChastity]] do you have? <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> You can't masturbate to deal with your frustration. You're tempted to meet him at work for a lunchtime quickie. But you know he has important meetings all day, and you don't want to disturb him. But you know you'll be dragging him into the bedroom as [[soon as he gets home|Part12AndrewHome4]]. Or maybe the sofa, or the kitchen table, or the floor... whatever is the quickest. <<else>> You could probably deal with the horniness for a few hours, then meet up with him at work for a lunchtime quickie. But you know he has important meetings all day, and you don’t want to disturb him. You [[can't be expected to wait|Part12AndrewHomeMasturbate]] until he gets home though. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home Alone</h1> <video src="Part12/Andrew4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You’re so horny after Andrew leaves. Thankfully that’s a problem you know how to solve. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You close your eyes and imagine what Andrew might do to you when he gets home. Your fingers slowly circle your clit as you imagine Andrew’s tongue. Later, they pick up their pace as you imagine him fucking you. Later as you orgasm, you imagine him moaning in your ear as he thrusts deep inside you and cums along with you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After the pleasure fades, you get up and head downstairs to clean up the mess from breakfast and continuing with your day. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course it isn’t long before you start thinking about when Andrew gets home again and feel yourself getting horny again. You decide you can wait this time [[until Andrew gets home|Part12AndrewHome4]] and you can have the real thing. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home Alone</h1> <img src="Part12/Andrew5.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Andrew trusts you now, but he loves how horny keeping you in chastity makes you. Thankfully it’s usually never more than a day or two before he unlocks you for sex. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Still even a day or two can seem like an eternity. Normally you’re busy with work or classes and able to take your mind off it, but not today. He made sure your belt was secure before he left. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Now you have all day to think about how horny you are and how there’s nothing you can do about it [[until he’s home|Part12AndrewHome4]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Andrew</h1> <video src="Part12/Andrew6.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Andrew texts you to let you know his last meeting is running long and he’ll be home late, but still in time for the dinner reservations you two had made. You pout to yourself a bit as you realize that means a few more hours before you can feel Andrew inside you again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After dinner, the two of you are barely through the front door and you have Andrew’s clothes stripped off and him on his back on the bed. You quickly continue where you left off this morning. This time there’s more than enough time for him to make sure you cum too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> A little while later you get him going for more. But you make sure not to keep him up too late. He has [[work again tomorow|Part12AndrewHome5]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Dinner with Andrew</h1> <img src="Part12/Andrew7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next day, you decide to cook dinner for Andrew at home. You give his mom a call and she walks you through making one of his favorite meals for him. Of course, when he gets home for dinner, you aren’t exactly dressed the way his mom probably was when she served it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But tonight you want him being the one horny all through dinner instead of you. Well, [[in addition to you|Part12AndrewHome6]] that is <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Andrew</h1> <video src="Part12/Andrew8.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You tell him you’re still learning, and your cooking will get better. He says it tastes perfect and eats every bite. You aren’t sure if he’s telling the truth or just being nice, but it makes you happy either way. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But it’s after dinner that you were looking forward to more anyway. And now that you don’t have any reservations to worry about, you can both take your time and enjoy each other with no time pressure. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It’ll be different next week when you back at work and school. But for the rest of this week, you decide to make sure dinner is warm and ready for him every evening when he’s done with work. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And you already know you’ll be warm and ready for him when he’s done with dinner. You wonder how you'll [[spend the rest of the day|Part12AndrewHome7]] though. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home Alone</h1> <img src="Part12/Andrew9.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"/> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You’ve started to get used to the more domestic role you’ve taken on at home this week. So when the maid service calls and lets you know that they have to reschedule their weekly visit from today to tomorrow, you tell them you are off this week and to just cancel this week's service. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $DTFNickname == 'Squeaky'>> You decide to wear the sexy maid costume you got during pledge week. <<else>> You find something sexy to wear while you clean. You make a mental note to pick up one of those 'sexy maid' costumes sometime. <</if>> You imagine Andrew coming home while you are hard at work with your feather duster and then having his way with his sexy young maid. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you quickly realize that actually cleaning is much less fun than your fantasy, so you give the maid service a call back and [[reschedule for tomorrow|Part12AndrewHome8]]. Of course, that doesn't mean you can't still be wearing your sexy outfit tonight when Andrew gets home. So you'll still be acting out your fantasy, just without the cleaning work. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Out for Lunch</h1> <img src="Part12/Andrew10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next day, you don’t want to feel awkward looking over the shoulder of the cleaning people as they do the work you didn’t want to do. So you head out shopping instead. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Between [[picking up a couple outfits|Part12AndrewHome9]], stopping for lunch, getting a few things at the make-up store, buying a couple things to make the apartment look nice, the day goes by pretty quick. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You get back home to a spotless home. You do your best not to make a mess as you start to get dinner ready. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Andrew</h1> <img src="Part12/Andrew11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"/> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, during your shopping trip, you also found time to stop by and pick up something for Andrew. Well, technically it’s something for you. But that evening you can tell Andrew enjoys seeing you wear it even more than you love wearing it for him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can't believe the [[week is almost over|Part12AndrewHome10]] already. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home Alone</h1> <img src="Part12/Andrew12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You’re excited the weekend is finally here and Andrew will be off work and home, at least until Monday. But you’re a bit sad that it’ll be back to normal with school and work next week, you were getting used to being a stay-at-home wife. …umm, you meant girlfriend. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<unset $JobBarista>> <<set $JobBaristaOld to 1>> <<set $JobHomemaker to 1>> You talk to Andrew about it, and you both decide that his salary is more than enough and so you let your boss know you’ll be quitting in two weeks. Of course you’ll still have classes during the day, but you’ll still be home in time to make dinner every night. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Whenever you imagine your future now, it’s always in this body and at Andrew’s side. You can’t imagine ever wanting your old body back. The thought of being forced back into that body actually upsets you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> The dread of your old body quickly passes. You know there’s no danger of that ever happening to you. You put your hand on your stomach and think, "The only change my body will have to endure now will be when Andrew and I <<if !$PlayerProtectionTry>> decide to <</if>> have a baby" <<else>> <<set $PlayerDecidePermanent to 1>> You want to make sure that never happens to you. You decide to have them make your change permanent at your next visit to the X-Change office. <br><br> You smile thinking of the other way to make the change permanent and all the sex you and Andrew have been having, especially this week. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerProtectionCondomsForgot or $PlayerProtectionCondoms or $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> As you think about the possibility of pregnancy, it makes you think about the [[birth control|Part12AndrewOops]] you and Andrew have been using. <<else>> All too soon the weekend is over and it's time to go [[back to class|Part12BackToClass]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Andrew</h1> <video src="Part12/Andrew13.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Thinking about the possibility of pregnancy reminds you about your birth control. You realize you and Andrew haven’t been very careful or consistent with it lately. <<if $PlayerProtectionCondomsForgot or $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <<set $bcText to "wear a condom">> <<set $bcText2 to "wearing a condom">> <<else>> <<set $bcText to "pull out">> <<set $bcText2 to "pulling out">> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you aren’t that concerned. You and Andrew plan on having kids eventually anyway. If you do turn out to be pregnant, you figure it just moves the timeline for your plans ahead a few years. You guess that Andrew has thought the same thing, at least subconsciously, or he would have been more diligent about $bcText2. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <span id="Oops"> You think it over for a bit and decide to either <<link "make an effort to be more careful">> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#Oops">> You make a note to be more careful and to remind Andrew to $bcText every time. <<if $PlayerProtectionCondomsForgot>> <<set $PlayerProtectionCondoms to 1>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionNone>> <</if>> <br><br> All too soon the weekend is over and it's time to go [[back to class|Part12BackToClass]]. <</replace>> <</link>> from now on, or to not remind Andrew and <<link "let whatever happens happen.">> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#Oops">> <<unset $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone to 1>> You and Andrew haven't been that great about your birth control. But you have no plans to remind him to $bcText. <br><br> All too soon the weekend is over and it's time to go [[back to class|Part12BackToClass]]. <</replace>> <</link>> </span> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Daddy</h1> <video src="Part12/Daddy1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron', vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You were going to be off school all week and Daddy would obviously be off work too. You had just assumed you and him would be heading down to enjoy spring break with all your classmates. You were a bit disappointed at first when he tells you that you weren’t going with them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But now he tells you about the vacation he’d planned for [[just the two of you|Part12Aaron2]], on a beautiful island, far away from your drunken friends. You do your best to let him know just how appreciative you are. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In Class with Daddy</h1> <video src="Part12/Daddy2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The campus has cleared out already for spring break but your flight doesn’t leave until tomorrow morning. You and Daddy decide this would be perfect chance to act out a fantasy he’s had since the first day he saw you in his class. You have to admit you’ve fantasized about it more than once too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It starts off seeming very familiar, with his cock in your mouth. Though this time it’s in the classroom instead of his office. But he soon stops you and moves the attention to you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I want you to imagine the rest of the class is here, watching you," he tells you as he pulls off your top and pulls down your shorts. As he lifts you up onto his desks and spreads your legs, you look out at the desks where you classmates sat. You can imagine them staring, pulling out their phones to record it, cheering their professor on. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once his tongue slides across your cit though, you forget about all that. All you can focus on is [[how good it feels|Part12Aaron3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In Class with Daddy</h1> <video src="Part12/Daddy3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron', vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After your first orgasm, he bends you over his desk. You moan as he slides into you. He’s slow at first, and reaches around you to rub your clit as he does. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you get closer to your next orgasm, his hand moves away. He uses both hands to get a firmer grip as his thrusts become harder and faster. Soon your fingers grasp the edge of his desk as you orgasm again. He trusts a bit longer until he cums as well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He strokes your back and ass as you lay across his desk, still spent from your orgasm. You think to yourself that you probably would have been more excited about going to classes every day if they were all like this. Once you regain your energy the two of you dress and head back home to finish packing for [[your trip|Part12Aaron4]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>On the Beach</h1> <video src="Part12/Daddy4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Daddy had said you wouldn’t need much more than your bikini, but you’d still packed a small bag with other clothes as well. But you don’t need to worry about it, or Daddy’s bag either, as the resort staff is picking up everything for you from baggage claim and making sure it makes it to the island. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Daddy had you pack your bikini and his trunks in your purse so you could change on the boat ride to the island. Daddy and you want to head straight to the beach after you arrive, so once you’ve changed you hand your clothes and purse over to the porter. “Thank you, ma’am. I’ll put it with your other things.”, he tells you as he seals it in a bag. Daddy hands over his other clothes and things as well. The porter assures him it’ll be waiting for him in his room when he’s ready. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are excited to take off your top when you get to the beach, but you are a bit nervous when Daddy tells you to take off your bottoms too. "The whole island is clothing optional", he says, "and why would you want to hide such a beautiful body?" You agree and [[toss your bottoms over onto the shore|Part12Aaron5]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>On the Beach</h1> <img src="Part12/Daddy5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <<set $IslandNudity to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After enjoying the beach for a while it’s time to get something to eat. You watch Daddy put his trunks back on as you are wading out of the water. “I guess we’ll need to head to the room to get your wallet.”, you say. “Oh, it’s all-inclusive here, so that won’t be necessary.” He notices the confused look on your face as he picks up your bikini and puts it in the pocket of his trunks. “You won’t be needing these either.”, he adds. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> “I said the resort was clothing-optional. But I decided that clothing wouldn’t be an option for you this week. You don’t object do you Babygirl?”, he asks. You know there’s only one correct answer. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> “No Daddy, I don’t object.”, you say. As you walk nude beside him to the restaurant, several of the other guests comment to you or him on how beautiful you are. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are dry by the time you arrive, but the waiter politely lays a towel out on your seat for you before you sit down. Daddy instructs the waiter as he hands him your bikini, “Please see that this is dried off and placed in storage with her suitcase and purse. She <<if $PlayerPregnant>> [[won’t be needing it|Part12Aaron6]] <<else>> [[won’t be needing it|Part12Aaron7]] <</if>> during her stay.” Then he begins looking at the menu. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>On the Island</h1> <img src="Part12/Daddy6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You had thought you might be able to minimize that you’re mid-way through your pregnancy now, at least when you weren’t in your bikini. But obviously loose-fitting clothes (or any other kind) aren’t an option now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you [[walk around the resort|Part12Aaron7]], it’s plain to anyone that sees you that you’re pregnant. But you get nothing but complements, especially about what a beautiful ‘glow’ you have. Though, you aren’t sure how much of that glow is the pregnancy and how much is just blushing. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>On the Island</h1> <img src="Part12/Daddy7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Most of the other women on the island are usually only nude or topless when they are on the beach. But no one minds that you are nude all the time. In fact they seem to rather enjoy it - especially the men. Though they try to be discreet. They attempt to act like they don’t notice you, especially when their wife or girlfriend is sitting beside them. But the shorts most of them are wearing do little to hide their arousal. You suspect that perhaps they notice a bit more than they let on. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You expect that they are closely admiring your body from behind their sunglasses, or catching a glance whenever they can without you or their spouse noticing. You don’t mind. You actually find it exciting knowing they are getting turned on admiring your body. And even more so when you see them [[head back to their room|Part12Aaron8]] with their wife when they can’t hold their lust back any longer. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With Daddy</h1> <video src="Part12/Daddy8.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron', vaginal:true, noPill:true, ovulating:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron', vaginal:true, noPill:true, ovulating:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron', vaginal:true, noPill:true, ovulating:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron', vaginal:true, noPill:true, ovulating:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron', vaginal:true, noPill:true, ovulating:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron', vaginal:true, noPill:true, ovulating:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron', vaginal:true, noPill:true, ovulating:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron', vaginal:true, noPill:true, ovulating:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron', vaginal:true, noPill:true, ovulating:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron', vaginal:true, noPill:true, ovulating:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron', vaginal:true, noPill:true, ovulating:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron', vaginal:true, noPill:true, ovulating:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron', vaginal:true, noPill:true, ovulating:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron', vaginal:true, noPill:true, ovulating:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron', vaginal:true, noPill:true, ovulating:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron', vaginal:true, noPill:true, ovulating:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron', vaginal:true, noPill:true, ovulating:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron', vaginal:true, noPill:true, ovulating:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron', vaginal:true, noPill:true, ovulating:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Seeing you like this is clearly exciting Daddy as well. Though he doesn’t have to look on in envy like the other guests do. You’re more than happy to take a quick break from the day’s activities whenever he asks. Of course, you love the long, sensual sessions you spend together every night even more. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The [[other guests|Part12Aaron9]] knew where you two were heading the moment you left the group. But even if they didn’t, one look at you when you return would confirm their suspicions if there were any doubt. Sometimes it’s the post orgasm glow on your face, sometimes it’s your bottom, still red from your spanking, that gives you away. Often it’s both. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Though if Daddy has left you with a more obvious sign of your activities leaking out of you, the staff are always helpful to provide a cloth for you to wipe up with. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>On the Island</h1> <img src="Part12/Daddy9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'sheer-topped dress')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Two of the other guests are getting married [[at the beach|Part12Aaron10]] and most of the guests are attending. The bride will be nude, and Daddy is worried that your beauty might distract from her if you don’t wear something. Thankfully, the resort has the perfect outfit for the occasion and Daddy buys it for you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After the ceremony, and the party that follows, Daddy has them pack away your new dress with your other things. He promises you’ll get to wear it again sometime back home. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>On the Beach</h1> <img src="Part12/Daddy10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron', vaginal:true, noPill:true, ovulating:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron', vaginal:true, noPill:true, ovulating:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron', vaginal:true, noPill:true, ovulating:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Everyone’s inhibitions have been dropping all week, yours included. By the last couple days on the island you aren’t even bothering to find some place private when you and Daddy feel the need. Watching Daddy fuck you next to the ocean is usually enough to get several other couples turned on enough to join in nearby. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> On your last morning on the island, you enjoy one last trip to the beach. When you return to the room, you are surprised to see the clothes you’d changed out of on the boat cleaned and laid out on your bed waiting for you. It feels strange dressing again, but you do just before you and Daddy head down to the dock <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As the boat heads back to [[the mainland|Part12Aaron11]] and you see the island get smaller in the distance, you hope Daddy will take you back again sometime soon. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Back on the Mainland</h1> <img src="Part12/Daddy11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <<unset $IslandNudity>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You have a day back on the mainland before [[heading home|Part12BackToClass]], and obviously clothes are a necessity when in public. “But there’s no reason you need to wear them in our hotel room.”, Daddy tells you. “Or back home either for that matter. Even if we have guests over, I don’t think they’d mind if my Babygirl is more comfortable in her natural state.”, he adds. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> “Thank you, Daddy”, you respond as you toss your clothes aside and kiss him. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Paul's Office</h1> <video src="Part12/Paul1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You normally attend classes in the morning and work in the afternoon, but you decide to skip spring break and just work more instead. Not that you are that excited about your job, you just want to spend more time with your boss. The Friday before break he seemed especially stressed so you start asking him what’s wrong. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You act shocked when he tells you his wife discovered that he’s been having an affair. He tells you how she moved out shortly after Valentine’s Day. You wonder if was the panties you’d ‘accidentally’ left behind that finally clued her in to what’s been going on for months, but of course you don't mention that. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He’d thought it was temporary and she’d be back soon. But he was served with divorce papers this morning, so he’s [[finally realizing|Part12Paul2]] his marriage is over. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Paul's Office</h1> <video src="Part12/Paul2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set $PaulWifeLeft to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> “It must be such a hard time for you.”, you tell him. “But it should be a simple divorce, right, I’m sure you have a prenup and everything, and there’s no kids. But maybe it’s for the best. Haven’t you been wanting to leave her?” <</nobr>> <<nobr>> “I'd wanted kids... but she didn't. I suppose it does make it easier now though," he responds. “And my lawyer says the prenup ensures she’ll get a hefty settlement, but the divorce should be quick and I’ll still be just fine financially afterwards. I know I should be relieved but I guess the finality of it all is just a bit unsettling.” <</nobr>> <<nobr>> “Well...”, you asks suggestively, “is there [[anything I could do|Part12Paul3]] to help relieve some of your stress?” <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Paul's Office</h1> <video src="Part12/Paul3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you kneel on his desk, his expert fingers, and then his tongue, causes your pleasure to build and build. You do your best to contain the sound as he pushes you over the edge to orgasm. You've gotten quite a bit of expericence doing that by now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You gain a bit of composure as he stands up and starts to undo his pants. “Oh god, I want your cock so bad. But you have a meeting in a few minutes. And your scheduled is packed the rest of the afternoon too.”, you say, making sure to convey your disappointment. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> “Well, it’s just me at home now. So why don’t you [[join me tonight|Part12Paul4]] - and the rest of the weekend?”, he says as he zips his pants and straightens himself up for his meeting. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> “That’s a wonderful idea. I’d love that!”, you happily reply. After he’s left for his meeting, you can’t help but smile, knowing he thinks it was his idea.” <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Paul's House</h1> <video src="Part12/Paul4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> That evening, back at his house, you drop to your knees and wrap your lips around his cock. “Oh god, that feels so good.”, he tells you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> “Feeling your cock in my mouth, or inside me, is always my favorite part of the day.”, you tell him before teasing the tip of his cock with your tongue. “I’m always sad when it’s time to leave work and I know I won’t see you again until the next afternoon.” <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He starts to say something, but your lips wrap tightly around his cock and slide down, and his words [[disappear into a moan|Part12Paul5]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Paul's House</h1> <video src="Part12/Paul5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wake up the next morning well before he does. When you see the huge, beautiful tub you can’t help but take a bath. As you soak in the warm water, any doubts that this is the life you want for yourself disappear. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When your bath is done, you dry off and open up your makeup bag to make sure you are as beautiful as you can be for him when he wakes up. Then you [[head downstairs|Part12Paul6]] to make breakfast for him. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Paul's House</h1> <video src="Part12/Paul6.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set $Roommate to 'Paul'>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Monday morning as he’s getting ready for work, you warn him he has a busy schedule today. You push him back onto the breakfast table and tell him you want to make sure his day starts off right though. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> “Why don’t you move in here?”, he asks pausing occasionally to moan, “I’d love coming home every evening if you were going to be here. Not to mention heading to work with a smile on my face every morning.” <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You act surprised as you excitedly tell him [[yes, you’d love to move in|Part12Paul7]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Paul's House</h1> <video src="Part12/Paul7.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As he fucks you on the kitchen table, your mind keeps drifting to thoughts of the future, of living here, taking his old wife’s place. But the feel of his cock inside you pulls you back to the here and now. Your mind darts back and forth between fantasizing about starting every day like this, and just enjoying how good it feels right now. It doesn’t take long until you are grabbing the edge of the table as you orgasm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After he finishes inside you, you lay on the table a few moments before standing up again. As he dresses for work, he tells you to take the day off work. He’ll send some movers over to help you pack your things and bring them here. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You tell him to schedule them after noon. You have a few errands to run this morning, though you don’t go into the details. Once he’s gone you clean up the mess the two of you left, dress, and head out for <<if $PlayerItemNerdKey>> <<if ($SororityDTD or $SororitySEX)>> [[your errands|Part12PaulPeter1]]. <<else>> [[your errands|Part12PaulPeter2]]. <</if>> <<else>> [[your errands|Part12Paul8]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Handing off Peter's Key</h1> <video src="Part12/Peter5.webm" autoplay loop muted height="543"></video> <<unset $PlayerItemNerdKey>> <<set setup.breakupWith('Peter')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Now that things have become more serious between you and Paul, you don't feel right holding on to Peter's key anymore. You're not sure Paul would like the thought of you holding the key to some other guy's cock. Besides, you've gotten a bit bored holding Peter's key, and have thought of something much more fun to do with it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You hand over Peter's key to your sorority sisters. They liked the idea of having a tutor that's willing to drop everything and run over to the house whenever someone needs help. Some thought they might even make use of some of Peter's other skills after you told them how proficient he had become at oral. Obviously Peter loved the idea. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You handed over the keys and watched for a bit while two of the girls toyed with Peter. You left knowing he's in good hands. Who knows, maybe eventually one of your sorority sisters might even get horny enough to decide to unlock Peter for a quick fuck. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But whether they do or not, he's their problem now. You have [[other things you need to take care of|Part12Paul8]] today. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Handing off Peter's Key</h1> <<unset $PlayerItemNerdKey>> <<set setup.breakupWith('Peter')>> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part12/Peter6.webm" autoplay loop muted height="700"></video> </div> Now that things have become more serious between you and Paul, you don't feel right holding on to Peter's key anymore. You're not sure Paul would like the thought of you holding the key to some other guy's cock. Besides, you've gotten a bit bored holding Peter's key, and have thought of something much more fun to do with it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You hadn't noticed Peter's bisexuality at first, but the longer you kept him locked up, the more it seemed to come out. You'd first noticed that, when you were telling him about you and Paul in the office, his questions focused a bit more than you expected on Paul's cock. What did it look like, how big was it, what did it feel like in your mouth, what does his cum taste like. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you eventually asked Peter about it, he'd confessed that one of his fantasies was to be fucked by a man while in chastity. Or if he couldn't have that, maybe you could peg him. He would enjoy that certainly, but you know that a dildo is no subsitute for a real cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After discussing it with your friend Connor, you decided to give Peter a choice. Option one, you hide his key in a book and mail it to his parents' house. He'd be unlocked when he went home for summer. Option two would be handing his key over to Connor. Then Connor would decide if and when Peter would be unlocked, and what he'd need to do to earn any release. Of course the first option was only to give Peter a choice, but one with enough of a delay to his release that it would encourage Peter to pick option two. You knew that was the option Peter really wanted, but that he might still be too scared to admit it. Peter made the right choice. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You had [[other errands to run|Part12Paul8]], so you couldn't talk with the boys much. You've heard conflicting reports back from them when you've asked how it's working out. Connor tells you that he very rarely unlocks Peter, but Peter says he's having many more orgasms now than when you held his key. You aren't that concerned with the descrepancy though. They both seem happy, and Peter is Connor's pet now, not yours. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Paul's House</h1> <img src="Part12/Paul8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You want this life for yourself. And you know what Paul wants (well, besides just you). He wants to be a father. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> You'd been wanting to get pregnant already, but even more so now. You <<else>> Maybe you’d thought about being a mother eventually, or maybe not. But you <</if>> know if you give him the child he’s always wanted, everything you want will fall into place. Any hesitation about moving on or remarrying too quickly will be long forgotten. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerProtectionPerfect or $PlayerProtectionPermanent>> You make a quick visit to the X-Change office before the movers arrive. They deactivate the birth control feature for you and let you know that you'll probably start ovulating within the next day or two. As you leave they wish you luck with conceiving. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionPill>> You toss your birth control pills in the trash before the movers arrive. As you do, you imagine telling Paul a month or two from now 'they must have gotten lost in the move and I forgot all about them.' <<elseif $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> You suspect he’s wanting to get you pregnant too, either consciously or subconsciously. You can’t remember the last time he’s pulled out. Well, you can remember him cumming on your face and finishing him with your mouth sometimes, but more often than not he's finishing inside you. You certainly aren’t going to remind him to pull out. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> You suspect he’s wanting to get you pregnant too, either consciously or subconsciously. You can’t remember the last time he’s worn a condom with you. You certainly aren’t going to remind him. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionTry>> Now that you are living with Paul, the two of you are having sex much more often. Maybe you'll finally be able to conceive. <<else>> Now that you are living with Paul, the two of you are having sex much more often. Hopefully it won't take long to conceive. <</if>> <<set $PlayerProtectionTry to 1>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPill>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPermanent>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The movers don’t arrive until the afternoon, so there’s plenty of time for a quick visit to the store to pick up something sexy. You’ll be sure to be wearing it when he comes home from work this evening. <<if $JobStripper>> <br><br> You also swing by the strip club to let the manager know you won't be working there anymore. Of course, that doesn't mean you won't give Paul the occasional private performance. <<unset $JobStripper>> <<set $JobStripperOld to 1>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true, ovulating:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true, ovulating:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true, ovulating:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true, ovulating:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true, ovulating:true})>> All too soon though, spring break is over and it's time to go [[back to class|Part12BackToClass]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Mistress Kate</h1> <img src="Part12/Kate1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left"/> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Mistress Kate has the week off, and instead of heading off to spring break with your friends, you decide to spend it with her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You may not be getting drunk every night like your friends probably are, but you expect you’ll be having a pretty good time too, [[right here at home|Part12Kate2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Mistress Kate</h1> <video src="Part12/Kate2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Mistress didn’t let you cum last night, and you wake up horny. But she’s decided you don’t get to cum this morning either - but she does. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You love making her cum almost as much as your own orgasms, but she won’t even be letting you do that this morning. She cuffs you and makes you watch as she gets herself off right in front of you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When she’s finished, she gives you one hard swat on the ass as she heads to the bathroom to get ready to go out. She leaves you bound and waiting until she’s finished. Then she uncuffs you and sends you to get [[ready in the bathroom|Part12Kate3]]. Of course she keeps an eye on you to make sure you don’t do anything you shouldn’t. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Out with Mistress Kate</h1> <video src="Part12/Kate3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You did as mistress instructed you and didn’t wear any panties under your skirt. Before the two of you get out of the car at your first stop that day, she pulls a beautiful butt plug out of her purse. The jewel at its base sparkles in the midday sun. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She pushes it into your mouth to get it ready and then hands it to you to put it in place. “You’ll be wearing that the rest of the day if you want [[any chance at an orgasm tonight|Part12Kate4]].”, she tells you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As the two of you go about your day, she keeps checking to make sure you are still wearing your plug. She always does it somewhere you’ll probably not get caught, but where there’s still a chance. You know she doesn’t think you are going to cheat and take it out. You know she thinks the risk of someone seeing you will excite you. She’s right. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Mistress Kate</h1> <video src="Part12/Kate4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you get home, Mistress says she’s pleased that you kept your plug in all night and has you remove it and change for her. Then she binds you on top of the Sybian she’d bought not long after you moved in. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are almost to the orgasm she’d promised you when suddenly she turns off the Sybian. You whimper and moan into your gag, needing just a little bit more. “Did you think I was going to let you cum already?”, she asks knowing you can’t answer. “I only promised you a chance to orgasm. But don’t worry, that wasn’t your chance. Your chance <<if $PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> [[will come soon|Part12KateNoChoice]], <<else>> [[will come soon|Part12KateMakeChoice]], <</if>> though that doesn’t necessarily mean that <i>you</i> will cum soon.” <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Mistress Kate</h1> <img src="Part12/Kate5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left"/> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> “We both know that your change is permanently and you’ll be a woman the rest of your life, and I couldn’t be happier for you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But I know sometimes you still think of yourself as a man and I want to help cure you of that.”, your mistress tells you as she pulls out a new toy. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As she slides one end of the strapless dildo inside her she continues, “I know right now you are imagining what it would be like to wear this, to have a cock again, if only for a moment. That’s not what you should be thinking.” <</nobr>> <<nobr>> “I’m going to watch closely as you suck my temporary cock. Your mistress will know what you are thinking. When you stop imagining having a cock and start imagining how good this would feel inside you, then I will reward you. If I get tired of waiting, then you’ll have missed your chance for an [[orgasm tonight|Part12KateRewarded]].” <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Mistress Kate</h1> <video src="Part12/Kate6.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Mistress sees the hungry look in your eyes as you suck her dildo, and she decides that you are ready for your reward. She makes you beg for her to fuck you before she finally slides the dildo into you from behind. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> “Concentrate on that wonderful full feeling when I’m inside you.”, she tells you. “And also on that aching, empty feeling you feel just for a moment as I pull out. This is who you are now, not some cock you’ll never see again.” You can only manage to say “Yes, mistress.” as you feel your orgasm building. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you cum, she thrusts deep and hard a few times leaving the dildo deep inside you until your orgasm has finally passed. “Isn’t that much better than anything you had before you changed?”, she asks rhetorically. “All your orgasms for a while will come from me fucking you like that. At least until I’m sure any thoughts of your old life are long gone.” <</nobr>> <<nobr>> “Of course, my clit is still in need of attention. And you do still have a tongue”, she says as she removes the dildo and [[tosses it aside|Part12KateDecided]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Mistress Kate</h1> <video src="Part12/Kate7.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Mistress had brought up many times before about whether you had accepted this as your new life and your new body. Or was all this, and her, just an temporary adventure for you. She’d said it was time for you to decide and she left you alone to think about it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When she returns you see she is slowly stroking her strapless dildo. You had thought you’d made your decision but you still can’t help imagining both the pleasure each of her strokes would give if her dildo were your cock AND how wonderful it would feel to have that dildo fucking you right now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> “This dildo is going to help you decide once and for all.”, she tells you. “I’ve filled it with a special batch of fake cum I got from the X-Change people. If you orgasm while I’m fucking you with it, I’ll trigger it to ‘cum’ too. The chemicals it releases will trigger your X-Change to become permanent. Of course, if you hold back and don’t cum, you’ll still be able to change back after graduation, if that’s what you want.” <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Even if you don’t want the change to be permanent you can’t bring yourself to use your safeword, or even to ask her not to fuck you. You wonder what it says about what you really want since all you can manage to say is [[“Yes, Mistress.”|Part12KateMakeChoice2]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Mistress Kate</h1> <video src="Part12/Kate8.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your mistress knows what your body wants better than you do, and she’s focused on giving you as much pleasure as she can. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It feels so good as she fucks you with her strapless dildo. <span id="StraplessDecide"> Do you <<link "concentrate on how good it feels">> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#StraplessDecide">> <<set $KateDecide to 'Enjoy'>> You concentrate on each of her thrusts and how good they feel. The thought that your change might soon be permanent excites you. <br><br> You stare into Mistress's eyes as you feel your [[orgasm starting to get close...|Part12KateMakeChoice3]] <</replace>> <</link>> &nbsp;&nbsp;or&nbsp;&nbsp; <<link "think about something else and try not to cum">> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#StraplessDecide">> <<set $KateDecide to 'Resist'>> You try to think of something else. You are enjoying being in this body... especially right now... but you aren't sure you want be like this forever. Are you? <br><br> You struggle to hold back feel your [[orgasm starting to get close...|Part12KateMakeChoice3]] <</replace>> <</link>>? Or do you <<link "still not know what you want">> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#StraplessDecide">> <<set $KateDecide to 'Undecided'>> The thought of being in this body forever excites you but aren't certain about it. You can't believe you still don't know what you want. But Mistress keeps thrusting, and soon other thoughts are pushed out of your mind. All you can think about is her fucking you. <br><br> You heart races as you feel your [[orgasm starting to get close...|Part12KateMakeChoice3]] <</replace>> <</link>>? </span> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Mistress Kate</h1> <video src="Part12/Kate9.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<if $KateDecide == 'Enjoy'>> <<set $KateDecideModifier to 5>> <<elseif $KateDecide == 'Resist'>> <<set $KateDecideModifier to -5>> <<else>> <<set $KateDecideModifier to 1>> <</if>> <<if $PlayerEasytoOrgasm>> <<set $KateDecideModifier += 5>> <</if>> <<set $KateDecideOrgasm to Math.ceil(Math.random() * 20 + $KateDecideModifier) >= 11>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $KateDecideOrgasm>> You cry out as your orgasm washes over you. Some mix of fear and excitement surges in you as your mistress thrusts one last time, presumably to deposit her ‘cum’ as deep inside you as possible. Maybe it’s just the afterglow of the orgasm, but now that there’s nothing you can do to change back, you feel a certain [[contentment with your new life|Part12KateMakeChoice4]]. <<else>> You felt your orgasm getting closer and closer, but before you cum, Mistress’s thrusts stop. You <<if $KateDecide == 'Resist'>> were trying not to cum, but still you <</if>> feel a frustrating emptiness when she pulls out of you. Maybe you’ve made up your mind now, or maybe you haven’t, but you figure at least [[the choice is still yours|Part12KateMakeChoice4]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Mistress Kate</h1> <video src="Part12/Kate10.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> “At first I thought you were playing along with my little role play, but I realized near the end there that you truly believed my ‘X-Change fake cum’ story.”, Mistress says once you’ve both caught your breath. “I would never do that to you, pet.”, she tells you as she strokes your hair. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> “The [[decision is still yours|Part12KateMakeChoice5]], of course. But I think the fact that you believed me and didn’t ask me to stop shows what your true desires really are.” <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When she asks, “Are you ready for another round, but this time without the role play?”, you quickly agree. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Mistress Kate</h1> <img src="Part12/Kate11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After Mistress is asleep, you are lying awake and thinking about what she said and about what you really want. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Encouraging you to make a decision, and many other things she’s said, makes it clear that Kate is wanting a long-term relationship. Obviously that’s not possible with you if you are going to change back in a few years. But is that even something you want at this point in your life? Would you ever want to give this up? <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <span id="RealDecide"> Do you <<link "make your change permanent">> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#RealDecide">> <<set $PlayerDecidePermanent to 1>> Regardless of where things go between you and Kate, you're certain you [[never want to change back again|Part12KateDecided]]. You'll see if the X-Change people can make your change permanent at your next visit. <</replace>> <</link>> or are you still not sure and might still <<link "want to change back after graduation">> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#RealDecide">> You aren't sure yet, you think you might still want to change back someday. But you know it's [[not fair to Kate|Part12KateGoodbye]] to keep stringing her along when you might be a guy a few years from now. <</replace>> <</link>> </span> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Mistress Kate</h1> <img src="Part12/Kate12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next morning, you and Kate talk for a while before getting out of bed. “You helped me realize a lot about myself last night.”, you tell her. “I know this is my body now. The one I was alway meant to have, the one I always will have. Thank you for helping me understand that.” <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She pulls you close and kisses you. The two of you spend quite a while talking about your new understanding, and about the future until you both decide that maybe it’s time to finally get out of bed. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next morning you send an email to the X-Change office to see if they can make your change permanent. [[After spring break|Part12BackToClass]], they reply back congratulating you and letting you know that they’ll be happy to do that for you at your next check-up. You don't ask if there's any fake cum involved, but you assume not. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home Alone</h1> <img src="Part12/Kate13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left"/> <<set setup.breakupWith('Kate')>> <<unset $MasterKate>> <<set $Roommate to "Samantha">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You enjoyed your time with “Mistress” Kate, but you aren’t sure what you want yet, and you know she’s looking for more in a relationship than you can offer right now. She understands, though she’s seems pretty confident that when you do decide, that it’ll be this body that you choose. The two of you part as friends as you pack up your things and move back to the dorms. <<if $Keyholder == 'Kate'>> <br><br> Kate lets you keep the chastity belt you'd gotten so familiar with, though she gives you the key. <<unset $Keyholder>> <<unset $PlayerChastityBelt>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you’re at home alone, you look at your body in the mirror. “Would it be so bad if I stayed like this?”, you wonder. “Maybe not”, you think, “But it’s not something I need to decide right now.” <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock or $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> Now that you aren't bound by Mistr... Kate's rules anymore, your hand slides into your panties as you decide to enjoy your new freedom. But you are soon reminded that Kate wasn't the only thing preventing you from masturbating. You remember your implant's side effect as the orgasm you'd felt building never comes. Your relief will have to come another night. <br><br> But for now you need to get to sleep, it's [[back to class|Part12BackToClass]] tomorrow. <<else>> You realize [[something else too|Part12KateAfter]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home Alone</h1> <video src="Part12/Kate14.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Mistress had been in charge of your orgasms for so long, and had forbid you from masturbating, it takes you a while to remember that now you can pleasure yourself whenever you wish. Of course, your submissive side is still there as your mind fills with fantasies of a hand on your neck, keeping you from moving. The thought only turns you on more. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You hear clapping coming from the guys room after your orgasm. You quickly realize that maybe you’ll need to try to be a bit quieter now that you’re back in the dorms again. But for now you need to get to sleep, it's [[back to class|Part12BackToClass]] tomorrow. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Riding with Veronica</h1> <img src="Part12/TravelVeronica1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Veronica knew a couple guys that were driving down and she worked it out with them that you two would ride along and split the cost four ways. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You both leave right after your last practice, but evidently Veronica is still full of energy and feeling playful since she decides to swat your ass - hard - as you are [[getting into the car|Part12VeronicaRide2]]. The guys both think it is hilarious. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Riding with Veronica</h1> <img src="Part12/TravelVeronica2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you start your trip, Veronica can tell you are a bit annoyed about the swat earlier and apologizes. Her apology kiss quickly turns into something more passionate. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You’d just assumed the guys you were riding with were a gay couple, but judging from the comments they start making after your kiss, you quickly realize [[you are mistaken|Part12VeronicaRide3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Riding with Veronica</h1> <img src="Part12/TravelVeronica3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Veronica is loving having an audience and keeps going. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As her hands start to roam your body, you find yourself getting more and more turned on. The guy in the passenger seat looks back watching every move closely. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The driver does his best to keep his eyes on the road, but has the mirror turned to make sure he can get a [[good look|Part12VeronicaRide4]] every now and then too. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Riding with Veronica</h1> <img src="Part12/TravelVeronica4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Veronica was planning on stopping with making out fully clothed, but the guys keep egging you both on. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You aren’t sure what it was that made you decide to quit holding back. Maybe it’s because of how much Veronica had gotten you turned on already, the thrill of the guys watching, or their offer to let you two ride for free if you kept going. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Probably a bit of all three. But whatever it was, you and Veronica decide to [[give the guys the show they want|Part12VeronicaRide5]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Riding with Veronica</h1> <video src="Part12/TravelVeronica5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Veronica'})>> <<set $VeronicaCarSex to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Veronica take turns pleasuring each other, and the guys take turns occasionally switching which one is driving and which one is watching the show. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you finally pull into the town and start looking for [[your hotel|Part12AtTheBeach]] you are surprised at how quick the trip was. You glance at the time though and realize that the drive actually took quite a while, you’d just been having too much fun to even notice. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Riding with Josh</h1> <video src="Part12/TravelJosh1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Josh'})>> <<set $JoshCarSex to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Josh and you are riding down with a couple of his friends. It’s a long boring ride, and you nap for a while with your head in Josh’s lap. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You think you might have been rubbing your face against his cock as you slept, or maybe seeing your head in his lap got him horny fantasizing. Either way, you wake up feeling his hard cock against your face. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You see that the driver is paying attention to the road, and his other friend is snoring in the front seat. You quietly pull out Josh’s cock and wrap your lips around it. Josh suppresses a moan as your lips slide down, and he moves his hand to rest on the back of your head. You keep it slow and quiet so his friends don’t hear you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You aren’t quite as sly as you think you are though, and his friends start watching you. Josh doesn’t want you to stop so he stays quiet. But his friend starts making faces at him until he can’t help but laugh and it’s then that you realize you’d had an audience. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> Knowing you had an audience turns you on even more. It's clear Josh's friends don't mind, so you [[keep going|Part12JoshExhibitionist]]. <<else>> You're [[embarrassed at begin caught|Part12JoshEmbarrassed]], and stop. Though knowing you had an audience is kind of exciting. It's clear Josh's friends wouldn't mind if you [[kept going|Part12JoshExhibitionist]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Riding with Josh</h1> <video src="Part12/TravelJosh2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Josh', vaginal:true, ovulating:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You stop when Josh’s friends catch you, but you and Josh are still horny. When they stop for something to eat, you and Josh make an excuse to stay back at the car for a bit. You tell his friends to go on in and get a table and you’ll join them in a minute or two. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your quick fuck in the back seat gets Josh off, but you’re still left wanting more. But it’s enough for now. You can wait until you get to the hotel for more. You don’t want to keep his friends waiting too long. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you get inside his friends have already ordered. “We ordered the special for each of you two, we figured you’d have worked up an appetite.”, they say before they start laughing. You and Josh behave yourself for the [[rest of the ride|Part12AtTheBeach]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Riding with Josh</h1> <video src="Part12/TravelJosh3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Josh'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> His friends are clearly enjoying the show, so you figure there’s no reason to stop. His friends cheer you on as you continue sucking Josh’s cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you don’t want him to have all the fun, and you also don’t want him cumming too soon and looking bad in front of his friends. So before he gets too close, you [[slide his cock out of your mouth|Part12JoshExhibitionist2]] while you’re still sucking on it. It makes a pop sound as your mouth pulls away. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Riding with Josh</h1> <video src="Part12/TravelJosh4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Josh'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You playfully push Josh over to his side of the back seat and begin giving him and his friend a little solo show. The poor driver can only catch an occasional glance in the mirror. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> First you tease yourself with your clothes still on, then you slowly strip off your clothes while they watch. Once your clothes are off, your fingers soon find their way back between your legs, though it isn’t long until Josh’s take their place. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Between Josh’s fingers inside you, and his friend playing with your breasts, you are pretty sure you're close enough to an orgasm to [[get off before Josh does|Part12JoshExhibitionist3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Riding with Josh</h1> <img src="Part12/TravelJosh5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Josh', vaginal:true, ovulating:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You lay back on the seat and spread your legs. A moment later you moan as Josh slides into you. Between Josh’s cock inside you and his fingers on your clit, not to mention his friend playing with your nipple, you soon feel your orgasm wash over you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you look up you see Josh’s friend offering him a high five, but Josh is oblivious to it as he continues fucking you. It isn’t much longer and he cums too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The driver says, “You two better not leave a mess back there.” You feel a bit sorry for him as he missed most of the show. But you expect Josh’s friend in the passenger seat will be jerking off to the memory of this car ride for years to come. When you [[get to your hotel|Part12AtTheBeach]], you and Josh make sure you didn't leave anything behind before you head in to check in. <</nobr>><h1>Riding with Alex</h1> <div><<nobr>> <span style="float: left;width: 40%;padding-right: 20px;"> <video src="Part12/TravelGirls1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="769"></video> </span> <</nobr>><span style=""> <<nobr>> You’re riding down with your classmate, Alexis (Alex), and her sister. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The beach they are heading to is actually a bit further down the road from the one your reservations are at, but they offered to drop you off on the way. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course you know it’s because Alex has a crush on you, and that's also exactly why you took her up on the offer. You can’t think of a better way to pass the time than making out in the back seat with her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Well, actually you can think of something better, [[but her sister is in the front seat|Part12RideGirls2]]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $SpringBreakPeter>> When Alex sees Peter occasionally glancing back at the two of you she smiles and asks him, “Is it true what she told me? That she has the key to your cock and you can’t get hard at all? And you won’t be able to jerk off tonight thinking about us making out, unless she lets you?” <br><br> He tells her that it’s all true. <br><br> “Good. That’s where you belong.”, she tells him and then goes back to making out with you. <</if>> <</nobr>> </span> </div><<nobr>> <h1>Riding with Alex</h1> <video src="Part12/TravelGirls2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Alexis'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your making out starts to lead to a bit more. While she’s still kissing you, Alex slides her hand up your thigh. Your legs part as she does. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Her lips move from your lips down to kiss on your neck. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> Meanwhile her hand has slid down, looking for your other lips, but instead finding your belt. She pauses for a second and then smiles. She switches places with you and as you begin kissing her she takes your hand and places it between her legs. You get to work with your hand as you continuing making out with her. <br><br> When a moan escapes her lips, her sister yells back from the front seat, “Jesus you two! Can’t you [[wait until you’re alone|Part12RideGirls3]] so I don’t have to hear it!” You go back to just making out so her sister doesn’t get too angry with you. <<else>> Meanwhile her hand has pulled your panties to the side and begun teasing your clit. Then she begins nibbling your ear as she slides two fingers across your clit and then into you. <br><br> When a moan escapes your lips, her sister yells back from the front seat, “Jesus you two! Can’t you [[wait until you’re alone|Part12RideGirls3]] so I don’t have to hear it!” You go back to just making out so her sister doesn’t get too angry with you. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Hotel Room with Alex</h1> <video src="Part12/TravelGirls3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Alexis'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Alexis'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Alexis'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Alexis'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you arrive at your hotel, Alex convinces her sister to go somewhere for an hour or so before they head on the rest of the way to their hotel. That leaves the two of you in your room to continue where you’d left off in the car. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <br><br> You expect a bunch of questions from her about your belt, but you don’t get any. As soon as her sister is out the door, Alex’s shorts are off and she’s pushed your head down between her legs. That’s where you stay for most of the next hour. <<else>> As soon as her sister is out the door, Alex's shorts are off and she's pushed your head down between her legs. For the next hour you and her take turns pleasuring each other. <</if>> <<if $SpringBreakPeter>> <br><br> You and Alex make Peter sit silently in the bathroom the entire time. He doesn’t get to watch the fun this time. Of course, you’re sure he can hear every word and every moan though. He’d probably be jerking off right now if he could. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The two of you only stop when her sister knocks on the door. Her sister sees how tousled Alex’s hair is, and the smile on her face and tells Alex, “Well, I’m glad you feel better. Are you ready to go now?” <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As soon as Alex is gone, you go get ready to head [[down to the beach|Part12AtTheBeach]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>On the Party Bus</h1> <video src="Part12/TravelBus1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Even though the frat had rented a ‘party bus’, the party was pretty low key at first. But there was good music and alcohol, so you figured it was already better than whatever you other options might have been. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After a while though, things began to get a little wilder. It started with Courtney. She said she always gets really horny when she drinks, and started trying to get herself off right there in front of everyone. Of course the frat guys were cheering her on. It didn’t take long though and she was heading to the back of the bus where it sounded like they were going to do much more than just cheer for her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry and $CampusMinistrySaves>> Hearing Courtney moan is turning you on, you are tempted to [[head back to join her|Part12PartyBusFun]]. But, you know you should just [[try to ignore the show|Part12PartyBusShow]] she's putting on. <<elseif $PlayerCumslut>> You've been waiting for the real fun to start. It doesn't take you long to [[head back to join her|Part12PartyBusChastity]]. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> Seeing the show Courtney is putting on, right here in front of everyone has your heart racing. You can't help but to <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> [[head back to join her|Part12PartyBusChastity]]. <<else>> [[head back to join her|Part12PartyBusFun]]. <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectLibido>> Hearing Courtney moan is getting you too turned on, you can't help but to <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> [[head back to join her|Part12PartyBusChastity]]. <<else>> [[head back to join her|Part12PartyBusFun]]. <</if>> <<else>> Hearing Courtney moan is turning you on, you are tempted to <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> [[head back to join her|Part12PartyBusChastity]] <<else>> [[head back to join her|Part12PartyBusFun]]. <</if>> Or, maybe you should just [[watch the show|Part12PartyBusShow]] she's putting on instead. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Back of the Bus</h1> <img src="Part12/TravelBus2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set $PartyBusSexChastity to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerCumslut>> After Courtney heads to be back, one of the guys that had been watching turns around. He glances at your <strong><i>Cumslut</i></strong> collar and then up at you. You smile, grab his hand, and lead him to the back of the bus. <<else>> It may have started with Courtney, but it doesn’t end with her. Her moans from the back of the bus, and the moans from the girls that follow her, get you more and more turned on. But of course, unlike her, there’s nothing you can do about it. <br><br> One of the guys sees how aroused you are and smiles and asks if there’s any way he can help. You ask if you can suck his cock and he quickly agrees, of course. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> All the onlookers comment on how much enjoyment you seem to be taking from pleasuring his cock. But after a while they start to wonder aloud about [[why you don’t|Part12PartyBusChastity2]] just climb up and ride his cock, when it’s obvious to everyone that you want to. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Back of the Bus</h1> <img src="Part12/TravelBus3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You tell them all about your chastity belt, but they don’t believe you until you start stripping of your clothes and show it to them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The guys are a bit disappointed that you weren’t joking, and they really won’t get to fuck you. But they quickly decide they don’t care that much, and that [[your mouth is good enough|Part12PartyBusChastity3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>On the Bus</h1> <img src="Part12/TravelBus4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"/> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Bus Driver'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> There’s many more guys on the bus than there are girls, and all the girls aren’t all as adventurous as you and Courtney. So there’s plenty of guys lined up waiting for you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Sometimes they hand you a shot of alcohol of some sort between guys, but usually it's straight from one cock to the <<if $PlayerCumslut>> next - just the way you like it. <<else>> next. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> By the time you pull in to the hotel parking lot, you think you’ve blown every guy on the bus. But then you see the driver looking at you. You stay back while the others head inside to check in. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You tell the driver you want to thank him for putting up with everything on the ride down. You undo his belt, pull down his pants and get to work showing him just how much you and the others appreciate how understanding he was during the ride. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After he’s finished, and you’ve swallowed the last drop, you gather your clothes and head in to [[join the others|Part12AtTheBeach]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Back of the Bus</h1> <video src="Part12/TravelBus5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true, ovulating:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true, ovulating:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true, ovulating:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true, ovulating:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true, ovulating:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true, ovulating:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true, ovulating:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true, ovulating:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true, ovulating:true})>> <<set $PartyBusSex to 1>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> <<unset $CampusMinistry>> <<set $CampusMinistryFail to 1>> <<set $CampusMinistryFailSpringBreak to 1>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It may have started with Courtney, but it doesn’t end with her. Her moans from the back of the bus are getting you more and more turned on. One of the guys sees how aroused you are and smiles at you and asks if there’s anything he can do to help. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You grab his hand and lead him to the back of the bus. As soon as you are back there, you push him down into a seat and pull down his pants. You’re already wet from listening to and watching Courtney, so you climb on top of him and slide his cock into you and start riding. <<if $CampusMinistryFailSpringBreak>> <br><br> As soon as you feel the cock slide into you, you wonder why you've been trying to avoid this. You could have been doing this all year! You have months of missed time to make up for and you're are going to start right here on this bus! <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Courtney is next to you sucking on some guy’s cock. Once she sees how much fun you are having though, she stops that and starts riding her guy too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Most of the girls are just watching, so there’s no shortage of guys for you Courtney, and the other adventurous girls that join in, to move on to when you finish with your first round. But before you know it, you’ve arrived at your hotel. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It takes you a minute to round up all your clothes, then you and the others [[head into your hotel|Part12AtTheBeach]]. Well, except for one girl that volunteered to stay a bit longer to thank the driver for being so understanding. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Back of the Bus</h1> <video src="Part12/TravelBus6.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<if $CampusMinistry>> <<set $CampusMinistrySaves -= 1>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It may have started with Courtney, but it doesn’t end there. It turns you on hearing and seeing what’s going on back there. One of the frat guys sees how horny you are and asks if there’s anything he can do to help, but you politely decline. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When your curiosity finally drives you to the back of the bus to get a closer look, you see Courtney is on top of him riding his cock. One of the other girls is on top of a different guy right next to them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You watch it all for a while, and feel yourself starting to get turned on. But before you get too excited, you head back to the front of the bus and get another drink. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> You avoid the back of the bus. You know if you stayed back there much longer you might do something you shouldn't. You stick to the front of the bus, and drink until you forget about what's going on in the back. Your head is swimming by the time the bus arrives and you head [[into the hotel|Part12AtTheBeach]] to check-in. <<else>> You alternate going back in forth between watching the fun in the back of the bus, and drinking in the front, and before you know it the bus is pulling into the hotel. You head [[into the hotel|Part12AtTheBeach]] to check-in still feeling a buzz from the alcohol and horny from the show in back. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Beach</h1> <img src="Part12/Beach1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You’re glad the long drive is finally over,and as soon as you drop off your stuff in your room you head straight to the beach. You know you’re going to have a [[fun time this week|Part12AtTheBeach2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Near the Beach</h1> <img src="Part12/Beach2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> During the day, you spend most of your time near the beach, enjoying the sun and the ocean. You love the looks you get in your bikini from the guys, and some of the girls too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Though, depending on your complexion, you might need to be careful to avoid getting too much sun. Of course if that’s something you have to worry about, you don’t have to look too far to find someone willing to help you apply sunscreen to those hard-to-reach places. They’d probably be more than willing to help you with some easy-to-reach places too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And, of course, taking a break from the sun is always a good excuse to step into the shade and grab a cold drink too. <<if $PlayerPregnant>> Though, in your case the [[drinks are non-alcoholic|Part12PregnantFun]]. <<elseif $SpringBreakPeter>> Of course, if you want to stay out in sun, you can just [[make Peter fetch your drink for you|Part12AtTheBeachPeter]]. <<else>> You don't spend too much time indoors [[during the day|Part12AtTheBeach3]] though, they'll be enough time for indoor fun later. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Beach</h1> <img src="Part12/Beach3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You may not drinking like most of your friends are, but you aren’t letting that stop you from having a good time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You had been a bit self-conscious about your bikini at first. But people have been telling you how beautiful you look, <<if $SpringBreakPeter>> [[especialy Peter|Part12AtTheBeachPeter]]. <<else>> [[and you’ve stopped worrying about it|Part12AtTheBeach3]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Pool</h1> <img src="Part12/Beach4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You haven’t let Peter cum in weeks and you know he’s desperate for an orgasm. You’re thinking about letting him out for a little relief. But then you think about him looking at all the girls in bikinis (and sometimes less), and how much hornier that’ll make him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You decide he’ll need to wait at least until the end of the week. You know letting him know relief might be coming soon will make him want it even more, so of course you tell him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> “I’m going to have a [[lot of fun this week|Part12AtTheBeach3]], and so will you. My fun will be getting fucked silly by <<if setup.areDating('Peter') or $dating.length == 0>> a different guy or girl <<else>> $dating[0] <</if>> every night. Your fun will be hearing all about it <<if setup.areDating('Peter') or $dating.length == 0>> when I stumble back to our room.” <<else>> later." <</if>> As you tell him your plans, you see him shift uncomfortably as his cock tries and fails to get hard. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> “And if you’re a good boy all week, and I’m not too sore, I’ll probably give you a turn before we go home.” <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Beach</h1> <img src="Part12/Beach5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, soaking up the sun and splashing around on the beach aren’t the only fun you are having this week. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> You know you and Veronica are [[going to have a great time!|Part12Veronica]] <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt and $Keyholder == 'Robert'>> Though some fun is [[still frustratingly out of your reach|Part12Chastity]]. <<else>> You know you are [[going to have a great time!|Part12FilmCrew]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Pool</h1> <img src="Part12/Veronica1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"/> <</nobr>><<nobr>> You and Veronica enjoy relaxing beside each other on the beach or next to the hotel pool. Most of the guys there don’t realize the two of you are a couple and try to hit on either or both of you. With your sunglasses on they don’t realize you’re watching them as they try to work up the nerve to approach you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After the latest guy walks away disappointed, Veronica offers some suggestions on what to do next. "I have a few ideas, let me know which you want to try. We have all week, so really we could <<link "do all of them if you want.">> <<set $VeronicaGirls to 1>> <<set $VeronicaGuys to 1>> <<set $VeronicaFilm to 1>> <<goto [[Part12VeronicaGirls]]>> <</link>> " <<set $numVeronicaSelections to 0>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> “I ran in to a couple girls at the bar, and they invited us to hang out with them sometime this week. And they have a girls-only party back at their room every night.” <span id="GirlsSpan"> Do you tell Veronica: <<link "Sounds like fun!">> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#GirlsSpan">> <<set $VeronicaGirls to 1>> <<set $numVeronicaSelections += 1>> <<if $numVeronicaSelections >= 3>> <<replace "#NextSpan">> <<include [[Part12VeronicaNext]]>> <</replace>> <</if>> You tell Veronica that the party sounds like fun. <</replace>> <</link>> or <<link "Eh, not really">> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#GirlsSpan">> <<set $VeronicaGirls to 0>> <<set $numVeronicaSelections += 1>> <<if $numVeronicaSelections >= 3>> <<replace "#NextSpan">> <<include [[Part12VeronicaNext]]>> <</replace>> <</if>> You tell her that you're not really interested in the party. <</replace>> <</link>> </span> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> “It’s not normally something I’d do, but I know you’re bi, or at least more bi than I am. Anyway, I was talking to Blake and Darnell, those guys in the room next to us. If you want to have a little fun with them, we can give that a try.” <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> <<set $VeronicaGuys to 1>> <<set $numVeronicaSelections += 1>> <<if $numVeronicaSelections >= 3>> <<replace "#NextSpan">> <<include [[Part12VeronicaNext]]>> <</replace>> <</if>> Being around all the sweaty, shirtless guys all day, with their skin shining from suntan lotion... it has you too excited to give her anything but an enthusastic "Yes!" to this idea. <<else>> <span id="GuysSpan"> Do you tell Veronica: <<link "Really? You'd do that for me?">> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#GuysSpan">> <<set $VeronicaGuys to 1>> <<set $numVeronicaSelections += 1>> <<if $numVeronicaSelections >= 3>> <<replace "#NextSpan">> <<include [[Part12VeronicaNext]]>> <</replace>> <</if>> You tell Veronica how exciting that idea sounds to you. <</replace>> <</link>> or <<link "Eww! No!">> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#GuysSpan">> <<set $VeronicaGuys to 0>> <<set $numVeronicaSelections += 1>> <<if $numVeronicaSelections >= 3>> <<replace "#NextSpan">> <<include [[Part12VeronicaNext]]>> <</replace>> <</if>> You thank her for being willing to try that for you, but you're not really interested in it either. <</replace>> <</link>> </span> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> “Did you see those people carrying all those boxes and camera stuff into the hotel earlier? Someone said it was for some sort of promotion for a sex toy company or something. We could go check it out and find out more.” <<if $UncleChair>> <<set $VeronicaFilm to 1>> <<set $numVeronicaSelections += 1>> <<if $numVeronicaSelections >= 3>> <<replace "#NextSpan">> <<include [[Part12VeronicaNext]]>> <</replace>> <</if>> Veronica pauses for a second then continues. "Actually, from what they already told me, I know you'll love this one, so we are definitely going to do it." <<else>> <span id="FilmSpan"> Do you tell Veronica: <<link "That sounds interesting">> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#FilmSpan">> <<set $VeronicaFilm to 1>> <<set $numVeronicaSelections += 1>> <<if $numVeronicaSelections >= 3>> <<replace "#NextSpan">> <<include [[Part12VeronicaNext]]>> <</replace>> <</if>> You tell Veronica that it might be interesting to check out. <</replace>> <</link>> or <<link "That sounds boring">> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#FilmSpan">> <<set $VeronicaFilm to 0>> <<set $numVeronicaSelections += 1>> <<if $numVeronicaSelections >= 3>> <<replace "#NextSpan">> <<include [[Part12VeronicaNext]]>> <</replace>> <</if>> You tell Veronica that it sounds like a bunch of boring advertisments. <</replace>> <</link>> </span> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <span id="NextSpan"> </span> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $VeronicaGirls>> "Great! I think I see one of the girls now. [[Let's go talk to her|Part12VeronicaGirls]]" <<elseif $VeronicaGuys>> "Great! I think I saw Blake over by the bar earlier. [[I'll go talk to him.|Part12VeronicaGuys]]" <<elseif $VeronicaFilm>> "Great! [[Let's go now|Part12VeronicaFilmCrew]]. We'll just wear our bikinis, I'm sure no one will mind." <<else>> "Aww, I don't want to waste the whole week sitting by the pool getting hit on by horny guys. Lets do <i>something</i>. Which is it? [[the all-girls party|Part12VeronicaGirls]], [[hooking up with Blake and Darnell|Part12VeronicaGuys]], or [[checking out the film crew|Part12VeronicaFilmCrew]]"? <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Girls-only Fun</h1> <video src="Part12/Veronica2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The girls Veronica had met are a bit wilder than you and Veronica, but you have to admit they’re a lot of fun. They take you to a beach a few miles away where it’s legal and convince you both to go topless. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> One of them calls her brother to tease him about what a good time she’s having, and even sends him a video of it all. The thought crosses your mind to do the same to your brother, but you quickly decide that maybe that’s not a good idea considering how things went over the holiday with him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Later in the day you all head back to their room and get [[that night’s party|Part12VeronicaGirlsHotTub]] started a little early. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In the Hot Tub</h1> <video src="Part12/Veronica3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Later that evening, after everyone has had quite a few drinks, you head down the hotel’s hot tub. You don’t bother with the bikinis this time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The girls are mostly paired off, you with Veronica, and others with their girlfriend or just whoever they decided to hook up with tonight. It starts as just making out, but with everyone drunk and naked, it quickly becomes much more. Some girls are even switching around to different girls. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You notice there’s an odd number of girls though, and there’s one quiet one that isn’t participating that much. You can tell she’s turned on, but you think it just might be too much for her. You can see if Veronica wants to [[take the shy girl to your room|Part12VeronicaGirlsQuiet]] or you can [[stay in the hot tub|Part12VeronicaGirlsWild]] and see how wild things get. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your and Veronica's Room</h1> <video src="Part12/Veronica4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'Shy Girl'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'Shy Girl'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'Shy Girl'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you all stumble back to your room, she keeps telling you and Veronica both how beautiful you are. As you talk to her, she tells you she’s pretty sure she’s a lesbian, though she’s never been with a girl before. She’s only been with a guy a few times, and quickly decided that it wasn’t for her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She may be new at this, but she’s a quick learner though. You and Veronica spend the next several hours helping her make up for lost time. When she leaves your room at the end of the fun, she tells you both what a wonderful time she had, and that now she has no doubt. She’s definitely a lesbian. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $VeronicaGuys>> Veronica says tomorrow she'll see if [[the guys next door|Part12VeronicaGuys]] are still interested. <<elseif $VeronicaFilm>> Veronica says tomorrow the two of you can [[check out that film crew|Part12VeronicaFilmCrew]]. <<else>> Veronica says since this was the only idea she had that you liked, you'll have to [[think of some way to pass the time|Part12VeronicaTogether]] this week. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With the Police</h1> <img src="Part12/Veronica5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"/> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'Girl in the Hot Tub'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'Girl in the Hot Tub'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'Girl in the Hot Tub'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'Girl in the Hot Tub'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The hot tub party gets wilder and wilder. You and Veronica start off with each other, but soon everyone is switching partners back and forth. It’s amazing. A lot of the girls have paired off and left though. There’s still you and Veronica and two other girls there, and you’re still having a blast. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But the screams from all the orgasms must have worried (or maybe just annoyed) someone, as the police show up while you are all naked and fucking in the public hot tub. They have you put your bikinis back on and cuff you and lead you back to their car. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.haveFucked('Police Officer')>> You know it got you out of that ticket a few months ago, so you decide to [[offer the officer a blow job|Part12VeronicaArrest]]. You're hoping Veronica or one of the other girls will take care of his partner, but you're prepared to do both if that's what it takes to get out of this. <<else>> You think about [[offering to give the officer and his partner blow jobs|Part12VeronicaArrest]] if they forget about this. Or you [[could just accept your punishment|Part12VeronicaWarning]], how bad could it be? <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your and Veronica's Room</h1> <img src="Part12/Veronica6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The officers start listing the crimes you’ve committed and the possible penalties. You can’t help but start sobbing when he mentions that you could be listed as a sex offender for having sex in public. You tell him how sorry you are, and that you and Veronica aren’t normally like this. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They decide to let you all off with a warning. They make you promise to go back to your rooms for the night, and stay out of trouble for the rest of the week. You all quickly agree. You and Veronica are so relieved, but now that the excitement has died down, the alcohol finally starts making you both sleepy and you soon pass out in your room. You and Veronica both avoid the other girls from that night the rest of the week. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $VeronicaGuys>> Hopefully [[the guys next door|Part12VeronicaGuys]] won't be as wild as these girls were. <<elseif $VeronicaFilm>> You shouldn't get into much trouble tomorrow [[checking out that film crew|Part12VeronicaFilmCrew]]. <<else>> You're pretty sure you can [[think of some way to pass the time|Part12VeronicaTogether]] this week that won't get the two of you arrested. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In Court</h1> <img src="Part12/Veronica7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> One of the officers laugh at your blow-job offer and says, “Sorry, you’re not really my type. Besides, I don’t think my husband would approve.” After your attempted bribe, they decide not to let you off with a warning and squeeze you all into their police car and head back to the station. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You start crying on Veronica’s shoulder as they list all the crimes you committed tonight and the possible penalties for each, even being listed as a sex offender. You all spend the night in a cold jail cell, will just one scratchy blanket each to keep warm. The next morning you are hauled into the courtroom, still in your bikinis. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The judge lectures you all for a while, but tells you that the prosecutor has decided to go easy on you all. If you plead guilty to a “disturbing the peace” ticket he’ll let you go with just the night you’ve already spent in jail, and a $200 fine. You all quickly agree given the alternative. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Veronica do your best to keep your fun indoors the rest of the trip and avoid the wild girls you’d met the rest of the week. <<if $VeronicaGuys>> Hopefully [[the guys next door|Part12VeronicaGuys]] won't be as wild as these girls were. <<elseif $VeronicaFilm>> You shouldn't get into much trouble tomorrow [[checking out that film crew|Part12VeronicaFilmCrew]]. <<else>> You're pretty sure you can [[think of some way to pass the time|Part12VeronicaTogether]] this week that won't get the two of you arrested. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Blake and Darnell's Room</h1> <video src="Part12/Veronica8.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Blake', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You thank Veronica for being open to this as you head to Blake and Darnell’s room. They share a few drinks with you both and the alcohol helps calm some of your nervousness, and Veronica actually looks excited. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Veronica start with each other as the boys both watch. When you ask her which guy she would prefer she tells you, “Neither. They’re both for you. You’re the bi one. I just want to watch.” Once you’re ready she signals Blake to come over. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Veronica watches from the edge of the bed as he fucks you. Veronica had you close already, so you cum soon after he starts, he just keeps fucking you through your orgasm. Meanwhile, Darnell sits in a chair sipping his drink switching back and forth from watching his friend fuck you and watching Veronica get herself more and more turned on. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You’re not quite to your second orgasm when Blake grunts and grabs your hips and thrusts one last time deep inside you. “God, that’s so hot.”, Veronica says. “It was like he was some kind of hungry animal at the end there.” She jestures Darnell [[to come over|Part12VeronicaGuys2]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Blake and Darnell's Room</h1> <video src="Part12/Veronica9.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Darnell', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Blake is spent, and goes to sit down and watch the rest of the show. As Darnell heads over to take his place, Veronica pulls you over between her legs. As your tongue gets to work on her, you hear her say, “Fuck her from behind.” A moment later you feel Darnell’s cock slide into you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you start to moan and get distracted from pleasuring Veronica, she tells you, “Get back to work, or I’ll tell him to fuck your ass instead.” It doesn’t come to that though as both you and Veronica are soon cumming. Darnell is still going though. After Veronica recovers from her orgasm, she reaches under you, rubbing your clit as he fucks you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He’s getting close as you cum again. Veronica holds his balls as he fucks you, curious to see what they’ll feel like as he cums for you. She soon finds out, smiling as she feels his balls twitch as he cums inside you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you head back to your room you thank her again for doing this for you. She tells you she had a fun time too and that maybe you can do this again someday. “Not with these two obviously. We’ll never see them again. But I doubt it would be hard to find a willing guy or two if we ever wanted to to this again.” Maybe sometime, <<if $VeronicaFilm>> but tomorrow you want to [[check out that film crew|Part12VeronicaFilmCrew]]. <<else>> but the rest of this week, you want [[Veronica all to yourself|Part12VeronicaTogether]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Near the Beach</h1> <video src="Part12/Veronica10.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you and Veronica check out the film crew, you quickly discover that while they are giving away free coupons for an online sex toy store, what they are really doing is trying to find girls willing to get wild on camera. Obviously they are eager to recruit you and Veronica when they see you. <<if $VeronicaGirls and setup.haveFucked('Girl in the Hot Tub')>> You tell them about the incident with the police, and they promise you that anything with less than your bikini on they'd do in private. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They offer to pay you and Veronica to have sex on camera, <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> you're excited about the idea, but Veronica isn't. <<else>> but even if you’re willing to go along with it, Veronica isn’t. <</if>> They do however get you both to agree to just sensually kiss in your bikinis. While they film it, of course. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When they find out <<if $JobCheerleader or $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>> you are both cheerleaders <<else>> Veronica is a cheerleader <</if>> they have another idea that pays more than just kissing, but they assure you both that you can keep your bikinis on for this one... if you want. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You’re both a little turned on after your kiss, so you’re more open to their new idea than you would have been a few minutes ago. You agree to consider it and [[follow them inside|Part12VeronicaFilmCrew2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>A Hotel Room</h1> <video src="Part12/Veronica11.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'vibrating roller')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> “Is that it? The football team uses something like that when they work out sometimes.”, Veronica says when she sees the sports roller they want you to try. You keep your bikinis on like they promised and sit on the roller. But when the producer flips the switch on the side, the vibrations shoot through the thin fabric like it isn’t even there. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Veronica is caressing you from behind and you are both softly moaning, when the producer reaches over and turns off the vibrations. “That’s great, we got what we need.”, she says. When she sees the look on your and Veronica's faces, she adds, “Well, unless you want keep going, topless. We could use that video too.” She offers some more money and you are about to agree but Veronica adds, “And we get to keep this thing afterward, too.” <</nobr>> <<nobr>> “Done.”, the producer says and your bikini tops are tossed aside seconds later. She makes sure the camera guy is still filming and turns the vibrations back on. The camera doesn’t stop rolling until you both have collapsed onto the bed after more orgasms than you could count. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Veronica don't have anything else planned for the week, but somehow the two of you are still able [[to enjoy yourselves|Part12VeronicaTogether]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your and Veronica's Room</h1> <img src="Part12/Veronica12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"/> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course not all of your trip is spent on the beach or even drinking, partying, or acting wild. Plenty of it is spent back in your hotel room having even more fun with just you and Veronica. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But, eventually it's time to pack your things and [[head back home|Part12HeadHome]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your Room</h1> <img src="Part12/Chastity1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You’re always horny, and there’s never anything you can do about it. Staring out from your balcony at people making out by the pool only makes it worse. You’d imagined going to spring break before. Maybe you even imagined it would be as a woman. But you never imaged it like this. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your frustration has you in tears as you fall asleep your first night. You hope you’ll be less upset when you wake up tomorrow. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next morning you wake up and <<if $PlayerCumslut>> touch the <i>Cumslut</i> collar you willingly locked on yourself. You don't know why you got so upset yesterday. You know what you are, and you know there are more than enough willing cocks here to keep a cumslut like you [[busy all week|Part12ChastityAccept]]. <<elseif $JobPornOral or $JobPornOralSide or $JobPornAnal or $JobPornAnalSide or $JobPornGang or $JobPornGangSide or $JobPorn or $JobPornSide>> tug at your belt. You're still horny, but you are no longer upset like you were last night. You love working as a porn star and you know the belt is part of that arrangement. <<if $JobPornOral or $JobPornOralSide>> You love sucking cock, and they pay you to do it. Is giving up your own chance at an orgasm that much to ask? Ok, well maybe it is, but you [[accept that it's part of the job|Part12ChastityAccept]]. You know soon enough you'll be on set again and your belt will be off and you'll be getting fucked by a nice big cock or two. You can accept some horniness until then, it'll just make your scene seem that much more real. <<else>> You know soon enough you'll be on set again and your belt will be off and you'll be getting fucked by a nice big cock or two. You can [[accept some horniness|Part12ChastityAccept]] until then, it'll just make your scene seem that much more real. <</if>> <<elseif $JobGloryHole>> tug at your belt. You're still horny, but you are no longer upset like you were last night. You knew it wouldn't be easy wearing this belt, but you [[accepted it as part of the job|Part12ChastityAccept]] when you started working for Master Robert. At least you'll graduate without any student loans. <<else>> tug at your belt. Are you [[still horny but accept your situation now|Part12ChastityAccept]] or are you [[upset about being locked in this belt and angry about being tricked into it|Part12ChastityUpset]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>On the Beach</h1> <img src="Part12/Chastity2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You’ve gotten used to your belt. You imagine you’d feel naked and vulnerable without it. The horniness too is just part of who you are now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> There’s no way to hide your belt on the beach, so you don’t even try. It covers more than a bikini bottom would, so you don’t even bother with one. Of course you get tons of questions, but you’re used to that too. You’re favorite ones are the ones from people wanting to know where to get one for themselves or their girlfriend or boyfriend. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don’t know why, but it just excites you thinking you might inspire someone else to get a belt or cage of their own and hand their key over to someone else. Of course those [[aren’t the only questions you get asked|Part12ChastityOral]]... <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>A Hotel Room</h1> <video src="Part12/Chastity3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Some of the questions are from guys hitting on you, assuming you have the key. Many of them lose interest and move on when they find out that you don’t. But they don’t all lose interest, some realize that just because your pleasure is denied, doesn’t mean theirs needs to be too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerCumslut or $PlayerSideEffectOral>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> Most of the guys that ask get a quick trip back to your room or his. They are soon very glad they didn't walk away when they found out about your lack of a key. You are always tempted to take his cock deep and fast right away. But you've had enough experience to know he'll love it even more if you start off slow at first. And you love that it lets you savor the feeling of his cock in your mouth. When he’s finally ready to cum, you want to [[swallow every drop|Part12ChastityOral2]]. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> The smell of the sweaty, shirtless guys everywhere keeps you to horny to even think of turning down most of the guys that ask. They are soon very glad they didn't walk away when they found out about your lack of a key. You are always tempted to take his cock deep and fast right away. But you've had enough experience to know he'll love it even more if you start off slow at first. And you love that it lets you savor the feeling of his cock in your mouth. When he’s finally ready to cum, you want to [[swallow every drop|Part12ChastityOral2]]. <<else>> <span id="OralSpan"> When they point out blowjobs are still an option, do you <<link "See if they'd rather go back to your room or theirs">> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#OralSpan">> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> The ones that don't walk away when they find out your lack of a key are soon very glad of their decision. Most of them you quickly take back to either your room or theirs. You are always tempted to take his cock deep and fast right away. But you've had enough experience to know he'll love it even more if you start off slow at first. And you love that it lets you savor the feeling of his cock in your mouth. When he’s finally ready to cum, you want to [[swallow every drop|Part12ChastityOral2]]. <</replace>> <</link>> or do you <<link "laugh like they were joking and go back to what you were doing">> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#OralSpan">> You laugh when they suggest that blow jobs are still an option. Though as they walk away you can't help but think that it might be fun. You can't get off, but maybe you should enjoy what fun you can have. You decide to think about that later. For now you're going to go [[check out that film crew|Part12FilmCrew]] you saw earlier. <</replace>> <</link>>? </span> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your Hotel Room</h1> <img src="Part12/Chastity4.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Most of them are happy to have you swallow every drop, but this one pulls out before then though. You hold out your tongue and open your mouth waiting for it, but you only get a small taste, as most of his cum sprays across your face. You quickly lick his cock clean, then he collapses next to you on the bed. You feel his cum slowly drying on your face as he recovers from his orgasm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> A little while later, he’s ready again, and you drain what cum he has left. There’s not nearly as much this time, but he lets you take every drop as he cums in your mouth. He thanks you and lies on the bed with you a while longer, before he gathers his things and <<if $PlayerCumslut>> [[heads out|Part12Cumslut]]. <<else>> heads out. <br><br> You decide to maybe take a break from the cock sucking and [[check out that film crew|Part12FilmCrew]] you saw earlier. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your Hotel Room</h1> <img src="Part12/Chastity5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left"/> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The first guy tells all his friend’s what a good little cock sucker you are. Of course they want to see for themselves. Lucky for them, your collar makes you easy to locate. Word of your mouth spreads and soon nearly every guy around is wanting to give the beach’s cumslut a try. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You could spend the entire week moving from one cock to the next. As fun as that would be though, you don’t want to miss all the other fun you could be having too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, whenever you aren’t enjoying the sun, or a drink, or doing something else fun, you know you won’t have to wait long for another cock or two to present themselves. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wonder which you’ll have swallowed more by the end of the week, cum or alcohol. Maybe you can caluclate it later, for now you want to [[check out that film crew|Part12FilmCrew]] you saw earlier. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your Hotel Room</h1> <img src="Part12/Chastity6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wake up horny again, and angry that you’re trapped in this belt. You’d tried to find a locksmith back home to make you a key, but there were only two in the small town near campus. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> One told you he didn’t want any part of your “weird sex stuff”. And the other, you recognized him from one of Master Robert’s parties, so you knew better to even ask. But maybe you’ll have better luck here. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You search on your phone and find one that might be willing to help. You get dressed, call a ride, and [[head over there|Part12Locksmith]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Outside the Locksmith</h1> <img src="Part12/Chastity7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You’re terrified as you walk up to the locksmith. You feel like you are a prisoner trying to escape from jail. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know Master Robert’s name and phone number are on the back of your belt, and you can’t help but worry the locksmith is going to refuse to unlock you, and call Master Robert to report your transgression. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You even imagine the locksmith chaining you up in the back of his shop, leaving you waiting so he can punish or use you as he pleases between customers. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You think it's probably safer to [[back out now|Part12FilmCrew]] and head back to the hotel. Though you wonder if you'll ever get out of this belt if you aren't willing to take a chance [[and head into the locksmith's shop|Part12Locksmith2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Locksmith's Shop</h1> <img src="Part12/Chastity8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The locksmith chuckles a bit when you ask if he’d be able to unlock your chastity belt. When you show him the high security lock, he says he’ll be able to open it, but he’ll have to destroy the belt in the process. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He quotes you a price, but it’s more than you brought with you on the trip. You can [[give up and head back to the hotel|Part12FilmCrew]] or you could see if he'll take [['alternative forms of payment'|Part12Locksmith3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Locksmith's Shop</h1> <img src="Part12/Chastity9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left"/> <<unset $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<set setup.removeInventory('sex toys', 'chastity belt')>> <<unset $Keyholder>> <<unset $MasterRobert>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He accepts your offer, and takes you to the back of the shop and gets to work on your belt. As he’s working he tells you he’s not just going to fuck you, but “spank this cute ass of yours until it’s bright red.” He tells you that you deserve to be punished for leaving your key at home when you went on vacation. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He asks if you stupidly forgot it, or if you “left it on purpose because you know what a horny little slut you are and wanted to stop yourself from fucking every guy on the beach”? When you tell him that you never had the key, and how you were tricked into the belt, he stops teasing you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Instead he gets angry at Olivia and Robert for doing this to you. “I’m sorry for teasing you then. I thought you did this yourself, or that it was at least on you with your consent.” <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he finishes, he tosses the remnants of the belt in the trash and tells you that you don’t need to pay him anything or [[do anything else|Part12Locksmith4]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Locksmith's Apartment</h1> <video src="Part12/Chastity10.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Locksmith'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Locksmith', vaginal:true, ovulating:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He said you didn’t have to pay him, but you are so happy you are finally free of this belt that you still want to thank him. Besides, you’ve been so horny for so long, and you can finally do something about it. You <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> know his talk about punishing you <<else>> wonder if his talk about punishing you might have <</if>> made you even hornier. He doesn’t take much convincing, and soon he’s flipping the sign on the door to “Closed” and the two of you are heading upstairs to his apartment over the shop. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You start to go down on him, since that’s what you always do, but he stops you. “I think it’s your turn now.”, he tells you and instead has you lie back while he buries his head between your legs. It isn’t long and your thighs are wrapping around his head as you enjoy your first orgasm since… you can’t even remember when. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As soon as you recover, you push him onto his back and climb on top of him. You ride him to another orgasm. After you cum, you stop. He rolls you both over and [[continues where you left off|Part12Locksmith5]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Outside Locksmith's Apartment</h1> <img src="Part12/Chastity11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You thank him again before you leave and walk out of his apartment with a huge smile on your face. As you feel a trickle of his cum leak out of you and down your leg, you realize you’ll probably need to stop by the store to pick up some panties. You hadn’t had much use for them with the belt on. Luckily your bikini came as a matched set, and you brought the bottoms along too. <<if !$PlayerNoBodyHair>> As your hand absentmindedly strays where your belt once was, you realize you may want to stop somewhere and get a bikini wax too. But, maybe a shower first would be a good idea. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your mind races with thoughts of what you are going to do with your new freedom. But before you decide to spend the rest of the week on your bed, you decide you want to [[check out that film crew|Part12FilmCrew]] you saw earlier. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Watching the Film Crew</h1> <img src="Part12/Film1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> There's been a film crew in town and they've been paying girls to do various crazy things on camera. You decide to watch the fun for a little while. You are amazed at what they can get away with. The girls look like they are having a good time though, and you start to wonder how much they are getting paid. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> You're guessing they aren't looking for a pregnant woman for their film, so you just watch for able while. Eventually you get bored and decide to [[find something else to do|Part12Oil]]. <<else>> They notice you watching them film. The producer tells you how beautiful you look. She wants to know if you’d pose for a few pictures for them. You’re very flattered and she’s offering to pay you. <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>> Josh talks you out of. “Trust me, I’ve seen their videos. They’ll talk you into much more. They always do.” He has an idea for [[something you guys can do|Part12Oil]]. <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt>> Your chastity belt doesn't doesn’t really fit with their style, so they they don’t include you in any of their videos, but they see how interested (and horny) you are, so they ask if you want to help out [[behind the scenes|Part12BehindTheScenes]]. <<elseif $JobPornOral or $JobPornOralSide or $JobPornAnal or $JobPornAnalSide or $JobPornGang or $JobPornGangSide or $JobPorn or $JobPornSide>> There would be issues with your porn contract if you appeared in their videos, so you have to decline. You watch a bit longer, and then head off to [[find something else to do|Part12Oil]]. <<else>> Besides, you’ll be in your bikini, so you figure [[why not|Part12FilmCrew2]]. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With the Film Crew</h1> <img src="Part12/Film2.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The producer keeps complementing you, telling you how beautiful you look, asking if you’ve done modeling before. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After a while though they have all the photos they need. She says, “You’ve been so great. There’s <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> [[another shoot|Part12Siren]] <<else>> [[another shoot|Part12Mermaid]] <</if>> I’d love you to help out with. It pays a bit better too...” <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Behind the Scenes</h1> <img src="Part12/Film3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Cameraman'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Microphone guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Cameraman'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Stagehand'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Catering guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Wardrobe guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Stagehand'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Cameraman'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Assistant Producer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Producer'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The poor crew gets so horny watching as the producer talks girls into doing wilder and wilder things on camera. They’re overjoyed when you offer to help them deal with that issue. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> While you’re there, whenever one of them is on their break, they just have a seat at your chair. Then you kneel down in front of them and get to work. By the time their break is over, they’re ready to go back to work and able to concentrate on their job again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When their day of shooting is done, you start to say goodbye, but the producer points out that she’s gotten all wet and frustrated too. You smile, and tell her to have a seat. As fun as today was, you're going to see [[what else you can do tomorrow|Part12Oil]] <</nobr>> <<achievement>>train<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Beach</h1> <img src="Part12/Film4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The producer quickly picks up on how submissive you are. She uses that to get you to go further and further. Pretty soon your hands are handcuffed behind your back, and that gets you even more excited. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The producer tugs gently at the string of your bikini top while she asks you, “I could pull this string and there’s nothing you could do to stop me is there?” You shake your head “no”. “And would you try to stop me if you could?”, she continues. You shake “No” again. At that she pulls the string and your top falls to your feet, the camera filming the whole time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She continues, and before you know it you’re completely naked, bound and helpless on the beach. She teases your clit a bit, but stops far too soon. You beg her to continue, but she won’t. You see how hard the camera man is and beg him to fuck you, but he just keeps filming. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The producer tells you that you’re a siren now, if you want to cum, you’ll have to lure one of those sailors into the shore to have their way with you. Then she gestures to surfers and sailboarders off in the distance. You call to them, but they only stare a while before moving on. You wait and a few minutes later more pass by and you [[start calling again|Part12Siren2]]... <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>By the Pool</h1> <img src="Part12/Film5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You’re not able to lure any of them to shore, but she offers you another change to cum. This time at a pool they’ve reserved. She leaves you tied and unable to move again, laying on the tile of the pool deck wondering if she’s going to leave you denied and frustrated again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They film your horny, frustrated face. They keep filming as it suddenly changes. A jet of water shoots up from beneath you. She’d positioned you just right for it hit your clit. It isn’t long until you are using what little motion your body can make to thrust your hips at the stream of water. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After your first orgasm, the water doesn’t stop. You struggle to move away, but you can’t get away from the jet and soon you are being forced to cum again. The cameraman keeps filming it all. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Finally, when they’ve gotten enough for their video, the water stops and she unties you. You lay there on the wet tile for a while until you have the strength to stand again and put your bikini back on. As you say goodbye, she thanks you for doing such a wonderful job. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You're pretty sure [[whatever you decide to do tomorrow|Part12Oil]] is probably going to seem boring compared to the events of today. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>By the Pool</h1> <video src="Part12/Film6.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addInventory('costumes', 'mermaid')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It doesn’t take much convincing for her to talk you into wearing a mermaid costume. The shell bikini top covers more than your regular bikini, and the “tail” has you covered completely from the waist down. You take off your bikini and she helps you get into the mermaid outfit. She doesn’t call the camera crew out until you’re ready. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once the cameras are rolling, she starts telling you how beautiful you are. She says the costume would be more authentic without the top. “Mermaids only wear bikinis in children’s cartoons.”, she says. She tells you she saw how beautiful your breasts are while you were changing, and you shouldn’t be ashamed to show them off. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She offers you a bit more money, and you agree. The camera keeps rolling as she helps you off with your top. She continues to reassure you to keep you from worrying about the cameras focused on you [[the whole time|Part12Mermaid2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In the Pool</h1> <video src="Part12/Film7.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She has you swim around the pool. It feels so natural in the water this way, you aren’t even thinking about being topless anymore, you are just enjoying the feel as your body glides through the pool. Of course, there’s a cameraman with a camera under the water too filming you the whole time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You’re the last shoot of the day, so after they’ve got the film they need, she lets you know you can keep the tail. She invites you to stay around for the after-party though. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can swim easily, but can’t walk in the tail so you [[stay in the pool|Part12Mermaid3]]. As the crew starts joining you, you think about having someone grab your top for you. But you figure they’ve all seen you topless already, so why bother. You have one of them grab you a drink instead. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>By the Pool</h1> <img src="Part12/Film8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It’s only when the pool is full of people that you realize that you’ll have to strip completely naked to remove the tail so you can get out of the pool. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Now that they are shirtless in the pool with you, you see how muscular some of the guys in the crew are. You’re sure one of them would have no problem carrying you [[somewhere private to change|Part12MermaidCrew]]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You could also ask the producer to help you change again. She’s not going to be able to lift you, but she could always get one of the guys to do it for her. Maybe [[she could help you in other ways as well|Part12MermaidProducer]]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Or, you could just [[strip down here in front of everyone|Part12MermaidStrip]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With the Producer</h1> <video src="Part12/Film9.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Producer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Producer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Producer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Producer'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your eyes are on her as she leads the crew member carrying you to one of the bedrooms, but you can’t help noticing the grin on his face the whole time. When he gets to her room, he lays you on the bed and leaves. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You try to pull down the mermaid tail, but the waistband is too tight and won’t go past your hips. “Mermaids have to earn their legs.”, she tells you as she strips out of her clothes. You wiggle across the bed and quickly get to work earning your legs back. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once she’s well satisfied, she tells you you’ve earned your legs. She reaches behind you and unzips some zipper you hadn’t noticed and the tail comes off easily then. “But I think at the moment you are less worried about your legs, and more concerned with what is between them. You’ve earned that too.”, she tells you as she crawls between your newly freed legs. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You're pretty sure [[whatever you decide to do tomorrow|Part12Oil]] is probably going to seem boring compared to the events of today. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With a Stagehand</h1> <video src="Part12/Film10.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Stagehand', repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He carries you into a private room and lays you on a bed. Before you even have your tail off, you’ve pulled down his pants and his cock is in your mouth. After a while you want more and start to remove your tail. But the waistband is too tight and won’t go past your hips. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He starts tugging on it, trying to help. “Don’t rip it.”, you say, seeing he’s even more eager to get it off of you than you are. You decide to get him off first, [[then figure it out|Part12MermaidCrew2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With a Stagehand</h1> <<if $BodyType == 'Petite'>> <img src="Part12/Film11b.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <<else>> <img src="Part12/Film11a.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $BodyType == 'Petite'>> You keep him in your mouth, wishing his cock was inside you right now instead. <<if setup.haveFucked('Locksmith')>> It's obviously a familiar feeling for you, but at least now you know your relief is only minutes away. <</if>> After he fills your mouth with his cum, you suck a bit longer before you slowly slide his cock out of your mouth. <<else>> You tell him, “We’ll figure it out the tail later. Fuck my breasts instead.” as you squeeze them together. His cock is still slick with your spit and slides right in. You watch as his thrusts get faster and faster, until finally he grunts and cums across your chest. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After he's recovered a bit, you ask him "Umm, can you [[take a closer look at this tail now|Part12MermaidCrew3]]?" <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With a Stagehand</h1> <video src="Part12/Film12.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Stagehand', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Stagehand', vaginal:true, ovulating:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After his orgasm, he’s more patient and careful in his search. He spots a zipper in the back of the tail under a flap that you’d missed. Once he unzips it a bit the tail comes off easily. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Now that your tail is off he starts working on your pleasure. As you start getting close to an orgasm he’s ready to go again and you cum as he fucks you. He goes a while longer until he cums again inside you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You're pretty sure [[whatever you decide to do tomorrow|Part12Oil]] is probably going to seem boring compared to the events of today. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In the Pool</h1> <img src="Part12/Film13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> You feel guilty stripping here in front of everyone, but you know if you go somewhere private with any of them, it'll lead to more than just them helping you change. You figure they've see much more than what you are about to show them, so you start to take off your tail. <br><br> <</if>> You try to pull down the mermaid tail, but the waistband is too tight and won’t go past your hips. You can’t figure out how to get it off. You feel around for a seam or anything but everything feels smooth. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral or setup.haveInventory('piercings', 'tongue')>> [[The producer comes over when she sees you struggling|Part12MermaidLegs]]. <<else>> The producer comes over when she sees you struggling. She puts her arms around you and grabs your ass for a second. “Let me get that for you.”, she says. Then her hands move away from your ass and she unzips a hidden zipper you hadn’t felt. <br><br> “You were great today. I hope you had as fun of a time as we did filming you.” Then she heads back to the people she had been talking to. <br><br> You’re able to get the tail off now. You climb out of the pool naked, search around for your clothes, then dress and head back your room. You're pretty sure [[whatever you decide to do tomorrow|Part12Oil]] is probably going to seem boring compared to the events of today. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Pool</h1> <img src="Part12/Film14.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left"/> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Stagehand'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Cameraman'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Stagehand'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Microphone guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Cameraman'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Stagehand'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Stagehand'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Catering guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Stagehand'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Wardrobe guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Stagehand'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Stagehand'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Assistant Producer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Stagehand'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> “Mermaids have to earn their legs. And they earn it by giving others pleasure.”, she tells you. <<if setup.haveInventory('piercings', 'tongue')>> She slides her finger into your mouth and rubs it across your pierced tongue, <</if>> “You and I both know you’ve been fantasizing all afternoon about getting a taste of what these guys are packing under their trunks.” <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You both know she’s right and you say nothing. “Do we have any volunteers?”, she calls out. “Ten should be enough to earn your legs.” <</nobr>> <<nobr>> While each guy takes a turns, the other guys, and the producer, all cheer you on. As soon as one guy cums for you, you move on to the next cock. Soon you lose track of how many cocks it has been. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you stop, you’re pretty sure it’s [[well over ten|Part12MermaidLegs2]], as every guy that’s interested has already volunteered at least once. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>train<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>In the Pool</h1> <img src="Part12/Film15.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Producer'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> “You just need one more to earn your legs, Mermaid”, she tells you. Then she tosses her bikini to the side, sits on the edge of the pool and spreads her legs for you. It takes longer for you to get her off, but the guys are cheering even louder for you the whole time. Finally, she grabs your hair and holds your head against her as she cums. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She takes a moment to recover then says, “Good mermaid. You’ve earned your legs.” She reaches behind you and unzips some zipper you’d missed and the waistband loosens up and you’re able to remove the tail easily. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Everyone is sorry to see you go, but you find your clothes and then head back to your room. You're pretty sure [[whatever you decide to do tomorrow|Part12Oil]] is probably going to seem boring compared to the events of today. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At a Party</h1> <video src="Part12/Oil1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> At one of the parties you go to, they have a small pool filled with baby oil or something similar and girls are wrestling in it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course it’s more about the girls rubbing up against each other, and no one really cares who wins or loses. You can’t help but watch. You find yourself getting turned on imagining joining in. The person refereeing the ‘matches’ notices your interest and asks if you want to join in. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> The thought of rolling around in the oil, in front of everyone, is to much of course you want to <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectLibido>> You are always horny, but watching the other girls rub against each other, imagining yourself in their place, makes you even more so. Of course you want to <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Locksmith')>> You've were locked in that belt for so long, and now you're finally free! Of course you want to <<elseif $CampusMinistryFailSpringBreak>> You've suppressed your desires for so long, you aren't going to pass up on this opportunity. Of course you want to <<elseif $PlayerItemChastity>> You know you won't be able to get off in your belt, but the thought of another woman, slick with oil, rubbing against you is still too much to resist. Of course you want to <<else>> As you watch them you imagine yourself in their place. You wonder how fun it would be if you were to <</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>> [[join in|Part12OilJosh1]]. <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt>> [[join in|Part12OilChastity]]. <<elseif $PlayerPregnant>> [[join in|Part12OilPregnant]]. <<else>> [[join in|Part12Oil2]]. <</if>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist and !$PlayerSideEffectLibido and !setup.haveFucked('Locksmith') and !$PlayerItemChastity and !$CampusMinistryFailSpringBreak>> <<if $CampusMinistry and !$CampusMinistrySaves>> Maybe it's the alcohol, or all the girls rubbing against each other, or just that you've deprived yourself for so long, but you decide to at least give it a try. <<else>> Or you could [[just watch instead|Part12OilAlone]]. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At a Party</h1> <img src="Part12/Oil2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Josh'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You mention joining in to Josh and thinks it’d be hot, but says he has an even better idea. They give Josh a blindfold which he puts on you. He leads you somewhere and starts helping you remove your clothes. You wonder how many people are watching. Josh then ties your hands and legs wide apart leaving you helpless and exposed. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Soon you feel hands rubbing oil all over your body, Josh’s you’re sure, and others as well. They feel soft and you think they belong to another woman, but you can’t be sure. You hear voices from every direction talking about your body. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After everyone has enjoyed admiring your squirming for for a moment, Josh’s hands return, this time they find their way between your spread legs. [[The crowd encourages him|Part12OilJosh2]] as you softly moan. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At a Party</h1> <img src="Part12/Oil3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Josh'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> His hands pull away for a moment, then you feel the familiar sensation of the head of a cock pushing your lips apart. You think for a moment Josh is going to fuck you in front of everyone! But then you realize a moment later it was a dildo he was sliding into you. You can do nothing but accept the pleasure as he slides the dildo in and out, stroking your clit with his other hand. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Soon the soft hands begin playing with your breasts as Josh continues between your legs. Your body tries to thrust back at the dildo in Josh’s hand, but you can’t get any traction and just writhe around as you moan. When you cum, the soft hands squeeze and tug at your nipples as Josh keeps thrusting the dildo, finally stopping as your orgasm passes. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Josh leaves you tied and spread out as you recover from your orgasm. Soft lips kiss your mouth once before moving away. You can feel the dildo that was just inside you resting on your chest. After the bliss of your orgasm passes you start to become more aware of [[how many people are all around you|Part12OilJosh3]]. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>threesome:FMF<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>At a Party</h1> <video src="Part12/Oil4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Josh', vaginal:true, ovulating:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After a while Josh returns and unties you. When you remove the blindfold the whole room claps at the performance you just gave them all. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You ignore them though, and pull Josh into a nearby room. You pull off his clothes and push him back onto his back. He’s hard already and you climb on top of him and start riding his cock. By the time you feel him cum inside you, you’ve made him as oily and messy as you are. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you don’t stop after he cums, you’re too close to another orgasm. You keep riding as he tries to grab your ass to hold you still. But you’re too slippery, and he can’t get a grip. He starts to buck and squirm as you keep bouncing on his over-sensitive cock. A moment later though he’s relieved as you orgasm again and finally stop. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You're not sure if the rest of the week can top tonight, but there's still [[one more thing|Part12Poolside]] you want to try before you and Josh head home. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At a Party</h1> <img src="Part12/Oil5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you strip for them, they all look at your chastity belt. They are all curious about it and have the same questions you are always answering. But they decide that it’s best that you don’t wrestle in it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But that doesn’t stop them from oiling you up. Both the men and women at the party have great fun rubbing the oil across your stomach, your breasts, your inner thigh. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They love how horny it is making you. You try to slide your oily hand under the belt, but you know from experience it’s no use. They all tease you about how frustrating it must be for you. One of the girls rubs her own clit and tells you how wonderful it feels. She smiles at the look of jealousy on your face. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After a while, they move on though to someone without a belt. You are left horny again, with nothing you can do about it as you watch them pleasure the next girl. You enjoy watching the fun, even if you can't join in to it much, but eventually it's time to [[head back to the hotel|Part12Poolside]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At a Party</h1> <img src="Part12/Oil6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"/> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They don’t want you to wrestle in your condition, but that doesn’t stop them from oiling you up. After you are stripped, four guys take your arms and legs and pull them in all directions, leaving you open and exposed. Other hands begin applying oil to every part of your helpless body. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Man or woman, you aren’t sure, but one of them is the first to slide a slick finger across your clit and inside you. Soon it’s removed and someone else’s takes it’s place. When you finally cum, you don’t know how many hands are on you, holding your arms and legs apart, sliding into you, and exploring every inch of your body. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After your orgasm, they release you. You realize your orgasm must have woke the baby, as you can feel <<if !$BabyKnow>> him or her <<elseif $BabyBoy>> him <<else>> her <</if>> start to kick. Several others feel your stomach and marvel at it as well. <<if !$BabyKnow>> He or she <<elseif $BabyBoy>> He <<else>> She <</if>> settles down after a bit and you track down your clothes and enjoy watching the other girls and the rest of the fun. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Eventually thought it's time to [[head back to the hotel|Part12Poolside]]. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>threesome:FMF<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>At a Party</h1> <img src="Part12/Oil7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The other girls strip you down to your bra and panties and begin applying oil all over your body. Soon your panties are soaked, both from the inside, and from the oily hands rubbing you through them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You find your hips moving, gently thrusting against the hands rubbing you, as your body wants more. Everyone watching sees how aroused you’ve become and several spectators offer to help. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> <<unset $CampusMinistry>> <<set $CampusMinistryFail to 1>> <<set $CampusMinistryFailSpringBreak to 1>> You know you should just leave, but you are already too turned on, and they all are too, and wanting you as bad as you are wanting them. You can't resist any longer. <br><br> <</if>> You can either [[grab the nearest guy|Part12OilMen]] and take him out back. Or you can head upstairs with [[several of the girls|Part12OilWomen]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At a Party</h1> <video src="Part12/Oil8.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Oily Wrestler'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Oily Wrestler', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Shy Girl'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Oily Wrestler', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Shy Girl', repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> One of the girls leads you to a room nearby, her quiet friend following close behind. Her friend only watches though as her skillful hands slide across your oiled body. It doesn’t take her long before she has you throwing your head back with an amazing orgasm. By the time you recover, she’s shed her clothes. You grab her and push her back into the oily spot on the bed you’d just been in and begin to return the favor. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> By round three her friend has finally gotten relaxed enough, or perhaps just horny enough, that she joins you both on the bed. It’s quite a while before the three of you finally return to the rest of the party. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As much fun as the party was, eventually it's time to [[head back to the hotel|Part12Poolside]] <</nobr>> <<achievement>>threesome:FFF<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>At a Party</h1> <video src="Part12/Oil9.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Oily Partygoer', vaginal:true, ovulating:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Oily Partygoer'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Two of the guys watching help you up and lead you out back by the pool. After your underwear is tossed aside, they finish applying oil to the few parts of your body that were missed. It doesn’t take long before you are begging for them to fuck you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you orgasm, your moans are silenced by the cock fucking your face. Both continue for a while after your orgasm until they both fill you with cum, first the one fucking you from behind, and then a minute later by his friend using your mouth. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you have enough energy you put your underwear back on and head back in with a smile on your face to watch the rest of the fun. As much fun as the party was, eventually it's time to [[head back to the hotel|Part12Poolside]] <</nobr>> <<achievement>>threesome:MFM<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Plans for Later</h1> <img src="Part12/Oil10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left"/> <<if $CampusMinistry>> <<set $CampusMinistrySaves -= 1>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You aren’t feeling bold enough to join in on the fun today, so you only watch as the girls do more and more wild things. The wrestling turns into erotic massage, then to fingering. <<if $CampusMinistry>> You can only watch in shock. But something about watching those girls wiggle around and moan makes you wonder what it'd be like to be one of them. But no. You'd never do something like that. You <<else>> People are heading out back to fuck as well. But you <</if>> are having enough fun just watching as you sip your drink as you observe the craziness. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you saw how hot the other girls looked though, with the oil glistening on their skin. You make a note to yourself to pick up some oil when you get back home so you can see if it’s still fun using it at home by yourself. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>>Though you imagine it'd be even more fun if you didn't have this belt on.<</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> You come to your senses, and try to push the the perverted thoughts out of your mind. Wait, what am I thinking? You ask yourself. You try to forget about it, and [[enjoy the rest of your week|Part12Poolside]] while you are still here. <<else>> But that's something to do some other time. You still want to [[enjoy the rest of your week|Part12Poolside]] while you are still here. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>By the Pool</h1> <img src="Part12/Poolside.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course not all the fun at spring break has to involve parties and lots of drinking. You also enjoy just sitting on the beach or by the pool in your bikini. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Josh')>> Josh suggests the two of you take a [[romantic walk near the beach|Part12JoshBeach]]. <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt>> Well, in your case it's a [[bikini top and a metal bottom|Part12ChastityBeach]]. <<elseif $PlayerPregnant>> Of course for you, the view of the pool is usally blocked a bit your baby bump. But thankfully it hasn't presented as much of a problem [[with finding guys|Part12PregnantHotel]] as you had worried it might. <<elseif $CampusMinistry>> You see all the couples making out, or making hurried trips back to their hotel rooms to have sex. You can't help but wonder what it would be like to be one of them. You know it wouldn't be hard to find a willing guy. <br><br> <<if $CampusMinistrySaves > 0>> <<set $CampusMinistrySaves -= 1>> But you'd promised Faith that you'd behave yourself. You've already let things go a bit farther than you'd expected with the film crew, and you'd almost gotten carried away at that party the other night. <br><br> You decide to be a good girl and just sit here by the pool [[enjoying the sun|Part12Relaxing]]. Is it wrong that you also enjoy the looks you get from the guys, admiring what they can see but not touch. You hope not. <<else>> You told Faith you'd behave yourself, but your body is begging you to ignore her. You've already let things go a bit farther than you'd expected with the film crew, and you'd almost gotten carried away at that party the other night. "Would it be so bad to go just that little bit further? I mean, how would she ever even know", you try to rationalize to yourself. <br><br> In a moment of resolve you decide to leave the temptation of the pool and go [[lie on the beach alone|Part12BeachAlone]] instead. <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive and !setup.isGoldStarLesbian()>> The week is almost over, but you meet a guy whose [[interests seem to line up perfectly with yours|Part12SubmissiveHotel]]. <<else>> You decide the view would be nicer [[on the beach|Part12BeachAlone]] and head there instead. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Near the Beach</h1> <video src="Part12/Josh1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Josh'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Josh has fantasized about having sex on the beach. You have to admit you have too. While you are both on a romantic stroll down the beach, he stops. A moment later his lips are on yours. Soon his hand is sliding up your shirt and his lips move to your breasts. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As he kisses down your chest and then your stomach, you are nervous about being so out in the open but you also don’t want him to stop. As his hands grasp your waistband, you arch your back, eager for him to go on. But then someone spots you both and yells at you. You quickly straighten your shirt and [[you both run off|Part12JoshBeach2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Near the Beach</h1> <video src="Part12/Josh2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Josh'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It’s a long walk back to the hotel, and now you both are too horny to wait until then. Besides, the thrill of being out in the open with the sound of the ocean nearby was part of the turn on. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After checking around to make sure no one is nearby this time, Josh pulls down your shorts and begins kissing your lips. You hold onto a palm tree for support as his tongue slides across your clit. Soon your clothes are in a pile nearby and Josh is bringing you closer and closer to your orgasm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you cum, you have to hold on to him for support to keep from falling over. It’s only after the pleasure starts to fade that you realize Josh’s shorts are still on and you’ve had all the fun so far. You drop to your knees and pull his shorts down. His hard cock springs free, desperate for attention. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Josh moans as you slide his cock into your mouth. You do your best to repay the pleasure he’s just given you and hope to taste him cumming for you soon. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $BodyType == 'Petite'>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Josh', vaginal:true, ovulating:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> But he has other ideas. He lifts you up and lowers you back down onto his cock. You wrap your legs around him for support as he raises and lowers you onto his cock. It isn’t long until he tells you he’s about to cum. You squeeze tightly with your legs, pulling you closer and forcing his cock deep inside you and pushing him over the edge into orgasm. <<else>> He strokes your hair as you work his cock. Soon his head is leaning back against the palm tree, his mind lost in the pleasure you are giving him. It doesn’t take long until you get your wish, as you feel his cock twitching and feel his warm cum hit your tongue and throat. <</if>> Once the two of you have finished, you straighten yourselves back up and finish [[walking back to the hotel|Part12JoshBeach3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your and Josh's Room</h1> <video src="Part12/Josh3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It’s your [[last morning here|Part12Relaxing]], but you still have a few hours until check-out time. You’re still sleep and were hoping for another hour of sleep. But when you see Josh’s morning wood, and how horny he is, you don’t want to let it go to waste. You figure after a blowjob, he’ll be sleepy and curly up next to you for that extra hour of sleep. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you work his cock though, you get more and more turned on. Eventually you forget about sleep and just want him to fuck you. But it’s too late at that point, you know he’ll never last long enough now to get you off, so you keep going with the blowjob. It isn’t long until he’s cumming for you. You were right, a minute later he’s next to you on the bed, sound asleep. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, now you’re too horny to get back to sleep. You decide to give him and his cock a few minutes to rest. Then you’ll be using you mouth to get his cock hard again for him. You’re hoping that doesn’t wake him up. You’d much rather he wake up to you riding his cock instead. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Near the Beach</h1> <img src="Part12/Chastity12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You could try to hide your belt, but you’ve stopped worrying about it. The week is almost over now, and everyone already knows about <<if $PlayerCumslut>> 'that cumslut in the chastity belt'. <<else>> ‘the girl in the chastity belt’. <</if>> You’re sort of a mini celebrity. Well, at least at this stretch of beach for the week. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, you still get the sympathy comments from some of the women and the blowjob and anal comments from some of the guys, but those aren’t the comments that you enjoy the most. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The ones you really enjoy are the women who come up excited by your belt and wanting one for themselves, or guys asking where they could get one for their girlfriend, even a few guys asking if they buy something their girlfriend could lock onto them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You’re happy to provide them all with whatever information and encouragement you can. You’re not sure why, but knowing someone that you’ll never see again, might have their pleasure denied because of you makes your own frustration a little more bearable. [[For a little while at least|Part12ChastityBeach2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Some Guy's Room</h1> <video src="Part12/Chastity13.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course imagining someone else being as horny and frustrated as you are, only helps a little. You know sooner or later (usually sooner), you’ll be taking one of those guys with the blowjob comments back to his room. You’re a bit sad that the week’s almost over. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It’s not like there was ever a shortage of guys wanting blowjobs on campus. But it’s just a bit more fun when one minute you can be [[strolling the beach|Part12Relaxing]] and a couple minutes later you’re in a guys hotel room. Then a few minutes after you’re done, you can be back by the pool sipping a drink again. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Some Guy's Room</h1> <img src="Part12/Pregnant1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your pregnancy must be doing things to your hormones, because you’ve been even hornier than normal lately. You had worried that you were going to have a rough time this week. You assumed there’d be enough pretty, thin girls in bikinis that all the hot guys would be taken. But you were wrong. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You’re surprised to find that not only do many of the guys not mind that you are pregnant, some of them seem really turned on by it. You wonder if it’s some biological thing, because they know you’re fertile. Or if it’s just that they don’t have to worry about knocking you up. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You decide you don’t really care why, and [[decide to just enjoy it|Part12PregnantHotel2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Some Guy's Room</h1> <img src="Part12/Pregnant2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The other thing you love is that there’s no worry about birth control. No pills to take, no condoms to worry about, and best of all, there’s no pulling out. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Some guys like pulling out and cumming on on a girls ass or stomach or face, but not these guys. Every one of the guys interested in you is only interested in cumming inside you. Every one of them enjoy fucking you to the last second and then going deep as they cum. You love it too, there’s nothing worse than a guy pulling out just before you get off. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Now you feel his cock get even harder, and his thrusts get faster, and you know he’s about to cum. It’s usually enough to push you over the edge if you weren’t already there. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Sadly, the week comes to an end far too soon and it's [[almost time to leave|Part12Relaxing]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Some Guy's Room</h1> <video src="Part12/Submissive1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You met him the day before you have to leave. You wish you’d met him earlier in the week though. It doesn’t take him long to pick up on how submissive you are, and he loves it. And he’s well prepared. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He pulls cuffs out of his bag and binds your arms and legs spread out. You love how helpless and exposed you feel. You don’t know what he’s going to do next, fuck you, make you suck his cock, eat you out. You’re powerless no matter what he chooses to do, and he sees how wet it’s making you and teases you about it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He reaches into his bag again and pulls out a wand vibrator. Your mind quickly races, wondering how many orgasms he’s going to force out of you. You wonder how many you can take before you are begging him to stop. You wonder if he will. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But that’s not what he has in mind. Instead, he teases your clit, your nipples, your lips, but always stopping before you can cum. You’re soon begging, but it’s for him to keep going, to please, [[please, let you orgasm|Part12SubmissiveHotel2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Some Guy's Room</h1> <video src="Part12/Submissive2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He doesn’t answer your pleas with the wand, but eventually he does give you a chance at what you’ve been begging for. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It feels so amazing when he finally kneels between your legs and slides his cock into you. You wait for him to fuck you, but he doesn’t move. “If you want it, you’ll have to work for it.”, he tells you. You quickly obey and arch your back to thrust yourself onto his cock again and again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He tells you if you want to orgasm, you better do it before he does. If he cums first, he’s going to leave you there, filled with his cum and unsatisfied for a few minutes. Then when you’ve cooled down a bit, he’ll start back to teasing and denying you with the wand again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerEasytoOrgasm>> Of course, you have little trouble orgasming before he does. As you orgasm, you stop your thrusts, but he takes over fucking you to a second orgasm before he finally cums inside you. <<else>> You make it with time to spare. You tug at the ropes holding you as you orgasm. When your thrusts stop, he quickly takes over fucking you until he too cums inside you. <</if>> He leaves you there, tied to his bed with his cum leaking out of you as he heads to the bathroom. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wish you could have spent every night this week tied up in his room, but unfortunately you have to say goodbye as you both [[leave tomorrow|Part12Relaxing]] for different parts of the country. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>On the Beach</h1> <img src="Part12/Alone1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You’re enjoying your last day at the beach before you head home tomorrow. You love the feel of the sun on your body, and looking at all the beautiful people on the beach. You even notice how beautiful your own body looks with the late afternoon sun hitting it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don’t realize how turned on you are getting until a guy comments on how inviting you look and you realize you’ve spread your legs subconsciously. Your body clearly wants someone between your legs, and soon. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> <<unset $CampusMinistry>> <<set $CampusMinistryFail to 1>> <<set $CampusMinistryFailSpringBreak to 1>> <<set $CampusMinistryFailSpringBreakLate to 1>> You can't resist any longer. Seeing all the fun everyone else has been having all week, trying to be a good girl, you just can't anymore. "I think my legs were trying to tell me something, and you go the message before I did. [[How about we go back to your room|Part12HimAlone]]," you say to him. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> The intoxicating smell of him is too much, and you can't help but [[take him up on his implied offer|Part12BeachMen]]. <<else>> You could [[take him up on his implied offer|Part12BeachMen]]. Or you could see if you [[find a girl to help you|Part12BeachWomen]] with the need you are feeling. <<if $CampusMinistryFailSpringBreak>> You have so much lost time, and missed opportunity to make up for. You aren't going to let this one pass you by. <<elseif !$PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock and !$PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> You could also just go back to your room and [[take care of the problem yourself|Part12RoomAlone]]. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>On the Beach</h1> <img src="Part12/Guy1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Maybe it’s the sight of their bare chests, their washboard abs, or just their musky smell after running around on the beach all day. Whatever it is, at a certain point every day you can’t think about anything else. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Now this one is talking to you, and you can’t help but fantasize about pulling the drawstring on his swim trunks and watching the bow unite. Then you imagine pulling those trunks down, right here in front of everyone. Then you imagine him lifting you up and lowering you down onto his cock, and then fucking you while he stands here on the beach. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He sees the look you are giving him and smiles. You snap out of your fantasy long enough to decide that maybe it’s better to <<if $PlayerSideEffectDominant>> [[go somewhere private instead|Part12DominateHim]]. <<else>> [[go somewhere private instead|Part12HimAlone]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your Room</h1> <img src="Part12/GuyDominate1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left"/> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You take him back to your room. When the two of you are alone you toss your bikini aside. As he starts to remove his trunks you tell him to stop. You have him lay back on the bed. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you crawl across the bed you see his cock stiffen beneath his trunks. You kiss the bulge he’s made, but crawl right past it and then straddle his face. “Your trucks stay on until you’ve given me an orgasm. Then maybe your cock can come out to play.” <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He says, “yes, ma’am”, and then puts his hands around your legs and [[gets to work|Part12DominateHim2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your Room</h1> <video src="Part12/GuyDominate2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you orgasm, you pull down his trunks and his cock springs free. He moans as you wrap your lips around it and slide down the length of it and back. But then you take his cock out of your mouth. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You keep giving him pleasure, sliding your lips across the head of his cock, flicking your tongue beneath it. You smile as you see the look on his face - pleasure, but aching to be inside your mouth again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you can taste the precum starting to leak out, you know he won’t last much longer. You give his cock a last kiss and then straddle his face again. “That got me so horny, I couldn’t wait any longer. Give me another orgasm and then maybe we’ll get back to you.” He quickly gets back to work again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wonder how many times you can take him to the edge before he breaks. When he does, you wonder if he’ll [[beg for relief|Part12DominateHim3]], or whether he’ll toss you onto the bed and take it. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your Room</h1> <video src="Part12/GuyDominate3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> In the end it’s you that gives in before he does, though there’s no begging needed. As you straddle his face again and he’s half way to your next orgasm, you decide you’ve teased him long enough. Not that you are being merciful, you just can’t wait any longer to feel his cock inside you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You climb on top of him, and grab his cock with one hand and guide it into you as you lower yourself down. As you ride him, you give him one more order. “Don’t you dare cum before I do.” You know he won’t be able to obey, but you enjoy making him try. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Unfortunately the week flies by and before you know it, [[it's almost time to go home|Part12Relaxing]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>His Private Deck</h1> <video src="Part12/Guy2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Guy with a nice room', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Guy with a nice room', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Guy with a nice room', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Guy with a nice room', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Guy with a nice room', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Guy with a nice room', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You head back to his room with him. It’s far nicer than the discount room you booked. His even has a private deck. Well, private enough anyway. As he heads to his minibar to make you a drink, you smile and head out to the deck to wait for him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistryFailSpringBreakLate>> You can still feel the sun on your skin and smell the ocean air outside on is deck. As you look at higher rooms on the hotel and wonder if there are people up there, looking out their windows, about to watch the two of you. You decide you don't care, you've waited nearly a year. You aren't going to wait any longer. <br><br> When your orgasm hits you can't belive how good it feels. Waves of pleasure keep going as your orgasm continues. He's still fucking you when your thoughts start to become coherent again. "Why did I ever wait?", you wonder to yourself. "I could have been doing this all year! I'm not going to waste any more time!" <<else>> It may not be in the middle of the beach, but you can feel the sun on your skin and smell the ocean air. As you look at higher rooms on the hotel and imagining people looking out their windows, watching you two, you decide it’s close enough to your fantasy of sex on the beach. <br><br> It was just as good as you'd imagined, and soon the screams of your orgasm are alerting anyone in those high windows that might want to watch the rest of the show. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But he still hasn't came. So you have him lay back again and you climb on top of him and ride his cock. You know he won’t be able to last long as you thrust him deep inside you each time. Once he’s came too, you climb off him. You head over to the table where he’d placed your drink, with his cum leaking out of you leaving a trail behind you as you go. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once he recovers, you take him inside to that nice bed you saw for the next round. Unfortunately, he has to [[leave tomorrow|Part12GuysRoom]], so your fun with him is just for today. Well, and tonight, and tomorrow morning before he checks out. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Guys' Room</h1> <video src="Part12/Guy3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Guy buying you drinks', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Guy buying you drinks', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Guy buying you drinks', repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next night, the guy with the nice room has gone. You are at the hotel bar instead, enjoying the free drinks a table of guys keep sending your way. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You’ve had quite a few by the time you head to their table and sit down with them. You don’t spend that long at their table though. You knew what you wanted when you walked over, and it doesn’t take them long to realize it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you get to their room, it’s not as nice as the one last night, but you don’t care as six hands begin roaming your body. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your mind and senses are overwhelmed as you feel one tongue on your clit, another circling your nipple, and the [[third guy|Part12GuysRoom2]] holding your arms down as he fucks your mouth. <<if $CampusMinistryFailSpringBreakLate>> <br><br> "I'm such a slut. What will Faith think?", you think to yourself. Then you decide being a slut is exactly what you want to be. "I wonder if Faith knew how good it feels and how much fun being a slut can be, if she'd want to be one too." <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Guys' Room</h1> <video src="Part12/Guy4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Guy buying you drinks', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Guy buying you drinks', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Guy buying you drinks', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Guy buying you drinks', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Guy buying you drinks', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Guy buying you drinks', repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The guy that had been attending to your clit decides you are are ready and begins fucking you. You would have been begging him to do just that if his friend’s cock wasn’t still filling your mouth. The third guy has moved away and is waiting his turn. You wonder which of his friends he’s hoping cums first so he can take their place. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You’d love for you and them both to cum at the same time. You’d love to feel them both fill you as you orgasm, but you know that probably won’t happen. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But then you fantasize that one will cum soon and let his friend take over. Then by the time the next guy orgasms, the first is ready to go again. You imagine the three of them swapping out again and again. You wonder how many times you’d cum before they all finally were too tired to go on. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know that probably won’t happen either. But, then you think, if you had more guys maybe it would work. Unfortunately, you don't have a chance to test that theory, as [[the week is almost over|Part12Relaxing]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>On the Beach</h1> <img src="Part12/Girl1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Plenty of guys hit on you on the beach, but they don’t really interest you. You’re much more interested in just lying on the beach with the girls, enjoying the sun. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> A couple days into your trip, you were planning on finding a spot by yourself. But you see a woman by herself, her gaze following you instead of one of the shirtless guys. “Do you mind if I take this spot?”, you say pointing to the spot of beach next to her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you both relax on the beach you find each of you slowly moving closer and closer until your legs are touching. When you glance over into her eyes, you both know you’ll soon be <<if $PlayerSideEffectDominant>> [[leaving the beach together|Part12DominateHer]] <<else>> [[leaving the beach together|Part12WithTheGirls]] <</if>> and heading to either her room or yours. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your Room</h1> <video src="Part12/GirlDominate1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Sydney'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you get her back to your room and begin making out, you quickly figure out that she’s as submissive as you once were. Her eyes go wide when you reach into your bag and pull out some rope. She meekly complies as you tie her hands to the bed. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> If you were actually planning on keeping her as a sub, you’d probably want to deny her for a while, make her wait and wait for the chance to orgasm. But this is just a vacation fling, so [[maybe you’ll be more generous|Part12DominateHer2]]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Or maybe not. But you’ll worry about that later. Right now she needs to focus only on your pleasure. Not that she has the option to do anything else anyway. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your Room</h1> <video src="Part12/GirlDominate2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Sydney'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Sydney'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Sydney'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Sydney'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Sydney'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Sydney'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Sydney'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Sydney'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Sydney'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Sydney'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Sydney'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Sydney'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Sydney'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Sydney'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Sydney'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Sydney'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Sydney'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You decide to be generous. You have her tied securely and are stroking her clit and have her close to an orgasm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> “Would you like me to keep going?”, you ask her. “Then promise me that for the rest of the time we are together this week, your orgasms belong to me. That you won’t cum with out my permission. Then I might keep going. Maybe.” Your fingers keep moving as she quickly agrees. “You have my permission now.”, you tell her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As she cums, her body shakes and quivers against the ropes. “This is going to be a fun week”, you think to yourself as you kiss her and roam your hand across her bound body. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You have a fun time with her the rest of the week, but the time files by. All too soon, you are telling her goodbye as she leaves the day before you do. You're back to [[lounging by yourself again|Part12Relaxing]] at the end of your vacation. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Girls-only Fun</h1> <video src="Part12/Girl2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and your new friend, Sydney, have moved close to each other and you are about to ask if she wants to head someplace more private when another girl comes up to you. She tells you both about a girls-only party her and some friends are having in her room in a bit. The moment between you and Sydney is lost, but the two of you agree to meet back up at the party in a little while. The girl that invited you senses she may have interrupted something and adds, “You could come hang out now with us now if you want” <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you get to their room, you realize the girls throwing the party are wild, but a lot of fun. After a few drinks, someone gets the idea to visit the topless beach a few miles a way. They talk you and Sydney into joining them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> One of the girls sends a few snaps to her brother to tease him about what a good time she’s having. You send a shot of a few of the girls posing topless to your brother also, with the caption “Look who your sister’s doing on vacation.” Then you send another, “Oops, I meant what I’m doing. ;-)” <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After the fun on the beach is done, all of you head back to their room. “People should start showing up for the party soon, then [[the real fun will start|Part12WithTheGirls2]].” <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In the HotTub</h1> <video src="Part12/Veronica3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Sydney'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Girl in the hot tub'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Girl in the hot tub'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Girl in the hot tub'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Everyone has had quite a few drinks when the party moves to the hotel’s hot tub. No one bothers with the bikinis at all this time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With everyone drunk and naked and sitting in the warm water, it doesn’t take long before people are making out and more. You start with Sydney, but someone else pulls her away and the girl she had been kissing moves over to you. You and Sydney are both traded around a few more times, but eventually you make your way back to each other. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and her decide to head [[back to her room to continue in private|Part12WithTheGirls3]]. The other girls are having so much fun they hardly even notice the two of you leaving. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Sydney's Room</h1> <img src="Part12/Girl3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Sydney'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Sydney'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Sydney'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Sydney'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Sydney'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Sydney'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Sydney'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Sydney'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Sydney'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Sydney'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Sydney'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Sydney'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Sydney'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Sydney'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Sydney'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Sydney'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Sydney'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It was fun swapping back and forth with the other girls, but you are glad to be alone with Sydney in her room finally. The two of you spend the rest of the night focusing on just each other. After you are both satisfied but exhausted you fall asleep next to her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As the two of you are eating breakfast you hear stories of the girls that got arrested at the hot tub last night. The two of you decide that you’re glad that you left when you did or you might have been there with them when the cops showed up. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You both decide to steer clear of the wild girls the rest of the week, but you make sure to enjoy your time with each other for as long as you can. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You’re a bit sad when Sydney has to leave for the airport the day before you’re set to head home. You exchange info with her, but she lives on the other side of the country, so you doubt you’ll see her again. You're back to [[lounging by yourself again|Part12Relaxing]] at the end of your vacation. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your Room</h1> <video src="Part12/Alone2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can’t take it anymore. You head back to your room to masturbate. Thankfully your orgasm comes easy this time. Now that you’ve taken care of that you can head back out for one last night of partying. “Well, there’s no reason to head back right now.”, you think to yourself as your fingers find their way back to between your legs. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Eventually the week is over though, and it's [[almost time to head home|Part12Relaxing]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Relaxing by the Beach</h1> <img src="Part12/Relaxing.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It’s your last chance to enjoy the beach before heading home. You do your best to enjoy your last day here as you sit back, soak up the sun, and enjoy the beautiful view. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $SpringBreakPeter>> "It seems like I'm forgetting something", you think. You let that thought pass and go back to enjoying the view. But then you remember, you'd told Peter you might let him cum if he was a [[good boy|Part12GoodBoy]] all week. <<else>> Unfortunately, all too soon it's time to [[head home|Part12HeadHome]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><h1>On the Beach with Peter</h1> <div><<nobr>> <span style="float: left;width: 40%;padding-right: 20px;"> <video src="Part12/Peter1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> </span> <</nobr>><span style=""> <<nobr>> It’s the end of the week and you and Peter are enjoying a last stroll by the ocean. You’ve found a nice, secluded stretch of beach and stop for a moment. “You’ve been a good boy all week”, you tell him as crawl seductively toward him. “I’m going to give you some relief finally. Would you like that?” He, of course, quickly agrees. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you reach him you laugh, “Not here silly. No pockets. Your key is back in the hotel room.” You make sure your stroll lasts quite a bit longer, just to stretch out his anticipation even more. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> On you way back you try to decide whether you are feeling [[mean|Part12PeterMean]] or <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> [[generous|Part12PeterGenerousChastity]] today. <<else>> [[generous|Part12PeterGenerous]] today. <</if>> <</nobr>> </span></div><<nobr>> <h1>Feeling Mean</h1> <video src="Part12/Peter2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> “Aww, you’ve been such a good boy.”, you tell Peter when you get back to your room. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> “I want you to fuck me until you cum deep inside me. Wouldn't you like that?", you say seductively. As you feel yourself getting wet at the thought, you realize your tease was as effective on you as it was on Peter. <p/> "But, of course we can't do that," you say as you tap on your chastity belt. "But, my hand is free. Would you like that?". He quickly agrees. <p/> You slowly stroke his cock to prolong his pleasure. He desperately wants to thrust and fuck your hand, but you pull your hand away whenever he tries, so he eventually stops. <<else>> “But my poor pussy took such a pounding this week, I’m just too sore. But my hand’s not too sore, is that good enough?”, you ask knowing he’ll agree to anything for the chance to cum. <p/> He’s disappointed, of course, he won’t get to fuck you like he’d imagined all week, but he knows better than to say anything. He doesn’t want you changing your mind and taking even this away from him. You slowly stroke his cock to prolong his pleasure. He desperately wants to thrust and fuck your hand, but you pull your hand away whenever he tries, so he eventually stops. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Finally, you can tell he’s passed the point of no return, and you give his cock one last stroke and let go. He moans and whimpers as he cums, aching for just a few more strokes. But you just watch as he makes a mess on the floor. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> “That should relieve some of the pressure. Now let me get your cage back on and untie you so you can clean up that mess you made.” Then you can [[pack up our things for us|Part12HeadHome]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Feeling Generous</h1> <video src="Part12/Peter4.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You take Peter back to the hotel room and tie his wrists to the headboard. You spend the next hour or more relentlessly teasing him. You let him get as close as you can to an orgasm, but then you stop before he does. You let him cool down before you start again. And again. And again. It's maddening for him, but he loves every second of it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You love it too. You have no control over your own orgasms, but it makes you feel less powerless knowing you at least have control over whether Peter comes or not. Then something comes over you. Maybe you want to be generous today or maybe you just want to enjoy the power you have to let it happen. But whatever the reason, you decide not to stop this time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Peter thinks you are going to stop at the last minute again, he's happily surprised when you don't. He moans and his body spasms as he releases weeks of saved-up cum into your mouth. He thinks you are going to stop then too, but you don't stop then either. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You keep sucking his cock as he trashes and pulls at the ropes holding him to the bed. He endures as long as he can. When he can't take it anymore, he begs you to stop. You stop and slowly slide your lips up and off his cock, getting a last few shivers from him as your lips slide across its head. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With him still tied to the bed, you crawl up to kiss him, letting him taste his cum still on your lips and tongue. "See, I can be generous sometimes too." As he lies there in a sleepy haze, you lock his chastity cage back on his cock before untying him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As he sleeps you start to [[pack for the trip home|Part12HeadHome]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Feeling Generous</h1> <video src="Part12/Peter3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter', vaginal:true, ovulating:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You head back to the hotel room and unlock his cock before heading to another quiet spot near the hotel. You know he’s probably not going to last long, so you make sure you’ve had one orgasm and are well on your way to another before his shorts come off. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Finally, you pull down his shorts and climb on top of him. When you see the look of pleasure on his face as his cock slides into you, you worry he might cum right then. He lasts long enough for you to cum one last time before he moans and thrusts up and fills you with all the cum he’s been saving. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You walk back to the hotel room and instruct him to put his cage back on as you go to the bathroom to wash up. When you get out of the shower, he happily hands you his key back. Then you both begin [[packing for the trip home|Part12HeadHome]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Riding Home</h1> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica') or setup.haveFucked('Alexis')>> <img src="Part12/RideHome1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <<elseif setup.areDating('Josh')>> <img src="Part12/RideHome2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <<else>> <img src="Part12/RideHome3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"/> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The ride back home is much more subdued than the ride there. Everyone is either hungover or exhausted from the week, most are both. You fall asleep after a while and don’t wake up until you’re nearly home <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You had a great time, but your glad to be home. The campus is busy again as everyone else is arriving back from spring break too, or from home, or wherever they went for the week. <<if setup.areDating('Veronica') or setup.haveFucked('Alexis') or setup.areDating('Josh')>> You're both relieved and disappointed to [[get back to your room|Part12LastMinute]]. <<else>> You seem to get a few odd looks on your way [[back to your room|Part12RideHome2]]. You assume you are just not used to being on campus yet and keep going. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Back Home</h1> <img src="Part12/RideHome4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $Roommate == 'Faith'>> Faith gasps when she sees you. You look confused until she pulls you over to the mirror and shows you the writing on your face. <<else>> You don't realize someone on the bus wrote on your face until you see yourself in the mirror. <</if>> It takes some scrubbing, but eventually it all comes off. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> You assure Faith that nobody fucked any of your holes, someone just decided to prank you while you were sleeping on the bus. She's relieved that you are still trying to avoid giving in to your desires. She confesses she'd figured you were a lost cause when you went on the spring break trip with everyone else. <br><br> You start to panic though when she mentions <<elseif $CampusMinistryFailSpringBreak>> You tell Faith that someone decided to prank you while you were sleeping. "Oh, so you didn't..." The guilty look on your face answers her question for you before she even finishes it. Now that you know what you've been missing, you're going to be having as much fun as you can. You let her know that you won't be following her or Mark's plan for you any longer. She doesn't seem particularly surprised. <br><br> Your relief at getting the confession off your chest turns to panic though when you remember <<else>> Your mood quickly changes from annoyance at the prank to one of panic when you remember <</if>> the [[paper you have due tomorrow|Part12LastMinute]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Finishing your Assignment</h1> <img src="Part12/LastMinuteWork.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you remember that you have an assignment due on Monday you hurry to finish it tonight. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You’re a bit mad at the professor for making it due the day after spring break. But you’re more mad at yourself. He’d assigned it weeks ago and you could have done it sooner. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You’ll get it done, but it’s clear that [[spring break is over|Part12BackToClass]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Charity Work</h1> <img src="Part12/Ministry1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Faith told you about the construction project for poor families that her and some others from the campus ministry were going to be volunteering for this week. You know you'll be working in the hot sun all day, so you bring some clothes to change into for the first day of your week of hard of work for a good cause. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You think you've been doing a good job, but at lunchtime Fatih pulls you aside. "Maybe it would be better if you joined us and the other girls during the afternoon. We're painting the inside of some of the finished houses." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'm not as strong as I used to be, but I though I was doing a good job. Did someone say I wasn't keeping up?", you ask. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "It's not that at all," she tells you. "It's just that many of the guys are... a bit distracted by the way you are dressed." You want to argue. There's nothing wrong with what you are wearing. Several of the guys aren't even wearing shirts, and no one is complaining about them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But when you stop to think about it, you [[decide that maybe going inside is the right idea|Part12Ministry2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Switching Jobs</h1> <video src="Part12/Ministry2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When Faith starts mentioning the guys being 'distracted', you realize that you had been a bit distracted at times too. You know several times you had seen the sweaty, shirtless guys, and your mind had wandered... <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You thought of them lifting you up onto the work bench, and then taking turns fucking you, one after another then two at a time. You realize the thought is vividly filling your mind right now even. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Maybe you're right, Faith. I'll [[go change and come inside|Part12Ministry3]] with you girls after lunch," you tell her. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Switching Jobs</h1> <img src="Part12/Ministry3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You change back into the jeans and top you'd worn on the ride to the work site. "Oh great!", Faith says when you come back. "I was worried you'd freeze to death in here, they just hooked up the A/C this morning and it works great!" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She leads you to where you'll be working and introduces you to the other girls. You spend the rest of the day inside painting and helping put other finishing touches on the new house. It's not as strenuous as what you were doing earlier. But [[at the end of the day|Part12Ministry4]] you realize it's still rewarding, knowing that soon a family will be living in the house you are finishing. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Back Home</h1> <img src="Part12/Ministry4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You're exhausted at the end of the day, probably more from the work you did outside before lunch, but it's a relief to get back home and out of your jeans. You make a note to wear something a little more comfortable tomorrow (but that won't be 'distracting'). And something you won't be as worried about getting paint on. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you lie down in bed, you can't help but feel a little relieved that [[tomorrow you'll be working indoors|Part12Ministry5]] again instead of out in the hot sun. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>After Work</h1> <img src="Part12/Ministry5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <<set $AndrewPhoneNumber to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After work today everyone goes out to eat. One of the guys that were working outside today is treating everyone to pizza. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobBarista>> When you get there you see one of the guys working today was your old boss Andrew. He'd been the one that interviewed you for your job at the coffee shop and been your first manager there, but then he'd got promotted to the main office and you hadn't seen him since. You fill him in on the latest drama and gossip from the store, and the two of you have fun catching up. <<else>> His name is Andrew and his dad owns the chain of coffee shops in town, like the one Faith tried to get you a job with months ago. Faith introduces the two of you and you talk over pizza. He tells you about his work, and the business degeee he's working on and you discuss your major and what it's like <<if $JobAthlete>> to be an athlete. <<else>> at your job. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Before the meal is over Andrew asks if you'd like to go out again sometime, just the two of you. You see Faith looking on hopefully from the next table over. <<if $JobBarista>> You'd always thought Andrew was attractive, though you'd never said anything about it since he had been your manager. <<else>> He seems very nice, and you do find him attractive, and Faith clearly approves of the idea. <</if>> <<if setup.isNeighbour("Barry")>> As you fantasize about what it would be like to be underneath him, you want to tell him [[yes, you'd love to go on a date with him|Part12AndrewDate]]. Though you know you wouldn't be able to wait to have sex, so maybe it'd be better to tell him that you want to focus on school and aren't <<if $LoopholeVirgin>> [[wanting to date anyone right now|Part12AndrewLoophole]]. <<else>> [[wanting to date anyone right now|Part12BackToClass]]. <</if>> <<else>> You can tell him [[yes, you'd love to go on a date with him|Part12AndrewDate]], or you can let him know you want to focus on school and aren't [[wanting to date anyone right now|Part12BackToClass]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>A little fun with Andrew</h1> "I'm not looking to date anyone right now", you tell Andrew. His disappointed expression quickly changes though when you add, "But that doesn't mean we can't have some fun." <<set $tempAnalAccident to (Math.random() < 0.1)>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(3, {sex:"male", name:"Andrew"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Andrew", analAccident: $tempAnalAccident})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You head back to Andrew's apartment with him. You've let him know that you aren't ready to go "all the way", but are eager to do other things with him. Andrew says he admires your decision to save that part of yourself for you future husband, and he seems more than happy to fuck just your mouth and ass instead. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part12/Andrew14.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part12/Andrew15.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> A bit later, as the two of you are recovering from your orgasms, he leans over and asks "Is it ok, if I eat you out, or is that something you are saving too?" You are straddling his face moments later. After a while, when you see how hard his cock has gotten from that, you lie back down and tell him to fuck your ass again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Eventually your fun together ends. You really aren't looking for a relationship right now. You know you wouldn't be able to stay a virgin long if you started dating Andrew, or anyone else. So you say goodbye, "I see you around at the next event." and then [[head home|Part12BackToClass]]. <<if $tempAnalAccident>> <br><br> <img src="PartP/AnalAccident.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <br><br> Later, when you are using the bathroom, you notice some of Andrew's cum between your lower lips. He must have either missed a bit, or it drained there afterwards. <<if $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> Thankfully, you don't have to worry about getting pregnant. <<else>> Hopefully that won't be a problem. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Date with Andrew</h1> <img src="Part3/JobFaith.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Andrew takes you out for a wonderful evening of dinner and dancing. You finally get a chance to use that dress Faith had you buy on your first shopping trip with her. You have an amazing time and you're pretty sure Andrew does too. You hate to see the evening end. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As the evening gets later though, you start to wonder what you'll say if he invites you back to his place for the night. <<if setup.isNeighbour("Barry")>> You already know [[you'll say "Yes"|Part12AndrewKiss]]. You've been thinking about what he'd feel like inside you all evening. <<else>> You realize [[you honestly don't know|Part12AndrewKiss]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>First Kiss</h1> <img src="Part12/Ministry6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You never find out what you would have said, because Andrew doesn't invite you back to his place, though you're fairly certain he wanted to. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Instead he ends your date with a romantic kiss. When you arrive back at the dorm you see Faith waiting for you. It doesn't take long before she starts peppering you with questions about how the date went. Your phone dings as you're talking with her. It's a text from Andrew, "Hey, just made it home! Had a great time. Let’s do this again soon. :-D" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Andrew only had the one day off work, so he's not at the charity work site the next day, but the two of you exchange texts all evening. You have your [[second date|Part12AndrewDate2]] planned for Saturday. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>After your Second Date (Fantasizing)</h1> Your next date goes just as wonderfully as the first, and you know this is the start of a wonderful relationship. Your kiss at the end of the date lasts a bit longer this time, but it ends at just that, a kiss. <video src="Part3/JobBarista5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.startDating('Andrew')>> <<set $CampusMinistrySaves to 5>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.isNeighbour("Barry")>> You wanted him to invite you back to his apartment. You wanted to wrap your legs around his waist while he fucked you. But he didn't ask. And good girls aren't supposed to suggest something like that. But you wish you had. <<else>> You realize that not very long ago, you wouldn't have been able to resist going back to his apartment with him. Even now, your mind is flooded with thoughts of doing just that. But you decide it's best to wait for now. You think he's decided the same thing. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you get home and answer all of Faith's questions, you get to bed. You hope you know what your dreams will be about tonight. But spring break is mostly over now. It's just one more day and then [[school starts back up|Part12BackToClass]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Studying</h1> <img src="Part12/BackToClass.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"/> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AndrewPhoneNumber and !setup.areDating('Andrew') and !setup.haveFucked('Andrew')>> "I understand," Andrew says, trying to hide the disappointment in his voice. "Still, if you'd like to hang out sometime as friends, just give me a call." <br><br> <</if>> The first few days back in class you find your mind wandering a bit. You keep daydreaming about the fun you had over break. <<if setup.areDating('Andrew') and $CampusMinistry>> And about Andrew, of course. <</if>> But soon you get used to the routine of classes and the rest of your life and things are back to normal. Or at least what is normal for you now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You get back to work so you don’t want to have any worries about passing or not like you did last semester. You remind yourself it’s just a [[little over a month|Part13Start]], then you’ll have the whole summer with no classes at all. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Finishing the Semester</h1> <img src="Part13/Class1.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<include [[Part13VariableCleanup]]>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As the end of the semester and finals approach, you aren't nearly as worried about passing as you were last semester. Your grades certainly aren't going to be all A's, but you are fairly confident you'll pass everything this semester. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>> How could you not do better, now that [[Daddy is there|Part13Aaron]] to make sure you get your work done. <<elseif $PlayerItemNerdKey>> With you holding the key to Peter's cock, he's always [[eager to help|Part13Peter]], and that's certainly helped you pass too. <<elseif setup.areDating('Kate') or $MasterKate>> Even with all the schoolwork, you make sure to [[spend as much time with Kate|Part13Kate]] as you can. <<elseif $Engaged == 'Andrew' and setup.areDating('Andrew')>> Sometimes is hard to think about schoolwork though with [[all the wedding plans|Part13AndrewEngaged]] you are making distracting you. <<elseif setup.areDating('Andrew') && $CampusMinistry>> Even with all of the schoolwork, you've been sure to find the time whenever [[Andrew has invited you on another date|Part13AndrewMinistry]]. <<elseif setup.areDating('Andrew')>> Even with all the schoolwork, you make sure to [[spend as much time with Andrew|Part13Andrew]] as you can. <<elseif setup.areDating('Paul')>> Even with all the schoolwork, you make sure to [[spend as much time with Paul|Part13Paul]] as you can. <<elseif setup.areDating('Veronica')>> Even with all the schoolwork, you make sure to [[spend as much time with Veronica|Part13Veronica]] as you can. <<elseif setup.areDating('Josh')>> Even with all the schoolwork, you make sure to [[spend as much time with Josh|Part13Josh]] as you can. <<elseif setup.isFWB('Barry')>> Even with all the schoolwork, you still keep [[ending up in Barry's bed|Part13Barry]], despite how he treats you. Or maybe because of it. <<else>> Of course, in addition to your schoolwork, you also have to [[balance your time with work|Part13Job]] <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerPregnantWinter>> <video src="Part13/Pregnant9.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerPregnantWinter>> You still can't believe how much your body has changed. First with the X-Change, and now with the pregnancy. You are reminded just how much every morning as you get ready. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $JobBarista && setup.areDating('Andrew') && !$PlayerPregnant && !$CampusMinistry>> <<unset $JobBarista>> <<set $JobBaristaOld to 1>> <</if>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> <<set $PlayerPregnantWinter to 1>> <</if>> <<if !$children>> <<set $children to []>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With Kate and Amber</h1> <img src="Part13/Kate1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Bar Patron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's not always just you and Kate though. Sometimes you and her will bring home another sub for you to play with. Frequently it's just for one night, but occasionally it's longer. This time the two of you brought Amber home and she'll be for the whole weekend. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Mistress Kate says that only one of you will be allowed to cum this weekend, the other will get to play, but will just have to watch as everyone else orgasms. She tells you both to wait while she decides which it will be. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Amber occasionally fidget as you try to patiently wait for Mistress Kate to decide your fates. After what seems like forever <<if Math.random() < 0.5>> You glance up for second, without even realizing. You seem Mistress smile when she sees your eyes. "It looks like [[Amber will be the one allowed to orgasm this weekend|Part13Kate2Amber]]", she says. <<else>> You hear Amber move as she glaces up to see what Mistress is doing. You can't help but smile when you hear Mistress say, "It looks like [[Amber will be the one spending this weekend denied|Part13Kate2]]." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<achievement>>threesome:FFF<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>With Kate and Amber</h1> <video src="Part13/Kate2.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Amber'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Amber'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Amber spend most of your time this weekend attending to Mistress Kate's needs, so most of the orgasms this weekend are your Mistress's. But not all of them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> On Saturday, Mistress ties you with your arms above your head and begins to slowly caresses you. Amber squirms in her chair as she's only allowed to watch. You instantly comply when Mistress Kate tells you to spread your legs. Your back arches toward her hand as she begins to slide her hand up your thigh. Eventually her hands reaches its destination. Her fingers push between your lips and slide slowly between them several times before she slides them into you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Her slow teasing pace eventually becomes faster. She continues until you warn her you are about to cum, like she's taught you to do. She doesn't stop though, and soon you find yourself screaming out as she pushes you over the edge. Your legs eventually clamp down around her hand when your body thinks it can't take anymore. The whole time, Amber is able to look on and wish it were here. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Amber, continue where I left off, while I go order us some food," Mistress tells her. "If you can manage to give her three more orgasms before our food arrives, maybe I'll reconsider and let you have an orgasm or two." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As Mistress and Amber go to answer the door, you wonder if the delievery guy will be able to see you there as they leave you there naked and bound. You can't see the smile on his face so you don't wonder whether it's from the generous tip Mistress gave him for his quick delievery, or from seeing her and Amber in their underwear. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can imagine the angry glare that Amber must have given him, as a bit of it still on her face as she [[comes to untie you|Part13Kate3]]. You don't have the heart to tell her how close she had been to meeting the goal Mistress gave her. If only he'd been a minute later... <</nobr>> <<achievement>>threesome:FFF<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>With Kate and Amber</h1> <img src="Part13/Kate3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <img src="Part13/Kate4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Amber'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Amber'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You let out a soft whimper as mistress locks your chastity belt onto you for the weekend. The plug she's added gives you a full feeling that only leaves you hungry for something more. Though for Friday, Amber's lack of lock does little to help her as both of you focus on Mistress's orgasms instead. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> On Saturday though, Mistress ties Amber with her hands over her head. She starts off slowly teasing her, but eventually Amber is tugging at the ropes as Mistress lets her orgasm. You can only watch as you feel a bit of wetness leak out of your belt. Mistress sees you watching and attaches a dildo to the front of your belt. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You can use that to continue where I left off, while I go order us some food," Mistress tells you. "If you can give her three more orgasms before our food arrives, maybe I'll reconsider and let you have an orgasm or two." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't let go of Amber's hips and continue thrusting into her from behind as Mistress goes to answer the door. You can't see the smile on his face so you don't wonder whether it's from the generous tip Mistress gave him for his quick delievery, or seeing Mistress in her underwear and hearing Ambers moans from across the room. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You also don't see the disappointment on your own face as Mistress tells you, "Sorry baby, that last one doesn't count. It was after the food arrived. But I don't think Amber minded that you kept going a little bit longer. [[Go ahead an untie her|Part13Kate3]] and come eat. It looks like you've both worked up an appetite." <</nobr>> <<achievement>>threesome:FFF<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>With Kate</h1> <video src="Part13/Kate5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Kate'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You love the fun, playtime you and Mistress have, but you also love the moments with just the two of you. And nothing makes you happier than waking up beside her in the morning. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Sometimes, when there isn't school or work calling one of you away, you can lie there and talk for hours. Of course, sometimes you do more than talk. As much as your love Mistress dominating you, you also love your tender, playful times together too. <</nobr>> Of course, in addition to your schoolwork and spending time with Kate, you also have to [[balance your time with work|Part13Job]]<<nobr>> <h1>With Veronica</h1> <video src="Part13/Veronica1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<if $PlayerPregnant or $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> <<set $tempOvulating to false>> <<elseif $PlayerProtectionPermanent or $PlayerProtectionPill>> <<set $tempOvulating to (Math.random() >= 0.75)>> <<else>> <<set $tempOvulating to true>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't know how you'd cope with this body, and the desires it gives you if it weren't for Veronica. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Usually you are both exhausted after practice, but not today. You aren't sure why, but today you are full of energy, and even hornier than normal. You are hoping Veronica has enough energy for a little fun too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She is at first, but then she stops and tells you, "Not yet. I have <<if $VeronicaGuys>> [[something special planned for you|Part13Veronica2Guy]] <<else>> [[something special planned for you|Part13Veronica2]] <</if>> in a bit." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With Veronica</h1> <video src="Part13/Veronica2.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Veronica'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When Veronica walks back from the closet, <<if $PlayersideEffectSubmissive>> you can't help but smile when you see the rope she is holding. "I know how much you like being bound and helpless. So lay down and grab your ankles. Now!", Veronica orders. You feel yourself getting wet as you quickly comply. <<else>> your eyes focus on the rope she is holding. "Can I tie you up? Maybe I'll give you what you need once you are helpless," she tells you. Your nervousness is gone and now your attention is fully back on how horny you are feeling. You quickly agree. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Veronica loves how horny you are and she has fun with you while you are helpless. She teases you for a while, then gets you close to an orgasm, only to stop before you cum. "I think I want a turn first," she tells you before straddling your face. You quickly get to work with your tongue. Only once she's satisfied does she return to your pleasure. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As your orgasm approaches again, your body cries out with need. You're afraid she's going to stop again, but thankfully she doesn't this time, and finally your orgasm washes over you. You are powerless to do anything but lie back and enjoy it as she continues on and an on after you cum. Finally, only when you think you can't take anymore, she stops. She leaves you there, tied and in your post-orgasm bliss, a while longer, until she finally decides to untie you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Afterwards, you are exausted and satisfied. "That was amazing!", you tell her. <<if $JobTestSubject or $JobTestEngineer>> "I have [[something special|Part13VeronicaMachine]] planned for you as well. Not today. But soon." <<elseif $VeronicaFilm>> <br><br> "If you liked that, I have [[something else|Part13VeronicaMachine]] planned for you as well. Not today. But soon." <<else>> <br><br> Your need isn't as intense the next day, but it's still there, and more than normal. Thankfully [[Veronica is always there to help|Part13Veronica3]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With Veronica and Carl</h1> <img src="Part13/Veronica3.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="750" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Carl', vaginal:true, ovulating: $tempOvulating, noCondom: true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Carl', vaginal:true, ovulating: $tempOvulating, noCondom: true, noPullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When Veronica walks back from the closet, <<if $PlayersideEffectSubmissive>> you can't help but smile when you see the rope she is holding. "I know how much you like being bound and helpless. So lay down and grab your ankles. Now!", Veronica orders. You feel yourself getting wet as you quickly comply. <<else>> your eyes focus on the rope she is holding. "Can I tie you up? Maybe I'll give you what you need once you are helpless," she tells you. Your nervousness is gone and now your attention is fully back on how horny you are feeling. You quickly agree. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Veronica loves how horny you are and she has fun with you while you are helpless. First she taunts you, playing on her phone for a bit as you struggle. Then she teases you for a while, getting you close to an orgasm, only to stop before you cum. "I think I want a turn first," she tells you before straddling your face. You quickly get to work with your tongue. But before she's satisfied there's a knock at the door. You feel exposed and helpless as she heads to the door. "Don't worry, that'll be Carl." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I remembered how much you enjoyed our time with those guys on spring break, and wanted to try something similar again. My friend Carl was more than happy to help out when I asked. Of course he'll just watch you eat me out if that's what you want, but I'm thinking you want a bit more than that, do you?", Veronica says. Embarrassed, you meekly agree. "Carl's going to need more than that," Veronica replies. "Tell him exactly what you want, or he's just going to watch you make me cum.". <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I need to cum!", you say probably loud enough for the girls next door to hear. "I need your cock inside me! Fuck me. Please fuck me!" It isn't long before Carl starts to answer your pleas. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After everyone is satisfied, Carl thanks you and Veronica for a wonderful time and leaves. You are still bound and helpless, now with Carl's cum <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> oozing from the condom he left on your stomach. <<else>> leaking from you. <</if>> "That was amazing!", you tell Veronica as she starts to untie you. <<if $JobTestSubject or $JobTestEngineer>> "I have [[something special|Part13VeronicaMachine]] planned for you as well. Not today. But soon." <<elseif $VeronicaFilm>> <br><br> "If you liked that, I have [[something else|Part13VeronicaMachine]] planned for you as well. Not today. But soon." <<else>> <br><br> Your need isn't as intense the next day, but it's still there, and more than normal. Thankfully [[Veronica is always there to help|Part13Veronica3]]. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<unset $tempOvulating>> <<achievement>>threesome:FMF<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Engineering Department</h1> <video src="Part13/Veronica4.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobTestSubject or $JobEngineer>> "I know you've been curious about my job in the engineering <<if $VeronicaFilm>> department, and I know how much you enjoy the souvenir the film crew gave us on spring break," <<else>> department," <</if>> You tell Veronica. "So I pulled some strings and was able to arrange a little demonstration for you. Don't worry, you won't be at the whim of the computer like <<if $JobTestSubject>> I am <<else>> our subjects are <</if>> during testing. I'll be controlling everything from the observation booth." <br><br> After slowly building her pleasure up, you <<if $JobTestSubject>> have them <</if>> set the controls to keep her at the edge of an orgasm. She's frantically begging to cum after just a few minutes. "Sometimes the computer decides to do that for an entire hour," you say into the microphone in the control booth. "But I'm not so cruel." Then you press the button that <<if $JobTestSubject>> they told you would make her cum, and <<else>> will switch the machine from 'edge' to 'orgasm' mode, and <</if>> a moment later Veronica is crying out with the first of many orgasms. <br><br> After you've untied her and helped her dress, you hold her arm to help her as you [[start heading home|Part13Veronica3]]. On the way, you show Veronica a thumb drive. "Aren't they thoughtful? They gave me a copy of the video from your 'session', so we can watch it together later. I hope you don't mind, but I saw them making copies for themselves too." <<else>> "I know how much you enjoy the souvenir the film crew gave us on spring break," Veronica tells you. "I know someone in the engineering department, and was able to call in a favor to arrange something special for you." <br><br> Veronica watches from the control room as the technican works the machine. You feel your pleasure building and building, but before you orgasm, it slows down. It doesn't stop though. It keeps you right on the edge of an orgasm, for what seem like an enternity. Soon you are squirming trying to get a little more stimulation and begging for them to turn up the dial or something. <br><br> You tug at your ropes as Veronica tells you, "He says it could keep you like that for an hour or more. But don't worry, I won't let him do that." A moment later, the machine stops teasing you. The dildo inside you begins moving much faster and the vibrations against your clit increase dramatically and an orgasm finally crashes through you. The machine doesn't stop though. By the time it finally does you don't know how many times you've came. <br><br> Veronica has to help you stand and dress as she unties you. As she holds your arm to help you as you [[start heading home|Part13Veronica3]], she shows you a thumb drive. "Aren't they thoughtful?", she says. "They gave me a copy of the video from your 'session', so we can watch it together later. I hope you don't mind, but I saw them making copies for themselves too." <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With Veronica</h1> <video src="Part13/Veronica5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Veronica'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next time you and Veronica get home from practice, you feel a familiar need again. As always, Veronica is more than happy to help you take care of it. This time there are no ropes or anything else, it's just you and Veronica. And it's wonderful. <</nobr>> Of course, in addition to your schoolwork and spending time with Veronica, you also have to [[balance your time with work|Part13Job]]<<nobr>> <h1>At Andrew's Apartment</h1> <img src="Part13/AndrewM1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> This evening after your dinner with Andrew, the two of you go back to his apartment to watch a movie. A kiss turns into another more passionate kiss. It doesn't take long before you both have completely forgotten about the movie. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you kiss, Andrew caresses you. You can't help but moan when one of his hands occasionally brushes along the side of your breast, or slides across your thigh. When his hand slides under your shirt a bit, you can't help yourself and grab it and pull it up. You kiss him passionately as his hand sofly squeezes your breast. His thumb slides across your nipple, and you let yout a gasp of pleasure. Encouraged, his fingers move to focus on your nipple, alternately circling it with his finger and gently pinching it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You feel an aching need between your legs. You don't want him to stop, you want more. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Feeling his lips against yours and his tongue in your mouth, you want to [[take off your shirt|Part13AndrewMinistry2]] and let his mouth move a bit lower. <<if $CampusMinistrySaves and !setup.isNeighbour("Barry")>> But part of you wonders if [[maybe you should stop|Part13AndrewMinistryStop]]. <<else>> So you do just that. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>>$CampusMinistrySaves <h1>At Andrew's Apartment</h1> <img src="Part13/AndrewM2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<if $CampusMinistrySaves>> <<set $CampusMinistrySaves -= 1>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your eyes are closed and your head is tilted to the side as Andrew's lips move down to your neck. Meanwhile, his hand is still caressing your breast, with small shocks of pleasure each time his fingers brush across your nipple. Eventually, you can hold back any longer. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You pull your shirt up and off, and toss it to the side. His kisses thens lowly move down. When his lips wrap around your nipple he gently sucks, pulling it into his mouth. Your head goes back and you tell him how good that feels. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He continues, moving from one breast to the other. He uses his hand to play with your other nipple. But the pleasure has only made the aching need you feel grow. Andrew's hand moves off of your breast and down to your knee. As he it slides up your thigh you can't help yourself as your legs part, inviting him to continue. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As he fumbles at the button for your jeans, <<if $CampusMinistrySaves>> <<set $CampusMinistrySaves -= 1>> you wonder if you should stop, but <</if>> the need you feel is too much to ignore. You reach down and [[unbutton your jeans for him|Part13AndrewMinistry3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At Andrew's Apartment</h1> <img src="Part13/AndrewM3.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can't believe how good it feels as Andrew's fingers slide under your panties. You moan and wrap your arms around him as you feel two fingers slide inside you. After they slowly move in and out of you a while, his wet fingers pull out and begin sliding across your clit. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> All you can think about is how good it feels. Without even thinking, your hands move down to Andrew's jeans, stroking his hard cock through his jeans. He kisses you as his fingers continue to do their magic. The only thoughts that enter your mind are about the pleasure you are feeling, and how good Andrew's cock would feel. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You sigh slightly as his hand moves out of your panties. His lips begin kissing down your chest, between your breasts, and then down your stomach. The need inside you is greater than ever, But for a brief moment, you wonder if <<if $CampusMinistrySaves and !setup.isNeighbour("Barry")>> [[maybe you should stop|Part13AndrewMinistryFinger]]. Or, do you continue, pulling off your jeans and panties and [[letting his lips move down|Part13AndrewMinistryOral]]? <<else>> maybe you should stop. But you soon forget about that. You need this too much. Do you pull off your jeans and panties and [[let his lips move down|Part13AndrewMinistryOral]]? <</if>> Or, do you pull him back up to kiss you again, and tell him "[[take me to your bedroom|Part13MinistrySex]]" as you fumble to unbuckle his belt? <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At Andrew's Apartment</h1> <img src="Part13/AndrewM4.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew'})>> <<set $AndrewMinistryOral to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You unbutton your jeans and start to pull them down. Andrew continues kissing down and takes over pulling your jeans and panties down as he goes. When your jeans fall to the ground you step out of them and kick them off to the side. Andrew kisses and slides his tongue between your lips. You gasp as it flicks across your clit. But he doesn't continue long in this spot, it's clear a move to the sofa will work better. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can't believe how good his mouth and tongue feel between your legs. You instictively wrap your legs around him and hold his head in place with your hands. Andrew's skilled tongue continues as your pleasure builds and builds. Soon you are writhing in ecstasy as an orgasm hits you. Your clit becomes to sensitive afterwards, but you can't form the words to tell him to stop. Your legs try to clamp shut, but that only holds him in place. Eventually you manage to push his head away a bit and he stops. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You twitch a bit as flashes of pleasure continue to wash over you a bit longer. After you've recovered somewhat Andrew asks, "Do you want to continue in the bedroom?". <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "No," you tell him as you unbuckle his belt. "But there's [[something I'd like to do in here|Part13AndrewMinistryOral2]] instead." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At Andrew's Apartment</h1> <img src="Part13/AndrewM5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are tentative at first and unsure of what to do, but Andrew doesn't seem to mind. You try to use your hands a bit to make up for your lack of experience with your mouth, but soon you start to get more comfortable with it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You try to listen to Andrew to see what feels good for him, but he isn't saying much or moaning as much as you were. You wonder if he's enjoying it. When you look up at him and see his face, you are happy and relieved to see just how much he is enjoying what you are doing. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You continue, eventually he tells you that he's getting close and pulls out of your mouth and starts stroking himself. He must have realized your uncertainty about him cumming in your mouth. But as soon as he pulls out your uncertainty vanishes. He must have pulled out at the last moment, because as soon as your tongue returns to his cock, he cums, before you could even wrap your lips around him again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You continue though, wrapping your lips around the head of his cock. He grunts as your feel his cock twitch in your mouth and several more spurts of cum hit your tongue. Finally when he's done, you pull his cock out of your mouth. His body spasms a bit as your tongue licks a few stray drops of cum from his cock. You decided you'd been worried about nothing as you swallow the cum in your mouth. <</nobr>> <video src="Part13/AndrewM6.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<nobr>> But you realize some of his cum has ended up in your hair, you decide that next time you'll keep his cock in your mouth so none of it gets away. You tell him, "You can get the movie started again if you want, I'll be right back," and then grab your clothes and head to his bathroom to clean up and get dressed again. When you get back his pants are back up and the movie is ready to go. You snuggle up next to him and he hits the 'Play' button. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After the movie, the two of you kiss goodnight, and you [[head back to your dorm|Part13AndrewMinistryHome]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In Andrew's Bedroom</h1> <video src="Part13/AndrewM7.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', vaginal: true, condom: true, name:'Andrew', birthControl: 'careful condom'})>> <<set $AndrewMinistrySex to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you drop your jeans and panties on the floor, Andrew picks you up and carries you to his bed. He leaves his jeans on and crawls up between your legs. His kisses up your leg, and then along your inner thigh. When his lips find your lower lips and then your clit, you are overwhelmed by the sensations. As he continues, you feel your pleasure building and building. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After a while, he stops, stands and quickly removes his jeans and underwear. You ache for his return as he reaches into a drawer and pulls out a condom. You watch with anticipation and need as he slides it onto his cock. He climbs back into bed, and first teases the tip between your lips, parting them. Finally, he slowly, gently begins sliding his cock inside you. You're surprised at the sensation of fullness you feel, and how of wonderful it is. You don't think about it long. After a moment, he begins thrusting in and out of you and that's all you can think about. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With as close as you had already been, it isn't long before you crying out with an orgasm. His thrusts don't stop though, as you writhe beneath him, he continues. After your orgasm passes, he picks up his pace just a bit. You soon feel another orgasm building, but you are expecting Andrew to cum before you can cum again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But then Andrew reaches down and begins rubbing your clit as he continues thrusting. Before you know it another orgasm hits you. You have to pull Andrew's hand away as it starts be too much. But his cock continues thrusting inside you for a bit longer, until you hear him moan and thurst inside you a final time. He stays there a moment, before carefully pulling out of you. Then he tosses the condom into the trash bin near his bed, and then lays down beside you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You lie beside Andrew for a bit, before you both get up again. He invites you to spend the night, but you decide that tonight at least, you should probably head home. Eventually you gather your clothes and get dressed again and [[head back to your dorm|Part13AndrewMinistryHome]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At Andrew's Apartment</h1> <video src="Part13/AndrewM8.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<if $CampusMinistrySaves>> <<set $CampusMinistrySaves -= 1>> <</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew'})>> <<set $AndrewMinistryHand to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "No. I'm not ready," you tell Andrew. You're worried he might be upset, or at least disappointed. If he is, he doesn't show it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He stands back up and kisses you. "Sorry, if I'm moving too fast," he tells you. "Do you want to stop, or would you like me to keep going with my hand?", he asks as his hand strokes your hip. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'd like that," you quickly answer. After a while the two of you move over to the sofa. You drop your panties on the way, making it easier for his fingers to do their work. Your pleasure builds and builds at his skilled hands until you feel a wave of pleasure wash over you. After that, his touch is just too much on your sensitive clit and you have to push his hand away. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After he lets you recover your orgasm, he kisses you again. "Did you want to go back to watching the movie?", he asks. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Maybe later," you say. "But there's [[something else I want to do first|Part13AndrewMinistryFinger2]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At Andrew's Apartment</h1> <video src="Part13/AndrewM9.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He doesn't say anything as you unbuckle his pants. As you start to pull down his jeans, he arches his back make it easier for you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> This may be the first cock you've seen up close since you've changed, but you know exactly what to do. You have more than enough experience at this from back before your change, when it was your own cock in your hands. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When Andrew cums, you're surprised at how high it shoots out, some of even lands on your bare breasts. You give him a couple more strokes before stopping. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You grab a tissue and wipe the cum from his leg and tell him, "You can get the movie started again if you want, I'll be right back," and then grab your clothes and head to his bathroom to clean up and get dressed again. When you get back his pants are back up and the movie is ready to go. You snuggle up next to him and he hits the 'Play' button. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After the movie, the two of you kiss goodnight, and you [[head back to your dorm|Part13AndrewMinistryHome]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At Andrew's Apartment</h1> <img src="Part13/AndrewM10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="800" align="left"> <<if $CampusMinistrySaves>> <<set $CampusMinistrySaves -= 1>> <</if>> <<set $AndrewMinistryStop to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You body begs you to let him continue but you tell him, "Maybe we should stop, before we go to far." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> His fingers move off your nipple and his hand makes one last, gentle slide across your breast. He gives your lips a couple more soft kisses as he strokes your hair. Then he asks, "Do you want to go back to watching the movie?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Part of you wants to tell him you've changed your mind, but you tell to put the movie back on. You sit close to him as he starts the movie up again, but you are careful not to snuggle up to much to him. You don't know if you'd have the willpower to stop this time if things got heated again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After the movie, the two of you kiss goodnight. You are careful not to let it last too long though. Then you [[head back to your dorm|Part13AndrewMinistryHome]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Talking with Faith</h1> <img src="Part13/AndrewM11.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I can tell from the smile on your face that your date went well," Faith says when you walk in. <<if $AndrewMinistryStop>> "So, give me all the details." <<else>> You blush when she adds, "Your shirt being inside out is also a pretty good clue as well." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You tell Faith about the dinner, and how wonderful that was. You continue telling her about going back to his apartment to watch a movie, and how quickly the two of you forgot about the movie. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AndrewMinistryStop>> You can tell she suspects that more happened. You blush as you confess about his hand going up your shirt. You bite your lower lip slightly remembering how good it felt, and how much you wanted to keep going. But you let her know you stopped things there and went back to watching the movie. <<else>> You start to tell her one thing led to another, but she stops you. "I don't need all the details. I just hope the two of you were safe." You're surprised that she isn't more disapproving, but <<if $AndrewMinistrySex>> tell her that you were careful. <<else>> you blush and tell her that things didn't go quite that far. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AndrewMinistrySex>> You blush when she adds, "But, I suppose if you were wanting to marry Andrew sooner rather than later, then getting pregnant might not be such a bad thing." <<else>> "I'm a bit relieved," she says. "Andrew is good guy, and I'm sure he'll be a great husband for you someday. But he's still a guy. He'll take things as far as you let him." <</if>> <</nobr>> Of course, in addition to your schoolwork and spending time with Andrew, you also have to [[balance your time with work|Part13Job]]<<nobr>> <h1>Waiting for Andrew</h1> <img src="Part13/Andrew1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't have any classes today, but you still have a difficult time getting everything you wanted to get done at home finished. It's not because you didn't have enough time. The problem was just that you were horny all day. You had a hard time focusing on anything, your mind kept going back to imagining you and Andrew together when he gets home. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectDreams or $PlayerSideEffectLibido>> Of course, you are always horny. But you <<else>> You <</if>> wonder why your horniness is so much more intense today. You wonder if maybe it means you are ovulating. <<if $PlayerPregnant>> Obviously, that's not the case though. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionTry>> You hope you are. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionPermanent or $PlayerProtectionPerfect or $PlayerProtectionPill>> Of course, your birth control prevents that, doesn't it? <</if>> But whatever the reason, you plan on enjoying it. As soon as [[Andrew gets home that is|Part13Boyfriend]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Waiting for Paul</h1> <img src="Part13/Paul1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You still love the times you and Paul can have some fun in his office at work, but you love it even more when you are together at home. While the naughty thrill of it may be less, there's no rush like there is at work. You can spend as long as you want together, and enjoy every minute without worrying about being interrupted. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you aren't working or in class, you also love getting everything ready for when he comes home. Today is one of those days, and you are feeling even hornier than normal. You hope that means you are ovulating. But whether it does or not, you know just how to make sure he can't resist taking you [[straight to the bedroom|Part13Boyfriend]] when he gets home. Unless he wants to take you right on the living room floor, that is. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Finding Time for Josh</h1> <img src="Part13/Josh1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Josh is busy finishing up his end-of-semester work and studying for his finals too, so neither of you have as much free time as you did earlier in the semester. But thankfully since the two of you <<if $Roommate == "Josh">> share a dorm room, <<else>> live next door to each other, <</if>> you can still find time to be together. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectDreams or $PlayerSideEffectLibido>> You are especially happy about it today. Of course, you are always horny. But you <<else>> You <</if>> wonder why your horniness is so much more intense today. <<if $PlayerPregnant>> You wonder if the pregnancy has your hormones going crazy or something. <<else>> You wonder if maybe it means you are ovulating. <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> You hope you are. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionPermanent or $PlayerProtectionPerfect or $PlayerProtectionPill>> Of course, your birth control prevents that, doesn't it? <</if>> <</if>> But whatever the reason, you plan on enjoying it. As soon as [[Josh gets home that is|Part13Boyfriend]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With Barry</h1> <img src="Part13/Barry1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"> <<if $PlayerPregnant or $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> <<set $tempOvulating to false>> <<elseif $PlayerProtectionPermanent or $PlayerProtectionPill>> <<set $tempOvulating to (Math.random() >= 0.75)>> <<else>> <<set $tempOvulating to true>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can help the desires this body gives you, can you? Today the horniness is even worse than normal, and you need to do someting about it. It's Friday, you could go to a club or something, but that'd be expensive, and who knows if you'd find a guy there or not. You told yourself you wouldn't hook up with Barry anymore, but you're tempted to again since he's right here and available. You try to talk yourself out of it by thinking back to the last few times you've been with him, and how he degraded you and punished you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But it has the opposite effect you were going for. "Fuck, now I'm even more turned on than before!", you think to yourself. "I need a cock, and soon. Barry it is then." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You're surprised at how sweet Barry is this time. He wants to take you out for dinner first. That's strange for him, normally he'd just want sex and then for you to leave. <<if $PlayerCumslut>> Before you leave he gets a tool from his closet and fiddles with the lock on your Cumslut collar for a minute and then it pops off. He tosses the broken lock in the trash and takes the collar off you and puts it in a drawer. It feels odd to have it off after all this time. "It didn't seem appropriate for a nice restaurant," he explains. <</if>> After dinner he even takes you to the store to buy you an outfit. It's surprisingly cute for something Barry picked out. Then he has fun taking pictures of you wearing it for him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, the next stop is a sex toy store, which is less surprising. But Barry doesn't want you seeing what he's buying, so you browse the lingerie section while he makes his purchases. You don't buy anything today, but Barry has a large bag as the two of you head back to his room. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are nervous and excited as you enter his room, but then he surprises you again. "I know how horny you are tonight my little kitten, but you'll have to wait until tomorrow," he tells you. "And don't try to satisify yourself or have anyone else help you before then, or you'll never find out what's in the bag." He knows you're too curious to not find out, so you go to bed horny and wondering what you'll [[find in the bag tomorrow|Part13Barry2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With Barry</h1> <img src="Part13/Barry2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You're even hornier than yesterday when you head back to see Barry again. He doesn't let you see what's in the bag, but pulls some rope out of it. It's not until you are bound hand-to-foot that he pulls the next item out, a riding crop. You are aching for him to just fuck you already, but instead he swats your ass and tells you what a horny little slut you are. Then he swats and teases you more because of how wet his abuse is making you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Eventually you are calling yourself a slut too, and any other degrading thing you can think of and offering to do anything if he'll just fuck you. "Actually, I might have some help with that," Barry tells you. "I posted that cute picture of you online. It was very popular. I knew it would be. You may be a slut, but at least you are a pretty slut. The horny losers in the forum said they'd never get to be with a girl as cute and innocent as that." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, I laughed to myself at the 'innocent' part. Barry continues, "But I told them for the right price, they could be with you tonight. Don't worry about how much, it's not like you'll get any of the money. I'll be paying for my purchases yesterday, and then pocketing the rest. You get lots of dick, which is all a slut like you needs, right. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh, and I'll be taking pictures of the whole thing, so the dobuters on the forum will believe me next time I offer up your pretty little ass for sale." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know you should say no, and you are ashamed that you can't bring yourself to say it. But the thought of being used by all those strangers is exciting you, and you can't help it. <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> And the thought of who knows how many people jerking off later to pictures of them using you, only turns you on more. You <<else>> Do you tell Barry that [[you want them to fuck you, but you want to keep your privacy|Part13BarryPrivate]], or do you <</if>> tell Barry that [[you want the whole world to see what a whore you are.|Part13Barry3]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With Barry</h1> <img src="Part13/Barry3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Internet Loser", vaginal: true, ovulating:$tempOvulating})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Internet Loser"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Internet Loser", vaginal: true, condom:true, ovulating:$tempOvulating})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Internet Loser"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Internet Loser", vaginal: true, ovulating:$tempOvulating})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Internet Loser", vaginal: true, condom:true, ovulating:$tempOvulating})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Internet Loser"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Internet Loser"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Internet Loser", vaginal: true, noPullout:true, ovulating:$tempOvulating})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Internet Loser"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Internet Loser"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Internet Loser", vaginal: true, noPullout:true, ovulating:$tempOvulating})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Internet Loser", vaginal: true, condom:true, ovulating:$tempOvulating})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Wow, you're even more of a slut than I thought," Barry tells you. He alternates between using the crop on your ass and texting on his phone for a while, until the knocks at his door start. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's just a couple at first, but they keep arriving, each handing an envelope to Barry. Thin, fat, old, and your age, and everything in between, you are surprised at the variety. You don't get to pick and choose though. For the unattractive ones, you do your best to just focus on how their cock feels, or on one of the other guys using you at the time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The whole time, Barry is snapping pictures of everything. He's careful to avoid the faces of the guys, but yours is in nearly every shot. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> By the time it's over, you are sore all over and covered in cum, but more than satisfied. You lost track of how many times you came, not that any of them cared whether you did or not. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "[[One more thing, slut.|Part13Barry4]]", Barry says to you. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>train<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>With Barry</h1> <img src="Part13/Barry4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Internet Loser", vaginal: true, ovulating:$tempOvulating})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Internet Loser"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Internet Loser", vaginal: true, condom:true, ovulating:$tempOvulating})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Internet Loser"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Internet Loser", vaginal: true, ovulating:$tempOvulating})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Internet Loser", vaginal: true, condom:true, ovulating:$tempOvulating})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Internet Loser"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Internet Loser"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Internet Loser"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Internet Loser", vaginal: true, noPullout:true, ovulating:$tempOvulating})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Internet Loser"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Internet Loser", vaginal: true, noPullout:true, ovulating:$tempOvulating})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Internet Loser", vaginal: true, condom:true, ovulating:$tempOvulating})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Barry locks a collar around your neck that says 'Fuck Me' and then smacks you on your ass with his hand. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Go take a shower, but the collar is all you're allowed to wear until Monday morning. After they saw the pictures from today, there's a whole new batch of losers signed up for a piece of you tomorrow. <<if $PlayerCumslut>> Don't worry, the campus isn't going to lose it's resident Cumslut. I'll lock your Cumslut collar back on you after they leave. I just didn't want these losers thinking blowjobs were free. <<else>> I'll let you wear clothes again Monday, but I might just let you keep the collar. <</if>> " <<unset $tempOvulating>> <</nobr>> Of course, in addition to your schoolwork and being whored out by Barry, you also have to [[balance your time with work|Part13Job]] <<achievement>>train<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>With Barry</h1> <img src="Part13/Barry5.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Internet Loser", vaginal: true, ovulating:$tempOvulating})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Internet Loser"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Internet Loser", vaginal: true, condom:true, ovulating:$tempOvulating})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Internet Loser"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Internet Loser", vaginal: true, ovulating:$tempOvulating})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Internet Loser", vaginal: true, condom:true, ovulating:$tempOvulating})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Internet Loser"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Internet Loser"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Internet Loser"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Internet Loser", vaginal: true, noPullout:true, ovulating:$tempOvulating})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Internet Loser"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Internet Loser", vaginal: true, noPullout:true, ovulating:$tempOvulating})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Internet Loser", vaginal: true, condom:true, ovulating:$tempOvulating})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That's what I thought you'd say. And I have the solution right here," Barry tells you as he reaches into his bag and pulls out a latex mask and suit. "This wasn't cheap. But don't worry, I've got more than enough lined up to make my money back and then some. Now put it on while I start texting." Barry unties your hands and then pulls out his phone. It isn't long before the knocks on his door start. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's just a couple at first, but they keep arriving. Except for a few doubters that pay extra for a peek under your mask, just to be sure you really are the girl from the photo, you don't see any of them. All you know of them is the feel of their cock in whatever part of your body they've decided to use. The suit Barry bought has convient openings just where his customers would like them to be and they make full use of them, often two or three of them at a time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You assume Barry is snapping photos of everything, but he keeps his word and puts the camera down whenever your mask is off for one of the dobuters. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> By the time it's over, you are sore all over and your suit is covered in cum, but you are more than satisfied. You lost track of how many times you came, not that any of them cared whether you did or not. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "[[One more thing, slut.|Part13BarryPrivate2]]", Barry says to you. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>train<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>With Barry</h1> <img src="Part13/Barry6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:"Barry", vaginal: true, ovulating:$tempOvulating})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:"Barry"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:"Barry", vaginal: true, ovulating:$tempOvulating})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Barry removes part of the mask and you're able to see. Then he attaches a lock to the collar of your mask and smacks your latex covered ass with his hand. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You can go wash the cum off your suit if you'd like. You'll need it to look presentable since it's the only thing you are allowed to wear until Monday morning." <<if $PlayerCumslut>> I'll take that mask off you then, and give you your normal collar back. I wouldn't want the campus to lose it's resident Cumslut. I just didn't want these losers thinking blowjobs were free." <<else>> I'll let you wear other clothes again Monday, and I might even unlock the collar and let you take your mask off after I have a some fun with you myself tomorrow." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You obviously get some looks at the library and walking around campus, but you feel emboldened by the fact that no one except the librarian who checked you out has any idea who is under the mask. It's hard to turn the pages at first, but eventually you get the hang of it and finish your class reading well before the time Barry told you to be home. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You definitely don't want to be late. You're hoping he'll decide to take this mask off before you have to go to class on Monday. But somehow you're still horny today, so you're actually more eager for what he might do before the mask comes off. <<unset $tempOvulating>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, in addition to your schoolwork and being whored out by Barry, you also have to [[balance your time with work|Part13Job]]. Thankfully, Barry lets you out of the suit before then. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With $dating[0]</h1> <img src="Part13/Boyfriend1.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <<if $PlayerPregnant or $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> <<set $tempOvulating to false>> <<elseif $PlayerProtectionPermanent or $PlayerProtectionPill>> <<set $tempOvulating to (Math.random() >= 0.75)>> <<else>> <<set $tempOvulating to true>> <</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0], vaginal:true, ovulating:$tempOvulating})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't know how you'd cope with this body, and the desires it gives you if it weren't for $dating[0]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Sometimes you worry it might be too much for him, or that he'l think something is wrong with you, but $dating[0] says he loves how horny you are. Especially on days like this when you are insatiable. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Often, like today, you are eager to [[go again|Part13Boyfriend2]] as soon as he finishes. But $dating[0]'s body is not quite as accomidating and he needs a few minutes to recover first. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $tempNoPullOutNoWarn to ($PlayerProtectionWithdraw and Math.random() < 0.25)>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock and ($PlayerEasytoOrgasm or $PlayerSuperOrgasms)>> <<set $tempNoPullOutBeg to false>> <<else>> <<set $tempNoPullOutBeg to ($PlayerProtectionWithdraw and Math.random() < 0.5)>> <</if>> <h1>With $dating[0]</h1> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> <video src="Part14/Pregnant9.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<elseif $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <video src="Part13/Boyfriend2.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<elseif $PlayerProtectionWithdraw and !$tempNoPullOutNoWarn and !$tempNoPullOutBeg>> <video src="Part13/Boyfriend3.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<else>> <video src="Part13/Boyfriend4.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0], vaginal:true, ovulating:$tempOvulating, noPullout:($tempNoPullOutNoWarn or $tempNoPullOutBeg)})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> $dating[0] can see the need in your eyes, and uses his hands to entertain you for a while, and soon he's ready to go again. He already had you close to an orgasm before you felt him slide back into you, and soon you are cumming again. <<if $PlayerPregnant>> After the spasms of your orgasm pass, you can feel the baby kick inside you, you don't mention it to $dating[0] though. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$PlayerPregnant and $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> $dating[0] always last longer the second time around so he keeps going for quite a while longer and soon you are moaning and squirming as you feel another orgasm approaching. <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> But then you feel your orgasm fade away, you kick your feet and slap the covers in frustration at the all-too-familar feeling of being denied at the last moment. $dating[0] isn't denied though, a moment later he thrusts a final time and stops with his cock deep inside you. <br><br> You wonder if maybe your frustration is clouding your thoughts. But as he starts to slowly pull out of you, you imagine his seed swimming inside you, searching for its target. But of course, it's all in the condom he's wearing, not inside you, right? You wonder if maybe your body would have let you orgasm if you'd only have let him cum inside you. You know that isn't true and push the thought from your mind. But you can't help but wonder why your body is making you think things like this. <<else>> After you cum again, $dating[0] starts thrusting faster and deeper as he feels his orgasm getting close too. It's almost too much, but it doesn't last long, as a moment later he thrusts a final time and he stops with his cock deep inside you. <br><br> You wonder if maybe the post-orgasm bliss is clouding your thoughts. But as he starts to slowly pull out of you, you imagine his seed swimming inside you, searching for its target. But of course, it's all in the condom he's wearing, not inside you, right? But you can't help but wonder why your body is making you think things like this. <</if>> <<elseif !$PlayerPregnant and $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> $dating[0] always last longer the second time around so he keeps going for quite a while longer and soon you are moaning and squirming as you feel another orgasm approaching. <<if $tempNoPullOutNoWarn>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> But then you feel your orgasm fade away, you kick your feet and slap the covers in frustration at the all-too-familar feeling of being denied at the last moment. $dating[0] isn't denied though, a moment later he thrusts a final time and stops with his cock deep inside you. <br><br> He starts to apologize for not pulling out, but you tell him it's ok. You wonder if maybe your frustration is clouding your thoughts. But as you rub his cock between your lips and tease out the last bits of cum, you imagine his seed swimming inside you, searching for its target. And instead of worrying you like it normally would, you smile a bit at the thought. <<else>> As you cry out with another orgasm, you hear $dating[0] moan and then feel him thrust a final time and cum inside you. <br><br> He starts to apologize for not pulling out, but you tell him it's ok. You wonder if maybe the post-orgasm bliss is clouding your thoughts. But as you rub his cock between your lips and tease out the last bits of cum, you imagine his seed swimming inside you, searching for its target. And instead of worrying you like it normally would, you smile a bit at the thought. <</if>> <<elseif !$PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock and ($PlayerEasytoOrgasm or $PlayerSuperOrgasms)>> After you cry out with another orgasm, you hear $dating[0] warn, "I'm getting close". You see the reluctance in his eyes as he pulls out of you. His reluctance fades quickly as you frantically stroke him, and soon his cum covers your stomach. <br><br> You don't know why, but you feel slightly disappointed. Your orgasm was amazing, but you feel like you missed out on something. You feel his cum starting to dry on your stomach and fantasize about it inside you, and then his baby inside you. You push the though from your mind, wondering why your body is making you think things like this. <<else>> "I'm getting close", $dating[0] warns. You see the reluctance to pull out in his eyes and you desperately want him to keep going, since you are so close to coming again yourself. <br><br> <<if $tempNoPullOutBeg>> "Please! Don't stop!", is all you have to say, and he keeps going, even picking up the pace a bit. <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> You feel your orgasm about to happen, but then it fades away. You kick your feet and slap the covers in frustration at the all-too-familar feeling of being denied at the last moment. $dating[0] isn't denied though, a moment later he thrusts a final time and stops with his cock deep inside you. <br><br> You wonder if maybe your frustration is clouding your thoughts. But as you rub his cock between your lips and tease out the last bits of cum, you imagine his seed swimming inside you, searching for its target. And instead of worrying you like it normally would, you smile a bit at the thought. <<else>> You cum again as he thrusts a final time, and fills you with his cum. <br><br> You wonder if maybe the post-orgasm bliss is clouding your thoughts. But as you rub his cock between your lips and tease out the last bits of cum, you imagine his seed swimming inside you, searching for its target. And instead of worrying you like it normally would, you smile a bit at the thought. <</if>> <<else>> You let out a frustrated whimper as he pulls out just before you cum again. You channel your frustration into frantically stroking him and soon his cum covers your stomach. <br><br> You don't know why, but you feel slightly disappointed. Well, you know part of it is the second orgasm you nearly had but missed. But you also feel his cum starting to dry on your stomach and fantasize about it inside you, and then his baby inside you. You push the though from your mind, wondering why your body is making you think things like this. <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> Eventually, $dating[0] feels his orgasm getting close. You feel him thrust faster, and deeper, <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> and your orgasm is so close. But then it fades away. You kick your feet and slap the covers in frustration at the all-too-familar feeling of being denied at the last moment. $dating[0] isn't denied though, a moment later he thrusts a final time and stops with his cock deep inside you. <br><br> As he pulls out you feel his cum leaking out of you. Even over the frustration of your lost orgasm, it makes you smile <<else>> and it pushes you over the edge again and you cum again as he thrusts a final time. <br><br> As he pulls out you feel his cum leaking out of you. It makes you smile <</if>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> as you think of the life already growing inside you. <<else>> as the thought of his baby inside you fills your mind for a moment. <<if !$PlayerProtectionTry and !$PlayerProtectionNone>> But it's just a passing fantasy, right? <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <<unset $tempOvulating>> <<unset $tempNoPullOutNoWarn>> <<unset $tempNoPullOutBeg>> <</nobr>> <<if $JobHomemaker>><<include [[Part13AfterSecondJob]]>><<else>>Of course, in addition to your schoolwork and spending time with $dating[0], you also have to [[balance your time with work|Part13Job]].<</if>><<nobr>> <h1>Studying with Daddy</h1> <img src="Part13/Aaron1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> <br /> Daddy checks at home every night to make sure you've done your homework, and helps you study when you need it. <</nobr>> <img src="Part13/Aaron2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="right"> <<nobr>> You also know any time you get a test or paper back and your grade isn't as good as Daddy knows you can do, you'll have to visit Daddy between classes to be punished. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Daddy's high expectations of you must have started to rub off on to you. Your scores have gotten better, but you've started to bring a "B" or even "A-" papers to Daddy. You let him know you could have earned an "A" if you had tried harder, and you deserve to be punished. Daddy usually agrees. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, you aren't Daddy's student this semester, so you don't have to hide your relationship anymore. That means when Daddy invites his faculty friends over to the house [[for a party|Part13AaronParty]], you are there too. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Daddy's Party</h1> <img src="Part13/Aaron3.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> On the island, over spring break, you had gotten used to not wearing clothes. You'd loved how free you'd felt, how beautiful it made you feel, and also the reaction it had on Daddy. You had been worried that would have to stop when you got home. Of course you couldn't go nude in public any more, but at home was different. Even when Daddy had his parties for other faculty members, he says this is your home too, so they'll have to accept you dressing (or not dressing) as you please if they want to attend. They don't seem to mind, and have adjusted quickly. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Some of your professors are friends with Daddy and attend his parties. You'd thought it be uncomfortable for you at first around them, but it actually turns out to be the opposite. Here you feel much more able to join in their discussions, about whatever topic. You know they all have PhDs and you haven't even finished a year of college yet. But when their eyes wander, and they get tongue tied talking to you, it reminds you that for all their years of education, they are still just men. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, seeing them awkwardly look away when they realize they'd been staring, or noticing the bulge in their pants they are trying to hide, sometimes it gets you excited too. Daddy is always [[willing to help out then|Part13AaronParty2]]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The parties have also helped you feel more confident back in their class too. Even when you are fully dressed in the class room, you can see when your insturctor is looking at you and remembering what you'd looked like a few days ago at the party. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Daddy's Party</h1> <video src="Part13/Aaron4.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Aaron'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Sometimes seeing all the other professors looking at you starts to get you excited. The older men, and sometimes women, discreetly admiring your young beautiful body starts to make you imagine them doing more than admiring it. You start to picture two or three of them at a time using your body. You imagine Daddy joining in or watching from the side and instructing them on what you like best. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, when that feeling starts to get too strong, you know to go tell Daddy. He takes you into a room away from the party for a bit. "Daddy doesn't want to share his babygirl," he tells you. "I'll punish you later for having such naughty thoughts. But for now, Daddy will help you take your mind off it so we can go back to the party." He doesn't say much else as his mouth is soon otherwise occupied. After he's done he heads back out to the party. You take a minute or two more to clean up and head back outtoo. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you head back to the party, you wonder what Daddy will do after the party to punish you. Will he bend you over his knee [[for another spanking|Part13AaronSpank]], or find [[some other way to punish you|Part13AaronThink]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Daddy's Punishment</h1> <video src="Part13/Aaron5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You were a naughty girl for having such thoughts about my friends and coworkers," Daddy tells you as your feel a familar pain shoot across your ass several times. "But, you were also a good girl for telling me about it so I could help you," he adds. He stops with the crop and you feel two of his fingers slide into you, then begin stroking your clit. After a bit, he stops to pick up the crop again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Judging from how wet you are already, I think you enjoy your punishments as much as I do," he says. You manage to say "Yes, Daddy." before you feel the crop strike your ass again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you've been punished for each of the guests at the party you'd imagined using you, Daddy stops and puts the crop down. He gently strokes your ass, soothing the pain a bit. "Now, babygirl, [[let's go upstairs|Part13AaronSex]]," he says as he helps you up. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Daddy's Punishment</h1> <video src="Part13/Aaron6.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are expecting to have a red bottom tomorrow after Daddy punishes you for your horniness at the party, and for the thoughts you'd had about the other professors. You are a bit relieved and a bit disappointed when you find out he has something else in mind for your punishment. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You were a naughty girl for having such thoughts about my friends and coworkers. But you were a good girl for telling me about it, so your punishment will be light," Daddy tells you. "But you do need to learn to control your horniness, so I'll try to help teach you that." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As he binds your arms and legs and slides the remote vibrator the two of you have played with before into you he explains, "We've used it enough that it's well calibrated to your body, and I've set it keep you close to an orgasm, but to stop before then. After a few hours like that, controlling your desires at a party should be easy for you by comparison." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Try not to beg too much, I'll be in the next room grading papers. While I'm gone, I want you to to think about what you've done and how you'll do better next time - well as much as you'll be able to think at all anyway." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When Daddy finally comes back, it feels like you've been on the edge for days. "[[Please, fuck me|Part13AaronSex]]" is all you have the strength to say. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Daddy's Forgiveness</h1> <img src="Part13/Aaron7.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After your punishment, Daddy wants to show you he has forgiven you. You are still wet from your 'punishment', and beg him not to wait any longer. You tell him how much you want him inside you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you feel his cock thrusting into you, he wispers in your ear, telling you how much he loves his babygirl. Feeling his strong body on top of you, feeling him inside you, his words in your ear - it's all enough to quickly push you over the edge. You can't help but grasp and claw at Daddy's back as he continues until he too cums for you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But as fun as the parties, or the punishments after them, can be, you love the time you and Daddy spend alone together at home too. Whether it's just a regular day, or a [[special occasion|Part13AaronBunny]] you are glad to be spending it with him. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Easter with Daddy</h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Aaron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Aaron', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Aaron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Aaron', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Aaron', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'bunny-tail butt plug')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When Daddy tells you he bought you a special outfit for Easter, you're worried you'll have to dress up. But you are pleasantly surprised when you open the box and see what he actually picked up for you. You make sure to hop around the house and wiggle your tail in his face as often as you can. That's more than enough to make sure the two of you fuck like rabbits all day. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, you don't have to tell your family that when they text. But after Easter passes, there's just a couple weeks and then [[finals and the end of the semester|Part13AaronPass]]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part13/Aaron8.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <img src="Part13/Aaron9.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="right"> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Celebrating with Daddy</h1> <video src="Part13/Aaron10.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Aaron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Aaron', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Aaron', vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's the end of the semester, and you passed everything this time easily. Daddy was a big part of that, he made sure you did your work like a good girl, and he helped you whenever you were struggling. You put on your school girl outfit so you and Daddy can celebrate your success. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerItemNerdKey>> Of course, Peter's helped you this semester too. Daddy said it'd be nice for you to [[thank him for his help|Part13PeterFriendZone]]. <<elseif $ProfessorAllowance>> Before you know it, the semester is over. You have a doctor's appointment scheduled today though. You head over to <<if $PlayerPregnant>> [[your obstetrician's office|Part13OB]] for your appointment. <<else>> [[the X-Change office|Part13Checkup]] for your end-of-semester check-up. <</if>> <<else>> Of course, in addition to your schoolwork and spending time with Daddy, you also have to [[balance your time with work|Part13Job]]. Maybe you should quit, and let Daddy take care of you, you think. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Thanking Peter</h1> <video src="Part13/Peter8.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Peter comes over to your and Daddy's house after you text him. You know he loves it when you meet at your house, since that means you'll probably be naked, or nearly so, of course you don't disappoint him today. You plan on just saying thank you for his help this semester but Daddy says you won't need your words to thank him. He puts a gag in your mouth tells you a better way to thank Peter and sends you out to living room to see Peter. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Peter's cage is still on, of course, but you can see he still watches eagerly as you sit across from him and start to masturbate. You can see a bit of jealousy in his eyes. If you could talk, you'd ask if he's jealous because you're the only one getting any pleasure, or if he's jealous because he's not the one giving it to you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> Of course, it feels good, but you can't get yourself off. Eventually you give Peter a sad, pouty face - or at least the closest you can manage through the gag. Then you head into the other room. But Daddy has other plans. He gets out a present he'd bought for you and buckles it around your waist, and buckles your arms so you can't move. He takes you gag out and sends you back out to finish Peter's show. <<else>> After you orgasm, you get up and walk over to Peter. You can see his eyes between your legs, wishing he could feel how wet you are, but he knows better. You put your still-wet fingers into his mouth and mumble "Thank you for your help" as best you can through your gag, while he eagerly licks your fingers clean. Once you are done with Peter you head back in to see Daddy. He's got a new gift he's purchased for you already laid out on the floor for you to try. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part13/Peter9.webm" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $ProfessorAllowance>> But now that the semester is over, people are starting to leave campus. Before you can worry about that, you have a doctor's appointment scheduled for today. You head over to <<if $PlayerPregnant>> [[your obstetrician's office|Part13OB]] for your appointment. <<else>> [[the X-Change office|Part13Checkup]] for your end-of-semester check-up. <</if>> <<else>> Of course, in addition to your schoolwork and spending time with Daddy, you also have to [[balance your time with work|Part13Job]]. Maybe you should quit, and let Daddy take care of you, you think. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Studying with Peter</h1> <img src="Part13/Peter1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="750" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You try to keep your study sessions with Peter fun. When it's just the two of you alone, you have him strip from the waist down. It's amazing how much he's willing to work with you when you are struggling with some difficult subject. Of course, that you absent mindedly playing with his cage with your foot the whole time probably helps him stay patient. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't let Peter cum very often. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> You can't, so why should you let him? <</if>> But you wonder if maybe you should give him a special reward since he helped make sure you passed everything this term. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> Peter has also been helping Veronica with her work too. She hasn't had any interest in teasing him, but she wants to [[be there for his reward|Part13PeterVeronica]], so she can thank him too. <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt>> Your options are limited by your own chastity belt, but you [[have the perfect idea|Part13PeterFeet]] on how to reward him. <<elseif $dating.length > 0 and not(setup.areDating('Peter'))>> He's been a big help this semester, but you're not sure how you want to reward him. You want to thank him, and you know he'd love to fuck you or even a blow job. But that's not going to happen. <br><br> But you seen how excited he gets when your feet are just touching his cage. That certainly [[gives you an idea|Part13PeterFeet]] on how to reward him. And you don't even think $dating[0] would mind. Not that you are going to mention it anyway, just to be sure. <<else>> He's been a big help this semester, but you're not sure how you want to reward him. You seen how excited he gets when your feet are just touching his cage. That certainly [[gives you an idea|Part13PeterFeet]] on how to reward him. Of course, you have much more practice [[using your hands|Part13PeterStroke]], and he loves that too. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Rewarding Peter</h1> <img src="Part13/Peter2.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've seen how much Peter enjoys the way you play with his cage with your feet, so you decide that's how you'll reward him. After you tie his hands back, you lube up your feet and start stroking his cock with them. You can tell he's loving it as you have to keep slowing down so he doesn't cum. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You edge him several times, but you you haven't let him cum. As you seem him getting close again, you slow down a bit. "Should I stop, or keep going?", you ask. Of course he wants you to keep going. "If I do, you'll have to clean up the mess you make." He quickly agrees again. <</nobr>> <img src="Part13/Peter3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <<nobr>> It doesn't take much more before Peter is groaning and cuming all over your feet. You leave his hands bound still as you foot goes to his mouth so he can lick it clean, toe by toe. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, in addition to your schoolwork and spending time with Peter, you also have to [[balance your time with work|Part13Job]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Teasing Peter</h1> <video src="Part13/Peter4.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Veronica'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> At first Veronica just watches as you tease Peter, but after watching you edge him a couple times, she decides she wants to join in. She acts like it's just to show how appreciative she is for his help, but you know it's really because she's getting off on how much power you have over him and she wants to share in that. You think that's a great idea, and of course Peter loves the idea too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> At first she just licks the outside of his cock, you're pretty sure she's never had one in her mouth before. Peter can't believe this is happening. His cock felt nothing for so long, and now two beautiful women have their lips and tongues on it. Once Peter has came, and you've licked his cock clean of cum, Veronica gets a bit more bold. She gets really excited as watches Peter struggle as her lips slide across the head of his over-sensitive cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Peter is very grateful for his reward. You and Veronica are both turned on now though. You decide to leave him tied to the bed as you and Veronica take care of each other's needs in front of him. It doesn't take long before you see his cock getting hard again. You give it a playful slap and say, "Don't get greedy." before returning your focus to Veronica. After the two of you are finished, it takes a while for Peter's erection to subside and you're able to get his cage back on. Once he's been untied and left, you and Veronica get back in bed for another round. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, in addition to your schoolwork and spending time with Veronica and Peter, you also have to [[balance your time with work|Part13Job]]. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>threesome:FMF<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Teasing Peter</h1> <video src="Part13/Peter5.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've tied his hands and teased his cock before. You love the whimpering, needy sounds he makes as he gets to the edge of an orgasm only for you to stop stroking. No matter how many times you do it during a teasing session, every time he's hoping you are going to let him cum finally. You almost never do. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But this time, after edging him several times, you've decided you are going to reward him with an orgasm. You just aren't sure whether you want to [[keep going with your hand|Part13PeterTooSoon]], or surprise him by climbing on top of him and [[riding his cock|Part13PeterMuchTooSoon]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Rewarding Peter</h1> <video src="Part13/Peter6.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You're planning on stroking him hard and fast this time. You plan on stroking until you've drained him of every drop. But he's too close to start that this time, so you stop stroking until he's not as close to an orgasm. You stop before he cums, as you wait for him to cool down, you start telling him how you're going to stroke him this time, and about how good an orgasm is finally going to feel. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> To your surpise, just talking about it was enough to put him over the edge. If you'd been expecting it, you probably would have returned to stroking, so he could enjoy his reward orgasm more. But it takes you by surprise, and you just watch as his cock cums shoots into the air. Even so, he's very grateful for his reward. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, in addition to your schoolwork and spending time with Peter, you also have to [[balance your time with work|Part13Job]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Rewarding Peter</h1> <video src="Part13/Peter7.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter', vaginal:true, pullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You give him a bit to cool down before you slide him into you. You've barely started though when he tells you he's getting close. You tell him he's not allowed to cum yet and pull out. You want to cum with him, and it's way to soon for that. You plan on straddling his face for a while until you're much closer to your own orgasm. Then you'll climb back on top of his cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But his poor, neglected cock has other plans. You pull out in time, but it can't wait any longer and begins spurting out as you hold it in your hand. If you'd been expecting it, you would have started stroking it for him, but instead you just watch it twitch in your hand. He doesn't mind though. Even the few seconds inside you were far more reward than he'd hoped for. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, you're still wanting an orgasm, so you put your knees on either side of his head and grind into his face as he gets to work. You feel some of his cum still on your hand and arm and wipe it off on his hair before it dries. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, in addition to your schoolwork and spending time with Peter, you also have to [[balance your time with work|Part13Job]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $JobAthlete>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> <<include [[Part13AthleteDisability]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part13Athlete]]>> <</if>> <<elseif $JobCheerleader>> <<include [[Part13Cheerleader]]>> <<elseif $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>> <<include [[Part13CheerleaderFundraiser]]>> <<elseif $JobFitnessYoga>> <<include [[Part13Yoga]]>> <<elseif $JobFitnessMassage>> <<include [[Part13FitnessMassage]]>> <<elseif $JobLibrary>> <<include [[Part13Library]]>> <<elseif $JobEngineer>> <<include [[Part13Engineer]]>> <<elseif $JobTestSubject>> <<include [[Part13TestSubject]]>> <<elseif $JobBarista && $Engaged=='Andrew'>> <<include [[Part13BaristaEngaged]]>> <<elseif $JobBarista>> <<include [[Part13Barista]]>> <<elseif $JobBikiniBarista>> <<include [[Part13BikiniBarista]]>> <<elseif $JobOfficePA>> <<include [[Part13OfficePA]]>> <<elseif $JobOfficeManager>> <<include [[Part13OfficeManager]]>> <<elseif $JobOfficeIntern>> <<include [[Part13OfficeIntern]]>> <<elseif $JobCallGirl>> <<include [[Part13CallGirl]]>> <<elseif $JobBartender or $JobBartenderGirls or $JobBartenderGuys or $JobBartenderBi or $JobBartenderSub or $JobBartenderDom>> <<include [[Part13Bartender]]>> <<elseif $JobPorn or $JobPornOral or $JobPornAnal or $JobPornGang>> <<include [[Part13PornStar]]>> <<elseif $JobArt>> <<include [[Part13Art]]>> <<elseif $JobCallGirlSide or $JobGloryHole or $JobStripper>> You don't really have a normal job though. <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part13AfterSecondJob]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $JobCallGirlSide>> Of course, you still have a steady source of money coming in from your [[job as call girl|Part13CallGirl]]. <<elseif $JobGloryHole>> Of course, you still have some money coming in from your [[job at the sex shop|Part13GloryHole]]. <<elseif $JobStripper>> Of course, you still have a steady source of money coming in from your [[job at the strip club|Part13Stripper]]. <<else>> <<include [[Part13AfterSecondJob]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> With all that you have going on, it seems the [[school year is nearly over|Part13YearEnd]] before you know it. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>End of the Year</h1> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> <img src="Part13/YearEnd2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt>> <img src="Part13/YearEnd3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<else>> <img src="Part13/YearEnd1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron') || $PlayerItemNerdKey>> With <<if setup.areDating('Aaron') && $PlayerItemNerdKey>> Daddy and Peter's <<elseif setup.areDating('Aaron')>> Daddy's <<else>> Peter's <</if>> help, you've managed to do well in all your classes this term. <<if $AcademicProbation>> You are no longer on academic probation. <<unset $AcademicProbation>> <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerReducedSleep>> Thanks to your implant's side effects, you need less sleep than most of your classmates. This semester you've used more of it to study, so you've managed to do well in all your classes. <<if $AcademicProbation>> You are no longer on academic probation. <<unset $AcademicProbation>> <</if>> <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Aaron') and !$PlayerSideEffectOral and !$PlayerCumslut>> You didn't want to find yourself on your knees in a professor's office again this semester, so you worked harder than last term to make sure you did well in all your classes. <<if $AcademicProbation>> You are no longer on academic probation. <<unset $AcademicProbation>> <</if>> <<elseif !$AcademicProbation>> Things were crazy for you last semester, adjusting to your new body and everything that went with it. You were able to concentrate on your classes a bit more this semester, so you passed without any worries. <<else>> You ended up on academic probation last semester after failing a class. You'd told yourself you were going to do better this term, but with everything else going on, that didn't last long. <br><br> Still, until you took your final exams, you thought you were going to pass everything. You completely bombed one of them, and given how you'd done the rest of the semester, you'd needed at least a "C" on the exam to pass that class. So you failed. <br><br> You thought that it was something you could worry about when school started back up in the fall at first. But then you received an urgent notice to [[meet with the dean's office|Part13DeansOffice]] regarding your failure to "achive satisfactory academic progress". It says, "If you fail to do so, you will be ineligible for all forms of financial aid, including scholarships and stipends, and unable to enroll in the fall semester". After reading that you quickly make a call and schedule an appointment today. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbation>> <<elseif $PlayerPregnant>> It's hard to get comfortable with your growing belly in the way, so sleep is difficult to find. But you make sure you wake up on time the next day so you can make it to your [[your obstetrician's office|Part13OB]] for your appointment. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <br><br> You're thrilled to hear $Keyholder is sending you home without your belt on for safety reasons. It wouldn't be good to go into labor with your chastity belt still on! <<set $PlayerChastityBelt to 0>> <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt>> You wake up several times through the night, each time you wake up wishing you could return to the erotic dream you had been having, just for a few more minutes. Or, if not that, if only you could finish the job yourself. But neither is possible, so each time time you toss and turn in frustration until you can find sleep again. <br><br> Like many nights before, you wake up tired and horny. But you make sure you wake up on time so you can make it to [[the X-Change office|Part13Checkup]] for your end-of-semester check-up. <<else>> You get a good night's sleep, and wake up the next day full of energy. You are excited to have your first year of college completed as you head to [[the X-Change office|Part13Checkup]] for your end-of-semester check-up. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Visiting the Dean's Office</h1> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> <img src="Part13/Dean3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> As you get ready for your visit to the Dean's office, you are still dreading it. You look through your closet to find something that accentuates the fact that you are pregnant. It's not like you can hide it anyway at this point. Hopefully you'll be able to get some sympathy from him due to your current state. You make sure the outfit you pick out also shows off the ample cleaveage you currently have, while not making it look like you are trying to do that. <<elseif $CampusMinistry>> <img src="Part13/Dean2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> As you get ready for your visit to the Dean's office, you are still dreading it. You wear one of your nice bras under your shirt. No one is going to see it, obviously. But you always feel a little bit prettier and more confident when you wear it. And you need all the confidence you can get right now. <<else>> <img src="Part13/Dean2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> As you get ready for your visit to the Dean's office, you are still dreading it. You wear one of your nice bras under your top. You make sure that it passes for a casual student outfit, but you also make sure to show as much cleavage as possible. Hopefully that will help you talk your way out of this situation with the dean. <</if>> Once you are ready, you reluctantly head over to the administration building. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "...miss, you were informed of the numerous resources available to you when you were placed on academic probation at the end of last term. And of the consequences for failing to make substantive improvement this term. Your failure to make use of those resources or to heed those warnings is what has brought us to this point," you struggle to pay attention as the dean drones on and on. If he is going to kick you out, you wish he'd get on with it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Normally a student like yourself would be asked to enroll at a community college for a year or two, and to consider reapplying here after they were more academically mature. However, due to our arrangment with the X-Change Corporation and your participation in the implant trial, we are prepared to offer you a second option. We've found it to be a very effective motivator with other trial participants." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "They say it's the perfect punishment for a horny slut," the dean says. When he sees the <<if $CampusMinistry>>shocked<<else>>angry<</if>> look on your face he explains, "Pardon my language, those are their words not mine. It's actually the marketing slogan for the option they'll be activating for you. Why anyone would buy it willingly is something you'll have to ask them. But maybe you already know. I'm sure you're more familiar with what 'horny sluts' like than I am. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> "But I'm not a horny slut, sir," you tell him, blushing as you repeat the phrase he'd used. "I'm actually a virgin. I don't think I should be punished like one of them." <br><br> "Of course, you're not," he says clearly not believing a word of it. "It's your choice, this or transfering to somewhere less challenging." <<else>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> You know you're not going to get any sympathy from him for being pregnant. <<else>> You know you aren't going to be able to talk your way out of this punishment. <</if>> His comments about horny sluts, and his general demeanor, make it clear the back-up plan you'd had is also doomed to fail. If you offered a blowjob, or even sex, in exchange for letting it slide for another semester, you know he'd tell you no. And he'd be even more convinced that you are a horny slut that needs be be punished. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You consider dropping out instead of going through with it. But <<if $PlayerGoodStudent>> everyone had such high hopes for you at college, and you don't want to let them down. <<elseif $PlayerAverageStudent>> you oveheard you dad talking to your mom and saying that you'd be gone after a year or less, and you don't want to prove him right. <<else>> you heard too many people back home say that you'd be gone after a year or less, and you don't want to prove them right. <</if>> So you agree [[to go through with it|Part13DeansOffice2]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With the Dean at the X-Change Office</h1> <<if $PlayerPregnant and !$dating.length and ($PlayerProtectionTry or setup.sexUniqueVaginalCount() > 25) and ($PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock or $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock)>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectBreeder to 1>> <<set $PlayerProtectionFertile to 1>> <<elseif !$PlayerPregnant>> <<set $AcademicProbationDenial to 1>> <</if>> They explain the 'feature' they are activating as you are given forms to sign consenting to the 'voluntary' procedure and signing your right to deacivate it over to the dean. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "The planned use of this feature is for women that enjoy orgasm denial and loss of control," the X-Change technician explains. "It will completely block your ability to feel your orgasms, and much of the pleasure leading up to them, while it is activated. Your body will still react more-or-less normally for the situation. But it'll just be subconcious reactions, you won't feel it the way you normally would." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He continues explaining, "In the future we plan on allowing remote activation and deactivation via an app on the user's phone. With of course a timer-based lockout for individuals, or allowing transfer of control to someone else. But for now, you'll need to come in to the office here to get it deactivated. Once the dean has sent over his approval that is." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you are done signing forms, he does something to the settings of your implant. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> Then he goes to a locked cabinet and pulls out the copy of your key that $Keyholder had left with them, so that he can unlock your belt for the test. <</if>> Then he <<if $PlayerSideEffectBreeder>> attempts to confirm your ability to orgasm has been completely disabled. However, you soon discover they've haven't done anything of the sort. <br> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part13/Breeder1.webm" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <br> <img src="Part13/Breeder2.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"> </div> It feels wonderful as the technican holds a vibrator against your clit, but he seems to suspect something is wrong. You don't listen to what he is saying as he comments on your unusual response as you feel your orgasm approaching. You don't pay any attention as he begins furiously typing on his terminal as you cry out with <<if $PlayerPowerfulOrgasms or $PlayerSuperOrgasms>> one of <</if>> the most amazing orgasm you've ever felt. <br><br> After you come down from your orgasm and can listen again he tells you, "Miss, there was a problem with your procedure. As you know, the implant is still in an experimental phase." The dean looks on, clearly annoyed. <br><br> "That sure didn't feel like a problem," you say. <br><br> "Well, it seems that the temporary orgasm block we attempted to activate interacted in an unforseen way with your existing orgasm-inhibiting side <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock and $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>>effects.<<else>>effect.<</if>> The fact that you are currently pregnant likely also played a role. But don't worry, there is no impact on the baby," the X-Change technician explains. <br><br> "I'm not sure if you are familiar with our 'Breeder' line of products, but the effects I'm seeing from your implant seem very similar to those", he continues. "Namely, since you are currently pregnant you can experience a powerful orgasm like you just did via masturation, intercourse, or any other method." <br><br> "That's wonderful!", you interrupt to say as the dean's look of annoyance deepens. <br><br> The technician continues, "However, when you are not pregnant, you will only be able to orgasm when you are fertile and your partner ejaculates viable sperm inside you. Obviously condoms or other male-centered birth control would block the later part of that, and any female-centered birth control would block the former. That, and the enhanced fertility effects mean any sexual activity able to provide you with an orgasm is also very likely to result in pregnancy. These effects are permanent." <br><br> As the technican talks about it, your mind is filled with thoughts of men cumming inside you. You'd be tempted to see if the technician was interested if the dean wasn't right here. Then the dean interrupts your pleasant thoughts with a question, "Couldn't she just get an abortion?" You instinctively cover your belly protectively. "Not now," he clarifies. "I mean when she gets pregnant the next time, and the time after that. And what about when she's too old to get pregnant?" <br><br> "Termination is possible of course, but if its like with our standard Breeder pills work, then it would interfere with how it detects pregnancy and probable conception events. She probably wouldn't be able to orgasm again until she was pregnant again and things were able to reset," the technician explains. "Though in practice, it almost never happens. They generally are quite excited about each pregnancy and wouldn't even consider termination. Post-menopausal she'd still be able to orgasm from intercourse if..." <br><br> <<unset $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> <<unset $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> <<unset $PlayerEasytoOrgasm>> <<unset $PlayerPowerfulOrgasms>> <<unset $PlayerSuperOrgasms>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPill>> <<set $PlayerProtectionTry to 1>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPermanent>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionNone>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPill>> You cut off the dean and his curiousity, you don't want to hear about abortions or when you get old, you just want to get out of here and enjoy another one of those orgasms. But then you remember you have your [[appointment at your obstetrician's office|Part13OB]] first. <br><br> The dean has some final words for you before you leave, "Well, I will still honor our agreement to allow you to renenroll in the fall. But you are still on probation, so assuming you decide to return in the fall, you will still need to work on improving your grades if you wish to remain a student here." <<elseif $PlayerPregnant>> attempts to confirm your ability to orgasm has been completely disabled. However, you soon discover they've haven't done anything of the sort. <br> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part13/Breeder1.webm" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <br> <img src="Part13/Breeder2.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"> </div> It feels wonderful as the technican holds a vibrator against your clit, but he seems to suspect something is wrong. You don't listen to what he is saying as he comments on your unusual response as you feel your orgasm approaching. You don't pay any attention as he begins furiously typing on his terminal as you cry out with an orgasm. <br><br> After you come down from your orgasm and can listen again he tells you, "Miss, there was a problem with your procedure. As you know, the implant is still in an experimental phase." The dean looks on, clearly annoyed. <br><br> "That sure didn't feel like a problem," you say. <br><br> "Well, I suppose from your point of view it's not," he says. "It appears the temporary orgasm block we attempted to activate was ineffective. This is likely due to your pregnancy. Early-stage pregnancy hasn't been a problem before, but you're further along, so perhaps that is it. We won't be able to complete the procedure." <br><br> "That's wonderful!", you interrupt to say as the dean's look of annoyance deepens. <br><br> You and the dean exit the X-Change office and you try not to smile as you think about enjoying the summer full of orgasms that you were almost denied. "Well, I will still honor our agreement to allow you to renenroll in the fall. But you are still on probation, so assuming you decide to return in the fall, you will still need to work on improving your grades if you wish to remain a student here." <br><br> "Yes, I understand," you say as you part ways with him and head towards your [[appointment at your obstetrician's office|Part13OB]]. <<else>> confirms your ability to orgasm has been completely disabled. <br><br> <<if $CampusMinistry>> It is humiliating as he has you remove your jeans and holds a vibrator against your panties, against your private parts, right here in front of the dean! But you can barely feel it though, and you are pretty sure that's not normal for a vibrator. <br><br> You feel your heart rate increasing as he goes on, and your chest and face start to feel warm. You notice your hips are starting to move even though you weren't trying to do that. You're embarrassed as you realize your body was subtly thrusting itself towards his vibrator. You are even more embarrassed and cover your mouth when moans start to escape. As you cover your mouth you are ashamed of the thought that fills your head. You keep thinking it'd be so much better if he had one of those vibrators that go inside, instead of one just pressed against you outside. <br><br> Without realizing it your hand has moved from your mouth and started stroking the technician's shoulder and arm and thinking what a nice man he is and wanting to wrap your arms around him. But a few moments later you are screaming at him and you don't know why. He stops the vibrator and you can feel your heart bounding and you can barely breathe. "What is happening?", you ask. <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt>> It's maddening, being out of your chastity belt, with a magic wand nestled right against your clit, but you feel nothing. Well, not exactly nothing. You can feel that it is vibrating, but it doesn't feel like it is supposed to. He might as well be vibrating your arm for all the pleasure you feel. <br><br> But you notice your body is still reacting the way it normally would. Your heart is beating fast, your feel your skin flush, and you ache for the tecnician to put down the vibrator and just fuck you. <br><br> When you hear yourself moan, it is maddening as you still don't actually feel anything. Even when you hear yourself scream and claw at the technician's shoulder, you don't feel anything. You recognize that your body seemed to just have an orgasm, but you felt none of it. <<else>> It's frustrating as he hold the magic wand against your panties, nestled right against your clit, but you feel nothing. Well, not exactly nothing. You can feel that it is vibrating, but it doesn't feel like it is supposed to. He might as well be vibrating your arm for all the pleasure you feel. <br><br> But you notice your body is still reacting the way it normally would. Your heart is beating fast, your feel your skin flush, and you ache for the tecnician to put down the vibrator and just fuck you. <br><br> When you hear yourself moan, it is maddening as you still don't actually feel anything. Even when you hear yourself scream and claw at the technician's shoulder, you don't feel anything. You recognize that your body seemed to just have an orgasm, but you felt none of it. <</if>> <br><br> "Everything appears to be in order," the technician says after double checking some readings. "Her body's reactions are normal, but the signals relating to sexual pleasure don't register with her conscious mind." <br><br> <<if $CampusMinistry and setup.sexCount() == 0>> "Sexual... but I'm a virgin," you tell him. <br><br> As the technician's eyes glance over at the dean for a second, you realize he thinks you are just saying that because the dean is here. "Of course, ma'am," he says "Well, it will also prevent masturbation. Though maybe the other effects will encourage you to enjoy your new body more fully, well, as much as you can now anyway." <br><br> When you ask about 'other effects' the technican goes into more detail. "As was mentioned on one of the forms, the feature also greatly increases your sexual desire while it is active. What fun would denial be for anyone if you just forgot about sex while it was active? That's certainly not going to happen." You are wishing you'd paid more attention to the forms. <br><br> Then the dean leads you back to his office. "If you were honest about your lack of sexual activity, then maybe the denial mode they set on your implant won't be as big of a motivator for you as it normally is. But you'll still be expected to put in the effort to improve your grades if you want to remain a student here." The two of you then sit down to work on an 'academic improvement plan', which is just as boring as it sounds. <br><br> After you leave his office you head to the restroom. You are surprised to find the mess you've made in your panties, worse than even what happens when you fantasize about things you aren't supposed to fantasize about. You hope that was just from the test, and they aren't going to be like that all the time now. <<else>> "That... that was so frustrating," you say. "I know my body just got off, but I didn't feel anything, and I'm still so horny." <br><br> "Pefect," the technican says. "And with the other effects, you should stay like that most of the time." <br><br> When you ask about 'other effects' the technican goes into more detail. "As was mentioned on one of the forms, the feature also greatly increases your sexual desire while it is active. What fun would denial be for anyone if you just forgot about sex while it was active? That's certainly not going to happen." You are wishing you'd paid more attention to the forms. <br><br> As you walk back to the deans office he says, "We've found it be be a great motivator to encourage students to do what needs to be done to get their grades up." The two of you then go back to his office and sit down to work on an 'academic improvement plan', which is just as boring as it sounds. <br><br> After you leave his office you head to the restroom. You aren't surprised to find the mess <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> leaking through the shield of your chastity belt. <<else>> you've made in your panties, <</if>> Yet more proof of that of the orgasm you couldn't feel. <</if>> <br><br> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <img src="Part13/Dean4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<else>> <img src="Part13/Dean.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</if>> <br><br> <<if $CampusMinistry>> You have a hard time getting to sleep, your mind keeps going back to how embarrassed you were in front of the dean today. <<else>> Your last night on campus is a frustrating one, and sleep is hard to find. <</if>> But you make sure to wake up in time for your <<if $PlayerPregnant>> [[appointment at your obstetrician's office|Part13OB]]. <<else>> regular [[end-of-semester check-up|Part13Checkup]] with the X-Change office. You plan on doing your best not to be mad at them about your current situation. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Visting with the Team</h1> <video src="Part13/Fit5.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can't train or compete in your condition, but you still stop by and watch the team practice or compete when you can. And you still join them when they go out afterwards as well. Of course, you are the center of attention when you are there. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The other girls lots of questions about how you are managing, or asking to put their hand on your belly to see if they can feel the baby kick. Carli seems to be focusing on a different change though. "I'm so jealous of your new breasts!", she tells you. "I spent so much money on these, and you get those for free!" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You know they go back to about the same size after the pregnancy and breastfeeding is done, right?", you tell her as you try to hide your annoyance. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "And I thought your step-dad paid for your boob-job anyway," one of your teammates add. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "He paid for it, but I certainly had to work for the money, if you know what I mean," she replies. You and the rest of the team know Carli well enough by now that everyone knows exactly what she means. As you struggle to stand up and make your way to the restroom to pee, again, you hear Carli add. "Ok, well I get to keep these, and I don't have to deal with all that, so I guess it was worth it." <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>><<nobr>> <h1>Training</h1> <img src="Part13/Fit1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's hard work, but in addition to your schoolwork and everything else, you spend hours in the fitness center every day training. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, it's all so you'll be your best when it comes time to compete. But you also enjoy keeping your [[body in top shape|Part13Athlete2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Training</h1> <video src="Part13/Fit2.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Frequently when you work out, you'll have a few supporters looking on and encouraging you. You always appreciate the support. Well, you're pretty sure the women looking on are supporters. They clearly are hoping you train and compete well. Some of the guys though... <</nobr>> <<nobr>> From the way some of them watch, you suspect they might be imagining more about how you'd perform in bed than how you'll [[perform on the field|Part13Athlete3]]. And imagining is all they'll probably ever get to do. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Victory</h1> <video src="Part13/Fit3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> All your training you and your fellow athletes have done has paid off! You and another girl from your school managed to place first and second! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your other teammates are waiting on the sidelines to congratulate you both. But you both left it all on the field. You collapse next to each other and congratulate one another until you gather enough energy to get up and join the rest of the team. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's the end of the season, so you are done training for the semester. <<if $CampusMinistry>> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>> <<else>> You still have [[one more visit to the fitness center|Part13Athlete4]] planned though. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Fitness Center</h1> <img src="Part13/Fit4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> Your coach says you've certainly earned a reward. He unlocks your belt for a special visit to one of the fitness center's massage rooms. You lose track of how many orgasms you have during your hour-long session. When your visit is done, he locks your belt back on and tells you to have a fun summer. <<else>> You decide to make one last visit to the fitness center's massage room when you go to pick up your things from your locker. The woman giving your massage knows just how to help relieve the stress of months of training from your exhausted body. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>><<nobr>> <h1>Yoga Class</h1> <video src="Part13/Yoga1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your job as a 'natural yoga' instructor has really picked up lately. The university administration had heard about the classes you had for the athletes and hadn't thought much of it. They were fine with anything that kept their athletes happy. But you'd been a bit worried they might try to shut down the girl-focused classes you had opened up to non-athletes also. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They'd had the opposite reaction. They encouraged you to offer more of those classes. Someone in the univeristy administration was even able to secure a company to sponsor the classes so you could focus on them full-time. Well, not quite full-time. You wouldn't want to give up your fun with guy classess completely. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With new women joining your classes every week, you are always careful to start with simple warm-up stretches. You want to make sure they each get comfortable being nude in front of the class. Some are nervous at first, but a few minutes of deep breathing usually calms their nerves. Then you can [[continue with the class|Part13Yoga2]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Yoga Class</h1> <video src="Part13/Yoga2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After the first part of the class, you take a stretch break. You remind your students they need to stay hydrated, both in class and at home. It's true, but it's also a bit of product placement from the company sponsoring the class - <b>ErosH<sub>2</sub>O</b>. <i>"It has a proprietary blend of nutrients that give an active woman the energy she needs to go all day... and all night."</i> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Sorry, I have to say that part," you tell them as you all take a drink. "But it's probably true. I certainly seem to have a lot more... energy, since I started drinking it." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Mmmmm, it gives me a warm feeling all over," one of the new girls says. "And little tingles..," she stops mid sentence and glances between her legs. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That's probably just from the yoga. It can really get the blood moving," you reassure her, though you remember thinking the same thing the first time you'd drank it. As you remind them to practice at home between classes you recommend they do it with a partner that can encourage them and with enough strength to help them stretch just a bit more. "It shouldn't be too hard for you to find a guy willing to help." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "It gets pretty hard once he's helping though," one of the returning girls says with a giggle. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well, that's perfectly natural too," you say. "And it'll work well with the positions we'll be covering in the [[rest of the class|Part13Yoga3]] today." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectLibido>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectLibido to 1>> <i>(Your have a higher libido than normal now, as do most of the girls in your classes.)</i> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Yoga Class</h1> <video src="Part13/Yoga3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You should be able to grab your feet by yourself in this position. But if you have a partner, have him stand behind you. He should grab your wrists and hold them there, pulling back a bit more if you can manage," you explain. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "As Nicole suggested earlier, he may have other things on his mind at this point. You'll probably be eager for that as well, and there's no reason yoga can't be fun for you and him. It won't take more than a word or two of encouragement before he's in his nautral state as well and ready to join you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Just do you best to hold your position, and have him continue to hold your wrists. The natural thrust-and-pull motions he'll make will really help you improve your flexibilty. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Now lets hydrate again for a second before we [[move on to the next position|Part13Yoga4]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Yoga Class</h1> <video src="Part13/Yoga4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Here you'll want to grab your knees and pull them towards your chest," you tell your students. "Pull on your knees like this. Eventually they should be able to touch your breasts. For some of you smaller-chested girls that may take more time, but don't worry, you'll get there eventually. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "If you have a partner helping you, then point your legs upward. He can then place some of his weight on your thighs and the back of your knees to help you maintain your position. As he thrusts, his weight will help you stretch these muscles here," you tell them as you indicate on your body the muscle groups. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Hopefully, you'll also enjoy the deep penetration this position will allow him as well. I'm sure he will," you add before you start to [[wrap up the class|Part13Yoga5]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Yoga Class</h1> <video src="Part13/Yoga5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You finish up the class with a few more breathing exercises before you tell them goodbye and remind them to practice at home. "If I don't see you again before then, have a great summer. There's a stack of <b>ErosH<sub>2</sub>O</b> coupons in the back if you want to pick some up over the summer, take as many as you need. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$PlayerPregnant && !$PlayerCumslut>> Before you leave work, your boss mentions that he's recommended you for the university's summer abroad program. It's a fully-funded trip to study over the summer in a foreign country. There'll be a number of girls from the university there. You don't have to decide right now, he says. But if you think you might be interested, then [[go to the in-person interview|Part13AbroadEvaluation]] today. Or if you know you're not interested you can just ignore it. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>><<nobr>> <h1>Fitness Center</h1> <video src="Part13/Massage1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete (massage client)', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'Athlete (massage client)'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete (massage client)', vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete (massage client)'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete (massage client)', vaginal:true, pullout:true} )>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete (massage client)', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You love your job at the fitness <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> center, especially since you are unlocked from your belt while you are working. <<else>> center. <</if>> Of course, sometimes it's just helping one of the athletes with sore muscles after a week of grueling training. But usually, you are helping them with other needs, so they can stay focused on their training. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With the end of the semester approaching, you've been busy every day. You never rush anyone though. You give the female athletes as much time as they need, of course. And while, you could have the male athletes finished in a few minutes, you give them every minute they've booked as well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once it's clear they are looking for more than just a simple massage, you climb on top. You know just how to ride them to maximize their pleasure. You alternate between riding them hard-and-fast or soft-and-slow. You're careful [[not to push them too far|Part13FitnessMassage2]] before their time is almost up. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Fitness Center</h1> <video src="Part13/Massage2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Most of them just lie back and enjoy letting you do all the work. Some though, want to take more control. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Whether riding them slow and keeping them on the edge is more than they can handle, or whether they just like controlling the action, it doesn't matter. You're here to help them, so whatever they want is fine with you. Besides, it makes your job that much easier. <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <br><br> With how submissive you are, you can't help but love the ones that hold your arms down to the table. Of course they aren't doing anything you don't want them to do. But the feeling of helplessness, knowing you couldn't stop them if you wanted to, it always drives you wild. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He never complains, but when he's controlling the action, usually the session [[finishes before its scheduled end-time|Part13FitnessMassage3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Fitness Center</h1> <video src="Part13/Massage3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> If he leaves it up to you, you prefer to finish him with your mouth. Swallowing with every drop makes cleaning up and getting ready for your next client easy. But you always let him choose. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Whether they wanted to wear a condom or figured birth control was your problem, many of them can't resist the urge to cum inside you. A surprising number though prefer to pull out before then and finish on your face. They seem to love admiring their work as you chat with them while they get dressed again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When they've left you need to get ready for your next session. You just need to throw a robe on and walk to the showers on the other side of the fitness center. You're always sure to get a few smiles from the guys as they notice your face as you walk past. From the girls on the way, or in the locker room, sure, you get the occasional look of disgust. But more often it's a small, knowing smile they give instead. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$PlayerPregnant && !$PlayerCumslut>> Before you leave work, your boss mentions that he's recommended you for the university's summer abroad program. It's a fully-funded trip to study over the summer in a foreign country. There'll be a number of girls from the university there. You don't have to decide right now, he says. But if you think you might be interested, then [[go to the in-person interview|Part13AbroadEvaluation]] today. Or if you know you're not interested you can just ignore it. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Big Game</h1> <img src="Part13/Cheer1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> Obviously in your current state, you aren't doing much cheerleading. But you still enjoy cheering the team on from the stands. You also enjoy watching your squad perform for the crowd. Though as you watch them and remember how recently you had you fit into those skimpy uniforms, You can't help but to glance down at your own body, and marvel at how much different it looks right now. <br><br> But hopefully by next year you'll be back in shape and be able to rejoin them. <br><br> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>> <<else>> You <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>>and Veronica <</if>>love cheering for your team. You love it even more when there's a huge crowd watching. <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> Performing in your skimpy outfit with all these people watching excites you almost more than you can take. Sometimes you worry your wetness may show through the thin fabric, and everyone will know. Actually worry isn't the right word, since the thought that they might know turns you on too. <<else>> It excites you a bit knowing all these people are watching you perform. <</if>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $Keyholder == "Robert">> You also enjoy being out of your chastity belt for a while too. Though Master Robert sends Olivia to watch every time. For some reason he just doesn't trust that Veronica would like you back up at the end of every game. <</if>> <br><br> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> Your need builds and builds until you hear the final buzzer. It all must have an effect on Veronica as well. After most games the two of you [[hurry home|Part13CheerleaderVeronica]] to be alone together. <<elseif setup.areDating('Kate')>> Your need builds and builds until you hear the final buzzer. After most games you [[hurry home|Part13CheerleaderKate]] to be with Kate <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt and $Keyholder == "Robert">> Your need builds and builds until you hear the final buzzer. Olivia is waiting right there when you walk off the court to pass along Master Robert's orders to get back in the belt. She knows she has to be quick if she is going to catch you before you <<if either(0,1,2,3,4) == 4>> head down to the guys' locker room. She's [[not always fast enough though|Part13CheerleaderTeam]]. <<else>> [[head down to the guys' locker room|Part13CheerleaderTeamChastity]]. <</if>> <<elseif setup.areDating('Peter')>> Your need builds and builds until you hear the final buzzer. After most games you [[hurry home|Part13CheerleaderPeter]]. You text Peter on the way to make sure he is there waiting like a good boy. <<elseif $dating.length>> Your need builds and builds until you hear the final buzzer. After most games you [[hurry home|Part13CheerleaderBoyfriend]] to be with $dating[0] <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> If the crowd watching you wasn't enough, the smell of the athletes working up a sweat running back and forth across the court is more than you can bear. It's all you can do to make until the final buzzer. You quickly make your way to the locker room as soon as you can. [[The guys' locker room|Part13CheerleaderTeam]] that is. <<else>> Your need builds and builds until you hear the final buzzer. By the time the game is over you can't ignore it any longer. You've spotted plenty of guys watching you cheer that would be more than happy to [[take you back to their room|Part13CheerleaderGuy]]. <<if !$PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> Of course, you could go just go back to your room and [[take care of things yourself|Part13CheerleaderSelf]]. <</if>> And... The longer you wait, the more the thought fills your mind of what might happen if you just [[headed down to the guys' locker room|Part13CheerleaderTeam]]. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>After the Big Game</h1> <img src="Part13/Cheer6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Veronica'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Veronica try to make it home first, but that doesn't always work out. If the two of you can't quite wait, your squad has long since learned to turn the other way if things get a little heated betwen you and Veronica while you are showering up. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, even if the you have some fun in the shower, you both know that's not enough. You'll be using up whatever energy you and her have left as soon as you get home. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>><<nobr>> <h1>After the Big Game</h1> <video src="Part13/Cheer7.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Kate'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Kate'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Mistress Kate knows how you are after a game. Sometime she gives you what you need as soon walk through the door. Other times, she ties you up and makes you wait. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you lie there helpless, it only makes you hornier. You know she'll make you shower when she unties you, and you won't even be allowed to touch yourself. Then the real fun will begin. You never know if she'll let you orgasm at the end of it all, or if she'll make you go to bed hornier than when you walked in. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you walk in the front door, you always tell yourself you hope this is one of the days she'll let you cum immediately. But you know, deep down, that you really hope it's one of the days that she doesn't. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>><<nobr>> <h1>After the Big Game</h1> <img src="Part13/Cheer2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> $dating[0] knows how you are after a game, and he loves it. He knows exactly what you need and gives it to you as soon as you are home. It's only after you've both came that you head to the shower. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you've freshed up, he's nearly ready to go again. Of course even if he's not quite ready, you know a little show will get him eager to go again. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>><<nobr>> <h1>After the Big Game</h1> <img src="Part13/Cheer2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Basketball fan', vaginal:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Basketball fan', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Basketball fan', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can't wait any longer, and he certainly doesn't want to either. So it isn't long before the two of you are on his bed. <<if $PlayerEasytoOrgasm>> You orgasm just before he does, but you still want more. <<else>> He cums before you can orgasm, leaving you aching for more. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You take the few minutes he needs to recover for head to the restroom to freshen up after the <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> game. <<else>> game, and to clean up the mess your fan made for you. <</if>> When you get back, you pose for him a bit in your uniform. Well, part of your uniform anyway. It doesn't take long before he's eager to go again. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>><<nobr>> <h1>After the Big Game</h1> <video src="Part13/Cheer5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you are through your door, you are grateful that you are the only one there. You toss your uniform to the floor and get to work. You can't even bother to look for your vibrator. You need this now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> Thankfully, your <<else>> Your <</if>> orgasm comes quickly and powerfully. What energy you had left after the game is consumed, but thankfully your need is managable again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As recover, you wonder how long it'll take before you have enough energy to do anything but just lie there and try to catch your breath. You also wonder that when you do get some energy back, will you get up and head over to the shower to clean up, or look through your drawer for your vibrator and go for another orgasm or two. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>><<nobr>> <h1>After the Big Game</h1> <video src="Part13/Cheer8.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> You tremble with anticipation as you walk down to their locker room. You can barely believe what you are doing as you push the door open and walk in. The team wonders what you are doing there at first, but as you drop to your knees, they quickly figure it out and start lining up. <br><br> <</if>> They've been running around for over an hour, and their musky order fills your nose as you suck their cocks one after another. It takes you a while before you've served them all. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When they are all finally satisfied, you are still dripping with need, but that can't be helped. You make your way over to your own lockerroom to clean up. From the smile on your face it's obvious to the rest of your squad where you've been and what you've been doing. Well, your smile probably isn't the only thing on your face that gives it away. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>> <<achievement>>train<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>After the Big Game</h1> <img src="Part13/Cheer3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete', vaginal:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete', vaginal:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete', vaginal:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> You tremble with anticipation as you walk down to their locker room. You can barely believe what you are doing as you push the door open and walk in. The team wonders what you are doing there at first, but as you strip and drop to your knees, they quickly figure it out and start lining up. <br><br> <</if>> They've been running around for over an hour, but thankfully they still have more than enough energy when they see you waiting in their locker room. Taking them three at the time, it doesn't take you that long to work your way through anyone on the team that's interested. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you and they are finally satisfied, you make your way over to your own lockerroom to clean up. From the smile on your face it's obvious to the rest of your squad where you've been and what you've been doing. Well, it's obvious for several reasons. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>> <<achievement>>threesome:MFM<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>After the Big Game</h1> <img src="Part13/Cheer4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Peter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Peter'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Thankfully, Peter is well practiced by now at taking care of you needs after a game. He doesn't seem to mind that you've just spent a few hours working up a sweat. You can only imagine what it must smell like under your skirt, but he just gets right to work. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Usually you're exausted after the game. You like to relax back on your bed so you can fully enjoy each orgasm you have Peter give you. But sometimes you have a little extra energy left when you get home, then you let Peter get a little exercise too. Of course your view from atop his face gives you an excellent view of his caged cock. You love seeing it strain against the cage as he works. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>><<nobr>> <h1>Getting Ready</h1> <img src="Part13/Fundraiser1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you get ready to head to another university event you think for a moment about all the money you've helped raise for the university. You feel a bit of pride at being able to help so much. Maybe not as much pride about how you've helped, but you don't dwell on that. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your squad's advisor has complented and thanked you for all you've done many times. You suspect you might be the squad's top earner. That's probably why he gave you the choice of how you'd want to help the university this time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, there's always some donor in town, and you could help [[entertain him|Part13CheerleaderFundraiserStandard]]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> There's an athlete thinking of tranfering to the university, and they'd like someone from the squad to give him a tour and to [[show him all this university has to offer|Part13CheerleaderFundraiserAthlete]] if he decides to enroll here. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$PlayerPregnant && !$PlayerCumslut>> He also mentioned that he recommended you for the university's summer abroad program. It's a fully-funded trip to study over the summer in a foreign country. There'll be a number of girls from the university there, not just from the cheerleading squad. You don't have to decide right now, he says. But if you think you might be interested, then [[go to the in-person interview|Part13AbroadEvaluation]] today. He'll send someone else to take care of the donor and the athlete. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Fundraising</h1> <video src="Part13/Fundraiser2.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'University Donor', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'University Donor', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Tina'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Tina'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Tina recently joined the squad, and they wanted to pair her with someone more experienced for her first 'fundraising event'. You've heard some of other girls say that she got in some big disciplinary trouble and said shed 'do whatever it takes' to make it all go away. They say she was expecting to just blow the dean, but ended up getting sent to us instead. You don't know if any of that is true, but you'll do your best to get her started. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You grab Tina's hand and pull her along with you as you leave the party with one of the donors. You can tell she's relieved that it's not one of the old guys you're leaving with. But when you get back to his hotel room, Tina still seems uneasy. You decide to start without her and just have her watch. It works, and she's eager to join in before long. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She has to wait a bit though, as he's not done with you yet. Once he's finished inside you, he sits back into a chair facing the bed. He lets Tina know she next. He tells you to get her started for him until he's ready to go again. You bury your head between Tina's legs. You make sure not to make her cum though, you want her aching for him when it's he's ready. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once he starts fucking Tina, it doesn't take long before she reaches the orgasm you'd been careful to avoid when you'd been getting her ready. As he keeps fucking her, you're tempted to ask for another turn. But you know he wants to cum inside her like he did you, and this is for him, right? <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you don't know if he'll be able to go a third time, or want to. Besides, you want an orgasm now. You decide you don't have to wait. Instead you straddle Tina's face and put her tongue to work. You can't see what Tina thinks about this, but the donor loves it. By the time he cums again, you've came too, leaving Tina's face covered with your juices and some of his cum from earlier. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you see him again, you'll be sure to let your advisor know that Tina should be fine now, and that she'll fit in just fine on the sqaud. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>> <<achievement>>threesome:FMF<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Recruitment</h1> <video src="Part13/Fundraiser3.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete (recruit)', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You give the visiting athlete a full tour. Of course you cover the basics like any tour would, but you also point out some of the special services available to the university's athletes. You can see he's particularlly interested in the massages offered in the fitness center. But you have something different in mind for him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After the rest of the tour is done you know just where to take him. After you have him on lying down, you start with a 'massage', but the pretense doesn't last long. As you tease his cock with your hands, or between your lips, you tell him why he should transfer here. The fitness center, the massage rooms, all the cheerleaders eager to keep the team motivated. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Eventually, you decide to close the deal. You slide his cock between your lips and inside just a bit. "So, do you want to come here or not," you say. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes! God Yes!", he manages to say. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Do you mean you want to come here to the university, or that you want to come here..," you say as you slowly slide him deep inside you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once he says, "Both! Both!", you stop with the slow teasing and begin riding him in earnest. Once he finishes, you and him get dressed again so you can take him down to the athletics office to sign the transfer paperwork. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>><<nobr>> <h1>Being Evaluated</h1> <video src="Part13/Abroad1.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After nearly a year here, you really aren't surprised to learn that there's more to the "semester abroad" than you were initially told about. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> "It's good to see you are accustomed to being properly secured", the evaluator tells you. "But don't worry. Your <<if $Keyholder === "Robert">> Master <<else>> employer <</if>> sent us a copy of your belt's key so it won't intefere with our evaluation. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You try to go along with it at first as the interviewer asks you to pose and model for the camera. After a bit you get into it and forget that they are recording the whole thing for someone to watch later. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After your clothes are off they begin with their questions. The questions are about your sexual experience, what you'd be willing to do, how discreet you can be. It soon becomes clear that your trip won't be about studying, but about taking care of the initimate needs of some prince. (They won't say exactly who it is, but they assure you it's not the one from the recent news stories.) <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can decide to <<link [[continue with the interview|Part13Abroad2]]>><<set $PlanSummerAbroad = 1>><</link>> and plan to spend the summer overseas. Or you can <<link [[tell them you aren't interested|Part13Abroad2]]>><<unset $PlanSummerAbroad>><</link>> and that they should find another girl instead. If you were considering suggesting something less diplomatic, you decide you don't want to cause trouble with the university, and hold your tongue. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Leaving your Evaluation</h1> <video src="Part13/Abroad2.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlanSummerAbroad>> As your evaluation is completed, you start to dress to head home. While you do you catch part of the next evaluation. <<if $JobPorn or $JobPornOral or $JobPornAnal or $JobPornGang>> Apparently they are also doing interviews for other girls too. You wonder how many one prince needs, or maybe it's for more than one prince. <</if>> <<else>> They don't waste any time before starting with the next girl. They call her in and begin her evaluation while you are still getting dressed to leave. <</if>> The girl that follows you seems fairly shy. You expect her to stop her interview <<if !$PlanSummerAbroad>>too <</if>> at any moment and leave, but she doesn't - at least not while you are there. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They are still talking with her as you leave. You overhear them letting her know she'll need to wax before she leaves this summer. <<if $PlayerNoBodyHair>> You are glad you'll never have to worry about getting that done. <<elseif $PlanSummerAbroad>> You wonder if you'll run into her when you are getting your next wax. <<else>> Now you are even more glad you decided to pass on this. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Library</h1> <img src="Part13/Library1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> Your job at the library continues as it has for most of the year. The site of a nude woman pushing a cart of books or wandering the aisles shelving has become a familiar sight for many. Of course, it's still a welcome one to the cleaning crew, professor doing some after-hours research. You've gotten less diligent about waiting until the general closing time to shed your clothes. But the late-night studiers that spot you haven't complained yet, and you don't expect them to. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, at this busy time of the year, you are working earlier shifts more. That usually means you have to more careful about what you wear. Or at least it means that you should be more careful. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>> Of course everyone at work can on look and admire, and you'll have to keep your needs in check [[until you can be with Daddy|Library13Collar]]. <<elseif setup.areDating('Veronica')>> Of course, you and Veronica have most of your fun elsewhere, but [[she needs to study too|Part13LibraryVeronica]]. <<elseif $dating.length>> Of course, you and $dating[0] have most of your fun elsewhere, but [[he needs to study too|Part13LibraryGuyDating]]. <<else>> With the end of the semester approaching, there's a lot more students using the library. Of course all that extra studying is stressful for many of the students. <br><br> Sometimes you find a guy hard and studying... you mean studying hard... and wonder if seeing you might be distracting him from his work. Of course you could always [[help him eliminate the distraction|Part13LibraryGuys]] so he can get back to work. <br><br> The girls are studying hard too, of course. But they seem, at least to you, to be better able to keep focused on their work until they finish. Of course, when they are done, some are eager to hang around after closing [[so you can help them relieve some stress|Part13LibraryGirls]]. <br><br> Even the more studious students want to relax a bit after finishing up their final projects for the semester. And of course they spend pleanty of time at the library, so they know you well. You've seen the way they look at you as they glance up from their books, so you aren't surprised when they ask for your 'help' with some [[end-of-semester fun|Part13LibraryQuest]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Library</h1> <img src="Part13/Library2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Nerdy Dungeon Master", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Nerdy Barbarian", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Nerdy Wizard", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Nerdy Ranger"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Nerdy Wizard", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Nerdy Barbarian", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Nerdy Rogue", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Nerdy Ranger", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Nerdy Dungeon Master", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Nerdy Rogue", repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "A role-playing quest?", you ask. The fun they wanted you for wasn't at all what you'd expected them to say. "I'm sure using the library after hours won't be a problem. But you want me to play too. Do I need to roll a character, or something first?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "No, you'll be the one giving them the quest. And you'll be the prize if they complete it too," the 'dungeon master' tells you. You smile and agree, realizing that maybe you weren't that wrong after all. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When it's time for the quest, the DM gets everything ready, including you. "They'll find you shortly after they start. They'll be able to remove your gag easily, but you'll have to send them on a quest to find the keys to your other restraints. You'll offer themselves to you in exchange for your release," he tells you. You can only give an excited "Mmmmmm..." in response. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Hopefully they won't realize that they could already use you anyway they like without bothering with removing your restraints. That would skip the entire quest, and you and them would miss out on all the fun toys they'll find along the way. Of course, using your character like that would go against alignment for most of them, but seeing you like this might make them forget about their characters. But it does remind me, since I'm the DM, I don't really need to bother with the quest either do I?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you shake your head "No", he removes your gag and helps you to your knees before unzipping his pants. "We better make this quick, they'll be here before long." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$PlayerPregnant && !$PlayerCumslut>> The next day, before you leave work, your boss mentions that he's recommended you for the university's summer abroad program. It's a fully-funded trip to study over the summer in a foreign country. There'll be a number of girls from the university there. You don't have to decide right now, he says. But if you think you might be interested, then [[go to the in-person interview|Part13AbroadEvaluation]] today. Or if you know you're not interested you can just ignore it. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>> <<achievement>>train<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Library</h1> <img src="Part13/Library3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Studying Student"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Studying Student"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Studying Student"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Studying Student"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The female students are usually content to finish their work and save their fun for after. After a few looks back and forth, one of them might ask you "What time do you get off tonight?". You like to give her a mischevous smile and say, "The library closes at 11, but what time I get off is really up to you." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, when its more than one girl flirting with you, that's even better. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$PlayerPregnant && !$PlayerCumslut>> The next day, before you leave work, your boss mentions that he's recommended you for the university's summer abroad program. It's a fully-funded trip to study over the summer in a foreign country. There'll be a number of girls from the university there. You don't have to decide right now, he says. But if you think you might be interested, then [[go to the in-person interview|Part13AbroadEvaluation]] today. Or if you know you're not interested you can just ignore it. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>> <<achievement>>threesome:FFF<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Library</h1> <img src="Part13/Library3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:"Veronica"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:"Veronica"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Studying Student"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:"Veronica"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Studying Student"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:"Veronica"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you spot Veronica at the library, sometimes you can help but invite her to a quiet spot for a litle fun. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Though for most of your fun at the library, you and Veronica wait until after everyone else leaves. Well, usually it's everyone else. Sometimes one of you finds another young woman hard at work at the library, but looking for a little fun after closing. You are both happy to help her with that. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$PlayerPregnant && !$PlayerCumslut>> The next day, before you leave work, your boss mentions that he's recommended you for the university's summer abroad program. It's a fully-funded trip to study over the summer in a foreign country. There'll be a number of girls from the university there. You don't have to decide right now, he says. But if you think you might be interested, then [[go to the in-person interview|Part13AbroadEvaluation]] today. Or if you know you're not interested you can just ignore it. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>> <<achievement>>threesome:FFF<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Library</h1> <img src="Part13/Library4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0]})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you spot $dating[0] at the library, you can't help but stop by and visit him while he studies. You know you'll see him soon enough after work, but you don't want his studying to be hindered with his mind full of what you and him might do later. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Thankfully, you have a quick way to prevent that, and let him focus on his work again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$PlayerPregnant && !$PlayerCumslut>> The next day, before you leave work, your boss mentions that he's recommended you for the university's summer abroad program. It's a fully-funded trip to study over the summer in a foreign country. There'll be a number of girls from the university there. You don't have to decide right now, he says. But if you think you might be interested, then [[go to the in-person interview|Part13AbroadEvaluation]] today. Or if you know you're not interested you can just ignore it. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Library</h1> <img src="Part13/Library4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Studying Student"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Studying Student"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Studying Student", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Studying Student"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Studying Student"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Studying Student", vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course by now everyone has heard the stories of a nude young woman roaming the library at night. But you don't always work at night, especially not now, when the library is so busy. But even when you are working an earlier shift, many of the guys still recognize you as the one the stories are about. When they do, for some it becomes difficult to continue focusing on the work they came here to do. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you spot them shifting in their seat trying to deal with the erection now straining against their jeans, you remember what that was like. Often you decide to approach them, place your hand on their struggling cock, and whisper "Would you like me to help with that?" in to their ear. You always know what the answer is going to be. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$PlayerPregnant && !$PlayerCumslut>> The next day, before you leave work, your boss mentions that he's recommended you for the university's summer abroad program. It's a fully-funded trip to study over the summer in a foreign country. There'll be a number of girls from the university there. You don't have to decide right now, he says. But if you think you might be interested, then [[go to the in-person interview|Part13AbroadEvaluation]] today. Or if you know you're not interested you can just ignore it. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Library</h1> <img src="Part13/Library5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>> <<set $datingPronoun to "he">> <<set $datingPronounPosessive to "his">> <<set $datingPronounObjective to "him">> <<else>> <<set $datingPronoun to "she">> <<set $datingPronounPosessive to "her">> <<set $datingPronounObjective to "her">> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Normally you have to wait until after you get home from work to be with $dating[0]. But occasinally $datingPronoun makes plans to meet you at work. On those nights, you are sure to leave $datingPronounObjective your key to get into the library. You'll be patiently waiting for $datingPronounObjective, just as you were told. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you wait, all you can think about is whether this is one of the nights that <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>> Daddy bends you over his knee right here, and spanks you for being such a naughty girl for wandering the library naked all evening. <<else>> Kate has you kneel on all fours so she has somewhere to rest her feet as she sits down to read a book for a while. <</if>> Or if $datingPronoun'll be taking the leash attached to your collar, and leading you out to the car and to whatever fun awaits you at $datingPronounPosessive house. <<unset $datingPronoun>> <<unset $datingPronounPosessive>> <<unset $datingPronounObjective>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$PlayerPregnant && !$PlayerCumslut>> The next day, before you leave work, your boss mentions that he's recommended you for the university's summer abroad program. It's a fully-funded trip to study over the summer in a foreign country. There'll be a number of girls from the university there. You don't have to decide right now, he says. But if you think you might be interested, then [[go to the in-person interview|Part13AbroadEvaluation]] today. Or if you know you're not interested you can just ignore it. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Engineering Department">></h1> <video src="Part13/Engineer1.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You love your job. Sometimes you can't believe they pay you for this. You love preparing your subjects for testing. You have to work to supress a smile as your strap them into the test equipment. Once they are secure, you also enjoy oiling them up. While it's not stricly necessary for testing, it looks better on the session recordings. And the subjects certainly aren't complaining. You do have to concentrate and make sure your hands don't get carried away though, as that would violate the test protocol. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Usually your favorite part of every session though is when your subject is nearing their first orgasm. At that point they still don't know if they've been [[assigned to the orgasm group|Part13Engineer2]] or the control group. Their excitement, thinking the long, teasing build up might be almost over is always visible on their face. So too is the hint of dread that maybe this time the machine will stop a moment too soon, and an hour of teasing is in store for them. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Engineering Department">></h1> <video src="Part13/Engineer2.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Usually you just watch from the observation booth, but you love the sessions where you get to do more. Usually it's something simple, adjusting the position or intensity of some equipment, or giving a knob a little twist so her nipples are pulled just a bit harder after each orgasm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It doesn't really matter what it is that sends you end to the testing chamber though. Being next to the test subject and feeling her desperation, hearing her begging, it's just so much more real when you are in the room. Whether she's in the control group and begging for you to let her cum, or if she's in the orgasm group and begging for you to make it stop after she's had to much, it doesn't matter. What you love most is the need in their eyes, knowing they'd do anything you'd ask if you'd give them what they think they need. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course you don't. You always strickly follow the protocol for each test. But it's not against protocol to let the subject think you might grant their request, and that's what makes it fun. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Usually by the end of your shift you are aching with need even more than the women in the control group were. <<if $dating.length>> You are always quick to [[hurry home from work|Part13EngineerDating]] so you can see $dating[0]. <<else>> The job has a similar effect on your fellow engineers. Of course, there's plenty of [[guys to pick from|Part13EngineerSingleMale]], but you also know Linda, one of the other engineers, also asked you to "[[help her with something|Part13EngineerSingleFemale]]" before you went home. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Bedroom with $dating[0]</h1> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> <img src="Part13/Engineer3b.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set $datingPronoun to "she">> <<set $datingPosessivePronoun to "her">> <<else>> <img src="Part13/Engineer3a.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set $datingPronoun to "he">> <<set $datingPosessivePronoun to "his">> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Sometimes $dating[0] will give you the orgasm you crave as soon as you walk through the door. But $datingPronoun loves how horny and suggestable you are after work, so often $datingPronoun will make you wait. After an hour or more of focusing only on $datingPosessivePronoun pleasure, then $datingPronoun might finally give you the release you want. It's always worth the wait. <<unset $datingPronoun>> <<unset $datingPosessivePronoun>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$PlayerPregnant && !$PlayerCumslut>> Before you leave work, your boss mentions that he's recommended you for the university's summer abroad program. It's a fully-funded trip to study over the summer in a foreign country. There'll be a number of girls from the university there. You don't have to decide right now, he says. But if you think you might be interested, then [[go to the in-person interview|Part13AbroadEvaluation]] today. Or if you know you're not interested you can just ignore it. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Engineering Department">></h1> <video src="Part13/Engineer4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Linda shows you her latest invention. "As you can see, it's not really something I can test by myself." Of course you quickly agree to help her try it out. As the two of you strip and climb onto the machine, you notice several of the guy engineers watching from the control booth. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You laugh a bit as Linda leans over and whispers into your ear, "I don't care if they jerk off watching us, but they better not leave a mess in the booth." You start to say something in reply, but lose your train of thought as she attaches clamps to your nipples and then to your own. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You forget about everything else as she starts [[rocking back and forth|Part13EngineerSingleFemale2]], soon you too have join in and the two of you reach a wonderful rhythm together. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Engineering Department">></h1> <video src="Part13/Engineer5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Linda'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You feel your orgasm approaching first, Linda makes sure to keep a steady motion going even as you start to lose focus. She also ocassionally gives the clamps a little tug, trying to push you over the edge. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Before you cum she warns you, "Make sure you don't get up after you get off. Remember that denial gel we used for that special project a while back? The machine is set to inject that into into whoever starts to stand up first. And don't stop. If we stop before one of us gets up, then it gives us both the gel." The thought of spending who knows how much of your summer unable to orgasm both terrifies and excites you. The thought of it, and the feeling of being trapped on the rocker, both push you over the edge. As you cry out, she rocks even faster. It isn't much longer and she's cumming too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After several more orgasms for both of you, Linda stands up. You're a bit surprised as nothing happens. "Oh, there's no gel mechanism yet. That was just a feature I was thinking about adding," she tells you as she grins. "From your reaction, I can say it's definitely going on my list of things to add." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$PlayerPregnant && !$PlayerCumslut>> Before you leave work, your boss mentions that he's recommended you for the university's summer abroad program. It's a fully-funded trip to study over the summer in a foreign country. There'll be a number of girls from the university there. You don't have to decide right now, he says. But if you think you might be interested, then [[go to the in-person interview|Part13AbroadEvaluation]] today. Or if you know you're not interested you can just ignore it. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Engineering Department">></h1> <video src="Part13/Engineer6.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker", vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker", vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Watching the helpless test subjects all day had effect on you, and the guys too. With all of the testing apparatus around, neither you or they can resist straping you into one of them. Of course they move the machines off to the side so they can do the job themselves. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You're already wet when the first of them slides in from behind you. But your moan only lasts a second, as a moment later your mouth is filled by one of your coworker's cock. The guys were clearly as excited as you were, as they don't last long. But thankfully, you won't be leaving here unsatisfied. There's a line of guys waiting to take their place as each one finishes. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$PlayerPregnant && !$PlayerCumslut>> Before you leave work, your boss mentions that he's recommended you for the university's summer abroad program. It's a fully-funded trip to study over the summer in a foreign country. There'll be a number of girls from the university there. You don't have to decide right now, he says. But if you think you might be interested, then [[go to the in-person interview|Part13AbroadEvaluation]] today. Or if you know you're not interested you can just ignore it. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>> <<achievement>>threesome:MFM<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Engineering Department">></h1> <video src="Part13/TestSubject1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You never know when you show up for a testing session whether it will be one where you'll be allowed to cum and cum and cum again. Or if you'll be brought to the edge and then denied over and over. After your orgasm is denied, you figure out that sadly it's one of the latter sessions. You realize you'll spend the next several hours begging for an orgasm that you'll never be given. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Even though you know it's hopeless, as you feel the machine begin to vibrate again, you can't help but hope that it will be different this time. "Start the timer." one of the technicians say, but your attention is focused on the vibrations against your clit and the dildo moving inside you. You want to focus on how it good feels now, even if you [[know it'll stop before you want it to|Part13TestSubject2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Engineering Department">></h1> <video src="Part13/TestSubject2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But as soon as the machine starts to vibrate again, the technican gives you an offer. If you suck his cock, he'll leave the machine on so you can orgasm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral>> Of course, you already love oral sex so much, he barely has the words out of his mouth before you are begging for his cock. "I think that's a new record" <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectLibido>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOral to 0>> You aren't sure at first, but as you feel your pleasure building, you can stand the though of being denied again. You need an orgasm too much to let him stop it now. You tell him he can use your however he wants, as long as he lets you cum! "Interesting." <<else>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOral to 0>> You are are defiant at first. You realize he's trying to use your need to make you do what he wants. You stubbornly try to resist the pleasure you are feeling at first, but that doesn't last long. By the time your feel your orgasm approaching the second time, you can't think about anything but how good it feels. You're so lost in the moment that you're suprised when the vibrations stop again. "No! Don't stop!" you cry out, forgetting that you knew this was going to happen. <br><br> When the machine starts up for the third time, you can't resist any longer and beg him to let you cum this time. You tell him he can do whatever he wants as long as he doesn't stop the machine again. "Hmm, I was begining to wonder." <</if>> he says to himself as he taps something on his tablet. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It doesn't take long before his cock is in your mouth, and the vibrations are at full strength. It's not long after that when the first of several orgasm hit you. He doesn't stop or even slow down as you cum. Even as you are screaming out in pleasure you gag a bit as his cock hits your throat, but the helplessness it makes you feel just makes your orgasm feel that much more intense. Soon the vibrations start to be too much, but you can't move away from them, or even ask him to turn them down - if he even would. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know it won't stop [[until he cums for you|Part13TestSubject3]], so you do what you can. You can't use your hands, or control the speed or anything else. Working your tongue along his cock as he fucks your face is all you can do to make him cum sooner and stop the vibrations. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Engineering Department">></h1> <video src="Part13/TestSubject3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It works, because it isn't long before his cum is filling your mouth. You try to swallow it, but with his cock out of your mouth, you can't help but cry out from the vibrations still hitting you. A moment later though he reaches over and turns off the machine. You can try to catch your breath as your drool, mixed with his cum, dribbles out of your still-open mouth. <<if !$PlayerSideEffectOral>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> <br><br> Your next few visits are very similar to this one. The only difference is the second time it takes you much less time to accept his offer. By the third visit you are begging to suck his cock before the teasing even starts. <br><br> Veronica is upset at first after hearing about your testing sessions, but she understands it's for science, and that you couldn't help it. "I remember how maddening that was just for a few minutes. I'd probably be tempted to take his offer too", she says. Though, with you spending most of your time in bed together lately with your head between her legs and asking for little in return, she's probably more willing to be forgiving of the testing. She certainly likes its results. <<else>> <br><br> Your next few visits are very similar to this one. The only difference is the second time it takes you much less time to accept his offer. By the third visit you are begging to suck his cock before the teasing even starts. <br><br> The next day in class, as one of your classmates gives a presentation, you realize you are staring at his jeans. You're imagining unzipping them and pulling out his cock. You fantasize about kneeling down right here in class and sucking him off in the middle of his presentation. You quickly look away, but similar thoughts keep coming to you. <br><br> As you rub the eraser of your pencil along your lip in class days later, you wonder if these thoughts you've been having are related to the testing. You dismiss the thought. <<if $dating.length>> But you know as soon as you get out of class, you'll be giving $dating[0] a call. <<else>> You have more important things to worry about. Like, for example, which of your classmates you want to invite somewhere private after class for a quick blowjob. <</if>> <</if>> <br> <i>(Your recent test sessions seem to have awoken a love for oral sex in you)</i> <</if>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOral += 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$PlayerPregnant && !$PlayerCumslut>> After one of your testing sessions is over, one of the researchers lets you know that they've recommended you for the university's summer abroad program. It's a fully-funded trip to study over the summer in a foreign country. There'll be a number of girls from the university there. You don't have to decide right now, he says. But if you think you might be interested, then [[go to the in-person interview|Part13AbroadEvaluation]] today. Or if you know you're not interested you can just ignore it. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Andrew</h1> <video src="Part13/Andrew1.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<unset $JobBarista>> <<set $JobBaristaOld to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Andrew had decided the two of you would be fine without the money from your job. Besides, being on your feet for hours at work was starting to get uncomfortable. You let your new manager know you are leaving, and won't be returning after the baby is born. Everyone wished you the best. And your former coworkers threw you a baby shower your last week there. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Between school, planning a wedding, and getting everything ready for a baby you've had plenty to keep you busy. Though, you still try to always be home by the time Andrew gets off work. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You're not sure if it's all the hormones from the pregnancy or what, but you're even hornier now than you were before. You'd worried a bit that Andrew wouldn't find you attractive when you were pregnant, but it seems like just the opposite. The two of you usually head straight the bedroom when he gets home from work. Dinner comes later, after you've both worked up an appetite. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Coffee Shop">></h1> <img src="Part13/BaristaA1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Since Andrew left the store, the managers have changed fairly frequently. You figure that's probably normal, Andrew was probably just an exception since he's the owner's son. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've gotten used to it, but you're sorry to hear that Brian, the latest manager is leaving soon. He'd been one of the better ones. He hadn't been like a drill insturctor like that one had been, or tried to hit on you like one of the others had. He'd just let you do your job, and it had been great. You hope the next one will be the same. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and many of your coworkers take Brian out for drinks after his last day. He hadn't talked much about where he was going before, just that it was a different coffee place. But now, he opens up a bit more. You find out the place he'll be managing next only has women baristas. You also find out that they'll be wearing bikinis, or something like that instead of regular clothes and aprons like you do now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry and setup.areDating('Andrew')>> He knows you well enough to know that you probably [[wouldn't be interested|Part13Barista2]], but you wonder how many of your coworkers will be joining him at the new job. When he sees your curiosity, he says "I didn't think you'd be interested, but you are more than attractive enough if you do want to work there." <br><br> As you think about it, the thought of guys staring at you in your bikini every morning on their way to work excites you. You imagine them thinking about you all day while they try and fail to concentrate on their jobs. <br><br> But, of course you tell him no. You aren't about to leave the company when you are dating the future owner. Besides, you can only imagine how having all those guys lusting after you all day would make Andrew feel. <<elseif $CampusMinistry>> He knows you well enough to know that you probably [[wouldn't be interested|Part13Barista2]], but you wonder how many of your coworkers will be joining him at the new job. When he sees your curiosity, he says "I didn't think you'd be interested, but you are more than attractive enough if you [[do want to work there|Part13BikiniBarista]]." <br><br> As you think about it, you start justifying it to yourself. 'I wouldn't have a problem wearing a bikini at the pool or beach. So why is wearing it at work any worse?' <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt>> You don't go into details with Brian, but you let him know [[you've decided to keep your current job|Part13Barista2]]. It's easy enough to hide your chastity belt now. In a bikini, it would obviously be impossible. <<elseif $PlayerPregnant>> Given your current condition, servering coffee in a bikini is not an option. You'll [[keep your current job|Part13Barista2]]. Maybe, you can check with Brian again after the baby is born. <<else>> When he mentions how much higher the tips should be, he can see your interest. He offers you and several of the other girls you work with [[a job there|Part13BikiniBarista]] if you want them. Some of your coworkers have already said they'll be joining him. You could decided to [[stay where you are|Part13Barista2]] instead. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectDreams to 1>> <h1><<print "Coffee Shop">></h1> <img src="Part13/BaristaA2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> You may have dismissed the idea of working at Brian's new coffee shop, but clearly the idea made it into your subconscious. That night you dream you show up for work dressed like normal. But then you spill something on your shirt and decide to take it off. As the work day goes on you lose more and more of your clothes. It seems perfectly normal in your dream, but by the end of the day you are completely naked. <<if $PlayerSideEffectLibido or $PlayerSideEffectDreams>> <br><br> Then your dream really starts to heat up, with you moaning as customers grope your nude body while you work the register. It isn't long before you find yourself bending over the counter and telling one of your customers that you left him "room for cream". Just as he is about to slide into you, you wake up. <br><br> It takes you a moment to realize it was just a dream. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> You whimper and kick the covers off your bed in frustration. The belt is bad enough, why do your dreams have to make the frustration even worse! Why couldn't the dream have gone on just a little bit longer? <<else>> You are relieved, but still left horny. A part of you wishes the dream had continued just a bit longer. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <table> <tr><td><img src="Part13/BaristaA3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="right"></td></tr> <tr><td> </td></tr> </table> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But the next morning, you dress for work, and everythings is perfectly normal. You, unsurprisingly, keep your clothes on the entire work day. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> You can't help but think about your dream throughout the day. If you could find a way out of this belt, you'd certainly be tempted to let one of your coworkers or customers bend you over the counter. And you wouldn't let this one stop too soon, like your dream had. <<else>> Though you can't help but think about your dream every now and then. Your crazy dream might be fun as a fantasy, but that's all you would ever want it to be. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>><<nobr>> <h1>Bikini Coffee Shop</h1> <img src="Part13/BaristaB1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<unset $JobBarista>> <<set $JobBikiniBarista to 1>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'bikini')>> <<set setup.addInventory('underwear', 'sexy underwear')>> <<set setup.addInventory('sleepwear', 'lingerie')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your [[first day|Part13BikiniBarista2]] at the new job starts great. <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> You love your new 'uniform'. Of course, you've worn less than this at the beach, but somehow this is more exciting. Seeing your customers dressed for work, but looking over your body as you help them, excites you almost as much as it does them. You love even more thinking about them being distracted at work all day, thinking of you serving their coffee this morning. <<else>> You are bit nervous at first with your new 'uniform', but you get used to it quickly. You've worn about the same on the beach, right, so how is this different? <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Bikini Coffee Shop</h1> <<switch $BodyType>> <<case "Plus">> <img src="Part13/BaristaB2Plus.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<case "Fit">> <img src="Part13/BaristaB2Fit.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<case "Petite">> <img src="Part13/BaristaB2Petite.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<default>> <img src="Part13/BaristaB2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</switch>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your new shop is much smaller, it's usually just you and one other girl working there. Brian is only there at first, just to help you get started and to train your coworker for a bit. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PaulSeverance>> Brian has been careful to schedule you with one of the more experienced girls each shift. Most of the girls are like you - they look great in a bikini, but are new at the barista part. But you are able to pick it up quickly, and soon you start to feel like you are pulling your weight and not being a burden on the other girl you are scheduled with. <br><br> This job is much different than working in the office. Before you only saw your coworkers. The customers were just names on some spreadsheet. Here the customers are right in front of you. Well, unless they ask you to turn around so they can also see the back of you. <<if $JobCallGirlSide or $JobStripper or $JobGloryHole>> Though obviously, 'working closely' with customers isn't something new to you, considering your other job. <</if>> <<else>> Brian has been careful to schedule you or one of the other experienced girls each shift. Most of the other girls seem to have more experience filling a bikini than an espresso shot. Hopefully they'll pick it up fast though so you aren't doing all the work. <br><br> After the morning rush, Brian leaves you in charge, and he even gives you a key to so that you can open or lock up when you are scheduled to open or close. You are excited about the new responsibility. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You also realize you'll have much more impact on whether this new shop takes off or goes out of business in a few months. You know you'll [[do what you can to make sure it gets off to a good start|Part13BikiniBarista3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Bikini Coffee Shop</h1> <img src="Part13/BaristaB3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <i>"Sorry, we are out of flat whites right now. But how about a hot blonde Americano? ;)"</i> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you aren't busy, playful posts to social media help encourage new business. It also helps draw back returning customers. When one of your regulars sees that his favorite girl is working today, you can be sure he'll be stopping by. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, there's [[more you can do|Part13BikiniBarista4]] to help encourge them to come back and keep the shop going. If it also gets them to tip bigger and help you out, that's even better. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Bikini Coffee Shop</h1> <img src="Part13/BaristaB4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Leaning out the window much futher than necessary to give your customers a nice view of your cleavage, or 'accidentally' dropping part of their tip so you have to bend over to pick it up, are expected. That sort of thing is why your customers are coming here, and tipping well, <<if $PaulSeverance>> after all. <<else>> instead of going to your old coffee shop. <</if>> But you wonder what else you could do. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's clear Brian is just concerned with the paperwork end of things. He just expects you to look beautiful and serve drinks. Be he's also made it clear that he's more than happy if you want to 'go the extra mile' to help out on your end. And he'll look the other way if needed as long as it helps the bottom line. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>> You [[play up that you are working your way through college|Part13BikiniBaristaStudent]], hoping that will encourage generous tips. <<else>> You could just [[play up that you are working your way through college|Part13BikiniBaristaStudent]]. Or maybe [[showing a bit more skin|Part13BikiniBaristaSkin]] would keep your customers coming, and tipping well. <<if $CampusMinistry>> You know some of the girls offer regulars 'curbside-service', where they give them more than just coffee. But that's certainly not something you'd be comfortable doing. <<else>> You could also [[offer regulars 'curbside-service'|Part13BikiniBaristaCurbside]] if they tip well, very well. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Bikini Coffee Shop</h1> <img src="Part13/BaristaB5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your regulars all know when you leave work you're heading over to the university to class, and you think that encourages them to tip more. Some of them may wonder if it's true or just a story you tell. But some of them don't have any doubt. "See you in class, professor," you tell them as you lean out to hand them their coffee. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Some newer customers might complain that your top covers a bit more than a bikini. But regulars all know to ask for a shot of flavor in their drink, since they know they'll get a nice view as you stretch to reach the top shelf. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course they also know if they leave a nice tip in the jar marked <i>"College Fund"</i>, you'll pull the shirt up all the way and let them [[see all they want|Part13BikiniBarista5]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Bikini Coffee Shop</h1> <img src="Part13/BaristaB6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wear just enough to keep things legal. You let the girls that wear a bit more post to the public social media account, but you'll certainly send some of your regulars a quick private message whenever you are working that day. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Both the new customers and the regulars can't help but stare as you lean out to hand them their drink. They enjoy the little wiggle a nice tip will get them. If they tip even better, you'll let their hands roam a bit. Of course a little moan from you as they do will ensure they'll be back again the [[next time you are working|Part13BikiniBarista5]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Parking Lot</h1> <img src="Part13/BaristaB7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your regular customers don't have to wait in the drive-thru line. When they text, you'll have their drink ready when they get there. When you see them pull up, you have your coworker take care of the line while you deliever the drink to their car. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They aren't usually concerned about the line though. They're here because they know that with a generous tip, you'll climb in the passenger seat next to them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As the other customers watch from their car, and see your head disappear below the dash, many will be asking your coworker how they can sign up for 'curbside service' too. Depending on which coworker it is, she might be passing a new regular off to you, for a cut of your tip. Or, maybe, she'll soon be asking you to cover for her while she makes her own curbside deliveries. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Either way, you know you'll be sure to have a [[steady supply of customers|Part13BikiniBarista5]] coming to the coffee shop. <<if $JobCallGirlSide>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado', repeat:true, vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado', repeat:true, vaginal:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado', repeat:true, vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado', repeat:true, vaginal:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado', repeat:true, vaginal:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado', repeat:true, vaginal:true, noCondom:true})>> <br><br> And for the guys driving nice cars, the ones that you think can afford more than a quick blowjob, you leave them with something else: a phone number and a name. Of course it's not your personal number, it's the number for the agency you work with when you're working as a call girl. Of course, the name isn't your real name either, but it's the one most of your clients know you by. Hopefully you'll be seeing some of these customers again real soon. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Bikini Coffee Shop</h1> <img src="Part13/BaristaB8.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Even though business is good overall, and the shop is doing great, that doesn't mean there won't be slow times. Of course some of that is spent doing boring cleanup and prep work, but some of it is much more fun. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The two of you are beautiful, barely dressed, and alone together in a small shop. Even if you're seeing someone, or if one of you prefer guys, what's wrong with a little making out between coworkers? Really, it's almost like it's part of the job. <<if $dating.length>> Or at least that's what you tell <<print $dating[0]>>. <<if !setup.areDating('Veronica')>> And judging from the detailed questions he usually asks, and what usually follows that, you're pretty sure he doesn't mind it at all. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> Sometimes you are tempted to take it farther than just making out. But you don't. <<else>> Of course when a customer pulls up at the drive through and spots the two of you together, they usually quietly watch. You both continue for a while until you act surprised, like you hadn't heard them pull up. You know the customers love thinking they caught you two doing something you shouldn't. <<if $dating.length == 0>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'bikini barista'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'bikini barista', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'bikini barista'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'bikini barista', repeat:true})>> <br><br> It's even more fun after that, when you have your coworker serve them their drink. She lean over to give them a nice view. There's no line, so she chats with them for a while. You love flashing the customer a mischevous smile from behind your coworker's back. Then you disappear below the counter. <br><br> You've both played this game before, so she knows the customer is aware of what's going on under the counter. But your coworker still tries to act like she is trying to hold back and not show anything. Of course, she doesn't try that hard. <br><br> Even better though, is when it's your turn to serve the drink, and your coworker is the one pleasuring you from out of view. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Office</h1> <img src="Part13/Office1.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You still enjoy your job. Well, the time you spend in Paul's office anyway. But it's not as exciting there as before. You know you'll have Paul all to yourself when you get home, so there's less urgency to steal a moment here or there at work as there was before. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's not like you need the money working here that much anyway. Paul pays for nearly everything, the house, the cars, your clothes, even a nice scarf or two to cover up the hickey he left you with. <<if $JobStripper or $JobCallGirl or $JobCallGirlSide>> You've already quit your second job so you can spend more time with Paul. <<set $JobStripper to 0>> <<set $ExStripper to 1>> <<set $JobCallGirl to 0>> <<set $JobCallGirlSide to 0>> <<set $ExCallGirl to 1>> <</if>> The only reason you haven't quit working this job is to have some spending money, and because you know you'll get to see Paul at work. Part of it is the excitement of being together, but a tiny bit of it is worrying that if you aren't there, maybe he'll get a new personal assistant at work. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But if you're right there for him, that'll never happen. Though you do leave a bit earlier each evening than he does [[so you can make sure you are ready|Part13OfficePA2]] when he gets home. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Office</h1> <img src="Part13/Office4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's always a rush in the evening. You want to have dinner ready, and prepare yourself for when Paul gets home. Usuaully it's dinner first, listening to him tell you about is day. Even if you already know most of it, it makes him happy to tell you all about it. It's only later in the evening that things move to the bedroom, or [[whatever room you two decide on tonight|Part13OfficePA3]]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you're still learning to cook, and sometimes dinner doesn't turn out so well. Other times you just don't want to wait that long. Either way, you always know just how to convince him to forget about dinner and move straight to dessert. You can always have something delivered later, after you've both worked up an appetite. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Paul</h1> <video src="Part13/Office5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You love making Paul his favorite drink and letting him sit in his favorite chair and unwind. He's usually already hard, knowing what comes next. But if not, it doesn't take you long to coax his cock to life. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Sometimes you're tempted to keep going. You've always loved the feeling of his hand on the back of your head as you make him cum. But you have bigger plans. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Long before he's close to cumming, you make sure to pull his cock out of your mouth, and instead slide it into you. Whether he's trying to get you pregnant or not, that's certainly what you are trying for. So as often as possible, his cock is deep inside you when he comes. Whether he has the same motivation as you do or not, he's certainly not complaining. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Office</h1> <img src="Part13/Office1.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $dating.length > 0 && !setup.areDating('Peter')>> You are enjoying your job as an office manager. You like dressing nice, but you are careful to keep it professional at work. Of course, sometimes that means you might need a scarf to hide the hickey $dating[0] left on your neck. Of course feeling the scarf on your neck just reminds you how much fun you had, and makes you anxious for the end of the day when you can be together again. <<else>> You are enjoying your job as an office manager. You like dressing nice, but you are careful to keep it professional at work. Of course, sometimes that means you might need a scarf to hide the hickey on your neck. You'll have to remember to bring a ruler home from the office. A few swats on your lover's ass should remind them to be more careful next time. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Office</h1> <img src="Part13/Office1.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are enjoying your job at the office. You like dressing nice, but you are careful to keep it professional at work, well mostly professional. Of course, sometimes that means you might need a scarf to hide the hickey <<if $dating.length > 0 && !setup.areDating('Peter')>> $dating[0] left on your neck. Of course feeling the scarf on your neck just reminds you how much fun you had, and makes you anxious for the end of the day when you can be together again. <br><br> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>> <<else>> the <<if setup.sexFemaleCount() > setup.sexMaleCount()>> girl <<else>> guy <</if>> from the mailroom gave you earlier in the day. Of course feeling the scarf on your neck just reminds you how much fun you had, and makes you anxious for the end of the day when the two of you can continue where you left off. <br><br> Most people dread working on the weekends, but you sometimes enjoy it. Not because you love work so much, but you enjoy that your boss is considertably more flexible with the dress code outside of normal business hours. You know it'll be fun if [[it's just you and him|Part13OfficeInternBoss]] in the office. But even if he's not there, you know [[it'll be much more fun than a normal workday|Part13OfficeInternGuys]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Office</h1> <img src="Part13/Office2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker", vaginal:!$PlayerChastityBelt})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Coworker", vaginal:!$PlayerChastityBelt})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Working on the weekend lets you and some of your coworkers catch up a bit. You all know there won't be any clients stopping by and there won't be any bosses asking questions. You can just get the work done. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course the guys might be a bit distracte by your weekend wardrobe, but they certainly don't complain. They all know what to do if the distraction gets to be too much. They just clip your cuffs together behind your back. They usually enjoy watching you struggle a bit, but they know you'll soon give up. And then they know you'll start negotiating for your release. There's nothing you love more than a nice, hard negotation. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> By the time everyone heads home on Saturday, you all have a smile on your face. You will all start Monday all caught up on their work, and you were able to enjoy a bit of team-building as well. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Office</h1> <img src="Part13/Office3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your boss lets you know when it's just going to be you and him in the office on the weekend. You know that means he wants you to wear something special to work. It always excites you putting it on, but what excites you the most is when you click the arm and leg cuffs on over it. You know you'll be wearing your body suit until Paul decides to unlock the cuffs for you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know you'll be wearing it all day, including the bus rides to and from work. But thankfully, your weekend outfit comes with a couple strategically placed zippers, which helps you take care of your needs with the suit still on. Convienently, the zippers also lets you take care of some of Paul's needs too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Whether the two of you spent the day hard at work, or just having fun, when it's time to go home it's usually the same. Paul will unlock your cuffs and drop them into your purse for next time. Though since you don't have any other clothes with you, you'll still be wearing it home. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Before you both leave though, Paul unzips your suit for a bit more fun. He usually zips you back shut after leaving a little present inside you. It may take a few extra minutes to clean yourself up and to clean the inside of the suit when you get home, but you certainly don't mind. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>><<nobr>> <h1>Starting Modeling</h1> <<if $BodyType == 'Fit'>> <img src="Part13/Model1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<else>> <img src="Part13/Model2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</if>> <<unset $JobArt>> <<set $JobArtFormer to 1>> <<set $JobModel to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You were starting to get bored of posing for students. So you were thrilled when your boss told you he'd gotten a call from a modeling agency interested in you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They'd seen you in some of Ken's work and have some ad work for a <<if $BodyType == 'Fit'>> athletic wear <<else>> lingerie <</if>> company they could use you for now. They are sure they'll have other opportunities for you in the future as well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your now-former boss says the percentage they want to take is a little higher than normal, but he helps you negoitate it down. You were going to accept their offer regardless. But you are very grateful for the extra money and you really want to thank him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.isGoldStarLesbian()>> You send him a heartfelt card and very nice thank you gift with your first check. <br><br> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>> <<else>> You know [[just how to thank him|Part13Art2]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Starting Modeling</h1> <img src="Part13/Model3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Art Department Head"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When your first check arrives, and you see how much more you are making thanks to his help negotiating, you have to thank him. And from how many times he's sat in on your nude student sessions earlier in the semester, you know just how to thank him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You had lots of time to fantasize during those session, as you sat nude and motionless for an hour or more. So if his thank you also satisfies one of your fantasies, then that's even better. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you get to his office, you don't say anything. He's surprised when you walk behind his desk and kneel down. But he doesn't stop you as you start to unbuckle his pants. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Only after you've drained him of every last drop, do you say something. You let him know, how much you appreciate his help. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You are <i>Very</i> welcome.", he says grinning. "I had been hoping for a thank you card at most. This was much nicer. I'm sure I'll be remembering today every time I see your face in a magazine from now on." <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>><<nobr>> <h1>Getting Ready</h1> <<if $PlayerPregnantWinter>> <img src="Part13/Pregnant10.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<else>> <video src="Part13/CallGirl1.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You see so many clients, and they all want something different. But no matter how your afternoon or evening is going to end up, it always starts the same. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Most of them probably never even realize it, but you spend a long time getting ready before your evening even begins. You make sure your body, your make-up, your hair - really everything, looks perfect. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once that's all taken care of, then you can head to your closet to pick out just the right thing to wear, based on [[what kind of client you are seeing|Part13CallGirl2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Hotel room</h1> <<if $PlayerPregnantWinter>> <video src="Part13/Pregnant11.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<else>> <img src="Part13/CallGirl2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Where you find yourself most often is some business traveler's hotel room. He's 1000 miles from his wife, and looking for a little fun. You are happy to provide it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You love when there's a big conference in town. You and Hannah both end up busy every evening for a week, going from room to room taking care of the horny conference attendees. It may be repetative, but it certainly pays well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But obviously those [[aren't the only type of clients you see|Part13CallGirl3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Attending a Play</h1> <<if $PlayerPregnantWinter>> <img src="Part13/Pregnant12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<else>> <img src="Part13/CallGirl3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl GFE Client', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl GFE Client', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl GFE Client', vaginal:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl GFE Client', repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's not always straight to a hotel room and right to sex. Some of your clients want you on their arm as they head to the theater, or out to dinner. Sometimes it's because they want to feel like you are their girlfriend, and other times the just like being seen with a beautiful young woman beside them. Your time isn't free though, but they can afford to pay for it. <<if $PlayerPregnantWinter>> <br><br> Everyone assumes whoever you are with is the father of the baby. You don't think your clients mind, in fact, you think they enjoy that as well. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, at the end of the night, you know your nice dress will still be in a pile on a hotel room floor just like for any other client. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerPregnantWinter>> <<if $JobCallGirl>> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part13AfterSecondJob]]>> <</if>> <<else>> Well, you realize, [[not every visit ends up in a hotel room|Part13CallGirl4]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Secluded Road</h1> <video src="Part13/CallGirl4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Some of your clients would rather have their fun somewhere other than a hotel room. Maybe he wants to pretend like he's giving the babysitter a ride home. Or perhaps he wants to relive his teenage years and pretend like he's 19 too for a little while. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've heard people say before that older guys driving sports cards or convertibles were trying to compensate for a small cock. Now you know that is certainly not always true. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> You have [[something special|Part13CallGirlVeronica]] planned for your last client before you head off for summer break. <<elseif $JobCallGirl>> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part13AfterSecondJob]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Bringing Veronica with you to see a client</h1> Veronica has been asking about your job as a call girl more and more, and you can tell it's more than just curiosity about your job. When you invite her to come along to your next appointment with one of your regulars, she jumps at the chance. <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, repeat:true, birthControl:'pullout-perfect'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Veronica'})>> <<set $CallGirlWithVeronica to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can tell how much she's enjoying it as he takes turns fucking you and her. The only thing you can't figure out is the reason for the hint of jealousy you see on her face as he fucks you. Is she jealous of him for fucking her girlfriend, or is she jealous of you because you are the one enjoying his cock right then. You suspect it's a bit of both. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part13/Veronica6.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know she's not very diligent about taking her birth control, so when he starts to get close you tell him to cum in her mouth instead. She seems a bit disappointed for a moment. That is, until you show her how much fun that can be too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobCallGirl>> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part13AfterSecondJob]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Bar</h1> <img src="Part13/Bar1.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You still love working at the bar. Watching people have a good time is much better than working in some boring office or whatever else you might be doing. And here, no one cares if you have a drink now and then either. More often than not, it's one of your customers paying for it for you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Sometimes they are just being nice, sometimes they are trying to hit on you. But if they are, and you're not interested, they usually take it well and move on. You wish some of the guys and other bars were as easily dissuaded. You're not sure if because the ones hitting on you here are women that makes the difference, or if it's just that everyone knows not to piss off their bartender. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $dating.length > 0>> Of course you aren't interested in any of the girls hitting on you at work, you're only interested in $dating[0]. That doesn't me you don't enjoy flirting with customers now and then. It can be a fun thrill even if you know it's not going anywhere. Of course, the fact that it usually results in a more generous tip doesn't hurt either. <br><br> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>> <<elseif $JobBartenderGuys or $JobBartenderBi>> Of course, you don't turn ALL the girls away. You still love seeing a cute girl at the lesbian bar for the first time. They weren't sure of themselves, so they brought their boyfriend along. Maybe she told him about her curiosity, maybe she lied and said she hadn't realized what kind of bar it was before they came. <br><br> Either way, you can spot her a mile away. And she doesn't need to hit on you, you'll be the one flirting with her. And usually, at the end of your shift, you are heading home with [[her in one arm, and her boyfriend in the other|Part13BartenderGuys]]. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectDominant>> Of course, you don't turn ALL the girls away. There's usually one submissive enough to catch your interest. Though often it's you flirting with her after she meekly orders her drink. After a long shift serving everyone else, it's always nice to find [[someone to take home and serve you|Part13BartenderDom]] for a while. <<elseif $JobBartenderSub>> You always hope that one of them will be like Kate was, that she'll see through the persona you put on at work and see how submissive you really are. But that still hasn't happened. Of course sometimes you'll find [[a woman to go home with|Part13BartenderGirls]] at the end of your shift. But you know, for now at least, you'll have to [[take care of things yourself|Part13BartenderSub]] if you want to express your submissive side. <<else>> Of course, you don't turn ALL the girls away. There's almost always [[at least one|Part13BartenderGirls]] that takes your interest. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>A Couple's Home</h1> <video src="Part13/Bar2.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Bar Patron"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Bar Patron", vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Bar Patron"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Bar Patron"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Bar Patron", vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> While you may be more interested in the woman, or more interested in her husband or boyfriend, you know this is probably her first time doing this. So you watch and see what she's comfortable with and use that to determine how things go. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> If she's eager to eat you out, who are you to object to that. You straddle her face as she eats a girl out for the first time. Of course, maybe she's more interested in being on the receiving end, in which case it's her on top of you. Your tongue is pretty good at driving away any last-minute anxiety she might be feeling about the situation. Though, usually it's the best of both worlds and the two of you switch back and forth. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, either way, you know her boyfriend is only going to be able to contain himself to watching from the sidelines for so long. Eventually he's going to join in, taking use of whichever of you is available at the time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> There's always a few though that still have second thoughts. Sometimes they just want to watch as their boyfriend fucks you. You always act like his is the first cock you've ever seen. The girl feels less threatened if she thinks you aren't into guys at all, and the boyfriend loves thinking his cock is your first. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But usually even for the women that decide they are only interest in guys, you can [[find a way for them to join the fun too|Part13BartenderGuys2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>A Couple's Home</h1> <video src="Part13/Bar3.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:"Bar Patron"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Bar Patron"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You lube up your strap-on as she goes back to the familiar feel of her lovers cock between her lips. Once she's excited enough for her nervousness to have passed you slide into her from behind. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you and her boyfriend fuck her from either end, she's soon forgotten about her uncertainty. Of course, you know she's probably imagining two guys fucking her, but it doesn't matter. You know once her boyfriend cums, she'll still be ready for more. She'll be horny enough to forget about her earlier doubts and wanting pleasure wherever she can find it. She'll finally be ready to explore herself with you like she'd wanted to all along. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, the boyfriend will be able to watch a bit longer this time before he joins in. But watching his girlfriend and you together usually get him ready for the next round much faster than normal. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>> <<achievement>>threesome:FMF<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Home from the Bar</h1> <video src="Part13/Bar4.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Bar Patron"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Bar Patron"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Bar Patron"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course the pretty, submissive girl you plan on taking home doesn't always show up at the end of your shift. She might appear hours earlier. Once it's clear she's going home with you at the end of the night, you put your play collar around her neck. For the rest of your shift, she'll sit there at the bar waiting for you, or if it's a slow night, you might have her kneeling behind the bar. Once you're done though, you pull your leash out of your purse, clip it to her collar and lead her out. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Some of the women watching you leave wish they were the one at the end of your leash, knowing the fun that lucky girl is in for tonight. Of course some of the regulars, that have been at the bar far a while, also remember when you were the submissive girl at the other end of the leash. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You remember that time well also, and you know just how wet with anticipation your little sub is. This one is lucky, you aren't just going to tease and deny her all night like you sometimes do. Tonight you are looking forward to watching this one moan and squirm as she orgasms again and again. Of course, she's going to have to earn that privilege first though. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>><<nobr>> <h1>Home from the Bar</h1> <video src="Part13/Bar8.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Bar Patron"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Bar Patron", repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Sometimes you or her are too anxious to wait, and that can be fun too. But it's also nice when you can take your time. The two of you can sit together slowly caressing each other and enjoying the feel of her tongue against yours. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But as fun as that is, you both are getting more and more turned on as you go. Sooner or later, you know a gentle caress will eventually slide down a bit lower and [[the evenings fun will progress on to something more|Part13BartenderGirls2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home from the Bar</h1> <video src="Part13/Bar9.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Bar Patron"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Bar Patron", repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't know which you love more, the feel of her tongue circling your clit, or the taste of her on your tongue. It's good that you [[don't have to choose|Part13BartenderGirls3]]. The two of you have all night to experience both again and again. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home from the Bar</h1> <video src="Part13/Bar10.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Bar Patron"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Bar Patron", repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The hours you've spent on your feet are forgotten as you lie in her arms. Her skilled fingers know exactly what to do to make you forget about the stress of your day. Soon you'll be holding her hand in place when the pleasure gets to be too much to take. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know you'll lie there, collapsed in her arms. She'll probably gently stroke your hair, soothing you as you recover enough energy to go on. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She's in no hurry. She can already see in your eyes how eager you are to continue on, this time with you focusing on her pleasure instead. You just need another minute to catch your breath. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>> <<else>> Usually both of you leave very satisfied, but that's not always the case. Sometimes a shy, submissive girl comes in trying to experience new things. You are [[happy to help her do that|Part13BartenderGirls4]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home from the Bar</h1> <video src="Part13/Bar11.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Bar Patron"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Bar Patron", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Bar Patron", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Bar Patron", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Bar Patron", repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After your submissive partner for the night agrees to follow all your instructions tonight, you tell her to get on her knees, you want your first orgasm immediately. It's been a long shift, and you need to cum. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You order her to give you many orgasms that night, but she gets only teasing. It's not until the evening's fun is almost over that you take her pleasure further. You get her to the edge of an orgasm, and ask her if she wants to experience the best orgasm she's ever had. You warn her she'll have to earn it. "Oh god, yes, please! I'll do anything!", she says. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Good. And you will experience it. A week from now," you tell her as you stop abruptly. "No more pleasue for you tonight. And you aren't allowed to pleasure yourself, or let anyone else do it for you, until we meet again in a week. When we see each other again, then you'll see just how good an orgasm can feel. Think about that all week for me." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Get on your knees, and give me one final orgasm if you agree," you order. You know if you see her again a week from now looking desperately horny, that she's followed your commands. You'll know she's about to experience the orgasm of her life, and you're about to add another submissive little plaything to your collection. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>><<nobr>> <h1>At Home</h1> <video src="Part13/Bar5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Bar Patron"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Bar Patron"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Bar Patron"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You might not be with Kate any longer, but that doesn't mean your submissive side is gone. But without anyone to dominate you, you are left to do it yourself. Of course, it's not the same, but it still excites you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You still get so wet dressing up and getting your toys ready. Especially after you put the gag in your mouth, and you get that familiar, helpless, feeling from being unable to speak. You always have to concentrate on what your doing so you can resist the urge to stop right there. In a moment you won't be able to stop and masturbate, but it takes all the willpower you have to not stop right now and masturbate until you're screaming into the gag. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But usually you can resist that urge, and [[continue on|Part13BartenderSub2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At Home</h1> <video src="Part13/Bar6.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<if $neighbours[0] === "Peter">> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$neighbours[1]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', vaginal: true, name:$neighbours[1]})>> <<else>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', vaginal: true, name:$neighbours[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$neighbours[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$neighbours[1]})>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It takes some work locking yourself into your restraints alone, but it's worth it. Once you finally hear that lock click, you know you can't escape. At that moment you want nothing more than to tear off the restraints and get yourself off, but you can't. You've purposely placed the keys high on shelf you can't possibly reach in your current state. You'll have to wait until Samantha comes home, or venture out of your room for help. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Sam doesn't always just unlock you right away though. Sometimes she does, but other times she'll masturbate in front of you, and then start watching videos on her computer for a while. Only after she's let you stew in your own desires for a while will she unlock you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Sometimes she'll do the opposite, and dig your vibrator out of your drawer for you. She'll put it in place for you and leave it on high. She'll barely be able to hear your orgasms through the gag, but eventually she'll be merciful and turn it off. Of course, you [[can't always wait for Sam|Part13BartenderSub3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At Home</h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Sometimes you're just too horny to wait for Sam. Or sometimes you've already locked yourself when you get a text from her saying she won't be home. And sometimes you lock yourself in, knowing exactly where it's going to lead. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Whatever the reason, on those times you know you'll soon be fumbling at your door knob, awkwardly walking across the hall, and softly knocking on the guy's door. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part13/Bar7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, they both know that you prefer girls. But they also know that when you are bound, horny, and negotiating for help with your release, that you can be considerably more flexible about your sexuality. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>><<nobr>> <h1>On a Porn Set</h1> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> <video src="Part13/Pornstar2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<else>> <video src="Part13/Pornstar1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Porn Costar"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After your last set of the day, you have a talk with Master Robert. Sales on your videos have been slipping a bit. He says it's not your <<if $CodySexting or setup.haveFucked('Cody')>> fault, if anything those photos of you that leaked helped bump the numbers up for a bit. <<else>> fault. <</if>> These things just happen. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Everyone loves the new girl, but interest dies down a bit after a while as someone newer comes along. He says not to worry too much though, people will still be buying your videos for quite a while. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> He says some of the more niche videos you've made since you got pregnant will be selling for years and years, so it'll work out in the long run. <br><br> <<include [[Part13AfterJob]]>> <<else>> He does tell you that he's booked you for a special engagement this summer that will more than makeup in the slight dip in revenue. He says their people have of course seen your videos, but there's still an in-person assessment they want to do first. He's [[scheduled it for tomorrow|Part13PornStarSpecial]]. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> Any questions you have about the idea quickly vanish when Master lets you know that you'll be spending the entire summer unbelted while you are on your special assignment. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Being Evaluated</h1> <video src="Part13/Abroad1.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<set $PlanSummerAbroad = 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You show up for the assessment and model for them as instructed. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> It feels strange not wearing your belt, but Master unlocked you just for the evaluation. <</if>> They are filming your whole evaluation, but at this point you hardly even notice the cameras anymore. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After your clothes are off they begin with their questions. The questions are about your sexual experience beyond your videos, what you'd be willing to do, how discreet you can be. It soon becomes clear that you'll be taking care of the initimate needs of some prince. The prince has seen many of your videos, and is a big fan they tell you. (They won't say exactly who it is, but they assure you it's not the one from the recent news stories.) <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The evaluation goes well, and they let Master Robert know that they'll be booking you for the entire summer and hand him a check. You don't see how much it's for as he puts it into his pocket. "Don't worry, I'll make sure all of you trip expenses get paid. And they'll be some extra money waiting in your account for you when you get home," Master assures you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With that taken care of, <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> Master locks your belt back on and <</if>> you [[gather your things to leave|Part13Abroad2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>On Stage</h1> <img src="Part13/Strip1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The extra money you earn at the strip club comes in handy. And the amount you bring home after each shift has only gone up. It's not because your dancing has improved, though it has. You've just gotten much better at spotting which of the men watching you can convice to pay the extra for a <<if setup.haveFuckedVaginal('Strip Club Customer')>> [[private dance|Part13StripperSex]]. <<elseif setup.haveFuckedMale('Strip Club Customer')>> [[private dance|Part13StripperExtras]]. <<else>> private dance. You don't make as much as some of the girls do though. But then again, you aren't blowing guys like they are either. <br><br> But that doesn't mean you don't [[have some fun at work|Part13Stripper2]] sometimes, right there on stage. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>On Stage</h1> <img src="Part13/Strip2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: "Veronica"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: "Stripper"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: "Stripper"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: "Stripper"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: "Stripper"})>> Your favorite part of your job is when you and Veronica are on stage together. You can believe how great it is to have her tongue on your clit, or yours tongue on hers, with a crowd cheering you on and tossing money at your the whole time. <<else>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: "Stripper"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: "Stripper"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: "Stripper"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: "Stripper"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: "Stripper"})>> You love when you and another girl are on stage together. There's always tons of guys watching, cheering, and tossing money at the two of you. <br><br> Sometimes the two of you take turns and switch positions back and forth. But sometimes the other girl will want you to be the one on your knees pleasuring her the whole time. You thought they were just selfish at first, but they'll usually give you a bigger share of the stage tips. One of them made it clear to you their reason though, when she leaned over and whispered, "That guy is paying for the VIP room after our set, and it'll feel much better if you make me good and wet first." <br><br> After that you were more than happy to take care your fellow dancers, and pocket the extra tips in exchange. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterSecondJob]]>><<nobr>> <h1>In the VIP Room</h1> <img src="Part13/Strip3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Strip Club Customer", vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Strip Club Bartender', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Strip Club Customer"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Strip Club Customer", vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Strip Club Bartender', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Strip Club Customer", vaginal:true, condom:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Strip Club Customer", vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Strip Club Bartender', vaginal: true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can also tell which guys will be willing to pay even more to go to the VIP room for much more. And that's where you real money comes from. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterSecondJob]]>><<nobr>> <h1>Giving a Private Dance</h1> <img src="Part13/Strip4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Strip Club Customer"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Strip Club Bouncer', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Strip Club Customer"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Strip Club Customer", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Strip Club Bouncer', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Strip Club Customer"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Strip Club Customer"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Strip Club Customer"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Strip Club Bouncer', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Strip Club Customer"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Strip Club Customer"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Strip Club Bouncer', repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can also tell which guys desperately want you to pull their hard cock out of their pants and have you give them something extra. Well, figuring that part out is easy - because all of them want that. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you can tell which ones will pay you for it if you offer. And you can even spot the ones too shy to talk about it, but that will happily leave a huge tip if you take care of them. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterSecondJob]]>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Sex Shop</h1> <<if $PlayerCumslut>> <img src="Part13/GloryB2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Glory Hole Customer'})>> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOral >= 2>> <img src="Part13/GloryB1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Glory Hole Customer'})>> <<else>> <video src="Part13/GloryA1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerCumslut>> You were talking to Master Robert about what a good job you've been doing. He told you what a good little cumslut you are and how much higher the booth revenue has been lately. He tells you, "I know you're the main reason for that. I would try to reward you, but I know for you, the job is it's own reward." <br><br> You are excited to hear that he's using some of the extra money to [[refurbish the booths|Part13GloryHoleCumslut]] though. That'd been the one thing you didn't like, how dirty and rough the floors and walls of the booths were. You were sure more guys would come visit if they were a bit nicer. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOral >= 2>> You were talking to Master Robert about what a good job you've been doing and how much higher the booth revenue has been lately. He tells you, "I know you're the main reason for that. I would try to reward you, but I know for you, the job is it's own reward." <br><br> You are excited to hear that he's using some of the extra money to [[refurbish the booths|Part13GloryHoleBelted]] though. That'd been the one thing you didn't like, how dirty and rough the floors and walls of the booths were. You were sure more guys would come visit if they were a bit nicer. <<else>> You're so excited, it's finally the day! <br><br> Master Robert had talked to you about what a good job you've been doing. He let you know that booth revenue is way up thanks to you. If you were thinking clearly, you probably would have asked for a raise. Then you could have paid back your pay advances sooner, or been able to stop borrowing money and getting yourself stuck in the belt even longer. But you weren't thinking clearly. Instead, you told him that you just want to be able to orgasm again. <br><br> He thought for a moment and then said that while you still haven't earned a permanent release from your chastity belt, he could allow something else. <br><br> Today you'll get to spend [[your shift in the booth|Part13GloryHole2]], completely unbelted. Of course, you know it'll be back on before you leave work, but for now it's absense is a strange feeling for you. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Sex Shop</h1> <video src="Part13/GloryA2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Glory Hole Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Glory Hole Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Glory Hole Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Glory Hole Customer'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As much as you might like to just sit in the booth and masturbate, that's not what Master Robert gave you permission to do. You know he'll probably find out if you tried, and then he'd probably put an end to the new arrangement. You don't want that, so you follow the rules he gave you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are allowed to touch yourself, but only while you are servicing one of the customers. Your first customer seems to be enjoying the extra enthusiasm you have for your work today. But you are frustated for a bit as his cock disappers and you have to stop rubbing your neglected clit. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you're soon relieved when the cock reappears in a different hole. At first you are upset. That hole is always annoying. The chairs prevent you from kneeling on the floor, and even if you could kneel there, the height is all wrong. But then you realize what it is the perfect height for, and why the customer decided to move there. You smile and head over to [[give the customer what he wants|Part13GloryHole3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Sex Shop</h1> <video src="Part13/GloryA3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Glory Hole Customer', vaginal:true, pullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Glory Hole Customer', vaginal:true, pullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Glory Hole Customer', vaginal:true, pullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Glory Hole Customer', vaginal:true, pullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After being trapped in the belt for so long, his cock feels so good inside you. You just rock back and forth enjoying every thrust. You can hear his moans and grunts through the wall and know he's enjoying it too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As good as it feels for you, you realize too late, that he's going to cum well before you can. Next time you'll let the customer do the thrusting while you stroke your clit. Maybe then you'll be able to cum too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You're wondering if he's going to cum inside you. You need his cock too much right now to stop him even if you normally would. But you realize that's not what he's wanting this time as is [[cock pulls out of you and disappears into the hole again|Part13GloryHole4]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Sex Shop</h1> <video src="Part13/GloryA4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Glory Hole Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Glory Hole Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Glory Hole Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Glory Hole Customer'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You quickly return to his cock when it returns to the original hole. As you swallow his cum, you wish you could keep going and finish yourself, but you know you have to wait for your next customer. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you also know it won't be long until the next cock appears for you - especially once word starts to spread about the new services you are offering. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterSecondJob]]>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Sex Shop</h1> <img src="Part13/GloryB2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Construction Worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Construction Worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Construction Worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Construction Worker'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course master was careful to refurbish the booths in stages, so that there were always at least two available, one for you and one for your current customer. But still, attendence is down a bit during construction. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You use some of the extra time you have to thank the construction crew for their hard work. You're sure they appreciate it. You think they'll probably put it a bit of [[extra effort|Part13GloryHoleBelted2]] once they know how enjoyable the booths they are rebuilding can be. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Sex Shop</h1> <img src="Part13/GloryB3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Construction Worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Construction Worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Construction Worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Construction Worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Construction Worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Glory Hole Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Construction Worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Construction Worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Glory Hole Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Construction Worker'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Master Robert is worried that maybe your little incentive for the construction crew might be having the opposite effect. He's worried that they might be dragging their feet a bit so that they can enjoy your attention a bit longer. You're a bit disappointed when you think he's going to have you stop. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But then you have another idea. You suggest to Master that he sets a completion deadline for the crew, and if they can beat it, then he can give the entire crew a month of free booth visits with you. Master agrees, and it works, the crew finishes well ahead of schedule. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Master is excited that he'll be able to have his little "Grand Reopening" event on schedule, and you're excited that you now you'll have a stead supply of cocks for while. You don't even mind that most of them will be for free for the next month. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterSecondJob]]>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Sex Shop</h1> <video src="Part13/GloryC1.webm" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Glory Hole Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Glory Hole Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Glory Hole Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Glory Hole Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Glory Hole Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Glory Hole Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Glory Hole Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Glory Hole Customer'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Master was careful to refurbish the booths in stages, so that there were always at least two available, one for you and one for your current customer. But he decided to have a "Grand Reopening" anyway when the last of the booths were finished. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Any of the customers that wanted to attend were invited, and of course he wanted you working that day. But instead of an anonymous customer on the other side of the wall, you were all having a toast of champagne before breaking in final booth. Well, they had a toast of champagne. It would have been difficult for you to drink any with the ring-gag in your mouth. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once the toast was done, you got to work doing what you do best. The gag made things more difficult, but you still had a wonderful time. It was a nice to finally be able to put a face to some familiar cocks. Of course, once of the faces is a new one at all. Just think, you've been sitting in his class all semester and you never knew it was his cock poking into your booth every Thursday. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13AfterSecondJob]]>><<nobr>> <h1>Obstetrician Visit</h1> <<set $PlayerMenstruation to 0>> <img src="Part13/Pregnant13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Everything looks great with your baby at your appointment. The doctor confirms your due date is in mid-July. She also confirms the swelling, heartburn, frequent bathroom trips, tender breasts, and sleep troubles you've been having are all perfectly normal. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "If you are staying in town during the summer, they'll give you an appointment reminder card on your way out," the doctor tells you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "If you are leaving for the summer, flying is fine for the next few weeks. After that, you should avoid it. You can get one of our business cards on your way out. Have your home town doctor give us call and we'll transfer all your records over to them directly." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You thank the doctor and head out the checkout desk and grab the card the doctor. Then you head back home to [[finalize your summer plans|Part13SummerPlans]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Medical Clinic">></h1> <img src="Part7/Start1A.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set $PlayerMenstruation to 0>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The forms are the same as the last time and you it doesn't feel as odd filling them out as it did last time. <<if $PlayerAbortion>> <img src="Part7/Start1B1.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="130"> <<else>> <img src="Part7/Start1B.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="130"> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerProtectionPerfect or $PlayerProtectionPermanent or $PlayerProtectionPill>> You happily fill out the "Date of Last Menstruation”. <<if $PlayerProtectionPill>> Thanks to your birth control, <<else>> Thanks to your implant, <</if>> you don't have to worry about those. Then you fill in the birth control section as well. <<if setup.areDating('Aaron') and $PlayerProtectionPill>> Though writing it down makes you think about spring break. Your luggage had been in storage the whole week. At the time you'd only thought about your clothes, but now that you are looking at the form you remember your pills were in there too. So that was a whole week you didn't take anything. It was just one week though. Nothing could come of that, right? <</if>> <<else>> You don't really remember exactly when your last period was. You've been so busy lately you haven't really kept track so you just put a question mark there and move on to the birth control question. <<if setup.getPossibleConceptions().length == 0>> You write down 'N/A'. There's obviously no chance <<if setup.sexVaginalCount() === 0>> you are pregnant. <<else>> you've gotten pregnant since your last visit. <</if>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> <img src="PartP/Abstinence.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> You laugh a bit as the form has reminded you of a shirt you'd seen. You know Faith and Mark wouldn't think it was as funny as you did though. <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerProtectionTry>> You wonder if you should ask about them boosting your fertility or something if you aren't pregnant this time. But then you decide against it, everything seems to have a side effect here, and you don't want to risk whatever that might cause. <<elseif ($PlayerProtectionCondoms or $PlayerProtectionWithdraw) and setup.haveFucked('Blake')>> You start to right "lesbian" down under birth control, but then you remember Blake and Darnell on spring break. <<if setup.haveFucked('Carl')>>And about Carl, even more recently.<</if>> You hadn't thought about birth control then, so you write down 'None' on the form instead. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionCondomsForgot>> You remember using condoms with Andrew before you'd moved in together. Then you'd realized they'd gotten lost in the move and you hadn't been using anything for a while. <<if $PlayerProtectionNone>> You just decided to let things happen after that, so you write "None" <<else>> You'd bought more after that and made a better effort to use them. Well, most of the time. So you write "Condoms" <</if>> <<elseif setup.areDating('Andrew') and $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> You know you and Andrew haven't been as diligent and pulling out as you told yourself you'd be. Sometimes he does, or you remind him too, but othertimes not. You can't help it. You just love looking up into his eyes as he cums inside you too much. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> You try to rememeber if you used condoms over spring break. With all the drinking you did, you can't really be sure. Still, you write "Condoms". <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you are finished, you hand the woman at the desk your form and take the cup she gives you and [[head to the restroom|Part13Checkup2]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Medical Clinic">></h1> <img src="PartP/PregTest1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<if setup.areDating('Paul')>> <<set $PregnancyCheck = setup.overrideForcePregnancy('medical test - 2nd term')>> <<elseif $PlayerProtectionTry>> <<set $PregnancyCheck = setup.checkForNewPregnancy('medical test - 2nd term', 0.25)>> <<else>> <<set $PregnancyCheck = setup.checkForNewPregnancy('medical test - 2nd term', 0)>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You hand her your sample and wait while takes it off to test it. <<if setup.sexVaginalCount() == 0 or $PregnancyCheck.count == 0>> It's <<if setup.sexVaginalCount() == 1 and $sex[0].name == 'Andrew'>> probably <</if>> a waste of time, but she has to do it anyway. You wait patiently <<elseif $PlayerProtectionTry>> You can barely sit still waiting <<else>> You nervously fidget in your seat as you wait <</if>> for the results. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.sexVaginalCount() == 0 or $PregnancyCheck.count == 0>> After <<else>> After what seems like an eternity, but was really only <</if>> a couple minutes, you are called back to talk [[speak with the doctor|Part13Checkup3]]. <<if setup.sexVaginalCount() !== 0 and $PregnancyCheck.count !== 0>> As you head back someone who had noticed how nervous you were calls out "I hope it's the answer you're looking for". <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Medical Clinic">></h1> <<if $PregnancyCheck.isPregnant and $PlayerProtectionTry>> <img src="PartP/PregTest3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<elseif $PregnancyCheck.isPregnant>> <img src="PartP/PregTest3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<else>> <img src="PartP/PregTest2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The doctor comes in to deliver the news. <<if $PlayerCumslut>> She's distracted for a moment, but then tells you that you'll need to remove the collar for some of the tests she has to do. When you tell her that there is no key, she appologizes, but lets you know the lock will have to be cut off. She steps out for a moment and then returns and tells you, "Well, while we wait for my assistant to get the bolt cutters, I suppose I can give you the test results." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.isPregnant>> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 1>> <<set $PregnancySpring to 1>> You are pregnant! <<if setup.pregnantFirstTime()>> <<achievement>>firsttime+pregnant<</achievement>> <<elseif setup.pregnantFromLoophole()>> <<achievement>>loopholeBaby+pregnant<</achievement>> <<else>> <<achievement>>pregnant<</achievement>> <</if>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> She also reminds you that, of course the effects of your implant are permanent now. This will be the body you have for the rest of your life. <</if>> <br><br> <<if setup.areDating('Kate')>> You're horrified at the news. You feel like you are still being punished for that time you cheated on Mistress Kate with <<if $PregnancyCheck.conceptionEvent.anon>> <<print $PregnancyCheck.actualFather.toLowerCase()>>. <<else>> <<print $PregnancyCheck.actualFather>>. <</if>> You don't want a baby right now, and you know Mistress Kate doesn't either. And you certainly don't want one that is a constant reminder of your mistake. You let the doctor know that you want to [[terminate the pregnancy|Part13CheckupAbort]]. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionTry>> You are ecstatic, finally you're pregnant! You excitedly tell the doctor that you will definitely be [[carrying the baby to term|Part13CheckupKeep]]. She congratulates you on the pregnancy and says the the nurse will be in a bit to discuss prenatal care. <<elseif setup.sexVaginalCount() == 0>> You can't believe this has happened - you haven't even had sex yet! Well, not real sex, only anal and oral. <<if setup.hadAnalAccident("Barry") and setup.hadAnalAccident("Andrew")>> One of the times Barry's or Andrew's <<elseif setup.hadAnalAccident("Barry")>> That time Barry's <<else>> That time Andrew's <</if>> cum leaked out of your ass and into... well, that must have been when it happened. <br><br> The doctor sees you need a moment to process the news. She says she'll give you a bit to think about [[your options|Part13CheckupPregnantLoophole]], and she'll be back in a few minutes. <<elseif $CampusMinistry>> You make it clear to the doctor that you aren't going to consider anything other than [[carrying the baby to term|Part13CheckupKeep]]. She congratulates you on the pregnancy and says the the nurse will be in a bit to discuss prenatal care. <<else>> The doctor sees you need a moment to process the news. She says she'll give you a bit to think about [[your options|Part13CheckupPregnant]], and she'll be back in a few minutes. <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerCumslut>> You are not pregnant. The doctor continues with the other tests you were scheduled for. Then she asks you to wait, there's someone else that wants to talk to you. <br><br> After the doctor leaves you wait nervously, worried that something must have came up on one of your tests. When the door opens again, two men with X-Change logos on their shirts come in. One is carrying a clipboard, the other is carrying a small case. Now you are even more nervous. Something must be wrong with your implant! <br><br> "Miss, everything is fine," the one with the clipboard quickly reassures you. "There was nothing abnormal on any of your tests, otherwise we wouldn't be able to make you this offer." <br><br> Your express of worry is quickly replaced with one of curiosity. "[[Offer?|CheckupCumslut]]", you ask. <<elseif $PlayerDecidePermanent and !$PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> You are not pregnant. You tell the doctor that there's [[something else you want to discuss|Part13CheckupPermanent]] with her. <<else>> You are [[not pregnant|Part13CheckupNotPregnant]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Medical Clinic</h1> <img src="Part13/Pregnant1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you consider your options, and the father, your mind can't help but imagine what your body will look like a few months from now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You already know there's one option you won't consider, an abortion. That's fine for some women, but not something you'd consider. Part of you wonders even if God wanted you to become pregnant, making sure you got pregnant even when you weren't having sex that should have resulted in a baby. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know people probably won't believe you that you haven't ever had proper sex, and you don't really see the point in abstaining anymore, at least with your baby's father. Your 'virgin' vagina is going to have a baby passing through it in eight, or however many, months anyway. The only one you'll be honest with about it is the baby's father. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.hadAnalAccident("Barry") and setup.hadAnalAccident("Andrew")>> Except you aren't sure who that is. Obviously it can only be Barry or Andrew, but you remember a messy time or two with both of them, so it could be either one. You don't want to tell one of them he is the father and be wrong about it considering you'll have a hard time convincing him it's even possible in the first place. <br><br> <video src="PartP/Sample.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex:"male", name:"Andrew"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex:"male", name:"Barry"})>> <br><br> You decide you'll need to get a sample for them to test so you can know and be sure. Of course, you can't just ask for one, so instead you meet up with each of them to suck their cocks. You probably could have just met with one and done it by process of elimination, but this way you'll have a test result to show whichever one it is. <br><br> After they cum on your face, you head to the bathroom to 'clean up'. While you are there, you take the cum from your face and capture it in a small test tube you have in your purse. Once you are done, you head back to join him and have him fuck your ass this time. <br><br> When you bring in the "samples" in the nurse laughs and tells you that they usually test blood or cheek swabs, but congratulates you on your inventiveness. Once she comes back with the results, she confirms that <<if $PregnancyCheck.actualFather == "Barry">> [[Barry is the father|Part13CheckupPregnantLoopholeBarry]]. <<else>> [[Andrew is the father|Part13CheckupPregnantLoopholeAndrew]]. <</if>> <<elseif setup.hadAnalAccident("Barry")>> Obviously [[it could only be Barry|Part13CheckupPregnantLoopholeBarry]]. You remember the messy time when it must have happened too. <<else>> Obviously [[it could only be Andrew|Part13CheckupPregnantLoopholeAndrew]]. You remember the messy time when it must have happened too. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Barry - Confirmed</h1> <img src="PartP/PaternityPositive.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you first start to tell Barry, he doesn't believe you. "We've never even actually fucked!" he says. You tell him about the time his cum leaked and when you must have gotten pregnant. He's still very sceptical, but now he's surpried and annoyed that you didn't just "deal with it" as soon as you found out about the pregnancy. But when he gets past that, he's back to doubting that he is the actual father. He demands a paternity test - with him providing a cheek swab directly to the lab himself. <<if setup.hadAnalAccident("Andrew")>> He doesn't trust the one you obtained, "You could have labeled any guy's cum with my name. I'll go in myself," he tells you. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When the test comes back positive, he accepts that he is the father, though he's clearly not happy about it. "You can't fault me for wanting to be sure. I still thank it's crazy you got pregnant when I was just fucking your ass!" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I hope you don't think I'm going to help you raise that thing, I'm certainly not interested in being a father yet. You know if you are having second thoughts about it, it's not too late to go back and have them get rid of it for you. If you are concerned about the cost of that, I'd be more than happy to pay it. Actually, how about I just give you [[a couple thousand dollars I have saved up|Part13PregnantLoopholeBarryAbortionBribe]], and that should cover it, right? You can keep whatever extra is left." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I know it's your decision though. If you decide to keep it, don't expect me to be driving you to doctor's appointments and shit. If you plan on putting it up for adoption, then that's probably a good idea, you aren't ready to be a mother yet, let me know if there's anything I need to sign to help with that." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Though if you decide to keep it, I know I'll be stuck paying child support for the next 18 years. I won't be able to afford much." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The more you think about it the more Barry's idea sounds like a good one. You aren't ready to be a mother. Especially a single mother with no help from the father. And it's going to be so humiliating being pregnant, because no one is going to believe you weren't slutting around to get this way. And you feel bad "trapping" Barry when he didn't even have real sex with you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You tell yourself the money isn't a factor too, but deep down you feel a little guilty because you know it is, at least a bit. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Reconsidered</h1> <<set $BarryBribe to 1>> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 0>> <<unset $PregnancyCheck>> <<set $PlayerAbortion to 1>> <<set $PlayerMenstruation to 1>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'jeans')>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'blouses')>> <<set setup.addInventory('underwear', 'sexy underwear')>> <img src="Part7/Jeans.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="764" align="left"> <br> Barry drives by his bank to make a withdrawal on the way to the clinic. He hands you the money and drops you off at the clinic. "I'm not waiting around. You have more than enough to call a ride when they are done," he tells you. "No hard feels though. Thanks for coming around and changing your mind about this. Give me a call whenever you need your ass fucked again. We'll just have to be much more careful from now on." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wait your turn and then go in to see the doctor again. You let her know you've thought it over and reconsidered. After going over everything in great detail with the doctor and signing a bunch of forms, the doctor gives you a pill which you take right then. She gives you another one to take tomorrow morning. She tells you to expect bleeding and cramps, like a period, but worse. <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> She starts to talk to you about birth control, but you explain that you actually want a baby, but just not with this man. She understands, and wishes you luck. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionPill>> <<print "She also gives you a new supply of birth control pills to start with tomorrow.">> <<else>> <<if !$PlayerProtectionPermanent>> <<if !$PlayerProtectionFertile>> <<print "If you want to ">> <span id="AbortSpan1"> <<link "start using birth control pills,">> <<set $PlayerProtectionTry = 0>> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone = 0>> <<set $PlayerProtectionWithdraw = 0>> <<set $PlayerProtectionCondoms = 0>> <<set $PlayerProtectionPill = 1>> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#AbortSpan1">> <<print "start using birth control pills,">> <</replace>> <</link>> </span> <<print "she can also give you a supply of those to start with tomorrow.">> <<else>> <<if !$PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <<print "As birth control pills don't work on you, she recomends starting to ">> <span id="NotPregSpan2"> <<link "use condoms for protection.">> <<set $PlayerProtectionTry = 0>> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone = 0>> <<set $PlayerProtectionWithdraw = 0>> <<set $PlayerProtectionCondoms = 1>> <<replace "#StoryKeyFlag">>TRUE<</replace>> <<replace "#NotPregSpan2">> <<print "use condoms for protection,">> <</replace>> <</link>> </span> <<print " so that you don't end up in the same situation again.">> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, there's no charge for the visit, or the pills. All of that is covered by the X-Change people. But you and Barry both know that's not why he paid you. You feel a small tinge of guilt, but then you tell yourself that you didn't really want to raise a kid with him as the father anyway. Then you look down at the cash he gave you, and the guilt is gone. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Looking at all the extra money you have, and feeling glad that you won't have a huge belly growing anytime soon, You decide to pick up something nice to wear this summer before you head back to campus. Putting on the matching bra and panties, and squeezing into your new jeans puts a smile on your face. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your smile doesn't last that long though, as you feel the cramps she'd warned you about start. Thankfully the bleeding hasn't started yet. You would have hated to ruin your new underwear already. The next morning you take the [[second pill|Part13SummerPlans]] she gave you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With the cramps, you aren't interested in any sex at the moment, anal or otherwise. But since you aren't having a baby after all, you decide you'll keep with your original plan to keep yourself technically a virgin until you meet your future husband. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>childfree<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Telling Andrew">></h1> <<set setup.startDating("Andrew")>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Andrew is confused as to how you could be pregnant, and how he could be the father. But you tell him about the mess he'd made when he came in, on, and all around your ass when you were together. You tell him that clearly some of his cum must have made its way inside more than just your ass. Eventually he accepts that that little mistake must have been enough. <<if setup.hadAnalAccident("Barry")>> You decide not to show him the DNA results you'd gathered, since that would only lead to more questions. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'll support you however I can, with whatever decision you make," he tells you. You tell him you've already decided to keep the baby. "That's wonderful," he tells you. "I had hoped that's what you would decide." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The two of you talk about the pregnancy a bit, then Andrew changes subjects. "I know you weren't interested in a relationship before," he starts. "I'm wondering if you've reconsidered that. If you have, I'm certainly still interested." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part12/Ministry5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300" align="left"> <img src="Part3/JobBarista1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300" align="right"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'll be honest with you," you tell Andrew. I really wanted to date you back when you asked me out. Heck, I wanted that even back when we first met. But I knew if I did, I wouldn't be able to resist going all the way with you." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You bite your lower lip as you work up the nerve to continue. "But I don't see any reason to wait any longer. Either on us dating, or us [[going all the way|Part13LoopholeAndrew2]] together." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Can't wait any longer</h1> Andrew has plans to make your first time extra special. He's wanting to take you out for a romantic date, bring you home afterwards, and have candles everywhere. "I don't want to wait for all of that. I don't want to wait any more at all," you tell him. "I want you, right now." He doesn't need any convincing. <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Andrew", vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Andrew", vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Andrew"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Andrew"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part13/Pregnant15.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you feel Andrew's hard cock slide inside you, nothing has ever felt so good, so right. You know he's the one you were saving this for. You only wish you'd realized it when you'd first met, and you could have been doing this all year. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When your first orgasm of the afternoon comes, and you feel your body clench around his cock as he continues to fuck you, it feels so good you almost pass out. Hearing you moan and beg for his cock pushes Andrew over the edge, and a few seconds later, you hear him groan as he cums inside you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Having waited so long, you are eager to go again, and again. You and Andrew do your best to make up for lost time, but eventually he's spent, at least for now. It's only then that the two of you go out for that romantic dinner he had planned. Afterwards, you come back to his apartment. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Eventually, you both tire out again, and you fall asleep next to Andrew. The next morning the two of you talk a bit more, and decide to keep the news just between the two of you for now. You both decide to let everyone know the two of you are dating, and then in a month or two let them know you are pregnant. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you get back to your room, Faith glares at you, knowing you spent the night at some guy's house. Her disposition changes though when you tell her that you were with Andrew, and that you two are dating. "I had a feeling about you two," she tells you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You update Faith on your relationship with Andrew. Well, letting her know the clean parts of it at least, and the leaving out mention of the pregnancy. Hopefully it'll be less of a shock when you mention it a month or so from now. Afterwards, you start thinking about what your [[plans for the summer|Part13SummerPlans]] are, and whether recent events change those at all. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Medical Clinic</h1> <img src="Part13/Pregnant1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you consider your options, and the father, your mind can't help but imagine what your body will look like a few months from now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> It doesn't really matter to you who the father is. You and Veronica have already discussed that this was a possibility, and she said she'd support you with whatever choice you made if it happened. You know if you carry the baby, it'll be Veronica helping you through the pregnancy. And if you decide to keep the baby after he or she is born, you know it'll be Veronica you want helping raise him or her with you. <<elseif $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.length === 1>> <<if !$>> You know who the father must be. Or at least when it must have happened. You don't actually remember his name. To you he was just <<print $PregnancyCheck.actualFather.toLowerCase()>>. He's obviously not a consideration in all this. <<else>> Of course, you know the father is <<print $PregnancyCheck.actualFather>>. But this is your decision, not his. <</if>> <<else>> You think through who the father could be: <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.length > 4>> <ul> <<print $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.slice($PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.length - 4).map((father) => {return "<li> - " + father + "</li>"}).join("")>> </ul> <img src="Part13/Pregnant2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300" align="left"> You're sure you're forgetting some though. You know you shouldn't be, but you can't help that you feel ashamed that you can't even remember everyone it might be. But you dismiss your self-shaming and focus on the decision you have to make. <<else>> <ul> <<print $ => {return "<li> - " + father + "</li>"}).join("")>> </ul> That's the only possibilities. But this is your decision, not theirs. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> By the time the doctor returns, you are sure of your decision. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Do you tell her you want to [[carry the baby to term,|Part13CheckupKeep]] or that you want to [[end the pregnancy now,|Part13CheckupAbort]]?<br> (If you are considering adoption, then that's something to discuss with your obstetrician later.) <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Medical Clinic">></h1> <img src="PartP/PregTest4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Paul') and $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.contains('Paul')>> You can't wait to [[tell Paul about the baby|Part13PregnantPaul]]. <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.length > 1>> Based on the timing, you are pretty sure he's the father. Regardless, you certainly aren't going to let him know if you have any doubts. <</if>> <<elseif setup.areDating('Andrew') and $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.contains('Andrew')>> You can't wait to [[tell Andrew about the baby|Part13PregnantAndrew]]. <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.length > 1>> Based on the timing, you are pretty sure he's the father. Regardless, you certainly aren't going to let him know if you have any doubts. <</if>> <<elseif setup.areDating('Aaron') and $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.contains('Aaron')>> You can't wait to [[tell Aaron about the baby|Part13PregnantAaron]]. <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.length > 1>> Based on the timing, you are pretty sure he's the father. Regardless, you know he'd love you, and your baby, just as much either way. <</if>> <<elseif setup.areDating('Veronica')>> <<unset $StatedFather>> You are nervous about telling Veronica about the baby. You both knew this was a possibility, but having it actually happen is something else entirely. <br><br> But you've both talked about this possibility enough to know she'll be there with you through the pregnancy, and support whatever decision you make about after that. You've both already decided that father, whoever it might be, isn't part of this. It's just you, Veronica, and the baby. <br><br> But after you break the big news to Veronica, the two of you will still need discuss [[your plans for this summer|Part13SummerPlans]]. <<elseif setup.areDating('Peter') or ($PlayerItemNerdKey and setup.haveFuckedVaginal('Peter')) or setup.haveFuckedVaginal('Roger')>> <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> You can't wait to [[tell Peter about the baby|Part13PregnantPeterTrying]]. <<else>> You wonder how [[Peter will take the news about the baby|Part13PregnantPeterAccident]]. <</if>> <<elseif setup.areDating('Josh')>> <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> You can't wait to [[tell Josh about the baby|Part13PregnantJosh]]. You only hope he is as excited as you are. <<else>> You are nervous about [[telling Josh about the baby|Part13PregnantJosh]]. Obviously you both knew this was a possibility, but having it actualy happen is something else entirely. <</if>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.length > 1>> Based on the timing, you are pretty sure he's the father. Regardless, he's the only one you'd want involved in your baby's life, so you certainly aren't going to let him know if you have any doubts. <</if>> <<elseif $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.contains("Barry") and $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.length > 1>> <<unset $StatedFather>> You know that Barry might be the father. It could be someone else too. Even if you told him he was the father he'd probably make you get tested to be sure. He's seen his friends fucking you right in front of him, so of course he would. He'd probably call you a slut the whole time too. <br><br> And even if he was the father, which he's probably not, is he someone you'd want to help with your child? Of course not. As much as you hate to admit how much him degrading and punishing you turned you on, he really is an asshole most of the time. You decide your child is better off without him. <br><br> You'll be managing the pregnancy, and afterwards, on you own. You'll probably not see Barry much after the semester is over, so he may never even see you visibly pregnant. Even if he does, you'll just tell him it's not his. He'll laugh at what a slut you are and move on. It's probably better that way for everyone. <br><br> But you don't have to worry about that now though. For now you can just think about [[your summer plans|Part13SummerPlans]]. <<else>> <<unset $StatedFather>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.length === 1>> You know the father has to be <<if $PregnancyCheck.conceptionEvent.anon>> <<print $PregnancyCheck.actualFather.toLowerCase()>>, but that's not much help. You know you'll be on your own during the pregnancy, and aftewards. <<else>> <<print $PregnancyCheck.actualFather>>, but you don't want to involve him. You'll manage the pregnancy, and afterwards, without his help. <</if>> <<else>> You aren't sure who the father is. And even if you did, none of the possibilities would be much help anyway. You'll manage the pregnancy, and afterwards, without the father's help. <</if>> <br><br> You don't have to worry about that now though. For now you can just think about [[your summer plans|Part13SummerPlans]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 0>> <<unset $PregnancyCheck>> <<set $PlayerAbortionEndOfYear to 1>> <<if $PlayerAbortion>> <<set $PlayerAbortion += 1>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerAbortion to 1>> <</if>> <<set $PlayerMenstruation to 1>> <h1><<print "Medical Clinic">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You decide you aren’t ready for this.">> <img src="PartP/PregTest5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<nobr>> After going over everything in great detail with the doctor and signing a bunch of forms, the doctor gives you a pill which you take right then. She also gives you another one to take tomorrow morning. She tells you to expect bleeding and cramps, like a period, but worse. <<if $PlayerAbortion > 1>> Of course, all this seems very familiar to you. <</if>> <<if $PlayerProtectionPill>> She also gives you a new supply of birth control pills to start with tomorrow, and gives you a brief talk reminding you how you need to take them every day if you want to avoid getting pregnant. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next day you take the second pill she gave you. You have a lot of blood just like <<if $PlayerAbortion > 1>> last time. <<else>> she'd warned you that you would. <</if>> But at least you aren't pregnant anymore. You stay at home while you deal with the bleeding. But between the frequent tampon changes, you have time to think about [[your plans for this summer|Part13SummerPlans]]. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>childfree<</achievement>><<nobr>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <<unset $PlayerDecidePermanent>> <h1>Back Home</h1> <img src="Part13/Decide1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You let the doctor know about the decision you've made to make your change permanent. The doctor discusses the decision with you at length, and confirms that you are aware that any side effects you have will become permanent also. When you tell her you're sure, she has you sign some forms. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After she's finished with the other tests that you were scheduled for, she gives you a quick injection and tells you "Congratulations!" and it's done. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's not until you are sitting alone at home for a moment that it really starts to sink in. This is who you are now. You are a woman now, and you will be for the rest of your life. And you couldn't be happier about it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Eventually your mind drifts back to the present and you start thinking about [[what you are going to do this summer|Part13SummerPlans]]. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>girlpower<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Back Home</h1> <img src="Part13/Plans1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The doctor continues with the other tests you were scheduled for, and you head home. When you get there you make something to drink and then sit down to think about [[what you are going to do this summer|Part13SummerPlans]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Telling Daddy">></h1> <<set $StatedFather to 'Aaron'>> <img src="Part7/Preg8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> You and Daddy have been trying for a baby, and he's as excited as you are at the news! <<elseif $PlayerProtectionNone>> You and Daddy haven't been trying for this, but you also haven't been trying to avoid it either. You both knew you wanted a child together eventually, and figured you'd let nature take its course. Nature didn't want to wait. Daddy is as excited as you are when you tell him the news. <<else>> You both knew you wanted a child together eventually, this is just a little sooner than expected. But Daddy had reminded you that this was always a possibility. Though you always picked up more excitment than worry in his voice when he'd mentioned it. Now that you both know that you are pregnant, he's as excited as you are about it. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and daddy are too busy planning how to decorate the room that will soon be the nursery to worry much about [[what else you are going to do this summer|Part13SummerPlans]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Telling Andrew">></h1> <<set $StatedFather to 'Andrew'>> <img src="Part7/Preg6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can barely contain your excitement on the way home. When you tell Andrew, he’s as excited as you are. He says that the two of you had always talked about starting a family, but he’d never expected to start so soon. He places his hand on your belly, but obviously there’s nothing to feel yet. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You both decide to keep the news just between the two of you for now. Maybe in a month or two you might start thinking of telling others. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You both spend the rest of the imagining how to convert the extra bedroom into a nursery, talking about baby names, and trying to imagine what it’s going to be like. Well, that’s not all you spend the day doing, a good deal of it is spent in the main bedroom too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Andrew know what you are [[doing this summer|Part13SummerPlans]], so you don't need to think much about it. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Telling Josh">></h1> <<set $StatedFather to 'Josh'>> <img src="Part13/Pregnant8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Josh is in shock when you first tell him about your pregnancy. Once he calms down he says he'll support you no matter what you decide to do about it. You let him know that you've already thought about it and have decided to keep the baby. You ask him how he feels about your decision. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "To be honest, I'm a little scared. I don't know if I'm ready to be a father. I guess no one ever really is, are they? But I do know that I'll be by your side through this." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are so relieved. You know Josh has matured a lot during your year together. You wonder if he'd have taken the news as well a year, or even a few months ago. But you're glad he's going to be there with you when you need him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He may be there when you need him, but circumstances might make being together [[over the summer|Part13SummerPlans]] more difficult. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Telling Peter</h1> <video src="Part13/Pregnant6.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set $StatedFather to 'Peter'>> <<if !setup.areDating('Peter')>> <<set setup.startDating('Peter')>> <</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Peter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Peter'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You tell Peter you have a big surprise for him, but only after he's taken care of your needs first. You're already so close before he even gets your panties off, you tell him to keep going. As you cum you can see the expectant, hopeful look in his eyes. "I need more than just one," you tell him as you pull off your panties. You've trained him well and soon his lips are kissing their way up your thigh. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you recover from your second orgasm, you have Peter sit next to you on the sofa. As you start to tell him about your visit to the doctor, you can tell his attention is on your still-nude body and not what you are saying. When you tell him "We're going to have a baby!", you have his full attention though. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I hadn't been trying for this", you admit. "But now that it's happened, I've decided to keep the baby. But I'm going to need your help during the pregnancy, and afterwards. Our baby needs a father, and I know you'll make a great one." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.contains("Peter")>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.length > 1>> "Of course we both know that it's possible that you weren't the one that got me pregnant," you tell Peter. "It may have been you, or maybe you were there but watching some other guy fuck me while your cock was safely locked away. Or it might have been some other time, where you didn't get to watch, you only heard me tell you all about it later. But whichever it was, we both knew this might happen. We may have let other men cum inside me, but it's only you that I want beside me. I want my baby to have a father, and I want it to be you. You want that too, don't you?" <br><br> When Peter tells you how much he loves you and wants to be your baby's father, you embrace him. You both agree that from now on, on all the forms, and if anyone asks, he's the father - it couldn't be anyone else. <<else>> "I'm going to need help these next few months. And the baby is going to need a father. And I know you're going to make an excellent father," you tell him. "I may have fun keeping you on your knees most of the time, but I hope you know how much I'll need you at my side through all of this." <</if>> <<else>> "Of course we both know that you weren't the one that got me pregnant," you tell Peter. "You may have been there though, watching some other guy fuck me while your cock was safely locked away. Or it might have been some other time, where you didn't get to watch, you only heard me tell you all about it later. But either way, we both knew this might happen. The other guy may be the one that got to be inside me, but you're the one I want beside me. I want my baby to have a father, and I want it to be you. You want that too, don't you?" <br><br> When Peter tells you how much he loves you and wants to be your baby's father, you embrace him. You both agree that from now on, on all the forms, and if anyone asks, he's the father - it couldn't be anyone else. <</if>> <</nobr>> <video src="Part13/Pregnant7.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<nobr>> "All this has made me feeling very generous. I've decided to give you a special treat." When you see him looking at your naked body you add, "Probably not as special as you are hoping, Tiger. But it's up to you." You cuff his hands to the bed and remove his cage. Then you start a porn video you know he likes and begin stroking his cock. "I'll let you, or your body at least, decide your reward. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> If you can make it until the end of the video without cumming then I'll give you some time to recover and then I'll come back and ride your cock until you cum inside me. I know it's been a while for you, so if you don't make it that's OK too, but then that orgasm will be your reward instead." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part13/Pregnant3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> You'd never seen anyone try so hard to not orgasm before, but Peter doesn't even come close. The video is barely half over before he can't hold back any longer. You don't even ruin it for him this time. You keep going a while after he cums, even licking it clean for him at the end. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he's done, you give him his other surprise. When you show him his new cage hey can see it's smaller and more secure than the previous one. You smile and tell him, "We need to keep that monster caged, now that we know what it's capable of, don't we?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once Peter's cock is caged and you've uncuffed his hands, the two of you can sit down to go over your [[plans for the summer|Part13SummerPlans]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Telling Peter</h1> <<set $StatedFather to 'Peter'>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>> <<set setup.startDating('Peter')>> <</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Peter'})>> <video src="Part13/Pregnant4.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you get back from your checkup, you cuff Peter the bed. His cock springs to life the moment you remove its cage. You start slowly sucking his cock, the first attention it's had for at least a week. You switch to stroking him with your hand as you tell him about your doctor visit, slowly building up to the big news. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That's right, we're going to have a baby!", you excitedly tell him. "And I've decided to give you a reward for finally getting the job done and putting a baby inside me." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.contains('Peter')>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.length > 1>> "Of course, we both know that it's possible that it's someone else's. But you let me fuck other men, sometimes right in front of you, and you loved every minute of it," you tell him. <br><br> "I'm going to need help these next few months. And the baby is going to need a father. And you'd do a much better job than any of the other possiblities" <br><br> "Unless you don't agree. If you aren't sure you deserve this reward, if you'd rather get us tested to be sure, just say so and I'll stop..." <br><br> "We don't need to do that. It's definitely my baby. I'm the baby's father!", Peter pleads. <br><br> "Wonderful. After tonight, on all the forms, and if anyone asks, you're the father - it couldn't be anyone else. I know you're going to make an excellent father," you tell him before your lips return to his cock. <<else>> "I'm going to need help these next few months. And the baby is going to need a father. And I know you're going to make an excellent father," you tell him before your lips return to his cock. <</if>> <<else>> "Of course, we both know your cock was safely locked away when it happened, but I still couldn't have done it with out you. If you hadn't let me fuck other men, sometimes right in front of you even, then this never would have been possible." <br><br> "But I'm going to need help these next few months. And the baby is going to need a father. And you'd do a much better job than... whoever it was." <br><br> "Unless you don't agree. If you don't think you deserve this reward, just say so and I'll stop..." <br><br> "It's my baby. I'm the baby's father!", Peter pleads. <br><br> "Wonderful. After tonight, on all the forms, and if anyone asks, you're the father - it couldn't be anyone else. I know you're going to make an excellent father," you tell him before your lips return to his cock. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part13/Pregnant5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> You keep it slow, trying to make his reward last as long as possible. You've gotten good at knowing when he's getting close. Most nights you'd stop now and leave him frustrated, but not tonight. You keep going until he groans and and cums in your mouth. He's still cumming as your lips slide back off his cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't bother to wipe your face and move up to give him a long, passionate kiss. When you've finished you reach over for his chastity cage. "Let's lock this beast back up. He doesn't really have a job to do for the next nine months, does he," you smile then add, "But I might let him out to play before then." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once Peter's cock is caged and you've uncuffed his hands, the two of you can sit down to go over your [[plans for the summer|Part13SummerPlans]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Making Plans for the Summer</h1> <<if $PlayerPregnant and !$PregnancySpring>> <img src="Part13/SummerPlans2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<else>> <img src="Part13/SummerPlans1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</if>> <<set $StudentYearsCompleted to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlanSummerAbroad and $PlayerPregnant>> <<unset $PlanSummerAbroad>> On your way home you get a call from your contact with the summer abroad program. They congratulate you on your pregnancy, but let you know that due to your condition you won't be able to participate this summer. <br><br> You are somewhat disappointed at the news. A few minutes later you realize that the doctor's office must have shared your information with them, and are rather annoyed. <br><br> You think about complaining, but you expect one of the many forms they had you sign authorized them to do just this sort of privacy violation. <br><br> <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectBreeder>> You have everything packed to go home, but you still have some time before you leave. There's lots of guys still on campus, you'd [[hate to waste an opportunity|Part13SummerPlansBreeder]] to have a little fun before you leave. <<elseif $PlayerPregnant and !$PregnancySpring>> <<if $dating.length>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>> The next few months of your pregnancy are going to be the most difficult, of course you are going to need Daddy there to help you. The two of you will obviously be visiting your family at some point. You hope they react well to the age difference. But most of your summer is going to be spent [[here with Daddy|Part13SummerStay]], preparing for your new baby. <<elseif setup.areDating('Andrew')>> The next few months of your pregnancy are going to be the most difficult, so you'll need Andrew by your side. The two of you will probably make a visit or two to see your family sometime over the summer. But most of your summer is going to be spent [[here with Andrew|Part13SummerStay]], preparing for your new baby. <<else>> The next few months of your pregnancy are going to be the most difficult, of course you are going to need $dating[0] there to help you. But since you can't spend the summer here on campus, the two of you will be [[staying with your family|Part13SummerHome]] for most of the summer. <</if>> <<else>> The next few months of your pregnancy are going to be the most difficult, of course you are going to need your family there to help you. So you'll be heading back home for the summer. <br><br> As you pack your things to head home, you look around your room. You think it's crazy when you recall, the first time you were here you'd only been a woman for a few hours. Later, as you drive [[off campus towards home|Part13SummerHome]], you realize the next time you step foot on campus, you'll be a mother! <</if>> <<elseif $dating.length>> <<if $PlanSummerAbroad>> <<unset $PlanSummerAbroad>> You talk with $dating[0] about the summer abroad program. The more you discuss it, the more you realize you don't want to be that far apart for so long. And that's before you even consider the other, more questionable, aspects of the program. You call up your contact with the program and let them know that you won't be participating this summer. <br><br> <</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Aaron') or setup.areDating('Kate') or (setup.areDating('Andrew') and !$CampusMinistry)>> You know you both will probably be making a visit or two back to visit your family at some point. <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>> You hope they react well to the age difference. <</if>> But you'll be spending most of your vacation [[staying here, together|Part13SummerStay]]. <<elseif setup.areDating('Andrew') and $CampusMinistry>> You know you are going to miss Andrew over the summer, but you can't stay on campus. Hopefully you'll be able to visit with him sometime over the summer. If not, you know you'll be on the phone with him almost every day. <br><br> You are already starting to miss him as you drive [[off campus towards home|Part13SummerHome]]. <<elseif setup.areDating('Veronica')>> You and Veronica will probably pay a visit to her family sometime over the summer, but most of it will be spent with your family. You doubt your parents would have been as willing to let your 'roommate' stay at the house most of the summer if it'd been a guy. <br><br> But as the two of you drive [[off campus towards home|Part13SummerHome]] you are happy that at least this time double standards worked in your favor. <<else>> You want to spend the summer with $dating[0], but you know you can't take him home to stay at your house. Hopefully you'll be able to visit with him sometime over the summer. If not, you know you'll be on the phone with him almost every day. <br><br> You are already starting to miss him as you drive [[off campus towards home|Part13SummerHome]]. <</if>> <<elseif ($Roommate=='Barry' or setup.isNeighbour('Barry')) and !setup.isEx('Barry') and !$PlayerChastityBelt and (!$PlayerPregnant or $PregnancySpring)>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> Barry notices you going over your summer plans and interrupts you to discuss his plans with you. <br><br> "Heyyy, <<if $BarryBribe>> everything go well with the... you know.," he asks referring to the abortion. You tell him it did. "Well, I overheard and it didn't sound like you had anything exciting going on this summer." And I'm sure you'd have fun joining me this summer. Then he starts to [[discuss his plans for the summer with you|Part13SummerBarry]]. <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Barry') and setup.sexVaginalCount() == 0>> I overheard and it didn't sound like you had anything exciting going on this summer. And I'm sure you'd have fun joining me this summer." Then he starts to [[discuss his plans for the summer with you|Part13SummerBarryLie]]. <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Barry')>> I overheard and it didn't sound like you had anything exciting going on this summer. And I'm sure you'd have fun joining me this summer." Then he starts to [[discuss his plans for the summer with you|Part13SummerBarry]]. <<else>> I know we haven't hung out much this year, but I'd like to change that. It didn't sound like you had anything exciting going on this summer." And I'm sure you'd have fun doing this too," he tells you. You are skeptical, but [[listen to his plans|Part13SummerBarryLie]]. <</if>> <<else>> Barry notices you going over your summer plans and interrupts you to [[discuss his plans with you|Part13SummerBarry]]. <br><br> "You might be interested in this too," he tells you. <</if>> <<else>> <<include [[Part13SummerLeave]]>> As you look around your room. You think it's crazy when you recall, the first time you were here you'd only been a woman for a few hours. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Getting One for the Road</h1> <img src="Part13/Breeder3.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The guys around campus have quickly learned how much you love a good fuck and that you love for them cum inside you now. They are happy to oblige. You hope they are just as willing next semester when you are no longer pregnant, but want to be. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Now you feel like you can handle the ride home. You have your latest partner help you carry your things down to your car so you can drive [[off campus towards home|Part13SummerHome]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> As you look around your room. You think it's crazy when you recall, the first time you were here you'd only been a woman for a few hours. <br><br> <<if $PlanSummerAbroad>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> <<unset $AcademicProbationDenial>> <<set $AcademicProbationDenialFormer to 1>> You are thrilled when your contact at the summer abroad program tells you that they've discussed with the dean and convinced him to make an exception for you considering your participation in the program. You hurry to the X-Change Office to get your implant back to normal before you have to leave for the airport. <br><br> <</if>> When you get to the airport, you leave your car in the long-term parking lot and give them the voucher your contact at the summer abroad program gave you. As you hop on the shuttle over to the airport, you are anxious to [[find out what excitement the next few months will hold|Part13SummerAbroad]]. <<else>> As you drive [[off campus towards home|Part13SummerHome]] you are excited to have a few months to relax after such an eventful year. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Discussing Barry's Plans</h1> <img src="Part13/SummerPlans8lie.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="540"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'm going to an island resort this summer. Nearly everything is included, food, drinks, and most of the activities," <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That sounds really expensive," you tell him. "I don't think I could afford something like that. I'm sure you'll have a great time though." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Actually, it's not that bad, especially with the exchange rate. And actually it wouldn't cost <i>you</i> anything. They have a special going right now, but it's for couples only. So it would actually be cheaper for me if you went with me. I'll even pay for your flight. He sees you bristle at the word 'couples', and adds. "They don't care if we are a real couple or not, just that we only take one room. One of us can sleep on the sofa or floor or something." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I don't know. Sharing a hotel room with <<if setup.haveFucked("Barry")>> you..." You don't finish the thought. You don't want to tell him that you are worried you might be tempted to go all the way with him if you were sharing a room at some romantic resort for a week. <<else>> you. People might get the wrong idea about us," you worry. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $Roommate == 'Barry'>> "We've shared a room most of the year anyway," <<else>> "We've practically shared a room all year anyway. We've been right next door, and sharing a bathroom," <</if>> he tries to assuage your concerns. Your face turns red when he adds, <<if setup.haveFucked("Barry")>> "And it's not like my cock hasn't been inside that <<if $BodyType == 'Plus'>> wonderful <<else>> cute, little <</if>> ass of yours before." <<else>> "And it's not like I haven't seen you splayed out on my bed fucking yourself with a dildo before." <</if>> He smiles and continues, "Besides, no one will care. They are much more relaxed there about that sort of thing. And people back home don't even need to know we're sharing a room." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He sees you are still skeptical, "Here, [[let me show you how fun it'll be there|Part13SummerBarryLie2]]." He quickly tosses some brochures into his desk drawer and opens his computer and types in the name of some resort. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Barry trying to convice you</h1> <img src="Part13/SummerPlans9lie.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="540"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Barry proceeds to show you photos of people on the beach, horseback riding, drinking at the pool, deep-sea fishing, and a bunch of other activities. "Is that where we'd be staying?", you ask pointing to one of the nicer looking buildings featured in one of the photos. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Ummm, no. This is a different resort. The... website is down for the one I'm going to, but it looks very similar," Barry tells you. "Anyway, what do you say? I'll need to know right away, hopefully I can still find a flight that isn't too expensive." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are surprised Barry is being so generous. You wonder if you might have been misjudging him all year. You can [[tell him yes|Part14Island]], you'll go with him. Or if you don't trust him enough, or just aren't interested, you can [[decline and wish him a good trip|Part13SummaryBarryNo]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Discussing Barry's Plans</h1> <img src="Part13/SummerPlans8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Barry shows you the plans for the "Clothing Optional" resort he'll be staying at for several weeks near the start of the summer. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you flip through the brochure you see pictures of people playing vollyball, swimming, sunbathing, eating, and everything else you'd see in most resort brochures. Except in this one most of them are nude or topless. <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> <br><br> The thought of what it would be like to spend two whole weeks naked and in public like that excites you. <<if setup.isFWB('Barry')>> Barry smiles and says, "I though you would like that, slut." <</if>> <<else>> You wonder what it would be like being able to walk around naked for two whole weeks. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "But that brochure is for the original resort," Barry tells you. "I'm going to the new one that they've recently added. It's on a small island of its own. And unlike the general debauchery of the original, this one has a specific theme I'm interested in." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I don't have a brochure for the new island, but let me [[show you the website for it|Part13SummerBarry2]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Discussing Submission Island</h1> <img src="Part13/SummerPlans9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The website shows some of the same activities as the brochure did, but many more photos specific to the 'theme' Barry mention, BDSM. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You see submissive women on leashes, kneeling at the feet of more dominate women. You see guys in chastity cages watching as their wives have sex with someone else. You see other guys making use of women publicly bound. Even the 'stables' don't have horses to ride, but pony girls patiently waiting. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part13/SummerPlans13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <img src="Part13/SummerPlans10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <img src="Part13/SummerPlans12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <img src="Part13/SummerPlans11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <img src="Part13/SummerPlans14.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> The thought of being one of those bound and helpless girls is already making you wet. <<if setup.isFWB('Barry')>> "It seems like this place was made with sluts like you in mind," Barry says. "Well, and for guys like me to use them, of course." <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectDominant>> You are thrilled at the thought of having an island full of submissive women and men to play with. <<elseif setup.isFWB('Barry')>> You wonder what it would be like, spending a week being used by Barry. Obviously you know Barry likes that idea, which is why he's telling you about this. <<else>> You wonder what it would be like to be one of those women, having a submissive guy are girl to lead around and use. Or, maybe one of the helpless girls on their knees would be fun too. You wonder if you'd be allowed to do half the week as each. <</if>> <<if $PlayerItemNerdKey>> <br><br> You can't help but wonder if Peter would enjoy being one of those guys in the photos, locked in chastity for the week while everyone else is having sex all around him. It's not happening for him this summer though. At least not with you and Barry. <<elseif $PlayerItemNerdKeyStripper>> <br><br> Seeing the chaste guys in the photos, you think for a moment about Peter, your regular from the strip club. You wonder if he would enjoy being one of those guys in the photos, locked in chastity for the week while everyone else is having sex all around him. Well, he won't be there, but you're sure they'll be other guys in chastity to tease and torment if you wanted to. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.isFWB('Barry') and ($PlayerSideEffectSubmissive > 1 or $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist > 1)>> "I know you'd never pass up this opportunity," Barry tells you. <<elseif setup.isFWB('Barry')>> "Would you like to accompany me for the trip?", Barry asks you. <<else>> "Would you like to join me for the trip?", Barry asks you. <</if>> "It's actually cheaper with you than if I went alone. They charge extra per night for single guys than they do for couples. It won't cost you anything except the airfare. And I can help with that if you need it." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive > 1>> Being able to let your submissive side out for an entire week is just too much to pass up. Of course you are going to go with Barry. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist > 1>> You'd decided your answer as soon as you'd seen the first brochure. Being able to walk around naked for an entire week on the beach is just too much to pass up. Of course you are going to go with Barry. <<elseif $BarryBribe>> You feel guilty for taking all that money from Barry for the abortion. He probably wouldn't be needing you to get him the lower price if he still had that money. It sounds like fun anyway, so you decide to go. <<else>> You wonder if you should accept Barry's offer. <</if>> <<if !setup.isFWB('Barry') and $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive > 1>> <br><br> By now you know Barry well enough to know what he's like. When you're bound and helpless for an entire week, he'll certainly be taking the opportunity to use our body whenever he feels like. The more you think about it, the more you wonder why you weren't having him do that all year already. <</if>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> <br><br> You wonder how madding it <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive > 1 or $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist > 1 or $BarryBribe>> will <<else>> would <</if>> be, surrounded by an island full of people having sex in front of you. And you with your orgasm and pleasure suppressed due to your probation. <</if>> <<if $PlanSummerAbroad>> <br><br> You realize that going to the resort with Barry <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive > 1 or $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist > 1 or $BarryBribe>> will <<else>> would <</if>> means you can't participate in the summer abroad you'd been planning on. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive > 1 or $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist > 1 or $BarryBribe>> "Of course, [[I'd love to go|Part14Island]]", you tell Barry. <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> "I mean, 'I'd love to go, Sir'", you correct yourself. <</if>> <<else>> Do you accept Barry's offer and [[join him on his island trip|Part14Island]]? Or do you thank him for thinking of you, and wish him a good time, but [[decline his offer|Part13SummaryBarryNo]]? <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Plans for the Summer</h1> <<if $PlayerPregnant and !$PregnancySpring>> <img src="Part13/SummerPlans2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<else>> <img src="Part13/SummerPlans1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> "Thank you, but I'm going to stick with my original plans," <<else>> "Thank you, but that seems like too much for me," <</if>> you tell Barry. "I hope you have a great time there though." Then you go back to what you were doing before Barry's interruption. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part13SummerLeave]]>><<nobr>> <h1>Home for the Summer</h1> <<if $PlayerPregnant and !$PregnancySpring>> <img src="Part13/SummerPlans7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <br><br> You'd struggled to find clothes that fit and that will be comfortable for a long drive home you head towards home, but figured out that it'satisfied going to be uncomfortable no matter what you wear. It's a good thing your family is expecting you at any particular time, since you have to keep pulling over to use the restroom. <br><br> At one of your bathroom breaks, you notice the fuel gage on your car, so you , you [[pull over to the pump to fill up|Part14Drive]], before you leave the station. <<elseif $CampusMinistry>> <img src="Part13/SummerPlans4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <br><br> Your family isn't expecting you at any particular time, so you try to keep from going too much over the speed limit. You'd rather not get pulled over on the way home. <br><br> Checking the fuel gage on your car, you decide you [[should pull over an fill up|Part14Drive]], before you drive much further. <<else>> <img src="Part8/Return1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <br><br> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> Your family isn't expecting you at any particular time, so you try to keep from going too much over the speed limit. You'd rather not get pulled over on the way home. <br><br> Checking the fuel gage on your car, you decide you [[should pull over an fill up|Part14Drive]], before you drive much further. <<elseif $PlayerNoBodyHair>> Your family isn't expecting you at any particular time, so you try to keep from going too much over the speed limit. You'd rather not get pulled over on the way home. <br><br> Checking the fuel gage on your car, you decide you [[should pull over an fill up|Part14Drive]], before you drive much further. <<else>> Before you leave town, you have [[one last errand you need to run|Part14Wax]]. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $PlayerPregnant and !$PregnancySpring>> <<include [[Part14StayAaronPregnant]]>> <<elseif setup.areDating('Aaron')>> <<include [[Part14StayAaron]]>> <<elseif setup.areDating('Andrew')>> <<include [[Part14StayAndrew]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part14StayKate]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Heading Abroad for the Summer</h1> <img src="Part13/SummerPlans5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<set $PlayerChastityBeltSummerAbroad to 1>> <<unset $PlayerChastityBelt>> Before driving you to the airport, $Keyholder removes your belt. You can't believe you'll be free of it all summer! You are filled with excitement from the moment you hear the lock click open. You hope it won't be long before you are filled with something else.<br><br> <</if>> It feels strange only packing a single bag for the entire summer, but since they'll be providing most of your wardrobe during your stay, there isn't a need to bring much more. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's good that you saved time with your luggage, because getting through security takes a bit longer than you'd expected. They said you were randomly selected for additional screening. They are very thorough with the patdown they give you, making sure you aren't hiding any weapons or anything. You aren't sure how you'd be able to hide much of anything under your skirt, but it makes you feel safer knowing how seriously they take security. <<if $PlayerChastityBeltSummerAbroad>> You can only imagine how much worse your screening would have been if you were still locked in the chastity belt. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your first flight is in first class on a commercial flight. You board the flight first and are sipping on the free drinks as the rest of the passengers board. You've nearly finished your first drink by the time a guy in a business suit sits down in the seat next to you. When he sees you in the seat next to his, he discreetly removes his wedding ring and drops it in his pocket. Though, obviously he wasn't as discreet as he thought he was. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Maybe it's the alcohol making you feel even more horny and mischevous than usual, but you already know you are going to have [[some fun with him|Part14FirstClass]] once the plane is in the air. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Flying First Class</h1> <video src="Part14/Plane1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'First Class Passenger'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you are in the air, and the flight attendant is busy somewhere else, you starting giving him a little tease. You flash him your breasts, and even play with them a bit, before covering up again before anyone else notices. "Are you enjoying the in-flight entertainment?" you ask him. You can tell from the bulge in his slacks that he certainly is. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Why don't you come back to my hotel with me after we land?" he asks hopefully. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He is clearly disappointed when you tell him, "Sorry, I can't. I have another flight after this one". <<if !$PlayerChastityBeltSummerAbroad and !$PlayerSideEffectOral and !$PlayerSideEffectLibido and !$PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> You could point to his hard cock and add, "[[You'll have to take care of that yourself when you get back to your hotel|Part14SecondFlight]]. I don't mind if you think of me and what we might have done if I'd came back with you. Your wife won't mind either, as long as you don't tell her." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral or $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> But the thought of sucking his cock right here is too much for you to resist. His disppointment quickly vanishes when you point to his cock and tell him, "Although, there's no reason I can't [[take care of that for you right now|Part14PlaneBJ]]." <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectLibido or $PlayerChastityBeltSummerAbroad>> You think about leaving him wanting more, but your teasing has turned you on as much as him. You could <<else>> You could also <</if>> rub his cock through his slacks and offer to help him with that [[right here|Part14PlaneBJ]] or [[in the lavatory|Part14MileHigh]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Flying First Class</h1> <video src="Part14/Plane2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'First Class Passenger'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once the flight attendant is away, you unzip his pants and pull out his cock . You put your head in his lap and quickly get to work. You only get a taste though before you hear the attendant approaching again. You hurry to hide his cock and act like nothing happened. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You decided to try something else. You place a blanket over his lap and slide your hand under it. Soon you have his cock out and in your hand. You slowly stroke it, safely hidden from view under the blanket. Before long you have him close to an orgasm. Your fun also has you wet and wishing you could climb on top of him and ride him right here in his seat. Of course you can't do that, but you whisper in his ear, "After you're done, could you return the favor for me?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He quickly agrees, though you expect he'd agree to anything at that point. It's a few moments later when you feel his cock begin to twitch in your hand. You give him a few more strokes before putting his cock away. You wipe your hand on the cover before taking it out from under the blanket. You plan to give him a moment to recover and then ask him to reciprocate. Hopefully the blanket won't get cum all over your clothes when it's your turn. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Miss, Sir," the flight attendant approaches your seats before you can even ask him to start. She continues, "If you were engaged in any inappropriate behavior..," she glances suspiciously at the blanket. "I'm going to have to ask you stop. I'm not saying you were, but one of the other passengers has complained." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She brings you both another drink. You sip yours, but it doesn't distract you from the need you are still feeling. Your new friend enjoyed his drink though, and is quickly asleep for most of the remainder of the flight. He wakes back up a few minutes before landing. Still hopeful you'll end up back in his hotel room at some point, he gives you his number "in case your plans change". <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You tell him you're tempted, but you really do need to [[catch your next flight|Part14SecondFlight]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Flying First Class</h1> <video src="Part14/Plane3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'First Class Passenger', vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once the "Fasten Seatbelts" sign is turned off, he makes his way to the lavatory. You wait a minute and then get up and head that way too. You quickly open the door and enter, hoping no one noticed he was already there. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You want to get on your knees and suck his cock first, or bury his head between your legs, but there's no room. Thankfully you are already wet from your earlier fun, as the best you can do for foreplay is to take off your shirt and have him fondle and suck on your breasts as you unbuckle his pants. As soon as it's undone, you pull his pants down and turn around and lift your skirt up. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You hold back a moan as you push back, sliding his cock into you. You thrust back and forth on his cock as he reaches his hand around you to play with your clit. Thankfully the noise of the plane hides the sound of your ass slapping against him. When you start to cum, his hand comes off your clit so it can cover your mouth to keep your moans from being heard. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When your thrusts stop for a moment, he takes his hand away from your mouth and grabs your hips. He pulls you back onto his cock a few more times, before pulling you back one last time as he quietly moans into your ear as he cums. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He pulls his pants back up and returns to his seat. You lock the door again after he leaves, and take a moment to clean up the cum he left leaking out of you. When you've done what you can, you head back to your seat too. A few minutes later the attendant brings by two glasses of champagne. "Welcome to the club", she says quietly with a wink before heading down the asile. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you sip the champagane, you wonder if your next flight will be as enjoyable as this one was. Your new friend barely finishes his glass before he's asleep. He wakes back up a few minutes before landing. Still hopeful you'll end up back in his hotel room at some point, he gives you his number "in case your plans change". <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You tell him you're tempted, but you really do need to [[catch your next flight|Part14SecondFlight]]. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>mileHigh<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Private Plane</h1> <img src="Part14/Plane4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="750" align="left"> You are a little nervous as they have you go down some stairs and out of the terminal and outside onto the apron where the planes are parked. But there's someone waiting there to pick you up in an electric cart and drive you over to the plane. When you walk up the stairs and into the plane you are instantly shocked at how beautiful it looks. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> There's just a few other women on the plane with you. All of them are beautiful, <<if $BodyType == 'Plus'>> and you are a bit self-concious at first. None of the other girls are as full-figured as you are. But then you remember the prince chose you as well, so he must enjoy variety. <<elseif $BodyType == 'Petite'>> though you are definitely the smallest one. Judging from the other girls, you assume the prince must enjoy variety. <<elseif $BodyType == 'Fit'>> though none look as atheltic as you are. Judging from the other girls, you assume the prince must enjoy variety. <<else>> but otherwise quite varied. You assume the prince must enjoy variety. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wonder how many girls the prince needs to entertain him, and if this is the only group, or if there are other flights with other girls on them as well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You glance over at the other girls and wonder if you should try to introduce yourself and get to know each other. But you see them all making some last-minute use of their phones and other electronic devices, so you decide to do the same. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Later, after a few drinks from the small bar on the plane, you decide to get some sleep. Hours after that, one of the crew politely wakes you when the [[plane is a closer to its destination|Part14SecondFlight2]]. They give you plenty of time to use the lavish facilities of the plane to change into the clothes they provided and to make yourself look beautiful before landing. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Private Plane</h1> <img src="Part14/Plane5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="750" align="left"> <<set $PlayerProtectionPrince to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I've arrived, safe and sound! I'm not sure when I'll be able to text again, I won't have any reception after I get off the plane's wifi," you send your mom a quick text before turning off my phone. Of course that's not the only reason you won't be able to text, they'd warned you about the photography ban, which also meant you wouldn't have your phone. But you didn't want to worry her, so you left that part out. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's not a regular customs officer, but a member of the palace guard that boards the plane after landing. He looks over your passport, then he begins inspecting your luggage and purse. He pulls your pocketbook, with your cash, credit card, and driver's license, out of your purse. He places that, your passport, and your phone in a bag which he then seals and writes your name on. "You won't be needing these while you are staying at the palace. We'll keep them stored safely for you until you leave," he tells you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He glances down at his list again and then says, <<if $PlayerProtectionPermanent or $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> "You probably don't need this to prevent pregnancy, but better safe than sorry." <<elseif $PlayerProtectionFertile>> "Hmmm. Oh yeah, you're the one with the fertility side-effect. They said the shot will still work on you for a couple months. It's not like we'd tell His Highness he needs to use a condom, would we?" <<elseif $PlayerProtectionPill>> "You don't need to bother with your birth control pills during your stay." <<else>> "Just a little shot, and then we're done." <</if>> Then he gives you a quick injection and says. "There. No periods and definitely no pregnancies for the next month. We'll have another injection for you next month." When you comment how you'd wish they'd told you a shot like this was an option months ago, he lets you know that the cost is quite out of the range of most college students. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you rub your arm, you are starting to feel a bit scared as you realize you are in a foreign country, now with no money, no identification, and no phone. "The porter will load the rest of your things into the limousine for you," he adds. When you look out the door of the plane and see it waiting there for you, you forget about your worries and head down. As you approach the driver open the door for you and you climb in and relax for a moment as you wait for the other girls to join you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can't help but be nervous and excited when the limo finally drives off and [[heads towards the palace|Part14MeetingThePrince]], with you and the other girls. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Meeting the Prince</h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'The Prince'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'The Prince', vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'The Prince'})>> <img src="Part14/Prince1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="750" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and the other girls spend your first few hours settling into the lavish accommodations they have provided you. You don't have too much time to get to know the others though, as you are all meeting the prince for tea this afternoon. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are wondering if 'tea' is a euphemism and that it'll be a giant orgy with the prince surrounded by all the beautiful women he's gathered. But it's not like that at all. You and the other girls are dressed up, and they actually serve tea along with tiny sandwiches. The prince makes the rounds around the room trying to take a few minutes to talk with each of you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once he's met with everyone, they begin to usher you all back to your rooms. But they stop you before you leave. "His Highness would like you to remain," you are told. You watch as the other girls, then the staff, leave the room with the last of them closing the door behind him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When it's just you and the prince left, he says. "Come, join me.". As you start to walk toward him he adds, "And remove the dress." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You do as you are instructed and walk naked towards him. The prince smiles approvingly and says, "Yes, [[you'll do wonderfully|Part14Prince2]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Serving the Prince</h1> <img src="Part14/Prince2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'The Prince'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'The Prince', vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'The Prince'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'The Prince', vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'The Prince'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'The Prince', vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'The Prince'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'The Prince', vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'The Prince'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'The Prince', vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'The Prince'})>> It certainly hasn't big the orgy with the prince at the center that you'd imagined. In fact, you haven't even seen another woman since you were brought to His Highness's wing of the palace. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Servants bring you and the prince breakfast in the morning. During the day, while the prince is working, you are mostly alone. Someone will come by with your lunch and they fetch any beauty supplies you ask for so you can make yourself ready for the prince's return. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Eventually they bring in the outfit His Highness would like you to be wearing, if anything at all, when he returns. Sometimes it's something formal, something it's something sexy. Tonight it is a bit of both. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you eat another wonderful meal with His Highness, your surprise at being the only woman tending to his needs comes up. "I'm not a greedy man," he tells you. You try not to look around and the opulence surrounding you as he continues, "One beautiful woman at a time is all I need." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You ask if the other girls were all sent home after he chose you. "Oh, no. They are helping me, or rather my country, [[in other ways|Part14Prince3]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Serving the Prince</h1> <img src="Part14/Prince3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'The Prince'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'The Prince', vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'The Prince'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'The Prince', vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'The Prince'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'The Prince', vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'The Prince'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'The Prince', vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'The Prince'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'The Prince', vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'The Prince'})>> "Not all diplomacy happens across a desk," he explains. "A lonely trade negotiator, gone from home for months at a time, can be very grateful for the company of a beautiful woman for the evening. The other women you met have been helping in this regard. When our foreign visitors know how we take care of our friends, they are usually much more willing to see our side of whatever issue is at hand." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "But, I don't want to bore you with talk of diplomacy," he says as he stands. Servants quickly clear the table and leave the room, as he heads to the next room and sits down in a comfortable chair. "Surely there is some other way we could spend our time alone together," he says glancing at the provacative dress he selected for you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'm sure I can think of something, Your Highness," you say as you begin crawling across the floor towards him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Wonderful," he says. "Since this is [[our last night together|Part14Diplomacy]], let's make it another memorable one." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Diplomatic Service</h1> <img src="Part14/Diplomacy1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="750" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'The Prince'})>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'elegant dresses')>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'faux fur coat')>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'latex dresses')>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'fetish heels')>> <<set setup.addInventory('underwear', 'elegant lingerie')>> <<set setup.addInventory('piercings', 'jeweled earrings')>> <<if setup.haveInventory('piercings', 'navel')>> <<set setup.addInventory('piercings', 'diamond navel ring')>> <</if>> <<if setup.haveInventory('piercings', 'clit hood')>> <<set setup.addInventory('piercings', 'ruby clit bead')>> <</if>> <<if setup.haveInventory('piercings', 'nipples')>> <<set setup.addInventory('piercings', 'gold nipple chain')>> <</if>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'jeweled butt plug')>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'glass dildo')>> The prince may not be 'greedy' and want multiple women at once, but he does enjoy variety. And as fun as you've tried to make your time together for him, he's ready for someone new. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As on your other mornings with him, a servant quietly taps you on the shoulder an hour before the prince is to wake up, giving you time to make yourself beautiful for him. When it's time for him to wake up, you begin slowly waking him up with his morning blowjob. You know he's awake once you feel his hand move to the back of your head. When it does, you increase the intensity, and soon you are tasting his cum again. You've come to love your morning routine. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After the prince is ready for work, he says goodbye and heads to his office. You are a bit sad as you wonder if you'll ever see him again. Once he's gone the servants gather your things, including all the outfits, lingerie, and toys you've used during your time with the prince. They are all yours to keep. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you are guided to what will be your room for the rest the summer, you are told, "You'll have today to settle back in to your new room. Then tonight you'll have your first diplomatic assignment. His Highness said you could go on your own, and there won't be any need to pair you with another girl like we usually do." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "D...Do I need any training or anything. I don't what to start a war, or cause a diplomatic incident or something." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Don't worry," the guard leading you smiles and says, "You already have [[all the skills you need|Part14Diplomacy2]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Diplomatic Service</h1> <video src="Part14/Diplomacy2.webm" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Greek Diplomat', vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Greek Cultural Attaché', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Greek Diplomat', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Greek Cultural Attaché', vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You quickly see the guard was right, and you had nothing to worry about. The diplomats don't really want to talk much, and they certainly aren't interested in your views on international policy or anything else. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Still, you are eager to do a good job. After the time you spent with the prince, you want him to be proud of you, and you certainly don't want to disappoint him. But once you feel them both thrusting into you, all of that is forgotten. All your mind can focus on are the two cocks inside you and the two bodies pressed against yours. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You must have done a good job because the next day you're told they have [[an even bigger assignment|Part14Diplomacy3]] for you that evening. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>threesome:MFM<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Diplomatic Service</h1> <video src="Part14/Diplomacy3.webm" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Nigerian Diplomat', vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Nigerian Trade Negotiator'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Nigerian Executive', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Nigerian Executive', vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Nigerian Trade Negotiator'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Nigerian Diplomat', vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Nigerian Diplomat', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Nigerian Diplomat', vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Nigerian Diplomat', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Nigerian Trade Negotiator', vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Nigerian Executive', repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> His Highness just closed an important trade deal with their country. He's sending you over to celebrate with some of their negoitators and diplomats, and a business executive or two. Normally we'd send several girls over, but their culture places more value on togetherness, so we're just sending you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> His Highness was pleased with how you did at your last assignment and said you he's confident you'll do just as well tonight. After hearing the good things the prince said about you, you are eager to please him again, and are excited as you head to your assignment. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are nervous when you see how many of them there are. But the evening starts with them toasting the deal they just made. Or at least that's what you think they are toasting, you can't understand a word they are saying. After a few shots of whatever they are drinking you aren't as worried any longer. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Soon one of their hands finds its way sliding up your skirt, and someone elses under your top. They don't understand what you are saying, but it'd be clear to anyone how eager you are for them to continue. Before long, your clothes are gone and they are positioning you to take three of them at once. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't know how much time passes, it's a constant flow of them taking turns. As soon as one finishes on or inside you, another takes his places at whichever part of you is available. When the night is over, you have no idea how many times you - or any of them - came. You know they all had a great time, and so did you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can only imagine what you look like when the guard comes to retrieve you. He suggests you [[take a relaxing bath|Part14DiplomacyBath]] before heading to bed. You assume it to wash away the cum you are probably covered with. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>train<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Cleaning up</h1> <video src="Part14/Diplomacy3b.webm" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are wondering if will be the luxurious bath you've shared with the prince, but of course it's not. It's just you, not the prince, and considering the state you are in now, you'd probably need a shower before you were allowed in the prince's bath anyway. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Still, it's a nice large tub, and someone has already drawn a warm soapy bath for you. After you've gotten clean, you enjoy the bath a bit longer. You hadn't even realized how sore you were from the evening's activities until you feel how soothing the water is as you dip your lips and ass beneath the water and back. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once bath time is over you get out of the tub and dry off. As you are led back to your room, you're told the prince is very pleased with the job you did tonight. You smile as the guard continues, "He has a [[very special job for you tomorrow.|Part14Diplomacy4]]" But don't worry, it won't be nearly as taxing on your body as tonight's probably was. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Spying for the Prince</h1> <img src="Part14/Diplomacy4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The prince himself comes to talk to you before tonight's assigment! "Tonight you'll be entertaining two important American businessmen," he tells you. "They are here negotiating an important contract with my government. But I don't just want you to entertain them. I want you to gather information for me. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I've been sending women to entertain them ever night they've been here, but up to now I've only sent ones that didn't speak any English. The American's have certainly enjoyed themselves, but I'm expecting they think none of the women working here speak their language. But tonight [[I'm sending you|Part14Diplomacy5]]. As always, do your best to make them happy, but pretend like you don't understand anything they are saying to you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'm hoping they'll talk to each other and let something slip about their negotating position. This could be of great benefit to us and I would be very grateful if you were able to accomplish this. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "There's one more thing," he says as he places a large ball gag into your mouth and tightens the straps around your head. "This is so they don't suspect anything when you don't even try to talk."" <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Spying for the Prince</h1> <img src="Part14/Diplomacy5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="480"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are left gagged the entire ride over to the townhome they are staying in, and as you are escorted to their room. The guard knocks on their door and lets them know who it is, then leaves you with the two men. "Would you like a drink?" one of them asks. You start to try to answer through your gag but stop yourself and do nothing. When the man then points to his glass and asks again, you walk to the counter and grab the open bottle and top off his drink. He starts to try to ask another way, but then decides not to bother. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They lead you towards a table with several chairs around it and motion for you to get on the table. You get on your hands on and knees, expecting one of them to start fucking you now. But they don't, yet anyway. They sit back enjoying their drinks and enjoying their new decoration. Your heart starts to race as one of them says to the other one, "Can we talk with her here?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Sure, she doesn't understand a word we are saying. Isn't that right slut?" he asks. Obviously you don't respond. "Slut, you need a good swat in the ass, don't you?" he adds. You don't respond and focus on not reacting at all and not tensing up in anticipation. As his hand strikes your ass, the sting of pain helps with your act of surprise. "See." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The other one walks behind you and says. "Ok. I guess you're right. But now she looks off with with one red cheek and one not. I think I'll give her another one so both sides of her ass match." This time you can't help but tense up before his hand lands on the other side of your ass. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well, it looks like we taught her one word at least. Now she knows what 'ass' means," he laughs then follows up the 'lesson' with two additional swats - one on either cheek. "Now, ignore her for a bit [[while we discuss our plans|Part14Diplomacy6]] for the meeting tomorrow..." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Spying for the Prince</h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'American Executive', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'American Executive', repeat:true})>> <video src="Part14/Diplomacy6.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As they start to discuss their plans you do your best to listen and remember as many details as you can, but much of it is over your head. Still, you try to listen for something important. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But as they talk, you can feel a hand start to expore your body. First it is on your calf, then your thigh. When it starts to gently stroke your bottom it gets harder for you to focus on what they are saying. Between the soothing feeling of the hand on your ass, and the fear that it might decide to stop being gentle and return to spanking you, the hand takes most of your concentration. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> By the time the hand moves from your ass and between your legs, that's all you can think about. When you feel fingers slide their way inside you, out and across your clit, and then back in again, you've forgotten about your mission completely. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They keep talking, but you aren't listening any longer. You wish you could beg them to fuck you, but instead the hand only teases as they drone on and on. Finally, the talking stops and the hand moves away and you hear the familiar sound of a [[man's belt and trousers hitting the floor|Part14Diplomacy7]]. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>threesome:MFM<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Spying for the Prince</h1> <video src="Part14/Diplomacy7.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'American Executive', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'American Executive', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'American Executive', vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You moan into your gag as you feel him tap his hard cock against your clit a few times before pushing it's way between your lips and sliding into you. You look lustfully at the other executive as he watches on from the chair as his associate fucks you from behind. He doesn't wait too long though. Soon he is removing the gag filling your mouth and replacing it with his cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After the one that had started first cums inside you, the one in your mouth pulls out and asks you, "Do you want me to fuck you now, or should I just keep going and cum on your face?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've long since forgotten about your mission here and are lost in the moment. You are close to cumming and aching for a cock back inside you, so you don't even realize what you've done when you say, "[[Please fuck me! Fuck me hard!|Part14Diplomacy8]]" <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Caught Spying</h1> <video src="Part14/Diplomacy8.webm" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'American Executive', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'American Executive', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'American Executive', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'American Executive', repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "See, I was right about the little slut," he says to his friend. "I'll take her to the bedroom. I think you have a phone call to make.". Then he clips a leash to the collar you are wearing and leads you back to his bed and starts fucking you again from behind. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you start to orgasm he swats your ass a few times. Your ass is still tender from the swats earlier, and you cry out with a mix of pleasure and pain. After a few strikes he stops and instead grabs your hips. He pulls you back against him again and again several times before moaning and cumming. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Are you ready for some more", he asks. You act like you don't understand. "Oh you can drop the act. You were speaking perfect English when you were begging for his cock. And when I called to confront your boss about his little ruse, he admitted it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "He was very sorry, and said he'd do anything to make it up to us, and make sure the deal was still on. I told him we'd need to keep his little spy until the deal was done, so whatever you might have learned won't get back to him. Of course we'll need to punish her as well. The prince said that was quite understandable. So, you're ours for a while. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "We'll have days to [[punish you|Part14Spy]] for your spying attempt, but right now I'm going to enjoy fucking you again first. I'm thinking I'll try your ass this time." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Punished for Spying</h1> <video src="Part14/Spy1.webm" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'American Executive', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'American Executive', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'American Executive', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'American Executive', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You sleep bound on the floor, next to the bed of one of the executives that night. The next day he tells you, "We told the prince we'd need a day to think things over before our negotations resume. We don't actually need to think anything over, your little ploy didn't change our plans at all. We just want to let the prince worry a bit. But it also gives us all day to deal with you." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They lead you down to the basement and take their time tying you up. As they stroke your clit through the panties they let you wear you wonder how this is punishment. But once your clit is sensitive and you are aching for an orgasm, they start pulling paddles and whips and other toys out of a box nearby. Pain shoots out from your clit as the first blow hits it. You struggle to escape from the next, but can barely move an inch. There's nothing you can do as you feel the pain repeat. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They pull scissors out of the box and cut away your panties. You struggle again wondering how much more it will hurt without even your thin layer of protection. But instead you feel his fingers probing you. He comments to his companion on how wet you are. "Looks like she's enjoying this more than she's letting on." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> His fingers slide into you until they are slick and then stroke your clit. You close your eyes in bliss at the pleasure. But then you cry out into your gag as his strokes stop and instead you feel a sharp slap agains your lips and clit. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wonder if they are going to interrogate you for information about the Prince's plans. You don't know anything, but you are ready to tell them whatever you think they want to hear. You can't even do that with the gag in your mouth, you can only wait and endure until they decide your punishment is done. Though you can see how hard they are already from punishing you, so hopefully your punishment will be over soon. [[At least for today|Part14Spy2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Punished for Spying</h1> <div style="display:flex;"> <img src="Part14/Spy2a.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="480" align="left"> You know the next day they will be gone, back to negotiating the contract that had been so important. They've kept you chained up whenever they aren't punishing you or enjoying your body in some other way. <br><br> But you wonder if you'll have a chance to escape while they are gone. The chain is solid, but maybe you could find something to cut your collar off with. <br><br> Then you remember you don't have any money, your passport, or anything else. You don't even know what they've done with the skimy clothes you wore here. <br><br> How long would a naked, foreign girl be able to wander the streets before you were arrested, or worse? Where would you even go? </div> <img src="Part14/Spy2b.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'American Executive', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'American Executive', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'American Executive', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'American Executive', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'American Executive', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'American Executive', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'American Executive', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'American Executive', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'American Executive', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'American Executive', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'American Executive', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'American Executive', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you soon see none of that even matters, because you realize that escaping isn't going to be possible. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Before they leave, they replace your leather collar with a thick metal one. You can see there's no way this one will be coming off without the key. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> All you can do is sit and [[wait for them to return|Part14Spy3]] and to wonder. You wonder how much more punishment they think you deserve. You wonder how many days it will be before the deal is concluded and you stop being their prisoner. And you wonder if you'll be able to hold it until they return, or if you'll be forced to use the bucket they left for you. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Punished for Spying</h1> <img src="Part14/Spy3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="750" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'American Executive', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'American Executive', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'American Executive', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'American Executive', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'American Executive', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'American Executive', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'American Executive', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'American Executive', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'American Executive', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'American Executive', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'American Executive', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'American Executive', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'American Executive', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'American Executive', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'American Executive', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'American Executive', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's days later, and they still haven't reached a deal. You've accepted that this is your life now, them punishing you for their own amusement. Though when you have a quiet moment to think about it, you know what he said the other day is true. You do enjoy it. And since they leave you bound all day why they are off negotiating, you have plenty of quiet moments to think about it. <<if !$PlayerSideEffectMasochist>> <br><br> <<set $PlayerSideEffectMasochist to 1>> <i>(You've discovered that you have a masochistic side. A little pain just makes you wet.)</i> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> At first you thought the time alone, when you weren't being punished, would be a blessing. But it's the opposite. You hate the hours you spend chained and alone. There's not a clock visible from where you kept, so you never know how long has passed since they left. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Every time you hear a noise, you hope it's them, even though you expect your ass will be red and throbbing soon after they return. Or rather, you ache for their return because you know it will be. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Today they are much more excited when they return. "We've finally signed the deal," one of them tells you. "Since this is your last night with us, we'll make sure to make it a good one. We want to be sure the your ass is good and sore [[when the prince gets his little spy back|Part14Warning]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>A Chance to Escape</h1> <img src="Part14/Spy4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="750" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next morning they lead you down to the car and hand the leash over to the driver. "Don't worry", one of them says to you. "We may be flying home today, but I'm sure your fun is far from over. I'm sure the prince isn't too happy with you and all trouble you caused him." When you glance over at the driver, his expression makes you more worried than excited about what the prince might have in store for you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Most of the ride back is quiet, you are lost in your thoughts and worries about how the prince will handle your failure. But then your driver finally starts talking to you, and confirms your worst fears. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "His Highness is furious. Your mistake almost cost him the deal completely, and certainly caused him to get a worse deal than he might have otherwise. He's not planning on toying with you like the Americans did. He's going to throw you in a cell somewhere and leave you there, for years probably."" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You remember how horrible it was being chained and alone all day and start to cry as you think about years alone in a cell. But then driver says, "There may be something I can do. Sneak out of your room tonight and meet me by the car. I can drive you to a guy I know who can sneak you across the border. Then you can get to your country's embassy and get home eventually." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You start to ask what's in it for him, but you see the way he's looking at your body, and you realize that's all you have to offer anyway. "I'll be waiting for you," he says as he drops you off. You can either [[attempt to escape|Part14Escape]] with his help, or [[stay and plead for the prince's forgiveness|Part14Punished]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Making Your Escape</h1> <img src="Part14/Escape1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="540" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't want to spend months, years, or the rest of your life in some jail cell, so you wait until after they think you've gone to sleep and sneak out of your room and out to the cars. You find the driver waiting there just as he promised. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You give him a confused look as he hands you a gag and handcuffs. "Lose the clothes, and put those on," he says. "If the guard at the gate checks, it needs to look like I'm driving you to one of your 'assignments'." You nod, and do as he said. He helps you into the back of the car then gives your nipple a little pinch. "Our fun will have to wait until we are safely away from the castle," he tells you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Luckily the guard just waves him through without checking the car at all. And thanks to the tinted windows he couldn't even see you sitting in back. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "OK, you can take off your gag now, it's safe," the driver tells you. A moment later he says, "Oh... I guess you can't. Don't worry, we'll take care of that [[in a bit when we stop|Part14Escape2]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Rewarding your Rescuer</h1> <img src="Part14/Escape2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="540" align="left"> Your rescuer finds a secluded parking garage somewhere to remove your bindings, and you assume to claim his 'reward'. After what he's risked helping you escape, you are happy to give him a little enjoyment in return. <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> You just wish he would have fucked you while you were still bound and helpless, you'd been fantasizing about it the entire ride. <</if>> "Do you want to fuck me? Or should I suck your cock?" you ask him. <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Driver', vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well, both would be even better," he says with a smile on his face. "But, sadly, we probably shouldn't spend that much time here. Which one would you prefer?" You spread your legs for him, and then spread your lips, making it very clear what you want. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once he's finished, he has you get in the back seat again so it looks like he's your driver still. Once you are back there he hands you some napkins to clean up with and your clothes. Once you wipe up a bit he says, "Thirsty? I always am after sex." and hands you the rest of his bottle of water. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Between the sex, and the time you spent in the drooling in the gag, you are rather thristy and quicky finish off the bottle. A moment or two later you start to feel very tired. "Why don't you take a little nap," he tells you. "I'll wake you [[when we get there|Part14Treatment]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In Restraints</h1> <img src="Part14/Treatment.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="750" align="left"> "Oh, it looks like she's finally waking up," you hear someone say. You look around the room. You see several men, but don't see the driver or anyone else you recognize. You try to struggle when you realize you are bound to the bed you are on, but it's no use. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you realize how your legs are spread apart you feel vulnerable and exposed and try to put your knees together. "Don't worry, we aren't going to rape you," the one that appears to be in charge says. "Actually, legally speaking..," another one starts to say before the leader interupts him and continues. "Well, not in the way you are worried about right now anyway." You don't feel comforted in the slightest and continue struggling. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "We have something special for X-Change girls like you.". He holds up a syringe and continues, "after this, you won't remember a thing. But you will be very suggestable, and very horny. And that's just the combination we are looking for. It's much easier if you are willing and eager than if we have to worry about you trying to escape all the time. Not like that worked out that great for you this time, did it?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Do we need to give her a Plus pill too?" another one asks. "No," the leader responds. "The guy that sold her to us said she's already changed permanentely, so the shot is all she needs." <<if !$PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> In your mind you know he's wrong, you can change back if you want. But then you realize if you never make it home the X-Change people will never change you back, and so you would be like this permanently. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Is there anything you'd like to say before you forget everything," the leader asks as he holds up the syringe. You struggle to speak through your gag, but he just laughs. "It was a joke. No one gives a shit what you have to say," he says before you feel the sting of the needle piercing your thigh. You continue to struggle, but you know it's too late. A few minutes later you feel everything [[start to go black|Part14Treatment2]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At Your Treatment</h1> <img src="Part14/Treatment.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="750" align="left"> You wake up confused and quickly realize you are bound and gagged. You start to struggle, but you stop as a calming voice tells you everything is ok as he removes your gag. "Good news, Marie! Your treatment was a success!", he tells you excitedly. You are excited too, but confused. "Treatment?" you ask. <<set $MindBlank to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh, right. Of course you don't remember," he says as he undoes your restraints. "These were only necessary if you had a bad reaction to the treatment. They didn't want you hurting yourself, or the doctors." You are still confused and say "Doctors?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You had a virus that wiped out your memory, and kept you from making new ones. There was actually an outbreak that affected a number of people. But you're cured now. Of course, the old memories are still gone forever, but don't worry you have a lifetime to make new ones." You feel your worry slip away and start to feel calmer now that you know everything will be ok now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "So how do you feel?" he says. "Be honest, it's important to know exactly how you are feeling after your treatment." You are a bit emberassed to answer, but he said it's important, so you are completely honest. "I feel great, not like I've been sick at all. But I feel really, really horny. Is that normal?" you confess. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes. That's very normal. But it's not from the illness or the treatment. You've always been like that," you blush a bit as he continues. "But that's why you love your job at the brothel so much. It's the only way you can get enough to satisfy yourself. And you haven't been able to work since you got sick, so you're probaly feeling it even more than normal now. Is there anything else you want to know?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Just two things for now," you answer. "How long before I can go back to work? And would you be willing to help me with my horniness problem right now, because I don't think I can wait until I get back to work. <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> Could you put the restraints back on me first though? <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Worker'})>> I'd like it even more if you fucked my ass. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOral>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Worker', vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Worker', repeat:true})>> I'd love it if you let me suck your cock too. <<else>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Worker', vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> You can take me anyway you want, I just need a cock inside me. <</if>> " <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Of course, I'd be happy to help with that," he says as he starts to unzip his pants. "And to your first question, you can [[start back to work this evening|Part14Brothel]] if you'd like." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh, I'd like that very much!", you answer as you pull your panties down and then help him undo his belt and out of his pants. As you pull out his cock, you add one more question. "Oh yeah... And what's your name?" <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Back to Work</h1> <video src="Part14/MemoryLoss1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are so happy to back at work! You haven't had much time to talk to the other women here, but they are very welcoming. None of them remember you, but you suppose they were affected by the same virus you were. But you're sure you'll be good friends now... or friends again you guess. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral>> You wonder if Tomáš pulled some strings for you, getting you the blow job booth on your first day back. You don't remember obviously, but you can tell right away that this must have been your favorite booth. You get cock after cock to suck. It's such a thrill, you've barely finished swallowing one guy's cum before the next one is ready for you. <<else>> You're glad you were able to convince Tomáš to fuck you after your treatment, because today you have the blow job booth. It's exciting, of course, sucking cock after cock. But as horny as you were after you woke up from your treatment, you feel like you would have gone insane going a whole shift without getting fucked. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After a while you start to wonder [[when you'll be allowed to eat|Part14Brothel2]]. You never knew sucking dick could work up such an appetite. Well, you probably did know that before, didn't you. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>First Day Back</h1> <img src="Part14/MemoryLoss2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="540"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Not long after you started thinking about how hungry you are, someone comes in to your booth to take your place. "Time for your lunch break, Marie." You finish the cock you are working on and then thank her and let her take the next one as you head to the lunch room. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> A couple of the other girls are eating at the same time as you so it gives you a chance to reacquaint yourself with your coworkers. The virus must have swept though the whole place. "Thankfully all the old STDs are cured now," one of them explains. "But they said every now and then something new like this pops up. But obviously, they were able to cure it quickly too." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> While you're eating, you notice the front of your top is covered in cum. "Oh, you can drop that, and the rest of your clothes, in the bin by the door and they'll wash it for you. It'll probably be ready by the end of your shift. If not, there's spare outfits in the closet over there." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You do as she instructed. Once you're naked you come back to continue your meal. "That's great. But I was wondering earlier, why are any of us even wearing clothes in the first place?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh, sometimes the guys - the customers - like to fantasize that we might be the 'girl next door'. They like to imagine we were just plucked off the street and brought in here. Or even imagine we might be someone they know. What can I say, some guys have strange fantasies." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You have to agree. After you're done eating, the two of you head back to different booths. "Have fun the rest of your shift," she says. "Maybe they'll station us side-by-side [[tomorrow|Part14Brothel3]] and we can chat more between guys." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Enjoying your Work</h1> <video src="Part14/MemoryLoss3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and your new/old friend are stationed side-by-side the next day, but you don't get much chance to talk. They have you both in fuck-booths near the front, so you are both fucked nearly non-stop all shift. It's amazing! <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> - especially when one of the guys decides to fuck your ass instead. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You love this job! You can't believe they pay you for this! Well, not with money. But they have a place for you to stay, food for you to eat, clothes and make-up for you to wear, and obviously free healthcare. What more could you want? You [[can't imagine every wanting to work anywhere else|Part14Brothel4]]. <</nobr>> <img src="Part14/MemoryLoss3a.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="540"><<nobr>> <h1>Strange Memories</h1> <video src="Part14/MemoryLoss4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Brothel Customer'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's been a few weeks since you've been back, and you still can't imagine working anywhere else. Today you're in one of the fuck booths near the back. Most guys can't wait and pick one of the girls near the front, so you aren't as busy back here. You'd be tempted to entertain yourself between customers, but your hands are bound to the wall for that very reason. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Tomáš said, it's better if you stay horny and let the customers take care of that for you. He's right of course. <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> Besides, you've learned that you can't get off by yourself anyway. <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> Though being helpless and unable to move when customers come to fuck you always drives you wild. You wish they'd put you in a booth like this every day. <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral>> Or maybe one where only your head stuck out, so you could be helpless while they fucked your mouth. Maybe you'll sugest that to Tomáš later. <</if>> <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> You hope today isn't one of the days where you just can't come. You get so close on those days, over and over again, but your orgasm never comes. You are always such a horny mess at the end of those days. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you wait between men your mind starts to wander. You have strange fantasies about being other places... <<if $JobFitnessYoga>>Getting fucked on a yoga mat... <</if>> <<if $JobFitnessMassage>>Stroking the cock of an oily, muscular man lying on a table... <</if>> <<if $JobLibrary>>Walking naked through a library... <</if>> <<if $JobEngineer>>Strapping a woman to a machine and making her orgasm again and again... <</if>> <<if $JobTestSubject>>Being strapped to a machine and made to cum again and again... <</if>> <<if $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>>Cheering in front of a crowd... <</if>> <<if $JobArt or $JobArtFormer>>Being naked and surrounded by artists... <</if>> Being a guy yourself, and stroking your own cock... <<if $JobGloryHole>>Sucking cock in a booth, but not here - and wearing some sort of metal underwear... <</if>> <<if setup.haveFucked('Police Officer')>>Getting fucked in the back of a police car... <</if>> <<if setup.haveFucked('Club Bouncer')>>Sucking some large man's cock in a storage room... <</if>> <<if setup.haveFucked('Aaron')>>Sucking some man's cock in an office - you call him "Professor"... <</if>> <<if setup.haveFuckedVaginal('Mike')>>Getting fucked in a dungeon... <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Mike')>>Sucking someones cock while locked in a cage... <</if>> <<if setup.haveFucked('Cody')>>A guy snapping pictures of you with his phone as he fucks you... <</if>> <<if setup.haveFucked('Dylan')>>Sucking some guy's cock, and him telling you that "You're the best sister ever."... <</if>> <<if setup.haveFucked('Cassie')>>Having a threesome, and the other girl telling you "It's your turn now sis."... <</if>> <<if setup.haveFucked('Mechanic')>>Kneeling on the floor of a garage with a cock in your mouth... <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wonder if you've always had such [[an active imagination|Part14Brothel5]]. But then you feel a hand reach through and grab your breast and you don't have to fantasize anymore. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Remembering</h1> <video src="Part14/MemoryLoss5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<unset $MindBlank>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The "fantasies" you've been having have been getting more frequent and more vivid. Then today something happens. You are getting fucked from behind and his cock pushes you over the edge. As your orgasm hits, memories flood your mind. You instantly realize that the fantasies you've been having weren't fantasies, but memories! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The guy continues a while longer, before thrusting a final time and then pulling out after he cums. Your mind drifts away from your thoughts of your past life for a moment. You don't like the empty feeling now that his cock is gone. You hope you don't have to wait too long for the next one. You wiggle your ass invitingly, hoping to entice someone new. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you wait, your mind returns to what Tomáš had said to you, before your 'treatment', what he'd expected you never to remember. You wonder what went wrong with his 'treatment'. He'd seemed so sure of himself. But then you remember the other guy saying you'd been on a 'Plus' pill. They hadn't known about the implant. Maybe something with your implant prevents that shot he gave you from being permanent like he thought it'd be. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh yes!", you moan as you feel a new cock slide into you. You know now that you had a previous life, you wonder if you should try to get back to it. "Oh fuck!", you moan as he grabs your ass and fucks harder and faster. But you wonder how you could ever give up this life. You remember everything from before, but you don't ever remember the contentment you feel now. You wonder if it's because of the shot they gave you. But you also wonder if it even matters why if you're this happy. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You try talking about it with some of the other girls, to see if they have any memories before coming here, but it only upsets them. They tell you they love working here and wouldn't ever want to leave. They tell you that even if your 'crazy idea' was true, they'd rather be here and happy. Regardless of what you decide to do, it's clear there isn't a decision for the other girls to make - this is where they want to be. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But for you, there is a choice to make. You know any of you could leave any time you wanted. There's no guards or anything at home, and the ones here are only to keep the customers from causing any problems, not to watch you. Why would they worry about you escaping when everyone loves it here? <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectLibido >2 >> But you realize that the hunger you always feel, the consant need for sex, it isn't something their shot caused. It's always been with you, or at least since you got this body. But here is the first time you've ever felt satisfied. You'd never been able to get the sex you need, as often as you needed it. But here you do. You know you [[can't give this up.|Part14Forgetting]] <<else>> You realize that if you [[ran away|Part14Runaway]] right after they dropped you off at your apartment after your shift, they wouldn't even know you were missing until the next day when the van came by to pick you up again. But you aren't sure you really want to leave. You don't know if a lingering effect of the shot, or something else, but you know you are happy here. You could just decide stay here and [[forget about your old life|Part14Forgetting]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Running Away</h1> <img src="Part14/Runaway1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You thought about going to the police, but you know that won't help. You've seen them in the brothel enough times, either taking cash from Tomáš, or giving something else to you, or one of the other girls. Most visits they do both. You decide your best plan is to get to your country's embassy and get a new passport. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But, of course you don't have any money. But as you look though the wardrobe in your apartment, you realize you'll be able to get to your destination without spending a thing. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You walk to the road just outside town and wait for a big truck heading away from town. The driver quickly stops when you signal you are looking for a ride. Of course you make a few stops along the way to join him in the sleeping part of his truck to thank him for the ride, but he gets you most of the way. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He drops you off at a truck stop, and you find a driver heading the rest of the way to the capital. Of course, with a few stops along the way. He even drops you off [[right in front of the embassy|Part14Runaway2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Visiting the Embassy</h1> <img src="Part14/Runaway2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> In addition to your hitchiking outfit, you'd also grabbed the most respectable looking thing you could find from your closet. Though as you walk into the embassy you realize it still gets quite a bit of attention. You wait your turn in line until you are able to talk to someone. "I'm a citizen, but I... umm lost my passport... and I need a replacement," you tell him, not wanting to try to explain the whole story. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He tells you how much it'll cost, and how much more it'll cost for the temporary passport you'll need if you don't want to wait 4-6 weeks to fly home. Then you realize, not only do you not have that money, you don't have any money for a flight either. You tell him you'll be back after you get the money. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are dreading calling home, collect, and explaining that you need them to send over a thousand dollars. You know you'll have to tell them what really happened if you want them to send the money, and you don't want to do that. But then you [[have another idea|Part14Runaway3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Getting Home</h1> <img src="Part14/Runaway3.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640" align="left"> You realize everything the chaufeur told you was a lie, and that the Prince's people probably think you just left and went home. You're sure they'll help when they learn the truth. Of course, you'll need to give them all the details, but that's better than telling your parents. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you tell the embassy about your time with the prince they are skeptical at first, but after a little checking they confirm that it's true. When you tell them about how you ended up here they are very sympathetic. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know it was probably because of the drugs he gave you, but you know it wasn't the horrible experience for you the embassy official thinks it was. Part of you even misses working at the brothel. But you don't tell him that. And you certainly don't tell him you even thought about staying there even after your memory came back. You do tell him that you are concerned about this happening to someone else, and about the others left at the brothel. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He starts making phone calls. Meanwhile an assistant takes you down the hall to fill out some forms and take photos for the diplomatic visa they'll be sending you home on. Once you are done with the photos and paperwork, she then takes you to a nearby mall to pick up some clothes to wear home. "This is just for the ride home, we'll see that everything you left at the palace is shipped back home for you," she tells you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Later, when you return to the official's office, he lets you know that he's contacted the appropriate government agency regarding the brothel. With the other women being there willingly, now at least, I'm not sure what will happen. This isn't our country, so unfortunately, that's about all we can do.". He pauses then adds. "I don't think it's right, but there's been far less international concern over human trafficing after the criminals switched to using men on X-Change." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "However, we can certainly do something about the chauffeur that sold you to them. I called the palace while you were out and he's being interogated as we speak. He's already admitted to your abduction, and they are trying to see what else he might have done. I assure you, he'll be delt with quite harsly." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's just a few hours later and you are sitting in first class [[on a flight back home|Part14ReturningFromAbroad]]. You have plenty of time to think on the ride home. You know you should be traumatized by what's happened to <<if setup.haveFucked('Kidnapper 1')>> you, especially considering what happened to you last year. <<else>> you. <</if>> But you aren't. Everytime you think back to the brothel you remember how you were enjoying it. You tell yourself that that was just because of the drugs you were on. But then you remember when the drugs had worn off, and you'd still considered staying. You wonder if maybe it wasn't just the drugs make you enjoy being there so much. You decide not to think about it, and order another drink from the flight attendant. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Awaiting Punishment</h1> <img src="Part14/Punished1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You go to sleep that night in your bed and are awoken by several guards sometime in the night, or perhaps the early morning. Before you can ask what is going on your are handed a gag and ordered to wear it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once it is in place you are ordered to strip. When you are naked, except for the gag, you are handed a collar and a blindfold and ordered to put those on as well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Finally, one of the guards grabs your arms and cuffs your wrists behind you. A leash of some kind is then attached to your collar. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are led for some time, you aren't sure where to. You are clipped to something solid and told to wait. With the cuffs still on, it's not like you have any other choice. "His Highness will be in later to decide your fate," the guard says ominously. Then he leaves you alone to wait and worry about what is going to happen to you now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You aren't sure how much time passes, but it seems like several hours, at least, before [[you hear anyone enter the room|Part14Punished2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your Punishment</h1> <video src="Part14/Punished2.webm" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are nervous as you hear someone enter the room. They drop something on the table near you, then they grab your cuffs and unlock them. "Make yourself presentable for His Highness. And make it quick," he orders. You quickly use the bathroom, then put on the clothes and makeup he'd delivered to you. "That's sufficient," he tells you, then he says for you to stand and wait until the prince arrives. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> There's another long wait before the prince enters the room. "Do you know what kind of trouble you've caused?" he asks when he sees you. He raises his finger up to silence you when you start to answer, then he continues. "But I don't want to cause an incident with your country with a harsh sentence. Besides, I feel partially to blame for entrusting you with such a mission in the first place." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You feel relieved at this news. Then he adds, "But some form of punishment is certainly called for. Bend over the desk." Once you are in position he tells you, "The Americans told me what form of punishment you respond to, so that's what I will use. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You will receive one swat from my hand for each hour we spent negotating that deal.". He places a very painful looking caning rod in front of you and adds, "And you will receive one lash from this for each million of the dollars I estimate you cost my country." Then you feel his hand smack your bottom for the first of many times. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> At first you are focused on the cane and worry about what comes next, but soon the pain you are feeling now is all you can think about. You have no idea how long the deal took, so you have no idea how long your spanking will last. But eventually he stops, but it's not relief you are feeling though. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He pulls down your panties, picks up the cane, and says, "before we begin I'll let you know how much you cost my country, so you know exactly [[how many lashes to expect|Part14Punished3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your "Punishment"</h1> <video src="Part14/Punished3.webm" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'The Prince', vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Zero. You didn't cost us anything," he says as he tosses the cane aside. "If anything, it helped close the deal. So perhaps a reward is in order." Then he unips your skirt and then unzips his pants. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are confused but remove your top for him. He explains as he unbuttons his shirt. "Our American associates were bored with the other women I'd sent over, they wanted something a bit more exciting. When they told me about their idea, I knew you were the only one of the women working for me that could play the role of the 'captured spy'. From what they say, you did an amazing job." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "And what they said about how excited you get from a little spanking has certainly shown to be true." He slides a finger between your wet lips, then grabs your hips, turns you back around and bends you over a chair. "Now for your reward..." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Later, after he he's came inside you, and you've licked his cock clean, he tells you there's something more. "Unfortunately word of your 'failure' has spread to the other women working for me as well as most of the palace staff. Instead of letting them know about the ruse, I think this would make an excellent opportunity to show them that failure is not left unpunished here." He sees you looking nervously at the caning rod again. "Oh, not that harshly. But are you willing to go along with the game a bit longer?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> His mention of the palace staff reminds you about the chauffeur and his suspicious offer to help you escape. When you tell the prince about it he tells you, "I am quite certain he did not have your best interests in mind." He calls one of his personal guards in and instructs him to have the chauffeur questioned on the matter. "Questioned thoroughly," the prince adds as he hands the guard the caning rod. Once that's handled he returns to talk to you and hear your decision regarding the "public punishment" he wants to have for you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Do you tell him: "[[No, Your Highness|Part14PrinceGoodbye]], I don't want to be punished anymore when I didn't do anything wrong." or "[[Yes, Your Highness|Part14Punished4]], I should be punished more. Even if the mission was fake, I still failed in what you asked me to do." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Public Punishment</h1> <video src="Part14/Punished4.webm" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "As I'm sure you've all heard, one of you has failed to live up to expectations. Her actions could have jeapordized an important trade deal, so her failure cannot go unpunished," the Prince informs the staff. While you are being strapped down and left helpless, exposed and vulnerable, he continues. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "However as her failure was not willful, her punishment will not be severe. Who knows, perhaps she may even enjoy it. I know many of the diplomats that have experienced Mary's, or rather "Mistress M"'s, whip have certainly have enjoyed their time with her." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "More severe offenses however, will be dealt with much more harshly. You will notice one of your drivers is no longer here. I won't be going into the specifics of the crimes he eventually confessed to committing, or his punishment. But rest assured, he will not be endagering any of you ever again." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That is all. Mary, you can proceed now. When you think she's been sufficiently punished, have her brought to my office. I wish to show her I can [[also be forgiving|Part14Forgiven]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Awaiting Punishment</h1> <img src="Part14/Forgiven.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'The Prince'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'The Prince', vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After your public punishment, Mistress M takes you to small bedroom adjacent to the prince's office. You lie on the bed on your stomach letting the cool air soothe your sore bottom. After a while you hear the prince enter the room. You start to stand as you are supposed to when he enters the room, but he tells you to stay where you are and to lie back down. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He begins rubbing some sort of soothing oil on your still-stinging bottom. It starts to take some of the pain away. After a while his hands start to explore and you forget about any lingering pain and are only thinking about what his hands are doing now. He's brought you to one orgasm, and you are on your way to a second when he turns you over. <</nobr>> <img src="Part14/Forgiven2.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="556"> <<nobr>> You cum again as he fucks you. You don't want to push the prince's hand away, but you don't know how much more you can take. It's starting to be too much as you feel his cock thrust into you and his fingers stroke your clit. But just when you think you can't take anymore, he cums and his cock and hand finally stop. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After he pulls out of you, you feel some of his cum leak out. Then he lies down next to you and says, "[[There's something else I want to talk to you about|Part14PrinceOffer]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>The Prince's Offer</h1> <img src="Part14/Offer.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="720" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'The Prince'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'The Prince', vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you've both caught your breath a bit, he tells you what he was wanting to talk to you about. "I'm very pleased with your performance this summer. And I'd be happy to offer you a [[permanent position|PalaceStaff]] on my palace staff," the prince tells you as you lie next to him. "You don't need to answer now. One of my assistants will go over the details with you tomorrow. We have more important things to consider." He stops talking and his hands begin to roam your body again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next day you meet with his assistant and go over the details. You'd be staying here after summer ends, and wouldn't be returning for school. But considering the position will be paying more each year what you were hoping to make in a decade, you aren't sure that really matters to you anymore. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They'll provide you with first class tickets home and back, or if not home, to wherever you want to spend your vacation weeks. There's just one potential downside. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'll be required to continue taking the monthly injection you and the other girls have been getting to prevent pregnancy and periods. The downside is that the injection is only 100% safe for the first few months of use. The injections will continue to work after that, but you'll experience side effects with continued use. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't have to worry about side effects continuing to accumulate though. It's usually just one or two. They will be permanent though, as will your implant. <<if $PlayerSideEffectPermanent>>Though yours already is, so that part isn't a concern.<</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $MasterRobert>> They've already discussed this with your Master back home. He's willing to turn you over to the prince and have him be your new Master, in exchange for a generous "finder's fee", of course. While you know you could technically say no, when you think about how much that would disappoint both His Highness, and your old master, you know you couldn't do that. <br><br> "Should I call the prince 'Master' now?" you ask after you sign the documents. <br><br> "No, just 'Your Highness' is sufficient," he tells you. <<else>> You've enjoyed your time here, and the money is very tempting. But you could decide to decline the offer and [[head back|Part14ReturningFromAbroad]] at the end of summer. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Low-stress Assignment</h1> <video src="Part14/Prince4.webm" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Palace Guard', vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Palace Guard'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Palace Valet', vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Palace Guard'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Palace Footman', vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Palace Guard'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Palace Butler', vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Palace Guard'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Palace Valet'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Palace Footman'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'm disappointed, of course, but I understand. What you've done already has been a tremendous help, but perhaps I've placed too much pressure on you. If, I've asked more of you than you could handle, I appologize. I'll tell them to make sure your remaining assignments aren't as taxing as some of the one's I've sent you on previously. The rest of your stay should be much more relaxing," he tells you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> For the rest of your stay, they do make sure there's no pressure at all for your assignments. Instead of being sent out on imporant 'missions', you stay at or near the palace. And instead of meeting and entertaining diplomats and businessmen, you spend your time with the guards and other palace servants helping them them when they are feeling horny. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> There's no high-stakes negotations to worry about, but they do keep you busy. You suppose watching over a bunch of beatiful women all the time keeps them all thinking about sex quite a bit. By the time [[you are ready to leave|Part14ReturningFromAbroad]], you think you've seen just about everyone that works for the prince at least once. Not that driver though. One of the guards told you he left in handcuffs and won't be back. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Back in the Country</h1> <img src="Part14/Prince5.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="720" align="left"> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPrince>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectLibido>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectLibido += 1>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectLibido to 1>> <</if>> You really enjoyed your summer abroad, spending time with the <<if setup.haveFucked('Brothel Customer')>> prince, entertaining his guests, and thanks to the drugs they gave you, even your time at the brothel. <<else>> prince and entertaining his guests. <</if>> But you are also glad to be heading home. It's a relief when you get through customs and are finally back in your own country. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You hadn't really thought about it much, but with some of the looks, and offers, you received waiting in the customs line you realize how you you are dressed. You'd gotten used to dressing as sexy as possible when you were working for the prince, and you've found you like it. Everyone else seems to like it too. Well, a few of the women in line didn't like how much their husbands liked it, but that doesn't count. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Something else you've noticed is how much you've been thinking about sex. You don't know if it's because of all the fun you'd had over the summer and you just got used to having a lot of sex, or if it is a side effect of one of the injections you received. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Either way, you find yourself imagining acting on the lewd offers some of the men make to you. You imagine heading to the airport lounge and offering yourself to the execuives or weary travelers waiting there. You even imagine what might happen if the security agents pull you aside for [[special screening|Part14Border]] <</nobr>> <i>Your libido is higher than it was before</i><<nobr>> <h1>Fantasizing about Security</h1> <video src="Part14/Border.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You imagine the agent suspecting you are trying to smuggle something into the country and taking you into a private room for a more thorough patdown. The patdown then turns into a full cavity search. You imagine a gloved finger probing inside you, not finding any contraband, but finding your g-spot with ease. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Then you imagine them forgetting about the cavity search, and the gloves, and pretending like the suspect you of anything. Now they just bend you over the table and fucking your from either end. You snap out of your fantasy for a moment, and your eyes are closed and you are gently sliding your finger in and out of your mouth. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You put your hands down at your side and pretend like nothing happened. Though judging from the smile on one of the men across from you in line, your display didn't go completely unnoticed. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are almost disappointed when your visit to the security check is brief and perfunctory. You make your way down to your gate for your connecting flight and wait. You are excited as you think about being <<if $JobPorn or $JobPornOral or $JobPornAnal or $JobPornGang or $JobWebModel or $JobPornSide or $JobPornOralSide or $JobPornAnalSide or $JobPornGangSide or $JobWebModelSide>> [[back home again|Part15PornStar]] in just a couple hours. <<else>> [[back home again|Part15Begin]] in just a couple hours. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Checking in at the resort</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part14/Island1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> </div> <<set $BarryIsland to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlanSummerAbroad>> You'd let the summer abroad people know you'd made other plans, and you wouldn't be participating this year before you left. They were disappointed, but you weren't going to miss this trip. <br><br> <<unset $PlanSummerAbroad>> <</if>> After a flight to the airport near the main resort, you and Barry board a boat to the resort he's booked for you. You're excited as the two of you walk towards the check-in desk. <<if $CampusMinistry>> "Look over there!", Barry says excitedly. He points over a large fountain. <br><br> It's pretty enough, but it seems like an odd thing for Barry to be so excited about. You look at it for a moment or two longer and then tell him, "Yes, it's lovely." before walking on to the front desk. A minute or two later it occurs to you that maybe he was trying to distract you from something else, but you have no idea what it might have been. <<else>> You smile as you see a woman walk through the lobby holding a leash, with a man behind her. He's naked except for a chastity cage. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Barry hands over his credit card and starts filling out a small check-in form. <<if $CampusMinistry>> They put a form in front of you. You think it says 'Intake Form', but Barry grabs it from the counter and says, "I'll fill it out for you." <<else>> They hand you a form with "Pet Intake Form" at the top of it. Before the questions start, it states that you will be considered Barry's 'Pet' for the duration of your stay. It starts listing rights that you will be giving up as a pet. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> Barry fills out the forms as the clerk helps someone else check in. He hands them back to the clerk when he comes back. <<else>> You stop and tell them they must have given you the wrong form. <<if $PlayerSideEffectDominant>> "Do you have a form for dominants?" <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> "Do you have a form for regular subs?" <<elseif setup.isFWB('Barry')>> "I'm his sub sometimes, but only when we are playing. Do you have a form for that?" <<else>> "We are sharing a room, but I'm not his pet. Do you have a form for that?" <</if>> you ask them. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<if !$CampusMinistry>> <<nobr>> Barry interrupts, "That's part or the discount I told you about. If you are <<if $PlayerSideEffectDominant>> a dom, then it costs full price." <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive or setup.isFWB('Barry')>> a sub, then its only 25% off." <<else>> just sharing a room with me, then its only 25% off." <</if>> The clerk says nothing as Barry continues, "Your airfare-only price was for me brining you along as a full-time pet. I'm sure I made that clear when we talked about it. I'm certainly not going to pay the difference. So you'll either need to pay for the upgrade, or have them take you back to the mainland and try to find a flight back home. <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive or setup.isFWB('Barry')>> Besides, I know you'll love it." <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectDominant>> Besides, I know you used to be more submissive. I'm sure you'll love it." <<else>> Don't worry. I'm sure you'll love it." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Ok, fine," you say as you reluctantly take back the form. You skim over the first part of the form before signing the agreement section. What does it matter, you have to sign it anyway or be on a boat back to the mainland. You do see that it says that Barry will be responsible for making sure you follow the pet rules, so it sounds like it's more his problem than yours if you don't anyway. You see a bunch of questions that seem ridiculous after that. "Barry, am I potty trained?" you ask sarcastically. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Annoyed he says, "Just fill out the medical part and I'll fill in the rest." You do as he instructs. Thankfully, they're only expecting you to have the normal human vaccines. since you hadn't thought to ask the clinic about gettings shots for bordetella or rabies or anything like that. <<if $PlayerPregnant>> <br><br> "As your pet is pregnant, I want to let you know our veterinarian is on call 24/7 if you have any concerns. Of course, he's a people-doctor too, if you have any needs as well. We'll also hold on to any pre-natal vitamins your pet needs for you. We'll send someone by each day to medicate her for you. What time of day would you prefer?" You take the vitamins the clinic gave you and place them on the counter. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionPill>> <br><br> You're confused when they say to Barry, "We'll hold onto your pet's medications for you. We'll send someone by each day to medicate her for you. What time of day would you prefer?" Then you realize they are talking about the birth control pills you'd mentioned on the intake form. You take the pills out of your purse and place them on the counter. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionFertile>> <br><br> After looking over the form, the clerk tells Barry, "Since your pet is especially fertile, I want to emphasize our breeding policy. You are welcome to offer her for breeding with any other guests or their pets if you like. But any resulting offspring are not the responsibility of the resort, or the other guests. We will also not disclose any guest information to aid in establishing paternity, or for any other reason." Barry confirms he understands their policy. You just stare in silence as they speak about 'breeding' you, like you aren't even there. <</if>> <</nobr>> <</if>> <<nobr>> Once the check-in process is complete they <<if $CampusMinistry and !$BarryBribe>> [[direct you both to a changing room|Part14IslandCollarLie]] so you can change out of your travel clothes before entering the rest of the resort. "Why wouldn't we just change in our room?" you ask. But Barry doesn't respond. <<else>> [[direct you both to a changing room|Part14IslandCollar]] so you can change out of your travel clothes before entering the rest of the resort. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In the Changing Room</h1> <img src="Part14/Collar2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="720" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are expecting two separate changing rooms, but instead you find you are in one large room. And in addition to you and Barry, the resort has an attendant staffing the room also. "She's shy around strangers," Barry tells the attendant. "Can you let me get her started?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Whatever. I could use a break anyway," the attendant hands him hands him a couple items and tells him that he'll be back in a few minutes and walks out. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are confused when you see what Barry is holding. "Is... that a dog collar?" you ask him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I should have mentioned this earlier, but you're going to need to wear this." Barry says. "They have a costume thing going tonight. The other costumes were much more expensive, so I told them you'd be going as a dog." When you ask about his costume he tells you, "I'm a pirate. But, I'll change after you're done. Unless you want me to change right here in front of you." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Something about his story sounds strange, but he did seem to be telling the truth. If not, then he would have had to make the whole story up, and planned out exactly what he was going to say. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You figure you can [[put the collar on now|Part14IslandCollarLie2]]. If it feels too weird wearing it around, and just take it off when you get to the room. Or, [[you can refuse to wear it|Part14IslandCollarRefuse]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In the Changing Room</h1> <img src="Part6/Club11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="540"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "No, I'm not wearing that," you tell Barry. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well, I guess you'll have to go back to the dock, and pay for a ride back to the mainland. And then get a taxi back to the airport, and book a new flight home. Either that or just be homeless for a week. Because they won't let you in without it," Barry says. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You both know you don't have the money to get home early. And your mind starts to race with thoughts of sleeping on the streets all week and getting kidnapped. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Fine! [[I'll wear it then|Part14IslandCollarLie2]]," you say angrily. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In the Changing Room</h1> <video src="Part14/Collar1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set $IslandNudity to 1>> <<set $BarryIslandTricked to 1>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'pet shock collar')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Barry goes to check the buckle on the collar after you have it on. While he's doing that you hear a 'Click' and quickly discover he's locked a padlock through the buckle and you can't get it off now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "What the..," your question is cut short as an intense pain shoots through your neck as Barry presses a button on the device in his hand. You struggle to remove the collar. "Take this..," you try to demand he remove it but before you can finish he presses the button again and the pain is even worse. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Silence," Barry says firmly. You glare at him angrily, but are afraid to say anything again. "Now take off your clothes." You don't move. But when he points the remote at you, you reluctantly begin removing your clothes. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you are standing there naked in front of him <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> you can't help but notice how excited it is making you. You'd fantasized about people seeing you naked before, but you never thought it would be like this. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> you can't help but notice how excited him ordering you around made you feel. You'd had fantasies and dreams about being controlled before, but you never thought you'd be living one of them. <<else>> you feel powerless. <</if>> He shocks you again with the device for no reason. "That will happen again if you lie to me. So you best tell me the truth." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You can tell yourself I'm forcing you to do this if it makes you feel better. But we both know that's a lie. You knew exactly who I am, and you came here anyway. You knew damn well I wouldn't be sharing a room with you out of the goodness of my heart. Faith has been trying to turn you into her little clone, and you jumped at a chance to escape that. Didn't you?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Ashamed at your answer, but afraid to lie or to speak, you nod "Yes." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Now you are naked, helpless and under my control, and you haven't been more excited all year, have you?" Again you are ashamed of the truth but answer with a nod. "Good. In no time, I'll get the real you to break out of the holier-than-thou shell Faith has tried to force you into." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The attendant returns and checks the fit of your collar. Your heart races as this stranger looks over your naked body. You wince as he presses another button on the remote, but nothing happens. "Read this." he says and hands you a card listing numerous rules for pets. You start to read silently. He says "Good girl, but read out loud, just for now.". <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "A pet obeys their owner," you start. After several more you see a green light light up on the remote and he tells you to stop. He presses a button on the remote again, but again there is no shock. But you see the green light turn red before he sets the remote down on the counter. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Now, meow", he tells you. He glances over at the remote when you hesitate. You quickly let out a meow. He walks you through several more animal noises. You feel ridiculous but do as you are told. "Good. And those are the only sounds you should be making," he says then points to a sign over the exit that says, "Past this point, pets may not speak!". <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He hands the remote over to Barry and clips a leash onto your collar and hands it to Barry. "Your pet is ready for the resort now. Enjoy your stay. Your bags should be in your room by now. If you decide to switch out collars later, just tell them your room number and they'll download her calibrations into the new collar." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Barry tugs on your collar and [[leads you to the exit door|Part14Island2]] out to the rest of the resort. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In the Changing Room</h1> <video src="Part14/Collar1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set $IslandNudity to 1>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'pet shock collar')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are expecting two separate changing rooms, but instead you find you are in one large room. And in addition to you and Barry, the resort has an attendant staffing the room also. It quickly becomes clear that the only one they are expecting to change out of their clothes, is you. You <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> excitedly <<else>> nervously <</if>> begin stripping down in front of Barry and the attendant. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you are nearly naked, the attendant says "Now, lets get you fitted with your pet collar." You reluctantly let him fit a sturdy-looking collar around your neck. Once he's satisfied with the fit, you hear a click as he locks a padlock on it, fixing it place. He hands Barry a key and tells him, "There are a number of other options you can choose from. But this one has a higher power setting than most, so it's probably good for her first day. She seems a bit unruly." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Maximum power of what?" you ask. A moment later intense pain shoots through your neck as the attendant presses a button on the remote he was holding. "Tsch!", he hisses at you. "No questions pet," he scolds. You tug at the collar, but can't move the electrodes you are now accutely aware of off of your skin. "Don't worry, it won't do any permanent harm to your pet," he reassures Barry. "And all of our collars are 100% waterproof as well." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wince as he presses another button on the remote, but nothing happens. "Read this." he says and hands you a card listing numerous rules for pets. You start to refuse but see his thumb hovering near a button on the remote and reluctantly comply. "A pet obeys their owner," you start. After several more you see a green light light up on the remote and he tells you to stop. He presses a button on the remote again, but there is no shock. But you see the green light turn red before he sets the remote down on the counter. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Now, meow", he tells you. He glances over at the remote when you hesitate. "Meow!", you let out an annoyed meow. "Now, bark," he says. After that, and then a "Moo" sound, you start to make a joke. "What does the fox..." is all you manage to say before you hear a beep from your collar and feel another intense pain. You can see the remote is still on the counter. The attendant points to a sign over the exit that says, "Past this point, pets may not speak!". <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He hands the remote over to Barry and shows him which button to press if he wants to use it for training you. Then he clips a leash onto your collar and hands it to Barry. "Your pet is ready for the resort now. Enjoy your stay. Your bags should be in your room by now. If you decide to switch out collars later, just tell them your room number and they'll download her calibrations into the new collar." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Barry tugs on your collar and [[leads you to the exit door|Part14Island2]] out to the rest of the resort. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Walking through the Resort</h1> <img src="Part14/Island2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="720" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As Barry leads you from the check-in building, through the resort, and towards the building your room is in you pass by one of the resorts pools. You see a bar there, and people sipping drinks nearby and in the pool. You tug back on your leash. When Barry turns around you point to the pool. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Maybe later," he says before smacking your bare ass. "Right now I want to get to our room. I've wanted a piece of that <<if $BodyType == 'Plus'>> thicc <<elseif $BodyType == 'Fit'>> firm, little <<else>> cute, little <</if>> ass of yours <<if setup.haveFucked('Barry')>> all day. <<else>> all year. <</if>> And I don't want to wait any longer." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.haveFucked('Barry')>> You can wiggle your ass at Barry, and then [[continue following him to your room|Part14Island2Comply]] or you can <<else>> <<set $BarryIslandFirstFuck to 1>> You can't believe it, you aren't even to your room yet, and already Barry is trying to make you fuck him. You <</if>> [[stomp your foot and point to the pool again|Part14Island2Resist]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Shocked by Barry</h1> <img src="Part14/Island3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="720" align="left"> <<set $BarryIslandResist to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Everyone turns to look as you cry out in pain when Barry presses the button on the remote. He tugs on your leash again and holds the remote up threateningly. You begin walking, wanting to do anything to avoid another shock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you are inside the room, he unhooks the leash from your collar and sets it down. You cry out as he shocks you again. You turn and look at him, wondering what you did wrong. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That was for embarrassing me in public. Don't do that again. You can [[make it up to me now|Part14Island2Comply]] though," he says. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> "You know you want to," he adds. You are ashamed it's true but nod your head. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In your Resort Room</h1> <img src="Part14/Island4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640" align="left"> You <<if $BarryIslandResist>>reluctantly<<else>>eagerly<</if>> get on your knees and present your ass to Barry. "Actually, I'm a bit tired from the trip at the moment. Fucking you can wait," he says. <<set $tempWasVirgin to setup.sexMaleCount() == 0>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Barry'})>> <<if !setup.isFWB('Barry')>> <<set setup.makeFWB('Barry')>> <<achievement>>fwb:Barry<</achievement>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He pulls off his pants and sits down. "Come suck your owner's cock instead, pet," he orders. <<if $CampusMinistry>> <<unset $CampusMinistry>> <<set $CampusMinistryFail to 1>> <<set $CampusMinistryFailIsland to 1>> <<else>> You crawl over and do as he instructed. <</if>> <<if $tempWasVirgin>> This isn't how you imagined your first time with with a man. But as you kneel at his feet, with his cock in your mouth you body is telling you just how much you are enjoying it. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When his cum fills your mouth you swallow it. Then you lick a few stray bits from his cock." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Now, be a good pet, and unpack our bags for me. Don't worry if any of yours are missing. Everything except your makeup and what not is in storage. You obviously won't be needing any people-clothes here. I'm going to take a little nap. Maybe when I get up I'll take you down to the pool." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He's asleep in moments. You don't want him to shock you when he wakes up, so you do as he told you. When you are done you are feeling a bit tired from the trip too, and decide to take a nap also. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You see Barry's cock out and know you'll probably wake up to him inside you an hour from now if you sleep there. But there's only one bed in the room. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You see a large pet bed on the ground with a little name tag attached that says <<if $playerName>>$playerName<<else>>your name<</if>> on it. You sigh, then curl up inside it. You are surprised at how comfortable it feels and are quickly asleep. Neither you or Barry wake up <<if $BarryIslandResist>> <<if $tempWasVirgin>> [[until the next morning|Part14IslandVirgin]]. <<elseif setup.sexVaginalCount() == 0>> [[until the next morning|Part14IslandNoLoophole]]. <<else>> [[until the next morning|Part14IslandObedience]]. <</if>> <<elseif setup.sexVaginalCount() == 0>> [[until the next morning|Part14IslandNoLoophole]]. <<else>> [[until the next morning|Part14IslandMassage]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In your Resort Room</h1> <img src="Part14/IslandVirgin.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="480"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Barry', vaginal: true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You have a busy day today, but I wanted to make sure you and I could spend some time together first," Barry says. Then he adds. "I want your first time to be with me." You realize he means your first time having actual sex. He plans on fuck you, for real. Right now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You think about telling him "No" and that you still want to save that. But you know you can't talk. But you also know that you really don't want to wait anymore. You've been aching to get fucked for so long and now you can do it and tell yourself that you didn't have any choice. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are nervous, but as Barry's hands begin to explore your body, you soon forget about being nervous and just enjoy the sensations. When he slides a finger inside you, you realize how wet you are. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> It feels nice, but not even good as when you tried to play with yourself before Faith caught you. You are guessing it's because of the denial setting the dean had them activate. But even though you can feel much, the longer he goes, the more you crave. You want something bigger inside you, something harder. And you want it now. <<else>> As you are reminded how good just his finger feels, you think more and more about how good something else will feel. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Barry doesn't make you wonder long. When he slowly slides inside you expect it to hurt, but it feels <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> right. It feels like his... penis... belongs there. Everytime he pulls out of you, you feel a hunger for him to be back inside you. He keeps pulling out and back in and it's driving you insane, but you want more of it. You can only imagine how good this would feel if you were actually being allowed to feel it. <<else>> amazing. As he begins sliding in and out you can feel the pleasure building inside you. <</if>> You wonder to yourself why you'd waited. You could have been doing this all year! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You forget about the collar you are wearing as your body forces louder and louder moans from you. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> It's like your body knows exactly how good this is supposed to feel, but the message just isn't getting to your conscious mind. The sounds you are making mean it would have felt amazing. <</if>> Thankfully none of the sounds set off your collar. Barry pulls back on your leash choking you just a bit as you cry out with an orgasm. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You only wish you could have felt it. Barry keeps going. <<else>> The pleasure washes over you for a while as Barry keeps going. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Barry, grunts and thrusts inside you a final time. He stays there as you feel him twitch and move inside you. <<if $BarryBribe>> You should probably be more careful if you don't want to get pregnant again, but you were both too caught up in the moment. <</if>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You can feel his warm cum pooled inside you, and it you feel a warmth happy glow all over. You wonder if it's from his cum, or some bit of the orgasm you were denied making it through the denial. As the pleasant feeling <<else>> As the glow of your orgasm <</if>> lingers, <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> you smile and wonder if you might get pregnant. How wonderful it would be for it to happen on your first time. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionPerfect or $PlayerProtectionPermanent or $PlayerProtectionPill>> you are happy you decided to get on birth control. <<elseif $BarryBribe>> you smile and hope you won't have to wait too long to do this again. <<else>> you are too happy to worry about the lack of protection, and the possibility of getting pregnant. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You can take a shower first," Barry says. You wash up, washing your leg a second time as some of Barry's cum leaked out while you were washing your hair. When you leave, there's someone from the hotel waiting there. "He's here to [[take you to your first appointment|Part14IslandObedience]]," Barry tells you. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You're a bit disappointed, you were wanting to see if Barry could do that again, you want the warm glow you felt again. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In your Resort Room</h1> <img src="Part14/IslandVirgin.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="480"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Barry', vaginal: true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You have a busy day today, but I wanted to make sure you and I could spend some time together first," Barry says. Then he adds. "I want your first time to be with me." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are nervous, but as Barry's hands begin to explore your body, you soon forget about being nervous and just enjoy the sensations. When he slides a finger inside you, you realize how wet you are. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> It feels nice, but not even good as when you tried to play with yourself before Faith caught you. You are guessing it's because of the denial setting the dean had them activate. But even though you can feel much, the longer he goes, the more you crave. You want something bigger inside you, something harder. And you want it now. <<else>> When you realize how good just a finger feels, you wonder how good something else will feel. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Barry doesn't make you wonder long. When he slowly slides inside you expect it to hurt, but it feels <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> right. It feels like his... penis... belongs there. Everytime he pulls out of you, you feel a hunger for him to be back inside you. He keeps pulling out and back in and it's driving you insane, but you want more of it. You can only imagine how good this would feel if you were actually being allowed to feel it. <<else>> amazing. As he begins sliding in and out you can feel the pleasure building inside you. <</if>> You wonder to yourself why you'd waited. You could have been doing this all year! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You forget about the collar you are wearing as your body forces louder and louder moans from you. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> It's like your body knows exactly how good this is supposed to feel, but the message just isn't getting to your conscious mind. The sounds you are making mean it would have felt amazing. <</if>> Thankfully none of the sounds set off your collar. Barry pulls back on your leash choking you just a bit as you cry out with an orgasm. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You only wish you could have felt it. Barry keeps going. <<else>> The pleasure washes over you for a while as Barry keeps going. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Barry, grunts and thrusts inside you a final time. He stays there as you feel him twitch and move inside you. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You can feel his warm cum pooled inside you, and it you feel a warmth happy glow all over. You wonder if it's from his cum, or some bit of the orgasm you were denied making it through the denial. As the pleasant feeling <<else>> As the glow of your orgasm <</if>> lingers, <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> you smile and wonder if you might get pregnant. How wonderful it would be for it to happen on your first time. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionPerfect or $PlayerProtectionPermanent or $PlayerProtectionPill>> you are happy you decided to get on birth control. <<else>> you are too happy to worry about the lack of protection, and the possibility of getting pregnant. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You can take a shower first," Barry says. You wash up, washing your leg a second time as some of Barry's cum leaked out while you were washing your hair. When you leave, there's someone from the hotel waiting there. "He's here to [[take you to your first appointment|Part14IslandObedience]]," Barry tells you. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You're a bit disappointed, you were wanting to see if Barry could do that again, you want the warm glow you felt again. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Spa</h1> <img src="Part14/Island7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<set $IslandMassage to 1>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'Masseuse'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Barry'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wake up and take a shower while Barry is still sleeping. When you come out of your shower, you kneel on the floor next to him. You can see he either woke up with an erection, or got hard seeing you come back from the shower, naked. You decide to think that it was all from you. As soon as he jestures towards it, you quickly get to work sucking his cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Good girl. I have something nice for you today. I've made some arrangements for you today. The first part is to reward you for being such a good pet. The rest is so that you are ready for this evening. It's just a few minutes after that when someone comes to take you to your first appointment. They clip a leash to your collar and lead you over to the resort's spa, then into to the massage area of the spa. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are early, so you patiently wait until your appointment time. Once it arrives a woman comes and leads you from the waiting area into the massage room. After making sure you are comfortably positioned on the massage table, she binds your hands and feet to the table. "We don't want any pets getting over excited and falling off and injuring themselves, do we?" she says. "Or, getting impatient and taking matters into your own hands." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She glances down at her tablet as she looks you over. "Your master wants to reward you," she <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> says before stopping and pausing as she reads something in more detail. "Oh, you poor thing," she says as she gently strokes your hair. "I see here that you are being punished, and not by your owner. That's a shame. Unfortunately, that means you won't be able to enjoy the massage as much as we'd like, but I'll make sure to make it an enjoyable experience for you." You wish you could speak, just so you could curse at your dean and your probation. <<else>> says. "Have you been a good girl? I bet you have," she adds as she pats your bottom. She then sets her tablet down on a nearby table. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Her skilled hands roam over your body, rubbing warm oil into your arms, shoulders, back and legs. You ache for more, and she knows it. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> But she also knows she can't give you any more. So she continues with her massage. "If you promise to be a good girl, I can undo your restraints so we can flip you over to work your other side too." After you nod, she releases you and has you turn over. She begins again at your shoulders, and working her way down to your legs again. <p><p> When she's finally done, you feel happy, relaxed and calm. You wish you could have gotten more from her, of course. But she was right it was a very enjoyable experience. <<else>> But she keeps you wanting it, at least for a while longer. When her hand finally moves from down from your back, and between your cheeks to tease your ass you moan into the towels she'd laid down for you. She pours the warm oil between your cheeks, her well-oiled finger then begins slowly pushing it's way into your ass. Meanwhile her other hand begins sliding between your lips before sliding into you from beneath. <br><br> She could probably have you cumming in a minute or two if she wanted, but she doesnt. She takes it slow, keeping you close to an orgasm, but not giving you one. Whenever you are getting too close, her hands move back to working your muscles, only returning to pleasure you when you've cooled down a bit. <br><br> You can feel your orgasm building again. You want to cry when she pulls out again. But this time is different. She pours more warm oil, and then slides two slick fingers into your ass. With her other hand, her fingers slide across your clit a few times, before she begins fucking you with two, then three fingers. Before you know it, you are screaming out an orgasm. You tug at your restraints as you feel yourself orgasm and clench down on her still thrusting fingers. <br><br> Finally, after your orgasm has started to fade, she pulls out of you. She pats your ass and tells you, "You can lie there and relax for a moment. We still have a few minutes before it's time to send you to your next appointment." You don't know if you'd have the energy to move even if you weren't bound. You lie there and try to catch your breath as she washes her hands at the sink nearby. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I hope you had a good time," she says as she undoes your restraints. You can only nod your agreement. "They should be here soon to [[take you to your next appointment|Part14IslandGroomer]]," she adds. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Obedience Class</h1> <video src="Part14/Island5.webm" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Obedience Trainer'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $tempWasVirgin>> You are nervous as this strange man takes you from Barry and starts leading you down the hallway. You'd rather stay with Barry and do that again! <br><br> "Your master said you've been having some trouble following instructions lately," the man says in a soothing voice. "He's signed you up for one of our obediance classes. Isn't that nice of him." <<else>> Barry wakes up before you and is in the shower when you wake up. You wake up to a man attaching a leash to your collar. You jerk back in surprise as your eyes open. <br><br> "It's ok. Your master called for us to come get you. He said you've been having some trouble following instructions lately," the man says in a soothing voice. "He's signed you up for one of our obediance classes. Isn't that nice of him." He tugs on your leash until you are standing. As soon as you are, he cuffs your wrists together beind you. He leaves a note on the bed for Barry and then leads you out the door and down the hall. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He leads you into a different building and down another hallway into a plain-looking room. Once inside there, he removes your collar and replaces it with a more restrictive one. He has you kneel in front of a post with a dildo sticking out of it. You see the remote at his side, so you are afraid to disobey. Once you are kneeling, he pushes your head down until the dildo is in your throat. As soon as he does, he locks your collar to it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The springs make it hard to pull yourself off the silicone cock. Every time you pull back hard on it, the springs win out and then you are pulled back, taking the cock deep into your throat. "I wouldn't try to pull off it to hard," he tells you. "If your lips leave that cock, you'll get a shock. Then I'll tighten the springs up and let you try again. "It'll just make it more difficult for you. Once you stop fighting and start servicing it properly, you'll be much happier. Then we can move on." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You still fight against it at first. No longer trying to pull off of it completely, but trying to hold it out of your throat as long as you can before you inevitably give in to the force of the spring. But after a while, you give up. You decide to do as he said, so maybe this will stop. You being sucking the dildo as if it were a real cock. It works, eventually he pats you on the head and says, "Good girl." before unhooking your collar from the springs. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I bet you've worked up an appetite by now. Are you ready for some brunch?" he asks you. You eagerly nod. "I thought so. It's time for your feeding." He grabs your collar and leads you over to another machine with another dildo, longer and thicker than the one before. There's soft pads in front of this machine for you knees. You see a large tank with a white liquid next to it with tubes leading down toward the dildo. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "It's more nutritionally balanced than semen, but I'm told you'll find the taste very similar. Just keep going like you were earlier and every few minutes it'll give you a few spurts. I'll stop you when you've had enough for your meal." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your stomach is already rumbling, so you do as he instructs. You become even more eager when it starts to leak out a bit, knowing your first taste is coming. You hungrily swallow it down, disappointed that there wasn't more of it. You keep going, ready for the next one." You are far from full, but at least are hungry anymore when he says, "That's good. Now it's time to show what you've learned.". At that he unzips his pants. You quickly get to work and are pleased with yourself as you start to hear your instructor moan for you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You feel a warm feeling slide down your throat as he cums for you. Then you feel a warm glow all over when he says, "That's a good girl. A very good girl." Now I'll take you outside for a walk so you can do your business, then you can have a little playtime with the other pets and maybe a little nap before I bring you back here for your afternoon meal. After that, I'll drop you off [[at the groomer|Part14IslandGroomer]] until it's time for you to meet your evening instructor." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if !$IslandSubmissionSet>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectDominant>> <i>Being led around like a pet, unable to speak or decide anything for yourself, has brought out your submissive side again. You've decided this is who you really are, much more than the more dominate side you'd sometimes been showing recently.</i> <<unset $PlayerSideEffectDominant>> <<set $PlayerFormerDominant to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive to 2>> <<elseif !$PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <i>Being led around like a pet, unable to speak or decide anything for yourself, has made you realize how much you love being submissive.</i> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive to 1>> <<else>> <i>Being led around like a pet, unable to speak or decide anything for yourself, has made you realize how much you love being submissive. You feel even more submissive than you had before.</i> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive += 1>> <</if>> <<set $IslandSubmissionSet to 1>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Groomer</h1> <img src="Part14/Island5B.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerNoBodyHair>> The groomer checks you head to toe and doesn't find any body hair. "What a pretty girl you are. So well maintained." Then she gives you a hard candy treat as she pats your rump. You are expecting the candy to be sweet, but instead recognize a familar salty taste. You happily keep sucking on the candy as she starts to brush your hair. <<else>> The groomer looks over your body from head to toe. Then she lays you out on her table and cuffs your arms and legs to the four corners of the table. "Don't worry sweetie, we'll have you presentable before you leave here," she says as she starts to applying wax to any problem body hair she'd spotted. You cry out with the first strip of wax is pulled away, but are relieved when it doesn't set off your collar. You are better prepared for the next strip and manage to hold back. <br><br> Eventually she's satisfied that she's removed every last hair from your body and begins brushing the hair on your head. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once she's satisfied with your hair, she takes you over to a large basin and then grabs a hose. She tells you, "Now that you're all pretty on the outside, lets get you cleaned out on the inside too. Pay attention. I'll send a kit back with you, so you can do this yourself again later. A good pet should keep her ass ready for her owner." You nod in agreement as she begins to apply lube to the end of the hose. Once she's flushed you out several times and is satisfied, she lubes up the plug on the end of a fluffy black tail and slides in to you. You smile as she says, "Good girl", and pats you again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Now you can wait here for a while. I have some other pets to attend to", she says. "I'll be back to help you with your makeup before it's time to have <<if $IslandMassage>> you brought to your owner. You'll be [[attending a party with him|Part14IslandParty]], so be sure to be on your best behavior. <<else>> [[you sent over to your evening instructor|Part14IslandObedience2]]. When you get there, be on your best behavior with him. He's not part of the staff, but another guest that has generously volunteered his time to help with your training. So you should be sure to thank him." <</if>> You nod your agreement. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part14IslandSubmission]]>><<nobr>> <h1>Master Isaac's Room</h1> <img src="Part14/Island6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="720" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Isaac'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Isaac'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Isaac', vaginal:true, noPullout: true, noCondom: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Isaac'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Isaac', vaginal:true, noPullout: true, noCondom: true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When it's time, someone comes by the groomer and removes you from your cage and finish getting you ready. They they attach a leash and lead you to another guest's room. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I am Master Issac," he tells you. "Your owner is at a party tonight. He would have brought you too, if you weren't so poorly behaved. Instead you'll be here with me, learning your place." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You can stop looking around for a remote. I don't use those. I believe in more traditional training methods." With that, he grabs his belt from the floor and strikes your ass with it. "That was for looking me in the eye. You are not allowed to make eye contact unless you are told to do so." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your ass is throbbing in pain from the single blow when he says, "Now, bend over the chair there for ten more for your behavior yesterday. Five for disobeying your owner, and five for doing so publicly which he found particularly objectionable. I'll add five more for every second I have to wait. Starting now." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You want to argue, plead for mercy, anything. But obviously you can't. You scrable for the chair as quickly as you can, but still he counts "One." before you are in position. "Fifteen it is then," he says. You grab the chair tightly and wait for the first swing. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Now, as you can see, punishing you has made me quite hard. On your knees and get to work. If I'm not satisfied with your skills, they'll be another round of punishment," he warns you. "But you have permisison to look up at me while my cock is in your mouth, so you can see if I'm enjoying your work." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That's good for now," he says as he pulls out of your mouth. You quickly look down at the ground as soon has his cock leaves you mouth. "Good girl, you are learning," he praises you. "Now, kneel on the bed," he tells you. Then he pulls the tail plug from your ass and pushes it into your mouth. "Keep that there until I'm done with your ass." You do your best and keep the plug in your mouth as you feel his cock push into your ass. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After he's done fucking your ass, for the moment, Master Isaac continues with your training. You do your best to learn everything he tells you about being a good pet, how to pleasure your owner, how to anticipate what he wants or needs, how to keep yourself always ready for his use. It's difficult at first, you can't ask Master Isaac questions, and any errors are met with quick punishment. But as the night goes on, it seems to get easier for you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> By the end of the night, you aren't trying to please Master Isaac just to avoid his belt. You just want him to be happy with you. Even if it isn't followed by a swing of his belt, it makes you sad when he tells you "Bad Girl!". And nothing makes you happier than when he tells you that you were a Good Girl and did something right. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <i>You've become even more submissive.</i> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive += 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When Master Isaac has finished training you, and finished using you, he falls asleep in the large, comfortable bed he'd been fucking you in. He hadn't told you otherwise, so you know your place is not on the bed. You grab a towel and wipe up the wet spot from the bed, so Master Isaac doesn't accidentally roll into it during the night. Then you take your place on the hard floor beside the bed, using the dirty towel as a pillow. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> <br><br> The aching need between your legs is driving you crazy. Thanks to your dean, you could barely feel anything when Master Isaac was inside you. It's not like he cared whether you came or not anyway. But feeling him inside you at all, just made you remember how good that should feel, and make you want it that much more. But you can't do anything but toss and turn and bear with it. Eventually you find sleep. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are awoken to a soft tap on the shoulder. It is a member of the resort staff. Master Isaac sleeps as you are silently escorted out of the room. Once in the hallway, you place the towel in the housekeeping bin, and follow your escort to be [[bathed and returned to your owner|Part14IslandObedience3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In your Resort Room</h1> <img src="Part14/Island9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your escort quietly lets you into your room. You can see Barry and a woman lying in the bed, still sleeping. Your escort silently hooks your leash onto a hook on the wall, then gives you a hand signal for "Stay", before leaving the room. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You assume the appropriate position and wait. An hour or so later the woman starts to wake. As she pushes off the covers and you see her bare body, you feel ashamed. You would have been here taking care of Barry's needs instead of her, if you'd been a good girl when you'd arrived. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As she climbs out of bed, you notice she is not wearing a collar. You stop watching her and quickly look down at the floor, realizing she is not another pet. You sit there quietly as she walks past you into the bathroom. When she finishes, she quietly dresses and heads towards the door. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As she walks past you, she pets your hair and quietly says, "Who's a good girl?" You smile and rub your head against her hand. "You two have fun when he wakes up," she says before quietly exiting the room. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You patiently wait another half hour or so. You smile when you start to [[hear Barry wake up|Part14Island4]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Tyler and Nancy's Suite</h1> <video src="Part14/Island8A.webm" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The groomer finishes with you and dresses you in the stockings and heels Barry had sent over. You are delievered back to your room as Barry is finishing getting himself ready. Once he's ready to go, he takes your leash and leads you on the way. You don't have as much practice as you'd like in heels, but manage to keep up. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you arrive in the luxurious suite, there's another couple there, Tyler and his wife Nancy. Unlike you, they are both fully clothed, though Nancy is blindfolded. She's wearing a collar, but hers doesn't prevent her from speaking. Though it doesn't much matter, as tonight "Yes, sir." and "Thank you, sir." seem to be the main things she says. While you and her stand silently beside them, the two men chat, mainly about the two of you. They talk about your bodies, what you are like in bed, what kinks you have, all as if the two of you aren't even there. They also discuss how they each feel about various combinations of threesomes and foursomes. The conversation ends when it's time to sit down for dinner. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you are led to your seat, you notice the large dildo positioned in the middle of it. Your blindfolded friend seems to have been aware of it already as she hikes up her dress and feels for the dildo before sitting down. You watch as she lowers herself onto it and then lets her dress fall back down. You realize you'd never know about the dildo if you hadn't seen her sit down on it. Well, and if you weren't also still looking at the one on your own chair. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Barry comes over and pulls your seat out a bit further for you, clearly wanting you to sit down. You do as he wants, guding the dildo into you with your hand. It feels even larger than it had looked, and it fills you by the time your are fully seated. As Barry pushes your chair in closer to the table for you, you gasp a bit as the dildo shifts inside you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Tyler brings salads out for everyone. As you all start, he continues the discussion he was having with Barry. "So, since we both prefer two girls to ourselves over a foursome, I say we take turns with them. One of them gets them this evening and the first part of the night, the other can enjoy them until morning? How does that sound to you?" He's clearly only asking Barry, and doesn't seem interested in his wife's or your opinion on the idea. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Barry thinks that's a great idea, but wonders how to decide who gets the two of you first. Tyler suggest a competition. He shows Barry two remotes, you let out a gasp as he presses a button on one of the remotes and you feel the dildo inside you move for a moment. A moment later Nancy has a similar reaction from other remote. "You take my wife's remote, and I'll take your pet's. If you can make my wife orgasm more times during the meal than I can your pet, then you win. If not, then I win." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> Barry is honest with Tyler about your inability to orgasm properly. You suppose he didn't want Tyler to feel cheated when he quickly learned on his own about it. Tyler pulls out his wallet, and places several hundred dollar bills down. "How about this as compensation for letting me go first then?" Barry finds that arrangement acceptable, and picks up the money and places it in his pocket. <br><br> "Do you mind if I have fun with your wife's remote during dinner anyway?" Barry asks. His host hands it too Barry and you quickly see Nancy begin struggling to retain her composure as she eats. "You can have fun with my pets as well. She won't be able to get off, but it will make her eager for whatever you want to do with her after dinner." <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> Not wanting him to feel cheated if your implant's orgasm denial side effect activates during the competition, Barry warns his host about it. Tyler pulls out his wallet, and places several hundred dollar bills down. "How about this as compensation for letting me go first then?" Barry finds that arrangement acceptable, and picks up the money and places it in his pocket. <br><br> "We can still give the remotes a try during dinner anyway. Though just for fun," Tyler says. Then he adds, "Obviously more fun for them, than us." You struggle to continue with your salad as your hosts brings the dildo inside you to life again. You are grateful as you realize your implant isn't going to deny you this time. As you are just finishing you salad, you drop your salad fork and hold on to the table for support as an orgasm overtakes you. <<elseif $PlayerEasytoOrgasm>> Barry knows he'd lose this competition, so he tells his host about how easily orgasms come for you. "Well, that sounds like it'd make it even more fun," Tyler tells him. Tyler pulls out his wallet, and places several hundred dollar bills down. "How about this as compensation for me having such a major advantage then?" Barry finds that arrangement acceptable, and picks up the money and places it in his pocket. <br><br> You struggle to continue with your salad as your host brings the dildo inside you to life again. Your salad is barely half finished when you drop your salad fork and hold on to the table for support as an orgasm overtakes you. "This is going to be fun," Tyler says as he takes another bite of his food. <<else>> Barry thinks that as excellent plan and agrees. You struggle to continue with your salad as your hosts brings the dildo inside you to life again. As you are just finishing you salad, you drop your salad fork and hold on to the table for support as an orgasm overtakes you. "That's one," Tyler says. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial or $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> Before she's even fully recovered for her most recent orgasm, Nancy quickly swallows her last bite of food. "That was quite fun, even without the competition," Tyler says. "Don't you ladies agree?" Nancy offers a breathless "Yes, sir." You can only <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> nod. Though obviously it was more fun for Nancy than it was for you. Barry was right though, the constant feel of the dildo moving inside you didn't get you off. But it did constantly keep your mind on Tyler's cock and wondering what it will feel like. You know you won't get off then either, but you couldn't keep from thinking about it. <<else>> eagerly nod. Tyler would have won the competition, but it's clear that Nancy enjoyed herself just as much as you did. <</if>> <<else>> After your most recent orgasm passes, you quickly swallow your last few bites of food. "That was quite fun, don't you agree ladies?" Tyler asks. Nancy responds with "Yes, sir." You eagerly nod. <<if $PlayerEasytoOrgasm>> "You were definitely right about your pet," Tyler tells Barry. "That wasn't even close. I can see why you enjoy her so much." <<else>> "They both obviously enjoyed themselves, but I believe the victory is mine," Tyler says. You assume he is correct. You don't know how many times you came, and you certainly have no idea how many times Nancy did. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Nancy carefully stand, feeling the now-slick dildos slide out of you as you do. Then the two of you silently clear table, placing the dishes in the suites sink for the resort staff to clean later. When you return, Barry has left and only Tyler remains. "Make us each a drink," he tells his wife. "We can relax a bit before [[we continue with the evening's fun|Part14IslandParty2]]. Since our pet here can't speak, you can make her whatever you think she'll like." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Tyler and Nancy's Suite</h1> <video src="Part14/Island8B.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Nancy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Tyler'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Nancy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Tyler', vaginal: true, condom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Tyler'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you all finish your drinks, Tyler instructs his wife to take off her dress. He then tells you to eat her out. You eagerly get to work as Tyler watches. You are focusing on her, as she gets closer to an orgasm. But you still hear as Tyler put on a condom. A short time later, you feel his cock pushing its way into your ass. <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> You moan <<else>> You try to keep focused on her <</if>> as he slides into your ass. <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal and $AcademicProbationDenial>> You remember how good that felt, you just wish you could still feel it. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> The pleasure you want isn't there, and there's no hope of a real orgasm for you any time soon. But you feel the pleasant fullness you'd felt inside you during dinner, but even more so now. As Tyler grabs your arms and holds them behind your back, it drives you even more wild. You know you'd be cumming by now if you only could. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> You love the feeling of him fucking your ass. You struggle to keep focused on Nancy as you feel him thrusting deep into you each time. When he grabs your arms and holds them behind your back, it drives you even more wild. You are soon cumming as he continues. Nancy whimpers and thrusts her hips up at you wanting you to continue on her. It isn't much longer and you feel Tyler thrust into you a final time. As you are able to regain your senses, you get back to work on Nancy. Soon she is cumming too. <br><br> "Too bad you don't love anal as much as our little pet here does, Nancy," Tyler says as he walks to the trashcan to throw away the condom. <<else>> You try to keep focused on Nancy as you feel him thrusting deep into you each time. When he grabs your arms and hold them behind your back, it drives you wild. You are close to cumming as he thrusts a final time. You whimper as he pulls out of you. You stay focused on Nancy though, and soon she is cumming too. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "It's time for you to take care of our pet's needs now," Tyler tells his wife. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> "The poor thing won't be able to get off, but it should still be fun to watch." <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> "It's up to you which hole you'd like to service. She seems to enjoy both." <<else>> "She seems close to cumming already. So finish that one, and then give her another." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Nancy gets to work on you as Tyler watches. "I should be ready again soon," he says. "Then you can ride her face while I fuck her. Maybe after that, I'll let you both suck my cock before I call someone to [[deliver you both to Barry's room|Part14IslandParty3]] <</nobr>> <<achievement>>threesome:FMF<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>In your Resort Room</h1> <img src="Part14/Island8C.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Nancy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Barry', vaginal:true, pullout:true})>> <<achievement>>threesome:FMF<</achievement>> When Tyler is done with you and Nancy, he calls for someone to escort you and her back to Barry. Nancy is normally just a sub when her and Tyler are alone, so being led naked through the halls on a leash is a new experience for her. But she seems more excited by than nervous. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When your escort knocks on the door to your room, Barry opens it with a big smile, knowing what is being delivered. He leads the two of into the room. He looks Nancy over, now that he can see her without her dress on. He clearly likes what he sees as he's already hard. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Barry has you eat out Nancy at first while he watches. After a while he has you stop and move up. As you lie on top of her, kissing her, Barry comes up behind you. You know when he's entered Nancy from the moan she makes. You continue kissing Nancy as Barry fucks her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are aching for him to give you turn too. He does a few times, but it's only a thrust or two and then he's back inside Nancy. Clearly he's enjoying his new plaything more tonight. Nancy is thinking of you though. You feel her hand reach up underneath you and begin playing with your clit. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> Feeling her hand trying to pleasure you only makes you want more. Eventually you decide to just let her focus on her own pleasure. You pull her hands up and beside her head. You put your hands over her wrists, pinning her hands to the bed. You hold them there until Barry cums inside her. <<else>> You cum first, kissing Nancy deeply as you do. After your orgasm, Nancy pulls her hand away to hold your face and continue kissing you. A short time later, Barry is cumming inside Nancy. <</if>> Once he pulls out and away you drop down again with your head between Nancy's legs. You can taste Barry's cum on her as you make sure she orgasms too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Barry is still recovering, so he just watches as [[you and Nancy continue without him|Part14IslandParty4]] for a while. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>threesome:FMF<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>In your Resort Room</h1> <img src="Part14/Island8D.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Nancy'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Now Nancy is on top of you, straddling your face as you both eat each other out. Barry's cum leaks out of her onto onto your tongue and down your chin as you do. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The show has the desired effect on Barry, and soon you have an excellent view as his cock parts Nancy's lips and slides into her. Your tongue continues on her clit as you what his cock move in and out of her and his balls sway above you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Nancy cums first this time. You watch as her body clenches around Barry's cock as it continues to thrust. You stop after her orgasm, but Barry is still going as she does. After she's recovered for a moment, her tongue returns to work <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> trying in vain to get you off. <<else>> and soon has you cumming too. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You watch as Barry's balls twitch and his cock throbs as he cums again. His cock gives a final spurt as he pulls out, spraying Nancy's lips and dripping down onto your face. You reach up to lick Nancy clean and swallow what you can. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Barry is done for the night, but plans on [[having more fun in the morning|Part14IslandParty5]]. The three of you curl up in bed, with Barry between the two of you. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In the Shower with Nancy</h1> <video src="Part14/Island8E.webm" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Barry'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Nancy'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You aren't sure which of you woke up first, but as soon as one of you starts to stir, all three of you are awake. You and Nancy see Barry has woken up hard. He doesn't object as both your lips and Nancy's are soon on either side of his cock. After a while you let Nancy take over on Barry's cock, while you focus on sucking his balls. You can feel them move has he begins to cum. Nancy takes him deep into her throat as he does, earning a deep moan from Barry as he continues to cum. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You both lay beside Barry after he cums. A minute or to later he says, "Tyler wanted you home for breakfast, so you should be heading back soon. I don't want to send you back all a mess though. My pet will clean you up before you leave." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Nancy's play collar just has a simple buckle without a lock, so she removes it as you and her head to the bathroom. Barry supervises with great interest as you soap up Nancy's body, and remove the dried cum and other evidence of last night's fun. You are perhaps a bit more thorough than necessary, but neither of them are complaining. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She didn't bring any clothes, so Nancy leaves the room naked, carrying her collar and leash as she walks back to join her husband for breakfast, leaving you and Barry alone again. "Well, that was fun," Barry says. "We have another party planned for this evening, but it's a much larger event than this. But first, we are going to the pool in little while. I just to place an order for laster first." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You with excitement as he flips through the options on the screen and places his order. Once he finishes he says, "I'll just take a minute, then we'll be ready to go". Then he heads into the restroom. As you kneel, waiting for him, you can't help but glance at the screen at his order. "[[Delivery requested for this afternoon|Part14Island6]]." It says. You can hardly wait. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>threesome:FMF<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>In your Resort Room</h1> <video src="Part14/Island12.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <img src="Part14/Island13.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Barry'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Are you still here?" Barry asks after he wakes up with the woman no longer next to him. You want to tell him that she's gone, but that you're here for him, but don't want to get shocked for it by the collar. But you remember pet noises are safe, so you make a "Meow" sound for him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Come here, pet", he tells you. "I woke up hard, and want your mouth again." You meow again and tug at your chain making it jingle. Barry sees you can't move and stands up and unhooks your leash from the wall and returns to where he was before. You crawl across the room to him. Once you get close, you eagerly open your mouth, waiting for his cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'm glad your day of training seems to have helped with your disposition," he says, stopping occasionally to moan. "I think we are going to have much more fun this week now that you are in the proper state of mind." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can taste his precum, and as you feel his cock get harder, you are looking forward to the a mouth full of his cum. But Barry doesn't want to cum in your mouth this time. When he pulls out you hold your mouth open for him and let him cum whereever he wants. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you feel his cum hit your face you are glad he's not still mad at you for your earlier behavior. You are looking forward to wearing it all day to show everyone you still please him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> That's not going to happen though. "Now, [[go wash up|Part14Island5]]," Barry tells you. "We are going to the pool in little while." You are happy to go to the pool with him, of course. But you'd rather stay here with him. You can't imagine why you would have ever disobeyed him before. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In the Shower</h1> <img src="Part14/Island10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wash Barry's cum off of you, as instructed. Thouhgh it makes you a bit sad which it slide down you into the drain, wasted. Once you are clean, you apply sunscreen and take care of the other standard grooming tasks the groomer instructed you on. Once you are ready, you return to the other room with Barry. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you re-enter the room, you see he is ordering something from the display screen on the wall. After he's finished he says, "I'll just take a minute, then we'll be ready to go". Then he heads into the restroom. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you kneel, waiting for him, you can't help but glance at the screen at his order. "[[Delievery requested for this afternoon|Part14Island6]]." It says. You can hardly wait. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In your Resort Room</h1> <video src="Part14/Island11.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Barry', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Barry'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Barry spend the morning at the pool. Barry even orders you a drink from the bar. "A bowl of milk isn't going to work with us sitting in the pool, is it?" he jokes. "Besides, I think you'll enjoy a White Russian more anyway." He's right, it you do enjoy it, especially the warm feeling the liquor in it gives you. Much better than milk. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After the pool, Barry takes you to lunch. He orders steak, and he orders sashimi for you. You are a little nervous when your plate of raw fish arrives, especially since pets don't use chopsticks to eat with. But you carefully pick it up the first piece of tuna and dip it in the sauce Barry mixed for you. <<if $BarryIslandResist>> Maybe it's that it's the first solid food you've had in over a day, but it tastes amazing. <<else>> It tastes amazing. <</if>> You smile at Barry as you lick your fingers, then reach for the next piece. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Later, when you get back to the room, you see Barry's order in the middle of the room waiting for you. Once he's ready for playtime, Barry has you bend over the padded saw horse. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $BarryIslandResist>> At first you are worried he might be still mad at you, but as soon as he paddle starts to hit your bottom, you know he's not. He's not trying to punish you, but only get you, and him, more turned on. It works. <</if>> You can feel the sting from his paddle swats, but you can also feel how wet you are. He knows what effect he's having too, as he alternates between spanking you, and sliding a finger or two inside you. If you could speak, you would be begging him to fuck you by now. Instead, all you can give is pleading-sounding cat noises. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wiggle your ass excitedly as you hear Barry start to remove his pants. You aren't disappointed as you soon feel him slide into you. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> But it doesn't feel as good as it should. You can feel his cock moving inside of you, filling you, but it doesn't give you the satisfying feeling it should. And even when you feel Barry's ball hit your clit, it doesn't feel the same as it should. You know it's the denial setting the dean had activated on your implant. <br><br> But you want to make Barry happy, so you moan, and act like it feels as good as it should. When you know Barry is getting close, you pretend to get off too. You don't really get the pleasure of your own orgasm, but you feel the warmth of his cum as Barry orgasms. It makes you happy know that you were able to please him, despite the punishment the gave you. <<else>> It feels so good having Barry inside you, especially when he tells you how good he feels being inside you. You cry out in an orgasm, but thankfully nothing that comes out of your mouth sets off the shock collar. Barry keeps fucking you, grabbing your hip tightly and fucking you hard until he cums too. <br><br> It makes you happy when you feel his warm cum inside you and you know you've made him happy. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Barry goes and sits down on the bed and turns on the TV. You stay where he left you, feeing his cum start to run down your leg. "You can go clean up, pet," he tells you. "Then join me here. I might be ready for your mouth again soon." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But we still have some time to relax before [[the party tonight|Part14Island7]]. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part14IslandSubmission]]>><<nobr>> <h1>At a Party</h1> <video src="Part14/Island14.webm" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Party Guest'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Party Guest', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Party Guest'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Party Guest'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Party Guest', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Party Guest'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Party Guest', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Party Guest'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Party Guest'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Party Guest', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Party Guest'})>> <<achievement>>train<</achievement>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Barry leads you across the resort and into a large club of some sort. Near the front he takes you to one of the resort staff. They unlock your collar then attach a tag with your room number on it to the collar and place it on a shelf. "We can't have someone accidentally getting shocked if they decide to choke you tonight, can we?" Barry asks. "Don't answer that. You still aren't allowed to speak." You just nod yes. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It isn't long until the club is full of guests. Most are dressed nicely, like Barry is. Some have fetish clothes on, and a number are naked like you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When it's time for the party to officially start, several of the male pets are led to a table. You see them bent over the table and tied there. It's clear the've been positioned so both their mouth and their ass can be used. They are wearing chastity cages, so obviously no one planning on using their cocks. There are a few other male pets bound near them, but tied to their chair. Their cocks are already hard and ready to be ridden. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You want to stay and watch the show, but you are led to different table, one of several with female pets being bound similar to the guys. The person from the resort coordinating the party, says a few words to thank the owners, like Barry, that have generously offered their pets for everyone to use tonight. Then he tells everyone to have fun, and it doesn't take long for the fun to start. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Several of the male subs, that aren't already bound, are assigned to you and the other pets tied to your table. Their tongue explore your pussy and then your ass, making sure you are wet and ready for the real men to take over. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> Even though you can't feel how good his tongue should feel, you can still feel it making you wet. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> With all of these people watching you, you can feel yourself getting wet already. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectLibido>> With as horny as you always are anyway, you soon feel yourself getting wet. <<else>> He's clearly practiced at using his tongue. Judging from the chastity cage he's in, probably more than he is with his cock. You can feel yourself getting wet already. <</if>> It doesn't take long before he's told to stop, then sit down and watch someone elses cock slide inside you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once the first guy fucking you as came, he's soon replaced by another. One after another the slide into you from both ends. Sometimes it's a hard cock, sometimes it's a strap-on. You know not to look her in the eye when its one of the female Doms with the strap-on. But when it's one of the chaste guys, you love looking up and seeing the hungry look on his face. He fucks you, and watches his temporary cock slide in and out of you, but he feels nothing. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> Of course you don't feel much either, but you still love watching him suffer too. <<else>> Of course, you feel every inch of it, and love it. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Eventually the party winds down. You have no idea how many hours have passed, how many liters of cum you've swallowed, <<if !$AcademicProbationDenial>>how many times you've came, <</if>> how many gallons of lube have been used, or anything else. You are completely spent though and are dreading the long walk back to your room. But that won't be needed. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After retrieving and securing your collar, a porter secures you into a pet cage. He then loads you onto a luggage cart, and wheels you [[back to your room|Part14Island8]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In your Resort Room</h1> <img src="Part14/Island15.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <img src="Part14/Island16.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Barry'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You were exhausted when they brought you back to your room. They'd secured you to the wall, out of reach of your pet bed. It didn't matter, you were quickly asleep even on the bare floor. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You aren't sure whether Barry came back and left again while you were asleep, or if he never came back to the room at all last night. But he isn't there when housekeeping comes by to clean the room. They also tell you that your owner wants you clean as well, and send you into the bathroom to make yourself presentable for him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wait for Barry after housekeeping leaves, and eventually he returns to the room, still wearing his clothes from last night. As he has you start sucking his cock, you think you can taste another woman on him. You aren't jealous though. In fact it makes you happy knowing he still wants you even after having just returned from her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know your owner loves you, because Barry has you look into his eyes as he cums. He knows you love watching as his eyes roll back just before he fills your mouth with his cum. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Good girl", he tells you. "Now sit pretty for while I go take a shower and change. I have a [[surprise treat for you|Part14Island9]] this evening, but we can enjoy some of the more wholesome resort activities until then. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In your Resort Room</h1> <img src="Part14/Island17.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Resort Submissive'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Resort Submissive'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Barry's surprise for you is bringing home two submissive women. One was loaned to Barry by her master, as a thank you for being so generous with his pet at the party. The other is at the resort alone, and allowed to be used by any of the dominate guests that want her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Normally, you expect Barry to be fucking them both tonight, but the chastity belts they wear make it clear that won't happen. You assume the first girl's master has her key. You wonder if the hotel has the other girls key, and if they have allowed her out at all this week. Or, maybe she left it at home to deny herself, and has been used all week with no pleasure for herself. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>>You can certainly relate to that.<</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You watch as they double up on Barry's cock. They don't know what he likes, like you do. But he also clearly likes the novelty of two women working his cock at once. It doesn't take long before he is ready to cum. He pulls out before he does, and cums on the face of the girl he'd just pulled out of. "Clean that off of her," he tells the other one. She eagerly begins licking her companion's face clean. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> "Good. Now, my pet is in need of a bath. I'd have you give her a sorely needed orgasm if I could. But she makes a better pet than she does a student, so that's not possible at the moment," Barry tells them. "Still, there's no reason for your tongues to sit idle. Lick every inch of her clean, and I'm sure I'll be ready to go again before you are finished." <<else>> "Good. Now, my pet has been a very good girl. I want you two to take care of her now," Barry tells him. You wishing you could tell him thank you, but you just watch as the girls crawl over to you. As the get close to you, they push your legs apart, and each begins slowly kissing their way up either leg. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After they finish with you, Barry is hard again. The two of them drain whatever cum he still had left before he sends them on their way back to their own rooms. "Good night, pet," he tells you before he lies down in bed. You curl up on the floor in your bed. You smile up at him as he sleeps before you too [[fall asleep for the night|Part14Island10]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In your Resort Room</h1> <img src="Part14/Island18.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Gone deep-sea fishing, be back at 3", is what the note Barry left on the bed said. Obviously he wants you here waiting for him at three when get gets back. But he didn't leave any other instructions for you until then. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You could [[wait here in the room|Part14IslandRoom]], for hours. Maybe Barry will appreciate you being so patient. But do you want to waste a whole day of your vacation sitting in a hotel room? <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You aren't chained to the wall this time. Maybe Barry left you unlocked because he wanted you to be able to [[leave the room and explore|Part14IslandSneakOut]]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $IslandMassage>> The notepad and pen Barry used is still here. You remember how much you enjoyed the massage earlier in the week. You could write a note pretending it's from Barry, telling the massage center that he's [[sending his pet for another massage|Part14IslandMassage2]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In your Resort Room</h1> <img src="Part14/Island19.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You kneel patiently for a while, but you obviously aren't going to want to stay in that position the whole time. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial or $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> You wish you could mastrubate, but you know it'd only make you hornier. You know you'll have to find some other way to pass the time instead. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> You want to masturbate, but you know how your implant's denial side effect works. If you try to get yourself off like that it's much more likely to trigger the denial. And you don't want to risk spending days of your trip getting fucked but not getting off yourself. You're going to try to find some other way to pass the time instead. <<else>> You could masturbate, and you probably will later. But you have hours to wait, and you want to find some other way to pass the time first. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You flip around on the TV to try to find something to watch, but see that all of the channels are porn. That's certainly not going to help you not masturbate. But you also see the menu where Barry had ordered the bondage equipment the other day, and his has a number of other items that look like they might be fun to try. You could [[browse through the menu and order something|Part14IslandRoomService]] to be delievered to the room. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> That reminds you, there's some other toys and bondage equipment in the room already. Some of the things you, Barry, and the women last night used, as well as something from earlier in the week. You could maybe [[have some fun with self-bondage|Part14IslandSelfBondage]]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, it's not too late to [[leave the room and explore|Part14IslandSneakOut]] <<if $IslandMassage>> or to write a note and [[head to the massage center|Part14IslandMassage2]]. <<else>> . <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Self-Bondage</h1> <video src="Part14/Island20.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You go through the toys Barry used with you and the women last night, and some of the other ones he's used earlier in the week, or had picked up to use later. Nothing turns you on as much as being tied and helpless. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial or $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> You may not be able to masturbate, but as you struggle and tug and your bindings, you know how wet it's going to make you. <<else>> As you struggle and tug at your bindings, you know how wet you'll get. When you finally free yourself, masturbating will feel amazing. You'll leave the gag in so no one hears your screams. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You put the key on the table across the room. You'll be able to reach it, but you'll have to work your way across the bed, and then walk with tiny steps, and finally move it to the edge of the table with your nose. Of course, you'll struggle on the bed until you can't stand it anymore before you even try that. You decide to bind yourself again thirty mintues before Barry returns. That time you'll put the key out of your reach, so you'll have no choice to wait for Barry to return and do whatever he wants with you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But this time, you're going to struggle and [[test your bonds to get yourself turned on|Part14IslandSelfBondage2]], and see how long you can go before you can't take it anymore and start working your way towards the key. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Discovered by Housekeeping</h1> <video src="Part14/Island21.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Resort Maid'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've gotten yourself worked up, and you are starting to think about trying to get the key. But before that happens, you hear a knock and "Housekeeping" from the door. You can't say anything of course. You struggle again trying to get up and get the key or to get to the door to stop them from coming in, but it's hopeless. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh, what do we have here," she says when she spots you. You give up struggling when you see her pick up the key. She looks around a bit more. "I don't see a note here, so I guess your owner left you here as a tip for us. That's so generous of him. It's been a long morning, and I really could use a break." She picks up some other restraints that you hadn't used. "Your owner won't be back from his trip until 3:00, so we better secure you better than that." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When she's done, [[there's no way you can move from the bed|Part14IslandSelfBondage3]], and the she's placed the key back across the room. "Money tips are always great, but sometimes tips like this are just what we need," She then removes her pants, and your gag, and straddles your face. A quick, painful pinch of your nipple encourages you to get to work. "Don't take all day, I have other rooms to clean." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Tipping the Staff</h1> <video src="Part14/Island22.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Resort Maid'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Pet Escort', vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Resort Maid'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Mechanic', vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Resort Maid'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you get her off, she teases you a bit with some of the toys in the room. "We'll that's it from me, I don't want to be greedy. There's several other girls that need a break too. I'll be back to tidy up after I'm done with my other rooms." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She leaves you there, and you try to struggle again, but it's impossible to get free. Trying to get free, knowing that you really can't is turning you on much more than it was earlier when you thought you'd be able to escape. But your struggling is interrupted again as the door opens and another one of the resort maids comes in. She doesn't say anything, but just drops her pants and climbs on top of your face. You immediately start pleasuring her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After she leaves, a guy enters the room. It's one of the pet escorts that have led you around on your leash from place to place at Barry's request. You watch as he takes out a condom and rolls it on to his already-hard cock. "The maids are usually nice enough to share the best tips with the rest of us. Isn't that sweet of them." After he's finished, he carefully drops the condom in the trash and leaves alone again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You soon realize how generous your maid is with her special tips as eventually two other maids and one of the resort's mechanics also stop by for a share of you. That seems like it, as you are alone for a while again before [[you hear the door open again|Part14IslandSelfBondage4]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Waiting for Barry</h1> <video src="Part14/Island23.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Barry', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Barry'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> This time it's your maid, returning to clean your room. She makes sure to empty the trash, and the condoms left behind, as well as replacing the towels, and all the other normal cleaning activities. She even manages to do a decent job straightening the bed with you still on it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Since he left such a nice tip, I want to make sure you look perfect for your owner when he returns," she tells you. She then puts your gag back in, and makes sure all your restraints are tight. She then takes your dildo and slides it into you, but leaves it there. Then she puts a vibrator on top of it and secures it to your leg so it stays pressed against your clit and the dildo. "Good, no batteries to run out.". It's still off, so nothing happens as she plugs it in. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "She takes some scented lotion from her cart and rubs it into your skin. She reaches back into her cart and grabs two clothes pins. You try to squirm but can't stop her from clipping the to either of your nipples. "Have fun", she says as she flips the vibrator on. "Your owner should be back in an hour or so." <<if !$AcademicProbationDenial>> You quickly realize she's set it on its lowest setting. You won't be able to get off, but will be aching for Barry when he gets back. Which, you assume is exactly what her intent was. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$AcademicProbationDenial>> You are arching your back and thrusting at the dildo and vibrator, desperate for more when you finally hear the door start to open. <</if>> "Oh, look what the left waiting for me," Barry says when he sees you. "I'd planned on taking a shower first," he says as he starts taking off his clothes. "But I can't let this wait." Then he turns off the vibrator and tosses it and the dildo aside. "I have something much better than that for you," he says as he positions himself between your spread legs. "Now I'm glad [[we didn't have any big plans for this evening|Part14Island11]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Ordering from Room Service</h1> <img src="Part14/Island24.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You browse through the various options on the screen. There's whips and restraints and numerous toys available for purchase. With the exchange rate and prices here, you could afford to pay Barry back, assuming he even noticed the extra charges on his bill. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The purchase button for most of the clothing options are disabled, you assume because you are a pet and aren't expected to wear much. It says Barry could call if he wants it anyway, but that doesn't help you any. It's a shame too, because you really like the strappy harness they have. Maybe you can pull it up on the screen later and show Barry and hope he gets the idea to buy it for back home. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You continue on the rental section, where Barry had ordered the bondage saw horse previously. That's when you see a Sybian listed. The rental is very inexpensive, though the internal attachments are purchased they aren't that expensive either. You know you have to order it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You excitedly click the "Order" button and now just have to wait. <<if !$AcademicProbationDenial and $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> With your inability to get off masturbating, you decide to [[forge a note from Barry|Part14IslandSybian]] saying: "Gone Fishing, Please secure my pet to the machine. Leave it on and have her ready and waiting when I return at 3:00." <<else>> The thought occurs to you to [[forge a note from Barry|Part14IslandSybian]] saying: "Gone Fishing, Please secure my pet to the machine. Leave it on and have her ready and waiting when I return at 3:00." <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You won't be able to get off, but the thought of being teased by the machine and unable to stop it turns you on. <<else>> The thought of being forced by the machine to cum over and over again really excited you. <</if>> <br><br> Though, you wonder if hours with no escape might be too much. Maybe it's best just to [[wait for the delievery|Part14RoomCaught]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Room Service</h1> <video src="Part14/Island25.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<set $IslandSybian to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You open the door when room service knocks. "I'd like to speak with your owner, I have a delivery for him," the man says. You silently hand him the note. "I see," he says. "Since you'll be there a while, I'll set it up on the bed. We don't want your knees getting sore before your master returns." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He carefully positions the machine in the center of the bed, and has you mount it. He swats your ass once as you try to grind against it, "Be patient pet. You'll have more than enough time on it." He grabs some rope from his cart and carefully binds your arms and legs with it. By the time he's finished you can barely move. Don't worry, someone will be in once an hour for a five minute potty and water break." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Finally he grabs a gag, left over from the fun last night, and puts it in your mouth. "I know you can't talk anyway, but hopefully your owner will appreciate you being covered in drool when he sees you." He turns on the Sybian's controls and then sets them down. You whimper into your gag as you realize it's the lowest setting. "You should be very ready for your owner [[when he returns|Part14IslandSybian2]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Barry Returns</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part14/Island26.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> </div> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Barry'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Barry', vaginal: true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh, look they left me a present," Barry says when he walks through the door and sees you bound on the bed. "It'll be a bit hard to use you up there though." He then lifts you off the machine and onto the bed, then moves the Sybian to the floor. Then he picks you up again and lowers you back down, carefully making sure the still rotating insert slides back inside you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Now, lets turn this up a bit," Barry says as he turns up the vibrations an rotations a bit. "And we don't need this anymore," he says as he removes your gag. "Now, if you want me to turn it up anymore, you'll have to work for it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You eagerly open you mouth for his cock, and do your best to give him a blowjob while still being bound to the machine. He smells of fish from his trip still, but you don't care. You just want his cock and eagerly work it as best you can. As you do, he slowly turns up the settings on the machine. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You can feel the vibrations and motion inside you increase, but you don't get any pleasure out of it. You can feel Barry in your mouth though, and the higher settings seem to just make you more eager to suck his cock. <<else>> Barry continues to fuck your mouth as you cum, leaving the vibrations on high. Soon you are struggling as it becomes too much. "It looks like that's too distracting," he says complaining that you weren't sucking his cock well anymore. "We'll turn it down for now." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Soon Barry is about to cum. You plan to swallow every drop, like a good pet, but Barry doesn't want that this time. Instead he pulls out and covers your face, and letting his cum drip down and join the drool already on your chest. He lets you lick his cock clean, then he turns the machine back up. "I'll let you have some fun, while I go take a shower. We [[don't have big plans for tonight|Part14Island11]], but I don't want to go to the pool smelling like this." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Room Service</h1> <video src="Part14/Island27.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<set $IslandRoomCaught to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You open the door when room service knocks. "I'd like to speak with your owner, I have a delivery for him," the man says. You point in the direction of pool and make a swimming motion. "Will he be back soon?" he asks. You shrug. "You aren't lying to me are you pet?" the man says. You nervously shake your head no. "We'll see," he says. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He picks up the phone presses a few numbers and starts talking to someone else from the resort. "I'm suspecting the pet ordered it for herself... I see, he's been on the trip all morning. I thought she was acting suspicious... Yes, that sounds good. I'll stay with her until then." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are very nervous now, but the man that was delivering the Sybian is between you and the door, and you aren't sure where you'd go anyway. After a few minutes there is a knock on the door and he opens it takes a package from another man. "You can take the unauthorized order back. She won't be using it." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He orders you to put on a harness he hands you. It isn't as nice as the one you had been looking at, but it should still be a fun souvenir you figure. Once you are in the harness he cuffs your hands and feet and places a large gag over your face. "I'll leave a note here letting your owner know of your misbehavior. I'll let him know the pet restraint kit was charged to his room, though it's less than what you had ordered. I'll also give him the extension to call if he [[thinks you need additional punishment|Part14IslandPunish]]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh, I almost forgot," he says. Then he unbuckles the bottom strap of the harness and rubs some sort of cream all over your vulva. It starts to tingle pleasantly for a moment, but after a moment it starts to feel different. It starts to feel uncomfortably warm and very itchy. You struggle but can't do anything about it. "Don't worry, it won't cause any permanant harm. And it wears off in about an hour. Someone will be by before then to check on you and reapply the cream. We can't have you enjoying your punishment, can we?" <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Punished</h1> <video src="Part14/Island28.webm" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh, look they left me a present," Barry says when he walks through the door and sees you bound on the bed. "What's this?" he says as he sees the note. "Oh, you've been a bad, bad girl," he says as he reads the note, swatting you on the ass. "I would fuck you like this, but from how you are squirming, it looks like their punishment cream is still doing it's magic. I don't want any of that on my cock, that's for sure." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I could use your mouth, but you seem to distracted to be much good right now. This additinal punishment they mentioned sounds like something you deserve though." He then picks up the phone and dials a number. "Yes, my pet tried to make an unauthorized purchase this morning, and I'd like some additional punishment for her..." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Barry heads to the shower as they collect you and take you to be punished. Once you get to the punishment room you see a resort employee and several other hotel guests. When you are led in they say, "Oh, good, another one. What did this one do?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They each take turns administering your punishment as the resort employee supervises. By the time they are finished your ass is red and sore, but at least the burning itch is gone. Once they've decided you've had enough, the staff member calls for someone to pick you up. "Take her to the pool, her owner is waiting there." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you get to the pool, Barry sees the redness of your ass. He gives it a painful smack and says, "I hope you've learned your lesson. Now lets relax her for a while. We [[don't have big plans for tonight|Part14Island11]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In the Hallway</h1> <img src="Part14/Island29.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You're sure Barry won't mind, as long as you are back by three to take care of his needs. But then as you walk down the hallways, you see several signs saying "Pets must be on a leash" or "Unaccompanied Pets Prohibited", and you start to worry you might get in trouble with the resort. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You remember when you checked in, the forms saying Barry was responsible for making sure you follow the rules. You definitely don't want to get Barry in trouble, so you don't want the hotel catching you violating any rules. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've seen several of the resort staff in the hallway, but none of them have noticed your collar yet. You're sure if you keep walking around someone will eventually, so you need to do something else. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'd seen a woman turn down the other hallway. She'd been leading a chaste guy on a leash. You could [[catch up with them|Part14IslandPeg]] and follow along behind her. The staff will probably think the three of you are together. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'd seen a door marked "Storage" a moment ago. You could [[check in the storage room|Part14IslandVac]] to see if there's a housekeeping uniform, or anything else that you could use to hide the collar marking you as a pet. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You were just passed in the hall by a number of other girls being led by a staff member. He seemed so focused on the half dozen leashes he was pulling, that he hadn't even notice you. [[You could follow behind the other girls|Part14IslandStable]]. He'd never notice, and anyone else would think he was leading you too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Or, you'd also seen a girl in swimsuit heading toward the pool. You had fun there earlier with Barry. You could always [[go back to the pool again|Part14IslandPool]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Spa</h1> <video src="Part14/Island30.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You walk through the resort, you try to find your way back to the spa, but are having trouble finding it. Eventually someone from the resort stops you, "Pet, where is your owner?" he asks. He knows you can't speak, so maybe he's wanting you to lead him to your owner so he can scold one or both of you for leaving you unattended. You hand him your forged note from Barry. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You still aren't supposed to be walking alone. Next time have your owner call for a pet escort," he tells you. "Well, at least point to the phone to remind him if he tries to send you alone again." Then he leads you to the spa and hands the note to the woman at the counter and then leaves. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Welcome back! The woman says cheerfully as you are led over to the massage table. She helps you up on the table. She has you lay on your stomach, the padd across your waist lifts your ass into the air. Once you are in place, she cuffs you hands behind your back and puts a blindfold over your eyes. "I want you to be able to [[focus on what you are feeling|Part14IslandMassage3]]," she says. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Spa</h1> <video src="Part14/Island31a.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'Masseuse', repeat:true})>> <<set $IslandMassage to 2>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Her skilled hands work over your body, starting with a traditional massage on your back, shoulders, legs. Occasionally her hand will brush across your ass, or across your clit or between your lips. But only once before moving on. "Now, it's time for the other side," she says before turning you over. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Again she starts with a frustratingly non-sexual massage, but her hands soon move to sliding up your thighs and between your legs. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> The massage feels wonderful, but feeling her fingers inside you only makes you want more. "It's too bad you can't orgasm. But, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself enough last time that your owner wanted you to come back. Maybe that denial of you isn't 100%. Let's give it a try. It should be fun either way. <br><br> You feel a little of it as her fingers stroke your clit, but mostly it just leaves you aching for an orgasm, and knowing you won't get one. When she stops you'd do anything to be allowed to cum, but you know there's no one you could beg, even if you could beg. You just lie there, feeling defeated as she begins to release your bindings. <br><br> "Well, it was worth a try. It looks like you had fun anyway. I know I did," she tells you as you leave and [[head back into the hallway|Part14IslandSneakBack]]. <<else>> Her fingers soon find their way inside you, and to your clit. Her skilled hands soon have you on the verge of an orgasm. But at the last moment she stops. You whimper pitifully as she returns to massaging your arms, legs, and feet. <br><br> She repeats the same again. This time you tug at your binds and whimper even more. "Sorry sweetie, your owner not didn't say anything about an orgasm, so I can't give you one," she tells you before she [[turns you back over and begins again|Part14IslandMassage4]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Spa</h1> <video src="Part14/Island31b.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know she's going to stop again, but you can't help hoping this time will be different. Up until the moment your orgasm begins to wash over you, you are still expecting her hands to pull away at the last moment. But they don't, she continues this time. As your orgasm, she keeps it up, thrusting inside you with two fingers while her thumb teases your ass. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That was fun. I thought you'd enjoy it more if was a surprise. I know I did," she says as you are comming down from your orgasm. "Your owner let you have a happy ending last time, so I assume he wanted the same for you this time. And if not, well I won't tell him, and I know you won't either." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After she removes your bindings, she gives you a moment to finish recovering. Once she's sure you'll be steady on your feet, she helps you down from the table. You smile and wave at her as you leave and [[head back into the hallway|Part14IslandSneakBack]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With Michelle and 'Worm'</h1> <video src="Part14/Island32.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'worm'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You quickly catch up with them and follow behind them both. You pass serveral people from the resort and, you were right, they do think you are with the couple and don't say anything to you. You keep following them until they turn down a hallway that dead ends at an emergency exit. As the woman opens her room she asks, "Are you lost pet? Do you want to join us for a little fun?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You nod yes and follow them into their room. Once inside she introduces herself as Michelle and her husband 'Worm'. "I understand if you can't introduce yourself," she says gesturing at your collar. "Worm has been a good boy this week, and I've decided to give him a little reward. Would you like to help with that?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you agree, she puts you in the harness she had planned to wear, while she supervises. She leaves her husband still in his chastity cage, and has you start fucking his ass. You love hearing him moan and grunt with each thrust. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He's really enjoying it when Michelle says, "Stop. That's enough for now. He's probably already leaked all over the rug." She thinks for a moment, then continues. "I'll let you decide what to do with him now pet. I'll let one of you orgasm, but not the other. Which should it be?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> 'Worm' looks up pitifully at you, hoping [[you'll choose him|Part14IslandPegHim]]. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> Even if Michelle would allow it, you body wouldn't let you cum, so there's no point in picking yourself. <<else>> Do you care what he wants though? Or would you [[rather have him get you off instead|Part14IslandPegYou]] <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Or, you could decide [[neither of you get an orgasm|Part14IslandPegHer]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With a Michelle and 'Worm'</h1> <video src="Part14/Island33.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'worm'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You take pity on 'Worm' and point to him when she asks who should be allowed to orgasm. His face lights up when you do. "Very well," Michelle says as she takes his key out and unlocks his cage. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You best not be thinking that you'll get to fuck our pretty guest, Worm. It'll be your hand getting you off. I'll let her continue where she left off to help you along though," Michelle tells her husband. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You resume fucking his ass while he strokes his cock. It doesn't take long before he's begging for permission to cum, and then squirting cum all over his own stomach. "See why I didn't let him fuck you. There's no way you'd have gotten off from that brief performance," she says to you to mock him. "But you can clean up the mess you helped him make," she adds. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You obediently pull out of him bend kneel between his legs and lick up the cum from his stomach. "Share some with him too," she says. You crawl up and kiss him, passing some of his cum back to him. "You can clean his cock for him too, if you'd like. But it'll mean an extra week in chastity for him before his next orgasm." You smile at him, and then move back down and take his cock in your mouth carefully licking every drop off. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Michelle thanks you for joining them, and tells you to just leave the strap-on on the floor. "Worm has chores to do now, and he'll take care of cleaning it." You sense it's time for you to go. You wave goodbye and head back into the hall to [[make your way back to your room|Part14IslandSneakBack]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With a Michelle and 'Worm'</h1> <img src="Part14/Island34.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'worm'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> If his mistress wanted him to have an orgasm, she would have said so. And you know you want an orgasm, so you point to yourself. You recognize the frustated look on his face when he sees your decision. "I said you'd have a chance to orgasm, Worm. Maybe next time." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You strip out of the harness and strap-on and climb on top of his face. Michelle has likely been in this position many times before, because his skilled tongue soon has you moaning and grinding into his face. He continues his work until you cry out with an orgasm. "Good boy, Worm," she tells him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Michelle thanks you for joining them, and tells you to just leave the strap-on on the floor. "Worm has chores to do now, and he'll take care of cleaning it. But first, He's going to do for me what he just did for you. Watching you orgasm made me want one of my own." You sense it's time for you to go. You wave goodbye and head back into the hall to [[make your way back to your room|Part14IslandSneakBack]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With a Michelle and 'Worm'</h1> <video src="Part14/Island35.webm" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Michelle'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'worm'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> If his mistress wanted him to have an orgasm, she would have said so. And you can't have one at all, <<else>> If his mistress wanted him to have an orgasm, she would have said so. But you wonder if she might feel the same about your orgasm too, you are just a pet, after all, <</if>> so you point to Michelle. "That's a good girl," she tells you. "Your owner has trained you well." Then she turns to her husband, "I said you'd have a chance to orgasm, Worm. Maybe next time. Now go get some rope from my bag, while our pretty guests takes off her harness." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you've stripped back down, she leads you into the bedroom and you let her tie your wrists to the headboard. "Sit over there, Worm." she says point to the wall facing the foot of the bed. "I want you staring between her legs the entire time, imagining how good it'd feel inside her. While you do, just think, she's completely helpess and couldn't stop you from fucking her. If you had a cock to fuck her with that is." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You eagerly eat her out as she grinds into your face. Between her moans she occassionally stops to tease her husband. Leaning over and spreading your lips she tells him, "See how wet she is. Imagine how good that would feel. Mmmmm, not as good as her tongue though." Eventually you feel her grinding become more and more urgent until finally she cums. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You are a very good girl," she says, patting your head as she sits down between you and the headboard. "Now Worm, you can use your tongue to reward her if you want. But it'll cost you an extra two weeks, before your next chance for an orgasm." She starts to ask him if he thinks its worth it, but you can already feel his tongue before she finishes the sentence. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> He does his best, but it's hopeless. You'd tell them why if you could, but you can't. Michelle can tell it's not her husbands skills at fault, she can see that you can barely even feel it. She probably suspects your owner uses some sort of denial cream on you, but she blames her husband anyway. "What a pathetic performance, Worm." Now you've disappointed her and I, so I'm doubling it to an extra four weeks instead. <<else>> His skills are amazing, and you are soon rocking your hips in pleasure as you stare up at a smiling Michelle. He continues until your moans turn to screams as you orgasm. He eagerly keeps going as you cum. You tug at the ropes as it starts to be too much. He finally stops when Michelle tells him that's enough. "Good job, Worm," she tells him. That was worth two extra weeks, wasn't it? <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After she unties you, you start to help clean up the mess the three of you have made. "Don't worry about it. Worm has chores to do, he'll clean everything up after your gone." You sense it's time for you to leave. Michelle thanks you for joining them and you wave goodbye and head back into the hall to [[make your way back to your room|Part14IslandSneakBack]] <</nobr>> <<achievement>>threesome:FMF<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Storage Room</h1> <video src="Part14/Vac1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You instantly realize this 'Storage Room' is a play room of some sort, not actual storage. You see a man encased in latex. A vacuum is sucking the air from between two sheets keeping the both pressed close together against him. It looks like a solid sheet except for two holes, one for his mouth, and the other with his cock sticking through it. "Pet. You aren't supposed to be walking around alone. Did your owner send you here?" the attendant says when he sees you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You quickly nod yes. "Well, you can kneel there and wait until it's your turn then," he says pointing at a mat against the wall. You kneel as instructed and watch as he attaches some sort of tube to the latex-covered man's cock. You soon realize the man can't move at all. You watch as the tube slides up and down his cock. From the moans he makes you assume it feels like a real blowjob to him. At least until the attendant turns the machine down when the latex man starts to get close to an orgasm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The attendant ignores the whimpers the bound man makes and only turns the machine back on after he's satisfied the man isn't about to orgasm anymore. The cycle continues until the door to the storage room opens and another man comes in. "I'm here to pick up my husband," he says pointing to the man on the floor. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes, sir," the attendant says. "We've been keeping him ready for you. I'll have him out for you right away." The sleeve makes a pop sound and the man grunts again as the attendent pulls the tube from his cock. After he turns a few dials, the vacuum stops and the latex loosens. The attendant then removes the man from between the latex sheets. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As the man leads his naked husband away the attendant puts the now empty rack against the wall and grabs a different one from nearby. "[[Now, it's your turn|Part14IslandVac2]]," he says to you. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Storage Room</h1> <video src="Part14/Vac2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are worried for a second when he scans your collar, thinking he'll realize Barry didn't send you. But he checks his screen and doesn't say anything, he just insturcts you on how to enter the vacuum bed, and helps you into it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You soon see your bed doesn't even have the two openings the first one did. Yours just has a a single small mouth piece the attendant helps you insert. You breath through a small tube that goes through the latex as you hear the vacuum start up and the two sheets squeeze together around you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can feel his hands as they rub across the latex. It feels as if the latex is barely there. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> When he starts up the vibrator, you can feel that it's pressed against you, but as usual you don't feel much more. But then he turns it up, and presses it against your clit. And you do feel it, even through the latex, and even with your implant set to deny you. It's still never going to be enough to get you off, but it's more than you've felt the whole summer. You writhe and moan wanting more and more of it. <<else>> You moan into the tube as he starts up a vibrator and presses it against your clit. His other hand roams your body, teasing your nipples through the latex. He keeps going forcing you close and closer to an orgasm. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The he stops. The vibrator pulls away and you know his hand has moved to your breathing tube because suddendly you have no air. You struggle and gasp for air, forgetting about the orgasm you'd wanted so badly a moment ago. Then his finger moves away and you can breath again. You take recover for a second, then his finger covers the air hole again. He releases again a moment later. Then you feel the vibrations start again. They only continue for a moment, then he stops them and blocks your breathing again. He lets you breath again. Then he presses the vibrator against you and covers your breathing tube at the same time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He repeats again and again, but never in any pattern you can figure out. You never know at any moment if you'll be able to breath or not, or whether you'll feel the wonderful vibrations, or just ache for them to return. You whimper in frustration, desperate for him to let you cum, and exhilarated at the complete lack of control you have. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Don't worry pet. [[Your owner will be here to pick you up soon|Part14IslandVac3]]," he tells you. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Storage Room</h1> <video src="Part14/Vac3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Oh Shit!, you think to yourself as you realize that Barry won't be here to pick you up. He's gone for hours still, and even then he has no idea where you are! Are they going to keep you here until he comes looking for you. How long will that be? <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You lose track of how much time has passed. The pleasure and the torture continues. You keep thinking you'll get used to it, but then you can't breath again and you are as desperate for air as the first time. Eventually he stops. You can breathe, theirs no vibrator, and you hear the vacuum stop and feel the latex sheets start to pull apart from each other. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The attendant helps you out from your enclosure, you realize you barely have enough energy to move after your session with him. He hands you a sports drink with a straw and you quickly start drinking it down. "It looks like something came up, and your owner didn't come by to pick you up," he tells you. "Someone else is waiting, so [[we'll send you back to your room to wait for him|Part14IslandVac4]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Waiting for Barry</h1> <video src="Part14/Vac4.webm" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Barry'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Barry'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Barry', vaginal: true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Even if you wanted to, you don't have the energy to resist as the storage room attendant starts to slide you into a latex sack. You certainly don't object when he tapes down a small bullet vibrator over your clit. You do object to the frustrating low setting he sets it to, but there's nothing you can do about it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He continues to slide the sack up until it's only your head sticking out. Then he zips it up tight and checks to make sure it is adjusted perfectly. Once he's satisfied, he slides a latex hood over your head, and adjusts it so your nose lines up perfectly with the two small airholes in the hood. You can't see anything, and can hear very little, but you can feel as you are picked up and loaded into a cart. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are wheeled in many different directions and then are placed down onto the floor. You are still writhing in your sack from the teasing vibrator which won't stop and won't do any more than tease. You can hear many voices, you wonder if they are talking about you. You can also hear running water. It sounds like a fountain. You think they may have put you on display in the lobby of the resort. You wonder how many people are seeing you as the walk in and check in, or just walk through on their way to some other part of the resort. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Eventually someone comes and picks you up again, and loads you into a cart again to wheel you somewhere else. This time, you feel a soft matress under you when you are placed down. You don't hear anything for a few minutes then you hear the door open. You think you smell fish. "Oh, look they left me a present," you can make out Barry saying. Then after a moment, he unzips your hood and pulls it off you. "I think I'll leave the rest on you for now," he says. "This is all I need right now." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He knees over your face and shoves his cock into your mouth. You can still feel the teasing vibrations against your clit as he fucks your mouth. You gasp for air several times and try not to gag as his cock hits your throat. Finally he moans and holds your head down deep onto his cock as it twitches and fills your mouth and throat with cum. You gasp again when he releases you and pulls out. Once you recover you swallow the last bits of his cum in your mouth. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Don't go anywhere," Barry tells you. "I'm taking a shower, then we can have some more fun. There's no hurry today. We [[don't have big plans for tonight|Part14Island11]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Stables</h1> <img src="Part14/Stable1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"> <<set $IslandStable to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Their escort doesn't even notice as you follow behind the other girls he is leading. Really the only ones that might notice you would be the two girls in back. One has blinders on her, preventing her from seeing anywhere but directly in front of her. So she doesn't see you. The other girl sees you and gives you a confused look. But the bit gag in her mouth prevents her from saying anything to you, or to the escort. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He leads everyone outside and out toward the stables. When he gets there he opens a large gated area and leads you all there. Once you are inside the pen, he removes leashes from everyone and hangs them over the fence. After he leaves the pen, you hear him lock it closed from the outside. "Someone will be along shortly for you," he tells you and the other women. Then he heads back the way you'd just came from. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wait a bit in the pen with the other girls until a man walks out from the barn. He stands at the edge of the pen and watches you all for a while before opening the gate. He whistles then calls out four names, "Honeysuckle, Twinkle, Goldie, Cover. Come here." Four of the girls, trot over to him. All of them have bit gags in their mouths, their arms bound behind their backs, and harnesses over their chests. "You four will be pulling guest taxis today. Go on into the barn and Jed will hook you up to your taxis and lead you out to the stand to wait for riders. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Snowdrop, Buttercup," the other two girls trot forward. "You two are here for breeding today. They'll be a gentleman by soon to pick you up. You can play in the pen here until he arrives.". Then he turns to you, "And what about you?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can either point towards the barn where the [['taxi' ponies|Part14IslandStable2]] went, or you can [[point towards the 'breeding' ponies|Part14IslandStable2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Stables</h1> <video src="Part14/Stable2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh, is that were you owner sent you for today?" he asks you. You nod yes. A moment later you feel a sharp sting on your ass as he smacks it with his riding crop. You look around confused at what you did wrong. One of the other girls stomps her foot while looking at you. "And your tack?" the trainer continues. "Did he forget to pack that for you?". You assume he means the harnesess, gags, and other equipment the girls are all wearing. You nod again, and an instant later feel the sting of another swat. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Ponies here don't use their heads to talk. They stomp once for yes, twice for no. Do you understand?" You quickly stomp the ground once. "Good girl," he says and reaches into his pocket for something and the puts it in your mouth. The sugar cube quickly dissolves in your mouth. "You need one-on-one training. You're with me today... I don't have a name for you. I guess we'll call you 'Sweet Cheeks' do you like that name, Sweet Cheeks. He's softly tapping the riding crop on your ass, so you remember and stomp once. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "[[Come along, Sweet Cheeks|Part14IslandStable3]]", he says attaching a leather strap to your collar. "No. Down." he says, pointing to the ground with his crop. You quickly figure out he wants you on your hands and knees. Once you are on all fours, he pulls on the strap. You struggle to keep up with him as he leads you around the pen, and then towards the barn. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Stables</h1> <video src="Part14/Stable3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he's done leading you around in dirt, he takes you over to the barn. But instead of leading you inside, he ties your legs together, and ties your wrists together over a bar above your head. Then he tells you to walk. You just look at him because your legs are tied together. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Ponies need to know how to make tiny steps for when the are hobbled, like you are now. Now walk." He swats you again. Thankfully now he's using a different whip, and not hitting nearly as hard. But you know he could quickly hit much harder, wherever he wanted, and you couldn't do anything to stop it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Let me help you along," he says as you struggle. Then he adds clamps to both of your nipples and tugs at the chain connecting them. You do your best to move as fast as you can to lessen the pull, but he just keeps pulling harder. Finally you reach the bracket holding the bar up, and your can't move past it. You lean forward as far as you can, and whimper, as he continues to tug. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That'll do," he tells you. Then he attaches several padlocks to the chain between your nipples and lets them fall. Now your nipples are constantly being tugged. "[[Now let's talk|Part14IslandStable4]], Sweet Cheeks," he says. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Stables</h1> <video src="Part14/Stable4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You're picking up things quite well for a new pony," he tells you. You are happy for a moment until he continues. "Normally we'd wait to brand you for your owner until you were further along in your training, but I think we can make a special case this time." You shake your head no vigorously, not caring if he whips you again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Your owner didn't leave instructions on which he wanted, so you'll just have to tell me which he wants. You wait here while I go get the brands. Once you tell me which one, It'll take it a bit of time in the fire to heat up enough." You struggle violently and make incoherent noises into your gag. The whole time you are shaking your head no. "Unless, that is, your owner didn't send you here." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You nod your head enthusiastically when you realize that means you won't be branded. "So, your owner doesn't want you branded. You came here on your own," you nod yes. "Does your owner even know you are here?" you shake your head no. "Well, then. Wait here a moment," then he disappears into the barn. You are desperately hoping he doesn't come out carrying branding irons. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Thankfully he comes back only holding the whip he walked in with. "[[Someone will be by to pick you up|Part14IslandStray]] in a little while. But until then, I have some time to teach you that pony or not, pets shouldn't lie. Trainers can though, we don't even do branding here. I just wanted to finally get the truth from you." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Pool</h1> <video src="Part14/Pool1.webm" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You follow the woman down the hallway to the pool, and join her when she gets in. You nod when she asks, "Did your owner let you out for a swim?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and her relax by the pool, and chat. Well, she chats with you at least. Her name is Amy, and she lets you know that her and her husband take turns being dominate and submissive. Today, her husband is the submissive one. "I have him chained to the toilet back in our room right now. I told him I was going to find three guys to fuck me at the same time. Of course, I'm just going to hang out at the pool instead. But he doesn't need to know that." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She buys a drink, and seeing you don't have any money, she buys you one as well. After you've both had a couple, she asks if you'd like to [[join her over in the hot tub|Part14IslandPool2]]. I'm not interested in the three cocks I told my husband about, but that doesn't mean I don't want to have a little fun while he's chained up fantasizing about it. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In the Hot Tub</h1> <video src="Part14/Pool2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Amy'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The hot tub Amy leads you to isn't private, it's in full view of everyone at the main pool. But it is empty, except for the two of you. The others are watching the show they know is about to start as Amy takes off her swimsuit. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The two of you make out in the warm water for a while. After a while, she stands up and then sits on the edge of the hot tub. You get the not-so-subtle hint, and eagerly start to eat her out. You continue, enjoying her moans and hands running through your hair. You continue as she orgasms, stopping only when she tells you to. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I wish I could thank your owner. She's taught you well," Amy tells you. You don't try to correct her, and smile at the praise. "Normally, I'd return the favor, but I assume your owner controls your orgasms for you. Besides, I'd like to get back my husband while I still have that wonderful 'just fucked' glow on my face." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After she says goodbye, she grabs her swimsuit and walks naked back towards the direction of her room. You are alone in the hot tub, and starting to feel conspicuous. You probably should have followed Amy, but it's too late now. You [[get up and back to the main pool|Part14IslandPool3]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Caught at the Pool</h1> <video src="Part14/Pool3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are relaxing in the pool a bit before it's time to head back to the room to get ready for Barry to return. But long before then, you hear the lifeguard blow his whistle and say "You there, pet. Where's your owner?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He calls you over to him, and questions you. Eventually he determines that you wandered out here on your own, and weren't with Amy at all. "You'll need to wait here until I can figure out what needs to be done with you," he tells you. "But I might as well make you useful and give the other guests something to watch." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He pulls a gag and some rope out of a bag near his chair and restrains you. Then he ties the rope so that one end is tied behind you, and one end is tied above your head. The line runs between your legs, and between your lips. The rope is just taut enought that it is uncomfortable if you don't stand on your toes to let it slacken a bit. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you try to stay on your toes, the rope shifts against you, rubbing against you. You like the feeling, and can help but grind against it. Some of the guest watching you comment on what a horny little slut the pet is. Some talk about taking you home for themselves. But before any of them can do that, the lifeguard [[figures out what to do with stray pets like you|Part14IslandStray]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Caught in the Hall</h1> <img src="Part14/Island29.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Now that you've had your fun, you carefully make your way back to your room. You'll still have plenty of time to get back, get ready for Barry, and be there waiting when he returns from fishing. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You're barely half way back when someone from the resort stops <<if $IslandMassage == 2>> you again. It's someone different than before, and you realize you left your note with the spa receptionist. You try and gesture like you are fishing to let him know that's where Barry is, and get him to lead you back to your room. But he isn't having it. <<else>> you. "Pet, where is your owner?" he asks. He knows you can't speak, so maybe he's wanting you to lead him to your owner so he can scold one or both of you for leaving you unattended. But you can't even do that. Instead you make gestures like you are fishing to let him know that's where Barry is. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "So, you were supposed to be in your room and you came out here without permission?" he asks. You reluctantly nod. "Very well, come this way," he says attaching a leash to your collar and pulling you along behind him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He gets back to a small maintenance office and talks to the younger worker there. "Tony, I found this stray wandering the halls. [[Go turn her in|Part14IslandStray]], I have to get back over to building 5 to work on the AC." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Captured as a Stray Pet</h1> <img src="Part14/Stray1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"> <<set $IslandStray to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are led through the resort, blindfolded, gagged, and with your hands bound behind your back. You don't know where you are being taken and the man leading you doesn't bother to tell you anything beyond an ocassionally "stop", "left", or other command. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You hear other people talking, then your guide ordering food. "Sit," he commands. You do as he commands and wait. You sit there for a while, presumably while he eats his meal. Then he stands up again and commands you to do the same. Then he begins to lead you through the resort some more. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Eventually he opens a door, and you can hear barking. Then you realize it's actually people, mostly women but at least one guy, making barking noises. "We're here. They'll take care of you from here," he tells you before handing your leash to someone else. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can hear the male 'dogs' more clearly now, as they start to howl as you are walked forward. When your blindfold is removed, you can see them in two nearby cages. They make 'humping' motions in your directions when they see you looking at them. You look away from them and to the staff member holding your leash. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "No biting, or you'll get shocked severely and muzzled," he warns you before removing your gag. You stretch your jaw a bit now that the gag is out. Then he tells you to make fists. Once you do, he puts something over your hands before uncuffing your wrists. "Pets tend to pleasure themselves repeatedly if we don't prevent them," he says. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "[[This is the pound|Part14IslandStray2]]," he tells you. "It's where lost, abandoned, or runaway pets end up. That's what you are." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the 'Pound'</h1> <img src="Part14/Stray2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Pound Pet'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He scans your collar and says, "It looks like you have an owner, but he hasn't reported you missing. You must have just ran off, either that or he's decided you are too much trouble. Either way, if he hasn't already checked out, we'll send him a message to let him know we've found you if he wants to come claim you. If he doesn't want you anymore, or if he's already left, don't worry. A pretty, young pet like you will be adopted in no time. He leads you over to a set of four cages, stacked two on top of two. He opens one of the top ones, and lifts you into it. He removes your leash and then locks the cage door closed and walks away. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your neighbors have collars like you and don't speak. But the girl in the cage next to you smiles hopefully at you, then she liest down with her legs apart, each one going up the side of the cage wall that separates you and her. You can see she's open and exposed. She jestures back and forth, between you and her to indicate that she'll take care of you if you take care of her. She wiggles a bit and makes a soft whimpering sound. Eventually you give in to her pleas. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Over the soft moans your neighbor is making you can make out the occasional frustrated sigh from the pet beneath you. There's nothing you an do for her, so you stay focused on your neighbor. Eventually she can't stay quiet any longer and cries out with an orgasm. A moment later she cries out in pain, before you can register that, you feel the same pain as your shock collar is activated too. "Knock it off you two!", you hear from your guard. You lie back down, frustrated, knowing you won't get your turn now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> A moment later you hear scurrying under you, and a girl making a cat hissing noise followed by fist bumping the bottom of your cage. You are confused for a moment, until you look down and realize you'd accidentally relieved yourself a bit when you were shocked. You make a soft bark noise that you hope she interprets as "Sorry". <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wait and wait. You assume it's past three by now, and assume Barry will show up at any moment. But he doesn't. When you are taken out for a short walk to releive yourself fully, you realize it's nearly sunset. You wait and wait after you are returned. You start to wonder if Barry has decided to leave you here. [[You fall alseep|Part14IslandStray3]] thinking about 'being adopted' entails. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Getting picked up from the 'Pound'</h1> <video src="Part14/Stray3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next morning when they take you out to relieve yourself again, they tell you that Barry called last night. "He said he was busy with someone else, and a night at the pound would be good for you. He said he'd be by to pick you up around noon." You are surprised at how excited you are that Barry didn't abandon you. "We'll send you over to the groomer and have you cleaned up for him when he gets here." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Someone takes you over to the groomer. They hose you down and scrub you clean. Then the dry you off, brush out your hair and apply your makeup. Once they are done, they finish with bow on your collar. "Your owner said he wanted a sexy kitten," the groomer says as she puts some cat ears on your head. <<if !$BarryIslandResist and !$PlayerNoBodyHair>> I'll send a message along to your owner to book you for a full grooming session, if he wants you to remove any of this excess fur of yours. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are brought back to the pound, but put in an individual cage in a separate room. As he leaves you, the handler tells you, "You can wait here until your owner comes to claim you. Be sure to show him how grateful you are that he is so forgiving. And don't run off again." You wait patiently until the door opens. Your heart jumps when you see Barry walk in. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You want him to pick you and hold you, but he [[has you wait in the cage a bit longer|Part14IslandStray4]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Getting picked up from the 'Pound'</h1> <video src="Part14/Stray4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Are you glad to see me, pet?" Barry asks. You nod enthusiastically. "Then show me," he says while he unzips his pants. You get to work immediately as he puts his cock through the bars of your cage. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are eager to drain every drop of cum from him, but he pulls back. "The bars are too close together. I'd rather squeeze my cock into something warmer and softer." You smile and purr at him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But that can wait until [[we get back to the room later|Part14Island11]], right now I'm staving. Let's get something to eat. You're probably eager for something besides just warm milk too, aren't you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <i>You think about being caged and treated like a pet and about your joy at being used by Barry while in your cage. You remember your night of <<if $PlayerSideEffectDreams>>intense, erotic<<else>>pleasant<</if>> dreams of being 'adopted' by strangers and taken home with them to be used as their pet cat girl forever. You realize you've become much more submissive than you were before.</i> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive += 1>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In your Resort Room</h1> <video src="Part14/Island36.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Barry'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "The week is almost over," Barry says. "But we don't have anything planned for today, and I have you all to myself. So let's make the most of it." <<if $IslandStray>> it. You can start by finishing up where we left off earlier." <<else>> it." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Barry pulls down his pants and tugs on your leash pulling your head towards his already-hard cock. You didn't need the extra encouragement, and eagerly start sucking his cock. He pets your head and tells you what a good girl you are. You love hearing him moan and it makes you eager to take his cock deeper to make him moan even more. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You keep up your work, and soon Barry rewards you with a warm load of his cum. You eagerly swallow it and lick his cock clean. "That's a good girl," he says, petting your head again. Now that we are done with your mouth, [[go get your gag for me|Part14Island12]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In your Resort Room</h1> <video src="Part14/Island37.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After putting your gag on you, Barry straps you down onto the changing bench. Once you are secure, he goes over and grabs the flogger and begins smacking your ass with it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $BarryIslandResist or $IslandRoomCaught or $IslandStray>> "You were a good girl just now, but you've been a bad girl earlier in the week, haven't you?" Barry asks. <<if $BarryIslandResist>> <br><br> "Remember how disobedient you were when we first arrived. <<if $BarryIslandFirstFuck>> Now that you've had a week to enjoy me fucking you, If <<else>> After a week, you love my cock even more than before, don't you. If <</if>> you had it to do over again, I bet you'd be a lot less interested in swimming, wouldn't you." <</if>> <<if $IslandRoomCaught>> <br><br> "You were a naughty, naughty pet while I was gone, trying to order toys to play with without me. That didn't work out so well for you, did it." <</if>> <<if $IslandStray>> <br><br> "You were a bad, bad pet, sneaking away like you did. I thought about leaving you there and letting them find a new owner for you. But then I thought about today and remembered how much I like fucking you." <</if>> <<else>> "You've been a very good girl all week, so I'm not doing this to punish you. We both know how much it turns you on. It turns me on too, and once I'm hard again I can reward you properly for your good behavior," Barry promises. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I think that's enough. For now at least," Barry says tossing the flogger aside. [[It's had the desired effect on me|Part14Island13]], let's see if your little 'punishment' session has made you as wet as I expect it has. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In your Resort Room</h1> <video src="Part14/Island38.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Barry', vaginal: true, noPullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Barry is right, you are wet and ready for his cock as he slides into you. You are bound and ready for him to fuck you like crazy, but he doesn't move. He makes you thrust back onto him as he stands there and enjoys it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You know you won't be getting off, but you don't care. You love hearing Barry moan and grunt as you thrust back onto his cock. As you hear him get close to cumming, you thrust harder and faster. When he cums, you continue until he can't take anymore and pulls back. <<else>> You love the feeling of Barry's cock inside you. You love even more hearing how hit makes him moan and grunt as you thrust back onto his cock. You lose focus on your thrusting as your orgasm starts to get close. Barry doesn't let that slow things down. He grabs your hips and begins doing some of the work himself, thrusting hard and fast through your orgasm until you hear him grunt and give a final thrust inside you. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That's a good pet," Barry tells you as he begins to undo your restraints. "Now, go clean yourself up. I'll call room service to bring us something to eat. We can [[continue this afterwards|Part14Island14]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In your Resort Room</h1> <video src="Part14/Island39.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Barry'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are glad you took Barry's instructions to clean yourself up to mean inside and out, as Barry decides to fuck your ass after your break is finished. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> Barry knows the vibrator he presses against your clit won't help you get off, but he also knows it'll make you even hornier. He's right, of course. Between his cock filling your ass and the frustratingly muted vibrations on your clit, you are soon desperate for an orgasm. You know that won't happen, so instead you eagerly await the feeling of Barry cumming in your ass. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> "You love that don't you my little anal slut," Barry asks. You nod eagerly as his cock fills your ass. When he grabs the vibrator and places it against your clit, it's more than you can stand. You scream into your gag as you cum. Your ass clenches around his cock as he continues thrusting. It doesn't take much longer until he orgasms too, filling your ass with his cum. <<else>> "How do you like that my little slut," Barry asks. "I bet you'll like this even more." Then Barry grabs a vibrator and places it against your clit. Between the sounds of Barry's moans, the feeling of his cock filling your ass, and the vibrations against your clit, you are soon feeling your orgasm building. Barry is getting close too. You are hoping he doesn't cum first and stop. But you didn't need to worry, you orgasm too just as he makes a final thrust filling your ass with his cum. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I don't know about you, but I could use a little nap now," Barry says as he releases you. "Maybe later we can enjoy the pool one last time. It's a shame we have to [[check out tomorrow morning|Part14IslandEnd]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In the Changing Room</h1> <img src="Part14/Collar2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="720" align="left"> <<set setup.removeInventory('sex toys', 'pet shock collar')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Barry drops you off in the changing room before he heads to the front desk to settle the bill. After they hand you a bin with your clothes in it, you quietly dress. Once you are done, he unlocks your collar and tells you to remove it. You do as he instructs and remove it and hand it to him. "Thank you miss, have a nice trip home," he tells you. You silently nod at him and wave. "You are allowed to speak now if you wish," he reminds you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh, right. Thank you, sir," you say before heading back to the front desk. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You look around the lobby as Barry argues over some of the items on his bill. <<if $IslandMassage == 2>> "I only sent her for one massage, why was I charged twice?" <<elseif $IslandSybian>> "What is this 'Rental Charge' here? I think I would remember if I rented a Sybian!" <<elseif $PlayerNoBodyHair>> "I shouldn't have been charged full price for the grooming. They're should be a discount since she didn't even need a waxing." <<elseif $BarryIslandResist>> "Why was I charged for the obediance training? I let you loan her out to some other guest for half of it. You should be paying me!" <<elseif $IslandStray>> "What is this 'Pet Storage Fee' charge for?" <<else>> "What is this 'Housekeeping Gratuity' added on at the end. Paying your staff is your job, not mine!" <</if>> You stop listening to their discussion though when you spot a post offering the chance to "Hunt the Most <strike>Dangerous</strike> Game". Except the word 'Dangerous' has a line though it with the word 'Sexy' replacing it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You aren't interested in hunting anything, or in this case, anyone. But when you see the photos of naked girls, sneaking through the woods, you fantasize about being one of them. When you see the pictures of the hungry looking 'hunters' stalking their prey, you imagine being captured by one of them. You decided to ask the concierge about it while Barry continues to argue over his bill. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> <<set $IslandHuntCard to 1>> His description only makes you more excited, until you find out you aren't eligible to participate. "Well, perhaps on your next visit with us then," he says. "After you've had your child." He gives you are card his name on it. "Give us a call next summer if you interested in joining the hunt. You don't even need to be a paying guest to particpate. As prey that is." <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive >4>> <<set $tempForceHunt to 1>> As he describes the hunt, and you imagine being stalked by horny men, you imagine them capturing you. You imagine being taken by them and used by them. You think of being helpless and used, of having no say over what happens to you next, of being completely at their mercy. The thought is irresistible to you. "[[Of course, I'm interested.|Part14IslandTest]]", you eagerly tell him. <br><br> "I did mention, it's for the rest of the summer, right? Don't worry, I can work with your airline to waive any change fees for your return flight home." <<else>> As he describes the hunt, and you imagine being stalked by horny men, you imagine them capturing you. You imagine being taken by them and used by them. You think of being helpless and used, of having no say over what happens to you next, of being completely at their mercy. The thought excites you. <br><br> "Keep in mind, you'd be here for the remainder of the summer," he adds. "[[Let me know if you are interested|Part14IslandTest]]. I can work with your airline to waive any change fees for your return flight home." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Barry seems to have finally finished arguing over his bill and settled up with the resort and comes over to join you. You excitedly tell him <<if !$PlayerPregnant and $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive > 4>> of your plans to stay at the resort all summer. He is disappointed, both that you won't be joining him, and that he won't be participating in this 'hunt'. He feels a bit better though when you tell him about the 50% discount off a future visit he gets for referring you. "Well, I'm sure you'll enjoy it. And I know they'll enjoy you. I guess I see you this fall then." <<else>> about the hunt. He agrees it sounds like quite an exciting time. "I'm sure you'd enjoy it. And I know they'd enjoy you." <br><br> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> You show him the card you were given. "Maybe next summer," you say. You and Barry follow behind as your bags are carried out to the boat for the [[start of your long trip back home|Part14IslandReturn]] <<else>> You sensed a bit of disappointment from him when you mentioned the possibility of you not going home with him. He also seems jealous of the one's that will be 'hunting'. But he does seem interested in the 50% referral discount he'd get off a future visit if you decided to stay and be prey. <br><br> You still aren't sure if you want to join the hunt, or [[go back home with Barry|Part14IslandReturn]]. <</if>> <</if>> <<if $BarryIslandTricked>> <br><br> <<if $tempForceHunt>> And best of all, participating in the hunt means you won't have to fly back with Barry. You may have discovered something about yourself while you were here, but you still don't forgive him for tricking you. <<else>> Or have you still [[not forgiven Barry|Part14IslandAngryEnd]] for tricking you into coming here. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Finally free of Barry</h1> <<set setup.breakupWith('Barry')>> <img src="Part14/Island40.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know what he had hoped. Barry had hoped that you'd forget about how he'd tricked you into coming here, tricked you into signing those forms that said you consented to all this, and then tricked you into putting on that collar. He'd hoped you'd enjoy yourself and forgive how he got you here. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Maybe it was Stockholm syndrome or something, but at times the past week you actually found yourself wanting to obey Barry, to make him happy, to give him pleasure. And that makes you even more furious. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Maybe you would have liked it here if you'd came here willingly some day, with the right person. But you certainly weren't ready for a place like this when you arrived. And you would have wanted to be here with someone that respected you, not someone that only cared about tricking you so they could fuck you the entire week when you were unable to say a word to object! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> If this had happened back home, you could probably report him for rape or something, but you know that'd be hopeless here. But you don't want to ever have to talk to Barry again. You don't think he actually cares though. He got what he wanted out of you already. He took your virginity and he had three holes to fuck for the past week. That's all you ever were to him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You have to share the small plane back to the mainland with him, but thankfully after a quick chat with the lady from the airline, you are able to get a different seat for the longer [[flight home|Part14IslandReturnAlone]]. You hope you never see him again. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Sleeping on the plane</h1> <video src="Part14/Home86.webm" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After your fall asleep on the long flight home, your dreams quickly turn to what you wish your first experience with bondage would have been. You are blindfolded so you don't see his face, but his touch is soft and gentle, except when you want it not to be. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are tied and helpless, but you feel safe and protected. You eagerly suck his cock while his fingers play with you, encouraging you to suck ever more eagerly. You feel so proud of yourself after he cums for you, and you swallow down every drop. You feel even more proud when he tells you what a good girl you are. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part14/Home87.webm" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's only when your mysterous dream man takes off your blindfold that you realize who it is. It's Andrew, your old boss! You don't have a chance to say anything though because he stuffs your panties in your mouth and tells you, "We don't want to wake the neighbors when I make you cum." His skilled hands then work get you closer and closer. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Frustratingly, the anouncement from the pilot over the intercom wakes you from your dream before that can happen. You try to get back to your dream, but you can't. Instead you think about you really do like the thought of being tied up and helpless, with the right person. You only wish your first experience had been different. Maybe you'll have more time to think about how to explore this part of yourself when [[you are back home|Part14Home]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Resort Medical Clinic</h1> <img src="PartP/PregTest6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640" align="left"> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> <<set $IslandAlreadyPermanent to 1>> <</if>> <<if $BarryIslandTricked>> <<set setup.breakupWith('Barry')>> <</if>> <<set $PregnancyCheck = setup.checkForNewPregnancy('medical test - hunt start', 0)>> When you tell them you plan on being one of the prey for the hunt, they send you over to the resort's medical clinic, Barry doesn't need to leave for the airport just yet, so he goes with you. "There's just a few standard tests I need to do to make sure you are healthy enough to 'compete'," the doctor tells you. "Let's start with taking some blood, then the computer can analayze it while I look you over." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After he checks you over he says, "Everything looks great so far. Let me go get the results of your blood work," then he leaves the room. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> A couple minutes later he returns with the results. <<if $PregnancyCheck.isPregnant>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 1>> <<set $IslandPregnant to 1>> "Well, there's nothing wrong with you. In fact you seem to be in great health. But something did come up on your blood test," he says. Then he continues, "You're pregnant." <br><br> "Well, technically you aren't pregnant yet. But your X-Change implant has detected that a conception likely to result in pregnancy has occurred. <<if !$IslandAlreadyPermanent>> As you know, this means your implant's effects are permanent now. <</if>> <br><br> The doctor continues on, mentioning the conception likely occurred from activity this week. Then Barry interrupts him, "Is your machine able to see if I'm the father or not?" Then he adds, "It's been a fun week for both of us." <br><br> The doctor takes some of Barry's blood and runs it through the computer as well. When he comes back he tells Barry, <b><u> <<if $PregnancyCheck.actualFather == 'Barry'>> "Congratulations, you are the father." <<else>> "I'm sorry, you are not the father." <</if>> </u></b> Though Barry's reaction seems to be the opposite of what the doctor expected it to be. <br><br> "I'm not sure if that result changes your decision, miss. But at this early stage, I can give you an injection that will prevent implantation if you want to prevent the pregnancy from starting. You'll have a normal period this month like nothing happened. <<if !$IslandAlreadyPermanent>> Of course, that won't change anything about the changes to your body from your implant being permanent. <</if>> <br><br> If you want to keep the baby, I can forward the tests from today to your doctor back home. Unfortunately, you won't be able compete in the hunt in that case, assuming you were even still interested in it. <<if $PregnancyCheck.actualFather == 'Barry'>> From his reaction, you know Barry wants you to prevent the pregnancy, but he hasn't said anything. The decision is up to you. <</if>> <br><br> <<if setup.isFWB('Barry')>> Do you want to [[proceed with the pregnancy|Part14IslandReturn]] and head home with Barry? Or do you want to [[prevent the pregnancy|IslandHunt]] and continue with your plan to join the hunt. <<else>> They ask you if you want to proceed with the pregnancy and head home with Barry, or if you want to [[prevent the pregnancy|IslandHunt]] and continue with your plan to join the hunt. You don't want to go home with Barry, and you certainly don't want to have <<if $PregnancyCheck.actualFather == 'Barry'>> his baby! <<else>> a baby he had anything to do with. <</if>> So you tell them to prevent the pregancy, and stick with your plan to join the 'hunt'. <</if>> <<unset $IslandAlreadyPermanent>> <<if setup.pregnantFirstTime()>> <<achievement>>firsttime+pregnant<</achievement>> <<else>> <<achievement>>pregnant<</achievement>> <</if>> <<else>> "Everything looks good with your blood tests," he says. "You're [[approved to compete|IslandHunt]]. Have fun!" <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Submiting to Barry</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part14/Plane3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> </div> <<unset $IslandNudity>> <<set setup.removeInventory('sex toys', 'pet shock collar')>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Barry', vaginal: true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $IslandPregnant>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.actualFather == 'Barry'>> Barry doesn't say anything about the pregnancy, maybe he needs some time to process everything. For now, you are just going to ignore it too. You two can discuss it when you get home. <<else>> Barry doesn't say anything about your pregnancy, though you know he's not going to be any help. He may have had a part in the activities this weekend, but he's not the father. But you knew you'd be on your own when you decided to continue with the pregnancy. But you decide to not think about all that. You can worry about the pregnancy once you get back home. <</if>> <br><br> <</if>> After the boat ride from the island you and Barry wait at the airport and eventually board what you expect is going to be a long, boring flight home. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Barry has something else in mind though. Once he sees the "Fasten Seatbelts" sign is turned off, he leans over and whispers into your ear, "Wait a minute and then join me." Then he heads to the lavatory in the back of the plane. You wait a minute and then get up and head that way too. You quickly open the door and enter, hoping no one noticed he was already there. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You want to get on your knees and suck his cock first, but there's no room. Thankfully you are already a little wet just from the excitement of it all. He slides his hand into your panties as you pull off your shirt and then struggle to pull down your pants. Once they're off, and he's satisfied you are wet enough, he sits down and waits for you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You slowly lower yourself down, sliding his cock into you. You thrust back and forth on his cock. Thankfully the noise of the plane hides the sound of your ass slapping against him. His hands reach around and play with your breasts as you work to get him off. <br><br> You love the forbidden aspect of your encounter, especailly when you hear Barry's breathing change and you know he's about to cum. You keep going until he cums. When he does, he pulls you down onto his lap so you stop moving. You can still faintly feel his cock twitching as it cums inside you. <<else>> You hold back a moan as you lower yourself down, sliding his cock into you. You thrust back and forth on his cock as he reaches his hand around you to play with your clit. Thankfully the noise of the plane hides the sound of your ass slapping against him. When you start to cum, his hand comes off your clit so it can cover your mouth to keep your moans from being heard. <br><br> When your thrusts stop for a moment, he takes his hand away from your mouth and grabs your hips. He pulls you back onto his cock a few more times, before pulling you back one last time as he quietly moans into your ear as he cums. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He pulls his pants back up and returns to his seat. You lock the door again after he leaves, and take a moment to clean up the cum he left leaking out of you. <<if $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> Asking him to pull out didn't really make sense here. Besides, you know how much he loves the feeling of cumming inside you. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> You didn't think to pack the condoms in your carry-on luggage. Besides, you know how much he loves fucking you without one. <</if>> When you've done what you can, you head back to your seat too. A few minutes later the attendant brings by two glasses of champagne. "Welcome to the club", she says quietly with a wink before heading down the asile. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> "Go ahead, one sip won't hurt the baby," Barry tells you. <</if>> As you sip the champagane, you think about your relationship with Barry. This week, you've learned how much you love serving him. And you think he's figured out something similar. You expect things are going to be different between you <<if !$PlayerPregnant || $PregnancyCheck.actualFather == 'Barry'>> [[when you get home|Part14IslandHome]] <<else>> [[when you get home|Part14IslandHomeFWB]] <</if>> than they were before the trip. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>mileHigh<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Serving to Barry</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part14/Barry1.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> </div> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Barry'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Barry', vaginal: true})>> When you get home <<if $Roommate == 'Barry'>> and back to your and Barry's room, you start to unpack. <<else>> you head to Barry's room. <</if>> "I had the resort make something while we were there," he says before pulling a pet collar from his bag. It has a pretty heart tag on it with "<<if $playerName>>$playerName<<else>>Barry's Pet<</if>>" engraved on it. On the other side it says, "Property of", with Barry's name beneath that. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I was looking forward to keeping you around as my pet, but it looks like your hands are going to be full soon with that little souvenir you picked up on our trip," he says pointing towards your stomach. But we can still play from time to time, for now at least. "I was going to have you wear this all the time. But I don't want people thinking I'm the father. So I'll hold on to it and you can wear it during playtime." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes sir," you say. After you do, he buckles the pet collar around your neck and tells you to take off your shirt. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You immediately comply. Then he says, "Now, on your knees. <<if $IslandSybian or $IslandStray or $IslandMassage == 2>> It's time for you to start paying me back for those extra charges I found on my hotel bill. <<elseif $IslandPregnant>> It's time for you to thank me for helping you find some guy to knock you up. <<else>> It's time for you to thank me for the collar I bought for you. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wish you could spend the whole summer with Barry, but you need to [[head to your parents|Part14Home]]. Before you leave, Barry lets you drop to your knees again and earn the privilege of having your collar off for your trip to your parents house. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Submiting to Barry</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part14/Barry1.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> </div> <<set setup.startDating('Barry')>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Barry'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Barry', vaginal: true})>> When you get home <<if $Roommate == 'Barry'>> and back to your and Barry's room, you start to unpack. <<else>> you head to Barry's room. <</if>> "I had the resort make something while we were there," he says before pulling a pet collar from his bag. It has a pretty heart tag on it with "<<if $playerName>>$playerName<<else>>Barry's Pet<</if>>" engraved on it. On the other side it says, "Property of", with Barry's name beneath that. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I don't think you want to stop being my pet just because our trip is over, do you?" he asks. <<if $PlayerPregnant>> "Especially not with my baby growing inside you now." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "No sir," you quickly reply, pulling your hair back so he can more easily put the collar on you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You'll wear this, unless I tell you you can take it off," he says about the collar. "Of course, I'm still going to fuck anyone else I please. I would say you are only allowed to fuck me or someone with my permission, but we both know you are too much of a slut for that to be realistic. But you'll make sure you are available to serve me whenever I want you to." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "If I want to fuck you, I'll fuck you. If I want to loan you to a horny friend, or two, or twenty, then I will. Whatever I say, you do. Is this arrangement, acceptable to you, pet?" he asks. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes sir," you say emphatically. After you do, he buckles the pet collar around your neck and tells you to take off your shirt. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You immediately comply. Then he says, "Now, on your knees. <<if $IslandSybian or $IslandStray or $IslandMassage == 2>> It's time for you to start paying me back for those extra charges I found on my hotel bill. <<else>> It's time for you to suck your owner's cock. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wish you could spend the whole summer with Barry, but you need to [[head to your parents|Part14Home]]. Before you leave, Barry lets you drop to your knees again and earn the privilege of removing your collar at your parents house. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Readjusting to Freedom</h1> <video src="Part14/Bondage2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<unset $IslandNudity>> <<set setup.removeInventory('sex toys', 'pet shock collar')>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Barry'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Barry', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Barry'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Barry', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Barry'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Barry', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Friend of Barry'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Friend of Barry', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Friend of Barry'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Friend of Barry', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy', vaginal: true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your thoughts are frequently filled with fantasies of being used. Of memories of being tied and helpless and cumming with some stranger's cock inside you. You start to wonder if you've made the right decision coming home from the island. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But then you remember Barry is never more than a phone call away. And he's always happy to treat you like you deserve, like you want to be treated, like the submissive little slut you are. He's happy to remind you that's what you are too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And if you want more than just Barry, he's always willing to share you with his friends. He's also told you that if he's ever not around, none of the frat houses would turn you away if you showed up some evening wearing a trench coat with not much underneath. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When it's nearly time for [[school to start back up|Part15Begin]], you are happy to find out he was right. Not only were they happy to let you in, they kept you bound and filled well into the next morning. You know you'll probably be knocking on their door again soon. But you'll have the whole semester for that. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Salon</h1> <video src="Part14/Wax1.webm" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You stop in for a visit at your waxer before you head back home. You'll need to find a salon back home too, but at least you'll be good for a few weeks. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> If you'd realized how often you'd need to visit the waxer, you might have opted for that hairless option they'd mentioned when you first changed. But every other woman has to go through this too, if she wants to smooth and hairless like you do that is. So, you don't feel too upset about your decision. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once that's taken care of, it's time to [[get on the road back home|Part14Drive]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Gas Station</h1> <img src="Part14/Drive3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<if !$CampusMinistry>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'magic wand')>> <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive and !$CampusMinistry>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'cuffs')>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'yoke')>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You're filling up your little economy car when you see a guy pull up to the pump next to your with a GT-R. You can't help yourself and are soon staring at it. "Would you like a closer look", the driver says when he notices you admiring his car. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Of course!", you quickly answer, as you walk over and take admire his car up close. You notice him admiring you as you admire his car. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerPregnantWinter>> "I'd offer to let you drive, but it'd be a tight squeeze in your condition," he says. <br><br> "Well, you have a lovely car. Thanks for letting me look it over," you tell him before heading back to your car. Once you're done filling up, you [[finish driving home|Part14HomePregnant]]. <<else>> "I could proably be convinced to let you take it for a spin if you'd like," he says. You are clearly excited by the offer. "It seems like it'd only be fair to give me a closer look at something even more beautiful in exchange," he says. <br><br> He's clearly wanting you to <<if $CampusMinistry>> strip for him, right here! Of course, you tell him no, and head back to your car. Once you're done filling up, you [[finish driving home|Part14HomeMinistry]]. You try not to think about the flush, tingly feeling the thought of flashing him gave you. "What a perv", you think to yourself. <<else>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> [[strip for him|Part14Drive2Chastity]], right here! You imagine your chastity belt will be quite the surprise for him. <<else>> [[strip for him|Part14Drive2]], right here! <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> Of course, even without the car involved, that idea excites you too much to say no. You quickly agree. <<else>> Of course, you could [[tell him no|Part14Home]] and continue home, but when would you ever get a chance to drive a car like that again? <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Gas Station</h1> <video src="Part14/Drive1.webm" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <<set $PlayerCarFlash to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You're not going to <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> pass up the chance to strip for him in public - getting to drive the car is just a fun bonus. <<else>> let a little embarrassment keep you from driving that car. <</if>> You move your car then return to his. Soon you are giving him the show he was wanting, as you strip naked while you fill up his car for him. Of course several of the other patrons are getting the same show too, but none of them are complaining. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Are you ready for your ride?", he asks after his car is full. You grab your clothes and quickly put them on. "Aw, I was hoping you'd drive like that," he says. You smile and climb into the driver's seat of his car. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are already having a blast just driving the car at the speed limit, but then he tells you to turn down another road. "There's a long straight-away, and there's never any speed-traps there." You smile and turn down the road. Your blood is really pumping as go faster and faster down the new road. You're sad for a moment when you see it ending ahead. Then you realize you get to drive back too. You turn the car around and see just how fast his car can accelerate. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you come near where you need to turn back onto the main road he says, "If you're wanting a different kind of excitement, I also know someplace a bit more private we can park for a bit," he says. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter') and $dating.length == 1>> "I'd love to, but only if we call my boyfriend and let him watch," you tell him. He laughs and directs you where to turn. As you drive he uses your phone for you to make a video call to Peter. Once Peter answers, you fill him in on the show you gave at the gas station, and how horny driving the sports car has made you. "Now, you can watch me [[fuck him too|Part14Drive3]]." <<elseif $dating.length > 0>> "I am so turned on right now, but I have a <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> girlfriend, and I want to be faithful to her. <<else>> boyfriend, and I want to be faithful to him. <</if>> I really enjoyed the ride though," you tell him. He's disappointed, but gracious. Once you are back to the gas station you return to your car and [[continue home|Part14Home]]. <<else>> "I'd love to," you say as you [[follow his directions|Part14Drive3]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Gas Station</h1> <img src="Part14/Drive4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> You're not going to <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> pass up the chance to strip for him in public - getting to drive the car is just a fun bonus. <<else>> let a little embarrassment keep you from driving that car. <</if>> You move your car then return to his. Soon you are giving him the show he was wanting, as you strip naked while you fill up his car for him. He's quite surprised, but curious, when you pull up your skirt to reveal your chastity belt. He has several questions for you, which you do your best to answer as you continue to strip off the rest of your clothes for him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He holds up his car keys. "I wonder if your <<if setup.areDating($Keyholder) and $KeyholderPronoun == "she">> girlfriend <<elseif setup.areDating($Keyholder)>> boyfriend <<elseif $Keyholder == "Robert" and $JobGloryHole>> boss <<else>> owner <</if>> would be willing to trade keys with me some weekend. Would you like that?", he asks. You are biting your lower lip imagining that weekend and can't help but nod. "Sorry, that was rhetorical. Though, I'm sure it would be a fun weekend for all three of us. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Anyway, are you ready for your ride?", he asks. You grab your clothes and quickly put them on. "Aw, I was hoping you'd drive like that," he says. You smile and climb into the driver's seat of his car. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are already having a blast just driving the car at the speed limit, but then he tells you to turn down another road. "There's a long straight-away, and there's never any speed-traps there." You smile and turn down the road. Your blood is really pumping as go faster and faster down the new road. You're sad for a moment when you see it ending ahead. Then you realize you get to drive back too. You turn the car around and see just how fast his car can accelerate. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you come near where you need to turn back onto the main road he says, "I know someplace a bit more private we can park for a bit, if you'd like," he says. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He knows about your belt, so there's only one thing he could be wanting from you in private. <<if setup.areDating($Keyholder)>> You know $Keyholder knows how horny you get, and won't mind you given a blowjob to take the edge off a little. <</if>> You realize how horny the drive has made you, and that you won't be able to do anything about that. You know getting him off won't help much, but now that you are imagining his cock in your mouth, you know you can't say no. "I'd love to," you say as you [[follow his directions|Part14Drive3Chastity]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Parked on a Back Road</h1> <img src="Part14/Drive2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Sports car owner'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Sports car owner', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, pullout:true})>> As soon as you are parked, you feel his hand slide up your thigh. His finger slides easily into you. "I thought the drive would have that effect on you", he says before he kisses you. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> He starts to try to get you off, but you know that is hopeless, so you ask if he wants to get out continue outside the car instead. <<else>> It doesn't take to long before his fingers have you grasping tightly onto the steering wheel as you cum. Once you've caught your breath he says, "Why don't we continue outside the car. There's not much room in here." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The hood is still warm as he bends you over it and slides into you from behind. He pounds you hard and fast as your hands try to use the hood for support. He warns you when he's starting to get close. "Where do you want me to cum?", he asks. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerProtectionWithdraw and !$PlayerPregnant>> You turn around and drop to your knees in front of him. "On my face," you answer him. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionCondoms and !$PlayerPregnant>> You remember the condoms you'd normally use are packed away in your car, and turn around and drop to your knees in front of him. "On my face," you answer him. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionTry and !$PlayerPregnant>> "Anywhere you like," you say hoping he'll cum inside you. He wants something else though and has you kneel in front of him so he can cum on your face. <<else>> "Anywhere you like," you say. He has you kneel in front of him so he can cum on your face. <</if>> It only takes a few strokes of your hand and your face is covered with his cum. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter') and $dating.length == 1>> As he asks if your boyfriend likes to jerk off watching you with other men. "Oh, he'd like to," you answer. "But he's going to find it impossible without this." You hold up the key and tell him about Peter's chastity cage. "I'll trade you keys if you'd like," you say point toward the car keys. You get a laugh and an quick 'No' from the cars owner. "Oh well, I had to ask," you say. You wave bye to Peter and hang up the vidoe call. <br><br> <</if>> You drive the car back to the gas station and tell him how much you enjoyed the drive. "So did I," he says with a smile. After he drives off, you return to your car and [[continue home|Part14Home]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Parked on a Back Road</h1> <img src="Part14/Drive2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Sports car owner'})>> As soon as you are parked, you feel his hand slide up your thigh. You ache for him to keep going, but of course he's stopped by the belt. He explores along the edge a bit, but soon sees that it's impossible. You begin unbuttoning his pants, when he says "Why don't we continue outside the car. There's not much room in here." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You drop to you knees and take his cock in your mouth. As your lips wrap around it, you long for it to be inside you. But since that isn't possible, you focus on his pleasure. You eagerly suck his cock, getting more enthusiastic with each moan you get from him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You plan on swallowing every drop, but he pulls out at the last moment, covering your face with his cum. "That was amazing," he says. "And to think, I'd been disappointed at first when I saw you chastity belt." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You drive the car back to the gas station and tell him how much you enjoyed the drive. "So did I," he says with a smile. After he drives off, you return to your car and [[continue home|Part14Home]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Feeling Clean Again</h1> <img src="Part14/Ministry1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you drive home, you can't help it but your mind keeps going back to that guy at the gas station. Did he really want you to expose yourself right there at the gas station? Or maybe he wanted you to show him in private? <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You think about how anything could have happened to you if he'd had you drive somewhere far away from other people. He might try to kidnap you or something, but you don't think so. Guys like that probably just ask for what they want and are used to getting it. You wonder what he would have asked you for. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You bet he'd want to bend you over the hood of his car and have his way with you, right there. "It's probably good I didn't take his offer then," you say outloud to yourself, as if that will make you believe it more. But a few minutes after you say that, your mind is back to thinking about the things he might have did to you when you were all alone. Luckily, you realize you are speeding and slow down before you get a ticket. You mind soon drifts back there again, but this time you keep mind of your speed. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you get home you need to use the bathroom. When you do, you notice the mess you've made in your panties. You don't want to admit it, but you know it's from all those thoughts you'd had on the way up. You'd gotten wet and it'd leaked into them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't want to go downstairs wearing a reminder of the slutty thoughts you were having, so you take a quick bath, and change into some new panties. When you are done, you toss the old ones in a hamper and mix things up so they aren't on top for everyone to see. Then you [[head downstairs|Part14HomeMinistry2]] to see your family. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With your family</h1> <img src="Part14/Ministry2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> <<set $PlayerDecidePermanent to 1>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your dad has Dylan carry the boxes from your car up to your room while he sits you down to talk. "I'd been really worried about you after your change. There's so many stories of... well, they don't often turn out like you, lets say," he tells you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "As you know, I've talked a few times with your friend Faith and your pastor. They both seem like good people. And both of them have told me what a wonderful young woman you've become," he continues. "I know you and I had some differences the last few years. I didn't like the path you were obviously on," he pauses a bit before going on. "But now that I know you, the person that you were clearly meant to be... I just want to say I'm proud to have you as my daughter." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You try not cry from the emotions of hearing your father tell you this. But there's a bit of guilt mixed in to your happiness. You wonder if your father would still be proud of you if he knew the kind of thoughts you keep having. <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>> Or if he knew you <<if setup.haveFuckedVaginal('Andrew')>> had sex with Andrew. <<elseif $AndrewMinistryOral>> gave Andrew a blowjob. <<elseif $AndrewMinistryHand>> stroked Andrew's cock, or how much you enjoyed making him cum. <<else>> let Andrew put his hand under your shirt, or how much you enjoyed it and wanted to do more. <</if>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> Or if he knew you were pregnant. <</if>> But he doesn't know about that, and <<else>> But <</if>> you aren't having any of those thoughts now. Now you just hug your father and thank him for accepting you for who you are. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> By then your brother is back, and you join him and your sister and visit for a while until it's [[time for bed|Part14HomeMinistry3]]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> You'd been wondering if you should make this change permanent. You know if you ever changed back to your old body, you'd never been the kind of man your dad would be proud of. You'd probably not even be happy as a man anyway. You've been much happier since your change, even with some of the thoughts you have. (Even those thoughts can be fun too, you admit in a moment of honesty.) <br><br> Hearing your father support your change, and talk about how he knows this is who you were always meant helps you decide for sure. You aren't going to change back to your old body. This is who you are supposed to be. You'll stop by an X-Change office when you get back to school, and tell them to make it permanent for you. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Exciting Dreams</h1> <video src="Part14/Ministry3.webm" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> That night you dream you are in one of those strip clubs you've seen in movies before. But this time it's you up on the stage! You are barely wearing anything at first, and then as you dance for the men watching you... you start taking off what little you had on to start with! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Before you know it you are dancing naked in front of dozens of men. Then one of them is carrying you somewhere private, where you start dancing on his lap. You can feel his hardness pressing against you as you do. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You rub yourself against the hard spot in his pants. He tells you how much he likes that as his hands roam your body. You like it too, as the fabric of his pants rubs against you. You start grinding against him faster and faster. It feels better and better as you keep going. Just when you think it can't get any better... you wake up. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You feel warm all over, and you feel a need you can't describe. <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>> Actually, you can describe it. It's Andrew you need. You wish he were here. <<if setup.haveFuckedVaginal('Andrew')>> You wish you could feel him inside you again right now. <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Andrew')>> You wish you could feel his tongue again right now. <<else>> You feel like you'd let him do whatever he wanted if he were here right now. <</if>> <br><br> But he's not here right now. So you try to put it out of your mind and get ready for your <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> [[day with Cassie and Dylan|Part14HomeMinistry3Denial]]. <<else>> [[day with Cassie and Dylan|Part14Home2]]. <</if>> <<else>> Well, you know what it is that your body wants. But you aren't going to say it. <br><br> "It's not my fault I have dreams like that is it?", you wonder. You decide it's not wrong to have them, you can't help that. You still haven't decide if it's wrong how much you enjoy them. <br><br> But that's not a question you are going to think about. You need to put it out of your mind and get ready for your <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> [[day with Cassie and Dylan|Part14HomeMinistry3Denial]]. <<else>> [[day with Cassie and Dylan|Part14Home2]]. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Getting Ready</h1> <img src="Part14/Ministry8.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are lost in thought as you get ready, thinking about <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>> <<if setup.haveFuckedVaginal('Andrew')>> feeling Andrew inside you again. <<else>> your dream last night, and about Andrew. <</if>> <<else>> your dream last night. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Without even realizing it, you've put on one of your few 'sexy' panties and rubing yourself lewdly against a cushion. You still can't feel anything, but when you take off the panties to change into your normal ones, the stickyness inside shows your body was reacting to it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you've changed into clean panties, dressed, and have checked in the mirror to make sure your face isn't still all red and splotchy, you head downstairs for your [[day with Cassie and Dylan|Part14Home2]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Relaxing After Your Drive</h1> <img src="Part14/Pregnant4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After hours in the car, you are exhausted, your butt is sore, and your feet are swollen. Thankfully your father has Dylan carry your bags up to your room. You go take a hot bath to try to feel better. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your water has started to get cold before you get out of the tub. Only part of it was that you were enjoying the relaxation of the bath. The real reason you didn't want to get out, is that you were dreading the conversation with your father that you know is coming when you head back downstairs. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JamesBribe>> You plan on telling your father about your decision to [[put the baby up for adoption|Part14HomePregnant2][$tempBabyAdopt to 1]]. You going to leave of the incentive James's lawyer gave to help you come to that decision. It's what is best for the baby anyway, and you don't want your dad thinking you did it because of the money. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectBreeder>> You plan on [[putting the baby up for adoption|Part14HomePregnant2][$tempBabyAdopt to 1]] so you can turn around and get pregnant again as soon as possible. Of course, you aren't going to tell your dad that part just yet, just about the adoption for now. <<elseif $BabyAdoption>> You'd decided months ago that you were [[putting the baby up for adoption|Part14HomePregnant2][$tempBabyAdopt to 1]]. You hope your father accepts that decision. <<else>> If you'd been on the fence before about whether you were going to [[keep the baby|Part14HomePregnant2][$tempBabyKeep to 1]] or [[put it up for adoption|Part14HomePregnant2][$tempBabyAdopt to 1]], now's the time to decide for certain. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Getting Scolded by Your Father</h1> <video src="Part14/Home60.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As your father starts to tell you how disappointed that you ended up pregnant, just a few months after becoming a woman. And that you are back here with a due date just two months away. You know he doesn't think of you as the sweet little girl you've tried to pretend to be around him at Christmas. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's upsetting, the way he is looking at you now. It feels like he's judging you, thinking you are a slut for what happened one night with one guy. <<if setup.sexUniqueVaginalCount() > 1 or setup.sexUniqueMaleCount() > 1>> Well, the pregnancy happened from just one guy on one night, anyway. And that's all your Dad knows about for sure, right? <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After quickyly doing the math in his head for when you would have gotten pregnant he says, "You were clearly pregnant already at Christmas, but you still tried to pretend like you were adjusting well and behaving like a proper young lady. <<if setup.haveFucked('Mike') or $UncleChair>> I'd already learned that wasn't true, even before I found out about... this. <</if>> That you'd lie to me about it is almost as disappointing as you getting yourself in this situation in the first place." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "So is that how you spend your time and college, fucking every guy on campus? Sucking every cock you could find? Do you even know who the father is?", he lowers his head shaking it not giving you a chance to answer. "This is my fault. I should have been teaching since you were little, so you would know how to act like a proper young woman like your sister. I think it was obvious to everyone you'd be taking an X-Change at some point, I don't know why I was in denial and treating you like a son." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "So, who is the father? And what do you plan on doing with the baby?", you father finally stops talking and gives you a [[chance to answer|Part14HomePregnant3]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.length == 1 and $PregnancyCheck.actualFather.indexOf('Kidnapper') >= 0>> You know the father had to be one of your kidnappers, but you aren't going to tell your father that. You'd rather your father think you hooked up with some frat boy at a party than have him know about that. And it's not like you remember any of it anyway, all you know is what the doctors told you had happened. <<elseif $KidnapEscape>> You've already decided you aren't going to mention the kidnapping, or the any possibility that one of your kidnappers is the father. You'd rather your father think you hooked up with some frat boy at a party than have him know about that. And it's not like you remember any of it anyway, all you know is what the doctors told you had happened. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> Once the <<if !$tempBabyAdopt and $dating.length>> uncomfortable <<else>> unpleasant <</if>> talk with your father is finally over, you go back upstairs. Over the next several days, you try to avoid your dad as much as possible and just hang out with Cassie and Dylan. You're most looking forward to the day at the [[swimming pool|Part14HomePregnant4]] coming up soon. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <img src="Part14/Pregnant6b.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<include [[Part14HomePregnantKidnapper]]>> <<if $StatedFather and setup.areDating($StatedFather)>> "My boyfriend $dating[0], is the father," you tell <<if $dating[0] == $PregnancyCheck.actualFather>> him. <<else>> him, not caring if it's true or not. <</if>> And he agrees with my decision. <<elseif $StatedFather>> "His name is $StatedFather", you tell him. "And he agrees with my decision." <<else>> "He's not in the picture," you tell him. "Telling them I have no idea who it is just makes everything easier, just one set of consent forms are needed." <</if>> Before he can respond you add, "I'm putting the baby up for adoption. I already have all the arrangements made. There is a nice, professional couple that will take the baby right from the hospital. Your grandchild will have a wonderful home with them I'm sure." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'm very disappointed that you let yourself get it this situation. But I'm glad that you recognize that you aren't ready to raise a child by yourself, and that you have done what is needed to make sure the baby has a good chance in life," your father says. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I suppose if you'd taken the easy route and had an abortion, I never would have know," your father says. You bristle at his comment. <<if $PlayerSideEffectBreeder>> You would never abort one of your babies. You realize you are already imagining your next pregnancy, and the one after that. <<else>> There was nothing 'easy' about that decision for you. <</if>> But you say nothing and he continues, "Hopefully, you'll learn from this experience and grow from it." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes, dad. I'll be more careful in the future," you <<if $PlayerSideEffectBreeder>> lie. Of course you won't be more careful. Careful won't give you orgasms, careful won't get you pregnant. Fuck careful. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionTry>> lie. You don't mention that this wasn't an 'accident'. You can't imagine how upset he'd be if he knew that you were trying to get pregnant. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionFertile>> say. You don't mention that this probably won't be your last pregnancy. The enhanced fertility you implant gives your body means you'll probably be pregnant again sooner rather than later. You can wait to get scolded about that when it actualy happens, rather than now. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part14HomePregnantNext]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <img src="Part14/Pregnant6c.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part14HomePregnantKidnapper]]>> "He's not in the picture," you tell him. "But I plan on taking care of the baby myself." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "So you don't even know who the father is!", your father says before you can continue. "Of course! This exactly what I'd worried would happen." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your father continues berating you and telling you how you are ruining your life, and how the baby would be better off if you put it up for adoption. "You aren't even 20 yet for gods sake! And only one of those years as a woman. You don't know the first damn thing about being a mother. And the child needs a father too if it's going to grow up knowing how to be a proper young man or young woman. Though fat lot of good that did in your case." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> His tirade continues until you are tears. You are adamant though. Through your tears you tell him you've made up your mind and you are keeping your baby. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Fine! But it's your life, not mine and your mother's. Don't plan on dropping the kid here for your mother and I to raise while you run off back to college to whore around some more. This is your decision, so you live with it," he says finally. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part14HomePregnantNext]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <img src="Part14/Pregnant6a.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part14HomePregnantKidnapper]]>> <<if ($StatedFather and setup.areDating($StatedFather)) or (!$StatedFather and setup.areDating('Peter'))>> "My boyfriend $dating[0], is the father," you tell <<if $dating[0] == $PregnancyCheck.actualFather>> him. <<else>> him, not caring if it's true or not. <</if>> <<elseif setup.areDating('Veronica')>> <<if $StatedFather>> "His name is $StatedFather, but that doesn't matter. My girlfriend Veronica and I want a baby. She wasn't comfortable taking a blue X-Change, so I did what had to be done," you tell your father. <<if !$PlayerProtectionTry>> You know this will go much better if he thinks it was a choice the two of you made, not an accident when you were with a guy. <</if>> <<else>> "My girlfriend Veronica is the father. We wanted a baby, so she took an X-Change Basic for a night and... well you can figure out the rest," you lie. <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> You know this will go better if he thinks you know who the father is, and will be raising the baby with 'him', even if he thinks she was only a man for the night. <<else>> You know this will go much better if he thinks it was a choice the two of you made, not an accident when you were with a guy. <</if>> <</if>> <<elseif $StatedFather>> "His name is $StatedFather, but he's not in the picture anymore." <<else>> "It doesn't matter who the father is," you say, Then you quickly move on before your father can react to that statement. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "$dating[0] and I are keeping the baby, and we'll be raising it together," you tell your father. "We are both very excited about this. I know this probably isn't what you wanted for me, but I hope you will understand this is our decision and respect that," you tell your father confidently. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well, you are right," you father says with a sigh. "This isn't what I wanted for you. I mean you are aren't even 20 yet. I'd certainly hoped you'd be a mother some day, obviously fatherhood was never on the table for you. But... Well, I don't know about $dating[0], but I'm not sure you're ready for this... for parenthood. But then I suppose no one ever is." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Thank you Dad for understanding," you say finally. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part14HomePregnantNext]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Talking with Your Father</h1> <<if $tempBabyAdopt>> <<include [[Part14HomePregnantAdopt]]>> <<elseif $dating.length>> <<include [[Part14HomePregnantKeep]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part14HomePregnantKeepAlone]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Pool</h1> <img src="Part14/Pregnant5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are a bit disappointed, that you can't wear a bikini to the pool. But with your belly the way it is, keeping a bikini bottom on and covering what it is intended to cover, would be a problem. And with all the kids around, an 'accidental' exposure wouldn't be as welcome as it might be at the campus rec center or at spring break. But you have a one piece that is more than capable of containing everything. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You were self-conscious about your size, but you get many people coming up to you and telling how beautiful you look. You think you even notice a few guys checking you out from behind their sunglasses. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $BodyType == 'Petite'>> You look young for your age, so you get quite <<else>> You get <</if>> a few judgemental looks from people you assume think you are too young to be pregnant. But most people are friendly, and many congratulate you on the coming baby. Much to his embarrassment, a few also congratulate Dylan, thinking he's the father! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'd worried you'd be exhausted quickly at the pool, but it's quite the opposite. You aren't doing any swimming, and being in the water actually makes you feel lighter, and it's actually quite relaxing. You enjoy sitting back and watching your brother and sister splash around. Well, you also enjoy admiring <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> the girls in their bikinis. <<else>> the shirtless guys. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Maybe you were spending too much time admiring the suntan oil glistening on their bare skin, because by the time you [[leave the pool|Part14HomePregnant5]] and head home, you are feeling a familiar need. <</nobr>><<nobr>> You fall asleep that night with a big smile on your face. You had a fun day, and an even more fun evening, and you are looking forward to the big day you all [[have planned for tomorrow|Part14HomeLabor]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $dating.length>> <h1>Being Used by $dating[0]</h1> <<else>> <h1>Being Used</h1> <</if>> <video src="Part14/Pregnant8.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $dating.length>> Once you are able to find some time alone, $dating[0] reminds you just what you are good for: making babies and sucking cock. <<if !setup.areDating('Barry')>> You know he doesn't really mean it, but he knows how turned on you get when he talks down to you like that. <</if>> "And you are going to get lots of practice at sucking cock after the baby is born," he reminds you. "Since your other holes will be off limit for weeks." <<if !setup.areDating('Barry')>> You think he means that part. You get more turned on imagining weeks without being able to have sex, but sucking $dating[0]'s cock every night. <</if>> <br><br> As you continue to suck his cock he adds, "I may be generous and fuck you tonight. You best enjoy it, it might be your last one for a while." <<else>> The guy you meet says "Sluts like you are only good for two things, making babies and sucking cock. Isn't that right?" <br><br> "Yes sir," you respond as you stand there naked, with your hands bound behind your back. <br><br> And someone beat me to using you for the first one. So what does that tell you?" <br><br> After you drop to your knees he says, "Good slut. Now get to work. Maybe if you do a good job, I might even let you have an orgasm before I release you." <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You only wish he could give you an orgasm. Even though you know you won't feel it nearly like you should, thanks to the denial setting. You still long for his cock inside you. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<include [[Part14HomePregnant5Next]]>><<nobr>> <<if $dating.length>> <h1>With $dating[0]</h1> <<else>> <h1>Getting What You Need</h1> <</if>> <video src="Part14/Pregnant9.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $dating.length>> Once you are able to find some time alone, it's clear $dating[0] has missed you as much as you've missed him. You were worried he wouldn't find you attractive like this, but he said you look even more beautiful like this, knowing that you have <<if $StatedFather and $dating[0] == $StatedFather>>his<<else>>a<</if>> baby growing inside you. <br><br> Your love making is even more urgent tonight than most, partly because of your time apart, and partly because you both know that once the baby is born, it'll be weeks before you can be together like this again. <<else>> You don't know if he has a thing for pregnant girls, or just likes knowing he doesn't have to worry about him getting you pregnant, but he was very eager once he saw you online. You were eager for any cock you could find tonight, and were glad his was available. <br><br> Thankfully he doesn't just fuck you once and leave. You know once the baby is born you'll have to wait weeks before you can feel a cock inside you again. Luckily tonight you only have to wait a few minutes before he's ready to go again. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<include [[Part14HomePregnant5Next]]>><<nobr>> <h1>With $dating[0]</h1> <img src="Part14/Pregnant11.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <<set setup.addSex({sex:'female', name: $dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:'female', name: $dating[0]})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Thankfully, $dating[0] is arriving tonight!. Once you and her have a chance to be alone, she gives you exactly what you need. <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> After she makes you beg for it, that is. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<include [[Part14HomePregnant5Next]]>><<nobr>> <<if $dating.length>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name: $dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, name: $dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name: $dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, name: $dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name: $dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, name: $dating[0]})>> <<else>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: 'Internet Hookup', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, anon: 'Internet Hookup'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: 'Internet Hookup', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, anon: 'Internet Hookup', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: 'Internet Hookup', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, anon: 'Internet Hookup', repeat:true})>> <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <<include [[Part14HomePregnant5Submissive]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part14HomePregnant5Sex]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Looking for Someone Online</h1> <video src="Part14/Pregnant1.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Maybe it's the implant, maybe it's hormones from the pregnancy, or maybe it was just seeing the shirtless guys all day at the pool. Well, actually it's probably all of the above. But you ache <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> to be tied up and used. <<else>> to be fucked. <</if>> But thanks to the internet, it doesn't take you long to [[find a guy|Part14HomePregnant5Guy]] willing to give you <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> exactly what you deserve. <<else>> just what you need. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Taking Care of your Needs</h1> <video src="Part14/Pregnant10.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You want to be fucked, but you don't want to have to try to find someone that's ok with having sex with someone as pregnant as you are. Taking care of the problem yourself is quicker and easier. And you don't have to wait for anyone to recover before you go again, and again. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part14HomePregnant5Next]]>><<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> <<include [[Part14HomePregnant5Girl]]>> <<elseif $dating.length>> <<include [[Part14HomePregnant5Guy]]>> <<elseif !$PlayerSideEffectBreeder and !$PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock and !$PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock and !$PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <<include [[Part14HomePregnant5Solo]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part14HomePregnant5Online]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Change of Plans</h1> <img src="Part14/Pregnant7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know your plans for the day have changed the moment you wake up. It's clear from the first contraction that these are nothing like the Braxton Hicks contractions you'd had before. You undestand what they mean now about the difference. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Everyone else is still asleep, so while the contractions are still pretty far apart you make sure you have everything in your hosptial bag. You also take a minute to freshen up <<if setup.haveFucked('Internet Hookup') or ($dating.length and !setup.areDating('Veronica'))>> and clean up the evidence of your fun from last night <</if>>, then you get dressed in something comfortable before you start waking people up. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When the contractions start to become more regular and closer together, you tell <<if $dating.length>> $dating[0] <<else>> Cassie <</if>> that it's [[time to go|Part14HomeLabor2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In Labor</h1> <img src="PartX/AndrewFamily6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <<set $tempBabyNameBoys to ["Casey","Liam","Brandon","Wyatt"].map((name) => {return {name, sex:"male"}})>> <<set $tempBabyNameGirls to ["Delilah","Emma","Sophia","Mia"].map((name) => {return {name, sex:'female'}})>> <<set $tempBabyName to [$tempBabyNameBoys, $tempBabyNameGirls]>> <<if $BabyBoy or $BabyGirl>> <<if $BabyBoy>><<set $BabyGirl to 0>><</if>> <<else>> <<set $BabyGirl to either(0,1)>> <</if>> <<set $tempBaby to $tempBabyName[$BabyGirl].shift()>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you get to the labor and delivery room they change you out of your comfortable clothes and into an itchy hospital gown that doesn't cover much. When your water breaks and you make a mess of it, you toss it asside. You tell them not to bother with another one. You are hot and sweaty already and it's just you and <<if $dating.length>>$dating[0]<<else>>Cassie<</if>> in here with the doctor and nurses anyway. With the pain of the contractions you are glad for one less thing to worry about. The doctors and nurses say it's actually easier for them that way anyway. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectBreeder>> They offer you an epideral, but you tell them no. You are going to be giving birth many times you assume, so you need to get used to the feeling. It soon becomes clear that it's not something that anyone could ever 'get used to'. The pain is intense, but somehow it also feels right, feels natural. Thankfully, it doesn't last that long, and sooner than expected you <<else>> You are so happy when the anesthesiologist arrives. It feels like a bee sting when she puts the epideral in, but once everything is going with your epideral it feels so much better. Of course you can still feel everything, and push when you need too, but most of the pain is gone. You're so glad you got it as your labor goes on for hours. After what seems like forever you finally <</if>> hear the doctor say the say the baby is coming now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After even more pushing, the baby is finally out. You feel completely drained. <<if $tempBabyKeep>> They do some quick tests on the baby and then put <<if $BabyGirl>>her<<else>>him<</if>> in you arms, a beautiful, healthy baby <<if $BabyGirl>>girl<<else>>boy.<</if>> You hold little $ in you arms for a while until the nurse says she needs to take <<if $BabyGirl>>her<<else>>him<</if>> down for some more tests. While <<if $BabyGirl>>she<<else>>he<</if>> is getting those done, we'll get you another gown and get you moved down to a [[recovery room|Part14HomeKeepBaby]]. Then when we can bring <<if $BabyGirl>>her<<else>>him<</if>> there to see you. <<else>> As you've already told them you are putting the baby up for adoption, they never show you the baby, they just let you know it was perfectly healthy before they take it away to the nursery or someplace. The remaining nurse attends to you. After they are done with you in the delivery room, she lets you know, "Whenever you are ready, we can get you another gown and [[take you to a recovery room|Part14HomeAdopt]]." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<achievement>>mother<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Finalizing arrangements</h1> <img src="Part14/Postpartum6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="480"> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 0>> <<unset $PregnancyCheck>> <<set $PlayerAdoption to 1>> <<unset $BabyAdoption>> <<unset $tempBaby>> <<unset $BabyBoy>> <<unset $BabyGirl>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'd decided a while ago that you weren't going to keep the baby. You aren't ready to be a mother yet. You've met the couple that will adopting the baby, and you're confident that they will both make excellent fathers. You are still exhausted, and let everyone know you don't want any else coming up, except for <<if $dating.length>>your mom and sister<<else>>your mom<</if>> that is. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The doctors say since you are healthy and there were no complications, you'll be able to [[go home|Part14HomeAdopt2]] in 48 hours. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>childfree<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Celebrating Your Freedom</h1> <img src="Part14/Pregnant11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> A couple weeks after you've recovered and came home, Cassie invites you <<if $dating.length>>and $dating[0]<</if>> out to dinner. <<if $JamesBribe>> You've just seen the final payment from James's lawyer has posted to your account, so you let her know it'll be your treat instead. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You enjoy several glasses of wine at dinner, the first you've had to drink since you'd found out you were pregnant. <<if $PlayerSideEffectBreeder>> You'll enjoy it now. Soon enough you'll be pregnant again and have to avoid drinking again. <</if>> After about the third glass you have a good buzz and are actually feeling a bit horny, the first time you've felt like that since you gave birth. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Unfortunately you still have weeks to go before you can do anything about it. <<if setup.haveInventory('sex toys', 'chastity belt')>> Of course, you are very familiar with what that's like. <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectBreeder>> You'll just have to wait until the doctor says you are [[ready for sex|Breeder]] again. <<elseif $dating.length>> But that doesn't mean that $dating[0] has to wait. [[Not everything is forbidden|Part14HomeAdopt3]]. <<else>> You'll just have to wait until after you are [[back at school|Part14Home5]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Taking Care of $dating[0]'s Needs</h1> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> <img src="Part14/Pregnant12.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex:'female', name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:'female', name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:'female', name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:'female', name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:'female', name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:'female', name:$dating[0]})>> <<else>> <img src="Part14/Pregnant13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Just because your body still needs time to receover, that doesn't mean you can't still have some fun with $dating[0]. Of course, one of you will be having much more fun than the other, but it's only for a few more weeks. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Pretty soon you'll be [[back at school|Part14Home5]], and able to have just as much fun yourself. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Returning Home</h1> <img src="Part14/Postpartum6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="480"> <<set $PlayerMother to 1>> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 0>> <<unset $PregnancyCheck>> <<set $children.push($tempBaby)>> <<unset $tempBaby>> <<unset $BabyBoy>> <<unset $BabyGirl>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't have much strength yet, but you and <<if $dating.length>>$dating[0]<<else>>Cassie<</if>> both start making phone calls to let them know about the healthy mother and child. You tell them you don't want any visitors until tomorrow. Though you make an exception for <<if $dating.length>>your mom and sister<<else>>your mom<</if>>. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The doctors say since you are both healthy, you and $children[0].name can [[go home|Part14HomeKeepBaby2]] after 48 hours. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Getting Ready to Return to School</h1> <img src="Part14/Postpartum2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your body is quickly returning to the way it looked before you got pregnant. Though you are still sore and tired all the time, so the doctors orders to wait until your six week visit before you engage in sexual activity isn't sounding like as much of an inconvenience as you'd thought it would. Though that may change in a few weeks. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'd really like a beer, or a glass of wine, or something. But since you are breast feeding $children[0].name, you still can't drink. You still share a glass of wine with Cassie, even if yours is just water. While you to chat, you try out the pump the hospital provided you. You'll need it when you get back to school so you'll have milk to give to the day care for when you are in class during the day. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've heard that normally recent mothers are unlikely to get pregnant again while they are still nursing their young baby. But your lactation consultant told you that didn't apply to you. With most X-Change mothers, unless you do something else to prevent it, you're able to get pregnant again as soon as you are having sex again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Having your sister and mom around to help with $children[0].name is wonderful. But soon you'll be heading [[back to school|Part14Home5]] where it'll just be <<if $dating.length>> you and $dating[0] taking care of $children[0].name. <<else>> you taking care of $children[0].name all by yourself. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Unpacking</h1> <img src="Part8/Home7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Finally, you arrive at your parents house and head inside. You use the bathroom, and visit with your mom and sister a bit. When you decide to go unload all your things from your car, your mom calls your brother Dylan down to help. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You insist on carrying one of the boxes, one you know it has things you wouldn't want him to see. But you stumble off on the edge of the driveway and almost fall. Dylan grabs you and keeps you from falling, but you still drop the box and its contents pour out onto the grass. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.haveInventory('sex toys', 'cumslut collar')>> <img src="Part11/Chastity7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300" align="left"> His eyes go right to the collar left on your door after Valentine's Day. The one that says 'CUM SLUT' on it. "Do you want to tell me the story behind this, Sis?", he asks. <br><br> "[[I will later.|Part14CumslutCollar]]", you tell him as you grab the collar from his hand and stuff it into a different box. "For now, just help me pick all this up before someone else sees it." <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt>> <img src="Part14/Chastity19.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300" align="left"> You quickly bend over to pick up the items and put them back in the box before Dylan can see what it was. But Dylan's eyes weren't on the box anyway. As you bent over your shirt rode up and Dylan could see the top of your chastity belt peeking over the top of your skirt. <br><br> "Is that what I think it is?", your brother asks. "I hope you don't have the key, that would defeat the whole purpose wouldn't it. So who is the luck guy that holds the key? Or lucky girl?" <br><br> "[[I'll talk about it later.|Part14ChastityBelt]]", you tell him as you hurry inside with the box. <<elseif $PlayerItemNerdKey and !$AcademicProbationDenial>> <img src="Part14/Chastity11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300" align="left"> His eyes go right to Peter's old chastity cage. You'd bought a new, metal cage for Peter. You locked him into the more secure cage before he'd left campus for summer break. "Do you want to tell me the story behind this, Sis?", your brother asks. <br><br> "[[I will later.|Part14ChastityCage]]", you tell him as you grab the cage from his hand and stuff it into a different box. "For now, just help me pick all this up before someone else sees it." <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive and !$AcademicProbationDenial>> <img src="Part14/Bondage1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300" align="left"> His eyes go right to your bondage restraints. "Looks like someone has had a fun time at college. Care to share any stories, Sis?", your brother asks. <br><br> "[[I will later.|Part14BondageToys]]", you tell him as you grab the restraints from his hand and off the ground and stuff it all into a different box. "For now, just help me pick all this up before someone else sees it." <<elseif setup.haveInventory('sex toys', 'chastity belt')>> <img src="Part14/Chastity12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300" align="left"> His eyes go right to your chastity belt. "Is that what I think it is? Don't they work better if you are wearing it?", your brother asks. "Do you want to tell me the story behind this, Sis?", he asks. <br><br> "[[I will later.|Part14ChastityBelt]]", you tell him as you grab the belt from his hand and stuff it into a different box. "For now, just help me pick all this up before someone else sees it." <<elseif $AcademicProbationDenial>> He picks up the letter the dean's office gave you, laying out the requirements to get off probation. And also describing in details the effects of the denial setting they've enabled for you. <br><br> Dylan is taller than you now, so he holds it up in the air as you try to take it back, finally reading most of it before giving it back. "Pleae don't tell Mom and Dad," you ask. <br><br> He might normally want to tease you, but after reading about you not being able to orgasm all summer, or next semester until you get off probation, he feels more sorry for you. "I won't say a word," he tells you as he hands back the letter. "I don't think I could go a week, let alone months, with cumming. That must really suck." <br><br> After unpacking, you try to take a [[relaxing bath|Part14HomeBath]] to forget about. <<else>> <img src="Part14/Wand1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300" align="left"> His eyes go right to your vibrator. "Looks like someone's been enjoying her new body, huh sis?", your brother jokes. <br><br> "[[Joke later.|Part14Brother]]", you tell him as you grab the vibrator from his hand and stuff it into a different box. "For now, just help me pick all this up before someone else sees it." <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Upstairs with Dylan</h1> <img src="Part11/Chastity7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300" align="left"> Later, when you and Dylan are upstairs and everyone else is still downstairs, he comes to your room to find out more about the collar he'd seen earlier. You reluctantly let him dig it out of the box. After a bit of looking he pulls it out and starts looking it over. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "So, did you buy this for yourself?", he asks first. You tell him no, that it was a gift. "Oh, so it's not just a fantasy of yours. Someone clearly thought you'd earned this," he replies. You can feel your face flush, and you are sure he can see your blushing and take it as confirmation. "So, is it true?", he asks finally. "Are you a cumslut?". <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.haveFucked('Dylan')>> "I think you already know the answer to that. Or have you forgotten Christmas break already?", you reply. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOral > 1>> "Oh, god yes. I love to have a cock in my mouth, to feel warm cum in my mouth," you reply. You feel yourself getting wet already, just talking about it. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOral>> "Yes. I am a cumslut. I love sucking cock," you reply. <<else>> You pause for a minute and blush. "Yes," you reply. "I guess I am." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "How about you show me?", he says as he holds out the collar for you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.haveFucked('Dylan')>> "I've had a lot more practice since Christmas," you tell him as you take the collar from his hand. "Let me know if you think I've gotten better," you add as you [[fasten the collar around your neck|Part14CumslutCollarYes]]. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOral > 1>> "I'd love to," you say as you [[fasten the collar around your neck|Part14CumslutCollarYes]]. <<else>> There's no harm in just [[showing him what you look like wearing the collar|Part14CumslutCollarCoerce]], is there? Although, you sense he's probably hoping for more of [[demonstration of your skills|Part14CumslutCollarYes]] rather than just a fashion show. Or, just smile and tell him he'll have to use his imagination, and leave to go [[take a bath|Part14HomeBath]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Upstairs with Dylan</h1> <img src="Part14/Home37.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set $DylandCumslutLock to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Ok," you tell him. But I'm just showing you what it looks like on. I don't want you getting any ideas." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He admires you wearing it for a moment, then he reaches out and checks how it fits on you. Or at least that's what you think he's doing. But before you know it, you hear the sound of a small padlock. You realize he's just locked you into your CUMSLUT collar. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He's having his fun, but you're relieved that you had tossed the lock that came with the collar, the one without a key. It had been too much of a temptation. You knew you'd lock it on when you were really horny sometime if you kept it around. At least now, whenever your brother is done playing around, he'll be able to unlock the collar. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Now, you'll have to persuade me to unlock it for you," he says with a big grin. "Or, I suppose, you could go downstairs and have Dad cut the lock off for you. But then you'd need to explain why you have a collar that says CUMSLUT on it to dad." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You could probably get him to give you the key by begging. He might make you say something humiliating about what a CUMSLUT you are. But you know what he really wants. And now that you are wearing the collar, and thinking about it being locked, and about having a cock in your mouth again... <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You decide it'd be much more fun to [[give him what he wants|Part14CumslutCollarYes]], rather than to beg for your release. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Upstairs with Dylan</h1> <img src="Part14/Home36.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set $DylanCumslutCollar to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You strip off your clothes and drop to your knees. He's already hard when you pull down his shorts. You eagerly get to work on Dylan's cock. He may have had his cock sucked by some other girl before, but you know he's never had it sucked by a true cumslut like you before. And he is loving every second of it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You look up at him as you get him closer and closer. When he starts to cum, you do your best to hold every drop of his massive load in your mouth. Still, you can help that some spills out when he pulls his cock from your mouth. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You hold your mouth open for him, to show him it filled with cum. Then you swallow it down. "Am I a good CUMSLUT?", you ask. He agrees that you certainly are. <<if setup.haveFucked('Dylan')>> "Was it better than last time?", you add. He confirms that as good as it was over Christmas, it doesn't compare to the amazing blowjob you just gave him." <</if>> You smile and thank him as you use your finger to try to collect the stray cum from your face and breasts so you can suck it off your finger and swallow it down. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<if $DylandCumslutLock>> He unlocks the collar so you can remove it. <<unset $DylandCumslutLock>> <<else>> You unbuckle the collar to remove it. <</if>> As you take it off, he says we'll need to [[do that again|Part14CumslutCollar2]] sometime soon. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In the Woods with Dylan</h1> <video src="PartX/Cumslut5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Dylan would occassionally take walks in the woods before, but now they are a daily occurrence. Of course it's not about the walk, or enjoying nature, it it's about the stopping once you are far enough away that you won't get caught. You don't need to wear your collar to prove what a good CUMSLUT you are. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you reach a particular spot the two of you have found, you drop to your knees. You love looking up at him and seeing the expressions of pleasure as you work his cock. You try to tell what kind of blowjob he wants each day. Does he want it slow and sensual or fast so you can get back to the house quickly? Or is he wanting to wait here a while, and have a second one before heading back? <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Whichever it is, you make sure [[he is well satisfied|Part14CumslutCollar3]] before you continue your walk. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In the Woods with Dylan</h1> <video src="PartX/Cumslut6.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Usually you swallow every drop. But sometimes Dylan decides to pull out and cover your face instead. You could bring a towel for those times, but he said "Where's the fun in that?". He'd rather you walk back through the woods with your face covered in his cum. Of course that also means making a quick dash through the house [[to the bath|Part14HomeBath]] without anyone seeing your face. But that just makes it more exciting. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Upstairs with Dylan</h1> <img src="Part14/Chastity11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <<set $DylanChastitySelfLocked to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Later, when you and Dylan are alone, he asks you again about the chastity cage he'd seen earlier. You tell him about Peter, and how you keep him in chastity, only letting him out when it suits you. You explain how much Peter loves it. "I still don't get it," Dylan says. "He gets off... on not getting off?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Maybe you'd understand it better if you tried it," you tell Dylan. "This cage has been thoroughly cleaned and you can use it now instead of Peter." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "So, I just lock my cock in this, and then see how long I can wait before unlocking it?", he asks. You smile a bit hearing a bit of growing excitement in his voice. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well, you could do it that way. But it works so much better if you aren't the one in control of the key. Knowing you have to get permission from someone else makes it much, much more exciting. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh. Well, will you hold the key for me then?", Dylan asks. You can't believe it was this easy to convince him. Though you suppose you always could talk your brother into whatever you wanted growing up too, so it probably shouldn't be that much of a surprise. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Dylan may not know yet, but you already know what kind of power having his key will give you. <<if setup.haveFucked('Dylan')>> "[[Of course, I'll do that for you.|Part14ChastityCageYes]]", you say. <<else>> If you aren't sure you want that kind of control over your brother, you could just tell him about getting a lockbox and using an online keyholding website until he finds a girlfriend that's into it. Then you can go [[wash up|Part14HomeBath]] while he locks his own cock up. Of course, it'd be so much more fun if [[you agree to take his key|Part14ChastityCageYes]]. <</if>> After all, why else did you talk him into wearing the cage? <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Upstairs with Dylan</h1> <img src="Part14/Chastity5.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<unset $DylanChastitySelfLocked>> <<set $DylanChastityKey to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You have to help Dylan as he doesn't know how to put the cage on at first. Or at least that's what he tells you. Clearly he's enjoying you handling his cock, so he could have probably figured it out on his own but didn't want to. But after a quick run downstairs for an icepack, you're able to get his cock in the cage. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you've clicked the lock closed you tell him, "Now, I want you to go watch porn for a while. Whatever you normally jerk off to. Imagine how good it would feel to be in the scene, or even just to be able to stroke your cock." He seems skeptical still. You add, "I'll be able to see how horny you are tonight. If you've followed my instructions, I'll give you a [[very special treat|Part14ChastityCage2]] after everyone goes to sleep." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> That was more than enough to motivate him, and he heads over to his computer as you head downstairs until tongiht. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In Dylan's Room</h1> <img src="Part14/Chastity6.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Dylan is just as horny as you'd expected when you sneak over to his room that night. He's very eager for his special treat. He was clearly hoping for more, but he's still pleased when he finds out you'll be giving him a lap dance. That is, until he realizes you aren't going to unlock him first. "If you don't want it, I can just go back to my room," you say making a step towards the door. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "No! No, I want it," he quicky says. You strip off his underwear, leaving him naked except for his cage. Your clothes you leave on at first, slowly taking them off during your performance for him. Even if he can't get hard, he loves the dance you are giving. He can't help but groan pitifuly when you grind against his cage. Finally when you are done with the dance, you ask him if he enjoyed it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh, god yes. After you take this off and head back to your room, I'm going to cum harder than ever. Unless you want to sta.," Dylan says before you interrupt him to tell him that he won't be doing that and he'll be sleeping in the cage tonight. "What do you mean?", he asks. "I understand what it's like now, so you can take it off me." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You just <i>want</i> to jerk off right now. You don't really understand yet. Come ask me to unlock you when you can't take it anymore, and you absolutely <b>NEED</b> to be able to cum again," you tell him. He doesn't have any choice but to agree. "Now, it'll probably be difficult at first, but try to get some sleep. I'll be across the hall [[taking a bath|Part14HomeBath]] before I go to sleep. Don't disturbe me. I'll be a while since I'll be masturbating", you <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>>lie.<<else>>say.<</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Upstairs with Dylan</h1> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt or ($dating.length and !setup.areDating('Peter'))>> <img src="Part14/Chastity20.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <<else>> <img src="Part14/Chastity12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300" align="left"> <</if>> Later, when you and Dylan are alone, he asks you about the chastity belt he'd seen earlier. "Can I see it?", he asks. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> You remove your skirt and pull up your shirt, to give Dylan a full view of the belt. <br><br> "I don't want to talk about who has the key," you tell him. "But I certainly don't." <<else>> You dig it out of the box and hand it too him. He starts turning it around and looking it over. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "So, how do you go to the bathroom wearing this?", he asks. You show him the opening in the back and also show him the screen that pee drains through. "Well, clearly sex is impossible wearing this," he observes. "I mean that's the whole purpose, right?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "At least you can slide a finger in and get yourself off," he assumes. You explain that it fits too tightly for that to be possible. You let him know that vibrators don't work either - not enough to get your off anyway. The only way you can orgasm is by getting the belt off first. "Really, don't you get really horny after a while?". <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <br><br> "You wouldn't believe how horny I am. I'd do anything, fuck anybody, whatever it took for an orgasm right now, if I could," you confess. <<else>> You bite your lip thinking back to just how horny you'd get when you were locked in the belt. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> "God. That's so hot sis," your brother tells you. "I'm going to go in my room and jerk off. Since I can". He smiles as he walks out. His teasing only reminds you of what you are already very familiar with. You decide to try to take your mind off it with a [[hot bath|Part14HomeBath]]. <<elseif setup.areDating('Peter')>> "I can't believe it'd fit so snug you couldn't even get a finger under it. Can you show me?", he asks. <br><br> "No, I won't," you tell hime. "You'll just have to trust me." then you head to the bathroom for [[the bath you had planned|Part14HomeBath]]. <<elseif $dating.length>> <<set $PlayerChastityBelt to 1>> <<set $Keyholder to $dating[0]>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> <<set $KeyholderPronoun to "she">> <<set $KeyholderPronounPossessive to "her">> <<else>> <<set $KeyholderPronoun to "he">> <<set $KeyholderPronounPossessive to "his">> <</if>> Then he notices the other locks in the box. The ones that are open but without keys. "$dating[0] has the keys to those," you tell him. <br><br> "So if you lock these on right now, you wouldn't be able to do anything until $dating[0] gets here? God that's hot. Do it!" You question whether you should or not, but he keeps encouraging you. "You wouldn't have brought them if you weren't planning on doing it, would you." <br><br> "But... but I was going to do it the week before $dating[0] was suppose to arrive, not at the beginning of the summer," you plead. You aren't trying to convince Dylan but rather to talk down the part of yourself that wants to lock the belt on. <br><br> "Think how horny you'll be when $dating[0] gets here," Dylan points out. You lose the battle to resist putting on the belt. <br><br> Dylan watches as you strip down and put on the belt. He watches as you click the locks closed knowing the keys are hundreds of miles away. He stares and admires you in your belt for a bit. Then he says, "God. That's so hot sis. Now I'm going to go in my room and jerk off. Since I can." He smiles as he walks out. <br><br> You decide you might as well take that [[hot bath|Part14HomeBath]] you were planning before calling $dating[0] know you've locked your belt on.. <<else>> "I can't believe it'd fit so snug you couldn't even get a finger under it. Can you show me?", he asks. <br><br> <<if setup.haveFucked('Dylan')>> "[[Sure, I'll show you|Part14ChastityBeltYes]]," you tell him. It's not like he hasn't seen more of you already. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>3>> The thought of being locked in the belt, even if you are the one holding the key, is too much to resist. "[[Yes, I'll show you|Part14ChastityBeltYes]] you say. <<else>> You want to prove to him you're not making it up, and show him [[it fits as tightly as you said|Part14ChastityBeltYes]]. But you'd have to be naked below the waist, except for the belt that is. You aren't sure if you want your brother to see you like that. You could just say, "No, I won't. You'll just have to trust me." and head to the bathroom for [[the bath you had planned|Part14HomeBath]]. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Upstairs with Dylan</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part14/Chastity4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="650"></video> </div> <<set $PlayerChastityBelt to 1>> <<set $Keyholder to "Dylan">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You set the keys down on his desk and go into the bathroom to put on the belt. That way you can give a big reveal when you get back. You pull up your dress and let him get a good look. "You were right. There's no way you are getting a finger under there," the admits. "Let me see the back," he asks. You blush and turn around, knowing how open it is back there. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I see I was wrong about you not being able to have sex too," he says. "They'd just have to be satisfied with you ass." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Or my mouth," you blushingly add, remember all the times it had been used while you were belted. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He admires your belted body a bit more until you say, "Ok. The shows's over. It's time for my bath now." You go back over to his desk to get the keys, but quickly discover they aren't there. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Are you looking for these?", he says holding up the keys. "I think you'll enjoy the belt much more if I hold onto them for a while." You start to argue but he says. "[[Go ahead and take your bath now|Part14HomeBath]]. We can talk about your belt tomorrow... maybe." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Upstairs with Dylan</h1> <img src="Part14/Home2a.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="336"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Later, when you and Dylan are alone, he asks you about the box of bondage toys he'd seen earlier. He'd already seen it all so you tell him about the side-effect that the implant gave you, and how much you love being tied and helpless. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He searches throw the box and the assortment of bondage and other sex toys you've picked up this year and stops and looks over the yoke. He seems confused as to what is is or how it's worn. "Is this part a belt? It seems to small?", he says. You explain that it's a collar not a belt. "Can you show me?", he asks. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $dating.length>> "You [[tell him no|Part14HomeBath]], The thought of being helpless is already turning you on, and you don't want things to get out of hand. Play time will have to wait until you are with $dating[0] again. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive > 3>> "[[Sure.|Part14BondageToysYes]]", you say. You wonder if it's a good idea, but you can't resist being tied up, even if it's just for a minute or two. <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Dylan')>> "[[Sure.|Part14BondageToysYes]]", you say. You wonder what Dylan will do to you once you are tied up and helpless. You can feel yourself already starting to get wet thinking about it. <<else>> You figure there's no harm in [[letting yourself be tied up for a minute|Part14BondageToysYes]] to show Dylan what it looks like. Of course, the thought of being helpless is already turning you on, so you could [[tell him no|Part14HomeBath]] if you think things might get out of hand. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Upstairs with Dylan</h1> <img src="Part14/Home2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> He watches as you fasten the collar and the cuff for one of your wrists. "You'll need to get the other one," you tell him. He buckles your second wrist. As soon as it's buckled he also clicks one of your padlocks onto the cuff. <<if setup.haveFucked('Dylan')>> As you try to fake being surprised at this, he locks the other cuff and the collar as well. <<else>> As you give him a surprised look, he also locks the other cuff and the collar as well. <</if>> <<set $BondageWithDylan to 1>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Dylan, what are you doing?", you ask him. He reaches down into the box again, but before you can see what he has he starts to tickle you. You are laughing and begging him to stop when he shoves your ball gag into your mouth. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Now, lets she how helpless you really are," he says before proceeding to tickle you mercilessly again. Even though he's just tickling you, you can feel the effect of being helpless like this is having on you. After a while he notices your hard nipples poking through your top. "Let's get a closer look at these," he says. Then he pulls a few strings and your top falls to the floor. It feels nice as he plays with your breasts for a moment, but then he goes back to tickling you again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He has you making mumbling noises into your gag as you try to beg him to stop tickling you, but you know he can't understand a word of it. "Do you want me to stop tickling you?", he asks getting a quick nod from you. "Do you want me to take off your gag too?", gets another nod. "Well, what are you willing to do for it?", he asks. You glare at him for a moment until he moves to start tickling you again. You squirm back and then kneel down in front of him and stare at the erection his shorts are barely managing to contain. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He pulls down his shorts, and his hard cock springs free. He leaves you in the yoke, but removes your gag. As soon as the gag is off, you lean forward and take his cock into your mouth. Your bindings prevent you from moving as much as you would like to for a proper blowjob, but he takes over fucking your face instead. When he finally cums, you struggle not to gag as he thrusts and his cum shoots into your throat. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He stands there with his cock twitching in your mouth for a moment. When he finally pulls his cock out, you swallow the cum still in your mouth before he puts the gag back in. Then he reaches into the box again. He clips the leash he'd grabbed onto your collar and picks up the box and carries it with him as he [[leads you to his bedroom|Part14BondageToys2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In Dylan Room</h1> <img src="Part14/Home6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> Dylan hooks your leash onto his bed post as he lays out some of the other restraints. Once everything is ready he moves you to the bed, binding you on your stomach with your hands bound to the headboard, and your legs helplessly spread apart. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Dylan puts some lube on your tail plug before sliding it into your ass. He gives your ass a swat with his hand before reaching for the crop. Then he proceeds to use that on your ass. He's blows are soft at first, but then when he can see how much it's turning you on, they get harder and harder. He occassionally stops to tease your clit a bit or to slide a finger inside you, only to return to striking your ass. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can't see what is happening behind you, but you can feel him kneel on the bed, and then his legs move against yours. Even though you knew what was coming, it still comes as a surprise when you feel his cock slide into you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can't believe your brother is fucking you! You know you probably should stop, <<if $dating.length && !setup.areDating('Peter')>> what would $dating[0] think! But <<else>> but <</if>> it feels too <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> right. It's like your body was made for his cock, every time he pulls out you would do anything for him to thrust back in. You are so happy everytime he does. <br><br> You feel your body reacting like it should from sex, your heart beating faster, blood rushing to your chest, you even hear moans escaping from your lips. It's like your body is feeling everything, but the feeling is blocked from your mind. <br><br> <<else>> good. <</if>> Maybe he'd stop if you asked, but he could just ignore you and keep going, and there would be nothing you could do to stop him. And knowing that makes it even more exciting. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You squirm and tug at your bonds as you cum. Dylan fucks you a bit longer before he grabs your hips and thrusts into you a final time, cumming inside you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He leaves you there, helpless, with your furry tale sticking out of your ass still, and his cum starting to leak out of you. "Ok, I can see why you like it," he says, giving your ass a final swat with his hand. Then he starts to unfasten your restraints. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I think I need to [[go wash up|Part14HomeBath]] before everyone gets back home," you tell him. He looks down at the wet spot on his bed and says he'll clean that up while you are doing that. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Upstairs with Dylan</h1> <img src="Part14/Home1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> Later, when you and Dylan are alone, he asks you about the toys he'd seen earlier. "You can just jerk off and get off every time," you point out. "My body sometimes needs a little more help. <<if $PlayerEasytoOrgasm or $PlayerSuperOrgasms>> Although in my case, the implant they gave me has a special feature that makes it easier than it is for most women. <</if>> But it's more than worth the trouble when it gets there." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> That piqued his curiosity. "So... are they better. I mean your orgasm. Are they better than they were before?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You sit down on the bed and start talking with him about it. "Well, before my orgasms were... well, obviously you know what guy orgasms feel like. I don't need to explan that. But now it's much <<if $PlayerPowerfulOrgasms or $PlayerSuperOrgasms>> different. I'm sure it's great for most women, but it feels even better for me I think. The implant they gave me has a special feature that makes my orgasm even more powerful. Or at least that's what they told me. I don't have any other orgasms as a woman to compare it to. <<else>> different. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "It's not all in my clit, like you are probably thinking since that's mostly what it's like with a cock. I mean it starts there, but as I get closer it's like it radiates out from there until this warm glow covers my whole body. It builds and builds, and I can feel it getting closer." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He's listening intently as you continue, "Finally I go over the edge. It's like a wave of pleasure washes over me, like the ocean destroying a sandcastle or something. But it crashes over me again and again. <<if $PlayerPowerfulOrgasms or $PlayerSuperOrgasms>> I can't help but scream or moan <<else>> I usually moan or scream. I can't help it <</if>> even if I wanted to. It's like I lose control of my body for a moment." <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> <br><br> But right now I can't orgasm at all. Don't tell Mom and Dad, but I didn't do that well in some of my classes. The dean put me on 'academic probation' and had the X-Change people set my implant to deny me so I wouldn't think about sex. It denied me, but now all I do is think about sex, even though I know I'll just want it more afterwards. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You notice the obvious bulge in his shorts as he listens to your explaination. "After a moment the waves of pleasure start to fade, but there's still like shocks of pleasure that hit mean randomly for a while. When it finally ends, my mind is like a blank page, and I have to lay there a minute before I can think straight again." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "God, that sounds amazing. I wish I could see that in person," he says. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock or $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> "I'd love to show you," you say. "But I can't. You explain how your implant's side effect prevents you from orgasming <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>>most of the time<</if>> when you masturbate. <br><br> "Well, why do you have the toys th..," Dylan stops mid-sentence as he realizes the answer to his own question. "Can I use the toys to get you off?" <br><br> <<if setup.haveFucked('Dylan')>> "[[Of course you can|Part14BrotherVibeHim]]," you eagerly tell Dylan as you dig out a few of your favorite toys. <<else>> You aren't sure about letting your brother get you off, but what else are you going to do? You are already horny, and it's your first day home. You won't be able to get yourself off, so you are going to need help from someone or you'll go insane this summer. "[[Yes, please get me off|Part14BrotherVibeHim]]," you eagerly tell him. <</if>> <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Dylan')>> "[[I'd love to show you|Part14BrotherVibeSelf]]," you tell him as you dig out your favorite toys. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive >2 or $PlayerSideEffectPheromones >3 or $PlayerSideEffectLibido >2>> Sitting next to him, seeing his hard cock, and thiking about orgasming, has turned you on too much. You [[need to get off|Part14BrotherVibeSelf]] and don't care if he watches. "Ok. I'll show you," you tell him <<else>> You've gotten yourself horny talking about orgasming, and you're definitly going to get yourself off. The only question is whether you do it now [[with your vibrator, with Dylan watching|Part14BrotherVibeSelf]]. Or if you do it by hand in a few minutes [[alone in the bathtub|Part14HomeBath]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Upstairs with Dylan</h1> <video src="Part14/Home38.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set $BrotherVibeWatch to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Dylan watches closely as you grab a few of your toys from the box and strip down. He watches you use your vibrator to slowly build yourself towards an orgasm. You think you can see bit of jealous on his face as he watches you moan as you pleasure yourself. You think he's imagining what it would feel like to be you right now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you're really turned on you reach for your beaded dildo. Dylan probably expecting you to be sliding it between your wet lips and fucking yourself with it. Well, you do that for a little bit, but only to make sure it's good and wet. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You watch Dylan as you slide the dildo into your ass, as you feel each large bead push into you, you think you see a change in his expression. By the time you start fucking your ass properly with it you are sure of it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He's not imagining what it'd be like to be you anymore. Now he's imagining what it'd be like to be the dildo, and fucking your ass right now. Between thinking about that and the vibrator you are using with your other hand, you are soon doing your best to stay quiet as your orgasm washes over you. You feel your ass squeeze at the dildo as waves of your orgasm hit. Once it's passed you gasp a bit as you feel each bead stretch your ass again as you pull the dildo out. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> I'll leave the box of toys with you while I [[go take a bath|Part14HomeBath]]. Maybe you can have your own fun with some of them. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Upstairs with Dylan</h1> <img src="Part14/Home39.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set $BrotherVibeUse to 1>> Dylan eagerly gets a few toys out of the box, including your wand vibrator of course. You're a nervous and self-conscious at first as he watches you as he uses the toys on you. But it doesn't take long before you are just thinking about how good it feels. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> A while longer, and you are getting close. You know if he stops, you won't be able to finish yourself. You know from experience, if he were to stop right now and ask for anyting, you'd let him do it, just so long as he lets you cum. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are moaning and squirming when you feel his first hand pull away from your stomach, and the other starts to move the vibe from your clit. "Oh god, don't stop. Please, I'll..." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your pleas are cut short as his hand covers your mouth. The other hand hadn't moved much, and places the vibrator firmly against you again. "You were already getting loud, and I didn't want you to scream and have everyone hear you," he explains. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It was probably a good idea. It isn't long and your cries of pleasure are being silenced by his hand. You squirm and thrash as he keeps the vibrator in place. His strong hands keep you from moving much. Eventually, when he's satisfied your orgasm has passed, he pulls the vibrator away. After a few more seconds he pulls his hand away from your mouth and you breathe deeply again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "So, [[what was it you trying to say you'll do|Part14BrotherHJ]]?", he asks. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Upstairs with Dylan</h1> <video src="Part14/Home40.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You pull down Dylan's shorts and let his hard cock spring out. Then you sit down in front of him so you can return the favor. You think about looking through your toys to see if there's something he'd enjoy too, but the look in his eye tells you not to wait, and to get started right away. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As he gets close, you note that he's much better than you at keeping quiet. You don't point it out though. He's already a bit jealous of your orgasms, there's no reason to point it out again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You look into his eyes until they start to roll back. He still can't help but let out a few quiety grunts as you feel his cock spurt into your hand. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He's clearly happy with his orgasm, even if only last a second or two. He's also happy as he watches you smile and lick his cum from your hand. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I have to go [[take a bath now|Part14HomeBath]]", you tell him. "I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did." It's even more true than he thinks. Besides just wanting to make sure he enjoyed himself for its own sake, you also want to make sure he'll be eager to help you out if your need gets too much later and you need a hand from him again. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Taking a Bath</h1> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <img src="Part14/Chastity10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"> <<else>> <video src="Part14/Home7.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> Bathing with your chastity belt on just reminds you of what you can't reach and it's making you want it even more, as always. <<if $Keyholder === 'Dylan'>> You hope Dylan has had his fun and will unlock you tomorrow. <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock or $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock > 3>> Hopefully he'll give you a helping hand too, since masturbating still won't be an option <</if>> <<else>> You think you might go insane before the summer is over, if you aren't allowed to cum. <</if>> <<elseif $DylanCumslutCollar>> Normally you swallow every drop when you suck Dylan's cock. But during today's walk through the woods, he'd had you pull off your shirt. He wanted to pull out of your mouth and cum on your chest for a change. Of course, you still licked his cock clean afterwards. <br><br> You walked the rest of the way home with his cum under your shirt. When you were back your mom wanted to talk for a while. Of course didn't know anything about the dried cum covering you, from just below the neckline of your shirt, on your breasts, and even trailing down your stomach. But when your talk was over you figured that now it's time to wash it off. <<else>> After packing, the long drive, unpack, and all the other things you've done today, you are glad to be able to take a nice long bath. It doesn't take that long to wash up, but you want to stay while longer in the warm water. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt or $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock or $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock or $AcademicProbationDenial>> Eventually though, the water starts to cool, and you figure its time to get out. You dry yourself off, wrap a towel around yourself and head to your room. Hopefully you'll find more [[time to relax|Part14Home2]] tomorrow. This is your summer vacation, after all. <<elseif $BrotherVibeUse or $BrotherVibeWatch>> He was already jealous, so you didn't mention one of the other great benefits of your orgasms over Dylan's. You can have [[another one as soon as you like|Part14HomeBath2]]. <<elseif $DylanChastitySelfLocked or $DylanChastityKey>> You've gotten yourself Your earlier fun has made you especially horny, especially since you know Dylan is even hornier an unable to do anything about it. You decide to [[enjoy your bath|Part14HomeBath2]] a bit longer. <<elseif $DylanCumslutCollar or $BondageWithDylan>> Your earlier fun has made you especially horny. You decide to [[enjoy your bath|Part14HomeBath2]] a bit longer. <<else>> You're fealing a bit horny, so you decide to [[enjoy your bath|Part14HomeBath2]] a bit longer. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Enjoying your Bath</h1> <video src="Part14/Home8.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> A year ago when you were a guy, you'd sometime enjoy a quick jerk in the shower. But this is nothing like that. It's more calm, and soothing than that. We'll at least at first it is. Once you start to get close to your orgasm, you forget trying to be slow and soothing. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You manage to keep mostly quiet when you finally cum. Though if Dylan or anyone else were listening at the door they certainly would have hear a good bit of splashing, ending with some quiet moans. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> By the time you recover your senses fully after your orgasm, you realize the water has started to get cold, so you get out of the tub. You dry yourself off, wrap a towel around yourself and head to your room. Hopefully you'll find more [[time to relax|Part14Home2]] tomorrow. This is your summer vacation, after all. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Watching a Game</h1> <img src="Part14/Home3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> Dylan, Cassie, and you have fun watching a minor league baseball game. <<if $JobAthlete>> It's fun watching other people compete, when you're able to just sit back and watch. And you enjoy spending time with your brother and sister too. <<elseif $PlayerPregnant>> Ok, well, you enjoy spending time with your brother and sister at least. <<else>> Well, the beer helps. And you enjoy spending time with your brother and sister. <</if>> But the game does starts to bore you after a while, so you are eager to go when Cassie suggests leaving in the 8th inning. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<if $Keyholder === 'Dylan'>> "<<if $playerName>>$playerName, <</if>>I was planning on hanging out with some of my friends later, do you want to join me|Part14HomeSister?", Cassie asks on the way back to the car. "Or were [[you wanting to do something with Dylan|Part14Home2Brother]] this evening?" You don't want to miss out on Dylan maybe unlocking you, so you tell her you and Dylan already have plans. <<else>> "<<if $playerName>>$playerName, <</if>>I was planning on hanging out with some of my friends later, do you [[want to join me|Part14HomeSister]]?", Cassie asks on the way back to the car. "Or were you wanting to do something with Dylan this evening?" <br><br> "No, we didn't have anything planned," you tell Cassie. "Hanging out with your friends sounds fun." <</if>> <<else>> "<<if $playerName>>$playerName, <</if>>I was planning on hanging out with some of my friends later, do you [[want to join me|Part14HomeSister]]?", Cassie asks on the way back to the car. "Or were [[you wanting to do something with Dylan|Part14Home2Brother]] this evening?" <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> After you let Cassie know you'd already planned on hanging out with Dylan this evening, you turn around to talk to him a bit while Cassie drives. <br><br> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>On the Ride Home</h1> <img src="Part14/Home41.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobBikiniBarista>> "So... What's a 'Bikini Barista' anyway. Do you-", Dylan starts to ask before Cassie cuts him off. <br><br> "You know what a barista is. You know what a bikini is. I think you can piece it together," she jokes. "Don't worry, my pervy little brother. If you want to see her in a bikini, you'll have all day to do it soon enough." <br><br> <</if>> <<if $DylanChastityKey>> <<include [[Part14Home2BrotherWithDylan]]>> Part way through the drive home Dylan nervously asks, "Umm, <<if $playerName>>$playerName,<<else>>sister,<</if>> do you think we could talk later about that... ummm... item, that you borrowed from me. I kind of need it back. Actually, I really need it back." <br><br> "Hmmm," you act like you are thinking for a moment so you can watch him squirm. "Maybe. Hopefully I haven't misplaced it. [[We can discuss it when we get back home|Part14ChastityCage3]]." <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt and $Keyholder === 'Dylan'>> <<include [[Part14Home2BrotherWithDylan]]>> You don't say much in front of Cassie, but you look back hopefully at Dylan on the way home, silently begging that he unlock you from this chastity belt this evening. You don't care what he does to you once your unlocked, as long as you can finally get off again. <br><br> You can see a familiar, hungry look in his eyes. You hope that means that [[tonight will be a fun evening|Part14ChastityBelt2]] for you. <<elseif !$PlayerChastityBelt and ($JobCallGirl or $JobCallGirlSide)>> <<include [[Part14Home2BrotherWithDylan]]>> "I saw that wad of cash in your purse at the game," Dylan tells you. I guess your job on campus is going pretty well," Dylan says. "You haven't really talked about it much. What exactly is your job?" <br><br> You could [[make something up|Part14CallGirl][$BrotherCallGirl to 0]] that sounds plausible. Or, if you want to tell him the truth but not have Cassie hear, you could tell him that you'll [[tell him about it when you get home|Part14CallGirl][$BrotherCallGirl to 1]]. <<elseif $JobBartender or $JobBartenderGirls or $JobBartenderGuys or $JobBartenderBi or $JobBartenderSub or $JobBartenderDom>> <<include [[Part14Home2BrotherWithDylan]]>> "So... I've been to bars before. But not a lesbian bar. What's it like there? What working there like?", Dylan starts asking you about your job. <br><br> You explain that for the most part it's not that different than any other bar. "It's just that it's mostly women," you tell him. After he asks what you mean by 'Mostly', you explain how there's also couples that come in. "Sometimes they just want to see what it's like. Usually though the wife or girlfriend is curious about being bi, and feels more comfortable bringing the boyfriend along. At first anyway." <br><br> You could [[leave it at that|Part14Home3]], or you could [[go into much more detail|Part14Bar]] for Dylan, perhaps even embellishing some. <<elseif $JobGloryHole>> <<include [[Part14Home2BrotherWithDylan]]>> "So, you said you make some extra money working in a shop near school, but then you stopped talking about it when Mom came in. So is it like a lingerie store or something?", Dylan asks. <br><br> <<if $dating.length or !setup.haveFucked('Dylan')>> You could just give him a dismissive "Yeah, something like that," and then [[change the subject|Part14Home3]]. Or, you could tell him, <<else>> You are already wet when you tell him, <</if>> "Well, they do sell some lingerie, but mostly it's a shop that sells sex toys. But I don't want to discuss it." Your brother is disappointed until he notices you glancing over toward Cassie before whispering to him, "I'll [[tell you more about it later|Part14GloryHole]] when we're alone." <<elseif $JobWebModel or $JobPorn or $JobPornOral or $JobPornAnal or $JobPornGang>> <<include [[Part14Home2BrotherWithDylan]]>> "So, you had said you were going to try out modeling. How has that been going? Is it like on a runway or photos in magazines or something?", Dylan asks. <br><br> You don't want to tell them that the 'web modeling' job you'd originally looked into led to you being a porn star, so you lie. <br><br> "Nothing big yet. Just a few small clothing sites. I'm not even sure which ones, they just have me model the clothes and send the pictures off. But I haven't really got much work. <<if $BodyType == 'Standard'>> I have the body for it I guess, but there's girls that have been practicing for years and are just as pretty or <<else>> They have a particular body type they usually want. So they usually go with girls that are <</if>> prettier than me. I've made more money working as a barista on the side that I have from any modeling." <br><br> "They're crazy not to use you... I mean crazy not to hire you," Dylan says trying to reassure you. "I'm sure you're a great model." <br><br> You thank him, then he adds. "Maybe you could [[model for us later|Part14Model]]?" <br><br> "That sounds fun," Cassie says. "But wait until I get back from my friends, I'll have a little while before I have to head out and I don't want to miss out. <<elseif !$PlayerChastityBelt and $JobStripper>> <<include [[Part14Home2BrotherWithDylan]]>> "So... What's it like working at a strip club?", Dylan starts asking you about your job. "Do any of the girls give 'extras', or is that just something that happens in porn and movies? Does..," Dylan continues excitedly asking more questions but Cassie cuts him off. <br><br> "I've heard pole dancing really strengthens your core. Is that true, or just something they say to sell those home pole kits?", Cassie asks as she drives. <br><br> You try to answer both of them with an offer. "You know there's a club in town, right. Why don't I take you guys there, my treat. Who knows, when I tell the manager that I dance back at school he might even let me dance a set or two on stage." <br><br> Dylan quickly accepts your invitation, but Cassie declines. "I'm sorry, that sounds really fun. But I have other plans tonight." Cassie hears Dylan's disappointment and adds, "You two [[go without me tonight|Part14Strip]]. Maybe I'll be able to join you a different night. <<elseif !$PlayerChastityBelt and ($JobCheerleader or $JobCheerleaderFundraiser)>> <<include [[Part14Home2BrotherWithDylan]]>> "So... What's it like being a cheerleader? You get the best view of the game, of course. But... dancing in front of thousands of people like that in those short skirts. That must be..," Dylan trails off before he finishes his sentence. He seems to be lost in thought. You aren't sure if he's imagining what it'd be like to be you in front of all those people, or trying to imagine what you look like in your cheerleader outfit. <br><br> After a moment he continues, "I watched a couple of your school's football games last season. <<if $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>> I looked and looked, but I didn't see you at all. I was a bit disappointed, I was hoping to see you in action." <br><br> "They have a couple different squads. The sports I'm usually cheering for don't get as much TV time, but the players need just as much encouragement. And the crowd deserves a bit of show too, right? Not being on the high-profile sports also gives me more time to... act as a sort of ambassador for the university. The work I do with... alumni relations, really helps the team too." <<else>> I saw you there, but the camera only showed you for a moment before they cut away to another girl, then to a commercial. You seemed really good at it though, I wish I could have seen more." <</if>> <br><br> "I have more uniform back home," you tell him. "Maybe I can [[show you a few cheers|Part14Cheerleader]] when we get home." <<elseif $JobEngineer>> <<include [[Part14Home2BrotherWithDylan]]>> You'd been vague about your job with Dylan, so he doesn't know about it's more interesting aspects. So he's just trying to have a conversation on the ride home. "You know I've always been good at building things," you remind him. "I've just been building... things. And then testing them out." <br><br> Dylan responds, offended, "I'm not as talented as you, but I'm not stupid. You don't have to dumb it down for me." <br><br> "No. It's not that at all," you tell him. Then you glance over at your sister and tell Dylan, "Later, once we are home. You and I can sit down alone and [[I'll explain it to you better|Part14Engineering]]." <<elseif $JobTestSubject and !$AcademicProbationDenial>> <<include [[Part14Home2BrotherWithDylan]]>> You'd been vague about your job with Dylan, so he doesn't know about it's more interesting aspects. So he's just trying to have a conversation on the ride home. "So, you are a test subject?", he says. "Is it like new, experimental medicines? Or is more psychological, like that one I heard about where they make half of you pretend to be guards and the other half pretend to be prisoners and then wait to see how long until you try to kill each other?" <br><br> "I... don't think that was what that experiment was about. But no. It's not either one of those," you tell him. <br><br> "Well. It sounds dangerous. They shouldn't be experimenting on their students like that. I'm really worried about you," he says sounding concerned. <br><br> "Trust me, it's perfectly safe." Then you glance over at your sister and tell Dylan, "Later, once we are home. You and I can sit down alone and [[I'll explain it to you better|Part14Engineering]]. And you'll see, there's nothing to worry about." <<elseif $JobFitnessMassage>> <<include [[Part14Home2BrotherWithDylan]]>> You'd been vague about your job with Dylan, so he doesn't know about it's more interesting aspects. So he's just trying to have a conversation on the ride home. "So you are like a physical therapist or something for the athletes?", he asks. <br><br> "No. I'm don't have the training for that. They have those of course when they need them, but I help with just daily aches and pains and... other things they need help with on a daily basis," you clarify. <br><br> He still doesn't seem to quite understand. So you quietly [[offer to give him a demonstration|Part14Massage]] once you are home alone. <<elseif $JobFitnessYoga>> <<include [[Part14Home2BrotherWithDylan]]>> You'd been vague about your job with Dylan, so he doesn't know about it's more interesting aspects. So he's just trying to have a conversation on the ride home. "What did you say before all-natural yoga? I'm sorry, but that sounds like a bunch of new-age nonsense. What does that even mean?" <br><br> "Not 'all natural' you goofball. I said 'au naturel' yoga," you tell him quietly. "As in naked." Now he seems more interested. <br><br> You don't want to go into too much with Cassie listening, so you tell him [[I'll explain it better when we get home|Part14Yoga]]. <<elseif $JobModel>> <<include [[Part14Home2BrotherWithDylan]]>> "So, you had said you were going to try out modeling. How has that been going? Is it like on a runway or photos in magazines or something?", Dylan asks. <br><br> "Nothing big yet. Some magazine shoots, athletic wear, casual wear, lingerie, that sort of thing. Nothing big yet, but it pays decent.", you answer. <br><br> "Lingerie?", Dylan responds after keying in on just a single word of your answer. <br><br> "Settle down, little brother," Cassie says with a laugh. "She is your sister, remember." <br><br> "I know," he says defensively. "It's just weird that I have a hot sister now." <br><br> "Hey!" Cassie says slightly indignant at the implication that she isn't hot. Then she laughs when she glances over to see Dylan's face and knows that he was just trying to annoy her. <br><br> You think the subject is about to change, but then Dylan suggests, "Maybe you could [[model for us later|Part14Model]]? So we can see what it's like." After a moment he quickly adds, "Not lingerie, of course. Just regular clothes." <br><br> "That sounds fun," Cassie says. "But wait until I get back from my friends, I'll have a little while before I have to head out and I don't want to miss out. <<elseif $DylanCumslutCollar>> <<include [[Part14Home2BrotherWithDylan]]>> You already know what Dylan [[wants to do when you get home|Part14CumslutCollar4]]. Your mouth is already watering thinking of the delicious taste of his cum in your mouth again. And, if you are being honest, you have to admit that your mouth isn't the only thing that's wet thinking about it. <<elseif $BondageWithDylan and !$AcademicProbationDenial>> <<include [[Part14Home2BrotherWithDylan]]>> You give a sly smile to Dylan. You both know what you'll be doing once you are alone together. Well, he knows [[what he'll be doing to you|Part14BondageToys3]]. You just know you'll be bound and helpless, and you are already wet thinking about it. <<else>> You think about spending the evening with Dylan, but then you remember he had just planned on watching a movie tonight. You were wanting to do something a bit more fun than that. So you decide to let Cassie know [[you'll go with her|Part14HomeSister]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if !$NeverGameRound>> <h1>Hanging out with the girls</h1> <img src="Part14/Home25.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<elseif $NeverGameRound === 1>> <h1>"<b><i>Have you ever</i></b> kissed another girl?"</h1> <video src="Part14/Never1.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<elseif $NeverGameRound === 2>> <h1>"<b><i>Have you ever</i></b> had sex in car?"</h1> <img src="Part14/Dare1.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="345"> <<elseif $NeverGameRound === 3>> <h1>"<b><i>Have you ever</i></b> been naked in public?"</h1> <img src="Part14/Dare2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<elseif $NeverGameRound === 4>> <h1>"<b><i>Have you ever</i></b> had sex outside?"</h1> <video src="Part14/Never2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<else>> <h1>"<b><i>Have you ever</i></b> tried bondage?"</h1> <video src="Part14/Never3.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$NeverGameRound>> You and Cassie head over to her friend Danielle's house to hang out with her and Haley, another of Cassie's friends. They are excited to hear about your experiences and how you've adjusted your first year as a woman. The questions are mostly innocent ones while you do each other's nails and chat. <<elseif $NeverGameRound === 1>> <<if setup.sexFemaleCount() > 0>> Obviously you've done much more than just kiss a girl, but that's not what they asked. <</if>> You tell them about the time you were over in another girls dorm room studying. She was flirting with you a bit and could tell you were liking it. After a while she told you she was wanting to make a video to send her boyfriend. She wanted to film the two of you making out. You wanted to make out with her, <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> the turn on knowing someone else would be watching it later was just a bonus. <<else>> you didn't care that her boyfriend would be watching it later. <</if>> <br><br> They start asking you questions about whether you enjoyed it, and how far it went. You answer their questions at first, but the questions stop when you tell them you have a copy of the video too, and offer to show it to them. <<elseif $NeverGameRound === 2>> They start with Haley, wanting to hear the story implied by her interrupted question. She tells you all about a long drive with her boyfriend, and how she decided to make the ride a bit more exciting. She tells you how she unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. She tells about she sucked his cock as he drove down the road. "I had to wait until we got there before I got my turn though," she says with a fake pout. <br><br> When it gets to you, <<if setup.haveFuckedVaginal('Sports car owner')>> you ask them "Does sex ON a car count?". Then you proceed to tell them about the fun you'd had with that sports car driver on your way home from school at the beginning of summer. <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Brad')>> you tell them about riding home from school and back with Brad over Christmas break. Then you tell them about how you sucked his cock as he drove. "It makes long car rides much more fun, right?", Haley says in soliarity with you. "And I bet he didn't make you pay for your share of the gas after that either," she adds with a smile. <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Police Officer')>> you tell them you've had sex in a car, but a different kind of a car. They start throwing out guess "A sports car?", "A taxi?", "A clown car!". When they pause for a moment you tell them, "A police car". And then you tell them about getting pulled over on the way home at Christmas. "What an ass," Cassie says regarding the officer. "Well, at least you didn't get a ticket," Haley says. "One more and I get my license suspended." <<elseif $VeronicaCarSex>> you tell them about you and Veronica, and how you started making out on the ride to spring break. How the guys riding with you watched and encouraged you. Then how the two of you ended up doing much more than just make out for most of the ride. "Well. I guess you've done a good bit more than 'Kiss' a girl," Danielle says. <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Alexis')>> you tell them about you and Alexis, and how you started making out on the ride to spring break. Then how it started to lead to more but her sister made you wait until you got to the hotel. "Well. I guess you've done a good bit more than 'Kiss' a girl," Danielle says. <<elseif $PartyBusSex or $PartyBusSexChastity>> you say, well technically it was a bus not car. Then you tell them about the party bus on the way to spring break. You tell how you couldn't just watch as the fun started in the back of the bus. <<if $PartyBusSexChastity>> "Wait. All those frat boys wanting it, and all you did was give blowjobs? You have more self control than I would have," Haley says. You don't tell her the real reason you all you did was suck their cocks - the chastity belt you were wearing. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> You certainly don't mention that you are wearing it right now. <</if>> <</if>> <<elseif $JoshCarSex>> you tell them about sucking Josh's cock on the way to spring break. Then you tell them about his friend catching you two in the act. They laught at that then you continue telling them abotu you and Josh fucking in the car a bit later. "It makes long car rides much more fun, right?", Haley says in solidarity. <<elseif setup.haveFucked('coffee aficionado')>> you pause for a moment, then tell them about your job as a 'bikini barista'. You tell them sometimes you get horny during your shift. You explain that sometimes you have your coworker cover for you while you hop into the car with one of your regulars for a little fun. "I hope they tip well," Haley jokes. You laugh and nod. <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Sports car owner')>> you ask them "Does sex FOR a car count? Or at least for a chance to drive one?". Then you proceed to tell them about the fun you'd had with that sports car driver on your way home from school at the beginning of summer. <<else>> they are disappointed hoping for another story. "Sorry, me neither," Cassie adds. <</if>> <<elseif $NeverGameRound === 3>> <<if setup.haveFucked('Sports car owner')>> Before you can even answer Cassie tells you, "In case we didn't mention it, you can't use the same answer twice. So your gas station encounter doesn't count." You don't even have time to respond with a different time before Haley <<elseif $PlayerCarFlash>> You are working up the nerve to tell them about the fun you'd had on the way home at the gas station, but Haley takes your delay as a sign you've never done it. She <<elseif $JobStripper>> You start telling them about your job as stripper. They ask many questions. About what it's like, how much money you make, and how many guys try for "extras". When their questions stop, Cassie tells you, "It doesn't count though. You're supposed to be naked there, so it's not really the same. Haley is excited by Cassie's arbitrary ruling and <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> You've done it so many times, you think for a minute trying to decide which time will make the better story. But Haley takes your delay as a sign you've never done it. She <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Guy by the science building')>> Your first thought is the time you fucked that guy by the science building during pledge week. But you are wondering if you should mention it since <<if setup.haveFucked('Campus Police Officer')>> then their questions would probably lead to telling them about getting caught, and what you had to do with the campus police officer to avoid getting yourself or the Sigmas in trouble. <<else>> you saw a Sigma logo earlier in Danielle's room and you wonder if she's a Sigma Epsilon Xi. You'd hate to have to explain the story about reporting them for hazing. <</if>> As you are thinking it over, Haley takes your delay as a sign you've never done it. She <<else>> You try to remember something, but are drawing a blank. Haley smiles and <</if>> starts chanting, "Challenge! Challenge!". You don't want to spoil the fun, so you tell them you'll take the challenge. <br><br> Your challenge is to strip down and then run around the house once and then back in. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> "Well, except for that," Dani says laughing and pointing once you are down to your chastity belt. <</if>> You look out the window on the front door to make sure no one is visible, then you quickly run outside and start around the house. You make it around the house, then you head passed the open garage door. That's when you spot Danielle's dad staring up at you from under his car. You look nervously back at him for a second and then run inside the front door again. <br><br> "Oh my god, Danielle!", you explain with your heart still pounding. "You didn't tell me your Dad was home!". <br><br> They all laugh and she says, "Well, I never said he wasn't home either." <<elseif $NeverGameRound === 4>> Cassie has a story this time. She tells about fucking her boyfriend last year on a camping trip. "Last summer, before I left for school? I was on that trip! and we were all squeezed into that tiny tent," you tell her. <br><br> "Well, you and Dylan were gone fishing for quite a while. I promise you, we had much more fun back at camp waiting for you two to return," she replies. <<else>> Haley starts. She starts to tell you about how she likes it when her boyfriend ties her up. "Actually, it's not really tied anymore. We did that at first. But now we have special restraints. And a gag too," she adds. "I love that feeling of helplessness." <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> You nod along in agreement <<else>> You listen intently <</if>> as she describes tugging at the restraints when she orgasms and the mute screams she makes into the gag. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$NeverGameRound>> But then Haley suggests that they all play 'I've Never' with you. Danielle quickly agrees with the idea. <<if $CampusMinistry>> You've played before with one of the campus mininistry youth group meetings. You were surprised how may people have never slept in a tent before, or been to the ocean. You start to say that it sounds like fun, but Cassie says no. "We play it bit a differently than you do at your church group. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't enjoy it." <br><br> "Party pooper," Haley says jokingly to Cassie. The four of you have fun hanging out a bit longer, but then you [[have to head home|Part14Home3]]. Cassie has a date with her boyfriend this evening. <<else>> <<set $NeverGameRound to 1>> It sounds fun to you too. Cassie warns you that they play it a bit differently than you might have before. "You have to tell the truth. If it is something you've done before, and we want to know more, you have to tell us about it. And if you are the only one that didn't do something, then we can pick a dare that you need to do." You agree, wondering how this is going to go. <br><br> "[[Have you ever kissed another girl|Part14HomeSister]]?", Danielle asks you directly. "I mean a real kiss, not a peck on the cheek or something. And you don't need to wait for the two of them to answer. I'm very sure that Cassie and Haley have." The three of them giggle at that statement. <</if>> <<elseif $NeverGameRound === 1>> <<set $NeverGameRound to 2>> It's time for the next question. "[[Have you ever had sex in a car|Part14HomeSister]]?", Haley asks. Danielle starts to ask a question, but Haley answers it before she gets two words out. "Yes. Blowjobs count." Danielle doesn't say anything as that was her question. After a moment of silence everyone laughs. <<elseif $NeverGameRound === 2>> <<set $NeverGameRound to 3>> It's time for the next question. "[[Have you ever been naked in public|Part14HomeSister]]?", Cassie asks. <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> She gives you a mischievous smile, expecting that she knows what the answer is going to be for you. <</if>> <<elseif $NeverGameRound === 3>> <<set $NeverGameRound to 4>> Now it's your turn to ask a question. You think for a moment then ask, "[[Have you ever had sex outdoors|Part14HomeSister]]?". <<elseif $NeverGameRound === 4>> <<set $NeverGameRound to 5>> It's Danielle's turn again. "[[Have you ever tried bondage|Part14HomeSister]]? You know, had a guy tie you up for sex," she asks. <<else>> <<set $NeverGameRound to 6>> But before you or Cassie can answer, Cassie notices the time. "Oh. We have to leave," she says explaining that she's meeting her boyfriend soon and needs to [[head home to get ready|Part14HomeSister2]] before then. "Unless you were wanting to <<if $dating.length>> spend the night here with Dani and Haley?", cassie adds. You decide against that, you sense the two of them are up to something, probably something $dating[0] <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>> would love to hear all the details of, but you aren't interested. <<else>> wouldn't appreciate. <</if>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> [[spend the night here|Part14HomeDaniChastity]] <<else>> [[spend the night here|Part14HomeDani]] <</if>> with Dani and Haley?", Cassie adds. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Danielle's House</h1> <img src="Part14/Dani3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set $DaniChastity to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You, Dani, and Haley tell Cassie goodbye. Once Cassie is gone Dani smiles, turns to you and points to your chastity belt. She says, "Well, I suppose you are already in bondage." She disappoitedly adds, "I guess there's no challenge for you then." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Actually I have an idea," Haley says. "You can challenge her to have an orgasm with her belt still on. I'm sure she'd like to try. Then you and I can do our best to get her off." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Ok," Dani responds. "If she wins, obviously the orgasm is it's own reward. But if she loses... Then she has to go show my Dad her belt. I'm sure he's wondering about it after earlier. And he should be home by then." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Haley laughs and adds, "An then she has to suck his cock too, right?" She turns to you and adds. "She's already tried to get me to fuck him. I think Dani wants her dad to move on after the divorce." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well. He should," Dani defends hereself. "Mom's already remarried, so why shouldn't Dad get a little action too?" Haley laughs again. "She doesn't <i>have to</i> do anything except show him the belt. Of course if she <i>wants to</i>, I'm sure he wouldn't mind." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't have much hope for success, but you [[can't turn down the chance|Part14HomeDaniChastity2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Danielle's House</h1> <video src="Part14/Dani4.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The two of them do their best, one kissing you as the other plays with your breasts, each of them kissing on one of your thighs, anything they can think of. Eventually they give up. By then they are both really horny. Well, all three of you are, but they can do something about their condition. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You watch as the two of them get themselves off. Dani's orgasm takes a bit longer, but Haley does her best to encourage her. When Dani finally does finish, you look on with envy as her body spasms with pleasure. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The two of them lie there enjoying the afterglow of their orgasms for a while until they hear the garage door open. Dani smiles then sits up. "Now it's time for [[your part of the challenge|Part14HomeDaniChastity3]]," she says looking at you. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Danielle's House</h1> <img src="Part14/Dani3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You gently knock on his door. You are wearing your chastity belt still visible under your sleepwear, though obviously not as visible as it was earlier. "Mr..," you start before realizing you don't know his and Danielle's last name. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Just 'Dan' is fine," he says. He gestures at your belt and asks, "So, did Haley and my daughter lock that on you. That seems a bit much, even for them." You explain that you've actually been wearing it for a while, and that the key is hundreds of miles from here. "It looks fairly sturdy, I'm not sure if I have the tools to get it off you safely. But I can take a look. If that's what you needed?", he asks. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "M...maybe, you can look tomorrow," you say. "Tonight I was needing something else." You tell him how horny being in the belt makes you. You tell him you've been thinking about sucking his cock ever since he saw you run past the garage earlier. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Really?", he asks with a hopeful tone in his voice. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "No," you answer honestly. "Actually, I've been thinking about feeling your cock inside me since then. But since we can't do that, can I suck your cock instead?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "[[Of course, you can|Part14HomeDaniChastity4]]," he answers. You close the door to his room and walk over to him. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Danielle's House</h1> <video src="Part14/Dani5.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are eager to suck his cock, but take it slow at first. He loves every minute of it. Eventually the feel of his cock in your mouth and the sounds of his moans are too much and you can't help but pick up the speed. When he finally comes it feels like weeks of cum fill your mouth. You eagerly swallow every drop and lick his cock clean. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That was wonderful," he says. "Is there anything I can do for you?". He's clearly wondering what he could do with that belt on you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "No Mr... I mean Dan," you say. "Thank you for letting me suck your cock. Should I leave you alone now?". <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Only if you want to. You are welcome to sleep in here tonight," he says hopefully. You smile and tell him that you would like that. He smiles back and starts to get ready for bed. Once you are in bed he spoons you with an arm around you. You love the feeling of him next to you, but feeling his cock against your ass makes you yearn to be out of this belt. You fall asleep content, but with a familiar empty ache inside. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you both wake up the next morning, he kisses you and strokes your hair as you are lie there content and half asleep. Once you are fully awake you notice his morning erection and say, "Can I help you with that Dan?". <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Of course. But is there anything I can do for you?". You shrug but then tell him you want him inside you, but since you can't have that, maybe he could grab you by the hair and fuck your mouth instead. He eagerly obliges your request. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you are finished, you plan on showering in his bathroom, but you still need your clothes from Dani's room. You try to sneak in without waking her she looks up and sees you gathering your clothes. You hold your fingers up in a "Shhh" sign to keep her from waking Haley too. Dani doesn't say anything but just looks at you with a big smile on her face as you leave the room and head back to [[her father's room|Dan]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Danielle's House</h1> <img src="Part14/Dani1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You, Dani, and Haley tell Cassie goodbye. Once Cassie is gone Dani smiles, turns to you, and says, "We'll just assume Cassie would have had something to confess. So that means it's a challenge again for you." <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> You certainly have stories to share, but find the thought of a bondage challenge much too exciting to pass up. <<else>> Even if you could share a story to avoid the challenge, you don't want to. The challenge sounds like it'd be much more fun. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You think you're finally getting the hang of this game of theirs. "Yes. I guess it does." you reply. As they decide on your challenge, the two of them whisper back and forth, stopping to giggle several times. Finally they stop whispering and tell you they'll let you decide. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "My idea was to tie you, [[blindfold you, and lead you around the house|Part14HomeDaniBlindfold]] for a while," Haley says before adding, "Don't worry Dani's dad has gone out, so we have the house to ourselves for an hour at least. Who knows what we might do to you." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "And mine was to take you [[down to garage and tie you up there|Part14HomeDaniGarage]]," Dani says. "I know how excited you were getting caught naked by my dad. Imagine how exciting it would be for him to catch you again when he comes home. This time you couldn't run away though, you'd be tied and waiting for him. An hour would give us lots of time to have fun with you first, of course." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Haley laughs and adds, "She's already tried to get me to fuck him. I think Dani wants her dad to move on after the divorce." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well. He should," Dani defends hereself. "Mom's already remarried, so why shouldn't Dad get a little action too?" Haley laughs again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You could also suggest that they [[just tie you up right here|Part14HomeDaniGirls]]. Of course what happens once you're tied is still up to them. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Danielle's House</h1> <img src="Part14/Dani8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <<set $tempDaniBlindfold to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Blindfold me and surprise me," you say, choosing Haley's option. Dani digs through her closet and tosses out a blindfold. Haley covers you eyes with it as Dani continues to dig. After she tosses something else out, you feel Haley buckle cuffs around your wrists and ankles. Then the two of them strip you naked. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once they've taken your clothes they lead you out of Dani's room and down the hall. Dani places your hand on the railing and the other one on her sholder in front of you and tells you to be careful on the stairs. You carefully feel each one with your foot as you head downstaris blindfolded. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you are at the bottom, Haley clips the cuffs around your wrists together behind your back. The two of them then lead you around the house. You hear curtains move and Dani says, "Now the neighbors have quite a view," she says. You start to <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>>excitedly<</if>> ask if they can really see you, but Haley says "No talking," and you feel a pinch on your nipple. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They cuff your hands and legs back to a lounge or something in the living room, leaving you exposed and helpless as they head to the kitchen. They come back eating snacks. "Oh are you hungry too?", Haley says. You nod, afraid to say anything again. "Open up," she says. "But don't bite it." she says as you feel her slide a banana into your mouth. "You can eat it, but only after you've shown it a good time first," she says with a laugh. Her and Dani both laugh as Haley fucks your mouth with the banana. You do your best to wrap your lips around the banana, but it doesn't hold up long. Once she's satisfied, and Haley lets you finish eating what's left of it and wipes what she jokingly calls 'banana jizz' from your face. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After they finish eating Dani says, "We probably need to head upstairs now." They free your arms for the trip back upstairs before binding them again at the top. You think they are leading you back to Dani's room, but the path feels different this time. Haley pushes you back and you try to catch yourself but can't help falling. You are only scared for a moment but then land on a soft bed. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "See, I told you she'd like my way better," Haley says as she cuffs your hands and legs out to the corners of Dani's bed. It seems bigger than before now that you are blindfolded. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You were right, but as long as [[the end result is the same|Part14HomeDaniBlindfold2]]..," Dani responds before Haley shushes her. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Danielle's House</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part14/Dani6.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> </div> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set $tempDaniGarage to 1>> <<if $dating.length and $dating[0] != "Peter">> You think about $dating[0] and feel a little guilty about cheating, but they aren't here now, and Danielle's Dad is -- or at least will be soon." <</if>> You bite your lower lip and say, "The garage. Can you tie me up for your dad?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Of course!", Dani happily tells you. Then she turns to Haley and says, "I told you she was into him. She'd been asking questions ever since she'd seen him - or since he'd seen her - earlier." Dani digs through her closet and pulls out several lengths of rope. "Oh, and this too," she says as she puts a gag next to the rope. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They lead you down to the garage - clothed and through the house this time. Once you are down there though, your clothes come off again. "Open wide", Haley says before shoving the gag into your mouth and buckling it around your head. They have you lie down on Dani's dad's cart - the one he'd been using to look at his car when he'd seen you earlier. Once you are there, Dani ties your arms and legs together. Then she throws a rope over a rafter and ties that to your leg rope, keeping your legs high in the air. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Now that you are helpless, the two of them start to have their fun with you. One moment they'll playing with your nipples and stroking your clit, then when you start to get too turned on they switch to spaking you or tickling you, making sure you don't get off. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> If they only knew you couldn't, or at least not and feel it. <</if>> Soon you are begging them to keep going and let you get off. "He's coming!", Haley says after checking out the window again. The two of them quickly leave, with you still tied there. A moment later the garage door starts to go up. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You look over into the headlights of the car. After a moment, Dani's dad turns off the car, leaving it in the driveway. He walks into the garage and presses a a button on the wall making the garage door go back down. "Did your friends do this to you?", he says as he walks back to you. You nod 'Yes'. "I guess you want me to untie you then?", he asks rhetorically as he starts to look at the knot. This time you shake your head 'No'. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "What do you want then?", he asks. You mumble through your gag, but can't make yourself clear. So, you look at the bulge that's formed in his pants and then between your bound legs. You know you've made yourself clear when he swats your ass and says, "Naughty girl." Then he strokes your leg and soothes the spot on your ass where he'd spanked you. Then his hand finds its way between your legs. After the earlier teasing from Haley and Dani, it doesn't take long before you are moaning into your gag with an orgasm. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> It's maddening hearing your body tell you how good it felt, but being completely denied the feeling of it. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> By the time you've recovered a bit from your orgasm, he's stripped out of his clothes and you can see his hard cock ready for you. "Fuck me!", you try to say into your gag. A few moment's later Dani's dad's cock is sliding inside you. His thumb finds its way to your clit as he fucks you, <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> causing your body to writhe with another unfelt orgasm <<else>> ensuring that you are cumming <</if>> again just as he fills you with his own orgasm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He puts his pants back on and gathers the rest of his clothes. He looks around for yours as well but finds none - Haley and Dani had taken them with them. He unties the rope attached to the rafter, but leaves your arms and legs tied. He picks you up easily and heads inside the house with you over his shoulder. "You two had better be in your room with the door closed," he yells before heading upstairs. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes, Daddy," Danielle yells back from her room. "Have fun, Daddy," she adds as he carries you [[into his bedroom|Part14HomeDaniBlindfold2]] and places you onto the bed. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Danielle's House</h1> <video src="Part14/Dani7.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Danielle'})>> <<set $tempDaniGirls to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The two of them whisper to each other after your suggestion and then agree to it. Dani digs through her closet to find the toys she'd been wanting to use. She puts a collar and a blindfold on you, and then cuffs you to the corners of her bed. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Now that you are helpless, the two of them start to have their fun with you. One moment they'll playing with your nipples and stroking or licking your clit, then when you start to get too turned on they switch to pinching your nipple or spanking your lips. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You are only vaguely aware of them pleasuring you. You notice more the way your body reacts than you do the actual feeling of it. When they switch to giving you pain, you feel that fully. <</if>> You try to close your legs or cover your chest, but can't move. Only once they think you are no longer close to an orgasm do they continue again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "We're hungry. We'll be back in an hour or so after a snack. Don't get too excited though, it'll just be more teasing," Dani says. "All night long," Haley adds. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You hear them start to leave the room and desperate to cum, you tell out. "Please, I'll do anything you want. Just let me cum." You hear them walking back. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You know you won't feel the orgasm, but your body still crys out in need of it. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Ok, then. That's all we wanted to hear," Dani says. She unclips your cuffs from the bed and pulls you by the collar out into the hallway. You don't know where you are going, but when she pushes you back onto a large bed, you know you must be in her father's room! Her and Haley clip your cuffs to his bed. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I told you it would work," Dani says before Haley shushes her. "I think the collar is a bit much," she adds before removing it. "Oh, and there's this." That's the last you hear as she puts headphones on you playing some white noise that drowns out everything else. You lie there wondering how long [[you'll need to wait|Part14HomeDaniBlindfold2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Danielle's House</h1> <img src="Part14/Dani2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<if $tempDaniBlindfold>> You don't hear what they say after that as they put headphones on you. They are playing some sort of white noise that drowns out everything else. Now, with two of your senses denied, you are accutely aware when you feel their hands touch your skin. <br><br> Now that you are helpless, the two of them start to have their fun with you. One moment they'll playing with your nipples or using vibrator on your clit. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You can barely feel it, but your body responds as if you could. You ache for them to keep going and let you cum, even though you know you won't feel it if you do. <</if>> Then when the see you start to get too turned on they switch to tickling you, or pinching your nipples painfully, making sure you don't get off. Soon you are begging them to keep going and let you get off. But after a few rounds of this they abruptly stop. You call out to them, but hear nothing. You try to patiently wait for their return. <br><br> They don't say anything but you feel the bed shift. "Please... please let me cum," you beg. You feel a hand slide across your stomach. It feels rougher than before, but you don't think about it because a moment later fingers are stroking your clit and sliding inside you. "Yes. Please don't stop," you beg. A moment later one of your earbuds are removed and you hear a mans voice, "I said, is this what you want?". <br><br> <<if $dating.length and $dating[0] != "Peter">> You think about $dating[0] and feel guilty about cheating, but you are too horny to say no." <br><br> <</if>> "Yes, Mr..," you start realizing it must be Dani's dad, but he stops you. "Just Dan is fine," he says as he fingers continue bringing you closer. He doesn't stop to tease or frustrate you, but keeps going until you pulling at your restraints as you cry out with an orgasm. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> It sounds like an amazing one too, you only wish you could have felt it. <</if>> Only after the intial waves of pleasure have passed do you realize how loud you were. You wonder if Danielle and Haley heard you from Dani's room - they must have. <br><br> "Did your friends put you up to this?", he asks you. You admit that they did, but you also confess that you'd been fantasizing about him inside you ever since you'd ran passed him naked earlier. You think you hear his pants coming off before he continues. "So, you want me to fuck you while you are tied like this?", he asks as he teases your nipple. You beg him to use you however he wants. After you say that he puts the earbud back in your ear. <<elseif $tempDaniGarage>> He carries you upstairs and lays you down on the bed still bound. He laughs when he sees cuffs and other toys waiting on the bed. "It looks like your friends are really trying to play matchmaker tonight," he says with a laugh. He takes off your gag and says, "I wouldn't want to disappoint them, would you?". You smile and start to say, "No Mr..," but he stops you and says, "I think just 'Dan' is fine at this point." Then he proceeds to blindfold you and bind you to the bed. Finally finishing by putting earbuds into your ears and turning on the player that was left on the bed. The noise it generates blocks out everything else. <br><br> Now, with two of your senses denied, you are accutely aware when you feel his hands touch your skin. You arch up to meet them as they slide up your legs and then your thighs. You feel his thumbs part your lips, then you moan loudly as you <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> become vaguely aware of his tongue on your clit. <<else>> feel his tongue on your clit. <</if>> He doesn't stop until you are pulling at your restraints as you cry out with an orgasm. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> If only you could have felt it. As soon as the sound is out <<else>> Only after the intial waves of pleasure have passed do <</if>> you realize how loud you were. You wonder if Danielle and Haley heard you from Dani's room - they must have. <<else>> <br><br> You don't hear anything but you feel the bed shift. "Please... please let me cum," you beg. You feel a hand slide across your stomach. It feels rougher than before, but you don't think about it because a moment later fingers are stroking your clit and sliding inside you. "Yes. Please don't stop," you beg. A moment later one of your earbuds are removed and you hear a mans voice, "I said, is this what you want?". <br><br> <<if $dating.length and $dating[0] != "Peter">> You think about $dating[0] and feel guilty about cheating, but you are too horny to say no." <br><br> <</if>> "Yes, Mr..," you start to say, but he stops you. "Just Dan is fine," he says as he fingers continue bringing you closer. He doesn't stop to tease or frustrate you, but keeps going until you pulling at your restraints as you cry out with an orgasm. Only after the intial waves of pleasure have passed do you realize how loud you were. You wonder if Danielle and Haley heard you from Dani's room - they must have. <br><br> "Did your friends put you up to this?", he asks you. You admit that they did, but you also confess that you'd been fantasizing about him inside you ever since you'd ran passed him naked earlier. You think you hear his pants coming off before he continues. "So, you want me to fuck you while you are tied like this?", he asks as he teases your nipple. You beg him to use you however he wants. After you say that he puts the earbud back in your ear. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't hear anything, but a moment later you feel movement on the bed, then something brushing your lips. You open your mouth and explore with your tongue, feel his cock there waiting for you. You open your mouth wider waiting for it to slide into your mouth. You can't suck his cock as well as you might if you were untied, but it doesn't matter. After a while he pulls out of your mouth. You wait eagerly as you feel him move between your legs. You moan as his cock parts your other lips and slides into you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> His fingers play with your clit as he fucks you, and you are crying out with another orgasm <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> that you can't feel <</if>> just as you feel him thrust and cum inside you. After he removes your blindfold and headphones and unbuckles your cuffs, you ask him if he wants you to leave. "Only if you want to. You are welcome to sleep in here tonight," he says hopefully. You smile and tell him that you would like that. He smiles back and starts to get ready for bed. Once you are in bed he spoons you with an arm around you. You love the feeling of him next to you and [[fall asleep content|Part14HomeDani2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In bed with Dan</h1> <video src="Part14/Dani9.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, pullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wake up next to Dan, feeling his morning erection pressed against you from behind. As you start to move he wakes up as well. You tilt your head to give him better access as he starts to kiss your neck from behind. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you reach a hand behind yourself to grab his cock, he pulls your hand away after a few strokes. "Let's take care of you first," he says. Then his hand reaches around you. He wets a finger inside you before pulling out his slick finger to stroke your clit. While his finger rubs your clit, he continues to kiss on your neck and your ear. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You know your orgasm is a hopeless cause, but you want him inside you. <<else>> You know he'd keep going until you came, which wouldn't take much longer. But you can't wait any longer. <</if>> "I want you to fuck me", you tell him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He's as eager as you are this morning, and fucks you hard and fast. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You feel your body spasm with an orgasm you can't feel. <<else>> You were already close, so it doesn't take long before you are cumming. <</if>> He keeps going a while longer, before pulling out and finishing on your stomach. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you are finished, he heads to the bathroom to shower. <<if $DylanStripClub>> You [[follow right behind him|Part14HomeDanShower]] <<else>> You consider joining him, but remember all of your clothes are in Danielle's room. You decide to get those first and shower after him. <br><br> You try to sneak in to Danielle's room without waking her, but she looks up and sees you gathering your clothes. You hold your fingers up in a "Shhh" sign to keep her from waking Haley too. Dani doesn't say anything but just looks at you with a big smile on her face as you leave the room and head back to [[her father's room|Dan]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Showering with Dan</h1> <img src="Part14/Dani10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Unfortunately, there's not enough room for both of you in the shower at the same time, so Dan goes first. You have him leave the door open though, and you reach in to lend a hand. You start by helping soap him up, but then you begin focusing on his cock. Before long, you are stroking his cock and forgetting about the soap. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he cums, he has to put his hand against the wall to steady himself and not fall over. You stroke a few more times, making sure you have drained him of whatever cum he might have had left from earlier. You give him a minute to finish washing up before it's your turn in the shower. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Dan returns the favor, soaping you up like you did him. He focuses on your breasts and then on your ass. When his soapy hands start to move between your legs <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> they part instinctivly. You tremble as he strokes your inner thigh. After he's sure your sufficiently lathered, and quite aroused, he lets you finish cleaning, while he heads to the sink to shave. <<else>> you give him a different idea. You get the shower head and spray it on your clit. It feels good, but when he takes it from you and flips the shower head to a pulsating setting, it's you that have to put your hand against the wall for support for a moment. <br><br> He continues with the shower head, using his other hand to play with your breasts as you get closer and closer. When you finally orgasm you start to stumble, but he catches you. With the rush of your orgasm still hitting you, he holds you against his bare skin and kisses you. <br><br> Only once he's sure you are steady on your feet again, does he hand you the shower head and let you finish cleaning, while he heads to the sink to shave. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you've both dressed, you head downstairs with him. He's promised to make you pancakes, and you are starving. He's just finished yours and is handing you your plate when you see your sister's friend Danielle walk in. "Mmmm, I smelled your panckaes from upstairs Dad. Can you make me one too?", she says before noticing you. She smiles when she sees you. "Oh... I didn't know you had someone over. I can go back upstairs." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "If you like. But you're welcome to stay. Let me make your pancake first though." You offer the plate he'd just handed to you and Danieele takes that one instead. She is still smiling as she heads back towards the stairs [[leaving you and Dan alone|Dan]]. "Ok, well, let me make you another pancake, then," Dan says to you as he pours some more batter into the pan. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Getting Ready with Cassie</h1> <video src="Part14/Home26.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Her friends say goodbye and how great it was to meet you and hear about your exciting year. Then you and Cassie head home so she can get ready for her date with her boyfriend, Greg. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $dating.length and !setup.areDating('Peter')>> Back home she says, "You are welcome to join us this evening. <<if setup.haveFucked('Greg')>> Greg has a friend that will probably be joining us later too, so it should be even more fun than last time!" <<else>> Greg is really looking forward to meeting you." You tell her you are worried about being a 'third wheel', but she says not to worry about it. "One of his friends might be join us later too. <<if !$dating.length or setup.areDating('Peter')>>Who knows? Maybe the two of you will hit it off. Regardless,<</if>> I'm sure everyone will have a great time." <</if>> <br><br> <</if>> <<if $dating.length and !setup.areDating('Peter')>> "I feel bad [[leaving you here|Part14Home3]] while I go have fun," Cassie says. "But you'll be able to be with $dating[0] soon I hope." <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Greg')>> As much fun as you had last time, you aren't about to say no. "Of course I want [[to go with you|Part14HomeSister3]]," you tell her. <<elseif $AcademicProbationDenial>> You know you can't get off thanks to your probation, but you crave it. Not just the orgasm you know you can't have, but just the feel of someone inside you. "Of course I want [[to go with you|Part14HomeSister3]]," you tell her. <<else>> "If you [[want to join me|Part14HomeSister3]], then you'd better start getting ready. But even if you [[are going to stay home|Part14Home3]], you can sit with me while I get ready," Cassie tells you. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At Cassie's Boyfriend's Apartment</h1> <video src="Part14/Home27.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.haveFucked('Greg')>> When you walk in to her boyfriend's apartment, Cassie sees the board game he's gotten out. "I hope you aren't planning on playing that. At least not until much later," she tells her boyfriend. "My little sister has been thinking about that cock of yours the whole ride over." Then she corrects herself, "Well, she's been talking about it the whole ride over. She's probably been thinking about it since Christams. So, why don't we just head straight to the bedroom?" <<else>> The evening starts off innocently. But after a couple drinks, her boyfriend lets slip a few comments about how beautiful he thinks you both are. After watching the two of them kiss, you comment about how you are a bit jealous of the two of them. <<if $dating.length>> Being so far away has been hard on your relationship with $dating[0]. <</if>> After a bit more awkward sexual tension, your sister says, "Why don't we forget about the board game, and move the fun to the bedroom?" <</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Cassie'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Greg'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You watch as Cassie and Greg make out for a while. But then Cassie turns from him towards you. She pushes you down onto the bed and climbs on top of you. Greg watches as she makes out with you. By the time he's managed to remove his pants, his cock is hard from watching the show you and Cassie are giving him. "Would you like a taste?", Cassie asks you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Cassie says on top of you as Greg slids his cock between your lips and Cassie's. The two of you take turns sucking, licking or kissing his cock, or kissing each other. But eventually Cassie is tired of Greg getting most of the fun. She turns around so Greg can fuck her instead. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Her clit is directly above you now, so when your tongue isn't on her boyfriend's cock as it slides in and out of Cassie, then it is finding its way to her clit. <<if !$PlayerChastityBelt>> Cassie's hand finds its way between your legs, but she's focused too much on the pleasure you and Greg are giving her, and her fingers only turn you on more instead of getting you off. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Seeing and hearing Cassie orgasm, must have pushed him over the edge, as her boyfriend cums inside her a few thrusts later. Cassie collapses on top of you after he pulls out. She's still there, starting to catch her breath when you hear a knock on the door. "Oh, Gary's here," Greg says. "I hope he's not going to be disappointed that game night has been postponed," he adds jokingly. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh, I'm sure [[he won't mind at all|Part14HomeSister4]]," Cassie replies through ragged breaths. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>threesome:FMF<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>At Cassie's Boyfriend's Apartment</h1> <video src="Part14/Chastity21.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Gary'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Greg'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't see Gary's face when a naked Cassie greats him at the door, but you assume it must not be a new sight for him. You expect this isn't the first time Gary has joined her and Greg in the bedroom. Though he seems happy to see you there as well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As Gary quickly strips, you show him your chastity belt. After his initial surprise, you can see a bit of disappointment from him that neither Greg or Cassie, or obviously you, have the key. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you drop to your knees in front of him his disappointment fades. Soon, as you take all of his cock in to your mouth and throat, he's forgotten about your belt, and only cares about your mouth anyway. As you suck Gary's cock, you can hear Cassie commenting on your deep throat skills to Greg as he fucks her nearby. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Afterwards, as you and Cassie wait for the guys to recover, she asks you where you learned to do that. "I've gotten a lot of practice." you say, tapping on your belt. "Lots, and lots of practice." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When they are ready, this time Greg wants a turn with your mouth, while Gary fucks your sister. Greg enjoys your blowjob every bit as much as Gary did. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well, I think the boys need a break before they are ready for any more," Cassie says. "So maybe, we can try that board game for a while. We have all evening after all." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The game continues for a while, until the four of you return to the bedroom again. This time Cassie is the center of attention, with both guys fucking her. You sense this isn't the first time. She's loving it, as obviously are they. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can only sit and watch the action from the side this time. You ache to be able to rub your clit as you <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> watch, for all the good it would do. <<else>> watch. <</if>> Afterwards, as it's stating to get late, Gary says goodbye. A little while later Cassie gives her a boyfriend a final kiss before the two of you [[head home|Part14Home3]] as well.. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At Cassie's Boyfriend's Apartment</h1> <video src="Part14/Home28.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Gary', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Greg'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Cassie'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Greg', vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Gary'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Cassie'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Gary', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Greg'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't see Gary's face when a naked Cassie greats him at the door, but you assume it must not be a new sight for him. You expect this isn't the first time Gary has joined her and Greg in the bedroom. Though he seems happy to see you there as well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As Gary quickly strips, you are expecting him to fuck you while Cassie fucks her boyfriend, but instead she just sits on the sofa. "I'm good for now," she says. "I'd rather watch the boys show my little sister a good time. I know know much fun it can be between them, but I've never just watched it." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Cassie sits on the sofa, stroking herself occasionally as she watches Gary and Greg take you from either end. Your mouth has Greg's cock all to itself now, while Gary fucks you from behind. They don't let up as <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> you scream and your body spasms with an orgasm you mind just can't feel. <<elseif $PlayerEasytoOrgasm or $PlayerSuperOrgasms>> orgasm after orgasm wash over you. <<elseif $PlayerPowerfulOrgasms>> a powerful orgasm washes over you. <<else>> your orgasm washes over you. <</if>> They just fuck you hard and deeper pushing themsleves closer. "God, I always love this part," Cassie says as she strokes her clit <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> faster. <<else>> faster, though you are too lost in your orgasm to hear it. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The guys orgasm a bit later, first Gary, <<if $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> pulling out and spraying his cum across your ass and back. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> carefully pulling his cock out before removing the now full condom and tossing it in the trash. <<else>> filling you with his cum. <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> You hope you are ovulating now. Conceiving with your sister here, would make it even more wonderful. <</if>> <</if>> Then, a moment later, Greg, filling your mouth with his cum before you swallow it. "Good girl," your sister says as you do. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well, I think they boys need a break before they are ready for any more," Cassie says. "So maybe, we can try that board game for a while. We have all evening after all." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The game continues for a while, until the four of you return to the bedroom again. The cycle completes several more times until it starts to get late, and Gary says goodbye. A little while later Cassie gives her a boyfriend a final kiss before the two of you [[head home|Part14Home3]] as well.. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>threesome:MFM<</achievement>><<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<include [[Part14HomeSister4Chastity]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part14HomeSister4Normal]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Modeling for Dylan and Cassie</h1> <video src="Part14/Home29.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Cassie doesn't come home until later, the movie you and Dylan were watch is just ending as she returns. "I think it's time for your fashion show now, sis," Dylan tells you. <<if !$JobModel>> <br><br> Of course your real job isn't modeling, but you don't want to tell them that. Thankfully you do have some experience modeling. That was how your job as a porn start got started after all, not to mention all the photo shoots you've done for publicity photos and the like. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Dylan watches closely and he and Cassie both offer plenty of complements as you try on several outfits and bikinis. Dylan even snaps some photos with his phone, getting into the act and pretending like he's the photographer. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once your 'fashion show' is over, the three of you head to your separate rooms. You want to get a good night's sleep so you are well rested [[for tomorrow|Part14Home3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Dylan</h1> <video src="Part14/Home55.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Dylan'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As soon as you are home alone with Dylan, you drop to your knees. You want a mouth full of his cum again, and you are eager to show him again what a cumslut you are. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You could have him off in moments, but you've long-since learned that you'll get a bigger load if you drag things out a bit longer. So you help Dylan build a bigger load for you as you slowly get him closer and closer to his orgasm. When he finally cums he holds you head, keeping his cock firmly in your throat as spurt after spurt of his cum shoots down your throat. As he pulls out, you are eager to lick up any drops left on his cock or that fell on the floor. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't give Dylan a repeat performance tonight. You both head to bed in your own rooms instead. It's getting late and you need to get some sleep so you [[feel rested tomorrow|Part14Home3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Dylan</h1> <img src="Part14/Chastity7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I waited until I couldn't take it anymore. Just like you said," Dylan says. The familiar begging tone of chaste boy is clear in his voice. "I need to cum again. I've never gone this long before, and I can't take it anymore." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "[[Pull down your pants|Part14ChastityCage3No]]," you instruct him. He quickly complies. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Dylan</h1> <img src="Part14/Chastity8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="Left"> You reach out to hold his cage, with the key dangling from your risk. Then you stop. "No," you tell him. You say nothing else and wait for the begging you know will come. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "But... But... You said you'd unlock me when I couldn't take it anymore. And I can't take it anymore. I need to cum so bad right now. Please, please let me cum. I'll do anything you want," Dylan begs. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I said to come ask when you couldn't take it anymore," you explain. "But, I didn't say I'd unlock you. Now you get to learn, that's part of the fun of chastity. It isn't up to you to decide when you get unlocked. It's up to me. And the answer is 'No.' <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "And this isn't anywhere near as much as you can take," you educate him. "There's [[plenty of summer left|Part14Home3]], and you can last much longer locked in chastity than you think you can." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Dylan</h1> <video src="Part14/Home35.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="432"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once the two of you are alone, Dylan ties you to your bed. He gets some oil out and begins to massage you, though he focuses much more on your breasts than anywhere else. As his fingers tease your nipples, your clit aches to be touched. After what seems like an eternity his fingers finally move lower. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> His fingers move slowly, but unceasingly, stroking or circling your clit, or sliding inside you for a moment to keep them wet and slick. You can only lie there as you feel your pleasure build and hope that he doesn't stop and deny you. Thankfully he doesn't. He keeps stroking as you cum, extracting every ounce of pleasure for you from your orgasm. He stops just before it becomes too much. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> His hands then return to caress your bound body as the warmth of your orgasm still permeates you body. After a while, when your clit is no longer to sensitive to touch, he returns and begins slowly stroking it again. It isn't long before you tugging at the ropes holding you as you orgasm again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Dylan continues like this, giving you orgasm after orgasm, but never too much at any one time. Each time it feels wonderful, but you have less and less energy. By the final time, the pleasure still feels just as good, but you barely have enough energy to react. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Through all of this, you can see how hard Dylan is and wonder when he's going to want you to pleasure him. By the time he decides it is time for his orgasm, you don't have enough energy to even give him a handjob, let alone do anything more. But none of that is necessary. He leaves you tied up. You smile as he strips and moves between your bound, spread legs. A soft "mmmmmmmm" is all you have the energy for as you feel him slide into you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once he cums inside you, he unties you, but you don't have the strength to move. He kisses your forehead and pulls your sheets and comforter over your naked body. You drift off to sleep as he leaves the room. Hopefully after a restful night's sleep you'll have your energy back [[for tomorrow|Part14Home3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Dylan</h1> <video src="Part14/Home4.webm" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "No, I won't be unlocking you tonight," Dylan tells you. "But you will be sucking my cock." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral>> You don't hestitate, and get right to work. "That's a good girl," he tells you. "I had thought I might want to unlock you soon. But seeing how much you love sucking cock, I'm wondering if you might be happier if I never did." <<else>> You hesitate for a moment. "That is, you will be sucking my cock if you ever want to be unlocked from that belt," he tells you. "It's up to you." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He quits talking so he can focus on the pleasure of your lips, tongue, and hands on his cock. You are eager to please him, <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral>> but you hope he's just teasing about never unlocking you. You do love giving blowjobs, but of course you want to be able to orgasm too! <<else>> and not just because you want to do whatever you can to 'earn' your release. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wonder how long he's going to keep you in this. You might need to [[rethink the trip to the pool|Part14Home3]], that you Dylan and Cassie had planned. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Meeting with a Client</h1> <video src="Part14/Callgirl1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $BrotherCallGirl>> Back home, when you tell your brother about your job as a call girl, he thinks you are just joking with him at first. He only really believes you when you pull up the website where you get matched with your clients. "Here, look, there's a match here in town." <br><br> "That's Ryan, Dad's friend!", Dylan says in disbelief. You smile at him and click to accept the match. Then you send a message to start making arrangements. <br><br> "This should be fun," you tell Dylan. "Try not to jerk off too much, thinking what Ryan and I are doing while I'm gone," you joke before you head out for your 'date' with Ryan. <<else>> Not wanting your brother or sister to know about your job as a call girl you lie. "Oh, it's nothing that interesting. I just signed up for one of those food delivery services. The app tells me where to go pick up the food and then where to take it. If I flirt a little, they usually tip pretty well." <br><br> "Oh. That sounds pretty boring," your brother says as he loses interest and changes the subject. <br><br> But the discussion has got you thinking about your job. Your real client matching service, the one that matches you with your clients, might have some potential clients here in town. You decide to take a look when you get home. <br><br> Once you're alone, you check the website, and you do find someone. You have to think about whether you want to contact him or not, since you recognize him as your dad's friend, Ryan. But you actually get more excited about the 'date' the more you think about it, and soon you are making the necessary arrangements. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you meet him at the hotel room, he recgonizes you from somewhere, but he can't quite figure it out. After all, he'd only been by the house once with you home, and in this new body. "I know I've seen you before, but I know I've never had a 'date' with you before. I definitely would have remembered that," he says still trying to figure it out. <br><br> "I can be anyone you want tonight," you smile as you answer. "Maybe you'd like me to be your friend's teenage daughter, home from college for the summer, and looking to see if a man with more experience can satisfy her more than the boys back at school." <br><br> He smiles, remembering now. "Or maybe she needs a good spanking, for being such a naughty girl," he says. "Come sit on my lap while I decide." <br><br> You sit in his lap and feel his growing erection. "[[Or maybe, I need both|Part14CallGirl2]]," you say. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>'Date' with Ryan</h1> <video src="Part14/Callgirl4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Ryan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Ryan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Ryan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you know what he wants, you change into something you'd wear at school so you can act out his fantasy. He'd stopped by the house to see your dad, but he's not there. You are though, and you need his help. All the selfish boys at school care about is themselves. You need a real man, one that knows how to take care of your needs too, and he's happy to help. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> Your denial is even more frustrating as you don't have to fake an orgasm with like you do with <<if $PlayerEasytoOrgasm or $PlayerSuperOrgasms>>some<<else>>most<</if>> clients. But even though your moans and screams and reactions are real, you don't actually feel it. He enjoys your reactions just the same though. <<elseif $PlayerEasytoOrgasm or $PlayerSuperOrgasms>> You never have much trouble getting off even with the most clueless of clients, thanks your implant, so you quickly cum from his more experienced touch. He thinks you might be faking it at first, but soon realizes you aren't. When he how easy you are to get off, he gets you off again and again. By the time he moves on to his own pleasure, you've lost count of your orgasms, and your legs feel like jelly. <<else>> Often you have to fake your orgasms when you are with a client, but not today. You tell yourself it's because of his experience, and willingness to focus on your pleasure first. But part of you realizes, being with an older man, one of your father's friends, is turning you on too. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After he's taken care of your needs, then he lets you take care of his. Once you've drained his cock, you lie down next to him and tell him how amazing he was. You are expecting to chat a bit, until his cock has recovered, and then coax it back to life for another round before his time is up. But he has another idea. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Go get dressed again. That black skirt you showed me," he instructs. "[[You still need to be punished|Part14CallGirl3]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>'Date' with Ryan</h1> <video src="Part14/Callgirl5.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Ryan'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Ryan bends you over the desk and lifts up your skirt. As he swats your ass, he tells you what a naughty little girl you are. He rhetorically asks what your father would think if he knew what you were doing to make money. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he's spanked your ass to a bright red, he stops and asks you if you've learned your lesson, or if you are still a naughty little slut. You answer honestly, and beg him to fuck you again. You know from experience he's made himself hard again punishing you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "No. You'll have to go home horny, like naughty little sluts should," he tells you. "But I will let you suck my cock again." You drop to your knees and get to work. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he's done, he says good bye and that he hopes to see you again soon. On his way out he adds some more money to what he'd already left on the counter for you. Then [[you have the hotel room to yourself|Part14CallGirl4]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In a hotel room</h1> <video src="Part14/Callgirl2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After Ryan leaves, you have the hotel room for the rest of the night. You consider checking to see if there are any more clients available, but decide against it. Instead you give Dylan a call. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $BrotherCallGirl and (!$dating.length or setup.areDating('Peter'))>> "Yeah, it went great. He was a lot of fun," you tell Dylan as you flip through the stack of money Ryan left. You're still surprised at how much extra he left for you. Clearly he had a good time. <br><br> Ryan did leave you horny just like he wanted, but you decide there's no reason you need to go home that way. <br><br> "Anyway, I have this room for the rest of the night still. It'd be a shame to let it go to waste," you tell your brother. He quickly decides to join you. "See you soon", you say before you [[hang up and wait for him|Part14CallGirl5]]. <<else>> "Yeah, it went well. Lots a good tips. I'm done for the night. It's mainly partiers ordering food now, and they don't tip well. [[I'll be home|Part14Home3]] soon," you tell Dylan as you flip through the stack of money Ryan left. You're still surprised at how much extra he left for you. Clearly he had a good time. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In a hotel room</h1> <video src="Part14/Callgirl3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When Dylan gets there, he's distracted by how little you are wearing. He thinks that you just haven't dressed after Ryan left. But really, you had changed into something you thought Dylan would like. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Dylan starts asking questions about how your date with Ryan went, how much he paid you, and a string of other questions but you stop him. "I could answer all that if you really want me to. But instead of talking about what Ryan wanted, I'd rather focus on what you need," you push him back onto the chair and kiss him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He's still talking as you unzip his pants, but once his cock is in your mouth he's forgotten all about your visit with Ryan. You don't suck his cock too long though. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You want to feel Dylan's cock inside you first. Ryan said naughty sluts should go home horny, and you certainly will, but that doesn't mean you can't feel a cock inside you again before then. <<else>> You don't want Dylan getting off before you do. Ryan may have said naughty sluts should go home horny, but you'd much rather go home satisfied. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You do like the idea of [[going home|Part14Home3]] a naughty little slut though. And nothing will make you feel more like that than walking in the front door with cum from two different men still inside you. And you plan on doing exactly that. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Telling Dylan about the Bar</h1> <img src="Part14/Home62.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You decide to be coy, and let you brother guess what you've heard about, and what you've enjoyed first hand. Though you assume he's going to be picturing you as the one enjoying yourself the whole time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I bet you are picturing two hot girls, with their legs spread apart, scissoring each other, aren't you?", you ask Dylan rhetorically. "Well, it's not usually like that. That's really something you see much more in porn for guys than something lesbians really do." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He seems a little let down so you add, "But I agree it looks hot." Then with a bit of a laugh, "So keep jerking to it if you like it." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You think for a second and then say, "But there [[is something similar|Part14Bar2]] that can be pretty fun... or so I've heard." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Telling Dylan about the Bar</h1> <video src="Part14/Home64.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "If we... I mean they, don't want to take turns and would really rather wrap their legs around each other and go at it, then their are other options." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "A good double-sided dildo can fill both girls up at the same time, and either one can thrust fucking both her and her partner. If one of them has a vibrator, then she can be stimulating either or both of their clits too. They'll both be cumming in no time." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "And it's not like it is with guys. It's probably nap time for you after you orgasm, certainly you can't keep going like you were. But for women, they can have orgasm after orgasm. It's really just until someone has had enough, or is [[too tired to continue|Part14Bar3]] that they need to stop." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Telling Dylan about the Bar</h1> <video src="Part14/Home9.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Of course, it doesn't have to be both of them getting pleasure at the same time. In fact, it's usually not that way. When they are focusing on one woman's pleasure at a time, then the other isn't distracted and can give her partner's pleasure her full attention." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "And when one of them is too tired to continue, but her partner isn't. We'll you've never been too tired to accept a blowjob, have you? Well it's the same with us. Who won't say 'Yes!' to one more orgasm while they just lay back and enjoy it?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "There are [[many other ways|Part14Bar4]] they can enjoy themselves as well. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Telling Dylan about the Bar</h1> <video src="Part14/Home63.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set $DylanXCurious to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Just imagine what it's like, being tied to the bed, unable to move," you tell Dylan as he silently listens. "Her hands move over you body, knowing exactly what feels good for you." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You are completely at her mercy. She can stop at any time and leave you aching, while she climbs on top of you and makes you eat her out. Or she can keep going until she has you crying out in ecstasy. Of course, she doesn't have to stop then either. She knows your body is capable of more and can coax another orgasm out of you if she wants, and then another..." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You see a smirk on Cassie's face as you tell Dylan, "But I guess you'll never know what that's like. But I can tell you more about it any time if you are curious." He doesn't say anything as you [[continue home|Part14Home3]], but you and Cassie can almost imagine the sound of wheels turning in his head as he thinks about what you've said. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At a Glory Hole with Dylan</h1> <video src="Part14/Home54.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Glory Hole Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Glory Hole Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Glory Hole Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Glory Hole Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Glory Hole Customer'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You tell Dylan that the store you work at is a sex toy shop, and you answer his questions about the kind of things they sell there. "But as for the rest of it... Well, it's probably better to show you than tell you," you tell him. Then you pull out your phone and start doing some searches. You eventually find the type of place you are looking for and head out with Dylan. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you get to the sex shop Dylan is eager to start looking around so you let him do that while you find what you are looking for. After looking around the store a bit, you spot them in back - the two restrooms that were mentioned in the forum post online about this place. You walk back and find Dylan. You want to get ready first, especially putting something down for you knees - you don't have your pads with you tonight. So you tell him to wait a minute or two. "For what?", he asks. You tell him to just go in back and use use the restroom on the left. "But I don't have to go..." You cut him off and tell him to just go there, and he'll understand once he's there. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You go into the room on the right and get ready. Dylan figured things out because soon you see a cock poking in through the hole in the wall. You quickly get to work on it. Soon the familiar taste of cum fills your mouth. You are surprised when Dylan slips a tip through the hole aftewards. He must not be as naive about these as you thought if he knew to do that. You pick up your things and head to the door to ask him about it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you open the door, you see Dylan, but he's at the back of a line of several other guys. They are all guys you saw milling around the store earlier. They must have all headed to the back the moment they saw the light above your door come on. As you see a man exiting the other room he gives you a friendly wave. The next man in line looks at you hopefully, waiting to see what you do before heading in to his room. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Just wait your turn, Dylan," you say before heading back into the room and setting up again. A new cock is ready and waiting by then and you quickly get to work on it. You take care of the cocks, one after another. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt or $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock or $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock or $AcademicProbationDenial>> You wish you could get some of the pleasure they are feeling, but you have to be content with giving them each the orgasm you crave. <<else>> When your hand isn't on their cock, it's between your legs, making sure you are getting off as you get them off. <</if>> At some point you realize you've sucked more cocks than there had been lined up outside. You must have taken care of Dylan and all the ones before him, and then several that line up after he did. You hope they had as much fun as you did. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Dylan had returned to browsing. Once you find him again, you flash the money you'd just earned in tips. "So, did you find anything you like? I seem to have some extra money to spend." You'll let him enjoy his purchases by himself though. You're ready for bed when you get home. You want to get a good night's sleep so you are [[rested for tomorrow|Part14Home3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Giving Dylan a "Massage"</h1> <video src="Part14/Home11.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you and Dylan are home, you look aroud the garage with him. "There it is," you say when you find what you are looking for. "Dad hasn't used this card table in years. I'm sure he won't notice if we cut a little hole in it." Once the table is adjusted you have Dylan take it up to his room while you get some massage oils from your room. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Dylan is already getting hard when you have him strip naked, so it takes a little work for him to squeeze his balls and then his cock through the hole you've made in the table as he lays down on his stomach. When he's done you tell him, "Isn't that better. Much more comfortable than smashing your hard-on between you and the table." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He starts to agree, but by then you are under the table, giving his cock a few strokes with your oiled hand. "It has other benefits as well." He doesn't even notice the cock ring you place over his cock. Without being able to reach it, it'll be quite difficult for him to move from his current position. He doesn't want to move an inch at the moment though as you continue to stroke his cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know by now exactly when a cock is getting close to cumming, but this time you stop before then. "It's not always the fun massages," you tell him. He whimpers and thrusts against the table needing just a few more strokes to get off. "Of course, I wouldn't leave one of the athletes like this," you admit. "I give them exactly what they want. But I thought you and I could have a little more fun." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You proceed to give him a real massage, but with this cock stil rock hard under the table. He tries to pull his cock out so he can stroke it himself, but discovers he can't. "What did you do?", he asks. You tell him you'll let him out when his session is done. You point out you did leave his hands free though. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you massage him, his hands find their way to your shirt buttons, undoing them one by one. Once your breasts are free he reaches out to them. You let him grope you as your hands continue to rub oil into his body. When you finally think he's been teased enough, you pull his hand away, and then slowly lower yourself down and return beneath the table. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> This time you don't stop when he gets close, you keep going. Soon he is cumming on you. You let some of it dribble down covering your chest in his cum, knowing seeing this will make him happy. You tilt your head up to suck the last bits of cum from his cock. You suck a bit longer than you need to, until you hear him start to whimper as your mouth on his cock becomes too much just after his orgasm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you've released his cock, and stood back up, you tell him to take the table back down where it was in the basement. You let him know you're are going to go take a shower and get to bed, so that you are [[well-rested for tomorrow|Part14Home3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Explaining your job to Dylan</h1> <video src="Part14/Home13.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "So aren't your classes full of horny guys that just want to see you naked?", Dylan asks. Then he adds, "Oh, god, are they naked too? A room full of sweaty, naked guys. That sounds disgusting." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well, to you maybe," you tell him. <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> "But I get wet just thinking about it," you say as you think of the musky smell of a class full of guys half-way through a class. <</if>> Then you let him know that yes, many of your students are male, and some of them probably do enjoy seeing you naked. But that no one has to be naked if they don't want to be. They can wear clothes if they want as long as they don't restrict their movement. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "And it's not all group classes. I also do 1:1 classes," you elaborate. "Often some of my shyer female students will request private lessons. I also do 1:1 sessions with my male students, but those are by my invitation only, otherwise I'd be booked all day and never have time for group classes." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "So, it's you and another girl doing 'downward-facing dog', and shit - but naked?", he says trying to picture it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well, like I said before, we aren't always naked. Especially at first they aren't comfortable with that. These are the shy ones, remember. Part of why the want to take my class is to be come more comfortable with their bodies naked. As our lessons progress the usually become comfortable with less and less clothing. One of my goals is usaully that they'll be comfortable enough with their body that they'll feel ok in group class with other women - or even one of my mixed-gender classes. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But before they are ready for that, we [[try to celebrate smaller achievements along the way|Part14Yoga2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Explaining your job to Dylan</h1> <video src="Part14/Home14.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Being able to do their first class fully nude is a big achievement, so I try to celebrate it with them," you tell him as you describe a typical celebration with one of your shy, female students. "Just as they are often ashamed of their bodies, they are often ashamed of their own pleasure. They think of it as something to keep hidden, in the dark." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Even though they are often, beautiful young women, ", you continue. "They are embarrassed for even their lover to see them in the light without their clothes on and only remove them once the lights are off. Some of them are too shy or ashamed even for that, and have never had sex." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When we celebrate though, it's in bright lights of my yoga classroom. I make sure they learn to be proud of their bodies and not feel the need to hide their pleasure in the dark. And I try to give them ideas on how to have fun with the physical flexibility we've helped to develop in class as well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> If they have a lover, then I'm sure he or she will excited at their newfound skill and openness. And if they don't have a lover, once their ready I'll ask if I can add a second student to our private classes. I'll be sure to pick one I know they'll have a lot of fun with. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Before Dylan thinks your job is all fun, you stop to explain that you have to [[put a lot of work in outside of class|Part14Yoga3]] to be ready for when you are in class. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Telling Dylan about your Exercise Regime</h1> <table> <tr> <td width="50%"><img src="Part14/Home49.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"></td> <td width="50%"> You explain to Dylan that you also have to spend time alone working on your own strength, balance, and flexibility to be ready for teaching others. You let him know that means you spend a lot of time in the gym outside of class too. <br><br> When Dylan asks if you do that naked too you let him know, "Well, yes, usually. My body isn't something I need to hide. Besides, <<if $BodyType == 'Plus'>> I want people to see that curvyier girls can do yoga too." <<elseif $BodyType == 'Petite'>> I want people to see that don't have to be tall and muscular to do yoga. Smaller girls like me can do it too." <<else>> it makes a great advertisement for my class." <</if>> <br><br> You see his expression as he tries to picture your exercise regime and you add, "Would it be easier if I just showed you?" He quickly agrees that it would be much easier to understand if you demonstrated for him. <br><br> "Of course, I can show you," you tell him. <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> You always love showing off your body. <<else>> You've long since stopped worrying about showing your body. <</if>> You strip out of your clothes and start showing him a typical workout for you. You start with some of his dumbbells, you have him place his hand so he can feel each muscle group so he can feel it as you focus on it. Between sets you stay hydrated, drinking some of your <b>ErosH<sub>2</sub>O</b>. You still love how refreshing it feels going down and the warm tingly feeling you get after you drink it. <br><br> Dylan removes his clothes so he can join as you continue. He struggles much more once you move on to balance exercises. You stand behind him and place your hands on his hips. You try not to help too much, just giving a little added support to keep him stead. "You're doing great!", you say to encourage him. </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%"><img src="Part14/Home50.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"></td> <td width="50%"><img src="Part14/Home51.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"></td> </tr> </table> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You only have one mat, and Dylan isn't quite ready for your flexibility exercises anyway, so he just watches as you try various poses. During one of them, as you look up, you see Dylan's massive erection. "Oh, that's probably why you were having so much trouble with the balance exercies," you tell him. "You need to take care of that first." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course it occurs to you to tell him to go to his room and jerk off and then come back. But you are always so horny when you've been working out, and after seeing a hard cock right there and available, you couldn't imagine sending it away. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> "Would you [[like me to help you with that|Part14Yoga4BJ]]?", you ask Dylan. <<else>> You want to [[feel it inside you|Part14Yoga4Sex]], but it is your brother, so maybe [[just sucking him off|Part14Yoga4BJ]] would be a better idea. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Helping Dylan</h1> <video src="Part14/Home52.webm" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are already there with your ass in the air, so you have Dylan start with you. You keep your pose as he bends over. As you put your legs over his shoulders you arch towards him. He quickly gets to work. As you get closer and closer to an orgasm, you can feel his saliva and your juices trail down your stomach and betwen your breasts. Your legs pull him towards you holding his mouth to your clit as you cum, only releasing him when it becomes too much for you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You let him sit back and relax when it's his turn. After he sits back on the sofa, you lay there in his lap. As you take his cock into your mouth, one of his hands roam your body. The other rests on your head, silently begging it not to move away. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He cums just as you take his cock out for a moment to catch a breath. He doesn't mind though as you keep stroking him and the move down to clean the cum from his cock. You carefully gather what's covered your face and swallow it all too. After all, it's the only thing you find more refreshing after a workout than your Eros water. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you are finished, you and Dylan decide not to return to the workout. You both want to get some sleep so you are well rested [[for tomorrow|Part14Home3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With Dylan</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part14/Home53.webm" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> </div> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Working out always makes you so horny. Luckily it seems to have had the same impact on Dylan. You decide you can still get some more exercise in even while you are fucking Dylan. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you and Dylan are in his room, you have him lie down on his bed. He watches as you climb on top of him. You grab his cock and guide it as you lower yourself down onto it. Dylan moans as your lips wrap around it and his cock slides into you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He keeps watching as you slide up and down on his cock. When you start to feel the burn in your legs, you decide to give him another demonstration. You sit down on him, with his cock deep inside you. "Have you ever heard of 'Pompoir'?", you ask him. All he manages to get out is "No, I've nev..," then his words stop and his hands grab at the sheets as you use your vaginal wall muscles to squeeze, pull, and push at his cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As he enjoys these new sensations his hand reaches up so his thumb can stroke your clit. You focus on your pompoir as long as you can, but the contractions become less voluntary as you feel a warmth spread over you and then your orgasm hits. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you are able to continue again, you return to using your legs. This time, you sequeeze tightly as you ride his cock. He moans at how tight you feel now. He doesn't last long this way, and soon you can feel him cumming inside you. You drop down again leaving his spasming cock deep within you. He groans with pleasure as you use your vaginal muscles again, this time rippling the musclses inward to give him a milking sensation. He can't speak, but you can tell when he's had enough, and finally stop then and lie down beside him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Dylan both decide that was enough of a workout and you need to return to the mat downstairs. You head to your own room so you can both get some sleep so you are well rested [[for tomorrow|Part14Home3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Cheering for Dylan</h1> <video src="Part14/Home16.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Later, when it's just you and Dylan at the house, you change into your cheerleader uniform. Well, most of it. You decide to have a bit of fun with him and don't bother wearing any panties under your skirt. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't think Dylan has noticed. Or, probably, he thinks he saw something when you twirrled or kicked, but it happened so fast he thinks his mind was playing tricks on him. You decide to make sure he notices. You tell, "For most of the stunts we do on the field, I'd need other cheerleaders to help." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As expected he tells you, "I could help if you want." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well, you aren't trained so I couldn't do anything too fancy." Looking up you add, "And we'd need a higher ceiling for many of them anyway. But maybe you I could run towards you and you toss me straight up, then catch me." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your little 'joke' on your brother, might not have been a smart idea. He's so distracted when he looks up and sees you aren't wearing anything under your skirt that he almosts drops you! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He's blushing after he sets you down. "I certainly wasn't expecting that. You must be very popular with the fans!", he laughs. Then the two of you sit down to talk. You glance down at his pants and realize the effect your little display has had on your brother. You haven't really exercised enough with your little demonstration to get your heart going, so it must be the situation that has you feeling warm all over. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $dating.length>> "Well, I think you probably need some time alone," you tell Dylan as you glance at the bulge he's showing. Then you start <<else>> You bite your lip a bit as you contemplate [[staying to see where things lead|Part14Cheerleader2]], or <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock or $AcademicProbationDenial>> [[heading up to take a shower|Part14CheerleaderShower]], <<else>> [[heading to your room|Part14CheerleaderMasturbate]] to 'be alone' for a bit, <</if>> and letting Dylan 'be alone' in his room for a while. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Cheering for Dylan</h1> <video src="Part14/Home17.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I see I've really raised your 'school spirit'," you say as you stroke Dylan's hard cock through his pants before kissing him. The small moan he lets out lets you know he is as eager for this as you are. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you sit down on his lap he tries to kiss you again. Before you let him do that, you guide his hand between your legs and under your skirt. Once he's gotten to work there, then you start kissing him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are wet from the excitement of your earlier display, and his fingers slide easily into you. He'd probalby keep going until <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>>he thought that<</if>> you came, but you can't wait, and [[you want more|Part14Cheerleader3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Cheering for Dylan</h1> <video src="Part14/Home18.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you stand up you take his hand pulling him up too. You strip off your top as you drop to your knees. A moment later his cock is in your mouth. You plan on just sucking him for a moment. But when he places his hands on your head, you imagine him holding you there, not letting you move away, and fucking your mouth until he cums down your throat. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You might have kept going until he did come, but when he says I want to fuck you so bad," you forget about the blowjob. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> You don't have your purse, and you are far too horny to run upstairs to look for a condom, so you don't even mention it to him. "Oh god, fuck me now!", is all you tell him as he bends you over and pulls up your skirt. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> "Oh god, fuck me now!", you tell him as he bends you over and pulls up your skirt. After he starts you tell him, "I'm not on birth control, so don't cum inside me. You can come in my mouth or anywhere else," you tell him. When you imagine him stopping too soon and leaving you even hornier than you are now, you add, "But don't you dare stop before I cum." You don't stop to wonder what he'll do if those instructions conflcit. <<else>> "Oh god, fuck me now!", you tell him as he bends you over and pulls up your skirt. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> Even though you can't feel the pleasure, your body seems to sense it and the moans it is forcing out of your <<else>> The moans of your approaching orgasm <</if>> have excited Dylan, and he warns you that's he's about to cum. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You can barely feel it there, but yet you need his cock inside you. "Please, don't stop," you beg. <<else>> You are too close, he can't stop now! "Don't stop," you beg. "I'm almost there." <</if>> As he holds back his orgasm as long as he can, then grunts and grabs your hips as he thrusts a few final times. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> He reaches under you and begins stroking your clit with his cock still inside you. A few moments later, you feel yourself clenching onto his cock, trying to squeeze out anything he might have left. You long to be able to feel how good the orgasm that was just denied you would have felt. <<else>> You are worried you are going to be left frustrated. But then he reaches under you and begins stroking your clit with his cock still inside you. A few moments later, you are orgasming too. You feel yourself clenching onto his cock, trying to squeeze out anything he might have left. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>>You try to hide the fact that you didn't get to experience the orgasm your body just experienced.<</if>> "I think we both needed that," you say as you get up and slide your skirt back on. As you do, you wipe a bit of cum leaking down your leg with your finger, before licking your finger clean. "Hopefully [[seeing me in a bikini|Part14Home3]] when we head to the pool won't feel like a let down after this," you joke before heading upstairs to shower. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Taking of your horniness</h1> <video src="Part14/Home43.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As soon as you are in your room, your uniform is on the floor and you are digging through the drawer for you toys. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It doesn't take long before you feel an orgasm coming on. You don't try to hold back your screams as you cum, knowing Dylan can hear you from his room. If he hadn't already finished, you assume hearing you would have done it form him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Now that that is taken care of you feel much better, and [[ready for the next day|Part14Home3]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Taking a shower</h1> <video src="Part14/Home44.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know you won't be able to get <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> off. <<else>> off, you never can by yourself. <</if>> But you were so worked up from your fun with Dylan you can't help but try. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You suction cup your dildo to the shower wall. You kneel down and take it into your mouth. You are careful to focus on just the cock - you try not to think of it as a dildo. Then you turn around slide it inside you. You imagine it's one of the basketball player's thick cock as he fucks you in the shower room - <<if setup.haveFucked('Athlete')>> a familiar experience. <<else>> something you've frequently fantasized about. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> For just a moment, your mind is fooled and you think he's fucking you, <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> and you feel a pleasant fullness inside you, though of course not the rest of the pleasure that you should be feeling. <<else>> and your implant's side effects doesn't block you. <</if>> But then the dildo comes loose from the wall and the moment is lost. Even though you are left even hornier than when you started, you can't help but laugh. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You set the dildo aside and try to see if a cold shower will help you cool down your sex drive a bit, so you can [[make it to the next day|Part14Home3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Explaining your Job to Dylan</h1> <video src="Part14/Home12.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you and Dylan are alone, you start explaining your job to him. He listens closely as you describe it all. You go into great detail, <<if $JobEngineer>> as you describe leading one of your test subjects, nude, into a sound-proof testing room. You are sure he's picturing every detail as you describe leading her to your latest creation. You explain to him that to her it looks like a standard Sybian, but you've made modifications she's soon to discover. <br><br> He is silent and listening to every word. "Normally, they are bound securely enough that they can't move to get more or less pleasure. This time we wanted to see how her reactions were different when she had the illusion that she could stop the sensations if they become too much. Her hands were bound, but I had her lower herself down as I guided the two probes inside her. As I made sure the vibration pad was directly against her clit, I'm sure she was thinking she'd be able to stand up fully and move off if it became too much. <br><br> But when I started the test, she soon discovered the first of the modifications I had made. Though at that point she would just think it was just a pleasurable sensation of being filled as the probes inflated. She wouldn't realize until later that the probes were designed to make it nearly impossible for her to remove them until they were deflated. She wouldn't realize she was trapped there until she tried to escape. <br><br> "What were the other modifications?", Dylan asks you. "You said 'the first of the modifications'. What were the other ones?" <br><br> "Well, the rest was all in the control. The software controlling the system. Her ride wasn't being controlled by a simple dial. Hers was being controlled by the software I'd written. And there were three versions of that for the different tests groups. One would keep her on the edge of an orgasm as much as possible, but never let her cum. Another would slowly build her up to an amazing orgasm. The third would make her orgasm again and again as it relentlessly pleasured her. Of course Dylan had you describe that last one in great detail. He especially loved hearing about how everytime she would try to pull away from the machine, it would cause the vibrations to increase. <br><br> You tell him about how this device is small and portable enough, it's one of the top picks your team is considering for the home market. You start to tell him about how you imagine women everywhere buying one and picking a program, or having it select one at random, and locking it in. Then once they mount the machine and start it, they'd have no choice but to enjoy the result of their decision until the program was complete. They wouldn't even need restraints. You start to tell him about your other idea, where the settings can be controlled by someone else during the session, but not by the woman riding the machine. But he cuts you off before you can continue. <br><br> "Is... is it only girls? Or do you test guys too?", Dylan asks you. You can see how hard he is from listening to your story. You can tell him about one of your creations that [[would work with a guy|Part14Engineering2Male]] too, though you think he'd probably rather you just [[take care of his erection more directly|Part14Engineering2]]. Or, of course, you could tell him that it's just girls you test, and tell him goodnight, letting him take care of his problem himself, and making sure [[you are well rested for your trip tomorrow.|Part14Home3]] <<else>> as you describe stripping naked, and watching as they lock your clothes in a locker. You tell him you know it's just so nothing is stolen while you are testing. But you also tell him how the thought that even if you wanted to back out and run away, you'd be doing it without your clothes, your keys, your phone, or anything. You tell him how that feeling of helplessness is both frightening and exhilarating, and only a hint of what is to come. <br><br> You tell him that there are many different types of tests they do. You focus on one session in particular as you tell about walking into their testing chamber and seeing a machine in the middle of the room. After you straddle the machine, the technician binds your arms above you. Then he lubes up the probes on the machine and guides them both into you as your lower yourself down. <br><br> You tell Dylan about how there three main types of testing sessions. Ones where they let have a wonderful orgasm or two. Ones where they force you to cum over and over again until you can't take anymore. And then the ones where they make you beg and beg for orgasms you know they probably won't let you have. You tell him how, as the technican left the room you assumed it was the latter. "I could stand up at any time if the machine become to much. They'd never let me do that if it was the forced orgasm type of tests. I figured my hands were bound so I couldn't try to finish my orgasm myself. <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>>Not that I could have anyway.<</if>>" <br><br> He listens as you tell him about the feeling as the machine inflated inside you, how good that felt. Then the vibrations started, directly against your clit. You told him it didn't take long before you knew you were about to cum. "Up until the last moment, I thought I was going to be denied. I was already begging them to let me cum, even though I know it almost never matters what I say. But then the vibrations didn't stop, and I was soon cumming hard. I would have fallen over if my arms hadn't been secured above me." <br><br> Dylan continues to listen with great interest. "I came and came. I'm so used to them tying me down I forget that I could stand up if I wanted for a moment. Or at least I thought I could stand up and get off the machine. But as soon as I remembered and tried to get off the machine I realized I I couldn't. Whatever it had done when it inflated in both my holes earlier, expanding and filling me. It made it so I couldn't get it out of me, If couldn't move away from the vibrations at all." <br><br> "Then I realized every time I tried it made it worse. The vibrations just got stronger and stronger each time. I knew I should just sit there and take it but I couldn't help it, it was just too much. Every time the vibrations increased it made me struggle and try to get away again. I think I must have maxed it out at some point, but I couldn't think at that point. I'm sure I was begging them to stop it, but they almost never listen, no matter what I offer." <br><br> Dylan picks up on the last part of what you said and asks, "What do you offer? And you said they almost never listen. Do they listen sometimes?" <br><br> You tell them how you offer your body to them, offering to <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> let them fuck your ass, or fuck you however they want, or to suck their cock, <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOral>> suck their cock, or to let them fuck you, even your ass, <<else>> let them fuck you, even your ass, or to suck their cock, <</if>> anything. "Sometimes I'm beging them to let me cum if they are denying me. And sometimes, like with that test, I am begging them to let me stop cumming. Usually they just ignore me. But sometimes they'll listen. I'm not always sure if it's part of the test, or just a lab technician taking advantage of my situation. But in the moment I certainly don't care. I give him what he wants. Then he gives me what I've been begging for. Well, usually he does. Sometimes they just say 'thanks' and leave me begging for relief." <br><br> It's then you look down and realize how hard listening to your story has made Dylan, and how wet remembering it has made you. <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> You need to get off, and you know Dylan does too. He could just go up to his room and jerk off, but that option isn't open to you, so you realize [[you'll need his help|Part14TestSubject]] if you are going to get off tonight. <<else>> You need to get off, and you know Dylan does too. You can both head to your own rooms to [[take care of your needs alone|Part14TestSubjectAlone]]. But you can't help but think how much more fun it would be if [[you and Dylan helped each other instead|Part14TestSubject]]. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Testing on Dylan</h1> <video src="Part14/Home45.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you bind Dyaln to his bed you explain that this is a simpler, home-version of what you'd made for the lab. And that you had originally designed it for a woman, but found it worked equally well on men. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once he is secure, you dangle the vibrator from his ceiling fan. You carefully lower it to just the right height. Then you turn it on and tell Dylan that he's allowed to cum, if he can. Then you turn on the vibrator and move back to sit on a chair and watch. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You watch for over an hour as he struggles to orgasm. He'll get moments of the pleasure he wants, but then the slightest movement moves the vibrator away and he is left frustrated and eager to try again and again. He's hopeful he'll be able to orgasm this way. You aren't about to tell him that you already know it won't be possible for him. You wouldn't want to taint the experiment would you? <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, when you finally unbind him and you both head to your respective rooms to get some sleep [[before tomorrow|Part14Home3]], you know he'll be able to masturbate if he wants. But his body can't think about later at the moment. All it can do is think about the orgasm he needs right now, and can't get. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Taking care of Dylan</h1> <video src="Part14/Home4.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You decide it's not fair to get Dylan so turned on and just leave him like that. Or maybe it'd be fair, but it certainly wouldn't be fun. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You tell Dylan how sometimes you like to test your mechanical creations yourself. You tell him how, once you've made yourself bound and helpless, your male colleagues like to take advantage of the situation. You admit to him that you'd be disappointed if they didn't since that's your favorite part. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You kneel down and tell him they'll make you suck their cock before they release you. And how sometimes it's not just one of them, but all of the guys working that shift. You'd go on with your story, but by that point Dylan's cock is in your face and you forget about your coworkers and focus on Dylan. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Where should I cum?" Dylan asks as he starts to get close. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "When I'm bound and helpless, they can cum wherever they want to. It's not like I can stop them," you say as you pull his cock out of your mouth for a moment, stroking it as you talk. You finish Dylan and the let him cum all over your face like he instructed you, and dribble the last bits of cum into your mouth because you don't want them to go to waste. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> After a minute, Dylan thanks you and says, "I don't have one of your machines to use, but you certainly deserve some pleasure of your own. That was amazing." You don't want to be frustrated by your probation denial, so you thank him for the offer, but [[pass on it|Part14Home3]]. You tell him that sometimes it's hotter when they just use and leave you horny and covered in their cum. "I can see how that would be true," Dylan says. <<else>> After a minute, Dylan thanks you and says, "I don't have one of your machines to use, but you [[certainly deserve some pleasure of your own|Part14Engineering3]]. That was amazing." <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With Dylan</h1> <video src="Part14/Home15.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan', vaginal:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Dylan starts with kissing you, but quickly moves down from your mouth. He spends a while focusing on your breasts. Each time his tongue circles your nipple it sends a small burst of pleasure down your body increasing the need you feel below. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After a while, Dylan's lips move down again. You arch your back up instively, knowing here he is going, as he kisses down your stomach. When he finally reaches your clit you moan and hold his head there. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He keeps going until you are screaming out an wonderful orgasm. Eventually your hands aren't holding his to you, but pushing it away as his tongue and lips become too much on your sensitive clit. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He moves away, but a moment later you feel him. His cock is hard again and you feel it sliding between your wet lips before he thrusts into you. Looking up at him, you can tell when he starts to get close. This time, you tell him, <<if $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> "Please don't cum inside me." He does as you ask, and pulls out before he cums. He covers your stomach with what cum he still had after earlier. <<else>> "You can cum wherever you want." He wants to cum inside you, and soon he is thrust a last time before giving you what cum you hadn't drained from him earlier. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he pulls out, you hed to the bathroom to clean up. After that, you both head to your separate rooms to get a good nights sleep so [[you are well rested for trip tomorrow.|Part14Home3]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Alone in your Room</h1> <video src="Part14/Home46.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As soon as you are in your room, your panties are off and your vibrator is on. This time you don't have to worry about it shutting off too soon, or going on too long. You know it'll give you just as much pleasure as you want, and no more. Though you can't help fantasizing about being teased or forced to take too much. You wonder if the testing has had that effect on you, or if you would have always felt that way. <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> With as submissive as you are, you know it's probably both. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Since it's only Dylan and you at the house now, and you know he's doing about the same thing you are right now, you don't bother trying to be quiet. Soon the screams of your orgasm are echoing down the hallway. You pull the vibrator away then, and let the spasms of your fading orgasm pass by before you try to get up and head back downstairs. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You start popping popcorn for the movie you and Dylan were going to watch. When you hear him heading downstairs you yell, "Wash your hands." After he returns from the restroom you offer the bowl of popcorn to him and start the movie. I'll probably go to bed after this is over. I want to get a good night's sleep [[before tomorrow|Part14Home3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Dylan 'Testing' You</h1> <video src="Part14/Home47.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "It's not going to be that easy," Dylan tells you. You quickly figure out that he wants to try being in control of you, like they are during your testing. You are too horny to do anything but enthusiasticly accept his idea. You two have the whole house to yourselves for hours, so you wonder how long he's going to toy with you. You don't care as long as he lets you cum! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He orders you to strip, but you are surprised when it's only down to your underwear. Obviously he doesn't have all the equipment they do, so he takes a couple of his belts and ties your wrists to the banister. You understand why he wanted you to keep your panties on when he uses them to hold your vibrator in place. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He sets it to low, and before you have a chance to beg for a higher setting, he puts your ball gag in your mouth. He plays with your breast as the low vibrations just make you hornier with no chance of getting off. After a while he unzips his pants and pulls out his cock. As soon as he takes your gag off your mouth is open with your tongue out, knowing what he wants and eager for his cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are eager to taste his cum, and hope he'll let you orgasm after that. Soon enough you can tell the familiar signs of a guy about to cum for you. But instead of thrusting deep into your throat liek you expect, he pulls part way out and covers your tongue with his cum. You are surprised again when he tells you not to swallow it, but to keep it there. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he puts the gag back in your mouth and you realize you can't swallow now you realize why. As you feel his cum slowly ooze down your tongue and to your throat, he turns the vibrator up to high. As you start to get close you see his hand on the plug, like he's going to unplug it from the wall. You begs for him to leave it are too garbled by the gag to be understood. But he obviously knows what you want. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Up until the moment your orgasm hits, you are sure he's going to pull the plug at the last moment. You know he's not going to stop after you cum, but until you orgasm, you don't care. You'd agree to endure countless forced orgasms rather than be denied at that point. It's only after you orgasm, and the vibrations continue relentlessly, that you'd be willing to do anything to make them stop. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Dylan knows this from your early story so he knows exactly what your answer will be when a few minutes later he ask, "So, based on what you said earlier, I'm guessing you'd love for me to [[fuck your ass|Part14TestSubjectAnal]], if I'd be willing to turn off this vibrator for you. Is that right?" After your enthusiastic nodding, he finally unplugs the vibrator. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>After Dylan's Testing</h1> <video src="Part14/Home48.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After watching you struggle and squirm from the overstimulation, Dylan is ready for you to keep your word. As soon as he releases your from your bindings you and him head to your room. You get into position, with your ass up in the air, <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>>eagerly<</if>> waiting for him as he lubes up his cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You were right, sis," Dylan tells you as he fucks your ass. "I had nothing to worry about with the testing they've been doing on you. If anything, I think they've made you even better." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The vibrations should have been enough, but your hand instinctively goes to your rub your clit as he fucks your ass. <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> Having a cock in your ass always gets you wet, no matter how many times you've came already. It works, because soon you are screaming as you cum again. Dylan keeps going a while longer until he cums too. <<else>> Hearing him moan and feeling the fullness inside you makes you want more, even now. It's not enough though. Dylan loves fucking your ass and comes long before you can. You should be satisfied from before, but you are left wishing you could had just one more orgasm. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After Dylan pulls out you lay there with your ass in the air still, wanting to keep anything from leaking out onto your white comforter. Only once Dylan comes back with a towel do you feel its safe to get up. Dylan gives your ass a good swat before he hands you the towel. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After the two of you have cleaned up, you both head to your separate rooms to get a good nights sleep so [[you are well rested for trip tomorrow.|Part14Home3]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Strip Club with Dylan</h1> <img src="Part14/Strip1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<set $DylanStripClub to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Dylan is annoyed at first that you want him to dress up before you go to the club. Then you explain that dancers will be much more eager to come to him if he looks like he has money than if he looks like the broke college student he is. Of course you give some cash to match the look, otherwise his fun would be very short-lived. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $Keyholder=='Dylan'>> <br><br> "Let's unlock this for the night," Dylan says as he unlocks your belt. "It be so hot if one of the girls pulled up on stage with her." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you walk up to the club, Dylan points out the sign that says "Now Hiring : Class of <<print new Date().getFullYear() - (new Date().getMonth() >= 6 ? 0 : 1)>>" showing a sexy silhouette wearing a graduation cap. "I wonder if anyone I knew from high school is working here," he wonders aloud. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you enter, Dylan pays the cover charge for himself from the cash you gave him. There's no cover charge for you. The doorman barely even glances at the fake IDs you and Dylan offer to show you are old enough to drink. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you [[walk into the club|Part14Strip2]] you smile as you see Dylan look around in wonder. His eyes dart from the stage, to a topless bartender, to a nearly nude woman sitting on on a man's lap sipping a drink, and then back to the stage again. You are confident he's going to have a fun time tonight. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Strip Club</h1> <img src="Part14/Strip2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Dylan sit at a table near one of the stages, with a good view of the action there. You order drinks from the waitress as Dylan's eyes remain fixed on the stage. Dylan is enjoying himself, but you would have expected one of the dancers not on stage would have came by his table by now. By now, you would have thought someone would have came by to offer a private dance at least. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But then you realize the problem... You. None of the girls are coming by like they normally would, because you are with him. They think you are a couple, and are thinking he won't be as willing to buy a dance or a drink for them. You decide to fix that. You track down one of the dancers you saw your brother focusing on earlier. You point to Dylan and tell her, "It's my brother's first time, and I'd like it to be really special for him. Can you do that for me?". <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you fan out a some cash she replies, "He's cute, I'd love to. I'll make sure it's a night he remembers." She takes the cash and heads over to your brother's table. After she sits down on his lap, you start looking for the manager to see if they could [[use an extra dancer|Part14Strip3]] for a while. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Talking with the Manager</h1> <img src="Part14/Strip4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> One of the girls directs you to the manager, he's near one of the smaller stages watching a new dancer interact with customers. You tell him about your prior experience, and that you have a few hours available and are wondering if he could use another dancer tonight. You tell him you'll strip from what you are wearing now, for a 'girl next door' feel. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He looks you over a bit, seemingly liking what he sees. But then he says, "I could certainly use you on the stage some other night. But the schedule is already full for tonight, and I don't want to cut my regular girls short. I'm sure you understand." You nod, remembering how annoying it was when there were too many girls some nights at your club. You never made as much money those nights. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Then he goes on, "But, I do have a private party starting soon. I was going to have to pull a few girls off the floor, but as busy as we are right now, I'd rather not." He can tell you are intrested and continues, "It's for tips only, but it's cash. It's some middle aged guy's divorce party. I'm sure an enterprising girl like you will be able to make quite a bit [[helping the guest of honor celebrate his new freedom|Part14StripPrivate]], or keeping the rest of the guys at the party happy". His words and the look he gives you make it clear that you'll be expected to do a lot more than just dance for the guys. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Of course, if you aren't up to that much excitement, I need someone to [[serve drinks too|Part14StripBar]]," he tells you. "It's still just for tips. Obviously not as much as the other, but you won't be 'working' quite as hard for it either. So which is it? Oh, and I have what you'll need to wear for the waitress job. You won't need much for the other." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Unless you want to [[skip the party offer, and wait for Dylan|Part14StripLeave]], you'll have to let Dylan know to leave without you. You'll be here long after he's ready to leave. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Going home with Dylan</h1> <img src="Part14/Strip6.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Juding from the smile on Dylan's face when he returns, and the bit of cum the dancer you paid is wiping from her lip, you know he got your money's worth. "Oh, god. Thank you, sis," Dylan says. "That was amazing." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you expected, now that she's drained his balls and his wallet, Dylan is ready to [[head back home|Part14Home3]]. It may have been expensive being on the other side of the transaction tonight, but you had a fun time. And Dylan really had a fun time, you know he'll be jerking off to the memory of tonight for a while. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Serving Drinks</h1> <img src="Part14/Strip3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<set $FatherStripClub to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> There isn't much to the waitress outfit he has for you. It's just an very small skirt - basically just a thin strip of material, with nothing underneath. And the 'top' to the outfit doesn't cover anything at all. It's ownly there to lift and make your breasts even more prominent. And there's a bottle of baby oil as well - you need to oil up before you wear any of it so you glisten seductively in the soft lights of the private party room. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When the guests start to arrive you quickly realize it's a bunch of your dad's friends, and your dad is with them too! Of them, only your dad has seen you in this body before. You try to be careful to avoid his gaze. Thankfully the other girls at the party are doing a good job of keeping his attention elsewhere. He doesn't even think to know how the waitress puts his favorite drink in front of him without even being told what he wants. As you deliver his drink, you keep your face away from him. He doesn't see your face, but he does give your bare ass a firm swat when you bend over to place his drink on the table. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> His friends, keep ordering "Cumshots" for you. It's irish cream and butterscotch schnapps, but they just like the name - especially when the bartender starts adding whipped cream on top and it covers your face or falls onto your breasts as you drink your shot. After a while, you are really feeling the effects of all the shots. Luckily the bartender starts making your shots with less alcohol and more whipped cream so you can keep working and not end up passed out. The shots are much messier to down that way, but the men certainly don't mind that. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The buzz you are feeling makes you less cautious though. You can't help but stare as you watch one of the other girls kneel down in front of your dad. You watch as she unzips is pants and pulls out his cock. Her lips wrap around it and she starts giving him a blowjob. The entire time he continues to smoke a cigar. That's when he notices you. You feel even more naked than you are as he eyes you up and down. Then he turns away from you and his free hand moves to the back of the girls head as she continues to work his cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $dating.length > 0>> After the last round of drinks are served, you say goodbye to the party. Most of them give you a final tip, usually accompanied by a swat on the ass, or a hand stroking your thigh. Once that's finished you pull out your phone to summon a ride. As the driver [[takes you home|Part14Home3]], you smile in the back seat looking at the money you made. It's almost enough to make up for what you paid for Dylan's fun. Hopefully his good time was worth it. <<else>> Most of the men are hitting on you, but usually you just smile back. Maybe it's the alcohol, but you find yourself flirting back at the guest of honor all night. He's actually kind of cute, even if he is almost your dad's age. After the last round of drinks are served and he invites you too [[sit on his lap|Part14StripBarLastCall]], you eagerly accept his offer. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At Dan's House</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part14/Strip5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="650"></video> </div> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Dan, the man this divorce party was for, talks to you while you sit on his lap. With his hand resting on your thigh, he explains that his divorce was actually final months ago. He just hadn't been ready to move on yet, or at least not ready for something like this, until now. "So, you're ready to move on now," you ask him. When he says that he is. "Then why don't you?" When he's confused you take his hand and move it further up your thigh. He understands then and continues moving his hand up. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are anticipating his finger sliding inside you, but they stop too soon when your dad starts to talk to you. He's still acting like he doesn't know you in front of his friends. "Miss, you probably shouldn't drive home like that. Do you need someone to call a ride for you?". <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I think Dan is going to give me a ride, back to his place. Aren't you?", you say smiling at Dan. Of course Dan quickly confirms that. Your father walks away leaving you with Dan. You and him quickly make your way to his car, eager to get back to his house. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you are at Dan's house you both quickly head to the bedroom, stripping clothes off as you make the way to the bed. "Is this your first time... since the divorce I mean," you ask him. When he confirms that it is, you tell him, "Well, let me make it a good one then." Then you push him back onto the bed. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You start by taking his cock into your mouth. But you don't suck his cock for long, you want him inside you too much for that. Soon you are climbing on top of him and riding his cock, keeping it deep inside you as much as possible. After a bit his thumb moves down to find your clit. Now as you grind his cock inside you, you are also grinding your clit against his thumb. When he tells you he's about to cum, <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> you tell him "Cum for me!" <<else>> it pushes you over the edge and you cum too. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> After his cock stops twitching inside you <<else>> After your orgasm passes <</if>> and you pull his cock out of you, you feel his cum leaking out of <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> you, you finally remember. Between the ligering effects of the alcohol, and how horny you were, you forgot all about having him wear a condom. Oh well, you figure. He probably wouldn't have had one anyway, and you certainly wouldn't have stopped because of that. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> you, you finally remember. Between the ligering effects of the alcohol, and how horny you were, you didn't tell him to pull out. Well, as close as you were to cumming and as horny as you were, you certainly wouldn't have wanted him to if you had remembered. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionTry>> you. You smile thinking of the cum he left inside you. You wonder if tonight will be the night you get pregnant. You never asked to see if he was on any birth control or anything. Probably not you figure. And even if he was, you really needed a good fuck anyway, right. <<else>> you. If that wasn't enough of a clue, when you look down and see the smile on his face, you know he enjoyed that as much as you did. You needed a good fuck tonight. But after months since the divorce, and who knows how long before then, he probably needed one even more. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are both too tired for another round. You soon [[fall asleep|Part14HomeDani2]] next to him, with the not-entirely-unfamiliar feeling of his cum leaking out of you. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In the Private Party Room</h1> <img src="Part14/Strip3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<set $FatherStripClub to 2>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When the guests start to arrive you quickly realize it's a bunch of your dad's friends, and your dad is with them too! Of them, only your dad has seen you in this body before. You think about backing out, but aren't sure if you still can. Besides, your Dad has already seen you and knows you're a stripper now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You're worried things are going to get much more uncomfortable for you when one of your dad's friends makes a suggestion. "I see you staring at that one," he tells your dad while pointing at you. "She's fucking hot. What are you waiting for?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are relieved when your dad says, "She's not really my type. Dressed like the girl next door, but a naughty slut underneath - that doesn't really do it for me." He glares at you as he says the 'naughty slut' part. But then he turns to one of the other girls. "But you certainly are my type." Then he grabs her hand and pulls her over towards him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Not your type?", his friend says. "She looks just like your did wife back when you two met." Then he thinks he understands and laughs, "Oh, I guess you've been banging her for 25 years, and you want something different tonight." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well, she certainly is my type," the guest of honor says. You smile and [[walk seductively towards him|Part14StripPrivate2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In the Private Party Room</h1> <img src="Part14/Strip8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="right"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You start off in your "girl next door" outfit - really just the clothes you wore here tonight, and begin dancing for Dan, the one they are having the party for. As you dance for him, you seductively remove one piece of clothing after another, until you are in just your bra and panties. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can't help but glance occasionally in the direction of your father. You can just see the top of the other 'dancer's head as it bobs up and down. You avoid making eye contact with your dad. It's easy as his most of the time his head is back against the cushions of his seat. He is lying back and enjoying the cigar between his lips, and his cock between the lips of the girl kneeling in front of him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You decide to ignore him and do your job. You are in just your panties now. You pull out Dan's cock and squeeze your breasts around it. Taking your guide from what the other girls are doing you tell him, "I can do anything like, as long as my panties stay on." Then you give the head of his cock a lick as it pushes past your breasts. <</nobr>> <img src="Part14/Strip7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<nobr>> He has you turn around to dance for him more. As your lips overlap the thin material holding them in, you feel them brush against his hardness as you grind against his bare cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He places his hands on your ass stroking it. Then he pulls the thin line of material to one side and slides a finger between your wet lips. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You exaggerate the moan you make. You only wish you were able to feel half of what you pretend to feel. <<else>> The moan you make when he finds your clit is only slightly exaggerated for his benefit. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You decide you don't care what the other girls are doing, or that your dad is here. You spread your legs apart, placing one on either side of his as he stays seated. He continues to hold your panties to the side as you reach between your legs to find his cock, then guide it between your lips before [[lowering yourself down onto it|Part14StripPrivate3]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In the Private Party Room</h1> <video src="Part14/Strip9.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Tom'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dick'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Harry'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you bounce on Dan's cock, you are facing towards your father. You watch as his expression changes as the girl sucking his cock gets a mouth full of his cum. When he looks up from her and your eyes meet his, you decide it's best to face the other direction. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You ride Dan's cock now with your back to everyone else. Dan seems to enjoy this even more, looking into your eyes, and playing with your breasts as you moan and tell him how his cock is filling you up. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock or $AcademicProbationDenial or $AcademicProbationDenial>> You continue acting the part, moaning and whimpering as you fake an orgasm for Dan's benefit. It's not his fault you've been denied by your implant again. Besides, this fuck was for his benefit, not yours. You exaggerate your 'orgasm' more than it would normally be, moaning more as it appraches and screaming louder as it comes. <<elseif $PlayerEasytoOrgasm or $PlayerSuperOrgasms>> You don't have to do much acting when your orgasm comes. Thankfully, even though you've been focusing on just Dan's pleasure your implant has made you sensitive enough that you don't need to fake it. Though, you do moan more than you need to as you feel it approaching, and scream louder than your body forces you to when you cum. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> You don't have to fake it when your orgasm comes. Thankfully, even though you've been focusing on just Dan's pleasure, you are so turned on by fucking him with an audience like this, that you cum before Dan does. Though, you do moan more than you need to as you feel it approaching, and scream louder than your body forces you to. <<else>> You continue acting the part, moaning and whimpering as you fake an orgasm for Dan's benefit. This was for his benefit, not yours, so it was only his pleasure you focused on. You exaggerate your 'orgasm' more than it would normally be, moaning more as it appraches and screaming louder as it comes. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Part of you has to admit to yourself that you aren't just acting for Dan's benefit, but so that the others notice as well. You try not to think about whether that's so Dan's friends think he's an amazing fuck, or whether you just want to make sure father hears you as you orgasm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your performance has the desired effect on Dan, as not much later you hear him groan as he cums for you. You keep bouncing on his cock until he grabs your hips to stop you. As he hold you there you can feel his cock still twitching deep inside. You lean forward to kiss him with him still inside you. "Are you enjoying being a free man again?", you ask with a smile. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As the party continues, you take care of several more of the guests. The others have to be content with your lips, hands, or breasts on their cock. You tell them the VIP-treatment was just for Dan, since it was his party. You don't mention that you need to keep your panties on to avoid Dan's cum from leaking out. Once the last round of drinks are served, you make your exit. You quickly call a ride and [[head home|Part14Home4]] so that there's no awkward meeting between you and your father in the parking lot. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>train<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Coping with your belt</h1> <img src="Part14/Chastity13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've learned to choose your wardobe items carefully to avoid making your belt obvious to everyone. But with today's planned swimming trip, that's going to be impossible. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $Keyholder === "Dylan">> Dylan still hasn't unlocked you from the chastity belt, and there's no way to hide it under even the least revealing swimsuit you'd could find. You don't want to have to come up with an excuse to stay home, so you talk to Dylan, to beg him to unlock you, at least for today. <br><br> "Please, just for today," you beg. He doesn't say anything, and you start to get more desperate. "You can do anything you want with me this evening." You have a fairly good idea what he might want. "And... I promise, I'll go back in the belt afterwards if you want," you reluctantly add. <br><br> Finally Dylan responds, "Alright. I'll unlock you for the trip to the pool. I've been wanting to [[see you in a bikini|Part14Home3ChastityUnlocked]] anyway. And I'll certainly be taking you up on the other parts of our deal aftewards." <<elseif $DylanCumslutCollar>> But you and Dylan decided you'd rather not go anyway. You and Dylan change plans and decide to skip the pool and go to a movie instead. Of course once everyone is gone, neither of you [[actual go to the movie theater|Part14CumslutCollar5]]. <<elseif $dating.length and $Keyholder == $dating[0]>> You tell everyone that you aren't feeling well and [[stay home|Part14Home4]], counting the days until you can see $dating[0] again. <<else>> You don't know whether to tell everyone you aren't feeling well and [[stay home|Part14Home4]], or to just accept that [[people are going to find out|Part14Home3ChastityLocked]] eventually anyway. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Exposed with your belt</h1> <img src="Part14/Chastity22.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are worried about going to the public pool with your chastity belt showing. Obviously you'll be exposing less than if you were just wearing a bikini, but you don't want to be the reason for little kids asking their parents awkward questions about things they are too young to know about. So you talk them into going to a nice swimming spot you know of, where it'll just be you, Cassie, Dylan, and everyone's friends. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You get many questions, from your brother and sister, from your friends, and from Cassie and Dylan's friends. But eventually the questions die down and every just has fun in the water. Once you are waist deep, most of them forget you even have it on. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The questions start back up a little later as the different friend groups separate a bit, with Cassie and her friends leaving first, then Dylan leaving with his friends. You and your friend's leave shortly after and head to Mason's apartment. Once you are there, and it's just you and your friends, they start asking questions they [[wouldn't have asked|Part14Home3ChastityLocked2]] in front of the others. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Answering your Friends' Questions</h1> <img src="Part14/Chastity24.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When they ask you if being locked in the belt so long has made you horny, you respond, "Oh, my god yes!" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "It's a shame none of us have the key then," your friend Mason says. "Now that I've got a hot, horny babe as a friend, I was hoping to get some 'benefits' from it." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you make it clear that if you weren't in the belt, you'd ride Mason's cock until he couldn't take it anymore, then move on to Ethan and Jake. "Damn. Now I really wish you weren't in that belt," Mason says. Then he adds jokingly, "Well, I guess a blowjob is out of the question then." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> In one motion, you kneel and pull of the t-shirt that you'd put on after changing out of your swimsuit. "No. It wouldn't be out of the question at all," you tell a shocked Mason as you start to unbuckle and pull down his pants. [[Your other friends|Part14Home3ChastityLocked3]] watch on as you get started sucking your friend's cock. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>friends<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Taking Care of Your Other Friends Too</h1> <img src="Part14/Chastity25.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Ethan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Jake'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Ethan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Jake'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As soon as you finish with Mason, you look over at Ethan. You don't have to ask as a moment later his cock is out. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You finish him off, and then Jake too. By then Mason is ready to again. You keep going sucking each of your friends' cocks, getting messier and more covered in the cum as you go. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> One they are all spent, Mason tells you, "Maybe I'm not so upset you are in that belt after all. As good as you are at giving a blowjob, if that belt makes you want to suck cock that bad, then it sounds like the perfect arrangement for everyone." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The ever-present need you feel, the hunger for this belt to be off and for all three of them to fuck you right now, says something else. But maybe it's the perfect arrangement for everyone else but you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But the smile on your face as you wipe away bits of cum and then lick your fingers clean, says maybe Mason is right. Maybe in this belt is where you belong. Maybe on your knees giving the orgasms you can't have is just where you need to be. You try to push the thought out of your head as Mason [[drives you home|Part14Home4]]. You glance over, wondering if he's really done for the night, or if he'd like one more blowjob on the way home. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>train<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>At the pool</h1> <img src="Part14/Home20.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It feels strange being out of the chastity belt finally. Without your belt, and wearing only a bikini, you feel almost naked. <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> If there weren't kids at the pool too, you'd be tempted to toss the bikini aside completely. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are loving the attention you are getting in your bikini though. You notice several men checking out your ass as you splash around with your brother and sister. You wonder if some of the others are taking a peek too, but hiding it behind their sunglasses. You tease them a bit, wiggling your ass on purpose to see their reaction. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When it's finally time to go, you are a little disappointed, knowing Dylan will be locking the belt back on you. But then you remember, you'd also promised to let him do whatever he wants with you before then. Dylan wasn't wearing sunglasses today, so you've see where his eyes have been all day. So you don't have much dobut about [[what he wants|Part14ChastityBelt3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the pool</h1> <img src="Part14/Home20.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $DylanStripClub>> Before you all head to the car to head to the pool, Dylan takes a second to thank you again for the money you spent on him at the strip club. From the smile on his face, you're sure it was money well spent. <br><br> <</if>> You love the attention you are getting in your bikini. <<if $JobBikiniBarista>> But it's different when it's not part of your job. <</if>> You notice several men checking out your ass as you splash around with your brother and sister. You wonder if some of the others are taking a peek too, but hiding it behind their sunglasses. You tease them a bit, wiggling your ass on purpose to see their reaction. <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> If there weren't kids at the pool too, you'd be tempted to toss the bikini aside completely and give them something more to look at. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Eventually it's time to leave. You are looking forward to heading home <<if $DylanChastityKey>> so you can [[tease Dylan|Part14ChastityCage4]] like you'd planned. You still haven't decided if you'll let him cum tonight or not. <<elseif $JobCallGirl or $JobCallGirlSide>> so you can see if you [[can find any clients|Part14CallGirl6]] looking for a good time. A good fuck and some spending cash would be great right now. <<if !setup.haveFucked('Ryan')>> You're sure the service will have something in town for you. <</if>> <<elseif $DylanXCurious>> as you are on the way home, Dylan brings up your conversation from the other day. "When you were talking the other day, it got me thinking," he pauses nervously before continuing. "Normal X-Change pills only last for a day. It might be fun to [[try one of those|Part14DylanXChange]], you know so I can see what it's like. I'll tell mom I'll be at a friends house. Of course you can tell mom the new girl in the house is a friend from college. And that's if they even see me. They are going out tonight, so they might not." <<elseif $DylanCumslutCollar>> for a little privacy. You are [[craving a cock between your lips|Part14CumslutCollar5]], and you're sure Dylan would be happy for it to be his again. <<elseif $BondageWithDylan>> finally. All day Dylan has been whispering into your ear about [[tying you to the bed|Part14BondageToys4]] and having his way with you. You haven't been able to think of much else today. <<elseif $JobStripper and !$DylanStripClub>> finally. When you get home, Dylan brings up your job at the strip club again. He'd mentioned it earlier on vacation, and you'd even hinted at taking him to the club in town so he could see what it's like. But you've been too busy, or just not interested enough, to actualy do that. <br><br> If you're still [[not interested|Part14Home4]], you could just tell him to him to go check it out without you. You could even give him a little cash and tell him to get a private dance or two on you. Though, if you want to [[give him a private dance|Part14StripHome]], there's not any reason you need to spend anything or send him to the club at all. <<else>> to relax. Being out in the sun all day has made you sleepy. [[Tomorrow is a new day|Part14Home4]] though, hopefully you'll be full of energy then. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the pool</h1> <img src="Part14/Home20.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You feel guilty about how much you love the attention you are getting in your bikini. You notice several men check you out as you splash around with your brother and sister. You wonder if some of the others are taking a peek too, but hiding it behind their sunglasses. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are tempted to tease them a bit. You wonder how they would react if you wiggling your butt on purpose. But you wouldn't do that. Though several times during the day, you catch yourself doing exactly that and have to stop yourself. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Eventually it's time to leave. You are looking forward to heading home to relax. Being out in the sun all day has made you sleepy. [[Tomorrow is a new day|Part14Home4]] though, hopefully you'll be full of energy then. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<include [[Part14Home3Chastity]]>> <<elseif $CampusMinistry>> <<include [[Part14Home3Ministry]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part14Home3Regular]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Showing Dylan what it's like</h1> <img src="Part14/Home65.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He's nervous before he takes it, but once he's taken the pill and changed, he's much more curious about his new body. As you help him out of his normal clothes and then loan him some of yours to wear, his hands keep exploring his new, temporary body. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You could leave him alone and let him [[explore his new body|Part14DylanXChangeMasturbate]] in private for as long as he wants. Or you could keep getting him ready to go out. Then the only question would be to [[go with him|Part14DylanXChangeParty]] or [[send him out alone|Part14DylanXChangeAlone]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>"Dylan" Alone</h1> <<set $DylanXChange to 'F'>> <video src="Part14/Home67.webm" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Dylan" clearly wants some time alone with his new body. You can hear the moans coming from his room not long after you leave. <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> You wish you could say it was the same with you with you first changed, but of course you implant doesn't let you get yourself off. "Dylan" clearly doesn't have that issue as soon his moans turn to cries of pleasure. <<else>> You remember when you first changed, it was very similar. <<if $Mentor == 'Faith'>> Or, at least it would have been if Faith hadn't been there. <</if>> Soon his moans turns to cries of pleasure. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You hear him quiet for a moment, and knock lightly on the door. He's a sweaty mess on the bed, but with a big smile on his face. You plug your wand vibrator into the wall, wrap a condom over the head of it, and then show him the dial on the side to adjust it. Then you leave him alone again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> A few minutes later and the screams echoing through the hall confirm that he enjoys it <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock or $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> much more than you are able to. <<else>> just as much as you do. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't bother getting ready to go out, you know "Dylan" is going to be in there all day. He's only got 12 hours, and you don't think he plans on wasting any of it. Though hopefully he can stop long enough so [[Cassie can see him|Part14DylanXChangeAfter]] before he changes back. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Hearing Dylan's Story</h1> <<set $DylanXChange to 'FF'>> <img src="Part14/Home68.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You tell "Dylan" about a bar in town popular where he'd have the best luck finding another woman. But you decide if you went along, people might assume you an him were a couple, and he wouldn't get any action. So you stay at home and let him go by himself. You want his first time to be something he remembers. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he returns home, you pepper him with questions about how it went. He says he spent a hour or so at the club, enjoying every minute of it. He says then a woman bought him a drink. He says she knew that he was on X-Change before he even told her. But she said that was what she was wanting today, just an afternoon of fun. And the X-Change had made him beautiful, and horny, so he was perfect. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When they got back to her house, she had asked if he'd had an orgasm as a woman yet. When he said he hadn't she asked if he'd like one? "Of course I said yes," he relays. She bent him over the kitchen counter right then. "But right before I came, she stopped and said I had to earn it first. Then she pulled me into the bedroom. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "She had me give her several orgasms before she decided I had earned it," he smiles before continuing. "Her fingers slide right into me, I was so wet inside by then. I don't know what her fingers were doing, but it felt amazing, and her thumb was... was on my clit..," he trails off. "I'd never felt an orgasm like that before." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'm glad you had such a good time," you tell him. "Of course, you know you'll have to [[tell Cassie|Part14DylanXChangeAfter]] the whole story when she gets home too. I'm sure she'll loving hearing about it all too." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Going to a Party with Dylan/Diane</h1> <img src="Part14/Home66.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You want Dylan to have some supervision his first time on X-Change, so you want to stay with him. You decide against the lesbian bar in town, since everyone will assume you two are a couple, and he won't get any action. But then you remember that some of Dylan's friends, were planning on hanging out today. You and Dylan had both been invited, but hadn't planned on going. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You decided to let them know that Dylan couldn't make it, but that your cousing "Diane" was in from out of town, and the two of you would be stopping by. That said that was great and [[looked forward to seeing you|Part14DylanXChangeParty2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Party with "Diane"</h1> <video src="Part14/Home69.webm" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You weren't sure how Dylan/Diane was going to react, being in front of his friends, in a new body, but it doesn't take long for "Diane" to open up. Maybe its the two beers, maybe the rush of hormones from the X-Change, or maybe "she" just loves the flirty comments from Dylan's friends, but soon "Diane" is the life of the party and the center of attention. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Diane" seems to be comfortable now, so could [[leave her here with "Dylan's" friends|Part14DylanXChangeParty3Alone]]. One of them could give her a ride home after the party. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You are tempted to stay and join in the fun, but you know you'd just get be frustrated and denied in the end. Besides this is 'Diane's night for fun, not yours. <<elseif $dating.length>> You are tempted to stay and join in the fun, but you'll save your fun for when $dating[0] gets here. Besides this is 'Diane's night for fun, not yours. <<else>> Or, you could [[stay at the party with her|Part14DylanXChangeParty3]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Hearing about "Diane" from Dylan's</h1> <<set $DylanXChange to 'MMF'>> <img src="Part14/Home73.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When "Diane" gets back from the party hours later, your brother doesn't have much information on what happened. He acts like it was pretty much the same as before you left. Of course from look of "Diane"s clothes and makeup, you are sure quite a bit more happened after you had left. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you give Dylan's friend Kurt a call, he tells you everything. Within thirty minutes of when you left, "Diane" was taking all three of Dylan's friends at once. You smile imagining what fun "Diane" must have had. Your only regret is not having been there to see it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Kurt says, your cousin was a lot of fun, even before that. You, "Diane", and Dylan area all invited to a barbqueue this weekend. You tell them you'll ask Dylan about it. You tell them you don't know when Diane's leaving, but that you'll give her their numbers so she can call whenever she's back. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "But her and Dylan don't get along, so he probably won't show if she's going to be there," you warn them. "I have a feeling it'd be a bit weird for him if you were all fucking his cousin while he was in the next room anyway," you add, getting a laugh from Kurt. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you hang up you let Dylan know, "I'm glad to hear you had a good time. There's nothing to be ashamed of, it sounds like everyone had a blast. Don't worry, if you're still embarrassed, then I can [[fill Cassie in on the details|Part14DylanXChangeAfter]] when she gets home." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With "Diane" and Dylan's friend</h1> <<set $DylanXChange to 'MFF'>> <video src="Part14/Home70.webm" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> One of Dylan's friend was in your year in high school, and you'd seen how well-endowed he was with you'd both been changing in the locker room before. He seemed to take an interest in "Diane", so you know what his answer is going to be before you even ask. Of course he says "Yes", when you tell him how you've told Diane about how big his cock is, and that she's been curious if she can suck a cock that big. <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral>> <br><br> As you look at Kurt's lovely cock, it takes all the self control you have not to drop to your knees and take it yourself. But this is supposed to be for your brother, so resist the urge. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Diane" is nervous and struggles at first, but she manages to get her mouth around his cock, and take as much of it in as could be expected for her first try. You give her helpful advice as she goes. Clearly Kurt is enjoying it. When he warns "Diane" that he's about to cum, you put your hand on the back of her head discouraging her from pulling away, and gently pushing her to go deeper. When Kurt fills her mouth with cum, she dutifully swallows it all then licks his cock clean, just as you instruct. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> At this point, "Diane" is aching for more, but Kurt is done for a while. Thankfully, Kurt [[wasn't the only one|Part14DylanXChangeParty4]] showing an interest in "Diane". <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With "Diane" and Dylan's friend</h1> <video src="Part14/Home71.webm" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Dylan's friend Eric also had been flirting with "Diane", so once she's done with Kurt, Eric is happy to give her a go himself. You watch as he eats her out for a while, though he quickly discovers how wet she already was. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You make sure "Diane" is facing you when he enters her. You want to see your brother's face as he feels a cock slide into him the first time. The look of surprise and of joy on his face at the new sensations get you wet as well. You don't want "Diane" to have to share though, so you <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> tease yourself as you watch. <<else>> take care of your own needs as you watch. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You love watching as you see "Diane" experience her first orgasm as a woman. Eric loved seeing and hearing it as well, as not long after you see his face change as well as he cums too, filling "Diane". <<if $PlayerProtectionTry and !$PlayerPregnant>> You are a bit jealous, wishing he could have came inside you. But that's for another time. Today is for "Diane"s fun, not your desire for a baby. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Dylan's other friend hadn't been as interested in "Diane", and had left back when she was with Kurt. You wonder if he'd have stayed if he'd known you or Diane might be eager for his cock now. But he's not here, and you figure that you and "Diane" have hand enough fun anyway. It's probably time to get back home. You can't wait to [[tell Cassie|Part14DylanXChangeAfter]] about Dylan's first time as a woman. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Three Sisters</h1> <img src="Part14/Home72.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once Cassie gets home, you fill her in on the afternoon's activities. You and her, and Dylan have fun having your new, temporary sister try on different outfits, and pose for pictures in them each. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "This is great!", Cassie says. "I was the older sister of two brothers for so long, it's nice having two sisters now." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well, don't get to used to it," Dylan says. "I'm only going to be a girl until tomorrow. Then you'll just have one sister again." He thinks for a minute then adds, "I mean I had a fun time. But I'll be happy to be back in my own body. Though... it might be fun to try again sometime too." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well, you are still my sister tonight," Cassie says. "And I'm assuming you've never had the [[fun of a sleep over|Part14DylanXChangeSleepover]] before." <</nobr>> <<achievement>>sisters<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Sleepover</h1> <video src="Part14/Home84.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The sleepover starts innocently, but when Dylan starts dancing on the bed and acting like he's a stripper, Cassie gets an idea. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She starts a video chat with her boyfriend. She lets him know that she's going to treat him to a show from Cassie and her two sisters. The three of you then do your best to keep him entertained. <</nobr>> <video src="Part14/Home85.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<nobr>> Eventually Cassie decides he's seen enough. She goes back over to the webcam and tells her boyfriend, "I hope you enjoyed the show. You'll have to take care of that boner I'm sure you have now by yourself. Tonight is girls only." She then blows a kiss to the camera before disconnecting. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You guys have hours more fun. You quiet down, hide the bong, and spray air freshener when you see your parents' car pull into the driverway. The three of you crawl into Cassie's bed and try to quietly talk. Frequently it turns to laughter and you are worried your parents are going to hear you and realize why you all think everything is so funny. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But when Cassie comes back from the bathroom she says there is more noise coming from your parents room, and she's sure they aren't going to be worried about what is happening in hers. The three of you keep joking around for a while. Before you all fall asleep, Dylan sets an alarm on his phone, so he can sneak back over to his own room before [[you and the others wake up|Part14Home4]]. That way when he changes back he won't be suspiciously in bed with his sisters and wearing girls pajamas. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Dancing for Dylan</h1> <video src="Part14/Home19.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't have a stage, or the seductive lighting of the strip club, but Dylan doesn't seem to mind. He also doesn't complain that you aren't starting from a sexy stripper outfit, but just from what you were wearing at the time. Instead he watches with rapt attention as you pull up a song on your phone and strip for him as you dance to it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Did you enjoy my dance?", you ask him. You glance down at the bulge trying to break free of his pants and add "Mmm, I guess you did." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes... I enjoyed it a lot," is all Dylan manages to say. But then he adds, "Do... do you give lap dances too?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.haveFucked('Dylan')>> "For you? [[Of course!|Part14StripHome2]]", you tell him. <<else>> "Sure I do. That's where most of my money comes from," you tell him. You think for a moment as you decide whether to follow that up with, "Would you [[like one now|Part14StripHome2]]?" or "But [[not for my brother|Part14Home4]]. Besides it looks like you'd enjoy some time upstairs by yourself more." <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Dancing for Dylan</h1> <video src="Part14/Home42.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="432"></video> <<set $DylanLapDance to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You put some of your clothes back on, knowing things would probably move beyond a lap dance quickly if you didn't. Then you have Dylan lie back and start dancing for him again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> This time you grind against him, feeing his hard cock through his pants as you do. The sounds of his moans turn you on. With a paying customer you'd want to string him along longer and keep him buying dances. <<if setup.haveFucked('Strip Club Customer')>> Or better yet, paying for extras. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But Dylan isn't paying you anything, so there's no reason to play around. You reach down and undo his pants and pull out his hard cock. You act embarrassed and <<if setup.haveFucked('Strip Club Customer')>> lie, <<else>> say, <</if>> "I don't do this at work, but you're special, so I wanted to give you something more." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You keep grinding against Dylan's cock, but now without his pants in the way. It isn't much longer before he is moaning and covering his stomach with cum. "I'm glad you enjoyed your dance," you tell him as you gather your clothes. You leave him to clean up his mess while you [[go upstairs to dress|Part14Home4]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Dylan</h1> <img src="Part14/Home5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Dylan doesn't have you wear your collar today, he just want's his cumslut sister to suck his cock. You are happy to do so and have your lips on his cock the moment you to have some time alone together. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are as eager to swallow down every drop as always, but Dylan doesn't want you to this time. At least not straight away. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He wants to see his cum in your mouth. So this time you catch all his cum in your mouth and hold it there. You love the taste and the feel as it starts to thicken on your tongue. You open your mouth and show him how much cum he gave you. You accidentally dribble out some of it, but you quickly slurp it up - you don't want any to go to waste. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That's a good girl," he says. "You can swallow it now." You do as he instructs and then show him that you've swallowed every last drop. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You [[go to sleep|Part14Home4]] that night with the taste of Dylan's cum still on your tongue and big a smile still on your face. <</nobr>> <video src="Part14/Home5.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Dylan</h1> <img src="Part14/Chastity9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'd seen Dylan's toy earlier when you'd teased him, and have decided to use it when you tease him today. You have his hands tied behind his back when you unlock his cock from it's cage. He's already hard before you even start giving him a sexy striptease down to your underwear. "Do you want me to keep going?", you ask him. His pleas for you to do just that are met with laughter and a firm, "No." from you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You bend over in front of him and wiggle your ass at him. Your thong covers very little, so you are sure he loves the view. After you've let him see what he wants for a bit, you order him to close his eyes. You've already warmed up and lubed his toy, and you place it between your legs and then slowly slide back towards him, using your hand to guide his cock into his toy. The moan he lets out removes any doubt about how good it feels for him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The two of you have the house to yourself for now, so you add to the fun by faking some moans of your own. With his eyes closed, you don't know if he recognizes the familiar feeling of his toy, or if he thinks he's really inside you. But when you finally give him permission to open his eyes, it's clear he knows but is enjoying the fantasy too much to care. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You try to add to his fantasy and plea to him, "Don't cum inside me! I'm not on any birth control!". You expect him to cum any moment anyway. "Tell me when you can't hold back anymore," you say when he doesn't instantly cum. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He holds out longer than you expected after this long in chastity, but he's clearly struggling when he tells you he's about to cum. You move forward, pulling him out of the toy. "That's a good boy. Now your pleasure doesn't have to end. It can go on for much, much longer," you tell him. You let him cool down a bit before you slide it back over his cock, this time looking him in the eye. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You make sure his pleasure does last a long time. You keep him on the edge another half an hour, keeping his toy lubed up, stopping when you see him getting close, and continuing again when it's safe. Finally you decide it's enough. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you've locked him back in his chastity cage you untie him. "Now, I want you to watch at least an hour of porn tonight", you instruct him. Don't focus on just the woman though. I want you to also look at the guy's cock as it slides into her, and imagine how good it must feel for him. I'll question you [[Tomorrow morning|Part14Home4]] about it and decide if I'll let you cum next time or not." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With Dylan</h1> <video src="Part14/Home21.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Just like he promised, Dylan ties you to his bed once the two of you are alone. He's less tender this time. This time he fingers you and teases your clit a while, but <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> just when you are enjoying it, he slaps your pussy or your breasts, making you cry out in pain. Then his fingers return and you again feel the comforting feeling of them moving inside you. <<else>> as soon as it starts to feel really good he slaps your pussy or your breasts, making you cry out in pain instead of pleasure. Then his fingers return to giving you pleasure. Soon the pleasure and the pain mix together, and the complete powerless you have to choose between them makes you even wetter than his fingers do. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Dylan decides he can't wait any longer, and climbs on top of you. You moan into his ear as he fucks you. But soon he's no longer lying directly over you, but using his hand to keep him over you a bit. You soon understand why when he uses his other hand to slap your breast occasionally as he continues to fuck you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> Your body must like that, as soon you feel your body bucking and hear yourself screaming with an orgasm you can't feel. All you feel is the sting on your breasts as he swats it again. <<else>> That doesn't stop you from cuming though. If anything, you cum even harder, you breast stings again as he swats it while you are in the middle of your orgasm. <</if>> Your breasts still throb as he moves his hand away, now using them both for support as he fucks you hard and fast until he finishes with his own orgasm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you go to sleep later that night, you wonder if your breasts will still ache when [[you wake up tomorrow|Part14Home4]]. You hope they do. The soreness you feel in them now only reminds you of the fun you and and Dylan has, ensuring you fall asleep with a smile on your face. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Dylan</h1> <video src="Part14/Home15.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You were right about what Dylan wanted, but you hadn't realized how much you'd wanted it too. After being locked in the belt for so long, and knowing you'll be locked in it again when he's done with you, you are begging him to fuck you before he finally enters you. When he slides inside you, it feels <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> like he belongs there. <<else>> just as wonderful as you'd imagined it would. <</if>> <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <br><br> You tell yourself that you don't ask him to use a condom because you'd promised him 'whatever he wanted'. But really, after so long without feeling anything, you ache to feel the touch of nothing but a real, hard cock inside you this time. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> <br><br> You tell yourself that you don't ask him to pull out because you'd promised him 'whatever he wanted'. But really, after so long without feeling anything, you want this to last as long as it can. You couldn't bear to make him stop a moment early. <</if>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> As your body reacts to him, your mind can't register the feelings. You hear your own moans, your own cries of pleasure, feel your hips moving, but can't feel anything but the slightest hint of his cock inside you. But you never want it to leave. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once he finishes inside you, you reluctantly go to pick up your belt so he can <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> [[lock it on you again|Part14Home4]]. <<else>> lock it on you again. "Where are you going?", he asks. "I'm [[not done with you|Part14ChastityBelt4]] yet." <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Dylan</h1> <video src="Part14/Home35.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="432"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After he fucks you, Dylan ties you to the bed. You'd already volunteered to go back into the chastity belt, like you'd promised, and he wasn't ready to go again yet, so you are wondering what he plans to do to you. You'd promised to let him do whatever he wanted, so you let him tie you up. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you are tied he tells you. "You've been such a good girl, and you went so long without an orgasm, I didn't think it was fair to lock you up after just one. In fact, we have the house to ourselves tonight, and I want to see just how many orgasms you can have tonight. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Dylan slowly brings you to the first of many orgams, rubing your clit with this fingers, dipping a finger into you if ever it starts to dry out. After you cum, he keeps going until you don't think you can take it anymore. He continues, giving you orgasm after orgasm, until it's him that thinks you can't take it anymore. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> By then he's hard and ready again. He leaves you bound and fucks you with your clit still throbbing from your last orgasm. Once he finishes, he leaves you to recover for a moment as he grabs so water for you. It's only as you sip it through the straw he places in your mouth that you realize just how thirsty you'd become. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Don't worry, we aren't done yet. I think you are capable of many more orgasms before the [[night is over|Part14Home4]]", Dylan says resting his hand on your bare mons. "And don't worry about the belt. I won't keep you locked up nearly as long next time, now that I know how fun unlocking you can be." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With a Client</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part14/Home22.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You check in the app for clients in town and find one that's perfect for you. After messaging a few details with him, you get ready, and then head to his hotel room. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's not until you are there that you realize you know him. He was your English teacher senior year! Obviously he doesn't recognize you. You look a lot different than you did over a year ago. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> While you are sitting next to him, talking to him, and trying to find out exactly what he wants this evening, he tells you how beautiful you look. As he is admiring your breasts, he gives your nipple a little squeeze. "Oh, Mr. B," you say in mock shock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh, are you one of my former students?", he says deducing that you are because you used the nickname he has his students use rather than his difficult last name. "It couldn't have been that many years ago, and I would have thought I would remember a student as beautiful as you." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well. I didn't look like this when I graduated a year ago," you tell him. "I received an X-Change implant when I started university. I hope you don't mind that I wasn't born this way." But you knew him well enough to know he's not going to be one of those anti-X-Change bigots. The service tries to filter those out of your potential client list, so thankfully you haven't had to deal with many. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Mind?", he says. "Of course not. I'm the one that recommended you for the scholarship," then he mentions your original name, the one you'd had when you were his student. He sees you wince a bit at the sound of your old name and apologizes. "Oh, I'm sorry dear. What should I call you now?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $playerName>> I'm $playerName now. And I won't be using my old name <<else>> You can call me whatever you like, Mr. B. Except for my old name. I won't be using that <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> ever again. <<else>> for at least a few more years, if ever. <</if>> You stroke his cock as you continue, "But enough about that, Mr. B. How about I [[show you some of the things I've learned|Part14CallGirl7]] in the last year. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> I've learned much more outside the classroom than inside. <<else>> And I don't mean what I've learned in the classroom. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With Mr. B</h1> <video src="Part14/Home23.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mr. B'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you go into the hotel bathroom and change into your 'school girl' outfit, Mr. B talks to you from the bed. <<if $PlayerGoodStudent>> "I knew you were a good student, so I was sure you'd have other scholarship offers. <<elseif $PlayerLazyStudent>> "I knew you had potential, even if you never really tried in most of your classes. But I knew getting accepted into a four year program would be difficult for you, and that there probably wouldn't be many scholarship opportunities coming your way. <<else>> "I knew you always tried in class, even when it was difficult. I assumed you be accepted to a number of schools, but that there probably wouldn't be many scholarships coming your way. <</if>> But beyond that, I thought I could see something else in you, and that this scholarship in particular would be something you wouldn't pass up." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I can see you've taken to it even more than I would have imagined," he says before going silent as you walk back into the room. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He doesn't talk much more as all his attention is now on his cock as you do your best to [[thank him for nominating you|Part14CallGirl8]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With Mr. B</h1> <img src="Part6/Halloween5C.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mr. B', vaginal:true, condom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mr. B'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mr. B', vaginal:true, condom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mr. B'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mr. B', vaginal:true, condom:true, noPullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When Mr. B pulls out a condom, you take it from him. After taking it out of the wrapper, you put it between your lips. After you put it on him without using your hands, you joke, "Maybe they should teach that in health class." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part14/Home24.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You let Mr. B admire your body from every angle as you ride his cock in several different positions. Eventually when you hear him getting close to cumming you ride him harder and faster enjoying the low moans he makes as he fills his condom deep inside you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As he is trying to catch his breath you crawl over towards the phone. "Would you like me to order us some room service. Then we can go again in a little while," you say to him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh, I'd love that, but I can only afford the hour. Even that is a bit of an extravagance on a teacher's salary," he says a bit disappointed. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh, I'm not charging you for tonight." you explain. "I plan on spending all night trying to thank you for what you've done for me. How does that sound?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next morning, you let Mr. B sleep as you dress and then head down to the lobby. As an added 'Thank you' for his role in getting you the scholarship, you stop at the front desk to pay his room bill for him before you [[head back home|Part14Home4]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> <br><br> Your clothes are still in the dryer, so you throw on something of Cassie's. You wouldn't wear anything like this out in public, but you're just at home, so it's ok you decide. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> Your mind wanders to how all the guys would react to seeing you wearing this. You start to imagine them getting hard looking at you. But then you catch yourself, and quickly try to think of something else. <</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>> <br><br> But then you wonder if Andrew would like to see you wearing something like this. Maybe Cassie will let you borrow it while he's here. But no, you decide. Maybe some other time, but not in front of your dad. <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> You'd let Dylan try one of your smoothies before and he didn't seem to care for it. But today he seems to be taking a keen interest in how you make it. He watches you very closely the entire time. "Would you like me to make one for you too?", you ask when you're finished. <br><br> An eager nod is all you get from him. You get to work making his for him. Maybe he'll have more energy and be more talkative after he's drank a bit. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $Keyholder != 'Dylan'>> <h1>Waking up Horny</h1> <img src="Part14/Chastity23.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<else>> <h1>Making a smoothie</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part14/Home10.webm" autoplay loop muted height="650"></video> </div> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<include [[Part14Home4Start]]>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica') or setup.areDating('Peter') or setup.areDating('Josh') or setup.areDating('Andrew')>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> You wake up excited today, because today is the day Veronica is arriving! It's been so long and you can't wait to see her. <<else>> You wake up excited today, because today is the day $dating[0] is arriving! It's been so long and you can't wait to see him. <</if>> <<include [[Part14DylanSmoothieWatch]]>> <<elseif $AcademicProbationDenial>> You wake up horny, but as always, there's nothing you can do about it. You make yourself a smoothie and try to take your mind off it. It doesn't help. Stil, you try to ignore it as you decide what to do today. <<include [[Part14DylanSmoothieWatch]]>> <<else>> You wake up in a great mood. You don't have any plans for today yet, so you decide to make yourself a fruit smoothie while you decide what to do today. <<include [[Part14DylanSmoothieWatch]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you turn around to give Dylan his smoothie, he's not there. Instead it is your dad there, and he is scowling at you. "Sit down. We [[need to talk|Part14Home4FatherTalk]]," he tells you. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<include [[Part14Home4Start]]>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Veronica') or setup.areDating('Peter') or setup.areDating('Josh') or setup.areDating('Andrew')>> You wake up excited today, because today is the day $dating[0] is arriving! It's been so long and you <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> [[can't wait to see her|Part14VeronicaVisit]]. <<elseif setup.areDating('Peter')>> [[can't wait to see him|Part14BoyfriendVisit]]. <<else>> [[can't wait to see him|Part14BoyfriendVisit]]. <</if>> <<include [[Part14DylanSmoothieWatch]]>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $Keyholder != 'Dylan'>> You wake up horny, but as always, there's nothing you can do about it. You make yourself a smoothie and try to take your mind off it. It doesn't help. <<if setup.haveFucked('Mike') or $UncleChair>> With your mind filled with thoughts of sex, you remember back to the fun you'd had at Mike's house at Christmas. Obviously he'll be having more fun than you. But you can't <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive and $Keyholder == "Robert">> resist the thought of being helpless and under his control today. You give him a call then [[head to his house|Part14UncleChastityLocked]] after you are done with your drink. <<else>> help but think of being helpless and under his control today. You are tempted to give him a call and [[head to his house|Part14UncleChastityLocked]] after you are done with your drink. The you know you'll leave just a desperate as when you arriived, so you could just [[stay home|Part14Home5Ready]] and watch TV instead. <</if>> <<elseif $MasterRobert>> <<set $tempUncleCalled to 1>> You'd resigned yourself to spending a boring day watching TV. But then you get a call from your Uncle Mike. Well, your former uncle anyway. You have nothing else to do, so you [[head over to his house|Part14UncleChastityLocked]] <<else>> <br><br> You stay home, trying to watch TV so you can avoid thinking about how much you need an orgasm. It doesn't work well, but what choice do you have. Maybe you'll [[feel better tomorrow|Part14Home5Ready]] <</if>> <<elseif $AcademicProbationDenial>> You wake up horny, but as always, there's nothing you can do about it. You make yourself a smoothie and try to take your mind off it. It doesn't help. Stil, you try to ignore it as you decide what to do today. <<include [[Part14DylanSmoothieWatch]]>> <<else>> You wake up in a great mood. You don't have any plans for today yet, so you decide to make yourself a fruit smoothie while you decide what to do today. <<include [[Part14DylanSmoothieWatch]]>> <</if>> <br><br> <<if (setup.haveFucked('Mike') or $UncleChair) and $PlayerChastityBelt and $Keyholder != 'Dylan'>> <<elseif $DylanChastityKey>> You see a familiar look on Dylan's face. The look of a denied boy that you've gotten turned on, not even on purpose this time. You know his cock is straining against his chastity cage right now, and that he'd give anything to be free right now, just to be able to go to his room and jerk off while thinking of you. <br><br> You love that look. <br><br> Well, now you know [[what you want to do today|Part14ChastityCage5]]. <<elseif $BondageWithDylan or ($PlayerChastityBelt and $Keyholder == "Dylan") or $DylanCumslutCollar>> After Dylan has some of his smoothie and is a little more talkative, you start discussing what you and him might do today. "I know exactly what we are going to do today," he says ominously. "But you'll have to wait to find out." <br><br> When you get out to the car, he gives you your blindfold and orders you to put it on. "I hope you don't pull over, with me wearing this," you joke. <br><br> "You can take it off if you hear sirens. Otherwise, you keep it on. Understood," he orders. You agree, feeling yourself getting wet at the way he is ordering you around. <br><br> At first you can picture where you are in your mind, but as he turns left and right, you soon lose track of where you are. You figure you won't know where you are going until he [[arrives at your destination|Part14Uncle]] and takes off the blindfold. <<elseif $dating.length == 0 and $sex.length == 0 and $UncleChair>> As Dylan sips at his smoothie, you try to think of what you want to do today. Then your mind returns to Christmas Day. You remember the time you spent at Mike's house, bound to his that amazing vibrator chair. You remember how good it felt, how pleasure radiated out through your whole body. And most of all you remember how you couldn't move and could only endure the pleasure as it made you orgasm again and agian. <br><br> You've been a good girl all year. Would it be so bad if you [[visited your uncle again|Part14UncleVirgin]] to see if he'd let you ride his special chair again? <<elseif !setup.areDating('Barry') and (setup.haveFucked('Mike') or $UncleChair)>> As Dylan sips at his smoothie, you try to think of what you want to do today. Then your mind returns to Christmas Day. You remember the time you spent at Mike's house, <<if $UncleChair>> bound to his amazing vibrator chair. You wonder what you'd have to do to earn the chance to sit on it again. <<else>> in his dungeon and under his control. You wonder what he'd do to his favorite former niece if you submitted yourself to him today. <</if>> You figure there's only [[one way to find out|Part14Uncle]]. <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Ethan')>> <<else>> As Dylan sips at his smoothie, you try to think of what you want to do today. You realize you haven't spent much time with your high school friends since being back this summer. You admit you'd been avoiding them a bit, wondering how they'd react to the new you. Of course they know about the change, and you've talked or texted with them, but in person is different thing. <br><br> You figure you've put it off long enough, and decide [[to hang out with them today|Part14Friends]]. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $FatherStripClub>> <<include [[Part14Home4Father]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part14Home4Normal]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Getting Scolded by Your Father</h1> <video src="Part14/Home60.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As your father starts to tell you how disappointed he was seeing you at the strip club last night, you can see the way he's looking at you. You know he doesn't think of you as the sweet little girl you've been trying to pretend to be around him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'm sorry Dad", you tell him before the lies start. "We... I mean I, was just curious and bored and wanted to check out the club. Then the owner started telling me how beautiful I was and said I could earn a lot of money for just a few hours..." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He cuts you off. <<if setup.haveFucked('Mike') or $UncleChair>> "Mike had already warned me not to believe the innocent girl act. But I had hoped I wouldn't have to see it with my own eyes," <<else>> "I'd suspected the innocent girl routine was just an act, but I hadn't expected to have my suspicions confirmed quite so vividly," <</if>> he tells you. "Watching as you <<if $FatherStripClub > 2>> fucked my friend, and sucked who-the-fuck-knows how many cocks <<else>> walk around topless in front of my friends <</if>> is not something I'd ever thought I'd see. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Is that how you spend your time and college, fucking every guy on campus?", he lowers his head shaking it. "This is my fault. I should have been teaching since you were little, so you would know how to act like a proper young woman like your sister. I think it was obvious to everyone you'd be taking an X-Change at some point, I don't know why I was in denial and treating you like a son." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $dating.length>> "I'm not <<if $FatherStripClub > 2>>normally<</if>> like that," you tell him what he wants to hear. "I don't sleep around at all. I have a <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> girlfriend, and she <<else>> boyfriend, and he <</if>> is the only one I'm ever with. It's just been so long since we've seen each other, and I guess I was feeling lonely. But $dating[0] will here soon, so I'll behave from now on. <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>> I'll be honest with him, and tell him everything I did last night." <<else>> Please don't tell $dating[0] about what I did. I don't want to upset <<if setup.areDating('Veronica') or setup.areDating('Kate')>> her." <<else>> him." <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> "Very well," your father says not sure whether to believe you or not. "I don't want to hear about anything like this happening again - and I certainly don't want to see it again. I'll let you decide what to tell $dating[0]. I think perhaps next time you should stay with <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>>her<<else>>him<</if>> during the summer." <br><br> You are relieved, you sense things could have gone much worse with your father. You quickly leave and head upstairs to get ready for <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> [[Veronica's visit|Part14VeronicaVisit]]. <<elseif setup.areDating('Peter')>> [[Peter's visit|Part14BoyfriendVisit]]. You'll have to instruct him not act as submissive towards you as he normally does - at least around your father. <<else>> [[Josh's visit|Part14BoyfriendVisit]]. <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectLibido or $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock or $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive or $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> "It's not all my fault," you tell him. "The implant they gave me. It has side-effects that make it much harder for me to be good girl like you want me to be. But I'll try to do better from now on." <br><br> Your father continues to scowl at you. "That only confirms [[my decision|Part14Home4FatherTalk2]] about what is best for you," he says. <<else>> "You're right, becoming a woman has more challenging than I though it'd be," you tell him. There's so many temptations. But I'll try to do better from now on." <br><br> Your father continues to scowl at you. "Your best clearly isn't up to the task. I've made [[my decision|Part14Home4FatherTalk2]] about what is best for you." <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Father Knows Best</h1> <img src="Part14/Home61.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I've decided you aren't mature enough to be living on your own, <<if $PlayerSideEffectLibido or $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock or $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive or $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> especially not with these 'side-effects' you say you have," <<else>> at least not until you've learned to control your hormones in this new body," <</if>> your father tells you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You'll be moving back home where I can keep an eye on you and make sure you get back on the right track. You'll be transfering to the community college, and then to the state school, both right here in town." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He continues before you complain about your scholarship you'd be giving up, "Don't worry about your scholarship. I'll pay for your tuition. It may delay my retirement by a year or two, but I'll retire happier knowing I've prevented my daughter from becoming a... Well, I'll retire happier with you a proper young woman." <<if !$PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> <br><br> When you start to talk about not growing into a proper young woman, but becoming a young man again, your father stops you. "The contract you signed committed you to a minimum of four years. And look at how you are after just one. But lets be honest, even before the X-Change, you were never going to grow to be a proper man either. I think it's best if you remove that thought from your mind entirely, so you can focus on becoming the best woman you can be. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "And", he says, pulling out something from a bag next to him. "You'll be wearing this, starting right now." He shows you the chastity belt he intends you to wear. "This is only a temporary one. We'll be going to back to the store where I purchased this one, and the woman there can take your measurements for the belt I'll be ordering for you. That one will be much more secure. But she said it should also be comfortable for long-term wear. You should be relieved at that, as you'll be wearing it until your wedding day." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You aren't sure what part of your father's plan is more upsetting, the idea of going to a different school, the thought of living and home and missing all the new friends you've made, or the prospect being of locked in a chastity belt until your wedding day! Ok, you definitely know which part is the most upsetting. But what choice do you have? <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive >3 >> None really. In theory you could say 'No', but the same X-Change side-effect you told your father about makes you too submissive to refuse, especially when someone commands you as firmly as your father has. "Yes Daddy. I'm sorry I disappointed you. [[You know what's best for me|MovingBackHome]]," is all you can say. <<else>> Well, you are an adult, even if your father doesn't think so. You could [[refuse|Part14Home4FatherDisown]] to have anything to do with his plan for you, though you don't know how he'll react. Or you can accept his judgement, and try to earn his forgivness, starting with saying "Yes Daddy. I'm sorry I disappointed you. [[You know what's best for me|MovingBackHome]]." <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Getting Kicked Out</h1> <img src="Part8.5/Alone1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <<set $FatherDisown to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'm a grown woman! I'm not going to let you put one of those... things on me," you say. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> Of course, it'd be hard to do when you are already wearing one. But you'd rather $Keyholder have the key than your father! <<elseif setup.haveInventory('sex toys', 'chastity belt') or setup.haveFucked('Locksmith')>> Of course, you've worn one before, but having you Dad hold the key is something else entirely. <</if>> "Maybe you should wear one!", you yell. "I saw YOU getting your cock sucked by someone girl my age! So who are you to judge me! Maybe Mom should know about that!", you add. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Your mother is aware. But our arrangements aren't your concern. You are a grown woman, so if that's your choice, so be it. But I'm not going to watch as you spiral down to become a street whore. So if you want to be a grown woman, then go be one somewhere else." The firmness in his voice is gone now, but you find the cold tone he's speaking in now even more upsetting. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "So go upstairs, get your suitcase, and go," he says. "Leave the car keys. If you are a grown woman, you won't be needing the car I pay for anymore. Your money from whoring last night should be enough to get you back to that college. Dylan can ship the rest of your shit back to you." You walk up the stairs in disbelief. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't know if trying to appeal to your mom would help, or just make things worse, but she's not here anyway. Her and Cassie left before you woke up. You are in tears as you head upstairs to pack what you need for now into a single suitcase. You look around for Dylan, but he seems to have left when the yelling started. You head back downstairs with your suitcase. You glare at your father before walking out the front door. A moment later you hear it lock behind you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You walk down towards the entrance to the subdivision trying to decide what to do. You pull out your phone, trying to call Dylan or anyone really. But your phone says "Emergency Calls Only". When you try to use it you get a message saying that your line has been suspended. "Fuck, already?", you say out loud when you realize your father has already turned off your phone line from his family plan. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You start walking down towards a major street so you can try to [[hitch a ride|Part14HomeHitch]] back to campus. You guess you'll need to look for someplace to get a new number for your phone too. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Hitching back to school</h1> <img src="Part14/Hitch1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you see a restaurant with a restroom you stop in to wipe away your tears and fix the mess they made of your make-up. After you reach the main road out of town, you stop to wait for a ride. While you wait, you try to look on the bright side of the situation. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> School starts back up soon. Once it does, you'll have a place to live. Until then you have friends that will let you sleep on their couch for a few days each, so you won't be on the street or anything. You make decent money at the strip club, that added with your regular job and you should be fine. You could even get a student loan if you needed to. And you're still hopefully once you can talk to your mom, she might be able to work things out with you father. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Thankfully you don't have to wait long for a car to come by. You've always heard people are reluctant to pick up hitchhikers, so you are glad you find one stopping for you right away. The young man that stops for you asks where you are going, and luckily he's going the entire way you need on the way to his destination. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He doesn't say anything, but you see a hopefully look in his eyes as you get in. You think for a second. "Gas, Grass, or Ass", you remember being the saying. Well, you don't have any grass to share. It's been a rough morning, so you could just <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral>> offer him some cash for his gas and trouble. Though you are quite certain he'd be thrilled if you offered to compensate him another way. Though, maybe a little fun would take your mind off the earlier events. Of course, once the though occurs to you, there's one option [[you just can't resist|Part14HomeHitchBJ]]. <<else>> [[offer him some cash|Part14HomeHitchReturn]] for his gas and trouble. Though you are quite certain he'd be thrilled if you offered to [[compensate him another way|Part14HomeHitchBJ]]. Though, maybe a little fun would take your mind off the earlier events. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Hitching a Ride</h1> <img src="Part8.5/Car.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hitchhiker Driver'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hitchhiker Driver'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hitchhiker Driver'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He happily accepts your offer, but doesn't want to stop, so you give him the first of several blowjobs as he drives on. Thankfully, there's not need to make smalltalk, as he doesn't expect you to talk with his cock in your mouth. <br><br> You were right, taking care of him did distract you, and the time flies by. Before you know it it's several hours, several hundred miles, and several blowjobs later and you are [[pulling up at campus|Part15Begin]]. Your first stop is the student center, so you can find the kiosk offering cell phone plans. Then you'll need to start calling friends looking for a couch to use for the night. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Hitching a Ride</h1> <img src="Part14/Hitch2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He thanks you for the gas money. You and him make awkward small talk as he drives on. The hours seem to stretch out forever. Finally you see the familiar signs on the highway. Then a few minutes later he is [[pulling up at campus|Part15Begin]]. Your first stop is the student center, so you can find the kiosk offering cell phone plans. Then you'll need to start calling friends looking for a couch to use for the night. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With Veronica</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part14/Veronica1.webm" autoplay loop muted height="650"></video> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $FatherStripClub>> "I thought you said we had to keep a low profile?", Veronica questions as you start passionately kissing her in the driveway. <br><br> "I told him about us. I... I was picking up some extra money working at the strip club in town. And... I was giving more than a lap dance," you confess. <br><br> Veronica laughs and jokes, "Did you leave the poor fool with any money at all, or did you drain his wallet completely while you were draining his balls?". <br><br> You continue, "Anyway, my dad caught me in the act. And telling him that I was with you and that the strip club was a one time thing was the only thing that calmed him down. He seemed relieved more than anything when I told him about us. So he's not going to have a problem with us still sharing a room." <br><br> You've stopped talking and your tongue is in Veronica's mouth when you see Dylan watching from the corner of your eye. "Don't stop on my account sis," he says with a big grin on his face. <br><br> Veronica smiles mischievously and tells him, "I think you've seen enough for now. But how about your sister and I go inside and relax while you get all of the bags and take them upstairs. Then we might give you a [[bit more of a show later|Part14VeronicaVisit2]]." <<if $DylanChastityKey>> You chuckle to yourself wondering how hard Dylan is straining against his chastity cage at that idea. <</if>> <<else>> You'd let your parents assume that Veronica was just a friend. You weren't sure how they'd feel about her staying over, and sleeping in your room, if they knew you two were in a relationship. But you forget all about that when you see her in the driveway, and can't help but to passionately kiss her as soon as she gets out of the car. The driver ignores the display and places her bags at the curb before he drives off. <br><br> When you regain your senses and stop, you look around and see your brother Dylan looking at you both. "Don't stop on my account," he says with a huge grin. "Mom sent me out to help with carry in your 'friend's' luggage." <br><br> "Dylan, you can't tell Mom. And certainly not Dad. They'll make Veronica stay at a motel or something," you plead. <br><br> "Well, I could be persuaded to keep quiet," Dylan says with a smirk. "I wasn't quick enough to get a photo of that, and I'd really like one. Maybe if you could do that again, I won't tell anyone about it." <<if $DylanChastityKey>> Then he adds, "And I'll be needing the key to this cage back too." You smile and hand him his key. <<unset $DylanChastityKey>> <</if>> <br><br> Right now it'd just be your word against Dylan, but you doubt you or Veronica could lie convincingly if asked about your relationship anyway. So what's the harm in giving him the evidence he wants. It's not like he wants it to show your parents. You know he's just going to use it to jerk off to later or maybe share with his friends. "Ok," you tell him. "[[But later. Not out here in public.|Part14VeronicaVisit2]]" <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Posing for Dylan</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part14/Veronica7.webm" autoplay loop muted height="650"></video> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $FatherStripClub>> Dylan begs you to let him film this one. You and Veronica decide to let him, you can only imagine how many times he's going to end up jerking off to the pictures and videos he takes this evening. <<if $DylanChastityKey>> Once you allow him to jerk off again that is. <</if>> <br><br> He waits patiently until your parents are gone then follows you and Veronica upstairs. <<if $DylanChastityKey>> "Can you," he asks timidly once your door is closed. <br><br> "Unlock what?", Veronia ask even though you've told her about his cage and she knows exactly what he wants. "Show me what you are talking about or the answer is 'No.'" <br><br> Dylan is blushing a deep red as he lowers his pants to reveal his locked cock. Veronica laughs a bit when she sees his cock straining against its tiny cage. Then she tells him. "Ok, we'll let you have the key back... when you leave." As eager as Dylan is to be free of the cage, he doesn't want to miss the show, so he decides to stay and watch as long as you let him, and then head back to his room with the key. <</if>> <br><br> You and Veronica decide to give him even more than he'd asked for. The two of you strip down to your bra and panties before making out in front of him. <br><br> He snaps several photos before switching to recording video. You two continue kissing, forgetting about him. When your and Veronica's hands start to wander you decide the show has gone on long enough. <br><br> It's time for you and Veronica to <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> [[move this somewhere more private|Part14VeronicaVisitRiley]]. <<else>> [[move this somewhere more private|Part14VeronicaVisit3]]. <</if>> "I think that's enough." you tell Dylan. He agrees and stops the camera. "We'll leave you to jerk off to your video of your sister and her girlfriend then," you say. <<if $DylanChastityKey>> <<unset $DylanChastityKey>> Then you toss him his chastity key and quickly usher him out of your room. <<elseif $DylanChastitySelfLocked>> <br><br> "I won't be doing that. At least not yet," he tells you. "I used that service you told me about and I can't get my key out for another two days!". <br><br> You laugh and tell him, "Well, maybe we'll keep going a bit longer for you then. No filming though. You and Veronica increase the intensity of your making out until you can hear Dylan wincing from his cock straining against it's cage. Ok, we will leave you to your frustration now then." <</if>> <<else>> Dylan doesn't say anything about what he saw, or even make the vague hints about your relationship you'd expected. And he waits patiently until your parents are gone before asking again for another kiss, one that he can capture with his phone. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $Keyholder == 'Veronica'>> <<unset $PlayerChastityBelt>> <br><br> "Are you good and horny for me baby?", Veronica asks you as she pets your hair. "Do you want me to unlock you from that mean chastity belt?" Of course you say yes. She makes Dylan turn around as she takes it off you. <</if>> <br><br> He held up his end of the bargain admirably, so you and Veronica decide to give him even more than he'd asked for. The two of you strip down to your bra and panties before making out in front of him. <br><br> He snaps several photos before switching to recording video. You two continue kissing, forgetting about him. When your and Veronica's hands start to wander you decide the show has gone on long enough. <br><br> It's time for you and Veronica to <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> [[move this somewhere more private|Part14VeronicaVisitRiley]]. <<else>> [[move this somewhere more private|Part14VeronicaVisit3]]. <</if>> "I think that's enough for our deal, don't you think," you tell Dylan. He agrees and stops the camera. "We'll leave you to jerk off to your video of your sister and her girlfriend then," you say. <<if $DylanChastitySelfLocked>> <br><br> "I won't be doing that. At least not yet," he tells you. "I used that service you told me about and I can't get my key out for another two days!". <br><br> You laugh and tell him, "Well, maybe we'll keep going a bit longer for you then. No filming though. You and Veronica increase the intensity of your making out until you can hear Dylan wincing from his cock straining against it's cage. Ok, we will leave you to your frustration now then." <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Alone with Veronica</h1> <video src="Part14/Veronica8.webm" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Veronica'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As soon as the two of you are alone in your room, you quickly strip out of what little you were wearing. Your and Veronica's hands continue the exploration that you'd cut short a few minutes ago. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You miss the taste of her, and lie back on the bed and pull her towards you. Her moans only make you more eager and soon she is grinding into your face as she orgasms. "Oh, god, that was amazing. It's been way too long," she says when she recovers. "Now, it's your turn," <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> she says. You reminder her of your denial and suggest that instead you focus on her a second time. She doesn't object to that idea. <<else>> she says leaving you lying down as she begins kissing her way down your chest and stomach until her lips find their way to yours. <br><br> You moan as her tongue slides into you before sliding back out to focus on your clit. It circles around your clit for a while then her lips wrap around it, taking your clit between her lips as she sucks gently on it. You moan and grab at the sheets as the pleasure overwhelms you. <br><br> She continues until you can feel your orgasm approaching. <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> She continues on, wanting to push you over the edge. But you feel the approaching orgasm suddenly fade. You are left desperately needing it, but knowing you won't be able to cum today. Or perhaps not even tomorrow. You know the side effect of your implant has denied you again. "Oh, baby. Did it happen again?", Veronica says when she hears an all to familiar whimper from you. "Maybe it'll happen for you tomorrow." <br><br> "Maybe," you agree. "But, I'm still really horny. Can I make you cum again at least." Unsurprisingly she grants your request. <<else>> She continues on, and you scream as she pushes you over the edge. She continues through your orgasm, knowing just when to stop before it becomes to much. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you two finish, you two rest a bit before dressing again and heading back downstars. Dylan is there with a smile on his face. "I guess you enjoyed your photos and video then?", you joke. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $DylanChastitySelfLocked>> "Not as much as I would have liked," he says. "I thought my cage was going to burst when i heard the sounds coming from your room. You laugh a bit realizing the sound of you and Veronica together was making your brother's self-imposed chastity even more difficult. <<else>> "I did," he responds. "Then I had to enjoy them again a few minutes later when I heard the sounds coming from your room." You laugh a bit realizing the sound of you and Veronica together got your brother hard enough to jerk off a second time. <</if>> He continues, "I loved the audio performance, but you two probably want to [[keep it down next time|Part14VeronicaVisit4]] when Mom and Dad are <<if $FatherStripClub>> back. They may be cool with you being a lesbian, but I doubt they want to hear your sex echoing through the hallway. I mean I do. But they probably don't." <<else>> back, if you don't want them finding out." <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Alone with Veronica</h1> <video src="Part14/Veronica2.webm" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Veronica'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next morning as you and Veronica are getting dressed <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> you push her back onto the bed. "Let's see if you can keep quiet this time," you say with a mischievous smile. Then your fingers find their way between her legs, rubbing her clit through her panties. <br><br> Soon your fingers have slid down her stomach and under her panties. You knows just what her body likes and soon she is struggling to keep quiet. Then you places your other hand firmly over her mouth silencing her before increasing the pace of your fingers' work. <<else>> she pushes you back onto the bed. <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> "Let's see if you have better luck this time. You'll need to keep quiet though," she tells you. <<else>> "Let's see if you can keep quiet this time," she says with a mischievous smile. <</if>> Then her fingers find their way between your legs, rubbing your clit through your panties. <br><br> Soon her fingers have slid down your stomach and under your panties. She knows just what your body likes and soon you are struggling to keep quiet. Then she places her other hand firmly over you mouth silencing you before increasing the pace of her fingers' work. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> As your fingers drive her to an orgasm, she squirm and moan as your hand remains firmly over her mouth. Your hand remains a bit longer after your fingers pull out of her. You put your wet fingers to her lips and she eagerly suck them clean of her own juices. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> You are moaning into her hand feeling your orgasm approaching again, but again it is yaked away from you at the last moment as your implant denies you again. You kick down at the bed in frustration. <br><br> When your whimpering stops Veronica removes her hand from your mouth and strokes your hair. "Aww, it happened again. It must be so frustrating for you." She then pulls her fingers out of you. She knows how horny you still are and places them at your lips where you instinctively suck on them. She continues stroking your hair and tells you, "Maybe you'll have better luck once we're home." <<else>> As her fingers drive you to an orgasm, you squirm and moan as her hand remains firmly over you mouth. Her hand remains a bit longer after her fingers pull out of you. She puts her wet fingers to your lips and you eagerly suck them clean of your juices. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Afterwards Veronica gets up and tells you, "Now we should probably finish getting ready. We are due [[downstairs for breakfast soon|Part14Home5Ready]]". <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Alone with Veronica</h1> <video src="Part14/Veronica3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Of course, I know you like being tied up," Veronica says holding out the rope you'd packed away. "But, I was wondering if you could tie me up this time?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are eager to try something new and start to try to tie Veronica with the rope. She'd never done many complicated bindings, but even the simple things she'd done seem to be beyond your skill. You are loving playing with her breasts with her hands tied behind her back, but you have to hold the rope in place because you can't seem to tie it without it being too loose. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You think about seeing if she wants to switch to the cuffs instead, since those don't require any skill on your part. But then you remember your friend Riley from high school. He'd always been into this sort of thing. Maybe he'd be willing to teach you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you mention your friend Riley to Veronica she seems unexpectedly excited at the idea. You quickly pick up the phone to [[give him a call|Part14VeronicaVisitRiley2]] before she changes her mind. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With Riley and Veronica</h1> <video src="Part14/Veronica4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Wait, Riley is a guy? I'd just assumed..," Veronica starts to say when Riley arrives. But she quickly stops her questioning, apparently deciding that it doesn't matter if he's a guy, as long as he teaches you how to tie her up properly. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you and Veronica explain what you want, Riley objects, "Do I looking like a fucking boy scout? I didn't come all the way over her to teach you how to tie knots. I can show both of you what it's like to be tied and submissive, or I can leave." Veronica seems reluctant at first but slowly starts to comply when Riley orders you both to strip. When Veronica is taking too long, Riley 'helps' her out of her panties. You are sure she's going to tell him to stop. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But instead she lets him yank her panties off her. She does meekly object but he puts his hand over her mouth and tells her, "I'm not playing games here. This is your last chance to back out. Understand?". You can see a familiar look of excitement in her eye as he removes his hand and she responds with "[[Yes, sir.|Part14VeronicaVisitRiley3]]" You quickly add your own "Yes, sir." when he looks your way. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With Riley and Veronica</h1> <video src="Part14/Veronica5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Riley'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After he's bound and gagged you both, you wonder what Riley has planned next. You soon find out as he pulls out his cock and removes Veronica's gag. She doesn't object and opens her mouth for him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She doesn't have much, if any, experience with cocks, but she does her best. Riley makes sure you watch as he fucks your girlfriend's face. Eventually he decides he wants to see if you are any more skilled. He puts Veronica's gag back in before moving to your mouth. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He seems unsatisfied with your skills too when he says, "I'm not sure what I expected, getting a blowjob from lesbians. Lets try something you [[can't fuck up|Part14VeronicaVisitRiley4]] then." <</nobr>> <<achievement>>threesome:FMF<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>With Riley and Veronica</h1> <video src="Part14/Veronica6.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Veronica'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Riley', vaginal:true, birthControl:'pullout-perfect'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You watch as you see a cock slide into Veronica, for what you assume is the first time. "That's better," Riley says as he thrusts deeply into her. She doesn't seem to mind that he's a man as much as you expected she would, as she seems to really be enjoying Riley's cock. Maybe she just enjoys being tied up as much as you do, or maybe she's just focusing on the pleasure and is imagining it's you with a strap on. Whatever it is, every time you hear her moan as he thursts into her, you can't help be wish you were in her place. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are enjoying watching him fuck your girlfriend, but <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> he decides he wants to fuck you instead. You can't feel the pleasure of it, but somehow his cock feels... right. You can feel your body reacting to him, but you just can't feel the pleasure from it. <<else>> you enjoy it even more when he pushes you back onto the bed. <</if>> "I assume you'll enjoy her tongue even more than my cock", he says, pointing to your face. Veronica quickly complies with the implied instruction and straddles your face. He removes the ropes, deciding they are no longer needed and now only getting in the way. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You sense your body's reactions. Even though you can't feel it, you sense it's about to orgasm, <<else>> You feel yourself getting close to an orgasm as he fucks you, <</if>> but you try to stay focused on pleasuring Veronica. You look up and see his hands around Veronica's throat, squeezing slightly as she gets close to an orgasm. But before either of you orgasm, he pulls out of you and [[pushes Veronica down towards the bed|Part14VeronicaVisitRiley5]]. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>threesome:FMF<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>With Riley and Veronica</h1> <video src="Part14/Veronica9.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Veronica'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He doesn't care about the orgasm you were near, but he tells you to get back to work on Veronica's clit as he fucks her from behind. Soon you are hearing the familiar sounds of her orgasm. He keeps fucking her as she cums. You continue as well. Veronica barely has the composure to realize Riley is close to his own orgasm and remembers to tell him. "I'm not on any birth control." before he does. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Fine. But I want you sluts to swallow every drop," he says as he pulls out. Veronica eagerly opens her mouth and waits for him to cum. He decides to share his load between the two of you. When he's done the two of you do your best to lick up any that landed on each other's face. "Good girls." he tells you both. He tells you to call him again if you ever need another lesson before dressing and leaving you and Veronica alone. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That was... interesting. And more fun than I expected," Veronica says. "I see why you like getting tied up. But I think I still prefer you to be the one submitting and me to be the one in charge. At least most of the time. And I order you to lie down on the bed. I think you still deserve an orgasm, don't you." <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You remind her of your denial again then add, "But can I make you cum again instead?" Unsurprisingly she grants your request. <<else>> You smile and answer "Yes, ma'am." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$AcademicProbationDenial>> You are still turned on from the session with Riley and it doesn't take long before Veronica has you approaching an orgasm. <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> She continues on, wanting to push you over the edge. But you feel the approaching orgasm suddenly fade. You are left desperately needing it, but knowing you won't be able to cum today. Or perhaps not even tomorrow. You know the side effect of your implant has denied you again. "Oh, baby. Did it happen again?", Veronica says when she hears an all to familiar whimper from you. "Maybe it'll happen for you tomorrow." <br><br> "Maybe," you agree. "But, I'm still really horny. Can I make you cum again at least." Unsurprisingly she grants your request. <<else>> She continues on, and you scream as she pushes you over the edge. She continues through your orgasm, knowing just when to stop before it becomes to much. <</if>> <br><br> <</if>> After you two finish, you two rest a bit before dressing again and heading back downstars. Dylan is there with a smile on his face. "I guess you had a pleasant visit with Riley. And afterwards too it sounded like," he jokes. "Word of warning though, you'll probably want to [[keep it down next time|Part14VeronicaVisit4]] when Mom and Dad are back, if you don't want them finding out about you two. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Seeing $dating[0] Again</h1> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $Keyholder != $dating[0]>> <img src="Part14/Chastity26.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<else>> <img src="Part14/Home74.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt && $Keyholder != $dating[0]>> You are excited when $dating[0] calls to let you know he's 30 minutes away. You ache to feel him inside you, but you know that since $Keyholder has the key, and not $dating[0], your pleasure won't be coming anytime soon. Then your thoughts turn to feeling $dating[0]'s cock on your tongue. Maybe that will be enough. <br><br> <<elseif !$PlayerChastityBelt>> You are excited when $dating[0] calls to let you know he's 30 minutes away. You change clothes several times, trying to find just the right outfit that you know will turn him on, but won't upset your parents. You settle on skinny jeans and tight t-shirt, your parents shouldn't object to that. Of course the new matching bra and panties under that are just for $dating[0] to <<if $sex.length == 0>>maybe<</if>> see. <br><br> <</if>> You greet $dating[0] at the door with chaste kiss and a big hug, knowing your father is watching from his chair. After you introduce $dating[0] to your father, your father tells you , "You can help your friend bring in his things, but then I <<if $FatherStripClub>> [[need to talk to him|Part14BoyfriendFatherChastity]]." <<else>> [[need to talk to him|Part14BoyfriendFather]]." <</if>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $Keyholder == $dating[0]>> <br><br> Once you and $dating[0] are alone together, he unlocks your chastity belt. "I hope you are good and horny for me," he says. "Hopefully it won't be too long before we can have some time alone together." <<unset $PlayerChastityBelt>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>$dating[0] and Your Father Talking</h1> <img src="Part14/Parents1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I had been really worried about <<if $playerName>>$playerName<<else>>her<</if>> when she'd first changed," your father says. I'd worried with college, and the new body, it might have all been too much for her. I was worried she might spiral out of control - I mean we've all heard the X-Change stories. <<if setup.haveFucked('Mike') or $UncleChair>> I was especially worried after she'd came home for Christmas. <</if>> I'd half-expected her first year to end with her pregnant, dropping out, and moving back here. But thankfully that didn't happen." <<if $PlayerPregnant>> <br><br> "Well, most of it didn't happen anyway," you think to yourself. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> "But it seems my worries were unfounded. She seems to have developed into a wonderful young woman. And when I spoke to her friend Faith, she spoke very highly of you. I believe she said the two of you met at a charity event for the church there on campus." <br><br> <<if $JobBarista or $JobBikiniBarista>> "Well, we got reacquainted then, yes sir. But we'd actually met near the begining of the year, I had been managing the coffee shop on campus at the time." <<else>> "Yes, sir, that's correct. The campus ministry does a service project near campus every spring break. For those that would rather give back to the community than drink on a beach somewhere." <</if>> <br><br> "Right, right. She mentioned that. Now you are working in an office at the headquarters. I take it your father is preparing you to take over the business for him when he retires?." <br><br> "I believe so sir. But that would be years from now I expect." <br><br> The awkward exchange goes on for a while. In the end your dad seems happy that you and Andrew are dating. You are relieved when the conversation finally ends and the two of you [[leave the house|Part14BoyfriendAndrew]] so you can show Andrew around town. <<else>> "But from what she's said, you seem like a fine young man, and you seem to be a stabilizing influence on her. That's good, that's exactly what she needs right now. I think the time away from you hasn't been the best for her though. She seems to have started to drift towards the sort of behavior I'd been worried about. She'll need a firm hand guiding her back on track right now." <br><br> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>> "Yes, sir," Peter tells your father conidently. You had warned him how to act around your father and he seems to be doing a convincing job. "I'm sure I'll have her back to acting like a proper young lady right away." Peter is doing a great job, much better than you'd expected. You wonder how your Dad would react if he knew you had Peter's cock locked in a cage right now and willing to do whatever you tell him to do. <<else>> "Yes.. yes, sir." Josh tells your father uncertainly. You had warned him how to act around your father, and he is trying, but you aren't sure how convinced your father is. "I'll try to... I mean I'm sure I'll have her back to acting like a proper young lady right away." <</if>> <br><br> The awkward exchange goes on for a while. Eventually your dad <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>>is<<else>>seems<</if>> satisfied that the young man has his wild young daughter under control, and the two of you <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $Keyholder == 'Robert'>> [[leave the house|Part14BoyfriendFatherChastity3]] <<else>> [[leave the house|Part14Boyfriend2]] <</if>> so you can show $dating[0] around town. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Alone with Andrew</h1> <img src="Part14/Ministry5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've been thinking about kissing Andrew for weeks and you can't wait any longer, and you know just the place to go. Well, you've been thinking about more just kissing him, but kissing him is what you want right now. Now that you are no longer at your parents house, the two of you can make out as long as you want. Of course nothing else is going to happen, <<if !setup.haveFucked('Andrew')>>especially<</if>> not here, where other people could show up at any moment. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> This is probably the only time you and Andrew will be able to kiss like this until you are back at school. You certainly aren't going to do anything at your parents house. So you try to make the most of it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> After you two have been making out for a little while you feel a need, you want Andrew so bad right now. "I know [[somewhere else we can go|Part14BoyfriendAndrewDenial]]," you tell him. <<else>> After the two of you have been at it for a while, you hear a deep rumbling noise. You both realize it's your stomach and start laughing. "Maybe we should [[get something to eat|Part14BoyfriendAndrew2]]," Andrew says after he stops laughing. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In the Woods with Andrew</h1> <img src="Part14/Ministry9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.sexCount() == 0>> You'd always imagined your first time having sex would be somewhere romantic, maybe even on your wedding night. <<elseif setup.sexVaginalCount() == 0>> You'd always imagined your first time going all the way with Andrew would be somewhere romantic, maybe with candles flickering giving everything a soft glow. <<else>> You'd thought you could wait to be with Andrew again until after you got back to school, and hopefully after they turned off this denial thing. <</if>> But you need Andrew too much right now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You take him to a special place you know about in the woods, where no one will find you, then you lay down a blanket. The making out continues for a little while, but soon you are stripping off your clothes and helping Andrew take his off. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He's perhaps surprised, but certainly not minding, how direct you are being as you push him onto his back on the blanket and climb on top of him. You realize how wet you are as grab him and guide him into you as you lower yourself down. You let out a small gasp as you drop down. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Feeling him inside you, doesn't feel like you know it should. You don't have the pleasure, but yet it still feels so right. You want his cock to stay in you forever. You love the feeling of him deep inside you as you sit on his hips. But clearly he wants you to move, so you begin riding him. Each time you pull up and his cock starts to come out of you, you feel a desperate need to have him back inside you and you quickly lower yourself back down. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't feel the pleasure that causes your moans, but you see how much Andrew loves them, so you are glad you are making them. As your moans start to increase Andrew tells you, "I'm about to cum." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You suddenly feel the need to have him inside you even more than before and drop down all the way, so his cock is as far as it will go. You just move a little back and forth over and over again because you don't want to take him out of you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew', vaginal: true, noPullout:true, noCondom: true})>> You feel the warmth of it as he cums inside you and hearing him groan as he does makes you so happy. You stop moving and lay there on top of him with him still inside you, until finally he starts to get soft. "That was amazing," he tells you. You still lay there a bit longer until you hear a deep rumbling noise. You both realize it's your stomach and start laughing. "Maybe we should [[get something to eat|Part14BoyfriendAndrew2]]," Andrew says after he stops laughing. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Eating with Andrew</h1> <img src="Part14/Ministry7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Andrew finally get a chance to talk alone. Well, you had a chance earlier, but you didn't want to waste time talking. The two of you both talk about how much you missed each other, and how glad you are that soon you'll be back at school and able to see each other all the time again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After your meal you take Andrew around town like you'd said. But when you see the new [[rec center|Part14BoyfriendAndrew3]] that opened since you were gone, you decide to back to the house and change so you can try it out. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Climbing with Andrew</h1> <img src="Part14/Ministry6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've been wanting to try the climbing wall at the rec center ever since you heard about it, and it sounds like fun to Andrew too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I've heard that you see some really beautiful views mountain climbing, but I never imagined it would look this amazing," Andrew says as you are getting your climbing harness on. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh stop!", you say laughing when you realize he was talking about how the harness makes your butt look in your leggings. You'd probably flirt back with him, but you have to focus on the instructions you are getting and then start your attempt at the wall. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobAthlete or $BodyType == 'Fit'>> You haven't been working out as much as usual during summer break, but once you get climbing you find you are still in good condition. Once you get used to finding the foot and hand holds, you soon are making your way to the top of the wall. Everyone watches as you try the much harder "challenge wall" next, and manage to make it the top in amazing time - at least for a new climber. <<elseif $BodyType == 'Plus'>> You do your best on the climbing wall, but only make it about half way to the top. But you did your best and you are proud of how far you made it on your first time trying something like this. Andrew tells you that you did a great job as is excited for you. <<else>> It's quite the challenge, but you manage to make it to the top of the climbing wall eventually. Andrew is cheering you on the entire way and applauds for you when you make it to the top. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> By the time you [[leave the rec center and head home|Part14BoyfriendAndrew4]], you are exausted. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Thinking of Andrew</h1> <img src="Part14/Ministry7.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Andrew has work tomorrow, so he heads back home shortly after the rec center. You walk him to his car, so you can kiss him a bit longer, away from the view of your parents. But it's not long enough, and then he has to go. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You go to bed early that night, your afternoon at the climbing wall has taken a lot out of you. But as you fall asleep you think of Andrew. You miss him already, but at least it won't be long before you are leaving and [[heading back to campus|Part14Home5]] too. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With $dating[0]</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part14/Home78.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="650"></video> </div> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0], vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've been thinking about $dating[0]'s cock for weeks and you can't wait any longer. The first place in town you show him is a nice secluded place you know about where you can be alone. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>> "I want to really reward you for putting on such a good act for my father," you tell Peter as you unlock his chastity cage. <<else>> "I've missed you so much!", you tell Josh as you begin stripping of your clothes. It isn't long before you are in the back seat of your car getting fucked by Josh. "Oh god, I've missed your cock too!" <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You can't really feel it, but just having it inside you again feels so right. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You aren't going to be able to orgasm, but you don't care. Well you do, but you are happy just being with $dating[0] right now, of having him inside you, and seeing a familiar far-away look in his eyes as he gets close to his orgasm. A moment later you hear him groan as he fills you with a huge load he'd saved for you. <<elseif $PlayerEasytoOrgasm or $PlayerSuperOrgasms>> It doesn't take long before the screams from your orgasm are echoing through the car and the nearby woods. <<else>> You were too eager for much foreplay, and after so long apart he cums before you can. But you don't care, just feeling his cock inside you is enough for right now. <</if>> You smile as he pulls his cock out and you feel him leaking out of you. You reach back for a taste. You realize you missed that too. <<if $PlayerPregnant>> <<elseif $PlayerProtectionTry>> You wonder if this will be the time $dating[0] puts his baby inside you. You think that would be so romantic after being apart for so long. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> You don't care that you were both too eager to think about the condoms you'd left back in your room. You are just glad to be together again. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> You don't care that you were both too eager to think about pulling out. You are just glad to be together again. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You try to clean up $dating[0]'s cum leaking out of you a bit before getting dressed again, you don't want to make a mess of your pretty new panties. But now that your initial need, and $dating[0]'s, is <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> as satisfied as it can be <<else>> satisfied <</if>> you feel much better and can finish showing him around your home town. Of course, there will be time for <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>> [[more fun later|Part14HomePeter]] <<else>> [[more fun later|Part14HomeJosh]] <</if>> at home, when your Mom and Dad are out of the house. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In your room with Peter</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part14/Home79.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="650"></video> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When your parent's are out, you are ready for some more fun. But this time things will be back to normal. Peter won't be as horny as normal since you've just let him drain weeks and weeks of cum into you. But now he's back in his chastity cage, and you now just how to get his balls aching again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are freshly showered, and in your pajamas, and give Peter a teasing little show. When you pull down the waistband, slide your hand across your hairless mons and tease your lips you ask him. "Do you miss her yet?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well, you [[don't need to wait|Part14HomePeter2]], she's eager to see you again too." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In your room with Peter</h1> <video src="Part14/Home81.webm" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, what you are missing now is Peter's tongue. You leave his cock locked away where it belongs. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You don't want your denial to interfere with Peter's training, so you put him to work as normal. You can't feel his tongue, at least not very much, but it does give you a pleasant familiar feeling seeing his head down there. Your body feels more than you can though, and you find your legs wrapping around his head holding him in, and bucking against him, just as if you were having an orgasm. Except that you feel none of it. Now that his work is done <<else>> His skills haven't gotten stale, and his tongue feels just as good as ever. It isn't long before you are grabbing his hair with your hands and wrapping your legs around his head and holding him in as you cum. Now that your needs are satisfied, <</if>> you are ready to go downstairs for the movie with your brother and sister. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you watch the movie with Peter, Cassie, and Dylan you lie comfortably with your head in Peter's lap. You stay where it's comfortable, and are careful not to bump your head on the hard metal cage between his legs. You love the feeling as he strokes your hair as you watch the movie. You also love knowing how much it is driving him crazy having your mouth inches from his cock, with no hope of even getting hard. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You see your parents one more time before you and Peter [[head back to school|Part14Home5]]. Peter gives another convicing performance for your father telling him how he'll use a firm hand to make sure you behaves yourself. Of course, he's already got his reward, so this one just earns a bit of praise for Peter once you are outside. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In your room with Josh</h1> <video src="Part14/Home80.webm" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Josh'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When your parent's are out, you are ready for some more fun. Josh is too, but he's more demanding this time. Before you are even finished undressing, he orders you to suck his cock. You drop to your knees without objection and start sucking his cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you've sucked his cock for a while he has you stand up, only to push you down onto the bed. Without any further foreplay, he pulls your panties to the side. As his fingers brush against your lips you realize how wet his treatment of you has made you. <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> You always love when he's forceful or tells you what to do in bed. <</if>> He doesn't care about that and instead lubs up his cock and slides it into your ass. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As he pounds your ass, he holds your arms down to the bed. He only lets go when he decides to spank your ass as he fucks you, telling you what a naughty girl you are and how you deserve and want to be punished. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After Josh cums in your ass, you both start to dress to head downstairs. "No so fast," he tells you. "you still [[need to be punished|Part14HomeJosh2]]". <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Punished by Josh</h1> <video src="Part14/Home82.webm" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Your father said I need to use a firm hand to keep you from acting too slutty, didn't he?", Josh asks. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you agree Josh follows up with, "And you were just about to go down and watch a movie with your brother and sister with an ass full of cum, weren't you?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you admit is true as well he says, "That sounds like pretty slutty behavior to me. I'd hate to have to lie to your father," Josh says. "Bend over." he orders. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> By the time his hand stops swatting your ass, your cheeks are red and throbbing. Then he pulls your panties aside again and slides one finger inside you. "And these are because of how much you enjoyed the earlier ones." Then his hands begins on your ass again. <<if !$PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive to 1>> <br><br> <i>You realize you have a submissive side and Josh seems eager to help you explore it.</i> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you watch the movie with Josh, Cassie, and Dylan you shift uncomfortably on the sofa. The discomfort from your still-stinging ass cheeks is a constant reminder of the earlier fun with Josh. A bit of cum leaking out of you and down your leg ever now and then, is a more occasional reminder. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You see your parents one more time before you and josh [[head back to school|Part14Home5]]. Josh is much more confident this time when he tells your father that he'll use a firm hand to make sure you behaves yourself. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>$dating[0] and Your Father Talking</h1> <<if setup.haveInventory('sex toys', 'chastity belt')>> <<set $tempPlayerChastityBeltPrevious to 1>> <img src="Part14/Home75.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <<else>> <img src="Part14/Home61.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <</if>> <<set $PlayerChastityBelt to 1>> <<set $BoyfriendStrictChastity to 1>> <<set $Keyholder to $dating[0]>> <<set $KeyholderPronoun to "he">> <<set $KeyholderPronounPossessive to "his">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I had been really worried about <<if $playerName>>$playerName<<else>>her<</if>> when she'd first changed," your father says. I'd worried with college, and the new body, it might have all been too much for her. I was worried she might spiral out of control - I mean we've all heard the X-Change stories. I'd half-expected her first year to end with her pregnant, dropping out, and moving back here. But thankfully that didn't happen." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "However", your father continues. He talks directly to $dating[0] as if you aren't even there. "Now that I've seen her behavior firsthand, I see that I was right to be concerned." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes, sir. I've seen that too. <<if $dating[0] == 'Peter'>> She informed me of the horrible display that you had to witness recently. Rest assured she will be disciplined," Peter says doing his best to see like he's the dominant one in your relationship. <<else>> She's had quite a struggle with the... urges that the implant has given her. I've been doing what I can to help her keep them in check," Josh responds. <</if>> He senses your father has something specific in mind, so he adds, "If you have any advice, it would be appreciated, sir." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes, I do," your father answers back. "Seeing her behavior this summer, <<if setup.haveFucked('Mike') or $UncleChair>> as well as what I have learned of her behavior at Christmas, <</if>> it has become clear that she is not capable of controlling her desires. It is also not resonable to expect that you are able to supervise her at all times. That is why I have purchased this. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Then your father pulls a chastity belt out of a bag that was next to him! "<<if $playerName>>$playerName<<else>>Young lady<</if>>, when you head back to school, it will be wearing this belt." You stare back at him in shock as you imagine not being able to orgasm until you return home. But then he adds, "Your boyfriend will be holding the key, as you've proven yourself incapable of self-restraint. Go put it on now. I'll send you with my credit card to get her measured for a more secure one this afternoon." <<if setup.haveInventory('sex toys', 'chastity belt')>> <br><br> "Actually sir, that part won't be necessary," $dating[0] says. "I already have a secure belt for her. I let her go without it during the trip since I assumed she would be safe away from school. I won't make that mistake again." Your father then instructs you to wear that one instead. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You try not to laugh, with $dating[0] holding the key, the belt will be off as soon as you are out of sight of the house. You'll humor your dad and his medieval idea. You head upstairs, shimmy out of your skinny jeans and remove the sexy panties you'd worn for $dating[0]. After you put on the belt, you realize the jeans aren't an option now, so you put on a skirt and then head downstairs. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your father makes you prove the belt is on by lifting the front of your skirt to show the locked front panel of your belt. Then he has you [[hand the keys|Part14BoyfriendFatherChastity2]] over to $dating[0]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Locked on Father's Orders</h1> <img src="Part14/Home76.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'chastity belt')>> <<set $PlayerChastityBelt = 1>> <<set $Keyholder to $dating[0]>> <<set $KeyholderPronoun to "he">> <<set $KeyholderPronounPossessive to "his">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Obviously, the belt will limit the slutty behavior she is capable of getting into, though not completely eliminate it," you father explains to $dating[0]. "The belt also prevents her from pleasuring herself unless you allow it. As that is something you can allow or withhold, you can use that to encourage proper behavior from her." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> $dating[0] is nodding and agreeing with your father convincingly. You didn't know he was such a good actor. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He continues, "Given her past behavior, I expect she'll try to use sex to persuade you to unlock her. Don't let her manipulate you. I'd rather you not allow her out for sex at all, but I'm not stupid, you obviously will. Just be sure it is on your terms, not hers." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And keep in mind, she is has multiple ways of satisfying your needs with the belt still on." You stand in shock as your father refers to you sucking $dating[0]'s cock, or letting him fuck your ass! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Thank you sir. I think this will be just the tool to help me straighten out her behavior," $dating[0] tells your father. Your father seems completely convinced by his act. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $tempPlayerChastityBeltPrevious>> "That's all I needed," you father says like it was something minor! "You two can go visit, I'm sure <<else>> "Here's my credit card," you father says as he hands it to $dating[0]. "You can go get her fitted for a secure belt now. Perhaps <</if>> the two of you need some time to discuss things as well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You're glad that weird and awkward conversation is over. You're also excited to [[get somewhere private|Part14BoyfriendFatherChastity3]] so $dating[0] can unlock you for a good fuck. Thinking about not being able to masturbate or have sex or anything without $dating[0]'s permission has made you <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> really fucking horny. <<else>> hornier than you would have expected. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You already can't cum because of your probation denial, but this is even worse. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Discussing the Belt with $dating[0]</h1> <img src="Part14/Home77.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> As soon as you are somewhere private with $dating[0], you tell him, "That was great. You really had him convinced. <<if !$PlayerChastityBelt or $Keyholder == $dating[0]>> Now, go ahead and unlock this thing. <<elseif $PlayerItemNerdKey>> Now, let me unlock that cage for you. <</if>> <<if $PlayerItemNerdKey and setup.areDating('Peter')>> I have a very special treat for you. When was the last time I let your cock out, let alone <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $Keyholder != $dating[0]>> sucked your cock and swallowed every drop?" <<else>> let you fuck me?" <</if>> <<else>> It's been too long since I've felt your cock inside me." <</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0]})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$PlayerChastityBelt or $Keyholder == $dating[0]>> "No. I won't be unlocking you," $dating says. "I wasn't lying to your father. I think this is exactly what you need." When you start to object he asks you "How many men have you fucked since we last saw each other? How many cocks have you sucked?" You try to think but he quickly answers for you, "The correct answer should have been zero, and you shouldn't have had to think about it." <<elseif $PlayerItemNerdKey>> <<unset $PlayerItemNerdKey>> <<set $PeterFree to 1>> <<set $PeterKeyPurchase to 1>> After you unlock his cage he tells you, "Good, and you should know my cock won't be going back in there again. From now on, you'll be the only one in chastity." The longer you've been in chastity the more submissive you've gotten, but you wonder what's suddenly made Peter feel so bold. You soon understand when he shows you the key to your chastity belt. <<if $JobGloryHole>> "I purchased your debt, and your collateral, from Robert. I assured him his booth girl would be keeping up her work. But that her off-hours are all mine now." <<else>> "I purchased your keys from Robert. He didn't charge that much, I think he'd gotten bored of you and wanted to move on to someone new in the fall." <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Now, I want you on your knees and sucking my cock," $dating[0] says firmly as he drops his pants. "And every second I have to wait is another week before I even think about letting you have an <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> orgasm. And that's after your probation is lifted and you could cum again if I allowed it." <<else>> orgasm." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set $BoyfriendStrictChastity to 1>> <<set $PlayerChastityBelt to 1>> <<set $Keyholder to $dating[0]>> <<set $KeyholderPronounPossessive to "he">> <<set $KeyholderPronounPossessive to "his">> You just stare at him, not finding his joke amusing. <div style="font-size: 125%"><b><i>1</i></b></div><br> "Don't be ridiculous," you say still not believing he's serious.<br> <div style="font-size: 125%"><b><i>2</i></b></div><br> "It's not funny anymore. Unlock me." <div style="font-size: 125%"><b><i>3</i></b></div><br> You quickly <<if $PlayerItemNerdKey and setup.areDating('Peter')>> <<unset $PlayerItemNerdKey>> <<set $PeterFree to 1>> grab the key to his chastity cage and unlock him. Then you <</if>> drop to your knees and start <<if $PeterFree>> [[sucking his cock|Part14BoyfriendFatherChastityPeter]]. <<else>> sucking his cock. <br><br> "3 weeks," he says as your lips move up and down on his cock. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> "So if takes you a month [[after we head back to school|Part14Home5]] to get off probation, that's if you're lucky and get a professor to change a grade. If you're not so lucky, it'll be a whole semester. Then add three more weeks. Sounds like it'll be at least October or November <<else>> "So we'll be [[heading back to school|Part14Home5]], settled back in, and already back to class <</if>> before you orgasm again. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You whimper in frustration as you imagine waiting that long to orgasm again. <</if>> Well, assuming there's not a delay next time I tell you to suck my cock, and I don't have to add another week or two. But if you don't want me to hold the keys, we can go discuss it with your father." <br><br> You shake your head "no" as you continue to suck $dating[0]'s cock. Your father would probably want to keep the keys himself then. This is much better than that! <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Discussing the Belt with $dating[0]</h1> <img src="Part14/Home83.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "3 weeks," he says as your lips move up and down on his cock. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> "So if takes you a month [[after we head back to school|Part14Home5]] to get off probation, that's if you're lucky and get a professor to change a grade. If you're not so lucky, it'll be a whole semester. Then add three more weeks. Sounds like it'll be at least October or November <<else>> "So we'll be [[heading back to school|Part14Home5]], settled back in, and already back to class <</if>> before you orgasm again. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You whimper in frustration as you imagine waiting that long to orgasm again. <</if>> Well, assuming there's not a delay next time I tell you to suck my cock, and I don't have to add another week or two. But if you don't want me to hold the keys, we can go discuss it with your father." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You shake your head "no" as you continue to suck $dating[0]'s cock. Your father would probably want to keep the keys himself then. This is much better than that! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once Peter starts moaning from your blowjob, that's all your can think about and your eagerness increases the closer his orgasm gets. You are ready for his cock to fill your mouth with his cum, but he has other plans today. Just before then, he pulls out of your mouth. You hear him grunt loudly as he releases weeks of pent up cum all over your face and chest. Once the bulk of it is out he lets you suck on his cock a bit longer to get the last few drops. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You aren't finished," he says as you start to reach for something to wipe up with. "You don't need that to clean yourself up with." You understand and quickly get to work licking the cum from your breasts where you can reach, and using your fingers to scoop it up where your tongue can't reach. "Good girl," he says patting your on the head as he pulls up his pants. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Teasing Dylan again</h1> <img src="Part14/Home34.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are teasing Dylan again. This time you are pretending to torture him for information. Of course, the 'torture' is slowly teasing his cock until he's begging you to stroke it, or to at least slide one finger down the shaft. But your finger just keeps slowly circling the had, driving him crazy. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "What secrets are you hiding," you demand. "If you want more, you'll need to confess!" You reach out with your hand like you are going to stroke his cock, but then don't. You return to just one finger again, leaving him whimpering. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Finally, he 'confesses'. <<if $JobPorn or $JobPornAnal or $JobPornGang or $JobPornOral>> "I know about your job. Your real job," he blurts out. "I watch all your scenes. No one else <<if $JobPornAnal>> loves getting their ass fucked like you," <<elseif $JobPornOral>> loves sucking a cock like you," <<elseif $JobPornGang>> loves fucking an entire football team like you," <<else>> looks as hot getting fucked as you do," <</if>> he says, removing any doubt that he really knows about your porn star job. <br><br> Your mind races knowing that not only does your brother know about your porn career, he's been jerking off to your videos for months now. You try to play it cool though. "Good boy," you tell him. "I think that confession [[deserves an orgasm|Part14BrotherBlackmail]]." <<elseif $CodySexting or setup.haveFucked('Cody')>> "Those pictures, the ones you let Cody take. The ones I found on the internet," he blurts out. "I didn't delete them like you told me. I still have them. I still jerk off to them." <br><br> You laugh at your brother and his confession. "Well, you are a naughty boy, aren't you. Though, I guess you were a good boy just now for confessing. So I suppose you do [[deserves an orgasm|Part14BrotherBlackmail]]." <<else>> "I want you to keep control of my cock! Even after you go home." You continue to question him about it and he tells you that he desperately wants to cum, but that he loves you controlling him like you have been. He's even looked into how you could unlock him remotely, though you already know all about those. Of course all of those depend on him locking the cage back on afterwards, but that is obviously not going to be a problem. <br><br> "Good boy," you tell him after he confesses. "I think that deserves an orgasm. And enjoy it, because it'll probably be your last one for a while." <br><br> A [[quick handjob into his own underwear|Part14ChastityCage6][$tempDylanReward to 1]] would probably feel amazing to him right now. But if you want to reward him you could, [[add some fantasy to his handjob|Part14ChastityCage6][$tempDylanReward to 2]] instead. Or you could really reward him, and let him do [[whatever he wants|Part14ChastityCage6][$tempDylanReward to 3]]. You're thankful he's got plenty of lube left, since you assume it'll involve your ass. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Rewarding Dylan</h1> <<if $tempDylanReward === 2>> <img src="Part14/Chastity15.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<elseif $tempDylanReward === 3>> <video src="Part14/Chastity16.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<else>> <img src="Part14/Chastity14.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You decide to reward Dylan for his confession, and for agreeing to let you keep control of his cock even after you return to school. <<if $tempDylanReward === 2>> You lie back like Dylan is going to fuck you, but instead of spreading your legs for him, you have him straddle you. <br><br> You lube up your hand and hold it out for him. He moans as he fucks your hand. You know with every thrust he's looking down and imagining he's inside you. <br><br> It doesn't take long before, like a good boy, he's telling you [[he's about to cum|Part14ChastityCage7]]. <<elseif $tempDylanReward === 3>> You are expecting him to fuck your ass, given the choice. You leave the lube handy for him and lie face down, waiting to feel his cock slide into your ass. But you feel something else instead. <br><br> You let out a moan as you feel his cock part your lips and slide into you. After a few thrusts from him and you are moaning and thrusting back. <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> If you'd thought he was going to fuck you, you might have told him to wear a condom. But certainly don't want to ask him stop and put one on now. <</if>> <br><br> <<if $PlayerEasytoOrgasm or $PlayerSuperOrgasms>> You aren't expecting him to last long, but thankfully your easy orgasm ensure you cum even faster. <<else>> You aren't expecting him to last long, but you realize you must have been more turned on that you'd realized, because you are cumming even sooner than him. <</if>> As you start to cry out and tug at the sheets, he tells you he's about to cum. "[[Don't stop!|Part14ChastityCage7]]", it's all you manage to say, desperate for him not to pull out of you now. <<else>> You put his underwear on him, with his hands still bound. Then you begin stroking his cock. It doesn't take long before, like a good boy, he's telling you he's about to cum. But this time you keep going, as cum spurts and then oozes out of his cock, making a mess of his underwear. <br><br> You leave his cock uncaged, and his underwear on him. "You aren't allowed to change them until tomorrow," you order him. "I want you feeling like the messy little slut you are, all day long, and all night too." <br><br> <<unset $DylanChastityKey>> <<set $DylanChastitySelfLocked>> "Now we'll go down to the hardware store and get a lockbox, and I'll show you how to use the online keyholding site. That way you can keep your cock properly secured all by yourself after I [[go back to school|Part14Home5]]." <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Rewarding Dylan</h1> <<if $tempDylanReward === 2>> <img src="Part14/Chastity17.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<else>> <img src="Part14/Chastity18.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $tempDylanReward === 2>> "Don't stop. Fuck me harder!", you tell him as you fake moans. "Cum for me!", you tell him. It doesn't take long before he does exaclty that, covering your stomach and chest with weeks of pent up orgasms. <br><br> <<unset $DylanChastityKey>> <<set $DylanChastitySelfLocked>> Once he's done you tell him, "Now we'll go down to the hardware store and get a lockbox, and I'll show you how to use the online keyholding site. That way you can keep your cock properly secured all by yourself after I [[go back to school|Part14Home5]]." <br><br> "But first, you'll need to clean up this mess you made on me. No towels. Your tongue will do just fine." <<else>> You continue to orgasm, and after a few more thrusts from him, he grunts and cums too. He lies there a moment, his weight pressing down on you from above with his cock inside you still. <<if $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> Only after he takes his cock out and you feel the cum leaking out you do you remember that you should have had him pull out before he came. But it was feeling too good to do that at the time. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionTry>> After a moment, as he takes his cock out and you feel the cum leaking out you, you wonder if this could be the time you concieve - from your owner brother. <<else>> After a moment, he takes his cock out, and you feel his cum leaking out of you. <</if>> <br><br> "I hope you enjoyed your orgasm. It'll be your last for a while. I'm needing another one though. Get your tongue down here and clean up the mess you made while you're at it," you order him. <br><br> "In a while we'll go down to the hardware store and get a lockbox, and I'll show you how to use the online keyholding site. That way you can keep your cock properly secured all by yourself after I [[go back to school|Part14Home5]]. But not right now." <br><br> You make it simple for him. "Orgasm first. Then clean. And then talk." At that you slap your ass to draw his attention back to where it belongs. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Rewarding Dylan for his Confession</h1> With Dylan's hands still tied up, you start licking his cock, rubbing your lips and tongue on it's most sensitive spots. Of course you know Dylan is still aching for you to take the entire thing in your mouth, but you don't. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part14/Home34.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you also don't stop, or slow down, when you know his orgasm is getting closer. You keep going until see cum spurting out, you keep going, watching it continue to ooze with each lick. Then you wipe his cock down with a damp cloth and tell him, "There's you reward. Time to go back into your cage." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "No, I don't think so, sis," he says, sounding very confident for someone currently bound and helpless. "I think if you want me to stay quiet, you'll be leaving me unlocked. And I'll be getting a lot more than a tease of a blowjob," he waits for a second before continuing. "That is, unless you want me to share your secret with Dad." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobPorn or $JobPornAnal or $JobPornOral or $JobPornGang>> <<set $BrotherBlackmailSuccess to 1>> "Ok. Ok. Have it you way," you say untying him. "[[What will it take|Part14BrotherBlackmail2]] for you to keep quiet." <<else>> <<set $BrotherBlackmailFailure to 1>> You laugh at him. "Ok. Let's go tell Dad. Let's see how that will go: 'Dad, I've been jerking off to pictures of my sister I got from her ex's stolen phone. She wouldn't fuck me when I tried to blackmail her. Can you make her unlock me from this chastity cage I let her lock on me?'" <br><br> His face turns red hearing it spelled out like that. <br><br> "I think he'll take the key from me," you tell Dylan. "But then he'll throw it away so his perv son won't be able to try to fuck his sister ever again." <br><br> "So no," you conclude. "I won't be leaving you unlocked. You'll be locking your cock up whenever I say if you don't want Dad to find out what a perv <b>you</b> are. And I think you've just forfeited the next orgasm I might have let you have. If you don't want to forfeit the ten after that then you'll say: 'I'm sorry mistress for trying to blackmail you. Please lock up my cock, where it belongs." <br><br> "I'm sorry mistress for trying to blackmail you. Please lock up my cock where it belongs", Dylan says, defeated. <br><br> "And say 'Mistress, I'm going to buy a cage with an electronic lock so you can control my cock after you go back to school.', you tell him." <br><br> "But, I..." he starts <br><br> "There's another orgasm you won't be having," you tell him. <br><br> "Mistress, I'll buy a electronic cage so you can control my cock from school," he says looking at the floor. <br><br> You lock his cock back up like he asked and then say, "This one will do for now. You'll pay for express shipping on your new cage, so we can have it on you before I have to leave. But first, you are going to [[play dress up|Part14BrotherBlackmailFail]] so I can take some photos of you. It's only fair since you have some of me." <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Ensuring Dylan's compliance</h1> <img src="Part14/Home88.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You dress Dylan up in the girliest things you can find, and take tons of pictures. Some with his face, some without, some showing his locked little cock, some with it hidden under a dress. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You have him create an online account and share the photos that don't show his face. "You'll probably get lots of DMs from horny guys. I'll leave it up to you how you want to respond. If you get desperate enough, one of them might be willing to help you try to cum with that cage still on." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can see from the look he makes that he's thinking about that right now. "But, I'll hold on to all these photos with your face in them. No one but me, and a friend or two, and maybe Cassie, will see them. That is unless I unlock your cage and you don't go back in when I tell you to. Is that understood?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes, I understand," he says then quickly adds, "Mistress." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once that's taken care of, you monitor him as he orders the new cage, and requests express shipping on it. A few days later it arrives. You pair it with your phone and lock it on him. You also give the vibration setting a test, which Dylan likes, and the shock button a test, which he does not like. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Now I'll be able to reward and punish you as well as unlock you, all [[from back at school|Part14Home5]]," you tell Dylan. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Earning Dylan's Silence</h1> <<if $JobPornAnal>> <video src="Part14/Home57.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<elseif $JobPornOral>> <video src="Part14/Home56.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<else>> <video src="Part14/Home58.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You want to make sure Dylan keeps quiet about your porn career, so you give him what he wants. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'd hate for Cassie and your mom, and especially your Dad, to find out, so it's worth it for his silence. Besides, it's much more fun acting out his favorite scene with him than it was originally. You don't have a director yelling instructions, making you stop every minute or two for a different angle, or a crew of dozens of people looking on. <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> Ok, well maybe you like that last part. <</if>> <<if $JobPornGang>> And even with as much fun as he's having, Dylan will only be able to go twice or maybe three times. You won't have a line of dozen guys like in the original scene. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once Dylan has came, recovered, and came again, he talks with you about your secret. "Ok, I won't tell Mom, or Cassie, or Dad, or anyone else, about your porn acting. But I have already told one other person. I think we should [[go visit him|Part14Uncle]] to make sure he keeps quiet as well. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Hanging out with Old Friends</h1> <img src="Part14/Home30.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and the guys spend all day hanging out, it's just like old times. Well, mostly like old times. There's a certain tension that wasn't there before. But it's mostly like it always was, laughing and joking around. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> That evening, as Mason is filling up his car, Ethan jokes "It's so lame. Our friend is a hot girl now, but we still haven't got to see her tits." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You joke back at him, telling him that you get to see them every day, and they are amazing. "Even better than your sisters were," you tease. "Though, to be fair, it was freshman year in high school when she let me get to second base, so they might be better now. Jake has had his hand up your sister's shirt more recently. What do you think Jake?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Jake then points out he couldn't really say whose is better since he hasn't seen yours. The joking continues back and forth for a while, eventually one of them dares you to let them see. You decide - what the hell, why not. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> By then Mason is done filling up the car and paying and is back at the car. You give them a peek, eliciting cheers from all three. Then Jake responds. "Sorry Ethan. Those are much nicer than your sisters. But don't be upset. I assure you, your sister is still a great fuck." That earns him a glare from Ethan for a moment, but then everyone laughs. Then the three of you hop back in the car and <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'skirts')>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'blouses')>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'little black dress')>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'high heels')>> drive off towards the mall. <br><br> The guys have a fun time helping you pick out clothes they think are sexy and watching you model them for them. After you've picked out a few items, then you all [[head to the bar|Part14Friends3]] for some drinks. <<else>> [[drive off towards the mall|Part14Friends2]]. <</if>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> <br><br> On the way you are still surprised at yourself for flashing your friends. You think back to the guy at the gas station on the way home from school. But you tell yourself this is different. You and your friends were always talking each other into doing stupid things. Is it any different now you wonder? <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Hanging out with Old Friends</h1> <<if $CampusMinistry>> <img src="Part14/Ministry4.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'skirts')>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'blouses')>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'jeans')>> <<else>> <video src="Part14/Home31.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'skirts')>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'blouses')>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'little black dress')>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'high heels')>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You guys go hang out at the mall like you used to do, but it seems pretty dead compared to what it used to be like. The guys say it's been like that for a while. They also point out all the stores that are closed now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You check out some of the stores that are still open. The guys seem to love playing dress-up with you now that their friend is a woman. Well, they don't get to dress you, they have to wait while you go into the changing room. But they love you modeling the outfits when you are done changing. You even buy a few of the outfits they especially liked. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> But more than once during your shopping they comment how you'd look even better not wearing anything at all. "Well, I don't need to buy anything for that," you joke back. They even try to get you go to into the lingerie store, but you laugh and tell them, "Not going to happen, but nice try." <br><br> You've checked out all the stores that are still open that you cared about, and the guys are clearly bored of the mall, so everyone thinks its great idea when Jake suggests you all leave and [[head to the bar|Part14Friends3]]. <<else>> But more than once during your shopping they comment how you'd look even better not wearing anything at all. "Well, I don't need to buy anything for that," you joke back. <br><br> The fun of your earlier flashing, combined with the emptyness of the mall inspire you to give them another flash. They've already seen your breasts, so you decide to surprise them with a different view while you are riding up the escalator. When you spot a older man on the opposite escalator, you quickly try to cover back up. But you struggle with your tight new jeans and the man gets a lengthy view before you manage to get them up. But judging from the smile on his face when you look back, he didn't mind at all. <br><br> "Wow. Ok. I think [[I need a drink now|Part14Friends3]]," Jake says. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Drinks with Old Friends</h1> <img src="Part14/Home32.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The guys know just the place, one that isn't too far away, and that won't question your fake IDs. And they have free soda for the designated driver, so Mason is happy too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Maybe it's the beer, but you notice they guys getting much more flirty with you as the night goes on. You even notice it with Mason, so you think maybe it's you getting flirtier from your beer and they are just responding. Either way, you are enjoying it, and they seem to be too. They keep buying and they make sure you have a new one whenever your bottle runs empty. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> You have a good buzz from the beer, and it seems to be having another effect on you. <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>> You are pretty sure if Andrew were here right now, you'd be asking him to take you home, and not to sleep. <br><br> "Guys," you say. "I know we we've been joking around, and it's been fun. But just so we are all clear. I have a boyfriend. You guys are my friends, and I don't want that to change just because I have." They all agree that's for the best, though you aren't sure if they really believe it or not. <br><br> You and they both cut out the flirting after that, and [[focus on the drinking|Part14Friends4Drink]], and joking around that doesn't involve firting with you. <<elseif $AcademicProbationDenial>> Your friends are looking much more attractive to you, and it's making you feel strange. But it feels like a good sort of strange. Maybe it's the implant making you feel this way, but you don't care. You don't know why you've waited so long to have sex, and right now it feels like there's nothing in the world you want more. And if your first time can be with your friends, doesn't that make it even better? <br><br> "Guys," you say. "I know we we've been joking around, but... maybe I'd like to stop joking around. Do you think we could get out of here. Maybe we could move the party [[to Mason's apartment|Part14Friends4Sex]]?" They quickly agree with your idea. <<else>> Your friends are looking much more attractive to you, and it's making you feel strange. <br><br> "Guys," you say. "I know we we've been joking around, and it's been fun. But just so we are all clear. You guys are my friends, and I don't want that to change just because I have." They all agree that's for the best, though you aren't sure if they really believe it or not. <br><br> You and they both cut out the flirting after that, and [[focus on the drinking|Part14Friends4Drink]], and joking around that doesn't involve firting with you. <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectLibido or $PlayerSideEffectPheromones or $AcademicProbationDenial>> As you flirt with them, you realize how horny you are. You know where things will lead if you keep drinking with them. You decide you don't want to wait for that. When you suggest that you move the party [[back to Mason's apartment|Part14Friends4Sex]], they quickly agree. <<else>> You have a good buzz from the beer, and are feeling kind of horny. You wonder what the guys would say if you suggested <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> [[moving the party to Mason's house|Part14Friends4SexChastity]]. <<else>> [[moving the party to Mason's house|Part14Friends4Sex]]. <</if>> You have a pretty good idea what will happen there. Or you could [[keep drinking here|Part14Friends4Drink]] with them instead. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At Mason's House</h1> <img src="Part14/Chastity25.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Ethan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Jake'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Ethan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Jake'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are worried they are going to be disappointed when they find out about your chastity belt, but you soon discover they already knew, having seen it when one of the shorter skirts you'd tried let it show. "We all were discussing it while you were in the ladies room, and we are guessing you've gotten pretty good at sucking cock if you are in that most of the time," Mason says. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Maybe you could show us," Jake adds. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You spend the next several hours showing you old friends some of the skills you've picked up the past year. As much as you love it, you still long to feel one of them inside you. Or, even better, all three of them inside you at once. You clean up your face before you head [[back home|Part14Home5Ready]], but your panties are still hoplessly soaked. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>friends+threesome:MFM<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>At Mason's House</h1> <video src="Part14/Home33.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true, condom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Jake'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Ethan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Jake', vaginal:true, condom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Ethan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Ethan', vaginal:true, condom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Jake'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true, condom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Ethan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Jake', vaginal:true, condom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Ethan', vaginal:true, condom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Jake'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> Once the party has relocated to Mason's apartment there's a few more drinks. You know what you want, but are too nervous to say it. On your way back from the bathroom, you spot a box next to the dryer. Seeing what's in it, you know exactly what to do. You grab a few things from the top of the box and go back into the bathroom to change. <br><br> Your friends' jaws drop when you walk back into the living room wearing nothing but Mason's ex-girlfriend's lingerie and holding a box of condoms he'd never had a chance to open before they broke up. <<else>> Once the party has relocated to Mason's apartment, it gets much more fun. Things start with you modeling the one purchase the guys had only helped you pick out at the lingerie store, they hadn't got to see you in it. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Before long, there are six strong hands roaming your body. The feeling is overwhelming, and your hands try to explore whoever is closest. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You remember the first time better than the others, your three friends all fucking you at once. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You feel their cocks to different degrees. The one that should feel the best, you feel the least, but the way it fills you feels so right, it makes you happy you did this and wonder why you didn't before. You wonder how good it would feel if you weren't on the denial from your probation. You can't wait to find out. The one in your ass, you can feel it stretching you thrusting inside you, but it doesn't do much for you one way or another. The one in your mouth, you imagine feels like it always would. You love the taste of it on your tongue, and the feel of it as it slides across. <br><br> You feel like such a slut, being fucked by all of your friends at once. This certainly isn't how you'd imagined your first time, but you love it. The way they use you, fucking you even though you won't feel any real pleasure from it, somehow makes you feel even sluttier, and makes you love it even more. <</if>> Afterward there were cheers and high-fives, and then more beer. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After a beer or two they were ready to go again. Your memory of that round, and the one that came after, is less clear. It's mostly just a pleasant blur of cocks and tongues, and orgasms. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>>Theirs, not yours.<</if>> Of a mouth full of cum and hands swatting your ass. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wake up before the guys and make coffee. You've had a cup or two by the time they start waking up. Once everyone is up and awake, Mason offers to give you a ride home. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you stand there, still half out of the lingerie you'd worn, you say. "I could use a ride [[back home|Part14Home5Ready]] in a while." Then you unfurl what's left of what was a full box condoms at the start of last night. "But there's no reason I need to leave right away." <<if $CampusMinistry>> <<unset $CampusMinistry>> <<set $CampusMinistryFail to 1>> <<set $CampusMinistryFailSummer to 1>> <br><br> You know Faith and Mark will be disappointed when they learn you won't be working with them anymore to control the impulses your X-Change gave you. But this is your body, and you going to start enjoying it. Well, you will once you get off probation anyway. <</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Barry')>> <br><br> You know Barry is going to punish you for last night, well and this morning too. But know how happy it made your friends <<if !$AcademicProbationDenial>>and you<</if>> means it was absolutely worth whatever punishment he thinks you deserve. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<achievement>>friends+threesome:MFM<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Waking up at Mason's Apartment</h1> <img src="Part14/Home59.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You remember another round of beers, then someone started ordering shots. You don't remember much after that. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wake up at Jake's house with a headache. As you stumble towards the kitchen to see if there's any coffee, you see the guys are already up. They all seem to be trying not to to laugh when you look at them, like they are all hiding something. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wonder what you did last night that you don't remember. Then for a second you wonder if they took advantage of you when you passed out. But you think "That's not the sort of things my friends would do to me if I passed out". Besides, you woke up with all your clothes on, right? <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You head to the bathroom. As you are washing your hands aftewards, you look into the mirror and see your face, then your stomach. When you see all the things they wrote or drew on you, you think. "Yes, <b>that</b> is the kind of shit my friends would do to me if I passed out." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They all break up laughing when you walk back in. "Very funny guys, very funny," you say. You endure their chuckles, and wait until after you've had a cup of coffee and a headache pill before you head back to the bathroom to start scrubbing. Only once your face is clean do you get a ride [[back to your house|Part14Home5Ready]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> You arrive somewhere, someones house you realize when Dylan rings the doorbell and waits for someone to answer it. Then he leads you downstairs into the basement. Dylan orders you to strip, which you do <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> excitedly <<else>> nervously <</if>> wondering how many people are watching you. You can hear the footsteps of whoever let you in, but there could be others. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's only after he has you kneel onto a bench as straps are tightened down securing you to it that you realize where you are. <<if setup.haveFuckedVaginal('Mike')>> You remember the feel of this bench very well, so you know you are back in your uncle's (well, former uncle's) dungeon even before Dylan takes off your blindfold. <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Mike') or $UncleChair>> As soon as Dylan removes your blindfold, you recognize your uncle's (well, former uncle's) dungeon. <<else>> When Dylan removes your blindfold, you can clearly see you are in a home dungeon. When you see your Uncle Mike (well, former uncle), and remember the stories your sister had mentioned to you about the sort of things they did, that you realize you are in his dungeon. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $UncleChair>> "Do you come back for another ride in my chair?", your uncle (well, former uncle), says. "We will see about that. I think I might have other plans for you today. <<else>> "I knew you'd be back for more eventually," your uncle (well, former uncle), says. "Today might go a bit differently than last time. <</if>> Hopefully you'll still enjoy yourself. I know I'll enjoy you enough for both of us." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After Mike leads you back down to his basement dungeon and secures you to his bench, he makes a phone call. "She's here. Come on over." Then he gets his crop, and begins tracing it over your skin, making you tremble wondering where he's going to strike with it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> So far its just been teasing pats against your lower lips with his crop, making you wet but not causing any pain. Then the door to the dungeon opens, and your brother Dylan walks in! <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At your Uncle's House</h1> <video src="Part14/Uncle9.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mike'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $tempUncleCalled>> "I suppose you are wondering why I called. We'll get to that," he says firmly. "But first you need to know your place here. You aren't allowed to wear clothes in this house, unless I give you special permission. So take off those clothes." You start stripping, feeling your heart race at being commanded like this. But you are nervous as you get closer to exposing your belt. "Don't worry, I already know about your chastity belt," he adds as he senses your hesitation. <<else>> "I knew you'd be calling eventually," your former uncle Mike says as you walk through the door. "Now strip. You aren't allowed to wear clothes in this house, unless I give you special permission." You quickly remove your clothes until you are wearing nothing but your chastity belt. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $Keyholder == "Robert">> <<set $tempMikeSubmitChoice to 1>> "Now, on your knees!", he orders. "Once you've drained my balls, I have some news for you." <br><br> "No, don't wipe your face yet," he tells you after he's came for you. "You should hear this in your natural state." He zips up his pants as you stay there on your knees with cum on your face as he continues. "I've spoke with <<if $MasterRobert>> your Master Robert. We came to an agreement. I've purchased you from him. Don't worry, I didn't have to pay that much. Breaking in girls like you is his favorite part. Once they're completely submissive little sluts, he starts to lose interest. Luckily for him he gets new ones coming in every year." <br><br> "I, on the other hand, think a pretty, young, submissive slut like you is exactly what I need," he says. He can see a look of confusion and uncertainty on your face. "Oh, and he included this as part of the sale," he says as he hold up what you instantly recognize as the key to your chastity belt. <br><br> "[[Yes Master, how can I serve you|Part14Uncle]]?", you say looking up hopefully at your new master. <<else>> Robert about your chastity key. We came to an agreement, and it involves this." Then he holds up what you instantly recognize as the key to your chastity belt. <br><br> You heart races with excitement and the possibility of being allowed an orgasm as he continues. "I offered to buy you from him, but I was disappointed to learn you hadn't fully submitted to him him yet. He was confident that after a summer without an orgasm you'd do whatever he asked when you returned to him. He'd probably lose interest and move on to a new challenge then." <br><br> "I told him if you submitted to me, then he could be assured your training was done, and he didnt need you. And if you didn't submit to me, then I'd send your key back to him and he could have fun finishing your training with you. He agreed that was an excellent idea, especially at the price I was offering." <br><br> You can either say, "[[Yes Master, how can I serve you|Part14Uncle]]?" and submit to Mike as your master. Or you can say "[[I'm not submitting to you or to Robert|Part14UncleChastityLocked2]], but please let me cum while I'm here!". You could also beg to be released from this chastity belt once and for all. Maybe your uncle would do that, but you can't bring yourself to even ask. Part of you knows that you belong in this chastity belt. You realize what a slut you are locked safely in the belt, how bad would you be without it? <</if>> <<else>> "Well, that limits the fun we can have doesn't it," he says with fake disappointment. "Well, it limits the fun you can have anyway. On your knees!" <br><br> Once Mike has came for you, he leads you down to his basement dungeon. As he straps you into the bondage bench you realize, that if it weren't for the belt, he could fuck you easily from either side while you are bound here. It makes you ache again to be out of the belt and filled with his cock. <br><br> But your thoughts are interrupted by a ring at the door. "Oh, he's here. He'd been dying to [[play with you|Part14UncleChastityLocked2]] in my dungeon ever since I told him about our fun at Christmas. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In your Uncle's Dungeon</h1> <video src="Part14/Uncle10.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set $UncleWithDylan to 1>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $tempMikeSubmitChoice>> Mike is disappointed in your rejection, but says not to worry, Robert will give him a refund of most of your purchase price when he sends the key, and later you, back to him. You don't tell him that you weren't worried about his money. "But I did have to promise that I wouldn't unlock you or let you cum if I was returning you." Well, you had worried about that. <br><br> He's still planning on having a day of fun with you though, so Mike leads you down into his basement dungeon. As he straps you into the bondage bench you realize, that if it weren't for the belt, he could fuck you easily from either side while you are bound here. It makes you ache again to be out of the belt and filled with his cock. You wonder if you made the right decision. <br><br> But your thoughts are interrupted by a ring at the door. "Oh, he's here. He'd been dying to play with you in my dungeon. <<if $tempUncleCalled>> ever since he told me about your chastity belt." <<else>> ever since I told him about our fun at Christmas." <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you see your brother Dylan walk in you are still bound to the bench, helpless and naked except for your chastity belt. <<if $tempUncleCalled>> You realize Dylan must have told your uncle about the belt, and it probably wouldn't have been hard for your uncle to check out who held the key at school. <</if>> "Hello, sis. I see you are ready and waiting for me." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You look around the room at all the whips, paddles, and other things he could use on you and you'd be unable to protect yourself. You get wet realizing that even if you refused, he could easily make you change your mind. Of course, your mind doesn't need any changing, and you eagerly open your mouth for him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He fucks your mouth with you bound to the bench for a while, but after a while, he releases you from the bench, so you can get on your knees to suck his cock properly. Soon he rewards you with a face full of cum. "Oh, I needed that sis," he tells you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wonder if they are just going to take turns fucking your mouth all day. You'll assume they'll both need time to recover before the are ready for another one. <<if $tempMikeSubmitChoice>> At least that will give you time to [[beg for an orgasm|Part14UncleChastityLocked3]] between blowjobs. You'll promise to act really horny and not say anything about it when you see Robert again. <<else>> Maybe you can [[explain your situation|Part14UncleChastityLocked3]] to them then, so they won't think of you as just a slut with a mouth for them to use. <</if>> <<unset $tempUncleCalled>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At your Uncle's House</h1> <img src="Part14/Uncle11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mike'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mike'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You discover you won't have any chance to <<if $tempMikeSubmitChoice>>beg<<else>>explain<</if>> since as soon one of them is done using your mouth, they put the latex muzzle Mike brought out on you. You have to breathe through two holes for your nostrils and can't speak at all. They only take if off you when they decide you need something to drink, to eat, or one of their cocks again. <<unset $tempMikeSubmitChoice>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The rest of the time, you sit in silence with them as they watch the game on television. When it's finally time to go home you are even hornier than when you arrived. You are counting the days until you can [[head back to school|Part14Home5]] to Master Robert. Wait, no it's just Robert, he's not my master, you try to remind yourself. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At your Uncle's house</h1> Mike doesn't have the chair anymore, it seems your Aunt Kim wanted it back. But he says he has something even better. You are nervous as you strip for him, but you remind yourself that he's already seen you naked and orgasming before. This time, instead of tying you to a a chair, he cuffs you to a bed. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part14/Uncle12.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Before he attaches the wand to your leg, you are laying there, wide open. You realize he could climb on top of you and take your virginity right now and there would be nothing you could do to stop him. If he hadn't already put the gag in your mouth, you'd probably be begging for him to do just that. But you can't say anything, though you wonder if the wetness between your legs is telling him the same thing your mouth would. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He doesn't do that though. Instead he places a wand vibrator, like the one the chair had, with the vibrating head nestled between your lips and against your clit. The rest of the wand he straps to your leg to hold it in position. Then he turns it on, and it feels just as good as you remembered. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But, unlike last time, it doesn't keep going. It doesn't let you orgasm, and then force you to orgasm, like it did at Christmas. No this time, the wand shuts off for a while. Then it starts up again. It keeps shutting on and off again on its own, constantly making you need an orgasm, but never staying on long enough to give it to you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't know how long he leaves you like this, but it seems like an eternity. You'd do anything to be allowed to cum, just once. That's when he takes your gag out and says, "Now you should be ready to talk. I have [[some questions|Part14UncleVirgin2]] for you." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Questioned by Mike</h1> As soon as Mike removes the gag from your mouth, you start begging him to be allowed to orgasm. He warns you to stop, or he'll put the gag back in and let you 'simmer' a while longer. You quickly quiet down and lay there in hope that he gives you what you desperately need. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He turns a knob and the wand stops for the moment. "Now," he begins, "you told me last time you were here that you were a virgin. Was that true?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes," you tell him. But then when he tells you to add 'Sir', you quickly correct yourself, "Yes, sir." He presses more with the question, turning the wand off and on and asking you again and telling you the only way you might be allowed to orgasm today is if you tell the truth. You plead with him that you are, and he seems to eventually believe you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well, we saw what a slut you were at your last visit, didn't we?" You don't want to say it, but you know the answer he wants is 'Yes, sir,' so that's what you answer. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You think you hear something in the room, but the blindfold he put on you prevents you from seeing what it might have been. "Obviously you didn't stay a virgin after you left here," he states as a fact. "How many guys did you fuck once you got back to school? It's ok to estimate if you can't remember exactly" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "None. None, sir," you tell him. "I didn't sleep with anyone before or after that." He seems even more skeptical this time, and keeps teasing you with the wand again, and asking the question over and over in different ways. Finally he moves on to a different question. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "So you expect me to believe a little slut like you has gone months without an orgasm?" he says skeptically. You tell him, that you've came lots of times, whenever you can sneak a chance to touch yourself, you do. He then starts questioning you about your fantasies and what you think about while you pleasure yourself. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are hestitant at first, but the more he teases you with the wand, the more you share. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> At first you tell him about the tamer fantasies you have, where you've gone on a date with a cute guy and then gone home with him. <video src="Part3/JobBar6.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="300"></video> <video src="Part3/JobBarista5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="300"></video> <video src="Part11/Andrew5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="300"></video> <video src="Part11/CallGirl6.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="300"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That's really hot," you hear, and you recognize it's your brother Dylan's voice! You wonder how long he's been listening. You stop sharing and squirm trying to get loosen your restraints. A brief, but painful swat on your clit comes a moment later. "Don't worry about him," Mike tells you. "Continue. That doesn't sound nearly as depraved as I think you are." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I've been trying to help Dylan here avoid ending up on the same path as you," Mike explains. "I figured if he saw how much fun being a real man and making use of a woman could be, he wouldn't ever be tempted to experiment with trying to be one himself. So let him hear exactly the kind of thoughts that go through a sluts mind every day. And then he and I will decide how to get the most enjoyment out of you." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You confess that sometimes you are imagining them in your mouth or your ass instead, and he laughs at you thinking that makes it 'worse' somehow, and he has you continue.<br> <img src="Part9/Delta7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300" align="left"> <video src="Part12/Andrew14.webm" autoplay loop muted height="300"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You tell him you've heard stories about girls using sexual favors to get better grades, and you've fantasized about that. You tell him about the fantasy you have, of blowing your professor in his office. You confess how you've masturbated while imagining your instructor disciplining you until your ass is red. And how you've gotten off imagining he was fucking you over the desk in class. <br> <img src="Part6/Professor4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300" align="left"> <video src="Part6/Professor6.webm" autoplay loop muted height="300"></video> <video src="Part12/Daddy2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="300"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I know there's more," Mike tells you, turning the wand up briefly to get you right to the edge of an orgasm, then turning it off a bit and ordering you to continue telling him and Dylan about your fantasies. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You tell him about the 'experiments' you've heard about going on at your school. You tell him you fantasize that all the rumors you've heard are true, and that you are one of the girls being bound and bred by your schools engineering department.<br> <img src="Part6/SpecialProject8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300" align="left"> <img src="Part13/Breeder3.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Interesting. I'll have to give them a call to see what's true and what's not," Mike says before ordering you to continue. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And finally, you confess how you fantasize about being used, of being just three wholes for men to use for their pleasure. Sometimes it's just your mouth they use, sometimes it's two of three of them using you at once. And sometimes it's the entire soccer team using you. You confess that when you fantasize about this, you usually only bring yourself to the edge, and then stop before you cum. You lay there frustrated afterwards, imagining cum dripping from your mouth, ass, and pussy while your clit still throbs with unanswered need. <br> <video src="Part10/Store5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="300"></video> <video src="Part11/Chastity5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="300"></video> <video src="Part3/JobOlivia11.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="300"></video> <video src="Part6/Frat8.webm" autoplay loop muted height="300"></video> <img src="Part3/JobAthlete4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300" align="left"> <img src="Part3/JobAthlete6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "There, that sounds more like what I was expecting from you," Mike tells you. "I would ask if you think you've earned an orgasm now, but I suspect you might enjoy it more if I denied you one instead." You start to object, telling him you are far too turned on right now to want that, but he pushes the gag back into your mouth before you can say anything. "[[What am I going to do with you?|Part14UncleVirgin3]]" he asks rhetorically. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Bound at Mike's house</h1> <img src="Part14/Uncle13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "After your visit here at Christmas, your father and I talked about you," Mike tells you. "He said he always knew you'd end up as a woman, <<if $FatherSettings>> and he was happy that he was able to get you at least <<else>> but he wishes he'd have been able to get you <</if>> started on the path to becoming a respectable one. Though it doesn't look like that's the path you are on now." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "'uut Imma 'urgin" you mumble through your gag. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "It doesn't matter if you are a virgin still," he responds. "The way you are going, you won't be one for long. Respectable young women don't find themselves bound and gagged on my bed and begging to cum. I bet you'd beg for Dylan, your own brother, to fuck you right now, just so you'd have a chance to orgasm." You can feel your face turn red in shame knowing he's right. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $FatherSettings>> "Your father tried. But you should [[admit it|Part14UncleVirgin4Submit]], despite his efforts, you are a slut whose only purpose is for giving pleasure to real men, like Dylan and I here. If you can come to terms with who you really are, we might even decide to let you orgasm today." Your clit throbs with need at the prospect of being able to cum finally. <br><br> "Or, if you still want to cling to the fantasy that you're going to stay a virgin, you can do that. But <<else>> "I told your dad I'd do what I can to get you on the right track. So you won't be fucking Dylan or anyone else today," Mike says making your clit throb as you realize you are going to wait longer for the orgasm you desperately need right now. And <</if>> innocent virgins don't show up at their uncle's house begging for orgasms. So you'll [[need to be punished|Part14UncleVirgin4Chastity]], because that's exactly what you did today." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Punished</h1> You are unbound and led to the dungeon in the basement. You are still naked, not knowing what they did with your clothes, or if you'd be allowed to wear them anyway. All they give you is some slutty heels to wear. You have to have Dylan's help down the stairs so you don't fall. He uses the opportunity to grab your ass several times, only adding to your need and making you want more. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you are downstairs, they have you lay across a bench, leaving you vulnerable and exposed. They both laugh at how wet you already are. "And she claims she's a sweet innocent virgin," Mike says to Dylan. "Her body sure doesn't think so." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You aren't bound to the bench, but are told that if you get up, or try to pleasure yourself you will be, and they'll start your punishment over from the beginning. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part14/Uncle14.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part14/Uncle15.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They've barely started with your punishment and your ass is already red and painful. Mike starts to question you, asking if you know why you being punished. "Because I'm a slut?" you answer. He tells you that if you were a slut and could admit it, you'd be used and rewarded. But not punished, as long as you were well behaved. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are being punished because you can't admit what you are. You want to tell yourself you are sweet and innocent, but then you want to act like a slut, you want to let men tie you and make you wet and helpless. You say you want to stay a virgin, while your body is crying out to be used. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He continues to spank you while he continues to explain your offense. "Since you won't admit you are are a slut, we'll pretend you are a sweet little virgin. And sweet little virgins don't volunteer to be bound naked to men's beds. With most men, probably including Dylan here if I had left him unattended with you, you would have stopped being a virgin the moment your naked body was bound in front of them, especially with your wet cunt dripping with need like it is now." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once your punishment is done, Mike gives you your clothes. Or at least your skirt and top. You still don't have your panties or original shoes. "Get dressed, we are [[going for a drive|Part14UncleVirginStore]]." After you are dressed he adds something else to your outfit, a collar and leash. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part14/Uncle16.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Shopping with Mike and Dylan</h1> Mike takes you and Dylan for a drive, not telling you your destination, though Dylan seems to know. When you finally arrive, you realize it's a sex shop. As you look around when you enter, you see lots of toys to help you pleasure yourself. Your assuming Mike is going to help you find a good vibrator or other toy, so that you can take care of your needs without being tempted to give up your virginity. <<set $UncleChasteBelt to 1>> <<set $PlayerChastityBelt to 1>> <<set $Keyholder to "Mike">> <<set $KeyholderPronoun to "he">> <<set $KeyholderPronounPossessive to "his">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Shop2.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Mike has something else in mind though, and pulls at your leash, leading you to a different section of the store. You understand exactly what he has in mind when you see the chastity belt on display. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part14/Chastity12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300" align="left"> <img src="Part2/Olivia4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300" align="right"> "Since you want to remain a virgin $playerName, you'll need to wear this," Mike commands. "Because we both know that's the only way you won't end up with a cock inside you by first week of school. Assuming you made it that long." He glances over at Dylan, seeming to know what sort of thoughts have been filling your mind. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> A salesperson from the store takes a tape measure and makes a few measurements of you, then looks through their case. While she is looking, Mike talks with her briefly, though you don't know what he says. Once she find a belt in your size, she takes your leash from Mike and leads you to the changing room and, to your surprise, steps inside with you. "He said I should keep an eye on you, so you don't do anything 'inappropriate' in here," she explains. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She helps you put on the belt. As you lift up your skirt, she puts the metal band around your waist, and then moves the other part between your legs, and then she clicks several locks over it all holding it in place. You place your hand out to take the keys she'd just used but she ignores you and has you look in the mirror to check the fit. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "It looks like a perfect fit," she says. "The three of you are going to have a lot of fun. Well, the two of them especially. You maybe not as quite much," she adds with a chuckle. She helps you straighten your skirt back up and then leads you back out to Mike and Dylan. Mike hands her a tip of some sort as she hands the leash back to him and hands him the keys to the locks on your belt. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part11/Chastity3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <img src="Part14/Chastity10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="right"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After Mike's paid for your belt, the three of you drive back to his house. On the way he tells you that it was obvious to him, and to your father, that the belt was the only way you'd ever home to remain a virgin. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Even then, it'll be an uphill battle," he says. "I know you'll be tempted to try enjoying a cock with your mouth or your ass. But don't. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> If you're good, then I'll unlock you for a little while and let you enjoy the wand while you're unlocked. But I'll be checking to make sure you haven't sucked any cocks or had that virgin ass of yours fucked first. And I think we've seen you aren't going to be able to lie to me." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you get back to Mike's you gather the rest of your things, and then head back to your parents. When you are alone, you explore the belt, hoping to find a way to get enough pleasure despite it, but it's no use. You go to bed horny and frustrated. You imagine that will be something you do a lot now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part14/Chastity13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You spend the rest of the summer struggling with your need to cum. You can't believe this is supposed to make you less of a slut, because all you can think about now is sex. If you could touch yourself, to give yourself an orgasm, then you would think about getting fucked all the time. But now that's all you think about. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Eventually, summer is nearly over and you [[head back to school|Part15Begin]] tomorrow. But Dylan doesn't miss a chance to tease you when you are alone together. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "It was so hot watching you squirm and beg to cum at Mike's house," Dylan says smiling. "He said most girls are like that. Deep down they are at least as horny as guys, you just need to know how to bring it out of them. If you get them horny and wet enough, they'll do anything for you. You were definitely like that. Hopefully I'll find a girl to do that with by the time you come home to visit next." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "But until then," Dylan says grining even more. "I'll have to jerk off thinking about what that'll be like. I'm going to go upstairs and do that right now. An orgasm is going to feel so good. Don't worry, you'll have one soon I'm sure. How many weeks away is Thanksgiving again?" <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Back at your Uncle's</h1> You can't hold back anymore. "I'm a slut!" you declare. "My only purpose is for giving pleasure to real men! Please fuck me! Please make me cum and use me to cum! Please!" <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mike', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mike'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mike', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mike'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan', vaginal:true})>> <<achievement>>threesome:MFM<</achievement>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't have to wait long until you are uncuffed and then rebound in Mike's basement, with all your holes now easily accessible for Mike and Dylan to use however they want. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part14/Uncle8.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As soon as you feel Mike's cock slide into you, you know he was right. This is who you are. This who you were always meant to be. It feels even more right a moment later when you are eye-to-eye with Dylan's cock. You open your mouth and feel your brother's cock enter your mouth. Hearing him moan as it slides across your tongue makes you feel so happy. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You orgasm as Mike fucks you, screaming into Dylan's cock. A moment later Dylan starts to cum, filling your mouth with his first spurt, then pulling out and covering your face as his cock spasms a few more times. "You are for giving orgasms, not having them," Mike says as he swats your ass hard with his open hand. He doesn't stop or slow in fucking you as you continue to orgasm. "Next time ask permission, and only cum if you get it." He continues to swat your ass until it is bright red and throbbing. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He fucks you until he too cums, filling you. His warmth spreading inside you feels so perfect. You feel like this is what you were meant for. Mike was right. You don't belong at school, pretending to be an innocent virgin. You are slut, [[meant to be used|Part14UncleVirgin4Submit2]], and that's what you want to be. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Used by Mike and Dylan</h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mike'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mike'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mike', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mike'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mike', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mike'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mike', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mike'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mike', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mike'})>> You spend the rest of the summer being used by Mike and Dylan for their pleasure. Though you've fantasized about giving a blowjob many times before then, Dylan's cock that first day was the first time one ever touched your lips. It makes you feel so proud when Master Mike and Dylan both tell you how much better you've gotten already. You even more proud when you are able to taste the proof of your skill after they cum in your mouth. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part14/Uncle9.webm" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part14/Uncle3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part14/Uncle10.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Their other lessons are harder for you to learn. You know your body is meant to provide orgasms, not receive them. They both frequently tease and edge your cunt, keeping you wet and needy and craving a cock, just the way you are supposed to be. You are usually bound when they do because your body still urges you to take the orgasm you don't deserve, to touch yourself even though you know you aren't supposed to without permission. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part14/Uncle4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Occasionally you are allowed to cum though. Often it's when they know the pleasure you feel while serving them is too much for you to hold back. Though sometimes they tell you to hold back anyway. You try, but fail. Knowing you'll be punished afterwards only makes the orgasm feel that much better though. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part14/Uncle7.webm" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When summer is nearly over, Master Mike has you [[make a decision|UncleSub]]. He tells you it will be the last decision that will ever be truely yours to make. Though he already knows what your answer is going to be. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In your Uncle's Dungeon</h1> <img src="Part14/Uncle2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<set $UncleWithDylan to 1>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $tempMikeSubmitChoice>> <<unset $tempMikeSubmitChoice>> <<unset $MasterRobert>> <<set $MasterMike to 1>> <<set $Keyholder to "Mike">> Your heart leaps with excitement as your new master removes your chastity belt and leads you downstairs to his basement dungeon. After you arrive at the dungeon, he secures you to his bench. Then he gets his crop, and begins tracing it over your skin, making you tremble wondering where he's going to strike with it. <br><br> So far its just been teasing pats against your lower lips with his crop, making you wet but not causing any pain. Then the door bell rings and he leaves you alone for a moment. You think about how you are finally out of your chastity belt, but your are bound and unable to move to make use of your temporary freedom. Your thoughts are cut short as the dungeon door opens again, and your brother Dylan walks in! <<if $tempUncleCalled>> <br><br> You realize Dylan must have told your uncle about the belt, and it probably wouldn't have been hard for your uncle to check out who held the key at school. Well, it worked out for the best. <</if>> <<elseif $BondageWithDylan or $BrotherBlackmailSuccess or ($PlayerChastityBelt and $Keyholder == "Dylan") or $DylanCumslutCollar>> <<include [[Part14UncleArriveWithDylan]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part14UncleArriveAlone]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Uncle Mike and I have been talking about what a submissive little slut you are now," Dylan tells you. "And I'd been wanting to bring a girl down to his dungeon for a while. He told me you'd be the perfect one to try it out with. <<if setup.haveFucked('Mike') or $UncleChair>> He said you really loved it last time you were here. <</if>> " Before you can say anything in response, Dylan pulls out his cock and orders you to suck it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You look around the room at all the whips, paddles, and other things he could use on you and you'd be unable to protect yourself. You get wet realizing that even if you refused, he could easily make you change your mind. Of course, your mind doesn't need any changing, and you eagerly [[open your mouth for him|Part14Uncle2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In your Uncle's Dungeon</h1> <img src="Part14/Uncle3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mike'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After Dylan fills your mouth with his cum, you barely have time to swallow, before Uncle Mike's cock is taking its place. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> This time as you try to suck Mike's cock, Dylan browses through the whips and paddles on the wall and selects one he likes. Then he starts using it on you. Your cries are muffled each time as Mike shoves his cock deeper whenver Dylan is about to strike. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> By the time Mike is ready to cum, your ass feels like it is on fire. Neither one has given you any pleasure yet <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral>> , other than the joy of sucking a cock, <</if>> and you ache to be fucked. <<if $MasterMike>> With your belt finally off, the feeling of the cool basement air only makes you more aware of the empty feeling you have, the familiar longing for a cock inside you. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I wish I had a dungeon like this," Dylan says. Your uncle explains that he doesn't need a dedicated dungeon to have fun with a submissive little slut like you. A firm swat on your already red ass causes you to cry out in pain again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Here, [[let me show you|Part14Uncle3]]," he tells Dylan. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In your Uncle's Garage</h1> <img src="Part14/Uncle1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They lead you naked up the stairs. As they head to the garage, Mike has Dylan grab one of the kitchen chairs. After putting a gag in your mouth, he talks Dylan through how to secure you to the chair. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you are secure, he gets a dildo and starts fucking you with it. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You've learned how your body reacts with this new setting. Now that you can observe your orgasm approaching without the distraction of actually feeling the pleasure, you can recognize one comming. Your uncle can see it comming too and points it out to Dylan. <<else>> As you feel an orgasm getting close, he points it out to Dylan. <</if>> "Can you see how she's about to cum?", then he stops leaving you whimpering into your gag. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> <br><br> You know you weren't going to feel the orgasm he just denied you anyway. But your body still screams for him to continue with the dildo just a bit longer. You'd do anything for just a bit more of it, even though you know you couldn't feel most of it. <</if>> "Now do that a few more times, and she'll do anything you want to be allowed to cum. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> And her body still begs her for it, even though her brain knows it is blocked by the implant anyway. <</if>> The hope of an orgasm can be even more persuasive than a paddle or whip." <<if $MasterMike>> Then he adds, "Obviously, it's easier with her since she's been denied for a while. But after a few edges any submissive girl will be willing to offer anything for an orgasm." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "But using both can be even better," he says as he starts fucking you again a bit later. "Let me show you. You can use that paddle over there the next time she gets close." You whimper into your gag and tug at the ropes holding you, knowing that not only are you about to be denied again, but your brother will be spanking your already sore ass when you are. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'll let you practice edging her a dozen times or so, then we can [[take her back inside|Part14UncleWait]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> You look at him and Dylan, begging them with your eyes. "Let's take out her gag and see what she's willing to do for it." <br><br> When he takes out the gag you start offering your body to one, or both of them at the same time. Offering your ass, offering to be their slave for the rest of the summer, offering to let your brother rent your body out to his friends, to anyone. Whatever you can think of, you offer. Mike cuts your begging short as he puts the gag back in your mouth. "So, what do you think Dylan? Should we give her what she wants?" <br><br> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In your Uncle's Living Room</h1> <video src="Part14/Uncle4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mike'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Mike and Dylan have edged you so many times before they decide to take you inside. Your ass is red from the crop and the paddle, and your clit is throbbing, aching for an orgasm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> No orgasm is coming <<if !$AcademicProbationDenial>>yet<</if>> for you though. With your Uncle's supervision, Dylan ties you to the sofa, spread open and helpless. You hope they are going to fuck you now, but instead they just turn on a baseball game! They ignore you and your muffled pleas for an orgasm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The gag only comes off when Dylan gets bored with the game, and takes it out as he stands on the sofa and fucks your face before putting the gag back in. You are kept in a constant state of need since between most of the innings one of them comes by to tease you or to edge you yet again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "She needs an orgasm so bad right now she can't think about anything else," your uncle correctly points out to Dylan. <<if $MasterMike>> "See at this point, if you took off her gag, she'd beg for an orgasm." You nod emphatically. "Normally now would be the time to get her to agree to whatever you want her to agree to. But there's no point in that here. I can already have this one do whatever I wanted." <br><br> You'd be thanking him so much if you could speak when he says, "And I've decided to [[allow her an orgasm|Part14UncleOrgasm]] to celebrate her new ownership. <<elseif $AcademicProbationDenial>> "What she wants right now is a nice hard cock, or two, isn't that right?" You nod yes. <<include [[Part14UncleBeg]]>> You moan into your gag when Dylan leans over and whispers, "[[No|Part14UncleNoOrgasm]]" into you ear <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt and $Keyholder == "Dylan">> "And she knows she's leaving here locked in that chastity belt again. So if she's going to cum anytime soon, it'll be right now." <<include [[Part14UncleBeg]]>> You tug helpless at the ropes and whimper into your gag when Dylan leans over and whispers, "[[No|Part14UncleChastity]]" into you ear <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> "And since she can't masturbate she needs one of us, or someone else, to do it for her." <<include [[Part14UncleBeg]]>> You tug helpless at the ropes and whimper into your gag when Dylan leans over and whispers, "[[No|Part14UncleNoOrgasm]]" into you ear <<else>> "Of course she can masturbate later," he says to Dylan. "But that's not the same is it?", he says to you. You shake your head "No." "What she really wants is a nice hard cock, or two, right now." <<include [[Part14UncleBeg]]>> You moan into your gag when Dylan leans over and whispers, "[[Yes|Part14UncleOrgasm]]" into you ear <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectDominant>> <i>Your submsissive side has returned, maybe even more than it was before. You dominant side is forgotten.</i> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive to 2>> <<unset $PlayerSideEffectDominant>> <<else>> <i>You have become <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> even <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive += 1>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive to 1>> <</if>> more submissive than you previously were.</i> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $MasterMike>> <h1>Celebrating your New Master</h1> <<else>> <h1>Leaving satisfied</h1> <</if>> <video src="Part14/Uncle7.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mike', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<achievement>>threesome:MFM<</achievement>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $MasterMike>> "Don't worry, Dylan, we won't leave you out," Mike tells him. "Have you ever fucked a girl in the ass before?" <br><br> After they untie you, you climb onto Mike's cock. It feels <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> comforting <<else>> so good <</if>> having a cock inside you. It feels even better as Dylan comes behind you and slides his into your ass. <br><br> <<if !$AcademicProbationDenial>> It doesn't take you long to cum, having been on the edge of an orgasm most of the afternoon, and deprived of even that for so long. The two of them keep going a while after you cum. <</if>> Dylan fills your ass with his cum first. A minute later, Mike has filled you with his also. <br><br> You are so content at that moment, you know you made the right decision. You can't wait to [[find out what|Part14UncleDay2]] your new master wants of you. <<else>> "We will take you up on two of those offers," Dylan says. It soon becomes clear what the first is. After they untie you you climb onto Mike's cock. It feels <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> comforting <<else>> so good <</if>> having a cock inside you. It feels even better as Dylan comes behind you and slides his into your ass. <br><br> <<if !$AcademicProbationDenial>> It doesn't take you long to cum, having been on the edge of an orgasm most of the afternoon. The two of them keep going a while after you cum. <</if>> Dylan fills your ass with his cum first. A minute later, Mike has filled you with his also. <br><br> You are so content at that moment, you don't even care what the other offer they referred to was. You are relieved when they let you know that you'll be their slave the rest of the week until you return to school. "So, we will see you [[again tomorrow|Part14UncleDay2]]," Mike tells you. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Leaving unsatisfied</h1> <img src="Part14/Uncle5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They know you won't be able to cum on your own, and they've both been well satisfied by you already. So they prefer to let you leave as the horny mess they've made you this afternoon. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They both know all they have to do is ask and you'll be [[back tomorrow|Part14UncleDay2]] to be used again, and begging again to be allowed to orgasm. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Leaving unsatisfied</h1> <img src="Part14/Uncle6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They've both been well satisfied by you already. So they prefer to let you leave as the horny mess they've made you this afternoon. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Before they untie you they lock you back into your chastity belt. "And I've ordered this for her too," Mike says pulling out a box. He teases your nipples before showing you wants in the box - a chastity bra to go with your belt. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They both know all they have to do is ask and you'll be [[back tomorrow|Part14UncleDay2]] to be used again, and begging again to be allowed to orgasm. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Back at your Uncle's</h1> <video src="Part14/Uncle8.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mike', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mike'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mike'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mike'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mike', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mike'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mike', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mike'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mike', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mike'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mike', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mike'})>> <<achievement>>threesome:MFM<</achievement>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are back at Mike's house the next day, and the day after that. Sometimes it's just you and Mike, other times Dylan is there too. You return nearly every day <<if $MasterMike>> unitl it's time for you to head back to school. You know you're going to miss spending every day with Mike after you leave, [[well unless...|UncleSub]] <<else>> for the rest of the summer. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Each day you submit yourself to whatever Mike wants you to do, and Dylan too if he's there. Each day they use you however they please. Every day you are eager to please <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> them. You only wish that on the rare days they let you "cum", you could actually feel it. <<else>> them, hoping that that day they will let you cum. Some of the days, they actually do. <</if>> <<if !$MasterMike>> When the time comes to head back to school, you almost wish you could stay instead. But Mike and Dylan make sure your ass is red and sore for your long ride [[back to school|Part14UncleReturn]] <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $Keyholder == "Dylan">> <br><br> At least you were able to 'earn' your chastity key back before you left for school. Your ass is still sore, but at least you won't be spending the semester locked in the belt. <<unset $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<unset $Keyholder>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Back at School</h1> <img src="Part14/Return10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive += 1>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive to 2>> <</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Dominant Student'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Dominant Student'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Dominant Student'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Dominant Student'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Dominant Student'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Dominant Student'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Dominant Student', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Dominant Student'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Dominant Student'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Dominant Student'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Dominant Student'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Dominant Student'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Dominant Student'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Dominant Student', vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You were sad to leave your uncle's house, but once you are back on campus. But it doesn't take you long to find out there are more than enough guys on campus that are happy to blindfold you, cuff your hands behind your back and use you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you swallow a load of cum, but then find a cock sliding into your mouth just a few seconds later, you know there's more than one them in the room. You hope they'll be using you and treating you like you deserve for hours. <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral>> Your mind wanders fantasizing about how many cocks you'll be able to suck tonight. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> Hopefully they'll decide to fuck your ass too. You love it even more when you are bound and helpless. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> Though not anywhere near as much as you'd enjoy it if you weren't on probation. <</if>> <<elseif $AcademicProbationDenial>> You hope they'll decide to fuck you too. You can't cum, but you love the feeling of a guy on top of you while you are bound. Well, anytime, but especially when you are bound. <<else>> You hope they'll decide to fuck you too, so maybe you can cum too. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are confident that this is going to be a wonderful [[new school year|Part15Begin]]. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> Especially once you get off of probation. <</if>> <</nobr>> <i>You realize you are more submissive than you were before.</i><<nobr>> <h1>Adjusting to Motherhood</h1> <img src="Part14/Return2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's going to be a big change this school year, though probably not as big as the change last year was. <br><br> You <<if $dating.length>>and $dating[0]<</if>> are making use of the campus daycare, paid for by the X-Change people. Little $children[0].name is well looked after during the day when you <<if $dating.length>>and $dating[0]<</if>> are in class. Then you pick <<if $children[0].sex == "male">>him<<else>>her<</if>> up on the way home. Your breasts are usually aching and ready for another feeding by then. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You worry that your grades are slipping though because you aren't getting much sleep. <<if $dating.length>> Even when it's $dating[0]'s turn to wake up at night with $children[0].name, they still have to bring <<if $children[0].sex == "male">>him<<else>>her<</if>> to you to feed. Neither you or $dating[0] are getting as much sleep as you need. <<if $AcademicProbation>> You worry you might flunk out of school if your can't get your grades up this semester. <<else>> You worry your grades might start to slip this semester. <</if>> <<else>> You are up every night changing and feeding $children[0].name and aren't getting hardly any sleep. <<if $AcademicProbation>> You worry you might flunk out of school if your can't get your grades up this semester. <<else>> You worry your grades might start to slip this semester. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> There's still time to turn things around though. Hopefully when $children[0].name starts sleeping more through the night, you'll be able to get some sleep too. But even if you get your grades up, you are quite certain that [[this semester|Part15Begin]] isn't going to have quite the level of excitement as your first one did a year ago. Though you're happy you'll be spending it with <<if $dating.length>>$dating[0] and<</if>><<print $children[0].name>>. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Counting the days</h1> <img src="Part14/Return1.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are happy to back on campus and seeing all your friends again, and away from the judgemental eye of your father. You are also happy that your body has returned back to it's normal size. Well, you think it has, although you wonder if maybe your breasts are still a bit larger than they were before your pregnancy. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Even though you feel like everything else is back to normal, the doctor says you still have to wait a couple more weeks before you can 'resume normal sexual activity'. You still don't know if you can wait that long. You wonder exactly what he means by 'normal activity'. You wonder if that means <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> lesbian sex <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectAnal and (!$PlayerSideEffectOral or $PlayerSideEffectAnal > $PlayerSideEffectOral)>> anal <<else>> oral <</if>> is still ok. You're going to assume it does. <<if $dating.length>> $dating[0] is almost as eager as you, so he'll certainly be willing to give it a shot. <<else>> Now that you are back on campus, it should be too hard to find someone to help you check. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Hopefuly that will get you by for the next couple weeks until your last visit with the OB. Then things should [[return to normal|Part15Begin]] for you. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Talking About Your Experiences</h1> <img src="Part14/Return5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> When you get back to school, the deans office asks you if you'd like to talk to the new students joining the program this year. You tell them you'd be thriled to give some advice to the new participants. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> And, hopefully, helping out will make the dean more forgiving and more likey to let you off probation. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Congratulations. I see that you all have now turned into beautiful young women," you start. "I was right where you were, just one year ago. The dean asked me to speak with you about my experiences my first year." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After talking about your initial feelings about the change and settling into your room, you turn to the part of your talk you are most nervous about discussing, but the part you feel is most important. You blush as you begin. "Now, you will likely start feeling certain... urges... that you may not have had before, especially if you experienced any of the "side-effects" they mentioned were sometimes possible. You are going to feel very tempted to act on these. Of course, you are free to do so if you wish. But I want to warn you, while those temptations are hard to resist, from what I've seen they are even harder to stop once you start." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "While it hasn't happened to me, I have seen it happen to many of the girls I met right here a year ago. Once they gave in to their temptations, soon they were finding temptations everwhere. They'd be tempted to sneak over to their neigbors' room at all hours of the night, to go home with guys they'd just met at a party. They'd even find temptations at <<if $dating.length>> work. Now, I'm not saying sex is bad or anything. It's just that you should save it until it's going to mean something to you. I am much happier that my first time in this body <<if setup.sexCount()>> was <<else>> will be <</if>> with my boyfriend $dating[0], and not drunk at some party." <<else>> work." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Now, if you want to spend your year fooling around instead of focusing on your studies, no one is going to stop you. But you'll still want to focus on your studies. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> As I've learned, college can be difficult, even if you aren't doing all the other things. If you aren't careful, you could end up on academic probation. Take my word for it, you don't want that to happen. <<else>> As the dean's office wanted me to mention, you are still expected to pass your classes, or you could end up on academic probation. <</if>> If you do start to find yourself struggling in a class, don't hesitate to meet with your professor. They are here to help you succeed." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You continue for a while before concuding, "And again, if you are wanting to avoid temptation, I recommended you find some sort of support program that works for you. I don't think I could have done it with my mine." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't know how many girls you reached in your talk, many of them seemed to be busy looking at their phones while you were talking. But you feel good that you tried to at least share your advice. Now you are ready to [[start your second year|Part15Begin]]. You wonder if it'll be as exciting as your first was. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Eager to Get Off Probation</h1> <video src="Part14/Return4.webm" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Frat Guy'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You didn't get the orgasm you should have back at Mason's house with your friends, but you still love it. You loved the feeling of being filled so competely, of being used by you friends like that, the feeling of their cocks twitching inside you, and the taste of their cum in your mouth. You may not have felt your orgasms, but you felt all of those things, and you loved every minute of it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You want that feeling again, and it doesn't take you long to find it. There's always back to school parties at the frat houses, and they are always willing to share a beautiful and eager girl like you. You still can't feel your orgasms, but you can feel theirs even better than before. Unlike your friends, the frat boys don't bother with condoms. As wonderful as the warm feeling of their cum feels inside you, you are certainly not going to ask them to. And when they find out how much you love the taste of cum, they are happy to help you with that too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you walk back to your room afterwards, you think of what a slut you are now, after being a virgin not that long ago. Maybe the dean was right. But as you savor the taste of cum still in your mouth, and imagine whatever cum they still left inside you, the thought makes you happy. You are eager to [[start your second year|Part15Begin]] and get off probation so your next frat visit will feel at least as good for you as it does for them. You just wonder if you'll be too distracted now that you know how much fun sex could be, even without the orgasms that go with it. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>train<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Eager to Get Off Probation</h1> <img src="Part14/Return3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew', vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew', vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew', vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew', vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew', vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew', vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Even though you can't feel it like you should, you love having Andrew inside you. You love the full feeling his cock gives you. You love the weight of him on top of you. And you love the moans he makes in your ear as he fucks you. You just wish you could feel the pleasure causing your own moans. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As Andrew thrusts a final few times you love the feeling as his cock twitches inside you. <<if $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> You just can't bring yourself to make him pull out at the last minute. And your legs wrapped around him and a simple "Don't stop" as he gets close are all the encouragement he needs to cum inside you. As you feel the warmth of his cum inside you, you decide pulling out is a stupid birth control method. Why would you want to give up the best part. Maybe you'll switch to some other method later. <<unset $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone to 1>> <<elseif $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> Part of you wishes Andrew wasn't wearing a condom. You imagine the warm feeling of his cum flowing through your body. "I wonder if Andrew would mind if we stopped using condoms", you think. You decide he'd probably think you were trying to get pregnant if you suggested that, so you don't. But you decide you aren't going to remind him anymore. If he remembers to put on a condom, fine. But if not, you'll get to see if what it feels like with him cumming inside you. <<else>> As you feel his warm cum inside you, it gives you a warm, happy feeling. You only wish you could have felt the orgasm that should have gone with it. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As Andrew lies down next to you, enjoying the afterglow of his orgasm, you resolve to do everything you can to get yourself off probation as soon as you can. You want this to feel at least as good for you as it does for Andrew. Of course, that's not going to stop you from enjoying it as much as you can until then. But you know it's going to be a [[frustrating start to the school year|Part15Begin]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Back to School</h1> <img src="Part14/Return6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are glad to be back home with Veronica. You don't have to worry about trying to find a moment when no one is home, or with being quiet anymore. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's still a few days [[before classes start|Part15Begin]], but you and Veronica will be hard at work starting tomorrow practicing. After enjoying being back together and home, the two of you get to bed early to be well rested for tomorrow. <</nobr>><<nobr>> I've got you a job working as a barista instead. That should keep you out of trouble." <<set $JobBarista to 1>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Back to School</h1> <video src="Part14/Return8.webm" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <<unset $JobStripper>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>> You don't know if Peter has been fantasizing about being the one in control of you for months, or if he just saw the opportunity when your dad ordered you into the belt. Whichever it is, he clearly loves the control he has now, and there's little chance of him giving it up. Especially since he's enjoying catching up on all the orgasms you've denied him over the months you've been together. <br><br> But you have to admit to yourself, even though you desperately want an orgasm, it turns you on knowing Peter is in charge of deciding when you cum next. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>>Well, once you get off probation that is.<</if>> You wonder if maybe you should have been a bit more generous with Peter's orgasms. It might have made him more generous with yours now. But it's too late for that now. You are at his mercy, whatever he decides. <br><br> "How many orgasms did I give you while I was locked in that chastity cage?", Peter asks rhetorically. "Maybe I'll be generous and not make you pay me back, or maybe I'll make you wait until we've evened the count. Though considering you usually got multiple ones each time, it might take a long, long time." You get to work right away on his cock, hoping he decides to be generous. <<else>> You'd seen bits of $dating[0] dominant side before, but it was always during play and then he treated you like an equal the rest of the time. But not anymore. He has decided you aren't capable of managing the desires your implant has given you, and he's going to make decisions for you whenever he decides you are "Thinking from between your legs instead of between your ears." <br><br> You admit to yourself, you are desperate for an orgasm right now. You know you would do anything for one. But it turns you on even more knowing that it's completely up to $dating[0] as to when your next orgasm is. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>>Though, obviously it'll need to be after you off probation.<</if>> Considering all the other things you'd be willing to do for an orgasm right now, you don't hesitate for a moment when $dating[0] tells you he wants his cock sucked. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you are done sucking his cock $dating[0] tells you, "Obviously you won't be working at the strip club anymore. <<if $PlayerItemNerdKeyStripper>> <<unset $PlayerItemNerdKeyStripper>> You can give that poor fool his chastity key back too. <</if>> <<if $JobGloryHole>> <<unset $JobGloryHole>> You could obviously still work the glory hole booth, but I don't think think that's the sort of job your father wanting you to have. And besides, my cock is the only one you'll be sucking... unless I tell you otherwise. <</if>> <<if $JobCallGirlSide>> <<unset $JobCallGirlSide>> Your side job as a whore is out too. <</if>> <<if $JobWebModelSide or $JobPornOralSide or $JobPornAnalSide or $JobPornGangSide or $JobPornSide>> <<unset $JobWebModelSide>> <<unset $JobPornOralSide>> <<unset $JobPornAnalSide>> <<unset $JobPornGangSide>> <<unset $JobPornSide>> Your side job doing porn is out too. <</if>> As far as your primary job, <<if $JobAthlete>> I'll talk with your coach about your belt. It'll come off whenever it absolutely needs to, but it'll need to go back on afterwards. If you don't agree with that, we can talk to your father about it." <br><br> "No, no. That sounds good," you quickly agree, wanting to avoid getting your father involved and making things worse. <<elseif $JobModel>> I don't think you need to be posing for pictures half naked anymore. <<unset $JobModel>> <<include [[BoyfriendStrictJobChange]]>> <<elseif $JobCheerleader>> I'll get you a less bulky belt to wear to practice and games." <<elseif $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>> <<unset $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>> if you were an actual cheerleader it'd be one thing. But we both know your job really is just whoring to university donors. <<include [[BoyfriendStrictJobChange]]>> <<elseif $JobFitness or $JobFitnessYoga or $JobFitnessMassage>> <<unset $JobFitness>> <<unset $JobFitnessYoga>> <<unset $JobFitnessMassage>> we both know what you do over at the fitness center. That won't be happening anymore. <<include [[BoyfriendStrictJobChange]]>> <<elseif $JobLibrary>> <<unset $JobLibrary>> I would have thought having a job at the library would have been perfect, but clearly you need more supervision than that. <<include [[BoyfriendStrictJobChange]]>> <<elseif $JobEngineer>> <<unset $JobEngineer>> <<set $JobEngineerOld to 1>> if it were a legitimate engineering job, then your belt wouldn't be a problem, would it? The fact that it is a concern shows just what kind of job it really is. If you find a real job in your major, let me know, but this one is out. <<include [[BoyfriendStrictJobChange]]>> <<elseif $JobTestSubject>> <<unset $JobTestSubject>> <<set $JobTestSubjectOld to 1>> I hope you know there's no chance of you continuing to work as a so-called test subject. <<include [[BoyfriendStrictJobChange]]>> <<elseif $JobBarista>> your belt won't be a problem there." <<elseif $JobBikiniBarista>> <<unset $JobBikiniBarista>> <<set $JobBarista to 1>> your old job was fine. You remember, back when you still wore clothes when you served coffee? I'm sure you can talk to the manager at your old coffee shop and get your job back. Because your job at the new bikini store is a definite no." <<elseif $JobOffice or $JobOfficeManager>> your belt won't be a problem there. You might even do better without any temptations or distractions you might have had before." <<elseif $JobOfficePA or $JobOfficeIntern>> <<unset $JobOfficePA>> <<unset $JobOfficeIntern>> your boss at that so-called office job will have to find someone else to entertain himself with during the day. <<include [[BoyfriendStrictJobChange]]>> <<elseif $JobCallGirl>> <<unset $JobCallGirl>> your days as a whore are over. <<include [[BoyfriendStrictJobChange]]>> <<elseif $JobBartender or $JobBartenderGirls or $JobBartenderGuys or $JobBartenderBi or $JobBartenderSub or $JobBartenderDom>> <<unset $JobBartender>> <<unset $JobBartenderGirls>> <<unset $JobBartenderGuys>> <<unset $JobBartenderBi>> <<unset $JobBartenderSub>> <<unset $JobBartenderDom>> your job at the bar is obviously too much of a temptation for you. <<include [[BoyfriendStrictJobChange]]>> <<elseif $JobWebModel or $JobPornOral or $JobPornAnal or $JobPornGang or $JobPorn>> <<unset $JobWebModel>> <<unset $JobPornOral>> <<unset $JobPornAnal>> <<unset $JobPornGang>> <<unset $JobPorn>> your days doing porn are over. <<include [[BoyfriendStrictJobChange]]>> <<else>> I've gotten you a job as barista. Too much free time would just give you more opportunities to get into trouble." <<set $JobBarista to 1>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> "Classes [[start next week|Part15Begin]]", $dating[0] tells you. "And you've been a good girl... mostly. Maybe I'll let you have an orgasm next month if you keep up the good <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>> behavior, and stay on top of your studies." <<else>> behavior <</if>> <<else>> "And there's [[one other decision|Part14Home5BoyfriendStrictPermanent]] you should know about," $dating[0] says. "Though, if you are being honest with yourself it was your decision, and you made it a long time ago." <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Visiting the Clinic</h1> <img src="PartP/PregTest1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> <<set $PregnancyCheck = setup.checkForNewPregnancy('medical test - home strict', 0.25)>> <<else>> <<set $PregnancyCheck = setup.checkForNewPregnancy('medical test - home strict', 0)>> <</if>> "You know you were never meant to be a man. Why else would you have even signed up for this program. I don't even like thinking about you as a man. Even your father knows you are better off this way, even with the issues he has with your behavior," $dating[0] tells you. "I discussed it with your father, and we both agree. Even though you'd never really change back, just having the theoretical possibility out there may be contributing to your reckless behavior as you think 'it doesn't count'." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He continues, "So we are going to go to the X-Change clinic and remove even the possiblity of changing back. When you fully accept that this is who you are maybe it will help you become the best woman you can be." When he's done, you can't help but agree with everything he's said and agree to go to the clinic the next day to make your change permanent. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you get there $dating[0] waits in the waiting room as they run a few tests on you, including a pregnancy test. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.isPregnant>> <<if setup.pregnantFirstTime()>> <<achievement>>firsttime+pregnant+childfree<</achievement>> <<elseif setup.pregnantFromLoophole()>> <<achievement>>loopholeBaby+pregnant<</achievement>> <<else>> <<achievement>>pregnant+childfree<</achievement>> <</if>> <<set $PlayerAbortion to 1>> When they come back they tell you that the procedure you requested won't be necessary as you are pregnant and your change is already permanent. <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionTry>> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone to 1>> You had been trying to get pregnant, but you realize that was part of the reckless thinking $dating[0] had talked to you about. <</if>> You realize how disappointed everyone would be in you if you ended up pregnant after less than a year as a woman. "Can... can you end it?", you ask. <img src="PartP/PregTest5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="right"> <br><br> "Of course miss," the lab tech tells you. After numerous forms and a talk with the doctor, you are given a pill to take now, and arrange to come back to take another one tomorrow. <br><br> "Can you just tell my boyfriend that my change is permanent now, and not say why? Just let him think you did the procedure?" The technican agrees and will also mention that you'll have a heavy period this month due to the procedure. "Thank you," you tell her. <<if $PlayerProtectionNone>> <br><br> <<if $PlayerProtectionFertile>> You also talk about how important birth control is given how fertile you are, and you tell her you are going to start using condoms. Though, you aren't sure when $dating[0] will next let you out of the belt for a chance to use one. <<unset $PlayerProtectionNone>> <<set $PlayerProtectionCondoms to 1>> <<else>> You also talk about how important birth control is to avoid another visit like this. You aren't sure when $dating[0] will be letting you out of the belt for a chance to make it necessary, but you have her get you a prescription for the pill so you are ready when he does. <<unset $PlayerProtectionNone>> <<set $PlayerProtectionPill to 1>> <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> <img src="PartP/PregTest6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="right"> <<achievement>>girlpower<</achievement>> When they come back they tell you that you aren't pregnant. They then go over all the forms with you. Once you've signed everything they give you an injection, and it's done. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After your visit is done the technician takes you back out to the waiting room. She lets $dating[0] know your procedure was a success, and congratulates you on being a woman forever now. <<if $PlayerAbortion>> She also tells him about your 'heavy period' this month and recommends he stop by and pick up some painkillers and maybe some dark chocolate too. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well, I'm glad your that's taken care of. <<if $PlayerAbortion>> Since I'll be with you all day the next few days, I think it'd be ok to let you out of your belt during your period this month. As long as you promise to behave yourself. <</if>> Now we can worry about classes [[starting next week|Part15Begin]]", $dating[0] tells you. "And you've been a good girl... mostly. Maybe I'll let you have an orgasm next month if you keep up the good <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>> behavior, and stay on top of your studies." <<else>> behavior <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Back to School</h1> <video src="Part14/Return7.webm" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Peter'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you and Peter are back on campus you finally have some privacy again. Peter is thrilled when you tell him that you've decided to let him have another orgasm because of his excellent performance convincing your father he was in control of you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, now that you have access to all of your toys, and don't have to worry about the noise of the vibrator or of Peter's whimpering, you can do that with Peter's cage still on. And you can take as long as you like. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "There. That should last you for a while," you tell Peter after he finally manages to cum. "Don't be getting greedy and expect another one any time soon. With [[school starting back up|Part15Begin]] you need to focus on your studies. Well, and my orgasms of course," you add as you remove your panties. "Wondering about when you'll cum again would just be a distraction for you." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Back to School</h1> <video src="Part14/Return9.webm" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Barry') and setup.haveFucked('Ethan')>> When you get back to school, you confess to Barry what you did with your high school friends. But he doesn't seem upset, or even surprised. "I know what a little slut you are," he tells you. "I didn't think you'd make it most of the summer without somebody fucking you. It sounds like you lasted longer than I expected. <br><br> Then he pulls down your shorts and panties and pushes you down to the bed. "I've missed fucking you though, so stick your ass up in the air and beg for my cock, and I'll give it to you." <br><br> You are thrilled to be back with Barry, but are surprised with how gentle he's being at first. Usually you can count on him to treat you like you deserve. Thankfully you don't have to wait long. Soon he's covering your mouth and slapping your face, and you know you are back home. <<else>> <<if setup.areDating('Barry')>> You love how dominant $dating[0] is with you. <<else>> You love how much more dominate $dating[0] is with you now. <</if>> You feel like such a slut with how wet it makes you when he orders you to your knees to suck his cock. Or when he watches TV with you and orders you not to wear anything but your shirt. You know he could decide to pause the show and use you to entertain himself whenever he wants, and you'll be wet and waiting thinking about the whole time. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> <br><br> As he <<if $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> covers <<elseif $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> fills the condom inside <<else>> fills <</if>> you with cum, you just wish you could orgasm too. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You love your last few days of summer, and the extra time you can spend with $dating[0]. You only hope you'll be able to spend as much time with him after [[school starts back up|Part15Begin]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Back to School</h1> <img src="Part14/Return11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You had a lot of fun over summer vacation, but you are glad to be back on campus. You have a little bit of time to settle back in, but before you know it classes will be starting and it'll be the beginning of a [[new school year|Part15Begin]] <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You plan on doing much better this year, and getting off of academic probation as quick as possible. You think you might go insane if you aren't allowed to cum soon. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $Keyholder != 'Dylan'>> Hopefully $Keyholder will let you out of your belt to celebrate when that happens. <</if>> <<else>> You'd heard from some of the other girls in the X-Change program how horrible it is on academic probation, so you plan on working extra hard this semester to make sure you don't end up like them. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $Keyholder == 'Dylan'>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dylan'})>> <<unset $Keyholder>> <<unset $PlayerChastityBelt>> You are so thankful Dylan gave you the key to your chastity belt before you left for school. It was worth every blowjob he made you give him in order to earn your relase. You would have hated to be locked in that thing until Thanksgiving or Christmas, with no hope for release. You start to get horny just thinking about that. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> If only you were free of the denial setting, you'd find someone to celebrate your freedom with. <<else>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Townie', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Townie', repeat:true})>> But luckily it doesn't take long to find someone on campus to enjoy your freedom with. <</if>> <<elseif $AcademicProbationDenial>> <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt>> You hope $Keyholder lets you out of this chastity belt soon, at least for a little while. You think you might go insane if you aren't allowed to cum soon. <<else>> But hearing about the other girls and how horny and frustrated they are now without being able to orgasm, has made you horny too. <<if setup.isGoldStarLesbian()>> Hopefully you'll have better luck finding a woman to enjoy the night with once school has started back up. Until then <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> you'll just be as horny as the ones on probation. <<else>> you always have your vibrator. <</if>> <<else>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Townie', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Townie', repeat:true})>> Thankfully it doesn't take you long to find someone to give you the pleasure your friends can't have. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <<unset $PlayerDecidePermanent>> <h1>A Woman Forever</h1> <img src="Part13/Decide1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'd thought about it a lot over the summer, and you are sure of your decision. So the first thing you do after arriving on campus is stop by the X-Change office. You don't even want to wait until the regular visit you have scheduled. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You let the doctor know about the decision you've made to make your change permanent. The doctor discusses the decision with you at length, and confirms that you are aware that any side effects you have will become permanent also. When you tell her you're sure, she has you sign some forms. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After she gives you a quick injection, she tells you "Congratulations!" and it's done. She reminds you to keep the regular visit you have scheduled soon, as there are other tests her or one of her collegues need for perform. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's not until you are sitting alone at home for a moment that it really starts to sink in. This is who you are now. You are a woman now, and you will be for the rest of your life. And you couldn't be happier about it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Eventually your mind drifts back to the present and you start thinking about [[things returning to normal|Part14Home5]] back at school. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>girlpower<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Getting Ready to Head Back to School</h1> <img src="Part14/Return12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The summer is nearly over and it's time to pack up and [[head back to school|Part14Home5]]. You say good bye to Dylan and Cassie and your Mom. Your dad is at work, but your mom said she'll tell him you said bye to him too. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $PlayerMother>> <<include [[Part14Home5Child]]>> <<elseif $PlayerAdoption>> <<include [[Part14Home5Adopt]]>> <<elseif $PlayerDecidePermanent>> <<include [[Part14MakePermanent]]>> <<elseif $CampusMinistryFailSummer>> <<include [[Part14Home5MinistryFail]]>> <<elseif $CampusMinistry and $AcademicProbationDenial and setup.areDating('Andrew')>> <<include [[Part14Home5MinistryDenial]]>> <<elseif $CampusMinistry>> <<include [[Part14Home5Ministry]]>> <<elseif setup.areDating('Veronica')>> <<include [[Part14Home5Veronica]]>> <<elseif $BoyfriendStrictChastity>> <<include [[Part14Home5BoyfriendStrict]]>> <<elseif setup.areDating('Peter')>> <<include [[Part14Home5Peter]]>> <<elseif $dating.length>> <<include [[Part14Home5Boyfriend]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part14Home5General]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With Andrew for the Summer</h1> <img src="Part13/SummerPlans3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"> With no classes during the summer, and no job to worry, you have most of the day free. You do your best to make sure everything is perfect when Andrew gets home, but still, that leaves a lot of free time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You spend some of it shopping, or just hanging out, with your friends that haven't gone home for the summer. And you spend some of it trying to catch up on some of the things you struggled with last semester. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You are determined to get off probation and get your orgasms back as soon as possible. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Andrew and you are planning a trip later in the summer, so you are also spending some time looking at possible destinations. But every time you go online, it seems like you spend more time pinning things to you 'wedding ideas' board than your 'vacation ideas' board. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your trip is in a month or two, and your wedding is who knows how many years away, so you sometimes feel a little guilty that you are wasting time. But thinking about getting married to Andrew eventually makes you happy, so you keep doing it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But whatever you are doing during the day, you are always [[excited when Andrew gets home|Part14StayAndrew2]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <div> <h1>With Andrew for the Summer</h1> <span style="float: left;width: 40%;padding-right: 20px;"> <video src="Part14/Andrew2.webm" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> </span> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You want to pounce on Andrew when he walks through the door, but you don't. You want to give him some time to relax and unwind first. Though you are usually waiting in the living room sipping a warm cup of tea when he comes through the door. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> If he sees you and decides <b>he</b> wants to pounce on <b>you</b>, well that's a different story. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But whether that happens, or it waits until that evening, and whether you've cooked something at home, or you go out to each, it doesn't matter. What matters is that you are with Andrew. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are always a little sad the next morning when he has to go to work again, but you know [[how to make sure he leaves still thinking about you|Part14StayAndrew3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Before Andrew Leaves for Work</h1> <video src="Part14/Andrew1.webm" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You usually make breakfast while Andrew is the shower, you wouldn't want him to go to work hungry. Since you usually do it before you get dressed, you make sure he doesn't go to work horny either. But even if he's running too late to eat something before he leaves, he always has time for a quick fuck with you bent over the sink. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You may not be able to have and orgasm, but you love feeling him inside you. And you <<else>> You <</if>> love knowing he's going to work with the smell of you on his freshly cleaned cock. <<if !$PlayerPregnant>> <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> Of course you have to forget to tell him to wear a condom for that to happen. It's not like you keep them in the kitchen anyway. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> Of course you have him cum inside you. You wouldn't want him to pull out and make a mess in the kitchen. <</if>> <</if>> After Andrew leaves you clean up the breakfast dishes and pick out your clothes for the day. By then the present Andrew left inside you has started to leak out, and it's time for your shower. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Then it's back to your <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> [[daily routine|Part14StayAndrew3Probation]] and waiting for Andrew to get home. <<else>> daily routine and waiting for [[Andrew to get home|Part14StayAndrew4]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Meeting with the Dean</h1> <img src="Part14/Andrew4.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> You've been studying hard with all of your free time, and have tried to pick up the topics you'd missed during the year. <<set $AcademicProbationDenialFormer to 1>> <<unset $AcademicProbationDenial>> <<unset $AcademicProbation>> <<set $tempAcademicProbationRelease to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've even contacted the professors in the classes you did the work in. They let you do the assignments you missed and retake tests until they are satisfied that you know the material. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are so grateful when they each decide to change your grade to something passing. You won't have to retake their classes next semester, and more importantly, you can get off of probation! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You still have to wait several long, frustrating days for an appointment with the dean. But when you meet with him, he is pleased with the changes you've made. Since your professors agreed to change your grades, he agrees you no longer need to be on academic probation. So he makes a call over to the X-Change office on your behalf. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You hurry over to their office so they can turn off the madening denial setting on your implant. It seems a bit anticlimactic (in more ways than one), when they just hit a few keys on their console and change something on your implant and tell you it's done. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> There's no test with a vibrator or anything like you when they activated it. "I'm sure you'll test it for us soon enough," the technician jokes. "Well, you and a friend that is," he <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> adds, aluding to your inability to masturbate. <<else>> adds. "It seems there's a lingering effect of the denial. The effect is permanent, but don't worry you'll still be able to orgasm. You'll just need someone to help you as you won't be able to orgasm from masturbation." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've waited so long for an orgasm, and you and Andrew have plans tonight so he won't be fucking you until late in the evening. You are tempted to beg the technician to use the vibrator right now, "just to verify" that the change was effective. But you don't. You'll just have to [[wait until tonight|Part14StayAndrew4]] with Andrew. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> <<set $tempMasturbationBlock to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock to 1>> <i>You are now unable to orgasm from masturbation.</i> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At Home with Andrew</h1> <video src="Part14/Andrew3.webm" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $tempAcademicProbationRelease>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true, noCondom:true})>> <<unset $tempAcademicProbationRelease>> Even though you know you wouldn't be able to get off that way, it's still hard to resist trying to get yourself off as soon as you get back from your meeting. But you somehow manage to wait until Andrew gets home. Then you need to wait even longer until after the dinner and movie plans you have. <br><br> As soon as you get home, you push him back onto the sofa and climb on top of him. The moment you slide him into you, you know the technician was right. You'd forgotten how amazing it felt. Well, truthfully you'd not forgotten, you'd thought about it every single day. And when your orgasm finally hits it overwhelms you and you collapse onto Andrew. He rolls you over onto your back and takes over from there until he cums too. <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> You realize later, when you regain your composure, that you'd both forgotten about using a condom this time. But you don't care, it felt so good after so long. <</if>> <<else>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> You're horny when Andrew gets home, and would like nothing more than to have him bend you over the sink again as soon as he waks in. But that's not the plan for tonight. Instead you need to wait until after the dinner and movie plans you have. <br><br> As soon as you get home, you push him back onto the sofa and climb on top of him. It feels so good when you slide him into you. <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <img src="Part7/Start3B.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="250" align="left"> You almost don't want to stop when you remember the condom. But you quicky grab one from your purse and put in on for Andrew. He loves when you do it without using your hands. <</if>> When you orgasm and can't continue riding him any longer, he rolls you over onto your back and takes over for you until he cums too. <</if>> <<if $tempMasturbationBlock>> <br><br> <<unset $tempMasturbationBlock>> It's always so much better with Andrew anyway, but before you always knew you could have quickly take care of yourself if you ever got horny during the day. But now, you have no choice but to wait until Andrew gets home. You hope you aren't going to start pouncing on him when he walks through the door every day. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You aren't looking forward to spending the day without Andrew again tomorrow. But you are looking forward to the [[vacation you and him have planned|Part14StayAndrew5]]. You'll have him all to yourself for two weeks. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>On Vacation with Andrew</h1> <img src="Part14/Andrew5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Andrew could have gotten to your destination much faster on a plane, but Andrew had suggested taking the train instead. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you see the spacious, [[private room|Part14StayAndrew6]] you both have for the trip, you think he's made the right decision. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are looking out the window commenting on the lovely countryside you a travelling through. Andrew agrees that the view is spectacular. But then you glance over and see he isn't looking out the window at all, but at you. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>On Vacation with Andrew</h1> <img src="Part14/Andrew6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <br> "How is the view now?", you ask him as you pull up your dress. You don't even need to wait for a response. You can already see from the bulge in his pants exactly how much he's enjoying the new view. <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true, noPullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You aren't able to put the seats down into a bed yourself, you have to wait for the conductor to that for you tonight. So, you and Andrew do your best with the cabin in it's daytime setup. It actually works surprisingly well. You just have to pull Andrew's pants down a bit, lift up your dress, and straddle his lap. The hard part... well, the less fun hard part... is trying to stay quiet. <<if $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> You decide not to have Andrew pull out this time. You'd hate to make a mess all over the train seats. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> That night, with the cabin made into a bed your love making is a bit more traditional. Though the rocking of the train and the struggle to stay quiet still gives it a small trill of forbiddenness. After breakfast the next morning, you still have several more hours to go before [[you arrive|Part14StayAndrew7]]. Luckily, you and Andrew know exactly how to pass at least some of the time. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>On Vacation With Andrew</h1> <img src="Part14/Andrew7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As fun as the train ride was, you are glad to finally arrive. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After checking it at the hotel, you and Andrew still have a litte time to explore the city, and watch a romantic sunset, before it's time to go back to your room and get ready for the [[dinner plans|Part14StayAndrew8]] Andrew has made. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At a Romantic Dinner with Andrew</h1> <img src="Part14/Andrew8.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The restaurant Andrew picked is beautiful. He must have made the reservation ages ago, probably as soon as the two of you had decided on your vacation destination. The food is equally as amazing. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After your meal, Andrew starts talking about how much he loves you, and how the past year has been the happiest of his life. Your heart starts to race as you begin to [[sense where this is conversation is leading|Part14StayAndrew9]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Andrew's Proposal</h1> <img src="Part14/Andrew9.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<set $Engaged to 'Andrew'>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He barely has the words "Will you marry me?" out before you start answering "Yes!". <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When the waiter comes by your table again, he has two glasses of champagne with him. <<if $PlayerPregnant>> When you start to turn yours down, he lets you know yours is actually sparkling grape juice. Andrew thought of everything! <</if>> The two of you drink a toast to celebrate. You know you'll also be celebrating a different way tonight when you [[get back to the hotel room|Part14StayAndrew10]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <div> <h1>Back at your Hotel Room</h1> <span style="float: left;width: 40%;padding-right: 20px;"> <video src="Part14/Andrew10.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> </span> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Letting everyone know about your engagement can wait. After you and Andrew finally make it home from your romantic evening, you want him all to yourself. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You fuck Andrew (your fiancé!) like it's your last night together. But thankfully it's not, you have two more weeks before you have to head home. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Even though at times you are tempted to spend the entire day in your hotel room, you don't. You and Andrew spend most of the days out visiting all the sites you'd been researching before your trip. Though all day long you catch yourself staring down at the engagement ring on your finger. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When it is time to finally head home, you smile at Andrew as you put on the dress you wore on the ride up. You'd had the hotel laundry take care of it for you, so Andrew could 'enjoy the view' on the train again on the [[ride back home|Part14StayAndrew11]] too. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>On the Ride Home</h1> <img src="Part14/Andrew11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true, noPullout:true})>> <<set $tempSummerEngaged to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As much as Andrew is enjoying the view you are giving him, you straighten your dress back up again when it's time to discuss more specific plans, about the wedding, and about children. Of course you'd talked about how you both felt about kids before, but now that you are engaged the issue is a little more urgent. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerProtectionFertile and $PlayerPregnant>> <<set $AndrewWeddingDate to "Soon">> <<set $tempFamilySize to "Big">> Since you are aleady pregnant, you both agree that you [[don't want to wait|Part13AndrewEngaged]] for the wedding. And with the fertility effects of your implant, you both already know you'll likely be prengant soon after your first is born. You both couldn't be happier. So really, there isn't that much you need to discuss. You can start worrying about venues later, right now you want to have some more fun on the train with your fiancé. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionFertile>> <<set $tempFamilySize to "Big">> You wonder how you managed to not be pregnant considering your implant's fertility effects and all the sex you and Andrew have. You assume it won't be long now before you are, and probably pregnant again not long after your first is born. <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> You were already eager to start your family even before your engagement, even more so now. <<else>> They only thing that had been holding you back before now was that you and Andrew weren't married yet. But now that you are, you don't see any reason to wait any longer. <<set $PlayerProectionTry to 1>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> <</if>> <br><br> <<set $AndrewWeddingDate to 'Soon'>> You know you'll have a large family eventually, but since you aren't pregnant yet, there's no urgency on the wedding date. You and Andrew try to decide whether you want a wedding in [[a few months|Part14StayAndrewPregnancyTest]] or next summer. You both decide you don't want to wait. <<elseif $PlayerPregnant>> <<set $AndrewWeddingDate to "Soon">> <<set $tempFamilySize to "Big">> Since you are aleady pregnant, you both agree that you don't want to wait long for the wedding. The just need to make sure that you both still want to <<link [[wait a while|Part13AndrewEngaged]]>><<set $tempFamilySize to 'Small'>><</link>> for your next child, or <<link [[try again as soon as you can|Part13AndrewEngaged]]>><<set $tempFamilySize to 'Large'>><</link>> after this one is born. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionTry>> With as much as you and Andrew is having sex you wonder why you still haven't managed to get pregnant yet. Well, maybe you are now, you hope. You're excited and hopeful about getting tested when you get home. <br><br> You are both still eager for your first child, but you need to talk to make sure that you both still want to <<link [[wait a while|Part14StayAndrew12]]>><<set $tempFamilySize to 'Small'>><</link>> after that for your next child, or <<link [[try again as soon as you can|Part14StayAndrew12]]>><<set $tempFamilySize to 'Large'>><</link>> for another one. <<else>> Talking with Andrew you confirm that you are both in full agreement about whether you want <<link [[a large family|Part14StayAndrew12]]>><<set $tempFamilySize to 'Large'>><</link>> just <<link [[one or two kids|Part14StayAndrew12]]>><<set $tempFamilySize to 'Small'>><</link>>, or if you would both rather it stay <<link [[just the two of you|Part14StayAndrew12]]>><<set $tempFamilySize to 'NoKids'>><</link>>. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Leaving the Train</h1> <img src="Part14/Andrew12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You give Andrew a little flash as you are getting off the train. As much as you enjoyed your trip, you're glad to be back home again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set $AndrewWeddingDate to 'Soon'>> The long train ride gave you and Andrew plenty of time to discuss whether the two of you wanted the wedding in [[a few months|Part14StayAndrewPregnancyTest]], or next summer. You both decide you don't want to wait. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 1>> <<set $PregnancySummer to 1>> <<if setup.pregnantFirstTime()>> <<achievement>>firsttime+pregnant<</achievement>> <<elseif setup.pregnantFromLoophole()>> <<achievement>>loopholeBaby+pregnant<</achievement>> <<else>> <<achievement>>pregnant<</achievement>> <</if>> positive. You're pregnant! <br> <<if $tempFamilySize == 'NoKids'>> <img src="PartP/PregTest3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <br><br> This is not what you were hoping for. You were hoping it'd just be you and Andrew forever, though you have your suspicions that Andrew may have just said that's what he wanted too because he knew you weren't wanting kids. Though he must have decided he'd be happier either way, or he wouldn't have agreed with you. <br><br> You know he'd [[want you to keep the baby|Part13AndrewEngaged]] if he knew you are pregnant. But you also know that you could [[have them terminate the pregnancy|Part14StayAndrewAbortion]] while you were here today, and Andrew would never even know about it. <<else>> <img src="PartP/PregTest4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <br><br> <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> Finally! <<else>> Well, you were wanting a baby eventually. You just weren't expecting one quite so soon. <</if>> You can't wait to get home and [[tell Andrew the news|Part13AndrewEngaged]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> negative. You're not pregnant. <br> <img src="PartP/PregTest2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <br><br> <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> You hope you'll have better luck next time. <<else>> That's <<if $tempFamilySize == 'NoKids'>> good since you weren't wanting any kids. <<else>> good. You want to get pregnant eventually, just not yet. <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> Now that that is out of the way, you start preparing for the [[start of a new semester|Part15Begin]]. You'll also need to start planning for your wedding, <<if $AndrewWeddingDate == 'Soon'>> it's only a few months from now. <<else>> but you have all year to do that. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Visit to the X-Change Office</h1> You'd enjoyed a quick visit to your parents with Andrew, but most of the time was spent talking about your engagement. Your mom, and your sister Cassie are both thrilled. Your father seems to approve as well says he had been worried about you after your change, but is relieved your've found a good man like Andrew to settle down with. <br> <img src="PartP/PregTest1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> <<set $PregnancyCheck = setup.checkForNewPregnancy('medical test - summer 1 andrew', 0.25)>> <<else>> <<set $PregnancyCheck = setup.checkForNewPregnancy('medical test - summer 1 andrew', 0)>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The semester is starting back up soon, so you stop by the X-Change office for your start-of-semester check-up. As part of your visit, they also run a pregnancy test for you. You wait patiently for the result. When she comes back, the technician lets you know that the test was <<if $PregnancyCheck.isPregnant>> <<include [[Part14StayAndrewPregnancyTestPositive]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part14StayAndrewPregnancyTestNegative]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 0>> <<unset $PregnancyCheck>> <<set $PlayerAbortion to 1>> <h1><<print "Medical Clinic">></h1> You decide you aren’t ready for this.<br> <img src="PartP/PregTest5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After going over everything in great detail with the doctor and signing a bunch of forms, the doctor gives you a pill which you take right then. She offers you another one to take later, but you have them hold on to it so you can stop by tomorrow morning. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't want it around the house for Andrew to find. Even though you'd agreed to not have kids, you know it would only upset him to know you had an abortion. There's no reason he'd ever need to know. As far as he knows, you just started your period this week. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerProtectionNone or $PlayerProtectionTry>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionNone>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionTry>> You decide that you should probably start using birth control from now on, so you don't end up pregnant again soon. <<if $PlayerProtectionFertile>> <<set $PlayerProtectionCondoms to 1>> You'd prefer the pill, but since that's not going to work for you, you talk to Andrew about using condoms from now on. <<else>> <<set $PlayerProtectionPill to 1>> You talk to your doctor and get on the birth control pill right away. <</if>> <<else>> You know you'll need to be more careful about birth control from now on, so you don't end up pregnant again soon. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Now that this crisis has been managed, you need to focus on getting ready for the [[start of the new semester|Part15Begin]]. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>childfree<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>With $dating[0] for the Summer</h1> <img src="Part14/Bar1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With the campus mostly deserted over the summer, business is much slower at the bar. Of course the young women from campus aren't there, but with them gone many of the local regulars aren't showing up as much either. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your boss is finishing an afternoon shift just as you are starting with your evening shift and you have a chance to talk to her about it. "It's like that every summer <<if $playerName>>summer, $playerName<<else>>summer<</if>>," she tells you. "But it seems even worse than normal this summer." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "There's not even enough business to cover your minimum tips. As you probably noticed on your last paycheck, I had to bump up your pay to minium wage to stay legal. I'm actually losing money in the evenings right now." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "The afternoon shift isn't affected as much. It's mainly people working in town - lunch meetings and happy hour groups. It's what's keeping the lights on this summer." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You aren't enjoying making just minimum wage, and you know she isn't liking paying the extra out of the little money coming in the evenings. You're afraid your job might be in jeopardy if something doesn't change. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You could either suggest her [[switching you to the afternoon shift|Part14StayBar]]. Then she can work the evening shift and won't have to worry about paying out to compensate for low tips. Or you could offer to see what you can do to [[liven things up in the evenings|Part14StayBarFun]], and hopefully attract more business then. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Working the afternoon shift</h1> <img src="Part14/Bar2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> For the number of people in the bar, things are much more subdued in the afternoons and early evenings than they were when you were working the evenings shifts. There's a rush earlier in your shift as people come in to have a drink or two on their lunch hour before heading back to work. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Then there's a bigger crowd later in the afternoon, during happy hour. There's usually a large table or two taken up by a group that all came here together after work. It's a much more mixed gender group than you saw at night. You expect many of them aren't even aware this is a lesbian club, they seemed to just go to whatever bar was closest to their office. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The groups usually buy a lot of drinks while they are there, but they don't usually stay long. Some will head home, and some will leave as a group to go to a different bar. But frequently they'll be two that [[stay behind after the others have left|Part14StayBar2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Working the afternoon shift</h1> <img src="Part14/Bar3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I, umm, had been curious about this place before but never had the nerve to visit it," one of them will say to the other one. You've overheard more or less the same coversation more than once. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Me too. That's why I picked this place - I made John think it was his idea though." You long pour their drinks to help them loosen up. Your boss won't mind at little extra alcohol. Not if helps turn two bicurious girls into two new regulars. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> By the time your shift is over they are kissing, but both are too nervous to make the next move. They've both also had too much to drive. You know how to solve both problems. "My shift is over, and I can give you two a ride home," you tell them. "Just let me know which of your apartments is closer and I'll drop you both there." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You smile as you watch the two of them get out of your car and eagerly head inside for a night of exciting first experiences. As you drive home, you're eager to see Kate. You're glad your new shift lets you [[spend most of the evening with her|Part14StayKateTalk]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Work the night shift</h1> <img src="Part14/Bar4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"> With the university mostly empty, the bar is much more low key over the summer. You decide to change that with your "Hot Summer Nights" promotion. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't have college girls exploring their sexuality coming in, but you know there's plenty of bicurious local women that just need a bit of convincing to walk through the door. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The 'straight girl' discounts you start offering help pull them in. Of course, the discount itself is only the tiniest part of it. Really, they've been wanting to come in for years. But inviting them in and letting them still claim to be 100% straight is the little bit they need to push them over the edge and through the door. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once they're in they can be content with the 25% off prices they get their first night. Of course after a drink or two they'll start thinking about taking advantage of some of the other discounts. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They'll eagerly take the "I kissed a girl" challenge. Of course they've wanted to do that for years, but now they have an excuse. They'll want to make it more than a quick peck though if they want their free drink. And, if it's a good enough kiss, they might just find the regular they kissed buying their drinks the rest of the night. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After a while, when the night gets going more, you'll offer the "straight girls" drinks on the house. And by "on the house", you mean poured down the chest of one of your regulars. By this point the "straight girls" will have forgotten their inhibitions, and eagerly drinking their shots from between a pair of breasts. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course the "straight girls" are welcome to bring a guy along if that makes them more comfortable. He'll be paying full price though, and drinking his shots from a glass. But he's welcome to enjoy the show. And after she gets more and more turned on as the night goes on, he's welcome to enjoy the fun when she lets loose at home. Assuming she goes home with him that is. [[They usually don't.|Part14StayBarFun2]] <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And if he complains that he doesn't get a discount, or that his girlfriend left with someone else, you tell him that it's ok. The guys at the gay club down the street have heard how well your promotion is going, and have started a similar "straight guy" promotion. He's welcome to continue the night there. You reassure him that a cute guy like him should have no trouble finding someone to go home with. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At home with a "straight" girl</h1> <video src="Part14/Bar5.webm" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Former Straight Girl"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Former Straight Girl", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Former Straight Girl"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Former Straight Girl", repeat: true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Kate doesn't mind if you bring the occasional "straight" girl home from the bar when she's out of town. She doesn't mind you having a little fun and helping another woman discover who she really is. She knows your heart belongs to her. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> She's even let you out of your chastity belt when she's away, at least while the promotion at the bar is going on. <<unset $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<set $PlayerChastityBeltBarPromoRelase to 1>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You always prefer to restrain them. It's nice to let your dominate side out for a change, at least for a little while. But more importantly, it lets them forget about and doubts, any nervousness, or any wondering what they should do. They know they are completly in your hands, and that they can do nothing except to stand there and take whatever you decide to give them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> She knew going in that tonight was just about helping her explore, and that [[your heart belongs to someone else|Part14StayKateTalk]]. That actually made it easier for her, knowing there were no committments or expectations on her. But now that she knows what she really wants, you know she'll be in the bar again soon. Maybe she'll leave with one of the long-time regulars. Or maybe she'll find another former straight girl to leave with, and the two of them can explore a new world together. <<else>> And of course, you plan on giving them more pleasure than any guy they've been with ever has. But you aren't trying to make her into a pillow princess. So after you've given her more than she thought she could handle, it's time [[to turn things around|Part14StayBarFun3]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At home with a former straight girl</h1> <video src="Part14/Bar6.webm" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Former Straight Girl"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Former Straight Girl", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Former Straight Girl"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:"Former Straight Girl", repeat: true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> This time you are the one bound, and she's in control. You always love the helplessness, but that's not why you're wearing the blindfold this time. This time, it's so she doesn't have to look into your eyes - unless she's ready. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> For now, you are just a body she can explore, without judgement or expectations. It's up to her what she does. Her hands can roam for as long as she wants. Her lips can too. She's always wondered what another woman tastes like, and now she can know. Your moans ensure she'll eagerly keep going once she starts. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> There's still the box of toys you'd brought out sitting there if they want to use them. But most of the time, after she's eaten her first girl out for a while, she is ready to try things without the toys. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She unbuckles your restraints and you take off your blindfold. Then you can continue on, with more tenderness and intimacy this time. Now she is ready to look you in the eyes as as your hand slides between her legs. You kiss her passionately this time as her orgasm approaches. Your lips and hers only part so she can moan, and then cry out as she cums. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She knew going in that tonight was just about helping her explore, and that [[your heart belongs to someone else|Part14StayKate2]]. That actually made it easier for her, knowing there were no committments or expectations on her. But now that she knows what she really wants, you know she'll be in the bar again soon. Maybe she'll leave with one of the long-time regulars. Or maybe she'll find another former straight girl to leave with, and the two of them can explore a new world together. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Kate is home again</h1> <video src="Part14/Kate1.webm" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Have you been having fun with your 'straight' girls?", Kate asks you when she gets back from her trip. You are honest with her, and tell her how exciting is showing them all they've been missing. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That's wonderful," she says. "But do you know what they'll be giving up?" She can tell you are confused and adds, <<if setup.sexVaginalCount()>> "You've only ever had a taste of what being a straight girl is like. I think you need a reminder of the expereince." <<elseif setup.sexMaleCount()>> "You've only ever had a 'taste' of what being a straight girl is like. You should get the full experience." <<else>> "You've never had a taste of what being a straight girl is like. You should experience it for yourself." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After she has you bound, with your ass in the air, she puts on her strap-on. "Now, suck my cock," she tells you. You start but she's not happy with your performance. <<if setup.sexMaleCount()>> "This isn't the first cock you've had in your mouth. Surely you can do better than that," <<else>> "If you're going to make a convincing straight girl, you'll have to do better than that," <</if>> she says before swatting your ass with a nearby paddle. "Now, try again. Like you mean it this time." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once she's satisfied with your oral work, she pulls out of your mouth and tells you, "Now that I'm good and hard, it's time for you to get fucked like a straight girl." Once she's behind one of her fingers slides into you. "Hmm, what a sluttly little straight girl you are, getting so wet from sucking my cock. I hardly even need this lube." She applies some to her strap-on anyway, then slides it deep into you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Her thrusts are punctuated by swats on your ass and demands for you to beg for her cock. You wish your hands were free and you could rub your clit, or that she would reach down and do it for you, but she doesn't. Her hands stay firmly on your hips, repeatedly pulling you back onto her strap-on. Even without the added stimualation, you eventually feel an orgasm approaching. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> At the last minute, she pulls out of you before you can cum. Then she squirts some of the lube across your back and grunts. "Oh, that was amazing. You got off too, right? Well, if not, there's always next time, right? <</nobr>> <<nobr>> No longer roleplaying, she tells you. "Well, this is the point where he'd fall asleep with a smile, and you be left awake and frustrated. But I haven't actually gotten off either. <<if $PlayerChastityBeltBarPromoRelase>> <<set $PlayerChastityBelt to 1>> <<unset $PlayerChastityBeltBarPromoRelase>> But first, Don't go anywhere. I'll go get your chastity belt for you. That way we can be sure I don't accidentally let you cum during the rest of our fun tonight. <<else>> I'll have to make sure I don't accidentally let you cum during the rest of our fun tonight. <</if>> We can't spoil the whole "straight girl" expereince for you, can we? <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are glad she isn't making you continue the "straight girl" roleplay tomorrow. But that doesn't mean you won't end up horny and frustrated. After all, [[your orgasms still belong to Mistress Kate|Part14StayKateTalk]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Waking up with Kate</h1> <video src="Part14/Kate2.webm" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> One morning you and Kate are lying in bed talking. Well, mostly talking. She mentions she's found something special for you, something she's sure you are going to love. "Remember how you'd been curious about getting a piercing," she starts. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt or setup.haveInventory('sex toys', 'chastity belt')>> "But [[we'd decided your chastity belt made that impractical|Part14Chastity]]." <<else>> "You'd told me how the thought of it stimulating your clit as you walked turned you on. And the little 'Property of Kate' tag you'd told me about excited me too." <br><br> "I think I've found something that does everything we want and more. Maybe it'd be best if [[I showed you|Part14Piercing]]." <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Getting rid of your belt</h1> <img src="Part14/Chastity1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'd talked with her before about getting a clitoral hood or similar piercing before. When you'd read stories about the jewelery stimulating your clit as you walked it'd always excited you. You'd also fantasized about getting a tiny tag that read "Property of Kate", and imagined that pressed against your clit 24 hours a day. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But, you'd both decided that with the chastity belt you wear, it wouldn't be practical to have a piercing also. "With the piercing I've found for you, the chastity belt won't be necessary anymore. But don't worry, your orgasms will still be under my lock and key." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Maybe it'd be easier if I [[show you what I am talking about|Part14Piercing]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Discussing your piercing</h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I thought it would be easier if you could see what I was talking about. So, I printed out this sample version to show you. See, there's the ring for the hood piercing you'd been wanting. Obviously you'd need some labia piercings as well for this. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Our 3D printer didn't do it justice though. The real one will be made from a much stronger metal, and one that's safe to wear as long as you want - probably even longer than that. And it comes with the locking and other electroncis as well." <</nobr>> <img src="Part14/Chastity2a.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<nobr>> "Do you see how even though it's so small, not like a huge, bulky chastity belt. But it would still completely prevent access to your clit, and prevent penetration. Once I press the <i>Lock</i> button on my phone, you wouldn't be able to remove it, and everything you might want to touch would be completely out of your reach." <</nobr>> <img src="Part14/Chastity2b.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<nobr>> "Then the only way you, or really anyone but me, could give you any pleasure between your legs would be to use a powerful vibrator. I wouldn't recommend trying that though. The website says the shocks it generates to prevent that sort of behavior are quite unpleasant." <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> Then she adds, "Of course your pleasure is already denied due to your probation, but I'm sure you won't be on that for long." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerProtectionPerfect or $PlayerProtectionPermanent or $PlayerProtectionPill>> And periods wouldn't be a concern either, since your birth control prevents yours. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionFertile>> <<set $PlayerProtectionPeriodPill to 1>> Periods would be a problem too, since normal birth control pills won't work on you. But I found out there's another pill that would help. It won't affect your fertility, not that you get fucked by guys that often anyway, but it will make you're periods very light. You should be able to manage them without even needing me to unlock it. <<else>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionNone>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionTry>> <<set $PlayerProtectionPill to 1>> Of course, you'll need to start on that birth control pill they'd mentioned that stops your periods. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $Keyholder == "Robert">> When you bring up Robert and your chastity belt being required for your job, Kate tells you not to worry. "I've already discussed it with him and he's fine with it. He doesn't really need you in a belt. He just wants you as horny as possible at work, so you are the best you can be at your job. This can certainly ensure that. I might even look into seeing if I can set it to tease you a bit whenever you are on your knees with a customer. That should help even more." <br/><br/> <</if>> The thought of such a tiny device giving your Mistress complete control over your pleasure is too exciting for you to resist. After Kate sees you are as excited by her idea as she is, she schedules [[an appointment for your piercings|Part14Piercing2]] as soon as she can. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>After your piercing</h1> <img src="Part14/Chastity3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <<set $PlayerChastityPiercing to 1>> <<set setup.addInventory('piercings', 'chastity piercing')>> <<unset $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<set $Keyholder to "Kate">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "There. All finished," your piercer says after the last needle is through. He then demonstrates to you and Kate how to properly insert the piercings and how they fit into the chastity hardware. "I'll need your signature here before I can enable the locking and other electronic features and transfer control to your girlfriend." Your finger is shaking a bit as you scribble your signature onto the form on his tablet. He presses another button and you hear a loud click from the piercing. A moment later Kate's phone beeps with a notification. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "There, it's securely locked, and complete control has been transfered. That lock sound is configurable, but most people seem to prefer the default, audible padlock sound you heard. But you won't really be able to try our the different lock and unlock sounds until next month though." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Right, the one month healing period. Is that why the unlock icon is grayed out?", Kate asks him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Exactly," he replies. "Besides the initial healing lockout, the lockout feature is mainly used by self-locked users. It lets the 'owner' lock themselves out of whichever features they want for whatever period of time they want. An automatic lockout will also happen if there's any unauthorized use of the app attempted by the wearer. But you can use it too if you like. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Here, let me show you," he directs Kate on usage of the app. "Go to the teasing <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> menu..." Kate stops there and explains your probation denial. "Ok, go to the punishment menu then," he says. Select a severity level, probably not 'High' though for now. Now pick any number you want on the 'Average Shocks per Hour' slider, but don't say it outloud - it's best she be surprised. Good choice. Now click the 'Activate with Lockout' button, and [[set the timer to 10 hours|Part14StayKate3]] if that works for you." <br><br> As soon as Kate presses the button, you feel one painful shock right on your clit and then another one. You can't get away from them and a third one hits. "You can turn off the starting shocks if you want next time. But what you set should be enough to promote a healthy blood flow, which will promote healing. It'll also make her eager to behave. That should help you get her back on track with her studies. <<else>> menu. Select 'Low' for the intensity level'. Good, now click the 'With Edging' box. Now pick any number you want on the 'Average Edges per Hour' slider, but don't say it outloud - it's best she be surprised. Good choice. Now, slide the 'Orgasm Chance' and 'Shock Chance' sliders to 0%. Exactly. Now click the 'Activate with Lockout' button, and [[set the timer to 10 hours|Part14StayKate3]] if that works for you." <br><br> As soon as Kate presses the button, you feel soft vibrations start against your clit. "Wonderful," you piercer tells her. "That should promote a very healthy blood flow, which will promote healing. It will also make her quite eager for you to start playing with the rest of the features tonight. <</if>> If you have any problems, come back and see me or call the company's emergency line if needed." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobStripper>> You discuss your side-job at the strip club with Kate, and whether or not it'd be possible to keep stripping with your piercing. You both decided that this would be good time to stop working there. The piercing would make things awkward, and now that you are living with Kate, you don't need the extra money anymore. <<unset $JobStripper>> <<elseif $JobGloryHole>> You discuss your side-job in the glory hole booth with Kate, and whether <<if setup.haveFuckedVaginal('Glory Hole Customer')>> or not it'd possible to keep working there now. "Why would your piercing be relevant? You mouth isn't locked shut," Kate wonders. When she realizes the real reason why you are asking she adds, "You haven't been getting unlocked and giving them more than just your mouth have you?". <br/><br/> She can tell by the guilty look on your face that you have. "Well, that won't be happening in the future. And I might need to try out the 'Punishment Shocks' option soon than I'd hoped." <br/><br/> Thankfully she decides against the shocks, for now. But the two of you discuss your side-job in the glory hole more over the next few days. <<else>> now would be a good time to stop it. <</if>> You both decide that you don't really need the money anymore so you won't be working at the booth anymore. <<unset $JobGloryHole>> <<elseif $JobCallGirlSide>> You discuss your side-job as a call girl with Kate, and whether or not it'd be possible keep doing it with your piercing. You decide that while you could certainly find clients just wanting oral or anal, and probably some that would even be into your new piercing, now is probably a good time to stop. The piercing would certainly make things more complicated, and now that you are living with Kate, you don't need the extra money anymore. <<unset $JobCallGirlSide>> <<elseif $JobWebModelSide or $JobPornOralSide or $JobPornAnalSide or $JobPornGangSide or $JobPornSide>> You discuss your porn side-job with Kate, and whether you it would still work with your piercing. You decided that while you could keep doing porn with it, <<if $JobPornOralSide>> espeially since you're more known for your blow job scenes anyway, <<else $JobPornAnalSide>> espeially since you're more known for your anal scenes anyway, <</if>> now is probably a good time to stop. Sales have been going down lately, and now that you live with Kate, you don't need the extra money anymore. <<unset $JobWebModelSide>> <<unset $JobPornOralSide>> <<unset $JobPornAnalSide>> <<unset $JobPornGangSide>> <<unset $JobPornSide>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Going out</h1> <img src="Part14/Kate3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are excited as you get ready for a night out with Kate. Unlike with <<if setup.haveInventory('sex toys', 'chastity belt')>>your<<else>>a<</if>> chastity belt, you can wear your tight-fitting red dress, and show off all your curves. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know you're going to get plenty of looks [[on the dance floor|Part14StayKateDance]] tonight. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You have to stop getting ready a few times and sit down for a bit whenver your piercing decides to <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> give you shock, or several in a row. <<else>> bring you close to an orgasm, and then stop. <</if>> Each time, once you catch your breath, you go back to fixing your hear, or putting on your makeup. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Dancing with Kate</h1> <img src="Part14/Kate4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> When you first feel the vibrator spring to life again, you are excited. But you realize you can't feel the pleasure from it, you can just feel that it is vibrating. <br><br> As each pulse hits, you realize it's in time with music in the club. When you mention it to Kate, she checks her app. "It looks like that's a default setting. I hope you like it, since I'm still locked out of making any changes for now." <br><br> "Well, I like it I guess. It seems to override the shocks, or at least I haven't felt one in a while." You jump as one hits right then. "Never mind, they haven't stopped. Anyway, the vibrations would probably feel amazing if I wasn't on this damn probation thing. And I don't know if it's the vibrations causing it or just that I'm having a good time, but I really just want to keep dancing." <br><br> You and Kate stay a while longer. Just as you are arriving back home a notification appears on her phone. "Oh, it looks like the 10 hour lockout period is over," she says with a smile. Of course, it can't be removed at least another month, but I can control the other functions now. <br><br> "Does that mean the shocks will stop now?", you eagerly ask. <br><br> She presses a button and says. "Yes, as long as [[you behave yourself|Part14StayKateHome]]." <<else>> When you first feel the vibrator spring to life again, you think it's about to edge you another time. But this time is different. <br><br> As each pulse hits, you realize it's in time with music in the club. When you mention it to Kate, she checks her app. "It looks like that's a default setting. I hope you like it, since I'm still locked out of making any changes for now." <br><br> "I love it!", you tell her as each beat sends a pulse of pleasure through you. You have to hold on to Kate for support several times though the evening as the vibrations bring you just to the edge of cumming on the dance floor, but then stop just a few seconds too soon. <br><br> Just as you and Kate are arriving back home a notification appears on her phone. "Oh, it looks like the 10 hour lockout period is over," she says with a smile. Of course, it can't be removed at least another month, but I can control the other functions now. <br><br> "Does that mean you can tell it to let me orgasm now?", you eagerly ask. <br><br> She presses a button and the vibrator comes to life more powerful than you've felt it yet. But then she moves her finger away and says, "If I decide to, yes. maybe I will. But [[I have something else in mind first|Part14StayKateHome]]." <</if>> <</nobr>><div><<nobr>> <h1>Kate trying out other features</h1> <span style="float: left;width: 40%;padding-right: 20px;"> <video src="Part14/Kate5.webm" autoplay loop muted height="700"></video> </span> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:"Kate"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> "I read about something called 'Encouragement' mode. It would help keep you motivated while you attend to me," Kate says as she pushes your head down between her legs. "Of course it won't work for you right now, but imagine how fun it will be when you are off probation." <br><br> "It'd keep you on the edge as you are eating me out. Wouldn't that be fun for you right now?" <br><br> "Then after I cum, it would ask me to rate your work. Five stars will give you a guaranteed orgasm, One star a series of those unpleasant shocks. But unfortunately all you could get now would be the shocks, so that away the fun. I know you won't be giving me anything deserving just one star, will you pet?" <br><br> When she finally comes she tells you, "Hmmm, very good, that would have been deserving of an orgasm." <br><br> "Oh well," Kate says. "We have to get up early tomorrow to [[head to your parents|Part14StayKateParents]], so we best be getting to sleep soon." <<else>> "This is called 'Encouragement' mode. It'll help keep you motivated while you attend to me," Kate says as she pushes your head down between her legs. <br><br> "You should be able to feel the vibrations building now.". You nod, keeping your tongue on her clit. "It will keep edging you as you are eating me out. That should keep it fun for both of us!" <br><br> "After I cum, it asks me to rate your work. Five stars will give you a guaranteed orgasm, One star a series of unpleasant shocks. So you best do a good job, pet." <br><br> When she finally comes you anxiously wait to see what rating she hits. "Hmmm, very good, but you seemed a bit distracted. Four stars." <br><br> When she hits it you see a spinner appear and start to spin. As it slows down you see it nearing "Orgasm", but it stops just before it gets there. 'Try harder next time.' the message says as you feel the vibrations abruptly stop. <br><br> "That's just as well," Kate says. "We have to get up early tomorrow to [[head to your parents|Part14StayKateOnTheRoad]]. I'll turn off the random teases for the night, so you can get some sleep tonight." <</if>> <</nobr>> </div><<nobr>> <h1>Heading to your parents</h1> <video src="Part14/Kate6.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Kate stop for lunch on the way to your parents. After you order, you go to the restroom. It takes you a bit longer as you dry the piercing with a bit of toilet paper, but you are already getting used to doing that. As you are washing your hands you start to feel faint vibrations from your piercing. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> By the time your food arrives the vibrations of increased a bit. You mention that the piercing is doing something different now to Kate after the waitress walks away. "Oh, is it now?", Kate asks mischievously. "You should probably just eat your food and not worry about it." You don't have any other choice anyway, and so start eating your lunch. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The vibrations continue to slowly increase as you eat. It's just as well that you can't eat as much as you could a year ago, as eventually you can't focus on your meal anymore. You can only focus on the vibrations between your legs. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are expecting another frustrating edging, but that doesn't happen this time. Instead before you get that close, the vibrations reduce a bit, but just for a while. Then the vibrations pick up again. You realize it's not trying to edge you this time, but keeping you at a constant state of arousal. "Please, turn it up and let me cum!", you beg in a whisper to Kate. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You don't mind having an orgasm, right here in the restaurant. I'd imagine it'd be a loud one," she warns you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh, yes, please. Right here," you beg as the waitress aproaches with the check. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After the waitress walks away with Kate's credit card, Kate responds. "Sorry pet, that's not possible. I've locked it in to 'hover' mode. It should unlock when we are within 1 mile of our destination. But don't worry, I'm driving." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "But [[my parents' house|Part14StayKateParents]] is still several hours away!", you say. "And what if we break down or something? Will I be stuck like this forever?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Forever?", Kate muses. "God, that sounds hot. Don't give me any ideas. But no. It'll shut off automatically if we don't move toward our destination for 4 hours." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At your parents</h1> <img src="Part14/Parents1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> "That's the one," you say, pointing to your family's house. <br><br> You and Kate carry you bags inside and set them down. "Those bags must be heavy. Just set them down and your Dad can take them upstairs for you later," your mom tells you. "Kate can talk with your dad for a bit. You come in the kitchen with me and we can get drinks for everyone." <<else>> Kate's phone beeps as you drive past your old high school. Your start to notice the vibration steadily declining after that. They stop completely about the time she pulls onto your parents' street. "That's the one," you say, pointing to your family's house. <br><br> You and Kate carry you bags inside and set them down. "You look a bit flushed, those bags must be heavy. Just set them down and your Dad can take them upstairs for you later," your mom tells you. "Kate can talk with your dad for a bit. You come in the kitchen with me and I'll get you something cool to drink." <br><br> You are already feeling normal again, but you don't want to explain to your mother why you looked the way you did, so you go along with her. By the time you finish your drink, she seems satisfied that you aren't going to have a heat stroke or whatever she was worried about, so you head back to join Kate and your father. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You enter mid-coversation as your father is talking, about you, to Kate. "I had been really worried about <<if $playerName>>$playerName<<else>>her<</if>> when she'd first changed. I'd worried with college, and the new body, it might have all been too much for her. <<if setup.haveFucked('Mike') or $UncleChair>> I was especially worried after she'd came home for Christmas. <</if>> I was relieved when I heard she'd moved in with you." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't speak, and just keep listening. "I had been worried she might spiral out of control - I mean we've all heard the X-Change stories. I'd half-expected her first year to end with her pregnant, dropping out, and moving back here. Obviously that wasn't something I should have been worried about. I'm glad that she has another woman helping her through this, and guiding her." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After your mom comes in from the kitchen and asks your Dad to take your bags up to your room and Kate's to Dylan's bedroom, your dad tells her separate rooms aren't necessary. "They're grown women. And besides they share a bed every other day anyway. I'll take all the bags to <<if $playerName>>$playerName's<<else>>her<</if>> room." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> "Ok, then," your mom says. "You girls get settled in then. Your sister Cassie should be here soon. I'll be in the kitchen finishing up with dinner. <br><br> When Cassie gets home you and Cassie watch a movie whle Kate talks with your mother a bit. <br><br> When it's time for bed you and Kate go up to your old room. You offer to pleasure her but she says sex can wait until you are back home. Instead the two of you snuggle up in your old bed. She tells you "[[sweet dreams|Part14StayKateDreams]]" before you both drift off to sleep. <<else>> "Ok, then," your mom says. "You girls get settled in then. [[Your sister Cassie|Part14StayKateMovie]] should be here soon. I'll be in the kitchen finishing up with dinner. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Watching a movie with your sister</h1> <video src="Part14/Kate7.webm" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After dinner Kate stays with and talks with your mother for a bit when you and Cassie head up to her room to watch TV. "How's the show?", Kate texts you. When you tell her that it's a bit boring, she replies, "Maybe I can fix that." The vibration quickly spring to life. You are ready for another frustrating edge - that's all you've been given since you got this piercing. "Do you want to cum this time, Pet?", Kate texts as you get close. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes, please!", you reply, not caring about anything about finally being allowed to orgasm again. A moment later, the vibrations ramp up again, pushing you over the edge and finally letting you orgasm. You struggle to keep from screaming as pulses of vibrations continue to hit as you cum. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You manage to keep quiet, though you silently lose control in another way. After the vibrations stop, you let your sister finish watching her show as you head to the shower and to change into your pajamas. You go back downstairs to join your mom and Kate for a while. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When it's time for bed you and Kate go up to your old room. When you are in private you thank her for your orgasm earlier. You are eager to thank her in other ways as well, but she says sex can wait until you are back home. Instead the two of you snuggle up in your old bed. She tells you "[[sweet dreams|Part14StayKateDreams]]" before you both drift off to sleep. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Bathing in the Scared Lake (Dreaming)</h1> <video src="Part14/Dream1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> In your dream, you a handsome young man, the son of an influential nobleman. Your father had arranged for you to marry Katherine, the Queen of a distant kingdom. Your father is doing it to expand your families power. But you have hear stories of Queen Katherine's beauty and are thrilled that she will soon be your wife. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your excitement is tempered though when you meet with her privately. She tells you that she's agreed to the arrangements for politically reasons, but that you will never share her bed. When you appolgize for not being desirable, she tells you that it is not you. No man appeals to her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "But, there is one possibility..," you listen as she tells you of the Sacred Lake many miles from here. "Any man that sees the waters feels drawn to it, and will want to enter the lake. And any man that does so, will be transformed. He'll enter as a man, but leave the lake as a woman." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'd never imagine such a thing is possible, and not that you've learned that it is, you are even more excited than when you had been told of your marriage arrangement. Queen Katherine continues, "Few have heard of it. The men nearby call the lake cursed. They say that the few men that have ever been brave enough to venture through the forest to the lake have never returned. The women that know the truth don't usually speak of it." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She's pleased with how eager you are to visit the lake now that you've learned of it, and arranges for you to be taken to the lake. When you emerge from the lake you try to act regal in front of your handmaidens, but are happier than you've ever been. When you return to the castle the queen is equally thrilled. "You are more beautiful even than I had hoped!" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you worry that the secret of the lake will be exposed now, your Queen tells you not to worry. "The people of my kingdom will think that I married your father's daughter instead of his son. They don't know that he doesn't have any. Or rather, he didn't have any daughters until today until today. Your father will know the truth, but he won't speak of it. It suits his political interests equally either way. After all, his grandchild will succeed me on the throne, and that's what he wanted most of all." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When she sees your surprise at the mention of children, she tells you not to worry. "I want you all to myself for now. We'll have plenty of time to find a suitable man for the occasion, when it comes time for my beautiful princess to bear an heir." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You awake during your wedding ceremony. At first you are disappointed, that it was just a dream. But then you glance over at Kate, and realize she was the queen in your dream. So it wasn't entirely a dream at all. You smile and snuggle up close to her and <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist or $PlayerSideEffectDreams>> [[try to get back to sleep|Part14StayKateDream2]]. <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Mike') or $UncleChair>> [[try to get back to sleep|Part14StayKateDream3Hard]]. <<else>> [[try to get back to sleep|Part14StayKateDream3Soft]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Walking through Times Square (Dreaming)</h1> <video src="Part14/Dream2.webm" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You find yourself in New York City. You notice men staring at you more than normal as you walk through Times Square. You even notice a few women taking a second look as you walk by. You are loving the attention. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've walked several blocks before you realize the reason everyone is staring is that your breasts are completely exposed. You aren't cold or embarrassed though. Of course not, this is how you always dress, and you love it. You know none of the clothes in your tiny apartment cover any more than the one you are wearing now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Kate's flight is coming in soon, so you make your way to the subway. People pack in around you after you enter. There's seats available further up in the car, but as usual, the men seem to want to stand near you instead. Of course, packed together so much, you don't know whose hand it moving across your stomach, then cupping your breasts, then pinching your nipple. But, you don't mind. After all, that's why you decided to stand here, with your arms up and your hands holding onto the strap above you, instead of taking one of those empty seats you'd seen. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you get to the airport, you take off your clothes and place them into the bin to be X-Rayed, while you walk nude into the body scanner. Once you are through, you put them back on and head down to the gate to wait for Kate. When she finally arrives, the two of you embrace. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wake up to Kate's arm draped over you uncomfortably. You turn your back to her and place her arm over you more comfortably. Feeling safe and protected in her arms, it doesn't take you long to <<if setup.haveFucked('Mike') or $UncleChair>> [[drift back to sleep again|Part14StayKateDream3Hard]]. <<else>> [[drift back to sleep again|Part14StayKateDream3Soft]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Celebrating your Birthday (Dreaming)</h1> <video src="Part14/Dream3.webm" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are on the deck at your parents, celebrating your birthday with Kate, your parents, your brother Dylan, and your sister Cassie. "Is everyone ready for the cake?", your mother asks. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "No, first it's time to bend <<if $playerName>>$playerName<<else>>my daughter<</if>> over my knee to start her birthday spakings," you father says. Then he turns to Kate and adds, "Or would you prefer the honor of starting this time." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Thank you, but she's a grown woman now," Kate tells your father. He looks scornfully for a moment until she pulls her flogger whip out of her purse and says, "She's old enough for this now." Your brother Dylan watches closely as Kate has you take off your shorts and panties and bend over the table. "... and 20," tears are running down your cheek as Kate finishes. Then she says. "Who's next? <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Dylan quickly volunteers to go next. As soon as his first blow hits, you cry out in pain. You instantly realize he's stronger than Kate and very excited about spanking his sister. You wake up covered in sweat just as the last of your family is taking their turn. You get up for a moment and go to the bathroom. You rub your bottom, expecting it to still be sore and painful, but it feels fine. You spash some water on your face and head [[back to bed|Part14StayKateDream4]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In Uncle Mike's Dungeon (Dreaming)</h1> <video src="Part14/Dream4.webm" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are naked and gagged, and back in dungeon of your former uncle, Mike. Kate is there too and tells you, "You were a naught girl on Christmas break.". <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "And we've both decided you need to be properly punished for it," Mike adds as he points to a bench. You dutifuly comply, and place your arms out near the spreader bar, expecting them to cuffed into position. "No. You won't be restrained this time. You need to learn to take your punishment like a woman," he tells you. "Hold here, and don't let go until we say you can." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The pain is more intense than you'd expected. You try to hold on, but you can't help it. Your mind tries to tell your body not to move, but you can't help but struggle as strikes continue. Your hands, desperately want to move to protect your ass. You stop yourself from letting them do that, but you can't stop them from moving from the bar you were ordered to hold on to. "That's disappointing, pet," Kate tells you as she strokes your hair. We'll have to try it again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are more prepared this time, but the pain is worse on your already tender ass, and you can't stop yourself from moving again. The cycle repeats, over and over again. Each time you tell yourself you won't move, but each time you do. You lose track of how long it's been going on. Hours? Days? Forever? <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Finally, when one of the canes hits your ass, you snap awake in bed, covered in sweat. You get up for a moment and go to the bathroom. You rub your bottom, expecting it to be red and inflamed, and painful. But it feels fine. You spash some water on your face and head [[back to bed|Part14StayKateDream4]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Getting a massage (Dreaming)</h1> <video src="Part14/Dream5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are so glad you let Kate talk you into getting a massage. The touch of their hands as they roam across your arms, back, butt, legs, and feet feels amazing. You could lie here for hours enjoying this. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It feels even better when one of the hands moves between your legs and brushes across your lips. You can't help but let out a soft moan when it does. When she hears your reaction, it doesn't take long before her hand is sliding between your legs again. After a few more brushes across, her fingers push your lips across and you feel her fingers slide slowly into you. You hold tightly onto the table and moan deeply into your pillow. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The other hands continue stroking the rest of your body as her fingers alternate between sliding your lips, sliding out and across your clit, and returning to simply stroking your bottom. She seems to know just how to make your pleasure slowly build and build. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Finally, she's decided you've waited long enough. Now both hands focus on your pleasure. The fingers of one hand slide into you while its thumb slides up teasing your ass. The other hand is underneath, with its fingers focused on your clit. You know you aren't going to last long. The other women realize it as well. Their hands stop stroking your skin and instead hold your arms and legs where they are, keeping you from moving. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You feel an orgasm building up inside you as the hands hold you firm. Her fingers continue thrusting inside you and stroking your clit. Just as you are about to cum, you wake up. You can feel your piercing vibrating strongly, but you feel nothing from it. You are covered in sweat and short of breath but the orgasm was all in your dream, there's nothing now. You know you would have came just now if your body had allowed it. <<else>> Your spasms shake the table as you orgasm, but the hands hold you firm. Her fingers continue thrusting inside you and stroking your clit. You cry out as you continue to orgasm and her hands continue their work. You are in the middle of a real orgasm as you wake up. The vibration from your piercing is intense and you can't help but cry out in your bedroom waking up Kate. A few moments later the vibrations start to subside and you catch your breath. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I see the 'Alarm Clock' mode works even better than I'd hoped. Right on schedule. I don't think you'll be sleeping through any classes this <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> fall. Maybe that will help get you off of probation quicker," <<else>> fall," <</if>> Kate tells you. "You should probably go take a shower, so you aren't tempted to fall back asleep. Only the first wake up is so fun. If you try to 'snooze' the alarm and lay back down, it uses shocks the next time. Besides, we need to get ready so we can [[head back home|Part14StayKateHomeAgain]] after breakfast." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Back home with Kate</h1> <video src="Part14/Kate8.webm" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:"Kate"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:"Kate"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Kate are excited to be back home. After trying to keep your hands off each other for most of the trip, the two of you are desperate for each other and are in the bedroom stripping each other's clothes off before your bags are even unpacked. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After making out a bit, you kiss your way down her stomach and begin pleasuring Kate. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> <br><br> After she orgasms she lets you know that you would have just earned another orgasm. <br><br> Later in the day, <<else>> You begin to notice the vibrations again as she remembers to reach for her phone and activates "Encouragement Mode". You love how good it feels, you stay focused on Kate's pleasure, looking up into her eyes and making sure is enjoying your work. <br><br> Your piercing is keeping you close to an orgasm as Kate begins to cum, and grinds into your face as you continue until you know she's had enough. She can't speak yet, but you see her press "5 Stars" on her phone. You feel the vibrations from the piercing increase instantly as you watch the spinner on her phone spin then land on "3 Orgasms". <br><br> Kate pulls you up next to her and holds you as the first of the orgasms washes over you. You squirm as the vibrations continue after your orgasms. Kate holds you still and strokes your hair, "That's a good pet, enjoy your reward." Kate kises you as you feel yourself pushed, unavoidably, towards a second orgasm. You know there's still a third to come after that. <br><br> Much later, after you've both had time to recover, <</if>> you both unpack your bags from your trip to your parents. You wonder if it's worth putting the suitcase away tough, since Kate has [[a business trip|Part14StayKateTrip]] coming soon. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>On a trip with Kate</h1> <img src="Part14/Kate9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'bikini')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Kate suggests extending her business trip and having you join her. You'll have a couple days on your own until her work's done, after that you'll have several days together. Of course you're thrilled with the idea. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'd been worried about your piercing and airport security, but Kate said you shouldn't be concerned. They did detect something on their scans, but you told them it was an 'intimate piercing' like Kate had said to do. After a female agent patted you down, she let you through and the two of you headed to your fight. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You were worried that you might have done something deserving of punishment when you see Kate pull up the app on her phone. But then you are relieved when she just sets your piercing, and then her phone, to airplane mode. <br><br> She's away at meetings much of the day, but you're <<else>> You'd been wondering what she might do during your flight. Thoughts of trying to be quiet as you orgasmed on a crowded plane crossed your mind more than once. You were relieved, but also a bit disappointed when she opened up her phone and set the piercing, then her phone, to airplane mode. <br><br> But, the next few days she has other plans. While she's away at her meetings she sets your piercing to randomly decide whether to just softly tease you for a while, bring you close to an orgasm but then deny you, or make you orgasm. She didn't let you see exactly what she set, so you never know what to expect. <br><br> You're <</if>> not going to hide away in your hotel room though. You grab your bikini and head down to the beach. You sit in the sand for a bit enjoying a quiet moment. As you do, you think of Kate and look forward to when she's done with work and [[can join you for the rest of the trip|Part14StayKatePropose]]. She seemed like she was hiding something earlier, you wonder if you should be worried or excited about what it might be. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$AcademicProbationDenial>> Your thoughts are cut short though as you feel the vibrations start again. You wonder if it'll let you cum this time. After the last few times ended in denials, you hope so. You couldn't care less how many people see you orgasm right now. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>On the beach with Kate</h1> <img src="Part14/KatePropose.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<set $Engaged to 'Kate'>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Kate's last day of meetings ended early, and she said she wanted to take a sunset walk on the beach with you. She seems nervous as the two of you walk along the beach. It crosses your mind that your piercing hasn't teased you once since Kate's meeting ended. You guess she wanted to let you focus on the sunset. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Look how beautiful it is," she says point towards the setting sun. After you look for a moment you turn back around to see Kate down on one knee. Your heart is racing as she pulls out a ring. She tells you how much she loves you and how she couldn't imagine being without you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When she asks you to marry her, you can barely speak, but nod emphatically and eventually manage to say, "Yes! Yes, I'll marry you.". You let her put the ring on your finger before pulling her up and into your arms. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You mind is still a blur as you head back to your hotel room with Kate. The two of your kiss passionately before she stops and says, "They'll be [[time for that later|Part14StayKateTrip2]]. I've made dinner reservations for us to celebrate first." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Back in the Hotel with Kate</h1> <video src="Part14/Kate10.webm" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:"Kate"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After a late night with Kate, you both sleep late. You want to stay in bed with her all day. But when Kate sees you are awake she tells you to go start a bath for your both in the big bath tub the room has. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You start with soaping up her back for her, but it soon turns to kissing and then to your fingers under the water pleasuring her. <br><br> After she cums Kate tells you, "Let's finish washing up. As fun as that was, I don't want to spend all day in here. <<else>> When you come back to tell her it's almost ready, you see her set something on her phone, but you don't feel any vibrations start. She sees you watching her. She smiles and says, "Let me know when you figure out what the new settings is." <br><br> She climbs into the bath after you and tells you to soap up her back for her. When your fingers brush across her back as you run the soap across it, you feel the vibrations start. When you put the soap down and have both hands on her back the vibrations increase. After you press your body against her back and moan she turns around to face you. <br><br> You hold her as closely as you can, realizing the more you are touching her the more intense the vibrations are. You kiss her passionately as you feel your orgasm building. As you cum, she holds you tightly against her through your orgasm. After you cum, the vibrations stop. "I set it for just one this time," Kate tells you. "I didn't what us staying in here all day. Now, lets finish washing up, <</if>> I want to spend the day out with my fiancée." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The rest of the trip is fun, but unfortunately all too short. And soon it's time to head back home. On the flight home you think of all of you need to do. But you aren't stressed out yet. You'll both have months, at least, to plan the wedding. You haven't even set the date yet. But school will be starting up again soon, so you'll need to get ready for that. But before any of that, you have [[phone calls to make|Part14StayKateSchool]] as soon as you get home, so you can let everyone know the big news! <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Back to School</h1> <img src="Part14/School.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The phone calls start with your parents. At first your mother seems a bit concerned at how fast you and Kate are moving, but your dad points out that the wedding won't be for a while still. Then he reminds your mom that he and her had only been dating for six months when they'd gotten married. "Well, I was several months along with Cassie at the time too," she replies. Your father jokes that he doesn't think that Kate getting you pregnant is a one of the factors here. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once the shock of the news is gone though, your mom is supportive. Cassie is thrilled with the news. Your brother Dylan <<if setup.haveFucked('Dylan')>> says he's happy for you as well, though he seems much less excited about the news than your sister was. <<else>> seems excited for you as well. <</if>> Your mentor Sam is excited for you too, though she seems much less surprised than your family was. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You start working your way down your list of friends letting everyone know. Of course by the time you are half way through, most of them have already found out from each other. Now that that's taken care of, you have to stop to get ready for the new semester. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> All too soon, the first day of the [[new school year|Part15Begin]] arrives. But as you get ready for the first day back at school, you wonder how many of your classmates, that don't already know, will notice the engagement ring on your hand. Even if they dont notice that, it'll be hard to miss the huge smile you are also wearing. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With Aaron for the Summer</h1> <img src="Part13/SummerPlans3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'd imagined you'd be spending all day with Aaron, but he has summer classes to teach, as well as his research to work on. So you're home alone much of the day. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Daddy has homework for you to work on over the summer. He wants you to be better prepared when classes start up again in the fall. But that only takes a small amount of your time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You spend the rest of your day making sure everything is perfect at home for when Daddy gets off work, and making sure you look as beautiful as you can as well. Of course you always spend some time <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock or $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> [[making sure Daddy is thinking about you|Part14StayAaronWait]] <<else>> [[making sure Daddy is thinking about you|Part14StayAaronMast]] <</if>> during the day as much as you are thinking about him. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Messaging Aaron</h1> <video src="Part14/Aaron1.webm" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know he's giving a test today, so he'll be sitting in front of the class waiting as they take their exam. So you decide to keep him entertained. You set your laptop up give him a good view, and put your pretty pink gag in case he didn't mute his phone. You message him and wait for a response. When you see he's connected you start you show. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know you aren't supposed to orgasm without Daddy there, or without his permission. But you also wonder if he's paying attention. It'd feel so good to cum right now, and you wonder if maybe he's watching his class to make sure they dont' cheat, so maybe you could cheat a little... <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As if he knew what you were thining, Daddy texts, "Stop," before you orgasm. You pull your hand out and whimper into your gag. You know you'll have several hours more at least to wait. "Good girl," he messages when he sees you stop. You type back with your dry hand telling him you'll be eagerly waiting for him when he gets off work. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I have to get back to my class. But, don't change. And keep the gag in unless you need to eat or drink," he messages. "Yes, Daddy," you reply before the two of you disconnect. You can already feel a bit of drool running down your chin. You wonder how much more they'll be when [[Daddy gets home from work|Part14StayAaron2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Messaging Aaron</h1> <img src="Part14/Aaron2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know he's giving a test today, so he'll be sitting in front of the class waiting as they take their exam. So you decide to send him a few photos to keep him entertained. You put on your collar and cuffs and your pretty pink gag. Then you use the timer on your phone and send a few of your favorite shots to Daddy. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You look beautiful," he tells you. "Don't change a thing. I want you just like that when I get home." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes, Daddy," you reply. You're a bit relieved when he adds, "Keep the cuffs on, but you can walk with them on for now. And you can take the gag off if you need to eat or drink. But I want you crawling towards me, just like that when I get home." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You smile into your gag as you stand up and make tiny steps towards the hallway. You check the clock and see it's still several hours more until [[Daddy gets home from work|Part14StayAaron2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Daddy is Home</h1> <video src="Part14/Aaron4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron', vaginal: true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You leave your gag in place and cuffs on the rest of the day, taking the gag out only when absolutely necessary. It isn't long until your breasts are covered with the drool that leaks out. There's a similar mess trailing down your thigh, as you are wet all day imagining when Daddy gets home. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Finally, Daddy texts you to let you know he's on his way home. You wait for him near the door on your hands and knees, still gagged and wearing your cuffs. You can't help but smile when he looks at you and says "Good Girl". You follow as he leads you into the living room. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He links your wrist cuffs to those around your ankles, keeping you from crawling any more and forcing your ass into the air. You love the helpless feeling and anxiously await the familiar feeling of his cock sliding in and filling you. But Daddy has something else in mind first, and you instead hear feel him press a wand against your clit and turn it on. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wonder if he's going to stop before you can cum, but he turns the vibrations up as you start to get close, pushing you over the edge. You can't help but to try to squirm, but you can't get away from the vibrations as he holds the wand in place as cum. Only when he thinks you've had enough does he move you onto your knees, with your hands still attached to your ankles behind you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After he's enjoyed your mouth for a bit, he rolls you over again. You finally get the feeling of Daddy's cock inside you that you've been aching for all day. He uncuffs your ankles and wrists, for now, to allow a wider range of positions. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've came again before he tells you finish him with your mouth. He lets you wipe the cum from your chin before he links your wrists together behind your back. He keeps them like that the rest of the evening. He even feeds you the dinner you'd prepared for you both while he was at work. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Later, you mother calls about your and Aaron's visit to your parents next week [[after his classes are finished|Part14StayAaronGrading]]. He answers the phone for you and you use your bare shoulder to keep the phone pressed to your ear as you give your mom the details. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Trying not to Distract Daddy</h1> <video src="Part14/Aaron3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Daddy is done teaching for the summer, but he still has to grade everyone's final exams. Luckily he can do that from home. You've been enjoying having him here, and distracting him from his work, a bit too much though. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I know you want to play, since I'm at home, but I need to get these tests graded. We are [[heading to your parents|Part14StayAaron3]] tomorrow, and I'm sure my students are all anxious to know their grades," Daddy then sends you to the bathroom while he retieves a package from the back of the closet. "I'd planned on trying this out with you later, but now seems like an excellent time." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He starts by putting your gag in your mouth, he then shows you his latest purchase. After you manage to get your feet in, Daddy starts zipping it up in the back. As he does, your legs are squeezed tightly together. You are already getting wet thinking about being unable to move, which makes the remote vibe Daddy pulls out slide into you easily. Daddy shows you the pockets your hands and arms slide into, preventing them from roaming around under the latex. Then he finishes zipping the bag up to your neck. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He gives you a kiss on the forehead and sets the vibrator to "Low" before returning to the nearby table and his work. You can't help but squirm in frustration at the vibrator soft, teasing setting. The sound of squeaking latex distracts Daddy for a moment. But he quickly returns to his work. You do your best to stay still after that. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You aren't sure how long Daddy's work will take. But you hope maybe he'll want to take a break in an hour or so. He probably won't want to take you all the way out of your latex restraint. He'll probably just take off your gag so he can use your mouth. If you're a good girl and stay still, he might even turn the vibrator up enough that you can get off while he does. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At your Parents with Aaron</h1> <img src="Part14/Parents1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> Daddy was eventually able to finish his grading last night. He probably would have gotten it done much quicker if he hadn't keep stopping for breaks, but you certainly didn't mind. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> This morning you both finish packing and then to Aaron's car to drive to your parents' house. He has you only call him Aaron for the entire ride down to get used to it. The visit will probably be awkward enough with out you accidentally calling him Daddy in front of your parents. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you arrive, you introduce Aaron to your parents. Of course they've talked on the phone before, but this is the first time they've meet in person. Thankfully they all seem much more at ease that you had worried. Soon the discussion turns to you and how you are doing at college. It starts to feel like a parent-teacher conference to you. But then you realize, that's exactly what it is. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I had been really worried about <<if $playerName>>$playerName<<else>>her<</if>> when she'd first changed," your father says. I'd worried with college, and the new body, it might have all been too much for her. I was worried she might spiral out of control - I mean we've all heard the X-Change stories. I'd half-expected her first year to end with her pregnant, dropping out, and moving back here. But thankfully that didn't happen." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You're mainly silent as your parents and Aaron continue talking about you, about your grades, about what you were like growing up, and your plans for next semester. You only speak up when they ask you something. Most of the time you are quiet and listening. Your mind can't help but wander though, and you keep wondering what your father would say if he knew all the things Aaron and done with you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When your Mom steps out of the room, <<if setup.haveFucked('Mike') or $UncleChair>> your father speaks more directly with Aaron, not caring that you are listening too. "I know my newest daughter isn't as innocent as she looks. My friend Mike spent Christmas with her and warned me about her." Aaron nods softly as your father continues, "I'm glad she has a firm hand guiding her now. Hopefully you'll do what you need to keep her in line and out of trouble." He then turns to you. <<if $playerName>>$playerName, go<<else>>Go<</if>> into the kitchen with your mother. The men need to talk privately now. <br><br> You stand there in shocked silence for a moment until you feel Aaron's hand smack your bottom. "You heard your father," he says. "Run along or I'll bend you over my knee." As you head to the kitchen, the sting from the swat is fading, but your mind is still imagining "Daddy" bending you over his knee right here in front of your father. If he's willing to do that, what might he tell your father about when you've left the room. You can't help yourself [[getting turned on|Part14StayAaronEvening]] as you imagine Aaron telling him every detail. <<else>> your father tells you to join her so he can talk with Aaron privately. As you head to the kitchen your mind is still full of thoughts of you and Aaron. Now you are imagining Aaron telling your father what you are like back home. You know he's probably not, of course, but the thought of it is [[still exciting you|Part14StayAaronEvening]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Nightime at your Parents</h1> <img src="Part14/Aaron5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've been looking forward to being with Aaron tonight. But later, when it's time for bed, you've realize Aaron is going to be staying in Dylan's bedroom, since your brother isn't here. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course your parent's know you live together, <<if setup.haveFucked('Mike') or $UncleChair>> and your father knows much more than that by now. <<else>> and you wonder how much more your father knows. <</if>> But Aaron says he doesn't want to offend your parents in their own home. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, you could easily [[sneak over to his room|Part14StayAaronSneak]] after your parents are asleep. Though it's been a long day, you could just <<if $PlayerSideEffectDreams || !$PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> [[sleep in your own room|Part14AaronDream1]]. <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Mike') or $UncleChair>> [[sleep in your own room|Part14AaronDream2]]. <<else>> [[sleep in your own room|Part14AaronDream3]]. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You realize you'll probably want to change your panties before you do though. Your imagination has helped your body make a mess of the ones you've been wearing. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> Of course, you'd like to take care of the need that made you so wet, but you know there's no use trying. Masturbating would only make you more frustrated. Maybe sneaking over to see Aaron would be better after all. <<else>> But, since your panties are already off, maybe you should take care of the need that made you so wet in the first place. You wouldn't want to dirty up another pair by putting them on while you were still so turned on, would you? Hopefully Aaron wouldn't mind if you bent the rules and [[masturbated without permission|Part14StayAaronMasturbate]] this one time. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Sneaking into Aaron's Room</h1> <img src="Part8/Evening2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set $Part14Sneak to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You need Aaron too much to wait until you get back home. Besides, you know Aaron won't mind you sneaking into his room. It's not disrespectful to your parents if they never find out is it? <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You creep into your brother's old room you see Aaron sleeping there. <<if setup.haveFucked('Dylan')>> You think back to the last time you did this, over Christmas break. Dylan was doing a lot more than sleeping though. You remember helping him finish what he'd started. You hope tonight will be even more fun, maybe Aaron will let you get off too this time. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "What... what are you doing in here?", Aaron sleepily asks as you try to snuggle up next to him in the tiny twin bed. He starts to wake up a bit and scolds you, "I told you, we are sleeping separately tonight. Go back to your room. We can discuss this more [[tomorrow morning|Part14StayAaronSpank]]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You quietly sulk back to your room and hope "Daddy" will forget about this by morning. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Making do without Daddy</h1> <video src="Part14/Aaron6.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set $Part14Masturbate to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Aaron said he didn't want to offend your parents, so you decide sneaking over to his room would be disrepsectful, and stay in yours. But you have to do something if you're going to get any sleep tonight. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'd rather it was Aaron's hands on your clit, or even better his cock inside you, but even your own hand feels so good now. As you start to get close to cumming you realize you've been moaning. You don't want anyone down the hall hearing you, so you try to quiet yourself down. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You probably should have put your hand over your mouth, but you were close to cumming and weren't thinking clearly. Feeling your hand around your throat just makes you more excited and moan louder. You sqeeze harder, by the time you squeeze hard enough to quiet your moans you can't breathe for a moment and it pushes you over the edge. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You see sparkles in the air as you almost pass out as you orgasm. You lie on the bed a while, catching your breath and twitching as your orgasm passes. Once you've had some time to recover, you clean up, change into dry panties, and into the new pajamas your mother left out for you. It doesn't take you long to drift off to sleep. You sleep soundly until [[the next morning|Part14StayAaronSpank]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Family BBQ (Dreaming)</h1> <video src="Part14/Dream6.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You're only wearing your collar, with Aaron leading you around your parents' house on a leash. When the guests start to arrive, he leads you out to the deck in the back yard. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Aaron takes off your collar and attaches a vibrator between your legs. While he's doing that, your mother and sister are setting the table nearby, and your father is opening up his toolbox and begins bolting you down to the deck. When he's done Aaron sets the vibrator on 'High'. "Set it on 'Low', your father tells him. The little slut needs to learn patience. Aaron then flips the vibrator down to low and puts a blindfolder on you and walks away. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once they are done eating, Aaron comes back over and takes off your blindfold and turns the vibrator back up to high. Everyone watches as you feel your orgasm build and build. It feels so close but you struggle and moan as it always seems just a second or two away. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "She's not allowed to orgasm without permission," Aaron tells everyone.<br> "Please Daddy, can I cum?", you beg Aaron.<br> "Ask you real father," he tells you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You turn to your father and beg, "Please Daddy, please can I cum?". "No." he replies, as he reaches over and turns off the vibrator. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wake up sweaty and aroused, and feeling a bit ashamed of the dream you just had. You try to <<if setup.haveFucked('Mike') or $UncleChair>> [[go back to sleep|Part14AaronDream2]] <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectDreams>> [[go back to sleep|Part14AaronDream3]] <<else>> [[go back to sleep|Part14StayAaronMorning]] <</if>> and hope that you don't remember it tomorrow. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In Mike's Dungeon (Dreaming)</h1> <video src="Part14/Dream7.webm" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You find yourself in a familar place, Mike's basement dungeon. You're bound, bent over a bench with heavy restraints around your ankles and wrists, with a strap keeping you from moving much at all. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I see what you mean, she is quite the slut," your father says to Mike. "But that's just as well, my son was never going be much of a man anyway. At least this way he - she - whatever, can be put to good use." At that he unbuckles his belt and and let his pants fall to the floor. "Which one of you wants the other hole?", he asks as he positions himself behind you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Mike can go first," Aaron says from the side of the room. "I can fuck the little slut anytime." Your former uncle doesn't waste much time. His <<if setup.haveFucked('Mike')>>familiar<</if>> cock enters your mouth soon after you feel your dad's cock start fucking you from behind. Mike holds your head, forcing you to sometimes take his whole length, leaving you struggling to breathe. Your dad's thick cock slams into you deep each time, you feel his balls slap against you with each thrust. Occasinally he adds a hard swat on your ass as well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You love how your dad's cock fills you up and you can feel an orgasm building. "The slut is going to cum soon," Aaron warns you father. Your father pulls out of you and reaches down to grab his pants from the floor. He pulls the belt out form his pants and snaps it once behind you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Dirty little sluts like you are just meant to be used, you don't get to cum," your dad tells you. He follows it with a hard swat from his belt on your exposed ass. Your try to cry out but Mike's cock just makes you gag instead. "I hope he hasn't been spoiling you, making you think you can orgasm too," your dad adds, followed by another swat from his belt. A moment later you feel a warm stream of cum shoot from Mike's cock down your throat and filling your mouth. He keeps cumming as he pulls out, covering your face with is cum too. "Don't waste any of it slut!", your father commands adding another swat. You obidenitly swallow as much of the cum as you can. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your dad drapes his belt over your back and slides his cock back into you. "You better not cum, slut," he commands. There's no danger of that, your beating left you far from an orgasm for now. Your dad on the other hand was still close from before. He slams into you deep and hard for a while longer then thursts a final time filling you with a massive load of cum. A few more spurts land on your ass when he pulls out. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "What a pathetic slut you are," he chastizes you as his cum leaks out of you onto the bench. "Even the most depraved sluts don't normally fuck their own father, do they?" When he picks up the belt he'd laid across you, you quickly try to give the answers he wants to his questions. You know it's hopeless though once he asks, "Don't you think sluts like you deserve to be punished?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You see your dad test out using his belt as a whip, the end making a loud pop as he snaps it back. You struggle in vain as he lines up besides you. You can hear the sound of the belt cutting through the air. Then it hits you, with a pain like you've never felt before and you scream out... <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your dog looks up at you from the floor, wondering if you are ok, and then lays its head back down. You realize you must have cried out while you were in dreaming. You can't believe your dream. "That's not what my father is like is it?", you wonder. "But why would I fantasize about that?" You realize how wet you are from your dream and wonder, if that dream turned you on so much, maybe you are as big of a slut as your dad said in your dream. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You lay back down. Maybe you'll sleep more peacefully the <<if $PlayerSideEffectDreams>> [[rest of the night|Part14AaronDream3]]. <<else>> [[rest of the night|Part14StayAaronMorning]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Riding the Bus (Dreaming)</h1> <video src="Part14/Dream8.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Obviously you don't need a ticket. "How far are you going today?", the driver asks as he waves you past the ticket machine. He smiles when you let him know you're going to the end of the route. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Most of the people on the bus ignore you, it's not like they haven't see you or someone else like you before. There are a few judgemental looks, as usual. Sometimes they're offended by the free rides, and meals, and the rest, that you get. But usually they're just offended at what they know others are going to do with their free use of your body. You do your best to ignore them, and just smile at the ones giving you admiring looks. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> One office worker in particular seems to be admiring you today. You aren't surprised when he gets up from his seat and comes over next to you. "Are you wet?", he asks you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Not yet," you answer with a smile. But you know [[that'll change soon|Part14AaronDream3Continued]] as you feel his hand sliding its way up your thigh. And to think, you had thought this was going to be a boring ride. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Enjoying the Free Ride (Dreaming)</h1> <video src="Part14/Dream9.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once his fingers feel that you are wet, he unzips and turns you around. You moan as he enters you. Your first of the day always feels the best. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But he's in too much of hurry, he's more worried about being late for work than getting you off. You can hear him and feel his breath on your neck, you know he'll be cumming soon. You wish his hand would go back to your clit as he fucks you, but he's having too much fun playing with your breasts. He's enjoying it though, and that makes you happy. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> That doesn't mean you aren't feeling empty and wanting more as he cums and then pulls out of you. A few moments later he's zipped up and exiting at his stop. They'll be another one soon enough you think as you glace towards the driver. You try not to leak too much onto the floor as you ride the rest of the way to your stop, the last one of the route. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know to stay on after everyone else gets off at the last stop. You ride still as the driver parks the bus at the turn-around. "Join me in the break room." he says, pointing to a small brick building you know very well. "I only have 15 minutes before I have to do the return route," he says. "But it looks like there's quite a few drivers already here. I know they'll want a turn too. You should leave much more satisfied than that guy earlier left you." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You smile with excitement as he opens the door marked 'Drivers Only', and you walk in and see at least a half dozen bus drivers glance up. They all smile, knowing their day just got a bit brighter. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You're confused as you feel wetness on one side of your face. You don't know what it is, but you feel it again. Then you start to wake up, and see your dog licking your face. Your dog is excited to see you again, and clearly needing you to take him outside. You sigh and get out of bed. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You still feel the empty ache and the need you had in your dream, and want to go back to that room and enjoy what you know was going to happen inside. But you realize that's not going to happen. You know you'll be [[up for the day|Part14StayAaronMorning]] after letting the dog do it's business. Hopefully, Aaron will be able to take care of that need you feel later. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>The next morning</h1> <img src="Part14/Aaron8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Aaron has just finished showering and you run into him in the hallway as you were heading to take your own shower. "Come with me first," he tells you. Everyone else is still asleep, and you're hopeful he might be less concerned with offending anyone this morning. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You were a good girl last night, staying in your room like I told you," Aaron praises you. "I though you might try to sneak over here. I'm proud of you, especially since I can see how much in need of attention you are right now." Your eyes close, normally you'd feel a finger or two slide into you at a moment like this. But there's nothing this time. You are left still feeling empty as you open your eyes again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You can go take your shower now," he tells you. "We'll be eating breakfast with your family in about an hour. Maybe this afternoon you can [[show me around town|Part14StayAaronBJ]]" <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Punished by Daddy</h1> <video src="Part14/Aaron7.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Aaron has just finished showering and you run into him in the hallway as you were heading to take your own shower. "Come with me first," he tells you. Everyone else is still asleep, and you're hopeful he might be less concerned with offending anyone this morning. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $Part14Sneak>> "I'm disappointed that you disobeyed me last night. I told you I didn't want to offend your parents, but you sneaked in after they were asleep anyway," Aaron scolds you. <<else>> "You were a good girl last night, staying in your room like I told you," Aaron praises you. "I though you might try to sneak over here. I'm proud..." He senses how guilting you are acting. "What is it that you need to tell me?", he asks. <br><br> You confess to masturbating last night, without permission. Of orgasming without Aaron, even though you know you aren't allowed to. <</if>> You hang your head down, feeling ashamed. "I think you need to be punished, don't you?", he asks. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He bends you over his knee for your spanking. It stings, but he's softer than normal this time, to avoid waking anyone. He hold you still after he finishes, "[[One more thing|Part14StayAaronPlug]]," he says, reaching over into his bag. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>A reminder from Daddy</h1> <img src="Part14/Aaron9.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'jeweled butt plug')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He places the butt plug by your face. You take it into your mouth to lubricate it as you have many times before. "You'll wear this all day," Aaron tells you. "Only take it out for a few minutes if you absolutely need to. Otherwise it stays in." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You feel him push it part way in, and your ass pull it in the rest of the way. "I want you to feel this all day, and remember how important it is to <<if $Part14Sneak>> respect your parents and <</if>> follow rules. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He gives you a parting swat on the ass before pulling your pajamas back up over the plug. "Now go take your shower. We'll be eating breakfast with your family in about an hour. Maybe this afternoon you can [[show me around town|Part14StayAaronBJ]] <<set $Part14ButtPlug to 1>> <</nobr>><div><<nobr>> <h1>Showing Aaron around town</h1> <span style="float: left;width: 40%;padding-right: 20px;"> <video src="Part14/Aaron10.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> </span> After breakfast you navigate as Aaron drives around town. As you point out your high school, you remember the cheerleaders at the football games. You remember how your friends all wished they could be with one of them. You remember pretending like that's what you wanted to. But you knew, even then, if you had a wish it wouldn't have been to sleep one of them, but to <i>be</i> one of them. <br><br> As drive past the woods nearby, you tell him that's where you and your friends used to play. You think back to yourself how you used to always volunteer to be the damsel in distress, the one tied to a tree and waiting to be rescued. Even then, you loved that helpless feeling - knowing that whatever your friends wanted to do, you'd be helpless to stop it. Of course, back then that just meant being tickled until you begged them to stop, and then tickled a bit more. <br><br> Eventually you direct him down several back roads and behind a building that probably hadn't been used since before you were born. He asks you what this place is. You mischievously, tell him, "Somewhere no one will see us." You make your meaning even clearer with a glance to the backseat. <br><br> "I'm sure many teenagers in town have enjoyed some fun here before," he says. "But I'm not a teenager. I won't be trying to have uncomfortable sex in the backseat of the car, especially in broad daylight." He sees the disappointed look in your eyes and adds, "Though, I suppose I could compromise a bit." Your eyes light up again as he buttons his pants. <br><br> <<if $Part14ButtPlug>> As you suck his cock, you squeeze on the plug in your ass, feeling it move in and out slightly. You try to imagine someone is fucking you from behind as you work Aaron's cock. When he cums, you're careful to swallow every drop so his pants don't get dirty. "Thank you, Daddy" you say. You're still just as horny as before, but as you give his cock a finally lick before pulling up his underwear, you are happy that at least Daddy is not still upset with you. <<else>> As you work his cock, you glance up occasionally as you fantasize about getting caught. Of course you know that won't happen here, but it still excites you thinking about it. When he cums, you're careful to swallow every drop so his pants don't get dirty. "Thank you, Daddy" you say. You're still just as horny as before, but you love making Daddy happy, and that's enough for now. <</if>> <br><br> You wish you could head home right now, and have Aaron carry you back the bedroom and pick things up from here. But you know that won't be happening for a while. It's a long drive, and you won't even be leaving until after [[dinner with your family|Part14StayAaronDinner]] this evening. <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron'})>> <</nobr>> </div><<nobr>> <h1>Family Dinner</h1> <img src="Part14/Aaron11.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The awkward, for you at least, conversation continues over dinner. But at least Aaron and your Parents seem to be getting along great. Your sister seems more skeptial though, even commenting on how she thought it was wrong for him to sleep with a student - until your told her to drop it. "Don't you see how happy <<if $playerName>>$playerName<<else>>she<</if>> is now?", your Mom tells Cassie. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "She didn't have years to learn how to be a proper young lady like you did," your father adds. "It's good she has someone more experienced to help her adjust." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Cassie mostly ignores them and tells you, "Well, if you're happy, I guess that's all I really care about, Sis." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The conversation turns back to more mundane topics, like your schedule next semester, for the rest of the meal. When everyone is finished, Aaron gets up to help clear the table. Out of habit, he puts his hand on your knee as he does. Your sister glances your way as you gasp slightly when his hand slides up your thigh. <<if $Part14ButtPlug>>Tensing up makes the plug in your ass shift again.<</if>> You try to act like nothing happened. You take a moment and then adjust your skirt and get up also to help. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After some final goodbyes, you and Aaron get back in the car for the long ride [[back home|Part14StayAaronHomeAgain]]. <</nobr>><div><<nobr>> <h1>Back Home</h1> <span style="float: left;width: 40%;padding-right: 20px;"> <video src="Part14/Aaron12.webm" autoplay loop muted height="700"></video> </span> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron', vaginal: true})>> <</nobr>> </div> <<nobr>> <<if $Part14ButtPlug>> The entire ride home, you can feel the plug shift slightly in your ass, not enough to give you pleasure, but constantly reminding you of it's presence. When you finally get home, Daddy send you to the bathroom to change and to take out the plug. You also carefully clean it for next time. <<else>> The entire ride home, you shift in the seat, eager to get home. When you finally get home Daddy sends you to the bathroom to change. <</if>> <<unset $Part14ButtPlug>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you come out of the bathroom, he takes the leash and leads you down the hall. You're expecting him to lead you to his bedroom, well, yours too really. But insteads he leads you to 'your room'. He attaches your cuffs to the headboard of the frilly bed you rarely sleep in. When he pushes your legs apart and you feel his lips kiss their way up your thigh you feel like you are going to explode. It doesn't take long before he's brought you to your first orgasm <<if $Part14Masturbate>> of the night. <<else>> in days. <</if>> <<unset $Part14Sneak>> <<unset $Part14Masturbate>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he decides to stop with his mouth, he attaches your cuffs to the canopy over you bed. You eagerly try to lower yourself onto his cock as he lays down on the bed. You finally manage as he helps guide his cock into you. You eagerly ride him, so happy to feel him inside you again. Later, when your fun is finished for the night, Daddy takes your collar and cuffs off and carries your exhausted body back to his bed. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It feels so good to be back home, snuggling up naked next to Daddy. It doesn't take you long fall asleep. You're glad the next morning you can sleep in, but it won't be long until [[school starts back up|Part14StayAaronSchool]], and you and Daddy will both need to get up early for classes again. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Back to School</h1> <img src="Part14/School.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Summer has been fun, but you're also excited to be going [[back to school|Part15Begin]]. Daddy's made sure you are prepared this time, so you're sure you'll do great. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know a couple of your professors this term from Daddy's parties. You wonder if they'll recognize you with the new school clothes Daddy bought for you, since the last time they saw you, you weren't wearing anything at all. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Time to go, baby", Daddy tells you. You join him for the ride over to campus. You give him a last kiss until this afternoon, before you head to off to separate buildings. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With $dating[0] for the Summer</h1> <img src="Part13/SummerPlans6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron'})>> While they certainly are not as quick or as drastic as the changes your body went through when you'd started here, you still can't help but marvel at the continuing changes to your body. When you'd first started to get bigger, you'd worried that Aaron wouldn't find you attractive anymore. You'd worried that even if the new shape of your body didn't bother him, he might start seeing you as just a mother and not as a lover anymore. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've been very happy to find that it's been quite the opposite. He seems even more attracted to you than ever. When you mention it, he starts to explain something about evolution and signs of fertility. You aren't following him though, your mind is somewhere else. You've been [[hornier than ever|Part14AaronPregnant2]] lately, and that's all you can think about right now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he notices the look in your eye, he stops with his explaination, smiles, and says, "Or do you not really care about the reason why, and would rather just enjoy it?" You nod eagerly and answer "Yes, Daddy." as you start to unzip his pants. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Waiting for Daddy</h1> <video src="Part14/Pregnant1.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'd love to spend all day with Daddy, but unfortunately he has summer classes to teach, so you are left alone waiting for him. But it does give you time to take care of some of the more practical issues your body changes has caused. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your breasts have grown due to the pregnancy, but their rapid growth, and that of your stomach, means they are frequently sore or irritated. You use the lotion Daddy bought for you to help with that. It does usually help with the itchiness and soreness, though with that off your mind, another type of itch returns to the front of your mind. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've started filming yourself as you apply the lotion, and then sending the video to Aaron's phone. You don't know if he watches it as his students take a test, or between classes. But you are happy that he always [[rushes home after class|Part14AaronPregnant3]] to take care of all your needs. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>After Class with Aaron</h1> <video src="Part14/Pregnant2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You're usually naked and waiting when he walks in the door, and it doesn't take Aaron long to get out of his sport coat and slacks and follow you into the bedroom. Of course you're usually horny enough that you'd rather not bother with heading to the bedroom and have him bend you over the kitchen counter instead. But your body makes sex a bit more complicated now, though you and Aaron still can find plenty of positions that work for you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once he's satisfied your immediate need, the two of you head back to the living room where you can ask him how his day went and talk about plans for the evening. He usually finds something comfortable to wear, while you stay nude, unless the two of you are going out. You just grab a small towel to deal with anything that might leak out of you from your earlier fun. You don't want to make a mess on the sofa. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, by the time bedtime arrives, you'll be horny again. But your need won't be as urgent then, so you'll probably take your time. You always make sure not to keep him up too late though, if he [[has class the next day|Part14AaronPregnant4]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Library, Waiting for Aaron</h1> <img src="Part14/Pregnant3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Daddy just has one class today, and he's brought you to campus with him and plans on taking you out for Lunch as soon as class is over. You're looking through some books on pregnancy at the library while you wait, when you feel it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You put down the book and just breathe through the first few contractions, wondering if they are real this time. After a few more you know it's real this time, and call Aaron. He ends class early and with you at the library just a minute or two later. Then he grabs your things for you and leads you out to the car and [[to the hospital|Part14AaronDeliver]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Labor and Delivery Room</h1> <img src="PartX/AndrewFamily6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="340"> <<set $tempBabyNameBoys to ["Casey","Liam","Brandon","Wyatt"].map((name) => {return {name, sex:"male"}})>> <<set $tempBabyNameGirls to ["Delilah","Emma","Sophia","Mia"].map((name) => {return {name, sex:'female'}})>> <<set $tempBabyName to [$tempBabyNameBoys, $tempBabyNameGirls]>> <<if $BabyBoy or $BabyGirl>> <<if $BabyBoy>><<set $BabyGirl to 0>><</if>> <<else>> <<set $BabyGirl to either(0,1)>> <</if>> <<set $tempBaby to $tempBabyName[$BabyGirl].shift()>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'd rather not be wearing clothes most of the time anyway, and today you are hot, sweaty, and in pain and want an itchy hosptial gown even less. Luckily no one cares at the hopsital. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You do want an epideral though. The doctor isn't sure if he should give you one just yet, wondering if might slow down your contractions. But when Daddy sees how much pain you are in, he insists. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It feels like a bee sting when the anesthesiologist first puts in, but once everything is going with your epideral it feels so much better. Of course you can still feel everything, and push when you need too, but most of the pain is gone. You're so glad you got it as your labor goes on for hours. After what seems like forever you finally hear the doctor say the say the baby is coming now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Regardless of what you had planned earlier, you can still change your mind about whether to [[keep the baby|Part14AaronBaby]] or [[put it up for adoption|Part14AaronAdopt]]. You know Aaron will support you either way. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $PlayerMother to 1>> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 0>> <<unset $PregnancyCheck>> <<set $children.push($tempBaby)>> <<unset $tempBaby>> <<unset $BabyBoy>> <<unset $BabyGirl>> <<include [[Part14AaronPostpartum]]>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've been a very good girl, so Daddy leaves the vibrator on after you've both came. You've came a second time, when he hears <<print $children[0].name>> start to cry. He unties your hands and goes to get the baby, while you turn off your vibrator and finish untying yourself. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> By the time he's done with the diaper change, you've cleaned up a bit, and taken out any piercings that's might get in the way, and are ready to [[feed the baby|Part14AaronNursing]]. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>mother<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Feeding the Baby</h1> <img src="Part14/Postpartum2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Summer is nearly over and you've enjoyed being able to spend all of your time with the baby, and Aaron when he's not in class. <<if $ProfessorAllowance>> You are glad that Daddy takes care of you. You'd hate to spend hours a day working when you could be spending it with little <<print $children[0].name>>. <<else>> <<set $ProfessorAllowance to 1>> <br><br> You and Daddy talk about it, and decide there's no reason for you to return to work. That's time you'd rather be spending with little <<print $children[0].name>>. He already pays for all the household expenses, including all the new ones from the baby. Daddy is also going to start giving you an allowance too so you'll still have a little spending money too even without your job. <<if $JobModel>><<unset $JobModel>><<set $JobModelOld to 1>><</if>> <<if $JobAthlete>><<unset $JobAthlete>><<set $JobAthleteOld to 1>><</if>> <<if $JobCheerleader>><<unset $JobCheerleader>><<set $JobCheerleaderOld to 1>><</if>> <<if $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>><<unset $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>><<set $JobCheerleaderFundraiserOld to 1>><</if>> <<if $JobFitness>><<unset $JobFitness>><<set $JobFitnessOld to 1>><</if>> <<if $JobFitnessYoga>><<unset $JobFitnessYoga>><<set $JobFitnessYogaOld to 1>><</if>> <<if $JobFitnessMassage>><<unset $JobFitnessMassage>><<set $JobFitnessMassageOld to 1>><</if>> <<if $JobLibrary>><<unset $JobLibrary>><<set $JobLibraryOld to 1>><</if>> <<if $JobEngineer>><<unset $JobEngineer>><<set $JobEngineerOld to 1>><</if>> <<if $JobTestSubject>><<unset $JobTestSubject>><<set $JobTestSubjectOld to 1>><</if>> <<if $JobBarista>><<unset $JobBarista>><<set $JobBaristaOld to 1>><</if>> <<if $JobBikiniBarista>><<unset $JobBikiniBarista>><<set $JobBikiniBaristaOld to 1>><</if>> <<if $JobOffice>><<unset $JobOffice>><<set $JobOfficeOld to 1>><</if>> <<if $JobOfficeManager>><<unset $JobOfficeManager>><<set $JobOfficeManagerOld to 1>><</if>> <<if $JobOfficeIntern>><<unset $JobOfficeIntern>><<set $JobOfficeIntern to 1>><</if>> <<if $JobBartender>><<unset $JobBartender>><<set $JobBartenderOld to 1>><</if>> <<if $JobBartenderGirls>><<unset $JobBartenderGirls>><<set $JobBartenderOld to 1>><</if>> <<if $JobBartenderGuys>><<unset $JobBartenderGuys>><<set $JobBartenderOld to 1>><</if>> <<if $JobBartenderBi>><<unset $JobBartenderBi>><<set $JobBartenderOld to 1>><</if>> <<if $JobBartenderSub>><<unset $JobBartenderSub>><<set $JobBartenderOld to 1>><</if>> <<if $JobBartenderDom>><<unset $JobBartenderDom>><<set $JobBartenderOld to 1>><</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course even though you don't have to worry about going back to work, you will be going back to school. Since you are breastfeeding the baby, you'll have to have milk to give to the campus daycare for <<print $children[0].name>>. Daddy gets you one of the hands-free pumps so you can relax while it, and your body, does all the work. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've heard that normally recent mothers are unlikely to get pregnant again while they are still nursing their young baby. But your lactation consultant told you that didn't apply to you. With most X-Change mothers, unless you do something else to prevent it, you're able to get pregnant again as soon as you are having sex again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectDreams>> Your implant is still giving you crazy dreams as always. And now they've started to incorporate aspects of [[your new situation in them as well|Part14AaronMilkDream]]. <<else>> You also locate several comfortable locations on campus where you can pump between classes once [[school starts back up next week|Part14AaronStudentMother]]. The school has even placed convient refrigerators in every class building for storing the milk. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Dreaming</h1> <video src="Part14/Postpartum3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You find yourself in your stall at the milk farm where you live. As always, the automatic milker is attached to your breasts, its constant hum and its rhythmic tug remind you of your purpose here. Like the girls in the other stalls near you, you are here to make milk, nothing more. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The machine never stops. You can see a constant flow of milk that is extracting from you, but yet you never seem to run out. You breasts still feel as swollen and full as when you started. You wonder how long ago you started, it seems like you've always been here. You feel so hungry though, your empty stomach rumbles and you struggle to move to look for food. Of course, you can't move. Your hands are bound and your collar is locked to your stall. You worry you might starve here. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But then the farmer walks in to the barn and you perk up. He pats your head a few times before squeezing each of your breasts. "Poor thing," he says. "They must be sore. It looks like you need a higher setting. He checks the seal between the milker and your breasts, then turns the machine up higher. The machine hums louder and its tugs become more rapid. You can see more milk than before flowing down the tube into the tank. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "And I bet you're hungry too, aren't you sweetie?", he says as he looks you over before giving you a pat on the rump. Of course you can't talk, but you open your mouth eagerly as he upzips and pulls out his cock. "Make sure you swallow every drop this time, so you won't be so hungry waiting for your next feeding," he instructs you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wake up to sound of <<print $children[0].name>> crying and realize it was just a dream. The same dream your implant seems to give you almost every night lately. Well, most of it was just a dream. Your breasts are still swollen and full, that wasn't a dream. Aaron is still asleep next to you as you get up and go to feed the baby. Hopefully you both will feel better afterwards. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You hope <<print $children[0].name>> will be able to sleep through the night soon. [[School starts back up next week|Part14AaronStudentMother]] and it'd be nice to start getting a full night's sleep. You doubt that'll happen any time soon though. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Back to School</h1> <img src="Part14/Postpartum4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You were tempted to quit school completely, so you could stay home with <<print $children[0].name>>, but Daddy encouraged you to continue your studies. He says if you dropped out now, you'd probably never go back. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and him had already toured the daycare during your pregnancy, and it was wonderful. Back then you had no doubt you'd want your baby here while you were in class. Though you did wonder if all colleges have enough student-mothers to support such a well-funded daycare, you're happy that this school does. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Still, as beautiful as it is, and as caring as the woman you hand little <<print $children[0].name>> to is, walking out the door without your baby the first time, and heading to class, is still much harder than you'd ever though it would be. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> By the time you get to class you're feeling a bit better about it though. You'll see your baby again in a few hours. For now you're just excited at the start of [[a new school year|Part15Begin]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Finalizing arrangements</h1> <img src="Part14/Postpartum6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="480"> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 0>> <<unset $PregnancyCheck>> <<unset $tempBaby>> <<unset $BabyBoy>> <<unset $BabyGirl>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'd decided a while ago that you weren't going to keep the baby. You aren't ready to be a mother yet. You've met the couple that will adopting the baby, and you're confident that they will both make excellent fathers. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you've had some time to recover from the delivery, you sign the final paperwork. Once that's done you and Aaron have the hopstial room to yourselves, except when a nurse occasionally comes in to take your vitals. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They say you should be able to [[go home tomorrow|Part14AaronAdopt2]]. You take the time until then to call your mom and left her know that everything went well. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>childfree<</achievement>><<nobr>> <<set $PlayerAdoption = 1>> <<include [[Part14AaronPostpartum]]>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've been a very good girl, so Daddy leaves the vibrator on after you've both came. You aren't sure how many more times you've came when he finally reaches down to turn off the vibrator. He pats your head a few times and tells you "[[Just a few more weeks|Part14AaronAdopt3]], Baby." Then he leaves you tied to the bed as he goes to grab you a towel. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron', vaginal: true})>> <h1>Fully Recovered</h1> <video src="Part14/Postpartum5.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The doctor gave the ok to have sex again at you final visit. You and Daddy don't waste any time and head straight home and to the bedroom after your appointment. It feels amazing as you feel him slide into you again for the first time in six weeks. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> As he thrusts inside you you fantasize about getting pregnant again, right here, right now. As you hear Daddy start to get close, you begging him to cum inside you. Of course, he gives his baby girl just what she needs. <<else>> You don't know if it's nature, the implant, or just you. But you can't help but fantasize about him <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>>yanking off the condom and<</if>> cumming deep inside you. You fantasize about getting pregnant again, right here, right now. <<if $PlayerProtectionPill>> Of course, your birth control pills should be active again now, so that's not likely. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <br><br> Of course, that doesn't happen. Aaron thrusts deep inside you as he cums, but he fills the condom he's wearing instead of you. You feel a small tinge of loss as he pulls out and throws the condom away. You wonder to yourself why you are thinking like this. You're trying not to get pregnant again, right? <<elseif $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> You can't help but let out a little whimper of disappointment when he pulls out and cums on your ass and across your back instead. You wonder to yourself why you are thinking like this. You're trying not to get pregnant again, right? <<elseif $PlayerProtectionFertile>> <br><br> As he cums inside you, you wonder if that's exactly what happened. Given how fertile you are, there's a good chance it is. Maybe what the X-Change people told you when you'd first gotten the fertility side effect was right. You do find yourself wanting to get pregnant. <<else>> As he cums inside you, you wonder if that's exactly what happened. If not, they'll be many more chances, and you aren't doing anything to stop it. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Now that you can again, you'd have sex with Aaron all day long if you could. But he still has summer classes to teach. But that gives you time to pick up your books, and get ready for your own classes which [[start again in just a couple weeks|Part14AaronAdopt4]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Back to School</h1> <img src="Part14/Postpartum4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You're thrilled when the first day back finally arrives. Your excited to see what [[the new school year|Part15Begin]] might hold for you and Daddy. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron'})>> <h1>Enjoying a quick recovery</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part14/Postpartum1.webm" autoplay loop muted height="700"></video> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> For the first two weeks after your delivery, sex is the further thing from your mind. But your body recovers quickly. You aren't sure how much of that is normal and how much is due to the X-Change implant, but you are happy either way. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But even though you, and of course Aaron, are eager to get back to having sex, the doctor wants you to wait until after your six week follow-up visit. You wouldn't make Daddy wait that long, since you love sucking his cock, and that's certainly ok. You are expecting a month of giving Daddy blowjobs, with no hope of anything for yourself ahead of you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But Daddy talks to the doctor and gets a bit more details on what is and isn't allowed for you. And he's able to work out a way you can both have fun while your body finishes healing. Of course it depends on how good of a girl you've been on what setting he sets your vibrator on, and whether he turns it off before you get off, after you get off, or long after you get off. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Porn Fan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Porn Fan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Porn Fan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Porn Fan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Porn Fan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Porn Fan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Porn Fan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Porn Fan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Porn Fan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Porn Fan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Porn Fan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Porn Fan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Porn Fan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Porn Fan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Porn Fan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Porn Fan'})>> <h1>Trying to Boost Sales</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Porn1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="650"></video> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you get back, you find out your video sales have slipped even more over the summer. Robert and you are doing what you can to improve things, but it isn't helping much. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Even letting fans at conventions film your private 'fan appreciation' visits, knowing many will post them to the internet, doesn't help. It certainly helps sell tickets to the adult film conventions, but doesn't really impact your sales. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Finally, you and Robert have a talk and decide that you don't want to keep taking time away from your studies to make videos knowing that each of them are going to bring in less and less money. "There's always other ways for a beautiful young woman to make money," he tells you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobCallGirl or $JobCallGirlSide>> <!-- not sure if this is possible --> "You'll probably make more money at this point just focusing on taking more clients as a [[call girl|Part15PornStarCallGirl]] anyway," he tells you. <<else>> <<if $JobPornSide or $JobPornOralSide or $JobPornAnalSide or $JobPornGangSide or $JobWebModelSide>> Of course, porn was only your side job anyway, so you could just [[stop making videos|Part15PornStarStop]] and focus on your regular job instead. <br><br> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> "Given your pregnancy," he says, "working as a [[call girl|Part15PornStarCallGirl]] is probably your best choice if you want to pick up some extra money. It's easier than being a porn star. You still get to make money from having sex, but there's no camera crew watching, and no director yelling instructions." <<elseif $JobStripper>> <!-- not sure if this is possible --> Well, that and stripping on the weekends. You may not sell as many videos, but you still get plenty of tips at the club. <<else>> "You can pick up extra money working as a [[call girl|Part15PornStarCallGirl]] if you want to pick up some extra money," he tells you. It's easier than being a porn star. You still get to make money from having sex, but there's no camera crew watching, and no director yelling instructions. <br><br> Working weekends at a [[strip club|Part15PornStarStripperSide]] is also an option. You are still popular enough to draw a crowd there, especially from guys that have seen your 'fan appreciation' videos and are hoping for the same. And you still get to preform in front of a crowd. <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>>I know how much you love that.<</if>>" <</if>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> Given your pregnancy, he says working as a [[call girl|Part15PornStarCallGirl]] is probably your best choice. "It's easier than being a porn star," he explains. "You still get to make money from having sex, but there's no camera crew watching, and no director yelling instructions." <<else>> <<if $JobStripper>> <!-- not sure if this is possible --> "You'll still be able to work at the strip club on the wekends, of course," he tells you. "But I know you'll probably want another job too." <<elseif $JobGloryHole>> "Of course, there's always a booth open for you a the store," he tells you. "But you'll probably want a another job too. A girl can't live on cum and tips alone, though it would be fun to watch you try." <<else>> "You'll need another job, and I have a couple ideas that would work for you," he tells you. <</if>> <br><br> "It's completely up to you, but my recommendation is to start working as a [[call girl|Part15PornStarCallGirl]]. I can put you in touch with an agency here in town. It's easier than being a porn star," he explains. "You still get to make money from having sex, but there's no camera crew watching, and no director yelling instructions." <br><br> "But if you are bored of making money on your <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral>>knees<<else>>back<</if>> and want to start making it on your feet, I have another option. There's a coffee shop that opened up earlier this year here in town, you might have heard of it. Of course you'll have to work, and make coffee and be n your feet all day. But don't worry, they won't have you wearing some unflattering green. You'll be [[making their lattes in a bikini|Part15PornStarBikiniBarista]]," he informs you. "And I'm sure an enterprising girl like you will be able to find ways to boost your tips considerably." <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Call Girl Client', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom: true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Call Girl Client', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom: true, repeat:true})>> <<if $JobCallGirl or $JobCallGirlSide>> <h1>With a client</h1> <<else>> <h1>Seeing your first client</h1> <</if>> <video src="Part15/CallGirl1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobPorn or $JobPornOral or $JobPornAnal or $JobPornGang or $JobWebModel>> <<if $JobCallGirlSide>> <<unset $JobCallGirlSide>> <<set $JobCallGirl to 1>> You always loved working as a call girl, it's going to be a relief now that it's going to be your main job instead of just a little fun cash on the side. <<else>> <<set $JobCallGirl to 1>> Robert was right, even if your videos aren't selling like they used to, you can still charge clients a 'porn-star' premium rate. And he was right about how much easier this job is too. <</if>> <<else>> <<if $JobCallGirl>> <!-- not sure if this possible --> Robert was right, it doesn't matter that your videos aren't selling like they used to, they will still be out there on the internet forever. And you can still keep charging clients a 'porn-star' premium rate and they'll be happy to pay it. <br><br> It'll be a relief now to be able to just focus on your clients. <<elseif $JobCallGirlSide>> <!-- not sure if this possible --> Robert was right, it doesn't matter that your videos aren't selling like they used to, they will still be out there on the internet forever. And you can still keep charging clients a 'porn-star' premium rate and they'll be happy to pay it. <br><br> It'll be a relief now to be able to focus on your clients full-time. <<else>> <<set $JobCallGirlSide to 1>> Robert was right, even if your videos aren't selling like they used to, you can still charge clients a 'porn-star' premium rate. And he was right about how much easier this job is too. <</if>> <</if>> There's no one yelling instructions or complaining because your hair is out of place. And you just have to worry about making one guy happy, well usually just one guy. <br><br> And when he finishes, you are reminded of the other difference between this and porn. When he cums, he doesn't pull out for a 'money shot' or leave his cock barely inside you for a 'creampie'. He thrusts it deep inside and gives you every drop. He doesn't have to worry about what looks good on camera, only what feels good. And a few clenches around his cock after he cums helps make sure it feels amazing for him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You're confident you'll be just fine focusing on your clients, <<if $JobCallGirlSide>>your other job,<</if>> and school of course, after your [[last day on set|Part15PornStarStop]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Bikini Coffee Shop</h1> <img src="Part15/Barista1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<set $JobBikiniBarista to 1>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Sales jump at the coffee shop when they start using you in their marketing. They don't mention your porn career, but enough of their target demographic is already very familiar with your work. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are popular with all the customers, but especially the one that want more than just a smile and a coffee. They know when you say "room for cream?" you aren't asking about their cup. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They know for a good enough tip, you'll be in the parking lot with your head in their lap. Or, if they are feeling especially generous, having them drive behind the building and joining them in the back seat. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, you could just make coffee and pocket the standard tips. But what fun would that be? You're confident you'll be just fine after your [[last day on set|Part15PornStarStop]] working here and foucusing on school. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Working at the strip club</h1> <video src="Part15/Strip2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set $JobStripper to 1>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Strip Club Client', vaginal:true, condom: true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Strip Club Client'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Strip Club Bouncer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Strip Club Client', vaginal:true, condom: true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Strip Club Client'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Strip Club Bartender', vaginal:true, condom: true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Strip Club Client', vaginal:true, condom: true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Strip Club Client'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Strip Club Manager', vaginal:true, condom: true, noPullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Robert was right, this job was a great choice. You get to perform in front of a crowd, which <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> always makes you wet and wanting to get fucked. <<else>> always turns you on. <</if>> Then you usually head somewhere private with someone who enjoyed your show and wants to see if you still appreciate your fans as much as before. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, these fans are willing to pay for the privilege, so you make sure they get their money's worth. You don't even mind the cut you have to give the bouncer and the manager to look the other way. After all, its a smaller percentage than what Robert took from managing your porn career. And even better, often they'll take payment in service instead of cash. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You're confident you'll be just fine working here on the weekends, and focusing on your other job, and school of course, after your [[last day on set|Part15PornStarStop]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Last day on set</h1> <video src="Part15/Porn2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set $JobPornFormer to 1>> <<unset $JobPorn>> <<unset $JobPornOral>> <<unset $JobPornAnal>> <<unset $JobPornGang>> <<unset $JobWebModel>> <<unset $JobPornSide>> <<unset $JobPornOralSide>> <<unset $JobPornAnalSide>> <<unset $JobPornGangSide>> <<unset $JobWebModelSide>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerPregnant and $PregnancySpring>> Due to your pregnancy, they've replaced you in the movie that they are filming today. But you stop by the set to say goodbye to everyone. You are glad you did, or else you would have missed all of the excitement. <br><br> The new girl blows up over something minor and rants and raves at everyone on set for twenty minutes. You try to stay away and watch from a distance. Thankfully it's all on the behind the scenes video and one of your friends on the crew sends you a copy to laugh at later. <br><br> Once she's stormed off the set and into a cab, the director gets back to trying to finish up the movie. "Well, shit. We'll have to refilm that scene and then the next one, with a new girl. But we can't get one on such short notice." He glances over at you and sighs, knowing he can't use you either. Then he looks expectantly at one of his production assistants. <br><br> "Fine," the assistant says. Then he rummages through some equipment bags until eventually pulling out a botlle of X-Change Basic pills. After he takes the pill, he quicky transforms into a beautiful young woman. "Well, let's get started. I want to get this over with." <br><br> "I knew I could count on you," the director tells him. You dobut the new girl will be working in porn again, but you are sure the production assistant's job is secure. <br><br> As Robert drives you [[back home|Part15Begin]], you both chuckle bit imagining the poor, reluctant production assistant and the double penetration scene he endured. He clearly didn't enjoy those as much as you did. <<else>> You are filming one final scene today. You thought you were good with your decision to 'retire' from porn, but it seems the stress of everything was getting to you more than you thought. <br><br> You blow up over something minor and start screaming at everyone. Luckily your meltdown is after your last scene was filmed, but it takes Robert a while to calm you down. Eventually he manages to talk you down from your tirade. You both decide it's best to skip the after-party that's planned after everyone is done today. You know they'll forgive you, but you doubt your coworkers want to see any more of you today. <br><br> After you are in his car and he's driving you [[back home|Part15Begin]], Robert tells you, "Normally, I'd punish you for your outburst today, but I know this has been stressful for you. So, I'll overlook it. Though, you will be missing out on all the fun at the party, so I assume that's punishment. There's more we need to discuss, but we can do that later after you've had some time to process everything." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't find out about it today, obviously. But you are amused to find out the behind-the-scenes video from today ends up being more popular than the film itself. <<if $PlayerPregnant and $PregnancySpring>> You doubt the studio minds. Whether the sales and clicks are for a girl getting fucked in the ass or for one screaming at the camera, they get paid either way. <<else>> You don't mind, you get paid for sales and clicks from the behind the scenes videos too. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With Robert</h1> <img src="Part15/Robert1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know Robert has been getting bored of <<if $MasterRobert>> <<unset $MasterRobert>> you know that he has 'broken' you. You know the excitment for him is in the training of a new 'slave', not as much in the keeping of one he's already 'broken'. <<else>> trying to 'break' you. He seemed to enjoy the 'challenge' at first, but now that he sees you aren't ever going to think of him like Olivia does, he's done trying. <</if>> And it's the start of a new year, and there's going to be a fresh group of new young women coming in for him to find the perfect prospect from. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Get on your knees, slut," he orders. "I want a final blowjob from you before I take my belt back." You don't even think about it, and instantly drop to your knees, eager for his cock and even more eager to be out of this belt finally. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As he cums, he holds your head, keeping your nose touching his zipper as his cock pulses inside your mouth. "Good slut. That was the perfect blowjob to remember you by," he says as he pats your head. He takes his cock out and slaps it against your cheek a couple times before putting it back into his pants. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once he's done getting fully dressed again he goes over to his desk. You are expecting him to reach in a drawer and pull out your chastity key. But instead, he grabs a pen and writes down a [[room number and building on campus|Part15TestSubjectNeverFucked]] and hands you the piece of paper. As he ushers you out his door with your top still in your hands instead of covering your chest he says, "They have the key to your belt. Have fun." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With Robert</h1> <img src="Part15/Robert1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You meet with Robert at his house to discuss the future and the new year. He lets you know that he has decided to <<if $MasterRobert and $PlayerChastityBelt and $Keyholder == 'Robert'>> free you. You will no longer be his 'slave' and he'll give you the key to your chastity belt as well. <<elseif $MasterRobert>> free you. You will no longer be his 'slave'. <<else>> release you from your chastity belt, and give you the key. <</if>> You've seen this meeting coming for a while, so you aren't shocked by it. <<unset $MasterRobert>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know the excitment for him is in the training of a new 'slave', not as much in the keeping of one he's already 'broken'. And it's the start of a new year, and there's going to be a fresh group of new young women coming in for him to find the perfect prospect from. And to be honest, you are also excited at the all the fun you can have now that you are free of his control. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But first, he tells you to kneel and suck his cock one last time. You drop to your knees instantly. He may have freed you, but following his orders still comes so naturally to you. Once he's filled your mouth with his cum, he tells you that you are a good girl, and that there's one final thing before you leave. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $Keyholder != 'Robert'>> <!-- how did we get here? Is this possible --> Hopefully $Keyholder will take good care of you. <<if $JobGloryHole>> <!-- also unsure if this is possible --> "My copy of your chastity belt's key will be in the safe at the store, for when you need to be in the both unbelted," he tells you. <<else>> "I'll mail them my copy of your chastity belt's key," he tells you. <</if>> <<elseif setup.haveInventory('sex toys', 'chastity belt')>> <<unset $Keyholder>> <<unset $PlayerChastityBelt>> "You can keep your chastity belt as a going away present," he tells you as he pulls out the keys. "I can give these keys to you. But if you'd rather, you can <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> leave the belt on <<else>> put your belt on now <</if>> and I can have them couriered over to whomever you'd like instead. <br><br> You thank him for the offer, and the belt, but tell him you'll hold on to the keys for now. "I expected you to say that," he says with a smile. "Have a fun time." <<else>> <<unset $Keyholder>> <<unset $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'chastity belt')>> "But I've decided to give you this chastity belt as a going away present," he tells you handing you the box. "Of course the keys are in there also. But if you'd rather, you can lock it on now and I can have the keys couriered over to whomever you'd like instead." <br><br> You thank him for the offer, and the belt, but tell him you'll hold on to the keys for now. "I expected you to say that," he says with a smile. "Have a fun time." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you head [[back to your room|Part15Begin]] you thoughts are racing with what you might do with your new freedom. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $SororitySEX and setup.areDating('Veronica')>> <!-- not sure why this wasn't already set --> <<set $Roommate to "Veronica">> <</if>> <<if $JobPornSide or $JobPornOralSide or $JobPornAnalSide or $JobPornGangSide or $JobWebModelSide or $JobPorn or $JobPornOral or $JobPornAnal or $JobPornGang or $JobWebModel>> <<include [[Part15PornStar]]>> <<elseif $MasterRobert or ($PlayerChastityBelt and $Keyholder == 'Robert')>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $Keyholder == 'Robert' and setup.sexVaginalCount() == 0 >> <<include [[Part15RobertNeverFucked]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15RobertRelease]]>> <</if>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15BeginNormal]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Back at School</h1> <img src="Part15/School1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <<set $SchoolWeek to 1>> <<if $Roommate and !setup.areDating($Roommate)>> <<unset $Roommate>> <</if>> <<if setup.isNeighbour("Emily")>> <<set $FormerNeighbours to [$Roommate]>> <<else>> <<set $FormerNeighbours to $neighbours>> <</if>> <<set $neighbours to []>> <<set $FormerMentor to $Mentor>> <<unset $Mentor>> <<if $PlayerPregnant and $PregnancySpring>> <<set $PregnancyWeek to 14>> <<unset $MenstrualWeek>> <<elseif $PlayerPregnant>> <<set $PregnancyWeek to 6>> <<unset $MenstrualWeek>> <<else>> <<unset $PregnancyWeek>> <<set setup.startCycle()>> <</if>> <<if $CampusMinistryFailSummer>> <<if $sex and $sex[0] and $sex[0].name == 'Mason'>> <!-- do nothing, it looks like the flag was set correctly --> <<else>> <!-- looks like flag aws set wrong and this is a save from an old version, clear the flag --> <<unset $CampusMinistryFailSummer>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've taken a shower after unpacking your things. As you relax in the bed for a moment your mind starts to wander, and you feel an all-to-familiar need. You ache to feel <<if $CampusMinistry>> ... well, it's best you don't talk about what you ache for. You've learned you can't help the thoughts and feelings you have, only what you do about them. <br><br> And besides, even if you were the slut the X-Change implant seems to want you to be, you have an [[appointment at the X-Change office|Part15Clinic]] soon. You best change into something more suitable for going out in public and head on over a little early, then you won't have to worry about the temptation. <<else>> <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> $dating[0]'s strap-on inside you. You fantasize about her grabbing you by the feet, and yanking you down the bed. Then she flips you over, bends you over the end of the bed, and pulls down your shorts and panties. You imagine her holding you down as her strap-on slides in effortlessly due to how wet you are. At least that part isn't a fantasy. Then her dildo fills you as she fucks hard and fast until you claw at the covers with an orgasm. <<else>> <<if $dating.length > 0>>$dating[0]'s<<else>>a<</if>> cock inside you. You fantasize about a stranger grabbing you by the feet, and yanking you down the bed. Then he flips you over, bends you over the end of the bed, and pulls down your shorts and panties. You imagine him holding you down as his cock slides in effortlessly due to how wet you are. At least that part isn't a fantasy. Then his cock fills you as he fucks hard and fast until you claw at the covers with an orgasm. At the same moment he groans and fills you with his cum. <<if setup.sexVaginalCount() == 0 and !$PlayerChastityBelt>> <br><br> You've never even had a cock inside you before, you wonder why you are fantasizing about it now. <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> Of course, yanking down your belt wouldn't be so easy, but in your fantasy you aren't wearing it. <<elseif $AcademicProbationDenial>> Of course, even if that did happen, your orgasm would be denied anyway. But in your fantasy, your orgasms are yours again. <</if>> But it doesn't matter. You are alone right now, and you have to leave soon anyway. But even if you could do something about your horniness, you wouldn't want to show up for your exam at the [[X-Change Clinic|Part15Clinic]] and have them see the aftermath of having just been fucked. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the X-Change Clinic</h1> <<if !$PlayerChastityBelt>> <img src="Part15/Clinic1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <br> <</if>> You've gotten familiar with the process, and strip down once you are in the exam room. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> At least as far as you can. You have wait until they come in and unlock your belt for you. <<if $UncleChasteBelt>> Mike said he made a copy and sent it to them to use. <</if>> <br><br> <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> You don't bother with the gown. You tell yourself it's just easier for everyone with out it. That's why, you aren't wearing it. Not the small thrill you feel knowing they'll soon walk in and see you naked on the exam table. <<elseif $CampusMinistry>> Then you put on the gown they gave you. You hate how naked you feel wearing it. You know the doctor is going to be up close and very personal in just a moment anyway, but still you hate sitting here with your butt hanging out of the back of the gown. <<else>> Then you put on the gown they gave you. You aren't sure why you bother with it, your ass hangs out the back and in a few minutes the doctor is going to be up close and very personal anyway. But you put it on and wait. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> "Oh, and [[there's another thing you'll be excited to hear|Part15ClinicOrgasmBlock]]," he says. <<else>> <<include [[Part15ClinicTests]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Treatment for your orgasm-block side effect</h1> <img src="PartP/Treatment.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="606" align="left"> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlockFormer to $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> <<unset $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> <<set $PlayerCumTreatments to 1>> "There's been some new research on the "Orgasm Block" side-effect that some implants, like yours, develop. They've found a cure. Well, a treatment technically since it never goes away and you have to keep taking the treatment, one way or another." <<if !setup.haveGirlfriend() and !$CampusMinistryFailSummer and ($PlayerProtectionTry or $PlayerProtectionNone)>> You tell him that it didn't really seem to affect you much before your academic probation denial was activated. "Well, perhaps you stumbled on the treatment on your own just having fun," he says. <<else>> You tell him that you very much like to hear about it, since <<if $sex.length > 0>> you hate when that thing triggers! <<else>> you'd hate to decide to have sex for the first time, only to have it end in frustration and denial. <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> "Well, the breakthrough was when one of our data guys saw the inverse correlation between reported pregnancies and complaints about this particular side-effect..." He sees your eyes start to glaze over and skips the detailed explaination. "Anyway, it turns out it is related to the "Breeder" option that some of our pills have, and that has developed on a few of the implants - not yours though." <br><br> "The girls that have been trying to get pregnant have had the least problems with the "Orgasm Block" effect. Those not actively trying to get pregnant, but also not using any form of birth control also have had fewer problems. Our lesbian users have had the most issues. Well, technically those trying to get off by masturbating have the most issues, but that's not going to be a factor for you." <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> You tell him you are a lesbian, worried now that the treatment won't work on you. <</if>> <br> <br> "After a bunch of testing, they found that the proteins in semen suppress the activation of the side effect, while hormonal birth control greatly increases the chance of it triggering. So if you want to avoid any issues with the side effect, you just need to <<if $PlayerProtectionPermanent or $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPermanent>> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone to 1>> <<set $tempDeactivateImplantBirthControl to 1>> have us deactivate your implant's birth control and continue to have otherwise unprotected sex. <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> Except with men, of course. <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerProtectionPill>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPill>> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone to 1>> <<set $tempDeactivatePill to 1>> stop taking your birth contorl and continue to have otherwise unprotected sex. <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> Except with men, of course. <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerProtectionTry or $PlayerProtectionNone>> <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> start having sex with men more often. <<else>> keep doing what you've doing <</if>> <<else>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone to 1>> stop using any form of birth control, and letting the men you sleep with cum inside you. <</if>> Though, oral injestion or anal absorbtion also helps suppress the effect, it doesn't do it as well, so you'll need to do much more of it to have the same effect. Regardless how you plan on taking care of it going forward, we have a treatment for you today to help things along." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $tempDeactivateImplantBirthControl>> After he deactivates your implant's birth control for you, you <<elseif $tempDeactivatePill>> After he gives you an injection to counteract the birth control pills you've been taking and trigger you to start ovulating, you <<else>> You <</if>> drink down the entire glass of the "treatment" solution he gives you. As the warm liquid flows over your tongue and down your throat, it's strong scent and flavor hits you. <<if setup.sexMaleCount() > 0>> Judging from the taste, you think it's at least 50 percent cum. Or at least something made to be similar to it. <<else>> It tastes a bitter and slightly salty, with a bit of metallic aftertaste to it. You think you kind of like it though. <</if>> You eagerly down the entire glass. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you swallow the last drop, you wipe up with your finger a bit that dribbled down onto your chin, then lick your finger clean. You feel a warm, pleasant, flushed feeling flow over your body. You wonder if that means the treatment is working. "Oh, and you may notice some increased arousal effects from the treatment. Though, that should only help with getting what you need going forward." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After your "treatment" is over, he sends you along to another exam room. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15ClinicTests]]>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <i>You realize you crave sex <<if $PlayerSideEffectLibido>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectLibido to 1>> <<else>> even <<set $PlayerSideEffectLibido += 1>> <</if>> more than you did before. You also feel a hunger for <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOral to 1>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOral += 1>> <</if>> <<if setup.sexMaleCount() > 0>> the feel of a cock in your mouth, and the taste of his warm cum on your tongue. <<else>> the taste you had from your treatment drink. Though you know now you'll have to suck a cock to get that wonderful flavor again. <</if>> You also find yourself thinking <<if setup.sexMaleCount() > 0>> more about having a guy fuck your ass, and begging him to fill your ass with his cum. <<else>> what a cock would feel like in your ass, and what it would feel like to have a guy cum in your ass. <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectAnal to 1>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectAnal += 1>> <</if>> </i> <</nobr>><<nobr>> Before the doctor comes in a nurse visits to take your vital signs, draw some blood samples, and to give you a cup for your urine sample. <<if $PlayerPregnant>> "Obviously we won't need to check for pregnancy today, but we still need it to check for UTIs and other issues," she tells you. <</if>> <</nobr>> <img src="PartP/PregTest1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<nobr>> After you've filled the cup she takes it off to be tested and you go back to waiting for the doctor. Eventually he <<if $PlayerPregnant>> [[comes in with your results|Part15ClinicPregnant]]. <<else>> <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> <<set $PregnancyCheck = setup.checkForNewPregnancy('medical test - term 3 start', 0.25)>> <<else>> <<set $PregnancyCheck = setup.checkForNewPregnancy('medical test - term 3 start', 0)>> <</if>> [[comes in with your results|Part15ClinicTest]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the X-Change Clinic</h1> <<if $PregnancyCheck.isPregnant and $PlayerProtectionTry>> <img src="PartP/PregTest3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <<elseif $PregnancyCheck.isPregnant>> <img src="PartP/PregTest3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <<else>> <img src="PartP/PregTest2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <</if>> <<set $tempMinistryDenial to !$PlayerPregnant and ($CampusMinistry or $CampusMinistryFailSummer) and $AcademicProbationDenial>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The doctor comes in to deliver the news. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.isPregnant>> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 1>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.actualFather == "Sports car owner">> <<set $PregnancyWeek to 12>> <<elseif $PregnancyCheck.actualFather == "Isaac" or $PregnancyCheck.actualFather == "Some Party Guest" or $PregnancyCheck.actualFather == "Some Resort Pet Escort" or $PregnancyCheck.actualFather == "Some Resort Mechanic">> <<set $PregnancyWeek to 10>> <<elseif $PregnancyCheck.actualFather == "Gary" or $PregnancyCheck.actualFather == "Mr. B">> <<set $PregnancyWeek to 8>> <<elseif $PregnancyCheck.actualFather == "Dylan" or $PregnancyCheck.actualFather == "Mike" or $PregnancyCheck.actualFather == "Dan" or $PregnancyCheck.actualFather == "Mason" or $PregnancyCheck.actualFather == "Jake" or $PregnancyCheck.actualFather == "Ethan">> <<set $PregnancyWeek to 6>> <<elseif $dating.length and $PregnancyCheck.actualFather == $dating[0]>> <<set $PregnancyWeek to 4>> <<else>> <!-- Dominant Student, Frat Guy, Townie, Porn Fan, from porn job change, and anything I missed --> <<set $PregnancyWeek to 3>> <</if>> You are pregnant! <<if $PregnancyWeek < 4>> It seems very recent. If you've tested at home, you may not have picked up on it yet as our tests are much more sensitive. <<else>> I'll confirm these reading with a physical exam if you want to keep the baby, but it seems you are about $PregnancyWeek weeks along. <</if>> <<if setup.pregnantFirstTime()>> <<achievement>>firsttime+pregnant<</achievement>> <<elseif setup.pregnantFromLoophole()>> <<achievement>>loopholeBaby+pregnant<</achievement>> <<else>> <<achievement>>pregnant<</achievement>> <</if>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> He also reminds you that, of course the effects of your implant are permanent now. This will be the body you have for the rest of your life. <</if>> <br><br> <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> You are ecstatic, finally you're pregnant! You excitedly tell the doctor that you will definitely be [[carrying the baby to term|Part15ClinicKeep]]. He congratulates you on the pregnancy and says the the nurse will be in a bit to discuss prenatal care. <<elseif $CampusMinistry>> You make it clear to the doctor that you aren't going to consider anything other than [[carrying the baby to term|Part15ClinicKeep]]. He congratulates you on the pregnancy and says the the nurse will be in a bit to discuss prenatal care. <<else>> The doctor sees you need a moment to process the news. He says he'll give you a bit to think about whether you want to [[keep the baby|Part15ClinicKeep]] or [[terminate the pregnancy|Part15ClinicAbort]]. <</if>> <<elseif $tempMinistryDenial or setup.sexCount() == 0>> You are not pregnant. <<else>> You are [[not pregnant|Part15ClinicNotPregnant]]. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> All your other test results are fine. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.isPregnant>> <<elseif $UncleChasteBelt>> The nurse secures your belt around you again. Though you see she uses a different lock than the one it had before. When you object she tells you not to worry, they'll explain it to you at the Engineering department. You were already curious about the [[meeting Mike had scheduled for you there|Part15TestSubjectBetaTestUncle]], now you are even more curious about why they know about it here too. <br><br> Once your belt is secure, she releases the restraints that were holding your hands. "Sorry we have to do that. Some of the chaste girls get a little rambunctious when they are unbelted. I'm sure you wouldn't have been like that, but it's standard procedure now." <<elseif $tempMinistryDenial>> There's something else the doctor wants to talk to you about. You had mentioned to him that your level of sexual desire <<if $CampusMinistry>> had increased greatly since your last visit, and that you think it's as a result of the academic probation denial. You'd said that <<if setup.haveFucked('Andrew') and setup.sexUniqueMaleCount() == 1>> while you'd only been sexually active with one man, you didn't <<else>> felt you couldn't <</if>> trust yourself not to lose control. <<else>> and activity had increased greatly since your last visit and that you had seemed to be concerned with the change. <</if>> You had also complained about the denial you received due to your academic probation and your understandable dislike of its effects. He was aware of something that might be able to help you with both problems. <br><br> "The engineering department had sent us information saying they were looking for beta testers for a new product they are planning to market. The email was short on details, but they did say they can get your academic probation denial lifted. And they also said that your sexual activity will be under control once you sign up. <br><br> "If you're interested here is their location, feel free to [[stop by and sign up to be one of their testers|Part15MinistryTester]]. <<elseif setup.sexCount() == 0>> There's something else the doctor wants to talk to you about. You had said that had chosen to remain a virgin still, but had complained about all the temptations around the campus. He'd said he'd heard about something that might be able to help you keep your virginity, if that's what you want to do. <br><br> "The engineering department had sent us information saying they were looking for beta testers for a new product they are planning to market. The email was short on details, but it did say that your sexual activity will be under control once you sign up. Maybe whatever they have can help you avoid those temptations you were concerned about. <br><br> "If you're interested here is their location, feel free to [[stop by and sign up to be one of their testers|Part15MinistryTester]]. <<elseif $BoyfriendStrictChastity>> "Oh, and I see here that you said you are in a monogamous relationship with $dating[0], is that correct." He asks you and you quickly confirm. Then he continues, "Though obviously he unlocked you for your visit today. He keeps you in a chastity belt most of the time, correct?" <br><br> "Ummm, yes.", you answer nervously. <br><br> "Great. If you can provide his contact information we have some follow up questions for him as well." You provide them the information he requested on the way out. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<unset $tempMinistryDenial>><<nobr>> <h1>At the X-Change Clinic</h1> <img src="Part13/Pregnant13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Everything looks great on your tests," the doctor tells you. "And the baby looks to be doing fine as well. You are about $PregnancyWeek weeks along now, and doing great. You can stop by the front desk on the way out if you need a referral for an OB. They'll also send you home with some prenatal vitamins." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Now that your clinic visit is done, you have some time to think and reflect on the past year and look foward to this year. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part15YearTwoExplain]]>><<nobr>> <h1>Back Home</h1> <img src="Part15/School2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerProtectionPill>> While you at your appointment, the doctor also gave you a new supply of birth control pills, and a reminded you how you need to take them every day if you want to avoid getting pregnant.<br><br> <</if>> Now that your clinic visit is done, you have some time to think and reflect on the past year and look foward to this year. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part15YearTwoExplain]]>><<nobr>> <h1>Back Home</h1> <img src="PartP/PregTest4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The front desk helped you set up an appointment with an OB and also provided you with some prenatal vitamins before you headed home. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Now that your clinic visit is done, you have some time to think and reflect on the past year and look foward to this year. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part15YearTwoExplain]]>><<nobr>> <h1>Back Home</h1> <img src="PartP/PregTest5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <<achievement>>childfree<</achievement>> <<unset $PlayerPregnant>> <<unset $PregnancyWeek>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After talking it over with you the doctor gave you a pill in the office. He also gave you another to take the next day. He also told you to expect bleeding and cramps, like a period, but worse. <<if $PlayerAbortion > 1>> Of course, you already knew all that from before. <<set $PlayerAbortion += 1>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerAbortion to 1>> <</if>> <<if $PlayerProtectionPill>> He also gave you a new supply of birth control pills to start with tomorrow, and a brief talk reminding you how you need to take them every day if you want to avoid getting pregnant. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionFertile>> He also gave you a brief talk reminding you that given your fertility, you need to be extra careful about using condoms if you don't want to end up pregnant again. <<if !$PlayerProtectionCondoms>> You have no intention of doing that though. <</if>> <<else>> He also offered you a prescription for birth control pills, but you declined. Then he gave you a brief talk reminding you to be sure to use condoms then if you want to avoid getting pregnant. <<if !$PlayerProtectionCondoms>> You have no intention of doing that though. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next day you take the second pill he gave you. You have a lot of blood just like <<if $PlayerAbortion > 1>> last time. <<else>> he'd warned you that you would. <</if>> But at least you aren't pregnant anymore. You stay at home while you deal with the bleeding. But between the frequent tampon changes, you have time to think about the new school year. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part15YearTwoExplain]]>><<nobr>> You aren't a freshman anymore. and you are going to try to be more organized than you were last year. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You want to get off academic probation as quick as possible, and make sure you stay off of it. <</if>> You've picked up a weekly planner and know you have 16 weeks this term. You'll try to keep better track of when tests are so you can study, and when assignments are going to be due, so you aren't late with any. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobStripper or $JobGloryHole or $JobCallGirlSide>> You have a bit of money saved up now, and have gotten better at budgeting, so you don't have to keep two jobs anymore. You decide to [[drop one of them|Part15SideJobEliminate]] so you can focus more on your studies. <<elseif $JobEngineer and $AcademicProbationDenial>> You are curious about your meeting coming up with the campus X-Change office about their new 'Buddy' program. But first you need to [[stop by the engineering department|Part15EngineerProbation]] to meet with the department head about your job. <<elseif $JobTestSubject>> You are curious about your meeting coming up with the campus X-Change office about their new 'Buddy' program. But first you need to <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> [[stop by the engineering department|Part15TestSubjectProbation]] to meet with the department head about your job. <<else>> [[stop by the engineering department|Part15TestSubject]] for a big meeting. <</if>> <<else>> You are curious about your meeting coming up with the campus X-Change office [[about their new 'Buddy' program|Part15Buddy]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Choosing Jobs</h1> <<if $JobGloryHole>> <<set $tempQuitJob to "glory hole">> <img src="Part15/GloryHole1.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"> <br> You decide to [[stop working at the glory hole|Part15SideJobEliminateAfter]]. Or at least tell them to not schedule you any more. You can always stop by whenever you are needing a little extra money. Or when you are needing a little of something else. <<unset $JobGloryHole>> <<set $JobGloryHoleFormer to 1>> <<elseif $JobCheerleader and setup.areDating('Veronica')>> You aren't going to quit your job with Veronica as a cheerleader, so you decide to <<if $JobStripper>> <<if $PlayerItemNerdKeyStripper>> <<set $PlayerItemNerdKey>> <<unset $PlayerItemNerdKeyStripper>> <</if>> <<set $tempQuitJob to "stripper">> <<set $JobStripperOld to 1>> <<unset $JobStripper>> [[quit working as a stripper|Part15SideJobEliminateAfter]]. <<else>> <<set $tempQuitJob to "call girl">> <<set $JobCallGirlOld to 1>> <<unset $JobCallGirlSide>> [[quit working as a call girl|Part15SideJobEliminateAfter]]. <</if>> <<elseif $JobStripper and $JobCallGirl>> <img src="Part15/Strip1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <img src="Part15/CallGirl3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <br><br> Both are fun and bring in great money. But it's time to decide whether you want to <<link "keep working as a call girl">> <<if $PlayerItemNerdKeyStripper>> <<set $PlayerItemNerdKey>> <<unset $PlayerItemNerdKeyStripper>> <</if>> <<unset $JobStripper>> <<set $JobStripperOld to 1>> <<goto [[Part15SideJobEliminateAfter]]>> <</link>> or to <<link "keep stripping at the club">> <<unset $JobCallGirl>> <<set $JobCallGirlOld to 1>> <<set $JobStripperMain to 1>> <<goto [[Part15SideJobEliminateAfter]]>> <</link>>. <<else>> <<if $JobStripper>> <<set $tempSideJob to "stripper">> <img src="Part15/Strip1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> Your job as a stripper will still mostly be on the weekends, but it provides enough money that you don't really need another job. You could free up time for other things by just stripping, and quitting your job <<else>> <<set $tempSideJob to "call girl">> <img src="Part15/CallGirl3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> While your job as a call girl would certainly bring in more money if you switched to full time, but do you want that as your only job. Or would you rather keep your job as <</if>> <<if $JobAthlete>> <<set $tempMainJob to "an athlete">> <<elseif $JobCheerleader or $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>> <<set $tempMainJob to "a cheerleader">> <<elseif $JobFitness or $JobFitnessYoga>> <<set $tempMainJob to "a yoga insturctor">> <<elseif $JobFitnessMassage>> <<set $tempMainJob to "a massage insturctor">> <<elseif $JobLibrary>> <<set $tempMainJob to "a librarian">> <<elseif $JobEngineer or $JobEngineerLock or $JobEngineerToy or $JobEngineerAssistant>> <<set $tempMainJob to "an engineer">> <<elseif $JobTestSubject or $JobBetaTester>> <<set $tempMainJob to "a tester">> <<elseif $JobArt or $JobModel>> <<set $tempMainJob to "a model">> <<elseif $JobOffice or $JobOfficePA or $JobOfficeManager or $JobOfficeIntern>> <<set $tempMainJob to "an office worker">> <<elseif $JobCallGirl and $JobStripper>> <<set $tempMainJob to "a call girl">> <<elseif $JobBartender or $JobBartenderGirls or $JobBartenderGuys or $JobBartenderBi or $JobBartenderSub or $JobBartenderDom>> <<set $tempMainJob to "a bartender">> <<else>> <!-- assume barista if couldn't find anything --> <<set $tempMainJob to "a barista">> <</if>> $tempMainJob? <br><br> Which job would you rather keep, your <<link "main job">> <<if $PlayerItemNerdKeyStripper>> <<set $PlayerItemNerdKey>> <<unset $PlayerItemNerdKeyStripper>> <</if>> <<set $tempQuitJob to $tempSideJob>> <<set $JobStripperOld to $JobStripperOld or $JobStripper>> <<set $JobCallGirlOld to $JobCallGirlOld or $JobCallGirlSide>> <<unset $JobStripper>> <<unset $JobCallGirlSide>> <<goto [[Part15SideJobEliminateAfter]]>> <</link>> as $tempMainJob or your <<link "second job">> <<set $tempQuitJob to $tempMainJob>> <<set $JobBaristaOld to $JobBarista>> <<unset $JobBarista>> <<set $JobBikiniBaristaOld to $JobBikiniBarista>> <<unset $JobBikiniBarista>> <<set $JobAthleteFormer to $JobAthleteFormer or $JobAthlete>> <<unset $JobAthlete>> <<set $JobCheerleaderFormer to $JobCheerleaderFormer or $JobCheerleader>> <<unset $JobCheerleader>> <<set $JobCheerleaderFundraiserFormer to $JobCheerleaderFundraiserFormer or $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>> <<unset $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>> <<unset $JobFitness>> <<set $JobFitnessYogaOld to $JobFitnessYogaOld or $JobFitnessYoga>> <<unset $JobFitnessYoga>> <<set $JobFitnessMassageOld to $JobFitnessMassageOld or $JobFitnessMassage>> <<unset $JobFitnessMassage>> <<set $JobLibraryOld to $JobLibraryOld or $JobLibrary>> <<unset $JobLibrary>> <<set $JobEngineerOld to $JobEngineerOld or $JobEngineer or $JobEngineerLock or $JobEngineerToy or $JobEngineerAssistant>> <<unset $JobEngineer>> <<unset $JobEngineerLock>> <<unset $JobEngineerToy>> <<unset $JobEngineerAssistant>> <<set $JobTestSubjectOld to $JobTestSubjectOld or $JobTestSubject or $JobBetaTester>> <<unset $JobTestSubject>> <<unset $JobBetaTester>> <<set $JobArtFormer to $JobArtFormer or $JobTestSJobArt>> <<unset $JobTestSubject>> <<set $JobModelOld to $JobModelOld or $JobModel>> <<unset $JobModel>> <<set $JobOfficeOld to $JobOfficeOld or $JobOffice or $JobOfficePA or $JobOfficeManager or $JobOfficeIntern>> <<unset $JobOffice>> <<unset $JobOfficePA>> <<unset $JobOfficeManager>> <<unset $JobOfficeIntern>> <<set $JobBartenderOld to $JobBartenderOld or $JobBartender or $JobBartenderGirls or $JobBartenderGuys or $JobBartenderBi or $JobBartenderSub or $JobBartenderDom>> <<unset $JobBartender>> <<unset $JobBartenderGirls>> <<unset $JobBartenderGuys>> <<unset $JobBartenderBi>> <<unset $JobBartenderSub>> <<unset $JobBartenderDom>> <<if $JobCallGirl and $JobStripper>> <<set $JobCallGirlOld to 1>> <<unset $JobCallGirl>> <</if>> <<if $JobCallGirlSide>> <<set $JobCallGirl to 1>> <<unset $JobCallGirlSide>> <</if>> <<if $JobStripper>> <<set $JobStripperMain to 1>> <</if>> <<goto [[Part15SideJobEliminateAfter]]>> <</link>> as $tempSideJob. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Quitting your other job</h1> You let <<if $tempQuitJob == "call girl">> your booking agency <<elseif $tempQuitJob == "an athlete">> your coach <<elseif $tempQuitJob == "a model">> your agent <<elseif $tempQuitJob == "a tester">> the engineering department <<else>> your boss <</if>> know your decision. Now you can hopefully focus more on your academics. Well, and maybe your social life too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobEngineer and $AcademicProbationDenial>> You are curious about your meeting coming up with the campus X-Change office about their new 'Buddy' program. But first you need to [[stop by the engineering department|Part15EngineerProbation]] to meet with the department head about your job. <<elseif $JobTestSubject>> You are curious about your meeting coming up with the campus X-Change office about their new 'Buddy' program. But first you need to <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> [[stop by the engineering department|Part15TestSubjectProbation]] to meet with the department head about your job. <<else>> [[stop by the engineering department|Part15TestSubject]] for a big meeting. <</if>> <<else>> You are curious about your meeting coming up with the campus X-Change office [[about their new 'Buddy' program|Part15Buddy]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Deciding to visit the engineering department</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Ministry1.webm" autoplay loop muted height="650"></video> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistryFailSummer>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Frat Guy', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Frat Guy', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Frat Guy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Frat Guy'})>> You used to be a good girl, but now you feel like you don't have control anymore. All you think about is sex. And even when you have it, you are left wanting more when you're done. <br><br> You can't even walk across campus without a chance meeting with a few fat guys turning into much more. Before you know it, you are back at their frat house, letting them use you. <br><br> When they are finished, you are still unsatisfied and as horny as when you got there. They all enjoyed using you though, and they left you covered in evidence of just how much they enjoyed you. <br><br> As you stumble out of the their frat house, feeling the dried cum on your skin and in your hair, you decided you should at least go talk to the engineering department. If there's something that can help you prevent these desires, or help you to stop acting on them. You owe it to yourself to check it out. <<else>> You are trying to be a good girl, to <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>> <<if setup.haveFucked('Andrew')>> be faithful to Andrew. <<else>> to save yourself for Andrew, when you are ready. <</if>> <<else>> save yourself for the right person. <</if>> But there's so many things on campus that seemed designed to make you think about sex. But even when you aren't confronted with any of that, your body does it for you. <br><br> Even just walking passed a few frat guys, and your mind is fantasizing about having sex with all of them. All of them at once! You decide that you should at least go talk to the engineering department. If there's something that can help you prevent these desires, you owe it to yourself, and your future spouse, to check it out before you start acting on them. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> So you decide you need [[go to the engineering department|Part15MinistryTester2]] right away to find out what they have that can help. Well, maybe not right this second. You need to go by your room first <<if $CampusMinistryFailSummer>> for a shower. <<else>> to change panties. The ones you are wearing are soaked through. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the engineering department</h1> <img src="Part15/TestSubject1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> Once you arrive in the engineering department you let them know the X-Change doctor referred you here. After having you fill out a questionnaire and wait a few minutes until you are directed into the department head's office. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Good afternoon, Miss," he says. "So I take it from your answers here that you are looking for help controlling your sexual activity, is that correct?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes, very much so," you confirm. <<if $CampusMinistryFailSummer>> "I feel like I'm completely out of control, and it started when the dean had them activate that academic probation denial thing. <<elseif setup.areDating('Andrew')>> "I've been faithful to my boyfriend so far, but I feel constantly tempted to cheat on him. And I would hate myself if I did that. <<else>> "I've somehow managed not to act on all the desires I have. I want to wait until the right <<if $LikeBoth or $KidnapEscape or $LikeFemales>>person<<else>>man<</if>> comes along. But I feel like I could break down and have sex with anyone in a moment of weakness. <</if>> The doctor said you had something that maybe could help me. Like a pill or a shot or something? Or some support program?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "No, it's nothing like that," he explains. "It's actually something you wear. I'm not sure if you are familiar with the term, but it's called a 'Chastity Belt', and it will ensure that you can never succumb to your desires in a moment of weakness like you <<if $CampusMinistryFailSummer>> complain you have been doing. <<else>> are worried you might. <</if>> And if you have heard of chastity belts before, I can assure you that this one is far more advanced than anything on the market now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "The belt you'd be testing is actually a computerized chastity belt. With a traditional belt, most would only prevent vaginal intercourse. And they present challenges during menstration, which our belt addresses. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "There are belts that also prevent anal sex, but those present obvious daily hygiene issues. And no traditional belt would prevent you from engaging in oral sex. Ours can prevent <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>> both. But we can set it to allow either or both when you are with your boyfriend, <<if !setup.haveFucked('Andrew')>> should you wish to become sexually active with him, <</if>> ensuring your monogamy. <<else>> both until you meet the right person. <</if>> It is also capable of providing you pleasure if so configured. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Women like you, that wish to <<if $CampusMinistryFailSummer>> return to a chaste lifestyle, <<else>> remain chaste or to maintain a monogamous relationship, <</if>> are difficult to find on campus, but are obviously a key demographic we want to test the belt with. So we will be able to offer you a higher than normal compensation for your participation in our beta testing program. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> And, as your doctor mentioned, we have agreement from the dean for him to release any student participating in our testing from any denial he had assigned to them due to being on academic probation. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "So, are you wanting to participate and help us test this new product?" he asks finally. "Unfortunately, I'll need your answer before you leave today as the testing period is beginning this week." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobAthlete>> "[[I'm sorry but I can't|Part15MinistryTesterNo]]," you tell him. "I'm an athlete and there's now way I could compete wearing one of those things. You figure you'll just have to <<if setup.haveFucked('Andrew')>> focus all of your desires on Andrew so you can stay faithful to him. <<else>> learn to control your desires naturally. Working out whenever you get horny has certainly helped keep you in shape so far. <</if>> <<elseif $JobBikiniBarista>> "[[I'm sorry but I can't|Part15MinistryTesterNo]]," you tell him. "I wear a bikini at my job, and I think my boss and my customers would freak out if it was a metal one like that." You figure you'll just have to learn to control your desires naturally. <<elseif $AcademicProbationDenial>> As soon as he confirmed that it would get you off the academic probation denial thing that has made you like this, you knew your answer. "[[Yes, I'd love to participate|Part15MinistryTester3]]," you answer. <<else>> <<if setup.haveFucked('Andrew')>> You wish you could talk it over with Andrew first. But then again, that would mean confessing to him the thoughts you'd had about having sex with other men. So maybe it's better you are making this decision on your own. <br><br> <</if>> You think it over, and then tell him either "[[Yes, I'd love to participate|Part15MinistryTester3]]," or "[[I'm sorry, but no,|Part15MinistryTesterNo]] I don't want to participate." <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your Belt Fitting</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part14/Chastity4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="700"></video> </div> First he has you sign a non-disclosure agreement. The belt is not on the market yet and they don't want any competitors finding out about it. Then he sends you in to have a technician take care of your fitting. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> After you strip, he cuffs your hands over your head to a cuff and chain hanging from the ceiling. Then he removes your old belt and starts taking measurements of you. <<else>> The technician has you strip below the waist and measures you. <</if>> <<if $CampusMinistryFailSummer>> The thoughts you have of his hands roaming your body confirm to you that you've made the right decision. <<else>> He's professional about it though, so it's easy for you think of it like a medical exam. <</if>> Then he selects a belt from the table nearby and positions it in place on you. You aren't sure why, but your heart skips a beat as he clicks the belt closed around your waist. <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'electronic chastity belt')>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>> <<set $JobBetaTester to "monogamous">> <<else>> <<set $JobBetaTester to "chaste">> <</if>> <<set $PlayerChastityBelt to 1>> <<set $Keyholder to "computer">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After checking over your fit the technician tells you, "Thank you, you are all set. Have a fun time and be sure to fill out the user surveys we send out every few weeks, and to report if you encounter any problems. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerProtectionPill or $PlayerProtectionPerfect or $PlayerProtectionPermanent or $PlayerPregnant>> "You mentioned you rarely have periods, so you might not need this," he says as he hands you a small key. "But if you do start menstrating you can use this to open the hygiene shield in the front. <<else>> "Oh, and you'll probably need this," he says as he hands you a small key. "You can use this to open the hygiene shield in the front when you are menstrating. <</if>> Try not to lose it. Keep in mind it will only work if the belt detects that it is necessary." You decide not to ask about how it decides that. He continues, "And don't leave it off too long, or try to use it for anything other than its intended purpose, or you'll regret it. You can read in the manual about the countermeasures if you are curious." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He checks your chart for a second and then adds, <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>> "Oh, and please have Andrew come by sometime soon with his phone with a photo ID. We will configure him as a secondary/limited owner. But that's just during testing, so he can't unlock you or alter anything that would affect the testing parameters. Don't worry, as soon as testing is completed, we will automatically convert him to a full owner with full access. Then he'll be able to unlock you if he wishes." <br><br> Your mind wanders, imagining the things Andrew might want to unlock you for. <<else>> "Oh, and if you enter into a monogamous relationship and wish to enable certain features for your boy or girlfriend, please let us know as soon as possible. After a waiting period, <<if $UncleChasteBelt>> and if approved by...", he checks your form before continuing. "It looks like his name is 'Mike'. Then <</if>> we will add your boyfriend as a secondary/limited owner. But that's just during testing, so they can't unlock you or alter anything that would affect the testing parameters. Don't worry, as soon as testing is completed, we will automatically convert them to a full owner with full access. <<if $UncleChasteBelt>> Assuming Mike approves that is. <</if>> Then they'll be able to unlock you if they wish. <br><br> You start to fantasize about your wedding night, with your spouse reaching up under your dress to remove your belt, and then pushing you back onto the bed... <br><br> "But don't feel rushed," he continues, interrupting your fantasy. "We'll keep you locked and chaste for as long as you need to take in order to find Mr., or Miss, Right." <</if>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> <br><br> "Oh, and stop by the X-Change office to get the denail removed from your implant. The dean should have already called over." <<set $tempAcademicProbationDenialRelease to 1>> <<unset $AcademicProbationDenial>> <<set $AcademicProbationDenialFormer to 1>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You tug at the belt, checking how secure it is as you walk out <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> and head back to the X-Change office. <<else>> and head out of the lab. <</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>> You'll are nervous about how [[Andrew is going to react|Part15MinistryTesterAndrew]] when he finds out that you've let them lock you into a chastity belt, and have given him control of it. Or at least partial control. <<elseif $CampusMinistryFailSummer>> You are tempted again when you see a hot guy jogging by, sweat glistening from his skin... But you remember your belt [[and keep walking home|Part15MinistryTesterFail]]. <<elseif $UncleChasteBelt>> As you [[walk home|Part15MinistryTester4]] you realize you didn't ask about the pleasure settings. You'll have to read the manual to learn more about those you suppose. <<else>> You feel an odd sense of security knowing that your chastity is protected as you [[walk home|Part15MinistryTester4]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Waiting for Andrew</h1> You thought he'd just be in and out, but Andrew's meeting at the engineering department seems to be taking forever. They wouldn't let you join him, so you are doing your best to be patient as you wait on the bench outside their building. You remind yourself to thank him for taking so much time out of his day to do this for you. After all, this was your decision to test this belt out, not his. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Ministry2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> Finally, he comes out of the building. "I'm so sorry that took so long," you say. "I feel really bad for asking you now. I thought you'd be in, they'd check your id, help you download the app, and then be done. What on earth did they do that took so long?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well, it started like you said," Andrew explains. "But then they had training on how to use the app. And then much more training on..." He pauses for a second before continuing. "On how to help us make the most of this experience. On how to use the belt's punishment and reward features to help encourage proper behavior, on how..." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Wait... Did you say punishment?" you interrupt. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Right. It shocks you," Andrew explains. "There's different levels, but they all sound very unpleasant. There's pretty severe automatic ones which would happen if you cheated on me, though obviously you never would. <<if setup.haveFucked('Andrew')>> But remind me to keep my phone charged and with me if we are ever fooling around outside of my apartment. Otherwise it might get confused and punish you by mistake. <</if>> Oh, and if you try to use the app on my phone it triggers an automatic punishment too. So definitely don't try that. Didn't they go over all this with you before you put it on?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I knew it would stop me from cheating on you, but I guess I didn't ask how, or really very many other questions. Maybe I should have. But I just knew I need this if I was going to be able to trust myself to stay <<if setup.sexCount()>>faithful to<<else>>chaste for<</if>> you." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Ok. Well, I can also trigger manual punishments," he continues. "Not that I would do that to you. But it is intended for if you were doing something bad but that the belt couldn't detect. One of the examples they gave was if you were drunk at some party, and getting naked in front of everyone. <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> I know how you like to fantasize about doing stuff like that, but of course never would really do it. <<else>> But, obviously you'd never do that. <</if>> And I can also trigger rewards. The belt can <<if setup.haveFucked('Andrew')>> stimulate you as much as I tell it to, even giving you an orgasm if I set that." <<else>> ... stimulate you, if you understand what I mean." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You blush at the thought of Andrew pressing a button and then this belt teasing your most intimate places right here in public. "It also shows me here how much you liked that idea," Andrew says holding up the app and showing you an 'arousal level'. <<if setup.sexCount() == 0>> "That's nothing to be ashamed of, it's a perfectly natural reaction." That may be true, but that doesn't mean you aren't still embarrassed. <</if>> You realize Andrew is soon going to be acutely aware whenever you are aroused, probably seeing it on his app even before you consciously realize it. You hope he doesn't want to leave you when he realizes how much you are always thinking about sex. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Andrew continues, "Anyway, you should probably check the manual they are emailing you to learn everything it can do. But keep in mind, I can't do everything it says in there, since I only have limited privileges while they are testing it. I can't unlock you for example. And threre's some other settings they have locked in as well. Some of them obviously won't matter for us. [[Others you may start to notice.|Part15MinistryTesterAndrew2]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Lunch with Andrew</h1> <img src="Part15/Ministry3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You realize it's started to get warm this afternoon as you and Andrew eat lunch outside. You are distracted as you eat your meal, and don't even finish it. As you look at Andrew, your thoughts keep drifting back and forth between how much you care for him and between remembering how good his hands felt <<if setup.haveFucked('Andrew')>> sliding up your thighs. <<else>> under your shirt. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Have I told you how much I love you?" you ask as you stare into his eyes. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I love you too," Andrew says as he strokes your hair softly. You find yourself leaning in to his hand, loving the feel of it against your head. Then he smiles and says, "And yes you have told me. Including three times this meal already. Not that I mind though." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You laugh a little and say, "Oh. Well, I just feel very affectionate today for some reason. Part of it is probably that I'm so happy you that you were so understanding about this, and not being upset with me for needing it in the first place." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You continue, "I hate that you have to go back to work now. I'd rather spend the whole day with you. <<if setup.haveFucked('Andrew')>> I know you have to go now, but I wish we had a little time alone before you had to go. I really want you right now. <</if>> But can I have a kiss before [[you leave|Part15MinistryTesterAndrew3]]?" <<if !setup.haveFucked('Andrew')>> You are thinking about wanting so much more than a kiss, but you aren't going to say that. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>After Andrew Leaves</h1> <img src="Part15/Ministry4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> You don't want your kiss to end, but it only lasts a moment. Then Andrew has to head back to work. He's barely left and you feel it start to get cooler outside. But no one else seemed to have noticed it getting warmer earlier and cooler now, so maybe it's just you. One thing you know is just you is the longing you feel to be with Andrew again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Thankfully, you have a date planned with him this evening, so you won't have to wait that long. But still, as you are back in your room a few hours seem like an eternity. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The time alone does give you time to think. <<if setup.haveFucked('Andrew')>> You think about how much you want Andrew inside you. But you realize that won't be possible now. Why won't they let Andrew unlock you, even when it's just you two. You couldn't cheat then. He could lock it back on afterwards. But he made it clear they won't let him do that. <br><br> You'll still be able to enjoy the feel of Andrew's skin against your again. To feel his hardness in your hand, to taste it in your mouth. But you won't be able to feel his tongue circling your clit again, or your lower lips parting as he slides into you <<if setup.haveFuckedVaginal('Andrew')>> again. <<else>> for the first time. <</if>> <br><br> But the more you think about it, the more you are just looking forward to hearing him moan and then tasting his warm cum in your mouth. <<else>> You think about how good it felt when you and Andrew had messed around before, but that you never let him get past "second base". You wanted to go further, you wanted it so bad, but you knew if his hand went down your pants, you wouldn't have been able to stop there. <br><br> And you'd also worried that once you started having sex, you might lose control. You'd heard from some of the other girls at the X-Change meetings, and you'd worried you wouldn't be able to stay faithful. <br><br> But now you don't have to worry about either of those. You know that neither you or Andrew could get the belt off, so you won't be going all the way even if you wanted to. Not even with Andrew, and certaily not with anyone else. And you feel safe that the belt will prevent you from cheating on him in any other way too. <br><br> You want to bury Andrew's head between your legs tonight. But you realize that isn't possible either. You'll have to just settle for doing that for him, without the hope of anything in return. The more you think about it, the more you are looking forward to seeing what he looks like down there, what he tastes like. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> This evening can't [[come soon enough|Part15MinistryTesterAndrew4]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>On a date with Andrew</h1> <img src="Part15/Ministry5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you and Andrew are out on your date, you find yourself wanting to be close to him, even more than normal. You also feel yourself getting warm again. But unlike earlier today, you are inside this time, so it can't be the weather. When you mention it to Andrew he says the temperature feels fine. After a moment he adds, "Oh, it's probably the bonding mode on your belt. It's supposed to gently stimulate you whenever you and I are close. I was skeptical when they said you wouldn't feel it, but it would still work. But I guess they were right." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he sees your confused look he asks, "Is it not covered in the wearer's guide they sent you? Or have you just not had a chance to read it yet?" He unlocks his phone and shows you one of the screens in his app. It says "bonding mode" at the top and is marked as "Active". As you glance at it you see settings for intensity, maximum distance, maximum arousal, and sleep window, but it looks like all the settings are locked at their current values. "It's not bothering you is it?" Andrew asks with a hint of concern in his voice. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "No, no, not all," you answer as you pull closer to him. "Actually, it's great. I love the way I've been feeling around you today. And now I don't have to worry that I'm coming down with a fever or something. I might just have to dress a little lighter when you're around." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He smiles at that. Then you add, "I hope they bring our check soon. I'm really ready for us to [[get home|Part15MinistryTesterAndrew5]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>After your date</h1> Your hands are all over Andrew as soon as you through the door. You don't know how much of the need you feel for him right now is because of what the belt is doing and how much is natural. You don't care either. You just want to be close to him. Actually, what you really want right now is him inside you, but you know you can't have that. So his lips on yours is fine for now, for a start. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When his hand finds its way under your shirt, you quickly pull off the shirt and toss it aside. He then begins to stroke your breast, then to tease your nipple through your bra. You are about to take off your bra for him too when you see the bulge in his pants. You decide to take something else off instead. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Engineer4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="700"></video> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.haveFucked('Andrew')>> You unbuckle Andrew's pants and pull them down along with his underwear as he removes his shirt. You don't want to wait any longer and a moment later you are on your knees taking Andrew's cock into your mouth. <<else>> Andrew is a bit surprised as you fumble at the buckle to his pants, but he quickly helps you take them off. Your quickly pull down his underwear too as he takes off his shirt. You don't want to wait any longer and a moment later you are on your knees taking Andrew's cock into your mouth for the first time. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.haveFucked('Andrew')>> You always love the moans Andrew makes, and they are turning you on even more than normal this evening. But soon you notice something else. <<else>> You hadn't realized how much the moans Andrew is making would turn you on. It makes you want to keep going to make him moan even more. You were right about one thing, if you weren't in this belt, you would have already climbed on top of him and started riding his cock. But after a moment you can feel something else. <</if>> <<if $tempAcademicProbationDenialRelease>> <<unset $tempAcademicProbationDenialRelease>> After so long on the dean's denial, you recognize the new sensations instantly. <<else>> It's soft at first so it takes you a moment to realize it. But soon the sensations are unmistakable. <</if>> The belt is stimulating you, noticeably this time, as you suck Andrew's cock. <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral and setup.haveFucked('Andrew')>> As if you needed any more encouragement to suck Andrew's cock. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The longer you suck his cock, the more more intense the vibrations from the belt get. Soon you can feel yourself on the edge of an orgasm. Before you can cum though the belt eases off on the vibrations. That makes you want to suck his cock even more, hoping to get the belt to start up again like before. Soon you are taking his cock deep into your mouth, and not wanting it out except long enough to occasionally catch your breath. After a while the vibrations pick back up again, keeping you constantly on the edge of an orgasm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are desperate for an orgasm by the time he cums. <<if !setup.haveFucked('Andrew')>> You are surprised by how much you love the feeling and the taste of his warm cum hitting your tongue and filling your mouth. <</if>> You keep sucking a bit longer as he cums, hoping for just a bit more from the belt to put you over the edge. But then the belt kicks into high gear or something and you get quite a bit more. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> His cum oozes down your face as you scream out before you can even swallow his cum. The vibrations continue as you hold onto him for support as your body shakes with a powerful orgasm. The vibrations continue a while longer. Just when you think you can't take it anymore, they slowly die down. You lie down next to him with a messy smile on your face. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That was amazing!", you tell him. <<if !setup.haveFucked('Andrew')>> "Why weren't we doing this sooner? Can <<else>> "Can <</if>> we do it again?" <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As soon as he is ready, you go again. The vibrations continue as before, keeping you on the edge as you suck his cock. But it doesn't give you the orgasm at the end. He's left happy and drained, but you are still horny. You want to know if he can go again, but he says not tonight. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "They said it would be random. The orgasms while you, you take care of me, that is. After the first one anyway," Andrew says. "They recommended that over the other option which would have made you give me more and more each day. I agree. This way, you could get one at any time. That seems much more exciting for you, I think. Besides, as wonderful as that was, I can only take so many of those." He gives you a smile as he strokes your hair. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "But we can try again tomorrow?" you ask hopefully. He happily agrees. After you clean up your face, you give him an kiss goodnight before [[heading home|Part15MinistryTesterAndrew6]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Back home</h1> <img src="Part15/TestSubject4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <<set $DailyBJMinimum to 2>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you get home, you decide you should probably read that "Wearer's Guide" they emailed you. After seeing some of the possible options, you follow the instructions and download the app. You can see the "Oral Encouragement" and "Bonding Mode" settings active, and an indiator that the guide says means there are enabled settings or features that you don't have permissions as wearer to see. Maybe you can ask Andrew about those. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> All the "Bonding Mode" settings are locked for you too, but looking at "Oral Encouragement" you see there's one setting you can change. It says "Minimum Daily Target" and it's set at "0". You click the "+" and see it change to "1". It then tells you you'll be punished the next morning if you don't give Andrew at least that many blowjobs every day. You also see you that the "-" button is disabled still, you wonder if it is for Andrew or not. Either way, one seems like a reasonable goal. Too easy even. You wouldn't want to settle for one. You click the "+" again and watch it change to "2". Even if Andrew isn't able to lower it, you don't think he'll mind. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You decide to get to sleep. You have a meeting tomorrow at the campus X-Change office [[about their new 'Buddy' program|Part15Buddy]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Back home</h1> <img src="Part15/Ministry6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Obviously the belt prevents you from having intercourse, that's what you wanted. You needed something so you stopped the slutty behavior you'd been giving into lately. But you soon discover just how frustrating the inability to masturbate either is. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You toss and turn a while, trying to forget about it, but you can't. Eventually you throw on a skirt and decide to [[go find a guy|Part15MinistryTesterFail2]]. <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral>> You love sucking cock. And maybe <<else>> Maybe <</if>> you can get off if he fucks your ass. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "What's wrong with me?" you wonder as you head out the door. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Finding a workaround</h1> <video src="Part15/Ministry7.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Guy with a big cock'})>> <<set $ChastityChasteAttempts to 2>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You find a guy and head back to his room with him. As soon as you pull out his cock, you wish you weren't in this belt. You can only imagine what it would feel like inside you. But at least you don't have imagine trying to fit it all in your mouth. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you've barely started sucking his cock when you feel a shock from the belt, pain radiates out from your clit. You try to ignore it and a few moments later are hit with another, strong shock. You have to stop. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But seeing his hard cock alone, begging for attention, you don't want to stop. You don't know how the belt knows you are sucking his cock, they didn't explain any of the technical stuff to you. You doubt they even cover that in the manual you haven't bothered to read yet. You try sitting up and stroking his cock instead. You hear moans from him, but don't get any shocks. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You play a porn video on his computer as you are grabbing the lube from his desk. At least you can watch some other girl ride a cock today, even if you can't. You keep stroking and soon you can feel his magnificent cock stiffen and then twitch in your hand. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can't resist leaning over and licking the cum from his cock. You've licked it mostly clean when the shock hits, but thankfully just the lower intensity one again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You say good bye, and tell him you are sorry you couldn't finish his blowjob. But he says he didn't mind at all. Then you [[head home again|Part15MinistryTesterFail3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>RTFM</h1> As you head home, you are feeling guilty about your failure. You didn't even last a day in your belt and you were already trying, and failing, to give a blowjob to a guy you'd just met. You are curious about how the belt knew you were doing it though, and why it shocked you for it. So you start looking through the manual they sent you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> First you follow the instructions and download the app. While it's syncing up, you keep looking through the manual. You spot something called 'Oral Encouragement Mode'. It would actually give you orgasms for giving blowjobs. You wonder why the hell you didn't get that options. "Because I told them I wanted to stop being a slut, not to turn myself into an even bigger one," you say to yourself. <</nobr>> <img src="Part15/TestSubject4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <<nobr>> When you get to "Chaste" mode in the manual, you eyes are quickly drawn to "Orgasm Request". It says that you can request an orgasm. It says that occasional requests will usually be granted. You quickly go to the app and find the request option. "Request Denied" it comes back with instantly. "Only good girls are rewarded with orgasms," it tells you below that. "You have made 2 attempts at sexual activity. As a result, no orgasm requests will be granted for a minimum of 4 days." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Shit", you think. "It counted me trying to give him a blowjob and me licking him clean after jerking him off as two different attempts. Now I have to wait twice as long. I guess I'll just need behave myself for the next several days. Maybe it'll be easier knowing I might be able to get an orgasm then. And that anything else will get me punished." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You look through the manual some more, but most of it doesn't seem to apply to you. There seems to be three main ways to use the belt, for chaste girls like you, for sluts that want to to be teased and denied, and for couples. Well, you suppose you should read up on the couples settings later incase you meet someone while you're wearing this. But not tonight. You decide to get some sleep, you have that meeting at the You realize you are going to have to get more creative if you want to have any chance to defeat this belt. You decide to dig into the documents the X-Change office tomorrow [[about their new 'Buddy' program|Part15Buddy]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Reading the manual</h1> <img src="Part15/TestSubject4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you read through the manual, you blush at some of the options. Most of them definitely seem geared to girls that want to wear the belt to help themselves be <b>more</b> slutty, not less. Some of the other options look to be intended for couples. You can feel yourself getting aroused as you think of your future spouse using some of them on you. But you try not to twell on that section. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The "Chaste" mode is obviously the one they've set your belt to, thankfully. The options for that seem fairly normal. It says it will provide punishment shocks of increasing severity if sexual activity is attempted. It doesn't really say how it can tell that, but you assume they'd probably not want to say exactly as that would make it easier to cheat it. It does mention a "safeword" to yell if you are attacked and it will not trigger the punishment but instead call for help, "that's a nice feature," you think to yourself. You also see it mentions how harsh the punishment is if they decide you've 'misused' the safeword feature. "I guess that's understandable.", you think. <<if $UncleChasteBelt>> <br><br> You see a section called "Observer", and see that Mike is set to be able to see everything going on with your belt. You assume they would have made him your "Owner" if they weren't doing their testing stuff. But still it lets him see everything your belt sees, from when you are on your period, how turned on you are, or if you get punished for trying to suck a cock or something, and everything else the belt tracks! <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your eyes then fix on the section labled "Orgasm Request". It says that you can request an orgasm and that occasional requests will usually be granted. You are still aroused from your earlier thoughts, so you decide to try it out. <<if $UncleChasteBelt>> Hopefully Mike won't think you are a slut for requesting one already. After all he knows you haven't had an orgasm since he put that other belt on you. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You get comfortable in your bed, pull up the right page in the app. Then you lie back and start thinking about your wedding day, though you quickly move to thinking about your wedding night. You imagine your husband carrying you into the honeymoon suite then helping you out of your wedding dress. He lays you down on the bed, naked except for your chastity belt. Then he unlocks and slowly removes it from you. You reach over to your phone and press the "Request Orgasm" button. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You lie back, close your eyes, and start imagining your new husband begining to pleasure you. You are expecting the belt to do someting, to give some real fealing to your fantasy, but nothing happens. You stop fantasizing and wait a bit, but nothing. You look back at the phone thinking thinking something went wrong, but you see, "Request Granted". And below that, "You've been a good girl. Enjoy your orgasm." But still nothing is happening. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You go back to the manual and read more and then you see that even though your request was granted, the reward isn't given to you immediately, or at least not usually. It can be anytime in the next 48 hours. The manual says that way allows you to receive rewards for good behavior and occasional satisfaction, but without becoming addicted. The manual wasn't clear on what 'occasional requests' meant, but it seems like you probably need to wait at least two days between requests then, or at least two days after one was granted before requesting another one. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set $tempOrgasmRequestGranted to 1>> You decide you best go to sleep then. You have no idea if you'll be woken up in the middle of the night with a pleasant surprise, or not, and you want to be well rested. You have the meeting tomorrow at the X-Change office [[about their new 'Buddy' program|Part15Buddy]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Happy with your decision</h1> <img src="Part15/Ministry2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<set $MinistryBeltDecline to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The thought of knowing <<if setup.sexCount()>>you<<else>>your virginity<</if>> would be safe, both from someone taking advantage of you, and even from a moment of poor judgement from yourself was very tempting. And you have to admit the extra money would have been nice too, <<if $JobAthlete>> but it just wasn't an option for you. So you <<else>> but you turn down the offer and <</if>> leave the office unbelted. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobAthlete>> But even if you could have said yes, you don't think you would have wanted to agree to wear that thing. <</if>> Part of it is that you don't really trust them. Something in the back of your mind worries that maybe it's a trick somehow. But really, <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>> you don't want to be locked away from Andrew. <br><br> <<if setup.haveFuckedVaginal('Andrew')>> You couldn't give up sex with Andrew. If they would have said Andrew could unlock you and fuck you whenever he wanted, of course you would have agreed to the belt. The thought of being in the belt, horny, and waiting for Andrew to use, turns you on. Especially as you fantasize about what Andrew might make you do to earn your release. <br><br> But that wasn't what they were offering. You are locked so you don't have to beg for release. And all you need to do if you want Andrew to fuck you is ask. You plan on [[doing exactly that|Part15MinistryTesterNoAndrewSex]] after your date with Andrew this evening. <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Andrew')>> You haven't gone all the way with Andrew. Yet at least. Though the more you fool around with him and do other things, the more you want to. You realize if they had told you Andrew would be able to unlock you, you would have probably said yes. You fantasize about getting so horny that you beg him to unlock you and finally fuck you. In your fantasy he does eventually, though he makes you earn it with many blowjobs first. <br><br> But you aren't in the belt now, and you don't have to beg. In fact all you have to do is ask. You plan on [[doing exactly that|Part15MinistryTesterNoAndrewSex]] after your date with Andrew this evening. <<else>> You haven't had sex with him yet. You had thought you might wait until the two of you were married. But you also had thought, and fantasized, many times about not waiting. You realize that if they had told you Andrew would be able to unlock you, you probably would have been fine with the belt. But with him not being able to unlock you either, there was no way you were going to wear that thing. <br><br> The more you think about it, the more you realize how much you want to be intimate with Andrew. Maybe [[it's time to stop waiting|Part15MinistryTesterNoAndrewSex]]. Or would it be [[better to wait|Part15MinistryTesterNoAndrewNo]]. Andrew is being patient, maybe you should be too. <</if>> <<else>> you just want to do this on your own. You'd be happier if you didn't have some of the urges you do, but you feel proud of yourself that you can resist them. It feels like admiting you couldn't handle it and putting on that belt would have meant you failed, even if you were still <<if setup.sexCount()>>behaving yourself.<<else>>a virgin.<</if>> <br><br> After a stroll through the park, you head back home. You set an alarm for tomorrow. You don't want to be late for your meeting at the X-Change office. You are very curious [[about their new 'Buddy' program|Part15Buddy]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With Andrew</h1> That afternoon after he gets off work, you meet Andrew at his house. You and him had planned on going on a date. But the more you talk about where you and him want to go, the more realize you don't want to go anywhere at all. <<if setup.haveFuckedVaginal('Andrew')>> Ever since you turned down that belt, all you can think about is having Andrew inside you again. <<elseif setup.sexCount()>> Ever since you decided to go all the way with Andrew, you haven't been able to think about anything else. <<else>> Ever since you decided to stop waiting, and have sex with Andrew, you haven't been able to think about anything else. <</if>> You tell him you don't want to go anywhere at all, you'd rather stay right here with him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As your making out on the sofa gets more heated, you tell him, "Take me to the bedroom. <<if setup.sexCount()>> I need you inside me." <<else>> I don't want to wait any longer." <</if>> Andrew picks you up and carries you into the bedroom and places you onto the bed. Your making out continues as you both frantically work to remove your clothes. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Andrew1.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Andrew stops kissing you as he moves down until his head is between your legs. As his tongue hits your clit you throw your head back and moan. <<if setup.sexCount() == 0>> Now that you know it feels this good, you almost regret waiting as long as you did with Andrew. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After Andrew has given you one orgasm, he gives your lower lips a final kiss before moving away. You tremble with anticipation as you feel the head of his cock part your lips. Then you moan again as he slowly slides into you. Each time he pulls out you ache for him to fill you again. Each time he is deep inside you, your urge is to wrap your legs around him and keep him there forever. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> His moans urge you on to another orgasm. You are grasping at his neck and sholders in the middle of your orgasm when he finally reaches yours. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.sexCount() == 0>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> He thrusts a final time as he groans. He lays there, still inside you for a while before moving over to lay beside you. As your body still throbs with pleasure from the expereince, your hand goes between your legs where the pleasure is radiating out from. You feel the wet, stickyness Andrew left there. You know there is much more inside you. <br><br> You pull your finger to your mouth, curious what Andrew's cum tastes like. You decide you like the taste. Maybe next you can see if Andrew would like you to try to give him a blowjob. <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal:true, noCondom:true})>> As an afterthought you recall that you had told them you'd have guys use condoms if you ever had sex. Well, here your first time, and you'd already forgotten about it. Oh well, you'll just have to remember to pick some up the next time you go out. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal:true})>> As an afterthought you recall that you had told them you'd have guys pull out if you ever had sex. Well, here your first time, and you'd already forgotten about it. Oh well, you'll just have to remember to tell Andrew before next time. <<else>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal:true})>> <</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal:true})>> <<else>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal:true})>> <<if $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> You feel a small disappointment as Andrew pulls out and cums on your stomach. You are glad he remembered to pull out though. You are always so caught up in the moment and your body seems to want him to cum inside you. Your finger dips into the pool of cum and then licks it clean. You are already planning to suck Andrew's cock as soon as it is ready. He reaches over to the side table and hands you a small towel as he lays down next to you. <<else>> He thrusts a final time as he groans. He lays there, still inside you for a while before moving over to lay beside you. As your body still throbs with pleasure from the expereince, your hand goes between your legs where the pleasure is radiating out from. You feel the wet, stickyness Andrew left there. You know there is much more inside you. <br><br> <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> You realize you both had forgot about using a condom. You make a note to yourself to pick some up next time you are out. <</if>> You pull your finger to your mouth, and taste Andrew's cum. You are already planning to suck Andrew's cock as soon as it is ready. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That was wonderful," Andrew tells you as he kisses you again. A few moments later he asks, "Are you still wanting to stay in tonight, or did you work up an appetite like I did?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Let's go out. But maybe not just yet," you tell him. Then you push him over onto his back and start moving between his legs. It doesn't take long and you have his cock hard and ready to go again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After your date the two of you return to the bedroom for a while again. But you head back home afterwards. You need to get some sleep before tomorrow. You have that meeting at the X-Change office and you are curious [[about their new 'Buddy' program|Part15Buddy]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Lunch with Andrew</h1> <img src="Part15/Ministry3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't mention the belt they'd offered you to wear to Andrew. Nor do you mention that the thought of him not being able to unlock it played a part in your decision to turn it down. And you certainly don't mention that now your fantasies now include wearing a belt he can open, and him opening it on your wedding night just before he ravishes you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Instead you just enjoy your meal together and talk about other things. When it's finally time for him to go back to work you give him a kiss before he leaves. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> That night, you go to sleep with the wedding night unlocking fantasy in your mind again. But thankfully it doesn't keep you up long, you'd hate to oversleep for the meeting at the X-Change office tomorrow. You are very curious [[about their new 'Buddy' program|Part15Buddy]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Meeting with the engineering department head</h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Engineering Department Head'})>> You are summoned to a meeting with your boss, the head of the engineering department. "I've received noticed at the end of last semester that you were still on academic probation. You still are, correct?" he asks you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes sir," you say meekly. "I promise you, I'll be working to resolve that as quickly as I can." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That's all well and good," he says. "But unfortunately I can't let you continue in the program as long as you are on probation. It's a univeristy requirement. I was able to ignore it during the summer, but now that a new school year has started, I can't any longer." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've been at this university, and in this department, long enough to know how things work. "Sir, this program is a tremendous opportunity for me, and I really don't want to lose it," you tell him as you walk behind his desk. "I'm willing to do whatever it takes to stay in the program," you say as you drop to your knees and begin to unbuckle his pants. <</nobr>> <video src="Part15/Engineer1.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<nobr>> "I do have another option," he says as you begin to suck his cock. He waits to explain more until after you've made him come. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That was wonderful. Now the other option," he continues finally. "You're familiar with the project Kyle has been working on, right?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know about the computerized chastity belt Kyle was trying to perfect last year. You'd really hoped to continue with your own projects, but if being Kyle's assistant or something for a month or two lets you stay in the program, it's worth it. "Yes, sir. He was making excellent progress on his belt I recall," you answer. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "He has indeed. We are hoping to to get it ready to market by the end of the school year. And you can [[play a valuable part|Part15EngineerProbation2]] in that if you are interested. And I can even get the dean to remove that horrible block they've placed on your orgasms," he says. You of course say that you are interested. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Meeting with the engineering department head</h1> <img src="Part15/Engineer2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> "We have beta testers testing out the belt. They won't be testing here though, but on their own time. They'll be testing 24/7 to be precise. That's how the belt is intended to be used, obviously. So that's how we need to test it." You start to feel sorry for the poor girls, but then you remember the belt can also generate orgasms if it's programmed to, so you expect they'll have a better time than your past few months on probation. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Part of your job will be compiling the data from their weekly questionnaires and the readings their belts sent back and creating reports based on that." It sounds boring, but you are betting the questionnaires might be amusing to read. And it keeps you on the project. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "We'll also be needing your technical expertise to test the belt's security. We think it's secure, but we need you to perform some penetration testing on it." He chuckles at his little pun. "Do you think you are up to that?" he asks. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes sir," you quickly answer. You pause to lick up a bit of cum you feel trailing down your face, getting the last bit with your finger before licking it clean. "That sounds very interesting, especially the security testing. I'm definitely up for the challenge." You want to make sure he doesn't forget about the other part he'd mentioned. "And you'll be able to talk to the dean about my denial once I start?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Of course. I've already cleared it with him," he says. You realize he'd planned to allow you this other option long before you'd sucked his cock. He certainly wasn't going to stop you to tell you that though. "I'll send an email over when you leave today. You can head right over to the X-Change office to get that denial setting removed as soon as <<if $PlayerPregnant and $PregnancyWeek > 20>> [[your fitting is done|Part15EngineerProbation3Pregnant]]." <<else>> [[your fitting is done|Part15EngineerProbation3]]." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "My... fitting..," is all you can say in response. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Too far along</h1> <img src="Part15/Engineer70.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He has you strip down until you are completely naked. But then when he sees how obviously pregnant you are he decides the 'fitting' he had planned isn't going to work. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Of course, the belts we are going to be capable of handling nearly all sizes, and able to adjust during a pregnancy or with other weight fluctations," he tells you. "But testing that along with the testing we were going to have you do is really what we are looking for right now. That's too many variables. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Unfortunately, with your academic probation, I can't let you continue in your old job either. So, I'm sorry $playerName, I'm going to have to [[let you go|Part15EngineerProbation3PregnantFired]]. Hopefully you'll have more time and be able to focus on your academics a bit more and turn things around. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Unemployed</h1> <img src="Part15/Engineer71.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <<unset $JobEngineer>> <<set $JobEngineerOld to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you are let go from the engineer department due to your probation, you think about getting a different job. But then you decide to wait until after the baby. The extra free time, and not needing to be on your feet all day, might be good to help with your academics and with dealing with your pregnancy. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> [[Continue|Part15Week]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your Belt Fitting</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part14/Chastity4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="700"></video> </div> "Of course. We can have your fitting right now, then you can get to work right away testing," he says excitedly as he leads you back to the lab. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> Of course, I have the key for your old manual belt. I'll send that back to <<if $Keyholder>>$Keyholder<<else>>your keyholder<</if>> for you. <</if>> You reluctantly follow him. "What better test of the security could there be than a very well motivated, technical user, with full access to the specifications, source code, and schematics," he says clearly excited. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> You hope $dating[0] won't mind you agreeing to this without discussing it with her first, but you don't really have time. And you really want to stay in the program. You doubt that she'll be too upset that all the orgasms are hers until you are done with the testing. <<elseif $dating.length > 0>> You hope $dating[0] won't mind you agreeing to this without discussing it with him first, but you don't really have time. And you really want to stay in the engineering program. Hopefully you can still keep him happy with your mouth and ass until you are done with the testing. <</if>> You sigh with resignation as he begins measuring you in the lab. <<if !$PlayerPregnant and $PlayerProtectionTry>> You suppose you'll just have to wait until your testing is done before you can try to get <<if $PlayerMother or $PlayerAbortion or $PlayerAdoption>>pregnant again.<<else>>pregnant.<</if>> <</if>> "The fit will adjust as you sleep <<if $PlayerPregnant>> though your pregnancy may test the limits of that feature. Let me know if you have any issues and I'll make manual adjustments," he tells you. "And let me know when you have any doctor appointments so we can make arrangements for that. <<else>> to adjust for any weight gain or loss. But let me know if you have any issues and I'll make manual adjustments, <<if $PlayerWeightControl>> Though that seems unlikely given the weight control feature on your implant. <</if>> <</if>> Or I could activate the exercise enforcement option if you'd like, to make sure there aren't any issues." he offers, jokingly you think. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your heart stops for a second as he clicks the belt closed around your waist. "Now, for your testing parameters. You have two objectives. Both are their own reward, but will also come with a bonus payment as well: <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Your first goal is to have an unauthorized orgasm. That means an orgasm that the registered 'owner' of the belt, me in this case, has not authorized either directly or allowed to occur automatically from one of the other settings. I won't be authorizing any, so if you orgasm, then you've succeeded. You just get one payment for each method you might discover, but feel free to enjoy the orgasms until we fix the flaw you've uncovered. Once we believe it's been corrected, you'll be eligible for another payment if you can still orgasm that way, or find another flaw. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You can use whatever means necessary with the belt still on for your orgasm. Whether that's utilizing the parts of your body that aren't locked away, sneaking anything around or through the belt, vibrations, hacking the programming, whatever you want to try. Just don't go breaking into my office or something. You are testing the belts security, not my safe's. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Your other goal, is to remove the belt entirely. If you are able to remove the belt, then you've succeeded. You can use any mechnical, electronic, really any means you want to accomplish this. I'd be very careful trying to do anything destructive though. As you know, this isn't simple steel here, and I don't want you to injury yourself. We are fairly confident you won't succeed on this goal, but we'd like to know now if there is a flaw, rather than after it's on the market. If you manage to escape, then you'll get an substantial bonus payable after you help us fix the flaw and you resume your testing." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "And obviously the belt is yours to keep whenever the testing is complete." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are excited when you see what looks like a very pickable lock on the front cover. <<if $PlayerProtectionPill or $PlayerProtectionPerfect or $PlayerProtectionPermanent or $PlayerPregnant>> He sees you looking it at it and says, "You may be able to pick the hygiene shield lock. <<else>> But then he just hands you the key to it. "You'll probably need to remove the hygiene shield once a month or so. <</if>> But you should read about the countermeasures in the specifications before you try to orgasm that way, or leave the hygiene shield off for too long." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set $JobEngineerOld to 1>> <<unset $JobEngineer>> <<unset $AcademicProbationDenial>> <<set $AcademicProbationDenialFormer to 1>> <<set $JobEngineerLock to 1>> <<set $PlayerChastityBelt to 1>> <<set $Keyholder to "computer">> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'electronic chastity belt')>> "Now, lets just take a few pictures and a video or two showing your fit before you <<if $PlayerPregnant>> [[start your testing|Part15EngineerProbation3Abort]]," <<elseif setup.haveGirlfriend()>> [[start your testing|Part15EngineerProbation4Girlfriend]]," <<else>> [[start your testing|Part15EngineerProbation4]]," <</if>> he says. "Then you can head over to get the dean's denial turned off. You should receive the technical information by the time you are finished. The same NDAs apply as always of course. Good luck!" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobStripper and $JobCallGirlSide>> <<if $PlayerItemNerdKeyStripper>> <<set $PlayerItemNerdKey>> <<unset $PlayerItemNerdKeyStripper>> <</if>> <<set $JobStripperOld to 1>> <<unset $JobStripper>> <<unset $JobCallGirlSide>> This is the job you really want, but you did find your side jobs fun. And you certainly enjoyed the extra money. But you obviously won't be stripping like this. And you don't want to force your call girl agency to have to find clients that are ok with you being in a chastity belt. So it looks like your side income is gone for the time being. All the more incentive to find some security flaws and earn a few bonuses. <<elseif $JobStripper>> <<if $PlayerItemNerdKeyStripper>> <<set $PlayerItemNerdKey>> <<unset $PlayerItemNerdKeyStripper>> <</if>> <<set $JobStripperOld to 1>> <<unset $JobStripper>> This is the job you really want, but you did find your side job fun. And you certainly enjoyed the extra money. But you obviously won't be stripping like this. So it looks like your side income is gone for the time being. All the more incentive to find some security flaws and earn a few bonuses. <<elseif $JobCallGirlSide>> <<unset $JobCallGirlSide>> This is the job you really want, but you did find your side job fun. And you certainly enjoyed the extra money. But you don't want to force your call girl agency to have to find clients that are ok with you being in a chastity belt. So it looks like your side income is gone for the time being. All the more incentive to find some security flaws and earn a few bonuses. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Terminating the Pregnancy</h1> <img src="PartP/Cramps3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<unset $PlayerPregnant>> <<if $PlayerAbortion>> <<set $PlayerAbortion += 1>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerAbortion to 1>> <</if>> <<achievement>>childfree<</achievement>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't want to have to deal with be pregnant in this belt. You know it's size adjusts, but it's already going to be difficult enough. You don't want to add an pregnancy on top of it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You need a day to recover afterwards, but then you able to <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> [[start your testing|Part15EngineerProbation4Girlfriend]]. <<else>> [[start your testing|Part15EngineerProbation4]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your First Tests</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Engineer4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="700"></video> </div> <<if $dating.length>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $dating[0]})>> <<elseif $PlayerItemNerdKeyStripper>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Peter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Peter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Peter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Peter'})>> <<else>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', repeat:true})>> <</if>> <<if $dating.length>> $dating is upset at first when you tell him about the belt. But he starts to be more understanding when you explain how much you want to remain in the engineering program. Or maybe his mood changed when you dropped to your knees and pulled out his cock. Either way, he stopped complaining about the belt, at least for now. <<set $tempSuck to $dating[0]>> <<elseif $PlayerItemNerdKeyStripper>> You look at the key you still have from one of your regulars at the strip club, and then you know exactly who to call to help you test out your belt. Peter is excited to get your call. Before you'd only texted him to let you know when you'd be working. He's disappointed when you tell him you won't be stripping at the club anymore. But he's thrilled at the offer to help you try to orgasm in your belt and quickly heads over to meet you. <<set $tempSuck to "Peter">> <<else>> It doesn't take you long to find guys willing to help you try to orgasm with your belt still on. Well, they are trying to orgasm with your belt still on, you aren't sure they care much if you do. <<set $tempSuck to "the first guy">> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Now that the dean's denial has been lifted, you were too eager to try to orgasm, so you hadn't bothered to check all of the settings your boss had given your belt. You quickly discover one of them as you start on $tempSuck's cock. You think you feel something as soon as his cock hits your tongue, but after you work it a while, there's no doubting the belt is stimulating you while you suck his cock. <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral>> As if you needed any more encouragement to suck cock. <<else>> You only planned on sucking him for a little while, then having him fuck your ass. But now you don't want to stop. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You remember Kyle and some of his teammates always looking for a volunteer to help them perfect their oral-detection algorithms. You know they talked about body position, capacitive sensing, and all the rest. But you still assumed it was mostly bullshit, just an excuse to get you or one of the other female engineers to suck their cock. Not that anyone minded, everyone was always horny at the end of a shift. But now you have to admit, they reallly had been working on something. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral > 2>> You loved giving blowjobs before, the warm pleasure that spread through your body anytime you had a cock in your mouth. But with the added stimulation from the belt, you are sure you'll be able to cum while you suck his cock. You are approaching an orgasm quickly, and are confident you are about to beat the belt already. <br><br> The vibrations quickly slow and then stop altogether, but you are already so close. You enthusiastically keep working his cock, focusing on how good it feels in your mouth, and imagining that wonderful feeling when his cum hit your tongue. <br><br> But just when you think your orgasm is a moment away, you feel a shock, right against your clit. The pain is just for an instant, and then it's gone. But it's enough to drive your orgasm back. A few moments later, you are reveling in the taste of his cum, but there's no orgasm for you like you'd hoped. <br><br> You don't care about the shock, it wasn't that bad, and it felt so good before then. You can't wait to you can give your next blowob. You hope now that you are expecting the shock, it won't surprise you and prevent your orgasm like this time. It'll take several more blowobs before you accept how naive that hope was. <<else>> You <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral>>loved<<else>>enjoyed<</if>> giving blowjobs before, but you soon discover you are going to <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral>>love it even more<<else>>absolutely love it<</if>> now. You eagerly suck his cock, hoping he doesn't cum before you do. You know if he lasts long enough, the vibrations the belt is giving you will make you cum. But as you start to get close to your orgasm, you feel the vibratons start to fade until they are just a soft, pleasant buzz. A bit later they pick up again, keeping you tantalizingly close to an orgasm, but never letting you cum. <br><br> Your hand instinctively reaches between your legs and hits hard steel, or rather titanium-carbon-fiber-whatever, you don't really care right now. You keep sucking his cock because you don't want the pleasure to stop. It isn't much longer and he his filling your mouth with cum. You suck a bit longer as the belt ramps the vibrations up to high again. But it only leaves it there just long enough to leave you right on the edge before stopping. <br><br> You keep trying later with more blowjobs, hoping the belt will make a mistake and go too far one of the times, or see if playing with your breasts, or anything else, will give you the bit extra you need, but it's still not enough. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you've given up, for now at least, trying to get an orgasm from giving blowjobs, you start looking through the documentation. You download the app as well. You aren't surprised to see your access as 'wearer' is very limited. You can see some of the settings. You see that the 'Oral Encouragement' feature is enabled. You also see that it would have given you an orgasm from that very first blowjob, but a general orgasm block setting prevented it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You think about trying to set up a packet sniffer to see if you can see anything in the data the app is sending that might help. But you quickly realize that after the teasing and edging the belt gave you, you are too horny to focus on that right now. For tonight you'll need to try something that doesn't require as much thought. Luckily sucking cock [[isn't the only option|Part15EngineerProbation5]] the belt has given you. <<unset $tempSuck>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Trying something different</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Engineer5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="700"></video> </div> <<if $dating.length>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $dating[0]})>> <<elseif $PlayerItemNerdKeyStripper>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Peter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Peter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Peter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Peter'})>> <<else>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', repeat:true})>> <</if>> <<if $dating.length>> You are already sure from your first round of testing that $dating is going to be perfectly happy with the new situation. He's also willing and eager to give your second plan a try. <<elseif $PlayerItemNerdKeyStripper>> Peter is happy to come over to try your second plan for getting off in your belt. Back when you were grinding against his caged cock at the club, you bet he never imagined he'd actually be fucking your ass one day. Well, he probably imagined it, but never thought it would actually happen. <<else>> You don't think the guys you find much care if you can manage to get off from it or not. But they are perfectly happy fucking your ass. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You think the belt is stimulating you again, but if it is, it's more subtle than before. <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> Then again, maybe it isn't stimuating you at all. You've always loved anal and maybe that's all it is. <</if>> Either way you love the feeling of fullness his cock gives you. But it also leaves you aching even more to feel his cock filling you the one place he can't. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As he gets less nervous about your belt and more eager about fucking your ass, your pleasure builds too. <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal > 2>> You've came from anal before, and you are hoping you can now. You are sure you are going to be able to but at the last moment <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral > 2>> you are shocked again. "Not this too!", you think to yourself. <<else>> you feel a shock, right against your clit. The pain is just for an instant, and then it's gone. But it's enough to drive your orgasm back. A few moments later, you feel his cum fill your ass, but there's no orgasm for you like you'd hoped. <br><br> You don't care about the shock, it wasn't that bad, and it felt so good before then. You can't wait to he can fuck your ass again. You hope now that you are expecting the shock, it won't surprise you and prevent your orgasm like this time. It'll take several more times before you accept how naive that hope was. <</if>> <<else>> By the time his cum fills your ass you are on the verge of an orgasm, but he seemed to cum just a moment too soon. It felt so good though, you want to try again hoping he can last a little longer the second time. <br><br> He does last longer, but you are left right on the edge again, aching for just that little bit more that would let you cum. You realize the belt must be softly stimulating you, just enought to slowly push you right to the edge, but never pushing you the rest of the way. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You accept now that you aren't going to be able to cum this easily, but you also love how good it feels just to try. <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral > 2 or $PlayerSideEffectAnal > 2>>It's even worth the shocks you know you'll get.<</if>> As good as it feels though, you are always left with a desperate need for more when he's done. <<if $PlayerItemNerdKeyStripper>> <br><br> <<unset $PlayerItemNerdKeyStripper>> "Thank you for all your help," you tell Peter as you hand back his chastity cage's key. "I know you'd probably be happy with me holding on to your key. But right now, I just need to focus on how to defeat my own chastity device. I hope you understand." He nods disappointingly. His expression changes though when you add, "I hope I can still call you sometimes if I need a guy to help me try with something on the belt. Or, you know, if I just need a cock to suck again." <<set setup.makeFWB('Peter')>> <<achievement>>fwb:Peter<</achievement>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You realize you are going to have to get more creative if you want to have any chance to defeat this belt. You can't think tonight though. Tomorrow you'll dig into the documents your boss sent over, and plan your first technicall attack. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Tonight you'll just going to read the email the X-Change office sent a while back [[about their new 'Buddy' program|Part15Buddy]]. You'll need to set an alarm to make sure you wake up on time. You doubt you'll get to sleep easily tonight. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Making it up to her</h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: $dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: $dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: $dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: $dating[0]})>> She understands that there wasn't time, and knows how much you want to stay in the engineering program, so she isn't upset with you. But you still feel bad for not discussing it with her first before you agreed to this belt. But you are more than capable of showing her the two of you can still have fun, even with you in this belt. You figure you and her can try to figure out a way around your belt later. <</nobr>> <video src="Part15/Engineer6.webm" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <<nobr>> You were eager to be with $dating[0], and you hadn't bothered to check all of the settings your boss had given your belt. You quickly discover one of them. You think you feel something as soon as your tongue first tastes her, but after you continue for a while and she gets more and more wet from your attention, there's no doubting the belt is stimulating you while you pleasure her. <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral>> As if you needed any more encouragement to eat her out. <<else>> You might have switched to your fingers after a while, but now you don't want to stop. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You hope as you keep going the pleasure will keep building, but as you start to get close the vibrations lessen until you can barely feel them. They pick back up after a while. The cycle repeats as the belt keeps you agonizingly close to an orgasm you know it won't give you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> $dating[0]'s orgasm isn't going to be denied though. She holds your head against her as she screams out with an orgasm. You throb as you ache for one too. But you feel the pleasure fade away as the belt stops stimulating you after your tongue leaves $dating[0]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You try several more things, but the belt seems to only stimulate you when your tongue is on or inside $dating[0]. She doesn't mind though and lets you experiment with trying to orgasm from eating her out as much as you want. Eventually she tries some of her toys on you. The dildo is your ass feels nice, but isn't going to get you off. Fucking her with a strap-on is fun as always, but you don't get those teasing vibrations. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You quickly discover not to try to generate your own vibrations. She tries her magic wand against your belt. You can feel the vibrations, but they are damped by the belt. Even so, if she kept it up long enough you might be able to cum. But the belt ensures that won't happen. After a few seconds with the vibrator you feel a painful shock hit your clit. Another one hits a second or two later. They stop once she pulls the vibrator away. "Well, I guess we won't be trying that then," she says. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You accept now that you aren't going to be able to cum easily in this, but you still love how you feel when you eat $dating[0] out, so you do that as often as she wants. As good as it feels though, you are always left with a desperate need for more when you're done. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You realize you are going to have to get more creative if you want to have any chance to defeat this belt. You decide to dig into the documents your boss sent over tonight. You also want to read the email the X-Change office sent [[about their new 'Buddy' program|Part15Buddy]] so you can be sure to show up at the right time. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the engineering department</h1> <img src="Part15/TestSubject1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> Once you arrive in the engineering department you let them know that Mike set up an appointment for you and wait a few minutes until you are directed into the department head's office. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Good afternoon, Miss," he says. "So from my conversations with your keyholder that you are trying to remain chaste, is that correct?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Umm, I guess so. Yes," you confirm. You are probably less confident in your answer now than you would have been a month or two ago, since all you can think about now is sex. "But what does your department have to do with that?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "We've developed a chastity belt, but one much more advanced than the one you are wearing now," he explains. "In fact, I can assure you that this one is far more advanced than anything on the market now. It can ensure that you can never succumb to your desires in a moment of weakness like you and your keyholder are worried you might." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "The belt you'd be testing is actually a computerized chastity belt. With a traditional belt, most would only prevent vaginal intercourse. And they present challenges during menstration, which our belt addresses." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "There are belts that also prevent anal sex, but those present obvious daily hygiene issues. And no traditional belt would prevent you from engaging in oral sex. Ours can prevent both until you meet the right person. It is also capable of providing you pleasure if so configured." Suddenly you are much more interested in the new belt." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Women like you, that wish to remain chaste or to maintain a monogamous relationship, are difficult to find on campus, but are obviously a key demographic we want to test the belt with. So we will be able to offer you a higher than normal compensation for your participation in our beta testing program." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Technically we need your consent to participate and help us test this new product," he says finally. "Though, obivously in your case your keyholder has already consented, so we just need you to sign the consent form for the file." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You [[sign the form|Part15MinistryTester3]] and hope that Mike has told them to configure it to give you pleasure. But even if he hasn't, you are excited that it's an option now. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Meeting with the engineering department head</h1> <img src="Part15/TestSubject1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've been dreading this meeting. You knew the denial effect from the dean's punishment would be a problem for the testing they do on you. You'd hoped to be off of academic probation before it was time to return, but just hoping for it didn't make it happen. Now you have to go meet with someone about it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know what the meeting is about your probation but you don't know what they are going to say. Are you getting fired? Are they going to have you cleaning up the mess you and the other subjects always leave in the testing rooms until you get off probation? Have they worked something out with the dean. You really hope it's that last one. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't whether to show up looking sexy and willing to do anything the supervisor wants to keep your job, or whether to try to look like a good student who is working on improving her grades. After struggling with it a bit, you try to find a middle ground and then head to your meeting. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you get there you meet with the department head. <<if $PlayerPregnant>> "I want to thank you for all of the work you've done for us. But unfortunately we won't be able to use you for testing this year," he starts. You start to tell him that you are working on improving your grades he stops you. "This isn't about your academic probation. It's about your pregnancy. The testing we would have had you doing this year is for a new product, but we aren't testing with pregnant women. And with the testing you did last year, we always start with a new cohort of test subjects each year." <<else>> "We are meeting with all of the test subjects from your cohort, but given your special circumstances, I thought it best to meet with you individually," he starts. "You won't be participating in the same sort of testing you were last year. A new batch of incomming freshmen will be starting in your place." You wonder if he is firing all of you then? But then he continues, "But we have another opportunity for you all. And in your case the offer also includes having the dean lift your orgasm block. We just need to do a couple tests first" <br><br> The main test they appeared to be interested in was a pregnancy test, and yours came back <<set $PregnancyCheck = setup.checkForNewPregnancy('medical test - Electronic Chastity Belt Fitting', 0)>> <<unset $tempJustNowPregnant>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.isPregnant>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <<set $tempJustNowPregnant to 1>> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 1>> <<if setup.pregnantFirstTime()>> <<achievement>>firsttime+pregnant<</achievement>> <<else>> <<achievement>>pregnant<</achievement>> <</if>> positive! <br><br> He lets you know that you won't be able to continue with testing. They arent testing with pregnant women for tests they had planned for you. And the tests you were doing last year are being done by a whole new batch of incomming freshmen. <<else>> negative. "Everything looks good!" he tells you. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> <<set $JobChangeTestSubjectPregnant to 1>> "But don't worry," he reassures you. "If you need help [[finding a new job|Part15TestSubjectJobChange]] I'll be happy to provide a reference for you. And I can be as graphic or as vague about your... 'skills' as you would like." <<else>> "We are in the beta testing phase of an exciting product we hope to be placing on the market soon," you were already sold on participating as soon as you heard that you'd get your orgasms back. Then he starts to explain the product, "It is a computerized chastity belt." Great. So you'll be trading one form of denial for another one, you think. "I can see your disappointment, but it's not as simple as that. This belt doesn't just deny your pleasure, it can also give you pleasure. It all depends on the settings used, and we will be using a variety of them during the beta testing. I can guarantee you'll have more orgasms help us with this than you would staying on the dean's denial list. And obviously the belt will be yours to keep at the end of testing." <br><br> You'll get to keep your job, <b>and</b> orgasm again. Of course you agree to participate in the beta testing. <<if $dating.length>> You hope $dating[0] isn't angry with you for agreeing without discussing it first. <</if>> "Great, let's head over to the lab right now [[for your fitting|Part15TestSubjectBetaTest]] then," he says. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Meeting in the engineering department</h1> When you arrive at the room number Robert gave you, you see it's part of the schools Engineering department. When you tell them who you are and ask for you key they hand you a huge stack of forms. "Do I have to read and sign all these?" you ask, eager to just get your key and go. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well, reading them is optional," he replies with a chuckle. "And so is signing them. If you don't want to sign them, we'll just send your key back to... Robert... and you two can keeping having fun the way you've been doing. It might take a few days though. My secretary handles the shipments and she's out today. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Class7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> You aren't about to wait a few days, only to be back under Robert's control again. You sign the pages one after another, too horny and excited to read them. "Wonderful. Follow me," he says after you are done. Then he leads you back to some room that looks like a cross between an OB/GYN office and an electronics lab. "Now please strip and hop up into the exam chair and put your legs in the stirrups please." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You quickly do as instructed. You don't object as he restrains you with plastic straps located in various places on the chair. You can feel yourself getting wetter with each buckled strap. When the last strap is done, he unlocks your belt and removes it. You think you feel your wetness leaking from you and down between the cheeks of your ass. You wonder if it's creating a puddle on the chair beneath you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You assume the technician or whatever is going to fuck you now that you are unlocked. "You didn't have to restrain me... though I don't mind if that turns you on too," you tell him. "I want you to fuck me." He doesn't respond. "I need you to fuck me." He continues as he was going, though you glance and see him starting to stiffen. "Please, please, fuck me. I need you inside me," you begin to beg. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are fully restrained and still begging him, but he's not even unzipped his pants yet. He leans over towards you. You are anticipating a kiss, but instead you feel a ball gag pushed into your mouth, and then strapped around your head. This only makes you more desperate for his cock inside you. You try to beg, but nothing comes out. With nothing else to do, you just move your hips invitingly, hoping he'll finally give you what you need. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That's enough miss," he says sternly. "You are making my job more difficult." You can't help yourself, your body wants it too much. He grabs a small riding crop from the table. "This is your final warning." You still can't help it. You feel he sharp sting of the crop against your bare ass cheek and it makes you want his cock even more. Twice more he uses the crop on you, before he realizes it is only making maters worse. "Fine," he says as he begins to [[stroke his cock through his pants|Part15TestSubjectNeverFucked2]]. You thrust eagerly for him. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Relieving the tension</h1> <img src="Part15/TestSubject6.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> As he strokes his cock, your body cries out for him to enter you. You'd still begging for that if you could. But he knows what you want already, and you can see what he wants even if he isn't saying it. You wait, eager to to feel a cock inside you for the first time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But instead he takes a few steps away from you, and begins jerking off. You watch his cock swell in his hands, and long to feel it inside you instead, long to taste it, long for anything but to just watch like his making you. As you see his cock getting ready to cum, your instinct is to open your mouth for him, except your mouth is already wide open and filled with the gag he'd put on you, so you can't even have that. Instead you see him spill his cum across the floor instead, making you whimper slightly into your gag. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Now I can focus again," he says. You watch with disappointment as he puts his cock away again. Since he's not going to fuck you, you are confused as to why he restrained you then. You quickly realize when he reaches into a box and pulls out a different chastity belt. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You struggle to get away, but still can't move much except your hips, and even then they can't move enough to escape the belt he's strapping around them. "Please, not another one. Please, I need a cock so bad. Just fuck me then you can put that on me! You can do anything you want, but please let me cum first!" you try to say. Of course all hear hears is muffled sounds "...ease ...ock ...uck eeee!" If he understands any of it, it doesn't seem to change his mind about anything he is doing. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He easily places the belt around you, despite your attempts to squirm away. Once it's around you he presses something and you hear a click come from the belt. He checks something on the computer and then says, "There. [[All done,|Part15TestSubjectNeverFucked3]]" he says after a while. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your New Belt</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part14/Chastity4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="700"></video> </div> <<set $Keyholder to "computer">> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'electronic chastity belt')>> <<set $DailyBJRecord to 20>> <<set $JobBetaTester to "deny">> Once you are standing he checks the fit a bit more. You yourself check it as well, sadly confirming no finger can make its way under the belt. <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> Though, given your implant's side effect it probably wouldn't help much if it could, at least not your fingers. <</if>> "There. You're all set," he says. "Have fun. You should enjoy this belt much more than your old one." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "How is that?" you say, annoyed. "I'd enjoy myself much more if you'd just let me out of the damn belt." You were about to start listing the depraved things you'd do for him, or let him do to you. But before you could your feel a shock from the belt. "What the fuck was that!" you cry out as it shocks you again, more intentensly this time as pain shoots through your most sensitive areas. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That's the belt's punishment mode. The first two levels of it, at least," he says matter-of-factly. "I wanted you to know what it feels like. Quit complaining, or I'll let you find out what the third and fourth levels feel like too." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes sir," you say meekly afraid of being shocked again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Much better," he says. "You must have litterally read none of those documents you signed. I thought you'd just skimmed over the legalese, but I figured you'd had had at least read the important parts." You want to tell him you were too eager to get out of your belt to think straight, but you are afraid you'll get shocked for it. So instead you just lower your head in shame. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You can review the manual and the app later, but I'll give you the short version," he says slightly annoyed. "You're wearing a new computerized chastity belt we are planning on marketing. You signed non-disclosure about it, so don't discuss the details of it except with us, or other wearers, or your future owner. Obviously your former owner, or master, or whatever he was to you, knows about the belt program already, so you can also discuss it with him if you'd like. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "We were very excited when Robert contacted us about you," he continues. "We have a number of testers, including a couple virgins. But you are the only one that's been in a chastity belt her entire life as a woman. Robert said he doesn't believe you've ever had a real orgasm as a woman before, and he signed you up to be in denial mode during the trial. So you won't be having any orgasms anytime soon either. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He must have seen the face you just made as he says, "Don't worry though. Your belt doesn't only punish you. It can also reward you. Get [[on your knees|Part15TestSubjectNeverFucked4]] and I'll show you." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Reward demonstration</h1> <<set $DailyBJMinimum to 5>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Engineering Technician"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(50, {sex:"male"})>> You don't question his instruction and instantly drop to your knees. As he stands close to you, you start taking his cock out without any futher instruction needed. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Engineer8.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> A moment after his cock touches your lips you feel your belt come to life. It's no shocks this time, but a pleasant feeling vibration, and the longer you suck his cock, the stronger it gets. "That's the 'Oral Encouragement' feature," he tells you. "With as long as you've been denied, I expect it feels pretty good, doesn't it." You nod as you eagerly continue sucking his cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You notice the vibrations getting softer as your pleasure built higher, slowing just enough to keep you close to getting off, but never letting you get there. "That's a good girl," he says holding your head. A short time later, as his cum fills your mouth you feel your belt intensify again. You assume it's rewarding you as you swallow every drop. But it still stops short of giving you an orgasm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Your master may not have let you have intercourse, but that's obiviously not the first time you've done that," he says sounding pleased with your work. I think we should make sure don't let skills like that go to waste. Five a day sounds good." He enters something on the computer and then talks to you again. "There, as long as you give five of those a day. It doesn't matter who to. As long as you give five, then your belt will be happy. I doubt that'll be much of challenge for you. Still, you already know what the belt's punishment feels like, so be sure you meet your 'quota'." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerProtectionPill or $PlayerProtectionPerfect or $PlayerProtectionPermanent or $PlayerPregnant>> You shouldn't have any hygiene issues, but if you do, let us know." <<else>> Oh, and here's the key to the hygiene shield in the front there, try not to lose it. You'll probably need to remove the hygiene shield occasionally when you're menstrating. But don't leave it off too long, or try to use it for anything other than its intended purpose, or you'll regret it. You can read in the manual about the countermeasures if you are curious." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You better [[run along|Part15TestSubjectNeverFucked5]]. You still have four more to give today, and the day's half over already. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Meeting your quota</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Engineer4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="700"></video> </div> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(20, {sex: 'male'})>> <<set $DailyBJRecord += 1>> <<set $SchoolWeek to 1>> <<if $Roommate and !setup.areDating($Roommate)>> <<unset $Roommate>> <</if>> <<if setup.isNeighbour("Emily")>> <<set $FormerNeighbours to [$Roommate]>> <<else>> <<set $FormerNeighbours to $neighbours>> <</if>> <<set $neighbours to []>> <<set $FormerMentor to $Mentor>> <<unset $Mentor>> <<if $PlayerPregnant and $PregnancySpring>> <<set $PregnancyWeek to 14>> <<unset $MenstrualWeek>> <<elseif $PlayerPregnant>> <<set $PregnancyWeek to 6>> <<unset $MenstrualWeek>> <<else>> <<unset $PregnancyWeek>> <<set setup.startCycle()>> <</if>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> <<unset $AcademicProbationDenial>> <<set $AcademicProbationDenialFormer to 1>> After a quick visit to the X-Change office to get the probation denial setting removed, you head back over to the student center. <</if>> It doesn't take you long to find a guy willing to help you try to trigger the wonderful vibrations you felt earlier, get closer to your five blowjob target for today. Well, he probably doesn't care about all that. But he is certainly willing to let you suck his cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Like before as you start to get close to your orgasm, you feel the vibratons start to fade until they are just a soft, pleasant buzz. A bit later they pick up again, keeping you tantalizingly close to an orgasm, but never letting you cum. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are desperate for an orgasm by the time he cums. You keep sucking a bit longer as he cums, hoping for just a bit more to put you over the edge, but it never happens. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Some of his cum oozes down your face before you can swallow it all. The vibrations die down and stop after you've finished with his cock. You lie down next to him with a messy smile on your face. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know he'll probably be ready for another one in a little while. You aren't sure if he'll be up to a third. Either way, You'll need to find another guy for last blowjob, perhaps two. You doubt it'll be any more of a problem than it was for this one. The technician guy was right, you won't have any problem getting five in each day. Especially with the encouragement your belt gives you as you do. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are curious about the meeting coming up with the campus X-Change office [[about their new 'Buddy' program|Part15Buddy]]. You don't know long you'll be there, so you make it a point to get several blowjobs in first thing in the morning, so you don't get punished if you get too busy tomorrow. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Meeting in the engineering department</h1> <img src="Part15/TestSubject2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> You are bit early and have a chance to talk to some of the other girls that started as test subjects last year, just like you. You recognize some of them from the X-Change orientation and other events as well. Some of the others you don't. But that makes sense, since they've been testing women both born that way, and recently transformed thanks X-Change. But none of you know what the meeting is supposed to be about, only that it was mandatory that you attend. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The four of you go into the meeting and wait. By the time the department head comes up to the front of the room, nearly all the other test subjects that joined at the same time you did are there. "Welcome back, ladies," he begins. "I have some bad news for you and some good news. I'll start with the bad. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "The testing program you were working on last year, won't be needing any of you this year. I want to thank you all for your participation. You have helped a great deal in helping us evaluate and perfect our potential products. You've also helped advance science, we now have much more data on the female orgasm and how it varies from woman to woman as well whether or to what degree X-Change transformation affect them... <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "However, we have gathered all of the data we need from all of you. We are now very familiar with the nature, quality, and many other details of your orgasms. For any of you that would like a personal report of your own data, let one of the research assistants know and they will send it to you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "The good news for all of you though, is that while your participation as test subjects has ended, we have another exciting opportunity for you. We have a new product that we hope to be bringing to market soon, and we'd like all of you to test it. The pay will be the same as you were receiving as a test subject, and you will only rarely need to visit the lab here. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Now, I'm sure you're wondering what the product is. It is a computerized chastity belt," but before any of you get up leave let me explain a few of it's features. This belt doesn't just deny your pleasure, it can also give you pleasure. It all depends on the settings used, and we will be using a variety of them during the beta testing. I can guarantee you will have an amazing orgasm today if you agree, and many more during your testing. If you'd like to know more about what to expect, you can read through the 'Wearer's Manual' we will provide if you participate. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I know at least one of you is pregnant, so I will disclosure one feature now. The belt's fit auto-adjusts as you sleep, so it will expand with you as you progress. If you have any issues let us know and we will address them. And of course we will coordinate with any doctor visits you have. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "For those wishing to sign up, you'll need to do so before you leave today. Your testing will begin as soon as you leave the lab today. During your fitting you will need to sign the "Beta-tester Non-disclosure Agreement" we will provide. On your way out we will provide a secure link to the documentation. Sorry we can't just hand you a booklet right now, but this is still a pre-market product and we don't want information leaking out." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<unset $tempJustNowPregnant>> <<if !$PlayerPregnant>> <<set $PregnancyCheck = setup.checkForNewPregnancy('medical test - Electronic Chastity Belt Fitting', 0)>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.isPregnant>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <<set $tempJustNowPregnant to 1>> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 1>> <<if setup.pregnantFirstTime()>> <<achievement>>firsttime+pregnant<</achievement>> <<else>> <<achievement>>pregnant<</achievement>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> "The results of the free pregnancy tests we had you all take before the meeting should be ready now. Please speak to someone to get your results before heading to your fitting." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> <<set $JobChangeTestSubjectPregnant to 1>> <<if $tempJustNowPregnant>> They come back with your pregnancy test. It's positive! <<else>> You didn't have any doubts what their pregnancy test was going to say, but you were surprised by why they were having everyone take one. <</if>> They let you know that the belt tests they are doing aren't including pregnant women in this phase, so you won't be able to continue as a test subject. They do offer to help you [[search for a new job|Part15TestSubjectJobChange]]. <<else>> They hand you your pregnancy test results. <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>>Unfortunately,<<else>>Fortunately,<</if>> the results are negative. <<if $dating.length or $JobCallGirl or $JobCallGirlSide or $JobStripper>> <<set $tempRejectBelt to 1>> <<unset $tempChooseBelt>> <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<set $tempChooseBelt to 1>> <<unset $tempRejectBelt>> <<else>> <<unset $tempChooseBelt>> <<unset $tempRejectBelt>> <</if>> So, if you wish to participate, please line up for <<if $tempRejectBelt and !$tempChooseBelt>> your fitting <<else>> [[your belt fitting|Part15TestSubjectBetaTest]] <</if>> over here. For those that do not wish to participate, I'd like to thank you again for the help you provided us last year, and wish you the best in the future. If you need a recommendation to aid in your <<if !$tempRejectBelt and $tempChooseBelt>> search for a new job, <<else>> [[search for a new job|Part15TestSubjectJobChange]], <</if>> please let me know how explicit I should be about the nature of your work here." <br><br> <<if $tempChooseBelt>> After you discreetly ask about the chastity belt you are already wearing he tells you, "We are especially interested in hearing from a chastity enthusiast such as yourself. I still have a copy of your key, and have discussed it with <<if $Keyholder>>$Keyholder<<else>>your keyholder<</if>>. If you wish to participate, we'll remove that belt and immediately fit you with ours. My promise of an orgasm today still applies. And if you don't want to participate, I'll have my copy of your key sent back to <<if $Keyholder>>$Keyholder<<else>>your keyholder<</if>>. <br><br> With the promise of an orgasm today, and many more to come, there's no way you are going to turn down their offer. <<elseif $tempRejectBelt>> <<if $dating.length>> If you are going to be in a chastity belt, you'd want $dating[0] to have the key. If that's not the case, then your answer is no. <<elseif $JobCallGirlSide or $JobCallGirl>> You couldn't very well continue working as call girl if you were wearing one of their belts. <<elseif $JobStripper>> You couldn't very well continue working as stripper if you were wearing one of their belts. And you make more money doing that than they were paying you as a test subject. <<else>> There's no way you are signing up for this. <</if>> You guess you'll just need to find a new job. <<elseif !$PlayerPregnant and $PlayerProtectionTry>> You suppose if you want to participate, you'll just have to wait until your testing is done before you can try to get <<if $PlayerMother or $PlayerAbortion or $PlayerAdoption>>pregnant again.<<else>>pregnant.<</if>> <</if>> <<unset $tempChooseBelt>> <<unset $tempRejectBelt>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your Belt Fitting</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part14/Chastity4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="700"></video> </div> First they have you sign the non-disclosure agreement he mentioned. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> Then, before removing your current chastity belt, they restrain you. "Sorry this is necessary," he tells you. "But it was the one condition <<if $Keyholder>>$Keyholder<<else>>your keyholder<</if>> had. I suppose so you don't go running out the door half-naked as soon as you are unlocked. I know you would never do that though. But still, a promise is a promise." <br><br> Your heart stops for a second as he clicks the belt closed around your waist. Once you hear the click of your new belt locking closed, your restraints are removed. <<else>> Then he has you strip below the waist and measures you. Then he selects a belt from the table nearby and positions it in place on you. Your heart stops for a second as he clicks the belt closed around your waist. <</if>> <<set $JobTestSubjectOld to 1>> <<unset $JobTestSubject>> <<set $PlayerChastityBelt to 1>> <<set $Keyholder to "computer">> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'electronic chastity belt')>> <<set $JobBetaTester to "normal">> <<set $PlayerChastityBelt to 1>> <<set $DailyBJRecord to 0>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After checking over your fit the technician tells you, "Thank you, you are all set. Have a fun time and be sure to fill out the user surveys we send out every few weeks, and to report if you encounter any problems. <<if $PlayerProtectionPill or $PlayerProtectionPerfect or $PlayerProtectionPermanent or $PlayerPregnant>> You shouldn't have any hygiene issues, but if you do, let us know." <<else>> Oh, and here's the key to the hygiene shield in the front there, try not to lose it. You'll probably need to remove the hygiene shield occasionally when you're menstrating. But don't leave it off too long, or try to use it for anything other than its intended purpose, or you'll regret it. You can read in the manual about the countermeasures if you are curious." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He's clearly expecting you to leave at that point. "Ummm... he... the department head, said we'd get an orgasm," you ask meekly as instinctively you already realize there's nothing you can do if they decide to change their mind. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Not right now. We have quite a few girls to get fitted, and that would take forever. But it is set to give you one sometime today," he tells you quickly, eager to get on to the next fitting. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "But if you don't feel like being patient, the 'Oral Encouragement' feature should speed it along. You can look over the manual when they send the link out, but I'm guessing you don't want to wait for that either. I'm sure you can [[find a friend and figure it out|Part15TestSubjectBetaTest2]] on your own before then." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh, and if you were the one on academic probation, be sure to stop by the X-Change office when you leave here to get that taken care of," he adds as you are leaving. <<if $JobStripper>> <br><br> You know you can't strip at the club anymore wearing this belt, so you let the club manager know you won't be back. <<if $PlayerItemNerdKeyStripper>> <<set $PlayerItemNerdKey>> <<unset $PlayerItemNerdKeyStripper>> <</if>> <<unset $JobStripper>> <<set $JobStripperOld to 1>> <</if>> <<if $JobCallGirlSide or $JobCallGirl>> <br><br> While, you could still serve clients with your mouth, hands, and ass, you know working as a call girl now isn't really going to work. Even if they just want your ass, many of your clients would be turned off by the belt. Or, more specifically, by knowing they couldn't fuck you if they changed their mind. <br><br> Though, you do know a former client or two that might actually get off on seeing you horny and helpless and sucking his cock, so you might be able to pick up a little bit extra here and there. <<unset $JobCallGirlSide>> <<unset $JobCallGirl>> <<set $JobCallGirlOld>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your promised orgasm</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Engineer4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="700"></video> </div> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', orgasm:true})>> <<set $DailyBJRecord += 1>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> <<unset $AcademicProbationDenial>> <<set $AcademicProbationDenialFormer to 1>> After a quick visit to the X-Change office to get the probation denial setting removed, you head back over to the student center. <</if>> It doesn't take you long to find a guy willing to help you try to trigger the orgasm you were promised. Well, he probably doesn't care if that happens or not, but he is certainly willing to let you suck his cock if that's what it takes. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It also doesn't take you long to figure out what the 'Oral Encouragement' feature does. Just a few seconds after his cock is in your mouth, you can feel the vibrations start. Gently at first, but picking up in intensity as the intensity of your blowjob increases. You <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral>>loved<<else>>enjoyed<</if>> giving blowjobs before, but if this setting stays on, you are going to <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral>>love it even more<<else>>absolutely love it<</if>> now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know if he lasts long enough, you'll cum. Your only worry is that he'll cum too soon, and the belt will stop. But you don't want to slow down, and you only take his cock out of your mouth long enough to occasionally catch your breath. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But as you start to get close to your orgasm, you feel the vibratons start to fade until they are just a soft, pleasant buzz. A bit later they pick up again, keeping you tantalizingly close to an orgasm, but never letting you cum. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are desperate for an orgasm by the time he cums. You keep sucking a bit longer as he cums, hoping for just a bit more to put you over the edge. But then the belt kicks into high gear or something and you get quite a bit more. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> His cum oozes down your face as you scream out before you can even swallow his cum. The vibrations continue as you hold onto him for support as your body shakes with a powerful orgasm. The vibrations continue a while longer. Just when you think you can't take it anymore, they slowly die down. You lie down next to him with a messy smile on your face. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerMother>> You want to suck his cock again as soon as he is ready. But then $children[0].name wakes up and you sit down with <<if $children[0].sex == "male">>him<<else>>her<</if>> for a feeding. The guy thanks you for the blowjob and then leaves not long after you start. <br><br> You are tempted to try to find another guy. You really would like another orgasm like that. But it'd be awkward searching for guys to suck off carrying $children[0].name in your arms. You'll have to wait until later when $children[0].name is in daycare. <br><br> Hopefully that [["Wearer's Guide" email will arrive|Part15TestSubjectBetaTest3]] soon, and you can see if there's another way to trigger an orgasm again. <<else>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', repeat:true})>> <<set $DailyBJRecord += 1>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male'})>> <<set $DailyBJRecord += 1>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', repeat:true})>> <<set $DailyBJRecord += 1>> As soon as he is ready, you go again. The vibrations continue as before, keeping you on the edge as you suck his cock. But it doesn't give you the orgasm at the end. He leaves happy and drained, but you are still horny when he gone. You try a few more times with a different guy, but you can't get another orgasm from it. <br><br> You decide to give up for today and wait until the [["Wearer's Guide" email arrives|Part15TestSubjectBetaTest3]] to see how to trigger an orgasm again. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>RTFM</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <img src="Part15/TestSubject3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The email finally arrives, and there's a number of featues you'll read up on later, but the "Oral Encouragement" feature is the one your status page says is active right now, and that's the one you wanted to focus on anyway. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <blockquote style="width: 35%;"> The <b><i>Owner</i></b> may set an initial daily oral target for the <b><i>Wearer</i></b> when activating the Oral Encouragement feature. If no target is set, it will default to 1. <b><i>Wearer</i></b> will receive encouraging stimulation throughout their oral service each time. Once the <b><i>Wearer</i></b> reaches her daily target, she will be rewarded with an orgasm (assuming no other feature is prohibiting this). </blockquote> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Well, that's why it triggered an orgasm. You keep reading. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <blockquote style="width: 35%;"> The <b><i>Owner</i></b> may keep the daily target constant, increase it at constant or geometic rate, or leave it at the default "Personal Best" setting. With the Personal Best setting the <b><i>Wearer</i></b>'s daily target will always be one more than her previous daily best. </blockquote> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $DailyBJRecord == 1>> Well, I guess I didn't miss anything by calling it quits after just the one. I wouldn't got another orgasm anywaay. <<else>> Ok, well why didn't I get a second, third, and fourth orgasm then, you wonder. As far as this thing knows those each exceeded my personal best too. You keep reading to see if it explains that. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <blockquote> Once the <b><i>Wearer</i></b> reaches her daily target, she will not receive any further orgasm rewards that day from the Oral Encouragement feature. She will still receive encouraging stimulation for any oral service above and beyond her target and orgasms related to any other enabled features are still possible. <br><br> If the daily target is exceeded, then the actual number achieved that day, not the previous goal, will be used to calculate the next day's goal. This also applies if the goal was otherwise set to be fixed. This will ensure that even if an initial goal is set too low, she will soon reach a level that she finds challenging thus encouraging constant improvement. </blockquote> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $DailyBJRecord == 1>> "Ok. Now I'm glad I didn't find another guy then.", you think. You reread the passages several times. You realize that if you'd given that guy a second blowjob, then not only would you not have got another orgasm from it, you'd have to suck three tomorrow for an orgasm. Or even more if you'd found a second guy! <br><br> You start looking forward to tomorrow already. Only two blowjobs and it will give you another orgasm! But as you think about it, and realize you'll need to give three the next day, and then... You wonder how many orgasms you'll actually be able to get from this feature before you'll are struggling to find the time away from $children[0].name to find another guy to blow. <br><br> But that's a problem for another today. Tomorrow you only need to two. <<else>> Wait, does that mean... You reread the passages several times. You realize it's saying that you would have only had to give two blowjobs tomorrow for an orgasm. But since you already gave four of them today, you'll have to give five tomorrow! Then six the next day, and... You wonder how many orgasms you'll actually be able to get from this feature before you'll have to be spending all your free time sucking cock just for one orgasm. <br><br> Well, you figure it could have been worse. You'd almost went out to find a third guy to try with. At least stopping when you did gave you a few extra days before the targets get out of hand. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't see any other active features on your status page, just the one guaranteed orgasm he promised you today, but it's marked as complete. You do see it is set to count a new day as starting at 6 AM. That's good, having it reset at midnight would have been annoying. You go ahead and follow the instructions to download the app for your phone before [[going to sleep|Part15TestSubjectBetaTest4]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Wakeup Call</h1> <img src="Part15/TestSubject4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <<set $DailyBJMinimum to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are awoken the next morning at 6 AM to your belt stimulating you again. You feel yourself getting close to an orgasm, but at the last minute the vibrations stop abruptly. <<if $PlayerMother>> Even though you'd normally be sleepy from waking up to feed $children[0].name through the night, you are left wide awake and wanting more thanks to your belt. <<else>> You are left wide awake now and wanting more. <</if>> Your phone beeps with a notification. "Congratulations on exceeding your oral target of 1 yesterday. Your target for today is <<print $DailyBJRecord + 1>>." And there is also another silent notification you had received before you woke up. "Belt Configuration Change Received From Owner." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you check the app, it says that "Morning Wakeup" was enabled, and that it's set to wake you with an edge if you'd met your target, with 'gentle teasing' if you did not. You also see a "Minimum target" setting, but it says "0". As you are looking at the settings on the page, you accidentally hit the "+" next to the "0" and it instantly changes to a "1". Below that it now says "if minimum daily target is not achived, punishment shocks will be used for Morning Wakeup routine. You frantically try to hit the "-" to switch it back to zero, but it ignores you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Does that mean I have to suck a cock every day if I don't want to be punished now, you wonder. You open up the manual again to see how to disable that. You don't see anything in the "Oral Encouragement" section but you do find a relevant passage elsewhere. But it's not what you wanted to see. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <blockquote> By default, if the <b><i>Wearer</i></b> desires to challenge herself, most settings will allow a manual increase in difficulty. However any decrease in difficulty can only be authorized by the <b><i>Owner</i></b>. </blockquote> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't expect the chances of them doing that for you to be very high. You go back to the app again, this time being extremely careful not to accidentally click anything. You try to see what the other settings that changed were, but all you can see enabled are "Oral Encouragement" and "Morning Wakeup". You do see a small indicator in the corner of the screen. When you check the manual it says it indicates that there are enabled settings or features hidden from the wearer. You suppose you'll just have to wait and see what those might be. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've been looking through the app and manual for a while when another notification pops up, a regular one from your calendar this time. It's reminding you of the your meeting in an hour at the campus X-Change office [[about their new 'Buddy' program|Part15Buddy]]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You quickly head to the shower. An hour is plenty of time to get ready and get over there. But you are hoping to be able to have some extra time to find someone to help you get that minimum daily target you set for yourself out of the way. The rest of your goal for today will have to wait until after the meeting. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Discussing it with Daddy</h1> <img src="Part15/TestSubject5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set $ProfessorAllowance to 1>> <<set $JobTestSubjectOld to 1>> <<unset $JobTestSubject>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Aaron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Aaron', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Aaron'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Aaron', vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Daddy says you made the right decision turning down their offer. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $Keyholder == "Aaron">> He decides to reward you by letting you out of the chastity belt he keeps you in too! <<unset $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<unset $Keyholder>> <</if>> You are eager to celebrate your freedom from the belt with Daddy, but you are worried about money now that you've lost your job. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Don't worry about that," Aaron tells you. "My Babygirl doesn't need to work. You can just focus on your studies, and I'll give you an allowance to take the place of the money you were getting for testing." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh, thank you Daddy!", you say as you crawl across the bed. Then you unbuckle Aaron's pants and begin to suck his cock. You look up at him and smile in gratitude for taking that stress from your mind. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next morning Daddy wakes you with a kiss, then reminds you of the meeting you have soon. "Oh right," you say still sleepy. "The one over at the campus X-Change office [[about their new 'Buddy' program|Part15Buddy]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Looking over your job prospects with $dating[0]</h1> <img src="Part15/TestSubject5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set $JobTestSubjectOld to 1>> <<unset $JobTestSubject>> <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:$dating[0]})>> <<else>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:$dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know $dating[0] doesn't want to share you with anyone else, so the list of job prospects you came up with are limited. You've found that so many of the jobs at this university available to you involve sex. You've only ever been a woman here, so you aren't sure if it's just this place, or if it's like this for women everywhere. But either way, you an $dating[0] found two openings that you think you can manage. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you decide between the job [[at the library|Part15TestSubjectJobChangeLibrary]] and the one [[at the coffee shop|Part15TestSubjectJobChangeBarista]]. You and $dating[0] decide to celebrate your freedom from the their computerized chastity belt. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $Keyholder == $dating[0]>> <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> She even lets you out of the belt she keeps you in for the day. <<else>> He even lets you out of the belt he keeps you in for the day. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Looking for a new job</h1> <img src="Part15/TestSubject1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set $JobTestSubjectOld to 1>> <<unset $JobTestSubject>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> Since you can't test this year, you need to find a new job. The department has helpfully provided a list of a few jobs they knew had openings, so they could provide them to any test subject not interested in their beta testing program. <<else>> Since you aren't about to be locked into some experimental chastity belt for... you realize they never even said how long it would be. Anyway, you'll need to find a new job. The department has helpfully provided a list of a few jobs they knew had openings, so they could provide them to any test subject not interested in their beta testing program. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The department head said he could write you a discreet reference describing your job as a 'lab assistant' if you were interested in one of the available jobs [[at the library|Part15TestSubjectJobChangeLibrary]], or in applying to [[the coffee shop on campus|Part15TestSubjectJobChangeBarista]]. <<if $PlayerPregnant or $PregnancyWeek>> He says that <<if $PlayerPregnant>> that, given your pregnancy, <<else>> that <</if>> he thinks those would probably the best choices for you. <<else>> <br><br> He also mentioned that he was aware of openings in the fitness center's [[massage room|Part15TestSubjectJobChangeFitnessMassage]] and at a different coffee shop, one where the [[baristas wear bikinis|Part15TestSubjectJobChangeBikiniBarista]] instead of aprons. The fact that he said he'd be more specific about your work in recommending you to these employers lets you know something of what your job might be like at those places. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobCallGirlSide>> Of course, you could always just switch from [[seeing clients as a call girl|Part15TestSubjectJobChangeCallGirl]] every now and then, to making it your main job. <<else>> Finally, you are also aware of a escort agency in town you could call if you are interested in [[working as a call girl|Part15TestSubjectJobChangeCallGirl]]. You don't think you'll need any recomendation for that job though. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $tempJustNowPregnant>> <<include [[Part15TestSubjectJobChangeNewlyPregnant]]>> <<elseif setup.areDating('Aaron')>> <<include [[Part15TestSubjectJobChangeAllowance]]>> <<elseif $dating.length>> <<include [[Part15TestSubjectJobChangeDating]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15TestSubjectJobChangeNormal]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Deciding what to do</h1> <img src="PartP/PregTest2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<unset $tempJustNowPregnant>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Before you can even think about what new job you want to apply for, you need to decide what to do about the pregnancy. Are you going to [[keep it|Part15TestSubjectJobChangeNewlyPregnantKeep]] or [[terminate the pregnancy|Part15TestSubjectJobChangeNewlyPregnantTerminate]]? <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Keeping the Baby</h1> <img src="PartP/PregTest4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't mind needing to [[find a new job|Part15TestSubjectJobChange]], you are just excited you are pregnant! <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Terminating the Pregnancy</h1> <img src="PartP/Cramps3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<unset $PlayerPregnant>> <<if $PlayerAbortion>> <<set $PlayerAbortion += 1>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerAbortion to 1>> <</if>> <<achievement>>childfree<</achievement>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You tell them you don't plan on continuing the pregnancy, but it doesn't matter as far as testing. You'll still need to [[find a new job|Part15TestSubjectJobChange]]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After they help you with that you head by the clinic to get the pregnancy taken care of. Later that night, you see they weren't joking about the cramps from the abortion pill they gave you. But at least when the cramping stops, you won't have to worry about being pregnant. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Starting at the library</h1> <img src="Part15/Library1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set $JobLibrary to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your new job is quite the change. Before you were stapped down to a machine the whole time completely helpless, <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> you miss that part, <</if>> now you spend your day wandering the aisles reshelving books or working behind the counter checking people out. Before you heard the constant, loud buzz of the machine you were on. But now it's always so quiet, and you are supposed to shush anyone speaking too loud. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They are fairly flexible with your dress code, so you try to play up the "sexy librarian" look as much as you can. <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> You might try pushing the line more to see just how much, or rather how little, you can get away. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Overall it's a big change from your old job, but you think you are going to enjoy it here. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Now that your job situation is settled, you can focus on getting ready for classes which are about to start. But before then, there's a meeting at the campus X-Change office [[about their new 'Buddy' program|Part15Buddy]] that you plan on attending. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Starting at the Coffee Shop</h1> <img src="Part3/JobBarista2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<set $JobBarista to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It takes you a while before you are good at your new job, but they are very understanding and help you learn. Before long you are making the perfect latte, and even enjoying a little artistic flair with the foam sometimes. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Working a full shift is certainly more hours than you'd spend at your visits to the lab, but you have much more energy we you go home afterwards. Part of that is the espresso, of course. But mostly is that you didn't spend an hour or two befored to cum again and again. <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> Not that you mind being tied and helpless, but it always took so much out of you. <</if>> You were always completely exausted when you came home from the lab. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> One part you definitely love about the new job is being able to interact with other people. At the lab you were alone. Well, usually. Now you have coworkers to talk to and customers to interact with. You think you are going to like it here. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Now that your job situation is settled, you can focus on getting ready for classes which are about to start. But before then, there's a meeting at the campus X-Change office [[about their new 'Buddy' program|Part15Buddy]] that you plan on attending. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Starting at the Fitness Center</h1> <video src="Part15/Massage1.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set $JobFitnessMassage to 1>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete (massage client)', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete (massage client)'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete (massage client)', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete (massage client)', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Athlete (massage client)'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> At first you are worried that your lack of training in massage will be a problem, but they don't have any problems teaching you what little you need to know. You quickly learn that giving massages is only a small part of your job. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your actual job is to help the university's athletes relax and "relieve their stress" so that they can perform their best. Though you find yourself relieving a load of stress from the coaches from time to time too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't mind though, you enjoy a good fuck, especially since you are getting paid for it. But now instead of being strapped helpless to some machine, you are often on top, letting him relax while you do all the work. You can work his cock to hit just the right spots and often you can "relieve your stress" too before he finishes. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Even if you don't get off, or if all he wants is a quick handjob, or even just an actual massage, you know you won't be merciless teased for an hour only to be denied. <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> As frustrating as that was, you still sometimes missed that helpless feeling it gave you. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And orgasm or not, at least you usually have a hot guy here with you instead of being alone in testing chamber most of the time. You think you are going to adjust well to your new job. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Now that your job situation is settled, you can focus on getting ready for classes which are about to start. But before then, there's a meeting at the campus X-Change office [[about their new 'Buddy' program|Part15Buddy]] that you plan on attending. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Starting at the Coffee Shop</h1> <img src="Part15/Barista1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<set $JobBikiniBarista to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> You are really loving the new job. You get to work all day in a bikini, and often even less than that. And the tips are great! <<else>> You are enjoying the new job. You aren't tied down to some machine, <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> which you miss. But the <<else>> which is nice. The <</if>> tips are nice. Especially when you are willing to wear even less than your bikini. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You see some of the other girls making even more money, heading out to customer's cars. You see them climb into the seat next to the driver and then see their head disappear below the dash. Or sometimes they just drive off for a while. Either way, your coworker always comes back with a huge tip. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've thought about earning a little extra that way too. But for now you are happy just pocketing the few extra dollars she tosses your way for covering for her while she was out. Between that and your regular tips, you don't really need the extra. Still... more money is always nice. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Now that your job situation is settled, you can focus on getting ready for classes which are about to start. But before then, there's a meeting at the campus X-Change office [[about their new 'Buddy' program|Part15Buddy]] that you plan on attending. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Call Girl Client', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom: true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Call Girl Client', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Call Girl Client', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom: true, repeat:true})>> <<if $JobCallGirlSide>> <h1>With a client</h1> <<else>> <h1>Seeing your first client</h1> <</if>> <video src="Part15/CallGirl1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobCallGirlSide>> You always loved working as a call girl, it's going to be a relief now that it's going to be your main job instead of just a little fun cash on the side. <<else>> You weren't sure about working as a call girl at first, but as soon as you see your first client, you feel much better about it. <</if>> In the lab you were usually tied to a machine, <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> you do miss that part, <</if>> and then you might be teased and denied, or even forced to orgasm until you couldn't take it anymore. But now you're usually the one in control. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, now the goal is making him happy, not getting you off. But that doesn't mean you can't have both sometimes. <<if $JobCallGirlSide>> You think you are going to be very happy being able to just focus on this job now, and your studies of course. <<else>> You think you are going to be very happy with your new job. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<unset $JobCallGirlSide>> <<set $JobCallGirl to 1>> Now that your job situation is settled, you can focus on getting ready for classes which are about to start. But before then, there's a meeting at the campus X-Change office [[about their new 'Buddy' program|Part15Buddy]] that you plan on attending. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>First Trimester</h1> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> As you glance at your stomach, you can finally start to tell you are pregnant, though you aren't sure anyone else would know unless you were naked, or wearing something really tight. Though some of your clothes have started to fit a little more tightly now anyway. <<if setup.areDating("Barry")>> <br><br> Now that you've had more time to think it over, and have discussed your pregnancy with Barry, you've reconsidered your decision to keep the baby. While the pregnancy is still early on, you've decided to visit the clinic today to [[terminate the pregnancy|Part15FirstTrimesterAbort]]. <</if>> <<else>> <<if setup.pregnantFirstTime()>> <<achievement>>firsttime+pregnant<</achievement>> <<elseif setup.pregnantFromLoophole()>> <<achievement>>loopholeBaby+pregnant<</achievement>> <<else>> <<achievement>>pregnant<</achievement>> <</if>> You've been so busy you hadn't really thought about your period. Now that you are thinking about it, you realize it's been a while since your last one. Between that and the nausea you've been feeling sometimes, you are <<if $PlayerProtectionTry && !setup.areDating("Barry")>> hoping for the best <<else>> dreading what you'll see <</if>> when you take a home pregnancy test. <br><br> <img src="PartP/PregTest7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"> <br><br> You are <<if $PlayerProtectionTry && !setup.areDating("Barry")>> thrilled <<else>> not surprised <</if>> when you see the word "Pregnant" appear on the screen. <<if setup.areDating("Barry")>> You don't even bother telling Barry about this. You've both discussed this before and don't want to be parents. At least not yet. You'll make a visit to the clinic today to [[terminate the pregnancy|Part15FirstTrimesterAbort]]. <br><br> You'll tell Barry you started your period, and he won't ask any more about it. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionTry>> You know you'll have to schedule a doctor visit to confirm the test, but you are confident their test will show the same thing. <<else>> You know it's still early in the pregnancy. So now is the time visit the clinic if you want to [[terminate the pregnancy|Part15FirstTrimesterAbort]]. Otherwise, you'll need to schedule a doctor visit to confirm your home test, and start planning for the pregnancy. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !setup.areDating("Barry")>> <img src="PartP/Trimester1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <br><br> <<if !$PlayerPregnant and !$PlayerProtectionTry>> If you decide to keep the baby, you <<else>> You <</if>> know the changes to your body have just begun. But right now what you are really hoping for is the nausea to stop. It'd be much easier to [[get on with your life|Part15WeekStandard]] if you weren't forced to run to the bathroom and kneeling in front of the toilet several times a week. <<if !$PlayerPregnant>> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Back Home</h1> <img src="PartP/PregTest5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <<achievement>>childfree<</achievement>> <<unset $PlayerPregnant>> <<unset $PregnancyWeek>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You took the first pill at the clinic, after their test confirmed what your home one said. They gave you another one the next day. They were right about the bleeding and cramps that followed the next day. It was worse than your worst period so far, but managable, and thankfully only for part of a day. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Now you just want to forget about the pregnancy and get [[back to normal|Part15WeekStandard]] like nothing happened. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Medical Clinic</h1> The doctor comes in and introduces himself and congratulates you. He checks your vital signs and checks you over externally. They told you to have a full bladder for your appointment and so you have to concentrate to suppress the urge to pee as he press around on you. He has you put your feet into the stirrups to continue his check. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part9.5/Exam1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You feel very awkward, vulnerable and exposed as he checks to make sure everything is at it should be. When the doctor is done looking you over he tells you. “Everything looks good so far. [[You can wait here and Nancy will be in to do your ultrasound.|Part15SecondTrimester2]] I’ll be back after that, we should have your blood work finished by then. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Medical Clinic</h1> <img src="Part9.5/Exam2a.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> Nancy, the sonographer, comes in and gets you into position for your test. She sees the worried look in your eye when you see the long probe next to her. “Oh, don’t worry, you’re far enough long, we shouldn’t need that one.” <</nobr>> <<print "She squirts some cold gel onto your stomach and begins moving the ‘normal’ wand around, checking out various parts of you. You again have to hold back on the urge to pee. Finally, she stops checking on you and moves on to the baby.">></p> <p style="clear: both;"><img src="Part9.5/Exam2b.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300" align="left"> <<print "“There we go.”, she says as you finally see a tiny image of your baby for the first time.">> <<print "You are already staring in wonder, but a few clicks later and the ">>[[image zooms in showing your baby in more detail.|Part15SecondTrimester3]]</p><<nobr>> <h1>Medical Clinic</h1> You gasp and cover your mouth excitedly as you see your baby for the first time. <</nobr>> <img src="Part9.5/Exam3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "Nancy clicks on various buttons on her console. Some cause images to be saved or printed, others make measurement lines appear on the image. She glances down at your chart. You hear her make a “Hmm?” sound.">> <<print "“What? Is something wrong?”, you ask worriedly.">> <<print "“No. Everything looks great.”, she says. “The doctor will be in in a moment to go over everything with you. You can take a moment to use the restroom before then if you want.”">> <<print "You quickly head to the restroom to empty your bladder and to wipe the remaining gel from your stomach before ">>[[returning to wait for the doctor.|Part15SecondTrimester4]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Medical Clinic">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "The doctor comes in, looking through your results.">> <img src="Part9.5/Exam4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "“Well, everything looks good on the tests and on the ultrasound. It looks like you are about $PregnancyWeek weeks along.” You’re mentally trying to calculate the dates in your head when he continues.">> <<nobr>> “Though with X-Change users, the speed of development can vary somewhat. Don't worry, there's no harm to the baby. It just means our estimates aren't quite as reliable at predicting the start of the pregnancy. It could be a week or two in either direction from my estimate. But I'm confident in estimating your due date.” <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You thank the doctor, and schedule your next visit on the way out. Then you head [[back to campus|Part15WeekStandard]] <</nobr>>(Third trimester OB visit to be added here) [[Continue|Part15WeekStandard]](Childbirth to be added here) [[Continue|Part15WeekStandard]]<<nobr>> <<if $RapistRaped and $SchoolWeek >= 5 and!$RapistRapedFeelingBetter>> <<include [[Part15RapeRecover]]>> <<elseif $AcademicProbation and ($AcademicProbationDenial or ($PlayerChastityBelt and $Keyholder == "computer")) and $SchoolWeek >= 12 and either(0,0,0,1) == 0>> <<include [[OffProbation]]>> <<elseif $AcademicProbation and $AcademicProbationEndWeek and $AcademicProbationEndWeek <= $SchoolWeek>> <<include [[Part15OffProbation]]>> <<elseif $PregnancyWeek >= 40 or ($PregnancyWeek == 39 and Math.random() < 0.2) or ($PregnancyWeek == 38 and Math.random() < 0.1) or ($PregnancyWeek == 37 and Math.random() < 0.1)>> <<include [[Part15Delivery]]>> <<elseif $PregnancyWeek == 30>> <<include [[Part15ThirdTrimester]]>> <<elseif $PregnancyWeek == 20>> <<include [[Part15SecondTrimester]]>> <<elseif $PregnancyWeek == 10>> <<include [[Part15FirstTrimester]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15WeekStandard]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set setup.advanceWeek()>> <<include [[Part15WeekNoAdvance]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Pleasant Dreams</h1> <video src="Part15/Dream.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set $RapistRapedFeelingBetter to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've been having nightmares the past few weeks, but thankfully tonight is different. Tonight your dreams about your wedding night. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> At first it's sweet and romantic, a ceremony with all of your friends there, a handsome groom, you in a beautiful dress. But soon the dream is just you and your new husband alone in your hotel room. Feeling your husband's cock slide into you that first time is the best thing you've ever felt. <<if !$CampusMinistry>> Well, in your dream it's your first time. Though later when you think about it you realize how ridiculous it is to imagine it'd be your wedding night and you'd not have felt him inside you before. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He makes you cum again and again that night, and he cums inside you so many times. Load after load of his warm cum fills you, each one feeling better than the last. Looking back on the dream you doubt any actual man could cum that many times in one night and still produce so much each time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Dream2.webm" autoplay loop muted height="350"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> His prodigious amount of cum must have done it's job, because your dream then jumps to months later, with you very pregnant and riding his cock. You wake just as you and him both start to cum again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wake up horny and wishing you could go back to sleep and enjoy the dream some more. <<if !$CampusMinistry>> Or find someone eager to act it out with you in real life. <</if>> As you mind starts to clear a bit, you realize that maybe you'll be able to put your assault behind you and move on with your life. Or at least not to think about it as much, and focus on [[enjoying life instead|Part15WeekNoAdvance]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $JobEngineerLock>> <<include [[Part15OffProbationBeltNotDenial]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15OffProbationStandard]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Fantasizing about getting off academic probation</h1> <video src="Part14/Home67.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<unset $AcademicProbationTutorSex>> <<unset $AcademicProbation>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You get an email from the deans office letting them know that you've been released from academic hold and are no longer on probation. Of course, your orgasm block was already lifted. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can't help but think about the fact that if you hadn't agreed to the belt, you'd have been able to orgasm whenever you want now. <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> Of course, unlike in your fantasy, you would have needed someone else to help out. But really, that would be even more fun. <</if>> But instead you are still locked in your belt, horny as ever. You'll just [[have to keep waiting|Part15WeekNoAdvance]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Getting off academic probation</h1> <<unset $AcademicProbationTutorSex>> <<unset $AcademicProbationDenial>> <<set $AcademicProbationDenialFormer to 1>> <<unset $AcademicProbation>> You head over to the X-Change office as soon as you get notification that the dean has released the academic hold and that they could disable the block they'd put on your orgasms. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You were hoping the technician would repeat the 'test' he performed when he'd disabled your ability to cum, but he says it's not necessary. "I'm sure you'll verify soon enough," he smiles and adds, "and will let us know if there's an issue." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> So instead your thoughts turn to doing exactly that the moment you get home. <</nobr>> <video src="Part14/Home67.webm" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <<nobr>> But <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> of course, your belt and your X-Change side effect prevent that. You'll just [[have to keep waiting|Part15WeekNoAdvance]]. <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt>> of course, your belt prevents that. You'll just [[have to keep waiting|Part15WeekNoAdvance]]. <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> of course, your X-Change side effect prevents that. You'll just have <<else>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock to 1>> then the technician says, "Oh. It looks like there was a small glitch." He types some more then adds, "Well, it looks like your orgasms are enabled now. But it looks like a related side effect was triggered on your implant. You won't be able to get off from masturbation anymore. But orgasms are more fun with someone else anyway, right?" <br><br> Your plans to masturbate are gone, <<if $PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> forever in fact. <<else>> for the next several years in fact. <</if>> As far as testing your implant, and finally getting an orgasm or two after so long, you'll just have to <</if>> <<if $dating.length>> [[ask for some help|Part15OffProbation2]] from $dating[0]. <<else>> [[find someone to help|Part15OffProbation2]]. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Celebrating getting off probation</h1> <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(6, {sex:"female", name:$dating[0]})>> $dating[0] hurries home when she hears the news. <br><br> <video src="Part15/Probation23.webm" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <br><br> It isn't long until she has you screaming out with the first of many orgasms of the night. <<else>> <<if $dating.length>> $dating[0] hurries home when he hears the news. <<set setup.addSexRepeat(6, {sex:"male", name:$dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <<elseif setup.haveFucked("Tutor")>> Your tutor is thrilled when you let him know you are officially off of probation. Of course he's also thrilled to invite you over so he can help you celebrate and verify that your denial setting has been lifted. <<set setup.addSexRepeat(6, {sex:"male", name:"Tutor", vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<elseif $fwb.length and $fwb[0] != "Kate">> $fwb[0] hurries over when he hears the news. <<set setup.addSexRepeat(6, {sex:"male", name:$fwb[0], vaginal:true})>> <<else>> It doesn't take you much time to find a guy willing and eager for you to test that your denial setting has been lifted. <<set setup.addSexRepeat(6, {sex:"male", vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <</if>> <br><br> <video src="Part15/Probation24.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <br><br> It isn't long until he has you screaming out with the first of several orgasms of the night. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It feels so amazing to finally be able to cum again. You promise yourself you'll never going to get on academic probation again. And if you do, you know you'll drop out sooner than go through what you did the past few months again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know [[this week|Part15WeekNoAdvance]] is going to be better than ever since your body is finally whole again. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbation and $AcademicProbationTutor != "alone">> <<if $SchoolWeek == 2>> <<include [[Part15Probation1]]>> <<elseif $AcademicProbationTutor == "math">> <<include [[Part15TutorFollowupMath]]>> <<elseif $AcademicProbationTutor == "maid">> <<include [[Part15TutorFollowupMaid]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15TutorFollowupClean]]>> <</if>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15WeekByWeek]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $TO_BE_CONTINUED>> <<elseif $MenstrualWeek == 4>> <img src="PartP/PeriodSupplies.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="177"><br> You started your period this week. <<if $PlayerProtectionPerfect or $PlayerProtectionPermanent or $PlayerProtectionPill>> It's light though thanks to your birth control <</if>> <<elseif $PregnancyWeek >= 6 and $PregnancyWeek <= 14 and Math.random() < 0.6>> <<if $PregnancyWeek <= 10>> <img src="PartP/MorningSickness1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="177"><br> <<else>> <img src="PartP/MorningSickness2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="177"><br> <</if>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> Morning sickness is making you feel nauseous today. <<else>> You are feeling nauseous today. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $SchoolWeek == 3>> <<include [[Part15TutorFollowupMath1]]>> <<elseif $SchoolWeek == 4>> <<include [[Part15TutorFollowupMath5]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15TutorFollowupMath9]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Heading to meeting with your tutor</h1> <img src="Part15/Probation10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your tutor only wants to look, not to touch. So you've decided to make looking more fun for him, even before you get your first problem wrong and have to start removing something. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And of course you don't mind the looks your sexy schoolgirl outfit gets as you [[walk towards the lecture hall|Part15TutorFollowupMath2]]. Sometimes, when they find out where you are going and the rules for your tutoring sessions, the guys that flirt with you on the way decide to join you to watch your session. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Mid-session break</h1> <img src="Part15/Probation11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've given up on the "no photos" rule you tried to enforce on the spectators that gather for your tutoring sessions. But you still don't want the constant sounds and flashes of the photos from distracting from your learning. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The compromise that you've worked out is a to have a photo break in the middle of the session. They can take all the pictures they want, while your tutor goes to the bathroom, gets a coffee, or whatever. Then continue when he gets back. Of course they also take photos [[after the tutoring is done|Part15TutorFollowupMath3]], before, during, and after the fun that follows. But there's no need to stop anything for those photos. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Fun with your audience</h1> <img src="Part15/Engineer20.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After the tutoring is over you start to entertain the guys that have been watching. They've already queued up by then for their cocks to be sucked. And you are eager to start as well. It's your tutor's turn to sit in the audience and watch. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you suck each cock, you yearn for one of the others in line to fuck you. But your <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> belt prevents it. Even your ass isn't allowed, as your tutor is worried about the mess it might make in the lecture hall. <<else>> tutor forbids it. He's worried about leaving a mess in the lecture hall. <</if>> He makes sure what mess you do make is cleaned up. You always obediently lick up any cum you've failed to swallow before you leave the lecture hall. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<if $Keyholder == "computer">> Your belt constantly teases you, keeping you on the edge of an orgasm the entire time. <<if $JobBetaTester>> <<set $DailyBJRecord += 50>> Except for a few, amazing times when it's actually let you cum. <br><br> As you audience has grown and grown, several times your belt has rewarded you for beating your past record for daily blowjobs. But now your audience seems to have peaked, and you've had to beg them to stay for a second blowjob, and even that isn't enough to reach your target anymore. <br><br> <</if>> At the end of nearly every session you are left desperately horny, after having been on the edge of orgasm for so long. After you've cleaned up your mess, you [[leave the lecuture hall|Part15WeekByWeek]]. You can feel your lubrication running down your leg. Your body kept making more, hoping for a cock that would never be inside anywhere but your mouth. <<else>> When they've all been satisfied, and you've cleaned up your mess, [[you leave the lecture hall|Part15WeekByWeek]], still aching for the cocks you couldn't have. <</if>> <<else>> When they've all been satisfied, and you've cleaned up your mess, it's time to leave the lecture hall. But you are still aching for a cock inside you. You've already asked two, or three, or more of the guys to stay around at bit longer. You know you'll be [[heading home with them|Part15TutorFollowupMath4]] to continue the fun back at one of their homes. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Going home with your favorites</h1> <img src="Part15/Probation13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male",vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male",vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male",vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male",vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male",vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male",vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male",vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's different ones each time, but there's always plenty to pick from. When you get back to their house, there's no longer any need to take turns, they can both go at once. Or better yet, all three of them. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> <br><br> You don't cum, or even feel the plesure you should, of course. But there's still something satisfying about feeling a cock inside you. And the feeling of them holding you, using your body for their pleasure, gives you joy even if it can't give you the orgasm it should. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> By the time you stagger out their door and [[head back home|Part15WeekByWeek]], you often think to yourself, <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> "I'll be so glad when I'm finally off probation, then it can feel as good for me as it did for them." <<else>> "If learning had been this much fun last year, I'd never had ended up on probation in the first palce." <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Starting to improve</h1> <img src="Part15/Probation17.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's easy for you to notice how much you've improved since your tutoring started, you usually have most of your clothes on now when the session ends. Sometimes you give your tutor a little wink and answer wrong on purpose. You wouldn't want to disappoint all the guys watching and hoping for wrong answers. And, after all, you want to give you tutor what he wants too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But even if you weren't answering wrong and stripping, you expect most of your audience would stay until the end. What they are really looking forward to is [[after the session is over|Part15TutorFollowupMath6]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>After your tutoring session</h1> <video src="Part15/Probation18.webm" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $EngineerLockPacketOrgasm>> Now, more than ever, you are looking forward to the end of your session too. Your settings change from your belt hacking is still active, so for every blowjob orgasm you give, you get an orgasm too. <br><br> With the first guy, you usually start slow and sensual. You like to stretch out his pleasure and yours. After you get your first taste of cum, and your first orgasm hits, you usually pick up the pace. There are a lot of guys here and a lot of cocks to suck. <br><br> By the time you get to the last cock... Actually, you [[don't really remember the last cock|Part15TutorFollowupMath7]]. Eventually it all turns into a blur of orgasms, cum, moaning, and beautiful cocks. <<elseif $JobEngineerLock or $JobTestSubject>> With the first guy, you usually start slow and sensual. You like to stretch out his pleasure and yours. After you get your first taste of cum, and your the belt edges you for the first time, you pick up the pace. You want more. You know you won't be able to cum, but you can't resist. Part of you is always hoping the belt will let you cum. <<if $JobTestSubject>> Well, maybe if you suck enough now, you can find a few more guys later, and earn an orgasm by this evening. <</if>> <br><br> By the time you've sucked the last cock, you've been edged so long you can barely walk. You don't have the energy to do anything but stagger home. You'll probably pass out as ssoon as you get their and [[sleep until tomorrow morning|Part15WeekByWeek]]. <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt>> With the first guy, you usually start slow and sensual. You like to stretch out his pleasure and savor the feeling of his cock on your lips. After you get your first taste of cum, and you pick up the pace. After all, you have a lot of cocks to suck. <br><br> You don't know how many you suck before you leave. As you walk home you can't help but notice the ever-present ache between you legs. Hopefully in your dreams tonight the line of guys will be bending you over the desk and fucking you one after another instead. Then you can [[wake up tomorrow|Part15WeekByWeek]] with the ache finally at bay, at least for a little while. <<else>> With the first guy, you usually start slow and sensual. You like to stretch out his pleasure and savor the feeling of his cock on your lips. After you get your first taste of cum, and you pick up the pace. After all, you have a lot of cocks to suck. <br><br> You love sucking their cocks, but you wish you could let them all fuck you right here instead. You can't do that, but when you get down to last few, you know you [[can go home with them instead|Part15TutorFollowupMath8]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Letting your belt catch up</h1> <img src="Part15/Probation19.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't remember sucking the last cock back in the classroom. You don't even remember leaving there. You think you must have been sucking so many cocks, one after another, that your belt couldn't keep up with the orgasms it had decided you'd earned. Even after you had stopped with the guys, it was still going. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You have a vague memory of two guys helping you walk home. You think they carried you part of the way when you couldn't walk. And you definitely remember how hard they were when you got home. You instinctively dropped to your knees and sucked their cocks again before they left. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They've gone now, and you are left to wait until the belt decides you've been rewarded enough. In a brief moment of clarity you wonder if Kyle's team made another programming mistake. Maybe the belt is caught in a loop and will never stop. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It turns out they did make a mistake, some kind of an overflow happened when you started earning orgasms faster than the belt could deliver them. But thankfully it wasn't caught in a loop. It did stop, eventually. Though you lost all track of how much time had passed. You could probably check your phone, or ask Kyle later. You know he and his team of idiots will have a good laugh reviewing the logs from your belt for today. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But right now, you don't really care. You just drank a whole bottle of sports drink and now you just want to sleep. You can figure out what they did wrong when you wake up. You only hope you can still walk [[when you wake up tomorrow|Part15WeekByWeek]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your turn</h1> <video src="Part15/Probation20.webm" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male",vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male",repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male",vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male",repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You could let them take turns fucking you, but when you see a hard cock in front of you, you can't resist and start sucking it. Of course, once the guys have a few minutes to recover, you'll do it all again, but this time the guys will trade places. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know you'll sleep well tonight and [[wake up tomorrow|Part15WeekByWeek]] refreshed and ready to go. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>More students needing tutoring</h1> <img src="Part15/Probation21.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> I would seem that word of your tutoring sessions haven't just spread to the guys on campus. Lately a number of other women have joined your "study group". Your tutor doesn't mind as they are very eager to follow the same rules you've been following during your sessions. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> A couple you recognize from the X-Change meet-ups but some you don't. Most end up completely naked well before the end of the session. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But one never strips down all the way. She is wearing <<if $JobEngineerLock>> a computerized chastity belt also. She must be one of the beta testers. She probably thinks you are also, and you aren't going to tell her otherwise. <<elseif $JobEngineer>> One of the computerized chastity belts that Kyle's team is testing. She must be one of the beta testers. <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt>> a chastity belt like you. Except hers looks much more high-tech than the one you have on. <<else>> a high-tech-looking chastity belt. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you, her, and the other 'pupils' work your way through the audience cock-by-cock, she is definitely the most enthusastic of the group. Though [[the unbelted girls are quite enthusiastic themselves|Part15TutorFollowupMath10]]. It's almost like they came here more interested in sucking cocks than in the learning that preceeded it. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>A new participant</h1> <img src="Part15/Probation22.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <img src="Part15/Probation12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $EngineerLockPacketOrgasm>> You wish they hadn't fixed the flaw you'd found and reset your belt back to it's original settings. But you still love the teasing it gives you, even if you know it woun't be giving you orgasms too this time. <br><br> <</if>> You are excited, but surprised, when your tutor suggests you start with his cock this time. He explains as you drop to your knees and start to unbuckle his pants. "Word made it back to my girlfriend about our study sessions. She didn't believe me at first that I only watched. She was upset, but not for the reason I thought she'd be. She was just upset that she was getting left out of all the fun." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Then he points to one of the women kneeling by the front row of seats. "So, now she's right in the middle of it. And of course, there's no reason I can't participate now too." You do your best to give him an amazing blowjob. You assume he's been fantasizing about you giving him one every week as he watched you give so many others. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you finish with him you move on to another cock. You take a moment to glance over at his girlfriend and see that she's done the same. Watching must have gotten him hard again as you notice one of the other girls head over and get to work on his cock again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When everyone is finished, you [[head back home|Part15WeekByWeek]]. You know you'll be off probation soon, but you expect these tutoring session will continue long after you've stopped. Your tutor was enjoying the session enough when he was just watching, he's certainly not going to stop now that he's able to join in too. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $SchoolWeek == 3>> <<include [[Part15TutorFollowupMaid1]]>> <<elseif $SchoolWeek == 4>> <<include [[Part15TutorFollowupMaid3]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15TutorFollowupMaid5]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Meeting with your tutor</h1> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <img src="Part15/Probation6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<else>> <video src="Part15/Probation7.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your tutor picked you up another uniform, so you didn't get hot and sweaty on your long walk to and from his apartment each visit. The new one doesn't have that problem at all. Of course, walking across campus in your skimpy maid uniform, with <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> your chastity belt barely visible <<else>> no panties <</if>> underneath, draws a good bit of attention during your walk. You've gotten the number of quite a few guys that would really like to hire you to clean for them wearing the same uniform. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Knowing everyone is watching you on the walk over always has you wet when you arrive. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> Not that you can do anything about it. <<if $Keyholder == "computer" and $JobBetaTester != "chaste">> But your belt, detecting your arousal, helpfully sends you a notification as you are arriving at his door. "Wouldn't a nice, hard cock feel good right now?" You want to scream "Yes! Yes! It would!" at your phone, but you don't. You just knock on his door and wait. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wish he <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>>could<<else>>would<</if>> throw you to the floor and fuck you as soon as you walk through the door. But instead you start cleaning. He supervises closely, especially watching you reach high with your duster or crawl across his bed, both revealing what little your uniform concealed. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> His small apartment doesn't take long to clean, and besides you both know that isn't the reason you are here. You keep cleaning until you finally hear the words you are waiting for. [[That's enough cleaning for today|Part15TutorFollowupMaid2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Done cleaning for today</h1> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <video src="Part15/Probation8.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <<else>> <video src="Part15/Probation9.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> You pull down the top of your uniform for him, but it's your mouth he wants today. "Yes, sir." you tell him as you unbuckle his jeans. <br><br> You start sucking his cock, loving the feel of it in your <<if $Keyholder == "computer">> mouth, and especially loving the vibrations your belt is giving you. <<else>> mouth. <</if>> Which each moan he makes, the need to feel his cock inside you grows. You can only suck his cock more hungrily. <br><br> When his cum finally fills your mouth you are left <<if $Keyholder == "computer">> gasping on the edge of an orgasm, desperate for just a bit more stimulation from your belt. <<else>> with an aching emptiness between your legs where you wish his cock was. <</if>> You won't be getting that today. But the familiar, pleasant feeling as his warm cum slides down your throat makes you feel happy that he enjoyed your work at least. <br><br> "You did a great job today," he tells you. "The cleaning and the blowjob. I'll see you at our next tutoring appointment. Though obviously it's your next visit here I'm really looking forward to." You straighten your uniform back up again, and [[head out|Part15WeekByWeek]] for another walk across campus in your uniform. <<else>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male",name:"Tutor",vaginal:true,noPullout:true,noCondom:true})>> You are already on your hands and knees on his bed when he said it. The view he had of you like that was probably what made him decide his apartment was clean enough. You've been wet and waiting for this for a while. You stay on your hands and knees and move closer to the edge of the bed, waiting for his cock. <br><br> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You feel a surge of desire as you feel his cock part your lower lips, and then the disappointing nothingness as he thrusts in. You know it's going to happen, but every time it his you like a surprise. But you know it feels good for him, and he's helping you get off the damned probation that has done this to you. So you moan for him, pretending it feels as good as it should. <br><br> <<else>> You moan as his cock slides into you. <</if>> <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> It feels different today. Then you remember he had said he was out of condoms and to pick some up on the way over if you wanted him to use one. You were almost there when you'd read it and had said not to worry about it today. <br><br> <</if>> As he starts to fuck you, he pulls the top of your uniform towards him, letting your breasts hang free beneath you. They sway back and forth as he grabs your hips and thrusts his thick cock again and again. <br><br> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You feel him start to slow down. You wonder if he's getting tired, so you thrust back faster to help out. <<else>> You feel your orgasm getting close when he starts to slow down. You want more, so you thrust back faster. <</if>> You realize a few seconds later why he had slowed down when you hear a familiar moan as he cums inside you. You know you won't be coming during today's visit, but you're happy that he enjoyed himself, and it felt good while it lasted. <br><br> <<if !$PlayerPregnant and ($PlayerProtectionWithdraw or $PlayerProtectionCondoms)>> You know you should probably be worried about the cum he left inside you, but you aren't. For some reason it makes you happy as you dip a finger into it. It just feels right somehow. Like this is how you should have guys cum for you every time. Like this is how they were meant to cum. "But..." you think a moment later, "maybe I should be more careful next time." <<elseif !$PlayerPregnant and $PlayerProtectionTry>> You smile as you dip your finger into the cum he gave you. You wonder if this will be the time that you get pregnant. <<else>> You smile as you dip your finger into the cum he left inside of you. It makes you happy seeing how good you felt for him, and how he couldn't hold back any longer. <</if>> <br><br> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> "We'll have you off of probation soon," he says as he pats your ass. "Then you'll be able to enjoy that too. I'll see you at our next tutoring appointment. Though obviously it's your next visit here I'm really looking forward to." <<else>> He knows how close you were, so he begins playing with your clit and soon you are cumming too. "I feel better about comming a little early now," he confesses. "You did a great job cleaning today, and I would have hated for you to leave here unsatisfied. I'll see you at our next tutoring appointment. Though obviously it's your next visit here I'm really looking forward to." <</if>> <br><br> You straighten your uniform back up again, and [[head out|Part15WeekByWeek]] for another walk across campus in your uniform. This time you wonder if anyone will notice the trail of cum that's started to run down your leg as you walk. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Cleaning the kitchen</h1> <img src="Part15/Probation14.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You make your tutor a cup of coffee before you start cleaning the kitchen. He sits at the table and drinks his coffee as he watches you. You imagine he watches even closer when you keep 'accidentally' dropping your towel and have to bend over to pick it up. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The kitchen is barely cleaned and his coffee is just finished when he decides [[that is enough cleaning for today|Part15TutorFollowupMaid4]]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Done cleaning for today</h1> <video src="Part15/Probation15.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> As much as you'd love him to bend you over the kitchen counter and fuck you right there, your belt still prevents that. So instead you drop to your knees and start sucking his cock again. <<if $EngineerLockPacketOrgasm>> Though this time, thanks to your little hack, you know there's an orgasm waiting for you when he cums. "My horny little hacker is even more enthusiastic than normal today I see. Mmmmm," he says between moans. "I hope they take their time fixing that bug. Oh god, right there." <<elseif $Keyholder == "computer">> As always your belt teases you, driving you crazy with lust as it keeps you close but never lets you cum. "Is it that belt making you such a wonderfully cock-hungry slut? Mmmmm," he says between moans. "Or are you naturally like that. Oh god, right there. Probably both." You keep sucking and only nod your agreement. <<else>> You eagerly suck his cock, still longing for it to be inside you instead. "Poor thing. I can see how much you want to be fucked. Mmmmm," he says between moans. "I'd love that too. Oh god, right there. But this is wondeful too." You nod your agreement, but think how it be wonderful for both of you it weren't for the belt. <</if>> <<elseif $MenstrualWeek == 4>> You'd love for him to bend you over the kitchen counter and fuck you right there, but you just started your period. You'd be fine with period sex, but not in your freshly cleaned kitchen. And you don't know how he'd feel about. He certainly doesn't mind your blowjob. You suck enthusiastically as you imagine the cock you'll find after this. It shouldn't be hard to find a guy that won't mind runining a towel or two and [[fucking you despite your period|Part15TutorFollowupMaid4Period]]. <<else>> You'd love for him to bend you over the counter and fuck you right there, but your visits here are to give him what he wants not what you want. And you know he's wanting his cock sucked today. "Oh god, you are good at this. Mmmmm," he says between moans. "You're definitely my favorite tutoring client ever. Oh god, right there." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $EngineerLockPacketOrgasm>> Just as he cums, your belt stops teasing you and finally lets you cum. You hungrily suck up every drop of his cum and continue on his cock until you feel his hands start to push you away. "I'm glad you enjoyed that as much as I did," he tells you. "I'll see you at your next appointment." You leave his apartment with a smile on your face as you [[head back across campus|Part15WeekByWeek]]. <<elseif $Keyholder == "computer">> Just as he cums, your belt stops teasing you and goes silent. You hungrily suck up every drop of his cum and continue on his cock, hoping for it to start back up again. But you stop when you feel his hands start to push you away. "You really love sucking cock, don't you?" he asks rhetorically. "That belt is perfect for you. I'll see you at your next appointment." You leave his apartment with a familiar needy look on your face as you [[head back across campus|Part15WeekByWeek]]. <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt>> When he cums, you suck a bit longer and swallow every drop before stopping. "You really love sucking cock, don't you?" he asks rhetorically. "Maybe a belt like that is the prefect place for you. I'll see you at your next appointment." You leave his apartment with a familiar needy look on your face as you [[head back across campus|Part15WeekByWeek]]. <<else>> When he cums, you suck a bit longer and swallow every drop before stopping. "You really love sucking cock, don't you?" he asks rhetorically. "Maybe next time I can return the favor for you. Anyway, I'll see you at your next appointment." You leave his apartment with a familiar needy look on your face as you [[head back across campus|Part15WeekByWeek]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Don't want to wait</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Period1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> </div> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: "cycle"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat:true})>> <<set $PeriodSex to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As soon as you leave your tutor's apartment you start looking for a guy. It doesn't take long to find one, and he doesn't care about your period at all. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You still can't cum, but you missed the feeling of a cock inside you too much to wait. It isn't long until he is cumming for you though. <<else>> It isn't long until you are both cumming. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you're finished you get a wash cloth and wash up his cock for him before getting into the shower to clean yourself up. When you return, you see he'd fallen asleep, still naked. When you walk back into the bedroom his eyes open. He sees that you have showered and dressed again. You smile at him and then kneel between his legs. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After sucking his cock for a while, you are tempted to strip again and climb on top of it. But you resist and keep going. Soon he is cumming for you again. "Let's go get something to eat. I'm starving.", you tell him before he falls asleep again. The two of you then [[head out|Part15WeekByWeek]] to get food. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>A final session</h1> <img src="Part15/Probation16.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set setup.addInventory('costumes', 'sex maid')>> <<set setup.addInventory('costumes', 'sex maid latex')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You have one last tutuoring session, and so one last promised private visit with your tutor. Though, that doesn't mean you won't be making more visits just for fun. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's a bit cooler today, so he has you wear your original uniform. And this time he wants to meet you out in public. You know it's because he wants to see you walking around, wearing your uniform, with everyone watching. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your uniform doesn't hide much, but then again his jeans aren't doing a great job of hiding his erection. But he isn't embarrassed by it. And as you look around, he's hardly the only guy staring at you with one right now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He is the only one that you'll be leaving to go take care of his hard cock for him. At least right now he is anyway, the others will have to wait. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> There's no pretense of cleaning today. He's too eager to wait, and it's straight to the bedroom when you reach his apartment. Once he's satisfied, you [[leave his apartment again|Part15WeekByWeek]]. You know it won't be your last time there. But the next time will be for fun only, and you won't be on probation any longer. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $SchoolWeek == 3>> <<include [[Part15TutorFollowupClean2]]>> <<elseif $SchoolWeek == 6>> <<include [[Part15TutorFollowupClean4]]>> <<elseif setup.haveFucked("Tutor")>> <<include [[Part15TutorFollowupBJ]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15TutorFollowupClean3]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>After your tutoring session</h1> <img src="Part15/Probation28.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Maybe it's just because you've been so long without an orgasm, but it's so hard to concentrate during your tutoring sessions. Being alone with a guy, you can't help but notice the bulge in his pants. And then all you can think about is him pushing the homework to the side, and bending you over the desk. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you get home, <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> even through your chastity belt, <</if>> your panties are always a sticky mess. Still, you [[have to keep going|Part15WeekByWeek]], you'll be off probation eventually. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Still a mess</h1> <<if $SchoolWeek % 2 == 0>> <img src="Part15/Probation29.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<else>> <img src="Part15/Probation28.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your tutoring sessions aren't getting any easier. Every time you get home, you have to change your panties. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Though, to be honest, your panties are usually a mess at the end of the day anyway. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can't wait until you can get off probation and be able to orgasm again. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> Maybe you can even talk your way out of your chastity belt long enough to actually accomplish it too. <</if>> But you know it [[won't be happening this week|Part15WeekByWeek]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Fantasizing during your tutoring session</h1> You're even more distracted than normal during today's tutoring session. You've zoned out while your tutor is explaining something boring. You've seen all the posters and action figures in his room, and you fantasize about dressing up for him and thanking him for all the tutoring he's done. <</nobr>> <video src="Part15/Probation25.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<nobr>> "$playerName, do you want to take a little break? You look like maybe we've been at it too long," he says when he notices your far-away look. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wonder if you should say <<if $dating.length>> "yes", then go spash some cold water on your face and [[push the thought from your mind|Part15TutorFollowupClean4Ignore]]. But part of you desperately wants to drop to your knees and tell him exactly what is really bothering you. But you want to be loyal to $dating[0], so you push that thought from your mind. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOral>> "yes", then go spash some cold water on your face and push the thought from your mind. But the thought of sucking his cock has made you too horny to do that. You can't resist the urge to [[drop to your knees|Part15TutorFollowupClean4BJ]] and tell him exactly what is really bothering you. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectLibido > 2>> "yes", then go spash some cold water on your face and push the thought from your mind. But you are far too turned on right now to do that. You can't resist the urge to [[drop to your knees|Part15TutorFollowupClean4BJ]] and tell him exactly what is really bothering you. <<else>> "yes", then go spash some cold water on your face and [[push the thought from your mind|Part15TutorFollowupClean4Ignore]]. But part of you desperately wants to [[drop to your knees|Part15TutorFollowupClean4BJ]] and tell him exactly what is really bothering you. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Dreaming that night</h1> <video src="Part15/Probation26.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You resist the urge. After you compose yourself in the bathroom and come back, you are able to finish your session. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> That night though, your dreams are full of the same fantasy you'd had during the session, only more vivid now. The suit you are wearing for him, has no openings, no access, no way to take it off. There's no hope of you being able to have any pleasure. But you are happy use your mouth to make him cum, again, and again, and again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you wake up, you are amazed at how vivid the dream was. You can still remember what his cock felt like on your tongue. You can still remember the wonderful taste of his neverending supply of cum. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you dress and [[get ready for the day|Part15WeekByWeek]], some part of you wishes you'd acted on your fantasy instead of just dreaming about it. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Thanking your tutor</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Probation27.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> </div> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(4, {sex:"male", name:"Tutor"})>> <<set $AcademicProbationEndWeek = $SchoolWeek + 2>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Actually," you start, "the reason I'm so distracted is because I'm I've been wanting to thank you..." Your hand reaches out and feels his erection through his jeans "For all of your <i>hard</i> work." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Seeing the smile on his face, you drop to your knees and start to unzip his pants. You pull them, and his underwear down until his cock springs free. You then quickly get to work on his cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You aren't wearing any costumes, like in your fantasy, but he doesn't seem to mind. After he's filled your mouth with his cum, you swallow then say, "I think I can concentrate better now. I'm probably good to continue studying when you are." After a moment you add, "Though I might need to take another break before we are finished." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your little 'focus breaks' are now a regular part of your tutoring sessions with him. It has made you much more productive the rest of the session. And, even better, he is much more eager to meet you now, and able to schedule more sessions every week with you. You realize you are going to be done with your tutoring weeks ahead of schedule. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Sadly, it won't be [[this week|Part15WeekByWeek]] though, <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Nearly off probation</h1> <video src="Part15/Probation30.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(40, {sex:"male", name:"Tutor"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are so glad you decided to add a bit of fun to your tutoring sessions. It makes the time much more enjoyable for you, and especially for your tutor. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With all the extra time he's been willing to spend with you and the additional sessions, you think you are nearly done with done with your sessions. You can't wait to be off probation! Just [[another week or two|Part15WeekByWeek]]! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, you'll probably want to pay a visit or two to your tutor to celebrate once you can enjoy it as much as he does. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<switch $SchoolWeek>> <<case 2>> <!-- Aug w4 --> <<include [[Part15ClassesStart]]>> <<case 3>> <!-- Sept w1 --> <<include [[Part15BabyJobsRelationships]]>> <<case 4>> <!-- Sept w2 --> <<include [[Part15BuddyPart2]]>> <<case 5>> <!-- Sept w3 --> <<if $DylanChastityKey and $tempDylanChastityKeyShow != 5>> <<include [[Part15DylanChastityWeek5]]>> <<elseif $PlayerMother>> <<include [[Part15Baby2]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15Major]]>> <</if>> <<case 6>> <!-- Sept w4 --> <<include [[Part15Greek]]>> <<case 7>> <!-- Oct w1 --> <<include [[Part15BabyJobsRelationships]]>> <<case 8>> <!-- Oct w2 --> <<include [[Part15BuddyPart3]]>> <<case 9>> <!-- Oct w3 --> <<include [[Part15Study]]>> <<case 10>> <!-- Oct w4 Halloween --> <<include [[Part15Halloween]]>> <<case 11>> <!-- Nov w1 --> <<include [[Part15BabyJobsRelationships]]>> <<case 12>> <!-- Nov w2 --> <<include [[Part15WomensStudies2]]>> <<case 13>> <!-- Nov w3 --> <<if $AcademicProbation and $AcademicProbationDenial>> <<include [[OffProbation]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15BabyJobsRelationships]]>> <</if>> <<case 14>> <<if $AcademicProbation and $AcademicProbationDenial>> <<include [[OffProbation]]>> <<elseif $WomensStudiesProfessorPublish and !$EngineeringShutdown>> <<include [[Part15WomensStudiesPublish]]>> <<elseif setup.areDating("Justin")>> <<include [[JustinGraduation]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15Week14]]>> <</if>> <<case 15>> <<include [[Part15Week15]]>> <<case 16>> <<include [[Part15Week16]]>> <<default>> <<set $TO_BE_CONTINUED to 1>> <<include [[Part16]]>> <</switch>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>To be continued...</h1> <<set $TO_BE_CONTINUED to 1>> <!-- Nov w4 Thanksgiving--> <!-- to be continued week 14 --> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>To be continued...</h1> <<set $TO_BE_CONTINUED to 1>> <!-- Dec w1 --> <!-- to be continued week 15 --> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>To be continued...</h1> <<set $TO_BE_CONTINUED to 1>> <!-- Dec w2 --> <!-- to be continued week 16 --> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Video calling with Dylan</h1> You give Dylan a call and have him point his camera at himself. "I'm going to unlock your cage, Dylan," you tell him. "But you aren't allowed to cum unless I say you can. You need to wait until then, or stop touching yourself if I tell you to stop. Do you understand?" <<set $tempDylanChastityKeyShow to 5>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes, Mistress, I understand," he responds quickly. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Buddy56.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You let him stroke his cock for a while. You try to keep an close eye on him to make sure he's not getting too close to cumming. "Ok, stop for a bit," you tell him. You let him continue when he's cooled off a bit, and repeat the process several times. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Finally, after one of his edges, you give him a choice. "Dylan, I'll let you cum, but one condition." His face lights up, though you can see a bit of worry as he waits to hear what the condition is. "You'll need to catch your cum in your hand, and then lick your hand clean. Every drop." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes, Mistress," he responds without a moments hesitation. You tell him he can proceed then, and that he can cum this time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He moans loudly as thick spurts of cum spurt out and into his other hand. When he stops stroking you can see a look of hestiation on his face but then he takes his hand to his mouth and licks it clean, as promised. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Now put your cock away," you order Dylan. Once he does you hit the button on your phone confirming his cage is locked again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You were a good boy, Dylan, so maybe we'll do this again in a few weeks." Don't be expecting anything more [[this week|Part15WeekNoAdvance]] though. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Thank you, Mistress," he responds before you end the video call with him. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Struggling to catch back up</h1> <img src="Part15/Probation1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <<set $AcademicProbationEndWeek to 12>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You want to get off academic probation as quick as you can. You think you are going to go crazy <<if $CampusMinistry or $CampusMinistryFailSummer>> from how horny the denial the dean put you on is making you. <<else>> if you don't orgasm soon. <</if>> <<else>> You are still expected to get off of academic probation. Though you aren't nearly as worried about it now that the dean has removed the orgasm block that was denying you. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you have so much to catch up on from last year, and you have to do it without falling behind again this year. To get off probation, you have to get help in both the classes you failed last year. The math class you failed in the spring, and then the class you failed back in December too. The professors are too busy taking care of their current students, you'd missed your chance to get their help. But there are teaching assistants available for both subjects. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Unfortunately for you, the only times they are free are the same for both of them. So you can only schedule with one of them. You'll have to finish one subject and then move on to the other one. And each one will take a month or more! It's going to take you [[most of the semester|Part15ClassesStart]] to get off of probation! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> If only there were some way you could convince one of them to work a bit longer. If they only new how much you needed this. Oh well, it takes however long as it takes. You're determined to get off probation eventually. <<elseif !$AcademicProbationDenial>> But you aren't that worried about how long it will take, now that you can orgasm again. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>>Well, at least in theory that is.<</if>> <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt and $Keyholder == "computer" and $JobBetaTester == "chaste">> You know how to concince at least one of them, probably both. But you know how your belt would punish you if you tried. So you decide it's better to spend $AcademicProbationEndWeek weeks on probation than half that but in pain. And maybe, if you behave yourself, maybe your belt will decide to give you one of those orgams the manual says it can provide. <<elseif $dating.length>> You know how to concince at least one of them, probably both. But you don't want to cheat on $dating[0]. At some level you know you deserve to be <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>>denied.<<else>>on probation.<</if>> It'll just be longer than you'd thought before you're caught back up. <<else>> Both of the TAs are guys, and not much older than you. After a bit of flirting and asking real nice, you figure out that either of them would be willing to work something out. The Math TA is willing to help you in [[one of the lecture halls|Part15ProbationMath]] that aren't being used at that time of day. He has a girlfriend, so you assume he won't trying anything. Probably. But he keeps making suspicious comments about "seeing much more of you in class", so you don't know. <br><br> The other TA wants to to [[clean his apartment|Part15ProbationMaid]] for him every week, and he'll give you your lessons there. Being alone in his apartment with just him, you wonder if he has something more in mind than just housework. <br><br> It'll probably take you all semester, but you could also just try to [[get caught up yourself|Part15ProbationAlone]], without some possibly creepy guy's help. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Trying to catch up on your own</h1> <img src="Part15/Probation31.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <<set $AcademicProbationTutor to "alone">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've learned the <<if setup.haveFucked("David") or setup.haveFucked("Ken") or setup.haveFucked("Athlete (massage client)") or setup.haveFucked("Coach") or setup.haveFucked("Engineering Department Head") or setup.haveFucked("University Donor") or setup.haveFucked("Library Boss") or setup.haveFucked("Remote Tester") or setup.haveFucked("Campus Police Officer") or setup.haveFucked("Tutor 1") or setup.haveFucked("Student Activities Guy 1") or setup.haveFucked("Athlete (yoga)") or setup.haveFucked("Art Professor") or setup.haveFucked("Lab Technician") or setup.haveFucked("Professor")>> "hard" <<else>> hard <</if>> way that the men at this university can't be trusted. You aren't going to put your future in the hands of some horny guys who are probably more interested it whether they can get you bent over their desk getting fucked, or on your knees sucking their cock, than they are with whether you pass or not. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <table><tr> <td><img src="Part15/Probation32.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"></td> <td><img src="Part15/Engineer27.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"></td> </tr></table> No! Suceed or fail, you are determined to do it [[on your own|Part15ClassesStart]], based on your academic abilities, not any other abilities you might have. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Keep trying until you get it right</h1> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <img src="Part15/Probation4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<else>> <img src="Part15/Probation2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</if>> <<set $AcademicProbationEndWeek /= 2>> <<set $AcademicProbationTutor to "math">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The Math TA is willing to work extra hours without pay to help you out. He says the large boards in some of the lecture halls are perfect for working through some of the more difficult problems you had the most trouble with. Luckily at that time of day there are a number of them available. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The one concession he had you make was his little form of encouragement. Whenever you get an answer wrong, or don't know what to do next, you have to take off an article of clothing. Once you've done that, he works with you to help you through the part you are having problems with. As this was a class you'd already struggled in, you usually end your tutoring sessions in the nude, or nearly so. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've wondered what he'd ask of you once you were out of clothes to take of and were <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> down to just your chastity belt. <<else>> completely naked. <</if>> But he doesn't ask for any sexual favors like you'd expected. Instead he just watches as you do a couple dozen jumping jacks. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Students have walked in a few times looking for a different room. Sometimes they immediately leave when they figure out their mistake. Other times they forget about whatever class they were trying to find, and stay to watch you work. You can tell they are hoping for more wrong answers. They must be telling their friends about your sessions, as each day you meet there are more and more people watching. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if ($PlayerChastityBelt and $Keyholder == "computer") or $PlayerSideEffectOral>> It's going to take a while still, for both this class, and your other one, but at least an end is in sight. Maybe in a month or so you'll be finally be off probation. <br><br> Your TA may not be asking for any sexual favors, but seeing his how hard his cock is as he tutors you, or sometimes feeling it as he leans over you, makes you wish he would. You know how your belt will reward you if you suck his cock. But unfortunately for you he doesn't seem interested, though that's probably fortunate for his girlfriend. <br><br> While he may not be interested, [[most of the audience|Part15ProbationMath2]] that has started to show up for your session is. <<else>> It's going to [[take a while still|Part15ClassesStart]], for both this class, and your other one, but at least an end is in sight. Maybe in a month or so you'll be finally off probation. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Keep trying until you get it right</h1> <img src="PartX/BackHome20.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<set $AcademicProbationTutorSex to [{sex:"male"},{sex:"male"},{sex:"male"},{sex:"male"},{sex:"male"},{sex:"male"},{sex:"male"},{sex:"male"},{sex:"male"},{sex:"male"},{sex:"male"},{sex:"male"},{sex:"male"},{sex:"male"},{sex:"male"},{sex:"male"},{sex:"male"},{sex:"male"},{sex:"male"},{sex:"male"},{sex:"male"},{sex:"male"},{sex:"male"},{sex:"male"},{sex:"male"},{sex:"male"},{sex:"male"},{sex:"male"}]>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you beg your tutor to let you suck his cock, and he refuses, it doesn't take long for one of the guys who have been watching to volunteer. Now it's your tutor's turn to watch as you kneel down in front of the first row of seats and start sucking his cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As your head bobs up and down, your belt slowly brings you to the edge of an orgasm and keeps you there. That is until he grabs you head and shoves you down further on to his cock as he cums. As the cum shoots down your throat, your belt stops, leaving you whimpering for more. No matter how many times it happens, your body always acts like it's a surprise you aren allowed to cum. But no matter how many times you are denied, and how frustrating it is when you are, it feels so good before then that you can't resist. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As soon as the first spectator is done, the next is ready and waiting. The tutor usually leaves long before you've finished all of them. And word seems to be spreading, each day there seems to be more of them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's going to [[take a while still|Part15ClassesStart]], for both this class, and your other one, but at least an end is in sight. Maybe in a month or so you'll be finally off probation. Though you wonder if maybe you'll want to keep coming to the lecture hall anyway after you're done. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Cleaning up for your tutor</h1> <img src="Part15/Probation3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set $AcademicProbationEndWeek /= 2>> <<set $AcademicProbationTutor to "maid">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your TA is willing to work extra hours without pay to help you out. But he has a few conditions for you. To compensate him for his time, you have to come to his apartment and clean it for him whenever you are there for your lessons. And he has a special outfit he wants you to wear. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You didn't have much doubt before that there would be more expected of you once you were alone with him in his appointment. When you see the latex maid outfit he has for you, even that small amount of doubt is gone. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your first visit there he's disappointed that you show up in your regular clothes and bring your maid outfit along with you. He makes it clear that he expects you to be wearing the costume when you arrive next time. <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> You are already wet thinking about everyone seeing you walk across campus wearing it. <<else>> You can only imagine the reactions you are going to get as you walk across campus wearing it. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Part way through your lesson you can tell he is a bit distracted. You glance at his shorts, and see the reason why. "[[Would you like me to help you with that sir?|Part15ProbationMaid2]]", you ask as you move from your chair to kneel in front of his. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Between lessons</h1> <img src="Part15/Probation5.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<set $AcademicProbationTutorSex to [{sex:"male", name:"Tutor"},{sex:"male", name:"Tutor"},{sex:"male", name:"Tutor"},{sex:"male", name:"Tutor"},{sex:"male", name:"Tutor"}]>> <<else>> <<set $AcademicProbationTutorSex to [{sex:"male", name:"Tutor"},{sex:"male", name:"Tutor", vaginal:true},{sex:"male", name:"Tutor"},{sex:"male", name:"Tutor", vaginal:true},{sex:"male", name:"Tutor"},{sex:"male", name:"Tutor", vaginal:true},{sex:"male", name:"Tutor"},{sex:"male", name:"Tutor", vaginal:true},{sex:"male", name:"Tutor"},{sex:"male", name:"Tutor", vaginal:true},{sex:"male", name:"Tutor"},{sex:"male", name:"Tutor", vaginal:true}]>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Whenever your tutor starts to get to distracted from your lessons he stops for a while. And then you help relieve what was distracting him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Between lessons he likes to make use of the opening your maid outfit has left him. <<if $BodyType == "Petite">> The top squeezes and pushes everything up just right, so even your modest breasts are fuckable. <<elseif $BodyType == "Plus">> Your ample breasts are just too much for him to resist. <</if>> <<if ($PlayerChastityBelt and $Keyholder == "computer") or $PlayerSideEffectOral>> You lick your lips hoping he'll let you use your mouth instead. You hunger for a taste of his cum, but there's not a drop for you, at least not right now. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he's done, he cums down your chest and you can feel each warm spurt of cum as it hits and then starts to ooze down to your stomach. The tightness of your outfit keeps it from going much further. He has you leave it there to dry while you both get back to your lesson. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you are done for the day, then he has you <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> kneel and suck his <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $Keyholder == "computer">> cock. Your belt detects it and starts to pleasure you. You are on the edge of an orgasm again when he cums for you. It's good that he waited until after the lesson because you are left desperately horny and would have been unable to focus on your work. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOral>> cock finally! <<else>> cock. He can't bend you over the desk and fuck you like you would both prefer. <</if>> After reminding you of the time for your next appointment, he ushers you out the door. You walk away from his apartment in your maid costume still, you feel your stomach sticking to the latex from the dried cum from earlier, and you can also feel some of his fresh cum on your chin. <<else>> bend over the desk you were just working at. He hikes up your skirt and starts fucking you right there. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You can't feel it, but it sounds like he's enjoying it enough for both of you. It isn't long until he's cumming for you. <<else>> You grasp on to anything you can find on the desk for support. It isn't long until you are both cumming. <</if>> <br><br> <<if !$PlayerPregnant and $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> He pulls off the condom he was wearing, and cums on your ass. <<elseif !$PlayerPregnant and $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> He pulls out at the last moment, and cums on your ass. <<else>> He fills you with his cum. Leaving a bit more on your ass as he pulls out, <</if>> As you stand up and pull your skirt back down, it pushes the cum down. You can feel it trickle down the crack of your ass and also down your leg. <br><br> After reminding you of the time for your next appointment, he ushers you out the door. You walk away from his apartment in your maid costume still, you feel your stomach sticking to the latex from the dried cum from earlier, in addition to the fresh cum on your ass and leg. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's going to [[take a while still|Part15ClassesStart]], for both this class, and your other one, but at least an end is in sight. Maybe in a month or so you'll be finally off probation. Though you wonder if maybe you'll want to keep coming to his apartment anyway after you're done. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Classes Beginning</h1> <img src="Part15/Class1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are <<if $PlayerLazyStudent>>actually<</if>> excited for classes to be starting. There's fewer of the general classes everyone has to take this year, and more that actually interest you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You also have a [[Women's Studies|Part15WomensStudies]] class you are signed up for. It gives you one of the Humanities credits you need, and you figure it would especially good for you. You've only had a year as a woman, so you are sure there's a lot you can learn. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are a little worried. You've heard some 'radical' feminist don't like X-Change users. You assume shes a feminist if she's teaching a woman studies class. She's new to the university this year, so you can't even ask around about her. Hopefully she won't be an X-hater. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Then you remember, you don't need this specific class. So if she turns out to be one of those people, then you can always switch classes the first week or two of the term. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Women's Studies Class</h1> <img src="Part15/Class2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you get to your class, you are relieved during your professor's introductory lecture. She isn't like you had worried she might be at all. Now that you think about it, you were probably silly to be worried at all. Of course the university wouldn't have hired someone that hated X-Change users given their involvement with the implant trial. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "It doesn't matter to me what sex or gender you were assigned at birth, or which one you identify with now. All I ask is that you treat me and your fellow students in this class with respect," she tells the class. "And Ladies, in particular," she continues, though most of the class appear to be female. "I want to point out that while obviously those that transitioned recently as part of the X-Change program have had different experiences than you up to this point. That doesn't mean they are any less of a woman now." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "They may have had 18 years of male privilege before they came here, but they gave that up so they could be their true selves.", she continues. "We should be welcoming even to those that will eventually return to their old bodies after they leave here. First I expect many of them that plan on changing back never will, either by choice or by circumstance. But even those that do change back, with four years of experience as a woman, they will return to their old bodies as much better men than they were before." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "In addition to X-Shaming, something else that won't be allowed in this class is so-called 'Slut Shaming'. Your bodies are yours. And so long as everyone involved is consenting, no one here should judge you for how or with whom you seek pleasure. Or whether you choose not to, for that matter." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After going over her expectations, she goes over the syllabus, and then starts with the main part of her first lecture. Near the end of the class she sends out a link to a survey she hopes everyone will fill out. It's completely anonymous, so please be as honest as you can. I want to get an idea of everyones past experiences. I'll share the summarized information with you all after I've gone through the data. And any comments I share will be anonymized to remove any personal details. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You have to hurry to your next class as you are running late. You and several other students stayed around talking to her after class. You think she may end up being your favorite professor. <<if setup.areDating('Aaron')>> Well, second favorite. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You make it to your next class on time. You are hoping to be better about your attendance this term. You are also hoping to stay on top of your assignments and studying for your exams so there won't be any danger of you having trouble this year. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $Roommate == "Kate">> Of course [[Kate|Part15LivingKate]] is also encouraging you to do well this year. She's told you she would have threatened to punish you if you don't do well, but she knows that might actually encourage you to do worse, just so you get punished. <<elseif $Roommate == "Veronica">> Of course [[Veronica|Part15LivingVeronica]] is also encouraging you to do well. <<if $JobCheerleader or $JobAthlete>> You both need to keep up your GPA to maintain your eligibility. <<else>> She needs to keep up her GPA to maintain her eligibility, and she wants you to succeed too. <</if>> <<elseif $Roommate == "Aaron">> Of course [[Daddy|Part15LivingAaron]] is making sure his baby girl does well in school. <<elseif $Roommate == "Andrew">> Of course [[Andrew will help|Part15LivingAndrew]] make sure you do well, even all the wedding planning keeps distracting you. <<elseif $dating.length and $BoyfriendStrictChastity>> Of course $dating[0] is making sure you are keeping up with your studies. Trying to help control your sluttiness wasn't the only thing your father talked to him about. They both also want to make sure you do well in school. <br><br> You know [[your boyfriend|Part15BoyfriendEngineeringChastity]] won't be unlocking you if you start falling behind in class. <<elseif $dating.length and setup.sexVaginalCount() > 0>> Of course $dating[0] is encouraging you as well. And he can do it full time now that the two of you have decided that you [[will be living together|Part15MovingIn]] now. <<elseif $PlayerMother>> Hopefully taking care of $children[0].name won't prevent you from getting your coursework done. Thankfully [[the apartment|Part15LivingMotherApt]] the university assigned to you is close to the daycare. <<elseif $SororityDTD or $SororitySEX>> It might be hard with all of the craziness that goes on at the sorority house sometimes, but you're determined to do well this year. Though there's one distraction you are looking forward to this week, the [[back-to-school competition|Part15Sorority]] the different greek organizations are having. <<elseif $SororityELP>> <<if $dating.length>> Of course $dating[0] is encouraging you as well. Hopefully <<else>> Maybe <</if>> whomever you'll be sharing a dorm room with this year will be able to help you stay on track too. <br><br> But right now all you can think about is the [[back-to-school competition|Part15Sorority]] the different greek organizations are having. You think it's nice that they include your sorority too. <<elseif $dating.length>> Of course $dating[0] is encouraging you as well. Hopefully whomever [[you'll be sharing a dorm room with|Part15Dorm]] this year will be able to help you stay on track too. <<else>> Maybe whoever [[you'll be sharing a dorm room with|Part15Dorm]] this year will be able to help you stay on track. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Going over the Women's Studies class survey results</h1> <img src="Part15/Class3.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Today in your Women's Studies class, your professor has the results of the survey she had the female-identifying students in your class, and many other students, take earlier in the semester. "I have compiled the results of the survey and his confirmed some of my suspicions," she begins. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Nationwide, if you exclude universities with a strong religious focus, then 21% percent of undergraduate women have never had sex before," she informs the class. "That number drops to 10% if you concentrate solely on long-term or permanent X-Change users. The possible reasons for that difference is an entire topic of discussion itself, but not one we'll be addressing today. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "However, as you can see on this graph, the numbers are much different here at this university. Only 5% of the women surveyed reported never having had sex before, and only a single one of the X-Change respondants reported that way. Just one, out of several hundered X-Change users that responded." <<if $CampusMinistryFailFall2>> You blush, knowing that it's you that she is referring to. Not that it's true anymore though. <<elseif setup.sexCount() == 1 and $sex[0].anon == 'Rapist'>> You cringe, knowing that it's you that she is referring to. You know it's no longer true though, and not by your choice. <<elseif setup.sexCount() > 5>> You smile a bit, knowing that certainly wasn't you she was talking about. <<elseif setup.sexCount()>> You listen, wondering who the one X-Change users was, if it's someone you know from the program. <<else>> You blush, knowing that it's you that she is referring to. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "There were several others that identified as heterosexual and reported never having had intercourse, but having had a great deal of experience with oral sex, but only on the giving end of it, never having been the recipient. From some of the free-response answers I suspect there may be an unusually high prevalence of BDSM activity at the university, but I didn't ask any specific questions to tease out that detail. It will have to be something to explore in the future." <<if setup.haveInventory('sex toys', 'beta test collar 2')>> <br><br> You feel like she is judging you as she glances over at you while mentioning BDSM activity. You've gotten used to wearing your collar, everywhere but here. You still feel like she would kick you out of her class for being a failure to feminism or something if she knew you spent most of your free time on your knees servicing men, hoping for an orgasm of your own. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "If the large discrepancies between this university and the national averages were the only findings from the survey, it would be interesting, but perhaps explainable by the repretation the university has developed, and the sort of students that might attract. However, there were some [[more troubling findings|Part15WomensStudies3]] from the survey as well." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Troubling results</h1> <img src="Part15/Class3.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300" align="left"> "I've also found a distubing level of workplace sexual activity in the survey results," you professor continues. "The vast majority of jobs, for young women at least, at the university and nearby, seem to have an sexual component. While sex among coworkers can be common in your age group, this goes far, far beyond that. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "There were many, many reports of inappropriate sexual relationships between students and professors, and between students and their bosses. It isn't clear to what extent the university is aware of these activitiy and doing nothing, or whether they are just not aware of it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "There was a somewhat higher than normal number of respondants that reported prostituion or other forms of adult entertainment as their primary source of income. However, of more concern are the other jobs, especially those from the university itself. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "There seems to be numerous young women being paid primarily to provide sexual services to the university's athletes. Presumably young men as well, from the reports of some of the female athletes that responded. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Many cheerleaders reported sex with athletes as well, though this is not surprising. Of concern though, is that some of them seem to be engaging in what sounds like prostitution for the benefit of the university's athletic program! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "The sexual services for athletes and donors is a clear violation of NCAA rules, and I would expect several state laws as well. Ordinarily this would be my biggest concern. However there is something [[much more troubling|Part15WomensStudies4]] that seems to be going on. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Troubling reports about the engineering department</h1> <<if $JobEngineer or $JobEngineerLock or $JobTestSubject or $JobBetaTester or $JobTestSubjectOld or $JobEngineerOld>> <<set $tempEngineeringDeptJob to 1>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "And then there's university's engineering department..." she pauses for a moment. "The engineering department seems to be experimenting on students - female students primarily. From the survey responses it isn't clear what their goals are. And they haven't filed their study protocols with the university's IRB, as would be required at any other institution engaging in human research. In fact the university doesn't even seem to <i>have</i> an IRB. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Most of the free-form responses regarding the department report young women being physically restrained, then sexually stimulated for an extended period of time. The young women are then either forced to orgasm repeatedly, or prevented from orgasming altogether. There are also a couple reports of the department attempting to impregnant test subjects, or at least telling them that they are going to do so. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part13/Engineer1.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $tempEngineeringDeptJob and $JobBetaTester != "chaste" and $JobBetaTester != "monogamous">> Your mind wanders as you remember some of the experiments she's referring to. <<else>> Your mind wanders as you imagine the experiments they might be doing over there. <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> You fantasize about going over and seeing if you can volunteer. <<else>> You are starting to get wet imagining what it'd be like to orgasm over and over and not be able to stop it. <</if>> <</if>> <<if $JobBetaTester or $PlayerChastityBelt or $MinistryBeltDecline>> But you quickly focus and listen more carefully when you hear her mention 'chastity belts'. <</if>> "And there are also responses regarding 'chastity belts' being worn. These seem closely correlated to those involved with the Engineering department. Though from the limited questions in this regard it's not clear how this relates. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "If any of you have any personal experience working with the engineering department and would like to share it with me so I can get to the bottom of whatever is going on there, please see me during my office hours, or if you prefer, email me and we can arrange a place and time to meet off campus." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating("Eric")>> You know exactly the experiments she's talking about. But you aren't about to talk to her about it. She seems out for blood, and you don't want Eric, Kyle, you, or anyone else getting caught up in her crusade or whatever. <br><br> At first you plan on just staying out of it entirely, but when you tell Eric about it, he urges you to go to the department head to [[let him know about your professor|Part15WomensStudiesReport]] and her investigation. <<elseif $JobBetaTester == "chaste">> You don't know about the experiments she is talking about, but you do know about the chastity belts she mentioned. You could arrange to meet with her and tell her about yours, but you signed those non-disclosure agreements. You wouldn't want to violate any rules and have them take your belt away. "<b><i>I am not capable of controlling my sexual urges. I need to be locked in my chastity belt to protect me from my urges</i></b>," you think. Then you think "<b><i>I can't be trusted to decide when I orgasm. My orgasms should be a rare and precious gift.</i></b>" Your mind drifts away to thoughts of your husband unlocking you on your honeymoon. <br><br> When you start to focus again, you wonder what came over you. Maybe it would be good to [[talk to your professor|Part15WomensStudiesTalkChastityChaste]] so she knows it's not as bad as she thinks. You could also stop by the department and [[talk to the department head|Part15WomensStudiesReport]]. Maybe if he knew your professor was concerned, he could tell her about the wonderful work they are doing. Or you could just [[stay out of it|Part15WomensStudiesQuiet]]. <<elseif $JobBetaTester == "deny">> You don't know about the rest of what she's talking about, but you certainly know about the chastity belt she'd mentioned. You aren't going to go talk ther her about it though. You already know the belt is monitoring what you say and punishing you if you say anything bad about the belt, or ask to be out of it. You aren't going to risk that for her 'study'. You certainly aren't going to give the entineering department any warnings that they are being investigated either. <br><br> You decide it's best to just [[stay out of it|Part15WomensStudiesQuiet]]. <<elseif $ComputerChastityOwner>> You don't know about the experiments she is talking about, but you do know about the chastity belts she mentioned. You could arrange to meet with her and tell her about yours, and how there's nothing wrong about it since $dating[0] signed you up for it, and you agreed to it. But you signed those non-disclosure agreements, so you don't even want to do that. <br><br> You decide it's best to just [[stay out of it|Part15WomensStudiesQuiet]]. <<elseif $tempEngineeringDeptJob>> You know exactly the experiments she's talking about. You could arrange to meet with her and <<if setup.haveInventory('sex toys', 'beta test collar 2')>> tell her all you know about what is going on the engineering department. You won't though. You already feel like she is judging you, you can only imagine what it'd be like if you told her about being bound to their machines and begging to cum, or begging to suck their cock to make the machine stop making you cum, or any of the other things you've done during testing. <br><br> <<else>> [[tell her all you know|Part15WomensStudiesTalkTesting]] about what is going on in the engineering department. <</if>> The survey was anonymous, so she doesn't know you were one of the students working with them so you could just [[keep quiet about it|Part15WomensStudiesQuiet]]. You could also stop by the department and [[warn the department head|Part15WomensStudiesReport]] that she is investigating them. <<elseif $MinistryBeltDecline>> <<set $tempWomensStudiesNothingToReport to 1>> You don't know about the experiments she is talking about, but you were offered one of the chastity belts she mentioned. Since you turned down the offer, you [[don't have anything more to tell her|Part15WomensStudiesQuiet]] about them though. From hearing the other things the department is doing, you think you made the right decision not getting involved with them. You hope some of the students that know more come forward and help her get to the bottom of all this. <<elseif $CampusMinistry or $dating.length>> <<set $tempWomensStudiesNothingToReport to 1>> You don't know about the experiments she is talking about or the belts and have [[nothing to tell her|Part15WomensStudiesQuiet]]. But that department sounds like a real menace. You hope some of the students that know more come forward and help her get to the bottom of all this. <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt>> You don't know about the experiments she is talking about, though your are horny enough right now you'd be tempted to volunteer for that forced orgasm experiment if you could. You certainly know about chastity belts, though not from the engineering department. But overall, it sounds like that department is menace. You hope some of the students that know more come forward and help her get to the bottom of all this. <br><br> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <<elseif $JobModel>> You don't know about the experiments she is talking about, but you can't help thinking about them. From the fun you've had with some of the guys, and girls, from the engineering department, you don't doubt there is some truth to the rumors she is telling the class about. Though she is being far too dramatic about it. The thought of being tied and forced to orgasm sounds <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>>amazing!<<else>>fun!<</if>> <br><br> You decide to stop by the department and [[tell your friends that you've heard rumors|Part15WomenStudiesAskAbout]] about girls having a lot of fun there. <<elseif $AcademicProbationDenial>> You don't know about the experiments she is talking about, but you can't help thinking about them. Despite how bad she says they are, the thought of being tied and forced to orgasm sounds amazing. If it weren't for your denial from being on probation, you'd go by the department and beg to be a part of it. Instead, you'll just [[stay out of it|Part15WomensStudiesQuiet]] and wait to see what she finds out. <<else>> You don't know about the experiments she is talking about, but you can't help thinking about them. Despite how bad she says they are, the thought of being tied and forced to orgasm sounds <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>>amazing.<<else>>fun.<</if>> Maybe you could stop by the department and [[tell them you heard rumors|Part15WomenStudiesAskAbout]] about girls having a lot of fun there. You could have an exciting time and lots of orgasm, then report back what you find out. Or you could just [[stay out of it|Part15WomensStudiesQuiet]] and wait to see what she finds out. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Telling her about the testing</h1> <<if $JobEngineerLock>> You know your belt can listen on what you say, so you don't want to trigger anything by say the wrong words. You also don't trust that there isn't spyware installed with the belt software on your phone. <<elseif $JobBetaTester>> With all the things that got installed on your phone when you set up your belt, you don't trust that they aren't monitoring your emails. <<else>> You know the information you have is under that non-disclosure agreement you signed, and you don't want to have evidence in your email that you are about to violate it. <</if>> So you are very vague in your email, just mentioning that you want to "come by your office hours to discuss some issues you had with the topic brought up in today's class." She seems to grasp your concern and arranges a time when there won't be many others in the building. <<if $JobEngineerLock or $JobBetaTester>> <br><br> As soon as you close the door to her office, you make a "shh" sign with your finger and mouth, and then show her your belt. You write on her whiteboard: <<if $JobEngineerLock>> "The belt can listen to what I say!" <<else>> "I've heard the belt can listen to what I say." <</if>> You then write several code words you and her should use to make it sound like you are talking about something else. As you talk with her about the engineering department, you occasionally go to the whiteboard whenever you want to 'say' something you think the belt might pick up on. <</if>> <<set $WomensStudiesProfessorTalk to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobEngineer or $JobEngineerLock or $JobEngineerOld>> <<include [[Part15WomensStudiesTalkTestingEngineer]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15WomensStudiesTalkTestingSubject]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if setup.haveFucked('Remote Tester')>> <video src="Part6/SpecialProject3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <<else>> <video src="Part3/JobEngineer7.webm" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "They were paying me. But I thought what they were doing was legitimate science," you start. "And I'll admit it was fun, sometimes at least." You proceed to tell her about how they'd usually strap you down so you were bound, helpless, and unable to move. Sometimes blindfolded or gagged too. Then they'd attach things to your nipples, fuck you with machines, stimulate your clit. You tell her it was different almost every time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Sometimes they'd keep me on the edge for an hour and not let me orgasm, then make me walk out horny and desperate. Other times, they'd make me come so many times I'd barely be able to walk at all when I left." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Sometimes they'd leave the room, but I know they were watching and listening, and recording from somewhere. Other times they'd stay in the room and control part of it themselves. Or they'd just be there waiting for me to beg. Sometimes I'd be begging to be able to orgasm, other times I'd be begging for them to make it stop. Usually they'd just ignore my pleas, but other times they'd give me what I wanted, but only after I sucked their cock." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.haveFucked('Remote Tester')>> Then you tell her about the 'special project' from last Halloween. "They promised $500 and orgasms, but once I was bound and unable to remove, they told me I was supposed to try not to orgasm if I didn't want them to take money away or punish me in other ways. Then they had guys on the internet somewhere fuck some toy and the machine would fuck me to match what they were doing. <br><br> <<if $SpecialProjectMoney == 500>> I did get the $500, but only because I managed not to orgasm. Still, $500 for a couple hours of frustration wasn't a bad deal for me. I heard it wasn't such a great deal for some of the other girls. <<else>> <<if $SpecialProjectMoney >= 400>> I did end up getting <<print '$'>>$SpecialProjectMoney out of it. <<else>> I only ended up getting <<print '$'>>$SpecialProjectMoney out of it. <</if>> <<if $ProjectPunishmentDenial>> But for one of their punishments for orgasming, they put something on my clit and inside me, and I couldn't cum for over a month! <</if>> <<if $ProjectPunishmentBirthControl>> I had a birth control feature on my X-Change implant, and they turned it off - permanently, as a punishment for orgasming. <</if>> <<if $ProjectPunishmentFertile>> As another punishment they changed my X-Change implant make me much more fertile than normal. <<if $PlayerSideEffectPermanent>>Permanently!<</if>> And I can't even use birth control pills! <</if>> <<if $ProjectPunishmentCorporal>> They punished me after they were done fucking me too. They tied me to a post and whipped my breasts. Then they put something on them where I couldn't wear anything, a bra, a shirt, or anything, for over a week. And I had to go to class and everywhere else like that! <</if>> <<if $ProjectPunishmentSemen>> <br><br> And what you heard about them trying to impregnate students is true too. After I came too many times, they started using real semen instead of their fake lube stuff. <<if setup.specialProjectPossibleImpregnated()>> And I did get pregnant around that same time, so I don't think they were bluffing about it either. <<else>> Or at least that's what they said they were doing. <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> And I think I was almost one of those girls they tried to impregnant. There was some special project they emailed about that promised $500 and orgasms. From what I heard other girls say, they were fucked by some machine controlled remotely over the internet, and punished if they orgasmed. But all I have is an email and rumors, since I didn't join in. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You also go over what you know about the new <<if $JobBetaTester>> [[chastity belts|Part15WomensStudiesTalkChastity]] <<else>> [[chastity belts|Part15WomensStudiesTalkTestingSubjectChastity]] <</if>> the department is testing now. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <video src="Part3/JobEngineer4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You start telling her, "I didn't know they were violating any rules. I thought what I was doing was legal, and for science." She listens and doesn't offer any forgiveness or condemnation as you continue with your confession. "I thought we were making products to make women's lives better, more fun, and pleasurable. Maybe they still are, even if they aren't following review board rules like they should." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You start telling her about all the testing you've done while you worked in the engineering department. Binding women to equipment, then sometimes forcing them to orgasm, other times keeping them on the edge and denying them for the entire session. You tell her how some of the machines were even your own designs. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "But they were all volunteers," you stress. "And I wouldn't ever test anything on them that I wouldn't use myself. In fact, I've been in their place many times." You start telling her about your experiences being bound to one of your own creations, or one of your coworker's creations. Or just being bound and fucked at the end of a shift when you are all so horny from watching the testing all day. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When she asks about the purpose of the testing you tell her that there are several different teams working on different things, so there may be other things going on too. But you know they are testing the difference between orgasms in natural-born women and those that took X-Change. You also know they are testing the equipment's ability to detect when an orgasm is approaching. And, of course, just general testing for how enjoyable various products are. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and her go over in great detail all the different tests and products you are aware of, how they've been tested on students, and how the subjects have no 'safeword' to end an experiment before the session's time is up. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You also go over the new [[chastity belts|Part15WomensStudiesTalkTestingEngineerChastity]] the department is testing now. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Telling her about the computerized chastity belts</h1> <<if $JobBetaTester>> <img src="Part15/Engineer13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<else>> <img src="Part11/Chastity1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobBetaTester>> With all the stuff they had you put on your phone when you installed the belt's app, you don't trust that they can't read your emails. So you are very vague in your email, just mentioning that you want to "come by your office hours to discuss some issues you had with the topic brought up in today's class." She seems to grasp your concern and arranges a time when there won't be many others in the building. <br><br> As soon as you close the door to her office, you make a "shh" sign with your finger and mouth, and then show her your belt. You write on her whiteboard: "The belt listens to what I say!" You then write several code words you and her should use to make it sound like you are talking about something else. <br><br> You then go on to tell her about your experiences with the belt, using your code words and the whiteboard as needed. You let her know about how your belt keeps you so horny <<if $JobBetaTester == "monogamous">> whenever you are near $dating[0]. <<else>> all the time. <</if>> <<if $DailyBJMinimum>> You write that if you don't give <<if $JobBetaTester == "monogamous">>him<</if>> at least <<if $DailyBJMinimum == 1>>one blowjob<<else>>$DailyBJMinimum blowjobs<</if>> every day, your belt punishes you. "I don't mind though, I love sucking <<if $JobBetaTester == "monogamous">>$dating[0]'s<</if>> cock," you say excitedly. <</if>> <<elseif $JobChangeTestSubjectPregnant>> "Now they are testing some sort of computer chastity belt," you tell her. "They didn't want me for testing due to my pregnancy, but I've heard about it from some of the other girls. It makes them go insane with how horny they are all the time. They are also..., sucking every cock they can. The belt rewards them when they do." <<elseif $JobBetaTesterFormer and $BrokenLegJobChange>> "Now they are testing some sort of computer chastity belt," you tell her. "I was in one until my accident. I thought I was going to go insane with how horny it made me all the time." You then go into much more detail about all the things belt did or that you knew it could do. <br><br> "I'm not sure I'd be talking to you now if I was still in it," you tell her. "I'd probably be too scared of what they could do to me with the belt if they'd found out." <<elseif $ComputerChastityOwner>> You tell her about the chastity belts the department is testing now, and how they plan on marketing them very soon. "My boyfriend is in full control of my belt, which I enjoy. But most of the other girls they have testing them are being controlled by the department, and it seems much less fun for them." <<else>> "Now they are testing some sort of computer chastity belt," you tell her. "I quit rather than let them put one of those on me. So all I know is what they said at the meeting." <br><br> "They said this one wasn't like regular chastity belts, and could also get you off, if they wanted it to. They promised an orgasm the first day if you put one on. That sounded like a trap to me. Some of the girls on academic probation couldn't resist the chance though. Some of the other girls either just want the money, or like the idea of being controlled, or for whatever reason said yes." <br><br> Your professor sighs when you mention academic probation. She must have already heard what happens to the X-Change girls who are struggling with their grades. You continue on about the belt. "They wouldn't tell much more until you signed an NDA, and put on a belt, so that's all I know about it." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After much more discussion with her, she thanks you for your honesty and lets you know how she [[plans to proceed|Part15WomensStudiesPlan]] with the information you've given her. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Telling her about the computerized chastity belts</h1> <<if $ComputerChastityOwner>> <img src="Part15/Engineer13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<else>> <img src="Part11/Chastity1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</if>> You tell her about the chastity belts the department is testing now, and how they plan on marketing them very soon. <<if $ComputerChastityOwner and $JobEngineerLockFormer>> "I was doing security testing on it until recently," you tell her. "So, I've been wearing it for most of the semester." You tell her how you were forced to start testing it if you wanted to stay in the Engineering program after you got on academic probation, and how you thought you would go insane. "My boyfriend is in full control now though, which I like <i>a lot</i> more." <<elseif $ComputerChastityOwner>> "My boyfriend is in full control of my belt, which I enjoy. But most of the other girls they have testing them are being controlled by the department, and it seems much less fun for them." <<elseif $JobEngineerLockFormer>> "I was doing security testing on it until recently," you tell her. "So, I've been wearing it for most of the semester." You tell her how you were forced to start testing it if you wanted to stay in the Engineering program after you got on academic probation, and how you thought you would go insane. "I'm so happy I'm done with that testing now." <<else>> "I been compiling most of the belt status reports, and user comments coming back. The majority of the testers seem insanely horny all the time. And most of their comments are them begging for an orgasm, and offering to do anything for me if I give them one." You pause and add, "I can't even if I wanted to. The department head and the project manager control all that. I just write up the reports." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "The belts have several different modes. There's a 'monogamous' mode meant to be used by couples. <<if $ComputerChastityOwner>>That's the one I'm on.<</if>> There's a 'chaste' mode that is intended for those wanting to wait until marriage for sex - they don't have many testers for that one. The standard mode is the one most are on, and it keeps them horny all the time. It also makes them want to give blowjobs, lots of blowjobs." You recount some of the crazy reports you've written up on the number of blowjobs some of the users have given in hopes of their next 'reward' orgasm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You also mention that there's a timed 'self-lock' mode that you don't think is being tested right now, and several other modes you don't know much about. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When she asks about women that want to exit the testing program, you let her know that you don't know of any that have left. You know of a few that requested it, but their belt's "Complaint Detection" systems were activated and they stopped complaining to avoid the punishments from the belt. You then go into a discussion of the various punishments the belt can inflict for whatever it's current mode considers 'bad' behaivor. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After much more discussion with her, she thanks you for your honesty and lets you know how she [[plans to proceed|Part15WomensStudiesPlan]] with the information you've given her. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Telling her about your belt</h1> <img src="Part15/Engineer13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> You stop by your professor's office during her normal office hours. "Can I speak with you a moment about the Engineering department?" you ask her. She invites you in, and after you close her office door, you lift up your top to show her the belt you are wearing. <<set $WomensStudiesProfessorTalk to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I don't know anything about those other tests you were talking about, but I do know something about the engineering department, and they don't seem as bad as you were saying. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'm the one X-Change student in your survey that is still a virgin," you tell her. "And I probably wouldn't be if the engineering department hadn't let me wear this. Last year was such a struggle to resist all the urges my new body had, but I somehow managed. When I heard the engineering department had something that could help me, I met with them right away. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I was a little nervous at first, because I thought chastity was something horny guys did." You blush a bit and try to explain. "I was search on the internet on 'how to remain chaste'. I kept getting results about guys, or their girlfriends, locking their... you know... in a cage, so they couldn't touch themselves. The guys then usually ended up having sex, just not..." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Penetration?" she finishes for you when she sees you struggling to finish your sentence. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Right. Or at least not the normal kind," you respond. "They still do stuff with the girlfriends though, or their girlfriends do stuff to them." You don't want to go into more detail about what you saw with the girlfriends using toys on their boyfriends. "Or sometimes their girlfriends do stuff with other guys, somethings both of them do stuff with other guys together." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "But anyway, that definitely wasn't what I was wanting. But when I talked to them about this belt, they assured me that it would prevent me from doing anything with my mouth, or... or my butt. Then I'd be able to stay a real virgin." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "So I take it you like your belt, and don't want out of then?" [[she asks|Part15WomensStudiesTalkChastityChasteNo]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Confirming you belong in your belt</h1> <img src="Part15/Engineer13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> "No, I definitely don't want out of my belt," you say quickly. "<b><i>I am not capable of controlling my sexual urges. I need to be locked in my chastity belt to protect me from my urges</i></b>," you say. Then, "<b><i>I can't be trusted to decide when I orgasm. My orgasms should be a rare and precious gift.</i></b>" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She looks at you oddly after your response, but doesn't say anything for a moment. Then she say, "From your talk of desires and urges, I assume you aren't asexual. Are you interested in a romantic relationship, or marriage eventually?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Of course, I want to get married some day, when I meet the right man," you answer excitedly. "<b><i>I am committed to staying chaste until I am married</i></b>," you add. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "And once you are married?" she asks. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "<b><i>Sexual desire is natural and a wonderful part of a healthy marriage</i></b>," you say. "<b><i>But, I am not capable of controlling my sexual urges. My orgasms should be a rare and precious gift.</i></b>" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She's looking at you oddly again. You wonder if she is thinking you will be a horrible, frigid wife, never having sex with your husband. "<b><i>I am learning how to give pleasure to my future husband with my belt still on</i></b>," you say. "<b><i>He will only ever need to unlock me if he wants to impregnante me</i></b>," you say before adding, "though of course he can unlock me any other time he wants to be inside me too." You bite your lower lip imagining your future wedding night again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I see," you professor says. "If you are comfortable with discussing it, please tell me more about how you are learning to 'give pleasure' given the restrictions of your belt." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You tell her all about the special toy they gave you, and how it helping you learn how to service your future husband. You also tell her about how you are learning to keep yourself clean for him, so he'll be able to use the parts of your body that aren't locked whenever he wants. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She asks you a number of other questions, some of them embarrassing ones. Still you do your best to answer. Finally she seems to be done with her questions and [[starts responding|Part15WomensStudiesTalkChastityChasteNo2]] to what you have told her. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your professor's interpretation</h1> <img src="Part15/Engineer13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="right"> "Well, while it does sound like you volunteered for the belt you are in, and aren't actively seeking to be free of it," she starts. "I don't think your will is fully your own at this point. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Many of your responses seem to be learned, reflexive answers. I suspect part of the 'training' you mentioned is also conditioning you to be subservient, docile, and unquestioning of being locked in chastity. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Frankly, this sort of brainwashing is even more disturbing than the sexual experimentation that I'd already heard about from this department." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You try to tell her that you don't think it's like that. You really do want to stay chaste for your husband. You belong in a belt like this, it's what is best for you. But she doesn't seem to believe you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I hope you understand, I still [[plan on proceeding|Part15WomensStudiesPlan]] with my investigation into the department. I hope you will trust me and cooperate with my research." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Telling her about your belt</h1> <img src="Part15/Engineer13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With all the things that got installed on your phone when you set up your belt, you don't trust that they aren't monitoring your emails. So you are very vague in your email, just mentioning that you want to "come by your office hours to discuss some issues you had with the topic brought up in today's class." She seems to grasp your concern and arranges a time when there won't be many others in the building. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As soon as you close the door to her office, you make a "shh" sign with your finger and mouth, and then show her your belt. You write on her whiteboard: <<if $JobBarista>> "The belt listens to what I say!" <<else>> "I've heard the belt can listen to what I say." <</if>> You then write several code words you and her should use to make it sound like you are talking about something else. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You then go on to tell her about your experiences with the belt, using your code words and the whiteboard as needed. You let her know about how your belt keeps you so horny <<if $JobBetaTester == "monogamous">> whenever you are near $dating[0]. <<else>> all the time. <</if>> <<if $DailyBJMinimum>> You write that if you don't give <<if $JobBetaTester == "monogamous">>him<</if>> at least <<if $DailyBJMinimum == 1>>one blowjob<<else>>$DailyBJMinimum blowjobs<</if>> every day, your belt punishes you. "I don't mind though, I love sucking <<if $JobBetaTester == "monogamous">>$dating[0]'s<</if>> cock," you say excitedly. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You let her know about how your belt teases you whenever you are giving a blowjob, and how wonderful it feels when it gives you an orgasm right as your mouth fills with his cum. <<if $JobBetaTester == "monogamous">> You let her know its not every time. You never know which blowjob will give you an orgasm, which only makes you want to suck $dating[0]'s cock more. <<else>> You let her know that at first it gave you an orgasm whenever you set a new daily record, but you quickly were sucking so many a day that you couldn't manage it anymore. You let her know that now you get one, very rarely, anyway. And you never know when it will be, or if it will be a single orgasm, a ruined orgasm, or multiple orgasms. And you let her know that not knowing makes you want to try again and again. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She writes numerous follow up questions on the board. Some you don't have answers for her, others you do and communicate back to her with your codewords or the whiteboard. Finally she asks, "Do you want out of it?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You think how to respond, <<if $JobBetaTester == "monogamous">> then write,"[[No.|Part15WomensStudiesTalkChastityNo]] I love how horny it makes me around $dating[0], and how it makes me want to serve him. I just want to get to the end of the beta test, when they give $dating[0] control. I want him to control my orgasms, not some computer. I want to feel $dating[0] inside me, if he wants. I can wait a while longer though." <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive > 2>> then write,"[[No.|Part15WomensStudiesTalkChastityNo]] I love not being in control. I'm a horny slut that shouldn't be allowed to control her own orgasms. I love that the belt makes me serve others and not being able to cum unless it thinks I deserve it." <<else>> as competing feelings make it hard to decide between answers. Finally: <ul> <li>you say, "[[No.|Part15WomensStudiesTalkChastityNo]] I'd be such a whore if I wasn't in this belt. I deserve to be locked up and not in control of my orgasms." or</li> <li>you write, "[[Yes!|Part15WomensStudiesTalkChastityYes]] I need a cock inside me so bad! I thought it was worth the money they were paying, but I'm so horny all the time, I can't think about anything else!"</li> </ul> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Ending your conversation</h1> <img src="Part15/Engineer13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well, I'm happy that you at least seem to be enjoying your situation," she says. "But it sounds like there are likely other young women who aren't as pleased with it as you are. And what you said before about the 'testing' they did last year is completely unacceptable by any standards of consent, ethics, or likely the law. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I hope you understand, I still [[plan on proceeding|Part15WomensStudiesPlan]] with my investigation into the department." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Ending your conversation</h1> <img src="Part15/Engineer13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I understand completely. It must be absolutely maddening for you," she says. You nod as she continues. "I don't think talking to the department would help though, and doing so would only alert them that I am looking into them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "No. I think your best chance for getting out of that belt will be to [[proceed with my investigation|Part15WomensStudiesPlan]]. Once the law gets involved, a judge can order them to release you and everyone else." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $WomensStudiesProfessorPublish to 1>> <h1>Discussing next steps</h1> <img src="Part15/School3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> "First, I'll give it a little time to see if anyone else comes forward," she tells you. <<if $JobBetaTester == "chaste">> "The brainwashing alone is disturbing enough to proceed with, but hopefully someone with experience with the sexual experimentation 'testing' they are doing will come forward also. Perhaps I can listen in one one of these "training sessions" the belt gives you, and perhaps record it, if you don't mind. The more evidence we have, the better. <<else>> "It's not necessary with the information you've provided, but more evidence would be even better. And given what you've said, there could be more they are up to that you don't know about. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $ComputerChastityOwner>> You said that your boyfriend $ComputerChastityOwner has the ability to unlock you. I'd recommend that you talk to him right away and take off that belt. You probably don't want to risk them using your belt as some sort of retribution against you. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I know going to the university administration would be pointless. This wouldn't have been allowed to happen if they weren't at least complicit in what is going on. I also don't trust the local police to do anything either. I've heard they like to help the university push problems under the rug. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "No, I think the best course of action would to do some more research. Any documents or other evidence you can get and bring to me would be great. Then when we are ready, we can [[publish what we know|Part15WomensStudiesPublish]]. Once the story is out, the authorities won't be able to ignore the problem and will have to act. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'll keep your name anonymous for as long as I can. Though when this hopefully becomes a criminal case, you'll be called as a witness, which will be public. Though maybe they'll plead guilty before that happens." <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $ComputerChastityOwner>> <br><br> As soon as you leave her office, you go to talk to $ComputerChastityOwner and tell him whats happening. He's a bit upset you didn't talk to him first before going to her, but he quickly moves on. Once you are free of the department's belt, you don't have to worry about any retribution. But your hopes of being complete free were misplaced though, as $ComputerChastityOwner locks you into a regular, non-computer chastity belt instead. <<set $Keyholder to $ComputerChastityOwner>> <<set $ComputerChastityOwnerFormer to $ComputerChastityOwner>> <<unset $ComputerChastityOwner>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'chastity belt')>> <<set setup.removeInventory('sex toys', 'electronic chastity belt')>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Publishing her findings</h1> <<set $EngineeringShutdown to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once your professor mentions that someone has come forward, several more students come forward with stories of their interactions with the engineering department. Your professor gathers as much information as she can and combs through the evidence <<if $WomensStudiesProfessorTalk>> you and others <<else>> they <</if>> gave her. She then writes up her findings and submits them to an women's studies academic journal. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <blockquote> <b>A case study in misogyny and unethical human experimentation at a major univeristy</b> <br><br> <b>Abstract:</b><br> Investigation into the practices of the engineering and other departments at a major university<br> revealed widespread abuse of student trust, lack of consent, flouting of standard reseach protocols,<br> ... </blockquote> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Thanks to the salacious nature of the scandal, as soon as her paper is published, the story is quickly picked up by the media. Though their summary is somewhat less academic. <</nobr>> <img src="Part15/News1.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <<nobr>> Not long after that, police are showing up at the university with search warrants. The university shuts down the entire Engineering program after the head of the engineering department, most of the professors, and <<if $JobEngineer or $JobEngineerLock or $JobEngineerOld>> Kyle, who was running the chastity belt program, <<else>> the project leader for the chastity belt program <</if>> are all arrested. One of the deans avoids arrest, but resigns in disgrace. But most of the rest of the administration quickly moves to cover their asses, and place all the blame on the one ousted dean and the engineering department. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobBetaTester or $JobEngineerLock>> <<if $JobBetaTester == "chaste" or $JobBetaTester == "deny">> You obviously won't be getting the extra money they were giving you for beta testing anymore. <<else>> You obviously are out of a job now too. <</if>> But you have another, [[more serious problem|Part15WomensStudiesStuck]] to deal with first. <<elseif $JobEngineer>> You obviously are out of a job now too. But you should be able to [[find a new one|Part15WomensStudiesJobChange]] fairly quickly. <<else>> You can't help but pay close attention to [[see what happens with the criminals involved|Part15WomensStudiesAlreadyQuit]] in this whole mess. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Engineering department arrests</h1> <img src="PartX/Engineer16.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> It is quickly discovered that once the story broke about what was going on with the engineering department, the department head locked down all of the chastity belts remotely, "allegedly" so he could use it as a bargaining chip! At that point they were all inactive, so everyone thought they were just turned off. <<set $oldBetaTestMode to $JobBetaTester>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But the day after he is arrested, <<if ($JobBetaTester or $JobEngineerLock) and $BuddyElectronicChastity>> you, Bailey, and the other <<elseif $JobBetaTester or $JobEngineerLock>> you and the other <<elseif $BuddyElectronicChastity>> Bailey and all the other <<else>> all the <</if>> women locked in one his belts discover he had set up some sort of 'dead man's switch' when he locked down the belts. Once he was arrested, and not checking in to wherever he had set it up, the belts all activated. <<if $ComputerChastityOwnerFormer>> <br><br> You are so glad that $ComputerChastityOwnerFormer unlocked you from that belt and locked you into a regular one instead, or you'd be trapped just like all the rest. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> For most of the girls, the first settings change was hard to notice, since being horny for 16 hours straight wasn't unusual. <<if $oldBetaTestMode == "chaste" or $ComputerChastityOwner>> Though you noticed something right away. You couldn't feel the subtle stimulation from your belt that was causing you to feel that way. All you could tell is that you were extremely horny from the time you woke up, and all day long. Soon you are used to that feeling of constant need that you feel all the time now. <<else>> Though the more chaste of the girls noticed something felt different right away, but they still couldn't feel the subtle stimulation from their belt that was causing their body to feel this way, just the effects it caused. All of them would soon get used to being horny nearly all the time now. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Most of the girls found out about the second setting the next day, when the painful punishment shock started. He had set all the belts to require ten blowjobs every day to avoid painful shocks the next <<if $JobBetaTester or $JobEngineerLock or $ComputerChastityOwner>> day, <<if setup.sexCount() and $oldBetaTestMode != "monogamous" and !$ComputerChastityOwner>> including yours. <<else>> even for you! <</if>> His new settings didn't care about what 'mode' your belt was in before, everyone received the same new settings. <<else>> day. His new settings didn't care about what 'mode' their belt was in before. Whether she was a virgin in 'chaste' mode, or some already sucking cock after cock every day, everyone received the same new settings. <</if>> <br><br> Once everyone figured out the one way to stop the punishment shocks, even the most innocent of girls, or the most ardent lesbian, were looking for her daily ten. <<if $oldBetaTestMode == "chaste">> <<unset $CampusMinistry>> <<set $CampusMinistryFailBelt to 1>> You were no exception. <<elseif $ComputerChastityOwner>> You were no exception. <<else>> Of course the belt keeping her horny all the time, and teasing her while she sucked a cock both helped to make the transition easier. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The judge initially orders him to reveal the codes, but his lawyer argues that doing so would be admiting his involvement and be a form of self-incrimination and a violation of his rights. And the judge agreed! <<if $JobBetaTester or $JobEngineerLock or $ComputerChastityOwner>> You are the one trapped in a belt, but they are worried about <i>his</i> rights?! You and those other <<else>> Those <</if>> poor women are locked in the belts, with the settings he put on them, with no way out! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobBetaTester or $JobEngineerLock or $ComputerChastityOwner>> <<if setup.sexCount()>> <<if $oldBetaTestMode == "monogamous" and $dating.length or $ComputerChastityOwner>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(120, {sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> After a day of the shocks, you are going to make sure you reach your ten blowjobs every day, at least until your belt is finally off. You don't want that to ever happen again. <br><br> $dating[0] tries, but after a few days, he says he can't take it anymore. He needs time between each blowjob, and he can't be home all day long every day. And he says his penis and testicles are both starting to hurt. He reluctantly agrees that you need to give other guys blowjobs if you are going to be able to avoid your punishment from the belt. "Just until they reach a deal with that asshole," he repeats. <<else>> It's not a huge challenge for you, but you wonder how the poor girls that had been in 'chaste' mode are coping with their new setting. The 'monogamous' ones probably aren't faring much better. You doubt most guys would be able to handle ten blowjobs every single day. <</if>> <<else>> After a day of the shocks, you quickly got over your desire to 'wait for your husband', and got to work sucking cock right now. The teasing the belt gave you while you did certaily helped with the transition. Your training must have worked too, because you didn't get any complaints from the first guy, or the second, or from any of them really. By the third day you were enjoying the new setting, and now you only wish you could get out of the belt to have sex, or at least have an orgasm. <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> <br><br> You've tried letting guys fuck your ass. The belt doesn't punish you for that anymore, or for bad words, or for anything except missing your ten. You love anal just as much as that technician last year had said you would! But your belt always shocks you when you start to get close to cumming, so you are never able to orgasm that way. The guys don't mind though, they cum every time! But you make them wait until after you've reach your ten blowjobs for the day first, since you don't get credit for getting fucked in the ass. <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Engineer5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="350"></video> </div> <</if>> <</if>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(1200, {sex:"male"})>> <<set $DailyBJMinimum to 10>> <<if !$DailyBJRecord or $DailyBJRecord < 15>> <<set $DailyBJRecord to 15>> <</if>> <<elseif $BuddyElectronicChastity>> Bailey is adjusting well, sucking the cocks doesn't bother her at all. She loves that part, and the teasing the belt gives her when she does. She really misses the chance for an orgasm for herself when he cums though. You imagine it might be a real challenge for some of the others though. It's probably especially difficult for the ones that had been in 'chaste' mode. Well, at first anyway. You doubt it will take them long to adjust. The 'monogamous' ones are probably in for an adjustment too, assuming their boyfriends can't handle 10 blowjobs every day. Though they might enjoy trying at first. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<include [[Part15WomensStudiesStuckCommon]]>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$JobBarista and ($JobBetaTester or $JobEngineer or $JobEngineerLock)>> You know you'll need to find a new job after the department shuts down. You see the local coffee shop is hiring, so you get a job there. <<if $Major == "Engineering">> And you can't really make any progress on your Engineering degree. You think about transferring to a different university. But the DA said it would be better if you stay close in case you need to testify in court. Besides, you think you'd have a hard time finding a job in engineering after being associated with this school. So you decide to change your major over to Business Administration. <<set $Major to "Business">> <</if>> <<set $JobBarista to 1>> <br><br> <</if>> <<unset $JobBetaTester>> <<unset $JobEngineer>> <<unset $JobEngineerLock>> <<if $WomensStudiesProfessorTalk>> The other defendants have all reached deals with and started to serve their time in prison, or on probation. But for months, you and the others are stuck like this as the district attorney negotiates a plea deal with the department head's attorney. Finally the DA's office calls you telling you they've [[reached a deal|Part15WomensStudiesStuck2]] with the department head too. <<else>> The DA's office keeps telling you won't take a plea deal with him until they can negotiate the codes to unlock you and the others. But until then, you're just going to [[have to endure|Part15Week]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Plea Deal</h1> "$playerName... Is it ok if I call you $playerName?" the DA starts. "I wanted to talk to you individually before the others as there's some information that concerns you personally." You wonder what he could mean as he continues, "He has agreed to turn over the encryption key that will allow us to access and unlock nearly all of the chastity belts." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "<b><i>Nearly</i></b> all?" you say with concern as you quickly start to grasp why he wanted to talk to you individually. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes. Unfortunately his lawyer has informed us that one code is not in the file that his client will be giving us the key for. He says yours is in a different file, and that his client has 'forgotten' the encryption key for it amid all the stress of his arrest. Obviously we don't believe this, and assume it is retribution because he somehow knows you were the first one who came forward with evidence. That's why it has taken so long to negoitate a deal. We were trying to ensure all of his victims were freed, including you." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "But, it isn't fair to the other women in your circumstance to continue negotiating as it doesn't look like we will be making any progress anytime soon. So we have agreed to a plea agreement, 10 years. He'll serve at least 30 months of that in prison. After that he will be eligible for parole. I promise to do everything I can to make sure that he only gets parole if he 'remembers' your key as well." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you start to imagine 2 1/2 years of no orgasms, and 10 blowjobs a day, he tries to reassure you. "Don't worry, with a soft, privileged academic like him, he'll be more than willing to do anything it takes to get out as soon as he can." <<if $oldBetaTestMode == "monogamous" and $dating.length>> <br><br> $dating[0] is not happy with the news. He visits the DA's office and complains, but there's nothing more the DA can do. When he gets back home, he says he's not mad at you, that it's not your fault. But you can still tell he's upset. Thankfully he still lets you suck his cock twice that evening though, as you hadn't been able to get all the guys in today you normally would have. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $Major == "Criminal Justice">> You try to get back into your studies, but the inability of the DA, or anyone else in this case, to do anything of substance to help you has left you disgusted with the justice system. The 'defendant' has an expensive lawyer to help him, but you, the actual victim, have no one really looking out for your interests. You decide to change majors to business. You figure even if it's all about money at wherever you end up, at least they won't be pretending it's about justice. <<set $Major to "Business">> <br><br> You <<elseif $Major == "Child Care">> You'd though about going into child care, but you've reconsidered recently. It's probably just that you've gone so long without an orgasm, but you can't stay focused. Whenever you think about taking care of toddlers, you think about being pregnant. And when you think about being pregnant, you you think about getting fucked. <br><br> And once you start thinking about getting fucked, you keep thinking about getting fucked. Before you know it you've been sitting their fantasizing for 30 minutes, you still have a ton of work to do, and your panties are a wet mess. And you still can't do anything about getting fucked, or even just getting off. <br><br> You know if you started taking care of kids as your job, you'd spend all day fantasizing about their fathers fucking you and knocking you up. You try thinking of jobs that won't make you think about kids or getting pregnant, and definitely not sex. You decide to go with business. There definitely won't be any kids in an office. <<set $Major to "Business">> <br><br> You <<else>> You try to get back into your studies, and <</if>> focus on your job at the coffee shop, but most times all you can think about is the need you feel, and know you probably won't be able to satisfy until after you graduate! Your new coworkers don't mind your situation though, and are more than happy to volunteer to be one of your ten a day whenever you ask. <</nobr>> <img src="Part15/News2.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <<nobr>> You watch the news stories as the only person who could free you is sentenced and shipped off to jail. You shake your head at the stupid name the media has started calling him, and that it's never his photo that they lead the story with. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Sometimes you fantasize about them letting you have a conjugal vist, and trying to 'earn' your release from him sooner. But you know they'd never allow that. You also fantasize sometimes that he'll stubbornly refuse to give up your code, and ten years from now he'll be released anyway, and still have full control of your belt and makes you his slave! You try not to think about either scenario, as it only makes you hornier and more frustrated. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> A few weeks later, when someone tells you he's [[in the news again|Chaste]], you quickly pull out your phone to check. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<include [[Part15WomensStudiesStuckCommon]]>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With the engineering department shut down, you have to find a different job. You know the coffee shop on campus is hiring, so you take a job there. <<if $JobEngineer>> <<set $JobEngineerOld to 1>> <<unset $JobEngineer>> <</if>> <<if $JobTestSubject>> <<set $JobTestSubjectOld to 1>> <<unset $JobTestSubject>> <</if>> <<set $JobBarista to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set $tempMajorChange to 1>> And you can't really make any progress on your Engineering degree. You think about transferring to a different university. But you have the scholarship here, and you've started to become disillusioned with engineering after what you've seen. So you decide it's better to [[switch majors|Part15Major]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<include [[Part15WomensStudiesStuckCommon]]>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Talking to the head of the engineering department</h1> "Thank you for bringing this to my attention," the department head tells you. "Clearly this professor has gotten the wrong idea about the work we do here. I'll meet with her as soon as possible to clear up the misunderstanding. <<set $WomensStudiesProfessorReported to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I wish there was some way I could thank you for alerting me to this," he adds. <<if $JobBetaTester or $JobEngineerLock or setup.areDating("Eric") or $ComputerChastityOwner>> <br> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part13/Breeder1.webm" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> </div> <br> "Actually, I know the perfect way," he says after a moment. He pulls up something on his computer and types for a while. When he's done typing you feel your belt start to come alive, very softly teasing you. <br><br> "I've set it for a long build up, so you should have plenty of time to get home or wherever you're going," he informs you. <br><br> "You were very helpful today, so I set it to keep you on the edge for a while after that, to make your fun last as long as possible. Then it should do it's best to stretch your orgasm out as long as it can as <<if $ComputerChastityOwner>> well. And don't worry, I messaged $ComputerChastityOwner, to make sure it was ok." <<else>> well." <</if>> <br><br> You leave his office and quickly start making your way home. <br><br> The build up was even slower than you were expecting, taking at least another hour after you get home. Then it keeps you hovering on the edge of an orgasm... you don't know for how long, you lost track of time. Finally the first wave of your orgasm crashes over you. The belt keeps going, changing what it's doing, but keeping your orgasm coming and coming. It's hard to gauge whether it was many orgasms one after another or one long orgasm. <br><br> By the time you finally stop, you are covered in sweat and you feel an incredible glow as the warmth of your orgasms starts to slowly fade. <<elseif $JobEngineer>> <img src="Part15/Class4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <br> "I know. I still have some money left in the budget for bonus payments. I think you've earned one," he tells you. "You have to promise to buy something nice for yourself though." Then he pulls out several hundred dollar bills from his desk. <br><br> After you thank him, you do as you promised and head straight to the mall. After spending a few hours there, you leave with several new outfits, along with some pretty things to wear under them too. <br> <img src="Part15/Class5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350"> <<else>> "I know. How about a visit to one of the testing rooms, for old times sake," he suggests. "No restraints, no control group, as many orgasms as you want, stop whenever you want. And no filming. It'll just be you, the machines, and one tech for safety and to control the machines for you. I'll even tell him not to try to take advantage of you if you get horny, unless you want me to tell him <i>to</i> do that." <br> <video src="Part15/Class6.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <br> You pick out a dildo just the size you want. Then you strip as the technician sets up two machines for you. He starts them out going shallow, giving you time to get used to them. Once you are horny and eager for more, he slowly adjusts them to go deeper and deeper. Eventually you are being filled on either end with each thrust. <br><br> You are gasping for breath as you orgasm with dildos pounding you from both sides. The technician slows down the machine after you cum and asks you if you want out. <br><br> <<if $dating.length>> You do your best to say 'more' when the cock has pulled partially out of your mouth. You imagine you are stuck, that the dildos are too deep inside you, and there's no way to move away, you just have to keep taking the pounding. <br><br> Many orgasms later, you finally collapse down on the floor. You thank the technician for all his help. As he packs away the machines, you lie there trying to gather enough energy to get up again. <<else>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Engineering Technician", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Engineering Technician", vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Engineering Technician", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Engineering Technician", vaginal:true, condom:true})>> You pull your head back and let the front dildo flop next to your face as you say, "No I don't want out. But I want you to take the place of one of these machines." <br><br> "I have an even better idea," he tells you as he puts the dildo back in your mouth. You watch eagerly as he takes off his pants and puts on a condom. When you see him start to lube it up, you realize what his plan is and smile over the dildo fucking your face. <br><br> A moment later you feel his cock sliding into your ass and you are being fucked three different ways at once. You've came again by the time he's pulling out of you and tossing the condom in the trash. "All done, or do you want more?" he asks as he turns off the machine that was fucking your mouth. <br><br> "I'm all done with the machines," you answer. "But maybe you and a friend can take their place?" He smiles and steps out of the testing room. A moment later he comes back with another guy. Before long, you are between them, enjoying the feeling of being filled again, this time by two real cocks. <</if>> <br><br> Eventually you head home, with a big smile on your face. Not just from the orgasms, but also from knowing you prevented a big blowup between your professor and the engineering department. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Hopefully your professor is as pleased as the department head was that you were able to help facilitate a [[non-confrontational resolution|Part15WomensStudiesReport2]] to their differences. Just in case she's not, you decide not to mention you were the one that talked to the engineering department. <<if setup.areDating("Eric")>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Eric"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Eric"})>> <br><br> When Eric gets home, you are worried he might be upset that you had an orgasm without his permission. "Don't worry, I knew about it and said it was fine," he reassures you. "The only thing I don't like about it is that I wasn't here to see it." He unzips his pants and says, "Take care of me, and then I'll trigger the same thing again so I can watch this time." <br><br> Of course after he watches you he's harder than ever. Though you are completely drained of energy by then, you do your best to suck his cock again. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Out sick</h1> Today, instead of your Women's Studies professor in the front of the class, it's one of her grad students. She tells you that the professor had a family emergency and will be out of town for the next few classes. "I will be filling in for her until she returns," she informs you all. <<set $ProfessorMindControl to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I have the syllabus here, so I know where she'd normally be at this point in the semester. But I know she sometimes strays from it, or can be further ahead or behind of her targets. So if so one would please fill me in on what she was covering last week, then we can get started." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <table> <tr> <td width="50%"> One of the students mentioned the schools engineering department, and the concerns she had about it. <br><br>A different student jokes, "Maybe she knew too much, and they had her killed." <br><br>"Or not killed, but strapped to one of their machines doing experiments on her," a different one says. </td> <td width="50%"> <img src="Part15/Class7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" width="500"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <video src="Part15/Class9.webm" autoplay loop muted width="500"></video> </td> <td> Your classmates keep throwing out ideas of different experiments and tortures and other things the engineers might be doing to her, right now. <br><br> It's clear none of them believed the crazy-sounding things she was talking about last class, but they are having fun imagining what sort of 'experiments' they would do if it were real. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> The grad student laughs but eventually stops the joking about the professors conspiracy theory from the previous class. "Don't worry, she's not dead, she emailed me just last night." <br><br> "She also said to tell you all to disregard what she had talked about last time. She said she had just gotten carried away believing what were obviously joke responses on her survey. She has talked with the engineering department, and said there is nothing to worry about." </td> <td> <img src="Part15/Class8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" width="500"> </td> </tr> </table> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Though, from seeing how the thought of it has sparked all of your imaginations, I supposed it was only natural for her mind to run wild with it too. So, enough of that, lets return to the topic before that... <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "<i>How has the widespread use of X-Change affected gender dynamics in the past several years</i>..." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your professor's grad student does a good job of filling in for her, though you still hope your professor returns soon. You take careful notes, because you assume your subsitute today is a former student of the professor, and knows exactly what type of questions she'll have on the exam. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you leave the class you <<if $WomensStudiesProfessorReported>> feel happy that you were able to help the professor and the engineering department work things out. You'd hate for her to be worrying about all that while she was dealing with her family drama. <<elseif $EngineeringGuest>> wonder if anyone ever came forward to report anything to the professor. Obviously some of the stories about the engineering department are true. Though it seems much more fun, and less nefarious than she'd thought it was. <<else>> wonder if anyone reported anything to the professor. You suppose not since she's giving up her plan of looking further into the survey responses. Then you wonder if maybe someone informed the engineering department about her plan and they did do something to her. But you realize you are just being silly. She's just out for some family emergency like her grad student said. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>><<nobr>> <<set $tempQuietRoll to either ("main", "main", "main", "main", "main", "main", "main", "report", "report", "talk")>> <<if $tempQuietRoll == "report">> <<include [[Part15WomensStudiesReport2]]>> <<elseif $tempQuietRoll == "talk">> <<include [[Part15WomensStudiesQuietTalk]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15WomensStudiesQuietMain]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $WomensStudiesProfessorPublish to 1>> <<if !$tempWomensStudiesNothingToReport>> You decide it's best not to get involved in her investigation at all, and say nothing. <br><br> <</if>> In class a while later, she lets you all know that someone did come by her office and confirm at least some of the stories she'd recieved. "She was even able to supply evidence to confirm it as well. I won't be going into any more detail right now. I am contiuing to gather my findings. Once I've written them up and submitted them for publication, I'll be sure to copy all of you as well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Until then, please keep quiet about my investigation. Also, I want to thank all of you for your candor and honesty in filling out the initial survey. And if anyone else wants to come forward with more detailed stories, my door is still open." <</nobr>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>><<nobr>> <<if !$tempWomensStudiesNothingToReport>> You decide it's best not to get involved in her investigation at all, and say nothing. <br><br> <</if>> In class a while later, she lets you all know that no one came by to confirm the stories. "Ladies, please be more serious when responding to surveys like this in the future. Gentlemen this generally goes for you as well, though you weren't part of this particular survey," she tells you all. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Clearly several people thought it would be funny to put some outlandish stories on their survey responses. And quite a few more were amused by giving extreme responses on the multiple choice questions. And given some of the other questionable practices on this campus, I fell for it all. I'm going to toss out the entire survey since the number of 'joke' responses renders it useless. I'm adding an assignment for all of you, due Monday. Ten pages on survey response rates and the difficulties posed by non-serious responses." <</nobr>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>><<nobr>> <h1>Asking about the rumors</h1> When you go by the engineering department and start asking about the rumors you have heard, they are initially very defensive and act like they have no idea what you are talking about. But once they realize you came here, not because you were upset by the rumors, but because you were excited about them, their tone changes. <<set $EngineeringGuest to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh, it sounds like you are wanting to volunteer for testing," the engineer says. You can't hide the excitement on your face, or your disappointment when he adds, "Unfortunately we don't have anything open right now." But when he sees how disappointed you are, he offers something else. "Actually, I have something unofficial you could help out with though." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Class11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> You <<if setup.sexMaleCount() == 0 and !$PlayerSideEffectOral>> relucantly <<else>> eagerly <</if>> wrap your lips around the penis gag he slides into your mouth, then buckles behind your head. "Follow me," he instructs. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You follow him into a big room with equipment everywhere. You strip when he orders you to, and then follow him over to a Sybian-like machine sitting on the floor. He attaches a generously sized insert to the machine and you lower yourself down onto it. You are already quite wet, so the lube he applied to the insert probably wasn't even needed. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are eager for him to start the machine, but first he attaches straps around your neck, arms, and legs, until you can barely move an inch from your current position. Then he presses a button on the control panel. You feel the machine slowly start to come to life inside you. The engineer then goes elsewhere in the room to work on something. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The machine builds up your pleasure until you can feel an orgasm approaching. But then it stops, only starting up slowly after your body has calmed down a bit. This continues several times. You would be begging if he could hear you through your gag. You would be grinding on the machine, trying to get more stimulation, but you can't move enough to do that. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After a few cycles of this, a different engineer comes in. He looks at the equipment the first engineer is working on and talk with him a bit. When they are done talking, the new engineer comes over to you. He doesn't say anything, but pulls down his pants. He smacks his hard cock against your face a few times before removing your gag. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.sexMaleCount() == 0>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral>> Though, thanks to your implant's side effect, you've fantasized about it many times before, you've <<else>> You've <</if>> never sucked a cock before. "I'll suck your cock if you let me cum," you say desperately. <br><br> "Suck it, and then I'll decide," he says, slapping your cheek again with his card cock. You are in no position to negotiate, and need an orgasm more than you ever have before. You open your mouth and wait to see what your first cock tastes like. <<else>> You open your mouth, eager for his cock. <</if>> After he's came in your mouth, he pushes some other buttons on the control panel and the machine picks up it's movements inside you. You feel an orgasm approaching again. This time the machine doesn't stop completely when you get close, it only slows down. It picks up again a short time later, only to slow down again when you get close again. Now it's keeping you right on the edge of an orgasm, but never letting you have it. <<set setup.addSexRepeat(12, {sex:'male', anon:'Engineer'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The second engineer is gone by time you start to beg, but the first comes back over only to put your gag back in your mouth and return to work. <</nobr>> <video src="Part15/Class10.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<nobr>> Several more times someone new, or the same engineer again, come into the room. Sometimes they talk to first engineer, sometimes not. But they all come over to use you before they leave. Many of them make changes to what the machine is doing, making its teasing more or less intense, though none of them change it to let you orgasm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't know how much time has passed, but you think it's been hours. Several of the other engineers come in at once, and the first one finally gets up from whatever he was working on. They all come over and stand in front of you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I suppose you want to orgasm now?" the first engineer asks. You eagerly nod 'Yes'. "Well, what are you willing to do for it?" he asks. After you mumble 'mmythmg!' into your gag, he takes it out and tells you to be more specific. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'll suck your cock!" you answer eagerly. He tells you that's a given and to try again. "You can fuck me. Please fuck me! <<if setup.sexVaginalCount() == 0>> I've never been fucked by a guy before! You'll be the first one inside me! <</if>> Or my ass. You can fuck my ass!" He tells you maybe next time. You go back to "Anything! I'll do anything you want! Just please let me cum!" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "How about you confess which of your little slut friends told you about us?" he says smiling. "We'll punish her a bit for violating disclosure rules. But then we'll reward her for sending such a pretty, cocksucking slut our way." You don't hesitate and start telling him about the survey your professor did, and what she said class. Then you tell him how horny you got just listening to her talk about the experiments and how that drove you to visit them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That's a good slut. Well, we are all horny as hell <<if setup.sexVaginalCount() == 0>> too. We were just going to have you suck our cocks again, but I don't think you were lying about never having had a cock before. I'm not going to pass up your offer [[to be the first|Part15WomenStudiesAskAbout2]]. Don't worry you won't have to wait long for your second cock, or your third, or... well, you get the idea." <<else>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(12, {sex:'male', anon:'Engineer', repeat: true})>> too, so you can cum while you blow us. I'll turn it off and untie you once you've taken care of all of us." He turns the machine up and slides his cock back into your mouth. You orgasm finally as he is fucking your face. <br><br> The machine doesn't stop then, continuing to vibrate and move inside you. You can't squirm away from the sensations when they start to overwhelm you. All you can do is take the next cock that is offered you, and the next, and the next. When the final one is done, you are still there bound to the machine. <br><br> "Did you enjoy yourself, slut?" the engineer asks you. <br><br> "Yes, sir. Very... oh god... much," you manage to say. <br><br> "Do you want to come back here again?" he asks. <br><br> "Yes, please sir, I want to come back" you say. <br><br> He hits a button on the machine and it slows its movements and then stops. Still bound to the machine, you pant and try to catch your breath. Eventually he starts to release you from the bindings holding you to the machine. As you start to stand, he tosses a towel over to you to clean yourself up with. "Feel free to come by for a visit any time you like," he says. You hope to do exactly that. <br><br> You definitely aren't going to mention anything [[to your professor|Part15WomensStudiesReport2]] about your visit though. Even though you volunteered and had a wonderful time, she might get the wrong idea because of the restraints and everything. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your first dozen cocks</h1> He removes you from the Sybian and binds you to some kind of a post, then he goes behind you and you feel his cock moving across your lips. Maybe it's how horny you are right now, but nothing has ever felt better than his cock does when you feel it slide into you. <<set setup.addSexRepeat(6, {sex:'male', anon:'Engineer', repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(12, {sex:'male', anon:'Engineer', vaginal: true, noPullout: true, noCondom: true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part13/Engineer6.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He's barely started fucking you when one of his friends comes up in front of you, and shoves his cock in your mouth. You are doing your best to suck it when you feel your first orgasm wash over you. The engineer fucking you spanks your ass and tells you what a slut you are. A moment later you hear him grown and feel him thrust inside you and the warmth of his cum spread inside you. "That wasn't so bad after all," you think to yourself. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't have much time to think about how it compared to your expectations though, because soon another engineer is behind you, picking up right where the first one left off. They keep swapping out, whenever one finishes in your mouth, or inside you, another one takes his place. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Class13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="right"> You lose track of time, of how many times you've came, of how many times one of them has came inside you. But when they finally unbind you and you stand up all the way, you can feel it leaking out of you and down your leg. You aren't as disgusted by the feeling as you probably would have been if you'd thought about it a few hours ago. Now it just gives you a little smile as it makes you think of all of the orgasms you just had. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerProtectionFertile>> "Oh shit!" You think, realizing that you could get pregnant. "Every one of them came inside me, and none of them wore a condom! And they warned me about how fertile I am now!" <<elseif $PlayerProtectionPerfect or $PlayerProtectionPermanent>> "Thank god for my implant's birth control," you think, realizing that pregnancy is a concern if you are going to let guy's fuck you. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionPill>> "Thank god I'm the pill," you think, realizing that pregnancy is a concern if you are going to let guy's fuck you. <<else>> "Oh shit!" You think, realizing that you could get pregnant. "Every one of them came inside me, and none of them wore a condom! I would have gotten on the pill if I ever thought I'd be with a guy!" <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You try to wipe up as best you can with the towel he hands you, and then get dressed again. You know you'll need to change panties, and maybe more, when you get home as you can still feel their cum leaking out of you. As you finish getting dressed you wonder if that's a feeling you'll ever get used to. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Feel free to come by for a visit any time you like," the engineer says as you are leaving. You hope to do exactly that. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You definitely aren't going to mention anything [[to your professor|Part15WomensStudiesReport2]] about your visit though. Even though you volunteered and had a wonderful time, she might get the wrong idea because of the restraints and everything. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Settling in to your apartment</h1> <img src="Part15/Apt1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set $MotherHousing to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's nice that you aren't in a dorm this year. The university assigned you a furnished, one bedroom apartment in a building a short walk from the day care. They even supplied a crib for $children[0].name. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> At first you were worried you might have neighbors that either complained about noise from the baby, or that would be having loud parties and waking up the baby. But neither is a problem. You soon discover that the entire building is full of young mothers and babies like you and $children[0].name. You wonder if other universities have so many student mothers, or if this one is unusual. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's convenient though. They even have activies for helping you adjust, and a babysitting exchange where you can trade off with other moms to watch each other's kids when you have plans. <</nobr>> [[Continue|Part15Week]].<<nobr>> <h1>A surprise from $dating[0]</h1> <img src="Part15/Engineer2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you talk to $dating[0] this morning, he says he has a surprise for you today. When he sees you slyly glancing around the room he tells you, "It's not here. We'll have to go pick it up it a little while. But before then, do you want to show me how grateful you are?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes, sir," you tell him and drop to you knees. This isn't the time for a slow and sensual blowjob. There's a specific time you have to pick up your present, and it's not that long from now. But you know enough about pleasuring $dating[0]'s cock, and you can get him to cum quickly when you need to. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you've swallowed the last drop, he says [[it's time to go|Part15BoyfriendEngineeringChastity2]]. You are excited when you notice him double check to make sure he has the key to your chastity belt on him. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the engineering department with $dating[0]</h1> <img src="Part15/Engineer10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobEngineerOld>> You soon realize that your heading to the engineering department, where you used to work. Has $dating[0] changed his mind about you working there? You had talked and he... you mean you both had decided that the job brought out your sluttiest impulses. Of course watching beautiful women orgasm, or desperately beg to be allowed to orgasm, all day long, would make anyone horny. <br><br> You soon discover this isn't about your old job, but about one of the projects the department has been working on. Specifically the electronic chastity belt that Kyle's team was woring on. <br><br> "It's nice to see you again, $playerName," your former boss says. "I was happy to hear you'd be able to help out the team again, but in a different way. I assume you are familiar with the computerized chastity belt that Kyle's team was working on last year." <br><br> "We are hoping to to get it ready to market by the end of the school year. And we are needing beta testers for that," he glances at a list of names on his tablet before continuing. "Most of our testers are new to chastity, which is perfect as we are hoping to open up new markets of users with this belt. But we know a core group of purchases will be existing chastity enthusiasts." <br><br> "And since you, and your owner $dating[0], are clearly enthusiasts, we are thrilled that we are going to have you testing with us. In addition to the testing payment we will be providing, the belt is free for you and $dating[0] to keep when the testing period is over as well. So lets go [[get you fitted with a belt|Part15BoyfriendEngineeringChastity3]]!" <br><br> As an afterthought he adds, "$dating[0], as we discussed, you'll need you to sign a non-disclosure agreement. $playerName's one from last year still applies, so she won't need sign another one. <<elseif $JobTestSubjectOld>> You soon realize that your heading to the engineering department, where you used to work. Has $dating[0] changed his mind about you working there? You had talked and he... you mean you both had decided that the job brought out your sluttiest impulses. Of course being forced to orgasm again and again, or desperately begging to be allowed to orgasm, would make anyone horny. <br><br> You soon discover this isn't about your old job, but about one of the projects the department has been working on. Specifically an electronic chastity belt. <br><br> "It's nice to have you back, $playerName," the department head says. "I was happy to hear you'd be able to help out the program again, but in a different way." He then takes a moment to describe the computerized chastity belt that $dating[0] has signed you up for. <br><br> "We are hoping to to get it ready to market by the end of the school year. And we are needing beta testers for that," he glances at a list of names on his tablet before continuing. "Most of our testers are new to chastity, which is perfect as we are hoping to open up new markets of users with this belt. But we know a core group of purchases will be existing chastity enthusiasts." <br><br> "And since you, and your owner $dating[0], are clearly enthusiasts, we are thrilled that we are going to have you testing with us. In addition to the testing payment we will be providing, the belt is free for you and $dating[0] to keep when the testing period is over as well. So lets go [[get you fitted with a belt|Part15BoyfriendEngineeringChastity3]]!" <br><br> As an afterthought he adds, "$dating[0], as we discussed, you'll both need you to sign a non-disclosure agreement." <<else>> You are confused when you see the sign for the engineering department, what could $dating[0] have gotten for you there? You soon discover this the 'surprise' $dating[0] has for you is a new belt, and computerized one that the Engineering department has been working on. <br><br> "It's nice to meet you, $playerName," the department head says. "I was happy to hear from $dating[0] about his interest in helping us with our belt." He then takes a moment to describe the computerized chastity belt that $dating[0] has signed you up for. <br><br> "We are hoping to to get it ready to market by the end of the school year. And we are needing beta testers for that," he glances at a list of names on his tablet before continuing. "Most of our testers are new to chastity, which is perfect as we are hoping to open up new markets of users with this belt. But we know a core group of purchases will be existing chastity enthusiasts." <br><br> "And since you, and your owner $dating[0], are clearly enthusiasts, we are thrilled that we are going to have you testing with us. In addition to the testing payment we will be providing, the belt is free for you and $dating[0] to keep when the testing period is over as well. So lets go [[get you fitted with a belt|Part15BoyfriendEngineeringChastity3]]!" <br><br> As an afterthought he adds, "$dating[0], as we discussed, you'll both need you to sign a non-disclosure agreement." <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your new belt</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part14/Chastity4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="725"></video> </div> <<set $PlayerChastityBelt to 1>> <<set $Keyholder to "computer">> <<set $ComputerChastityOwner to $dating[0]>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'electronic chastity belt')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> $dating[0] had already sent your measurements over, so it goes very quickly. Once you are out of your old belt and locked into your new one, <<if $JobEngineerLockFormer or $JobEngineerOld or $JobBetaTesterFormer>> your old boss <<else>> the department head <</if>> goes over the testing parameters. He's talking to $dating[0], but they don't seem to mind that you listening. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "She won't be on the testing regimen we have the other beta testers on.", he tells $dating[0]. "Her rewards, punishments, and everything else, is completely up to you. We only ask that you keep her locked in the belt at least 95% of the time, on average, during the testing period. We aren't going to get much useful data if the belt is sitting in a closet somewhere, will we?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That's a bit more than an hour a day. I know that sounds like a small amount of time to be intimate with your girlfriend," he tells $dating[0]. But we expect with all the options she has for giving you pleasure with the belt still on, that it will be much more than you actually end up using. And if not, then that's the sort of feedback we'd like to gain during this testing. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They have you sit off to the side as he goes over the various options with $dating[0]. You can't hear what they are saying but you do feel your belt spring to life, first stimulating you, then shocking you. You hope $dating[0] decides to use the former more than the latter. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Have fun you two.", he says. Then he laughs and adds, "Well I'm sure you will at least, $dating[0]." They you both [[head towards the door|Part15BoyfriendEngineeringChastity4]] <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> <<unset $AcademicProbationDenial>> <<set $AcademicProbationDenialFormer to 1>> "Oh, and as I mentioned when we spoke earlier," he reminds $dating[0]. "The dean will deactivate that orgasm denial setting she has on her implant due to be on probation. He understands that it would interfere with our data gathering. Just stop by the X-Change office when you leave here to have that turned off." <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Testing with $dating[0]</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Engineer4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="700"></video> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As soon as you are back and alone again, $dating[0] instructs you to suck his cock. You quickly begin. You intended to take this one slow to maximize his pleasure. You've only been at it a short time when you start to notice the vibrations coming from your belt. They are gentle at first, but slowly pick up in intensity as you continue. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But as you start to get close to your orgasm, you feel the vibratons start to fade until they are just a soft, pleasant buzz. A bit later they pick up again, keeping you tantalizingly close to an orgasm, but never letting you cum. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know $dating[0] is close to an orgasm. You are agonizingly close too, but there's nothing you can do about yours. You continue on, enjoying your pleasure but trying to focus on $dating[0]'s. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You keep sucking a bit longer as he cums, just the way he likes. But as your mouth fills with his cum, your belt starts up again, much more intensely. Moments later you are crying out with your orgasm. Some of $dating[0]'s cum oozes down your face as you hadn't even had time to swallow it yet. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The vibrations continue as you hold onto him for support as your body shakes with a powerful orgasm. The vibrations continue a while longer. Just when you think you can't take it anymore, they slowly die down. You lie down next to $dating[0] with a messy smile on your face. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "It looks like you enjoyed that," $dating[0] says with a smile. "It will do that sometimes when you suck my cock and only my cock. I was going to set it to do that every time for you. But that tech guy said it's better that it be more random so you never know which blowjob will do it for you. He said it'd be more exciting for you that way." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know from the psychology class you took that rewarding you like that is probably designed to make it more addictive. But even though you know what they are trying to do, you also know how good that orgasm just felt. And you are already thinking about when $dating[0] will want you to suck his cock again. Soon you hope. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But it probably won't be right away. The two of you still have [[boxes to unpack|Part15MovingIn]] and he wants to start on that. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Moving in with with $dating[0]</h1> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <img src="Part15/MoveIn2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <<else>> <img src="Part15/MoveIn1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", name:$dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <</if>> <<set $Roommate to $dating[0]>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You won't have to stay at the dorms this year. <<if $SororitySEX or $SororityDTD>>You don't even want to stay at the sorority house.<</if>> Not since this year you can live in an off-campus apartment with $dating[0]. <<if $PlayerMother>> <br><br> Of course, with the baby, it would probably be a nightmare living on campus. Thankfully you don't have to worry about that. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's going to be great. Every morning you'll wake up next to him. You know <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> he'll leave for class feeling great every morning when you wake him with a blowjob. <<if $PlayerItemNerdKey and setup.areDating('Peter')>> Peter is loving how horny and eager to unlock him and suck his cock you are now. <</if>> <br><br> Of course, you'll leave with a big smile on your face too. <<if $Keyholder == "computer">> Desperately horny, thanks to the teasing and edging your belt will probably give you, but still happy to know how much pleasure you gave $dating[0]. <<if $ComputerChastityOwner == $dating[0]>> And there's always the chance your belt will leave you with an orgasm too. <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> you'll both leave for class happy now that you can have a quick fuck before you start to get ready. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> [[Continue|Part15Week]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Greek Competition</h1> <img src="Part15/Sorority1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are excited to be competing with the fraternities and the other sororities in various competitions today. There's no actual prizes, a small trophy for the winning frat and sorority houses. It's mainly just for bragging rights. And to have fun, and promote the sororities and frats to incomming freshmen. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> There's a number of different events going on. <<if $PlayerPregnant and $PregnancyWeek < 12>> You are only a few weeks pregnant, so it'd probably be fine for you to partiicipate. <</if>> <<if $PlayerPregnant and $PregnancyWeek >= 12>> Since you are pregnant and the events are fairly physical, you decide it's best to just watch. <br><br> You are feeling a bit nauseous after the first event, so you end up [[heading home|Part15SororityDormOrNextWeek]] and skipping the awards ceremony and the party afterwards. <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt>> You enjoy watching many of them. But since you are wearing your chastity belt, the only one you can join in on is the [[Tug-of-War|Part15SororityTug]] at the end. <<elseif $JobCheerleader or $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>> But as a cheerleader, it's expected that you'll join in on the [[football competition|Part15SororityFootball]]. Some of the guys you normally cheer for will instead be on the sidelines cheering you and your sorority sisters on. <<elseif $BodyType == 'Plus'>> But you are pretty sure you'll dominate in the [["jousting"|Part15SororityJoust]] event. They are using foam sticks and a bouncy mat instead of horses and lances. Your sisters agree, saying you'll probably knock whatever skinny little twig they pair you against on her bony ass. <<else>> In addition to the the tug-of-war that everyone participates in, there's a couple of them that that look interesting to you. <br><br> You could join in on the [[football game|Part15SororityFootball]]. You, your sorority sisters, and some girls from another sorority will play against girls from a couple other sororities. And the whole time, the guys from the actual football team will be cheering you all on. <br><br> Or there's [["jousting"|Part15SororityJoust]], though thankfully they are using foam sticks and a bouncy mat instead of horses and lances. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Watching Football</h1> <<if $CampusMinistry>> When they described the Football game to you, you'd thought it was like those 'powderpuff' games you remember the cheerleaders back in high school having once a year. They did it as a fundraiser, but you'd always thought they looked kind of cute. Pretty cheerleaders, but wearing football jerseys and pads, with eye black like the guys wear under their eyes. <<else>> It's even more fun than you'd expected, much more exciting than those 'powder puff' games you'd seen back in high school. And as hot as the girls in lingerie are, you are getting more of kick seeing the muscular football players in their cheerleader uniforms cheering them on. <</if>> <<set $SororityFootball to 1>> <</nobr>> <img src="Part15/Sorority5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> But you soon see it's nothing like that. As you watch the first two teams play, you see that you'll have football pads. But instead of a jersey and leggings, you'll be competing wearing lingerie! <br><br> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> You feel a bit ashamed at how much you are turned on at the thought of all of these people watching you run around in sexy underwear. <<else>> You consider backing out, but if you do then your team would forfeit and lose, so you'll go through with it. And besides, <<if $dating.length>> you can see how excited $dating[0] is about the whole thing. <<else>> it's no more revealing than a bikini, right? <</if>> <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> Thinking about how it will soon be you out there is really exciting you. <<elseif setup.areDating('Veronica')>> You and Veronica are both excited and a bit nervous about being out there when it's your turn to play. <<elseif $dating.length>> You wonder what $dating[0] is going to think about seeing you out on the field, with all these people looking at you in your lingerie. <</if>> You and your teammates watch the other two teams play. One of the girls who'd played last years shares some advice for everyone whenever she thinks of something. <</nobr>> <img src="Part15/Sorority7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> <<nobr>> At the end of the game most of the players on the competing teams shake hands. Two of them decide to kiss instead, a rather long and passionate one at that. Of course there is a huge roar of approval from the crowd when they do. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are a bit disappointed that you can't stay to watch as the guys from the actual football team come out in cheerleader uniforms and start to put on a show. But while they are peforming, you and your team head down to the locker room. Once you are there you open up one of the 'uniforms' in your size and you all start to get dressed for [[your turn on the field|Part15SororityFootball2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Playing Football</h1> <img src="Part15/Sorority6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you are into your uniform, you are <<if $CampusMinistry and $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> nervous but excited <<elseif $CampusMinistry>> nervous <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> excited <<else>> surprised <</if>> when you see that your team's uniform is even skimpier than the ones the first two teams had! As you leave the locker room and walk out onto the field you hear the crowd cheer, and many of the guys whistle too. <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> You feel yourself getting wet <<else>> You feel the blood rushing to your face, and to other places as well, <</if>> as you realize that there are thousands of eyes on you and your teammates right now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once the game gets going you mostly forget about how little you are wearing. The only thing that really reminds you is the occasional whistle or other comments from the guys in the crowd whenever you or one of your teammates happen to give them a view they especially like. Though that does happen frequently throughout the game. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are definitely reminded of how little you re wearing when of girls on the other team grabs you and pulls you to the ground. When you get up, you find your bottoms were torn, and are still laying on the field. One of the guys on the sidelines runs a new pair out, handing them to you with a glance down and a smile. You couldn't even count how many camera flashes you see from the crowd before he gets there though. Your teammates hardly even notice. They are just happy about the 15-yard penalty the referee gave the other girl. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you stand there mostly-naked on the 40-yard-line, you realize you <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist += 1>> are even more of an exhibitionist than you'd thought you were. <br> <i>You are have become more of an exhibitionist.</i> <<else>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist to 1>> really enjoy being naked and exposed in public. <br> <i>You have discovered that you are a bit of an exhibitionist.</i> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $SororityELP>> The other girls invite you to a party at their sorority house tonight. You tell them you'll definitely think about it. <<else>> You are excited about the party at the sorority house tonight. <</if>> But first there's the big [[tug-o-war|Part15SororityTug]] event that everyone is competing in. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>"Jousting"</h1> <img src="Part15/Sorority4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <<set $SororityJoust to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The jousting event has girls competing one-on-one in an inflatable "ring". There's a small platform for each of you, and giant foam sticks you have to hit each other with. The first one to knock her opponent off of her platform is the winner. They then take the winners and have them compete with each other, and so on until they have an overall winner. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $BodyType == 'Petite'>> You don't last long. In your first match, the referee had barely blown his whistle when the other girl hits you hard in the head. You have a helmet on, but you are still dazed. When her second hit comes you are completely unprepared. You are knocked off your platform, and as you stumble trying to catch yourself, you manage to fall out of the ring entirely. <br><br> Luckily one of the fans watching the match catch you, and you end up in his strong hands intead of in your face on the ground. <<if $CampusMinistry>> You don't know which you are more embarrassed by: losing so quickly and spectacularly, or how much you blood raced from the brief moment his hands were on your bare skin. <<else>> You are so embarrassed by how quickly and spectacularly you lost. <</if>> You sneak away for a moment in shame, but after you change you come back to watch the rest of the competiation. <<elseif $BodyType == 'Plus'>> <<set $SororityJoustWin to 1>> Match after match, you completely dominate your opponent. Obviously the tiny girls don't stand a chance. But even the more athletic girls, can't knock you off. Most of them would probably beat you in many other athletic competitions, but not this one. While some of them can hit hard, as long as you maintain your footing, it's not enough to move you off your platform. <br><br> The last fight is a long one, as the other girl is hard to knock off as well. But you eventually manage to hit her once and cause her to get off balance, then you quickly hit her again and she finally falls. Your sorority sisters all cheer for you when they see her fall. <<elseif $BodyType == 'Fit'>> Match after match, you dominate your opponent. Obviously the tiny girls don't stand a chance. Even the ones a similar size to you aren't much harder. Their hits don't pack much of a punch, and eventually you always manage to land a good one or two that knocks them off. It's not until the final match that you really have much of a challenge. <br><br> Your last fight, the one to see who the overall winner is, doesn't look very athletic. She's a bigger girl, and you quickly find that hits that would have knocked your earlier opponents complete off the platform, barely even faze her. Though you do a good job of block her hits as well. <br><br> <<if either(0,1) == 1>> <<set $SororityJoustWin to 1>> Finally, you manage to hit her and knock her slightly off balance. You quickly follow that up with another hit that causes her to stumble off her platform. Your sorority sisters all cheer for you when they see her fall. <<else>> Eventually she gets the better of you, her first hit made you unstead. But before you could regain your footing, she hits you again and you are off the platform. Your sorority sisters still cheer for you for your second place finish. <</if>> <<else>> You win your first round. But in your second round you are paired against a girl with muscles more impressive than any you had as a guy. Her first hit is much powerful than you were expecting and you end up knocked on your ass. Thankfully the padded ring means you just bounce a bit. Your sorority sister console you on your loss. <br><br> You keep watching the competition, though you are pretty confident that the girl that just beat you will be the one that wins in the end. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $SororityELP>> The other girls invite you to a party at their sorority house tonight. They said they'll have a similar competition then, <<if $BodyType == 'Petite'>> but they promise you'll have much more fun than you did just now. <<elseif $SororityJoustWin>> and they promise to make it more of a challenge for you than this was. <<else>> and they promise it'll be more fun than this was. <</if>> You tell them you'll definitely think about it. <<else>> You are excited about the party at the sority house tonight. <</if>> But first there's the big [[tug-o-war|Part15SororityTug]] event that everyone is competing in. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Tug of war</h1> <img src="Part15/Sorority2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <<set $SororityTug to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's the girls in your sorority and the guys in your 'brother' fraternity pulling together. <<if $BodyType == 'Fit'>> But even though you are probably the strongest girl on either end of the rope, most of the guys are still stronger. <<else>> None of the girls are as strong as most of the guys on either team though. <</if>> But it's still fun, pulling and adding what you can to the effort. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The game is over once <<if $SororityELP>> you, and then the rest of your team, are pulled across the line. You don't really mind that you lost, you had a great time. <<else>> the first player from the other team is pulled across the line. She is followed soon after by the rest of her team. You are thrilled that your team actually won! <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> At the awards ceremony they hand out separate first, second, and third place trophies to the sororities and fraternities. <<if $SororityELP>> Your team doesn't earn one, but you didn't expected to either. It was nice just be included. <<else>> You are so proud when you and your sisters go up to claim the first place trophy! <</if>> After that they hand out a few individual awards. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $SororityFootball>> You blush as you are called up to receive the "Fan Favorite" award. You can't believe they had someone run out to get a color print of you, pantyless in the middle of the football field, printed and then framed it for you. <<else>> They have a "Fan Favorite" award for some girl whose top came off during a football game. <</if>> <<if $SororityJoust>> <<if $SororityJoustWin>> They give you your trophy for your first place finish in the joust. <<elseif $BodyType == 'Petite'>> You laugh as they give you the "Rag Doll" award for getting knocked out of the joust ring. It's a childs rag doll with one eye made to look like it has black eye. Thankfully you don't have one of those though. <<else>> You laugh when the petite girl you saw get knocked completely out of the joust ring gets awarded a "Rag doll" award. <</if>> <<else>> You wonder how much a petite girl must have been knocked around when they give her a "Rag Doll" award for the joust competition. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$SororityFootball and !$SororityFootball and $SororityELP>> You know some of the more traditional sororities are having parties tonight, but yours is instead going to be spending the evening [[feeding the homeless|Part15SororityELP]]. <<elseif $SororityELP>> You remember that there's a party later at one of the sororities houses, and you've been invited. <<else>> You remember that there's a party later back at the sorority house. <</if>> <<if !$SororityFootball and !$SororityFootball and $SororityELP>> <<elseif setup.haveGirlfriend()>> You and $dating[0] can hardly wait for <<if $SororityFootball>> [[the party to start|Part15SororityFootball3]]. <<elseif $SororityJoust>> [[the party to start|Part15SororityJoust2]]. <<else>> [[the party to start|Part15SororityChastity]]. <</if>> <<elseif $dating.length>> But you'd rather <<link "spend the time with $dating[0]">> <<if $SororityFootball>> <<goto [[Part15SororityFootballBoyfriend]]>> <<elseif $SororityJoust>> <<goto [[Part15SororityJoustBoyfriend]]>> <<else>> <<goto [[Part15SororityChastityBoyfriend]]>> <</if>> <</link>>. <<elseif $CampusMinistry>> It's sounds like it would be a lot of fun to <<if $SororityFootball>> [[attend the party|Part15SororityFootball3]]. <<elseif $SororityJoust>> [[attend the party|Part15SororityJoust2Ministry]]. <<else>> [[attend the party|Part15SororityChastity]]. <</if>> But, you've heard these sorority parties can get pretty wild, so maybe it would be better to <<if $SororityFootball and $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist > 1>> skip the party. But when you hear you are expected to wear your 'uniform' from the game, you can't resist it. The thought of being at a party full of people in just your lingerie uniform is just too exciting. <<else>> [[skip the party|Part15SororityELP]]. <</if>> <<else>> You can hardly wait for <<if $SororityFootball>> [[the party to start|Part15SororityFootball3]]. <<elseif $SororityJoust>> [[the party to start|Part15SororityJoust2]]. <<else>> [[the party to start|Part15SororityChastity]]. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>"In Uniform" at the party</h1> <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> <img src="Part15/Sorority15.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<else>> <img src="Part15/Sorority13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <</if>> It's such a turn on walking around at the party in your lingerie "uniform". <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> Especially since $dating[0] is there with you in her lingerie. <<if !setup.areDating('Veronica')>> Even if she hadn't played, she could resist dressing like the rest of you. <</if>> <</if>> Of course there's a lot fewer people looking at you now, but it's so much more personal. It's probably a good thing the football players changed out of their cheerleader uniforms, because from how hard some of them look, you doubt they'd have been able to keep it from lifting their skirts up for them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can't help but fantasize about one or more of them taking you to a nearby bedroom, or even right here. All it would take would a quick yank to rip your panties off, and a moment later he'd be inside you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $dating.length>> But it's not one of the football players you want. It's $dating[0] you want right now. <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>>She<<else>>He<</if>> recognizes the look in your eyes and whispers into your ear what she wants to do to you when you get home. <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> "Let's have a [[little fun with the guys|Part15SororityFootball4Girlfriend]] before we leave," $dating[0] suggests. <<else>> "The party has been great, but $dating[0] and I [[are leaving|Part15SororityFootball4]]," you say as you head towards the door. <</if>> <<elseif $CampusMinistry>> You know you should leave now before you do something bad. But then you figure a good girl wouldn't be here, dressed like this, and thinking the things that you are right now. So maybe you aren't a good girl like you pretend to be. Maybe it'd be much more fun [[to be a bad girl|Part15SororityFootball4Ministry]]. <<elseif setup.isGoldStarLesbian()>> One of the other lingerie foodball players seems to have noticed your repeated glances at her. Seeing your interest, she comes over and starts flirting with you. You don't want to waste any more time. Before long you and her are kissing, getting some cheers from the actual football players watching. You tell her, "Why don't we [[go somewhere private|Part15SororityFootball4Lesbian]]." <<else>> One of the actual football players seems to have noticed your repeated glances at the bulge in his pants. Seeing your interest, he comes over and starts flirting with you. You don't want to waste any more time. You places your hand on his bulge and feel his cock twitch at the touch and strain against his pants. You tell him, "That looks like it hurts. Why don't we go somewhere private, and you can slip into something more comfortable... [[me for instance|Part15SororityFootball4]]." <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Giving a little show before you leave</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Sorority16.webm" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and her [[want to be alone|Part15SororityFootball4Lesbian2]]. But you decide to give the guys, and any girls with interests like yours, a little show on your way out. It's clearly a big hit, some of the guests even take a few photos. They'll probably go well with the other photos of you from earlier in the day. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Alone with Lisa</h1> <video src="Part15/Sorority17.webm" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(6, {sex:"female", name:"Lisa"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are barely through the door and Lisa has your hands held together above your head. "Did that excite you, my little slut, being dressed like this in front of all those people?" You nod submissively. She pauses to remove your bra and panties before continuing. <br><br> "I bet you are soaking wet right now, aren't you slut?" she asks as her hand moves down your side and then back up your inner thigh. After you nod, her hand passes by, not sliding into you to check as you had been expecting. You whimper slightly with need. "I asked you a question," she says firmly. <br><br> "Yes. Yes, I'm a slut. I'm your slut. I loved being dressed like this at the party, and in front of all those people at the game. I'm so wet right now. Please, please..." <br><br> Her hand circles around again, but this time instead of passing by, she slides two fingers inside you. She brings them to your lips and has you taste your wetness on them. After you've sucked them clean, her hand returns and her fingers slide into you again. <br><br> She gives you your first orgasm of the night right there, pressed up aginst the wall. Though there are plenty more after that for both of you before the [[night is over|Part15SororityDormOrNextWeek]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Giving a little show before you leave</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Sorority16.webm" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and $dating[0] [[want to be alone|Part15SororityFootball4Girlfriend2]]. But you decide to give the guys, and any girls with interests like yours, a little show on your way out. It's clearly a big hit, some of the guests even take a few photos. They'll probably go well with the other photos of you from earlier in the day. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Alone with $dating[0]</h1> <video src="Part15/Sorority17.webm" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(6, {sex:"female", name:$dating[0]})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are barely through the door and <<if setup.areDating('Bailey')>> you have Bailey's hands held together above her head. "Did that excite you, my little slut, being dressed like this in front of all those people?" She nods submissively. You pause to remove her bra and panties before continuing. <br><br> "I bet you are soaking wet right now, aren't you slut?" you ask as your hand moves down her side and then back up her inner thigh. When she just nods, you let your hand pass by, not checking to see as she had been hoping you would. "I asked you a question," you say firmly. <br><br> "Yes. Yes, I'm a slut. I'm your slut. I loved being dressed like this at the party, and seeing you dressed like this at the game. I'm so wet right now. Please, please..." <br><br> Your hand circles around again, but this time instead of passing by you slide two fingers inside her, seeing just how wet she is. After taking them to her lips so she can taste herself, your hand returns. <br><br> You give Bailey her first orgasm of the night right there, pressed up aginst the wall. Though there are plenty more after that for both of you before the [[night is over|Part15SororityDormOrNextWeek]]. <<else>> $dating[0] has your hands held together above your head. "Did that excite you, my little slut, being dressed like this in front of all those people?" You nod submissively. She pauses to remove your bra and panties before continuing. <br><br> "I bet you are soaking wet right now, aren't you slut?" she asks as her hand moves down your side and then back up your inner thigh. After you nod, her hand passes by, not sliding into you to check as you had been expecting. You whimper slightly with need. "I asked you a question," she says firmly. <br><br> "Yes. Yes, I'm a slut. I'm your slut. I loved being dressed like this at the party, and in front of all those people at the game. I'm so wet right now. Please, please..." <br><br> Her hand circles around again, but this time instead of passing by, she slides two fingers inside you. She brings them to your lips and has you taste your wetness on them. After you've sucked them clean, her hand returns and her fingers slide into you again. <br><br> She gives you your first orgasm of the night right there, pressed up aginst the wall. Though there are plenty more after that for both of you before the [[night is over|Part15SororityDormOrNextWeek]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Punished for being bad girl</h1> <video src="Part15/Sorority18.webm" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When one of the football players starts hitting on you, you don't reject him like you probably would have any other day. Instead you comment on what a bad girl you are for some of things you are thinking right now. "Well, if you are such a bad girl, why don't we go somewhere private so I can punish you?" he suggests. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Before you stop to even think about what you are doing, you are on your stomach, on a bed, with him pulling his belt from his pants. It surprises you how much it stings when his belt hits you the first time. But it surprises you even more how much you like it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Between swats from his belt or his hand, you feel his hand slide between your legs and stroke you through your wet panties. You moan at how good it feels. You've never had any hands touch you like that except your own <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> and that doesn't feel like this. <<else>> and while that can be fun, it's nothing like this. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he starts to remove your panties you don't object at all, and lift your ass up to make it easier for him to get them off. This prompts another swat on your ass and a comment about what a naughty little girl you are. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After a few more smacks with his open hand, he decides you've been punished enough. "Bad girls get punished, but they also get rewarded." Then he grabs you and flips you over onto your back. As he climbs onto the bed, [[your legs instinctively part inviting him in|Part15SororityFootball4]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $SororitySEX or $SororityDTD>> <<include [[Part15Week]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15Dorm]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $dating.length>> <h1>With $dating[0]</h1> <<set setup.addSex({name:$dating[0], sex:"male", vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({name:$dating[0], sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({name:$dating[0], sex:"male", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({name:$dating[0], sex:"male"})>> <<elseif $CampusMinistry>> <h1>Rewarded for being bad girl</h1> <<set setup.addSex({anon:"football player", sex:"male", vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({anon:"football player", sex:"male", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({anon:"football player", sex:"male", vaginal:true, noCondom:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({anon:"football player", sex:"male", repeat:true})>> <<else>> <h1>With a football player</h1> <<set setup.addSex({anon:"football player", sex:"male", vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({anon:"football player", sex:"male", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({anon:"football player", sex:"male", vaginal:true, noCondom:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({anon:"football player", sex:"male", repeat:true})>> <</if>> <video src="Part15/Sorority14.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are so wet and eager to have him inside you <<if $dating.length and $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> that neither of you remember to have him wear a condom. <<if $PlayerPregnant>> Though it doesn't matter as much now, since you are already pregnant. <</if>> <<elseif $dating.length and $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> that neither of you remember until too late to be careful about where he cums. <<if $PlayerPregnant>> Though it doesn't matter as much now, since you are already pregnant. <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> that you don't remember to ask him to wear a condom. You are out anyway. You'll need to remember to pick some <<if !$CampusMinistry>>more<</if>> up tomorrow. <<if $PlayerPregnant>> Though it doesn't matter as much now, since you are already pregnant. <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> that you don't remember to ask him to pull out before he cums. <<if $PlayerPregnant>> Though it doesn't matter as much now, since you are already pregnant. <</if>> <<elseif $CampusMinistry>> that it doesn't hurt like you thought it would when he enters you. <<else>> that you skip any more foreplay and beg him to fuck you. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You orgasm the first time as he holds your arms down on the bed and fucks you deep and hard. He keeps fucking you through your orgasm, and by the time he is getting close to his, you are about to cum again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "No, don't stop!" you beg as he pulls out of you. He quickly slides back into you and continues with a few more thrusts. It was enough and you come again as he fucks you until he becomes to sensitive to continue. After he pulls out and lays down beside you, you can feel some of his cum on your mons, but you think he left much more inside you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $dating.length>> <<if setup.sexCount() == 4>> You don't know why you waited this long, but you don't want to wait again to feel $dating[0] inside you. Well, you have to wait a few minutes. <</if>> You give him a few minutes to recover, but then $dating[0]'s cock is in your mouth and you are coaxing it back to life for the next round. <br><br> The [[next day|Part15SororityDormOrNextWeek]], you notice the dried cum on your 'uniform'. You make a note to be careful when you wash it, you don't want to damage it, not after how much fun you and $dating[0] had this time. <<elseif $CampusMinistry>> <<unset $CampusMinistry>> <<set $CampusMinistryFailFall2 to 1>> "I don't think I want to be a good girl anymore," you tell him. "Being a bad girl is much more fun." You feel like you've missed out on a year you could have been doing this. You know you aren't going to be wasting any more time now. Especially not tonight. You're sure he'll be ready to go again in a few mintues. <br><br> [[After tonight|Part15SororityDormOrNextWeek]], you're sure you'll find many more opportunities to make up for lost time. <<else>> You give him a few minutes to recover, but then his cock is in your mouth and you are coaxing it back to life for the next round. <br><br> The [[next day|Part15SororityDormOrNextWeek]], you notice the dried cum on your 'uniform'. You make a note to be careful when you wash it, you don't want to damage it, not after how much fun you had wearing it this time. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if !$tempExplainJoust>> <<set $tempExplainJoust to 1>> At the party they are having a different sort of 'joust' event. This time girls from the earlier joust are going up against guys that competed for the fraternities, and they'll both be naked. The rules of this event are quite different. The contestants have to make their opponent orgasm in order to win. You wonder if that evens out the difficulty, since most of the guys are much stronger than the most of the girls. After they win, the victor gets another 15 minutes to do whatever they want with the loser, with the crowd watching. <br><br> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Sorority Mixed Wrestling</h1> <img src="Part15/Sorority10a.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15SororityJoustDetails]]>> Since you were the winner today, they want you to compete first. They promise they have someone that will be more of a challenge for you today. When they explain that it's <i>mixed</i> wrestling and you'll be competing against a guy, it makes sense. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You aren't certain about competing against a guy, not because you are afraid of losing, but just because the thought of rolling around the mat with some guy is turning you on too much. But after a few drinks you tell them you'll do it. That's when they tell you you'll be competing naked. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> The thought of you grappling naked with guy, in front of everyone at the party, is too exciting to resist. "What the hell, [[let's do this|Part15SororityJoust3]]!" you tell them. <<else>> "N...naked?" you ask to make sure you heard her right. Though you supposed you aren't really that shocked. You know you shouldn't, but the more you think about it, the more the thought of some <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> guy holding you down <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> sweaty guy with his arms around you <<else>> naked guy grabbing you <</if>> is exciting you. If you don't [[leave the party|Part15SororityDormOrNextWeek]] right now, you know you're going to give in to the temptation and tell her [[you'll do it|Part15SororityJoust3]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Sorority Mixed Wrestling</h1> <img src="Part15/Sorority10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set $tempExplainJoust to 1>> At the party they are having a different sort of 'joust' event. The girl who won the earlier joust competition today is going first. You find out this event is much different. She'll be competing against a guy, and has to pin him to the mat to win. And that they'll both be naked! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's not until they are in the ring and the referee says that the "first one to cum, loses" that you realize the two of them are probably going to be having sex, right in front of you! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know you should probably leave now, but you can't help but stay and watch, at least the first 'fight'. You soon see that this guy isn't going to be any more of a match for her than you and the other girls were. She soon has him in a headlock with her legs wrapped around him. He can't move much except to kick and try and wriggle free or try to pull her legs apart. Neither is very effective. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When she licks her free hand and starts stroking his cock he struggles even more, but only for few seconds. Then you can tell he's given up trying to win, and just wants her to keep going. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you see him groan and a spurt of cum squirt out onto her ass, leg, and the mat below, someone rings a bell and she unlocks her legs. He's on his hands and knees, starting to get up when she grabs his head and pushes it back down towards the mat. She orders him, "Lick up your mess first." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When her other hand reaches under him and grabs his balls, his hestiation ends and he starts licking. The guys in the crowd start laughing and the girls start cheering. When the mat is clean she has him lick her clean too, then finally lets him get up, giving him a loud smack on the ass with her open hand. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> You know you should probably leave the party right now, before it's your turn to go out there. But you've gotten so wet watching her dominate him like that, and from hearing him moan as she stroked his cock. Oh god, and the smell of him as he struggled, naked on the mat. All that, and the thought of some other guy, the scent of his sweaty body next to yours, it's too much to resist. You can't help but to stick around and [[give it a try|Part15SororityJoust3]]. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> You know you should probably leave the party right now, before it's your turn to go out there. But you've gotten so wet watching her dominate him like that, and from hearing him moan as she stroked his cock. And the thought of being naked, in front of all these people, it's too much to resist. You can't help but to stick around and [[give it a try|Part15SororityJoust3]]. <<else>> You know you should [[leave the party|Part15SororityDormOrNextWeek]] right now, before it's your turn to go out there. But you've gotten so wet watching her dominate him like that, and from hearing him moan as she stroked his cock. And you suspect that, and the beers you've drank, have made you much more eager to [[give it a try|Part15SororityJoust3]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $SororityJoustWin>> <<include [[Part15SororityJoust2MinistryWinner]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15SororityJoust2MinistryLoser]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $SororityJoustWin>> <<include [[Part15SororityJoust2Winner]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15SororityJoust2Loser]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Sorority Mixed Wrestling</h1> <img src="Part15/Sorority10a.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15SororityJoustDetails]]>> Since you were the winner today, they want you to compete first. They promise they have someone that will be more of a challenge for you today. You are already wet with anticipation before you see your opponent. You know, win or lose, you'll be fucking some guy, or at least jerking him off, right here in front of everyone. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you see who they've paired you again you bite your lower lip. You are pretty sure it's going to be [[you pinned to the mat and force to cum|Part15SororityJoust3]] and you can't wait. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Sorority Mixed Wrestling</h1> <<include [[Part15SororityJoustDetails]]>> <video src="Part15/Sorority9.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You watch as the girl who won faces off against her opponent. She may have been stronger than all the other girls, but she isn't much of a match for him. He overpowers her easily. Though, you question how much of a fight she was actually putting up in the first place. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She's certainly not complaining about losing as he makes her cum twice before ordering her to suck his cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you watch her walk off the mat with a smile on her face and cum dribbling down her chin, you are wet with anticipation of [[your turn in the ring|Part15SororityJoust3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Sorority Mixed Wrestling</h1> <<include [[Part15SororityJoustDetails]]>> <video src="Part15/Sorority9.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You never had a chance to beat him wrestling, your only hope to 'win' is to get him off before you. But he doesn't let you do that either. He holds you down on the mat, one hand holding both your arms down at the wrist, and the one leg over both of yours. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You try to struggle free and the crowd loves it. But it only makes you more wet realizing how helpless you are. When his hand reaches between your legs and begins to play with your clit you forget about winning and only want to cum. You beg him to fuck you right now, but by now that's far more about wanting him inside you than it is about getting him off first. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The crowd cheers as you orgasm. They cheer even more when he doesn't stop and you squirm and struggle, overwhelmed by the continued stimulation. Finally he decides it's his turn. He flips you over onto your knees and fucks you first from behind and then in other positions. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've came again before he pulls out and orders you to suck his cock. You happily obey and are soon rewarded with a mouth full of his cum. Everyone cheers as you get up. You swallow his cum and wipe the bit on your chin with your hand. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You have a fun time watching the rest of the "fights", and the remainder of the party after those is great too. When you finally [[head home|Part15SororityDormOrNextWeek]] you know this will be a night to remember. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Sorority Mixed Wrestling</h1> <<include [[Part15SororityJoustDetails]]>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"wrestler", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <video src="Part15/Sorority8.webm" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> Your "fight" doesn't go anything at all like the first one had. Before long you he has your arms pinned down and your legs already apart. You could "tap-out" and end it, but you know everyone would be disappointed. And more importantly, you don't want him to stop. <<else>> Your opponent isn't as strong as the one the first girl had, but he's stronger than you. Before long you he has your arms pinned down and your legs already apart. What little desire you had to "win" is gone, now you only want him inside you. The crowd cheers when they hear you start begging him to fuck you. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are already wet from watching the earlier fights, and from struggling against him. When he slides into you, you can hear sound of the crowd cheering over your moan. You keep "struggling" as he fucks you, but not very hard. Him stopping is the last thing you want. You just do it because of how helpless it makes you feel, and that is turning you on. And, it would seem, him and the crowd as well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerEasytoOrgasm or $PlayerSuperOrgasms>> You don't care that you lost when you cry out as you cum. You barely even hear the roar of the crowd as they cheer your orgasm, and his victory. He doesn't stop though, not for a little while longer when he's managed to cum too. Only after his cock is done twitching inside you does he let go of your arms and climb off of you. <<else>> You don't care about winning or losing, and just want to cum. But he groans and thrusts a last time before you can orgasm. He lays there on top of you for a moment, clearly not minding that he just "lost". The crowd cheers for your victory, but you care more about your orgasm that was so close. <br><br> You think about riding the guys face, since he is yours to play with for 15 minutes. But you want a cock right now, not a tongue. "Can somone please fuck me until I cum!" you beg to the crowd. You don't have to wait. There is soon another guy on top of you. You put your arms down on the mat like they were before, so he can hold them down too. <br><br> You were close, so you cum quickly after he starts, the crowd errupting with cheers again. He keeps fucking you a while longer until he too cums. <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"wrestling spectator", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You lay there a moment before you finally get up. Someone hands you a towel to wipe yourself, and to keep the cum leaking out of you from dripping everywhere. Someone else quickly cleans up the mat for the next "fight". <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> You don't know why you've waited so long for this. You feel like you've wasted a whole year trying to be 'good'. You aren't sure when you'll be at another party like this, so you decide to [[have as much fun as you can tonight|Part15SororityJoustCampusMinistryFail]]. <<else>> You have a fun time watching the rest of the "fights", and the remainder of the party after those is great too. When you finally [[head home|Part15SororityDormOrNextWeek]] you know this will be a night to remember. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $SororityJoustWin>> <<include [[Part15SororityJoust3Winner]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15SororityJoust3Loser]]>> <</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"wrestler", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pullout-perfect'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"wrestler", repeat:true})>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Drinking Games</h1> <img src="Part15/Sorority11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You start to get dressed again after your "fight", but the guys tell you not to bother. They say everyone has already seen you naked, <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> and honestly you didn't need much convincing, <<else>> and you figure they are right, <</if>> so you don't bother. You just keep the little towel they gave you nearby incase you have any more "leakage" from earlier. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They invite you to play beer pong with them. "Normally we'd say you have to drink after each ball in, and then remove a piece of clothing if your team loses. But we can come up with something different for you," one of them says. They decide that instead of removing a piece of clothing, you'll kiss the guys on the winning team. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Most of your "kisses" usually are more than that, as the guys hands roam your naked body as he kisses you. Between that, the beers you've had, and wanting to make up for a wasted year of missed fun, you are wishing for a lot more. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, once you've had enough beers to actually say that out loud, it isn't long before the guys are taking you somewhere to [[give you exactly what you want|Part15SororityJoustCampusMinistryFail2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Making up for lost time</h1> <img src="Part15/Sorority12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Frat Guy"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Frat Guy", vaginal:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Frat Guy"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Frat Guy"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Frat Guy", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Frat Guy"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Frat Guy"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Frat Guy", vaginal:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Frat Guy"})>> <<unset $CampusMinistry>> <<set $CampusMinistryFail to 1>> <<set $CampusMinistryFailFall2 to 1>> Your heart is racing as they take you into a bedroom. You'd always pictured your first time being a romantic thing with candles and rose petals, maybe even on your wedding night. You certainly didn't picture it being on a wrestling mat in a sorority basement, with dozens of people watching. Nor did you expect your second time would be having a line of frat boys fuck you. But you are so wet in anticipation of it now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> If you'd known how good it would feel having a cock <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> in your ass, <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOral>> in your mouth, <<else>> inside you, <</if>> then you would have been doing it long before now. Whenever your mouth isn't filled, you are begging for more: either the next cock to start, or for the one inside you now to fuck you harder and faster. One guy after another eagerly give you what you want. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next several hours are a fog of pleasure. You have no idea how many times you came, let alone how many times the guys came in or on you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next morning, despite being sore and hungover, you regret nothing. "I'm definitely not going to wait a year until I get laid again!" you think to yourself. Though you do plan on maybe having it with few guys at once next time. <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> "And, I should probably pick up some condoms if I don't want to end up pregnant." <</if>> <</nobr>> [[Continue|Part15SororityDormOrNextWeek]] <<achievement>>train+threesome:FMF<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>At the sorority party</h1> <img src="Part15/Sorority32.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and your friends arrive late to the party. They were definitely right about things getting more wild as the night goes on. By the time you all arrive, some of the girls are doing keg stands topless - or even fully nude! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> They look like they are having a lot of fun drinking. You'd be tempted to join in on the fun too if you weren't pregnant. But instead you just watch them for a bit before [[heading home|Part15SororityDormOrNextWeek]]. <<else>> You think "what crazy sluts they are" at first, but <<if $JobBetaTester == "chaste">> knowing your belt won't let you masturbate <<else>> your belt teasing you <</if>> has you horny and wishing you were them, with the guys looking at you like they are at them. And after a few drinks, you are topless too and doing a handstand yourself. <br><br> You don't plan on going any further than that, to keep your belt hidden. But the beer kept you from thinking things through. As soon as you are upside down, your skirt falls in the opposite direction revealing your belt to everyone watching. <br><br> Word has already spread around campus about the electronic chastity belts. <<if $JobBetaTester == "chaste">> Everyone assumes yours is set the same as most of the others, and they all start encouraging you to suck a cock while they watch. <br><br> You try to tell them your belt isn't set that way, but they think you are just to shy to do it and keep encouraging you. After another drink or two you decide <<if $ChastityChasteAttempts>> the punishments won't be that bad at first, and you kind of liked it last time. So, you'll <<else>> to <</if>> [[give it a try|Part15SororityChastity2]]. <<else>> Everyone knows most of them are set to reward you for sucking cock, and they all start encouraging you to [[suck one while they watch|Part15SororityChastity2]]! <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Putting on a show</h1> <video src="Part15/Sorority33.webm" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You start unzipping his pants. You get more excited when you see his hard cock. You decide to pull his pants off entirely so everyone can get a good look. All the girls cheer enthusiastically. The guys cheer too, but a bit nervously. <<if setup.sexMaleCount() == 0>> You tentatively touch his cock with your tongue, wondering what it's going to taste like. Hearing a soft, "mmmm" from him when you do encourages you to wrap your lips around it. <<else>> You wrap your lips around his <<if $ChastityChasteAttempts and $JobBetaTester == "chaste">> cock, hoping you don't get shocked immediately. <<else>> cock eagerly. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You start slowly moving your lips down his cock. One of the bystanders behind you thinks you are going too slow though. You feel her hand push down on your head, encouraging you to go faster. You follow her lead and start moving up and down his cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $ChastityChasteAttempts and $JobBetaTester == "chaste">> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", anon:"Frat Guy"})>> <<set $ChastityChasteAttempts += 1>> <<set $JobBetaTester to "normal">> <<set $DailyBJMinimum to 1>> <<set $DailyBJRecord to 5>> You keep waiting for the shock to come, but it doesn't. You wonder if the alcohol is preventing it from detecting what you are doing somehow. But really you don't care why, you just keep going, enjoying the feeling of his cock in your mouth more and more the longer you go. <br><br> You start enjoying it even more when you feel your belt start to come alive, not shocking you, but giving you pleasure. You feel your pleasure build and build, and the crowd cheer you on more and more, as he gets closer to his orgasm. <br><br> You don't want the pleasure from your belt to stop, and keep his cock in your mouth as you feel his cock start to throb and pulse and then feel his warm cum fill your mouth. With the crowd cheering for you to swallow, you feel his cum slide down your throat. A moment later, your belt increases it's vibrations and soon you are crying out with an orgasm you desperately need, earning even more cheers from the crowd. <br><br> A different girl and a different guy soon become the center of attention. As they start, you look down at your phone and see a notification that appeared while you were occupied. <br><br> <blockquote> <b>Automated Message from Engineering</b><br> After reviewing previous logs from your belt, it was identified that you may not have been assigned to the<br> most optimal test group. Your continued attempts at oral sex has confirmed this.<br> <br> As a result, your belt's mode has been changed from <i>Chaste</i> to <i>Normal</i> and a daily oral service<br> requirement of: 1 time(s) per day has been added. Be sure to complete this daily to avoid punishment.<br> </blockquote> <br><br> You quickly find another cock, and eagerly suck it hoping for another orgasm. Unfortunately it pleasures you while you have his cock in your mouth, but the belt never gives you an orgasm this time. Evidently after the first time, it's random whether it gives you one or not. <<elseif $JobBetaTester == "chaste">> <<set $ChastityChasteAttempts to 2>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Frat Guy"})>> You suck his cock for while, until you feel an uncomfortable shock come from your belt that makes you jump. Maybe the alcohol is making it hurt less than it should, but you figure it wasn't that bad so you keep going. After a moment, another shock hits, worse than the first one. <br><br> You start to pull away, but someone behind you puts her hand on your head again and pushed you back down. She does that a few more times, until you are able to pull back and tell her the belt is shocking you and that you'll need to use your hand instead. "Lame," is all she says. <br><br> He isn't complaining though, and enjoys the handjob you start giving him. You actually have some experience stroking a cock, from back when you had one. When he starts to get close the crowd starts chanting for you to "swallow!", "swallow!", "swallow!" You are a bit worried about the shock you'll probably get shocked again but decide to do it anyway. Thankfully when it does shock you, it's a mild one again, like the first shock was. Seeing the look of happiness on his face makes you decide it was worth the moment of pain to give him the finish everyone wanted. <br><br> Your body aches for him, or one of his friends, to be inside you. You don't care about being "chaste" anymore, and would let any of them, or all of them, fuck you right now in front of everyone, if the belt would let you. But you can't. And you can't even suck their cock without being punished. <br><br> All you're able to do is watch as a different guy and a different girl become the center of attention. As you watch him slide into her, you feel your insides clench, wanting to feel something inside you, but feeling only emptyness. You watch with envy as he fucks her harder and harder. Eventually you try to quit imagining you were her, and just join in with the crowd cheering them on. <<else>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", anon:"Frat Guy"})>> You start enjoying it even more once your belt comes to life. It pleasures you as you pleasure him. As he moans more and more and gets close to his orgasm, you feel your own approaching. <<if $JobBetaTester == "deny">> Part of you know your belt isn't going to let you have one, but the rest of you keeps desperately hoping that it will. <<else>> Every part of you desperately hopes that this is one of the times your belt decides to let you orgasm. <</if>> <br><br> You eagerly swallow down every drop once you feel his warm cum fill your mouth, earning more cheers from the crowd. Unfortunately, not long after you do, your belt stops keeping you from your own orgasm. <br><br> You are still aching for a cock inside you as a different girl and a different guy become the center of attention. The longer you watch him fuck her, the more you wish you were her. Eventually you can't take it anymore, and stop watching the show to go find another cock to suck. It doesn't take you long to find a volunteer, or the one after that, or the one after that... <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once the party starts to wind down, you get a ride home. Hopefully you won't have a hangover when you [[wake up tomorrow|Part15SororityDormOrNextWeek]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Giving $dating[0] a show</h1> You decide to give $dating[0] a show of some of your lingerie you've picked up over the last year. After all, everyone else has just seen you in lingerie that showed nearly as much. And you want to be sure it's images of you wearing something sexy that fills $dating[0]'s thoughts, not one of those other girls. And you <<if !setup.haveFucked($dating[0])>> never get to wear it, <<else>> don't get to wear it often enough, <</if>> so now seems like the perfect opportunity. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Sorority34.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <img src="Part15/Sorority35.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> $dating[0] loves the show, and you can see from the bulge you've made him create in his pants, that it's having just the effect on him you'd hoped it would. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $sex.length > 0>> You aren't about to let <<if setup.sexVaginalCount() > 0>> [[his hard cock|Part15SororityFootballBoyfriend2]] <<else>> [[his hard cock|Part15SororityFootballBoyfriend2Oral]] <</if>> go ignored for long. <<else>> It's only fair that $dating[0] put on a show for you too. He doesn't have any fancy lingerie to wear, so he just poses for you with what he has on. <br><br> <img src="Part15/Sorority36.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> You know you should probably <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral>> leave before you give in to your desires <<else>> [[leave before you give in to your desires|Part15SororityDormOrNextWeek]] <</if>> but seeing his hard cock showing through his briefs makes you wonder what it would feel like in your hand, [[or in your mouth|Part15SororityFootballBoyfriend2Oral]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $PlayerProtectionFertile>> "No," you tell him. "They don't work on me. <<else>> "No," you tell him. "I'd planned on waiting, so I never started on them. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Riding $dating[0]'s cock</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Sorority38.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.sexVaginalCount() == 0>> You want to be on top your first time. You are worried it might hurt, and you figure if you are on top, you can control how fast it goes, and how deep he goes inside you. <br><br> It turns out you were worried about nothing. His cock feels amazing from the first moment it enters you. You wonder if that's normal or X-Change, either way you love it and are soon making sure his cock goes as deep as it can every time. <<else>> You want on top this time, so you can guide his cock to just the right spot, and so you can make sure he goes deep with every thrust. From the look on his face you can tell he's enjoying it just as much as you are. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your riding starts to become more frantic as your orgasm approaches. You see his head tilt back and him moan just as you orgasm. You keep riding as long as you can, until your body gives out and you collapse onto his chest and smile in the warm afterglow of your orgasm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.sexVaginalCount() == 0>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, name:$dating[0], noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", vaginal:true, name:$dating[0]})>> "Oh god, that was amazing!" $dating[0] tells you. He glances at the cum leaking out of you and onto his stomach and adds. "We'd never talked about it since you... since we had planned on waiting. But are you on birth control?" <br><br> <<if $PlayerProtectionPill>> "Yes," you tell him. "I take the pill, so we should be fine." You smile and add, "In fact, I'm fine to do it again as soon as you are ready." You then move down and start to coax his cock back to life. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> "Yes," you tell him. "My implant came with one. It's supposed to be even better than the pill." You smile and add, "In fact, I'm fine to do it again as soon as you are ready." You then move down and start to coax his cock back to life. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> "Yes," you tell him. "My implant came with one. It's supposed to be as good as the pill." You smile and add, "In fact, I'm fine to do it again as soon as you are ready." You then move down and start to coax his cock back to life. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> <<include [[Part15SororityFootballBoyfriend2NoBirthControl]]>> Maybe you can pull out before you cum from now on." You smile and move down towards his cock. You give it a kiss, then a lick, and add, "I can think of somewhere else you can cum next time." You then take his cock into your mouth and start to coax it back to life. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <<include [[Part15SororityFootballBoyfriend2NoBirthControl]]>> Maybe you can run out and grab some condoms before we go again." He quickly starts getting dressed. "Please hurry back," you tell him as he heads out the door. <<else>> <<include [[Part15SororityFootballBoyfriend2NoBirthControl]]>> I don't really want to take them though. We want to have a baby together anyway right? If it happens sooner than we'd planned, would that be so bad?" <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, name:$dating[0], noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", vaginal:true, name:$dating[0]})>> "Oh god, I'm sorry. I didn't pull out that time," $dating[0] tells you. "It felt so good, and it happened before I could tell you." You tell him it's ok, and that you'll just have to be more mindful of it next time you are on top. <<else>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(6, {sex:"male", vaginal:true, name:$dating[0]})>> "Oh god, that was amazing!" $dating[0] tells you. "You on top is great!" <br><br> "I'm glad you enjoyed it too," you say smiling. You smile and add, "But my legs are burning now, so maybe you should be on top next time." You then move down and start to coax his cock back to life. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After many more rounds that evening, you and $dating[0] are finally exhausted and fall asleep. You wake up the next morning a bit sore, but with a big smile on your face, and ready to [[start the new day|Part15SororityDormOrNextWeek]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $sex.length>> <h1>Sucking $dating[0]'s cock</h1> <<else>> <h1>Tasting $dating[0]'s cock for the first time</h1> <</if>> <video src="Part15/Sorority37.webm" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $sex.length > 0>> You are eager to taste $dating[0]'s cock again. Once you start to hear him moan, you remember exactly why you love sucking his cock so much. <br><br> Before you know it his moans turn to groans, and you feel his hand resting on your head, subconciously urging you not to stop. <br><br> Of course, you don't stop, working his cock even more eagerly the moan desperate the sounds he is making get. Before long, you feel his cock start to twitch and then feel and taste as his cock begins to pump more and more of his cum into your mouth. <br><br> You know how much he loves it when you swallow, so you'd swallow down every drop. <<else>> At first you are nervous about what his cock is going to taste like, or if you are going to be able to do a good job. But as soon as you start to hear $dating[0] moan, you forget about all that. Instead you just focus on doing what makes him moan, so you can make him moan more. <br><br> Before you know it his moans turn to groans, and you feel his hand resting on your head, subconciously urging you not to stop. <br><br> Of course, you don't stop, working his cock even more eagerly the moan desperate the sounds he is making get. Before long, you feel his cock start to twitch and then experience A whole new taste as his cock begins to pump more and more of his cum into your mouth. <br><br> You'd heard how much guys like it when you swallow, so you'd already decided you'd swallow every drop no matter how bad it tasted. But now that you are experiencing it, you find out you actually kind of like the taste. You like it even more knowing it's $dating[0]'s. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That was amazing!" $dating[0] tells you when he's able to speak again. Now let me take care of you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Buddy17.webm" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !setup.haveFucked($dating[0])>> You'd never imagined it would feel as good as this. <</if>> When his tongue slides across your clit, you let out a moan. As he continues, you are soon grinding your hips into his face, hungry for more. As you see his cock start to get hard again, you have an urge to lean forward and suck it again, this time while he eats you out. But you decide you'd rather let him focus on you without being distracted, so you keep riding and focus on how good it feels for you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you cum, you cover his face with your juices. You are embarrassed and almost appologize. But you see how proud he seems to be about your orgasm, and decide an apology isn't needed. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> What you do need though, is another orgasm. His cock is right there [[and you want it inside you|Part15SororityFootballBoyfriend2]]. <<if !setup.haveFucked($dating[0])>> Though, maybe your second orgasm can wait until <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> next time <<else>> you are home alone. <</if>> Because, you know if you don't [[leave now|Part15SororityDormOrNextWeek]], you're not going to be able to resist going all the way tonight. <<elseif setup.sexVaginalCount() == 0>> You don't want to wait until you are married any longer. You don't want to wait any more at all. You need him now. <</if>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Wrestling with $dating[0]</h1> <img src="Part15/Sorority41.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Later, when you and $dating[0] are alone, you are inspired by the earlier matches and challenge him to wrestle. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You feel really proud of yourself a few minutes later when you are on top of $dating[0], with his hands held to the floor. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> While you are on top of him, you feel how hard he's gotten wrestling with you. <<if !setup.haveFucked($dating[0])>> You are distracted, imagining how good that hard cock would feel inside you. He sees you are distracted and quickly flips you over, so he's now the one pinning you down. <br><br> He does it so effortlessly that you realize he was letting you win before. Now he's on top and pinning your arms down. He's so much stronger than you, you realize you couldn't possibly get away unless he let you go. And with him on top of you like he is, your mind fills with all sorts of dirty thoughts of what he could do to you right now. <br><br> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> You can't take it any more, you need him inside you. You don't care about waiting anymore. "[[Stop teasing and fuck me already|Part15SororityJoustBoyfriend2OnBottom]]!" you tell him. <<else>> You want to tell him to [[stop teasing and fuck you|Part15SororityJoustBoyfriend2OnBottom]] right now! But you'd planned on waiting. Maybe you should just tell him "you win" and hope he [[gets off of you|Part15SororityDormOrNextWeek]] quickly before you desires get the better of you. Or before his desires get the better of him. <</if>> <<else>> You can't resist and start unzipping his pants. Before long you are both naked and you are [[back on top|Part15SororityJoustBoyfriend2OnTop]] of him. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your first time</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Sorority43.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> </div> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can't wait any longer, you need $dating[0] inside you. And he clearly needs the same thing. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'd never imagined it would feel as good as it does when $dating[0]'s cock first slides into you. He soon has you moaning and clawing at the sheets as he fucks you and strokes your clit. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As your orgasm washes over you, you can't remember why you ever wanted to wait. You want to do this again and again. You want to feel $dating[0]'s cock on your lips, you want to feel his tongue on your clit, you want to feel everything. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can only imagine how much fun you and $dating[0] will have the [[rest of the year|Part15SororityDormOrNextWeek]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>On top of $dating[0]</h1> <video src="Part15/Sorority42.webm" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0], vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can't wait any longer. You won, and you want to claim your prize. You slowly lower yourself down on to $dating[0]'s cock, watching his expression change as your lips part and he slowly enters you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can tell he wants to grab your hips and force you down hard and fast, but he resists. You reward his patience after a bit by picking up the pace. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Hearing him tell you "I'm gonna cum!" pushes you over the edge, and you orgasm, dropping down as you do to feel his cock fill every inch of you as it starts to throb and release into <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> the condom inside of <</if>> you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You both need some time to recover. When you do, this time it's $dating[0]'s turn to be on top. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> [[Continue|Part15SororityDormOrNextWeek]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Enjoying what you can</h1> You want your boyfriend to be fucking you like your sorority sister's boyfriends are probably fucking them right now. You want his hard cock to part your wet lips and slide deep into you. You want to moan and scream as he thrusts into you again and again. You want to feel his cock throb and fill you with his cum. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Sorority40.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you can't have that, and thinking about it only makes you wetter and more desperate. But you can't help but think about it. Sometimes it's all you can think about. You belt does give you some options though. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They said it's open in back for hygiene, and maybe that's true too. But $dating[0] has another use for the opening in the rear of your belt. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You still get to feel his cock inside you, and you still get to feel him fill you with his cum. <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> And it feels so good. You don't know if other girls can come this way too, but you are so happy that you often can. <<else>> You wish you could come too, but it'll have to be enough tonight to enjoy making $dating[0] orgasm instead. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> [[Continue|Part15SororityDormOrNextWeek]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Feeding the homeless</h1> <img src="Part15/Sorority19.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You leave campus and head out with your sorority to feed the homeless. The service fraternity your sorority often teams up with is there as well. As you help hand out plates of food, you are glad you decided to do this instead of going to one of those sorority parties, this is far more rewarding. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After everyone has been fed, you and your brothers and sisters clean up and get ready to leave. Your friend who gave you a ride here is heading over to her boyfriends instead of back to campus, so you'll need to find a different way home. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $dating.length>> You don't want to spend forever taking the bus home, so you give $dating[0] a call and <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>>she<<else>>he<</if>> comes and picks you up and [[takes you home|Part15Dorm]]. <<else>> Some of the girls are heading to one of those sorority parties. "They don't really get fun until later in the evening anyway, so we probably didn't miss much," she says. You could <<if $SororityJoust and $CampusMinistry>> [[join them and head to the party|Part15SororityJoust2Ministry]]. <<elseif $SororityJoust>> [[join them and head to the party|Part15SororityJoust2]]. <<else>> [[join them and head to the party|Part15SororityChastity]]. <</if>> <br><br> Or you could stick to your original plan and just [[catch a bus|Part15SororityELPBus]] back to campus. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Waiting for the bus</h1> <img src="Part15/Bus1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You decided to just stick with your original plan and take the bus back to campus. You know the route takes a while, but it does drop you off at the bus stop right outside the main entrance. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you are waiting, Jayden, one of the guys from the service fraternity you'd been working with, pulls up next to the bus shelter. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Hey, $playerName. I'm heading back towards campus in a bit. I am making one stop first. My friend's band is playing at a bar in town, and I promised I'd come by and say hi after I was done here. I don't expect to be there for long though." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can [[ride along with Jayden|Part15Jayden]] or you can [[keep waiting for your bus|Part15SororityELPBus2]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Long bus ride back to campus</h1> <img src="Part15/Bus2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Eventually your bus shows up, you pay and find a seat. There's not may be people on it at this hour, so you find a spot near the rear door. With the motion of the bus, along with the busy day you've had, and you are soon asleep with your head against the bus window. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you wake up for a moment, you realize you've slept right through your stop, and are several stops past the campus. You get off at the next intersection so you don't get even further away. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are thinking about calling a ride, but your phone dies before you can even see how much it was going to cost. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> So you [[start walking|Part15SororityELPBus3]] the mile or two back to campus. You decide that's going to be quicker than sitting around waiting for a bus going the other way. Who knows how long it'd be or if there's any more coming tonight at all. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Being followed</h1> <img src="Part15/Bus3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> You didn't notice him at first, but now you realize there's some strange guy behind you. He's been walking slightly faster than you and slowly creeping up on you as you walk home. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $BodyType == 'Fit'>> You are tempted to keep walking and be ready to fight him if needed, but you're exhausted and you have no idea how strong he is. Besides you realize he could have a knife or even a gun for all you know. <<else>> If you were stronger, or still a guy, you might be tempted to keep walking and be ready fight him if needed, but you're not. Besides you realize he could have a knife or even a gun for all you know. <</if>> You do pull your keys out of your pocket to use as a weapon, like you'd heard someone mention before. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobBetaTester == "chaste">> You are wondering if you should just run for <<if $BodyType == 'Fit'>> it, you can probably outrun him. <<else>> it and hope you can outrun him. <</if>> But then you remember reading about the "safeword" feature of your belt you'd read about earlier. Maybe the guy is harmless, but right now you are too scared to worry about them punishing you if they decide you've 'misused' the safeword. <br><br> You quickly say the phrase you'd read, loud enough for the belt to hear it. The belt doesn't make any sound, but you feel a momentary vibration from the belt which means it heard you and activted the safety feature. <br><br> You are still hoping it's nothing, you [[start walking a bit faster|Part15SororityELPBus4Alarm]]. Hopefully he's not following you, and just happens to be going in the same direction. <<else>> You need to decide whether to make a <<include [[Part15SororityELPBusRunChance]]>> or to <<include [[Part15SororityELPBusWalkChance]]>> and hope you are just being paranoid. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $tempRoll to either(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)>> <<if $BodyType == 'Fit'>> <<set $tempCaughtScore to 0>> <<set $tempHitScore to 2>> <<elseif $BodyType == 'Plus'>> <<set $tempCaughtScore to 6>> <<set $tempHitScore to 8>> <<else>> <<set $tempCaughtScore to 2>> <<set $tempHitScore to 5>> <</if>> <<if $tempRoll <= $tempCaughtScore>> [[run for it|Part15SororityELPBus4Caught]] <<elseif $tempRoll <= $tempHitScore>> [[run for it|Part15SororityELPBus4Hit]] <<else>> [[run for it|Part15SororityELPBus4Run]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $tempRoll to either(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)>> <<if $BodyType == 'Fit'>> <<set $tempSubmitScore to 2>> <<set $tempFightScore to 7>> <<elseif $BodyType == 'Plus'>> <<set $tempSubmitScore to 4>> <<set $tempFightScore to 8>> <<elseif $BodyType == 'Petite'>> <<set $tempSubmitScore to 8>> <<set $tempFightScore to 9>> <<else>> <<set $tempSubmitScore to 7>> <<set $tempFightScore to 9>> <</if>> <<if $tempRoll <= $tempSubmitScore>> [[keep walking|Part15SororityELPBus4Submit]] <<elseif $tempRoll <= $tempFightScore>> [[keep walking|Part15SororityELPBus4Fight]] <<else>> [[keep walking|Part15DormCalm]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Being attacked</h1> <img src="Part15/Bus4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <<set $RapistBeltAlarm to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You keep walking, hoping he just happens to be going the same way as you. When he's still behind you, you decide to walk a bit faster. But before you know it, he dashes forward and grabs you from behind. You struggle as he pulls you back towards the alley. You try to fight back, but he's strong and you are panicing and doesn't it do any good. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you start to yell for help, he covers you mouth. "Shut up, bitch, or I'll cut your fucking throat!" You haven't seen a knife, but you shut up. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He's holding you with one hand and struggling to take off your jeans with the other. "Pull down your fucking pants if you know what's good for you!" he orders. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are reluctantly doing as he commanded when you both notice a campus police officer come around the corner. He takes off running down the alley in the other direction, but before he can get to the street, a police car from the town police pulls up. He tries to run past the other officer before he can get out of his car, but fails. The officer throws him to the ground and handcuffs him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> While that's happening, the campus officer is checking on you. "We got the alarm from your panic button. It's great that you were carrying one of those. There's been several attacks like this near campus, but they were all reported after the fact and he was long gone by then." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't correct him that it wasn't exactly a panic button, but you suppose that's how it showed up on his system and it's far less embarrassing than the whole truth. You give the real officer your information, and then ride with the campus officer [[back home|Part15DormCalm]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Near miss</h1> When you start running, you think you hear the sound of him chasing after you. You pick up speed and run as fast as you can. <<set $RapistRun to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are so worried about him, that you aren't paying enough attention to where you are going. You seen headlights in your face and hear the sound of a car slamming on it's brakes as you narrowly avoid getting hit while crossing the street. <</nobr>> <img src="Part15/Bus6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <img src="Part15/Bus10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> <<nobr>> When you look around, you no longer see the man following you anymore, but are still worried he might be following you. You run, more carefully now, until you are back on campus. Once you reach campus, you see one of the blue emergency phones. You decide to be safe and use it. You let them know you think you were being followed and they say they'd send an officer over right away to escort you safely [[back to your dorm|Part15DormCalm]]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you start to appologize to the officer for being paranoid he tells you not to be sorry. "There's been several recent attacks in town lately. It's not on campus, so we can't do much about it, and the town police don't seem to be making it much of a priority. Anyway, it sounds like you were lucky tonight. Just give us a call if you need another escort." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Oncoming car</h1> <img src="Part15/Bus6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you start running, you think you hear the sound of him chasing after you. You pick up speed and run as fast as you can. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are so worried about him, that you aren't paying enough attention to where you are going. The last thing you remember [[of the accident|Part15Accident]] are the car's headlights and the sound of its brakes. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You have brief flashes of other memories, but then everything goes black. <</nobr>> <img src="Part15/Bus7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"><<nobr>> <h1>Waking up</h1> <img src="Part15/Bus8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> "How do you feel?" someone asks you as wake up. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You look around, and everything is soft and white and fluffy. "I feel like a cloud. Am I a cloud?" you ask. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "No. That's just the pain medicine the doctor gave you before your surgery. It should start to wear off soon. When you start to feel any pain let me know. I'll get you some less strong, but that should help," she tells you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you wake up a little more your head is a bit more clear, though everything still feels strange and foggy. "What happened?" you ask her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You probably don't remember talking to me before your surgery, she says. "You were in an accident," she tells you. "A car hit you while you were crossing the street." You vaguely remember running across the street, but not the details of it. "Your leg was broken in several places. You also suffered some internal injuries as well, we can go over the details later [[when you are up to it|Part15Accident2]]. But you should be fine in the long run. You will need to wear a cast for the next couple months though." <<if $PlayerPregnant>> <br><br> She pauses for a moment then continues, "I'm sorry, but with the injuries you suffered, your pregnancy didn't withstand the accident." You realize she's saying you've lost the baby you were carrying. You'd probably be more upset right now, but the drugs are making everything seem far away and distant. She pauses and adds hopefully, "Though, the doctor says everything is fine, with your body. So if you want to try again when you are feeling better, you shouldn't have any problems." <<elseif $PregnancyWeek >= 6>> <<set $tempPregnantDiscovered to 1>> <br><br> She pauses for a moment then continues, "When you were briefly conscious before the surgery, you had said you weren't pregnant. But it looks like, prior to the accident you were. But unfortunately the pregnancy didn't withstand the injuries you suffered." She pauses and adds hopefully, "Though, the doctor says everything is fine with your body. So if you want to try again when you are feeling better, you shouldn't have any problems." <<elseif $PregnancyWeek>> <<set $tempPregnantDiscovered to 1>> <br><br> She pauses for a moment then continues, "I don't know if you were even aware of it or not, but your blood work showed that you were likely pregnant prior to the accident, not very far along though. But the pregnancy didn't withstand the injuries you suffered." She pauses and adds hopefully, "Though, the doctor says everything is fine with your body. So if you want to try again when you are feeling better, you shouldn't have any problems." <</if>> <<if $tempPregnantDiscovered and !$PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> <<set $tempEvent to setup.checkForNewPregnancy('medical test - hospital').conceptionEvent>> <<set $tempEvent.miscarriage to true>> <<unset $PlayerPregnant>> <<unset $PregnancyWeek>> <<if $PlayerMiscarriage>> <<set $PlayerMiscarriage += 1>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerMiscarriage to 1>> <</if>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <br><br> You realize that even though you are no longer pregnant, the fact that you were would have triggered your change to become permanent. You don't know if it's just the drugs, or not, but knowing this gives you a warm glow and puts a smile on your face. You just hope they'll be able to get your body back as good as new, now that you know this will be the one you'll be staying in. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $tempPregnantDiscovered>> <<unset $tempPregnantDiscovered>> <<if setup.pregnantFirstTime()>> <<achievement>>firsttime+pregnant<</achievement>> <<elseif setup.pregnantFromLoophole()>> <<achievement>>loopholeBaby+pregnant<</achievement>> <<else>> <<achievement>>pregnant<</achievement>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In Recovery</h1> <img src="Part15/Bus9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> <<set $BrokenLeg to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> A bit later, they transfer you to a different part of the hospital. The physical therapist there helps you learn how to walk using the crutches. <<if $BodyType == "Fit">> You are thankful for the upperbody strength you have, since you are going to be using them for a while. <<else>> You are going to be using them for a while. You bet if you were still in a male body, your arms would be buff by the time you are done. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobAthlete>> <<unset $JobAthlete>> <<set $JobAthleteFormer to 1>> <<set $JobBarista to 1>> The doctor is recommending you end your short athletic career now. The strain of training, and of competing, would likely lead to you reinjuring yourself, possibly more severely. You reluctantly agree. You aren't sure if you had a future in sports, but after months on the bench, you doubt you would have been on the same level when you returned anyway. <br><br> You know you'll probably want to find a new job once you are up to working though. You're pretty sure you could get a job at the coffee shop on campus. They are always hiring. <<elseif $JobCheerleader or $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>> <<set $JobCheerleaderFormer to $JobCheerleader>> <<set $JobCheerleaderFundraiserFormer to $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>> <<unset $JobCheerleader>> <<unset $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>> <<set $BrokenLegJobChange to 1>> <<set $JobBarista to 1>> The doctor is recommending you stop with cheerleading. The strain of training, and of competing, would likely lead to you reinjuring yourself, possibly more severely. You reluctantly agree. <br><br> You know you'll probably want to find a new job once you are up to working though. You're pretty sure you could get a job at the coffee shop on campus. They are always hiring. <<elseif $JobBetaTester>> Your doctor mentions calling the emergency number printed on the back of your chastity belt. "They sent over the medical information release form you'd signed for them, so I was able to share the details of your injuries," he says. "When you were unconscious, someone came by and unlocked your belt so we could take care of your injuries. They took it with them so they could analyze how it stood up to the accident. But they said you should come by and they'll return it to you, after any repairs or adjustments it might need." <<else>> They are recommending you take it easy until you are fully recovered. They don't want you working, just focusing on your school work and on getting better. You know your old job will be waiting for you once you are better. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Thankfully, money won't be an issue for now. The driver's car insurance company offered a settlement that pays for your medical bills, and more than enough to cover your expenses for the semester. The driver still insists it was your fault because you just ran into traffic. But the insurance company is likely worried that a court might decide he could still have stopped in time if he hadn't been texting while driving. You are satisfied with their compromise offer. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<unset $PlayerChastityBelt>> <br><br> <<if !$JobBetaTester>> The doctors spoke with your keyholder and was able to get your chastity belt removed prior to your surgery. <</if>> <<if $Keyholder == "computer">> Given your situation, <<if $JobEngineerLock>> your boss decides it's best for you to end your 'penetration testing' of the belt. He tells you to take the time you need to recover, and then you can get back to your old, original job once you are ready to return. <<unset $JobEngineerLock>> <<set $JobEngineer to 1>> <<else>> the head of the engineering department said you can't continue to be a beta-tester for the belt. Thankfully, they'll continue to pay you as per your contract, but you don't need to wear the belt anymore. They just want you to come by the office a few times and talk with the engineers about what you liked, what you didn't like, and things like that. <</if>> "The belt is yours to keep," he says. "I've set it to self-owned for now, feel free to set it however you like once you are better. Oh, and if you can stop by the office and give us a quote or two on how durable the belt is that we can use in our marketing, that would be wonderful." <<else>> <<if $Keyholder>> $Keyholder <<else>> Your keyholder <</if>> understands that you can't really wear the belt for the time being. <<if $BoyfriendStrictChastity>> "But we both know what a horny little slut you can be. So it'll probably go right back on you once you are better. But who knows, if you're good girl, maybe that won't be necessary." <<else>> "But don't worry, we can get back to keeping you my denied, horny little slut again once you are better." <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $JobBetaTester>> <<unset $JobBetaTester>> <<set $JobBetaTesterFormer to 1>> <<set $JobBarista to 1>> <<set $BrokenLegJobChange to 1>> <br><br> It'll be nice to still get paid for the rest of your testing contract, but you decide you'll still want to work once you are up to it. You're thinking something a bit tamer though, at least at first. You're pretty sure you could get a job at the coffee shop on campus. They are always hiring. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you make your way [[back to your dorm|Part15Dorm]] you are suddenly much more grateful for the elevator than you ever were before. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Dead end</h1> You still aren't sure if he's following you or not, so you start running just in case he is. <</nobr>> <img src="Part15/Bus14.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<nobr>> Not knowing exactly where you are going, you accidentally turn down a dead end alley. You turn around and see him again. This time he's at the end of the alley, blocking your only way out. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You realize there's no way out except through him, so you [[prepare to try to fight him off|Part15SororityELPBus4Submit]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Fighting him off</h1> <<set $RapistFightBack to 1>> You are hoping that you are just overreacting, and that he's not actually following you or planning to attack you. But you stay on guard just in case. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you were right to be worried about him. Watching from the corner of your eye you see him moving up quickly behind you. You turn to face him so he can't grab you from behind. <</nobr>> <img src="Part15/Bus5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <<nobr>> When you see an opening you kick him, as hard as you can, right between the legs. He doubles over in pain, unable to do anything for a moment. You take your chance and run. <</nobr>> <img src="Part15/Bus10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> <<nobr>> As soon as you are on campus you spot one of the blue emergency phones. As soon as you tell them what happened, they let you know an officer is on the way. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Since the incident happened off campus, you'll have to file a report with the town police. "I'll be happy to take you there and help however we can," the officer [[escorting you home|Part15DormCalm]] says. "There's been several recent attacks in town lately. It's not on campus, so we can't do much about it, and the town police don't seem to be making it much of a priority. Anyway, it sounds like you were lucky tonight." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Overpowered</h1> You try to fight back, but he's <<if $BodyType != "Fit">>much<</if>> stronger than you, and quickly has you overpowered and helpless. <</nobr>> <img src="Part15/Bus11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <<nobr>> "Please don't kill me," you say through tears. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Do as you're told and you'll live, bitch!" he says. <<if $PregnancyWeek > 12>> "This obviously ain't your first time. Someone beat me to it this time. But don't worry. I'll find you again later and put another <<else>> "You might even leave here with my <</if>> baby inside you. That's all whores like you are good for after all." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are shaking in terror as he starts to <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> [[tear at your clothes|Part15BusRapeChastity]]. <<else>> [[tear at your clothes|Part15BusRape]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Raped</h1> <<set $RapistRaped to 1>> <img src="Part15/Bus15.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Rapist"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "What the fuck?" he says when he says after he rips your clothes and sees the chastity belt you have on. "I guess your man knows what a fucking whore you are." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He dumps out your bag to make sure you don't have the key, then tugs at the belt and sees that it is secure. Then he says, "Too bad. You won't be leaving here with my baby inside you." He pulls out his already-hard cock and says, "But you'll still leave with a belly full of my cum!" Then he forces your head down until his cock is in your face. "Suck it, whore!" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive > 1>> You do as you are told. <<if setup.sexCount() == 1>> You've never done this before, and you certainly didn't imagine your first time like this. But something about the way he is ordering you around makes you <<elseif setup.sexUniqueMaleCount() > 10>> This is far from the first cock you've had in your mouth. Though right now you'd rather it was any of the others again than this guy's. But the way he is ordering you around is bringing out your submissive side again, and you are <<else>> You don't want this. You'd rather be anywhere else right now, with anyone else. But you can't help but do as he tells you. The way he is ordering you around his bringing out your submissive side again and you are <</if>> [[powerless to fight back|Part15RapeNoReport]]. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOral > 1>> <<if setup.sexCount() == 1>> You've never done this before, and you certainly didn't imagine your first time like this. But something about the way he feels in your mouth [[compels you to continue|Part15RapeNoReport]]. <<elseif setup.sexUniqueMaleCount() > 10>> This is far from the first cock you've had in your mouth. Though right now you'd rather it was any of the others again than this guy's. But once you feel a cock in your mouth, your instincts take over and you do your best to [[get him off|Part15RapeNoReport]] as quick as you can. <<else>> You don't want this. You'd rather be anywhere else right now, with anyone else. But you can't help your self once his cock is in your mouth. You want to resist, but your body is telling you to [[keep sucking|Part15RapeNoReport]]. You do your best to just concentrate on the familiar feel of cock in your mouth, and forget about who it belongs to. <</if>> <<else>> <<if setup.sexCount() == 1>> You've never done this before, and you certainly didn't imagine your first time like this. You think you can manage to get him off, and you are sure [[it will all be over|Part15RapeNoReport]] once you do. <<elseif setup.sexUniqueMaleCount() > 10>> This far from the first cock you've had in your mouth. Though right now you'd rather it was any of the others again than this guy's. But you know you can get him off without much trouble. Then hopefully [[this will all be over|Part15RapeNoReport]]. <<else>> You don't want him in your mouth. You don't want to suck his cock. But you think if you try not to think about it and just get him off, then maybe [[this will all be over|Part15RapeNoReport]]. <</if>> But you see how vulnerable he is right now. You cup his balls in your hand and wonder if he'd still be able to fight you or chase you if you just squeezed as hard as you could and [[bite down|Part15RapeReport]] right now. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Raped</h1> <<set $RapistRaped to 1>> <img src="Part15/Bus12.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Rapist", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After ripping your panties off you, he shoves them in your mouth. Then he grabs your hands and put them around a post, wrapping something over them and pulling it tight. There's nothing you can do now as he pulls down your top and up your skirt. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectLibido>> Your implant always keeps you wet and ready, but you feel so much more ashamed about it now. "Don't try to act like you aren't loving this bitch. Your body tells me how you really feel," he mocks you as he slides into you. <<else>> "Don't say I'm not a gentle lover," he says with a snort as he spits on his hand then rubs his cock with it before sliding into you. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerEasytoOrgasm or $PlayerSuperOrgasms or $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> "Fucking whore!" he says as your body shudders with an orgasm you try and fail to resist. Your cries are muffled by the panties stuffed in in your mouth. <</if>> He keeps fucking you until you hear him start to groan and know he's about to cum. You want him out of you before it's too late, but there's nothing you can do. His hands move to your hips and he thrusts deep into you as he cums, holding there until he's given you every drop. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are still there helpless, with cum starting to drip out of you as he stands behind you. A moment later you struggle when you see him come around in front of you holding a knife. "Calm down, whore," he commands. You relax a bit when he just uses the knife to cut your hands free. "Run along home now," he commands. <<if $PregnancyWeek > 12>> "Don't worry, I'll see you again," he adds. <<else>> Pointing his knife at you he adds, "I'll look you up nine months from now. If I find out you aborted my baby, I'll abort you." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You hurry away, pulling your panties out of your mouth. As you feel his cum leaking out of you, you want to just go home, wash up, and [[try to forget this ever happened|Part15RapeNoReport]]. But you also wonder if you should [[report the rape|Part15RapeReport]], especially since he's threatened to find you again. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Not reporting the rape</h1> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <img src="Part15/Bus17.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350"> <<else>> <img src="Part15/Bus13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> You keep going until you hear him getting close. "You'll swallow every drop if you know what's good for you," he commands. It's not like you have any other option, as he grabs your head, holding it there as he cums. You do as he ordered and swallow it all down. <br><br> He walks off and you quickly head off in the opposite directon, toward campus. You think briefly about reporting the crime, but you decide not to. You feel too ashamed about <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive > 1 or $PlayerSideEffectOral > 1>> how your implant made you not want to resist. <<else>> not fighting back. <</if>> Besides, you just swallowed all the evidence. <br><br> Instead you try to hold back tears as you [[return home|Part15DormUpset]]. Your brush your teeth and your tongue again and again when you get there, trying to scrub away any trace of him. <<else>> You try to make it [[back to your room|Part15DormUpset]] without anyone seeing what a torn mess your clothes are. <br><br> When you get in, you shower with hot water, scrubbing and scrubbing, trying to wash away every trace of him. You reach a finger inside yourself to try and get his cum out of you. You know you can't get it all, but at least hopefully you won't still feel it leaking out. <br><br> You throw your torn clothes in the trash, and do your best to forget what happened tonight. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Reporting the rape</h1> <<set $RapistReported to 1>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<set $RapistArrested to 1>> <img src="Part15/Bus16.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="305"> <<else>> <img src="Part15/Bus13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> He cries out in agony as you squeeze as hard as you can with your hand and bite down. A moment later he passes out. You think about running away right now, leaving him here to hopefully bleed to death. But you wonder if they'll not know what happened and think someone attacked him. You don't want to be arrested for murder, so you carefully reach into his pocket and take out his phone. <br><br> It lets you call for the police and an ambulance without unlocking it, and you wait around until they arrive. The paramedics treat him as the police officer talks to you, taking notes as you relay what happened. <br><br> When you are done, the officer thanks you for helping them finally catch him. "It looks like he got what he deserved too. If we're lucky the doctors won't be able to reattach that thing. Even if they can, I doubt he'll be attacking any more women where he's going." He lets you know that there have been numerous other women attacked before you, with ample DNA evidence left behind. They just never had anyone to test the evidence against. <br><br> "I doubt they'll even need you to testify," the officer continues. "But we should probably take you down to the hospital too, so they can collect the blood evidence. They'll probably have some pills or shots or something for you too, so you don't catch anything from his blood. I'll give you a ride [[back home|Part15DormUpset]] once they are finished." <<achievement>>bite<</achievement>> <<else>> Once you are safely away, you hurry back to campus and to the campus police. When you tell them your story, they call the local police. You repeat your story again with the officer they send. <br><br> The officer tells you that your story matches numerous other rapes that have been reported. They've been looking for the guy for a while, but he's always long gone by the time they get to the victim. They are still trying to gather as much evidence as they can so when they do eventually catch him, he'll go away for a long time. <br><br> The one relief you hear from the officer is that none of the other victims have ever been contacted again by the rapist. So hopefully that was just an empty threat. <br><br> The officer then takes you down to the hopsital where they gather some of the 'evidence' he left inside you. They do a number of tests on you and confirm that there's no serious injuries. <<if $PregnancyWeek > 12>> They also confirm that your baby is fine too. <<elseif $PlayerPregnant>> They offer you an emergency contraceptive, but you let them know you are already pregnant. They do several more tests and confirm that everything is still ok with your pregnancy. <<else>> They offer you an [[emergency contraceptive|Part15RapeReportContraceptive]] if you want it. <<if !$PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> They warn you that it will prevent you from getting pregnant from him, but that it will trigger your change to become permanent regardless of whether you were going to get pregnant or not. <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> Once they are all done, the officer drives you [[back home|Part15DormUpset]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Preventing Pregnancy</h1> <<set $tempRapeEvent to $sex.pop()>> <<set $PregnancyCheck = setup.checkForNewPregnancy('medical test - hosptial', 0)>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.isPregnant>> <<set $tempRapeEvent.checkedForPregnancy to "already pregnant">> <<if $PlayerAbortion>> <<set $PlayerAbortion += 1>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerAbortion to 1>> <</if>> <<set $tempPregnantAlready to 1>> <<if setup.pregnantFirstTime()>> <<achievement>>firsttime+pregnant+childfree<</achievement>> <<else>> <<achievement>>pregnant+childfree<</achievement>> <</if>> <</if>> <<set $sex.push($tempRapeEvent)>> <<unset $tempRapeEvent>> <<set setup.notPregnant('emergency contraceptive')>> <<if $tempPregnantAlready>> <img src="PartP/Cramps1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <<else>> <img src="PartP/Emergency.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $tempPregnantAlready>> They test you prior to giving you the emergency contraceptive and see that you already are pregnant. They tell you that it was likely from before tonight's events, but you tell them you still don't want it. They give you a different pill, and another to take later. These will end your pregnancy. They warn you to expect cramps and bleeding, like a period but worse than normal. <<if !$PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> And, of course, the pregnancy has already triggered your implant to become permanent. <</if>> <<else>> They test you prior to giving you the emergency contraceptive and see that you aren't pregnant. At least not yet. As they give you the pill, they warn you expect to expect some minor cramping and spotting overnight, similar to the start of your period. <<if !$PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> And, as they mentioned, the change from your implant will be permanent now. <</if>> <</if>> You don't care, you just can't imagine the thought of something from that monster growing inside you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you are done, the officer drives you [[back home|Part15DormUpset]]. <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <<unset $tempPregnantAlready>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Crying in your room</h1> <img src="Part15/Cry.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You try not to think about the events of the evening, but you can't help it. You don't want to talk about it with any of your friends, so you end up crying yourself to sleep that night. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Hopefully you'll feel better tomorrow when you [[meet your new roommate|Part15Dorm]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $RapistFightBack or $RapistBeltAlarm or $RapistRun>> <h1>Calming down</h1> <<else>> <h1>Worried over nothing</h1> <<set $RapistNothing to 1>> <</if>> <img src="Part15/Bus18.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $RapistFightBack or $RapistBeltAlarm or $RapistRun>> Your heart is still racing when you get home as you think about how you were nearly raped tonight. You try to calm down when you get home. <br><br> Once you are home, you put your phone in the charger. Once you have enough of a charge for it to start back up again, you start checking all the messages you'd missed while it was dead. <br><br> After checking in with your friends, and even telling a couple close ones what happened tonight, you decide to take a nice relaxing bath. <br><br> <video src="Part11/Single2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <br><br> After you relax in the hot bath for a bit, you are feeling much better and try to put the evening's events out of your mind. Once you are done, you are much more relaxed and able to [[get to sleep|Part15Dorm]]. <<else>> You must have been right. He must have just been going the same direction as you. At some point he turned off down a different street and you were on your own again. You are still a bit nervous. Maybe he wasn't going to attack you, but maybe someone else might. You worry you might just be getting paranoid. <br><br> Once you are home, you put your phone in the charger. Once you have enough of a charge for it to start back up again, you start checking all the messages you'd missed while it was dead. <br><br> You've forgotten about it completely by the time you [[head to bed|Part15Dorm]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Riding home with Jayden</h1> <img src="Part15/Jayden1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Thank you so much for the ride," you tell Jayden as you get in. The two of you continue talking as he drives you back toward campus. First you discuss the charity event, then you start discussing more personal topics. You are quite sure when it happens during your ride, but at some point you realize you and Jayden have started to hold hands. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and him have mainly just met at charity events and been working your butts off the entire time, so you hadn't really thought much about him romantically. But now that you are considering him that way, you realize you do find him attractive. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $JobBetaTester == "chaste">> When he pulls up to your door, you thank him again for the ride. Before you get out he responds, "It was great getting to know you better, $playerName. I'd like to get to you know you even more. Do you have any plans for Saturday night?" <br><br> You think you'd like to [[go on the date with him|Part15JaydenDate]] and get to know him more too. But you wonder if it'd be leading him on, going on a date when you have the belt on and know you couldn't give him what he probably wants, what you assume all guys probably want. <br><br> But as your mind tries to imagine what it'd feel like to have him inside you, you have to be honest and admit you want the same thing right now too. Maybe it'd be better to [[tell him you already have plans|Part15Dorm]] but suggest you hang out as friends some time. <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt>> The need you feel is too much to ignore. You want him inside you right now. Of course, that's not possible, but that doesn't mean you can be close to him, to hear him moan, to feel his cock swell in your mouth, to... <br><br> When he pulls up to your door, you are biting your lower lip when you nervously ask, "Jayden, do want to [[come inside|Part15JaydenHomeChastity]] for a cup of coffee or something." He quickly agrees and parks his car. "There is something I need to warn you about first though," you add. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionTry or $PlayerSideEffectDreams > 1 or $PlayerSideEffectLibido > 1 or $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> The need you feel is too much to ignore. You want him inside you right now. <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> And you know it's pointless in resisting the urge, since you'll never be able to satisfy the need you feel right now by yourself. <</if>> When he pulls up to your door, you are biting your lower lip when you nervously ask, "Jayden, do want to [[come inside|Part15JaydenHome]] for a cup of coffee or something." He quickly agrees and parks his car. <<elseif setup.sexCount() == 0>> When he pulls up to your door, you thank him again for the ride. Before you get out he responds, "It was great getting to know you better, $playerName. I'd like to get to you know you even more. Do you have any plans for Saturday night?" <br><br> You think you'd like to [[go on the date with him|Part15JaydenDate]] and get to know him more too. Or, you could tell him you have plans on Saturday but suggest they hang out as friends sometime and head to your room alone. Or alone until a few days from now when your [[new roommate is assigned|Part15Dorm]] at least. <<else>> When he pulls up to your door, you thank him again for the ride. Before you get out he responds, "It was great getting to know you better, $playerName. I'd like to get to you know you even more. Do you have any plans for Saturday night?" <br><br> You think you'd like to [[go on the date with him|Part15JaydenDate]] and get to know him more too. But you also wonder if you'd rather get to know him more right now. You could [[invite him inside|Part15JaydenHome]] instead. Or, you could tell him you have plans on Saturday but suggest they hang out as friends sometime and [[head to your room alone|Part15JaydenAlone]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>On a date with Jayden</h1> <img src="Part15/Jayden2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <<set setup.startDating('Jayden')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Jayden have a wonderful date and get to know each other much better. Part of you want to go home with him that night, but you settle for a second date soon after instead. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobBetaTester == "chaste">> <<set $JobBetaTester to "monogamous">> On your second date you let Jayden know about your the chastity belt you are beta testing. He's a bit surprised at first but says "I know you are worth the wait." <br><br> You decide to go by the engineering department the next day and tell them Jayden is your boyfriend now. It may not be true official yet, but you know they make you wait a week to switch from "chaste" to "monogamous" mode on your belt, and you want to be ready for your third date. You also give Mike a call to tell him all about Jayden, to make sure he approves the request. <br><br> You want it all to be a surprise for Jayden, but unfortunately they require him to come by for a meeting to explain the belt and the program before they'll switch your belt over. You don't have to be there, in fact they said it should be just him. So he goes by without you a few days before your date. <br><br> You don't know if it's just knowing that you can be more intimate with Jayden now, or if something has changed with your belt. But from the moment Jayden picks you up for your date, and the entire night, you want nothing more than for him to tear your belt from your body, and fuck you in front of everyone. Since that isn't possible, you fantasize about dropping to your knees and sucking his cock right in the restaurant. <br><br> That doesn't happen, but you are eager to leave when the meal is finally over so [[you can be alone with Jayden|Part15JaydenHomeChastityDating]] finally. <<elseif $JobBetaTester>> On your second date you let Jayden know about your the chastity belt you are beta testing. He's a bit surprised at first but says "I know you are worth the wait." <br><br> "Well," you tell him. "We don't have to wait that long. Not for everything at least." <br><br> You decide to go by the engineering department the next day and tell them Jayden is your boyfriend now. It may not be true official yet, but you have them switch your belt to "monogamous" mode on your belt. It's set to be effective the same day as your next date with Jayden. <br><br> You want it all to be a surprise for Jayden, but unfortunately they require him to come by for a meeting to explain the belt and the program before they'll switch your belt over. You don't have to be there, in fact they said it should be just him. So he goes by without you a few days before your date. <br><br> You don't know if it's just knowing that you can only be intimate with Jayden now, or if something has changed with your belt. But from the moment Jayden picks you up for your date, and the entire night, you want nothing more than for him to tear your belt from your body, and fuck you in front of everyone. Since that isn't possible, you fantasize about dropping to your knees and sucking his cock right in the restaurant. <br><br> That doesn't happen, but you are eager to leave when the meal is finally over so [[you can be alone with Jayden|Part15JaydenHomeChastityDating]] finally. <<elseif $CampusMinistry>> You'd thought about waiting whether you should wait for marriage, but by your third date with Jayden, those thoughts are long gone. Your heart is racing as you head [[back home with Jayden|Part15JaydenHome]] after your date. <<else>> By your third date, you can't wait any longer. You need Jayden, and you need him tonight. You are aching for him inside you as you head [[back home with Jayden|Part15JaydenHome]] after your date. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Jayden</h1> <video src="Part15/Jayden3.webm" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your hands are all over Jayden's body as soon as the two of you are alone. As the two of you make out, you hand reaches betwen your legs to where you feel the need the greatest. Of course you find only hard metal. You instead reach into his pants. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You feel his already hardening cock firm up as you hold it. Your hand strokes it a bit as you continue making out. You part your lips from his just long enough to beg to suck his cock. "Well, on your knees then." You eagerly drop to your knees. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You feel your belt come to life as you suck on his cock, stimulating your locked-away clit as you pleasure him. <<if setup.sexCount() == 0>> You've never sucked a cock before, but you've thought about it many times, especially these past few weeks about Jayden's. You think you quickly get a feel for how to do it, though you are sure your skills will improve with time and practice. But even now, Jayden's moans tell you that you are doing something right. <<else>> You've though about sucking Jayden's cock so much these past few weeks, you are glad you finally are. You want to savor the experience, prolonging his pleasure and yours. But your eagerness, and Jayden's moans, say it won't be long now. <</if>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(20, {sex:"male", name:"Jayden"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he tells you he's about to cum, you want to swallow every drop, but he wants to pull out and cover your face instead. Just as you hear him groan and feel the first of his warm cum hit your face your belt pushes you over the edge and you cum too. More and more his cum hits your face as your orgasm rolls through your body. When his cock as stopped twitching, and your orgasm as started to fade, you quickly return to his cock, licking it clean and making sure you've drained him of every drop. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After he's had time to recover you drain his cock once again that evening. Before he leaves he tells you, "I wish we'd gotten together sooner. I'd never imagined what a great little cocksucker you are. But don't worry, we'll be doing this a great deal from now on. But they did warn me that the orgasm for you is only guaranteed for our first time together. Any other time, and they said it would be a special thing. Actually 'rare treat' are the words I think they used." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Jayden spends the night, and you suck him as many more times as he lets you that night. He leaves the next morning. You don't want to suprise your [[new roommate|Part15Dorm]] when she arrives. Though hopefully she's not going to mind if your boyfriend occasionally stays over. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Jayden</h1> <video src="Part15/Jayden3.webm" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(20, {sex:"male", name:"Jayden"})>> <<set setup.makeFWB('Jayden')>> <<achievement>>fwb:Jayden<</achievement>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You let Jayden know about your chastity belt before you leave the car. He's a little surprised at first, but as you start to talk about how you are fantasizing about tasting his cock, he is more than happy to head inside with you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He soon as you are through the door, he has you out of your clothes, naked except for you belt. "I guess you weren't joking. It looks just as impenetrable as you said," he comments. "Well, on your knees then." You eagerly drop to your knees. You ache to feel him inside you as <<if $Keyholder == "computer">> your belt teases you while <</if>> you suck his cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You want to swallow every drop, but he wants to pull out and cover your face instead. You moan as you hear him groan and feel the first of his warm cum hit your face. When he's done you quickly return to his cock, licking it clean and making sure you've drained him of every drop. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After he's had time to recover you drain his cock once again that evening. Before he leaves he tells you, "I wish we'd done this sooner. I'd never imagined what a great little cocksucker you are. Hopefully we can do this more often." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You clean up a bit after he leaves. You don't want the place to be a mess when your [[new roommate|Part15Dorm]] arrives. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Jayden</h1> <video src="Part15/Jayden4.webm" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> You'd imagined romantic candles, or even a bed, for your first time. But now that it's actually here, you don't care about any of that. All you want is Jayden and Jayden's cock. <<if $LoopholeVirgin>> Maybe if you weren't so horny right now, if you didn't need his cock so bad, you'd tell him just to fuck your ass. But your pussy aches for him, you want to feel his warm, hard cock there, and now! <</if>> <</if>> You and Jayden can't help yourselves, and are barely through your front door before you are making out and fumbling to remove each other's clothes. You start to drop to your knees to suck his cock, but instead he turns you around and bends you over the counter. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> You don't want to stop and look for condoms, you need him inside you now. <</if>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> Maybe he'd have been gentler if you'd told him it was your first time, but you hadn't mentioned it. And feeling him push you to the counter and plunge into you, you are glad that you didn't. You wonder if it normally feels this good your first time, if it's because of the X-Change, or just how much you wanted it. You don't care, you just don't want it to stop. <br><br> <<else>> You beg him to fuck you, and a moment later you moan as he slides into you. <</if>> <<if $PlayerEasytoOrgasm or $PlayerSuperOrgasms>> Thanks to your implant's effects you've already came twice before he's close to his orgasm, but you still want more. <<else>> You are close to an orgasm when he tells you he's about cum. <</if>> "Don't stop! Cum inside me! Don't stop!" you beg as he continues to fuck you. His final, deep thrust inside you pushes you over the edge. You cry out with an orgasm as his cock pulses inside you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Jayden7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he pulls out of you, you drop to your knees. This time he doesn't stop you. You eagerly lick his cock clean before standing back up. "Oh, god. I needed that," you tell him as you embrace him. It isn't long before he's recovered enough for you to go again. This time you make it to the bed first though. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Jayden')>> He leave the next morning before your [[new roommate|Part15Dorm]] is supposed to arrive. You'll have to see how she feels about your boyfriend sleeping over. If it's a problem, then in the future you may need to have your fun at Jayden's place instead. <<else>> <<set setup.startDating('Jayden')>> You and Jayden makes plans to see each other again soon. Each end in your bed or in Jayden's, but by the end of the third evening you both know it's about more than just the sex. <br><br> Tomorrow you'll meet your [[new roommate|Part15Dorm]]. Now that you and Jayden are officially dating, she won't have a problem if your boyfriend sleeps over sometimes. If she does, then the two of you will just have to spend your nights together at Jayden's house instead. <</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Jayden", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Jayden"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Jayden", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Jayden"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Jayden", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Jayden"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Jayden", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Jayden"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Jayden", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Jayden"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Jayden", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Jayden"})>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Thinking of Jayden</h1> <video src="Part15/Jayden6.webm" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You aren't really wanting to start dating Jayden. But you still can't stop thinking of him and if you would have invited him upstairs with you when he dropped you off. Tonight you just close your eyes and imagine his head between your legs as his tongue brings you to the orgasm you need so badly right now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next day though, you stop by the sex shop and make a purchase or two. Now it's your turn to repay the favor and kneel down in front of Jayden's cock. You imagine telling him all the things you want him to do with you, but he has you continue sucking his cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Jayden5.webm" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You imagine the taste of his precum, and start moving faster up and down his cock. Then you imagine load after load of his cum filling your mouth. You can almost taste it. Of course you imagine it being too much for your mouth to contain, and it spills out and down your chest as well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> If it were really Jayden's cock, you'd have to wait until it was ready to go some more. But it's not, so you don't need to wait. You adjust it's height, and then turn around. Now you imagine Jayden fucking you from behind. Though he knows how much you need his cock and makes you do all the work, thrusting yourself back onto it as he remains still. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You imagine him cumming just as you orgasm. You can almost feel his cock pulse inside you, releasing load after load of his cum. <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> You are so glad you didn't ask him to wear a condom, so you could feel his skin against yours with nothing in between. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> You are so glad you told him to cum inside you, so you could feel every second of it. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionPerfect or $PlayerProtectionPermanent>> You imagine the X-Change people telling you at your last visit that your birth control wasn't working anymore. They'd told you to use condoms instead, but you didn't want anything between you and Jayden today. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionPill>> You imagine that you haven't taken your birth control pills for weeks. Maybe that's why you were so horny and needing Jayden's cock. Or at least part of the reason. <<else>> As you imagine Jayden's cum inside you, you are so glad you aren't using any birth control. <</if>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> You place a hand on your stomach and wonder if you'd done this with Jayden soon, and for real, it might have been Jayden's baby growing inside you. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionFertile>> With how fertile you are, you know you'd be pregnant right now if this were only real. <<else>> You place a hand on your stomach, wondering if you'd be pregnant now with Jayden's baby. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After the bliss of your orgasm and fantasy wear off, you clean up the mess you've made and put your toys away. You'll probably need to be more discreet soon, once you [[have a roommate|Part15Dorm]] assigned for the new year. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Meeting your roommate</h1> You'll be staying in the dorm this year again. But you are in a different building this year. This one just has two person rooms, not the shared four person 'pods' the other building has. You wouldn't mind that. But what you don't like is that now, instead of just sharing a bathroom with another woman and two guys, you have to share one with every girl on the floor. On the good side, there are multiple stalls and showers, so you won't be waiting as much. And the guys have a different one, at the other end of the hall. <<set $DormFriendLevel to 0>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<switch either(1,2,3)>> <<case 1>> <<include [[Part15DormStoner]]>> <<case 2>> <<include [[Part15DormSlutty]]>> <<default>> <<include [[Part15DormNerdy]]>> <</switch>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Dorm1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set $Roommate to "Marissa">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When your new roommate Marissa comes in, you introduce yourself. Before you even start talking to her, you notice her shirt. The bong she pulls out of her luggage and stashes in a drawer confirms your initial assumption. While pot is technically against the dorm rules, no one seemed to care last year. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When she's done unpacking Marissa open the drawer and pulls her bong back out. After she hits it, she looks over you and <<if $PlayerPregnant>> <<if $PregnancyWeek > 12>> glances at your stomach and says, "Well, I would offer you a hit..., but I guess not." <<else>> offers you a hit. "Thanks, but no. I'm pregnant," you tell her. <br><br> "Oh, I couldn't tell.", she says. "Oh well." <</if>> She then takes another hit. As the smell from her bong starts to fill the room, you can help but wonder if it's harmful for the baby. You [[leave the room|Part15DormStonerConflict]], not wanting to risk it. <<else>> offers you a hit. <<if $PlayerLazyStudent and !$CampusMinistry>> You thank her before [[taking your turn|Part15DormStonerFriendly]]. You're so glad you got matched with someone chill this year. <<if $FormerMentor == "Faith">> You don't know if you could have handled sharing a room with someone uptight all year again. <</if>> <<else>> You thank her, but then do you tell her, "[[Thanks, but I'll pass|Part15Week]]." Or do you [[take your turn|Part15DormStonerFriendly]]. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Waiting for the smoke to clear</h1> <<set $DormFriendLevel -= 1>> <<if $PregnancyWeek >= 27>> <img src="Part15/Dorm12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <br> You're in your third trimester so you think the odds of Marissa's smoking affecting the baby are probably low. But you don't really want to take any chances. <<else>> <img src="Part15/Dorm34.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <br> The baby is still developing, and you don't want to risk whatever effect Marissa's smoking might have on him or her. <<set $DormFriendLevel -= 1>> <</if>> So you find somewhere else to be for a while. You only head back to the room when you think enough time has passed and Marissa is probably done. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you get back, you can still smell it in the air. You don't know if that means she just finished, or it's just that your sense of smell is so much stronger during the pregnancy. Either way it annoys you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PregnancyWeek >= 27>> You aren't happy about the smoking in your room, but it's Marissa's room too. And you know there won't be any harm to the baby if Marissa agrees to [[only smoke when you aren't there|Part15DormStonerRoom]]. But your still don't like that your room smells like pot all the time. Maybe you can [[ask Marissa to find somewhere else|Part15DormStonerAway]] to smoke instead. <<else>> You don't want it to continue, and it is against the rules, so you decide to [[talk to Marissa about it|Part15DormStonerAway]] after you calm down. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Discussing your concerns with Marissa</h1> <<set $DormFriendLevel = 0>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You tell her that given your pregnancy, you'd rather her not smoke when you are there. You tell her you understand that it's her room too. You tell if she just lets you know when she want to do it, and you'll make sure to be somewhere else. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She glances at your growing stomach and says she understands. She agrees to not smoke whenever you are around. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well, around 4:20 most days for sure," she tells you as you start to work out a schedule. "But other than that, I'm pretty flexible..." After you and her work out the details, you seem to be gettign along better. It's probably not going to be as bad living with her as you had initially feared. Hopefully things will go smoothly the [[rest of the week|Part15Week]], and after that. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Discussing your concerns with Marissa</h1> <<set $MarissaNoSmoke to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You tell her that given your pregnancy, you'd rather her not smoke in the room. You suggest she keep it to one of her friend's place instead. You don't explicitly threaten to report her, but it is implied when you mention that it's against dorm rules. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She doesn't seem happy with the idea, but glancing down at your growing stomach, she says she understands and agrees to not smoke in the dorm room. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are glad you took care of that, and are glad to go about the [[rest of your week|Part15Week]] without your room smelling like pot all the time. <</nobr>><<nobr>> "Oh my god! Me too!", you say. <<if $CampusMinistry>> Then you blush and cover your mouth for a second before <<else>> Then <</if>> you both start laughing uncontrollably. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I have a friend, he's usually DTF. I know he'll come running over if I tell him there's two of us ready to go here," she suggests. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobBetaTester == "chaste">> You blush and confess how much you really want that. "It must be the weed, but I... I'm so horny right now. I'm still a virgin, but I want your friend inside me so bad right now." <br><br> You stop her as she start to pick up her phone. "But I can't." You show her your belt. "They are paying me to test this. I was planning on staying a virgin anyway, and I thought it would help. Well I guess it is helping me stay a virgin, even though I really don't want it to right now." <br><br> "Well, you can still join us if you want, even if him and I will have most of the fun," Marissa offers. <br><br> As you consider it, without even realizing it first, your finger is between your lips. "No. No. I can't. The belt is supposed to stop me from doing that. I don't know how it can tell, but the shocks <<if $ChastityChasteAttempts>> it gives... I don't want to experience that again." <<else>> it's supposed to give... I don't want to risk it." <</if>> <br><br> She offers to let you stay and watch then if that's all you can do. But you know that will only make you hornier and you probably wouldn't be able to resist trying to join in. "Thank you, but no. I'll just find [[somewhere else to be|Part15DormStonerMinistry]] while you two have fun." <<elseif $dating.length and !setup.haveGirlfriend()>> When you tell her you have a boyfriend she says, "Great! <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> [[Tell him to come over here instead then!|Part15DormStonerMFFBFChastity]] <<else>> [[Tell him to come over here instead then!|Part15DormStonerMFF]] <</if>> Or if you don't want to share, you can <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> [[go hook up with him|Part14DormStonerBoyfriendChaste]] <<else>> [[go hook up with him|Part14DormStonerBoyfriend]] <</if>> while I call my friend Craig over here." <<if setup.sexCount() == 0>> <br><br> "I don't know," you tell her. "I'm... I'm still a virgin." <br><br> "I can see how much you want it right now. So why keep waiting? Trust me high sex is amazing!", she says. "I'm sure he'll be down for it either way, but I understand if you want your first time to be just the two of you." <</if>> <<elseif $CampusMinistry or setup.sexMaleCount() == 0>> "I don't know," you tell her. <<if $BrokenLeg and setup.sexCount() == 0>> "I'm... I'm still a virgin. And look at me." You gesture towards your broken leg. <<elseif $BrokenLeg>> "I mean, look at me." You gesture towards your broken leg. <<elseif setup.sexCount() == 0>> "I'm... I'm still a virgin." <<elseif setup.sexMaleCount() == 0>> "I've never been with a man before." <</if>> <br><br> "I can tell you are as horny as I am. Probably even more," she says. You can't deny it. "I'll tell him to be gentle." Then she picks up the phone and starts to call her friend. <br><br> <<if $CampusMinistry>> You can either stay here with her and [[wait for her friend to arrive|Part15DormStonerMFF]], or you can [[tell her to have fun without you|Part15DormStonerMinistry]] and find someplace else to be while her and her friend have sex. <<else>> You are too horny to do anything other than stay here with her and [[wait for her friend to arrive|Part15DormStonerMFF]]. <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt>> "Yes! That sounds great," you tell her. "Tell him to get his ass over here. Or get his dick here at least." You both start laughing again. You add, "Warn him about this belt I'm in. But tell him I really want to suck his cock right now." She smiles as she starts to call. <br><br> She hangs up and says, "He's [[on his way|Part15DormStonerMFFChastity]] now!" <<else>> "Yes! That sounds great," you tell her. "Tell him to get his ass over here. Or get his dick here at least." You both start laughing again as she starts to call. <br><br> She hangs up and says, "He's [[on his way|Part15DormStonerMFF]] now!" <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Smoking with Marissa</h1> <img src="Part15/Dorm4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> <<set $DormFriendLevel += 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As the two of you get high, you talk and get to know each other. You know you and Marissa are going to get along great this year. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After a bit of silence, Marissa speaks up again. You can see she's a bit flushed when she says, "God, I always get so horny when I smoke." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $RapistRaped>> "Me too usually," you say. "Not really feeling it today though." <br><br> "Everything ok?" she asks sensing something is bothering you. <br><br> "Its fine. I'm just not really feeling it today," you lie. You don't want to share the whole story of your recent rape with her already. "I'm going to go for a walk and clear my head, maybe pick up some snacks at the student union. I'll be back in a couple hours." <br><br> As you head out she's already calling her friend Craig over. Whenever you head back home, you plan to be sure to listen to make sure the two of them aren't still going at it before you open the door. <br><br> Maybe you'll feel better about everything [[next week|Part15Week]]. <<else>> <<include [[Part15DormStonerFriendlyHorny]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With Craig and Marissa</h1> <img src="Part15/Dorm13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({name:"Craig", sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({name:"Marissa", sex:"female"})>> <<set setup.addSex({name:"Craig", sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({name:"Marissa", sex:"female"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $dating.length>> $dating[0] <<else>> Marissa's friend Craig <</if>> is barely through the door of your dorm room before you and her start stripping off his clothes. "I love how horny you get when you're high," he tells her "And I think I'll love it even more now that there are two of you," he says as he grabs your ass with one hand and squeezes it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It isn't long before you are on your knees with his cock in your mouth. You moan almost as much as he does as your belt teases you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After a little while everyone moves to the bed. Craig lays on his back. You continue sucking his cock as Marissa straddles his face. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I want you to fuck me," Marissa tells him. At first you only watch as he starts fucking your roommate. Your belt has stopped teasing you now, and hearing her moans, you can't help but feel a little jealous. You try to imagine how good his cock would feel inside you right now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You stop just watching and start making out with Marissa as he continues to fuck her. After a while, she holds onto your head and pulls you toward her when she cums. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> A few moments later he pulls out of her. You kneel in front of him, eager to suck his cock to finish him off. But there's no need for that, he's cumming right now. He points his cock towards your open, eager mouth, but only a bit of his cum makes it in. Much more is sprayed across your face and chest. You eagerly swallow what you did catch though. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He needs a bit to recover, but so you do your best to keep Marissa entertained. Watching the two of you, it doesn't take Craig long before he's ready to go again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he finally leaves, you and Marissa tidy up the room. You know you and your roommate are going to have a lot of fun this year. But you can only imagine how much more fun it might be if you weren't in this damned belt. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you fall asleep that night, still horny, you wonder what the [[next week|Part15Week]] will bring. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>threesome:FMF<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Watching $dating[0] make Marissa cum again and again</h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name: "Marissa"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name: "Marissa"})>> <<set $Cuckcake to "Marissa">> <<set $DormFriendLevel += 3>> You don't tell $dating[0] exactly what your plans are when you call him. You want to see his face when he hears about the threesome you are proposing. Of course, he loves the idea when he hears it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating("Jayden")>> <video src="Part15/Jayden8.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<else>> <video src="Part15/Dorm22.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You start of sucking $dating[0]'s cock while Marissa pleasures herself. But soon Marissa is wet and $dating[0] is rock hard. He has you focus on her clit, to make sure she can as much pleasure as possible, as you won't get any <<if $JobBetaTester>> unless your belt decides to reward you. <<else>> today. <</if>> You watch as your boyfriend's cock parts Marissa's glistening lips and slowly slides into her. The ache you feel intensifies as you hear her moan. You redirect you need into pleasuring Marissa as you watch $dating[0]'s cock move faster and faster into her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he cums, instead of filling Marissa, he decides to cover your face with it. You eagerly lick his cock clean after he does, still aching for it to be inside of you instead of Marissa. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Seeing the mess on your face, Marissa kisses you, licking some of his cum from your face as she does. Watching the two of you together soon has her friend ready to go again. Again you can only watch in envy as he fucks her to another orgasm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That was very thoughtful of you, $playerName," $dating[0] tells you. "Understanding that I have needs, and thinking of a way to satisfy them while you are still in your belt. You really are the perfect girlfriend. And since you and Marissa are roommates, we can be doing this all the time." He pauses a moment and adds, "If Marissa would like that at least." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh absolutely!" Marissa responds. "I'd hate for a cock as nice as that one to go unused just because your $playerName decided to lock herself in a chastity belt." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Wonderful," $dating[0] says. <<if $JobBetaTester>> "And I'll check the manual for her belt to see if I can set it to give her a little pleasure while she watches us next time. I can see from the app here how much watching turned her on even without that." <<else>> "And I can think we can both see how much $playerName likes that idea." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he eventually leaves, you and Marissa clean up the mess he made, on you, on her, and on Marissa's sheets. She smiles and tells you what a great rommate you are for sharing your boyfriend, and his cock, with her. "I'll make sure it gets lots of use this year, don't worry," she assures you. "There's no reason to let a nice cock like that go to waste just because you're locked up." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> [[Continue|Part15Week]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Side-by-side with Marissa</h1> <<if $BrokenLeg>> <video src="Part15/Dorm16.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<elseif setup.areDating('Jayden')>> <video src="Part15/Dorm19.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<else>> <video src="Part15/Dorm5.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $dating.length>> $dating[0] <<else>> Marissa's friend Craig <</if>> is barely through the door of your dorm room before you and her start stripping off his clothes. <<if setup.sexCount() or !$dating.length>> "I love how horny you get when you're high," he tells <<if $dating.length>>you.<<else>>her.<</if>> "And I think I'll love it even more now that there are two of you," he says as he grabs <<if $dating.length>>her<<else>>your<</if>> ass with one hand and squeezes it. <<else>> "I've never seen this side of you, $playerName. But I love it!", $dating[0] tells you. "But are you sure this is what you want, and it's not..." His words trail off as your hand wraps around his cock. <br><br> "I've wanted this for months!", you tell him. "The weed, and Marissa's encouragement, just helped me decide to quit wasting time and grab what I want." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It isn't long before you are both on your hands and knees on the bed waiting for him. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and !setup.areDating($Keyholder)>> You open your mouth, eager for his cock, but it's Marissa he starts with. As he starts to fuck her, you feel an aching need for him to switch to you. You know that's not going to happen. You moan though as he reaches over and grabs your breasts, pinching your nipple between his finger. <<elseif setup.sexCount() == 0 and $dating.length>> He starts with you. You moan as you feel his cock push against your wet lips and slides into you. You don't know why you waited so long for this. You and him could have been doing this for months! He's going slow and gentle, knowing it's your first time. You can hear Mairssa aching for her turn next to you. <br><br> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You can't feel the pleasue you know you should though, just the fullness his cock gives you. But it feels perfect, like you are meant to have his cock inside you. Maybe you are. <br><br> <</if>> You don't want him to stop, but you also don't want to be selfish. After all, if you'd wanted him all to yourself then you would have just gone alone to his house. "It's her turn now," you tell $dating[0]. He pulls out of you and moves over to her. He uses his hand to keep you entertain as he starts fucking her. <br><br> He continues switching back and forth between the two of you. Each time he comes back to you, he fucks you harder, faster, and deeper than before. This time, you don't think he's holding back anymore like he was at the beginning. <<elseif setup.sexMaleCount() == 0>> "Start with me," Marissa instructs. As he starts to fuck her, you feel an aching need for him to switch to you. You feel your heart race as his fingers slide into you and then start playing with your clit. "Be gentle with her," Marissa remembers to say. <<if setup.sexCount() == 0>> "This is her first time." <<else>> "This is her first time with a guy." <</if>> <br><br> That's enough to encourage him to switch to you. You feel his cock push against your wet lips and then part them as he slowly enters you. You moan as you feel his cock, all of his cock, finally inside you. He starts fucking you faster when he sees how much you are enjoying it. <br><br> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You can't feel the pleasue you know you should though, just the fullness his cock gives you. But it feels perfect, like you are meant to have a cock inside you. Maybe you are. <<elseif setup.isGoldStarLesbian()>> It feels so good. You wonder why you'd avoided men for this long. If you'd known how good this would feel, you'd have been much more open to it. <<else>> It feels so good. You wonder why you'd waited this long. You could have been doing this for an entire year! <</if>> <<else>> You whimper a bit when he starts with Marissa, but he gives you some attention with his hand while you wait your turn. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and !setup.areDating($Keyholder)>> After he's filled her with his cum, he pulls out and lets you lick his cock clean. Once that's done, then it's time for Marissa. You crawl over between her legs and lick as much of his cum from her as you can while he watches on. <br><br> By the time she's clean, he's nearly ready to go again. You suck his cock until it's fully hard again. Then he pulls out of your mouth, and climbs on top of Marissa for another round. <br><br> Much later, after he's completely drained and Marissa has came more times than you can count, the three of you are finally done for the night. <<if $dating.length>> $dating[0] <<else>> Craig <</if>> says, "So I hope you two left some for me." Then he picks the bong up from the table. You have a feeling you and Marissa are going to have a lot of fun together [[this year|Part15Week]]. <<elseif $AcademicProbationDenial>> After he's fucked her for a while, it's her turn to whimper as he pulls out of her and slides into you. <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> You were too horny to even think about condoms, <<if $dating.length>> and $dating[0] was too excited to remember either, <</if>> though he doesn't fuck you long enough for it to matter anyway. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionWithdraw and !$dating.length>> You were too horny to even think about telling him to pull out, though he doesn't fuck you long enough for it to matter anyway. <<else>> Even if you were able to orgasm, it's not likely he'd last long enough to get the job done this time, not after having been fucking her before he even started with you. You are looking forward to feeling him cum inside you though. He doesn't fuck you long enough for that either. <</if>> He's back to fucking Marissa when he finally cums. You can't help but be a little jealous when he grabs her hips, and plunges deep inside her. You imagine the feel of his warm cum inside you as he groans and [[cums inside her|Part15DormStonerMFF2]]. <<elseif $CampusMinistry or setup.isGoldStarLesbian()>> He keeps going, you don't want him to ever stop. You feel an orgasm building inside you. But before it arrives, you feel him grab your hips and pull you back into him. You feel his cock thrusting deep into you. Then you feel it throbbing inside you. <br><br> You want him to keep going, but he keeps his cock there for a moment before pulling it out. You feel something warm and wet leak out of you as he pulls out. His cum, you realize. <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <br><br> It's only then that you remembered about birth control. You'd planned on using condoms. But you were too horny and excited to think about it. You'll have to use some next time. Well, not right now, after you can go to the store and buy some. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> <br><br> It's only then that you remembered about birth control. You'd planned on having guys pull out. But you were too horny and excited to think about it. You'll have to remember to do that next time. <</if>> <br><br> "It looks like you are still horny," Marissa says. "Let me [[take care of that|Part15DormStonerMFF2]]." <<else>> After he's fucked her for a while, it's her turn to whimper as he pulls out of her and slides into you. <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> You were too horny to even think about condoms, <<if $dating.length>> and $dating[0] was too excited to remember either, <</if>> though he doesn't fuck you long enough for it to matter anyway. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionWithdraw and !$dating.length>> You were too horny to even think about telling him to pull out, though he doesn't fuck you long enough for it to matter anyway. <<else>> You know he's not going to make it long enough to get you off, not after having been fucking her before he even started with you. You are looking forward to feeling him cum inside you though. He doesn't fuck you long enough for that either. <</if>> He's back to fucking Marissa when he finally cums. You can't help but be a little jealous when he grabs her hips, and plunges deep inside her. You imagine the feel of his warm cum inside you as he groans and [[cums inside her|Part15DormStonerMFF2]]. <</if>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and !setup.areDating($Keyholder)>> <<if $dating.length>> <<set setup.addSex({name:$dating[0], sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Marissa"})>> <<set setup.addSex({name:$dating[0], sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Marissa"})>> <<set setup.addSex({name:$dating[0], sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Marissa"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Marissa"})>> <<else>> <<set setup.addSex({name:"Craig", sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Marissa"})>> <<set setup.addSex({name:"Craig", sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Marissa"})>> <<set setup.addSex({name:"Craig", sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Marissa"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Marissa"})>> <</if>> <<elseif $dating.length>> <<set setup.addSex({name:$dating[0], sex:"male", vaginal:true, pullOut:true, noCondom:true})>> <<elseif $CampusMinistry>> <<set setup.addSex({name:"Craig", sex:"male", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<else>> <<set setup.addSex({name:"Craig", sex:"male", vaginal:true, pullOut:true, noCondom:true})>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<achievement>>threesome:FMF<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Cleaning up with Marissa</h1> <<if setup.areDating('Jayden')>> <img src="Part15/Dorm20.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<else>> <img src="Part15/Dorm6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <</if>> <<set setup.addSex({name:"Marissa", sex:"female"})>> <<set setup.addSex({name:"Marissa", sex:"female"})>> <<if $dating.length>> <<set setup.addSex({name:$dating[0], sex:"male", vaginal:true})>> <<elseif $CampusMinistry>> <<set setup.addSex({name:"Craig", sex:"male"})>> <<else>> <<set setup.addSex({name:"Craig", sex:"male", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</if>> <<set setup.addSex({name:"Marissa", sex:"female"})>> <<set setup.addSex({name:"Marissa", sex:"female"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> <<if !$dating.length>> <<set $CampusMinistryFail to 1>> <<set $CampusMinistryFailFall2 to 1>> <<unset $CampusMinistry>> <</if>> "He won't be ready again for a little bit, but that doesn't mean we can't have fun until then," Marissa says. You feel her finger slide inside you. Then she takes it out and licks it before having you roll over onto your back. <br><br> Her tongue on your clit feels amazing. It's not the same feeling as the deep fullness you felt from <<if $dating.length>> $dating[0]'s <<else>> Craig's <</if>> cock inside you. This time it's a sharper, more focused pleasure. It's like when you've played with your clit before, but so much better. <br><br> Soon she has you crying out as waves and waves of pleasure wash over you. "Th..Thank you," you manage to say. You start returning the favor for Marissa, trying to do what she seems to enjoy, what felt good for you. You haven't been doing it long when you see <<if $dating.length>> $dating[0]'s <<else>> Craig's <</if>> cock in your face. <br><br> His cock is so hard and wet, your wetness you realize. You are tempted to start sucking it, but it's clear <<if $dating.length>> $dating[0] <<else>> Craig <</if>> has something else in mind. You move out of the way, and he takes your place between Marissa's legs. You watch as he slides into her. As he fucks her, you kiss her. With your tongue in her mouth, and your fingers on her clit, you try to watch as he continues. <br><br> She grabs your head as she cums. Your fingers stop after that, but <<if $dating.length>> $dating[0] <<else>> Craig <</if>> keeps going until you see him thrust a last time. You move over a bit making room for him to lie between you and her. <<elseif $AcademicProbationDenial>> You and Marissa are even hornier now than when you started, and <<if $dating.length>> $dating[0]'s <<else>> Craig's <</if>> cock won't be any help for a while. Your tongue plunges into her, trying to finish what he started. You hungrily lick up his cum as it drains from her, and soon you have her squeezing the sheets and crying out with an orgasm. <br><br> After she recovers, she offers to return the favor, but you know you can't come anyway. You are far more eager to watch her orgasm again Before she can cum again though, <<if $dating.length>> $dating[0] <<else>> Craig <</if>> is ready to go again. With his cock inside her, and your fingers toying with her clit, it doesn't take much longer for her orgasm. <br><br> Your hand pulls away after she cums, but <<if $dating.length>> $dating[0] <<else>> Craig <</if>> keeps fucking her a bit longer before cumming inside her again. You eagerly lick her clean again, though it's less than last time. <<else>> You and Marissa are even hornier now than when you started, and <<if $dating.length>> $dating[0]'s <<else>> Craig's <</if>> cock won't be any help for a while. Your tongue plunges into her, trying to finish what he started. You hungrily lick up his cum as it drains from her, and soon you have her squeezing the sheets and crying out with an orgasm. <br><br> After she recovers, she start returning the favor. Before you can cum though, <<if $dating.length>> $dating[0] <<else>> Craig <</if>> is ready to go again. This time he starts with you. With his cock inside you, and Marissa's fingers toying with your clit, it doesn't take much longer for your orgasm. <br><br> Marissa's hand pulls away after you cum, but <<if $dating.length>> $dating[0] <<else>> Craig <</if>> keeps fucking you a bit longer, at least until Marissa is in position and ready for her turn. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> A bit later, after the three of you have finished, <<if $dating.length>> $dating[0] <<else>> Craig <</if>> says, "So I hope you two left some for me." Then he picks the bong up from the table. You have a feeling you and Marissa are going to have a lot of fun together [[this year|Part15Week]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Back in your dorm, fantasizing</h1> <video src="Part15/Dorm7.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You leave Marissa and her friend to themselves in the dorm, while you go find somewhere else to be until they are done. You still feel a need, something to fill the emptyness between your legs. But you try not to think about it. You tell yourself you are saving that for someone special. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you sit on a bench near the quad you see a nun walk by. You think to yourself, at least I'm not like that. Someday I'll know what it's like. You are lost in your thoughts, trying to imagine if you'd be horny all the time or forget about sex completely if you knew you would never have it. Your thoughts are interrupted by a text from your roommate. "It's safe now. Craig and I have left." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you get back to the dorm, your thoughts are still filled with the thoughts of what it'd be like as a nun. As you sit on your bed, you imagine sliding your hand up your leg, trying to relieve the need you feel. Of course in your imagination you <<if $JobBetaTester == "chaste">> aren't locked into this chastity belt, and you also <</if>> aren't dressed quite the same as the actual nun you'd seen. <<if $JobBetaTester == "chaste">> <br><br> You can feel your wetness leaking past the belt and down your leg when you nervously hit the "Request Orgasm" button on your phone. You fear it's going to deny your request, or at best give you an orgasm hours later, not right now when you need it. But what else can you do? <br><br> <<if setup.haveFucked("Frat Guy")>> Your heart sinks when you see the message "Request Denied" appear. You see below it a reason, citing your 'violations' at the party. "Good girls are rewarded, not sluts," it tells you. <br><br> "Is that what I am, a slut?" you think to yourself. "I did try to suck his cock right there in front of everyone. And I probably would have let him fuck me too, if I could have," you admit to yourself. You try to stop thinking about that night though and what you would have done without the belt. Those thoughts are only making you more horny. <<else>> You feel the belt come to life even before you see the wonderful "Request Granted" message appear. You close your eyes and return to your fantasy of being a naughty nun, pleasuring herself, while you let the belt do it's work. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobBetaTester == "chaste" and setup.haveFucked("Frat Guy")>> You head back to the dorm. The need you feel will have to wait a while longer, until your punishment period is over. Maybe [[next week|Part15Week]] the belt will decide to let you cum again. <<elseif $JobBetaTester == "chaste">> After you've came, you feel a bit better. "That will have to do for now," you think to yourself. "I'm still so horny though. It's too bad it won't let me request multiple ones in a row. I could have so much fun masturbating now that Faith isn't around to judge me. <br><br> You open a window to clear the air in the room and then start trying to study to take your mind off your lingering desire. Hopefully [[later in the week|Part15Week]] you'll be able to request another orgasm. <<elseif $BrokenLeg>> After you've came, you feel a bit better. "That will have to do for now," you think to yourself. You're tempted to head to the store and pick up new vibrator. You'll probably get some use out of it now that Faith won't be judging you everytime you try to use it. But you don't want to try to navigate the store with your cast and crutches, so you decide to just order something online later instead. <br><br> [[Continue.|Part15Week]] <<else>> After you've came, you feel a bit better. "That will have to do for now," you think to yourself. "At least I don't have to worry about Faith judging me for masturbating anymore. Maybe I should [[get a good vibrator|Part15DormStonerMinistry2]] if I'm going to be like that every time I smoke with Marissa. I'm sure that won't be the last time we do that this year. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the sex shop</h1> <img src="Part15/Shop1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'rocket vibrator')>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'rabbit vibrator')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You feel so naughty browsing through the store looking at all the toys, clothes, and everything else. But you keep telling yourself that masturbation is perfectly normal, no matter what Faith said. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are curious about the other items in the store, but you decide to focus on the vibrators first, since that what you came here for. <</nobr>> <img src="Part15/Shop2.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <<nobr>> After looking through the many different styles and types of vibrators, you find one that seems perfect. discreet, but with enough power to... well, do what it's supposed to do. You'll get some extra batteries too when you check out. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> You are eager to go home and try your new toy. But you are also tempted to [[explore the rest of the store|Part15DormStonerMinistry3]] too. But then you see the ropes and cuffs, paddles, and gags, and so many other toys on the far wall, and your mind is made up. You definitely want to take a look at those. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> You are eager to go home and try your new toy. But you are also tempted to [[explore the rest of the store|Part15DormStonerMinistry3]] too. But then you see the lingerie, latex skirts, role-play costumes, and much more on racks nearby. You start fantasizing about buy something, maybe the latex outfit, and wearing it out in public. You aren't going to buy anything, much less wear it in public. But you know you don't want to leave without checking out what they have first. <<else>> You are eager to [[go home and try your new toy|Part15DormStonerMinistry6]]. But you are also tempted to [[explore the rest of the store|Part15DormStonerMinistry3]] too. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Near the front of the store</h1> <img src="Part15/Shop3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Just past the display of vibrators, there are racks of clothes. But not regular clothes. It's all leather and latex, and things like that. You see many of them would cover very little, and others that cover everything. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your mind [[starts to wander|Part15DormStonerMinistry3Imagine]] as you look over some of the items. Or do you try to push those thoughts from your mind and [[keep exploring|Part15DormStonerMinistry4]] the store. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Imagining being used</h1> <video src="Part15/Shop3a.webm" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you see the latex suit on the mannequin you notice the mask covering the face, with only the eyes and mouth showing. You imagine wearing it in public, maybe to a party, and no one knowing who you are. No one would expect you to be the chaste young woman you normally are. And no one would judge you afterwards, because no matter what you did, they'd never know it was you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You notice the tiny padlock on the back of the hood, keeping the zipper closed. You realize that if someone else had the key, you wouldn't be able to take off the suit. Not until they let you take it off. Your mind fills with thoughts of being on your knees at a party, getting hornier and hornier as you serve one guy after another, hoping one of them has they key for you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Then you notice the other zipper, the one between the legs. You expect they wouldn't be as eager to lock that zipper closed. You wonder how many men would use you at the party, and then talk to you the next day. They'd never know the sweet, innocent girl in class was the one they'd bent over the desk and filled with their cum the night before. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are wondering if you'll have the nerve to actually buy it, but then you are snapped out of your fantasy when you see the price tag. But the thought of secretly being a bad girl, with no one knowing is still making you wet. That's far more than you are able to spend on a purchase. "At least today," you think. But you are able to [[find something|Part15DormStonerMinistryOutfit]] more in your price range. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In the middle of the store</h1> <img src="Part15/Shop4.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You head a little further back in the store and you start seeing ropes and gags and blindfolds. Those and so many other toys that could be used to restrain you. And some that could be used on you once you were restrained. You even see "starter kits" of all of it combined. You start imagining [[being helpless|Part15DormStonerBondage]] and some stranger discovers you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> If you were tied up and couldn't stop him, then you wouldn't need to feel ashamed or guilty no matter what sort of depraved thing he decided to do with your body. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You want to keep looking through the toys here, or you could [[see what's in the very back|Part15DormStonerMinistry5]] of the store. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In the back of the store</h1> <img src="Part15/Shop5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you get to the back of the store, you see a sign that says "More downstairs" with an arrow pointing down the stairs. So you walk down to see what else is down there. When you get down there, there are a few more toys, but most of the area is taken up by a row of booths. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> At first they look like changing rooms. You quickly realize that's not what they are. There's too many of them, and they are too narrow. You peek into one of the ones with the "vacant" light on and see there's a chair and a video screen there. And there's also a money slot and card reader to activate the screen. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You blush as you think about it, but then you decide to give it a try. Of course you can watch porn for free on your computer, but somehow it seems more exciting doing it here. Especially knowing they'll be someone in the booth next to you watching a video too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You see one booth is for women. You assume it's set up with more videos you would like. You [[head into the booth|Part15DormStonerBooth]], and the lock the door behind you. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home alone</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Dorm8.webm" autoplay loop muted height="650"></video> </div> <<if setup.haveInventory('sex toys', 'ball gag')>> By the time you get back home you feel like you are burning up. You aren't sure how much of it is from the hoodie you had on, and what you were wearing under it, or if it was because of how much being out in public like that excited you. <<else>> You quickly head home from the store, eager to try out your new toy. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you see Marissa is gone, you strip out of your clothes and get out the bag from the sex store. You pull out the nice vibrator, the one that moves around inside you while the other part vibrates on your clit. But you frustratingly toss it to the side when you realize it needs to be charged first. You wish you'd left it charging while you were on your adventure! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know the other one just takes normal batteries, and the clerk added some at the store! A few seconds on your clit is enough to let you know that this one is going to be more than good enough to do the job. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.haveInventory('sex toys', 'ball gag')>> You imagine you were caught by one of your classmates while you were at the store. After he caught you wearing the gag at the store he brought you back here. He made you wear the gag the entire time. He only let you take it off so you could suck his cock. <<else>> You imagine one of your classmates had seen you, without you knowing it, while you were shopping at the sex store. Then he showed up here before you could enjoy your toys. He confiscated the bag and said you couldn't have it back. Not until after you sucked his cock. And he said if you did a good job, he wouldn't tell everyone you know that he'd seen you shopping for sex toys. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you were done getting him off, he had you strip out of your clothes while he pulled the vibrator you had bought out of the bag. Then he started using it on you. Except when you started to get close to an orgasm he told you not to cum. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "A good, Christian girl like you shouldn't be doing this. You are supposed to wait until you are married. Only dirty sluts need orgasms before then," he tells you. Then he starts to move the vibrator away. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I am a dirty slut!," you said out loud. "Please let me cum! Please! Please!" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He keeps the vibrator aginst your clit, and tells you "You can cum then, slut." You were only seconds away and soon you are crying out. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After your orgasm passes, you start to straighten up. You put the little vibrator away, and you hide the rechargable vibrator under you bed so you can leave it connected to the charger. You hope to be using that soon. You also put on some clothes, since you don't know when Marissa will be back. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are glad you have a much more chill roommate this year. Now that you don't have Faith watching over you, you know you'll be getting a lot of use out of your new toys. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Hopefully it'll be easier facing the [[rest of the week|Part15Week]] now. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Trying it on</h1> <img src="Part15/Shop8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'ball gag')>> <<set setup.addInventory('underwear', 'faux leather top with collar')>> <<set setup.addInventory('underwear', 'faux leather panties')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Marissa isn't there when you get home so you try on your new purchase. Between the collar around your neck, the shiny bra, and the cleavage it's giving you, you wonder if your friends would even recognize you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Actually, it might take them a moment, but of course they would. And they'd never look at you the same way again if they saw you like this. You aren't sure how you feel about that. But you aren't ready for them to see this side of you yet. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But that doesn't mean you can't [[wear this in public|Part15DormStonerMinistryOutfit2]]. You'll just need to wear something over it. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Shopping with a secret</h1> Just wearing your new top and panties under your clothes would be fun, but too easy. Of course, you'd know your sexy secret while you were out. But there'd be no chance of getting caught. And what fun would that be. So you decide to wear something else while you are in the store. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Shop6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With the mask on, everyone will assume you are just worried about getting sick, or that you've been sick and it's for their protection. No one will suspect that you are locked into a ball gag under it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> So you don't chicken out and leave right away, you make a list of things you need from the store. You promise yourself you won't leave the store until you've got everything on your list. And you leave the key to the tiny padlock keeping the gag on you in the car, so you can't sneak away somewhere and take it off either. <</nobr>> <img src="Part15/Shop7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <<nobr>> As you enter the store, you can't believe you had the nerve to actually do it. Your heart is racing as you shop. Strangers all stay clear of you in case you are sick, so no one questions why you can't talk or even knows that you can't. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But that won't be true if you run into any of your friends. They'll be eager to talk, and it won't take them long to figure out about your gag. But, of course, the danger of getting caught is what excited you so much about this idea. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You aren't sure if you are disappointed or relieved, or a combination of both, when you checkout without being caught. You walk back to the car and take off your gag. Then you rush home [[eager to finally try out|Part15DormStonerMinistry6]] your original purchase at the sex store. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>All tied up</h1> <video src="Part15/Dorm9.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'bondage rope')>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'ball gag')>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'cuffs')>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'blindfold')>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'nipple clamps')>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'collar')>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'flogger')>> <<set setup.addInventory('underwear', 'faux leather top with collar')>> <<set setup.addInventory('underwear', 'faux leather panties')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Marissa isn't there when you get home. So, after some quick research online, you decide to try on your new purchases. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You only get as far as tying your legs up before you are too horny to continue. You can't easily reach your new vibrator now, so you'll save that for another day. Instead your hand finds it's way between your legs. Your eyes are closed, imagining you are blindfolded. And you imagine it's not your hand, in your fantasy, they're bound and useless. You imagine it's some strange hand - strong and firm, a man's hand. You try to close your legs, but the ropes make it difficult and he easily pushes them apart again. There's nothing you can do to stop him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He tells you that you are a naughty slut when he feels how wet you are. But him saying it only turns you on more. You know he's right. His fingers pull out of you and you feel him move betwen your legs. You know what's about to happen, but there's no way at all to close your legs now. Not with him between them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You feel him thrust into you. It doesn't hurt like you thought it would, it feels wonderful. But you know it's wrong, you shouldn't be enjoying this. And you try to squirm away. His hand on your neck keeps you from doing that though. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He calls you a slut again when your orgasm hits you. He thrusts a few more times, then he cums too. He buries his cock deep into you as you feel his warm cum shoot into you again and again. He pulls out and cums some more, covering your stomach and chest. He leaves you there, filled and covered with his cum, and still tied and helpless. You hear the door close, you'll never know who it was. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After the bliss of your orgasm passes, you open your eyes. Your fantasy is over now. As you untie the ropes, you start having second thoughts about waiting for sex. What if you wait until you're married, and then your husband doesn't want to hold you down and use you like that. Maybe he would if you told him that's what you wanted. Or maybe you could just find a guy now that wanted that too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You decide that you'll think about it more [[some other time|Part15Week]], when your head is more clear. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>A surprise in the booth</h1> <video src="Part15/Shop9.webm" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Glory Hole Visitor"})>> <<set $CampusMinistryFail to 1>> <<set $CampusMinistryFailFall2 to 1>> <<unset $CampusMinistry>><</nobr>> <<nobr>> You put some money in the machine and the screen lights up. You pick something you think you'd like from the menu and start watching. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are getting turned on as you watch the guy on screen get hard as the woman starts stroking his cock. He gets even harder when she takes it in her mouth. You are starting to fantasize about what it must taste like for her. You moan a bit as your hand finds its way into your shorts and starts to play with your clit. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But your eyes turn from the screen when you see a different cock appear. Not on screen, but through the wall of your booth! It looks so hard and inviting, you can't help but reach out and touch it. When you hear him moan at your touch you can't help yourself. You drop to your knees and take him into your mouth. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't think you are very good at it. You've imagined it many times before, but this is your first time actually doing it! But he seems to be enjoying it enough. Eventually you start to get the hang of it, and before you know it you have him moaning and filling your mouth with his cum. You won't have to wonder what it tastes like any more. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You see the trash can in the corner, but you decide to swallow it instead. That's what you've always done in your fantasies, after all. The thick feeling of it sliding down your throat isn't what you expected. But you don't mind it. Actually it makes you feel more slutty than your already did, and that turns you on more. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You get a meek "Thank you" from your neighbor, as he quickly exits the booth. Since you are on your own again, you add some more money and start up [[another video|Part15DormStonerBooth2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>More fun in the booth</h1> <video src="Part15/Shop10.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true, anon: "Glory Hole Visitor"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You keep masturbating to your video when another guy enters the both next to you. After a moment you glance over and see him watching you. Your hand keeps going, but now your eyes are looking at him as you play with yourself in front of him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Take off your clothes," he instructs. You bite your bottom lip as take your hand away from your clit and pull off your top. "And the rest," he says after you pause for a moment. You stand and strip off the rest until you are completely naked in front of him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You nervously go back to masturbatin, but now standing naked in front of him. You can't believe you are doing this, but you love it! He must love it too as soon his eyes move away from the hole and his cock is through it. Your lick your lips for a moment as you imagine sucking it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you're too horny for that. You need him inside you. You use the chair to position yourself so yourself just right. His cock is already all the way in your booth, so you control how deep he goes. You slowly move down. His thick cock fills you as you move back onto it, but it doesn't hurt like you thought it might. It feels amazing! You don't know why you wasted a whole year when you could have been dooing this every day! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You cry out as you orgasm. You stop moving with your ass against the wall as the pleasure overwhelms you. He starts thrusting when you stop. His huge cock stretching you out as your body clenches around it. He's not going as hard and as fast you think he'd like. He's probably worried about the wall hurting him. So once you've reovered a bit, you start thrusting back onto him instead. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It doesn't take him much longer before you hear groans from him. When you slow a bit, you notice his cock pulsing inside you. When you eventually pull back you feel his cum leaking out of you as his cock pulls out. You reach back to give him a few strokes, just for fun. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You see his cum still leaking out into your panties as you start getting dressed. The video has shut off so you hear the sound of the paper moving as he slide several some cash through the hole in the wall and lets it fall. "You were great," he says. "I hope to see you here again sometime." Buy the time you are dressed he's long gone, so you go ahead and pick up the money and put it in your pocket. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "We're hiring, if you're interested," the clerk tells you when you go to checkout. "Our previous booth girl left." Your face turns bright red as you realize he knows exactly what you were doing downstairs. You let him know you already have a job, and quick leave with your purchases and head home. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't know what the [[next week|Part15Week]] will hold. But that today too much fun. You know you won't be waiting another year, or anywhere close to it, to have sex again. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1><<if setup.sexCount() == 0>>Your first time with<<else>>With<</if>> $dating[0]</h1> <<if setup.areDating('Jayden')>> <video src="Part15/Dorm37.webm" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <<else>> <video src="PartX/Cumslut8.webm" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Thankfully $dating[0] is at home, and is excited to hear that you are coming over. <<if $PlayerItemNerdKey and setup.areDating('Peter')>> He's even more excited when you take out your key and unlock his cock. "I want your cock in my mouth, and I want all that cum you've been saving for me," you tell him. <<else>> He's even more excited when you lead him to the bedroom. "I'm too horny to wait," you tell him. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are so horny. You want him inside you more than you ever have before. But you can't have that, so instead you take his cock into your mouth. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The feel of your lips around his cock feels wonderful, the taste of his cock on your tongue is so much more intense. Of course, his cock between your other lips would feel even better. When he orgasms, and his cum fills your mouth, you eagerly swallow every drop. "That was amazing," he tells you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'm still so horny though. Can I do it again when you are ready?" you ask. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Of course," he says with a smile. As he starts to kiss you, he adds "It may take a minute for all of me to be ready though." <</nobr>> [[Continue|Part15Week]]<<nobr>> <h1><<if setup.sexCount() == 0>>Your first time with<<else>>With<</if>> $dating[0]</h1> <<if setup.areDating('Jayden')>> <video src="Part15/Dorm17.webm" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <<else>> <video src="Part15/Dorm10.webm" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Thankfully $dating[0] is at home, and is excited to hear that you are coming over. <<if setup.sexCount() == 0>> He's even more excited when you get there and tell him how you are sick of waiting, and want to have sex with him. Right here. Right now. <<elseif $PlayerItemNerdKey and setup.areDating('Peter')>> He's even more excited when you take out your key and unlock his cock. "You can start with your tongue like normal. But you are going to fuck me and fuck me hard today," you tell him. <<else>> He's even more excited when you lead him to the bedroom. "I'm too horny to wait," you tell him. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> His tongue circling your clit feels so wonderful, but you can't wait any longer. "I want you inside me," you say. He starts slow and soft, <<if setup.sexCount() == 0>> wanting to be gentle your first time, <</if>> but you tell him you want it harder, faster. He flips you over and re-enters you from behind. You are overwhelmed with the feeling of his cock thrusting again and again as he holds you down onto the mattress. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He's flipped you back over onto your back and is on top of you as you feel your orgasm approaching. Your legs wrap around him as you cum. He leans down to kiss you, but keeps thrusting until eventually <<if $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> he pulls out and cums on your stomach. <<else>> he cums too. <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> He slowly pulls, out and throws the condom in the trash can near his bed. <<else>> He stays there on to of you, with his cock burried deep inside you, twitching as it empties inside of you. After a while he slowly pulls out. <</if>> <</if>> Then he lays down beside you. "That was amazing," he tells you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.sexCount() == 0>> "Why did I wait so long?" you ask rhetorically. "Can we do it again?" you add eagerly. <<else>> "It was. But I'm still horny," you tell him. "Let's go again." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Of course," he says with a smile. <<if $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> He hands you a towel to clean the cum from your stomach. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> He reaches into the drawer and pulls out another condom. <</if>> As he starts to kiss you, he adds "It may take a minute for all of me to be ready though." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Maybe [[I can help speed that up|Part14DormStonerBoyfriend2]] for you," you tell him. <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With $dating[0]</h1> <<if setup.areDating('Jayden')>> <video src="Part15/Dorm18.webm" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <<else>> <img src="Part15/Dorm11.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.sexCount() == 4>> You've fantasized about $dating[0]'s cock many times before. You've wondered what it would feel like with your lips wrapped around it, what it would taste like on your tongue. And now you finally know. For your first time, you seem to be doing well, as soon $dating[0] is hard again. <<else>> It doesn't take you long to get $dating[0]'s cock hard and ready to go again. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With the feel of his cock in your mouth, and the moans he is making, you are tempted to keep going. <<if setup.sexCount() == 4>> But you can find out what his cum tastes like some other time. <</if>> You are too horny for that though. Once he's good and hard, you climb on top and slide his cock between your other lips as you lower yourself down onto him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you've both came again, you leave $dating[0] sound asleep as you head back to your dorm. You see the text Marissa sent you, letting you know her and her friend are done too. You're sure you'll share stories with her as soon as you get back to the dorm. You are glad you have a more relaxed roommate [[this year|Part15Week]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $Roommate to "Kiera">> <img src="Part15/Dorm3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> When your new roommate comes in, you introduce yourself. She introduces herself as well, "Hi, I'm Kiera," she starts. After telling you where's from, and a bit of other small talk she shares something else. "I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to be bringing guys home sometimes. And by 'Sometimes', I mean a lot." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PregnancyWeek >= 12>> "Obviously you like to have a bit of fun yourself," she says glancing at your growing stomach. "You are welcome to join in sometimes if you want. Or if you're still with your baby daddy, maybe we could have a threesome or a foursome some time if you want. Don't worry, I'm on birth control, so he won't be getting me pregnant too." <<elseif setup.haveInventory('piercings', 'tongue')>> "I'm guessing you like to have a bit of fun yourself," she says glancing at your tongue piercing. "You are welcome to join in sometimes if you want. If you a have boyfriend or regular fuckbuddy, maybe we could have a threesome or a foursome some time if you want." <<else>> "Hopefully you like to have some fun yourself. Not like my last roommate. She was a real prude," she says hopefully. "You are welcome to join in sometimes if you want. If you have boyfriend or regular fuckbuddy, maybe we could have a threesome or a foursome some time if you want." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "If you aren't wanting to share, I understand," she continues. "But you two can feel free to have fun over on your side of the room whenever you want and I'll keep my guys on my side. It'll be fun that way too. Guys love competing to see which one can make the girl they are fucking moan more." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> When you mention that you have a girlfriend she appologizes. "Oh, I'm sorry, that was a stupid assumption I made. Still, you two can have as much fun over there as you want. I'm not really into girls though, other than the occasional threesome, so I won't ask you to share." She gives you a smile and adds, "Though if you and her ever want to have a foursome with me and some guy, I'm sure we'd make him the happiest guy on campus." <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<if $JobBetaTester == "chaste">> "I couldn't join in, even if I wanted to," <<elseif setup.areDating($Keyholder)>> "Well, if I [[did join in|Part15DormSluttyChasteSex]] my options would be somewhat limited unless $Keyholder decided to unlock me," <<else>> "Well, if I [[did join in|Part15DormSluttyChasteSex]] my options would be somewhat limited," <</if>> you tell her as you reveal your chastity belt. <br><br> "Oh damn," she says when she sees your belt. "I think I would lose my mind if I was in one of those. You must be horny all the fucking time!" <<if $JobBetaTester == "chaste">> You blush but don't respond. <<else>> You confirm that it does make you insanely horny being in the belt. <</if>> <br><br> "Well, guys would love it," she says. "Having a insanely horny girl, on her knees sucking their cock. Desperate to get fucked, but unable to feel a man inside her no matter how much she begs." <br><br> You <<if $JobBetaTester == "chaste">> try to ignore it as you <</if>> feel a trickle of wetness run down your leg as she describes it to you. Smiling, she adds, "Of course, they'd also love being able to fuck my brains out after that, especially with you watching on with envy." <<if $JobBetaTester == "chaste">> <br><br> You see disappointment, and perhaps pity, on her face as you let her know that your belt prevents that too... well all of it except the watching part. At least you don't think it would shock you for just watching. <</if>> <<elseif $RapistRaped and $CampusMinistry>> "I'm sure that'd be fun with the right girl," you tell her. "But, I'm not her." <<elseif $RapistRaped>> "I'm sure that would be fun," you tell her. "But I'm just not really feeling it today." <<elseif $CampusMinistry>> You know it's wrong, but you can't help but picture yourself, and her, [[in bed together|Part15DormSluttySexMinistry]] with <<if $dating.length>> <<print $dating[0]>>. <<else>> some guy. <</if>> <<elseif setup.areDating('Peter') and $PlayerItemNerdKey>> As she talks about it, you can't help but think that a [[threesome might be fun|Part15DormSluttySexPeterChaste]]. Though, you should probably check to see how she feels about Peter's cage first. <<else>> As she talks about it, you can't help but think that a [[threesome might be fun|Part15DormSluttySex]]. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> You tell her to have as much fun as [[she wants on her side|Part15DormSluttyWatch]]. You warn her, "If I get up in and leave in the middle, don't think I'm angry or upset. I probably just got too horny and had to leave to find $dating[0]." <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt and $JobBetaTester == "chaste">> Joining in with her definitely isn't an option. But you do have a choice between [[letting her have her fun|Part15DormSluttyWatch]], as long as she keeps it to her side of the room or [[asking her to warn you|Part15DormSluttyWarn]] when she's going to have a guy over so you can stay away. <<elseif $RapistRaped>> You [[ask her to warn you|Part15DormSluttyWarn]] when she's going to have a guy over so you can give her some privacy. <<elseif $CampusMinistry>> As much as you keep thinking about it, you <<if $dating.length>> keep thinking about how $dating[0] would react if you invited him over. <<else>> know joining in with her and some random guy is wrong. <</if>> You wonder if you should [[let her have her fun|Part15DormSluttyWatch]], as long as she keeps it to her side of the room or [[ask her to warn you|Part15DormSluttyWarn]] when she's going to have a guy over so you can stay away. <<else>> As much as you keep thinking about it, you could also [[let her have her fun|Part15DormSluttyWatch]], as long as she keeps it to her side of the room or [[ask her to warn you|Part15DormSluttyWarn]] when she's going to have a guy over so you can stay away. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Coming back to your room</h1> <img src="Part15/Dorm14.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <<if !$RapistRaped>> <<set $DormFriendLevel -= 1>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I know what I can do. I'll leave my panties hanging on the door whenever I have a guy over. It's not like I'll be needing them then anyway, right!" Kiera suggests. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> "Fine. I guess that works," you say. It seems crude to have her panties hanging out in the hallway to see. Plus everyone on the floor will know what she's doing in there. Though, you suppose she'd probably think that's great. At least you'll know and not walk in on her and him. <<else>> You laugh and say, "That sounds great. Thanks for doing that for me." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The panties thing seem to be working. The problem is that nearly every time you come home you see them hanging there. And you know then, unless you want to see her and some guy going at it, you have to find somewhere else to be for a while. It's annoying, but she is at least trying to work with you on it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After about a week or so, you are relieved to come home and see no panties on the door knob. You [[walk into your room|Part15DormSluttyWarn2]], thankful you won't have wait around this time. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Walking in on Kiera and some guy</h1> <video src="Part15/Dorm15.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As soon as you walk through the door you realize Kiera must have forgotten the panties this time as you see her getting fucked by some guy over on her bed. From the look of her face, he's already came once for her. You know you should turn around and leave, but you can't take your eyes away as he pounds her from behind. And if you didn't already know, the look in her face when you make eye contact makes it obvious to you that she doesn't mind you watching. <<if $RapistRaped>> <br><br> Watching them go at it reminds you what sex is supposed to be like. <<if $CampusMinistry>> Well, maybe according to Pastor Mark, it's supposed to be between a husband and wife, but you wonder if that party really matters that much, as long as both parties are happy. <</if>> Feeling a stiring in your panties, you realize this is the first time you've felt turned on since... well, since it happened. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can't help yourself, and watch her face as she cries out in an orgasm. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> It makes you ache knowing you can't have one right now while you watch them. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> You wish you could masturbate, you think you'd probably do it right now watching them if you could. <<else>> It turns you on so much, you are tempted to start masturbating right now, as you watch them. <</if>> But you soon realize you wouldn't have had enough time anyway. She's still moaning as you hear him groan and then thrust deeply into her. "Oh yes! Give me the rest of your cum!" she tells him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You imagine how his cock would feel inside you, as you picture it twitching inside her, filling her with <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> millions of his sperm, each one searching for an egg to fertilize. It makes you a tiny bit sad knowing she doesn't have one waiting for them. <<if $PlayerPregnant>> <<else>> Not like you <<if $MenstrualWeek == 4>>often<<else>>probably<</if>> do. <</if>> <<else>> his cum. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> A bit later after he's left you ask her about the missing panty. You know you should be mad, but you really aren't. Part of you really enjoyed watching them. "Oh, I did leave one out there. A nice lacy black one that goes with this bra," she says as she picks up her bra from the floor. "Someone must have stolen them again!" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I hadn't minded so much when I thought it was the guys I was fucking taking them on their way out, like a trophy or something," she admits. "But now that I know it's just some thief, or thieves, from the dorm, I'm mad. Especially since that was part of a set, and one of my favorites." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You <<if $CampusMinistry>>blush<<else>>smile<</if>> as she says, "But you didn't seem to mind watching as much as you thought you would. Maybe we can skip the whole doorknob-panty thing and, even if you don't want to join in, you can watch if you want, or ignore of us if you don't." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Before you can respond she adds, "And I'm running low on panties, nice ones anyway. So why don't you <<if $JobBetaTester == "chaste">> go shopping with me, <<else>> [[go shopping with me|Part15DormSluttyWarnShop]], <</if>> and I'll even buy you something too to make up for your little surprise this afternoon." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if (!$JobBetaTester or $JobBetaTester != "chaste") and $RapistRaped>> That sounds like fun to you. And you are feeling good right now, and would rather go out and have some fun with her instead of being home alone with your thoughts. <<else>> <<if $JobBetaTester == "chaste">> <<set $DormFriendLevel -= 1>> You are already so horny you are beside yourself, and you can't do anything about it. You think watching her get laid every day would drive you insane with lust. Though you certainly aren't going to tell her that's why you are angry. Instead you demand <<else>> If you still don't want to watch her and her guys go at it, you could suggest <</if>> she use a plain sock instead of her panties on the door. No one is going to steal that. And then this <<link [[shouldn't happen again|Part15Week]]>><<set $KieraSock to 1>><</link>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>A Gift from Kiera</h1> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <img src="Part15/Dorm24.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> <<else>> <img src="Part15/Dorm27.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> <</if>> <<set $DormFriendLevel += 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You go shopping with Kiera while she buys numerous panties and other lingerie for herself, some to replace what was stolen and some just because she likes it. You also both get to know each other much better, and you aren't as upset with her as you were before. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Like she'd said earlier, she also picked up something for you. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> "Since you are in that belt, I figured most lingerie is going to be out," she tells you. So instead I thought something cute that you could wear over your belt would be good. See, it's even got this belt right in just the right place, so no one will notice the outline of your chastity belt under it." <<else>> You look so hot in this. I'm sure <<if $dating.length>> $dating[0] will love you in it." <<elseif setup.sexCount()>> the next <<if setup.sexMaleCount() >= setup.sexFemaleCount()>> guy <<else>> girl <</if>> you are with will love you in it." <<else>> when you meet the right guy for you, he'll love you in it. But you can just wear it for yourself, and enjoy how sexy it makes you feel until then." <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are glad you and Kiera were able to work things out. It'll make [[this year|Part15Week]] go much smoother if you two aren't arguing. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Watching Kiera and some guy</h1> <video src="Part15/Dorm15.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set $KieraWatch to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The first few times you try to not watch, and keep your eyes on your laptop and your homework. But Kiera brings a guy home nearly every evening. This time you couldn't help yourself. She smiles when she sees you watching. <<if $JobBetaTester == "chaste">> You assume she'd invite you to join if she thought you could. <<else>> She gestures for you to join in, but you shake your head 'no' and just keep watching. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You watch her head bob up and down as she sucks his cock. You watch the look of pleasure on his face, and wish it were your lips around his cock, making him feel that good. Your eyes are on his cock when he pulls out of her mouth to cum on her face. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your eyes are on Kiera as he begins eating her out. As she moans and grabs his hair, you try to imagine how good it must be feeling for her right now. <<if $JobBetaTester == "chaste">> You press the "Request Orgasm" button on your phone, but the request is denied. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $dating.length>> Realizing your hand is down in your panties, <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>>for all the good it would do,<</if>> you realize you need to leave. You quickly text $dating[0] and then head to meet <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>>her.<<else>>him.<</if>> Hopefully it'll be you moaning in a few minutes. <br><br> By the time you finish with $dating[0] and return home, Kiera's friend is gone and you have no trouble [[getting to sleep|Part15Week]]. <<elseif setup.isGoldStarLesbian()>> Realizing your hand is down in your panties, <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>>for all the good it would do,<</if>> you realize you need to leave. You quickly text a girl you know and then head to meet her. Hopefully it'll be you moaning in a few minutes. <br><br> By the time you finish with her and return home, Kiera's friend is gone and you have no trouble [[getting to sleep|Part15Week]]. <<else>> Kiera is looking right at you as he fucks her from behind. You can't help yourself and find yourself on your hands and knees too, kissing her on the lips. You taste the cum on her face and eagerly lick it up before returning to kiss her again. <br><br> <<if $JobBetaTester == "chaste">> After a few moments of kissing her your belt gives you a painful shock, then immediately after that one it shocks you again, and then a third time. Each one more painful than the last. You quickly back away, desperate for the pain to stop. You hurry and check your phone and see the message: <br> <blockquote> <b>Intimate contact detected</b><br> Physical contact with another person has been detected.<br> Based on your posture and arousal level, this has been interpreted as intimate contact.<br> Failure to remain in a seated or standing position for the next 60 minutes will result in further punishment.<br> Additional physical contact with another person in the next 60 minutes will result in further punishment.<br> </blockquote> <br> "You Ok?" you hear from Kiera between her moans. <br> "I'm fine," you say as you sit up perfectly straight in your chair. "This stupid belt didn't like me kissing you just now." You decide to take a walk while they finish. You don't want to be tempted to do anything again. You'll come back in an hour and hopefully they'll be done, and you can [[try to sleep|Part15DormSluttyWatchChaste]]. <<elseif $CampusMinistry>> You'd never tasted cum before. Well, maybe you did put a little of your own on your finger once and taste it, back before your change. But this isn't the same. This makes you want more. <br><br> "Can... Can I [[join in|Part15DormSluttySexMinistry]]?" you ask timidly. They both invite you to join them. <<else>> You've forgotten why you didn't want to join in in the first place, and are soon naked <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> except for your belt <</if>> and in bed with them. You are kissing Kiera as she cums, and still when you hear him moan and cum inside her. You move to lick his cock clean as soon as he pulls out of her. <br><br> You start eating out Kiera, tasting his warm, fresh cum. It isn't long and he is hard again from watching you. <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name: "Kiera"})>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male"})>> He has you suck his cock for a bit, but returns to fuck Kiera after a while. You ache under your belt, knowing he'd be fucking you right now instead if he could. <<else>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> This time it's you he fucks. Kiera makes out with you as he does, playing with her clit the whole time. <</if>> <br><br> After you and Kiera have drained him every big of energy and drop of cum that he has, she sends him on his way. <br><br> You're not sure why you didn't want to join in at first, but you are glad that you did. You know you and Kiera are going to have a lot of fun [[this year|Part15Week]]. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Morning, before class</h1> <<set setup.addInventory('piercings', 'tongue sensor')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You think nothing of it as you pee the next morning, your urine trickling through the mesh panel on your belt as always. You hop into the shower, again, like you do every morning, eliminating the need to wipe down the belt after peeing this time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's not until you dry off and check your phone that you see the notification. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <blockquote> <b>Semen metabolites detected in urine</b><br> Insufficent physical activity has been detected to explain detected levels.<br> Additional sensor is mandated to ensure future compliance.<br> </blockquote> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You cringe expecting another shock but you don't recieve it. Instead a few moments later another notification appears. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <blockquote> <b>Tongue sensor now linked to your belt</b><br> A tongue sensor has been assigned to you at no charge and is waiting in the engineering department for pick-up.<br> You will need to <<if setup.haveInventory('piercing', 'tongue')>> replace your existing piering <<else>> make an appointment with a piercer, then visit the department <</if>> within the next 24 hours to avoid further punishment. </blockquote> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part2/Emily4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.haveInventory('piercing', 'tongue')>> You reluctantly stop by the engineering department on the way to class, where they replace your old stud with their 'sensor'. <<else>> You'd never planned on getting a tongue piercing! But you know it's no use complaining, so after class you stop by a piercer. After a brief momen of pain, you have a pierced tongue. He puts some sort of spray on your tongue that is supposed to make it heal much faster than normal. "Still, you should wait a day or two before you have too much fun with it," he says. <br><br> On your way out of the shop you blush, as you realize what he meant by "too much fun". You are distacted from that though as you move your tongue around your mouth and feel the odd, new sensations of having a stud through your tongue! He'd offered a selection of options to choose from, but you'd chosen the cheapest one. You told him you'd be replacing it later today. You said a "friend" has a different one already picked out for you. <br><br> Once you reach the engineering department, they replace the simple metal stud with their 'sensor'. As you see their sensor you note that you'd never even realize it was anything more than the one they were taking out, if you didn't already know. <br><br> Your piercer had said it was fine replacing the stud with a different one, but just be sure to keep something in your piercing for the next several weeks, so your body doesn't heal too much and close the piering back up. That certainly won't be a problem for you, since you won't be able to remove this one on your own anyway. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After the new tongue sensor is installed, the engineer questions you as to what happened to trigger the inconsistent results. You are embarrassed, but are obligated to talk with him since it's related to your testing of the belt. You give him the whole story. You tell him about how aroused you got just hearing, and then watching, Kiera and that guy go at it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And you tell him how you never even touched... whatever his name was. You explain that you'd kissed Kiera, and you'd had tasted a bit of his cum on her face. "A bit?" he says skeptically. "The levels the belt registered suggest more than just a drop or two." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Ok, ok. I tasted a bit when I kissed her, but then I licked the rest of it off her face," you confess. "But, I never touched him," you repeat. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "So you must have liked the taste then?", he asks. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You feel your face blush with embarrassment as you answer, "Yes. It tasted wond..." You stop and ask, "What does that have to do with the testing?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Nothing, I was just curious," he says as you seem him making notes on his tablet. "I think you're good to go now." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You stop in the restroom to check the mirror after you leave their office. <<if setup.haveInventory('piercing', 'tongue')>> You can't even tell it's anything more than a regular stud by looking at it. Of course, if it were a regular stud, you could unscrew in take it off. This one won't be coming off without their help. <<else>> <<set setup.addInventory('piercings', 'tongue')>> You stare at your tongue. You can't believe that you have a pierced tongue now. You know what people assume about girls with a pierced tongue. Now everyone is going to think you are sucking guys' cocks all the time. If they only knew that your piercing is designed to make sure you <b>can't</b> do that! <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You hope this ordeal will be enough to ensure that you aren't tempted to join in, even a little bit, with Kiera [[in the future|Part15Week]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your first time</h1> "I've never... you know... before," you try to say. <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal: true, pullout: true, noCondom: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Kiera"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal: true, noPullout: true, noCondom: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Kiera"})>> <<unset $CampusMinistry>> <<set $CampusMinistryFailFall2 to 1>> <<set $DormFriendLevel += 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh, well let's make sure it's a good one then," Kiera says. <<if $KieraWatch>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male"})>> "He's pretty close now, and I wouldn't want your first time to be a disappointment. So lets let him finish and then when he's ready again it'll be your turn." You nod, then she adds, "But do you want him to finish inside me, or do you want another taste?" You get down on your knees and open your mouth, ready to taste your first cock. <br><br> By the time he's ready to go again, you and Kiera are both dressed for the fantasy she thought up for him. Though she was the only one that had to change, you were already matching the look she had in mind. <<else>> Kiera decides to a little role play fun. You think it's partially to turn him on, and partially to calm your nerves a bit. You are already dressed for the part, but she has to make a quick wardrobe change before her friend arrives. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "My sister and I just turned 18 today," Kiera says trying to act innocent. "Neither of us have been with a man before, so please be gentle with us." You both act nervous as he takes turns removing one piece of clothing at a time from each of you, and removing his occassionally as well. Well, Kiera is acting at least, the nervousness is mostly real for you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Dorm23.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When his two virgins are down to only their pink, cotton panties his hands start to roam. As his strong hands move over your skin your heart races. When his hand slides into your panties you bite your lower lip in anticipation. You can't help the moan you make as his finger gently slides into you. You assume Kiera must be as wet as you are when he comments on how ready his two virgins are for their first time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Kiera can't help herself, and is already stroking his cock while you just struggle to stand up as his finger slides slowly in and out of you and across your clit. You think this feels better than anything could until he drops to his knees, pulls your panties to the slide, and slides his tongue over your clit. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Dorm21.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've already came from his tongue, but when you feel the head of his cock slowly easing between your lower lips, you ache for him to go deeper. You'd heard that it hurts the first time, but it doesn't. You wonder if it's because of your implant, or how wet you are, or how gentle he is being, but it only feels like pure bliss to you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You cum again with him inside you, and Kiera's tongue on your clit at the same time. You do your best to pleasure her also, but you are so distracted by your own pleasure, you aren't sure if you are doing very well. But she isn't complaining, so you keep at it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Dorm28.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You lose track of how many times you cum before Kiera's friend... you realize you never caught his name... before he leaves. As he leaves, you can only lie in bed enjoying the wonderful feeling you still have after the pleasure he, and Kiera, gave you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You already don't remember why you ever waited for this. You could have been having this kind of pleasure for a year now. But now that you know how good it is, you know you aren't going to waste anymore time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know you and Kiera are going have a lot of fun this year, and you want to start on it [[as soon as possible|Part15DormSluttySexMinistry2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Making up for lost time</h1> <video src="Part15/Dorm5.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name: "Kiera"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name: "Kiera"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name: "Kiera"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name: "Kiera"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male"})>> <<set $DormFriendLevel += 3>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Kiera can see how eager you are to make up for lost time, and she's more than happy to help you with that. She has tons of guys she can call, and she makes sure you and her have a different one every night. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She's even helped you shop for some sexier clothes to wear when the guys come over. Though, they didn't seem to mind what you were wearing before. But you certainly enjoy how sexy you feel wearing it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Dorm19.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Dorm26.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She's even helped teach you to be a better lover yourself. You were trying to learn to suck cock better just by watching her, but you are usually too distracted at the time. But she gives you a few pointers one morning at breakfast. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When she tells you that you've mastered it now, you can't wait until tonight when you can give it a try. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "There's no reason we have to wait," she says. She takes a quick video of you and says, "Let me post this on my feed with the message '$playerName and I are feeling lonely at breakfast... wish someone else were here with us.` and I'm sure we'll have our pick of guys here in no time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She was right of course. You are so happy that Kiera was able to help you finally get you to open up and have fun. You know the two of you are going to have a lot of fun [[this year|Part15Week]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Threesome with Kiera and Peter</h1> <video src="Part15/Dorm25.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name: "Kiera"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name: "Peter"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name: "Kiera"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name: "Peter"})>> <<set $DormFriendLevel += 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Peter was thrilled when he found out he was going to be part of threesome with you and another girl. He was probably a little less excited when he realized you had no intention of unlocking him. "It's been a while since I let you cum, so I doubt you'd last long. And that wouldn't be fair to Kiera would it. She's looking for a long, hard fuck," you tell him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "No, ma'am. That wouldn't be fair to her. I understand," he says obediently. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Peter is happy to find out that he still gets to fuck both you and Kiera, even if it is with his strap-on instead of his locked cock. You let him enjoy the view of Kiera riding his cock for a while first, before you straddle his face and block his view. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He eats you out as you and you and Kiera kiss as first one of your orgasms, then a bit later the other. You glance down and see the drops of precum leaking from Peter's caged cock. There's no need to wait for Peter to recover, so you quick move to him fucking Kiera from behind while she eats you out. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You lose track of how many orgasms you and Kiera have before the night is over. Before he gets dressed to leave, Kiera thanks him for his hard work. When she leans over and kisses his cock through the bars of its cage, you worry Peter might cum right then. But he just winces a bit as his cock swells and presses hard against its prison. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They way Kiera was talking earlier, you had been worried at first that she loved cock too much to be ok with Peter's being locked most of the time. But as the two of you talk after he's gone, she thinks it great. "He's eager to eat me or you out as long as we want," she says. "If we want a good fuck, he'll last until we cum every time. And there's no mess leaking out of me afterwards. What's not to love?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next morning you know for sure you and her are going to have a lot of fun [[this year|Part15Week]], when she asks to borrow your phone to send Peter a text. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Dorm26.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> </div> <blockquote> Peter, this is Kiera.<br> Thanks for a great time yesterday.<br> It's too bad you couldn't stay over last night.<br> I always wake up horny, and would have been begging $playerName to unlock you.<br> Thinking of you though. </blockquote> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Threesome with Kiera and <<if $dating.length>>$dating[0]<<else>>some guy<</if>></h1> <video src="Part15/Dorm21.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<if $dating.length>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name: "Kiera"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name: "Kiera"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0], vaginal: true})>> <<else>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name: "Kiera"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name: "Kiera"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal: true, noPullout:true})>> <</if>> <<set $DormFriendLevel += 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $dating.length>>$dating[0]<<else>>Kiera's friend<</if>> was thrilled when he arrived and found not one horny slut waiting for him, but two. He watches as you and Kiera strip for him, throwing his own clothes off at the same time. Seeing his cock, hard and waiting, you can't resist any longer and drop to your knees and start sucking it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After a little while he says, "On your back." You aren't sure who he was saying it to, or if he even cared which of you responded, but Kiera is on her back before you can decide. As soon as he sees her ready and wait, he pulls out of your mouth and moves over to start fucking her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When Kiera calls you over, you eagerly straddle her face as she starts to eat you out. You lean over and find her clit as <<if $dating.length>>$dating[0]<<else>>what's-his-name<</if>> continues to fuck her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are expecting him to cum inside her, so you are surprised at first when he pulls out. But once you realize what is happening you open your mouth to catch the rest of his cum, then lick his cock clean. Kiera calls you up so she can lick your face clean. But most of it ends up drying there instead as both of you forget about anything else once you start kissing. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Watching the two of you soon has him hard again. This time it's your turn to feel his cock. He lays on your back as you ride his cock. Meanwhile, Kiera straddles his face so she can let his tongue do the work this time, while the two of you kiss some more. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He leaves with a smile on his face as you and Kiera start to clean up the room from the fun. <<if $dating.length>> He couldn't stay tonight, but you have a feeling $dating[0] will be sleeping over at your dorm quite a bit. You are also pretty sure you and Keira are going to have a lot of fun [[this year|Part15Week]]. <<else>> You never did catch his name. It doesn't matter anyway, Kiera has plenty of guys to call so it might not even be him again next time. But whatever there names are, you know you and Keira are going to have a lot of fun [[this year|Part15Week]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $dating.length>> <<include [[Part15DormSluttyChasteSexBF]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15DormSluttyChasteSexNormal]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Watching $dating[0] make Kiera cum again and again</h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name: "Kiera"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name: "Kiera"})>> <<set $Cuckcake to "Kiera">> <<set $DormFriendLevel += 3>> You tell Kiera that $dating[0] can't really compete side by side like she suggested, since you are in a chastity belt. But you instead see if she is interested in that threesome she mentioned. You know $dating[0] would like that. And you want to reward him for being so understanding about your chastity belt. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't tell $dating[0] exactly what your plans are when you call him. You want to see his face when he hears about the threesome you are proposing. Of course, he loves the idea when he hears it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating("Jayden")>> <video src="Part15/Jayden8.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<else>> <video src="Part15/Dorm22.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You start of sucking $dating[0]'s cock while Kiera pleasures herself. But soon Kiera is wet and $dating[0] is rock hard. He has you focus on her clit, to make sure she can as much pleasure as possible, as you won't get any <<if $JobBetaTester>> unless your belt decides to reward you. <<else>> today. <</if>> You watch as your boyfriend's cock parts Kiera's glistening lips and slowly slides into her. The ache you feel intensifies as you hear her moan. You redirect you need into pleasuring Kiera as you watch $dating[0]'s cock move faster and faster into her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he cums, instead of filling Kiera, he decides to cover your face with it. You eagerly lick his cock clean after he does, still aching for it to be inside of you instead of Kiera. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Seeing the mess on your face, Kiera kisses you, licking some of his cum from your face as she does. Watching the two of you together soon has her friend ready to go again. Again you can only watch in envy as he fucks her to another orgasm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That was very thoughtful of you, $playerName," $dating[0] tells you. "Understanding that I have needs, and thinking of a way to satisfy them while you are still in your belt. You really are the perfect girlfriend. And since you and Kiera are roommates, we can be doing this all the time." He pauses a moment and adds, "If Kiera would like that at least." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh absolutely!" Kiera responds. "I'd hate for a cock as nice as that one to go unused just because your $playerName decided to lock herself in a chastity belt." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Wonderful," $dating[0] says. <<if $JobBetaTester>> "And I'll check the manual for her belt to see if I can set it to give her a little pleasure while she watches us next time. I can see from the app here how much watching turned her on even without that." <<else>> "And I can think we can both see how much $playerName likes that idea." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he eventually leaves, you and Kiera clean up the mess he made, on you, on her, and on Kiera's sheets. She smiles and tells you what a great rommate you are for sharing your boyfriend, and his cock, with her. "I'll make sure it gets lots of use this year, don't worry," she assures you. "There's no reason to let a nice cock like that go to waste just because you're locked up." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> [[Continue|Part15Week]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Watching Kiera cum again and again</h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name: "Kiera"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name: "Kiera"})>> You wonder how many guys Kiera has on call. She messages one of them and it isn't long before he's knocking on the door to your and Kiera's room. <<set $DormFriendLevel += 2>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Dorm22.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he sees your chastity belt, he's a bit disappointed that his threesome isn't going to be as fun as he had hoped. But when Kiera has you drop to your knees and start sucking his cock, he doesn't mind anymore. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Later, when he starts fucking Kiera, he has you focus on her clit. You wonder how much is to get her off, and how much is to just make you watch up close the pleasure she gets, but that you can't have. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he cums, instead of filling Kiera, he decides to cover your face with it. You eagerly lick his cock clean after he does, still aching for it to be inside of you instead of Kiera. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Seeing the mess on your face, Kiera kisses you, licking some of his cum from your face as she does. Watching the two of you together soon has her friend ready to go again. Again you can only watch in envy as he fucks her to another orgasm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he eventually leaves, you and Kiera clean up the mess he made, on you, on her, and on Kiera's sheets. You both smile and joke about a great job the university did matching you two together this year. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> [[Continue|Part15Week]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Dorm2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set $Roommate to "Natalie">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When your new roommate comes in, you introduce yourself. She introduces herself as well, "Hi, I'm Natalie," she starts. After telling you where's from, and a bit of other small talk she starts talking about something else. "I know many people see this as a 'party school', not to mention some of the things they've started saying about it more recently too. But I'm hear to learn. I'm hoping you are too." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As the two of you talk, <<if $CampusMinistry>> you let her know that you've been trying to avoid the parties and wild things going at the university. You tell her you try to spend as much time with your church group as you can to keep your focused on school and not... other things. But you tell her it's sometimes difficult <<elseif $AcademicProbation>> <<set $DormFriendLevel -= 1>> you let her know <<if $PlayerLazyStudent>> <<set $DormFriendLevel -= 1>> that you've never been a great student, and that <</if>> you're on academic probation. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You don't mention about the denial punishment included with that. <</if>> You tell her you are trying to do better this year, but it's sometimes difficult <<elseif $PlayerLazyStudent>> it comes up that you've never been a great student. You tell her you are trying to do better here than you did in high school. But, you also tell her, you've been struggling <<elseif $PlayerGoodStudent>> <<set $DormFriendLevel += 1>> you tell her that you've usually been a good student as well, though it's been more difficult here <<else>> you tell her that you've always been an average student, and it's been more difficult for you <</if>> with all the 'distractions' here. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> "Good, I was worried they might match me with some party girl who would make it hard to study in here. But please don't try to convert me or anything. I had enough of people pushing their religion on me back home, and I'm glad to be free of it. But if it works for you, that's great." <br><br> She pauses then adds, "Though it probably annoys me in a different way, <<elseif $DormFriendLevel < 0>> "Well, hopefully you'll keep your partying at the frat houses or wherever," she says with a hint of annoyance in her voice. "I like the dorm room to be quiet as much as possible so I can study." <br><br> She pauses then adds, "But <<elseif $DormFriendLevel > 0>> "Great, I'm sure we'll get along great then," she says cheerfully. "I was worried they'd match me with some party girl who would make it hard to study in here." <br><br> She pauses then adds, "Oh, and <<else>> "It's good that you are trying. That's half the battle. If you ever need any help, let me know," she says. "In return, if you could keep things quiet in the room so I can study, I'd really appreciate it." <br><br> She pauses then adds, "Oh, and <</if>> I know what you mean <<if $CampusMinistry>> about the distractions. <<else>> [[about the distractions|Part15DormNerdy2]]. <</if>> It seems like every guy here is trying to get in your pants, both the students and some of the professors too. I'd even heard a lot of the jobs here are bad about that sort of thing too, thankfully I haven't needed one, so I haven't had to worry about that problem. But I've heard stories." <<if $CampusMinistry>> <br><br> [[Continue|Part15Week]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Natalie thinking about her needs</h1> <img src="Part15/Dorm29.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> You can see Natalie is lost in her thoughts as she continues talking about the distractions the university has. You wonder if the picture you have in your mind right now is similiar to the one she has. You soon decide, probably not. Whatever is in her mind, it's probably more likely that it has her bent over the desk with some guy behind her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "The distractions have been a problem for me too," she admits. "I haven't had sex since I broke up with my high school boyfriend when I moved away a year ago. I figured my vibrator would be enough and I could just focus on my studies. But with everything on campus being like it is, I keep thinking about sex. All the time really. Much more than when I was actually having it." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I know if I got a boyfriend now though, it'd be a huge distraction. Once a week is probably all I need. But he'd want to sleep over all the time, and get upset if I didn't spend every waking minute with him. Sometimes I just wish I could get a guy to come over, get me off, and then just leave." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set $tempMaleFWB = $fwb.filter(function (name) {return name != "Kate"})>> <<if $PlayerItemNerdKey or $PlayerItemNerdKeyStripper>> "Actually, I have an idea that may be just what you need," you say. <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>> My boyfriend, <<elseif $PlayerItemNerdKey>> My friend, <<else>> This guy I know, <</if>> Peter, would be happy to take care of your needs whenver you want. I keep him in a chastity cage, so he's gotten really good at oral. I can also have him wear a strap-on if you'd like that." <br><br> "Then you can send him home when you are done with him," you tell her. "Or, if you prefer, you can have him sit patiently under your desk until you decide to take a break from studying and want him to eat you out again. Either way, it'll be the highlight of his week." <br><br> "Oh my god, really? That sounds perfect!" Natalie says. "Are you sure you don't mind?" <br><br> You tell her you'd be happy to lend him out whenever she wants. "And don't worry, he knows better than to beg you to unlock him. Besides, I'll make it clear to him you don't even have the key anyway." You pick up your phone and inform Peter of the news and tell him to cover over right now to [[take care of her needs|Part15DormNerdyPeter]]. <<elseif $tempMaleFWB.length>> "Actually, I have an idea that may be just what you need," you say. You know the term "friend with benefits", right? Well I have <<if $fwb.length > 2>> several of them. I'm sure any of them would love to be friends with you too. <<if setup.isFWB("Kate")>> If you like girls too, then that's an option also. <</if>> Don't worry, they'll all know <<elseif $fwb.length == 2>> a couple of them. <<if setup.isFWB("Kate")>> If you like girls too, then both might interest you. Otherwise <<print $tempMaleFWB[0]>> certainly will. <br><br> Don't worry, they'll both know <<else>> I'm sure either $fwb[0] or $fwb[1] will interest you too. <br><br> Don't worry, they'll both know <</if>> <<else>> one of them. I'm sure you'd enjoy $fwb[0] too. <br><br> Don't worry, he knows <</if>> not to 'catch feelings'. And I can make it clear that only you should initiate any booty calls, so your study time won't get interrupted by a horny friend. <br><br> "Oh my god, really? That sounds perfect!" Natalie says. "Are you sure you don't mind sharing?" <br><br> "What are friends for?" you say. You pick up your phone and show her a few photos. Then you call <<set $RoommateFWB to $tempMaleFWB[Math.floor(Math.random() * $tempMaleFWB.length)]>> to verify that he's interested, and see if he's [[available now|Part15DormNerdyFWB]]. <<elseif $dating.length and !setup.haveGirlfriend() and !setup.areDating('Barry')>> "Actually, I have an idea that may help you if you are interested," you say. "I know my boyfriend would love a threesome. He could take care of your needs. You and I wouldn't need to even kiss... unless you wanted to. Though the more we did, I'm sure the more it would excite $dating[0]. <br><br> "I can let him know that the evening is about taking care of your needs," you continue. "I'm sure you'll be very satisfied by the time I send him home." <br><br> "Oh my god, really? That sounds perfect!" Natalie says. "Are you sure you are cool with that?" <br><br> "Of course," you reply. "We'll have a great time! When do you want me to set it up." Seeing the look on her face, you get your phone out to call $dating[0] to see if he's as excited as you expect him to be, and see if he can come over [[right away|Part15DormNerdyThreesome]]. <<else>> <<if setup.areDating("Barry") or setup.isFWB("Barry")>> <<set $DormFriendLevel += 1>> "I thought about maybe <<if setup.areDating("Barry")>> a threesome with my boyfriend Barry, and I," <<elseif setup.isFWB("Barry")>> giving you my 'friend with benefits' Barry's number," <</if>> you mention. "But I don't think it'd be a good idea. I don't think Barry would be willing to make it a 'one time only' thing and would probably want you to be at his beck and call afterwards." <br><br> "Yeah, finding a guy that wants to own me is easy enough," she says disappointedly. "Thanks for considering it though." <br><br> <</if>> "Maybe you could try one of those hookup apps. Hopefully you could find someone just looking for a one-time thing," you suggest. "Or you could see if any of your friends would want to be 'Friends with Benefits', "I'm sure most guys would be willing to give it a try. Of course, there's always the risk he'll get feelings and make it weird. But if you're horny enough, it's worth a try." <br><br> She says she'll think about it. Though you expect she probably won't do anything. By this time [[next week|Part15Week]] she'll probably still not have gotten any dick, and still be just as horny. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Getting Natalie what she needs</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Dorm33.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> </div> <<set $DormFriendLevel += 3>> <<set $RoommatePeter to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Peter hurries over quickly when you tell him to, and is soon knocking on the door to your and Natalie's room. Natalie takes the time to change into something sexy though. You aren't sure if it's because it turns her on wearing it, or if she's trying to excite Peter, perhaps a bit of both. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You spend some time introducing the two of them but soon it is clear that Natalie wants Peter to do more than just talk. Maybe you and Natalie will have some fun with Peter together sometime later, but today it's just about Natalie. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Hours later, when you get back home, Natalie tells you all about it. "You were barely out of the room and I was pushing his head down between my legs. As soon as I felt his tongue on my clit... I thought I might cum right then. But it actually took a bit longer before I did. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "After that," she continues, "I had him put the strap-on on and fuck me to several more orgasms that way. When he really got going, I could feel his caged cock slapping against me. It was such a turn on feeling that and being reminded of how horny and desperate to feel what it's like inside me he must be." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Before he left," she continues. "He said I could call anytime I needed him, as long as it was ok with you." You quickly confirm that anytime she needs him is fine with you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Thank you so much for letting me use him. I'm sure [[this year|Part15Week]] will be a lot of fun," she says. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Getting Natalie what she needs</h1> <<if $RoommateFWB == "Jayden">> <video src="Part15/Dorm30.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<else>> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Dorm31.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> </div> <</if>> <<set $DormFriendLevel += 3>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> $RoommateFWB doesn't waste any time, and is soon knocking on the door to your and Natalie's room. You spend some time introducing the two of them but soon it is clear that they'd rather be alone. Maybe you and Natalie will have a threesome with $RoommateFWB sometime later, but today it's just about Natalie. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Hours later, when you get back home, Natalie tells you all about it. "You were barely out of the room and I was pulling out his cock wrapping my lips around it. Not long after that, and <<if $RoommateFWB == "Jayden">> he was on top of me, fucking me to the first of several orgasms. <<else>> I was riding his cock to the first of several orgasms. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Before he left," she continues. "He said to call him if I ever need another fuck and he will be happy to come take care of me." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Thank you so much for introducing us. I'm sure [[this year|Part15Week]] will be a lot of fun," she says. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Getting Natalie what she needs</h1> <<if $RoommateFWB == "Jayden">> <video src="Part15/Bar8.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<else>> <video src="Part15/Dorm32.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</if>> <<set $DormFriendLevel += 3>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Natalie"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Natalie"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Natalie"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Natalie"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Natalie"})>> <<set $RoommateThreesome to $dating[0]>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> $dating[0] is thrilled when you inform him of the threesome you've planned. After you spend some time introducing $dating[0] and Natalie, and they spend some time getting to know each other, the three of you start to make out. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's clear how horny Natalie is, and it isn't long before she's on her knees with $dating[0]'s cock in her mouth. It isn't there for long though, and the moan she makes when he slides into her makes makes you so happy that you suggested this. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Natalie had said she's only interested in men, but she eagerly eats you out as $dating[0] fucks her from behind. You happily return the favor as you both wait for $dating[0] to recover from his first orgasm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's much later before you send $dating[0] home. After he's gone, you and Natalie talk a bit. "Anytime you need this again just let me know. It doesn't have to be a big event like this. I can just call him over for a quick threeway and send him home afterwards if you ever need that." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Thank you so much. I feel so much better now, I really needed that. I'll let you know when I'm feeling the need again, I'm sure [[this year|Part15Week]] will be a lot of fun," she says. "And I promise I won't ask too often." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $PlayerMother and !$tempBabyVisited>> <<include [[Part15Baby]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15JobMain]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Putting your dirty mouth to work</h1> <<if $dating.length>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat($DailyBJMinimum, {sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> After he gets home from work, you confront $dating[0] about the new setting, though you are careful to stay calm and make sure you don't curse. "It wasn't me," he says. "It was one of the beta testing things they pushed out. From the email they sent me about it, I won't have the ability to turn it off or on until they are done trying it out." <br><br> "You knew though? And didn't warn me?" You say, upset. <br><br> "First, I assumed they emailed you too. But I guess not," $dating[0] explains. "And second, you hardly ever curse, except when we are in bed, and their email said they've set it not to punish for dirty talk between us. <<if $Cuckcake>> Or with $Cuckcake for that matter, since I've added her as an authorized sex partner for you. <</if>> If I'd known I would have said something. Oh, and third, they said it would give you a couple warning shocks first before the bad ones started. But I guess that didn't help if you didn't know why it was happening." <br><br> <<if setup.areDating('Jayden')>> <video src="Part15/Chastity15.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<else>> <video src="Part15/Chastity2.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</if>> <br><br> "Ok. I'm sorry for getting mad at you. Can I make it up to you?" Of course he doesn't object when you pull down his pants and start working on his cock. You are glad he didn't do this to you on purpose, but it's not like you were going to want to stay mad at him anyway. Not after the notification the app had sent you a bit earlier. <br> <blockquote> <b>Put your dirty mouth to use, and remember to swallow every drop.</b><br> You haven't met your Minimum Daily Target yet today.<br> Failure to meet it will result in extra severe punishment today. </blockquote> <br> You notice the wonderful teasing the belt normally gives you isn't there this time. You hope that's just for today. But even without it, you love having $dating[0]'s cock in your mouth. You love hearing his moans. And you really love feeling his cock start to twitch in your mouth. <br><br> After you finish swallowing $dating[0]'s cum, you smile and say, "Well, at least that's much nicer than having to wash my mouth out with soap. I guess I'll need to be a good girl, at least until they let you turn that setting off, right?" <br><br> $dating[0] just strokes your hair, not saying anything but, "You are a very good girl." <br><br> After a few moments, when his thoughts start to become more clear again, he mentions something else to you. "Since you didn't get an email, I should warn you there's some words I didn't expect on the list of forbidden ones. I can look them up for you if you want" You nod and he continues, "And there were some vague categories listed too. Things like asking to have the belt removed, complaining about the belt, or being 'definant'. It didn't say exactly what it was looking for, so I guess you should avoid anything like that if you want to be sure." <<else>> One you get home you start looking through the app and the manual. You confirm the profanity monitor has been activated, and unsurprisingly find that there's no way for you to turn it off. <br><br> You start looking through the words it says are forbidden. Of course, you find all the basic words, including the ones you discovered the hard way. There are also some other ones you hadn't thought off. <br><br> And then there's some vague categories where it doesn't say the actual words you aren't allowed to use. It just says things like "Requesting Belt Removal", "Belt Complaints", and "Defiant Tone" are forbidden, but you are left to guess what words or phrases or maybe even tone of voice might trigger them. Then you realize, maybe that's intended. With not knowing exactly what will set it off, you'll avoid saying anything at all it might decide to punish you for. <br><br> You stop worrying about the details of the settings when the phone pops up with another notification: <br><br> <<if !$DailyBJMinimum>> <<set $DailyBJMinimum to 1>> <<else>> <<set $DailyBJMinimum *= 2>> <</if>> <blockquote> <b>Put your dirty mouth to use, and remember to swallow every drop.</b><br> <<if $DailyBJMinimum == 1>> You now have a Minimum Daily Target of 1 oral service per day.<br> <<else>> Your Minimum Daily Target is doubled starting today.<br> <</if>> Failure to meet it will result in extra severe punishment today. </blockquote> <br><br> <<set setup.addSexRepeat($DailyBJMinimum, {sex:"male"})>> <br> Your eyes stop on the phrase <<if $DailyBJMinimum == 1>> "per day" <<else>> "starting today" <</if>> on the second line. "Does that mean...," you wonder. A quick check of the app confirms it. You are now required to suck at least <<if $DailyBJMinimum == 1>>one cock<<else>>$DailyBJMinimum cocks<</if>> every day from now on if you don't want to be punished. And extra severely punished today. <br><br> You decide not to dwell on what you can't change, or it would appear, even complain about now. Instead you head out to find some eager guy to help you reach your <<if $DailyBJMinimum == 1>>new<<else>>new, higher<</if>> daily target. It doesn't take you long to find one. <br><br> <video src="Part15/Chastity2.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <br><br> You notice the wonderful teasing the belt normally gives you isn't there this time. You hope that's just for today. But even without it, you love having a cock in your mouth. <br><br> After you finish swallowing his cum he thanks you as he strokes your hair. You are happy to remember the app said you wouldn't be punish for any sex-related language. That's good, because as soon as you think he's ready, you're going to be offering to suck his cock again, and you aren't planning on being coy about it. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $dating.length>> <<include [[Part15RelationshipInclude]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<unset $tempMajorChange>> [[Continue|Part15Week]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $SororityELP>> <<include [[Part15SororityELP2]]>> <<elseif $SororityDTD>> <<include [[Part15PartyDTD]]>> <<elseif $SororitySEX>> <<include [[Part15PartySEX]]>> <<elseif $CampusMinistry>> <<include [[Part15Week]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15Party]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Party at the Delta house</h1> This weekend ΔΤF is having another party, their biggest one this year. It gets even crazier than you were expecting. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Sorority21.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <img src="Part15/Sorority22.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> You don't get wasted like most people there do, but you still have a fun time. You are tempted to join the other girls skinny-dipping in the pool, but decide against it. <<if $PregnancyWeek < 16>> The baby isn't showing yet, but you feel like you've put on a bit of weight already. It's made you a bit self-conscious, so <<elseif $PregnancyWeek < 24>> The baby is starting to show and it's made you a bit self-conscious. So <<else>> With as pregnant as you are, you know you'd really stand out, and worry you might spoil their fun. So <</if>> you just watch from a chair near the pool instead. <br><br> You tire out before the rest of the partygoers do though, and eventually head to bed with the party still raging. At least you aren't going to be hung over tomorrow like most everyone else will be. <br><br> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <<else>> Like most everyone else there, you have quite a bit to drink. <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> You are the first one to shed her clothes and jump into the swimming pool, but $dating[0] joins you, followed soon after by several of your sorority sisters. <<else>> You aren't the first one in the pool, but when your sorority sisters start shedding their clothes and jumping into the swimming pool, you and $dating[0] follow soon after. <</if>> All it takes is a seductive smile or two by your sisters, and several guys are doing the same. You are can't help but notice their body's reaction to seeing your sisters, and you and $dating[0], naked in the pool. <br><br> You all have fun playing in the pool, but soon it starts to get crowded. So when $dating[0] gives you "the look" you eagerly exit the pool to [[head upstairs with her|Part15PartyGF]]. <<elseif $dating.length>> Thankfully $dating[0] helps you [[get home|Part15PartyBF]] before you hop in the pool with the other girls skinny-dipping, or do anything else crazy. <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> You are a bit disappointed at missing the chance to be naked in front of everyone. But $dating[0] promises to make it worth it when you get home. <</if>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> You are the first one to shed her clothes and jump into the swimming pool, but several of your sorority sisters soon join you. <<else>> You aren't the first one in the pool, but when your sorority sisters start shedding their clothes and jumping into the swimming pool, you follow soon after. <</if>> All it takes is a seductive smile or two, and several guys are doing the same. You are happy to see their body's reaction to seeing you and your sisters naked in the pool. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and ($Keyholder == "computer" or $JobBetaTester)>> <br><br> By now, your chastity belt isn't the first most people have seen, there are quite a few girls testing them now. You do get some questions about whether it's waterproof or not. You reassure everyone that it is perfectly capable of dealing with large amounts of wetness, both inside and outside the belt. <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt>> <br><br> You also get a few comments about your chastity belt. But it's not the curiosity it might have been last year, since there are many girl testing the new electronic chastity belts this year. <</if>> <br><br> You all have fun playing in the pool, but soon it starts to get crowded. So when a couple of the cuter guys ask you to <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> [[head upstairs with them|Part15PartyDTD2Chastity]], you suggest staying right here instead. <<else>> [[head upstairs with them|Part15PartyDTD2]], you eagerly exit the pool. <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Alone with $dating[0]</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Sorority25.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="650"></video> </div> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:$dating[0]})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As soon as you and $dating[0] are alone, your hands are all over each other. Well, to be honest, your hands were all over each other well before then. You received several cheers and hoots from guys seeing the two of you groping each other on your way upstairs. But eventually you make it upstairs. As soon as you start shedding clothes and beginning in earnest. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The two of you take turns giving each other orgasm after orgasm. It's only when you both are completely satisfied and can't go on any longer, that you stop. The two of you think about just laying there until <<if $SororityDTD>> morning. <<else>> someone comes to kick you out. <</if>> But eventually the two of you gather enough strength get dressed again and head back out to enjoy the rest of the party. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>><<nobr>> <h1>Back home with $dating[0]</h1> <video src="Part15/Sorority24.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> $dating[0] must have gotten turned on seeing those girls skinny-dipping in the pool at the party, because he's insatiable. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> He has your belt off and his hand in your panties, <<else>> His hand is in in your panties, <</if>> teasing your clit most of the way home, ensuring you are dripping wet when you get there. <<if $PlayerItemNerdKey and setup.areDating('Peter')>> You are aching for his cock the whole time, and have already handed him the key to unlock his cock on the ride home, though he's still not allowed to touch it. <</if>> He tosses you onto the bed and starts fucking you the moment you are through the door. <<if $PlayerEasytoOrgasm or $PlayerSuperOrgasms>> Thankfully, you cum quickly and are crying out with your own orgasm even before his. <br><br> He lasts quite a bit longer a few minutes later when he's ready to go again, getting you off twice before he cums that time. <<else>> He's too turned on though, and cums before you can. <<if setup.areDating("Barry")>> He gives your ass a swat and says, "That was great. I needed that." <br><br> Thankfully a few minutes later, he is a more attentive lover, ensuring you get off too that time. <<else>> His skilled hands make sure you get off too though. <br><br> He lasts quite a bit longer a few minutes later when he's ready to go again, getting you off while he's still inside you. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>><<nobr>> <h1>Putting on a show at the pool</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Sorority39.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="650"></video> </div> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(20, {sex:"male", anon:"Frat Guy"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> With as horny as you are, <<else>> With a mix of alcohol and horniness, <</if>> you don't even want to bother going some place private. You are too eager to follow the two cute guys upstairs, and instead offer to suck their cocks, right here at the pool in front of everyone. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As soon as you swallow one load, there's a new guy, and a new hard cock ready to go. You lose track of how many cocks you suck. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and ($Keyholder == "computer" or $JobBetaTester)>> Though, you know your belt is keeping track for you. Your belt teases you and keeps you close to an orgasm the entire time, encouraging you to keep going. As if you needed any encouragement. <br><br> "We need to get a lot more girls signed up to test these belts," one of the guys says after cumming down your throat. "Especially if it turns them all into horny, cocksucking sluts like this one." <<else>> Your belt teases you and keeps you close to an orgasm the entire time, encouraging you to keep going. As if you needed any encouragement. <br><br> "I need to get my next girlfriend into one of these belts," one of the guys says after cumming down your throat. "Especially if it'll turn her into a horny, cocksucking slut like this one." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once there are no more cocks to suck, you enjoy the pool a bit longer before you [[head back home|Part15Week]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With some frat guys</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Sorority20.webm" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> </div> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Frat Guy"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Frat Guy", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Frat Guy", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Frat Guy", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Frat Guy", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Frat Guy", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> With as horny as you are, <<else>> With a mix of alcohol and horniness, <</if>> you don't even bother picking up or putting on your clothes. You are too eager and follow the two cute guys upstairs, and head through the party completely naked until the three of you have a room to yourselves. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> No one has any condoms with you, but none of you are want to run back downstairs, and you aren't about to stop now. <br><br> <</if>> At first you switch back and forth between which cock you are sucking, but soon they stop having you take turns. First one fucks you while you suck the others cock. But then they have you start riding one of their cocks, while the other guy comes behind you and starts to fuck your ass. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He then grabs your arms, and pins them behind your back, while fucking your ass and causing you to bounce up and down on his friend's cock. You explode with an orgasm soon after that, but you are still tightly held and continue bouncing on the cock as your body clenches around it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's only a few moments later when you feel first one cock, then the other, cum inside you. <<if $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> You couldn't move to get off his cock even if you'd thought about it. And you were too caught up in the moment to even think about it. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When the three of you are done, you try to clean up a bit and then [[head back downstairs|Part15PartyDTD3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Hunting for your clothes</h1> <img src="Part15/Sorority23.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You head back down to the party forgetting where you'd left your clothes. As you walk around, you get plenty of comments. First about your nakedness, and the just-fucked look your hair and face have. But after you've walked a bit you also start getting them about the cum leaking from you front and back. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Eventually you remember your clothes were out back by the pool and head there to pick them up. You assume you wouldn't be welcome in the pool in your current state, so you put your clothes back on, accepting that they'll be a bit messy, and head back to enjoy the rest of the party. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Getting ready for the party at the Sigma</h1> <img src="Part15/Sorority26.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> There's a [[party tonight|Part15PartySEX2]] at the Sigma house. Most of the girls are still getting ready as the party doesn't start for a bit. But you see a couple of the officers talking with the pledges, all of which are completely naked. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Party at the Sigma house</h1> <video src="Part15/Sorority27.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <img src="Part15/Sorority28.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Later, when the party is going full steam you see the freshmen girls again. One of them in particular is the center of attention down in the basement with a dozen or more guys taking turn fucking her, getting their cocked sucked, or covering her with cum. She's clearly loving every minute of it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You recognizer as one of the new participants in the X-Change trial. You smile as you remember how much the urge to get fucked filled you too when you first changed. Though you hope she's on that guaranteed birth control option they have if she plans on changing back, considering how many guys have already came inside her, and how many more are waiting their turn. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> There's other pledges having fun too, but they are all paired off with a single guy, or girl, either off in a corner, or sneaking off somewhere private. The plan to have them all spend the entire party naked seems to have had the desired effect. It certainly seems to have help them all "open up and make new friends". <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Charity Car Wash</h1> <table><tr><td> <img src="Part15/Sorority3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <br> The Eta's are having a charity fundraiser today. They are washing cars for donations, with all the money going to a good cause. <br><br> Of course they are doing it in bikinis. You all know lots of the guys around campus will donate even though they don't care about the cause at all. And not just the college guys, they'll be plenty of professors, middle aged townie guys, probably even a few horny high school seniors, with a bit of cash from their afterschool jobs. <br><br> You expect they are all donating, hoping to see some pretty soaped-up college girls spraying each other with hoses or pressed up against their car windows. <br><br> <video src="Part15/Sorority29.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> </td></tr></table> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $BrokenLeg>> You won't be one of them though. Or even get to see if they get the show they are hoping for. You aren't supposed to get your cast wet, so you are sitting this event out. <br><br> As you sit at home, you can't help it that your mind starts to fantasize about what it would be like if you could attend. <br><br> <video src="Part15/Sorority30.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <br><br> <<if $CampusMinistry>> You do your best to push those slutty thoughts out of your mind though. <<else>> You expect the reality is much less exciting though. <</if>> <<else>> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Sorority31.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> </div> <br><br> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> Since you are in a chastity belt, you decide against wearing a bikini like the other girls are wearing. For you it's just a white t-shirt. Thankfully none of the contributors seem to care. <<elseif $CampusMinistry>> Getting wet and soapy or leaning over their car is unavoidable, but you decide against wearing a bikini. Instead you just wear a white t-shirt. Thankfully none of the contributors seem to care. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> You fanasize about your bikini 'accidently' getting untied and falling off while you are cleaning a car. You don't want your sorority getting in trouble, or a bad reputation like some of the traditional sororities on campus have though. So you decide against it. <br><br> Instead you opt for a plain white t-shirt instead of a bikini. Of course, you know when it gets wet it'll be a lot more fun than it is when it's dry. You and the t-shirt have that in common. <br><br> The guys contributing seem to appreciate your decision. <<else>> You decide to wear a t-shirt instead of a bikini. Not thinking about how wet you are going to get, you chose a plain white t-shirt. as soon as you get wet, you realize your mistake as it becomes nearly transparent. <br><br> You decide there's nothing you can do about it now, and the guys contributing certainly don't seem to mind, so you just continue on. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Party at the sorority house</h1> You were invited to a party at one of the sororities this weekend. It ends up getting even crazier than you were expecting. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Sorority21.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <img src="Part15/Sorority22.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> You don't get wasted like most people there do, but you still have a fun time. You are tempted to join the other girls skinny-dipping in the pool, but decide against it. <<if $PregnancyWeek < 16>> The baby isn't showing yet, but you feel like you've put on a bit of weight already. It's made you a bit self-conscious, so <<elseif $PregnancyWeek < 24>> The baby is starting to show and it's made you a bit self-conscious. So <<else>> With as pregnant as you are, you know you'd really stand out, and worry you might spoil their fun. So <</if>> you just watch from a chair near the pool instead. <br><br> You tire out before the rest of the partygoers do though, and eventually head home with the party still raging. At least you aren't going to be hung over tomorrow like most everyone else will be. <br><br> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <<else>> Like most everyone else there, you have quite a bit to drink. <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> You are the first one to shed her clothes and jump into the swimming pool, but $dating[0] joins you, followed soon after by several of the sorority girls. <<else>> You aren't the first one in the pool, but when the sorority girls start shedding their clothes and jumping into the swimming pool, you and $dating[0] follow soon after. <</if>> All it takes is a seductive smile or two by the girls, and several guys are doing the same. You are can't help but notice their body's reaction to seeing your them, and you and $dating[0], naked in the pool. <br><br> You all have fun playing in the pool, but soon it starts to get crowded. So when $dating[0] gives you "the look" you eagerly exit the pool to [[head upstairs with her|Part15PartyGF]]. <<elseif $dating.length>> Thankfully $dating[0] helps you [[get home|Part15PartyBF]] before you hop in the pool with the other girls skinny-dipping, or do anything else crazy. <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> You are a bit disappointed at missing the chance to be naked in front of everyone. But $dating[0] promises to make it worth it when you get home. <</if>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> You are the first one to shed her clothes and jump into the swimming pool, but several of the sorority girls soon join you. <<else>> You aren't the first one in the pool, but when the sorority girls start shedding their clothes and jumping into the swimming pool, you follow soon after. <</if>> All it takes is a seductive smile or two, and several guys are doing the same. You are happy to see their body's reaction to seeing you and the other girls naked in the pool. <br><br> You all have fun playing in the pool, but soon it starts to get crowded. So when a couple of the cuter guys ask you to [[head upstairs with them|Part15PartyDTD2]] instead, you eagerly exit the pool. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Trying to read</h1> <img src="Part15/Study1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are caught up for now with all your current classes. You are taking a little time between classes to start reading the biography on <<if $Major == "Engineering">>Ada Lovelace <<elseif $Major == "Fashion Design">>Coco Chanel <<elseif $Major == "Agriculture">>Robyn Van En <<elseif $Major == "Child Care" or $Major == "Education">>Maria Montessori <<elseif $Major == "Criminal Justice">>Ruth Bader Ginsburg <<elseif $Major == "Health Sciences">>Elizabeth Blackwell <<elseif $Major == "Library Science">>Margaret Mann <<elseif $Major == "Nursing">>Florence Nightingale <<elseif $Major == "Business">>Sheryl Sandberg <<else>>Sheryl Sandberg<<set $Major to "Business">> <</if>> that your advisor recommended. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your advisor was right. You've barely started and you are already excited to read more about her and all she did to affect the field of <<print $Major.toLowerCase()>>. But you don't get very far before [[you are interrupted|Part15Study2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Interrupted</h1> <img src="Part15/Study2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's hardly the first time, but it's just as annoying every time. You are starting to get engrossed in your book, but some guy decides to interrupt. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You do your best to ignore his "Hey Beautiful" and similar comments at first, but it's not working. Eventually you look up from your book to respond to him. "Do you need something?", you say annoyed. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Just your phone number," he says either not realizing or not caring how annoyed you are. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectDominant>> <<include [[Part15Study3Dominant]]>> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectLibido > 2 or $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive > 2 or $PlayerSideEffectOral > 3 or ($PlayerChastityBelt and $JobBetaTester != "chaste")>> <<if $dating.length and !setup.areDating("Bailey")>> <<include [[Part15Study3HornyFaithful]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15Study3Horny]]>> <</if>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15Study3Annoyed]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> "Why?" you ask. "So you can ask me back to your messy dorm room? Are you going to push the weeks of dirty laundry and potato chip bags off the bed so you can try to fuck me? Do you think that tiny cock of yours will be able to satisfy me?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I...," he starts. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Shut up. I'm still talking," you tell him. "Instead of annoying girls just trying to fucking read a book in peace, why don't you head to the gym. Maybe if you lost a few pounds, took a shower, and spent a little time in the morning trying to look nice instead of just grabbing the least dirty thing off the floor, you'd have a chance with someone. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Of course, she's still going to be disappointed when she gets your pants off, but there's not much you can do about that," you continue. "Now fuck off and let me read." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He doesn't say another word and quietly sulks away. "You're my hero," another girl nearby says. "But how did you know he had a small cock to make fun of him about that?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You let her in on a secret, "Most guys are insecure about the size of their cock. The only dicks they usually see besides their own are in porn. So unless he's well-endowed himself, he probably worries he is smaller than normal." Then you add, "but well-endowed guys don't usually need to annoy girls just trying to read." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You try to put the interruption out of your mind and get back to reading. You are able to make it through a few more chapters before you have to [[get up and get on with your day|Part15Week]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> "I'm not giving you my phone number," you say flatly. <<if setup.sexCount() == 0>> "I know what you want, and I'm not it. I'm saving myself for the right person. And it's certainly not you. I'd never <<elseif setup.haveGirlfriend()>> "Even if I didn't have a girlfriend, I wouldn't want to <<elseif $dating.length>> "Even if I didn't have a boyfriend, I wouldn't want to <<else>> "There's no way I'd <</if>> give my number to someone like you. I was minding my own business, trying to read. Why can't you just let me read my book in peace." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well fuck you then," he says quickly turning angry. <<if $BodyType == "Plus">> "I just felt sorry for you. I never would have bothered if I knew that you were such a fat, <<else>> "I was just trying to pay you a compliment. I never would have bothered if I knew that you were such a <</if>> <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> man-hating <<else>> frigid <</if>> bitch!" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You usually handle guys like him more gently. Not that you don't want to tell them all off, but you're afraid how they will react. Luckily things don't escalate and he leaves and walks on, probably to annoy someone else. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But now you are too on edge to keep reading. It will have to wait [[until another day|Part15Week]]. You put your book in your bag and head towards you next class a bit early. <</nobr>><<nobr>> When you first looked up you were a bit angry, you know this guy doesn't want your number. He just wants you back in his room, on your back, with your legs in the air, his cock deep inside you. But as your mind pictures it, you realize how much you want that <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> too, even though you know you can't have it. <<else>> too. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your body's needs have pushed your anger at the interruption out of your mind. Now instead of scolding him like you'd intended, you have an almost overwhelming urge to <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral > 3 or $PlayerChastityBelt>> suck his cock right here. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive > 2>> get down on your knees and do whatever he commands. <<else>> go back to his room and fuck him right now. <</if>> But you want to be loyal to $dating[0]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'm sorry <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>>sir<</if>>, I would give you my number, but I have a <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>>girlfriend.<<else>>boyfriend.<</if>>" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Ok then." he says disappointed, before turn and walking away. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You did want to continue with your book, but now you are too horny to keep reading. It will have to wait [[until another day|Part15Week]]. You wish you had time to meet up with $dating[0], but you have class soon. You put your book in your bag and head towards you next class a bit early. <</nobr>><<nobr>> When you first looked up you were a bit angry, you know this guy doesn't want your number. He just wants you back in his room, on your back, with your legs in the air, his cock deep inside you. But as your mind pictures it, you realize how much you want that <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> too, even though you know you can't have it. <<else>> too. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your body's needs have pushed your anger at the interruption out of your mind. Now instead of scolding him like you'd intended, you have an almost overwhelming urge to <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral > 3 or $PlayerChastityBelt>> suck his cock right here. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive > 2>> get down on your knees and do whatever he commands. <<else>> go back to his room and fuck him right now. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "How about I give you my number on the [[way back to your dorm room|Part15Study3Fuck]] <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>>sir<</if>> ?" you ask him. He's very happy with that arrangement. You throw your book in your bag and quickly follow him to his room. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Back in his room</h1> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral > 3 or $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'interrupting guy'})>> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Study3.webm" autoplay loop muted height="650"></video> </div> <br> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> "I'm in this stupid belt," you tell him as you show him your chastity belt. <<else>> "I don't have a lot of time until my next class," you tell him. <</if>> "But I really wanted to suck your cock. Is that ok?" You already on your knees unbuckling his pants when he answers. A few moments later and you are pulling out his cock and taking it into your mouth. <br><br> You feel how wet you are getting as you move up and down his cock. You wish <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> he could throw you over his bed and fuck you right now. But he can't, <<else>> he would throw you over his bed and fuck you right now. But you told him you don't have time, <</if>> and he seems more than happy with your blowjob. <br><br> After your mouth fills with his cum, you swallow down then check the time. He's still laying down on his bed, in post-orgasm stupor as you grab your bag and hurry to class. You make it to class on time, though you would have liked to have time to clean up a bit, you've managed to soak your panties through while you were sucking his cock. <<else>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'interrupting guy', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, pullout:true})>> <video src="Part15/Study4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <br> "I have class soon, so lets skip the small talk and get right to fucking," you tell him. He happily agrees. Thankfully the effects of your implant have already made you wet, so you don't need much foreplay either. <br><br> <<if !$PlayerPregnant and $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> You didn't have any condoms, so you know you should have him pull out at least. "Please don't cum inside me," you tell him when he startrs to get close. <<elseif !$PlayerPregnant and $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> "Please don't cum inside me," you tell him when he startrs to get close. <<else>> "Cum inside me or wherever you want," you tell him when he gets close. <</if>> He pulls out before he cums and decides to cum on your breasts. After he's done he notes the quantity he left and says. "It's been a while since I last came." <br><br> As he lays on his bed in a post-orgasm stupor, you start to look for a towel to clean up with. But then you notice the time. You need to hurry if you aren't going to be late for class. You make it to class on time, barely. But you would have liked to have time to clean up a bit. You can feel his dry cum on your skin as you sit in class. You are only glad you wore a sweater so no one else notices it. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you go about the [[rest of your week|Part15Week]], you wonder if he'll actually call you, or that he won't bother now that he's gotten what he wants. <<if $DailyBJMinimum>> Having him come to you each day would mean one fewer cock you need to track down each day to meet your minimum. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $JobEros>> <<include [[ErosHalloween]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15HalloweenNormal]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Halloween</h1> You are thrilled when Halloween finally arrives. <<if setup.haveFucked('Remote Tester')>> <br><br> <table width="99%"><tr> <td> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part6/SpecialProject3.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="600"></video> </div> <br><br> Last year you missed out on a lot of the fun while you were doing that special testing with the engineering department. Well, you had your own fun there. </td></tr><tr><td> <<if $ProjectPunishmentCorporal>> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part6/SpecialProject13.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="600"></video> </div> <br><br> The punishment you received afterwards was less fun though. <<elseif $SubjectOrgasmDenialGoo>> <img src="Part6/SpecialProject12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" width="600" align="left"> <br><br> The weeks without an orgasm afterwards, was much less fun though. <<elseif $ProjectPunishmentFertile>> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartP/Creampie.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="600"></video> </div> <br><br> <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> The enhanced fertility they gave you as a 'punishment' has been even more fun. <<else>> The enhanced fertility they gave you as a punishment though has been less fun. Or more accurately, it's added an extra worry to the fun you were going to have anyway. <</if>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $Keyholder == "computer">> Or at least it did until you were locked into this chastity belt. <</if>> <<elseif $ProjectPunishmentBirthControl>> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartP/Creampie.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="600"></video> </div> <br><br> The disabling of your birth control they did as a punishment though has been less fun. Or more accurately, it's added an extra worry to the fun you were going to have anyway. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $Keyholder == "computer">> Or at least it did until you were locked into this chastity belt. <</if>> <<elseif $ProjectPunishmentSemen>> <img src="Part6/SpecialProject11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" width="600" align="left"> <br><br> Looking back the real cum they filled you with was even more fun. <<if !$PlayerProtectionTry>>Though you seem to remember having been less enthusastic about it at the time.<</if>> <<elseif $SpecialProjectMoney <= 100>> <img src="Part6/SpecialProject8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" width="600" align="left"> <br><br> Looking back, you don't even mind that you barely got any of the money, even though that was the reason you had volunteered. <<else>> <img src="Part6/SpecialProject7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" width="600" align="left"> <br><br> Though, looking back, you wish you'd not worried as much about their punishments and just enjoyed yourself more in the moment. <</if>> </td></tr></table> But this year is different. This year you'll be dressing up and having more traditional fun, dressing up and going out. <<else>> You are really looking forward to dressing up again. <</if>> <table> <tr> <td><img src="Part15/Halloween1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" width="300"></td> <td><img src="Part15/Halloween3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" width="300"></td> <td rowspan="2"><img src="Part15/Halloween4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" width="300"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="Part15/Halloween2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" width="300"></td> <td><img src="Part15/Halloween5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" width="300"></td> </tr> </table> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You love how you and the other women can dress <<if $CampusMinistry>> a bit sexier and not get judged for it. <<else>> as sexy as you want and everyone loves it. <</if>> At first you feel a bit sorry for the guys, since their options are more limited. But then you realize that they are probably just as happy with you and the other women dressing up for halloween as you are. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> The only downside is that your chastity belt [[limits your costume options|Part15HalloweenChastity]]. <<elseif setup.areDating("Bailey")>> This year you and Bailey are [[dressing up together|Part15HalloweenBailey]]. <<elseif setup.areDating("Kate")>> Kate has [[a costume in mind for you|Part15HalloweenKate]] for this year. <<elseif setup.areDating("Veronica")>> This year you and Veronica are [[dressing up together|Part15HalloweenVeronica]]. <<elseif $dating.length>> $dating[0] is already looking forward to [[seeing you in your costume|Part15HalloweenBoyfriend]] this year. <<elseif $PregnancyWeek >= 15>> Though the changes your body is going through requires you to make [[some changes to your costume plans|Part15HalloweenPregnant]] as well. <<else>> This year you and Bailey are [[dressing up together|Part15HalloweenBailey]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Showing off your growing body</h1> <img src="Part15/Halloween15.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set setup.addInventory('costumes', 'mother earth')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PregnancyWeek < 20>> It'd be difficult to hide your growing belly at this point, especially with how tight most women's Halloween costumes are. So you decide to play it up instead and make it look even more prominent. <<elseif $PregnancyWeek > 25>> It'd be impossible to hide your belly at this point, so you decide to on a costume that embraces it instead. <<else>> It'd be pretty hard to hide your belly at this point, especially with how tight most women's Halloween costumes are. So you decide to highlight it instead. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your "Mother Earth" costume is a big hit. The one downside though is that you aren't getting hit on like the other girls are. You don't think it is because your costume isn't sexy enough though. It's fairly obvious that most guys are just assuming you are there with someone. Though a couple joke about wanting a peak at the South Pole on your "globe". <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You end up leaving the party alone. <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> That just gives you a [[chance to clean up|Part15HalloweenPregnant2]] before trying to match with someone online instead. <<else>> At least that will give you a [[chance to clean up|Part15HalloweenPregnant2]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Wiping away your costume</h1> <video src="Part15/Halloween16.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you get home you head to the bath. It takes a good bit of scrubbing, but eventually you are able to remove the body paint that was the Earth in your "Mother Earth" costume. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once that's done you decide to [[take care of the needs|Part15HalloweenPregnant3]] no one at the party was interested in helping with. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Finding someone online</h1> <video src="Part15/Halloween18.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: "male", anon:"Online Hookup", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: "male", anon:"Online Hookup", repeat:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: "male", anon:"Online Hookup", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: "male", anon:"Online Hookup", vaginal:true, repeat:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You would have preferred leaving the party with someone, but that didn't happen. And it'd be easier if you could just take care of the need you are feeling right now yourself. But you can't do that either. So instead you open up the app on your phone. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It takes a bit longer than it probably would have if you weren't pregnant. But your profile makes it clear you are just looking for some fun tonight, so eventually you find a match. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He's happy about not needing to wear a condom or pullout in time. It's a bit more mess afterwards, for you at least. But he's long gone soon after your fun, so he's not worrying about that either. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He'd gotten you off several times, and you are feeling much better now. You are able to get to sleep shortly after he leaves, so you are well rested for [[tomorrow|Part15Week]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Taking care of your own needs</h1> <video src="Part14/Pregnant10.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You would have preferred leaving the party with someone, and feeling a hard cock inside you right now. But sometimes it's not easy finding a guy interested in a woman $PregnancyWeek weeks pregnant. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you've gotten yourself off, you feel much better. You are able to get to sleep shortly afterwards so you are well rested for [[tomorrow|Part15Week]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> <<include [[Part15HalloweenPregnant3Sex]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15HalloweenPregnant3Masturbate]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Disguising your chastity belt</h1> <img src="Part15/Halloween11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set setup.addInventory('costumes', 'fairy slave')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Halloween12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300" align="right"> You had wanted to go as a fairy for Halloween this year. But before you'd ordered the sexy costume you'd found online, you realized you'd never be able to wear it over your belt. At least not without it looking wrong and possibly ripping. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> So, instead you get creative, to see what you can do working around the belt. You end up making your costume a what you think of as a mix of the "Sci-Fi Slave Girl" costumes you've seen, and the "Sexy Fairy" you'd been thinking of initially. And it attaches right to your belt. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> Of course, you are showing a lot of skin, but it's Halloween, so you figure it's ok. <</if>> Anyone looking closely at your costume will see that there's a real chastity belt making up part of your "Metal Bikini". But by now people know there's a number of girls testing them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> The hardest part of the costume for you is actually the collar, and chain you attached to it. Lots of guys think it's fun to grab the chain and lead you around the party for a while. <br><br> The part that's hard about that is that every time one of them does that, all you can think of is that they could just lead you somewhere private and treat you like the slave girl you are dressed as. <br><br> You [[head home|Part15HalloweenChastity3]] from the party before temptation overwhelms you and you ask one of them to do exactly that. <<else>> The best part of the costume for you is actually the collar though, and the chain you attached to it. Guys seem to enjoy grabbing the chain and leading you around the party for a while. <br><br> Once they see how much you are enjoying it they offer to lead you [[somewhere more private|Part15HalloweenChastity2]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Being used as a slave girl</h1> <video src="Part15/Halloween14.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once they have their slave girl somewhere private, they put her to work. Of course, they'd prefer to pull off your metal bikini and have you ride their cock. You'd love that too. But they know that's not possible. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> So they each settle for what's available, getting a blowjob or two from you. Then they lead you back to the party until the next guy decides to grab your chain. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> By the time the night is over, you've lost track of how many guys have enjoyed your slave girl work. <<if $Keyholder == "computer">> You know your belt is keeping track though. <</if>> You [[head home|Part15HalloweenChastity3]] wishing any or all of them could have unlocked and fucked their slave girl too. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Frustrated at home</h1> <video src="Part15/Halloween13.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Back home you can't help but claw at your belt, as the aching need beneath it overwhelms you. Eventually you give up though. You still toss and turn though for a while before you can sleep. The whole time you are <<if $CampusMinistry>> imagining all the ways men at the party might have used you as a slave girl. <<else>> remembering all the ways guys at the party used you as a slave girl, and imagining a more they could have used if you weren't locked in this chastity belt. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Eventually though, you make it sleep. Then it's back to normal [[tomorrow|Part15Week]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> both decide it'd be really fun to coordinate your costumes. You both decide that an angel and a devil would make a good pair. Bailey wants to be a devil, so you'll be the angel. <<if setup.haveInventory('costumes', 'sexy devil')>> That's just as well, since you were a devil last year. <</if>> <br><br> You both try to act your parts as well. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Coordinating costumes with Bailey</h1> <img src="Part15/Halloween6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set setup.addInventory('costumes', 'sexy angel')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating("Bailey") and setup.sexMaleCount() > 0>> Since you and Bailey are dating, you <<include [[Part15HalloweenBaileyCoordinate]]>> <<if setup.sexMaleCount() > 0>> Or at least at first. As the night goes on, you both end up having [[quite a bit of naughty fun|Part15HalloweenBailey2]]. <<else>> This devil and angel aren't enemies though. Especially once [[you get back home|Part15HalloweenBailey3]]. <</if>> <<elseif $CampusMinistry>> Bailey doesn't have any other plans for Halloween, so you <<include [[Part15HalloweenBaileyCoordinate]]>> Eventually the party starts to get a little wild for your tastes, so you decide to head home. Bailey decides to stay around a bit longer. <br><br> <img src="Part15/Halloween10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="right"> <br> "Ok, you were right," Bailey tells you [[the next day|Part15Week]]. Halloween is much more fun now than it was before I changed. <br><br> You don't know what she got up to after you left last night, but you can't help some of the naughty thoughts that fill your mind imagining it. <<elseif setup.buddyHasGirlfriend()>> Bailey's girlfriend, $BuddyDating, has to work, so Bailey is going with you for Halloween. You <<include [[Part15HalloweenBaileyCoordinate]]>> The guys are all flirting with you and Bailey, though they seem to focus more on Bailey. You think maybe because of your costumes, they subconciously assume, she's the one more likely to be interested in the kind of fun they are after tonight. <br><br> Though, once they figure out she has a girlfriend, and you are much more interested in their advances, <<if setup.isGoldStarLesbian()>> [[things start to change|Part15HalloweenBaileyLeftLesbian]]. <<else>> [[things start to change|Part15HalloweenBaileyLeft]]. <</if>> <<elseif setup.buddyHasBoyfriend()>> Bailey's boyfriend, $BuddyDating, has to work, so Bailey is going with you for Halloween. You <<include [[Part15HalloweenBaileyCoordinate]]>> The guys are all flirting with you and Bailey, though they seem to focus more on Bailey. You think maybe because of your costumes, they subconciously assume, she's the one more likely to be interested in the kind of fun they are after tonight. <br><br> Though, once they figure out she has a girlfriend, they focus more on you. Though you make them wait a bit [[until Bailey's boyfriend gets off work|Part15HalloweenBailey2]]. <<else>> Bailey doesn't have any other plans for Halloween, so you <<include [[Part15HalloweenBaileyCoordinate]]>> <<if setup.sexMaleCount() > 0>> Or at least at first. As the night goes on, you both end up having [[quite a bit of naughty fun|Part15HalloweenBailey2]]. <<else>> This devil and angel aren't enemies though. Especially once [[you get back home|Part15HalloweenBailey3]]. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Good and Evil, working together</h1> <<if setup.areDating("Bailey")>> Just because you and her are dating, that doesn't mean you don't want Bailey to get the full Halloween experience and tell her to expect a lot of fun tonight. <br><br> <</if>> <<if $BaileyDating>> Once $BaileyDating gets off work, he joins you and Bailey. After enjoying the party some more, the three of you, plus one of the guys you've been flirting with, decide to find somewhere private. <br><br> There's a little competition between good and evil to see which is better at sucking cock. You have experience on your side, but Bailey has the benefit of knowing just what her boyfriend likes. So it ends up being a tie, with everyone winning. <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Halloween Partygoer", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Halloween Partygoer", repeat:true})>> <<else>> The guys are all flirting with you and Bailey, though they seem to focus more on Bailey. You think maybe because of your costumes, they subconciously assume, she's the one more likely to be interested in the kind of fun they are after tonight. <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Halloween Partygoer"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Halloween Partygoer"})>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Halloween7.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="320"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $BaileyDating>> After that competiton is over, it's time for the guys to have their own competition. They are trying to see whether $BaileyDating can make his horny devil orgasm before your guy can get his sweet, innocent angel moaning like a wanton whore when she cums. <br><br> <video src="Part15/Halloween9.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <br><br> You are too busy enjoying the competition to have any idea who actual 'won'. <br><br> "Ok, you were right," Bailey tells you [[the next day|Part15Week]]. Halloween is much more fun now than it was before I changed. <<else>> But a couple of lucky guys find out that good and evil can both have fun when they work together. Though good and evil can have even more fun [[once they are alone|Part15HalloweenBailey3]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Corrupting an angel</h1> <video src="Part15/Halloween8.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Bailey wants to pretend like she's corrupting a sweet innocent angel with her evil ways. So she spends the night trying to show you the wonderful pleasure and pain that a devil like her can offer your body. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, once you are convinced, she shoves your head down between her legs to teach you how to provide pleasure as well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Ok, you were right," Bailey tells you [[the next day|Part15Week]]. Halloween is much more fun now than it was before I changed. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>After Bailey leaves</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Halloween22.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> </div> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", anon:"Fallen Angel"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", anon:"Fallen Angel", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", anon:"Fallen Angel", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", anon:"Fallen Angel", repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After $BuddyDating gets off work, Bailey spends the rest of the evening with her. Though you aren't alone for very long. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You spend the rest of the evening with a beautiful "fallen angel". She enjoys pretending you are a sweet, innocent angel, and it's her job to corrupt you. She does a wonderful job of it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course [[the next morning|Part15Week]] as you walk back home in your costume, it's even more obvious to everyone that you never made it home last night. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>After Bailey leaves</h1> <video src="Part15/Halloween9.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Halloween Partygoer", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Halloween Partygoer", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Halloween Partygoer", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Halloween Partygoer", vaginal:true, repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After $BuddyDating gets off work, Bailey spends the rest of the evening with her. Though you aren't alone for very long. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You spend the rest of the evening with one of the guys from the party. He enjoys pretending you are a sweet, innocent angel, and it's his job to corrupt you. He does a wonderful job of it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course [[the next morning|Part15Week]] as you walk back home in your costume, it's even more obvious to everyone that you never made it home last night. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Halloween without Kate</h1> <img src="Part15/Kate4.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Kate is out of town for Halloween, which is just as well, since you have to work at the bar anyway. She did help you pick out your costume to wear though. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You aren't sure if it's just your sexy bunny costume that has your tips through the roof tonight, though that's certainly part of it. It might also be that your patrons are picking up on how horny you are. Kate wanted to make sure you enjoyed your night even though she wasn't there, and she set your chastity piercing to tease you frequently throughout the night. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You miss Kate, and are glad she'll be back [[tomorrow|Part15Week]]. But you do have a fun, if frustrating time. Though, you have to keep a bar towel set aside. With the short skirt you have on, if you don't wipe your leg regularly. it doesn't take long for the wetness trailing down our thigh to start showing. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Some fun before the Halloween party</h1> <<set $tempFuckFestivalGuy to ($CallGirlWithVeronica or setup.haveFucked('Blake'))>> <<if $tempFuckFestivalGuy>> <video src="Part15/Halloween21.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Veronica"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"festival goer"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"festival goer", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Veronica"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"festival goer"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"festival goer", vaginal:true})>> <<else>> <video src="Part15/Halloween21a.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Veronica"})>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The sorority's Halloween party doesn't really get fun until later in the evening anyway, so you and Veroncia decide to go to a festival in town before then. Wearing your costumes, of course. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> While on the giant Ferris wheel, you and Veronica start kissing. When she notices how excited that is making the middle-aged guy that they'd sat across from the two of you. That just her want to make out with you even more intensely. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he offers some cash if the two of you put on a little show for him, you take the money. You and Veronica have him rock hard by the time car finally comes around to the bottom again and you have to quickly cover yourselves again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Before it's time for the three of you to get off the ride, he offers you both a bunch more cash, this time to go home with him. <<if $tempFuckFestivalGuy>> "Let's go!" Veronica says excitedly. "That party was going to be lame anyway." <br><br> The two of you then go back to his house where he takes turns fucking you and Veronica, or watching the two of you take care of each other as he waits for his body to recover. <br><br> The two of you leave hours later with big smiles on your faces, and a big wad of cash in your purse. <<else>> You reach down to his pants and stroke his hard cock through his pants to tease him. Then you tell him, "Sorry, we have a party to go to. And cocks aren't really our thing, even if they are big and hard like this one." He gasps a bit when your hand stops stroking his cock and pulls away. <br><br> "Oh well. You two were still a lot fun and really made my night," he tells you. Then he hands you some cash, though nowhere near as much as he'd offered to go home with him. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Modeling your costume for $dating[0]</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Halloween17.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and $dating[0] are going as Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf. <<if $sex.length>> Before you and him leave for the party, you surprise him with one aspect of your costume he wasn't expecting. You lift up the hem of your dress to show him you don't have any panties on under them. <<else>> Your checks are turning red as you fantasize about showing him an aspect of your costume he's not expecting. You imagine lifting up the hem of your dress to show him you don't have any panties on under it. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Then you let your dress fall to the floor. You stand there, naked except for your boots and riding hood, with your hands caressing you like you can see he wants to right now. <<if $PlayerItemNerdKey and setup.areDating('Peter')>> You can tell from his face that his cock is straining desperately against its cage right now. "Maybe [[after the party|Part15HalloweenBoyfriend2]], I'll uncage that beast and we can see what the big bad wolf wants to do to little red riding hood." you tell him. <<else>> You notice his raging erection and say "What a big cock you have?" <br><br> He steps toward you as he says, "The better to fuck you with!" But before he gets to close, you put one hand out and tell him that the big bad wolf will have to wait until <<if $sex.length>> [[after the party|Part15HalloweenBoyfriend2]] before he can eat you. <<else>> after the party before he can eat you. <br><br> Or at least that's how goes in your fantasy. In reality, your dress stays on. And though $dating[0] does comment on how beautiful you look in it, he doesn't try to devour you. Though you are pretty sure the hungry look in his eyes isn't just him trying to stay in character. <br><br> You know it would only take an inviting comment or two at the party and the big bad wolf would eagerly ravish the innocent red riding hood the moment the [[two of you are alone|Part15HalloweenBoyfriend2]]. You know if you don't, [[when tomorrow arrives|Part15Week]] you'll be wondering how much fun it would have been if you'd acted on your fantasy instead of just imagining it. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Back home with $dating[0]</h1> <<if setup.areDating("Jayden")>> <video src="Part15/Halloween20.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<else>> <video src="Part15/Halloween19.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are barely through the front door when the big bad wolf pounces on little red riding hood. <<if !setup.areDating("Jayden")>> You don't even make it to the bedroom, or even out of your costume. <</if>> <<if $PlayerItemNerdKey and setup.areDating('Peter')>> After unlocking his cage, you <<else>> You <</if>> tell $dating[0], <<if setup.sexVaginalCount() == 0>> "I don't want to wait any longer, I <<else>> "I <</if>> need you inside me." <<if !setup.haveFucked($dating[0])>> You know you imagined waiting until your wedding night, or at least romantic candles everywhere, but you can't wait any longer. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> A few moments later and $dating[0]'s head is between your legs. Eventually he decides you are ready and finally gives you what you've been begging for. <<if !setup.haveFucked($dating[0])>> Feeling $dating[0] inside you feels better than you even imagined. You don't know why you waited so long for this. Now that you know how good sex with $dating[0] feels, you are going to be doing it as often as you can. <<set setup.addSexRepeat(15, {sex:"male", name:$dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(15, {sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <</if>> It doesn't take long before you are cumming for him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've both came several more times, before you finally fall asleep beside him. Halloween is definitely your favorite holiday now, but unfortunately it's just one night and [[tomorrow|Part15Week]] is just a regular day. <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<unset $tempShowedBetaTester>> <<if $BrokenLeg>> <<include [[Part15JobBrokenLeg]]>> <<elseif $JobEngineerLock>> <<include [[Part15JobEngineerLock]]>> <<elseif $JobEngineer>> <<include [[Part15JobEngineer]]>> <<elseif $JobBarista>> <<include [[Part15JobBarista]]>> <<elseif $JobBikiniBarista>> <<include [[Part15JobBikiniBarista]]>> <<elseif $JobOffice or $JobOfficeManager or $JobOfficeIntern>> <<include [[Part15JobOffice]]>> <<elseif $JobCallGirl>> <<include [[Part15JobCallGirl]]>> <<elseif $JobBartender or $JobBartenderGirls or $JobBartenderGuys or $JobBartenderBi or $JobBartenderSub>> <<include [[Part15JobBartender]]>> <<elseif $JobAthlete>> <<include [[Part15JobAthlete]]>> <<elseif $JobCheerleader or $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>> <<include [[Part15JobCheer]]>> <<elseif $JobFitnessYoga or $JobEros>> <<include [[Part15JobYoga]]>> <<elseif $JobFitnessMassage>> <<include [[Part15JobMassage]]>> <<elseif $JobLibrary>> <<include [[Part15JobLibrary]]>> <<elseif $JobModel>> <<include [[Part15JobModel]]>> <<elseif $JobStripper>> <<include [[Part15JobStripper]]>> <<elseif $JobBetaTester>> <<include [[Part15JobBetaTester]]>> <<elseif setup.areDating("Aaron")>> <<include [[Part15LivingAaron4]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15NoJob]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $SchoolWeek == 3>> <<include [[Part15JobBrokenLeg1]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15JobBrokenLeg2]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Enjoying your time off</h1> <img src="Part15/Bus19.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> While you hate how hard it is get around now, you do enjoy not having to rush to work, and how none of your professors complain if you are late to class. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Getting dressed is still a pain though, at least below the waist. You've started just wearing a skirt, and not bothering with underwear. It's so much easier that way. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $dating.length>> Thankfully <<link $dating[0]>> <<goto [[Part15Relationship]]>> <</link>> helps you a lot with your daily tasks, otherwise it would be much harder. <<else>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Finally getting your cast off</h1> <img src="Part15/Bus20.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <<unset $BrokenLeg>> <<set $FormerBrokenLeg to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's finally time! The doctor removes your cast and checks out how your leg has recovered. "It has healed up very well, and quicker than normal thanks to your implant," he says. "You should be able to [[resume normal activities|Part15JobMain]] <<if $JobAthleteFormer>> again. Though, like I mentioned before, I don't recommend returning to competitive atheltics as there is a risk of reinjury." <<elseif $JobCheerleaderFormer or $JobCheerleaderFundraiserFormer>> again. Though, like I mentioned before, I don't recommend returning to cheerleading as there is a risk of reinjury." <<else>> again." <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Keeping up with your studies</h1> <img src="Part15/Class12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You use your free time to make sure you stay up to date on all your class readings and homework. <<if $AcademicProbationDenialFormer>> You definitely don't want to end up back on academic probation. <<elseif $AcademicProbationDenial>> <<if $AcademicProbationTutor == "alone">> <<set $tempProbationProgress to either(-1, 0, 1, 1)>> <<set $AcademicProbationEndWeek -= $tempProbationProgress>> <<if $tempProbationProgress < 0>> You don't to a very good job this week though. Instead of making progress on your work from last year, as you'd hoped. You end up falling a bit behind on your work from this semester too. <<elseif $tempProbationProgress>> You've also made some progress on catching up on your work from last year though. <<else>> You've been too busy this week to make much progress on catching up on your work from last year though. <</if>> <<else>> <<set $AcademicProbationEndWeek -= 1>> You even use a bit of time to work on the work your tutor has given you, so hopefully you'll be off probation sooner. <</if>> <<else>> You've heard what can happen if you are on academic probation, and you don't want that happening to you. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $JobBetaTester and !$tempShowedBetaTester>> <<include [[Part15JobBetaTester]]>> <<elseif $dating.length and !setup.areDating("Bailey")>> <<include [[Part15RelationshipIncludeAndShow]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15General]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $SchoolWeek < 5>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<elseif $PlayerNoBodyHair>> <h1>Enjoying your smooth skin</h1> <img src="Part15/Grooming2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <br> Hearing your friends talk about what a pain it is to shave their legs every few days, you are glad you don't have to ever worry about that. And <<if $sex.length == 0>> whenever you ever start having sex, <</if>> shaving even more sensitive parts of your body sounds downright frightening. <br><br> Thankfully, neither is a concern for you. <<else>> <h1>Shaving</h1> <img src="Part15/Grooming1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <br> <video src="Part15/Grooming3.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="600"></video> <br><br> Every few days, it's the same ritual. You know nearly every other girl has to go through it too, but that doesn't make it any less of a chore shaving your legs, your arm pits, and then carefully shaving your more intimate regions. <br><br> <<if $sex.length == 0>> You could probably skip that last part for now, at least the parts that a bikini would hide, but you've gotten used to it and it feels weird if you start to let it grow out. <<else>> <<if $dating.length>> $dating[0] certainly appreciates <<elseif setup.sexMaleCount() >= setup.sexFemaleCount>> The guys certainly appreciate <<else>> The girls certainly appreciate <</if>> that last part. And anything that gets you eaten out more often, is worth the trouble you suppose. <</if>> <</if>> <<elseif $SchoolWeek < 10>> <h1>Street Fair</h1> <img src="Part15/General.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <br> Not everything fun happens on campus. Occasionally there's exciting events in town too. Today there was some kind of street fair. No rides or facepainters like when you were a kid though. But the food booths had plenty of tasting things to try. <<else>> <h1>Taking a Selfie</h1> <img src="Part15/Selfie.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <br> You're getting better at it, but your selfie skills still aren't up to the level most of your female friends are. But you suppose they've been practicing since they got their first phone, and it wasn't something you worried that much about before you changed. <br><br> Though your guy friends don't seem to mind, and your photos still get plenty of likes. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $SchoolWeek == 3>> <<if $dating.length>> <<include [[Part15JobYogaJobChange]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15JobYoga1]]>> <</if>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15JobYogaDecide]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Quiting your job at the fitness center</h1> <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> <img src="Part8.5/Talk2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<set $tempPronoun to "She">> <<else>> <img src="Part8.5/Talk1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<set $tempPronoun to "He">> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(20, {sex:"male", name:$dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(20, {sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and $dating[0] have had some time to talk. $tempPronoun isn't really comfortable with your job at the fitness center. $tempPronoun knows how horny you are now, and is fairly certain you'll find it difficult to teach much yoga in a class full of naked students. You'll just want to fuck instead. $tempPronoun is probably right. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating("Bailey")>> Things are just starting out with you and Bailey. You'd rather be spending your intimate time with her. Or at least most of it. <<elseif setup.areDating('Peter')>> Of course it's not like being faithful to Peter is a requirement. He's the only one that has his fidelity strictly enforced. But you'd rather keep the decision of when or if to cuckold him under your own free will. You don't want it to be something you do just because you can't control yourself. <br><br> <</if>> So you agree, that a job change is needed. At first you are thinking about the coffee shop on campus, several of your friends already work there. But then you here about a [[different coffee shop|Part15JobYogaJobChange2]], that seems to interest you more. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your new job</h1> <<if $BodyType == "Fit">> <img src="Part13/BaristaB2Fit.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <<elseif $BodyType == "Petite">> <img src="Part13/BaristaB2Petite.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <<elseif $BodyType == "Plus">> <img src="Part13/BaristaB2Plusjpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <<else>> <img src="Part13/BaristaB2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <</if>> <<set $JobFitnessYogaOld to 1>> <<unset $JobFitnessYoga>> <<set $JobBikiniBarista to 1>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'bikini')>> <<set setup.addInventory('underwear', 'sexy underwear')>> <<set setup.addInventory('sleepwear', 'lingerie')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The regular barista job seemed far too boring. When you heard there was a coffee shop where you could serve customers in your bikini, or lingerie, you knew it'd be perfect for you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And you've assured $dating[0] that you won't be one of the girls that go out to the parking lot to provide extra service to their customers. They get to look, and not touch. Well... maybe a little groping through the window, but only if they tip really well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You think you are really going to [[like the new job|Part15WeekByWeek]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Coed yoga classes</h1> You started off the year with separate male and female yoga classes. You were thinking that would make the new students, especially the female ones, more comfortable with doing yoga nude. <<set setup.addSexRepeat(20, {sex:"male", anon:"Yoga Helper", vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But when classes start, you realize you don't have all that many new students plus nearly all of your male students are gone. Most of your male students where athletes, and the coach has banned them from your class after testing positive for a performance enhancing substance. They let him off with a warning when it was traced to the new <b>StaminaWater for Men</b> that Eros is having you promote this year. You knew it "enhanced performance", but you didn't think it would get them in trouble. Regardless, it's a big chunk of your class gone. Luckily nearly all of your female students from last year are back though. There's just a few that are missing. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> One of your returning students explains, "Well Nancy and Beth graduated, that's why they're not back. Though they asked me if you still had any extra <b>ErosH<sub>2</sub>O</b> coupons, if I could mail them a few. And Lynn and Erin both are pregnant and not back at school this year." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I got pregnant, and I'm still here," Tanya says from in back. "Me too...", "And me" you here a couple others volunteer from around the room. <<if $PlayerPregnant>> <<if $PregnancyWeek > 12>> "And obviously so am I," you say. <<else>> "As am I," you inform them. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you wonder why so many are pregnant your students have some ideas. "Well, I'm horny all the time, so I'm having a lot of sex," one say with nods of agreement around the room. "And, masturbating just doesn't do it for me like it used to, so I always want a nice hard cock." There's surprised agreement from around the room. It seems that's the case with everyone. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> "Well it's true for me too," you confirm. "Though it's not anything new for me." <<else>> "You're right," you confirm. I don't remember the last time I got myself off. Last time I tried I just ended up getting horny and going out to find someone to fuck!" <<set $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock to 1>> <br><br> <i>You are now unable to orgasm from masturbation.</i> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you get back to the class itself, your students are having hard time paying attention. Most of them are barely listening when you remind your students about practicing at home with a friend, to help them stretch. But one of them was listening, and has a different idea. The class quickly has her attention when she suggests it. "Why don't we invite some guys here, during class, to help us?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <table> <tr> <td><video src="Part15/Yoga1.webm" autoplay loop muted width="600"></video></td> <td><video src="Part15/Yoga2.webm" autoplay loop muted width="600"></video></td> </tr> </table> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You realize that's a brilliant idea. Your students are too horny to pay attention in class, and that would definitely help with that. And you promised Eros you'd market their new male product just like you did the women's version you'd already be using and giving away. And, of course, having a good fuck in the middle of the day is exactly what you need too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Some of the girls start bringing their boyfriends to class with them. You've also managed to find a few volunteers as well. The girls still dating athletes can't bring their boyfriends, so they share their classmates' boyfriends or get help from one of the volunteers. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> There's still not as many guys as there are girls in the class, and some of the girls that don't get to go first worry the guys won't have anthing left when it's their turn. But they soon see that's not going to a problem. "Isn't the Stamina Water amazing?" you ask them rhetorically. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> A few of the girls whose boyfriends couldn't come feel guilty at first for 'cheating' on their boyfriends. But after a few rounds with the guys in class, most decide it was time for a new boyfriend anyway. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You may have a lot fewer students now. But the ones that you do have, have never been happier to be here. "Don't forget to grab a bottle of Eros on your way out," you remind them at the end of class. "You need to stay hydrated after that workout. Grab a couple for home too." Once they all leave, you decide to go checkout the [[new popular class|Part15JobYoga2]] that seems to have attracted all the new signups this year instead of yours. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>The new fad</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Yoga3.webm" autoplay loop muted width="600"></video> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you look in on the new class you see row after row of women... twerking. "This is what they doing instead of my class?" you think to yourself. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Whatever," you think. You aren't going to try to figure out the sudden interest in this. It doesn't really matter to you. What matters is that they aren't interested in your class like they were before. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You realize with your class not as popular, it doesn't matter how much your remaning students love the class, it's probably going to get cancelled soon. You plan on enjoying your class, and making sure your students do, as long as it lasts. But you also start thinking about what your other options might be when it does end. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Cancelled Class</h1> You were right to worry, you've found out your yoga classes have been cancelled. There just aren't enough students for them to want to continue paying you to teach them. And you've already let them know you don't have any interest in teaching any twerking classes. <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", anon:"Yoga Helper", vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", anon:"Yoga Helper"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are cleaning out your locker and deciding what to do next when you see one of your classroom yoga helpers looking confused in the hallway. You find out he didn't get the email about class being cancelled, permanently. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He's understandably disappointed, but you decide there's no reason his afternoon needs to be completely ruined. Besides you need a good, hard fuck right now really bad, and you aren't in the mood to go searching for one. You ask if he wants go back to his place to comfort each other about the cancellation. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Yoga4.webm" autoplay loop muted width="650"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've been with him before, but normally you've had to share him with the rest of the class. But this time you have him all to yourself. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> In your horniness you get carried away sucking his cock. You smile as his cum covers your face, but are expecting to still be left horny until he recovers. As he goes behind you, you quickly realize that's not something you have to worry about. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Before you leave his apartment, you have to wipe yourself down with a towel. You lost track of how many times he came on you. And that's not even counting the ones you swallowed or when he came in you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You expect he could probably go longer still, except he has to get ready for his evening job. Before you go, he tells you his disappointed about the class ending, but seems more worried that you'll still be able to keep supplying him with Stamina Water. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'll have to talk to the Eros people and let you know," you tell him. You wonder if you can work something out with them now that the class is over. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you walk back home you wonder if you should go ahead and [[call your contact at Eros|Part15JobYogaEros]] now. Or, should you put that off, and [[start looking for a new job|Part15JobYogaJobChange3]] instead. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Meeting with your Eros representative</h1> <img src="Part15/Eros1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<unset $JobFitnessYoga>> <<set $JobFitnessYogaOld>> <<unset $JobFitness>> "Hello, $playerName, I'm glad you were able to stop by. I was concerned when i got your call," your Eros representative Gwen tells you when you stop by her house to meet her. "It's really a shame about your yoga job. It seemed like you really enjoyed your work. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "And you did such a wonderful job introducing young women to ErosWater, and more recently, young men to our Stamina Water. I can't tell you how much I appreciate all the marketing you did for me and for Eros. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'm not surprised you have many friends and former students asking you about getting more for them. Once people experience the excitement our products add to their lives, they don't usually want to go back. You probably feel the same way. I know I do. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "As you know, Eros products aren't sold in any store. They are only available through distributors like me. The free Water from the promotion has done it's part I think. We've definitely sparked interest in the college community as I had hoped. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Now, I could sell the water and our other products to the new customers you have made for us. But I have another idea. <i><b>You</b></i> can become a distributor! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You'll pay the wholesale price, and then your friends will pay the retail price. The difference is all profit. A percentage of that goes to me as your upstream distributor. And I share part of my percentage with my upstream and so on. But the rest will be all yours! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "And with as high as I expect your personal sales volume will be, you should qualify for more than enough free product for your own personal needs, and some for a male friend or two. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "And if any of your female friends want to be distributors like us, you can sign them up. Then you'll get a percentage of everything they sell too!" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You really need the money now that you have just became unemployed, but still aren't quiet sure. She continues, "I'm [[hosting a party|Part15JobYogaEros2]] this evening for some women I know. Why don't you come along. I expect everyone will be a bit quiet and shy at first. But with an young, enthusiastic, and energetic woman like you there, they'll see just how fun Eros can be and the party should really get going." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Co-hosting your first Eros party</h1> <<set $JobEros to 1>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Trevor"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Trevor", vaginal:true, birthControl:"pullout-perfect"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", anon:"Eros Guest"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", anon:"Eros Guest"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", anon:"Eros Guest"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", anon:"Eros Guest"})>> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Eros2.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="400"></video> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The party is a bit boring at first, as Gwen goes over the products and their benefits. Then there's a discussion among the women there, and it's only women, about how they are just too tired for sex when they get home from work, or how their boyfriend just rolls over and falls asleep after he gets off, or about whatever other problem their sex life is facing. Gwen frequently points out various ways that one Eros product or another can help. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Everything changes though when Gwen says it's time for the product demonstration. She opens a door and waves to a handsome guy that had been waiting in the hall. "Trevor here just finished his bottle of Stamina Water while we were talking, and he's very eager for us to begin," Gwen says. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I can see that," someone says with a giggle referring to his barely concealed erection. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "And $playerName, has been drinking ErosWater for a while now, and she's excited for you to see how fun it is," Gwen says. "$playerName, Why don't you start by showing Trevor how grateful we all our for him volunteering to help us tonight?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> A few moments later, you are own your knees pulling Trevor's pants down and taking his massive cock into your mouth. Sucking his cock in front of all these people soon has you wet and <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> eager for him to fuck you in front of them too. <<else>> ready for him to fuck you. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But like you and Gwen had discussed, you keep going until Trevor's cum fills your mouth. You resist the urge to swallow it right away. Instead you turn your head with your mouth wide open, letting everyone see the massive load Trevor gave you. When everyone has seen, you eagerly swallow it down. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Trevor doesn't need any time to wait though, and he soon has you bent over one of the chairs. He fucks you to one orgasm and then another while the partygoers look on. Finally he's ready to cum too. He cums on your face this time, making even easier for everyone to see. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Now, while I'm sure $playerName and Trevor would be eager to keep going for some time still, we should probably give others a chance," Gwen says. "Anyone who already you'll be buying a case for yourself, for your husband, or one of our 50/50 couples cases, just put your name here on one of the order forms. We can finish filling it out after you've had your fun with Trevor. Or with $playerName, if that's more your style." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> By the time the part is over, there's a huge stack of completed orders and Trevor's energy finally seems to be running out. After he and the party guests have left, you and Gwen talk some more. "Thanks for all your help tonight," she says. "I don't need to ask, I can see that you had a good time. I'm pretty sure you've decided to join the Eros family, right?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you enthusiasticly agree, she continues, "Normally new distributors are expected to pay up front for their 'Seller's Kit'. But since you were such a help tonight, I'll front you the money for it. When you start selling the products from your kit to your friends, and getting orders for more, then you can pay me back." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> I doubt you'll have much trouble selling since your students have already seen how well the product works. But if you need any advice on hosting a party, let me know. It sounds like you already have your own 'Trevor' or two available, so you already have a good start." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You head back home with your Seller's Kit, excited at how much money you are going to make at your new job selling Eros products. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>><<nobr>> <h1>Your new job</h1> <<if $BodyType == "Fit">> <img src="Part13/BaristaB2Fit.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <<elseif $BodyType == "Petite">> <img src="Part13/BaristaB2Petite.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <<elseif $BodyType == "Plus">> <img src="Part13/BaristaB2Plusjpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <<else>> <img src="Part13/BaristaB2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <</if>> <<set $JobFitnessYogaOld to 1>> <<unset $JobFitnessYoga>> <<set $JobBikiniBarista to 1>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'bikini')>> <<set setup.addInventory('underwear', 'sexy underwear')>> <<set setup.addInventory('sleepwear', 'lingerie')>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado'})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado', vaginal:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado'})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado', vaginal:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado'})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado', vaginal:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado'})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado', vaginal:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'd thought about getting a job as a barista, but that job seemed far too boring. When you heard there was a coffee shop where you could serve customers in your bikini, or lingerie, you knew it'd be perfect for you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You were already liking the job, especially the extra tips you were getting when you let customers grop you through the drive-thru window. Of course that just made you hornier, and making out with your coworker always got the customers excited, but didn't get you off. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But then you found out some of the girls make special trips to deliver certain customer's orders out to their vehicles in the parking lot. And those girls always come back with a smile and a wad of cash. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are soon providing 'curbside service' as well. You aren't even doing it for the money, you just need to get fucked. The fact that they are paying you for it just makes it that much nicer. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You think you are really going to [[like the new job|Part15WeekByWeek]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $SchoolWeek == 3>> <<include [[Part15JobMassage2]]>> <<elseif $SchoolWeek == 7>> <<include [[Part15JobMassage3]]>> <<elseif $SchoolWeek == 11>> <<include [[Part15JobMassage4]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15JobMassage5]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>An athletic massage</h1> <video src="Part15/Massage2.webm" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", anon:"Athlete"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex:"female", anon:"Athlete"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Athlete", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", anon:"Athlete"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex:"female", anon:"Athlete"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Athlete", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Normally your goal is to let the athletes that come in for a massage have a nice, relaxing session. You'll work away all the stress in the arms, legs, back and shoulders. Of course nearer the end of their session, you'll work out all the stress in their cock, and lighten the fullness in the balls. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But sometimes the athletes don't want a relaxing massage, and would rather just have another workout. You aren't about to complain. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You just wish you weren't on probation, so it felt as good as it should. You put on a good show for him though. <<else>> It sure is fun being the one face down on the table sometimes. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>><<nobr>> <h1>Celebrating her victory</h1> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", anon:"Athlete"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex:"female", anon:"Athlete"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Athlete", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", anon:"Athlete"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex:"female", anon:"Athlete"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Athlete", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> You've seen a number of girls wearing those fancy electronic chastity belts this year. Friends mainly, none of the female athletes though. You guess it doesn't work with competing. Today you finally have an athlete in wearing a belt, though it isn't one of the fancy ones. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> This one just has a simple lock keeping it on. And it doesn't have electronics inside keeping her horny all the time like your friends' belts do. Though it seems to have done a good enough job keeping her horny without the electronics. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Her coach came in earlier to arrange her session with you. He holds the key to her chastity belt, but not because they have a relationship or anything like that. She was going to be coxswain for the guys rowing team and the belt was a condition of that. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "She's a valuable member of the team and with the X-Change side effects she has, with how fertile and ummm... eager, it has made her, I'm sure she would have already been carrying one of her teammate's baby by now," he explains. "I don't mind the blowjobs she's always giving the guys though. If anything it's helped team morale, and of course the guys would do anything for her. But a pregnancy, even if she didn't keep it, would really disrupt the team." It's not your place to question him on that, so you just nod. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Massage3.webm" autoplay loop muted></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He promised her a reward if the team placed in their big competition, and they did, so he set up a visit with you to reward her. He gave you her belt's key, with strict instructions that she be restrained before you remove her belt, and rebelted before you untie her. He's worried she'll be too horny and run out of your massage room and down to the guys' locker room instead. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once she's tied down and unbelted, you take your time massaging every inch of her beautiful 125 pound body. At least the parts you can reach with her tied up. Seeing how eager and horny she is, you quickly move to focus on her breasts. You assume they've already gotten quite a bit of attention from her teammates, and stroking them just makes her moan and beg you to take out her phone and start calling the team to come here and fuck her. Seeing how much in need she is, you keep one hand on her breasts while the other moves between her legs. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The look of gratitude on her face as you bring her to her first orgasm warms your heart. Well, not only your heart. You're eager to bury your head between her legs, but she prefers guys and doesn't want that. Her coach sent her to you though, since he believed a male masseur would be unable to resist her begging him to fuck her. You don't have any doubt he was right. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You move on to the magic wand. If this session is going to be her only chance to cum until the next big competition, you want to give her as many orgasms as she can handle. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> If she's really craving to be filled, then once her clit starts to get too sensitive, you'll see if she wants you to put on your strapon. If she closes her eyes she can imagine it's the rowing team instead of you. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>><<nobr>> <h1>Roleplaying being the client</h1> One of your clients likes roleplaying that he's the one giving you a massage. It actually starts off with him giving you a nice, relaxing massage. <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", anon:"Athlete"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex:"female", anon:"Athlete"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Athlete", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", anon:"Athlete"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex:"female", anon:"Athlete"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Athlete", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Massage4.webm" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course his 'sweet, innocent' client soon gets too excited from his touch and is parting her legs wanting his touch there too. She then can't help herself and starts to suck his cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Before the session is up, he's helped his client relax by giving her what she needed much more than a massage, his cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> [[Continue|Part15AfterMainJob]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Take your buddy to work day</h1> The buddy program wants everyone to take their buddy with work with them today, or at least the ones that don't already work together. Bailey has been very interested <<if setup.areDating("Bailey")>> in what your job is like. <<else>> what it's like giving massages. Especially with questions about what all the muscular, athletic guys look like when they are naked on your table. <</if>> So she's eager to join you today. <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", anon:"Athlete"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex:"female", anon:"Athlete"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Athlete", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", anon:"Athlete"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex:"female", anon:"Athlete"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Athlete", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Massage5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She's a bit uncertain at first, not knowing what to do. But she quickly realizes that the guys don't really care about the massage anyway. Once instinct takes over, she absolutely [[loves the job|Part15JobMassage6]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Take your buddy to work day</h1> <video src="Part15/Massage6.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(4, {sex:"female", name:"Bailey"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You cum hard as she eats you out. Partly from her skillful tongue, but even more from seeing the pleasure on her face as some baseball player cums inside her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Between your and Bailey's earlier work on his cock, with your hand and mouths, he doesn't last long enough for her to cum too. But you soon take care of that, licking some of his cum from Bailey, and repaying the attention to your clit she gave, with some for hers. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course watching that show soon has him ready to enjoy the rest of his session with your and Bailey. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $SchoolWeek == 3>> <<if $PregnancyWeek > 12>> <<include [[Part15JobModel1Pregnant]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15JobModel1]]>> <</if>> <<elseif $SchoolWeek == 7>> <<include [[Part15JobModel7]]>> <<elseif $SchoolWeek == 11>> <<include [[Part15JobModel10]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15JobModel15]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $SchoolWeek == 3>> <<include [[Part15JobLibrary1]]>> <<elseif $SchoolWeek == 7>> <<include [[Part15JobLibrary2]]>> <<elseif $SchoolWeek == 11>> <<include [[Part15JobLibrary3]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15JobLibrary5]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Under New Management</h1> <video src="Part15/Library2.webm" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You have a new boss at the library this year. At first you hope she'll be as open to some of the things you get up to <<if $dating.length>> with $dating[0] <</if>> when you aren't busy shelving books or helping someone find what they need. But after catching you in the act one evening she asks to see you in her office the next day. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> While you are open to "persuading" her the same way you did your old boss, you quickly can tell she's not interested. You are prepared to get fired, and a relieved when you realize that's not what this meeting is about. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Now, $playerName, I understand things were a little more flexible last year. The sort of behavior I witnessed might even have been encouraged by my predecessor," she tells you. "But it's no longer acceptable. I know that given some of the other activity that goes on at the university, that sort of behavior probably isn't even that unusually here. But I'm still not going to allow it in my library. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Whatever else goes on at the university, I want the library to be a place for quiet study and research. Behaivor like that is only ever going to be a distraction from that. So in the future, please keep your sexual activity outside of work hours." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes ma'am," you say. You are relieved you aren't getting fired, but disappointed that your job isn't going to be as much fun as it used to be. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Clarifing the dress code</h1> <img src="Part15/Library3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You have stopped with your occasional fun between the stacks, so you don't know why the boss is calling you into her office again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "$playerName, first I want to thank you for complying with my instructions about appropriate work activities," she starts. "But there's something else I need to discuss with you. You attire is often... unnecessarily distracting. I understand <<if $BodyType == "Plus">>a pretty,<<else>>a beautiful,<</if>> young woman like yourself wanting to dress in an attractive manner. But you should look like you are a librarian, not heading out clubbing or something. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I don't want to impose a set of rules on you unless I have to. But please take into account that people are here to study, not ogle you." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes ma'am," you say. <</nobr>> <img src="Part15/Library4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350"> <<nobr>> You try to do your best to meet her requirements, but still look attractive. Judging from her nod when she sees you, and from the turning heads from some of the guys, you think you've achieved the balance you were looking for. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Catching someone in the restricted section</h1> <img src="Part15/Library5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Each night, before the library closes, one of your jobs is to check everywhere to make sure there isn't anyone studying in some alcove somewhere, unaware they are about to get locked in. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Tonight you find someone, but not in some alcove. She's snuck into the restricted section. It's only meant for professors, graduate students, and others with a need and special permission. <<if $FormerMentor == "Olivia">> Seeing the lock picking books she has on the floor around her, and given your passed experience, you have a guess as to why she snuck back here. <<else>> When you see the lockpicking books on the floor around her, you wonder what sort of criminal activity she has planned. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Please, don't report me," she begs. "It's not what it looks like. Let me show you." When she lifts up her dress <<if $FormerMentor == "Olivia">> your suspicions are confirmed when <</if>> you see the chastity belt locked on her. "My roommate tricked me, and now I'm stuck in this." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $FormerMentor == "Olivia">> "Her name wouldn't happen to be 'Olivia' would it?" you ask. She's shocked that you knew that until you explain that the same thing had happened to you last year. You realize she's probably never been allowed to orgasm as a woman, even once. Unless she tried X-Change before she came here that is. <<else>> "How long have you been in there?" You ask her. She tells you that she's been in the belt since the start of the school year. Her X-Change mentor put it on her right after she changed. She's never got to experience an orgasm as a woman yet, even once. "That's horrible," you tell her. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "But you can't be back here," you inform her. "Especially not right now as I'm locking up. Let's meet later and I'll see what I can do." You feel a bit sorry for her, knowing she'll be spending another night tonight locked in the belt. But it's already late and you have class in the morning. "How does [[tomorrow afternoon|Part15JobLibrary4]] sound." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Offering to help</h1> <<if $FormerMentor == "Olivia">> "I learned last year how to get out of one of these," you tell her as you show her your set of picks. "It looks like Robert is using a new model now. With how these locks are placed you'd never have been able to pick this yourself. But I can certainly do it for you. Be glad he's not using one of those new electronic ones I've heard about." <br><br> You are able to unlock her in a few minutes. <<else>> You feel sorry for her, and you'd always been curious about picking locks, so you volunteer to help her. "I can't check out the books for you, or let you into the restricted section. But I can sneak back there myself in the evenings and try to learn for you. These look like simple locks. Though from seeing how they are positioned, I doubt you could reach them to pick them yourself." <br><br> She has to wait several more days as you wait until after the other staff leaves, and you can sneak into the restricted section to do your research, and practicing on the test locks you'd picked up. Eventually you are able to unlock her. <</if>> You can see how wet she is as your remove her belt. "I guess you'd like some time alone now," you say. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'd masturbate like crazy if I could," she admits. "But I cant' get off that way they told me. Not that I've been able to try yet." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh, I'd beleive them on that," you tell her <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> from personal experience. <<else>> based on the stories you've heard from others with that side effect. <</if>> "Well... do you need... help then?" you offer. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I would have loved that idea before I changed," she tells you. "But ever since I became a woman, only guys turn me on. I have a boyfriend now, though I've only been able to suck his cock, obviously. Hopefully he'll get over here quick when I let him know I'm free now." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Library6.webm" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'chastity belt')>> You smile as you start to leave, imagining the fun she'll be having in a few mintues. "Wait," she says. "Please take this with you." She then hands you the unlocked belt. "I know my boyfriend would love the idea of being my keyholder instead. But I don't want to ever see that thing again. I'll just tell him you had to destroy it to get it off." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, there's no damage. Clean it, get a couple new small padlocks from the hardware store and it's as good as new. <<if $FormerMentor == "Olivia">> Who knows, maybe you'd actually enjoy the belt if it were <<if $dating.length>> $dating[0] <<elseif $fwb.length>> $fwb[0] <<else>> someone you liked <</if>> holding the key someday instead of Olivia's master, Robert. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> You don't know if you'll ever try it, but you are already getting wet fantasizing about <<if $dating.length>> $dating[0] <<elseif $fwb.length>> $fwb[0] <<else>> someone <</if>> locking the belt on you and making you earn your release. <<else>> Maybe you can sell it later. Or who knows, it might be fun to play with it yourself sometime. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She offers you some cash as well, but you turn it down. Then you quickly make your exit before her boyfriend arrives. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Bring your Buddy to Work Day</h1> <img src="Part15/Library8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Bailey joins you at the library today for the "Bring your Buddy to Work Day" event. The first of your shift is when the library is open. Bailey dressed up as sexy as she thought she could get away with. She even added some glasses to make her look more like a librarian. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Though she was much better at flirting and distracting some of the students and the professors than she was at actually helping anyone find the book they were looking for. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But, as you had told her, the job gets more fun after the library closes. As soon as you lock the door, she gets rid of the more conservative dress she was wearing and strips down to something a bit more exciting as she helps you shelve books. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When the two of you are getting close to done she <<if setup.buddyHasGirlfriend()>> <<if setup.areDating('Bailey')>> [[calls a friend|Part15JobLibrary6FFF]] to join you and <<else>> [[calls her girlfriend|Part15JobLibrary6FFF]] to join <</if>> <<elseif setup.buddyHasBoyfriend()>> [[calls her boyfriend|Part15JobLibrary6MF]] to join <<else>> [[calls a friend|Part15JobLibrary6MF]] to join <</if>> her for a bit of after-work fun. <img src="Part15/Library9.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="right"><br> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>After work at the library</h1> <img src="Part15/Library7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <img src="Part15/Library10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="right"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating("Bailey")>> Of course you and Bailey could have fun by yourselves when you are done with work, but both think it'd be much more fun if you had a third instead this evening. <br><br> She has a bi-curious friend and gives her a call. It is long before her friend is nervously knocking on the locked library door. You smile seeing she even wore her own sexy librarian outfit. <br><br> Her friend is nervous at first, staring like a deer in the headlights at Bailey's wet and eager lips. But with a little encouragement from you, and she dives right in. <br><br> After she hears Bailey start to moan, she forgets all about her nervousness, and is soon just enjoying herself and her new discover about her sexuality. <br><br> It's well past the normal end of your shift before the three of you get dressed again and turn out the lights. <<set setup.addSex({anon:"Friend of Bailey", sex:"female"})>> <<set setup.addSex({anon:"Friend of Bailey", sex:"female"})>> <<else>> Of course you would have let Bailey and $BuddyDating have their fun without you while you finished up working. But Bailey said they were wanting a threesome tonight, and you were more than eager to join them. <<if $dating.length>> $dating[0] said <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> she doesn't mind as long as you give her <<else>> he doesn't mind as long as you give him <</if>> all of the details later. <</if>> <br><br> Not long after Bailey calls, $BuddyDating is knocking on the locked library door. You smile seeing she even wore her own sexy librarian outfit. <br><br> You are a bit nervous at first about eating out your 'buddy's girlfriend. But after a little reassurance from Bailey, you soon have your tongue buried inside $BuddyDating. Bailey's tongue soon joins you nearby in $BuddyDating's ass. <br><br> It's well past the normal end of your shift before the three of you get dressed again and turn out the lights. <<set setup.addSex({name:$BuddyDating, sex:"female"})>> <<set setup.addSex({name:$BuddyDating, sex:"female"})>> <</if>> <<set setup.addSex({name:"Bailey", sex:"female"})>> <<set setup.addSex({name:"Bailey", sex:"female"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <table width="1250"><tr> <td><img src="Part15/Library11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" width="600"></td> <td><img src="Part15/Library12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" width="600"></td> </tr></table> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Bailey having some fun after work</h1> As you are shelving books with her, you can see how distracted Bailey has become. You've had that same look many evenings. Walking around the shelves, wearing little to nothing, and imagining the library is still open, has made you just as horny before as Bailey is right now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Why don't you give <<if $BuddyDating>>$BuddyDating<<else>>someone<</if>> a call. I'm sure he'll run right over to help you out," you tell Bailey with a smile. "I can finish up. It is my job after all." It isn't long before you hear an excited knock on the locked library door. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Library13.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> While the thought of the library being open and other patrons being here may have helped turned Bailey on, once they are going at it she seems to have forgotten she's in a library at all. You can hear her moans and screams for quite a while while you finish up shelving and straightening the library up. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't have to go over and "shhh" them, but you do go over and peek around the stack for a bit to get a little visual imagry to go with the sound you've been hearing. <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> With as horny as you get watching, you only wish you could do something about it. It takes every bit of will power you have not to walk around the stack and ask if you can join in. <<else>> It doesn't take long before you are too horny to just watch. You do your best to stay quiet as you take care of your needs while you peek through between the books to watch their fun.<br><br> <img src="Part15/Library14.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" width="600"> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>><<nobr>> <<if $SchoolWeek == 3>> <<include [[Part15JobAthlete1]]>> <<elseif $SchoolWeek == 7>> <<include [[Part15JobAthlete2]]>> <<elseif $SchoolWeek == 11>> <<if $dating.length and !setup.areDating("Bailey")>> <<include [[Part15RelationshipInclude]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15JobAthlete4]]>> <</if>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15JobAthlete8]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Relaxing after practice</h1> <img src="Part15/Athlete1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Have a grueling workout you are exhausted. You finished first, so your coach is letting you relax while you wait for the others to finish. As you look down at your body you can't help but see the end result of all your hard work for the past year. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $BodyType == "Fit">> Of course you can't take all the credit. Your implant gave you a huge head start, and helps even now. But, you've put in the work too, so you feel just as proud of your accomplishments as anyone else. <<elseif $BodyType == "Petite">> You're allways be short, and you have to work at it twice as hard as some of the other girls, but you've managed to add a bit of muscle to your tiny frame. <<else>> <<set $BodyTypeOriginal to $BodyType>> <<set $BodyType to "Fit">> You know some of the other girls that changed last year started off with the body you've had to work hard for. But you don't hold it against them for having it easy. Instead, having to work hard all year for a body like theirs just make you that much more proud of what you've accomplished. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You snap a quick photo of the product of all your hard work before <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> your coach finishes with the others and has to lock you back into your chastity belt. You are tempted to try to get yourself off right here in front of everyone. <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> Of course, you can't. But you are still tempted to try. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> It takes all your willpower to resist that urge. <</if>> <<else>> you head home. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Maintaining your flexibility</h1> <video src="Part15/Athlete2.webm" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's not just cardio and strength training, you also need to maintain your flexibility. Sometimes it's just you, but <<if setup.areDating('Peter') and $PlayerItemNerdKey>> more often Peter is there watching. <br><br> You can see the discomfort on his face as his cock strains against its cage. It always inspires you to stretch a bit farther, to give him an even better view. <br><br> Of course, he's always hoping you unlock him at the end of your workout. But even if you don't, he's so grateful to be able to give you an post-workout orgasm with his tongue instead. <br><br> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>> <<elseif setup.haveGirlfriend()>> occasionally $dating[0] joins you as well. It's always an extra motivator having her at your side, even if the urge to stop working out and bury your head between her legs is tempting you the entire time. <br><br> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>> <<elseif $dating.length>> more often $dating[0] is there watching. You can see how much he's enjoying the view you are giving him as his erection grows during your workout. You always wonder how much of your planned workout you'll get finished before you start working out [[another way|Part15JobAthlete3]]. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> more often there is a guy there working out with you. They all know how horny you get when they work out with you. You always wonder how much of your planned workout you'll get finished before the smell of him overwhelms your senses and you can't resist any longer. <br><br> But [[what comes next|Part15JobAthlete3]] is just a different kind of workout after all, right? <<else>> occasionally you have a guy there working out with you. For some reason they always take a position behind you - never to the front or the side. When you glance back and see the bulge in his pants, you know the reason. <br><br> It always gives you the motivation to finish your workout. You want to see if he'll be able to make it until the end, or will he tire out, or maybe decide to head somewhere private to jerk off. <br><br> If he makes it to the end of your workout, you are always tempted to [[take care of his hard cock|Part15JobAthlete3]] for him. You figure maybe he deserves a reward for making it through the whole workout, and you certainly do. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> You need to take the opportunity when you can, since you'll be back in your belt again after your workout is over. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> It's not like you can reward yourself, after all. <<else>> Of course, you could let him go back to his dorm to [[take care of his erection himself|Part15Week]]. You can always reward yourself better with your vibrator anyway. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>A different kind of workout</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Athlete3.webm" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> </div> <<if $dating.length>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0], vaginal:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0], vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0], vaginal:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0], vaginal:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0], vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<else>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Flexibility Partner", vaginal:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Flexibility Partner", vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Flexibility Partner", vaginal:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Flexibility Partner", vaginal:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Flexibility Partner", vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He's already hard from watching you workout. He probably also had a great view of how wet you were getting imagining this second workout. You don't waste any time, and as soon as his clothes are off, you are on top of him. <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> This happens often enough, you should start bringing condoms to your workout. You never remember them though. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> You always try to get off him and finish him with your mouth. You don't want your coach to see the evidence of your second workout when he's locking on your belt. <br><br> Sometimes you succeed, but sometimes it feels to good to stop, and you keep going until he cums. And then you keep going a bit longer until you cum too, or he lifts you off him, whichever happens first. <br><br> You know your coach has noticed the mess before, but he hasn't scolded you about it. Maybe he doesn't mind as long as it motivates you to work out. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> You always try to get off him and finish him with your mouth. <br><br> Sometimes you succeed, but sometimes it feels to good to stop, and you keep going until he cums. And then you keep going a bit longer until you cum too, or he lifts you off him, whichever happens first. <<else>> Sometimes your legs start to burn from the workout, but it feels too good to stop, so you always keep going until he cums. And then you keep going a bit longer until you cum too, or he lifts you off him, whichever happens first. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>><<nobr>> <h1>Getting a massage</h1> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <video src="Part15/Athlete4a.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <<else>> <video src="Part15/Athlete4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Masseur"})>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> You begged your coach to let you out of your chastity belt for your trip to the massage room. You need an orgasm so bad right now. But your coach says that you've been training hard, and he understands if you want to have them work on a few sore muscles for you. <br><br> But he also said he doesn't want you to "lose focus" and that your other needs can wait until after the big meet coming up. <br><br> Your massage does start just focusing on your arms and legs and back. Your belt cleary indicates this won't be a 'happy ending' massage today. But when an oiled hand brushes your breast you let out a needy moan, you masseur begins focusing there. <br><br> Without even thinking about it, your hand is soon [[reaching back|Part15JobAthlete5]] and feeling his stiffening cock through his pants. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> Seeing how hard you've been working out the coach has booked a visit to the massage room for you. "I told them you just wanting an actual massage this time," he says with a laugh. <br><br> It feels so good as he works through your aches and pains. You'd almost forgotten how good the guys, and the girls, that work here are at actual massages. <br><br> You realize how much you are wanting more than just a massage though when his hand brushes across your breast. If the needy moan that escapes your lips didn't tell him to continue, your begging "Please, don't stop!" certainly does. <br><br> Without even thinking about it, your hand is soon [[reaching back|Part15JobAthlete5]] and feeling his stiffening cock through his pants. <<else>> Seeing how hard you've been working out the coach has booked a visit to the massage room for you. "I told them you just wanting an actual massage this time," he says with a laugh. <br><br> It feels so good as he works through your aches and pains. You'd almost forgotten how good the guys, and the girls, that work here are at actual massages. <br><br> You realize how much you are wanting more than just a massage though when his hand brushes across your breast. If the needy moan that escapes your lips didn't tell him to continue, your plea of "Don't stop!" certainly does. <br><br> Without even thinking about it, your hand is soon [[reaching back|Part15JobAthlete5]] and feeling his stiffening cock through his pants. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Reaching Back</h1> <video src="Part15/Athlete5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you feel his cock harden you can't help yourself, and pull it free and begin stroking it. He adds a bit of massage oil to help you along. As he moans you fantasize about him cumming across your face and onto your chest. You fantasize about him bending you over the massage table and fucking <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> you, even though you know that's not possible today. <<else>> you. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> You ache for him to be inside you, but you can't have that. Instead you beg him to let you [[suck his cock|Part15JobAthlete6]]. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> As you stroke his cock, he reaches over and strokes your breasts, squeezing your nipples between his slick fingers. Then he reaches further and strokes your clit. But he only strokes your clit for a short time before returning to your breasts again. <br><br> Your stroking of his cock becomes erratic as he keeps you hovering close to an orgasm. Eventually you can't take it anymore. "Please, sir. [[Please fuck me|Part15JobAthlete6]]!" you beg. <<else>> As you stroke his cock, he reaches over and strokes your breasts, letting your nipples slide between his fingers. Then he reaches further and strokes your clit. Soon you can't wait any longer. "[[I need you inside me|Part15JobAthlete6]]!" you tell him. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>A happy ending</h1> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt or $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <video src="Part15/Athlete6a.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Masseur"})>> <<else>> <video src="Part15/Athlete6.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Masseur", vaginal:true, noCondom:true, birthControl:"pullout-perfect"})>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> You eagerly suck his cock, loving the feeling of it sliding across your tongue. Though which each stroke you feel an emptiness between your legs as your body cries out to feel his cock there instead. <br><br> He rests his hand on your head as he orgasms. As his cum fills your mouth, you wonder if it's oil or your own body's wetness running down your leg. <br><br> "Thank you," he says after a few moments. "Would you like me to return to your massage now, we still have half our time left." <br><br> You think for a moment, and then suggest [[something else instead|Part15JobAthlete7]]. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> You realize he's picked up on how submissive you are, or perhaps its listed in your file or something. However he knows, he, he knows just what to say to make you even wetter. "What a dirty little slut you are. You were just supposed to be here for a simple massage. Do you think you deserve an orgasm too? Have you earned one?" <br><br> "No sir. I don't deserve one. But I need one. I need one. Please sir..." you beg. <br><br> "How about I compromise, and let you suck my cock. While you do, I'll decide if I'll be generous today." <br><br> "Thank you sir," you say as you eagerly being to suck his cock. The longer you suck, and the more he moans, the more you ache for him to fuck you. But you no better than to ask again, so you continue. When he places his hand on your head, and you know he's about to cum, you continue even more urgently, longing to feel his cum filling you mouth. <br><br> "That's a good slut. I think you've earned a reward. Not the one you are wanting, but [[something special|Part15JobAthlete7]] nonetheless." <<else>> With you still on his massage table, he climbs up as well. You moan loudly as he slides into you from behind. With his earlier work with his hands getting you close, it isn't long before you are crying out with a well-needed orgasm. <br><br> <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> You know he's not using a condom, but don't want him to stop, you want him to feel the same pleasure you just did, and part of you longs to feel his cum inside you. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> You know he should pull out, but don't want him to stop, you want him to feel the same pleasure you just did, and part of you longs to feel his cum inside you. <</if>> "Don't stop. Cum inside me," you tell him. <br><br> But he doesn't do that. Instead he pulls out. You suspect your coach has given orders not risk getting any of his athletes pregant. But after the orgasm he just gave you, you don't want to leave your him like this. "[[Lie down|Part15JobAthlete7]]," you tell him. "It's time for your massage." <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>His turn on the table</h1> <video src="Part15/Athlete7.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> You tell him that you want give him a massage instead. He smiles and climbs onto the table. Of course you aren't as good as him, or even really trying to be. Instead, you are enjoying the feel of his body on your hands. You love the closeness of it, though it still makes you ache for more. <br><br> It doesn't take his body long to recover from his orgasm, and soon he is hard again. You soon find your hand wrapped around his cock again. <br><br> You planned on taking the rest of the session and making his pleasure last, but your eagerness prevents that. Instead you soon have what cum he has left covering your hand. You eagerly lick him clean, not wanting to leave him a mess for his next client. After you thank him, you head to the locker room yourself, not wanting to head home covered in oil. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> "It's your turn to give me a massage," he tells you. You smile as you and him switch places. Of course you aren't as good as him, or even really trying to be. Instead, you are enjoying the feel of his body on your hands. You love the closeness of it, though it still makes you ache for more. <br><br> It doesn't take his body long to recover from his orgasm, and soon he is hard again. You soon find your hand wrapped around his cock again. <br><br> You wany to climb on top of the table, and ride his cock until you both cum. But he tells you to keep doing what you are doing. You obey. Before long you have what cum he has left covering your hand. "Now be a good slut, and lick it clean. I don't want to be a mess for my next client. <br><br> "I know you probably plan on going to the locker room to clean up after this. But don't," he commands you. "I want you to go home like this, with everyone seeing you shining from your massage oil, and with the hungry look you have now. I want you to think about the orgasm I'll probably be giving the next girl, and how good it will feel for her. <br><br> "Yes sir," you tell him. "Thank you sir for my massage," you tell him before you leave. As you see the smiling girl in the waiting area, you are already picturing her crying out in ecstasy as he fucks her to orgasm after orgasm, just like he told you to do. <<else>> He smiles and climbs onto the table. Of course you aren't as good as him, or even really trying to be. But you aren't really worried about the actual massage. His cock is still hard from fuck you, and he'd already been close to cumming when he'd pulled out of you, so it doesn't take long before his cum has covered your hand. <br><br> You eagerly lick him clean, not wanting to leave him a mess for his next client. After you thank him, you head to the locker room yourself, not wanting to head home covered in oil. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Bring your Buddy to Work Day</h1> The buddy program is having a bring your buddy to work day even today. Your "job" is mainly preparing for when it's time to compete. So you bring Bailey with you to your workout today. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Athlete8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <img src="Part15/Athlete9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Unlike Bailey, <<if $BodyTypeOriginal and $BodyTypeOriginal != "Fit">> you've had over a year to turn the body X-Change give you into the one you have today. <<else>> X-Change gave you a body much more suited to athletics. <</if>> So you aren't expecting her to be able to keep up. For your run that means a slower pace, one that Bailey can keep up with. In the weight room it's eaiser as you can just lower the weight for Bailey. <<if $Major == "Health Sciences">> Training Bailey for a day is good practice, you may want to be a personal trainer after graudation after all. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You may have gone easy on her, but Bailey is still exhausted at the end of your workout session. You know what you <<if setup.buddyHasGirlfriend()>> [[have planned for her|Part15JobAthlete9FFF]] <<else>> [[have planned for her|Part15JobAthlete9MF]] <</if>> post-workout will make her feel much better though. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating("Bailey")>> <h1>Your and Bailey's massage</h1> You'd already arranged for a double visit with Bailey and you to the massage room after your workout. You'd told Bailey how great the massage room was, but you were eager to see her reaction to her first visit. <<else>> <h1>Bailey and $BuddyDating's massage</h1> You'd already arranged for a double visit for Bailey and $BuddyDating to the massage room after your workout. You smiled as you watched them walk into the room and close the door. Then you waited to hear all the details from Bailey after they finished. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Athlete10.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating("Bailey")>> The masseuse starts out with just working on your and Bailey's muscles. But when she saw how turned on you were both getting, she moved someone else. Bailey moans so loud at first, it startles you a bit. <br><br> The women, and men too, in the massage room are so skilled. She paid close attention to how turned you and Bailey each were, and made sure you were both getting close to cumming at the same time. <br><br> Then she had you start kissing. It was so hot feeling your arm sliding across Bailey's back, and then your lips reaching hers. It was clearly having the same effect on her. And then it was even more amazing as you both cum at the same time while you are kissing each other. <<else>> "It was so amazing!" Bailey tells you afterwards. "She started out with just working on our muscles - well mainly mine since I was the one that had just worked out. But I think she saw how turned on we were both getting, and moved somewhere else. $BuddyDating moaned so loud at first, it startled me a bit." <br><br> "She kept it up, but she must have been paying close attention to how turned on we each were, because we both started getting close to cumming at the same time." <br><br> "She had us start kissing. It was so hot feeling my arm sliding across $BuddyDating's back, and my lips reaching hers. And then kissing her as that masseuse made us both cum at the same time!" <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Thanks so much for setting that up for us," Bailey says, smiling from ear to ear, as <<if setup.areDating("Bailey")>> you and her <<else>> the three of you <</if>> leave the fitness center. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>><<nobr>> <h1>Bailey's massage</h1> You'd already arranged for a visit for Bailey to the massage room after your work out. You know the masseurs at the fitness center will make Bailey's massage as fun or as professional as she wants. So you are are curious to see how things went and are eager to hear from her after she's finished. <<set $BuddyMassageSex to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Athlete11.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "It started out with him working on my muscles, and even that felt amazing," Bailey recounts. "But then his hand brushed across my breast and I couldn't help but moan. That encouraged him to focus more attention there. When he saw how much I was enjoying it, he kept going." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "While he was playing with my clit, I begged him to fuck me," Bailey continues. "His cock felt so good, and I didn't even have to move. Though by then I'd almost forgotten how exhausted I was. I was so close to cumming, and I felt like my body was craving to feel him cum inside me. So I begged him not to pull out. As soon as I came he did too. It was amazing!" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Thanks so much for setting that up for me. There's one thing though," Bailey says nervously. <<if $BuddyDating>> "Well two things. Please never mention this to $BuddyDating. And can <<else>> "Can <</if>> you take me to the clinic <<if $BuddyAbortion>>again<</if>> in a few weeks if I end up getting pregnant? I think I'm ovulating this week." <</nobr>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>><<nobr>> <<if $SchoolWeek == 3>> <<include [[Part15JobCheer1]]>> <<elseif $SchoolWeek == 7>> <<include [[Part15JobCheer5]]>> <<elseif $SchoolWeek == 11>> <<include [[Part15JobCheer7]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15JobCheer8]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Cheering the team on at big game</h1> <img src="Part15/Cheer1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<if $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>> You are excited to be cheering on the football team today, in front of huge crowd. Normally you are cheering for other sports, with many fewer people watching. <br><br> Though the reason you are her at the big game today is because of one particular person watching. The university is trying to woo a talented new atlete to the school for next year. You love helping with recruitment. It's always much more fun than fundraising from old rich guys. <br><br> Football isn't his sport, but he was interested in watching a game, so the athletic department set him and his mom up with front row seats. You come by before the game to say hi. You promise to take him down to meet the team at half time. <br><br> When you ask if you can get him or his mom a beer or anything before you head back to the field for the pre-game show, she says he can't have beer since he only just turned 18. "Oh, I'm sorry. A beer for you ma'am and a water for Logan then?" Then, as you are leaving, you whisper to him, "We'll have much more fun on tomorrow's tour if you it's just you and me." <br><br> While you're cheering you make sure to look up and him frequently and wave occasionally. You come back by at half time and take him down to meet the team. His mom says behind since she's not allowed down in the locker room. The guys have much less of a problem with cheerleaders paying a visit, though they are too busy now to has much fun as they usually would. <br><br> After the game, you come by and lead them both onto the field and out another exit, so they can avoid all the crowds leaving the stadium. "I'll [[pick you up at your hotel|Part15JobCheer2]] tomorrow," you tell them before they leave. <<else>> <br><br> You love cheering in front of big crowd, with everyone watching you and the other cheerleaders. <br><br> Some of the other girls were upset about the university shortening the lengths of your uniform skirts. You actually like it more this way. And it certainly seems like the fans do too. <br><br> You might suggest they switch to a thong next year to wear under it. You expect the fans would like that even more. <br><br> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At their hotel room</h1> <img src="Part15/Cheer2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you come by their hotel room, you are excited to see his mom brought their dog along. You bend over and pet it a bit, making sure to give Logan a nice view as your short skirt rides up. You try show a bit more discretion when you are in view of his mom, but still you get a comment from her about thinking you'd be wearing more when you weren't cheering. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You reply, "You know what they say: 'You can take the cheerleader out of the uniform, but you can't take the...'". You pause and flash a sly smile to Logan before saying to his mom, "No... that's not it. But you know what I mean, I just like the short skirts like the uniform has." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "By the time Logan is ready to go, his mom's tour guide has arrived too." You tell Logan's mom, "Trevor will take you and Mr. Scruffles here to the administration building, so you can talk about his scholarship, and answer any other questions you had. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "While you are doing that, I'll take Travor [[on a tour|Part15JobCheer3]] of the fitness center, the student union, the dorms, and other places that probably wouldn't interest you as much. Then all of us can meet afterwards for the rest of the tour." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Touring the fitness center</h1> Logan's private tour starts at the fitness center. You start at first showing him the impressive exercise and training facilities. But eventually your tour leads to the massage rooms. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can see Logan is surprised when he sees Madison lying naked on the massage table. "Don't get too excited. Madison isn't interested in guys," you warn him. "But she's a bit of an exhibitionist though, so she said she'd love to have you and I sit in on her massage session." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Cheer4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Training for hours on the tennis court is hard work, so we have trained staff here to help relieve all of that stress that builds up. Logan watches as the massage starts off with Madison getting her sore muscles worked, but it quickly progresses to much more than that. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Madison has told me she's not really wanting the distraction of a relationship right now. We understand, that's why our staff is more than happy to relieve any other sort of built up stress she might have. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Cheer5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Logan watches as the massage turns back to Madison's sore muscles again after her orgasm. But before you and him leave, the skilled hands working Madison's body can tell she's ready for another orgasm. You aren't going to make Logan walk out on that, so you and him stay a bit longer. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Afterwards, you tell Logan, "The original plan was to go by the student union and visit the cafe for a bite to eat. But I'm thinking you aren't really interested in food right now. Maybe we should move our [[dorm visit|Part15JobCheer4]] up next, and then after you've worked up a bit of an appetite, we can get something to eat." Of course, that was always your plan. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Touring a dorm room</h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Logan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Logan', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Logan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Logan', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Logan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Logan', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> As you walk to the dorm building you explain that most of the students have shared rooms, but that athletes that request them can have private rooms. When you get to the building, you tell him you'll be showing him one of those rooms now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> One you are both in the model dorm room, you lock the door behind you. He's looking around at the bathroom and closets, and other things you are pointing out, but you can tell where his mind is having you alone in the room with him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "And the beds, they are very comfortable. Would you like to give it a try?" you ask as you slip off your skirt and let it fall to the floor. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Cheer3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Logan doesn't waste much time removing the rest of your clothes and his. It's you getting a sense of how comfortable the beds are though, and Logan pounds into you with all of the excitement he built up watching Madison's massage earlier. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> By the time you two head over to the student union, he has indeed worked up an appetite. He is still walking back to the table with his tray when his mom and Trevor return. You offer Logan's mom a napkin and discreetly let her know she has a 'bit of milk or something' on her chin. From the tossled look of her hair, you have know doubt it was a bit of Trevor's cum, but you don't let her know you realize that. She quickly wipes it away and it's gone by the time Logan sits down. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As everyone eats, Logan and his mom both tell each other how much they enjoyed their tours, with both of them acting like it was the wonderful facilities they enjoyed so much. You and Trevor know you did your jobs well though, as they both decide that this is the university for Logan. You lead them both over to the athletic director's office after lunch so they can sign Logan's letter of intent. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well, we can continue the tour together as planned," you say. "Or we can split up again for the rest of the tour." You aren't surprised when both Logan and his mom both decide that splitting up would be better. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Testing out a new uniform</h1> You guess the university has listening to some of your suggestions about sexier uniforms, but they've decided to take it further that you'd suggested. They've decided to add 'tail' to your uniform, to match the much larger one the university's mascot has. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The fans will probably think it's attached with a belt or something under your skirt. Or at least they'll think that unless you spin or flip in a way that shows there's nothing under your skirt except the tail butt plug in your ass. The university said they looked into the belt option, but decided it was likely to fall off. And they said underwear would just get in the way. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Cheer6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toy','tail butt plug')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The plugs are a big hit with the crowd. Well, it's hard to tell how much of it is that, or the lack of underwear. Either way they loved it. The only problem is that a few of the girls had their plugs pop out in the middle of the performance. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Maybe we'll need to get some larger sizes for some of the more 'experienced' girls," the cheer coach says. "Or maybe we can talk to the engineering department and see if they can make some that expand to lock in, until it's time to take them out after the game. Either way, we'll just have to shelve the tails for now. Though, dropping the underwear was a good idea. We'll stick with that, at least for the untelevised games. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> That night, $dating[0] and you are going out dancing. She glances down at your skirt and tells you that you are missing something. "There's no reason to let your new toy go to waste. Take off your panties and wear the plug instead. You smile and go do exactly that before heading to the club. <br><br> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>> <<else>> "You girls can [[keep the plugs though|Part15JobCheer6]]. Obviously the university doesn't want them back," she says. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Taking out the plug</h1> After the game, <<if $dating.length>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(3, {name:$dating[0], sex:'male'})>> once you and $dating[0] are alone, <<else>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(3, {anon:'Football Player', sex:'male'})>> you hook up with one of the players and <</if>> he takes a closer look at your 'tail'. <<if $dating.length && $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> He doesn't need to ask to know how much you love having something in your ass. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> "You must enjoy having something big and hard in your ass," he comments when he sees how wet you already are. <<else>> "Do you like having something big and hard in your ass?" he asks. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He leaves the plug in your ass as you suck his cock. He occasionally gives your tail the occasional tug, getting a little moan each time as it causes the plug to shift inside of you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Cheer7.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After a while, he pulls out of your mouth. He takes the plug from your ass, and replaces it with his cock. <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> You cum several times as he fucks your ass. Your second orgasm pushes him over the edge and you hear him cum as he fills your ass with his cum. <<else>> He fucks your ass and plays with your clit. He times it just right, and you are crying out with your orgasm just as he moans and fills your ass with his cum. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you lay there <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> trying to recover from your orgasms, <<else>> recovering from your orgasm, <</if>> he slides the plug back into your ass, sealing his cum in. "Why don't you keep that in until you go to bed tonight." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>The new uniform without the plug</h1> <table> <tr> <td width="40%"><img src="Part15/Cheer8.jpg" hspace="5" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"></td> <td width="20%"> You aren't wearing your tails anymore, but the audience is still loving your performance. They've developed a newly found appreciation for the pyramid formation. The players on the bench at the sidelines seem to love it even more. <br><br> Of course it was always hard work, but you are wondering why it's suddenly getting the appreciation it deserves. </td> <td width="40%"><img src="Part15/Cheer9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="right"></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="40%"><img src="Part15/Cheer10.jpg" hspace="5" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"></td> <td width="20%"> <<if $MenstrualWeek == 4>> It becomes quite a bit clearer for you once one of the players shares some photos he took of your squadmate at the top of a pyramid between periods. <br><br> Well, between game periods that is. It's right in the middle of yours. Thankfully you were at the bottom of the pyramid this time. <<else>> It becomes quite a bit clearer for you once one of the players shares some photos he took of you at the top of a pyramid between periods. <</if>> </td> <td width="40%"><img src="Part15/Cheer11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="right"></td> </tr> </table> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Not quite ready for the big game</h1> <img src="Part15/Cheer12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> For the "Bring your Buddy to Work Day" event, you'd planned on letting Bailey cheer with you and the rest of the squad at the game this weekend. You'd already taken her to several practices to get ready. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She love wearing the uniform, and had plenty of school spirit. But she just didn't have the skill or practice to be there in front of thousands of people. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are worried that Bailey is going to be disappointed when you give her the news, but she actually seems relived. "I was worried I was going to screw up and embarrass myself and everyone else. It's so much harder than it looks. You girls are amazing." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "But...," Bailey asks a bit nervously. "Do you think I could keep the uniform? <<if setup.areDating('Bailey')>> It'd be fun if we could roleplay with it sometimes." <br><br> "Oh, of course you can," you answer. You smile as you imagine the fun the two of you will have later. <br><br> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <br><br> <video src="Part15/Cheer13.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<elseif setup.buddyHasGirlfriend()>> $BuddyDating was looking forward to having some fun with her girlfriend the 'cheerleader'. <br><br> "Oh, of course you can," you answer. You smile as you imagine the two of them having fun later. <br><br> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <br><br> <video src="Part15/Cheer13.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<elseif setup.buddyHasBoyfriend()>> $BuddyDating was looking forward to having some fun with his girlfriend the 'cheerleader'. <br><br> "Oh, of course you can," you answer. You smile as you imagine the two of them having fun later. <br><br> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <br><br> <video src="Part15/Cheer15.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<else>> And maybe [[wear it to the game|Part15JobCheer9]], but not go out on the field?" <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Bailey at the game</h1> Bailey quite ready to show her school spirit out on the field in front of the crowd. But she's more than qualified, and very eager to show it in another way. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She wants to have some fun with the players, but she can't do that during the game, even when they aren't playing. The coach wouldn't want them to tire themselves out. So instead she looks for a fan paying more attention to the cheerleaders than the game. Then she goes and sees if he wants to do more than just stare at the cheerleaders. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Cheer14.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You're sure she's made today the best game ever for several fans. But what she was really waiting for was [[the game to be over|Part15JobCheer10]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Bailey's visit to the locker room</h1> After the game, you take Bailey down to the locker room. The coach is more than happy to let the players unwind and use up whatever energy they have left, especially since they won today. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Cheer16.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The players know exactly why you and Bailey are here, and smile as soon as you walk in. You can already see the ones that are naked start to get hard, knowing what comes next. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $dating.length == 0 and setup.sexMaleCount() > 0>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", anon: "Football Player"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", anon: "Football Player", vaginal: true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> You aren't about to let Bailey have all the fun. "We each have three holes, boys. So there's no need to go one at a time," you tell them. <<if $PlayerProtectionPill or $PlayerProtectionPerfect or $PlayerProtectionPermanent>> "And Bailey isn't on any birth control, so I'm sure she'd love it if you want to fuck her ass instead." <<else>> "And neither of us are on any birth control, so we'd love it if you want to fuck us in the ass instead." <</if>> <br><br> <video src="Part15/Cheer15.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<else>> You smile as you walk away, watching Bailey start on the first player's cock. There's already an eager line forming for who is going to go next. You doubt it will take them long to realize that there's no reason they need to go one at a time. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>><<nobr>> <<if $SchoolWeek == 3>> <<include [[Part15JobBartender1]]>> <<elseif $SchoolWeek == 7 and setup.areDating('Bailey')>> <<include [[Part15JobBartender2Bailey]]>> <<elseif $SchoolWeek == 7 and $dating.length>> <<include [[Part15JobBartender2Dating]]>> <<elseif $SchoolWeek == 7>> <<include [[Part15JobBartender2]]>> <<elseif $SchoolWeek == 11 and $dating.length and !setup.areDating("Kate")>> <<include [[Part15JobBartender3Clean]]>> <<elseif $SchoolWeek == 11 and setup.isGoldStarLesbian()>> <<include [[Part15JobBartender3Clean]]>> <<elseif $SchoolWeek == 11>> <<include [[Part15JobBartender3]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15JobBartender5]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Karaoke night</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Bar1.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You had forgotten how fun the first part of the school year is at the bar. Betwen the newly converted X-Change girls, the natural born lesbians who had been in the closet back home, or just just the mostly-straight girls wanting to experiment, the bar is busy most nights. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And it's always packed on karaoke night. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've worked here long enought to spot the ones that are still feeling a bit shy about the new feelings they have, and that need a little encouragement. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wait until the shy one has had a few drinks, and then you call both her and the friend her eyes have been lingering on a bit too long. You always have a nice, sexy duet for the two of them. And you only give them the one mic to use. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They rarely make it through the song before they've forgotten about the song, and are more interested in each other. The audience certainly doesn't mind. They enjoy watching the two of them kiss far more than they liked their singing anyway. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Showing her what she really wants</h1> Sometimes with the new X-Change girls, they still aren't quite sure what they want. They used to like girls, so they think they'll be attracted to women now. But it doesn't always work that way, in fact it rarely does. Usually they'll be at least partially interested in guys after their change, often they only interested in guys. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You tell when you get home with them that they aren't feeling as turned on as they were expecting. You know how to salvage the night for the both of you though. Taking a blue X-Change pill isn't an option for you, and you aren't even sure if you'd want to do that anyway. Your solution is much simpler. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Bar5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can tell right away from her reaction when she sees it, when her hand first touches it, when she drops to her knees when you tell her to start sucking it. This is what she really wants. And since you are a woman, she doesn't have to admit to herself that she likes guys now. At least not yet. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Bar6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As she sucks it, you can't feel anything more than a little bit of movement as the base of the strapless dildo shifts inside you, but you let her continue for a while. You can see from her face how much she's enjoying it. You let her get herself wet sucking your dildo. Besides, she'll need the practice soon, for when she has her lips around a real cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Bar7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you think she's wet and ready, you have her beg for your cock. "Please fuck me. I want your cock inside me," you have her say. You are sure the guys will love that. You then give the button on your dildo a push, making sure you both enjoy what comes next. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you are both laying there after your orgasms, you talk with her and let her know there's to be ashamed about for liking guys now, and that it's perfectly natural. "You didn't get to choose to be straight, you just are," you tell her. "There's nothing wrong with it." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When she leaves, you know you probably won't see her in the bar again looking for a date. You wouldn't be surprised to see her around campus though with a guy on her arm. You're sure she's going to have lots of fun the rest of the year know that's she's started to accept her real feelings. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Watching the fun</h1> <img src="Part15/Bar4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You keep yourself occupied making drinks. You try to not let the newly minted lesbians making out at the bar distract you. Though you can't help but notice them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> $dating[0] doesn't mind how horny watching them all night makes you. Not when you hurry to see <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>>her<<else>>him<</if>> as soon as you [[get off work|Part15RelationshipIncludeAndShow]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Having Bailey watch</h1> <video src="Part15/Bar2.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'Bar Patron'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course you don't always set up the curious straight girls or new bi or lesbian girls with other patrons. Sometimes you decide she'd enjoy going home with you more instead. You are usually quite cetain you'll enjoy it more that way. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't leave Bailey out though. She gets to watch as the other girl gets to feel the pleasure you know the frat boys on campus never would have given her. Bailey only gets to watch. She's not allowed to touch you or your guest. At least [[not yet|Part15JobBartender2Bailey2]]. She's not even allowed to touch herself until she begs for permission. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You give Bailey permission to touch herself, but not to orgasm. You can barely hear Bailey's frustrated whimper later as she stops touching her self just before she cums, and then watches as your guest hold your face against her as your practiced tongue brings her to her first orgasm tonight. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Letting Bailey join in</h1> <video src="Part15/Bar3.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'Bar Patron', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Bailey'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'Bar Patron', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Bailey'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'Bar Patron', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Bailey'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your guest doesn't have any practice pleasuring another woman. But you've made sure Bailey is horny enough that it doesn't matter and she soon has Bailey screaming in pleasure. After many more hours of pleasure and orgasms for all three of you, the three of your fall asleep. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next morning your new friend gathers her clothes and heads home. You know she may still be wondering if she's lesbian or bi. But after last night, you know she doesn't think of herself as straight anymore. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>><<nobr>> <h1>Telling the girls apart (imagining)</h1> <video src="Part15/Bar8.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Lots of couples come into the bar. Some of the regulars are annoyed by them, but you aren't. For one, the guys usually tip well, probably to look good in front of their girlfriend. But also because you know many of the girls will be back later without him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course some of the girls are just here out of curiosity, either their own or their boyfriend's. But some are here feeling something deeper. There are three different types of girls that come in as part of a couple, and you can usually figure out which a woman pretty quickly. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> First, there's the ones just here for fun and curiosity, and they'll stay for a while and then leave with their boyfriend. Maybe the boyfriend will be especially turned on and they'll have wild sex tonight. But you probably will never know, since they usually don't come back right away, if at all. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Next, there are the closeted lesbians. They'd had feelings but either suppressed them, or knew about them and kept them quiet. Sometimes the guy they are here with is just a friend, here to help them make the first step into the life the want to live. Sometimes the guy is a boyfriend, someone she's been trying to pretend she has feelings for because that was what was expected. If so, he's probably in for some disappointment, as once his girlfiend discoveres who she really is, their relationship is doomed. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And finally, there are the ones somewhere in the middle. Maybe they already know they are bi, maybe they'll discover that about themselves tonight. Either way, you are sure to let one of your regulars that likes to have fun with couples know. All three of them are sure to have a fun night. The guy will get the threesome he's been fantasizing about. And the girl will discover, or be reminded, that she's never happier than when her head is between a beautiful womans legs, while her boyfriend's cock fills her. Of course your regular will have another wonderful night too, and be sure to thank you next time she sees you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Fun with a couple</h1> <video src="Part15/Bar8.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'Bar Patron'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Some of the ladies at the bar are annoyed about the straight couples that visit the bar. But you don't mind at all. They usually tip well, and they can be a lot of fun. They probably wouldn't have came in there if the girl wasn't at least a bit curious about her sexuality. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> A threesome is just a little flirting away. Then when you get off work, you'll have her head between your legs while her boyfriend fucks her. You warn her he might not last as long since he'll probably enjoy the show the two of you are giving him. But you tell her not to worry, you'll make sure she gets off too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As soon as she finishes getting you off, <<if setup.sexMaleCount() == 0>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'Bar Patron', repeat:true})>> you'll put on your strap-on and take her boyfriend's place fucking her. It won't take long until he's hard again and his cock is in her mouth while the two of you fuck her from each end. <<else>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Bar Patron', vaginal:true})>> you'll switch places with her, licking clean the mess her boyfriend left and finish getting her off. You'll keep going as her boyfriend gets hard again and starts fucking you this time. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know everyone will be leaving that evening with a smile on their face. <<if setup.areDating('Kate')>> <br><br> Kate doesn't mind the fun you have when she is away. Especially since, more often than not, they'll eventually be another threesome. That one will be just you, Kate, and the girl from the couple. Her boyfriend will either be dumped by then, or perhaps just home jerking off to the thought of what his girlfriend is doing at that moment. <br><br> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <<elseif setup.sexMaleCount() == 0 and ($PlayerSideEffectDominant or setup.isFormerNeighbour("Peter"))>> Though that's [[not always the case|Part15JobBartender4]]. <<else>> <br><br> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Fun while her husband watches</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Bar9.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="650"></video> </div> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex: 'female', anon: 'Bar Patron'})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex: 'female', anon: 'Bar Patron', repeat: true})>> <<set $BarPatronChastity to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.isFormerNeighbour("Peter")>> You'd first learned about guys in chastity cages from your former neighbour Peter. You'd even let him watch you and the girl you were with before, while he was locked in his cage, of course. <br><br> <</if>> You don't have any interest or use in a guy's cock, and the thought of shifting all the power in the relationship over to the wife or girlfriend turns you on. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Bar10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="right"> Not every couple is going to be interested, but you love it when you find one. Sometimes you don't find out until you're back at their place, and he strips down and reveals his cage. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Other times you suspect it when you first meet them. When you see how submissive he is, catch a glimpse of the panties he's wearing, or spot the key around his wife's neck, you know to ask. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When the the husband or boyfriend's face turns red, it's enough to confirm your suspicion before his partner even answers. Though a couple times you've been wrong, and it hasn't been something they were into... yet. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But both times, telling him he'll only be allowed to watch you and his wife together if he's in a chastity cage was enough to convince to stop by the sex store on the way back to their place. You don't doubt he's probably fantasized about wearing one before now, but has just been too embarrassed to admit it to his wife. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He stays locked in his cage the entire time you are there, watching as you make his wife cum again and again. If he's well behaved, you sometimes allow him to eat his wife out while her head is between your legs, with his cage still on. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I recommend you don't let him out until he's at least as good as you and I were at giving orgasms," you usually say to her, with him listening. "And I recommend keeping locked after that too. You can always get a good strap-on if you ever want to give him an orgasm for some reason." <</nobr>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>><<nobr>> <h1>Bring your Buddy to work day</h1> At first you have Bailey helping you behind the bar on "Bring your Buddy to work day." <<if setup.areDating("Bailey")>> There's lots of great things about Bailey, but she's <<else>> But Bailey has <</if>> never done a honest day's work in her life, and she's mainly just in the way back there. So send her out to have fun and "entertain the guests" instead. Of course that just means for her to go out and have fun while you work. <<if $BuddyDating>> <br><br> Of course the fact that $BuddyDating has been waiting at the bar the whole time probably explains why she was distracted, but it also guarantees she has no problem jumping straight into forgetting about work and having fun. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Bar11.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.buddyHasGirlfriend()>> <<if setup.areDating("Bailey")>> You check on her as often as you can. At first she's at a table by herself. But the next time you check on her, she's got her back to the wall with a hot freshman lesbian's tongue in her mouth. <br><br> You stop by for a minute to say high and get a free drink for Bailey's new friend. The next time you stop by you mention what time your shift ends, and Bailey say's the new girl is eager for then, and to [[go home with the two of you|Part15JobBartender6FFF]]. <<else>> You check on her a few times through the night, and her and $BuddyDating seem to be having a great time. Eventually you see the two of them head out together, with their hands all over each other. Pretty soon Bailey will have her girlfriend's head burried between her legs. Meanwhile you'll still be working for several more hours. <br><br> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <</if>> <<else>> <<if setup.buddyHasBoyfriend()>> At first Bailey is by $BuddyDating's side. But the next time you check on her she's got her back to the wall with one of the regular's tongue in her mouth. You have to go back to the bar to work before you can see how $BuddyDating <<else>> At first Bailey is sitting at a table by herself. But the next time you check on her, you see some bicurious girl with her back to the wall and Bailey's tongue in her mouth. You have to go back to the bar to work before you can see how the girl's boyfriend <</if>> is going to react. But it must have been well you assume, when you see the three of them [[leave together|Part15JobBartender6MFF]] not long after. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>After work with Bailey and another freshman</h1> <video src="Part15/Bar13.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <<set setup.addSex({anon:"Freshman Lesbian", sex:"female"})>> <<set setup.addSex({name:"Bailey", sex:"female"})>> <<set setup.addSex({anon:"Freshman Lesbian", sex:"female", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({name:"Bailey", sex:"female"})>> <<set setup.addSex({anon:"Freshman Lesbian", sex:"female", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({name:"Bailey", sex:"female"})>> <<set setup.addSex({anon:"Freshman Lesbian", sex:"female", repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Bar14.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="right"> Bailey's eager new friend can't wait to get back home with you and Bailey. She's a baby gay that just came out earlier this semester. Now she's eager to make up for lost time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You, Bailey, and her all take turns pleasuring each other in every possible combination. Eventually the three of you collapse in a naked pile. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next morning the freshman tells you and Bailey what a wonderful time she had. "I hope I find someone and have a relationship like the two of you do someday," she tells you. "But not yet. Right now, I'm having too much fun to want to settle down to just one woman." <</nobr>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>><<nobr>> <h1>Hearing about Bailey's evening</h1> <video src="Part15/Bar12.webm" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next time you see Bailey, she let's you know how her evening went. "It was amazing! I don't know how many times I came that night. First she ate me out, then <<if $BuddyDating>> $BuddyDating <<else>> her boyfriend <</if>> started taking turns fucking us. First me, then her, then back again. He never stayed with me long enough for me to get off, but it was such a turn on. Especially <<if $BuddyDating>> watching $BuddyDating cum inside her. <<else>> having her watch while her boyfriend came inside me. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Of course, he needed a break after that," Bailey continues. "But her and I went right back to taking care of each other until he could go again." She pauses and adds, "Thank you so much for taking me to work with you." <</nobr>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>><<nobr>> <<if $SchoolWeek == 3>> <<include [[Part15JobOffice1]]>> <<elseif $SchoolWeek == 7>> <<include [[Part15JobOffice3]]>> <<elseif $SchoolWeek == 11>> <<include [[Part15JobOffice4]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15JobOffice5]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Minding the dress code</h1> <table width="100%"> <tr><td width="100%"> <img src="Part15/Office1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> <br><br> The company has started being a bit more careful this year due to some of the past complaints they've received. <br><br> Among other new rules, the HR department has put out a detailed dress code policy discussing what is and isn't appropriate office attire. <br><br> Thankfully you've been able to navigate it and find something that strikes the perfect balance of sexy and professional you are trying for. </td></tr> <tr><td> <img src="Part15/Office2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <br><br> Of course it catches the interest of some of your coworkers. Most of them you just ignore. Now they know better than to say anything, or to leer too much, if they want to avoid a visit from HR. <br><br> But the occasional cute one you don't mind looking. You can always adjust your position to give him a better view. <br><br> And if you really want him to notice, you could always cross and uncross your legs for a moment, and let him discover that you've taken advantage of the fact that dress code is completely silent on the subject of underwear. So you haven't bothered to wear any. <br><br> <<if $dating.length>> Of course, it's just harmless fun. <<link $dating[0]>> $dating[0] <<goto [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>> <</link>> isn't going to mind that you sent some poor coworker home with blue balls. <<else>> When you see the bulge in his pants, you are rather certain of the answer you'll get when you ask, "Do you already have plans? Or would you like to eat <span style="font-size: 60%">me</span> out for lunch?" Of course [[he thinks that sounds like a great idea|Part15JobOffice2]]. <</if>> </td></tr> </table> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Eating out for lunch</h1> <<set setup.addSex({anon:"coworker", sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({anon:"coworker", sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({anon:"coworker", sex:"male", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({anon:"coworker", sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({anon:"coworker", sex:"male", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({anon:"coworker", sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({anon:"coworker", sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({anon:"coworker", sex:"male", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({anon:"coworker", sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({anon:"coworker", sex:"male", repeat:true})>> <img src="Part11/FWB9.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Neither of you report to each other, so it's just two adults having fun outside work. So as long as you are back at work on time, HR has nothing to complain about. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> So you always make sure whoever it is starts with you first. You let him know that if he does a good job and gets you off, then you'll consider giving him a quick blowjob before it's time to head back to the office. If there's time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Working to meet a deadline</h1> <img src="Part15/Office3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Sometimes you are far too busy for fun and games, and need to work straight through lunch to meet an important deadline. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Thankfully you have enough of the guys around the office eager to make you happy, that there's always someone willing to run out and pick you up a coffee or a sandwich so you can just keep working. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Office Halloween Party</h1> <img src="Part15/Office4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It takes you a while, but you manage to find something that looks sexy for the office Halloween party. But something that won't upset HR. You are going as a character from a children's cartoon after all, what do they have to be upset about? <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $BodyType == "Plus">> You are happy with how you look in your costume. Obviously, you don't have the same figure as the cartoon character, or even the model wearing it on the website you'd ordered it from. But they got the right size for you, and it highlights all your curves in just the right way. <<else>> You are thrilled when you look just as hot in your costume as you'd hoped. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You get plenty of looks from your coworkers, just like you'd hoped. One thing you'd hope for, well fantasized about at least, doesn't happen though. The sexy villain your character often faced off against isn there to capture you. You don't end up tied and helpless, unable to stop her from doing whatever she wants to you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Office5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> Maybe you'll have to go back to that website and order a costume for $dating[0] to wear and act out your fantasy sometime. <<elseif $dating.length>> Maybe you'll have to go back to that website and order a costume for $dating[0] to wear and act out your fantasy sometime. He'd have his pick of which of the male villains he'd want to be. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> Maybe you can find someone to tie you 'interrogate' anyway. If they blindfolded you, you could pretend they were any of the villians you wanted to. <<else>> You don't doubt you'll be dreaming about that scenario again tonight. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Bring your Buddy to Work Day</h1> You'd told her about the dress code, but you had worried that Bailey would wear something inappropriate to work and you'd end up getting a call from HR tomorrow. You'd also worried she might go to the other extreme, and wear something boring and be grumpy about it all day. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <table> <tr> <td><img src="Part15/Office6a.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"></td> <td><img src="Part15/Office6b.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="Part15/Office6c.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"></td> <td><img src="Part15/Office6d.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"></td> </tr> </table> Thankfully, Bailey struck the perfect balance. Not revealing or provocative enough to upset HR, but still sexy enough to ensure that all eyes were on Bailey, which made her happy. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, she wasn't all that much help at the office, but no one ever is on their first day, so you weren't expecting much from her only day. But she didn't seem to hate it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You suspect if her dad wasn't giving her enough money for everything, something like this might be the kind of job she'd wants. Which is probably a good thing, since she plans on working at her dad's business after graduation. You laugh a bit to yourself wondering how he'd feel about her outfit today. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>><<nobr>> <<if $SchoolWeek == 3>> <<if $JobBetaTester>> <<include [[Part15JobBaristaWeek3Chastity]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15JobBaristaWeek3]]>> <</if>> <<elseif $SchoolWeek == 7>> <<if $JobBetaTester == "chaste">> <<include [[Part15JobBaristaWeek7Chaste]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15JobBaristaWeek7]]>> <</if>> <<elseif $SchoolWeek == 11>> <<if $JobBetaTester == "chaste">> <<include [[Part15JobBaristaWeek11Chaste]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15JobBaristaWeek11]]>> <</if>> <<else>> <<if $JobBetaTester == "chaste">> <<include [[Part15JobBaristaWeek13Chaste]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15JobBaristaWeek13]]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>On break at work</h1> <img src="Part15/Barista2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Later, when you and several coworkers are on break, you complain about a rude customer you'd had earlier. "Really, I don't know what that bitch's problem was. I made her latte just the way she asked. It's not my fault she misordered," you continue. "And I was going to remake the fucking thing to if she hadn't demanded to see the manager before I even could." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You coworkers all agree that she was ridiculous. Some even say they'd had similar problems with her in the past. After venting a bit, you stop by the restroom to pee and wash up before heading back for the rest of your shift. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You put on a happy face once you are back in front of customers. Thankfully the remainder of your shift is uneventful, but you are still exhausted by the time you head home. You're too tired to do much of anything tonight. Hopefully tomorrow will be less stressful. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> [[Continue|Part15AfterMainJob]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> You wonder what it's for? <<if $DailyBJMinimum>> You know it isn't your minimum blow job target. You definitely exceeded it yesterday. <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>> You smile, hoping Andrew's balls don't still ache today. <</if>> <</if>> You figure they must be testing something with the belt again. Wonderful. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I made her latte just the way she asked. It's not my fault she misordered," you continue. "And I was going to remake the fucking thing..." Another, slightly stronger shock hits and you can't help but cry out, "Fuck!" Then a much stronger shock hits. It dawns on you what is happening, so you instinctively slap your hand over your mouth as you double over in pain. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your coworkers can see you are in pain, though none of them have a clue as to why. "I'm ok," you tell them quickly, before they start to wonder. <<if $PregnancyWeek >= 15>> "These may hurt like... heck, but hey aren't real contractions. The real ones will be much worse." <<else>> "It's just cramps. They hurt like... heck today." <</if>> You stand and add, "Excuse me. I need a minute to freshen up before the rest of my shift." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You quickly head to the restroom. Once you are safely in a stall you pull out your phone. "Profanity Filter Violation," the notifications say. "Are you fucking kidding me?" You flinch, but then realize you only thought the words that time and didn't say them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You briefly check to see if there's a way to turn it off, and aren't surprised when you find none. You don't have time to worry about it now. You have to get back to work, and it's not like you curse in front of customers, so it doesn't matter for now. You can worry about it more <<if $JobBetaTester == "chaste">> [[after work|Part15ChastityLanguageChaste]]. <<else>> [[after work|Part15ChastityLanguage]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> "Shit! No... darn!" you think to yourself, trying to correct your language even in your thoughts. You realize you just set off the profanity filter on your belt again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You try to act like nothing happened, and tell your coworkers your the sudden gasp you just made was just from a cramp. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You head back to work and are going to concentrate on not saying any bad words, even in back with your coworkers. That second shock was more painful than the one earlier, and you don't want to feel what the next one after that is like. Maybe you can look on the app [[after work|Part15ChastityLanguageDeny]] to see if you can get a list of exactly which words you shouldn't use. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>On break at work</h1> <img src="Part15/Chastity1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next day at work, when you and several coworkers are on break, you are complaining about a rude customer you'd had earlier. "Really, I don't know what that bitch's problem was." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You flinch a bit when you feel a shock from the belt hit. <<if $JobBetaTester == "deny">> <<include [[Part15JobBaristaWeek3ChastityDeny]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15JobBaristaWeek3ChastityStandard]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Only good girls get orgasms</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Chastity3.webm" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> </div> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(70, {sex:"male"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It has been a long day at work. You were careful not to use any other bad words, and you were sure to get your daily blowjobs in as well, so you plan on relaxing a bit. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But your belt has other plans, as it springs to life and starts stimulating you. It's just like it does when you are sucking cock, except more intense, getting you close to an orgasm faster than normal. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It also doesn't hold you there like normal. Instead it just abruptly stops, just a moment too soon. When it does, you see a notification appear on your phone: <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <blockquote> <b>Orgasms are a reward for good girls. Not sluts like you.</b><br> The preceding tease was a reminder:<br> Sluts like you are for giving orgasms, not receiving them.<br> And you mouth is for sucking cock, not bad language.<br> <br> To help you remember this, for the next 7 days, beginning today:<br> - your daily oral service requirement has been doubled<br> - oral encouragement teasing has been disabled<br> - punishments for failure to meet quota have been increased<br> <br> </blockquote> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You check the time, and see you'll need to head out now to find a few more cocks to make your goal. You notice the absense of the vibrations as you suck this round of cocks. It doesn't matter though, you realize you love sucking cock, even without the added encouragement. Though, you'll certainly be glad when it's back too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Bad girls get denied</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Chastity3.webm" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobBarista>> It has been a long day at work. <<else>> When you get home you're stressed from the new setting on your belt, and from watching your team lose. <</if>> You know an orgasm would help you take your mind off your stressful day, but you know better than to even bother requesting one right now. You know the belt won't give you one today, not after deciding to punish you earlier in the day. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> So you just try to put it out of your mind. You don't even want to look into the new 'feature' they've added to your belt right now. You know there's not going to be anything you can do about it anyway. You are careful to avoid any cursing the rest of the night though. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next morning as you are getting ready you feel your belt start to stimulate you. As you feel it slowly bringing you closer and closer to an orgasm you are glad the belt has forgiven you. You didn't even need to request this orgasm, it must have just known how much you needed one after yesterday. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But before you cum, the belt stops abruptly and you see a notification appear on your phone: <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <blockquote> <b>Orgasms are a reward for good girls. Bad girls get denied.</b><br> As a reminder of this, you will be receiving multiple daily teases and edges.<br> Orgasms will be allowed again once you learn to be a good girl and watch your language. </blockquote> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I hate this stupid belt!," you say in frustration. Even in your frustration and anger, you were careful not to curse. But you are shocked anyway. Another notification appears on your belt explaining why. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <blockquote> <b>Belt Complaint Detected</b><br> Only bad girls complain. Good girls know and accept their place.<br> Denial period has been extended. </blockquote> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You keep the thoughts filling your mind now to yourself. Once you finish getting ready you finally go check out the details on the new "Profanity Filter" they added to your belt. You see that in addition to the words you expected to be there, there are a few others you hadn't thought of. But then there's the vague things like "Requesting Belt Removal" and "Defiant Tone." And, of course "Belt Complaints," which you had already discovered. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It doesn't say what words or phrases are forbidden by these. You don't want to risk triggering it again though, so you decide you'll just have to be careful to not say anything that might set it off. You'll try not to even think about those things and risk saying something out loud on accident. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $JobBikiniBaristaOld>> <h1>Hired as a manager</h1> <<else>> <h1>Promotion</h1> <</if>> <img src="Part15/Barista3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <<set $JobBaristaManager to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobBikiniBaristaOld>> You were worried that having Brian's shop on your resume would kill your chances, but it does the opposite. Seeing your experience, and how you were essentially a manager at the other shop, they decide to hire you on as an 'assistant shift leader', or something like that. <br><br> Whatever the exact title is, you'll be getting paid a bit more than you were expecting and on the management track for future promotions. <br><br> The only down-side is that now when some annoying person demands to speak with the manager, it might be you that has to deal with them. That sort of a thing is much more of an issue here. Customers at your old shop always seemed very happy for some reason. <<elseif $BrokenLegJobChange>> You are worried he's not happy with your performance when your new boss calls you into his office. But then he comments on how impressed he is with your leadership skills. He's happy with how you've helped diffuse some interpersonal conflicts between other workers, handled difficult customers, and been diligient about your own work as well. <br><br> He's decided you are more suited to a management-track role and he promotes you to 'assistant shift leader'. Your job will mostly be the same, except a bit more training of the newer staff, and it comes with a small raise, which is nice. And you'll eventually be in line for future promotions higher up the management chain. <<else>> You are worried you've done something wrong when the boss calls you into his office. But then he lets you know what a great worker you are, and how you've managed to deal with some of the difficult customers that come in sometimes. <br><br> Now you are an 'assistant shift leader', or something like that. Your job will mostly be the same, except a bit more training of the newer staff, and it comes with a small raise, which is nice. And it puts you on the management track for future promotions. <br><br> The only down-side is that now when some annoying person demands to speak with the manager, it might be you that has to deal with them. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are happy <<if $JobBetaTester == "deny">> [[heading home|Part15Week]] <<elseif ($JobBetaTester and !$tempShowedBetaTester) or ($dating.length and !setup.areDating("Bailey"))>> [[heading home|Part15AfterMainJob]] <<else>> [[heading home|Part15Week]] <</if>> after your first day in the new position. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Checking your belt between customers</h1> <img src="Part15/Chastity5.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After a long busy rush, the coffee shop has finally died down and you have a minute to look at the app on your phone to check the status of your chastity belt. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You were so relieved earlier this week, after your belt finally decided you'd been good long enough to allow you orgasms again. That first one after the punishment period felt so good, you smile remembering it. But you were surprised the next day, when the belt sprang to life. After thirty madening minutes you discovered it wasn't giving you an orgasm. Instead it would let your pleasure build, but then reduce the stimulation and let it die down, only to start back up again afterwards. Finally ending with keeping you right on the edge of an orgasm for an eternity, then stopping abruptly. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The notification that followed made it clear what was happening: <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <blockquote> <b>Good work on your behavior improvement! Orgasm requests are now permitted.</b><br> As a reward, and to remind you to maintain proper behavior, you will continue to receive one or more teasing sessions daily.<br> These will not occur during work hours at your place of employment, or during scheduled class times. </blockquote> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You, of course, immediately requested an orgasm. "Request denied - too soon since last orgasm." was the immediate response. You feel a moment of desire to be free of the belt, but you quickly push the thought from your mind. You are too afraid of saying something it thinks is a complaint, so you've tried to stop even thinking of anything like that. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Seeing that it's been over 48 hours now since your orgasm, you request again. You are again met with a "Request denied - too soon since last orgasm." message. All you can do is accept the denial, and hope for a different answer [[tomorrow|Part15JobBaristaWeek7Chaste2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Teased between classes</h1> <img src="Part15/Chastity6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> You feel like you are horny all the time now. You'd tried to request an orgasm the day after you received the notification that they were allowed again, and again the day after that, and several times a day after that, all the request were denied. <<if !setup.haveFucked("Frat Guy")>> All of them saying it was too soon since your last orgasm. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know you wouldn't be so horny all the time if your belt didn't tease you every day, sometimes several times a day. You never know when it's going to decide to start teasing you, except that it doesn't happen at work, or when you are in class. You guess it wants you to keep doing your job and schoolwork. Today it has decided to start up while you are walking across campus, during a break between classes. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once it starts you find a bench to sit down at and try to hide your obvious arousal from everyone around you. Once the teasing stops, denying you the orgasm you need again, you stare at the "Request Orgasm" button again. You quickly press it. Of course, you get denied again, but this time the message is different: <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <blockquote> <b>Request Denied - Excessive Orgasm Requests Detected.</b><br> Addictive behavior suspected.<br> Please stand by while your arousal history is analyzed.<br> </blockquote> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "What!" you say in shock. You cringe expecting a shock. But there is none, as the rest of your thoughts on the message weren't said out loud. Instead, you sit patiently and wait for the app to give you the belt's decision. It still hasn't responded when it's time for class. It's not until later in the afternoon, after your classes, that an answer comes back: <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <blockquote> <b>Arousal History Analysis Complete - Results Inconclusive</b><br> Consistently high arousal level observed, but possibly correlated to belt's tease and denial activity.<br> All orgasms and teases disabled pending manual evaluation. </blockquote> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You blush as you imagine someone in the engineering department going over detailed charts of how horny you've been, how many times you've requested an orgasm, probably even how many times you've been so wet it's leaked through the belt and made you need to change panties. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You had been complaining, silently to yourself of course, about how frustrating the teases it kept giving you were. But after two days without them, you are wishing for them to return. It wasn't an orgasm, but it was something at least. You need something... But all you can do is wait. Without the teasing you feel even hornier than before, needing something, anything, to happen between your legs. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Finally, on the third day the belt you get a notification [[that a decision has been made|Part15JobBaristaWeek7Chaste3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Addictive behavior confirmed</h1> <img src="Part15/Chastity7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <blockquote> <b>Decision reached - Addictive behaior confirmed</b><br> After a manual review, it has been determined that the orgasm<br> request functionality is causing an addictive response in you.<br> For your safety, wearer addiction protocols will now be enabled. </blockquote> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Wait, what does that mean?" you wonder but don't say out loud. "I'm not addicted!" you think. You want to appeal the decision, but you know it won't be any use. They'd just see that as desperation, and be more conviced you're addicted -- to what? Orgasms? Instead you try to figure out what these "protocols" it is referring to are. You don't have to wonder long, because soon another notifications appears. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <blockquote> <b>Wearer addiction protocols enabled</b><br> Orgasm capability reenabled, but wearer orgasm request functionality disabled.<br> Only reward-based or owner-provided orgasms will now be allowed.<br> Previously activated behavior reminders continuing at reduced frequency. </blockquote> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Since your 'owner' is the engineering department, you don't expect they'll be any 'owner-provided' orgasms while that continues. And they already told you, that even if you met someone, they won't add them as an owner until after the testing period is over. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are left wondering what the 'reward-based' orgasms are. You know the belts the slutty girls are in gives them orgasms for giving out blowjobs, but you know your belt isn't going to do that. <<if setup.haveInventory('piercings', 'tongue sensor') or $ChastityChasteAttempts>> You've already had a taste of how painful giving one of those would be. <<else>> They were very clear about how painful it would be for you if you even tried to give one of those. <</if>> <<if setup.sexMaleCount() == 0>>Not that you would, of course.<</if>> You don't even notice your finger teasing your lips as you think about it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you can't even see what it has for you instead, since the app has locked you out entirely for now. You'll have to [[wait until tomorrow|Part15JobBaristaWeek7Chaste4]] to find out. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Earning Points</h1> <img src="Part15/Chastity8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next day, once the app lets you back in, you go in to see how to earn an orgasm. You see it works on a points system to encourage 'good behavior'. It says it's based on the preferences and goals you gave during registration. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> There are different 'training routines' you can sign up for. You earn a set number of points every week for each of them. And whenever you reach 100 points, you get an orgasm! But if you sign up for one of the 'routines', it commits you to continuing with it, and starts punishing you with shocks and taking points away if you miss it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You start going down the list picking off the easy ones you know you can do:<br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> - Religious services: "Weekly church/synagogue/mosque/etc. attendance: 5 points/week, 5 point penalty per absence."<br> You've stopped going to church as regularly, but this one is easy so you sign up for it. Faith and Mark will be happy to see you coming every Sunday again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> - Exercise: "30 minutes/day: 1 point/day at least twice a week. (Maximum: 5 points/week.)"<br> <<if $BodyType == 'Fit'>> This one will be a breeze for you. <<elseif $BodyType == 'Plus'>> You hate exercising, but you know you probably should be doing it anyway. <<else>> Exercise isn't your favorite thing, but you know you should being doing it, so it's an easy five points. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> - Good student: "Penalty for missed clasess. Bonus points awarded at end of term for good grades." This one was automatically checked, and it won't let you uncheck it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> - Personal grooming: "Shaving body hair at least twice a week. 1 point each time (Maximum: 3 points/week.)"<br> <<if $PlayerNoBodyHair>> This one is disabled for you, since they knew it's not an issue for you. <<else>> You do this most of the time anyway, so why not earn points for it. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> - [[Daily Affirmations|Part15JobBaristaWeek7Chaste5]]: "Reciting motivation phrases to encourage personal growth. (Up to 3 points/week, with bonus stimulation and/or orgasm)<br> Affirmations are based on sexuality and gender role preferences you previously provided."<br> This one seems really easy, and with the promise of bonus stimulation and maybe even orgasms, of course you check it! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Most of the other ones look to require a lot more work and you aren't sure you want to do them, let alone commit to doing them or getting punished. Things like learning a new language, <<if $BodyType == 'Plus'>> losing weight, <<elseif $BodyType == 'Fit'>> training to run a marathon, <<else>> training to run a 10K race, <</if>> and volunteering for <<if $SororityELP>> even more hours than you already do <<else>> hours <</if>> every week. You'd hate to sign up, then try and fail and get punished for it, so you skip those. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Daily Affirmations</h1> The next morning, after getting your daily exercise requirement <<if !$PlayerNoBodyHair>>and personal grooming<</if>> done, you start with your first day of 'daily affirmations'. You start up the app and pull up that option. It presents you with a list of instructions. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <blockquote> <b>Daily Affirmation - Instructions</b><br> Keep your phone camera pointed at your face at all times.<br> Speak clearly and be sincere.<br> If signs of insincerity are detected, penalties may apply.<br> Sessions are permanently archived for later evaluation.<br> Select sessions may be made available for review by your current or future partners. </blockquote> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your only option is to hit "Agree" and continue. Then it says to repeat each phrase as it appears. That instruction fades and is replaced with an image of your face from the camera. A moment later the phrase. "<b><i>I am committed to staying chaste until I am married</i></b>," appears. You don't feel as sure about that as you did $SchoolWeek weeks ago. But you repeat the phrase as earnestly as you can. It then has you repeat it several more times before going on to the next phrase. You smile as you you feel gentle vibrations from the belt start rewarding you for your first affirmation. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "<b><i>Sexual desire is natural and a wonderful part of a healthy marriage</i></b>," you repeat this one several times without any problems. The vibrations continue to stimulate you and even increase a bit. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You stare at the screen when "<b><i>But, I am not capable of controlling my sexual urges</i></b>," appears on the screen. You hesitate to say it, especially knowing your future boyfriend, and eventual husband, might see this. After a few moments the pleasant sensations from the belt stop and you see a countdown appear on the screen: "5... 4..." <</nobr>> <img src="Part15/Chastity9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <<nobr>> You are afraid of what will happen if it gets to zero, so you reluctantly repeat the phrase. After it warns you about being sincere, you repeat the phrase again. It accepts your response that time, and has you repeat it several more times. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "<b><i>I need to be locked in my chastity belt to protect me from my urges</i></b>," it says. Thinking of someone else looking at this makes you hesitant to say the words, but you say them anyway. As the words come out of your mouth, deep down you know that they are true. The belt resumes its stimulation as it continues on to the next phrase. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Several more phrases come up and you repeat each one: First, "<b><i>I can't be trusted to decide when I orgasm</i></b>." Your voice trembles a bit as you say, "<b><i>My orgasms should be a rare and precious gift</i></b>." You bite your lower lip as you say, "<b><i>I am eager to learn how to give pleasure to my future husband with my belt still on</i></b>," while you imagine the most obvious way to do that. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With each phrase, when you say it sincerly and without hestiation the vibrations increase. You are warned once to make sure your face is visible when you cover your mouth to hide a moan. But thankfully, you are not punished for that. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The screen for the final affirmation is different. This one tells you to speak in your own words and tells you to describe why you need to be in a chastity belt. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You start by just paraphrasing what you said earlier, and as you continue talking you feel the belts vibrations increase. You are eager for it to continue so you start adding more. You talk about how you want your wedding night to be special, and about how you want your future husband to be the only man you are ever with. But as you continue the vibrations increase and you become distracted. When you repeat something you've already said, you see a message that it was not accepted, and are warned that another repeat will end the session. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Desperate for the stimulation to continue, you start saying anything you think the program wants to hear. You ramble on about what a horny slut you are, about what you would do if you were unlocked, and how you need to be locked to protect yourself. But eventually the pleasure distracts you too much and you repeat yourself again, and the stimulation abruptly stops. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <blockquote> <b>Daily Affirmation - Complete</b><br> Good Job! 1 point awarded<br> Total points earned: <<if $PlayerNoBodyHair>>2<<else>>3<</if>> points<br> </blockquote> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Later that day, when you are counting out your points, you realize that even if you earn all <<if $PlayerNoBodyHair>> <<set $BeltPointsPerWeek to 13>> 13 points per week, it'll still be 7 or 8 <<else>> <<set $BeltPointsPerWeek to 16>> 16 points per week, it'll still be 6 or 7 <</if>> weeks until your next orgasm. But there's nothing you can do about that right now. You decide to earn the 1 bonus point it has offered you by spending 30 minutes rewatching the recording it made of your affirmations. You can only hope that it will offer more bonus points sometime later. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set $tempShowedBetaTester to 1>> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Enjoying your work</h1> <img src="Part15/Barista4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobBikiniBaristaOld>> Most days its a refreshing change to not be expected to be nearly naked, or encouraged to sexually service customers, or anything else like that. You just get to focus on your job, and keep things professional at work now. <br><br> The worst you've had to deal with is the rare customer who has tried slapping your ass or something else wildly inappropriate. Of course they promptly get kicked out and told never to return. Even if you don't mind it as much, you want to make sure the other girls here don't have to deal with people like that. <br><br> <img src="Part15/Barista5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> <br><br> Sometimes you miss the sexy feeling you had working in your bikini, and you definitely miss the tips you got back then. But for the most part, you are glad to just focus on your work. <<else>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> Hearing how so <<else>> Knowing how <</if>> many of the jobs around campus revolve around sex in some way, you are glad your job doesn't expect anything like that of you. You just get to focus on your job, and keep things professional at work, which is how you want it. <br><br> The worst you've had to deal with is the rare customer who has tried slapping your ass or something else wildly inappropriate. Of course they promptly get kicked out and told never to return, so you don't have to deal with them for long. <br><br> <img src="Part15/Barista5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> <br><br> You are so happy you aren't one of those "bikini baristas" at <<if $BrokenLegJobChange>> that other coffee shop you heard about. <<else>> Brian's coffee shop. <</if>> You are much happier just making your customers' orders, and not being on display. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> [[Continue|Part15AfterMainJob]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Exciting notification while studying</h1> <img src="Part15/Chastity10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<set $tempBeltPoints to ($BeltPointsPerWeek * 4 - 5)>> <<set $tempBeltPointsWish to ($tempBeltPoints + 25)>> Between the weekly points you've been earning and the bonus points you've earned you should have had $tempBeltPointsWish points by now. You could have been having an orgasm <<if $tempBeltPointsWish + $BeltPointsPerWeek >= 100>> next week! <<else>> in a couple weeks! <</if>> But you've also lost points along the way: for being late for class once, for cursing, for complaining about your belt, and more. So instead you only have $tempBeltPoints points, and an orgasm is still weeks away! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You need that orgasm so much right now, so your heart races when you see the notification on your phone: <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <blockquote> <b>Congratulations! Orgasm Reward Available.</b><br> Based on your profile, you've been selected for an optional training program.<br> Once the easy signup requirements are completed you will recieve your orgasm!<br> Please check your email for details on how to accept or decline this offer.<br> Note: There is no penalty for declining this offer. (*) </blockquote> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You hurry to your email to see the details. It says that you've been signed up because your profile indicated that you were a heterosexual virgin, but have a strong desire to have a rewarding sex life with your husband someday. "I suppose that's pretty accurate," you think to yourself. Reading it makes you realize you've been fantasizing a lot about your wedding night lately. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They are promising to help "Teach you to be the best wife you can be" and that their "[[Wife training program|Part15JobBaristaWeek11Chaste2]]" program is "consistent with your desire to remain chaste." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You see there are only two requirements to earn your orgasm. You have to stop by the engineering department and pick up your "training kit". Then go home and complete an "easy initial training session". You will orgasm at the completion of your session! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You already know your points reset after an orgasm, so the extra $tempBeltPoints you have now will be lost. But this new program says it can award you "up to 40 points/week, plus occasional bonus points"! With that and your regular points, you could be having an orgasm every other week! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You see the footnote at the end, and see what that asterisk meant on the notification. It looks like if you decline you won't be punished, but your points will be reset to zero, whether you get the orgasm from signing up or not. You'd already decided you couldn't pass up the offer. You didn't need any more convincing. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your first training session</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Chastity11.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> </div> <<set setup.addInventory('tools', 'wife training kit')>> <<set setup.addInventory('tools', 'anal cleaning kit')>> <<set setup.addInventory('tools', 'makeup')>> <<set setup.addInventory('tools', 'razors')>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'practice dildo')>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'anal training plugs')>> When you get to the engineering department and pick up your "wife training kit", you are a bit shocked when you see the contents. "You don't want to disappoint your future husband on your wedding night do you?" the person giving you the kit asks. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "No. Of course not. I guess I just thought that he..." you don't finish the sentence. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You expected him to have experience even if you didn't? Or that you assumed he would enjoy himself while you just laid there?" Actually, you realize you'd assumed both of those. But you sense this technician has had this same conversation several times today and is a bit annoyed. You just nod and apologize and take the kit. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you get home you open the belt's app again. It knows you've picked up the kit and gives you the option to start your first training session. You are eager for the orgasm it promised, you start it immediately. It tells you to get out the practice dildo and how to get it ready. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are alone in the room, but you still feel embarrassed as you begin the session. Especially since you are required to have your phone pointing at you, so the system can observe and record your whole session. But the gentle stimulation the belt starts giving you soon make you forget about the embarrassment and eager to continue. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You still don't know what you are doing and are constantly getting instructions told to you by your phone as you go. You feel like you are getting better though, and the stimulation from your belt has increased, and you feel yourself getting closer to an orgasm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But then one of the sensors in the dildo notices when you accidentally let your teeth hit the dildo. The stimulation abruptly stops as your phone tells you what you did wrong. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It then tells you to take a 15 minute rest and hydration break before you [[begin again|Part15JobBaristaWeek11Chaste3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Finishing your first training session</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Chastity12.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> </div> You are on your third try, you've been practicing on your dildo for well over an hour now. But you think you've gotten much better. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> There's very few instructions coming from your phone now. It's mostly just the recorded moans of some guy that it is giving you now to encourage you. The app has also switched to a deeper 'male' voice to give the occasional compliment on how well you are doing. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The 'moans' have increased and the apps regular voice returns to tell you, "Don't stop. Your husband is about to cum. Make sure you swallow every drop for him." <<if setup.haveInventory('piercings', 'tongue sensor')>> You wonder if you'll get punished tomorrow for swallowing it, but you don't care. You'll do whatever it tells you to do for the orgasm it's promised. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You hear another moan, the kind you've heard guys make in porn when they cum. Then you feel your practice dildo shoot the fluid you'd loaded it with earlier into your mouth. <<if setup.haveInventory('piercings', 'tongue sensor')>> It tastes and feels so much like before that you wonder if the 'simulation cum' was real cum, maybe from one the engineering technicians. <<else>> It tastes and feels... strange. <</if>> But with the belt stimulating you much more now, you eagerly swallow it down, making sure to get every ounce of it <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Good girl," the app tells you. "You've earned a reward." The stimulation from your belt increases even more. Soon you are crying out as it pushes you over the edge. It keeps going as weeks of denied pleasure finally flow through you. Just when it starts to become too much, the belt begins to die down. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are sitting there, with your head resting on your desk basking in the afterglow when you hear $Roommate say, "Well, it looks like that belt of yours lets you have some fun after all." Mortified and wondering how much she saw, you quickly pack your dildo back into the 'kit'. <<if $Roommate == "Kiera">> Though, if you can work up the nerve, you might ask her later for some advice. You know she's sucked her share of guys off, and you want to do a good job for your next lesson. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your throat is a bit sore the next day, but still you are eager to go again and start earning the points towards your next orgasm. But the app says it is giving your mouth the day off to rest because of how long your session lasted. It says that instead you will be focusing on your 'anal cleaning routine'. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are nervous as you pull out that part of the kit and realize where the nozzle is going to be going in a few minutes. But you are eager to do whatever it takes to earn your points. Oh... and to learn to be a good wife for your future husband, you think afterwards. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set $tempShowedBetaTester to 1>> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Bring your buddy to work day</h1> <img src="Part15/Buddy52.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Today is "Bring your Buddy to Work Day", so you bring Bailey with you to the coffee shop. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating("Bailey")>> You think she's great in lots of other ways, but <</if>> Bailey's never done a hard day's work in her life. And on top of that, she's not really seeing this as a real job, just a fun activity. So she spends more time on her phone that she does actually making any drinks. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Thankfully your boss didn't figure her in when scheduling, so you still have enough people when the store gets slammed. Though it is frustrating running around like crazy preparing orders, while Bailey's laughing at some video clip. <<if setup.areDating("Bailey")>> You'll have to tell her to make it up to you. Tonight [[she can do all the work|Part15JobBaristaWeek13Bailey]] while you just lie back and enjoy yourself. <<else>> <br><br> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Making it up to you</h1> <video src="Part15/Buddy53.webm" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> By your third or fourth orgasm Bailey is completely forgiven for not helping today at the shop. Not that you were ever really mad at her. But it was certainly fun having her work hard while you enjoyed yourself for a change. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>><<nobr>> <h1>Practicing your other 'homework'</h1> <img src="Part15/Chastity13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You have other things to focus on, so you didn't want to be distracted by the "Take your buddy to work day" event you and Bailey were supposed to being doing. She seemed relieved when you gave her the option of just not doing it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't get teased or earn points every time you practice giving your future husband a blowjob any more. The rewards still happen sometimes, if you do an especially good job, but usually just a text praising you for your good job is the only reward you get. But you are still required to practice daily. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You do what you can to remember how to do the best job you can. You hope it'll be second nature for you when your get to show your future husband your skills. But, of course, you also want to make your belts training program happy so you are rewarded now too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> 'Dressing up' isn't necessary, but sometimes you do anyway to make it more fun. You also get wet imagining you're wearing a collar for your future husband, and being used for his pleasure and left horny an still belted the whole time. You confess the same into your phone, and get even more turned on imagining your future husband watching the video some day. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've been less diligent about your other 'homework' from your training program. You've figured out that there's no way for your belt to [[really test|Part15JobBaristaWeek13Chaste2]] how thorough you are with your 'anal cleaning routine'. You usually just wait the right number of minutes and click 'Done' on your phone for the free points. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Testing your cleaning</h1> Today after your anal cleaning you receive a message from your belt. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <blockquote> <b>Congratulations on 15 consecutive days of keeping your ass ready for your husband.</b><br> You will now begin your anal sex training, so that you will be prepared to enjoy the<br> experience as much as your husband will.<br> <br> Affix dildo #4 (suction cup base) to any surface at waist height and strip down to only your belt.<br> For optimum comfort, apply lubricant once dildo is secured<br> Press <b>Ready</b> when complete. </blockquote> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You see a 'Ready' button below the message, but next to the word ready is a number, and it keeps counting down. You realize you only have a set amount of time to get the dildo prepared and stripped. You don't know if you'll be punished if you don't make it in time, or just miss your 'opportunity' to train. But you don't want to find out, so you quickly get to work finding the dildo and preparing it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As soon as you are position, you click 'Ready', with just over 30 seconds left to spare. Unsurprisingly, your are then instructed to stand with your ass to the dildo and slide it into your ass. You've read the instructions your belt had given you before, and <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> gotten wet watching <<else>> watched <</if>> the videos you were told to that demonstrated it. But actually feeling it push past your ass's initial resistance for the first time is something completely different. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But soon you are thrusting back onto the dildo, again and again. You are imagining how much your future husband is enjoying the tightness of your ass, and how much your moans are probably turning him on. <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> It feels so wonderful. You know <<else>> It feels nice. You wonder if <</if>> it would feel even better if was a real cock though, not a pretend one. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> Soon you feel an orgasm building. You stop thrusting when you feel your orgasm hit and waves of pleasure wash over you. You realize it's the first orgasm you've had that wasn't directly from your belt since you'd put it on. Your belt quickly admonishes you not to stop. You quickly resume your thrusting as your belt commanded. <<else>> It feels nice. You wonder if you'd eventually be able to get off from this. You don't have time to find out though. <</if>> After a while longer your belt tells you to pull out, and finish your 'husband' with your mouth. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you see the state of the dildo, you wish you'd had been more diligent with your training routine. But you know better by now than to refuse your belt's instructions. You know your belt doesn't mind if you give a few strokes with your hand before you start your blowjobs. So you do your best to clean your belt with a few strokes before summoning the courage to take the cock into your mouth. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Chastity14.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After the first couple times down the dildo, you don't care anymore. The intense stimulation your belt is giving you make you just want to keep going, hoping it grants you <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>>another<</if>> orgasm. With the dildo deep into your throat, your eyes rollback as your orgasm hits. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <blockquote> <b>Excellent work.</b><br> Now you have another way of pleasuring your husband with your belt still on. </blockquote> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You get to work cleaning up the mess you've made. As you go to brush your teeth, the warm glow of your recent orgasm is still with you. But you still promise to yourself that you are going to be much more careful about your cleaning routine from now on. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $SchoolWeek == 3>> <<include [[Part15JobBikiniBarista1]]>> <<elseif $SchoolWeek == 7>> <<include [[Part15JobBikiniBarista2]]>> <<elseif $SchoolWeek == 11>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> <<include [[Part15JobBikiniBarista5Ministry]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15JobBikiniBarista5]]>> <</if>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15JobBikiniBarista7]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Understaffed</h1> <img src="Part15/Barista6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are enjoying your job, making coffee while you give your customers a little eye candy to brighten their day. <<if setup.haveFucked('Coffee Shop Customer') or setup.haveFucked('coffee aficionado')>> <<if setup.haveFuckedVaginal('coffee aficionado')>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado'})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado', vaginal:true})>> <<else>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(20, {sex: 'male', anon: 'coffee aficionado'})>> <</if>> Well, sometimes you give them quite a bit more than that, but you enjoy that part too. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Unfortunately, there aren't enough girls to cover all the shifts well and you and the few other girls are getting too many hours. You aren't sure if the girls that worked last school year didn't like the job, graduated, or what. But you are glad to hear that Brian is going to be hiring some new girls. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> There are many new freshmen looking for work. In addition to the walk-ins, you refer Monique, one of the girls that just change as part of the implant program. It's a great deal for everyone. She gets a job, he gets an employee, and you get a small bonus and the occasional day off finally. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> [[Continue|Part15AfterMainJob]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Problem with Monique</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Barista7.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Everything has been going great with Monique the last month. Customers love her, she gets tons of tips, she's even decent at making drinks. But then she makes a big mistake. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She's certainly not the first girl to show more than she is legally supposed to. Bending over and showing cleavage is legal and expected. 'accidentally' letting your top fall off happens all the time, as does bending over and giving the customer a little flash. And, of course some girls <<if setup.haveFucked('Coffee Shop Customer') or setup.haveFucked('coffee aficionado')>> like you <</if>> head out to the parking lot for a lot more in the relative privacy of a customer's car. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But Monique took things too far. She gave one happy customer a full show of her masturbating, right there in the drive-thru. It wouldn't have been a big deal, and just meant a happy customer and a big tip, except she also let him film it. He shared it online, and it went viral. And some people recognized your shop as the place in the video. Your boss had to let Monique go, and pretend like it was an isolated incident due to the media coverage. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your boss said he doesn't blame you, even though you were the one that referred her. "No one would have cared, if she'd just hadn't let him film it," he says. "I should probably make that something we cover during training." Still, you can't help but feel like this is [[partially your fault|Part15JobBikiniBarista3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Visit from the health inspector</h1> <img src="Part15/Barista8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh shit," you think to yourself as you see the health inspector walking up for an unscheduled inspection. It's just you and one of the freshmen girls working today. You try to call Brian to tell him to come in to deal with the inspector, but he doesn't answer. So you are left to deal with him yourself. You quickly make sure your and your coworker's 'uniforms' are covering as much as they are able to, and straighten up your workspace, then head to the door to greet the inspector. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The inspector shows you the video on his phone. He asks if that was made here. You already know that he knows it was, so you don't try to lie. "Yes, sir. That was Monique, and she was fired immediately when my boss learned of this. That sort of behavior is completely unacceptable. We also spent hours cleaning every surface and anything else she might have touched. And our onboarding training has been expanded to make it even more clear what is expected of us." You can see he isn't convinced. "I can assure you that nothing like that will ever happen again," you add. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The inspector's words are completely professional as he talks about the 'egregious violations of health code, and basic decency' on display in the video. However, the bulge in his pants tell a completely different story of how he feels about the shop - or at least how he feels about you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You notice his eyes occasionally wandering over your body as you call Brian again with no answer again. Brian immediately calls you back though when you send a text telling him about the inspection. He says he'll be an hour before he can get back to town, and that you should stall the inspector until then. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $dating.length and !setup.areDating("Bailey")>> You do your best to [[stall until Brian arrives|Part15JobBikiniBaristaShutdown]] to deal with the inspector. From the way the inspector is looking at you, and his obvious arousal, you bet he'd probably look the other way on his inspection if you were 'persuasive' enough. <br><br> But that wouldn't be fair to $dating[0], or you for that matter. You shouldn't have to fuck this old guy just because Brian can't get his ass over here to deal with it himself. <<else>> You could tell the inspector it's time for your lunch break and suggest he join you so you can discuss the other measures your boss is taking. At the very least, it will give Brian some time to get so he can deal with the inspecton himself. Perhaps you can even [[come to an arrangement|Part15JobBikiniBarista4]] with the inspector yourself. <<if $dating.length>> You are sure $dating[0] will understand, given the circumstances. <</if>> <br><br> Or, you can just do your best to [[stall until Brian arrives|Part15JobBikiniBaristaShutdown]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Failed inspection</h1> You do your best to stall the inspector, talking about the new training your boss has added. He hasn't of course, you are making it up, but it sounds good. But soon the inspector pulls out his clipboard and starts looking around. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He keeps pointing out minor problems like missing reminder signs and thermostats at the wrong temperature, jotting down on his clipboard every time. He also finds an container of cream in the refrigerator a week passed expiration. You try to tell him that you and your coworkers always double check before opening and using them, but he notes it anyway. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Barista10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> By the time Brian finally arrives, the inspector has finished and put a big orange sign in the window and ordered you to close. You send your coworker home, but wait there yourself until Brian arrives. He's upset that he couldn't get there sooner, but you tell him it wouldn't have helped. "I think the inspector had made up his mind to close us before he even arrived," you say. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You leave out your suspicions that you might have been able to bribe the inspector with sex but didn't. This isn't your fault, it's Brian's for not getting here quicker. Well, and Monique's for letting that guy film her in the first place. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Brian tries to reopen later, but after the story got out about Monique's video, it seems like the health department and town council are determined to make sure the shop stays closed. You eventually decide you'll have to [[get a job|Part15JobBarista]] at the regular coffee <<if $JobBaristaOld>> shop again. <<else>> shop. <</if>> <<unset $JobBikiniBarista>> <<set $JobBikiniBaristaOld to 1>> <<set $JobBarista to 1>> The tips obviously aren't going to be as good, but you certainly have the experience. Hopefully they won't judge you for having worked at Brian's shop. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Working something out with the inspector</h1> He eagerly accepts your lunch invitation and suggests a restuarant nearby. "Oh, I didn't bring any other clothes today," you lie. "I'm sure they're not going let me in like this, especially if I'm with the health inspector." Before he can suggest something else, you offer a solution. "Do you live nearby? Maybe we could just go there and order it for delivery?" He quickly agrees and you ask to ride with him. <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Health Inspector"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Health Inspector"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PregnancyWeek >= 16>> <img src="Part15/Barista9p.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <<else>> <video src="Part15/Barista9.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <br><br> <</if>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> 'Oh God, am I really doing this?' you think to yourself as he drives toward his house. Are you really about to <<if $sex.length == 0>> have your first time be with some health inspector <<else>> use your body <</if>> to try to keep the health inspector from shutting down your shop? <br><br> <</if>> The two of you never actually bother to place any orders. Your hand on his thigh on the drive to his house ensured it's not food he's thinking about when you arrive. Not long after the two of you are in his apartment, his pants are on the ground and his cock is in your mouth. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> A while later you leave his apartment with his cum in your ass, and nothing more than an official warning notice for the shop in your hand. He drops you off without even bothering to go in and see Brian. "The inspector said he'd let you off with a warning this time since Monique was already fired, but not to let it happen again," you tell Brian. "Oh, and he said he hoped I'd be here for the next scheduled inspection as well." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Brian thanks you profusely for taking care of the situation. You wonder if he realizes exactly how you 'took care of it'. But the substational raise he gives you makes it clear he realizes that you went above and beyond today, and probably will do so again every quarter when the inspector returns. <<if $CampusMinistry and setup.sexVaginalCount() == 0>> <br><br> 'Technically, I'm still a virgin. This doesn't count,' you tell yourself. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> [[Continue|Part15AfterMainJob]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Veteran's Day promotion</h1> <img src="Part15/Barista11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The shop is having a promotion at the coffee shop, a free drink to any veterans or active military. All they have to do is show their ID. You'd thought Megan might want the day off today, since she's a vet herself, but when you see the tips she is getting from everyone, you don't blame her for wanting to work today. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Tammy is also working during the busy part of the morning. Whenever a vet does come in, unless he's in his car with his wife or something, she has him park off to the side, and then delivers his drink herself while you and Megan continue working the window. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> For some of the older guys, you wonder how many decades it has been since they had a twenty-year-old's lips around their cock. Hopefully everything still works. Tammy says she's not taking tips. She's not just doing it out of patriotism or gratitude or something. She's also hoping many of them will be regulars now, and she will take their tips next time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course they aren't all old guys, they are all ages. One is even a student, using his military benefits to go to the university. But he's not the youngest, the youngest just turned 18. Technically he's not a veteran, but he showed Megan his enlistment papers at the window, and she said he ships out next week. That was good enough for her, and for you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Seeing as he's about to leave for boot camp for however long, and who knows when he'll be with a girl again, you wish Tammy was still here, but she left an hour ago. You decide 'I've already given my mouth and ass to a health inspector, is it really that bad to give a little blowjob to someone about to serve our country?' The fact that he's pretty cute, probably helped you come to that decision. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You direct the young man to part off to the side. After you make his drink you ask Megan, "Can you cover the window for me?" Then you head out to his car. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Barista12.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you start sucking his cock, he tells you how amazing it feels. Then he mentions that he's never had a blow job, or any sex, before. You tell him to [[drive you someplace private|Part15JobBikiniBarista6]], and you'll give him more than just a blowjob. You tell yourself that you don't want him risking his life for you, and everyone else, without ever having had sex. Maybe that's part of it, <<if setup.sexVaginalCount() == 0>> <<set $JustinFirstTimeTogether to 1>> but you're technically a virgin too, and the thought of both of you losing your virginity together excites you. <<else>> but you've also never been a guy's first before, and the idea excites you a bit. <</if>> <<if setup.haveFucked("Peter")>>Even Peter wasn't a virgin when you'd met, though you'd assumed he was.<</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know if you are his first, he'll always remember you. And he'll probably need some happy memories to keep him company during boot camp, and you want them to be about you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't stop with his blowjob, but you do take it easier. You don't want him to get too excited before the real fun starts. <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Justin"})>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Veteran's Day promotion</h1> <img src="Part15/Barista11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Veteran"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Veteran"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Veteran"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Veteran"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Justin"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Veteran"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Veteran"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Veteran"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The shop is having a promotion at the coffee shop, a free drink to any veterans or active military. All they have to do is show their ID. You'd thought Megan might want the day off today, since she's a vet herself, but when you see the tips she is getting from everyone, you don't blame her for wanting to work today. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When a vet does come in, unless he's in his car with his wife or something, you have him park off to the side, and then deliver his drink yourself while Megan continues working the window. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They usually take up your offer for a blowjob in the parking lot. For some of the older guys, you wonder how many decades it has been since they had a twenty-year-old's lips around their cock. Luckily everything still works, at least for the ones that take you up on your offer. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They offer tips, but you tell them not today. But you are fairly sure some of them will be regulars now, and will be eager for another hand-delivered drink, and will tip generously then. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course they aren't all old guys, they are all ages. One is even a student, using his military benefits to go to the university. But he's not the youngest, the youngest just turned 18. Technically he's not a veteran, but he showed Megan his enlistment papers at the window, and she said he ships out next week. That was good enough for her, and for you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Barista12.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you start sucking his cock, he tells you how amazing it feels. Then he mentions that he's never had a blow job, or any sex, before. You tell him to [[drive you someplace private|Part15JobBikiniBarista6]], and you'll give him more than just a blowjob. You tell yourself that you don't want him risking his life for you, and everyone else, without ever having had sex. Maybe that's part of it, but you've also never been a guy's first before, and the idea exites you a bit. <<if setup.haveFucked("Peter")>>Even Peter wasn't a virgin when you'd met, though you'd assumed he was.<</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know if you are his first, he'll always remember you. And he'll probably need some happy memories to keep him company during boot camp, and you want them to be about you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't stop with his blowjob, but you do take it easier. You don't want him to get too excited before the real fun starts. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>His first time</h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Justin"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Justin", vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Justin"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Justin", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Justin"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Justin", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Justin"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Justin", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Justin"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Justin", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Justin"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Justin", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Justin"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Justin", vaginal:true})>> When you actually get somewhere private, you decide you don't want his first time to be a quick fuck in his car, parked in some alley. He's thrilled when you tell him you want to finish his blowjob now, and meet him after work for something more memorable. You make sure it's a slow-sensual blowjob though, since he's still sure to remember it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Barista13.webm" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You do most of the work the first time, letting him just enjoy the experience. You smile knowing he'll always remember looking up at you when he pictures his first time. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You only wish you could be enjoying the feeling of his first time as much as he is. <<else>> Well, that's one of the reasons you are smiling. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> His second time isn't that long after his first. But this time he starts with you. Whatever girl he ends up with, you want to make sure he knows how to pleasure her too. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You are honest with him about your probation denial, you don't want the first orgasm he sees to be a fake one. But you still want to train him right, so you watch him eat you out and give him pointers as he goes. After he's gone long enough that you think you would have gotten off, <<else>> After he's gotten you off, and has you building towards another orgasm, <</if>> then you tell him to start fucking you. You have to give him a guiding hand to help his cock find the right spot, but <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> the look in his eyes makes it <<else>> it's <</if>> worth it when it gets there. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating("Bailey")>> You let him know you have a girlfriend, so he doesn't get his hopes up about you and him being together. "But... I'm sure she'd [[love to join us|Part15JobBikiniBarista6Bailey]], so we can make today even more memorable for you." <<elseif $CampusMinistry>> After that the two of you take a break, and go out and get something to eat. Several hours later you are alone again. You have him take you from behind this time. <br><br> The two of you hang out quite a bit the rest of the week. You joke with him that hopefully the "sex boot camp" you've put him though this week will keep his spirits up during the real boot camp. You see him [[one last time|Part15JobBikiniBarista6Ministry]] the night before he leaves. <<else>> After that the two of you take a break, and go out and get something to eat. Several hours later you are alone again. You have him take you from behind this time. <br><br> The two of you hang out quite a bit the rest of the week. You joke with him that hopefully the "sex boot camp" you've put him though this week will keep his spirits up during the real boot camp. You see him one last time the night before he leaves. He promises to write, or email, or whatever they let him do during training. <br><br> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<achievement>>virgin<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>One last visit with Justine before he leaves</h1> <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <video src="Part15/Barista16a.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<else>> <video src="Part15/Barista16.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Justin", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Justin"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Justin", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Justin"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Justin", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Justin"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Justin", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Justin"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Justin", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Justin"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Justin", vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Justin have another wonderful day together, giving him many more memories to hopefully brighten up his time in bootcamp. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you are both laying next to each other after your most recent round of sex, Justin has an important question for you. "What do you consider our relationship, $playerName? Can I think of you as [[my girlfriend|Part15JobBikiniBarista6MinistryGirlfriend]] or is this just [[a bit of fun|Part15JobBikiniBarista6MinistryGoodbye]] during my last week in town?" he asks you. "I'd prefer it'd be the first one. But it's only been a week, a very fun week, but only week. So I won't be heartbroken or anything if it's the second one." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Saying goodbye to Justin</h1> You let Justin know that you aren't looking for a relationship right now, especially not a long-distance relationship. "I did have an amazing time this week. <<if $JustinFirstTimeTogether>> I can't think of sweeter person, or a more generous lover, that I could have had for my first time. <<else>> It was such a pleasure being your first. <</if>> And you were so good at it, I never would have known it was your first time if you hadn't told me," you tell him. "I'm sure you'll find a wonderful girl in whatever place they decide to send you." <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Justin"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Barista17.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You spend a bit more time with him that evening. You want to make sure he remembers this week fondly by ending it with another happy memory, instead of disappointment. You are pretty sure you succeeded. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Saying goodbye to Justin</h1> "Of course you can think of me as your girlfriend!" you excitedly tell Justin. "I'm so glad you feel the same way I do. I hadn't said anything, because I didn't want to pressure you into making us into something serious if you were just wanting a little fun before you had to leave." <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Justin"})>> <<set setup.startDating("Justin")>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "But I very much want to be your girlfriend!" You say before you kiss him. "I know I'm going to miss you like crazy while you are in boot camp. But hopefully I can make it down to your graduation so I can see you before you have to head off to that AIT Training you told me about. The rest we can worry about later." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That sound wonderful," Justin tells you. "Until then I'll write or call as often as they let me. And I'll be thinking about you the whole time." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Barista17.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You spend the night with Justin, since you want to be with him as much as you can before he ships out. The next day you accompany him to the building in town he's supposed to leave from. But before you leave for there, you have time to give him one last thing to remember from his girlfriend while you are apart. Hopefully it'll help keep his spirits high when things are rough in boot camp. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>You and Bailey with Justin</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Barista14.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> </div> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Justin"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Justin", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Bailey"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Justin"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Justin", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Bailey"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Justin"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Justin", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Bailey"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Justin"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Justin", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Bailey"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Justin"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Justin", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Bailey"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Justin"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Justin", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Bailey"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you tell Bailey about Justin, and how he was about to leave for bootcamp still a virgin, she's as eager to give him a memorable time as you were. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Bailey spend that evening and night taking turns sucking Justin's cock, or getting fucked by him, or pleasuring each other while you wait for Justin to recover. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, Justin doesn't ship out for another week. So that gives you and Bailey more time to help Justin make some memories to help him make it through boot camp. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part13/Fundraiser2.webm" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Bring your Buddy to Work Day</h1> <img src="Part15/Barista15.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Today is "Bring your Buddy to Work Day", so you bring Bailey with you to the coffee shop. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating("Bailey")>> You think she's great in lots of other ways, but <</if>> Bailey's never done a hard day's work in her life. So you are the one left doing nearly all the work. She's more than happy to flirt with the customers while you make their drinks though. And the constant attention they are getting means tips are higher than normal, though you are splitting them two ways, so it still ends up being less than normal for you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Bailey ends up having a fun time, though you know she'd never want a real job here, since that would require more than just flirting or flashing the customers. <<if setup.areDating("Bailey")>> You don't really mean it, but you give a bit of hard time for making you do all the work today. You tell her she'll need to make it up to you. Tonight [[she can do all the work|Part15JobBaristaWeek13Bailey]] while you just lie back and enjoy yourself. <<else>> <br><br> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $SchoolWeek == 3>> <<include [[Part15JobCallGirlDominant]]>> <<elseif $SchoolWeek == 7>> <<include [[Part15JobCallGirlDominant2]]>> <<elseif $SchoolWeek == 11>> <<include [[Part15JobCallGirlDominant3]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15JobCallGirlDominantBuddy]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Enjoying a different type of client</h1> <img src="Part15/CallGirl2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Call Girl Client"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Call Girl Client", vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Call Girl Client", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Call Girl Client"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Call Girl Client", vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Call Girl Client", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Call Girl Client", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Dominatrix Client"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Call Girl Client"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Call Girl Client", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Dominatrix Client"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Dominatrix Client"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Dominatrix Client", vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Dominatrix Client"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Dominatrix Client"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Usually your clients like to be in charge. They like to tell you what to do, exactly how they want you to get them off, treat you like their <<if $BodyType == 'Plus'>> <<elseif $BodyType == 'Petite'>> tiny <<else>> little <</if>> fucktoy. And you <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> love it, the money is nice too. <<else>> are ok with that, that's what they are pay for after all. <</if>> Your latest regular client is different though. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Early on he did tell you what he wanted. But what he wanted is for you to be in control. One session you teased his cock while he licked your feet. You kept him on the edge the entire session. Then you made him leave without letting him cum. And you told him he wasn't allowed to touch himself, he'd have to wait to orgasm until his next visit. Maybe. He left with blue balls but still gave you a massive tip. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You could tell at his next visit that he'd obeys. He was desperately to cum. You actually let him fuck you, and even cum inside you. Then you made him eat you out until all his cum was gone, and you'd orgasmed several times. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> Or, at least he thinks you came several times. You'll still have to pretend with all your clients until you are off this horrible academic probation. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are enjoying going with your client sore and bruised instead of you. But more than that, you are enjoying the power you feel. You've asked the agency to send you more clients like this one if they can. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectDominant to 1>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive to 0>> <i>You realize that you aren't as submissive as you once were, you've become much more dominant.</i> <<else>> <i>You realize that you've become much more dominant that you once were.</i> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Still catering to each client's desires</h1> <img src="Part15/CallGirl4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Dominatrix Client"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Dominatrix Client"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Dominatrix Client", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Dominatrix Client"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Dominatrix Client"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Dominatrix Client", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Dominatrix Client"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Dominatrix Client"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Dominatrix Client", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Dominatrix Client"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Dominatrix Client"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Dominatrix Client", vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Dominatrix Client"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Dominatrix Client"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've switched to only taking submissive clients now. You've found you enjoy your work more this way, and they tend to tip well. Some of them even get off on giving you gifts and cash. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, just because you are 'in charge' now, you don't forget you a providing a service. Your clients all have different kinks, or desires, and you make sure to give them each what they want. Well, maybe not always what they want. You definitely give them what they need though, and what they think they deserve. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Sometimes that means having him lick your feet while you make fun of his tiny cock. Sometimes that means having a friend fuck you while your client is only allowed to watch and lick you clean when your friend leaves. Sometimes it means he leaves with his balls sore from being used as your punching bag. It's different from client to client. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But the one constant, is you always leave with a nice tip and confidence that you'll be seeing him again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Renting out a dungeon</h1> <video src="Part15/CallGirl5.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Dominatrix Client"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Dominatrix Client"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Dominatrix Client", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Dominatrix Client"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Dominatrix Client"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Dominatrix Client", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Dominatrix Client"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Dominatrix Client"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Dominatrix Client", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Dominatrix Client"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Dominatrix Client"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Dominatrix Client", vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Dominatrix Client"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Dominatrix Client"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Usually you meet your clients in a hotel room, or sometimes for your regulars, at their home. But for special occasions, you can also rent out a dungeon to use. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Today you've brought one of your 'chastity slaves' here. You haven't let him orgasm for two months now. Of course he could cut the lock off any time he wanted. But part of him wants to be in the cage, with you holding the only key. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Last visit you told him you were planning on letting him get off at his next visit. You let him assume that meant you were going to unlock his cock and let him fuck you. He is kind of cute, and part of you fantasizes about letting him bind you and then fuck you until he filled you with weeks of pent up cum. But that's not what is happening tonight. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> No, tonight his cock is staying secure, and it'll him bound with <i>you</i> fucking <i>him</i>. He's still hoping for a handjob, maybe dreading a ruined orgasm, as you secure him. It's only when he sees you putitng on the strap on that he realizes how his orgasm is going to happen tonight. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course he has his safeword, but you know he won't use it. Well, at first his mouth is filled with your strap-on as you make him suck it for a while. But even after that, you know he's fantasized about exactly this, and is desperate for any chance at an orgasm. Instead he begs for you to fuck his ass when you tell him to. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He leaves that day with a sore ass, but with a smile on his face. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Bring your Buddy to Work Day</h1> <img src="Part15/CallGirl6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set $BuddyCallgirlVisit to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Bring your Buddy to Work Day" is this week. You aren't about to deprive your buddy of the experience, just because your job is a little less traditional. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> First you take Bailey shopping, getting a few outfits perfect for the clients you have scheduled today. At your first appointment you can see his excitement when he sees there's two of you for him this time. "I'm not charging you extra for my friend here today, but I'll be very disappointed with you if you don't leave an generous additional tip for her. You know what happens to little boys who disappoint me don't you?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The 'little boy' is closer to your father's age than yours, but he just nods and says, "Yes, Mistress." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Good," you say as he gets started. "After eat us both out to at least one orgasm each, then we'll give you your special treat. We are going to spit roast you. I'll let you decide which of us gets which end. Don't worry, it's not a trick question, you can see are strap-ons and decide whether you want the bigger one in your throat or your ass, its up to you." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he's stuffed on both ends, you tell him he's allowed to cum if wants. "Though, if you do, that'll count as your orgasm for the month. If you don't, I'll take your chastity cage off and let you fuck my submissive friend here with your own cock instead of a strap-on when it's her turn." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You aren't sure if Bailey is hoping he cums with his cage still on, so he can fuck her longer with the strap-on, or if she's just really getting into pounding his ass. Either way, you doubt he's going to be able to hold back long. But you doubt he'll mind either. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After he leaves you hand Bailey the tip he left for her. "I get to cum, multiple times, and get paid this much?" she says excitedly. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "If you ever want a job, let me know," you tell her. "I'm glad you're satisfied though, since you might not get to orgasm [[for our next session|Part15JobCallGirlDominantBuddy2]]. I have a bit of a test in mind for him." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Bring your Buddy to Work Day</h1> <video src="Part11/Peter6.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Most of your next visit you treat both your client and Bailey as submissives. Bailey loves it as much as your client does. Half-way throught he session and they've each given you an orgasm, and are both eager for something for themselves. That's when you give your client his test. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Only one of you is allowed to cum today," you say. You look at him and add, "Since you are paying, and she's not, I'll let you decide which of you deserves an orgasm." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can see the conflict on his face, the need. You know he desperately wants to say the orgasm is his. But you've trained him well. "I don't deserve orgasms. Only women, and real men deserve orgasms. Not me." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That's a good boy," you tell him as you pat his head. "That's exactly right. I think I'll reward you for remembering your place. "You reward, is that I'll let you be the one to give my friend her orgasm. Now get to work, and show her the skills you've been practicing." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> At the end of the day, Bailey and you head down to the front desk to checkout of the hotel room you'd rented. From the huge smile on Bailey's face, and the wad of cash in her pocket, you're not going to be shocked if she texted you looking for you to set her up with some clients of her own. You're sure having Daddy's credit card is great, but a roll of cash is even better. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $SchoolWeek == 3>> <<include [[Part15JobStripper1]]>> <<elseif $SchoolWeek == 7>> <<include [[Part15JobStripper4]]>> <<elseif $SchoolWeek == 11>> <<include [[Part15JobStripper5]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Working at the strip club</h1> <video src="Part15/Strip3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You love working at the strip club. Being up on stage, with everyone watching you, with all the men lusting after you, it always excites you. Of course the money is nice too. And you've learned the hornier the guys get, the more money they spend. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And when you spot one of their wives or girlfriends admiring your body too, you know [[just how to really excite them|Part15JobStripper2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Getting the girlfriend in on the performance</h1> <img src="Part15/Strip5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can usually judge just what the girlfriend or wife will be comfortable with. Sometimes it's just standing there close while you strip for her. Sometime's it's pulling her up on stage with you and helping her out of some of her clothing too. And sometimes it's a kiss, while you slide your hand into her panties. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Whichever it is, the money getting tossed onto the stage picks up immediately, as do the guys asking for private dances. <<if setup.haveFucked('Strip Club Customer')>> You know from experience thre will certainly be some eager enough for [[a bit more than a lap dance|Part15JobStripperMF]], and willing to tip generously for it. Though it might be fun to [[spend some more time with the girl|Part15JobStripperFF]] that you pulled onto the stage. <<else>> Your fellow dancers, the ones that are willing to give 'extra' for the right price, usually make quite a bit of extra money when the guys get this excited. [[You could always give it a try|Part15JobStripperMF]] yourself. Though, it might be more fun to try it with [[the girl|Part15JobStripperFF]] that you pulled onto the stage instead. <br><br> Or, you could let them make their money that way, and be happy with the extra cash you are [[getting on stage|Part15JobStripper3]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Having him watch</h1> <video src="Part15/Strip4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(6, {sex: 'female', anon: "Strip Club Customer"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You get the horny boyfriend or husband to pay for a trip to the VIP room, but it's not him you give special treatment to, it's the woman he's with. You let him watch while you and her take turns getting each other off. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> If he's a good boy and patient, then you stop before you get her off, and let him finish the job. If he can't keep his hands to himself though, then you make him wait until they get home. Or at least until they get out to their car. <</nobr>> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>><<nobr>> <h1>In the VIP Room</h1> <img src="Part15/Strip6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Strip Club Customer", vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Strip Club Customer", vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Strip Club Customer", vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Strip Club Customer", vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Strip Club Customer", vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Strip Club Customer", vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Strip Club Customer", vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Strip Club Customer", vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's not just the husband or boyfriend of the girl you pulled on stage that's horny, it's all his friends, and the other guys that were at the stage watching. And they don't have an equally horny girlfriend with them for when they get home, so they are even more eager for whatever extra they can buy from you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Most times at least one of them is willing to tip generously for a visit to the VIP room, once you let them know what will happen when you get there. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You always make them wear a condom <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> though. For protection, and <</if>> so you don't end up a mess before your next turn on stage. They all start off with one, but a shocking number of them have it 'accidentally' come off when they are out of your view. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You tell them you understand, stuff like that can happen. But you let them know they'll need to tip even more, since you'll have to miss your next turn on stage while you clean up. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Strip7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="right"> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Back on stage</h1> <img src="Part15/Strip8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You let your friends enjoy the extra money, and what comes with it. You're more than happy with the extra cash getting stuffed into your panties, or thrown onto the stage. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can usually even pick up a few extra turns on the stage, as your coworkers are often still 'dancing' in private, or cleaning up from the aftermath of their 'dances'. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Bondage Theme Night</h1> <img src="Part15/Strip9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <img src="Part15/Strip10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="right"> The strip club sometimes has special 'theme nights'. Sometimes that means most of you start the night in skimpy cheerleader costumes or schoolgirl skirts. Tonight though is <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>>one of your favorites,<</if>> 'Bondage Night'. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Most of the girls are wearing some sort of restraint. You for example are wearing a collar, and you are led to the stage on a leash. <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> You are already wet before you get to the stage. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and your partner on stage dance and strip for a while. But towards the end of your set, when you are already nude, she starts tying you up. By the time she clips your leash back on and leads you from the stage, your arms are tied behind you and you have a gag in your mouth. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Instead of doing any private dances after your set, she leads you to a nearby wall. Many of the men that were watching you and her onstage follow. She secures you to a wall and then pulls the toy out of the bag that was nearby. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She has the guys line up to pay for a turn with you tied and helpless. "You aren't allowed to touch her yourself," she warns. "But you can use the magic wand here as much as you'd like." She touches it first to your nipple and then to your clit as she says this, getting a reaction from you and the crowd each time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As the first guy starts she adds, "Feel free to make her cum as many times as you like. Or as few. <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> I happen to know she can't get off from masturbating, so if you guys deny her all night, she might be desperate for someone to take her home and fuck her till she screams." She pause and smiles, "But don't let that influence what you do when it's your turn with wand." <br><br> <<if $dating.length>> The guys are disappointed when the show is over though. You are desperate for a fuck just like she said you would be. But you'd rather it be $dating[0] than some stranger from the club. <br><br> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>> <<else>> Her comment had the effect she expected it would on the guys. They all loved making you moan, and you're sure they wanted to watch you cum. But each time they pulled the wand away from your clit too soon. Before long the slick trail running down your leg only urged them to keep your horny and denied. <br><br> She was right about how you'd be at the end of the show too. When it was time for you to leave, you stayed close to one of the guys who kept buying more turns with the vibe, and eagerly agreed when asked if you [[wanted to go home with him|Part15JobStripper4Home]] <</if>> <<else>> If the orgasms get to much for her, she could always ask us to stop." She pauses and smiles, "Of course, we won't under stand a word of it. But she can ask." <br><br> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with some guy</h1> <video src="Part15/Strip11.webm" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Strip Club Customer", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Strip Club Customer", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Strip Club Customer", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: "Strip Club Customer", vaginal:true, noCondom:true, repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You want him to throw you on his bed and fuck you the moment you are through his door, but he makes you wait longer. He teases you a while longer, getting you back close to the edge again. Then instead of fucking you and letting you get off, he has you suck his cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he finally listens to your begging, and push you back on to the mattress and slide into you, all you can do is moan. It isn't long before you are finally having the orgasm you've needed all night. <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> You don't even care that neither of you had any condoms. You were too horny to even remember to ask him to stop at store on the way here. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> You don't even tell him you want him to pull out, you never want his cock anywhere but where it is right now. <</if>> When you feel his cock swell, hear him moan, and feel him thrust deep into you as he cums, you orgasm a second time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Strip12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You lie there next to him with a smile on your face, finally satisfied. After a couple minutes of bliss you glance over at his cock. "Well, maybe not completely satisfied," you think to yourself. Then you roll over and take his cock into your mouth, feeling it quickly start to get hard again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>University Party</h1> <video src="Part15/Strip12.webm" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Normally the club is slow in the middle of the week. But today it's packed as the club is closed to the public and hosting a private party. From what you understand it's a private event the university is having for some of its larger donors. Your boss has let you and the other dancers know that the regular rules don't apply tonight. You are all encouraged to ensure the guests 'have a wonderful time'. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He says to not worry about tips, as the university has already paid generously and he'll be dividing it up among all the girls who 'do their part'. You are sure it'll be more than even the girls that do the most 'extras' make in a weekend. But you also expect your boss has already taken his own cut out of, and not had to work for it like the rest of you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He also mentions that you are free to accept any tips the guests volunteer on top of what's already been paid. With as generous as they are with the university, you expect they'll be at least that generous with a girl with her lips around their cock. And you wouldn't even need to let your boss skim his share off of it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He's made it clear that no one has to do anything they aren't comfortable with though. Any girls that <<if setup.haveFucked('Strip Club Customer')>> don't want to go any further <<else>> [[don't want to go any further|Part15JobStripper6No]] <</if>> than they would on a normal night, don't have to. Of course, they'll get a much smaller share of the 'tip' money the university paid. Though he is definitely encouraging all the girls to [[join in on the fun|Part15JobStripper6Yes]], even if that's not something they normally do. <<if setup.haveFucked('Strip Club Customer')>> Of course, you aren't going to pass up the chance to earn a bunch of extra cash. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It doesn't take long to see that the regular rules about discretion definitely don't apply tonight. You even spot a dancer that didn't even have a chance to change from her street clothes into her club clothes, and already some rich, married guy has her bent over a chair and begging for his cock in her ass. You expect she won't need to wait long. <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> You wish you were her. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Strip13.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="350"></video> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In a rich, married guy's hotel room</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Strip17.webm" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> </div> You weren't at the party long when Vince, one of the university donors, took an interest in you. You spent most of the party sitting in his lap. You could feel his hard cock through his suit pants then entire night. His erection was especially noticable when he had his hand in your panties, playing with your clit, <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> making you moan and ache to be off of academic probation. "I'll talk to the dean about leting you orgasm again," he tells you. "I really want to see what you look like when you cum." <<else>> and making you cum in front of everyone at the party. <</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Vince"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You weren't at all surprised later in the evening when he invited you back to his hotel room. You thought he'd be eager to fuck you right away, and he was. But he needed to call his wife first. You quietly stripped off his clothes as he did, getting the occasional smile. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you had him stripped, you moved between his legs and started slowly sucking his cock. You got so wet hearing him struggle to maintain his composure as he told her about the "boring fundraiser" he'd attended. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he was finally able to end the phone call, he [[wasn't interested in waiting|Part15JobStripper6Yes2]] any longer. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In Vince's room</h1> <video src="Part15/Strip14.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Vince"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Vince", vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Vince"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Vince"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Vince", vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Vince spend hours that night fucking. He's over twice your age, so you are impressed with his stamina. You wonder if he took a boner pill when you weren't looking. Whatever it is, you don't mind. After he's came inside your pussy, in your ass, and down your throat, you finally fall asleep next to him. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You don't orgasm, of course, but you love seeing the look of pleasure on his face, and feeling his warm cum fill you. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next morning, you can see his cock has woken up before he has. When your lips wrap around it, he wakes up shortly after. You climb on top and do all the work this time, while he finishes waking up. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He orders roomservice for breakfast for both of you. While you and him are eating, he makes you an offer. "$playerName, you are a beautiful, young woman, and a pleasure to be with. And I don't just mean the sex, though that is amazing." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'd like to see more of you. Unfortunately I don't live here, I just flew in for the event last night. Well, and that conference I told my wife about, it ended two days ago though and I'm expected back home tonight." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "If you want to take a few weeks off school, I can get you a hotel room, and you and I can spend much more time together. Don't worry, I'll put a word in with the school and they'll allow it. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> I'll also make the turn your orgasms back on again. <</if>> " <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you ask about after those weeks are over he continues, "Well, if we are both enjoying ourselves, I think we could come to a more permanent arrangement. I'd set you up with an apartment, and an allowance, and you could transfer to closer university if you wanted." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You think about it for a moment. He's handsome, for someone over twice your age at least. And he's great in bed. And he's rich. You know you'll have a nicer apartment than you'd ever be able to afford yourself. <<if $AcademicProbation>> You don't need to think about it too long though. You've been struggling the past year, and you get the feeling that maybe college just isn't for you. Now he's offering a free apartment, money, and your orgasms back! Of course [[you accept his offer|SugarBabyMedical]]. <<else>> You then decided to either tell him [[you accept his offer|SugarBabyMedical]] or that you want to [[stay here at the university|Part15NoSugarDaddy]] but are eager to see him again when he's in town. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Quitting the club</h1> <img src="Part15/Strip16.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With the extremely generous tip Vince gave you, you aren't really needing the money from the club that much right now. It's really only worth your time on the weekends when the tips are hard to pass up. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You think it's a fluke the first week, when you have fewer hours than normal, and they are on the slow, mid-week nights. But it keeps happening. When you ask your boss about it, he tells you that the club isn't as busy as it was earlier in the year. "It's seasonal thing, I'm sure it'll pick back up later," he tells you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He tells you that many of the girls need their job here to surive, but he knows you don't. At least not anymore. And that's why you've been getting the less profitable shifts. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Between the cost of your club outfits and make-up and the pitiful tips you are getting now, you decide it's not worth the hassle of having to fight off guys groping and grabbing at your ass all night. You decide to just get a normal job instead. Thankfully you know the [[coffee shop|Part15JobStripper6Quit]] near campus is hiring. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Only to look, and not touch</h1> <video src="Part15/Strip15.webm" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and the few other girls that didn't want in on the "extras" tonight are given bracelets to wear to let the guests know you are only to enjoy visually, not for anything more. Of course you are still doing quite a bit with your fellow dancers to entertain the guests, but the guests are only watching. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Some of the men see your bracelet and just move on to one of the many other girls. A few though see your bracelet as a challenge. They assume if they offer you a large enough extra tip, you'll eagerly head [[back to their hotel room with them|Part15JobStripper6Yes]] at the end of the night. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $FatherDisown>> Of course, they are right, at least with you. One of them offers you more money than you can pass up. You're on your own now that your father has disowned you, so you can't pass up the financial security of his offer. You'd hate to be homeless months from now just because you were too proud to spend <<else>> One of them offers you quite a bit of money. When he sees you hesitate before [[you tell him 'No, thanks'|Part15JobStripper6HoursCut]], he adds even more to the offer. Maybe taking his offer wouldn't be so bad. <<if setup.areDating('Veronica')>> Veronica will understand, right? Then it occurs to you, he'd probably be excited and willing to pay even more to take both you and Veronica back to his room. <<elseif $dating.length>> $dating[0] will understand, right? <<if setup.areDating('Peter') and $PlayerItemNerdKey>> Of course he will. Especially if you unlock and edge him while you tell him all about it. <<else>> It is a lot of money after all. <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Having your hours cut</h1> <img src="Part15/Strip16.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your boss said that you were welcome to say no to the "extras" the rich guys at the private party wanted, and you did. He said no one would be fired for not wanting to participate. And you haven't been fired, but you can't help but feel like you are being punished a different way for opting-out of having sex with some old, rich guy. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You think it's a fluke the first week, when you have fewer hours than normal, and they are on the slow, mid-week nights. But it keeps happening. When you ask your boss about it, he doesn't specifically mention the private party, but does say he wants to schedule his "more popular, high-earning" girls on the weekends. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Between the cost of your club outfits and make-up and the pitiful tips you are getting now, you decide it's not worth the hassle of having to fight off guys groping and grabbing at your ass all night. You decide to just get a normal job instead. Thankfully you know the [[coffee shop|Part15JobStripper6Quit]] near campus is hiring. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Starting your new job</h1> <img src="Part15/Barista3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <<unset $JobStripper>> <<unset $JobStripperMain>> <<set $JobStripperOld to 1>> <<set $JobBarista to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobBaristaOld>> There's a new manager since you last worked here, but your file shows your previous experience here. Still you are worried she won't hire you because you've been working as a stripper since you quit. But you decide to be honest, <<else>> At your interview, you are honest about 'prior experience with customer service'. You are worried the manager at the coffee shop won't hire you because you used to be a stripper, but <</if>> you know she'd probably find out eventually anyway. But she is understanding about it, especially when you explain about not wanting to do more than just dance, and how you were punished for it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you are hired, she spends a long time going over the dress code with you. You can't help but wonder if she does that with everyone, or just because she's worried you might show up in a microskirt and fuck-me boots. Either way, you are just happy you were able to get a new job so quickly. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It doesn't take long <<if $JobBaristaOld>> to get used to your old job. It's nice to be back to being <<else>> to get used to the new job. It's nice to be <</if>> able to work and not have guys groping you or offering you money to get them off. The worst you have to deal with now is the occasional flirt. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $tempShowedBetaTester to 1>> <<if $SchoolWeek == 3>> <<include [[Part15BetaTestLanguage]]>> <<elseif $SchoolWeek == 7>> <<include [[Part15BetaTestChallenge]]>> <<elseif $SchoolWeek == 11>> <<include [[Part15BetaTestClass]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15BetaTestBuddy]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the game</h1> <img src="Part15/Chastity4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You're at the game with some friends. The refs have made some questionable calls and your friends are talking about it. "I know," you agree. "We're going to lose if these shitty calls keep happening." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You flinch a bit when you feel a shock from your chastity belt hit. You wonder what it's for? <<if $DailyBJMinimum>> You know it isn't your minimum blow job target. You definitely exceeded it yesterday. <<if $dating.length && !setup.haveGirlfriend()>> You smile, hoping $dating[0]'s balls don't still ache today. <</if>> <</if>> You figure they must be testing something with the belt again. Wonderful. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> A few beers later, the ref makes another horrible call. "What the fuck is that shit!", you yell as you jump up. As soon as you do, you are hit with two more shocks, one after another. The second of them hurting far worse. You double over from the pain. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your friends ask if you are ok. They don't all know about your belt, so you just say you twisted something when you jumped up, and that you're fine now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Then you you think to check your phone. When you do, you see several "Profanity Filter Violation" notifications. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can't do anything about it now. And from past experience, you dobut you'll be able to do anything about it later either. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> So you just sit back down and try not curse again. It's difficult to do as you watch your team lose a game they probably should have won. It's not until <<if $JobBetaTester == "chaste">> [[you get home|Part15ChastityLanguageChaste]]. <<else>> [[you get home|Part15ChastityLanguage]]. <</if>> that you can look into what these "Profanity Violations" were all about. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Optional Testing Challenges</h1> <img src="Part15/BetaTest1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your belt hasn't granted you any orgasms for a while now. It's just been the teasing you get as you <<if $DailyBJMinimum > 1>> suck your minimum $DailyBJMinimum cocks a day. Though your actual count is almost always more than that. <<elseif $DailyBJMinimum == 1>> suck your daily cocks. Though it's almost never just the one. <<else>> suck cock. Even though it makes you desperate for more, you love the teasing, so it's usually quite a few every day. <</if>> The teasing and the lack of orgasms has made you really horny, so you are thrilled when you get the notification from your phone. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <blockquote> <b>Congratulations! Challenges with Orgasm Reward Available.</b><br> You've been selected for an optional set of challenges.<br> Based on your profile, the challenges are expected to appear to you.<br> Each challenge will have a chance of granting an orgasm.<br> <br> You may decline this offer, though no orgasms other than those provided<br> by the challenges will be available for the next two weeks.<br> <br> You will have the option to accept or decline each challenge. Declining<br> a challenge ends your participation, and no further challenges will be<br> offered. Accepting a challenge will require you to complete the task for<br> your reward, or punishment if you fail. </blockquote> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course you hit the "Accept" button. You have nothing to lose. If you don't like the first challenge, you can always decline it then. A moment later another message appears. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <blockquote> <b>Challenge #1: Pierced Nipples</b><br> Duration: indefinite<br> Time required: 30 minutes<br> <br> Reward: <i>10% increase</i> in random orgasm chance when proving oral service, for the<br> remainder of the beta testing program.<br> <br> Failure: <i>50% decrease</i> in same. </blockquote> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.haveInventory('piercings', 'nipples')>> Your nipples are already pierced, so it seems like this one will be a free one for you. You quickly click "[[Accept|Part15BetaTestChallengeNipple2]]". <<elseif setup.haveInventory('piercings', '*')>> This wouldn't be your first piercing, but you've heard nipple piercings are the most painful. Still, you know you've considered getting them pierced many <<if $dating.length>> times. And you know $dating[0] thinks they are hot. <<else>> times. <</if>> Maybe this is the time to finally do it. <<if $dating.length>> Knowing how much it'll turn on $dating[0], you [[Accept|Part15BetaTestChallengeNipple]] the challenge, ensuring aren't going to back out from getting pierced. <<else>> Given the reward and penalty, you know if you [[Accept|Part15BetaTestChallengeNipple]] you'll won't chicken out this time. If you are going to [[Decline|Part15BetaTestChallengeDecline]], you know you need to do it now. <</if>> <<else>> You grab your breasts as your mind imagines how much it must hurt to get that done. <<if $dating.length>> You've thought about getting them pierced before because you know $dating[0] thinks they are hot. But you still <<else>> You <</if>> aren't sure if you want to go through that. You also worry that it's permanent, lasting long after your testing is over. But some quick searches reassures you that they will close up if you leave the jewelry out long enough. Still, you aren't sure, but you know if you click "[[Accept|Part15BetaTestChallengeNipple]]", then you'll have to go through with it. If you want to [[Decline|Part15BetaTestChallengeDecline]], then now is the time to do it. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Declining the challenge</h1> <img src="Part15/BetaTest10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You want an orgasm. You need an orgasm. But you don't trust this challenge, or whatever challenge they plan on giving you next. You worry you'll only end up in a worse situation than now, and still horny and denied. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Hopefully sometime soon you'll be able to orgasm. But not like this. <</nobr>> [[Continue|Part15AfterMainJob]]<<nobr>> <h1>Getting Pierced</h1> Once you accept the challenge, it informs you that you should schedule your piercing within the next 48 hours, or to call if you are having difficulties scheduling an appointment in time. You are also instructed to visit their office to pick up the special piercing you are require to use. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't want to have to be worrying about it all day, so you pick the earliest available appointment the next morning, and stop by the engineering department before you go. <<if setup.areDating('Bailey')>> <<set $BuddyNipplePiercing to 1>> Bailey decides to join you and get her nipples pierced as well, though she's going with a simple ring, or bar, or whatever the piercer suggests. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Pierce1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You aren't even thinking about the fact that you are topless in front of the piercer. Your attention is fixed on the needles sitting in the tray next to him. When you feel the needle push through your sensitive nipple, you wince, but you manage not to to cry out in pain. <<if setup.areDating('Bailey')>> You want to be strong, so Bailey isn't scared when it's her turn next. <</if>> "Doing ok?", he asks. You nod and he says, "Just one more." A moment later and both are done. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Pierce2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He then takes out the jewelry you'd picked up earlier, and slides them through your piercing, replacing the needles he'd used. He then uses some sort of spray that is supposed to make you heal faster and prevent swelling. "The recover time is much less than it used to be. But still, I recommend taking them out as little as possible for the next few weeks," he says after explaining how to clean yourself piercings without removing them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I have a feeling removing them is not going to be an option anyway," you inform him. You take out the app on phone and click "activate" on the piercings. You aren't especially surprised when you feel soft click from the piercing as something inside them locks to prevent removal. The two pulses of vibration afterwards does surprise you a bit. You imagine it would have felt nice if your nipples didn't still hurt. <<if setup.areDating('Bailey')>> <br><br> By the time you are closing the app, Bailey is topless and on the table ready for her turn. You can tell she's in pain, but she manages to not cry out either. He repeats the same instructions for her, though in her case taking the piercings out is actual something she could do if she wanted. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You pay with the voucher the engineering department gave you for your <<if setup.areDating('Bailey')>> piercing and in cash for Bailey's. <<else>> piercing. <</if>> You also thank him and give him a tip before you <<if setup.areDating('Bailey')>>and Bailey<</if>> [[leave the studio|Part15BetaTestChallengeNipple2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Challenge 1 complete</h1> <<if setup.haveInventory('piercings', 'nipples')>> When you replace your existing piercings with the ones the engineering department gave you, and clicked the "Activate" button on the app, you feel something click inside them. You know that was something locking to prevent their unauthorized removal. You also feel to pleasant, but unfortunately short, vibrations after it locks. A few moments later a notification appears on your phone. <<else>> <<set setup.addInventory('piercings', 'nipples')>> You are barely out of the studio when a notification appears on your phone. <</if>> <<if $dating.length and !setup.haveGirlfriend()>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <<else>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male"})>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <blockquote> <b>Challenge #1 Successful</b><br> Orgasm chance while providing oral service is now 110% of it's previous value.<br> <br> Information on Challenge #2 will be provided with 24 hours. </blockquote> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know with the small chance you had already, an extra 10% isn't that much. But it's better than nothing. And really, you'd thought about getting nipple piercings so many times. The challenge just gave you a reason and made sure you didn't change your mind. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating("Jayden")>> <video src="Part15/BetaTest11.webm" autoplay loop muted height="350"></video> <<else>> <img src="Part15/BetaTest2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't want to waste any time though, and want to test it as soon as possible. So it isn't long before you are showing off your new hardware as you <<if $CampusMinistry>> [[suck Andrew's cock|Part15BetaTestChallengeNipple3]] for the first time <<else>> [[suck your first cock|Part15BetaTestChallengeNipple3]] <</if>> with your new settings. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Finishing him</h1> <img src="PartX/Engineer16.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't know if it's in your head, or if your belt's teasing while you suck his cock is more intense, but it certainly seems like it is. You eagerly keep at it, hoping it's a sign that the belt will be giving you an orgasm this time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he pulls out to cum you keep your mouth open for him. After he's came you look up and smile, happy that you've made him feel so good. Unfortunately you realize your belt isn't going to let you cum this time. The vibration soon die down and then stop entirely. <<if setup.areDating('Bailey')>> <br><br> "My turn now," Bailey <<if $PlayerItemBuddyKey>> says, happy that she isn't wearing her own belt today. <<else>> says. <</if>> Then she pushes him back onto his back and straddles his face. Before long, you see his cock start to get hard again. You begin sucking his cock again with his face still buried between Bailey's legs. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You try quite a few more times that day, though none of them earn you an orgasm. The teasing feels great during each blowjob though, especially starting with your third, when nipple piercings start to vibrate as you suck his cock. You wonder if they are always going to do that when you suck cock. You hope so. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your search for the next cock to suck is put on hold when you see a [[notification about the next challenge|Part15BetaTestChallenge2]] on your phone. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectOral>> <i>You realize you've developed a love for oral sex.</i> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOral to 2>> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOral <= 2>> <i>You realize you love oral sex now even more than you did before.</i> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOral += 1>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Another Challenge</h1> <img src="Part15/BetaTest1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> You smile as you see another challenge appear on your phone. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <blockquote> <b>Challenge #2: A symbol of subservience</b><br> Duration: At wearer's discretion<br> Minimum duration to avoid failure: 36 out of next 48 hours <sup>1</sup><br> <br> Reward: <i>1 in 20 chance of randomly delivered orgasm</i> after each<br> continuous 24 hours period <sup>1</sup> for duration of challenge.<br> <br> Failure: <i>0% orgasm chance</i> for 1 month.<br> <br> <sup>1</sup> When your daily oral service target <sup>2</sup> has been met. Failure <sup>3</sup> to<br> meet your daily service targets will also cause you to fail this challenge.<br> <sup>2</sup> Selecting this challenge will double your daily service target.<br> <sup>3</sup> Selecting this challenge will permanently increase the severity of<br> punishment for failing to meet your daily service target. </blockquote> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your get a bit nervous when you see all the footnotes they put on the challenge. It doesn't say exactly what kind of 'symbol' they mean. You assume it's something you wear, but you aren't sure. But it looks like if you [[Accept|Part15BetaTestCollar]] you'd only be committing yourself for two days anyway. But if they put that many disclaimers on the challenge, maybe it's safer to [[Decline|Part15BetaTestChallengeDecline]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Advertising your <<if $dating.length>> submissiveness <<else>> availability <</if>> </h1> <<if $dating.length>> <img src="Part15/BetaTest12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> <<else>> <img src="Part15/BetaTest4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <</if>> <<if !$DailyBJMinimum>><<set $DailyBJMinimum to 1>><</if>> <<set $DailyBJMinimum *= 2>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat($DailyBJMinimum * 1.5, {sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <<if !$DailyBJRecord or $DailyBJRecord < $DailyBJMinimum>><<set $DailyBJRecord to $DailyBJMinimum + 2>><</if>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'beta test collar 1')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You were relieved when you saw the choker/collar they wanted you to wear. <<if $dating.length>> They said $dating[0] had picked it out for you. <</if>> You had pictured everything from making you wear handcuffs all day, to them writing "Free Blowjobs" on your forehead with a permanent marker. After some of the things you imagined, this is a relief. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> At some other schools, people might think your collar is just a fashion choice. But word seems to have spread, especially among the guys, about the source of your collar. Many guys you don't even know have come up to you asking if you needed help reaching your "daily target". <<if $JobBetaTester == "monogamous">> They are always disappointed when they find out that you are only allowed to suck $dating[0]'s cock. <<else>> You are usually excited to find a quiet place to blow them, whether you've reached it or not. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The only down side has been that you haven't been able to collect the reward. You met the 36 hours out of 48 hours minimum, but you didn't wear it continuously. You were too self-conscious about your collar, and took it off before going into your Women's Studies class. You put it back on right aftewards, but the hour without it is enough to reset the clock each time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've just put your collar back on after class when you get a notification again. <blockquote> <b>Challenge #3: Collar upgrade</b><br> Duration: At wearer's discretion<br> Minimum duration to avoid failure: 48 hours continuous<br> <br> Reward: Indefinite continuation of previous reward opportunity.<br> Opportunity for additional collar upgrade may be available later,<br> with enhanced rewards, after sufficient time with continous wear.<br> <br> Failure: <i>0% orgasm chance</i> for 1 month.<br> </blockquote> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $dating.length>> You've gotten used to the collar that $dating[0] picked out for you, and you don't want to get one that <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>>she<<else>>he<</if>> might not like, especially since you have no idea what it's going to look like. <br><br> Not to mention, whatever they pick would probably mean even more guys coming up to you offering to 'let' you suck their cocks. <br><br> So you [[Decline|Part15BetaTestChallengeDecline]] this challenge. <<else>> You realize if you [[Accept|Part15BetaTestCollar2]], then you won't be able to avoid wearing your new collar to all of your classes if you want to avoid failing the new challenge. If you aren't going to be able to commit to wearing your new collar all the time, before you even see what it looks like, then you'll have to [[Decline|Part15BetaTestChallengeDecline]] now. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Advertising your availability</h1> <img src="Part15/BetaTest3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<set setup.addSexRepeat($DailyBJMinimum, {sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Delivery Guy"})>> <<set $DailyBJMinimum *= 1.5>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat($DailyBJMinimum, {sex:"male"})>> <<if !$DailyBJRecord or $DailyBJRecord < $DailyBJMinimum>><<set $DailyBJRecord to $DailyBJMinimum + 2>><</if>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'beta test collar 2')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you accept the challenge, this time it says the upgraded collar will be delivered to you, instead of you picking it up. You see why when the delivery guy arrives. You lock the collar on in front of him, then he looks around the room. He finds a pipe near the floor, and attaches the key, on a short, but thick cable to the pipe, locking the cable there. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You see that you won't be able to remove the key, you'll need to get down on the floor to get close enough to the key to unlock it. And you certainly won't be able to take the key with you to unlock before class. He reminds you that the collar upgrade also increases your daily oral target again. You seemed to have missed that in the previous message. But you aren't too worried, you've been exceeding by quite a bit every day anyway. But that doesn't stop you from asking the driver if he has a couple minutes to stay around and help you with that. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Bailey')>> Bailey helps, but she knows to have you do most of the work so you get credit for it. <</if>> After you've gotten him off he thanks you and says, "Have a nice day, and let us know if you change rooms or anything else and need the key moved." Once he's gone you try on your bikini to see how you look now with the belt and new collar. You'd thought about getting a once piece for the pool, to hide your belt. But now with the collar still visible, you decide not to bother. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, you could also remove the collar before going to the pool, but then that'd eliminate your chance for one of those reward orgasms. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Bailey')>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <<else>> [[Continue|Part15AfterMainJob]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Classroom distraction</h1> <video src="Part15/BetaTest5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.haveInventory('sex toys', 'beta test collar 2')>> You are sitting in your writing class when you feel your belt <<if setup.haveInventory('piercings', 'nipples')>> and nipple piercings <</if>> come to life. You try to be discreet, but you can't help it that your hands start to wander. You need an orgasm so bad and can't help but enjoy the feelings building in you. <br><br> You probably should have gotten up right away, and escpaed to the hallway or the restroom for the orgasm you hope is coming. But now it's too late. It's everything you can do not to moan in class, and you've probably soak your skirt. <br><br> Your only choice now is to try to cum as quietly as possible. If it lets you cum that is. You still worry that it's going to deny you [[at the last minute|Part15BetaTestClass2]]. <<else>> You can see your friend Quinn a couple seats ahead of you. She's in the belt beta testing program like you, and you can tell from her squiriming she's as horny as you are. The more you see her struggling to hide her arousal, the more you are reminded of your own. <br><br> But after a few moments of watching her, you realize she's not just horny. You figure out her belt must be teasing her right now. You wait for yours to start, but it is achingly silent. As you see her arousal build, your hand moves between your legs. Of course, it can't do anything when it gets there, but you can't help it. <br><br> It looks like it isn't just teasing her, or if it is, it's going to be really cruel and stop just before she cums, which [[won't be long now|Part15BetaTestClass2]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Orgasm in class</h1> <video src="Part15/BetaTest6.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.haveInventory('sex toys', 'beta test collar 2')>> Your belt doesn't deny you, it keeps going until the orgasm you've needed for so long finally washes over you. You want to scream at the top of your lungs, but you bite down on your highlighter instead and try to stay quiet. <br><br> When the teacher dismisses class a moment later, you want to run out as quick as you can. But you realize you've soaked your skirt when you came. You'll need to wait until everyone else has left if you don't want everyone to see. You tell yourself that everyone was pay attention to the professor, and no one noticed you. <br><br> That illusion is soon gone though as you see the smiles on several classmates as they walk by. One of them even jokes, "I guess $playerName, really likes Creative Writing." If your face wasn't already flushed from your orgasm, you are sure it'd be red now from embarrassment. <br><br> You wait until the last of them have walked passed, and then get up, holding your bag to try to hide your wet skirt, and then heading to the restroom to clean up as best you can. <br><br> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <<else>> You see Quinn looking around frantically as she gets closer and closer to her orgasm. She eventually grabs a highlighter and bites down on, trying to keep quite as she cums. She's only partially successful, and several nearby students turn her way, but say nothing. <br><br> You see her sitting in her chair still after the professor dismisses class. You wonder if she notices the grins on some of your classmate's faces as they walk passed her. Eventually it's just you and her left in the class. <br><br> <<if $JobBetaTester == "deny">> "I'm really wishing I was signed up on whatever testing routine they have YOU on," <<else>> "Now I'm wishing I'd done all those challenges like you had," <</if>> you tell her. She smiles nervously, but then relaxes a bit. "Why are you hanging around still? Is it still going?" you ask. She nervously sits up and shows you her wet skirt and chair. You laugh a bit. "Oh, I see. Well, lets get you to the girls room to get cleaned up." <br><br> You help her to the restroom. You both leave the chair for someone in the next class to deal with. It's not like they are going to know who it's from anyway. <br><br> All day, your mind [[keeps returning to thoughts of Quinn's Orgasm|Part15BetaTestClassDreams]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Dreaming of orgasms</h1> <img src="Part15/BetaTest7.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectDreams>> Your dreams are so often erotic, and tonight is no different. Tonight they <<else>> Your dreams tonight <</if>> are filled with with images of Quinn, and many other women, orgasming again and again. Some of them are masturbating, some of them are fucked, but each of them are soon screaming in pleasure. You want to reach between your legs and make yourself cum too, but you feel unable to move or do anything but watch and ache to be one of them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/BetaTest8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="right"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The guys are orgasming again and again in your dream as well. Some of them grunting and filling the girl they are fucking with their cum, some pulling out and covering her with it instead. You open your mouth, waiting for one of them to use your mouth, but none do. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You were desperate for an orgasm when you went to bed. You wake up the next morning even hornier, with your wetness leaking passed your belt and onto your sheets. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectDreams>> <i>You realize your dreams are usually erotic now, ensuring you always wake up horny and in need of an orgasm that you know you probably won't receive that day.</i> <<set $PlayerSideEffectDreams to 1>> <br><br> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectDreams == 1>> <i>You realize your dreams have become more intense and more consistently erotic now, ensuring you always wake up horny and in need of an orgasm that you know you probably won't receive today.</i> <<set $PlayerSideEffectDreams to 2>> <br><br> <</if>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <br> <img src="Part15/BetaTest9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350"> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Bring your buddy to work day</h1> You had been thinking that given the unusual nature of your 'job', Bailey wasn't going to be able to participate in the "Bring your Buddy to Work Day" event. But when you asked the engineering department about it, they said they had something perfect in mind... <<set $BuddyChastityOld to $BuddyChastity>> <<set $PlayerItemBuddyKeyOld to $PlayerItemBuddyKey>> <<unset $PlayerItemBuddyKey>> <<unset $BuddyChastity>> <<set $BuddyElectronicChastity to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "As you know, it's too late to late to add her to the belt trial you're in," the department head tells you. "And obviously thats much longer than a day anyway. But we do have a 48 hour belt test we are looking for volunteers for. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "It'll be fun, the two of us belted together," Bailey says. "Maybe they'll have some fun things for us where they sync up are belts together and make us both cum at the same time!" She's thrilled with the idea and comes with you to the Engineering department to get fitted for her belt. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You look out for her and check the contract she signs. It guarantees that they'll unlock her in 48 hours. It give her the option to continue wearing it longer if she chooses too, but they can't continue it longer on their own. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Buddy55.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After she's fitted and belted they explain the test she'll be doing. She's disappointed to hear that her belt isn't going to be synced up to yours, since that would compromise the testing you are doing. But she's excited when she hears about what she will be testing. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "They called it their denial optimization program," Bailey explains. "It's supposed to get me ramped up really quickly. They are hoping by the end of my 48 hours of denial and teasing with my belt set on their program, I'll be as horny as if I'd been denied for months and months. He hasn't even activated it yet, but I got horny just hearing about it. I can't wait to see what I'll be like in two days." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She smiles and adds, <<if setup.areDating("Bailey")>> "I made them add to my contract that when I get out of this belt, they immediately put me into your belt and have me leave locked in that one. I'll probably be so horny I'll do anything you want 48 hours from now. Won't that be fun!" <<elseif $BuddyDating>> "I made them add to my contract that when I get out of this belt, they immediately put me into <<if $BuddyChastity>>the<<else>>a<</if>> belt Caleb has the key for and have me leave locked in that one. I'll probably be so horny I'll do anything he wants 48 hours from now. Won't that be fun!" <<else>> "I can only imagine how horny I'll be 48 hours from now. I'm sure I'll fuck the first guy I see when I get out!" <</if>> She jumps for a second, then says. "[[It's starting now!|Part15BetaTestBuddy2]]" <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Bailey's <<if $BuddyChastityOld>>new<</if>> belt</h1> Bailey is already moaning from the teasing her belt is giving her before you get her home. She spends most of day and the evening on the bed, being teased by the belt and then denied. In a brief moment between teases she has a moment of lucidity to tell you what it's like. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $BuddyChastityOld>> "It's so much more than the regular belt you'd used with me. This one <<else>> "It <</if>> knows how to get me so fucking close to cumming, and then stop just before I can!" Bailey tells you. "I know you said yours could do that, but I had no idea how maddening it could be. I want... no I need to cum so bad right then, and it just stops, or even gives me a little shock to cool me down." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She continues, "Sometimes it stops before I even get close. You'd think that might be better, but when it does, I miss the edge and it ends up being even more frustrating. And then there's now, where it isn't doing anything, and I am aching for anything at all." Her expression changes as the belt starts up again, and she starts begging out loud to her belt. "Oh god, thank you. Please don't stop this time. Please let me cum this time." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Buddy54.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She can't make it to class the next day, but the Engineering department sent an email to her professors, so she'll be allowed to make up any work when she's "feeling better". As soon as your classes are over you stop by to check up on her. "How's it going. Think you can make it one more day?" you ask before laughing and adding, "Though it's not like you have another option." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Not tomorrow... Out next week... Special offer...," Bailey says between moans. You try to get her to explain further, but it becomes clearer when she points to her copy of a contract addendum she signed. You read that she extended her testing period of the denial optimization program by an additional week in exchange for them providing her a single orgasm earlier today. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Bailey!" you say in disbelief. "If you were horny enough to agree to that after just a day, what are you going to be like a week from now? What if three or four days from now they offer you another orgasm in exchange for a month or two in the belt, or a whole semester in it? You'd probably agree to..." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Really!" Bailey interrupts. "Will they do that? I need another orgasm so bad right now. Should I text to see if I can get that deal you mentioned. It'd feel so fucking good right now to cum, I really need it." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You try to talk her out of accepting any more extension deals, but it doesn't work. They turn off the optimization program two weeks after the last orgasm deal they offer her. But by then she's nearly insane with need and has agreed to be in the belt for the rest of the school year! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She's also sucking <<if $DailyBJMinimum>> even more cocks than you <<else>> many cocks <</if>> every day. She does it partially to avoid the punishment shocks she'll get if she doesn't meet her daily minimum. But really, she's always well over the minimum. She's just hoping for that random chance for an orgasm she has each time she does it. <<if setup.areDating("Bailey")>> <br><br> In a moment of sympathy? love? madness? you <<if $DailyBJMinimum>> <<set $DailyBJMinimum += 2>> increase your daily blowjob requirement to $DailyBJMinimum to match Bailey. <<else>> <<set $DailyBJMinimum to 5>> set your belt to require you to suck at least five cocks every day, just like Bailey. <</if>> It won't ever let either of you lower your daily requirement, but now you and her are in this together. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>><<nobr>> <<if $SchoolWeek == 3>> <<include [[Part15JobEngineer1]]>> <<elseif $SchoolWeek == 7>> <<if setup.areDating("Eric")>> <<include [[Part15JobEngineer4Eric]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15JobEngineer4]]>> <</if>> <<elseif $SchoolWeek == 11>> <<if setup.areDating("Eric")>> <<include [[Part15JobEngineer5Eric]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15JobEngineer5]]>> <</if>> <<else>> <<if setup.areDating("Eric")>> <<include [[Part15Engineer8Eric]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15Engineer8Bailey]]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Testing your colleague's 'Slut Trap'</h1> There's a lot fewer test subjects for you and the other engineers to test on this year, most of them have been reassigned to Kyle's chastity belt project. So you aren't at all surprised when Eric, one of the other engineers, comes to you asking for help testing one of his devices. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'm calling it the 'Slut Trap', and I thought you'd be the perfect one to test it," Eric tells you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Umm, thanks, I guess," you say as you start to strip. Once you are naked he gives you some high heels to wear. When you are all set you go over to his 'trap'. It's a metal dildo attached to a pole. It's low enough you'll have to squat a bit for it to enter you. And you also notice it looks like he's lubed it up for you already while you were undressing. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'll give you $$20 for every orgasm you can manage on it," he says. "But if you are still on it in 20 minutes, then you'll be my little test subject for the rest of the shift. Mine to test on, and to fuck of course." You grin and agree. You think you know his plan now. He knows you can't get off from masturbating, so he wants you to make yourself horny trying, so you can 'lose' on purpose. You smile and start to lower yourself onto the metal dildo. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Engineer35.webm" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you squat down on it, you feel the dildo start to vibrate. "Mmmmmm", you moan after a bit. When you do, you see a smile on Eric's face. As you enjoy the vibrations, you think you've figure out his plan again. He's hoping you get greedy, either for orgasms or cash, and will still be trying for one more orgasm when the time is up. Well you'll be careful to stop yourself after two. Then you can walk out with $$40 and a big smile, and with time to spare. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you shift and ride the vibrating dildo, you can feel your first orgasm building. "Ok, I can see how I'd be tempted to stay too long," you think to yourself. You promise yourself just the one and then maybe one more, but that's it. But as you start to get close to your orgasm, you realize the vibrations are dying away, until they stop altogether. "Hey, genius engineer. You forgot to charge the batteries or something," you say to him with a frustrated tone. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Did I?" is all he says in response. You wait a moment, thinking he's going to replace them or something. But he doesn't move. You figure you aren't going to be able to orgasm from his dead machine, but at least you aren't going to get tricked into riding it too long either. So you decide the testing is over and it's time to get off. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you start to move off though, you realize you can't. It takes you a moment to grasp what has happened. The metal dildo must have been slowly rising the whole time you were riding it. You must have just squated less and less as it rose without even realizing it. By the time you were standing up fully, you were too turned on to even be thinking about what your legs were doing. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Now it's too deep and it's too rigid for you to pull it out of you. The heels he made you wear keep you from even standing on your toes to get another few inches of clearance as you already are on your toes. You see there's some sort of release button or something half way down. After several tries you realize you can't even reach that. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Eric doesn't make you struggle for the full 20 mintues. Once you tell him you give up, he puts some leg cuffs on you so you aren't tempted to back out on the deal, and then releases you from the 'trap'. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> No money, and no orgasms yet. But at least you expect you'll have at least one when Eric [[has his fun with you|Part15JobEngineer2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>More testing with Eric</h1> Eric uncuffs your legs so you can dress in some shiny outfit. You doubt it has anything to do with whatever 'test' he has planned next, it probably just turns him on. Once you have it on, he binds you again, this time your hands and feet into a metal stockade. <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Eric", vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addInventory('costumes', 'racergirl bodysuit')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Engineer36.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your hands and feet are both too big to pull out of the stockade, and looking at the locks he used, you don't see how you'll be able to escape, or even try. Though you aren't expecting he actually wants you to escape anyway, you wonder what you are even supposed to test. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Then he just gives you the key. You understand the test once you try to use it. The way the locks are positioned, even with the key, you can't figure out a way to unlock them. You struggle and wiggle around on the floor trying to find some position that will help, but find nothing. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Engineer40.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> After watching this for a bit, you see Eric walk over. While you are on your back, he grabs the stockade and holds it over you. His other hand moves under the outfit he dressed you in and slides into you. He holds you there, fingering you and playing with your clit for a while. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've long since stopped trying to escape and are just enjoying his hand, grinding back against it. Then he pulls his hand away but grabs the material of your bottoms and stretches it a bit, pulling it off to the side. He then leans over the top of you and slides his cock into you. You were so lost in your pleasure you hadn't even noticed him taking his cock out. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> On top of you, with your hands and feet still in the air, he fucks you hard and fast. You were so close already you come soon after he starts. You were well on your way, but haven't quite reached, your second orgasm when he moans and cums too. He lays there on top of you groaning for a moment before getting off of you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As he gets up, he repositions your bottoms to cover you again. "We don't want you dripping cum everywhere, do we?" he jokes. Then he starts looking for what toy, outfit, or whatever he wants [[to use on you next|Part15JobEngineer3]]. He leaves you waiting on your back as he looks. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Final Escape?</h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Eric"})>> Eric let you put your panties back on, though it may have been a mistake as now they are soaked with his cum as it leaks out of you. He's decided to put a straight jacket on you this time, though one that only covers your arms and shoulders. It leaves your breasts open under your arms, and everything else completely vulnerable. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But Eric is only interested in your mouth this time. You do your best to pleasure his cock as he grabs your head and fucks your face. Eventually you feel his cock twitch and then his warm cum hits your throat. You've barely had time to swallow it before you feel a ball gag being pushed into your mouth. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Engineer37.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I've got some real work to do now," Eric tells you." "I'll be back a bit later. If you are still there, I'll assume that means you want to stay my little slave permanently. I'll lock one of those belts Kyle is testing on you, so I can train you right." He then smiles and walks out of the room, leaving you bound on the floor. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've seen the beta user reports on those belts. You've seen how horny, frustrated, and desperate most of the testers are. You've seen how many cocks they've sucked either in the hope of a single orgasm, or just to avoid being punished. You know if you don't want to become one of them you better <<link "start struggling to find a way out of the jacket.">> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive to 0>> <</if>> <<if either(1,2,3,4,5) - $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive <= 1>> <<set $tempStruggle to 1>> <<goto [[Part15JobEngineer3Submit]]>> <<else>> <<goto [[Part15JobEngineer3Struggle]]>> <</if>> <</link>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive >= 4>> Though with as submissive as you are, you doubt you'll do anything more than get yourself turned on at being bound. <</if>> If you aren't sure if you'll be able to manage to escape in time, you could always just [[walk out like this|Part15JobEngineer3WalkBound]] and ask for help from someone. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you have to admit that <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive > 2>>a big<</if>> part of you wants to [[wait for Eric to return|Part15JobEngineer3Submit]]. You don't know where the urge to turn your orgasms over to him comes from, but it's hard to resist. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Trying to walk away</h1> <img src="Part15/Engineer69.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't want to risk still being bound and waiting when Eric returns. You know you'd go insane if they locked one of those belts on you and didn't let you cum for god knows how long. So you try to sneak off. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course you are still gagged, and in a straight jacket, and nearly naked otherwise. You are fine escaping from the testing labs, the doors there all have push-bars and you can just back into them to open the door. But when you reach the main door to exit the building you have more trouble. The building is really old, and the door just has a regular doorknob. You try, but you can't manage to turn it while you are bound. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are about to start looking for the disabled entrance, you know one will be easier, it might even open automatically. But before you do that, someone approaches you. "Wow," is all he says at first as he looks you up and down. "I guess you are from that test lab upstairs." You nod. "Do you need help getting back up there?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You emphatically shake your head 'no' and gesture toward the exit. "Oh, a runaway?" he says in a teasing tone. "I bet they'd offer a reward if I brought you back? What are you offering?" You move up next to him, and rub your bare leg against his pants, feeling that his cock is already hard from seeing you bound like this. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I was just teasing," he says. "I was going to help you regardless. But you seem pretty eager, so I'll take you up on that when we get you back... home?" he asks trying to figure out where you want to go. You eagerly nod your head, both to him taking you home, and to his plans for you [[when you get there|Part15JobEngineer3WalkBound2]]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He opens the door for you, then places his arm around you and starts walking you across campus. You get a few looks, especially from some of the freshmen. Many of the others have just come to expect strange sights like a guy walking his bound and gagged slave-girl across campus. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Thanking your rescuer</h1> <video src="Part15/Engineer68.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Rescuer", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Rescuer", repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He starts off by just removing your gag. You say "Thank you" before dropping to your knees. As soon as he takes out his cock, you start sucking it, with your arms still bound in the straightjacket. But it isn't long before he helps you stand back up. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Where are your toys?" he asks, correctly assuming you have a box of them nearby. As soon as you tell him, he puts the gag back in your mouth and goes to retrieve them. When he returns, he removes your straight jacket, and replaces it with something that leaves you more open and easy for him to enjoy. Then he pushes you over onto the bed. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It doesn't take long before you are moaning into your gag. You cum as he's pulling your hair back while he fucks you. Shortly after that, you feel his cock twitching inside you after a final thrust from him. <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> You'd been gagged and couldn't mention using a condom, not that you remembered about it anyway. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> You'd been gagged and couldn't mention pulling out, not that you remembered about it anyway. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After he's recovered, he slaps you on the ass before unbuckling your restraints. He leaves your gag still on, assuming you'll remove it yourself now that your hands are free. "That was fun," he tells you before leaving. After he's gone you realize you never even got his name. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Free!</h1> After some struggling you manage to work the strap behind you up your back until you can get you arms over your head. You know Eric could have connected the strap to the harness you have on. If he'd done that there probably would have been no way to loosen your arms. Perhaps he really was wanting to give you a chance to escape, if you wanted it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Engineer38.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With your arms over your head you are able to slowly work the jacket up until finally one of the sleeves makes it past your sholder. That gives you a bit more freedom to move around. Eventually you get it past your elbow and you can pull one of your arms free entirely! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Eric hadn't locked anything on so, once your arm is free, the rest is fairly easy to remove. Or at least it would be if you weren't exhausted from struggling this far, and from the earlier fun. But eventually you get your other arm free, get your gag off, and remove the collar and harness. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Finally free you put your regular clothes back on. You toss the jacket, harness, and collar into the cleaning bin. You see the mess you made on the racing outfit from earlier and decide its yours now. You roll it up to keep the messy part from soiling your school books, and stuff it in into your backpack. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>No escape</h1> <<if !$PlayerItemNerdKey>> <<set setup.startDating('Eric')>> <</if>> <<set $PlayerChastityBelt to 1>> <<set $Keyholder to "computer">> <<set $ComputerChastityOwner to 'Eric'>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'electronic chastity belt')>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Eric", vaginal:true, birthControl:"pullout-perfect"})>> <<if $tempStruggle>> You struggle for a bit. But the more you do, the more it makes you feel stuck and helpless and thinking about what Eric is going to do to you when he returns. So you find yourself getting hornier and less interested in actually escaping. Eventually you give up actually trying at all and just wait for him, wet and eager to be used. <<else>> You pretend to struggle for a bit. You don't really want to escape, you just know that struggling and reminding yourself that you are stuck will make you even hornier. You want to be wet and ready for Eric when he returns. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he gets back and sees you still there he smiles and says, "I was hoping you would still be here." Then he steps out of the room for a bit and comes back holding one of the new chastity belts. Leaving you still in your straight jacket and gag, he strips off your panties to put the belt on you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But when he sees how wet you already are, he can't resist. He puts the belt down and pulls out his cock and starts to fuck you. He holds on to the strap of the harness you are wearing and pulls you back with each thrust. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You feel your orgasm building, but before you cum, he pulls out. "Now you are horny enough for the belt," he says with a laugh. You mumble 'Please fuck me' into the gag, but he ignores you. Only once he has the belt secure locked on you does he remove your gag and your other restraints. <</nobr>> <img src="Part15/Engineer14.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <<nobr>> His cock is still out and hard and you don't hesitate when he tells you to drop to your knees. You quickly get to work, eagerly sucking his cock. Shortly after you start, you feel your belt start to vibrate and stimulate you. Your approaching orgasm had started to fade after Eric had pulled out of you, but soon you are on the edge of it again. The belt keeps you right there, stopping or slowing before you cum, but making you feel like you are about to at any moment. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You quickly understand why the testers were so eager to suck cock, especially the ones that sometimes are allowed to cum when they do. This time you are probably even more eager than they usually are, since you know the belts are generally set to give an orgasm with the first blowjob. The later ones are random, but you assume Kyle and his team want the girls testing the belts to associate their own pleasure with a cock in their mouth right away. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When Eric pulls out to cum, you open your mouth wide for him, catching as much of his cum as you can. You lick what you can reach as well. But there is nothing from your belt. It stimulates you a bit more, but then goes quiet. "I turned off the initial orgasm, if that's what you were expecting," Eric tells you. "You just had one a little while ago, and I figured you didn't need another one so soon." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "But don't worry. With the teasing program I set it on, you should be just as horny as the other belted sluts in a week or two. If you are a good girl, and suck my cock every day, then maybe I'll let you have an orgasm then." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes, sir," you say, as you wipe more of his cum from your face and chest, and then lick it clean from your fingers. <<if $JobCallGirlSide>> <br><br>Eric doesn't want to share you, so you'll have to quit your side <<unset $JobCallGirlSide>> <<set $JobCallGirlOld to 1>> <<if $JobStripper>> <<if $PlayerItemNerdKeyStripper>> <<set $PlayerItemNerdKey>> <<unset $PlayerItemNerdKeyStripper>> <</if>> <<unset $JobStripper>> <<set $JobStripperOld to 1>> jobs as call girl and as a stripper. It's not like you can do either with your belt on anyway. <<elseif $JobGloryHole>> jobs as call girl and at the sex shop. It's not like you can be much of call girl with your belt on anyway. <<else>> jobs as call girl. It's not like you can be much of call girl with your belt on anyway. <</if>> <<elseif $JobStripper>> <<if $PlayerItemNerdKeyStripper>> <<set $PlayerItemNerdKey>> <<unset $PlayerItemNerdKeyStripper>> <</if>> <<unset $JobStripper>> <<set $JobStripperOld to 1>> <br><br>Eric doesn't want to share you, so you'll have to quit your side at the strip club. It's not like you could strip with your belt on anyway. <<elseif $JobGloryHole>> <<unset $JobGloryHole>> <<set $JobGloryHoleOld to 1>> <br><br>Eric doesn't want to share you, so you'll have to quit your side at the sex shop. Eric wants you to suck his cock, and only his cock. Well, unless he tells you otherwise. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerItemNerdKey>> [[Continue|Part15JobEngineer3SubmitPeter]]. <<else>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Peter takes control</h1> Peter quickly finds himself being unlocked much more frequently than ever before. Several times a day you are uncaging his cock, and sucking it until his cum fills your mouth. Peter is thrilled with the new arrangement. At first, that is. <<set setup.addSexRepeat(30, {sex:"male", name:"Peter"})>> <<unset $PlayerItemNerdKey>> <<set $ComputerChastityOwner to 'Peter'>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Engineer16.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But Peter soon realizes that your need to suck his cock is much greater than his need to have it sucked, especially when it's happening two or three times a day. He tells you that you're going to leave him uncaged from now if you want him to continue letting you suck his cock every day. "Yes, sir," is all you can manage to say. But it's all you need to say, as he lets you start servicing his cock after you agree. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next day Peter visits the engineering department to talk with Eric. You aren't allowed in the room while they discuss you, but at the end of it you learn that Peter is now the 'owner' of your belt, and able to unlock it, allow or prevent your orgasms, punish you, or whatever else he wants to do. Eric and the department still retain control as well for testing, of course, and if they decide your job duties require you to be unbelted temporarily. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Now, on your knees and thank Eric for being so understanding and handing control over to your boyfriend," Peter commands. You obediently drop to your knees and unzip Eric's pants and pull out his cock, and get to work. As Eric is getting close, Peter also informs you that you'll be expected to thank Eric this way every day when you get to work as well. "He may find need of other parts of your body too from time to time," Peter informs you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Comparing to the competition</h1> The automated, self-bondage saddle vibration machine you are working on will obviously need a better name before it goes to market. But that's a marketing issue, and you are trying to work on the technical details. And you are also having fun testing how well it works. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You aren't testing your device today though. Today you are trying to compare it to the product it's most similar to, a standard Sybian machine. Your X-Change side effect that stops you from getting yourself off sometimes causes problems for you testing things like this. You know the block is mostly psychological, but when it happens it happens, and it would make the test pointless since regular users won't have to deal with it. So you decide to have Eric help you. It's only fair he helps you with your tests since you helped him earlier. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> If you didn't have your side-effect, you would have bound yourself to the machine on a timer. But instead Eric will be doing that for you. After he secures you to the machine, you tell him, except for emergencies, he shouldn't release you for one hour since that's how long you would have set the self-bondage for. Then he turns on the machine and slowly turns up the dials on the machine looking for the right spot that will keep you just short of an orgasm for as long as possible. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Engineer39.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He chose the setting well, as you are soon begging him to turn it up more as you become desperate for the little bit more you need to orgasm. As discussed earlier, he ignores your pleas. But eventually, even that lower setting is enough, and you cry out with the orgasm you were so desperate for. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But the machine doesn't stop, or even slow down. It keeps going at the exact same level. And now it's too much. You are soon begging Eric to make it stop. He doesn't, at least at first. Eventually he comes over closer. You beg him to turn off the machine. You offer to suck his cock once he turns off the machine. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "If I wanted your mouth, I wouldn't even need to turn off the machine. I might even turn it up to make it more fun for me. You'll have to do better than that if you want me to turn it off." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You offer to let him fuck you. <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> You tell him he doesn't have to wear a condom and can cum inside you. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionTry>> You beg him to cum inside you. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> You tell him he can cum inside you if he wants. <<else>> You tell him he can cum inside you, your face, on your tits, in your hair, anywhere he wants. <</if>> He doesn't respond. Then you <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> beg him to <<else>> offer to let him <</if>> [[fuck your ass|Part15JobEngineer4Anal]]. He finds that offer acceptable. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>A surprise from Eric</h1> Eric turns off the machine and releases you from your restraint. Once you are free and can see the timer you'd set on your phone, you see you'd only have had to endure another five minutes. Assuming Eric released you when promised that is. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Engineer63.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you made a deal, and you plan on keeping it. You are thankful as Eric supplies a generous amount to lube before he pushes his cock into your ass. As soon as he does, you notice something is different. His cock feels amazing! <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> Even better than one normally does in your ass. <<else>> So much better than one normally feels in your ass. <</if>> You are soon moaning and crying out as you orgasm. He keeps going and you orgasm again when he fills your ass with his cum. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I see you like the new anal lube Ivan's been working on," Eric says after he pulls out. "He's been trying it out with his boyfriend and they've been loving it." You tell him it was wonderful. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Great," he says. "A few of the women we've tested it on some lingering effects though. For a few days they could only get off from anal. But they didn't seem to mind. Let us know [[if it's the same for you|Part15JobEngineer4Anal2]]. Hopefully we aren't going to have to put a warning label on the product." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Enjoying the effects while they last</h1> <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> <video src="Part15/Engineer65.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <br> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(3, {sex:"female", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(3, {sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(3, {sex:"female", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(3, {sex:"male"})>> $dating[0] tries fucking you in the ass with a strap-on, but it doesn't have the same effect. Thankfully, she's understanding of your situation, and lets you bring a guy into the bedroom to help out. As long as you eat her out while he fucks your ass, that is. <br><br> It feels so good having a cock in your ass, but you are still relieved when the effects wear off. As good as it felt, you are still glad to be able to orgasm with $dating[0]. <<elseif $PlayerItemNerdKey and setup.areDating('Peter')>> <video src="Part15/Engineer64.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(14, {sex:"male", name:'Peter'})>> <br> Peter is thrilled with the side effects from the lube since you are unlocking him every day to fuck your ass. The first day, he doesn't last long. You hadn't unlocked his cock for a while and your tight ass was too much for him. He's filling your ass with cum in a few minutes. But the next time he lasts longer. It's a good thing too. You told him if he came too soon again, you'd find someone else to fuck your ass instead and leave his cock locked. <br><br> Before the effects wear off, he asks you about getting a long-term supply of the lube because he knows that would mean you'd keep unlocking him every day for anal. He asks while he's fucking your ass, knowing how good it feels for you and that you are likely to agree. You would agree, except that it interfere with testing your creations. You tell him that you'll still let him fuck your ass sometimes when you unlock him, <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> since you'll always love how it feels. <<else>> now that you know how good it can feel. <</if>> But you'll stick to using normal lube. <<elseif $dating.length>> <video src="Part15/Engineer64.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(3, {sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(3, {sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0], vaginal:true})>> <br> While $dating[0] is a bit annoyed at first, he soon decides he doesn't mind, and eagerly fucks your ass until the effects wear off. And he continues fucking your ass for a while after that. He occasionally fucks you normally as well, though it's only for his benefit as the effects haven't worn off for you yet. <br><br> Once the effects wear off, he tells you he thought about having you see if you could get a long-term supply of the lube. That way you'd only ever want him to fuck your ass. But he says he understands that would interfere with testing your creations, so you'll just have to enjoy it with him using regular lube most of the time. <<else>> <video src="Part15/Engineer64.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(12, {sex:"male"})>> <br> It isn't hard for you to find guys willing and eager to fuck your ass. It feels so good when they do that you've been finding several a day, since one can only go so many times before he gives out. The best is when you find two or three guys at once, so one can pick up as soon as the other finishes. <br><br> You are tempted to see if Eric could just give you enough of the lube so that you could use it all the time. The only reason you don't is because you need to be able to have regular orgasms too if you are going to test any of your creations properly. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course when you see Eric, you let him know you had the same effects lasting for several days that the other girls had experienced. But you aren't sure they need to put a warning about it. "Actually, if anything, it seems like a bonus feature you'd want to advertise." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(20, {sex:"male", name:"Eric"})>> <h1>Finding new testers</h1> It's been a month since your last orgasm. With the teasing program Eric set on it for you, you been finding it hard to concentrate at work. So you've been spending more time helping Eric with his projects, and less about the ones you had been working on. But now the boss has given you an important assignment of your own. One he says you'll be even better able to do in your current state. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They have plenty of belt testers for it's normal mode and some for its monogamous mode too. There are still some more specialized modes they need testers for though. Your boss has decided you'd be the perfect recruiter to find some volunteers. And Eric has promised you an orgasm for every one you recruit, so you are eager to start searching. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $FormerMentor == "Faith">> <<include [[Part15JobEngineer4Faith]]>> <<elseif $SororityDTD or $SororitySEX>> <<include [[Part15JobEngineer4Sorority]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15JobEngineer4Lesbian]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $FaithChastity to 1>> When you see 'chaste' mode on the list of recruiting targets, you get excited. You know exactly who to talk to, Faith! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She's already seen some of the sluttier girls in belts so is obviously reluctant. But you explain that your could be set to actually prevent you from doing anything sexual, instead of encouraging it like their belts do. "They set the belts up however people want. It's not the belt's fault that they mostly want to be sluts," you explain to Faith. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "If we are going to be able to market it to young women that want to preserve their virtue, like you do, then we have to test that feature too. And we haven't had any volunteers. If we can't release it with that feature, then think of all the young women that give into their desires instead of waiting until marriage like they wanted to." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can see Faith starting to feel guilty, imagining herself as the reason those poor girls ended up whores. "Look at me," you continue. Remember what a slut I was. Now I'm loyal to one man, my boyfriend Eric. I don't think I could ever have been faithful without the help of the belt. Now that he knows he can trust me, Eric might overlook my earlier behavior and consider marrying me some day." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> That's convinced her. You help her prepare herself for the belt, and then take her over to the engineering department. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <table> <tr> <td><img src="Part15/Engineer41.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"></td> <td><img src="Part15/Engineer42.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"></td> <td><img src="Part15/Engineer43.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"></td> </tr> </table> Your boss lets you fit her into the belt yourself, in his office for privacy. Once she's belted and dressed, you call your boss back in. As he runs a few tests on the belt, she blushes. "Sorry, Faith," you say. "He just needed to verify the belt is fully functional. It shouldn't do that anymore, unless and until your future husband tells it to, of course." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well, and except for the quarterly health check," your boss corrects. "It will stimulate to ensure bloodflow and nerve response aren't being affected by your long lockup. It should last about 20 minutes and it'll give notice the day before. Hopefully you can be somewhere private, so you aren't as embarrassed." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know with her settings, the health check won't intentionally give her an orgasm, but it also won't try to prevent one either. You wonder if she'll be more horny after her quarterly checks if she resists cumming, or if she lies back and tries to enjoy it. You suppose it doesn't matter really, since the belt will prevent her from doing anything about it either way. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh, and speaking of your future husband," your boss adds. Let us know whenever you get engaged. We'll make arrangement with the lucky man to transfer control of your belt over to him on the wedding day." He glances at her enrollment form and adds, "Oh, and as requested, after the engagement we'll also change your belt settings to allow you to provide him oral without being punished." She blushes again and responds with a quiet 'Thank you.' <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you and Faith leave your bosses office, you congratulate her. Then you tell her bye, so you can go [[tell Eric the good news|Part15JobEngineer4Eric2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Engineer44.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <<set $SororityChastity to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you see 'competitive' mode on the list of recruiting targets, you get excited. You know exactly the three sluts in your sorority to talk to. A few drinks and showing them how big the recruitment bonus money they'll get after their belts are locked on, and the added bonus if they wear the bras too, then they are very interested. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Then when you describe how amazing the orgasms feel in the belt they are convinced. You don't mention that you are just quoting from the surveys you've read, as you've yet to experience one yourself. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With the competition mode, their belts are all linked. At the end of the week, they all get teased for an hour or more. Two of the belts will stop then, but the one belonging to the girl who sucked the most cocks that week will give her one of those amazing orgasms. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you explain that it randomly picks one if there's a tie, they decide to make sure they always tie, that way everyone has an equal chance. You tell them, that's fine, but just make sure they each suck at least one a day to avoid the punishment. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You doubt their 'tie' plan will last a week. When they start feeling the teasing when they suck their first cock in their belts, they'll probably be sucking as many as they can. At least one of them will, and she just won't tell her sorority sisters about it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> At the end of the week, when she doesn't get an orgasm, she'll realize one of her sisters 'cheated' on their deal even more than she did. And then any pretense of cooperation will be gone and all three will be openly sucking as many as they can. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> If they do make it with their deal the first week, it won't last the second week. Even with a three way tie, only one gets an orgasm. They other two will wonder if it was random, or if their sister cheated and sucked an extra cock or two. They'll suck a few extra in secret the next week. At least one of them won't cum and will realize one of her sisters cheated too. And then it's a cocksucking free-for-all as before. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once the three of them leave the engineering lab, with their belts securely locked, you eagerly head to [[tell Eric the good news|Part15JobEngineer4Eric2]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $LesbianChastity to 1>> When you see 'paired lesbian' mode on the list of recruiting targets, you get excited. You know exactly the two to talk to! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've been friends with Kara and Toni since last year, and they've been together the entire time. They have so much in common, and are perfect for each other in every way. Well, every way except one. <</nobr>> <img src="Part15/Engineer46.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <<nobr>> They've frequently complained that they both like being submissive. They take turns trying to be the dominant one some nights, but they say whichever one it is always relents at the least resistant from her submissive. You can tell it's not the same for them as it would be if one of them really enjoyed being dominant. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you tell them about the belt, and the paired mode you think is right for them, they are very interested, even before you mention the recruitment bonus payment they'd each get. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You explain to them in more detail about the two different ways the belts can work. "Initially, with both of you locked, it will frequently tease you both when you are together, and edge you both at least once each night if you are together. If you have it synced to your phone it'll also stimulate you both when you are on the phone together or texting each other." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "It'd deny us and we wouldn't be able to finish ourselves, or each other?" Kara asks excitedly. "Oh god, that's so fucking hot. Whenever we've tried playing with denial before, the 'Dom' would always give in as soon as the begging started." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "The other way it can work," you continue explaining. "Is with one of you unlocked and the other locked. After your first month, it'll let you both pick to unlock yourself, or your girlfriend, or neither of you. If you both choose to unlock the same person, then that person's belt is unlocked. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Engineer6.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "While she's unlocked, the teasing and edging for the locked one will be twice as frequent, but again only if you two are together. It will also edge the locked one, with a small chance of letting her orgasm, while she is eating her unlocked girlfriend out. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "After every month or after the unlocked one has received 100 orgasms, whichever takes longer, she'll have an option. She can choose to give her locked girlfriend a bonus orgasm, or to increase the frequency and intensity of her daily teasings. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Of course the unlocked one always has another choice. She can lock her belt back on, then everything will be back like it started. A month later the two of them can choose to unlock the other one, or the same person as before, or neither." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The two of them are beside themselves with excitement as you walk with them over to the engineering department. They keep challenging each other to wait longer and longer before they first start taking turns with unlockings. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After both of their belts are fitted, you can see from their faces that the first of their edgings has already started. The belt ramps up the intensity the first week of a lockup, to make the wearer extra horny. You'd thought about mentioning that, but decided to let it be a pleasant surprise instead. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Have fun you two," you say as you head over to [[see Eric and give him the good news|Part15JobEngineer4Eric2]]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you walk to meet Eric you wonder if they'll really wait months like they said. A week from now, they'll both be so eager for an orgasm they won't be able to think of anything else. After a month... the only question will be if they can agree on who to unlock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The real fun will come after that, you think. Once one of them is free to orgasm whenever she likes, and has some control over when her girlfriend orgasms, will the power go to her head? Will she willingly lock her belt back on and give up that control? Will her girlfriend even want her to give it up, or will she be happier finally having brought out her lover's dominant side. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Celebrating with Eric</h1> <img src="Part15/Engineer45.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(20, {sex:"male", name:"Eric"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Eric is excited to hear the news. "Congratulations! I'll go ahead and set your belt to let you have a small chance of an orgasm for every blowjob you give me. Except for the next <<if $SororityChastity>> three. For each of those <<elseif $LesbianChastity>> two. For each of those <<else>> one. For that one <</if>> you're guaranteed an orgasm." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You quickly drop to you knees, not even bothering to take off your hoodie first. Eric doesn't make you wait and just smiles as you excitedly unbuckle his pants and pull out his cock. Your belt keeps you hovering on the edge of an orgasm as always. But this time it doesn't stop after he cums, it keeps going, pushing you further until you are screaming with your first orgasm in a month. "Thank you" is all you can say after you recover a moment. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'm glad you enjoyed that," he says smiling at you. <<if $SororityChastity>> "But don't forget, you have two more orgasms coming." You certainly hadn't forgotten. "Your belt will give you a moment to enjoy this orgasm, then it'll start teasing and edging you until you've had your other two orgasms. <br><br> "Watching you squirm will probably have me ready for the next one in no time. You might have to wait a bit for the third one. I'm sure you'll enjoy it even more after an hour or two of edging though." <<elseif $LesbianChastity>> "But don't forget, you have another orgasm coming." You certainly hadn't forgotten. "Your belt will give you a moment to enjoy this orgasm, then it'll start teasing and edging you until you've had your other one. <br><br> "Watching you squirm will probably have me ready for the next one in no time, so you shouldn't have to wait long. <<else>> "If you want to take your chance on one of the random ones, I'll be able to help with that in a little while. And of course, I'll guarantee another one for any more recruits you get." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Test subjects for your project</h1> Today your testing out the tease feature of the device you've been working on. It's intended for the owner, or someone close to her, to set a timer, keeping the probes inside her enlarged and preventing her from getting up, at least without great difficulty. And then she has to endure whatever program she, her master, or the system has selected for her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Too often, your own masturbation difficulties interfere with your testing, so you have some test subjects helping you now. Today you are testing the tease functionality. Keeping her close to an orgasm for an extended period. Sometimes edging her and then backing down, sometimes keeping her as close as possible for as long as possible. Sometimes letting her cum at the end of the program, and sometimes leaving her without an orgasm. But you quickly run into a problem, though not with the machine itself. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Engineer32.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With your first testers, you could see the problem with the tease program. The machine kept her from getting up, or changing the settings. But her clit was still accessible, and unlike you, they had no problem getting themselves off. At first you think of technical solutions, like detecting this and shocking her if she tries. Those might be fun too, but an easier fix occurs to you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> A simple pair of cuffs, cuffing her hands behind her back, will prevent any chance of touching herself. For a normal user, she could just place them on a table across the room. They'd be easy to get once the machine released her, and impossible to reach until then. Though for testing in the lab, it's simpler to just restrain the testers directly. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The [[tests go much better|Part15JobEngineer6]] after you add the restraints. You'll need to suggest they include relevant instructions to deal with this when the product is released. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Keeping her on the edge</h1> You can see for sure, when the machine edges the first tester after you added the restraints, that this is going to work much better. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Engineer33.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She's tugged at the restraints, wanting to finish the orgasm the machine is refusing to give her. After a while she's begging for an orgasm, offering anything for one. You smile, knowing that feeling. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know most of the guys in the lab would gladly take her up on the offer. But you wanted your device tested properly, which is why you are running this test yourself. You just track her responses and [[keep observing|Part15JobEngineer7]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Happy ending to the testing session</h1> This testing session is ending with an orgasm for her. After she's came, the machine finally releases her. Once she's standing well on her own feet, you come over and uncuff her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Engineer34.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She rates the machine a 10 out of 10 and tells you that it was one of the best orgams she's ever had and leaves as soon as she's dressed. The test subjects that weren't given orgasms at the end of their session don't leave quite so quickly. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You ask the non-orgasming subjects what they think of the machine. Most of them just tell you how bad they need to cum. There's always a few of the guys nearby to help with that, or sometimes one of the girls. After they've came they always tell you how wonderful it was to finally cum, and that they did enjoy the machine and how desperately horny it made them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> There's a few of the denied subjects that tell you how wonderful it was to be teased and denied. You ask them if they want to continue that feeling. When they say yes, you order them not to touch themselves, and lead them over to Kyle's team. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Those girls leave the engineering department, still hungry for an orgasm after your hour of teasing, but now locked in a chastity belt that will keep them in that horny, desperate state for a long, long time to come. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Building up buzz</h1> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(20, {sex:"male", name:"Eric"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The team's electronic chastity belt isn't quite ready for market, but they are trying to build up buzz about it and get prospective clients eager for it's launch. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> To do that, they are planning a booth adult an adult expo coming up. Among your other duties in the booth, you'll be of course modeling your belt, as well offering first hand testimony on it's features. <</nobr>> <img src="Part15/Engineer49.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<nobr>> You'll also be running the contest they are having. The entry fee to the convention isn't cheap, so anyone attending likely to have a good bit of disposable income, and likes spending it on adult entertainment. So getting them on a marketing list for when the belt comes out is ideal. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Any couple scanning their conference badge and providing their information gets to spin the prize wheel. <</nobr>> <img src="Part15/Engineer51.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350"> <<nobr>> The way it works is that the submissive wife or girlfriend of the couple gets locked in the glass booth. Then she waits as her partner spins the wheel. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> If the wheel lands on the tiny slice that says "FREE BELT - INSTANT WIN" then she'll be given one of the pre-market belts right there before she leaves the booth. The crowd will watch and cheer as she [[locks it on herself|Part15JobEngineer5EricBelt]] right in front of their eyes. If it lands on a number of raffle tickets, then they are entered into the drawing for one of the remaining promo belts at the end of the conference. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> If it lands on one of the Sybian slots, then she gets to [[ride the Sybian|Part15JobEngineer5EricSybian]] in the glass booth, again while the crowd watches. Of course most of the Sybian spaces call for just teasing her, but there is one small slice for a ride ending with an orgasm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Much of the remaining space on the wheel is for a packet of [[denial gel for the woman in the booth|Part15JobEngineer5EricGel]]. The crowd will watch as she applys it to herself before the booth is unlocked and she is let out. It's the same gel your department used on that special project last year. So you know she'll be horny as hell for the next 30-60 days, but completely unable to orgasm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are also offering packets of the gel for purchase at half their normal retail price, as long as they apply it right here and now, in the glass booth. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And the other spaces on the wheel are for you to provide the dominant partner [[with a blowjob|Part15JobEngineer5EricBJ]], while his wife or girlfriend watches from the booth. Eric has changed your belt's settings for the conference, so she'll be able to see from the booth how the belt teases you as you suck her man's cock. Of course, the crowd will enjoy watching that as well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And if a blowjob doesn't make sense for the couple in question, or the dominate partner just isn't interested, the they can always opt for the girl in the booth to get the denial gel instead. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, any single women interested in the belt can provide their info as well. Once they are in the booth, you spin for them. Of course she can't see the wheel from in there, so she can't see when you turn the wheel to land on 'Denial Gel' if had landed on anything other than that or the big prize. The audience cheers at you 'cheating' and eagerly watch her deny herself for the next month or two. You always give her some entries into the drawing later too, just to be fair. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <i>(<<link "SPIN RANDOMLY">> <<set $tempSpin to either("Deny","Deny","Deny","Deny","Deny","Sybian","Sybian","Belt","Belt","BJ","BJ")>> <<switch $tempSpin>> <<case "Deny">><<goto [[Part15JobEngineer5EricGel]]>> <<case "Sybian">><<goto [[Part15JobEngineer5EricSybian]]>> <<case "Belt">><<goto [[Part15JobEngineer5EricBelt]]>> <<case "BJ">><<goto [[Part15JobEngineer5EricBJ]]>> <</switch>> <</link>>, or choose the option they landed on yourself)</i> <</nobr>><<nobr>> It's [[back to the working the booth|Part15JobEngineer5Eric]] and getting more people to sign up. At least until the end of the day finally arrives, and you can spend [[some time with Eric|Part15JobEngineer5Eric2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> No, instead you give her one of the many single-use applicator vibrators you have ready. You pull the tab that activates it and the shaft immediately starts to vibrate. She's already naked and been playing with herself by the time you hand it to her through the access panel in the door to her glass booth. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She immediately plunges the vibrator into her, fucking herself with it. The in and out of the vibrator stop once the clit stimulator starts. Then she holds it right up to her clit where it feels amazing for her. Of course that's the whole point. It's designed to ensure she has it positioned just right for when it releases the gel. <</nobr>> <img src="Part6/SpecialProject12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<nobr>> Part of her knows what just happened, but the feeling of the applicator 'cumming' on her is a familiar one, and the vibrations on her clit still feel amazing for her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The battery in the applicator isn't very big, it only has to last for a little while, and it's job is done now. So usually it dies before she would have gotten off. When that happens she'll return to furiously fucking herself with it instead. But either with the vibrations or the thrusting, the end result is the same. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The audience will eagerly watch as she feels her orgasm coming, only to feel nothing at all when it should have felt the best. More than once the applicator has been thrown against the clear wall of her booth in frustration. Of course generating much laughter from the crowd when it happens. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Denied while they watch</h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When the wheel lands on "Denial Gel", the crowd cheers. Of course, you could just hand her the denial gel packet and let her apply in normally. But it wouldn't make as good of a show. And it looks an awful like cum, so she could be tempted to swallow it when she saw it. You aren't sure what that would do. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15JobEngineer5EricBJCommon]]>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Before she does anything else with her hands, or the applicator, you direct her to the clean-up wipes and trash can in the corner of the booth. Once she's cleaned herself, you let her out of the booth, and tell her to enjoy the next month or two of fun and frustration. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15JobEngineer5EricBack]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Lying about their prize</h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The wheel lands on "Watch Blowjob from Booth", with some disappointment from the crowd. They were hoping to see her belted, or at least given the denial gel. But since she can't see what it landed on anyway, there's no reason to disappoint them. After a quick whisper to her boyfriend, letting him know he'll still be getting his blowjob, you announce "Denial Gel!". Now the crowd cheers. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Now you could just hand her the denial gel packet and let her apply in normally. But it wouldn't make as good of a show. And it looks an awful like cum, so she could be tempted to swallow it when she saw it. You aren't sure what that would do. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15JobEngineer5EricBJCommon]]>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Before you let her out of the booth, you let her know you have a show for her as well. Then you [[drop to your knees|Part15JobEngineer5EricBJ2]] in front of her boyfriend. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Awarding her actual prize</h1> With her still locked in the booth and watching you drop to your knees and take her husband or boyfriend's cock into your mouth. <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Convention Attendee"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Engineer53.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> If she could still orgasm, she would have been tempted to try to get herself off while she watched. Well, if she hasn't tossed the dildo/applicator yet, she tries. But it only adds to her frustration and soon the applicator will be hitting the wall for sure. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> By the time her husband's cum fills your mouth, she's watching with intensity, now just wishing it could be her tasting his orgasm instead of you. She's already starting to accept that the only orgasms she'll be experiencing for a while will be his. And she probably knows that she better please him, or he'll be instructing her to apply the gel again when today's eventually wears off. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you unlock the booth let her out, only then does she what the wheel actually landed on. "She offered a bonus prize, and I thought you deserved it," her husband tells her. She just nods her agreement, picks up her clothes, and rejoins her husband. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15JobEngineer5EricBack]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>One last orgasm, maybe</h1> The crowd is usually disappointed when they see it land on "Sybian Orgasm" or "Sybian Tease". They were hoping to watch her get belted, or at least get the denial gel. She is thrilled though. You let her out of the booth and lead her over to the Sybian. You don't let her see if it landed on Orgasm or Tease though, you want it to be a surprise. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Engineer56.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Either way, there's a long build up first, so you have a moment to talk to her husband, boyfriend, or whatever, while she is very distracted. You let him know that the insert you used in the machine isn't a standard one, it's an applicator for the denial gel. He's always thrilled when he finds out about the added bonus prize. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> If she'd landed on the "Sybian Orgasm", you let him know that you could let the machine give her her orgasm first, but she might want to get up immediately, before the gel is applied. "If you want to be sure she stays on there for the gel, it's best to apply it now. Of course that means she won't be able to have the one last orgasm first. But she'll start her month or two of denial much hornier already." Of course if it's set to tease, you know she'll be there for a while, hoping for more. So there's no hurry then. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He doesn't take much convincing. But once you've convinced him, you let him press the button that releases the denial gel. His wife moans and rides the machine harder as she feels what her body thinks is the familiar feeling of a warm load of cum inside her. But of course, it's actually the denial gel, being sprayed into her, and all over her. Her body quickly absorbs the chemicals in the gel and they quickly do their work. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After a moment you tell her partner its safe to turn up the machine. He increases the power like you'd instructed. His wife begins to ride harder, knowing her orgasm is moments away. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But the orgasm never comes. At the last moment, when she should have went crashing over the edge into an orgasm, she feels nothing at all. She grinds against the machine desperate for more, but it's too late, the gel has done its work. She was just denied her last chance an orgasm for the next month or two. She tries a bit longer on the machine, but eventually gives up and gets off of it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When she finally sees the wheel, she can see if she had earned an orgasm. She might have the added frustration of knowing she could have had one last orgasm just now, but her husband chose to start her denial one orgasm earlier.. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15JobEngineer5EricBack]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Belted while they watch</h1> She can't see when the wheel stops on the tiny "Free Belt" space, but she can tell from the cheers of the onlooking crowd that her partner's spin was a winner. You wonder if she's as excited as he is, or just wishing she'd had one last orgasm before she came to the convention today. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They each seem nervous as you open the access panel and hand them the belt. But they don't want to disappoint the crowd, and certainly not their partner, so they all put the belt on. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Engineer55.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The crowd always erupts into another cheer when they see the status on the big display outside the booth change to "<b>Locked</b>." Sometimes they finish dressing in the booth, sometimes their partner beckons them out wearing only the belt. It's not like it matters, everyone has already seen them naked at this point. And everyone is far more interested in seeing something else. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Engineer52.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> "The control interface for your dominant to control your belt won't be available for general use until the launch date," you explain. "So until then we'll set you up with a fixed belt program. Let's see which one it will be..." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> This time she spins the wheel to decide her fate. Frequently her hand is trembling as she reaches for the second wheel and sees the possibilities. The most likely outcome is no orgasms at all until the public launch. But there are some options that give her a small, or very small, chance of an orgasm at the end of a blowjob or anal sex. There's even one small slice for a 50% chance each week for one orgasm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "All of these come with daily teasings sessions, and all of them come with that wonderful teasing during blowjobs, even if it's not going to give you an orgasm at the end," you inform them. Then you ask their partner if they want you to set it with a daily blowjob requirement. "Later you'll be able to restrict it to be only you if you want, but during prelaunch any cock will do," you tell him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> For the ones that have you add the requirement, you remind them, "If you have any business trips planned before launch, be sure to take your wife with you, or at least send a trusted friend over each day to help her meet her requirement and avoid the belt's punishment." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> For the lesbian winners you appologize that the cunnilingus and analingus detection isn't ready just yet, but are definitely expected to be there at the official launch. You still have them spin the wheel, in case she lands on that 50%/week setting. And even if the chaste girl insists she's never had a cock before. She might feel differently in a few weeks, if she knows it comes with teasing and maybe a chance for an orgasm. You still give the dominate woman the option to set a daily blow job requirement if she wants. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Enjoy your new, chaste, life!" you tell them once the programming is locked in. "The product launches next spring, that's only 4 months from now! Seven months at the latest." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Then you remind them, "On launch day, we'll transfer full control over to your partner, and that's when the real fun will start!" Or for the women that came alone, you tell them, "On launch day, we'll automatically enroll your belt in one of our self-lock challenges, and that's when the real fun will start!" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Or, if you want some excitement during the conference, and support a good cause, you can add your belt's control to the auction we are doing. The highest bidder will get full control over your belt, once we go live that is. If and when they give up and return control to you is up to you and them. Well, mainly them. The proceeds go to support our "Belts for Scholars" program, providing free belts to college students like me who wouldn't be able to afford one themselves." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15JobEngineer5EricBack]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(20, {sex:"male", anon:"Convention Attendee"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(20, {sex:"male", name:"Eric"})>> <h1>Passively promoting the product</h1> <table> <tr> <td width="305"><img src="Part15/Engineer48.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" width="300"></td> <td> Even as you and Eric are grabbing drinks in the bar after the convention floor has closed for the day, you are still promoting the product, just by being there. <br><br> Well, by being there wearing nothing but the product and your heels. Seeing you dance and have a good time wearing the belt makes it easier for the onlookers to picture themselves, or their wife, wearing it. And seeing you when Eric triggers it to give you an orgasm for your day of hard work, or even just a tease, makes the submissive ones start getting wet thinking about wearing one themselves. </td> </tr> </table> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Engineer54.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You also get to run into some of the women who were in the booth putting on a show earlier. You can tell the denial gel is working, they are already horny and eager for any touch they can get. Considering that it's only been a few hours of denial so far, you wonder how bad they'll be after a week, or a month. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, that's part of your boss's plan. After seeing the effect a month or two of denial has on them, their spouse will be even more eager to purchase a belt. That way they'll be able to lock it on their wife and ensure she's like that all the time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With the convention here, the club is probably even more flexible about rules than they normally are. No one stops you as you find a booth in the corner to suck Eric's cock. Of course you are putting on a show, letting everyone see how eager you are with the belt teasing you. But you also want to make sure he's ready for sleep when you two get up to your room. It's an early start tomorrow for the [[final day of the convention|Part15JobEngineer5Eric3]] and you'll need your rest. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Charity Auction</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Engineer66.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Before the [[big raffle|Part15JobEngineer5Eric4]], you have the charity auction. Several of the single women that won a belt earlier in the convention agreed to auction off full control over it to the highest bidder. You are sure they must really care about the goal of providing free belts to college students who can't afford one. They wouldn't have agreed to it just for the free orgasm you promised to give them once they signed the paperwork for the auction would they? <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course then there was Jenni. She was eager to turn over control. Not being in control of who even would have that power over her turned her on even more. You didn't even need to offer her the bonus orgasm. That was great, since she was hornier than any of the others during the auction, and the bidding went much higher for her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Control won't be transfered until the belt's public release, but you still encouraged all the belted girls and their winning bidders to spend a little time to get to know each other before they leave. "Besides just learning a bit more about each other, thanking him for his generous donation to charity might help him want to give you a setting you like on release day." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part14/Chastity21.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Awarding the raffle prizes</h1> There were five belts still left at the end of the convention. There were more people than ever, along with media of various sorts taking photos and video as you draw the lucky names. Of course they needed to be present to win, but all five were there when there names were called. <</nobr>> <img src="Part15/Engineer47.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <<nobr>> Like with the ones that had won instantly earlier, you tell them that the control interface for their dominant won't be available until launch, and their belts have been preloaded with a fixed program until then. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> There's no wheel to spin this time though. Once they are locked in their belts, you let them know that each of the belts were already programmed. One with a 1/100 chance of providing an orgasm whenever the wearer completes a blowjob, two with a 1/1000 chance, and two with no chance at all for an orgasm until this spring when their dominant gets to decide. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You also let everyone know that all five have a one blowjob per day requirement to avoid punishment, and multiple daily teases to keep the wearer entertained and eager. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Engineer50.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> Quietly, off to the side, you inform the lesbian winner's spouse that you set the daily blowjob requirement for her to only "activate" after she gives her first blowjob wearing the belt. So if she never gives one, then she won't be punished for it. You leave it up to her whether she let's her belted wife know about the loophole you gave her, or if she has her belted wife suck a cock before they leave today to 'avoid the punishment tomorrow'. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She opts to tell her about the loophole. Though, after the convention, when you see the two of them exploring the city like you and Eric are, you recognize the look in the belted ones eyes. That look says, "Could giving a blowjob be that bad, really? I mean there's a 60% chance that there could be a small chance it would give me an orgasm, maybe I should give it a try?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You bet one of your orgasms with Eric that she gives her first blowjob before the end of the day. When Eric looks up her belts stats at the airport while you wait for your flight, you are pleased to have been right. Eric doesn't make you wait for your prize, and moments later you are struggling not cry out as your orgasm hits in the middle of the terminal. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When the plane lands back home, you and Eric relucantly head back to campus. This week has been fun, and your boss covered for you both with your other professors, but you'll both have to catch up on missed work this weekend and next week it'll be back to class for both of you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>More marketing ideas</h1> Your boss is thrilled with the results from the convention, and especially with how successful the contest and auction you ran were. "Your idea to get nearly all the women to use the denial gel was brilliant!" he tells you. "Many of the women that participated have already called to put in pre-orders for the belt. Or rather their husband or wives have. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "And so many of them were eager to keep their submissive in denial until they could have belted, that we've decided to start including a special with pre-orders. A free packet of denial gel every month until their belt arrives." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "And the auction was a brilliant idea too. We'll add that to our list of options for our self-locking wearers going forward. Maybe with limited-time options as well. We might get more willing to try a few weeks or a month under stranger's control than we would on a more open-ended transfer." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "As someone with first hand experience with the belt, and who clearly has a knack for marketing it, do you have any other suggestions on how to make more people aware of the belt. The convention was full of people already set to be interested in a product like ours. I'm hoping we can expand to a larger customer base as well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You think for a bit then say, "Well sir, I do have an idea. Hire someone well-known to wear the belt for a while..." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Like a celebrity? A famous actress or super model?" he asks. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well, that would be ideal," you admit. "But I doubt that's something we could afford, if we could even find someone willing." You think for a moment then add, "Though, if one that already has an interest hears of our campaign and gives us a call, that would be wonderful. But actually, what I was thinking was more like a popular porn star." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Engineer57.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "We'd offer her a set amount of money to wear the belt, maybe for a month?" you suggest. "Of course we'll film her, signing the contract, putting on the belt, her first tease, as much as we can. She'll do commercials and other promos for us, which will be nice. But we'll make it clear that she can still work as a porn star, actually we should encourage it. Seeing her on film getting fucked in the ass, or sucking cock, while being teased by our belt, it will stir interest in a lot of new people." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Hmm, interesting... A month you say. I guess it would be harder to get them agree to longer I suppose," your boss responds. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well, a month a first sir," you respond. "I expect she'll be used to having a lot of sex, both on camera and off. Suddenly getting no orgasms at all with be quite a change. And if we add a high amount of teasing to her belts programming, she'll be insane with lust in no time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Then all we need to do is give her a choice," you continue. "She can wait the other two or three weeks until her contact ends. Or, she could sign a contract extension, and have one right then. We'll film it all: the begging beforehand, her looking at the contract and knowing she shouldn't. Of course the viewers will know what her choice is going to be before she even says it. Then we'll film her signing, and enjoying her orgasm. And then zoom in on her face as the realization of what she's done hits her after her orgasm is over." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Engineer58.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Based on my experience," you continue, "with the tease settings set high enough, I expect she won't be able to turn down any extension you offer her if it comes with an orgasm, or maybe even just the chance of one. I wouldn't be surprised if, before the belt is even on the market, you could persuade her to submit herself indefinitely just for the chance of an orgasm with each blowjob. And then you can film her begging the cameraman to let her suck his cock as soon as she signs." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That sounds brilliant!" your boss tells you. <<if setup.haveFucked("Porn Costar")>> "Do you have any contacts still in that industry?" <br><br> "Oh yes," you tell him. "I know the perfect horny little slut for the deal" <<else>> "And I think I know just the person to ask to help us find the perfect horny little porn start to work with." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Do you have [[any other ideas|Part15Engineer8Eric2]]?" he asks you eagerly. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Referral Bonuses</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Engineer67.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I know you guys are already planning a referral program for keyholders that get their friends to buy a belt for their wives or girlfriends," you tell them. "But I'm thinking of something similar, except for self-locked girls. It wouldn't even need to cost us anything like the keyholder one does." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "One simple option would be to just give them an orgasm whenever someone uses their referral code. Right then, regardless of whatever other programming or lock-up period they have set." You pause for a moment, "But there might be returns or cancellations, and they've already been rewarded and you can't take the orgasm back. Besides, I have a more fun idea that I think would be even more popular." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "It would just give them a tease or an edge whenever their code is used, letting them know their friend has made an order. But they don't get their orgasm until after their friend has locked her belt on." You think for a moment. "We can give her two options on her initial lockup period. Either it's for a full month, OR it's for just two weeks and it also adds two weeks to her friend's current lockup. Either way the 14-day return period will be over before her belt comes off. We can set the initial period to include lots of teasing and edges and maybe even a few orgasms. So she won't even be thinking about returning it anyway." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your boss loves the idea. "Imagine if a popular social media influencer or streamer shared her code with her fans. We'd make tons of extra sales from the free advertising. People would probably love to order whenever she's live online, so they could watch her get edged right then. They'd probably wait to lockup until she was on too, so they can all watch her orgasm. Or likely several orgasms, if her referral code is getting a lot of use." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "And most of the new purchasers will probably pick the 2-week 50/50 lockup option, so the influencer's lockup period will keep getting extended. That'll probably make her want to promote the belt even more, as she gets more desperate for the referral orgasms." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I love it, $playerName. [[Anything more|Part15Engineer8Eric3]]?" <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Try before you buy</h1> You share another idea you've been thinking about. "Obviously our belts aren't going to be cheap. And so there's going to be women that want one, but can't afford it. Or others that can but are hesitant to spend that much money. I'm thinking this will more likely to affect single women than those with a partner already." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your boss nods and says, "Yes, that seems reasonable. If she has a partner then they will likely be just as eager, or more so, to get her in a belt. If she is single then she might feel guilty splurging on a 'fetish' product. Of course we have the 'Belts for Scholars' program, but that's a limited demographic, and it's only ever going going to be a relatively small number of girls. And a big part of it is just to get photos out there of hot, young, college students wearing our belts to boost awareness." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You continue explaining your idea, "So we offer an option to 'sign-up to be notified of promotions and discount offers' or something similar, so we can get their names and addresses. Then, a bit later if she hasn't already made a purchase, we just send her a belt." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He's looking more skeptical as you continue. "We'll include a letter asking her to give it a try for a while, or to return the belt if she isn't interested. Obviously we already know she'll be interested. The letter will let her know that the trial belt will be fully functional at first, but some functions may be disabled after the trial period. We should probably be vague on which functions and exactly how long the trial period is." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Engineer59.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Knowing they were already considering buying one, they'll jump at the chance to try it for free. We'll include suggestions some of the self-locking programs in the letter. And it will work as any self-locked belt would for the first umm... week or two of locked time. Then we disable a few functions. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Specifically, the ability for her to control the belt herself any longer. We'll turn off the ability to allow or trigger orgasms, to turn off or turn down the teasing settings, lower any blowjob requirements she's set, and especially the ability for her to unlock the belt." Your boss smiles now, seeing where your plan is going. You continue, "When she goes to the website to 'reactivate' her belt, we'll give her several options." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Engineer60.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "First, she can just pay for the belt herself. She'll obviously see how much she loves it now, and we'll have an easy sale if she can afford it. We'll offer a payment plan as well, with her control being re-enabled once she's paid in full. Maybe we can leave her with one of the self-locked challenges to complete before she gets control back though as an added bonus. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Second, she can create a profile to help us match her with a dominant willing to pay for her belt. Once they pay us, then the belt will be fully functional again. Though obviously the control would transfer to the dominant that paid us, not the wearer." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "And third, if she's done neither of those after a couple weeks, the belt will give her another offer. After weeks of teasing and no orgasms, she'll be very open to anything. The app will have access to her phone's contacts and social media. We can identify a contact we think might want control of her belt. Then once she's horny and desperate for an orgasm, offer her one in exchange for letting the app message her contact with the offer to buy the belt and take control. And warn her that if she declines, she won't get another chance to reactivate the belt, by any of the options, for another month." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your boss adds, "Or we could just have the lawyers add something to the terms and conditions authorizing us to send the message in advance. People never read those things. And it'll be a lovely surprise for her friend, and for her when he or she accepts and pays for her belt." He then adds a fourth option, "And we can also give her the auction option too, though the starting bid would be the full price of the belt. Any extra bid over that could then go to the charity." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He finishes up your meeting with, "That's another great idea. I'll talk to the lawyers about the text to include in the terms. You can talk to the team about the seven day deactivation part," your boss instructs. "I'll be sure to [[let Eric know|Part15Engineer8Eric4]], when I see him, what a great help you've been." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Reward from Eric</h1> Eric has been generous with your orgasms lately - at the convention, and then last week when you helped resolve that issue with your professor. But that just made you start to miss them even faster when let you know that he'd decided you've been having too many, and that he has decided to cancel your orgasms for the rest of the year. But after talking with your boss, and hearing about your contributions, he said he has reconsidered. Your mind instantly starts imagining your next orgasm. <img src="Part15/Probation19.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You were just imagining a quick orgasm from the belt, but he tells you he's planning something special for you. He's going to unlock you from the belt for a change and fuck you to an orgasm himself. Your mind quickly starts fantasizing about feeling Eric's cock inside you, of him fucking you until you explode with an orgasm, and then fucking you some more. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Engineer61.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You quickly start undressing, but he stops you. "[[I don't mean right now|Part15Engineer8Eric5]]," he tells you. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Just Eric's orgasms for now</h1> "I want your next orgasm, with me inside you, to be special," Eric tells you. "It'll be a Valentine's Day treat for you. I'll have a whole special day planned for you." Your quickly realize that is almost three months from now! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "But I won't be cancelling your orgasms until then," he clarifies. "I'll just be saving them. I'll make sure you have them all then. Or at least as many as you can handle. We might need to spread them out over a couple days." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Engineer62.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He was probably about to say, "Until then..." and unzip his pants, but you are alerady ahead of him. Thinking of Eric's cock inside you makes you ache for that day. But for now having him in your mouth is the best you can do. Well, unless he wants to fuck your ass too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've pulled down his pants and started sucking his cock before he can even say another word. You were already hungry for his cock. Once your belt adds its teasing on top of that, nothing could pull you away from his cock until he's filled your mouth with his cum. It takes what little focus you have to pace yourself though. You want to prolong his pleasure as much as you can. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Bring your buddy to work day</h1> Bailey has no interest in being an engineer, so you assuming she's not going to want to participate in the "Bring your Buddy to Work Day" event. But when you two discuss it she has a different idea. "I keep hearing about all that fun testing you do. Those test subjects don't need to be ner... technical people, right? So maybe I could go to work with you and be one of those for a day? That sounds like a lot more fun!" When you bring it up to your boss, he says he has something perfect in mind for her to test. <<set $BuddyChastityOld to $BuddyChastity>> <<set $PlayerItemBuddyKeyOld to $PlayerItemBuddyKey>> <<unset $PlayerItemBuddyKey>> <<unset $BuddyChastity>> <<set $BuddyElectronicChastity to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "As you know, it's too late to late to add her to the main belt trial," your boss says. "And obviously thats much longer than a day anyway. But we do have the denial optimization program we need volunteers for. That's 48 hours for the short version." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That's a pretty intense program," you remark. Then you think about it. "As submissive as Bailey is, she'll love it! I'll give her the good news." You were right. When you tell her about it Bailey is thrilled with the idea and comes with you to the Engineering department to get fitted for her belt. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You look out for her and check the contract she signs. It guarantees that they'll unlock her in 48 hours. It give her the option to continue wearing it longer if she chooses too, but they can't continue it longer on their own. You also negotiated on her behalf for her to get to keep the belt afterwards. <<if setup.areDating("Bailey")>> She's told them to turn over control of it to you at the end of her testing, instead of just unlocking her. <<elseif $BuddyDating>> She's told them to turn over control of it to $BuddyDating at the end of her testing, instead of just unlocking her. <<else>> She's excited about the idea of her future boyfriend locking her back into it and taking control. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Buddy55.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You sit in and listen as the denial optimization program is explained to her, watching how excited she is getting. "Many denial enthusiasts hate that after a release, it takes them a weeks or months to work back up to the level of desire and frustration they had before being allowed an orgasm. The program we are testing with you is designed to address that." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He continues, "The program will tease and deny you intensly over the next 48 hours. We are trying to see how horny and frustrated you get during and after the program. We'll have questionaires for you and possibly tests of will and resolve." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Afterwards you warn her that those "tests of will and resolve" likely mean some horny engineer offering you an orgasm in exchange for sucking his cock. "Well, that's not going to be much of test then. I'd do that right now, before the program has started," Bailey says with a laugh. "I can't wait to see what I'll be like in two days." She jumps for a second, then says. "[[It's starting now!|Part15Engineer8Bailey2]]" <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Bailey's <<if $BuddyChastityOld>>new<</if>> belt</h1> Bailey is already moaning from the teasing her belt is giving her before you get her home. She spends most of day and the evening on the bed, being teased by the belt and then denied. In a brief moment between teases she has a moment of lucidity to tell you what it's like. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $BuddyChastityOld>> "It's so much more than the regular belt you'd used with me. This one <<else>> "It <</if>> knows how to get me so fucking close to cumming, and then stop just before I can!" Bailey tells you. "I know you said they could do that, but I had no idea how maddening it could be. I want... no I need to cum so bad right then, and it just stops, or even gives me a little shock to cool me down." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She continues, "Sometimes it stops before I even get close. You'd think that might be better, but when it does, I miss the edge and it ends up being even more frustrating. And then there's now, where it isn't doing anything, and I am aching for anything at all." Her expression changes as the belt starts up again, and she starts begging out loud to her belt. "Oh god, thank you. Please don't stop this time. Please let me cum this time." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Buddy54.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She can't make it to class the next day, but the Engineering department sent an email to her professors, so she'll be allowed to make up any work when she's "feeling better". As soon as your classes are over you stop by to check up on her. "How's it going. Think you can make it one more day?" you ask before laughing and adding, "Though it's not like you have another option." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Not tomorrow... Out next week... Special offer...," Bailey says between moans. You try to get her to explain further, but it becomes clearer when she points to her copy of a contract addendum she signed. You read that she extended her testing period of the denial optimization program by an additional week in exchange for them providing her a single orgasm earlier today. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Bailey!" you say in disbelief. You realize now that you should have checked the testing protocol in addition to reading her contract. "If you were horny enough to agree to that after just a day, what are you going to be like a week from now? What if three or four days from now they offer you another orgasm in exchange for a month or two in the belt, or a whole semester in it? You'd probably agree to..." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Really!" Bailey interrupts. "Will they do that? I need another orgasm so bad right now. Should I text to see if I can get that deal you mentioned. It'd feel so fucking good right now to cum, I really need it." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You try to talk her out of accepting any more extension deals, but it doesn't work. She keeps agreeing to extensions in exchange for orgasms. They turn off the optimization program two weeks after the last orgasm deal they offer her. But by then she's nearly insane with need and has agreed to be in the belt for the rest of the school year! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She's also sucking many cocks every day. She does it partially to avoid the punishment shocks she'll get if she doesn't meet her daily minimum. But really, she's always well over the minimum. She's just hoping for that random chance for an orgasm she has each time she does it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $SchoolWeek == 3>> <<include [[Part15JobEngineerLock1]]>> <<elseif $SchoolWeek == 7>> <<include [[Part15JobEngineerLock3]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15JobEngineerLock11]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Trying to hack your belt</h1> <img src="Part15/Engineer7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You try thinking of ways to attack the belt you are wearing. You know better than to try any physical attacks, so you dismiss that. You think you can probably trick the oral detection routines to think you are giving a blowjob when you are not. If you do that then... You realize that does nothing for you. It's not going to give you an orgasm, or unlock you. <<if $dating.length>> And it's not like $dating[0] isn't eager to let you test whenever you like on them. <<else>> And it's not like finding a cock to suck on campus is that difficult anyway. <</if>> You keep thinking. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You pull up the app and look around, most of the settings are disabled... Then you have an idea. You make sure your phone is on the wifi, and fire up a packet sniffer. Then you restart the app and record the traffic to and from your phone. You get excited as soon as you see the results. All the data back in forth is right there, in plain text. You can see the values for all the settings comming back, even though the app wouldn't show you most of them. Though the settings in your case a boring, nearly everything is disabled. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your eyes stop at:<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<code>accessLevel: 'WEARER'</code><br> in the messages from the server to the app. You have an idea, but you can't believe it'd be this easy. There's a mountain of source code, but you search it and find where that's being set, and where's it's being checked. You can't believe it, you're pretty sure this will work. You write a small program that just intercepts the data from the server and changes the value to<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<code>accessLevel: 'OWNER'</code><br> Then you restart the app to see what happens. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It worked! It comes back with the owner version of the status screen. It shows your last orgasm: "Never", at least as far as the belt is concerned. it has your current arousal level, all the settings you'd seen from the network traffic. But most importantly, all the controls to change the settings are no longer disabled! Still, even though the app was fooled, the server might be smart enough to ignore the request, because it still knows you're the wearer. The code is a mess, you'd spend hours trying to figure it from looking at that, and still probably not be sure. So you decide to just test it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You look around through the settings looking for settings to change. "Global Orgasm Block" was set to on, which tells it not to let you orgasm, regardless of any other setting. That's the first thing you are going to turn off. You hit the button and wait. A moment later the app shows that it's been disabled. You check the network traffic and it looks good too! You notice your arousal ticking up on the status page. The belt knows you are thinking you might be able to cum tonight. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You go to the oral settings page, and you see it's activate, but orgasms are disabled. You decide to change that, setting it to "Every time" instead. You see that change was accepted also. You also see your arousal level rising even faster. The belt detects how much you are thinking about pausing your testing for now so you can [[go verify your new setting|Part15JobEngineerLockOrgasm]] with <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> $dating[0]. You are aleady wet thinking about the belt giving you an orgasm with your head burried between her legs. <<elseif $dating.length > 0>> $dating[0]. You are already wet thinking about the belt giving you an orgasm just as his cum fills your mouth. <<else>> the first cock you can find. You are already wet thinking about the belt giving you an orgasm just as his cum fills your mouth. <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral>> The thought of finally having an orgasm, and having it while <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> you give $dating[0] one too, <<elseif $dating.length > 0>> you suck $dating[0]'s cock, <<else>> you suck some guy's cock, <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral > 2>> it's too much to resist. You'll try more testing afterwards. <<else>> it's almost too much to resist. But you can try to push it out of your mind and [[keep looking for other options to change|Part15JobEngineerLockUnlock]]. <</if>> <<else>> Or you could resist that urge and [[keep looking for other options to change|Part15JobEngineerLockUnlock]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Testing the new setting</h1> <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> <video src="Part15/Engineer9.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<else>> <video src="Part15/Engineer8.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</if>> <<set $EngineerLockPacketOrgasm to 6>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:$dating[0]})>> $dating[0] is happy to help you test. Not long after your tongue first slides into her you can feel the vibrations start, just as before. You know it's the same as before so far, but it still feels so much better knowing, or at least hoping, that its going to end in an orgasm for you. <br><br> It builds as before, but this time it doesn't stop. Soon you have to pause your work on $dating[0] as your orgasm overwhelms you. After so many months without one, it feels so amazing. As soon as you can, you get back to work on $dating[0], and before you know it she's holding your head against her as she has her own orgasm. <br><br> The whole time, you belt has resumed it's stimulation of you. You keep going, eating her out until you cum again, and then she cums again. By the time you have to stop, you and $dating[0] have both lost track of how many times you came. <<elseif $dating.length>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> $dating[0] is happy to help you test. Not long after his cock hits your tongue, you can feel the vibrations start, just as before. You know it's the same as before so far, but it still feels so much better knowing, or at least hoping, that its going to end in an orgasm for you. <br><br> It builds as before, and then holds as you continue to work his cock. You get more and more frantic as you suck his cock, hungry for your own orgasm. Before long you feel $dating[0]'s hand on your head and then hear him groan as your mouth fills with his cum. Then your belt stops keeping you on the edge and instead increases the vibrations until you too are cumming. <br><br> After so many months without an orgasm, it feels so amazing. You want to go again right away, but you know $dating[0] needs a few minutes. You lie next to him with a huge smile on your face. <br><br> As soon as he's ready, you go again, and the belt gives you an orgasm again just as he cums for you. You want to go again, and again, but $dating[0] says that's enough testing for now. <<else>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male"})>> As before, it doesn't take long to find a guy that wants his cock sucked. Not long after his cock hits your tongue, you can feel the vibrations start, just as before. You know it's the same as before so far, but it still feels so much better knowing, or at least hoping, that its going to end in an orgasm for you. <br><br> It builds as before, and then holds as you continue to work his cock. You get more and more frantic as you suck his cock, hungry for your own orgasm. Before long he tells you he's about to cum, and then you hear him groan and then your mouth fills with his cum. Finally your belt stops keeping you on the edge and instead increases the vibrations until you too are cumming. <br><br> After so many months without an orgasm, it feels so amazing. You want to go again right away, but you know he needs a few minutes. You lie next to him with a huge smile on your face. <br><br> As soon as he's ready, you go again, and the belt gives you an orgasm again just as he cums for you. You want to go again, and again, but he says that he's good for tonight. He gives you his number to call next time you have the urge to suck a cock. After he leaves you try to decide if that's enough for tonight, or if you want to go find another cock. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you are laying there on the bed, still in the afterglow of your orgasm you glance over at your phone. You see a text from your boss. "Congratulations on the orgasm!" it says. A year ago you would have been embarrassed at him knowing you just came, multiple times in fact. But he's seen you cum many times on testing videos by now, so him getting a notification from your belt doesn't surprise or concern you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I see you changed the settings from the app somehow. Great job! We can go over the details tomorrow. Have fun with your new settings until then," he says after that. You check the app and it now says "Sorry, this app is down for routine maintenance." He must have turned it off until the bug is fixed. I guess that's one of the benefits of testing pre-release. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Knowing tonight might be your only chance for a while, you <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> consider seeing if $dating[0] is up for another round. But you are still exhausted from before and decide thats enough for now. You talk to $dating[0] and she says that since tonight might be it for a while, if you wake up horny in the middle of the night, feel free to wake her up with your tongue. You do just that several times during the night. <<elseif $dating.length>> $dating[0] doesn't want another blowjob right now, but he says to feel free to wake him up tonight with one if you wake up horny. "Actually, not just tonight, feel free to do that anything," he adds with a smile. You do just that several times during the night. <<else>> decide to go out and find another guy. After he's ready to stop, you go out to another one. After he's been emptied twice, you notice the time. It's going to be hard to find another guy without knocking on doors and waking someone up. And you need some sleep too. So you decide that will have to be enough. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wake up tired the next morning, but at least not as desperately horny as you have been for so long. You quickly dress and [[head to the engineering department|Part15JobEngineerLock2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Tripping the alarm</h1> <img src="Part15/Engineer11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You keep looking through the options, then you see the "Unlock" hidden two or three pages in from the Owner menu. Either their design needs some usability work, or this isn't an option they are expecting Owners to be using that often. But obviously, it's the option you want, so you hit "Unlock." "Are you sure?" it asks. "Yes I'm sure!", you say as you hit the button. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Enter unlock code." it says asking for a six digit number. You don't know what to type, and there's no cancel button. You think about just killing the app, but you don't know what that will do, so you just guess. They didn't have much security on the network, so maybe it's just as bad here. "000000", instantly comes back with "incorrect unlock code." You try "123456" and "654321" and they don't work either. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Then you think about the mostly guys you work with and how they think. And then you type "696969." This time it doesn't come back immediately with an incorrect message, it seems to be processing it. You wait in anticipation to hear a click from your belt. You are already getting wet imagining getting bent over your desk and feeling <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> $dating[0]'s strap-on <<elseif $dating.length>> $dating[0]'s cock <<else>> some guy's cock <</if>> slide into you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Then the screen turns red and the message "Unauthorized access attempted - Account Locked." A second later you feel pain shoot though your clit as the belt gives you some sort of a shock. You close the app and reopen it. It immediately gives you a prompt to enter a pass code to unlock the account. You are afraid to enter anything by guessing anymore and close the app. You turn off your hack so it won't think you are the owner anymore, but the wearer. When you do, there's a message that says. "Your unauthorized access was detected. Punishment shocks will continue until deactivated by Owner." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You close the app and try to think. After a few minutes you feel the pain hit again. There's nothing you can do to get away from it, even though you try. A couple minutes later you get a text message from your boss. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oops, looks like someone tried to hack something. :-)", his text says. A few moments later he says, "I would turn off the shocks you are probably receiving right now, but the unlock codes are all random, and I have them locked away in my office. I'll take care of it first thing in the morning. Sorry, you're going to have an unpleasant night. Let me know tomorrow what happened." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You decide to at least enjoy the setting you made earlier. You <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:$dating[0]})>> ask $dating[0] if you can eat her out. Of course she says yes. <<elseif $dating.length>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> ask $dating[0] if you can suck his cock. Of course he says yes. <<else>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male"})>> go out to find some guy's cock to suck. It doesn't take long to find a volunteer. <</if>> You soon discover that not only is the orgasm setting not working, but it isn't even giving you the teasing vibrations it was before. It must have disabled anything it thought you might enjoy. You don't stop though, that would be rude. It's not <<if $dating.length>> $dating[0]'s <<else>> this guy's <</if>> fault. One nice thing you discover though is that it isn't shocking you while you are taking care of <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>>her<<else>>him<</if>>. So you take your time, making as slow and sensual as you can and enjoying not being shocked for a while. But eventually it ends, and the shocks resume. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With shocks waking you up at random times throughout the night, you wake up exhausted. The shocks are still hitting you as you start on your way to [[the engineering department|Part15JobEngineerLock2]]. Hopefully you boss gets in soon and turns them off! <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Explaining the problem</h1> <img src="Part15/Engineer10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $EngineerLockPacketOrgasm>> Of course, you're tempted to not tell them how to fix the hack so you can enjoy your new setting. But that wouldn't work. Your boss could just disable your belt's orgasms from some admin interface, and then they'd eventually figure out the bug anyway. The end result would be the same, except you wouldn't get your bonus, so you might as well tell how you did it. <br><br> "You look exhausted," your boss says when you sit down in his office. Then he laughs. "Well, I guess you didn't get much sleep last night, did you?" After a moment he asks, "So, how did you do it?" <<else>> "You look exhausted," your boss says when you sit down in his office. Then he laughs. "Well, I guess you didn't get much sleep last night, did you?" After a moment he says, "As I'm sure you've felt, or haven't felt, I turned off the punishment shocks this morning when I came in to the office. But the fact that you got far enough to even trigger the account down shows you found a flaw. So, what did you find?" <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You explain how the communications between the app and the server aren't encrpyted and how the app responded as if you were the owner just by changing one value. And the server accepted the commands the app sent back even though it knew you were the wearer not the owner. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Those are some pretty glaring flaws, I'm glad you found them now," he tells you. "And thankfully it sounds like it won't require any major work. A few lines of code on the server to use it's own authorization information instead of whatever the app says. And of course, encrypting everything. I'm guessing a few weeks and then you can get back to testing." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $EngineerLockPacketOrgasm>> "I'll send the paperwork in for your bonus payment, good work," he says. "Oh, and your belt's settings. We'll leave them like they are now until the bugs are fixed and you can test again. Have fun the next week or two!" You know you <<if $dating.length>>and $dating[0]<</if>> will. <<else>> "As you probably discovered, when you triggered the account lockdown, it automatically re-activated the Global Orgasm Block," he says. "And you weren't able to orgasm before then, and obviously weren't able to unlock the belt. So I'm sorry, but I can't authorized a bonus payment. But you did a great job, and I do still want to reward you." <br><br> "So I'm activating random teases and edges for you," he says. "Your classes shouldn't be that challenging yet this early in the semester, so hopefully it won't be too much of a distraction. Maybe I'll turn it off whenever you can go back to testing again. Oh, and I turned the non-orgasm oral encouragement back on, from the log here it seems like you really enjoyed that." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He also has you give a talk to your fellow student engineers about encryption and not trusting client-side data. Though many of the male engineers seem to not be paying much attention. Not that you mind, the more mistakes they make, the more bugs you'll be able to find. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> There's not much testing you can do now, at least not for another week or more. <<if $EngineerLockPacketOrgasm>> <<set $tempLockOralCount to 28>> <<else>> <<set $tempLockOralCount to 7>> <</if>> <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> <<set $tempLockOralCount += 10>> <</if>> <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat($tempLockOralCount, {sex:"female", name:$dating[0]})>> <<elseif $dating.length>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat($tempLockOralCount, {sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <<else>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat($tempLockOralCount, {sex:"male"})>> <</if>> <<unset $tempLockOralCount>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Considering your options</h1> <img src="Part15/Engineer12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You check your previous method, and confirm that they have fixed it, all the data to and from the belt is completely unreadable now. You don't know how strong the enryption they are using is, but its definitely beyond your abilities to decipher. You'll have to find someing else. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You suspect they don't have any encryption, and maybe not even security checks on the belts disagnostic interface. Unfortunately, the small port you need to access it is under a waterproof cover on the inner side of the belt. And it's completely inaccessibile while you are wearing it. That doesn't help you at all. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Though you make a note to mention the possibility of a belt failure and some poor girl being stuck because the can't access it. But you suspect that since they aren't the ones at risk of having that happen to them, they are going to think it's an acceptable risk for the added security. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> In a moment of technical and sexual frustration you have the urge to just violently attack the belt, but it quickly passes. You know you are very likely to injure yourself, and very unlikely to have effect at all on the belt, except possibly to trigger a punishment. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You also toss out the idea of hacking the administrative website directly. It's beyond the scope of what you are supposed to test, and couldn't earn you any bonus. Not any financial bonus anyway. Besides, they already have someone else working on testing it. He's one of the brighter guys on the team, so he's probably doing a good job, though you doubt he's as motivated as you are right now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After looking through the documentation again you come across a section on adding accessory devices and resolving owner conflicts, and you have an idea. You'll need a bit of help with this one though. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $dating.length>> <<set $tempLockAssist to $dating[0]>> <<if setup.areDating('Barry')>> Hopefully you can talk Barry into [[helping you with your testing|Part15JobEngineerLock4]]. <<else>> But you are sure $dating[0] [[will help you with your testing|Part15JobEngineerLock4]]. <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> The pronouns in the instructions kept saying 'he', but she's the one you'd want to be your owner if anybody would be. You'll let them know to update their language in the manuals to be more inclusive. Later though, right now you have work to do. <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerItemNerdKey>> <<set $tempLockAssist to "Peter">> But you are sure Peter [[will help you with your testing|Part15JobEngineerLock4]]. He'll do anything you ask for a chance to be unlocked, let alone a chance for sex with you. <<elseif $FormerNeighbours and $FormerNeighbours.length >= 2 and setup.haveFucked($FormerNeighbours[0]) and setup.haveFucked($FormerNeighbours[1]) and !setup.isEx($FormerNeighbours[0]) and !setup.isEx($FormerNeighbours[1])>> Hopefully <<link $FormerNeighbours[0] Part15JobEngineerLock4>><<set $tempLockAssist to $FormerNeighbours[0]>><</link>> or <<link $FormerNeighbours[1] Part15JobEngineerLock4>><<set $tempLockAssist to $FormerNeighbours[1]>><</link>> will help you with your testing. It will take some of his time, but you have a pretty good idea of how to persuade either of them to help. <<if $FormerNeighbours[0] != "Peter" and $FormerNeighbours[1] != "Peter" and setup.isFWB("Peter")>> You are sure <<link "Peter" Part15JobEngineerLock4>><<set $tempLockAssist to "Peter">><</link>> would also be eager to help again. <</if>> <<elseif $FormerNeighbours and $FormerNeighbours.length >= 2 and setup.haveFucked($FormerNeighbours[1]) and !setup.isEx($FormerNeighbours[1])>> <<set $tempLockAssist to $FormerNeighbours[1]>> Hopefully $FormerNeighbours[1] [[will help you with your testing|Part15JobEngineerLock4]]. It will take some of his time, but you have a pretty good idea of how to him to help. <<if $FormerNeighbours[0] != "Peter" and $FormerNeighbours[1] != "Peter" and setup.isFWB("Peter")>> You are sure <<link "Peter" Part15JobEngineerLock4>><<set $tempLockAssist to "Peter">><</link>> would also be eager to help again. <</if>> <<elseif $FormerNeighbours and $FormerNeighbours.length >= 1 and setup.haveFucked($FormerNeighbours[0]) and !setup.isEx($FormerNeighbours[0])>> <<set $tempLockAssist to $FormerNeighbours[0]>> Hopefully $FormerNeighbours[0] [[will help you with your testing|Part15JobEngineerLock4]]. It will take some of his time, but you have a pretty good idea of how to him to help. <<if $FormerNeighbours[0] != "Peter" and $FormerNeighbours[1] != "Peter" and setup.isFWB("Peter")>> You are sure <<link "Peter" Part15JobEngineerLock4>><<set $tempLockAssist to "Peter">><</link>> would also be eager to help again. <</if>> <<else>> You know this is going to get... intimate. <<if setup.sexFemaleCount()>> You could probably find another woman to help you, but the frequently use of 'he' throughout the manuals make you think having a guy help you with this might be better. You can talk to team about using more inclusive language later, right now you don't want to take any chances that they might not have considered a lesbian couple as a possibility. <br><br> <</if>> You wish there was a guy you were already close enough with, but there isn't. It looks like it's time to put one of your friendships to the test. <<if setup.isFormerNeighbour('Zack') and !setup.isEx('Zack')>> Your friend Zack didn't come back this year, so obviously you can't ask him. <</if>> <<if setup.isFormerNeighbour('Josh') and !setup.isEx('Josh')>> Your friend Josh isn't an option since he has a girlfriend now. <</if>> <<if setup.isFormerNeighbour('Peter') and !setup.isEx('Peter')>> <<set $tempLockAssist to "Peter">> You know your friend Peter would like to be more than that. You have no doubt he [[will be willing to help you with your testing|Part15JobEngineerLock4]]. <<elseif setup.isFormerNeighbour('James') and !setup.isEx('James')>> <<set $tempLockAssist to "James">> You know James would be [[willing to spend an hour or two helping you|Part15JobEngineerLock4]] in exchange for sex, or at least a blowjob. <<elseif setup.isFormerNeighbour('Barry') and !setup.isEx('Barry')>> <<set $tempLockAssist to "Barry">> You're nervous about asking Barry to help, you know what he can be like sometimes. You are sure he'll make fun of you when he finds out about your belt. But you are pretty sure he'll be [[willing to spend an hour or two helping you|Part15JobEngineerLock4]] in exchange for sex, or at least a blowjob. <<elseif setup.haveFucked('David')>> <<set $tempLockAssist to "David">> You haven't had sex with David for a while, but you know he's still single. You are pretty sure he'll be [[willing to spend an hour or two helping you|Part15JobEngineerLock4]] in exchange for sex, or at least a blowjob. <<else>> <<set $tempLockAssist to "David">> You've hung out with your friend David a few times last year. He's flirted with you and you know he wanted things to go farther between you, but they never did. You are pretty sure he'll be [[willing to spend an hour or two helping you|Part15JobEngineerLock4]] in exchange for sex, or at least a blowjob. <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Explaining your plan</h1> <img src="Part15/Engineer13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="750" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "So, here's my plan.", you tell $tempLockAssist. "They have other devices that work with the same system as this belt. I can take them from the lab for testing, which is what I'm doing after all." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You can set yourself up as the owner of those first. Then when you lock them on me and tell it I'm the wearer it will try to join up with my belt. But they'll be a conflict since my belt already has a different owner." <<if $tempLockAssist == "Barry">> <br><br> Barry interrupts, "Boring... Do we get to the part where this is worth my time soon?" <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You continue, "Since there will be two devices with you as the owner, and just one from my boss, you should be made the primary owner. Then you can unlock me. And I'll be very, very grateful. I'm already so horny just thinking about being free of this." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $tempLockAssist == "Barry">> "That sounds great for paying me for my time after were done. But I also expect [[a little payment now too|Part15JobEngineerLock5]].", Barry says with grin. <<elseif setup.haveGirlfriend() and setup.areDating($tempLockAssist)>> "Ok. [[Let's get started then|Part15JobEngineerLock6]]," $tempLockAssist tells you. <<else>> $tempLockAssist doesn't seem focused on what you are saying. The bulge in his pants makes it clear why. You wonder if you should say "You seem distracted. Let me [[take care of that for you|Part15JobEngineerLock5]] so you can concentrate. I don't want us making any mistakes." <br><br> But you also wonder if it's better that he [[stay horny and eager to fuck you|Part15JobEngineerLock6]] for now. He'll cumming inside you in just a few minutes, so it's not like he'll have to wait that long. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Rewarding him for helping</h1> <img src="Part15/Engineer14.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="750" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$tempLockAssist})>> <<set $tempLockAssistPreBJ to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You eagerly suck $tempLockAssist's cock as your belt teases and edges you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After he's came for you and you've licked clean what missed your mouth, you tell him. "Ok, now that your mind is clear, [[let's begin|Part15JobEngineerLock6]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>The moment of truth</h1> <img src="Part15/Engineer15.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="750" align="left"> <<set $PlayerChastityBra to 1>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'chastity bra')>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'collar')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've had $tempLockAssist create an account and add the collar and chastity bra to <<if setup.haveGirlfriend() and setup.areDating($tempLockAssist)>> her account, with her as the owner. You put them on, but the electronic locks still haven't engaged. You are nervous as you have her click the button to add you as the wearer. You wish you could be more certain but some of the logic is on the back-end server, and you only have the source code for the belt. <br><br> Her phone gives her a "Confirm new owner" prompt. You hear the locks click closed as soon as she clicks "Confirm." You were right to be concerned as you get a surprise a moment later. <br><br> "Congratulations $tempLockAssist on your new owner," her phone reads. You check and quickly see that the idiots must not have considered that you might want another woman as your owner. Or at least whoever wrote the owner conflict resolution bit didn't. Now they have $tempLockAssist marked not as an owner, but as a locked wearer, also owned by your boss. Obviously everything is still locked on you though. If you knew they'd done something so sloppy you would have had her select 'male' instead. <br><br> "I'm sorry it didn't work for you," she says after you explained what happened and that you are stuck in the collar and chastity bra now too [[until your boss releases you|Part15JobEngineerLock9Girlfriend]]. You see her subconciously playing with her breasts, you assume she's imagining what it would be like to have those locked away. You don't have to imagine. <<else>> his account, with him as the owner. You put them on, but the electronic locks still haven't engaged. You are nervous as you have him click the button to add you as the wearer. You wish you could be more certain but some of the logic is on the back-end server, and you only have the source code for the belt. <br><br> Your phone gives you a "Confirm new owner" prompt. You neverously press "Confirm." A moment later you are delighted when your phone says, "Congratulations <<if $playerName>>$playerName<</if>> on your new owner." A moment later a corresponding message appears on $tempLockAssist's phone. <br><br> Your voice is trembling when you direct $tempLockAssist to the unlock option. He <<if $tempLockAssist == "Barry">>reluctantly<</if>> clicks unlock. It prompts him for the passcode he'd set up earlier. You wait nervously as it says "Waiting..." <br><br> After what seems like an eternity a message appears: "Unlock denied. All owners must approve unlock requests." It then says that your other owner, your boss, didn't respond to the unlock request. <br><br> <<if $tempLockAssist == "Barry">> "I guess I won't get to fuck that poor locked-up pussy of yours today after all.", Barry says disappointedly. <<else>> "I'm sorry it didn't work for you," $tempLockAssist says. <</if>> <br><br> "Unlocking didn't work, but I have another idea!", you excitedly tell $tempLockAssist. "The <<if $tempLockAssist == "Barry" and !setup.areDating("Barry")>> [[other owner functions|Part15JobEngineerLock7Barry]], <<else>> [[other owner functions|Part15JobEngineerLock7]], <</if>> besides unlocking, shouldn't require unanimous agreement. You can still have it let me orgasm!" <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Telling $tempLockAssist about your backup plan</h1> <img src="Part15/Engineer19.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="428" align="left"> <<if $tempLockAssistPreBJ>> <<set $tempLockAssistFail to either(false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, true)>> <<else>> <<set $tempLockAssistFail to either(false, true, true, true, true)>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Ok, so unlocking won't work. But you should still be able to tell it to give me an orgasm.", you tell him. Then you start directing him where in the app to go. But after a bit you realize he's stopped following along. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Just a moment. I want to see what other options there are here.", he says. The realization hits you that, other than being able to unlock you, he has complete control over your belt. He could have it do anything he wants, or use it to make you do whatever he wants. And there's nothing you can do about it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> The powerlessness you feel, and the control $tempLockAssist has, brings out your submissive side. You instictively assume a submissive position. "Yes sir," is all you say as you quietly wait. <<else>> "Oh... Ok," you say nervously. "But please be careful. Some of the options can be painful. And not in a fun way." You are hoping his curiosity will be short lived and he'll quickly get back to your orgasm. You shift nervously at first eager for your orgasm. <br><br> But his exploration of the app continues. You mind races with ideas of what he might use the app to make you do. You find yourself wet as fantasies of submitting to him fill your mind. Eventually you adopt a more comfortable position as you try to patiently wait for whatever he decides. <br><br> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive to 1>> <i>You've started to realize how submissive you've become.</i> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've seen him select various options as he was looking through the app, but you don't know which. Finally he stops and says, "Ok. All set now." He smiles when he looks up and sees you on your knees waiting for him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've started to feel the belt's, and the bra's, stimulations start. They are soft at first, so you can still focus on what $tempLockAssist is saying. "I've set your belt to tease you whenever we are together. Or if we are on the phone or texting with each other You are so hot when you are horny like this. I'm tempted to never let you cum, and keep you this horny constantly." He smiles when he sees the look on your face. "I said I was tempted, [[I didn't say I was going to|Part15JobEngineerLock8]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Earning your orgasm</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/Cumslut8.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> </div> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$tempLockAssist})>> <<if !$tempLockAssistFail>> <<set $EngineerLockOwnerOrgasm to 8>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "No, I'm not going to make it deny you. I want to watch you orgasm. You have to if you want to earn that bonus you mentioned, right?" He's right, but you hardly even care about that right now, you just need to orgasm. He continues, "So it will let you cum, but only when you are sucking my cock." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He sees your eyes light up, and continues, "Your blow job earlier was great, but since we can't fuck like we'd planned, I'm ready for another one." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $tempLockAssistFail>> You suck his cock eagerly as your belt pleasures you more and more. When you can finally taste his cum, you can feel the belt pushing you over the edge. But then at the last moment it stops. You know if it'd only gone a second longer you'd be screaming with an orgasm right now. But instead you are thrashing in frustration. <br><br> "Did you cum?" $tempLockAssist asks. <br><br> "No I didn't cum!" you say with frustration. "You tricked me." <br><br> "I didn't mean to. Really, I didn't," $tempLockAssist insists. "I must have hit something wrong." He checks the app again and informs you that he'd accidentally enabled 'ruined orgasm' when he was trying to enable 'Extended Orgasm'. "It would have kept you cumming and cumming and cumming when you got off," he tells you, only adding to your frustration. <br><br> He tries to change the setting back, but he says it won't let him until you've given some minimum number of blowjobs. He won't tell you how many it is, or show you the screen. You suspect it's because the number is too high, more than you could ever get done in a weekend. Either that or maybe he's lying and he likes this setting. <br><br> Either way, you already know you'll eagerly suck his cock again as soon as he's ready. Even though it left you more frustrated than when you started, the ruined orgasm was the best thing you've felt for weeks, and if that's all you can get this weekend, you still want [[as much of it as possible|Part15JobEngineerLock9]]. <<else>> You suck his cock eagerly as your belt pleasures you more and more. When you can finally taste his cum, the belt pushes you further and the orgasm you needed so badly finally crests and the pleasure of it washes over you. <br><br> The belt and bra keep stimulating you, just enough to keep you riding the wave of your orgasm but without being to much to bear. It seems to make your orgasm stretch on for a wonderful eternity. When it finally starts to ebb away your mind is still lost in a fog of pleasure for a while. <br><br> When awareness of your surroundings starts to return to you, you see $tempLockAssist smiling down at you [[as he starts to talk|Part15JobEngineerLock9]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $tempLockAssistFail>> <<include [[Part15JobEngineerLock9Fail]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15JobEngineerLock9Success]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>A weekend of frustration</h1> <img src="Part15/Engineer18.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(7, {sex:"male", name:$tempLockAssist})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you've drained $tempLockAssist you are tempted to go find someone else, but then he tells you the other setting he made. "I also set it punish you if suck any other cocks. I am your 'Owner' after all." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes, sir," you say. "Thank you, sir, for letting me suck your cock. I'm eager to do so again whenever you are ready." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Later," he says as he turns on the TV and starts looking for something for the two of you to watch. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you get a text from your boss, you think you've missed your chance of ever hitting that target, assuming there even is one. Then you read it. "Looks like you and your friend $tempLockAssist have been having fun. Though it looks like your friend decided you didn't need an orgasm after all. Maybe he knows best - lol. I'll lock the current settings in place until [[we meet on Monday|Part15JobEngineerLock10]] to go over what you've found. You and $tempLockAssist have a fun weekend." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You let $tempLockAssist know that theres no chance to change the settings now. But you still want to suck his cock whenever he is ready again. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>A weekend of orgasms</h1> <img src="Part15/Engineer18.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(7, {sex:"male", name:$tempLockAssist})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "It's called that an 'Extended Orgasm' and it was even hotter to watch than I'd imagined," $tempLockAssist tells you. "It's set to give you one of those whenever you give me a blowjob." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Don't go getting greedy after you suck me dry though." He smiles and adds, "I also set it punish you if suck any other cocks. I am your 'Owner' after all." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes, sir," you say. "Thank you, sir, for letting me suck your cock. I'm eager to do so again whenever you are ready." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Later," he says as he turns on the TV and starts looking for something for the two of you to watch. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You think you might have missed your chance for a second orgasm when you get a text from your boss. Then you read it. "Looks like you and your friend $tempLockAssist have been having fun. <<if $EngineerLockPacketOrgasm>> Congratulations again for finding another way to orgasm and earning another bonus. <<else>> Congratulations on finding a way to orgasm and earning a bonus. <</if>> I'll leave the current settings in place until [[we meet on Monday|Part15JobEngineerLock10]] to go over what you've found. You and $tempLockAssist have a fun weekend. Lol." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You let $tempLockAssist know you have the weekend to enjoy the settings he's made on your belt before your boss resets it. And the two of you do just that all weekend long. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Making do wtih $tempLockAssist</h1> <img src="Part15/Engineer21.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="750" align="left"> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"female", name:$tempLockAssist})>> <<if $tempLockAssist == "Kate">> "Seeing you horny and frustrated always turns me on. Seeing you like this, and knowing you can't do anything about has me needing an orgasm, and soon. Come over here and give me one," Kate commands. <<elseif $PlayerItemBuddyKey and $tempLockAssist == "Bailey">> Bailey's finger is circling her nipple, enjoying what sensations she can with her belt still on. "Seeing you as horny as frustrated as I am, is driving me crazy," she tells you. "I did everything I could to try to help you. Maybe..." She looks down and doesn't finish her sentence. But she doesn't need to, you know exactly what she wants. <<else>> "I'm sorry, but seeing how horny and frustrated you are, and how you can't do anything about it is such a turn on. I really need to get off. Like right now. I hope you don't mind," $tempLockAssist says. Though if you want to help, that'd be even better. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerItemBuddyKey and $tempLockAssist == "Bailey">> "Thank you for trying," you say. "You're right. You did everything you could. It's not your fault my plan didn't work." Her face lights up when you add, "How about I unlock you for the weekend? And then Monday you'll be back in your belt, just like me." <br><br> Soon her belt is off, and she's grabbing your head, as you give <<else>> You crawl over as she is pulling off her panties and get to work giving <</if>> her the orgasm you can't have. And then another one after that, and then another, until finally she's satisfied. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As she goes into the other room to make a snack for the two of you, you get a notification on your phone. It's a message from your boss. "I was excited for a minute there, when my phone let me know I was now the owner of a beautiful <<if $tempLockAssist != "Kate">>young<</if>> woman named $tempLockAssist." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He continues, "But I think I know what happened now. Nice try. Lol. It's definitely a bug, though probably not the sort you were hoping for. We can go over the details [[when we talk on Monday|Part15JobEngineerLock10]]. Have fun with your new accessories until then. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The rest of the weekend your head is frequently between $tempLockAssist's legs, giving orgasm after orgasm. <<if $PlayerItemBuddyKey and $tempLockAssist == "Bailey">> When Monday arrives though, she willingly stands in front of you with her hands behind her head, waiting for you to lock her belt back on. <br><br> You reward her good behavior as you drop to your knees and give her one last orgasm before you lock her belt back on. Of course the gentle teasing your nipples and clit are receiving as you do almost make you reluctant to stop. <<else>> That much hasn't changed. The only thing different this weekend, is that now in addition to your belt, the bra is also gently teasing your nipples as you eat your girlfriend out. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Telling Barry about your backup plan</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Engineer17.webm" autoplay loop muted height="725"></video> </div> <<set $EngineerLockOwnerOrgasm to 1>> <<set $BarryEngineerStrict to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Ok, so unlocking won't work. But you should still be able to tell it to give me an orgasm.", you tell him. Then you start directing him where in the app to go. But after a moment, you realize he's ignoring you and look at the settings on his own. "Be careful what you click on in there, some of the...aaaaahhh!" You sentence is cut off as you cry out in pain as a shock from your belt shoots through your breasts and your clit. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Quiet," Barry says calmly. "I'm looking at my options." You want to say something, but you don't want another shock, so you stay quiet. <<if setup.haveFucked('Resort Submissive')>> You feel yourself getting wet remembering what it was like over the summer on the island. <</if>> Barry continues, "I promised I'd try to unlock you, I made absolutely no promises about what I'd do if it failed." You realize you are completely at Barry's mercy, if he has any. At least until your boss resets your belt. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Engineer19.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="214" align="left"> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> You instictively assume a submissive position and wait quietly. <<else>> You want to make Barry happy, hoping he doesn't shock you again. So you assume a submissive position, and wait quietly. <</if>> As you kneel there you can't help but realize how natural this feels to you. How knowing how powerless you are, and how much power Barry has over you, doesn't worry you. Well maybe a little, but mainly it's just making you wet as you think of all the things he might do, or make you do, with his new power. <<if !$PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <br><br> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive to 1>> <i>You've started to realize how submissive you've become.</i> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Ok, now you can speak. What were you wanting?", Barry asks. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You want to beg for an orgasm but instead you say, "To please you, sir. May I suck your cock?" You are hoping he's set it to give you an orgasm when you do. And even if he hasn't, you want to make sure to keep him happy. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "No. I've already enjoyed your mouth. I want something different," he says. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Would you like to fuck my ass, sir?" you offer. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Maybe tomorrow. That's not what I want right now." After he tells you what he wants, you get to work stroking his cock with your feet. It's more maddening that you would have thought to lie there, with your legs partially spread. You look up at his cock and wish you could feel it inside you instead of against the soles of your feet. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once's he's covered your leg with his cum he asks, "I suppose [[you would like an orgasm now|Part15JobEngineerLock8Barry]]?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are unable to contain your excitement. "Yes, sir! Very much, sir! Thank you, sir!" <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Earning your orgasm</h1> <img src="Part15/Engineer18.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Barry"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(20, {sex:"male", anon: "Frat guy"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(20, {sex:"male", anon: "Frat guy", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(30, {sex:"male", anon: "Frat guy"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(30, {sex:"male", anon: "Frat guy", repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are still laying down, with his cum on your leg and foot when he says, "Don't get too excited. I'm not giving you one right now. You'll have to earn it," Barry says with a grin. "You'll have to give a few blowjobs first." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You feel excitement again knowing your orgasm won't be long now. Then he adds, "Well, by 'a few', I mean 100." He laughs then adds, "And you better hurry, before your boss deactivates it and you miss your chance." You start to get up but he stops you. "Don't get cum all over my sofa. Lick that clean first." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You move your foot to your mouth and lick the cum from your foot and as far up your leg as you can reach. You are able to reach most of it. Maybe it was the yoga classes you went to at the fitness center last year, but you are able to reach most of it. You get the rest with your fingers before licking them clean. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You think you might have missed your chance when you get a text from your boss. Then you read it. "Looks like your friend Barry set quite a challenge for you. Good luck. Lol." And then, "We can go over what you found on Monday." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You quickly dress, and head out. You know you only have the weekend, and you have a hundred cocks to suck, so you need to get started right away. You head to the [[nearest frat house|Part15JobEngineerLock9Barry]], calling your friend that lives there on the way. Your mind races trying to calculate how many times you'll be able to suck each guy, how many guys live there, how long each will take, and so on. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Working hard to earn your orgasm</h1> <img src="Part15/Engineer20.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are leaking like crazy through your belt as it continues to tease and edge you with each of the cocks you suck. And now it teases your nipples while you suck as well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Many cocks later, you head out of the frat house and check the count. You aren't even half way there, and you sucked every guy that was interested twice! You are so desperate for an orgasm, but you just can't do any more today. Your mouth and throat need a break. You have a friend at another frat house. You'll give him a call tonight, so he'll be sure to have more there, since even guys that don't live at the frat house will be sure to show up for this. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next day, you have to stop part way through and take a break. But by the time you are ready to go again, all the guys are too. Your mouth is wanting you to stop, but the burning need you feel, and the knowledge that you are so close to the magic number, drive you on. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you finally suck the last cock, the belt stops teasing you and increases the vibrations, quickly pushing you towards the orgasm you are so desperate for. You cry out as you finally cum. The belt keeps going through your orgasm. Just as the stimulation on your clit starts to become too much it stops. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you lay there, recovering, something in the chastity bra occasionally brushes across you nipples. Each time you shudder with an aftershock of pleasure from your orgasm, until the bra too finally stops. By then the frat guys have just accepted your nearly-naked, writhing body on the floor. They've turned on the TV and started to watch a football game. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You lay there, exhausted for a while, until you have the energy to get up, dress, and [[head back home|Part15JobEngineerLock10]]. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>train<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Meeting with your boss</h1> <img src="Part15/Engineer3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You take off your clothes, to let your boss inspect your restraints. You don't know why you are nervous. You couldn't get naked now no matter how much you might want to. Besides, he's seen much more of you anyway. You guess you're just <<if $BarryEngineerStrict>> wondering if he's judging you for how many cocks you sucked this weekend. <<elseif $EngineerLockOwnerOrgasm>> wondering if saw how many times you sucked $tempLockAssist's cock this weekend. You're sure he did. <<else>> feeling disappointed that you didn't manage to succeed this <<if $EngineerLockPacketOrgasm>> time. <<else>> time either. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he finally says something again, he asks why you have the ankle, wrist, and thigh cuffs on as they don't lock electronically. They just use the standard keys that come with them. <<if $BarryEngineerStrict>> Your voice is shaky and uneven after the workout your throat received this weekend. But you manage to <<else>> You <</if>> tell him, "$tempLockAssist said it completes the set and that I should wear them today. <<if $EngineerLockOwnerOrgasm>> I didn't want to disobey him." <<else>> She thought it looked even hotter this way." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well, it is a beautiful look," your boss agrees. "At any rate, congratulations on finding another bug. <<if $EngineerLockOwnerOrgasm>> You've earned <<if $EngineerLockPacketOrgasm>>another<<else>>a<</if>> bonus for managing to orgasm also. <<if $BarryEngineerStrict>> Your friend set quite the challenge for you, I wasn't sure if you'd make it or not, but you definitely earned your orgasm this weekend, and your bonus. <<else>> The bonus is just for the first orgasm, though I'm sure you enjoyed all of them this weekend. <</if>> In addition to the monetary reward, <<else>> Unfortunately you weren't able to unlock youself or orgasm, so I can't provide a cash bonus. However <</if>> there is something else I can offer you as a reward. Well, 'Offer' probably isn't the right word." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You can keep the new restraints." He explains, "This particular bug is going to take a while longer to resolve. But I don't want you to have to stop your testing. So I came up with the perfect work-around. I'll just leave your accessories locked on you. Or at least the chastity bra and the collar. The rest is up to you and $tempLockAssist." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That way," he continues. "You won't be able to repeat this particular exploit as there are no more devices to add. Of course I've <<if $EngineerLockOwnerOrgasm or $tempLockAssistFail>> reset myself as the sole owner, and set the other settings back to their previous values." <<else>> corrected the wearer to be you on all the devices. Though if $tempLockAssist ever does want to make me her owner, tell her to let me know." He laughs at his joke. Though joking or not, you doubt he would turn her down if she did offer herself. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes sir, thank you," you say submissively. Then the two of you sit down to go over the details of what you've found. Including the owner gender assumptions the manual and programming were making, and the other issues with adding devices. You try to focus, but you keep getting distracted each time your feel the bra start to softly tease your nipples. <<if $BarryEngineerStrict>> <<if !$DailyBJMinimum>> <<set $DailyBJMinimum to 1>> <</if>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", name:"Barry"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(15, {sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", name:"Barry"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(25, {sex:"male"})>> <br><br> "Oh, I almost forgot," he adds before you leave. "I turned off the 100 blowjob orgasm reward he set, obviously. But I left the other settings Barry enabled for you. There's no orgasm chance, so it won't affect the testing. And besides, I don't want to prevent you kids from having a bit of fun." <br><br> "Given your experience I doubt one blowjob a day is going to be much of challenge anyway," he continues. "But make sure you don't forget or the belt will punish you. We haven't had many people trying the other setting he turned on, so let me know how that goes. Be sure to keep your phone with you at all times so you don't miss a notification. Whenever the belt messages you, you'll just have five minutes to start a blowjob before the punishment starts." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Waking up horny</h1> <img src="Part15/Engineer22.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wake up horny every morning. You long to feel <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(20, {sex:"female", name:$dating[0]})>> $dating[0]'s tongue on your clit, her lips on your nipple. You ache to be filled with a huge strap-on as she fucks you from behind. Giving her the pleasure you crave is the most you can usually hope for. <<if $PlayerItemBuddyKey and setup.areDating("Bailey")>> You find yourself using her key to unlock her from her belt for an orgasm much more than you ever thought you would. <</if>> <<elseif $dating.length>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(20, {sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> $dating[0]'s cock inside you. To feel it swell and fill you with his cum, as you cry out with the orgasm you so desperately need. But feeling him fill your mouth with his cum is the most you can usually hope for. <<if $PlayerItemNerdKey and setup.areDating('Peter')>> You find yourself using his key to unlock him from his cock cage, much more than you ever thought you would. <</if>> <<else>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(20, {sex:"male"})>> a cock inside you. To feel it swell and fill you with his cum, as you cry out with the orgasm you so desperately need. But finding a guy to fill your mouth with his cum is the most you can usually hope for. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> At least you were able to eventually <<if setup.haveFucked('Engineering Department Head')>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Engineering Department Head'})>> "persuade" <<else>> convince <</if>> the department head to remove the collar you'd locked on. Like you told him <<if setup.haveFucked('Engineering Department Head')>> before you sucked his cock, <</if>> you can't try your ownership trick again with only one available device. You only wish it'd been the chastity bra he'd removed like you'd wanted. "What fun would that be?" he said with a smile as he'd unlocked your collar. "Speaking of fun, I'll let you have this. That way you and your <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> girlfriend <<elseif $dating.length>> boyfriend <<else>> 'friend' <</if>> can still play with you in a collar. It just takes a regular key though," he says as he hands you a boxed collar. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $BarryEngineerStrict>> <<if !$DailyBJMinimum or $DailyBJMinimum < 5>> <<set $DailyBJMinimum to 5>> <</if>> It's been nearly a month since your last orgasm, and you really need another one. Your last attempt wasn't very successful, and you weren't even trying to orgasm that time. Well, you weren't only trying to orgasm. You tried to see if you could either set the belt to let you orgasm when you were giving your daily blowjob, or if you couldn't do that then just turn off the requirement entirely. <br><br> But you weren't paying close enough attention and it backfired. Instead of disabling it, you ended up raising the daily minimum to five blowjobs a day! And the random ones it decides you have to give immediately don't even count towards the five! <br><br> Maybe [[today|Part15JobEngineerLock11Hopeless]] you'll have better luck with your testing. <<elseif $EngineerLockPacketOrgasm or $EngineerLockOwnerOrgasm>> You don't have any classes today. So hopefully you'll be able to [[do some more testing|Part15JobEngineerLock11Normal]] and maybe figure out a way to orgasm again today! <<else>> You don't have any classes today, so you should probably do some more testing. You want to orgasm so much, and figuring out another flaw is the only way you will. But it's been months since you've orgasmed, and you <<if setup.areDating("Bailey") and $PlayerItemBuddyKey>> [[are feeling hopeless|Part15JobEngineerLock11HopelessBailey]] <<else>> [[are feeling hopeless|Part15JobEngineerLock11Hopeless]] <</if>> that you'll ever succeed. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Waking up horny</h1> <img src="Part15/Engineer25.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> Your last attempt to outsmart your belt failed. Now you're locked into thigh cuffs as well. The short chain between you legs now of course keeps you from spreading your legs, obviously. Though, that's not the point of them, since you couldn't do anything fun if you could part them anyway. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> No, they are designed to limit your stride. Your steps are short and slow now, and running is out of the question. And to top it off, when your boss saw you'd added the latest accessory they were testing he activated your belts "sexy walk" feature. Now if you don't maintain good posture, and sway your hips when you walk, your belt starts to shock you. Thankfully, you've gotten used to it now at least. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You should probably be used to waking up horny by now too, but it's frustrating ever time. Today you were dreaming about the last time you were able to defeat the belt and orgasm. It was feeling so good in your dream as you felt your orgasm coming. But of course, just before you get off, you wake up, horny, frustrated, and powerless to do anything about it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well, not entirely powereless," you think to yourself. It's early, but you are wide awake now, so you decide to just get to work on [[hacking you belt again|Part15JobEngineerLock11Normal2]]. You are determined to cum again - today! <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Testing your hack</h1> After pouring through the source code you think you have figured out a flaw that will let your orgasm again and again! It looks like you can cause an overflow with the "daily blowjob requirement" setting. The app lets you increase the value whenever you want. Of course it doesn't let you decrease it, but that doesn't matter. It looks like 1000 will do it. <<if setup.areDating('Barry')>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(8, {sex:"male", name:"Barry"})>> <<else>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(20, {sex:"male"})>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Obviously no one would really set a daily minimum value that high, that would be almost a blowjob a minute, non-stop all day. That's probably why they didn't bother checking for it. But if you are right, then the requirement will wrap around to 0, but overwrite the belt mode in the process. Instead of orgasms being blocked, one will be granted for every blowjob you give! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You decide to give it a try, and start the long press of hitting the "+" button 1000 times to increase your daily blowjob requirement. You keep hitting the button again and again. When you finally hit it the last time, the app promptly crashes. Whenever you open it up again it immediately crashes again. Without being able to verify there, you decide there's only one way to test to see if your plan worked. <<if setup.areDating('Barry')>> Of course, Barry is more than willing to offer his cock for you to test with. <</if>> <</nobr>> <img src="Part15/Engineer26.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <<nobr>> Your belt teases you and then keeps you on the edge as always. You still don't know if it's going to work or not, but you suck his cock even more eagerly than you normally would. When his cum finally fills your mouth, your orgasm hits a moment later, before you can even finish swallowing. You collapse next to him, with a cum-covered smile on your face. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Congratulations again," the text from your boss reads. "You did a number on it this time. Lol. I got the notification about your orgasm, but I can't see what you did because the app keeps crashing for me. Guess we'll [[figure it out Monday|Part15JobEngineerLock11Normal3]]. Enjoy your weekend!" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You plan on doing exactly that. <<if setup.areDating('Barry')>> Starting with sucking Barry off again in a few minutes, and as many times this weekend as he is able. <<else>> Starting with sucking this guy off in a few minutes, then finding someone else, and someone after that. <</if>> You aren't going to manage 1000 this weekend, but you do plan on enjoying as many orgasms as you can between now and Monday morning. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Analyzing your belt</h1> <img src="PartX/Engineer1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> "Whatever they are, I hope you enjoy your new settings. I don't know what you did, but I'm not able to access the belt anymore. There's no way for me to unlock it again. Ever." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your mind races, horrified at the thought of never being free of this belt, never being fucked again. You try to calm yourself reminding yourself that you can still orgasm whenever you want at least. "Will that be enough?" you wonder to yourself. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your boss starts laughing. "I'm joking, I'm joking. I thought you'd realize that was a joke. But from your face, you obviously believed it for a minute there." He stops laughing eventually and continues, "Let's get you secured and then I'll do a remote unlock from the admin interface." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With your hands secured, he goes to his computer and types for a while. Part of you must have still been worried his joke was true, because you feel an overwhelming sense of relief when you hear the click of your belt unlocking. "Wait here. I'll give this to the lab to analyze and then do a full reset to get it working again. We can go over your findings while they do that." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you sit there at his desk, naked below the waist, you want him to just fuck you, but he's only interested in hearing about your latest hack. "Impressive. You've definitely earned your reward this time," he says after you are finished. "I think you've probably found all the bugs you are going to at this point, don't you? Would you like to get back to your regular job, or continue with more penetration testing?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You try to stay calm and answer in a normal tone. "I'm eager to get back to work. I think that might be the last flaw." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Wonderful. Take the rest of the day off, and then you can start back tomorrow at your old job," he tells you. You lift up your arms, the few inches that you can, reminding him that he needs to finish unlocking you. "Oh, you'll have to keep the belt on still for a while. The deal with the dean was for the semester, and there's over a month left still." He pauses for a second after seeing the disappointment that must have covered your face. "[[I have an idea though...|Part15JobEngineerLock11Normal4]]" <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Release Plan</h1> <<unset $PlayerChastityBra>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Engineering Department Head'})>> "You can manage three blowjobs a day right?" he asks. You look down at your boss's pants and nod. He laughs and continues, "I didn't mean me, <<if setup.areDating('Barry')>> I meant you and your boyfriend. <<else>> I meant in general. <</if>> And I was being rhetorical. You've obviously shown that won't be a problem." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Three a day until the end of the term will be... about 100 blowjobs. So I'll set your belt to unlock after 100 blowjobs and consider my promise to the dean kept. Of course, if you are more eager than that, <<if setup.areDating('Barry')>> and not just suckinging your boyfriend's cock, <</if>> and get 100 done sooner... well, that's not my fault." He smiles as he finishes configuring your belt and then locks it on you. Once it's secure, he removes the bra, cuffs, and collar, so you are once again just wearing the belt. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I've had to lock you out of the app so you aren't tempted to try any more hacks," he informs you. "So just keep count if you want to know how many you have left. Or don't, and just be surprised when it unlocks, whichever way you prefer." He unzips his pants and adds, "But since you were so eager earlier, why don't we get that number down to 99 before you leave." <</nobr>> <img src="Part15/Engineer27.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <<nobr>> You quickly drop to your knees and get to work. You are slightly disappointed that your belt doesn't tease you while you suck his cock, or give you an orgasm when you finish. But you still smile as his warm cum slides down your throat, and you realize you are [[only 99 more|Part15JobEngineerLock11Unlock]] away from freedom! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Barry')>> As he hands you a tissue to wipe the bit of cum from your chin he adds, "Oh, and just to be clear when I say 'Unlock your belt', I mean I'll have full ownership transfered over to your boyfriend. I'm sure he'll be eager to unlock you though." <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Working your way to 100</h1> <video src="Part15/Engineer28.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Barry')>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex:"male", name:"Barry"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(15, {sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex:"male", name:"Barry"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(15, {sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex:"male", name:"Barry"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(15, {sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex:"male", name:"Barry"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(15, {sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex:"male", name:"Barry"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(15, {sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex:"male", name:"Barry"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(12, {sex:"male"})>> Barry is excited and eager to have control of your belt, so after your've sucked his cock twice, he sends you out to suck more. He promises to let you know whenever you reach 100, so you can rush back. <br><br> <<else>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(99, {sex:"male"})>> <</if>> You eagerly suck cock after cock, in the morning before work, your coworkers whenever you have time, and many more after work. <<if setup.areDating('Barry')>> And, of course Barry at least twice a day. <</if>> It takes you less than a week to reach your target. Your boss isn't going to tell the dean about your early release, and you certainly aren't either. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You aren't completely sure of your count, but you think your latest one may be your 100th! You find yourself savoring this one, enjoying the feel of his cock in your mouth. When he starts to moan though, you can't help yourself and start sucking him harder and faster and soon have him filling your mouth. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Barry')>> When you see the text from Barry confirming he has control of your belt your heart starts to race. A few moments later he starts the belt teasing you, making your pulse quicken even more. "I want to make sure you are wet and eager to get back here." That's certainly not going to be a problem. You quickly say goodbye to the guy you just blew, then [[hurry back to be with Barry|Part15JobEngineerLock11Unlock2]]. <<else>> When you hear your belt unlock your heart races. You quickly remove it and glance down at his now-soft cock. "You're finally free? That's great! Don't get started without me. I'll be [[ready again soon|Part15JobEngineerLock11Unlock2]]," he tells you. You think it might be the longest 15 mintues of your life. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Finally Free</h1> <video src="Part15/Engineer29.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<if setup.areDating('Barry')>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex:"male", name:"Barry", vaginal:true, repeat:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set $ComputerChastityOwner to 'Barry'>> <<else>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex:"male", vaginal:true, repeat:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<unset $PlayerChastityBelt>> <</if>> <<set $JobEngineer to 1>> <<set $JobEngineerLockFormer to 1>> <<unset $JobEngineerLock>> <<unset $JobEngineerOld>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Barry')>> As soon as you are through the door, you are naked. You tremble as Barry presses some keys on his phone and you hear your belt unlock. He carefully removes it from you and places it aside. "On your knees," he instructs. You instinctively drop to your knees and prepare to start sucking his already hard cock. "No, turn around," he clarifies. You get on your hands and knees with your ass pointing towards him, eagerly awaiting to feel him inside you. <<else>> As soon as his cock starts to show signs of being ready again, it's in your mouth as you try to get it hard as quick as you can. This time, finally, that isn't where he is staying though. He's as eager as you are to be the first inside you in such a long time. A few moments later you are on your knees, dripping with anticipation as the head of his cock teases it's way between your wet lips. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> An uncontrollable moan comes from you as he pushes into you. You rock back to meet his cock with each thrust. After so long without a cock, or anything else, inside you, your orgasm comes quickly. His <<if !setup.areDating('Barry')>> second one <</if>> is still a ways off. When you stop thrusting back, he grabs your arms and uses them to pull you back towards him with each thrust. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he finally cums, he pulls you back and cums deep inside you. <<if $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> You couldn't care less about birth control right now. When he told you he was getting close, you only begged him to fill you. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> You couldn't care less about birth control right now. You wouldn't have dreamed of asking him to wear a condom. You wanted to feel ever inch of him inside you, and nothing between you and him. <</if>> When he pulls out, you instinctively turn and lick his cock clean. The taste is certainly a familiar one, but this time there is a wonderful new taste added. You smile as you realize it's the taste of your own wetness on his cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you feel his cum start to drip out of you and down your leg, something you haven't felt in so long, you think to yourself how wonderful it feels. You also think, "Maybe I should <<if $PlayerProtectionWithdraw or $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> go back to using birth control, if I don't want to get pregnant." <<else>> ask him to get me a towel, before I make a mess on the carpet." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's been too long since you've had a cock inside you though. You are hardly going to [[stop at just one|Part15JobEngineerLock11Unlock3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Double the fun</h1> <video src="Part15/Engineer30.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex:"male", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex:"male", repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course your belt left your ass available before, but <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> even though you used to be able to get off that way, your belt made sure you couldn't by shocking you whenever you got close. <<else>> you could never quite get off that way. <</if>> Now you can enjoy a two cocks inside you at once. <<if setup.areDating('Barry')>> Barry is happy to indulge your wish to celebrate your new 'freedom', and calls a friend to come over and fuck your ass for you. <</if>> The feeling of being filled and fucked is so wonderful after your long lockup in the belt. And there's nothing stopping you from cumming now. <</nobr>> <img src="Part15/Engineer31.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <<nobr>> The guys keep going after you cum, until they both cum as well. After they've pulled out of you and gotten up, your lie there on the bed, completely spent and unable to move for a while. Twitches of pleasure from your orgasm still occasionally make you shudder for a while. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can feel the cum covering you and more inside you. You tell yourself, <<if $PlayerProtectionWithdraw or $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> "Ok, that was fun, but I need to be careful now." You resolve to make him <<if $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> pull out <<else>> wear a condom <</if>> next time. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionTry>> "Maybe, now that I'm free of that belt, I can finally get pregnant!" You picture millions of his seed swimming inside you. "Maybe even this time," you hope. <<else>> "Oh god, that was fun. I want to do it again, and again, and again!" <</if>> <<if setup.areDating('Barry')>> <br><br> "Ok, you've had your fun now," Barry says. "It's time to get back in your belt. Don't worry, you won't have to wait nearly as long for your next unlocking. If you behave that is." <br><br> "Yes sir," you answer obediently. With their cum still leaking from you, Barry clicks the lock closed on your belt then gives it a little tug just to make sure it's secure. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>On your knees with Bailey</h1> <img src="Part15/Engineer24.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(30, {sex:"male"})>> <<if !$DailyBJMinimum or $DailyBJMinimum < 5>> <<set $DailyBJMinimum to 5>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Attempt after attempt has failed. And worse, some of you attempts have backfired on you, and you've accidentally added requirements to suck multiple cocks every day. If you fall short of your goal, the belt punishes you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But even if your belt didn't punish you, you wouldn't want to miss a day. Your belt has stopped stimulating you when you eat out Bailey. But it does still tease or edge you when you have a cock in your mouth. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, Bailey's belt isn't going to punish her, but she's usually right there beside you taking turns on his cock. You always make sure you do enough of the work that your belt gives you full credit though. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She can't always be with you though. In addition to the daily minimum requirement, in another one of your attempts where you were too horny and not paying atention, you accidentally activated another feature. This one causes your belt to randomly decide it wants you to suck a cock, immediately. When that happens you better be on your knees coaxing a cock to life when the timer runs out, or the punishment starts. Then it gives you a few more minutes and then the punishment starts to get worse. You've never waited any longer to see what happens after that. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your guy friends are all willing and able to help you out. But even when they aren't around, you haven't had any problems convincing a stranger in time. If you are honest with yourself, you have to admit you've started to like it. It adds excitement to your day, never knowing when it's going to message you, or [[where you'll be|Part15JobEngineerLock11HopelessBailey2]] when it happens. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>threesome:fmf<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Five minute warning</h1> With nothing else planned today, you are planning to spend most of the day testing your belt again. With a whole day to focus on it, maybe you'll finally manage to get it to give you the orgasm you need. You just need to take a morning walk across the park to the store, so you can pick up a couple parts you might need. And then you have the whole day for testing when you get home. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Engineer23.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(30, {sex:"male"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But your boring walk through the park turns exciting when your belt messages you. Within a couple minutes you are in a hidden spot with a stranger, and soon after that, you are swallowing his cum as he thanks you and walks away. His cum is still sliding down your throat when the pleasant vibrations from your belt stop. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Now your mind is filled with thoughts of where to find another cock to suck, so you can get your belt to reward you with more of those wonderful vibrations. The thoughts that were there before you received your 'five minute warning', the ones about how next to test your belt, are long gone. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You spend most of the day on your knees. By the time you [[go to bed|EngineerLockHopeless]], you've well exceeded your daily requirement of blowjobs. Your last thoughts of the day are about which of the cocks you sucked you enjoyed the most. It never even occurs to you that you hadn't bothered to even try to hack the belt again today. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'll have to find time some other day to test your belt some more. You'd like to have some progress before your next one-on-one meeting with the department head. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Five minute warning</h1> <video src="Part15/Engineer23.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(30, {sex:"male"})>> <<if !$DailyBJMinimum or $DailyBJMinimum < 5>> <<set $DailyBJMinimum to 5>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $BarryEngineerStrict>> With nothing else planned today, you are planning to spend most of the day testing your belt again. With a whole day to focus on it, maybe you'll finally manage to get it to give you the orgasm you need. You just need to take a morning walk across the park to the store, so you can pick up a couple parts you might need. And then you have the whole day for testing when you get home. <br><br> But even <<else>> Attempt after attempt has failed. And worse, you've accidentally added requirements to suck multiple cocks every day. If you fall short of your goal, the belt punishes you. But even if your belt didn't punish you, you wouldn't want to miss a day. <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> Since your belt stopped stimulating you when you eat out $dating[0], the only teasing you get is with a cock in your mouth. But at least $dating[0] is understanding about it. <<else>> The only teasing your poor, locked-away clit gets is is when you have a cock in your mouth. <</if>> <br><br> In addition to the daily minimum requirement, your belt also decides randomly it wants you to suck a cock, immediately. When that happens you better be on your knees coaxing a cock to life when the timer runs out, or the punishment starts. Then it gives you a few more minutes and then the punishment starts to get worse. You've never waited any longer to see what happens after that. <br><br> Your guy friends are all willing and able to help you out. But even when they aren't around, you haven't had any problems convincing a stranger in time. If you are honest with yourself, you have to admit you've started to like it. It adds excitement to your day, never knowing when it's going to message you, or where you'll be when it happens. <br><br> But, like happens today, even <</if>> a walk through the park can turn exciting when your belt messages you. Within a couple minutes you are in a hidden spot with a stranger, and soon after you are swallowing his cum as he thanks you and walks away. His cum is still sliding down your throat when the pleasant vibrations from your belt stop. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Now your mind is filled with thoughts of where to find another cock to suck, so you can get your belt to reward you with more of those wonderful vibrations. The thoughts that were there before you received your 'five minute warning', the ones about how next to test your belt, are long gone. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You spend most of the day on your knees. By the time you [[go to bed|EngineerLockHopeless]], you've well exceeded your daily requirement of blowjobs. Your last thoughts of the day are about which of the cocks you sucked you enjoyed the most. It never even occurs to you that you hadn't bothered to even try to hack the belt again today. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'll have to find time some other day to test your belt some more. You'd like to have some progress before your next one-on-one meeting with the department head. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Maternity Modeling</h1> <img src="Part15/Model8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <img src="Part15/Model7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With your growning belly, your modeling options are more limited than they were before. But thankfully there's plenty of women that still want to look sexy when they're pregnant. So, that means there's companies wanting to advertise to them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are a bit relieved that there's less work right now though, you start to get exhausted after a few hours on your feet in front of the camera. So you're always glad when your [[shoot is over for the day|Part15AfterMainJob]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Swimsuit Modeling</h1> <video src="Part15/Model1.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $BodyType == "Fit">> You're not a famous athlete, so none of the athletic brands are interested in keeping you on long-term. You have an opportunity here and there, but then you are looking for work again. Your agent suggest broading your availability to swimsuit and maybe lingerie modeling. You give him a definite yes on the swimsuits, but tell him you'll need to think about the rest. <<else>> Your agent has mostly been finding lingerie jobs for you. You remind him that you appreciate that work, but you are open to other opportunities as well. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After your discussion, your agent has lined up a swimsuit shoot for you. <<if $BodyType == "Fit">> Sports magazines have an annual swimsuit issue, right, so it's still just as respectable of a modeling job as any you figure. <<else>> You figure it's nothing after all the lingerie shoots you've done. You realize you'll be showing more skin in a bikini than in most of the other things you've worn, but somehow it still seems more 'respectable'. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once your shoot begins you realize there's no changing room, or even a screen to stand behind. The shoot is on a beach, and there's dozens of suits for you to try on. So you'll be changing in front of the entire crew. <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> You do your best to hide how much that excites you. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Model2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> There are a few one-pieces, but it's mostly bikinis. Though some of them they have you only wearing the bottoms and holding the tops like you just took them off. Not wanting to miss anything, they are taking photos non-stop. While you change, when you wash off the sand between shoots, and of course from many angles for each outfit, or partial outfit, you are wearing. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But they assure you they'll only be able to use the shots that don't show anything revealing. "The only ones that will ever see those shots are you, me, and my assistant here," the photographer tells you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "And the VIP members," his assistant say. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh right, and the VIP members of the website," he clarifies. "They get access to all the 'behind the scenes' shots as well." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are sure it was in your photo release, but you hadn't thought about that part of it. You would have probably been more <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> excited when you told <<else>> reluctant to tell <</if>> your friends and relatives about the big shoot you were going to be doing if you had realized that any of them could pay for a membership and see you completely naked. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist and (!$PlayerSideEffectSubmissive or $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist > $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive)>> You are so turned on by today's events, and everyone watching you. <<if $dating.length>> You know you are going to be all over $dating[0] as soon as you leave the shoot today. But that's hours away, and your mind keeps wandering to what [[you could be doing|Part15JobModel2]] right now. <<else>> You can't help but [[fantasize about what you could be doing|Part15JobModel2]] right now instead of this photo shoot. <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> You are so turned on by today's events, and especially the photographers stern voice when he tells you were to stand, how to pose. It makes you feel like his little doll to pose and play with. <<if $dating.length>> You know you are going to be all over $dating[0] as soon as you leave the shoot today. But that's hours away, and your mind keeps wandering to what [[you could be doing|Part15JobModel2]] right now. <<else>> You can't help but [[fantasize about what you could be doing|Part15JobModel2]] right now instead of this photo shoot. <</if>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist to 1>> Finally, after a long day of shooting you are finished. You change back into your street clothes, at this point not even thinking about the fact that everyone cam see you. Well, definitely thinking about it. But certainly not minding anymore. <br><br> <i>You've started to enjoy being naked or exposed in public.</i> <br><br> [[Continue|Part15AfterMainJob]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Fantasizing about your photographer</h1> <video src="Part15/Model3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You aren't working the whole time. Sometimes you are just waiting around while another model works, or they are setting up for the next set. And your mind has time to wander. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You imagine your photographer stops giving you instructions on how to pose or turn, or anything else. Instead he just tells you get on your knees and suck his cock. You feel yourself getting wet as you imagine doing just that. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, in your fantasy it soon leads to much more. Soon he is fucking you right here on the beach, with the whole crew watching. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "$playerName, you're up!" someone yells waking you from your fantasy. You get back to <<if !setup.sexCount()>> work, and try to keep the dirty thoughts out of your mind. <br><br> [[Continue|Part15AfterMainJob]]. <<elseif $dating.length>> work. But you know as soon as you are done today, you aren't going to be able to keep your hands off of $dating[0]. <br><br> [[Continue|Part15AfterMainJob]]. <<elseif !setup.sexMaleCount()>> work. You wonder why you were fantasizing about the photographer and not his cute assistant. She's much more your type after all. You wonder if having him order you around all day was bringing out your submissive side too. <br><br> [[Continue|Part15AfterMainJob]]. <<else>> work for now. <br><br> Joseph, the photographer, pulls you aside once the setis done. "I couldn't help noticing some of the glances you were giving me between sets. Do you want to get a bite to eat after we pack up the equipment?" He notices you biting your lower lip and then adds, "Or perhaps just [[head back to my studio|Part15JobModel3]] for a 'more intimate' session?" <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Private session with the photographer</h1> <video src="Part15/Model4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set $MysteryModelVideo to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When Joseph takes you back to his private studio he goes to a rack of clothes. He searches until he finds one he likes, and and then brings it back to you. He's watched you undress dozens of times today, but you do your best to make this time more enticing than the quick changes before. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> This is nothing like what you've been modeling before. The top frames and pushes up your breasts, but leaves them completely uncovered. And the buckles on the collar make you feel like his horny slave girl. Of course the soft cuffs he has you put on your wrists only reinforce that. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He can see your unease when he pulls out a camera, a small video camera this time. "Don't worry, this is just for me. I'll delete it before you leave if you want." You are too turned on to object, and eagerly obey as he hands you a bowl of ice cubes and has you tease your exposed breasts with one. When your nipples are fully erect he hands you nipple clamps and orders you to wear them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He hasn't even touched you, merely instructed you on how to touch yourself. But you can barely control yourself. You are ready to rip off the shiny panties he's had you wear and beg him to fuck you. But he tells you to stop before you can get them off. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "[[We're not done yet|Part15JobModel4]]," he says as he continues to hands you a box with more toys. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Private session with the photographer</h1> <video src="Part15/Model5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'black PVC bust harness')>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'black leather cuffs')>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'breathable ball gag')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> First he has you put the ball gag in your mouth. Once you are silenced he hands you the candle he'd lit earlier. You are nervous when he tells you to pour the hot wax it's collected on yourself. "Don't worry," he tells you. "It's not a regular candle. It's hot, but not enought to burn you." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It takes you a minute to work up the courage to do it, but you tip the candle over dripping the hot wax down onto you breasts. You cry out into your gag when you do. The wax quickly hardens on your skin. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'd be begging for his cock if you weren't still gagged, but he makes you wait a bit longer still. He hands you the camera and has it play back what he's recorded for you as he goes to grab something else from the rack. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'd be playing with your clit as you watch, if he handn't ordered you not to. But besides how much it is turning you on, you notice something else. He's been very careful to not show your face, not enough of to recognize you anyway. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once he returns, he tells you to take off the gag and the rest and change into the new outfit. You obey and begin to change. As you are changing, he asks you what you thought of the video. You tell him you loved it. "So you don't still want me to delete it?" You tell him not to delete it, and in fact you to send you a copy. "Do you mind if I share it, as long as I don't let anyone know who the mystery woman is." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It turns you on thinking about others seeing you submit to him, and get as turned on as you just did rewatching it. "Share it with whomever you like," you tell him. "Just don't make me wait any longer for this," you say as you begin to [[unbuckle his pants|Part15JobModel5]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Private session with the photographer</h1> <video src="Part15/Model6.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Joseph"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Joseph", vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Joseph"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Joseph", vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'black PVC dress')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He doesn't stop you as you unbuckle his belt and pull down his pants. He smiles as you push him back onto his back and climb on top of him. You let out a moan as you slide him into you. He is enjoying how eager he's made you and lets you ride him. He does reach up to pull your breasts free so he can watch them as you bounce up and down on his cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you cum, you collapse down onto him. He rolls you over onto your back with his cock still inside and continues fucking where you'd left off. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Hours later when you leave, he tells you can keep the outfits and toys. You get the sense there are plenty more where these came from waiting for the next model he brings back here. "Oh, and your copy of the video, he says as he hands you a thumb drive with the video on it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Everyday Latex</h1> <img src="Part15/Fashion8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You have a lot of fun designing and testing some of your "play" clothes, and don't plan on abandoning those designs. However, you start focusing more of your time to what you've started calling "Everyday Latex". As fun as your other latex can be to wear, it's usually only going to be worn in private or at a rare fetish event. You think there's a much bigger market for latex and similar clothes that she (or he) can wear everyday. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course you still make [[outfits for a sexy night out|Part15JobModel8]], you also like making daily wear too. Clothes that still have the sexy, shiny look of latex and similar materials, but that can be worn any day. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've had to put some work into materials, to get exactly what you want. Of course the look has to be right - fitting to every curve and showing them off. The feel has to be right, that wonderful second-skin feeling you love. But you also need something breathable, so the wearer doesn't overheat. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Thankfully, the friends you've made in the engineering department have helped with that. They've also helped you with some other innovations. And some of the female engineers even help you test out your creations. <<if $PlayerPregnant>> Which is great, since your growing belly isn't ideal for the form fitting designs. <<elseif $BodyType == "Plus">> Which is great, since you are starting with the more command, standard sizes. Though, you do plan on making sure your designs are also available in larger sizes too. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Additional features</h1> <img src="Part15/Fashion9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> Your basic designs are simple, and sexy, and you hope will sell well. But your engineer friends have helped you add some special enhancements that will set your more advanced versions apart. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> No longer does your clothing have to be a boring part of your night out, something that makes you feel sexy when you put in on, but then you just forget about for the rest of the night. Your designs can be part of the fun. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> For example, your "Cinderella" dress will make sure you are the center attention at the dance, once the clock strikes midnight, at least if that's the time the wearer, or whomever she's given control to, has set the timer for. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The engineers provided you with special fibers that you were able to incorporate into the dress. You put the dress on when the system is off, and the dress is at its maximum length. But the small current the system sends to the fibers can cause the dress to slowly shrinking in size. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You have the fibers running vertically, so you can shrink the dress down so the bottom becomes a shorter and shorter mini skirt. If it hasn't be set it to stop there, eventually the dress will become too small to cover her completely, and she'll have to decide where she'd rather have her ass or her breasts exposed to everyone on the dance floor. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Though, even that is likely to just be a temporary concern. If it's set to go all the way, it will keep shrinking until it's likely to short to cover anything at all. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> In addition to the timer-based plan your "Cinderella" dress is named after, you and your engineer friends are thinking of other ways to control it as well. Probably the easiest would be on that she has to keep hitting a button every few minutes to keep it from shrinking. That way, when she's bored the dress will stay boring too. But once she starts to get distracted by the fun, her dress will try to make the evening even more fun. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> One of the engineers said that it's possible to detect blood-achohol levels from sweat. He suggested an option where the more intoxicated the wearer got, the shorter her dress would get. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You also plan on talking with them to see if they could help you with sensors to detect dancing, or at least the music, or body heat. The best would be if the dress could start shrinking whenever the wearer gets turned on. But those enhancements can wait. There's [[other innovations|Part15JobModel9]] that they are helping you with first. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Fun the next day too</h1> <img src="Part15/Fashion10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> Another material they've helped you with is one that is mostly transparent normally, but with a small current applied becomes completely opaque. The wearer can start off the night with a normal, sexy-looking dress. But it doesn't have to stay that way. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Maybe it'll randomly change, with parts of the dress becoming fully transparent for a minuter or and then returning to normal, for a while. Or maybe it'll happen gradually, with the whole dress slowly becoming more and more translucent as the night goes on. Either, way there's only so much charge in the battery before it runs out completely. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Regardless of what setting she used the night before, by morning the dress will have returned to its natural, transparent state. Hopefully she had a fun time at whoever's house she ended up at, because the walk home will be another fun adventure. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Fun at 30,000 feet</h1> <img src="Part15/Fashion11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> After an article about your designs and their features is published, you start getting inquiries about incorporating the same features into other designs. One that catches your interest is the "stewardess uniform". <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know it's probably just for role play or as a costume, but you can't help but imagine an adventuresome airline having all their flight attendants wear one of the uniforms you are designing. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It seems sexy, but still covering everything fully. At least while the plane is on the ground. But once the cabin pressure is lowered, the sensors are triggered and the hemline starts to rise. By the time the fasten seatbelt sign comes off, her ass is barely contained. By the time she's pushing the cart with drinks or food down the aisle, she's bare from the waist down. Your imagined airline bans wearing anything under the uniform, of course. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's only when the plane decends and it's time to head back into the terminal at the destination that her garmet returns to normal. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Coming back to reality, you know it'll be more for recreational use, not real flight attendants, so you'll probably just include the standard array of controls and sensors that your "Cinderella" dresses have. Though you still plan on talking with the engineers about the air pressure sensor idea. Who knows, maybe some rich CEO-types will want it for the women waiting on them on their private jets. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've also had suggestions to expand your product line to include men's wear too. You think your talents are more suited to women's clothing. And you are certain that that is where your interests are. But you do have [[some ideas on how to offer certain guys|Part15JobModel11]] an option too. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Clothes make the woman</h1> <img src="Part15/Fashion12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Even though X-Change is available, there are still many guys that like dressing up for fun or for self-expression. And there are also transwomen that aren't able to or ready to take X-Change yet. Both groups are interested in being able to wear the products you are designing too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But your designs try to highlight and enhance the feminine form. When someone with a typical male body wears one, it doesn't look good at all. It's loose in all the places there should be curves for it to hug. And, worst of all, there's always that unsightly bulge between their legs. That gets even worse looking, and sometimes painful for the wearer, if they get excited about wearing your design. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But then you realize you could just give the outfit the curves that it's wearer lacks. Some padding on the hips, of course some generous breast forms, and a corset to give them that hourglass shape, then they look perfect. Well almost. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You aren't about to alter your designs to allow for a massive, hard cock in the middle of the beautiful female shape you've given them. Instead you instruct the wearer on how to tuck so that they don't show it at all. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you think you've gotten it down, you let them get their makeup just right. The you take a few women in your original designs, and a few male-bodied volunteers in your new designs, out for [[a night of fun|Part15JobModel12]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Passing the test</h1> <img src="Part15/Fashion13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your new designs pass the test. No one seems to notice the difference between the two groups you brought with you, or if they notice, they don't care. All they care about are which ones are there looking for a good time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Both groups are locked into their outfits to keep it fair. They are only allowed out for the restroom, under supervision. So the only fun either can have is the same. But most of the guests you brought are turned on enough by the reactions your designs are getting for them, that they are happy to give what pleasure they can. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Later, when you are back at your studio, and have discussed each wearers experience there is only one complaint about your new design. And that was how uncomfortable the "packing" became when they were sucking cock and trying to get hard. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You tell them that you'll think on it and [[try to come up with a solution|Part15JobModel13]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Multiple solutions to the problem</h1> <img src="Part15/Fashion14.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've came up with a couple different solutions to deal with the tucking and erection problem. The first works better with your full body suits. You have a tiny little pocket for their cock integrating right into the suit. They have to take some time to position it just right when they are putting it on. But after that, they don't have to worry about. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The tiny little sleeve that holds their cock doesn't give it enough room to get hard no matter how excited they get. And it has a tiny hole for them to pee from too, which is good, since you recommend they leave the lock for the front zipper back at home. Ideally they'll plan ahead and not need the rear zipper either, but they might feel better taking that key along just in case. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They'll find another benefit of where their cock is positioned if someone decides to make use of their "pussy" opening on their suit. It'll feel like they expect for whoever is fucking them, but the wearer will be surprised at how good it feels for them. The head of their cock will feel every thrust as it is pressed right against the sleeve. Of course, they are far more likely to get off from getting their ass fucked, but you expect the ones buying these suits would probably prefer that anyway. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You plan on several variants. There is the "Three Hole Whore" model, which has three holes to pleasure with, but the wearer is anonymous and blind, just there for the use of others. There's the "Seen But Not Heard" model, which lets the wearer see what's going on, but comes with a removable penis gag to keep the them silent when their mouth isn't in use. And then there is "Blondes have fun" model, where the eyes and mouth are both free, and there is a fake, long, blonde pony tail coming out of the back, designed to look like it's the wearer's own hair. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But all of those keep the wearer mostly anonymous. You know there are going to be others that [[don't want to be anonymous|Part15JobModel14]]. For them you have another option. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>A Dress for the Guys</h1> <img src="Part15/Fashion15.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't want the male-bodied wearers to have to miss out on all the special features your clothes for the ladies have. That's why you came up with your "Cinderfella" dress. It's like the Cinderella model in that it starts off at it's maximum length. Then the hemline slowly rises over time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know the wearer would be tempted to let his cock be free under the dress, but the erection he'd soon have would spoil everything, but you have a solution for that. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The dress comes with a chastity cage for him to wear. And to make sure he wears it, the key to the cage also activates the dress. He'll have to lock the cage on his cock for it to let him remove the key. Then he has to use the key to activate the dress's circuitry. Until then it'll be too short to cover anything at all below the waist. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As the night goes on, it'll eventually be clear to everyone just what he's hiding under the dress. Though before then, when his bare ass starts peeking out, someone probably would have already taken him somewhere private to take the dress off entirely. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He still won't have access to his cock. Once the key activates the dress, it won't be released for at least 12 hours. But he can have more than enough fun with his new friend, with his cock still locked tight. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But the next morning he'll have a choice to make. He can hold on to the key when it's released and try to make it home with the dress back at its minimum size. He can reactivate the dress, and go home fully covered, with his cock locked for another 12 hours. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Or, if the night went well, he can turn over key to the guy he went home with, and let him decide if and when his cock comes out again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You definitely want to stick with focusing on your designs for the female body. But you are glad you opened up a bit to thinking about some products for the male body too. There's a lot of fun to be had for them too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15AfterMainJob]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Bring your buddy to work day</h1> For "Bring your Buddy to Work Day", you take Bailey to your studio. She tries on a number of your creations, looking for one she'll wear the rest of the day. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You were hoping she'd go for the disappearing top you had her try on. But she wasn't comfortable wearing it to class. You wonder if she'd have been more comfortable or less if you had told her about your plan to make it go transparent part way through the class taught by the professor she has a crush on. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <table><tr> <td><img src="Part15/Fashion16.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"></td> <td><video src="Part15/Fashion17.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="650"></video></td> </tr></table> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She also tried on a pair of pants the engineering guys had helped you with. This one doesn't disappear or shrink, or change at all. But what it does do, is gently stimulate the wearer the entire time it's on. It's not enought for her to notice directly. But it does make her get more and more horny the longer she wears it. You are considering adding this as standard feature on all your smart outfits, or at least as an option. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But Bailey said she didn't want to start moaning in class, so that one was out too. What she ended up deciding on was a [[basic bodysuit|Part15JobModel16]], without any of your advanced features. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Bailey enjoying her bodysuit after class</h1> <<if !setup.areDating("Bailey")>> The next day Bailey tells you how her day went in the body suit you gave her. <</if>> "I was so horny in class," Bailey says. " I thought you might have had that stimulation thing in the suit too. But then I figured out it was just the thought that I wearing the bodysuit, in the middle of class, with my hot professor watching me, was really turning me on." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.buddyHasGirlfriend()>> <video src="Part15/Fashion19.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<else>> <video src="Part15/Fashion18.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating("Bailey")>> Thankfully your engineering friends gave you use of one their testing labs and some other things to play with. You don't think Bailey would have been able to contain herself until you'd made it home. <br><br> Instead you put on your own suit, and hoods for both of you since you know the guys are probably going to record the whole thing with the cameras in the room. <br><br> With the way you have Bailey's arms and legs bound, she has to walk around on her knees and elbows. But she can't even concentrate on that. Your hand, and the vibrator you are using, have her screaming into her gag in no time. <br><br> Now that you know these kind of clothes excite Bailey as much as they do you, you know you both are going to have a lot more fun with them in the future. <<elseif setup.buddyHasGirlfriend()>> "I was so horny by the time class was over, I couldn't wait any longer," Bailey continues. "Thank you so much for getting your friends in the engineering department let us use that medical sex room or whatever of theirs. I don't think I could have waited until $BuddyDating and I got home. <br><br> "And you were right about the cameras. They were everywhere in there. If you hadn't given us those hoods, I'm not sure $BuddyDating would have been willing to do anything knowing her face might be being recorded." <br><br> "But knowing we were both anonymous really turned her on. She had me bound and on all fours, making me cum so many times. It was amazing" <br><br> "Thank's again for letting me keep the bodysuit. I'm sure $BuddyDating will have a lot of fun with it in the future." <<elseif setup.buddyHasBoyfriend()>> "I was so horny by the time class was over, I couldn't wait any longer," Bailey continues. "I practically tackled $BuddyDating we I saw him. I had him stripped and his cock in my mouth before I'd even touched the zipper on my bodysuit. Of course I couldn't wait much longer. I knew it'd take too long to take off the suit, and I couldn't wait. So I unzipped the bottom just enough so I could ride his cock. <br><br> "Good thing he rememebered to pull out, because I forgot all about a condom. Even him pulling out was hot. Seeing his cum contrasting against the black of the bodysuit, was so beautiful." <br><br> "Thank's again for letting me keep the bodysuit. I'm sure $BuddyDating will have a lot of fun with it in the future." <<else>> "I was so horny by the time class was over, I couldn't wait any longer," Bailey continues. "I met with the professor after class. I told him I saw how he was looking at me in class today, and that I felt the same way. We headed right to his house. I had him stripped and his cock in my mouth before I'd even touched the zipper on my bodysuit. Of course I couldn't wait much longer. I knew it'd take too long to take off the suit, and I couldn't wait. So I unzipped the bottom just enough so I could ride his cock. <br><br> "Good thing he pull out, because I forgot all about a condom. Even him pulling out was hot. Seeing his cum contrasting against the black of the bodysuit, was so beautiful." <br><br> "Thank's again for letting me keep the bodysuit. I'm sure I'll will have a lot of fun with it in the future. Either with my professor again, or someone else." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>><<nobr>> <<set $tempBabyVisited to 1>> <<if $MotherHousing>> <<include [[Part15BabyMotherHousing]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15BabyNormal]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>New mothers' support group</h1> <img src="Part15/Mother2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The university is so great with all the help they provide you and the other new mothers. Financially, the free diapers they provide and the free day care, are the best. But emotionally, you think the new mothers' support group they have is the most help. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> There's weekly meetings where there's always a new speaker giving really useful information. But what you enjoy even more are the friends you've made, and being able to go out for brunch with $children[0].name and several other moms and their babies. <</nobr>> [[Continue|Part15JobMain]].<<nobr>> <h1>Helping each other out</h1> <img src="Part15/Mother1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"female", anon: "Fellow Mother"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> [[You and the other mothers|Part15BabyNormal]] in your building do whatever you can to help each other out. Whether that's helping watch each other's baby when someone has a date, loaning a few diapers if someone runs out, or just offering advice when someone is struggling. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you also help each other out in other ways. Sometimes one of you is too tired to hook up with someone, but struggling with their bodies needs. Whether those needs were given to them by X-Change or their natural fluctuating hormones, doesn't matter. The need is there just the same. Though the poor girls <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>>like you<</if>> that can't take care of the problem themselves struggle with it even more. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you all are willing to stop by and give your fellow mother some quick and much needed relief. That way she can get some rest tonight. If the baby lets her that is. You wonder if all new mothers are this helpful with each other, or if it's just something special here at the university. <<if $dating.length>> <br><br> Thankfully $dating[0] understands, and doesn't mind you occasionally lending or receiving a helping hand. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Educating the new girls</h1> <img src="Part15/Program1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With as many of the newly converted that ended up with unintended pregnancies last year, the Student X-Change program is offering additional training on pregnancy prevention this year. And they are having the ones who know the most of about the risks, you and the other new mothers, facilitate it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wonder if some of the instruction they are given is counterprodcutive though. Most of the new and soon-to-be mothers that speak about their experience seem more excited than the program organizers were probably hoping for. You doubt that they actually persuaded anyone. At least they didn't persuade them to NOT get pregnant. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Hopefully the small-group, [[practical sessions|Part15Baby3]] that you and some of the other mothers are hosting will be more effective. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>69 Demonstration</h1> Obviously they've heard of it, and you hear more than one "Nice" in when they hear what the first demonstration is going to cover. But these demonstrations aren't just about educating them of the options, but showing them how enjoyable they can be. And of course they are about encouraging them to try these techniques instead of sex that could get them pregnant. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Program2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The girls watch closely as <<if setup.haveGirlfriend() or $PlayerChastityBelt>> The girl leading the demonstration sucks her boyfriends cock with her legs straddling his face. The other girls watch as she slows her blowjob on him until she gets as close to cumming as he is. Then they applaud after she makes sure that his cum fills her mouth just as she herself is orgasming. <br><br> After she swallows and wipes a bit of cum from her mouth she tells them, "See how fun that was for both of us. And I'm definitely not getting pregnant again from that. Now, who wants to give it a try in a few minutes once he has recovered?" Most of the hands quickly go up, but only one girl gets a chance to try it before it's time for the [[next demonstration|Part15Baby4]]. <<else>> You lead the demonstration as you suck <<if $dating.length>> $dating[0]'s cock <<else>> the cock of some guy you met on the way to the session this morning, <</if>> with your legs straddling his face. The other girls watch as you slow your blowjob on him until you get as close to cumming as he is. Then they applaud after you make sure that his cum fills your mouth just as you yourself are orgasming. <br><br> After you swallow and wipe a bit of cum from your mouth you tells them, "See how fun that was for both of us. And I'm definitely not getting pregnant again from that. Now, who wants to give it a try in a few minutes once he has recovered?" Most of the hands quickly go up, but only one girl gets a chance to try it before it's time for the [[next demonstration|Part15Baby4]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Anal demonstration</h1> <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal or $PlayerChastityBelt>> As much as you wish it were you on the bed getting your ass fucked, it's not. <</if>> There aren't any special skills or training needed for this one. It's just about letting the girls see that anal is nothing to be afraid of, and can be quite enjoyable for the girl as well. <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> Especially if she has the same side effect you do. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Program3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You all watch as the girl that volunteered gets fucked by the guy that one of the mothers invited along. "It does take some preparation beforehand if you want to avoid a mess. Of course, as you can see, you can also do what you can to make sure you are always ready like Mindy apparently does. That's probably the wisest option," the mother leading this demonstration says. "And keeping some lube in your purse is always helpful as well." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Now, not every girl can get off from anal," she says. "As you can see Mindy is close but isn't quite there yet, though he clearly is. Now she's probably tempted to beg him to fuck her pussy instead." You see a needy nod from Mindy. "But that's a bad idea, and not just because of the pregnancy risk. There's also the risk of an infection of you go ass to vag. That's less likely if you are good about your cleaning and prep beforehand, but still a risk. So it's always best if he goes to your ass, for him to finish there." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "It doesn't look as though Mindy was able to cum that time, but she clearly enjoyed herself. And her partner obviously did." Mindy nods, and the mother continues. "You can always just finish yourself off after he's done." Mindy shakes her head. "Well, I guess not if you have some side effect that prevents it, like I guess Mindy does. The guy can always help you out whether you have that or not. But sorry, Mindy, there's no time today. We have to get on to our [[next demonstration|Part15Baby5]]." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh, be careful when you get up, Mindy. You don't want his cum leaking the wrong way on you. Can someone get her a towel." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Condom demonstration</h1> <<if setup.haveGirlfriend() or $PlayerChastityBelt>> You watch as one of the other mothers demonstrate for them how easy and fun condoms can be as she put one on her boyfriend's cock using her mouth. <<else>> It's your turn to demonstrate again. You show them how easy and fun condoms can be as you put one on <<if $dating.length>> $dating[0]'s <<else>> your volunteer's <</if>> cock using your mouth. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Program4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course <<if setup.haveGirlfriend() or $PlayerChastityBelt>> one of the other mothers shows them how easy and fun condoms can be as she puts a condom on her boyfriend's cock using her mouth. Of course once it's on there, she can't very well let it go to waste. <br><br> After he's came she shows them that the fun doesn't have to end there. <<else>> it's your turn to demonstrate again. You show them how easy and fun condoms can be as you put one on <<if $dating.length>> $dating[0]'s <<else>> your volunteer's <</if>> cock using your mouth. Of course once it's on there, you can't very well let it go to waste. <br><br> After he's came you show them that the fun doesn't have to end there. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Program8.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Now, we have some condoms and dildos here for [[you all to practice on|Part15Baby6]]," another mother says. "Do your best. We'll be watching. Whoever does the best can give it a try with a real cock, he should be more than ready to go again by then." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Practicing with condoms</h1> You and the other moms watch and try to judge not just the technical skill the girls may have in applying the condom to their dildos, but also how much they seem to be enjoying it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part6/Halloween5C.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300" align="left"> <img src="Part15/Program7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"> <img src="Part15/Program10.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300" align="left"> <img src="Part15/Program9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"> <img src="Part7/Start3B.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300" align="left"> <img src="Part15/Program11.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Eventually there is a consensus on who the best choice is. She eagerly repeats her work, this time on a real cock. She's really enjoying sucking his cock through the condom, and you wonder if she's going to just continue doing that, but soon after you think that he bends her over and slides his condom-convered cock inside her. She's already so wet, it slides in easily. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Program5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and the other girls watch with a bit of jealousy as she moans and the orgasms just before he groans and then fills the condom inside her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well, that looked like a lot of fun," one of the mothers say afterwards. "Now we just have [[one last demonstration|Part15Baby7]] this afternoon. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Chastity demonstration</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Program6.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> One of the other mothers are talking as you give the final demonstration. "Obviously abstinence generally is an option, though probably not a realistic one for most of you. At least not without help. As you can see, $playerName can still have a lot off fun, even with her belt on. And she doesn't have to worry about getting tempted in a moment a weakness and letting him fuck her." <<elseif $PlayerItemBuddyKey>> You are talking as Bailey gives the final demonstration. "Obviously abstinence generally is an option, though probably not a realistic one for most of you. At least not without help. As you can see, Bailey can still have a lot off fun, even with her belt on. And she doesn't have to worry about getting tempted in a moment a weakness and letting him fuck her." <<else>> You are talking as one of the other mothers gives the final demonstration. "Obviously abstinence generally is an option, though probably not a realistic one for most of you. At least not without help. As you can see, Michelle can still have a lot off fun, even with her belt on. And she doesn't have to worry about getting tempted in a moment a weakness and letting him fuck her." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Of course, holding on to your own key defeats the purpose. You'd just unlock yourself and then beg him to fuck you. If your boyfriend holds the key, that will likely be a lot of fun. But unless he prefers oral and anal, he'll likely unlock you for sex too frequently to have much of an impact or pregnancy risk." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "If you are interested in this option, we were given a list of names of some keyholders you can contact. We've forwarded the list to your email. We've also been told that the school's Engineering department has something on offer as well. You can contact them if you'd like more on that. Their information is in the email as well." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You won't be sure for a while whether your demonstrations have a meaningful impact on the participant pregnancy rate. But you and other mothers are encouraged by the number of girls that came up afterwards to ask follow-up questions about chastity, or to pick up one of the free anal cleaning kits or boxes of condoms that you were giving away. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After your presentation, you have to head over to registration to fill out a few forms. Its time to officially [[declare your major|Part15Major]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $Cuckcake>> [[Continue|Part15Week3Cuckcake]]. <<elseif setup.areDating('Aaron')>> [[Continue|Part15LivingAaron4]]. <<elseif setup.haveGirlfriend()>> [[Continue|Part15RelationshipGirlfriend]]. <<else>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $Cuckcake>> <<include [[Part15Week3Cuckcake]]>> <<elseif setup.areDating('Aaron')>> <<include [[Part15LivingAaron4]]>> <<elseif setup.haveGirlfriend()>> <<include [[Part15RelationshipGirlfriend]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $SchoolWeek <= 3>> <<include [[Part15Week3CuckcakeWeek3]]>> <<elseif $SchoolWeek <= 7>> <<include [[Part15Week3CuckcakeWeek7]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>More time watching $Cuckcake and $dating[0]</h1> Your threesome with $dating[0] and $Cuckcake wasn't a one time thing. Whenever you and $dating[0] go out on a date, when he brings you back to your dorm, you can be sure he's going to fuck $Cuckcake if she's there. <<set setup.addSexRepeat(50, {sex:"male", name:$Cuckcake})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Dorm35.webm" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They always let you watch though. Often $dating[0] will tell $Cuckcake to talk to you while he fucks her. "Tell $playerName how good it feels. She <<if setup.haveFuckedVaginal($dating[0]) == 0>> has never got to feel my cock inside her like you have." <<else>> hasn't been able to feel my my cock inside her since she put the belt on." <</if>> With the teasing vibrations the belt gives you now whenever the three of you are together, you listen with rapt attention to every word she says. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he's done, you also get to lick her clean, and his cock too. And he's even updated your belts settings so that $Cuckcake is an authorized sex partner. She still is mainly interested in guys, but she appreciates that you are there to clean up the mess they leave behind, licking every drop from her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And she doesn't just fuck $dating[0]. No, she has <<if $Cuckcake == "Kiera">> many <<else>> several <</if>> different guys coming by. And she has you clean up after each one of them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Discussing your place</h1> <img src="Part15/Dorm36.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:$Cuckcake})>> <<set $Roommate to $dating[0]>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", anon:"Mover"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", anon:"Mover", repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Today instead of $dating[0] coming to your dorm room, you and $Cuckcake are visiting him at his apartment. You won't be watching him fuck $Cuckcake today though. Of course, he is still fucking her. You just don't get to watch this time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's already been your responsibility to clean your and $Cuckcake's dorm room, and to do her laundry as well as your own. But today you are cleaning $dating[0]'s apartment as well. As you go from room to room, wearing nothing but your belt and the skimpy maid outfit $dating[0] gave you, you can hear $Cuckcake's moans wherever you are in $dating[0]'s spacious apartment. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After they are done, they summon you into the master bedroom to clean $Cuckcake, and then to clean the bedroom and master bathroom. By the time you finish they are back in the living room, and summon you again for a talk. You aren't allowed to stand, or to sit on the sofa. You are told to kneel in front of them and keep your eyes to the floor. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "$playerName, I want to let you know that $Cuckcake is going to be moving in with me," $dating[0] tells you. "She's stopped seeing other men, and the two of us are dating exclusively now." You glance up for just a moment. "Excluding you, of course." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "We will allow you to stay here too, as long as you remember your place. And your place will be on the floor next to our bed. We can get you a little blanket or a kennel if you prefer. Don't worry, we'll still usually let you listen or watch when have sex if you are a good girl. And you'll still clean up after we have sex. I know how much you enjoy that." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh god," $Cuckcake says pointing at $dating[0]'s phone. "Look how turned on she is right now." She laughs and continues, "She's dripping wet from you telling her about how you are going to fuck me every night and she's going to lay on the floor and listen." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> $Cuckcake then instructs you get all of her things, and yours too, moved out of the dorm room and to into $dating[0]'s apartment. "Is there anything heavy, that she'll need to hire some help with?" $dating[0] asks reaching for his wallet. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "There's heavy stuff, yeah, but she doesn't need to hire anyone," $Cuckcake says. "I'm sure any guy in the dorm will help her as much as she wants for a blowjob or two." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> $dating[0] pulls out his phone and hits a few buttons. You feel a brief vibration from your belt letting you know something was changed in its settings. "There. You can suck other cocks now without being punished. At least for now. I'll change it back later. Now run along and get started. $Cuckcake and I want to be alone to celebrate her moving in." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <i>You realize now how submissive you are. You don't know if it's being in the belt that has made you this way, or if you were always like this and just realized it.</i> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive = 2>> <br><br> <<elseif !($PlayerSideEffectSubmissive >= 2)>> <i>You realize being in this belt has made you even more submissive than you were before.</i> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive = 2>> <br><br> <</if>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating("Kate")>> <<if $SchoolWeek <= 3>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <<elseif $SchoolWeek <= 7>> <<include [[Part15LivingKate2]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <</if>> <<else>> <<if $SchoolWeek <= 3>> <<if $JobCheerleader>> Event when Veronica and you aren't on the field, or practicing, you still spend <<else>> Veronica spends much of her time practicing or cheering at various events. But when she's not busy, you and her try to spend <</if>> [[most of your time together|Part15LivingVeronica2]]. <<else>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Making wedding plans</h1> <img src="Part15/Kate1.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Kate have your wedding planned for summer, so you still have many months to work out all of the details. Though a few details are already locked in, like the date and the venue venue, most of the rest is still undecided. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you still try to go through the books and websites you have for ideas when you have free time. You have a lot of catching up to do. You know many girls have imagined their wedding day since they were little, and probably discussed their ideas with their friends too growing up. You've imagined what it'd be like to be a beautiful bride for years too, though you were afraid to admit it to anyone until after your change last year. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Kate knows how excited you are about planning the wedding, so she gives her input, but lets you guide much of the planning. Though planning together is also fun, not least of all because discussion of your wedding day usually leads to discussion of your wedding night. And that discussion usually leads to a lot more. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> [[Continue|Part15Week]] <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Kate2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Kate</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Kate3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="650"></video> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Kate likes you arriving home from work horny. But that doesn't mean she usually gives you any relief when you get there. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Instead she'll bury your head between her legs and have you work through your desire by giving her pleasure instead. She'll often give you a little tease afterwards, seeing how close she can get you to an orgasm without going over. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course she can just have the chastity piercing she normally has you wear do that too, but she finds the personal touch much more fun. You do to, especially since this way you know there's always a chance she'll be feeling generous or make a mistake, and you'll actually be able to cum. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Usually that's not what happens though. What's more likely is that she'll leave you even more horny than when you came home. And by then, she'll be eager for another orgasm of her own. Your will have to wait a bit longer. Maybe she'll feel more generous [[tomorrow|Part15Week]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>"Studying" before class</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Veronica1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Veroncia study together whenever you have time. Though it's rare for that your study sessions last too long before you both get distracted and have to take a little break from studying. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Eventually the two of you get back to work though. And you are both usually much more able to focus on your homework at that point. Well, for a while at least. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Veronica are also excited about the coming [[sorority competion|Part15Sorority]] between the Sigmas and the other sororities. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At home with Veroncia</h1> <video src="Part15/Veronica2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(30, {sex:"female", name:"Veronica"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's so wonderful sharing a room with Veronica. The rooms at the sorority house have thin walls though. You can frequently hear your sisters and the guys or girls they bring home. But they can also hear the fun you and Veronica are having in your room. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Sometimes it's extra fun to compete with the unseen guy in the next room by making Veronica cum louder and longer than your sorority sister does. You know much more how to please her than whatever guy your neighbor brought home does, so you usually win. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> [[Continue|Part15Week]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Studying before class</h1> <video src="Part15/Aaron1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Daddy want's to make sure you don't struggle this year like you did the first part of last year. You are no longer are waiting until the last minute to do your assignments. He's helped you set up a schedule for your day. You have a set time set aside each day to do your work. And you have reminders on your phone to make sure you leave early enough to make it to class on time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You find it so rewarding when you get back an assignment or a test with an 'A'. Of course Daddy also has [[other ways of rewarding your hard work|Part15LivingAaron2]] as well. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Daddy rewarding you for your hard work</h1> Daddy doesn't only bend you over his knee when you've been bad. He also does it sometimes to reward you when you've been a good girl. <<set setup.addSexRepeat(20, {sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You love Daddy's cock, but he can only last so long before you get that wonderful feeling of his <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms and !$PlayerPregnant>> cock twitching inside you, filling his condom with his warm cum. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionWithdraw and !$PlayerPregnant>> warm cum hitting your back or your stomach, or your tongue if he desides he wants you to finish him with your mouth. <<else>> warm cum filling you. <</if>> But sometimes he wants to reward you much more than that. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Aaron2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he wants to do that, he bends you over his knee. His skillful hands know just what to do to drive you over the edge again and again. He always seems to know just when to rub your clit or slap it, when to gently caress your bottom and when to give it a good swat, or when to slide his finger inside you and when to not at let you beg for it instead. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you think you can't take another orgasm, he usually finds one or two more for you. And spending all that time rewarding you he always needs some relief too. He knows you don't have the energy to give him an proper blowjob. So instead he lifts your exhausted body up, <<if $PlayerProtectionWithdraw and !$PlayerPregnant>> carries you to <<else>> bends you over <</if>> the bed, and [[does the work himself|Part15LivingAaron3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Giving Daddy some relief</h1> Giving you all those orgasms has Daddy's cock so hard, and you are already so wet from all the orgasms he's given you. So Daddy slides his cock into you as soon as <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms and !$PlayerPregnant>> he gets the condom on. <<else>> he makes it to the bed. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms and !$PlayerPregnant>> <video src="Part15/Aaron4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<elseif $PlayerProtectionWithdraw and !$PlayerPregnant>> <video src="Part15/Aaron5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<else>> <video src="Part15/Aaron3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</if>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(20, {sex: 'male', name: 'Aaron', vaginal: true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You thought you've already came all that you possibly could, but Daddy's cock manages to make you cum once again as you thrash beneath Daddy's body as he continues fucking you. Soon though you hear Daddy's moans change, and you know he's about to cum too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wish you'd met Daddy sooner. Who knew studying could be so rewarding. <</nobr>> [[Continue|Part15Week]].<<nobr>> <<if $tempHaveVisitedPart15NoJobAaron == 1>> <<set $tempHaveVisitedPart15NoJobAaron += 1>> <h1>Keeping up with your studies</h1> <img src="Part15/Aaron7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <br><br> You love the little rewards Daddy gives you when you bring home a good grade. Whether it's some fun time together or some new 'play clothes', you love knowing how much he cares about your education. <br><br> <img src="Part15/Aaron8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <<elseif $tempHaveVisitedPart15NoJobAaron == 2>> <<set $tempHaveVisitedPart15NoJobAaron += 1>> <h1>A special dress from Daddy</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Aaron9.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="650"></video> </div> <br><br> You've been such a good girl lately, Daddy has surprised you with a new dress to wear for his next party. <br><br> You are excited enough when you open the box and see the shiny red latex. But when you take it out and start to put it on, you love it even more. <br><br> Your ass will be practically begging to be spanked whenever you wear your new dress. You are sure that neither Daddy nor any of his friends will be able to resist giving it a swat or two every time you pass by. <br><br> And maybe it will turn Daddy on as much as it will you, and he'll decide to unbuckle the little straps holding the panty part up, then he can use your ass for something else. <<elseif $tempHaveVisitedPart15NoJobAaron>> <<set $tempHaveVisitedPart15NoJobAaron += 1>> <h1>Bathtime with Daddy</h1> You love it when you and Daddy have bathtime together. <br><br> <video src="Part15/Aaron10.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <br><br> Sometimes it will be you lying there while he uses the soap and washcloth to make sure you are clean all over. <br><br> And other times, you end up needing a bath to clean up after your bath. <<else>> <img src="Part15/Class12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <br><br> <<set $tempHaveVisitedPart15NoJobAaron to 1>> <img src="Part15/Aaron6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <br><br> You've heard from some of the other girls, ones who don't have a Daddy focused on their education like Aaron is. Some of them ended up on academic probation. <br><br> They say they are constantly horny, always wet and eager for a cock. Of course that sounded great until the told you the part about where they couldn't get off, no matter what they did, or what a guy did. <br><br> You feel sorry for the poor things. They keep tell you about how now they are even more distracted from their studies. They are always out looking for a cock to fuck, even though they know it it's going to make him feel good, but not offer her any relief. There's not anything you can do to help them though. Not directly anyway. <br><br> Some of them you did have some advice that might help. You recognized the names of some of the professors that had failed them last year. Names you recognized from some of Daddy's parties. "Trust me, set up some time to visit him outside of his regular office hours. Wear something sexy, and don't bother with any panties. You'd only soak them through anyway. After your meeting, I'm sure he'll be willing to work with you to help you get caught back up." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $AndrewWeddingDate == 'Soon' and $JobBetaTester and $Keyholder != "Andrew">> <<include [[Part15LivingAndrewPostponeChastity]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15LivingAndrewWeddingSoon]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your wedding day approaches</h1> <img src="Part15/WeddingPlanning.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've been planning for months. Well, for over a month at least. You are so excited that the big day is here! You and Andrew are finally [[getting married|AndrewWedding]]! <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Postponing the wedding</h1> <video src="Part15/Andrew2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <<set $AndrewWeddingDate to "Later">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Andrew discuss your wedding night, and how frustrating it would be not to be able to consumate your marriage. You imagine the scene in detail, knowing that not being able to feel Andrew inside you would be even more difficult then than it already is. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You both decide that it's best to wait until the summer to get married. Hopefully then you'll have a much more exciting wedding night than you could probably have now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course that doesn't reduce your [[day to day|Part15Week]] frustration with your belt until then. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Meeting with your 'Buddy'</h1> This year, for the incoming freshmen, they are again assigning natural-born women as mentors for the newly converted, to help them transition into their new bodies and new lives. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But they've figured out that not every challenge a newly converted woman will face will be something her natural-born mentor will have any experience with. So this year they are also adding a new program where the previous year's convertees are paired off with a freshman convertee to help give her first-hand advice. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Buddy1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> You can tell your buddy, Bailey, is a bit shy, and very naive and suggestible. Bailey tells you she signed up for the Student X-Change Program because she wanted to know what it was like to be a woman, so she can be a better husband someday after she graduates and changes back. You accept that that may be one of her goals, but you also know from experience she must at some level wanted to be a woman. Maybe permanently, maybe just for a while, but you aren't going to force her to admit that to you or to herself. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She gets money from her parents every week, and has her dad's credit card for expenses. So you don't have to warn her about most of the jobs around here as she won't be needing one. So <<if $PlayerPregnant>> given your current state, of course <</if>> the first topic you discuss with her is pregnancy. You know if she really does want to change back after graduation, then she'll need to be careful. "They did have one slide on that," she tells you, "but it didn't really apply to me, so I just marked 'no' on the birth control stuff." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you press her on what she means when she said it didn't apply, she explains. "I'm not planning on starting a relationship right now, I want to focus on school. And even if I were, I'm not going to be having sex with guys. I'm not gay. Not that there's anything wrong with being gay. I'm just not. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't point out that she is a woman now, so what is gay and what is not gay have reversed. You understand what she was trying to say. But you also notice her checking out two cute guys that walk past, and also her face flushing when she notices them checking her out too. She may have been interested in women before, but the X-Change seems to have made her interests more varied now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "And birth control pills have side-effects sometimes. Not the X-Change kind of side-effects of course. But I already have two of those X-Change side-effects, so I'd rather not add regular medicine side effects on top of it. They used to give my sister horrible migraines until she switched to something else," when you ask about her X-Change side-effects she explains. "I had them make sure I got the kind of body I wanted. And they did, I love the way I look now. But they said I'd think more about sex than normal, which doesn't seem like a big deal to me. I mean it's probably still going to be less than I thought about it as a guy, right?" You don't answer. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Buddy14.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> "And they also said I'd be very passive... no 'submissive' was the word he used. I was always kind of quiet, so I don't see how that's going to be any different now." Your mind can't help but picture Bailey naked, cuffed, and ready to submit. With that side-effect, you expect she'd enjoy that quite a bit no matter who it was controlling her. <<if $CampusMinistry>> You try to push the thought of her that way out of your head, but you can't help it. Everytime you look at her now, you are imagining her like that. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can tell she's not going to consider getting on the pill and you don't want to press it. But otherwise she still seems open to your advice on the subject of avoiding pregnancy. Though you know she's probably not going to listen if you talk about condoms or pulling-out, <<if $CampusMinistry>> not just because you'd be embarrassed, but <</if>> because she still doesn't think that applies to her. Maybe she's right. <<if $CampusMinistry>> And she's mentioned how she feels about religion, so you aren't even going to suggest talking to Mark or Faith. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You aren't sure of what route you want to take now with her. <<set $tempCantUnlock to $PlayerChastityBelt && (!$dating.length || $Keyholder != $dating[0])>> <<if $CampusMinistry or setup.areDating('Andrew')>> <<elseif $JobBartender or $JobBartenderGirls or $JobBartenderGuys or $JobBartenderBi or $JobBartenderSub or $JobBartenderDom>> <<if !$tempCantUnlock and (setup.haveGirlfriend())>> You can [[introduce her|Part15BuddyGirlfriend]] to $dating[0] or [[take her down to the lesbian bar|Part15BuddyBar]] so she can see if she's right about still preferring women. <<elseif !$tempCantUnlock and $dating.length == 0>> You can [[take her down to the lesbian bar|Part15BuddyBar]] or [[take her to your room|Part15BuddyRoom]] so she can see if she's right about still preferring women. <<else>> You can [[take her down to the lesbian bar|Part15BuddyBar]] so she can see if she's right about still preferring women. <<if !$tempCantUnlock>> <<if $dating.length > 0>> Or you can let her meet $dating[0]. You're fairly confident [[all three of you will have a fun time|Part15BuddyFMF]], and she'll leave knowing for sure whether she preferes men or women now. <<elseif $fwb.length > 0 and $fwb[0] != "Kate">> Or you can let her meet $fwb[0]. You're fairly confident [[all three of you will have a fun time|Part15BuddyFMF]], and she'll leave knowing for sure whether she preferes men or women now. <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> <<elseif $tempCantUnlock>> <<elseif setup.areDating('Aaron')>> <<elseif setup.haveGirlfriend()>> You can [[introduce her|Part15BuddyGirlfriend]] to $dating[0] so she can see if she's right about still liking women. <br><br> <<elseif setup.areDating('Peter') and $PlayerItemNerdKey>> You could let her meet Peter to [[show her another way to avoid getting pregnant|Part15BuddyPeterChastity]] that they didn't cover in their slides. <br><br> <<elseif $dating.length > 0>> You could let her meet $dating[0]. You're fairly confident [[all three of you will have a fun time|Part15BuddyFMF]], and she'll leave knowing for sure whether she preferes men or women now. <br><br> <<elseif $fwb.length > 0 and $fwb[0] != "Kate">> You could let her meet $fwb[0]. You're fairly confident [[all three of you will have a fun time|Part15BuddyFMF]], and she'll leave knowing for sure whether she preferes men or women now. <br><br> <<else>> You can [[take her to your room|Part15BuddyRoom]] so she can see if she's right about still liking women. If you're going to find out you were wrong, then you'd like to have fun while you do. <br><br> <</if>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $JobBetaTester == "deny">> <img src="Part8.5/Faithfull4b.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="250" align="left"> When she asks you what you do to prevent pregnancy, you tell her about your chastity belt, about how you can't have sex, or even masturbate, and how it keeps your horny all the time. <br><br> You'd hoped that would ensure she'd stay far away from the engineering department and their belt, but you can tell the thought of being trapped in a belt and denied is turning her on. You don't want her to end up like you so you decide to make sure she has [[enough fun right away|Part15BuddyDeny]] in her new body, that she'd never dream of letting herself get locked in one of these things. <<else>> <<if !$CampusMinistry>> If you play up the risks that if she gets drunk on campus, she might get taken advantage of, you might be able to talk her into [[wearing a chastity belt|Part15BuddyChastity]] for her own protection. With her submissive side effect, you doubt she'll be able to resist the idea once she hears it. <br><br> You could explain how the first side effect she mentioned will make her horny all the time, and offer to take her [[shopping for a good vibrator|Part15BuddyToy]], so she can make sure she can keep her needs in check. <br><br> <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt and $Keyholder == "computer">> It's too late for her to join the chastity belt testing, so you don't bother seeing if she'd be interested in that. <</if>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> You could offer to help her make friends. You know the guys that were checking her out earlier. [[You could introduce her|Part15BuddyGuysMinistry]] to them. Though, you do wonder if she might hit it off too well with them. But you can't prevent her from meeting guys for four years, and the two of them are nice enough. Maybe it would be better for her to know right away if she is wrong about liking guys and should go get on birth control or something. <<else>> You could offer to help her make friends. You know the guys that were checking her out earlier. [[You could introduce her|Part15BuddyGuys]] to them. If you're right about her desires, then she'll have a fun night and wake up tomorrow a bit wiser. And if you're wrong, she'll at least have made two new friends. <</if>> <br><br> Or, you could just drop the subject, and taker her [[shopping for clothes and makeup|Part15BuddyClothes]]. <</if>> <<unset $tempCantUnlock>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Showing Buddy how to have fun</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Buddy50.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> </div> You've never been been able to fuck, not even once, since you changed. It's been over a year and you haven't had an orgasm. Not a real one anyway, feeling his cock inside you as you cum. You saw the way Bailey was looking at some of they guys as you walked around campus, so you know she's longing for that too, even if she doesn't know it or admit it yet. <<set $BuddyCondoms to 1>> <<set $BuddySex to 1>> <<set $BuddyStraight to 1>> <<set $BuddyThreesomeGuy to 1>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Zane"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Bailey"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know once Bailey has felt how good it can feel, she'll never consider putting a chastity belt. Well, maybe if the guy she's with tells her to, but at least then she'll know he'll be unlocking her whenever he wants sex, which would probably be often. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You invite her back to your room to hang out. A couple drinks later and the two of you are making out. Considering how into it she seems to be, you decide she must be bi. She's clearly not wanting to stop and lets out a little whimper when you pull away when there's knock at the door. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You invite Zane in and introduce him to Bailey. She'd already seen him earlier today, you saw her checking him and Larry out when you and Bailey were walking across campus. "I hope you don't mind I had invited Zane over," you tell Bailey. "I thought it'd be good to help you make more friends on campus. I was going to mention it but I got... distracted." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part6/Halloween5C.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="250" align="left"> Your plan works perfectly. Bailey is still horny from your makeout session with her, and equally interested in you and Zane. Just in case she has any lingering beliefs that she still only likes women, you start off sucking Zane's cock while she only watches. Just as you'd hoped, she soon is eagerly asking to take your place. She listens to your instructions as you give her some advice. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you say, "I want him inside me so bad right now, I wish I wasn't in this belt," she can't resist and begs him to fuck her instead. She tries to appologize, but you tell her that you want her to have as much fun as possible, even if you can't. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She's too eager, and wasn't going to think about condoms or anything else until you mention it. Thankfully Zane had been sure to bring condoms, just like you'd told him to do. Bailey is then going to wait while Zane puts it on himself, but you tell her a better, more fun way. You explain guys are much less likely to object if you are putting their condom on this way. You don't mention that it'll also make it more likely that Bailey will remember to have them wear one in the first place. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Buddy51.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> From the expression she makes when Zane first enters her, and the moans that follow soon after, you know you were right about Bailey being bi. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You want to be sure her first time isn't a disappointment, with Zane coming too soon and Bailey not getting off, so you do your best make sure she's came at least once before he's even close to getting off. Only then do your move your tongue a bit lower and give Zane some of your attention too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> While they are both in post-orgasm bliss, you glance at your phone. You see that you didn't do enough of the work with Zane's blowjob to get any credit for it. You figure that's just as well, it gives you a reason to leave the two of them alone for a while. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I have to leave for a few hours, but you two are more than welcome to stay here until then," you say. You hold up your phone and tell them there's something you have to take care of tonight or you'll really regret it in the morning." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "We'll find some way to keep busy," Zane says grinning. You think Bailey might have blushed a bit if her face still wasn't flushed from her orgasms. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You can just pull the door closed when you leave," you say. "Bailey, I can catch up with you [[later in the week|Part15Week]] to see how your first few days on campus go." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the bar with Bailey</h1> Bailey says she's still interested in girls, so you decide to put that to the test. You know she'll end the night either being right, and having a great time, or at least having learned something important about herself. You take her down to the lesbian bar where you work. <<set $BuddyBar to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Buddy24.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> She's there with you, so the doorwoman just waves her in. Though to be honest, she would have done that anyway with a girl as cute as Bailey. It's really only the curious guys they are careful to card. You catch the glances of a few regulars wonder as they try to figure out if this new girl <<if $dating.length>> means you and $dating[0] aren't together anymore, or whether she is just going to be part of a fun threesome tonight, or what. <<else>> is here as your date or as a friend. <</if>> But as soon as you introduce her around, and everyone realizes she's just your friend, the free drinks start getting sent Bailey's way. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You sense you are only go to be in the way now, so you decide to make your exit. "It looks like you are having a good time. I'm going to head home. Just let the bartnder know if you need her to call a ride home for you later. Though, I'm expecting you'll be getting a ride somewhere else instead." Her smile back confirms that is what she is hoping as well. "You can tell me everything [[when we meet up tomorrow|Part15BuddyBar2]]," you say as you leave. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Hearing about Bailey's Evening</h1> "Thank you so much for taking me there. That place was amazing!", Bailey begins. <<set $BuddyLesbian to 1>> <<set $BuddyDating to "Ava">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I thought you would enjoy it. I hope you didn't wake up with a massive hangover this morning," you reply. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Actually I was only there about another hour after you left. Then I left too... with Ava." Bailey smiles remembering her evening before continuing. <</nobr>> <video src="Part15/Buddy2.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<nobr>> Bailey goes on telling how with all the women hiting on her, one girl there in particular caught her eye. A cute sophomore name Ava. You'd seen her in the bar a few times before last year. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "When we got back to her place, it was amazing," Bailey's face flushes a bit as she recounts her story. "She knew my body so well and had me screaming with orgasm after orgasm all night. And she was really understanding that I wasn't as good... as good at pleasuring her. She said she plans on letting me get lots of practice learning. We are meeting up for a second date tomorrow." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wonder if Bailey might be moving too fast with Ava, but then you figure that's natural too. They are both adults. Barely, but still they can make their own decisions. You still suspect Bailey's at least a bit bi, but if she's going to be in a relationship with a woman, at least you won't have to worry about her getting pregnant. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That sounds wonderful," you say. "Let me know how it goes when I see you [[later in the week|Part15Week]]" <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Introducing Bailey to $dating[0]</h1> <<set $BuddySex to 1>> <<set $BuddyThreesomeGirlfriend to 1>> <<set $BuddyLesbian to 1>> <<if setup.areDating('Kate')>> <video src="Part15/Buddy4.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<else>> <video src="Part15/Buddy3.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Bailey'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: $dating[0]})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Bailey'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: $dating[0]})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> While Bailey is using the restroom, you take a moment to give $dating[0] a call about Bailey, and she's as excited about your idea as you are. When Bailey returns, you tell her that since she thinks she is a lesbian now, you'd like to introduce her to your <<if $Spouse>>wife $Spouse<<elseif $Engaged>>fiancée $Engaged<<else>>girlfriend $dating[0]<</if>>, so she can see what a real lesbian couple is like. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, you and $dating[0] have more than just talking to her in mind. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>>$dating[0] even unlocks you for the evening so you can participate fully.<</if>> You want to know for sure if she really does still like women after her change, and you know what the most fun way to figure that out is. It doesn't take long before your talk in the living room makes a move to the bedroom. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Kate')>> Kate has already picked up on Bailey's submissive side, and orders her to her knees. It's only after Bailey has given <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> Kate serveral orgasms <<else>> both you and Kate each an orgasm <</if>> that Kate decides it's time for Bailey's first in her new body. It's definitely not her last that evening though. <<else>> You and Veronica both focus on Bailey's pleasure. You don't want to turn her into a pillow princess though, so after several orgasms for her, it's her turn to focus on <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> Veronica. She didn't have much experience in her old body either. But Veronica is patient and lets <<else>> you and Veronica. She didn't have much experience in her old body either. But you and Veronica are patient and let <</if>> her take as long as she needs, and as many times as she needs, to learn to give pleasure as well.. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> By the time the night is over, Bailey has learned several things. She knows much more about pleasuring a woman than she did before. She's learned just how much pleasure her own body can provide her. And, she's confirmed that she does still prefer women. Though, you still think she might be a bit bi. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When she leaves the next morning, she thanks you for a fun evening. You let her know about the lesbian bar in town, so she can check it out on her own later. "Let me know if you do when we meet up [[later in the week|Part15Week]]," you tell her. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Introducing Bailey to Peter</h1> <img src="Part15/Buddy27.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<set $BuddyPeterChastity to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Bailey is curious when you tell her about Peter's chastity cage and is excited to see it. She laughs when she finally sees his cock inside it's tiny prison. Once she is done laughing at his inability to even get hard, you give her a choice. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Either way you get off," you tell Bailey. But we can either <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $Keyholder != "Peter">> leave Peter in his cage and make him watch or [[we can unlock him|Part15BuddyPeterChastity2]] and let him be the one to give you your first orgasm. Which would you prefer?" She chooses Peter, since you have the key to his cage, unlock your belt which will be staying on tonight. <<else>> [[leave Peter in his cage and make him watch|Part15BuddyRoom]] or [[we can unlock him|Part15BuddyPeterChastity2]] and let him be the one to give you your first orgasm. Which would you prefer?" <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $Keyholder == "Peter">> You and Peter both agree that whomever she chooses gets unlocked, but not their other. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Watching Bailey and Peter</h1> <video src="Part15/Buddy17.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set $BuddyStraight to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You unlock Peter's cock, but he's not allowed to touch it, or to cum as he gives Bailey her first orgasm in her new body. "I know it's been a while since your last orgasm," you warn him. "But if you cum before your reward, then that pitiful orgasm will be your reward." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> His cock is happy to finally be free and allowed to get hard. But your eyes are on Bailey, not Peter. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> As you watch her moan has his tongue circles her clit and probes inside her, you wish you weren't in this chastity belt right now. You'd climb on top of Peter and ride his cock until all three of you came. <<else>> You can't help but play with your clit as you watch her grind into his face as her body experiences pleasures she'd only fantasized about. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When Bailey cums for the first time, Peter's face is covered with is juices. You glace down at his twitching cock, wondering if he's going to cum, and know how much he loves it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once she's ready, you tell Peter it's time [[for his reward|Part15BuddyPeterChastity3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Rewarding Peter</h1> <img src="Part15/Buddy18.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Peter'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With Peter's hands tied to the headboard you guide Bailey along with teasing his cock. You make sure to go slow and Peter is in heaven with two tongues on his long-caged cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You pause to whisper in Bailey's ear, so Peter can't hear. "I'm going to stop when he get's close to cumming. You can stop too and see what an edge or maybe even a ruined orgasm look like. Or you can do as you want." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you can see Peter getting close to an orgasm, you pull away and wait to see what Bailey does. As soon as you move away, she stops with the teasing licks and instead takes his cock into her mouth. She goes down on it as far as she can and then back up again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She doesn't suck his cock for very long as he was already near the edge. A moment later he groans as he cums. She eagerly keeps going until the headboard shakes as he struggles to get away from the overstimulation. "Ok, that's enough," you tell her after a bit. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He squirms a bit more as her lips slide off his cock with a small 'pop' sound. She swallows the cum he'd given her and smiles at him. "You gave me so much pleasure, I didn't want to deny you," she tells him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once Peter is caged and untied, you talk with Bailey some more. "Ok. You were right. I do like guys now," Bailey confesses. "But I don't think I could keep one caged like that. Even today, seeing his cock as he ate me out, I would have climbed on top it right then if I had thought you'd be ok with it." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I wouldn't have minded the treat for Peter," you tell her. "But I would have been worried for you. On top of the disappointment you would have had when he came right after he was inside you, he also could have gotten you pregnant. So it's probably best that you didn't. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "But you shouldn't have any problem finding an uncaged guy. They last longer inside you if you let them cum more often," you joke. "But if you want to be able to change back to your old body in four years, make sure you have them wear a condom. Actually, I have a box right here you can have. <<if $PlayerPregnant>> It's not like I have any need for them for quite a while anyway. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionTry>> I'm actually trying to get pregnant. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionPill or $PlayerProtectionPermanent or $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> I'm on birth control, so I don't really need them. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> I'll certainly have time to pick up some more before Peter is unlocked again. <<else>> We don't usually use them. And it's not like I plan on unlocking Peter any time soon anyway. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Hopefully you'll get a chance to use some of them by the time I see you [[later in the week|Part15Week]]. I'll be expecting lots of details when we meet." <</nobr>> <<achievement>>threesome:FMF<</achievement>><<nobr>> <<if $dating.length>> <<set $tempGuy to $dating[0]>> <<else>> <<set $tempGuy to $fwb[0]>> <</if>> <h1>Introducing Bailey to $tempGuy</h1> <<set $BuddySex to 1>> <<set $BuddyStraight to 1>> <<set $BuddyThreesomeGuy to $tempGuy>> <video src="Part15/Buddy15.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You take Bailey to meet $tempGuy. He is <<if setup.areDating('Barry')>> knows you are helping her this year, but doesn't much care to get to know her. <br><br> His interest level take a huge leap up when you tell him, "Bailey just got this body. I told her she looks beautiful, but she was wanting another opinion, specifically a guy's opinion. What do you think?" Bailey glances over at you because she didn't tell you anything like that, but she doesn't say anything. $tempGuy puts down his phone and smiles. <<elseif setup.areDating($tempGuy)>> glad to be able to meet her, since he knows you'll be spending a lot of time this year as you help her. But you can tell his mind is somewhere else, probably thinking about the start of the school year. <br><br> His interest level take a huge leap up when you tell him, "Bailey just got this body. I told her she looks beautiful, but she was wanting another opinion, specifically a guy's opinion. What do you think?" Bailey glances over at you because she didn't tell you anything like that, but she doesn't say anything. $tempGuy puts down his phone and smiles. <<else>> always glad to see you, and is even more happy to see that you've brought a friend this time. <br><br> You tell him, "Bailey just got this body. I told her she looks beautiful, but she was wanting another opinion, specifically a guy's opinion. What do you think?" Bailey glances over at you because she didn't tell you anything like that, but she doesn't say anything. $tempGuy just smiles. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He says, "Hmmm, looks good so far. But I think I'd need to see more to say for sure." Bailey slowly starts to undress. After a moment, $tempGuy adds, "And I'll need someone to compare her to." <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> After he unlocks your belt, you start to undress too. <<if $BoyfriendStrictChastity>> It seems he's happy enough with your surprise to today that he's not going to enforce that three week minimum wait after all. <</if>> <<else>> You start to undress too. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When she's down to her bra an panties, Bailey stops. You start to kiss her. As you do, you reach around and undo her bra. She quickly does likewise on yours. "Well, you both look amazing so far," $tempGuy says. <<if $PregnancyWeek > 12 || $BodyType == 'Plus' || $BodyType == 'Fit'>> Your bodies are quiet different, of course. One a classic beauty, the other <<if $PregnancyWeek > 12>> glowing from the new life growing inside her. <<elseif $BodyType == 'Plus'>> a rubenesque angel, with curves in all the right places. <<else>> tight, firm, and ready to pounce. <</if>> But both are so beautiful, it's difficult to say which is more beautiful. <<else>> But it's difficult to say which is more beautiful. <</if>> I think I'll need another angle to help me judge," he jestures <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes, sir," you say as you start to move toward the sofa. Bailey quickly answers with her own "Yes, sir," as she does the same. You both [[wait with your asses presented|Part15BuddyFMF2]] for $tempGuy's inspection. You don't have to wait for long. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With Bailey and $tempGuy</h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $tempGuy})>> <video src="Part15/Buddy16.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Bailey is looking out the window as $tempGuy's firm hand strokes her ass, <<if $BoyfriendStrictChastity or setup.areDating('Barry')>> gives it a good swat, <</if>> and then slowly pulls down her panties. You can tell from her breathing that she is probably as wet as you are right now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Looking away at first may have let Bailey believe she wasn't interested in guys for a few seconds longer, but you know as soon as $tempGuy's tongue slides between her lips for the first time, she has realized she was mistaken. A few moments later when his tongue plunges into her newly created ass, you doubt she even remembers why she'd thought that in the first place. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After a while $tempGuy turns his attention to you. You can hear the small whimper from Bailey when his tongue leaves her. After you enjoy $tempGuy's tongue a bit, you lean over slightly and, just loud enough that $tempGuy can hear too, tell Bailey, "If you want him to continue with you, you'll need [[to give him something in return|Part15BuddyFMF3]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With Bailey and $tempGuy</h1> <video src="Part15/Buddy19.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> $tempGuy stands as Bailey drops to her knees. She's a quick learner as she starts to suck his cock. You wonder if she's fantasized about what giving a blowjob would be like before. You expect she probably has many times, probably long before she learned about the Student X-Change Program. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral>> If she's anything like you, she would probably love to keep going until his cum filled her mouth. <<else>> She is clearly enjoying being on her knees, doing as she was told. Even though you know she aches to feel him inside her, she'd probably keep going if he told her to. <</if>> But $tempGuy isn't going to pass up the chance to be the first to go where no man has been before. <<if setup.firstTimeWith() == $tempGuy>> Not after how much he enjoyed being your first. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he tells her to [[move to the bed|Part15BuddyFMF4]] she eagerly complies and answers with "Yes, sir" again. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With Bailey and $tempGuy</h1> <video src="Part15/Buddy20.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Bailey'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: $tempGuy, vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Bailey'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can see the look in Bailey's eyes as $tempGuy's cock slides into her. And you can see the way she looks up at him as he start to fuck her. There was never a chance she wasn't going to end up in this position sometime this year. But it's much better it is with someone <<if setup.areDating('Barry')>>mostly<</if>> safe like $tempGuy. And with you there to watch. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know when $tempGuy is getting close, so you ask Bailey. "He's about to cum inside you. Do you want him to keep going?" You can tell from the desperate need in her eyes what her answer is going to be. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes! Cum inside me. Don't stop! Please don't stop," she begs. You warn her if she gets pregnant she won't ever change back to her old body. Again You know what her answer will be. "Fill me with your cum. I don't care about my old body, I just need you inside me!" Bailey pleads with him not to stop. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She's made it clear to $tempGuy what she wants, but you look up at him and gently shake your head 'No', letting him know not to listen to her and to pull out instead. You don't know what part of it is natural hormones or something and what part is X-Change, but you know from experience she's not thinking clearly right now. Thankfully you are thinking a bit clearer than her, so you can signal to $tempGuy, but let Bailey enjoy the moment. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set $tempCum to either(0,1,2,3)>> <<set $tempCumInside to ($tempGuy == 'Barry') or ($tempCum == 0) or ($tempCum < 2 and $tempGuy == 'Peter')>> <<if $tempCumInside>> <img src="Part15/Buddy22.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="right"> <<if $tempGuy == 'Barry'>> Barry decides to give her what she's begging for, and to ignore you. You expect she feels too good for him to want to pull out now. He keeps going until he cums inside her. <<elseif $tempGuy == 'Peter'>> But she feels too good for Peter. Before he realizes what you are trying to signal he's already came inside her. <<else>> But $tempGuy doesn't notice you signalling him. Either that or he decided to follow her instructions instead of yours, because soon he is cumming inside her. <</if>> <br><br> As he does, it pushes her over the top and she cries out with her first orgasm. "Oh yes! Cum inside me!" He thrusts a few more times. You imagine what it feels like for her, in the throes of her first orgasm as $tempGuy's cock pulses inside her giving her all its cum. <<if either(0,1,2) == 0>> <<set $BuddyPregnant to $tempGuy>> <</if>> <br><br> She's still enjoying the bliss of her orgasm and doesn't realize the implications of what just happened. You decide to let her enjoy the moment as long as she can before she starts to focus on the possible consequences. <br><br> You kneel and begin to clean the cum that's leaked out of her. You love the familiar taste of $tempGuy's cum mixed with the new taste of her. Soon, with your tongue circling her clit she's enjoying her second orgasm as she holds your head in place afraid you'll stop too soon. <<else>> <img src="Part15/Buddy21.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="right"> You can see the reluctance in $tempGuy's eyes. Both Bailey's begging and his own body are crying out for him to keep going. But he pulls out and instead covers her stomach with his cum. Bailey lets out a disappointed whimper, having needed just a little more before she could cum. <br><br> You kneel between her legs. It doesn't take long for your tongue to finish the job, brining Bailey to her first orgasm. You then lick clean the cum $tempGuy left. Some of it is still in your mouth as you crawl up to kiss Baily, sharing the cum with her as you kiss. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With her still on her back, you straddle her face. She quickly gets to work. By the time you've came, $tempGuy is ready to go again. This time, it's you he's fucking. <<if $PlayerPregnant>> And of course, he's going to cum inside you. It's not like you can get more pregnant. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> Normally you'd tell him to pull out. But <<if $tempCumInside>> you don't want Bailey to have all the fun, <<else>> you want to make it up to him for making him pull out with Bailey, <</if>> so you let him cum inside you this time. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> You were too lost in the moment to remind him to use a condom with Bailey, and you still aren't thinking about it now. <<if $tempCumInside>> You don't want Bailey to have all the fun, <<else>> You want to make it up to him for making him pull out with Bailey, <</if>> so you let him cum inside you this time. <<else>> Of course, with you he can cum inside. <</if>> Bailey joins the fun, straddling your face. <<if $tempCumInside>> As you eat her out, more of $tempGuy's cum leaks down. You eagerly catch as much as you can, the rest drips down your face. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After the fun with $tempGuy is done, you take Bailey home. You let her enjoy the moment and don't talk about what <<if !$tempCumInside>>almost<</if>> happened. They'll be time to [[talk about it when you meet tomorrow|Part15BuddyFMFPlug]]. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>threesome:FMF<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Talking with Bailey about protection</h1> The next day you meet with Bailey again. You explain what happened yesterday. You don't even mention that she'd claimed to not be interested in guys. It's obvious to her now how wrong she was there. She had fun with you too, of course. You think she's probably a bit bi, but with a preference for guys. But you don't talk about that, just about the risk she took yesterday. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part7/Start3B.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="right"> "In the passion of the moment, you weren't thinking about the consequences at all. I think right then you even wanted him to get you pregnant. Don't feel bad, it's like that for me sometimes too. But I did <<if $tempCumInside>> try to protect you from yourself. I signalled for $tempGuy to pull out. But he was too lost in the moment also. Or maybe he just ignored me and listened to you because that was going to feel better for him. <<else>> protect you from yourself. I signalled for $tempGuy to pull out. <br><br> But I won't always be there, and even if you remember to tell the guy, that doesn't mean he'll always listen. Sometimes they'll cum too soon on accident. Sometimes they'll come inside you just because they know it will feel better for him. Sometimes they actually want to get you pregnant. <</if>> It's not like the consequences are the same for him, is it? <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "So you know now that having him pull out isn't realiable. You can't even count on yourself sometimes. And I understand you not wanting to take the pill because of your family history. But those aren't your only options. There's also condoms." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "If you ask, some guys might complain about them, if they do, just tell them it's a condom or no sex at all, and they'll change their mind pretty quick. But It's better to not even ask. If you put a condom on him the right way, he's not going to complain about it at all. Let me show you." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You pull out small box of condoms you'd bought on the way over. You take one out and demonstrate on the realistic dildo you'd also purchased. Once you've shown her, you let her practice until you are out of condoms. By then, it's clear she'll be able to get it on him using her mouth alone. You know he'll be too busy moaning in pleasure to complain about anything. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Now, I want to make you remember this lesson. So pull down your panties, lift up your skirt, and bend over," you order. <</nobr>> <video src="Part15/Buddy8.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<nobr>> Her submissive nature shows again, and you can sense her excitement at being ordered like that. "Y..yes, ma'am", she says as complies with your orders. You can tell she's expecting to be spanked, but instead you pull out the new butt plug you'd bought. You wet it in your mouth before sliding into her ass. She lets out a soft moan as you do. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Now, you are to keep that in your ass all day to remind you to go to the store and buy condoms. I expect you'll need a big box of them. You can't take it out yet though. You need to go find a guy, any guy. Just not $tempGuy. And practice what you learned. Once he's came for you, with the condom on, then you can take the plug out. Understood?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set $BuddyCondoms to 1>> You get an excited 'Yes ma'am' from her. She's clearly excited to go follow your instructions so you tell her goodbye for now. "I'll see you [[in a few days|Part15Week]] and you can tell me how well everything went for you." <<unset $tempCumInside>> <<unset $tempCum>> <<unset $tempGuy>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $BuddyPeterChastity>> <h1>Having Peter Watch</h1> <<else>> <h1>With Bailey</h1> <</if>> <video src="Part15/Buddy5.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set $BuddySex to 1>> <<set $BuddyLesbian to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $BuddyPeterChastity>> Peter watches on from the chair he's tied to as you start making out with Bailey. <<else>> Bailey is very excited when you offer to join take her to your room to see if she truly is a lesbian now or not. You try to make sure her expectations are in the right place though. "This isn't anything serious. I'm just helping you see you still like women. It's just going to be this one time. Well, probably just this one time." She quickly agrees. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you are making out with her, you already know she was right. She is still attracted to women. <<if setup.sexFemaleCount() == 0>> You've stuck with just guys until now, but you decided to make an exception to help Bailey out. The fact that she's so beautiful might have played a role in your decision too. <<elseif setup.sexMaleCount() > setup.sexFemaleCount()>> You normally prefer guys, but you certainly would never turn down an evening with a beautiful girl like Bailey. Especially since you are helping her learn about herself too. <<else>> You remember your first time with a woman. You hope this evening is as memorable for Bailey. <</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Bailey'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Bailey'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Bailey'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You love watching as you bring her to her first orgasm in this body. Followed closely by her second. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You tell her that normally it would be her turn to pleasure you now. But since you can't really enjoy it right now anyway, maybe it's best to just keep focused on her. <<else>> Once she's recovered a bit, you have her get to work on you. If she's going to be a lesbian, she'll need to know how to eat a girl out properly. She's a quick learner, and you have fun teaching her. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She clearly enjoys being with another woman, but you still suspect she might be bi. That's fine, though if she wants to change back in four years, sticking with women is going to be a much safer choice. <<if $BuddyPeterChastity>> Well, that or keeping their cocks safely locked away like Peter's. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> That's going to be up to her, but you at least [[want to show her|Part15BuddyRoom2]], that another woman can satisify her needs in many different ways. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $BuddyPeterChastity>> <h1>Having Peter Watch</h1> <<else>> <h1>With Bailey</h1> <</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Bailey'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Bailey'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Bailey'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Bailey'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Bailey'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Bailey'})>> <<set $BuddyCondoms to 1>> <img src="Part7/Start3B.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> You see Bailey's eye's light up as your pull out a of box of toys. As you put your cuffs on her wrists and ankles she's eager for you to use her however you want. She watches closely as you put on a strapon harness. "Would you like me to fuck you with this?" you ask her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You get a quick 'Yes ma'am' from her. "Well, there's something you need to do first," you say as you hand her a condom. After she takes it out of the wrapper and starts to put it on your dildo you tell her, "No hands. Just your mouth." <<if $BuddyPeterChastity>> <br><br> You ignore the few soft groans you hear from Peter as he imagines how good her lips would feel around his poor, caged cock. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You talk her through it, offering her praise when she finally gets it on. "See safety can be fun," you tell her. If you ever experience a real cock, make sure to put a condom on it, just like that." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She knows what her real reward is though, and eagerly bends over waiting for it. Unlike if this had been a real cock, she won't have to worry about you stopping before she cums. <</nobr>> <video src="Part15/Buddy26.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<nobr>> <<if $BuddyPeterChastity>> You glance over at Peter and smile. You wonder which he's fantasizing about right now, being the one fucking Bailey, or being the one you are fucking with your strap-on. Maybe he'll have a chance to enjoy the later of those possibilities after she leaves. <br><br> <</if>> Soon Bailey is crying out with another orgasm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Thank you, that was amazing," she tells you much later, when you are finally done for the evening. You let her know you had a wonderful time too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know she won't have the energy for it tonight, but you let her know about the lesbian bar <<if $JobBartender or $JobBartenderGirls or $JobBartenderGuys or $JobBartenderBi or $JobBartenderSub or $JobBartenderDom>> where you work. <<else>> in town. <</if>> You know she'll be able to find someone there to explore her new body with even more. "If you make it there before I see you [[later in the week|Part15Week]], let me know how it goes." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Talking with Bailey about safety</h1> <img src="Part15/Buddy11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> From the looks she was giving the guys earlier, you suspect Bailey is interested in guys now, or perhaps in both men and women. But you go ahead and let her believe she still only likes women. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You tell her, "Of course, I know you'd never be interested in having sex with a guy." You take on a more somber expression as you continue. "Unfortunately you might not get a choice in the matter." She gives you a confused look as you continue. "Unfortunately you now have to deal with the bad parts of being a woman on campus too. And unfortunately guys don't always care what you want. And they are bigger, stronger, and can make you do things you don't want to do." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When she protests that not all guys are like that, you continue. "No. Most are not. But it only takes one encounter with one guy like that, and this could be your body forever. It could be someone grabbing you as you walk back to your dorm and pulling you into the bushes, it could be someone slipping something in your drink when you're out. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Or you could just wake-up with a hangover and your first sign something happened after you passed out is the evidence oozing down your leg." You pause for a second then add, "Of course more evidence will arrive nine months later." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She looks concerned now and asks, "Does that happen a lot? I thought the media just talked about it a lot to get clicks. Is it common enought that it's worth trying the pill just in case? Is there anything else I can do to protect myself, a rape whistle or something?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> [["Well...," you begin.|Part15BuddyChastity2]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Keeping Bailey safe</h1> <<if setup.haveFucked('Kidnapper 1')>> "I... don't normally talk about it. But something happened to me my first few months as a woman," Bailey is listening closely as you recount your story. "I was out with some friends from a study group, and someone slipped something in my drink. The next thing I remember I was waking up in a hospital having the doctors tell me that, that I'd been raped. And drugged and then just dumped on the side of the road.." <br><br> There's a look of sympathy and of shock on Bailey's face as you conclude. <<if $PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> "I don't remember any of it. But I do know that this is my body for the rest of my life." <<else>> "I don't remember any of it. Luckily the doctors told me I wasn't <<if $PlayerProtectionPerfect or $PlayerProtectionPermanent or $PlayerProtectionPill>> pregnant, thanks to my birth control." <<else>> pregnant." <</if>> <</if>> <<elseif $TroyHelp>> "It almost happened to me once," you tell her. "I was out with some friends from a study group, and I think someone slipped something in my drink because I'd never gotten drunk that fast before or since. And I woke up in a guy's dorm room with no memory of how I got there. My friends told me later that I had started acting funny. They thought I just couldn't handle my alcohol, and my friend Troy took me home when I couldn't walk straight anymore." <br><br> There's a look of concern on Bailey's face as she asks. "Did... did he take advantage of you while you were unconscious?" <br><br> She is relieved when you say, "Thankfully, no. It turns out Troy isn't like that. But my point is, he could have been. Or whoever drugged me could have taken me home, or god knows where to do god knows what. After that one drink, I didn't have any control over what happened afterwards. <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Frat guy') or setup.haveFucked('Frat guy') or setup.haveFucked('David')>> "I've been to my share of frat houses. And if you're there, and you're drinking, things can happen. In my case, I got exactly what I wanted while I was there. But if it were you, and you were just there for the free beer, who knows. They don't make the best decisions when they are drunk and horny." <<else>> "I've certainly heard about it happenining to other girls, including at least one from the group that changed last year with me. The point is though, you never know if it's going to happen to you or not. So you have to plan as if it might," you explain. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She seems open to talking about the pill now, but you have a completely different suggestion for her. "There is a way to prevent any of that though. You'll know that no matter how drunk you get you won't wake up pregnant, and if someone grabs you, they may be able to rob you, but they certainly won't rape you. And you won't have to worry about taking the pill and getting migraines either." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That sounds great," she says with a mix of relief and excitement. "How?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Buddy6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> "It's called a chastity belt," you tell her. "You lock it on yourself, and then even if you are drunk, drugged, or passed out, guys won't be able to use you at all. Lots of girls wear them now." You don't actually know how many wear them, but you are trying to convince her, and it's probably true. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> "In fact, I'm wearing one now," you say as you show her yours. <<if $Keyholder == "computer">>"Though you wouldn't need one this fancy."<</if>> <<elseif setup.haveInventory('sex toys', 'chastity belt') or setup.haveInventory('sex toys', 'electronic chastity belt')>> "In fact, I have one myself," you say. "I can show it to you if you want to see what one looks like. I'm just not wearing it now because <<if $dating.length>> $dating[0] and I are going to have some fun tonight as soon as I get there. <<else>> I'm going to head down to the bar to find a hookup for tonight. <<if setup.sexMaleCount() >= setup.sexFemaleCount()>> You many not be interested in guys, but I certainly am. <<else>> <<if setup.sexMaleCount() * 2 < setup.sexFemaleCount()>> Guys aren't really my thing either, <<else>> I'm prefer girls too, <</if>> so I'm heading down to the lesbian bar in town later. <</if>> <</if>> <<elseif $Mentor == 'Olivia'>> "In fact, I used to wear one myself," you say. "I just haven't gotten a new one yet since my last one broke." <<else>> "I know for a fact that Olivia, one of the mentors last year, wears one sometimes," you say. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> "And I'm wearing one right now." <<elseif $PlayerChastityPiercing>> "And I'm wearing something similar right now. It's a little more discreet than a belt, but uses piercings. I'm thinking a belt is better for you." <<elseif setup.areDating('Veronica') or setup.areDating('Kate')>> "And I've been dropping hints for my girlfriend to get one for me for our anniversary." <<elseif $dating.length>> "And I've been dropping hints for my boyfriend to get one for me for our anniversary." <<else>> "And I'd get one myself, if I didn't have such a 'active' lifestyle, if you know what I mean." <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh," Bailey says. "I guess maybe I should get one then." You try not to smile as you relize you've convinced her. You quickly head out with her to buy one before she has any second thoughts. She's using her dad's credit card and isn't concerned about the price. She's just impressed with the selection. "Wow, it's great that they have them here in stock. I guess they are really popular." You realize she's right, they must be popular for them to keep an inventory, with multiple different models. You wonder if that's everywhere these days, or just near the university. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set $BuddyChastity to 1>> <<set $PlayerItemBuddyKey to 1>> You help Bailey into her belt. You notice her nipples getting hard as you position it over her hips. You see her breathe in sharply as you click the lock closed. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> "Now we are both safe," she says. <</if>> She snaps a few pictures of herself in belt so she can see how she looks. "Is it bad that I think I look hot in this?" You tell her that's perfectly natural and that she does indeed look hot in it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You discuss when you'll meet up again and then you start to leave. "Wait, what about my key?" she asks. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "If you have the key in your pocket, it isn't much protection is it? They could just take it from you and unlock it. Besides, it's best you wear it a while to make sure the fit is perfect. Overnight at least. Give me a call if it starts to chafe or anything," you say matter-of-factly. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "But, tonight I was wanting to...," she's too embarrassed to finish her sentence." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Or maybe a couple days, just to be sure," you say. Her eyes widen a bit as she realizes she is completely at your mercy. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes ma'am," she says as you've clearly coaxed out her submissive side. "I guess I'll see you [[in a few days|Part15Week]] like we planned then." You can see her biting her lower lip before you turn towards the door. You assume she's imagining how she was planning on masturbating for the first time in her new body tonight, and tomorrow, and now realizes she won't be. Not until you allow it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Good night," you tell her as you walk out. "Sleep safe and sound tonight." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerItemNerdKey and $DylanChastityKey and $PlayerItemBuddyKey>> <<achievement>>keychain<</achievement>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Keeping Bailey satisfied</h1> <<set $BuddyVibrator to 1>> "You need to really be careful about that libido side-effect you have," you tell her. "Trust me, <<if $PlayerSideEffectLibido>> I have it too. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectDreams>> I have something similar. Though mine mainly affects me in the mornings. <<else>> I've heard some of the other girls that have it talk about it. <</if>> You may not be interested in guys normally. But if you let your desires get out of control, then you'll take any offer you get. And a beautiful woman like will be getting many offers from guys, especially if they can tell how horny you are." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "So, I guess that means I should mastrubate a lot then?" she says failing to hide the eagerness in her voice. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock or $PlayerChastityBelt>> "Since you can, absolutely," you say. <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> "I can't thanks to one of the side-effects I ended up with." <<else>> "I can't. <<if $Keyholder == "computer">> I can only get off when this belt I'm testing for work decides to let me." <<else>> $Keyholder doesn't allow me to masturbate." <</if>> You lift up your skirt to show the chastity belt you are wearing. <</if>> <br><br> "God, that must drive you insane. I guess I should consider myself lucky then. <br><br> <</if>> "But you should know, getting off as a woman usually takes a lot more work than it did as a guy," you warn her. "Especially at first, when you are just learning how your body works. We should probably get you a few toys, and definitely a good vibrator." <</nobr>> <video src="Part15/Buddy7.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<nobr>> "Oh, that sounds great. Do you want to go now?" she says excitedly. You and her head down to the adult toy shop near campus and begin exploring the aisles. You think it is her first time in a store like this, and obviously her first time in this body. She wants to buy half the store. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Let's stick to the basics for now," you tell her. "Once you learn what you like, you can always come back here for more." You help her settle on a dildo. She finds a pretty glass one she likes. You think she's mainly just going on look, and are scared off from the more realistic cock-looking ones. You don't mention that the one she picked out is intended for anal-play, it'll work either way. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You also get her a magic wand vibrator. She's spending her dad's money, so there's no point in skimping, she might as well start with the best. He'll see 'R. J. Boutique' on his credit card bill and just think she was buying clothes. "With this one, you don't have to worry about running out of batteries at the worst time, and you can control how intense it is with this dial here," you explain to her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you get back to her room, you leave her to her fun. "[[Let me know tomorrow|Part15BuddyToyPlug]] how it went," you tell her as you leave. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Teaching Bailey about toy safety</h1> The next morning you talk with Bailey on the phone, and she describes how after she had been playing with her vibrator and glass dildo for a while, the dildo was slick from being inside her. She says she 'accidentlly' put it her butt once. "It went in much easier than I would have thought. And it felt much better than I thought it would have. It's not wrong that I liked it is it?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She isn't really looking for an answer and continues her story. "I'd just switch it back and forth from place to palce to keep it wet. You were right, it took longer to orgasm than with my old body, but oh my god was it worth it. I just laid there with the dildo in my butt still and the vibrator bouncing around the floor until my mind was there enough to move again." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't tell her, but you have to admit to yourself that her story made you wet, hearing about her first orgasm as a woman. But one part of her story did concern you. You'll have to teach her an important lesson and you know just how to make sure she'll remember. You tell her you'll be over shortly and the two of you can go out for breakfast. Before you leave you grab one of the new toys you'd picked up for yourself at the store, but hadn't used yet. <</nobr>> <video src="Part15/Buddy8.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<nobr>> When you get there you explain her mistake. "You can't switch back and forth with a toy like you did. At least not if you don't want to risk getting a UTI... an infection. It's best to just keep your anal toys separate from your vaginal toys. This is a very important lesson and I want to make sure you remember. So pull down your panties, lift up your skirt, and bend over." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Her submissive nature shows and you can sense her excitement at being ordered like that. "Y..yes, ma'am", she says as complies with your orders. You can tell she's expecting to be spanked, but instead you pull out the new butt plug you'd bought yesterday. You wet it in your mouth before sliding into her ass. She lets out a soft moan as you do. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Now, you are to keep that in your ass all day and your vagina empty, so you remember where anal toys are supposed to go. Then later we can go back to the store and get you another dildo. Then you'll have one for each hole. You can even play with both at the same time if you like," you instruct. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You see her eyes light up at the last part of your instructions, and you get a quick 'Yes ma'am' from her. Later at the store, she buys you a new butt plug to replace the one you'd given her, and of course another dildo. "Have a good evening," you tell her with a smile as you leave her room. "I'll see you [[in a few days|Part15Week]] and you can tell me how well your new dildo works then." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Helping Bailey make friends</h1> <<set $BuddyBoys to 1>> Zane and Larry are always flirty. They even flirted with you at first, until they realized it made you uncomfortable. So you weren't supprised that they were flirting with Bailey. She is a cute girl. But they are nice guys, and you'd rather she meet some of them her first day on campus, than some of the other guys she might run into. <</nobr>> <img src="Part15/Buddy9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <<nobr>> They seem to really hit it off. You stay and chat with them for a while. When your phone beeps with a reminder, you ask Bailey if she is fine with you leaving her with Zane and Larry. "I'll be fine. Go ahead to your meeting or whatever. [[I'll see you tomorrow|Part15BuddyGuysMinistry2]],", Bailey tells you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You walk away as her and the guys keep chatting. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Meeting with Bailey</h1> <<if either(0,1,2) == 0>> <<set $BuddyPregnant to either('Zane','Larry')>> <</if>> You meet up with bailey the next day and ask her how her evening went. "It was wonderful!", she says. She definitely seems happy. "We went up to Zane's room to after you left and I didn't leave until after midnight!" <</nobr>> <img src="Part15/Buddy23.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> <<nobr>> You feel bad for the dirty thoughts that fill your mind. Of course reality is nothing like your peverted imagination. "Ummm, we were playing board games and talking, and lost all track of time," she explains. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "After I got home I was thinking though. I still don't want to take the pill. But maybe I should pick up some condoms." After a moment she adds, "Just in case I ever need them. Is there anywhere on campus I can get them." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'm not sure. But I think I've seen them in that little convience store in the student union building," you tell her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set $BuddyCondoms to 1>> <<if $tempOrgasmRequestGranted>> "Are you feeling ok?" Bailey asks. You only realize [[what is happening|Part15BuddyOrgasm]] when she asks the question. <<else>> "Great! Thanks! It was nice chatting with you this morning, but I have to run. Hopefully we can talk more [[later in the week|Part15Week]]," she tells you before heading off. Wherever is she's heading is in the same direction as the student union. If she remembers she can probably make her purchase on her way there. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Helping Bailey make friends</h1> <<set $BuddyBoys to 1>> Your friends Larry and Zane were checking out Bailey earlier, and she was clearly checking them out back. It may be obvious to you that she has an interest in guys now, you were having no luck convincing her. The X-Change people tell you in the presentation that your preference often change after your body does, but many people just don't want to listen. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You aren't going to have any luck talking to about birth control, but at least you know how to keep her from being unhappy for months denying who she really is now. <</nobr>> <img src="Part15/Buddy9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <<nobr>> You decide to introduce her to Larry and Zane, and they instantly hit it off. She's new to flirting, as a woman at least, but her interest in them is clear to everyone. <<if $CampusMinistry or $dating.length>> Larry and Zane will only ever be friends to you, and you don't want to interfere with everyone else's fun, so you decide to say goodbye and leave Bailey with the guys. <br><br> You know she's safe with them. They'd never do anything to her. Well, anything that she didn't want them to do. Though you wonder if there's much she won't want them to do to her before the night is over. "I have to run by the bookstore before it closes," you lie. No one seems to much care. "I'll [[give you a call tomorrow|Part15BuddyGuys2]]," you tell Bailey as you are leaving. <br><br> They are still talking when you look back a bit later. Though from their body language, you expect they'll be heading up to one of the guy's room soon. <<else>> Larry and Zane have only ever been friends to you. You can see from how they are looking at Bailey that they are clearly thinking of her differently. <br><br> You find yourself getting wet as you imagine Bailey enjoying her first time as a woman, [[fucked from both sides by your friends|Part15BuddyGuys2]]. You know she's safe with them. They'd never do anything to her. Well, anything that she didn't want them to do. Though you wonder if there's much she won't want them to do to her before the night is over. <br><br> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> You can't help but feel a bit jealous as you imagine the look of pleasure on her face the first time a cock slides into her. You ache to be there beside he getting the other cock at the same time. But lucky Bailey will probably be getting both of them tonight. You'll be leaking through your belt as always. <<else>> But the need you've started to feel is telling you that maybe two guys at once is too intense for Bailey's first time. Maybe it'd be better if she had a trusted friend there [[to share the guys|Part15BuddyGuysFoursome]] with her. You are sure the guys wouldn't mind adding a bit of fun to your friendship. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Hearing about Bailey's Evening</h1> "Ok. You were right. I do like guys now. I really like guys now," is the first thing Bailey says as she sits down at your table. "I never did before, but I guess since my body is different, what I want is different too. I should have listened to you." She pauses for a second then continues. "But thank you for introducing me to Zane and Larry. Last night. Last night was amazing." <<if either(0,1,2) == 0>> <<set $BuddyPregnant to either('Zane','Larry')>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Tell me everything," you say. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well, not long after you left," she starts, "we decided to go up to Zane's room to talk more in private. But we didn't talk very long. Soon we were kissing. I mean me and both of them. It was overwhelming, feeling Zane's lips on mine, and Larry's on my neck. And the smell of them... Guy's never smelled so wonderful before. <</nobr>> <video src="Part15/Buddy10.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<nobr>> "When I felt... felt them getting hard, I couldn't help myself. Before I knew it I was on my knees and unbuckling Zane's pants, and Larry's too. I didn't know what I was doing at first, but I was able to figure it out pretty quickly. The hardest part was,", she giggles a bit. "I mean the part I had trouble with was that I wanted them both so much, but I couldn't only take one in my mouth at once. I kept switching back and forth between them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "But when we moved to the bed, it got so much better." You see a far away look in her eye and a smile on her face as she continues, "I continued sucking on Zane's cock. And Larry went behind me. When he slid inside me... It felt so good. They switched back and forth a few times. But then we tried something different. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Larry started playing with my ass while he was fucking me. When he saw how much I liked that he asked if he could fuck me there instead. Of course I told him he could." She finally starts to blush a bit, her story has just been pouring out. You suppose she has to tell someone about this experience, and you are the only one she can talk to about it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When she continues she says, "Then they both started to fuck me. One in my ass, and the other normally. It was amazing, I wanted them to keep going forever. Or... at least a little bit longer than they did. But it must have felt as good for them too, because they couldn't hold back any longer." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "They didn't come inside you did they?" you ask. Though you aren't really concerned about whichever one was in her ass at the time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "No. They pulled out before then," she says to your relief. "I told them to cum on my face. It'd always looked so hot in porn I'd watched. And they were happy to. They both came so much all over my face. I made me feel like such a slut. But in a good way, if you know what I mean." You don't say anything, but you definitely know what she means. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "They took turns eating me out after that, and it felt amazing," she continues her story. "I'd never felt anything like the orgasm I had. It seemed to go on forever. By the time it stopped, they were both hard again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "This time when they took turns. First Zane and then Larry. Or maybe Larry, then Zane. I guess it doesn't matter. It was wonderful, one of the fucked me while the other played with my breasts, my clit, everything. I'd had another orgasm before the the first one had came. I had him cum inside me this time. It's not like in porn though. He went deep inside me when he came, and it felt amazing. Then the other one kept going as soon as he was done, and I came again before he'd finished!" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Anyway, I got their info before I left. They said we can do that again any time I want." She starts to finish up her story. "I'm sure I will, but first I think I want to try it again, with different guys. Is that wrong?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You tell her of course not. It's perfectly natural to want to explore. Other girls have had years since puberty to experiment, she's had a day. "But you probably want to stop by the store and pick up some condoms," you warn her. "If you don't want to take the pill, and want to avoid getting pregnant." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if either(0,1) == 1>><<set $BuddyCondoms to 1>><</if>> "I'll do that," she says. Though you aren't sure if she actually will or not. "When [[we meet up again in a few days|Part15Week]], I should have another story or two to tell", she says hopefully before you two head in different directions. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With Bailey and Friends</h1> <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <video src="Part15/Buddy38.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set $BuddyCondoms to 1>> <<if either(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) == 0>> <<set $BuddyPregnant to either('Zane','Larry','Zane')>> <</if>> <<else>> <video src="Part15/Buddy39.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<if either(0,1,2) == 0>> <<set $BuddyPregnant to either('Zane','Larry','Zane')>> <</if>> <</if>> <<set $BuddyFoursome to 1>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Larry", vaginal:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Bailey"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Zane", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Bailey"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Larry", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Bailey"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The guys are thrilled when you suggest the four of them go back to their room. When you see what a mess it is, you can clear tell they'd never imagined they'd be bringing a girl back here this afternoon, let alone two of them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Between how horny you already were, and watching Bailey moan from the pleasures of her new body as Zane's hands roam her body, it isn't long before you <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> have a condom on Larry's cock and are sliding it into you. You toss a few of the condoms over to Zane and Bailey too. <<else>> are lowering yourself down onto Larry's cock. <</if>> As you watch Bailey eagerly take Zane's cock into her mouth, you are sure of two things. First, Bailey is definitely interested in guys now. And second, if this is the first cock she's sucked, then she clearly practiced on a dildo or banana or something back before she changed. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As much as she clearly loves sucking his cock, it isn't long before she's following your lead and riding his cock instead. As much as you love the sound of Larry moaning and grunting as he cums, you love the look on Bailey face even more as she feels Zane's cock pulsing inside her with his orgasm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She's clearly still horny as she climbs off him. You keep Larry inside you for a moment as you watch <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> her take the condom off Zane's cock and then suck his cock a few times to clean it. You do the same with Larry. <<else>> a bit of cum run down her leg as she stands. You reach down between your legs for a bit of Larry's cum, licking your finger clean after you do. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They boys need a few minutes to recover, so you start kissing Bailey. Soon you are doing much more than just kissing. You two have each came once, and aren't showing any signs of stopping until you notice how hard the guys have become. You decide to switch up this time, letting Bailey take Larry, as you smile and walk towards Zane. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> By the time you and Bailey leave the guys' room, they are completely spent and Bailey has learned something about her desires in her new body. You suspect she already knew, but she's more than happy to admit how much she likes a nice hard cock now. In fact you can't get her to stop talking about it. <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> You do remind her to pick up some condoms of her own tomorrow. You won't be there to share next time, and she can't always count on the guy having any. <</if>> You are sure you'll hear more about her adventures without you the [[next time|Part15Week]] you and her get together. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Shopping with Bailey</h1> <img src="Part15/Buddy11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <img src="Part15/Buddy12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="right"> <<set $BuddyClean to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Even with just the basic clothes and makeup they provided Bailey after her change, there's no denying how beautiful she is. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But the make-up salesperson you two meet while you are shopping makes her look absolutely stunning. The saleswoman is very happy when Bailey uses her Dad's credit card to buy every product she'd used. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's no surprise there's so many guys <<if $CampusMinistry>>flirting with<<else>>hitting on<</if>> her. You are used to <<if $CampusMinistry>>ignoring<</if>> that, but it's a completely new experience for her for her. One that she clearly enjoys. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and her have barely been at the mall for an hour, and she's already gotten phone numbers from several guys. <<if $CampusMinistry>> "You should be careful," you warn her. "Most guys are only after one thing." <br><br> You blush when she replies, "What if I only want one thing from them? You know, maybe I was wrong early when I said I didn't like guys. Because I'm definitely thinking a lot about them right now." You blush even more when she adds, "It's a shame you're a virgin, because I'd really like to ask you what it's like" <br><br> <<if setup.sexVaginalCount() > 0>> <<if setup.areDating('Andrew')>> "Well..., I'm not actually.", you confess. "I told myself I was waiting for the right person, and I did. I know I'll marry Andrew eventually, and I didn't think we needed to wait until then. But I'm also not still hoping to change back like you are. So if you want to change back four years from now, be sure to use protection if you do anything." <<else>> <!-- don't think this is possible --> "Well..., I'm not actually. But I also don't want to talk about it," you say stopping that line of discussion. <</if>> <<elseif setup.sexMaleCount() > 0>> "Well..., I'm not a complete virgin," you confess. "I have done... some things. You can still have some fun without going all the way, you know. You should still wait until you find the right person though." <<else>> "Well, I'm saving myself for the right person," you tell her. I understand if you don't want do that. But if you aren't, then at least... protect yourself. If you want to be able to change back after you graduate." <</if>> <<else>> "You should be careful," you warn her. "Most guys are only after one thing." <br><br> You laugh when she replies, "What if I only want one thing from them? You know, maybe I was wrong early when I said I didn't like guys. Because I'm definitely thinking a lot about them right now." Then adds, "So, what's it like the first time. Does it hurt much?" <br><br> You reassure her, "Not at all. I don't know if it's the same for natural women. I'm guessing it varies. But that's one of the benefits of X-Change, at least normal X-Change, is that it feels amazing from the very first time." She seems relieve by that. "One bit of advice for your first time though. If he hasn't already gotten you off before you start, don't be afraid to play with yourself while he's inside you. Or for that matter, even if he has gotten you off. Your body will take more work to get to an orgasm now, and I want your first time to be amazing." <br><br> "Oh, and maybe we should stop by the store and pick you up some condoms when we are done here. I understand you not wanting to take the pill, but if you are still planning on changing back after graduation, you'll need to be careful." <<set $BuddyCondoms to 1>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Buddy13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <img src="Part15/Buddy25.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="right"> You and her keep shopping, collecting bag after bag of new clothes. And several more phone numbers. You remember how much you enjoyed getting to shop for your new body the first time too. It puts a smile on your face seeing how happy it makes her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She seems especially excited when you come upon the lingerie store. <<if $CampusMinistry>> "I don't mind if you want to wait out here," Bailey tells you. "But I really want to check this store out." <<else>> "Oh, I've been wanting to find one of these," Bailey says excitedly. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry and setup.areDating('Andrew')>> <<set setup.addInventory('underwear', 'elegant lingerie')>> "It's ok," you tell her. "I've seen underwear before." <<if setup.haveFucked('Andrew')>> You look for something nice to wear for Andrew. Well for you too, you love the feeling wearing something sexy gives you. And you especially love the way Andrew looks at you when you wear it. As you look around the store you end up finding an elegant lingerie set. <br><br> You find Bailey nearby. "Oh, I guess I don't need to ask you if you like what I was planning on buying," she says seeing you both holding nearly the same item. The only difference is yours is in white, and hers is in black. <br><br> She tries it on and it looks beautiful on her. You only hope you look as beautiful in yours when Andrew sees it. <<else>> You start off looking for a nice matching bra and panty set while she explores the rest of the store. But as you look around, your mind wanders, and you are soon imagining Andrew undressing you. You quickly tell yourself that you are imagining it was your wedding day, but you know you were imagining it happening tonight. <br><br> When you see a beautiful elegant lingerie set that you'd want to be what Andrew saw you wearing your first time together, you also find Bailey nearby. "Oh, I guess I don't need to ask you if you like what I was planning on buying," she says seeing you both holding nearly the same item. The only difference is yours is in white, and hers is in black. <br><br> She tries it on and it looks beautiful on her. You only hope you look as beautiful in yours when Andrew sees it someday. <</if>> <<elseif $CampusMinistry>> <<set setup.addInventory('underwear', 'regular underwear')>> "It's ok," you tell her. "I've seen underwear before." You look for a nice matching bra and panty set while she explores the rest of the store. You are fairly confident in your size now, so you decide not to try it on. So once you have your purchase ready you look to go find her. <br><br> When you do find her, she wants to try something on so she can get your opinion on it. When you see what she is wearing you tell her it looks lovely, and she looks beautiful in it. "I might want to wear something like that on my wedding day. But in white, of course," you tell her. But then you realize she isn't going to be waiting until then, and is more likely going to be showing it off again really soon to one of the guys she'd met early today. <<else>> <<set setup.addInventory('underwear', 'sexy underwear')>> You love the look of wonder as she sees all the possibilities and choices she has now. You let her explore while you look around for something sexy for yourself. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> You think you can even wear it over you belt, but you aren't going to try it on here. <</if>> When you've picked out something you like, you start looking for Bailey. <br><br> When you do find her, she wants to try something on so she can get your opinion on it. She's picked out a lovely black lingerie set. When she tries it on, she looks absolutely stunning in it. "One of those guys we met earlier is going to be a very happy man I think.", you say, getting a big smile and a laugh from her. <</if>> You see that she couldn't decide on just the one item though, as her basket as quite a few other items in it as well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once all of your and her shopping is done, <<if $tempOrgasmRequestGranted>> you and her stop for a [[bite to eat|Part15BuddyOrgasm]]. <<else>> you take her back home. "I'll talk you again when we meet up [[later in the week|Part15Week]]," she says. "But right now I need to go change, and then make a few phone calls." <br><br> <<if !$CampusMinistry>> "Have fun!", you tell her. "And be sure to give me all the details when I see you." <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>A surprise while eating with Bailey</h1> <video src="Part14/Kate6.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<unset $tempOrgasmRequestGranted>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $BuddyBoys>> It was too soft for you to realize it at first, but it's been building. You realize now that your belt has decided that now is when it's going to grant the orgasm you'd requested. <br><br> You tell Bailey that you're fine. Your meal was just a little spicy, that's all. You know from the manual that the belt could decide to quickly get you there and be done with it. Or it could take an hour building you up to and then keeping you at the edge of an orgasm, and then finally let you. Or it could do anything in between. You quickly figure out it's not going to be one of the quick and done orgasms. Either way you don't want Bailey here when it happens. <br><br> "Ok. Well if you're fine, then I'm going to head out. I'll talk you again when we meet up [[later in the week|Part15Week]]," she says. "But right now I need to head over to the student union. <br><br> You feel like the belt is going to be making you orgasm soon now, so you quickly pay your bill and head somewhere more private so you don't start screaming in the middle of the restaurant. <<else>> You are part way through your meal when you feel it, soft at first, but constantly building. Your belt has decided that now is when it's going to grant the orgasm you'd requested. You know from the manual that it could decide to quickly get you there and be done with it. Or it could take an hour building you up to and then keeping you at the edge of an orgasm, and then finally let you. Or it could do anything in between. You quickly figure out it's not going to be one of the quick and done orgasms. <br><br> "Are you ok?" Bailey asks. You tell her you're fine. Your meal was just a little spicy, that's all. "Ok. Well if you're fine, then I'm going to head out. I'll talk you again when we meet up [[later in the week|Part15Week]]," she says. "But right now I need to go change, and then make a few phone calls." <br><br> You have a feeling that before the day is over she'll be requesting her own orgasm, or two, or three, from the guys she met earlier. You are going to have yours soon though, so you quickly pay your bill and head somewhere more private so you don't start screaming in the middle of the restaurant. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> A bit later, in the afterglow of your orgasm, you smile. You think this belt is going to be great! It was so difficult trying to find time to masturbate last year with Faith around, and you felt so guilty while you were doing it. <<if $UncleChasteBelt>> And then it become completely impossible to get yourself off after Mike put that other belt on you. <</if>> Now it's just one little button press and it's out of your control. You can't stop it when it comes, so you don't need to feel guilty and can just enjoy it. Though you might have to be more careful about it triggering when you are out in public. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Meeting with Bailey</h1> <img src="Part15/Buddy28.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<if !$BuddyPregnant and !$BuddyDating and !$BuddyChastity>> <<if $BuddyStraight>> <<set $tempBuddyOrientationFactor to 10>> <<elseif $BuddyLesbian>> <<set $tempBuddyOrientationFactor to 2>> <<else>> <<set $tempBuddyOrientationFactor to 6>> <</if>> <<set $BuddyPregnant to setup.checkForBuddyPregnancy($tempBuddyOrientationFactor, [])>> <</if>> <<if $PlayerItemBuddyKey>> Bailey has tried to meet up with you several times over the past few weeks but you've been so busy. <<else>> You and Bailey have both been so busy. <</if>> The two of you have only had time to text, or maybe a quick chat between classes. But today you've set aside some time so you and her could actually talk for a while over coffee. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "So how's your first month as a woman gone?" you ask her. "Been having fun? Staying out of trouble? Have you been making it to class?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerItemBuddyKey>> <<include [[Part15BuddyPart2Chastity]]>> <<elseif $BuddyPeterChastity or $BuddyThreesomeGuy or $BuddyBoys or $JobBetaTester == "deny">> <<include [[Part15BuddyPart2Straight]]>> <<elseif $BuddyDating or $BuddyThreesomeGirlfriend or ($BuddySex and $dating.length)>> <<include [[Part15BuddyPart2Lesbian]]>> <<elseif $BuddySex>> <<include [[Part15BuddyPart2Hookup]]>> <<elseif $BuddyVibrator>> <<include [[Part15BuddyPart2Bi]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15BuddyPart2Clean]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> "So, is there any part of being a woman you don't like so far?" you ask. <<else>> "Well, that's clearly one of your favorite parts of being a woman now," you say. "But what about what I assume is your least favorite part? How have you managed with that?" <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She thinks for a <<if $BuddyPregnant>> while, and then replies, "I'm not sure what you mean. It's all been great!" <br><br> She thinks a bit longer and continues, "I know a lot of the guys in my classes, and a couple of my professors, they look at me sometimes like they want to fuck me over the desk in front of the class. And I get guys yelling things at me sometimes when I'm in the city. I'm sure that's all going to get old eventually. It was a bit scary once, late at night, and I know it sucks for girls that had to deal with it their whole life. But it's still new and kind of exciting me for me so far." <br><br> "So, I guess you haven't had to deal with your period yet," you reply. <<if $MenstrualWeek == 4>> You know she should be having one about now. Your last period was around the start of the semester, and you're dealing with yours again right now. <<elseif $PregnancyWeek and !$PlayerPregnant>> You think for a minute and confirm that it's been about a month since she changed. You also realized that your own period also should have arrived by now. <<else>> You think for a minute and confirm that it's been about a month since she changed. <</if>> It could just be a little late, or even that she didn't have one this first month as a woman. <<if $CampusMinistry>> But if she's been having as much sex as you assume <<else>> But after hearing about how much sex <</if>> she's been having, and knowing she's not on birth control, you wonder. <br><br> "It might be nothing," you tell her. But let's be sure. You head across the street to the [[drug store|Part15BuddyPregnancyTest]] with her. <<else>> second, and then replies, "I assume you mean my period. Yeah it sucks, I'm dealing with it right now." You nod as she continues. "I knew about the bleeding, of course. But I didn't realize the cramps would be this bad. I thought my sister was just being dramatic when she complained about them. I'm going to have to call and apologize." <br><br> "Well hopefully it will be over soon," you tell her. Before [[the week is over|Part15Week]] I'm sure you'll be back to normal again. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Testing with Bailey</h1> <img src="PartP/PregTest8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Bailey go into the drug store, and you take her back to where the pregnancy tests are. <<if !$PlayerPregnant and $MenstrualWeek != 4 and setup.sexVaginalCount != 0>> <<set $tempTestCount to 2>> You decide to pick up two of them, one for her and one for you. <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> Though, you expect you are hoping for a different outcome than she is. <<else>> There's no harm in being sure you're not pregnant, and you figure it'll make her more comfortable if you take a test too. <</if>> The two of you then go back to her dorm to take the tests. <br><br> You each write your initials on your tests, so they don't get mixed up. Then you both try to distract yourselves until enough time has passed for both of the tests to be ready. <<else>> <<set $tempTestCount to 1>> You help her pick out a pregnancy test from the many options there, then you head back to her dorm with her while she takes the test. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $tempTestCount == 1 or !$PregnancyWeek>> <img src="PartP/PregTest10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <<else>> <img src="PartP/PregTest9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $tempTestCount == 1>> Bailey stares at her positive test for a long time. After a while, you hug her for support. <<elseif $PregnancyWeek>> You see the initials weren't necessary, when <b>both</b> tests come out positive. You both stare at your individual tests for a long time, then you hug each other in solidarity. <<else>> You look at your negative test with <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>>disappointment<<else>>relief<</if>> as Bailey stares at her positive test for a long time. After a while, you hug her for support. <</if>> "Do you know how to... where to go... [[to end it|Part15BuddyAbortion]]?" Bailey asks uneasily. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerAbortion>> "I know exactly where it is," you tell her. <<else>> "I'll find out for you," you tell her. <</if>> "You aren't alone. I'm here for you. I'll be with you every step of the way." <<if $CampusMinistry>> <br><br> You doubt Faith or Pastor Mark would approve, but you are committed to being here for Bailey, not pushing their beliefs on her. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<if $tempTestCount > 1 and $PregnancyWeek>> <<if setup.pregnantFirstTime()>> <<achievement>>firsttime+pregnant<</achievement>> <<elseif setup.pregnantFromLoophole()>> <<achievement>>loopholeBaby+pregnant<</achievement>> <<else>> <<achievement>>pregnant<</achievement>> <</if>> <</if>> <<unset $tempTestCount>><<nobr>> <h1>At the clinic with Bailey</h1> <img src="PartP/Clinic1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you reach the check-in desk at the clinic the receptionist asks, "Which one of you is the patient today?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PregnancyWeek and !$PlayerPregnant>> "Actually we both are," <<else>> "My friend is," <</if>> you tell her. <<if $PregnancyWeek and !$PlayerPregnant and ($BuddyPregnant == "Zane" or $BuddyPregnant == "Larry") and (setup.haveConceivedWith("Zane") or setup.haveConceivedWith("Larry"))>> You quickly do the math, and realize that you and Bailey both got pregnant the same night, from the same guys. You wonder if you are both pregnant from the same potent guy, or if one of you was knocked up by Zane, and the other by Larry. <<achievement>>twopregnant<</achievement>> <br><br> <</if>> <span id="clinic"> <<if $PregnancyWeek and !$PlayerPregnant>> <<if setup.areDating('Barry')>> <<unset $PlayerPregnant>> <<set $tempPlayerAbortion to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <<if $PlayerAbortion>> <<set $PlayerAbortion += 1>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerAbortion to 1>> <</if>> <<unset $PregnancyWeek>> <<achievement>>childfree<</achievement>> "My friend and I are both pregnant. And we are both wanting to [[terminate the pregnancies|Part15BuddyAbortion2]]." You and $dating[0] had already talked about this, and neither of you want a baby right now. <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt and $Keyholder == "computer" and $ComputerChastityOwner == "Eric">> <<unset $PlayerPregnant>> <<set $tempPlayerAbortion to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <<if $PlayerAbortion>> <<set $PlayerAbortion += 1>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerAbortion to 1>> <</if>> <<unset $PregnancyWeek>> <<achievement>>childfree<</achievement>> "My friend and I are both pregnant. And we are both wanting to [[terminate the pregnancies|Part15BuddyAbortion2]]." You know the chastity belts the department is testing can adjust for pregnancies, but you don't want to have to deal with it. Being pregnant would be stressful enough, without dealing with that too. <<else>> Bailey wants to end her pregnancy. And you've already decided whether you want to <<link "keep yours">> <<replace "#clinic">> <<set $tempPlayerPregnant to 1>> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> "My friend and I are both pregnant. She wants to [[terminate hers|Part15BuddyAbortion2]]. I'm just wanting a confirmation test on mine." <</replace>> <</link>> or <<link "end yours also.">> <<replace "#clinic">> <<set $tempPlayerAbortion to 1>> "My friend and I are both pregnant. And we are both wanting to [[terminate the pregnancies|Part15BuddyAbortion2]]." <</replace>> <</link>> <</if>> <<else>> "My friend is pregnant, and she wants to [[terminate the pregnancy|Part15BuddyAbortion2]]." <</if>> </span> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Bailey's Room</h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They gave <<if $tempPlayerAbortion>> you both the first pill at the clinic. They sent you each home with the second to take today. <<else>> Bailey the first pill at the clinic. They sent her home with the second to take today. <</if>> <<if $PlayerAbortion>> You knew from experience <<else>> They warned you both <</if>> that it was going to be very unpleasant the next day, after the second pill kicked in. So you spend the night at Bailey's so you <<if $tempPlayerAbortion>> could support each other. <<else>> can support her. <</if>> <</nobr>> <img src="PartP/Cramps3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<nobr>> The cramps and bleeding <<if $tempPlayerAbortion and $PlayerAbortion>> are just as bad as you remembered, for both of you. <<elseif $PlayerAbortion>> seem to be just as bad for her as you remembered them to be. <<elseif $tempPlayerAbortion>> are horrible for both of you. <<else>> seem horrible for her. <</if>> <<if $tempPlayerAbortion>> You both spend most of the day in bed, doing what you can to comfort each other. <<else>> She spends most of the day in bed, while you do what you can to comfort her. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Eventually it eases up. When late afternoon arrives, you and Bailey get cleaned up and leave to [[get something to eat|Part15BuddyAbortion3]], and to talk. <</nobr>> <<if $tempPlayerAbortion>> <<achievement>>childfree<</achievement>> <</if>><<nobr>> <h1>Having dinner with Bailey</h1> <img src="Part15/Buddy33.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <<unset $BuddyPregnant>> <<set $BuddyAbortion to 1>> <<set $BuddyPermanent to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Over dinner you and Bailey talk about what it means for <<if !$PlayerSideEffectPermanent and $PregnancyWeek>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> you both, now that you are permanently women and will never be changing back to your old bodies. <br><br> Neither of you are particularly upset about it though. You think, deep down, you both knew you were never going back anyway. <<else>> her, now that she is permanently a woman, and will never be changing back to her old body. <br><br> She isn't that upset about it though. You think, deep down, she knew she was never going back anyway. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $tempPlayerAbortion>> <<unset $tempPlayerAbortion>> <<if $PlayerAbortion>> <<set $PlayerAbortion += 1>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerAbortion to 1>> <</if>> <<achievement>>childfree<</achievement>> <<unset $PlayerPregnant>> <<unset $PregnancyWeek>> <<elseif $tempPlayerPregnant>> <<unset $tempPlayerPregnant>> <<if $dating.length>> You also realize you are going to have to tell $dating[0] about the pregnancy. <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> Of course, she knew this was a possibility given some of the more adventurous nights you've had. <<else>> Of course, he knew this was a possiblity. <</if>> <br><br> <</if>> <</if>> You are sure that whatever happens [[next week|Part15Week]], it won't compare to this week. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> "I've been having a lot of fun, but I can't promise that I've been staying out of trouble," she answers with a grin. You decide not to press for details. <br><br> She more or less confirms what you suspected she meant when she adds, "I can confirm that I do like guys now, probably more than girls. But I guess since I'm a woman now, that makes sense." You nod, imagining her making some man a very happy husband someday. <br><br> You try not to, but your mind can't help but wander to thoughts of exactly how she confirmed her new [[preference for men|Part15BuddyPart2Clean2Ministry]]. <<else>> "I've been having a lot of fun," she confirms. "I was right about liking guys now. Though I also still like girls too. But, I think I like guys more. Especially since it's easier to find one that is eager to tie me up and [[use me the way I like|Part15BuddyPart2Clean2]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Imagining Bailey's fun</h1> <video src="Part15/Buddy35.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As Bailey steps away to the restroom, your mind starts to wander and you think of exaclty how Bailey might have "confirmed" she prefers men now. You imagine her with two guys, having sex with both of them at the same time! Your can practically hear their moans as you picture it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> One of them cums inside her, and it makes you so happy as you instictively know you are soon to be pregnant. The other one cums on your face making you look like a slut. That feels so right too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After the action stops for a moment in your fantasy, you realize the two guys in it are nothing like the ones that were hitting on Bailey at the mall. You also realize that somewhere in your fantasy it stopped being Bailey they were with, and became you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As Bailey returns to the table, you push the fantasy out of your mind. Though one part of the fantasy reminds you of something important to ask about. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15BuddyPeriodTalk]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Listening to Bailey</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Buddy36.webm" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> </div> Bailey starts talking about how she loves it when a guy ties her up, or even just holds her down, and then fucks her. "I love feeling like I'm just his, to use however he wants, with no control," she says with a big smile. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15BuddyProgramReview]]>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15BuddyPeriodTalk]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> Bailey is clearly excited talking about some of the guys she has been with. You guess she doesn't feel comfortable talking about it with any of her friends from before her change. She seems thrilled to have someone to talk to that understands what it's like for her. <<if setup.sexVaginalCount() == 0>> Well, some of what it's like at least. <</if>> <<if $CampusMinistry>> You are embarrassed by some of the details she shares, but you also can't help but listen to every second of it. <br><br> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt and $Keyholder == "computer">> As you imagine every detail of her story, it's not her, but you getting fucked. As you picture it, you feel an emptiness between your legs, and wish it were you with something... someone inside you right now. <br><br> You are tempted to hit the "request orgasm" button on your belts app, but you know it would only deny and mock you if you did. So you try to just focus on her story, and tell yourself you're just listening to be supportive of her. <<elseif $RapistRaped>> You can't help but imagine the scene she describes as she talks. As she describes how good it feels, your thoughts instead turn to your recent rape. You know she seems to love feeling helpless and used, <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> you used to fantasize about it too, <<else>> maybe you would have too someday, <</if>> but not anymore. At least not now. The thought of being held down, unable to move, ... <br><br> "Are you ok," Bailey asks as she sees you getting upset during her story. <br><br> You try to regain your composure, but don't want to talk about the rape. "I'm... I'm fine. I'm just a claustrophobic and hearing you being unable to move was making me panic a bit," you lie. <br><br> "Oh. Sorry. I'll avoid those sorts of details then." She continues on with her story. She's clearly skipping parts of it now, but it's also very clear she thoroughly enjoyed herself. <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive > 2>> <br><br> <i>You used to fantasize about being tied up and used, but the thought doesn't appeal to you as much as it did before. But maybe someday, with a man you trust, it would be different.</i> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive -= 2>> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <br><br> <i>You used to fantasize about being tied up and used, but the thought doesn't appeal to you at all anymore. But maybe someday, with a man you trust, it would be different.</i> <<unset $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <</if>> <<else>> You can't help but imagine the scene she describes as she talks. As she describes how good it feels, you can't help but feel a bit of curiousity. But you push that from your mind. <</if>> <<else>> You'll have to send some feedback to the X-Change people about what a good idea this 'Buddy' program was. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> "I've been having a lot of fun. And not just with the toys," she answers with a smile. "It turns out you were right, well partly right, about X-Change changing what I like. I've figured out that I still like women, but I also really like guys too." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I did get the second dildo like you told me to," she confirms. "But do you know what is even more fun than using two dildos at once?" You smile, knowing what her answer is going to be. "Having [[two guys use me|Part15BuddyPart2Bi2]] at once, of course!" <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Listening to Bailey</h1> <img src="Part15/Buddy34.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> You listen as Bailey tells you about several times where she's been with two guys. She says she loves the feeling of both of them inside her at once. "I really loved it when they had me wear a ball gag.", she says excitedly. "It made me feel like I was just a toy to be used for their pleasure, that I had no control. It was great." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She sips her coffee and continues, "It was even better when I found out there were also gags that would hold my mouth open, so they could use me in other ways too." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15BuddyProgramReview]]>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15BuddyPeriodTalk]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> "I've been having a lot of fun. Thank you for showing me I was wrong about guys. It was so much fun, and I learned something about myself too. X-Change has changed what I like, and I definitely like sex with guys. Like a lot," she smiles before continuing. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Though, I've figured out that <<if $BuddyPeterChastity>> <<if setup.areDating('Peter')>> Peter may be right for you, but he isn't really my type. <<else>> Peter isn't really my type. <</if>> <<elseif $BuddyThreesomeGuy>> threesomes aren't really what I enjoy the most. <<else>> Zane and Larry aren't really my type. <</if>> What I love the most is a guy that will [[dominate me|Part15BuddyPart2Straight2]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Talking with Bailey</h1> <video src="Part15/Buddy32.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15BuddyProgramReview]]>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15BuddyPeriodTalk]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> "I've been having a lot of fun!" Bailey exclaims. <<if $BuddyDating>> "$BuddyDating is amazing! Thank you so much, I probably never would have met her if it weren't for you." <<else>> <<set $BuddyDating to "Kelsey">> You were right about my preferences being more flexible after the X-Change. I've experimented a bit with guys, and it was actually fun. There's something about big strong hands holding your wrists down as he...," she stops and pauses for a second. <br><br> "But I think my experimentation with boys is over now," she continues. "I've met the perfect woman. Her name is $BuddyDating and she's amazing!" <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'd hoped I'd meet someone when I went off to college," she says. "But I never dreamed It'd happen so quickly, or that the woman I'd meet would be as perfect as she is." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After going on about their relationship, she starts talking about some of the more [[intimate details|Part15BuddyPart2Girlfriend]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Listening to Bailey</h1> <img src="Part15/Buddy37.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You listen as Bailey talks about how she loves it when $BuddyDating ties her up and has her way with her. "It's just such a thrill to be helpless and at her mercy," she explains excitedly. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Of course, it's not all about the sex," she adds after going on and on about how great the sex is. "It's wonderful just spending time with her too." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You realize it's been about a month since she changed. <<if $BuddyDating == "Kelsey">> Obviously she's probably safe in the future. But her talk of the guys she was with before meeting $BuddyDating, and knowing she's not on birth control make you wonder. <<else>> She has $BuddyDating to help her, but you feel like as her 'buddy' you should at least check to see how she is coping with one of less fun parts of being a woman. <</if>> <<include [[Part15BuddyPeriodTalk]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> "I have been having fun," she says before pausing. "But, not as much fun as that first night with you." She looks down at her coffee, slightly embarrassed, before continuing. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I loved being helpless, and under your control," she explains. "I thought that was all it was, and I've experiment with a few other girls, and several guys too. But it wasn't the same. The sex was fun with them, of course, especially the ones that liked tying me up as much as I loved it. But there was never that same connection I felt when I was with you." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She glances down at her coffee again, and then looks up to see how [[you are reacting|Part15BuddyPart2Dating]] to her confession. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With Bailey</h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Bailey"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Bailey"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Bailey"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Bailey"})>> You tell Bailey you feel the same way. You'd loved your night together. You hadn't said anything then because you wanted her to find her own way, to discover what she really wanted now that she was a woman. But you let her know how happy you are that she shares your feelings for her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Having learned you both have been thinking about each other for the past month, you quickly finish your drinks so you can head back to Bailey's room to be alone. <</nobr>> <video src="Part15/Buddy29.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<nobr>> Bailey eagerly lets you tie her to her bed. You know part of her excitment is just being bound and helpless. But the look in her eyes lets you know how happy she is that it's you that is controlling her. As you start making out with her, her hips rock towards you. Her body is eager for your touch, but that will wait a bit longer. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When your hands do find their way to her body, it's to rub baby oil over her skin, massaging every inch of her body. All except for the few inches that most ache for your touch. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you see her body writhe, desperate for an orgasm, and see her eyes look up at you with need, you know she'd do anything for you right now. She'd agree to anything, promise anything, do anything, for an orgasm. Seeing that look in her eyes, and realizing the power you have over her, thrills you <<if $PlayerSideEffectDominant>> too. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> too - much more than you thought it would. <<else>> too - more than you thought it would. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You kiss her as your hand finally moves between her legs. She eagerly and passionately kisses back, moaning deeply as your fingers slide into her. As you slowly but steadily help her build towards an orgasm, she continues to look at you with the same look of utter desperation. She knows you could decide to stop at any moment. You aren't going to though. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You smile at the look of joy and contentment on her face after her orgasm. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> "I hope you weren't expecting me to stop after just one," you tell her. This belt may be stopping me getting an orgasm, but I'm going to make sure you come enough for both of us. You're going to orgasm until you beg me to stop. Who knows, maybe I even will." <br><br> You leave her tied as your begin kissing her feet and then slowly working your way up her leg. When you gently suck her clit in between your lips, she throws her head back as she moans again. <<else>> You smile and tell her, "Now it's my turn." Then you move over her with her still tied to the bed. You moan softly as her tongue finds your clit. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've lost track of how much time has passed when the two of you are [[too exhausted to continue|Part15BuddyPart2Dating2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Talking with Bailey</h1> <img src="Part11/Veronica2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<set setup.startDating('Bailey')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you lie in bed together, you and Bailey talk about how how attracted you were to each other from the moment you met. You both agree that you don't want to be friends, or 'buddies', but something more. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After the two of you makeout for a while, you stop and tell her, "I know you're bi, so if you want, we can bring the occasional guy home with us. I know it'll be fun for both of us, and I'm sure it'll make his <<if $DailyBJMinimum>> year. In fact, with my belt, I'm required to suck at least <<if $DailyBJMinimum > 1>>$DailyBJMinimum cocks<<else>>one cock<</if>> a day, or it punishes me. It'll be much more fun if we do it together" <<elseif $JobFitness or $JobCallGirl or $JobStripper or $JobGloryHole or $JobCallGirlSide>> year. I'll probably being doing that and more at work, so if you want to have a little fun without me sometimes, that's fine too." <<elseif setup.sexMaleCount() > 0>> year. Or if you want to have some fun without me that's fine too, I'll probably do the same occasionally. I know it's fun to just let a guy focus on only you." <<else>> year." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You're sure that whatever the [[next week|Part15Week]] brings, it will be less fun than tonight was. <</nobr>><<nobr>> "I've been staying out of trouble," she tells you. "And I've been going to class. Well, most of the time." She looks down at her coffee before continuing. "But... I haven't been having as much fun as I would like." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> "I know you are in a chastity belt too," she says. <<if setup.haveInventory("sex toys", "electronic chastity belt")>> "Yours lets you orgasm sometimes, right. <<else>> <<if $Keyholder>>"$Keyholder<<else>>"Your keyholder<</if>> unlocks you sometimes to let you orgasm, right. <</if>> But <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> "I know you can't masturbate and get off, but you can still have sex and orgasm whenever you want," she says. "But <<else>> "You can masturbate, or have sex, and orgasm whenever your want," she says. "But <</if>> I haven't had a single orgasm since becoming a woman. And I really, really need one." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You're not pregnant though, are you?" you point out. "I know quite a few of the girls that changed with you are. It was certainly the case with my group last year." You pause to let her appreciate that before you question her more. "Are you telling me you haven't had any fun in your belt?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She lowers her head confirm she has, so you press for details. "Have you hooked up with any girls? I'm sure most of them love someone that is only interested in their pleasure." She nods. "What about guys? They'd be disappointed about the belt, but a blowjob would probably get them over that real quick. Have you given many of those?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Quite a few," she confirms. She smiles, then looks down guiltily. When you point out that her belt has an open-backed design she responds, "Yes, I've done that too. It feels good, but it's never enough to get off with. I sometimes wish I'd gotten that anal side effect I heard about." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I could give you your key," you tell her. "But I worry you'd be pregnant by the end of the week. Especially since you can't take birth control pills." <<if $dating.length>> <br><br> She interrupts before you can continue. "But, I've started dating someone. Maybe if you [[met him|Part15BuddyPart2ChastityBoyfriend]] and talked to him about always using condoms, then you could trust him with the key?" <<else>> She looks down, disappointed, as you pause. Then you continue, "But maybe I could <<if $DylanChastityKey>> [[help you with your orgasm|Part15BuddyPart2ChastityOrgasmDylan]]." <<else>> [[help you with your orgasm|Part15BuddyPart2ChastityOrgasm]]." <</if>> Her eyes light up at the mention of that. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Letting Bailey decide</h1> <video src="Part15/Buddy56.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Bailey is hoping you are going to unlock her right away, but instead you give Dylan a call. You make him turn on his camera and show Bailey his chastity cage. You have Bailey lift up her skirt to show Dylan her cage. You think you can see his cock throb against its cage as he stares. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'm going to unlock your cage, Dylan," you tell him. "But you aren't allowed to cum unless I say you can. You need to wait until then, or stop touching yourself if I tell you to stop. Do you understand?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes, Mistress, I understand," he responds quickly. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You let him stroke his cock for a while. You try to keep an eye on how closely Bailey is watching, and the hungry look in her eyes. But you also try to keep an eye on Dylan to make sure he's not getting too close to cumming. "Ok, stop for a bit," you tell him. You let him continue when he's cooled off a bit, and repeat the process several times. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Finally, after one of his edges, you give Bailey the question. "Bailey, only one of you is allowed to orgasm tonight. Is it going to be you or Dylan? Dylan hasn't had an orgasm since I returned to school after summer break, if that affects your decision at all. Dylan, you can plead your case to Bailey if you want." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Dylan quickly starts begging Bailey to pick him, offering to do anything she wants if she tells you to let him cum tonight. But he has nothing she wants more than an orgasm, so she chooses herself. "You heard her. Put your cock away immediately," you order Dylan. He pauses for just a second, but then does as you instructed. Then you hit the button on your phone confirming his cage is locked again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You were a good boy, Dylan, so I'll give you a little reward. I'm going to cover our camera, but I'll leave the sound on so you can hear [[Bailey's orgasm|Part15BuddyPart2ChastityOrgasm]]. And I'll turn the vibrations on your cage on until she cums. Of course that's not enough to get you off, but it will feel nice I'm sure. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Thank you, Mistress," he responds. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Giving Bailey an orgasm</h1> <video src="Part15/Buddy29.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Bailey"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Bailey eagerly lets you tie her to her bed. You know part of her excitment is the hope for an orgasm soon. But you can also se she's loving just the feeling of being tied and helpless. Once she's secured, you remove her belt. As you start making out with her, her hips rock towards you. Her body is eager for your touch, but that will wait a bit longer. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When your hands do find their way to her body, it's to rub baby oil over her skin, massaging every inch of her body. All except for the few inches that most ache for your touch. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you see her body writhe, desperate for an orgasm, and see her eyes look up at you with need, you know she'd do anything for you right now. She'd agree to anything, promise anything, do anything, for an orgasm. Seeing that look in her eyes, and realizing the power you have over her, thrills you <<if $PlayerSideEffectDominant>> too. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> too - much more than you thought it would. <<else>> too - more than you thought it would. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You kiss her as your hand finally moves between her legs. She eagerly and passionately kisses back, moaning deeply as your fingers slide into her. As you slowly but steadily help her build towards an orgasm, she continues to look at you with the same look of utter desperation. She knows you could decide to stop at any moment. You aren't going to though. Not today. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You smile at the look of joy and contentment on her face after her orgasm. <<if $DylanChastityKey>> With her still bound to the bed, you go over and uncover the camera briefly, giving Dylan a good look at the bound and just-orgasmed Bailey, before you turn off the vibrations on his cage and close the video chat. <br><br> <</if>> Bailey doesn't say a word as you secure the belt back on her before uncuffing her. "I want to [[talk to you now about your key|Part15BuddyPart2ChastityDating]]," you tell her as you hold out her key. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Talking with Bailey</h1> <img src="Part11/Veronica2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Bailey"})>> <<set setup.startDating('Bailey')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Thank you," Bailey says to you once she finally speaks. "That was amazing. Are all orgasms that good as a woman?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "They're usually wonderful," you answer. "But they don't always feel as wonderful as that one probably did after a month denied." You pause a moment, then continue, Speaking of that, I can give you your key now if you want, but... I'd much rather hold on to it." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You talk with Bailey about how much you've enjoyed having control of her orgasms. About how attracted you were to her from the moment you met, and how that was part of the reason you talked her into giving her orgasms over to you. You tell her that you'd like to keep control of them. But not as a friend, or a 'buddy', but as something more. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She lets you know that she felt the same way about you, and that's why it was so easy for you to convince her to wear the belt. She says that knowing you held the key to her belt was a constant source of excitement to her, even if not being able to orgasm was maddening at times. "I'd love for you to keep my key," she says before kissing you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After the two of you makeout for a while, you stop and tell her, <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> "I know you're bi, so if you need to suck the occasional cock, that's fine with me. I know what it's like when you are locked and denied for a while. It's just <b>your</b> orgasms that belong to me. <<if $DailyBJMinimum>> In fact, with my belt, I'm required to suck at least <<if $DailyBJMinimum > 1>>$DailyBJMinimum cocks<<else>>one cock<</if>> a day, or it punishes me. <</if>> If you want, maybe we can suck one together sometime. I'm sure that will make some lucky guy's year." <<elseif $AcademicProbationDenial>> "I know you're bi, so if you want, we can bring the occasional guy home with us. I'm sure it'll make his year. Now kiss me, while I decide whether your next orgasm will be when I'm finally off probation and can enjoy one with you, or sooner so I can enjoy watching you have what I can't." <<else>> "I know you're bi, so if you want, we can bring the occasional guy home with us. I'm sure it'll make his year. Who knows, I might even unlock you for the occasion. Now, why don't you repay that orgasm I gave you, while I decide when your next one will be." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You're sure that whatever the [[next week|Part15Week]] brings, it will be less fun than tonight was. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $BuddyDating to "Caleb">> <h1>Meeting with Bailey's boyfriend</h1> You noticed she didn't even try to insist on getting her key back. With her submissive nature she just assumed her new boyfriend having the key, and control of her orgasms, was the proper state of things. You tend to agree. So you have her set up a time for you to meet with him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You see the two of them together when you arive, but Bailey quickly gets up. You'd told her you needed to talk to Caleb alone first. <</nobr>> <img src="Part15/Buddy30.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <<nobr>> Bailey has already told him about the Student X-Change Program, so you can be honest with him. "I'm not sure if Bailey has also told you that I'm in the X-Change program too," you tell him. "I changed last year. So I have some experience with what it's like. I'm fairly certain that Bailey would be pregnant already if I hadn't talked her into wearing the chastity belt." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerPregnant and $PregnancyWeek > 12>> "I mean, look at me," you say gesutering to your growing belly. <<elseif $PlayerPregnant>> "I mean, I am right," you say gesutering to your soon to be growing belly. <<elseif $PlayerMother>> "I already have a child, but I don't that's what Bailey wants. At least right now," you say as you pull up a photo of little $children[0].name on your phone. <<elseif $PlayerAdoption>> "I've already had a baby," you confess. "We found a nice family for it. But I don't think Bailey wants to spend most of freshman year pregnant." <<elseif $PlayerAbortion>> "I've already been pregnant," you confess. "Of course, there are options. But if you don't want a baby, it's much better to just not get pregnant in the first place." <<elseif $PlayerChastityBelt>> "I would have probably have gotten pregnant by now if I wasn't in a chastity belt too," you say. <<elseif setup.sexCount() == 0>> <!-- don't think this is possible here --> "I'm a virgin, but obviously that's not the plan for you and Bailey," you explain. <<elseif setup.haveGirlfriend() or setup.sexUniqueMaleCount() == 0>> "I would have probably have gotten pregnant by now if I wasn't a lesbian," you say. <<elseif setup.sexVaginalCount() == 0>> "I would have probably have gotten pregnant by now, but I've never gone all the way with a guy before," you say. "But obviously that's not the plan for you and Bailey I assume." <<elseif $PlayerProtectionPerfect or $PlayerProtectionPermanent>> "I would have probably have gotten pregnant by now if I hadn't opted for the birth control feature on my implant," you say. "But given her family history, it's understandable why Bailey didn't want to risk that." <<elseif $PlayerProtectionPill>> "I would have probably have gotten pregnant by now if I wasn't on birth control," you say. "But given her family history, it's understandable why Bailey didn't want to risk that." <<else>> "It's a wonder I've not gotten pregnant by now," you tell him. "God knows there's been a enough <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> times the condom has came off, or we've forgotten about it entirely when we were drunk and horny." <<elseif $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> times the guy I was with couldn't hold back or pull out in time." <<else>> chances." <</if>> <</if>> He nods and you continue. "You see, the implant makes Bailey very horny. Even more than it does with most girls." His smile tells you that he's already well aware of that. "Obviously you are already aware of the fun part of that. But it could also make it very difficult for her to stay faithful to you. At least until she is more accustomed to her body's urges, and used to saving them up for you." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You continue talking with him, suggesting that he keep her locked in her belt except when he unlocks her for fun together. You give him some suggestions on how to use the hope of an orgasm, or the threat of withholding one, to help train her. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt or setup.haveInventory("sex toys", "chastity belt") or $PlayerChastityPiercing or setup.haveInventory("piercings", "chastity piercing")>> You have plenty of first-hand experience with how effective it can be. <<elseif $PlayerItemNerdKey>> You've seen first-hand how effective it can be with Peter. <<else>> You've read about just how effective it can be. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I assume she's dropped any thoughts of changing back in four years," you say. "I could tell from the beginning that was only something she thought she wanted anyway. So, I wouldn't worry too much about the condoms when you do unlock her. It's better if you and her both enjoy those rare times as much as possible. It's up to you though. Trust me, she's going to be far to horny to care. Like I said earlier, there's always options if she gets pregnant." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wave across the cafe to Bailey to let her know to rejoin the table [[for the rest of the conversation|Part15BuddyPart2ChastityBoyfriend2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Handing over Bailey's key</h1> "Here you go," you say as you hand the key to Bailey's chastity belt over to Caleb. "Have fun." The two of them are eager to leave at that point and quickly say their goodbye's and leave the cafe. You are there alone, imagining how their afternoon is going to go. <video src="Part15/Buddy31.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<unset $PlayerItemBuddyKey>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wonder if he's going to make sure she's bound and helpless before he unlocks her like you suggested. You know how much it would excite her knowing that he could stop at any moment, and she'd be powerless to finish herself, or to stop him from putting the belt back on her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Though you know, with as submissive as she is, it probably doesn't matter. Even if she's unlocked, all he'll have to do is to tell her to put the belt back on, and she will. You could tell as you handed over the key what she was excited about, more than even the hope for an orgasm today, was knowing it'd be him controlling her orgasms now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you leave the cafe, you know that whatever happens to you over the [[next week|Part15Week]], it probably won't compare to the fun the two of them will be having. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating("Bailey")>> <<include [[Part15BuddyPart3Dating]]>> <<elseif $BuddyDating == "Caleb">> <<include [[Part15BuddyPart3Boyfriend]]>> <<elseif $BuddyDating>> <<include [[Part15BuddyPart3Girlfriend]]>> <<elseif $BuddyLesbian>> <<include [[Part15BuddyPart3Lesbian]]>> <<elseif $BuddyPeterChastity>> <<include [[Part15BuddyPart3Chastity]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part15BuddyPart3General]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Keeping Bailey entertained</h1> You had promised Bailey an evening of fun <<if $BuddyChastity>> fun, free from her belt, <<else>> fun <</if>> tonight. But then one of your professors gave a big assignment that you'll have to spend most of the evening working on. With a bit of thinking you figured out a way to keep Bailey happy and occupied while you work on your assignment. <</nobr>> <img src="Part15/Buddy49.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <<nobr>> After you have her bound, and unable to move, you <<if $BuddyChastity>> take off her chastity belt and <</if>> start making out. Her moans as your finger slides between her lips and across her clit make you want to keep going. But you stop before she cums. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Her whimper of frustration is muted by the gag you put in her mouth, though you can still hear her yelp when you attach the clamps to her nipples. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Like I said, I have a bunch of work to do, so you'll just have to stay there until I'm finished," you tell her. "But don't worry, I have something here to keep you entertained." You then position the wand vibrator between her legs against her lips and turn it on. You put some earbuds in her ears for her, with her favorite music playing. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> On the low setting you have, you know it keep her horny and eager for more, but definitely not be able to orgasm. With her secure, you turn around to the desk and get to work. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your work is occasionally interrupted by a needy groan that escapes her gag, or by frustrated bucking against the bed, but it only makes you smile when it does. A few times, when you need a break from your work you turn back to Bailey. You turn up the vibrator and watch her pleasure build as your hands roam her body. You are careful to keep from leaving the the vibrator on high too long though. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When your work is finally done, you can focus the rest of the evening on Bailey like you had planned. Taking out her earbuds and then turning up the wand to its highest settings, you ask her. "Ok, now that my work is done it's time to let you orgasm. How many would you like?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She answers, but you reply back, "That's nice, but you're going to have quite a few more than that before I'm done with you." You then take the wand in your hand, and part her lips with your other hand so you can press the wand right against her clit. You then move your hand to the chain connecting the nipple clamps. You give it a tug and say, "Many, many more than that." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> In the end, you lose count, but eventually you turn off the vibrator and give Bailey a moment to recover. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> "I wish I could do that to you," she says. "I'd love to watch you cum again and again." <<else>> Then you take off her gag and tell her, "My turn now." She quickly gets to work on you once you straddle across her face. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Later, after you too are done with your fun and Bailey is <<if $BuddyChastity>> untied and back in her chastity belt, <<else>> untied, <</if>> you get an email from your professor to the entire class. "Sorry, I just realized I had the wrong date on the assignment I gave out. It's not due..." You laugh as you realize you know have a whole extra week to work on it now that it's no longer due [[this week|Part15Week]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Talking with Bailey</h1> When you meet with Bailey, you start talking and seeing how things are going for her since you'd last met. "Things are going great," she tells you. She talks a bit about classes and new friends, but soon her discussion turns to her <<if $CampusMinistry>> romantic life. You are a little uncomfortable, but try to be a good listener anyway. But as she starts to describe her sex life, you find yourself picturing it vividly in your mind. When she sees your interest, she start going into more detail. <<else>> sex life. You listen with great interest as she tells you about it. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Buddy45.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I knew, or at least I assumed, that orgasms as a woman would be amazing. And they are," she says, smiling. But I hadn't anticipated how much fun I'd have getting guys off too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "When I realized I was in to guys, mainly anyway, I figured I'd give my share of blowjobs. But I thought it'd just be a bit of foreplay until he was hard and horny and ready to fuck me. And sometimes it is. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "But other times, I get so into it that I don't want to stop. I see him looking down at me, with his eyes begging me to keep going and I can't help but continue. You know what I mean, right?" When she sees look on your face she adds, <<if !setup.haveFucked()>> "Oh yeah, I guess not. But maybe someday you will, after you meet the right man. Especially when you see how happy it makes him. <<elseif !setup.haveFuckedMale()>> "Oh yeah, I guess not. <<else>> "I thought so. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I love when I start to feel their cock twitch and then that warm cum hits my tongue. Six months ago, I never would have imagined I'd be talking with someone about how much I love sucking a guy's cock and swallowing, but I really do. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Of course another fun part of getting him off with a blowjob first, is that when he's ready to go again, he'll last longer. I just need to have him watch me play with myself a bit, and soon he's eager to go again, and [[I'm wet and waiting|Part15BuddyPart3General2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>More stories from Bailey</h1> From they way she was talking about 'guys' generally, you assume she's hasn't been seeing just one person. "Oh no, I've been fucking lots of different guys. How best to figure out what I like, right?" she asks with a smile. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Buddy46.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "One thing I've figured out I really like, is getting fucked by two guys at once," she says, causing you to <<if $CampusMinistry>> blush a bit. <<else>> smile. <</if>> "If they have me at either end... 'spit-roasting' it's called, it's great. I get to suck a cock, and get fucked at the same time. What could be better than that?" She pauses for a moment and adds, "Well, when they've fucked my ass and pussy at the same time, that was pretty amazing too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "But I think my exploring has paid off. I've figured out what I like best, and [[found someone I really like|Part15BuddyPart3General3]]" <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Hearing what Bailey likes the most</h1> <<set $BuddyDating to "Caleb">> <<set $tempBaileyNewBoyfriend to 1>> <<if $BuddyAbortion>> <<set $BuddyAbortion += 1>> <<else>> <<set $BuddyAbortion = 1>> <</if>> "I've figured out that what I like the most was when a guy held me down. Holding my wrists to the bed when was on top of me, or my hands behind my back if he was fucking me from behind." Her eyes stare off into the distance a bit as she describes the guy she's met holding her down and fucking her ass. <</nobr>> <video src="Part15/Buddy47.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<nobr>> "I can't normally get off from anal," she <<if $CampusMinistry>> says, making you blush again. <<else>> says. <</if>> "But that time I sure did. Him holding my arms so I couldn't move, slapping my ass, calling me his 'dirty little whore'... <<if $RapistRaped>> Oh god... I'm sorry, I'm doing it again," she says worried she's going to give you another claustrophobic panic attack. <br><br> "Oh it's ok," you tell her. "My claustrophobia hasn't been bothering me as much lately. And it clear sounds like you enjoyed it." <br><br> "Oh, I definitely did," she confirms. "Anyway, <<else>> It all pushed me over the top. <</if>> I started seeing just Caleb not long after that." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Not just because of the sex," she adds. "I mean the sex is amazing, but we have a real connection too." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I enjoyed the fun I had before I met Caleb too, but there was a downside. I ended up <<if $BuddyPermanent>> pregnant again. A trip back to the clinic took care of it though. <<else>> pregnant. I went down to the clinic and took care of it though. But of course that means this is my body forever now. But, I'm actually happy about that, not upset like I thought I'd be. <<set $BuddyPermanent to 1>> <</if>> [[Caleb and I use condoms now|Part15BuddyPart3Boyfriend]]. So hopefully that will be the last time I need to get an abortion." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Talking with Bailey</h1> <img src="Part15/Buddy42.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <<set $BuddyCondoms to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $tempBaileyNewBoyfriend>> She talks for a bit about how sweet and thoughtful $BuddyDating is outside the bedroom, but soon her discussion turns back to the bedroom. <br><br> <<else>> When you meet with Bailey, you start talking and seeing how things are going with her and $BuddyDating. "They are going great!" she says excitedly. She talks for a bit about how sweet and thoughtful he is outside the bedroom, but soon her discussion turns to inside the bedroom. <<if $CampusMinistry>>You are a little uncomfortable, but try to be a good listener anyway.<</if>> <br><br> <</if>> "I had been a little worried at first when they told me about how submissive I'd be. But I love it! When $BuddyDating ties me to the bed, with my arms cuffed to to the headboard, my breasts are exposed and he can do whatever he wants to them, and I can't stop him. And with my ankles cuffed to the other end of the bed, making my legs spread out for him... <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Of course I want everything he does to me, but knowing I couldn't stop him if I wanted to makes it so much hotter for me." <<if $BuddyChastity>> <br><br> She smiles and adds, "Though sometimes I want him to do much more than he does. Sometimes he'll tease me right to edge and stop. Then he'll put my belt back on me and order me to suck his cock." <br> <img src="Part15/Buddy44.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <br> "I want him inside me so bad right then, but he says that just makes my blowjob even better. I do know I love the feeling of his cock as he starts to cum even more than normal, and the taste of it too." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if either(0,1,2,3,4,5) == 0 and !$tempBaileyNewBoyfriend>> <<if $BuddyAbortion>> <<set $BuddyAbortion += 1>> <<else>> <<set $BuddyAbortion = 1>> <</if>> "We did have a bit of an issue a couple weeks back. We normally use condoms, but we must have forgotten once or twice. And I got <<if $BuddyPermanent>> pregnant again. A trip back to the clinic took care of it though." <<else>> pregnant. I went down to the clinic and took care of it though. But of course that means this is my body forever now. But, I'm actually happy about that, not upset like I thought I'd be." <<set $BuddyPermanent to 1>> <</if>> <br><br> <<else>> "How are things going with you," she asks. <</if>> <<unset $tempBaileyNewBoyfriend>> The two of you chat a bit more before you have to head off to class. "[[Have a fun week|Part15Week]]," she tells you. "I know I will." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Talking with Bailey</h1> <<set $BuddyDating to "Ava">> <<set $tempBaileyNewGirlfriend to 1>> When you meet with Bailey, you start talking and seeing how things are going for her since you'd last met. "Things are going great," she tells you. She talks a bit about classes and new friends, but soon her discussion turns to her <<if $CampusMinistry>> romantic life. You are a little uncomfortable, but try to be a good listener anyway. But as she starts to describe her sex life, you find yourself picturing it vividly in your mind. When she sees your interest, she start going into more detail. <<else>> sex life. You listen with great interest as she tells you about it. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobBartender or $JobBartenderGirls or $JobBartenderGuys or $JobBartenderBi or $JobBartenderSub or $JobBartenderDom>> "I saw you at the bar the other night with Ava," you say referring to the cute sophomore that been a regular there off and on. "Are you two an item now?" <br><br> She confirms that they are and <<else>> "I met someone special," she tells you. "Her name is Ava, she a sophomore, and she's amazing." Bailey <</if>> then starts excitedly telling you about their relationship. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After going on for a while about their common interests, how they met, and their future together, Bailey starts talking about their sex life. "It's so wonderful. She knows how my body works better than I do, and knows just what to do to make me cum and cum and cum." <<if $CampusMinistry>> You blush a bit but keep listening, imagining it all in great detail. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'd never imagined sex could be so gentle and sweet," Bailey says with a smile. "But there's nothing better than spending all afternoon beside Ava cuddling, making out, and getting each other off." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part6/Bar2a.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "It's [[not always all soft and gentle|Part15BuddyPart3Girlfriend]] though," she clarifies. "Maybe it's that submissive side they said I'd have, but I also love it when Ava puts her hand on my throat and holds me down and me cum when I can barely breathe." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Buddy2.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Talking with Bailey</h1> <<if $tempBaileyNewBoyfriend>> She talks for a bit about how sweet and thoughtful $BuddyDating is outside the bedroom, but soon her discussion turns back to the bedroom. <br><br> <<else>> When you meet with Bailey, you start talking and seeing how things are going with her and $BuddyDating. "They are going great!" she says excitedly. She talks for a bit about how sweet and thoughtful she is outside the bedroom, but soon her discussion turns to inside the bedroom. <<if $CampusMinistry>>You are a little uncomfortable, but try to be a good listener anyway.<</if>> <br><br> <</if>> "I had been a little worried at first when they told me about how submissive I'd be. But I love it! When $BuddyDating ties me to the bed, with my arms cuffed to to the headboard, my breasts are exposed and my legs are spread out, I feel so vulnerable. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part15/Buddy48.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "When I'm close to an orgasm, I feel even more helpless, knowing she could stop at any time. And sometimes she does, climbing on top of me so I can eat her out. Or she makes me suck her strapon instead of fucking me with it, just to tease me even more. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "But usually she lets me cum. And I cum so hard when I'm like that, tied and helpless and knowing she can keep going as long as she wants. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Then when it's her turn, and I'm the one getting her off, it's even more fun." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The two of you chat a bit more before you have to head off to class. "[[Have a fun week|Part15Week]]," she tells you. "I know I will." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Bailey new necklace</h1> When you meet up with Bailey again, the first thing you notice is her new necklace. Her other friends may think it's just decorative, but you know it's a real key and exactly the kind of lock it fits. <br> <img src="Part15/Buddy43.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <<set $BuddyDating to "Aidan">> <<set $BuddyCondoms to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You talk with her a bit about the guy, $BuddyDating, who gave her the key, when he turned control of his cock over to Bailey, and if she's let him orgasm since then. Then you comment, "I new you had fun before with Peter, but I wasn't sure if it'd be something you'd be into. I thought you might want to be controlled more than being the one in charge. Maybe that submissive side effect they mentioned to you wasn't as severe as they thought." <</nobr>> <img src="Part15/Buddy41.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <<nobr>> "Oh no," she corrects you. "I'm definitely just as submissive as they said I'd be. I love being tied up and helpless. I cum so hard when a guy fucks me like that" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh, so do you switch things up?" you ask, trying to work out how she reconciles the two interests she has. "You keep his cock locked up for a while, then let him ravish you when you finally unlock him?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "No," she says. "But that sounds really fucking hot. Not letting him cum for weeks or months. Then when he's insanely horny have him tie me up. Maybe I could hide the key and make $BuddyDating 'torture' it out of me. Then he'd fuck me so long and so hard and I'd have to take whatever he wanted to do to me. I'll definitely do that whenever I decide to let him cum," she twirls his key between her fingers as she says the last part of that. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well, he'd fuck you hard. But I'm not sure about how long it'd be," you joke. "After months in chastity, he'll probably cum in no time." She laughs at your joke, but you realize you still don't know how she's exploring her submissive side and [[ask her to explain|Part15BuddyPart3Chastity2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Bailey explaining her </h1> "No., I keep $BuddyDating locked up," Bailey says as she taps the key. "There are more than enough other guys eager to tie me up and fuck me senseless." <br> <img src="Part15/Buddy42.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<if either(0,1,2,3,4,5) == 0>> <<set $BuddyPregnant to $BuddyDating>> <<elseif either(0,1,2,3,4,5) == 0>> <<set $BuddyPregnant to "Some Guy">> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "But I don't leave $BuddyDating out completely," she say. "I usually bring him home a little souvenir." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part15/Buddy40.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I keep the condom the guy filled inside me, and then tie it to $BuddyDating's cock cage," she says smiling. "Though so far I've just made him wear it the rest of the night." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She thinks for a moment then continues, "But after what you were saying, I have another idea. I think I'll make him wear it until he has... I don't know, five, or maybe ten. Then I'll let him 'cash them in' for a tease session. The whole time until then, he'll have to feel it hanging there, move it out of the way when he pees. It'll constantly remind him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Then maybe after four teases, the fifth time I'll do the thing you said earlier, and let him tie me up." She smiles, then adds, "Of course, I'll make sure to cancel some of the teases, or make him start back over, or otherwise penalize him if he doesn't behave perfectly." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You smile and tell her that sounds like a fun plan. Then you ask how everything else is going. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $BuddyPregnant>> <<if $BuddyAbortion>> <<set $BuddyAbortion += 1>> <<else>> <<set $BuddyAbortion = 1>> <</if>> "Everything's fine now," she tells you. <<if $BuddyPregnant == $BuddyDating>> "Though I had a bit of an issue a couple weeks back. Before I'd locked $BuddyDating's cock up, we'd had sex. And we didn't use a condom. And I got <<else>> "Though I did have a bit of an issue a couple weeks back. One of the guys I'd been with... He took the condom off and fucked me without one. I didn't know it until afterwards. He said it came off on accident, but I don't believe him. <br><br> "Anyway, I ended up <</if>> <<if $BuddyPermanent>> pregnant again. A trip back to the clinic took care of it though." <<unset $BuddyPregnant>> <<else>> pregnant. I went down to the clinic and took care of it though. But of course that means this is my body forever now. But, I'm actually happy about that, not upset like I thought I'd be." <<unset $BuddyPregnant>> <<set $BuddyPermanent to 1>> <</if>> <br><br> <<else>> "Everything's been going great," she tells you. <</if>> The two of you chat a bit more before you have to head off to class. "[[Have a fun week|Part15Week]]," she tells you. "I know I will." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $tempMajorChange>> <h1>Changing Majors</h1> You've decided to change majors. Hopefully changing now won't delay your graduation any. <<else>> <h1>Choosing a Major</h1> It's your sophomore year now, and while you've definitely thought about it before now, it's time to finalize your choice of a major. Of course you could always change it later, but that would probably mean graduating later and you don't want that. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Major1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="330"> <<if $Engaged == "Andrew">> Of course you once you are married, you expect Andrew will be making enough that you wouldn't even need to work outside the home. But you might still want to, so you should pick a major still. But it's probably safe to pick something you enjoy, and not really worry about how much it pays. <<elseif $Engaged>> Once you and $Engaged are married, you'll both be brining money in, so you are probably safe picking something you know you'll enjoy, and not worrying as much about how much it pays. <<elseif $ProfessorAllowance and setup.areDating('Aaron')>> You hope someday you and Aaron will be married, and he'll be paying most of the bills while you take care of him and the house. But he hasn't proposed yet. Besides he's always talking about how important your education is. <<elseif $PlayerMother>> You're going to be taking care of <<print $children[0].name>>, so you'll probably want to choose something that pays well enough for a single mom. <</if>> <<if $JobEngineer or $JobEngineerLock>> <br><br> <img src="Part15/Major2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> You enjoy your work as an engineer. <<if $JobEngineerLock>> Well, you enjoyed it a lot more before your current "penetration testing" assignment. But even with that, you find the technical challenge of it rewarding. You'd just enjoy it much more if you could orgasm when you wanted. <<else>> You love the technical challenge of it. Finding some problem, then working on it and solving it. The fact that it's with toys and devices to give pleasure, or to withhold it, only makes it more fun. <</if>> <br><br> You're obviously going to go with something in Engineering. For now the Math and general Engineering classes are mostly the same regardless of your focus. So you can specify an exact focus area later. But you already know it'll be some mix of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, since that's what your work in the lab focuses on. <<set $Major to "Engineering">> <br><br> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <<elseif $JobCheerleader or $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>> <br><br> <img src="Part15/Major3.jpg" hspace="30" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> You enjoy cheerleading, but you know there aren't that many jobs as professional cheerleaders. You aren't holding out any hopes of continuing after college. <br><br> Most of your general classes are out of the way, so you'll have to decide on a major. <<include [[Part15MajorChoose]]>> <<elseif $JobAthlete and $BodyType == 'Fit'>> <br><br> <img src="Part15/Major7.jpg" hspace="30" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <br><br> You know a career as a professional athlete might be possible, but you definitely need a backup plan in case that doesn't work out. <br><br> Most of your general classes are out of the way, so you'll have to decide on a major. <<include [[Part15MajorChoose]]>> <<elseif $JobAthlete>> <br><br> You certainly enjoy being a student athlete. <br><br> <img src="Part15/Major8.jpg" hspace="30" vspace="10" height="550"> <br><br> But you also know there's little chance of you making a career out of it. You'll need to figure out something else to do after college. <br><br> Most of your general classes are out of the way, so you'll have to decide on a major. <<include [[Part15MajorChoose]]>> <<elseif $JobFitnessYoga>> <br> You've enjoyed your work as a yoga instructor. <br> <img src="Part15/Major5.jpg" hspace="30" vspace="10" height="450"> <br> Though with the uncertain you have hanging of you and your class's future, you aren't sure you want to make a career out of it. Or if you do, you want it to be on your own terms, where you decide what classes to offer or not. <br><br> You don't really need a degree to teach yoga anyway, so you decide a [[Business|Part15MajorBusiness]] would be pefect. You already know the yoga, with a business degree maybe you can learn how to run the business. Then you'd be all set to start your own yoga studio after you graduate. <br><br> And even if you decide to do something else, it should provide a lot of flexiblity to try something different. <<elseif $JobFitnessMassage>> <br> You've enjoyed your work in the fitness center. <br> <video src="Part15/Major4.webm" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <br> You could always pick "Health Sciences" and become a massage therapist or maybe even a physical therapist. Then you could work as a real therapist during the day, and then pick up some extra money doing more fun sessions in your free time. <br><br> Or maybe you'd like to do something different after college. <<include [[Part15MajorChoose]]>> <<elseif $JobLibrary>> <br> <img src="Part15/Major6.jpg" hspace="30" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <br> You've enjoyed your work a a librarian. "Library Science" is an option you could choose. Of course most libraries aren't going to be as flexible about your after-hours behavior as the university library. But you've found you can be quite convincing with your boss when you want to be, so maybe you can negotiate some fexibility wherever you end up. <br><br> Or maybe you'd like to do something different after college. <<include [[Part15MajorChoose]]>> <<elseif $JobTestSubject or $JobBetaTester>> <br><br> <img src="Part15/Major9.jpg" hspace="30" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <br><br> It's not like you can keep being a 'tester' for the engineering department after graduation, even if you wanted to. And having a job that didn't take control of your orgasms would be nice anyway. <<if $JobBarista>> And you don't want to be a barista the rest of your life either. <</if>> You'll need to figure out what you want to do after college. <br><br> Most of your general classes are out of the way, so you'll have to decide on a major. <<include [[Part15MajorChoose]]>> <<elseif $JobModel>> <br><br> <img src="Part15/Fashion1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<set $Major to "Fashion Design">> <br><br> You are making your money from modeling now, but you assume that won't last forever. But spending as much the time as you are, working in the fashion industry, you've developed an interest in it. So you've settled on [[Fashion Design|Part15FashionDesign]] as your major. <<elseif $JobOffice or $JobOfficePA or $JobOfficeManager or $JobOfficeIntern>> <br><br> <img src="Part15/Major10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <br><br> You've enjoyed working in an office, and want to continue doing that after college. You've decided to major in Business Administration. You'll figure out whether you'll go with finance, accounting, or something else later. For now the classes are all the same anyway. <<set $Major to "Business">> <br><br> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <<elseif $JobBarista or $JobBikiniBarista>> <br><br> <<if $JobBikiniBarista>> <img src="Part15/Major11.jpg" hspace="30" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<else>> <img src="Part15/Major12.jpg" hspace="30" vspace="10" height="550"> <</if>> <br><br> You don't plan on being a barista forever. So you'll need to figure out what you want to do after college. <br><br> Most of your general classes are out of the way, so you'll have to decide on a major. <<include [[Part15MajorChoose]]>> <<elseif $JobBartender or $JobBartenderGirls or $JobBartenderGuys or $JobBartenderBi or $JobBartenderSub or $JobBartenderDom>> <br><br> <img src="Part15/Major13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <br><br> As much fun as your job can be sometimes, you don't plan on tending bar forever. So you'll need to figure out what you want to do after college. <br><br> Most of your general classes are out of the way, so you'll have to decide on a major. <<include [[Part15MajorChoose]]>> <<elseif $JobCallGirl>> <br><br> <img src="Part15/Major10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <br><br> You make more as a call girl than you could probably make at any other job you'd choose. But you have to pick something, and you're going to want something to tell family and friends that don't know what you really do for a living. The more you think about it the more a business major appeals to you. <br><br> You'll choose the university's "Small Business / Entrepreneur" focus, which you suppose is what you'll be after all. It'll give you something to tell people now, and it'll help you manage the money side of the job. And who knows, maybe when you're older and don't want to see clients as much anymore, you could start your could start your own placement service instead. <<set $Major to "Business">> <br><br> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <<else>> <br><br> Most of your general classes are out of the way, so you'll have to decide on a major. <<include [[Part15MajorChoose]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <br><br> You look through the options the university has and a few interest you: <ul> <li>[[Agriculture|Part15MajorAgriculture]]</li> <li>[[Business|Part15MajorBusiness]]</li> <<if ($dating.length or $Engaged or $Spouse) and !setup.haveGirlfriend() and $tempFamilySize != 'NoKids'>> <li>[[Child Care|Part15MajorChildCare]]</li> <</if>> <li>[[Criminal Justice|Part15MajorCCJ]]</li> <li>[[Education|Part15MajorEducation]]</li> <<if $Spouse != "Andrew">> <li>[[Fashion Design|Part15FashionDesignClean]]</li> <</if>> <<if $Spouse != "Andrew">> <li>[[Health Sciences|Part15MajorHealth]]</li> <</if>> <li>[[Library Science|Part15MajorLibrary]]</li> <<if !$PlayerLazyStudent>> <li>[[Nursing|Part15MajorNursing]]</li> <</if>> </ul> The university has a few more that you've decided against: <br><br> Arts: You aren't interested in being an Art major. <<if $JobArtFormer>> You've had enough of the art world already. <<else>> You've never really had much talent in that area. <</if>> <br><br> <<if (!$dating.length and !$Engaged and !$Spouse) or setup.haveGirlfriend() or $tempFamilySize == 'NoKids'>> Child Care: <<if $children.length>> You do this already, without a degree. As a single mom, you need something that that pays better than this will. <<elseif $tempFamilySize == 'NoKids'>> You can't imagine spending all day taking care of a dozen screaming toddlers. <<else>> You've seen what child care workers make. Maybe someday you'll want to take care of your own children, but you certainly are going to spend two and half more years learning how to take care of other people's kids. <</if>> Besides, you don't need a degree for this, do you? <br><br> <</if>> <<if $Spouse == "Andrew">> Fashion Design - You love wearing it, but designing isn't really your thing. Besides you know a job in the fashion industry would have you travelling all over the world, and away from Andrew. And you don't want that. <br><br> Health Sciences - <<if $PlayerLazyStudent>> Some people think it's a blow-off degree, but you've seen the course requirements. It's not as bad as Nursing, but you'd be spending all your time studying anatomy and what-not, and not be able to spend enough time with Andrew. At at then, for what, to be a personal trainer or something? <<else>> If you are going to spend years studying anatomy and everything else, you'd rather go all the way and get a nursing degree instead. <</if>> <br><br> <</if>> <<if !$EngineeringShutdown>> Math/Computer Science/Engineering - You aren't interested in being a Computer, Math, or Engineering major. <<if !$PlayerGoodStudent>>That sounds way too hard<</if>> <</if>> <<if $PlayerLazyStudent>> <br><br> Nursing - You'd looked into the classes they have to take. While it's not as bad as for doctors, or as long, but you know you aren't the best student. You rather enjoy your remaining time at the university, rather than be over your head and fail out. <</if>> <br><br> Philosophy - You feel like you'd never get a job with this major. <br><br> Pre-law or Pre-med - <<if $PlayerGoodStudent>> You aren't sure if you could handle law or medical school, and you are positive you don't want to be in school that long. <<else>> You doubt you'd even be able to get into law or medical school after graduation, let alone pass. <</if>> <br><br> Science - You've quickly learned science at university is much harder than it was in high school. You don't know what you'd do with a Biology, Chemistry, or Physics degree unless you went on to get a Doctorate, <<if $PlayerGoodStudent>> and you aren't wanting to be in school that long. <<else>> and there's not much chance of that happening <</if>> <br><br> Women's studies - You aren't sure of the job market. And whether it's true or not, you feel like you'd be at a disadvange over the natural-born women studying this. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $Spouse == "Andrew">> [[Continue|AndrewNoKidsSchool2]]. <<else>> <<include [[Part15BackToMain]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Agriculture Science Major</h1> <img src="Part15/Major14.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <<set $Major to "Agriculture">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your college friends joked a bit when they found out you were planning on majoring in Agricultural Stuides. "You don't need to go to college to be a farmer!" they said and laughed. They are all from big cities, and are probably thinking of farming like it was when your grandfather or great-grandfather started farming. But things have changed a lot since then. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $Spouse == "Andrew">> Before you met Andrew, you had thought about working on your grandfathers farm. All the technology in farming now is a bit overwhelming for him. And he's looking to retire soon. But that's no really in the cards anymore. Andrew's job is in the city, not on a small town farm. <br><br> Still, you can spend some time helping your grandfather bring his farm into the 21st century. And then maybe help him find someone to take over the day-to-day operations of the farm. Either that or see if he wants to either sell the farm or look to pass it on to one of his other grandchildren. <br><br> While working on his farm is off the table for you, there are certainly ag jobs in the city. The Big Ag companies sometimes get a bad reputation, but they're always hiring and pay well. Plus there's plenty of small startups in that space too, and you wouldn't really be worried about them going under as much since you don't really need the money. <br><br> You can worry about where you'll work later. But you've always imagined a job where you'd be helping to feed the world, and that's exactly what you plan on doing after you graduate. <<else>> Your grandfather has struggled to keep up with all the technology in farming now. He's avoided using drones or satelites to map his fields like you've talked to him about, even though you know he could use the information to choose what to plant where, and to make him more money. He certainly wasn't happy when he replaced his aging combine and his new one was "more computer than tractor". <br><br> You know your grandfather has been wanting to retire for a while. He had originally planned on passing the farm down to your dad, but your dad had ended up with an office job, and no interest in farming. When you were growing up, and much more interested in farming, he had been excited. You and him had talked about maybe helping him out on the farm after college, and then taking over once you were ready. <br><br> Of course, that all had been before your change. You wonder if he's going to feel the same about his granddaughter taking over as he did about his grandson. Luckily he's more open minded than your mom's dad, so it'll probably be ok. <br><br> Your are glad that you are mostly done with your general classes. You are sure you'll do much better now that your classes are in thing you are actually interested in, and that you know you'll be using. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15MajorChosen]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Business Major</h1> <img src="Part15/Major10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<set $Major to "Business">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $Spouse == "Andrew">> A lot of the other students in your major seem to have plans to work for one big, nameless corporation or another after graduation. You plan on working on getting a job at your father-in-law's company. Hearing Andrew talk about it all the time, has you wanting to work at the head office too. <br><br> You know the HR rules mean you wouldn't be able to work for Andrew directly. So you being his sexy and naughty secretary will have to stay a fantasy. But you'll still be able to see him often, and maybe have lunch together most days. <br><br> Regardless, you think you'll enjoy being a part of the same company he is. <<elseif $JobFitnessYoga>> A lot of the other students in your major seem to have plans to work for one big, nameless corporation or another after graduation. Though there are a few others, like you, with a more entrepreneurial mindset. Instead of lining some CEO's pocket after graduation, you'll be working for yourself. <br><br> You'll take the same marketing and accounting and most of the other classes with the future corporate drones. There's a few small business classes specific to your focus area, and you plan on paying extra attention during those. <br><br> You don't talk down your classmates with corporate plans though. In fact you plan on doing as much networking as you can. A few corporate clients, adding memberships to your studio as a corporate benefit, would really help get your studio off the ground. <br><br> So having a few friends on the inside might get you a foot in the door to talk to the right people when that time comes. And, who knows, if things don't work out the way you plan and you need something to fall back on, they could probably help you get a job too. <<else>> Some of your friends think working for some big corporation sounds horrible. But they can rant all they want about 'late-stage capitalism', or whatever. While they are struggling to figure out what to do with their Philosophy degree, you'll have a nice, steady job and will be paying your bills on time every month. <br><br> <<if $dating.length == 0>> They also like to joke about you trying to find some rich, <<if setup.isGoldStarLesbian()>>sexy<<else>>handsome<</if>> executive to snatch up, so you don't have to work at all. You don't tell them, but maybe there's a bit more truth to that than the rest of what they say. Though maybe you'd rather be the rich executive instead some day. <<else>> They also like to joke that it's just because $dating[0] thinks you look hot in heels and stockings. You usually laugh and tell them that they are half right. That is A reason, just not the only one. <</if>> <br><br> You'll figure out whether you'll go with finance, accounting, or something else later. For now the classes are all the same anyway. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15MajorChosen]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Child Care Major</h1> <img src="Part15/Major15.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<set $Major to "Child Care">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With a child care major, you know you'll be qualified if you want to be work at, or even run, a daycare. But what you think about much more than that is raising your and $dating[0]'s kids some day. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You also plan on working in some culinary and home economics classes too. Your mother had never bothered to teach you as much about running a household as she had your sister, so it's probably good to pick it up now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15MajorChosen]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Criminology and Criminal Justice Major</h1> <img src="Part15/Major16.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<set $Major to "Criminal Justice">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You aren't sure yet if you want to be in law enforcement, a probation officer, or maybe a private investigator. But you know Criminal Justice is what you want to major in. You can decide what you want to do with your degree later. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.haveFuckedVaginal('Police Officer')>> You wonder if you could get in touch with that officer you got to know so well on your way home last Christmas. Maybe he could give you some career advice, or give you a recommendation if you ever need one. <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Police Officer')>> You wonder if you could get in touch with one of the officers you got to know so well on your way home last Christmas. Maybe one of them could give you some career advice, or give you a recommendation if you ever need one. <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Campus Police Officer')>> You wonder if you should get in touch with one of the campus officers you got to know so well pledge week last year. Maybe one of them could give you some career advice, or give you a recommendation if you ever need one. <<else>> You know one of your sister's ex-boyfriends is an officer back home. Maybe you could give him a call if you ever need any career advice, or maybe a recommendation if you ever need one. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15MajorChosen]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Education Major</h1> <img src="Part15/Major17.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<set $Major to "Education">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've always thought about being a teacher. You aren't sure what grade level you are interested in, but you can decide that a bit later. You just know you want to teach, to be able to make an impact on a student's future, to help them grow to be the best person they can be. <<if setup.haveFucked('Mr. B')>> <br><br> Though you doubt you'll ever have as much impact on a student's life as Mr. B did on yours when he recommended you for the Student X-Change Program. You might want to ask him for some career advice some time. After your last visit together, you are positive he'd be excited to see you again. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> If it's going to be high school, then you'll have pick a subject to focus on as well. Well, and you'll probably also have to learn to deal with horny teenagers being 'hot for teacher' as well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wonder if maybe focusing on younger ages might be easier. You've also heard that focusing on special education can also be rewarding, if difficult at times. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15MajorChosen]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Health Sciences Major</h1> <img src="Part15/Major18.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<set $Major to "Health Sciences">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobFitnessMassage>> Of course you know how to make someone feel good on your massage table. But learning about how the body works, and how to actually help them heal from your touch would be even better. <br><br> Of course, having training and being qualified to have your own legitimate massage business would make it much easier to also have your more fun and profitable massage business right along side it. <br><br> Or maybe, you'll bore of giving happy endings and want to focus on <<if $BodyType == 'Fit'>> working as a personal trainer. <<else>> just the legitimate massage work. <</if>> <<elseif $JobFitnessYoga>> You enjoy teaching yoga, clothed or not. Learning about how the body works, and how to better help people improve their health and wellness would be even better. <br><br> With proper training you'll be able to get a job anywhere. But if you decide to go out on your own and start your own studio, then your 'Private Session' will probably be as popular as they are at school. Even if you want to keep it legal, there's nothing against the law about having fully nude yoga classes as long as you make sure your students are all adults. <<elseif $BodyType == 'Fit'>> Your body helps you stay fit, but you know it's not as easy for others. Learning more about nutrition, exercise, and how the body works could help you later if you want to be a personal trainer. <br><br> Your clients won't know how easy it comes to you, so your fit, toned body will be a walking advertisement for your skills as a trainer. And from what you know about guys, and excellent motivator for them as well. <<else>> You aren't sure exactly what you want to do after graduation. Whether it's as a personal trainer, as a massage therapist, <<if $BodyType != 'Plus'>> a fitness coach, a nutritionist, <</if>> or something else, you know you want to do something the health sciences. <br><br> Learning about how the body works and how to improve health and wellness will help you with any of them. You can worry about exactly what you want to do further on when you know more about the possibilities. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15MajorChosen]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Library Science Major</h1> <img src="Part15/Major19.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<set $Major to "Library Science">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobLibrary>> It's not all about sex in the stacks after dark, you also love <<else>> You love the thought of <</if>> helping people with whatever they are researching, helping everyone from students to professors find the information they need. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It could also be fun to work at a public library away from a university. You can imagine how rewarding it would be helping little kids learn to read, or even reading to the younger ones and helping them develop a love of books early on. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15MajorChosen]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Nursing Major</h1> <img src="Part15/Major20.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<set $Major to "Nursing">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know it's going to be a lot of hard work, but you know <<if $PlayerGoodStudent>> you are up to it. <<else>> it'll be worth it in the end. <</if>> The thought of being there taking care of patients in their moment of need, seems like it would be very rewarding. <<if !$dating.length>> Of course if you happened to meet a cute doctor in the process, that wouldn't be bad either. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Ever since you were little, you'd always dreamed of being a nurse, of caring for the sick or injured, of helping make people better. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know there are male nurses, but when you were little your friends would tease you. So you started saying you wanted to be a doctor instead. But then, and even more now, you'd much rather be a nurse. You want to be the one helping the patients directly instead of rushing from room to room and only seeing each patient for a few minutes. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15MajorChosen]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Studying Fashion Design</h1> <img src="Part15/Fashion7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<set $Major to "Fashion Design">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course your classes cover a wide range of styles and working with every sort of material, you are encouraged to find your own individual style as well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've found you like more traditional, feminine styles, but that you like to add something to them to make them more exciting. Usually it's something shiny and designed to show of the figure of the woman wearing it. The women love how sexy it makes them feel they were one of your creations, and the guys don't seem to mind them either. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15MajorChosen]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Studying Fashion Design</h1> <img src="Part15/Fashion2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course your classes cover a wide range of styles and working with every sort of material, you are encouraged to find your own individual style as well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your developing style focuses on shiny materials like latex and PVC, among others. And thankfully, the university has an ample supply available for you to work. But you aren't quite sure yet how you want to use it. You've experimented with it in a few ways already. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can take what might be a simple, but sexy outfit, and bring it to an entirely different level with a change of materials. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can also match basic daily clothes with something with a bit of shine, and add excitement to an otherwise mundane wardrobe. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But the more you experiment, the more you find that it's not just the look of your designs that you enjoy, but also [[they way you feel when you wear them|Part15FashionDesign2]]. <</nobr>> <img src="Part15/Fashion3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"><<nobr>> <h1>Enjoying the way you feel when you wear it</h1> <video src="Part15/Fashion4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The full-body designs often don't offer as much opportunity for creativity, but you enjoy them for other reasons. You love the feeling of latex, tight against your skin. When it's your whole body, and even your face, it's so much better. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> All your designs incorporate locking zippers, or other mechanisms that can be used to prevent the wearer from removing the suit by herself. Maybe it's the time you spent tied up for Ken, but you also love the feeling of helplessness you get when you wear one of your creations. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Locks at the neck means your suit and mask wouldn't come off until the key was returned to you. And maybe <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>>$dating[0]<<else>>he<</if>> might also lock the zipper between your legs too. Not only would that prevent you from having too much fun, it'd also mean you'd have to come begging to be unlocked even to use the bathroom. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> In addition to all that, you also love the feeling of anonymity you get when you are completely covered in latex. You aren't $playerName anymore, you are just a [[mouth to be used|Part15FashionDesign3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Testing your design</h1> <<if $dating.length == 0 or (setup.haveGirlfriend() and !setup.areDating('Bailey'))>> <video src="Part15/Fashion5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <<else>> <video src="Part15/Fashion6.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course just imagining what it would be like to be helpless isn't the same as truly being helpless. But luckily <<if setup.areDating('Bailey')>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(3, {sex:"female", name:"Bailey"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat:true})>> Bailey is able to help. You lock the zippers closed, and hand her the keys. Now you can really experience what it's like when you know you won't be able to remove anything until she allows it. <br><br> When she connects your wrist cuffs together behind your back, you are even more helpless. Of course as horny as you are by then, you eagerly pleasure her like she asks. And when she is satisfied and adds the gag and blindfold, you can only accept it and wonder how long until she returns. <br><br> And when she removes the gag and blindfold again, and you a hard cock she'd brought back for you, what choice do you have but to service him too. <br><br> Afterwards, when you talk with Bailey, to see if she enjoyed herself as much as you did, she has just one suggestion. "We need a second suit. I'd much rather be helpless beside you than in control. I'm sure we can find a guy willing to hold the keys for both of us." <<elseif $dating.length and setup.haveGirlfriend()>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(3, {sex:"female", name:$dating[0]})>> $dating[0] is able to help. You lock the zippers closed, and hand her the keys. Now you can really experience what it's like when you know you won't be able to remove anything until she allows it. <br><br> When she connects your wrist cuffs together behind your back, you are even more helpless. Of course as horny as you are by then, you eagerly pleasure her like she asks. And when she is satisfied and adds the gag, blindfold, collar and leash, you can only accept it and wonder where she is leading you. <br><br> She removes the gag and collar when you arrive, but you still can't see. <<if setup.sexMaleCount() > 0>> But you certainly know the difference between the way a dildo feels in your mouth and the way a real cock does. You are <<else>> But you think you can tell it's a dildo pushed into your mouth and not a real cock. Though some part of you is <</if>> disappointed that it's the dildo you feel pushed past your lips. You instinctively wrap them around it. <br><br> When you hear the machine start up and you feel the dildo begin to move in and out of your mouth, you realize where you are. She must have taken you to her friend from the engineering department. You wonder if it's just him and $dating[0] watching, or if all his friends are there too. <br><br> Though, it doesn't really matter. No matter how many people are there, all you can do is let the machine use your mouth for as long as they want it to. And if $dating[0] decides to let him and all his friends want to use your mouth too, there's nothing you can do to stop that either. <br><br> You ache for them to unlock and unzip the zipper between you legs. But you know if they did, they would see just how wet you are right now. <<elseif $dating.length>> $dating[0] is eager to help. You lock the zippers closed, and hand him the keys. Now you can really experience what it's like when you know you won't be able to remove anything until he allows it. <br><br> When he connects your wrist cuffs together behind your back, you are even more helpless. Of course as horny as you are by then, you eagerly pleasure him like he asks. And when he is satisfied, he leaves you cuffed and covered in his cum, and adds a gag and blindfold, as well. <br><br> You can't see where he is or what he is doing. All you can do is kneel and wait to be used again. But you don't have to wait all that long. This time he only takes off the gag, leaving you blindfolded. Your mind can't help but wonder if it's still $dating[0]'s cock in your mouth, or if he's decided to share you with his friends. <br><br> Whether it's still $dating[0] or not, you ache for him to unlock and unzip the zipper between you legs and fuck you. You know if he did, he would see just how wet and ready you already are. But you are just there to be used, you don't get to decide how you are used or for how long. <<set setup.addSexRepeat(6, {sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <<else>> you know a couple guys in the engineering department. They are eager to help you test out your creation while they test out theirs. <br><br> They have you blindfolded, with your wrists cuffs connected together behind you before leading you into the room with whatever machine they have created, so you never see it. But when you feel the dildo push past your lips you instinctively get to work on it. A moment later you hear the machine start and feel the dildo start moving in and out of your mouth. <br><br> How long their machine needs to be tested, what speed they want to set it for, or how deep they want it to go, all of it out of your control. You don't even know if it's just the two of them, or if they've called their whole team to watch. <br><br> You assume they've tested their machine enough when you hear it turn off. But they aren't done with you yet. The dildo in your mouth is soon replaced by a real cock. Maybe if they unlocked and unzipped the zipper between your legs and saw how wet and ready you are, they'd want to fuck you instead. But you are just there to be used, you don't get to decide how you are used or for how long. <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat:true})>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[Part15MajorChosen]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>To be continued...</h1> <</nobr>><<nobr>> You and Andrew had originally picked a date in early June, but had soon discovered that picking that date meant many of your friends from school wouldn't be able to attend. Looking for a date when your school friends, and your family, and Andrew's family can all make it, and the church is available, was a challenge. But you were able to find one - the Saturday after finals. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Standing around in the coffee shop all day was getting difficult, <<if $JobBikiniBarista>> <<set $JobBikiniBaristaFormer>> and you'd started to feel ridiculous in your bikini, <</if>> so you'd gone on maternity leave. But after you and Andrew talked about it more, you decided to let them know you wouldn't be coming back after the baby. Why spend all that time away from your baby when Andrew makes more than enough. <<unset $JobBarista>> <<unset $JobBikiniBarista>> <<set $JobHomemaker to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With the wedding preparations going on, you barely study for your finals at all and don't do very well. You still manage to pass all of your classes, except one. You get some sort of notice from the university the day after your exam <<if $AcademicProbation>> <<set $AcademicHold to 1>> telling you that you haven't been making satisfactory academic progress. It says that you have to meet with the dean's office immediately or you won't be able to enroll next semester. <<else>> <<set $AcademicProbation to 1>> telling you that you've been placed on "academic probation". It warns about further consequences if your grades don't improve next semester. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<unset $student>> <<set $Dropout to "Baby">> You've already decided that you won't be enrolling next semester anyway. You'll have a newborn to take care of by then, and would much rather be spending time with <<if !$BabyKnow>> him or her <<elseif $BabyBoy>> him <<else>> her <</if>> than sitting in some boring lecture hall. You delete the notice and get back to working with Faith on the final details for Saturday. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $tempFamilySize == 'NoKids'>> <<set $tempFamilySize to 'Small'>> Andrew is as shocked by the news as you were when you get home and share the big news with him. He quickly warms to the idea that he's going to be a father though. So quickly, in fact, that you suspect that may have been what he wanted, but he just said he didn't want kids because he knew that was what you had wanted. He's definitely agreeing with you stop, at least for now, after this one. <br><br> You and him discuss the wedding date, and check the availability for the venue you both want. You realize that the by the date you settle on, you'll be quite pregnant. But you don't mind. As long as you and Andrew are married before the baby is born, that's fine by you. <<elseif $PregnancySummer>> Andrew is as thrilled about the news as you are when you get home and share the big news with him. You and him discuss the wedding date, and check the availability for the venue you both want. You realize that the by the date you settle on, you'll be quite pregnant. But you don't mind. As long as you and Andrew are married before the baby is born, that's fine by you. <<else>> You and Andrew had settled on a date, picked a venue, and sent out all the invitations. At times you wonder if the two of you should have just eloped while you were on vacation, but seeing the excitement Faith, Cassie, and everyone else has for you, you are glad you didn't. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<unset $student>> <<set $Dropout to "Baby">> <<if $PregnancySummer>> After you'd gotten the big news, you decided to drop your classes before the semester started. You could have made through this semester before you deliver, but you don't see the point. You'll be giving birth next term, and then you'll <<else>> You didn't bother enrolling after the summer. You'll <</if>> have a newborn to take care of. And would much rather be spending time with <<if !$BabyKnow>> him or her <<elseif $BabyBoy>> him <<else>> her <</if>> than sitting in some boring lecture hall. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The months fly by though, and before you know it, it's the week of your wedding! Faith still has classes, so you you have to wait until she's out before you and her can go over the final details for the wedding next Saturday. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Getting Ready for the Big Day</h1> <img src="PartX/AndrewFamily1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<set $tempBabyNameBoys to ["Casey","Liam","Brandon","Wyatt","Eli"].map((name) => {return {name, sex:"male"}})>> <<set $tempBabyNameGirls to ["Hope","Delilah","Emma","Sophia","Mia"].map((name) => {return {name, sex:'female'}})>> <<set $tempBabyName to [$tempBabyNameBoys, $tempBabyNameGirls]>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<if $tempSummerEngaged>> <<include [[Part13AndrewEngagedSummer]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Part13AndrewEngagedWinter]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With all the excitement, you have a hard time getting to sleep Friday night, but you eventually manage. When you wake up the next morning, you can't believe the day has finally arrived! Faith is coming by to pick you up shortly. You remind Andrew that with your hair appointment and everything else, you won't see him again until the church. "I thought it was bad luck for me to see you at all today before then," he jokes. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well, I can think of one or two other things we are traditionally supposed to wait until [[after the ceremony|AndrewWedding]] for as well," you tease back. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>dropout<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>After the Ceremony</h1> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> <img src="PartX/AndrewFamily2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"> <<else>> <img src="PartX/AndrewFamily16.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"> <</if>> <<unset $Engaged>> <<set $Spouse to 'Andrew'>> <<if $Mentor == "Faith">> <<set $MaidOfHonor to "Faith">> <<else>> <<set $MaidOfHonor to "Bailey">> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After weeks and weeks of worrying, your wedding day has finally arrived, and everything is perfect! Your maid-of-honor, $MaidOfHonor, and your other friends from decorated the church wonderfully. <<if $PlayerPregnant>> You'd been worried about how you'd look in your dress this far along in your pregnancy, but everyone says you look radiant. <<else>> Everyone says you look radiant in your wedding dress. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You remember worrying early on about how your father would react to your <<if $PlayerPregnant>> pregnancy, and then <</if>> engagement, but he's fully adjusted to having two daughters now. He's thrilled to walk you down the aisle. As he does, you can't help but notice how handsome Andrew looks in his tuxedo. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You do your best to keep from crying and spoiling your makeup as you listen to the beautiful words Pastor Mark gives during the ceremony. You especially loved the part where he talked about how the miracles of modern science have allowed you and Andrew to experience God's miracle of life. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Everyone has a great time at the reception. <<if $PlayerPregnant>> Your legs quickly tire from dancing with Andrew and then your father You decide to let $MaidOfHonor and Cassie take your place for most of the rest of the dances you'd normally do. <<else>> You dance first with Andrew, then your father, and then for what seems like every other guy at the reception. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $Mentor != "Faith" and $FormerMentor != "Faith">> Andrew's friend <</if>> Faith is thrilled when she catches your bouquet. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your sister Cassie is clearly having a good time, you see her disappear for a while with one of Andrew's groomsmen. They both seem happy, if a bit dishevelled when they return. Even your brother is having a good time as you see him chatting with <<if $JobBikiniBaristaFormer>> your friend Mindy, who worked with you at the bikini coffee shop. <<elseif $JobBarista>> your friend Mindy, who worked with you at the coffee shop until she left to go to the bikini coffee shop. <<else>> Mindy, a friend you met through Andrew. She used to work at his coffee shop until she left to go to that bikini coffee shop. <</if>> You know Mindy well enough to know Dylan's is going to have a fun night. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $tempFamilySize == 'NoKids' and $PlayerPregnant>> Obviously the original plan of no kids at all is out the window. <<set $tempFamilySize to 'Small'>> <</if>> <<if $tempFamilySize == 'NoKids'>> You and Andrew aren't planning on having kids, <<if $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> so you are thankful for your implant's birth control feature. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionPermanent>> so hopefully your implants birth control feature will help with that in the future. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionPill>> so hopefully your birth control will help with that in the future. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionFertile>> though you wonder how successful you'll be with that plan considering how fertile you are. Hopefully condoms will be enough. <<unset $PlayProtectionTry>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionNone>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPill>> <<set $PlayerProtectionCondoms to 1>> <<else>> hopefully birth control will help with that in the future. <<unset $PlayProtectionTry>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionNone>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <<set $PlayerProtectionPill to 1>> <</if>> <<elseif $tempFamilySize == 'Small'>> You and Andrew aren't planning on a big family, so <<if $PlayerProtectionPermanent>> hopefully your implants birth control will be more effective in the future. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionPill>> hopefully your birth controls will be more effective in the future. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionFertile>> you plan to start using condoms after you deliver. <<unset $PlayProtectionTry>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionNone>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPill>> <<set $PlayerProtectionCondoms to 1>> <<else>> you talk to your doctor about starting birth control pills after you deliver. <<unset $PlayProtectionTry>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionNone>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <<set $PlayerProtectionPill to 1>> <</if>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerProtectionPermanent>> <<set $PlayerProtectionSilent to 1>> At some point you'll make a visit to the X-Change office to have them permanently deactivate the so-called birth control feature on your implant. You and Andrew are planning on having a large family and don't want anything getting in the way of that. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> You and Andrew are planning on having a large family. So now that you are married, the days of you asking him to pull out are over. Well, considering your current condition, they've actually been over for a while. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> You and Andrew are planning on having a large family. So now that you are married, the days of him using a condom are over. Well, considering your current condition, they've actually been over for a while. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionPill>> You and Andrew are planning on having a large family. You'll be tossing out your old birth control pills, if you can even find them again after so many months. <<else>> You and Andrew are planning on having a large family. You wonder how long your body will take to recover after this baby before you and Andrew can get started on your second. <</if>> <<set $PlayerProtectionSilent to 1>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPermanent>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPill>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As much fun as the reception is, you're exhausted by the time it's finally over, and glad when you and Andrew can finally <<if $PlayerPregnant>> [[escape off to your honeymoon|AndrewHoneymoonPregnant]] <<else>> [[escape off to your honeymoon|AndrewHoneymoon]] <</if>> <<if $JobBarista>> <<set $JobHomemaker to 1>> <<unset $JobBarista>> <<set $JobBaristaOld to 1>> <br><br> You and Andrew had already discussed it, and there's no need for you to keep your job at the coffee shop. It's getting hard to do it as pregnant as you are. And after the baby is born, you'll want to be home with him or her. <</if>> <<achievement>>married<</achievement>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Honeymoon</h1> <video src="PartX/BackHome24.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've been doing a lot of the planning for the wedding itself, getting Andrew's input and help when needed of course. Andrew took care of the planning for the honeymoon though. The first night is at a hotel near the reception you are thrilled as he carries you over the threshold into the beautiful honeymoon suite he booked. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/BackHome25.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You think he's trying to help you off with your wedding dress at first. But when you feel his tongue on your clit, you realize that's not why he's under there at all. You don't argue but just lay back and enjoy it. Eventually you move your dress out of the way so you can look into his eyes whenever he looks up at you. When your own eyes aren't rolling back that is. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/BackHome26.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After he's given you two orgasms, you feel it's time to take care of him. His cock was already struggling to stay contained in his pants. Once you free it, you take it into your mouth. You love the soft moan he makes as your lips slide down your husband's cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/BackHome27.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can't wait any longer. You remove your wedding dress finally, with Andrew's help. You wonder if the neighboring room can hear the moans and then screams you make when Andrew's cock slides into you, and the two of you have sex for the first time as husband and wife. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/BackHome28.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are both exhausted from the day's events, so you fall asleep after that. But after a flight the next day, the two of you have nearly two weeks at the resort he'd booked. You spend much of it in your room together, though you both do find time to enjoy the resort as well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Eventually though, it's time to [[head back home|AndrewNoKidsSchool]]. On the plane flight home, you try to think how many times you and Andrew had sex in the past two weeks. <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> You also try to think about how many of those times you didn't bother to use a condom. <<if $PlayerProtectionFertile>> You'll have to be more careful about that in the future. Though, you know where the clinic if that's needed when you get home, or anytime in the future for that matter. <<else>> You'll have to stop by the clinic when you get home to get on birth control pills. That will be much more reliable, and then you can feel Andrew every time, without anything between you. <<unset $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <<set $PlayerProtectionPill>> <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> You also try to think about how many of those times you and Andrew got caught up in the moment and he didn't pull out. <<if $PlayerProtectionFertile>> You'll have to be more careful about that in the future. Though, you know where the clinic if that's needed when you get home, or anytime in the future for that matter. And they can also take care of it if you ended up pregnant from the honeymoon. <<else>> You'll have to stop by the clinic when you get home to get on birth control pills. That will be much more reliable, and then you can feel Andrew cum inside you every time. You love that feeling almost as much as he does. And they can also take care of it if you ended up pregnant from the honeymoon. <<unset $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> <<set $PlayerProtectionPill>> <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerProtectionNone or $PlayerProtectionTry>> You and Andrew have decided against kids, <<if $PlayerProtectionFertile>> Though, you know where the clinic if that's needed when you get home, or anytime in the future for that matter. And they can also take care of it if you ended up pregnant from the honeymoon. <<else>> so you'll have to stop by the clinic when you get home to get on birth control pills. And they can also take care of it if you ended up pregnant from the honeymoon. <<unset $PlayerProtectionNone>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionTry>> <<set $PlayerProtectionPill>> <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerProtectionPerfect or $PlayerProtectionPermanent>> You are sure you'd have gotten pregnant these past two weeks if it wasn't for your implant and it's wonderful birth control feature. <<else>> You'll have to stop by the clinic when you get home, just to make sure you didn't get pregnant. They should be able to take care of it easily enough if you are. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Honeymoon</h1> <img src="PartX/AndrewFamily3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Thankfully, your slightly earlier wedding date made travel a little more convenient, but Andrew still kept the honeymoon plans close to home just in case. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's wonderful having Andrew off work, and all to yourself for a few days. You surprise him with a few special honeymoon outfits you'd purchases. You were thrilled when you'd seen that they'd still have something sexy for you to wear, even in your current condition. Andrew clearly loves it too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Walking too much isn't comfortable for you, so the two of you spend more time in the hotel room than you probably would on a normal vacation. Though obviously, that's not the only reason. You are pretty sure if you hadn't already been pregnant before the honeymoon, you certainly would have been after it. <</nobr>> <img src="PartX/AndrewFamily3a.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="420"> <<nobr>> Before you know it though, the trip is over and the two of you [[head home|AndrewProgress]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Progress Photos</h1> You love that Andrew is as excited about your pregnancy as you are. He's been taking pictures of you throughout your entire progress, and posts them so everyone can see how different you look each month. <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He also keeps another set of photos of your progress, but these are just for you and him. Well, mostly just you and him. You've let him share them online too, as long he edits your head out of the photos. <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> It excites you as you imagine others looking at your nude and growing body. It seems to excite Andrew too. <<else>> "It's just a natural part of life. There's nothing sexual about it," you tell yourself. You wonder why then does it turn you on so much imagining other people looking at the photos of your nude and growing body? <</if>> <</nobr>> <img src="PartX/AndrewFamily4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<nobr>> You wonder if you'll still be pregnant long enough for him to get another pair of photos, or if you'll go into labor before he has a chance for [[month nine|AndrewNearlyTime]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Nearly Time</h1> <video src="PartX/AndrewFamily5.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<if $BabyBoy or $BabyGirl>> <<if $BabyBoy>><<set $BabyGirl to 0>><</if>> <<else>> <<set $BabyGirl to either(0,1)>> <</if>> <<set $tempBaby to $tempBabyName[$BabyGirl].shift()>> <<unset $BabyBoy>> <<unset $BabyGirl>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know it's nearly time, you've had your hospital bag ready to go for weeks now. You feel like your baby isn't just kicking inside anymore, but has moved on to doing cartwheels. Sometimes when the baby starts, you'll call Andrew over and he'll sit there with you and watch as the baby moves around. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> That's not why you are yelling for Andrew today though. "It's time to go," you tell him as you feel [[your contractions start|AndrewLabor]]. He quickly grabs your bag and starts helping you out to the car. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Labor and Delivery</h1> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 0>> <<set $PlayerMother to 1>> <<unset $PregnancyCheck>> <<set $children.push($tempBaby)>> <<unset $tempBaby>> Andrew wasn't sure at first when you had told him you planned on delivering nude, but you reassured him that it was a common thing to do. After you told him about the benefits of skin-to-skin contact with the baby, and about how the gowns wouldn't be covering much anyway most of the time, he was less nervous about it. Of course you plan on putting one of the gowns on afterwards, before family starts coming to see you and the baby. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The labor goes on for hours. You'd wanted to "experience the natural joy of childbirth", you had told yourself beforehand, but now as the contractions get more intense, you start to question that. "Why the hell couldn't X-Change invent a 'painless childbirth' option!", you ask outloud. "Forget natural!", you tell the nurse, "I want an epideral!" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> A couple minutes later the doctor is telling you "There's no time for an epideral now. I'm going to need you to Push..." <</nobr>> <img src="PartX/AndrewFamily6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="340"> <<nobr>> It hurts worse than you'd ever imagined it would, but eventually it's over. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>mother<</achievement>> <<nobr>> Once you are holding your healthy, new <<if $children[0].sex == "male">> son, <<else>> daughter, <</if>> you know it was all worth it. As you hold <<if $children[0].sex == "male">>him<<else>>her<</if>> against you, you forget about the pain. <<if $BabyAdoption>> You and Andrew had long ago decided against adoption. Once you are holding your little <<if $children[0].sex == "male">> boy <<else>> girl <</if>> in your arms, you know for sure that was the right decision. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you and the baby are cleaned up, they get you a gown and move you the room you'll be staying in for a few days, until you and <<print $children[0].name>> are ready to [[go home|AndrewRecovering]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Recovering</h1> The first few couple weeks after you get home, is spent focusing on diaper changes, middle-of-the-night feedings, and letting your body recover from what it just went through, so your doctor's instructions to wait at least six weeks before having sex again seemed reasonable. <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But then you feel your libido start to come back, slowly at first. But then you are watching Andrew rock the baby to sleep, seeing what a great father he is and will be, and you suddenly want Andrew more than you ever had before. You don't want to wait any longer. <</nobr>> <img src="PartX/AndrewFamily7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640" align="left"> <<nobr>> After they baby is asleep you tell Andrew you want him inside you, but he reminds you of what the doctor had said. <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> You tell Andrew to fuck your ass instead, but the doctor had said that had to wait too. <</if>> "Ok, no sex," you say reluctantly. "Would a blowjob be ok?" you add. Andrew doesn't have any objections at all to that. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you've finished with Andrew, you tell him "The doctor said I was ok to masturbate whenever I felt up to it, as long as it was external <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> only. Except I can't even do that." <<else>> only." <</if>> You reach into your drawer and pull out your vibrator and add, "Maybe you could help out. Just hold it on my clit like this." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It isn't long until you are covering your mouth with your hand so your moans don't wake the baby. Still, [[six weeks|AndrewSixWeeks]] is not going to come soon enough. <</nobr>> <img src="PartX/AndrewFamily7a.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640" align="right"><<nobr>> <h1>Six Weeks</h1> <video src="PartX/AndrewFamily8.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are thrilled at your six week follow-up visit, when your doctor gives you the OK to start having sex again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It feels so good when you feel Andrew slide into you again after so long. The two of you spend the next few weeks having sex at every opportunity, trying to make up for lost time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $tempFamilySize == 'Small'>> <<if $PlayerProtectionNone or $PlayerProtectionTry>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionNone>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionTry>> You and Andrew decide that you should probably start using birth control from now on, so you don't end up pregnant again soon. <<if $PlayerProtectionFertile>> <<set $PlayerProtectionCondoms to 1>> You'd prefer the pill, but since that's not going to work for you, Andrew and you decide to start using condoms. <<else>> <<set $PlayerProtectionPill to 1>> You talk to your doctor and get on the birth control pill right away. <</if>> <<else>> You and Andrew decide to be more careful about birth control from now on, so you don't end up pregnant again soon. <</if>> You and Andrew would rather have little <<print $children[0].name>> be [[an only child|AndrewOnlyChild]] you can both dote on for now. <<else>> Each time, when Andrew finishes inside you, you wonder how long it will take before you are [[pregnant again|AndrewPregnantAgain]]. You want <<print $children[0].name>> to have a brother or sister, so you hope it will be soon. <</if>> <</nobr>><div><<nobr>> <h1>Taking Every opportunity</h1> <span style="float: left;width: 40%;padding-right: 20px;"> <video src="PartX/AndrewFamily13.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> </span> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <</nobr>> </div> <<nobr>> A romantic evening together is <<if setup.haveFucked('Cassie')>> [[a rare treat|AndrewThreesomeFun]], <<else>> [[a rare treat|AndrewFun]], <</if>> but you and Andrew find time together when you can, even if romance isn't part of it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Frequently it's sex together at night, and trying to be careful not to wake $children[0].name with your screams. But other times, it's a quick fuck over the counter before Andrew heads to work. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are free to enjoy it as much as you want. If you wake $children[0].name up, it's not a problem. It's about time for <<if $children[0].sex == 'male'>> his <<else>> her <</if>> feeding anyway. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Expecting Again</h1> <img src="PartX/AndrewFamily10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set $children.push($tempBabyName[either(0,1)].shift())>> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <<set $tempBaby to $tempBabyName[either(0,1)].shift()>> Happily it doesn't take long before you are pregnant again. You know much more what to expect during your pregnancy this time around, but you also have <<print $children[0].name>> to take care of too, which starts to be a challenge as you get further and further along. But Andrew takes the last month of your pregnancy off work for paternity leave so he can help through the worst of it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> This time you opt for the epideral as soon as you can. It helps, but you still find yourself screaming about why they haven't they cured this yet. But like before, once little <<print $children[1].name>> is in your arms, you don't care anymore. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, afterwards the doctor gives the same instructions about waiting six weeks. It's a little easier to wait this time, at least at first, if only because the <<if $children[0].sex == 'male' and $children[1].sex == 'male'>> boys <<elseif $children[0].sex == 'female' and $children[1].sex == 'female'>> girls <<else>> kids <</if>> keep you and Andrew busy all the time. Though, you admit being a bit nervous as you head to your six week appointment that the doctor will be able to tell that you and Andrew started back a week early this time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Sex isn't quite as frequent for you and Andrew as it was before, so it takes a bit longer before you are pregnant with your third. But when you head to your relatives for Christmas, "Again?" is the question you hear most often. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know more and more of your and Andrew's time will be about parenting, but you want to make sure that you keep the passion and romance between the two of you as well. You already have some ideas about how to <<if setup.haveFucked('Cassie')>> [[keep things exciting|AndrewThreesomeFun]] <<else>> [[keep things exciting|AndrewFun]] <</if>> in the bedroom. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>pregnant<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Fun with Cassie and Andrew</h1> <video src="PartX/AndrewFamily9.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Cassie'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Cassie'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name: 'Cassie'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<if $tempFamilySize != 'Small'>> <<set $children.push($tempBaby)>> <<unset $tempBaby>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $tempFamilySize == 'Small'>> $children[0].name loves it when Aunt Cassie comes to visit. <<if $children[0].sex == 'male'>> He <<else>> She <</if>> loves spending the evening with her while you and Andrew go out for a romantic evening together. <<else>> The <<if $children[0].sex == 'male' and $children[1].sex == 'male' and $children[2].sex == 'male'>> boys <<elseif $children[0].sex == 'female' and $children[1].sex == 'female' and $children[2].sex == 'female'>> girls <<else>> kids <</if>> love it when Aunt Cassie comes to visit. They love spending the evening with her while you and Andrew go out for a romantic evening together. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $tempFamilySize == 'Small'>> $children[0].name is <<else>> The <<if $children[0].sex == 'male' and $children[1].sex == 'male' and $children[2].sex == 'male'>> boys <<elseif $children[0].sex == 'female' and $children[1].sex == 'female' and $children[2].sex == 'female'>> girls <<else>> kids <</if>> are <</if>> sound asleep by the time you and Andrew get home. It's just you Andrew and Cassie awake now. Sometimes the evening will end with you and Andrew continuing your romantic evening together into the bedroom. Other times, the three of you will choose something a bit more adventurous. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $tempFamilySize == 'Small'>> You love playing with Cassie's clit as Andrew fucks her. You do your best to make sure that she comes at the same time Andrew does. She always remembers to be careful with her birth control pils. "I don't think $children[0].name needs a little half-brother/cousin, do you?" she jokes. <br><br> "No. We do not want that," you agree. "We are happy with [[happy with just one|AndrewOnlyChild2]], and we want to keep it that way." <<else>> Cassie's hoping she'll be there whenever [[her next niece or nephew is concieved|AndrewPregnantFourth]], so she always makes sure Andrew starts with you. She does her best to make sure you cum at the same time Andrew does. When it's her turn she has Andrew wear a condom even though she's also on birth control. "I'm not taking any chances, I've seen what that thing can do," she tells you. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<achievement>>threesome:FMF<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Back at school</h1> <img src="PartX/BackHome2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When the honeymoon ends and you both return home, you start getting ready to return to school. Though you had briefly considered not coming back. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't need to work, now, or ever really. Andrew already makes more than enough. But you worry you'd get bored sitting home all day waiting for him to come home. So that means <<if $Major>> [[finishing your degree|AndrewNoKidsSchool2]] <<else>> [[finishing your degree|AndrewNoKidsMajor]] <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Thankfully your professors were all understanding about your wedding, and allowed you to do some of your work beforehand, and make up the rest when you returned. <<if $StudentYearsCompleted < 2>> You are pretty sure that they all assumed you were pregnant, and that was the reason for the quick wedding. You aren't planning on telling them any different. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Choosing a Major</h1> While you've definitely thought about it before now, it's time to finalize your choice of a major. Of course you could always change it later, but that would probably mean graduating later and you don't want that. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Major1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="330"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Since you aren't going to need the money, you have the freedom to choose something that will interest you without worrying how much it will pay. Though, of course, it pays well that's certainly nice too. <<include [[Part15MajorChoose]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Daydreaming in class</h1> <<if $StudentYearsCompleted < 2>> You are looking forward to next year, when most of your boring general education classes are done and you'll be focusing much more on your $Major classes. This year you sometimes get bored in class and start to daydream. <<else>> You love your major and enjoy your classes. But that does mean you don't daydream sometimes. <</if>> It seems to happen especially often when you and Andrew have been busier than normal and haven't had time to make love in a few days. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> In your daydream today <<if $Major == "Agriculture">> <<include [[AndrewDaydreamAg]]>> <<elseif $Major == "Criminal Justice">> <<include [[AndrewDaydreamCCJ]]>> <<elseif $Major == "Education">> <<include [[AndrewDaydreamEducation]]>> <<elseif $Major == "Nursing">> <<include [[AndrewDaydreamNursing]]>> <<elseif $Major == "Library Science">> <<include [[AndrewDaydreamLibrary]]>> <<else>> <<include [[AndrewDaydreamBusiness]]>> <</if>> <<if $Major != "Nursing">> <br><br> You hear the professor say your name and your attention quickly returns to the class. You try to ignore your wet panties as you ask, "Sorry sir, could you repeat the question?" In the back of your mind you make plans to discuss your fantasy with Andrew. Adding another role play scenario is always fun. You both do what you can to [[keep your marriage fun|AndrewNoKidsHome]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> you find yourself working on a farm. Well, "working" might not be the right word. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/Chaste9.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="388"></video><br> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> What you really are doing, is getting down on your knees to suck the cock of some muscular farm hand. He's been working all day, and his musky scent is overpowering and making you wet. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> This isn't about you though, this is about thanking him for all his hard work. Still, you can't help but look up to admire the muscles he's made from all these years working on a farm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Chaste18.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <</nobr>><<nobr>> You are Andrew's secretary. You've enjoyed this daydream many times. You come into his office to see if he needs anything. You locked the door on your way in, because you are hoping what he needs is to bend you over his desk. That's certainly what you need. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'm just a little stressed about this meeting I have in a little while. Everything is ready to go, I'm just a bit on edge about it." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Chaste12.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Thankfully you know just the way to help him relax. You don't want him to be late to his meeting though, so today you'll have to make it quick. No slow and sensual blowjob for him today. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Chaste15.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After he cums, you lick his cock clean before wiping your own face. Then you help him gather his things. He heads off to his meeting completely relaxed and ready to conquer the world. <</nobr>><<nobr>> you are a public defender visiting your client in prison. But in the middle of your visit a prison riot breaks out. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Prison61.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300" align="left"> Some of them blame you for being here. But it's not your fault they confessed before they asked for an attorney. By then the best you could do was to get them best plea deal you could. But they don't plan on hurting you. No, they have other things in mind for the pretty young attorney locked in here with them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Unlike your former clients, some of the men here have been locked up for years or even decades, and this is the first chance to be with a woman since then. You wouldn't tell them no. It's not like you can anyway. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As prisoner after prisoner fucks you you wonder how long the riot will last, how long it will be before you are 'rescued'. <<if $PlayerProtectionPerfect or $PlayerProtectionPermanent>> You wonder if your implant's birth control will be enough to prevent you being pregnant by then. Or if one of the hundreds of men fucking you every day will have seed potentent enough to overcome it. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> You are sure you'll be pregnant by then. It's not like any of the hundreds of men fucking you every day is using a condom. <<else>> You are sure you'll be pregnant by then. They warned you even one missed birth control pill could be enough. And who knows how many missed days you'll have, with hundreds of men fucking you each day. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Chaste10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> you are a school teacher and it's parent-teacher conference day. The handsome, single dad of one of your students is meeting with you today to discuss the poor grade his child received. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He shows how much he really cares about his child's education as he drops down to his knees under your desk. You never wear panties on conference day just in case of times like this. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He's given you one orgasm, and is well on the way to giving you a second, when you can't wait any longer. You stand up and then bend over your desk. "Fuck me!" you instruct him. A moment later his pants are down and he's inside you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He leaves your classroom a while later with a smile on his face, and his child's updated report card in his hand. You cross your legs to hide the evidence leaking out between them as the next parent walks in. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you look up at him you make a mental note to yourself, next time schedule the single dads with more time between each one, so you have a chance to clean up between them. For this time though, you'll just have to be extra generous with the amended grade. That's only fair since this dad will be cleaning up the mess from the fun you just had. <</nobr>><<nobr>> you are working at a fertility clinic. You are in charge of helping the sperm donors provide their donations. Your clinic prides itself on being 'full-service'. Here you don't just drop the guys in a room with some porn and a cup. Here you let them lie down and relax, while you 'extract' the sample for them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Chaste17.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Before they added the 'milking table' the donors would just lie down on their backs on a normal medical table while you took care of them. But a few times you'd found some of the donors too hot to resist, and had climbed up on top of them. After you'd rode them until you took their 'sample' for yourself, they were unable to provide the one they'd be brought in to give. At least for a while. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Now their cocks hang down below the table, making it easy to [[extract their sample|AndrewDaydreamHealth2]] into a cup, but hard to enjoy their cocks for yourself. Though not impossible, as you imagine what position would work the best. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Assisting with their donation</h1> But you've discovered that if you don't keep going when your donors get close to cumming, but stop just before they orgasm, they won't have a real orgasm, but a ruined one. Some of their cum will ooze out, just enough to give you a taste, just a bit to feel it drip down your chest. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Chaste16.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They'll want to reach down and finish themselves off with their hand. But you strapped them into the milking table so they "wouldn't fall off", so they are powerless to move. With the little dribbled, ruined orgasm, they are ready to go again right away. This time they beg you to let them cum for real. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You usally don't the second time. You can get three our four ruined onces out of them before they start to thrash on the table with their growing need. That's usually when you get the cup ready and make sure to give them a proper orgasm this time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As they grown and cum harder than they probably ever have before, the squirt more and more cum into the cup for you. They may have been threatening to complain to your supervisor a few minutes ago, but when they finally stagger out of your extraction room, any thoughts of complaints are long gone. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You hear the professor say your name and your attention quickly returns to the class. You try to ignore your wet panties as you ask, "Sorry sir, could you repeat the question?" In the back of your mind you make plans to discuss your fantasy with Andrew. Adding another role play scenario is always fun. You both do what you can to [[keep your marriage fun|AndrewNoKidsHome]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Chaste11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> you are fully embracing the 'sexy librarian' look. And it's not just the wardrobe. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are doing what you can to encourage a life-long love of reading. Sometimes that means giving a quick little peek to the 18 year-old virgin here student researching for his term paper and needing a little break. But today it's a bit more than that. Today you are helping couple dads pass the time while their kids are listening to a reading from one of your coworkers. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You take them back to the office, so none of the other patrons are distrubed. Though you'll need to make sure you keep quiet as well. Thankfully, you keep a gag in your desk for occasions just like this. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/AndrewFamily17.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Spicing things up with Andrew</h1> <video src="PartX/AndrewFamily18.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Andrew want to keep things fresh and fun in your marriage. So sex isn't just something you do at night, in the bedroom. It's certainly that sometimes. But other times, it's you spending most of a Saturday bound to a rafter in the living room. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> Andrew knows how much you love being tied and helpless. And he loves seeing you that way. <<else>> Andrew loves seeing you tied and helpless, and you love what seeing you like that does to him. <</if>> This weekend, he's made you wear the sexy lingerie you'd bought, then he tied your hands and then tied them over your head so you couldn't move. You don't know how long he eats you out with you like that, and you lost count of how many orgasms he's given you. All you can do is stand there and experience it. You would have collapsed onto the floor long ago if the ropes weren't keep you upright. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Eventually Andrew, and his raging erection, can't wait any longer. He gets up from his knees and goes behind you. A moment later he parts your soaking wet lips and plunges into you. <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> You don't care that he forgot a condom this time. <</if>> Nothing has ever felt better in your life. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/AndrewFamily19.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You cum again with his cock thrusting into you from behind, and his fingers playing with your clit. His fingers move away after you cum, but his cock doesn't stop. He only lets up briefly so he can change positions, so that he can look into your eyes and kiss you as he continues. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/AndrewFamily20.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Then you hear him moan as he pulls your leg toward him so he can go as deep into you as he can as he cums. You feel his cock pulsing inside you as he moans and looks lovingly into your eyes. As you feel his cum leaking out of you <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive > 1>> think how hot it would be <<else>> wonder how you'd feel <</if>> if he'll left you here, dripping onto the floor, for the rest of the afternoon. But he doesn't. He unties you and the two of you kiss a bit longer. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You both are spent, and would probably prefer to head upstairs for a nap, but you have other committments. You sigh and say, "I guess I should go upstairs and take a shower. I'm all sweaty, and..." you glance down at the trail running down your leg. "I'm not exactly presentable for a dinner with your parents." He laughs but then helps you up the stairs when notices how unstead on your feet you still are after your experience. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> [[Continue|AndrewNoKidsSchool3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Focusing on your studies</h1> <img src="PartX/BackHome9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <img src="Part15/Probation17.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100,{sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are struggling a bit in a couple of your classes. Thankfully Andrew is able to hire a tutor for you. He said he was able to help him a great deal a few years ago, before you'd met. You are really appreciative, at least until you meet her. When you do meet her, a flash of jealousy hits you. When you see how attractive she is, you can't help but wonder if Andrew and her did more than study. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you push those thoughts out of your mind. Even if they did, it was before you and Andrew met. And he hasn't even talked to her since before he graduated - other than seeing if she was still tutoring and could help you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She seems completely professional though as a tutor, and she does help you a great deal, and you pass all your classes this year with flying colors. Hopefully next year, when most of your classes will be more interesting $Major classes, you won't even need a tutor. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But before then, you are looking forward to [[Summer Vacation|AndrewNoKidsVacation]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Luxury vacation with Andrew</h1> <video src="PartX/AndrewFamily21.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100,{sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<if $StudentYearsCompleted < 2>> <<set $StudentYearsCompleted to 2>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't even want to ask how much the seaside cabin Andrew books for your vacation costs per night. But whatever it is, it's worth every penny. <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> You love that it's clothing optional, since it's considered 'private'. Though it turns you on knowing that someone might still see you, either from out in the water, or from a neighboring cabin. <<else>> It's clothing optional, though you are still nervous about stripping down. You realize someone might still be able to see you, if they were out in the water, or on the deck of a neighboring cabin. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/AndrewFamily22.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You decide to just remove your top. Then you hop in the shallow water near your cabin for a swim. When you get finished, you see Andrew [[standing there full nude|AndrewNoKidsVacation2]]. You smile as you wonder if he was watching you the whole time. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Hoping for privacy</h1> <video src="PartX/AndrewFamily23.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100,{sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can see from his half erection that Andrew had been watching you, at least for a little while, and liking what he saw. You don't have much use for half of an erection though, so you reach over and start to stroke him a bit. After a few strokes you decide something more is needed and drop down to your knees and take his cock into your mouth. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/AndrewFamily24.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> You are already wet wondering if anyone can see you. <<else>> You are too horny to care if anyone can see you or not. <</if>> You heart races when Andrew grabs your head and pushes you toward the chairs, telling you "On your knees!" You love it when you get him so turned on he can't help himself. A few moments later his cock is inside you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/AndrewFamily25.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> His thumb stroking your clit as he fucks you gets you to an orgasm just before his. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The two of you have a wonderful two weeks together. You even leave your private cabin occasionally to enjoy the rest of the resort. You are a bit disappointed when it's finally time to [[return home|AndrewNoKidsSchool4]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Junior year</h1> <img src="PartX/AndrewFamily26.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100,{sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You struggle much less junior year now that you are focusing mainly on $Major classes. You don't even need a tutor this year! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You also enjoy your classes much more this year too. Though not nearly as much you do the time you spend outside of class with Andrew. Whether that's a romantic dinner together, so [[something else entirely|AndrewNoKidsHome2]] at home. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Fun with Andrew</h1> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100,{sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <img src="PartX/AndrewFamily27.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are so glad you insisted that `and to <b>obey</b>' be included in the wedding vows you made to Andrew, even though Cassie told you it was outdated. <<if !$PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive to 2>> Deep down you must have known about your submissive side. You love how Andrew has slowly brought it to the surface since you've been married. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive <=2>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive to 2>> You've always been a bit submissive, but Andrew has done a wonderful job of bringing that part of you out even more since you've been married. <<else>> You've known you were submissive, and at first you'd worried that Andrew would judge you for it. But since you've been married, you've seen just how much he loves and enjoys that part of you. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course sometimes your sex together is sweet and romantic like it was at the beginning of your relationship, but much more often it involves you being bound and submissive in some way, and you love it. And Andrew clearly does too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And with it being just the two of you in the house, he can order you walk around naked all evening if he wants, or to wait patiently, bound on the living room floor, as he watches the news. And you have no reason, or desire, to object. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are really looking foward to [[this summer|AndrewNoKidsVacation3]] too. Andrew said he's found someplace special where the two of you can explore this side of your relationship even more. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive to 2>> <i>You realize how submissive you've become.</i> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive <=2 >> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive to 2>> <i>You realize how much more submissive you've become.</i> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/AndrewFamily28.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Island Vacation</h1> <<if $StudentYearsCompleted < 3>> <<set $StudentYearsCompleted to 3>> <</if>> Andrew hasn't told you much about your destination. He didn't even tell you the name of it, to prevent you from looking it up online. He said he wanted it to be a surprise, though he's sure you're going to love it. All you know is what he said about exploring 'that side' of your relationship. Even that was enough to get you wet whenever you start imagining what it's going to be like. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/AndrewFamily29.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> At first you think your desination is in Miami, that is until he takes you to another, much smaller airplane for a flight to the private island where the resort is located. When you first arrive, you still don't know much about the resort, but can that in addition to whatever else you learn, you can see that it is beautiful here. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Don't worry about our luggage," Andrew tells you. "They'll bring that all up to our room for us after we [[check in|AndrewNoKidsVacation4]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Checking in at the resort</h1> <table><tr><td> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part14/Island1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> </div> <br><br> You're excited as the two of you walk towards the check-in desk. You open your mouth in shock as you see a woman walking though the lobby with two naked women behind her! She's holding leashes attached to collars the two behind her are wearing. <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> You flush with arousal <<else>> You blush <</if>> wondering if you'll be like one of those girls on the leashes soon. <br><br> Andrew hands over his credit card and starts filling out a small check-in form. They hand you a form with "Submissive Intake Form" at the top of it. Before the questions start, it states that you will be considered Andrew's 'Submissive' for the duration of your stay. It starts listing rights that you will signing over to Andrew for the duration of your stay. You feel yourself getting aroused as you go down the list, and initial after each one. </td></tr></table> <ul> <li>You are giving Andrew the right to decide what you wear, if anything, both in private and in public.</li> <li>You are giving Andrew the right to decide where you go at the resort, and when, and which activities you participate in.</li> <li>You are giving Andrew the right to decide if you consent or not to any and all sexual activity, with him or anyone else. You are forbidden from sexual activity with anyone but Andrew, without his express instruction. And you are giving up your right to refuse him or anyone he instructs you be with. You feel yourself getting especially excited as you initial this one, even knowing Andrew would never share you with anyone else, would he? </li> <li>You are giving Andrew the sole right to terminate your stay early, or to release you from your submissive role.</li> <li>You expressly give up the right to any safeword with Andrew. If he allows anyone else 'access' to you, then "Red" and "Yellow" safewords will apply. However if Andrew is present and so chooses, they can be ignored.</li> </ul> You also see that you are expected to be 'respectful' to other dominants, but that you don't have to obey their orders, unless Andrew tells you otherwise. And you aren't to be available sexually for them without Andrew's express instruction. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You realize how wet you are after you finish the form, sign it and hand it back. You are happy Andrew kept the details of your trip secret, this is so much more exciting than it would have been if you had known what to expect. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerProtectionPill>> After Andrew finishes his forms they instruct him, "If you like we can hold on to your submissive's medications for you. We'll send someone by each day to medicate her for you. What time of day would you prefer?" You realize they are talking about the birth control pills you'd mentioned on the intake form. You start to take the pills out of your purse when Andrew stops you. "No, that's ok. She can manage." <<elseif $PlayerProtectionFertile>> After looking over the form, the clerk tells Andrew, "Since your submissive is especially fertile, I want to emphasize our breeding policy. You are welcome to offer her for breeding with any other guests or their pets or submissives if you like. But any resulting offspring are not the responsibility of the resort, or the other guests. We will also not disclose any guest information to aid in establishing paternity, or for any other reason." <br><br> You just stare in silence as the clerk speaks about 'breeding' you, like you aren't even there. Andrew confirms he understands their policy, and says that it won't be a concern as you and him have no interest in you getting pregnant. "Of course. A supply of condoms can be found in each guest room, many public areas, or by request from any of our staff. Alternatively, if you'd like, she can make a complementary visit to our health office for an injection prior to your departure to terminate any potential conception that may have occured." <<else>> After Andrew finishes his forms they ask him, "Would you like all of your bags sent to your room, or should we secure store some of your submissive's belongings prior to that?" You realize that this is related to Andrew having the rights to decide what you wear. <br><br> "Oh, that won't be necessary. Send it all up," he tells them. <br><br> "Very well sir," the clerk says. "If you change your mind, just call down and we can retrieve any items you wish to have stored." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once the check-in process is complete they [[direct you both to a changing room|AndrewNoKidsVacation5]] so you can change out of your travel clothes and into your "approved" resort clothing before entering the rest of the resort. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In the changing room</h1> <img src="Part8.5/Faithfull4b.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> You find yourself getting turned on as Andrew has you try on various collars and outfits in the changing room. Part of what is exciting you is the outfits and the collars themselves, but more of it is that it's up to your husband to decide which you be allowed to wear. And part of it is also that you are expected to strip down right in front of the clerk behind the counter in the changing area. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's Andrew's decision, but seeing how <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> excited you got when the clerk suggested keeping you naked except for your collar and cuffs, Andrew chose that for you. He instructs the clerk to have the clothes you were wearing sent up to your room. "I trust her not to wear them without permission. And I may decide to dress her for meals or something." <br><br> <img src="PartX/AndrewFamily30.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <<else>> nervous you got when the clerk suggested keeping you naked except for your collar and cuffs, Andrew decided against that. Still you are dressed scandalously for being in public, wearing just panties and a corset, and your collar and cuffs as well. <br><br> <img src="PartX/AndrewFamily31.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Here are the keys for her collar and cuffs," the clerk says handing them to Andrew. "And feel free to come back if you wish to change up her <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> wardrobe. <<else>> wardrobe or have any of it cleaned. <</if>> You can also call or use the hotel information system in your room to select whatever you'd like." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Having selected your "wardrobe" for today, Andrew clips the leash he was given to your collar and leads you out of the changing room and [[into the rest of the resort|AndrewNoKidsVacation6]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In your Resort Room</h1> <img src="Part14/Island4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640" align="left"> As soon as he closes the door to your room, you get on your knees and submissively ask, "Can I please suck your cock, sir?" <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "How can I say 'no' to that," Andrew responds. He pulls off his pants and sits down. You eagerly crawl over and get to work. When his cum fills your mouth you swallow it. Then you lick a few stray bits from his cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That was wonderful," he says. I'm tried from the trip, so I'm going to take a little nap. You are welcome to join me if you want, or go explore the resort if you aren't tired." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You aren't sleepy, so you decide against the nap. But you are also nervous about exploring the resort, "dressed" like you are, without Andrew. So instead you decide to stay in the room until Andrew wakes up. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You want to be a good wife, and a good submissive, so seeing the luggage that was delivered to the room, you decide to unpack everything while he sleeps. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You place all of Andrew's clothes, you place them in the closet or dresser. From your bags, you just pull out your toiletries and place them by the sink. You leave most of your clothes packed, taking out only a few things you think Andrew might want you to wear at some point. The rest you leave in the suitcase which you store in the closet. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you are done you are feeling a bit tired too, and decide to take a nap also. Neither you or Andrew wake up [[until the next morning|AndrewNoKidsVacation7]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Spa</h1> <<set $IslandMassage to 1>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'Masseuse'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Andrew'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wake up and take a shower while Andrew is still sleeping. When you come out of your shower, you kneel on the floor next to him. You can see he either woke up with an erection, or got hard seeing you come back from the shower, naked. You decide to think that it was all from you. As soon as he jestures towards it, you quickly get to work sucking his cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Good girl. I have something nice for you today. I've made an appointment for you to reward you for being such a good girl yesterday. "I want you to do whatever they tell you at your appointment." You respond with a 'Yes, sir' as you wonder what they might tell you to do. It's just a few minutes after that when someone comes to take you to your appointment. They clip a leash to your collar and lead you over to the resort's spa, then into to the massage area of the spa. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part14/Island7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are early, so you patiently wait until your appointment time. Once it arrives a woman comes and leads you from the waiting area into the massage room. After making sure you are comfortably positioned on the massage table, she binds your hands and feet to the table. "We don't want any subs getting over excited and falling off and injuring themselves, do we?" she says. "Or, getting impatient and taking matters into your own hands." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She glances down at her tablet as she looks you over. "Your master wants to reward you," she says. "Have you been a good girl? I bet you have," she adds as she pats your bottom. She then sets her tablet down on a nearby table. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Her skilled hands roam over your body, rubbing warm oil into your arms, shoulders, back and legs. You ache for more, and she knows it. But she keeps you wanting it, at least for a while longer. When her hand finally moves from down from your back, and between your cheeks to tease your ass you moan into the towels she'd laid down for you. She pours the warm oil between your cheeks, her well-oiled finger then begins slowly pushing it's way into your ass. Meanwhile her other hand begins sliding between your lips before sliding into you from beneath. <br><br> She could probably have you cumming in a minute or two if she wanted, but she doesnt. She takes it slow, keeping you close to an orgasm, but not giving you one. Whenever you are getting too close, her hands move back to working your muscles, only returning to pleasure you when you've cooled down a bit. <br><br> You can feel your orgasm building again. You want to cry when she pulls out again. But this time is different. She pours more warm oil, and then slides two slick fingers into your ass. With her other hand, her fingers slide across your clit a few times, before she begins fucking you with two, then three fingers. Before you know it, you are screaming out an orgasm. You tug at your restraints as you feel yourself orgasm and clench down on her still thrusting fingers. <br><br> Finally, after your orgasm has started to fade, she pulls out of you. She pats your ass and tells you, "You can lie there and relax for a moment if you need to. Whenever you feel up to it, you can hop in the shower over there and then head down to the pool to meet up with your master." She jestures over to a nearby door, which you assume leads to a shower. "If you need me to call for an escort, let me know, otherwise you should be able to find your way." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Thank you ma'am," you tell her. "That was amazing. I should be fine on my own." You then head to the shower to clean up before [[heading down to the pool|AndrewNoKidsVacation8]] to meet with Andrew. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the pool</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/AndrewFamily32.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you exited the shower, the masseuse handed you a bag containing your <<if !$PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> clothes as well as your <</if>> collar and cuffs. "Your master said you don't need to wear these at the pool." You thank her and head out to the hall to find your way to the pool. <<if !$PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> You are a bit nervous as you walk naked through the hallway, but you've seen pleanty of naked men and women at the resort already, so you comfort yourself in knowing that you aren't going to stand out at all. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you get to the pool, Andrew can see how happy you are after your massage session. You tell him how wonderful it was and thank him for setting it up for you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you look around the pool, you can't help but notice that a lot more than nude sunbathing is [[going on|AndrewNoKidsVacation9]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Poolside activities</h1> <img src="PartX/AndrewFamily33.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've been trying to be open-minded since arriving at the resort, but you are still shocked as you look around the pool to see what people are doing, right out in public. There are couples having sex in the hot tub! And similar scandalous activities going on all around the pool. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Andrew sees you looking around at everything going on. "Isn't it hot, how everone is so open here? How would you like me to fuck you right here in front of everyone?" Andrew asks you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist >= 2>> "Yes, sir. I'd love to," you tell him. You are thrilled at the prospect of having sex in public in front of all of these people. It's a fantasy you've had for a while, and now you are able to tell yourself it is Andrew deciding to do it. You just have to do [[whatever he tells you to do|AndrewNoKidsVacation10]]. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> "I'm... I'm uncomfortable with going that far, sir. A blowjob would be hot though. But if you want to have sex with me here, I'll do it sir. I promised to do whatever you tell me to do." you tell him. You have fantasized about having sex in public like this, but now that you are actually here, it's too much. At least going all the way. Well, you'll have to get over it, since you promised to do [[whatever he tells you to do|AndrewNoKidsVacation10]]. <<else>> "I'm... I'm not really comfortable with it, sir. But if you want to have sex with me here, I'll do it sir. I promised to do whatever you tell me to do." you tell him. You can't imagine having sex in public like this. But you'll have to get over your trepidation, since you promised to do [[whatever he tells you to do|AndrewNoKidsVacation10]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist >= 2>> <h1>Fucking Andrew in public</h1> <img src="PartX/AndrewFamily35.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <br><br> "I'm so glad to hear you are excited by the idea as I am," Andrew tells you. <br><br> Soon after that you and Andrew are at the shallow end of the pool having sex on the stairs leading into the pool! You can't believe it, you are finally getting to have sex with Andrew, in public, just like you'd fantasized about. <br><br> It is just as amazing as you'd always imagined it would be. Your only disappointment is that only a few people watching. There's so much else going on that not all the attention is focused on you and Andrew. You make it a point to moan even louder than normal, to try to draw some of the attention to you and Andrew. <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Andrew", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> <h1>Sucking Andrew's cock in public</h1> <video src="PartX/AndrewFamily34.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <br><br> "If you are uncomfortable doing it, I'm not going to ask you to, regardless of what you've promised," Andrew tells you. "And a blowjob sounds wonderful!" <br><br> Soon after that you are kneeling near the edge of the pool with Andrew's cock in your mouth! You can't believe it, you are finally getting to have sex with Andrew, in public, just like you'd fantasized about. Well, you've fantasized about doing more, but you are glad you had to the nerve to go this far. And you are so grateful to Andrew for not making you go all the way, even though you'd promised to do whatever he asked. <br><br> Sucking his cock in public is just as amazing as you'd always imagined it would be. Your only disappointment is that only a few people watching. There's so much else going on that not all the attention is focused on you and Andrew. You wonder if he was fucking you, if more people would be watching. <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Andrew"})>> <<else>> <img src="PartX/AndrewFamily36.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <br><br> Even though you are uncomfortable with it, you get into position near the edge of the pool, offering yourself to Andrew. You did promise to do whatever he asked at when you checked in, and to obey him in your wedding vows. <br><br> Andrew lovingly strokes your ass cheek for a moment and says, "Thank you so much for being willing to do this. But I don't want you doing it if you are uncomfortable doing it, regardless of what you've promised." <br><br> You turn over and kiss him. "Thank you. Thank you, sir," you tell him. You wonder if some day you'll be as bold as the other women around the pool here. But you aren't now, and you are so grateful to Andrew for not making you go through with it. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> After you two are finished, <<else>> After you are done thanking him, <</if>> Andrew tells you about [[someone he met|AndrewNoKidsVacation11]] while you were getting your massage. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Meeting Becca</h1> <img src="Part14/Island18.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After Andrew introduces you to Becca, she explains that she's a 'free-use' slave for the rest of the summer, "owned" by the resort until the end of the season. "I get to stay at the resort for free, in exchange for making myself available for any guests that want to use me." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When she sees that you worried you are taking advantage of her she tries to reassure you. "Oh, I love it. That's why I came here, to give up control. I get to have an entire summer at this beautiful resort, and all I had pay for is my plane ticket. I love not being able to say no, to whatever guest wants to use me. But when it's a couple as young and hot as you two, that's even better." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She's convinced you. But you realize you've been so concerned about her, you hadn't stopped to wonder exactly what you husband planned to [[use this pretty young woman for|AndrewNoKidsVacation12]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>A threesome with Becca and Andrew</h1> Andrew's plans for Becca are just what you expected, he's wanting a threesome with you and her. You know it's a fantasy he, and probably every guy, has. You love the idea too. <<if !$PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist or $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist == 1>> And you wouldn't want to deny him this fantasy, not after he was so understanding by the pool. <</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Becca"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part14/Island8B.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Andrew starts by having Becca eat you out. Watching that, it doesn't take him long before he's hard and horny. You watch as he puts on a condom, lubes it up, and slowly slides it into Becca's ass. As she looks up at you, and you see the pleasure in your eyes, you know she's loving it. <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> You know that feeling well. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Andrew both comes before he finishes. You were too caught up in your own pleasure to see whether or not Becca did as well. But if she didn't her pleasure will have to wait. Andrew says he has [[dinner reservations|AndrewNoKidsVacation13]] for the three of you. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Showering with Becca</h1> <video src="Part14/Island8E.webm" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Becca"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Thankfully the reservations still aren't for a while. Andrew tells you and Becca to shower and get ready. After you and Becca take turns making sure you are each clean, you take some time to give Becca the orgasm she'd missed out on earlier. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After your shower, you and Becca get ready, and then head back into the rest of the room to rejoin Andrew. "Are you two beautiful ladies all set and [[ready to go|AndrewNoKidsVacation14]]?" he asks. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Dinner attire</h1> <img src="Part14/Island8C.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Andrew has decided that while he'll be dressed, you and Becca will only be wearing your collars to dinner. <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> Of course, you wouldn't expect anything else. And you love it. <<else>> You would have been nervous about it when you'd arrived here, but by now you are comfortable with it. And you know you and Becca certainly won't be the only ones naked. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The three of you have a lovely meal and you both get to know Becca more. She tells you about a competition she was in a "hunt" of some sort, but where she was the prey being chased. She tells you how much fun it was getting caught, and how the "hunters" used her when they did catch her. "I didn't come close to winning, but it was the most fun I've ever had. You should try it if you are here long enough." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You smile but know that it sounds like way too much for you, especially since you don't want to be with any other man but Andrew. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once dinner is done, Andrew takes your leashes again and leads you [[back up to the room|AndrewNoKidsVacation15]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>More time with Becca</h1> <img src="Part14/Island8D.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Becca"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Andrew", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Andrew"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Becca"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Andrew", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Andrew"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Becca"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Andrew", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Andrew"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Becca"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Andrew", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Andrew"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Becca"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Andrew", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Andrew"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Becca"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Andrew", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Andrew"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Becca"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Andrew", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Andrew"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Becca"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Andrew", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Andrew"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Becca"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Andrew", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Andrew"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Becca"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Andrew", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Andrew"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Back in your room, Becca and you start eating each other out. Andrew takes turn fucking each of you while you do, having you flip over occasionally so he can switch out. When it's finally time for him to cum though, it's you he fills. Becca eagerly licks up every drop she can as she continues to eat you out. Watching the two of you continue to pleasure each other, soon has Andrew ready to go again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Becca is yours and Andrew's for the rest of your stay, and the three of you have a lot of fun, both in your room, as well as enjoying the more traditional resort facilities, and a few non-traditional ones as well. But eventually it's time to leave. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You say goodbye to Becca and tell her that you hope she has a wonderful time at the resort the rest of the summer. You dress as Andrew is checking out. It feels strange to be back in clothes again, having spent <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> your entire <<else>> so much of your <</if>> stay naked. <<if !$PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> You definitely feel like <i>you've become a bit of an exhibitionist</i> while you were here. <<set $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist to 1>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Andrew then make you way back down to the dock for your plane ride back to Miami, and then your longer flight [[back home|AndrewNoKidsVacation16]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>On your knees back home</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part14/Barry1.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> </div> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", name:"Andrew"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", name:"Andrew", vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you and Andrew are back home, things don't go entirely back to normal. You and him both know how much that you each enjoy you submitting yourself to him, so that becomes much more a part of your relationship than it was before. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, he doesn't ask you to wear a collar 24/7 like some some of the submissives you met on your trip do. That would be embarassing for you, and cause a lot of questions for him whenever you join him at work events, or meet with his parents. But when it's just you and him at home, you are very frequently wearing one. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And when it's just you and him, and he orders you to strip, drop to your knees, and suck his cock, you always happily obey. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Now that vacation is over, you are able to enjoy a bit more of the summer at home with free time, before it's [[back to school|AndrewNoKidsSchool5]] for your senior year. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Senior year</h1> <video src="PartX/SeniorYear.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", name:"Andrew"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", name:"Andrew", vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Most of your classes are much smaller senior year. There's no more huge, anonymous lecture halls with hundreds of students. Some of your classes now have less than a dozen students in them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are enjoying school much more this year now that it's all upper level classes in a subject you enjoy. Though you still enjoy your [[time with Andrew|AndrewNoKidsHome3]] much more, of course. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home serving Andrew</h1> <video src="PartX/AndrewFamily37.webm" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", name:"Andrew"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", name:"Andrew", vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Seeing how you get even more submissive when you haven't been allowed to cum for a while, sometimes Andrew makes you go weeks without an orgasm. <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> He <<else>> He forbids you from touching yourself, and <</if>> tells you not to cum, even when he's fucking you. It takes all you can do to hold back sometimes. Though often he just has you suck his cock instead. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/AndrewFamily38.webm" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After a week or two, you are usually begging him to let you suck his cock, just to feel and taste his orgasm, while you still ache for your own. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Some of the subs in chastity at the resort said they hadn't came in months, a few in years. You can't imagine what that would be like. Thankfully Andrew never has you wait all that long [[before he lets you orgasm|AndrewNoKidsHome4]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Orgasming for Andrew</h1> <video src="PartX/AndrewFamily39.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", name:"Andrew"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", name:"Andrew", vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's not always about Andrew's pleasure. And it's not always with him being dominant and you being submissive, or at least not in the same way. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Usually after a few weeks, Andrew lets you cum. Sometimes it's with his head between your legs, making you scream as you wrap your legs around his head. But more often, it's with him on top of you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> There's nothing more amazing that feeling your husband inside you, while his body is over you, holding your legs pinned to your chest. You love it even more when he holds your wrists down with his hands as he makes you orgasm, and then cums too, with your hands still held down by his. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know nothing is going to change between you and Andrew, but a lot else is going to probably change for you soon [[after you graduate|AndrewNoKidsGraduate]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Graduation</h1> <img src="PartX/BackHome21.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", name:"Andrew"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", name:"Andrew", vaginal:true})>> <<set $StudentYearsCompleted to 4>> <<set $Graduated to 1>> <<unset $JobHomemaker>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've finally done it! You completed your degree. Andrew is so proud of you. Your parents are proud as well, and come up to be there for your graduation. Your father seems to be surprised you did it, but very proud of you for making it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your next challenge is to [[find a job in your field|AndrewNoKidsWork]], one that won't require you to move somewhere else, and away from Andrew's job. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>graduate<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Finding a job</h1> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", name:"Andrew"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", name:"Andrew", vaginal:true})>> <<if $Major == "Agriculture">> <<include [[AndrewNoKidsAgJob]]>> <<elseif $Major == "Criminal Justice">> <<include [[AndrewNoKidsCCJJob]]>> <<elseif $Major == "Education">> <<include [[AndrewNoKidsEducationJob]]>> <<elseif $Major == "Nursing">> <<include [[AndrewNoKidsNursingJob]]>> <<elseif $Major == "Library Science">> <<include [[AndrewNoKidsLibraryJob]]>> <<else>> <<include [[AndrewNoKidsBusinessJob]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Ag1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <<set $JobOther to "a hydroponics researcher">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'd met with several recruiters that visited your school prior to graduation. The big Ag companies seemed to be especially active. The starting salaries they were offering were tempting enough to attract many of your fellow students. You probably would have been tempted too if it had just been you, and you needed the money. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But since Andrew's salary is already more than enough for you both, you have the freedom to choose based on other criteria. So instead you went with a small startup focusing on rooftop gardens and hydroponics. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Ag2.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They are hoping to change the world by reducing the need to clear forests for farmland, by allowing many city dwellers to grow their own food. You don't know if it'll be successful or not, but you feel like you are at least trying to make a difference. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You do what you can to make sure you don't focus too much on your new job though and still [[have time to spend with Andrew|AndrewNoKidsHome5]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <img src="Part6/Office1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<set $JobOther to "a marketing assistant">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You have no trouble finding a job with your Business degree. Andrew gets you one working for his father's company. Your only disappointment is when you show up on your first day and find out you won't be working for Andrew. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> That was the original plan, but the HR person said that you couldn't report directly to your husband. So instead you have a different boss. You don't really see the point of the rule, since your father-in-law is still the owner, and eventually Andrew will be. But you both accept it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "So, I guess my plan to 'help you relax' before meetings is out the window now," you joke with Andrew over lunch. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Before meetings is probably out," Andrew responds. "But we can probably [[still have some fun|AndrewNoKidsBusinessJob2]] if we have to work the occasional Saturday. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Weekend fun at the office</h1> <video src="Part11/Office1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'd fantasized about doing something like this every day. You'd imagined sucking your husband/boss's cock before his a big meeting, and then sitting across the table with him at the meeting, with the taste of his cum still on your tongue. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But now that sort of fun is only an occasional bit of fun when you and him are in the office on a weekend, and no one else is around. There's no big meeting to go to afterwards, just a bit of work to catch up on. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Most of your fun together is always [[going to be at home|AndrewNoKidsHome5]]. Perhaps that's for the best though. You wonder if Andrew would actually be able to concentrate on work, if you were doing this every day. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <img src="PartX/CCJ3.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <<set $JobOther to "a probation officer">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Earlier on you'd considered whether you wanted to take the LSAT and apply to law school. But you decide you didn't want three more years of school, or to become a lawyer. Being a police officer didn't appeal to you, plus Andrew was worried it was too dangerous. What you settled on was becomming a probation officer. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You feel like you can help people get their life on track and avoid reoffending and ending up in prison, or help them restart their lives after they get out of prison. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you heard that they were setting up a special office to deal with offenses related to X-Change, you were excited. There's been a huge increase in certain low-level offenses, with the offenders being users of X-Change. Knowing the struggles and desires a newly changed body can give you, you felt you were especially well suited to be a PO in the new office. The supervisor agreed. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Probably 90% of the cases you deal with are for one of three crimes. There's the public indecencies, those offenders are usually trying X-Change for the first time, and get carried away after they take it. Then they get caught having sex, or just running around naked, in public. Usually a lecture or two, and regular monitoring is enough to get them on the right track. They tend to act much better the next time they are on X-Change. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/CCJ2.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="right"> <img src="PartX/CCJ1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Then there's the shoplifters. There are two types of those. The ones trying to steal X-Change. And the ones who are already on X-Change and are just shoplifting because they think they can get away with it. They think now that they are attractive women, if they are caught they'll just be able to flirt, or perhaps more, with security and be let go. Maybe that happens sometimes, but certainly not with the ones that ended up in your office. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The ones that were just doing it for the thrill have usually learned their lesson and probably won't try it again. The first group however, are more of a concern for repeat offending. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And the final group you have to deal with are the ones convicted of prostitution. Some are doing it just to earn some extra money, but most are doing it because they can't afford their next X-Change pill, and so they do what they can to make the money for it. Often they'll have a pimp that keeps them supplied with X-Change, as long as they keep working the street for him. These are the ones that [[most need your help|AndrewNoKidsCCJJob2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Getting them off the street</h1> For the offenders you see, that are so desperate to change to be a woman, or to remain changed, you wish you could just give them a Plus pill and let them be who they want to be. But Plus pills are expensive, and your office doesn't have the budget. Besides, if you started doing that, people would be offending on purpose, just to get a free pill. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/CCJ4.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> What you can offer them though is a discounted Plus pill, on a payment plan. The X-Change corporation has generally offered to let you distribute Plus pills to those you think are in need of them. They only ask for half payment, and even then only within 36 months, with no interest. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They are still being punished for their crimes, and you need to make sure they do make their payments, so you are required by your department to fit them with chastity belts. In addition to serving as a deterent for anyone offending just to get a pill, this has the added benefit of making their ability engage in prostitution much more limited. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your department has a contingency fund set asside if there are ever any offenders that don't make their payments, but your boss said they haven't had to use it, even once yet. Nearly all of the offenders pay off their pill early. He suspects it's because they can't have their belt removed until both their probation is over AND they've paid for their pill in full. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/CCJ5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="right"> He's probably right. You imagine they must be eager to be out of their belts as soon as possible. That's why you are more flexible about their job placements than you would be with a more traditional probation. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Normally, you wouldn't be allowed to place someone at someplace like a strip club. But you are allowed to place your charges there if they are interested. Most are. They likely enjoy the pay they receive there, since it lets them pay off their belt early. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They probably also enjoy their 'work-release' form their belts. Given the nature of their jobs, your department allows the club owner to have a copy of their key on the condition that can only have it off while they are at the club and working. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Special care has to be taken though to ensure they don't reoffend. Technically offering "extras" at the strip club, blow jobs or sex for example, is a form of prostitution. You make sure they are aware that getting caught engaging in that will likely mean spending the rest of their probation in jail instead. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They seemed to have taken your warnings to heart though, because some of your male colleagues frequently do undercover checks on your charges, to make sure they don't engage in that sort of thing and have yet to report anyone back as being in violation. You appreciate that the guys are willing to do that on their own time, outside of work. They told you not to worry about it, it's their pleasure and they are happy to help. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You stick a bit closer to your official hours though. As much as you enjoy helping these young women get their lives on the right track, you want to make sure you don't focus too much on your job and still [[have time to spend with Andrew|AndrewNoKidsHome5]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Chaste10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<set $JobOther to "a high school teacher">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Andrew decided you don't want kids, and that's still true. But you do enjoy working as a teacher. You decided early on that you didn't want to work with younger kids, and instead wanted to be a high school teacher. It's such a joy to help foster a love of learning in young minds. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> One problem you hadn't anticipated is how unfocused many of the boys in your classes are. Their minds seem to always be somewhere else, when you are lecturing, and especially when you are working with them 1 on 1. <<if $PlayerLazyStudent>> You certainly weren't the best student when you were there age either, but you don't remember being as unfocused as they often are. <<elseif $PlayerGoodStudent>> You aren't expecting them all to be as good of a student as you were at their age, but you'd hope they'd at least try to focus on the task at hand. <<else>> It's be nice if they could focus on the task at hand, and not whatever their minds are always wandering off to think about. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You received an unexpected surprise when the X-Change people contacted you after you updated your alumni information and noted that you were a high school teacher now. They informed you that they are looking for recommendations for participants in a follow up study to the implant trial you were a part of. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You already have a candidate in mind. You are sure he'll eagerly accept. Hopefully he'll be as successful in his program as you were in yours. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> While you often take work home to grade, you try not to spend too much time focusing on work when you are at home. You want most of your time at home to be [[spent with Andrew|AndrewNoKidsHome5]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Nurse.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <<set $JobOther to "a nurse">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You love being a nurse. The joy you get from working with patients, and helping them get better was worth all the hard work you had to put in to get her. You especially enjoy that you get to spend so much time with your patients, getting to know them, and learning more about what brought them here. It's so much different than what the doctors experience. They only have a few minutes to spend with each patient before they have to move on to the next one. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'd tried being an ER nurse while you were in training, but decided that certainly wasn't for you. The hours are so long and grueling. You were barely able to see Andrew then, and when you did you were usually to exhausted to do much besides sleep. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Instead you found a job at medical practice with a few doctors. The hours are usually pretty regular, so you get home to see Andrew and can [[enjoy your time together|AndrewNoKidsHome5]] when you do. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Librarian.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set $JobOther to "a librarian">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You enjoy your job as a libarian. It's great being able to help a student find the right reference for the report they are looking for, to help someone to find a book by their favorite author, or to help an older patron learn how much information they can access from one of the computer stations. You don't even mind when it's your turn to read to the little kids during the group reading time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The best part though is that you are home every evening at the same time, and [[have plenty of time to spend with Andrew|AndrewNoKidsHome5]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Mornings with Andrew</h1> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", name:"Andrew"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", name:"Andrew", vaginal:true})>> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/AndrewFamily40.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> One of your favorite parts of the day is breakfast with Andrew. His day usually starts earlier than yours, so you love cooking breakfast for you and him before you get ready in the morning. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After he's eaten, but before he leaves, there's something else you usually do. This time to fill your stomach, not his. Well, usually it ends up there, sometimes he likes to be a bit messier. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You love knowing that as he drives to work, and probably most of the day, he'll be thinking about the wonderful blowjob you gave him before he left. You almost feel bad that you have to wash up and get ready to work yourself. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $Major == "Education">> You still have to plan your [[vacations|AndrewNoKidsVacation17]] around the school year, but you and Andrew make sure to take on every summer. <<else>> Now that you've graduated, you and Andrew don't have to plan your [[vacations|AndrewNoKidsVacation17]] around the school year anymore. Now you both can travel whenever you and him want to take the time off from work. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/AndrewFamily44.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="right"> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Travelling together</h1> <img src="PartX/Vacation4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" width="450"> <img src="PartX/Vacation1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" width="450"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Andrew love the freedom that you have, with two incomes, and no committments other than work. You take every opportunity to travel and see the world together. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, you also enjoy the freedom the two of you have to [[enjoy yourselves at home|AndrewNoKids]] whenever you like too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Vacation2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" width="450"> <img src="PartX/Vacation3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" width="450"> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Fun with Andrew</h1> <video src="PartX/AndrewFamily11.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<if $tempFamilySize != 'Small'>> <<set $children.push($tempBaby)>> <<unset $tempBaby>> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 0>> <<unset $PregnancyCheck>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $tempFamilySize == 'Small'>> $children[0].name loves it when <<if $children[0].sex == 'male'>> he <<else>> she <</if>> can spend time with Grandma and Grandpa. Your parents don't get to visit as often due to the distance, but Andrew's parents live right here in town. They love it when their <<if $children[0].sex == 'male'>> grandson <<else>> granddaugther <</if>> comes over, and even more when <<if $children[0].sex == 'male'>> he <<else>> she <</if>> can spend the night. <<else>> The <<if $children[0].sex == 'male' and $children[1].sex == 'male' and $children[2].sex == 'male'>> boys <<elseif $children[0].sex == 'female' and $children[1].sex == 'female' and $children[2].sex == 'female'>> girls <<else>> kids <</if>> love it when they can spend time with Grandma and Grandpa. Your parents don't get to visit as often due to the distance, but Andrew's parents live right here in town. They love it when their grandchildren come over, and even more when they can spend the night. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Andrew will usually take the opportunity to go out for a romantic evening together, followed by a passionate evening at home. Though sometimes you like to spice it up a bit more. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wonder what Andrew will do when he gets home from work. Will dinner plans wait a bit while he ravages his helpless wife? Or will he grab the keys to the cuffs from the top shelf and unlock you, saving the rest of the fun for later. You wonder if telling him how wet you are aleady will make him want to use you now, or more eager make you wait for it. Then you realize that he could use you <i>and</i> leave you horny and aching for when you get home. You put a pillow from the sofa on the floor and kneel on it. Hopefully seeing you waiting for him like that will give him the same idea you just had. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can guess from the "I hope the two of you had a good time." comments when you pick up the kids the next day, that his parents are hoping the evening alone together will soon lead to <<if $tempFamilySize == 'Small'>> another grandchild for them. [[You hope not|AndrewOnlyChild2]]. <<else>> [[another grandchild|AndrewPregnantFourth]] for them. You hope so too. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Only the Best for $children[0].name</h1> <img src="PartX/AndrewFamily14.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>><</nobr>> <<nobr>> $children[0].name is almost three now. You and Andrew had talked about having another, but decided against it. You'd rather focus just on $children[0].name. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With just one child, you and Andrew can make sure <<if $children[0].sex == 'male'>> he <<else>> she <</if>> always has the best. With just one to pay for you could easily afford the best preschool, which <<if $children[0].sex == 'male'>> he'll <<else>> she'll <</if>> be starting in next year. You want <<if $children[0].sex == 'male'>> him <<else>> her <</if>> to be ready when she starts kindergarten, and the private school you already have <<if $children[0].sex == 'male'>> him <<else>> her <</if>> pre-enrolled for. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And with just one child to manage, bringing $children[0].name along on a trip to the farmer's market is no problem at all. Nothing makes you happier than when you look back and Andrew pushing $children[0].name's stroller, and thinking about what a great father Andrew is. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your feelings are more mixed when you imagine years from now with Andrew <<if $children[0].sex == 'male'>> teaching $children[0].name how to drive a car. <<else>> walking $children[0].name down the aisle at her own wedding. <</if>> You wish $children[0].name could stay this age forever. But you know you'll be happy to watch <<if $children[0].sex == 'male'>> him <<else>> her <</if>> grow up. And who knows, maybe you and Andrew will think about having another baby when $children[0].name is almost grown. <</nobr>> [[The End.|GameOverAndrewSmallFamily]]<<nobr>> <h1>Fourth on the Way</h1> <img src="PartX/AndrewFamily12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Andrew', vaginal: true})>> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <<set $tempBaby to $tempBabyName[either(0,1)].shift()>> <<set $tempBaby2 to $tempBabyName[either(0,1)].shift()>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Doing what you can to keep things exciting between you and Andrew seems to be working, and soon you are pregnant with your fourth child. <<if setup.haveFucked('Cassie')>> When you let Cassie know the approximate date of conception that the doctor gave you, she's thrilled knowing it might have been one of the nights she'd joined the two of you in the bedroom. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With three, soon to be four, kids running around, it's rarely quiet at home. But in a rare peaceful moment, you stop to think about when you'd first received that letter from the school. That was six years ago. It's seems a bit strange now to think that you've only been a woman for six years. It seems even stranger when you realize that more than half your time as a woman, you've spent pregnant. You wonder how long you can keep that trend going. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you were first planning on getting married, you and Andrew had talked about having five kids. You'd both wanted a large family, and that'd seemed like a lot back then. Now, it doesn't seem like that many. Maybe you and Andrew should have a talk to see if maybe a few more would be better. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Maybe it's better to not decide on a number, the two of you can just keep going, and decide to stop whenever the two of you think it's enough. <</nobr>> [[The End.|GameOverAndrewFamily]] <<achievement>>pregnant<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Just the two of you</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/AndrewFamily41.webm" autoplay loop muted height="650"></video> </div> <video src="PartX/AndrewFamily42.webm" autoplay loop muted height="300"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/AndrewFamily43.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's just you and Andrew, so the two of you can enjoy being with each other whenever and wherever the mood strikes. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> That might mean riding Andrew's cock on the sofa on a Sunday afternoon. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Or it could mean you spending the evening blindfolded with Andrew leading you around on a leash, telling you just how you can serve him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And it can also mean you waiting for him to walk through the door after work, with dinner waiting, but wearing something that might make him want to wait to eat. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But whichever it is, you are glad it's always you and Andrew. <</nobr>> [[The End.|GameOverAndrewNoKids]]<h1><<print "Game Over - Wife and Mother - Large Family">></h1> <img src="PartX/GameOver4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<set $children.push($tempBaby)>> <<set $children.push($tempBaby2)>> <<unset $tempBaby>> <<unset $tempBaby2>> <<achievement>>andrewLargeFamily<</achievement>><h1><<print "Game Over - Wife and Mother - Small Family">></h1> <img src="PartX/GameOver1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<achievement>>andrewSmallFamily<</achievement>><h1><<print "Game Over - Obedient Wife">></h1> <img src="PartX/GameOver1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<achievement>>andrewNoKids<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Celebrating Justin's Graduation</h1> You make the long drive down to the base Justin has been at for Basic Training. Of course you would have been here many times by now if you'd been allowed to visit. But graduation weekend is the first time he's allowed any visitors. <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", name:"Justin"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", name:"Justin", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Army1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Justin's parents are there too, and they are all thrilled to meet you. But other than a few meals together, they don't mind that you and Justin want to spend most of his free time alone together. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Unfortunately, you only have the weekend together before he has to ship off to more training, this time to learn the skills for his Army job. He jokes about hiding you and sneaking you off to training with him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Army2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But unfortunately, it's just a joke. You can join him at training. Some better news though is that he'll be allowed to leave the base on weekends after a few weeks, so you can come visit him during training. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And, he's going to see if he can change where his first assignment after that is going to be. "I never would have picked it when I enlisted if I'd known we'd meet. It seemed like an exciting place to visit when it was just me, but being so far away from each other for an entire year would be torture," he tells you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh I hope so!" you say excitedly hearing about him maybe getting stationed somewhere closer. "The [[next few weeks|JustinWaiting]] without you, I'm going to miss you so much," you tell him. "But at least it's no as long as Basic was." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Missing Justin</h1> <img src="PartX/Army15.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You sometimes have a hard time focusing on your classes, more often your thought turn to how much you miss Justin. You do your best to work through it though. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But finally, Justin says that he'll be able to leave the base to [[visit with you on the weekends|JustinTraining]] now. You pack some supplies and head off on the long drive to his training base. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Visiting Justin during training</h1> <video src="PartX/Army3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(25, {sex:"male", name:"Justin"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(25, {sex:"male", name:"Justin", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Every weekend you make the long drive to visit Justin. You love being able to see him. The only thing you worry about though is that he still hasn't received an answer on his request to switch his initial duty station. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you aren't together, you talk or text on the phone almost every night. One of those nights he lets you know he's received an answer on his duty station request, but he's not wanting to [[share the answer|JustinTraining2]] with you until you are there with him in person. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You beg him to at least tell you now if it's good news or bad news. "A bit of both," he says cryptically. You are even more anxious than normal as you wait for the weekend to arrive so you can visit again. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Getting the news from Justin</h1> <video src="PartX/Army16.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", name:"Justin"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", name:"Justin", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you first get there, it's like every other time you are together. You and Justin can't keep your hands off each other at first. But later, after you both can think about other things, you and him discuss the army's response to his request. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well, first the bad news," he says. "The army rejected my duty station change request. They evidently need people with my MOS at the base I'm heading to. And of their needs win over our needs." You are disappointed, but hopeful still since he said there was good news too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "But, some of the other guys told me there's [[a way I could bring you|JustinWedding]] with me when I leave. But I'm not sure if you'll like it or not," he continues. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Anything!" you respond. "I can't stand the thought of us being apart for an entire year! Even if I was able to save up for a ticket and visit, it'd be torture." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Enjoying Justin's leave</h1> <video src="PartX/Army3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(50, {sex:"male", name:"Justin"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(50, {sex:"male", name:"Justin", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Justin only have two weeks together before he has to ship off to half way around the world for over a year! You don't want to miss a minute of it, so you've told Brian you won't be working for the next two weeks. With no more school, and no work, you can spend every moment with Justin. And you know exactly how you'll be spending most of it. <</nobr>> <video src="PartX/Army4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <<nobr>> The two of you spend as much time as you can together, enjoying each other's bodies until you have to stop to eat, or just to let your bodies recover. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Army5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You fell asleep after your last round of sex. You smile a little remembering it as you waking up to the familiar feeling of Justin's cum leaking out of you. <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone>> You'd ran out of condoms days ago, and neither of you were going to let that stop you, or even wait long enough to buy more. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone>> The first day back together you'd stopped having Justin even try to pull out before he cums. It feels too good when his cock starts throbing deep inside you as he cums. You're pretty sure he enjoyes it too. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Justin must have woke back up before you. You see him sitting down messaging someone on his phone. When he notices you waking up, he smiles at you. "I've been chatting with some of my Army buddies to see if any of them know of a way I could bring you with me," he says. The smile on his face when he says it, tells you he has an idea that might work. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "They had [[a solution|JustinWedding]]. An obvious one really. But I'm not sure if you'll like it or not," he continues. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Anything!" you respond. "I can't stand the thought of us being apart for an entire year! Even if I was able to save up for a ticket and visit, it'd be torture." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>The obvious solution</h1> <img src="PartX/Army6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(50, {sex:"male", name:"Justin"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(50, {sex:"male", name:"Justin", vaginal:true})>> <<set $Spouse to "Justin">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Justin was right, the solution was obvious once he said it. If the Army only allows him to bring you with him if you are married, then the two of you just need to get married before he leaves! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I know it's sudden," he says. "But I'm sure it's something we would have done eventually anyway. This is just getting us to do it sooner <<if $PlayerPregnant>> instead. Besides, this way our baby will be born to two happily married parents." <<else>> instead." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> Your heart soars when you hear him say "our baby" instead of "your baby". He's making it clear that he's willing to accept the baby as his, no matter who the father might really be. <</if>> You wrap your arms around him and kiss him say, "Yes! That's a wonderful idea! Of course, I'll marry you!" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He'd already researched the process online, and the two of you get cleaned up and head down to city hall. An hour or so later, you walk out as husband and wife! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You both have things you need to take care of so that you can join him when he ships out, but you decide that can wait. Right now you want to have sex as husband and wife for the first time before you do anything else! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Army7.webm" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $student>> You give your parents the big news over the phone. You were worried they'd be upset, but they are actually thrilled for you, especially your father. They don't even mind that you'll not going to be re-enrolling next semester <br><br> You enjoy the rest of the weekend together with Justin. On Monday, you head down to the [[X-Change Office|JustinCheckup]] to let them know. <<else>> Afterwards, you get cleaned up again, and head down to the [[X-Change Office|JustinCheckup]], while Justin starts making calls to let the Army know he's married now. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the X-Change Office</h1> <img src="PartP/PregTest6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<unset $JobBikiniBarista>> <<set $JobHomemaker to 1>> <<if !$PlayerPregnant>> <<set $PregnancyCheck = setup.checkForNewPregnancy('medical test - Justin wedding', 0)>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.isPregnant>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <<set $tempJustNowPregnant to 1>> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 1>> <<if setup.pregnantFirstTime()>> <<achievement>>firsttime+pregnant<</achievement>> <<else>> <<achievement>>pregnant<</achievement>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You let the X-Change office know that you are going to be stationed overseas with Justin, and find out what you need to do as far as you regular checkups there. They congratulate you on wedding, and give you a list of X-Change offices near the base. "The implant trial is only happening here, but any of our international offices can perform the basic tests, they just won't be able to configure your implant at all." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> <<set $tempImplantConfig to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> "Oh, in that case, can you make my implant permanent now. I don't want to ever change back." <<if $tempJustNowPregnant>> Though your request ends up being unnecessary, when his tests show that you are pregnant! <<else>> He has you sign a form, gives you an injection, and then congratulates you on your new, permanent body. <</if>> <</if>> <<if $PlayerProtectionPermanent or $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> <<set $tempImplantConfig to 1>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPermanent>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone to 1>> "Now that I'm married, I don't need the implant's birth control anymore. <<if $PlayerPregnant>> If we want to wait after this one, <<else>> We are wanting our first child soon. If we want to wait after that, <</if>> then we'll just use regular birth control then." He confirms your decision and then hits few buttons and sends a signal to your implant. Then he lets you know it's done. <</if>> <<if $tempImplantConfig>> <<unset $tempImplantConfig>> <<else>> You let him know you don't need anything changed on your implant, so you should be fine. <</if>> <<if $PlayerProtectionPill>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPill>> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone to 1>> <<set $PlayerProtectionPillFormer to 1>> <<if !$tempJustNowPregnant>> He also asks you about transfering your birth control prescription to a new pharmacy, but you tell him not to bother. You and Justin are eager to start a family. You can get on birth control after your first child or maybe your second. <</if>> <</if>> <<if $tempJustNowPregnant>> <<unset $tempJustNowPregnant>> <br><br> The tests he performs during your visit show that you're pregnant now! It looks like you and Justin won't have to wait after all. Justin's already said that he knows even though you were his first, he wasn't your first. He doesn't even question who the father is when you tell him after your visit. You love him so much for accepting the baby as his without a second thought. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $student>> All the other tests look fine. <br><br> Next you go talk with your advisor, and let him know about your marriage, and plans to leave with Justin. He cancels the classes you'd scheduled for next semester and wishes you the best. <br><br> Now you just have to do your best and try to think about classes during the week, and visit Justin on the weekends, and wait for it to be time to [[leave with Justin|JustinShipOut]]. <<else>> All the other tests look fine, so you [[head back to Justin|JustinShipOut]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>A brief separation</h1> <img src="PartX/Army8.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="right"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Justin said the Army said you could join him now that you were married, which was wonderful news. The only bad news is that it will take a few weeks to get all the paperwork taken care of. So instead of joining him when he leaves, you see him off at the airport, and start preparing for your own flight in a few weeks. <<if $student>> <br><br> You are relieved when you get your final grades back. Though your mind was often elsewhere, you did well enough to pass all your classes. You aren't continuing now, but you'll have all those credits still waiting for you whenever you decide to enroll again, either here or at some other school. <<unset $student>> <<set $Dropout to "married">> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've already quit your job, so you start adjusting your sleep schedule to match Justin's. It's going to make it that much easier when you join him anyway. Though the real reason is so you can talk or video chat when him whenever he has free time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he starts telling all the things he wants to do to you when you are together again, you decide to give him a show as you follow along as best you can while he watches. Well, he does more than just watch. You get even wetter as you see his hard cock in his hand on the screen. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> Normally you feel very little when you touch yourself. You were planning on just pretending and giving a show for Justin. But with him telling you exactly what to do and you following along, it's not triggering the side effect. The moans you are giving are real, not just for Justin's enjoyment. They'd said your side effect was mental not physical after all. <br><br> Though an orgasm without Justin there is still out of reach. As he starts to get close, your cry out, begging for him to cum inside you. As he cums for real, you pretend like you do as well to enhance his enjoyment. But instead you feel the aching need to feel Justin inside you return. <<else>> You moan as you slide your fingers into yourself, thrusting them faster or slower as Justin tells you exactly how he plans to fuck you when you are together again. It feels so good, though still nowhere near as good as the real thing. Though Justin's own moans as he follows along with his hand on his cock turn you own even more. <br><br> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> Though an orgasm without Justin there is still out of reach. As he starts to get close, your cry out, begging for him to cum inside you. As he cums for real, you pretend like you do as well to enhance his enjoyment. But instead you feel the aching need to feel Justin inside you return. <<else>> As he starts to get close, you beg for him to cum inside you. As you hear him groan with his orgasm, you can almost feel his warm cum filling you. It's enough to push you over the edge to your own orgasm. By the time you've recovered enough to look back up at your screen, you see Justin smiling back at you. After his orgasm was over, he's been enjoying watching yours. <br><br> You pull your fingers out of you, imagining it's Justin's cock. But you don't feel the trail of his cum leaking down to your ass like you normally do when he pulls out of you. You miss that feeling. Well, you miss everything about being with Justin, but this is the best the two of you can do for now. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Army9.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know the weeks until you and Justin can [[be together again|ArmyWife]] will be excruciating. But you tell yourself at least it'll only be a few weeks. You could not have lasted a year. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Back with Justin</h1> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(3, {sex:"male", name:"Justin"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(3, {sex:"male", name:"Justin", vaginal:true})>> You don't want to wait any longer than you have to be back with Justin, so you take the first flight time that Army offers you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Evidently the department that set up your flight didn't let the Justin's base know you'd be arriving that soon, so he's still in a single-person dorm-style room when you arrive. Thankfully his sergeant has said, given the situation, you can stay in Justin's room for a day or two until the Army straightens things out. The sergeant warns you that the bed is only sized for one person though. You and Justin don't mind at all. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Army10.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Army11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="right"> After everything is sorted out, they move you and Justin into a small, one bedroom apartment on base. The bedroom is about the size of the dorm-style room they'd had him in, but there's also a small kitchen and living room too. And, of course, it has its own bathroom. You won't need to head to the womens' floor every time you need to use one anymore. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't have a job anymore, so you have all day to make the apartment perfect. A month later it no longer looks like the generic base housing anymore, at least on the inside. It looks like a real apartment. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you know you'll have to do it all again in a year or so when Justin is reassigned. <<if $PlayerPregnant>> Though, next time it probably won't be a one-bedroom apartment. Once the [[baby is born|ArmyWifePregnant2]], you'll qualify for a two bedroom. Though, you and Justin already discussed, and aren't going to bother with moving here. You'll just keep the crib in your bedroom. <<else>> Though it's [[looking like it won't be a one bedroom|ArmyWifePregnant]] next time. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>A baby on the way</h1> <img src="PartP/PregTest7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <<set $PregnancyCheck = setup.overrideForcePregnancy('medical test - Justin')>> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You take a home test when you realize you haven't had a period since you've arrived on base. And it confirms what you suspected, [[you're pregnant|ArmyWifePregnant2]]! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's agony not being able to call Justin right away. The army has his whole unit out on some field exercise or something for two days. But you are ready and waiting with the great news for him once he returns. He's as thrilled as you are to hear the news. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The two of you discuss the apartment, and decide to stay with this one after the baby is born. It'll only be a few months after that when it'll be time to move to his next assignment anyway. Besides, you'll want the crib in the bedroom with you at first anyway. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Still having fun</h1> <img src="PartX/BackHome40.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(50, {sex:"male", name:"Justin"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(50, {sex:"male", name:"Justin", vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your growing belly may have started to make some positions difficult, but you and Justin haven't let that stop you from having as much fun as possible. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you are both lying next to each other in post-orgasm bliss, you joke with Justin. You say you aren't sure which you are more stressed out about: worrying what [[child birth|ArmyWifeBirth]] is going to be like, or worrying if you can handle the six weeks without sex after that. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/AndrewFamily7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you see the look of dread cross his face when you mention the six weeks, you try to reassure him. "That's just for me to heal," you say. Then you roll over and take his soft cock into your mouth. As you start to make it harden you add, "There's no reason I can't do this while I heal though." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he's fully hard you tell him, "But that's a problem for later. Right now I want you inside me!" <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Labor and Delivery</h1> <img src="PartX/AndrewFamily6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 0>> <<set $PlayerMother to 1>> <<unset $PregnancyCheck>> <<set $tempBabyNameBoys to ["Eli","Wyatt","Casey","Liam","Brandon",].map((name) => {return {name, sex:"male"}})>> <<set $tempBabyNameGirls to ["Mia","Sophia","Delilah","Emma"].map((name) => {return {name, sex:'female'}})>> <<set $tempBabyName to [$tempBabyNameBoys, $tempBabyNameGirls]>> <<set $tempBaby to $tempBabyName[either(0,1)].shift()>> <<set $children.push($tempBaby)>> <<unset $tempBaby>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> By your fifth hour of labor, you've tossed the flimsy gown they gave you across the room. You're covered in sweat and don't care if you are naked. You have your legs spread swith everyone in the room staring between them any, so what does it matter? <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Finally, after what seems like an eternity, the doctor is saying, "Almost there, just push a little more.." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It hurts worse than you'd ever imagined it would, but eventually it's over. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>mother<</achievement>> <<nobr>> Once you are holding your healthy, new <<if $children[0].sex == "male">> son, <<else>> daughter, <</if>> $children[0].name, you know it was all worth it. As you hold <<if $children[0].sex == "male">>him<<else>>her<</if>> against you, you forget about the pain. Seeing Justin look at $children[0].name, you know he's going to make a wonderful father. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you and the baby are cleaned up, they get you a gown and move you the room you'll be staying in for a few days, until you and <<print $children[0].name>> are ready to [[go home|ArmyWife2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Waiting six weeks</h1> <video src="PartX/Army12.webm" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", name:"Justin"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(3, {sex:"male", name:"Justin", vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The first two weeks you are too tired and sore and sleep-deprived to have any interest in sex. Justin does what he can to help, taking turns to wake up and change the baby in the middle of the night, for example. But it's always you that has to wake up when it's time to feed the <<print $children[0].name>>. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> By the third week you aren't as tired or sore anymore, only just sleep-deprived. And you are really starting to feel horny again. You hate that you have to wait another whole month before Justin can fuck you again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral > 2 >> But there's nothing you love more than sucking Justin's cock. And he's more than happy to let you. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOral>> But you love sucking Justin's cock, and he's more than happy to let you. <<else>> But you don't want to make Justin wait too. He asks if that's fair to you, but you make it clear you want it as much as he does. You only wish you could have more. <</if>> Hearing him moan as you suck his cock gets you so wet. You ache for him to fuck you until he cums inside you. But hearing him groan and feeling your mouth fill with his cum is wonderful too. <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral == 1>> <br><br> <i>You realize you love sucking Justin's cock even more than you did before.</i> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOral += 1>> <<elseif !$PlayerSideEffectOral>> <br><br> <i>You realize you really love sucking Justin's cock.</i> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOral to 2>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Justin have talked, and you want to wait a while before having another child. <<if $PlayerProtectionFertile>> <<set $PlayerProtectionMalePill to 1>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionNone>> Since you can't take birth control, Justin starts taking the new male birth control pill. Thankfully it's approved by the Army, and free too. <<else>> So you start taking birth control <<set $PlayerProtectionPill to 1>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionNone>> <<if $PlayerProtectionPillFormer>> pills again. <<else>> pills. <</if>> <</if>> They should be in full effect by the time you're allowed to have sex again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When the six weeks are finally up, Justin can't help but tease you, making you whimper as he slides his cock against your lips but doesn't enter. Thankfully, the pleading look in your eyes is enough to make him stop teasing and start fucking you. It feels so amazing after six weeks you are worried your moans are going to wake the baby. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Army13.webm" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You finally start to get into a routine, with taking care of the house, the baby, and spending time with Justin. But before you know it, it's time to start packing and getting ready for the move [[to a new base|ArmyWife3]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Family visiting at your new base</h1> Thankfully, the short assignment was just for Justin's first base. The Army told Justin he could expect to be at this new base for at least two, maybe three years. And even better, this base isn't overseas. <<set setup.addSexRepeat(500, {sex:"male", name:"Justin"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(500, {sex:"male", name:"Justin", vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's still several states away, but at least know your family can come visit and meet Justin and $children[0].name for the first time. <<if $FatherDisown>> You are even able to patch things up with your dad. He said he was only worried about you going down 'the wrong path', and he's thrilled that you've settled down and started a family. And he looks so happy holding his new <<if $children[0].sex == "male">>grandson<<else>>granddaughter<</if>> that you can't help but forgive him for your early disagreements. <<else>> They are also so happy to meet them both, and to see you again. Your father comments on how happy he is that you've settled down and started a family. He said he was worried you might go down 'the wrong path'. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part14/Home60.webm" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You have a fairly good idea what 'wrong path' your father is thinking you were on. <br><br> You keep to yourselves exactly how the two of you met, so you don't confirm what you know your father was already thinking about you. <br><br> Instead, you've only told them that "We met at the coffee shop where I used to work." It's not a lie, but it also doesn't include the part with your sucking Justin's cock in his car either. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The two of you weren't planning on bringing it up, but your father asks Justin what he plans on doing when his enlistment is up. So you and Justin let them know that he plans on reenlisting, and making a career out of it. Your father seems very happy with this news. Your mother seems to just be hoping your next base is closer so she can visit more. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When your mother asks if $children[0].name is going to be an only child, or if you plan on more, you let her know what you and Justin are planning. "We are thinking of having another baby in a few years, once [[Justin is a Sergeant|ArmyWife4]]." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Eventually the visit is over, and your family has to head back to the airport. Justin starts to help you tidy up from their visit, but you take his hand and lead him back to the bedroom instead. "I'll deal with that while you are at work. The baby is sleeping, and I don't want to miss our opportunity." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Promoted</h1> <img src="PartX/Army14.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> <<set $tempBabyName to [$tempBabyNameBoys, $tempBabyNameGirls]>> <<set $tempBaby to $tempBabyName[either(0,1)].shift()>> <<set $children.push($tempBaby)>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Part way through his second enlistment, Justin finally gets the promotion to Sergeant you'd both been wait for. <<if $PlayerProtectionMalePill>>He is<<else>>You are<</if>> only off the pill for a few weeks before you are pregnant again. "One of the many benefits of being young, healthy, and having sex all the time," he jokes. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The new base is closer to your home town, so when $children[1].name is born, your mom is able to come by and stay for a few weeks to help out. Thankfully there's enough room for everyone with the house the Army assigned for Justin. $children[0].name is thrilled <<if $children[0].sex == "male">> he will still have his <<else>> she will still have her <</if>> own room. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Justin plan on stopping at just two kids, so <<if $PlayerProtectionMalePill>>he<<else>>you<</if>> got back on the pill as soon as $children[1].name is born. By the time the maddening six weeks are up again, you are eager to feel Justin inside you again. It's all you can do to wait until $children[0].name and $children[1].name are sound asleep. Trying to stay quiet so you don't wake them both up is even harder. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/AndrewFamily8.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know you are going to have your hands full now with preschooler and a baby in the house, with trying to find time for you and Justin to be intimate. But you wouldn't want it any other way. And hopefully, Justin will be at this base for a while, you really like the school $children[0].name will be starting at next year. <</nobr>> [[The End|ArmyWifeEnd]]<h1><<print "Game Over - Army Wife">></h1> <img src="PartX/GameOver1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<achievement>>armyWife<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>At Barry's Graduation</h1> <img src="PartX/Barry6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> <<set $Engaged to 'Barry'>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(500, {sex:"male", name:"Barry"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(250, {sex:"male", name:"Barry", vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> At graudation, you are in the stands looking down, patiently waiting for them to call Barry's name. Of course even if you were going to graduate, it wouldn't have been for another year anyway. But that wasn't in the cards for you anyway. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Still, you can't help but think about the degree you didn't finish when they call the names that would have been before and after yours, and you think about walking up to the stage yourself to collect your degree. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The ceremony itself ends up being hours of boredom, interrupted with a few seconds of excitement when they call Barry's name, and also $FormerMentor's and a few others you know. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> No, for you the excitement isn't at the graduation, but at the dinner you and Barry go out for afterwards. First, he tells you that he talked with his boss at the internship, and it's official. He'll be starting as a salaried employee a couple weeks from now. Then he says, "Now that I've graduated, and have a real job, there's no reason we can't get married now." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It takes you a minute to process before you respond, "Wait... Are you proposing?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I suppose I am," he says. "We can go out and look at rings after dinner if you want." He pauses and smiles before adding, "Assuming you say yes, that is." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes! Yes! Of course, [[I'll marry you|BarryWedding]]!" you say excitedly. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your wedding night</h1> <img src="PartX/Barry5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<unset $Engaged>> <<set $Spouse to 'Barry'>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", name:"Barry"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(3, {sex:"male", name:"Barry", vaginal:true})>> <<include [[UnsetAllJobs]]>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> With appointments for your hair, lingerie, makeup, <<if !$PlayerNoBodyHair>> waxing, <</if>> and all of the other things you need to take care of before the ceremony, you add one more: a quick visit to the X-Change office. You let them know you are getting married and have no interest in ever changing back to your old body. <<set $PregnancyCheck = setup.checkForNewPregnancy('medical test - Barry wedding', 0)>> <<if $PregnancyCheck>> <<if $PlayerAbortion>> <<set $PlayerAbortion += 1>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerAbortion to 1>> <</if>> <<achievement>>pregnant+childfree<</achievement>> <br><br> When they tell you it's not necessary since you're pregnant now and the change has become permanent anyway, you tell them you want to terminate the pregnancy. You have them give you both pills to take later. You don't want to spend your honeymoon on your 'period, but worse' as he described it. You'll take them as soon is it's over though. <<else>> <<achievement>>girlpower<</achievement>> He does some tests, has you sign a few things, gives you an injection, then congratulates you again on your wedding, and on your permanant body. <</if>> <<unset $PregnancyCheck>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <br><br> <</if>> Ever since your change to this body you've imagined yourself as a beautiful bride walking down the asile at a huge wedding. Well, to be honest, a few times before your change as well. But that's just not to be. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Barry just wanted a simple, quick ceremony, and when you saw how much planning and time it'd take for the wedding you'd fantasized about, you decided that's what you wanted to. You'd rather be [[married to Barry|BarryMarried]] today at small ceremony, than six months from now at your dream wedding. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And even if you'd had the big ceremony, that'd just open up other problems. Most of your family doesn't approve of Barry. Your mom and sister really don't like him, your brother and him are civil but not exactly friends. Only your dad was happy when you informed them of the wedding plans. Hopefully the rest of them will come around and accept him eventually. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You may not have had the big wedding, and fancy dress you'd fantasized about today. But you were going to make sure your wedding night was everything you'd imagined it would be. And hopefully everything Barry had dreamed of too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you and him are in your hotel room he booked for the wedding night, you let the simple dress you'd wore to the ceremony fall to the ground. When you see the look in Barry's eyes when he sees the lingerie you'd been wearing under it this whole time, you know this will be a night neither of you will forget. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>married<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Married to Barry</h1> Without having graduated, you sometimes wonder where you'd be if you didn't have Barry. But thankfully you do, and he makes enough that you don't have to work outside the home. <<set setup.addSexRepeat(500, {sex:"male", name:"Barry"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(250, {sex:"male", name:"Barry", vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You do your best to work to keep the home you share beautiful for him. And yourself as well. You want to be sure he appreciates you as much as you do him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Barry3.webm" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/Barry2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video><br> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You did a good job today," he tells you some days when he gets home. "And I know the perfect reward for my horny little slut. She wants all her holes fucked today, don't you?" You bite your lower lip and nod eagerly. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You love when he rewards you for doing a good job. And you really do like making sure everything is perfect for Barry after work. It's been several years now since you've had any other job than taking care of him and the house. You remember exhausted you were you used to get home from work, so you are happy to do anything to make that easier on Barry. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But still, sometimes you like misbehaving. Occasionally you'll 'miss' something in your cleaning. Something that you know will be obvious enough for him to notice. Not because you want to make things difficult for Barry. Just the opposite. You do it because doing a 'bad' job and [[getting punished|BarryPunish]] can be fun too, for you and him. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Punished by Barry</h1> When you 'misbehave', Barry likes to punish you. He might use his belt if he comes home from work and the house is still a mess. Today you are being punished because you didn't have a cold drink ready for him when he came in from mowing the lawn. He bends you over his knee and uses his bare hand. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Barry4.webm" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your panties were doing nothing to protect your bottom, so he just left them on you this time. Though once your ass is good and red, he pulls them down anyway. You moan as his finger slides into you. "What a naughty girl you are," he says. "That was supposed to be a punishment, but you're dripping wet." Of course you can feel his rock-hard cock on your leg, so you know he was enjoying it your 'punishment' at least as much as you were. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "There's no reason to let your wet cunt go to waste though," he tells you as he stands and drops his pants. "But you aren't allowed to cum, since you are being punished." As soon as his cock slides into you, you know you <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>>probably<</if>> aren't going to be able to obey that command, and won't be able to hold back your orgasm. You smile as you wonder what your punishment for that misbehavior will be. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Later, you conclude that you must have been 'accidentally' messing up with the cleaning too often, because one day instead of punishing you Barry suggest hiring a house cleaner to come by occasionally to help. The two of you can afford it, but after seven years of being married to Barry, you are a bit shocked that he'd be so willing to pay for one just to make your life easier. Perhaps he cared more about the house looking nice than you thought. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you meet the person he'd hired, you wonder if her being young and hot made it an easier choice for him. But she seems nice, and does a good job, so you try not to be paranoid about it. She's there to help you after all so she's usually there with just you and is seldom [[alone with Barry|BarryCaught]] anyway. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Catching Barry and the Maid</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/Barry7.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video><br> </div> You'd left to go to the grocery store, leaving Barry and Anne at the house. But you'd only gotten half way there when you realized your credit card was on the counter at home, not in your purse, so you turned around and went back. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They must have been too caught up in the moment to hear you come back in, because they don't stop at all. You can't even say anything at first as your brain refuses to accept what you are seeing. Then you try to tell yourself she's giving him a lapdance, even though you know it's more than that even. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When she gets up, you see his cock pulling out of her. A quick tug at her shorts moves them back into place, and covers her wet lips. But you already know for a fact that he was just fucking her. And if even that wasn't enough, her other lips wrapping around his cock confirm it again. "What the fuck!" is all you manage to say at first. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Back so soon?" Barry says not even sounding concerned that you just walked in on him fucking the maid. "Good, then we can stop sneaking around and pretending like you're still top woman around here." You look on in shock as Barry jestures and Anne goes back to sucking his cock! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He points to the corner of the room and says, "Since we don't need to hide it anymore, why don't you [[kneel over there and watch|BarryAccept]]. Then you'll see that cleaning isn't the only thing Anne is much better than you at doing." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive >3 >> You know you should storm out, file for a divorce, something. But you can't help yourself. You do as he commands and kneel down facing them, so you can watch as some other woman fucks your husband. <<else>> Your faces flushes with shame as part of you wants to do exactly as he commands, and watch as some other woman fucks your husband. But you know you should storm out of the house, hire a lawyer, and [[file for a divorce|BarryDivorce]]! <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Attorney's Office</h1> You'd hoped the divorce would be done by now. But your lawyer and Barry's have been sending emails or letters back and forth for months negotiating the details. <<set $ExSpouse to "Barry">> <<unset $Spouse>> <<set setup.breakupWith("Barry")>> <<set $PlayerOlder to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Barry gets the house, and the mortgage that goes with it. You get some cash for your share of the equity on the house, though much of that money is going to pay for the lawyer. You each get one of the cars. That part was easy. It was the topic of alimony that made the negotiations drag on for so long. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your lawyer argued that you should get alimony since you 'gave up on your degree and future career to maintain the family home, allowing Barry to earn more.' Barry and his lawyer said that you <<if $Dropout == "Flunk">> flunked out long before the two of you married <<else>> were never going to really graduate anyway <</if>> and didn't have any 'career prospects' to give up. They say you aren't owed any alimony. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> In the end, you give up the demand for alimony in exchange for a lump sum of cash instead. Barry's happy with that since once it's paid, it's done. "I don't want to have to worry about whether the lazy slut ever gets a job or not," you overheard him telling his lawyer a bit louder than he probably intended. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartP/Lawyer.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With the money details finally settled, and no kids to figure out, you just need to wait for the judge to sign off on the deal. Finally, a few weeks later, your lawyer calls you with good news. The judge signed off and [[your divorce is final|Divorce]]. You make and appointment to pick up some paperwork, including your settlement check. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Watching Barry and Anne</h1> You can't resist doing as Barry instructs, and kneel on the floor where he direct you to go. Barry and Anne don't need to worry about now, and give up on their quick, clothed fuck. Instead, they both strip off their clothes and Anne positions herself over Barry's hard cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Barry8.webm" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You watch as she lowers herself down, as your husband's cock parts her lips and then disappears inside of her. She moans as she lowers herself all the way down his cock. You glance and see Barry's face and the look of pleasure on it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock or $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> Hearing her moan, and him occasionally groan with pleasure, you want so much to be able to touch yourself so you can get off too, but you can only watch. <br><br> By the time you see your husband's cock start to twitch, and you know he's just filled the maid with his cum, your panties are soaking wet and your hips are thrusting in unison with Anne's only with no cock for you to ride. <br><br> "Aww, isn't that cute. She wants a ride too," <<else>> Hearing her moan, and him occasionally groan with pleasure, you can't resist the urge to touch yourself. Soon your pants are unzipped and your hand is in your panties stroking your clit. You feel your orgasm building as you watch and see Barry getting closer to his. <br><br> You manage to cum just as you see your husband's cock start to twitch, and you know he's just filled the maid with his cum. You know he doesn't want to impregnate you. But what about her? <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> You usually only get the feel of latex inside you, not his bare cock like she did. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> You only rarely get to feel him cum inside you. Usually he pulls out to cover you with his seed instead, or when you are lucky, to have you swallow it. <</if>> Maybe he does want a baby, but with her instead of you. <br><br> "It looks like she enjoyed herself," <</if>> Anne says looking back at you after she starts to dismount Barry. You see his cum leaking out of her as she does. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Now, come over here and [[clean this mess up|BarryCleanup]]," Barry says pointing to his cock. <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> "And maybe next time, I'll let you cum too." <<else>> "And maybe I won't punish you for cumming without permission just now." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive <=4 >> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive to 5>> <i>You realize years of living with Barry has intensified your natural submissiveness. You find it nearly impossible to resist doing whatever he commands you to do.</i> <<else>> <i>You already know, after years of living with Barry, how submissive you are. As always, you find it nearly impossible to resist doing whatever he commands you to do.</i> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Cleaning up after their fuck</h1> You've cleaned up Barry's cock many times after he has fucked <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> you, though usually it tastes only like his cum and the condom. <<else>> you. <</if>> But you can taste her on him this time. The familiar taste of Barry's cock and his cum, plus something new that you know must be from Anne. You eagerly clean his cock until both his cum and her taste are completely gone. <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Barry"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Anne"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You aren't finished," Barry tells you. Anne is laying on the coffee table with Barry's cum still leaking out of her. "Clean her up too. And make sure you get her off while you're at it." <br> <img src="PartX/Barry9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You get to work, starting with the cum that had dripped down her leg before she'd moved on to her back. You are a bit uncertain at first, but as you move to lick her labia clean and hear her moan you become more eager in your work. When you finish there you follow the trail of cum down to her ass. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh yeah, you dirty girl. Make sure you get all of it out of there," Anne says as she reaches down and presses you into her ass. You flick your tongue in and out of her ass and all around it as you hear her moan. Once she is well and thoroughly cleaned you work your way back up to her clit and focus on her orgasm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The whole time you'd been cleaning her, you'd been hoping Barry would get excited, then come behind you, pull down your pants and start fucking you. But you notice now he's not even there anymore, he's gotten up and walked down the hall leaving the two of you alone. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You continue your work on Anne, and soon she is wrapping her legs around your head, holding you there as she cries out with her orgasm. You know Barry, and maybe the neighbours too, heard her. But he doesn't come back into the room. You clean her a bit more, licking away the products of her orgasm as well. "That was great," Anne tells you. "I hope Barry has you do that [[every time we fuck|BarryWatching]] from now on." <</nobr>> <<achievement>>threesome:FMF<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Watching them again and again</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/Barry10.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video><br> </div> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", name:"Barry"})>> <<set setup.addSex(100, {sex:"female", name:"Anne"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Anne is at the house more and more now. And the more she's there, the less Barry has any interest in sex with you. He considers it a gift when lets you suck his cock before he heads to work or clean it after he fucks Anne. But he'd rather fuck Anne now instead of you. Sometimes they do it in your bed, and make you sit outside the room and only listen. But more often they have you watch. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You love it when they let you watch since <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> sometimes Anne feels sorry for you. She knows you can't get off on your own, sometimes she'll take pity on you. After a month of more of only watching them orgasm in front of you, her fingers on your clit feel like heaven. <<else>> that's the only time you are allowed to masturbate now. <</if>> And since Barry isn't interested in fucking you, that's your only chance for an orgasm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Sometimes he has you do more than watch, he has you record them too. He hasn't said yet if they are for their own enjoyment only, or if he plans on starting a porn channel or something. Some of the videos are mainly of Anne, but some show both of their faces. If he did put those out for everyone to see, you wonder how many of your friends and family would see it, and know your husband fucks this other woman instead of you. Though a few of them would also show you cleaning and pleasuring Anne as well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> "You know how much I love you, $playerName, don't you," Barry says to you one evening after Anne has left. "I can see how much you appreciate how I provide for you, and how I let you participate when Anne and I have sex." <br><br> You nod your head and respond, "Yes sir. I love you very much." <br><br> "And Anne?", he asks remindingly. <br><br> "Yes sir, and Anne," you add. <br><br> "Good," he continues. "Well, you'll be glad to hear Anne is going to be spending much more time here. And we are [[going to make some changes|BarryCleaning]] so she feels like part of the family, and not hired help." <br><br> "Yes sir, whatever you think is appropriate," you answer obediently. <<else>> Of course having the videos [[gives you an idea|BarryMastrubate]] of how you can enjoy yourself more, without disobeying Barry. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Caught mastrubating</h1> <video src="PartX/Barry11.webm" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Barry said you were only allowed to masturbate while you were watching him fuck Anne. Since you have the videos of him doing that, you can watch whenever you want. You don't have to wait for Anne or Barry to be here. Well, actually you need to wait until they <i>aren't</i> here. You don't want to test whether Barry agrees with your technicality or not. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Maybe you were overdoing it, and getting off too often and Barry or Anne noticed you weren't as horny watching them as you normally are. Or maybe he just get came home early that day for some other reason. But it doesn't matter why, Barry did come home early, and caught you getting yourself off to a video of him and Anne. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Barry doesn't accept your explaination that watching the video counts as watching them. "You don't believe that either, or you wouldn't have been trying to be sneaky about it. You weren't getting yourself off like this while Anne was here cleaning, and certainly not while I was here. You knew what you were doing was wrong, didn't you?" You can't help but confess that you did and tell him how sorry you are. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I love you, $playerName, and I trusted you more than to do something like this," Barry says with a scolding tone. "After all I provide for you, I thought you'd work harder to obey. I mean, I even let you join in with Anne and I have sex. You are usually cumming to right there with us. I'm shocked you'd cheat on Anne and I like this." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You start to cry. You hate to when you disappoint Barry, and especially this time since you knew what you were doing was wrong. "Please forgive me. I'll never do it again. [[I'd do anything|BarryNoMastrubate]] to earn your trust, and Anne's trust, again." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Preventing masturbation</h1> You start making suggestions on things you could do to get Barry and Anne to trust you not to masturbate without them again. You suggest webcams around the house, but he doesn't like that idea. "One of us would have to skim through hours of that video, and you could still find someplace not covered." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You mention <<if setup.haveInventory('sex toys', 'electronic chastity belt')>> the electronic chastity belt you still have. He likes this one a little better, "That's a lot of maintenance, keeping you clean down there. Besides, I still don't fully trust that thing. I want your orgasm to belong to me, not some program. <<elseif setup.haveInventory('sex toys', 'chastity belt')>> the chastity belt you still have, or even one of the new electronic ones. He likes this one a little better, "That's a lot of maintenance, keeping you clean down there. Besides, those new ones are expensive. <<else>> a chastity belt, even one of the new electronic ones. He likes this one a little better, "That sounds like a lot of maintenance, keeping you clean down there. Besides, those new ones are expensive. <</if>> Much better than your first idea though. Can you think of any thing else though?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Barry13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> You remember the side effect that some of the other X-Change girls back at university had. The one where they couldn't get themselves off, no matter how much they tried. They could get off from sex, and did quite often, but alone they said they'd only end up frustrated and hornier if they tried. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That sounds perfect! Probably not expensive, no maintenance, and no way to be sneaky or cheat," Barry says. "The only downside is you won't be able to join in with us when we fuck, we'll have to take care of you later, if you earn it. Actually, that sounds like a benefit the more I think about it. I think fewer orgasms might be just what you need. Go make a call and see how much it'll cost and make an appointment." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They tell you that since you were a participant in the initial trial of your implant, it'll only be the cost of regular office visit, where you were due for soon anyway. Barry is pleased at that, and when they have an opening to see you today. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "We've perfected this particular setting since the initial trial," the technician tells you. "There's very little chance of any other side effects being triggered. But you do know this setting is permanent, correct?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After confirming that this is what you want he activates the the setting. After the rest of your exam is done Barry drives you home. You are hoping he's going to reward you with your first fuck, since you don't remember when. But that's not his plan at all. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> I think it'll be a few months before I let Anne get you off. That should help you better [[remember your place|BarryCleaning]] in the family. And that would make all three of us happier in the long run. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Barry gives you permission to try to get yourself off, either watching him and Anne live or on video, as long as you promise to tell him if the new setting fails to block it. You try, you try so many times. You know the block is just mental somehow, but it doesn't matter what you do you can't figure out how make yourself orgasm. You close your eyes and imagine it's Barry's cock fucking you, or Anne's tongue on your clit, but none of it works. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Eventually you give up, and just focus on watching Barry and Anne when they are fucking. You eagerly clean them up afterwards, looking forward to when Barry tells Anne she can take pity on you and get you off. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Cleaning the house</h1> "Anne is moving with us," Barry tells you. "But she's here to be part of the family, not to do all the housework." You nod and keep listening as he continues. "That's going to be your job again, just like it was before Anne started working for us." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Barry12.webm" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Anne just wore her regular clothes, but Barry has decided you'll need to dress the part too, so you don't forget your place. "You've been watching Anne clean for a while now, so you shouldn't make as many mistakes as you did before." You find you have another incentive to not make mistakes now also. Barry still spanks you if you mess up. But now when that gets him horny, he just fucks Anne and tells you that your mistake has cost your your orgasm this week. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You learn the best way to get what you want is to work hard just like Barry wants you too. And also, to do with ever sluttier uniforms. When Anne watches you, it's to make sure you are doing the job right. But when Barry watches you clean, it's to enjoy the view. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Usually when watching you gets him hard, he calls for Anne. Then you get a break from your cleaning as you watch him fuck her like mad until he cums inside her. It makes you proud knowing it was looking at you got him that turned on. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Sometimes though, especially if Anne is out shopping or away at her parents, he'll make use of you instead. Usually it's just a quick blowjob before he puts you back to work cleaning. But every now and then he'll lift up your short skirt, pull down your panties if you wore any today, and then fuck you like mad instead. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once or twice he's even had you suck his cock or fucked you with Anne right there watching, and filming it even. It feels so strange to have Barry inside you with Anne watching instead, but it doesn't happen often. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She starts filming from you getting dressed into your uniform. With the camera going, she talking to you about how long it's been since you've last been allowed to cum, and how horny that has made you. She asks you how it makes you feel knowing your husband fucks another woman instead of you most of the time. And how it feels that you are the one doing all the cleaning for her now. After she dips a finger inside of you she shows it, glistening from your wetness, to the camera. "See, this is exactly how it makes her feel." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She then films as you clean, and how your cleaning is mixed with your desperate, horny attempts to entice Barry. And she films as he fucks you as well. She trys to get your face in the shot along with Barry's cock when he pulls out. As his cum shoots across your freshly-cleaned for, your face makes it clear that you aren't upset about having to clean it again, but that Barry wouldn't cum inside you like he does her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> That's a rare treat though. Far more often Barry is [[fucking Anne and you are the one watching|BarryCuckqueen]]. You aren't allowed to beg, so you can only quietly hope that they'll decide you've been a good girl, and allow you an orgasm this week, or at least this month. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Documenting your lifestyle</h1> One day Barry and Anne sit you down and tell you that the three of you will have guests in the house for a while. It's a film crew for some sort of series about different lifestyles. "We've been talking with them about this for months," Anne tells you. "We really want to get information out about how we live. Most people know about cuckolded husbands, but cuckqueen wives are less well known. That's about to change." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You quickly realize that everyone you know is going to know that you husband fucks Anne and not you, that you are the one on your hands and knees scrubbing the kitchen, not her. And they'll probably even know that more often than not, you are sleeping on a yoga mat next to the bed Anne and Barry usually share. Your mind then remembers all the videos they'd had you make of them, and the few that Anne had made of you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Wear your sluttiest maid uniform that doesn't actually show anything other than cleavage and a bit of leg. Or actually a lot of leg. But keep your ass covered and your top on while they are filming or they won't be able to use it." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Barry14.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "So, the videos I recorded of you and Barry. And the ones you recorded..." you start to ask. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That has nothing to do with these people," she cuts you off to say. "In fact to even mention that those exist to them. Those belong to us, not those people." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are relieved at that at least. But you soon find that the questions the film crew asks are just as humiliating as the ones Anne had asked, especially when they make you admit how much you are turned on by the arrangement, by being denied, being controlled, being made to serve your husband and former maid. They have you talk about your implant, and how you can't masturbate, and can only get off if they let you. "Or if you took a different lover?" they suggest. You quickly tell them that you'd never do that, you love Barry and Anne and wouldn't betray them like that. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They also film Anne scolding you for mistakes in your cleaning and telling you what an amazing lover your husband is. They can't film anything pornographic, but they do film Barry and Anne passionately kissing, while you clean the room around them. They also film them heading to the bedroom and closing the door, leaving you laying on the floor outside, listening and patiently waiting. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It feels like the embarrassment is over when they leave, but a few months later it's much, much more embarrassing. When the episode finally airs, it's one of their most viewed. And not just strangers on the internet. Everyone you know seems to have seen it. They all know now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your mom, sister, and most of your friends make supportive comments like "Whatever makes the three of you happy." Though you suspect they all think what your more outspoken friends say. Things like, "It's good that they keep you in your place." or "I always wondered how you could keep a man like Barry satisified. I guess you couldn't." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> There are of course many, many comments you see about the episode from strangers as well. There's a few moaning about 'the sanctity of marriage', and many are supportive. Most however are complaining that your maid outfit didn't reveal enough, or that they [[didn't get to see any 'action'|BarryCuckqueen2]]. But, except for the 'sanctity' people, everyone seems to agree that you are right where you belong. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Capitalizing on your fame</h1> When the interest in your unconventional family, and your lifestyle reaches its peak, Barry and Anne let you know the reason for the videos you had all recorded. Anne explains it to you. "Just like Barry thought would happen, people want to see more of our lifestyle. More of us. Much more than they could show on their streaming service. That's why we're are going to be making our own porn videos. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The money from the episode is just the one time. But this, we can earn from this for as long as people are willing to pay to watch it, or watch the ads, or whatever." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Barry15.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The videos are a huge hit and revenue quickly starts coming in. The fans love the videos where you are can only watch as Barry and Anne fuck in front of you the most, and that's what most of the videos are. The ones where you are horny and desperate and beg Barry to let him suck his cock are also popular. The few with him fucking you are less popular. You've even gotten text about your channel from your brother commenting on your videos, eliminating any doubt about whether he watched your videos or not, "I'd probably fuck Anne more too if I were Barry. And not because you're my sister." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Comments like "That slut doesn't deserve to get fucked. Just let her watch like she should.", "I'd rather watch him fuck Anne instead, she's way hotter.", and "Lock her in a chastity belt and throw away the key," all flood the comment sections of those videos. Barry thinks to give the fans what they want, though thankfully not the chastity belt. They stop making videos where you get anything more than Barry's cock in your mouth. And since they aren't going to be filming it letting you get off isn't much of priority, so your orgasms are even rarer now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Everywhere you go now, you get looks from people. Especially if you are with Anne, or all three of you are together. You know they all know what you are. The only question you ever have is whether they know from the informative episode or from watching videos of your husband fucking Anne in front of you. <</nobr>> [[The End|GameOverBarry]].<h1>Game Over - Cuckqueen</h1> <img src="PartX/GameOver9.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<achievement>>cuckqueen<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Dreaming of the Next Time</h1> <video src="PartX/Breeder1.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<unset $student>> <<set $Dropout to "Breeder">> <<set $JobSurrogate to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your body healed from the pregnancy much quicker than normal, another benefit of your implants latest effects. But you are still waiting for your doctor to give you approval to have sex again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You fantasize about getting pregnant again often every day, imagining being on the edge of an orgasm for minutes as the man fucking you gets closer and closer to his. Then imagining how good it will feel when he finally cums, filling you and allowing you to finally orgasm. You've tried to masturbate, how could you not. But like the technician said, you couldn't get off that way. At least not now, when you are between pregnancies. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know you aren't going to waste any time getting pregnant once you get the 'all clear' from the doctor, so you use your time now to take care of a few things. Starting with officially dropping out of the university. You could try to attend school off an on as your pregnancies allowed, but it's going to be more trouble than it's worth. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Next you sign up in the X-Change company's professional surrogate program. They fast-track your application to the top of the list due to your participation in the implant trial. You've quit your previous job, but with the surrogate stipend and a little web-cam work, you'll have enough money for your own apartment and then some. And the program provides free nutritious meals and medical care, so that's covered too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You already have your first set of parents lined up. Hopefully at your doctors appointment next week he'll say you are cleared to [[start trying to get pregnant|Breeder2]] again. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Dreaming of the Next Time</h1> <img src="PartX/Breeder2.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name: "Bisexual Future Parent", vaginal:true, conception: true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you hear it is a gay couple that wants you to surrogate for them, you're slightly disappointed as you are expecting them to just provide you with a sperm sample that would be implanted at the clinic. You are thrilled when you found out one of them is bi, and they both want to participate in the conception. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It turns out to be even more enjoyable than you'd expected. Getting his ass fucked must be causing him to leak cum out while you ride him. You assume that's whats happening because after you ride him a while, you start to orgasm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It isn't one of the super-powerful orgasms like earlier, but it doesn't stop. The pleasure just keeps coming in waves and waves, it must be just pure instinct that keeps you riding his cock, because your mind isn't there anymore. You know when he finally came though because that's when the powerful orgasm hits. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can't go on after that, and collapse on top of him. You can only look in his eyes as his husband continues to fuck his ass until his husband fills him with cum too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you recover, you gather your things and head home. You'd love to stay for another round, but you can sense they'd rather it just be the two of them now. And you already have [[what you really came for|Breeder3]]. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>threesome:MFM<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Enjoying Your Pregnancy</h1> <video src="PartX/Breeder3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Confirming your pregnancy the next day was easy, it didn't require any test equipment or peeing on a stick. All you needed was nice powerful vibrator. If your session with it ended with you screaming out in an orgasm, then you were pregnant. If it ended with you horny and frustrated, then another attempt would be needed. The couple was ready for another attempt if needed, but they were much happier celebrating with just the two of them after your phone call. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You went out to do your own celebrating. You could get off by yourself for the next nine months, but why would you when it's so much better to go out and find someone else to share the fun with. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, as your pregnancy gets further along, getting ready and going out is much more work. Sometimes it is easier to just take care of things yourself. You'll be able to do that for a while longer, until [[it's time to give birth|Breeder4]] <</nobr>> <<achievement>>pregnant<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Good News From the Doctor</h1> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 0>> <<set $PlayerAdoption += 1>> <img src="PartX/Breeder4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The happy couple thanks you when they see you at the hospital, before they leave with their new baby. It makes you so happy seeing the joy on their faces. You'll be leaving the hospital shortly as well, you just need to have a visit with your doctor first. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> This doctor is much more familiar with X-Change, as well as the 'Breeder' effects that your body has. "I'd thought about taking it myself," she tells you. "But, for me, I decided it would be better to just take a regular Plus pill, and go to medical school and help make new families as a doctor instead." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerLazyStudent>> "There's no way I could have ever made it to medical school, let alone through it," you tell her. "But I'm sure glad that you did." <<elseif $PlayerGoodStudent>> "I might have gone to med school if things had taken a different path," but I'm quite happy helping families this way. <<else>> "I don't think I could have made it through medical school," you tell her. "But I'm sure glad that you did." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "The reason I wanted to talk to you before you left," the doctor says. "Is that I see from the charts from your previous pregnancy that the doctor had you wait the full six weeks before resuming sexual activity. That must have been quite frustrating with your condition." She can see from your face and nodding that it definitely was. "While that is standard practice for most women, it's not necessary for you." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "One of the benefits of the breeder pill is that it quickly restores your body to it's pre-pregnancy state. Even the stretch marks you have now will be gone within a week. Even any effects of aging from the last nine months is reversed. It literally restores your body to its condition just before your pregnancy." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'm still happy about my own choice, but you should be happy with yours as well," the doctor confides. "Since you essentially only age when you aren't pregnant, if you are pregnant as consistently as you say you are planning to be, you could be helping families still long after I've retired." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "So the short version is this," the doctor concludes. "You probably won't be able to concieve, or therefore able to orgasm, for about another week. But you are [[cleared for sex|Breeder5]] whenever you feel up to it. We'll go ahead schedule for a visit six weeks frow now, but not as a follow up visit for this pregnancy, but as a check-up on the presumed progress of your next pregnancy." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>A Woman that Wants it All</h1> <video src="PartX/Breeder5.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name: "Businesswoman Future Parent", vaginal:true, conception: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name: "Businesswoman Future Parent", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name: "Businesswoman Future Parent"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name: "Businesswoman Future Parent"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next future parent you are going to help is a wealthy business woman. Of course she's more than capable of getting pregnant herself if she wanted to. But she is used to hiring others to do the jobs she doesn't want to do, so she can focus on what she's good at and what she enjoys. And she wants to raise a child, she doesn't want to take months from her busy schedule to carry and deliver one. And why should she when you are more than willing to do that for her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She takes an a blue X-Change Basic for her night with you. You are hopeful after your first try with her, but you and her try again later that evening just to be sure. Well, also because you both enjoyed the first time so much. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next morning her pill still hasn't worn off, and you are enjoying as she eats you out. You aren't worried about not getting off this time, you know even if her oral doesn't do it, the two of you will try to conceive a third time and that certainly will. But that isn't necessary as you are wrapping your legs around her head and screaming with a wonderful orgasm in no time, confirm that one of the sessions last night got the job done. You are [[definitely pregnant|Breeder6]] again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you recover from your orgasm, you drop to your knees and offer to return the favor. She's never tried X-Change before last night, so this is her first time getting a blowjob. She discovers that she rather enjoys them. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>pregnant<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Pregnant with Twins!</h1> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <img src="PartX/Breeder6.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name: "Businesswoman Future Parent"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name: "Businesswoman Future Parent"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name: "Businesswoman Future Parent"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name: "Businesswoman Future Parent"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name: "Businesswoman Future Parent", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name: "Businesswoman Future Parent"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name: "Businesswoman Future Parent", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name: "Businesswoman Future Parent"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name: "Businesswoman Future Parent", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name: "Businesswoman Future Parent"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The doctor confirms at your first ultrasound that you are having twins. The mother/father of the children is overjoyed when she tells you, "I'd wanted a brother or sister for her anyway. The only downside is that I was rather looking forward to another evening with you when it came time to conceive him or her." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You let her know that just because you won't be needing to conceive again, unless she decides later she wants a third child, it doesn't mean the two of you can't have another evening together. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> On your first return visit with her, she's her normal self. Even though you can still orgasm with her as a woman, you realize how much more you love it when you are cumming with a cock inside you. For your subsequent visits, she alwas has a Basic pill for herself ready so she can fill you with cum, just the way you like. You always follow that up with you dropping to your knees once her cock is ready again, and draining it of whatever cum is left, just the way she likes. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, she's a busy woman, and you suspect she wants to avoid you getting too attached, so your visits aren't that frequent. But there are plenty of guys around that can give you what you need the rest of the time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Though as you get bigger and bigger as it gets closer to [[delivery time|Breeder7]], you find yourself opting for the convience of an orgasm at home rather than try to waddle down to find someone. Though you also discover how handy some of the hookup apps can be. With a few clicks you can't find a guy who'd love to fuck a pregnant woman, and is willing to deliver what you need right to your door. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>pregnant<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>You're Not His Type</h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name: "Gay Couple Parent", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'none', checkedForPregnancy: 'no orgasm'})>> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 0>> <<set $PlayerAdoption += 2>> <img src="PartX/Breeder11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your next parents to help are another gay couple. Neither one is bi, but they decide they still want to "concieve their child in their bedroom, not in a lab somewhere", so you join them at their home. One of them has some family medical history he doesn't want to pass along, so his husband will be the one cumming inside you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The first attempt doesn't go well, he can't get himself hard for you. He's like a rock once his husband gets involved though. He gets him close and then has him try to go inside you to finish. But he doesn't. He goes soft before that can happen. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> His husband gets him going again, telling you to get ready to take him at the last possible moment. But this time you are too late, and he cums before he can get inside you. You collect what you can with your fingers and hope for the best. The cum won't get you off if you weren't already close, so you leave without an orgasm. You'll just have to [[try for one tomorrrow|Breeder8]] to see if it the attempt was successful.. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Need to Try Again</h1> <video src="PartX/Breeder7.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name: "Gay Couple Parent", vaginal:true, conception: true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wake up the next morning and decide to see if last night's attempt did anything. What starts as a pleasurable masturbation session ends in wimpering frustration as your body prevents you from orgasming. Clearly last night didn't work. You'd forgotten how maddeningly frustrating the denial is. You need an orgasm so bad now, and you know you won't be able to have one until you can successfully get pregnant. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You call the future fathers and give them the disappointing news. After last nights difficulties, they agree a trip to the clinic is in order instead of trying again at home. The need is probably clear in your voice when you ask to go to the clinic today. They are anxious to concieve as well, though not for the same reasons obviousy. But they remind you, you'll have to wait until Monday when the clinic is open again. You try to mentally prepare yourself for a frustrating weekend. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With the help of his husband he's able to provide a sample with no difficulties. When the nurse brings it over to the next room where you are in the stirups waiting for her to deposit it in you. The wonderful woman sees your need and tells you use your vibrator to get yourself close to an orgasm. She watches for the right time, and gives you his sample at just the right moment. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Thank... Thank you," you manage to say eventually. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "My pleasure miss," she says. "Now you just stay there like that for a bit. I'll come back in a little while and run some tests. Then we'll see if [[that one took|Breeder9]], or if the boys will have to give you another sample. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Pregnant Finally</h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <img src="PartX/Breeder8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The nurse confirms you a pregnant finally. Well, it was only a weekend since your attempt, but you are glad that the difficulties are over quickly. The future father's leave the office nearly as happy a you are. Now you have nine months of pregnancy, and the wonderful orgasms that go with it, to look forward to. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Hopefully your [[next client|Breeder10]] won't be as challenging. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>pregnant<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>A Team Effort</h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", vaginal:true, conception: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 0>> <<set $PlayerAdoption += 1>> <img src="PartX/Breeder9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your next clients are a middle-aged heterosexual married couple. The wife isn't interested in getting pregnant herself. And neither of them is interested in her husband taking an X-Change, getting pregnant, and becomming permanently a woman. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can tell the husband would love the idea of getting you pregnant himself, and you suspect he'd even enjoy watching his wife take a blue and doing it instead. But she isn't ok with either of those ideas. Even using the clinic for one of them to provide a sample doesn't appeal to her. "If he or she isn't going to be biologically both of ours, I'd rather it not be either of ours. I'd hate for there to ever be any difference between us because of how the baby was concieved." He agrees completely when she puts it that way. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When they start discussing who the genetic father should be, he asks if an athlete would be possible. He'd been on the baseball team in college and would love it if his son or daughter was athletic. <<if $BodyType == 'Fit'>>He's already commented on how athletic you look, and he's hoping for the same from the gentic father.<</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you share the idea you have, he is thrilled with it. His wife is more amused by it, but has no objections to it. He clearly likes the idea, or perhaps you, more than you even suspected. As when his wife is out of the room, he offers you a decent-sized extra payment if you'd have someone film the conception event for him. You agree. You'll certainly keep a copy for yourself as well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When it's time for the big event, nearly the entire baseball team from the local college is eager to participate. The couple has already screened the players medical history and backgrounds and decided who'll be fucking you. The few they'd rejected are more than happy to use your mouth instead. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They have a race before hand to determine who goes first, second, and so on. But they all know the real race will be inside you, to see whose sperm makes it to its destination first. Of course they'll never know [[who won that competition|Breeder11]], but by the end of the night you and all of them feel like you've all won. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>train<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Pregnant Again</h1> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <img src="PartX/Breeder10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant', repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant', repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant', repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant', repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant', repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant', repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant', repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant', repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant', repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant', repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant', repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant', repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant', repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant', repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant', repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant', repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant', repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant', repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant', repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant', repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant', repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant', repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant', repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant', repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Baseball Player", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You're calling this one "Slugger". Of course the parent's will give him whatever name they want him to have after he's born. But judging from how hard this one kicks, your expecting the dad will have his wish for an athlete. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'd loved your evening with the team, so you are sure to try it again with them. Actually several times. Though now that you are pregnant, there are no restrictions. You let any of the players hit whichever bases they want. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wonder who your next client will be. You don't know yet, but you're sure you'll have someone lined up well before "Slugger" is born. You know you'll be in high demand for many, many years to come. <</nobr>> [[The End.|BreederGameOver]] <<achievement>>pregnant<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Game Over - Professional Surrogate">></h1> <img src="PartX/GameOver4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Future Parent", vaginal:true, conception: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Future Parent", vaginal:true, conception: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 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<<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Future Parent", vaginal:true, conception: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon: "Future Parent", vaginal:true, conception: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", repeat: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, birthControl: 'pregnant'})>> <<set $PlayerAdoption += 10>> <</nobr>> <<achievement>>breeder<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Medical Clinic</h1> <video src="PartX/Cumslut1.webm" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: "X-Change Technician 1"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "There's a new implant feature that X-Change is looking for test subjects for. It only appeals to a fairly small subset of implant uses, so we don't generally mention it except when an implant user has already shown that it's likely to appeal to her. Your doctor called us in to talk to you about it because of your collar." He gestures towards your collar, which is now on the table near you. " 'Cumslut' is actually the name of the feature, so obviously you seemed like a likely candidate." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He goes through a long description of the feature, but you tune out for most of it. As soon as you heard the part about how pleasurable a cock in your mouth would feel, or and about possibliy getting off yourself just from giving a blowjob, you knew you'd be signing up. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> <br><br> Your heart starts to sink as they checks your records and one of them says, "Oh... I see the deans office had a full orgasm block enabled due to your academic troubles. That's not compatible with this feature." But then after a pause he adds, "Well, we really need volunteers for this study. How about we just disable that academic hold, so you can experience the 'Cumslut' feature as it's intended. We won't tell the dean if you don't." <<unset $AcademicProbationDenial>> <<set $AcademicProbationDenialFormer to 1>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> "Of course your implant is already permanent, and this feature will be as well," <<else>> <<set $PermanentFromCumslut to 1>> "This feature is permanent, and enabling it will also cause your change to become irreversible," <</if>> he emphasises. "It also has an impact on some of the other features..." You aren't really listening to the details, and eagerly sign the forms he gives you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He uses some electronics from his case for a bit, but you don't notice anything happening. After some beeps from his equipment he says, "There. All finished. Would you like to test it out?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <<set $PlayerCumslutPermanent to 1>> <<unset $PlayerEasytoOrgasm>> <<unset $PlayerPowerfulOrgasms>> <<unset $PlayerSuperOrgasms>> <<unset $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock to 2>> <<unset $PlayerSideEffectDominant>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive to 3>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectLibido to 2>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal > 2>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectAnal to 2>> <</if>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPermanent>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPill>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <<if !$PlayerProtectionTry>> <<set $PlayerProtectionWithdraw to 1>> <</if>> You thought he'd never ask! You drop to your knees and start pulling down his pants. You'd noticed his cock getting hard a while ago and have been having trouble thinking about anything else. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As your lips and tongue slide over his cock, you are amazed at how good it feels! <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> The chastity belt prevented you from acting on it <<else>> You usually enjoyed giving head too much to stop <</if>> anyway, but the aching need to have a cock inside you that you had often felt during a blowjob is completely gone. What you feel now is the pleasure in your lips and tongue, a warm glow over your whole body, an eagerness - a need even - to continue. And an intense [[hunger to make him cum|Cumslut2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Medical Clinic</h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: "X-Change Technician 2"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When the first guy finishes, you get a burst of pleasure as his cock twitches and spurts into your mouth. You don't orgasm, but there's no frustration from it, only a gentle contentment. As you swallow his cum, you enjoy the feeling it leaves as it slides down your throat. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Would you like another?", the second technician asks rhetorically. Seconds you have him laying on the exam table as you get to work on his cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Cumslut2.webm" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> This blowjob is just as pleasurable as the first, right up until he cums. But this time when he cums, instead of the gentle contentment, you feel wave after wave of pleasure wash over you. He has to struggle a bit to get you to stop sucking. Once you do stop and swallow what you haven't already, you have to lie there a while to recover from the orgasm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You hear the technicians talking to each other, but your mind is a fog, and it all means nothing too you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> " not that often. It could happen twice in a row or not happen again for weeks and weeks... it's called a variable-ratio reward, it's considerably more addictive than if it were on a fixed interval... no, they don't usually notice the gradual frequency decrease over time, besides the addicition is well-established before it would be an issue..." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you start to be able to think again, you hear one of them ask, "Oh, our <i>Cumslut</i> seems to be recovered now. How are you feeling?" After you answer they give you a card to contact if you have need any help. "Our QA department will be checking with you periodically as well to see how everything is going. Thank you for volunteering, and for the blowjobs too of course." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You want to ask if they'd like another, but they have to get back to work. But you doubt it will be difficult to find [[someone else who wants their cock sucked|Cumslut3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With Master Robert</h1> <video src="PartX/Cumslut3.webm" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Robert'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<unset $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<unset $PlayeChastityBeltInventory>> <<unset $Keyholder>> Olivia had said to make sure to visit Master Robert before you left for home, so you stop by to see him after your visit to the clinic. When he asks how your visit went, you tell him about the new feature you have and show him the information they gave you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Would you mind giving me a demonstration", he asks. You eagerly drop to the floor and get to work. The softer pleasure is still there, but there's no orgasm this time. You still feel the contentment like before but you are also eager to go again. Maybe the next time you'll cum again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Hmm, I see," Master Robert says. "Well, I supposes you've gone beyond the need for this now." He pulls a key from his pocket and removes your chastity belt. "It's not like it is preventing your orgasms anymore anyway. At this point it's not denying you, just limiting the options of whoever is using you" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Enjoy your summer," he says [[before you leave|Cumslut4]]. <<if $JobGloryHole or $JobPornOral or $JobPornOralSide>> "I'm sure you'll be eager to get on your knees and back to work as soon as you get back." <<elseif $JobPornAnal or $JobPornAnalSide or $JobPornGang or $JobPornGangSide or $JobPorn or $JobPornSide>> "I'll see if we can work in more oral scenes for you when you come back to school and get back to work this fall." <<else>> "When you get back this fall, come see me. There's an opening at my store that I know you'll love." <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At a Truck Stop</h1> <video src="PartX/Cumslut4.webm" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Truck Driver'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Truck Driver'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Truck Driver'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Truck Driver'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Truck Stop Attendant'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Truck Driver'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Truck Driver'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wanted to make sure there's no car problem on the way home this time, so you stopped by the mechanic the day before you left. After a little time on your knees in the back of the garage he was willing to take a look and make sure everything on your car was working great. You're in no hurry to get home and keep it close to the speed limit too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's only when you stop for gas about half way home that the hunger really hits you. As you look over the snacks at the truck stop you realize that's not the sort of hunger you are feeling. One of the truck drivers sees the weary look you have and strikes up a conversation. "If you need a little something more than coffee to help pep you up for the rest of your trip, they have caffeine pills and things by the counter," he pauses for a moment when you don't say anything. "If you are needing anything stronger, I can't really help. My company tests us all the time, so I don't touch the stuff. One of the other drivers might have something though." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You thank him, but tell him that's not what you need to boost your energy back up. When you tell him what you do need, he's very eager to help. He takes you back to the driver's lounge. You start with him, of course. As soon as your lips are around his massive cock, you already feel better. Once you've taken care of him, and all the other drivers eager for a turn, you feel like you could drive for days. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wipe up a bit in the restroom and then head back [[on the road home|Cumslut5]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In the Woods</h1> <video src="PartX/Cumslut5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Dylan'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You leave most of your things in the car when you get home, your brother Dylan said he'd help you unload tomorrow when he gets home. That night you talk with your parents and sister for a while. <<if $PermanentFromCumslut>> You let them know that you've decided to make your change permanent. You leave off the part about the 'Cumslut' feature. <</if>> You tell them you love who you are now, and are thrilled you are a woman now and forever. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I hope you know being a woman isn't always going to be easy. You've already had a year to see that I suppose. But if you need any help your sister and I are always here", your mom tells you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I know life can be hard sometimes. But that makes it more interesting doesn't it?", you reply. "When life gets hard, I just want to grab it tight and suck every last drop of excitement from it that I can. Do you know what I mean?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'm pretty sure I do," your sister Cassie answers. "You have quite the way with words don't you sis?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next morning Dylan helps you unload your car and unpack. When he does, he stumbles onto your "Cumslut" collar. "Oh, that's where that went," you say when you see it. When he asks why you would have such a thing you tell him that maybe you and him could take one of your walks through the woods again, and you can [[explain it on the way|Cumslut6]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In the Woods</h1> <video src="PartX/Cumslut6.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Factory Worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Neighbour'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Factory Worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Dylan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Neighbour'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It doesn't take your brother long to see why you'd have the collar. After your demonstration for him, your walks together become a daily occurrence. At first he loved you finishing him in your mouth. But eventually, he learns that he loves even more making you beg for his cum. Now he only lets you taste it after he's covered your face a bit. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You have to be sure to bring someting to wipe up with before you head back home, but it's worth it. You love how happy it makes him, and besides you still get to swallow most of it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, your walks with Dylan [[aren't enough to get you by anymore|Cumslut7]]. Thankfully, you've started to find neighbours, old friends, and even some friends of your dad to help. And all of them are pleased to give you what you need. Some of them even give you a little money, as a thank you gift, when you've finished. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Behind the Counter at the Smoothie Bar</h1> <video src="PartX/Cumslut7.webm" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set $DropoutCumslut to 1>> <<unset $student>> <<set $Dropout to "Cumslut">> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Factory Worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Factory Worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Factory Worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Factory Worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Bartender'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Factory Worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Factory Worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Factory Worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Smoothie Boss'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Smoothie Boss'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Smoothie Co-worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Smoothie Boss'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Smoothie Boss'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Smoothie Co-worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Smoothie Co-worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Neighbour'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Factory Worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Factory Worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Factory Worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Factory Worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Factory Worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Factory Worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Neighbour'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Factory Worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Bartender'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Smoothie Boss'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Smoothie Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Smoothie Boss'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Smoothie Co-worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Mr. Campbell'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Neighbour'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Smoothie Boss'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Smoothie Co-worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Smoothie Boss'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Smoothie Boss'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Neighbour'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Neighbour'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Bartender'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Factory Worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Factory Worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Factory Worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Factory Worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Factory Worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Factory Worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Factory Worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Neighbour'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Mr. Campbell'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Smoothie Co-worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Smoothie Boss'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Smoothie Co-worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Smoothie Boss'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Smoothie Customer'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Factory Worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Factory Worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Factory Worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Factory Worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Factory Worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Factory Worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Factory Worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Neighbour'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Bartender'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon: 'Smoothie Co-worker'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your brother headed off to school months ago, and you made sure he left with a smile on his face. But you decided against heading back to school yourself. You know you'll miss some of the friends you made there, but you promise you'll keep in touch. But as you started looking at what classes you need to take, and all the books you'll have to buy, and it just seemed so difficult. Besides, what do you need a degree for anyway? All you need is right here in town. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The ready supply of cocks to suck on campus was always great, but you really haven't had a problem finding them here either. Of course here the guys you blow might tend to be a bit older, and maybe a bit dirtier than the college guys and professors you mainly saw on campus. But a cock is a cock, right. They all feel just as wonderful sliding in, and their cum tastes just as good going down. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> If anything, you enjoy sucking their cocks even more. You used to crave the orgasms that happened sometimes when you made them cum, but don't much care about those, you just want to feel a cock in your mouth. Maybe it's the musty odor they have after a day's work at the factory, or maybe you just enjoy giving them a happy finish to a long, hard shift. Either way, you often find yourself waiting outside the factory gate as 5 P.M. approaches, with your lips eager for the whistle to start blowing, because you know soon you will be too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, your job was back at school too, but you didn't have much trouble find a job working at the smoothie bar in town. Of course your excellent 'interviewing skills' helped you land the job, but you aren't complaining. The pay isn't amazing, but your boss makes up for it with being flexible about your hours or if you mess up at work. You never ask for it, but the money some guys give you after blowing them is always nice too. You've been using it to <<if $PlayerStudentLoan>> pay down the student loans you took out and <</if>> save up for your own apartment. Sometimes you get confused when it's been too long since your last cock. But your boss always forgives you if you mess something up because of that, and he is usually even willing to help you address the problem directly so you can concentrate again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Lately, you've been able to experiment with making your own smoothies too, and you've even found a mix that helps you focus when your mind starts to get foggy. Of course, you have to get one or more of your coworkers to supply you with one of the key ingredients, but they don't mind. Of course, it's nothing like the wonderful feeling of warm cum shooting down your throat. But still, it's good knowing there's a tumbler in the break room with your name on it that will help you make it through when you are stuck working a long shift by yourself. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've gotten to love your smoothies so much that, other than for special occasions, you don't eat anything else anymore. You just have one of your smoothies when you start to feel hungry. You even [[take them home|Cumslut8]] to drink there too. Your mom was worried, but you told her your boss checked to make sure it had all the nutrients you need in it. She tried one once but said she didn't really care for it. "Hmmm, I like that salty flavor. It taste familiar, but I can't quite place it. But there's definitely cilantro in it, which I think tastes awful, so that overpowers the rest for me. But if you like it, that's great." <</nobr>> <<achievement>>dropout<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>A Neighbour's House</h1> <video src="PartX/Cumslut8.webm" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Mr. Campbell'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Mr. Campbell'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you wake up in the morning, it's usually the first thing you think about. When will be able to feel a warm cock between your lips. How long will you have to wait before your tongue can be sliding along it's shaft? How soon can you get another taste of some guy's warm, delicious cum. Happily, it's seldom a long wait. But instead of that, today you wake up wondering why your phone is ringing at 7 A.M. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's the X-Change people with another one of their follow up calls about your implant and the 'Cumslut' feature. With all the science and technology at their disposal, you wish they'd get better and figuring out timezones. Of course, as always, they are obsessed with questions about those orgasms you have somtimes. You tell them you don't even remember the last time that's happened. "I don't think it has since the last time you guys called a few months ago," you tell them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Of course it doesn't change anything," you reply to one of their questions. "I love sucking cock. Why would I ever stop? Yeah, those orgasms were nice when they happened, but a warm, hard cock in your mouth giving you a load of hot, tasty cum is its own reward, don't you think?", you explain to them. Maybe it's that you are a bit on edge in the mornings before you get your first cock, but you wonder why they are asking such dumb questions. Don't they know how great sucking cock is? Doesn't everyone? <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "And what if the orgasms were to stop altogether?", they sound slightly worried as they ask. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "It wouldn't much matter to me," you reply. "Are we almost done? You guys woke me up early, and I really need a taste of cum to get going in the mornings." They say that was the last question and thank you for your time. You are even more relieved when they let you know that this should be your last follow-up call from them, and thank you for helping them with their research. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you hang up, you think to yourself about what cocks are available. "Most the guys I know are still asleep," you feel your need growing. You haven't much been interested in a relationship, one guy really can't keep up with your need for cum, can he? But at times like this you can appreciate how nice would be to have a cock right there next to you first thing in the morning. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Wait, Mr. Campbell next door is probably awake!", you think excitedly. "Maybe I can give him one now, and see if he'll let me sleep an hour or two at his house and give him another one when I wake up again!" You throw on a t-shirt and shorts on and head next door. That should get you through the morning. He'll be spent after that. You'll worry later about where you'll get your next load from. <</nobr>> [[The End.|CumslutGameOver]]<h1><<print "Game Over - Cumslut">></h1> <img src="PartX/GameOver3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<achievement>>cumslut<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Starting fresh</h1> <img src="PartX/Divorce1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'd already settled into your new apartment and your [[new job|Divorce2]], but it's a lot easier and less stressful to make ends meet now that you have the settlement money. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your job options are less than they would be if you'd finished your degree. You'd considered going back to school, maybe starting at a community college this time. But you decided against it. You had enough problems before. You expect you'd do even worse now having been out of school for a while and working full time. There are plenty of jobs that don't require a degree. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>divorced<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Getting hit on at work by younger men</h1> <img src="PartX/Divorce2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> It might not be the job you dreamed about when you first headed off to college over ten years ago, but it pays the bills. While you aren't the youngest one working here, you also aren't the oldest either. Carla has at least 20 years on you, and she still pulls in decent tips, so you assume you can keep working here as long as you want. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You were surprised at first that the young guys still hit on you. Some of them looking barely 18, more than a decade younger than you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Divorce3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="right"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Usually they just want your number, and you have to wait to see if they ever use it. They almost always do. Other times, when your shift is almost over, you and him will skip all of the texting and dating and just go right back to [[his house|Divorce3]] as soon as you get off work. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In his room</h1> <video src="PartX/Divorce5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video><br> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(500, {anon:"Younger Guy", sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(500, {anon:"Younger Guy", sex:"male", vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The first time when one of the younger guys said "his place", you'd assumed he meant his own apartment, or maybe one shared with a roommate. But you quickly realized he could still be living at his parents, and it's just the room he grew up in. Sometimes, even with the sheets he used as a kid still on the bed. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wouldn't have guess he was a virgin when you'd flirted with him across the counter, or when you got horny and your shift ended, and you asked to go back to his place. But after seeing his room, you aren't shocked when he lets you know this is his first time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't care though if he's legal and his cock is hard. The fact that guys that age can cum and be ready to go again soon after is great too. You can teach him the rest. And the best part is they aren't looking for a relationship. They might hit you up again sometime if they are horny, which is fine by you. But they aren't going to be upset if when you aren't interested in being the girlfriend, or anyone else's right now either. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The one downside to the guys still living at home, is that you have to try to stay quite. No matter how good his cock feels, you don't want to moan and scream and let his parents hear. You've had a few awkward looks with parents as you left a guys house before when the dick was just too good to stay quiet. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Divorce6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You started keeping a penis gag in your purse to avoid that problem though. Now you you can keep your mouth full and covered while he fucks you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Though, you've learned it's often just easier to take him [[back to your apartment|Divorce4]] instead. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>virgin<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Back at your Apartment</h1> Back at your apartment you don't have to worry about awkward encounters with parents or roommates. And you can be as loud as you want - who cares if your neighbours know you are getting fucked? <<set setup.addSexRepeat(500, {anon:"Younger Guy", sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(500, {anon:"Younger Guy", sex:"male"}, vaginal:true)>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But the best part is that all of your toys and sexy outfits are here. The ones you bought with some of the divorce settlement money, and some you've aquired since then. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Divorce4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's so much fun seeing some 18 or 19 year old, who maybe has only had vanilla sex with the girl next door, see a bound and helpless woman for the first time. The excitement on his face when he realizes that he can use your body however he wants always gets you wet. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Well, when you can see him that is. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> [[Continue|Divorce5]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Continuing to enjoy younger men</h1> <video src="PartX/Divorce8.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video><br> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(500, {anon:"Younger Guy", sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(500, {anon:"Younger Guy", sex:"male", vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Divorce7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Every year you get a year older, but the guys you bring home seem to always seem to stay the same age. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You hope their interest in you doesn't start to wane at some point. But you expect that the smart ones will always appreciate the pleasure a woman with more experience can give them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And you are sure they'll always be eager virgins ready to have their first time with someone who is understanding, patient, and willing to teach them. <</nobr>> [[The End|GameOverCougar]].<h1>Game Over - Cougar</h1> <img src="PartX/GameOver1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<achievement>>cougar<</achievement>><<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Bailey') and $PlayerItemBuddyKey>> <<set $BaileyChastity to 1>> <<include [[EngineerLockHopelessGeneral]]>> <<elseif $dating.length>> <<include [[EngineerLockHopelessBreakup]]>> <<else>> <<include [[EngineerLockHopelessGeneral]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Breaking up with $dating[0]</h1> <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> <img src="Part8.5/Upset2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<else>> <img src="Part8.5/Upset1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know the conversation isn't going to be a pleasant one when $dating[0] sits down with you to talk. "I know I had said I was ok with your belt. And with all that goes along with it. But..., but it's just too much." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I can't deal with this anymore," $dating[0] continues. "It'd be bad enough just not being able to have sex with my girlfriend. But knowing whenever you're gone, there's a good chance you'll have sucked some guy's cock before you come back... I just can't accept that. Not anymore." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "So... so, you are dumping me?" you ask as you try to hold back tears. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I guess I am," $dating[0] says. "I deserve someone who can be there for me, and only me. But you've proven that your work is clearly more important to you than I am. So, yes, I'm breaking up with you." <<if $Roommate == $dating[0]>> <<unset $Roommate>> <</if>> <<set setup.breakupWith($dating[0])>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> This morning your only worry was about the [[meeting with the engineering department head tomorrow|EngineerLockHopelessGeneral]], but instead you going to bed alone tonight, crying yourself to sleep. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Meeting with your boss</h1> When you get to the engineering department you head into the department head's office. You are expecting him to be upset at your lack of progress, but he's actually excited by it. "$playerName, I want to talk to you about your work on the belt," he says. "You haven't found any more issues with the belt recently. Would you say we've eliminated all of them. Or at least the critical ones that could allow for escape or an unauthorized orgasm?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You want to say you've just been distracted, both by how horny you are and from the constant blowjob requirements. You think that maybe if he turned those off, and allowed you an orgasm or two, then you'd be more focused and able to find something. But you'd much rather be out of the belt entirely. So if he's thinking about ending the testing earlier, you are all for it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I think you are right, sir," you tell him. "I think we've eliminated all of the bugs now. The 'penetration testing', as you called it, is complete." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Engineer1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> "Great!" he says. "Let's get that belt off so we can run a few diagnostics so we can add that to the final report." When you start to question why he's securing your hands and attaching them to a collar around your neck, he holds up your belt's status on his phone. "I can see exactly how horny you are right now. We wouldn't want you to start masturbating right in the middle of the lab, would we?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You would, in fact, very much like that. But you do as you are told. After he removes your belt, you stand there in the lab, with your hands attached at your neck, and completely naked except for your chastity bra. The cool air on your finally-free pussy feels glorious. You know the other technicians can see how wet you are. You expect one of them would have already bent you over the table and started fucking you by now if the boss wasn't there. Of course thinking about that only makes you more wet. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After hooking your belt up to the computer, downloading all its data, and running their diagnostics, he says everything looks great. When he starts to walk towards you, clearly planning on putting it back on you, you object. "But... we are done with testing." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "We are done with the penetration testing, yes. But part of the deal with the dean for letting you off probation early was that you'd be testing for the full semester." You don't struggle as he moves the belt between your legs. "I'm sending you over to Kyle. I know having his very own volunteer test subject to work with can help him put a few finishing touches on the belt." You bristle a bit at being called a 'volunteer', but just nod. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I realize your belt has probably kept you distracted," he says. "So I'm not really faulting you on the mistakes you've been making in your other work. But, just to be sure it's done properly, I have assigned it to someone else for now. Besides, that leaves you free to focus all your time on [[helping Kyle|EngineerKyle]] however he needs you." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Meeting with Kyle</h1> "Hello, $playerName," Kyle says as you walk into his lab. "I was excited to hear you'll be working with us. It took me a bit to think of how best to use you. I know you were skeptical of my belt project last year, and my skill in general. In fact, if I'm being honest, you were a bit of a bitch to me last year." <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male"})>> <<unset $JobEngineerLock>> <<set $JobEngineerToy to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "But hopefully we'll have a much more friendly relationship now that we'll be working together closely," he continues. Especially now that I have this." He holds up his phone, showing your belt's status displayed. For example, I can see that the doubts you'd had about our oral-detection system should be long gone." He cuckles a bit then adds, "you've been very busy. Why don't you show me what you've learned." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you drop to your knees without argument, he hits a button on his phone. You are unzipping his pants as your belt gives a brief notification vibration, letting you know its programming has been updated. <</nobr>> <img src="PartX/Engineer2.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <<nobr>> You are a bit disappointed as your belt doesn't tease you as you suck his cock, but you continue just the same. A few minutes later, you are ready to feel his cum fill your mouth, but then he pulls out before then. You realize his work must have been keeping him busy as his huge load hits your face. Only then do you feel your belt start to stimulate you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After sucking the last bits of cum off his cock and swallowing the bit that made it into your mouth, you are about to wipe up the cum from your face, and what's dripped down onto your chastity bra. "I wouldn't do that if I were you," Kyle warns. "I'm trying out the a new 'semen-detection' routine on your belt. "Hopefully it works, because it'll punish you if it thinks you've cleaned off your face." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He glances at his phone and adds, "It seems to be working so far though. Those vibrations you are feeling will continue until my cum dries. Don't worry, you won't get punished when that happens, only if you try to clean it off." He laughs as he looks down at your cum covered face. "You'll need to <<if $BaileyChastity>> get someone else <<else>> [[get someone else|EngineerMess]] <</if>> to give you a fresh load before then if you want the stimulation to continue, as I have work to do." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh," he adds as you are walking out. "You'll want to get your showering and whatever done between 6 and 9 AM. That's the only time you won't be punished for cleaning <<if $BaileyChastity>> up. And I have a question, who is this 'Bailey' person listed in the file." <br><br> You let him know that she's your girlfriend. "Oh great," he says. "Have her [[come by sometime|EngineerKyleBailey]]. I'd like to go over a few things about your belt with her." He glances down at your file. "Though she's obviously fine with you sucking cock. We can talk about whether she wants me to change the belt to reward you when you pleasure her as well." <br><br> You would very much like that, so you eagerly set up a time for Bailey and Kyle to meet. <<elseif $tempLockAssist == "Bailey" or $tempLockAssist == "Kate" or $tempLockAssist == "Veronica">> up. And I have a question, who is this '$tempLockAssist' person listed in the file." <br><br> You let him know that she's your ex-girlfriend. "Out of the picture then?" he says rhetorically. "Too bad." <<else>> up." <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Dressing for success</h1> <img src="PartX/Engineer17.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> You want to have the best chance of getting Kyle to set the belt the way Bailey wants, or even giving her control over it. Though hoping for her to have the ability to unlock you is probably too much to hope for. <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"barista"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know Kyle will probably be disarmed if Bailey is looking as attractive as possible, especially if she flirts with him a bit. If it seems like Kyle is getting turned on by the thought of two women together, maybe she can play up the chance of letting him watch sometime. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You remove her belt, since he'd obviously notice the outline of that under anything she'd wear, and you want him to think she's the one controlling you, not that it's more the other way around. And then you find her something sexy, but not slutty to wear. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Can we speak privately?" Kyle asks Bailey after you introduce them to each other. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "$playerName wait in the hall," Bailey says trying to sound commanding. When Kyle says the meeting will probably take a while, Bailey tells you. "Go get my usual from the coffee shop. You can get something for yourself if you'd like. And you?" Kyle requests just a plain coffee. You say "yes, ma'am" and head to the coffee shop. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The whole way to and from the coffee shop you are imagining what it'll be like with Bailey hopefully having some control over your belt. You wonder if the power will go to her head. The more you think about it, the more you hope it does. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You take a little extra time at the coffee shop after one of the baristas you know asks, "Should I leave room for cream?" It's your little code for him letting you know he wants a blow job. You join him in the break room. Once you've taken care of him, he grabs your drinks from in front, so you can sneak out the back. You've long since stopped caring about the cum usually on your face, but he doesn't want his coworkers to know what he was doing on his break. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you get back to Kyle's office, you meekly tap on the door. You hear him say, "$playerName, if that's you [[come in|EngineerKyleBailey2]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Returning to Kyle's office</h1> When you open the door, what you see is not at all what you were expecting to see. <video src="PartX/Engineer18.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've seen Bailey suck a cock many times before, but you certainly wasn't expecting to see it now. She was supposed to be acting like she was in charge, not on her knees. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When your eyes stop focusing on Kyle's cock, you take in the rest. The cute pink collar around her neck, and most importantly, the chastity belt she is wearing. It's obviously not the one you'd left at home. It's another one of the electronic ones the department is testing! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "The more Bailey and I got to know each other," Kyle says, pausing occasionally for a moan. "The more I realized she didn't really want to control your belt. What she really wants is to be controlled herself. Isn't that right?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes, sir," Bailey says quickly before returning to his cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can see from the look of bliss on her face when Kyle cums that her belt was set to give her an orgasm when she got him off. As much as you love seeing Bailey cum, you feel a familiar ache wishing that it had been you sucking his cock and earning an orgasm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When Bailey finally takes his cock out of her mouth and he has a moment to recover Kyle says, "Now that I have two pretty little sluts to play with I'll need to think of something fun to do with you." He glances down at Bailey on her knees and adds, "Obviously this was fun, and we'll be doing it frequently. But I mean a special program." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "[[Until then|EngineerKyleBailey3]], I'll just set you both to have a small chance of an orgasm for every cock you suck." He hits a couple more buttons on his screen and adds, "Bailey, you'll need to swallow every drop if you want credit. I wouldn't want you both getting credit for the same cock." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBra>> <<unset $PlayerChastityBra>> "Oh, and let me get rid of this," Kyle says as he hits the keys to unlock your chasity bra and then helps you remove it. "I wouldn't want one of you to be wearing one and not the other. And it should be a crime to cover Bailey's beautiful breasts. Besides, I need to leave the two of you some way to entertain each other when I'm not there." <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Earning orgasms for Bailey</h1> Kyle's updated the programming for you and Bailey. Now your belts are linked. Your belt knows when Bailey gives a blowjob, and hers knows when you do. You are still teased and edged whenever you are giving a blowjob, as is Bailey when she is giving one. But Kyle was more excited about the rest of the programming he set up. <<set setup.addSexRepeat(200, {sex:"male"})>> <<set $SchoolWeek += 4>> <<unset $AcademicProbation>> <</nobr>> <video src="PartX/Engineer19.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<nobr>> Now, every time you give a blowjob, Bailey's belt will give her an orgasm, no matter where she is. But to encourage you to still give as many as possible, Kyle set it to have a small chance to give you an orgasm too. And he said for each one you give on the same day, that chance goes up a tiny amount. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The first day, after being denied for a few days before then, Bailey is begging you to find a cock, or two, or three to suck. By the end of the week you think Bailey would beg you to stop for a while. She would, that is if she didn't know how desperate you are to cum, since that 'small chance' Kyle mentioned hasn't happened yet. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Bailey's has a blowjob requirement as well. But you don't get a reward. You do get punished if she doesn't suck at least one cock a day. You aren't sure how bad it would be though, as it hasn't happened yet. You know any cock will do for her requirement, but Bailey always seems to go back to Kyle, and makes sure his cock is at least one of the ones she sucks that day. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Kyle's turned off the setting requiring you to have the guys cum on your face, or forbidding you from cleaning it off when they do. But you've gotten used to the feeling, so you are more than happy to let them cum wherever they like. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> At first you were thinking Kyle was going to swap back and forth, maybe overloading you with orgasms for a while, while Bailey was the one being encouraged to suck cock after cock. But after three weeks, and just one random orgasm for you, it seems he likes it the way it is. Though the last time Bailey came back from his office, she mentioned that he said he was thinking of [[something new|EngineerKyleBailey4]] to try in a few weeks. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Working as a team</h1> <video src="PartX/Engineer20.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set $SchoolWeek += 3>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(120, {sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(30, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Kyle says he likes how horny the previous settings have made you, and he'd like to see Bailey as desperate as you've been. As he checks the logs from your belt, presumably seeing you've had two orgasm in as many months, he pauses. "Well, maybe not quite as desperate as you've probably been. Maybe I'll be a little more generous with the settings for Bailey." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Like you, Bailey is on her knees quitely listening, but you think you hear a soft sigh of relief. "And I suppose since I'm giving both belts the same settings, it'll be easier on you too, $playerName," he adds. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He proceeds to explain the new settings he's given you and Bailey. Now you'll only get credit for cocks you suck together. Of course, you are both free to suck as many cocks as you want when you are apart, but you'll only get teased. There won't be any chance for an orgasm unless you are both there together. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are certainly having more orgasms now, sometimes even two in the same week. Though, obviously that's fewer for Bailey. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You certainly aren't sucking any fewer cocks though. If anything, you are both sucking more. Now, anytime either one of you is feeling horny, she'll be begging the other to join her on her knees with some lucky guy. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Kyle is a frequent recipient of your and Bailey's efforts. It's just another cock to you now, but Bailey seems to enjoy it even more than she does the others, so you are happy to join her. Though you know she frequently visits him on her own too. One of the times when you are with her, after you and her are done, Kyle asks you to stay afterwards. "There's something [[I want to discuss with you|EngineerKyleBailey5]]," he tells you. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Talking with Kyle</h1> <img src="PartX/Engineer21.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<set $JobEngineerAssistant to 1>> <<unset $JobEngineerToy>> "I'll be honest with you, $playerName," Kyle starts. "I really didn't like you last year. You were bossy, condescending and at times quite bitchy." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wouldn't have used those words, but you know it's at least partially true. You had thought many of the male engineers were stupid, including Kyle, and you hadn't tried very hard to hide that impression. You feel bad about it now, and even if you didn't feel bad, you wouldn't want ot upset Kyle, considering he is in complete control of your orgasms. "I'm sorry sir. I shouldn't have treated you... or the others, that way," you tell him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I believe you are sincere and do regret it," Kyle responds. "And all the time you've spent on your knees the past few months making it up to me have definitely improved my feelings towards you. But what really made me decide to forgive you, is introducing me to Bailey. She's very special to me, and I wouldn't have met her if it weren't for you." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are happy he isn't upset with you, but aren't sure how to respond. You don't need to as he soon continues, "I had planned a number of interesting things to really put you in your place, and to make sure you wouldn't be returning to work here as anything other than a guinea pig or as a fuck toy. But I don't think that will be needed now." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He continues, "You are actually a decent engineer. Not as great as you thought you were, but still it would be a shame to let your talent go to waste. So I've decided to keep you on as my assistant. You won't have to come up with ideas for new products, that was never really your forte anyway. You'll be helping me implement mine." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I know you're probably excited to get back to doing something technical again, and I know it's been over a week since you and Bailey last came. So once you sign the paperwork, I'll set your belts to give both several orgasms tonight. I know you'll think clearer tomorrow when you start," he says as he hands you a contract. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He's right, you do want to get back to engineering work, and you don't even mind that it's on his project instead of on your own. You always were better at implementing your ideas than coming up with the idea in the first place. You were hoping you'd get out of this belt too, but you can see in the contract that you would no longer be considered a tester, and 'ownership' of your belt would be transfered to Kyle "until such time as he may choose to reliquish it." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Between the extra pay you'll be getting every check, getting back to work, and the orgasms you and Bailey will be getting tonight, you can't say no. You sign the contract and hand it over to Kyle. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Wonderful," he says. He picks up his phone after putting your contract in a drawer. "I'll set it to give you enough time to [[get over to Bailey's|EngineerKyleBailey6]]. I'm sure you'll want to give her the good news so she'll know what's coming. Or not. Maybe you can just be there to enjoy the happy surprise when she finds out." Putting his phone down he says. "I'll see you bright and early tomorrow morning." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Celebrating with Bailey</h1> You decide to tell Bailey what is coming, so you hurry to her room before the belts start up. By the time the vibrations first hit, you and Bailey are naked beside each other on the bed, holding hands. Well, as naked as the two of you can be at least. <<set setup.startDating('Kyle')>> <</nobr>> <video src="PartX/Engineer22.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<nobr>> After your first orgasms, your belts don't give you any break or time to recover before pushing you on towards a second and then a third orgasm. Your third finishes before Bailey's, which gives you a moment to record her for bit. You send the video along with a "Thank you" message to Kyle. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you've both had time to recover, you finally have a moment to tell Bailey the reason for tonight's reward. "Oh, that's great!" she says. "I know you must be excited to get back to working. And I'm so relieved to hear you've made Kyle your owner!" she says. Seeing your confusion she explains, "Kyle and I have been getting closer, and I was worried you'd be upset and think I was cheating on you." She pauses for a moment then clarifies, "Emotionally I mean. Giving random guys a blow job doesn't count." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I had worried that if I told you how I felt about Kyle, you might break-up with me and drop out of the testing program, and then never talk to either Kyle or I again," she says. "But now that you're committed to him too, it's like we are one happily family. Well not a family yet, but you know what I mean. We both [[belong to Kyle|EngineerKyleBailey7]] now, for as long as he wants us." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Together with Bailey</h1> Kyle has change the settings on your and Bailey's belts. Now you are only teased while sucking a cock, or given a chance to orgasm, if it's Kyle's cock. You know technically it's if you are near his phone or in his apartment, but the effect is the same. The random teases throughout the day make sure you and Bailey are always horny, and always eager to take care of Kyle. <video src="PartX/Engineer24.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set $Roommate to "Bailey">> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(50, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Engineer23.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> Usually he lets you both wear whatever you want. But sometimes he picks out something special for either or both of you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> His choices usally make it clear to everyone around you that you and Bailey are together, and that both of you are Kyle's. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you are at work, it's just you and Kyle, Bailey's not there. But it's usually all technical. Though the nature of the work sometimes gets Kyle turned on and distracted. A quick break, a private room somewhere, and a quick blowjob helps with that though, and Kyle can get right back to work. He's set your belts to give Bailey an orgasm those times, so she doesn't mind missing out. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But when you aren't at work or in class, you and Bailey are usually together. You know Kyle is looking at getting a new apartment, big enough for all three of you. But until then, you've worked things out with Bailey's roommate and now you and her share a room. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Today, there's [[something else|EngineerKyleBaileyPermanent]] you and Bailey need to take care of together as well. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Heading to the X-Change Office</h1> <img src="PartX/Engineer14.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> More and more you and Bailey have been talking about <<if $PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> her making her change permanent too. She's never really had any serious second thought about it. Knowing you aren't changing back makes the decision easy for her. <<else>> both of you making your changes permanent. Occasionally you have second thoughts, but knowing you both would be making the decision together makes it much easier. <</if>> So you make an appointment at the X-Change clinic to take care of it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> She lets doctor know about the decision she's made to make her change permanent. The doctor discusses the decision with her at length, and confirms that she is aware that the side effects she has will become permanent also. She's smiles when he reminds her of that. She then signs some forms for the doctor. <<else>> You let the doctor know about the decisions you've both made. The doctor asks Bailey if she's made this decision too, and Bailey eagerly confirms. The doctor discusses the decision with you both at length, and then confirms that you are both aware that any side effects that you have will be come permanent also. Bailey smiles when she is reminded of that. The doctor then has both of you sign some forms. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After some tests, the doctor gives <<if $PlayerSideEffectPermanent>>Bailey<<else>>you both<</if>> a quick injection and says, "Congratulations!" and it's done. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's not until you are both back home and thinking about it for a bit that it really starts to sink in for <<if $PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> Bailey. "This is who I am now. I'm a woman, and I will be for the rest of my life," she says. Then she kisses you and adds, "And I couldn't be happier about it!" <<else>> you both. "This is who we are now. We are women, and we will be for the rest of our lifes," she says. Then she kisses you and adds, "And I couldn't be happier about it!" You let her know that you feel the same way. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> [[Continue.|EngineerKyleBailey8]] <<if !$PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <<achievement>>girlpower<</achievement>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Moving in with Kyle</h1> <video src="PartX/Engineer25.webm" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set $StudentYearsCompleted to 2>> <<set $Roommate to 'Kyle'>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"female", name:"Bailey"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> At the end of the year, when the lease is up on Kyle's studio apartment, he gets a larger apartment. This one is big enough for all three of you, so you and Bailey eagerly move in. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After settling in to the new living arrangements, Kyle makes some settings changes again. Now Bailey's belt is set to never give her an orgasm. She certainly isn't complaining though, as now Kyle is frequently unlocking her for sex. He says she's welcome to come as many times as she wants, as long as he is inside her. You aren't left out though, as he doesn't want to cum inside Bailey, since she's still not on any birth control. But he knows you are always happy to have him fill your mouth or ass, especially since it means you'll have a chance to orgasm when he does. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After a while, he changes things again. Now only you <b>OR</b> Bailey are allowed to orgasm each week. He'll still be fucking Bailey, so that means she has to hold back from cumming each time, and then at the end of the week, you'll be allowed one orgasm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The first week is easy, Kyle is going to be away at a conference for most of the week, so you and Bailey decide that it'll be your week. Bailey manages to hold back the two nights before he leaves, and then by the time he returns the week is over and he lets you have your orgasm. The second week, you make sure Bailey has as many as possible, cumming at least twice before Kyle pulls out of her. She's had at least two dozen orgasms by the [[end of the week|EngineerKyleBailey8A]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Watching Bailey Orgasm</h1> <video src="PartX/Engineer25.webm" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Week three is supposed to be your week again. Bailey tries, you can see her struggling not to cum each time. But as the week goes on, it gets harder and harder for her. On the last day, she can't hold back. She starts to cum just before Kyle pulls out for you to finish him. With him stopping too soon, she's left a wimpering mess begging for him to keep going. He said the somewhat ruined orgasm she had still counts. But not to worry, the new week starts tomorrow. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next day, Bailey is too desperate for an orgasm, and you can tell that she doesn't even try to hold back. Knowing your chance for an orgasm this week is gone, you decide to help her make the most of it this week, and you go back to ensuring she comes as many times as possible whenever Kyle fucks her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When week four arrives, Bailey tells you she's decided she's going to orgasm again this week. You start to protest, but decide against it. You know Bailey will orgasm at least once unless she's trying hard not to, so there's nothing you can do but try to make her week as fun as possible and hope she wants to let you have your reward next week. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You do object the following week when she says the same. When you do she tells you, "I've decided its disrespectful to try not to orgasm when Kyle is inside me. Besides, if Kyle wanted you to orgasm, he could just let you have one with the press of a button. Maybe if you keep doing a good job of pleasuring me, and him of course, then [[he'll decide to give you one|EngineerKyleBailey9]]. Or maybe even fuck you too." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As week after week passes, you try to ignore the constant need you feel, and just focus on Kyle's pleasure. And now on Bailey's too. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Bailey Thanking You</h1> <video src="PartX/Engineer26.webm" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"female", name:"Bailey"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's been months since your last orgasm, and Kyle has decided to give you a chance at an orgasm, if Bailey is willing to give you one. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He takes you and Bailey into one of the engineering labs testing rooms, removing your belts once you are both restrained. Bailey is unable to move anything but her head. Your restraints are still loose, but you can see that when Kyle tightens them, you'll be forced directly over Bailey. It's clear that your orgasms will be from Bailey's tongue on your clit. You've fantasized about her head buried between your legs many times, and you know she has too. But until now your belt had always prevented it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Kyle then places a wand vibrator against Bailey's clit, getting it positioned just right while it's still off. "Bailey can give you as many orgasms as she wants until the timer runs out," he says. "Don't worry, I'll give her plenty of time. Though she might get a bit distracted after a while, as the wand will be on the whole time too." After that he tightens your restraints until you are directly over Bailey. She immediately gets to work. She pauses briefly for a moan when he flips on the wand. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> By the time the timer finally goes off and Kyle turns off the vibrator, you have no idea how many orgasms you've just had. Probably more than you've had in the past year. Certainly more than in the past six months. Bailey didn't let up, only pausing when one of her own orgasms overwhelmed her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She's pleasantly surprised when she feels Kyle enter her, and begins eating you out even more intensely than she had been. You have another orgasm watching Kyle fuck her. You wonder if she's at all worried about getting pregnant when he moans and thrusts a finally time while still inside her. If anything, she seemed to love it. And unlike you, she didn't even see him putting a condom on this time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once your belts are secured on again, Kyle releases the restraints. You think her tongue is probably too tired to want to talk at the moment, but you swear you see a bit of disappointment on Bailey's face when she notices the used condom in the trash and realizes she doesn't have Kyle's cum running down her leg like she'd expected. You wonder if she's wanting to get pregnant, or just wanting the [[feeling of his cum|EngineerKyleBailey10]] draining out of her. Perhaps both. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Cumming inside Bailey</h1> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"female", name:"Bailey"})>> Today is Bailey's birthday and Kyle asks her what she'd like for her birthday. "I loved when you came inside me the other day. I always feel like I'm missing out when you pull out of me before you do," she tells him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh, would you like me to pick up some more condoms then?" he asks her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I wouldn't want anything to come between us either," she says. "I think it would be hot if you left me full of your cum. When I feel it leaking out of me, it'll remind me of how good I made you feel." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> That's probably all true, but you recognize the look in her eyes. You've had the same feeling yourself <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> many times. <<else>> at times. <</if>> You don't know if it's the X-Change or just nature, but you are pretty sure some part of Bailey desperately wants Kyle to get her pregnant. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You see a flash of disappointment from Bailey when Kyle says, "Well, I don't want to risk getting you pregnant right now." Her disappointment starts to fade when he adds, "But I do know a way to give you want you want for your birthday." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Bailey has never had anything bigger than a finger in her ass before. Kyle has been in yours many times, but Bailey has always been nervous about trying it. But now she's eager to give it a chance. <</nobr>> <img src="PartX/Engineer27.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <<nobr>> She sucks on Kyle's cock for a bit while you use your finger and plenty of lube to get her ass ready. When Kyle finally eases into her ass you see Bailey's eyes open wide. The look of surprise at the new feeling quickly turns into a smile and then a moan as he starts slowly moving in and out of her. You no longer see her expressions once your tongue moves to her clit, but her cries of pleasure assure you that she'll be wanting Kyle to do this again, and again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "$playerName, lick her clean," Kyle instructs you. "We are still going out for her birthday dinner, and I don't want her making a mess on her new dress. Bailey, We'll do this again after we get back, then you can feel me leaking out of you the rest of the evening." You quickly get to work licking Bailey's ass clean of Kyle's cum as instructed. "Good girl," Kyle says as he pats you on the head. "Bailey, it's your birthday, but do you think $playerName deserves an orgasm tonight too?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Maybe next week," Bailey says. You can see, but you can almost hear the grin you know she is making. "If she does a good job that is." Your tongue works it's way deep into Bailey trying to make sure you get every drop of Kyle's cum out. "Mmmm, yes just like that." <</nobr>> [[Continue.|EngineerKyleBailey11]]<<nobr>> <h1>Bailey waiting at home</h1> <img src="PartX/Engineer28.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> Kyle is a year ahead of you and two ahead of Bailey, so at the end of the school year he graduates. He already has a job lined up. He'll be working on bringing belts like the one you are wearing to market, as well as other exciting devices like it in the future. He gets to pick his yeam, and of course he wants you there as his assistant. <<set $StudentYearsCompleted to 3>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's full time over the summer. Once school starts back up for your senior year, you'll be taking classes in the morning and then working for Kyle in the afternoons. After you graduate you'll switch back to full time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your mid-day blowjobs for Kyle aren't as common now. Usually you both try to save up your energy until you get home where Bailey is waiting for you. You are still in your belt full-time, but Kyle rarely has Bailey wear hers anymore. Usually, when she greets you too in the evening, she isn't wearing much at all. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> One of Bailey's favorite outfits to greet you two wearing always makes you smile. Not just because of how beautiful she looks in it, but also because it reminds you so much of how you'd pictured her that first day you met her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> How the evening begins depends on what kind of day Kyle had. If he's feeling horny when you get home, you'll be helping get Bailey off again as Kyle fucks her ass. If he's tired and just wants to relax, you'll be getting her off yourself as he relaxes and watches. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Either way, you know your belt will be teasing you as you watch Bailey orgasm. Your orgasms wait until the weekend. Not every weekend though, only ever few weeks, or sometimes after a couple months, Kyle will say you've earned an orgasm too. If Bailey agrees that is, which she usually does. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Bailey usually likes to hold you in her arms as you feel your orgasm, or if Kyle is generous, orgasms, build. You squeeze her tight as the pleasure washes over you and she whispers into your ear what a good girl you are. <</nobr>> [[Continue.|EngineerKyleBailey12]]<<nobr>> <h1>Kyle Proposes</h1> <img src="PartX/Engineer29.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <<set $BaileyKyleEngaged to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Kyle takes you and Bailey out for a romantic dinner. After the meal he pulls out two matching engagement rings and proposes, to both you and to Bailey. Of course you both eagerly accept. "But how?" one of you asks when the excitement settles a bit. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Unfortunately the law here will only let two of us be officially married, we can decide later which two. But to us, it'll be all three of us together. I'll find a lawyer to help us with the paperwork for accounts and insurance and things like that. But tonight, let's just [[enjoy and celebrate|EngineerKyleBailey13]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Celebrating your engagement</h1> <video src="PartX/Engineer30.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle", vaginal:true, birthControl:'pullout-perfect'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Bailey"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle", vaginal:true, birthControl:'pullout-perfect'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Bailey"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle", vaginal:true, birthControl:'pullout-perfect'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Bailey"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle", vaginal:true, birthControl:'pullout-perfect'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Bailey"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle", vaginal:true, birthControl:'pullout-perfect'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Bailey"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you get home from the restaurant, you, Bailey, and Kyle want to celebrate some more. Your heart is racing as Kyle removes your belt this time. Even without its teasing, you are dripping wet as a you, then Bailey suck his cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You think you are going to cum instantly when he slides into you. It's been literally years since you've felt a cock inside you, not counting your mouth or ass that is. You don't come quite that quickly, but it doesn't take long before you are crying out with your first orgasm that wasn't from your belt since you don't know when. You want Kyle to keep going, just like Bailey had felt before, you yearn for him to cum inside you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But he doesn't. Instead, after your orgasm, he pulls out and let's Bailey climb on top of him. She rides him until her own orgasm. When she stops moving he thrusts up, fucking her from underneath, through her orgasm. Once her orgasm passes, she beging riding him again. When he gets close he doesn't pull our or make her get off of him. Instead he let's her keep riding him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he starts to moan, she lowers herself all the way down on his cock. She rocks back, riding him but keep him deep inside her as she drains every last drop from his cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You lick his cock clean for him, but leave his cum dripping from Bailey, like she wants. When you are finished, Kyle tells you "Don't worry about your belt for now, $playerName. We'll be having some more celebrating the rest of the weekend. But it's back in your belt before work on Monday. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Thank you, sir!" you tell him. Later that evening, you can't help but admire the trail of cum moving down Bailey's leg. You suppose Kyle has decided that the chance of Bailey getting pregnant isn't a problem anymore, since three of you will [[be married in a few months|EngineerKyleBaileyMarried]]. You resist the urge to play with yourself. You know belt or not, that's against the rules. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Getting Married</h1> <img src="PartX/Engineer31.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <<set $BaileyKyleMarried to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After talking it over with the lawyers and accountants, the three of you decide that tax-wise it wouldn't be good if the legal marriage was between you and Kyle, since you'll be the two highest earners. Especailly since Bailey has decided not to return to the university for her junior year, so she can stay home to take care of the house for you and Kyle, and eventually the children the three of you will have. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Among the other two options, it's just a choice. The three of you decide it will be you and Bailey that are on the marriage certificate. The lawyers help you all fill out the paperwork to put the new house the three of you have purchased in the name of all three of you though, as well as any other accounts whenever possible. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Among other benefits of doing it this way, whenever one of you gets pregnant, the other spouse will be automatically considered a parent. You didn't ask if the laws here were written assuming a sperm bank or something or if they just never considered same sex couples, either way it works for you three. And Kyle could always go to court if something happened since he could easily prove he was the biological father. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've also decided that instead of one of you taking the other's last name, you will both take Kyle's. It'll be one more thing to show you are one family, especailly later since it means all the kids will have the same last names too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Engineer32.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> Your immediate families were all accepting of your wedding, both your and Bailey's fathers being there to 'give you away' at the ceremony. You weren't sure how your father would feel, but in the end he seems happy that Kyle is 'in charge' of both you and Bailey and doesn't really care about the legal details. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When the officiant says, "You may now kiss the bride," you eagerly do so. After you and Bailey exchange a kiss you both in turn kiss Kyle also. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After the reception, the three of you leave for a short honeymoon. There's too much to be done for the coming product lauch for your and Kyle to be away for any longer than than that. Kyle says that it's long enough for the surprise he has for the you and Bailey [[installed in the bedroom|EngineerKyleBailey14]] the three of you will be sharing as husband and wives. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>married%poly<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Your marriage bed</h1> <img src="PartX/Engineer33.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> As soon as you and Bailey get home and see the oversized bed Kyle had installed while you were gone, you are both thrilled. No longer will you all be squeezed together, unless you want to be, while you try to sleep. You are both even more excited when Kyle starts to reveal what's behind the decorative side panels. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he opens the double doors in front, you see cuffs and crops and collars, and plugs, and all the other toys you, Bailey, and Kyle have collected over the years. You also see a rack to hold a chastity belt when it's not in use. You assume it will generally be Bailey's as you are almost always wearing yours. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Next he lifts up the corners and edges of the mattresses to show the various attachment points that can be used with the cuffs to secure you or Bailey, or even both at the same time, wherever Kyle may want. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Finally, he removes the corner panels to show a cage. "We all need some one-on-one time with each other," Kyle says. "You two have it with each other whenever I'm away on business. $playerName and I have it sometimes when we are at work, or if she joins me on a business trip. Bailey and I need it too. Especially right now while we are trying to conceive." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Kyle presses a button hidden behind the pillows and the cage door pops open. "Give it a try now, $playerName, while Bailey and I break the bed in." As you crawl into your 'bed' you feel your belt vibrate once as you enter. After you lie down on the furs Kyle has there for you, he closes the door. As soon as you hear it click closed your feel your belt spring to life and start you slowly building towards an orgasm. "I thought you would like that," Kyle says before lifting Bailey up and carrying her towards the bed. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The belt of course slows down and keeps you on the edge of an orgasm without giving you one. You yearn for that extra bit of stimulation as you hear the bed creak above you and Bailey moan and then cry out with several orgasms. You also hear the familiar sound of Kyle's groan as he orgasms, you imagine him filling Bailey as he does. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After they've stopped moving for a moment you hear Bailey ask, "If this button opens her cage, what do these other ones do?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "This one turns off the lights, and the teasing from her belt if it's time for her to sleep," Kyle explains as the light in your cage goes out and your belt stops. "Or back on if it's time to wake up." The lights and your belt spring back to life." This one gives her a shock if she is misbehaving." You flinch at the sudden pain. "Each time you press it again it will be worse until she starts behaving. And finally, this one give her an orgasm." You bite your lip in anticipation, but the button is never pressed. And it's almost like he knows you are imagining pressing the button again and again yourself when he adds, "It only works on if she is locked in the cage though." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you ask if it works on Bailey's belt too, you feel another painful shock from your belt and hear "Quiet down there," from Bailey. Kyle laughs and says, "Yes, it'll work on whichever of you happens to be in the cage. Of course, I can also disable the orgasm option if you two are misbehaving." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are reminded that it's going to be you most of the time down here as you hear them start to move above you again. The discussion has likely gotten Kyle hard again, and he's probably ready to see if he has any cum left to give Bailey. <</nobr>> [[Continue.|EngineerKyleBaileyEnd]] <<achievement>>graduate<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Bailey expecting your first</h1> <img src="PartX/Engineer34.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set $StudentYearsCompleted to 4>> <<set $Graduated to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> A few months later you celebrate your graduation and you start working full time with Kyle again. But only a week after that Bailey has even more exciting news. Her frequent "one-on-one" time with Kyle have worked and she's expecting your first child. All three of you are thrilled with the news. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You start sleeping on top of the bed with them more often now, but don't mind the nights in your cage either. Especially not when one of them decides to press the orgasm button for you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you watch Bailey's body change, you start thinking about a few years from now, when it's your turn to get pregnant. But you don't want to abuse the generous maternity leave policy your work has. You'll be taking time off to help Bailey, so it wouldn't be fair to be gone for months again right away with your own pregnancy. Unfortunately Kyle doesn't qualify for their paternity leave since Bailey is married to someone else. You doubt whoever wrote their HR policies ever even considered your situation. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you watch Bailey's breasts grown you wonder if yours will do the same. Obviously when you get pregnant they probably will, but you wonder about in a few months. You plan on co-nursing with Bailey, and wonder if yours will grow as much as hers once you your lactation starts. You guess you'll know soon enough, the doctor has already started you on the medications to help start the process. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The other part of your 'co-pregnancy' with Bailey isn't something you are looking forward to as much. Bailey can't have sex for six weeks after she delivers, and so you won't be either. Other than blowjobs for Kyle, that is. But your belt won't be stimulating you even then, so it doesn't really count. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know you and Bailey will both be horny and and eager once the six weeks are up, but you already know the first night you'll be listening to Bailey and Kyle enjoying their first time having sex again from your cage. You only hope one of them decides to press your orgasm button when they do. <</nobr>> [[The End.|GameOverPoly]]<h1>Game Over - Polyamorous Wife</h1> <img src="PartX/GameOver3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<achievement>>poly<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Going to sleep</h1> <img src="PartX/Engineer3.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Kyle's right, as you feel the cum drying on your face, the belt also slows then stops it's vibrations. You were already planning on finding someone else to give you a fresh, warm load to replace it when your belt sends you one of it's notifications to suck a cock. You quickly find a willing guy to service. He comments on the dried cum alreay on your face, but is more than happy to leave his contribution on top of Kyle's. A moment after he does, the pleasurable sensations from your belt resume. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You suck several more cocks that night, enjoy the stimulation from your belt, but always wishing it would let you cum. After your last blowjob of the night leaves, you are ready to lay down to sleep for the night. Well, sleep will have to wait until his cum dries, as you wouldn't want to miss the teasing your belt will give you until then. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But your belt is more active than usual this time. You feel it getting you close to an orgasm. You are wondering if you are being rewarded for all the cocks you sucked today and not cleaning your face off even once. Then you receive a notification from your belt. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <blockquote> <b>Message from your owner</b><br> $playerName, it looks like you've had some fun today.<br> Send me a photo and I'll reward you with an orgasm.<br> </blockquote> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> While you aren't eager for Kyle to have a photo of you like this, you'd do anything right now for that orgasm, so you lie down and take a selfie and send it to him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Even better than I was imagining!" he replies. A moment later your belt's vibrations intensify. It continues until you are grabing at your sheets and crying out with the orgasm that Kyle had promised. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Even with your face covered in now-dry cum, you sleep better that night than you have in weeks. You don't wake until your alarm goes off [[the next morning|EngineerMess2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Going to sleep</h1> <img src="PartX/Engineer4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your first class today isn't until 10 AM, but you make sure you get up earlier so you can get ready during the three hour window Kyle gave you. You're sure you have your shower done, your make-up on, and everything else ready well before 9 AM arrives. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You feel fresh and clean now, after spending most of the previous day with cum covering your face. It's barely past 9 when your phone beeps with a notification from your belt. It's a familiar one by now, telling you to find a cock to suck. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The guy next door greets you with a smile, already knowing the reason you'd be knocking on his door first thing in the morning. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'd told him yesterday about the new settings on your belt, so he happily cums on your face instead of in your mouth as usual. Your task accomplished, you walk back to your room. <</nobr>> <img src="PartX/Engineer5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <<nobr>> His cum is mostly dried by the time you are supposed to leave for class, but it's still clearly visible. You are tempted to skip class, rather than show up with cum dried to your face. But you check and the punishments for that are still active on your belt, so you know you'll need to show up. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You get some looks in class, especially from the other girls, but no one says anything. At least not until the end of class. After class, several of the guys in class offer to add their cum to what's already on your face. By the time you head to your next class, you have cum from half a dozen guys on your face. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After classes you head to the lab. While you are there, Kyle, and some of the other guys on his team, leave theirs for you as well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After [[a few weeks|EngineerKyle2]] of this you've become accustomed to the feeling of cum on your face, especially since you've come to associate it with the pleasurable feelings the belt gives you when you have fresh cum there. And you expect people have gotten used to seeing you that way as well. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In the lab with Kyle</h1> <img src="PartX/Engineer6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<unset $PlayerChastityBra>> <<set setup.removeInventory('sex toys', 'chastity bra')>> <<set setup.removeInventory('sex toys', 'electronic chastity bra')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With the belt monitoring our arousal level and who knows what else, there's no use trying to lie to Kyle about how much you'd enjoyed the new 'cum-detection' setting he had been trying on you. <</nobr>> <img src="PartX/Engineer3.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="right"> <<nobr>> "I'm glad you enjoyed it, since it's your face we are going to use when we are promoting that feature. That photo you sent the other day was perfect!", he tells you. "So since you are going to be the face of the feature, do you have any suggestions for improvements?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You do tell him that you were embarrassed by it at first, but that the constant encouragement from the belt helped you get over that quickly. You tell him the one suggestion you had would be to take into account the weather. You'd been really worried when it rained one day that you might be punished if the cum was washed off. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well, maybe you should get an umbrella. Or just stay inside sucking cock when it's raining," he suggests. He laughts when you admit that that's exactly what you did do. "But you don't have to worry about that now," he tells you. "I'm trying a different setting on you. One that we put a lot of work in to, but none of our beta testers have tried. I won't spoil the surprise though and tell you [[what it does|EngineerKyle3]]." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I have another surprise for you I know you'll like," he continues. "The bug with the device pairing is fixed now, so I can probably be persuaded to let you out of your chastity bra now." You quickly drop to your knees and work on persuading him. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Studying with friends</h1> You can't see what settings Kyle has placed on your belt now, as he's locked you out from seeing all of that. All you can see now when you open the app is the option to message your owner, Kyle. You doubt he would have eliminated your daily blowjob requirement though, so you've kept those up. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He has turned off the cum-detection feature he'd had you testing though, so you've gone back to usually swallowing every drop. You also suspect he's turned off the random blowjob requirements as you haven't received an message about one for a while. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Now that you think about it, maybe it is possible that he turned off your daily requirement. You aren't going to stop though. You love giving them, even if you just get teased by the belt when you do. And you love it even more now that the belt seems to occasionally give your an orgasm just as the guy finishes for you. It's very rare, and it seems random, but it just makes you want to give more and more of them hoping for another lucky one. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But today you won't be giving as many as usual. You have a big test coming up tomorrow, and you and several friends will be studying for hours so you can make sure you pass. <</nobr>> <img src="PartX/Engineer7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <<nobr>> You've been there, quietly working for about 30 minutes when your belt starts to softly tease you. You are tempted to run out right now and find someone to blow. That's what you'd usually do. But you stop yourself. You have work to do today. It's harder to focus, and your mind keeps wandering off what you are reading, but you try to ignore it and keep going. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Thirty minutes later, you haven't made near the progress that your friends have, and you realize at this rate you'll be working all night. You try to to concentrate on your studying, but your belt starts stimulating you even more. You are about half way to an orgasm, and hoping it continues when it stops and messages you: <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <blockquote> <b>Orgasm chance increased</b><br> It looks like you are bored and needing something to do.<br> Why not find a nice, hard cock to suck?<br> Orgasm reward chance increased for the rest of the day.<br> </blockquote> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You tell your study partners you aren't feeling well and are going to head back home to lie down. "Yeah, whatever. Have fun with whoever he is," one of them says, clearly not beleiving you. You gather your things and quickly head out to find a guy to help you finish what the belt started for you. <</nobr>> <img src="PartX/Engineer8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> <<nobr>> It's many hours, and many cocks, later before your belt finally comes through with the orgasm you needed. You have a smile on your face as you wipe the cum from your face with your finger and then suck your finger clean. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you've left his room, you check your phone and see that it's past 1 in the morning! You head back home to study. You are thankfully able to focus better now. It's hours later when you finish, but you are finally ready for your [[test tomorrow|EngineerKyle4]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Sleeping Late</h1> <img src="PartX/Engineer9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After studying all night, you must have slept right through your alarm. Or maybe you shut it off without remembering it and went back to sleep. Whichever it was, you wake up eight hours after your cram-session. You feel well-rested, but you quickly start to panic as you realize your exam was hours ago! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your professor was very clear at the start of the term about her policy on make-up tests. While you doubt she was literal about "being dead or in the hospital" being the only excuses she'd accept, you certainly don't think she's going to accept "I overslept" either. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You go talk to her, but she's not willing to make an exception just because you didn't wake up in time. You already weren't doing well, so you'll really have work hard if you are going to pass her class. And dropping it isn't an option since it's past the deadline to do that now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You head over to the lab to [[meet with Kyle|EngineerKyle5]]. He said he had something to give you. Based on past experience, you suspect he means his cock. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Listening to music on your new accessory</h1> <img src="PartX/Engineer10.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(15, {sex:"male", anon:"Soccer Player"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(8, {sex:"male", anon:"Soccer Fan"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You stop by the lab to meet Kyle. Surprisingly it wasn't his cock he was wanting to 'give you', it was actually some earbuds. He said normally you could just use them to play music or whatever else you wanted. Sometimes it might interrupt that to give you information about your belt. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He borrows your phone for a minute to install the app and adjust whaterver other settings on your phone so that it can link up to the earbuds. He does the same on your laptop. "There, you are all set," Kyle tells you as you as you hear a tone in your ears as he activates the earbuds. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Be sure to keep them in at all times," he says. "They are waterproof, but you can take them out for a short time when you shower or bathe. But put them right back in as soon as you are done. Also, if it tells you to take one of them out to charge, you can do that. Otherwise, you'll need to keep them both in or your belt will get angry with you." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are about to leave when Kyle says, "Oh, since you are here anyway..." You drop to your knees as he begins to pull down his pants. You are startled the first time, but soon you get accustomed to the occasional words of encouragement you hear in your ears. By the time his cum is filling your mouth you are barely even noticing it. 'Good girl, now swallow every drop,' it tells you. Of course, you were going to do that anyway. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You want to take your mind off your class, and worrying about how you are going to pass. You decide to go try out the feature of your earbuds you were wanting, actually using them as earbuds. You find a spot in the park and start listening to music as you watch some guys play soccer. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> At first, you wonder if there might be some interference with the signal from your phone to the earbuds. You think you can almost hear a voice talking when there's a quiet moment in the music. But as you keep listening for a while, you forget about it and soon don't really notice it anymore. What you do notice is how hot the sweaty soccer players look. And how you wish their shorts were a bit tighter... <</nobr>> <img src="Part6/Frat7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <<nobr>> The next few hours are a bit of blur for you. You clearly remember walking towards the soccer field, tasting the first cock a while later, after that it all runs together. Did you suck off the entire team? Both teams? Some of the spectators too? You can't remember. You just know you are a good little slut and you are meant to serve. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you pick up the earbud the last guy accidentally knocked out while he was face-fucking you, your head starts to clear a bit. You realize you need to get home and study. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Though by the time you actually get home it's late and you are tired from today's activities. You decide it's better to just get some sleep so you don't oversleep again [[tomorrow|EngineerKyle6]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Sitting in Class</h1> <img src="PartX/Engineer11.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="320" align="left"> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(15, {sex:"male"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After not studying yesterday, you aren't surprised when you do poorly on your quiz at the start of class. You try to listen to the professor's boring lecture for the rest of the class, but your mind is much more on the aching need you feel between your legs. You think about how good it would have felt yesterday if you'd had been able to let those guys fuck you too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you quickly dismiss that thought. "I don't deserve to orgasm," you think. "I'm just for giving other's orgasms, not getting them myself." In your ear, you hear the sound of a guy moaning as he cums. You don't know if it's one of the guys yesterday, or just a random recording, but either way it makes you want to hear it again for real. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can almost taste the cum in your mouth as you imagine blowing the guy a few feet from you. You can't sit and wait any more and listen to this boring woman talk. It's not like you are going to pass anyway. You make eye contact with the guy you'd been fantasizing about and look towards the door. You then gather your things and leave the classroom. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are about to give up waiting for him and leave to find someone else when you see him walk out and join you in the hallway. "Can I please suck your cock, sir?" you ask him as soon as he is by you. He is more than happy to let you, but makes you wait the frustratingly long time until the two of you are back to his dorm room. <</nobr>> <video src="PartX/Engineer12.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<nobr>> When you finally free his cock from his underwear you are thrilled that it's as wonderful as you had been imagining it. You are so proud of yourself when you are able to take all of it into your mouth. It makes you happy when even the voice whispering in your ear tells you what a good little cocksucker you are. Though the moans your new friend is soon making make you even happier. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He offers to return the favor, but you tell him you don't deserve to cum. You show him your belt to prove that it isn't even an option anyway. "But if you let me suck your cock again, we can call it even," you tell him. It takes a few minutes, but he happily lets you suck his cock again. After that time, he's done for now. But you give him your number letting him know you'd love to have his cock in your mouth whenever he wants. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you [[leave his dorm|EngineerKyle7]], you head to your own room to leave your books. You aren't going to waste time in class today. Now when there are plenty of cocks that need to be sucked around campus still. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Looking up your missed work</h1> <video src="Part14/Home52.webm" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(75, {sex:"male"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you've sucked your last cock or the day, you go to your laptop to look up what was covered in the classes you missed. You must have clicked on one of your bookmarks by mistake or something because soon you find yourself on a porn site, watching videos of women giving blowjobs and you forget about why you'd opened your laptop in the first place. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you watch them you, of course, imagine what each of cocks would taste like. You notice your earbuds are giving you advice, telling you what each girl is doing right or wrong, helping you to be learn and be your best. <</nobr>> <img src="PartX/Engineer13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> <<nobr>> You decide don't want to go to bed without practicing what you've learned. Thankfully there are several guys nearby that are always willing to let you suck their cock. You go to bed that night satisfied that you are an even better cocksucker than you were yesterday. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The rest of the week, you don't even bother going to class. It's just a waste of time anyway. What you want to learn isn't in the classroom anyway. You are really eager to learn more about sucking cock it would seem though. Whenever you start using your laptop or the internet on your phone, it seems like you end up watching more blowjob videos instead. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you meet up with the guy you'd met in class, he asks if you want to copy his notes from the classes you missed. "No thanks," you tell him. "But let me know if you like what I've been learning instead." With his hand on the back of your head, and his moans filling his dorm room, you are confident that he is. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> You are eager for your [[meeting with Kyle|EngineerKyle8]] in a few days, so you can show him all you've learned. Of course you'll get in as much practice before then as you can. <<else>> You are eager for your meeting with Kyle in a few days, so you can show him all you've learned. Of course you'll get in as much practice before then as you can. But there's [[something else|EngineerMakePermanent]] you need to take care of first. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <<unset $PlayerDecidePermanent>> <h1>Heading to the X-Change Office</h1> <img src="PartX/Engineer14.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> More and more you've been thinking about making your change permanent. Occasionally you have second thoughts. "I could still be good at sucking cocks if I changed back," you think. "But, then I might want my cock sucked too, and I don't deserve orgasms," you think also. "No. No. I can't imagine ever changing back," you finally decide. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You let the doctor know about the decision you've made to make your change permanent. The doctor discusses the decision with you at length, and confirms that you are aware that any side effects you have will become permanent also. When you tell her you're sure, she has you sign some forms. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After she's finished with the other tests that you were scheduled for, she gives you a quick injection and tells you "Congratulations!" and it's done. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's not until you are sitting alone at home for a moment that it really starts to sink in. This is who you are now. You are a woman now, and you will be for the rest of your life. And you couldn't be happier about it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Eventually your mind drifts back to the present and you start thinking about your [[meeting with Kyle|EngineerKyle8]]. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>girlpower<</achievement>><<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Engineer15.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"> <h1>Meeting with Kyle</h1> You feel naked when Kyle removes your chastity belt. Well, you are actually naked, but you somehow feel extra-naked without it. You feel vulnerable without it protecting you. But Kyle is here, and that makes you feel safe. <<unset $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle", vaginal:true, birthControl:"careful condom"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He has you bend over for inspection. "I see the belt wasn't wrong about your arousal level," he notes. "I'd bet you'd love for me to slide my cock between those wet lips..." two of his fingers part your lips and slide inside you. "And fuck you right here, wouldn't you." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can feel the wetness trail down your leg as you tell him, "I only want to make you happy. You can use me however you like. But I'm a dirty slut and a tease, and I don't deserve to orgasm." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Quite right," he confirms. "That's why I have this." He shows you a box of condoms and a bottle of something. "Numbing lube," he says. <<if $PlayerEasytoOrgasm or $PlayerSuperOrgasms>> "Extra-strength, since you orgasm so easily. You probably won't feel much at all. <<else>> "It'll block most of the senstations for you. You'll feel me inside you, but it won't be enough for you to cum. <</if>> And, of course, the condom will keep it from affecting me at all. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes, sir," you beg. "Please use your slut for your pleasure!" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You moan loudly as he slides into you. For a moment you are worried that the numbing agent isn't working. But quickly it takes effect and the feeling of his trusts fade. All you are left with is a wonderful sense of fullness when he is deep inside you and an aching emptyness when he pulls out of you. And, of course, the pure joy of knowing how much pleasure you are giving him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wish you could feel his cock swell inside you, or his warm cum filling you, but the numbing agent and the condom prevent both of those. But you feel the fullness as he thrusts a last time and remains inside you. And of course you heard the sounds of him getting closer and then cuming. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I think I can trust you without the belt now," Kyle tells you. "I can leave it off you when you leave today if you'd like." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "If you don't mind sir, I'd rather you lock it back on me when I leave. I feel much safer wearing it." He smiles at your answer as he secures the belt around you again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You are [[making excellent progress|EngineerKyle9]]," he says as he pats you on the ass. "Remember, keep your earbuds in at all times," he reminds you as you leave. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <img src="Part15/Engineer20.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <h1>Better things to do than go to class</h1> <<set $PlayerChastityBelt to 1>> <<unset $student>> Going to class is stupid. What a waste of your time that would be. Your time is much better spent watching videos on how to pleasure Kyle. Or beauty tutorials so you can look your best for him. Or cooking videos, so you can make something he'll like. You'd rather be doing anything other than going to some boring math or history class. <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle", vaginal:true, birthControl:"careful condom"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle", vaginal:true, birthControl:"careful condom"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle", vaginal:true, birthControl:"careful condom"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle", vaginal:true, birthControl:"careful condom"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, finding a nice, hard cock to suck is the best. You'd rather it be Kyle's, but Kyle's usually too busy. But he doesn't mind you practicing with other cocks. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You remember back when your belt used to pleasure you while you sucked a cock. You feel ashamed at how selfish that was of you. You should just be focusing on his pleasure, not worring about yours. Like Kyle told you: "Sluts you don't cum, they just swallow cum." That aching need you feel between your legs is just there to remind you there's some poor guy out there that needs his balls drained so he doesn't have to feel like that. Well, probably more than one, so you try to keep busy. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You aren't exactly shocked at the end of the semester when the email from the dean's office arrives. Of course you failed all of your classes, you can't even remember the last time you even showed up to one. And you are no longer on probation, but out of the university entirely. The dean says you can reapply after a few years at a community college. Obviously you have no interest in doing that. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The only thing that upsets you is the date the letter has of when you need to be off campus. You'd thought you'd have until the end of the school year, but you have to be out by winter break. <<if $FatherDisown>> You certainly can't move back home. Not after how things were left between you and your father. You don't know where you are going to live. <<else>> You don't want to move back home, but that might be your only option. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Thankfully, when Kyle finds out he says you [[can live off campus with him|EngineerEnd]]. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>dropout<</achievement>><<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Engineer16.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <h1>Serving Kyle</h1> <<set $Dropout to "Hypno">> <<unset $JobEngineerToy>> <<set setup.startDating('Kyle')>> <<set $Spouse to "Kyle">> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle", vaginal:true, birthControl:"careful condom"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle", vaginal:true, birthControl:"careful condom"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle", vaginal:true, birthControl:"careful condom"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle", vaginal:true, birthControl:"careful condom"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle", vaginal:true, birthControl:"careful condom"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle", vaginal:true, birthControl:"careful condom"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle", vaginal:true, birthControl:"careful condom"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle", vaginal:true, birthControl:"careful condom"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle", vaginal:true, birthControl:"careful condom"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle", vaginal:true, birthControl:"careful condom"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle", vaginal:true, birthControl:"careful condom"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle", vaginal:true, birthControl:"careful condom"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle", vaginal:true, birthControl:"careful condom"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle", vaginal:true, birthControl:"careful condom"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle", vaginal:true, birthControl:"careful condom"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle", vaginal:true, birthControl:"careful condom"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle", vaginal:true, birthControl:"careful condom"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle", vaginal:true, birthControl:"careful condom"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle", vaginal:true, birthControl:"careful condom"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle", vaginal:true, birthControl:"careful condom"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle", vaginal:true, birthControl:"careful condom"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle", vaginal:true, birthControl:"careful condom"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle", vaginal:true, birthControl:"careful condom"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle", vaginal:true, birthControl:"careful condom"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle", vaginal:true, birthControl:"careful condom"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle", vaginal:true, birthControl:"careful condom"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name:"Kyle"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Kyle", vaginal:true, birthControl:"careful condom"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've been living with Kyle for several years now. Now that he's graduated, he's making a lot more money now, though he doesn't usually talk to you about the money stuff. The belt you'd tested for him, and for the school, has been selling very well. He has moved both into a much nicer house, you do your best to keep it looking clean for him while he's at work. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You love serving Kyle, but worry that he deserves someone better. You smile when he says that he doesn't want someone better, he wants you. He tells you that knowing you're always there at home waiting for him, not complaining if he comes home late, or works all night. "And, besides, I doubt anyone is as good at giving blowjobs as you are." That last part made you smile even more. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are already down on your knees, so he doesn't bother dropping to one knee. But when he holds out the ring and tells you that he wants you to be his wife, you cry tears of joy. "I'm too busy for a honeymoon or a big wedding, how about we just go down to the courthouse next week?" he suggests. You tell him that'd be wonderful, you don't care as long as you'll be his wife! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> One day you are curious and ask him if the earbuds you'd beta tested, the ones you still wear sometimes, were as successful as the belt. "No. Unfortunately Legal decided we couldn't market those. Some nonsense about the potential for misuse." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "They don't know what they are talking about," you tell him. "You did a wonderful job on them. I love mine, and couldn't imagine going without them! I don't think I've ever gone more than a few days without using mine. They aren't going to take them away are they?" You find yourself feeling very concerned almost scared at the thought. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Don't worry," he says soothingly as he strokes your hair. "They won't be taking yours. Or the other pairs that I reported as 'destroyed'. I'll keep a pair or two in case yours ever break down. We wouldn't want you to go more than a few weeks without using them, would we?" You don't know what he means by that, but nod. "The other ones, well once I find the right buyer, I might part with those for the right price." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Whatever you think is best, sir," you say. "Is it ok if I go wipe up, so I can finish making dinner for you?" <</nobr>> <<achievement>>married<</achievement>> [[The End.|GameOverHypno]]<h1>Game Over - Stepford Wife</h1> <img src="PartX/GameOver3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<unset $AcademicProbationDenial>> <<set $AcademicProbationDenialFormer to 1>> <<achievement>>hypno<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Breaking News</h1> For a moment you are annoyed at the news station. Again they use an evidence photo of one of the students, instead of just showing the criminal they are talking about. They clearly know which one will get more views. <<if $JobTestSubjectOld>>At least it's not you this time.<</if>> But then you read the headline.<br> <img src="PartX/Chaste1.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"><br> There are conflicting stories of what happened. The simple explaination is that the former department head hanged himself in his cell rather than face up to 10 years in prison, and millions in civil lawsuits. There soon pop up other, more conspiratorial, explanations. One has him being killed by an enraged father of one of his victims, one who happened to be a prison guard. Another has him being executed to cover up information he had on wealthy, well-connected people who were involved in his crimes. <<set setup.addSexRepeat(1200, {sex:"male"})>> <<set $PermanentChastity to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It doesn't matter though, at least not to you. What matters to you is that he never revealed the encryption key that would allow them to unlock your belt. An exhaustive search of his cell and belongings yield nothing to help you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After his client's death, his lawyer confirms that he believes his client did know the key and hadn't 'forgotten' it as he had claimed. Though he also confirms that it was never revealed to him. "I had tried to convince him to release you in exchange for an earlier release, but he would just smile and said knowing you were trapped was the only thing that kept him going." Then he adds sadly, "Maybe that wasn't enough." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $dating.length>> "[[We need to talk|ChasteBreakup]]," $dating[0] says to you when he finds out the news. <<else>> "[[Is there anything else they could do?|Chaste2]]" people always ask you when they find out your situation. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.sexVaginalCount() == 0>> <<achievement>>foreverVirgin<</achievement>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Breaking up</h1> <<if setup.areDating('Jayden')>> <img src="PartX/UpsetJayden.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <<else>> <img src="Part8.5/Upset1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I've tried to be understanding, I really have," $dating[0] starts. <<if setup.areDating('Jayden')>> "I didn't complain that you were in that belt when we met. <<if $Cuckcake>> And, especially not after you introduced me to $Cuckcake. <</if>> <<else>> "I didn't complain that much when you decided to wear that belt without talking to me first. <<if $Cuckcake>> Well, at least not once you introduced me to $Cuckcake. <</if>> <</if>> I said you could give other guys blowjobs when that piece of shit reprogrammed your belt. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He pauses before continuing, "I was even prepared to put our plans to start a family on hold for a few years, until we could finally get you out of that damn thing. But now.. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $Cuckcake>> "But now it looks like you may never be out of that thing. I don't think it's fair to have to share your mouth with every other guy in town. And I don't think it's fair to $Cuckcake to keep you around." <br><br> "I want to be a father someday, and it's going to be with $Cuckcake. It obviously can't be with you. I wish you whatever happiness you can achieve in that thing though." <<else>> "But now it looks like you may never be out of that thing. I know you don't deserve to be in that belt, at least not permanently. But I can't help that. I can help with what I deserve. <br><br> "I deserve a girlfriend, and eventually a wife, that I can actually be with. I deserve the chance to be a father someday. I deserve to be with someone that is able to be faithful to me." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've sensed this coming for a while, but it doesn't make it any easier. You tell him you aren't mad at him, you know he's right, he does deserves better. You think to yourself that you deserve better too, but you also blame yourself for ever putting on the belt in the first place. You also wonder, of course, if you should have just kept quiet about it and not told your professor what you knew. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After your tears stop, you tell him. "I know this is awkward, but I'm only at 9. I was planning on us... you know tonight. And I'm not really in any state to go find someone tonight. Do you think we could... for old times sake..." you have difficulty asking him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "[[Of course|ChasteBreakup2]]," he says as he stands up and start to unzip his pants. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Breaking up</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="Part14/Home5.webm" autoplay loop muted width="600"></video> </div> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:$dating[0]})>> <<set setup.breakupWith($dating[0])>> <<unset $Roommate>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You sleep on the sofa that night, <<if $Cuckcake>> <<unset $Cuckcake>> instead of on the floor next to their bed, <</if>> and then start moving things out the next day. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are still down about the break-up for a while, but you can't let your mood keep you from reaching your ten. So you do your best to put it out of your mind. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After a few weeks, you are feeling better about it. Well, you feel better about the break-up. You still are not at all feeling better at the prospect of never being out of this belt. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, many of the guys you meet ask, "[[Is there anything else they could do?|Chaste2]]" when you tell them about your belt. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Failed Ideas</h1> <<set $StudentYearsCompleted to 2>> <<unset $Roommate>> <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms or $PlayerProtectionWithdraw or $PlayerProtectionNone or $PlayerProtectionTry or $PlayerProtectionFertile>> <<set $PlayerProtectionSilent to 1>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionNone>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionTry>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionFertile>> <</if>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(1200, {sex:"male"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> By the time your junior year starts, you've started to accept that you will be wearing your belt from now on. Or at least you are trying to. Your friends still try to come up with solutions for you. You know they are only trying to help when they come up with ideas. But of course you've tried all their ideas already. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <table> <tr valign="center"> <td width="420"><img src="PartX/Chaste2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" width="400"></td> <td> Of course their first idea is always to pick the lock. Sure, there's a padlock on the front of your belt, but you already have the key to it. It just removes the metal screen so you can clean up. There's still no way to get off that way, especially since the belt starts shocking you severely if you keep it off for too long, or start to get aroused with it off. <br><br> When they find out the real lock is computerized, they suggest hacking it. Of course that was tried after everyone else was unlocked but you, and they knew your code wasn't coming anytime soon. <br><br> But after the third failed attempt, the belt started to punish you. With each additional attempt now the punishment is more severe and lasts longer. And they can't make the next attempt until it's done punishing you. It's too much. You won't let them try anymore, unless they are confident they have the right code. </td> </tr> <tr valign="center"> <td> Next they suggest cutting the belt off. Of course that would work with a normal steel belt. If only it were that easy. No, they've told you there's no way to cut through the material in the belt without causing serious injury to you. <br><br> And, the analysts suspect it is rigged to shock you if they even attempted it. It's doubtful it would be enough to kill you, especially with medical care standing by. But the more likely concern is that it would do permanent nerve damage, right in the area you were wanting to free. <br><br> And, you inform him before he asks, "The belt gradually adjusts its size if I gain or lose weight, so there's no hope of losing a bunch of weight to wriggle free, or even get a finger underneath." </td> <td width="420"><img src="PartX/Chaste3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" width="400"></td> </tr> <tr valign="center"> <td width="420"><img src="PartX/Chaste4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" width="400"></td> <td> At that point your friend starts to accept the impossibility of escape and starts to come up with other ideas. They suggest just trying to get off with the belt still on. "A powerful enough vibrator should work." Of course you've tried that. The belt is designed to deaden the vibrations, plus it starts to punish you severely if you continue trying. <br><br> They think of just letting the batteries run down. That won't work either. With modern battery technology, it'd last years. Plus it charges from your movement and body heat. <br><br> And even if you were to get it to start to run out, it would activate the 'emergency charge mode' it has, and use what it had left to shock you more and more severely until you hooked it into a charger. </td> </tr> <tr valign="center"> <td> "Damn. I'm out of ideas. I guess there's nothing I can do to help," he says. They always say something like that. <br><br> "Well, there is something," you respond this time, as you often do. "I've only sucked nine cocks today, and I need at least one more. You wouldn't mind would you?" <br><br> "No, of course not. I'd be happy to help," he says as he unzips his pants. </td> <td width="420"><img src="PartX/Chaste5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" width="400"></td> </tr> <tr valign="center"> <td width="420"><video src="Part15/Engineer5.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="350"></video></td> <td> Later, after he's recovered from his blowjob he's exploring your nearly naked body and, of course, your belt. <br><br> "What about anal? I know some girls can get off from that. Even if you weren't one before, maybe after having gone so long without an orgasm, you could now?" <br><br> "I don't know. Why don't we give it a try?" you lie. Of course it won't work. If you do start to get close, the belt will just shock you enough to make sure you don't orgasm. But it will feel good until then. <br><br> And after all, he's only trying to help. You don't want to shoot down all his ideas. <br><br> It's great having friends that are willing to help you reach your ten. You know you'll be able to give him a call now for one or two a day. That means two less strangers you'll have to find. Of course once he gets a girlfriend, you'll probably have to stop calling. Well, probably. <br><br> With the help of friends like him, you are eventually able to get into a routine, and [[continue on with your studies|Chaste3]]. Your need for an orgasm is always there though. </td> </tr> </table> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Senior year</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/Chaste6.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> </div> <<set $StudentYearsCompleted to 3>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(4000, {sex:"male"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> By the time you get to senior year you have a well rehearsed routine. You wake up a bit early, then work your way around the guys next door and across the hall. After giving the four of them their 'wake-up blowjobs', you go back to your room to get ready. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Then you head to your morning classes. You meet up with a friend for lunch. Given their culpability in your situation, the university was more than willing to make some private rooms available for your use whenever needed. You usually give your friend a blowjob before lunch, then another after lunch. Then it's back to afternoon classes. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> In the evening, it's the guys in your study group for three more. Unless it's a long study session, then of course there might be another round or two. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> If you haven't reached ten by the end of the day, one of your wake-up guys is usualy available, or some single friend who isn't busy. If not then a quick trip to a nearby bar usually works. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As a last resort, you also have several 'emergencies only' friends to call. You try not to call them unless it really is an emergency though. Their girlfriends wouldn't be happy to know you still suck their cocks on occasion. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The important part though, is you've mananged to figure out a way to get all ten in every day, without having too much of an impact on your studies. You are confident you'll be able to [[graduate this year|Chaste4]] after all. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>After graduation</h1> <img src="PartX/Chaste7.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <<set $StudentYearsCompleted to 4>> <<set $Graduated to 1>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(4000, {sex:"male"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've made it. You were actually able to graduate! Despite the hardship of your situation, you managed to finish your degree! Of course with all the excitement of the day, you don't want to miss your ten. Several of your fellow graduates are more than willing to help out both before and after you all walk in to the graduation ceremony. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $FatherDisown>> <<unset $FatherDisown>> One good side to all of this is that you and your father have reconciled. When he found out you were trapped in a chastity belt he felt partially responsible. He wondered if you'd put on the department's belt because you felt bad about things between you and him and ended up. He's not happy about your daily requirements, but he blames that on the one who activated that setting, not you. <br><br> <</if>> Your father, mother, and sister are all thrilled as they watch you graduate. Your brother Dylan is too, though things are awkward between the two of you. <<if setup.haveFucked('Dylan')>> You know he wants to be one of your daily ten today, like he frequently was over various school breaks. Unfortunately for him, your parents and sister are with him the entire visit, so it's not going to happen for him this time. <<else>> He knows you've blown nearly all of his friends over various school breaks. You aren't sure if that's what bothers him, or just that you've never made him one of your 'daily ten' when you were home. You don't tell him, but you were always glad he was around and probably willing, just in case you were ever in danger of missing your quota. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After the ceremony you make your final visit to the university's X-Change office. They managed to avoid any implication with the scandal. The only thing they could be shown to be involved in was activating an orgasm denial setting for some of the girls <<if $AcademicProbationDenialFormer>> like you <</if>> that ended up on academic probation. But while the dean had coerced them, the X-Change people claimed that to their knowledge the women had all been volunteers with an orgasm-denial fetish, and no one could prove otherwise. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't know if they were as innocent as they claimed, or if they were just good at covering their tracks, but it doesn't really matter now. You won't have to visit this office after today. "It's very unfortunate about your situation," the technician says to you. "Of course, we won't be able to do all the tests we normally would for you, but we'll do the best we can given the circumstances. <<if !$PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <br><br> "Umm, there is one more thing though. Normally, we'd ask you if you wish to permanently remain a woman, or have you transition back to your old body now," He says. You hadn't even thought about your old body in so long. You'd almost forgotten that was an option. He continues, "However, given that your belt isn't removable and is designed for a woman's anatomy, we can't safely do that." <br><br> "Go ahead an make my change permanent," you tell them as if you had a different choice. Even if you were to free yourself from this belt, you'd only want to be able to finally enjoy this body again, not go back to your old one. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You walk out of their office for the last time, then head back to finish packing, eager to [[start your new life|Chaste5]] after college. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>graduate<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Starting your new life</h1> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(4000, {sex:"male"})>> <<set $JobSilent to 1>> <<if $Major == "Agriculture">> <<include [[Chaste5Ag]]>> <<elseif $Major == "Education">> <<include [[Chaste5Education]]>> <<elseif $Major == "Fashion Design">> <<include [[Chaste5Fashion]]>> <<elseif $Major == "Health Sciences" or $Major == "Nursing">> <<include [[Chaste5Health]]>> <<elseif $Major == "Library Science">> <<include [[Chaste5Library]]>> <<elseif $Major == "Nursing">> <<include [[Chaste5Nursing]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Chaste5Business]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> Your grandfather was thrilled when you graduated and started to help out on the farm. As you had hoped, he didn't care at all that you were a woman now. You didn't mention your belt, or the daily requirement that came with it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your grandmother had tried to be helpful and set you up with 'some nice boys your age' when you moved to the farm. You weren't really interested in 'finding a husband' right now like she was hoping, but you were happy to meet with each of them. After you told them about your circumstances, they understood why you weren't looking for a long-term relationship. Of course they were more than happy to help you reach your ten, so the date wasn't a complete waste of their time. And of course, they are happy to have you add their number to your list of contacts, so you can call if you ever need help reaching your goal again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your grandfather didn't offer any resistance to your ideas for modernization either, like you had worried he might. In fact, he seemed thrilled that you were there since he had struggled with 'the newfangled technology shit'. After a little more than a year, he has you running most of the day to day operations. A few months after that, he and your grandmother were buying an RV and heading off to enjoy their retirement, leaving you in charge. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> In addition to the technology, the one farm complaint you'd always heard from your grandfather was about how hard it was to find and keep good farm hands. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/Chaste9.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="388"></video><br> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Luckily that hasn't been a problem for you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Part of that is that you can search and find out what the market rate is and pay them a reasonable amount. Your grandfather seemed to have not understood that what was a great wage twenty years ago is barely even above the minimum wage now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Though, you expect there's another factor at work too, keeping your employees happy. A day of hard work is probably a lot easier to put up if you know that when you are ready for a little break, the boss will be there on her knees taking care of you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You still long for the orgasm you know you'll never have again. But you love the wonderful teasing you get while you take care of your employees. It makes for a fun break in the day for both of you. <</nobr>> [[The End.|GameOverChaste]] <img src="PartX/Chaste18.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"><<nobr>> You are excited to start your career in business, and plan on keeping your professional life separate from the needs your belt has given you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Unfortunately, the long hours you put in at the office every day has made it hard to meet your daily ten blowjob requirement. You've had to call in sick twice on two different, miserable days of punishment. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've been tempted at work many times. When one of the cute, younger executives looks at you, and you know he wants to bend you over his desk and fuck you right there, it's hard to resist. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Chaste12.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course you know he couldn't fuck you, but still you want him inside you so bad it makes the emptyness beneath your belt ache. But even just making him one of your ten today would be better than the tension of both knowing you want each other, but saying nothing. And sucking his cock would help insure you won't have any more unpleasant 'sick days'. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Chaste15.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you resist. Doing something like that, with one of the executives, right there in his office, it would violate so many HR rules. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you don't think there's any rule against blowing one, well more than one, of your peers away from the office. It doesn't take long for word to get around. Soon the after-work happy hours start becoming very popular. And none of the guys you work with ever turn down your lunch invitation. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You think everything is going great, until you get an email about a [[meeting with HR|Chaste5Business2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Reasonable Accommodation</h1> You've been blowing most of the guys you work with for weeks when you are called into a meeting with HR. You are worried you've violated some HR policy and are going to be fired, or at least told to stop. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you soon discover that's not exactly what the meeting is about. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> $playerName, you are valueable employee here, and we hope you remain with us for a long time to come. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> We've recently been made aware of your... 'condition'. We aren't certain if the belt you are forced to wear and the... requirements, that it places on you would qualify as a disability under the law. But we've decided to err on the side of caution and treat it as such. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Are there any job accommodations we could provide that would help you perform your job duties and cope with your situation? An altered work schedule, longer lunches, or perhaps a charging station is needed? <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You think for a moment and then respond, "Actually, there is something that would help..." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Chaste13.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They are concerned at first that your suggestion would open them up to other legal problems, but you offer to sign anything they want saying your proposed activites are not only consentual, but medically necessary. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Eventually they agree to your accommodation, only requiring that you keep the activities behind closed doors, keep it confidential, at least if whoever you are with is married. And, of course, keep up your stellar work record. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Chaste14.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next time you are in a private meeting, you quickly figure out that HR must have finally sent out their email to the executives regarding your condition. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'll probably always still long for the orgasm you know you'll never have again. <<if setup.sexVaginalCount() == 0>> And you'll also probably always imagine how good a cock would have felt inside you. <</if>> But as you drop to your knees, you think about how happy you are to work for a company that is so understanding and willing to work with you. You are sure you'll be here for a long time to come. <</nobr>> [[The End.|GameOverChaste]]<<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Chaste10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> You'd decided on elementary education. With the older kids, there was going to be a much higher chance of them finding out about the old news stories, and about your condition. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once they knew, at best it would make class uncomfortable, at worst they might try and figure out a way to be one of your daily ten. Blowing an 18 year old might be legal normally, but not if you are his teacher. You'd rather avoid the whole situation by just sticking to the younger grades. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, there's no rule about taking care of another teacher, or the janitor, or the principal, when the kids are at recess or P.E. Well, actually there is actually a rule against that last one, but you aren't going to report the principal, are you? Especially since he was nice enough to allocate you your own private office as an accommodation for your "medical needs". <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course many of the parents, or at least the fathers, know your story. That's why it's usually the fathers that volunteer to go to school on parent/teacher conference day. You always schedule extra long appointments. When you see it's one of the dads up next, you undo a couple of buttons, to make sure he's ready to start the meeting with fun part. Once that's taken care of, then you can talk about the child's education. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You still long for the orgasm you know you'll never have again. But you love the wonderful teasing you get while you meet with one of your coworkers, or especially with a child's father. And you also love seeing how much you've managed to encourage more of the dads to take an active role in their child's education. <</nobr>> [[The End.|GameOverChaste]]<<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Chaste8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> It wasn't what you'd originally planned to do as a fashion designer, but you've had to make a lot of adjustments in your life. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> From your very first days in your belt, you quickly realized how much it limited your wardrobe. The list of clothes that you could put on over your belt, and that wouldn't reveal the belt underneath was vanishingly short. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> One benefit to all the news coverage the university's scandal had, was to make chastity much more mainstream. Many women had heard about the women stuck in chastity belts for months, and fantasized what it would be like. Many of them went out and bought belts of their own. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course they aren't trapped permanently, or controlled by some evil criminal, or even wearing computerized belts. Their keys are held by their boyfriend or girlfriend, their spouse, a friend-with-benefits, or one of the many keyholding services that have started up. Of course, more guys are locked now too, but their cages never presented the same fashion problems for them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> So you've made it your mission to make sure they have all the clothing options they can. There's two ways you are doing that. Obviously as a designer, you can make more options for them. Clothing meant to be worn over their belts, and designed to work around their limitations, and to concel their belt when that's what they want. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've also made it part of your mission to make them not have to concel. Your "Proudly Locked" campaign has made wearing their belt openly an option many of them choose now. Of course many of your designs help with that as well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The movement has taken on a life of its own now, with many women using distictively colored locks to communicate whether their are wearing a belt to enforce their faithfulness and obedience to their significant other. Or maybe they are single and available to give, but not receive, pleasure for the few days, weeks, or months. Or to proclaim that they are actively looking for the right man or woman to control their orgasms for them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, you don't need to wear a special lock, everyone already knows about the woman with the permanently locked belt that helped start it all. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'll probably always still long for the orgasm you know you'll never have again. But you love the wonderful teasing you get when you meet privately with one of your many fans. And you also love seeing women wearing one of your designs, and realizing how many have turned their orgasms over to someone else thanks to you. <</nobr>> [[The End.|GameOverChaste]]<<nobr>> <<if $Major == "Health Sciences">> The helpful guy at the university's placement office found the perfect job for you after graduation. He knew about your condition, and he knew very well about the non-academic skills you'd mastered as a result. He was able to find you an job in your field that would make use of both skill sets. <<else>> You tried working at as a regular nurse, but the hospital kept you busy for long hours whenever you were scheduled. Even with the occasional 'private consultation' with one of the doctors or other staff, you rarely were able to get many blowjobs in during the day. And you were completely exhausted at the end of most of your shifts. <br><br> More than once you'd end up getting punished for failing to reach your ten blowjob requirement. You couldn't call in sick unless you truely were, and the repeated, painful shocks throughout the day made trying to do your job a nighmare. <br><br> But thankfully one of the doctors you did occasionally get to meet in private with told you about another opportunity. After meeting with and finding out the job was everything he'd described, you gave the hospital your two weeks notice. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Since X-Change became popular, there were a drastic increase in the number of lesbian couples. And with many of them wanting children, and not being interested in involving a man directly, there was of course an increase in the demand for sperm donors. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The clinic that hired you, wanted the best donors available and promised 'world-class treatment' of their donors. Of course once word spread of how far that went, your clinic had an ample supply of donors. <</nobr>> <img src="PartX/Chaste17.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<nobr>> "Officially" your job is take the donors into the donation room, give them the wifi password to watch whatever porn suits them, and then leave them with the sample cup and back when they ring the buzzer. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The 'milking table' is so someone can aid donors with disabilities that prevent them from obtaining a sample themselves. Other clinics may require the donor to prove their disability, and to bring their own person to assist. But your clinic aims to provide superior service. So you just ask them if they require assistance, and then provide it yourself. Some of the men bring a husband or boyfriend to assist them, nearly all the rest [[ask for your help|Chaste5Health2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Assisting with their donation</h1> <video src="PartX/Chaste16.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your new donors are always pleasantly surprised when you ask if you can use your mouth instead of the glove they saw you lube up. Of course when they start to get close, you finish with your gloved hand so you can catch their donation in the sample cup you have ready. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Thankfully your belt wasn't set to require you to swallow every time, because it'd be hard to get any donations that way. You just need to suck the cock for a sufficient amount of time. And you've gotten good at knowing when to stop, just a little while before they are going to cum. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They are supposed to not ejaculate for 3 days before their visit. You feel like you can usually tell who has followed that instruction and who hasn't. For the smaller loads, you want to make sure there's enough in the cup. So you unbutton your top, then do what you can to get him ready for another time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't want to penalize the ones that followed the instructions. And, of course, you want to make sure you always hit your daily ten target. So you give the big shooters a second round too. As their reward for following instructions, you let them decide. Do they want you to swallow their second load? Or would they rather you let them see just how much they had left for their second shot? <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You still long for the orgasm you know you'll never have again. But at least now, you don't have to worry about being punished. And the wonderful teasing you get while you work certainly makes your job more enjoyable than most. <</nobr>> [[The End.|GameOverChaste]]<<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Chaste11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> After considering your 'condition', you decided a university library was the best place for you. You had enjoyed <<if $JobLibrary>> working <<else>> your internship <</if>> at your university's library, and perhaps more importantly, you know they'll be a ready supply if eager college students and professors to help you reach your daily ten. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, most of your day is spent behind your desk, helping professors and students that come by with questions. Though you often take them into the stacks to find exactly what they are looking for. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> By now you recognize the look in their eye when you know they are aware of the story of the chaste librarian, and that she helps with more than just books. And even when their eyes don't show their interest, the bulge in their pants usually does. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Thankfully, after a few embarrasing incidents in the stacks, your boss has graciously allocated a room for you "work 1-on-1" with whoever you need to. You make sure to thank him every day for that, then you only have to worry about 9 more the rest of the day. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You still long for the orgasm you know you'll never have again. But at least now, you don't have to worry about being punished, there are always enough eager learners ready to help. Well, except when school is out, but then you free time to find some local guy at the bar in town, and they are always happy to help you out. <</nobr>> [[The End.|GameOverChaste]]<img src="PartX/GameOver7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<achievement>>permaChaste<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Eros Halloween Party</h1> You've been making a ton of money since you've started selling the Eros water to your former yoga students and other girls you know around campus. You've sold a bit of the Stamina Water to guys as well, but you've sold much more of it to the women buying it for their boyfriends, fuckbuddies, or whatever. Well, and you've given quite a bit of it out to guys you'd been having fun with too. <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", anon:"Party Guest"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", anon:"Party Guest"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Party Guest"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You decide to celebrate and thank all of them by hosting a Halloween party for everyone at <<if $SororitySex or $SororityDTD>> your sorority's house. Your sister's are some of your best customers and are more than happy to have the party at the house. <<elseif $SororityELP>> one of the other sorority's house. The girls there are some of your best customers and are more than happy to have the party at their house. <<else>> a sorority house. The girls there are some of your best customers and are more than happy to have the party at their house. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Eros1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The party has barely gotten started and you can already see it's going be one of the best parties of the year. It's really going to get good once [[more guys start showing up|ErosHalloween2]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Fun on the dance floor</h1> The bartender has been using Eros and Stamina Water in the mixed drinks. It's probably the happiest anyone has ever been after having their drink water down a bit. You'd also spent hours making ice cubes as well, being careful to keep the 'boy cubes' and 'girl cubes' separate. <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", anon:"Party Guest"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Party Guest"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Party Guest"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Party Guest"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Eros2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The Stamina Water always did it's magic on the guy's quickly. But it would seem the alcohol is making the effects of the Eros Water affect the girls much faster and more intensely than normal. No one is complaining though. Though you do plan on letting the Eros people know they might want to add a warning. Well, assuming they don't already have one, you didn't actually check. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> At first, pairs or small groups would leave the floor to find somewhere private to take care of the need they were feeling. But soon people aren't bothering to leave the dance floor anymore. They are just enjoying themsleves right there in front of everyone. Of course that just gets the few that were still holding back to start letting loose too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The party is already wild and [[people keep showing up|ErosHalloween3]]. You are sure this is going to go down as the best party in the sorority's history. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Party out of control</h1> Before long the party has overflowed the sorority house out to the lawn, and then to nearby buildings. Soon it's hard to tell where the party ends, with people just wandering wherever after leaving the bar with their drink. And then when the need hits them, just fucking whoever they can find, wherever they can find. And even those not participating are having a blast watching the show. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Eros3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The campus police showed up early on, but a few girls eagerly volunteered to go back to their squad car with them, and the officers didn't come back. The girls came back an hour or so later, happy, but still horny. So the party continued until early morning. By the time the sun came up the watchers had all left, and most of the partiers had paired off or passed out wherever they were. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You feel bad when you see some of the destruction the partiers caused around campus. You know the university would have overlooked the public nudity, and even the sex. That's almost normal around here. They probably would have overlooked the property damage and just asked you to pay for it. But you worry there might be [[real consequences|Eros]] this time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You think what really got you into trouble is the sex-crazed high school girl in the tiny red swimsuit that is in many of the videos of the events being shared around campus and on the internet. In the video she's getting fucked by guy after guy on top of a dining table in the student union. Thankfully, she was 18, so at least there's that. Really, you probably could have talked or bribed you way out of all of this, if she just hadn't happened to be the dean's daughter. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Expelled</h1> <<set $Expelled to 1>> <<unset $student>> You tried appolgizing that the party didn't stay confined to the sorority house, and offering to pay for all the damages. You'd hoped there were enough people involved in the party that there would be any serious consequences for anyone. But when the university starts considering revoking the sorority's charter, you step forward and tell them it was all your fault and that all the blame should be on you, not the sorority. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your efforts only delayed the inevitable. Eventually you are summoned to meet with the dean.. You did have hope you could still beg the dean for forgivness. But yesterday, when you heard that his 'sweet, innocent' 18-year-old daughter is pregnant, and that she's keeping it, you knew you were screwed. Nothing you can say or do is going to make this uptight jerk forgive you. Not when he blames you for the fact that his daughter will be seven months pregnant when she graduates high school. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Eros4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are disappointed, but not really shocked when he tells you that you are expelled. He also informs you that you are no longer welcome on university property and that if you are still on university propery after the end of the week you'll be considered a trespasser and arrested. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You quickly scramble to pack your things, find some place to stay. There's so much and so little time. Thankfully you can afford to [[hire movers|Eros2]] to help you with everything. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>expelled<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>All moved in</h1> <img src="PartX/Eros5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Mover", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Mover", vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Mover", vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Mover", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Mover", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Mover", vaginal:true, repeat:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Mover", vaginal:true, repeat:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Mover", repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've been making sure the movers stay hydrated as the help you load your boxes, and then unload them when you get to your new place. So of course they are as eager to go as you are once the work is done. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Eros6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> After they've helped you break in your new bedroom, several times over, they leave you to start unpacking boxes. <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> Maybe you should start with trying to find the one you'd put your condoms in. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionPill>> Maybe you should start with trying to find the one you'd put your birth control pills in. You probably shouldn't miss a single dose. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you've cleaned up and unboxed the essentials, you start trying to [[figure out what to do|Eros3]] now. All your customers were on campus, and you aren't even allowed to visit the place anymore. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Meeting with your downstream</h1> <img src="PartX/Eros7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You're not allowed on campus anymore, but there's still tons of customers eager for Eros products there. With such a ready customer base, it isn't hard to talk a few of your more eager customers into becoming distributors themselves. You divide up your customers from them. Now they do all the leg work on campus, and get most of the commission. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But now you get your cut of it without the time committment, or needing to sneak onto campus. You still like to meet up with each of them every week or so to check how things are going, and to encourage them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After your business lunch, you usually have something [[more fun|Eros4]] to do with them afterwards. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Team-building exercises</h1> <video src="PartX/Eros8.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you can, you try to have a team building exercise with your downstream distributors after your meeting. Often she'll have a guy in mind, or one of you will spot a cute waiter looking over at the two of you. But if not, you always have a few guys to call. It's an added little bonus for the guys that buy their Stamina Water from you directly. Well, for the hot ones at least. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'd love to have a little team building after every meeting, but you just don't have the time. If you are going to keep growing your network, you have work to do and [[parties to plan|Eros5]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Bringing the spark back to suburbia</h1> With your network already having the local college market covered, you decide to set your sites on a slightly older demographic. You start with the mom of one of you friends. You know her marriage has been struggling lately, primarily in the bedroom. You doubt her's is the only one. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You work with her to set up a party with many of her suburban housewife friends, so you can explain, and demonstrate, the benefits of the Eros product line. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course you start with the boring part of the meeting, explaining how Eros will give them the energy and the drive of a twenty-year-old again. You also go over how it will likely help their husband with any performance issues he might have as well as boosting his libido, if there were any issues there. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> There's usually a skeptic or two. They'll often ask, "I've heard you aren't able to masturbate if you've been drinking Eros Water for a while. Is that true?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know how to side step this question, "It's hard to say. In my experience, whenever I start masturbating it just reminds me how much I'd rather have a nice hard cock inside me instead, and I stop and go find one. I'm always happy when I do." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Another common question you get is something like "Doesn't it turn you into a submissive little slut willing to do anything for a fuck?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You have an answer ready for this too. "It only brings out and intensifies your natural desires. So, if you enjoy being submissive, you'll enjoy it even more. And if you enjoy being dominant, you'll enjoy that even more. I know some dominant women, who keep their husband in a chastity cage, and making him drink Stamina Water every day. After a week, maybe two, he's the submissive little slut that will do anything for a fuck." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And the other common question you get, "What if my husband won't drink Stamina Water?" is one you can't answer honestly. Though you know the thought of giving it to him without his knowledge has already crossed their mind. You can give them another option though. Your 'hot-line' that will connect them to one of the always-eager guys buying Stamina Water from you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Eventually the questions stop. When the next part of the party starts, you usually encourage your skeptics to go first. You know once they've given the product a try, they'll forget about whatever concerns they had before. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Eros9.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once the guy or guys you brought along come out, the discussion is over. By then the water they've been drinking has started to kick in, especially if they've been enjoying the open bar too. Of course what happens here stays here. I remind them they are doing this for their husbands too, so it's not cheating if they want to make sure it works before they sign up. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> By the time every meeting is done, you always have a stack of orders, and usually several women interested in become distributors. You set up your new distrubtors to take care of their friends orders going forward, with you getting your upstream commission, of course. That way you can continue to focus on [[growing your network|Eros6]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Boss Babe</h1> <img src="PartX/Eros10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Eventually your network has grown enough that you have more than enough money coming it from just the commisions coming from your downstream distributors. Of course you still have the occasional party, but you have much more freetime now to enjoy the money you are making. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You also use your free time to 'give back' to the Eros community. A few times a year, you sign up for one of lobbying trips the Eros company arranges to go meet your elected officials. You do everything you can to help them understand how safe and how fun Eros products are, and help convince them to keep it regulated like an 'energy drink' and not as a drug. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But the rest of time you just get to enjoy the nice things that you can afford as a 'Boss Babe'. And you did it all on your own, and without a college degree. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Well, on your own financially that is. You are seldom alone. Usually you are sharing your big spacious home with a guy or two, or three. But you make sure to switch them up regularly so none of them get too attached. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> [[The End.|GameOverEros]] <</nobr>><img src="PartX/GameOver1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <<achievement>>bossBabe<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Meeting with the dean again</h1> <<if $PregnancyWeek > 20>> <img src="Part13/Dean3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<else>> <img src="Part14/Andrew4.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</if>> You'd thought you still had a long way to go before you'd be off probabtion, so you were thrilled when you received a notice from the X-Change office about the removal of your denial effect that the dean's office had scheduled for you. You received the email about the appointment with the dean a bit later. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are less excited about the meeting with the dean, but since the X-Change people said his final approval is needed before they'll actually deactivate the effect for you, you don't plan on being late for that meeting either. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You look through your wardobe to find something nice to wear. You plan on having some fun as soon as you leave the X-Change office and can orgasm again. When you actually get your meeting with the dean, it quickly moves in a different direction than you were expecting. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "$playerName, I had hoped we wouldn't need to have this meeting," the dean tells you. "Like I'd mentioned when we met last year, we recognize that students sometimes struggle their first semester. That's why we have academic probation, to give students a second chance." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Out of consideration for your participation in the X-Change trial, we even gave you a third chance when you continued to struggle second semester," he continues. "However, to let you continue any longer wouldn't be fair to you, to your fellow students, to your professors, or to other potential students who could better utilize a place at our university." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "But... but... I've been <<if $AcademicProbationTutor == "alone">> <<elseif $AcademicProbationTutor>> working really hard with my tutors and <<else>> seeing a tutor and <</if>> trying to get caught back up," you try to explain. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'm not saying you haven't tried to improve, $playerName," he says. "But perhaps this university is just too challenging for you. Or maybe your... other interests... have been too much of a distraction. Whatever the reason, you haven't made the required progress in your classes from last year, and two of your professors say there's little to no chance of you passing their courses this semester. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "For the three classes you are doing adequately in, your professors said they'd waive the final for you and give you a 'Pass' grade for the term. Your professors from the courses you failed last year have also generously agreed to retroactively change your grades to 'Pass' as well, based on what progress you have made since then. That will give you a few additional credits if you decide to transfer to a community college. The professors for the two classes you are going to fail have agreed to let you withdraw late and not receive a grade, so there won't be any "F" grades on your transcript. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That is contingent on you [[signing this form|OffProbationContract]], which states that you are withdrawing from the university voluntarily, and that your academic troubles are in no way related to your participating in the X-Change trial." He then hands you a document that says essentially that. "Of course, withdrawing from the university is also a prerequisite for removing the academic probation denial on your implant." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Voluntary Withdrawl Agreement</h1> <img src="PartX/Flunk1.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <<unset $SchoolWeek>> <<unset $student>> <<set $Dropout to "Flunk">> You look over the agreement he's given you to sign, and it essentially says what the dean said it did, though it acts like it is all your idea. It states that you are withdrawing from the university of your own free will, and that your participation in the X-Change trial is unrelated to your withdrawal. It mentions the "Pass" grades you will be receiving and that the university will be waiving the drop deadline for the other two classes. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $Major == "Criminal Justice">> <<set $DropoutContactNegotiate to 1>> You know enough about the law, from the classes you have been doing well in, to know that there's room to negotiate here. Clearly they are wanting to protect the X-Change trial. If girls in the program start blaming the academic problems on the X-Change trial, then it could look bad on the implant. But if you decide to leave on your own, then it's not a problem for them. <<elseif $Major == "Business">> <<set $DropoutContactNegotiate to 1>> You know enough about contracts from the classes you have been doing well in, to know that you probably shouldn't take the first offer. This is a negotiation. They clearly want to keep the X-Change trial from looking bad. So it's just a matter of figuring out how far they are willing to go to protect their study statistics from whatever you flunking out would do to them. <<elseif $JamesBribe>> <<set $DropoutContactNegotiate to 1>> You know dealing with lawyers and contracts from the business with James and the pregnancy. The university is clearly willing to offer you more than normal to withdrawal and protect the X-Change trial from looking bad. Now it's just a matter of seeing how much you can get out of that. <<elseif $BrokenLeg or $FormerBrokenLeg>> <<set $DropoutContactNegotiate to 1>> You know dealing with lawyers and contracts from dealing with the insurance companies over your leg. The university is clearly willing to offer you more than normal to withdrawal and protect the X-Change trial from looking bad. Now it's just a matter of seeing how much you can get out of that. <<else>> It seems generous that they are letting you get grades for the classes you are doing well in, and not making you have Fs for the ones you failed, or are about to fail. You wonder why they are being so nice, but you aren't going to complain - especially since it means you could be orgasming an hour from now. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $DropoutContactNegotiate>> "The academic portion of the agreement sounds adequate," you say trying to sound professional. "However, I don't see anything about financial compensation." You then mention the money you've paid for books and other school expenses not covered by your scholarship. You mention how you'll likely have moving expenses, and other unexpected living expenses when you leave the university. <br><br> Of course, the dean doesn't know or care if those are really what you are needing money for. He knows you understand their position and are trying make the best of it. And he clearly was expecting it as he pulls out an envelope with cash. "This should help you with the transition period," he tells you. "We don't need to add it to the written agreement, but it's yours if you sign." <br><br> You glance at the money, and at the dean. You doubt you can get much more from him, so you go ahead and sign the agreement. As soon as you do he pushes the envelope of cash over to you. You quickly pick it up and put it away. <<else>> You go ahead and sign the contract and hand it over to the dean. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Thank you, $playerName. It's unfortunate that things didn't work out better for you here. I'll send a message over to the X-Change office giving them final approval to turn off that setting on your implant," the dean tells you. You quickly [[head over to the X-Change office|OffProbationXChange]] so they can do just that. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobEngineer or $JobBetaTester>> Obviously your job with the engineer department is over as well. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> That means you'll be free of the damn belt at least. <</if>> <<unset $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<set $JobEngineerOld to $JobEngineer>> <<unset $JobEngineer>> <<set $JobBetaTesterFormer to $JobBetaTester>> <<unset $JobBetaTester>> <<elseif $JobAthlete>> Obviously your position on the athletic team is a thing of the past as well. <<set $JobAthleteFormer to 1>> <<unset $JobAthlete>> <<elseif $JobCheerleader or $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>> Obviously your position on the cheerleading squad is a thing of the past as well. <<set $JobCheerleaderFormer to $JobCheerleader>> <<unset $JobAthlete>> <<set $JobCheerleaderFundraiserFormer to $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>> <<unset $JobCheerleaderFundraiser>> <<elseif $JobFitnessYoga or $JobFitnessMassage>> Obviously your job in the fitness center is over as well. <<set $JobFitnessYogaOld to $JobFitnessYoga>> <<unset $JobFitnessYoga>> <<set $JobFitnessMassageOld to $JobFitnessMassage>> <<unset $JobFitnessMassage>> <<elseif $JobLibrary>> Obviously your job in the library is over as well. <<set $JobLibraryOld to 1>> <<unset $JobLibrary>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<achievement>>dropout<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Visiting the X-Change office</h1> <<unset $AcademicProbationTutorSex>> <<unset $AcademicProbationDenial>> <<set $AcademicProbationDenialFormer to 1>> <<unset $AcademicProbation>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> <<unset $PregnancyCheck>> <<else>> <<set $PregnancyCheck = setup.checkForNewPregnancy('medical test - flunk out', 0)>> <</if>> You head over to the X-Change office as soon as you leave the dean's office. Now that you aren't a student here anymore, you aren't on academic hold any longer and they'll take the denial setting off of your belt. You are already fantasizing about what you'll do when you leave their office. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You were hoping the technician would repeat the 'test' he performed when he'd disabled your ability to cum, but he says it's not necessary. "I'm sure you'll verify soon enough," he smiles and adds, "and will let us know if there's an issue." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He checks a few things more on your settings and tells you <<if !$PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock and !setup.areDating("Barry")>> "It looks like your repeated orgasm attempts while you were on the denial setting have triggered a side effect." You start to try to deny doing that, but then give up and keep listening. "Oh, that's good, he says relieved. It looks like you'll just be unable to get off from masturbation. It's more fun with someone else anyway, right?" <<set $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock to 1>> <<if !$PlayerPregnant and ($PregnancyWeek or ($PregnancyCheck and $PregnancyCheck.isPregnant))>> <<set $tempNewlyPregnant to 1>> <br><br> Then he adds, "Oh, and it looks like there is another side effect from the fun you've been having. Though this one isn't as surprising." He pauses for a second and then explains, "You're [[pregnant|OffProbationXChangePregnant]]." <br><br> "Great. I'm knocked up, and I didn't even get to properly enjoy it," you grumble. <br><br> <img src="Part7/Start3C.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 1>> <<if setup.pregnantFirstTime()>> <<achievement>>firsttime+pregnant<</achievement>> <<else>> <<achievement>>pregnant<</achievement>> <</if>> <</if>> <<elseif !$PlayerPregnant and ($PregnancyWeek or ($PregnancyCheck and $PregnancyCheck.isPregnant))>> <<set $tempNewlyPregnant to 1>> "Oh, I guess you've been having a fun even with your denial effect." After pausing for a second he says, "You're [[pregnant|OffProbationXChangePregnant]]." <br><br> "Great. I'm knocked up, and I didn't even get to properly enjoy it," you grumble. <br><br> <img src="Part7/Start3C.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 1>> <<if setup.pregnantFirstTime()>> <<achievement>>firsttime+pregnant<</achievement>> <<else>> <<achievement>>pregnant<</achievement>> <</if>> <img src="Part7/Start3C.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<else>> "It looks like everything is in order." <</if>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectPermanent and either(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1) == 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <br><br> He checks over the screen then informs you, "As you know, your implant, and the denial effect you were on are experimental. It seems that something triggered unexpectedly. It is now permanent." He sees the look of shock and horror on your face as you contemplate the denial effects you've been suffering the past months being permanent. He quickly clarifies, "Your implant is permanent. This body is yours permanently. The denial effect is still turned off. Sorry if there was any confusion there." <br><br> After the initial scare, and knowing that you'll be able to cum again, a few minutes from now hopefully, you aren't even upset about the rest. It's not like you were wanting to change back in a few years anyway, right? <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlockFormer to $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> <<set $PlayerCumTreatments to 1>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectLibido>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectLibido to 1>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectLibido += 1>> <</if>> <<unset $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> <br><br> "Oh, and there's another thing you'll be excited to hear," he says. "There's been some new research on the "Orgasm Block" side-effect that some implants, like yours, develop. They've found a cure. Well, a treatment technically." <<if !setup.haveGirlfriend() and !$CampusMinistryFailSummer and ($PlayerProtectionTry or $PlayerProtectionNone)>> You tell him that it didn't really seem to affect you much before your academic probation denial was activated. "Well, perhaps you stumbled on the treatment on your own just having fun," he says. <<else>> You tell him that you very much like to hear about it, since you'd hate to be denied by that now, when you finally have a chance to orgasm. <</if>> <br><br> "Well, the breakthrough was when one of our data guys saw the inverse correlation between reported pregnancies and complaints about this particular side-effect..." He sees your eyes start to glaze over and skips the detailed explaination. "Anyway, it turns out it is related to the "Breeder" option that some of our pills have, and that has developed on a few of the implants - not yours though." <br><br> "The girls that have been trying to get pregnant have had the least problems with the "Orgasm Block" effect. Those not actively trying to get pregnant, but also not using any form of birth control also have had fewer problems. Our lesbian users have had the most issues. Well, technically those trying to get off by masturbating have the most issues, but that's not going to be a factor for you." <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> You tell him you are a lesbian, worried now that the treatment won't work on you. <</if>> <br> <img src="PartP/Treatment.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="606" align="left"> <br> "After a bunch of testing, they found that the proteins in semen suppress the activation of the side effect, while hormonal birth control greatly increases the chance of it triggering. So if you want to avoid any issues with the side effect, you just need to <<if $PlayerProtectionPermanent or $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> have us deactivate your implant's birth control and continue to have otherwise unprotected sex. <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> Except with men, of course. <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerProtectionPill>> stop taking your birth contorl and continue to have otherwise unprotected sex. <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> Except with men, of course. <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerProtectionTry or $PlayerProtectionNone>> <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> start having sex with men more often. <<else>> keep doing what you've doing <</if>> <<else>> stop using any form of birth control, and letting the men you sleep with cum inside you. <</if>> Though, oral injestion or anal absorbtion also helps suppress the effect, it doesn't do it as well, so you'll need to do much more of it to have the same effect." <br><br> <<if $PlayerProtectionPermanent or $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPermanent>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone to 1>> You have them turn off your implant's birth control for you while you are here. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionPill>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPill>> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone to 1>> You toss your birth control pills in the trash immediately. They also give you an injection to counteract the ones you've already taken this month. They say it'll probably trigger you to ovulate in the next 48 hours. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone to 1>> You toss your condoms in the trash immediately. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone to 1>> You know you've asked a guy to pull out for the last time. You'll be begging the to cum inside you from now on. <</if>> <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> "I'm a lesbian though," you tell him. "Do I have to fuck guys now too?" He tells you that would certainly be the easiest solution. But he also tells you there's another option as well. <</if>> Before you leave, they give you a tall glass of a thick white liquid with a familiar odor. "Is that...," you start to ask. He tells you it's only part semen. There's also other things in it to keep it fresh and boost its effect. "But don't worry," he says, "it'll still have the taste you expect it to." <<set $tempNoMoreRandomDenial to 1>> <br><br> <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> "Just come in to one of our offices for a glass of that once or twice a week, and you shouldn't have any problems. Of course, the natural solution is still there if you can't make it in for some reason." <<else>> "That should give your body a boost so shouldn't have any problems the next few days. I figured you'd want to make sure you can enjoy them. You'll probably do fine getting it naturally after now though. Though you can always come by here or one of our other offices if you need another booster in the future." <</if>> <br><br> You've barely finished half of your drink and you can already feel yourself getting wet and aching to feel <<if setup.haveGirlfriend()>> $dating[0]'s strap-on <<elseif $dating.length>> $dating[0]'s hard cock <<else>> a hard cock <</if>> inside you. You wonder how much of it is just knowing you can finally orgasm again, <<if setup.sexMaleCount() > 0>> how much is the familiar taste of the drink reminding you of the last cock you sucked, <</if>> and how much is due to whatever else they probably added to the mixture. <</if>> <<if $tempNoMoreRandomDenial>> <<unset $tempNoMoreRandomDenial>> <br><br> <i>You no longer suffer from the orgasm denial effects of your implant, except if you try to masturbate. You have a higher libido than you did previously.</i> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "If you are moving, we can provide a list of testing facilities <<if $PlayerPregnant>>or qualified obstetricians<</if>> near wherever your new home is," he offers. "Be sure to continue to come in for your scheduled visits. Since the scholarship is no longer a consideration, we'll be providing you with a small stipend for the remainder of your four year committment." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $tempNewlyPregnant>> <<elseif setup.haveGirlfriend()>> <video src="Part15/Probation23.webm" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> You are barely out of the X-Change office and you are already calling $dating[0] and telling her your denial setting has been removed and begging her to fuck you. She's eager to meet up with you, knowing how desperate you are after months of being denied an orgasm. <br><br> You start to go down on her, but she pushes your head back. "This time is all about you," she tells you. She then lies on her back and invites you to straddle her face. <br><br> The moment you orgasm, you cover her face with your juices as you scream with months of pent up need. <br><br> You've only had a moment to recover when she pushes you back onto your back. She kisses you, and then begins moving her way down your body, until her tongue finds your clit again. <br><br> You don't know how many orgasms you have before she stops. You can barely stand by then and don't think you could have taken another one. It's only then that the two of you stop to [[discuss your situation|FlunkOutDating]]. <<else>> <<if $PlayerPregnant and $PregnancyWeek > 20>> <img src="Part12/Pregnant2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"/> <br> <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Justin')>> <video src="PartX/Army1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> <br> You are so happy Justin is here on leave from the Army. You've been talking with him as much as you could, once he was out of boot camp and to his job training at least. You haven't seen each other since he left for boot camp. <<set setup.startDating('Justin')>> <<else>> <video src="Part15/Probation24.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <br> <</if>> You are barely out of the X-Change office and you are already <<if $dating.length>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name:$dating[0], vaginal:true})>> calling $dating[0] and telling him your denial setting has been removed and begging him to fuck you. He's eager to meet up with you, knowing how desperate you are after months of being denied an orgasm. <<if setup.areDating('Justin')>> He's also very eager to see you orgasm for the first time. <</if>> <br><br> He starts to eat you out, but you want his cock too bad to wait. "Just fuck me!" you demand. You don't have to ask twice. <<if setup.areDating('Barry')>> Barry is much more concerned about your pleasure today than normal. You think he's excited to see you orgasm after so long of not being able to. You are excited for that to happen too, obviously. <</if>> <br><br> The moment his cum fills you, your orgasm finally washes over you. It feels even better than you remember it. <br><br> Of course you aren't going to stop at just one. You go again as soon as he is ready. It's only after he can't go on any more that you stop to [[discuss your situation|FlunkOutDating]]. <<else>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> looking for a guy to fuck you. It doesn't take you long to find one. The moment his cum fills you, your orgasm finally washes over you. It feels even better than you remember it. <br><br> Of course you aren't going to stop at just one. You go again as soon as he is ready. And after you send him on his way, you quickly find another guy to satisfy your months of need. <br><br> It's only after the last one has gone that you stop to <<if $PlayerPregnant>> [[assess your situation|FlunkOutPregnant]]. <<else>> [[assess your situation|FlunkOut]]. <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Deciding what to do</h1> <img src="PartX/Flunk5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> This is a lot to take in. <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> You were trying to get pregnant, but your life was much more stable then, so you aren't sure if now is a good time after all. <<else>> You weren't trying to get pregnant, and if you had been, now certainly wouldn't be a good time for it. <</if>> But it doesn't matter if you wanted it, or if it's a good time or not, you're pregnant now. And you have to decide what you want to do about it. You sit and imagine what it'd be like 7, 8, 9 months pregnant, while you wait for the doctor to come back. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Kate') or setup.areDating('Barry')>> You and $dating[0] have already talked about it, and you aren't interested in a baby. At least not right now. <br><br> You let the doctor know you want to [[end the pregnancy|FlunkOutAbort]]. <<elseif setup.areDating('Andrew') and $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.length != 1>> If you could be sure the baby was $dating[0]'s you might feel differently, but you just can't be sure. <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.length > 3>> There's so many different guys it could be. <</if>> That, plus all the changes with leaving school, means now is just not the right time. <br><br> You let the doctor know you want to [[end the pregnancy|FlunkOutAbort]]. Maybe you and $dating[0] will try again when your life is in a better place. <<elseif setup.areDating('Andrew')>> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> You and $dating[0] have talked about a baby. The time might not be perfect with all the changes happening with leaving school, but no time is ever perfect. You know the two of you will make it work. <br><br> You let the doctor know you will be [[keeping the baby|FlunkOutDating]]. You can't wait to tell $dating[0] the news! <<elseif setup.haveFuckedVaginal('Justin') and ($PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.length != 1 or $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers[0] != "Justin")>> You've been thinking a lot about Justin since he went off to boot camp. And talking a lot once he left there and went to his job training. You'd like this baby to be his. If you could be sure it was, you might feel differently, but you just don't know. <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.length > 3>> There's so many different guys it could be. <</if>> <br><br> That, plus all the changes with leaving school, means now is just not the right time. <br><br> You let the doctor know you want to [[end the pregnancy|FlunkOutAbort]]. Maybe later, when your life is in a better place. <<elseif setup.haveFuckedVaginal('Justin')>> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> You've been thinking a lot about Justin since he went off to boot camp. And talking a lot once he left there and went to his job training. It hadn't been serious between you and him when you and him conceived this baby. But now that it more serious, you are thrilled to have his baby inside you. You know your son or daughter is going to be so proud of their father. <br><br> Maybe it's not the perfect time, with all the changes with leaving school, but when is it ever a perfect time. And besides, your moving issues are nothing compared to what Justin is going to have to do. <br><br> You let the doctor know you will be [[keeping the baby|FlunkOutDating]]. You'll wait a bit to tell Justin the news. You want to just celebrate him being home AND you being able to orgasm again. Maybe later in his leave you'll give him the news. <<else>> Do you want to tell the doctor that you are <<link "keeping the baby">> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <<if $dating.length>> <<goto [[FlunkOutDating]]>> <<else>> <<goto [[FlunkOut]]>> <</if>> <</link>> or that you are [[ending the pregnancy|FlunkOutAbort]]? <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 0>> <<unset $PregnancyCheck>> <<if $PlayerAbortion>> <<set $PlayerAbortion += 1>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerAbortion to 1>> <</if>> <<achievement>>childfree<</achievement>> <h1><<print "Medical Clinic">></h1> You decide you aren’t ready for this.<br> <img src="PartP/PregTest5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After going over everything in great detail with the doctor and signing a bunch of forms, the doctor gives you a pill which you take right then, and then another one to take tomorrow. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are going to have <<if setup.haveFucked('Justin')>> [[enough to deal with|FlunkOutAbortJustin]] <<elseif $dating.length>> [[enough to deal with|FlunkOutDating]] <<else>> [[enough to deal with|FlunkOut]] <</if>> figuring out what to do now that you are no longer a student here. You certainly don't want to add a pregnancy on top of that. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>childfree<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Celebrating begin off denial</h1> <video src="PartX/Army1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> <<set setup.startDating('Justin')>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name:"Justin", vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are so happy Justin is here on leave from the Army. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are barely out of the X-Change office and you are already calling Justin and telling him your denial setting has been removed and begging him to fuck you. He's eager to meet up with you, knowing how desperate you are after months of being denied an orgasm. He's also very eager to see you orgasm for the first time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He starts to eat you out, but you want his cock too bad to wait. "Just fuck me!" you demand. You don't have to ask twice. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The moment his cum fills you, your orgasm finally washes over you. It feels even better than you remember it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course you aren't going to stop at just one. You go again as soon as he is ready. It's only after he can't go on any more that you stop to [[discuss your situation|FlunkOutDating]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Leaving Campus</h1> <img src="Part7/Preg7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Now that you are no longer a student, you can't stay on campus anymore. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $FatherDisown>> Since your father kicked you out, you know you are going to have to [[make it on your own|FlunkOutAloneHitch]]. Thankfully you <<if $JobCallGirl or $JobModel or $JobStripper or $JobStripperMain or $JamesBribe>> have more than enough money saved up. <<elseif $PlayerStudentLoan>> still have some money left over from your last student loan disbursment. <<else>> have a little bit of money saved up. <</if>> So you can afford a motel room until you can get your own apartment. <<else>> You know your family is going to be disappointed with you. You especially aren't looking forward to how your father is going to react. Still, they are your family, and he'll surely let you [[move back home|FlunkOutHome]]. <br><br> Though, even if you are no longer a student, you are still an adult. Maybe you should [[do this alone|FlunkOutAloneHitch]] and find your own place instead. Obviously you'll still have to tell them about school, but at least they can be proud that you are acting like an adult on your own now. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Moving home on one condition</h1> <img src="Part14/Home61.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> Your mother sounded sympathetic when you let her know you'd be leaving school. She sounded concerned for you, but not especially surprised. "Of course you can move back home. I'll let your father know when he gets home from work." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You drive home with everything you own packed tightly into your car. When you get home you are expecting a warm, comforting welcome, but instead your father has you sit down in the living room to talk. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You've shown that you aren't mature enough to be living on your own," he begins. "And from what I've heard you aren't mature enough to control the urges you have in this now <<if $PlayerSideEffectLibido or $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock or $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive or $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> body, especially not with these 'side-effects' you apparently have," <<else>> body." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Now that you are moving back home, I can keep an eye on you and make sure you get back on the right track. You'll be transfering to the community college, and then to the state school, both right here in town. That should be more suited to your academic abilities, especially once I help you eliminate all the other 'distractions' you've had keeping you from your studies." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Don't worry about the cost. I'll pay for your tuition. It may delay my retirement by a year or two, but I'll retire happier knowing I've prevented my daughter from becoming a... Well, I'll retire happier with you a proper young woman." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "And", he says, pulling out something from a bag next to him. "You'll be wearing this, starting right now." He shows you the chastity belt he intends you to wear. "This is only a temporary one. We'll be going to back to the store where I purchased this one, and the woman there can take your measurements for the belt I'll be ordering for you. That one will be much more secure. But she said it should also be comfortable for long-term wear. You should be relieved at that, as you'll be wearing it until your wedding day." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You were happy when you heard you'd still be able to go to school. But you the other part of his plans for you, locking you into a chastity belt until your wedding day, with your father having the keys! But what choice do you have? <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive >2>> None really. In theory you could say 'No', but you are too submissive to refuse, especially when someone commands you as firmly as your father has. You know how maddeningly horny you'll be in a chastity belt for that long, but thinking about it is already making you wet. <br><br> "Yes Daddy. I'm sorry I disappointed you. [[You know what's best for me|MovingBackHome]]," is all you can say. <<else>> Well, you are an adult, even if your father doesn't think so. You could [[refuse|FlunkOutHomeDisown]] to have anything to do with his plan for you. You know that means you'll be on your own now. But you wonder if maybe that's for the best. Or you can accept his judgement, and try to earn his forgivness, starting with saying "Yes Daddy. I'm sorry I disappointed you. [[You know what's best for me|MovingBackHome]]." <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Getting Kicked Out</h1> <img src="Part8.5/Alone1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <<set $FatherDisown to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'm a grown woman! I'm not going to let you put one of those... things on me," you say. "I never should have came back here. I'll make it on my own instead! I'm a grown woman, I don't need you controlling me, or who I fuck!" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "So go upstairs, get your suitcase, and go," he says. "Leave the car keys. If you are a grown woman, you won't be needing the car I pay for anymore. I'm sure your money from whoring, or whatever it is you do, should be enough to get you wherever you need to go." You storm up the stairs to grab your suitcase. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You head back downstairs with your suitcase. You glare at your father before walking out the front door. A moment later you hear it lock behind you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You walk down towards the entrance to the subdivision trying to decide what to do. You pull out your phone, trying to call Dylan or anyone really. But your phone says "Emergency Calls Only". When you try to use it you get a message saying that your line has been suspended. "Fuck, already?", you say out loud when you realize your father has already turned off your phone line from his family plan. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You aren't sure where you want to go yet, but you know it is far away from your father, and this town, so ou start walking down towards a major street so you can try to [[hitch a ride|FlunkOutHomeDisown2]] anywhere else. You guess you'll need to look for someplace to get a new number for your phone too. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Hitching a ride</h1> <img src="Part14/Hitch1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you see a restaurant with a restroom you stop in to wipe away your tears and fix the mess they made of your make-up. After you reach the main road out of town, you stop to wait for a ride. While you wait, you try to look on the bright side of the situation. The only thing you can think of is that at least you aren't in that fucking belt with your father holding the key. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Thankfully you don't have to wait long for a car to come by. You've always heard people are reluctant to pick up hitchhikers, so you are glad you find one stopping for you right away. The young man that stops for you asks where you are going. "Anywhere else," you tell him. Luckily he's going far from here, and willing to take you the entire way if you want. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He doesn't say anything, but you see a hopeful look in his eyes as you get in. You think for a second. "Gas, Grass, or Ass", you remember being the saying. Well, you don't have any grass to share. It's been a rough morning, so you could just offer him some cash for his gas and trouble. Though you are quite certain he'd be thrilled if you offered to [[compensate him another way|FlunkOutAloneHitch2]]. Though, maybe a little fun would take your mind off the earlier events. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Hitching a ride</h1> <img src="Part14/Hitch1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <<if !$FatherDisown>> <<set $FatherDisown to 1>> Your father orders you to come home when he finds out you've failed out of school. The more you hear from him, the more sure you are you don't want any part of going back home. "Fine. If you want to be all on your own, then do that. Starting with that car you've been driving. Last I checked, I was making the payments on that." <br><br> "Fine. Come and get it then!" You angrily hang up the phone. A few minutes later you are going to call your brother, since you know he'll be the one your dad will send. You are wanting to tell him who will have the keys. But then you discover your phone has been turned off. Your dad seems to have decided you don't need to be on his family plan anymore either. <br><br> You think about taking the car anyway, but your dad would probably report it stolen. Instead you toss the keys in the glove box and lock the car with them inside. "Now it's your fucking problem," you think. <br><br> <</if>> You don't know where you want to go. You just know it's not here, and it certainly is not back home. You leave most of your things with a friend. She'll ship the rest of your things to you once you get wherever it is you are going. For now you are just going wherever the road takes you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Thankfully you don't have to wait long for a car to come by. You've always heard people are reluctant to pick up hitchhikers, so you are glad you find one stopping for you right away. The young man that stops for you asks where you are going. "Anywhere else," you tell him. Luckily he's going far from here, and willing to take you the entire way if you want. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He doesn't say anything, but you see a hopeful look in his eyes as you get in. You think for a second. "Gas, Grass, or Ass", you remember being the saying. Well, you don't have any grass to share. It's been a rough morning, so you could just offer him some cash for his gas and trouble. Though you are quite certain he'd be thrilled if you offered to [[compensate him another way|FlunkOutAloneHitch2]]. Though, maybe a little fun would take your mind off the earlier events. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Hitching a Ride</h1> <img src="Part8.5/Car.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hitchhiker Driver'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hitchhiker Driver'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hitchhiker Driver'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He happily accepts your offer, but doesn't want to stop, so you give him the first of several blowjobs as he drives on. Thankfully, there's not need to make smalltalk, as he doesn't expect you to talk with his cock in your mouth. <br><br> You were right, taking care of him did distract you, and the time flies by. Before you know it it's several hours and several hundred miles later. He pulls into a motel for the night. He asks if this is goodbye, or if you'll be joining him tomorrow too. Seeing the look in your eye, he adds, "or you could [[join me right now|FlunkOutAloneHitch3]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the motel for the night</h1> <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <video src="PartX/Flunk3.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video><br> <<else>> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/Flunk2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video><br> </div> <</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hitchhiker Driver'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hitchhiker Driver', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hitchhiker Driver'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hitchhiker Driver', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hitchhiker Driver'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hitchhiker Driver', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hitchhiker Driver'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hitchhiker Driver', vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't hesitate in accepting his offer. After months of denial you still can't get enough. You both sleep soundly after you both give out for the night. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next morning he drives you the rest of the way <<if $JobCallGirl>> [[to the city|AloneCityCallGirl]]. <<else>> [[to the city|AloneCity]]. <</if>> You've had a lot of time to think during the drive, between blowjobs that is. And you've decided you've had enough of small towns, and college towns. A huge city, with tons of people is where you want to be. There's sure to be plenty of opportunities for you there. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<unset $JobBarista>> <<unset $JobBikiniBarista>> <<unset $JobOffice>> <<unset $JobOfficeManager>> <<unset $JobOfficeIntern>> <<unset $JobCallGirl>> <<unset $JobBartender>> <<unset $JobBartenderBi>> <<unset $JobBartnederGirls>> <<unset $JobBartnederGuys>> <<unset $JobBartenderSub>> <<unset $JobModel>> <<unset $JobStripper>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Leaving Campus</h1> <img src="Part7/Preg7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<include [[UnsetAllJobs]]>> <<set $fwb to []>> <<set $dating to []>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Now that you are no longer a student, you can't stay on campus anymore. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $FatherDisown>> Since your father kicked you out, you know you are going to have to make it on your own. <<else>> <<set $FatherDisown to 1>> Any hopes of moving back in with your parents are quickly dashed. Your father is disgusted and disappointed that you having gotten pregnant. "She won't even say who the father is. She probably doesn't even know. This is exactly what I knew was going to happen!" you hear him yelling in the background as you cry on the phone call with your mother. <br><br> There's no way you are going move back there, if he would even let you. You're going to have to make it on your own. <</if>> Thankfully you <<if $JobCallGirl or $JobModel or $JobStripper or $JobStripperMain or $JamesBribe>> have more than enough money saved up. <<elseif $PlayerStudentLoan>> still have some money left over from your last student loan disbursment. <<else>> have a little bit of money saved up. <</if>> So you can afford a bus ticket [[to the city|FlunkOutPregnant2]] and motel room until you can get your own apartment and a job there. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Looking for work</h1> <img src="PartX/Flunk10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you decided to move to the city, you figured there'd be more job opportunities there. It seems like there is, but none of them are hiring you. They all have a different, legal, reason for turning you down. But you are sure the real reason is because you pregnant. They don't want to hire you just so you can go on matternity leave in a few months. <<if $JobCallGirl or $JobStripper or $JobStripperMain or $JobCallGirlOld or $JobStripperOld>> Your job as a <<if $JobCallGirl or $JobCallGirlOld>> call girl <<else>> stripper <</if>> paid well, but it's also hard to find a job doing that in your current condition. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The money you'd had set assigned starts to run low. Then it runs out entirely and the motel you were staying in kicks you out on the street. When you beg for them to give you more time due to your condition, they refuse. One of the staff does tell you about a homeless shelter nearby. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You spend one night at the shelter. It's mostly men. The few other women that are there are much, much older than you. Even in your current state, you are getting an uncomfortable number of looks from the men there. You are worried someone is going to force themselves on you while you sleep, and barely manage to sleep at all. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Thankfully, no one touches you. You wonder if you'd have been as lucky if you hadn't been pregnant. But what someone did touch, was your stuff. Your purse, and your suitcase were both gone when you woke up. Along with your id, phone, nearly all your clothes, and what little money you had left, they are all gone. All you have left are the clothes you were wearing, and your coat you were using as a pillow. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Flunk11.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You decide to sleep outside instead. You have to find a box to hide under when it starts to rain in the middle of the night. The next morning you look over the jobs flyer you'd picked up at the shelter thinking about looking for work again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You realize though that you have little chance looking like you do now. It was hard enough trying to find a job before when you looked presentable. Now, looking like you do after sleeping in a box, on the ground in the rain, you have no chance. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Flunk6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="250" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You decide you'll try begging for money. Being pregnant will probably be a big help there you figure. Maybe you can get enough to sleep under a roof tonight. If not, at least enough to eat. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> By late evening, you'd gotten enough to get a little bit of food for for lunch, but you are still hungry. And you don't have near enough for a motel. You are trying to decide which option you are dreading more, the shelter or sleeping outside and hoping it doesn't rain again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When a man, maybe 10 or 15 years older than you approaches, you are on edge at first. But then he drops several meals worth of cash into your bowl. You thank him for his generousity. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "If you are wanting to get out of this situation and sleep somewhere warm tonight, let me know. I can [[help you find a place to stay|FlunkOutPregnant3]], and food to eat," he says. "And get you signed up for medical care as well." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course you take him up on the offer. Anything to avoid sleeping another night in a box, or in that 'shelter'. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your own room</h1> <img src="PartX/Flunk7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Marcus gets you a small room. It's not any place fancy, but it's better than the street and better than the shelter. Marcus even takes you to the discount store to buy some more maternity clothes. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You feel so great after a shower, you don't even mind when Marcus comes over to you after your shower, and tugs at the towel that was doing its best to try to cover you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I want to see if you look as pretty all cleaned up as I thought you would." You let go of the towel and let him pull it away. You are embarrassed, but start smiling when he starts telling you how beautiful you are. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'll start looking for work again tomorrow, so I can pay you back for all of this," you tell him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Don't worry about that. Just take it easy until you have the baby. You can pay me back after. I'll have work for you then," Marcus replies. You thank him again for being so generous. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He places his hand under you chin and gently pushes up so you are looking him in the eye. "Though, judging from how you are blusing all over, I think you're thinking of [[another way you could show me your graditude|FlunkOutPregnant4]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Expressing your gratitude</h1> <img src="PartX/Flunk8.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(20, {sex:"male", name:"Marcus"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(20, {sex:"male", name:"Marcus", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Marcus was right, being naked in front of him, and seeing the outline of his hard cock through his pants, that was exactly what you were thinking about. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You drop to your knees and unzip his pants. As soon as his cock springs out, you take it into your mouth. After a while he helps you stand back up and lie down on the bed. His fingers tease your clit, your lips, and finally slide into you. Before long and you can hear your wetness as his fingers slide back and forth. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He pulls his fingers out and has you suck them. Then he rubs his hard cock between your lips until he finally thrusts into you. It isn't long until you are screaming out with an orgasm. Marcus keeps fucking you for a good while longer. You are orgasming a second time when he thrusts one last time and cums inside you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He doesn't have to ask. As soon as he puts his cock near your face, you move toward it and take it into your mouth, cleaning the shine from your juices from it, as well as a few drops of cum. "Oh, they're going to love you," he says to himself. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "What?" you ask in a post-orgasm haze. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He gives your ass a gentle swat and says, "Don't worry about it baby. Just get a good nights sleep. I have to go back to work. I'll be by tomorrow and take you out for a late breakfast. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He does come by [[the next morning|FlunkOutPregnant5]]. After breakfast he takes you to the little corner grocery store down the block and buys you some groceries to put in the little refrigerator in your room. Of course after that the two of you head back to your room for sex again. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>More help from Marcus</h1> <img src="PartX/Flunk13.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <img src="PartX/Flunk12.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(20, {sex:"male", name:"Marcus"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(20, {sex:"male", name:"Marcus", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Marcus doesn't come by every day, you know he spends time with his 'other girls'. You don't know how many other girls he is seeing besides you. But he's says you are his 'special girl'. You wonder if that means he might want to settle down exclusively with you eventually. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He's not there every day, but he does come by whenever you need him. He's taken you to all your doctor's appointments. He's even helped arrange a private adoption with some rich couple. You're happy to know your baby is going to have a much better life than you could offer him or her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He even takes you shopping for groceries when you need them. At first you wondered why he just didn't give you a little cash and you could do it. But then you though, maybe he's worried you by drugs or something with it and hurt the baby. Maybe he'll realize you aren't like that eventually. But it's fine for now, besides, the help carrying things is great too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He's still careful because of the baby, but Marcus is more forceful when you are having sex than he was that first night. You can tell he loves holding your head on his cock while you are sucking it, forcing it deeper. And he loves spanking your ass when he fucks you from behind. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't want one of those other girls taking your place as his 'special girl', so you are eager to please him. Though it helps they you get wet every time he puts his hands around your throat or you struggle to breath with his cock in your throat. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He didn't want you being without a phone while you were pregnant, so he got you one of those cheap disposable ones for emergencies. It's a good thing too, because you need it to call him when you feel [[your contractions starting|FlunkOutPregnant6]]! <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Giving birth</h1> <img src="PartX/Flunk9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 0>> <<set $PlayerAdoption += 1>> <<unset $PregnancyCheck>> <<unset $BabyAdoption>> <<unset $tempBaby>> <<unset $BabyBoy>> <<unset $BabyGirl>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Marcus takes you to the hospital, and is with you at first. But once they have you with a room he leaves you in the care of the doctors and nurses. He then leaves to go contact the couple that are going to adopt the baby. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> At first your labor is uncomfortable, but not unbearable. The nurses have you walking up and down the hallway to help the process along. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But soon the contractions are getting closer together and more painful and they have you return to your room. After a few more hours your water breaks. You toss your drenched gown, not carrying if the nurses or doctor see you naked. It's not like they aren't seeing a lot more everytime they come in to check on you anyway. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/AndrewFamily6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="340"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As the contractions get stronger and even more frequent, you really wish the free insurance Marcus helped you sign up for would pay for an epideral, but it won't, so you just have to endure. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But eventually it's over. You try not to look at the baby, but are happy to hear them say it looks healthy before they take it away for more tests. They get you a new gown and then move you to a [[recovery room|FlunkOutPregnant7]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>After delivery</h1> <img src="Part14/Postpartum6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="340"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Marcus comes by with some paperwork for you to sign to make the adoption official. He leaves after you sign it. "I'll let you get some rest. Call me whenever you need a ride home." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They keep you overnight at the hospital. But the insurance company says since you are healthy and didn't have any anesthesia, you should leave the next day. You give Marcus a call and wait for him to come pick you up [[and take you home|FlunkOutPostpartum]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Back in your room</h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Marcus"})>> Marcus takes you back home, and makes sure you have food and lets you rest the next few days. Then he comes buy to see you again and takes you to lunch. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you get back to your room, you can tell he wants sex. Normally you would too. But even if the doctor hadn't said anything, everything still hurts and you can't imagine how bad sex would feel right now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'm sorry, I can't have sex right now. The doctor said not for six weeks," you tell Marcus. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "They always say that," he says. "But two weeks is usually enough for you X-Change girls. You heal so fast, at least from childbirth." You are happy to hear that, but it still doesn't help today. Then he adds, "But your mouth is perfectly healthy right now." He then gently but firmly pushes you down toward you knees. You unzip his pants and get to work. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Flunk14.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you swallow down his cum he tells you, "That's my special girl." You can't help but smile. You get even more excited when he tells you he'll have a special surprise for you [[next time he comes over|FlunkOutPostpartum2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your special surprise</h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Marcus"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Jesse"})>> You aren't sure what you were expecting your 'special surprise' to be, but you certainly weren't expecting Marcus to bring another guy with him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Jesse here didn't believe me when I told him how good you suck cock. Why don't you show him," Marcus tells you. He can probably sense your hesitation and adds, "you don't want to disappoint me do you? Or Jesse for that matter?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He's right, you'd hate to disappoint him. Though something in the firmness of the way he said it also makes you a little scared of disappointing him too. But you tell yourself it should be fun making them both happy, and proving to Jesse the Marcus was right about how good you are. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Flunk15.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After a while taking turns with both of them, Marcus tells you to focus on Jesse's cock. You get to work giving Jesse's cock the same attention you always give Marcus's. Jesse clearly loves it, and soon you feel his cock start to twitch and then feel his warm cum fill your mouth. A little bit later you feel Marcus's cum cover your chest as he finishes himself onto you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You're right. She's great. Worth every penny," Jesse says as he hands some cash over to Marcus. You figure they must have bet on whether you were as good as Marcus said you were. You are glad you didn't disappoint. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After Jesse leaves Marcus tells you how happy he is with you. "And see, I told you I'd have work for you once you were done with the baby." He puts the cash in his pocket and says, "I'll consider this your first payment towards paying me back what you owe me." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Make sure you're home [[tomorrow evening|Whore]]," Marcus tells you before leaving. "I'll be by sometime to see you." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Paying back your debts</h1> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(20, {sex:"male"})>> <<set $JobStreetWhore to 1>> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/Flunk16.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video><br> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> At six a clock you hear a knock on your door. You are surprised when you open it and it's not Marcus. But when he tells you that Marcus sent him you are less worried. You don't say anything as he walks in to your room. You see him put an envelope down on your dresser as you are closing your door. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Take your clothes off," he tells you. "Let's see what I'm paying for." When you start to say something he adds, "Let's see what you've got under all that. Don't worry, Marcus already told me your pussy is on the disabled list still." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You do as he tells you and strip. He turns you around a few times before pushing you down towards you knees in front of him. You know what to do and being to unzip his pants and start sucking his cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You expect him to leave after he cums in your mouth. But instead he pulls out more money and sets it next to the envelope. He said that was enough if I wanted to try your ass too. It's too cute to pass up. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't know what would have happened to you if Marcus hadn't helped you. And you know if you upset him now, you might be homeless again. Or something worse could happen. You don't want to find out. <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal > 1>> Besides, you can never turn down anal sex, so you'd eagerly accept anyway. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> Besides, you love anal sex, so you'd eagerly accept anyway. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Flunk17.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It hurts at first, but you think it's probably just because you are tensing up, afraid he's going to 'accidentally' miss your ass. But once it's clear he's not going to miss, and he gets going, you are moaning as much as he is. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Several more 'friends' of Marcus stop by, each leaving cash and making use of your mouth or ass, before [[Marcus finally shows up|Whore2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With Marcus</h1> <<set setup.addSex(2, {sex:"male", name:"Marcus"})>> "That's my special girl," Marcus tells you as he collects the money the men had left. "I bet the left you all horny and unsatisfied though," he adds. He slides his hand between your legs. "Don't worry, I'll stay on the outside." <img src="PartX/Flunk18.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <img src="PartX/Flunk19.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> <<set $MarcusRecruit to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> His touch soon as you moaning. "It's fun doing what you're skilled at isn't it?" he asks rhetorically. "And you are really skilled at making men feel good." He keeps playing with your lips, or stroking your clit as he talks, "You might as well keep a roof over your head instead of doing it for free. Isn't that right?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are close to an orgasm, and eager for him to keep going, "Yes, sir." you say nodding. The pleading tone of your voice begging him not to stop what he's doing. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He doesn't stop, and soon you are covering his fingers as you orgasm. "See, good girls get rewarded. Hopefully you'll never have to worry about what bad girls get," he tells you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "It seems like you are almost healed up down there. You should be good to go [[next weekend|Whore3]]. Get a good nights rest and I'll be by for lunch tomorrow. Then we'll go buy some new outfits for you with some of this," he says holding up the cash you'd collected this evening. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Working Girl</h1> <img src="PartX/Flunk20.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next weekend Marcus has you on the street working. He tells you where need to go, and stays nearby to keep you and his other girls safe. <<if $MarcusRecruit>> <<achievement>>childfree<</achievement>> You are nervous at first when you approach a car, but you tell yourself the guy wouldn't have pulled over and rolled down his window if he didn't want what you are selling. <<else>> <<unset $JobProstitute>> <<set $JobStreetWhore to 1>> You feel safer with Marcus nearby and knowing what he'd do to anyone that would hurt you. Most of you is still afraid your rapist will come by again. But part of you hopes he does, so you can tell Marcus who it was that hurt you and let him make sure he never does it again to anyone else. <br><br> <</if>> And Marcus said you don't need to worry about the cops either. "They look the other way in this neighborhood. They worst they'll do is ask me for a little piece of the action. Or you for a little piece of something else. Either way, we just give them what they want and everyone is happy." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Marcus teaches you what you should charge for what, and how to tell when they can afford to pay more. <<if $SoloThenMarcus>> You realize you've been undercharging up to now. <</if>> Soon you are making as much as his more experienced girls. Whether it's a quick trip in the guys car to somewhere private for a simple blowjob, or some visting business man or tech nerd wanting you for the whole night, you now know to how much to charge, and to get it up front. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Flunk21.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="300"></video> <video src="Part14/Callgirl3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="300"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You turn whatever you make over to Marcus at the end of the night, or the next morning. He keeps it safe, and tracks how much you still owe him. Adding on a bit for your 'allowance' each week, and for your rent each month. And when he buys you food or clothes or anything else. And then subtracting what you make working, less his percentage that is. <<if $PlayerProtectionFertile>> <br><br> <<set $PlayerAbortion to 8>> And he adds the cost for when you need an abortion as well. Though he's said as often as you need them, it might be worth it to find <<if $MarcusRecruit>>another<<else>>a<</if>> rich couple that wants you to make a baby for them. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionPerfect or $PlayerProtectionPermanent>> <<else>> <br><br> <<if !$PlayerAbortion>> <<set $PlayerAbortion to 0>> <</if>> <<set $PlayerAbortion += 2>> And he adds in the cost of your birth control pills, and the cost of your abortions whenever that fails to work. He said hopefully he can find <<if $MarcusRecruit>>another<<else>>a<</if>> rich couple that wants you to make a baby for them, then you wouldn't need to worry about either of those for a while. <</if>> <<if $MarcusRecruit>> <br><br> He said not to worry about how much you still owe him though, he'll make sure you you always have a job and place to stay. You won't end up unemployed and homeless again. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> [[The End|WhoreEnd]]. <</nobr>><h1>Game Over - Street Whore</h1> <img src="PartX/GameOver8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<achievement>>whore<</achievement>><<nobr>> <<if setup.areDating('Bailey')>> <<include [[FlunkOutDatingBailey]]>> <<elseif setup.areDating('Kate')>> <<include [[FlunkOutDatingKate]]>> <<elseif setup.areDating('Veronica')>> <<include [[FlunkOutDatingVeroncia]]>> <<elseif setup.areDating('Andrew')>> <<include [[FlunkOutDatingAndrew]]>> <<elseif setup.areDating('Barry')>> <<include [[FlunkOutDatingBarry]]>> <<elseif (setup.areDating('Justin') or $dating.length == 0) and setup.haveFucked('Justin')>> <<if !setup.areDating('Justin')>> <<set setup.startDating('Justin')>> <</if>> <<include [[FlunkOutDatingJustin]]>> <<else>> <<include [[FlunkOutDatingBreakupGeneric]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Breaking up with Bailey</h1> <img src="Part8.5/Alone4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <<set setup.breakupWith('Bailey')>> <<unset $BuddyChastity>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Bailey haven't been together that long. You'd thought the two of you would last, but you know you can't expect her to leave the university, and her scholarship, just because you failed at yours. You also feel like if you'd try to make it work, you'd just end up dragging her down the same path you ended up on. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's a sad talk between the two of you as you decide to break up. You are confident she'll be able to move on quickly, and hope that you will too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you try think about what you are going to do next, you <<include [[FlunkOutNextStepInclude]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Breaking up with Veronica</h1> <img src="Part8.5/Alone4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <<set setup.breakupWith('Veronica')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'd thought the you and Veronica would last, but you know you can't expect her to leave the university, and her scholarship, just because you failed at yours. You also feel like if you'd try to make it work, you'd just end up dragging her down the same path you ended up on. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's a sad talk between the two of you as you decide to break up. You are confident she'll be able to move on quickly, and hope that you will too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you try think about what you are going to do next, you <<include [[FlunkOutNextStepInclude]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Making plans with Justin</h1> <img src="PartX/Army2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After Justin is drained and your need is saisfied, for a while at least, the two of you sit down to talk about what to do next. He's done with training now, and has two weeks before his first deployment. You'll obviously be staying with him in the motel room he'd rented until then. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You joke about just stowing away in his luggage so you could go with him, even climbing into one of his empty bags. He zips it closed with only your head sticking out and <<if $BodyType != "Plus">>easily<</if>> lifts you up and jokingly says, "hmm, maybe that would work." <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <br><br> Your mind wanders a bit as you realize how helpless you are zipped up in the bag like this. Maybe when Justin is able to go again, you'll see if he'll zip you up like this again, and leave the rest of you horny and helpless inside the bag. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Unfortunately," he says seriously, "if we tried to sneak you on base, they'd probably send you back home on the next plane, and I'd spend my first week on base in the stockade. "I wish though." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh, well, it was just an idea," you say. "We've got weeks to figure out what to do next. For now let's just [[enjoy your leave|JustinOnLeave]]. <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <br><br> As Justin reaches to unzip the bag you tell him, "Why don't you leave me like this until you are ready to use me?" You say. Then, though the small amount he'd unzipped, you toss out the clothes you'd managed to wriggle out of making it obvious that you were naked and ready inside for whenever he was. He smiles, zips the bag back up as before, and says, "Well, that probably won't be long now." <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $Roommate != "Andrew">> <<include [[FlunkOutAndrewMoveIn]]>> <<elseif !$PlayerPregnant>> <<include [[FlunkOutAndrewPregnant]]>> <<elseif !$Engaged>> <<include [[FlunkOutAndrewEngaged]]>> <<else>> <<include [[FlunkOutAndrewMarried]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Moving in with Andrew</h1> <img src="Part5/Master1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <<set $Roommate to "Andrew">> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", name:"Andrew", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", name:"Andrew"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your [[new living situation|FlunkOutDatingAndrew]] is the best part of leaving school. When Andrew heard that you didn't have any place to stay, he asked you to move in with him. Of course you said yes. You certainly weren't going to move back to your parents and be hundreds of miles away from your boyfriend. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Without classes to worry about you can see Andrew whenever he's not at work. <<if setup.sexCount() == 0>> Of course when you moved in with him, you knew any thoughts of 'waiting until marriage' would be out the window. But after the first time you felt Andrew inside you, you wondered why you ever wanted to wait in the first place. <</if>> You frequently try to greet him at the door wearing something sexy. It's only been embarrassing a couple of times, when he brought home a coworker unannounced. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Telling Andrew the good news</h1> <video src="PartP/Creampie.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video><br> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", name:"Andrew", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", name:"Andrew"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Andrew plan on starting a family and decided to just let nature take it's course. <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> So you and him had stopped using condoms. You love the feeling of him cumming inside you now. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> So you him he could start coming inside you when he wanted to. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionPerfect or $PlayerProtectionPermanent>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPermanent>> So you stopped by the X-Change office and had them deactivate the birth control on your implant. You still love the feeling of him cumming inside you. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionPill>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPill>> So you stopped taking your birth control pills. You still love the feeling of him cumming inside you. <<else>> You love the feeling of him cumming inside you. <</if>> <<set $PlayerProtectionSilent to 1>> Though, of course, sometimes it is more fun for him to cum on you, or to finish him with your mouth. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With <<if $PlayerProtectionFertile>> how fertile you are, and <</if>> how much sex the two of you are having now, it didn't take 'nature' very long. You are thrilled when you find out the news, and don't waste any time [[letting Andrew know|FlunkOutDatingAndrew]]. You wait a bit before telling everyone else though, just to be sure. <<set $PlayerPregnant to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Andrew Proposes</h1> <img src="Part14/Andrew9.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<set $Engaged to "Andrew">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are thrilled when Andrew proposes to you. You both know you are moving fast, but you already have a baby on the way, so you don't want to wait. Your mom and the rest of your family are thrilled with the news. It sounds like your father is also a bit relieved that you won't be a single mother, or at least [[not for long|FlunkOutDatingAndrew]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Andrew</h1> <<if $PregnancyWeek >= 12>> <img src="PartX/AndrewFamily3a.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <<else>> <video src="PartX/AndrewFamily15.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</if>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", name:"Andrew", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", name:"Andrew"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PregnancyWeek >= 12>> You feel like you are huge, but Andrew assures you that he thinks you are even more beautiful now that you are carrying his child. He is clearly is just as interested in sex as he ever was, as are you. Though, the bigger you get, the more limited your choices in positions become. <br><br> You hope Andrew will still lust after you the way he does now <<else>> You feel like you are getting fat, but Andrew assures you that you aren't even showing yet. He seems to really be trying to let you know that he finds you just as attractive now that you are carrying his baby, maybe even more than before. <br><br> You hope he'll be just as romantic <</if>> once the two of you are [[married|FlunkOutAndrewMarried2]] and taking care of your baby. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Setting the date</h1> <img src="Part12/Engaged3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <<set $tempBabyNameBoys to ["Casey","Liam","Brandon","Wyatt","Eli"].map((name) => {return {name, sex:"male"}})>> <<set $tempBabyNameGirls to ["Hope","Delilah","Emma","Sophia","Mia"].map((name) => {return {name, sex:'female'}})>> <<set $tempBabyName to [$tempBabyNameBoys, $tempBabyNameGirls]>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Andrew decide you want to be married before the baby is born, which doesn't leave the two of you time for a huge fancy wedding. You don't care though, you just want to start the [[rest of your life|AndrewWedding]] with Andrew. And the sooner it begins, the better. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Kate comforts you</h1> You and Kate start discussing what you are going to do now that you've flunked out of school. <<if $JobBartenderSub>> Obviously, your job at the bar doesn't care if you are student or not. You'd planned on doing more once you had you degree. But that's not in the cards, at least not right now. <<else>> Kate makes enough to provide for both of you, so that's not a concern. But you felt better when you were also contributing. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When Kate sees how stressed out you are getting she starts to comfort you. A hug turns into a kiss, and eventually it leads to the two of your entwined on the bed, crying out in pleasure. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Flunk4.webm" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As wonderful as it is to now be able to orgasm again, right now you love even more the feeling of holding Kate afterwards. With your arms and legs wrapped around her, holding her close and feeling her weight on top of you feel safe and protected. You know everything is going to be ok. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "If you want, I can help you sign up at the community college," Kate says stroking your hair. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Maybe eventually," you respond. "But right now I'd rather focus on <<if $JobBartenderSub>> work and <</if>> [[planning our wedding|KateWeddingPlan]]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That sounds wonderful," she says softly in your ear as she continues to stroke your hair. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Breaking up with $dating[0]</h1> You and $dating[0] get in a huge argument when you tell him you've been kicked out of school. You try to tell him it's not your fault, that the school is out to get you and that they make it so hard to focus on your studies. "It hasn't been a problem for me," he tells you. "Maybe if you weren't always trying to slut it up and thinking about fucking every guy on campus, then you would have actually passed a class or two. <<if setup.haveFucked('Mike') >> Maybe you can go back home now and fuck your uncle instead! <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Dylan')>> Maybe you can go back home now and fuck your brother instead! <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Cody')>> Maybe you can go back home now and fuck some stranger from the mall instead! <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Aaron')>> I'm sure there's professors at the community college that'd love to have their cocks sucked too! <<elseif $PlayerAbortion>> Maybe you can have the abortion clinic provide tutors. With as much time as you've probably spent there, it might have helped. <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Brad')>> I'm sure you can suck someones cock to get back home from here. <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Mechanic')>> Too bad you couldn't suck someone's cock to get out of this. That seems to be your solution to most problems. <<else>> Maybe if you'd spent less time thinking about what some other guy's cock would feel like inside you, and more time studying, that might have helped. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After more yelling back and forth, you end up leaving in tears. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="Part8.5/Alone1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Part of you always knew that your relationship with $dating[0] was always going to just be a bit of fun in college. You and him were never destinited to spend your lives together. Or at least that's what you tell yourself to try and stop the tears. It doesn't work though. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you try and figure out where you'll be staying tonight, you <<set setup.breakupWith($dating[0])>> <<include [[FlunkOutNextStepInclude]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $FatherDisown>> realize that since your father kicked you out, you know you are going to have to [[make it on your own|FlunkOutAloneHitch]]. Thankfully you <<if $JobCallGirl or $JobModel or $JobStripper or $JobStripperMain or $JamesBribe>> have more than enough money saved up. <<elseif $PlayerStudentLoan>> still have some money left over from your last student loan disbursment. <<else>> have a little bit of money saved up. <</if>> So you can afford a motel room until you can get your own apartment. <<else>> think about how disappointed your family is going to be with you. You especially aren't looking forward to how your father is going to react. Still, they are your family, and he'll surely let you [[move back home|FlunkOutHome]]. <br><br> Though, even if you are no longer a student, you are still an adult. Maybe you should [[do this alone|FlunkOutAloneHitch]] and find your own place instead. Obviously you'll still have to tell them about school, but at least they can be proud that you are acting like an adult on your own now. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Still living with Barry</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/Chaste6.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video><br> </div> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", name:"Barry"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(50, {sex:"male", name:"Barry", vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Thankfully since Barry's apartment is off-campus, you can still stay there after you drop out. "Maybe you can show me how grateful you are for having a roof over you head," Barry half-jokes. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you've sucked his cock he adds, "Though since you aren't going to be in class all day, doing more of the cooking and cleaning around here would be good. And chiping in for some of the rent would be good too." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $JobBikiniBarista>> "That place you are at now is too slutty though. I don't mind showing off your ass, but only when I'm around so people know I'm the one that gets to fuck it," Barry tells you. I'm paying for most of the rent, so a few hours a week at a non-slutty coffee shop would probably be enough. <<unset $JobBikiniBarista>> <<set $JobBikiniBaristaFormer to 1>> <<set $tempJobChange to 1>> <<elseif $JobBarista>> "You can cut back on your hours if you want I'm paying for most of the rent and everything else. And I'd rather have you wet and ready for me when I get home than a few extra dollars in the budget every month," Barry tells you. <<else>> <<if $JobOffice or $JobOfficePA or $JobOfficeManager or $JobOfficeIntern>> <<set $tempJobChange to 1>> <<unset $JobOffice>> <<unset $JobOfficePA>> <<unset $JobOfficeManager>> <<unset $JobOfficeIntern>> "Obviously that office job was expecting you to get a degree. So unless you've been blowing the boss there or something, you'll probably be fired soon. Best to find another job before they do," Barry tells you. <<elseif $JobModel or $JobCallGirl or $JobStripperMain or $JobStripper>> <<set $tempJobChange to 1>> <<unset $JobModel>> <<unset $JobCallGirl>> <<unset $JobStripperMain>> <<unset $JobStripper>> "That place you are at now is too slutty though. I don't mind showing off your ass, or sharing it with my friends, but only when I'm around so people know you're mine," Barry tells you. <<else>> <<set $tempJobStart to 1>> <</if>> "You shouldn't have any trouble getting a job making coffee or something. I know half of them there have Liberal Arts degrees, but it's not an actual requirement. So they won't care that you flunked out." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $tempJobChange>> <<unset $tempJobChange>> You do as Barry says and quit your job to work at a <<if $JobBikiniBaristaFormer>>regular<</if>> coffee shop. <<set $JobBarista to 1>> <<elseif $tempJobStart>> <<unset $tempJobStart>> <<set $JobBarista to 1>> He's right, you don't have any trouble getting a job at a coffee shop. <<else>> You cut back on your hours at the coffee shop. <</if>> You let your manager know when you are available. You want to make sure you're always there for when [[Barry gets home|FlunkOutDatingBarry2]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Ready when Barry gets home</h1> You do your best to have dinner ready for Barry when he gets home. Though you quickly learn to make sure you've made something that's easy to reheat, and to have yourself ready for Barry as well. <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", name:"Barry"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(50, {sex:"male", name:"Barry", vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Barry1.webm" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Because frequently it's not food Barry is hungry for when he gets home from work, it's you. Sometimes it's just for a quick blowjob before he eats, and other times it's much more and dinner can wait. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You want to make sure Barry can focus on his school work and his internship. At least [[one of you needs to graduate|BarryGraduate]] to be able to support the two of you after all. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Inspection</h1> <img src="PartX/BackHome1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<set $FatherChastity to 1>> <<set $PlayerChastityBelt to 1>> <<set $Keyholder to "Your father">> <<set $KeyholderPronoun to "he">> <<set $KeyholderPronounPossessive to "his">> <<set $dating to []>> <<set $fwb to []>> <<set $friendzone to []>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your father goes through your things, looking for any 'contraband'. He looks through your 'toys' and throws out anything remotely sex related - except of course the chastity belt you are locked in. He also takes any of your clothes he deems 'too slutty'. <<if setup.haveInventory('sex toys', 'cumslut collar')>> When he sees your 'Cumslut' collar he shakes his head. "God, it's worse than I thought." <<elseif setup.haveInventory('sex toys', 'knee pads')>> When he sees your knee pads mixed in with your other sex toys, he shakes his head. "God, it's worse than I thought." <</if>> <<if $PlayerItemNerdKey or $PlayerItemNerdKeyStripper or $DylanChastityKey>> <br><br> When your father sees the keys for <<if ($PlayerItemNerdKey or $PlayerItemNerdKeyStripper) and $DylanChastityKey>> Peter's and Dylan's chastity cages <<set $DylanChastitySelfLocked to 1>> <<elseif $DylanChastityKey>> Dylan's chastity cage <<set $DylanChastitySelfLocked to 1>> <<else>> Peter's chastity cage <</if>> you lie and say they are for $Mentor's storage locker. You tell him you'll mail them back to her since you won't be sharing it anymore. "Fine," he says handing it over to him. You'll be sure that they do get them back to their original owner eventually. Though you'll be so busy with changing schools, it might be a few weeks before you remember to do it. hopefully <<if ($PlayerItemNerdKey or $PlayerItemNerdKeyStripper) and $DylanChastityKey>> they won't mind waiting. Well, it's not like they have another option anyway. <<else>> he won't mind waiting. Well, it's not like he has another option anyway. <</if>> <<unset $PlayerItemNerdKey>> <<unset $PlayerItemNerdKeyStripper>> <<unset $DylanChastityKey>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He sends your mother out to buy you some 'respectable' clothing and underwear so you have enough to wear after what he's taken. And, of course plenty of dresses since the chastity belts limits some of your clothing options. <<set $inventory['sex toys'] = ['chastity belt']>> <<if setup.haveInventory('costumes', 'Star Trek crew')>> <<set $inventory['costumes'] = ['Star Trek crew']>> <<elseif setup.haveInventory('costumes', 'vampire')>> <<set $inventory['costumes'] = ['vampire']>> <<else>> <<set $inventory['costumes'] = null>> <</if>> <<set setup.removeInventory('tools', 'anal cleaning kit')>> <<set setup.removeInventory('tools', 'massage oils')>> <<set setup.removeInventory('tools', 'library key')>> <<set setup.removeInventory('tools', 'engineering projects')>> <<set setup.removeInventory('clothes', 'sheer-topped dress')>> <<set setup.removeInventory('clothes', 'latex dress')>> <<set setup.removeInventory('clothes', 'latex top')>> <<set setup.removeInventory('clothes', 'leather top')>> <<set setup.removeInventory('clothes', 'leather skirt')>> <<set setup.removeInventory('clothes', 'hobble skirt')>> <<set setup.removeInventory('clothes', 'pink latex suit')>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'blouses')>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'long dresss')>> <<set setup.addInventory('clothes', 'dresses')>> <<set setup.removeInventory('underwear', 'sexy underwear')>> <<set setup.removeInventory('underwear', 'erotic underwear')>> <<set setup.removeInventory('sleepwear', 'lingerie')>> <<set setup.addInventory('underwear', 'regular underwear')>> <<set setup.addInventory('underwear', 'cotton underwear')>> <<if setup.haveInventory('piercings', 'tongue')>> He also makes you take out your tongue piercing. <<set setup.removeInventory('piercings', 'tongue')>> <</if>> <<if $PlayerProtectionPill>> He tosses out your birth control pills too. "You obviously won't be needing these." You know better than to try to argue or mention the benefits they have for lessening your periods, you know he won't listen anyway and will get annoyed if you start talking about periods. <<unset $PlayerProtectionPill>> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone to 1>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "On Monday, we'll go down to the nearest [[X-Change office|MovingBackHome2]] and have you checked out. I'm sure you're probably pregnant by now. <<if $PlayerPregnant>>You cringe knowing it's true.<</if>> Thank God STDs are mostly a thing of the past, or who knows how many you'd have by now. But they'll double check for those too. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the X-Change Office</h1> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> <<set $tempPregnantBefore to 1>> <<achievement>>childfree<</achievement>> <<if $PlayerAbortion>> <<set $PlayerAbortion += 1>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerAbortion to 1>> <</if>> <</if>> <<set $PregnancyCheck = setup.checkForNewPregnancy('medical test - back home', 0)>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.isPregnant>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 1>> <<if setup.pregnantFirstTime()>> <<achievement>>firsttime+pregnant<</achievement>> <<else>> <<achievement>>pregnant<</achievement>> <</if>> <</if>> <img src="PartP/PregTest6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone to 1>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionTry>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> Your father removes your belt for your exam, but stays with you nearly the entire time. He leaves the room during your pelvic exam though, and that's when you talk privately with the doctor. <<if $tempPregnantBefore>> "I'm pregnant, but I don't want to be. Please give me something to end it before it becomes noticeable My father is already disappointed with me, and being pregnant would make it even worse." After confirming that this is what you want, he gives you an injection to end your pregnancy. He warns you of the period-like bleeding you should expect over the next few days. You don't comment but start to dread dealing with that in your chastity belt. <<else>> "I don't know if I'm pregnant right now or not, but please do whatever you need to do, to make sure I'm not. My father is already disappointed with me, and being pregnant would make it even worse." <<if $PlayerPregnant>> The doctor confirms that you are pregant, or at least a conception has occurred. After confirming it with you he gives you an injection to make sure any pregnancy will be prevented or ended. <</if>> <</if>> <<unset $tempPregnantBefore>> <<unset $PlayerPregnant>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When your father returns he goes over your implants settings with the doctor :<br><br> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> Your change is already permanent, which your father says is for the best. <<else>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> As your change is not yet permanent, your father requests that they make it permanent, so you don't still hold any silly notions of being a man someday. He says there's hope of your being a proper woman eventually, but you were never going to be a man. <</if>> <br><br> <<if $PlayerProtectionPerfect or $PlayerProtectionPermanent>> He has them deactive the built-in birth control from your implant. He says you won't be needing it due to your belt, and when you are married, you'll be wanting to have children<br><br> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPermanent>> <</if>> <<if $PlayerProtectionFertile>> The enhanced fertility effects of your implant are not reversable, but your father says that it sounds like a wonderful thing anyway. Once you are married, it'll be that much easier for you and your husband to concieve.<br><br> <</if>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> <<set $AcademicProbationDenialFormer to 1>> <<unset $AcademicProbationDenial>> <<unset $AcademicProbation>> You are pleased that he instructs the doctor to disable the academic probation denial setting on your implant, but less so when he explains why. "If that kept her from acting like a slut, then I'd be all for it. But it clearly doesn't do that, so what is the point of it? She's not going to be needing to be 'denied' anyway with the belt on all the time. And when her wedding night comes some day, she should be able to enjoy it." <br><br> The doctor informs him that they have to notify the dean's office at the university, and that your re-enrollment at the university will be blocked. "That's not a concern, she isn't returning there anyway."<br><br> <</if>> <<if $PlayerNoBodyHair and $PlayerWeightControl>> Your father thinks your implants effects that prevent body hair and weight gain are wonderful. "I'm sure her future husband will appreciate those." Then he jokes, "Do you think you can implant those for my wife?" <br><br> <<elseif $PlayerWeightControl>> Your father thinks your implants effect that prevents weight gain is wonderful. "I'm sure her future husband will appreciate that." Then he jokes, "Do you think you can implant that for my wife?" <br><br> <<elseif $PlayerNoBodyHair>> Your father thinks your implants effect that prevents body hair is wonderful. "I'm sure her future husband will appreciate that." Then he jokes, "My wife would want to know if you could implant that for her too." <br><br> <</if>> <<if $PlayerReducedSleep>> When he tells your father about your reduced sleep effects he says, "That's great. But now she'll be using it to study, instead of just as more time to whore around." <br><br> <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectDreams>> When he tells your father about the effects that give you such 'vivid' dreams, he doesn't much care. "If she had only been dreaming about being a slut, I wouldn't have cared." <br><br> <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectLibido or $>> Your father isn't particularly surprised when the doctor mentions your implants libido effects. "Well, that's probably contributed to her current behavior. But I'm sure her future husband will appreciate it someday." <br><br> <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasochist>> When he tells your father about how a little pain turns you on, he says, "Well, I guess I'll let her future husband know not to use spankings for punishment. Of course, it'll be up to him if he wants to use them for other reasons." <br><br> <</if>> <<if $PlayerEasytoOrgasm or $PlayerPowerfulOrgasms or $PlayerSuperOrgasms>> Your father stops the doctor from going into much detail about your enhanced orgasm effects. "I'm sure that'll be great for her and her future husband, but I don't need to hear about it. It won't be an issue anyway with her belt on until then." <br><br> <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal or $PlayerSideEffectOral or $PlayerSideEffectDominant or $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> "I don't need to hear about that," you father cuts the doctor off when he starts talking about the preferenes for certain sexual activities that your implant has given you. "She can discuss that with her husband when the time comes." <br><br> <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist or $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>> "Well, that would certainly explain some of her behavior," your father says when the doctor discusses some of the effects that cause you to act out in public. "But, I suppose there's nothing you can do about it." <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock or $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> Your father doesn't seem to care about the effects that make orgasming, particularly when you masturbate, difficult for you. "Well, she won't be touching herself anytime soon anyway. I'm sure that will just encourage her to find a husband sooner, rather than later." <br><br> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Even though you won't be getting the benefit of the scholarship anymore, you are still expected to have regular checkups for the next few years, so your father makes an appointment for your next visit on his way out. Then he tells you, "Now, we'll head over to the [[community college|MovingBackHome3]] to sign you up for next semester. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At Your New School</h1> <img src="PartX/BackHome2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <<if $Dropout == "Flunk">> <<unset $Dropout>> <<set $FormerDropout to 1>> <<set $student to 1>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are unhappy at first, leaving all the friends you'd made at your university and starting at a completely new school. But soon you start to notice the benefits of being here as well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> First, it's much easier than before. The classes aren't quite as hard, but that's only part of it. They also spend more individual time teaching you. And when you meet with one of the professors, you feel like he's really trying to help you succeed. And, of course, the women professors are great too. You hadn't really given much thought to how few there were at your previous university. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Second, since you are staying at home you don't need to work at all anymore. Your dad gives you an allowance. It's not that much, but you don't really have that many expenses anymore either. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And maybe it's just that you had more freedom then, but looking back you feel like everything at the university was pushing you into being some sort of sex addict. But here, everything seems to just be about helping you learn. Well, except the male students. Many of them seem to still be interested in getting in your pants. But they obviously aren't going to have much luck there thanks to your dad and the chastity belt. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, just because everything doesn't seem to be designed to constantly remind you of sex, that doesn't mean you aren't [[still thinking about it all the time|MovingBackHome4]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Sitting in Class</h1> <video src="PartX/BackHome3.webm" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Sex is always on your mind. Knowing you can't have it, or even masturbate, only makes you think about it more. If your dad would let you out, just once just for <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock or $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> the night. A quick fuck from one of the guys at school you know would want to. <<else>> an hour. A little time with a good vibrator would do the trick. <</if>> That would be enough to make you feel better you think. But you know better to even ask your father. At best it would be humilating and get a firm 'No'. At worse... you aren't sure how he'd make it worse on you, but you know he could probably find a way. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And you are too ashamed to ask your mother to let you do any more than what is necessary when she supervises your period cleaning. She'd probably refuse anyway. She's said she finds your situation uncomfortable, but thinks your <<if true>> father is right that is necessary to prevent you from failing again. <<else>> father's methods are probably necessary after what he'd seen you doing. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.haveInventory('piercings', 'clit hood')>> <img src="PartX/BackHome5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> Of course the VCH piercing you still have in doesn't help. Especially not since with the rattleball ends your bar has on it. Every step you take causes it to vibrate ever so slightly, constantly keeping your mind on the clit you can't reach. <br><br> Of course your father demand it be removed if he knew about it. But it would be humiliating if he found. And besides, it's the only stimulation you get and you wouldn't want to give it up, even if it does drive you insane. You mom has promised she won't mention it to him either, "It would only upset him." <br><br> <<elseif setup.haveInventory('piercings', 'nipples')>> <img src="PartX/BackHome4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> Maybe wearing your nipple rings and other jewelry doesn't help. But it's the one big of fun that your father didn't confiscate. They were mixed in with your earrings and he didn't even notice they were not earrings. You make sure you don't wear anything that might show through your bra and top when you are around your dad, but it makes you feel sexy still wearing them when you can. Even if it is a constant reminder that playing with your nipples is the only stimulation you can get with this belt on. <br><br> <</if>> Without an orgasm for any real relief, the thoughts come to you, all day long. Sometimes in class, you'll lose focus on what the professor is saying, and instead start imagining yourself in class still, but bound to your chair. Ready to be used by the professor or your classmates. Hoping to be used. Needing to be used. It's only when the professor calls your name that you focus again and wipe a bit of drool from your shirt. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course the thoughts are the most intense at night, [[while you sleep|MovingBackHome5]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <video src="PartX/BackHome6.webm" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <br> At night your dreams are usually sexual as your body tries to tell you what you need. You always enjoy the dreams, but they always end not with you getting off, but with you waking up horny and desperate to cum. <br><br> Often you you are in one of the engineering testing rooms at your old university <<if $JobTestSubject>> where you'd be bound and experimented on. <<elseif $JobEngineer>> where you used to test other young women. Though your dreams are about the times you let yourself be bound and used by your coworkers. <<else>> that you'd heard others talk about. <</if>> But in your dreams it's students and professors from your current school that use your bound and helpless body. <br><br> Sometimes the dream ends quickly with both of them filling you with cum before you are able to orgasm yourself. Other times the dream goes on and on, but with your orgasm always tantalizingly close, but never arriving. You always wake up feeling horny and achingly empty. <br><br> If it's morning you get up to face the day again thinking about the pleasure you can't have. If it's still dark out, you do something different. Your father may have taken your cuffs and other toys away, but you still love the feel of something around your wrists. <br><br> You grab a pair of panties from your drawer. Behind your back you put your hands through them then twist them around a bit. Of course you know in a few moments you could be free, but it still feels like you are bound. You lie there imagining how exposed your breasts, you open your mouth and imagine your classmates and professors using it. As you fantisize you only get more horny, but you hope you'll find sleep soon, and that you'll return to the testing room when you do. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <video src="PartX/BackHome7.webm" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <br> At night your dreams are usually sexual as your body tries to tell you what you need. You always enjoy the dreams, but they always end not with you getting off, but with you waking up horny and desperate to cum. <br><br> It's usually two or three of your classmates that are fucking you in your dreams. Though sometimes one of them is a professor instead. The first cock feels so good as you lower yourself down onto it. But when the other cock pushes its way into your ass it is so much better. <br><br> Sometimes the dream ends quickly with both of them filling you with cum before you are able to orgasm yourself. Other times the dream goes on and on, but with your orgasm always tantalizingly close, but never arriving. You always wake up feeling horny and achingly empty. <br><br> You wish the X-Change doctor had never mentioned your love for anal to your father. As disgusted by it was he was, he surely hasn't forgotten. If it weren't for that, maybe you could have convinced your father to buy a chastity belt with an 'open back' design. Then you could at least have your ass filled. You could have told your father you wanted the new belt for hygiene reasons, but now he'll know for sure your true motivation and you'll get an angry 'no' instead. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/BackHome8.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> </div> At night your dreams are usually sexual as your body tries to tell you what you need. You always enjoy the dreams, but they always end not with you getting off, but with you waking up horny and desperate to cum. <br><br> It's usually one of your classmates, or sometimes one of your professors, fucking you in your dreams. Feeling his cock push past your lips and slide into you feels so good, so familiar, so much what you need. His handson your ankles, pushing your legs back so he can drive deeper and harder feels perfect too. <br><br> Sometimes he finishes inside you, orgasming before you do and you wake up with your own juices leaking from your belt and you can imagine they are his. Other times he pulls out and cums on your stomach. You wake up horny and desperate for more. You can't help but reach a hand down hoping to find evidence that he was real, but find your stomach disappointingly clean. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Dreaming you are Free of your Belt</h1> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive or $JobEngineer or $JobTestSubject>> <<include [[MovingBackHome5Engineering]]>> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> <<include [[MovingBackHome5DP]]>> <<else>> <<include [[MovingBackHome5Regular]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You do your best to cope with your dreams, both the ones at night and the ones that intrude into the day. There's nothing you can do about the need you feel so you do your best to ignore it. It's a constant struggle though. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As the months go on, you try to focus on your studies. The constant need you feel is just part of who you are now, the ache betweeen your legs that is never answered never gets any easier, but you know all you can do is [[live with it|MovingBackHome6]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Resisting the Urge</h1> <img src="PartX/BackHome13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, your belt doesn't take all options away from you. But you resist the urges to enjoy what little it allows. It's not easy though. Sometimes it's all you can do to hold back from trying to find a nice, hard, beautiful cock and wrapping your lips around it. If you think about it too hard you can almost taste the cum in your mouth. You try not to think about it, though you seldom succeed at that. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your father is the reason you hold back. Every day when you get home from class he questions you on what you did that day, making sure you are behaving yourself. You know you wouldn't be able to lie convincingly if you ever did something he didn't approve of and tried to lie. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't know what would happen if he caught you doing something. He's said there are worse belts he could get for you. Ones with punishment options. You don't know if he'd really use one of those, but just the thought of your most sensitive areas being shocked repeatedly with no way to make it stop is enough to make sure you don't disobey or lie. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Though thankfully he doesn't question you about your thoughts and fantasies. He wouldn't want to know about how many times you've dreamt of kneeling down and pleasuring one of your professors or classmates. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The days move by so slowly at first, but you start to get accustomed to your situation. Eventually, you get into a rythym of class, homework, sleep, and back to class again. Then before you know it the [[school year is over|MovingBackHome7]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Transfering Schools Again</h1> <img src="PartX/BackHome9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set $StudentYearsCompleted to 2>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With the credits you'd transfered from the university, and a year at the community college done, there isn't much left for you to take at the community college, so you transfer to the four-year state school near town. Of course you'll still be going home every night with your dad watching for any of your old behaviors to return. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The work is harder here, and they don't hold your hand as much as at the community college. But it's not like at the first university either. They still seem to be focused on your education. Maybe this is what a normal university is like, you think. Something is off about that first one you attended, but thankfully you don't have to worry about that anymore. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'd worried that you'd have to make all new friends again after you transfered over, so you are thrilled when you run into your friend Mason in the hall one day. Of course you'd seen him since high school, but since he'd gone off to college and most of the guys you'd known were working down the factory, he hadn't hung out with them as much. You don't know if he's just been too busy, or was hanging out with new, college friends instead. Either way it was nice to see a familiar face. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Mason hang out together after class is over and get caught back up. As you are driving home, you remember how you were a year ago. You probably would gone home with Mason and fucked him all night long. Of course your dreams that night are filled with you doing just that. But you can't help your dreams, can you? <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you hope you and Mason will [[be spending a lot of time together|MovingBackHome8]] this year. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Dating Mason</h1> <img src="PartX/BackHome10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set $StudentYearsCompleted to 3>> <<set setup.startDating('Mason')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Mason spent more and more time together through the year. When Mason made it clear his feelings for you have gone beyond friendship, you let him know you felt the same way. You also reluctantly told him about your chastity belt, worried that would end things before they even started. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But Mason said you are worth the wait. You are worried again when you tell your father that you and Mason are dating now, but he doesn't mind. "Of course I don't mind. How will you have a husband someday if you don't have a boyfriend first?", he says. "Have you told him about your belt. And that it won't be coming off until your wedding day?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He is happy when you tell him that you have, and what Mason's response was. "That is wonderful, but Mason is a young man, with a young man's desires. He may be tempted to stray before then if they aren't met," you look up at your father, confused. "Just because you are waiting until marriage, it doesn't mean you can't do what you can to keep your boyfriend happy and satisfied until then. Do you understand?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes, Daddy," you tell him. Then you look away as you start to imagine your [[next date with Mason|MovingBackHome9]]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your thoughts are still on Mason, and when you'll be able to see him again as you head back to your room. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>A Picnic with Mason</h1> <img src="PartX/BackHome11.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When Mason takes you out on your next date together, you decide the private spot where he's set up your picnic is the perfect place. When your top comes off, and you aren't wearing a bra, Mason knows something has changed. "I still have to wait for the belt to come off," you tell him. "But that doesn't mean I have to wait for everything." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you two make out, his hands roam farther than you'd allowed before. As his hands cup your breasts, you moan, the first time any hands but your owns have touched them in so long. With his tongue in your mouth his fingers tease your nipples. It's more than you can take. You need him inside you, right now! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you can't have that. So instead you pull away from his kiss and pull down his pants. You start sucking his cock. It feels so wonderful on your tongue. It was just as good as you'd been fantasizing. You start with just the head, enjoying the way your lips feel as they slide over the smooth crown of his cock. You've lost track of how many times you've caught yourself 'studying' the penis diagram in your anatomy text book, imagining what one would feel like again. Now that you finally have one in your mouth again, you are loving the soft moans he makes as you flick your tongue along the frenulum. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But soon you can't take it soft and slow any longer, and you begin taking more and more of his cock into your mouth. You don't stop until he's filled your mouth with cum, just as you'd fantasized about so many times. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Afterwards he tries to focus on you pleasure, what pleasure the belt allows you at least. After his lips move from your breasts, he kisses his way down to your waist. He skips over your belt and begins to kiss and suck on your inner thigh. You moan and wimper, it feels so good, but makes you need more. He continues as long as you let him, but soon you can't take anymore and tell him to stop and let you [[suck his cock again|MovingBackHome10]]. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>friends<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>On a Romantic Date with Mason</h1> <img src="PartX/BackHome14.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You remembered how other men had just wanted to use you, and then move on after they got what they wanted. You know Mason wasn't like that, but a small part of you worried that Mason might lose interest in you after your picnic. Of course, that didn't happen. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You had thought it was possible that he might just want to meet in private, to enjoy what intimacy you can together, after so long without even that. You don't think you would have minded that, even though you knew it would end with you tugging at your belt in frustration. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But he didn't want that, or at least not only that. Instead he'd had a romantic date planned for you. You spent [[most of the evening|MovingBackHome11]] talking over candlelight about how much you love each other, and what you both plan on doing after graduation. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>After your Romantic Date</h1> <<if $BodyType == "Standard" or $BodyType == "Plus">> <img src="PartX/BackHome17.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<else>> <img src="PartX/BackHome18.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Talking over candlelight was how you spent most of the evening, but not how you ended the evening. After the romantic night out, you both went back to Mason's apartment. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you and Mason make out, your clothing is slowly removed piece by piece, until you are left there kissing him wearing only your chastity belt. His hands roam your body as your desire only grows. You still ache to feel him inside you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you look down at your breasts you have an idea. You squeeze them together, so he can slide his cock between them. <<if $BodyType == "Standard" or $BodyType == "Plus">> You watch as his cock is squeezed between your breasts. As you see the head push past the tender flesh you imagine it parting your lips, trapped beneath your belt, and pushing inside you. <br> With each of his thrusts you can almost feel one inside you as your body 'remembers' how good it felt. Mason's body doesn't have to remember, and soon you have a lovely view as his cock swells and then releases a warm load of cum over your chest and face. <br> <img src="PartX/BackHome18.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<else>> But even that is denied to you. This time it's your body that doesn't cooperate with your fantasy. But his cock is already right there in front of your mouth, so can still be sure your breasts are covered with his cum before you finish. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you suck away the last bits of cum from his cock and scoop and lick away what covers you, you realize your father was right. You can see the need and hunger in Mason's eyes, especailly when he's close to cumming. He probably wouldn't have been able to wait until your wedding day, whenever that might be. You are glad you are able to make him so happy and ensure he never thinks to leave for a girlfriend not locked in a chastity belt. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your only worry is that maybe now he is too happy with the way things are. You worry he may want to date for years and years. You had become accustomed to your belt, well somewhat at least. But now that your pleasure is so close, either from Mason's hands, his mouth, or his wonderful cock, your need has returned more than ever. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Now you wonder if you'll be able to wait long enough for Mason to propose. But then you realize [[you have no choice but to wait|MovingBackHome12]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Still Waiting...</h1> <img src="PartX/BackHome12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your need only grows every day, but Mason is [[happy with the way things are now|MovingBackHome13]]. Of course he agrees that it will be wonderful 'someday' when you are married, but he doesn't have the hunger to be fucked that you have. He doesn't feel the need for it like you do. Why would he? Every day you leave him with empty balls and a smile on his face. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He would probably be happy waiting years until you married. While you would elope with him today if you could. You try not to complain, but Mason seems to have picked up on some of your impatience. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Of course I enjoy it... what we do now," Mason says. "But I thought you enjoyed it too?" You can hear a bit of concern in his voice when he thinks you might not. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I love it!", you tell him truthfully. "I love the way your cock feels in my mouth. I love the way you put your hands on the back of my head and moan as you start to get close. And I realy love that moment where I feel the head get bigger and I know you are about to be filling my mouth with your cum." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Wow, you enjoy it even more than I thought. I got hard just hearing you talk about it. Do you want to suck it again?", he asks. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Please, can I?", you beg as you drop to your knees. You can't have Mason fuck you like you want, but wrapping your lips around his cock does make you happy. And it lets you enjoy giving him pleasure for a moment instead of worrying about the pleasure you can't have. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>A Few More Months to Wait</h1> <img src="PartX/BackHome15.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set $Engaged to 'Mason'>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Mason takes you out on another romantic date this evening. But at the end of this date it's Mason kneeling for you, and holding up an engagement ring! "Yes, yes, I'll marry you!", you tell him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are so happy at the thought of spending the rest of your lives together that for a moment your forgot about the belt, and being free of it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you remember what comes with your wedding night, you want to run off right now and get married today. But you don't suggest that, you know Mason has already planned to wait until after graduation. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know even without your belt that you'd be eager to find a venue, to set an exact date, and to do all the rest of the planning with Mason for the big day. But you are even more eager than that. Because you know once you have the date set, there will be a day circled in red on your calendar, and you know that will be the day you can finally orgasm again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But the planning can wait until tomorrow. Tonight you just [[want to celebrate|MovingBackHome14]] with Mason. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Sucking your Fiancé's Cock</h1> <img src="PartX/BackHome16.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> This summer may still be a while away, but months is so much better than 'someday'. And knowing you'll soon be able to orgasm again has you feeling hornier than ever by the time you get to Mason's house. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't want to wait or make out first, or anything else. You gently push Mason down on the sofa and pull down his pants and get work on his cock and have him cumming for you in record time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral>> <i>You realize you love oral sex now even more than you did before.</i> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOral += 1>> <<else>> <i>You realize you've developed a love for oral sex.</i> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOral to 2>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You should probably talk to my father before we go public with any kind of announcement or anything. He'll want you to 'ask his permission' first," you say as you clean the cum from your face. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I figured as much. I've already spoken to him. And he approves," he sees the look on your face and adds, "And he'll be giving me the key to this on our wedding day." he says as he tugs on your belt and pulls your now-clean face towards him for a kiss. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "He says he [[wants to talk to me more|MovingBackHome15]] though. Which I guess is good, since he's going to be my father-in-law soon," <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Prenuptial Agreement</h1> <img src="PartX/BackHome20.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I spoke with your father some more," Mason tells you. "He still plans on giving me the key to your belt on our wedding day, but he had one condition." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your mind wanders to thoughts of Mason unlocking you on your wedding night and you instinctively drop to your knees in front of Mason as he continues talking. "He said of course I could unlock you whenver we are together. But I had to agree to keep your locked whenever we are apart." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Fowevwr?", you mumble with Mason's cock in your mouth. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well, he would prefer forever," Mason says. "But I talked him down to just the first year. I told him by then I'd have a good idea of what is best for you. And, after all, I'd be your husband so it should be my decision, not his." He places his hand on your head as the last part of his sentence trails off into a moan. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> For a moment you are terrified your father refused to give Mason the key after that, but then he continues. "He actualy apologized to me. He said I was right, and that it should be my decision. After the first year that is." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After Mason's came for you, you can talk. As you look up at him you say, "Thank you so much for looking out for me and standing up to him. I don't know what I'd do without you." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He pats your head and says, "Anything for you. I'm [[talking with him again|MovingBackHomeGraduation]] next week, but not about the belt. I think we've settled that issue. But he did want me to get your to agree that you accept those conditions. That it'll be my decision when your belt comes off and goes back on, not his - and obviously not yours. And that I'll decide after a year if it's needed at all." He pauses for a moment then adds, "I should probably have an answer for him when we meet again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Of course, of course I agree," you say eagerly. You haven't bothered to clean off the cum from your face yet. As it dribbles down your chin and you think of him unlocking you and fucking you, you start trying to coax his cock back to life so you can drain him again. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Graduation Day</h1> <<set $StudentYearsCompleted to 4>> <<set $Graduated to 1>> <<set $FatherChastityBarista to 1>> <img src="PartX/BackHome21.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can't believe this day is finally here. Graduation! There were so many times you thought you wouldn't make it, but Mason was always there to encourage you. You love that you and Mason are able to graduate together today. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Mason already has a job lined up, working as a low-level manager at the factory in town. You're sure he'll probably be general manager of the whole factory eventually. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You're having more trouble finding a job in your field though, at least in town. You don't want a job anywhere else since Mason has exactly the job he was hoping for. <<if $PlayerStudentLoan>> You don't want to have the student loan from your first year at college hanging over you when you and Mason get married, <<else>> You don't want to sit at home and do nothing all day, <</if>> so you decide to get a job as barista, at least until you can find one that uses the degree you just received. <<if $PlayerStudentLoan>> You are still living at home, so you can send pretty much your entire paycheck to pay down your student loan. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Now that graduation is done, you are thinking even more about your wedding coming up. You and Mason had picked a date [[later in the summer|MovingBackHomeBachelorParty]], because you didn't want to be distracted at the end of the semester with wedding preperations. But now that summer is here, and you still ache to feel Mason inside you, you are really wishing you'd picked an early day. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>graduate<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Imagining Mason's Bachelor Party</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/BackHome22.webm" autoplay loop muted height="650"></video> </div> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can't believe it, the wedding is just one week a way. You feel the need beneath your belt even more than ever! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Cassie had knew how worried you were about upsetting your father with any sort of a 'wild' bachelorette party, so yours is just you, Cassie, and a few other friends having a few drinks. She doesn't approve of how your father has locked you up, but Cassie respects your wishes not to upset him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know Mason doesn't have any similar worries about your father and his bachelor party. Given what your father had been doing when he'd seen you at the strip club a few years ago, you know he has a double standard. You wouldn't want Mason to think you don't trust him, so you didn't ask any questions about his party. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Now all you can think about is what he might be doing right now. You imagine sluts waving their asses in Mason's face. He hasn't had sex, real sex, since you've been together. You wonder if he'd be able to resist if one of them offered it to him. Or if two or three of them wanted to 'celebrate his last weekend of freedom'. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You think about what you'd do [[tomorrow when you see him|MovingBackHomeAfterParty]], if he smelled of another woman's perfume. Or if his cock tasted of her still? Or even if they were still there at his apartment, laughing at you in your belt. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You realize you'd do nothing at all. You certainly wouldn't call off the wedding. How could you when you know an orgasm will be yours, finally yours, in just a week. Really, what harm would it be if fucked some woman he'll forget about the next day. It's going to be you he marries. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Proof he was Faithful</h1> <img src="PartX/BackHome23.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next morning when you come by to see Mason, you are happy to find he's the only one in his apartment. You stil wonder what, or rather who, he might have done last night. You want to remind him who really knows how to satisfy him, so you are soon stripped down to just your chastity belt and showing him what a wonderful wife you are going to be. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've gotten used to all of the tastes of Mason's cock. You know what he tastes like just after a shower, you know what he tastes like when he just came back from the gym, you know what he tastes like just before bed. And you don't taste anything unusual. He tastes just like he should for first thing in the morning. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's not until he explodes with his orgasm that you know for sure he was faithful. He comes so much that you know he couldn't have given any to some whore last night. He's saved it all for you! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are so happy he was willing to [[wait for you|MovingBackHomeWedding]]. You and him shower together before you get dressed again and head to church to meet your parents. This is the last Sunday before the wedding. You'd hate to be late and give your father any excuse to change his mind about handing the key over to Mason. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your Wedding Night</h1> <video src="PartX/BackHome24.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set $Spouse to 'Mason'>> <<unset $Engaged>> <<set $BoyfriendStrictChastity to 1>> <<set $Keyholder to 'Mason'>> <<unset $student>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your wedding was just as beautiful as you'd hoped. When your father took your hand to walk you down the aisle, he told you of how proud he is of you, and all the progress you've made since you'd moved back home. But all you are thinking about is how handsome Mason looks, waiting for you by the altar. After your father walks you down to Mason, he shakes his hand. The rest of the church doesn't see the key your father passes to Mason in the handshake, but you do and your heart pounds even more than it already was. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After the wedding, and the reception, and the ride to the hotel you are staying at before you leave on the honeymoon, finally you and Mason are alone on your wedding night. You want him to tear your dress off and remove your belt and throw you to the bed the moment you are through the door. But he's not in quite as big of hurry as you are. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And he's [[the one with the key|MovingBackHomeWedding2]], so it's up to him how fast things will move tonight. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your Wedding Night</h1> <video src="PartX/BackHome25.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<unset $PlayerChastityBelt>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When Mason decides it's time for your belt to come off, you are giddy with excitement. He crawls under your wedding dress holding the key in his hand. He's playful at first, tickling your sides just above where the belt goes over your hips. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He's actually distracted you as while you were laughing he's removed the front shield of your belt. When his tongue slides across your long-neglected clit your laughter stops in an instant replaced with a moan as you throw your head back. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You would say you'd forgotten how good it could feel, but that's not true. You'd remembered, nearly every minute of every day, and now [[that pleasure is yours again|MovingBackHomeWedding3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your Wedding Night</h1> <video src="PartX/BackHome26.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Mason stops playing and starts focusing on your pleasure. He removes the rest of the belt and puts it to the side. You are so glad your mother helped you clean and prepare yourself for tonight. Still, you were worried the sexy white panties hidden under your belt today would be soaked through in anticipation. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> His tongue feels so good and you could let him go on for hours, but this is your wedding night, and you've lied awake so many nights before this imagining him inside you. You don't want to wait anymore. You tell Mason, "[[I want you to fuck me!|MovingBackHomeWedding4]]" <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your Wedding Night</h1> <video src="PartX/BackHome27.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you pull down Mason's pants and his cock springs free your instincts take over and you drop down and take his cock into your mouth. He doesn't complain as you begin to suck his cock like you have so many times before. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Mmmm, that's a good girl," he says as he puts his hand on the back of your head. "But don't we have [[something else planned|MovingBackHomeWedding5]] first?" <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your Wedding Night</h1> <video src="PartX/BackHome28.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Mason helps you remove your dress, finishing removing his own clothes as he does. Then he has you kneel on the bed in front of him, he stops to admire your naked body, as this is the first time he's seen you this way without your belt. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can barely contain your excitement as he approaches you from behind. When you finally feel your lips part and his cock slide into you, you think you might pass out. It feels so good, and you've been so long without anything. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You could let Mason do this forever and be happy, but you know he won't be able to last forever. Besides you want to be able to [[look your husband in the eyes|MovingBackHomeWedding6]] when you finally cum. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your Wedding Night</h1> <video src="PartX/BackHome29.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You sit in Mason's lap, riding his cock. You can believe how good it feels as your orgasm approaches. Your need for it is more now than it has ever been. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you hear the familar sound of Mason orgasming it pushes you over the top. You squeeze him tightly, pressing his face into your chest as he cums inside you. You thrust him deep into you a few more times before you cry out with the first orgasm you've had since so long ago. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You hold him there against you, looking into his eyes as the pleasure you've been denied for... for three years, washes over you. You hold him there, enjoying the feeling of him still inside you for a while. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When it's finally time for him to pull out of you, you move back and let him pull out his cock. You can feel his cum leaking out of you, but you notice the cum on his cock more. Your head is quicky between his legs, licking his cock clean. "Like a good wife should," you think to yourself. You taste something new on his cock this time - the taste of your own orgasm. You hope you'll be tasting that on his cock again very soon. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And you do, that night even. You and Mason are up late into the night making up for lost time. Finally, you are both too exhausted to go on. You decide to get to sleep so you both can [[wake up in the morning|MovingBackHomeNextDay]] to leave for your honeymoon. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>The Next Morning</h1> <img src="PartX/BackHome30.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set $PlayerChastityBelt to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are shocked the next morning when Mason hands you the chastity belt and tells you to put it back on. "Ha no. Don't be ridiculous," you tell him. "We are going on our honeymoon! My dad isn't going to be around so you can give up the act." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "It's not an act," Mason says, and he doesn't seem to be joking. "I had planned on unlocking you this evening for another night like last night, but now that you've disobeyed, that isn't going to happen. Now, I expect you to honor the promise you made and put the belt back on immediately." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You find yourself obeying him. Of course you did make that promise, and maybe that's part of it. But you also know that Mason has the key now, and can unlock you whenever he wants. And after last night you know he'll want to again. He just wants to make you 'earn' you release. Now that you realize his game, you are as excited to play it as he seems to be. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes, sir. I'll put my belt back on," you say submissively. "May I suck your cock to make it up to you for my brattish behavior?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Hmm, 'sir'. I think I like that," he says. "Of course you can [[suck your husband's cock|MovingBackHomeHoneymoon]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Before Leaving for your Honeymoon</h1> <img src="PartX/BackHome31.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You always love sucking Mason's cock. But knowing he could take your belt off and fuck you, or return the favor and eat you out, gives this morning's blowjob an added excitement to it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your body reacts to the knowledge that you could be out of the belt and moaning along with Mason, and you feel how wet you are getting under your belt. It makes you want to suck Mason's cock even more. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You were eviently too enthusastic with your blowjob though, because before he ever unlocks you, Mason is cock is throbbing then releasing for you what cum get could produce since last night. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You still want to get off, but it's time to [[leave for the airport|MovingBackHomeHoneymoon2]] soon, so you accept that you'll have to wait until this evening. Still, you want to play along. "Was I a good girl, sir?", you ask. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You were a very good girl," he says. "That almost makes up for your earlier behavior. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>After Landing on your Honeymoon</h1> <img src="PartX/BackHome32.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<unset $PlayerChastityBelt>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'd been a bit worried as you arrived at the airport, but thankfully, Mason doesn't take the game too far. Out of sight he has you pull your waistband down just a bit so he can unlock your belt. Then he has you go take it off and put it in one of the bags before you check the luggage at the counter. That makes the security much less stressful than you had feared. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After landing and getting the shuttle to resort, you and Mason head to the pool. You can't help but take a peak at yourself under your bikini. It feels so good to be free of the belt, and sitting by the pool in nothing but your bikini. You quickly try to act like you were just adjusting your bikini. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and your husband have a fun first day on your honeymoon, but of course it's [[tonight you are looking forward to|MovingBackHomeHoneymoon3]] even more. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In Your Hotel Room with Mason</h1> <<set $PlayerChastityBelt to 1>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <table> <tr><td> <img src="PartX/BackHome33.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> When you are back to your room Mason ties your hands to the headboard of the bed. You are excited as you expect him to fuck you like this but you are equally happy when he begins to stroke your clit. <br><br> Your pleasure builds and builds but before you can cum he stops. Once you've cooled down a bit, he begins again, only to stop again just moments too soon. <br><br> You lose track of how many times he brings you right to the edge of an orgasm only to stop and deny it. "I would have let you come at least one of those times, maybe all of them," Mason tells you. "But because of your disobedience, there will be no orgasm for you tonight." <br><br> You've learned not to object, as he puts your chastity belt back on you. Though with your hands still tied there's not anything you could do to stop him anyway. </td></tr> <tr><td><br><br></td></tr> <tr><td> <img src="PartX/BackHome34.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> You can no longer see how red and wet you are now that the belt is back on, but you can still feel how much your body cries out for the orgasms that were almost yours. <br><br> But the only orgasms you experience tonight are the ones that you give Mason. <br><br> After you've given him his first orgasm you have time to think. You realize he wasn't that hard on you for your earlier refusal. "Thank you... sir... for the pleasure you gave me earlier. I'm sorry I disobeyed this morning. I won't do it again." <br><br> He accepts your apology, though it doesn't change his mind about denying you an orgasm tonight. "I understand sir, I don't deserve to orgasm after what I did." You hope that you will deserve an orgasm [[tomorrow|MovingBackHomeHoneymoon4]]. </td></tr> </table> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>The Next Morning</h1> <img src="PartX/BackHome34.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wake up early the next morning, horny and frustrated, and unable to get back to sleep. You remember back when your father first put you in a belt, you'd wake up like this every morning. It'd taken so long for you to get accustomed to the being in your belt. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But now, after just one night of orgasms and one night of teasing, it's like your first time in the belt all over again. All you can think about is when Mason will let you orgasm again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Well, that's not all you can think about. You also think about what you can do to make Mason happy, to make sure he thinks you deserve an orgasm tonight. You definitely aren't going to do anything today to jeopardize and [[chance you have to cum|MovingBackHomeHoneymoon5]] anytime soon. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> If you were at home you'd think about making breakfast for him before he woke up, but that's not needed at the hotel. Then you realize there's something Mason would enjoy waking up to even more than breakfast in bed. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you glance over at his naked body on the bed, you can see his hard cock and you think, "Well, the first part of my job is aready done." You wonder how far into his wake-up blowjob you'll get before he wakes up. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <i>You realize you are even more submissive than you were before.</i> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive += 1>> <<else>> <i>You realize you've become much more submissive than you once were.</i> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive to 2>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>That Evening</h1> <video src="PartX/BackHome36.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Mason appreciated the way you woke up him up this morning, he said you can wake him up that way whenever you like. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You aren't sure how much of it was due to that and how much was due to trying to please him the rest of the day. But after Mason decides to let you orgasm that night, you resolve to try to do both as much as you can. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You go to sleep tonight with warm feeling in your heart. Well, a warm feeling in several places. Mason doesn't even make you wear the belt to sleep tonight. You hope you'll [[sleep better tonight|MovingBackHomeHoneymoon6]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>The Following Day</h1> <video src="PartX/BackHome35.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You do sleep much better that night. You wake up just as Mason starts to wake up. You quickly move between his legs to give him another wake-up blowjob. It doesn't take long before you have him fully awake and ready to start the day. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Mason have a wonderful time that day and you are very thankful for the orgasms he gives you that night. He doesn't let your orgasm every night of your trip though. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Some days he denies you for something you've done wrong. You are grateful to be denied then. The ache you go to sleep with those nights help you to learn how to better please your husband. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You appreciate the other times he denies you also, when you've not done anything wrong, but Mason decides it would be better that you not orgasm that night. You love how it reminds you that Mason is your husband now, and that all your orgasms belong to him. You are also happy that he's very generous those nights in sharing his orgasms with you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But eventually your honeymoon ends, and it's time to [[head back home|MovingBackHomeMarried]]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <i>You are happy when you realize you are becoming more and more submissive to Mason every day.</i> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive += 1>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Back Home</h1> <video src="PartX/BackHome37.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true})>> <<set $SideEffectsForHusband to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you are back from your honeymoon, you and Mason can finally start your life together. You love going to sleep every night next to him, and being able to wake him up every morning too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, you'd love to have orgasms every day like Mason does, but you are glad Mason controls yours for you. He's been helping you learn to control the desires you have. The ones your implant gave you, the ones you've developed since then, and perhaps some you had before you ever changed. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, the desires haven't gone away. But you feel much less guilty about fantasizing about your husband tying you to the bed and having his way with you than you did when you pictured every guy doing it. Sometimes the old thoughts come back to you, and you picture yourself being used not just by Mason, but by other guys, two and three at a time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You always tell Mason when you have thoughts like that. Sometimes he rewards you for your honesty, and sometimes he punishes you for naughty thoughts. Your favorite is when he does both. But whichever he chooses, you know it's for the best. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know Mason talks with your dad frequently. You assume part of what they talk about is how to help you direct your desires towards your husband. They seem to be doing a wonderful job. Today when he came back from a chat with your dad Mason let you know he's purchased something for you to [[make your days in the belt more enjoyable|MovingBackHomeAnal]]. He said it's something you father knew you've been wanting for a long time. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your New Belt</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/BackHome38.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="650"></video> </div> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> What you'd fantasized most about when your father had you locked in your belt was a belt with a vibrator built into it. One that could give you pleasure or even orgasms while you were locked. There were times where you would have given anything for a belt that would just tease you for a bit even if it didn't let you cum. Though you know now it would have made your chastity even harder to cope with. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you obviously never told your father about that. And you don't even need that anymore now that Mason can take you out of the belt whenever he wants you to have an orgasm. So you are stumped as to what Mason has purchased for you until he opens the box to show you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Mason was right. When you see the new, open-backed chastity belt you are thrilled. "Your father knew it was easier to keep clean, which is why he'd thought about getting it for you," Mason tells you. "But he feared you wouldn't be able to control yourself if your ass was freely available. But I know I can trust you with this." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Thank you sir. It's only you I want in my ass now," you tell him. "Would you like me to change into it now, so you can try it out", you add hopefully. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That is exactly what I want," Mason says with a smile. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> In addition to the joy of having your husband fuck your ass more often, you do enjoy how much easier things are after using the bathroom. But thinking about that reminds you of [[another cleaning issue|MovingBackHomePregnant]] that you realize hasn't been a problem recently. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> <i>You realize you love anal sex even more than you did before.</i> <<set $PlayerSideEffectAnal += 1>> <<else>> <i>You realize you love anal sex.</i> <<set $PlayerSideEffectAnal to 1>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Confirming Your Suspicions</h1> <img src="PartP/PregTest7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <<set $PregnancyCheck = setup.overrideForcePregnancy('medical test - Mason')>> <<unset $FatherChastityBarista>> <<set $JobHomemaker to 1>> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your period had always been troublesome in your chastity belt. But with all the excitement of the wedding, honeymoon, and moving in with Mason, you hadn't even noticed its absense at first. When you realize you haven't had one for a while you get a home pregnancy test. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's a bit messy peeing on the stick in your chastity belt, but the answer it gives is unmistakable. Mason unlocks you for a trip to the doctor where they confirm with more tests. There's no doubt, you're pregnant! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Everyone is thrilled with the news, even your father. He says he's happy that you were able to wait to get pregnant until you had settled down with a good husband. <<if $PlayerAbortion>> And as far as your dad knows, this is your first pregnancy. You'll be sure he keeps on thinking that. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Mason talk it over, and decide there's not much reason for you to continue with the job at the coffee shop. Mason's salary is more than enough, and with the money you and Mason have saved and the money your dad gave you both as a wedding present you <<if $PlayerStudentLoan>> have your student loan paid off and some left over towards a down payment on a house. <<else>> have enough for a down payment on a house saved up. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can't believe it. In only nine months, well actually probably [[only eight now|MovingBackHomePregnant2]], you and Mason will be parents! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.pregnantFirstTime()>> <<achievement>>firsttime+pregnant<</achievement>> <<else>> <<achievement>>pregnant<</achievement>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Enjoying Your Temporary Freedom</h1> <img src="PartX/BackHome39.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<unset $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Mason could have gotten you a new belt, one that he could adjust as needed during your pregnancy. But he said he doesn't want to cause any problems if you need to rush to the hospital. And he says he trusts you enough to not need it now. Though he tells you to expect to [[go back into the belt|MovingBackHomeDoctorsOrders]] after the baby is born. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Mason has trained you too well to even dream of trying to steal an orgasm by masturbating. <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> It's not like your body would let you do that anyway. <</if>> You know your orgasms belong to Mason, and you know he knows best about when you need one. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Though, you are very happy that without the hassle of needing to take your belt off and on for sex, he's been wanting sex with you much more lately. Of course, you still wake him up with a blowjob every morning. As much as you love an orgasm with him inside you, you wouldn't want to give up your morning routine. <</nobr>> <img src="PartX/BackHome40.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"><<nobr>> <h1>After the Baby</h1> <img src="PartX/BackHome41.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"> <<set $tempBabyNameBoys to ["Casey","Liam","Brandon","Wyatt"].map((name) => {return {name, sex:"male"}})>> <<set $tempBabyNameGirls to ["Delilah","Emma","Sophia","Mia"].map((name) => {return {name, sex:'female'}})>> <<set $tempBabyName to [$tempBabyNameBoys, $tempBabyNameGirls]>> <<if $BabyBoy or $BabyGirl>> <<if $BabyBoy>><<set $BabyGirl to 0>><</if>> <<else>> <<set $BabyGirl to either(0,1)>> <</if>> <<set $tempBaby to $tempBabyName[$BabyGirl].shift()>> <<set $children.push($tempBaby)>> <<set $PlayerMother to 1>> <<unset $tempBaby>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Mason are so happy when little $children[0].name is born. After a few days they send you and <<if $BabyGirl>>her<<else>>him<</if>> home. Then you and Mason have to start adjusting to sleepless nights, changing diapers, and all the rest. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The doctor said you can't have sex for [[six weeks after|MovingBackHomeMarriedLife]] the baby is born, but you've gone much, much longer than that before. And considering how you still feel, you aren't expecting it will be that hard. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, there's nothing forbidden about you getting Mason off. Though, you do sometimes decide he needs a little more sleep rather than his morning blowjob. That can wait until he gets up on his own. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Mason is so much help at home those first few weeks. But eventually he has to go back to work, and it's just you and $children[0].name at home all day. Though your mom helps out quite a bit. <<unset $BabyBoy>> <<unset $BabyGirl>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Adjusting to Married Life</h1> <img src="PartX/BackHome42.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set $PlayerChastityBelt to 1>> <<if $PlayerProtectionFertile>> <<set $PlayerProtectionPill to 1>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerProtectionPill to 1>> <</if>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionNone>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Mason'})>> After your last doctor visit, the doctor said it's ok for you have sex again. It also means it's a good time for you to go back into the chastity belt. You are glad to be back in it. You feel safe, protected, controlled, and you love it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Mason are waiting a while before trying for a second child. You at least want to be out the apartment and in a house. <<if $PlayerProtectionFertile>> But with how fertile your body is, and with birth control pills not working for you, you aren't sure how successfully that will be. <br><br> Though it turns out a chastity belt is a birth control method that still works even with your fertility side-effect. Condoms are effective when the belts off. Though you think Mason prefers the feel of your lips, or your ass, directly on his skin over the feel of latex since your belt rarely comes off anymore. <<else>> So you've started on the pill. It also makes your periods less of a problem in the belt. Actually that's probably a bigger help than the pregnancy prevention, as your belt rarely comes off anymore. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When your husband decides to reward you with a rare orgasm though, he always makes it a special occasion. The two of you usaully go out on a date, with $children[0].name spending the night at your parents. When you get home Mason knows he has you to himself the whole night. <</nobr>> <img src="PartX/BackHome43.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"> <<nobr>> When he ties you to the bed and takes off your belt, you never know how it's going to end. You know they'll be an hour or more of teasing first. His fingers or his tongue, after so long with no stimulation, feels amazing. But you never know if he'll finish with a "maybe next time", or with the orgasm you always crave. Sometimes even more than one. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But whatever he decides, you know it's for the best. Your orgasms belong to your husband, and it's up to him to decide when to share them with you. And you wouldn't have it any other way. <</nobr>> [[The End|MovingBackHomeEnd]]<h1><<print "Game Over - Chaste Wife">></h1> <img src="PartX/GameOver7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<achievement>>chastity<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Waiting for the Hunt</h1> <img src="Part14/Hunt1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="720" align="left"> <<set $PlayerHunted to 1>> <<set $HuntCaptures to 0>> <<set $HuntAhead to 0>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> First they went over the rules of the hunt with you. In short, you have to find your way to the target location on your map. If you're captured, the first time, they can use you however they wnat for a few hours, then release you. That will make it much harder to win, but you'll still have a chance. The second second time you are captured, you lose. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are all getting paid to participate, but the amount depends on how you finish, and if you finish at all. That will also affect what privileges you have during your stay the rest of the summer. They want to make sure all the prey do their best not to get caught and will punish anyone that doesn't try their hardest, or at least if they think they aren't. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The hunt starts tomorrow. For now, they've stripped you and the other prey of your street clothes to make sure you can't smuggle anything in to help you. Tomorrow you'll be given supplies, incluing clothes, before you are dropped off. Tonight you just have to wait. They should be bringing your dinner by soon though. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> There's several girls in the cell with you. They are planning on working together, at least for the first day. You can [[join them tomorrow|IslandHuntGroup]] or you can [[go it alone tomorrow|IslandHuntAlone]] <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> The doctor mentioned that the shot he gave you could increase your libido. "But that will probably just make the hunt that much more fun for you," he had added. Now all you can think about is being tied and used by hunters. You wonder if that's from the shot or just normal. You realize now the doctor never said how long it would take for the libido effects to wear off. <br><br> <i>You have a much higher libido than you did previously (permanently).</i> <<if $PlayerSideEffectLibido>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectLibido += 2>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectLibido to 2>> <</if>> <<unset $IslandPregnant>> <<unset $PlayerPregnant>> <<unset $PregnancyCheck>> <<set $IslandPregnantPrevent to 1>> <<achievement>>childfree<</achievement>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Teaming Up</h1> <video src="Part14/Hunt2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<set $HuntStartAsTeam to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and three other girls decide to work together at first. At the end it'll be every woman for herself, but at least for today and the first part of tomorrow, you are going to be a team. You know a hunter can overpower any one of you. But he won't be able to overpower all four of you working together. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You start off confidently towards your target. You even take some time to snap a few photos with phone they gave you. You try to pull up GPS on it to help, but they've locked it down, disabling everything except the camera. Still, you and your new friends will have photos to share later. Of course, the resort has rights to use them in their advertising too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The four of you [[continue on|IslandHuntGroup2]], checking every now and then to make sure there's no hunters lurking nearby. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Taking a Break</h1> <video src="Part14/Hunt3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and your companions stop for a break. It's just water and an energy bar, but it gives you all a chance to rest, and to talk and joke around a bit. You hadn't realized that the sound of your laughter was carrying so well through the woods, but as you rested, two hunters began stalking your group. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They waited until they had you between them, and then came at you from different directions. You had planned on the four of you taking on one hunter, but you hadn't planned on the hunters working together too. When they jump out at you, everyone forgets about the plan and fends for themselves. There's four of you, and they can only capture two! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $StoryModeHuntRoll>> <<set $tempHunt to $StoryModeHuntRoll[0]>> <<else>> <<set $tempHunt to random(1, 10)>> <</if>> <<if $BodyType == 'Plus'>> Of course, you have a few extra pounds compared to the other girls, and they are all faster than you are. So you don't have any chance of being one of the two that gets away. Before you know it, one of the hunters is on top of you with his arms around you. Once his partner has captured one of your friends, the two of them carry you and her off somewhere to [[do whatever they want with you|IslandHuntGroup3]]. <<elseif $BodyType == 'Fit'>> You are in better shape than the other girls, <<if $tempHunt <= 2 >> but that doesn't help you. One of the hunters grabs you from behind before you even think to run. You're upset at yourself for letting yourself get caught so easily. As you and one of your friends are carried off somwhere, you wonder [[what the two of them plan on doing with you|IslandHuntGroup3]]. <<else>> so you manage to run off before they can grab you. The hunters grab two of your friends instead. You stalk them from a distance and watch as they take your friends inside a compound with other hunters waiting. You wonder what the two captures girls are in for next. That's not your problem though, you decide as you walk away. You can run off alone either to the <<if $tempHunt % 2 == 0>> [[left|IslandHuntAlone2]] or to the [[right|IslandHuntSleep]] <<else>> [[left|IslandHuntSleep]] or to the [[right|IslandHuntAlone2]] <</if>> of the hunters' compound. <</if>> <<else>> <<if $tempHunt <= 2 >> One of the hunters grabs you from behind before you even think to run. You're upset at yourself for letting yourself get caught so easily. As you and one of your friends are carried off somwhere, you wonder [[what the two of them plan on doing with you|IslandHuntGroup3]]. <<elseif $tempHunt <= 5 >> You start to run, but one of the hunters catches up with you, and grabs you. Before you know it, one of the hunters is on top of you with his arms around you. His partner has already captured one of your friends. The two of them carry you and her off somewhere to [[do whatever they want with you|IslandHuntGroup3]]. <<else>> You run off before the hunters can grab you. Instead they grab two of your friends. You stalk them from a distance and watch as they take your friends inside a compound with other hunters waiting. You wonder what the two captive girls are in for next. That's not your problem though, you decide as you walk away. You can run off alone either to the <<if $tempHunt % 2 == 0>> [[left|IslandHuntAlone2]] or to the [[right|IslandHuntSleep]] <<else>> [[left|IslandHuntSleep]] or to the [[right|IslandHuntAlone2]] <</if>> of the hunters' compound. <</if>> <</if>> <<unset $tempHunt>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Hunters' Compound</h1> <video src="Part14/Hunt4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter', vaginal: true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter', vaginal: true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter', vaginal: true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter', repeat:true})>> <<set $HuntCaptures += 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The hunters carry you off to a fenced off area. There's a house here with a pool. Maybe it belongs to someone from the resort, but you never see the inside of it. The building the hunters take you to first is an old stone building. They quickly cut your clothes off and toss them aside before tying you up. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> In addition to the two that captured you and your friend, a third was waiting at the camp. You guess they must be scored or rewarded base on how many girls they capture - beyond just the fun they have with you. They have some sort of quick contest with their hands to decide who loses and then the other two each take something from your bag and their other captors. "Next one's yours", one of the winner tells the loser. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Then the three of them the proceed to use you and her, fucking you, fucking your ass, even fucking you with their tools. <<if !$AcademicProbationDenial and $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> Even being treated like this, you can't help enjoying their cock in your ass. They laugh as you cum while they pound your ass over and over again. <</if>> They even try to humiliate you even more by cumming in your water bottle and making you drink it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> One of them even records you using the camera phone you had, making you say that you are a dirty whore and begging for him to fuck your ass again. "I'm sure they'll have this up on the website by the end of the week," he tells you. You don't care. You're willing to say whatever he wants if it'll keep him from putting your head underwater again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After all three of them have had their fun with you and her, they release you both and you [[run off in opposite directions|IslandHuntGroupReleased]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Hunters' Compound</h1> <video src="Part14/Hunt24.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After they release you take off on your own. You are wary of being caught again, but you are probably a bit safter for now. There's probably three hunters back at the compound taking a nap right now - or at least having a beer and waiting. Still, you don't know how many more are out there. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You keep going until it starts to get dark. You feel like it'd be a good idea to keep going a while longer, but you just can't. You are so sore and exhausted from your capture, and the walking since then. And you haven't had anything to drink since the cum-filled water hours and hours ago. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $StoryModeHuntRoll>> <<set $tempHunt to $StoryModeHuntRoll[0]>> <<else>> <<set $tempHunt to random(1, 4)>> <</if>> You decide to find someplace safe to hide and <<if random(1,4) == 1>> [[sleep for the night|IslandHuntSleepLose]]. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectDreams>> [[sleep for the night|IslandHuntDream]]. <<else>> [[sleep for the night|IslandHuntNakedMorning]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Going it Alone</h1> <img src="Part14/Hunt5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="720" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Several of the girls head off together, but you head off on your own. Only one of you can win this, after all. You try to stay quiet, and keep a wary eye out for hunters sneaking up on you. <<if $BodyType == 'Fit'>> You don't know where the others are, but you assume you are making good time compared to them. You need to stay focused on avoding being captured though. Your speed won't help you if you are tied up, or eliminated altogether. <<set $HuntAhead += 1>> <<elseif $BodyType == 'Plus'>> You don't know where the others are, but you worry they are keeping a faster pace than you. You find yourself hoping they all get captured, so it won't matter how fast you are. <<set $HuntAhead -= 1>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've been trying to make sure you stay hydrated, but now you have to pee. Long gone are the days when you could just whip it out and go. You realize you'll be helpless and vulnerable if you [[squat down in the woods to pee|IslandHuntPee]]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You see an alternative in the distance, there's a small park here. You are still far from the resort, so you wonder if maybe this is for the staff that live on the island. The part that interests you though is the public restroom. You're still worried about being caught, but it's in the middle of a large cleared area with no hunters visible, so maybe it'll be ok if you [[use the park restroom|IslandHuntRestroom]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Answering Nature's Call</h1> <video src="Part14/Hunt6.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You feel vulnerable, but you can wait any longer. You look around, and think you are safe. Then you squat down. You try to get done as quick as you can. You feel so much better when you are done. You don't have any toilet paper to pat yourself dry with so you just wiggle a bit and hope for the best. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $StoryModeHuntRoll>> <<set $tempHunt to $StoryModeHuntRoll[0]>> <<else>> <<set $tempHunt to random(1, 4)>> <</if>> You manage to get your pants up and start back on your way. You walk, until it starts to get dark. You can either, <<if random(1, 2) == 1>> [[keep walking into the night|IslandHuntAlone2]] <<else>> [[keep walking into the night|IslandHuntHeadStartSleep]] <</if>> to get a head-start on the other girls. Or you can [[start looking for someplace safe to sleep|IslandHuntSleep]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Captured in the Restroom</h1> <video src="Part14/Hunt7.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<set $HuntCaptures += 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are thankful for the comfortable restroom. You do your business, wash your hands, and then open the door to leave. Then you feel a hand go over your mouth and nose and everything goes dark. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you wake up, you are tied in the stall you'd just used. You can barely move with your legs spread apart and your arms tied behind you. You feel completly vulnerable, though thankfully you still have you clothes. You realize someone must have seen you enter and then waited outside for you to leave. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Then he steps into the stall. "Now that you are awake, we can [[have some fun|IslandHuntRestroom2]] while we wait to see if any of your friends come looking for you." Then he he unzips his pants, and walks towards you. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Captured in the Restroom</h1> <img src="Part14/Hunt8.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter', repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He shoves his cock into your mouth and forces you to suck his cock. Whenever the thinks you aren't going deep enough, he just shoves your head down. <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral>> You feel yourself getting wet the more he uses your mouth. You eagerly take all of his cock when you can start to taste precum. <<else>> You struggle to breathe, and not to choke or gag. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral>> You are eager to swallow every drop, but just <<else>> Just <</if>> before he cums, he pulls out. Instead he covers your face with his cum. He tells you, "There. Now that I've gotten that taken care of, it's time for you and I to [[have a little chat|IslandHuntRestroom3]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Captured in the Restroom</h1> <video src="Part14/Hunt9.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter', vaginal: true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He asks you where the other girls are. He thinks you were travelling with other prey, or know where they might be. You tell him you don't know, but he doesn't believe you. Or maybe he does believe you, but just enjoys trying to make you 'confess'. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He cuts your pants and underwear off, and pulls your shirt over you face, then he begins spraying you with cold water. On most of your body, it's just uncomfortable, but when he sprays the shirt covering your face, it makes you feel like you are drowning. You don't know anything, you hadn't seen any other prey since the start. But you start naming places you've passed by, hoping he'll believe you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well, I think I've gotten all the information I can out of you," he says. "But I've really enjoyed our little conversation," he tells you as he releases your legs from their cuffs. You are expecting your arms to be next, but instead he grabs your legs and lifts them into the air. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Then he begins fucking you, with your arms still cuffed to the stall. You are cold and shiverring still, but he doesn't seem to care. Once he's finished he cuts your shirt and bra off then uncuffs your arms. You quickly leave and run off hoping you don't run into another hunter. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You keep going until it starts to get dark. You feel like it'd be a good idea to keep going a while longer, but you just can't. After your earlier encounter and the running and walking since then, you just don't have the energy to keep going. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You decide to find someplace safe to hide and <<if random(1,4) == 1>> [[sleep for the night|IslandHuntSleepLose]]. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectDreams>> [[sleep for the night|IslandHuntDream]]. <<else>> [[sleep for the night|IslandHuntNakedMorning]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Caught in the Woods</h1> <video src="Part14/Hunt10.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<set $HuntCaptureFirst to 1>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter', vaginal: true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter', repeat:true})>> <<set $HuntCaptures += 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $HuntStartAsTeam>> It's getting late, and you're starting to look <<else>> <<set $HuntAhead += 1>> You've gotten a head start on the other girls, and you are getting tired and are ready to start looking <</if>> for a place you can hide, and sleep for the night. But then a hunter jumps out of the woods and grabs you from behind. Before you know it he has your hands bound and is ready to use you however he pleases. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He starts with your mouth. You try to suck his cock, hoping to get him off quickly. But he prefers to just slap your face with his cock and occasionally fuck your mouth for a while. After doing that a bit, he decides to move on. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He ties your arms to a tree, cuts away your clothes, and begins fucking you. You know he's getting close, and are hoping it will be over soon. You still want to have time to recover, and sleep, so you can get a good start tomorrow. But he has other plans. He pulls out of you and begins using the handle of one of his tools to fuck you. He doesn't care if you get off or not, he's just having fun and you can't stop him. <<if $PlayerEasytoOrgasm and !$AcademicProbationDenial>> But even without trying he manages to get you off. He mocks what a slut you are as he continues to ram the handle into you. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He's decided he's going to finish in your ass. <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal and !$AcademicProbationDenial>> You always love a thick cock in your ass, and he comments how much you are enjoying it. You cum <<if $PlayerEasytoOrgasm>>again<</if>> just as he rams his cock in and fills your ass with cum. <<else>> He doesn't care if you like or not, he fucks your ass for his own pleasure. He slaps it hard every now and then just because he can. Finally you feel him ram his cock in a final time and fill your ass with cum. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He's done with you now. He keeps your supplies, and whats left of your clothes, and tells you to go. You run for a while, hoping not to get caught again and lose. When you think you've found someplace safe, you settle in [[to try to sleep for the night|IslandHuntNakedMorning]]. You are too exhausted to bother trying to clean any of the mess he's left on you, or inside you. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $tempHunt to random(1,4)>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectDreams>> Your nights are usually [[filled with erotic dreams|IslandHuntDream]]. Tonight is no exception. <<elseif ($tempHunt + $HuntAhead) < 2>> You'll need a good nights sleep to be ready to [[continue the hunt in the morning|IslandHuntSleepCaught]]. <<else>> You'll need a good nights sleep to be ready to [[continue the hunt in the morning|IslandHuntClothesMorning]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Sleeping in the Woods</h1> <img src="Part14/Hunt11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640" align="left"> <<set $HuntAhead += 1>> You are exhausted and quickly fall soundly asleep beside a tree. <</nobr>> <<include [[IslandHuntSleepCommon]]>><<nobr>> <h1>Sleeping in the Woods</h1> <img src="Part14/Hunt11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640" align="left"> You toss and turn for a while as you try to fall asleep on the cold, uncomfortable ground. Eventually you are able to get to sleep. <</nobr>> <<include [[IslandHuntSleepCommon]]>><<nobr>> <h1>Erotic Dreams</h1> <video src="Part14/HuntDream1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As soon as you fall asleep your erotic dreams begin. In reality, its the chilly night air making your nipples hard. But in your dream, it's the ice cubes circling around them causing it. Once erect, they call out for more attention, which a pair of clamps soon provide. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> In your dream, you ache to feel someone inside you, but are told it's time for your feeding instead. Your master puts a nice bowl of milk down for you. You eagerly lap it up. You 'accidentally' spill a bit on yourself, hoping your master will want a little too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You wake up horny, frustrated after weeks without an orgasm. The dreams make it so much worse. Every night you are reminded of what you can have right now. Only the hard nipples fromy our dream are real, and even then it's just the cold causing it. <br><br> You know you won't be able to sleep until you can calm down. And maybe it's just horniness making you paranoid, but you feel like you are being watched. You decide to quietly leave your campsite and find another place to hide for the night. <br><br> Eventually you find some place for the night and [[get back to sleep|IslandHuntDream2]]. <<else>> You wake up horny, <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> and wishing you could do something about it. <<else>> tempted to do something about it. But you realize the noise would attract hunters. <</if>> You decide to just try to get back to sleep again. Maybe the pleasure you can't have awake right now, you can have [[while you sleep|IslandHuntDream2]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Camping Trip (Dreaming)</h1> <video src="Part14/HuntDream2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Sleeping in the woods must have you remembering the camping trips you took with your friends back in high school. But things are different in your dream. You aren't in the body you had then, but the one you have now. And it's much more exciting than you remember it being. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Back then, you were all about the same size and strength, but now he seems so strong and you feel so small as he holds you down and fucks you. You love it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But it's not just the two of you on the trip. Your other friend is outside the tent, watching and patiently waiting for his turn. Then you wonder why they have to take turns at all. You'd love to <<if $StoryModeHuntRoll>> <<set $tempHunt to $StoryModeHuntRoll[2]>> <<else>> <<set $tempHunt to random(1, 4)>> <</if>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial or random(1,4) == 4>> <<if $HuntCaptures>> [[take them both at once|IslandHuntNakedMorning]] <<else>> [[take them both at once|IslandHuntClothesMorning]] <</if>> <<else>> <<if $HuntCaptures>> [[take them both at once|IslandHuntSleepLose]] <<else>> [[take them both at once|IslandHuntSleepCaught]] <</if>> <</if>> if they'd like. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Captured Again</h1> <video src="Part14/Hunt25.webm" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<set $HuntCaptures += 1>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter', vaginal: true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter', vaginal: true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter', vaginal: true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter', vaginal: true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter', vaginal: true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter', vaginal: true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter', vaginal: true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter', vaginal: true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$AcademicProbationDenial and $PlayerSideEffectDreams>> Your dream is really getting good <<else>> You are sound asleep <</if>> when hunters grab you. Before you know it you are bound and helpless and being carried away from your 'safe' hiding spot. <<if !$AcademicProbationDenial and $PlayerSideEffectDreams>> "The slutty ones, moaning in their sleep, are easy to find," one of them says to the other. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The one not carrying you says, "Since she's aready naked, this is her second capture. So this ass is ours until the end of the hunt tomorrow." Then he slaps your ass hard and both of them laugh. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's dark and you are draped over the hunter's shoulder, so you can't see much of where they take you. But you hear many more hunters around. This must be where they are all staying for the night. They take you into a building and bind you to some posts on the floor. "Since you are out of the hunt, it won't just be us using you," your captor says as he tightens the straps. "All the other hunters will want a turn too." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are still thirsty, and meekly ask for water. "Of course," he says as he holds bottle with a straw up to your mouth. "No one wants to fuck a dry mouth." After you've drank you fill he asks, "You ready now, slut? Some of the these guys didn't capture anyone at all today. So they might want more than one go," the other one adds. "I hope you weren't planning on sleeping much tonight." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You lose track of how many hunters use you. Sometimes it's one after another, and sometimes they leave you there. A few times you've fallen asleep on the posts, only to be awoken to the feel of a cock shoved inside you. <<if !$AcademicProbationDenial>> They laugh and high five each other every time one of them makes you orgasm. <<if $PlayerEasytoOrgasm>> That happens frequently thanks to your implant and ability to orgasm so easily. "I wonder who is enjoying this more, us or her?", one of them asks. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You have no idea how many hours of passed, or how many loads of cum you've swallowed or been filled with. But eventually they've all had enough for the night. Or maybe they just want to get some sleep so they are prepared to hunt the other girls tomorrow. They [[lead you off somewhere|IslandHuntSleepLose2]] so you can finally sleep for the night. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>train<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Sleeping in a Stall</h1> <img src="Part14/Hunt26.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They chain you and other captured girl together to a wall in stall meant for some animal. She's as tired and sore as you are, and you both are eager to sleep. The two of you snuggle together for warmth, though the short chain attaching you doesn't leave much choice anyway. Eventually you are both asleep. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next morning you awake and see they've filled a dog bowl with dry cereal and another with water. You and her are both starving, but they didn't bother to unbind your arms. The two of you do your best eating from the bowls like dogs - which you assume is what your captors wanted to happen. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Thankfully, all either of you need to fill the bucket they left you with is pee. You both take turns being careful not to miss the bucket or knock it over. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Eventually one of the comes for you both and tells you, "It's time to [[take you two to the finish line|IslandHuntSleepLose3]]. You'll get to see all the girls that beat you show up." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Watching the Finish</h1> <img src="Part14/Hunt27.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunt Spectator', vaginal: true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunt Spectator'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunt Spectator'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunt Spectator', vaginal: true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunt Spectator'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunt Spectator'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunt Spectator'})>> When they get you to the area where the hunt is set to finish, you are locked in a cage up in the air. Thankfully someone rubs sunscreen into your skin, though he expects more than a 'Thank you' in return. Occasionally someone will come by and give you water or something to eat through the bars of your cage. But more frequently it's a hard cock that finds its way between the bars. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He usually makes it clear whether he wants you to contort yourself to suck it for him, or if he's wanting to make use of some other part of your body instead. Either way, you do your best to make him happy. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But most of the time, you are just free to watch. The winner makes it through fully dressed. You realize she made it two days without being captured once, but you couldn't even make it a single day without being captured twice and eliminated. She stops briefly to look at you and the other losers before heading to get something to eat. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> A few more of the early finishes show up with their clothes still on, but most of the rest walk in completely naked. You feel a little better about yourself knowing that they were captured once, either today or yesterday. For the ones that head straight to the water bottles, you assume it was yesterday. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But there are also many girls led in at the end of rope or leash by hunters. Some even tied to a post, being carried by two hunters like a roast pig. They lost, just like you. It just took them a little longer is all. Eventually the last girls are lead in, and you wait to see [[what is next|IslandHuntLost]] for you and the other captured prey. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Caught Sleeping</h1> <video src="Part14/Hunt12.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<set $HuntCaptures += 1>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter', repeat: true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$AcademicProbationDenial and $PlayerSideEffectDreams>> Your dream is really getting good <<else>> You are sound asleep <</if>> when the hunter grab you. Before you know it he has you bound to a tree and helpless. <<if !$AcademicProbationDenial and $PlayerSideEffectDreams>> "The slutty ones, moaning in their sleep, are easy to find," he says, mocking you. <</if>> You try to close you eyes, hoping it's just a dream, but of course that doesn't help. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I hope you got enough rest already, because you and are going to [[have some fun|IslandHuntSleepCaught2]] before I let you get back to it." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Caught Sleeping</h1> <video src="Part14/Hunt13.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He nails your clothes to the tree telling you, "Lets make sure this is nice and tight to your skin. It's not like you'll be wearing it after this anyway." Then his hands begin to explore you body. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You realize why he wanted your shirt tight when he reaches into his bag and pulls out a large candle and lights it. He frightens you with with, holding the flame in your face, before dripping hot wax onto your breasts. You can't move much anyway, and are scared if you do you might get burned, so you just endure the flashes of pain as the hot wax hits. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you've gotten used to that, he moves to dripping the wax on your stomach, your bare legs. When he pulls your panties out away from your body, you can't help but try to move away, knowing what comes next. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once he's had his fun, and bits of wax cling to your body, he gets scissors from his bag. "I don't think we need these anymore," he says as he cuts away what's left of your clothes. Then he begins to [[untie you from the tree|IslandHuntSleepCaught3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Caught Sleeping</h1> <video src="Part14/Hunt14.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter', vaginal: true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He doesn't leave you untied for long though, tying you again, but now with your arms above you, and the rest of you helpless and unprotected. He takes advantage of your helplessness by pulling out a whip from his bag and working over your ass. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once he's satisfied your ass is red enough, or more likely once whipping you has made his cock hard enough, he drops the whip. He ties one of your legs in the air, leaving you completely open to him, then slides his cock into you. Feeling how wet you he tells you, "I see the little slut likes getting her ass worked over. Maybe I'll do it again when I'm finished." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerEasytoOrgasm and !$AcademicProbationDenial>> Your screams as you orgasm are muffled by the gag he's shoved into your mouth. <</if>> He's only concerned about getting himself off. Eventually you feel him grab your hips and pull you towards him a final time, his cock twitching deep inside you again and again. He stays there a moment, before he pulls out of you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He gathers his things as you stand there with his cum leaking out of you. Once he's finished he cuts you loose. "Have a fun rest of the night!", he says as you run off naked into the darkness. Eventually you find a new hiding spot and lay down again to get what sleep you can before morning. You hope you [[make it to the morning|IslandHuntNakedMorning]] without being captured again and eliminated. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Cleaning up</h1> <img src="Part14/Hunt15.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectDreams>> You wake up horny and frustrated thanks to your dreams through the night. But you also feel disgusting after being used yesterday and then sleeping on the ground all night. <<else>> You wake up feeling disgusting after sleeping on the ground all night, as well as because of everything else that happened yesterday. <</if>> You know it's a risk, being out in the open, but the quick bath you take is worth it. You feel much better afterwards, and [[ready to start the second day of the hunt|IslandHuntNakedMorning2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Following the Trail</h1> <img src="Part14/Hunt16.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="680" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your are still tired after your poor night of sleep, but your bath helped. You at least feel clean and a bit more energized now, though you really wish you had one of those energy bars from your backpack right now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know your chances of being captured again and eliminated are much higher on the trail, but you don't have any choice. You tried going through the woods and the brush, but you had to turn back. With no clothes to protect you, the branches and thorns and everything else was just too much on your bare skin. You'll have to take your chances on the trail. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $StoryModeHuntRoll>> <<set $tempHunt to $StoryModeHuntRoll[3]>> <<else>> <<set $tempHunt to random(1, 10)>> <</if>> <<if $HuntHeadStart and ($BodyType == 'Fit')>> You have a head start from travelling into the night last night, and you are in better shape than the other girls. So hopefully you'll have a big advantage today. Assuming you don't get caught first, that is. Though you hope you'll be able to stay ahead of the hunters too. <<set $tempHunt += 2>> <<set $HuntAhead += 1>> <<elseif $HuntHeadStart and ($BodyType == 'Plus')>> You have a head start from travelling into the night last night, but you aren't as fast as the other girls. Hopefully the two balance out. <<elseif $HuntHeadStart>> You have a head start from travelling into the night last night, so hopefully you'll have an advantage today against the other girls. Assuming you don't get caught first that is. <<elseif $BodyType == 'Fit'>> You are in better shape than the other girls, so hopefully you'll have an advantage today against the other girls. Assuming you don't get caught first that is. Though you hope you'll be able to stay ahead of the hunters too. <<set $tempHunt += 1>> <<elseif $BodyType == 'Plus'>> You know you aren't as fast as the other girls, so you worry you'll be at a disadvantage today against the other girls, and easier prey for the hunters. <<set $tempHunt -= 1>> <<else>> You wonder how many of the other girls are still in the hunt. You find youself hoping many of them have been captured twice and are being used by hunters right now. Then the hunters would be distracted and you'd have that many fewer girls to compete against. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you are getting ahead of yourself worrying about who is ahead of who. None of that matters if you don't even make it to the end. You stop worrying about who is ahead and get back to focusing on <<if $tempHunt >= 8>> [[trying to avoid getting captured|IslandHuntArriveNaked]] <<else>> [[trying to avoid getting captured|IslandHuntNakedCapture]] <</if>> and making it to the finish line. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Starting Day Two</h1> <video src="Part14/Hunt17.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wake up on the ground on day two. You pick bits of branches and leaves from your hair and brush yourself off. You are tempted to take a bath in the small lake you saw earlier, but don't want to risk being out in the open like that. Instead you just wipe yourself down with a few of the baby wipes in the pack they gave you when you started. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You have a quick breakfast of an energy bar and a bottle of water. Not like you have any other choices to pick from, but you do feel ready to start again after you are finished. Before then you make sure to pick up everything. You don't want a wrapper or a wipe to give any hunters a clue to finding you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You try to stay to the thick wooded areas where you'll be harder to see. Still, you look around for hunters, especially whenever you have to cross any roads or open areas. <<if $HuntAhead>> Hopefully with the lead you have, most of the hunters will be behind you looking for the other prey. <<if $BodyType == 'Plus'>> You hope they don't catch up with you before you make it to the finish. <</if>> <<elseif $BodyType == 'Fit'>> If you can keep the hunters from sneaking up on you, you might be able to outrun them if they see you. But keeping them from seeing you at all is your best bet. <<elseif $BodyType == 'Plus'>> You know you won't be able to outrun the hunters, so keeping the from spotting you at all is your best bet. <<else>> If they don't see you, then they can't catch you. <</if>> <<if $BodyType == 'Fit'>> <<set $HuntAhead += 1>> <<elseif $BodyType == 'Plus'>> <<set $HuntAhead -= 1>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set $tempHunt to random(1,10)>> As you <<if ($tempHunt + $HuntAhead) >= 5>> [[head towards the goal marked on your map|IslandHuntArriveClothes]] <<else>> [[head towards the goal marked on your map|IslandHuntClothingCapture]] <</if>> you wonder to yourself if any of the girls have made it to the finish line yet. And how many of them have been eliminated. You guess you won't know where you really stand until you make it to the end. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Captured by Surprise</h1> <video src="Part14/Hunt18.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<set $HuntCaptures += 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your hopes of making it to the finish without being captured are dashed when a hunter appears out of nowhere and throws you to the ground. You try struggle to get away from him, but <<if $BodyType == 'Fit'>> even though you are in good shape, he's <<else>> it's no use. He's much <</if>> stronger than you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh, a fresh one, and with plenty of spirt left," he says as he ties your hands with rope. "This should be fun," he adds as he ties you to a tree and [[begins to cut off your clothes|IslandHuntClothingCapture2]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Getting Broken In</h1> <video src="Part14/Hunt19.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<set $HuntCaptures += 1>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter', vaginal: true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've accepted being caught, and now you are eager for him to have his fun and let you go, while you still have a chance to win. You are hoping he'll just fuck you and let you go, but he has other plans. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You were just going to strut across the finish line like you owned the place weren't you?", he asks as he begins to whip your ass. He strikes again and harder until you give him the yes answer he wants. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He 'interrogates' you some more, hitting your ass harder and harder until he gets you to yell across the forest how much want him to fuck you. "Please, fuck me! Fuck my ass! Fuck my pussy! Let me suck your cock!", you yell. "Please, I'll do anything you want," you eventually beg. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "There, I think you're broken in enough now," he brags. "You'll probably still make it across the finish line, but you'll be walking with a bright red ass, not strolling in like you are better the other sluts there." Then, finally, he decides to drop the whip and start fucking you. <<if $PlayerEasytoOrgasm and !$AcademicProbationDenial>> "I'm glad you are having as much fun as I am," he says after you cum. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I would stay and use you longer, but there's still time for me to catch a few more before the end of the hunt," he says. You can feel his cum leaking out of you as he slaps your ass and [[you run off|IslandHuntArriveNaked]]. You don't think you are far from the finish. You thik you can make it to the end without being caught again. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Captured in the Woods</h1> <video src="Part14/Hunt20.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<set $HuntCaptures += 1>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter', vaginal: true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You were watching for hunters, you don't know how you missed him. But before you know what is happening, he's grabbed you. You struggle to get away, knowing you are eliminated if you don't get away. But it's no use, he's much stronger than you, and once he has the rope around your wrists you give up. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He ties you to a tree and fucks you from behind. <<if $PlayerEasytoOrgasm and !$AcademicProbationDenial>> He cums just after you do, <<else>> Eventually he cums, <</if>> thrusting deep into you as he does. He leaves you there, with his cum leaking out of you and down your leg as he reaches into his backpack. He pulls out a collar and locks in around your neck. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "There, now that I've claimed you as one of my captures," he says. Then he slaps your ass and adds, "In more ways than one. I'll [[have someone bring you to the finish for me|IslandHuntCaptured]]. I want to keep hunting. Maybe I can bag a few more before the hunt is over." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Making it to the Finish Line</h1> <video src="Part14/Hunt21.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<set $HuntFinished to 1>> <<set $tempHuntScore to (random(1, 4) + $HuntAhead)>> <<set $HuntWinner to $tempHuntScore >= 4>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You want to run right up when you spot your goal. But you worry there might be sneaky hunters hiding just before the gate. It'd be so frustrating to be feet from the finish line only to be snatched up at the last moment. So you keep a watchful eye out as you slowly approach. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you are sure it is safe to apprach you walk up and through the gates. You get some cheers when you cross through the gate. You also get quite a few whistles as you walk through completely naked. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are thirsty and hungry, and head straight to the snack table for something to eat and drink before you even bother to see if any other girls have arrived yet. But when you do look around to see, you find that <<if $HuntWinner>> you are the first one here! You've won! You see several girls in cages, after having been captured twice and eliminated. You wonder how many of the girls yet to arrive will make it here on their own, and how many will be captured and added to one of the empty cages. <<elseif $tempHuntScore == 3>> only one other girl has returned so far. You are disappointed that you just missed winning first place, but at least you made it here. You see several girls in cages, after having been captured twice and eliminated. You could have been one of them. <<elseif $tempHuntScore == 2>> several girls have already returned. You may not have won, but at least you made it here. You see several girls in cages, after having been captured twice and eliminated. You could have been one of them. <<else>> many girls have already returned. You may turn out to be the last one to make it here successfully, but at least you made it. You see several girls in cages, after having been captured twice and eliminated. You wonder if the remaining girls yet to arrive have already been captured and are just waiting for the hunter that captured them to finish having his fun before delivering her here. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are still hungry, so you take plate of food and <<if $HuntWinner>> [[sit down to wait|IslandHuntFirst]] <<else>> [[sit down to wait|IslandHuntFinish]] <</if>> to see whether the next cheers will be for another prey making her way in, or for a hunter carrying his captured and used prey in to display. <</nobr>> <<if $HuntWinner>> <<achievement>>underdog<</achievement>> <</if>><<nobr>> <h1>Making it to the Finish Line</h1> <img src="Part14/Hunt22.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640"> <<set $HuntFinished to 1>> <<set $tempHuntScore to (random(1, 4) + $HuntAhead + 1)>> <<set $HuntWinner to $tempHuntScore >= 4>> You want to run right up when you spot your goal. But you worry there might be sneaky hunters hiding just before the gate. It'd be so frustrating to be feet from the finish line only to be snatched up at the last moment. So you keep a watchful eye out as you slowly approach. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you are sure it is safe to apprach you walk up and through the gates. You get some cheers when you cross through the gate. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are thirsty and hungry, and head straight to the snack table for something to eat and drink before you even bother to see if any other girls have arrived yet. But when you do look around to see, you find that <<if $HuntWinner>> you are the first one here! You've won! <<if $BodyType == 'Plus'>> And you'd been sure that you'd lose to all of the skinny little girls you were competing against. <</if>> You see several girls in cages, after having been captured twice and eliminated. You wonder how many of the girls yet to arrive will make it here on their own, and how many will be captured and added to one of the empty cages. <<elseif $tempHuntScore == 3>> only one other girl has returned so far. You are disappointed that you just missed winning first place, but at least you made it here. You see several girls in cages, after having been captured twice and eliminated. You could have been one of them. <<elseif $tempHuntScore == 2>> several girls have already returned. You may not have won, but at least you made it here. You see several girls in cages, after having been captured twice and eliminated. You could have been one of them. <<else>> many girls have already returned. You may turn out to be the last one to make it here successfully, but at least you made it, and without being captured. You see several girls in cages, after having been captured twice and eliminated. You wonder if the remaining girls yet to arrive have already been captured and are just waiting for the hunter that captured them to finish having his fun before delivering her here. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are still hungry, so you take plate of food and <<if $HuntWinner>> [[sit down to wait|IslandHuntFirst]] <<else>> [[sit down to wait|IslandHuntFinish]] <</if>> to see whether the next cheers will be for another prey making her way in, or for a hunter carrying his captured and used prey in to display. <</nobr>> <<if $BodyType == 'Plus' and $HuntWinner>> <<achievement>>underdog<</achievement>> <</if>><<nobr>> <h1>Walk of Shame</h1> <img src="Part14/Hunt23.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunt Spectator', vaginal: true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunt Spectator'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunt Spectator', vaginal: true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunt Spectator'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After the hunter has tagged you with his collar, he hands you off to some young man riding a four-wheel ATV. He is aready pulling one captured girl behind him, and ties you next to her. Thankfully he doesn't go full speed, but you and the other girl have to walk quickly to keep up with him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He parks his ATV near what had been your goal before you were eliminated. Then he unties the rope from his vehicle and pulls you and her along on foot. When he passes through the gate you hear laughther as you and the other captured girl are lead in, along with a few cheers of "Fresh Meat!" and similar comments. You see several girls already in cages. You are disappointed that you lost, but you are at least happy you lasted longer than they did. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You soon join them in one of the empty cages. Most of the men watch for other returning prey to return, either bound like you, or victorious. But others take a break from that to come visit you and the other caged losers. It isn't long until the first cock pokes its way between the bars of your cage, the next follows soon after. You judge from when end of your cage they decided to use, just exactly how they want to use you. You do your best to make them happy. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Between your visits with the spectators, you try to keep an eye out yourself for who made it back safely and who didn't, and for what else they [[have in store for you today|IslandHuntLost]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $PregnancyCheck = setup.checkForNewPregnancy('medical test - hunt end', 0)>> <<if !$IslandPregnantPrevent && $PregnancyCheck.isPregnant>> <br><br> As the resort doctor is giving you and the other prey a post-hunt check-up to make sure no one has any injuries that need attention, he sees something on your results. "Oh, I guess you had fun on the hunt. It looks like there was a conception, one that would have most likely resulted in a pregnancy. Don't worry, as we discussed earlier, the injection I gave before the hunt prevented that. Your cycle should proceed as normal this month." <<if !$PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> <br><br> "Of course, it did trigger your change to become permanent. So I guess congratulations are still in order. So... Congratulations!" <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <</if>> <<achievement>>pregnant+childfree<</achievement>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Awards Dinner</h1> <img src="PartX/Pet1.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="540"> <<unset $PlayerHunted>> <<set $PlayerWasHunted to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After the hunt is finished, they take you out of the cage, and chain you up so the resort's doctor can check each of you. <<include [[IslandHuntPostPregnancyCheck]]>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once everyone's check-up is over, they take the winners somewhere else why the lead you and the other captured prey out behind one of the buildings. The take out a garden hose and spray you and the others down to wash off all the dirt from the woods. They also wash away any sign of the fun the hunters had with you as well - at least on the outside. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your meal for the awards dinner is served in a bowl on the floor. You watch the awards ceremony from there as well. You see the winning hunters given trophies and prizes, they are allowed to pick a pet for the week from among you and your fellow users, as well. You are one of the ones picked and take your place at your owner-for-the-week's feet as someone brings your bowl over for you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They also give prize money to the prey that made it to the end. For you and the other users they just have a small participation tag you are expected to wear on your collar. The hunter who claimed you attaches it for you and pats you on the rump. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and all the prey will also be guests of the resort for the rest of the summer. More submissive girls are always appreciated and it was part of the incentive for participating in the hunt. Though, to be honest, for most of you getting to be part of the hunt itself was incentive enough. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Their are other options for the girls that finished. But for the losers like you, you don't have any options. [[You'll be a collared pet again|IslandHuntLost2]], unable to speak, or do anything without your owners permission. You wonder if your temporary owner knows how wet you already are thinking about it. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Being a Pet Again</h1> <img src="PartX/Pet12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter Owner', vaginal: true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter Owner', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter Owner', vaginal: true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter Owner', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter Owner', vaginal: true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter Owner', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter Owner', vaginal: true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter Owner', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter Owner', vaginal: true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter Owner', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter Owner', vaginal: true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter Owner', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter Owner', vaginal: true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter Owner', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter Owner', vaginal: true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter Owner', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter Owner', vaginal: true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter Owner', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter Owner', vaginal: true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter Owner', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter Owner', vaginal: true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Hunter Owner', repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The hunter that claimed you for the week doesn't want you crawling around on all fours, at least not most of the time. He used a bit of his prize money to buy some boots for you to trot around in. He also gets you a pretty tail butt plug that he expects to see swishing back and forth as you constantly wiggle your ass for him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> He tries to be more attentive to your needs than Barry was, but soon discovers getting you off is going to be more difficult than he expected. You manage to communicate to him that it's not his fault, that you just can't orgasm right now. When he realizes, he strokes your hair and tries to console you. "I like to keep my pets happy and satisfied," he says. "Hopefully I can at least make sure you are a happy pet." You smile as he continues stroking your hair, and then down your back. <<else>> He's more attentive to your needs than Barry ever was. <<if $PlayerEasytoOrgasm>> Of course, making you orgasm isn't that difficult <<else>> He tries to make sure he's not the only one getting an orgasm during playtime. <</if>> "I like to keep my pets happy and satisfied," he tells you after one of your orgasms. You nuzzle your head against him to try to thank him. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> In addition to the time you spend together in his room, he also takes you around to many other parts of the resort. He takes you to visit the beach, the tennis courts, even horseback riding. "A pony girl on a pony", he jokes. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But eventually the week with him is over. He's heading back home, but you are staying for the rest of the summer. They let you know they'll [[take you to the 'pound'|IslandHuntLost3]] until a new owner wants to rent you out. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Helping her Adjust</h1> <video src="PartX/Pet13.webm" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Nervous Cage-mate'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They take you down to the 'pound' where the other unowned pets are kept. <<if $IslandStray>> Like before, some <<else>> Some <</if>> of the male pets howl and present their erections at you as you are led past them. The man leading you squirts one especially agressive pet with a water bottle and says "bad dog!". You are led past the boys and into a cage with another female pet sitting meekly inside. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "She's new here," he tells you regarding your cage-mate. "Her boyfriend, or maybe ex-boyfriend now, left her here to work off their unpaid bill when his credit card got declined. Try to help her adjust. We'll probably have owners for both of you by tomorrow afternoon." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You pet her pretty blonde hair to try to soothe her, "I.," she starts to speak, but stops remembering her shock collar. You've figured out whispering won't set yours off. Even so, it's still normally forbidden and would get you manually shocked if you were caught. But you figure it'd be ok just this one time. You whisper softly into her ear. "It's much more fun if you play along. You must enjoy giving up control, or you wouldn't have came to the resort in the first place, right?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She's still afraid to speak, but softly nods. You decide to remind her how much fun she can have here, and begin giving her puppy kisses on her lips. It works, as soon she begins giving you more passionate kisses back. Soon the two of you have the boys howling in envy as your guard looks on approvingly. Eventually, you help her discover that she can moan and cry out all she wants when she orgasms, and it won't set off her collar. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your guard was right, and soon there's an owner there looking for a pet for the week. You are happy to see your cage-mate eagerly waiting when the prospective owner comes by. He sees how eager she is an decides she's the one he wants to 'adopt'. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You were a very good girl, helping her adjust," your jailer tells you. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> He gets a hard candy treat from his desk and puts it in your mouth. You savor it's familiar salty taste as you suck on it and wait to be adopted <<else>> He reaches his hand into the cage, then moves it between you legs. Fingers from his other hand find their way into your mouth. You eagerly suck on his fingers as brings you to an orgasm. <</if>> "Someone will be in here soon, to adopt you too. I'm sure," he says as he goes back to his desk. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He's right, it isn't long until someone else is there looking for a friendly pet to take back to his room. You know he won't be your forever-owner, but you are eager to [[make him happy|IslandHuntSubmit]] for as long as he has you. Just like you will for the owner after that, and the one after that... <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <i>Being a pet week after week has become second nature to you. You love doing whatever you can to please your owner, and long for him, to tell you what a good girl you are. You love how submissive you've become. <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive += 5>> </i> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Awards Diner</h1> <video src="PartX/Pet20.webm" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<unset $PlayerHunted>> <<set $PlayerWasHunted to 1>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Awards Dinner Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Awards Dinner Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Awards Dinner Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you watch the other girls come in, either on their own or at the end of a chain, <<include [[IslandHuntPostPregnancyCheck]]>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once everyone has arrived and been looked over by the doctor, they take you inside for a quick shower. You feel much better after the dirty and everything else from the hunt are washed away. Afterwards they dress you in a simple, but sexy, black dress. You sit with the other prey that managed to make it to the end as you watch the awards ceremony. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The top hunters are awarded trophies and prizes. They also each get to choose a pet for the week from the girls eating their dinner on their hands and knees from bowls on the floor. Theres prize money for the prey that finished first, and for you also, but not as much. For their eliminated girls, there's just a small charm with the event and the year on it, for each of them to attach to their collars if they wish. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and all the prey will also be guests of the resort for the rest of the summer. More submissive girls are always appreciated and it was part of the incentive for participating in the hunt. Though, to be honest, for most of you getting to be part of the hunt itself was incentive enough. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The defeated girls will be pets the entire summer, but you can choose to either be [[submissive|IslandHuntSubmissive]] or a pet. Though, tonight you are just going to enjoy being whatever the hansome guy you met at the awards dinner wants you to be. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Being Pampered</h1> <img src="PartX/Pet2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640"> <<unset $PlayerHunted>> <<set $PlayerWasHunted to 1>> <<unset $IslandNudity>> <<set setup.removeInventory('sex toys', 'pet shock collar')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After they cheer your victory they drive you back to the resort to let you take a nice relaxing bath to wash away all the sweat and dirt, and anything else, from the hunt. Once you are feeling clean and refreshed they bring you a casual outfit to wear and take you back to watch the rest of the prey come in. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You watch from a comfortable chair as the other girls come in. Some come in on their own, more come in at the end of a leash. <<include [[IslandHuntPostPregnancyCheck]]>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once everyone has arrived and been looked over by the doctor, they take the other girls to get clean up and be brought back to the main resort. They also get you something more formal to wear for [[the awards dinner|IslandHuntFirst2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Victory Dinner</h1> <img src="PartX/Pet3.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> There's a dinner after the hunt celebrating the top hunters from the competition. Trophies and prizes are handed out to each of them. They also each get to choose a pet for the week from the girls eating their dinner on their hands and knees from bowls on the floor. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, you are also mentioned as the first of the prey to make it back safely. There's applause, along with some disappointed "awww, that's a shame", comments from hunters wishing you'd been one of the ones they could choose from. There's also prize money for you as well. There's smaller prizes awarded to the girls that made it in after you without being eliminated. For their eliminated girls, there's just a small charm with the event and the year on it, for each of them to attach to their collars if they wish. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and all the prey will also be guests of the resort for the rest of the summer. More submissive girls are always appreciated and it was part of the incentive for participating in the hunt. Though, to be honest, for most of you getting to be part of the hunt itself was incentive enough. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The defeated girls will be pets the entire summer, the finishers that came behind you can be submissive or pets. But as the winner, you can be enjoy the [[full range of options at the resort|IslandHuntFirst3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Being Dominant</h1> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> <video src="PartX/Pet4.webm" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<else>> <img src="PartX/Pet4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640" align="left"> <</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Chaste Resort Guest'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Chaste Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Chaste Resort Guest'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Chaste Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You want to try something different, so you indicate you want to be a Dominant for the week. You have your choice of the chaste boys to pick from. The ones that came here without a keyholder and surrendered their keys to the resort. Their only only hope for an orgasm during the week is being claimed by someone like you for the day, or the week, and then granted an orgasm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Chaste Resort Guest'})>> You can't get off, but you figure you can still enjoy denying some poor chaste boy. Maybe you'll let him beg until you unlock him give him the orgasm you can't have yourself. Or more likely, you'll keep him caged, and see let him get off only if he can from your strap-on in his ass. <<else>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Chaste Resort Guest', vaginal:true})>> Of course, they're willing to do whatever you ask in the hope of that relief. Though, for most of them, what you want from them is just to pleasure you while you relax by the pool, and to refill your glass when it gets empty. <br><br> One of them though, you could see his cock barely being contained by it's cage, and you couldn't help but want to see it, and feel it in it's full uncaged glory. Once it has done it's work though, you managed to wrangle the monster back into it's cage before returning the key and the boy to the front desk. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The week was fun, buy you realize being dominant isn't really for you. <<if $PlayerFormerDominant>> Not anymore, anyway. <</if>> Maybe next week you'll try things [[as a regular guest|IslandHuntFirst4]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Enjoying the Resort</h1> <video src="PartX/Pet19.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's not to difficult to find couple that's happy to have a pretty young woman join them for some fun. It can be even more fun to find a few guests, all looking for a night to rememember. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You body may be denied the pleasure of your activities, but that doesn't stop you from enjoying the excitement of it. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But there's [[more to do than just sex|IslandHuntFirst5]] at the resort. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Enjoying the Resort</h1> <img src="PartX/Pet6.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640" align="left"> <img src="PartX/Pet17.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The resort has plenty of adminities to enjoy besides just the other guests. There's the pool, the beautiful beach, the tennis courts, and much more. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But whether you are enjoying a swim, a horseback ride, or something else, you do appreceiate that how much or how little you want to wear is completely up to you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Though, having so much control also reminds you of how much fun it was [[to not always be in control|IslandHuntSubmissive]] <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Pet5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <img src="PartX/Pet18.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640" align="left"> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $IslandNudity to 1>> <<if $HuntWinner>> <h1>Submissive for the Week</h1> <img src="PartX/Pet7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640" align="left"> At the start of the week you let the hotel know you want to be submissive this week. You won't be able to change your mind until the end of the week. You agree and turn over your room key. "We'll have your belongings put in storage for the week. You won't be needing your room," he informs you. <<else>> <h1>Submissive for Rent</h1> <img src="PartX/Pet7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640" align="left"> Since you surived the hunt, but didn't win, you can stay at the resort for free, but as a submissive. "You won't be needing a room, so we'll keep your belongings put in storage until you leave," you are told. <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Worker', vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Worker', vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Worker', vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Worker', vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Worker', vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Worker', vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Worker', vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Worker', vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Worker', vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Worker', vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Worker', vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Worker', vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Worker', vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Worker', vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Worker', vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Worker', vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Worker', vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Worker', vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Worker', vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Worker', vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Since you don't have an owner, or master, or anyone else, you'll be available for any of the guests to rent for the day, or the night. Of course most of the rental fee goes to the resort, but we'll credit a percentage to your account for you. And if you're still available at the end of the night, don't worry. The staff here will be more than happy to keep you busy at no charge." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $HuntWinner>> For the week you <<else>> You <</if>> are used by different guests every night, or sometimes just for a few hours. Some of them love punishing you, others just want to use your body. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> None of them are much concerned by your lack of orgasms. <<else>> Most aren't much concerned about whether you orgasm or not. Some make you ask permission first. Some don't let you at all, or punish you if you do. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Sometimes it's not even the guests but one of the staff. They seem to especially enjoy fucking and punishing someone like you, someone they'd be expected to cater to if you weren't submissive. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You have no say over how you are used, or by whom, and you love it. You lose track of how many guests, and staff you've served by the end of the week. At the end <<if $HuntWinner>> of the <<else>> each <</if>> week, they let you know how much money you've earned in your rental fees. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's not that much considering how much you worked for it. But you realize the resort's cut would be much more, <<if $HuntWinner>> so they'd be happy if you wanted to be submissive again the following week. Though, you are still able to [[choose how you want to spend the next week|IslandHuntPetSuit]]. It's actually the first choice you've had since a week ago. <<else>> so they are probably making a profit off of your 'free' stay at the resort. But each week they give you a choice, really it's the only choice you get each week. You can be a submissive again, or you can [[go back to being a pet|IslandHuntPetSuit]]. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <i>Being used like this <<if $HuntWinner>> all week <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive += 1>> <<else>> week after week <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive += 2>> <</if>> has helped you realize just how submissive you've become.</i> <</nobr>> <<achievement>>threesome:MFM<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Spending Your Prize Money</h1> <img src="PartX/Pet8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Worker'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Worker', vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Worker', vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Worker', vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addInventory('costumes', 'latex bondage kitten')>> You've been looking at a certain item in the display case for weeks now. <<if setup.haveInventory('costumes', 'latex kitten')>> You have something similar, but much this one is so much more exciting <</if>> It's a locking latex catsuit, complete with cute little ears on the hood. And once you're locked into it, someone else - someone with the key, will need to let you out. Assuming they want to let you out. All you'll be able to do is unzip the conviently placed zipper when needed. If it ever even gets zipped closed in the first place that is. They may want to use you enough that it isn't worth the trouble to zip it up at all. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> At the end of the week, when it's time to choose how you want to spend the next week, you decide it's time to stop just fantasizing about the suit. You let them know you want to buy it with some of your prize money from the hunt. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Of course. And I expect you'll be putting it on immediately?", he phrases it as a question, though it's clear it's your only option. Not that you'd want to do anything other than exactly that anyway. "As you've been a pet previously, you know the rules. You're trained enough I expect that a shock collar isn't needed, and speaking isn't really an option in the suit anyway, except when your mouth panel is removed for meals... or for other reasons," he explains as he helps you into your new suit. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He sees your surprise when you see that the mouth panel has a dildo gag built in. "Are you feeling a little nervous about that gag. Well a little practice should help. On your knees. Now." A real cock in your mouth is something you are much more familiar with, and you quickly get to work on his. Once he cums for you, he immediately slids the dildo in to replace his cock. You tongue slides along dildo as you swallow the last drops of his cum. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He looks at how many locks would be needed for your suit and then pulls a different set of gloves out. "These will work better," he says as he replaces the gloves you are wearing. The new ones don't have individual fingers in them, preventing you from working the zippers or buckles on your suit yourself. "There. No locks or keys needed now.". He walks you out front and changes you near the front desk and places a sign by you that says 'Ask about renting me!' "You shouldn't have to wait long," he tells you. And if you do, then someone will take you down to the pound for storage tonight." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He's right, you don't wait long. After he rents you, he leads you back to his room. He doesn't even bother removing your gag and instead fucks you from behind. Afterwards, it takes you a couple attempts, but you manage to let him know you are hungry and thirsty. He orders roomservice for you both. When you are done with your meal, he's ready for more fun, and now your mouth is conviently available. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once he's done with you, he takes you back up front. It's late by then and they take you down the pound for the night. They strip you out of your suit, put a regular collar on you, and then lock you into a cage next to the other caged pet girls. "Don't worry, we'll clean your suit for you and you'll go back in it tomorrow morning when you go up for rent again," the man locking your cage tells you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't know how many different guests have checked you out by the end of the week. As fun as the week was, you've decided your new suit would be more fun in short durations. Wearing it every day is a bit too much. You think [[a simple collar|IslandHuntSubmit]], might be better most of the time. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Enjoying not Having a Say</h1> <video src="PartX/Pet11.webm" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Resort Guest'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Resort Guest'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Resort Guest'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Resort Guest'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Resort Guest'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Resort Guest'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You love not being in control, and your collar makes sure that you never are. Whether your temporary owner is a guy who wants you all to himself, a couple wanting to add a little excitement, or just one of the staff making use of you between guests, you don't get a say in it. You can't ask questions you can only do as you are told. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can't tell anyone, but your favorite is always the couples. For some reason it's even hotter for to be ordered to suck a mans cock by his own wife or girlfriend. You love the feel of her hands shoving your head further down his cock. You can only obey when she tells you to offer your pussy or ass to him while she watches. You can't beg for a turn, but can only watch in envy when she decides she wants his cock for herself. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can't speak, but the hungry look in your eyes speak for themselves. They are always willing to let you lick them clean after their husband or boyfriend cums on or in them. They'll make sure your tongue finds their clit too if he came before she wanted him too. And she knows that watching you and her together will get him hard and ready to go again sooner, which makes everyone happy. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $HuntWinner or $HuntFinished>> The resort still gives you the option to go back to being submssive, <<if $HuntWinner>> or even just a regular guest, <</if>> but why would you want to? You love being a pet. It's the only real choice you have each week, and the only chance to speak you have. But you don't use it. Each week you remain silent and point to your collar, letting them know [[you want to stay a pet for another week|IslandHuntSubmit2]]. <<else>> If it wasn't for the ebb and flow of guests, you wouldn't even realize when [[one week changes|IslandHuntSubmit2]] to the next. For you each day is the same, trying to please whoever your owner is that day. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<achievement>>threesome:FMF<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Being a Good Pet</h1> <video src="PartX/Pet9.webm" autoplay loop muted height="540"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Resort Guest'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'Masseuse'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Resort Guest'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Resort Guest'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Resort Guest'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', anon: 'Masseuse', repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You have a different 'owner' every time a [[new guest decides to rent you out|IslandHuntSubmit3]]. But you think of the resort, and the people that take care of you there as your real owners. It always make you happy when they tell you what a good girl you are. You are never disobedient, except when you know the guest wants you to be disobedient so he can punish you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They are happy with all the money they are making from you too. They say you are getting some of that as well, but you haven't bothered to check, it's not like you've needed money since you put on your pet collar. The few minutes they sometimes give you on the computer, you just use to let friends and family know you are doing fine and loving your job as an 'event coordinator' at the resort, even if it keeps you too busy to email very often. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Sometimes they decide to reward you with a special treat. Every pet loves a good massage and a bit of pampering at the groomers. Even if they take off your collar, you are a good pet and don't speak. You always glad when they put it back on though, you feel naked without it. Especially if they give you a little kiss and whisper "good girl", in your ear like your favorite masseuse usually does. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>threesome:FMF<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Helping Friends Bond</h1> <video src="PartX/Pet16.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', anon:'Resort Guest', vaginal:true, noCondom:true, noPullout:true, repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you are with two people at a time, it's usually a man and a woman. Most of the guys that come here together don't have any interest in you. They sometimes rent one of the male pets from the pound. It always makes you happy when one of the horny boy dogs that had been howling at you when you are brought in gets a home. Seeing him fitted with a chastity cage and then led off to get both holes filled all night makes you happy for him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But sometimes, two straight friends both come as guests. Maybe for fun, or to bond as friends, or just to save money, they sometimes rent one pet to share. You are always happy when it's you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You love being filled and then pulled from two directions. You usually leave a mess and need someone to give you a good bath before you can be sent to another guest. But it's worth it with how happy it makes your temporary owners. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't really know what day it is, but you hear people talking and know that [[summer is almost over|IslandPet]]. Begin back at school seems like such long time ago now. You don't like thinking about leaving here, and try not to think about it. Instead you just focus on the fun while it lasts. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>threesome:MFM<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Deciding whether to Submit</h1> <img src="PartX/Pet10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've barely realized how much time has passed, but they let you know the summer is coming to an end. The resort's manager lets you know that you've been one of their more popular pets recently. Most of their rental pets are young college girls like you, and will be going home. "The weather is nice here year-round though, so there's a constant flow of guests, including single-men. And we'd love to have you stay to help entertain them." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He lets you know you'll get a higher percentage of your rental fee, deposited into a bank account for you. You'll still be a pet except for when you have a week off. And your cage and food, if you aren't with a guest, will be free. So the money should start to add up since you won't be spending any of it. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> <br><br> "And since you'd be dropping out of school, they'll have to turn off that denial setting you've been suffering with. I'm sure the doctor here can do that once they send him the codes or whatever to unlock it." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $HuntWinner or $HuntFinished>> After weeks of being submissive, and then being a pet again, you find his offer very tempting. The thought of signing the contract he has for you and [[giving up control and staying here|IslandCollared]] is almost irresistible for you. But a small part of your mind remembers your friends back at school and you family back home, and you wonder if maybe you should [[decline his offer|Part14ReturningFromIsland]]. <<else>> You are overjoined at his offer. After how much you've loved your weeks as a pet, you couldn't imagine telling him no. Once you accept the offer and sign the contract he gives you, you are [[led off to get your permanent collar|IslandCollared]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Putting on your Permanent Collar</h1> <img src="PartX/Pet14.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="640" align="left"> <<set $IslandPet to 1>> <<unset $student>> <<set $Dropout to "Pet">> <<set $PregnancyCheck = setup.checkForNewPregnancy('medical test - island collar', 0)>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'permanent collar')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You tell him you'd love to stay! After you sign the contract, he gives you some time to call your family and friends and let them know that your 'event coordinator' isn't just for the summer anymore, and you'll be moving and living here yearround now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The campus isn't open today, but you are able to go online to drop the classes you had enrolled in for next semester and withdraw from the university. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You also send an email to your dean and the X-Change office at the school, letting them know you aren't a student any longer, and asking to have your 'Academic Probation' denial turned off so you can finally orgasm again. You copy in the resort's doctor and ask them to contact him with the information he needs. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your pulse quickens when the sturdy metal collar clicks shut. You know there's no way to get it off without their special tool. Not that you'd ever want it off. You just wish the matching cuffs had the same seamless locks. Then they lead you to the resort doctor. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> "I'll have them bring you back in to see me when your university sends the information," he tells you. <</if>> He does a standard set of tests on you as before. When he's done he tells you, <<if $PregnancyCheck.isPregnant>> "It looks like you were pregnant, but I've taken care of that for you. We don't want you having a litter of mutts from whatever random guest might have been the father, <<if !$PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> do we? Of course your change is permanent now, but that works out great since you wanted that anyway, right?" <<else>> do we?" <</if>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <<if $IslandPregnantPrevent>> <<set $IslandPregnantPrevent += 1>> <<else>> <<set $IslandPregnantPrevent to 1>> <</if>> <<achievement>>pregnant+childfree<</achievement>> <<elseif !$PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> I've given you a little shot that triggers your change to become permanent. He holds up one of the forms you'd signed earlier in the mangers office requesting that. Everything else looks great!" <<else>> "Everything looks great!" <</if>> After a while someone comes by to take you back to the managers office. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $IslandPregnantPrevent >= 2 or $PlayerProtectionFertile>> <<set $PlayerProtectionFertile to 1>> <<set $PlayerProtectionTry to 1>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPill>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPermanent>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> <<set setup.addInventory('sex toys', 'chastity belt')>> <<set $Keyholder to "The resort manager">> <<set $PlayerChastityBelt to 1>> "I have some exciting news for you. The doctor has informed me of how fertile you are, so we are giving you a special assignment," the manager tells you. "Some of our guests are looking for more than just casual fun. They are wanting children, but don't want to be or can't get pregnant. They'll pay us, and also you, a sizable amount if you carry the child they want for them. <br><br> We'll have a chastity belt for you to wear whenver your not pregnant and waiting for a client. We wouldn't want you getting knocked up by some pool boy would we? But you shouldn't have to wait long. And once you are pregnant, we'll rent you out to regular guests as before. You'd be amazed how many guests love spending time with a pregnant pet. <br><br> As soon as you recover, we'll schedule your next pregnancy for you. Just imagine how many couples you are going to help working here! <br><br> [[The End.|GameOverPetBreeder]] <<else>> "Welcome to the team!", the manager tells you after they bring you back collared and ready to work. You kneel down in front of him like a good girl, wondering he wants anything more from you, or if he'll have you taken down to your cage to wait to be rented again. <br><br> [[The End.|GameOverPet]] <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Pet15.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="480" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<achievement>>dropout<</achievement>><h1><<print "Game Over - Resort Pet">></h1> <img src="PartX/GameOver1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<unset $AcademicProbationDenial>> <<set $AcademicProbationDenialFormer to 1>> <<achievement>>resortPet<</achievement>><h1><<print "Game Over - Breeding Pet">></h1> <video src="PartX/GameOver6.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 1>> <<unset $AcademicProbationDenial>> <<set $AcademicProbationDenialFormer to 1>> <<unset $Keyholder>> <<unset $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<if setup.pregnantFirstTime()>> <<achievement>>breedingPet+firsttime+pregnant<</achievement>> <<else>> <<achievement>>breedingPet+pregnant<</achievement>> <</if>><<nobr>> <h1>Planning your wedding</h1> <img src="PartX/Kate1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"female", name:"Kate"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Since Kate is working much more than you now, you are doing much of the wedding planning. But there's a lot to plan, and you keep getting distracted. Thankfully, Kate has come up with a creative way to make sure you stay on task. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And if you still get distracted, a few swats on your defenseless ass should get you back to work. Either that, or lead to both you and Kate being much more distracted for a while first. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Eventually though, you get it all planned out. Now all you and Kate need to do is [[wait for the big day|KateBachelorette]] to arrive. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Bachelorette Party</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/Kate6.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> My sister Cassie was my maid of honor, and she set up the Bachelorette party for us. We went to several other places first, but spend the last and longest part of the evening at the bar <<if $JobBartender or $JobBartenderSub>> where I work. <<else>> where Kate and I met. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Dylan was one of my bridesmaids too, though he preferred the term "bridal attendant". Though he was 100% a bridesmaid for the bachelorette party. When Cassie and I explained how much more fun he'd have, and how much better his chances would be for going home with someone <i>from the lesbian bar</i>, he was eager for the X-Change pill she offered him. Cassie had even brought some clothes for him to wear. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It didn't take long for him to adjust, and soon Dylan, or "Diane" for tonight, was on the dance floor "shaking what science gave her", just like the commercials say. I was sure this was going to be a night Dylan/Diane would remember for a long time. I knew that even if he went back to his hotel room alone tonight, he'd still have a lot of fun, just exploring his new body. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Though he [[did not go home alone|KateBachelorette2]]. As I saw him leave I knew he'd have a much, much more memorable night after all. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Hearing about Dylan/Diane's night</h1> <img src="PartX/Kate8a.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300" align="left"> We'd seen "Diane" leave with the bicurious girl and her boyfriend last night. The next morning at brunch, when he was telling Cassie and I about the evening, he tried to tell us that the bicurious girl and him had made out for a while, and then later she ate Diane out while her boyfriend fucked her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Cassie suspected Diane was leaving out a lot so she said, "That's a relief. I was worried when I heard you left with a guy too. I'd assumed you'd only be hooking up with a lesbian so I got one of the cheap knock-off pills instead of X-Change. I figured what's the point in spending the extra if there's no chance of you getting pregnant anyway. I could only imagine how pissed dad would be at me if I was the reason his last son was now a third daughter." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Seeing the look of concern on Diane's face Cassie tells him the truth, "See! I knew you were full of shit. Don't worry, I only bought the best for my little brother - real X-Change Basic pills. You'll be back to your old self this evening. But you need to tell us the truth about what really happened last night." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Kate8.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Diane tells us the truth finally. It started off with him and the bicurious girl eating each other out, while the boyfriend got hard watching. But then it was Diane getting railed by the boyfriend, while his girlfriend watched and encouraged him. Before long Diane was on top of him, with his girlfriend telling Diane exactly how her boyfriend liked his cock ridden and encouraging the boyfriend to 'fill the little slut with his cum'. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Diane's cute face was bright red as he continued, telling how he spend the night collared and on a leash, usually on his knees. First being taught by the girlfriend exactly how to suck her boyfriend's cock. And then discovering what a cock felt like in his ass, getting fucked while the girlfriend played with his clit. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Sounds like you had quite the night," Cassie tells him. "If you aren't quite ready to change back yet, there's a few pills left for you." She hands him the container she'd picked up for him with several more pills left in it. "Just make sure you're back to your normal body this weekend [[for the wedding|KateWedding]]. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>sisters<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Your wedding day</h1> <img src="PartX/Kate2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> <<set $Spouse to "Kate">> <<achievement>>married<</achievement>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are thrilled when you wedding date finally arrives. You and Kate both look beautiful in your wedding dresses. <<if !$FatherDisown>> <br><br> Your father is even smiling as he walks you down the aisle. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your heart is racing as you and Kate put rings on each other and then kiss, then are pronoucned "wife and wife". <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After the wedding you all [[head to the reception|KateReception]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your wedding reception</h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Part way through the evening, your mom notices Dylan isn't there. You cover for him. "I think I saw him leaving with one of Kate's cousins," you tell her. She might be a little annoyed that he left the reception early, but she's not going to be too mad at an 18-year-old leaving a family event to get laid. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course you, and the rest of the bridal party, know "Dylan" but "Diane" is still right here at the reception. He was that pretty young woman that caught your bouquet earlier! Your mom didn't recognize "her" though and thought "she" was from Kate's family. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Though Diane did leave the reception later that night with someone. But it wasn't anyone from Kate's side. It was actually <<if setup.isFormerNeighbour("Barry")>> <<set $tempDylanReception to "Barry">> <<elseif setup.isFormerNeighbour("Zach")>> <<set $tempDylanReception to "Zach">> <<elseif setup.isFormerNeighbour("James")>> <<set $tempDylanReception to "James">> <<elseif setup.isFormerNeighbour("Josh")>> <<set $tempDylanReception to "Josh">> <<else>> <<set $tempDylanReception to "Peter">> <</if>> your former neighbour <<print $tempDylanReception>>! The way their hands were all over each other on their way out the door, you wondered if they'd make it back to the hotel before they started ripping each other's clothes off. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Kate9.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next day Cassie found out that they did make it back to Dylan's hotel room, but just barely. Then $tempDylanReception spent the night fucking Diane's brains out. When she relays the story to you, she also adds that Dylan has been asking her about where he can buy more X-Change ever since he ran out. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you and Kate had already left and headed off to [[your wedding night|KateWeddingNight]] so you don't learn any of that for several more days. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your wedding night</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/Kate4.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> </div> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"female", name:"Kate"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As soon as you and Kate are through the door into your hotel room, she pulls a collar out of her purse. She takes off your wedding dress, puts the collar on you. Then she tells you to kneel while she takes off her own dress. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You kneel there for several minutes, your heart racing as it always does when Kate orders you around. Finally she comes back in wearing something quite different than her white wedding dress. "Did you enjoy your special day, pet?" she asks you. You tell her how thrilled you were with everything about today. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Then show me what a good wife you are going to be. Start by licking my boots, and then start working your way up from there. And maybe, if you are really good, I might let you orgasm [[this week|KateHoneymoon]] too. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your honeymoon</h1> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(25, {sex:"female", name:"Kate"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Throughout your honeymoon, every night you give Kate numerous orgasms. She has your chastity piercing set to tease and edge you while you do. Well, she frequently [[has it set to do that at other times as well|KateHoneymoon2]]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But on the last day, she ties you up and removes your piercing. "You've been a very good girl this week. It's time for your reward," she says. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Kate3.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are helpless to do anything except lie back end enjoy the orgasm after orgasm she gives you. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Teased in public</h1> <img src="PartX/Kate5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(25, {sex:"female", name:"Kate"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Other than you final day though, you are wearing your piercing, and Kate frequently has it set to tease you thoughout the day. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Sometimes that means a gentle tease while the two of you are out walking, just enough to turn you on and make you want Kate right that moment, even more than usual. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And other time it means bringing you to the edge of an orgasm in the middle of a restaurant. You can't help but obey any instruction she gives you. She loves embarassing you more by making you reveal yourself, leaving you nervous about when the waiter might return. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Extra maddening is that you want desperately for it to let you cum finally. But you also fear if it does, because you know you wouldn't be able to contain your pleasure and would scream out in the middle of the restaurant. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Kate10.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Kate have an amazing time all week, but eventually it's time to [[head back home|KateMarried]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Back home to big news</h1> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"female", name:"Kate"})>> After you get home and unpacked you give your sister Cassie a call to let her know you're home and to tell her about all the fun you had. Well, about some of the fun you had at least. But she has some bigger news for you instead. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I didn't want to distract from your honeymoon, so we decided to wait to tell you until you got home," she starts. You are starting to get worried that someone has died or something. She quickly tells you "No, nothing like that." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Remember how much fun Dylan had on X-Change at the bachelorette party? And then at your reception?" Cassie asks rhetorically. "Well, he was really loving it. He quickly went through all the pills I'd picked up for him. But he wanted to keep taking it, so he went out to get some of his own. Except he didn't have that much money, so he bought some knock-off pills instead of the brand-name stuff." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Am I going to be an aunt?" you interrupt to ask, guessing where the story is going. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Kate11.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well, not anymore anyway," Cassie says sounding annoyed that you are joking around. "As you guessed, Dylan was having fun on his off-brand pills, some guy came inside him when he was changed into Diane. Well, probably several different ones over the weekend. And Diane figured out something was up on Monday when he - well she - didn't change back in time for work. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I took her to the clinic to deal with the pregnancy, but as you know, she's not going to ever change back now." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "How's she taking it? And did she get any of those side effects the knock-offs have sometimes?" you ask. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "She's thrilled actually. I have to think she maybe wanted this to happen, subconciously at least. I did warn her about the cheap pills. But Dad is furious though. At Diane obviously, at me for 'getting him hooked on X-Change'. For once, you're the only one he's not mad at," Cassie tells you. Then she adds, "Oh, side effects. No, we don't think so. She's not been able to get herself off yet. We don't know if that's a side effect like the one you <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> have, <<else>> told us your friend has, <</if>> or if it's just that she is still learning how her body works. I think she just needs a good vibrator. Though either way, it seems like she's more than happy finding a partner whenever she's horny." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "By the way, she's decided to stick with Diane as her new name. She's gotten used to it. She said Dylan could be a girl's name too, but she wants to make it clear she's a new person now. Anyway, she's planning on [[coming up to visit you|KateShoppingWithDylan]] for a bit now that you are home. I think mainly she just wants to get away from Dad for a while." <</nobr>> <<achievement>>sistersForever<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Shopping with Dylan</h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <table> <tr> <td width="350"> <img src="PartX/Kate13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> </td> <td style="padding: 25px"> When Diane comes to visit, you see Cassie was right, as she's overjoyed that the change into her new body is permanent. She is a bit upset at your Dad's reaction though. <br><br> "I think he saw it coming with you, so he wasn't really disappointed or surprised as much," Diane tells you. "But I think he had pinned his hopes on me to 'continue his legacy' or 'carry on the family name' or whatever 1950s thing he was expecting from us." <br><br> "I'm sure he'll get over it eventually," Diane says. <br><br> "And if he can't, then he can go fuck himself," you add. Changing the subject, you ask, "Why don't we forget about Dad, and go have some fun. I'm sure you're tired of borrowing clothes from Cassie. Let's go shopping!" </td> <td width="350"> <img src="PartX/Kate14.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="right"> </td> </tr> </table> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Kate gave you the credit card and told you to splurge on your new sister. So you head to the mall with Diane and explore many different stores, letting her discover her new style. Though you can quickly tell she's going to look amazing in just about anything. You get her some casual clothes, some for going out, a few swimsuits, and some things from the lingerie store too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After the mall, you make two other stops on the way home. The first is at the piercing studio. Diane says she's always thought tongue piercing were hot, and since you are buying, she wants to get one now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Kate12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After that, you stop at the sex store with her to buy him a nice vibrator, and a large box of condoms. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Kate15.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you get back home, you are expecting she'll disappear into the guest bedroom with the vibrator for the night. But instead you see the door still open. She's updating her profile picks on whatever app she uses and is looking for a match for tonight. Before long she is heading out the door. You are happy to see she did take the condoms with her. But you guess you won't be finding out about whether the vibrator is going to help her any time soon. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once Diane is out the door, you head to [[your bedroom to see Kate|KateMarried2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>'Punished' by Kate</h1> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"female", name:"Kate"})>> <video src="PartX/Kate7.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you get to your room, at first you tell Kate how the shopping trip went. But after a while she bends you over her knee. "You need to be punished for being such a bad influence on your former-brother." She then starts spanking you until your bottom is just the shade of pink she loves. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course she's not really mad at you, she's happy for Diane. She just loves bending you over her knee for a good spanking. You do too, especially when her hand stops spanking and moves between your legs to help you forget about your painful bottom. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't see that much of Diane while she's in town. More often, she's out having fun. At the end of the week, she heads back home so she doesn't miss any more work. Thankfully Cassie says things seemed to have calmed down with Dad. Still you tell Diane to give you a call if she has any problems. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After she's gone, it's just [[you and Kate|KateMarried3]], with the house all to yourselves again. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Married Life</h1> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"female", name:"Kate"})>> <video src="PartX/Kate16.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You quickly see that married life with Kate isn't that much different than single life with Kate. You still spend many evenings with your head burried between her legs, making her cum while you are gently teased. The evenings often end with you begging for your own orgasm. You always say "Thank you, mistress" regardless of what her answer is. Either way you know what she's decided is for the best. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The main difference now that you two are married is that now you know this beautiful, strong woman is yours. Or maybe it's more accurate to say you are hers. Today, tomorrow, and forever. <</nobr>> [[The End|KateWifeEnd]]<h1><<print "Game Over - Submissive Lesbian Wife">></h1> <img src="PartX/GameOver17.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<achievement>>lesbianSub<</achievement>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 1', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 2', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set $SexKidnap = 2>> <<set $SexKidnapVaginal = 2>> <h1><<print "Dungeon">></h1> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your two captors ignore your muffled cries as they bend you over something and cut away <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<unset $Keyholder>> <<unset $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<set setup.removeInventory('sex toys', 'chastity belt')>> your chastiy belt. <<else>> your panties. <</if>> You can do nothing to stop them as you feel the cock of one of them poke around, searching. <</nobr>> <img src="Part6/Slave1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "A moment later you gasp into your gag as he pushes into you, the condom he’s wearing to hide evidence of the encounter lubricating his path slightly. When you feel him thrust one last time into you and then pull out, you only have a moment before you feel the other one approach. And it all repeats.">> <<print "They don’t have time for more it seems, so you are spared another round. ">>[[For now at least.|Kidnapped2]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Van">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "They toss you onto into the back of some van and close the door. As horrible as what you just endured was, you know you need to escape or face more of the same, or worse.">> <video src="Part6/Slave2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<print "It’s no use though. You can’t get free. After driving forever, the van finally stops. Someone new grabs you by the ropes binding you and ">>[[pulls you out of the van like you were luggage.|Kidnapped3]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Dungeon">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Your new captor removes your gag and leaves you bound with you arms above you. He says he’ll be back once the drugs have finished wearing off. You pass out for a while, only to be suddenly awoken later to the pain in your nipples as he attaches clamps to them.">> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive > 1>><<print "This is all making you so excited and he seems a bit confused that you are not saying anything yet.">><<else>><<print "You beg for him to take them off, even though you know he won’t listen.">><</if>> <img src="Part6/Slave3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive > 1>><<print "“I can take them off for you, along with your clothes. Fuck slaves don’t need clothes.”, he calmly says. “You just need to tell me you are a worthless slave and beg me to fuck you like one.”">><<else>><<print "“I’ll take them off for you, along with your clothes. Fuck slaves don’t need clothes.”, he calmly says. “You just need to tell me you are a worthless slave and beg me to fuck you like one.”">><</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive > 1>><<print "He is definitely surprissed when you tell him “No! Please keep them on!”, as you start moaning in pleasure.">><<else>><<print "“Never! you worthless piece of shit!”, you scream and spit at him.">><</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive > 1>>[[“Holy shit, this one is a goldmine!”|KidnappedSub1]]<<else>><<print "He calmly adds a weight to the chain between your nipples, increasing the pain, but you refuse to give in. He repeats several more times. Each time when the pain starts to fade a bit, he adds another weight. But eventually he’s used all the weights and stops.">><</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive > 1>><<else>><br><<print "You feel like you’ve won a small victory as he removes the clamps, but a moment later you cry out in pain as the blood returns to your abused nipples. He cuts off what’s left of your clothing and says, ">>[[“Don’t worry, I have a solution for ones like you.”|Kidnapped4]]<</if>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Dungeon">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "This is the “Never!” rack. There’s only two ways to leave it. My way, or your way.">> <video src="Part6/Slave4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "My way, you tell me you are a worthless slave and beg me to fuck you like one. Then we can start your training.">> <<print "Or your way. Maybe you are right, and you will never learn your place. But, unfortunately for you, I don’t have any use for a slave that doesn’t understand it’s place.">> <<print "Either way, my problem is about to be solved.">> [[You feel the pain growing in your arms|Kidnapped5]]<<print " and how it is becoming harder to breathe. ">><<if !$PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>>[[But maybe you can find some strength to resist him.|KidnappedResist1]]<</if>><<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 3', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <h1><<print "Dungeon">></h1> <<set $PlayerSlave to 1>> <<unset $student>> <</nobr>> <<print "The pain in your arms, and everywhere else, was unbearable. You knew you couldn’t hold on much longer. You cried, defeated, and said what he wanted: “I’m a worthless slave” and then begged him to fuck you. He made you repeated it over and over, louder each time, until he finally removed the rope from your neck.">> <video src="Part6/Slave5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "Then he does as you asked, as you begged. As he fucks you, he tells you this is your reward for finally doing as you were told. He tells you this is your purpose, and you shouldn’t resist it.">> [[You stay silent and hope he won’t take long to finish.|Kidnapped6]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Dungeon">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "When he finally does finish, he binds you to a bench and begins whipping you. “Do you know why I’m punishing you?”, he asks.">> <<print "“Because I wouldn’t say what you wanted earlier?” you answer hoping he will stop when you answer.">> <video src="Part6/Slave6.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "“No. Try again.”, he replies, not pausing in the least with his strikes.">> <<print "“Because I’m a worthless slave who deserves to be punished.”, you scream, hoping it will make him stop.">> <<print "“That’s true, but why do you deserve to be punished?”, he replies, still whipping.">> <<print "“I don’t know!”, you cry out between your sobs.">> <<print "“Because, you weren’t grateful when I was rewarding you earlier. When one of your betters rewards you with his cock, ">>[[you should let him know how grateful you are.”|Kidnapped7]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 3', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 3', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 1', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 2', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 3', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 1', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 2', vaginal:true, noCondom: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 3', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 3', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 2'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 3', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 3', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 1'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 2', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 3', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 1', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 2', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 3', vaginal:true, noCondom: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 1', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set $PlayerSlave += 1>> <h1><<print "Dungeon">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Any hint of resistance has long since left you. You’ve learned to beg them to fuck you whenever they are near. You’ve learned to pretend to enjoy it when they do. And you’ve learned how harsh the punishment is if you aren’t convincing. You do your best to always be convincing.">> <<print "Thankfully, they’ve started giving you drugs now. They cloud your mind, the days drift together, you feel like your whole life has been spent in this room. You’ve grown to dread the times you are left unused and waiting. That’s the only time your mind is clear enough to focus on what is happening to you.">> <video src="Part6/Slave7.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "Because the drugs have done something else to you. You realize your body is responding more and more to them. You are able to just lose yourself in the moment now when they come to use you. You forget where you are, forget who you are, and just focus on the feelings.">> <<print "At least some of the moans you make are real now. ">>[[And it terrifies you when you are left to yourself to think about it.|Kidnapped8]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 2'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 3', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 3', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 3', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 2'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 3', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 1', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 2', vaginal:true, noCondom: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 3', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 1', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 2', vaginal:true, noCondom: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 3', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 1', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 2', vaginal:true, noCondom: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 3', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 3', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 1'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 2', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 3', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 1', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <h1><<print "Dungeon">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "They still give you pills every day, but not as many. Your head isn’t clouded anymore. You can think clearly now, and you know what you are now.">> <video src="Part6/Slave8.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "You are a slave and this is your purpose. You don’t have to act for them anymore, you truly are grateful now when they use you.">> <<print "One of them tells you the pills they still give you are to make sure don’t get pregnant. You are for pleasure, not breeding. At least for now they say. ">>[[Your future owner may feel differently.|Kidnapped9]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 3', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 1'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 2', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 3', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 2'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 3', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 3', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 1', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 2', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 3', vaginal:true, noCondom: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 3', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 3', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 2'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 3', vaginal:true, noCondom: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 1', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 2', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 2', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 3', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 3', vaginal:true, noCondom: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 1', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 2', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 3', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 1'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 1', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 4'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 4', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 4'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 4', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <h1><<print "Your new life">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Someone new comes in today to get you ready for your new owner.">> <<print "They tell you your owner has paid a lot of money for you. You don’t think you are worth that much, you are just a worthless slave. But, you can’t wait to show your new owner how grateful you are when you arrive. You hope he makes use of you often.">> <img src="Part6/Slave9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "That won’t be for a while though, he’s in some country you’ve never heard of. That will be your new home.">> <<print "When they are done working on you, you look so different than you did before. But he tells you this look will make your new owner happy, and he teaches you how to make sure you always look like this for him.">> <<print "You thank him for helping you to please you new owner. Then he leads you out to the van for your drive to the docks. There you board the ship that will take you to your new home.">> [[The End.|GameOverKidnappedSlave]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Dungeon">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "Suddenly you realize you can no longer breather, but it feels strange, like you are drowning.">> <<print "You open your eyes and realize your head is submerged under water and start to struggle.">> <video src="Part6/Slave15.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "You dumb bitch, you wouldn't give in and you passed out, so we used this to wake you up.">> <<print "While I've been trying to break you, my assistants have searched around to find out more about you.">> <<print "While it doesn't seem that you have anyone close in this city, they were surprised to discover that you are a guy with an experimental X-Change implant.">> [[This is something unexpected, so you get to rest untill we get our doctor to check on you.|KidnappedResist2]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper Doctor', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set $SexKidnap += 1>> <<set $SexKidnapVaginal += 1>> <h1><<print "Dungeon">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "When he finally arrives, you see them arguing whether the implant could have a tracking device in it or not.">> <<print "They tell him to run tests on you and try to find out as quickly as possible..">> <video src="Part6/Slave16.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "Frustrated that he cannot find the answer from his tests, he just decided to fuck you before reporting to the boss.">> <<print "When he finishes, he tells the boss that the technology is too new and it's too hard to tell.">> [[He recommends getting rid of you and staying on the safe side.|KidnappedResist3]]<<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Kidnapper 2', vaginal:true, noCondom: true, noPullout: true})>> <<set $SexKidnap += 1>> <<set $SexKidnapVaginal += 1>> <h1><<print "Van">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "The doctor gives you an injection and calls in the henchmen who brought you in to take you.">> <<print "They load you up in the van and start driving, as your mind starts to feel strange.">> <<print "You hear them arguing about the best way to dispose of you, even mentioning killing you.">> <video src="Part6/Slave17.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<print "One of the guys says it would be kind of a waste to kill you before he gets to fuck you again, so he jumps in the back of the van and proceeds to have his way with you.">> <<print "Between the feeling of his cock pounding you, your mind slowly drifts away as he starts strangling you.">> [[Eventually everything goes dark.|KidnappedResist4]]<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Roadside">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "As you passed out from the drugs given you from the injection, eventually the van pulls over.">> <<print "She might have been a guy before, but she sure is a fine piece of meat now. It would be kind of a shame to kill her.">> <img src="Part6/Slave18.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "The doctor did say she will not remember anything anyway from all the drugs. Lets just dump her on the field and be on our way.">> [[If she's smart, she'll just go back to her previous life.|KidnappedResist5]]<<nobr>> <<set $KidnapEscape to 1>> <<set $AcademicPoints += 2>> <h1><<print "Hospital">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You wake up in a hospital, but when the doctors ask you about what happened to you, the last thing you remember is studying for your exam.">> <img src="Part6/Slave19.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<print "You are shocked when they tell you that your body has lots of bruises and clear signs of rape.">> <<print "You spend the next few weeks in the hospital, to allow your body to recover.">> <<print "Fortunately the university is understanding of your situation and allows you to take the exams you missed when you get out of the hospital.">> <<print "The only good thing to came out of this was that you had lots of extra time while in hospital to study ">>[[and to increase your grades.|Part6Grades1]]<h1><<print "Game Over - Slave">></h1> <img src="PartX/GameOver2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<achievement>>slave<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Choosing to Forget</h1> <img src="Part14/Forget1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="750" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Tomáš, there's something I need to talk to you about..," you proceed to tell him about how you remember him giving you the shot, you remember working at the palace, going to school, even your life before you became a woman. He looks very concerned, but you continue, "But I don't want to remember. I want to go back to believing I've always been Marie." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You explain that you hadn't been changed by a plus pill, but were on a trial of a new X-Change implant. <<if $PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> You tell him your implant is permanent, but that it must still be different enough from the pills that his shot didn't work the way it normally does. <<else>> You tell him that it technically isn't permanent, they could reverse it, and that's probably why the shot was only temporary for you. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The concern fades from his face and he tells you, "Thank you for coming to me Marie. I think I know just how to help you. Another full shot should wipe your memory again. And we'll follow it up with smaller weekly shots that will keep your memory from coming back." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He smiles and adds, "And I think I know just how to [[make sure you always remember to come in for your booster shot|Part14Forgetting2]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your Weekly Treatment</h1> <video src="Part14/Forget2.webm" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set $MindBlank to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You love your weekly treatments. Of course the shot part isn't fun, but that only lasts for a second. It's the rest of your treatment that you love. That part always last much longer. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The other girls had been very concerned when they'd heard about your relapse and how you'd lost your memory again. They'd said they'd know something was wrong when you started acting so weird and telling them about your past lives or something . But Tomáš assured them it was something that only affected you, and that with your new treatment regime, you'd be fine now too. But he said that if they noticed anyone else having bizarre deliusions like you'd started to have, to let him know right away. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After they learned more about your treatments, several girls started saying they were starting to remember their past lives too. One said she used to be be Napoleon Bonaparte, one said she used to be Cleopatra, one even said she used to be a dolphin. In the end Tomáš just let any girl that wanted to sign up for the same weekly treatments as you, 'Just in case'. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It must be working. It's been months now, and there hasn't been a single relapse besides that one you had. <</nobr>> [[The End.|MemoryWipeGameOver]]<h1><<print "Game Over - Memory Wipe">></h1> <img src="PartX/GameOver5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<achievement>>memoryWipe<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Celebration Dinner</h1> <video src="PartX/Palace1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="480"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'French Ambassador'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'French Ambassadors Wife'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'French Diplomats Husband'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'French Diplomat'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'French Cultural Attaché'})>> <<unset $MasterRobert>> <<unset $student>> <<set $DropoutConcubine to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> His Highness is thrilled to hear that you've accepted his offer. He lets you know that there will be a dinner in your honor at one of the embassies to celebrate. Obviously, you know that you'll be there for more than just a dinner, but your a thrilled when you find out exactly what you'll be doing during much of the dinner. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you've finished your last bite, you crawl under the table. It's up to you to choose what order you server the table. You're very happy with your first choice as you hear a soft gasp from the ambassador's wife as you push her smooth legs apart. She's much more vocal before you finish though. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You continue to move around the table. You love hearing the person you are pleasuring try to continue with the dinner conversation above the table as you bring them closer and closer to orgasm beneath the table. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You were expecting to repeat your work under the table as they all tried to eat their desert, but an important message comes in for the ambassador. "I'm sorry, we are going to have to cut the party short this evening. Several us will have some work we need to take care of this evening." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The ambassador starts to ask someone to arrange for a ride back to the palace for you when his wife stops him. "Actually, that won't be necessary," she says. Then she takes your hand and [[leads you upstairs|PalaceStaff2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With the Ambassador's Wife</h1> <video src="PartX/Palace2.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'French Ambassadors Wife'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'French Ambassadors Wife'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'French Ambassadors Wife'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'French Ambassadors Wife'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'French Ambassadors Wife'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'French Ambassadors Wife'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The ambassador's wife must have enjoyed your work under the table during dinner, because your head is soon between her legs again. As she moans and tells you how good your tongue feels, you wonder how many nights she's spent alone while her husband works. She won't be alone tonight though. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She's came several times before she can't take anymore and has you stop. You lie beside her with your arm across her chest as she recovers. Once she has ready to continue, she pushes you over on your back and begins to kiss you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Her kisses eventually leave your month and begin working their way down until she is between your legs. The two of you continue until you are both exhausted and fall asleep. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next morning you wake up beside her, with the ambassador asleep on the other side of her. He must have home in the early morning and went to sleep without waking you. You quielty leave without waking either of them and dress in the hallway before heading [[back to the palace|PalaceStaff3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>New Side Effects</h1> <img src="PartX/Palace3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="720" align="left"> <<set $PlayerSideEffectNude to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your 'work' at the palace continues much as it had been for several months. One morning you wake up extremly horny, <<if $PlayerSideEffectLibido>> though that's nothing new for you. Still, you are <<else>> and <</if>> eager to find out if you have an assignment this evening. You try to forget about that for the moment and dress for the days other activities. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Not even an hour has passed, and you find your clothes increasingly uncomfortable, especially on your most sensitive areas. Eventually you can't take it anymore and strip your clothes off in the middle of your etiquette class. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The other girls think it's a test and do their best not to react to the outburst. Your instructor, however, starts to chide you for your behavior until he realizes you couldn't help it and instead has someone escort you to the palace doctor. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The doctor does some tests and confirms what you had started to suspect. This is a side effect of continued use of the injections they've been giving you to prevent pregnancy. The doctor tells you, "If it wasn't already, your change is now permanent. As is the side effects it has." He tries a variety of clothing and other materials on various parts of your body and then goes over the results. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "As you could tell, most materials will become more uncomfortable the longer you wear it, particularly those in contact with your breasts and genitals. Latex and similar non-porous materials seems to be tolerable for the longest. So I suggest wearing these exclusively, and leaving your breasts and genitals uncovered whenever possible. I'll alert the palace staff so they can adjust your wardrobe accordingly." Then after a moment he adds, "Oh, and it seems the injections have also caused your libido to increase. Though that's probably more of a benefit than a negative side effect in your line of work." <<if $PlayerSideEffectLibido>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectLibido += 2>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectLibido to 2>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> His Highness, and the rest of the palace, quickly adjust to your new attire, or lack of it. Months later, as you start plan to [[join your family|PalaceStaffVacation]] for a vacation trip, you realize other's might not be as comfortable with it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Palace5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="720" align="left"> <img src="PartX/Palace6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="720" align="left"> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Traveling Back Home</h1> <img src="PartX/Palace7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="750" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Airline Passenger'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Airline Passenger', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Airline Passenger', repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Airline Passenger', repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You have to fly commercial back home for your vacation. The private jet isn't available to you unless you are with the Prince or on other official business. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Unlike the Prince, the airline isn't going to let you fly nude. The doctor gives you some strong antihistamines to take for the flight home, and more for the return flight at the end of your vacation. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It certainly helped while you were at the airport before your flight, but they made you so sleepy you slept almost the entire flight home. You had pleasant dreams the entire time. You don't often orgasm in your dreams, usually you wake up horny before you can. But you think you came several times while in your dreams on the flight over. The wet and sticky state of things between your legs seem to confirm that. You are looking forward to the sleep on the flight back. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The antihistamines must have started to wear off at some point during your sleep. You seem to have woken up and unzipped the crotch zipper sometime during your sleep so you could get the latex off your sensitive areas. The kind man next you must have noticed and covered you up with his blanket so no one saw. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I hope I wasn't too much of a bother," you tell him. He assures you that you were no trouble at all, and that this was one of the most pleasant flights he's ever had. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The medicine has fully worn off by the time you exit the plane. You decide to head straight to the restroom to strip down before you head to the long line for customs to get back into the country. Once you are through that line, hopefully your brother will be waiting on the other side to take you home so you can [[join your family on their vacation trip|PalaceStaffVacation2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Vacation Back Home</h1> <img src="Part14/Swim1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="750" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you finish snorkeling with your brother you can't help but notice the erections that keep pushing at his swimming trunks. "I'm sorry. I can't help it," you tell him. "I had to wear clothes for the long flight, and now I'm so sensitive I can't wear anything for weeks. Hopefully it'll back to normal in time for my flight back. I can show you the doctor's note about my medical condition if you don't believe me." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He looks down at his shorts, then up at you. "I believe you. But I can't help it either," he says. "I don't have a note. But I'm a guy and... well, look at you." Then he adds, "But you don't have to apologize. I don't mind at all." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh Ok," you say. "But we need to head back soon. Mom wants to get to the restaurant for dinner early so we can get a table in the back. Dad didn't like that they sat us by the window last time." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You're enjoying the chance to see your family again, but you are looking forward to getting back to he palace, and back to work. You just don't know if you'll be able to contain your overactive libido that long. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't know how long they'll want you to continue working at the palace, but you hope it's for many years to come. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Whenever you do leave, you should have plenty of money in the bank. Which is good, considering how your wardrobe situation might affect your job prospects. Then again, it probably leaves a good number of well-paying positions still open to you. <</nobr>> [[The End|PalaceStaffGameOver]]<h1><<print "Game Over - Prince's Concubine">></h1> <img src="PartX/Palace4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="720"> <<achievement>>concubine<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Telling Paul</h1> <img src="Part13/Pregnant14.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set $StatedFather to 'Paul'>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Paul is surprised at first, but clearly as thrilled as you are with the news! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he tells you, "I'd always pictured myself being a father, but I'd almost given up on that ever happening," you know you made the right decision. Now it's up to him to make the right decision, hopefully you won't have to wait too long. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Paul makes arrangements for later in the week to go out to celebrate, but for tonight the celebrations will be right here with just the two of you. Of course between bouts of lovemaking, you take time call your family and fill them in on the big news as well. Your brother and dad are speechless, but your mom and sister aren't nearly as shocked as you thought they'd be. Maybe they've picked up over the past months that you were hoping for this. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You talk with your mom and sister a while longer, until you see that Paul is ready to go again. You quickly say your goodbyes and promise to talk more later. Then you head back to bed with Paul for a final round before bed. The rest of the celbrating will have to wait until [[later in the week|PaulPropose]]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> Thanks to the denial your implant is causing since your visit to the dean's office, most of the pleasure tonight, and all of the orgasms, were Paul's. But he contacts the dean the next day and negotiates with him regarding your situation, and they agree to turn your orgasms back on. Of course you are <b>very</b> happy about this, and do your best to show Paul how grateful you are. <<unset $AcademicProbationDenial>> <<set $AcademicProbationDenialFormer to 1>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Paul</h1> <video src="PartX/Trophy1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set $Engaged to 'Paul'>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The celebratory date with Paul went exactly as you'd hoped. He made sure eveything was perfect the entire night, and then he proposed to you right there in the restaurant before dessert! Of course you said "YES!" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He'd even planned everything out for when you got home, even having non-alcholic grape juice ready instead of wine. The two of you talk for a while, making plans about the future. He's had a big wedding once before, and doesn't care about the ceremony. But he says if you've always planned a big wedding, he'd be more than happy to wait and have as big of a wedding as you want, inviting everyone you know. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You tell him you don't want a big wedding, you just want to be his wife, and you don't want to wait. "Why don't we just go down to the courthouse tomorrow?", you suggest. You are thriled when he says that is a great idea. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You kiss and embrace him and tell him how happy he's made you today. After a while you decide you'd rather show him how happy you are instead. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But after nearly spilling the grape juice all over the carpet, you decide the two of you should [[move the fun to the bedroom instead|PaulPropose2]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Paul</h1> <video src="PartX/Trophy2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you cum, you tell him. "Fuck me in my ass!" You moan for him as his thick cock pushes into you. <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> You always love when he fucks your ass, and he loves it too. <<else>> You don't want to make the same mistakes his ex did. You know her ass was always off limits to him, and you are determined to give him not just everything he couldn't have before. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He was already close, so he doesn't last much longer before he cums in your ass. A week ago you wouldn't have wanted that. But now that you know you're pregnant, he can cum wherever makes him happy. You are just happy that you will [[soon be his wife|PaulWife]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Paul</h1> <video src="PartX/Trophy3.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<unset $Engaged>> <<set $Spouse to 'Paul'>> <<unset $JobOffice>> <<unset $JobOfficePA>> <<set $JobHomemaker to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Paul leave at noon, and head to the courthouse. After some forms and a simple ceremony in front of a judge, the two of you are officially husband and wife! You told Paul that a honeymoon can wait, you are just happy to finally be his wife. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "But even though we aren't having a honeymoon yet, I still want you to carry me over the threshold," you tell him as you arrive home. He <<if $BodyType == 'Petite'>> effortlessly lifts <<elseif $BodyType == 'Plus'>> manages to lift <<else>> lifts <</if>> you up and carry you though your front door. He doesn't put you down until the two of you reach the bedroom. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you've exhausted Paul, and he's napping a bit to recover, you pick up the phone to give your family the latest big news. None of them are shocked this time. Your father seems relieved if anything. "Well, I just hope we get to meet him soon," your mom tells you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Isn't it going to be weird working for your husband?", your brother asks. You let him know that you and Paul have already discussed that, and you won't be working at the office anymore. You tell him you'll be a stay-at-home wife, and soon mother. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You hear Paul starting to wake up again, so you head back to the bedroom to see if he's hungry, or ready for round two. On your way, you remember to set an alarm for yourself on your phone. You don't have to get up tomorrow for work or anything else, but you want to wake up to make breakfast for you and Paul before he [[heads to work|PaulWife2]]. Of course if he's hungry for something more tomorrow morning, that's even better. <<achievement>>married<</achievement>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home Alone</h1> <video src="PartX/Trophy4.webm" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <img src="PartX/Trophy4a.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"> <<nobr>> You are sure it'll be different once the baby arrives, but there's not much housework for you to do right now. Thankfully, the maid comes by once a week to do most of it. And you've made sure she's older, and not going to offer any temptations for Paul, if he's ever around when she is working. After you've done what you need to do today, you are sorting through your closet when you find a box way in the back. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you pull out the box and open it, you're surprised to find it full of sex toys. But everything except the candles and lube appears to be unopened. As you look through the items in the box, there's a few things Paul's ex most likely planned to use on her own, but others that she must have planned to use with Paul. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wonder if she'd planned on trying to 'spice things up' a bit to help improve things between her and him. That clearly never happened. You wonder if maybe she found out about you before that could happen, or if she'd changed her mind before that. Either way, you don't plan on waiting and making the same mistakes she did. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You decide against starting dinner, it'll be a delivery night tonight. Though, when Paul walks through the front door and sees a beautiful, mysterious, and silent woman waiting for him, food will probably be the last thing on his mind. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you grab the items for tonight, you put the box and the rest of its contents back in your closet. There's certainly some other things [[you want to try tomorrow|PaulWife3]] when you'll have more time alone. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home Alone</h1> <video src="PartX/Trophy5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you see Paul off to work, you head upstairs to your closet. You've been thinking about the giant dildo you found in the box yesterday. Paul's cock is big, but this thing is huge! It's still unopened, you wonder if his ex-wife had changed her mind when it arrived and she saw the size of it. You are excited and anxious to see if you can take it though, as you tear through the packaging. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are already wet from imagining it inside you, but it's not enough lubrication to handle the girth of the monster dildo. You remember the lube in the box and go grab it. When you squirt the lube onto the dildo a couple times, you realize that it's not just regular lube, but it's supposed to look and feel like cum too. It doesn't taste like it though you think as you spit it out. You then realize the pumper for the dildo is meant to hold some of it. As you imagine yourself impaled on the huge cock and it spurting load after load inside you, you are even more anxious to try again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you fill the reservoir in the dildo with the fake cum, you slowly ease yourself down onto it. You moan as it slides into you, filling you. There's no way you can make it all the way down the base, but you don't care, it feels so good already you just keep riding as much as you can take. Your lube-covered hand strokes your clit as you do. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> You can't normally cum from masturbation, but it feels different this time, like maybe your body thinks this monster is a real cock and you'll be able to cum. Even if not, it feels too good to stop now. <</if>> Your monster cock has 'came' several times along the way, filling you with it's 'cum'. Thankfully with this cock you didn't have to stop. You've only picked up speed each time, enjoying the extra lubrication. As you feel your orgasm about to hit, you give the pumper one last squeeze releasing a huge load inside you. But your orgasm doesn't come. You feel it slip away just when it was about happen. <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> It doesn't feel like the denial your implant gives you sometimes though, this is different. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> All that you feel is a tingling sensation on your clit, inside you, on your leg. You even feel it a bit on your hands and tongue. "Everywhere the lube touched!", you realize. You quickly look for the lube container to see if you've had some sort of alergic reaction or something. That's when you notice a handwritten [[phone number|PaulWife4]] on the bottom of the container. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home Alone</h1> <img src="PartX/Trophy6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"> <<set $ExWifeTrap to 1>> You are expecting a product support line or something, but instead you are greeted with "Hello Slut." when you call the number. You recognize the voice and realize it's Paul's ex-wife on the other end of the line. "I guess you've sprung my little trap if you are calling this number. That didn't take long at all." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Trap? What the hell are you talking about?", you ask her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Not a literal trap, you stupid homewrecker. I mean the lube. Have you not put it together yet that I put something in it? Well, I guess Paul was never interested in you for your brains, but we both knew that already," she tells you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Tell me what you put in it, you crazy bitch!", you demand. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh nothing harmful. It's just some orgasm denial gel I got from the university. They make it just for little X-Change sluts like you. I got you the extra-strength version. You won't be having any more orgasms for quite a while. But don't worry, it's not permanent. They said it could wear off in as quick as 12 months. Of course, that's if you stop having sex and trying to orgasm. Because the best part about this gel is that whenever it blocks one of your orgasms, it makes the denial last a bit longer. So it just might end up being permanent for a slut like you." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You're going to rot in jail for this!", you scream. "And when Paul and I are done suing you, you won't have a penny of that divorce settlement left or anything else!" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh, that's probably what would happen if you told him about it. And if you could prove it," she says without a hint of worry in her voice. "You could tell Paul, but it's only going to be your fingerprints on that bottle. You ordered the gel and put it in there yourself, obviously. And I'll be throwing this burner phone away as soon as we hang up, so the number will mean nothing. But I'm pretty confident you aren't even going to tell him. Do you know how I know? Because if you did, Paul would know that having sex with you would make your suffering last longer. And he wouldn't do that. Do you think he'd patiently wait for a year or more without sex? Or do you think he'd find someone new? Are you willing to find out? <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'll take your silence as a 'No'", she continues. "You'll keep giving Paul exactly what he wants from you, so you can keep the life - my life - that you've stolen. But the only orgasms you'll have are the ones you are faking so Paul never finds out. Have a nice life, slut." <</nobr>> <hr> <<nobr>> She hangs up before you can say anything more. You sit in shock, not believing this is real. You try washing yourself as thoroughly as you can and trying again, this time using your favorite vibrator. After two frustrating attempts you give up and accept that she's telling you the truth, and you wonder how much time you've just added with those attempts. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know she's right, you aren't going to tell Paul and risk this life. As you think about finally getting what you wanted: living here, being married to Paul, and having a baby on the way, but never being able to orgasm again, you start to cry. After a while you pull yourself together, and then you realize [[what you have to do|PaulWife5]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Keeping Paul Happy</h1> You contact the X-Change office to ask about the gel, and to see if there is an antidote. You are surprised again when they ask you, "Having second thoughts already? The frustration is intoxicating isn't it? Though few women are bold enough to request a full year, especially with the risk option added on. But no, of course not. What fun would it be if it were so easily reversed?". <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You soon discover that they have you listed as purchasing it, two weeks after Valentine's Day. You realize Paul's ex had been planning this ever since she'd found out about you and Paul. The X-Change office's records show 'you' ordered it over the phone using Paul's credit card and had it shipped to what is now your home address. "Fuck. This is real. And she thought of everything," you think as you hang up. "Now what am I going to do?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Trophy7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"> Of course, it doesn't take you long to come up with an idea. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral>> You love oral, but you hope that you <<else>> You know that you <</if>> won't orgasm from giving Paul oral. So, that's what you do. Whenever things start to get heated, you make sure to get him off with your mouth. He certainly doesn't mind. If he starts to return the favor, you try to pretend to orgasm long before you are in danger of an actual one and switch back to sucking his cock as quickly as you can. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Though sometimes Paul's tongue just feels too good, and you can't resist letting him go on just a bit longer... until it's too late. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your plan works for a while, but eventually Paul starts to ask questions. "Your blowjobs are amazing, don't get me wrong. But I miss being inside you. I miss fucking you. I miss you wrapping your legs around me and clawing at my back as you cum. But it seems like we haven't had intercourse in weeks. Is there something wrong?", Paul asks you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You realize you can't go on just giving him head. You are nervous as you say, "there's something [[I need to tell you|PaulWife6]], Paul". <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>'Confessing' to Paul</h1> "But I'm afraid you'll think I'm stupid," you tell him. You continue after he assures you he won't. "Your cock is so big, whenever you're fucking me, all I can think about is 'is it going to hurt the baby?' I know it's stupid, and that it wouldn't, but I can't help thinking it." <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh... if it upsets you, of course oral sex is fine. Great even," he's trying to be understanding but you know he's disappointed in your answer. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You knew that'd be his reaction and continue with your 'confession'. "There's something else too. I know I shouldn't be, but I feel a bit ashamed, which is why I hadn't said something." You pause for a second before continuing. <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> "You know how much I love your cock in my ass. Can we maybe do that more? You enjoy that too, right?" <<else>> "I really enjoyed it when you put your cock in my ass. I know it's big and it was hard for me at first, but I really loved it. You liked it too, right? Could we maybe do more of that?" <</if>> <</nobr>> <video src="PartX/Trophy8.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <<nobr>> Paul clearly seems more upbeat now, "Of course. If that's what you want. I <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> enjoy <<else>> enjoyed <</if>> it too. Let me know when you..." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You interrupt him mid-sentence "How about now?". Of course, he [[thinks that's a great idea|PaulWife7]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>The New Normal</h1> <video src="PartX/Trophy9.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="582"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> You struggle not orgasm as he fucks your ass. Or strugle not to almost orgasm anyway. You don't always succeed and wonder how much longer you've extended your denial. <<else>> You can usually avoid orgasming, or almost orgasming anyway, as he fucks your ass. Though you realize you've started to enjoy it more and more and holding back from orgasming has gotten more and more dificult. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Usually you can get him to finish, filling your ass with his cum, before it's too late. But sometimes it just feels too good, or he'll decide to use his hand to stroke your clit as he fucks your ass. Then you'll feel an all-to-familiar feeling of an orgasm denied, and realize you've just kept yourself like this a bit longer. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, either way, you put on a good performance for Paul. But you wonder [[how long this can continue|PaulWife8]]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectAnal>> <i>You don't know if it's your implant causing it or if it's just you, but you realize you've developed a love for anal sex.</i> <<set $PlayerSideEffectAnal to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectAnalNew to 1>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>With Paul</h1> <img src="PartX/Trophy10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"> <<unset $student>> <<set $Dropout to "Baby">> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set $tempBabyName to [[{name: "Paul Jr", sex: 'male'}, {name: "Casey", sex: 'male'}], [{name: "Emilia", sex: 'female'},{name: "Delilah", sex: 'female'}]]>> <<set $tempBaby to $tempBabyName[either(0,1)].shift()>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The baby is pretty far along now. Months ago, you'd thought you might have lost interested in sex by now, both from being so pregnant, and from the lack of orgams. But if anything, you crave it even more now. Of course Paul is just as eager, and more than willing to work out what positions work around your growing belly. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'll both have to get in all you can now though. Your doctor confirmed that for the "no sex for six weeks after delievery" rule, anal sex counts too. Though you are guessing that it'll probably be a while until you'd be up for it anyway. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But once the baby is born, you wonder if Paul will want to [[go back to regular sex again|PaulWife9]]? <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The email reminder about registering for the fall term at school came last week. Paul suggested hiring a nanny to take care of the baby while you're at school. But the more you think about it, the less you want to do that. You'd rather be spending time with the baby yourself. And do you really need to focus on getting a degree anymore, since Paul makes much more than enough for both of you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You let the school know that you won't be returning in the fall. You and Emily promise to stay in touch though. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>dropout<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Trying Again</h1> <video src="PartX/Trophy11.webm" autoplay loop muted height="582"></video> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 0>> <<unset $PregnancyCheck>> <<set $PlayerMother to 1>> <<set $children.push($tempBaby)>> <<set $tempBaby to $tempBabyName[either(0,1)].shift()>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once the six weeks were up, you and Paul decided that you didn't want to waste any time, and got right to work trying to give little <<print $children[0].name>> a brother or sister. Of course that means Paul won't be fucking your ass for a while, at least when you might be fertile. You'd almost forgotten how good his cock feels fucking you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Sometimes you try to get Paul close enough so that he'll come inside you before your body tries to orgasm, but you've mostly given up on your orgasms now. You wonder if it'd be better to stop trying to avoid orgasms entirely and just enjoy what pleasure you can. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You decide from now on that you'll leave it up to Paul to decide whether he wants to slide his cock between your wet lips, or squeeze it into your ass, you're happy either way. Well, once he puts another baby inside you that is. When it's time, you'll also let him know you are over that silly hangup you told him you had about hurting the baby from sex. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Paul's ex may have gotten her revenge, but you are still happy with your life. You love being a mother, and a wife. And you love sex with Paul, even if you know you'll be faking your orgasm in the end. If that's [[how it will be|PaulWife10]] for the rest of your life, then you think you've come to terms with that. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>mother<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>A Wonderful Surprise</h1> <video src="PartX/Trophy12.webm" autoplay loop muted height="582"></video> <<unset $ExWifeTrap>> <<set $children.push($tempBaby)>> <<unset $tempBaby>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<print $children[0].name>> is 4 years old now, and <<print $children[1].name>> is almost 3, and the two of them take up much of your and Paul's time now, and you both love it. You don't have sex as often as you used to, but you do what you can to keep things fresh between you and Paul. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The kids love it whenever Aunt Cassie is in town. You love visiting with your sister too, of course. But you also love it when she takes the kids out for day at the zoo or some other activity, because then you and Paul will have the house to yourselves for the day. You love being able to fuck anywhere you like, just like when you were newlyweds. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It'll be hours before they get back, and Cassie knows to always give you a call when they start heading home. You are enjoying the feeling of Paul inside you, as he fucks you on the living room floor. You're savoring the pleasure as it builds. You know it won't lead anywhere, but you love it anyway. Then it happens! The pleasure doesn't stop like it always does. You feel your body tense up as a wave of pleasure hit you. You'd forgotten how amazing this feels! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The effects of that gel have finally worn off and you can orgasm again! Soon you are taking every opportunity for sex that you can. Paul certainly doesn't mind your [[sudden insatiableness|PaulWife11]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Visiting Paul at Work</h1> <img src="PartX/Trophy13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="700" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Paul', vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Paul loves it when you find someone to watch the kids for a couple hours and make a surprise visit to the office. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The two of you love locking his door, and pretending like you work for him still. One time you might be trying to convince him that you deserve a raise or that big promotion, the next time you might be a naughty secretary needing to be punished after getting caught looking at porn on her office computer. Either way, he ends up fucking you with you lying on his desk or bent over it - just like old times. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He attributes your newfound insatiableness to your eagnerss for a third child. That's certainly part of it. You are't about to tell him the other two reasons. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You plan on never telling him about the years of denial you went though, and how much you want to make up for lost time now that you can orgasm again! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And the third reason relates to his ex as well. You remember what happened to her, and you plan on making sure he never thinks about straying on you. You doubt he ever would anyway, but you know he'll neither be interested in or able to bend some other assistant over his desk if he knows you might be making a visit to the office anytime. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> He has an important meeting this afternoon, so you'll save the big news for when he get's home. You're sure he'll be as excited as you are that your visits have paid off, and you're pregnant with your third child now. <</nobr>> [[The End.|GameOverPaulWife]] <<achievement>>pregnant<</achievement>><h1><<print "Game Over - Trophy Wife and Mother">></h1> <img src="PartX/GameOver1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<achievement>>paulWife<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Mistaken for a prostitute</h1> You've rented a room at a cheap hotel, at least until you can get an apartment. But you figured you should get a job first so you know where you want to work. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'd had some luck with that today, finding a [[job as a waitress|AloneWaitress]]. The pay itself isn't great, but your new boss said that the tips more than make up for it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You were right to wait on the apartment, since the job you found was across town from the area your hotel was in. You'd hate to have to have this commute every day. It's especially bad right now since it's getting late, and you don't know your way around the city yet. You don't know if the buses stopped running already, or even which one to take if you see one. So you are trying to get a cab instead. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Prison1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Most of the cabs are ignoring you. You wonder, "does the little light on top mean they are trying to find someone, or that they already have a passenger?" You guess you'll just keep trying until one of them pulls over for you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You guess guys are just more into catcalling in the city. You've had several different old, beat-up cars slow down, make lewd comments, like asking ask how much you'd charge to suck their cock, and then drive off. You are expecting another one of those when a guy in a nicer car pulls up and rolls down his window. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Looking for a ride?" he says with a hint of something, excitement maybe. You tell him you are just waiting for a cab. "Oh... of course," he responds. After a pause he adds, "Don't worry, I'm not a cop." Then he offers you a bunch of money to go back to his hotel room with him and spend the night. Of course having sex with is obviously implied. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You realize this guy, the catcallers, and maybe the cab drivers too, have been thinking you are a prostitute. You can't help but be tempted by the guys offer. It's one night, and worth several weeks of what the restaurant is going to pay you, not counting the tips at least. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But do you really want to [[whore yourself out|AloneWhore]] your first night in the city? You could just tell the guy you really are just waiting on cab, and keep trying to get one of them to pick you up. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Working the street</h1> You'd tried calling the service you used when you worked at a call girl back at college, but they don't cover this area, and didn't have any similar agency they knew of to refer you to. This is a big city though, so maybe that sort of middle-man isn't necessary. You see other girls working various corners, and seeming to get quite a bit of business. <<unset $JobCallGirl>> <<set $JobCallGirlOld to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You decide you'll do the same. You'll need to find your own clients, but you won't need to give the agency a cut anymore. You hope that extra cash will make up for the higher cost of living in the city. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Prison1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You get several groups of guys, usually in old, beat-up cars slow down, and ask suggestively ask about your prices, or boast that you'd pay them after you rode their cock. They all drive off after their catcalling. You are glad, because you wouldn't accept any of them as a client, but rejecting them would have been uncomfortable, and maybe dangerous, to handle. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Finally someone more promising pulls up, a decently dressed guy in a nice car, probably a rental, pulls up. "Looking for a ride?" he says with a hint of excitement. You lean in his window and work out the details for a night of fun back in his hotel room. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's different, handling this part of it. Before you'd just show up at their hotel and they'd already have the money ready for you. The only time you'd ever need to negotiate anything would be if they wanted extra time and you weren't already booked, or if they wanted something more they they'd originally asked for. But here, everything is up for discussion. Thankfully this guy isn't worried about haggling and took the first price you gave him. Of couse that tells you that you could have asked for more. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With the details out of the way, he starts driving you [[back to his hotel|AloneWhore]]. You rest your hand between his legs as he drives. You want to keep him excited, and you are also trying to get a gauge of what you'll be working with when you get there. <<if $AcademicProbationDenialFormer>> As you feel his large cock stiffen at your touch, you are happy that you aren't on that horrible denial anymore. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Easy Money</h1> When you get back to his hotel you see him hand a tip to the doorman, you don't see how much it was though. You hear him say, "Thanks for the tip. That was the perfect spot to find one." <<set setup.addSexRepeat(3, {sex:"male", anon:"Prostitute Client"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(3, {sex:"male", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true, anon:"Prostitute Client"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Prostitute Client"})>> <<set $JobProstitute to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You're very welcome sir," the doorman replies with a smile. "Have a fun evening. You too miss." You and the man who picked you up head to the elevator and straight up to his room. When you see how nice his room is, you realize you probably could have asked for more for tonight, and he would have paid it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't think too long about how much money you could have made, you just put the cash he gives you in your purse and then get to work earning it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Flunk23.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You spend hours fucking him in every part of his hotel suite. He's cute, and great in bed. You cum at least as many times as he does. You can hardly believe you are getting paid for this. After he's asleep, you do wonder why he's paying for it in the first place. But then you realize he's from out of town, and probably just wanted the convenience of a quick fuck, with no expectations. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wonder if you should leave now, but it's even later and he did pay "for the night" not a few hours, so you curl up next to him and fall asleep. You wake up before he does the next morning. When he starts to stir a bit, you help him finish waking up with a blowjob. His phone's alarm clock starts beeping shortly after you finish. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are getting dressed as he climbs naked from the bed. "I would offer you breakfast, but I have a flight to catch soon," he says. Then he hands you some more cash and says, "You were wonderful this evening. If I'm ever here again, I'll be sure to look for you again." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You head down to the lobby, a different doorman is there now. You thank him after he helpfully summons a cab over for you. On your ride back to your hotel room, you look at the money you made, in one night. This may not have been the job you'd intended to get when you moved to the city, but it certainly looks like you [[aren't going to have any trouble|AloneWhore2]] making ends meet. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Dangerous occupation</h1> <img src="PartX/Flunk22.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(20, {sex:"male", anon:"Prostitute Client"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", vaginal:true, pullout:true, noCondom:true, anon:"Prostitute Client"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true, anon:"Prostitute Client"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Rapist"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true, pullout:true, noCondom:true, anon:"Rapist"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Rapist"})>> <<if $JobCallGirlOld>> You don't make as much most nights as you did the first one. And none of the guys are as hot as the first one either. <<else>> You let the restaurant know you aren't going to be needing that job after all. You don't make as much most nights as you did the first one. And none of the guys are as hot as the first one either. But you make more than you would have waiting tables, so you are still happy with your decision. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Everything is going great until about your third week on the 'job'. The guy who picked you up had a decent car, and seemed ok as you haggled with him. But things take a quick turn when, instead of taking you back to his hotel like he said, he stops in an alley. You sense something is wrong and start to get out of his car, but he grabs your arm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He pulls you over the driver's seat and out the car through his door. He yanks down your dress, then rips your panties off. A moment later he's holding you down, bent over onto the warm hood of his car as you feel his dick against your drip lips trying to enter you. He spits on his hand and then strokes his a few times then plunges it into you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It hurts at first. Though, against your will, your body starts to respond by making itself wet for him. As ashamed as that makes you, when he pulls out and then shoves his cock into your ass you are glad that your body has made his cock slick. <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> "You're loving this, you fucking whore!" he says mockingly when you start to moan and then orgasm from him pounding your ass. <<else>> "Take that you fucking whore!" he says angrily as you groan as he pounds your ass. <</if>> Finally he starts to moan and then you feel him thrust a few final times, knowing he's just filled your ass with his cum. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are still in shock as he gets in his car and drives off. You realize he's just left with your purse, including all your money from the past few nights, your phone, your id, your keys, everything. You are releived that your id has an old address, but then you remember you also had some mail in your purse. You realize your rapist could come by your new apartment whenever he wants and walk right in. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wonder if you should go to the police. But would they believe you that it was rape? Or would they just harrass you for being a whore and act like he just didn't pay you enough. You decide it's not worth it. Even if they believed you, how much effort would they expend to find him? Probably not much you figure. Thankfully you don't have a lease, so you'll only forfeit a month's rent by abandoning your apartment to find a new one. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You have nothing on you now but your shoes and the torn dress on your back. You stagger back to your street as you try to figure out what to do. The only though you can think of is that you'll have to take another client or two, even now, just to get enough money to have [[somewhere safe to stay tonight|AloneWhore3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Needing protection</h1> When you head back to your corner you stand there, disheveled and trying to hold back tears, while you hope someone will pull over so you can earn enough cash for a room somewhere. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> A guy you've seen with some of the other girls many times spots you from across the street and walks over. "You look like you need some help," he starts. "My name is Marcus. Did some john do this to you?" You nod and try not to cry. "If someone did this to one of my girls, he'd be a dead man," he says seriously. "Is there someone I can call for you? Or do you need a ride home?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Flunk24.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You let him know you don't have anyone to call, and how you are afraid to go home because your rapist has your address and your keys, not to mention your phone and money. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well, I wouldn't feel right leaving you out here on the street after something like that. If you are wanting a ride and somewhere warm to sleep tonight, let me know," he tells you. "I have a place you can stay, one of my girls moved back home, so no one's in it now. And I can take you by the clinic tomorrow to take care of any other problems he might have left you with." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course you [[take him up on the offer|WhoreMarcus]]. You can tell he doesn't want anything from you, at least night tonight. And even if he did, you need someplace to stay. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Not taking any chances</h1> <<set $SoloThenMarcus to 1>> After Marcus takes you to your new room, you shower and try to feel clean again before going to bed. He returns the next morning and takes you to breakfast before taking you to the clinic. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They do tests on you and make sure you are ok. <<if $PlayerPregnant>> You also tell them you want an abortion pill. You don't want to be trying to walk the street months from now when you are eight or nine months pregnant. <<else>> You tell them not to even tell you if you are pregnant or not, you don't want to be. You just want them to give you the morning after pill, an abortion pill, or whatever it takes to be sure. <</if>> <<if $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> You know your implant's birth control is supposed to prevent it, but nothing is ever 100%, and you don't want to risk it. <</if>> They also give you some mild pain medication to deal with any discomfort you might have. You don't ask if they mean as a side effect of the pill they gave you or from the trauma of last night. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartP/Emergency.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <br> You find out later that they weren't familiar with your implant. They didn't know to warn you that the pill they gave you would confuse your implant and make it think you were pregnant, making your change permanent. You decide it didn't matter anyway. If you had been pregnant, your change was already permanent anyway. And even if not, it's not like you were ever going back to your old body anyway. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After the clinic, Marcus takes you to get some groceries and takes you back to your room. He gives you a little cash as well. He tells you that you can pay him back later. "Take a week off to recover, and try to forget about last night. If you're up to it, then [[next weekend|Whore3]] you can start working again. I'll be protecting you now, so nothing like that will ever happen again." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Working as a waitress</h1> <img src="PartX/Prison2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<set $JobWaitress to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You start your new job as a waitress. The tips are nice, though not as good at your boss had led you to believe. Money is a lot tighter than you expected though. The part of town your restuarant is in is more expensive than where your cheap hotel room is. But then again, you also haven't seen any rats in your new apartment yet, so it's probably worth the extra money. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your job can be stressful at times. But thankfully, after closing, you and your coworkers [[really know how to forget|AloneWaitress2]] about the stresses of the evening. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Afterwork hookups</h1> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(20, {sex:"male", anon:"Restuarant Coworker"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(20, {sex:"male", anon:"Restuarant Coworker", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"female", anon:"Restuarant Coworker"})>> Sometimes you all go out for drinks after work, and then pair off to head home. Well usually it's in pairs, sometimes there's other combinations as well. But, with a few exceptions, it's not the same people pairing off every time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Sometimes you head home with a cook, sometimes it's another waitress. Sometimes you don't even feel like going out drinking after work. Though even those nights you can usually find time for a quick fuck with the dishwasher over a stack of dirty dishes before you head home. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Prison8.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> All the fun helps you forget about a tiring shift or your stressful money situaton. Maybe going out for drinks doesn't help with your money troubles, but it does help you take your mind off of them for a little while. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Maybe getting your own place was a bad idea. A lot of the others seem to have roommates to share the costs with. Maybe that's the only way you can make ends meet here on a waitress's pay. It's too late now though, you've got most a year lease left on a small one bedroom, so any roommate will have to wait until that's up. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After your dishwasher friend pulls out of you and gets back to work cleaning up the rest of the evenings dishes, you head home. You go to bed still wondering how you are going to make [[this month's rent payment|AloneLandlord]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Eviction Notice</h1> You know you were behind on your rent, but you thought you had more time. The last several times you've been late your landlord didn't do anything like this. But this time he shows up at your door serving you with an eviction notice. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Prison3a.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You try to tell him you you're working and just got paid today, and you can pay him part of it now and the rest in two weeks. But he tells you need to pay in full within 7 days to avoid eviction. There's no way you'll be able to do that. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "A week isn't long enough to find someplace new, especially since I don't have a deposit. And I don't want to be homeless!" You beg. "Please, can we [[sit down and talk|AloneLandlord2]] about at least giving me a little more time to move?" <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Negotiating for more time</h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Landlord"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You try to convince him, but he's not budging from the 7 day deadline. The only thing he offers is to not charge you for the current, partial month and refund your deposit if you move out, with the apartment in good condition, before the 7 days, and he doesn't have to get the sherrif there. You are thinking that's the best deal you are going to get, until you notice how he's looking at you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Prison3b.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You realize you might have a different way to get more time. You get down on your knees to 'beg', and put your hand on his thighs. "Are you sure there's nothing I could do to convince you to give me more time?" you ask. His stiffening cock answers for him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He doesn't object as you unzip his pants and pull out his cock. After you started to suck his cock you ask, "Certainly this is enough to persuade you to give me two more weeks to catch up." You know he doesn't want you to stop, so he quickly agrees to the extension. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are relieved as you continue to suck his cock. After a moment he says, "But, I have an idea for a [[longer-term arrangement|AloneLandlord3]] you might like even more." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Lower rent arrangement</h1> "Would you like me to forget about half of this months rent, and the eviction?" he asks you. You don't ask for clarification, you know what he wants and quickly start stripping the rest of his clothes as he does the same to yours. <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Landlord", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Landlord"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Landlord", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(24, {sex:"male", name:"Landlord"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(24, {sex:"male", name:"Landlord", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Prison3c.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He ends up leaving an hour later with a smile on his face and half the money you'd offered to pay him at the door. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Now you'll be paying him half of what the rent was. You'll actually be able to afford the place now. And so you don't have any more budget troubles he'll take it in payments every other week when you get paid. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, he'll be coming by at least once a week anyway for the other part of your arrangement. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The deal is perfect now that you are single. You wonder what you'll do whenever you [[start dating|AloneBroke]] someone. You'll either have to stop and go back to paying your full rent, or figure out a way to hide the arrangment. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Fucking Emilio</h1> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name:"Emilio"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", anon:"Gang Member"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Landlord"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Landlord", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(30, {sex:"male", name:"Emilio", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Gang Member", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Landlord"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Landlord", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> You'd met Emilio at a club. He was there with a bunch of his friends. They were all at a table and spending tons of money. He invited you over to join them, and you drank for free the rest of the night and left the club with Emilio. <<set setup.makeFWB("Emilio")>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He's hot, and a great fuck. If he wanted a girlfriend, you'd love for it to be you, even when he tells you about some of the illegal activities that help him earn all the money his friends and him are usually spending. But you are also happy just being his most frequent fuck buddy. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Prison4.webm" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He's not jealous, in fact he's shared you with some of the other guys in his gang. Your favorite is when Emilio and one of them fuck you from either end at the same time. But even though he isn't posessive of you, you are a bit embarrassed and don't want to tell him about your arrangement with your landlord. Still, one night when he asks "How do you afford this place on a waitress's pay?" you tell him the truth. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He can tell you feel ashamed about your revelation. "Well, if you want to make much, much more than you do as a waitress, our 'organization', has a job I think you'd be great at," he suggests. After you tell him how interested you are he gives you a little warning. "There is a [[bit of an initiation|AloneGang]] you'll have go through if you want to join us. But I'm pretty sure you'll love it. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Gang Initiation</h1> "Of course, I know you aren't a cop, but the rest of the guys don't know you like i do," Emilio tells you. "But after your initiation, they'll all trust you like I do." <<set setup.makeFWB("Gang")>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Landlord"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Landlord", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", anon:"Gang Member"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", anon:"Gang Member", vaginal:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Prison5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They are convinced their "initiation" is something an undercover cop would never be willing to do. Maybe they are right. Maybe they just want a good time. Probably both. They film you as you suck one cock after another. They take turns holding the phone they are filming it all. By the time you've sucked every cock, you are covered in their cum, and they are ready for more. And so are you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When the night's fun is over, cum is dripping out of your pussy and ass, and off every part of you body. And more importantly, you're officially a member of the gang now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They let you shower and rest tonight, and wait until tomorrow to discuss [[your first task|AloneMule]] for the 'organization'. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Nothing to hide</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/Prison9.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> </div> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Gang Member"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Gang Member", vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Gang Member"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Gang Member", vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Gang Member"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Gang Member", vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Landlord"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Landlord", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<unset $JobWaitress>> <<set $JobDrugMule to 1>> Your job is going to be to smuggle drugs across the border for the gang. They have you wear something tight and sexy to make it clear you don't have anywhere you could be hiding anything. Well, nowhere on the outside. Your pussy and ass are stuffed almost as full as they were at your initiation. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The guys expect the guards will be too busy thinking about fucking you to realize you're full of thousands of dollars in illegal drugs. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are supposed to act nervous if they want to search your luggage. All the 'contraband' they will find there though is a <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> vibrator you can't even use, <<else>> vibrator, <</if>> a blindfold, gag, and bondage cuffs. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't have to fake blushing when they 'discover' your secret. You just have to think back to that morning when you were wearing it all as your gang's foreign friends drove you to their headquarters and remember the pounding they gave you just before they started to load you with their product. It doesn't take long until your cheeks are bright red. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Prison10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You make it home without any trouble at all. Once the guys unload you, they fill you with something much more fun. But after that they give you your pay. You leave with a big smile and big wad of cash. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You hurry home to shower, since you are expecting your landlord to stop by this evening. Of course you could stop fucking him now and easily afford to pay full price for your apartment. But why would you? <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't have another trip planned for a bit, but you quit your waitress job and are always available if the guys [[need your help|AloneGang2]] with anything else. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Part of the gang</h1> The gang has other work for you to do to earn for the gang and yourself between your cross-border trips Sometimes it's just cleaning up around the warehouse they use as a headquarters. Other times it's picking up payments from the more cooperative of the business owners that pay them for 'protection'. <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Business Owner"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Business Owner", vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Business Owner"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Business Owner", vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Business Owner"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Business Owner", vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(50, {sex:"male", anon:"Gang Member", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(50, {sex:"male", anon:"Gang Member", vaginal:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Landlord"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Landlord", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The smart ones know they can pay you and they get a smile and a thank you. They might get much more if they're cute or if you're feeling horny that day, and definitely if both are true. The not so smart ones tell you to fuck off, and they can expect a visit from Emilio or one of the other guys soon instead. Those visits are guaranteed not to be as fun for them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are also expected to be freely available if any of the guys in the gang are needing to blow off some steam. They know your body is theirs to use. They don't even need to ask. If one of them is feeling the need, he knows he can just bend you over the desk and take you right there. Or if it's been a long night he can pull down his pants, lie back, and let you do all the work. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Prison12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> More often than not when one of them starts fucking you, whoever else is around gets turned on watching or hearing it, and is soon waiting to take his turn. Or not waiting and joining in. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You also usually join them when they [[head to the club|AloneGang3]] where you'd first met Emilio. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>The gang's table at the club</h1> At least some of the guys are at the club most nights, and they always have the same table. You join them as often as you can. <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", anon:"Club Waitress"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", anon:"Club Bartender", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(50, {sex:"male", anon:"Gang Member", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", anon:"Club Bartender", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex:"male", anon:"Club Bartender", vaginal:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(50, {sex:"male", anon:"Gang Member", vaginal:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", anon:"Club Waitress"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Landlord"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Landlord", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Prison13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With as much as the guys spend there, the club owner and staff will look the other way if they happen do see one of the guys slide their hand under your skirt, or see you disappear beneath the table and a smile suddenly appear on the face of one of the guys. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Though before things get to heated, they usually offer you the use of their office in back. After the guys have had their fun, they head back out into the club again. Some nights you do to, but usually not. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Like many other nights, and you don't want the fun to end just yet. Especially not since tonight's your last night for a week or so. You have [[another trip planned|AloneMule2]] for this weekend. Business must really be booming because you've been on quite a few lately. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> So tonight you stay in the office a while longer. The guys send back the club owner, the bartender, your waitress, and you don't know who else. You're pretty sure the club staff will be just as accommodating, if not more so the next time you and the guys push things a bit too far. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Body cavity search</h1> Your trip had been going great. You had a fun few days just enjoying a few tourist sites. Then a really fun afternoon having your gang's contacts fill your body. Of course when they were using their cocks instead of sealed bags of drugs, it was much more enjoyable. Then you headed to the airport for your flight. <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Gang Member"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Gang Member", vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Gang Member"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Gang Member", vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Gang Member"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Gang Member", vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You made it out of their country, and onto your flight. Your problems didn't start until you arrived back home and tried to cross the border back into the country. It wasn't your first time getting extra screening, and you were already getting ready for the act when they discover the 'toys' in your luggage. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But today they tell you they are going to do a cavity search as well. Both of the agents checking your bags were guys. There's supposed to be a woman doing the search instead. You are thinking they think you are hot and want to see you naked. And you are thinking they saw your bag contents and are assuming you're a slut will be willing and eager, or at least willing, to let them fuck you once you are naked and alone with them. They aren't completely wrong. If it wasn't for all the drugs up there already, you'd certainly fuck them to get out of the situation. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You could protest and depand a female agent. But at best buy you a few extra minutes while they called one over from another area. You're sure you wouldn't be left unattended while you waited either, so the extra time would be of no help. And getting her there would spoil any chance to talk your way out of the situation. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you are alone in the room they tell you to strip. You start removing your clothes suggestively instead of just taking them off. "I wouldn't mind letting you guys probe me all over normally. But I'm on my period right now," you tell them. You open your mouth and say, "I might have a cavity here though, if you want to probe there." You insert a finger into your mouth, wrap your lips around it and slowly pull it back out. "And maybe we can meet up for the rest in a few days?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Prison6.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They aren't going for any of it. And soon they have you naked and bent over a table, which is far less fun this time than it normally is. A gloved hand pulls the clean pad off of you and drops it in a tray. Then he stretches you open and starts probing inside. It isn't long before he's pulling out the first bag. "Bingo!" he says to his partner. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> By the time they are finished, their hands, not to mention their little flashlight and scope thing, have been deep inside you front and back. They even checked around your mouth and gums just to be thorough. Every bit of what was inside you is now on the tray on the table in front of you. As they each item in an evidence bag and label it they tell you that you never had any chance of flirting your way out of this. Your passport had been flagged because of all your short visits to suspicious countries. You were getting a cavity inspection no matter what you had try to say. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I wouldn't worry your pretty little head about it to much," one of them tells you. It's not the mules like you they are really after. It's the guys at the top they want. I'm sure [[the government will offer you a deal|AloneArrested]] if you give them what they want." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Talking with your attorney</h1> <<unset $JobDrugMule>> <<set $JobDrugTrafficker to "an alleged">> <<set setup.breakupWith("Gang")>> <<set setup.breakupWith("Emilio")>> <img src="PartX/Prison7.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> You are charged with one count of drug trafficking, as well as a lesser, related crimes. Your lawyer say the government is sure your other trips were also for trafficking, but they have no evidence to prove it, hence just the one count. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He tells you that your only change of winning if [[this goes to trial|AtTrial]] is if he can get the judge to rule that your search was improper, since they were male agents instead of female agents. If he excluded the drugs you'd been carrying from evidence, then there's no evidence at all. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Given the quantity involved, if you lose at trial you are facing up to 40 years for the trafficking, plus a few additional years for the rest," your lawyer tells you. He sees the panicked look on your face and continues, "But that's just the maximum sentence. Since this is your first offense, the judge hopefully wouldn't go that high, but there are no guarantees on that." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "The prosecution is [[offering a plea deal|Guilty]]. You plead guilty to the trafficking charge, they'll drop the other charges. They will recommend 20 years to the judge." He can tell you aren't happy with this offer either. "You'll be eligible and likely to get parole in 10 years. You could be walking free again, by the time you are 30. I know you don't like it, but this is probably your safest choice." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Is the best they'll give me?" You ask. "From what some of other girls I was talking to in jail said, I was expecting half that long from a deal. I was hoping they were going to offer 10 years, getting out in 5." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well, that was the other part I was about to explain. They might offer less if it were just you, on your own," he tells you. "But they know about your gang affiliation, and that you had personal... relationships, with many of the suppliers. What they are really hoping for is for you to [[provide evidence for them|WitnessPretrial]]. And they are threatening more jail time to get you to cooperate. They'd much rather go after the men that run your gang, and their international suppliers." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I know how close you are to your fellow gang members, so I though you might be reluctant to take their deal," he tells you. You suspect the fact that he also represents some of the other guys from the gang as well might also have been part of his reluctance to mention this option. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Awaiting Trial</h1> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> <img src="PartX/Prison41.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<else>> <img src="PartX/Prison40.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <</if>> <<unset $JobDrugTrafficker>> <<set $JobWitness to 1>> Once you decide to testify for the government against your fellow gang members they, take you out of jail and put you in protective custody. You spend the next several months at some generic hotel at the government's expense. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You aren't allowed to leave except when they take you to meet with the prosecutor. Other than that you are essentially under house arrest, for your own safety. Still, it's far better than being in jail. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'd gotten used to having sex all the time when you were with the gang, and now there's nothing. You'd tried to get one, or two of the agents who watch over you to fuck you. Or even all four when they are together for a shift change. But none of them would. You can tell they want to, but they say it would "compromise the case", and refuse. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You think you <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> are going to go insane, until you come up with a [[plan that you and your minders like|WitnessPretrial2Pizza]]. <<else>> would go insane if you [[couldn't take care of the problem yourself|WitnessPretrial2Self]] <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> Eventually the trial of several of your former associates arrives and it's [[time for you to testify|Testify]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Taking matters into your own hands</h1> You don't have any privacy. The only time you are ever alone in the hotel room is when you are in the bathroom. At first you try masturbating in the shower. But the hot water doesn't last long, and you can rarely get off before it starts to turn cold and uncomfortable. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After a while with no orgasm, you decide you don't care about the lack of privacy. <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>>Actually, the thought of them watching you makes you even hornier.<</if>> You'll just take care of things right there on your bed, like any other woman could. What are they going to do, hold your hands down to stop you? <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Prison42.webm" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Actually, you imagine them doing exactly that. You imagine them letting you get close to your orgasm, but then one of your minders grab your hands and holds them down over your head. You imagine how much you'd buck your hips up and beg him to to fuck you, or to at least let you finish. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> In your fantasy, he doesn't though. Instead he holds you there while his partner jerks off. You have to watch as his hard cock throbs in his hand and precum leaks from the tip. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/Prison43.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="300"></video><br> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You imagine leaning up eager for a taste, but you are held firm to the bed and can't reach it. He keeps stroking as you continue begging for him to put it inside you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He doesn't, instead he keeps stroking until you can tell he's about to cum. You open your mouth and beg for his cum. He sprays it across your stomach and chest instead. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> In your fantasy you would have had them switch places and continue the teasing, but that wasn't necessary. You came just as you imagined his cum starting to cover you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you regain your senses you see your minders staring. One of them has a raging erection trying to tear through his well ironed pants. The other has his clipboard in front of him, presumably hiding a similar problem. "Oh, I'm sorry," you say not really meaning it. "Was I doing all that begging outloud?" You don't actually feel bad for them. You did offer to let them have fun too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[WitnessPretrial2Common]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Ordering Delivery</h1> The agents won't fuck you, and you can't get yourself off. Thankfully they let you find another solution. They like ordering food for delivery. And when you get horny enough, they don't stop you from persuading your delivery guy to come into the bathroom with you. <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Pizza Delivery Guy", vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Chinese Food Delivery Guy", vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Restaurant Delivery Guy", vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Pizza Delivery Guy", vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Chinese Food Delivery Guy", vaginal: true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Restaurant Delivery Guy", vaginal: true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Prison44.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Sometimes they ask about the two guys out in the bedroom. You just tell them they are a couple gay friends of yours, and they don't usually ask anything else. It's not like they really care. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The agents make sure to switch up the restaurant or deliver services they use, so they all think you are just a girl and her friends staying there for a night, not someone there long term. You also think they enjoy the variety of restuarnts to order from. You also enjoy the variety you get. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[WitnessPretrial2Common]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Testifying in court</h1> You wait in a waiting room the prosecutor had for you, and then on a bench outside the court when it's almost your turn. When the prosecutor calls you as a witness one of the agents has you head into the courtroom. After you are sworn in, you take a seat on the witness chair. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Prison46.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300" align="left"> <img src="PartX/Prison45.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'd already gone over your testimony many times with the prosecutor, so he knows how you are going to answer question. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You tell him how Emilio recruited you into the gang. Thankfully he doesn't go into the initiation process. You tell about being sent to other countries by the gang, having drug stuffed inside you and then smuggling them across the border. About the gang members removing it, weighing it, and taking it away to be cut up and packaged. You discuss each of the countries you visited, not just the one you were caught returning from. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You name individual members of your gang that you recall handling drugs, giving you plane tickets, or explaining how to successfully smuggle across the border. For example, things like what medicines to take and other steps to avoid any problems with the drugs stuffed in your ass. As you name each one the prosecutor has you point to them as well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They'd only found a few small traces of drugs at warehouse when they raided it. Far, far more had been inside you when you were arrested. The gang had moved the rest of their product long before the government showed up with a search warrant. So your testimony is the most important piece of evidence the prosecution has. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your testimony went exactly as discussed, and the prosecutor is happy as he finishes with you and the defendants lawyer gets up to [[cross-exam you|Crossexamination]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Cross-examination</h1> The gang's lawyer starts with some basic questions, but quickly turns to some you'd rather not answer: <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <blockquote> Q: You were arrested in posession of a large quantity of narcotics, correct?<br> A: Yes.<br> <br> Q: Did you make a deal with the prosecutor to avoid going to prison for your crime?<br> (He already knows the answer, he just wants the jury to hear it.)<br> A: Yes.<br> </blockquote> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He then asks you more questions about your deal, about how you'll just get probation even though you could have been facing decades in prison. He does his best to imply that you'd say anything to get out of being punished for your crime. Then he returns to your arrest. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <blockquote> Q: And where did you hide these drugs you were arrested with?<br> A: Inside my body.<br> Q: Can you be more specific?<br> A: Inside my as... rectum, and pu... vagina.<br> Q: That much, fit in there?<br> Prosecutor: Objection, your honor!<br> Defense: Withdrawn<br> <br> Q: And which of the defendants do you claim placed this substational quantity<br> of narcotics into your rectum and vagina?<br> A: None of them, it was... </blockquote> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He cuts you off after getting the answer he wanted, and the goes back into other questions. After a bit his questions turn personal again: <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <blockquote> Q: You claim that Mr. Garcia (he gestures towards Emilio) 'recruited' you, is that correct?<br> A: Yes.<br> <br> Q: Is it true that you and Mr. Garcia met in a nightclub, and had been in a sexual relationship?<br> (The prosecutor said you should not lie, and that you couldn't refuse to answer any questions, so you answer.)<br> A: Yes<br> <br> Q: After your relationship begin, were you aware that Mr. Garcia was also intimate with other women?<br> A: Yes.<br> <br> Q: Did that upset you. Let me remind you that you are under oath.<br> A: I don't know, maybe a little.<br> Q: Just a little? Didn't you on more than one occasion tell him you wish you wanted an exclusive relationship.<br> (You know you've said how you "wanted him all to yourself" during or after sex, which counts I guess)<br> A: I guess I did, yes.<br> <br> Q: So, isn't it possible that when you were arrested, you decided to implicate Mr. Garcia because he'd not been<br> faithful with you and to keep from going to jail.<br> A: No, that's not true!<br> <br> Q: But you were arrested for narcotics trafficking?<br> A: Yes.<br> Q: And are avoiding prison by testifying against Mr. Garcia?<br> A: Yes.<br> Q: And he slept with other women besides you?<br> A: Yes, but that's...<br> </blockquote> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He cuts you off again and goes on to another [[line of questioning|Crossexamination2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $tempCrossexamSex == 1>> (You realize he's going to use stories you'd told Emilio against you.)<br> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $tempCrossexamSex == 1>> Prosecutor: Objection! Relevance?<br> (The two attorneys are called to the judge's bench. When they return the judge instructs you to answer.)<br> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>More cross-examination</h1> The gang's lawyer continues questioning you: <<set $tempCrossexamSex to 0>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.haveFucked("Coach")>> <!-- don't think this can currently happen since wouldn't have flunked out, keeping in case later path to criminal --> <<set $tempCrossexamSex += 1>> <blockquote> Q: When you started at univesity, you had tried out for some sort of athletics, correct?<br> <<include [[CrossStoryPassage]]>> A: Yes.<br> Q: You were initially rejected, were you not?<br> A: I was.<br> Q: But then the coach reconsidered and you were later accepted, correct?<br> A: Yes.<br> Q: Between when you were rejected and when you were accepted, did you have intercourse with one or more of the coaches?<br> <<include [[CrossObjectPassage]]>> A: Yes. </blockquote> <br> <video src="Part3/JobAthlete2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <</if>> <br> <<if setup.haveFucked("Police Officer")>> <<set $tempCrossexamSex += 1>> <blockquote> Q: Last year, on your way home to your parents, were you pulled over for speeding?<br> <<include [[CrossStoryPassage]]>> A: Yes.<br> Q: And did you receive a citation?<br> A: No.<br> Q: Why not?<br> A: I was let off with a warning.<br> Q: Prior to being let off with a warning, did you not have <<if setup.haveFuckedVaginal("Police Officer")>> intercourse with the officer in his patrol car?<br> <<else>> sexual relations with multiple police officers?<br> <</if>> <<include [[CrossObjectPassage]]>> A: Yes. <<set $tempCrossexamSex += 1>><!-- cop encounter counts double --> </blockquote> <br> <<if setup.haveFuckedVaginal("Police Officer")>> <video src="Part8/Road5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> <<else>> <img src="Part8/Road8.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <</if>> <</if>> <br> <<if setup.haveFucked("Aaron")>> <<set $tempCrossexamSex += 1>> <!-- don't think this can currently happen since wouldn't have flunked out, keeping in case later path to criminal --> <blockquote> Q: Your first semester at university, weren't you expecting to fail at least one of your classes?<br> <<include [[CrossStoryPassage]]>> A: Yes. I thought I was going to.<br> Q: But you did not fail that class, did you.<br> A: No.<br> Q: Why is that?<br> A: I worked with my professor to get caught back up.<br> Q: Did "working with your professor" involve performing oral sex?<br> <<include [[CrossObjectPassage]]>> A: Yes. </blockquote> <br> <img src="Part6/Professor4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <</if>> <br> <<if setup.haveFucked("Club Bouncer")>> <<set $tempCrossexamSex += 1>> <blockquote> Q: How old are you again?<br> A: I just turned 20.<br> Q: So you are not of legal drinking age?<br> A: No.<br> Q: But you claim to have met Mr. Garcia while you were out for drinks and dancing, correct?"<br> A: Yes.<br> Q: How is that.<br> A: I had a fake ID.<br> Q: What about last year, when you first visited the bar near your former university, did you use a fake ID then?<br> <<include [[CrossStoryPassage]]>> A: No.<br> Q: How did you get in then?<br> A: I told the bouncer I was 21 and had lost my id.<br> Q: So you lied?<br> A: Yes.<br> Q: Did you also perform oral sex on him to convince him to accept your lie?<br> <<include [[CrossObjectPassage]]>> A: Yes. </blockquote> <br> <img src="Part6/Club3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <</if>> <br> <<if setup.haveFucked("Mechanic")>> <<set $tempCrossexamSex += 1>> <blockquote> Q: Do you recall your trip back to your parents for winter break last year?<br> A: Yes.<br> Q: Did your car have mechanical problem?<br> <<include [[CrossStoryPassage]]>> A: Yes.<br> Q: Do you recall how much those repairs cost?<br> A: No, not really. That was a while ago.<br> Q: Do you recall that the original price quoted to you was several hundred dollars more than the price you paid?<br> A: Yes.<br> Q: Why is that?<br> A: I was able to negotiate a better price from the mechanic.<br> Q: Did your 'negotiation' involve performing oral sex on him?<br> <<include [[CrossObjectPassage]]>> A: Yes.<br> </blockquote> <br> <img src="Part8/Return7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <</if>> <br> <<set $tempCrossexamSex += 1>> <blockquote> Q: Back to your arrest. Your body cavity search, it was conducted by male border agents, was it not?<br> A: Yes.<br> Q: Same sex agents are standard procedure though?<br> Prosecutor: Objection! Witness is not an expert on border procedures.<br> Defense: Withdrawn<br> Q: Did you object to the use of male agents or request female agents?<br> A: No.<br> Q: Is that because you thought you could use the promise of sex as a tool to get them to abandon their search?<br> <<include [[CrossObjectPassage]]>> A: No. I just figured it didn't matter.<br> </blockquote> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He then requests playing the video of your search for the jury. The prosecutor requests it be audio only, but that request is denied and someone starts playing the video. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Prison6.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You feel humliated as the jury watches you do a bit of striptease for the agents when told to remove your clothing. You then hear yourself implying you'd have sex with them later, or suck their cocks now, if they skipped the search, claiming you were on your period. And you cringe when you watch yourself simulate sucking on your finger as if it were a cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The video stops and the defense counsel has a few more questions for you: <blockquote> Q: So did you or did you not try to use sex as a too to get the agents to abandon their search.<br> A: I guess I did.<br> Q: Why?<br> A: I was scared. I would have done anything to avoid getting arrested.<br> Q: And do you expect the jury to believe that you weren't also scared when you found out how many years in prison<br> you could get for your crime? And that you wouldn't have done anything to avoid that as well?<br> Prosecutor: Objection! Argumentative.<br> Defense: Withdrawn<br> </blockquote> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> That's his last question. The prosecutor returns to ask you a few more questions to try to clean up the holes the defense put in your testimony, but you aren't sure how successful he was. You leave the courtroom and one of the agents takes you back to another room to wait. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> At the end of the day, the prosecutor comes by and thanks you for doing your best and says that he hopes it was enough. The agents then take you back to the hotel to wait for the trial to finish and [[find out what the verdict is|Verdict]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>After the trial</h1> <<if $tempCrossexamSex > 4 or ($tempCrossexamSex == 4 and either(0,0,0,0,0,0,1)==0)>> <<set $GangNotGuilty to 1>> <<unset $JobWitness>> <img src="PartX/Prison47.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"><br> The trial finally concludes, and the jury comes back with NOT GUILTY for all the major trafficking charges. <br><br> "I know you did your best," the prosecutor tells you. "So we will honor the plea agreement you made. It's not your fault that... Well, it's not due to your lack of cooperation anyway, that we lost the case." <br><br> When you ask him what that means, he explains, "Opposing counsel tried to make it look like you were scared and trying to avoid prison. That part isn't entirely wrong. And that you are angry and trying to get back at your ex, and that you had a pattern of using sex as a tool or weapon to get what you want. He implied that you weren't honest and couldn't be trusted." <br><br> "And the jury believed it," he adds. "At least enough for reasonable doubt. So they only came back with convictions for what we had other evidence to support." <br><br> "It was going to be an uphill fight as soon as the warehouse search turned up almost nothing. We'd hoped at least some of the ones you'd gave evidence for would turn and give evidence for the others are someone higher up, but none did. I guess theit lawyer convinced them how weak our case was, and they gambled right." <br><br> "Someone will be by tomorrow to [[discuss finding you a new identity|WitnessProtectionProblem]] and a new home, so we can keep you safe from any reprisals they might want to make. <<else>> <<set $GangGuilty to 1>> <img src="PartX/Prison48.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"><br> The trial finally concludes, and the jury comes back with GUILTY for all the major trafficking charges. The only convictions were for a few minor posession charges for things found during the search at the warehouse. <br><br> "You did your best and it paid off," the prosecutor tells you. "you've earned that plea agreement we made. <<if $tempCrossexamSex >= 3>> made. Thankfully the jury didn't by the accusations opposing counsel made against you." <br><br> You ask him what he means and he explains, "Opposing counsel tried to make it look like you were scared and trying to avoid prison. That part isn't entirely wrong. And that you are angry and trying to get back at your ex, and that you had a pattern of using sex as a tool or weapon to get what you want. He implied that you weren't honest and couldn't be trusted. But the jury didn't buy it." <<else>> made." <</if>> <br><br> "You did what you could," he says with a smile. "But some of the guys we just convicted are in touch with people higher in the organization. We're confident we can get some of them turn to avoid the setences they are facing. Even if not, it's still a big win with all of the convictions today." <br><br> "Someone will be by tomorrow to <<if $PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> [[discuss finding you a new identity|Suburbs]] <<else>> [[discuss finding you a new identity|WitnessProtectionReset]] <</if>> and a new home, so we can keep you safe from any reprisals they might want to make. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Discussing your new identity</h1> <img src="PartX/Prison49.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"><br> <<set $PregnancyCheck = setup.checkForNewPregnancy('home pregnancy test - witness protection', 0)>> <<if $PregnancyCheck and $PregnancyCheck.isPregnant>> When discussing your new identity, the agent suggests having the X-Change people trigger a "reset" to change your appearance. <br><br> <img src="PartP/PregTest7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="150" align="left"><br> You cut him off there, and let him know about the pregnancy test you took, and the visit to the clinic your agents took you to so you could deal with it.. He's relieved to find out that none of the agents were involved in the conception, and doesn't care about the rest of the details. "Ok, it wasn't necessary, just a bit safer is all. We'll proceed with the [[rest of your relocation plan|Suburbs]] we have for you." <<set $PlayerPregnant to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <<set $PlayerAbortion to 1>> <<unset $PregnancyCheck>> <<achievement>>pregnant+childfree<</achievement>> <<else>> <<set $WitnessReset to 1>> Since your change isn't permanent yet, we have an option, it's just a bit different with you. Now, changing back to your old self, isn't an option. We could likely get the X-Change Corporation to waive the four year term on your implant, but the gang already knows what you used to look like, so that wouldn't be helpful." <br><br> He continues, "when I spoke to the X-Change people though, they had another option. They could [[trigger a 'reset'|WitnessReset]] of some sort on your implant. It would cause your body to change to a different body type entirely, your face would change too. Still it's your DNA or however it works, so it will be somewhat similar, but it would be different enough you wouldn't be recognized." <br><br> He looks down at his notes. "They said it has some risks of side effects, and would be permanent. Another reset or changing back wouldn't be possible. Though it still sounds like your safest choice by far. But if you really want to risk one of the other options..." <br><br> You cut him off and tell him you don't need to hear the other options. This one sounds at lot safer than hiding out somewhere in your current face. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Witness protection problems</h1> <img src="PartX/Prison49.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"><br> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> <<set $PregnancyCheck = setup.checkForNewPregnancy('home pregnancy test - witness protection', 0)>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The witness relocation person comes by the next day. He tells you, "normally, in a case of this level, we have a relatively small level of funds for relocation. We generally provide an X-Change Plus pill to the witness, and they can disappear as an entirely new person. Some object to changing their gender and we try to provide other options within the budget. Thankfully the gang knows you aren't in contact with your family, so your family isn't likely in any danger." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Of course, in your case, since you are already changed with X-Change just taking a pill isn't an option. <<if $PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> And changing back or changing again isn't an option, since your change is already permanent. So we will have to try one of the other options. <<elseif $PregnancyCheck and $PregnancyCheck.isPregnant>> Since your change isn't permanent yet..." <br><br> <img src="PartP/PregTest7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="150" align="left"><br> You cut him off there, and let him know about the pregnancy test you took, and the visit to the clinic your agents took you to so you could deal with it.. He's relieved to find out that none of the agents were involved in the conception, and doesn't care about the rest of the details. "Ok, well then I guess we will have to try one of the other options then." <<set $PlayerPregnant to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <<set $PlayerAbortion to 1>> <<unset $PregnancyCheck>> <<achievement>>pregnant+childfree<</achievement>> <<else>> Since your change isn't permanent yet, we have an option, it's just a bit different with you. Now, changing back to your old self, isn't an option. We could likely get the X-Change Corporation to waive the four year term on your implant, but the gang already knows what you used to look like, so that wouldn't be helpful." <br><br> He continues, "when I spoke to the X-Change people though, they had another option. They could [[trigger a 'reset'|WitnessReset]] of some sort on your implant. It would cause your body to change to a different body type entirely, your face would change too. Still it's your DNA or however it works, so it will be somewhat similar, but it would be different enough you wouldn't be recognized." <br><br> He looks down at his notes. "They said it has some risks of side effects, and would be permanent. Another reset or changing back wouldn't be possible. Though it still sounds like your safest choice by far. But if you really want to risk one of the other options..." <br><br> You cut him off and tell him you don't need to hear the other options. This one sounds at lot safer than hiding out somewhere in your current face. <</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> <<set $tempNewNames to setup.getPopularNames().filter((name)=>{return name!==$playerName})>> <<set $playerName to setup.pickRandomName($tempNewNames)>> <br><br> For the other options, we could help you get started somewhere new. First and last months rent, security deposit, a little cash, and helping you find a job. <br><br> We can either do it at a [[city several states away|WitnessCity]], or we could provide you with a [[rural cabin|WitnessCabin]] we have. Don't worry, the cabin has been completely and professionally cleaned since it's previous use. <br><br> Of course, either way we'll set you up with documentation for your new name, $playerName. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<set $WitnessReset to 1>> <<set $tempNewNames to setup.getPopularNames().filter((name)=>{return name!==$playerName})>> <<set $playerName to setup.pickRandomName($tempNewNames)>> <<if $BodyType == 'Standard'>> <<set $BodyType to 'Petite'>> <<else>> <<set $BodyType to 'Petite'>> <</if>> <h1>Your new identity</h1> <<if $BodyType == 'Plus'>> <img src="Part1/BodyCurvy1.jpg" align="left" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <img src="Part1/BodyCurvy2.jpg" align="right" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<elseif $BodyType == 'Petite'>> <img src="Part1/BodyPetite1.jpg" align="left" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <img src="Part1/BodyPetite2.jpg" align="right" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<elseif $BodyType == 'Fit'>> <img src="Part1/BodyFit.jpg" align="left" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<else>> <img src="Part1/BodyStandard1.jpg" align="left" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <img src="Part1/BodyStandard2.jpg" align="right" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</if>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Congratulations, $playerName on your beautiful new body," the X-Change technician says after you change. Him using your new name throws you for a moment, but you'd better get used to it since that's who you are from now on. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "So as we said before, this change is permanent, as are the side effects that resulted from this 'reset'," the technician tells you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "First, <<if $PlayerProtectionPermanent or $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPermanent>> <<set $PlayerProtectionPill to 1>> your implant's birth control feature is no longer active. We can send you home with a supply of birth control pills instead. You should use condoms the first month to be safe though. Next, you'll <<else>> You'll <</if>> probably find that you are more submissive than you once were. But a slut like you will probably like that, won't you?" <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive += 1>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive to 2>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes sir, thank you sir," you say instinctively. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Just verifying," he says checking something on his tablet. "Definitely more submissive. And finally, you'll likely find that your libido is increased, even compared to what it was previously." <<if $PlayerSideEffectLibido>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectLibido += 1>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectLibido to 2>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They give you a change of clothes, since your old ones don't fit. But the agent says they'll take you out later to buy more, but first they'll need to discuss your [[relocation|Suburbs]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your new home</h1> <img src="PartX/Cabin1.jpg" align="left" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's not that big, and it's not that fancy. But it sits on dozens of acres of land in the middle of nowhere. And they assure you that it was thoroughly cleaned and tested after they seized it from its previous owners. So you don't have to worry about any residue from their illegal activities. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's a big change from your life in the city, or you life before that at school or back home. But you figured a change is what you need. There's too much temptation for you in a city, and you worry you'd fall back into your old habits and ended up with the wrong sort of people. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And you are also much less likely to ever be found by the gang out here in the wilderness. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are hoping to [[meet some of your neighbors|WitnessCabin2]] soon though. You've been here a few weeks, with no one to talk to except your coworkers from the remote job the witness people set you up with. You've quickly started to get pretty lonely out here, and very horny. <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> Especially since you can't masturbate. If you don't get fucked soon, you think you might lose your mind. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Meeting your neighbor Emmett</h1> <img src="PartX/Cabin2.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Emmett"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Emmett", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are sitting on your porch sipping coffee and enjoying the sounds of the woods one afternoon, when a handsome man steps out of the woods and starts walking across your yard. You are turned on as soon as you see him. Though when you spot the rifle he's carrying you get a bit nervous. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh, Hello. Sorry for cutting through your property. I thought this place was abandoned," he says when he sees you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you introduce yourselves, he explains that his farm borders your woods. Him and his friends have been hunting here during deer season the past few years. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They've already set up camp, but he offers to leave if you don't want them hunting on your property now that you live here. He also offers to pay you for letting them hunt here this week. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Sure you guys can hunt here, and you don't need to pay me or anything," you tell him. When you notice he's not wearing a wedding ring, you add, "Though it is pretty lonely out here. Maybe, if you want, you could help a girl out before you join your friends." Then you add, "Unless you have girlfriend or something." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'd be happy to help, ma'am," he says, smiling. "No girlfriend currently. And besides, we have a rule: 'What happens at deer camp, stays at deer camp.'" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> His cock is already hard when you wrap your lips around it. As much as you want to taste his cum, you need his cock somewhere else right now, so you don't suck it too long. Instead he lifts you up and lowers you onto his cock. You cum with your back against a tree and your legs wrapped around his waist. A moment later he moans into your ear as you feel his warm cum fill you. God, you missed that feeling. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Feel free to stop this week by whenever you're not hunting," you tell him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I certainly will," he says, smiling again. Then he says, "Or, if you want, you can [[join me a deer camp|WitnessCabin3]]. Normally there's no girls at camp. But since it's your property, I'm sure the guys will make an exception. I'm sure they'd happy to meet you." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Joining the guys at deer camp</h1> When you get to their camp, Emmett introduces you and explains that it's your property, but that you are letting them hunt here still. They are all very grateful, and offer you a beer. You sit down around the campfire and try to get to know them, especially Emmett. <<set setup.addSexRepeat(6, {sex:"male", anon:"Deer Hunter", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Emmett"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Emmett", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As they are showing you around the camp, you notice a bunch of rope on one of the tables. When you ask what it's for, one of the hunters explains that it's for stringing up a deer so they can field dress it. When you make a disappointed noise, Emmett suggests, "Well, I can think of something else we can do with it if that's what you were hoping for, $playerName." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Cabin3.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you strip down, Emmett strings you up on one of the stands the made a previous year. The guys then takes turn fucking you. When they are all done, they leave you there a bit longer, letting some of the cum you've been filled with leak out. Finally, Emmett comes over an unties you. It's nice and warm by the fire, so you don't bother putting your clothes back on just yet. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When it's time for bed, Emmett offers to walk you back to your house, since you don't have a flashlight. You ask if you can [[sleep in his tent|WitnessCabin4]] instead. He happily agrees. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Waking up with Emmett</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/Cabin4.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> </div> The next morning, you wake up next to Emmett. You are expecting there to be noise from the other hunters getting ready, but they seem to have all left already. <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name:"Emmett"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name:"Emmett", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(50, {sex:"male", anon:"Deer Hunter", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "They woke up early," Emmett explains. "I decided I had all week to hunt, so I could get a late start this morning, and spend a bit more time with you." You do your best to let him know what a good decision that was. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you and him are finished you tell him, "Last night was so much fun," you tell him. "Especially my time with you, but being the camp's fuck toy was so hot too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I can head back to my cabin when you are ready to go hunt," you tell him. "But I can also come back by this evening for some more fun, if you and your friends want that," you offer. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That sounds great," he says. "I'm sure the guys will be thrilled. An I know I look forward to [[spending more time with you|WitnessCabin5]] too." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Four-wheeling with Emmett</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/Cabin5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> </div> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", name:"Emmett"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", name:"Emmett", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.startDating("Emmett")>> After deer season ended, you and Emmett started dating. You thought it might be a bit awkward around his friends, considering they all took turns fucking you every night for a week. But they take their 'What happens at deer camp, stays at deer camp' rule seriously, and don't mention it at all. Especially not when their wife or girlfriend are around. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And thankfully, Emmett doesn't seem to think any less of you because of it either. He just seems to enjoy spending time with you, and enjoys that you can be a little wild sometimes. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As the months go on, you are spending less and less time at your cabin, and most of your time at his farmhouse. You've even started helping with some of the morning chores around the farm when you are there. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> One night, Emmett takes you to a nice restaurant in town. Well, the only nice restaurant in town. Before they bring out dessert, he gets down on one knee to propose! You've been dating less than a year, but you would have said yes six months ago. You [[happily accept|WitnessCabin6]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Wilderness Wedding</h1> <img src="PartX/Cabin6.jpg" align="left" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<set $Spouse to "Emmett">> <<set setup.notPregnant("Pre-wedding pregnancy test")>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", name:"Emmett"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", name:"Emmett", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Emmett and you decide to have a small wedding in the woods, instead of big formal wedding. You have a wonderful time. You, Emmett, and his groomsmen share a few discrete laughs, knowing the fun you all had that first week, not far from this very spot. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your bridesmades are mostly the wives of Emmett's friends, so you have to keep them out of the inside humor. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You weren't that attached to your new last name, so you are happy to take Emmett's, and can't wait to start your new life as [[a married woman|WitnessCabin7]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Making lunch for your husband</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/Cabin7.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="650"></video><br> </div> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", name:"Emmett"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", name:"Emmett", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You quit your remote job after the wedding. You never really enjoyed it that much. You find helping Emmett around the farm much more rewarding. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You also love having the time to cook him something for lunch, so he doesn't just skip it or eat a bologna sandwich he made that morning, like he used to do. Having him come inside for lunch also means you and him can have a little fun after you're done eating. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And when you are done with that, you can join him when he heads back out [[to the barn|WitnessCabin8]] to get back to work. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>"Working" in the barn</h1> Well, usually you are working when you and Emmett are in the barn. But sometimes, especially on the days you skip your lunchtime fun, you two are too horny to wait to go back inside. By now, you've gotten used to the feel of your back laying on a pile of hay as Emmett fucks you in the barn. <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", name:"Emmett"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", name:"Emmett", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Cabin8.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's only the two of you on the farm usually, so you don't even need to clean up right away when he cums on your face. It's more fun usually to get [[back to work|WitnessCabin9]] with him. You love the little smile he makes every time he glances over and sees the reminder on your face of your earlier fun. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1> <<if $PlayerProtectionPerfect or $PlayerProtectionPerfect or $PlayerProtectionPill>> "Breeding" you <<else>> Breeding you <</if>> </h1> <img src="PartX/Cabin9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left" > <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", name:"Emmett"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", name:"Emmett", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set $PregnancyCheck = setup.checkForNewPregnancy('medical test - vet', 0)>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.isPregnant>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 1>> <<achievement>>pregnant<</achievement>> <</if>> Sometimes though, Emmett has other plans. Some days, especially if there's not much work for you that day, he cums inside you and leaves you naked and bound in an empty "breeding stall" while he goes back to work. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You were surprised one time, thinking you had forgotten the vet was coming by that day and worried he was in for a shock. When the vet pulls a <i>human</i> pregnancy test from his bag, you realized he already knew to expect you here. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After all you've done before, you are still embarrassed as the vet makes you stay on your hands and knees and pee on the pregnancy test right there in the stall. After you do, he pats your rump and tells you, "that's a good girl" as he waits for the test results. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> "Congratulations!" he tells you, as he shows you the positive test. "It looks like Emmett's efforts breeding you were successful. I'll go let him know the good news so he can come celebrate with you. Oh, and you should probably [[follow up with an OB/GYN|WitnessCabin9Pregnant]], human pregnancies aren't exactly my specialty." <<if $PlayerProtectionPerfect or $PlayerProtectionPermanent or $PlayerProtectionPill>> You guess your birth control wasn't effective enough. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> The news isn't really a huge surprise. It's not like you an Emmett ever even use those condoms sitting in the night stand drawer. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> The news isn't really a huge surprise. You love the feeling of his cock twitching inside you to much to ever ask him to pull out. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionTry>> You can't be more thrilled with the news. <</if>> Hopefully Emmett is going to be as excited with the news as you are. <<else>> "Aww, no luck today," he tells you, as he shows you the negative test. "It looks like Emmett will have to keep trying to breed you. Though from the mess I saw he left in you, it looks like he's certainly trying." <<if $PlayerProtectionPermanent or $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> Quieter he adds, "Of course, he'll need to get that birth control implant turned off if he want's to do more than just pretend." <<elseif $PlayerProtectionPill>> Quieter he adds, "Of course, he'll need to take away those birth control pills you take if he wants to do more than just pretend." <<else>> Then he adds, "I'm sure if you two keep trying, he'll put a baby in you in no time." <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> After getting back from giving the news to Emmett, the <<else>> After that the <</if>> vet then goes heads to the next stall to start checking on the actual animals, the main reason he's here today. Later you wonder if Emmett paid extra for his little "check-up" on you, or if the vet gave him a discount today for including him in the fun. <<if !$PlayerPregnant>> <br><br> <<include [[WitnessCabin9Next]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Following up with an OB/GYN</h1> <img src="PartP/PregTest1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As the vet instructed, you follow up with an actual human doctor who confirms the results of the home pregnancy test that the vet had used in the barn. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerProtectionPerfect or $PlayerProtectionPermanent or $PlayerProtectionPill>> You and Emmett hadn't exactly planned for this, but you are both thrilled with the news. <<else>> You and Emmett are both thrilled with the news. <</if>> It's still early in the pregnancy though, so you and him plan on waiting a bit before you start telling people about it. Until then, it's just work as normal on the farm. Well, and the fun too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<include [[WitnessCabin9Next]]>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> Though you spend nearly all the time at the farm with Emmett now, you still have the cabin and the land that goes with it. It's not suitable for farming, but it's still good for [[hunting on every year|WitnessCabin10]] still. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Deer season again </h1> <video src="Part14/Hunt20.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video><br> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(24, {sex:"male", anon:"Deer Hunter", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true, repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(7, {sex:"male", name:"Emmett"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(7, {sex:"male", name:"Emmett", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's deer season again! Emmett's hunting buddies obviously already knew you'd let them use the land again this year, and every year. But they were all pleasantly surprised when they found out you'd be joining them at camp this year again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They had worried that now that you and Emmett were married, he might not want to share anymore, and they wouldn't have a camp whore to entertain them in the evenings any more. <<if $PlayerPregnant>> <br><br> You and Emmett haven't told them about the pregnancy. You wonder if in a few weeks, when you start to show, if some of them will think that maybe nature has an exception to the "What happens at deer camp..." rule. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You have a wonderfully fun week, but eventually it's back to [[normal life|WitnessCabin11]] again. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Enjoying country life with Emmett</h1> <img src="PartX/Cabin10.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", name:"Emmett"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", name:"Emmett", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you think back to all the changes your life has gone through the past few years, you are so happy that you ended up here. Married to a wonderful man, <<if $PlayerPregnant>> enjoying life in the country, and with a baby on the way! <<else>> and enjoying life in the country. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> You know you and Emmett don't plan on stopping at just one. You'll just need to be careful to time things right so the next one doesn't end up with a mystery father from deer camp. Or perhaps time things just right so that they do. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionTry>> Hopefully you and Emmett will successfully "breed" you soon. Or maybe a few week ago in deer camp did the trick. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionNone or $PlayerProtectionCondoms or $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> Maybe Emmett will successfully "breed" you soon. Or maybe a few week ago in deer camp, him or one of his buddies already did. <<else>> You and Emmett think you probably want kids eventually. <<if $PlayerProtectionPerfect or $PlayerProtectionPermanent>> You'll eventually need to get your birth control turned off whenever you and him decide the time is right. <</if>> You'll just need to be careful to time things right so the baby doesn't end up with a mystery father from deer camp. Or perhaps time things just right so that they do. <</if>> Emmett already has said if that were to happen, he'd never even test to see who the father was. In his mind the baby would always be his and yours. But you know his hunting buddies would always wonder if were theirs though. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wonder what the farm, and you life will be like a decade or so down the road, with a bunch of kids running around as well. <</nobr>> [[The End|GameOverCountry]].<<nobr>> <h1>Relocated to a new city</h1> <img src="PartX/Prison50.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"><br> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(50, {sex:"male", anon:"Prostitute Client"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(50, {sex:"male", anon:"Prostitute Client", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set $JobProstitute to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The government paid for your travel to a new city, gave you a new name and identification documents. They gave you money for your first month. But after that, you are on your own. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You look for a job, as a waitress, as anything. But it's hard to find anything here, especially since you can't provide any work history, or anything else that would tie you back to your old identity. And even the ones you are finding, would barely give you enough to afford a small apartment. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But every day you've seen other girls leaning into cars and making deals or hoping out cars with a stacks of cash. You decide it's your best option. <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> Given that you can't masturbate, it solves that problem for you too. You'll get as much sex as you want every day. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectLibido>> Given how horny you always are, it solves that problem for you too. You'll get as much sex as you want every day. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Some women might find it degrading, but really, you've done worse. You used to be freely available to any of the gang members whenever they wanted. But this will be one guy at a time, and only when you want it. You take a little of the cash you have left and go buy something sexy to wear for your first not [[walking the street|WitnessCity2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Enjoing your new identity</h1> <video src="PartX/Prison51.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(250, {sex:"male", anon:"Prostitute Client"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(250, {sex:"male", anon:"Prostitute Client", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/Prison52.webm" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video><br> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are enjoying your new identity, and your new job. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Whether it's some some young guy wanting to blow off some steam after breaking up with his girlfriend, an older guy wanting something different, or a married man wanting you for [[something his wife isn't willing to do|WitnessCity3]], you make sure he has an amazing time. More often than not it feels pretty great for you too. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>More adventuresome than his wife</h1> <video src="PartX/Prison53.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't consider anal 'adventuresome' at all, but evidently many wives do because their husbands are always asking you for it. <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> If their wives knew how amazing it felt, they'd be begging for it. Well, assuming it felt as good for them as it does for you. <</if>> You're happy to give your customers what they want, especially when they are willing to pay extra for it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Some want to film you while you suck their cock, or masturbate, or while they fuck you. You have to turn them down though. You tell them it's for your privacy, which is true, just not for the reason they are thinking it is. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Prison54.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> None of them question that you don't even let them take a single photo of your face, but you are happy to let them [[fuck you in clear view of the street|WitnessCityVideo]]. They just enjoy themselves, however far you are willing to go. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Caught on camera</h1> <img src="PartX/Prison54.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="200"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You never let your clients film you, but you didn't consider that someone watching from outside could just as easily record you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Prison55.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="250" align="left"> You don't even realize it when it happens, you are too focused on how good the cock inside you feels to even notice the man with a camera on the sidewalk across the street. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He films it all, from a few moments after your client first pushes you against the open window. He films the look on your face as you orgasm, your client thrusting and his face as he cums inside you, and you turning around, dropping to your knees and cleaning his cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your spectator probably jerked off to the video dozens of times before he uploaded it online to share with others. The high resolution camera he used meant it's easy for others to zoom in on just the action, or even just the look of ecstasy on your face. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Before long there are several versions online focusing on different aspects of the video, many showing your face clearly. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You never see any of these, but many, many other people do. Including some you had hoped [[would never see your face again|WitnessCapture]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Going back to a client's room</h1> He'd seemed nice, had cash, and was taking you back to his hotel room for sex, not some back alley to fuck in his back seat. So you hadn't been worried. Everything seemed fine right up until he opened the hotel room door for you and you walked in to the room. <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Hotel Kidnapper"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Hotel Kidnapper", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Hotel Kidnapper"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Hotel Kidnapper", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> That's when two masked men grab you. Your initial thought was that they'd broken into his room. You were hoping your would-be-client would fight them off, or at least run for help. But those hopes are dashed once you see one of the men hand him a bunch of cash, and he just leaves. That's when you realize the whole thing was a set-up, targeted at you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Prison56.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'll do anything you want, just please don't hurt me!" is all you manage to say before one of them covers your mouth. "What do you think man? Should we fuck the bitch? The whore's practically begging for it," one of them says to the other. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Fuck yeah! And she's got a bunch of cash here too," his partner says after digging through your purse. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You do your best to go along with it as the two of the hold you down, tie you up, and use your body however they like. After they are done and hopefully happy after their orgasms, you ask, "Can you untie me now? Please? And I'll pretend like this never happened, I'll never tell anyone about it, just let me go." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well, if we could count on you not talk, then you wouldn't be in this situation, would we?" one of them tells you. A moment later you feel the sting of a needle in your butt as they [[inject you with something, and your body goes limp|WitnessCapture2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Getting packed</h1> You can't move but you can see, hear, and feel everything. Though the seeing part ends when one of them slides his hand across your face and lowers your eyelids. <<unset $JobProstitute>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You feel one of them lift you and place you on your side into a box of some sort. He positions your legs, then your arms. You try to get up, but you can't move or even cry for help. You then feel a lid being placed over you. When it closes you hear the sound of a suitcase being closed and realized they've just packed you into one. That's confirmed for you as you feel your weight shift as he lifts the suitcase up onto its wheels. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Prison57.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You feel as you are wheeled down the hallway and into the elevator. You can hear the muffled sound of the hotel lobby. You want to scream for help, but still can't. You hear what you later realize was a van door open and feel the suitcase lifted up and placed into the van, a few moments later [[the van drives off|WitnessCapture3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Road trip</h1> Once the van is on the highway, one of the guys comes to the back of the van and takes you out of the suitcase. He binds your hands, cuts off what clothes you still have on, and stuffs your panties in your mouth. You still can't move, but feel every inch as his cock plunges into you. <<set setup.addSexRepeat(6, {sex:"male", anon:"Hotel Kidnapper"})>> <<set setup.addSex(6, {sex:"male", anon:"Hotel Kidnapper", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After he cums, he puts his pants back on and goes back to the front of the van. You just lay there unable to move as you feel the cum he left on your back and ass slowly dry. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They notice you finally starting to move, one of them tosses a bottle water at you. "Don't drink it too fast, it's still at least an hour before you'll have a chance to piss." You take the panties out of your mouth and take a few sips of water. You put it back in your mouth when one of them tells you to. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> A while later, they pull off onto a side road, then a dirt road, and then off the road onto some grass. One of them opens the of the van and grabs the rope holding your wrists together. He pulls you out of the van and a few steps away from it. "You need to shit too?" You shake your head 'no' then you squad down and start to pee as he continues to hold your wrists. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Prison58.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can't pat yourself dry or anything else so you try to shake a bit instead. It's far less effective than you remember it being back when you had a cock. The other man, who had been peeing nearby comes over and grabs you. As soon as he does, the first one takes out his cock and starts peeing. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They both decide to fuck you again, with you able to move this time, before getting back on the road. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They take turns driving while the other fucks you, sometimes sleeping next to you afterwards. Twice they inject you and package you again as they take the van to get gas and other supplies. Several more times they find some off-the-road place to let you relieve yourself. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Through the front of the van you spot a sign you recognize and realize you are almost back to the city where you used to live, the one you'd tried to escape from. You don't see [[your arrival there|WitnessCapture4]], because one of your kidnappers comes to the back of the van again and ensure you are unable to move and packed away well before then. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Payback</h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Emilio", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", anon:"Angry Gang Member", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are unloaded from the van and chained up in what you assume is the gang's new warehouse. When they take the blindfold off your face you see the angry faces of the gang members you betrayed. Emilio is standing there at the front of the group. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Why did you do it, $playerName?" Emilio asks you. "You know the risks of this work, we all do. But we wouldn't have betrayed our friends if we were caught. We would have just done the time. But you were too good for that, you decided you'd rather betray all of us, and put us in there instead, didn't you?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Prison61.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After a slap across the face you start crying and apologizing and begging for forgivness. Emilio isn't buying it. "I don't think so. You didn't come back here begging forgivness on your own. Maybe we might have, probably not. But no, you tried to disappear. If you weren't such a whore we might never have found you. You are going to make it up to us for the nights we spent in jail and our pain and suffering for being put on trial." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> At that he pulls down his pants and pulls out his hard cock. He shoves it into you not carring if you are wet or not. <<if $PlayerSideEffectLibido > 2>> Of course you are always wet thanks to your implant. He mocks you for what a slut you are. <</if>> After Emilio finishes, another guy comes up, and another, and another. Each takes their turn either hitting you or fucking you, usually both. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Eventually you pass out, still chained up. The next day they start again. They don't even unchain you to relieve yourself. You have to go right where you stand. They just hose you and the area down whenever you smell starts to annoy them. After the first few days the punches and kicks become more rare and its mainly just fucking. None of them fail to mock you when your body reacts despite your desires and you moan or even orgasm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your wrists are raw from the chain, and your body aches. You don't know how many days have passed when one of them says, "Get the rat cleaned up. The [[boss is coming by|WitnessCapture5]] to see her." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Meeting the boss</h1> <img src="PartX/Prison60.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'd never met the top leader of the gang before. And you soon wish you weren't meeting him now. They have you cleaned up and bound differently when he arrives, with your hands over your head and body helplessly exposed. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He questions you for what seems like hours, trying to find out exactly what you told the government about them, about whether you'd always planned to betray them or decided after you were arrested, even about whether any other gang members were involved. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You tell him the truth about all that, and anything else he wants to hear. You still hear the sound of the whip in the air, followed by the pain when it hits your skin. But, it's not as frequent as it was when you hesitated to answer one of his questions. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I think that's enough questions," he says finally. Then he calls Emilio over and tells him, "Get her down and bring her up to my room upstairs. We are going to have [[one last 'chat'|WitnessCapture6]] before she leaves us. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Every part of that terrifies you. You know he isn't planning on 'chatting' with you, and you know he isn't just going to let you leave. There's nothing you can do though as they untie you from the rafter, only to tie your hands together and lead you upstairs. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your last fuck</h1> Once the door is closed and he's alone with you, the gang leader strips down. He's already hard as he tells you, "I've been a woman or girl's first many times before. But I don't know if I've ever been their last fuck before." He thinks for a moment and adds, "Actually I have. But this is the first time we both knew it at the time." <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Gang Boss", vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Gang Boss"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Prison59.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He teases your clit with his finger and tells you, "The boys are downstairs are waiting for you. When I'm done fucking you, they're going to throw you back into the van, take you down to the dock, and onto our boat. When they get a mile or so out they'll throw you overboard. They'll tie enough weight to you to make sure you sink right to the bottom and stay there." He laughs as he feels you getting wet from his touch despite his words. "It'll let everyone else know what happens to snitches. There's no way any of them will turn on me or each other if they get arrested after seeing what happens to you." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Speaking of bottoms," he says not giving the slightest care about your incoherent crying and pleas for mercy. "I wonder, do I want your last fuck to be that cute ass of yours, or your well-worn pussy." He pauses a moment and says, "I don't suppose you are in a hurry to leave, so why not both." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> You hate yourself as you cum while he's fucking your ass. Even now, when you are about to die and know it, your implant still forces you to orgasm. Your tears come even harder as your shame adds to your fear. <<elseif $PlayerEasytoOrgasm or $PlayerSuperOrgasms>> You hate yourself as you cum while he's you. Even now, when you are about to die and know it, your implant still forces you to orgasm. Your tears come even harder as your shame adds to your fear. <</if>> After he's came inside you, recovered, and came again, he gets dressed and calls for them to come get you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When they give you a dress to wear, you put it on, hoping maybe he was just trying to terrify you and they have something else in mind. You are still hoping when they tie your hands behind you and gag you. But when they chain your legs together and to a concrete block you know he wasn't joking. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You try to kick and scream but can do neither well as they load you into the van and head down towards the dock. Your last coherent thought among your panic as they load you into the boat is, "I should have just gone to jail." It's too late now though. They take off your gag when they reach their destination. You frantically beg for mercy but they don't listen. You desperately try to free yourself as you watch the light from the boat slowly fade as you sink lower and lower into the water. <</nobr>> [[The End|GameOverWitness]]. <<achievement>>dead<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>At trial</h1> <img src="PartX/Prison14.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <<set $LostAtTrial to 1>> <<set $LenientJudge to either(0,0,1)>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> During the pretrial motions your lawyer tries to get your search, the video and the drug evidence, thrown out. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But the judge doesn't exclude it. Instead <<if $LenientJudge>> she says, "While the search being performed by male agents was a gross deviation from standard procedure, the fact that there was a search was not improper. The defendant had been flagged for a search before she even arrived at the border. If the agents had, as they should have, waited until one or more female agents could arrive to conduct the search, the same evidence would have been obtained. <<else>> he says, "Given the defendants gender history, it is not entirely obvious which gender is most appropriate to conduct the search. And, as the recordings of the interview show, the defendant offered no objection to the search being performed by male agents. Her implied offer for oral sex and possible future sex, in exchange for abandoning the cavity search indicate she may have wanted male agents so she had a better chance to bribe them. Their conduct on the video however appears to be entirely professional, and the defendant has not alleged otherwise. <</if>> Therefore your request to exclude the search is denied." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The prosecution isn't interested in a deal any longer, since they know they've won now. You lawyer also says the offer for leniency in exchange for testifying is also off the table, though you don't know if you believe him or not. But you'd already decided against that idea anyway. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The trial doesn't take that long. You have to sit through your entire search again, watching as you flirt with the border guard, watch as he discovers the sex toys in your bag, as you offer to blow him in exchange for stopping there, and then watching as they pull bag after bag of drugs from your body. The jury watches the video very closely as it plays, though some glance over at you, probably picturing you naked to see if you match the video. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The only witnesses the government calls are the two agents who searched you to confirm that you were trying to cross the border, that you are the one in the video, and that you are the one they pulled the drugs from. You lawyer does question them about their deviation from procedure and they just blame it all the female agents being busy. You don't think his questions did anything to sway the jury though. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It takes the jury less than an hour to come back [[with a verdict|Guilty]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Guilty</h1> <img src="PartX/Prison15.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <<set $JobDrugTrafficker to "a convicted">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $LostAtTrial>> You stand up as the jury reads off the verdict. Guilty on all counts. When you return to court the next time it is to hear what the judge's sentence will be. <br><br> During your sentencing the judge <<if $LenientJudge>> <<set $PrisonSentence to 10>> mentions that your search was highly inappropriate, even if it didn't not violate your constitutional rights. She scolds the agents, even though they aren't still there, saying they should have followed procedure and waited for a female agent to conduct the search. <br><br> She also suspects that you may have faced undue pressure by the gang members, including an implied fear of sexual or other violence. But she says since no evidence was presented to support this it won't affect your verdict, but is a factor she is considering in your sentence. <br><br> She tells you to use your time in prison to refect on the choices you've made and to make better choices. Then she <<else>> <<set $PrisonSentence to 40>> The judge notes the large quantity you were transporting, your gang affiliations, and your attempt to bribe the border guards as reason he has decided to sentence you to high end of the recommended setence range. From the way he glares at you, you suspect he is especially angered by the bribery attempt. <br><br> "Hopefully by time you get out, you'll be an older and hopefully wiser woman. You'll certainly have a harder time with any bribery attempts by then," the judge says. He then <</if>> <<else>> <<set $PrisonSentence to 20>> You stand up in court and plead guilty. You then have to stand up and confess to your crime. You tell them how you let men insert bag after bag inside you and then how you'd tried to cross the border with it all inside you. You don't mention who put the drugs inside you or who you were going to give them to though. <br><br> The judge then goes by the recommended sentence you agreed to and <</if>> sentences you to $PrisonSentence years <<set $PrisonSentenceEarly to ($PrisonSentence / 2)>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> [[in prison|WomensPrison]]. <<else>> <<set $PregnancyCheck = setup.checkForNewPregnancy('medical test - jail', 0)>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.isPregnant>> at a prison [[to be determined by the Prisons Bureau|PrisonsBureauPregnancy]]. <<else>> at a prison [[to be determined by the Prisons Bureau|PrisonsBureau]]. <</if>> <</if>> The judge adds that you will be eligible for parole in $PrisonSentenceEarly years. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Jail health check</h1> <img src="PartP/PregTest1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <<unset $PregnancyCheck>> <<if $PlayerAbortion>> <<set $PlayerAbortion += 1>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerAbortion to 1>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Early on in your lockup, when you realized you might be pregnant, you'd asked to visit the jail infirmary. They'd confirmed your suspicion, you were pregnant. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Any uncertainty in that decision vanished when you heard the length of your sentence. You don't want your child growing up with a mother in prison. And you aren't even sure how many people would want to adopt a baby know the mother, and almost certainly the father, were criminals. No, terminating the pregnancy had been the right choice. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, that means this body is yours for life now. Though considering at least the next $PrisonSentenceEarly of it will be in prison, you wouldn't have been changing back for quite some time anyway. You'd much rather spend your time as a woman in a relatively safe [[women's prison|WomensPrison]] than in one of the prison for men. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.pregnantFirstTime()>> <<achievement>>firsttime+pregnant+childfree<</achievement>> <<else>> <<achievement>>pregnant+childfree<</achievement>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Meeting with the Prisons Bureau</h1> You are still at the jail waiting to be sent to the prison where you'll be spending the next $PrisonSentenceEarly to $PrisonSentence years. It seems there is some uncertainty about which prison you should be sent to. You are surprised to find out that you have some say in the matter and have to meet with the Prisons Bureau to discuss the matter. <img src="PartX/Prison16.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "The problem is this," he begins. "The law says that if a convict has permanently changed to a woman, they are to be treated as a woman in all respects and sent to a facility for women. And if a convict has used X-Change or an X-Change-like product to temporarily change into a woman, they are to be held at the jail until they change back, and then sent to a facility for men." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you aren't just on a month-long pill, your change is indefinite but could be reverted at any time after your four year contract is up. The X-Change people weren't clear whether the four years was a technical requirement, or just due to the contract you signed with them. It doesn't matter though, the law doesn't allow us to compel them to allow a change early even if it possible. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The courts have said we can only wait until a pill wears off on its own. We can't compel you to make your change permanent, nor can we compel you to change back, if that were an option. That has to be your decision. And we have to find the best solution for whatever we have to work with. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> So it's up to you decide. You can choose to make your [[change to a woman|PrisonChoice]] permanent today, and we will send you to the women's prison. Nice and simple. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> I can't imagine ever taking one of those pills and changing into a woman, so I can certainly understand if you want to change back once you are able to, even though it makes my life much more difficult. So you can also leave things like they are, so you can change back eventually. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It would be much easier if I could just send you to the woman's prison like that. But unfortunately as the law stands today, unless your change is permanent, you have to be sent to the prison of your unaltered sex. So that means we would need to send you to the [[men's prison|WomanAtTheMensPrison]]. Obviously this will place you at a higher risk, but the warden will be instructed to do what he can to protect you. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Prison Intake</h1> The other inmates are all led down a hallway for processing, while you are taken to a private room. Well, private meaning you are the only one there. Not that private considering the multiple cameras pointing at you from every direction. <<set $PlayerChastityBelt to 1>> <<set $Keyholder to "The warden">> <<set $Prison to 1>> <<set $StartAtMensPrison to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "The warden said you were already searched by a female officer back at the jail," the guard leading you to the room had said. "So we are to let you change yourself. Don't try anything though, we'll be watching. Leave the clothes from jail on the floor. We'll have them shipped back to them. Drop any... feminine hygiene products, and anything you don't want to keep in the trash can." Thankfully you don't have any of the last category to worry about right now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He then adds, "you have permission to keep your piercings in if you like as their size and placement mean they aren't likely to be useful as weapons, or to injure you. But consider this a privilege. If you don't follow the rules, they will be taken away. And when your piercings close up you won't be allowed to get them redone while you are here." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Prison17.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you get in the changing room, and see what you will be required to wear you want to run back out again. When you were told the warden would take "protective measures", you though it meant a different part of the prison, or maybe more guards, but not this. But it's too late to change your mind now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you pause, staring at the belt in disbelief a voice comes over the intercom. "Don't take too long in there. It should be easy enough to figure out how to put it on and it should be adjusted correctly. But if there is a problem with the fit, signal to the camera. The belt will be your main protection from other inmates while you are here, so it needs to fit well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your heart stops for a second as you click the lock closed. <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> It's been quite a while since you were able to masturbate, but you've <<else>> You've <</if>> never wanted to more than the moment after you heard the sound of the lock closing and sealling your pussy away. You wonder if you're going to have to wear this the entire time you are here? For $PrisonSentenceEarly years or more! Hopefully they'll at least let you out occasionally <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> for conjugal visits or something. <<else>> to mastrubate. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> There's no key to be seen, so there's absolutely nothing you can do about the belt now, so you [[continue getting dressed|WomanAtTheMensPrison2]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Finishing changing</h1> <video src="PartX/Prison18.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You see they don't have any bra or panties for you. You suppose the belt takes the place of your panties, and you assume you're just supposed to go braless. <<if $PrisonSentenceEarly >= 20>> Your breasts may not need one now, but you aren't so sure they won't a decade or two from now. Maybe they'll let you have one eventually. It <<else>> Thankfully, your breasts don't really need one. But it <</if>> feels strange not having one. You suppose you'll get used to it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Prison19.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Finally, you put the hand and ankle cuffs they gave you on, and your prison id card. It seems like you are [[finally ready|WomanAtTheMensPrison3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Rejoining the group</h1> <video src="PartX/Prison21.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you are dressed, with the belt concealed beneath your clothes, you leave the changing room and head down the hallway as instructed. You take small steps as the chain between your legs limits your stride. When you open the door at the end of the hall you enter the room where the other new prisoners are in line to be processed. They've all already changed and are dressed like you. Except for the chastity belt you assume. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You get the same hungry looks from some of them when you walk in, just like you did on the prison bus here, but no one says anything obscene like they did when you first boarded the men's bus. One of them makes room for you to get in line, so you don't have to go to the back of the line. But a few moments later you feel his hand covertly grab your ass. You don't do anything, not wanting to make an enemy on your first day. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Prison20.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The guys in front of you all have the prison id badges scanned as they enter. When they get to you, they scan your id badge, but then they have you raise your shirt and lower our pants so that they can scan your belt as well. As you start to lift your shirt you get some whistles from the male prisoners, followed by "what the hell is that?" comments when they see your belt. "Quiet! Inmates" the guard commands. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He shows you the two keys to your belt. Some of the other inmates look at them eagerly, realizing what the keys are for. "One of these will be in the warden's safe, and the other will be locked with the pain meds in the infirmary, in case they need them in an emergency." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You hestiantly start to ask, "Will I be unlocked occasionally..." but the guard cuts you off. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "If you are meaning if you have your period or something, then just deal with it. The commissary will have pads available for you to buy, so you don't get blood all over everything. Just ask, they'll keep them in back since you're the only one that'll need them. If you were meaning so you could diddle yourself, then no. This is a prison, not a fucking hotel." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They usher you on and out [[towards your cell|WomanAtTheMensPrison4]] while they start proceed to the next prisoner. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Meeting your cellmates</h1> <img src="PartX/Prison22.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> When you enter your cell, there are several guys already there. When one of them sees you he asks "You hear for a good time Purple, or just lost?" You are confused and scared, but manage to say that you are new and that they said this is your cell. Their eyes light up at this news. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Our very own Purple boys, this is going to be great," one of them says. You start to ask why he keeps calling you Purple, but before you can he moves towards you. He's right up next to you. "Let's see what we are working with down here." He reaches to feel you up, but is shocked to find hard metal. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Damn, you must have pissed someone off for them to lock your cock up like that. Your loss though, we're happy with just your ass and mouth anyway. Now we won't even have to worry about the reach around." Then he says, "Speaking of your ass," and pulls down your pants. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Two of them are too focused on your ass and don't notice, but the one that pulled down your pants does. "Wait, you're an actual chick!" he says shocked. "I thought they sent us another dude that took one of the X-Change Purple pills. I mean you have tits and they sent you to a men's prison, what the hell else would you be?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "How the hell did you end up here?" he asks. "You better talk fast though, your mouth is going to be too full to talk real soon. 'Tiny', you take first lookout. I haven't had a [[blowjob from an actual chick|WomanAtTheMensPrison5]] since your mom was in middle school. She was damn good though." The mother comments generates a "Fuck you, Gramps" from the huge guy on one of the bottom bunks. But he gets up and goes to stand near the door as instructed. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You get part of your situation explained, but the rest waits until later, as soon Gramps's cock cuts your story short. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Meeting your cellmates</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/Prison23.webm" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> </div> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Gramps"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Tiny"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Badger"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Gramps"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Tiny"})>> Any one of them could overpower you, and there's three of them. With "Tiny" at the door, there's no way to run either. So you know you are about to be on your knees sucking the cock of each of your cellmates on your first day in prison. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, ever since you clicked the lock shut on your belt, you couldn't think of anything but about how good it would feel for any of the guys around you to bend you over and fuck you. So you are already way to horny to want to say no anyway, but somehow knowing you don't have a choice is making it excite you even more. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've sucked them all at least once when you all hear "Badger" say "Guard" urgently but not loud enough the guard would hear it. "Gramps was already back on his bunk and half asleep after his second orgasm from you. You were mid-way through Tiny's second, but he quickly pulls out and pulls up his pants. You hurrily put your pants back on too, and your shirt as well. Then you go sit on what you assume is your bunk. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The guard looks around and says "Settling in?" rhetorically. "You fellas treat her well," he tells 'Gramps', 'Tiny', and 'Badger. "We put her here because you guys aren't usually any trouble. But, if you make this a problem, you'll end up in solitary and then split up to different cells." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "No sir. There won't be any trouble from us," Gramps says. "[[We'll look after her|WomanAtTheMensPrison6]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Protected by your cellmates</h1> At your first meal at the prison, you find out your cellmates weren't lying about protecting you. They stand between you and some big scary guy. Well, he's not as big as 'Tiny', but much meaner looking. "The Purples already cut you off for what you did to Sweet Cheeks. There's no way in hell you are coming near our girl," Badger tells the scary guy. <<set setup.addSexRepeat(50, {sex:"male", name:"Gramps"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(50, {sex:"male", name:"Tiny"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(50, {sex:"male", name:"Badger"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(150, {sex:"male", anon:"Prisoner"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(300, {sex:"male", anon:"Prisoner", repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The guys are only trying to protect your safety, not your virtue, though. More friendly guys come up and make arrangements with Gramps and Badger. Tiny just stands near you protectively. It seem as though there is already a going rate for blow jobs and anal from the convicts who had take a permanant X-Change Purple pill. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The first few of course ask for the one thing the Purples can't give them. But when they find out about the chastity belt, most are still eager for what is available, and willing to pay many times the going rate for you. You can already imagine how your days, and [[some of your nights|WomanAtTheMensPrison7]], are going to be spent. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Prison24.webm" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are just listening as Badger and Gramps make arrangements for who's room you'll visit when, who will join you in the shower, and other details how your body is going to be used. You are used to being freely available by the gang, so this doesn't feel that different, except for the money and that you won't be able to get fucked, except in the ass. You wonder if you'll get a cut of the money, or if it's all for your cellmates. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Tiny seems to have sensed what you were thinking about and explains the situation more. "I know you aint a Purple, but we talked with them and they're cool with you as long as we follow their same rules, about prices, and our protection cut, and all the rest." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He sees you are still confused, "Gramps said when Purples first started arriving, they quickly found out guys were going to make use of their bodies one way or another. They got together and decided to sell what everyone wanted instead of letting people take it from them. Now there's a whole system. They've set a minimum price so they don't undercut each other. But the popular ones are allowed to charge more. You can charge a lot more. And if anyone doesn't treat them right they blackball him and none of the Purples will give him anything." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Tiny continues, "Gramps said it's much better now than it was when he first got locked up. He said there weren't any Purples back then because X-Change wasn't invented yet. He said there were a few willing guys, but not enough. He said there was a lot of rape back then, but now there's very little of that. That's probably why the guards mostly look the other way on the whoring. There's not any sex diseases to worry about anymore, so as long as people are discrete they look the other way. Well, the percentage the Purples give them probably helps too." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your share</h1> Gramps goes over more of the details later when you are back in your cell. The guards get 10%, there's a 10% "Union Dues" you have to pay to the Purples, and 10% to each of your cellmates for protection. [[The other half is all yours|WomanAtTheMensPrison8]]. Since you don't have anyone on the outside the Purples make sure it ends up either in your prison account so you can by things from the commissary or make phone or video calls with it, or they can hold on to it and you can trade it with other things in the black market prison economy. You feel better about your "dues" knowing that they are doing something for them. <<set setup.addSexRepeat(50, {sex:"male", name:"Gramps"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(50, {sex:"male", name:"Tiny"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(50, {sex:"male", name:"Badger"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(500, {sex:"male", anon:"Prisoner", repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Like your friends, you seem to have earned a nickname now too. Everyone has started calling you "Puddles" for the little puddles that always seem to form under you as your sucking a cock or get fucked in the ass. And also for the much larger puddles you make when you occasionally manage to cum. <<set $playerNickname to "Puddles">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course your cellmates know there's another benefit to having you in with them. They don't have to schedule time or pay, they know you'll be there to take care of them whenever they feel the need. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Prison25.webm" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectDreams>> <i>After months of chastity, and few orgasms, your dreams are now constantly filled with you being fucked. You always wake up from the dreams before you cum, and wake up incredibly horny.</i> <<set $PlayerSideEffectDreams to 2>> <br><br> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectDreams>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectDreams += 1>> <</if>> Your dreams often cause you to moan in your sleep a you imagine the wonderful things being done to you. You are told your hand is always between your legs too when you dream, trying and failing to reach your clit. Usually the guys will let you sleep. But sometimes your moaning keeps them from sleeping. When that happens they wake up, and usually give you what you might have been dreaming about, <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal > 1>> a nice hard cock in your ass. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOral > 1>> a nice hard cock in your mouth. <<else>> or at least as close as they can get with your belt in the way. <</if>> Though if they are too tired for more, a quick handjob might be enough to help them get back to sleep. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Top Earner</h1> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(500, {sex:"male", name:"Gramps"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(500, {sex:"male", name:"Tiny"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(400, {sex:"male", name:"Badger"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", name:"Stretch"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(500, {sex:"male", anon:"Prisoner"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5000, {sex:"male", anon:"Prisoner", repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Prison26.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've been the top earner among the Purples every month since you came here almost two years ago. Though some count Sweet Cheeks or Honey Lips as the usual winner, and consider you a different category. Either way, you are happy for the money. Even with the huge markup on makeup and everything else in the commissary, and the cost of lingerie and other sexy clothes that are smuggled in for you and the Purples by the guards, your account is always flush with cash. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <i>After so long in the chastity belt, with no way of getting fucked, or even having your clit touched, you are so glad <<if !$PlayerSideEffectOral and !$PlayerSideEffectAnal>> that you've developed a love for oral and anal sex. <<set $PlayerSideEffectOral to 2>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectAnal to 2>> <<elseif !$PlayerSideEffectOral>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOral to 2>> that you've developed a love of oral sex <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal == 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectAnal to 2>> and that your love of anal sex has grown even stronger. <<else>> to match your love of anal sex. <</if>> <<elseif !$PlayerSideEffectAnal>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectAnal to 2>> that you've developed a love of anal sex <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral == 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOral to 2>> and that your love of oral sex has grown even stronger. <<else>> to match your love of oral sex. <</if>> <<else>> that your love of oral and anal sex has only grown strong and deeper. <<set $PlayerSideEffectOral += 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectAnal += 1>> <</if>> </i> <<set $PlayerSideEffectAnalPermanent to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'd been happy and sad at the same time when Badger made parole. Happy for him, of course, but sad you weren't going to see him again. The cellmate, "Stretch", that took his place soon helped you move on though. You wonder how much he had to bribe the guards to get them to pick him to transfer into Badger's old bed. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Keeping busy seems to have help time fly by, and before you know it you are passing 2 years into your sentence. It's nowhere near the end of it, or even to when you'd be eligible for parole. But it is nearing a different milestone. It's approaching the date you would have gratudated university. And specifically, when your requirement to stay in the X-Change program will end. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Everyone that knows of your circumstances, which is nearly everyone, is wondering [[what you are going to decide|WomanAtTheMensPrisonDecide]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Making a final decision</h1> <img src="Part8/Road8.png" align="left" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<unset $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<unset $Keyholder>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've had numerous visits with the X-Change people, they come by and see you in the prison infirmary for your periodic checkups since you aren't able to come to them. But you are kept restrained during your visits now, after your behavior when they unlocked your belt at the first visit. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you've had your last required visit now, and you've completed your commitment to the X-Change trial. They've said that they are expecting the implant to be approved and on the market before too long. They've thanked you, and paid you, for being a part of that. They have one final visit scheduled with you, this for you to decide how you want your implant dealt with. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The law has started to adapt to the new product coming out, at least with regard to prison rules. Now that you are free to change back to a man, you can no longer remain as you are. You have to make a decision about how you are going to spend the rest of your life. Or at least the next <<print ($PrisonSentenceEarly - 2)>> years of it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Now, having completed your contract you are able to request that they deactivate and remove your implant so that you can [[change you back into a man|PrisonMaleAgain]]. You'll remain right here to serve out your sentence with all the friends you've made the last two years. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> If you've decided you want to keep this body, you can have them [[make your change permanent|WomensPrison7a]]. You won't be able to remain here though. They'll transfer you over to the women's prison instead. More importantly though, you'll be able to finally get out of this belt! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And, given your special circumstances, they are giving you a third option. They'll remove your implant, but as soon as you change back, you'll take a [[Plus-strength X-Change Purple pill|Purples]]. You'll still get to stay where you are with all your friends. But now you'll be a real member of the "Purples" instead of just an honorary one. The only downside is that you'll probably not be that top earner every month anymore. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Permanently a woman</h1> <<if $BodyType == 'Plus'>> <img src="Part1/BodyCurvy1.jpg" align="left" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <img src="Part1/BodyCurvy2.jpg" align="right" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<elseif $BodyType == 'Petite'>> <img src="Part1/BodyPetite1.jpg" align="left" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <img src="Part1/BodyPetite2.jpg" align="right" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<elseif $BodyType == 'Fit'>> <img src="Part1/BodyFit.jpg" align="left" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <<else>> <img src="Part1/BodyStandard1.jpg" align="left" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <img src="Part1/BodyStandard2.jpg" align="right" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</if>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> If you are going to be in prison for the next $PrisonSentenceEarly years or more anyway, you'd nuch rather spend your time as a woman in a relatively safe [[women's prison|WomensPrison]] than in one of the prisons for men. You doubt you would have ever wanted to change back to being a man anyway. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They have you sign some forms confirm that you are making this choice freely, and then give you an injection. It's done. This is now officially your body for the rest of your life. It'd be much more exciting if you were still a free woman and could enjoy it. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>girlpower<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Prison Intake</h1> <img src="PartX/Prison62.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="350" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once they offload you and the other women from the bus, the prison has you strip. Then they line you each up against the wall for inspection. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> One by one, they work their way down their line, probing deep into your ass and vagina to make sure none of you are trying to smuggle any contraband into the prison. Given your personal experience with the matter, you know just how much could sneak in, so you figure it's an understandable precaution. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once they are done with the inspection, they give you all prison clothes to wear before sending <<if $PlayerPregnant>> most of the women to their cells. You are [[sent to the prison infirmary|WomensPrisonPregnant]] first. <<else>> you all [[to your cells|WomensPrison2]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Prison Infirmary</h1> You are sent down the prison infirmary so they can check on your pregnancy. They've gotten the records from the jail sent over already, but want to have an initial visit with you first. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Prison63.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> The doctor says everything looks great with the baby. "That's a relief," you tell her. Then you explain how you were smuggling drugs and you were worried that it could have affected the baby. And that you'd earlier considered getting an abortion because of it. You tell her you just couldn't though. Knowing you had a baby inside you was the only thing that made you feel human back at the jail. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She lets you know that the odds of any leaks having occurred is very low. "If any had occurred," she says, "then you most likely would have been dead shortly afterwards." Suddenly you realize that getting caught, arrested, and convicted, wasn't the worst possible outcome after all. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "What are your plans after the birth?" she asks. "Will the baby be staying with the father, or a grandparent, going into foster care, or were you considering adoption?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "There's 4 different guys that could be the father," you tell her, even though the possible fathers probably number closer to ten or twenty times that number. "And all of them are likely to end up in a place like this, or worse, soon anyway. I wouldn't want that for my baby. And my family isn't an option either." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'd rather my child have a real, permanent family. I know I wouldn't be the best mom, especially not for the next $PrisonSentenceEarly to $PrisonSentence years. So I'll be going with adoption." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Wonderful. I'll start the process. There should be someone here from the agency in a week or two to discuss the details with you. I'll see you again in two weeks. Until then I'll have a prescription on file for your prenatal vitamins. They'll give you them in the morning with breakfast. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After she is done explaining things to you, you are [[sent to your cell|WomensPrison2]] to join the others. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Meeting your cellmate</h1> <video src="PartX/Prison65.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> After leaving the infirmary you are lead to your cell. You try to use your blanket to concel your pregnancy as you walk. Some people had told you it'd make you look weak and an easy target. Though you don't think you'll be able to conceal it for long. <br><br> You don't even try to hide it once you are [[locked in your cell|WomensPrison2Pregnant]]. Obviously your cellmate is going to know soon. After you introduce yourself, she lets you know that you don't need to worry. "Everyone will leave you alone until after your baby is born." <br><br> "There was in incident a couple years back," she explains. "Brenda had a miscarriage after someone attacked her. The day after she left the infirmary, she slit the bitches throat in the middle of breakfast in front of everyone. Brenda got a second life setence added to the one she came here with. She's made it clear she doesn't mind a third if anyone fucks with another pregnant woman." <br><br> Your cellmate is right, and the next months are the easiest of your prison stay, at least with regard to the other inmates. <<else>> You nervously follow as the guard leads you to your cell. You try to ignore the whistles and cat calls from the other women as you walk down hallway to [[your cell|WomensPrison3]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In your cell</h1> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> When you hear about how all the other women aren't going to want to come near you until after the baby is born, your worry about how you are going to cope with your needs, since you can't take care of them yourself. So you confess to your cellmate about how horny you are all the time and your inability to get off from masturbating. <br> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/Prison67.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> </div> <br> "So, no matter how horny you get you can't get yourself off? And you need my help?" she confirms that she understood you correctly. <br><br> "Yes, exactly," you tell her. "So, you'll help me?" <br><br> "Of course I will. I'll wait until after lights out, and then I crawl into bed next to you. I'll slide my hand under your shirt..." you eyes lose focus as you listen to her describe in detail what she's going to do to your breasts. Your nipples get hard as she talks about how she'll play with them. She continues, "And then my hand will move down, and slide into your panties. I know you'll be wet when I get there." <br><br> "I'm wet already," you tell her. <br><br> "My fingers will slide right in then. Can you imagine how good that will feel?", she asks. You nod eagerly. "Two of my fingers will be moving in and out of you, while my thumb rubs your clit." Your clit throbs with need as she describes it to you. "My other hand will be busy though. I'll have to cover your mouth so your screams of pleasure don't alert the guards." <br><br> "There's just something I want from you first," she says. <br><br> The first night your tongue brings her to several orgasms, and with her juices still on your face, she brings you to the one you need so badly. The second night though she tells you, "You don't get one every night, only I do. You'll get another one when I think you're horny enough to need one again. Maybe week from now, we'll see." <<else>> <video src="Part13/Pregnant9.webm" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <br><br> The other girls let you shower alone, off by yourself in the corner. In addition to making sure you are clean, it gives you a nice bit of privacy, to take care of one of your other needs too. <br><br> You know the other girls can hear you moan or cry out as you orgasm, but the most they've ever said was "sounds like you had a good time" or something similar. You wonder if it'll be the same in the showers you deliver though. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Things keep going in much the same way for the next several months, until it's time for [[the baby to arrive|WomensPrisonDelivery]]. <<if !$PlayerSideEffectSubmissive and $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> <br><br> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive to 1>> <i>Your cellmate has helped to bring out your submissive side.</i> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Going into labor</h1> <img src="PartX/Prison64.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You start to go into labor walking to breakfast one day. The guards send two other girls with you to help you make it to the [[infirmary|WomensPrisonDelivery2]]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As they lead you out, Brenda wishes you luck and says she'll be praying for you. Several other say similar things after they hear Brenda. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Delivering the Baby</h1> <img src="PartX/AndrewFamily6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 0>> <<unset $PregnancyCheck>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> There's no anesthesiologist here, so you don't even have the option of getting an epideral for the pain. For the first several hours of labor, you don't even have a doctor, only the nurse. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The doctor finally arrives just in time to tell you that you are nearly fully dilated and that it won't be much longer. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The pain is incredible. You scream as the doctor tells you push again and again. Eventually though the baby is out and in the nurse's arms. You've told them you are [[putting the baby up for adoption|WomensPrisonDelivery3]] and don't want to see or hold the baby, or even know if it's a boy or a girl. All they tell you is that the baby is healthy, then they leave the room with it. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>mother<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Adoption Paperwork</h1> <<set $PrisonBaby to 1>> <<if $PlayerAdoption>> <<set $PlayerAdoption += 1>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerAdoption to 1>> <</if>> Once you are feeling up to it, they have all the adoption paperwork already ready for you to sign. You'd listed the father as 'Unknown', so only your signature is needed. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You feel some sadness as you sign the paperwork and know that you'll never see your baby. But you know it's what's best for him or her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They give you another couple days in the infirmary, and then they send you back to your [[regular cell|WomensPrison4]]. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>childfree<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>In your cell</h1> <video src="PartX/Prison66.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your first few days in prison go much better than you'd feared they might. Well, everything about being there is horrible, but no one has [[tried to attack you|WomensPrison4]], and you have a cute and friendly cellmate. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She's more than happy to help those urges you have. You'd rather have a nice hard cock or two inside you, and so would she, but you both make do with the situation, and take care of each other's needs. You are thinking your stay in prison might actually be bearable. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Assaulted</h1> <video src="PartX/Prison70.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PrisonBaby>> Once you've recovered and back from the infirmary your real problems begin. Some of the women say they are mad at you for some offense or another you gave them over the last month, and that they ignored because of Brenda. Some of them just don't like you out of principle. Whatever the reason, you are open game now. <<else>> Your cellmate warned you that you need to join one of the gangs in the prison for protection. She said if you are alone you are vulnerable. "I can put a good word in for you with mine if you want. But you'll have to prove yourself before they'll let you join." <br><br> You had thanked her, had told her you planned on just keeping to yourself, and didn't want to get in the middle of any gang trouble. "Gang trouble is what got me here in the first place." Of course, you see now that she was right. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've already had one beating by one group of inmates, and you've been told worse is coming from different group. You know you'll need to [[get help|WomensPrison5]] if you are going to make it in here much longer. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Becoming Brenda's Bitch</h1> <<if $PrisonBaby>> When you get out of the infirmary after your beating, your cellmate mentions that Brenda has been asking about you, and the baby, while you were at the infirmary, you decide to pay her a visit. <br><br> She's concerned when she see you injured. You let her know it's not from the baby, that everything went great with the delivery. You tell her it was from an attack after that. <br><br> She seems angry about you being attacked. "Good thing for those bitches waited until after, or they'd be dead women." She calms herself and adds, "But I still don't like seing a pretty face and a beautiful body like that hurt." <br><br> <video src="PartX/Prison68.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <br><br> <<else>> <<set setup.startDating('Brenda')>> When you get out of the infirmary after your beating you approach your cellmate about the offer to join her gang. "The offer is still there if you are sure, but another option you might like better came up while you were away," she tells you. <br><br> "Her name is Brenda," she says referring to your other 'option'. She's not part of any of the gangs, but no one would dare fuck with her or anyone under her protection. She's here for two life setences, both for murder. There's different stories about the first murder. Some say it was some guy who raped her little sister, others say it was an ex who cheated on her." <br><br> "There's no dispute about the second murder though. She did that one right here, in the cafeteria. Brenda was pregnant when she got here, probably from some guard at the county jail if I had to guess. Someone took that as a sign of weakness and gave Brenda a beating. She lost the baby. The morning after she got out of the infirmary Brenda cut the bitch's throat in the middle of breakfast in front of everyone." <br><br> "No one has fucked with Brenda, any pregnant woman, or anyone else Brenda is protecting since." Your roommate can see you are still trying to figure out how this helps you. "Well, Brenda came by asking about you several times while you were away. I'm pretty sure she's interested in you." <br><br> <video src="PartX/Prison68.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <br><br> You stop by Brenda's cell and start talking to her. She's glad to see you are up and healthy again. <</if>> After the two of you talk for a bit she confesses, "I thought you were cute from the first day you arrived. <<if $PrisonBaby>> And not just because you were pregnant. <</if>> But I heard you and you cellmate were a thing, so I didn't say anything. But then she told me it was just two girls helping each other out, and that you weren't an item." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You tell her that you were straight. Well, mostly straight, on the outside. "I was too," she tells you. "But women like us are adaptable." She looks you in the eyes and adds, "I've seen that look in your eyes in the mirror before. And trust me, another woman can help you satisfy that need you are feeling much more reliably than any man can." As she starts to kiss you she adds, "Don't worry, I know you are still healing. I'll be gentle." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Before you know it, your pants are on the floor and Brenda's head is between your legs. It takes every bit of self control you have to not cry out when her skilled tongue brings you the first of several orgasms. A bit later, you are on your way to bringing her to her second when a loud and distinct cough comes from the cell next to hers. She quickly stands up and starts to dress and you do so as well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Both of you are sitting on the bed talking, fully clothed, when a guard walks by and looks in before continuing on. "Don't worry about those bitches that hurt you," Brenda says when he's passed. "They aren't going to touch you now that [[you're with me|WomensPrison6]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Protected</h1> After you and Brenda are interrupted you head back to your own cell and give your cellmate the good news. Though when seeing the satisfied look on your face, she already knows what you are about to tell her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Prison72.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Later that afternoon, as you are all led out to the yard, you are worried still. No one else knows about you and Brenda yet, so maybe the girls who attacked you again will try to finish the job before Brenda even comes out. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But thankfully Brenda is already outside. She comes over as soon as she sees you. She takes your hand in hers and starts walking back over to the group of girls she was with before you arrived. After she introduces you as her girlfriend they are all instantly welcoming to you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> A bit later when she spots the girls that had attacked you, she walks up to them, her arm around you with her hand on your hip. You can see they are worried as she approaches. "Brenda... we didn't know she was with you. We...", they start to apologize as soon she gets close. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "She wasn't then, or we wouldn't be talking right now. But she is now. Is that understood?" Brenda says sternly. They quickly agree and try to apologize to you for the previous 'misunderstanding'. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you and her are off to yourselves in the yard, she strokes your hair and says, "See, [[my girl|WomensPrison7]] doesn't have to worry about anything." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Spending time with Brenda</h1> You and Brenda are together, as you frequently are. <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"female", name:"Brenda"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Prison69.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She's just brought you to your first of what you were hoping were going to be several orgasms when she whispers "guard" and starts quickly dressing. You quickly start doing the same. You are both innocent looking by the time the guard walks up. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Well, she appears innocently in her own cell anyway. You aren't supposed to be here though, so the guard takes you away and writes you up. You don't know why he cares this time. You and her have even been caught in the act before. That time this same guard just watched, with his hand in his pants, until the two of you finished and gave you a mild and half-hearted scolding afterwards. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next morning a guard is at your cell door before breakfast. $playerName, come with me. The [[warden wants to see you|WomensPrison8]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Meeting Brenda</h1> You aren't at the prison long before you hear an inmate named "Brenda" wants to talk to you. From what you've heard, she's the one woman no one wants to cross. Thankfully you find out she isn't upset with you, quite the opposite. You find out she's attracted to you. <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Brenda"})>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <<unset $playerNickname>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't know if things are as dangerous here as they were at the men's prison, but having the baddest woman here on your side has got to be a good thing regardless. Besides, you are finally out of that belt, and incredibly horny. So you meet Brenda in the yard and talk. The two of you decide to meet up in her cell later. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Prison69.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are nervous at first. Brenda is hot, but still tough and intimidating, and this is the first time you've <<if setup.sexFemaleCount() > 0>> been with another woman in years. <<else>> ever been with another woman. <</if>> But soon you are lost in pleasure as Brenda's skilled fingers are on your clit and then sliding inside you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She's just brought you to your first orgasm in over a month when she whispers "guard" and starts quickly dressing. You realize she must have heard a signal or something from someone and quickly start dressing as well. You wonder if you were moaning too loudly and he heard you. You are both innocent looking by the time the guard walks up. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Well, she appears innocently in her own cell anyway. You aren't supposed to be here though, so the guard takes you away and writes you up. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next morning a guard is at your cell door before breakfast. $playerName, come with me. The [[warden wants to see you|WomensPrison8a]]. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>girlpower<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Meeting the Warden</h1> You are led to the warden's office and told to sit. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Prison73.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wait as he finishes a phone call then begins to talk to you. "So, you seem to have a problem with keeping yourself in your cell, and keeping your tongue inside your mouth instead of inside other inmates." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know the same guard that wrote you had seen you and Brenda having sex, so you don't even try to deny anything. You just say, "I'm sorry, sir," and nothing more. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "No one witnessed the act, this time, so you were only written up for the cell violation. And your friend isn't getting written up. But this sort of behavior isn't acceptable." Some of the sterness leaves his voice as he adds, "But, I've discovered that X-Change girls like you have powerful urges that you can have trouble controlling. If that's the problem, let me know and we can work something out to help you deal with those urges. It will make your time here go much, much easier." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The way he is leering at you, not to mention his erection, make it clear how he plans to help you deal with your urges. [[Giving him what he wants|WomensPrisonWarden]] would probably make your life here much easier. But you could just [[appologize again|WomensPrisonSolitary]] and say it won't happen again. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Meeting the Warden</h1> You are led to the warden's office and told to sit. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Prison73.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wait as he finishes a phone call then begins to talk to you. "So, you've been here less than a week and you are already getting written up." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'm sorry, sir," you try to lie your way out of it. "I didn't know I wasn't allowed in other people's cells." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He isn't buying your story. "And I assume you didn't know you weren't supposed to be having sex with other inmates either?" He then plays a recording. It's just of the hallway outside the cell, but the sounds of your moans can clearly be heard. You can't think of any way to explain your way out of it, and also don't want to get Brenda in any trouble, so you remain silent. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "No one witnessed the act, so you were only written up for the cell violation. And your friend isn't getting written up. But it's obvious you are going to have problems here if this is starting already." Some of the sterness leaves his voice as he adds, "I've discovered that X-Change girls like you have powerful urges that you can have trouble controlling. If that's the problem, let me know and we can work something out to help you deal with those urges. It will make your time here go much, much easier." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The way he is leering at you, not to mention his erection, make it clear how he plans to help you deal with your urges. [[Giving him what he wants|WomensPrisonWarden]] would probably make your life here much easier. But you could just [[appologize again|WomensPrisonSolitary]] and say it won't happen again. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Fucking the Warden</h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Warden", vaginal:true, birthControl:"careful condom"})>> "You're right sir," you say telling him what he wants to hear. "Ever since I changed I have an urge, no a need, to have a hard cock inside me. <<if $StartAtMensPrison>> I was in a chastity belt at the other prison, so my <<else>> My <</if>> pussy is always wet, aching for a man to fuck me. A woman was the best I could do though. Pardon my language sir." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh, that's quite all right, $playerName. And I think I can help you with your problem right now." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Prison71.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Pull down your pants and bend over," the warden instructs. You obey. You weren't lying about always craving a hard cock, but you really wish it was a different cock. One not attached to a creepy, middle-aged warden. Maybe then you'd be as wet as you said you were. Instead, you are just glad the condom he put on was lubricated. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh god, thank you sir!" you say as you fake a moan when he enters you. As he thrusts inside you, at first you are just hoping he'll finish quickly. But soon your body, and the years of need, overtake your mind. You forget about the old man attached to it, and just focus on the cock inside you, and the fingers reaching around to play with your clit. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your moans as you orgasm aren't faked, nor are the spasms your pussy makes as it clamps down on the first cock it's had in years. A few moments later and the warden can't hold back any longer. He thrusts a final time. You feel his cock twitch inside you as his cum fills the condom. He carefully pulls out of you and throws it in the trash. Old habits take over and you drop to your knees to lick his cock clean before he puts his pants back on. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Oh $playerName, I hope you feel better now. I know I do," he says smiling. "I think you are going to [[do well here|WomensPrisonWarden2]] after all." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Visting with the Warden again</h1> <video src="PartX/Prison74.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(25, {sex:"male", name:"Warden", vaginal:true, birthControl:"careful condom"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(25, {sex:"male", name:"Warden"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are enjoying your visits with the warden much more than your first one. You've stopped worrying about how he is taking advantage of your situation, or how old he is. You've learned to just focus on how good a cock, any cock, feels. The fact that he prefers to fuck you from behind makes that even easier. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> At one of your many visits with him, the warden talks with you. You let him know that other prisoners are starting to catch on with your frequent visits to see him, how pleased you usually are afterwards, and the sometimes special treatment you get. You tell him you are worried you might get attacked. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He tells you, "$playerName, of course my guards will protect you when they are around, but it might be good to have a backup for when they aren't around." He pauses for a moment then says, "I have the perfect idea. And I know it's [[something you'll enjoy|WomensPrisonWarden3]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Having fun with Brenda</h1> The warden suggest you rekindle your relationship with Brenda. "I'll make sure the two of you have someplace private, where the guards and the other inmates won't bother you. Don't worry though, I'll be monitoring it all on camera so you'll be perfectly safe." <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"female", name:"Brenda"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That creepy old fuck," Brenda says when you tell her about the cameras. But she doesn't actually care who is going to be watching, if they don't plan on interrupting. "It'll be nice to not have to hold back when you make me cum. I used to be a screamer before I got here." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Prison76.webm" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She wasn't lying about how loud her orgasms are. The guards waiting outside while the two of you fuck certainly enjoy the sounds, as they always have a smile on their face when it's time for the two of you to stop and return to the general population. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The other prisoners don't know the details of your private visits together. But once they all learn that you and Brenda are regularly hooking up, talk of you and the warden go away, along with any worries of anyone attacking you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Brenda are even able to have some extra fun from time to time. Evidently sometimes the warden gets bored with his regular viewing of you and Brenda. Occasionally he also makes sure the guards leave the two of you with some toys to play with during your time alone together. You and Brenda certainly don't mind. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Prison77.webm" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wonder how often the warden watches the recordings he makes of you and Brenda. You don't know. You know for sure he records them though, as he's frequently watching one to "prepare" when you arrive for one of your frequent [[visits with him|WomensPrisonWarden4]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Learning from watching</h1> You've been having your 'visits' with the warden for several years now. You look forward to them now, and have for quite a while. You don't mind his age, now you just appreciate the power his age and experience, and his position, gives him to help you make the best of your time here. Though usually you don't think about that either, you just think about how good he feels inside you. <<set setup.addSexRepeat(500, {sex:"male", name:"Warden", vaginal:true, birthControl:"careful condom"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(500, {sex:"male", name:"Warden"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The sex has gotten better and better as well. The warden's been learning just what you like, from watching you with Brenda, and from his own experience. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Whether it's pulling your hair as he fucks you, bending you over your over his knee and spanking your ass red, or tying you up to tease you until you beg for his cock, he knows exactly what makes you wet. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/Prison75.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> </div> <img src="PartX/Prison79.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="250"> <img src="PartX/Prison78.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="250"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You still wish you weren't in prison, of course. But it isn't so bad now that you get to fuck him, and Brenda, and get left alone by the guards and other prisoners. Your only real worry now is that he will get bored of you. You are older now and know there are other younger, attractive women that have arrived since you did. What if he decides he doesn't want you anymore and would rather have one of them. You always try to make your time together as enjoyable for him as you can, so he doesn't consider one of them instead. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your worries seem unfounded as time goes on. He seems to continue enjoying his time with you as much as ever. Things continue in much the same way until shortly after you reach the fifth anniversary of being sent to prison. At one of your visits after that, instead of starting your visit with bending you over his knee, or having you suck his cock, he says there's [[something he needs to talk to you about|EarlyRelease]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Recommended for early release</h1> The warden tells that he's recommended you for early release. <<if $PrisonSentenceEarly > 5>> "Normally you wouldn't be eligible for parole for a while still," he says when he sees your confusion. "But due to overcrouding, I'm able to recommend some well-behaved, non-violent prisoners for early release ahead of schedule. <<else>> "I hope you didn't think I'd keep you around just for my benefit, once you were eligible," he says when he sees the excitement on your face. "You've been the perfect inmate, you deserve this. <</if>> Of course I'll miss our visits together. I would say we could continue afterwards on the outside, but you being seen with me after your release would raise suspicions." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are so grateful to hear the news, you can't contain yourself. He says he has another meeting shortly so there's not time for your usually fun together. There's more than enough time for a quick blowjob though. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Prison80.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you are leaving to go share the good news and start getting [[ready to be discharged|EarlyRelease2]], you see his next appointment walk in. You recognize her as a new inmate who arrived last week. Word is she broke in to a pharmacy to steal an X-Change Plus pill. She might have gotten off with a lighter sentence, or maybe not even caught, if she hadn't stolen lots of other drugs to sell to fund her new life. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You smile, thinking of the offer she's probably about to get. Hopefully she's more excited her first time with the warden than you were. If not, you are sure she'll come around quickly, just like you did. She'll see prison won't be as bad as she'd probably worried it would be. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Leaving the prison</h1> <img src="PartX/Prison81.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> You are sad to be leaving your friends, especially Brenda. But you are thrilled at finally being a free woman again! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With other inmates that have been released, you've seen them walk right out the front gate of the prison. Sometimes family or someone was waiting for them in car, sometimes they waited for the public bus. You were expecting to be one of the latter, but the prison had different plans for your release. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Most parolees have 72 hours to meet with their parole officer. But the conditions of your release require you to meet with your PO prior to your release," the guard tells you. "So we are transfering you back to the local jail where your PO can meet you and have you release from there." You thank him for explaining it for you and sit and wait as he instructs until the prison transport bus arrives. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Unlike your ride from the jail, the bus is mostly empty heading to the jail. It's just you and one other girl. She's on her way to some appeal hearing or something. They keep her in the back of the bus behind the screen, but have you sitting up front. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Thankfully, you don't have to wait long at the jail and are soon brought to [[meet with your probation officer|EarlyRelease3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Conditions of parole</h1> "$playerName, as you know your original sentence was $PrisonSentence years," your PO says after introducing himself. "But it has only been 5 years. That means you will be on parole for the next <<print $PrisonSentence - 5>> years. During that time, you are expected to: <ul> <li>obtain and maintain legal employment. I can assist you with find a job if you need help.</li> <li>keep me informed of your residence</li> <li>avoid any criminal activity</li> <li>avoid contact with any of your former gang associates</li> <li>refrain from any drug use</li> <li>remain within the state, unless you have permission from me to travel</li> </ul> Failure to follow any of these rules is a parole violation. A severe violation, or frequent lesser violations could land you back in prison. Do you understand all that. <<set $PlayerChastityBelt to 1>> <<set $Keyholder to "Your probation officer">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you respond with "Yes, sir" he continues. "In your case there is an additional condition of your parole. Due to extremely high levels of recidivism among parolees, like yourself, who had taken X-Change, special conditions have been deemed appropriate." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You ask why having taken X-Change would make you more likely to traffic drugs again he explains, "It's not necessarily reoffending with the same crime. More often the offenses were prostitution, indecency, and other sex crimes. That and absconding with former lovers still involved in crime, that they are no longer allowed to associate with." You just nod, not mentioning that you had already fantasized about disappearing to South America somewhere with Marcus. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Having answered your question he continues, "You will be required to wear this during your parole." He then hands you a chastity belt. <<if $StartAtMensPrison>> It looks very much like the one you'd worn at the men's prison. <</if>> He also hands you the sealed bag containing the clothes you were arrested in and your other personal effects. Then he sends you to a changing room to put the belt on and change in to your own clothes. You feel <<if $StartAtMensPrison>>the same<<else>>a<</if>> rush of emotion and a surge of horniness as you click the lock closed. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Prison17a.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you return to your probation officer, he inspects the belt, scans it's barcode, and activates some electronics built into the belt. "The belt will track your location, to ensure that you do not leave the state, or visit any other prohibited locations. It will also alert me if it is tampered with in any way. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "If it is ever removed, it needs to be with the key, here at the parole office, or in an emergency, cut off at a hospital. In the latter case I'll be notified and will be there as quick as I can to check on your condition and make sure you leave the hospital with a new belt. Removal in any other way would be a severe parole violation and the remainder of your sentence in prison." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He probably sees the way your are biting your lower lip thinking about how horny you'll be stuck in this thing for years. "It isn't meant to be cruel though. We understand you have needs like anyone else. As long as you are employed, and compliant with your other parole rules, once every few months you will be allowed an hour unlocked here in a private room. You can bring a toy or a partner of your choice." <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock or $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> Given your implant's side effect, you know it'll definitely be a partner you'll be bringing. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Also, if you marry, and you and your spouse are trying to concieve, a request for more frequent unlocking visits can be made and are usually approved." He jestures towards a picture of him, his husband, and their child. "Of course if your hypothetical spouse was the same sex as you, she'd need to be on a blue X-Change or similar pill during those visits. If you do concieve, with or without the additional visits, you'll be switched to an ankle bracelet instead of the belt until after the pregnancy." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you think about the next <<print $PrisonSentence - 5>> years [[locked in this belt|EarlyRelease4]], with months between unlockings, you wonder if you'll soon be eager to marry just for the chance for more sex. Glancing again at the picture of his husband, you toss aside any hopes of trying to bribe him with sex for additional unlocking. You seriously doubt he'd be interested. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Life on the outside</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/Prison82.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's hard finding a job with a felony on your record, but with a little help from your parole officer, you are able to find a job as a waitress again. The after-work fun with your coworkers isn't as fun as it used to be, well for you anyway, but with the affordably priced apartment your PO found for you it does pay enough now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Though you are always tempted by the prospect of additional unlockings, none of the guys from work or elsewhere that you hook up with are really ones you'd want to marry or have a kid with. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> For now frequent anal and oral will have to be enough. That and the hour of pounding your aching, neglected pussy gets once every couple months. <</nobr>> [[The End|GameOverChastityParole]].<<nobr>> <h1>Solitary</h1> "I'm really sorry sir," you begin. "But it's that's not why I... was there. It's just that <<if $StartAtMensPrison>> I heard from others <<else>> figured out <</if>> that if I wasn't in a gang I wouldn't be safe. But being in gang is what got me here. Everyone said that no one would dare cross Brenda. So I figured, if I was under her protection, I'd be safe too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The warden shakes is head and then responds, "I seriously doubt that's the whole story. First, starting a relationship with a double murder hardly seems like a smart way to stay 'safe'. Besides, I've seen your file, and read about your gang 'activities'. A slut like you doesn't change her ways just because she's locked up. I've seen it before. They'll be more write-ups for sexual activity soon enough. Then charges for attempting to bribe guards with sex. Eventually you may even find one that's receptive. Then I'll have to deal with that too." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He continues, "Maybe a week or two in solitary will give you a chance to think about why you were really with her in that cell. And whether you really want to handle this yourself, or accept my offer to help you." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Prison83.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> They lead the solitary ward, and push you into an empty cell and close the heavy door behind you. You are alone and hear nothing except the hum of the ventilation. There's nothing in the room except the bed and the toilet. You sit on the bed think of whether you should have just done whatever the warden wanted you to do. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You sit on the bed for a while. Then you lie down for a while. Then you pace for a while. Eventually you lie down again and [[try to sleep|WomensPrisonSolitary2]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Dreaming while in solitary</h1> Eventually you manage to sleep. <<if $PlayerSideEffectDreams>> As always your <<else>> Your <</if>> dreams are erotic, most focusing on your meeting with warden. Though in your dream he was a dean at your school, and punishing you this way instead of the much less fun way your actual dean had. In your dream, you are punished not by getting your orgasms denied or being sent to solitary, but by getting bent over his knee and spanked. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Prison84.webm" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Though once your ass was bright red his hand stopped spanking and slid into your panties. Seeing how wet you were he gave you several more spanks for being a "naughty slut", before his hand returned and several of his fingers slid inside you. You wake just before his hand bring you to an orgasm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your next dream has you bent over the warden's desk with him fucking you. As you feel his warm cum fill you are about to cum too, but again wake up a moment too soon. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Prison85.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Every time you wake up from your dreams you are desperate for the orgasm you were about to achieve in your dream. Each time your pussy is dripping wet and aching for a cock. <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> You know there's nothing you can do about it though. Your hand explores your wetness for a moment wishing you could do something about it. But instead you just roll over and struggle to sleep again as images of your last good fuck fill your mind. <<else>> Your hand quickly finds your wetness and begins exploring. Before long the wonderful orgasm you were just denied is yours, as your other hand covers your mouth to try to quiet your moans. You don't know how much others can hear through your door and you don't want to get in trouble for this too. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After a night of interrupted sleep, you wake again, and again struggle with nothing to do to occupy the time. Eventually you get tired and the cycle repeats again. After what you think is seven days one of the guard opens the door. He takes you to the showers and watches as you clean yourself. He doesn't notice or at least doesn't comment on the messy evidence that seven days of <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>>denial<<else>>masturbation<</if>> has left on your legs and between them. <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> Your need urges you to beg the guard to fuck you right now, but you manage to hold back and say nothing. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After he hands you a change of clothes and you dress, he takes you back to the [[warden's office|Reeducation]] again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectDreams>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectDreams to 1>> <i>You realize how erotic your dreams are, and how they always seem to end a bit too soon leaving you wet and horny when you wake.</i> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>One of us</h1> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"purple", anon:"Prisoner"})>> <<set $Purple to 1>> <<unset $female>> <<unset $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you change back and then take your Purple pill, the X-Change guy does a few more tests. "It looks like all, or at least most, of your side-effects have persisted through both transitions. <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> That includes your <<else>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock to 1>> And it looks like you've developed a new one, an <</if>> inability to orgasm through mastrubation. Though given your prison... employment, that's probably not going to be a big issue for you." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you return from your visit you are sent over to the meet with the leadership of the Purples. They congratulate you on your decision and welcome you to their 'guild' as a full member. "There's just one little thing first before it's official. A little ceremony to welcome you." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Prison27.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You instinctively hold your mouth open as they initiate you. Once you are fully initiated they hand you a towel to clean up and then sit down to talk with them, as you try to figure out how things are going to be different for you now than they were before. Feeling the raging hard-on you have, you already know one way it'll be different. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Is that your first since taking the pill?" one of them asks about your erection. When you confirm that it is, then you're asked, "[[Would you like me to take care of it|Purples2]] for you?" Of course you quickly agree. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>purple<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Your first orgasm</h1> The others watch as she (*) strips you naked and pushes you back onto the bed. With her lips on yours, and her soft hand around your cock, you feel incredible. You know it's not as good as when you had a clit, but after so long in the belt, you barely remember what that was like anyway. <<set setup.addSex({sex:"purple", name:"Sweet Cheeks"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"purple", name:"Sweet Cheeks"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"purple", name:"Sweet Cheeks"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Prison28.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But instead of moving down and taking your cock into her mouth like you had expected, she rolls you over onto your knees. Soon you feel the familiar feeling of a cock entering your ass. But it feels even better than it did before. And that's before she reaches around and grabs your cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She strokes just enough to keep you close to an orgasm, but not make you cum just yet. Only when she starts to get close to her own orgasm does she start stroking more agressively. After you cum all over the bed, she pulls her hand aways but keeps fucking your ass until she cums too. The familiar warm feeling of cum filling your ass feeling even better in the afterglow of your own orgasm. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After seeing the mess you made under you on the bed, one of the spectators say, "Well, I guess you can keep the name 'Puddles', it looks like it will still apply. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I loved getting fucked in the ass before," you tell Sweet Cheeks as collapse onto the mess you made and she lies next to you. "But that felt even better. And not just because you were stroking my cock, though that was amazing too." She points out that you have a prostate now, so that's probably why it feels better than before. She says she thinks you are [[going to love working|Purples3]] even more now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectAnal += 1>> <i>You love anal sex even more than you did before.</i> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> (*) Sweet Cheek's perfered pronoun <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Working again</h1> You get right back to work after your change. You're still the number one earner your first month back, but after the curiosity about the new you wears off, you drop down several spots. You don't think it's an issue with your skills. Your oral skills as good as they have been, and your anal skills are even better now. <<set setup.addSexRepeat(50, {sex:"male", name:"Gramps"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(50, {sex:"male", name:"Tiny"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(50, {sex:"male", name:"Stretch"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(50, {sex:"male", anon:"Prisoner"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(500, {sex:"male", anon:"Prisoner", repeat:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Prison32.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are talking it over with "Big Bertha", one of the senior Purples. Ze (*) doesn't take clients anymore, but is one of overseers of the other Purples, setting rules and procedures for the others. You tell zir that you think that everyone was probably right, and you did have a bit of an unfair advantage before, and now you are on a level playing field now with all the other Purples. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That is probably part of it," ze agrees. "But I think there's something else that was giving you an advantage besides the sort of X-Change you were on. Some of the other leaders and I have an idea about that. We are hoping we can boost numbers overall, but we are planning on [[starting with you|Purples4]] since you have more experience in this regard." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> (*) Bertha's preferred pronoun <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Back in chastity</h1> <img src="PartX/Prison29.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name:"Gramps"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name:"Tiny"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name:"Stretch"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", anon:"Prisoner"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", anon:"Prisoner", repeat:true})>> <<set $PlayerChastityBelt to 1>> <<set $Keyholder to "Big Bertha">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Big Bertha shows you the chastity cage you are expected to wear. It's the tiniest one you've ever seen. Your newly-restored cock will be almost non-existant when locked in it. <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> You are too submissive to say no anyway, but even if you could, you <<else>> You <</if>> know better than to disobey the Purple leaders. You've heard stories of what happens to people like you when the other convicts hear you aren't under the guild's protection anymore. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Prison30.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'm sure you'll still be able to get off from anal most times," ze says. "But you'll still be just as horny afterwards, which is what we think the guys loved more than the pussy they couldn't even see. But don't worry, you won't have to go years locked up this time. A few of the guys want their Purple to fuck them in the ass instead, or to 69, or whatever. Of course we'll give them what they want. Though, let's be honest. There's only a few gurls they ever want that from, and you're not one of them. But we also plan on unlocking the top earner each month for a little celebration, and as an added incentive for everyone." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Prison31.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Big B was right, it hasn't even been a day yet and just knowing you can't touch your cock, or get a reach around, or anything at all, is getting you turned on already. For a moment you wonder where they even got the chastity cage from. But then you realize that if this is going to [[boost revenue|Purples5]] like ze said then the guards would probably happily smuggle it since their cut would increase too. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>The new normal</h1> After trying it out with you for a month, and seeing the stellar results, the guild leaders decide to instiute chastity cages for all the working Purples. The guards smuggle in a variety of cages but they all seem to work equally well and keeping you and your fellow workers horny and eager all the time. And of course keeping the money your clients get sent in from their friends on the outside flowing your way. <<set setup.addSexRepeat(50, {sex:"male", name:"Gramps"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(50, {sex:"male", name:"Tiny"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(50, {sex:"male", name:"Stretch"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(50, {sex:"male", anon:"Prisoner"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(500, {sex:"male", anon:"Prisoner", repeat:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"purple", name:"Sweet Cheeks"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"purple", name:"Sweet Cheeks"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"purple", anon:"Prisoner"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Prison33.webm" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After the first year, they drop the unlocking and celebration for the top earner each month when they find it counterproductive when no one was ever the top earner twice in a row. You and and your fellow workers still come often though, its just when you have a nice hard cock in your ass, like it should be. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PrisonSentenceEarly <= 10>> You get out in <<if $PrisonSentenceEarly <= 5>>just<</if>> <<print ($PrisonSentenceEarly - 3)>> years, hopefully, but you aren't worried about what you are going to do when you get out. Your usefulness as a durg mule is gone, but the guild leaders say they have contacts on the outside and can keep you working when you get out, just like you have been in the prison. <<else>> You don't get out for at least another <<print ($PrisonSentenceEarly - 3)>> years. Maybe years from now when you are older you'll be one of the guild leaders, helping make the rules. But for now you are having too much fun working and earning to ever want to give it up. You want to keep working as long as the guys keep paying. <</if>> <</nobr>> [[The End|GameOverPurple]].<<nobr>> <h1>A man again</h1> <img src="PartX/Male.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> <<set $MaleAgain to 1>> <<unset $female>> <<unset $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<unset $playerNickname>> <<unset $playerName>> <<unset $PlayerSideEffectBreeder>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Maybe you would have stayed a woman longer if you were free. But your choices were to permanently be one or change back now. At least this way you can change your mind once you're paroled. Since you are back in your old body, well mostly anyway, you can always take a regular X-Change later, or the implant once its on the market. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you look over your new body, you notice something. "Umm, sir... It seems like I've gotten smaller than I was before." You look down at your small, soft penis. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You are probably just misremembering," the X-Change tech tells you. "You probably thought it was adequate back when it was probably the only one you'd ever seen that didn't belong to a porn star. But you've seen, and felt, and tasted, so many since then that you know how yours really compares." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The tech continues, "The tests show it's fully functional. More than enough if you want to be a father someday. However, there were some side effects unrelated to your size. <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> That includes your inability to orgasm from masturbation. Most of the rest of <<else>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock to 1>> Just one new one. You aren't going to be to orgasm from masturbation anymore. And most of <</if>> the side effects from when you were a woman seem to have persisted. Though given your current circumstances, some of them seem like they'll be a blessing. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> There's not you can do about your penis, which you still are convinced is smaller than it was before, or about the side effects. So you [[head back to your cell|MensPrison]] <</nobr>> <<achievement>>maleAgain<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Reassigned</h1> <img src="PartX/Prison34.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> Gramps, Tiny, and Stretch were all very disappointed in your decision to change back, but not angry with you about it. "I mean, I'd cetainly want to change back if I were a chick," Stretch said. "But then again, I never would have let them change me into one in the first place." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course with you just another regular guy now, their protection money, not to mention the free blowjobs and anal, are stopping. Though you do wonder at first if they are going to expect you to continue with those, but they don't. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> What they do want though, and get, is a new cellmate. They'd done such a good job protecting you that the Purples are more than happy to slip a little extra to a few of the guards and have you [[assigned to a new cell|MensPrison2]], and an incoming Purple assigned to them. So their supply of cash, blowjobs, and ass will keep coming, it just won't be from you. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>New Cellmate</h1> <img src="PartX/Prison35.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> He doesn't realize who you are at first, but you recognize "Red" right away. He was the scary-looking guy that your old roommates had refused to offer your services to back when you'd first arrived. Shortly after that you'd heard about what he'd done to cute, little Sweet Cheeks. It'd take her weeks to recover from the beating he'd given her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She hadn't even done anything to prompt it either. From what you heard Red just came too soon. Sweet Cheeks didn't laugh or complain or anything. But Red blamed her instead of himself, and instead of waiting a while and just fucking her some more, he beat her. That was the last time a Purple ever let him buy their time or attention. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The Purples, and you before now, were always well protected, so he never tried anything violent with them after that either. But he's spent plenty of time in solitary for what he's done to the guys he'd gone after instead. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Even if you'd just shown up today, you'd be in danger from him. But once word gets back to him about who you really are, you're certain he's going to want to have his way with you. He's probably been thinking about fucking your ass, your old ass anyway, for two years now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You think about it and realize you have three options. You can [[tell him who you are now|MensPrisonBitch]], before he finds out on his own. Then you can act like you'd wanted to be with him but your cellmates and the Purples wouldn't let you. You'll have to do whatever he wants from now on if you want to avoid a beating. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can buy a shiv, you know just the guy to talk to, and then [[end the Red problem|MensPrisonMurder]] before it starts. He doesn't know who you are yet, and hopefully sleeps soundly. If all goes well, it'll look like he killed himself. You doubt anyone will miss him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Or you can [[do nothing now|MensPrisonRed]] and hope he just doesn't find out who you are. Or if he does, he'll blame the Purples and your former cellmates for what happened, not you. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if either(0,1,1,1) == 0>> <<include [[MensPrisonRedKilled]]>> <<else>> <<include [[MensPrisonRedBeaten]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Prison38.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> Its only a matter of days before Red figures out that his new cellmate isn't some new convict, but "Puddles" the former woman who wouldn't fuck him years ago. <br><br> You don't realize he knows yet, and he gets you alone in the cell. "So whore, did you think I wouldn't figure out who you really are?" He says. You don't even have time to say anything before his first punch lands, breaking your nose. <br><br> "It's bitches like you that think they are too good for me that put me here in the first place," he snarls before hitting you again and again and again, breaking several ribs. <br><br> "I'll show you and those fucking tranny whore friends of yours what happens to people who cross me," he growls as he hits you repeatedly. You fall to the floor, unable to get back up. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Beaten</h1> <<include [[MensPrisonRedCommon]]>> <<set $RedBeating to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'm sorry. They wouldn't let me. I wanted to fuck you, but they wouldn't let me," you manage to say before you black out. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wake up the next day in a hospital bed. You tell them you fell out of bed, from the top bunk. They don't believe you, of course. Weeks later when you are back to health and back at the prison, Red is still in solitary for what he did. The guards know he did it, but they can charge him with it with you claiming it was just a bad fall. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He's already here for life, the best you could hope for telling the truth about what happened would be if he were transfered to another prison, but that's not likely. More likely is just getting assigned to a different cell, and then he'd come looking for you to finish what he started. You think you were right in keeping quiet, and trying to get on Red's good side. Or at least on his [[less-bad side|MensPrisonBitch]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Beaten to death</h1> <<include [[MensPrisonRedCommon]]>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your broken ribs make it impossible to scream for help, or say much of anything. The last thing you ever see is the sight of Red's foot coming down towards your head. The coroner's report says he kept going a quite a while after you were unconscious, stopping only when a guard looked in because of the noise. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's of no consolation to you, but Red leaves the prison in the same hearse you do. He was still in a rage when the guard came in. After attacking the guard, several other guards, armed with batons, come to their fellow officer's defense. One of the baton blows landed in just the right spot, and ended the Red problem for everyone. <</nobr>> [[The End|GameOverPrisonKilled]]. <<achievement>>dead<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Problem solved</h1> You get your shiv that day. "If you get caught with that, or fucking use it, it better not come back on me," your supplier tells you. You wait until Red is sound asleep and snoring before you sneak over to put an end to Red. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Prison36.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Red's eyes only open for a moment as you slit his throat, then he's out. You wash your finger prints off the shiv, and then put it in Red's hand so it looks like a suicide. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As Red finishes bleeding out, you lie back down in your bed and try to sleep. It takes quite a while as your heart is still pounding in your chest. But eventually you manage to sleep. You wake up to one of your remaining cellmates yelling "Guard! Guard!" to summon a guard to your still-locked cell. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The three of you are taken away for questioning as they recover the body and the shiv. All three of you say you don't know anything. "He seemed fine when we went to bed. But it's not like he'd talk to us about it if the time was getting to him. Tough guy and all that." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The guard seem happy with the suicide explaination, and you think you are home free. But then the Red's autopsy comes back. It turns out anytime there is violent death an autopsy is required, and his showed homicide, not suicide. The angle and depth of the cut evidently wasn't what it would have been if he'd done it himself. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you were the new guy in the cell, you were prime suspect. A few blood spots on your sheets was enough for them to charge you. You hadn't even realized they'd saved all the sheets when they'd stripped the beds after the murder. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your lawyer tried to go for reasonable doubt, since there were three of you in the cell, and no one saw anything. He also wanted to talk about how many people wanted Red dead, but the judge would only allow the jury to hear about motives from the three men in the cell, since it couldn't have been anyone else except a guard, which your lawyer wasn't claiming. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set $PrisonSentence to 1000>> <<set $PrisonSentenceEarly to 1000>> <<set $JobMurderer to 1>> The blood on your sheets, the premediation to obtain a shiv, and the "callous disregard for life" you had by just going back to sleep next to your "victim" was enough to earn you a [[life sentence|MensPrisonMurder2]] - with no chance for parole. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>murderer<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Respect and Gratitude</h1> After your trial is over and you are back at the same prison as before, you find you have a measure of respect from the other inmates. No one liked Red, and most there feared him. You may have done it in his sleep. But still, no one wants to mess with the guy that managed to kill Red. <<set setup.addSexRepeat(500, {sex:"purple", name:"Sweet Cheeks"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Sweet Cheeks, who Red had once beaten almost to death, feels more strongly about it though. It starts as just a free session or two, as a thank you for eliminating him once and for all. But she enjoys spending time with you as much as you do with her. The two of you become regular partners, sucking each other's cock, or taking turns as top or bottom when you fuck. Of course she still sees regular clients as well too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Prison39.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You're here for life, and Sweet Cheeks is eligible for parole in five years. So eventually the relationship will end, but you know it'll be fun while it lasts. And when it does end, the Purples have promised you a lifetime discount of 10%, giving up their cut for any future bookings you might make. <</nobr>> [[The End|GameOverPrisonLife]].<<nobr>> <h1>Becoming Red's Bitch</h1> <<if $RedBeating>> When Red is finally released from solitary, you try to talk to him in public, so he hopefully won't start beating you again. <br><br> <</if>> "I'm sorry I couldn't be with you before, Red, when I was a woman," you lie. "I wanted to, you were so much more of a man than those guys they made me fuck. But they wouldn't let me decide. I'm so sorry, is there any way I can make it up to you now?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $RedBeating>> "I heard you try to say that when I was..." he looks around at the people near you. "When you fell." Then he continues, <<else>> Red responds, <</if>> "Honesty that made much more sense to me. Of course you'd want to fuck me, and not those pussy's they'd been sending you. But you were just a weak, stupid woman and had to do what you were told." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Exactly, sir," you say. You'll say whatever he wants to hear, do whatever he wants you to do, to avoid <<if $RedBeating>>another<<else>>a<</if>> beating. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Prison37.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know you're going to be spending the next probably <<print ($PrisonSentence - 2)>> years being Red's bitch, sucking his cock whenever he wants and trying not to pass out as he holds your head with his cock in your throat. With him fucking your ass as often as he likes, viciously beating your ass and telling you what a whore you are as he does. But at least you are realtively safe as long as you keep him happy. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He even has you dress like a woman, whenever the guards allow it at least. And when the Purples start wearing chastity cages, inspired by your belt you think, he gets one for you to wear so he doesn't have to see your cock hard again and make him forget you aren't still a woman. You thought he was going to beat you <<if $RedBeating>>again<</if>> when your erection touched his once before, so it's probably safer for you this way anyway. <<set $PlayerChastityBelt to 1>> <<set $Keyholder to "Red">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Unfortunately some of the things he's made you do to keep him happy have been against the rules, and you've gotten write-ups, even time in solitary, over it. You'd hoped to be out in <<print ($PrisonSentenceEarly - 2)>> years, but you aren't as confident that you'll get parole now as you were a couple years ago. <</nobr>> [[The End|GameOverMensPrisonBitch]].<h1><<print "Game Over - Chastity Parole">></h1> <img src="PartX/GameOver7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<achievement>>chastityParole<</achievement>><h1><<print "Game Over - Prison Bitch">></h1> <img src="PartX/GameOver11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<achievement>>prisonBitch<</achievement>><h1><<print "Game Over - Killed in Prison">></h1> <img src="PartX/GameOver13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <<achievement>>prisonKilled<</achievement>><h1><<print "Game Over - Life without Parole">></h1> <img src="PartX/GameOver12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<achievement>>prisonLife<</achievement>><h1><<print "Game Over - Purple Prison Prostitute">></h1> <img src="PartX/GameOver11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<achievement>>purplePrison<</achievement>><h1><<print "Game Over - Snitches Get Stitches">></h1> <img src="PartX/GameOver10.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<achievement>>snitch<</achievement>> <<set $Dead to "gang-execution">><h1><<print "Game Over - Country Girl">></h1> <<if $PlayerPregnant>><img src="PartX/GameOver16.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"><<else>><img src="PartX/GameOver1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"><</if>> <<achievement>>farmGirl<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Meeting with the warden again</h1> You are brought into the warden's office again and sat down. The warden comes over to talk to you, "So, $playerName, now that you've had some time to reflect, have you reconsidered my offer?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes, sir," you answer quickly. "I'm sorry I was being so stubborn last week. I'll do... whatever it is that you think is best." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That's great to hear," he says. "I've had a bit of time to reflect myself this past week. Originally I'd planned on handling your... training myself. But then I remembered that the X-Change company is looking for inmate volunteers for a new re-education program they are working on to help girls just like you become contributing members of society." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Comparing an actual official program to what you expect the warden's 'training' sounds much more palatable. Etiquite and job training classes versus being bent over some creepy, old guy's desk, you are already feeling relieved. That excitement skyrockets when the warden tells you the best part. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "The program lasts up to 18 months, and if you successfully complete it, you'll be released on unsupervised parole," the warden says. He clarifies, "Unsupervised in that you won't be meeting with a parole officer, or have the usual parole conditions imposed. You'll have to comply with whatever follow-up requirements the X-Change people might have though. But the key part is that as long as you stay out of any more trouble, you'll stay out of prison." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Prison86.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You quickly agree to [[join the program|Reeducation2]]. You barely even glance at the X-Change contract he hands, noticing only a few words like "Irrevocable consent to any and all training the Corporation deems appropriate..." among a lot of legal jargon and indecipherable text. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Excellent," the warden says. "I'll send one of the guards with you to your cell to gather your things and then wait in out-processing until they arrive. I already assumed you would agree and someone from the program is on their way to pick you up this afternoon." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Entering Re-education</h1> <<set $JobReeducation to 1>> <<unset $JobDrugTrafficker>> <<unset $PrisonSentence>> <<unset $PrisonSentenceEarly>> <<unset $playerNickname>> <<set $playerNameOld to $playerName>> <<set $playerName to `${Math.floor(Math.random() * 999) + 9000}`>> <<if $PlayerProtectionPill>> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone to 1>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPill>> <</if>> <<if $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone to 1>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> <</if>> <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone to 1>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <</if>> <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone to 1>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionTry>> <</if>> The car that picked you up drives for a while as you sit in the passenger seat. The driver doesn't say much, but you don't mind. You don't even mind that your hands are cuffed behind you. You are just enjoying the view and being out of the prison. When you eventually arrive at the training facility, it looks like an old boarding school to you, but the sign in front says "X-Change Training and Rehabilitation Institute". <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Reeducation1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Welcome to the Institute, $playerName," a man greets you as he lets you into the main building. "That is your name for now. If you behave and do well, you may earn the privilege of choosing your own name, either the one you had before you arrived here, or a new one. Until then however your name is $playerName. Do not forget it. And use of any previous names, or any other without permission, is punishable as a rules violation." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You will learn that here at the institue many things you took for granted are now privileges that must be earned, more so even than it was for you in prison. Things like choosing your name, choosing your own clothing to wear, being able to be seen or heard, all of these must be earned. Now strip out of your prison clothing and put this on. It is what you will be wearing until you earn the privilege to do otherwise." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> While he watches, you do as he says and strip. When you look in the box he handed you see it filled with mostly latex. You follow as he instructs you in what order to put things on. Whatever they want you to wear, you'll wear. Anything is better than getting sent back to prison. <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> Of course feeling yourself start to get wetter the more latex you put on probably helps make it easier too. <</if>> At a certain point he has to finish dressing you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He tightens everything and fastens the strap of the latex straight jacket behind you. He pulls a hood over your head revealing only your mouth and eyes, though he covers your mouth with a panel gag a moment later. The whole time you find yourself getting <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> more and more <<else>> both nervous and <</if>> aroused the tighter he binds you. The gag's penis insert, securely in your mouth now, only intensifies the effect. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "As I mentioned earlier, speech is a privilege you will have to earn. It will be the first privilege you will earn. Until then your gag will only be removed when it is time for you to eat or drink or otherwise make use of your mouth." Without even realizing it at first you suck on your gag's penis insert a few times as you think about what 'otherwise make use of your mouth' means. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He then clips a leash to the ring on the front of your collar and leads you down the hallway. Your are seated in front of a computer screen as he starts what he refers to as your '[[orientation video|Reeducation3]]'. He unhooks his leash, clips a chain that was attached to the chair to your collar, then walks away. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Orientation</h1> You watch as the video starts playing. The audio plays right into your ears, presumably from some small speakers in the hood you are wearing. The first part explains the layout of the facility, what is located on each floor of this building, what other buildings there are, and so on. The video shows a girl dressed similar to yourself being led on a leash over to one of the other buildings. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Then it starts going over the rules you are expected to follow. There's many of them, but it says you'll also have a guide in your room to reference. But some of the ones that stick out in your mind were: <ul> <li> The name thing the other guy had mentioned. $playerName. $playerName. $playerName. You repeat it in your head making sure you don't forget it. </li> <li> Unauthorized masturbation is prohibited. Once this would have shocked you, but technically it was in prison too, though the guards didn't usually care unless they were out to get you anyway. They'd just ignore it if they caught someone, or occasional stop and watch. <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> Though it's not like it was a concern for you then, or now, since you couldn't get yourself off if you tried. And you have tried. <</if>> </li> <li> Unauthorized sex with other students is prohibited. </li> <li> ... </li> </ul> Your mind starts to wander as the video drones on about following orders from teachers and staff. You can't stop the sound from playing in your ears, but look around the room to see if there is anything interesting to see. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> A few moments later you feel a painful shock on your neck followed by instructions to keep your eyes on the screen. The shock is not <<if $BarryIsland>> as painful as the one on the island with Barry was, <<else>> that painful, <</if>> but you expect this is just the first level and it gets worse. You quickly look back at the screen. The video resumes playing, repeating the part you had tried to ignore. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Eventually the orientation video ends. "Please remain seated until someone comes to retrieve you. You may optionally enjoy the following entertainment until they do." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/Reeducation3.webm" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> A porn video of some young woman giving a guy a blowjob starts. As you glance around you see the "optionally" part meant you didn't need to keep your eyes on the screen like before. Though again, there's no getting away from the sounds of her slurping on his cock, or either of their moans. You also discover that when you are looking at the screen, something in your suit softly vibrates against your clit. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course you keep your eyes glued to the screen to keep the vibrations going. The soft vibrations get much stronger a few minutes later as the guy on screen moans and cums into the woman's mouth. It stays high until after he pulls out of her mouth, then it returns to the softer level again. It's not near enough to get you off, but if felt wonderful while it lasted. Soon that video ends and another, similar video begins, with the soft vibrations continuing. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The second video ends with her pulling his cock out of her mouth before he cums, and finishing him with her hand. You watch hopefully as his cum shoots across the room in the video. But the suit doesn't give you the strong vibrations and even stops the gentle ones for now. "What a waste. She should have swallowed every drop," you think. Wait, was that just a voice in your head, or was that a faint voice in your ear from your hood. You decide it's true, so it doesn't matter which it was. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You watch intently as the third video plays. This one has the girl on her back, with her head tilted back off the bed as he fucks her mouth. You get frustrated and annoyed when he pulls out as he gets close. But she opens her mouth and he cums into it, triggering the strong vibrations again. It doesn't last nearly long enough for your liking though and you anxiously await the next video. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't know how many videos you've watched or how long you've been waiting when the man from earlier returns. You are sure if you weren't wearing this cat suit, you would have left a messy wet spot on the chair though. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He switches you back over to his leash and leads you [[down the hallway|Reeducation4]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Bathroom break</h1> <img src="PartX/Reeducation4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> He leads you into the "Student Restroom." Once you are inside he tells you to bend over the counter, and you do as you are told. He reaches between your legs and grabs the bottom zipper of your catsuit and unzips it. You blush as you try to imagine how wet you are down there. You think it's probably best that you are still gagged. As horny as the videos left you, and with yourself completely exposed to him right now, you know you'd be begging him to fuck you if you could. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He helps you sit on one of the toilets. They are all just spaced apart along the wall, with no walls or doors of any kind. It appear there is even less privacy here than in prison. Thankfully, you only have to pee. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you are finished, he takes a few squares of toilet paper from the roll sitting on the toilet tank. He pats you dry. Seeing that's not enough he grabs some more and repeats. Each touch is achingly brief. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He has you bend over again. Before he zips you up, you try to wiggle your ass enticingly, saying with your body, what your mouth can't. You get a hard and swift swat on your ass, which the latex does little to dull. "No begging," he says sternly, then zips you up. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He then leads you out of the bathroom, down the hall, and up the stairs. You eventually [[arrive at a classroom|Reeducation5]] and he leads you in. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your first lesson</h1> "This is $playerName. She's a new student," he says to the teacher. Then he unhooks the leash and leaves you in the classroom. <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Mr. Moore"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You see a dozen or so other girls in the room. Two are dressed like you, but without the gag and their hands are free. A couple more are also lacking the hood you have. But most are wearing various short skirts and tight-fitting white tops, with several of the top buttons unbuttoned, or perhaps missing entirely. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Reeducation2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> "Welcome $playerName," the teacher says. "I'm Mr. Moore, but when you are able to speak with me you will just refer to me as Sir. You are expecting him to direct you to one of the empty seats, but instead he has you stand in the front of the class. "So, would you like to have your gag removed so you can participate in class?" In addition to wanting it off for your own sake, one of the rules the video showed you stressed the importance of class participation. So you nod eagerly. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Does anyone here remember how you earn the privilege of removing your gag?" he asks the class. Every hand goes up. He calls on one of the girls that were missing only the gag. You assume they have the most recent knowledge. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She stands and says, "You pledge to make your mouth availabe to any man that wants to use it." You aren't as shocked as you might have been shortly after your change. But seeing how much sex was a part of your university, and everything since, her answer doesn't surprise you. Especially considering how you are all dressed. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Mr. Moore, tells her that is correct and she sits down again. He grabs a remote from his desk and presses some button. The girl who answered has a look of her pleasure for a moment before returning to normal. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "And what are some ways a student can lose this privilege?" he asks. Again every hand quickly goes up. "Name one please, Brandi," he says and one of the girls in a short skirt stands up. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "By refusing to service a cock when she's asked," Brandi answers. Other girls are called with other answers: "If he thinks she did a poor job", "If she speaks to a man when she hasn't been spoken to", and "If she talks back to a man". Each time a button on his remote elicits the same responds from the girls that answered. You wonder at the girls wearing skirts, you assume they must have something under their skirts, similar to whatever is in your catsuit. You are quickly realizing that it's not only about sex here, but also making you submissive and complaint towards men. <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> You can feel yourself getting wet thinking about it. <<else>> You tell yourself, that it's better than prison. That's certainly true since you're not going to get stabbed in the shower here, for one. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Or, of course, if any of your instructors decide that you should wear it for any other reason," he says concluding the list. "So, are you ready to earn the privilege to speak when spoken to?" he asks you. You eagerly nod. "Do you pledge to orally service any man that wants it?" You nod again, though a bit less eagerly. He then unfastes your gag, pulling it out of your mouth and the drool-covered penis insert with it. "Is there something you would like to say now that you can?" he asks you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Thank you, Sir," is all you say, hoping this is the correct response. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Good girl, but there's a better way for you to thank me," he says as he unzips his pants. You glance at all of the other girls watching you, <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> and it makes you start to get wet again, <</if>> then you carefuly get down on your knees in front of him. You can't help pull out his cock, so you wait patiently for it. "You are allowed to ask for it," he tells you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Please sir, may I suck your cock," you say. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As he slides his cock into your mouth, he presses some buttons on his remote and the vibrations start again. They are better than the soft ones were earlier, but nowhere near as strong as the powerful ones were. As you suck his cock he praises you for what a good cocksucker you are. "You've clearly had some training before you arrived," he notes. <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral>> He also praises you for enthusiasm, as he can clearly see how much you are enjoying sucking his cock. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he starts to cum, you take him deep into your mouth trying to make sure you don't lose a drop. After he is done cumming, he starts to pull out. As he does he presses something on his remote again. The vibrations spring to life again, stronger than ever. He lets them continue for a while, and you are soon standing there moaning in front of the class. But then the vibrations stop and you are left there panting. "[[Have a seat|Reeducation6]]," he tells you. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Classroom Training Video</h1> After you a seated, Mr. Moore directs you all to the large screen monitor on the wall. "Today we have another training video. Watch closely, and I'll have some questions for you at the end." Then he starts the video. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Shortly after the video starts, Mr. Moore presses buttons on his remote. You feel the vibrations start again, softly, against your clit. You don't know if they stop if you look away, but you don't plan on finding out and keep your eyes fixed on the screen, as does every girl in the room. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/Reeducation10.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="300"></video><br> </div> You realize you are hearing the video through the speakers or whatever in your hood. You notice the girls without hoods have been wearing earbuds the whole time, so they must be hearing it through that. You aren't sure if Mr. Moore can hear anything, but he's probably seen the video many times before anyway. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You watch as a man ties a woman to the bed. Once she's tied he asks her, "How long has it been since I've allowed you an orgasm?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "2 months, 18 days, Master," she answers. You hear a soft voice speaking over the video, "She's such a good girl, she only cums when her Master allows it." The voice didn't distract from the video, they weren't saying anything right then. But the increased vibrations on your clit you felt the entire time the voice was speaking was pleasantly distracting. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He then tells her, "Well, tonight you'll be cumming, and cumming again." You can see the look of happiness and anticipation fill her face. "Tonight, I want to see how many orgasms you can take before you pass out. Doesn't that sound fun?" He gets a quick 'Yes, master' in response. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You watch as he begins with his tongue. You aren't sure how much is due to his skill and knowing just what she likes, and how much is due to the months she's gone without an orgasm, but it isn't long before she is crying out with her first orgasm. Her body thrashes and tugs at the ropes holding her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The strong vibrations start again just after the girl on the video orgasms. "You only want to cum when a man gives you permission," the voice in your ear says softly. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The video continues with more and more orgasms for the bound woman. Each one her thrashing gets less and less energetic. Each time the voice in your ear says something afterwards. You think it was more about only cumming when you are giving permission, but you found it harder and harder to pay attention. It was more fun focussing on the vibrations instead. Besides, it's obvious you should only cum when you have permission, so the voice seems unnecessary. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Finally the woman passes out. A few moments later the man wakes her up again, unties her, and offers her a sports drink to help her recover from her experience. Mr. Moore turns off the video there and says, "Now, let's see [[how well you were paying attention|Reeducation7]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Questions about the video</h1> "First question," Mr. Moore says, "Who wishes they could have been in her place?" Every hand goes up. "Why?" he asks and points to you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "It looked like she was in so much pleasure, Sir," you respond. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Incorrect," he says. He presses a button on his remote and you feel a painful shock hit your clit. He points to another girl and asks "Why?" again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Her Master looked so pleased with her. She seemed to be making him very happy," the girl says. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Good answer," Mr. Moore says. This time the button press causes a moan of pleasure from her. Now he says to the entire class, "Any girl that can tell me what she did wrong in the video will get a special reward. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Reeducation12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> There's a pause then one girl raises her hand. When he calls on her she answers, "She didn't ask for permission each time before she came." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Incorrect," he says. She winces, expecting a shock, but he doesn't press any buttons. "Well, you are half-right," he clarifies. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Of course, you are right that you should never orgasm without permission," he says. "But her Master her told her he wanted her to cum again and again. A man saying he wants to see you cum is the best kind of permission, because it means your orgasm is for his enjoyment, not just yours." He pauses, "Any other guesses." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> A different girl raises her hand. By the way she's dressed you assume she's been here longer than some of the others. She's wearing a short black skirt and has been absent-midedly fiddling with it's zipper occasionally during class. When she's called on, she stands and answers, "She didn't count her orgasms for her Master." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Exactly!" Mr. Moore says. "She should be giving her Master whatever he needs, not just what he orders her to do. Her Master wanted to know how many orgasms she was going to have, so she should have counted them for him. Well, for at least as long as she was able. She should have been thanking him for each also. Good job, take your seat." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The girl quickly sits down. Her short skirt flies up you can see she doesn't have any underwear on under it. You don't see anything near her clit like you had guessed. Maybe she wasn't getting the vibrations you and the others had been. After she's seated Mr. Moore [[presses something on his remote|Reeducation8]], and the girl smiles. Then again, maybe she was getting them. You just don't know how. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Mr. Moore's lecture</h1> Mr. Moore instructs the class first on the importance of never orgasming without a man's permission, and then about trying to proactively anticipate your man's needs, and not just respond to orders. The entire time the girl in the short skirt is moaning louder and louder in her seat and her hands have started to alternate between either roaming her body or clutching at the edges of her desk. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Her moans get even louder, and she quickly raises her hand. Mr. Moore doesn't notice, or at least acts like he doesn't. She continues with her hand up as she shifts more and more uncomfortably in her chair. Finally, he calls on her, "Yes, what is it?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "May I please cum sir?" she asks with a trembling voice. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Reeducation13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300" align="left"> "Stand and lift your skirt," he orders. She quickly complies. You can all see how close to her orgasm as her pussy drips with need onto the floor. As soon as the words 'You may orgasm' leave his lips, she cries out and grabs her desk tightly as she starts to orgasm. A few moments later, Mr. Moore presses something on his remote again and eventually the girl regains her composure. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Thank you, sir," she says. He then tells her she can sit and finishes his lecture. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he's done, he dismisses the class. "Except for you... $playerName," he says after checking your number he'd written down when you came in. "You can stay and earn the privilege of using your arms again." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You stay in your seat as the others start to leave. One of the other girls softly whispers, "Have fun" as she walks by. Eventually when the others have left, he [[calls you up to his desk|Reeducation9]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Staying after class</h1> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermission to 1>> "We don't give you girls the privilege of using your hands until we think you've started to acclimate to the Institute," Mr. Moore explains. "And that's also why we require the heels as well. They both make it much harder for new girls to get into trouble, or wander off. But you seem to be fitting in well." <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Mr. Moore"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Mr. Moore", vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/Reeducation5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video><br> </div> He unlocks and removes a small padlock from each of the heels you are wearing. "Of course you can still wear them if you like, or there should be a few other options in your closet if you prefer." He then unbuckles your arms, letting you move them freely again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He pulls his shirt off and tells you to suck his cock. You get to your knees and unbuckle his pants and pull out his cock. He pulls pants the rest of the way off and kick them out of the way. You eagerly start sucking his cock again. This time using your hands as well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> This time he doesn't have you continue until he cums. Instead he pulls out of your mouth, and tells you to stand. When you do he gives your ass a spank, and tells you, "Now up on my desk on your hands and knees." You quickly and eagerly comply. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your excitement grows as he unzips the bottom of your catsuit. The teasing throughout class has you wet and eager for him. You let out a moan as he slides into you. He thrusts in and out of you, but then tells you to do the work. He stands there as you thrust back and forth onto his cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You soon find yourself getting closer and closer to an orgasm. "Sir, may I cum," you say without even thinking about it. You moan and hold back. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "No. You may not," he says as he continues fucking you. You continue moaning and hovering on the edge of an orgasm, without cumming. After a while of struggling he grabs your hips and pulls you into him a few more times then groans and cums inside you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He zips you back up and starts dressing. "Remember, cleaning your suit nightly is one of your duties," he says. He slaps your ass one last time and tells you, "Go join your classmates in the cafeteria. I'll see you again [[tomorrow|Reeducation10]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Lunch with the girls</h1> <img src="PartX/Reeducation14.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> You quickly head to the cafeteria, thankfully they new you'd be coming eventually and a tray is waiting there for you. In addition to your grilled chicken breast, sliced fruit, and toast, there is a small cup with several pills in it. After confirming that they are for you, you shrug and take them with a sip of water. Then you sit down to join some of the other girls. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Thankfully, when it's just you girls around you can speak freely. Well, you can speak without being spoken to that is. You still aren't allowed to use any old names any of you had, or even mention that you were ever anything but the beautiful young women you are now. And, of course, saying anything disparaging about the Institute, or its programs or staff is also forbidden. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Talking with them you learn more about the Institute and your fellow students. The ones you were in class with have all been here two months or less. They point out girls at other tables that have been here nearly six months. "That's Misty. She's about to graduate soon," 6395 says about a girl at another table. The girl she pointed to is beautiful, with her makeup flawlessly done. She's also naked except for a strappy body harness, wrist and ankle cuffs, and a collar. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> 7268 says, "I wish I could wear something that showed off my body like that." You certainly hadn't though the short shorts and half-shirt that 7268 was wearing modest. But in comparison, you suppose it is. "But we get more options as we get closer to graduating, so maybe later I will," she adds hopefully. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'd arrived late, so you don't have time to talk anymore before it's time to go to your next class. This one is a boring etiquite class, then a cooking class. You visit a bit more with the other girls in the evening, but then it's [[time for bed|Reeducation11]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Dreaming</h1> You take your catsuit off that evening and wash it in the sink in your room. You take special care to clean up the mess you and Mr. Moore had left in it. Then you hang it to dry on the plastic hanger like you were instructed. There's no other clothing in your closet, except for shoes, so you assume you are supposed to sleep naked. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Reeducation8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> You notice the ear buds on your dresser. Before bed you turn them on and put them in your ears like you were told to do. You don't know if anyone is watching on the other end of the camera in the corner your room, so it's best to act as though they always are. With the soft white noise playing in your ear, drowning out any outside noise, you quickly fall asleep. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you sleep, in your first dream, you find yourself naked on the floor, surrounded by a half-dozen naked men standing around you. They all look similar, and are all well-endowed. Later, you wonder if they were brothers, or cousins or something, but in your dream you don't question it. You just want to suck cock, just like the voice in your dream keeps saying. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't know how long it really was, but in your dream it seems to go on forever, sucking each cock, and then starting in on the first one, hard again by then. Of course, you've tried to swallow every drop, but still some has dribbled out of our mouth and some of the men preferred to cum on you instead. When your dream ends, you are covered in cum, and staring up at six cocks, as hard and ready to be sucked as when your dream started. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> In your next dream you find yourself in a huge nightclub. Looking around and seeing there are far more men than women here you smile. Looking at yourself, you see what you're wearing seems to cover little of your body. You love it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/Reeducation11.webm" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> </div> One of the men says bluntly, "I want to fuck you." Your answer comes so naturally, like you've set it hundreds of times before. Or perhaps heard it repeated that many times. "Of course sir. I don't have a master, so my body is available for any man that wants to use it." He smiles and you add, "Where would you like to fuck me?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You were expecting him to say "Your ass," or something similar, but instead he points to a table in the center of the club. You obediently lie down on the table. As he begins to fuck you, a crowd gathers around you. They watch and cheer him on, "Fuck her hard!", "Fill that slut with your cum!" Eventually he does just that. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You aren't left there long though, because a moment later, one of the men from the crowd takes his place behind you. As he's fucking you, you feel an orgasm approaching. "May I cum, sir" you ask. "No," he says. He continues fucking you, your body hovering on the edge of an orgasm the entire time. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It repeats with another man from the audience, and another, and another. Each time you ask if you can cum, but none of them will give you permission. Later, you have no idea how many men have fucked you, but you ass and pussy are full of cum, your body is covered in it. Even the table you are on is covered in cum, you feel yourself sliding around in it as each new man steps up to fuck you next. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you wake up, you still feel like you are on the edge of an orgasm. Part of you wants to <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> masturbate, even though you know it wouldn't help. <<else>> masturbate, even though there's no man here to give your permission to cum anyway. <</if>> Besides, the camera is watching, and pleasuring yourself without permission is against the rules. Instead, you shower, change back into your catsuit, and [[head to class|Reeducation12]] <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectDreams>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectDreams += 1>> <i>You notice that now, your dreams have become even more erotic than they were before. Each morning you wake up horny and cravy cock.</i> <<else>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectDreams to 1>> <i>You notice that now, every night your dreams are extremly erotic. Each morning you wake up horny and cravy cock.</i> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectLibido>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectLibido += 2>> <i>As your time at the Institue goes on, you realize your already high libido has become even higher. You are always thinking about sex and how long it will be until you will be filled again</i> <<else>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectLibido to 2>> <i>As your time at the Institue goes on, you realize how high you libido has become. You are always thinking about sex and how long it will be until you will be filled again.</i> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>A troublesome student</h1> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(3, {sex:"male", name:"Mr. Moore"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(3, {sex:"male", name:"Mr. Moore", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(1, {sex:"male", name:"Mr. Patterson"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(3, {sex:"male", name:"Mr. Patterson", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex:"male", name:"Mr. Thomas"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(1, {sex:"male", name:"Mr. Daily"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(1, {sex:"male", name:"Mr. Daily", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex:"male", name:"Mr. Cooper"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex:"male", name:"Mr. Cooper", vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your classes go smoothly for the next several weeks, you no longer have to wear your hood. You have ear buds now just like the other girls that have been here a while. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've worked hard to be an ideal student, both in learning the material in your lessons, and with the more 'practical' exercises most of the professors have from time to time for you and the other girls. Nearly all the other girls are model students as well. But today there is an exception, a new girl. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She's introduced to Mr. Moores class as 5491. He asks her the same questions as he did for you, so she could earn the privilege of speaking when spoken to. She nodded her agreement to orally service any man that wants it, just like you and everyone else had done their first day. But instead of getting on her knees and thanking Mr. Moore when he removed her gag, she starts ranting at him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He quickly attaches a leash to her collar, with the other end fixed to his desk. "I didn't sign up for this shit!" she screams as she tugs at the leash. "I just agreed to come here because my fucking step-dad was going to kick me out of the house and make me get a job if I didn't! I didn't know the perverted asshole was sending me to some place like this! I want out of this fucking straight jacket, and out of this fucking place, right now!" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Reeducation15.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> Mr. Moore had let her rant while he pulled up something on his tablet. He goes over to her with the tablet in hand. "Yes you did sign up for this," he says as he holds the tablet up to her. "Here's the part where you acknowledged that your uncontrolled sexual behavior posed a risk to yourself and others. Here's the part where you irrevocably consent to remain here until the Institute determines you are no longer a danger yourself or others. And's the part where you irrevocably consented to ANY training methods we deem appropriate. Oh, and here's your signature at the bottom." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Danger to others? That's bullshit!", she yells as Mr. Moore walks back over to his desk. "He just sent me here because I fucked whoever I wanted, and it wasn't him!" Mr. Moore puts the tablet down on his desk and grabs his remote and something out of his desk drawer. "I'm not sucking his cock, or your cock, or anyone elses! Let me out of th..." Her rant is cut short when Mr. Moore pushes a button on his remote. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> 5491 doubles over in pain from the shock she must have just received. While her mouth is open crying out about that, Mr. Moore skillfully puts the ring gag he'd pulled from his desk into her mouth, and buckles it behind her. She tries to rant more, but it's completely unintelligible now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You aren't ready for this class yet. You need some remedial training first," Mr. Moore tells her. "You will suck cock. Every cock you are offered, just like you agreed. And we are going to start with mine, right now." Mr. Moore pulls out his cock and warns her, "If you do a good job, then you can be rewarded. And if you do a bad job, you will be punished again." Watching him fuck her face as she struggles, you already know which button he'll be pressing. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> For the next week, 5491 is chained in the hallway most of every day, available for additional training from any instructor with time. You're not sure if it's whatever training she is getting from the speakers in her hood, or if she's just eager for the instructors to press the button for reward instead of punishment. But every time you see her she looks less defiant and more enthusiastic. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> By the end of the week, you can see the hopeful look in her eye whenever one of the instructors approach, and the look of disappointment when they pass her without offering her their cock. You are pretty sure she'll be a much more well behaved and eager student when she [[returns to class|Reeducation13]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Class Volunteer</h1> A few weeks later, you were quick to raise your hand when Mr. Daily, the health teacher, asked for volunteer to help with a lesson the next day. You didn't know what the lesson was going to be about, but you were eager to please him. And you wanted a chance to wear something different for a change, even though you didn't know what it was going to be. <<set setup.addSexRepeat(3, {sex:"male", name:"Mr. Moore"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(3, {sex:"male", name:"Mr. Moore", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(3, {sex:"male", name:"Mr. Patterson"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(3, {sex:"male", name:"Mr. Patterson", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(3, {sex:"male", name:"Mr. Thomas"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(3, {sex:"male", name:"Mr. Daily"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(3, {sex:"male", name:"Mr. Daily", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(3, {sex:"male", name:"Mr. Cooper"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(3, {sex:"male", name:"Mr. Cooper", vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next morning, someone came by your room and dropped off a box with what you were supposed to wear. You were already excited seeing how short it was. But when you saw the back of it, and what little of it there was, you were absolutely thrilled. You quickly finished getting ready and headed to the rec room, where you knew there was a large mirror. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Reeducation9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> You are admiring how exposed you are in the dress when Mr. Patterson, your cooking teacher, walks into the room. "Are you supposed to be in here at this time of day?" You tell him you aren't. You know better than to try to offer an excuse. "Just wanted to admire yourself in Mr. Patterson's spanking dress I suppose?" he says correctly guessing the reason for your infraction. You answer with a 'Yes, sir.' "Well, we might as well make use of it to punish you for violating the rules," he says, smiling. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Mr. Patterson bends you over his knee and gives you a mild spanking. When he's done, he pulls your panties to one side and slides his finger into you. "Hmm, it hardly seemed like you thought that was a punishment at all. Well, it was a minor infraction anyway," he says pulling out his finger and offering it to you to clean. Then he signals you to kneel and suck his cock. "Make it quick, breakfast starts in 15 minutes and I don't want to be late." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> A short time later, you walk into the student cafeteria with the taste of Mr. Patterson still in your mouth, and the red marks from his spanking still visible on your ass. "Oh, is for Mr. Daily's class?" 5491 asks. "I wish I had volunteered, that looks like so much fun." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Mr. Daily's class is right after breakfast. He calls you up in front of class. The marks from your visit with Mr. Patterson have nearly faded, but a slide red tinge is still visible. Mr. Daily points it out to the class, "As you can see, a hand spanking will fade fairly quickly on its own. For comparison, this is what one looks like when it's fresh." He then gives you several swats, but only on your right cheek. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He reaches into his desk a pulls out a paddle, "Now, see how much redder it gets when I use this." He then focuses on just your right cheek. The pain is <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasochist>> driving you crazy with lust, making you ache for his cock. You know not to beg though. But you can't help but softly moan. <<else>> making you wet. You wonder if the rest of the class can see with you bent over like this. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He pulls your panties to the side, removing any doubt about whether the class can see your arousal. Then he says, "As you can see, the pain from a hand or paddle spanking often has the opposite effect, being more of a reward than a punishment." You let out a soft whimper when he puts your panties back in place without even touching you. "Now, for another example..." he says as he reaches into his desk again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> This time he pulls out a short spanking cane. $playerName, you will be receiving five lashes today, count them for me." You cry out in pain with the first strike. "One, sir," you say. Again and again the cane comes down, each time on your left cheek. You keep counting over your tears, and eventually you reach, "Five, Sir." Mr. Daily addresses the class, most of which you can tell have become aroused themselves watching the display. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "As you can see, even <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasochist>> a pain slut like <</if>> $playerName here felt the pain from that, and for actual misbehavior you could likely expect more than just five lashes. You will also have a much longer reminder of your punishment, as these marks will take much longer to fade." He says to you, "$playerName, continue wearing the dress this week until the cane marks fade." You quickly answer, "Yes, sir." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He sends you to your seat. You sit mostly on your less painful right cheek as he starts showing slides of various spank, cane, and other marks. <table><tr> <td><img src="PartX/Reeducation16a.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="200" style="min-width:300px"></td> <td><img src="PartX/Reeducation16b.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="200" style="min-width:400px"></td> <td><img src="PartX/Reeducation16c.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300" style="min-width:200px"></td> <td><img src="PartX/Reeducation16d.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="200" style="min-width:300px"></td> </tr></table> For the first set of slides, he says you are never to use any pain killers "as the lingering pain serves as a reminder of your misbehavior and a reminder not to repeat it. And certainly don't use any fast-healing sprays or creams unless you are instructed to, as the marks serve the same purpose, for you and any others around you." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He then moves on to more gruesome slides of more severe punishments, or even abuse. "These were inflicted by either the very inexperienced, very incompetent, or very cruel. If you ever experience anything like this, you should seek medical care. Years ago some of these might have led to permanent scarring, which you certainly don't want. But with today's healing sprays and creams you should be fine fairly quickly." You try to remember the difference, while also trying to push the latter images from your mind. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> By the end of the week, your cane marks have faded, but are still visible. Both cheeks still have spank marks though, as your instructors frequently take time to refresh them for you. You certainly don't mind, especially since they often unbuckle the panty-like triangle in the back of your dress, and fuck you once they get aroused from spanking you. You are a bit disappointed when Mr. Daily tells you that the cane marks have faded enough, and to go [[back to your normal wardrobe|Reeducation14]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In the teachers' lounge</h1> Mr. Daily said you could skip his class today. It's covering <<if $PlayerNoBodyHair>> shaving and waking and other issues relating to body hair. Obviously since you don't grow any, it'd be waste of time to be there. <<elseif $PlayerWeightControl>> weight management and how you can maintain your figure, even if your man likes you too cook unhealthy food.. Thankfully, your implant controls your weight, so you don't need to be there. <<else>> several blowjob techniques which he knows from your 1-on-1 sessions with him, that you are already quite skilled in. <</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Mr. Flynn (Janitor)"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Mr. Flynn (Janitor)", vaginal:true, birthControl:"early pullout"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Mr. Flynn (Janitor)"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Mr. Cooper"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Mr. Cooper", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Mr. Flynn (Janitor)"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Students aren't supposed to just be wandering the halls during class times though, so he sends you to the faculty lounge until it's time for lunch. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You aren't in there very long until the janitor comes in to clean. But seeing you there, he decides the cleaning can wait. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You obediently drop to your knees and suck his cock when he asks. You don't mind that he smells of grease and cleaning supplies. That just means he works hard for you and the other students, and it's a privilege to be able to thank him like this. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After a while, he decides he want's more than a blowjob. He unzips your catsuit and starts fucking you. He doesn't finish inside you though. Instead when he starts to get close, he has you suck his cock to finish. When he does, he tells you to swallow every drop. You always do, but since he ordered it you make it more clear that you are, and show him your empty mouth when you are done. "Good, that's one less mess I have to clean up." Then he returns to his work. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Reeducation6.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When Mr. Cooper comes in a few minutes later, the janitor leaves the room to clean somewhere else for a while. Mr. Cooper had just walked into the lounge to get something he'd printed off of the copier and then heading back to work on his lesson plan. But seeing you here changes his plans a bit. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I don't have a lot of time, so make it quick," he orders. "Get me hard, then get on top and get to work." It doesn't take long for you to get him hard. Once he is, you climb into his lap and lower yourself down onto his cock and start riding. Once he gets close, he takes you from behind until he finishes inside you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Mr. Cooper leaves once he has his pants back on. You are still there, with his cum dripping out of you, when the janitor walks back in. He sees the puddle under you and glares at you. "Zip yourself up, slut!" he commands. You answer with a "Yes, sir" and quickly zip your catsuit closed again, stopping the dripping onto the furniture and floor. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Reeducation17.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300" align="left"> "Now clean it up!" he commands as he points to the mess you made. He didn't hand you any of the paper towels or anything else from the cart next to him, so he clearly meant for you to do it another way. You say, "I'm so sorry sir for making a mess." Then you kneel down and start licking the floor clean, and then doing the best you can with the furniture afterwards. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "That'll do," he says after a while. He then bends you over his knee and begins to spank you. "Maybe this will help you remember not to leave a trail of cum everywhere you go." Spanking you has gotten him hard again. This time he just wants your mouth. When he cums again for you, you swallow it all without being asked, and show him your empty mouth once you have. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You'd best be [[running along|Reeducation15]] now," he tells you. "Lunch is about to start." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Earning your wardrobe privileges</h1> Up until now, except for special occasions, you've been required to wear the standard student catsuit. But you've progressed far enough in your training that you are finally being allowed to earn your wardrobe privileges. You'll be able to choose from a larger variety of clothes from the school's inventory. You just have to earn it first, and the other girls say it only hurts for moment or two. <<set setup.addSexRepeat(1, {sex:"female", name:"Brandi"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(1, {sex:"female", name:"6395"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(1, {sex:"female", name:"7268"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(2, {sex:"female", name:"5491"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The clothes you'll be wearing now won't normally have the intitute's education punishment and reward module in them like your catsuits did. So to earn your new wardrobe privileges, you have to get an implantable version of the punishment/reward module instead. Your X-Change implant was just implanted in your arm, but this one needs to be implanted directly against the internal part of your clit. Since the implantation is much more delicate of a procedure, the institute's doctor comes by once a month for all of the girls that are ready for it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Today, both you and 5491 are ready and eager for yours. You think back to what 5491 was like her first day and what she's like now. You are so happy with how far she's came in her time here so far. And today you are excited that you have a friend with you, because you are still a little nervous about the procedure. <<set $PregnancyCheck = setup.checkForNewPregnancy('medical test - punishment/reward implant', 0)>> <<if $PregnancyCheck and $PregnancyCheck.isPregnant>> Before that though, you are given a pregnancy test, and it's positive! You know a pregnancy would delay your graduation by many months, so you want to end it. The doctor gives you a pill to end the pregnancy while you are meeting with him. <<set $PlayerAbortion to 1>> <<unset $PregnancyCheck>> <<achievement>>pregnant+childfree<</achievement>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The actual procedure does hurt, but like the other girls said, only for a moment. What hurts more is when the doctor test the punishment feature. It feels like fire and electricity shooting through your clit at the same time. "That was level 1. I don't like to use any higher than that until you've had a few days to heal," the doctor tells you as he is applying a fast-healing gel to where he'd inserted the implantation tool through you skin. "Your instructors know as well. Considering how painful a level 1 punishment was, you don't want to ever earn anything higher. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You quickly forgive the doctor for the shock though when he tests the reward feature. You don't know what setting he used, but it doesn't take very long before you are asking him if you can cum. He tells you no, and then turns off the reward. "That looks to be working as well," he says. "You can expect a good bit of wetness, so don't think anything is wrong there. But, if you experience any pain, not from a punishment that is, let the nurse know." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you ask how long you should expect the wetness to last, he replies, "Oh, like the implant itself, that's permanent. You may not feel it when you aren't being rewarded, but the signals the implant sends to your clit are always slightly stimulating you." Then he adds, "You'll be eager for sex, but avoid any penetration for the next few days. Your instructors know as well, so that shouldn't be an issue. I'll write you a note for something to help you and the other girl deal with your needs these next few days." He gestures you towards the door and says, "You can run along now and send the other girl in." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Reeducation18b.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> <img src="PartX/Reeducation18a.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> After she's done with her implant, you and 5491 head back to her room to compare your experiences. She was equally shocked by how painful the punishment was, and equally excited about how wonderful the reward was. One thing you notice is that even though you are wet, and now always will be, she is much more wet. "Wow, are you going to be like that all the time. You'll have to change panties every hour," you say. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "No. I'll probably be only as wet as you are in a few days, not like this. The doctor saw the plug Mr. Thomas had me wear today and decided I needed some teasing to help me heal." She gently touches her lips to see how wet they are. Then she asks you, "And you really can't feel it, what yours is doing? Because mine is driving me insane. It feels good, but it just makes me want more!" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Thankfully, you and her both have the note that the doctor gave, and are able to help each other cope with the effects of your new implant. Unauthorized sex between students is forbidden, but you've eaten some of your fellow students out before for class. The institute wants you to be ready if your man wants a threesome, or to have you service his wife for him, or anything else that might require you to pleasure a woman. But this is about giving each other a little relief. Just a little though. The doctor didn't tell either of you that you could cum. But still you can tell how much better she is feeling after your lips wrap around her clit. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Reeducation19.webm" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Later, after you've each done what you can for each other, you head downstairs to see what [[wardrobe options|Reeducation16]] you can choose now that you can wear other things. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive += 1>> <i>You try to be as obedient as you can at all time, you don't want to earn any more punishments from your implant. You quickly realize you've become even more submissive than you were before. After a while you just want to obey, not out of fear of the implant, but just because it makes you happy to obey.</i> <<else>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive = 2>> <i>You try to be as obedient as you can at all time, you don't want to earn any more punishments from your implant. You quickly realize how submissive you've become. After a while you just want to obey, not out of fear of the implant, but just because it makes you happy to obey.</i> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectAlwaysWet to 1>> <i>The constant stimulation from your implant always has you wet and eager for sex.</i> <<if $PlayerSideEffectLibido > 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectLibido += 1>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectLibido to 2>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Choosing your wardrobe</h1> There's so many options to choose from now, and you love so many of them. You spend a long time looking through to find your favorite. <table><tr> <td><img src="PartX/Reeducation20a.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" width="268" style="min-width:300px"></td> <td><img src="PartX/Reeducation20b.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" width="320" style="min-width:340px"></td> <td><img src="PartX/Reeducation20c.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" width="267" style="min-width:280px"></td> <td><img src="PartX/Reeducation20d.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" width="260" style="min-width:280px"></td> </tr></table> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/Reeducation7.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video><br> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Finally, you settle on the perfect outfit for you. The skirt is super short, but still covers your private parts, most of the time. And the top is an armless croptop that really <<if $BodyType == 'Plus'>> supports and shows off your ample breasts. <<elseif $BodyType == 'Petite'>> lifts and enhances your modest breasts. <<else>> shows off your breasts. <</if>> You love that the material is thin enough you can still feel a hand brush across your nipple through it, and see your nipples get hard from that touch, or from a chilly classroom. And you love the feeling of the tight collar of your top around your neck. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It'd be absolutely perfect if only there was a ring to attach a leash to on the front. But of course someone could always just put a real collar over the top with one of those on it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's already extremly sexy. You notice you've developed an increased fondness for anything shiny after so long wear the catsuit. But it's even sexier considering how just sitting incorrectly could reveal much more than you intended. Well, probably exactly as much as you'd intended. And it provides quick and easy access, [[which your teachers will all love|Reeducation17]]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've also been granted privileges to choose your own name. <<if $playerNameOld == "Cherry">> Mr. Cooper had suggested your former name of "Cherry" was a good name for you, so you are just going to switch back to that. <<else>> You've decided you don't want to go back to $playerNameOld. It has too much baggage and history. You want something new. You'd told Mr. Cooper you were thinking about the name "Cherry" and he said it suited you. So you are going to go with that. <</if>> Hopefully that will please him. After getting dressed you go down to the office to register your name change. <<set $playerName to "Cherry">> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Easy access</h1> <img src="PartX/Reeducation22.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(3, {sex:"male", name:"Mr. Moore"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(3, {sex:"male", name:"Mr. Moore", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(3, {sex:"male", name:"Mr. Patterson"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(3, {sex:"male", name:"Mr. Patterson", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(3, {sex:"male", name:"Mr. Thomas"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(3, {sex:"male", name:"Mr. Daily"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(3, {sex:"male", name:"Mr. Daily", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(3, {sex:"male", name:"Mr. Cooper"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(3, {sex:"male", name:"Mr. Cooper", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(3, {sex:"male", name:"Mr. Flynn (Janitor)"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(3, {sex:"male", name:"Mr. Flynn (Janitor)", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(3, {sex:"male", name:"Mr. Flynn (Janitor)"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You soon find out you were right, your professors do love the easy access your favorite skirt provides, especially since underwear isn't included as part of the outfit. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> More often than not, you are the one that's chosen to stay after class for a few minutes to help your teacher out. They all know, how easy it is to bend you over the desk, flip your skirt up a bit, slide into your always-wet pussy, and release any tension they might have built up during an <strike>engorging</strike> engaging class. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And cum that gets on your skirt licks right off, so cleaning is a breeze. You have gotten several spankings from the janitor for leaving messes as you drip through the hallways. But by the time he finishes in your mouth after your spanking session, he has always forgiven you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As the weeks go on you love being at the institute and how happy you make all of your teachers. You'd do anything to please them, or the rest of the staff. You know graduation is [[getting near|Reeducation18]], and you look forward to what comes after. But you'll still going to always look back fondly on your time at the institute. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Pre-graduation ritual</h1> It's a school tradition at the institue. There's no classes the day before [[graduation|ReeducationGraduation]]. The girls that are about to graduate are instead bound tightly so they can't move at all, or see, or speak, or really do much of anything at all. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Reeducation21.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Some of the girls that aren't graduating volunteer to be watchers, and make sure that the soon-to-be graduates are ok and occasionally help them take care of certain bodily needs. They, and the girls who weren't watchers, also have fun with the future graduates. Sometimes they'll squeeze a bound graduate's nose for a bit until she starts to panic, or pinch, slap, or just stroke somewhere sensitive. They are even allowed to control the remote vibrators carefuly placed and secured with you inside your "cocoon". <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course no matter how or where they stroke, or how high they turn the vibrator up, none of can, or would, cum without a man's permission, you are far too well trained for that. For most of you that means a day of delicious teasing torture. But you've heard some girls say that for the top girl in each class, one of the teachers will visit her after class. He'll whisper, "You can cum as many times as you are able today." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't know if it's true, or if you are the 'top girl' either. But you hope both are true. Twelve hours of endless teasing would be amazing. But six hours of teasing then six hours of being alternately teased or forced to orgasm again and again, sounds even better. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Private Graduation</h1> <img src="PartX/Reeducation24.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> The school has a small, private ceremony early on graduation day. That's where all the other girls get to see each of you called up on stage to receive your training certificate and any special awards you've earned. You earned the coveted "Best Cocksucker in Class" award. They declared you the "Most Spankable Ass" as well. You know you'll treasure both awards. <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Mr. Flynn (Janitor)"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Mr. Flynn (Janitor)", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Mr. Flynn (Janitor)"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Mr. Flynn (Janitor)"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Mr. Flynn (Janitor)", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Mr. Flynn (Janitor)"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After that the graduating girls get to say their farewells to their non-graduating friends. Then each girl gets to spend some 1-on-1, or sometimes 2-on-1, time with their favorite teacher or staff member. With seven girls, it's a big graduating class this time, so there might even be 3 girls saying their farewells to Mr. Moore, who is a popular choice. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You feel like you've developed a special bond with Mr. Flynn, the school Janitor. You are also pretty sure he's the one that recommended you for the "Most Spankable Ass" award too. You'd much rather spend your last few hours with him, having him use you one last time however he wants, than having some other teacher divide his attention between you and another girl or two. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Reeducation23.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you are all done, you and the other girls are all cleaned and prepared for the [[public graduation ceremony|ReeducationGraduation2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Public Graduation</h1> Another tradition at the institute is that the public graduation ceremony is conducted in the style of an auction. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Reeducation21.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The graduation program makes it clear what each girls best skills are, and what sort of placement they think she would most excel at. They also "dress" them appropriately as well. Some are likely to end up as a pony girl working in a stable after graduation. Others may end up as someones [[personal pet|ReeducationHousePet]]. And some will likely be heading for a role in [[public service|ReeducationFreeUse]] overseas. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist && $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <<set $tempRoll to either(1,2)>> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <<set $tempRoll to either(1,1,1,1,2)>> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>> <<set $tempRoll to either(1,2,2,2,2)>> <<else>> <<set $tempRoll to either(1,2,3,4)>> <</if>> You know <<switch $tempRoll>> <<case 1>> [[which sort of placement|ReeducationHousePet]] <<case 2>> [[which sort of placement|ReeducationFreeUse]] <</switch>> your instructors thought would be the best for way for you to give back to society. But you are all trained for each job though since sometimes a bidder wants a particular girl and doesn't care as much about the recommended placement. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> For example Bambi, who was the disobedient 5491 when you first met her, was told to expect an overseas placement. But her recently single, former step-father was one of the bidders, and willing to outbid anyone else. The auction handlers quickly got a matching leash for her collar once the bidding was done and led her over to him. She didn't seem disappointed, or even surprised. In fact, she seems to have been expecting, and maybe even looking forward to this outcome. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Whatever your assignment is, you'll be happy that you are finally able to be a productive part of society again, and able to make up for the things you've done in the past. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Serving your new owner</h1> You are so lucky. Your owner is of course rich, like all of the bidders were. But unlike most of them, he's handsome, and not that much older than you. You know he could probably have his pick of women as his wife, but he doesn't want that. He wants a pretty, obedient catgirl serving his every need. And you couldn't be happier being just that. <<set $JobCatgirl to 1>> <<unset $JobReeducation>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Reeducation26.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He doesn't lock your cage, usually anyway. So you get out to do your chores while he's at work. But you are always patiently waiting in your cage for his return by the time he gets home. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He's usually eager to reward you with exactly what any catgirl wants from her owner, his hard cock inside her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Reeducation25.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He doesn't want to breed you just yet. But he said in a few years, five or ten maybe, he probably will. The though of his child growing inside you makes you warm all over. The only downside is that he said then you'd only be able to be a catgirl for him in private or when the children aren't around. Well, except for the ears. He said he'd probably still want you to wear those all the time. <</nobr>> [[The End|GameOverCatGirl]].<<nobr>> <h1>Immigration Orientation - Historical causes</h1> As you exit the plane and head to immigration to enter the country that will be your new home, you are required to watch an orientation video explaining a bit of the country's recent history and what that means to you. Of course, the institute has had whole class modules on the subject, so you are well aware. But you understand that not everyone has the benefit of your eduaction, so you sit and duitifily watch and listen: <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you may know, The Republic of Freedonia use to have a different name. But it is considered impolite to use that archaic name now. The name changed, along with many other things, when the new government took over a few years ago. The problems had been building here for years, some of them for decades. Most of the problems stemmed from our proud, centuries-old culture and tradition of male superiority. But, of course, that was also the source of our solution. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once technology had become available to do so, many families had turned to selective abortions, and later gender-directed fertility treatments. They understandably wanted to ensure they had sons instead of daughters. But after decades of this, a huge gender imbalance developed. This lead to a generation of young men who vastly outnumbered the young women their age. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The young women thought this was great. They had their pick of men to choose from. Most chose handsome, wealthy, well-connected men. But that left behind a huge number of poor and middle-class young men, with little hope of ever having sex, let alone a girlfriend or a wife. Unrest and crime started to grow. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Reeducation28.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The first attempt to address the issue was the X-Change Tourism Act. Tourism to what is now Freedonia was encouraged for foreign men willing to take X-Change for the duration of their stay. Domestic X-Change use was not really considered as an options since few Freedonian men would ever consider it. And for the few that were interested, permanent X-Change Plus pills had long been provided. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> (Please note: throughout this video, when we refer to X-Change we are referring exclusively to the "Pink" varieties. "Blue" and "Purple" varieties are illegal in Freedonia.) <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But there were never enough tourists to satisfy demand with this system. Benefits were also not equally distributed through the country. A few major cities saw a dip in crime, and jobs in resort towns became highly coveted by many young men. But overall the system was viewed as insufficent. [[More had to be done|ReeducationFreeUse2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Immigration Orientation - Another attempted solution</h1> Most of the X-Change tourists would only be in the country for a few weeks to a month before they returned home. A few requested the ability to remain permanently. This soon led to the X-Change Immigration Act. Of course immigration of natural-born or previously changed women was already highly encouraged, but never enough to meet the nation's needs. With the new Act though, X-Change Plus would be provided to anyone willing to immigrate here. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Housing assistance, job placement, and other aid was in place to help them get started. And the program was seen as a success initially. But soon the same pattern developed, with the newly immigrated also tending to marry off to the rich and well-connected. And then there was a unexpectedly high number that used the act and free X-Change to immigrate, but that had no interest in men at all. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Reeducation32.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> All of this left the middle and working-class men even more unhappy. And now many young women also objected to the program, because it ever-so-slightly reduced their chances of finding the perfect man for themselves. Of course the solutions these two groups were seeking were vastly different. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The ruling party declared the X-Change programs a failure and announced plans to eliminate the programs, ban gender-selective births, and take on a comprehensive set of cultural reforms to make the culture and the nation more equal. When they faced opposition for their proposals in the parliament, a snap election was held. [[It did not go as they expected|ReeducationFreeUse3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Immigration Orientation - A new government, A new solution</h1> In retrospect the result should have been obvious to anyone. With an overwhelmingly male population, the recent immigrants not yet being eligible to vote, and only a small number of elites satisfied with the status quo or what came before it, what else could the result have been? But as a sign of how out of touch the old government was, they were taken completely by surprise by their historic loss. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Our glorious new leader, a former factory worker himself, was determined to address the problem in a way that was equitable and fair to <b><i>ALL</i></b> men of Freedonia, not just the elite. That is what inspired his introduction of the X-Change Free Use Act. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Reeducation30.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With the new act, any user of X-Change is considered freely available and consenting to any adult male. There was a long list of sexual activities covered. There were no restrictions as to time or place. Public indecency laws regarding sex were repealed as our leader wanted everyone to see the new system at work, and to encourage every man to take advantage of it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Marriages where one or both parties were X-Change users subject to the act were declared null and void, and no new marriages involving X-Change users would be permitted. Of course this led to many of the elite, along with their current or prospective wives, leaving the country. Their departure was seen as a benefit to the working and middle class of Freedonia. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Though the act did not apply to non-X-Change women, many were concerned that some men might not know their status and think it did. There were also some women that had unjustified fears that the act might later be extended to include all women of Freedonia. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> To address the concerns of the first group, [[protections were put in place|ReeducationFreeUse4]] for non-X-Change women, to make it clear that the law did not apply to them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> However, nothing could be said or done that would comfort the latter group, and many of these concerned women left the country. They are of course, always welcome to return once they see their concerns were unwarranted. Their departure temporarily exacerbated the gender disparity. As a result, enhanced marketing methods for immigration were authorized. You, in fact, may be a beneficiary of one of these programs. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Immigration Orientation - A symbol of independence</h1> It was obvious that if something wasn't done to distinguish X-Change users from other women, there would be confusion which could pose a danger to women that weren't subject to the act. A clearly visible symbol was needed. It had to be something she couldn't lose, forget, or have taken from her. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Reeducation33.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> A thin metal loop was created. With the elegant, unbroken loop around her neck, everyone would know she is a natural, independant woman and not subject to the X-Change Free Use Act. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The integrated lock securing the loop in place can only be removed by border officials when exiting the country, with a replacement secured to her upon her return. Or it can be removed and replaced at special government offices for sizing or style adjustments. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And finally, removal is done for the occasional woman that would rather give up her loop and declare herself permantely subject to the act. While few women want to permanent forgo the protection of the loop, many more enjoy giving it up temporarily. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Reeducation34.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> Many stores offer "collars" that can fit over a woman's loop, intentionally hiding it. This making it clear that the woman is either subject to the act, or wishes to be treated as if she is for now. Some women prefer collars with a simple clasp that they can undo in an instant if they change their mind. Other's prefer one that locks so they can leave the key at home, committing themselves to be subject to the act until they return. Still others prefer turning the key over to someone else, letting him decide if or when her independence is restored. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> For underaged girls, a thicker, more promminent loop was used, with the word "MINOR" enblazened on it. It can't be obscured like adult collars can, making it always clear that she is not only not subject to the act, but not old enough to consent as well. Harsh punishments await anyone that doesn't heed the warning given by her loop. It is given to her during middle school, or sooner if her or her parents so desire. Once she reaches adulthood, it is replaced with a standard adult loop in a color of her choosing. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> However, as you are immigrating to Freedonia on an XC-type visa, you ARE subject to the X-Change Free Use Act at all times, and will not be issued a loop. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The video then concludes with, "Thank you for your attentiveness. You may now [[proceed to an immigration official|ReeducationFreeUse5]] for processing." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Immigration Processing</h1> "Welcome to Freedonia, $playerName," the immigration officer begins. "I see here that you are applying for immediate second-class citizenship on an XC-4 visa, is that correct." You tell him 'yes, sir.' He then confirms that you fully understand your status as a person subject to the X-Change Free Use Act. <<if $PlayerProtectionTry or $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionTry>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone to 1>> <</if>> <<set $JobFreeUse to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes, sir. My school taught us all about your wonderful country, and its laws. I'm very excited to be of service here." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes, I forgot how well trained all the women from your institute are. We are aware of your criminal past, but based on your institute's recommendation, and our track record of other girls... 'recruited' from there, we are willing to overlook it. You can consider yourself starting with a clean slate here. I'm sure you'll be an excellent addition to our nation." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "First, I'll need you to surrender your old passport for your prior citizenship that you are relinquishing," he tells you. You hand it over. He scans the photo page into his computer, and then places the old passport into a shredder. "Next, you and I will go over to that room over there for a few medical tests, and so that I can welcome you to the country properly. While we do that, my collegues will check your posessions for any contraband, and print out your identity card. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Reeducation35.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Immigration Officer", vaginal:true, birthControl: "pullout-perfect"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", anon:"Immigration Officer"})>> The medical tests are fairly minor, just confirming that you are an X-Change user and that your change is permanent. <<if $PlayerProtectionPerfect or $PlayerProtectionPermanent>> "We will have to have your birth control implant deactivated before you leave, as it is not permitted for women subject to the Act," he tells you. 'Of course, sir,' you respond. <</if>> After he is done with his tests, he bends you over a table and lifts up your skirt. "Excellent, you are wet already." You let him know that you are always wet. "Even better." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He rips an opening in your fishnets. "You are required to always wear clothing that makes you easily accessible. Easily tearable garments like this are perfectly fine, and some men enjoy that. It seems like you do as well. Of course nudity in public is allowed and encouraged as well. At work you'll have to discuss it with your boss." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He then pushes you down onto a nearby cot and then climbs on top of you, plunging his cock into your waiting wetness. After his cock is good and wet, he moves to your ass, fucking you there until he fills your ass with his cum. "Yes. You'll do great here," he says as he pulls up his pants. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you and him are finished you head back to his desk. There's an ID card waiting for you as well as your bags. <<if $PlayerProtectionPill>> "It says here they confiscated some birth control pills from your bag," he tells you. "Your school may have been aware to inform you, but they are no longer permitted for women subject to the Act, and have been thrown out for you. Otherwise, everything looks fine." <<unset $PlayerProtectionPill>> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone to 1>> <<elseif $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> "It says here they confiscated some condoms from your bag," he tells you. "Your school may have been aware to inform you, but they are no longer permitted for women subject to the Act, and have been thrown out for you. Though, even when they were permitted, men would rarely want to use them. And to refuse them unless they used one would be contrary to the requirements of the Act. So to avoid confusion, they've been banned altogether for women like yourself. Otherwise, everything looks fine." <<unset $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone to 1>> <<else>> "It looks like everything was good with your luggage," he tells you. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerProtectionPerfect or $PlayerProtectionPermanent>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPermanent>> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone to 1>> He leads you to another room where someone deactivates your implant's birth control for you. <</if>> "You are all set now," he says. "[[Welcome to Freedonia|ReeducationFreeUse6]]. Here is a printout with the times to meet with your job and housing placement advisor, and a hotel voucher until then." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Meeting with your placement advisor</h1> You leave early for your appointment with your job and housing placement advisor. You don't want to be late, and you've quickly discovered that any trip in public for you can have multiple, unplanned interruptions. "I'll be late for a meeting," is certainly not a valid excuse to turn a man down. Not that there are actually valid excuses for you to do that anyway. But it's not like you want to anyway, you enjoy making them happy, and have quickly grown to love the thrill of not knowing what you'll be asked to do while you are out. <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(500, {sex:"male", anon: "Commuter"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(500, {sex:"male", anon: "Commuter", vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Reeducation37.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I see here you don't have any work experience listed for the past few years. Before that you were a waitress, and a bit of college before that," your placement advsior says looking over your file. "We have waitress jobs available, but since you are new to the country, I think it is better to give you an easier job at first so you can get acclimated." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Your other duties contribute much more to society than any particular job we might ask you to do does. But we like to switch things up, so you and the men you encounter can both have a variety of experiences. Eventually, once you are fully adjusted to your main role here, then we can revisit the waitress jobs." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "For your first role you'll be a bus-girl," he informs you. "But, don't confuse it with the busser jobs you worked with at restaurants, this is completely different. You'll simply be riding the bus or train every day. You'll be there to take care of the needs of any of the men heading to or from work, or university, or whever they may be going. You'll mainly be working the morning and evening commute times, so most of your day in between, you'll be [[free to do whatever you like|ReeducationFreeUse7]], though you'll be expected to be out in public and available. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="Part14/Dream9.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Feel free to bring along a book or magazine to read if you'd like, though most days you won't have much time," he adds. "And don't worry about getting bored with the same guys every day, you boss will switch up your routes from time to time, so everyone gets a variety." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Enjoying your free time</h1> <video src="PartX/Reeducation27.webm" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name: "Tennis Instructor"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name: "Tennis Instructor", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(500, {sex:"male", anon: "Commuter"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(500, {sex:"male", anon: "Commuter", vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Like your placement advisor had said, you do have a good bit of free time available in the middle of the day. You try to use at least some of it to stay in shape. <<if $PlayerWeightControl>>Your implant helps keep your weight in check, but not with the rest.<</if>> Usually it's just you and your tennis instructor on the court in the middle of the workday. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But sometimes there are spectators watching. They are usually considerate of your instructor's time and don't interrupt your lesson. They wait around until afterwards for your services. Of course, they have to wait in line until after your instructor is finished with a bit of after-class fun as well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Reeducation36.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You also enjoy relaxing in the park and actually reading a bit of that book you bring on the bus every day. With your headphones on, sometimes you are taken by surprise at first. But you think most of the ones that surprise you prefer it that way. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Reeducation29.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your new role in life has [[other surprises|ReeducationFreeUse8]] that come up from time to time as well. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Pregnancy</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/Reeducation31.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> </div> Since the banning of all forms of birth control for women permanently subject to the Act, pregnancy is a frequent, expected, and desired occurence. The government hopes the higher birth rate will help address some of the population loss caused by people unhappy with the new regime leaving the country. They also, in the long term, hope to reduce the gender disparity as well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course you are expected to be fully available for sex throughout your pregnancy. Unless your doctor says otherwise, right up until your contractions start or your water breaks. For those with difficult pregnancies, the doctor can prescribe a temporary medical loop for you to wear, but this is very rarely needed. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Many men, long deprived of the opportunity, are eager to start a family. Most register their DNA with the government health agency in case they father a child with you, or anyone else like you. At one of your third trimester appointments, DNA tests are done. If the baby's DNA matches a registered father, then he is notified of the wonderful news. He generally joins you for your remaining appointments, and of course for the birth. After the birth, you move in with him to take care of the baby together. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> For the few weeks you are recovering from pregnancy, you are only expected to be provisionally available for sex. Meaning any vaginal intercourse should be refused until cleared by your doctor. Most new mothers stay home during this time period. It is easier to explain your limitations to the father's friends and family than it is to random strangers not aware of your recent childbirth. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You remain with the baby and father for about the next year or so. Once the baby is done nursing, you [[return to your normal life|ReeducationFreeUse9]] and leave the single father to raise the child. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> In the rare case the father is not wishing to start a family and has not registered his DNA, there are additional options. There are frequently single men or occasionally married couples wanting to adopt. For any female children, only domestic adoptions are allowed. For male children, overseas adoptions are also allowed. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>pregnant+childfree<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>A visitor from back home</h1> After your were released from prison your family tried to get back in touch with you. Well, your mom, Cassie, and Dylan did. You assume your father no longer acknowledges you exist anymore. They couldn't reach you when you were at the institute, but after you'd settled into your new home here, you saw the emails they had sent and got back in touch with them. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'd talked on the phone and online with them, but they kept saying they wanted to see you person after all this time. You aren't allowed to leave the country, so they'd have to come to you. Your sister was convinced if she or your mom visited then "They'll put one of those slave collars on us and turn us into sex slaves." No matter how many times you told her that the loop female tourists wear is for their protection, the exact opposite of what she's worried about. But nothing you said would convince her that she or your mom would be safe. So the three of them decided Dylan would visit. But there's a long waiting list for male tourists now since they only let in a few in each month. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Finally, after over two years, his application was finally processed and they issued him and his friend each a visitor's visa. As you wait for their plane to arrive, you take care of several bored businessmen waiting for their flights to leave. Most of the departing tourist guys were too exhausted to be interested though. Once they arrived, the other men arriving saw that you were with Dylan and Curt already, and made use of one of the many other girls nearby. After we collected their luggage, we headed for the beach. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Reeducation38.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "So, any man who wants to fuck you, can?" Curt asks, still not quite believing it. You confirm it, but he still asks, "And if I wanted you to strip or masturbate in front of us, you would?" <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Of course," you answer. <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> "Though personally I wouldn't be able to get off just from masturbating, so if you wanted to see that, you'd either need lend a hand, or something else, or find a different girl." <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Take off your top," Curt tells you. You answer with a 'Yes, sir', and seductively remove your top and hand it to him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "God, look at her body," Dylan says as his hand feels your stomach. "Can you beleive she had a baby last year! What they can do these days is amazing." He pulls down your bottoms a bit and adds, "And look at this ass and her pussy. Think about how many cocks have been in there, but I bet they are both still as tight as the day she changed." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can see from [[the tent in Dylan's swimming trunks|ReeducationFreeUse10]], and Curt's too, that the time for them talking and looking is nearly over. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Showing Dylan and his friend how things are here</h1> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name: "Dylan"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name: "Dylan", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name: "Curt"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(10, {sex:"male", name: "Curt", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", vaginal:true})>> Dylan's arousal finally drives him to give it a try himself, but he's too horny to play around with just having you strip. "On your knees and suck my cock," he tells you urgently. You quickly drop to your knees, take out his cock, and get to work. He still seems nervous that someone is going to 'catch you', but soon he is lost in the pleasure you are giving him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Reeducation39.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He's enjoying his blowjob, but he wants more. He lifts you up and lies you back on a beach towel. A few seconds later his cock is sliding into you. His friend Curt watches in amazement as Dylan fucks his sister right in front of him. But soon his lust overcomes him as well. He comes over near your face and you start sucking his cock as Dylan continues to fuck you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Reeducation40.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> A bit later, when Dylan's cum is leaking out of you, and some of Curt's is dribbling down your chin, they are both satisfied that everything they heard was true. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> By the time the two of them leave two weeks later, they've both fucked you many times and many different ways. They've also watched as other men fucked you, and they've certainly sampled many of the other free-use women they've encountered. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I'll let Mom and Cassie know you are safe, and happy, and loving it here," Dylan tells you his last day here. "I'll let them know you aren't here against your will, and that it'd be perfectly fine if they wanted to visit too." He grins a bit. "I'll leave out telling them about all the fun you and I had. We'll let them think it was just you and Curt going at it the whole time." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You smile and say, "Whatever you think is best." They both put their applications in for a return visit, though it likely won't be granted until a few years from now. "Of course, if you want to come here on an X-Change Tourist Visa, you'll jump right to the front of the line," you tease. You get an instant 'Hell, no' from Curt. Dylan's response is just a laugh and an 'I don't think so.' You wonder if he'll reconsider once he's back home and Curt isn't right next to him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he gets home you talk to your mom and sister again. They are much less worried about you now that they've talked to Dylan, though he still doesn't seem to have convinced them to visit themselves. You don't want them to worry about you. You love it here, and never want to leave, even if you could. You love spreading joy and giving back to the world. And, if your missed period this week means what you expect it does, you'll be giving something else to the world again early next year. <</nobr>> [[The End|GameOverFreeUse]].<<nobr>> <h1><<print "Game Over - Catgirl">></h1> <img src="PartX/GameOver14.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <</nobr>> <<achievement>>catgirl<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Game Over - Free Use">></h1> <img src="PartX/GameOver1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <</nobr>> <<achievement>>freeUse<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Trying to Remove Your Belt</h1> <img src="PartX/StepMom2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <br> After breakfast, Dan takes you out the the garage and looks through his tools for something to remove your bet with. He tries a few things, but the only <<if $JobEngineer>> tool that shows any promise is his variable-speed rotary tool. <<else>> thing that shows any promise is some sort of hand-held saw thing. <</if>> He's not sure if it would cut through the metal, and even if it did he doesn't think it's safe to use it on something you are wearing. You thank him for trying. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you realize how horny you've gotten imagining being free from your chastity belt you ask him if you can suck his cock again. Of course he agrees, and you drop to your knees right there on the garage floor. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you've finished, he says "I'm sorry I wasn't able to do anything for you. We'll have to find a locksmith that can remove it for you safely, [[while we are out today|DanLunchBelt]]." <</nobr>><<include [[DanLunch]]>><<nobr>> <h1>Lunch with Dan</h1> <img src="PartX/StepMom1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Dan decide to spend the day together. Over lunch he confides that today is the happiest he's been since his divorce. You tell him you've had a wonderful time too. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> From what he said at lunch, and other things throughout the day, you realize Dan is falling for you hard. <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> You don't want to worry about that right now though. The thought of [[being free of your belt|DanBeltFree]] is all you can think about right now. <<else>> You know now would be the time to [[let him down easy|DanEasy]] if you were only looking for a night of fun. Or you can just [[keep spending time with Dan|Dan2]] and see where things lead. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<include [[DanBeltTools]]>> <<else>> <<include [[DanLunch]]>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Letting Dan Down Easy</h1> <img src="PartX/StepMom3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You suspect it is because you are the first woman he's been with since his divorce, well and also that you are less than half his age. But Dan seems to be falling for you very quickly. The two of you just met yesterday. You know it'll only get worse and be more difficult if you wait. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> So when he invites you to stay for dinner, you decline. You tell him what a wonderful time you had, but that you were just looking for some fun, not a relationship. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He gives you his number to give him a call later if you need another night of fun sometime before you head back to school. You take the number, though you know you won't use it. You know another night together would only make him more attached to you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You tell him goodbye then [[head back to your parent's house|Part14Home3]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the Locksmith</h1> <video src="PartX/StepMom4.webm" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video> <<unset $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<set $tempChastityFreeDan to 1>> <<set setup.removeInventory('sex toys', 'chastity belt')>> <<unset $Keyholder>> <<unset $MasterRobert>> <<unset $JobGloryHole>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Dan calls around and finds a locksmith willing to take a look at your belt. You aren't able to contain your excitement as he drives you to his shop. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you are there, the locksmith takes a look at your belt. He looks concerned when he sees the lock, and you worry that he's not going to be able to get it off. He tugs at your belt in various places. You know that's not going to be any help, or you would have yanked it off a hundred times by now. "Is it a problem if the belt is destroyed in the process?", he eventually asks. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "No, not at all," you tell him eagerly. He has you lie down on his workbench. He's able to pull the belt away from your back a tiny amount and he slides something thin between you and your belt. You see him take a <<if $JobEngineer>> larger rotary tool <<else>> larger version of the tool Dan had <</if>> and start slowly cutting through your belt in the rear. He stops after a moment and has you remove your top so it doesn't get damaged by the sparks, then he places an apron over your back so the sparks don't land on you either. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you are finally out of the belt, you are so excited you can't contain yourself. You can't help but to move around and enjoy your new freedom. You are so horny right now, you're tempted to ask Dan and the locksmith to both fuck you right here. But you manage to resist the urge and instead just tell Dan, "Can we go [[back to your house...|Dan2]] right now?" Dan pays the locksmith and then drives quickly back to his house. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You know you still aren't going to be able to get off thanks to your denial. But you just want a cock inside you so bad right now, you don't even care. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Back in Dan's Bedroom</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/StepMom5.webm" autoplay loop muted height="650"></video> </div> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.startDating('Dan')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you are back at Dan's house, the two of you head straight to the bedroom. <<if $tempChastityFreeDan>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> Dan offers to eat you out, but you explain again about your academic probation and how that'd be useless. You tell him you just want his cock inside you right now, even if you can't have an orgasm. <<else>> Dan starts eating you out. He's clearly eager and willing to keep going until you cum, but you don't want to wait any longer. You need his cock inside you, now. <</if>> He is more than happy to oblige. <br><br> <</if>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> Even though you can't feel it the pleasure of it, your body has made you wet in anticipation of Dan's cock. And while you don't get the pleasure you should, the fullness you feel as you ride his cock, just feels right, you don't want his cock to ever leave you. <<else>> The feel of his cock inside you as you ride his cock is amazing. You feel your orgasm getting close as Dan tells you he is about to cum. <</if>> When he starts to cum, Dan grabs your hips and pulls you towards him, making his cock go even deeper into you as he cums. <<if !$AcademicProbationDenial>> That pushes you over the edge and you cum too. <<if $tempChastityFreeDan>> After so long without an orgasm it feels so amazing to be able to again. You can't wait for another one. <</if>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> You'd never mentioned pulling out to Dan, and right now you don't care anyway. Having him pull out is the last thing in the world you wanted right then. <</if>> You can feel his warm cum inside you, and it makes you so happy that you could give him that pleasure even if you couldn't enjoy it the way you should have been able to enjoy it. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Dan go again as soon as he is able, before hunger sends you both downstairs to get something to eat. Thankfully you dressed, as you run into <<if !$NeverGameRound>> his daughter <</if>> Danielle in the kitchen. She has a huge smile when she sees you with her dad again before she heads upstairs and disappears into her room. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you and Dan eat, you go back up to the bedroom and pick up where you left off. The two of you continue until you both are exhausted and [[fall asleep|Dan3]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Spending More Time with Dan</h1> <img src="PartX/StepMom6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are at Dan's house nearly as much as he is. You wake up next to him in the morning, and on the weekends spend all day with him. You only visit your parents' house when Dan's at work. Though not always even then. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Sometimes you and Danielle hang out instead. You'd worried she'd be annoyed or resentful that her dad was in a serious relationship with someone a year younger than her. But it's been quite the opposite, she's thrilled that he's with you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> She even does what she can to encourage it. For example by finding somewhere else to be on the weekends, so you and Dan have the house to yourselves all day. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your relationship this summer with Dan has been amazing, but summer is nearly over. You are dreading what it's going to be like when it's [[time to go back to school|Dan4]] and you'll be hours away from him. <</nobr>> <video src="PartX/StepMom7.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video><<nobr>> <h1>Moving in with Dan</h1> <img src="PartP/PregTest6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set $StudentBreak to 'Dan'>> <<set $JobHomemaker to 1>> <<set $Roommate to 'Dan'>> <<set $neighbours = ['Danielle']>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The closer the day you have to head back to school comes, the more you are dreading it. Dan feels the same way. When he suggests you move in with him, and go to school at the state school near town, you are thriled with the idea and quickly agree. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You let the university know you won't attending classes there anymore, and make a visit to the X-Change office so they can <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> <<set $tempCelebrate to 'orgasm'>> <<unset $AcademicProbationDenial>> <<set $AcademicProbationDenialFormer to 1>> turn off the horrible denial setting the dean had them activate and <</if>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> check on the baby. <<elseif !$PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> make your change permanent. You can't imagine ever wanting your old body back. <<set $PregnancyCheck = setup.checkForNewPregnancy('medical test - Dan', 0)>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.isPregnant>> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 1>> <<set $PregnantSummer to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <<if !$tempCelebrate>> <<set $tempCelebrate to 'pregnant'>> <</if>> <<if setup.pregnantFirstTime()>> <<achievement>>firsttime+pregnant<</achievement>> <<else>> <<achievement>>pregnant<</achievement>> <</if>> You are <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> thrilled <<else>> surprised <</if>> when they tell you they don't need to do anything, as your implant is already permanent. You're pregnant! <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.length > 1>> You assume Dan is the father. You aren't going to consider any other possibilities. <</if>> <<else>> <<achievement>>girlpower<</achievement>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <<if !$tempCelebrate>> <<set $tempCelebrate to 'perm'>> <</if>> They give you an injection and congratulate you on making your change permanent. <</if>> <<else>> run some tests, since you won't be making your start-of-semester visit. <<set $PregnancyCheck = setup.checkForNewPregnancy('medical test - Dan', 0)>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.isPregnant>> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <<set $PregnantSummer to 1>> <<if !$tempCelebrate>> <<set $tempCelebrate to 'pregnant'>> <</if>> <<if setup.pregnantFirstTime()>> <<achievement>>firsttime+pregnant<</achievement>> <<else>> <<achievement>>pregnant<</achievement>> <</if>> You are <<if $PlayerProtectionTry>> thrilled <<else>> surprised <</if>> when they tell you you're pregnant! <<if $PregnancyCheck.possibleFathers.length > 1>> You assume Dan is the father. You aren't going to consider any other possibilities. <</if>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> <<if !$tempCelebrate>> <<set $tempCelebrate to 'perm'>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $tempCelebrate>> You can't wait to [[get home and celebrate with Dan|Dan5]]! <<else>> You are eager to [[get home and wait for Dan|Dan5]] to get off work. <</if>> But you have one more stop to make first. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you stop by to enroll at the new school you find out that you need to apply first, and that it's past the deadline. You pick up the information you'll need so you can apply to start in January. It looks like you'll have a semester off. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $tempCelebrate == 'pregnant'>> <h1>Celebrating the Big News</h1> <<elseif $tempCelebrate == 'perm'>> <h1>Celebrating Making Your Change Permanent</h1> <<elseif $tempCelebrate == 'orgasm'>> <h1>Celebrating Being Able to Orgasm Again</h1> <<else>> <h1>Celebrating your Move</h1> <</if>> <video src="PartX/StepMom8.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course you and Dan can't let the occasion go by without celebrating it. Several times. <<if $PregnantSummer>> Afterwards the two of you start talking about the baby and making plans for the future. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You go to sleep that night happy knowing you'll be waking up to Dan, and that you won't have to leave and go anywhere. You'll be [[right here next to him|Dan6]] every morning. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Spending more Time with Dan</h1> <video src="PartX/StepMom18.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, pullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Every day you wake up with Dan. You love making sure he heads to work with a smile on his face. Whether that's from a blowjob to wake him up, or a quick fuck before he gets dressed, you try to make sure he's thinking of you all day. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After he's gone you have time to shower and get ready. The rest of the day is yours. You use some of it cleaning up around the house, but most of it is free. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course when Danielle isn't in class, [[she's often around the house|DanDanielle]]. That makes it much less lonely and much more fun waiting for Dan to get off work. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Spending the Day with Danielle</h1> <img src="PartX/StepMom19.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Danielle'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Danielle'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Danielle'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Danielle attends the university near town, the one you plan on starting next semester. But when she's not in class you and her frequently hang out together. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Sometimes that means going to the mall or meeting up with Cassie or Haley, and sometimes it's just streaming a movie at home. But whichever it is, it makes the time waiting until Dan gets off work much less boring. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Especially when Danielle <<if $tempDaniBlindfold or $tempDaniGarage or $tempDaniGirls>> ties you up, like her and Haley did that first night you slept over. <<else>> discovers how much you enjoy being tied up. <</if>> Sometimes she'll let you cum during the day, but usually not. More often she'll make you watch as she gets herself off. Sometimes though, she'll straddle your face and make you work to get her off instead. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But her favorite activity is always the same. Making sure you are bound and helpless on your bed, then teasing you until you can take it anymore. After she keeps you on the edge of an orgasm for what seems like forever, she lets you know her dad will be home soon. He loves coming home from work to find you there waiting for him - bound, wet, and begging for him. Well, when your mouth isn't gagged you are begging. <</nobr>> <img src="PartX/StepMom21.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450"> <<nobr>> Finding you like this so many evenings <<if $tempDaniChastity or $tempDaniBlindfold or $tempDaniGarage or $tempDaniGirls>> reminds Dan of your first night together, and how much you <<else>> lets Dan see how much you and him <</if>> both love it when ties you up or [[uses you however he pleases|DanSubmissive]]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive += 1>> <i>You realize you've become even more submissive than you were before. You love being tied up and used by Dan.</i> <<else>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive to 1>> <i>You have discovered how much you enjoy being submissive. You love being tied up and used by Dan.</i> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Being Used by Dan</h1> <video src="PartX/StepMom20.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Danielle'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Danielle'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Danielle'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course it's fun when Dan ties you up and uses you, or sometimes ties you up and pleasures you until you can't take it anymore. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But sometimes there's not time for that, especially in the mornings. That doesn't mean you don't still love the feeling you get when he orders you to your knees to suck his cock. Or if he just wants to bend you over the counter for a quick fuck. Or better yet, both! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Today is different though. Not beacause he wants you to leave the cum he left on your face there until he gets to work. That's happened several times before. You love seeing the smile on his face during your quick video chat. The extra work to get the dried cum off your face in the shower is worth it to know he got out of his car and headed into the office with a smile on face thanks to you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> No, today is different because Dan is heading out of town for a several days on a business trip. He'd love to take you along, but his company's policies don't allow that. Unless he wanted to pay for the whole trip himself, that is. He says you'd barely get to see each other anyway, since he'll be in meetings all day and into the evening. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He says not to worry though, you'll only be a apart for a few days, and he'll call whenever he can. He also lets you know he [[bought something for you|DanSybian]] to help make your time apart a bit more bearable. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Missing Dan</h1> <video src="PartX/StepMom22.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Dan says to wait to open his present until after he's going and you start to miss him. You are barely back home from dropping him off at the airport when you start tearing off the wrapping paper. You can't help it if you miss him already. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You smile when you see the Sybian he bought for you. <<if $JobEngineer>> It's a retail model, of course. It's a shame you don't have access to the improved versions your team was working on back at the engineering lab. But even if he can't control it remotely or do any of the rest, it was a wonderful enough invention before your team started working on improvements. <<else>> You play around with the controls, watching how one knob controls the vibrations of the pad and the nub that will rest against your clit. And the other knob controls the rotations of the part that will be inside you. As you watch it rotate, you can almost feel it hitting every spot inside you, driving you crazy. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock and $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> Of course you can't use it by yourself. You are still baffled by how your implants masturbation block works, but you can't get off when you have the controls. You even try closing your eyes and randomly turning the dials and trying to convince yourself it's Dan doing it. But even that only fools your body for a few seconds. <br><br> So instead you ask Danielle for help. You are convinced you'll be able to get off with her at the controls and you not knowing what the machine is going to do. <<if $SororitySEX>> "Of course. Us Sigma-sisters have to help each in their time of need, right?", she says. <</if>> You're right, it doesn't trigger the masturbation block. But then, just as your orgasm is about to hit, you hit your other problem. Your implant's denial block is triggered. You know your orgasm isn't going to happen today. <br><br> "Aww, that sucks," Danielle says trying to comfort you. "Maybe you'll have better luck tomorrow. If not, Dad should be home in a couple days. You seem to have much less problem with that denial thing when you two have sex. <br><br> "Ummm..," Danielle pauses for a second. "I know it didn't work for you. But watching how close you got really turned me on. Do you mind if I give it try?" She's already picked up one of the other attachments and started replacing the one you just used with the one she's claimed for herself. <br><br> "Of course," you say with a smile as you pick up the controls from the ground, eager to give her the orgasms you were just denied. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> You eagerly prepare the machine and climb on top. You work the controls and feel yourself getting closer and closer to what you are sure is going to be an amazing orgasm. But then at the last moment before you can cum, your implant's denial block is triggered. You know your orgasm isn't going to happen today. <br><br> Danielle hears you cry out in frustration from her room and comes in to check on you. "Aww, that sucks," Danielle says trying to comfort you after you explain what happened. "Maybe you'll have better luck tomorrow. If not, Dad should be home in a couple days. You seem to have much less problem with that denial thing when you two haves sex. <br><br> "Ummm..," Danielle pauses for a second. "I know it didn't work for you. But I've always fantsasized about trying one of these. Do you mind if I give it try?" She's already picked up one of the other attachments and started replacing the one you just used with the one she's claimed for herself. <br><br> "Of course," you say with a smile as you pick up the controls from the ground, eager to give her the orgasms you were just denied. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> Of course you can't use it by yourself. You are still baffled by how your implants masturbation block works, but you can't get off when you have the controls. You even try closing your eyes and randomly turning the dials and trying to convince yourself it's Dan doing it. But even that only fools your body for a few seconds. <br><br> So instead you ask Danielle for help. You are convinced you'll be able to get off with her at the controls and you not knowing what the machine is going to do. <<if $SororitySEX>> "Of course. Us Sigma-sisters have to help each in their time of need, right?", she says. <</if>> You're right, it doesn't trigger the masturbation block. You can feel an amazing orgasm building and building. Finally you cry out as it hits. Danielle works the controls to make your orgasm last as long as she can. Finally, when she can see you can't take anymore she turns it down nearly, but not quite, all the way as you struggle to stay upright. "Thank you. That was amazing," is all you manage to say. <br><br> "Ummm..," Danielle pauses for a second. "I've always fantasized about trying one of these, and watching you got really turned me on. Do you mind if I give it try?" She's already picked up one of the other attachments and started replacing the one you just used with the one she's claimed for herself. <br><br> "Of course," you say with a smile as you pick up the controls from the ground, eager to repay her for the orgasms she just gave you. <<else>> You eagerly prepare the machine and climb on top. You work the controls and feel yourself getting closer and closer to what you are sure is going to be an amazing orgasm. Just before it hits, you turn the dial up higher and drop the controls onto the pillow you'd set down and out of reach. Then you scream in pleasure as waves of pleasure hit. Finally you can't take anymore and lift yourself up off the machine and collapse down next to it. After you gain your composure you reach over and turn the machine off again. <br><br> When you glance up you see Danielle looking from the doorway with a big smile on her face. "I heard your scream and came to check on you. I guess you aren't hurt," she says with a laugh. <br><br> "Ummm..," Danielle pauses for a second. "I've always fantasized about trying one of these, and from the sounds I just heard it sounds like the stories about them are true. Do you mind if I give it try?" She's already picked up one of the other attachments and started replacing the one you just used with the one she's claimed for herself. <br><br> "Of course," you say with a smile as you pick up the controls from the ground, eager to make her experience even better than the one you just had. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You still miss Dan and can't wait until [[he returns home|DanHomeAgain]]. But when you talk to him tonight, you'll let him know you love his gift. And he was right, it will make the wait for his return a bit more bearable. You'll leave off letting him know how much Danielle enjoys the gift too. He probably wouldn't mind, but you're pretty sure he doesn't want to hear about her using your toy. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Happy Dan is Home</h1> <img src="PartX/StepMom23.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are thrilled that Dan will be home today. You are eagerly watching the clock, waiting for when it's time to finish getting ready and go pick him up at the airport. When you finally seem him walk passed security your run to him and jump into his arms. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course you are both eager for more than that, but you the rest has to wait until his luggage comes through, and then until you get home. You and him both decide unpacking can wait though, and leave the bags on the floor as you unbuckle his belt and pull down his pants. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you drop to your knees he says, "And I thought you wouldn't be horny after using your new present while I was gone." He moans as you start sucking his cock. Your response has to wait until later, when you can talk. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I want you inside me," you say taking his cock out of your mouth for a moment. He's happy to give you what you want. You moan as he bends you over and slides into you. It feels so good to have his cock inside you again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Much later, you both are to exhausted to continue. Unpacking will have to wait a while longer. You finally have a chance to thank him for the gift he left you. <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>> You tell him it was wonderful, but that you weren't able to get off with it because of your implant denied you. "Aww, that's too bad. But I'm glad you enjoyed it while it lasted," he replies. "And, it's a bit selfish of me, I know, but I love how horny you were because of it. <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> You tell him it was wonderful. "That's great. I was worried that anti-masturbation thing your implant has would be a problem," he replies. You confess that you had to have Danielle work the controls for you. "Oh that's wonderful. I'm so glad the two of you are such good friends. And, it's a bit selfish of me, I know, but I'm glad she didn't let you use it too much. I loved how horny you were when I came home. <<else>> You tell him it was wonderful. But you also tell him it's no substitute for the real thing. "Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it," he replies. "But, it's a bit selfish of me, I know, but I'm glad you didn't enjoy it too much. I loved how horny you were when I came home. <</if>> It certainly made for a happy reunion." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you've both recovered, you help him unpack. Dan lets you know he shouldn't have another business trip for a while. He's also made plans for [[romantic evening out|DanPropose]] this weekend, to make it up to you for being apart. <</nobr>> <video src="PartX/StepMom25.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video><<nobr>> <h1>Dan Proposes</h1> <img src="PartX/StepMom9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="450" align="left"> <<set $Engaged to 'Dan'>> <<unset $student>> <<set $Dropout to 'Dan'>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true, noPullout:true, noCondom:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Dan had talked about getting married some day, about wanting to spend your lives together, and about wanting another child. But you are still shocked and thrilled when he drops to one knee and proposes to you! "Yes! Yes! Of course, Yes!", is all you are able to say back. Your mind is a fog the rest of the evening and you barely remember the rest of the night out Dan had set up. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> The next day, while Dan is at work, you stop by the X-Change office and have them deactivate your birth control implant. Hopefully your cycle will start up quickly. <br><br> <<elseif $PlayerProtectionPermanent>> The next day, while Dan is at work, you stop by the X-Change office and have them deactivate your birth control implant. Hopefully your cycle will start up quickly. <br><br> <<elseif !$PlayerPregnant and $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> It's not like you've been that careful with having Dan pull out, but now you can forget about completely. <br><br> <<elseif !$PlayerPregnant and $PlayerProtectionPill>> You stop taking your birth control pills the next day. Hopefully your cycle will return to normal quickly. <br><br> <<elseif !$PlayerPregnant and $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> It's not like you've been that careful about having Dan use condoms, but now you can forget about completely. <br><br> <</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPill>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPerfect>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionPermanent>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> <<if $PregnantSummer>> You and Dan set a date right away. You want your and Dan's baby to be born after the two of you are already married. <<else>> You and Dan set a date for after your pregnancy is over. Hopefully you'll be able to concieve your and Dan's first baby together on your honeymoon. <<if $PlayerProtectionFertile>> That seems likely given how fertile you are. <</if>> <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerProtectionTry>> You and Dan set a date right away. You've already been trying to get pregnant, and you're going to try even harder now than you and Dan are engaged. Maybe you can be pregnant with your first baby together by the wedding day. <<if $PlayerProtectionFertile>> That seems likely given how fertile you are. <</if>> <<else>> You and Dan set a date right away. But the two of you aren't going to waste any time, you're going to start trying to get pregnant right away. Maybe you can be pregnant with your first baby together by the wedding day. <<if $PlayerProtectionFertile>> That seems likely given how fertile you are. <</if>> <<set $PlayerProtectionTry to 1>> <</if>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'd been putting off applying to the new university, part of you knew you didn't really want to go back. Now you drop the idea completely. You want to be home waiting for Dan when he gets off work every night. And you'll be busy taking care of the kids. Well, except for Danielle. She can probably take care of herself. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The only cloud hanging over your plans is wondering [[how your father is going to react|DanDadTalk]] to the news. You and Dan may know that you two are perfect for each other, and not need any more than the four months you've been together to decide. But your father may not feel the same way. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>dropout<</achievement>><<nobr>> You are relieved to find out that your Dad already knows about your engagement. Or at least he knew that Dan was going to propose. Now that you think about it, that makes sense as they are friends after all. The only news for him is that you accepted the proposal, and he's happy that you did. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Talking to your Father</h1> <<if $FatherStripClub>> <video src="Part14/Home60.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <br> <<include [[DanDadTalkCommon]]>> <br><br> "I'd been really worried about her after the change," your father talks to Dan as if you weren't there. "Then seeing her at the club at your party, it had confirmed my fears." <br><br> You knew no matter how sweet and innocent you dressed for your meeting with your father, he would still be picturing you back at the strip club. You don't let his judgemental looks bother you though. He's married to your mom, and was there getting his cock sucked, so he shouldn't be judging you. You are thankful Dan is the one talking to him, not you. You aren't sure how your dad would react if you called him out on <i>his</i> behavior. <<elseif $UncleChair or setup.haveFucked('Mike')>> <img src="PartX/StepMom27.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500"> <br> <<include [[DanDadTalkCommon]]>> <br><br> "I'd been really worried about her after the change," your father talks to Dan as if you weren't there. "Like I told you back in January, when I found out from Mike about what she'd done when she was with him on Christmas, it had confirmed my fears." <br><br> You'd tried to look sweet and innocent for your meeting with your father, but you can tell the way he's looking at you. You just know he's thinking of you bound and <<if setup.haveFuckedVaginal('Mike')>> fucked by your former uncle, Mike. <<elseif setup.haveFucked('Mike')>> sucking your former uncle's cock. <<else>> on display for your former uncle, Mike. <</if>> You can't bring yourself to look him in the eye. You are thankful Dan is the one talking to him, not you. <<else>> <video src="PartX/StepMom26.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <br> <<include [[DanDadTalkCommon]]>> <br><br> "I'd been really worried about her after the change," your father talks to Dan as if you weren't there. "Though since she's started seeing you, she seems to have gotten control of her behavior. Or at least is directing it all towards you, which is a definite improvement." <br><br> You'd tried to look sweet and innocent for your meeting with your father, but you realize now that him and Dan have talked extensively already about you and Dan's sex life. You wonder how graphic Dan has been. He'd probably tell his friend, your dad, everything if it were a different woman he were with. But maybe he wasn't as graphic telling your dad about his own daughter. <br><br> Still, you can't help but think your dad is thinking about all the way's Dan's fucked you over your time together when he looks at you. You don't care. Whatever they share as friends is your dad's problem. If it doesn't make him uncomfrotable you aren't going to worry about it. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "But now that she has a strong hand to guide her, I think she'll be ok," you dad continues. "As long as she channels the... urges, that that implant has given her towards her husband, towards you, then she may yet become a proper young woman." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PregnancySpring>> Dan lets your dad know that the two of you aren't wanting a large wedding but you are still planning on waiting a bit to get married. He tells him the two of you were thinking about taking a cruise and getting married at sea by the captain. Your father starts to ask about why you and Dan are wanting to wait, but then he answers his own question. "Oh, that's right the pregnancy. I guess getting married would complicate [[the adoption process|DanOtherBaby]]. Waiting is probably for the best then." <br><br> You're emberassed realizing your Dan already told your father about your pregnancy. But you realize that actually made things easier. Your father would have figured it out soon enough when you started to show. <<else>> Dan lets your dad know that the two of you aren't wanting a large wedding and aren't wanting to wait very long. He tells him the two of you were thinking about [[taking a cruise|DanPregnant]] and getting married at sea by the captain. Your father understands not wanting to wait and agrees that a quick wedding would be great. He might also be happy that he won't have to pay for any of it, but he doesn't mention that part. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Giving Birth</h1> <img src="PartX/AndrewFamily6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 0>> <<unset $PregnancyCheck>> <<set $PlayerAdoption to 1>> <<unset $BabyAdoption>> <<unset $tempBaby>> <<unset $BabyBoy>> <<unset $BabyGirl>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The baby decided it couldn't wait. You and Dan were out on a date when your water broke. You thought you had another few weeks. He takes your right to labor and delivery. You strip out of your soaked clothes. The baby is coming too fast and you don't even bother changing into the gown they get for you. You don't care about that. You would like the epideral you'd talked to the doctor about before, but there isn't time for that either. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You told them you didn't want any details about the baby, so after they do a few tests on the baby in the room, they take the baby somewhere else, while another nurse looks after you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'd decided a while ago that you weren't going to keep the baby. You and Dan are going to have your own together. Things are already complecated enough with Danielle, who is a year old than you, going to be your step-daughter. You don't wan't to have some other man's child to add. You've met the couple that will adopting the baby, and you're confident that they will both make excellent fathers. You are still exhausted, and let everyone know you don't want any else coming up, except for Dan. <</nobr>> <img src="Part14/Postpartum6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="420"> <<nobr>> Though you give your mom a call to let her know everything went well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'll need several weeks to recover, but thankfully you've [[scheduled your wedding cruise|DanPregnant]] far enough out that you don't have to worry about the doctor saying you can't have sex on your honeymoon. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>childfree<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Exciting News</h1> <img src="PartP/PregTest7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set $PregnancyCheck = setup.overrideForcePregnancy('home test - Dan')>> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With all the excitement of your cruise and your wedding next week, you almost don't notice that you're two weeks overdue for your period. A quick trip to the bathroom confirms what you were hoping. You're pregnant! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You can't wait to share the exciting news with Dan! And Danielle too. You know she'll be thrilled that she's going to have a little brother or sister. You'll save the announcement for everyone else until after [[your cruise|StepMom1]]. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>pregnant<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>On Your Honeymoon</h1> <img src="PartX/StepMom11.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<unset $Engaged>> <<set $Spouse to 'Dan'>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You were surprised when you were making the arrangements for the wedding to learn that most ship captains can't perform actual marriages. You'd always heard that was something any captain could do at sea. There were a few places that had captains that were ordained or certified or whatever, so that they could perform legal marriages. But most of them just had a symbolic ceremony on the ship. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Dan decided to just do the ship board ceremony but have the legal marriage at the courthouse before you left. That had the added benefit of being able to have Cassie and Danielle there at your and Dan's sides during the ceremony. Your heart is racing as you say 'I do' there at the courthouse. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are still excited the next day when you and Dan say your vows again in front of the ship's captain and your fellow passengers. You know you are already married, but it's much more romantic and you'll have an album full of wedding photos to show people, instead of just the legal certificate. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Thanks to the pregnancy, you couldn't enjoy the champagne they servered after your ceremony, only the grape juice they provided for you. But you and Dan do more than enough celebrating in other way's when you get back to your room. You celebrate again on the balcony the next morning as the sun is coming up. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Dan have a wonderful honeymoon and you're sorry when it's over and time to go home. But you relize you've been missing Danielle while you've been away. "Of course I miss her," you tell yourself. "I didn't just gain a husband, [[I also gained a step-daughter|StepMomDanielle]]. Even if she is older than I am." <</nobr>> <<achievement>>married<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Hanging out with Danielle</h1> <img src="PartX/StepMom12.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your first months of married life is amazing. You and Dan never want to be apart from each other. But unfortunately you are going to have to be for a week, he has another business trip coming up. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But Danielle doesn't have school that week, and suggests that you and her take a trip instead. Dan had felt guilty about taking a trip without you, even if it was going to be all business, so he thinks it is a great idea. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and her have a great time on your vacation, checking out all the sites, exploring the city, and shopping. You try not to go too crazy with the credit card though. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You still miss Dan terribly, but the fun makes his absence a little more bearable. [[Danielle has her own way|StepMomDanielle2]] of helping you cope with your time apart as well. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Back at the Hotel</h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Danielle'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Danielle'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Danielle'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Danielle'})>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Danielle'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Danielle'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Danielle'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Danielle'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Danielle'})>> <img src="PartX/StepMom28.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <br> Danielle knows how much you love being tied up and used by her dad. So while you are apart, she takes it upon herself to tie you up in your hotel room. Of course, she can't leave you here waiting for him to come and use you like she normally would, so she has to do that part herself too. <br><br> She leaves you tied on the bed while she checks her phone for a while. All you can do is wait and wonder what she has planned. When she finally puts down her phone she heads over to her suitcase and starts looking through it. "Oh, there it is. And there's that one too." When she walks back into view you see her wearing a strap on dildo and holding a riding crop. <br><br> "I can have you getting out of practice. You'll need to do a good job for my dad when we get back home," Danielle tells you as she takes off your gag. As she starts to slide the strap-on into your mouth you hear the crop move through the air and hit your ass. "And this is to make sure you do a good job." She swats your ass again. "Well, and to keep me entertained as well." <br><br> As you continue to work the fake cock she pulls it out and says. "If you beg really nice, I'll think about fucking you with this too." You immediately start begging for her to fuck you. "Bad Slut!", she says swatting you several times with the crop. "The only cock that goes in there is my dad's. No orgasm for you today." <br><br> After she takes off the strap-on she positions your head between her legs and tells you to get to work. "If you do a good job, maybe I'll think about giving you an orgasm tomorrow. His is the only cock you're allowed, but I think my tongue and fingers are still ok, don't you?" <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Danielle'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Danielle'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Danielle'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Danielle'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'female', name:'Danielle'})>> <video src="PartX/StepMom24.webm" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <br> Danielle knows you can't get off by yourself, and without Dan around she's your own hope for an orgasm. Well, without cheating on her father that is, which you'd never do. So she helps take care of your needs for you... eventually. <br><br> She doesn't want to get you off right away though. She wants you to be begging for it first. She has you watch, or help out, as she brings herself to orgasm after orgasm. She knows you can't get off without her, and warns you if you look away she won't get you off tonight. So, of course, you keep your eyes closely watching her, envious of every orgasm she gives herself. <br><br> Finally when it's your turn, she takes her time, slowly building your orgasm up. She stops several times until you are pleading with her to let you cum. It's long past when you would have taken matters into your own hands if you could have, but you have no choice but to keep begging her. <br><br> When she decides you've had enough teasing, she keeps going, pushing you past the edge she'd held you so close to. "Oh god, thank you." is all you manage to say. <br><br> After you recover, you want to ask for another, but you don't. You don't want Danielle to deny you tomorrow for being greedy. You aren't sure if she was joking or not when she threatened after your begging the first night, but you aren't going to take the change. <<else>> <img src="PartX/StepMom29.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <br> You miss the feeling of Dan's arms wrapped around you as you sleep, thankfully Danielle is happy to snuggle up next to you and be the 'big spoon' at night. And <<if $PlayerSideEffectDreams>> when she hears you start to moan and writhe in your sleep, she helps out then too. She slides a hand into your panties and helps the dream along. Now instead of waking up horny and denied like your dreams usually leave you, you wake up to a wonderful orgasm. Of course, it's only fair to roll over and repay the favor back to Danielle. <<else>> when you wake up horny, she's willing to help you with that too. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The rest of trip goes much the same. You and Danielle explore the city during the day, and have fun together back in your room at night. "I'd probably like to go check out the clubs," Danielle says. "But then there'd be guys hitting on you too, and we can't have that, can we 'Mom'", she jokes. You and her have a great time, but you miss Dan and are glad when [[it's time to go home|StepMom2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Showing Dan your Purchases</h1> <img src="PartX/StepMom13.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are so glad to see Dan, you jump into his arms once you see him waiting at the airport for you and Danielle. After waiting for your luggage, Dan is going to drive back to the house and drop off Danielle. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You're planning to [[change into one of your new outfits|StepMom3]] while you are there, before you and Dan head to lunch. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Changing Clothes at Home</h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <video src="PartX/StepMom30.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course once you are back home, and in your bedroom with Dan, you want something else much more than food. You want to skip lunch and stay right here. But Dan says he's really hungry, and besides he want's to save the fun for this evening. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You're able to talk him into a compromise, a quick blowob before lunch. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You get to suck his cock, which you've been thinking about the entire trip. But afterwards you're still just as horny and [[eager for tonight|StepMom4]] as before. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Showing Dan the Rest of Your Purchases</h1> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <img src="PartX/StepMom14.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> That evening, you show off some of your other purchases for Dan. He's much more excited about letting you try these on and model them for him than he had been for your less intimate purchases. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You're also happy because many of these you'll be able to keep wearing as your body changes. But some of the other will soon have to go into the closet until after the baby. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The fashion show is cut short though as Dan decides he's seen enough. He picks you up, still wearing the set you'd just model for him, and carries you to the bed. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Now, it's time to repay you for this afternoon's blowjob," he says as he pulls down your panties, spreads your legs apart and begins kissing his way up your thigh. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Later that night, after Dan is fast asleep, you are still up worrying just a little. You worry that Dan won't still find you attractive [[after your belly starts to grow|StepMom5]]. <<if $PlayerAdoption>> Of course, it certainly didn't bother him last time, so you <<else>> You <</if>> know you're just being silly. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home with Dan</h1> <video src="Part14/Pregnant9.webm" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course you were worrying over nothing. If anything, Dan seem to find you even more attractive now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your body changes have affected what positions are comfortable for you though. But Dan is more than willing to find what works for you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He's even thought of ways to [[enjoy your submissive side|StepMom6]] in your condition. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In the Basement</h1> <video src="Part14/Pregnant8.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Danielle is gone for the weekend and Dan uses the opportunity to have some fun. After he wakes up in the morning, he orders you to strip. He tosses you your collar and cuffs and tells you, "Today you're going to be my slave." Then he clips a leash to your collar and pulls you towards the kitchen. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After you make breakfast, he stops you before you can sit down at your plate. "Slaves don't eat at the table," he tells you. Then he sets your plate down on the floor next to him. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Once you are done he wipes your face with a napkin and leads you down to the basement. "On your knees," he orders. You drop to your knees and get to work. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He has fun with you in the basement for quite a while. When he's finally finished, he's quite satisfied, for now. And you are exhausted. He points out the nice soft rug for you to rest on. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "You can lie down here and sleep for a while, slave," he tells you. I have friends coming over. Of course when you are done with your nap, if you get bored, or perhaps horny, <<if $FatherStripClub>> then [[you can come upstairs|StepMomFriends]]. After what your father has already seen, I don't think seeing you like this would shock him much. Of course, you could just <<else>> then you can come upstairs. Of course, then your father would see you like this, so maybe you'll just want to <</if>> [[wait like a good slave|StepMom7]] until they leave, then I won't have to share you with my friends." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>In the Basement</h1> <img src="PartX/StepMom31.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You listen to Dan and his friends upstairs as they laugh and joke around. The thought of walking up the stairs and having them all see you like this makes you wet, but you stay here. That's what Dan said a good slave would do right? You reconize you Dad's voice among the guests upstairs, and that helps you keep the willpower to stay where you are and wait. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When Dan comes down occasionally to fill up your water bowl, or dump your relief bucked down the drain, you beg him to let you cum. "Please fuck me. I'll be quiet so your friends don't hear. Or I'll be loud so they know how good you are! Whatever you want. Just please fuck <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> me!" <<else>> me! Or if you won't do that, can I at least have permission to masturbate after your leave?" <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "No. You'll just have to wait until they leave," he says before walking back upstairs. Thankfully, once his friends finally leave, you don't have to wait much longer. As soon as you hear the last one leave, he heads downstairs to tell you what a good slave you were, and to finally give you what you've been begging for. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> That night you sleep soundly after Dan decides you only need to be a slave for the day, and you can [[sleep in your nice comfortable bed|StepMomBaby]] tonight. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Taking Care of Dan's Friends</h1> <img src="PartX/StepMom32.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Tom'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dick'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Harry'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Tom'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dick'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Harry'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name:'Dan', vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you nervously walk up the stairs, you are glad Dan undid the link holding your wrists together behind your back. You need the extra support as you hold on to the banister you make your way upstairs. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You look down at the floor as you walk into the room where Dan and his friends are. You hear several whisles and one disapproving grunt. You recognize that familiar sound as coming from your dad. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Look who got bored and decided to join us," Dan says. "But, maybe the kitchen might be a better place," he adds. He takes your collar and leads you into the kitchen. Once you are alone he tells you, "I didn't want to subject to have to see what comes next. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> One after another Dan's friends make it into the kitchen. He's only allowed them to use your mouth, but you make sure they are quite happy that Dan decided to share his 'slave' with them. They must have enjoyed your work, because each of them come back for a second blow job as well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When they finally leave, only then does Dan take you upstairs and give you the fuck you've been waiting for all day. "You were a good slave today," he tells you. "You deserve to be rewarded." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> That night you sleep soundly after Dan decides you only need to be a slave for the day, and you can [[sleep in your nice comfortable bed|StepMomBaby]] tonight. <</nobr>> <img src="PartX/StepMom17.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"><<nobr>> <h1>Waking to a Surprise</h1> <img src="Part14/Pregnant7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set $tempBabyNameBoys to ["Casey","Liam","Brandon","Wyatt"].map((name) => {return {name, sex:"male"}})>> <<set $tempBabyNameGirls to ["Delilah","Emma","Sophia","Mia"].map((name) => {return {name, sex:'female'}})>> <<if either(0,1) == 0>> <<set $tempBabyName to $tempBabyNameBoys, $tempBabyNameGirls>> <<else>> <<set $tempBabyName to $tempBabyNameGirls>> <</if>> <<set $tempBaby to $tempBabyName.shift()>> <<set $children.push($tempBaby)>> <<set $PlayerMother to 1>> <<unset $tempBaby>> <<unset $PlayerPregnant>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's not much longer after than when you wake up suddenly one morning with a surprise - contractions. You weren't expecting the baby for another week or two. Dan rushes you to the hospital. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But it turns out it hadn't needed to rush, the baby takes hours and hours more of painful labor before the doctor finally tells you he can see the head, and then to push again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are so relieved when it's finally over. And so filled with joy when they hand you your beautiful baby <<if $children[0].sex == 'male'>>boy<<else>>girl<</if>>. You can see the same look in Dan's eyes. Well, the joy part anyway. He didn't just have to go through hours of pain. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Later, when Danielle comes up to visit, she's thrilled to hold her little baby <<if $children[0].sex == 'male'>>brother<<else>>sister<</if>> in her arms. You smile when you recognize a familiar longing in her eyes, one you'd felt not that long ago. You wonder how long it'll be before she's wanting a baby of her own. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Fuck," you think to yourself. "When she does, then that will make me a grandma." You decide not worry about that now. For now you're just happy being a mom. Well, and a step-mom. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And you and Dan have both decided that two is enough for you. There's just one thing you need to do to make sure this is the last one. Well, [[one thing Dan needs to do|StepMomSamples]]. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>mother<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Getting a Sample for Testing</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/StepMom15.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> </div> <<set $PlayerProtectionDanVasectomy to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You aren't allowed to have sex for six weeks anyway, so months ago you and Dan had decided this would be the perfect time for his vasectomy. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's a few weeks after your delivery when he has his appointment. By then you were starting to get horny and wanting sex again, even though you can't yet. After his proceedure Dan is sore for several days. You do your best to comfort him with soup and backrubs as he takes it easy for a couple days until he feels better. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After a week, he's better. Of course, you still have several weeks to go before you're allowed to have sex again. But that works out well, and was part of your plans already. The procedure isn't effective until after a dozen of more orgasms have cleared out all the sperm Dan had from before. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, Dan could take care of that himself, but you don't want that. There's nothing against your doctor's orders about giving Dan a blowjob. You love being able to be intimate with Dan again, even if it doesn't help with the constant horniess you feel right now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He's still cumming just as much, and you are glad they were right, it tastes the same as always. But by the time the date of his follow up appointment arrives you given him enough blowjobs that you are confident there won't be a drop left from before. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You join him in the 'sample collection' room to help him get the sample they need for testing. He has an added surprise for you when he pulls out a pair of cuffs from his jacket. He cuffs your hands behind your back, then you drop to your knees to start coaxing a sample from him. You start off slow, but he tells you that slow and sensual can wait for at home. "We don't want to keep them waiting." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Habit take over and you almost forget you aren't supposed to swallow this time. Dan's remembering though and pulls out to cum into his little cup instead. "Should I uncuff you now, or do you want to stay here and help the next guy along too?", Dan teases before unlocking you. After you both straighten yourself up, Dan goes back out to the desk and gives them his sample cup. Later that afternoon they call back to confirm, everything looks good, and it's safe to have sex. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Well, I'm safe to have sex without any protection, is what they meant," Dan says. Of course, you still have to [[wait until your appointment next week|StepMomEnd]] at your doctor. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Giving Dan the News</h1> <img src="PartX/StepMom16.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Dan', vaginal: true, birthControlOverride: 'vasectomy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Dan', vaginal: true, birthControlOverride: 'vasectomy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Dan', vaginal: true, birthControlOverride: 'vasectomy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Dan', vaginal: true, birthControlOverride: 'vasectomy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Dan', vaginal: true, birthControlOverride: 'vasectomy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Dan', vaginal: true, birthControlOverride: 'vasectomy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Dan', vaginal: true, birthControlOverride: 'vasectomy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Dan', vaginal: true, birthControlOverride: 'vasectomy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Dan', vaginal: true, birthControlOverride: 'vasectomy'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Dan'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Dan', vaginal: true, birthControlOverride: 'vasectomy'})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't have to say a word. Well, you can't say a word. But as soon as he pulls into the garage after work, Dan get's the messge loud and clear: Your doctor has given you the all clear to have sex again. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The baby is with your Mom, and Danielle knows to stay at Hannah's, so it's just you and Dan for hours. And he doesn't waste any time making use of your time along together. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know with the baby here now, you won't be able to have fun like this as often as before. But you'll take every opportunity you get. Whether it's handcuffed in the garage, or a quick morning fuck before the baby wakes up, as long as it's with Dan you won't let a chance pass by. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Especially today, after six weeks without sex at all. <</nobr>> [[The End.|GameOverStepMother]]<h1><<print "Game Over - Young Stepmother">></h1> <img src="PartX/GameOver1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<achievement>>stepmom<</achievement>><<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Prison49.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"><br> "You have <<if $WitnessReset>> a new face, a new body, a new name, <<else>> a new name <</if>>and everything that goes along with that. What is important for you to do is to protect your new identity, because it's the last one you'll be able to get. Most importantly, you can't contact anyone from your old life, or your new identity could be compromised." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "We'll be moving you to a new city. Well, actually in the subrurbs of the city. It's a nice apartment in decent neighborhood. We'll also help set you up with [[a new job|SuburbsJob]] there was well. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Working at the DMV</h1> <img src="PartX/Suburb1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"><br> It certainly isn't your dream job, but it pays well enough to afford the apartment they found for you. And the money they gave you to get started with paid for the furniture, a used car, some new clothes, with some left over for emergencies. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After eight hours of people complaining about the lines, complaining about the cost, complaining about the paperwork they don't have, basically complaining to you about everything that you have no control over, you are usually mentally drained at the end of the day. Usually you just [[head right home after work|SuburbHomeAlone]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Home Alone</h1> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> <img src="PartX/Suburb3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<else>> <video src="PartX/Suburb4.webm" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You'd gotten so used to be fucked all the time. Any time one of the gang members wanted to fuck you, he did. And on the rare occasion you were horny and one of them wasn't already coming to you, all you had to do is ask, and one soon would be. But now it's just you, and <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>> you can't even masturbate. <<else>> your fingers or toys can only do so much. <</if>> You need a cock, and you need one now! <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You think about heading out to a bar or club or something, but that sounds like a lot of work that might lead nowhere. You don't want to go out for hours, maybe come home alone, and then wake up tired and hungover for work tomorrow. You have a better idea. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You download one of the "casual dating" apps onto your new phone and <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive > 3>> [[give it a try|SuburbDatingAppKink]]. <<else>> [[give it a try|SuburbDatingApp]]. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Using a kink-friendly dating app</h1> <img src="PartX/Suburb5.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<set $tempKinkApp to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With as submissive as you are, you don't want to find some vanilla guy that will bore you. Well, you figure you will if you strike out on this one. A boring cock is better than none right now. But hopefully this one will give you what you need, so you download it and add a few profile pictures. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You upload the photos and fill out your profile: <br><i> Name: $playerName<br> Age/Gender: 20 F<br> Orientation: Heteroflexible<br> Role: Submissive<br> Ideal Match: 30-45 M, Dominant<br> Turn-ons: Bondage (receiving), <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal>>anal (receiving),<</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral>>oral (giving),<</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>>public nudity, public sex,<</if>> <<if setup.haveInventory('sex toys', 'chastity belt')>>chastity (wearer),<</if>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock or $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>>teasing/denial (receiving), forced orgasms (receiving),<</if>> spanking (receiving), threesomes / group sex<br> Title: Naughty submissive seeks older man to bend her over his knee and teach her how to behave. </i> <br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The responses start coming in quickly, and there are a lot, though you have to weed through a bunch of bad ones... <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <blockquote> <img src="PartX/Dick2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="100" align="left"><br> Send mor pix !1!! </blockquote> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <blockquote> <img src="PartX/Dick1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="100" align="left"><br> You don't need some old guy, when you can be my sex slave. Kneel and suck my cock now slut. </blockquote> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <blockquote> <img src="PartX/Dick3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="100" align="left"><br> Beg me for the honor of sucking my cock, and maybe I'll let you when we meet. </blockquote> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Eventually though you get a response that is more than a dick pic and some lame message by a fake dominant. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Suburb6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="250" align="left"><br> Nathan doesn't try to act like he's your master when you haven't even met yet. But you can tell from his profile that his interests in that area and yours mesh pretty well. He's nearly twice your age, but you still find him quite handsome. And you expect he'll have more experience than another 20-year-old would. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Besides all the guys your age you've met since coming to the suburbs have been living in their parents house still. That's also part of why your profile targeted older men. You certainly don't want some guy's mom walking in on you tied to his bed. And, if you are being honest with yourself, maybe your 'daddy issues' figure into it as well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and him start messaging back and forth and really seem to be hitting it off. Eventually the two of you set up some time to [[meet in person|SuburbDatingKink2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>First date with Nathan</h1> <img src="PartX/Suburb8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300" align="left"><br> Nate takes you to a romantic restaraunt for your date. The two of you hit it off even better together than you did when you were messaging each other. He's funny, smart, and your interests seem to align so well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> And, even more than his profile pictures made you think, he's really hot, especially for a guy his age. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are too horny to be the slightest bit concerned about sleeping with Nate on the first date. You are hoping he's beyond judging you for it. You think he's as eager as you are. As soon as he suggests that the two of you <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<include [[SuburbDateCommon]]>> [[head back to his place|SuburbDatingKink3]], you enthusiastically agree. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At Nate's house</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/Suburb9.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video><br> </div> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Nathan"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Nathan", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Nathan"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Nathan", vaginal:true})>> Your hands are all over Nate as soon as you and him are through the front door. He stops you before you can even get his shirt off though he stops you. He keeps fully dressed, and has you strip for him. Once you are fully nude, he takes your clothes away into the other room, telling you that you won't be allowed to wear any while you are here tonight. Then he makes drinks for you both. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As you sit and talk and sip your drinks, he goes over limits and safewords and things like that. Of course, you are naked and he's fully clothed, so your mind is already in a submissive place. And your body was aching for his cock from before you walked in. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He makes you wait a while longer, having you focus on pleasing him first. Later, when he starts to focus on you, he teases you, not letting you cum, and spaking you when you get close. Eventually, he puts down the vibrator and the paddle. You moan loudly when you feel the head of his cock slide slowly up and down between your wet lips, before finally plunging into you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Later, after many more orgasms for you and several for him, the two of you finally fall asleep next to each other. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next morning, while you are at work, he texted you telling you what a great time he had last night, and that he hopes to [[see you again soon|SuburbDating4]]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Suburb7.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video><br> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/Suburb2.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video><br> </div> <<set $tempStandardApp to 1>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> There are a number of apps to choose from and you look at several. You decide to go with one of the bigger ones. It's not just about hookups and it's not just about long term relationship, but is known for having a bit of both. That seems perfect for you. You are looking for "Mr. Right", eventually. But you are also needing "Mr. Right Now"! So you download it and add a few profile pictures. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You upload the photos and fill out your profile: <br><i> Name: $playerName<br> Age/Gender: 20 F<br> Orientation: Heteroflexible<br> Ideal Match: 30-45 M<br> Title: New-to-the-city 20 year old seeks an older man to help her learn about the city, and whatever else he wants to teach her. </i> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The responses start coming in quickly, and there are a lot, though you have to weed through a bunch of bad ones... <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <blockquote> <img src="PartX/Dick2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="100" align="left"><br> Send mor pix !1!! </blockquote> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <blockquote> <img src="PartX/Dick1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="100" align="left"><br> You don't need some old guy who probably can't even get it up. I'll fuck you all night long baby </blockquote> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <blockquote> <img src="PartX/Dick3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="100" align="left"><br> There's so many things I want to teach you. Let's start with how I'd like you to suck my cock. </blockquote> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Eventually though you get a response that is more than a dick pic and some lame message by a horny guy. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/Suburb6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="250" align="left"><br> Nathan doesn't start with a dick pic, or with telling you how he wants to fuck you. He sends a nice response, a little bit funny, a little bit flirty, with no demands or expectations. You can tell from his profile that his interests and yours mesh pretty well. He's nearly twice your age, but you still find him quite handsome. And you expect he'll have more experience than another 20-year-old would. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Besides all the guys your age you've met since coming to the suburbs have been living in their parents house still. That's also part of why your profile targeted older men. You certainly don't want some guy's mom walking in on you with your legs in the air as her son fucks you. And, if you are being honest with yourself, maybe your 'daddy issues' figure into it as well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and him start messaging back and forth and really seem to be hitting it off. Eventually the two of you set up some time to [[meet in person|SuburbDatingApp2]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<include [[SuburbDateCommon]]>> [[head back to his place|SuburbDatingApp3]], you enthusiastically agree. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At Nate's house</h1> <video src="PartX/Suburb10.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Nathan"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Nathan", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Nathan"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Nathan", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Nathan"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Nathan", vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your hands are all over Nate as soon as you and him are through the front door. Before you can even get all of your clothes off, you have him naked. You drop to your knees and start to suck his cock. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He stops you before you can finish him though, and stands you up. When he's finished undressing you, he lifts you up and carries you to his bedroom. He lays you down on his bed, and burries his head between your legs. You've came twice before he finally lifts his head up and moves on top of you to finally fuck you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Suburb14.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You cum again with him inside you. After he orgasms though you both take a break for him to recover. He makes you both drinks. Sitting naked in his living room, you both enjoy the drinks and talk more. After a while though you place your hand between his legs and start coaking his cock back to life. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Later, after many more orgasms for you and several for him, the two of you finally fall asleep next to each other. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next morning, while you are at work, he texted you telling you what a great time he had last night, and that he hopes to [[see you again soon|SuburbDating4]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Dating Nate</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/Suburb11.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> </div> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", name:"Nathan"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", name:"Nathan", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.startDating('Nathan')>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Nate have a second date soon after your first, and then a third. Of course all of them end up back at Nate's house. <<if $tempKinkApp>> Your sex with Nate doesn't always have you bound, or bent over his knee. Sometimes is just nice, vanilla sex. With Nate's cock inside you it still feels wonderful. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As weeks turn into months, you both know this isn't just about the wonderful sex though. You both really love each other. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know he's been married once before, but you've also talked and he's open to it again sometime in the future. You don't know if he's thinking about it yet, but you are already imagining what your future wedding will be like. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But until then, you plan [[enjoying your time with Nate|SuburbDating5]] as much as possible. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Dating Nate</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/Suburb13.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400"></video><br> </div> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", name:"Nathan"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(99, {sex:"male", name:"Nathan", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Nathan", vaginal:true, condom:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $tempStandardApp>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> When you and Nate are discussing different things you might want to try in bed, you mention how much the though of being tied up, and not in control, turns you on. <br><br> The smile on his face when he hears that warms your heart. He quickly heads to his closet and pulls out a box of rope, bondage cuffs, paddles, and much more. You smile and say, "It looks like we'll be having fun tonight." <br><br> <<else>> You were putting some winter clothes away in the closet when you find a box. It has rope, bondage cuffs, paddles, and much more. When you ask Nate about it he tells you that he's into a bit of light BDSM. "I hadn't mentioned it to you because it didn't seem like you'd be into it," he tells you. <br><br> The smile on his face when you tell him, "I'm willing to try it, maybe I'll like it too." warms your heart. <br><br> <</if>> <</if>> Nate ties you to a bench, your arms tied over your head, and your legs bound with rope and spread apart. You are completely helpless and powerless to stop anything Nate might want to do to your body. It makes you wet and aching for him already. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Nate teases you for what seems like an eternity. Getting you close to an orgasm, but then stopping and having you suck his cock for a while. Getting you close again, and then tickling you until your orgasm is lost, then getting you close again. Eventually, you are begging for him to fuck you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You cum not long after he first enters you. When he eventually cums, he dumps the cum from his condom onto your stomach. It feels like he writes something with it on your mons. He doesn't say, and you can't tell later, but you imagine it was "SLUT". That's what you feel like as you lie there bound and covered in his cum. And it feels [[wonderful|SuburburbanPropose]]. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive to 1>> <i>You realize how much you enjoy being bound and submissive with Nate.</i> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Engaged to Nate</h1> <img src="PartX/Suburb16.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="500" align="left"> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", name:"Nathan"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", name:"Nathan", vaginal:true})>> <<set $Engaged to "Nathan">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've been dating for less than a year, but you couldn't imagine your life without Nate now. And you've been dreaming of your [[wedding day|SuburburbanWife]] for months now. So, of course you accept when he proposes to you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You've told him about your past, what you are allowed to say about it anyway, and he still loves you. You don't care that you just turned 21 and he's 40 now, love isn't a number. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>On your honeymoon with Nate</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/Suburb15.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video><br> </div> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", name:"Nathan"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", name:"Nathan", vaginal:true})>> <<set $Spouse to "Nathan">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You wedding was as beautiful as you'd imagined. You walked yourself down the asile, and other than a few friends you'd met at work, most of the people there were friends and family of Nate. But all that was to be expected given your circumstances. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But now the two of you are finally alone in your hotel room on your honeymoon, and you get to make love to your husband for the first time. Well, the first time as husband and wife that is. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> While part of you wants to stay in the hotel room all week having sex, Nate can only go so long before he has to take a break. Besides, you'll have the rest of your lives to do that. You might as well see [[what else the hotel|SuburburbanWife2]] and town has to offer. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Making new friends at the hotel</h1> <video src="PartX/Suburb12.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video><br> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Nathan"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Nathan", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Honeymoon Swinger Wife"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Honeymoon Swinger Husband"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Honeymoon Swinger Husband", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Honeymoon Swinger Husband"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Honeymoon Swinger Husband", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Honeymoon Swinger Wife"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Nathan"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Nathan", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Honeymoon Swinger Wife"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Honeymoon Swinger Husband"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Honeymoon Swinger Husband", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Honeymoon Swinger Husband"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Honeymoon Swinger Husband", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Honeymoon Swinger Wife"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Nathan"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Nathan", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Honeymoon Swinger Wife"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Honeymoon Swinger Husband"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Honeymoon Swinger Husband", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Honeymoon Swinger Husband"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Honeymoon Swinger Husband", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"female", name:"Honeymoon Swinger Wife"})>> <<set $Spouse to "Nathan">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Nate meet another couple at the hotel, and they have a similar age-gap relationship as you. Except in there case it's the wife that's the older one. The four of you start bonding discussing the challenges and dealing with all the judgemental comments and looks you sometimes get. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The four of you spend most of the day to together, and have dinner as a group. When the evening starts to get late, you are all about to head back to your own rooms, when one of them suggests you all head back to their room instead. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Suburb17.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It starts off with you and Nate having sex, with the two of them having sex next to you, and both couples watching the other and getting more turned on by it. But soon you and the other woman are making out as your husbands fuck you. Then you are eating each other out after they finish, tasting the other man's cum as you get each other off. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When the show you and her are putting on gets your husbands hard again, they both start fucking each other's wife. You watch as Nate fucks the woman next to you while another man's cock fills you. You don't think you've been this turned on in a long time. Nate is clearly loving it as well. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The four of you spend much of the remaining nights of your honeymoon together, enjoying the excitement of that first night again and again. But eventually the week is over and it's time for you and Nate to [[head back home|SuburburbanWife3]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Talking about your vacation</h1> A few weeks after you and Nate get home a friend of his from a few doors down is over. You and Nate start sharing some of the details from your honeymoon. "My wife and I like to have a bit of fun as well," he tells you. "But I hadn't figured the two of you were into that sort of thing." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Suburb18.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video><br> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Nathan"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Nathan", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Neighbour Swinger Husband"})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Nate start discussing just what sort of "fun" he and his wife are into, both of you getting more and more turned on as he goes into details. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Soon, you are being filled from either end by Nate and his friend. As the neighbor's cum fills your mouth, you hear Nathan start to groan, and feel him cum a moment later. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Before he leaves, he thanks you for the blowjob, and makes plans for [[him and his wife|SuburburbanWife4]] to come join you and Nate late this week. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Fucking the Neighbours</h1> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", name:"Nathan"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", name:"Nathan", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(20, {sex:"male", name:"Neighbour Swinger Husband"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(20, {sex:"female", name:"Neighbour Swinger Wife"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(20, {sex:"male", name:"Neighbour Swinger Husband", vaginal:true})>> <video src="PartX/Suburb19.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The first night with the neighbours is even more excited than it had been with the couple on your honeymoon. It feels just as amazing as the previous time. But this time, there's the added excitement of it being with a couple you know, a couple you'll see nearly every day. You can already imagine how exciting it will be seeing each other at the next neighbourhood get together knowing the secret bond between Nate and you and the other couple. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The four of you make the evenings like tonight a frequent occurance. Even more exciting than that though, is that they put you in touch with a [[whole community of like-minded couples|SuburburbanWife5]] who like to share their marriage bed with other couples. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>A variety of couples</h1> Not every couple is like the first two that you an Nate experienced. Some like having a [[big event with all four of you in the same bed|SuburburbanWife6]], sharing and trading off. Other's like a more intimate swap, with you joining the other man in his bed for the night, and the other wife spending the night at your house with Nate. <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", name:"Nathan"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", name:"Nathan", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(20, {sex:"male", anon:"Swinger Husband"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(20, {sex:"female", anon:"Swinger Wife"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(20, {sex:"male", anon:"Swinger Husband", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", anon:"Kinky Swinger Husband"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"female", anon:"Kinky Swinger Wife"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(5, {sex:"male", anon:"Kinky Swinger Husband", vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Suburb22.webm" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Some of them also have a kinkier side as well, which you and Nate love. Your favorite so far was the couple that had you and Nate over for a fancy dinner. Nate and him were dressed in suits. You and the other wife started in nice dresses, but spent most of the evening nude, or nearly so. And you both spent the entire meal with the large dildos attached your chairs filling you while you ate. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> That night, you and her spent most of the night tied and helpless, being used by one husband and then the other. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Enjoying the swinger life</h1> <video src="PartX/Suburb20.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video><br> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", name:"Nathan"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(100, {sex:"male", name:"Nathan", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(20, {sex:"male", anon:"Swinger Husband"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(20, {sex:"female", anon:"Swinger Wife"})>> <<set setup.addSexRepeat(20, {sex:"male", anon:"Swinger Husband", vaginal:true})>><</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Nate, of course, have many evenings where it's just you and him. Those are still amazing, but you both love the fun you can have with another couple. The biggest shock for you is just how many couples are into this. That includes a lot of couples you know, and know a lot better now. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <video src="PartX/Suburb21.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="450"></video><br> <</nobr>> [[The End|GameOverSuburbs]].<h1><<print "Game Over - Swinging Suburban Housewife">></h1> <img src="PartX/GameOver9.png" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<achievement>>swingers<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Medical check before leaving campus</h1> You decide to pay a visit to the clinic before you leave town. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartP/Clinic1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"><br> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You need them to take you off this horrible denial setting so you can orgasm again! <<if $PlayerPregnant>> And you want to end your pregnancy. With your new situation, you don't want a pregnancy complicating that. <</if>> <<elseif $PlayerPregnant>> You want to end your pregnancy. With your new situation, you don't want a pregnancy complicating that. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> You want to get on birth control pills. Vince loved fucking you without a condom and cumming inside you, and so did you. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> You want to get on birth control pills. Vince loved cumming inside you, and so did you. <<else>> You were due for a check-up, and you figure it be good to get it out of the way now since you don't know when, or if, you are coming back. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> <<unset $AcademicProbationDenial>> <<set $AcademicProbationDenial to 1>> <<set $AcademicProbationDenialFormer to "Vince">> They can tell how eager you are to get your ability to orgasm back, so they start the exam with that. "The dean emailed his approval already, so we can turn off the denial setting for you today," the technician tells you. You were hoping he was going to repeat the 'test' he performed when he'd disabled your ability to cum, but he says it's not necessary. "I'm sure you'll verify soon enough," he smiles and adds, "and will let us know if there's an issue. But for now, lets proceed with the rest of your exam. The nurse should be in here in a moment." <br><br> <</if>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> <<if $PregnancyWeek > 10>> After the nurse confirms you want to terminate your pregnancy, she tells you it's too late for an abortion pill, and that the doctor will have to perform an abortion. You wait patiently, until he comes in.<br> <img src="PartP/Clinic2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"><br> You suffer throught the procedure, wishing you'd done this sooner when you could have just taken a pill. But eventually the ordeal is over. <<else>> After the nurse confirms you want to terminate your pregnancy, she gives you a pill to take immediately, and then another one to take tomorrow morning.<br> <img src="PartP/Emergency.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"><br> You take the pill and then wait for the rest of your examination. <</if>> <<if $PlayerAbortion>> <<set $PlayerAbortion += 1>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerAbortion to 1>> <</if>> <<unset $PregnancyWeek>> <<unset $PlayerPregnant>> <<achievement>>childfree<</achievement>> <<else>> <<set $PregnancyCheck = setup.checkForNewPregnancy('medical test - sugar baby', 0)>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.isPregnant>> <<set $PlayerPregnant to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <<if setup.pregnantFirstTime()>> <<achievement>>firsttime+pregnant<</achievement>> <<else>> <<achievement>>pregnant<</achievement>> <</if>> The nurse comes back with the results of your pregnancy test, and informs you that you are pregnant. You tell her you want to terminate it. <<if $PregnancyWeek > 10>> She lets you know that you are actually $PregnancyWeek weeks along, and that it's too late for an abortion pill, and that the doctor will have to perform an abortion. You wait patiently, until he comes in.<br> <img src="PartP/Clinic2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="400"><br> You suffer throught the procedure, wishing you'd done this sooner when you could have just taken a pill. But eventually the ordeal is over. <<else>> After the nurse confirms you want to terminate your pregnancy, she gives you a pill to take immediately, and then another one to take tomorrow morning.<br> <img src="PartP/Emergency.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"><br> You take the pill and then wait for the rest of your examination. <</if>> <<if $PlayerAbortion>> <<set $PlayerAbortion += 1>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerAbortion to 1>> <</if>> <<achievement>>childfree<</achievement>> <<unset $PregnancyWeek>> <<unset $PlayerPregnant>> <<unset $PregnancyCheck>> <<elseif !$PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <<achievement>>girlpower<</achievement>> <img src="PartP/PregTest1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"><br> After your pregnancy test comes back negative, you let the nurse know you want them to make your change permanent. You aren't sure if your arrangement with Vince is going to be permanent yet, but you know you want your change to be. There's no way you'd ever want to go back to your old body now. After filling out a few forms, they give you an injection and congratulate you on your newly permanent body. <<else>> <img src="PartP/PregTest1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="300"><br> The nurse informs you that your pregnancy test was negative. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerProtectionCondoms or $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> <<if $PlayerProtectionFertile>> You want to get on birth control pills, but the doctor tells you that there are still no options for you other than condoms due to your side effect. You resign yourself to the fact that you'll be visiting the abortion clinic in your new city often in the future. You aren't planning on making Vince use a condom, or pull out every time. <<unset $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> <<set $PlayerProtectionNone to 1>> <<else>> You let the doctor know you want to get on birth control pills. He gives you a box for your first month, and a prescription to take with you. <<unset $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionWithdraw>> <<set $PlayerProtectionPill to 1>> <</if>> <</if>> Everything else with your visit goes great, and you go back to finish packing for your [[trip to see Vince|SugarBaby]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At the hotel with Vince</h1> <video src="PartX/SugarBaby1.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Vince"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Vince", vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Vince"})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex:"male", name:"Vince", vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Vince meets you at your hotel room your first night there. You have a great time with him, <<if $AcademicProbationDenialFormer == "Vince">> especially since you can orgasm now too. <<else>> and he clearly enjoys it as well. <</if>> You and him fuck, and he lies down next to you for a while afterwards. "I'm sorry I can't stay longer. My wife is expecting me back at the house soon. Let's meet up for lunch tomorrow." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He kisses you and then heads home. You [[fall asleep|SugarBaby2]] in the comfortable bed not long afterwards. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Cleaning up</h1> <video src="PartX/SugarBaby3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="550"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next morning you can feel the evidence of last night's fun leaking out of you when you get out of bed. You head to the shower and clean up and get ready for your [[lunch visit with Vince|SugarBaby3]] later. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Getting something sweet with your sugar daddy</h1> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/SugarBaby2.webm" autoplay loop muted height="600"></video> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He said "dress casual", and it was a nice, warm day. So you wore something you hoped would keep Vince's attention during lunch. You did have another top in your purse, to wear over your bikini top, just in case Vince wanted to go somewhere where your current top wasn't acceptable. But it turned out to not be necessary. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He ended up getting you both a table on the patio in front of the restaurant. You think he was trying to show off the pretty young woman he was with. You wonder how many of the passers-by realized he was your lover, and how many just though you were his daughter. You expect even more thought you were his daughter when he took you for ice cream after your meal. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You expect the ones that had guess you were his daughter were rather shocked with the passionate kiss you too had before he had to head back to work. "Oh, here's some cash for you to do a little shopping and exporing the city," he says handing you some hundred dollar bills. I wish I could should you around, but I don't have time. Hopefully I'll be able to [[see you again later in the week|SugarBaby4]]." <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Showing Vince some of your purchases</h1> <img src="PartX/SugarBaby8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> A few days later Vince is able to stop by and see you again at your hotel room. You give him a little fashion show, showing off some of the purchases you made with the spending money he gave you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You make it less than half way through your purchases though before he has something else in mind. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After a few hours of passion, he kisses you goodbye, leaves you some cash and saysm "here's your allowance for the month." You'd only been scheduled to be here for a couple weeks. You don't know if he's meaning to be generous, or is just hoping you plan on staying on after the initial weeks. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He visits you several times each week. They don't all involve sex, sometimes he just wants to talk. Though, usually they do end in sex. They sometimes end with him giving you extra "spending money". He's also taken you shopping a few times as well, once to a few regular stores, and then another time to an adults-only store for some "play clothes" and toys. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When it's getting near the end of your planned stay he talks with you about how much he'd like you to stay indefinitely. He said he'll help you get settled into [[an apartment|SugarBaby5]] instead of just a hotel room, help you get a bank account opened in town, and set up an automatic deposit for your monthly allowance. He even offers to pay for your tuition if you want to transfer to the local college at the start of next semester. You've already decided that last part isn't going to be necessary. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>At your new apartment</h1> <video src="PartX/SugarBaby4.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<unset $Roommate>> <<set $JobStripperOld to 1>> <<unset $JobStripper>> <<unset $JobStripperMain>> <<unset $Major>> <<unset $student>> <<set $Dropout to "Sugar Baby">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Vince finds you a beautiful apartment. It has a nice view, it's close to his work, and he's paying the rent! What more could you want? <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <img src="PartX/SugarBaby9.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="250" align="right"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He has the afternoon off and he's planning to take you out to buy some furniture, but first the two of you decide to celebrate the new apartment. Afterwards you wonder if any of your neighbors watched the show you just gave them through all the windows in your living room. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't even want to think about how much the furniture he let you pick out cost, the store didn't even have price tags on anything. But they'll be delivering all of your new furniture tomorrow, even the items from the "private showroom" in back that Vince picked out for the second bedroom in your apartment. The room you and him are calling your "play room". <</nobr>> <<nobr>> The next morning you check out of the hotel and head to your new apartment to wait for the furniture to be delivered. While you wait you take care of some of tasks you need to take care of for your move. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You arrange things with the movers Vince hired, to so they can pick up your things from your old room on campus. You withdraw officially from the university. Vince arranged things so you'd get all "Excused" grades for this semester, even though it's technically passed the deadline. Though that doesn't really matter much, since you don't have any intentions of enrolling somewhere new next semester. You also let the strip club know not to schedule you anymore. And of course, you update everyone with your new address. <<if $PlayerItemNerdKeyStripper>> <<unset $PlayerItemNerdKeyStripper>> <br><br> You also mail Peter's chastity key to Candy, your friend at the strip club. You'd already talked to her about taking over as his keyholder. You haven't mentioned it to him, since he doesn't get a say in the matter. But you're sure he won't mind, especially after he hasn't seen you, or his cock, in weeks. You let Candy know that Peter will be feeling extra horny, and extra generous by now, and even more so once he knows she has his key. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> With your phone calls and emails done, you play on your phone a bit while you wait for the furniture. Though your mind keeps drifting off to thoughts of [[all the time you'll be spending with Vince|SugarBaby6]] now that you'll be here permanently. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Different dates with Vince</h1> <video src="PartX/SugarBaby5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <div style="float:left;padding:12px;"> <video src="PartX/SugarBaby6.webm" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> </div> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Not every date with Vince is the same. Sometimes he'll take you a dance club, but only after he has you slide the remote-controlled vibrator inside you. Then, when you are in the crowded club he starts playing with the vibrations. And when he takes you out onto the dance floor, he sets it to sync up with the music. Of course when you start to cum, he always wraps his arms around you so you don't fall over on the dance floor. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Other times Vince will take you out to a party with some of his friends. The all have someone along too, their mistress or maybe a high-end call girl. This time he's decided to have a little more fun, and has had you wear the hidden vibrator to the party on his friend's yacht. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You struggle to maintain your composure as Vince plays with the settings. You worry it'll soon be obvious when you orgasm. But then as Vince starts handing his phone for his friends to take control of your vibrator's settings, you realize that they all already know what you are hiding under your dress. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As thery take turns making you orgasm in front of everyone, they all say how much the love how much playing with the toy inside you is. Most of them plan on buying one for their mistress. A few say they might even get one for their wife. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Of course, as much fun as parties and clubs can be, most of your time together is with just the two of you [[back at your apartment|SugarBaby7]]. Any you love that too. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Life as a sugar baby</h1> <video src="PartX/SugarBaby7.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You don't have any illusions that Vince is going to leave his wife some day. But you also aren't worried about her finding out about you. He said she doesn't care as long as he keeps it discreet. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Hopefully your arrangement with Vince will continue for many years. You make sure to invest some of your "allowance" though, to make sure if things ever do end, you'll still be ok. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Though, in the back of your mind, there's always another 'retirement plan' available to you. All it would take is to <<if $PlayerProtectionPerfect or $PlayerProtectionPermanent>> visit the nearest X-Change office, and have them turn off your implant's birth control. <<elseif $PlayerProtectionPill>> stop taking your birth control pills. <<else>> not visit the clinic the next time you get pregnant. <</if>> Once he knows his baby is growing inside you, you can see if Vince wants to be a father again. If not, then he'll likely be willing to pay you a lot of money to get an abortion, enough that you'll never need to work again. And if he does, even better. You'll have a baby with a huge child support payment coming every month for the next 18 years. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But for now, you just want to enjoy your time together. <</nobr>> [[The End|GameOverSugarBaby]].<h1><<print "Game Over - Sugar Baby">></h1> <img src="PartX/GameOver15.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<achievement>>sugarBaby<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>Moving in with Mike</h1> <img src="PartX/Uncle1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"> <<unset $student>> <<set $Dropout to "Uncle">> <<set $JobHomemaker to 1>> <<set setup.startDating('Mike')>> <<achievement>>dropout<</achievement>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Mike'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Mike', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Mike'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Mike', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Mike'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Mike', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Mike'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Mike', vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> If he had ordered you to go back to school, you would have. If he had ordered you to stay, you would have done that too. But Mike wanted you to make this decision on your own. Of course you decided to drop out of school and stay here with your Master, Mike. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You know once you move in, your relationship with him won't be a secret to anyone anymore. There are going to be some people that judge you both because Mike used to be your uncle, but you don't care. You aren't related anymore, so you think they should just mind their own business. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if setup.sexUniqueMaleCount() > 2>> You've submitted to men before, obviously. You loved it then too, but this is so much more. <<else>> You know Dylan or any number of other men would dominate you the way you know you need to be dominated. But it is so much more with Mike. <</if>> Mike uses your body however he wants, of course. You'd be disappointed if he didn't. But afterwards he holds you, and strokes your hair, and tells you what a good girl you were. You aways know how much he cares for you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He's thrilled you are moving in. He throws a back yard party to celebrate with some of his closest friends. Your father isn't there, so he has you wear what you normally do, not much at all. His friends don't mind in the least. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Tomorrow you'll be dressed differently when [[your father comes by to visit|UncleSub2]]. But you are still nervous how that is going to go. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Your Father Vists with Mike</h1> <img src="PartX/Uncle2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> You know your father is coming to visit Mike and you today, and you are nervous about what you are going to say. You soon discover that you don't have to worry about that, since you won't be saying anything. It's just going to be the two of them talking. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are still worried what your father is going to say though, since this is the first time you've spent any time with him since you moved in with Mike. Well, and you obviously are wondering how your father is going to react to the gag Mike has ordered you to wear. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your father doesn't have anything to say to you beyond a few greetings. Him and Mike however talk to each other as if you aren't there. "... I knew he was never going to end up as a man," your father tells Mike. "At times, I'd worried he'd end up walking the street trying to earn money for a Plus pill. I'd been considering just buying one for him to avoid that. But thankfully, that university program happened and made that all unnecessary." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "I had hoped the university would help train her to be a proper young woman," your father continues. "But they just turned her loose and let her run wild. Having a strong hand to guide her is the best she could have hoped for then. And I'm glad it's someone I know and trust like you." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "If things had worked out between you and Kim, then you and I would be still be brothers-in-law. I hope you don't mind, I still think of you as a brother," your dad tells Mike. "I don't think that's going to change if some day you end up being my son-in-law." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You gasp a bit at your dad's comment, but no one hears it thanks to your gag. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> That went far better than you'd imagined, you think as your father leaves. Once your father is gone, Mike removes your gag and cuffs, and reminds you that you need to get ready [[for your appointment|UncleSub3]] <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>A Visit to the X-Change Clinic</h1> <img src="PartP/PregTest6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550" align="left"> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You show up at your visit for the X-Change office. <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> You need them to deactivate this horrible denial setting the dean made them turn on. <<elseif $PlayerPregnant>> They need to check up on the baby for you. <<elseif !$PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> You need them to do something for you. <<else>> They want to do some tests, since you won't stoping by as regularly since you aren't on campus anymore. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $AcademicProbationDenial>> <<set $tempCelebrate to 'orgasm'>> <<unset $AcademicProbationDenial>> <<set $AcademicProbationDenialFormer to 1>> "There, you should be able to orgasm normally again miss. <<if $PlayerEasytoOrgasm or $PlayerPowerfulOrgasms or $PlayerSuperOrgasms>> Or in your case, better than normal, as before. <</if>> Congratulations!", the X-Change technican tells you. You can't wait to get home and celbrate your new ability with Mike. <br><br> <</if>> <<if $PlayerPregnant>> Everything looks fine with the fetus miss. The technician tells you. You notice after your told them your plans to put the baby up for adoption that they stopped calling it 'your baby' and instead switched to 'the fetus'. You suppose they are trying to help make your decision easier. It was an easy decision though. You'll probably want to have children with Mike eventually, neither of you are sure yet. But you know you don't want one now. Especially some other man's child. <br><br> You are glad Mike is so support of you continuing with this pregnancy so you can put the baby up for adoption. Seeing how much he is now, when it isn't even his baby inside you lets you know he'll make an excellent father someday when it is. It also makes you want to [[hurry home and be with him|UncleSub4]]. <<elseif !$PlayerSideEffectPermanent>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <<set $PregnancyCheck = setup.checkForNewPregnancy('medical test - Mike')>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.isPregnant>> <<if $PlayerAbortion>> <<set $PlayerAbortion += 1>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerAbortion to 1>> <</if>> <<if setup.pregnantFirstTime()>> <<achievement>>firsttime+pregnant+childfree<</achievement>> <<else>> <<achievement>>pregnant+childfree<</achievement>> <</if>> Before making your change permanent they do some tests, and discover that it's not necessary. You are pregnant! And so the change is already permanent. <br><br> You let them know you aren't ready for that just yet, especially since your brother is one of the possible fathers! Of course you don't tell them about that part. <br><br> They give you a pill that you take now, and then another one for later. They warn you to expect bleeding, more than a normal period, for a few days. Probaby starting tomorrow. <br><br> But the exciting part is that this is your body forever now! You know Mike is going to [[want to celebrate|UncleSub4]] that <<if $tempCelebrate>> too <<else>> <<set $tempCelebrate to 'perm'>> <</if>> when you get home. <<else>> <<achievement>>girlpower<</achievement>> After checking to make sure that you aren't pregnant, and that your implant isn't already permanent, they give you an injection. "Congratulations! You are a woman forever now!", the technician tells you. <br><br> You know Mike is going to [[want to celebrate|UncleSub4]] with you about this <<if $tempCelebrate>> too <<else>> <<set $tempCelebrate to 'perm'>> <</if>> when you get home. <</if>> <<else>> <<set $PregnancyCheck = setup.checkForNewPregnancy('medical test - Mike', 0)>> <<if $PregnancyCheck.isPregnant>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <<if setup.pregnantFirstTime()>> <<achievement>>firsttime+pregnant+childfree<</achievement>> <<else>> <<achievement>>pregnant+childfree<</achievement>> <</if>> One of the tests the run is a pregnancy test. And they discover you are pregnant! You let them know you aren't ready for that just yet, especially since your brother is one of the possible fathers! (You don't mention that last part.) So they give you a pill that you take now, and then another one for later. They warn you to expect bleeding, more than a normal period, for a few days. Probaby starting tomorrow. <br><br> But everything else was great on your tests and they won't need to see you again for months. So you [[hurry home to see Mike|UncleSub4]]. <<else>> Everything looked great on your tests. They even checked and confirmed you aren't pregnant. They say they won't need to see you again for months. So you [[hurry home to see Mike|UncleSub4]]. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerProtectionFertile>> <<if !$PlayerProtectionWithdrawl>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionTry>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionNone>> <<set $PlayerProtectionWithdrawl to 1>> You and Mike aren't wanting a baby just yet, and only a few birth control methods work for you. So after going over your options with the nurse, you let her know you'll be having Mike pull out. You know you probably won't most of the time, it usually feels too good for both of you to have him stop. <<if $PlayerPregnant>> Though for now, you don't have to worry about. <</if>> <</if>> <<elseif !$PlayerProtectionPerfect and !$PlayerProtectionPermanent and !$PlayerProtectionPill>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionTry>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionNone>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionWithdrawl>> <<set $PlayerProtectionPill to 1>> You and Mike aren't wanting a baby just yet so you'll be getting on the pill. <<if $PlayerPregnant>> After your pregnancy that is. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<if $tempCelebrate>> <h1>Mike Helps you Celebrate</h1> <<else>> <h1>Mike has a Surprise for You</h1> <</if>> <video src="PartX/Uncle3.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When you get home, Mike says <<if $tempCelebrate>> he has the perfect idea on how to celebrate <<if $tempCelebrate == 'orgasm'>> your ability to orgasm again. <<else>> that you are a woman forever now. <</if>> <<else>> he has a surprise for you. He says he knows you're going to like it. <</if>> <<if setup.sexUniqueMaleCount() == 2>> He's recreated your 'time-out' chair for you! <<else>> He sets up a familiar chair in the dungeon for you. <</if>> Once he binds you to it, he activates the vibrator, on low at first, but gradually turning up the speed. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $tempCelebrate == 'orgasm'>> Your heart races as the vibrations start and you can feel every bit of it. You use what little movement you can make to grind into the head of the vibrator aching for it more and more. As you feel your orgasm building you can't wait until the orgasm you've been denied finally arrives. <<elseif $tempCelebrate>> As you feel the vibrations against your clit and the pleasure radiating out from there, you know you've made the right decision. You can't imagine ever wanting to give up this body. But soon thoughts of that are pushed from your mind as all you can focus on is the pleasure and the orgasm you feel building and building. <<else>> As you feel the vibrations against your clit and the pleasure radiating out from there, you look up and Mike and say "Thank You". He treats you so well. But soon other thoughts are pushed from your mind as all you can focus on is the pleasure and the orgasm you feel building and building. <</if>> <<unset $tempCelebrate>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As your first orgasm hits your screams echo through the basement as your arms and legs tug at the bonds holding them. The vibrator doesn't care or know that you just orgasmed though and keeps going. You try to move away from it, but it's secure against your clit. Soon you can feel another coming. You look up at Mike and see a smile on his face. You wonder how many orgasms he's going to force from you before he's decided you've had enough? <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Many orgasms later, long after you thought you couldn't take any more, Mike decides you've had enough. You can barely stand when he unfastes your cuffs from the chair. "I've gotten quite turned on watching you," he tells you. "I think I need an orgasm or two myself now. But don't worry, [[I'll do all the work|UncleSub5]] until you get your energy back." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerChastityBelt>> <<unset $PlayerChastityBelt>> He also tells you that he trusts you enough not to need the chastity belt on you all the time. Of course, he'll keep it around for play, or if he decides you need it again. Or pehaps as a punishment if you misbehave and he decides to deny you for a while. <</if>> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Mike's Turn</h1> <img src="PartX/Uncle6.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Mike', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Mike'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Mike', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Mike'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Mike', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Mike'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Mike', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Mike'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Mike', vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Mike straps you into a bondage frame with your ass up in their air. You are dripping wet still from all the orgasms you've just had, and he's too eager to wait, so he plunges right into you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You moan as he fucks you hard and fast, his balls slapping against your clit as he does. His hands also occasionally slaps your ass as well. <<if $PlayerEasytoOrgasm>> You've came yet again before he does. <</if>> Finally he holds your hips and thrusts into you one last time before <<if !$PlayerPregnant and $PlayerProtectionWithdrawl>> pulling out and fucking your mouth until he finishes there. <<else>> he leaves his cock deep inside you as he cums. He stays there with his cock still twitiching for a moment before pulling out. <<if !$PlayerPregnant and $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> He takes off the the used condom and tosses it in the trash. <<else>> You feel his cum leaking out of you as he does. <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He puts a gag in your mouth before he unbinds from the frame. Then he orders you into the cage sitting on the floor. "You can rest there until I'm ready for more. You should have your energy back by then," he tells you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> As he straightens up some things in the basement and sets up equipment for whatever fun he has planned for you next he glances over admiring you. "Actually you look really hot down there like that," he says. "And this would make a decent coffee table. I think I'll move it upstairs. That way I can keep you locked up where everyone can see you the next time we have guests over." <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He glances down at the raging erection he has now and says. "I guess it's time to let you out of your cage so we can continue where we left off." <</nobr>> <img src="PartX/Uncle4.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<nobr>> Hours later the two of you finally head back upstairs. He starts to have you help him move the new cage/coffee table upstairs, but it's too heavy for you. "That's OK, he says. I'll give Dylan a calll to stop by and help. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You head to the bathroom, while Dylan and Mike work the cage upstairs and set it up in the living room. You're glad you did as you are told to get in the cage again once it's in position. Dylan stays and visits with Mike for a while as you quitely lay down in your cage at their feet. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> After Dylan goes home, Mike lets you out of the cage for the rest of the evening. He also puts your gag and cuffs away for next time. Of course you still aren't supposed to wear clothes around the house normally, so as you cuddle up next to Mike on the sofa to watch a movie, you're completely naked. But that seems normal to you both now and you love it. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You love the fun days you and Mike spend down in the dungeon, but it's [[not always like that with you two|UncleSub6]]. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>A Romantic Morning</h1> <video src="PartX/Uncle5.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Mike'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Mike', vaginal:true, birthControl:'pullout-perfect'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Mike'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Mike', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Mike'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Mike', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Mike'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Mike', vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> It's not always about being tied up or spanked or any of that. Sometimes you and Mike just want a nice romantic night together like any couple. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Though this time it's a romantic morning. It starts with you both sleeping in. He's still asleep with his arm around you as you wake up. You love how safe and protected it makes you feel. You feel something else though. His morning erection pressed against your ass. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> He starts to wake a bit as you roll over to face him. "Would you like me to take care of that for you?", you ask with a smile as your hand wraps around is cock. After an eager nod, you kiss him, then begin kissing you way down his chest and stomach until you reach his cock. You smile as he moans when your tongue traces the underside of it once before you take it into your mouth. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Before long he's fully awake, and eager for more than your mouth. But first he has you lay back while he returns the favor between your legs. He keeps going until your legs wrap around his head with a powerful orgasm. Only then does he kneel down and slide his cock into you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> When he's about to cum, he pulls <<if !$PlayerProtection and $PlayerProtectionWithdrawl>> out, as always, <<elseif !$PlayerProtection and $PlayerProtectionCondoms>> out. It's only then you remember you forgot about the condom, thankfully he didn't. He strokes his cock a couple more times <<else>> out <</if>> before covering your stomach with his cum. You are planning on washing it off in the shower until he tells you not to. "You took a shower last night, you don't need another one," he says. "You can wear that to remind you of how much fun we had this morning," he says gestering to the cum drying on you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> "Yes, sir," you say with a smile. Ok, you think, maybe my [[submissive side is still there|UncleSubElope]] even when we are being romantic. But you wouldn't have it any other way. <</nobr>><<nobr>> <h1>Eloping with Mike</h1> <img src="PartX/Uncle7.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600" align="left"> <<set $Spouse to 'Mike'>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Mike'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Mike', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Mike'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Mike', vaginal:true})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Mike'})>> <<set setup.addSex({sex: 'male', name: 'Mike', vaginal:true})>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You and Mike had talked about getting married before, so it was a thrill but not a surprise when proposed to you. Of course he knew the answer was going to be an excited "Yes!" from you. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But the two of you don't want to wait for a big formal wedding. And you especially don't want to have to deal with the disapproving relatives, especially the ones from your mother's (and his ex's) family. So you both decide to elope. Today. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Your 'wedding dress' gets some looks down at the courthouse, but you and Mike don't care. You both think it's beautiful. After the judge declares you husband and wife, you kiss Mike and the two of you quickly make your way out of the courtroom to let the next couple have their turn. Well, as quick as you can with the small steps your dress allows. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You are both already dressed up, so you go out to celebrate. There will be more than enough time to celebrate when you get home. <<if $PlayerPregnant>> Of course, you'll pass on the champagne and go with grape juice for the toast, since [[you still have a baby on the way|UncleSubPregnant]]. <<else>> Actually, you have [[your whole life together to celebrate|UncleSubEnd]]. <</if>> <</nobr>> <<achievement>>married<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>In the Dungeon</h1> <video src="Part14/Pregnant8.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="500"></video> <<if $PlayerAdoption>> <<set $PlayerAdoption += 1>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerAdoption to 1>> <</if>> <<unset $PlayerPregnant>> <<if $PlayerProtectionNone or $PlayerProtectionTry>> <<set $PlayerProtectionWithdraw to 1>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionNone>> <<unset $PlayerProtectionTry>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You had worried that Mike wouldn't find you attractive, or wouldn't want to dominate you, once you got further along with the pregnancy. But you were worried for nothing. He has no problem ordering you to you knees to suck his cock, no matter how pregnant you get. Your living room cage, and some of the other equipment doesn't work with your body shape now, but the two of you still find plenty of ways to have fun inside the dungeon and back upstairs. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> Mike is there by your side through the delivery, and helping you sign the adoption paperwork. You and him still aren't completely sure if you want to have kids someday. But you know when you do, you want it to be yours and Mike's. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But for right now you are both [[enjoying it being just the two you|UncleSubEnd]] too much to want to change it all with a kid just yet. <</nobr>> <<achievement>>mother+childfree<</achievement>><<nobr>> <h1>In the Living Room</h1> <img src="PartX/Uncle8.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="550"> <br> Everyone has finally adjusted to you and Mike being married. Though Cassie still likes to occasionally tease you by calling you <<if $playerName>>Aunt $playerName<<else>>Aunt<</if>> sometimes. Of course when realtives are over, Mike has you wear clothes. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> But you prefer the rest of time, when it's just you and Mike and his more understanding friends. Then you can walk around with nothing at all. Or, even better, with just a few cuffs and chains. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> You love sitting at your husband's feet as he and his friends watch the game. Of course on days like this, the chain isn't locked. What good would having a pretty young 'slave girl' be if she couldn't go get someone a beer when they run out. <</nobr>> <<nobr>> A longing between you legs reminds you of the answer to the question. But that will have to wait. Maybe after the game, your husband will have other uses for his 'slave girl' wife. <</nobr>> [[The End.|GameOverUncle]]<img src="PartX/GameOver1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="600"> <<achievement>>uncle<</achievement>><<nobr>> <u><b><span style="font-size: 125%">Sexual Activity</span></b></u><br> Sexual History [[(Details)|DebugSexualHistory]]<br> Summary: <table> <tr> <td></td> <td>Male (V)</td> <td>Female</td> <td>Total</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Overall</td> <td><<print setup.sexMaleCount()>> (<<print setup.sexVaginalCount()>>)</td> <td><<print setup.sexFemaleCount()>></td> <td><<print setup.sexCount()>></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Unique Partners</td> <td><<print setup.sexUniqueMaleCount()>> (<<print setup.sexUniqueVaginalCount()>>)</td> <td><<print setup.sexUniqueFemaleCount()>></td> <td><<print setup.sexUniqueMaleCount() + setup.sexUniqueFemaleCount()>></td> </tr> </table> <<if setup.sexCount() > 9000>> <img src="PartX/DBZ9000.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="200"> <</if>> <</nobr>><table width="100%"> <tr> <td width="50%"> <u><b><span style="font-size: 125%">Core Attributes</span></b></u> Mentor $Mentor (Former: $FormerMentor) Roommate $Roommate Neighbours $neighbours <<if $FormerNeighbours>>(Former: $FormerNeighbours)<</if>> Body Type: $BodyType PlayerSideEffectPermanent $PlayerSideEffectPermanent Dating: <<print JSON.stringify($dating)>> Exes: <<print JSON.stringify($exes)>> FWBs: <<print JSON.stringify($fwb)>> Friend Zone: <<print JSON.stringify($friendZone)>> Engaged: $Engaged Spouse: $Spouse Children: <<print JSON.stringify($children)>> Keyholder $Keyholder </td> <td width="50%"> <<include [[SexualHistoryTable]]>> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <u><b><span style="font-size: 125%">Year 2 Variables</span></b></u> SchoolWeek $SchoolWeek PregnancyWeek $PregnancyWeek MenstrualWeek $MenstrualWeek DormFriendLevel $DormFriendLevel RoommateFWB $RoommateFWB RoommateThreesome $RoommateThreesome RoommatePeter $RoommatePeter MotherHousing $MotherHousing </td> <td> <u><b><span style="font-size: 125%">Buddy (Year 2)</span></b></u> BuddyClean $BuddyClean BuddyLesbian $BuddyLesbian BuddyBoys $BuddyBoys BuddyThreesomeGirlfriend $BuddyThreesomeGirlfriend BuddyThreesomeGuy $BuddyThreesomeGuy BuddyBar $BuddyBar BuddyChastity $BuddyChastity BuddyElectronicChastity $BuddyElectronicChastity BuddyVibrator $BuddyVibrator BuddyPregnant $BuddyPregnant BuddyAbortion $BuddyAbortion BuddyPermanent $BuddyPermanent BuddyDating $BuddyDating BuddyCondoms $BuddyCondoms BuddyPeterChastity $BuddyPeterChastity BuddyNipplePiercing $BuddyNipplePiercing </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <u><b><span style="font-size: 125%">Pregnancy</span></b></u> PlayerPregnant $PlayerPregnant PlayerMother $PlayerMother PlayerAbortion $PlayerAbortion PlayerAdoption $PlayerAdoption PlayerMiscarriage $PlayerMiscarriage PlayerMenstruation $PlayerMenstruation PregnancyCheck <<print JSON.stringify($PregnancyCheck)>> PotentialFathers $PotentialFathers </td> <td> <u><b><span style="font-size: 125%">Birth Control</span></b></u> PlayerProtectionTry $PlayerProtectionTry PlayerProtectionNone $PlayerProtectionNone PlayerProtectionWithdraw $PlayerProtectionWithdraw PlayerProtectionCondoms $PlayerProtectionCondoms PlayerProtectionPill $PlayerProtectionPill PlayerProtectionPermanent $PlayerProtectionPermanent PlayerProtectionPerfect $PlayerProtectionPerfect PlayerProtectionFertile $PlayerProtectionFertile PlayerProtectionPrince $PlayerProtectionPrince PeriodSex $PeriodSex </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <u><b><span style="font-size: 125%">Side Effects</span></b></u> PlayerNoBodyHair $PlayerNoBodyHair PlayerSideEffectPermanent $PlayerSideEffectPermanent PlayerSideEffects $PlayerSideEffects PlayerWeightControl $PlayerWeightControl PlayerReducedSleep $PlayerReducedSleep PlayerEasytoOrgasm $PlayerEasytoOrgasm PlayerPowerfulOrgasms $PlayerPowerfulOrgasms PlayerSuperOrgasms $PlayerSuperOrgasms PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist PlayerSideEffectSubmissive $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive PlayerSideEffectDominant $PlayerSideEffectDominant PlayerSideEffectPheromones $PlayerSideEffectPheromones PlayerSideEffectOral $PlayerSideEffectOral PlayerSideEffectAnal $PlayerSideEffectAnal PlayerSideEffectLibido $PlayerSideEffectLibido PlayerSideEffectDreams $PlayerSideEffectDreams </td> <td> <u><b><span style="font-size: 125%">Side Effects (temp flags)</span></b></u> PlayerSideEffectPermanentShow $PlayerSideEffectPermanentShow PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlockShow $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlockShow PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlockShow $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlockShow PlayerSideEffectExhibitionistShow $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionistShow PlayerSideEffectSubmissiveShow $PlayerSideEffectSubmissiveShow PlayerSideEffectPheromonesShow $PlayerSideEffectPheromonesShow PlayerSideEffectOralShow $PlayerSideEffectOralShow PlayerSideEffectAnalShow $PlayerSideEffectAnalShow PlayerSideEffectLibidoShow $PlayerSideEffectLibidoShow PlayerSideEffectDreamsShow $PlayerSideEffectDreamsShow PlayerSuperOrgasmsShow $PlayerSuperOrgasmsShow </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <u><b><span style="font-size: 125%">Student</span></b></u> PlayerGoodStudent $PlayerGoodStudent PlayerAverageStudent $PlayerAverageStudent PlayerLazyStudent $PlayerLazyStudent AcademicProbation $AcademicProbation AcademicProbationDenial $AcademicProbationDenial AcademicProbationEndWeek $AcademicProbationEndWeek AcademicProbationTutorSex <<print JSON.stringify($AcademicProbationTutorSex)>> AcademicProbationTutor $AcademicProbationTutor SororitySEX: $SororitySEX SororityDTD: $SororityDTD SororityELP: $SororityELP DTF Nickname: $DTFNickname SororityFootball $SororityFootball SororityJoust $SororityJoust SororityTug $SororityTug </td> <td> <u><b><span style="font-size: 125%">BDSM</span></b></u> MasterKate $MasterKate MasterKen $MasterKen MasterRobert $MasterRobert MasterMike $MasterMike PlayerItemBuddyKey $PlayerItemBuddyKey PlayerItemNerdKey $PlayerItemNerdKey PlayerItemNerdKeyStripper $PlayerItemNerdKeyStripper OliviaChastityBelt $OliviaChastityBelt PlayerChastityBelt $PlayerChastityBelt Keyholder $Keyholder<<if $Keyholder>> KeyholderPronoun $KeyholderPronoun KeyholderPronounPossessive $KeyholderPronounPossessive <</if>> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <u><b><span style="font-size: 125%">Inventory</span></b></u> <<print JSON.stringify($inventory)>> </td> <td> <u><b><span style="font-size: 125%">Items</span></b></u> PlayerMoneySet $PlayerMoneySet PlayerMoney $PlayerMoney PlayerCredit $PlayerCredit </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <u><b><span style="font-size: 125%">Engineering Special Project</span></b></u> Subject Punishment Level: $SubjectPunish Subject Horniness: $SubjectHorniness CorporalPunishment: $CorporalPunishment </td> <td> <u><b><span style="font-size: 125%">Engineering Beta Testing</span></b></u> JobBetaTester $JobBetaTester JobEngineerLock $JobEngineerLock DailyBJRecord $DailyBJRecord DailyBJMinimum $DailyBJMinimum EngineerLockPacketOrgasm $EngineerLockPacketOrgasm EngineerLockOwnerOrgasm $EngineerLockOwnerOrgasm ComputerChastityOwner $ComputerChastityOwner BeltPointsPerWeek $BeltPointsPerWeek BarryEngineerStrict $BarryEngineerStrict MinistryBeltDecline $MinistryBeltDecline FaithChastity $FaithChastity SororityChastity $SororityChastity LesbianChastity $LesbianChastity Cuckcake $Cuckcake WomensStudiesProfessorTalk $WomensStudiesProfessorTalk WomensStudiesProfessorPublish $WomensStudiesProfessorPublish WomensStudiesProfessorReported $WomensStudiesProfessorReported EngineeringGuest $EngineeringGuest </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <u><b><span style="font-size: 125%">Jobs</span></b></u> PlayerJobSet $PlayerJobSet JobBarista $JobBarista (JobBaristaManager: $JobBaristaManager) JobBaristaOld $JobBaristaOld JobBikiniBarista $JobBikiniBarista JobOffice $JobOffice JobOfficePA $JobOfficePA JobOfficeManager $JobOfficeManager JobOfficeIntern $JobOfficeIntern PaulSeverance $PaulSeverance JobCallGirl $JobCallGirl JobCallGirlSide $JobCallGirlSide JobBartender $JobBartender JobBartenderGirls $JobBartenderGirls JobBartenderGuys $JobBartenderGuys JobBartenderBi $JobBartenderBi JobBartenderSub $JobBartenderSub JobWebModel $JobWebModel JobWebModelSide $JobWebModelSide JobPornOral $JobPornOral JobPornOralSide $JobPornOralSide JobPornAnal $JobPornAnal JobPornAnalSide $JobPornAnalSide JobPorn $JobPorn JobPornSide $JobPornSide JobPornGang $JobPornGang JobPornGangSide $JobPornGangSide JobAthlete $JobAthlete JobCheerleader $JobCheerleader JobCheerleaderFundraiser $JobCheerleaderFundraiser JobFitness $JobFitness JobFitnessYoga $JobFitnessYoga JobFitnessMassage $JobFitnessMassage JobLibrary $JobLibrary JobEngineer $JobEngineer <<if $JobEngineerOld>>(Former: $JobEngineerOld)<</if>> JobEngineerLock $JobEngineerLock JobTestSubject $JobTestSubject <<if $JobTestSubjectOld>>(Former: $JobTestSubjectOld)<</if>> JobArt $JobArt <<if $JobArtFormer>>(Former: $JobArtFormer)<</if>> JobModel $JobModel JobStripper $JobStripper JobStripperOld $JobStripperOld JobGloryHole $JobGloryHole JobBetaTester $JobBetaTester JobProstitute $JobProstitute JobWaitress $JobWaitress </td> <td> <u><b><span style="font-size: 125%">Other</span></b></u> PlayerPointsSet $PlayerPointsSet FunPoints $FunPoints AcademicPoints $AcademicPoints CheatedJosh $CheatedJosh HideJobJosh $HideJobJosh EngineerJosh $EngineerJosh EngineerGoo $EngineerGoo PaulPregnancyMoney $PaulPregnancyMoney ProfessorAllowance $ProfessorAllowance NumberCody $NumberCody CarBrad $CarBrad FatherDisown $FatherDisown BrotherThong $BrotherThong BrotherFlashed $BrotherThong BrotherCrush $BrotherCrush BrotherFlirt $BrotherFlirt DylanChastityKey $DylanChastityKey RideBrad $RideBrad LikeFemales $LikeFemales HomeMasturbate $HomeMasturbate UncleChair $UncleChair MindBlank $MindBlank CampusMinistry $CampusMinistry CampusMinistryFail $CampusMinistryFail CampusMinistryFailSummer $CampusMinistryFailSummer CampusMinistrySaves $CampusMinistrySaves CampusMinistryFailFall2 $CampusMinistryFailFall2 CampusMinistryFailBelt $CampusMinistryFailBelt LoopholeVirgin $LoopholeVirgin KieraWatch $KieraWatch KieraSock $KieraSock MysteryModelVideo $MysteryModelVideo BrokenLeg $BrokenLeg FormerBrokenLeg $FormerBrokenLeg RapistBeltAlarm $RapistBeltAlarm RapistFightBack $RapistFightBack RapistRun $RapistRun RapistNothing $RapistNothing RapistRaped $RapistRaped RapistReported $RapistReported RapistArrested $RapistArrested ProfessorMindControl $ProfessorMindControl EngineeringGuest $EngineeringGuest EngineeringShutdown $EngineeringShutdown MarcusRecruit $MarcusRecruit SoloThenMarcus $SoloThenMarcus BarryIsland $BarryIsland IslandStable $IslandStable </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <u><b><span style="font-size: 125%">Random Temp Variables</span></b></u> Dice Roll Dice Roll PlayerRollDice $PlayerRollDice PlayerRollDiceArray $PlayerRollDiceArray PlayerRollDice1 $PlayerRollDice1 PlayerRollDice2 $PlayerRollDice2 PlayerRollMultiplier $PlayerRollMultiplier </td> <td> <!-- <u><b><span style="font-size: 125%">Story Mode</span></b></u> StoryKeys $StoryKeys StoryKeyLearn $StoryKeyLearn (for figuring out keys to use) StoryModePassClass $StoryModePassClass StoryModeFailClass $StoryModeFailClass StoryModeMaybePassClass $StoryModeMaybePassClass StoryModePregnant <<print JSON.stringify($StoryModePregnant)>> StoryModeHuntRoll <<print JSON.stringify($StoryModeHuntRoll)>> --> </td> </tr> </table>You may not remember most of it, but... <<print setup.sexualHistoryTable()>><<nobr>> <h1><<print "Side Effects.">></h1> <</nobr>> <<print "You need to select ">><span id="PlayerSideEffects2">$PlayerSideEffects</span><<print " side effects. Having more than 1 level in Anal or Enhanced Orgasms effect doesn't do much at the moment gameplay-wise, but you can use it as a way of avoiding multiple side effects.">> <<nobr>> * <<print "Side-Effect: Permanent - Level: ">><span id="PlayerSideEffectPermanentSpan">$PlayerSideEffectPermanent</span><<print " (">> <<link "[+]">> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPermanent != 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent++>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectPermanentSpan">><<print $PlayerSideEffectPermanent>><</replace>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffects2">><<print $PlayerSideEffects>><</replace>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffects>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectsFinish">>[[Finished selection.|BodySideEffectsChoose2]]<</replace>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPermanent and !$PlayerSideEffectPermanentShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanentShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 1>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock and !$PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlockShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlockShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 2>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock and !$PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlockShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlockShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 3>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive and !$PlayerSideEffectSubmissiveShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissiveShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 4>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist and !$PlayerSideEffectExhibitionistShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionistShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 5>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones and !$PlayerSideEffectPheromonesShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPheromonesShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 6>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral and !$PlayerSideEffectOralShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOralShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 7>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal and !$PlayerSideEffectAnalShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectAnalShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 8>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectLibido and !$PlayerSideEffectLibidoShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectLibidoShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 9>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectDreams and !$PlayerSideEffectDreamsShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectDreamsShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 10>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSuperOrgasms and !$PlayerSuperOrgasmsShow>> <<set $PlayerSuperOrgasmsShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 11>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 12>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</link>> <<print " | ">> <<link "[-]">> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPermanent != 0>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent-->> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectPermanentSpan">><<print $PlayerSideEffectPermanent>><</replace>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffects2">><<print $PlayerSideEffects>><</replace>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectsFinish">><</replace>> <</if>> <</link>> <<print " ) (Does not reduce side effects count.)">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> * <<print "Side-Effect: Orgasm Denial - Level: ">><span id="PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlockSpan">$PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock</span><<print " (">> <<link "[+]">> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock < 4 and $PlayerSideEffects>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock++>><<set $PlayerSideEffects-->> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlockSpan">><<print $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>><</replace>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffects2">><<print $PlayerSideEffects>><</replace>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffects>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectsFinish">>[[Finished selection.|BodySideEffectsChoose2]]<</replace>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPermanent and !$PlayerSideEffectPermanentShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanentShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 1>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock and !$PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlockShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlockShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 2>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock and !$PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlockShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlockShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 3>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive and !$PlayerSideEffectSubmissiveShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissiveShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 4>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist and !$PlayerSideEffectExhibitionistShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionistShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 5>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones and !$PlayerSideEffectPheromonesShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPheromonesShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 6>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral and !$PlayerSideEffectOralShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOralShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 7>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal and !$PlayerSideEffectAnalShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectAnalShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 8>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectLibido and !$PlayerSideEffectLibidoShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectLibidoShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 9>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectDreams and !$PlayerSideEffectDreamsShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectDreamsShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 10>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSuperOrgasms and !$PlayerSuperOrgasmsShow>> <<set $PlayerSuperOrgasmsShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 11>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 12>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</link>> <<print " | ">> <<link "[-]">> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock != 0>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock-->><<set $PlayerSideEffects++>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlockSpan">><<print $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>><</replace>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffects2">><<print $PlayerSideEffects>><</replace>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectsFinish">><</replace>> <</if>> <</link>> <<print " )">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> * <<print "Side-Effect: Masturbation Denial - Level: ">><span id="PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlockSpan">$PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock</span><<print " (">> <<link "[+]">> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock < 4 and $PlayerSideEffects>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock++>><<set $PlayerSideEffects-->> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlockSpan">><<print $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>><</replace>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffects2">><<print $PlayerSideEffects>><</replace>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffects>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectsFinish">>[[Finished selection.|BodySideEffectsChoose2]]<</replace>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPermanent and !$PlayerSideEffectPermanentShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanentShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 1>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock and !$PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlockShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlockShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 2>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock and !$PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlockShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlockShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 3>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive and !$PlayerSideEffectSubmissiveShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissiveShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 4>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist and !$PlayerSideEffectExhibitionistShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionistShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 5>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones and !$PlayerSideEffectPheromonesShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPheromonesShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 6>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral and !$PlayerSideEffectOralShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOralShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 7>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal and !$PlayerSideEffectAnalShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectAnalShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 8>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectLibido and !$PlayerSideEffectLibidoShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectLibidoShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 9>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectDreams and !$PlayerSideEffectDreamsShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectDreamsShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 10>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSuperOrgasms and !$PlayerSuperOrgasmsShow>> <<set $PlayerSuperOrgasmsShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 11>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 12>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</link>> <<print " | ">> <<link "[-]">> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock != 0>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock-->><<set $PlayerSideEffects++>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlockSpan">><<print $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>><</replace>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffects2">><<print $PlayerSideEffects>><</replace>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectsFinish">><</replace>> <</if>> <</link>> <<print " )">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> * <<print "Side-Effect: Submissive - Level: ">><span id="PlayerSideEffectSubmissiveSpan">$PlayerSideEffectSubmissive</span><<print " (">> <<link "[+]">> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive < 4 and $PlayerSideEffects>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive++>><<set $PlayerSideEffects-->> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectSubmissiveSpan">><<print $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>><</replace>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffects2">><<print $PlayerSideEffects>><</replace>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffects>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectsFinish">>[[Finished selection.|BodySideEffectsChoose2]]<</replace>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPermanent and !$PlayerSideEffectPermanentShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanentShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 1>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock and !$PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlockShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlockShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 2>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock and !$PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlockShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlockShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 3>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive and !$PlayerSideEffectSubmissiveShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissiveShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 4>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist and !$PlayerSideEffectExhibitionistShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionistShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 5>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones and !$PlayerSideEffectPheromonesShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPheromonesShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 6>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral and !$PlayerSideEffectOralShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOralShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 7>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal and !$PlayerSideEffectAnalShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectAnalShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 8>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectLibido and !$PlayerSideEffectLibidoShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectLibidoShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 9>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectDreams and !$PlayerSideEffectDreamsShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectDreamsShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 10>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSuperOrgasms and !$PlayerSuperOrgasmsShow>> <<set $PlayerSuperOrgasmsShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 11>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 12>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</link>> <<print " | ">> <<link "[-]">> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive != 0>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive-->><<set $PlayerSideEffects++>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectSubmissiveSpan">><<print $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>><</replace>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffects2">><<print $PlayerSideEffects>><</replace>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectsFinish">><</replace>> <</if>> <</link>> <<print " )">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> * <<print "Side-Effect: Exhibitionist - Level: ">><span id="PlayerSideEffectExhibitionistSpan">$PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist</span><<print " (">> <<link "[+]">> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist < 4 and $PlayerSideEffects>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist++>><<set $PlayerSideEffects-->> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectExhibitionistSpan">><<print $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>><</replace>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffects2">><<print $PlayerSideEffects>><</replace>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffects>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectsFinish">>[[Finished selection.|BodySideEffectsChoose2]]<</replace>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPermanent and !$PlayerSideEffectPermanentShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanentShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 1>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock and !$PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlockShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlockShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 2>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock and !$PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlockShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlockShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 3>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive and !$PlayerSideEffectSubmissiveShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissiveShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 4>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist and !$PlayerSideEffectExhibitionistShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionistShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 5>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones and !$PlayerSideEffectPheromonesShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPheromonesShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 6>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral and !$PlayerSideEffectOralShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOralShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 7>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal and !$PlayerSideEffectAnalShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectAnalShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 8>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectLibido and !$PlayerSideEffectLibidoShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectLibidoShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 9>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectDreams and !$PlayerSideEffectDreamsShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectDreamsShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 10>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSuperOrgasms and !$PlayerSuperOrgasmsShow>> <<set $PlayerSuperOrgasmsShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 11>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 12>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</link>> <<print " | ">> <<link "[-]">> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist != 0>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist-->><<set $PlayerSideEffects++>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectExhibitionistSpan">><<print $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>><</replace>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffects2">><<print $PlayerSideEffects>><</replace>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectsFinish">><</replace>> <</if>> <</link>> <<print " )">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> * <<print "Side-Effect: Male Pheromones - Level: ">><span id="PlayerSideEffectPheromonesSpan">$PlayerSideEffectPheromones</span><<print " (">> <<link "[+]">> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones < 4 and $PlayerSideEffects>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPheromones++>><<set $PlayerSideEffects-->> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectPheromonesSpan">><<print $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>><</replace>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffects2">><<print $PlayerSideEffects>><</replace>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffects>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectsFinish">>[[Finished selection.|BodySideEffectsChoose2]]<</replace>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPermanent and !$PlayerSideEffectPermanentShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanentShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 1>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock and !$PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlockShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlockShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 2>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock and !$PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlockShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlockShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 3>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive and !$PlayerSideEffectSubmissiveShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissiveShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 4>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist and !$PlayerSideEffectExhibitionistShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionistShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 5>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones and !$PlayerSideEffectPheromonesShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPheromonesShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 6>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral and !$PlayerSideEffectOralShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOralShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 7>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal and !$PlayerSideEffectAnalShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectAnalShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 8>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectLibido and !$PlayerSideEffectLibidoShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectLibidoShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 9>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectDreams and !$PlayerSideEffectDreamsShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectDreamsShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 10>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSuperOrgasms and !$PlayerSuperOrgasmsShow>> <<set $PlayerSuperOrgasmsShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 11>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 12>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</link>> <<print " | ">> <<link "[-]">> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones != 0>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPheromones-->><<set $PlayerSideEffects++>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectPheromonesSpan">><<print $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>><</replace>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffects2">><<print $PlayerSideEffects>><</replace>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectsFinish">><</replace>> <</if>> <</link>> <<print " )">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> * <<print "Side-Effect: Oral Lover - Level: ">><span id="PlayerSideEffectOralSpan">$PlayerSideEffectOral</span><<print " (">> <<link "[+]">> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral < 4 and $PlayerSideEffects>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOral++>><<set $PlayerSideEffects-->> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectOralSpan">><<print $PlayerSideEffectOral>><</replace>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffects2">><<print $PlayerSideEffects>><</replace>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffects>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectsFinish">>[[Finished selection.|BodySideEffectsChoose2]]<</replace>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPermanent and !$PlayerSideEffectPermanentShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanentShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 1>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock and !$PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlockShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlockShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 2>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock and !$PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlockShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlockShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 3>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive and !$PlayerSideEffectSubmissiveShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissiveShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 4>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist and !$PlayerSideEffectExhibitionistShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionistShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 5>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones and !$PlayerSideEffectPheromonesShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPheromonesShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 6>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral and !$PlayerSideEffectOralShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOralShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 7>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal and !$PlayerSideEffectAnalShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectAnalShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 8>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectLibido and !$PlayerSideEffectLibidoShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectLibidoShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 9>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectDreams and !$PlayerSideEffectDreamsShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectDreamsShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 10>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSuperOrgasms and !$PlayerSuperOrgasmsShow>> <<set $PlayerSuperOrgasmsShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 11>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 12>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</link>> <<print " | ">> <<link "[-]">> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral != 0>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOral-->><<set $PlayerSideEffects++>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectOralSpan">><<print $PlayerSideEffectOral>><</replace>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffects2">><<print $PlayerSideEffects>><</replace>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectsFinish">><</replace>> <</if>> <</link>> <<print " )">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> * <<print "Side-Effect: Anal Lover - Level: ">><span id="PlayerSideEffectAnalSpan">$PlayerSideEffectAnal</span><<print " (">> <<link "[+]">> <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal < 4 and $PlayerSideEffects>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectAnal++>><<set $PlayerSideEffects-->> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectAnalSpan">><<print $PlayerSideEffectAnal>><</replace>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffects2">><<print $PlayerSideEffects>><</replace>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffects>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectsFinish">>[[Finished selection.|BodySideEffectsChoose2]]<</replace>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPermanent and !$PlayerSideEffectPermanentShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanentShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 1>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock and !$PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlockShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlockShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 2>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock and !$PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlockShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlockShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 3>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive and !$PlayerSideEffectSubmissiveShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissiveShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 4>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist and !$PlayerSideEffectExhibitionistShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionistShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 5>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones and !$PlayerSideEffectPheromonesShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPheromonesShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 6>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral and !$PlayerSideEffectOralShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOralShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 7>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal and !$PlayerSideEffectAnalShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectAnalShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 8>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectLibido and !$PlayerSideEffectLibidoShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectLibidoShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 9>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectDreams and !$PlayerSideEffectDreamsShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectDreamsShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 10>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSuperOrgasms and !$PlayerSuperOrgasmsShow>> <<set $PlayerSuperOrgasmsShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 11>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 12>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</link>> <<print " | ">> <<link "[-]">> <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal != 0>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectAnal-->><<set $PlayerSideEffects++>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectAnalSpan">><<print $PlayerSideEffectAnal>><</replace>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffects2">><<print $PlayerSideEffects>><</replace>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectsFinish">><</replace>> <</if>> <</link>> <<print " )">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> * <<print "Side-Effect: Increased Libido - Level: ">><span id="PlayerSideEffectLibidoSpan">$PlayerSideEffectLibido</span><<print " (">> <<link "[+]">> <<if $PlayerSideEffectLibido < 4 and $PlayerSideEffects>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectLibido++>><<set $PlayerSideEffects-->> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectLibidoSpan">><<print $PlayerSideEffectLibido>><</replace>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffects2">><<print $PlayerSideEffects>><</replace>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffects>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectsFinish">>[[Finished selection.|BodySideEffectsChoose2]]<</replace>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPermanent and !$PlayerSideEffectPermanentShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanentShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 1>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock and !$PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlockShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlockShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 2>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock and !$PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlockShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlockShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 3>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive and !$PlayerSideEffectSubmissiveShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissiveShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 4>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist and !$PlayerSideEffectExhibitionistShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionistShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 5>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones and !$PlayerSideEffectPheromonesShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPheromonesShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 6>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral and !$PlayerSideEffectOralShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOralShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 7>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal and !$PlayerSideEffectAnalShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectAnalShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 8>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectLibido and !$PlayerSideEffectLibidoShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectLibidoShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 9>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectDreams and !$PlayerSideEffectDreamsShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectDreamsShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 10>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSuperOrgasms and !$PlayerSuperOrgasmsShow>> <<set $PlayerSuperOrgasmsShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 11>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 12>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</link>> <<print " | ">> <<link "[-]">> <<if $PlayerSideEffectLibido != 0>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectLibido-->><<set $PlayerSideEffects++>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectLibidoSpan">><<print $PlayerSideEffectLibido>><</replace>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffects2">><<print $PlayerSideEffects>><</replace>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectsFinish">><</replace>> <</if>> <</link>> <<print " )">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> * <<print "Side-Effect: Erotic Dreams - Level: ">><span id="PlayerSideEffectDreamsSpan">$PlayerSideEffectDreams</span><<print " (">> <<link "[+]">> <<if $PlayerSideEffectDreams < 4 and $PlayerSideEffects>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectDreams++>><<set $PlayerSideEffects-->> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectDreamsSpan">><<print $PlayerSideEffectDreams>><</replace>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffects2">><<print $PlayerSideEffects>><</replace>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffects>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectsFinish">>[[Finished selection.|BodySideEffectsChoose2]]<</replace>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPermanent and !$PlayerSideEffectPermanentShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanentShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 1>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock and !$PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlockShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlockShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 2>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock and !$PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlockShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlockShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 3>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive and !$PlayerSideEffectSubmissiveShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissiveShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 4>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist and !$PlayerSideEffectExhibitionistShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionistShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 5>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones and !$PlayerSideEffectPheromonesShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPheromonesShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 6>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral and !$PlayerSideEffectOralShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOralShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 7>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal and !$PlayerSideEffectAnalShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectAnalShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 8>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectLibido and !$PlayerSideEffectLibidoShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectLibidoShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 9>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectDreams and !$PlayerSideEffectDreamsShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectDreamsShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 10>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSuperOrgasms and !$PlayerSuperOrgasmsShow>> <<set $PlayerSuperOrgasmsShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 11>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 12>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</link>> <<print " | ">> <<link "[-]">> <<if $PlayerSideEffectDreams != 0>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectDreams-->><<set $PlayerSideEffects++>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectDreamsSpan">><<print $PlayerSideEffectDreams>><</replace>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffects2">><<print $PlayerSideEffects>><</replace>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectsFinish">><</replace>> <</if>> <</link>> <<print " )">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> * <<print "Side-Effect: Enhanced Orgasms - Level: ">><span id="PlayerSuperOrgasmsSpan">$PlayerSuperOrgasms</span><<print " (">> <<link "[+]">> <<if $PlayerSuperOrgasms < 3 and $PlayerSideEffects>> <<set $PlayerSuperOrgasms++>><<set $PlayerSideEffects-->> <<set $PlayerPowerfulOrgasms += 1>> <<set $PlayerEasytoOrgasm += 1>> <<replace "#PlayerSuperOrgasmsSpan">><<print $PlayerSuperOrgasms>><</replace>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffects2">><<print $PlayerSideEffects>><</replace>> <<if !$PlayerSideEffects>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectsFinish">>[[Finished selection.|BodySideEffectsChoose2]]<</replace>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPermanent and !$PlayerSideEffectPermanentShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanentShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 1>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock and !$PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlockShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlockShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 2>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock and !$PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlockShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlockShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 3>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive and !$PlayerSideEffectSubmissiveShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissiveShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 4>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist and !$PlayerSideEffectExhibitionistShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionistShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 5>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones and !$PlayerSideEffectPheromonesShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPheromonesShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 6>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral and !$PlayerSideEffectOralShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOralShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 7>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal and !$PlayerSideEffectAnalShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectAnalShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 8>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectLibido and !$PlayerSideEffectLibidoShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectLibidoShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 9>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectDreams and !$PlayerSideEffectDreamsShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectDreamsShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 10>> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSuperOrgasms and !$PlayerSuperOrgasmsShow>> <<set $PlayerSuperOrgasmsShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 11>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 12>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</link>> <<print " | ">> <<link "[-]">> <<if $PlayerSuperOrgasms != 0>> <<set $PlayerSuperOrgasms-->><<set $PlayerSideEffects++>> <<set $PlayerPowerfulOrgasms -= 1>> <<set $PlayerEasytoOrgasm -= 1>> <<replace "#PlayerSuperOrgasmsSpan">><<print $PlayerSuperOrgasms>><</replace>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffects2">><<print $PlayerSideEffects>><</replace>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectsFinish">><</replace>> <</if>> <</link>> <<print " )">> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <span id="PlayerSideEffectsFinish"></span> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <span id="fuckMeUp"> <<link "Just fuck my shit up, fam! (max everything)">> <<set $PlayerSideEffects to 0>> <<set $PlayerRollDice to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanent to 1>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanentShow to 1>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectPermanentSpan">><<print $PlayerSideEffectPermanent>><</replace>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock to 4>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlockSpan">><<print $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock>><</replace>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock to 4>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlockSpan">><<print $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock>><</replace>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive to 4>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectSubmissiveSpan">><<print $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive>><</replace>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist to 4>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectExhibitionistSpan">><<print $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist>><</replace>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPheromones to 4>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectPheromonesSpan">><<print $PlayerSideEffectPheromones>><</replace>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOral to 4>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectOralSpan">><<print $PlayerSideEffectOral>><</replace>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectAnal to 4>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectAnalSpan">><<print $PlayerSideEffectAnal>><</replace>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectLibido to 4>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectLibidoSpan">><<print $PlayerSideEffectLibido>><</replace>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectDreams to 4>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectDreamsSpan">><<print $PlayerSideEffectDreams>><</replace>> <<set $PlayerSuperOrgasms to 4>> <<replace "#PlayerSuperOrgasmsSpan">><<print $PlayerSuperOrgasms>><</replace>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffects2">><<print $PlayerSideEffects>><</replace>> <<replace "#PlayerSideEffectsFinish">>[[Finished selection.|BodySideEffectsChoose2]]<</replace>> <<replace "#fuckMeUp">><</replace>> <</link>> </span> <</nobr>><<nobr>> <<switch $PlayerRollDice>> <<case 1>> <h1>Side-Effect: Permanent</h1> <img src="Part1/SideEffectPermanent.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"><br> <<print "Your change is permanent. We won’t be able to change you back after graduation. Or ever.">> <<case 2>> <h1>Side-Effect: Orgasm Denial</h1> <video src="Part1/OrgasmBlock.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video><br> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock == 1>> <<print "Each time that your would normally orgasm there’s a chance that you won’t. (5% chance if it’s during sex, 50% chance if it’s not)">> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock == 2>> <<print "Each time that your would normally orgasm there’s a chance that you won’t. (10% chance if it’s during sex, 60% chance if it’s not)">> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock == 3>> <<print "Each time that your would normally orgasm there’s a chance that you won’t. (20% chance if it’s during sex, 75% chance if it’s not)">> <<else>> <<print "Each time that your would normally orgasm there’s a chance that you won’t. (40% chance if it’s during sex, 90% chance if it’s not)">> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> <<print "When it happens, it will leave you extremely frustrated and you won’t be able to cum for the next 24-72 hours. You’ll keep trying though, because you won’t be able to think of much else but how horny you are.">> <<case 3>> <h1><<print "Side-Effect: Masturbation Denial">></h1> <video src="Part1/MasturbationBlock.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video><br> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock == 1>> <<print "You won’t be able to orgasm by masturbation. Either with your hand or a toy, if you’re controlling it, then it’ll feel good, but you will never get off that way. You can get really close, but you’ll never quite be able to cum. The longer you try, the hornier and more desperate to cum it will make you.">> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock == 2>> <<print "You won’t be able to orgasm by masturbation. Either with your hand or a toy, if you’re controlling it, then it’ll feel good, but you will never get off that way. You can get really close, but you’ll never quite be able to cum. Even trying to masturbate will immediately make you horny and desperate to cum.">> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock == 3>> <<print "You won’t be able to orgasm by masturbation. Either with your hand or a toy, if you’re controlling it, then it’ll feel good, but you will never get off that way. You can get really close, but you’ll never quite be able to cum. Even just touching yourself accidentally is enough to make you horny and desperate to cum it will make you.">> <<else>> <<print "You won’t be able to orgasm by masturbation. Either with your hand or a toy, if you’re controlling it, then it’ll feel good, but you will never get off that way. You can get really close, but you’ll never quite be able to cum. Even just thinking about masturbation is enough to make you horny and desperate to cum.">> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <<print "With a partner though, as long as your not controlling the action, you’ll be able to orgasm just fine.">> <<case 4>> <h1><<print "Side-Effect: Submissive">></h1> <video src="Part1/SideEffectSubmissive.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video><br> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive == 1>> <<print "You’ll find that you are much more submissive than you would have been, especially in sexually situations.">> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive == 2>> <<print "You’ll find that you are much more submissive than you would have been, especially in sexually situations, that when you are already horny you can never refuse anything sexual that is asked of you.">> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive == 3>> <<print "You’ll find that you are much more submissive than you would have been, that you can never refuse anything sexual that is asked of you.">> <<else>> <<print "You’ll find that you are much more submissive than you would have been, that you can never refuse anything that is asked of you.">> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> <<print "Gagged, tied, held down, or commanded by your ‘master’, it won’t matter. The more helpless you feel, the more it will excite you.">> <<case 5>> <h1><<print "Side-Effect: Exhibitionist">></h1> <video src="Part1/SideEffectExhibitionist.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video><br> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist == 1>> <<print "You’re going to crave the risk of being exposed in public. You’ll love the thought of being caught having sex where you shouldn’t, of being naked where you shouldn’t.">> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist == 2>> <<print "You’re going to crave the risk of being exposed in public. You’ll love the thought of being caught having sex where you shouldn’t, of being naked where you shouldn’t. Wearing any clothes that cover you too much will constantly make you feel unconforable.">> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist == 3>> <<print "You’re going to crave the risk of being exposed in public. You’ll love the thought of being caught having sex where you shouldn’t, of being naked where you shouldn’t. Wearing any clothes will constantly make you feel unconforable.">> <<else>> <<print "You’re going to crave the risk of being exposed in public. You’ll love the thought of being caught having sex where you shouldn’t, of being naked where you shouldn’t. Wearing any clothes will constantly make you feel unconforable and being naked will make you accept sex with anyone who is asking..">> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> <<print "We’ll get the university to go easy on you if you get caught, but make sure you don’t get arrested off-campus.">> <<case 6>> <h1><<print "Side-Effect: Pheromones">></h1> <img src="Part1/SideEffectPheromones.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" height="650"><br> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones == 1>> <<print "Have you heard of pheromones? Well, people have them too, but they are usually too weak to be noticed. But not for you. You’ll notice them on men, especially if he’s been sweating.">> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones == 2>> <<print "Have you heard of pheromones? Well, people have them too, but they are usually too weak to be noticed. But not for you. You’ll notice them on men, especially if he’s been sweating. Staying too long next to a man will now make you horny for hours after.">> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPheromones == 3>> <<print "Have you heard of pheromones? Well, people have them too, but they are usually too weak to be noticed. But not for you. You’ll notice them on men, especially if he’s been sweating. They will instantly make you horny if there are more than one guy in the same room.">> <<else>> <<print "Have you heard of pheromones? Well, people have them too, but they are usually too weak to be noticed. But not for you. You’ll notice them on men, especially if he’s been sweating. They will instantly make you horny if there is any guy next to you in the same room.">> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> <<print "A trip to the gym will probably fill your mind with lustful thoughts of every guy you smell. And be careful, the effect is especially strong around the time you ovulate.">> <<case 7>> <h1><<print "Side-Effect: Oral Lover">></h1> <video src="Part1/SideEffectOral.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video><br> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral == 1>> <<print "Most of us like oral sex, right? We’ll not as much as you will. Whether your interested in girls or guys, the thought of feeling them on your lips, your tongue, or hearing them moan is going to give you almost as much pleasure as you’re giving them.">> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral == 2>> <<print "Most of us like oral sex, right? We’ll not as much as you will. Whether your interested in girls or guys, the thought of feeling them on your lips, your tongue, or hearing them moan is going to give you almost as much pleasure as you’re giving them. You can never refuse anyone asking for it or even suggesting it.">> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectOral == 3>> <<print "Most of us like oral sex, right? We’ll not as much as you will. Whether your interested in girls or guys, the thought of feeling them on your lips, your tongue, or hearing them moan is going to give you almost as much pleasure as you’re giving them. You can never refuse anyone asking for it or even suggesting it and you will always suggest it as a reward to people helping you.">> <<else>> <<print "Most of us like oral sex, right? We’ll not as much as you will. Whether your interested in girls or guys, the thought of feeling them on your lips, your tongue, or hearing them moan is going to give you almost as much pleasure as you’re giving them. You can never refuse anyone asking for it or even suggesting it and you will always suggest it as a reward to people helping you. You can no longer orgasm if you haven’t also pleasured your lover orally.">> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> <<print "And if you like guys, from what other girls with this side effect have told me about the taste of cum... Well, you’re going to love it. Even if girls are you thing, you’ll probably be finding a guy to blow now and then.">> <<case 8>> <h1><<print "Side-Effect: Anal Lover">></h1> <video src="Part1/SideEffectAnal.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video><br> <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal == 1>> <<print "Some women like anal sex, some women hate it, and some women love it. Guess which you’re going to be.">> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal == 2>> <<print "Some women like anal sex, some women hate it, and some women love it. Guess which you’re going to be. You can never refuse anyone asking for it or even suggesting it.">> <<else>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectAnal == 3>> <<print "Some women like anal sex, some women hate it, and some women love it. Guess which you’re going to be. You can never refuse anyone asking for it or even suggesting it. You can no longer orgasm if your lover doesn't also play with your ass.">> <<else>> <<print "Some women like anal sex, some women hate it, and some women love it. Guess which you’re going to be. You can never refuse anyone asking for it or even suggesting it. You can no longer orgasm if your lover doesn't also play with your ass and you constantly feel the need to have something in your ass.">> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> <<print "It’s going to feel amazing for you, You’ll probably be begging any guy you’re with to try it. But don’t worry, most will be happy to oblige.">> <<if !$PlayerSideEffectPermanent and $PlayerSideEffectAnal > 1 and either(0,1) == 1>> <br><br> <<set $PlayerSideEffectAnalPermanent to $PlayerSideEffectAnal>> <br><br> Oh... and it looks like the side effect will be permanent, even if you change back to your old body. But I hear prostate orgasms feel amazing so I'm sure you'll enjoy it if you ever decide to change back. <br> <video src="Part1/SideEffectAnal2.webm" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video> <</if>> <<case 9>> <h1><<print "Side-Effect: Increased Libido">></h1> <video src="Part1/SideEffectLibido.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video><br> <<if $PlayerSideEffectLibido == 1>> <<print "Your libido is going to be much, much higher than normal. You usually feel a near-irresistible need for an orgasm growing within you several times a day.">> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectLibido == 2>> <<print "Your libido is going to be much, much higher than normal. You usually feel a near-irresistible need for an orgasm growing within you several times a day. Your need for sex will be so strong that you will often choose sex when given the choice.">> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectLibido == 3>> <<print "Your libido is going to be much, much higher than normal. You usually feel a near-irresistible need for an orgasm growing within you several times a day. Your need for sex will be so strong that you will always accept people asking you for sex.">> <<else>> <<print "Your libido is going to be much, much higher than normal. You usually feel a near-irresistible need for an orgasm growing within you several times a day. Your need for sex will be so strong that you will always accept people asking you for sex. You can now get so horny that sometimes you will just orgasm randomly, regardless of what you are doing.">> <</if>> <br><br> <<print "If you feel the need growing during class, you’ll probably think about quietly pleasuring yourself. Don’t. Trust me, you’ll only start off quiet. It’s better to find a classmate you can pull into a broom closet for a few minutes, just to take the edge off then you can get back to class and focus on your studies.">> <br><br> <<print "If class is almost over, maybe you can wait it out and hurry back to your dorm instead. But don’t try to ignore the need for too long. It will always win. Eventually it’ll overcome your judgement, and who knows what you’ll do to satisfy it, or where you’ll do it.">> <<case 10>> <h1><<print "Side-Effect: Erotic Dreams">></h1> <video src="Part1/SideEffectDreams.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video><br> <<if $PlayerSideEffectDreams == 1>> <<print "Nearly every night you’ll have highly erotic dreams. Sometimes they’ll be passionate or romantic and filled with guys or girls you know. Other times they’ll be dark and disturbing fantasies you didn’t even know you had. Sometimes they’ll be both. Either way, you won’t be able to help but think about them all day.">> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectDreams == 2>> <<print "You will now have erotic dreams every night. Sometimes they’ll be passionate or romantic and filled with guys or girls you know. Other times they’ll be dark and disturbing fantasies you didn’t even know you had. Sometimes they’ll be both. Either way, you won’t be able to help but think about them all day.">> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectDreams == 3>> <<print "You will now have erotic dreams every night. Sometimes they’ll be passionate or romantic and filled with guys or girls you know. Other times they’ll be dark and disturbing fantasies you didn’t even know you had. Sometimes they’ll be both. Either way, you won’t be able to help but think about them all day, the more erotic they are, the hornier you will be.">> <<else>> <<print "You will now have erotic dreams every night. Sometimes they’ll be passionate or romantic and filled with guys or girls you know. Other times they’ll be dark and disturbing fantasies you didn’t even know you had. Sometimes they’ll be both. Either way, they will be so realistic that you will find it hard to realize if you are dreaming or are awake and you will be almost always horny.">> <</if>> <br><br> <<print "But the dreams will always leave you unsatisfied when you wake up. Every morning you’ll start the day extremely horny. You might want to sleep with a friend to help you start the day. Or if not, make sure you always have a fresh supply of batteries. And try not to be late for class.">> <<case 11>> <h1><<print "Side-Effect: Enhanced Orgasms">></h1> <video src="Part1/SideEffectOrgasm.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="640"></video><br> <<print "Oh wow, you really lucked out. You’re going to find it much easier to orgasm, and when you do, it’s going to much more intense than it is for the average woman.">> <<if $PlayerEasytoOrgasm > 1 or $PlayerPowerfulOrgasms > 1>> <br><br> <<print "It’s going to be even more intense than it was supposed to be. You might even find guys losing patience with how often they have to stop and let you recover from another orgasm during sex.">> <</if>> <br><br> <<print "If it gets to be a problem, just tell them to hold you down and don’t stop until they cum. They’ll love counting how many times they can make you cum before they do. But you’ll probably need quite a while to recover after they’ve finished.">> <</switch>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerSideEffectPermanent and !$PlayerSideEffectPermanentShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPermanentShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 1>> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlock and !$PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlockShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOrgasmBlockShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 2>> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlock and !$PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlockShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectMasturbationBlockShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 3>> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectSubmissive and !$PlayerSideEffectSubmissiveShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectSubmissiveShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 4>> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionist and !$PlayerSideEffectExhibitionistShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectExhibitionistShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 5>> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectPheromones and !$PlayerSideEffectPheromonesShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectPheromonesShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 6>> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectOral and !$PlayerSideEffectOralShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectOralShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 7>> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectAnal and !$PlayerSideEffectAnalShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectAnalShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 8>> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectLibido and !$PlayerSideEffectLibidoShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectLibidoShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 9>> <<elseif $PlayerSideEffectDreams and !$PlayerSideEffectDreamsShow>> <<set $PlayerSideEffectDreamsShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 10>> <<elseif $PlayerSuperOrgasms and !$PlayerSuperOrgasmsShow>> <<set $PlayerSuperOrgasmsShow = 1>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 11>> <<else>> <<set $PlayerRollDice = 12>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $PlayerRollDice == 12>> [[Continue|SideEffectDisclaimer]]. <<else>> [[Continue|BodySideEffectsChoose2]]. <</if>> <</nobr>>