Your browser lacks required capabilities. Please upgrade it or switch to another to continue.
@@color:orange;Food@@: $food
@@color:#FF4C4C;Makeup@@: $makeup
<<if $laptop == true || $hdWebcam == true>>\
<b><u>Items Owned:</u></b>
<<if $laptop == true>>Laptop [Requires Apartment for Internet]<<endif>>
<<if $hdWebcam == true>>HD Webcam<<endif>>
<<back>> <!-- Stats -->\
<<if $houseJohns == true>>
<<set $home = "@@color:orange;Johns House@@">>
<<if $houseApartment == true>>
<<set $home = "@@color:orange;Apartment@@">>
<!-- FIRST ROW -->
<table style="width:800px">
<th style="align:left"><b><u>General Stats:</u></b></th>
<th style="align:center"><b><u>You're wearing:</u></b></th>
<th style="align:right"><b><u>Addictions:</u></b></th>
Name: <span class="rainbow">$name $nameLast</span><br/>
<<if $hairColor == "blonde">>
<<elseif $hairColor == "brunette">>
<<elseif $hairColor == "red">>
House: $home<br/>
Job: @@color:orange;$job@@,
<<if $prostitutionUnlocked == true && $fame >= 500>>@@color:orange; Prostitute@@
<<elseif $prostitutionUnlocked == true && $fame <= 499>>@@color:orange; Trainer Prostitute@@
Car: @@color:orange;$car@@<br/>
<<if $gangJoined == true>>
Gang: @@color:orange;$gang@@: @@color:orange;$gangRank@@<br/>
Makeup Skill: <<print setup.formatNumber($makeupSkill)>><br/>
Fame: $fame<br/>
Fitness: $fitness<br/>
@@color:orange;Gym Membership@@: $gymEnrolled<br/>
<<if $gymEnrolled == true>>
@@color:orange;Gym fee due:@@ $nextGymFee<br/>
Luck: <<print setup.formatNumber($luck)>><br/>
Shirt: @@color:#9d36f7;$clothesTop@@<br/>
Bra: @@color:#9d36f7;$clothesBra@@<br/>
Bottoms: @@color:#9d36f7;$clothesBottom@@<br/>
Panties: @@color:#9d36f7;$clothesPanties@@<br/>
Shoes: @@color:#9d36f7;$clothesShoes@@<br/>
<b><u>Job Skill:</u></b>
<!-- Waitressing: $waitressSkill<br/> -->
Modeling: <<print setup.formatNumber($modelSkill)>><br/>
<!-- Cam-whoring: $webModelSkill<br/> -->
<span class="rainbow">Tricks Turned:</span> <<print setup.formatNumber($prostitutionCount)>><br/>
<!-- Games Made:<br/> -->
Games Made: <<print setup.formatNumber($gamesMadeTotal)>><br/>
Cum Addiction: $cumAddiction
<!-- SECOND ROW -->
<th style="align:left"><b><u>Sexual Stats: </u></b></th>
<th style="align:center"><b><u>School Stats: </u></b></th>
<th style="align:right"><b><u>Cash Stats: </u></b></th>
# Blowjobs: <<print setup.formatNumber($oralTotal)>><br/>
# Vaginal: <<print setup.formatNumber($cuntTotal)>><br/>
# Anal: <<print setup.formatNumber($analTotal)>><br/>
# Came into: <<print setup.formatNumber($cameIn)>><br/>
# Came onto: <<print setup.formatNumber($cameOn)>><br/>
# Urinated into: <<print setup.formatNumber($pissedIn)>><br/>
# Urinated onto: <<print setup.formatNumber($pissedOn)>><br/>
# Gloryholes visited: <<print setup.formatNumber($gloryVisited)>><br/>
# Raped: <<print setup.formatNumber($raped)>><br/>
Education hours: <<print setup.formatNumber($intelligence)>><br/>
Slut Reputation: <<print setup.formatNumber($schoolSlut)>><br/>
Jerome sexed #: <<print setup.formatNumber($blackKidSuck)>><br/>
Jeromes family #: <<print setup.formatNumber($jeromeFamilyCount)>><br/>
Alex sexed #: <<print setup.formatNumber($whiteKidSuck)>><br/><br/>
Lifetime Income: @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;<<print setup.formatNumber($totalIncome)>>@@<br/>
Income from games: @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;<<print setup.formatNumber($gamesSalaryTotal)>>@@<br/>
Times Gambled: @@color:#4AA02C;<<print setup.formatNumber($gambleCount)>>@@<br/>
Pimps cut: @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;<<print setup.formatNumber($pimpPayTotal)>>@@<br/>
<!-- THIRD ROW -->
<th style="align:left"><b><u>Other: </u></b></th>
@@color:orange;Penis Media@@: $penisMedia<br/>
img {
width: 200px;\
max-height: 100px;\
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<<set $cheatsOn = false>>
<<set $authorDiscovered = false>>
<!-- Global -->
<<set $storyHop = 0>>
<!-- Dynamic Names / Content -->
<<set $johnAlias = "John">>
<<set $jeromeAlias = "Jerome">>
<<set $alexAlias = "Alex">>
<<set $penisMedia = true>>
<!-- Dailies -->
<<set $day = 1>>
<<set $daysTilRent = 7>>
<<set $rent = 0>>
<<set $johnRentFood = 0>> <!-- Procs rent text demanding food costs -->
<<set $gymHours = 3>>
<!-- Player -->
<<set $name = "Masha">>
<<set $nameLast = "Romanova">>
<<set $hairColor = "blonde">>
<<set $bimbo = 0>>
<<set $money = 0>>
<<set $totalIncome = 0>>
<<set $job = "None">>
<<set $car = "None">>
<<set $intelligence = 0>>
<<set $gang = "">>
<<set $makeupVolume = 0>> <!-- Amount of makeup on. 100 is max -->
<<set $cleanliness = 0>> <!-- Amount of clean via shower. 100 max -->
<<set $fitness = 0>>
<<set $luck = 0>> <!-- Increases Gambling odds -->
<!-- Player Reputations -->
<<set $schoolSlut = 0>>
<<set $fame = 0>>
<<set $fame = $fame + $schoolSlut>> <!-- General Fame/Rep level -->
<<set $jeromeFamilyCount = 0>>\
<<set $prostitutionCount = 0>>\
<!-- Player Addictions -->
<<set $cumAddiction = 0>> <!-- From swallowing cum -->
<!-- Player Clothes-->
<<set $clothesTop ="White t-shirt">>
<<set $clothesBra ="None">>
<<set $clothesBottom ="Black yoga pants">>
<<set $clothesPanties ="None">>
<<set $clothesShoes ="White tennis shoes">>
<!-- Player Locations -->
<<set $houseJohns = false>>
<<set $houseApartment = false>>
<<set $rent = 0>>
<<set $rentOwed = $rent>>
<!-- Progress Checks -->
<<set $alicaVisited = false>> <!-- High-Class city -->
<<set $sovokaVisited = false>> <!-- Low-Class city -->
<<set $gloryVisited = 0>> <!-- # of times Gloryhole visited -->
<<set $prostitutionUnlocked = false>> <!-- Sovoka Outskirts Pimp -->
<<set $pimpedCheck = false>> <!-- Accepted Old Mans offer yet? -->
<<set $storeVisited = false>> <!-- Downtown Sovoka store visited? -->
<<set $classEnrolled = false>> <!-- Enrolled in school? -->
<<set $gangJoined = false>> <!-- Sierra Cartel joined via Jerome? -->
<<set $gymEnrolled = false>> <!-- Downtown Sovoka for 300 -->
<!-- Social Interaction Checks -->
<<set $parkOldMan = false>> <!-- Old man in park met yet? -->
<<set $parkOldManCount = 0>> <!-- # Old man in park was met again -->
<<set $oldManRapes = 0>> <!-- Reach rape count for Proposition -->
<!-- School Specifics -->
<<set $blackKidSuck = 0>>
<<set $whiteKidSuck = 0>>
<<set $schoolHours = 0>>
<!-- Jobs -->
<<set $hired = false>>
<<set $jobWaitress = false>>
<<set $jobModel = false>>
<<set $jobWebModel = false>>
<<set $waitressSkill = 0>>
<<set $modelSkill = 0>>
<<set $webModelSkill = 0>>
<<set $gameComplete = 0>> <!-- % of game creation complete -->
<<set $gamesMadeTotal = 0>> <!-- # of player-made games -->
<<set $gamesSalaryTotal = 0>> <!-- Total income from made games -->
<!-- Items and Clothes-->
<<set $food = 0>>
<<set $makeup = 0>>
<<set $laptop = false>>
<<set $hdWebcam = false>>
<<set $top1 = false>>
<<set $top2 = false>>
<<set $top3 = false>>
<<set $bra1 = false>>
<<set $bra2 = false>>
<<set $bra3 = false>>
<<set $bottoms1 = false; $bottoms2 = false; $bottoms3 = false>>
<<set $panties1 = false; $panties2 = false; $panties3 = false>>
<<set $shoes1 = false; $shoes2 = false; $shoes3 = false>>
<<set $topOn = 0>>
<<set $braOn = 0>>
<<set $bottomsOn = 0>>
<<set $pantiesOn = 0>>
<<set $shoesOn = 0>>
<!-- Player Phrases-->
<<set $boyfriendAsk = "">>
<!-- Psuedo Temp-->
<<set $catchPay = 0>>\
<<set $rnd = 0>>\
<<set $tmpRnd = 0>>\
<<set $question = 0>>\
<!-- Stat Totals -->
<<set $pimpPayTotal = 0>>
<<set $makeupSkill = 0>> <!--Ability to apply makeup efficiently-->
<<set $oralTotal = 0>>
<<set $cuntTotal = 0>>
<<set $analTotal = 0>>
<<set $sexTotal = (($oralTotal + $analTotal + $cuntTotal)/5)>>
<<set $sexAppeal = ($topOn + $braOn + $bottomsOn + $pantiesOn + $shoesOn + $bimbo + ($makeupVolume/10) + ($cleanliness/20) + ($fitness/2))>> <!-- Max value is 26 + fitness -->
<<set $sexualSkill = ($sexTotal + $sexAppeal)>>
/* $sexTotal, $sexAppeal, $sexualSkill - requires all utilized variables to be initialized prior.*/
<<set $cameOn = 0>> <!-- # you were came on -->
<<set $cameIn = 0>> <!-- # you were came in -->
<<set $pissedOn = 0>> <!-- # you were pissed on -->
<<set $pissedIn = 0>> <!-- # you were pissed in -->
<<set $raped = 0>> <!-- Number of times raped -->
<<set $gambleCount = 0>> <!-- # times you gambled -->
<!-- Money -->
<<set $jobPay = (2 +($sexAppeal + ($intelligence/3)))>>
<<set $ranPay = 0>> <!-- Temp variable for random function -->
<<set $payout = 0>> <!-- Temp variable for total payout -->
<!-- Cars -->
<<set $carEclipseOwned = false>>
<<set $carAudiOwned = false>>
<<set $carCorvetteOwned = false>>@@color:orange;
This game is for <i>adults</i>, aged 18+.
This is a sandbox-style game that centers around you choosing whatever you want to do.
There will be picture and video content, some genres of which can be toggled in settings.
There are no bad ends and no sounds.
Feel free to email me or visit Discord with any questions or concerns. Details available via "About" link on the left.
<i><a href="" target="_blank">Discord</a></i>
[[Begin Game|Story-Start]]<<addhours 1>>\
@@color:orange;You arrive at $johnAlias's house.@@
"You can stay here with me if you're willing to pay @@color:#4AA02C; <u>rent</u> and any <u>food</u> costs, <i>weekly</i>@@."
Agree and [[move in|playerHouses][$johnRent to 1; $nextRent to addDaysToDate($gameDate, 7).toDateString()]] with $johnAlias.
<<set $rent to 400>>\
<<set $houseJohns = true>>
<<set $introComplete = true>><<set $distance = 1>>\
<<if $car == "None">>\
<<addmins 30>>\
<<elseif $car == "Eclipse">>\
<<addmins 20>>\
<<elseif $car == "Audi A4">>\
<<addmins 10>>\
<<elseif $car == "Corvette Z06">>\
<<addmins 5>>\
<<if ($gameDate.getHours() > 23 || $gameDate.getHours() <= 7)>>\
<<goto [[sleepCycle]]>>
<<set $distance = 0>>\
<<elseif ($gameDate.getHours() <= 23 && $gameDate.getHours() >= 7)>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
@@color:orange;You enter the gloryhole and in seconds, find a big, thick cock ready for your soft and supple lips.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
@@color:orange;You enter the gloryhole and immediately find a cock waiting for you through the gloryhole.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
@@color:orange;Local men and women watch you enter the gloryhole booth to get your next fix of thick cock and cum.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<<if $hairColor == "blonde">>\
<<display [[GloryholeBlonde]]>>\
<<if $hairColor == "brunette">>\
<<display [[GloryholeBrunette]]>>\
<<if $hairColor == "red">>\
<<display [[GloryholeRed]]>>\
[[Stay in the gloryhole|Glory-Cycler]]
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<if $hairColor == "blonde">>\
<<if $hairColor == "brunette">>\
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<elseif $rnd == 2>>\
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<elseif $rnd == 3>>\
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +3 fame@@
<<elseif $rnd == 4>>\
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +3 fame@@
<<elseif $rnd == 5>>\
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<elseif $rnd == 6>>\
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +3 fame@@
<<elseif $rnd == 7>>\
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +3 fame@@
<<elseif $rnd == 8>>\
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +3 fame@@
<<elseif $rnd == 9>>\
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<elseif $rnd == 10>>\
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<elseif $rnd == 11>>\
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +3 fame@@
<<set $cumAddiction += 1>>\
@@color:#FF4C4C; +1 cum addiction@@
<<if $hairColor == "red">>\
<<addmins 30>>\
<<endif>>\<<set $distance = 1>>\
<<if $car == "None">>\
<<addmins 30>>\
<<elseif $car == "Eclipse">>\
<<addmins 20>>\
<<elseif $car == "Audi A4">>\
<<addmins 10>>\
<<elseif $car == "Corvette Z06">>\
<<addmins 5>>\
<<set $tmp = 0>>\
<<set $payout = 0>>\
<<if $hairColor == "blonde">>
<<goto "prostitutionBlonde">>\
<<elseif $hairColor == "brunette">>
<<goto "prostitutionBrunette">>\
<<elseif $hairColor == "red">>
<<goto "prostitutionRed">>\
<<set $prostitutionCount += 1>>\
<<set $cumAddiction += 1>>\
@@color:#FF4C4C; +1 cum addiction@@
<<addmins 30>>\WORDS
@@color:#FF4C4C; +1 cum addiction@@
[[Continue your day|playerHouses][$nextRent to addDaysToDate($gameDate, 7).toDateString()]]
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\webm\cim.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@. GREEN
@@color:#0c82d1;cellphone@@ LIGHT BLUE
@@color:orange;text@@ ORANGE
Centers text
[[Use your cellphone|useCellphone]]
<<set $cameIn += 2>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $money += (($oralTotal * 2) + 5)>>\
<!-- Social Interaction Checks -->
<<set $parkOldMan = false>> <!-- Old man in park met yet? -->
<<set $parkOldManCount = 0>> <!-- # Old man in park was met again -->
<<set $oldManRapes = 0>> <!-- Reach rape count for Proposition -->
<!-- Totals -->
<<set $oralTotal = 0>>
<<set $analTotal = 0>>
<<set $cuntTotal = 0>>
<<set $cameOn = 0>> <!-- # you were came on -->
<<set $cameIn = 0>> <!-- # you were came in -->
<<set $pissedOn = 0>>
<<set $pissedIn = 0>>
<<set $raped = 0>> <!-- Number of times raped -->
<<set $luck = 0>> <!-- Increases Scavenging -->
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:540px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<!-- END TABLE -->
<!-- Passage to check player-owned homes -->
<!-- Just in case -->
<<set $tmp = 0>>
<<set $rnd = 0>>
<<set $tmpRnd = 0>>
<<set $payout = 0>>
<<if $cleanliness < 0>>
<<set $cleanliness = 0>>
<<if $makeupVolume < 0>>
<<set $makeupVolume = 0>>
<!-- Just in case END -->
<<if $houseJohns == true>>
<<display [[Johns-Home]]>>
<<if $houseApartment == true>>
<<display [[Apartment-Home]]>>
<<if $daysTilRent <= 0>>\
<<set $daysTilRent = 7>>\
<<if $cumAddiction < 0>>\
<<set $cumAddiction = 0>>\
<<endif>>\<<if $car == "None">>\
<<addhours 1>>\
<<elseif $car == "Eclipse">>\
<<addmins 40>>\
<<elseif $car == "Audi A4">>\
<<addmins 20>>\
<<elseif $car == "Corvette Z06">>\
<<addmins 10>>\
<<set $cleanliness -= 5>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 5>>\
<<if $sovokaVisited == true>>\
You walk down the sidewalk and make your way into @@color:orange;Sovoka@@.
<<if $sovokaVisited == false>>\
You walk into the city of @@color:orange;Sovoka@@.
<<set $sovokaVisited = true>>\
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:540px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
[[Go downtown|Sovoka_Downtown]]<br/>
[[Go to the outer city|Sovoka_OuterCity]]
<<if $classEnrolled == false>>
[[Enroll in public school|School-Initialize]]
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<!-- END TABLE -->
<<set $distance = 1>>\
Return [[Home|playerHouses]] <!-- Walk Streets Cycler -->\
<<set $distance = 1>>\
<<if $car == "None">>\
<<addmins 30>>\
<<elseif $car == "Eclipse">>\
<<addmins 20>>\
<<elseif $car == "Audi A4">>\
<<addmins 10>>\
<<elseif $car == "Corvette Z06">>\
<<addmins 5>>\
<<if ($gameDate.getHours() > 23 || $gameDate.getHours() <= 7)>>\
<<goto [[sleepCycle]]>>
<<set $distance = 0>>\
<<if ($gameDate.getHours() <= 23 & $gameDate.getHours() >= 7)>>\
<<if $hairColor == "blonde">>\
<<set $rnd = random(1,10)>>\
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
"Hey there sexy, interested in getting [[sandwiched|walkStreetsBlonde]] by two big cocks for some cash?"
<<if $rnd == 2>>\
"Hey babygirl, come show us hung guys what you can do with that mouth."
[[Show them|walkStreetsBlonde]]
<<if $rnd == 3>>\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\stranger.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"Hey there little slut, looking to [[get fucked|walkStreetsBlonde]]?"
<<if $rnd == 4>>\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\stranger.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"Hey there little slut, looking to [[get fucked|walkStreetsBlonde]]?"
<<if $rnd == 5>>\
[[Walk around town|walkStreetsBlonde]]
<<if $rnd == 6>>\
[[Walk around town|walkStreetsBlonde]]
<<if $rnd == 7>>\
[[Walk down the alley|walkStreetsBlonde]]
<<if $rnd == 8>>\
[[Walk through the city|walkStreetsBlonde]]
<<if $rnd == 9>>\
[[Walk down the alley|walkStreetsBlonde]]
<<if $rnd == 10>>\
[[Walk around the city|walkStreetsBlonde]]
<<if $hairColor == "brunette">>\
<<set $rnd = random(1,9)>>\
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
"Hey sexy, interested in getting [[fucked|walkStreetsBrunette]] for some extra cash?"
<<if $rnd == 2>>\
[[Walk down the alley|walkStreetsBrunette]]
<<if $rnd == 3>>\
[[Walk down the alley|walkStreetsBrunette]]
<<if $rnd == 4>>\
[[Walk around town|walkStreetsBrunette]]
<<if $rnd == 5>>\
[[Walk around town|walkStreetsBrunette]]
<<if $rnd == 6>>\
@@color:orange;You come across a dark underpass.@@
[[Walk through the underpass|walkStreetsBrunette]]
<<if $rnd == 7>>\
@@color:orange;You approach a dark and isolated area.@@
[[Walk through|walkStreetsBrunette]]
<<if $rnd == 8>>\
@@color:orange;A dark alley-street lies ahead.@@
[[Walk through|walkStreetsBrunette]]
<<if $rnd == 9>>\
@@color:orange;A dark alley-street lies ahead.@@
[[Walk through|walkStreetsBrunette]]
<!-- START RED -->
<<if $hairColor == "red">>\
<<set $rnd = random(1,7)>>\
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
@@color:orange;You stop for a moment with a dark area ahead.@@<br/>
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,4)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 2>>\
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 3>>\
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 4>>\
"[[Walk through|walkStreetsRed]]"
<<if $rnd == 2>>\
"Hey there babygirl, come show us what you can do with that tiny little mouth and [[suck|walkStreetsRed]] both of our cocks!"
<<if $rnd == 3>>\
@@color:orange;A stranger approaches you as you walk down the side of the road.@@<br/>
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 2>>\
"I have some cash with your name on it if I can [[get inside|walkStreetsRed]] that little ass."
<<if $rnd == 4>>\
@@color:orange;A stranger approaches you in broad daylight and propositions you.@@<br/>
"Hey sexy, want to [[put that mouth to work|walkStreetsRed]] for some extra spending money?"
<<if $rnd == 5>>\
@@color:orange;As you're walking down a dark alley you feel a cloth get forced into your face from behind.@@<br/>
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,4)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 2>>\
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 3>>\
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 4>>\
<<if $rnd == 6>>\
@@color:orange;As you're walking through the city, a black man asks if you're looking for work.@@
[[Follow him|walkStreetsRed]]
<<if $rnd == 7>>\
@@color:orange;As you're walking through the city, a black man asks if you're looking for work.@@
[[Follow him|walkStreetsRed]]
<!-- Closing if for Redhead -->
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<endif>>\You sleep through the night, waking up with a weird taste in your mouth and sore holes. You wonder if you were violated during the night..
You make your way home before the stranger wakes up so you can continue the day on your terms.
[[Walk the streets|walkStreets]]\
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]\<<set $distance = 1>>\
<<if $car == "None">>\
<<addhours 1>>\
<<elseif $car == "Eclipse">>\
<<addmins 30>>\
<<elseif $car == "Audi A4">>\
<<addmins 20>>\
<<elseif $car == "Corvette Z06">>\
<<addmins 10>>\
<<set $cleanliness -= 5>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 5>>\
Hello, and welcome to @@color:#c16e07;Sovoka High School@@.
Registration for classes is @@color:#4AA02C;$500 dollars@@.
<<if $money >= 500>>\
[[Register for classes|ClassRegistration]]
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]\
<!-- Prostitution Red Start -->\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/3)>>
<<set $ranPay = random(3,6)>>
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>
<<set $noPay = random(1,20)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->
<<if $noPay == 1>>
<<set $payout = 0>>
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>
<<if $payout <= 12>>
<<set $welfarePay = random(13,23)>>
<<set $payout = $welfarePay>>
<<set $money += $payout>>
<!-- END PAY/ Start media -->
<<set $rnd = random(1,12)>>
<<if $rnd == 1>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You enter the strangers room and follow their commands.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You enter the prostitution room and meet the clients.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;You meet the clients.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"I want you to look up into my eyes as you throat this old dick baby."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"Is this the oldest cock you've ever taken little girl?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"What a cute little pigtailed redheaded prostituting whore you are.."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionTrainerRed1.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"I'll just hold onto these little pigtails of yours while you suck that old cum out.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"That's a good little bitch.. work that cock-head with your tiny mouth."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"If your mouth didn't look so good I would have loved to dump a load up that little ass of yours baby."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
You're handed @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ for taking that dick like a good girl.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $oralTotal += 2>>
<<set $cameIn += 2>>
<<set $fame += 2>>
<<set $cumAddiction += 2>>
@@color:orange; +2 blowjobs@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +2 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +2 fame@@<br/>
@@color:#FF4C4C; +2 cum addiction@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>
<<set $makeupVolume -=10>>
<!-- TWO -->
<<if $rnd == 2>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You enter the strangers room and follow their commands.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You meet the two older clients.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;As you enter the room you're greeted by two senior men ready to fuck.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Why don't you get down on your knees missy. Start sucking."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"If you can make us both cum in that mouth of yours we'll skip fucking your ass cutie."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"I have a granddaughter that looks a lot like you. Why don't help me envision a good blowjob from her.."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionTrainerRed2.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Let me see you blow that dick, slowly little lady. Savor it.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"Work that dick until every little drop comes out.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"I always wanted to blow a thick load down a little redheads throat. Mmph!"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
You're handed @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ for following the old mans commands.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $oralTotal += 2>>
<<set $cameIn += 2>>
<<set $fame += 2>>
<<set $cumAddiction += 2>>
@@color:orange; +2 blowjobs@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +2 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +2 fame@@<br/>
@@color:#FF4C4C; +2 cum addiction@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>
<<set $makeupVolume -=10>>
<!-- THREE -->
<<if $rnd == 3>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You walk your fine ass into the room and meet the client.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You make your way into the clients room.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;The client anticipates your arrival is already stroking off as you enter.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"You've got a cute fuckable body you little cutie. You must have just started fucking for money huh?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"There's nothing quite like a sexy redheaded slut with long braids."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"Take off that shirt and show me those little breasts of yours baby.."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionTrainerRed3.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"You like grandpas cock inside your little hole don't you slut?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"Are you going to cum all over grandpas dick baby? Am I too much for your little pussy?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"You do a great job riding cock you little whore. I bet the boys are always satisfied with this little cunt."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
The old man finishes inside you and gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ for your time.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 pussy fucked@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>
<<set $makeupVolume -=10>>
<!-- FOUR -->
<<if $rnd == 4>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You walk your fine ass into the room and meet the client.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You make your way into the clients room.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;The client anticipates your arrival is already stroking off as you enter.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Fucking little sluts while they wear these exposing dresses was always one of my favorite things growing up."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"I'd like to find you in the park with this outfit on and have you ride my cock out in the open like a good little whore."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"I can tell just from looking at you that your little cunt milks cock like no other. Let's see it milk mine cutie-pie."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionTrainerRed4.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Bent over like a good little girl for grandpa aren't you dear?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"Can you feel that cock force its way deep inside your little body baby? You're so small after all."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"You look like the type of slut that could use two cocks up her little holes at once. Maybe next time."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
The old man empties his balls inside you and gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ for your time.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 pussy fucked@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>
<<set $makeupVolume -=10>>
<!-- FIVE -->
<<if $rnd == 5>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You walk into the room looking for the client, and find him in the bathroom.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You make your way into the clients room.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;The client tells you to meet him in the bathroom.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"You're just in time to clean the piss off my cock cutie. Bring that red-headed little ass in here and start sucking!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"Come in here and get on your knees. I want to see you gag on this thick cock like a real good girl!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"I was hoping you'd make it before I got dressed. I've been wanting to throat-fuck a little slut all day!"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionTrainerRed5.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"I want to see you gag on this dick you little whore. Swallow every fucking drop!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"Let's see if all that practice you had in school pays off for you baby. Start throating my dick like a good whore!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"You're going to suck that dick until I finish in your mouth baby. Earn that cum! Suck every drop out!"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
Good job slut. The client gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ for the blowjob.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
<<set $cumAddiction += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@<br/>
@@color:#FF4C4C; +1 cum addiction@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>
<<set $makeupVolume -=10>>
<!-- SIX -->
<<if $rnd == 6>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You walk into the room looking for the client, and find him in the bathroom.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You make your way into the clients room.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;The client tells you to meet him in the bathroom.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Come in here and bend over this counter-top bitch. I could use a good cock-sleeve anal-slut after today!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"Bend over and show me that tight little ass baby. I'm going to give you a load of kids to take with you in it!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"I was hoping you'd make it before I got dressed. I've been wanting to fuck a tiny ass all day!"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionTrainerRed6.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"You love getting fucked from behind don't you slut? Just taking cock like the little whore you are.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"Has anyone ever told you that you moan like a grade-A butt-slut whore?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"Red-headed butt sluts are the best. You'll make it far being a little prostitute out here."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
The man quickly gets himself off from pounding your tiny ass, and gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ for offering your hole.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $analTotal += 1>>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 butt fucked@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>
<<set $makeupVolume -=10>>
<!-- SEVEN -->
<<if $rnd == 7>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You walk into the room looking for the client, and find him in the bathroom.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You make your way into the clients room.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;The client tells you to meet him in the bathroom.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Come in here and lie down on this stool! I could use a good cock-sleeve cunt after today!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"Great! I was hoping this play would have a little red-headed cunt for me to fuck!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"I was hoping you'd make it before I got dressed. I've been thinking about little hairless pussy all day!"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionTrainerRed7.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
The client teases you by slapping your pussy with his cock and rubbing the head against your wettening slit.
"You want it bad, don't you bitch? You want this big, thick cock deep inside that little hole - filling you with cum don't you?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"That little belly button is going to get fucked from underneath by the head of this cock baby."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"You open your legs for anybody with money don't you whore? You like getting big, thick cock up your little cunt huh?"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
The man quickly gets himself off from using your cunt, and gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ for being a good whore.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 pussy fucked@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>
<<set $makeupVolume -=10>>
<!-- EIGHT -->
<<if $rnd == 8>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You walk into the room looking for the client, and find him in the bathroom.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You make your way into the clients room.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;The client tells you to meet him in the bathroom.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Come in here and lie down on this stool! I could use a good cock-sleeve cunt after today!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"How would you like to get pregnant from a stranger in a city-sluts bathroom? You could see that little tummy grow!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"I was hoping you'd make it before I got dressed. I've been thinking about little hairless pussy all day!"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionTrainerRed8.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"There isn't a single whore in this city that has a cunt as tight as yours baby. I want you to be my personal cockslave; just take this dick every day for the rest of your life.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"You could really do with another cock shoved in that little mouth of yours $name. Then we could give you what you want in both holes."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"I'm going to cum up your little cunt baby! You're going to get a thick two-weeks load of cum right up your little pussy, coating your insides with sperm!"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
In seconds, the man is emptying himself inside your pussy and you grab @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ on your way out.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 pussy fucked@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>
<<set $makeupVolume -=10>>
<!-- NINE -->
<<if $rnd == 9>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You walk your fine ass into the room and meet the client.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You make your way into the clients room.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;The client anticipates your arrival is already stroking off as you enter.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Your hands better milk out every drop or I'm not paying bitch."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"Put those little hands around my cock and start stroking! You better empty my balls completely or you're not getting paid."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"Kneel down in front of me and start using your hands! I saw a little cutie today that made me think of a nice handjob all day."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionTrainerRed9.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Only use your hands! You're gonna milk every drop straight out of my balls, and don't stop until I tell you to."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"Keep that pre-cum on your fingers! You need to work every little drop out if you want paid."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"Show me how talented you really are with your body, $name. Stroke out all that cum like a good slut."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
After a while of your soft hands milking your clients cock, he bursts all over your fingers and gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ for the service.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameOn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 15>>
<<set $makeupVolume -=15>>
<!-- TEN -->
<<if $rnd == 10>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You walk your fine ass into the room and meet the client.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You make your way into the clients room.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;The client anticipates your arrival is already stroking off as you enter.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Your hands better milk out every drop or I'm not paying bitch."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"Put those little hands around my cock and start stroking! You better empty my balls completely or you're not getting paid."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"Kneel down in front of me and start using your hands! I saw a little cutie today that made me think of a nice handjob all day."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionTrainerRed10.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"You're going to milk my dick until my nuts are emptied all over your hands. Just keep jerking and I'll tell you when to stop. Got it whore?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"Keep that pre-cum on your fingers! You need to work every little drop out if you want paid."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"Show me how talented you really are with your body, $name. Stroke out all that cum like a good slut."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
After a while of your soft hands milking your clients cock, he bursts all over your fingers and gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameOn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 15>>
<<set $makeupVolume -=15>>
<!-- ELEVEN -->
<<if $rnd == 11>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You walk your fine ass into the room and meet the client.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You make your way into the clients room.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;The client anticipates your arrival is already stroking off as you enter.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Your hands better milk out every drop or I'm not paying bitch."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"Put those little hands around my cock and start stroking! You better empty my balls completely or you're not getting paid."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"Kneel down in front of me and start using your hands! I saw a little cutie today that made me think of a nice handjob all day."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionTrainerRed11.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"You're going to milk my dick until my nuts are emptied all over your hands. Just keep jerking and I'll tell you when to stop. Got it whore?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"Keep that pre-cum on your fingers! You need to work every little drop out if you want paid."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"Show me how talented you really are with your body, $name. Stroke out all that cum like a good slut."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
After a while of your soft hands milking your clients cock, he bursts all over your fingers and gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameOn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 15>>
<<set $makeupVolume -=15>>
<!-- TWELVE [Trainer END] -->
<<if $rnd == 12>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You walk your fine ass into the room and meet the client.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You make your way into the clients room.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;The client anticipates your arrival is already stroking off as you enter.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Your hands better milk out every drop or I'm not paying bitch."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"Put those little hands around my cock and start stroking! You better empty my balls completely or you're not getting paid."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"Kneel down in front of me and start using your hands! I saw a little cutie today that made me think of a nice handjob all day."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionTrainerRed12.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Only use your hands! You're gonna milk every drop straight out of my balls, and don't stop until I tell you to."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"Keep that pre-cum on your fingers! You need to work every little drop out if you want paid."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"Show me how talented you really are with your body, $name. Stroke out all that cum like a good slut."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
After a while of your soft hands milking your clients cock, he bursts all over your fingers and gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameOn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 15>>
<<set $makeupVolume -=15>>
<!-- THIRTEEN -->
<<if $rnd == 13>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;Two old men offer you@@ @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@@@color:orange; to let them use your sexy little body.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You get offered@@ @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@@@color:orange; by two old men looking for a good time.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,2)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Oh my, that's a good little girl.. suck grandpa's cock baby.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionRed\prostitutionRed1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
"Do you want grandpa's baby little girl? Grandpa's going to impregnate your little pussy and watch his baby grow in you.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionRed\prostitutionRed2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"Oh yeah, tease grandpa's dick babygirl.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionRed\prostitutionRed3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
"You're gonna milk grandpas load straight into your little cunt baby. Keep riding that dick, and squeeze it all out!"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionRed\prostitutionRed4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
The two old men hand you @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ for letting them cum inside of you.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange; +2 blowjobs@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +2 pussy fucked@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +2 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +2 fame@@<br/>
@@color:#FF4C4C; +2 cum addiction@@
<<set $cuntTotal += 2>>
<<set $oralTotal += 2>>
<<set $cumAddiction += 2>>
<<set $cameIn += 2>>
<<set $fame += 2>>
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>
<<set $makeupVolume -=10>>
<!-- FOURTEEN -->
<<if $rnd == 14>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You walk your fine ass into the room and meet the client.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You make your way into the clients room.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;The client anticipates your arrival is already stroking off as you enter.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Come over here and bend over the bed bitch."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"Have you ever taken a big black cock before baby? Bend over the bed and see what you've been missing."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"I'm gonna dump a daycare into that little cunt. Get over here and bend of like a good whore."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionRed5.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
The client is a towering black man who bends you over the bed and strips you naked.
"A fat ass red-headed bitch - just what I like. Get ready for the biggest cock of your life hoe!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"Take my cock like a good slut and maybe I won't fuck your ass too!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"You'd be popular at parties with a fat ass like this baby. Come through sometime and we'll treat you right."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
After a short eternity of getting your cunt pounded by the mans giant black cock, he hands you @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ and shows you the door.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 pussy fucked@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>
<<set $makeupVolume -=10>>
<!-- FIFTEEN -->
<<if $rnd == 15>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You walk into the room and meet the client.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You make your way into the clients room.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;The client anticipates your arrival is already stroking off as you enter.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Get over here and start sucking on this thick black cock bitch. Now!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"You've never seen a dick this thick have you? Come work out this big load with your little mouth like a proper white bitch."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"When you start sucking, you better keep that cock nice and slobbery or I'll fuck your head against the wall until you got unconscious."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionRed6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
The client is lying on the bed and commands you to start sucking his throbbing black cock.
"Just work that big black cock like a good little whore and I'll give you a gift better than money bitch."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"Try not to become too addicted to black cock or its thick jizz after I bust in your mouth $name. It'll be harder to book your fine ass."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"You really are one of the best hoes here aren't you? You really can work a mans dick!"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
After being gagged and throat-fucked by the mans throbbing cock, he tosses you @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ and shows you the door.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
<<set $cumAddiction += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@<br/>
@@color:#FF4C4C;+1 cum addiction@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>
<<set $makeupVolume -=10>>
<!-- SIXTEEN -->
<<if $rnd == 16>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You walk your fine ass into the room and meet the client.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You make your way into the clients room.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;The client anticipates your arrival is already stroking off as you enter.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Get over here and start sucking on this thick black cock bitch. Now!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"You've never seen a dick this thick have you? Come work out this big load with your little mouth like a proper white bitch."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"When you start sucking, you better keep that cock nice and slobbery or I'll fuck your head against the wall until you got unconscious."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionRed7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
The client is standing beside the bed and commands you to start sucking his throbbing black cock.
"Crawl over here and my big black cock like a good little white bitch. Make me fill that stomach with black jizz you little hoe!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"Try not to become too addicted to black cock or its thick jizz after I bust in your mouth $name. It'll be harder to book your fine ass."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"You really are one of the best hoes here aren't you? You really can work a mans dick!"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
After being gagged and throat-fucked by the mans throbbing cock, he tosses you @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ and shows you the door.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
<<set $cumAddiction += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@<br/>
@@color:#FF4C4C; +1 cum addiction@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>
<<set $makeupVolume -=10>>
<!-- SEVENTEEN -->
<<if $rnd == 17>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You walk your fine ass into the room and meet the client.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You make your way into the clients room.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;The client anticipates your arrival is already stroking off as you enter.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Lay your head off the bed. I want to fuck that pretty little face with this big black cock."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"Lay down and widen that throat up."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"I'm going to help you get better as throating big thick cock baby. You better learn to keep men happy with it."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionRed8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
The client throws you onto your back and makes your head hang off the bed.
"I'm gonna pound that fucking throat until this dick is busting straight into your stomach and my balls are suffocating your nose. That's what bitches like you are for."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"You've never seen a dick this thick have you? Wait until you feel my load bust down your throat!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"Don't forget to breathe as you inhale that pre-cum you little whore."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
The man brutally fucks your face and covers your entire head in pre-cum and saliva before eventually unloading his thick jizz straight into your stomach through your throat. After you regain awareness, you find @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ in your purse and the man nowhere to be found.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
<<set $cumAddiction += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@<br/>
@@color:#FF4C4C; +1 cum addiction@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>
<<set $makeupVolume -=10>>
<!-- EIGHTTEEN -->
<<if $rnd == 18>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You walk your fine ass into the room and meet the client.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You make your way into the clients room.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;The client anticipates your arrival is already stroking off as you enter.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Get over here and start sucking on this thick black cock bitch. Now!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"You've never seen a dick this thick have you? Come work out this big load with your little mouth like a proper white bitch."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"When you start sucking, you better keep that cock nice and slobbery or I'll fuck your head against the wall until you got unconscious."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionRed9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
The client is lying on the bed and commands you to start sucking his throbbing black cock.
"Just work that big black cock like a good little whore and I'll give you a gift better than money bitch."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"You've never seen a dick this thick have you? Wait until you feel my load bust down your throat!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"Don't forget to breathe as you inhale that pre-cum you little whore."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
After being gagged and throat-fucked by the mans throbbing cock, he tosses you @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ and shows you the door.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 3>>
<<set $cumAddiction += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +3 fame@@<br/>
@@color:#FF4C4C; +1 cum addiction@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>
<<set $makeupVolume -=10>>
<!-- NINETEEN -->
<<set $tmp = 0>>
<<set $tmpRnd = 0>>
<<set $rnd = 0>>
<<set $cleanliness -= 15>>
<<set $makeupVolume -= 10>>
<<endnobr>> <!-- Prostitution Brunette Start -->\
<<set $rnd = random(1,3)>> <!-- 3 scenes currently -->
<!-- ONE (these are seperated and individual of each-other) -->
<<if $rnd == 1>>
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/3)>>
<<set $ranPay = random(3,6)>>
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>
<<set $noPay = random(1,20)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->
<<if $noPay == 1>>
<<set $payout = 0>>
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>
<<if $payout <= 12>>
<<set $welfarePay = random(13,23)>>
<<set $payout = $welfarePay>>
<<set $money += $payout>>
<<if $payout == 0>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say - Payment is zero -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;"Hey slut, a useless whore like you who isn't even worth@@ @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ @@color:orange;should be sucking cock for free like a proper bitch."@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;"If we give you@@ @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ @@color:orange;would you still suck us all off? Do we even need to ask?"@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;"Hey there sexy, how'd you like to get gangbanged and stuffed full of thick cock tonight?"@@
<<elseif $payout != 0>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say - Payment above zero -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;"If we give you@@ @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ @@color:orange;would you suck all our cocks?"@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;"Yo bitch,@@ @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ @@color:orange;to get inside that little cunt of yours!"@@@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;"What's a pretty little slut like you doing out here all alone baby?"@@
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,2)>>
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"This little whore has a fat fucking ass!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"Yeah, suck his cock you fat assed slut! You're gonna get full of cum today!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"Look at this fat fucking ass.."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionBrunette\prostitutionBrunette2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 2>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Yeah baby, get down there and such that dick.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"Drop down to your knees baby.. we'll take care of you.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"Start sucking baby.. plenty of cock here for you to finish off!"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionBrunette\prostitutionBrunette3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,4)>>
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Go back and forth on those dicks baby.. just like that.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"Suck em' all baby.. get them all nice and slobbery wet!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"You're a little cutie down there sucking on all those cocks!"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionBrunette\prostitutionBrunette4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 2>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Gag on it bitch! You better deepthroat that cock!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"Suck em' all baby.. get them all nice and slobbery wet!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"You look like a proper little whore now!"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionBrunette\prostitutionBrunette5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 3>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"That's a good slut! Two fucking cocks for you to suckle on!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"Aren't you glad you're a little whore baby?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"You're getting nice and sloppy now bitch. Beautiful."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionBrunette\prostitutionBrunette6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 4>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"That's a good slut! Take that big fucking cock straight down your throat!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"Aren't you glad you're a little whore baby?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"Gag on it bitch! You better deepthroat that cock!"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionBrunette\prostitutionBrunette7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Eat up baby! We're all gonna fill that little tummy with cum!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"You're going to swallow every drop girly. You pretty little cock-whore.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"You're a proper little sperm receptacle now, aren't you?"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionBrunette\prostitutionBrunette8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<if $noPay == 1>>
<<set $payout = 0>>
You were stiffed! You receive @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.<br/>
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>
You receive @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.<br/>
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange;"Don't worry baby, we'll tell all our friends about you!"@@
@@color:orange; +5 blowjobs@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +5 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +5 fame@@<br/>
@@color:#FF4C4C; +5 cum addiction@@
<<set $oralTotal += 5>>
<<set $cameIn += 5>>
<<set $cumAddiction += 5>>
<<set $fame += 5>>
<<set $tmp = 0>>
<<set $payout = 0>>
<!-- TWO -->
<<if $rnd == 2>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;"Hey. Give me a blowjob for some quick cash?"@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;"Yo girl, suck my dick for some easy money?"@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;"Hey baby, I'll give you some money for a quick blowjob!"@@
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"There you go you little cunt.. that's a good cocksucker.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"Oh fuck baby, you didn't have to take off your pants.. but I'm so glad you did!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"Keep sucking.. I'm gonna cum..!"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionBrunette\prostitutionBrunette1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/3)>>
<<set $ranPay = random(3,6)>>
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>
<<set $noPay = random(1,20)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->
<<if $noPay == 1>>
<<set $payout = 0>>
You were stiffed! You receive @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.<br/>
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>
<<if $payout <= 12>>
<<set $welfarePay = random(13,23)>>
<<set $payout = $welfarePay>>
<<set $money += $payout>>
You're handed @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.<br/>
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 3>>
<<set $cumAddiction += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@<br/>
@@color:#FF4C4C; +1 cum addiction@@
<!-- THREE -->
<<if $rnd == 3>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say - Payment is zero -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;"Hey, cutie! Give me a blowjob for some quick cash?"@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;"Hey there sexy, want suck my dick for some easy money?"@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;"Hey baby, I'll give you some money for a quick blowjob!"@@
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,4)>>
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"There you go baby.. straight into your mouth.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"That's a proper little cutie cocksucker.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"Mmm, yeah. You're a dirty little slut aren't you?"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionBrunette\prostitutionBrunette13.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 2>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Fuck you're sexy.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"You're skating around and not even wearing any panties..? Fuck!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"There you go baby.. swallow that dick.."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionBrunette\prostitutionBrunette14.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 3>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Wow! You don't even have a reflex.. get it deeper baby, you can do it!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"I've seen you around but I had no idea you were so good at sucking dick!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"Keep sucking baby, you're so good..!"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionBrunette\prostitutionBrunette15.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 4>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Yes! Fucking deepthroat that dick baby..!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"What's your name? @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@? Shit I have to write that down..!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"Keep sucking sexy.. you're such a good little cocksucker.."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionBrunette\prostitutionBrunette16.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Mmm, fuck yeah baby.. show me that cum!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"You like playing with cum don't you? You're a bad little girl minx.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"Simply amazing blowjob.. you're a grade A cocksucker baby!"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionBrunette\prostitutionBrunette17.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/3)>>
<<set $ranPay = random(3,6)>>
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>
<<set $noPay = random(1,20)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->
<<if $noPay == 1>>
<<set $payout = 0>>
You were stiffed! You receive @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.<br/>
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>
<<if $payout <= 12>>
<<set $welfarePay = random(13,23)>>
<<set $payout = $welfarePay>>
<<set $money += $payout>>
You're handed @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.<br/>
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
<<set $cumAddiction += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@<br/>
@@color:#FF4C4C; +1 cum addiction@@
<!-- FOUR -->
<<set $cleanliness -= 15>>
<<set $makeupVolume -= 10>>
<<endnobr>> <!-- Prostitution Blonde Start -->
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/3)>>
<<set $ranPay = random(3,6)>>
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>
<<set $noPay = random(1,20)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->
<<if $noPay == 1>>
<<set $payout = 0>>
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>
<<if $payout <= 12>>
<<set $welfarePay = random(13,23)>>
<<set $payout = $welfarePay>>
<<set $money += $payout>>
<!-- END PAY/ Start media -->
<<set $rnd = random(1,7)>>
<!-- ONE [Prostitution START]-->
<<if $rnd == 1>>
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,2)>>
@@color:orange;You walk in greeted by a black man, who offers@@ @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ @@color:orange;to take his big black cock.@@
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>
"This big black cock is going to destroy your little cunt baby."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionBlonde\prostitutionBlonde4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
"Bounce on that cock bitch. Your tiny pussy is getting stuffed full of black dick today!"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionBlonde\prostitutionBlonde5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>
"You won't be able to walk after I'm done fucking your little body bitch."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionBlonde\prostitutionBlonde6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
"You like that big black cock bitch? You want a tummy full of nigger dick and black babies? Ride that cock, slut!"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionBlonde\prostitutionBlonde7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
"Yeah bitch, know your place you little cock whore. You're only good for taking cock and cum.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionBlonde\prostitutionBlonde8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<if $noPay == 1>>
You were stiffed! You receive @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>
You're handed @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ in exchange for your cock-fucking skills.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 pussy fucked@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>
<<set $cameOn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
<<set $cleanliness -= 15>>
<<set $makeupVolume -= 15>>
<!-- END Rnd == 1, start Rnd == 2 -->
<!-- Prostitution Trainer Blonde -->
<<if $rnd == 2>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You enter the strangers room and follow his command.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You enter the trainees room and meet the client.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp leads you to the trainees room so you can practice.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Wow, well you're a hot little piece of ass aren't you? Get on your knees and get me off with your tongue."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"You don't look anything like the other girls! Let me see what you look like with my cock against your lips.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"What a little cutie! Go ahead and just flick your tongue up and down the back of my cock until I blow my load on your lips. Got it?"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerBlonde\prostitutionTrainerBlonde11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"You did a pretty good job today baby. I hope to see you around again."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"You're going to do great in this business you little slut. Keep playing with dick and you'll be your pimps bottom-bitch in no time."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"Not bad blondie! Don't forget to lick up all that cum for your dessert!"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<if $noPay == 1>>
You were stiffed! You receive @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>
You're handed @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ in exchange for your cock-licking skills.
<br/>[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>
<<set $cumAddiction += 1>>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@<br/>
@@color:#FF4C4C; +1 cum addiction@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>
<<set $makeupVolume -=10>>
<!-- END Rnd == 2, start Rnd == 3 -->
<<if $rnd == 3>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You enter the strangers room and immediately get blindfolded.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You enter the trainees room and meet a few men who blindfold you.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp leads you to the trainees room where men with a blindfold are waiting for you.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Your pimp wasn't lying baby, you are a cute one!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"This little slut has no idea how many cocks are about to be in her tiny mouth.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"We're gonna see if you can handle more than two cocks baby. I hope you're ready.."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerBlonde\prostitutionTrainerBlonde1.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Keep it up, slut. You better get that cock off!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"Suck that cock bitch. Get it! You better make him cum down your fucking throat!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"You live for this type of thing don't you, whore? You could never have enough dick to keep you happy.."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerBlonde\prostitutionTrainerBlonde2.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"We'll be sure to let all our friends know what a good little whore you were today.
<br/>Maybe they'll see you on the streets and can find out for themselves!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"You better keep sucking out loads bitch, we've got plenty more for you!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"Swallow your dessert you little slut. We better not see a single drop of cum outside of that mouth!"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<if $noPay == 1>>
You were stiffed! You receive @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>
The men leave you @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ on the table as they exit the room.
<br/>[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameIn += 5>>
<<set $oralTotal += 5>>
<<set $cumAddiction += 5>>
<<set $fame += 10>>
@@color:orange; +5 blowjobs@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +5 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +10 fame@@<br/>
@@color:#FF4C4C; +5 cum addiction@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 60>>
<<set $makeupVolume -= 40>>
<!-- END Rnd == 3, start Rnd == 4 -->
<<if $rnd == 4>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You enter the trainees room and the client tells you to lie on your back.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;As you enter the trainees room the client commands you to lie on your back.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp leads you to the trainees room where your client asks you to lie on your back.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Just lie there and throat my dick baby. I'm just looking for a deep, sloppy throatjob.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"Yeah, your cute little face will look great with my cock pounding it from above. Start sucking you little street-hoe."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"You don't have a gag reflex do you? Eh, we'll be getting rid of it today anyway.."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerBlonde\prostitutionTrainerBlonde3.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Are you hungry baby? Do you want my cum in your mouth? I'm going to blow it straight down your fucking throat!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"What's the matter baby? Choking on a big, thick cock? Your tight little throat is going to get me off.. keep flailing bitch."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"You're a good girl baby.. A really good girl - taking my dick like a champ! Suck it!"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<if $noPay == 1>>
You were stiffed! You receive @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>
The man leaves you with @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ as he makes his way out the door.
<br/>[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameIn += 1>>
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>
<<set $fame += 2>>
<<set $cumAddiction += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +2 fame@@<br/>
@@color:#FF4C4C; +1 cum addiction@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 15>>
<<set $makeupVolume -= 15>>
<!-- END Rnd == 4, start Rnd == 5 -->
<<if $rnd == 5>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You enter the trainees room and meet the client.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;As you enter the trainees room you see the client already has his dick out.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp leads you to the trainees room to meet the client.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Oh look, another dumb looking slut ready to get her mouth filled with cock. Kneel!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"You've got a perfect mouth for sucking dick baby. You're going to work nicely.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"I bet your pimp didn't have to convince you very much for you to start drinking cum for a living."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,2)>>
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerBlonde\prostitutionTrainerBlonde4.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 2>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerBlonde\prostitutionTrainerBlonde5.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Deepthroat that dick you little whore! I want to see you gag on it!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"Keep it nice and sloppy or I'll fuck your little head against the wall myself, slut!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"You want it bad don't you bitch? You want a thick load of creamy cum straight down your throat, huh? Suck it out then!"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<if $noPay == 1>>
You were stiffed! You receive @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>
The man leaves tosses @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ as he exits the room.
<br/>[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameIn += 1>>
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
<<set $cumAddiction += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@<br/>
@@color:#FF4C4C; +1 cum addiction@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 15>>
<<set $makeupVolume -= 15>>
<!-- END Rnd == 5, start Rnd == 6 -->
<<if $rnd == 6>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You enter the trainees room and meet the clients.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;As you enter the trainees room you see two clients already naked.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp leads you to the trainees room to meet the clients.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Hey there sexy! My friend and I here saw you last time we were here, and we just had to schedule a session.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"Why don't you go ahead and undress that perfect petite body for us baby.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"My friend here has a thing for tight little pussies baby.. He said you've probably got the best one here!"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerBlonde\prostitutionTrainerBlonde6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"It seems like you've got both a tight cunt and a tight throat baby. We'll definitely be coming back for you!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"I haven't spitroasted a slut like this since college! Thanks for letting me relive the experience baby."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"We're going to fill you up like a Twinkie baby. Cum in your pussy and down your throat.. Just what you deserve.."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<if $noPay == 1>>
You were stiffed! You receive @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>
The men finish in you and leave @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ on the nearby table.
<br/>[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameIn += 2>>
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>
<<set $fame += 2>>
<<set $cumAddiction += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 cunt fucked@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +2 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +2 fame@@<br/>
@@color:#FF4C4C; +1 cum addiction@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 15>>
<<set $makeupVolume -= 15>>
<!-- END Rnd == 6, start Rnd == 7 -->
<<if $rnd == 7>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp rushes you to a clients room and tells you to finish him off.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp grabs you by your hair and forces you into a clients room.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp leads you to a trainees room and tells you to finish the clients session.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"The other bitch couldn't handle this big dick. You better make up for it, whore!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"How many of you little sluts does it take to make me fucking cum? The last girl couldn't handle it.. you better."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"You better empty these big black balls bitch or it'll be a rough time for you and these other bitches!"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerBlonde\prostitutionTrainerBlonde7.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Damn, you sure can suck a cock girl.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"Look at your.. confident as all hell with a chin full of jizz.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"You know your way around thick cocks don't you slut? I'll be covering your face again in the near future.."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<if $noPay == 1>>
You were stiffed! You receive @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>
The man rubs his cum all over your face and hands you @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
<br/>[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameOn += 1>>
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>
<<set $fame += 5>>
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +5 fame@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 15>>
<<set $makeupVolume -= 15>>
<!-- END Rnd == 7, start Rnd == 8 -->
<<set $cleanliness -= 15>>
<<set $makeupVolume -= 10>><<set $classEnrolled = true>>\
<<set $money -= 500>>\
Congratulations, you're enrolled into our basic mix of classes which currently run 24/7.
Additionally, you'll get a school @@color:#0c82d1;cellphone@@ to use while you're enrolled.
[[Go to school|beginSchool]]
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<addhours 1>>\<<set $distance = 1>>\
<<set $schoolHours += 1>>\
<<if $schoolHours == 8>>\
<<goto "schoolDayEnd">>\
<<elseif $schoolHours == 3>>\
<<goto "classesLunch">>\
<<elseif $schoolHours == 5>>\
<<if $hairColor == "blonde">>
Go to [[gym|classGymBlonde]] class.
<<elseif $hairColor == "brunette">>
Go to [[gym|classGymBrunette]] class.
<<elseif $hairColor == "red">>
Go to [[gym|classGymRed]] class.
<<elseif $schoolHours != 3 && $schoolHours != 8>>
<<set $rnd = random(1,9)>>\
<<if $rnd >= 1 & $rnd < 5>>\
<<goto "classes1">>\
<<if $rnd >= 5 & $rnd < 9>>\
<<goto "classes2">>\
<<if $rnd == 9>>\
<<goto "classRape1">>\
<<endif>>\@@color:orange;You study some English, and focus on grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary.@@
<<set $rnd = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
<<elseif $rnd == 2>>\
[[Go to your next class|beginSchool]]
<<if $schoolSlut >= 4>>\
[[Play with teacher for a better grade|classes1.1]]
<<if $schoolSlut >= 2>>\
[[Suck off|classes1.2]] $jeromeAlias
<<if $schoolSlut >= 2>>\
[[Suck off|classes1.3]] $alexAlias
<<set $intelligence += 1>>\
@@color:orange; +1 intelligence@@
<<addhours 1>>\
<<set $cleanliness -= 5>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 5>>\You head to the dining hall for lunch.
<<if $money >= 8>>
Spend @@color:#4AA02C;$8 dollars@@ on lunch?
[[yes|lunchBuy]]    [[no|freeLunch]]
Lunch costs @@color:#4AA02C;$8 dollars@@, but you don't have @@color:#4AA02C;$8 dollars@@.
[[Sit patiently|freeLunch]]
@@color:orange;You study some Mathematics, focusing on Algebra and Trigonometry.@@
[[Go to your next class|beginSchool]]
<<if $schoolSlut >= 4>>\
[[Fuck for a better grade|classes1.1]]
<<if $schoolSlut >= 2>>\
[[Suck off|classes1.2]] $jeromeAlias
<<if $schoolSlut >= 2>>\
[[Suck off|classes1.3]] $alexAlias
<<set $intelligence += 1>>\
@@color:orange; +1 intelligence@@
<<addhours 1>>\
<<set $cleanliness -= 5>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 5>>\<<addmins 10>>\
@@color:orange;You're exhausted from school, and need to head home.@@
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\schoolHallway.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $schoolExhausted = true>>\
<<set $distance = 1>>\
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]\<!-- Class 1.1 - Teacher -->\
@@color:orange;The teacher leads you to an empty upstairs study.@@
<!-- BLONDE -->
<<if $hairColor == "blonde">>\
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,3)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
"I'm gonna empty my balls in your little cunt baby... oh fuck.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classes1.1\blonde\teacherSex1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>\
"You like that deep dick don't you slut. I'm gonna impregnate your whore cunt.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classes1.1\blonde\teacherSex2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $tmpRnd == 3>>\
"Take this fucking dick bitch.. oh fuck.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classes1.1\blonde\teacherSex3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"You've certainly earned some extra credit!"
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +1 came inside of@@
@@color:orange; +1 vaginally fucked@@
@@color:pink; +1 Rep: School Slut@@
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 1>>\
<!-- BRUNETTE -->
<<if $hairColor == "brunette">>\
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
"I'm gonna empty my balls in your little cunt baby... oh fuck.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classes1.1\brunette\teacherSuck1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>\
"You like that deep dick don't you slut. I'm gonna impregnate your whore cunt.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classes1.1\brunette\teacherSuck2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"You've certainly earned some extra credit!"
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +1 came inside of@@
@@color:orange; +1 vaginally fucked@@
@@color:pink; +1 Rep: School Slut@@
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 1>>\
<!-- RED -->
<<if $hairColor == "red">>\
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
"I'm gonna empty my balls in your little cunt baby... oh fuck.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classes1.1\red\teacherSuck1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>\
"You like that deep dick don't you slut. I'm gonna impregnate your whore cunt.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classes1.1\red\teacherSuck2.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"You've certainly earned some extra credit!"
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +1 came inside of@@
@@color:orange; +1 vaginally fucked@@
@@color:pink; +1 Rep: School Slut@@
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 1>>\
<<set $intelligence += 2>>\
@@color:orange; +2 Intelligence@@
<<addhours 1>>\
<<set $cleanliness -= 15>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 15>>\@@color:orange;You quietly make your way to the back of the room and suck off one of the black kids in your class.@@
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,3)>>\
<!-- BLONDE -->
<<if $hairColor == "blonde">>
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
<<if $blackKidSuck >= 3>>\
"You need some more of this big black cock in your mouth don't you bitch?"
"That's a good white bitch.. suck that big black cock..."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classes1.2\blonde\jeromeSuck1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>\
<<if $blackKidSuck >= 4 & $blackKidSuck != 5>>\
"You can't get enough of this big black cock can you snow bunny?"
"Yeah snow bunny, jerk my big black cock off into your mouth.. Good girl.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classes1.2\blonde\jeromeSuck2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $tmpRnd == 3>>\
$jeromeAlias decides to fuck you instead.
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classes1.2\blonde\jeromeFuck1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
<!-- BRUNETTE -->
<<if $hairColor == "brunette">>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
<<if $blackKidSuck >= 3>>
"You need some more of this big black cock in your mouth don't you bitch?"
"That's a good white bitch.. suck that big black cock..."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classes1.2\brunette\jeromeSuck1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>\
<<if $blackKidSuck >= 4 & $blackKidSuck != 5>>
"You can't get enough of this big black cock can you snow bunny?"
"Yeah snow bunny, jerk my big black cock off into your mouth.. Good girl.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classes1.2\brunette\jeromeSuck1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $tmpRnd == 3>>\
$jeromeAlias decides to fuck you instead.
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classes1.2\blonde\jeromeFuck1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
<!-- RED -->
<<if $hairColor == "red">>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
<<if $blackKidSuck >= 3>>\
"You need some more of this big black cock in your mouth don't you bitch?"
"That's a good white bitch.. suck that big black cock..."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classes1.2\red\jeromeSuck1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>\
<<if $blackKidSuck >= 4 & $blackKidSuck != 5>>\
"You can't get enough of this big black cock can you snow bunny?"
"Yeah snow bunny, jerk my big black cock off into your mouth.. Good girl.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classes1.2\red\jeromeSuck2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $tmpRnd == 3>>\
You suck off $jeromeAlias.
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classes1.2\red\jeromeSuck3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $tmpRnd == 4>>\
You suck off $jeromeAlias.
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classes1.2\red\jeromeSuck4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
<<if $blackKidSuck == 5>>
"<span class="rainbow">Hey little snowbunny</span>, if you ever want to get some of this cock outside of class, here's my number."
@@color:orange; You obtain $jeromeAlias's cellphone number.@@
@@color:orange; +1 came inside of@@
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs given@@
@@color:pink; +1 Rep: School Slut@@
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 1>>\
<<set $blackKidSuck += 1>>
<<addhours 1>>\
<<set $cleanliness -= 5>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 5>>\<<if $hairColor == "blonde">>\
<<set $rnd = random (1,7)>>\
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
<<if $schoolSlut < 50>>\
@@color:orange;You get pushed into the bathroom by one of your teachers.@@
<<elseif $schoolSlut >= 50>>\
"Be a good @@color:orange; slut $name@@, and suck out this load of jizz for me."
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
"Alright you little bimbo slut. Be a good bitch and empty my balls."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\blonde\teacherRapeBlonde1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>\
"You're going to put that slut mouth on my dick, now!"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\blonde\teacherRapeBlonde2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $tmpRnd = random(3,4)>>
<<if $tmpRnd == 3>>\
"Lick those fucking cum-filled nuts baby.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\blonde\teacherRapeBlonde3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $tmpRnd == 4>>\
"Keep sucking you bimbo bitch!"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\blonde\teacherRapeBlonde4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"Jizz is a good look for you, whore."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\blonde\teacherRapeBlonde5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs given@@
@@color:pink; +1 Rep: School Slut.@@
<<set $cameOn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 1>>\
<<if $rnd == 2>>\
<<if $schoolSlut < 50>>\
@@color:orange;A school admin pulls you into his office and cuffs your hands while throwing you to your knees.@@
<<elseif $schoolSlut >= 50>>\
"Be a good @@color:orange; throat-slut $name@@, and suck out this thick, creamy load."
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
"You looked like you could throat a good cock. Show me what a good slut you are, $name."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\blonde\teacherRapeBlonde6.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>\
"I just took one look at you and knew you'd be a good little cocksucker. Do what you're meant for bitch."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\blonde\teacherRapeBlonde7.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs given@@
@@color:pink; +1 Rep: School Slut.@@
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 1>>\
<<if $rnd == 3>>\
<<if $schoolSlut < 50>>\
@@color:orange;You get yanked out of the hallway and pulled into a breakroom.@@
<<elseif $schoolSlut >= 50>>\
@@color:orange;"Hey @@@@color:#4AA02C;$name@@@@color:orange;, there's plenty of cum for you in here!" Yells a man as he pulls you into a nearby breakroom."@@
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,3)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>
"Suck that dick you sloppy slut! Fuck yeah.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\blonde\teacherRapeBlonde8.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>
"I've been saving this load for a week, just for you!"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\blonde\teacherRapeBlonde9.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $tmpRnd == 3>>
"I didn't think it'd be this easy! I'll be looking for your more often!"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\blonde\teacherRapeBlonde10.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs given@@
@@color:pink; +1 Rep: School Slut.@@
<<set $cameOn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 1>>\
<<if $rnd == 4>>\
<<if $schoolSlut < 50>>\
@@color:orange;You get pushed out of the hallway and led into a breakroom.@@
<<elseif $schoolSlut >= 50>>\
@@color:orange;"Hey @@@@color:#4AA02C;$name@@@@color:orange;, come in here and help me out for a minute. I got a problem I know you can fix."@@
"Use your little hands @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@. That's a good girl.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\blonde\teacherRapeBlonde11.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"Ooh fuck I'm gonna cum! Keep going, faster!"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\blonde\teacherRapeBlonde12.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Help him clean up and return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@
@@color:pink; +1 Rep: School Slut.@@
<<set $cameOn += 1>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 1>>\
<<if $rnd == 5>>\
<<if $schoolSlut < 50>>\
@@color:orange;An admin yanks you into their office as you pass by.@@
<<elseif $schoolSlut >= 50>>\
@@color:orange;An admin yanks you into their office as you pass by, and comments about your School Slut reputation.@@
"You've been a naughty girl @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@. As long as you're going to go around sucking cocks you might as well suck mine too!"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\blonde\teacherRapeBlonde13.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"Lick those balls too. Worship my nuts you little tramp."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\blonde\teacherRapeBlonde14.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"Mmmm, delicious isn't it @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@?"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\blonde\teacherRapeBlonde15.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Swallow his load and return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:pink; +1 Rep: School Slut.@@
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 1>>\
<<if $rnd == 6>>\
<<if $schoolSlut < 50>>\
@@color:orange;You get pulled into a nearby lounge as you walk by.@@
<<elseif $schoolSlut >= 50>>\
@@color:orange;A boy pulls you into a nearby lounge as you walk by, and comments on your @@color:orange;School Slut@@ reputation.@@
"Hey @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@, get on your fucking knees and start sucking."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\blonde\teacherRapeBlonde16.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"You're a good little whore aren't you? Your mouth isn't for you to talk with, it's to suck cock with."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\blonde\teacherRapeBlonde17.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"Worship those balls bitch! Earn your fucking reward."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\blonde\teacherRapeBlonde18.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Earn your cum reward and return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:pink; +1 Rep: School Slut.@@
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 1>>\
<<if $rnd == 7>>\
<<if $schoolSlut < 50>>\
@@color:orange;A teacher walks in behind you after you enter the restroom.@@
<<elseif $schoolSlut >= 50>>\
@@color:orange;A teacher walks in behind you as you enter the restroom and immediately grabs onto your ass.
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,2)>>
"@@color:#4AA02C;$name@@, I just had to get a moment alone with you.. I dream every night about getting my dick in between those lips. Help me out?"
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\blonde\teacherRapeBlonde19.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\blonde\teacherRapeBlonde20.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"Ooh yeah @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@, you're so fucking hot.. take that cum baby.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\blonde\teacherRapeBlonde21.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Swallow his load and return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:pink; +1 Rep: School Slut.@@
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 1>>\
<<if $hairColor == "brunette">>\
<<set $rnd = random (1,4)>>\
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,3)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
<<if $schoolSlut < 50>>\
@@color:orange;An older teacher pulls you into his office as you walk by.@@
<<elseif $schoolSlut >= 50>>\
"Say, @@color:orange; slut $name@@, how about you come help an old man get his rocks off."
"That's a good girl @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@. Just like your mother probably taught you.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\brunette\teacherRapeBrunette1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs given@@
@@color:orange; +1 raped@@
@@color:pink; +1 Rep: School Slut.@@
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $raped += 1>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 1>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>\
<<if $schoolSlut < 50>>\
@@color:orange;You walk by a lounge and get pulled in by a fellow student.@@
<<elseif $schoolSlut >= 50>>\
@@color:orange;"Well if it isn't @@@@color:#4AA02C;$name $nameLast@@@@color:orange;. I've wanted to nut all over that face since the first time I saw you here."@@
"Now that's exactly what I'm going to do, and you're gonna help. Start sucking, slut!"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\brunette\teacherRapeBrunette2.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs given@@
@@color:orange; +1 raped@@
@@color:pink; +1 Rep: School Slut.@@
<<set $cameOn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $raped += 1>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 1>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 3>>\
<<if $schoolSlut < 50>>\
@@color:orange;An admin pulls you into his office as you pass by.@@
<<elseif $schoolSlut >= 50>>\
"Miss @@color:orange; slut $name@@, you need to come in here for a minute.."
"You're going to be a good girl and help me empty these balls unless you want negative reviews on your permanent record!"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\brunette\teacherRapeBrunette11.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs given@@
@@color:orange; +1 raped@@
@@color:pink; +1 Rep: School Slut.@@
<<set $cameOn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $raped += 1>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 1>>\
<<if $rnd == 2>>\
<<if $schoolSlut < 50>>\
@@color:orange;One of the students pulls you in to a nearby break room.@@
<<elseif $schoolSlut >= 50>>\
"@@color:orange;$name@@, I can't wait to bust this nut all over that whorish face of yours. Let's go."
"When I see you wear that collar, I can't help but want to throatfuck your little face.. covering you in jizz will do."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\brunette\teacherRapeBrunette3.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"Now swallow the rest you little cum-dump. I heard half the school has already fucked you full of jizz anyway."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\brunette\teacherRapeBrunette4.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs given@@
@@color:orange; +1 raped@@
@@color:pink; +1 Rep: School Slut.@@
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $raped += 1>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 1>>\
<<if $rnd == 3>>\
<<if $schoolSlut < 50>>\
@@color:orange;As you pass by the basement, the janitor appears and tugs you down the stairs.@@
<<elseif $schoolSlut >= 50>>\
@@color:orange;"Hey @@@@color:#4AA02C;$name@@@@color:orange;, ready for the big-dicked janitor to fuck that little ass again?"@@
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>
"You've got a tight little ass @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@. Given the amount of dick you take I'm surprised."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\brunette\teacherRapeBrunette5.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>
"You've got a tight little ass @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@. I wonder if my cum is going to pour out of it when I empty my balls inside."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\brunette\teacherRapeBrunette6.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 ass fucked@@
@@color:orange; +1 raped@@
@@color:pink; +1 Rep: School Slut.@@
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $analTotal += 1>>\
<<set $raped += 1>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 1>>\
<<if $rnd == 4>>\
<<if $schoolSlut < 50>>\
@@color:orange;A student pushes you into a lounge where you're met by a group of naked men.@@
<<elseif $schoolSlut >= 50>>\
@@color:orange;A student pushed you into a lounge where you're met by a group of naked men. "Hey @@@@color:#4AA02C;$name@@@@color:orange;, I hope you're hungry!"@@
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>
The first man throws you to your knees while the others undress you, and almost immediately begins dripping his cum into your mouth.
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\brunette\teacherRapeBrunette7.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"That's a good slut @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@, just take it all down.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\brunette\teacherRapeBrunette9.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
After a few loads of cum later, you're forced to swallow down the mixed pile of jizz you had in your mouth.
"What a nasty fucking whore you are @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@. Fuck."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\brunette\teacherRapeBrunette10.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>
The first man throws you to your knees while the others undress you, and almost immediately begins dripping his cum into your mouth.
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\brunette\teacherRapeBrunette8.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"That's a good slut @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@, gather that cum up in your mouth, and don't swallow yet!"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\brunette\teacherRapeBrunette9.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
After a few loads of cum later, you're forced to swallow down the mixed pile of jizz you had in your mouth.
"What a nasty fucking whore you are @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@. Fuck."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\brunette\teacherRapeBrunette10.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Help him clean up and return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +4 came in@@
@@color:orange; +4 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +4 raped@@
@@color:pink; +4 Rep: School Slut.@@
<<set $cameIn += 4>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 4>>\
<<set $raped += 4>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 4>>\
<<if $hairColor == "red">>\
<<set $rnd = random (1,4)>>\
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
<<if $schoolSlut < 50>>\
@@color:orange;As you pass by the basement, the janitor appears and tugs you down the stairs.@@
<<elseif $schoolSlut >= 50>>\
@@color:orange;"Hey @@@@color:#4AA02C;$name@@@@color:orange;, hungry for some of this big dick?"@@
"You're a good cocksucker @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@. I should just keep you down here forever.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\red\teacherRapeRed1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"Oh yeah, gag on it! You tight throated little slut!"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\red\teacherRapeRed2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,3)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
[[Return to class|classRape1.1]]
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs given@@
@@color:orange; +1 raped@@
@@color:pink; +1 Rep: School Slut.@@
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $raped += 1>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 1>>\
<<if $rnd == 2>>\
<<if $schoolSlut < 50>>\
@@color:orange;A teacher follows you into the bathroom and locks the door behind you.@@
<<elseif $schoolSlut >= 50>>\
@@color:orange;"A teacher follows you into the bathroom and locks the door behind you. "It's time to share some of that ass @@@@color:#4AA02C;$name@@@@color:orange;".@@
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,2)>>
"Bend over bitch. I'm gonna pump you full of cum right up that little hole of yours."
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\red\teacherRapeRed3.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\red\teacherRapeRed4.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 ass fucked@@
@@color:orange; +1 raped@@
@@color:pink; +1 Rep: School Slut.@@
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $analTotal += 1>>\
<<set $raped += 1>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 1>>\
<<if $rnd == 3>>\
<<if $schoolSlut < 50>>\
"@@color:#4AA02C;$name $nameLast@@@@color:orange;! Come in here!@@"
<<elseif $schoolSlut >= 50>>\
@@color:orange;As you pass an admins room, he pulls you into his office. "Hey @@@@color:#4AA02C;$name@@@@color:orange;, I need to see you in my office immediately."@@
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>
"I heard you've been doing all sorts of dirty things around school @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@. Why don't you show me what you've been doing?"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\red\teacherRapeRed5.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"Mmmm, surely that's not all you've been doing. Have you been doing some of this too?" - asks the man as he bends you over and lifts up your skirt.
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\red\teacherRapeRed7.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"Yeah @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@, that's a good girl. It's okay if you bring enough to share with everyone!"
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>
"I heard you've been doing all sorts of dirty things around school @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@. Why don't you show me what you've been doing?"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\red\teacherRapeRed6.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"Mmmm, surely that's not all you've been doing. Have you been doing some of this too?" - asks the man as he bends you over and lifts up your skirt.
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\red\teacherRapeRed7.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"Yeah @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@, that's a good girl. It's okay if you bring enough to share with everyone!"
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 cunt fucked@@
@@color:orange; +1 raped@@
@@color:pink; +1 Rep: School Slut.@@
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>\
<<set $raped += 1>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 1>>\
<<if $rnd == 4>>\
<<if $schoolSlut < 50>>\
@@color:orange;A student pushes you into a lounge and throws you to your knees.@@
<<elseif $schoolSlut >= 50>>\
@@color:orange;A student pushes you into a lounge and throws you to your knees. "Hey @@@@color:#4AA02C;$name@@@@color:orange;, Suck my fucking dick."@@
"Go faster and take it deeper or I'll really fuck you up!"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\red\teacherRapeRed8.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"Oh fuck yeah bitch, swallow it.. mmmmm"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\red\teacherRapeRed9.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 raped@@
@@color:pink; +1 Rep: School Slut.@@
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $raped += 1>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 1>>\
<!-- END RED -->
<<addhours 1>>\
<<set $cleanliness -= 15>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 15>>\<<set $money -= 8>>
You buy a meal for lunch.
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
<<addmins 30>>\
<<set $cleanliness -= 5>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 5>>\@@color:orange;A group of football players approach you.@@
<<if $schoolSlut >= 50>>
We already know you prefer our cum loads for lunch @@color:orange;bitch@@ so we won't even ask."
"A tiny girl like you has to eat something! Follow us, we've got something you can eat.."
<<if $hairColor == "blonde">>\
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\lunch\blonde\cumLunch1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
The boys each take a turn cumming down your throat and forcing you to swallow each load.
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>\
The boys each take a turn cumming down your throat and forcing you to swallow each load.
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +2 came in@@
@@color:orange; +4 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +2 vaginally fucked@@
@@color:pink; +4 Rep: School Slut@@
<<set $cameIn += 2>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 4>>\
<<set $cuntTotal += 2>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 4>>\
<<if $hairColor == "brunette">>\
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,5)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\lunch\brunette\cumLunch1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"Yeah, you're a hungry little slut aren't you!?"
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\lunch\brunette\cumLunch2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"Is four loads of cum filling enough for you little slut!?"
<<if $tmpRnd == 3>>\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\lunch\brunette\cumLunch3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"Is four loads of cum filling enough for you little slut!?"
<<if $tmpRnd == 4>>\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\lunch\brunette\cumLunch4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"Is four loads of cum filling enough for you little slut!?"
<<if $tmpRnd == 5>>\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\lunch\brunette\cumLunch5.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
The boys each take a turn cumming down your throat and forcing you to swallow each load.
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +2 came in@@
@@color:orange; +4 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +2 vaginally fucked@@
@@color:pink; +4 Rep: School Slut@@
<<set $cameIn += 2>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 4>>\
<<set $cuntTotal += 2>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 4>>\
<<if $hairColor == "red">>\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\lunch\red\cumLunch1.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
The boys each take a turn cumming down your throat and forcing you to swallow each load.
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +2 came in@@
@@color:orange; +4 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +2 vaginally fucked@@
@@color:pink; +4 Rep: School Slut@@
<<set $cameIn += 2>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 4>>\
<<set $cuntTotal += 2>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 4>>\
<<addhours 1>>\
<<set $cleanliness -= 50>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 50>>\<<if $blackKidSuck < 5 && $whiteKidSuck < 5>>\
You don't know anyone you can contact with this yet.
<<if $blackKidSuck >= 5>>\
[[Call|JeromeCellCycle]] $jeromeAlias
<<if $whiteKidSuck >= 5>>\
[[Call|Alex]] $alexAlias
[[Put away your cellphone|playerHouses]]\<<set $distance = 1>>\
<<if $car == "None">>\
<<addhours 1>>\
<<elseif $car == "Eclipse">>\
<<addmins 30>>\
<<elseif $car == "Audi A4">>\
<<addmins 20>>\
<<elseif $car == "Corvette Z06">>\
<<addmins 10>>\
<!-- ANSWER 1 -->
<<if $question == 1>>\
<<set $rnd = random(1,5)>>\
<<if $rnd >= 3>>\
"Nah girl, I'm busy right now."
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
<<set $instance = 1>>\
"Okay bitch, I got a good load for you."<br>
[[Go to|JeromeWalk]] $jeromeAlias's
<<if $rnd == 2>>\
<<set $instance = 2>>\
"I got some of my homies over if you're cool with it."<br>
[[Go to|JeromeWalk]] $jeromeAlias's
<!-- ANSWER 2 -->
<<if $question == 2>>\
<<set $rnd = random(1,4)>>\
<<if $rnd >= 3>>\
"Nah girl, I'm busy today."
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
<<set $instance = 1>>\
"Okay bitch, I got a good load for you."<br>
[[Go to|JeromeWalk]] $jeromeAlias's
<<if $rnd == 2>>\
<<set $instance = 2>>\
"I got some of my homies over if you're cool with it."<br>
[[Go to|JeromeWalk]] $jeromeAlias's
<!-- ANSWER 3 -->
<<if $question == 3>>\
<<set $rnd = random(1,11)>>\
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
"Nah girl, I'm busy today."
<<if $rnd >= 2 && $rnd <= 6 >>\
<<set $instance = 1>>\
"Okay bitch, I got a good load for you."<br>
[[Go to|JeromeWalk]] $jeromeAlias's
<<if $rnd >= 7 && $rnd <= 11 >>\
<<set $instance = 2>>\
"I got some of my homies over if you're cool with it."<br>
[[Go to|JeromeWalk]] $jeromeAlias's
[[Cancel with|playerHouses]] $jeromeAlias<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
"That's a good snow bunny, rub that big black cock baby.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\Jeromes\JeromeSolo\jerome1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>\
"Stroke that big dick girl.. fuck yeah.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\Jeromes\JeromeSolo\jerome2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $tmpRnd = random(3,4)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 3>>\
"Oh fuck yeah bitch... milk out that thick load.. you're gonna slurp it all down too!"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\Jeromes\JeromeSolo\jerome3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $tmpRnd == 4>>\
"Yeah slut.. jerk out your meal baby.. get it all out.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\Jeromes\JeromeSolo\jerome4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Meet|jeromeFamily]] $jeromeAlias's family
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<set $cameOn += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
<<addhours 1>>\
<<set $cleanliness -= 15>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 15>>\<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,3)>>\
@@color:orange;You enter $jeromeAlias's room to find his friends undressed with their cocks hanging between their legs.@@
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
"Yeah bitch, take this big black dick.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\Jeromes\JeromeFriends\jeromeFriends1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"Fucking white whore loves these black cocks.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\Jeromes\JeromeFriends\jeromeFriends2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
@@color:orange; +3 came in@@
@@color:orange; +3 blowjobs given@@
@@color:orange; +1 ass fucked@@
@@color:orange; +1 vaginally fucked@@
@@color:orange; +3 fame@@
<<set $cameIn += 3>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 3>>\
<<set $analTotal += 1>>\
<<set $cuntTotal += 2>>\
<<set $fame += 3>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>\
"Keep smiling slut, we're gonna pour these nuts all over that little white face.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\Jeromes\JeromeFriends\jeromeFriends3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
@@color:orange; +2 came on@@
@@color:orange; +2 fame@@
<<set $cameOn += 2>>\
<<set $fame += 2>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 3>>\
"You like taking two big black cocks at once huh whore?"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\Jeromes\JeromeFriends\jeromeFriends4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"Keep sucking bitch, get those loads out."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\Jeromes\JeromeFriends\jeromeFriends5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"Yeah, that's a good little snow bunny."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\Jeromes\JeromeFriends\jeromeFriends6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
@@color:orange; +2 came on@@
@@color:orange; +2 blowjobs given@@
@@color:orange; +1 ass fucked@@
@@color:orange; +1 vaginally fucked@@
@@color:orange; +2 fame@@
<<set $cameOn += 2>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 2>>\
<<set $analTotal += 1>>\
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 2>>\
[[Meet|jeromeFamily]] $jeromeAlias's family
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]\
<<addhours 1>>\
<<set $cleanliness -= 15>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 15>>\You walk through Sovoka and make your way to $jeromeAlias's.
<<if $instance == 1>>\
[[Enter|JeromeSolo]] $jeromeAlias's
<<if $instance == 2>>\
[[Enter|JeromeFriends]] $jeromeAlias's
<<set $cleanliness -= 5>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 5>>\<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,3)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
@@color:orange;You secretly watch $jeromeAlias's brother masturbate until he notices you.@@
"You like watching big black dick get stroked don't you bitch?"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\Jeromes\JeromeFamily\jeromeBro1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs given@@
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<set $cameOn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>\
@@color:orange;You interrupt $jeromeAlias's brother while he's masturbating, and take over for him with your mouth.@@
"Oh fuck snow bunny.. suck that fucking cock. Let me see those titties bounce.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\Jeromes\JeromeFamily\jeromeBro2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"Keep smiling slut, you're gonna get a thick fucking load down that little throat.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\Jeromes\JeromeFamily\jeromeBro3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"Oh fuck.. suck it bitch.. suck that cock.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\Jeromes\JeromeFamily\jeromeBro4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs given@@
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 3>>\
@@color:orange;You walk in on $jeromeAlias's dad as he exists the shower.@@
"Oh, a little white bitch. Here for daddy's big black cock?"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\Jeromes\JeromeFamily\jeromeDad1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"Gag on that dick until I put a daycare into your stomach.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\Jeromes\JeromeFamily\jeromeDad2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $fame >= 100 & $schoolSlut >= 50 & $jeromeFamilyCount >= 10>>\
"I hear you've been making quite a name for yourself around town. If you want to get in with some dudes and start making some real money, let me know."
[[Join gang|gangIntro]]
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs given@@
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
<<set $jeromeFamilyCount += 1>>\
<<addhours 1>>\
<<set $cleanliness -= 20>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 20>>\<<set $bet = 0 >>\
<<set $makeupOrder = 0>>\
<<set $foodOrder = 0>>\
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:540px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
<<if $jobModel == false>>
Look for a [[job|jobList]]<br/>
Go [[shopping|store]]<br/>
<<if $gymEnrolled == true>>
Go to the [[gym|gym]]
<<elseif $gymEnrolled == false>>
Enroll at a [[gym|gym]]
Gamble at the [[casino|slotsGame]]
Visit the [[stylist|hairStylist]]<br/>
Visit the [[courthouse|Courthouse]]<br/>
<<if $cheatsOn == true>>
Visit a [[restaurant|Restaurant]]<br/>
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<!-- END TABLE -->
Return to [[Sovoka|Sovoka]] <<if $car == "None">>\
<<addhours 1>>\
<<elseif $car == "Eclipse">>\
<<addmins 30>>\
<<elseif $car == "Audi A4">>\
<<addmins 20>>\
<<elseif $car == "Corvette Z06">>\
<<addmins 10>>\
<<set $cleanliness -= 5>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 5>>\
<!-- Shows nothing if Pimp already found -->
<<if ($gameDate.getHours() >= 21) && $gameDate.getHours() <= 23 && $prostitutionUnlocked == true>>
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:600px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
@@color:orange;You don't find anything, or anyone, of interest out here.@@<br/><br/>
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
[[Return to Sovoka|Sovoka]]
<!-- END TABLE -->
<!-- Shows Pimp if not found yet -->
<<if ($gameDate.getHours() >= 21) && $prostitutionUnlocked == false>>
@@color:orange;A flashy and well dressed man approaches you@@.<br/><br/>
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:600px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
"Hey there baby. Let me holla at you a minute."<br/>
"You ever think about making that body work for you babygirl?"<br/>
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
<!-- END TABLE -->
<!-- Sends player to bed if too late -->
<<if ($gameDate.getHours() > 23 || $gameDate.getHours() <= 7)>>
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:600px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
It's too late and you're too tired.
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
[[Go home to sleep|sleepCycle]]
<!-- END TABLE -->
<!-- General passage -->
<<if ($gameDate.getHours() <= 20 && $gameDate.getHours() > 7)>>
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:500px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
You find there are a few businesses nearby.
Visit an [[Estate Agent|estateAgency]]<br/>
Visit the [[Car Dealership|carDealership]]<br/>
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
[[Return to Sovoka|Sovoka]]
<!-- END TABLE -->
table td {
vertical-align: top;
</style><<set $distance = 1>>\
<<if $car == "None">>\
<<addmins 30>>\
<<elseif $car == "Eclipse">>\
<<addmins 20>>\
<<elseif $car == "Audi A4">>\
<<addmins 10>>\
<<elseif $car == "Corvette Z06">>\
<<addmins 5>>\
<<set $tmp = 0>>\
<<set $payout = 0>>\
<<if $hairColor == "blonde">>
<<goto "prostitutionTrainerBlonde">>\
<<elseif $hairColor == "brunette">>
<<goto "prostitutionTrainerBrunette">>\
<<elseif $hairColor == "red">>
<<goto "prostitutionTrainerRed">>\
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<set $prostitutionCount += 1>>\
<<addmins 30>>\<<set $money += 50000>>\
<<set $totalIncome += 50000>>\
Money increased by $50,000
<<set $luck += 1000>>\
Luck increased by 1,000
@@color:#4AA02C;My hair color is:@@
* Blonde <<radiobutton "$hairColor" "blonde" checked>>
* Brunette <<radiobutton "$hairColor" "brunette">>
* Red <<radiobutton "$hairColor" "red">>
sexAppeal: $sexAppeal
sexual skill: $sexualSkill
job pay: $jobPay
[[go gang|gangIntro]]
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
[[supertemp]] @@color:orange;Jeromes dad brings you in front of the gangs bottom bitch,@@ @@color:#4AA02C;Riley@@.
img {
width: 500px;
max-height: 520px;
"@@color:#4AA02C;$name@@, I heard you're looking to make more money and get involved with us.
@@color:#4AA02C;Lex@@ tells me you already have good skills, and a little bit of an education. We could use a girl like you."
"If you join us though, that's it. You're in. Getting out isn't really an option, so make sure you're down for this."
[[I'm in|gangIntro1]]
[[Thanks, but no thanks|playerHouses]]\@@color:orange;You're now a member of The Sierra Cartel.@@
<<set $gangJoined = true>>\
<<set $gang = "Sierra Cartel">>\
<<set $gangRank = "Initiate">>\
img {
width: 500px;
max-height: 520px;
"@@color:#4AA02C;Lex@@, thanks for bringing her. I got it from here."
<<@@color:#4AA02C;Lex@@ exits.>>
"Reputation is important to us, but really it's all about money. If you don't earn, you're useless. Word around town is you're known relatively this well:
@@color:#4AA02C;$fame@@ people like you enough to care, @@color:#4AA02C;$schoolSlut@@ guys at the school consider you the school slut, and you have
@@color:#4AA02C; $intelligence@@ hours logged toward your education.
So really all we need to know now is how you intend to make us money while earning your own.
<<if $oralTotal > ($cuntTotal & $analTotal)>>
[[I'm pretty good at sucking cock for cash|gangIntro2]]
<<set $gangTemp1 == 1>>
<<elseif $cuntTotal > ($analTotal & $oralTotal)>>
[[My pussy brings in a lot of money|gangIntro2]]
<<set $gangTemp1 == 2>>
<<elseif $analTotal > ($cuntTotal & $oralTotal)>>
[[I make good money getting fucked in the ass|gangIntro2]]
<<set $gangTemp1 == 3>>
[[Sex is a great way to make cash|gangIntro2]]
<<set $gangTemp1 == 4>>
<<endif>>This passage is technically a dead-end.
Gang content will be added later, but you're now in the gang.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]] <!-- Walk to School -->\
<<set $distance = 1>>\
<<if $car == "None">>\
<<addhours 1>>\
<<elseif $car == "Eclipse">>\
<<addmins 30>>\
<<elseif $car == "Audi A4">>\
<<addmins 20>>\
<<elseif $car == "Corvette Z06">>\
<<addmins 10>>\
<<set $cleanliness -= 5>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 5>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/5)>>
<<set $ranPay = random(3,10)>>
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>
<<if $payout < 10>>
<<set $payout = random(0,10)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->
<<set $money += $payout>>
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>
<<if $hairColor == "blonde">>\
<<set $sceneRnd = random (1,5)>>\
<<if $sceneRnd != 5>>\
@@color:orange;You make your way to school and get there safely.@@
[[Enter school|beginSchool]]
<<elseif $sceneRnd == 5>>\
<<set $rnd = random(1,4)>>\
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,3)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
@@color:orange;Three boys stop you outside the woods on your way to school.@@
"Hey cutie, where are you going so quickly?" asks one of the boys as they all start to grope you.
"Why don't you be a good girl and give us all a good blowjob?"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\walkToSchool\blonde\walkSchoolBlonde1.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"That's a good girl baby, swallow it all down.."
You're handed @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go to school|SovokaHigh]]
<<set $cameIn += 3>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 3>>\
@@color:orange; +3 came inside of@@
@@color:orange; +3 blowjobs@@
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>\
@@color:orange;Three boys stop you outside the woods on your way to school.@@
"Hey there sexy, why don't you stop by our place? It's on the way to your school!"
"Every one of your holes is a premium cock-milker. You'd make a good escort.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\walkToSchool\blonde\walkSchoolBlonde2.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
The boys each fill you with cum and compile @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ for you.
[[Go to school|SovokaHigh]]
<<set $cameIn += 3>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $analTotal += 1>>\
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>\
@@color:orange; +3 came inside of@@
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 ass fucked@@
@@color:orange; +1 cunt fucked@@
<<if $tmpRnd == 3>>\
@@color:orange;Three boys stop you outside the woods on your way to school.@@
"Hey there sexy, why don't you stop by our place? It's on the way to your school!"
"Every one of your holes is a premium cock-milker. You'd make a good escort.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\walkToSchool\blonde\walkSchoolBlonde3.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
The boys each fill you with cum and compile @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ for you.
[[Go to school|SovokaHigh]]
<<set $cameIn += 3>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $analTotal += 1>>\
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>\
@@color:orange; +3 came inside of@@
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 ass fucked@@
@@color:orange; +1 cunt fucked@@
<<if $rnd == 2>>\
@@color:orange;Two men stop you and another girl on your way to school.@@
"Look at these two little cuties. Traveling all by themselves.."
The two men throw you both on the ground and remove all your clothes, as well as apply a gag to your mouths.
"Let's find out if your mouths are good for anything."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\walkToSchool\blonde\walkSchoolBlonde4.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"You better make us cum soon or we'll keep you both out here all day!"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\walkToSchool\blonde\walkSchoolBlonde5.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"We're just going to take our recording of this home with us. You two have a good day!"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\walkToSchool\blonde\walkSchoolBlonde6.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
The men laugh as they leave a few @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ on the ground for you both.
[[Go to school|SovokaHigh]]
<<set $cameIn += 2>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 2>>\
@@color:orange; +2 came inside of@@
@@color:orange; +2 blowjobs@@
<<if $rnd == 3>>\
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,4)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
@@color:orange;A masked man stops you in the parking lot and begins groping you from behind.@@
"Hey you little slut, where you headed?"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\walkToSchool\blonde\walkSchoolBlonde7.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"Kneel down and suck my fucking cock and I won't hurt you too bad."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\walkToSchool\blonde\walkSchoolBlonde8.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"That's a good girl baby, swallow it all down.."
The man tosses you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ before sprinting away.
[[Go to school|SovokaHigh]]
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $raped += 1>>\
@@color:orange; +1 came inside of@@
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 raped@@
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>\
@@color:orange;A masked man stops you in the parking lot and begins groping you from behind.@@
"Hey you little slut, where you headed?"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\walkToSchool\blonde\walkSchoolBlonde7.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"The man places your hands on the car tire, picks you up from behind, and begins aggressively fucking your ass."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\walkToSchool\blonde\walkSchoolBlonde9.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"Are you ready for an ass full of cum baby?"
The man empties his balls into your butt and tosses you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ before sprinting away.
[[Go to school|SovokaHigh]]
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $analTotal += 1>>\
<<set $raped += 1>>\
@@color:orange; +1 came inside of@@
@@color:orange; +1 ass fucked@@
@@color:orange; +1 raped@@
<<if $tmpRnd == 3>>\
@@color:orange;A masked man stops you in the parking lot and begins groping you from behind.@@
"Hey you little slut, where you headed?"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\walkToSchool\blonde\walkSchoolBlonde7.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"Bend over bitch. I want to get inside that little pussy of yours."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\walkToSchool\blonde\walkSchoolBlonde10.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"I hope you get pregnate slut."
The man finishing cumming inside your pussy and tosses you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ before sprinting away.
[[Go to school|SovokaHigh]]
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>\
<<set $raped += 1>>\
@@color:orange; +1 came inside of@@
@@color:orange; +1 cunt fucked@@
@@color:orange; +1 raped@@
<<if $tmpRnd == 4>>\
@@color:orange;A masked man stops you in the parking lot and begins groping you from behind.@@
"You're gonna be on your knees until I fucking cum bitch. You better make it quick!"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\walkToSchool\blonde\walkSchoolBlonde8.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"Clean off my dick, now."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\walkToSchool\blonde\walkSchoolBlonde11.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"That's a good slut.."
The man tosses you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ before sprinting away.
[[Go to school|SovokaHigh]]
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $raped += 1>>\
@@color:orange; +1 came inside of@@
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 raped@@
<<if $rnd == 4>>\
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
@@color:orange;A black man sitting on a bench beckons to you as you pass by.@@
"Hey there snowbunny. Want to make some quick cash?"
The man frees his thick cock from his pants and smirks at you as you walk over.
"Make me cum baby."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\walkToSchool\blonde\walkSchoolBlonde12.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"Good girl baby, swallow down that thick load.."
The man hands you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ and walks away.
[[Go to school|SovokaHigh]]
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
@@color:orange; +1 came inside of@@
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>\
@@color:orange;A white man masturbating in the woods beckons to you as you pass by.@@
"Hey girl, like what you see? Suck me off and I'll pay."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\walkToSchool\blonde\walkSchoolBlonde13.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
The man finishes in your mouth and compliments you.
"Wow, you sure know how to suck a dick!"
The man hands you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ and exits the woodline.
[[Go to school|SovokaHigh]]
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
@@color:orange; +1 came inside of@@
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
<<if $hairColor == "brunette">>\
<<set $sceneRnd = random (1,5)>>\
<<if $sceneRnd != 5>>\
@@color:orange;You make your way to school and get there safely.@@
[[Enter school|beginSchool]]
<<elseif $sceneRnd == 5>>\
<<set $rnd = random(1,8)>>\
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
@@color:orange;A man stops you outside the woodline on your way to school, and aggressively brings you into the woods.@@
"If you want to make it to where you're headed you'll suck me off right here, now."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\walkToSchool\brunette\walkSchoolBrunette1.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"That's a good girl baby, swallow it all down.."
The man hands you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ to keep your mouth shut.
[[Go to school|SovokaHigh]]
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $cameOn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
@@color:orange; +1 came inside of@@
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
<<if $rnd == 2>>\
@@color:orange;A construction worker stops you on your way to school.@@
"Hey cutie, what's a fine girl like yourself doing all alone out here?"
"Come around the fence a minute.."
"Why don't you suck me off right here and I'll give you a little spending money.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\walkToSchool\brunette\walkSchoolBrunette2.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
You suck, lick, and deepthroat the mans dick until he bursts all over your face, covering you in cum. Relieved, he hands you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go to school|SovokaHigh]]
<<set $cameOn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
<<if $rnd == 3>>\
@@color:orange;A man riding his bike stops you on the sidewalk.@@
"I'll pay you for a quick blowjob. What do you say baby?"
"The man has you throat him in broad daylight behind his bike, before eventually unloading his full balls all over your forehead."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\walkToSchool\brunette\walkSchoolBrunette3.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
Fuck I needed that.. here's @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ for you.
[[Go to school|SovokaHigh]]
<<set $cameOn += 3>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
<<if $rnd == 4>>\
@@color:orange;A man stops you in the middle of the trail.@@
"Wow, school-girl uniforms are so hot.. Hey, can I pay you for a handjob?"
"You're so good at this! Wow!"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\walkToSchool\brunette\walkSchoolBrunette4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You jerk the mans balls out all over the ground and he gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ before leaving.
[[Go to school|SovokaHigh]]
<<set $cameOn += 1>>\
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@
<<if $rnd == 5>>\
@@color:orange;A man stops you in the middle of the trail.@@
"Wow, school-girl uniforms are so hot.. Hey, can I pay you for a handjob?"
"You're so good at this! Wow!"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\walkToSchool\brunette\walkSchoolBrunette5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You jerk the mans balls out all over your hand and he gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ before leaving.
[[Go to school|SovokaHigh]]
<<set $cameOn += 1>>\
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@
<<if $rnd == 6>>\
@@color:orange;A black man sitting on a bench as you pass by calls out to you.@@
"Hey girl, how about some big black dick for breakfast? There's some money in it for you."
"That's a good girl, work that dick baby.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\walkToSchool\brunette\walkSchoolBrunette6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
The black man unleashes his thick torrent of jizz straight into your throat before handing you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go to school|SovokaHigh]]
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
@@color:orange; +1 came inside of@@
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
<<if $rnd == 7>>\
@@color:orange;As you walk by the woods you see a man masturbating, and he calls out to you.@@
"Hey! Come here! I'll pay!"
"Yeah baby, just suck it nice and slow.. that's good.."
The man finishes cumming into your mouth and hands you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go to school|SovokaHigh]]
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
@@color:orange; +1 came inside of@@
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
<<if $rnd == 8>>\
@@color:orange;Hey sexy, want to make some quick money?@@
"Just bend over my car and when I'm done, I'll pay."
The man finishes inside you and hands you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go to school|SovokaHigh]]
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>\
@@color:orange; +1 came inside of@@
@@color:orange; +1 cunt fucked@@
<!-- START RED -->
<<if $hairColor == "red">>\
<<set $sceneRnd = random (1,5)>>\
<<if $sceneRnd != 5>>\
@@color:orange;You make your way to school and get there safely.@@
[[Enter school|beginSchool]]
<<elseif $sceneRnd == 5>>\
<<set $rnd = random(1,4)>>\
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
@@color:orange;Hey sexy, want to make some quick money?@@
"Just bend over in the trunk and I'll pay after I finish."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\walkToSchool\red\walkSchoolRed1.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
The man finishes inside your pussy and hands you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go to school|SovokaHigh]]
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>\
@@color:orange; +1 came inside of@@
@@color:orange; +1 cunt fucked@@
<<if $rnd == 2>>\
@@color:orange;Hey sexy, want to make some quick money?@@
"Just bend over in the trunk and I'll pay after I finish."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\walkToSchool\red\walkSchoolRed2.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
The man finishes on your ass and hands you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go to school|SovokaHigh]]
<<set $cameOn += 1>>\
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>\
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@
@@color:orange; +1 cunt fucked@@
<<if $rnd == 3>>\
@@color:orange;A man stops you outside an abandoned building on your way to school.@@
"Hey girly. I got some money for you if you let me cum inside that ass of yours."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\walkToSchool\red\walkSchoolRed3.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
The man finishes inside your ass and hands you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go to school|SovokaHigh]]
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $analTotal += 1>>\
@@color:orange; +1 came inside of@@
@@color:orange; +1 ass fucked@@
<<if $rnd == 4>>\
@@color:orange;As you walk by an abandoned building you get tugged inside and bent over.@@
"Shut the fuck up bitch. It's a sin to not take a cock up an ass like that daily."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\walkToSchool\red\walkSchoolRed4.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
The man finishes inside you and hands you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go to school|SovokaHigh]]
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $analTotal += 1>>\
<<set $raped += 1>>\
@@color:orange; +1 came inside of@@
@@color:orange; +1 ass fucked@@
@@color:orange; +1 raped@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>\@@color:orange;You arrive at Sovoka High School.@@
<<if ($gameDate.getHours() > 23 || $gameDate.getHours() <= 7)>>\
[[Go home to your comfortable bed|sleepCycle]]
<<elseif ($gameDate.getHours() <= 23 && $gameDate.getHours() >= 7)>>\
[[Enter school|beginSchool]]\
@@color:orange;You walk around downtown Sovoka and find that only a modeling job is currently available.@@
<<if $jobModel == false>>\
Apply to be a [[Model|introJobModel]]
[[Return to Sovoka|Sovoka]]<<if $jobModel == true>>\
<<set $jobModel = false>>\
<<set $job = "Waitress">>\
<<set $jobWaitress = true>>\
<<set $hired = true>>\
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cleanliness -= 5>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 5>>\<center>
<<if $jobWaitress == true>>\
<<set $jobWaitress = false>>\
<<set $job = "Model">>\
<<set $jobModel = true>>\
<<set $hired = true>>\
<span class="rainbow">Congratulations!</span>
You're hired in to become a Model.
The work day always ends at 2000 (8pm), and you can start whenever you like during the day.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cleanliness -= 5>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 5>>\<<set $cleanliness -= 5>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 5>>\
<<if $jobWaitress == true>>\
<<set $jobWaitress = false>>\
<<if $jobModel == true>>\
<<set $jobModel = false>>\
<<set $hired = true>>\
<<set $job = "Webcam Model">>\
<<set $jobWebModel = true>>\<<set $sceneRnd = random (1,5)>>\
<<if $sceneRnd != 5>>\
@@color:orange;You spend the entire period enjoying gym.@@
<div class="resizedVideo1">\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\gym\red\gymRed2.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +1 fitness@@
<<set $fitness += 1>>\
<<elseif $sceneRnd == 5>>\
<<set $rnd = random(1,3)>>\
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
@@color:orange;"$name, get in here, now!" Calls the coach.@@
"It's time you got a special lesson in exercise from me personally."
You spend the entire period orally gagged with your legs spread open and your cock sleeve getting pounded by the Gym coach.
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +3 came inside@@
@@color:pink; +3 Rep: School Slut@@
@@color:orange; +3 Fame@@
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
<<if $rnd == 2>>\
@@color:orange;You spend the whole period getting your face thrusted into by a boys throbbing cock.@@
"Thanks for helping me with my workout @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@."
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +3 came inside@@
@@color:pink; +3 Rep: School Slut@@
@@color:orange; +3 Fame@@
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
<<if $rnd == 3>>\
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
@@color:orange;You spend the entire period sucking off the coach in the mens shower room.@@
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\gym\red\gymRed4.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"You sure know how to suck a cock @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@."
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 came inside@@
@@color:pink; +1 Rep: School Slut@@
@@color:orange; +1 Fame@@
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>\
@@color:orange;You spend the entire period getting fucked by the coach in the mens locker room.@@
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\gym\red\gymRed5.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"You've got a tight little cunt @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@."
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +1 cunt fucked@@
@@color:orange; +1 came inside@@
@@color:pink; +1 Rep: School Slut@@
@@color:orange; +1 Fame@@
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>\
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>\
<<addhours 1>>\ <!-- Store -->\
<<if $distance == 1>>\
<<if $car == "None">>\
<<addhours 1>>\
<<elseif $car == "Eclipse">>\
<<addmins 40>>\
<<elseif $car == "Audi A4">>\
<<addmins 20>>\
<<elseif $car == "Corvette Z06">>\
<<addmins 10>>\
<<set $distance = 0>>\
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 10>>\
<<set $storeVisited = true>>\
@@color:orange;You enter a medium sized store.@@
<div class="resizedVideoStore">\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\publicPlaces\store.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<table style="width:700px">
<th style="width:175px%">Item</th>
<th style="width:175px">Cost</th>
<th style="width:250px">Actions</th>
<!-- Food -->
<<set $lastOrderFood = $foodOrder>>
<td>$5 each</td>
<td><<textbox "$foodOrder" $lastOrderFood>></td>
<td><<if $money gte 5>>Buy: [[Food|buyFood]]
Not enough money.<</if>></td></tr></tbody>
<!-- Makeup -->
<<set $lastOrderMakeup = $makeupOrder>>
<td>$8 each</td>
<td><<textbox "$makeupOrder" $lastOrderMakeup>></td>
<td> <<if $money gte 8>> Buy: [[Makeup|buyMakeup]]
Not enough money.<</if>></td></tr></tbody>
<!-- Table for clothes -->\
<table style="width:800px">
<th style="width:175px">Clothes</th>
<th style="width:175px">Cost</th>
<th style="width:250px">Buy</th>
<!-- Shirts -->
<td>$65 each</td>
<<if $money gte 65>>
<<if $top1 == false>>
<<if $top2 == false>>
<<if $top3 == false>>
<<if $top1 & $top2 & $top3 == true>>
You own all shirts.
<<else>>Not enough money.
<!-- Bras -->
<td>$90 each</td>
<<if $money gte 90>>
<<if $bra1 == false>>
<<if $bra2 == false>>
<<if $bra3 == false>>
<<if $bra1 & $bra2 & $bra3 == true>>
You own all bras.
<<else>>Not enough money.
<!-- Bottoms -->
<td>$60 each</td>
<<if $money gte 60>>
<<if $bottoms1 == false>>
<<if $bottoms2 == false>>
<<if $bottoms3 == false>>
<<if $bottoms1 & $bottoms2 & $bottoms3 == true>>
You own all bottoms.
<<else>>Not enough money.
<!-- Panties -->
<td>$100 each</td>
<<if $money gte 100>>
<<if $panties1 == false>>
<<if $panties2 == false>>
<<if $panties3 == false>>
<<if $panties1 & $panties2 & $panties3 == true>>
You own all panties.
<<else>>Not enough money.
<!-- Shoes -->
<td>$75 each</td>
<<if $money gte 75>>
<<if $shoes1 == false>>
<<if $shoes2 == false>>
<<if $shoes3 == false>>
<<if $shoes1 & $shoes2 & $shoes3 == true>>
You own all shoes.
<<else>>Not enough money.
<table style="width:600px">
<th style="width:175px%">Item</th>
<th style="width:175px">Cost</th>
<th style="width:250px">Actions</th>
<!-- Laptop -->
<td><<if $money gte 800 && $laptop == false>>[[Buy Laptop|buyLaptop]]<<elseif $laptop == true>>Already owned.<<else>>Not enough money.<</if>></td></tr></tbody>
<!-- HD Webcam -->
<td>HD Webcam</td>
<td><<if $money gte 300 && $hdWebcam == true>>[[Buy Webcam|buyWebcam]]<<else>>NOT IMPLEMENTED YET.<</if>></td></tr></tbody>
[[Exit store|Sovoka_Downtown]]
<<if $storeVisited == true>>\
[[Go Home|playerHouses][$distance to 1]]
img {
width: 90px;
max-height: 80px;
</style> <!-- Shop Laptop -->\
@@color:orange;You check out the Windows 10 laptop.@@
"Remember that only @@color:orange;Sovoka@@ has internet right now! You'll need a place to stay. Perhaps your own <i>Apartment</i>?" warns the Store Owner.
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:500px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
[[Buy|store][$money -= 800, $laptop to true, $laptopOwned to true]]
[[Don't buy|store]]
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<!-- END TABLE -->\
[[Return to Store|store]] <!-- Use Laptop -->\
@@color:orange;You log on to your laptop.@@
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:600px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
<<if $gameComplete == 0>>
[[Work on a game|laptopGameDesign]]
<<elseif $gameComplete > 0 && $gameComplete <= 100>>
[[Continue working on game|laptopGameDesign]]
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
<!-- Third TABLE SET, LEFT -->
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
[[Log off|playerHouses]]
<!-- Third TABLE SET, RIGHT -->
<<if $rent != 0>>
<<set $lastPay = $payRent>>
<<textbox "$payRent" $lastPay>>
[[Pay rent|apartmentRent]]
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<!-- END TABLE -->
postdisplay["textboxMaxlength"] = function (taskName) {
/* Limit textbox input elements to 12 characters. */
$(".macro-textbox").attr("maxlength", 12);
/* Make this a single-use task.*/
delete postdisplay[taskName];
<</script>> <!-- Buy Webcam -->\
<<set $money -= 300>>
<<set $hdWebcam = true>> <!-- Inventory shows ownership -->
You bought a HD Webcam!
[[Return to Store|store]]@@color:orange;You try on the@@ <span class="rainbow">black Ruffle-Sleeve top</span>.
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:500px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
[[Buy|store][$money -= 65, $top1 to true]]
[[Don't buy|store]]
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<!-- END TABLE -->\
[[Return to Store|store]]@@color:orange;You try on the@@ <span class="rainbow">black Lace-Trim top</span>.
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:500px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
[[Buy|store][$money -= 65, $top2 to true]]
[[Don't buy|store]]
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<!-- END TABLE -->\
[[Return to Store|store]]@@color:orange;You try on the@@ <span class="rainbow">black Ruffle-sleeve top</span>.
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:500px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
[[Buy|store][$money -= 65, $top3 to true]]
[[Don't buy|store]]
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<!-- END TABLE -->\
[[Return to Store|store]] <!-- Wardrobe -->\
<<if $houseJohns == true>>\
[[Finish changing|johnsGuestRoom]]\
<<if $houseApartment == true>>\
[[Finish changing|apartmentBedroom]]\
<h4><b><u>What you're wearing: </u></b></h4>\
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:400px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
<b>Top</b> :<br/>
<b>Bra</b> :<br/>
<b>Bottom</b> :<br/>
<b>Panties</b> :<br/>
<b>Shoes</b> :<br/>
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:600px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:right"></th>
<!-- WEARING: TOPS -->
<<if $clothesTop == "black Ruffle-Sleeve top">>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\top1.jfif]]<<endif>>
<<if $clothesTop == "black Lace-Trim top">>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\top2.jfif]]<<endif>>
<<if $clothesTop == "black Ruffle-sleeve top">>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\top3.jfif]]<<endif>>
<!-- WEARING: BRAS -->
<<if $clothesBra == "black Push-Up Plunge bra.">>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\bra1.jpg]]<<endif>>
<<if $clothesBra == "black Unlined Uplift bra">>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\bra2.jpg]]<<endif>>
<<if $clothesBra == "pink Push-Up Plunge bra.">>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\bra3.jpg]]<<endif>>
<<if $clothesBottom == "black Twill Cotton shorts">>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\bottoms1.jfif]]<<endif>>
<<if $clothesBottom == "black flounce skirt">>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\bottoms2.jfif]]<<endif>>
<<if $clothesBottom == "black Foldover Cropped Cargo pants">>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\bottoms3.jfif]]<<endif>>
<<if $clothesPanties == "black Lace & Mesh V-string panties">>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\panties1.jpg]]<<endif>>
<<if $clothesPanties == "black Velvet-trim Thong panties">>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\panties2.jpg]]<<endif>>
<<if $clothesPanties == "pink Logo-waist Thong panties">>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\panties3.jpg]]<<endif>>
<<if $clothesShoes == "knee-high black leather boots">>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\shoes1.jpg]]<<endif>>
<<if $clothesShoes == "black peep toe sandals">>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\shoes2.jpg]]<<endif>>
<<if $clothesShoes == "black Ugg sneakers">>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\shoes3.jpg]]<<endif>>
table img {
width: 100px;
max-height: 100px;
<!-- END OF TABLE -->
<h4><b><u>Clothes you can change into: </u></b></h4>
<table style="width:800px">
<th style="align:left">Item</th>
<th style="align:center">Change into</th>
<!-- Change shirts -->
<<if $top1 == true>>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\top1.jfif][changeTop1]]<<endif>>
<<if $top2 == true>>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\top2.jfif][changeTop2]]<<endif>>
<<if $top3 == true>>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\top3.jfif][changeTop3]]<<endif>>
<!-- Change bras -->
<<if $bra1 == true>>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\bra1.jpg][changeBra1]]<<endif>>
<<if $bra2 == true>>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\bra2.jpg][changeBra2]]<<endif>>
<<if $bra3 == true>>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\bra3.jpg][changeBra3]]<<endif>>
<!-- Change bottoms -->
<<if $bottoms1 == true>>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\bottoms1.jfif][changeBottoms1]]<<endif>>
<<if $bottoms2 == true>>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\bottoms2.jfif][changeBottoms2]]<<endif>>
<<if $bottoms3 == true>>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\bottoms3.jfif][changeBottoms3]]<<endif>>
<!-- Change panties -->
<<if $panties1 == true>>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\panties1.jpg][changePanties1]]<<endif>>
<<if $panties2 == true>>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\panties2.jpg][changePanties2]]<<endif>>
<<if $panties3 == true>>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\panties3.jpg][changePanties3]]<<endif>>
<!-- Change shoes -->
<<if $shoes1 == true>>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\shoes1.jpg][changeShoes1]]<<endif>>
<<if $shoes2 == true>>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\shoes2.jpg][changeShoes2]]<<endif>>
<<if $shoes3 == true>>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\shoes3.jpg][changeShoes3]]<<endif>>
img {
width: 200px;
max-height: 200px;
<<if $houseJohns == true>>\
[[Finish changing|johnsGuestRoom]]\
<<if $houseApartment == true>>\
[[Finish changing|apartmentBedroom]]\
<<endif>>\<<set $clothesTop = "black Ruffle-Sleeve top">>
You change into a <span class="rainbow">black Ruffle-Sleeve top</span>.
<<set $topOn = 1>>
[[Return to Wardrobe|Wardrobe]]<<set $clothesTop = "black Lace-Trim top">>
You change into a <span class="rainbow">black Lace-Trim top</span>.
<<set $topOn = 1>>
[[Return to Wardrobe|Wardrobe]]<<set $clothesTop = "black Ruffle-sleeve top">>
You change into a <span class="rainbow">black Ruffle-sleeve top</span>.
<<set $topOn = 1>>
[[Return to Wardrobe|Wardrobe]]<<set $clothesBra = "black Push-Up Plunge bra.">>
You change into a <span class="rainbow">black Push-Up Plunge bra</span>.
<<set $braOn = 1>>
[[Return to Wardrobe|Wardrobe]]<<set $clothesBra = "black Unlined Uplift bra">>
You change into a <span class="rainbow">black Unlined Uplift bra</span>.
<<set $braOn = 1>>
[[Return to Wardrobe|Wardrobe]]<<set $clothesBra = "pink Push-Up Plunge bra.">>
You change into a <span class="rainbow">pink Push-Up Plunge bra</span>.
<<set $braOn = 1>>
[[Return to Wardrobe|Wardrobe]]<<set $clothesBottom = "black Twill Cotton shorts">>
You put on a pair of <span class="rainbow">black Twill Cotton shorts</span>.
<<set $bottomsOn = 1>>
[[Return to Wardrobe|Wardrobe]]<<set $clothesBottom = "black flounce skirt">>
You change into a <span class="rainbow">black flounce skirt</span>.
<<set $bottomsOn = 1>>
[[Return to Wardrobe|Wardrobe]]<<set $clothesBottom = "black Foldover Cropped Cargo pants">>
You change into a pair of <span class="rainbow">black Foldover Cropped Cargo pants</span>.
<<set $bottomsOn = 1>>
[[Return to Wardrobe|Wardrobe]]<<set $clothesPanties = "black Lace & Mesh V-string panties">>
You change into a pair of <span class="rainbow">black Lace & Mesh V-string panties</span>.
<<set $pantiesOn = 1>>
[[Return to Wardrobe|Wardrobe]]<<set $clothesPanties = "black Velvet-trim Thong panties">>
You change into a pair of <span class="rainbow">black Velvet-trim Thong panties</span>.
<<set $pantiesOn = 1>>
[[Return to Wardrobe|Wardrobe]]<<set $clothesPanties = "pink Logo-waist Thong panties">>
You change into a pair of <span class="rainbow">pink Logo-waist Thong panties</span>.
<<set $pantiesOn = 1>>
[[Return to Wardrobe|Wardrobe]]<<set $clothesShoes = "knee-high black leather boots">>
You put on a pair of <span class="rainbow">knee-high black leather boots</span>.
<<set $shoesOn = 1>>
[[Return to Wardrobe|Wardrobe]]<<set $clothesShoes = "black peep toe sandals">>
You put on a pair of <span class="rainbow">black peep toe sandals</span>.
<<set $shoesOn = 1>>
[[Return to Wardrobe|Wardrobe]]<<set $clothesShoes = "black Ugg sneakers">>
You change into a pair of <span class="rainbow">black Ugg sneakers</span>.
<<set $shoesOn = 1>>
[[Return to Wardrobe|Wardrobe]]@@color:orange;You try on the@@ <span class="rainbow">black Push-Up Plunge bra</span>.
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:500px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
[[Buy|store][$money -= 90, $bra1 to true]]
[[Don't buy|store]]
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<!-- END TABLE -->\
[[Return to Store|store]]@@color:orange;You try on the@@ <span class="rainbow">black Unlined Uplift bra</span>.
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:500px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
[[Buy|store][$money -= 90, $bra2 to true]]
[[Don't buy|store]]
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<!-- END TABLE -->\
[[Return to Store|store]]@@color:orange;You try on the@@ <span class="rainbow">pink Push-Up Plunge bra</span>.
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:500px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
[[Buy|store][$money -= 90, $bra3 to true]]
[[Don't buy|store]]
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<!-- END TABLE -->\
[[Return to Store|store]]@@color:orange;You try on the@@ <span class="rainbow">black Twill Cotton shorts</span>.
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:500px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
[[Buy|store][$money -= 60, $bottoms1 to true]]
[[Don't buy|store]]
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<!-- END TABLE -->\
[[Return to Store|store]]@@color:orange;You try on the@@ <span class="rainbow">black flounce skirt</span>.
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:500px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
[[Buy|store][$money -= 60, $bottoms2 to true]]
[[Don't buy|store]]
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<!-- END TABLE -->\
[[Return to Store|store]]@@color:orange;You try on the@@ <span class="rainbow">black Foldover Cropped Cargo pants</span>.
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:500px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
[[Buy|store][$money -= 60, $bottoms3 to true]]
[[Don't buy|store]]
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<!-- END TABLE -->\
[[Return to Store|store]]@@color:orange;You try on the@@ <span class="rainbow">black Lace & Mesh V-string panties</span>.
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:500px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
[[Buy|store][$money -= 100, $panties1 to true]]
[[Don't buy|store]]
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<!-- END TABLE -->\
[[Return to Store|store]]@@color:orange;You try on the@@ <span class="rainbow">black Velvet-trim Thong panties</span>.
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:500px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
[[Buy|store][$money -= 100, $panties2 to true]]
[[Don't buy|store]]
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<!-- END TABLE -->\
[[Return to Store|store]]@@color:orange;You try on the@@ <span class="rainbow">pink Logo-waist Thong panties</span>.
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:500px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
[[Buy|store][$money -= 100, $panties3 to true]]
[[Don't buy|store]]
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<!-- END TABLE -->\
[[Return to Store|store]]@@color:orange;You try on the@@ <span class="rainbow">knee-high black leather boots</span>.
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:500px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
[[Buy|store][$money -= 75, $shoes1 to true]]
[[Don't buy|store]]
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<!-- END TABLE -->\
[[Return to Store|store]]@@color:orange;You try on the@@ <span class="rainbow">black peep toe sandals</span>.
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:500px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
[[Buy|store][$money -= 75, $shoes2 to true]]
[[Don't buy|store]]
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<!-- END TABLE -->\
[[Return to Store|store]]@@color:orange;You try on the@@ <span class="rainbow">black Ugg sneakers</span>.
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:500px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
[[Buy|store][$money -= 75, $shoes3 to true]]
[[Don't buy|store]]
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<!-- END TABLE -->\
[[Return to Store|store]]Ruffled Bow-Detail Romper = fun1
Scuba Cocktail Dress = fun2
american_apparel_skirt = fun3
Action attached to a passage change by embedding action into change brackets.
Structures of dating:
Setting the owing of Rent to John to true. Thus, you now owe rent.
$johnRent to 1;
Settings the next day of owing rent to gamedate, 7 days.
Change the value (7) to set an event to occur in that many days.
$nextRent to addDaysToDate($gameDate, 7).toDateString()
[[Agree and move in with John|playerHouses][$johnRent to 1; $nextRent to addDaysToDate($gameDate, 7).toDateString()]]
*/<p>@@color:#4AA02C;My first name is:@@ <<textbox "$name" "Masha">></p>
<p>@@color:#4AA02C;My last name is:@@ <<textbox "$nameLast" "Romanova">></p>
<<set $hairColor = "Blonde">>\
@@color:#4AA02C;My hair color is:@@
* Blonde <<radiobutton "$hairColor" "blonde" checked>>
* Brunette <<radiobutton "$hairColor" "brunette">>
* Red <<radiobutton "$hairColor" "red">>
[[Continue customization|Intro-Character2]]<<addhours 9>>\
<<adddays 2>>\
@@color:orange;You meet $johnAlias by the road and spend the majority of your ride across the country bent over with $johnAlias's dick in your mouth.@@
<<if $hairColor == "blonde">>\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\intro\blondeHitchhike.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $hairColor == "brunette">>\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\intro\brunetteHitchhike.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $hairColor == "red">>\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\intro\redHitchhike.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
After a few days of travel and countless stops, $johnAlias breaks the sound of wet cock-sucking to speak to you.
"Your blowjobs were mediocre at best, but I got a proposition for you nonetheless..."
[[Raise your head up|Intro-Home]]
<<set $oralTotal += 6>>\
@@color:orange; +6 blowjobs@@<<if $jobWaitress == false && $jobModel == false>>\
Want to become a waitress?
<<if $jobWaitress == false && $jobModel == true>>\
Quit as a model and become a waitress?
<<endif>>\@@color:orange;A man greets you as you enter the studio.@@
<<if $jobModel == false && $jobWaitress == false>>\
"Well, hello there beautiful.
You must be here about the modeling opportunity.. You're certainly fitting."
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:400px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
[[I'm interested|jobModel]]
[[I'm not interested|jobList]]
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<!-- END TABLE -->
<<if $jobModel == false && $jobWaitress == true>>\
Quit as a waitress and become a model?
img {
width: 300px;
max-height: 320px;
</style>@@color:orange;You wait until class is over and hold one of the white boys back.@@
<<if $hairColor == "blonde">>\
<<set $rnd = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
<<if $whiteKidSuck >= 3>>\
"Take it all @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@, deepthroat that dick."
"Go ahead, don't be shy. Suck it baby."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classes1.3\blonde\whiteSuckBlonde1.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"I'm gonna cum baby.. right down your throat!"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classes1.3\blonde\whiteSuckBlonde2.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
$alexAlias cums down your throat and pats you gently on the head.
"I love watching you swallow my loads @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@."
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs @@
@@color:pink; +1 Rep: School Slut.@@
@@color:orange; +1 $alexAlias sexed@@
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 1>>\
<<set $whiteKidSuck += 1>>\
<<if $rnd == 2>>\
$alexAlias smirks and lies you onto your back, and jerks off over your face while occassionally forcing you to suck him off.
"Keep your mouth open baby, I'm gonna fill it.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classes1.3\blonde\whiteSuckBlonde3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
$alexAlias cums down your throat and pats you gently on the head.
"I love watching you swallow my loads @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@."
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs @@
@@color:pink; +1 Rep: School Slut.@@
@@color:orange; +1 $alexAlias sexed@@
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 1>>\
<<set $whiteKidSuck += 1>>\
<<if $hairColor == "brunette">>\
<<set $rnd = random(1,3)>>\
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
<<if $whiteKidSuck >= 3>>\
"Yeah bitch, just let me use your little slut mouth. I'll give you what you want.."
"You're a good little cocksucking cunt baby. You're such a good girl!"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classes1.3\brunette\whiteSuckBrunette1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
$alexAlias cums down your throat and pats you gently on the head.
"I love watching you swallow my loads @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@."
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs @@
@@color:pink; +1 Rep: School Slut.@@
@@color:orange; +1 $alexAlias sexed@@
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 1>>\
<<set $whiteKidSuck += 1>>\
<<if $rnd == 2>>\
<<if $whiteKidSuck >= 3>>\
"Take that dick down your throat @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@."
"Go ahead, don't be shy. Suck it baby."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classes1.3\brunette\whiteSuckBrunette2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
$alexAlias cums down your throat and pats you gently on the head.
"I love watching you swallow my loads @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@."
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs @@
@@color:pink; +1 Rep: School Slut.@@
@@color:orange; +1 $alexAlias sexed@@
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 1>>\
<<set $whiteKidSuck += 1>>\
<<if $rnd == 3>>\
"You're such a little tease @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classes1.3\brunette\whiteSuckBrunette3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"Oh fuck yeah, suck my dick baby. Keep using your tongue like that..."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classes1.3\brunette\whiteSuckBrunette4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
$alexAlias cums down your throat and pats you gently on the head.
"I love watching you swallow my loads @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@."
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs @@
@@color:pink; +1 Rep: School Slut.@@
@@color:orange; +1 $alexAlias sexed@@
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 1>>\
<<set $whiteKidSuck += 1>>\
<<if $hairColor == "red">>\
<<set $rnd = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
<<if $whiteKidSuck >= 3>>\
"Yeah bitch, just let me use your little slut mouth. I'll give you what you want.."
"You're a good little cocksucking cunt baby. You're such a good girl!"
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:pink; +1 Rep: School Slut.@@
@@color:orange; +1 $alexAlias sexed@@
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 1>>\
<<set $whiteKidSuck += 1>>\
<<if $rnd == 2>>\
<<if $whiteKidSuck >= 3>>\
"Bend over and let me inside that little pussy baby."
"Is my cock making your toes curl little bitch? You love taking dick from behind don't you?"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classes1.3\red\whiteSuckRed2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 cunt fucked@@
@@color:pink; +1 Rep: School Slut.@@
@@color:orange; +1 $alexAlias sexed@@
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 1>>\
<<set $whiteKidSuck += 1>>\
<<if $whiteKidSuck == 5>>\
@@color:orange; You obtain $alexAlias's cellphone number.@@
"Here's my number babygirl. Hit me up sometime."
<<addhours 1>>\
<<set $cleanliness -= 5>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 5>>\<<set $distance = 1>>\
<<if $car == "None">>\
<<addhours 1>>\
<<elseif $car == "Eclipse">>\
<<addmins 30>>\
<<elseif $car == "Audi A4">>\
<<addmins 20>>\
<<elseif $car == "Corvette Z06">>\
<<addmins 10>>\
@@color:orange;"Hey $alexAlias. Want me to come over?"@@
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,3)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
"No, I have things to do today."
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>\
"Yeah baby, come on over."<br>
[[Go to|AlexWalk]] $alexAlias's
<<if $tmpRnd == 3>>\
"I have some friends over but it'd be chill if you came too."<br>
[[Go to|AlexWalk]] $alexAlias's
[[Cancel with |playerHouses]] $alexAlias@@color:orange;You walk the outer skirts of Sovoka and make your way to $alexAlias's.@@
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>\
[[Enter|AlexSolo]] $alexAlias's
<<if $tmpRnd == 3>>\
@@color:orange;"$alexAlias and Joe are upstairs. I'm down for a good blowjob if you wanna suck this big dick $name.@@
[[Play with his friend|AlexFriends]]
[[Go find|AlexNoSex]] $alexAlias
<<set $cleanliness -= 5>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 5>>\<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,3)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
@@color:orange;"Just keep looking up at me you sexy little slut.. I'm gonna cover your fucking face.."@@<br>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\Alexs\alexSolo1.webm" type="video/webm"></video><br>
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
<<set $cameOn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>\
@@color:orange;"Oh god yes.. bounce that fat ass on my dick baby!"@@<br>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\Alexs\alexSolo2.webm" type="video/webm"></video><br>
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 pussy fucked@@
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 3>>\
@@color:orange;$alexAlias leads you downstairs for some food, but you're hungry for something else..@@<br>
"Yeah dad I'll take the trash out..., no problem!"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\Alexs\alexSolo3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"You have such a tight little cunt baby! You're such a dirty cunt wanting to get fucked next to my dad."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\Alexs\alexSolo4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"Suck out every drop baby, that's a good girl.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\Alexs\alexSolo5.webm" type="video/webm"></video><br>
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 pussy fucked@@
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>\
<<set $cleanliness -= 15>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 15>>\@@color:orange;"I knew you couldn't resist sucking some good cock $name.@@
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
"Get on your knees like a little puppy baby. Let me feel that tiny mouth of yours.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\Alexs\AlexFriend1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>\
"Mmmm yeah girl, play with that dick.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\Alexs\AlexFriend2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $tmpRnd = random(3,4)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 3>>\
"Oh fuck yeah! You like getting a cock forced down your throat don't you?"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\Alexs\AlexFriend3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $tmpRnd == 4>>\
"I can't wait until I nut all over your fucking face. Keep looking up at me baby.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\Alexs\AlexFriend4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"You look even sexier with a face full of cum. You're amazing."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\Alexs\AlexFriend5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs given@@
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
<<set $cleanliness -= 15>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 15>>\@@color:orange;You go find $alexAlias and his friend upstairs, and play some games with them.@@
Eventually his friends leave.
"Hey $name, I need to cum pretty badly. Mind helping me?"
[[I have to go|playerHouses]]\
<<set $cleanliness -= 5>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 5>>\@@color:orange;You spend a portion of an hour out by the road trying to flag down cars and eventually a nearby payphone rings. You quickly answer.@@
"Hey! The names @@color:#4AA02C;$johnAlias.@@ I passed you on the road a few minutes ago and thought you really looked like you wanted to get out of the area."
"I got a spot in my truck if you're willing to give me something in return..."
@@color:#4AA02C;"Oh, by the way it was pretty dark when I drove by. What do you look like so I know I'm picking up the right person?"@@
[[Describe yourself|Intro-Character]]@@color:#4AA02C;"Okay, so let me make sure I got it right.."@@
"Your name is @@color:orange;$name $nameLast@@."
"Your hair color is @@color:orange;$hairColor@@."
[[Yes, that's me!|Intro-Hitchhike]]
[[No, I forgot what I look like..|Intro-Character]] <!-- John's Home -->\
<<if $tempSleep == true>>
<<for ($tmpI = $gameDate.getHours()); $tmpI < 7; ++$tmpI>>
<<set $tmp += 1>>
<<addhours $tmp>>
<<set $tmpI = 0>>
<<set $tmp = 0>>
<!-- End Sleep Hour Calc -->
<<for ($tmpI = $gameDate.getMinutes()); $tmpI < 60; ++$tmpI>>
<<set $tmp += 1>>
<<addmins $tmp>>
<<set $tmpI = 0>>
<<set $tmp = 0>>
<!-- End Sleep Minute Calc -->
<<set $tempSleep = false>>
<<if $cleanliness >= 30>>
<<set $cleanliness -= 30>>
<<set $cleanliness = 0>>
<<set $makeupVolume -= 30>>
/* Values which will be compare */
<<set $now to $gameDate.toDateString()>>
<<if ($johnRent is 1 && $now is $nextRent && $gameDate.getHours() >= 8)>>
<<goto [[johnRent]]>>
<<endif>> <!-- ENDIF for tempSleep check -->
<<if ($gymEnrolled == true && $now is $nextGymFee)>>
<<set $gymEnrolled = false>>
<<if ($gameDate.getHours() > 23 || $gameDate.getHours() <= 7)>>
@@color:orange;You walk up to the bathroom and get ready for bed.@@
<<goto "sleepCycle">>
<<elseif ($gameDate.getHours() <= 23 && $gameDate.getHours() >= 7)>>
@@color:orange;You stand in the doorway at $johnAlias's house.@@
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:540px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
[[Search for money|Scavenge-Johns]]<br/>
[[Visit the gloryhole|Glory-Cycler]]<br/>
[[Walk the streets|walkStreets]]<br/>
<<if $prostitutionUnlocked == true & $fame <= 499>>
[[Train as a prostitute|ProstitutionTrainer]]<br/>
<<if $prostitutionUnlocked == true & $fame >= 500>>
[[Hoe yourself out|Prostitution]]<br/>
[[Go to your room|johnsGuestRoom]]<br/>
[[Go to the living room|johnsLivingRoom]]<br/>
<<if ($hired == true) && ($gameDate.getHours() <= 19 && $gameDate.getHours() >= 8)>>[[Go to work|workCycler]]<br/><<endif>>
<<if $gymEnrolled == true && $gymHours > 0>>
[[Go to the gym|gymWorkout][$distance to 1]]
<<elseif $gymHours <= 0>>
You're too tired to workout.
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
<<if ($gameDate.getHours() <= 17 && $gameDate.getHours() >= 8)>>
<<if $classEnrolled == true && $schoolExhausted == false>>
[[Go to school|walkToSchool][$distance to 1]]<br/>
<<if ($gameDate.getHours() >= 18 && $gameDate.getHours() < 8)>>
<<if $classEnrolled == true>>
The school is closed.
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<!-- END TABLE -->
<<if ($gameDate.getHours() <= 24 && $gameDate.getHours() > 7)>>
Head to [[Sovoka|Sovoka]]<br/>
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:700px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
<span class="purple">[[Go to sleep now|sleepCycle][$sleepNow to true]]</span>
<<if $makeupVolume < 100 || $cleanliness < 100>>
<span class="purple">[[Shower and apply Makeup|showerMakeup]]</span>
<span class="purple">You don't need to shower or apply makeup.</span>
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<<set $rnd = 0>>\
<<set $tmpRnd = 0>>\
<<set $schoolHours = 0>>\
<<if $distance == 1>>\
<<if $car == "None">>\
<<addhours 1>>\
<<elseif $car == "Eclipse">>\
<<addmins 30>>\
<<elseif $car == "Audi A4">>\
<<addmins 20>>\
<<elseif $car == "Corvette Z06">>\
<<addmins 10>>\
<<set $distance = 0>>\
<<endif>>\<<addmins 15>>\
<<set $rnd = random(1,2)>>
<!-- If $rnd == 1 (You find money, no event) -->
<<if $rnd == 1>>
<<set $tmp = ($sexAppeal + $luck)>>
<<set $ranPay = random(3,10)>>
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>
<<if $payout < 10>>
<<set $payout = random(0,10)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->
<<if $payout >= 101>>
<<set $payout = random(80,100)>>
<<set $money += $payout>>
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>
@@color:orange;You search the clothes in $johnAlias's laundry room for money.@@<br><br>
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,3)>>
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 2>>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 3>>
You find @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ in a pair of his pants.<br>
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<set $luck += 1>>\
<!-- If $rnd == 2 (Event with John) -->
<<if $hairColor == "blonde" && $rnd == 2>>
<<display [[Scavenge-Johns-Check]]>>
<<if $hairColor == "brunette" && $rnd == 2>>
<<display [[Scavenge-Johns-Check]]>>
<<if $hairColor == "red" && $rnd == 2>>
<<display [[Scavenge-Johns-Check]]>>
img {
width: 440px;\
max-height: 323px;\
</style> <!-- Blonde Scavenge Johns -->\
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
"@@color:#4AA02C;$name@@! Since you want to help yourself to my money, I'm going to help myself to your mouth. Start sucking!"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBlonde\blondeScavenge1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"Mmmm yeah, here's a good load for you babygirl.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBlonde\blondeScavenge2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"Clean up all the cum like a good little slut! That's a good girl.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBlonde\blondeScavenge3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/5)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,10)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<if $payout < 10>>\
<<set $payout = random(0,10)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<set $money += $payout>>
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
$johnAlias gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange;+1 came in@@
@@color:orange;+1 blowjobs@@
<<if $rnd == 2>>\
"As long as you're going to be on your knees you might as well do something useful.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBlonde\blondeScavenge4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"That's a good girl @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@, you know what I like.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBlonde\blondeScavenge5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"Oh yeah! Swallow that cum you little whore!"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBlonde\blondeScavenge6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $cameOn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/5)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,10)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<if $payout < 10>>\
<<set $payout = random(0,10)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<set $money += $payout>>
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
$johnAlias gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange;+1 came on@@
@@color:orange;+1 blowjobs@@
<<if $rnd == 3>>\
"You're a thieving little slut@@color:#4AA02C; $name@@. I'm going to have to punish that little pussy of yours as punishment!"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBlonde\blondeScavenge7.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"Mmmm, that's a good girl.. take your load @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@."
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBlonde\blondeScavenge10.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 2>>\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBlonde\blondeScavenge11.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $cunTotal += 1>>\
<<set $cameOn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/5)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,10)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<if $payout < 10>>\
<<set $payout = random(0,10)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<set $money += $payout>>
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
$johnAlias gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange;+1 cunt fucked@@
@@color:orange;+1 came on@@
@@color:orange;+1 blowjobs@@
<<if $rnd == 4>>\
"What @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@, do you need some money? Start sucking and I'll see what I can do."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBlonde\blondeScavenge8.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"That's a good blow bitch... suck that cock.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBlonde\blondeScavenge9.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/5)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,10)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<if $payout < 10>>\
<<set $payout = random(0,10)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<set $money += $payout>>
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
$johnAlias gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange;+1 came in@@
@@color:orange;+1 blowjobs@@
<<if $rnd == 5>>\
"Yeah @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@, show me what my little cock whore can do. I want a good, sloppy blowjob today."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBlonde\blondeScavenge9.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"You're such a sexy little suck slut @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@"
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBlonde\blondeScavenge10.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 2>>\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBlonde\blondeScavenge11.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $cameOn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/5)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,10)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<if $payout < 10>>\
<<set $payout = random(0,10)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<set $money += $payout>>
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
$johnAlias gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange;+1 came on@@
@@color:orange;+1 blowjobs@@
<<if $rnd == 6>>\
"Oh, @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@! You're just in time to let me paint that cute little face with my cum. Get on your knees!"
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBlonde\blondeScavenge12.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 2>>\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBlonde\blondeScavenge13.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $cameOn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/5)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,10)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<if $payout < 10>>\
<<set $payout = random(0,10)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<set $money += $payout>>
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
"That was a huge load! Thanks! $johnAlias gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange;+1 came on@@
@@color:orange;+1 blowjobs@@
<<if $rnd == 7>>\
"Oh, @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@.. I know you were in there looking for money. Just get on your knees, bitch."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBlonde\blondeScavenge14.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"Now eat my cum like a good little whore."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBlonde\blondeScavenge15.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/5)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,10)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<if $payout < 10>>\
<<set $payout = random(0,10)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<set $money += $payout>>
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
"That's a good cum bitch. Here, take it:" @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange;+1 came in@@
@@color:orange;+1 blowjobs@@
<<if $rnd == 8>>\
"Hey @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@, why don't you help me out and I'll give you some spending money..?"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBlonde\blondeScavenge16.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"Mmmm yeah, show me why you deserve my money baby.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBlonde\blondeScavenge17.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/5)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,10)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<if $payout < 10>>\
<<set $payout = random(0,10)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
$johnAlias gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange;+1 came in@@
@@color:orange;+1 blowjobs@@
<<if $rnd == 9>>\
"As long as you're going to be on your knees you might as well do something you're good at you little bitch."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBlonde\blondeScavenge18.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"That's a good girl @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@, be daddies little cum pet.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBlonde\blondeScavenge19.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $cameOn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/5)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,10)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<if $payout < 10>>\
<<set $payout = random(0,10)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
$johnAlias gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange;+1 came on@@
@@color:orange;+1 blowjobs@@
<<if $rnd == 10>>\
"You're a thieving little slut@@color:#4AA02C; $name@@. You better swallow all this down as an apology!"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBlonde\blondeScavenge20.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/5)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,10)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<if $payout < 10>>\
<<set $payout = random(0,10)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
$johnAlias gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange;+1 came in@@
@@color:orange;+1 blowjobs@@
<<if $rnd == 11>>\
"Yeah @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@, I always knew you were just a little nympho looking to get fucked."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBlonde\blondeScavenge21.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"That's a good little cocksucker... take it down your throat.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBlonde\blondeScavenge22.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"Yeah you little cunt! Take that fucking load on your whore face!"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBlonde\blondeScavenge23.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $cameOn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/5)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,10)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<if $payout < 10>>\
<<set $payout = random(0,10)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<set $money += $payout>>
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
$johnAlias gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange;+1 came on@@
@@color:orange;+1 blowjobs@@
<<if $rnd == 12>>\
"Nothing to say? It'd sound better with a cock in your mouth, bitch."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBlonde\blondeScavenge24.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/5)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,10)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<if $payout < 10>>\
<<set $payout = random(0,10)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
$johnAlias gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange;+1 came in@@
@@color:orange;+1 blowjobs@@
<<if $rnd == 13>>\
"When will you learn @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@.. This is all you're good for.. all you deserve. You pathetic whore.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBlonde\blondeScavenge25.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/5)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,10)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<if $payout < 10>>\
<<set $payout = random(0,10)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
"That was a huge load! Thanks! $johnAlias gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange;+1 came in@@
@@color:orange;+1 blowjobs@@
<<set $tmp = 0>>\
<<set $payout = 0>>\
<<set $cleanliness -= 15>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 10>>\ <!-- Brunette Scavenge Johns -->\
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
"You thieving little whore! Get your ass onto the bed @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@. You can think about being a good girl while I pound your ass full of cock."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBrunette\brunetteScavenge1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>>
"You like getting fucked up the ass don't you slut? You probably want punished on purpose.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBrunette\brunetteScavenge2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"You're lucky I'm cumming on your ass instead of inside it bitch."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBrunette\brunetteScavenge3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $cameOn += 1>>\
<<set $analTotal += 1>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/5)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,10)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<if $payout < 10>>\
<<set $payout = random(0,10)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange;+1 came on@@
@@color:orange;+1 ass fucked@@
<<if $rnd == 2>>\
@@color:orange;In minutes $johnAlias's friend has you up against the wall, forcing taking his thick black cock deep down your throat.@@
"You like getting your little face fucked don't you bitch? Maybe I'll see about stopping by more often.."
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBrunette\brunetteScavenge4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 2>>\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBrunette\brunetteScavenge5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"Show me what a good whore does when she gets a load in her mouth; fucking swallow it, slut."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBrunette\brunetteScavenge6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"That's a good little slut..."
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/5)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,10)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<if $payout < 10>>\
<<set $payout = random(0,10)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange;+1 came in@@
@@color:orange;+1 blowjobs@@
<<if $rnd == 3>>\
"Thanks for letting me know where you where. I really needed to see your little face painted again."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBrunette\brunetteScavenge7.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $cameOn += 1>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/5)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,10)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<if $payout < 10>>\
<<set $payout = random(0,10)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange;+1 came on@@
<<if $rnd == 4>>\
"I've got a gift for you @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@."
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBrunette\brunetteScavenge8.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 2>>\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBrunette\brunetteScavenge8.webm" type="video/webm"></video>>
"You really wanted a load on your face today didn't you bitch? Haha."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBrunette\brunetteScavenge9.webm" type="video/webm"></video>>
"That's a good girl..."
<<set $cameOn += 1>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/5)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,10)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<if $payout < 10>>\
<<set $payout = random(0,10)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange;+1 came on@@
<<if $rnd == 5>>\
"How about you blow me until I cover that face and I'll give you some spending money.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBrunette\brunetteScavenge10.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"That's a good girl..."
<<set $cameOn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/5)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,10)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<if $payout < 10>>\
<<set $payout = random(0,10)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange;+1 came on@@
@@color:orange;+1 blowjobs@@
<<if $rnd == 6>>\
"It's pretty generous of me to let you suck my dick as punishment for attempting to steal.."
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBrunette\brunetteScavenge11.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 2>>\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBrunette\brunetteScavenge12.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>>
"You should get into the business of stealing cum. Haha"
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/5)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,10)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<if $payout < 10>>\
<<set $payout = random(0,10)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange;+1 came in@@
@@color:orange;+1 blowjobs@@
<<if $rnd == 7>>\
"Hey cutie, come to get some of this dick? I'm almost ready to cum, so a quick blowjob should work.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBrunette\brunetteScavenge13.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"You look even cuter with cum on your face @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@."
<<set $cameOn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/5)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,10)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<if $payout < 10>>\
<<set $payout = random(0,10)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange;+1 came on@@
@@color:orange;+1 blowjobs@@
<<if $rnd == 8>>\
"What baby, are you hungry?"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBrunette\brunetteScavenge14.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"You're pretty good at deepthroating @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@."
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/5)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,10)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<if $payout < 10>>\
<<set $payout = random(0,10)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange;+1 came in@@
@@color:orange;+1 blowjobs@@
<<if $rnd == 9>>\
"Get on your fucking knees and suck, you dumb bitch."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBrunette\brunetteScavenge15.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"Swallowing cum is all you're really good for anyway @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@. Get used to it."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBrunette\brunetteScavenge16.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"Next time swallow the rest before you start speaking to me, cum-dump."
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/5)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,10)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<if $payout < 10>>\
<<set $payout = random(0,10)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange;+1 came in@@
@@color:orange;+1 blowjobs@@
<<if $rnd == 10>>\
"Accepting your punishment - what a good girl you are."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeBrunette\brunetteScavenge17.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"There's nothing quite like fucking your throat @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@..."
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/5)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,10)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<if $payout < 10>>\
<<set $payout = random(0,10)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange;+1 came in@@
@@color:orange;+1 blowjobs@@
<<set $tmp = 0>>\
<<set $payout = 0>>\
<<set $cleanliness -= 15>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 10>>\ <!-- Red Scavenge Johns -->\
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
"@@color:#4AA02C;$name@@, crying doesn't make me feel bad. Get on the bed."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeRed\redScavenge1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/5)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,10)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<if $payout < 10>>\
<<set $payout = random(0,10)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
$johnAlias gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange;+1 came in@@
@@color:orange;+1 cunt fucked@@
<<if $rnd == 2>>\
"I'd never believe that you thieving little cunt. Get on your knees! Instead of emptying my wallet you're gonna empty my cock. Start sucking!"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeRed\redScavenge2.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"Oh yeah baby, gag on that dick. Take it deep!"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeRed\redScavenge3.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"Jerk that cum out you little slut!"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeRed\redScavenge4.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $cameOn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/5)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,10)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<if $payout < 10>>\
<<set $payout = random(0,10)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
$johnAlias gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange;+1 came on@@
@@color:orange;+1 blowjobs@@
<<if $rnd == 3>>\
"You're just a slut with sticky fingers. Get your ass onto the bed @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@. You can think about being a good girl while I pound your cunt full of cock."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeRed\redScavenge5.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"I'm going to cum right inside your pussy @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@. Maybe getting your cunt full of jizz will teach you some manners."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeRed\redScavenge6.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/5)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,10)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<if $payout < 10>>\
<<set $payout = random(0,10)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
$johnAlias gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange;+1 came in@@
@@color:orange;+1 cunt fucked@@
<<if $rnd == 4>>\
"That's right baby. Show me you're sorry."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeRed\redScavenge7.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/5)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,10)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<if $payout < 10>>\
<<set $payout = random(0,10)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
$johnAlias gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange;+1 came in@@
@@color:orange;+1 blowjobs@@
<<if $rnd == 5>>\
"That's right baby, lick my balls.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeRed\redScavenge8.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"That was a good warmup @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@. Now get on the bed and bend over."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeRed\redScavenge9.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/5)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,10)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<if $payout < 10>>\
<<set $payout = random(0,10)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
$johnAlias gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange;+1 came in@@
@@color:orange;+1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange;+1 cunt fucked@@
<<if $rnd == 6>>\
"Why didn't you just say so? Here, I'm gonna record you sucking my dick. My friends will enjoy it."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeRed\redScavenge10.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"I bet my friends would like to fuck this little pussy too @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@. You'd like that, wouldn't you?"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeRed\redScavenge11.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/5)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,10)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<if $payout < 10>>\
<<set $payout = random(0,10)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
$johnAlias gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange;+1 came in@@
@@color:orange;+1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange;+1 cunt fucked@@
<<if $rnd == 7>>\
"Oh @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@, you were expecting me? I was expecting to dump this thick load of cum straight on your face. Let's work something out..."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeRed\redScavenge12.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $cameOn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/5)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,10)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<if $payout < 10>>\
<<set $payout = random(0,10)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
$johnAlias gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange;+1 came on@@
@@color:orange;+1 blowjobs@@
<<if $rnd == 8>>\
"@@color:#4AA02C;$name@@, you're gonna have to suck your way out of this one..."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeRed\redScavenge13.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"What a good little bitch you are... Here's some money."
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/5)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,10)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<if $payout < 10>>\
<<set $payout = random(0,10)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
$johnAlias gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange;+1 came in@@
@@color:orange;+1 blowjobs@@
<<if $rnd == 9>>\
"So @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@, you ever seen a big black cock before?"
$johnAlias's friend pushes you down onto your knees and pulls his dick out of his boxers.
"I want to see you gag on it baby."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeRed\redScavenge14.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"Now swallow it all down @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@... good girl."
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/5)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,10)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<if $payout < 10>>\
<<set $payout = random(0,10)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
$johnAlias gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange;+1 came in@@
@@color:orange;+1 blowjobs@@
<<if $rnd == 10>>\
"Keep drooling baby.. let it get nice and wet.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeRed\redScavenge15.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"Now swallow it all down @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@... good girl."
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/5)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,10)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<if $payout < 10>>\
<<set $payout = random(0,10)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
$johnAlias gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange;+1 came in@@
@@color:orange;+1 blowjobs@@
<<if $rnd == 11>>\
"I appreciate you being honest @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@. Now honestly, I want you to just suck the head of my cock until I fill that little mouth with cum. Got it?"
<div class="resizedVideo1">\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\scavenge\scavengeRed\redScavenge16.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"That's a good girl..."
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/5)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,10)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<if $payout < 10>>\
<<set $payout = random(0,10)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
$johnAlias gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange;+1 came in@@
@@color:orange;+1 blowjobs@@
<<set $tmp = 0>>\
<<set $payout = 0>>\
<<set $cleanliness -= 15>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 10>>\ <!-- Blonde Gloryhole -->\
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
"Ahh yeah, that's a good girl. Suck that dick.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\gloryhole\blondeGloryhole\blondeGlory3.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 2>>\
The man moans loudly as you suck and stroke him.
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\gloryhole\blondeGloryhole\blondeGlory1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You play with and savor the mans cum load in your little mouth.
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\gloryhole\blondeGloryhole\blondeGlory2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/3)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,6)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<set $noPay = random(1,20)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<if $noPay == 1>>\
<<set $payout = 0>>\
You were stiffed! You receive @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>\
<<if $payout <= 12>>\
<<set $welfarePay = random(13,23)>>\
<<set $payout = $welfarePay>>\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
<<if $payout >= 2>>\
You find @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ have been slid under your door.
<<elseif $payout == 1>>\
You find @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollar@@ has been slid under the door.
<<set $tmp = 0>>\
<<set $tmpRnd = 0>>\
<<set $rnd = 0>>\
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 10>>\
<<set $gloryVisited += 1>>\ <!-- Brunette Gloryhole -->\
<<set $rnd = random(1,11)>>\
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"Keep sucking baby.. empty my balls.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
You stroke, suck, and lick the mans cock in an aggressive manner..
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
You work the mans dick with your small hands and soft lips..
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\gloryhole\brunetteGloryhole\brunetteGlory1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $rnd == 2>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
The man moans as you blow him and especially as he busts his thick load into your mouth.
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
As the man groans and begins cumming, you repeatedly stroke every last drop of his cum onto your tongue.
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
The man moans in agonizing pleasure through the gloryhole wall until you feel his jizz plastering your tongue and throat.
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\gloryhole\brunetteGloryhole\brunetteGlory2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $rnd == 3>>\
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"Ahh yeah, that's a good girl. Suck that dick.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
You stroke, suck, and lick the mans cock in an aggressive manner..
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
You work the mans dick with your small hands and soft lips..
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\gloryhole\brunetteGloryhole\brunetteGlory1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 2>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"Ahh yeah, that's a good girl. Suck that dick.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Keep jerking it like that, come on.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
The man moans in agonizing pleasure through the gloryhole wall.
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\gloryhole\brunetteGloryhole\brunetteGlory2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
Ensuring cum doesn't go to waste, you secure the last drops with your lips.
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
You play with and savor the mans cum load in your little mouth.
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
You lap up the remaining cum with your bottom lip.
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\gloryhole\brunetteGloryhole\brunetteGlory3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $rnd == 4>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
A female stranger helps you milk the cum from the black mans cock you're sucking..
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Jerk that cum out into your mouths you little sluts. Swallow it all down.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
The woman who got into your stall with you helps you milk the mans thick load into your mouth.
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\gloryhole\brunetteGloryhole\brunetteGlory4.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $rnd == 5>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"Fuck yeah baby deepthroat that big white cock.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
You cover the mans dick in saliva and pre-cum before making a sincere effort to throat at least half of his length.
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
The man quickly blows his thick load into your stomach as you begin deep-throating most of his throbbing shaft.
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\gloryhole\brunetteGloryhole\brunetteGlory5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $rnd == 6>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
A man bursts through the stall door and tilts your head back, blowing his throat straight into your mouth.
"The moment I saw you I knew I wanted to see your tongue covered in my cum. Thanks slut!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
A man lets himself into your stall and forces you to suck him off instead of using the gloryhole; forcing you to swallow his cum.
"I just had to see that little face of yours as I nut straight into your tiny mouth. Much better than using the gloryhole. Thanks slut!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
Before you can wrap your lips around the dick hanging through the gloryhole, a man pushes the stall door open and blows his load into your mouth.
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<<elseif $rnd == 7>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
You use your soft cum-covered hands to jerk off the mans dick before eating the cum he squirts onto your face.
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
The man moans loudly through the gloryhole as you milk his saliva covered shaft with your soft hands.
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
You jerk every last drop out of the mans cock, letting his cum covered your fingers and face before eating every glob and moving on.
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\gloryhole\brunetteGloryhole\brunetteGlory7.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $rnd == 8>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"You really know how to work a dick baby. Keep stroking that cum out.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
You happily continue jerking every drop of jizz out as you bask in the cum covering your lips and face.
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
The man tells you he wants you to continue stroking him off, promising money if you do.
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\gloryhole\brunetteGloryhole\brunetteGlory8.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $rnd == 9>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
After blowing the strangers cock with your mouth, you slowly jerk and squeeze the cum straight out of his dick before licking it up.
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"I can hear you eating my cum over there baby. I hope you don't get addicted too quickly."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
You finish squeezing the last drops of cum from the strangers dick and bask in the euphoria of eating his cum.
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\gloryhole\brunetteGloryhole\brunetteGlory9.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $rnd == 10>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"Deepthroat that big dick you little slut. All the way down to my balls.." demands the stranger with his dick in your mouth.
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
You kiss, lick, and suck the strangers cock as it hangs through the gloryhole before you.
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"I saw you go in there baby. Show me how tight that little throat is and how hungry you are for a thick, creamy load of hot jizz.."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\gloryhole\brunetteGloryhole\brunetteGlory10.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
You bask in the euphoria of the stranger coming all over your face, lips, and into your mouth. His moaning only turning you on more..
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
The man begins cumming into your mouth and all over your face, moaning loudly through the wall as you stroke the cum from his thick shaft.
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
The stranger grunts and moans as his dick pulses and his balls empty all over your face, being pleasured and relieved by you.
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\gloryhole\brunetteGloryhole\brunetteGlory11.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $rnd == 11>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"Ahh yeah, that's a good girl. Suck that dick.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
You make your best effort to suck the strangers cock and make him cum into your throat.
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
The man moans in agonizing pleasure through the gloryhole wall.
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\gloryhole\brunetteGloryhole\brunetteGlory12.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<endif>> <!-- END $RND CONTENT -->\
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
<<elseif $rnd == 2>>\
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
<<elseif $rnd == 3>>\
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 3>>\
<<elseif $rnd == 4>>\
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
<<elseif $rnd == 5>>\
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
<<elseif $rnd == 6>>\
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 3>>\
<<elseif $rnd == 7>>\
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
<<elseif $rnd == 8>>\
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
<<elseif $rnd == 9>>\
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
<<elseif $rnd == 10>>\
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 3>>\
<<elseif $rnd == 11>>\
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
<!-- START PAY -->\
<<set $tmp = $sexAppeal + ($oralTotal/3) + ($fame/5)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,6)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<set $noPay = random(1,20)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<if $noPay == 1>>\
<<set $payout = 0>>\
You were stiffed! You receive @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>\
<<if $payout <= 12>>\
<<set $welfarePay = random(13,23)>>\
<<set $payout = $welfarePay>>\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
<<if $payout >= 2>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
You find @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ have been slid under your door.
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
You find @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ stuffed through the gloryhole.
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
The man pushes @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ through the gloryhole.
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<<elseif $payout == 1>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
You find @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ have been slid under your door.
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
You find @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ stuffed through the gloryhole.
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
The man pushes @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ through the gloryhole.
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<<set $tmp = 0>>\
<<set $tmpRnd = 0>>\
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 10>>\
<<set $gloryVisited += 1>>\ <!-- Red Gloryhole -->\
<<set $rnd = random(1,3)>>\
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
"Ahh yeah, that's a good girl. Suck that dick.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\gloryhole\redGloryhole\redGlory1.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 2>>\
The man moans loudly as you suck and stroke him.
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\gloryhole\redGloryhole\redGlory2.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
You play with and savor the mans cum load in your little mouth.
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\gloryhole\redGloryhole\redGlory3.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $rnd == 2>>\
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
You work to take the mans entire length down your throat.
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\gloryhole\redGloryhole\redGlory4.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 2>>\
"Suck and stroke baby, just like that.." says the stranger.
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\gloryhole\redGloryhole\redGlory5.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
You take the mans cum load entirely into your mouth.
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\gloryhole\redGloryhole\redGlory6.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $rnd == 3>>\
After a while, you let the man fuck your pussy from behind until he's ready to burst down your throat.
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\gloryhole\redGloryhole\redGlory1.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/3)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,6)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<set $noPay = random(1,20)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<if $noPay == 1>>\
<<set $payout = 0>>\
You were stiffed! You receive @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>\
<<if $payout <= 12>>\
<<set $welfarePay = random(13,23)>>\
<<set $payout = $welfarePay>>\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
<<if $payout >= 2>>\
You find @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ have been slid under your door.
<<elseif $payout == 1>>\
You find @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollar@@ has been slid under the door.
<<set $tmp = 0>>\
<<set $tmpRnd = 0>>\
<<set $rnd = 0>>\
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 10>>\
<<set $gloryVisited += 1>>\/*
Date & Time Widget Setup
window.GameDays to [
"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"
window.GameMonths to [
"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
"Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"
/* params: year , month(0-based) , day , hour(24H) , minute [, second ] */
$gameDate to new Date(2018, 0, 1, 1, 0);
/* e.g. Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute */
Date & Time Advancement Widget Definitions
/* Adds the specified number of minutes. */
<<widget "addmins">>\
<<run $gameDate.setMinutes($gameDate.getMinutes() + $args[0])>>\
/* Adds the specified number of hours. */
<<widget "addhours">>\
<<run $gameDate.setHours($gameDate.getHours() + $args[0])>>\
/* Adds the specified number of days. */
<<widget "adddays">>\
<<run $gameDate.setHours($gameDate.getHours() + $args[0] * 24)>>\
Date & Time Printing Widget Definitions
/* Prints the current date ("{weekday} {month} {day}, {year}"). */
<<widget "date">>\
<<print String.format("{0} {1} {2}, {3}",
/* Prints the current time (12H). */
<<widget "time12hr">>\
<<if $gameDate.getHours() eq 0>>\
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gt 12>>\
<<print $gameDate.getHours() - 12>>\
<<print $gameDate.getHours()>>\
<<if $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 10>>0<</if>><<print $gameDate.getMinutes()>> \
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 12>>PM<<else>>AM<</if>>\
/* Prints the current time (24H). */
<<widget "time24hr">>\
<<if $gameDate.getHours() lt 10>>0<</if>><<print $gameDate.getHours()>>:\
<<if $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 10>>0<</if>><<print $gameDate.getMinutes()>>\
/* Prints the current date and time (12H). */
<<widget "datetime">><<date>> <<time12hr>> (<<time24hr>>)<</widget>><<if $johnRentFood != 0>>\
@@color:orange;"I'm here for my rent money, plus food costs. Pay up!"@@
You owe @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$rent@@ dollars total for rent + the cost of $johnAlias's food at @@color:#4AA02C;$15@@ per day.
<<if $johnRentFood == 0>>\
@@color:orange;"I'm here for the rent money. Do you have it?"@@
You owe @@color:#4AA02C;$rent@@ dollars.
<<if $money >= $rent>>\
[[Pay in full|payRentJohn]]
<<elseif $money < $rent & $money > 0>>\
[[Pay partially|payRentJohn]]
[[Don't pay|noRentJohn]]<<if $money >= $rent>>\
@@color:orange;"That's a good girl, paying in full."@@
<<set $money -= $rent>>
<<if $rent < 100>>\
<<set $rnd = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
<<elseif $rnd == 2>>\
<<elseif $rent >= 100 && $rent < 200>>\
<<elseif $rent >= 200 && $rent < 500>>\
<<set $rnd = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
<<elseif $rnd == 2>>\
<<elseif $rent >= 500 && $rent < 1000>>\
<<elseif $rent >= 1000>>\
<<endif>> <!-- END MONEY IMAGES -->\
$johnAlias collects the rent money of @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$rent@@ dollars.
<<set $rent to 400>>\
<<elseif $money < $rent>>\
@@color:orange;"There won't be any interest this time, but you better get the rest soon."@@
<<if $money < 100>>\
<<set $rnd = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
<<elseif $rnd == 2>>\
<<elseif $money >= 100 && $money < 200>>\
<<elseif $money >= 200 && $money < 500>>\
<<set $rnd = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
<<elseif $rnd == 2>>\
<<elseif $money >= 500 && $money < 1000>>\
<<elseif $money >= 1000>>\
<<endif>> <!-- END MONEY IMAGES -->\
<<set $rent -= $money>>\
<<set $rent = ($rent + 400)>>\
$johnAlias collects @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$money@@ dollars worth of rent from you.
<<set $money = 0>>\
[[Continue your day|playerHouses][$nextRent to addDaysToDate($gameDate, 7).toDateString()]]
<<set $johnRentFood = 0>>\
<<set $daysTilRent = 7>>\<<set $rent += 500>>\
@@color:orange;"Really bitch? You owe me that cunt for the trouble! Plus there's interest!"@@
<<if $hairColor == "blonde">>\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\noRentBlonde.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $hairColor == "brunette">>\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\noRentBrunette.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $hairColor == "red">>\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\noRentRed.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
$johnAlias fucks your little pussy until he empties his thick balls all over your ass.
"I expect @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$rent@@ dollars next time slut."
[[Continue your day|playerHouses][$nextRent to addDaysToDate($gameDate, 7).toDateString()]]
@@color:orange;+1 pussy fucked@@
@@color:orange;+1 came on@@
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>\
<<set $cameOn += 1>>\
<<set $johnRentFood = 0>>\
<<set $daysTilRent = 7>>\ <!-- Sleep Cycle -->\
<<if $sleepNow == true>>
<<for ($tmpI = $gameDate.getHours()); $tmpI < 24; ++$tmpI>>
<<set $tmp += 1>>
<<addhours $tmp>>
<<set $sleepNow = false>>
<<set $distance = 0>>\
<<if $houseJohns == true>>\
@@color:orange;You're too tired to explore. You arrive at the bed $johnAlias is lending you.@@
Fall onto the bed and [[sleep|playerHouses]].
<!-- Below we add $15 for every time user sleeps w/o food -->
<<if $food == 0>>\
<<set $johnRentFood += 1>>\
<<set $rent = $rent + 15>>\
<<if $cumAddiction >= 1>>\
You eat some food from the kitchen and it lowers your @@color:#FF4C4C;cum addiction@@ by 1.
<<set $cumAddiction -= 1>>\
<<elseif $food >= 1>>\
<<set $food -= 1>>\
<<if $cumAddiction >= 1>>\
The swallowing of food lowers your @@color:#FF4C4C;cum addiction@@ by 1.
<<set $cumAddiction -= 1>>\
<<if $houseApartment == true>>\
@@color:orange;You're too tired to explore. You arrive at your bed.@@
<!-- Below we add for every time user sleeps w/o food -->
<<if $food == 0>>\
You order a pizza for @@color:#4AA02C;$10@@ before bed since you don't have any food.
<<set $rent = $rent + 10>>\
<<elseif $food >= 1>>\
<<set $food -= 1>>\
Snuggle into bed and [[sleep|playerHouses]].
<<if $cumAddiction >= 1>>\
The swallowing of food lowers your @@color:#FF4C4C;cum addiction@@ by 1.
<<set $cumAddiction -= 1>>\
<<set $tempSleep = true>>\
<<set $gymHours = 3>>
<<set $tmpI = 0>>\
<<set $tmp = 0>>\
<<set $schoolExhausted = false>>\
img {
width: 500px;
max-height: 560px;
<<set $daysTilRent -= 1>>\@@color:orange;You head up to the guest room.@@
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:540px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
Change your [[clothes|Wardrobe]].<br/>
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<!-- END TABLE -->
[[Go downstairs|playerHouses]] <!-- Walk Streets Blonde -->\
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
@@color:orange;The two boys lead you into one of their houses.@@
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,4)>>
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"You like having dicks popping out of your cheeks huh..?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Does it feel good having your mouth used by two guys at once?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"You're a natural at this baby. Did you have brothers?"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\blonde\set1\blondeStreets1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $oralTotal += 2>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"In and out.. that's right.. you're a good girl.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Does it feel good having your mouth used by two guys at once?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"You're a natural at this baby. Did you have brothers?"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\blonde\set1\blondeStreets2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $oralTotal += 2>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 3>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"Two guys one slut..."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Does it feel good having your mouth used by two guys at once?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"You're a natural at this baby. Did you have brothers?"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\blonde\set1\blondeStreets3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $oralTotal += 2>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 4>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"I wonder how many loads you've gotten up this tight ass of yours..."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"How many times have you found yourself in this position? Daily?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"You're a natural at this baby."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\blonde\set1\blondeStreets4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $analTotal += 1>>\
<!-- Video below is attached to all sets above -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"You're pretty good at taking dick baby. Let's see how you take cum though.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"You're nothing but a cum rag, bitch.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"Don't tell us you don't like cum baby.."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\blonde\set1\blondeStreets5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $cameOn += 2>>\
<<set $fame += 2>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/3)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,6)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<set $noPay = random(1,20)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<if $noPay == 1>>\
<<set $payout = 0>>
You were stiffed! You receive @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>\
<<if $payout <= 12>>\
<<set $welfarePay = random(13,23)>>\
<<set $payout = $welfarePay>>\
<<set $money += $payout>>
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
You're handed @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<if $tmpRnd == 4>>\
@@color:orange; +1 butt fucked@@
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
<<elseif $tmpRnd != 4>>\
@@color:orange; +2 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +2 came on@@
@@color:orange; +2 fame@@
<!-- END rnd 1 -->\
<<if $rnd == 2>>\
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,4)>> <!-- If 1, adds the 3rd video -->\
@@color:orange;The boy brings you into his house.@@
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"Let me feel how tight that throat is baby."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Yeah bitch, take that cock!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"You must get face-fucked a lot if you don't even have a gag reflex.."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\blonde\set1\blondeStreets6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"That's a good girl, suck my dick.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"You've got cum on your nose baby. It makes you look cuter."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"Keep looking up at me baby. Watch my face as I fuck your throat."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\blonde\set1\blondeStreets7.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>
@@color:orange;The boys flat-mate enters the bathroom with you both.@@
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"Let's give the good cocksucker a warm bath to clean up!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Look at you smiling. You've got a thing for getting piss in your mouth don't you?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"You've been a great little slut baby. You should be proud!"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\blonde\set1\blondeStreets8.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $pissedOn += 2>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/3)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,6)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<set $noPay = random(1,20)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<if $noPay == 1>>
<<set $payout = 0>>\
You were stiffed! You receive @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>\
<<if $payout <= 12>>\
<<set $welfarePay = random(13,23)>>\
<<set $payout = $welfarePay>>\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
You're handed @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameOn += 2>>\
<<set $fame += 2>>\
@@color:orange; +2 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +2 came on@@
@@color:orange; +2 fame@@
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
@@color:orange; +2 pissed on@@
<!-- END rnd 2 -->\
<<if $rnd == 3>>\
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,4)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
@@color:orange;The man brings you into his house and guides your head onto his cock.@@
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"Okay you little whore, get to work on sucking that dick!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"That collar makes you look like a good little doggy. Show me if it's true."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"Show me how a good little slut sucks cock baby."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\blonde\set2\blondeStreets1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"That's a good slut, take that cock!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"You've got a tight little throat! It's just meant for taking dick.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"You must have sucked a lot of dick to get rid of that gag reflex.."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\blonde\set2\blondeStreets2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"What a dirty fucking cunt you are.. little cum slut."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Cum is the only makeup you'll ever need baby."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"You're a nasty little whore. We need more girls to be like you."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\blonde\set2\blondeStreets12.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/3)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,6)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<set $noPay = random(1,20)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<if $noPay == 1>>\
<<set $payout = 0>>
You were stiffed! You receive @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>\
<<if $payout <= 12>>\
<<set $welfarePay = random(13,23)>>\
<<set $payout = $welfarePay>>\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
You're handed @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameOn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>\
@@color:orange;The man bends you over his couch and slides his thick cock straight into your tiny ass.@@
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"I can't believe you came with me to get your butt fucked. You must be a nasty little bitch.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"You've got one of the tightest asses I've ever put my dick into baby.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"You're a dumb little butt-slut aren't you. You just take it like the whore you are.."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\blonde\set2\blondeStreets3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"Does the dumb little blonde bitch like getting her butt fucked?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"How much cum do you think you could take in your ass in one night baby?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"In my experience, blondes always have the tightest asses. I can't wait to fill yours with cum.."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\blonde\set2\blondeStreets6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"You're used to taking it up your little butt aren't you bitch?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Look at your sloppy fucking face. You were meant to be used. A perfect cumdump."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"Are you ready to get your ass filled with cum, slut?"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\blonde\set2\blondeStreets8.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/3)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,6)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<set $noPay = random(1,20)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<if $noPay == 1>>\
<<set $payout = 0>>
You were stiffed! You receive @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>\
<<if $payout <= 12>>\
<<set $welfarePay = random(13,23)>>\
<<set $payout = $welfarePay>>\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
You're handed @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $analTotal += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
@@color:orange; +1 butt fucked@@
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<if $tmpRnd == 3>>\
@@color:orange;The man lies you onto your back and begins aggressively facefucking your oral cunt.@@
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"Gag on it, cunt."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"You're going to look beautiful with a face full of cum and saliva baby. You should take some 'selfies'!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"You must be right at home getting your face fucked like this huh bitch?"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\blonde\set2\blondeStreets4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"You sloppy little slut.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"You've got an amazing little throat baby. I bet you've taken gallons of cum down into your stomach.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"Sloppy, sloppy whore... The boys at school must have you fucked daily."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\blonde\set2\blondeStreets7.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"Covered in cum like a proper bitch."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Nothing looks better than a dumb blonde bitch with a face covered in cum."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"I'm going to send you home like this bitch. See if you get lucky finding some more dick on your way back."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\blonde\set2\blondeStreets5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/3)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,6)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<set $noPay = random(1,20)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<if $noPay == 1>>\
<<set $payout = 0>>
You were stiffed! You receive @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>\
<<if $payout <= 12>>\
<<set $welfarePay = random(13,23)>>\
<<set $payout = $welfarePay>>\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
You're handed @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameOn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<if $tmpRnd == 4>>\
@@color:orange;The man forces you to spit onto his hands, and proceeds to smear it all over your face before sliding his dick into your mouth.@@
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"We've got to get you prettied up baby."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Nothing looks cuter on a little slut than a face caked in cum."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"A sloppy face and a sloppy mouth makes for the best sloppy blowjobs."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\blonde\set2\blondeStreets9.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"Keep sucking you little whore.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"I bet you suck all the boys cock don't you bitch?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"You're a good little cock-sucker baby. You're so eager to throat that dick.."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\blonde\set2\blondeStreets11.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"Yeah baby.. you know just how to work a dick.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Keep jerking it you little whore.. you'll get your reward soon enough.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"You're a sloppy little bitch aren't you. You probably don't even food, just cum."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\blonde\set2\blondeStreets10.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/3)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,6)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<set $noPay = random(1,20)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<if $noPay == 1>>\
<<set $payout = 0>>
You were stiffed! You receive @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>\
<<if $payout <= 12>>\
<<set $welfarePay = random(13,23)>>\
<<set $payout = $welfarePay>>\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
You're handed @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<!-- END rnd 3 -->\
<<if $rnd == 4>>\
@@color:orange;A man appears from the shadows as you stop near a semi-truck.@@
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"What are you doing out here all alone baby?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Looking for some dick to curb your cravings baby?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"It's not safe for a cutie like you to be out here at night. All sorts of men would want to make you suck their cocks..."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\blonde\set3\blondeStreets1.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"Wow bitch, you have such a tight little cunt.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Does your little monkey toy like watching you take dick baby? With an ass like this he must see a show rather often.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"See what happens when you go walking around by yourself? You might just get bent over and a cock shoved into your cunt.."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\blonde\set3\blondeStreets2.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"Swallow that jizz, slut.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Take it all baby.. show me how good you are.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"Just what you wanted isn't it cutie? A big, gooey load of cum for your nightly snack.."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\blonde\set3\blondeStreets3.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/3)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,6)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<set $noPay = random(1,20)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<if $noPay == 1>>
<<set $payout = 0>>\
You were stiffed! You receive @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>\
<<if $payout <= 12>>\
<<set $welfarePay = random(13,23)>>\
<<set $payout = $welfarePay>>\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
You're handed @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 pussy fucked@@
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<!-- END rnd 4 -->\
<<if $rnd == 5>>\
@@color:orange;A man stops you on the street and asks if you're up for making some money with your body.@@
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"There you go baby, milk that dick with your pussy... that's a good girl."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Fuck you know how to ride a dick! Milk that cum out you little slut!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"I knew you'd be worth it the second I saw your tight little ass walking down the street.."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\blonde\set4\blondeStreets1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"Yeah, daddy has a dessert for you baby. A good load of thick, white cream.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"I'm going to rub it all over your cheeks then feed it to you with my cock.. You'll swallow every drop.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"Take my cum little whore! It's all for you.."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\blonde\set4\blondeStreets2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/3)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,6)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<set $noPay = random(1,20)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<if $noPay == 1>>
<<set $payout = 0>>\
You were stiffed! You receive @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>\
<<if $payout <= 12>>\
<<set $welfarePay = random(13,23)>>\
<<set $payout = $welfarePay>>\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
You're handed @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameOn += 1>>\
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
@@color:orange; +1 pussy fucked@@
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<!-- END rnd 5 -->\
<<if $rnd == 6>>\
@@color:orange;A man stops you on the street and asks for a blowjob. He also asks for your name.@@
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"You've got some nice tits $name."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"There you go baby, stroke that dick.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"I can't wait to feel your mouth wrapped around that big cock $name."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\blonde\set5\blondeStreets1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"Yeah, suck it girl. Get it nice and deep into your throat."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Keep it nice and wet $name. I want to hear those wet sloppy slurping sounds as you suck."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"Don't forget to play with those balls $name. You might as well suck on them while you're at it."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\blonde\set5\blondeStreets2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"Jerk it all out baby; all over your face. Get every drop out.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Earn that money slut. Get that cum out of there!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"You like sucking dick in public don't you $name? You're a dirty little cock-sucking whore aren't you?"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\blonde\set5\blondeStreets3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/3)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,6)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<set $noPay = random(1,20)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<if $noPay == 1>>
<<set $payout = 0>>\
You were stiffed! You receive @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>\
<<if $payout <= 12>>\
<<set $welfarePay = random(13,23)>>\
<<set $payout = $welfarePay>>\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
The man hands you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameOn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<!-- END rnd 6 -->\
<<if $rnd == 7>>\
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,3)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
@@color:orange;A man grabs you in the alley and puts tape over your mouth while wrapping your arms, legs, and feet.@@
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"Walking around all alone little girl? Let me fix that by putting some kids in your little pussy for you."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Little sluts like you are only good for being fucked and bred little bitch."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"If I catch you around here again all alone I'll make sure your little cunt doesn't stay this tight for long.."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\blonde\set6\blondeStreets1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"Don't let too many men wear out that tiny mouth before I see you next cutie!"
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>\
<<set $raped += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 pussy fucked@@
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 raped@@
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>\
@@color:orange;A man grabs you in the alley and puts tape over your mouth while wrapping your arms, legs, and feet.@@
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"You should be happy a tiny little ass like yours gets to enjoy a big throbbing cock baby."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"You're a little butt-fucked whore aren't you? Just a useless fuck toy walking around my city waiting to get raped."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"You think if I leave you here with a butt full of cum that they hobos will come take turns on you too? You'd like that wouldn't you?"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<div class="resizedVideo1">\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\blonde\set6\blondeStreets2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
The man finishes in your throat and pulls the tape off your hands and arms before running off.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $analTotal += 1>>\
<<set $raped += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 butt fucked@@
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 raped@@
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<if $tmpRnd == 3>>\
@@color:orange;A man grabs you in the alley and wraps your arms, legs, and feet with a belt and rope.@@
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"You cute little dumb slut. You've never had a cock this big before have you?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"This dick is almost as big as your head! I'm suprised some old guy hasn't made you his personal little bitch yet."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"Want me to cum up your little nose baby? Maybe right into your eyes if you're bad. You better suck every drop out.."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<div class="resizedVideo1">\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\blonde\set6\blondeStreets3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"Keep your mouth open slut!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Fucking gag on that cock. I want my cum to coat your entire throat as it slides down into your tiny little stomach.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"You'd make a great town cock-sucker you know that? Throughout the day and night men would come line up to blow their loads down your throat.."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<div class="resizedVideo1">\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\blonde\set6\blondeStreets4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"Thanks for the blowjob you little slut!"
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $raped += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 raped@@
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<!-- END rnd 7 -->\
<<if $rnd == 8>>\
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,3)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
@@color:orange;As you walk through the city, a tall black man stops you and asks for oral sex.@@
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"I'll do the work bitch, you just take it."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"You've got a tight little throat babygirl. Perfect for big black cocks like mine!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"Your little face was made for getting throat-fucked. You've got a nice little ass on your too girl."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<div class="resizedVideo">\
<video width="380" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\blonde\set7\blondeStreets1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/3)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,6)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<set $noPay = random(1,20)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<if $noPay == 1>>
<<set $payout = 0>>\
You were stiffed! You receive @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>\
<<if $payout <= 12>>\
<<set $welfarePay = random(13,23)>>\
<<set $payout = $welfarePay>>\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
The man tosses you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>\
@@color:orange;As you walk through the city, a tall black man stops you and asks for oral sex.@@
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"Lick and suck on those big black balls baby. Keep them nice and wet."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Get in there bitch. Don't be shy. I want those lips wrapped around that big black nutsack.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"That's a good blonde bitch. Get that baby batter extra warm for when I bust it down your throat.."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<div class="resizedVideo">\
<video width="380" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\blonde\set7\blondeStreets2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/3)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,6)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<set $noPay = random(1,20)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<if $noPay == 1>>
<<set $payout = 0>>\
You were stiffed! You receive @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>\
<<if $payout <= 12>>\
<<set $welfarePay = random(13,23)>>\
<<set $payout = $welfarePay>>\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
The man tosses you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<if $tmpRnd == 3>>\
@@color:orange;As you walk through the city, a tall black man stops you and asks for oral sex.@@
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"Now I want you to get back there and eat that black ass baby. Get to it!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Slobber all over those fucking balls bitch. You better make it all nice and wet down there if you want paid."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"You ever eat a black mans ass before? No better time to start than now!"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<div class="resizedVideo">\
<video width="380" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\blonde\set7\blondeStreets3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/3)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,6)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<set $noPay = random(1,20)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<if $noPay == 1>>
<<set $payout = 0>>\
You were stiffed! You receive @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>\
<<if $payout <= 12>>\
<<set $welfarePay = random(13,23)>>\
<<set $payout = $welfarePay>>\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
The man tosses you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<!-- END rnd 8 -->\
<<if $rnd == 9>>\
@@color:orange;A woman stops you and offers you money to let her husband fuck your face.@@
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"Look at this cute little blonde girl I found for your baby. Tell me how tight her throat is!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Take my husbands dick you little whore. He's going to put a thick load of baby-batter straight down your little throat.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"Cum in her mouth honey, feed the little whore your creamy cum."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="380" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\blonde\set8\blondeStreets1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/3)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,6)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<set $noPay = random(1,20)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<if $noPay == 1>>
<<set $payout = 0>>\
You were stiffed! You receive @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>\
<<if $payout <= 12>>\
<<set $welfarePay = random(13,23)>>\
<<set $payout = $welfarePay>>\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
The husband blows his load down your throat, and the wife pays you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<!-- END rnd 9 -->\
<<if $rnd == 10>>\
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,3)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
@@color:orange;A man stops you in the street and offers money if he can undress and finger you in public.@@
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"How many people do you think are watching you get your little pussy rubbed right now babydoll?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"You're the cities little exhibitionist aren't you $name?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"I bet you'd like this even more if it were a big, thick cock wouldn't you?"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/3)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,6)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<set $noPay = random(1,20)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<if $noPay == 1>>
<<set $payout = 0>>\
You were stiffed! You receive @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>\
<<if $payout <= 12>>\
<<set $welfarePay = random(13,23)>>\
<<set $payout = $welfarePay>>\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
The man chuckles at you as he tosses @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ toward you and leaves.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<set $fame += 5>>\
@@color:orange; +5 fame@@
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>\
@@color:orange;As you walk down a sidewalk, a teenage boy offers to pay you some money if you blow him in his backyard.@@
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"Wow! You really know how to suck dick don't you?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Hey, what High School do you go to? We could totally make this a regular thing. Just a few blowjobs a week maybe?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"Make me cum in your mouth baby. I want to watch you gulp it all down.."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/3)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,6)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<set $noPay = random(1,20)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<if $noPay == 1>>
<<set $payout = 0>>\
You were stiffed! You receive @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>\
<<if $payout <= 12>>\
<<set $welfarePay = random(13,23)>>\
<<set $payout = $welfarePay>>\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
The teenager hands you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 2>>\
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +2 fame@@
<<if $tmpRnd == 3>>\
@@color:orange;As you pass a nearby bar, a man walks out and offers you money on the spot if he can fuck you in the street.@@
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"That's a proper little cunt you've got there lass. A fucking big dick in that cunt every once in a while does you good."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"You should come in the bar sometime. Let the guys get a good piece of this ass too."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"I'm gonna cum right up your little pussy baby. Let you walk around with a load just sitting in there."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/3)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,6)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<set $noPay = random(1,20)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<if $noPay == 1>>
<<set $payout = 0>>\
You were stiffed! You receive @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>\
<<if $payout <= 12>>\
<<set $welfarePay = random(13,23)>>\
<<set $payout = $welfarePay>>\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
The man finishes inside you and hands you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 3>>\
@@color:orange; +1 pussy fucked@@
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +3 fame@@
<!-- END rnd 10 -->\
<<addhours 1>>\
<<set $tmp = 0>>\
<<set $tmpRnd = 0>>\
<<set $payout = 0>>\
<<set $cleanliness -= 15>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 15>>\ <!-- Walk Streets Brunette Start -->\
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
@@color:orange;One of the boys leads you to a nearby hotel room.@@
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,3)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
"You've got a tight little cunt baby."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\brunette\set1\brunetteStreets1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>\
"How many dicks have you milked with this pussy?"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\brunette\set1\brunetteStreets2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $tmpRnd == 3>>\
"You've got a fat ass for such a little bitch."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\brunette\set1\brunetteStreets3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/3)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,6)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<set $noPay = random(1,20)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<if $noPay == 1>>
<<set $payout = 0>>\
You were stiffed! You receive @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>\
<<if $payout <= 12>>\
<<set $welfarePay = random(13,23)>>\
<<set $payout = $welfarePay>>\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
You're handed @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 pussy fucked@@
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<!-- END rnd 1 -->\
<<if $rnd == 2>>\
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
@@color:orange;Two boys stop their car in the alley and surround you.@@
"Let me feel how tight that throat is baby."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\brunette\set2\brunetteStreets1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"That's a good girl, jerk me off on your face.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\brunette\set2\brunetteStreets2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $cameOn += 1>>\
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $raped += 2>>\
<<set $fame += 2>>\
The boys leave you a mess against the wall as they drive off in their car.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 pussy fucked@@
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +2 raped@@
@@color:orange; +2 fame@@
<!-- END tmpRnd 1, inside rnd 2 -->\
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>\
@@color:orange;Two boys stop their car in the alley and surround you.@@
"Jerk him off while I fuck your cunt you little slut!"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\brunette\set2\brunetteStreets3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"That's a good girl, keep sucking baby.."
<div class="resizedVideo1">\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\brunette\set2\brunetteStreets4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $cameOn += 2>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>\
<<set $raped += 2>>\
<<set $fame += 2>>\
The boys leave you a mess against the wall as they drive off in their car.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 pussy fucked@@
@@color:orange; +2 came on@@
@@color:orange; +2 raped@@
@@color:orange; +2 fame@@
<!-- END tmpRnd 2, rnd 2 -->\
<!-- END rnd 2 -->\
<<if $rnd == 3>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
@@color:orange;A man meets you outside a public restroom and drags you into a stall.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
@@color:orange;As you walk through a park you find yourself getting tugged into a public restroom.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
@@color:orange;A man motions for you to join him in a public Men's restroom.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,4)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"Okay you little whore, get to work on that dick!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Get in there bitch! Suck those balls while you jerk me off!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"Just what you wanted isn't it cutie? A big, thick cock to play with."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\brunette\set3\brunetteStreets1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"Up and down like a good little girl.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Take it deeper girl, you know you can.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"That's right, cover my dick in saliva bitch.. get it nice and wet.."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\brunette\set3\brunetteStreets2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 3>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"You've got a greedy little pussy baby, it's a tight one!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Bent over on a bathroom floor taking cock - just where you belong.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"If you're good maybe I'll get inside that fat ass next!"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\brunette\set3\brunetteStreets3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 4>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"Fuck you're tight baby!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Take my dick bitch, fucking beg milk my load into your little cunt!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"Keep bouncing that fat ass up and down baby.."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\brunette\set3\brunetteStreets4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>\
<<set $tmpRnd1 = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd1 == 1>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"This is what you've been waiting for isn't it?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Keep smiling whore, show me how much you love cum.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"You've been waiting all day for this haven't you?"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\brunette\set3\brunetteStreets5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $tmpRnd1 == 2>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"What a cute little whore you are.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"That's right baby, your mouth is for my pleasure.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"You've been a great little slut. I hope I see you covered in another load soon."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\brunette\set3\brunetteStreets6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/3)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,6)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<set $noPay = random(1,20)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<if $noPay == 1>>\
<<set $payout = 0>>\
You were stiffed! You receive @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>\
<<if $payout <= 12>>\
<<set $welfarePay = random(13,23)>>\
<<set $payout = $welfarePay>>\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
You're handed @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameOn += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 2>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1 || $tmpRnd == 2>>\
@@color:orange; +1 blowjob@@
<<if $tmpRnd == 3 || $tmpRnd == 4>>\
@@color:orange; +1 pussy fucked@@
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@
@@color:orange; +2 fame@@
<!-- END rnd 3 -->\
<<if $rnd == 4>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
@@color:orange;A man calls you from the street into his home.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
@@color:orange;As you're walking down the street you get grabbed and brought into a mans house.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
@@color:orange;You see a man motioning for you to come into his home.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"I just wanted you to come in so I could cover that pretty little face in cum!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Thanks for coming baby! Now get on your knees and suck my fucking cock!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"I've seen you around town. You're a good little cum-slut aren't you? Prove it and I'll spread the word."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\brunette\set4\brunetteStreets1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/3)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,6)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<set $noPay = random(1,20)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<if $noPay == 1>>
<<set $payout = 0>>\
You were stiffed! You receive @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>\
<<if $payout <= 12>>\
<<set $welfarePay = random(13,23)>>\
<<set $payout = $welfarePay>>\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
You're handed @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameOn += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 4>>\
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@
@@color:orange; +4 fame@@
<!-- END rnd 4 -->\
<<if $rnd == 5>>\
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,2)>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
@@color:orange;A man calls you from the street into his home.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
@@color:orange;A big black man propositions you to come into his home.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
@@color:orange;A man catcalls you from the porch of his home and tempts you inside.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"Just keep jerking that big black cock baby.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"I want you to milk my dick dry bitch."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"You've never seen a cock so big, have you?"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<div class="resizedVideo1">\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\brunette\set5\brunetteStreets1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"Just keep jerking that big black cock baby.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Thanks for coming baby! Now get on your knees and jerk my fucking cock!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"Use both hands and keep it nice and fucking wet baby.."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<div class="resizedVideo1">\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\brunette\set5\brunetteStreets2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"Ah, fuck! Milk it out bitch. Every drop!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Mmm, yeah baby. You've earned your treat.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"You sloppy little slut, you sure know how to jerk a cock!"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<div class="resizedVideo1">\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\brunette\set5\brunetteStreets3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"Ah, fuck! Milk it out bitch. Every drop!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Get it bitch, get that thick load out of there!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"Empty my fucking balls baby, jerk it all out.."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<div class="resizedVideo1">\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\brunette\set5\brunetteStreets4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/3)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,6)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<set $noPay = random(1,20)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<if $noPay == 1>>\
<<set $payout = 0>>\
You were stiffed! You receive @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>\
<<if $payout <= 12>>\
<<set $welfarePay = random(13,23)>>\
<<set $payout = $welfarePay>>\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
You're handed @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameOn += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 2>>\
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@
@@color:orange; +2 fame@@
<!-- END rnd 5 -->\
<<if $rnd == 6>>\
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,2)>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
@@color:orange;"Hey baby, you looking for some cock to suck?"@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
@@color:orange;"Yo bitch, come get some of this fat fucking dick!"@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
@@color:orange;"Hey baby, looking to make some extra money today?"@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"There you go baby, suck that cock.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"That's a good girl.. get it!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"You've never seen a cock so big, have you?"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\brunette\set6\brunetteStreets1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"Just keep jerking that big white cock baby.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Mmmm, you're a dirty little girl aren't you?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"Use both hands and keep it nice and fucking wet baby.."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\brunette\set6\brunetteStreets2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"You like that big fucking cock baby?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"You've got a perfect pussy baby. You must milk a lot of cum into your little cunt.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"A pussy like this deserves a good fucking.. hourly!"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\brunette\set6\brunetteStreets3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"How'd you like a thick load straight into your pussy baby?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"I hope you're on the pill, because I'm gonna cum inside this little hole..."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"You're about to get a pussy full of cum baby.."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\brunette\set6\brunetteStreets4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/3)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,6)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<set $noPay = random(1,20)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<if $noPay == 1>>\
<<set $payout = 0>>\
You were stiffed! You receive @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>\
<<if $payout <= 12>>\
<<set $welfarePay = random(13,23)>>\
<<set $payout = $welfarePay>>\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
You're handed @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>\
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 2>>\
@@color:orange; +1 pussy fucked@@
@@color:orange; +2 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +2 fame@@
<!-- END rnd 6 -->\
<!-- START rnd 7, with 3 tmpRnd's -->\
<<if $rnd == 7>>\
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,3)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
@@color:orange;A man pulls you into an alley as you walk by.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
@@color:orange;As you're walking down the street you get grabbed and brought into a dark alley.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
@@color:orange;A cloth gets stuffed into your mouth from behind.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"You've got some nice tits on you don't ya?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"This is what you like isn't it?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"I've seen you around town. You're a dirty little bitch who likes to be put in her place aren't you?"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\brunette\set7\brunetteStreets1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"Come by alone again sometime if you're looking for a good fucking baby."
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameOn += 1>>\
<<set $raped += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 2>>\
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@
@@color:orange; +1 raped@@
@@color:orange; +2 fame@@
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
@@color:orange;A man pulls you into an alley as you walk by.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
@@color:orange;As you're walking down the street you get grabbed and brought into a dark alley.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
@@color:orange;A cloth gets stuffed into your mouth from behind.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"I've been saving this load for a few days baby. Tonight you're gonna swallow it all into that little stomach."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Take it deeper you little whore! I know you've had plenty of cocks down that little throat of yours."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"I've seen you around town. You're a good little cock-sucker aren't you? Prove it and I'll spread the word."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\brunette\set7\brunetteStreets2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"If you get hungry come by again sometime. I'm always up for dumping my kids into sluts stomachs."
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $raped += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 2>>\
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 raped@@
@@color:orange; +2 fame@@
<<if $tmpRnd == 3>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
@@color:orange;A man pulls you into an alley as you walk by.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
@@color:orange;As you're walking down the street you get grabbed and brought into a dark alley.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
@@color:orange;A cloth gets stuffed into your mouth from behind.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"You're a dumb little bitch aren't you? Walking around all alone, just asking to get fucked by a thick meaty cock.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Suprise bitch! I could just tell you needed a good fucking tonight. Plus I could always use a good cum-dump."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"You're a good little bitch aren't you? A little fucktoy for big dick and a hole for cum. That's all you'll ever be."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\brunette\set7\brunetteStreets3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"Don't hesitate to come back again baby."
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>\
<<set $raped += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 2>>\
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 pussy fucked@@
@@color:orange; +1 raped@@
@@color:orange; +2 fame@@
<!-- END rnd 7 -->\
<<if $rnd == 8>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
@@color:orange;As you walk through the alley, you get grabbed by multiple men and pulled into a building.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
@@color:orange;As you're walking down the street you feel multiple pairs of hands grab onto you, and pull you off the street.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
@@color:orange;You swiftly get grabbed off the street as you make your way down the alley.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"I found us a little cum-dump guys! Let's get this bitch to work!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Look around you little slut. Every one of these cocks are going into your mouth, and you're gonna suck them well."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"Are you ready to be the talk of the town baby? When we're finished with you you're going to walk down the street covered in hot jizz."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\brunette\set8\brunetteStreets1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"That's a good cocksucking little slut. Deepthroat that dick, bitch."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Take it deeper you little whore! I know you've had plenty of cocks down that little throat of yours."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"I've seen you around town babygirl. I've always wondered how your throat would feel with my thick cock in it."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\brunette\set8\brunetteStreets2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"What do you think your boyfriend will say when he sees you covered in other mens cum baby?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"A pretty girl like you deserves a blowbang and group facial every day. Wear it with pride slut."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"You've been a good girl tonight. We'll keep an eye out for you in the future."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\brunette\set8\brunetteStreets3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/3)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,6)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<set $noPay = random(1,20)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<if $noPay == 1>>
<<set $payout = 0>>\
You were stiffed! You receive @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>\
<<if $payout <= 12>>\
<<set $welfarePay = random(13,23)>>\
<<set $payout = $welfarePay>>\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
The group hands you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ to keep quiet.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameIn += 2>>\
<<set $cameOn += 6>>\
<<set $raped += 8>>\
<<set $fame += 8>>\
@@color:orange; +2 came in@@
@@color:orange; +6 came on@@
@@color:orange; +8 raped@@
@@color:orange; +8 fame@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 100>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 100>>\
<!-- END rnd 8 -->\
<<if $rnd == 9>>\
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
@@color:orange;As you walk through the alley, you get grabbed by multiple men and pulled into a building.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
@@color:orange;As you're walking down the street you feel multiple pairs of hands grab onto you, and pull you off the street.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
@@color:orange;You swiftly get grabbed off the street as you make your way down the alley.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"I found us a little cum-dump guys! Let's get this bitch to work!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Look around you little slut. Every one of these cocks are going into your mouth, and you're gonna suck them well."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"Are you ready to be the talk of the town baby? When we're finished with you you're going to walk down the street covered in hot jizz."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\brunette\set9\brunetteStreets1.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"Keep sucking that cock you little cum-pet."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"She's got a fat fucking ass. Little bitch is made for taking cock!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"I've seen you around town babygirl. I've always wondered how you'd look covered in cum.."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\brunette\set9\brunetteStreets2.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/3)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,6)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<set $noPay = random(1,20)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<if $noPay == 1>>
<<set $payout = 0>>\
You were stiffed! You receive @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>\
<<if $payout <= 12>>\
<<set $welfarePay = random(13,23)>>\
<<set $payout = $welfarePay>>\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
The group hands you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ to keep quiet.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameIn += 5>>\
<<set $cameOn += 1>>\
<<set $raped += 6>>\
<<set $fame += 6>>\
@@color:orange; +5 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@
@@color:orange; +6 raped@@
@@color:orange; +6 fame@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 100>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 100>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
@@color:orange;As you walk through the alley, you get grabbed by multiple men and pulled into a building.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
@@color:orange;As you're walking down the street you feel multiple pairs of hands grab onto you, and pull you off the street.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
@@color:orange;You swiftly get grabbed off the street as you make your way down the alley.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"I found us a little cum-dump guys! Let's get this bitch to work!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Look around you little slut. Every one of these cocks are going into your mouth, and you're gonna suck them well."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"A good little slut like you need to be collared and properly fucked, every day."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\brunette\set9\brunetteStreets3.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"What's wrong baby? Too much cock and cum for you? Too bad!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Take it deeper you little whore! I know you've had plenty of cocks down that little throat of yours."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"I've seen you around town babygirl. I've always wondered how your throat would feel with my thick cock in it."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\brunette\set9\brunetteStreets4.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/3)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,6)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<set $noPay = random(1,20)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<if $noPay == 1>>
<<set $payout = 0>>\
You were stiffed! You receive @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>\
<<if $payout <= 12>>\
<<set $welfarePay = random(13,23)>>\
<<set $payout = $welfarePay>>\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
The group hands you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ to keep quiet.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameIn += 2>>\
<<set $cameOn += 6>>\
<<set $raped += 8>>\
<<set $fame += 8>>\
@@color:orange; +2 came in@@
@@color:orange; +6 came on@@
@@color:orange; +8 raped@@
@@color:orange; +8 fame@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 100>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 100>>\
<!-- END rnd 9 -->\
<<addhours 1>>\
<<set $tmp = 0>>\
<<set $tmpRnd = 0>>\
<<set $payout = 0>>\
<<set $cleanliness -= 15>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 15>>\ <!-- Walk Streets Redhead -->\
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
@@color:orange;A man pulls you behind a fence.@@
"You have such a tight little throat.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\red\set1\redStreets1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"You like this don't you dumb little slut.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\red\set1\redStreets2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"Swallow my load bitch!"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\red\set1\redStreets3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $raped += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
"Now that I've fed you why don't you go on and head home little minx".
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 raped@@
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<!-- END rnd 1 -->\
<<if $rnd == 2>>\
@@color:orange;Two boys offer you cash for sex outside.@@
"Let me feel how tight that throat is baby."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\red\set2\redStreets1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"That's a good girl, suck my dick.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\red\set2\redStreets2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
As one boy fucks you from behind the other prepares to cum all over your face.
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\red\set2\redStreets3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $cameOn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 2>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/3)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,6)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<set $noPay = random(1,20)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<if $noPay == 1>>
<<set $payout = 0>>\
You were stiffed!
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>\
<<if $payout <= 12>>\
<<set $welfarePay = random(13,23)>>\
<<set $payout = $welfarePay>>\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
You're handed @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 pussy fucked@@
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@
@@color:orange; +2 fame@@
<!-- END rnd 2 -->\
<<if $rnd == 3>>\
@@color:orange;The man brings you into his house and guides his cock into your ass.@@
"Okay you little whore, get to work on sucking that dick!"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\red\set3\redStreets1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"That's a good slut, take that cock!"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\red\set3\redStreets2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"What a dirty fucking cunt you are.. little cum slut."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\red\set3\redStreets3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $analTotal += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/3)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,6)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<set $noPay = random(1,20)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<if $noPay == 1>>
<<set $payout = 0>>\
You were stiffed!
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>\
<<if $payout <= 12>>\
<<set $welfarePay = random(13,23)>>\
<<set $payout = $welfarePay>>\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
You're handed @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange; +1 butt fucked@@
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<!-- END rnd 3 -->\
<<if $rnd == 4>>\
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,3)>>\
@@color:orange;A man offers you cash for a blowjob.@@
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>
"Okay you little whore, get to work on sucking that dick!"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\red\set4\redStreets1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 2>>
"That's a good slut, take that cock!"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\red\set4\redStreets2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 3>>
"What a dirty fucking cunt you are.. little cum slut."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\red\set4\redStreets3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"That's such a tight little pussy.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\red\set4\redStreets4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"Take that cum you little whore"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\red\set4\redStreets5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/3)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,6)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<set $noPay = random(1,20)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<if $noPay == 1>>
<<set $payout = 0>>\
You were stiffed!
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>\
<<if $payout <= 12>>\
<<set $welfarePay = random(13,23)>>\
<<set $payout = $welfarePay>>\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
You're handed @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 pussy fucked@@
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<!-- END rnd 4 -->\
<<if $rnd == 5>>\
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,3)>>\
@@color:orange;You wake up to a man standing over you with his dick out.@@
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>
"Okay you little whore, start getting it wet like a good little bitch."
<div class="resizedVideo1">\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\red\set5\redStreets1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>
"I bet you live for balls smacking against your face don't you?"
<div class="resizedVideo1">\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\red\set5\redStreets2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 2>>
"It's time for you to take a big mans cock up that little ass you butt-slut. Take it like the whore you are!"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\red\set5\redStreets3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $analTotal += 1>>
"You like it deep in your ass don't you? A big throbbing cock to strech your little holes.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\red\set5\redStreets4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 3>>
"I knew you'd have a tight little ass. That's why I followed you - I knew you'd be crying with my cock up your butt by the end of the night."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\red\set5\redStreets5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $analTotal += 1>>
"Oh yeah bitch, take this dick! Fucking scream as I pound your tight little ass you dirty ass whore!"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\red\set5\redStreets6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
"That's a good girl, take my cum bitch. Savor every drop.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\red\set5\redStreets7.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 2>>\
"Show me what a good little cum pet you are baby.."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\red\set5\redStreets8.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $cameOn += 1>>\
<<set $raped += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
The man smacks your ass as he lets you leave.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@
@@color:orange; +1 raped@@
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<!-- END rnd 5 -->\
<<if $rnd == 6>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
@@color:orange;You follow the man into his nearby apartment.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
@@color:orange;As you enter the mans apartment with him, he drops his pants and pushes you to your knees.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
@@color:orange;As you enter the mans apartment, he shoves your hand down into his pants. "Take it out."@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,4)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"That's right baby, use that little tongue on that big black cock.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Thanks for coming baby! Now get on your knees and suck my big fucking black cock!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"Show me how much you like the taste of big black dick baby."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 4>>\
"It can barely fit in your little mouth. Just how you like it huh?"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\red\set6\redStreets1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/3)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,6)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<set $noPay = random(1,20)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<if $noPay == 1>>\
<<set $payout = 0>>\
You were stiffed! You receive @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>\
<<if $payout <= 12>>\
<<set $welfarePay = random(13,23)>>\
<<set $payout = $welfarePay>>\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
After he finishes in your mouth, you're handed @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<!-- END rnd 6 -->\
<<if $rnd == 7>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
@@color:orange;You follow the man into his nearby apartment and onto the couch.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
@@color:orange;As you enter the mans apartment with him, he sets you on the couch and begins groping you.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
@@color:orange;As you enter the mans apartment, he leads you to the couch and starts rubbing you through your pants.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"You're going to be a good little girl and show me a good time for this money aren't you?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Have you ever been with a real man before baby? This little pussy might not be able to handle it.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"Mmm, you're a sexy little white girl.. You're going to get dicked down well today babygirl."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\red\set7\redStreets1.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"That's right girl, bounce on that big black cock. Milk my fucking load out like a good slut!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"Bounce those tits in my face while your pussy gets stuffed full of black cock baby."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"Take that dick bitch! I'm gonna impregnate your little cunt full of cum!"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\red\set7\redStreets2.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,4)>> <!-- Scene Say -->\
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>\
"Suck it all out baby. Every single drop straight into that little mouth of yours."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>\
"That's a good girl. Work that fucking cock head you little red-haired cum slut."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>\
"Show me how much you like the taste of big black dick baby. Lap up that cum.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 4>>\
"It can barely fit in your little mouth. Just how you like it huh?"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\walkStreets\red\set7\redStreets3.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/3)>>\
<<set $ranPay = random(3,6)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp / $ranPay)>>\
<<set $noPay = random(1,20)>> <!--Leaves chance to not get paid -->\
<<if $noPay == 1>>
<<set $payout = 0>>\
You were stiffed! You receive @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
<<elseif $noPay != 1>>\
<<if $payout <= 12>>\
<<set $welfarePay = random(13,23)>>\
<<set $payout = $welfarePay>>\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>\
After he finishes in your mouth, you're handed @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<!-- END rnd 7 -->\
<<addhours 1>>\
<<set $tmp = 0>>\
<<set $tmpRnd = 0>>\
<<set $payout = 0>>\
<<set $cleanliness -= 15>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 15>>\<<set $tmpI = 0>>\
<<set $tmp = 0>>\
<!-- Full day -->
<<for ($tmpI = $gameDate.getHours()); $tmpI < 20; ++$tmpI>>
<<set $tmp += 1>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 8>>\
<<set $cleanliness -= 8>>\
<<set $rnd = random(0,3)>>\
<<set $rnd = $rnd*($waitressSkill/4)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round(($jobPay + $rnd)*$tmp)>>\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
hours worked: $tmp.
You're handed @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
<<set $waitressSkill += 1>>
skill: $waitressSkill
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<addhours $tmp>> <!-- Advances hours based on work hours -->
<<set $tmpI = 0>>\
<<set $tmp = 0>>\ <!-- Work Model -->\
<!-- Pay -->
<<set $tmpI = 0>>
<<set $tmp = 0>>
<!-- Full day -->
<<for ($tmpI = $gameDate.getHours()); $tmpI < 20; ++$tmpI>>
<<set $tmp += 1>>
<<if $makeupVolume >= 5>>
<<set $money += 3>>
<<if $cleanliness >= 5>>
<<set $money += 2>>
<<set $makeupVolume -= 5>>
<<set $cleanliness -= 5>>
<<set $rnd = random(0,3)>>
<<set $rnd = ($rnd + ($fame/50) + ($modelSkill/4) + ($fitness/3))>>
<<set $payout = Math.round(($jobPay + $rnd)*$tmp)>>
<<set $money += $payout>>
<<set $totalIncome += $payout>>
<!-- End Pay | Start clips -->
<!-- BLONDE -->
<<if $hairColor == "blonde">>
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,6)>>
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 2>>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 3>>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 4>>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 5>>
<div class="resizedVideo">
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\jobs\model\blonde\blonde5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 6>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\jobs\model\blonde\blonde6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<!-- BRUNETTE -->
<<if $hairColor == "brunette">>
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,5)>>
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 2>>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 3>>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 4>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\jobs\model\brunette\brunette4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 5>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\jobs\model\brunette\brunette5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<!-- RED -->
<<if $hairColor == "red">>
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,10)>>
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\jobs\model\red\red1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 2>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\jobs\model\red\red2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 3>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\jobs\model\red\red3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 4>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\jobs\model\red\red4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 5>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\jobs\model\red\red5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 6>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\jobs\model\red\red6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 7>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\jobs\model\red\red7.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 8>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\jobs\model\red\red8.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 9>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\jobs\model\red\red9.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 10>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\jobs\model\red\red10.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<!-- END CLIPS -->\
<<set $modelSkill += 1>>
Modeling skill: $modelSkill
Hours worked: $tmp.
You're handed @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
<<if $fame >= 500>>\
@@color:orange;Your fame ($fame) significantly contributes to your modeling success.@@
<<elseif $fame >= 50>>\
@@color:orange;Your fame ($fame) contributes to your modeling success.@@
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<addhours $tmp>> <!-- Advances hours based on work hours -->
<<set $tmpI = 0>>\
<<set $tmp = 0>>\<<set $tmpI = 0>>\
<<set $tmp = 0>>\
<!-- Full day -->
<<for ($tmpI = $gameDate.getHours()); $tmpI < 20; ++$tmpI>>
<<set $tmp += 1>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 8>>\
<<set $cleanliness -= 8>>\
<<set $rnd = random(0,3)>>\
<<set $rnd = $rnd*($webModelSkill/4)>>\
<<set $payout = Math.round(($jobPay + $rnd)*$tmp)>>\
<<set $money += $payout>>\
hours worked: $tmp.
You're handed @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
<<set $$webModelSkill += 1>>
skill: $webModelSkill
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<addhours $tmp>> <!-- Advances hours based on work hours -->
<<set $tmpI = 0>>\
<<set $tmp = 0>>\<<if $jobModel == true>>\
@@color:orange;You walk into the studio and begin modeling.@@
<<display [[workModel]]>>\
<<if $jobWaitress == true>>\
@@color:orange;You walk into the restraunt and begin serving.@@
<<display [[workWaitress]]>>\
<<if $jobWebModel == true>>\
@@color:orange;You become a total slut on cam.@@
<<display [[workWebModel]]>>\
<<endif>>\ <!-- Prostitution Trainer Blonde -->\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/2)>>
<<set $ranPay = random(3,10)>>
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp + $ranPay)>>
<<set $pimpPay = Math.round($payout * .80)>>
<<set $pimpPayTotal += $pimpPay>>
<<set $yourTotal = ($payout - $pimpPay)>>
<<set $money += $yourTotal>>
<<set $totalIncome += $yourTotal>>
<!-- END PAY/ Start media -->
<<set $rnd = random(1,7)>> <!-- Blonde media ends at, including, 7 -->
<!-- ONE -->
<<if $rnd == 1>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You enter the strangers room and follow his commands.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You enter the trainees room and meet the client.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp leads you to the trainees room so you can practice.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Wow, well you're a hot little piece of ass aren't you? Get on your knees and get me off with your tongue."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"You don't look anything like the other girls! Let me see what you look like with my cock against your lips.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"What a little cutie! Go ahead and just flick your tongue up and down the back of my cock until I blow my load on your lips. Got it?"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerBlonde\prostitutionTrainerBlonde11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"You did a pretty good job today baby. I hope to see you around again."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"You're going to do great in this business you little slut. Keep playing with dick and you'll be your pimps bottom-bitch in no time."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"Not bad blondie! Don't forget to lick up all that cum for your dessert!"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
You're handed @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ in exchange for your cock-licking skills.
<br/>Your pimp takes @@color:#4AA02C;$pimpPay dollars@@ for his cut.
<br/>You leave with @@color:#4AA02C;$yourTotal dollars@@.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>
<<set $cumAddiction += 1>>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@<br/>
@@color:#FF4C4C; +1 cum addiction@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>
<<set $makeupVolume -=10>>
<!-- TWO -->
<<if $rnd == 2>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You enter the strangers room and immediately get blindfolded.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You enter the trainees room and meet a few men who blindfold you.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp leads you to the trainees room where men with a blindfold are waiting for you.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Your pimp wasn't lying baby, you are a cute one!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"This little slut has no idea how many cocks are about to be in her tiny mouth.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"We're gonna see if you can handle more than two cocks baby. I hope you're ready.."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerBlonde\prostitutionTrainerBlonde1.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Keep it up, slut. You better get that cock off!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"Suck that cock bitch. Get it! You better make him cum down your fucking throat!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"You live for this type of thing don't you, whore? You could never have enough dick to keep you happy.."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerBlonde\prostitutionTrainerBlonde2.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"We'll be sure to let all our friends know what a good little whore you were today. Maybe they'll see you on the streets and can find out for themselves!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"You better keep sucking out loads bitch, we've got plenty more for you!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"Swallow your dessert you little slut. We better not see a single drop of cum outside of that mouth!"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
The men leave you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ on the table as they exit the room.
<br/>Your pimp takes @@color:#4AA02C;$pimpPay dollars@@ for his cut.
<br/>You leave with @@color:#4AA02C;$yourTotal dollars@@.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $oralTotal += 5>>
<<set $cumAddiction += 5>>
<<set $cameOn += 5>>
<<set $fame += 5>>
@@color:orange; +5 blowjobs@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +5 came on@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +5 fame@@<br/>
@@color:#FF4C4C; +5 cum addiction@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 60>>
<<set $makeupVolume -= 40>>
<!-- THREE -->
<<if $rnd == 3>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You enter the trainees room and the client tells you to lie on your back.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;As you enter the trainees room the client commands you to lie on your back.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp leads you to the trainees room where your client asks you to lie on your back.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Just lie there and throat my dick baby. I'm just looking for a deep, sloppy throatjob.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"Yeah, your cute little face will look great with my cock pounding it from above. Start sucking you little street-hoe."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"You don't have a gag reflex do you? Eh, we'll be getting rid of it today anyway.."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerBlonde\prostitutionTrainerBlonde3.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Are you hungry baby? Do you want my cum in your mouth? I'm going to blow it straight down your fucking throat!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"What's the matter baby? Choking on a big, thick cock? Your tight little throat is going to get me off.. keep flailing bitch."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"You're a good girl baby.. A really good girl - taking my dick like a champ! Suck it!"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
The man leaves you with @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ as he makes his way out the door.
<br/>Your pimp takes @@color:#4AA02C;$pimpPay dollars@@ for his cut.
<br/>You're left with @@color:#4AA02C;$yourTotal dollars@@.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 15>>
<<set $makeupVolume -= 15>>
<!-- FOUR -->
<<if $rnd == 4>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You enter the trainees room and meet the client.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;As you enter the trainees room you see the client already has his dick out.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp leads you to the trainees room to meet the client.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Oh look, another dumb looking slut ready to get her mouth filled with cock. Kneel!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"You've got a perfect mouth for sucking dick baby. You're going to work nicely.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"I bet your pimp didn't have to convince you very much for you to start drinking cum for a living."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,2)>>
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerBlonde\prostitutionTrainerBlonde4.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 2>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerBlonde\prostitutionTrainerBlonde5.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Deepthroat that dick you little whore! I want to see you gag on it!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"Keep it nice and sloppy or I'll fuck your little head against the wall myself, slut!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"You want it bad don't you bitch? You want a thick load of creamy cum straight down your throat, huh? Suck it out then!"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
The man leaves tosses @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ as he exits the room.
<br/>Your pimp smacks your ass and takes @@color:#4AA02C;$pimpPay dollars@@ for his cut.
<br/>He leaves you with @@color:#4AA02C;$yourTotal dollars@@.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>
<<set $makeupVolume -=10>>
<!-- FIVE -->
<<if $rnd == 5>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You enter the trainees room and meet the clients.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;As you enter the trainees room you see two clients already naked.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp leads you to the trainees room to meet the clients.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Hey there sexy! My friend and I here saw you last time we were here, and we just had to schedule a session.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"Why don't you go ahead and undress that perfect petite body for us baby.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"My friend here has a thing for tight little pussies baby.. He said you've probably got the best one here!"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerBlonde\prostitutionTrainerBlonde6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"It seems like you've got both a tight cunt and a tight throat baby. We'll definitely be coming back for you!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"I haven't spitroasted a slut like this since college! Thanks for letting me relive the experience baby."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"We're going to fill you up like a Twinkie baby. Cum in your pussy and down your throat.. Just what you deserve.."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
The men finish in you and leave @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ on the nearby table.
<br/>Your pimp walks in and takes @@color:#4AA02C;$pimpPay dollars@@ for his cut.
<br/>He leaves you with @@color:#4AA02C;$yourTotal dollars@@.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>
<<set $cumAddiction += 1>>
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>
<<set $cameIn += 2>>
<<set $fame += 2>>
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 cunt fucked@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +2 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +2 fame@@<br/>
@@color:#FF4C4C; +1 cum addiction@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>
<<set $makeupVolume -=10>>
<!-- SIX -->
<<if $rnd == 6>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp rushes you to a clients room and tells you to finish him off.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp grabs you by your hair and forces you into a clients room.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp leads you to a trainees room and tells you to finish the clients session.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"The other bitch couldn't handle this big dick. You better make up for it, whore!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"How many of you little sluts does it take to make me fucking cum? The last girl couldn't handle it.. you better."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"You better empty these big black balls bitch or it'll be a rough time for you and these other bitches!"
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerBlonde\prostitutionTrainerBlonde7.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Damn, you sure can suck a cock girl.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"Look at your.. confident as all hell with a chin full of jizz.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"You know your way around thick cocks don't you slut? I'll be covering your face again in the near future.."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
The man rubs his cum all over your face and hands you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
<br/>Your pimp grabs your ass and tells you that you earned todays pay, and takes @@color:#4AA02C;$pimpPay dollars@@ for his cut.
<br/>He leaves you with @@color:#4AA02C;$yourTotal dollars@@.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>
<<set $cameOn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 15>>
<<set $makeupVolume -= 15>>
<!-- SEVEN -->
<<if $rnd == 7>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You're brought to a client and he tells you to bend over on the bed and suck his cock.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp grabs you by your hair and forces you into a clients room.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp leads you to a trainees room and tells you the clients wants to fuck your throat.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,4)>>
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerBlonde\prostitutionTrainerBlonde12.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 2>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerBlonde\prostitutionTrainerBlonde13.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 3>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerBlonde\prostitutionTrainerBlonde14.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 4>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerBlonde\prostitutionTrainerBlonde15.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Damn bitch, you got a tight little mouth and a tight little ass.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"Keep sucking that dick baby, get that cum out.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"You know your way around thick cocks don't you slut? You little throat whore.. swallowing cum must be your specialty."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
The man finishes in the measuring cup he's made you spit into the whole session, and makes you show it off to him.
<br/>He gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.
<br/>As the man leaves, your pimp walks in and flips the measuring cup over on your head. "Good job, slut."
<br/>He takes @@color:#4AA02C;$pimpPay dollars@@ for his cut.
<br/>He leaves you with @@color:#4AA02C;$yourTotal dollars@@.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>
<<set $cameOn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 15>>
<<set $makeupVolume -= 15>>
<!-- EIGHT -->
<<if $rnd == 8>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You enter the strangers apartment and find yourself lying on your back in his bathroom.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You enter the clients apartment and get thrown onto your back within the bathroom.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp leads you to the trainees room so you can practice.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionTrainerRed8.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"There isn't a single whore in this city that has a cunt as tight as yours baby. I want you to be my personal cockslave; just take this dick every day for the rest of your life.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
In seconds, the man is emptying himself inside your pussy and proceeds to give you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.<br/>
Your pimp took @@color:#4AA02C;$pimpPay dollars@@.<br/>
You leave with @@color:#4AA02C;$yourTotal dollars@@.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 cunt fucked@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>
<<set $makeupVolume -=10>>
<!-- NINE -->
<<if $rnd == 9>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You enter the strangers apartment and find your client lying on his bed with his dick in his hand.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You enter the clients apartment and get your hand slid down the clients pants.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp leads you to the trainees room so you can practice.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionTrainerRed9.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"I want you to jerk me off with only your hands. You're gonna milk every drop straight out of my balls, and don't stop until I tell you to."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
After a while of your soft hands milking your clients cock, he bursts all over your fingers and gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.<br/>
Your pimp took @@color:#4AA02C;$pimpPay dollars@@.<br/>
You leave with @@color:#4AA02C;$yourTotal dollars@@.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameOn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 15>>
<<set $makeupVolume -= 15>>
<!-- TEN -->
<<if $rnd == 10>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You enter the strangers apartment and find your client lying on his bed with his dick in his hand.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You enter the clients apartment and get your hand slid down the clients pants.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp leads you to the trainees room so you can practice.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionTrainerRed10.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"You're going to milk my dick until my nuts are emptied all over your hands. Just keep jerking and I'll tell you when to stop. Got it whore?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
After a while of your soft hands milking your clients cock, he bursts all over your fingers and gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.<br/>
Your pimp took @@color:#4AA02C;$pimpPay dollars@@.<br/>
You leave with @@color:#4AA02C;$yourTotal dollars@@.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameOn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 15>>
<<set $makeupVolume -= 15>>
<!-- ELEVEN -->
<<if $rnd == 11>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You enter the strangers apartment and find your client lying on his bed with his dick in his hand.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You enter the clients apartment and get your hand slid down the clients pants.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp leads you to the trainees room so you can practice.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionTrainerRed11.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"You're going to milk my dick until my nuts are emptied all over your hands. Just keep jerking and I'll tell you when to stop. Got it whore?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
After a while of your soft hands milking your clients cock, he bursts all over your fingers and gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.<br/>
Your pimp took @@color:#4AA02C;$pimpPay dollars@@.<br/>
You leave with @@color:#4AA02C;$yourTotal dollars@@.<br/>
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameOn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 15>>
<<set $makeupVolume -= 15>>
<!-- TWELVE -->
<<if $rnd == 12>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You enter the strangers apartment and find your client lying on his bed with his dick in his hand.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You enter the clients apartment and get your hand slid down the clients pants.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp leads you to the trainees room so you can practice.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionTrainerRed12.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"You're going to milk my dick until my nuts are emptied all over your hands. Just keep jerking and I'll tell you when to stop. Got it whore?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
After a while of your soft hands milking your clients cock, he bursts all over your fingers and gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.<br/>
Your pimp took @@color:#4AA02C;$pimpPay dollars@@.<br/>
You leave with @@color:#4AA02C;$yourTotal dollars@@.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameOn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 15>>
<<set $makeupVolume -= 15>>
<<set $tmpRnd = 0>>
<<set $rnd = 0>>
<<endnobr>> <!-- Prostitution Trainer Brunette -->\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/2)>>
<<set $ranPay = random(3,10)>>
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp + $ranPay)>>
<<set $pimpPay = Math.round($payout * .80)>>
<<set $pimpPayTotal += $pimpPay>>
<<set $yourTotal = ($payout - $pimpPay)>>
<<set $money += $yourTotal>>
<<set $totalIncome += $yourTotal>>
<!-- END PAY/ Start media -->
<<set $rnd = 1>> <!-- Brunette content ends at 1 -->
<!-- ONE -->
<<if $rnd == 1>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You enter the strangers room and follow his commands.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You enter the trainees room and meet the client.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp leads you to the trainees room so you can practice.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Wow! Well, you're a hot little piece of ass aren't you?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"You don't look anything like the other girls! Let me see what you look like with my cock against your lips.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"What a cute little teen you are! Show grandpa how good you are at sucking."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerBrunette\prostitutionTrainerBrunette11.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"I'll hold onto these little pigtails and while you suck. You like it, don't you?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
You're handed @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ for taking that dick like a good hoe.
<br/>Your pimp takes @@color:#4AA02C;$pimpPay dollars@@ for his cut.
<br/>You leave with @@color:#4AA02C;$yourTotal dollars@@.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>
<<set $cumAddiction += 1>>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@<br/>
@@color:#FF4C4C; +1 cum addiction@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>
<<set $makeupVolume -=10>>
<!-- TWO -->
<<if $rnd == 2>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You enter the strangers room and follow his commands.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You enter the trainees room and meet the client.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp leads you to the trainees room so you can practice.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Wow! Well, you're a hot little piece of ass aren't you?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"You don't look anything like the other girls! Let me see what you look like with my cock against your lips.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"What a cute little teen you are! Show grandpa how good you are at sucking."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionTrainerRed2.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Let me see you blow that dick, slowly little lady. Savor it.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
You're handed @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ for following the old mans commands.
<br/>Your pimp takes @@color:#4AA02C;$pimpPay dollars@@ for his cut.
<br/>You leave with @@color:#4AA02C;$yourTotal dollars@@.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>
<<set $cumAddiction += 1>>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@<br/>
@@color:#FF4C4C; +1 cum addiction@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>
<<set $makeupVolume -=10>>
<!-- THREE -->
<<if $rnd == 3>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You enter the strangers room and follow his commands.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You enter the trainees room and meet the client.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp leads you to the trainees room so you can practice.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionTrainerRed3.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"You like grandpas cock inside your little hole don't you slut?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
The old man finishes inside you and gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ for your time.<br/>
Your pimp takes @@color:#4AA02C;$pimpPay dollars@@ for his cut.
<br/>You leave with @@color:#4AA02C;$yourTotal dollars@@.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 cunt fucked@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>
<<set $makeupVolume -=10>>
<!-- FOUR -->
<<if $rnd == 4>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You enter the strangers room and find an old man jerking himself off to a photo of you.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You enter your clients room and immediately see the old man reach into his pants.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp leads you to the trainees room so you can practice.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionTrainerRed4.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Bent over like a good little girl for grandpa aren't you dear?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
The old man empties his balls inside you and gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ for your time.<br/>
Your pimp took @@color:#4AA02C;$pimpPay dollars@@.<br/>
You leave with @@color:#4AA02C;$yourTotal dollars@@.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 cunt fucked@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>
<<set $makeupVolume -=10>>
<!-- FIVE -->
<<if $rnd == 5>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You enter the strangers apartment and get led to the bathroom.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You enter your clients apartment and get told to wait in the bathroom.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp leads you to the trainees room so you can practice.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionTrainerRed5.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"I want to see you gag on this dick you little whore. Swallow every fucking drop!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
The client gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ for the blowjob.<br/>
Your pimp took @@color:#4AA02C;$pimpPay dollars@@.<br/>
You leave with @@color:#4AA02C;$yourTotal dollars@@.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>
<<set $cumAddiction += 1>>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@<br/>
@@color:#FF4C4C; +1 cum addiction@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>
<<set $makeupVolume -=10>>
<!-- SIX -->
<<if $rnd == 6>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You enter the strangers apartment and quickly get bent over the kitchen counter.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You enter the clients apartment and get thrown down onto the kitchen counter.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp leads you to the trainees room so you can practice.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionTrainerRed6.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"You love getting fucked from behind don't you slut? Just taking cock like the little whore you are.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
The man quickly gets himself off from pounding you cunt, and gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ for being a good whore.<br/>
Your pimp took @@color:#4AA02C;$pimpPay dollars@@.<br/>
You leave with @@color:#4AA02C;$yourTotal dollars@@.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 cunt fucked@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>
<<set $makeupVolume -=10>>
<!-- SEVEN -->
<<if $rnd == 7>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You enter the strangers apartment and get led to the bathroom before being thrown onto your back.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You enter the clients apartment quickly find yourself in the bathroom lying on your back.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp leads you to the trainees room so you can practice.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionTrainerRed7.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
The client teases you by slapping your pussy with his cock and rubbing the head against your wettening slit.<br/>
"You want it bad, don't you bitch? You want this big, thick cock deep inside that little hole - filling you with cum don't you?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
The man quickly gets himself off from using your cunt, and gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ for being a good whore.<br/>
Your pimp took @@color:#4AA02C;$pimpPay dollars@@.<br/>
You leave with @@color:#4AA02C;$yourTotal dollars@@.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 cunt fucked@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>
<<set $makeupVolume -=10>>
<!-- EIGHT -->
<<if $rnd == 8>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You enter the strangers apartment and find yourself lying on your back in his bathroom.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You enter the clients apartment and get thrown onto your back within the bathroom.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp leads you to the trainees room so you can practice.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionTrainerRed8.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"There isn't a single whore in this city that has a cunt as tight as yours baby. I want you to be my personal cockslave; just take this dick every day for the rest of your life.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
In seconds, the man is emptying himself inside your pussy and proceeds to give you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.<br/>
Your pimp took @@color:#4AA02C;$pimpPay dollars@@.<br/>
You leave with @@color:#4AA02C;$yourTotal dollars@@.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 cunt fucked@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>
<<set $makeupVolume -=10>>
<!-- NINE -->
<<if $rnd == 9>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You enter the strangers apartment and find your client lying on his bed with his dick in his hand.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You enter the clients apartment and get your hand slid down the clients pants.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp leads you to the trainees room so you can practice.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionTrainerRed9.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"I want you to jerk me off with only your hands. You're gonna milk every drop straight out of my balls, and don't stop until I tell you to."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
After a while of your soft hands milking your clients cock, he bursts all over your fingers and gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.<br/>
Your pimp took @@color:#4AA02C;$pimpPay dollars@@.<br/>
You leave with @@color:#4AA02C;$yourTotal dollars@@.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameOn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 15>>
<<set $makeupVolume -= 15>>
<!-- TEN -->
<<if $rnd == 10>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You enter the strangers apartment and find your client lying on his bed with his dick in his hand.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You enter the clients apartment and get your hand slid down the clients pants.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp leads you to the trainees room so you can practice.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionTrainerRed10.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"You're going to milk my dick until my nuts are emptied all over your hands. Just keep jerking and I'll tell you when to stop. Got it whore?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
After a while of your soft hands milking your clients cock, he bursts all over your fingers and gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.<br/>
Your pimp took @@color:#4AA02C;$pimpPay dollars@@.<br/>
You leave with @@color:#4AA02C;$yourTotal dollars@@.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameOn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 15>>
<<set $makeupVolume -= 15>>
<!-- ELEVEN -->
<<if $rnd == 11>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You enter the strangers apartment and find your client lying on his bed with his dick in his hand.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You enter the clients apartment and get your hand slid down the clients pants.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp leads you to the trainees room so you can practice.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionTrainerRed11.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"You're going to milk my dick until my nuts are emptied all over your hands. Just keep jerking and I'll tell you when to stop. Got it whore?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
After a while of your soft hands milking your clients cock, he bursts all over your fingers and gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.<br/>
Your pimp took @@color:#4AA02C;$pimpPay dollars@@.<br/>
You leave with @@color:#4AA02C;$yourTotal dollars@@.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameOn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 15>>
<<set $makeupVolume -= 15>>
<!-- TWELVE -->
<<if $rnd == 12>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You enter the strangers apartment and find your client lying on his bed with his dick in his hand.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You enter the clients apartment and get your hand slid down the clients pants.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp leads you to the trainees room so you can practice.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionTrainerRed12.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"You're going to milk my dick until my nuts are emptied all over your hands. Just keep jerking and I'll tell you when to stop. Got it whore?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
After a while of your soft hands milking your clients cock, he bursts all over your fingers and gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.<br/>
Your pimp took @@color:#4AA02C;$pimpPay dollars@@.<br/>
You leave with @@color:#4AA02C;$yourTotal dollars@@.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameOn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 2>>
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +2 fame@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 15>>
<<set $makeupVolume -= 15>>
<<set $tmpRnd = 0>>
<<set $rnd = 0>>
<<endnobr>> <!-- Prostitution Trainer Red -->\
<<set $tmp = $sexualSkill + ($fame/2)>>
<<set $ranPay = random(3,10)>>
<<set $payout = Math.round($tmp + $ranPay)>>
<<set $pimpPay = Math.round($payout * .80)>>
<<set $pimpPayTotal += $pimpPay>>
<<set $yourTotal = ($payout - $pimpPay)>>
<<set $money += $yourTotal>>
<<set $totalIncome += $yourTotal>>
<!-- END PAY/ Start media -->
<<set $rnd = random(1,12)>>
<!-- ONE -->
<<if $rnd == 1>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You enter the strangers room and follow his commands.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You enter the trainees room and meet the client.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp leads you to the trainees room so you can practice.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Wow! Well, you're a hot little piece of ass aren't you?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"You don't look anything like the other girls! Let me see what you look like with my cock against your lips.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"What a cute little teen you are! Show grandpa how good you are at sucking."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionTrainerRed1.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"I'll hold onto these little pigtails and while you suck. You like it, don't you?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
You're handed @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ for taking that dick like a good hoe.
<br/>Your pimp takes @@color:#4AA02C;$pimpPay dollars@@ for his cut.
<br/>You leave with @@color:#4AA02C;$yourTotal dollars@@.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>
<<set $cumAddiction += 1>>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@<br/>
@@color:#FF4C4C; +1 cum addiction@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>
<<set $makeupVolume -=10>>
<!-- TWO -->
<<if $rnd == 2>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You enter the strangers room and follow his commands.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You enter the trainees room and meet the client.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp leads you to the trainees room so you can practice.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Wow! Well, you're a hot little piece of ass aren't you?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
"You don't look anything like the other girls! Let me see what you look like with my cock against your lips.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
"What a cute little teen you are! Show grandpa how good you are at sucking."
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionTrainerRed2.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Let me see you blow that dick, slowly little lady. Savor it.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
You're handed @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ for following the old mans commands.
<br/>Your pimp takes @@color:#4AA02C;$pimpPay dollars@@ for his cut.
<br/>You leave with @@color:#4AA02C;$yourTotal dollars@@.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>
<<set $cumAddiction += 1>>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@<br/>
@@color:#FF4C4C; +1 cum addiction@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>
<<set $makeupVolume -=10>>
<!-- THREE -->
<<if $rnd == 3>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You enter the strangers room and follow his commands.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You enter the trainees room and meet the client.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp leads you to the trainees room so you can practice.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionTrainerRed3.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"You like grandpas cock inside your little hole don't you slut?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
The old man finishes inside you and gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ for your time.<br/>
Your pimp takes @@color:#4AA02C;$pimpPay dollars@@ for his cut.
<br/>You leave with @@color:#4AA02C;$yourTotal dollars@@.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 cunt fucked@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>
<<set $makeupVolume -=10>>
<!-- FOUR -->
<<if $rnd == 4>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You enter the strangers room and find an old man jerking himself off to a photo of you.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You enter your clients room and immediately see the old man reach into his pants.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp leads you to the trainees room so you can practice.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionTrainerRed4.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"Bent over like a good little girl for grandpa aren't you dear?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
The old man empties his balls inside you and gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ for your time.<br/>
Your pimp took @@color:#4AA02C;$pimpPay dollars@@.<br/>
You leave with @@color:#4AA02C;$yourTotal dollars@@.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 cunt fucked@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>
<<set $makeupVolume -=10>>
<!-- FIVE -->
<<if $rnd == 5>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You enter the strangers apartment and get led to the bathroom.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You enter your clients apartment and get told to wait in the bathroom.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp leads you to the trainees room so you can practice.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionTrainerRed5.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"I want to see you gag on this dick you little whore. Swallow every fucking drop!"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
The client gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ for the blowjob.<br/>
Your pimp took @@color:#4AA02C;$pimpPay dollars@@.<br/>
You leave with @@color:#4AA02C;$yourTotal dollars@@.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>
<<set $cumAddiction += 1>>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@<br/>
@@color:#FF4C4C; +1 cum addiction@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>
<<set $makeupVolume -=10>>
<!-- SIX -->
<<if $rnd == 6>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You enter the strangers apartment and quickly get bent over the kitchen counter.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You enter the clients apartment and get thrown down onto the kitchen counter.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp leads you to the trainees room so you can practice.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionTrainerRed6.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"You love getting fucked from behind don't you slut? Just taking cock like the little whore you are.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
The man quickly gets himself off from pounding you cunt, and gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ for being a good whore.<br/>
Your pimp took @@color:#4AA02C;$pimpPay dollars@@.<br/>
You leave with @@color:#4AA02C;$yourTotal dollars@@.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 cunt fucked@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>
<<set $makeupVolume -=10>>
<!-- SEVEN -->
<<if $rnd == 7>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You enter the strangers apartment and get led to the bathroom before being thrown onto your back.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You enter the clients apartment quickly find yourself in the bathroom lying on your back.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp leads you to the trainees room so you can practice.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionTrainerRed7.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
The client teases you by slapping your pussy with his cock and rubbing the head against your wettening slit.<br/>
"You want it bad, don't you bitch? You want this big, thick cock deep inside that little hole - filling you with cum don't you?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
The man quickly gets himself off from using your cunt, and gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@ for being a good whore.<br/>
Your pimp took @@color:#4AA02C;$pimpPay dollars@@.<br/>
You leave with @@color:#4AA02C;$yourTotal dollars@@.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 cunt fucked@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>
<<set $makeupVolume -=10>>
<!-- EIGHT -->
<<if $rnd == 8>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You enter the strangers apartment and find yourself lying on your back in his bathroom.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You enter the clients apartment and get thrown onto your back within the bathroom.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp leads you to the trainees room so you can practice.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionTrainerRed8.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"There isn't a single whore in this city that has a cunt as tight as yours baby. I want you to be my personal cockslave; just take this dick every day for the rest of your life.."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
In seconds, the man is emptying himself inside your pussy and proceeds to give you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.<br/>
Your pimp took @@color:#4AA02C;$pimpPay dollars@@.<br/>
You leave with @@color:#4AA02C;$yourTotal dollars@@.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>
<<set $cameIn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 cunt fucked@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>
<<set $makeupVolume -=10>>
<!-- NINE -->
<<if $rnd == 9>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You enter the strangers apartment and find your client lying on his bed with his dick in his hand.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You enter the clients apartment and get your hand slid down the clients pants.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp leads you to the trainees room so you can practice.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionTrainerRed9.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"I want you to jerk me off with only your hands. You're gonna milk every drop straight out of my balls, and don't stop until I tell you to."
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
After a while of your soft hands milking your clients cock, he bursts all over your fingers and gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.<br/>
Your pimp took @@color:#4AA02C;$pimpPay dollars@@.<br/>
You leave with @@color:#4AA02C;$yourTotal dollars@@.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameOn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 15>>
<<set $makeupVolume -= 15>>
<!-- TEN -->
<<if $rnd == 10>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You enter the strangers apartment and find your client lying on his bed with his dick in his hand.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You enter the clients apartment and get your hand slid down the clients pants.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp leads you to the trainees room so you can practice.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionTrainerRed10.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"You're going to milk my dick until my nuts are emptied all over your hands. Just keep jerking and I'll tell you when to stop. Got it whore?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
After a while of your soft hands milking your clients cock, he bursts all over your fingers and gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.<br/>
Your pimp took @@color:#4AA02C;$pimpPay dollars@@.<br/>
You leave with @@color:#4AA02C;$yourTotal dollars@@.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameOn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 15>>
<<set $makeupVolume -= 15>>
<!-- ELEVEN -->
<<if $rnd == 11>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You enter the strangers apartment and find your client lying on his bed with his dick in his hand.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You enter the clients apartment and get your hand slid down the clients pants.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp leads you to the trainees room so you can practice.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionTrainerRed11.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"You're going to milk my dick until my nuts are emptied all over your hands. Just keep jerking and I'll tell you when to stop. Got it whore?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
After a while of your soft hands milking your clients cock, he bursts all over your fingers and gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.<br/>
Your pimp took @@color:#4AA02C;$pimpPay dollars@@.<br/>
You leave with @@color:#4AA02C;$yourTotal dollars@@.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameOn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +1 fame@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 15>>
<<set $makeupVolume -= 15>>
<!-- TWELVE -->
<<if $rnd == 12>>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
@@color:orange;You enter the strangers apartment and find your client lying on his bed with his dick in his hand.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
@@color:orange;You enter the clients apartment and get your hand slid down the clients pants.@@
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
@@color:orange;Your pimp leads you to the trainees room so you can practice.@@
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\prostitutionTrainerRed\prostitutionTrainerRed12.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>> <!-- Scene Say -->
<<if $sceneSay == 1>>
"You're going to milk my dick until my nuts are emptied all over your hands. Just keep jerking and I'll tell you when to stop. Got it whore?"
<<elseif $sceneSay == 2>>
<<elseif $sceneSay == 3>>
<<endif>> <!-- End Scene Say -->
After a while of your soft hands milking your clients cock, he bursts all over your fingers and gives you @@color:#4AA02C;$payout dollars@@.<br/>
Your pimp took @@color:#4AA02C;$pimpPay dollars@@.<br/>
You leave with @@color:#4AA02C;$yourTotal dollars@@.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameOn += 1>>
<<set $fame += 2>>
@@color:orange; +1 came on@@<br/>
@@color:orange; +2 fame@@
<<set $cleanliness -= 15>>
<<set $makeupVolume -= 15>>
<<set $tmpRnd = 0>>
<<set $rnd = 0>>
<<endnobr>><<if $gymHours <= 0>>\
You're too tired to workout anymore today.
[[Go home|playerHouses]]
<<if $gymHours >= 1>>\
<<if $gymEnrolled == false>>\
@@color:orange;You walk into the gym.@@<br/>
<<if $money >= 300>>\
[[Enroll for|gymEnroll]] @@color:#4AA02C;$300@@, due every two weeks.
<<elseif $money < 300>>\
You read a pamphlet from the desk stating the enrollment cost is @@color:#4AA02C;$300@@ every two weeks.
<<if $gymEnrolled == true>>\
@@color:orange;You approach the Gym's front desk.@@<br>
Would you like to [[workout|gymWorkout]]?
[[Leave the gym|Sovoka_Downtown]]
<<endif>>\<<set $sceneRnd = random (1,5)>>\
<<if $sceneRnd != 5>>\
@@color:orange;You spend the period working your body and increasing your fitness.@@
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\gym\brunette\gymBrunette7.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +1 fitness@@
<<set $fitness += 1>>\
<<elseif $sceneRnd == 5>>\
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,4)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
@@color:orange;You spend the entire period getting fucked by a group of boys..@@
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\gym\brunette\gymBrunette4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"You've got one of the tighest pussies I've been in since I got here."
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +3 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +3 cunt fucked@@
@@color:orange; +3 came inside@@
@@color:pink; +3 Rep: School Slut@@
@@color:orange; +3 Fame@@
<<set $oralTotal += 3>>\
<<set $cuntTotal += 3>>\
<<set $cameIn += 3>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 3>>\
<<set $fame += 3>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>\
@@color:orange;"$name, get in here, now!" Calls the coach.@@
"It's time you got a special lesson in exercise from me personally."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\gym\brunette\gymBrunette3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You spend the entire period orally gagged with the coaches cock.
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 came inside@@
@@color:pink; +1 Rep: School Slut@@
@@color:orange; +1 Fame@@
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 3>>\
@@color:orange;You spend the entire period bent over with a dick in your ass.@@
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\gym\brunette\gymBrunette1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"You're a great butt-slut $name. I love emptying my balls in your ass."
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +1 ass fucked@@
@@color:orange; +1 came inside@@
@@color:pink; +1 Rep: School Slut@@
@@color:orange; +1 Fame@@
<<set $analTotal += 1>>\
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 4>>\
@@color:orange;You spend the entire period bent over with a dick in your ass.@@
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\gym\brunette\gymBrunette2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"Thanks for helping me with my workout @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@."
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +1 ass fucked@@
@@color:orange; +1 came inside@@
@@color:pink; +1 Rep: School Slut@@
@@color:orange; +1 Fame@@
<<set $analTotal += 1>>\
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>\
<<addhours 1>>\<<set $sceneRnd = random (1,5)>>\
<<if $sceneRnd != 5>>\
@@color:orange;You spend the entire period flirting with boys.@@
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:pink; +1 Rep: School Slut@@
@@color:orange; +3 Fame@@
<<set $schoolSlut += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 3>>\
<<elseif $sceneRnd == 5>>\
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,4)>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>\
@@color:orange;You spend the entire period sucking off a group of boys..@@
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\gym\blonde\gymBlonde2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"You've really put a lot of effort into being a good suck slut haven't you?"
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +3 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +3 came inside@@
@@color:pink; +3 Rep: School Slut@@
@@color:orange; +3 Fame@@
<<set $oralTotal += 3>>\
<<set $cameIn += 3>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 3>>\
<<set $fame += 3>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 2>>\
@@color:orange;You spend the entire period bent over taking black cock up your ass.@@
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\gym\blonde\gymBlonde3.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"You're a great butt-slut @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@. I love emptying my balls in your ass."
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +1 butt fucked@@
@@color:orange; +1 came inside@@
@@color:pink; +1 Rep: School Slut@@
@@color:orange; +1 Fame@@
<<set $analTotal += 1>>\
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 3>>\
@@color:orange;You spend the whole period getting black cock deep inside your little cunt.@@
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\gym\blonde\gymBlonde4.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"Thanks for helping me with my workout @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@."
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +1 cunt fucked@@
@@color:orange; +1 came inside@@
@@color:pink; +1 Rep: School Slut@@
@@color:orange; +1 Fame@@
<<set $cuntTotal += 1>>\
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 1>>\
<<set $fame += 1>>\
<<if $tmpRnd == 4>>\
@@color:orange;You spend the period working your body and increasing your fitness.@@
<div class="resizedVideo1">\
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\gym\blonde\gymBlonde5.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
@@color:orange; +1 fitness@@
<<set $fitness += 1>>\
<<set $cleanliness -= 10>>\
<<addhours 1>>\<<if $distance == 1>>\
<<if $car == "None">>\
<<addhours 1>>\
<<elseif $car == "Eclipse">>\
<<addmins 30>>\
<<elseif $car == "Audi A4">>\
<<addmins 20>>\
<<elseif $car == "Corvette Z06">>\
<<addmins 10>>\
<<set $distance = 0>>\
<<set $cleanliness -= 50>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 50>>\
<<addhours 1>>\
<<if $gymHours <= 0>>\
You're too tired to workout anymore today.
[[Go home|playerHouses][$distance to 1]]
<<if $gymHours >= 1>>\
<<set $gymHours -= 1>>\
@@color:orange;You spend an hour working on your physical fitness.@@
<<if $hairColor == "blonde">>
<<elseif $hairColor == "brunette">>
<<set $rnd = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
<<elseif $rnd == 2>>\
<<elseif $hairColor == "red">>
<<if $gymHours >= 1>>
[[Workout again|gymWorkout]]
[[Go home|playerHouses][$distance to 1]]
<<set $fitness += 1>>
@@color:orange; +1 fitness@@
<<endif>>\<<set $gymEnrolled = true>>\
<<set $money -= 300>>\
@@color:orange;You pay@@ @@color:#4AA02C;$300@@@@color:orange; and enroll at the gym.@@<br>
[[Finish enrollment|gym]]
<<set $nextGymFee to addDaysToDate($gameDate, 14).toDateString()>>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\pimp1.jpg]]
"Alright girl, well let me tell you a little bit about this city. Guys are always willing to pay for a piece of ass - especially a piece like you."
"I'll show you the ropes and I'll make sure you can work in peace. I just require a small percentage.
You could make a killing out there baby. What do you say? Show me how much you want it?"
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:300px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
[[Suck his dick|prostitutionIntro2]]
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<!-- END TABLE --><<set $cleanliness -= 15>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 15>>\
<<addhours 1>>\
<<set $prostitutionUnlocked = true>>\
@@color:orange;Your pimp puts your mouth straight to work by fucking your face with his thick black cock@@.<br/>
<<if $hairColor == "blonde">>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\blonde.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $hairColor == "brunette">>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\brunette.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $hairColor == "red">>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\prostitution\red.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $fame >= 500>>\
Just as your pimp finishes coating your throat in thick cum, he begins speaking to you.
"My people tell me your reputation is high enough to start working on the streets alone. You'll make a fine Prostitute."
<span class="rainbow">Congratulations!</span> You're officially a @@color:#4AA02C;Prostitute@@!
<<elseif $fame <= 499>>\
Just as your pimp finishes coating your throat in thick cum, he begins speaking to you.
"My people tell me you aren't known well enough the city to work alone. I'll have clients for you to practice with soon."
<span class="rainbow">Congratulations!</span> You're officially a @@color:#4AA02C;Trainer Prostitute@@!
Return [[Home|playerHouses]]
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs@@
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
<<set $pimpPay = 0>>\<<nobr>>
<<set $rnd = random(1,3)>>
<<if $rnd == 1>>
@@color:orange;You walk into the stylists shop@@.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $rnd == 2>>
@@color:orange;You walk into the stylists shop and realize she's coming in behind you from outside@@.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $rnd == 3>>
@@color:orange;You walk into the stylists shop and catch her by surprise@@.<br/><br/>
"Oh, hello there! I'm @@color:#4AA02C;Patty@@."
"If you're looking to change your hair color, it's going to be @@color:#4AA02C;$1,000@@.
"I don't use cheap products here."
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:540px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
[[I'll keep my hair color|Sovoka_Downtown]]
<<if $money >= 1000>>
Change my [[hair color|stylistCycler]]
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<!-- END TABLE -->@@color:orange;You prepare to have your hair color changed@@.
"As long as you're sure, just pick the color you want."
"Remember, it's @@color:#4AA02C;$1,000@@. I only use the best products."
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:540px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
<<if $hairColor == "blonde">>
Change to [[brunette|stylistBrunette]]<br/>
Change to [[red|stylistRed]]<br/>
<<if $hairColor == "brunette">>
Change to [[blonde|stylistBlonde]]<br/>
Change to [[red|stylistRed]]<br/>
<<if $hairColor == "red">>
Change to [[blonde|stylistBlonde]]<br/>
Change to [[brunette|stylistBrunette]]<br/>
[[I'll keep my hair color|Sovoka_Downtown]]
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<!-- END TABLE --><<set $hairColor = "red">>\
<<set $money -= 1000>>\
<<addmins 30>>\
<span class="rainbow">Congratulations!</span> I've changed your hair color to @@color:#FF4C4C;$hairColor@@.
Choose your [[representation|StylistCharacterSelect1]]<<set $hairColor = "brunette">>\
<<set $money -= 1000>>\
<<addmins 30>>\
<span class="rainbow">Congratulations!</span> I've changed your hair color to @@color:orange;$hairColor@@.
Choose your [[representation|StylistCharacterSelect1]]<<set $hairColor = "blonde">>\
<<set $money -= 1000>>\
<<addmins 30>>\
<span class="rainbow">Congratulations!</span> I've changed your hair color to @@color:orange;$hairColor@@.
Choose your [[representation|StylistCharacterSelect1]]<center>
<<if $authorDiscovered == false>>\
<<set $money += 500>>\
<<set $totalIncome += 500>>\
You received a one time reward of @@color:#4AA02C;$500@@.
<<set $authorDiscovered = true>>\
<h2><span class="rainbow">Hello!</span></h2>
Welcome to the super hidden author page, where you get to learn about me!
I'm a 24 y/o female from the eastern US, under our lakes - and I'm a gamer and a Computer Science student. I live in an apartment by myself and I spend hours working on this game for fun.
If you like it, and want to buy me coffee or something from a distance, please know I'd appreciate it. <a href="" target="_blank">Patreon</a>
If not, that's completely cool too. I didn't make this game for money.
Take care,
<span class="rainbow">~ Alyonsa</span>
<<if $houseJohns == false>>\
<<elseif $houseJohns == true>>\
</center>@@color:orange;You head into the living room.@@
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:540px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
<<if ($gameDate.getHours() <= 24 && $gameDate.getHours() > 7)>>
[[Watch TV|watchTVJohns]]<br/>
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<!-- END TABLE -->
[[Leave the living room|playerHouses]]<<nobr>>
<<addhours 1>>
<<set $rnd = random(1,10)>>
<<if $rnd == 1>>
<<if $jobModel == false>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\tv\news.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"We need YOU to model our luxurious clothes now!"<br/>
"Located in Downtown Sovoka, come make your fine figure work for you!"
<<if $jobModel == true>>
<!-- BLONDE -->
<<if $hairColor == "blonde">>
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,6)>>
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 2>>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 3>>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 4>>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 5>>
<div class="resizedVideo">
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\jobs\model\blonde\blonde5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 6>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\jobs\model\blonde\blonde6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<!-- BRUNETTE -->
<<if $hairColor == "brunette">>
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,5)>>
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 2>>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 3>>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 4>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\jobs\model\brunette\brunette4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 5>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\jobs\model\brunette\brunette5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<!-- RED -->
<<if $hairColor == "red">>
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,10)>>
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\jobs\model\red\red1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 2>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\jobs\model\red\red2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 3>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\jobs\model\red\red3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 4>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\jobs\model\red\red4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 5>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\jobs\model\red\red5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 6>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\jobs\model\red\red6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 7>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\jobs\model\red\red7.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 8>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\jobs\model\red\red8.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 9>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\jobs\model\red\red9.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 10>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\jobs\model\red\red10.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"She's sexy, sleek, and one of the most gorgeous gals on the planet.<br/>
<span class="rainbow">$name $nameLast</span> is taking the modeling world by storm, and she wears only the finest fabrics.<br/>
Be like <span class="rainbow">$name</span>, and upgrade your wardrobe today!"
<<if $rnd == 2>>
<<if $classEnrolled == false>>
"Do want a fast, affordable education? Sovoka High makes everyones dreams cum true!"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\tv\news.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"Enroll today in Downtown Sovoka!"
<<if $classEnrolled == true>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\tv\news.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"Getting an education at Sovoka High guarantees higher pay and opens the door for new opportunities. We'd love to see you in our classes. See you soon!"
<<if $rnd == 3>>
<<if $prostitutionUnlocked == false>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\tv\news.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"Reports are coming in to remind parents that unsavory peddelers of prostitution hang around the outskirts of the city late in the evening. We'd like to urge citizens to be weary of where the go at night.."
<<if $prostitutionUnlocked == true>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\tv\news.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"The underworld of prostitution has always been a mystery. What it means for our city, and our youth - but today we spoke to a local 'pimp' who claims in any walk of life, skill from repeatedly working on your craft is what builds success."
<<if $rnd == 4>>
<<if $gymEnrolled == false>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\tv\news.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"Do you want a fit, toned body so that strangers can't help but stare at you with lust or admiration? Come down to The Gym today to get your gains."
<<if $gymEnrolled == true>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\tv\news.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"It's a fact that patrons of The Gym earn more money and feel better in everything they do. We're here for you. Come see us soon!"
<<if $rnd == 5>>
You find a channel hosting porn where a big black cock is being given a tight, wet handjob.
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\tv\porn1.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $rnd == 6>>
You stumble upon a channel hosting a man getting his big, sloppy balls licked before he gets his dick sucked.
<<if $rnd == 7>>
You find a channel hosting porn where a big black cock is being given a tight, wet handjob.
<<if $rnd == 8>>
You switch channels onto a movie with one of your favorite movie actors.
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,2)>>
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 2>>
<<if $rnd == 9>>
You stumble upon a channel that's seemingly normal at first, but you quickly discover that it isn't.
<<if $rnd == 10>>
You switch through the channels, stopping at a trippy movie video telling you about dreams.
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Apartment\tv\dreams.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if ($gameDate.getHours() <= 24 && $gameDate.getHours() > 7)>>
[[Continue Watching|watchTVJohns]]<br/>
[[Turn off the tv|johnsLivingRoom]]
<<set $cleanliness -= 5>>\
<<set $luck += 1>>\<<if $hairColor == "red">>\
<<if $schoolSlut < 50>>\
@@color:orange;As you almost finish un-chaining yourself, a student appears in front of you.@@
<<elseif $schoolSlut >= 50>>\
@@color:orange;As you almost finish un-chaining yourself, a student appears in front of you. "Hey @@@@color:#4AA02C;$name@@@@color:orange;, what are you doing all tied up alone down here?"@@
"While the opportunity presents itself..."
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\School\classRape1\red\teacherRapeRed10.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
The boy fucks your face for an easy half hour before finally cumming down your throat.
"Thanks @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@."
[[Return to class|beginSchool]]
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
@@color:orange; +1 came in@@
@@color:orange; +1 blowjobs given@@
@@color:orange; +1 raped@@
@@color:pink; +1 Rep: School Slut.@@
<<set $cameIn += 1>>\
<<set $oralTotal += 1>>\
<<set $raped += 1>>\
<<set $schoolSlut += 1>>\
<<set $cleanliness -= 15>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 15>>\ <!-- Scavenge-Johns-Check -->\
<<set $cleanliness -= 5>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 5>>\
<!-- Role on John event for Scavenging.-->
<!-- BLONDE -->
<<if $hairColor == "blonde" && $rnd == 2>>\
<<set $rnd = random(1,13)>>\
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
@@color:orange;$johnAlias catches you searching through his laundry.@@
<<if $penisMedia == true>>
"Hey @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@, unless you're going to do my laundry, why don't you crawl over here and suck my dick?"
[[Blow him|blondeScavengeJohns1]]
<<if $rnd == 2>>\
@@color:orange;$johnAlias catches you searching through his couch cushions.@@
<<if $penisMedia == true>>
"If you find any money in there, you can keep it if you give me what I'm searching for..."
[[Crawl over to him|blondeScavengeJohns1]]
<<if $rnd == 3>>\
@@color:orange;$johnAlias catches you bent over and searching through his dresser.@@
"@@color:#4AA02C;$name@@, you better hope I don't find anything missing or your ass is mine!"
[[Give him something better|blondeScavengeJohns1]]
<<if $rnd == 4>>\
@@color:orange;$johnAlias catches you searching through his couch cushions.@@
<<if $penisMedia == true>>
"@@color:#4AA02C;$name@@, you'll probably make more money if you stop searching for it and start sucking cock like your meant to."
[[Crawl over to him|blondeScavengeJohns1]]
<<if $rnd == 5>>\
@@color:orange;$johnAlias throws you to the ground and shoves his cock in your mouth.@@
"See @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@, sometimes you just have to take life by the head and fuck it!"
[[Help him get off|blondeScavengeJohns1]]
[[Push him off|playerHouses]]
<<if $rnd == 6>>\
@@color:orange;You walk in on $johnAlias while he's masturbating.@@
"@@color:#4AA02C;$name@@! If you wanted to see my cock you could just ask."
[[Leave the room|playerHouses]]
<<if $rnd == 7>>\
@@color:orange;$johnAlias catches you in the hall after you come out of his room.@@
"@@color:#4AA02C;$name@@, it's starting to seem like things might be going missing around here. Do you have any idea why?"
[[Deny stealing|blondeScavengeJohns1]]
[[Empathize and walk away|playerHouses]]
<<if $rnd == 8>>\
@@color:orange;You find $johnAlias sitting on the couch downstairs with his dick in his hand.@@
"Hey @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@, know of any good prostitutes around here?"
[[Stare at|blondeScavengeJohns1]] $johnAlias
[[Reply with a no, and leave|playerHouses]]
<<if $rnd == 9>>\
@@color:orange;$johnAlias catches you searching through his couch cushions and forces you to suck him off.@@
"You look delicious down there @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@. Hungry?"
[[Turn toward|blondeScavengeJohns1]] $johnAlias
[[Stand up and leave|playerHouses]]
<<if $rnd == 10>>\
@@color:orange;While searching through $johnAlias's sheets, you get rolled onto your back and his oozing dick shoved into your mouth.@@
"Are you the one taking money from me @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@?"
[[Say nothing|blondeScavengeJohns1]]
Help $johnAlias [[finish with help from your hands|playerHouses]]
<<if $rnd == 11>>\
@@color:orange;You barely get two seconds to search $johnAlias's room before he's got you collared and against the wall.@@
"It's just you and me in here today @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@..."
Tell $johnAlias [[a cop is picking you up any minute|playerHouses]]
<<if $rnd == 12>>\
@@color:orange;$johnAlias finds you snooping through the basement and ties you from the ceiling.@@
"Well @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@, it seems you've been caught red handed.."
[[Say nothing|blondeScavengeJohns1]]
<<if $rnd == 13>>\
@@color:orange;$johnAlias finds you frantically searching through the basement and ties you from the ceiling.@@
"Can you really not grasp the concept of earning your own money bitch?"
[[Stare dumbly|blondeScavengeJohns1]]
<!-- BRUNETTE -->
<<if $hairColor == "brunette" && $rnd == 2>>\
<<set $rnd = random(1,10)>>\
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
@@color:orange;$johnAlias catches you searching through his dresser drawers.@@
<<if $penisMedia == true>>
[[Kneel down in front of him|brunetteScavengeJohns1]]
[[Lie about mixed up laundry|playerHouses]]
<<if $rnd == 2>>\
@@color:orange;One of $johnAlias's friends spooks you as you step into $johnAlias's room.@@
"You must be @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@. $johnAlias asked me to watch the place while he's gone. Why don't you come have a seat baby."
[[Sit down|brunetteScavengeJohns1]]
<<if $rnd == 3>>\
@@color:orange;$johnAlias yells through the house yelling your name.@@
[[Tell him where you are|brunetteScavengeJohns1]]
[[Stay silent|playerHouses]]
<<if $rnd == 4>>\
@@color:orange;$johnAlias finds you bent over, searching through some couch cushions, with his dick in his hand.@@
[[Stare up at him, silently|brunetteScavengeJohns1]]
[[Claim you were looking for a lost item|playerHouses]]
<<if $rnd == 5>>\
@@color:orange;As your searching the couch cushions you feel a dick plop against your shoulder.@@
[[Turn around|brunetteScavengeJohns1]]
[[Stand up and leave|playerHouses]]
<<if $rnd == 6>>\
@@color:orange;$johnAlias catches you searching through his dresser drawers.@@
<<if $penisMedia == true>>
[[Kneel down in front of him|brunetteScavengeJohns1]]
[[Lie about mixed up laundry|playerHouses]]
<<if $rnd == 7>>\
@@color:orange;You walk in on $johnAlias masturbating.@@
[[Join him on the bed|brunetteScavengeJohns1]]
[[Turn around and leave|playerHouses]]
<<if $rnd == 8>>\
@@color:orange;$johnAlias finds you looking through the kitchen cabinets.@@
[[Bend over and look up at|brunetteScavengeJohns1]] $johnAlias
[[Complain about a lost remote|playerHouses]]
<<if $rnd == 9>>\
@@color:orange;$johnAlias finds you in the basement looking through his belongings.@@
[[Admit you needed money|brunetteScavengeJohns1]]
[[Try to escape upstairs|playerHouses]]
<<if $rnd == 10>>\
@@color:orange;$johnAlias finds you searching through his kitchen cupboards and accuses you of stealing.@@
[[Kneel down nervously|brunetteScavengeJohns1]]
[[Make up a generic excuse|playerHouses]]
<!-- RED -->
<<if $hairColor == "red" && $rnd == 2>>\
<<set $rnd = random(1,11)>>\
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
@@color:orange;$johnAlias catches you searching through his laundry.@@
[[Leave the room|playerHouses]]
<<if $rnd == 2>>\
@@color:orange;$johnAlias catches you searching through his dresser drawers.@@
[[Fake cry|redScavengeJohns1]]
[[Leave the room|playerHouses]]
<<if $rnd == 3>>\
@@color:orange;$johnAlias catches you searching through his dresser drawers.@@
[[Tell him a generic excuse|redScavengeJohns1]]
[[Leave the room|playerHouses]]
<<if $rnd == 4>>\
@@color:orange;$johnAlias catches you bent over in the kitchen searching under the sink, and you feel him press up against you.@@
[[Turn around and blow him|redScavengeJohns1]]
[[Walk away|playerHouses]]
<<if $rnd == 5>>\
@@color:orange;You nearly finish looking through $johnAlias's room before he walks in, catching you off guard.@@
<<if $penisMedia == true>>
"I think it's time you get on your knees @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@."
[[Get on your knees|redScavengeJohns1]]
<<if $rnd == 6>>\
@@color:orange;$johnAlias walks in to find you looking through the laundry in his room.@@
[[Tell him you're horny|redScavengeJohns1]]
[[Tell him you lost your panties|playerHouses]]
<<if $rnd == 7>>\
@@color:orange;$johnAlias surprises you by walking into his room as your search, but his dick is out and in his hand.@@
[[Tell him you were waiting for him|redScavengeJohns1]]
[[Tell him people are expecting you|playerHouses]]
<<if $rnd == 8>>\
@@color:orange;$johnAlias surprises you by walking into his room as your search, but his dick is out and in his hand.@@
[[Turn to look up at him|redScavengeJohns1]]
[[Leave the room|playerHouses]]
<<if $rnd == 9>>\
@@color:orange;One of $johnAlias's friends spooks you as you step into $johnAlias's room.@@
"You must be @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@. $johnAlias asked me to watch the place while he's gone. Why don't you come have a seat baby."
[[Sit down|redScavengeJohns1]]
<<if $rnd == 10>>\
@@color:orange;You finish searching a room before feeling a rope get thrown around you.@@
"It's time to pay me back for some of that money you keep stealing, bitch."
<<if $rnd == 11>>\
@@color:orange;$johnAlias walks in to find you searching the bathroom.@@
<<if $penisMedia == true>>
[[Kneel and submit|redScavengeJohns1]]
[[Leave the room|playerHouses]]
<<endif>>\@@color:orange;You walk into the shady casino, where slots are available.@@
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:540px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
Place your bet for a chance to double your money!
<<set $lastBet = $bet>>
<<textbox "$bet" $lastBet>>
<<if $lastBet >= 1>>
<<if $rnd == 1>>
You <span class="rainbow">won</span> @@color:#4AA02C;<<print setup.formatNumber($win)>>@@ dollars.
<<elseif $rnd > 1 & $rnd <= 5>>
You @@color:#FF4C4C;lost@@ @@color:#4AA02C;<<print setup.formatNumber($lastBet)>>@@ dollars.
[[Roll bet|rollSlots]]
Your cash:<br/>
@@color:#4AA02C;<<print setup.formatNumber($money)>>@@
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
[[Exit casino|Sovoka_Downtown]]<br/>
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]<br/><br/>
<<if $luckMessage == true>>
@@color:#4AA02C;You feel like Luck had something to do with it..
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<!-- END TABLE -->
postdisplay["textboxMaxlength"] = function (taskName) {
/* Limit textbox input elements to 12 characters. */
$(".macro-textbox").attr("maxlength", 12);
/* Make this a single-use task.*/
delete postdisplay[taskName];
<<if $cheatsOn == true>>\
Cheats ON:
luckStore: $luckStore
luckRoll: $luckRoll
<<endif>>\/* 20% chance to win. Max luck -> + 15%. Highest chance, 35%. */
<<set $luckMessage = false>>\
<<set $cleanliness -= 2>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 2>>\
<<if $bet <= $money>>\
<<set $rnd = random(1,5)>>\
<!-- Start rolling luck -->\
<<set $luckStore = Math.round($luck * 0.10)>>\
<<if $luckStore >= 15>>\
<<set $luckStore = 15>>\
<<set $luckRoll = random (1,100)>>\
<<if $luckRoll < $luckStore>>\
<<set $rnd = 1>>\
<<set $luckMessage = true>>\
<!-- Stop rolling luck -->\
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
<<set $money += ($bet * 2)>>\
<<set $win = ($bet * 2)>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $win>>\
<<elseif $rnd != 1>>\
<<set $money -= $bet>>\
<<set $gambleCount += 1>>
<<addmins 5>>\
<<goto slotsGame>><<back>>\
<h2><span class="rainbow">~About~</span></h2>\
<h4><span class="rainbow">~27/Oct/2018~</span></h4>\
If you have any questions, or want to contribute (with recognition) join me on <i><a href="" target="_blank">Discord</a></i>
If you want to buy me coffee or something: <a href="" target="_blank">Patreon</a>
Ex: means "example"
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:900px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
<span class="rainbow">How to play</span>:
<br/>You can get a job in Downtown Sovoka.
<br/>Currently there are no bad-ends. The game will not force you to restart.
<br/>There are some Easter Eggs in-game. What Version is the game? (;
<br/>@@color:#4AA02C;Making money:@@ Hygiene, Makeup, Fame, Fitness, Sex skills, Education, etc. All stats matter. (:
<span class="rainbow">Generally</span>:<br/>
There should be no random dead ends.<br/>
All content/logic in-game should work be working correctly.
<span class="rainbow">Stats</span>:<br/>
Some stats increase per action. Rewards: Higher returns @@color:#4AA02C;$@@/etc. Ex: "Makeup Skill"
Some stats decrease on actions. Ex:
@@color:#FF4C4C;Makeup volume,@@ @@color:#00FFFF;Cleanliness@@.
<span class="rainbow">Misc</span>:<br/>
This game was tested using the browser: Google Chrome Beta.
<br/>Saving: * If you don't save to disk, your save will be lost when you clear your browsing history.
<br/>** Save to disk. Load your save to restore your progress.
<span class="rainbow">Notes</span>:<br/>
This game is in constant development. The more free time I have the better.
Contribute text for scenes! Please ^-^
Items: Webcam. Currently unavailable.
<span class="rainbow">Dev Goals</span>:<br/>
Send me your ideas! I implement my own, but I'm open minded.
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
<!-- END TABLE -->
table td {
vertical-align: top;
</style> <!-- Buy Makeup -->\
<<set $makeupOrder to Number($makeupOrder)>>\
<<set $lastOrderMakeup to Number($lastOrderMakeup)>>\
<<if $money >= ($makeupOrder * 8)>>\
<<set $lastOrderMakeup = ($makeupOrder * 8)>>\
<<set $money -= $lastOrderMakeup>>\
<<set $makeup += $makeupOrder>>\
<<elseif $money <= ($makeupOrder * 8)>>\
You don't have enough money for that amount.
<<if $makeupOrder >= 3>>\
<<elseif $makeupOrder == 2>>\
<<elseif $makeupOrder <= 1>>\
You buy @@color:#FF4C4C;$makeupOrder@@ makeup for @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$lastOrderMakeup@@ dollars.
[[Store|store]] <!-- Buy Food -->\
<!-- ENOUGH MONEY -->\
<<set $foodOrder to Number($foodOrder)>>\
<<set $lastOrderFood to Number($lastOrderFood)>>\
<<if $money >= ($foodOrder * 5)>>\
<<set $lastOrderFood = ($foodOrder * 5)>>\
<<set $money -= $lastOrderFood>>\
<<set $food += $foodOrder>>\
<<if $foodOrder >= 3>>\
<<elseif $foodOrder <= 2>>\
You buy @@color:orange;$foodOrder@@ food for @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$lastOrderFood@@ dollars.
<<elseif $money <= ($foodOrder * 5)>>\
You don't have enough money for that amount.
[[Store|store]]@@color:orange;"Hey $jeromeAlias.."@@
[[Can I come over to hang out?|Jerome][$question = 1]]
[[Are you down to fuck?|Jerome][$question = 2]]
[[I need some of that big black cock.|Jerome][$question = 3]]
[[Cancel with|playerHouses]] $jeromeAlias<<set $cleanliness -= 5>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 5>>\
@@color:orange;You arrive at the Sovoka Courthouse.@@
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:540px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
<<if $money >= 500>>
Change your name for @@color:#4AA02C;$500@@: [[Change Name|Courthouse_ChangeName]]
<<elseif $money < 500>>
You don't have @@color:#4AA02C;$500@@ to cover the fees for changing your name.
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
[[Leave Courthouse|Sovoka_Downtown]]
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<!-- END TABLE -->
<<set $money -= 500>>\
@@color:orange;You arrive at the Sovoka Courthouse@@.
"What would you like to change your name to?"
<p>@@color:#4AA02C;My first name is:@@ <<textbox "$name" "Masha">></p>
<p>@@color:#4AA02C;My last name is:@@ <<textbox "$nameLast" "Romonova">></p>
[[Confirm Name|Courthouse]]
img {
width: 320px;
max-height: 300px;
</style><<addmins 15>>\
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:800px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
<!-- 1/4 chance to have John invade shower scene? -->
<!-- BLONDE -->
<<if $hairColor == "blonde">>
<<set $rnd = random(1,2)>>
<<if $rnd == 1>>
@@color:orange;You step into the shower and clean yourself up.@@
<div class="resizedVideo">
<video width="270" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\guestRoom\shower1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $cleanliness = 100>>
<br/>@@color:orange;+100 cleanliness@@
<<elseif $rnd == 2>>
@@color:orange;You step into the shower and clean yourself up.@@
<<set $cleanliness = 100>>
<br/>@@color:orange;+100 cleanliness@@
<!-- BRUNETTE -->
<<elseif $hairColor == "brunette">>
<<set $rnd = random(1,2)>>
<<if $rnd == 1>>
@@color:orange;You step into the shower and clean yourself up.@@
<div class="resizedVideo">
<video width="270" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\guestRoom\shower1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $cleanliness = 100>>
<br/>@@color:orange;+100 cleanliness@@
<<elseif $rnd == 2>>
@@color:orange;You step into the shower and clean yourself up.@@
<<set $cleanliness = 100>>
<br/>@@color:orange;+100 cleanliness@@
<!-- REDHEAD -->
<<elseif $hairColor == "red">>
<<set $rnd = random(1,2)>>
<<if $rnd == 1>>
@@color:orange;You step into the shower and clean yourself up.@@
<div class="resizedVideo">
<video width="270" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\guestRoom\shower1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $cleanliness = 100>>
<br/>@@color:orange;+100 cleanliness@@
<<elseif $rnd == 2>>
@@color:orange;You step into the shower and clean yourself up.@@
<<set $cleanliness = 100>>
<br/>@@color:orange;+100 cleanliness@@
<<if $makeupVolume >= 100>>
You already have maximum makeup on.
<<elseif $makeupVolume < 100>>
<<if $makeupSkill >= 80 && $makeup >= 1>>
@@color:orange;You apply your makeup professionally.@@
<<set $makeup -= 1>>
<<set $makeupSkill += 1>>
<<set $showMakeupVideo = true>>
<<addmins 10>>\
<<elseif $makeupSkill < 80 && $makeupSkill >= 60 && $makeup >= 2>>
@@color:orange;You apply your makeup.@@
<<set $makeup -= 2>>
<<set $makeupSkill += 1>>
<<set $showMakeupVideo = true>>
<<addmins 15>>\
<<elseif $makeupSkill < 60 && $makeupSkill >= 40 && $makeup >= 3>>
@@color:orange;You decently apply your makeup.@@
<<set $makeup -= 3>>
<<set $makeupSkill += 1>>
<<set $showMakeupVideo = true>>
<<addmins 20>>\
<<elseif $makeupSkill < 40 && $makeupSkill >= 20 && $makeup >= 4>>
@@color:orange;You poorly apply your makeup.@@
<<set $makeup -= 4>>
<<set $makeupSkill += 1>>
<<set $showMakeupVideo = true>>
<<addmins 25>>\
<<elseif $makeupSkill <= 19 && $makeup >= 5>>
@@color:orange;You try to apply your makeup.@@
<<set $makeup -= 5>>
<<set $makeupSkill += 1>>
<<set $showMakeupVideo = true>>
<<addmins 30>>\
<<elseif $makeup < 5>>
You don't have enough makeup to apply any.
<<set $showMakeupVideo = false>>
<<if $showMakeupVideo == true>>
<<if $hairColor == "blonde">>
<div class="resizedVideo1">
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Apartment\bathroom\makeup1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $hairColor == "brunette">>
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,2)>>
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>
<div class="resizedVideo1">
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Apartment\bathroom\makeup1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 2>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\guestRoom\makeup2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $hairColor == "red">>
<div class="resizedVideo1">
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Johns\guestRoom\makeup1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Makeup application skill: $makeupSkill
<<if $makeupSkill <= 19>>
@@color:#FF4C4C;-5 makeup@@
<<elseif $makeupSkill < 40 && $makeupSkill >= 20>>
@@color:#FF4C4C;-4 makeup@@
<<elseif $makeupSkill < 60 && $makeupSkill >= 40>>
@@color:#FF4C4C;-3 makeup@@
<<elseif $makeupSkill < 80 && $makeupSkill >= 60>>
@@color:#FF4C4C;-2 makeup@@
<<elseif $makeupSkill <= 100 && $makeupSkill >= 80>>
@@color:#FF4C4C;-1 makeup@@
<<set $makeupVolume = 100>>
@@color:orange;+1 Makeup skill@@<br/>
@@color:#4AA02C;+100 Makeup volume@@<br/>
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
[[Go downstairs|playerHouses]]
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<!-- END TABLE -->
<<set $showMakeupVideo = false>>Just kidding.
If you're reading this though, it means you probably opened my game in Twine. Nice!
If you're going to use my content, I just ask that you give credit.
For anything else useful to you that I put together, just pay it forward to someone else.
We all need to come together to make the world a better place. Whether through quality code or ideas from this Twine game, or in any other way.
Regardless, good luck to you and good health.
Take care,
Alyonsa <!-- Apartment Home -->\
<<if $tempSleep == true>>
<<for ($tmpI = $gameDate.getHours()); $tmpI < 7; ++$tmpI>>
<<set $tmp += 1>>
<<addhours $tmp>>
<<set $tmpI = 0>>
<<set $tmp = 0>>
<!-- End Sleep Hour Calc -->
<<for ($tmpI = $gameDate.getMinutes()); $tmpI < 60; ++$tmpI>>
<<set $tmp += 1>>
<<addmins $tmp>>
<<set $tmpI = 0>>
<<set $tmp = 0>>
<!-- End Sleep Minute Calc -->
<<set $tempSleep = false>>
<<if $cleanliness >= 30>>
<<set $cleanliness -= 30>>
<<set $cleanliness = 0>>
<<set $makeupVolume -= 30>>
/* Values which will be compare */
<<set $now to $gameDate.toDateString()>>
<<if ($now is $nextRent && $gameDate.getHours() >= 8)>>
<<goto [[apartmentRentCheck]]>>
<<endif>> <!-- ENDIF for tempSleep check -->
<<if ($gymEnrolled == true && $now is $nextGymFee)>>
<<set $gymEnrolled = false>>
<<if ($gameDate.getHours() > 23 || $gameDate.getHours() <= 7)>>
@@color:orange;You enter your bedroom and prepare for bed.@@
<<goto "sleepCycle">>
<<elseif ($gameDate.getHours() <= 23 && $gameDate.getHours() >= 7)>>
@@color:orange;You stand in your apartment living room.@@
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:600px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
<<if $laptopOwned == true>>
[[Use Laptop|useLaptop]]
<<elseif $laptopOwned != true>>
Laptop used here.
[[Visit the gloryhole|Glory-Cycler]]<br/>
[[Walk the streets|walkStreets]]<br/>
<<if $prostitutionUnlocked == true & $fame <= 24>>
[[Train as a prostitute|ProstitutionTrainer]]<br/>
<<if $prostitutionUnlocked == true & $fame >= 25>>
[[Hoe yourself out|Prostitution]]<br/>
[[Go to your room|apartmentBedroom]]<br/>
[[Sit on the couch|apartmentLivingRoom]]<br/>
<<if ($hired == true) && ($gameDate.getHours() <= 19 && $gameDate.getHours() >= 8)>>[[Go to work|workCycler]]<br/><<endif>>
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
<<if $gymEnrolled == true && $gymHours > 0>>
[[Go to the gym|gymWorkout]]
<<elseif $gymHours <= 0>>
You're too tired to workout.
<<if ($gameDate.getHours() <= 17 && $gameDate.getHours() >= 8)>>
<<if $classEnrolled == true && $schoolExhausted == false>>
[[Go to school|walkToSchool]]<br/>
<<if ($gameDate.getHours() >= 18 && $gameDate.getHours() < 8)>>
<<if $classEnrolled == true>>
The school is closed.
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
<<if ($gameDate.getHours() <= 23 && $gameDate.getHours() > 7)>>
Head to [[Sovoka|Sovoka]]<br/>
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
<span class="purple">[[Go to sleep now|sleepCycle][$sleepNow to true]]</span>
<<if $makeupVolume < 100 || $cleanliness < 100>>
<span class="purple">[[Shower and apply Makeup|showerMakeupApartment]]</span>
<span class="purple">Maxed Cleanliness and Makeup.</span>
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<!-- END TABLE -->
<<set $rnd = 0>>\
<<set $tmpRnd = 0>>\
<<set $schoolHours = 0>>\
<<set $payRent = 0>>\
<<if $distance == 1>> <!-- Distance 1 -> apply travel time -->\
<<if $car == "None">>\
<<addhours 1>>\
<<elseif $car == "Eclipse">>\
<<addmins 30>>\
<<elseif $car == "Audi A4">>\
<<addmins 20>>\
<<elseif $car == "Corvette Z06">>\
<<addmins 10>>\
<<set $distance = 0>>\
<<endif>>\ <!-- Car Dealership -->\
<<if $carCorvetteOwned == true>>\
<<set $car = "Corvette Z06">>\
<<elseif $carAudiOwned == true>>\
<<set $car = "Audi A4">>\
<<elseif $carEclipseOwned == true>>\
<<set $car = "Eclipse">>\
@@color:orange;You arrive at Sovoka Car Dealership.@@
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:700px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
Mitsubishi Eclipse: @@color:#4AA02C;$2,000@@
<<if $carEclipseOwned == false & $money >= 2000>>
[[Buy Eclipse|buyEclipse]]
<<elseif $carEclipseOwned == false & $money < 2000>>
You can't afford this.
<<elseif $carEclipseOwned == true>>
You already own an Eclipse.
2018 Audi A4: @@color:#4AA02C;$36,000@@
<<if $carAudiOwned == false & $money >= 36000>>
[[Buy Audi|buyAudi]]
<<elseif $carAudiOwned == false & $money < 36000>>
You can't afford this.
<<elseif $carAudiOwned == true>>
You already own an Audi.
<div class="resizedVideo">
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\cars\2018audiA4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
2015 Corvette Z06: @@color:#4AA02C;$80,000@@
<<if $carCorvetteOwned == false & $money >= 80000>>
[[Buy Corvette|buyCorvette]]
<<elseif $carCorvetteOwned == false & $money < 80000>>
You can't afford this.
<<elseif $carCorvetteOwned == true>>
You already own a Corvette.
@@color:orange;Features [New time/old time]@@:<br/>
<br/>@@color:orange;Travel time: 30/60 minutes@@
<br/>@@color:orange;Fame +50@@
<br/>@@color:orange;Travel time: 20/60 minutes@@
<br/>@@color:orange;Fame +1,000@@
<br/>@@color:orange;Travel time: 10/60 minutes@@
<br/>@@color:orange;Fame +2,500@@
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
Return [[Home|playerHouses]]
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<!-- END TABLE -->
img {
width: 340px;
max-height: 320px;
</style> <!-- Sovoka Estate Agency -->\
@@color:orange;You arrive at Sovoka's Estate Agency.@@
<<set $rnd = random(1,3)>>\
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
<<elseif $rnd == 2>>\
<<elseif $rnd == 3>>\
<<if $houseApartment == false>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>>\
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
"Hello there cutie! My name's @@color:#4AA02C;Riley.@@ Interested in real estate today?"
<<elseif $rnd == 2>>\
"Welcome to Sovoka's Real Estate Agency. My name is @@color:#4AA02C;Riley!@@ How can I help you?"
<<elseif $rnd == 3>>\
"Hello there! My name is @@color:#4AA02C;Riley.@@ What can I do for you today?"
<<if $money >= ($rent + 3000)>>\
"We do currently have an apartment available for @@color:#4AA02C;$3,000@@ up front + weekly utilities (@@color:#4AA02C;$250@@)."
"You'll also need to give us enough to cover any outstanding rents or bills you owe currently."
"Interested?" (@@color:#4AA02C;$3,000 + $@@@@color:#4AA02C;$rent@@ now, then @@color:#4AA02C;$250/week@@)
[[Buy your own Apartment|buyApartment]]
<<elseif $money < ($rent + 3000)>>\
"Currently we have an apartment for sale for @@color:#4AA02C;$3,000@@ + weekly utilities(@@color:#4AA02C;$250@@)."
"You'll also need to give us enough to cover any outstanding rents or bills you owe currently."
@@color:#FF4C4C;You dont' have enough money.@@
Return [[Home|playerHouses]]
<<endif>> <!-- Above, you don't own apartment. -->\
<<if $houseApartment == true>>\
<<set $sceneSay = random(1,3)>>\
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
"Hello there cutie! I know you're already renting from us. That's all we can offer you right now!"
<<elseif $rnd == 2>>\
"Welcome to Sovoka's Real Estate Agency. Oh, @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@! We're only renting out apartments right now.."
<<elseif $rnd == 3>>\
"Hello there @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@! Looking for something other than an apartment? As of right now, nothing else is opened up."
Return [[Home|playerHouses]]
<<endif>><<set $money -= $rent>>\
<<set $money -= 3000>>\
<<set $houseJohns = false>>\
<<set $johnRentFood = 0>>\
<<set $johnRent = 0>>\
<<set $houseApartment = true>>\
<<set $rent to 250>>\
@@color:orange;Congratulations on your new Apartment!!@@
<i>"You can pay your bill online if you have a computer."</i>
"Also, @@color:#4AA02C;$name@@... I'll see you around gorgeous."
<<set $nextRent = 0>>\
Pack up, leave $johnAlias's, and [[move in|playerHouses][$nextRent to addDaysToDate($gameDate, 7).toDateString()]]
<!-- If they try to overpay, will pay off amount owed. -->\
<<if $payRent >= $rent && $money >= $rent>>\
<<set $money -= $rent>>\
<<set $rent = 0>>\
@@color:orange;You pay your rent in full.@@
<<if $payRent < 100>>\
<<set $rnd = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
<<elseif $rnd == 2>>\
<<elseif $payRent >= 100 && $payRent < 200>>\
<<elseif $payRent >= 200 && $payRent < 500>>\
<<set $rnd = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
<<elseif $rnd == 2>>\
<<elseif $payRent >= 500 && $payRent < 1000>>\
<<elseif $payRent >= 1000>>\
<<endif>> <!-- END MONEY IMAGES -->\
<!-- Partially/Fully Pay-->\
<<elseif $payRent <= $money && $payRent < $rent>>\
<<set $rent -= $payRent>>\
<<set $money -= $payRent>>\
@@color:orange;You pay your rent, partially.@@
<<if $payRent < 100>>\
<<set $rnd = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
<<elseif $rnd == 2>>\
<<elseif $payRent >= 100 && $payRent < 200>>\
<<elseif $payRent >= 200 && $payRent < 500>>\
<<set $rnd = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
<<elseif $rnd == 2>>\
<<elseif $payRent >= 500 && $payRent < 1000>>\
<<elseif $payRent >= 1000>>\
<<endif>> <!-- END MONEY IMAGES -->\
You pay @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$payRent@@, and only owe @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$rent@@ more.
<!-- If they try to pay with money they don't have -->\
<<elseif $payRent > $money>>\
You don't have that much money.
[[Return|playerHouses]]@@color:orange;You head into your bedroom.@@
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:540px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:right"></th>
Change your [[clothes|Wardrobe]].<br/>
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<!-- END TABLE -->
[[Go downstairs|playerHouses]]@@color:orange;You sit down on the couch.@@
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:540px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
<<if ($gameDate.getHours() <= 24 && $gameDate.getHours() > 7)>>
[[Watch TV|watchTVApartment]]<br/>
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<!-- END TABLE -->
[[Get off the couch|playerHouses]]<<addmins 15>>\
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:800px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
<!-- BLONDE -->
<<if $hairColor == "blonde">>
<<set $rnd = random(1,2)>>
<<if $rnd == 1>>
@@color:orange;You step into the shower and clean yourself up.@@
<div class="resizedVideo">
<video width="270" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Apartment\bathroom\shower1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $cleanliness = 100>>
<br/>@@color:orange;+100 cleanliness@@
<<elseif $rnd == 2>>
@@color:orange;You step into the shower and clean yourself up.@@
<<set $cleanliness = 100>>
<br/>@@color:orange;+100 cleanliness@@
<!-- BRUNETTE -->
<<elseif $hairColor == "brunette">>
<<set $rnd = random(1,2)>>
<<if $rnd == 1>>
@@color:orange;You step into the shower and clean yourself up.@@
<div class="resizedVideo">
<video width="270" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Apartment\bathroom\shower1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $cleanliness = 100>>
<br/>@@color:orange;+100 cleanliness@@
<<elseif $rnd == 2>>
@@color:orange;You step into the shower and clean yourself up.@@
<<set $cleanliness = 100>>
<br/>@@color:orange;+100 cleanliness@@
<!-- REDHEAD -->
<<elseif $hairColor == "red">>
<<set $rnd = random(1,2)>>
<<if $rnd == 1>>
@@color:orange;You step into the shower and clean yourself up.@@
<div class="resizedVideo">
<video width="270" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Apartment\bathroom\shower1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $cleanliness = 100>>
<br/>@@color:orange;+100 cleanliness@@
<<elseif $rnd == 2>>
@@color:orange;You step into the shower and clean yourself up.@@
<<set $cleanliness = 100>>
<br/>@@color:orange;+100 cleanliness@@
<<if $makeupVolume >= 100>>
You already have maximum makeup on.
<<elseif $makeupVolume < 100>>
<<if $makeupSkill >= 80 && $makeup >= 1>>
@@color:orange;You apply your makeup professionally.@@
<<set $makeup -= 1>>
<<set $makeupSkill += 1>>
<<set $showMakeupVideo = true>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<elseif $makeupSkill < 80 && $makeupSkill >= 60 && $makeup >= 2>>
@@color:orange;You apply your makeup.@@
<<set $makeup -= 2>>
<<set $makeupSkill += 1>>
<<set $showMakeupVideo = true>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<elseif $makeupSkill < 60 && $makeupSkill >= 40 && $makeup >= 3>>
@@color:orange;You decently apply your makeup.@@
<<set $makeup -= 3>>
<<set $makeupSkill += 1>>
<<set $showMakeupVideo = true>>
<<addmins 20>>
<<elseif $makeupSkill < 40 && $makeupSkill >= 20 && $makeup >= 4>>
@@color:orange;You poorly apply your makeup.@@
<<set $makeup -= 4>>
<<set $makeupSkill += 1>>
<<set $showMakeupVideo = true>>
<<addmins 25>>
<<elseif $makeupSkill <= 19 && $makeup >= 5>>
@@color:orange;You try to apply your makeup.@@
<<set $makeup -= 5>>
<<set $makeupSkill += 1>>
<<set $showMakeupVideo = true>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<elseif $makeup < 5>>
You don't have enough makeup to apply any.
<<set $showMakeupVideo = false>>
<<if $showMakeupVideo == true>>
<<if $hairColor == "blonde">>
<div class="resizedVideo1">
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Apartment\bathroom\makeup1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $hairColor == "brunette">>
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,2)>>
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>
<div class="resizedVideo1">
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Apartment\bathroom\makeup1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 2>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Apartment\bathroom\makeup2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $hairColor == "red">>
<div class="resizedVideo1">
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Apartment\bathroom\makeup1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Makeup application skill: $makeupSkill
<<if $makeupSkill <= 19>>
@@color:#FF4C4C;-5 makeup@@
<<elseif $makeupSkill < 40 && $makeupSkill >= 20>>
@@color:#FF4C4C;-4 makeup@@
<<elseif $makeupSkill < 60 && $makeupSkill >= 40>>
@@color:#FF4C4C;-3 makeup@@
<<elseif $makeupSkill < 80 && $makeupSkill >= 60>>
@@color:#FF4C4C;-2 makeup@@
<<elseif $makeupSkill <= 100 && $makeupSkill >= 80>>
@@color:#FF4C4C;-1 makeup@@
<<set $makeupVolume = 100>>
@@color:orange;+1 Makeup skill@@<br/>
@@color:#4AA02C;+100 Makeup volume@@<br/>
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
[[Exit to the living room|playerHouses]]
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<!-- END TABLE -->
<<set $showMakeupVideo = false>><<set $houseApartment = true>>\
<<addhours 1>>
<<set $rnd = random(1,10)>>
<<if $rnd == 1>>
<<if $jobModel == false>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Apartment\tv\news.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"We need YOU to model our luxurious clothes now!"<br/>
"Located in Downtown Sovoka, come make your fine figure work for you!"
<<if $jobModel == true>>
<!-- BLONDE -->
<<if $hairColor == "blonde">>
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,6)>>
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 2>>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 3>>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 4>>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 5>>
<div class="resizedVideo">
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\jobs\model\blonde\blonde5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 6>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\jobs\model\blonde\blonde6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<!-- BRUNETTE -->
<<if $hairColor == "brunette">>
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,5)>>
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 2>>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 3>>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 4>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\jobs\model\brunette\brunette4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 5>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\jobs\model\brunette\brunette5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<!-- RED -->
<<if $hairColor == "red">>
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,10)>>
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\jobs\model\red\red1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 2>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\jobs\model\red\red2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 3>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\jobs\model\red\red3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 4>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\jobs\model\red\red4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 5>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\jobs\model\red\red5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 6>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\jobs\model\red\red6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 7>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\jobs\model\red\red7.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 8>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\jobs\model\red\red8.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 9>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\jobs\model\red\red9.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 10>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\jobs\model\red\red10.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"She's sexy, sleek, and one of the most gorgeous gals on the planet.<br/>
<span class="rainbow">$name $nameLast</span> is taking the modeling world by storm, and she wears only the finest fabrics.<br/>
Be like <span class="rainbow">$name</span>, and upgrade your wardrobe today!"
<<if $rnd == 2>>
<<if $classEnrolled == false>>
"Do want a fast, affordable education? Sovoka High makes everyones dreams cum true!"
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Apartment\tv\news.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"Enroll today in Downtown Sovoka!"
<<if $classEnrolled == true>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Apartment\tv\news.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"Getting an education at Sovoka High guarantees higher pay and opens the door for new opportunities. We'd love to see you in our classes. See you soon!"
<<if $rnd == 3>>
<<if $prostitutionUnlocked == false>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Apartment\tv\news.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"Reports are coming in to remind parents that unsavory peddelers of prostitution hang around the outskirts of the city late in the evening. We'd like to urge citizens to be weary of where the go at night.."
<<if $prostitutionUnlocked == true>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Apartment\tv\news.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"The underworld of prostitution has always been a mystery. What it means for our city, and our youth - but today we spoke to a local 'pimp' who claims in any walk of life, skill from repeatedly working on your craft is what builds success."
<<if $rnd == 4>>
<<if $gymEnrolled == false>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Apartment\tv\news.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"Do you want a fit, toned body so that strangers can't help but stare at you with lust or admiration? Come down to The Gym today to get your gains."
<<if $gymEnrolled == true>>
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Apartment\tv\news.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
"It's a fact that patrons of The Gym earn more money and feel better in everything they do. We're here for you. Come see us soon!"
<<if $rnd == 5>>
You find a channel hosting porn where a big black cock is being given a tight, wet handjob.
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Apartment\tv\porn1.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $rnd == 6>>
You stumble upon a channel hosting a man getting his big, sloppy balls licked before he gets his dick sucked.
<<if $rnd == 7>>
You find a channel hosting porn where a big black cock is being given a tight, wet handjob.
<<if $rnd == 8>>
You switch channels onto a movie with one of your favorite movie actors.
<<set $tmpRnd = random(1,2)>>
<<if $tmpRnd == 1>>
<<elseif $tmpRnd == 2>>
<<if $rnd == 9>>
You stumble upon a channel that's seemingly normal at first, but you quickly discover that it isn't.
<<if $rnd == 10>>
You switch through the channels, stopping at a trippy movie video telling you about dreams.
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\homes\Apartment\tv\dreams.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if ($gameDate.getHours() <= 24 && $gameDate.getHours() > 7)>>
[[Continue Watching|watchTVApartment]]<br/>
[[Turn off the tv|apartmentLivingRoom]]
<<set $cleanliness -= 5>>\
<<set $luck += 1>>\<<if $rent == 0>>\
@@color:orange;"It seems like you took care of your rent already. Good work!"@@
<<elseif $rent != 0>>\
@@color:orange;"I'm here to collect rent! It's@@ @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$rent@@ @@color:orange;dollars."@@
<<set $rnd = random(1,3)>>\
<<if $rnd == 1>>\
<<elseif $rnd == 2>>\
<<elseif $rnd == 3>>\
<<if $rent == 0>>\
[[Continue your day|playerHouses][$nextRent to addDaysToDate($gameDate, 7).toDateString()]]
<<set $rent = 250>>\
<<elseif $money >= $rent>>\
[[Pay in full|payApartmentRent]]
<<elseif $money < $rent & $money > 0>>\
[[Pay partially|payApartmentRent]]
<<set $daysTilRent = 7>>\@@color:orange;Here you can change the names of some rather relevant people in the game.@@
Whatever text is in the box when you return will be the new name.
* A lead antagonist is defaulted to be named John. If that's weird for you, change it here:
<p>@@color:#4AA02C;His first name is:@@ <<textbox "$johnAlias" "John">></p>
* A black-skinned fellow defaulted name: Jerome @ Sovoka High.
<p>@@color:#4AA02C;His first name is:@@ <<textbox "$jeromeAlias" "Jerome">></p>
* A white-skinned fellow defaulted name: Alex @ Sovoka High.
<p>@@color:#4AA02C;His first name is:@@ <<textbox "$alexAlias" "Alex">></p>
@@color:#4AA02C;Penises as a media option?@@
* On <<radiobutton "$penisMedia" true checked>>
* Off <<radiobutton "$penisMedia" false>>
[[Return to the world|playerHouses]]
<<set $money -= 2000>>\
<<set $car = "Eclipse">>\
<<set $carEclipseOwned = true>>\
You bought a Mitsubishi <span class="rainbow">Eclipse!</span>
You'll automatically drive your fastest car.
Return to [[Dealership|carDealership]]
@@color:orange;Travel time: 30/60 minutes@@
@@color:orange;Fame +50@@
<<set $fame += 50>>\<<set $money -= 36000>>\
<<set $car = "Audi A4">>\
<<set $carAudiOwned = true>>\
You bought an <span class="rainbow">Audi!</span>
You'll automatically drive your fastest car.
<video width="480" autoplay loop><source src="images\cities\Sovoka\cars\2018audiA4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Return to [[Dealership|carDealership]]
@@color:orange;Travel time: 20/60 minutes@@
@@color:orange;Fame +1,000@@
<<set $fame += 1000>>\<<set $money -= 80000>>\
<<set $car = "Corvette Z06">>\
<<set $carCorvetteOwned = true>>\
You bought a <span class="rainbow">Corvette!</span>
You'll automatically drive your fastest car.
Return to [[Dealership|carDealership]]
@@color:orange;Travel time: 10/60 minutes@@
@@color:orange;Fame +2,500@@
<<set $fame += 2500>>\<<if $money >= $rent>>\
@@color:orange;"Thank you for your business!"@@
<<set $money -= $rent>>
@@color:#4AA02C;Riley@@ collects the rent money of @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$rent@@ dollars.
<<set $rent to 250>>\
<<elseif $money < $rent>>\
@@color:orange;"Don't make a habit of failing to pay in full on time.."@@
<<set $rent -= $money>>\
<<set $rent = ($rent + 100)>>
@@color:#4AA02C;Riley@@ collects @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$money@@ dollars worth of rent from you, and adds @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;100@@ to your next bill.
<<set $money = 0>>\
[[Continue your day|playerHouses][$nextRent to addDaysToDate($gameDate, 7).toDateString()]]
<<set $daysTilRent = 7>>\ <!-- Laptop Game Design -->\
<<if ($gameDate.getHours() <= 7 || $gameDate.getHours() > 23)>>\
You're too tired to continue.
<<if ($gameDate.getHours() <= 23 && $gameDate.getHours() > 7 )>>\
<<set $gameComplete += 1>>
<<if $intelligence >= 50>>
<<set $rnd = random(6,27)>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<elseif $intelligence >= 40>>
<<set $rnd = random(5,23)>>
<<addmins 35>>
<<elseif $intelligence >= 30>>
<<set $rnd = random(4,19)>>
<<addmins 40>>
<<elseif $intelligence >= 20>>
<<set $rnd = random(3,15)>>
<<addmins 45>>
<<elseif $intelligence >= 10>>
<<set $rnd = random(2,11)>>
<<addmins 50>>
<<elseif $intelligence < 10>>
<<set $rnd = random(1,7)>>
<<addhours 1>>
<div class="resizedVideo1">\
<video width="270" autoplay loop><source src="images\character\laptop\gameDesign\coding1.mp4" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set $gameComplete = Math.round($gameComplete + $rnd)>>\
<<if $gameComplete >= 100>>\
<<set $gameComplete = 100>>\
Game Complete: @@color:orange;$gameComplete@@%
<<if $gameComplete < 100>>\
[[Continue working|laptopGameDesign]]
[[Stop working|useLaptop]]
<<if $gameComplete == 100>>\
[[Sell Game|laptopSellGame]]
<<endif>>\<<set $gameBonus = random(0,100)>>\
<<set $gamePay = Math.round(($education*3) + ($fame) + $gameBonus)>>\
<<set $money += $gamePay>>\
<<if $gamePay >= 200>>\
<<elseif $gamePay >= 50>>\
<<elseif $gamePay >= 1>>\
<<set $totalIncome += $gamePay>>\
<<set $gamesMadeTotal += 1>>\
<<set $gamesSalaryTotal += $gamePay>>\
You sell your game for @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$gamePay@@ dollars.
<<if $fame >= 500>>\
@@color:orange;Your fame significantly contributes to the selling of your game.@@
<<elseif $fame >= 50>>\
@@color:orange;Your fame contributes to the selling of your game.@@
[[Use Laptop|useLaptop]]
<<set $gameComplete = 0>>\
<<set $gamePay = 0>>\
<<if $fame >= 2000>>\
@@color:orange; Players in the world skip work and school for your game.@@
<<set $rnd = random(26,50)>>\
<<set $fame += $rnd>>\
@@color:orange; +$rnd fame@@
<<elseif $fame >= 1500>>\
@@color:orange; Players in the world can't wait to play your game.@@
<<set $rnd = random(21,40)>>\
<<set $fame += $rnd>>\
@@color:orange; +$rnd fame@@
<<elseif $fame >= 1000>>\
@@color:orange; Players in the world love your game.@@
<<set $rnd = random(16,30)>>\
<<set $fame += $rnd>>\
@@color:orange; +$rnd fame@@
<<elseif $fame >= 500>>\
@@color:orange; Players in the world enjoy your game.@@
<<set $rnd = random(11,20)>>\
<<set $fame += $rnd>>\
@@color:orange; +$rnd fame@@
<<elseif $fame >= 100>>\
@@color:orange; Players in the world like your game.@@
<<set $rnd = random(6,10)>>\
<<set $fame += $rnd>>\
@@color:orange; +$rnd fame@@
<<elseif $fame >= 10>>\
@@color:orange; Players in the world tried your game.@@
<<set $rnd = random(1,5)>>\
<<set $fame += $rnd>>\
@@color:orange; +$rnd fame@@
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:480px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
<tbody><tr><td id="alpha">
A glimpse of your relative appearance:<br/><br/>
<<if $hairColor == "blonde" && $blondeCharacter == 1>>
<<elseif $hairColor == "blonde" && $blondeCharacter == 2>>
<<elseif $hairColor == "blonde" && $blondeCharacter == 3>>
<<if $hairColor == "brunette" && $brunetteCharacter == 1>>
<<elseif $hairColor == "brunette" && $brunetteCharacter == 2>>
<<elseif $hairColor == "brunette" && $brunetteCharacter == 3>>
<<elseif $hairColor == "brunette" && $brunetteCharacter == 4>>
<<if $hairColor == "red" && $redCharacter == 1>>
<<elseif $hairColor == "red" && $redCharacter == 2>>
<<elseif $hairColor == "red" && $redCharacter == 3>>
#alpha img {
width: 360px;
max-height: 340px;
<td id="beta">
What you're wearing:<br/><br/>
<!-- WEARING: TOPS -->
<<if $clothesTop == "black Ruffle-Sleeve top">>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\top1.jfif]]<<endif>>
<<if $clothesTop == "black Lace-Trim top">>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\top2.jfif]]<<endif>>
<<if $clothesTop == "black Ruffle-sleeve top">>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\top3.jfif]]<<endif>>
<br/> <!-- WEARING: BRAS -->
<<if $clothesBra == "black Push-Up Plunge bra.">>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\bra1.jpg]]<<endif>>
<<if $clothesBra == "black Unlined Uplift bra">>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\bra2.jpg]]<<endif>>
<<if $clothesBra == "pink Push-Up Plunge bra.">>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\bra3.jpg]]<<endif>>
<br/> <!-- WEARING: BOTTOMS -->
<<if $clothesBottom == "black Twill Cotton shorts">>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\bottoms1.jfif]]<<endif>>
<<if $clothesBottom == "black flounce skirt">>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\bottoms2.jfif]]<<endif>>
<<if $clothesBottom == "black Foldover Cropped Cargo pants">>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\bottoms3.jfif]]<<endif>>
<br/> <!-- WEARING: PANTIES -->
<<if $clothesPanties == "black Lace & Mesh V-string panties">>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\panties1.jpg]]<<endif>>
<<if $clothesPanties == "black Velvet-trim Thong panties">>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\panties2.jpg]]<<endif>>
<<if $clothesPanties == "pink Logo-waist Thong panties">>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\panties3.jpg]]<<endif>>
<br/> <!-- WEARING: SHOES -->
<<if $clothesShoes == "knee-high black leather boots">>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\shoes1.jpg]]<<endif>>
<<if $clothesShoes == "black peep toe sandals">>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\shoes2.jpg]]<<endif>>
<<if $clothesShoes == "black Ugg sneakers">>[img[images\cities\Sovoka\store\shoes3.jpg]]<<endif>>
#beta img {
width: 160px;
max-height: 160px;
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<!-- END TABLE -->\<<nobr>>
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:780px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
Choose your favorite representation:<br/>
<<if $hairColor == "blonde">>
[img[images\character\blonde\playerBlonde1.jpg][characterConfirm][$blondeCharacter to 1]]
[img[images\character\blonde\playerBlonde3.jpg][characterConfirm][$blondeCharacter to 2]]
<<if $hairColor == "brunette">>
[img[images\character\brunette\playerBrunette1.jpg][characterConfirm][$brunetteCharacter to 1]]
[img[images\character\brunette\playerBrunette3.jpg][characterConfirm][$brunetteCharacter to 2]]
<<if $hairColor == "red">>
[img[images\character\red\playerRed1.jpg][characterConfirm][$redCharacter to 1]]
[img[images\character\red\playerRed3.jpg][characterConfirm][$redCharacter to 2]]
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
<<if $hairColor == "blonde">>
[img[images\character\blonde\playerBlonde5.jpg][characterConfirm][$blondeCharacter to 3]]
<<if $hairColor == "brunette">>
[img[images\character\brunette\playerBrunette5.jpg][characterConfirm][$brunetteCharacter to 3]]
[img[images\character\brunette\playerBrunette7.jpg][characterConfirm][$brunetteCharacter to 4]]
<<if $hairColor == "red">>
[img[images\character\red\playerRed5.png][characterConfirm][$redCharacter to 3]]
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<!-- END TABLE -->\
[[Go back|Intro-Character]]<<nobr>>
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:600px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
This is you without the drugs alterations:<br/><br/>
<<if $hairColor == "blonde" && $blondeCharacter == 1>>
<<elseif $hairColor == "blonde" && $blondeCharacter == 2>>
<<elseif $hairColor == "blonde" && $blondeCharacter == 3>>
<<if $hairColor == "brunette" && $brunetteCharacter == 1>>
<<elseif $hairColor == "brunette" && $brunetteCharacter == 2>>
<<elseif $hairColor == "brunette" && $brunetteCharacter == 3>>
<<elseif $hairColor == "brunette" && $brunetteCharacter == 4>>
<<if $hairColor == "red" && $redCharacter == 1>>
<<elseif $hairColor == "red" && $redCharacter == 2>>
<<elseif $hairColor == "red" && $redCharacter == 3>>
<<if $hairColor == "blonde" && $blondeCharacter == 1>>
<<elseif $hairColor == "blonde" && $blondeCharacter == 2>>
<<elseif $hairColor == "blonde" && $blondeCharacter == 3>>
<<if $hairColor == "brunette" && $brunetteCharacter == 1>>
<<elseif $hairColor == "brunette" && $brunetteCharacter == 2>>
<<elseif $hairColor == "brunette" && $brunetteCharacter == 3>>
<<elseif $hairColor == "brunette" && $brunetteCharacter == 4>>
<<if $hairColor == "red" && $redCharacter == 1>>
<<elseif $hairColor == "red" && $redCharacter == 2>>
<<elseif $hairColor == "red" && $redCharacter == 3>>
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<!-- END TABLE -->\
[[Go back|Intro-Character2]]
<<if $cheatsOn == true>>\
[[Cheats Home|playerHouses]]
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:780px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
Choose your favorite representation:<br/>
<<if $hairColor == "blonde">>
[img[images\character\blonde\playerBlonde1.jpg][StylistCharacterSelect2][$blondeCharacter to 1]]
[img[images\character\blonde\playerBlonde3.jpg][StylistCharacterSelect2][$blondeCharacter to 2]]
<<if $hairColor == "brunette">>
[img[images\character\brunette\playerBrunette1.jpg][StylistCharacterSelect2][$brunetteCharacter to 1]]
[img[images\character\brunette\playerBrunette3.jpg][StylistCharacterSelect2][$brunetteCharacter to 2]]
<<if $hairColor == "red">>
[img[images\character\red\playerRed1.jpg][StylistCharacterSelect2][$redCharacter to 1]]
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
<<if $hairColor == "brunette">>
[img[images\character\brunette\playerBrunette5.jpg][StylistCharacterSelect2][$brunetteCharacter to 3]]
[img[images\character\brunette\playerBrunette6.jpg][StylistCharacterSelect2][$brunetteCharacter to 4]]
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<!-- END TABLE --><<nobr>>
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:600px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
This is you:<br/><br/>
<<if $hairColor == "blonde" && $blondeCharacter == 1>>
<<elseif $hairColor == "blonde" && $blondeCharacter == 2>>
<<if $hairColor == "brunette" && $brunetteCharacter == 1>>
<<elseif $hairColor == "brunette" && $brunetteCharacter == 2>>
<<elseif $hairColor == "brunette" && $brunetteCharacter == 3>>
<<elseif $hairColor == "brunette" && $brunetteCharacter == 4>>
<<if $hairColor == "red" && $redCharacter == 1>>
<<if $hairColor == "blonde" && $blondeCharacter == 1>>
<<elseif $hairColor == "blonde" && $blondeCharacter == 2>>
<<if $hairColor == "brunette" && $brunetteCharacter == 1>>
<<elseif $hairColor == "brunette" && $brunetteCharacter == 2>>
<<elseif $hairColor == "brunette" && $brunetteCharacter == 3>>
<<elseif $hairColor == "brunette" && $brunetteCharacter == 4>>
<<if $hairColor == "red" && $redCharacter == 1>>
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<!-- END TABLE -->
[[Go back|StylistCharacterSelect1]]
[[Finalize and Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<if $cheatsOn == true>>\
[[Cheats Home|playerHouses]]
<<endif>>\<<if $storyHop == 0>>\
@@color:orange;You grew up an orphan with two secretive and sheltering adoptive parents. They sometimes seemed paranoid, and never liked to let you out of their sight for long.
You arrive home back at the trailer to a note left out on the kitchen table.@@
"Our love,
Unfortunately, our past has come back to haunt us, and we have to make the very hard and painful decision to leave you for your safety.
When we adopted you, we decided to keep our true lives away from you, to avoid this. At least you’ve reached adulthood. You have your own life to live now, and we wish you the best. We're sorry we can't be there with you any further.
We were on the verge of finalizing our development of a drug that could alter one’s body on demand. Surely, we shouldn't have to explain how terrible it would be in the wrong hands. In our best effort to keep you safe, and avoid anyone else getting a hold of it, we've hidden our three versions of the drug in the spot we found you in on Christmas, 2007.
We've tested it with your DNA already. It will be safe. Go, live your life and experience what we couldn't give you.
Your (true) parents."
[[Find the drugs|Story-Start][$storyHop = 1]]
<<if $storyHop == 1>>\
@@color:orange;You find the drugs in the middle of the cubbies attached to the bottom of your parent’s bed.@@
[[Swallow the pills|Story-Start][$storyHop = 2]]
<<if $storyHop == 2>>\
@@color:orange;You swallow down the pills and begin to plan your escape. If your parents had to run, perhaps you should too. It'd be best to wait until night time.@@
[[Wait until night and start hitchhiking|Intro-John]]
* A lead antagonist is defaulted to be named John. If that's weird for you, change it here:
@@color:#4AA02C;His first name is:@@ <<textbox "$johnAlias" "John">>
<span class="purple">Names for important characters can be changed in "Preferences" on the left side of the screen (will appear after a few pages).</span>
<<endif>>\<<set $cleanliness -= 5>>\
<<set $makeupVolume -= 5>>\
@@color:orange;You arrive at a local buffet.@@
<!-- TABLE -->
<table style="width:540px">
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
<<if $money >= 30>>
[[Buy a buffet ticket|Restaurant_Eat][$money -= 30]] for @@color:#4AA02C;$30@@
<<elseif $money < 30>>
You don't have @@color:#4AA02C;$30@@ to eat here.
<th style="align:left"></th>
<th style="align:center"></th>
[[Leave Restaurant|Sovoka_Downtown]]
table td {
vertical-align: top;
<!-- END TABLE -->
You eat at the buffet.
[[Finish meal|Restaurant]]<<if $makeupVolume < 0>>\
<<set $makeupVolume = 0>>\
<<if $cleanliness < 0>>\
<<set $cleanliness = 0>>\
<span class="rainbow">[[Version Alpha 0.2.4|author]]</span>
<<if $cheatsOn == true>>\
[[Admin Panel|AdminPanel]]
Random: $rnd
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
<<if $gangJoined == true>>\
@@color:orange;$gang $cartelRank@@<<endif>>\
<span class="rainbow">$name $nameLast</span>
Cash: @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;<<print setup.formatNumber($money)>>@@
<<if $introComplete == true>>\
<<if $classEnrolled == true>>\
<<if ($gameDate.getHours() <= 21 && $gameDate.getHours() >= 7)>>\
[[Use your cellphone|useCellphone]]
Makeup volume: @@color:#FF4C4C;$makeupVolume@@
Cleanliness: @@color:#00FFFF;$cleanliness@@
<<if $houseJohns == true || $houseApartment == true>>\
Rent: @@color:#4AA02C;$@@@@color:#4AA02C;$rent@@ in @@color:#FF0000;$daysTilRent@@ days
[[Go Home|playerHouses]]
.passage a {
/* This affects passage links color */
color: #0364AE;
.passage a:hover {
/* This affects links while the cursor is over them */
color: #8E44AD;
<<if $introComplete == true>>\