Welcome to A Life Lived
This is a strictly 18+ game only. All characters(actors) in the game are 18+ and fictional. All events in the game are fictional.
New versions should be able to load old save (this is still in testing)
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Scene opens with a lad in his late teens balancing on the branch of a tree, hold a phone in one hand. In the house near by the figure of a woman can be seen undressing. The lad nervously tries to angle his phone to get a photo while not falling out of the tree. A door below opens and a man steps out. Man: Oi what are you doing up there.. Wait till I catch you, perv. The lad stumbles backwards, a misplaced step and hes falling out of the tree, over the otherside of a fence and onto some trash cans. The lad, rolls over them and lands on all fours. The man swings open the gate in the fence. The camera spins back to the lads face looking panicked. And everything freezes. The sound of a record scratching and some 80s rock ballad kicks in.
Voiceover:Yup thats you! You're probably wondering how you ended up in this situation.
It's a cold dark night, the wind whistles through what leaves are left on the branches of a near by tree. The sound of a bin being knocked over by a single desperate fox echos around the empty car park. An outline of what appears to be the a slight woman wearing a cloak carrying a small package moves slowly and cautiously past the windows of the old building. They approach the large wooden door which has a more modern sign bolted to the wall next to it. The sign reads “Staff Entrance Only”. The figure does not seem interested in the sign or even the door itself. They kneel down and place the package on the step. They lean forward an appear to say something to the package before kissing it. A noise from the other side of the door startles the figure, quickly they jump to their feet and turn. With one quick glance back at the parcel they move away. Their movement away from the door is fast and without the caution they had approached with.
The figure is barely across the pathway and behind a tree as the door opens. A woman dressed in a nurse's uniform step out into the cold of the night, her breath visible as she speak. “I'm dying for this fag, what a shift!”. A second voice from just behind her replies, “I know, this night can't end fast enough. What more could go wrong?”. And as she barely finishes asking the question, she is interrupted by the sound of a baby crying. The first lady looks down at the package. The second pops her head round the door and joins the first in looking down at the mysterious package. The package makes a noise again and the women turn to look at each other. “oh shit!” they say in unison. The first woman drops the cigarette she was holding and rushes to pick up the package. The two of them examine the bundle of blankets and as they move the top layer a little face peers back up at them.
The figure now hiding behind the tree gazes on, trying to not make a noise, the women are totally unaware of their presence and now with all their focus on their discovery its unlikely they are going to spot them. The women don't hesitate any longer in this cold sharp night air and rush in with the package held firmly by one of them while the other insures to pull the door shut behind her.
The figure behind the tree breaths a sigh of relief which fills the air around them with a puff of hot air but there is no one left to notice. They turn and continue to make their way across the car park and away from the building.
Inside a near by building and few floors up a woman lies in a bed screaming, surrounded by a nursing team. One of the nurses shouts “Push!”, “I am fucking pushing” the woman screams back. The man hold her hand, or a better description might be, having his hand crushed, looks on apologetically at the nurse. With a few pushes more the nurse exclaims “It's a girl!”. They wrap the little one in a clean blanket and pass her to the mother. “Looking Johnny, its our little girl, our little Gina”. “Just perfect dear!”. As the midwife and one of the other nurses leave the man thanks them. The last nurse, a younger, pretty girl approaches and leans past the man to get close in to the woman. As she does so, her hand brushes the crotch of the man. She whispers in, “She looks very content in your arms. You done really well Tara. I will give you some time with your daughter now, and come back and check on you later”. The woman in the bed smiles, and thanks her. The man at this point as reposition himself as to look at the young nurses ass she bends forward in her short skirt. “If you don't mind I am going to have to borrow your husband for a few minutes to complete some paper work, I promise we will be as quick as possible.” The nurse makes her way out of the room and the man follows. They disappear in to an office at the end of the corridor. When the man is next seen leaving the room some 20 minutes later he looks a little out of breath.
A day or two passes and the couple spend the days visiting their new born baby and discussing how they are going to have to find a new bigger home. The woman spends a lot of the days following the birth sleeping and regaining her strength while the man seems to regularly attend the nurse's office for more paper work. Over these days is when the woman find out about the young boy that had been left outside the hospital. As she visits her little girl, she can't help be feel sorry for other little baby that has no one. This motherly instinct animalistic in its ways draw her to the baby boy and by the time the mother and her baby are ready to leave, she can't bare to let the boy alone.
The woman, convinces her husband that its the right thing to do, and they proceed to request the hospital open a case for them to adopt him.
It's 10 year later on and the boy is with his adopted family but things are not going smoothly. The parents decide the boy is becoming to hard to handle and send him to boarding school. This boarding school becomes this boys home for the next few years. The school ends up getting into some finical trouble and is forced to close. The boy is no longer the same little vulnerable baby on the steps of the hospital from that cold night many years ago, but again finds himself having to make a new place his home as he moves back in with his adopted family.
And this is where you take control of this life, how will you live it? What has this time in your life got planned out for you.. well actually its totally up to you to decide, as this is a sandbox
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