a Prince's taleVersion <<version>>/* tiny-pastry */<<newcycle 'time' 1 1 suspend>>
<<phase 'morning' 'noon' 'evening' 'night'>>
<<newcycle 'day' 1 1 suspend>>
<<phase 'monday' 'tuesday' 'wednesday' 'thursday' 'friday' 'saturday' 'sunday'>>
<<set $chapter = 'Prologue'>>
<<set $chaptertarget = 'Introduction Bedroom'>>
<<set $chaptertimeskip = true>>
<<set $quests = {}>>
<<set $relations = {}>>
<<set $counters = {}>>
<<set $outfits = {
standard: {
head: 'crown',
clothes: 'prince_outfit_1',
shoes: 'boots'
church: {
head: 'crown',
clothes: 'prince_outfit_4',
shoes: 'shoes'
sleep: {
head: 'none',
clothes: 'none',
shoes: 'none',
underwear: 'underwear_1'
<<set $artifacts = {
mirror: { unlocked: false },
sword: { unlocked: false },
chalk: { unlocked: false },
book: { unlocked: false },
orb: { unlocked: false },
scroll: { unlocked: false },
beans: { unlocked: false },
/* statue: { unlocked: false }, */
bird: { unlocked: false },
key: { unlocked: false }
/* bowtie: { unlocked: false } */
<<set $tags = []>>
<<set $sins = []>>
<<set $books = []>>
<<set $effects = []>>
<<set $closedareas = [ 'Boudoir', 'Workshop', 'Magic Circle', 'Boarding Room', 'Brothel' ]>>
<<set $player = {
name: "Alex",
newname: "Alex",
title: "Prince",
status: "man", //man -> egg -> andro -> ?
decency: 0,
control: 0,
gender: 100,
statesmanship: 0,
swordsmanship: 0,
stewardship: 0,
levelexpectation: 1
<<set $equipmentlayer = "over">>
<<set $inventory = {
gold: 0,
mushrooms: 0,
essence: 0,
unlockedequipment: [ "crown", "prince_outfit_1", "prince_outfit_2", "prince_outfit_2", "prince_outfit_4", "boots", "shoes", "underwear_1" ],
head: "crown",
clothes: "prince_outfit_1",
shoes: "boots",
underwear: "underwear_1",
crotch: "",
ass: ""
<<set $kingdom = {
name: "Avelon"
/* authority: 0,
wealth: 0,
morale: 0,
welfare: 0,
knowledge: 0,
stability: 0 */
<<set $location = "">>
<<set $characters = {}>>
<<set $minigames = {
painting: {
palette: 'pastel',
colors: 0,
filled: 0
coins: {}
<<cacheaudio "castle_music" "music/The_Bards_Tale.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "town_music" "music/The_Old_Tower_Inn.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "forest_music" "music/Exploration.mp3">>
<<createaudiogroup ":music">>
<<track "castle_music">>
<<track "town_music">>
<<track "forest_music">>
<<character 'player'>>
<<character 'king' 'blurred'>>
<<character 'orson'>>
<<character 'rosa'>>
<<character 'andreas'>>
<<character 'sybille'>>
<<character 'leopold'>>
<<character 'wymerus'>>
<<character 'dominic'>>
<<character 'morgana'>>
<<character 'godric' 'blurred'>>
<<character 'caspar'>>
<<character 'kathryn'>>
<<character 'velma'>>
<<character 'beau'>>
<<character 'hyssop'>>
<<character 'guard'>>
<<character 'reading'>>
<<character 'quinn'>>
<<character 'bandit'>>
<<character 'eve'>>
<<character 'jack'>>
<<character 'merry'>>
<<character 'leave_castle'>>
<<character 'leave_forest'>>
<<character 'leave_town'>>
<<newmeter gender>>
<<colors "#000080" "#ff80ff" "#000000" "double">>
<<animation 500ms linear>>
<<sizing '100%'>>
<<newmeter decency>>
<<colors "#ffffff" "#000000" "#000000" "double">>
<<animation 500ms linear>>
<<sizing '100%'>>
<<newmeter control>>
<<colors "#c80000" "#ffe200" "#000000" "double">>
<<animation 500ms linear>>
<<sizing '100%'>>
<<newmeter statesmanship>>
<<colors "#221c6d" "#221c6d">>
<<animation 500ms linear>>
<<sizing '100%'>>
<<newmeter swordsmanship>>
<<colors "#212121" "#212121">>
<<animation 500ms linear>>
<<sizing '100%'>>
<<newmeter stewardship>>
<<colors "#006400" "#006400">>
<<animation 500ms linear>>
<<sizing '100%'>>
<</newmeter>><<if settings.debug>>
<<link '<span class="icon-prefix bug">Debug</span>'>>
<<include 'Debug'>>
<<if setup.cheats>>
<<link '<span class="icon-prefix magic">Cheats</span>'>>
<<include 'Cheats'>>
/* <<link '<span class="icon-prefix image">Theme</span>'>>
<<include 'Theme'>>
<</link>> */
<<link '<span class="icon-prefix star">Credits</span>'>>
<<include 'Credits'>>
<<link '<span class="icon-prefix info">Changelog</span>'>>
<<include 'Changelog'>>
<</link>><div class="sound-button">
<<button `settings.sound ? '<span class="icon-single volume-up"></span>' : '<span class="icon-single volume-mute"></span>'`>><<togglesound>><</button>>
<h2 id="time-cycle" @class="Cycle.get('time').current();"><div id="stars"></div><div id="sun"></div><div id="moon"></div><span><<showcycle 'time' upperfirst>></span></h2>
<div id="week-cycle" @class="Cycle.get('day').current();">
<div id="circle"></div>
<h2 class="week-day sunday" title="Sunday">S</h2><h2 class="week-day monday" title="Monday">M</h2><h2 class="week-day tuesday" title="Tuesday">T</h2><h2 class="week-day wednesday" title="Wednesday">W</h2><h2 class="week-day thursday" title="Thursday">T</h2><h2 class="week-day friday" title="Friday">F</h2><h2 class="week-day saturday" title="Saturday">S</h2>
<<disable not tags().includes('location') or getTime() === "night">>
<<button '<span class="icon-suffix refresh">Wait</span>' `passage()`>><<increasetime 1 true>><</button>>
<div id="quests-list">
<<if setup.patreonLink>>
<div class="menu-bottom"><a href="https://www.patreon.com/tiny_pastry" target=”_blank” class="inline-link"><img class="inline-img" src="images/assets/patreon.png"><span class="patreon-subtext">Version <<= setup.newVersion>> out now!</span></a></div>
<</if>><div id="portrait-container">
<<include 'Portrait'>>
<div id="equipment">
<<include 'Equipment'>>
<h3>Personality stats</h3>
<div id="dual-stats" class="meters">
<div class="meter">
<<icon femininity>>
<<showmeter gender `getStatFraction('gender')`>>
<<icon masculinity>>
<div class="meter">
<<icon depravity>>
<<showmeter decency `getStatFraction('decency')`>>
<<icon virtue>>
<div class="meter">
<<icon submissiveness>>
<<showmeter control `getStatFraction('control')`>>
<<icon dominance>>
<h3>Princely stats</h3>
<div id="single-stats" class="meters">
<div class="meter">
<<icon statesmanship>>
<<showmeter statesmanship `getStatFraction('statesmanship')`>>
<span title="Statesmanship level" class="icon statesmanship level"><<print getStatLevel('statesmanship')>></span>
<div class="meter">
<<icon swordsmanship>>
<<showmeter swordsmanship `getStatFraction('swordsmanship')`>>
<span title="Swordsmanship level" class="icon swordsmanship level"><<print getStatLevel('swordsmanship')>></span>
<div class="meter">
<<icon stewardship>>
<<showmeter stewardship `getStatFraction('stewardship')`>>
<span title="Stewardship level" class="icon stewardship level"><<print getStatLevel('stewardship')>></span>
</div><<dialog 'Cheats' 'cheats-menu'>>
<h2>Cheat settings</h2>
<<set $cheats = { skipminigames: settings.skipminigames ? true : false }>>
<<checkbox "$cheats.skipminigames" false true autocheck>> Skip minigames<br>
<<icon mushrooms>> Mushrooms
<<button '+100'>><<changemoney mushrooms 100>><<goto `passage()`>><</button>>
<<icon gold>> Gold
<<button '+100'>><<changemoney gold 100>><<goto `passage()`>><</button>>
<<icon essence>> Essence
<<button '+100'>><<changemoney essence 100>><<goto `passage()`>><</button>>
<h2>Personality stats</h2>
<<icon masculinity>> Masculinity
<<button 'Increase'>><<changestat masculinity 10>><</button>>
<<icon femininity>> Femininity
<<button 'Increase'>><<changestat femininity 10>><</button>>
<<icon virtue>> Virtue
<<button 'Increase'>><<changestat virtue 10>><</button>>
<<icon depravity>> Depravity
<<button 'Increase'>><<changestat depravity 10>><</button>>
<<icon dominance>> Dominance
<<button 'Increase'>><<changestat dominance 10>><</button>>
<<icon submissiveness>> Submissiveness
<<button 'Increase'>><<changestat submissiveness 10>><</button>>
<h2>Princely stats</h2>
<<icon statesmanship>> Statesmanship
<<button 'Increase'>><<changestat statesmanship 1>><</button>>
<<button 'Decrease'>><<changestat statesmanship -1>><</button>>
<<icon swordsmanship>> Swordsmanship
<<button 'Increase'>><<changestat swordsmanship 1>><</button>>
<<button 'Decrease'>><<changestat swordsmanship -1>><</button>>
<<icon stewardship>> Stewardship
<<button 'Increase'>><<changestat stewardship 1>><</button>>
<<button 'Decrease'>><<changestat stewardship -1>><</button>>
<<set settings.skipminigames = $cheats.skipminigames>>
<<unset $cheats>>
<</dialog>><<dialog 'Debug' 'debug-menu'>>
<h2>Debug menu</h2>
<<set $debug = { passage: "", location: "", quest: "", completequest: "", addtag: "", removetag: "" }>>
Jump to passage: <<textbox "$debug.passage" `$debug.passage`>>
<<button "Go">><<goto `$debug.passage`>><<dialogclose>><</button>><br>
Set location: <<textbox "$debug.location" `$location`>>
<<disable tags().includes('location')>>
<<button "Go">><<setlocation `$debug.location.trim()`>><<goto `passage()`>><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<if tags().includes('location')>>
Can't change location while in another location passage.<br><br>
Start quest: <<textbox "$debug.quest" `$debug.quest`>>
<<button "Go">><<startquest `$debug.quest.trim()`>><<goto `passage()`>><<dialogclose>><</button>><br>
Complete quest: <<textbox "$debug.completequest" `$debug.completequest`>>
<<button "Go">><<completequest `$debug.completequest.trim()`>><<goto `passage()`>><<dialogclose>><</button>>?nl
Add Tag: <<textbox "$debug.addtag" `$debug.addtag`>>
<<button "Go">><<addtag `$debug.addtag.trim()`>><<goto `passage()`>><<dialogclose>><</button>>?nl
Remove Tag: <<textbox "$debug.removetag" `$debug.removetag`>>
<<button "Go">><<removetag `$debug.removetag.trim()`>><<goto `passage()`>><<dialogclose>><</button>>?nl
<<button "Color Test">><<goto 'Color Test'>><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<h2>Current passage</h2>
<<print passage()>><br>
<<if tags().length > 0>>
Passage tags: <<print tags()>>
<<unset $debug>>
<</dialog>><<dialog 'Credits' 'credits-menu'>>
<p class="paper-background">
<<img 'assets/bannerTitle.png' 'credits-image'>>
<b>Lucy / tiny-pastry</b> - Creator<br>
<a href="https://linktr.ee/tiny_pastry" target="_blank" class="inline-link link-external">Linktree</a>, <a href="https://www.patreon.com/tiny_pastry" target="_blank" class="inline-link link-external">Patreon</a>?nl
<b>Oatmilk</b> - Writer?nl
<b>Greenitthe</b> - Writer?nl
Together with loving support from our amazing <a href="https://www.patreon.com/tiny_pastry" target=”_blank” class="inline-link link-external"><img class="inline-img" src="images/assets/patreon.png"></a> subscribers!
<</dialog>><<dialog 'Theme' 'theme-menu'>>
<div class="passage">
<<include 'Color Test'>>
<</dialog>><img class="equipment-item first" @src="getEquipment(0);">
<img class="equipment-item second" @src="getEquipment(1);">
<img class="equipment-item third" @src="getEquipment(2);">
<div class="layer-buttons">
<<disable isLayer('over')>>
<<button 'Overwear'>><<run setLayer('over')>><<replace "#equipment">><<include 'Equipment'>><</replace>><</button>>
<<disable isLayer('under')>>
<<button 'Underwear'>><<run setLayer('under')>><<replace "#equipment">><<include 'Equipment'>><</replace>><</button>>
</div><img class="portrait themed" character="player" @src="getPortrait('player');">
<<if hasClothesTag('disguise')>>
<img class="portrait-frame" src="images/portraits/frame-peasant.png">
<h2 class="portrait-name peasant">Pauper $player.newname</h2>
<img class="portrait-frame" src="images/portraits/frame-prince.png">
<h2 class="portrait-name">$player.title $player.name</h2>
<</if>><<setlocation Banner>>
<<increasetime 3>>
<<increaseday 2>>
<div class="saves-button"><<button 'Saves'>><<ui saves>><</button>></div><br>
A Prince's tale is a game with adult themes and explicit content. All characters portrayed are fictional and at least 18 years or older. Please confirm you are 18 years or older, otherwise please leave this game.
[[I am 18 years or older | Setup]]<<stowsidebars>>
<h3>What is your name?</h3>
<<textbox "$player.name" "Alex" autofocus>>
<<set $temp = { theme: "PixelArt" }>>
<h3>Select character portrait style</h3>
<h5>Applies to all characters. Can be changed at any moment in the Settings menu.</h5>
<div id="theme-examples">
<img class="portrait" src="images/portraits/player_pixel.jpg">
<br><<radiobutton "$temp.theme" "PixelArt" autocheck>> Pixel art
<img class="portrait" src="images/portraits/player_anime.jpg">
<br><<radiobutton "$temp.theme" "Anime" autocheck>> Anime
<img class="portrait" src="images/portraits/player_fantasy.jpg">
<br><<radiobutton "$temp.theme" "Fantasy" autocheck>> Fantasy
<img class="portrait" src="images/portraits/player_furry.jpg">
<br><<radiobutton "$temp.theme" "Furry" autocheck>> Furry
<h3>Audio settings</h3>
<h5>You can change individual volume settings in the Settings menu.</h5>
<label><<checkbox "$temp.sound" false true checked>> Enable all sounds</label><br>
<h3>Video settings</h3>
<label><<checkbox "$temp.vids" false true checked>> Enable porn videos</label><br>
<h3>Content settings</h3>
/* <h5>Can be changed at any moment in the Settings menu.</h5> */
<div id="content-filters">
<label><<checkbox "$temp.cum" false true checked>> Cum fetish content</label><br>
<label><<checkbox "$temp.sph" false true>> Small penis humiliation content</label><br>
/* <label><<checkbox "$temp.watersports" false true checked>> Watersports</label> */
/* <<decision Continue 'Thanks for playing'>> */
<<decision Continue 'Introduction 1'>>
<<set $player.newname = $player.name>>
<<set settings.theme = $temp.theme>>
<<set settings.vids = $temp.vids>>
/* <<set settings.watersports = $temp.watersports>> */
<<set settings.cum = $temp.cum>>
<<set settings.sph = $temp.sph>>
<<set settings.sound = $temp.sound>>
<<unset $temp>>
<</decision>><<stowsidebars true>>
<img src="images/backgrounds/birdseye.png" class='background-big' draggable="false">
<div id="chapter-container"></div>
<<fadein 0.5s 2.5s>>
<<link 'Continue' `$chaptertarget`>><<showsidebars true>><<if $chaptertimeskip>><<increasetime 1 true>><</if>><</link>>
<</fadein>><<setlocation Banner>>
<<stowsidebars true>>
<img src="images/backgrounds/birdseye.png" class='background-big' draggable="false">
<div class="saves-button"><<button '<div class="icon-prefix save">Saves</div>'>><<ui saves>><</button>></div>
Sorry for interrupting the story but that's all the main content for now! You can still go back to the game but know that there is no more content to move to story forward, only small interactions you might not have seen yet.
<<img 'portraits/tiny-pastry.jpg' null '250px'>>
My name is Lucy, (aka tiny-pastry), and I've been developing this game for quite a while now. This is the first transformation game I have made and I very much enjoy the attention to detail I can give to make it more immersive. I want to thank you for giving this game a try, I hope you enjoyed the story so far and I plan to have a new content update out as soon as it's ready.?nl
Should you be interested, you can support me on <a href="https://www.patreon.com/tiny_pastry" target=”_blank” class="inline-link"><img class="inline-img" src="images/assets/patreon.png"></a>. This will give you earlier access to new releases of the game and you will also get a part in actively defining the direction of the game, if you want to. The story is far from set in stone so I want to include the preferences of my supporters.?nl
If you haven't done so already, come join us on <a href="https://discord.com/invite/ptZmJj72sB" target=”_blank” class="inline-link"><img class="inline-img" src="images/assets/discord.svg"></a> !?nl
<div class="credits-button"><<button '<div class="icon-prefix star">Credits</div>'>><<include Credits>><</button>></div>
<<decision 'Return to the game' 'Hallway'>><<showsidebars true>><</decision>>Before you stands several pillars with different artifacts laid out on top of them. It seems like ?Leopold has already made a selection for you to pick from.
<<artifacts true>>
<<decision 'Return' 'Treasury'>><</decision>><<img 'artifacts/chalk.jpg' 'ridge-border' '12em'>>
On one of the pedestals lies a small pile of yellow colored chalk sticks. You grab one of the sticks and inspect it, you definitely feel a magic glowing from the chalk.
<<leopold>>Oh the chalk has taken your interest? It's quite fascinating stuff.<</leopold>>
<<player>>What does it do?<</player>>
?Leopold walks next to you and grabs another chalk stick from the pile.
<<leopold>>It's quite useful actually, when used to draw two circles of specific glyphs on the floor it allows a person to teleport between the two circles.<</leopold>>
<<player>>You're saying this chalk allows us to teleport ourselves? That sounds really useful!<</player>>
<<leopold>>What's even better is that the chalk seems to automatically regenerate itself after usage so there's not really a fear of running out.<</leopold>>
<<player>>Why aren't we using this stuff for everything?<</player>>
<<leopold>>Well for one, the circles can only be bound to one person at a time so it really doesn't work for mass transportation and besides, your father never quite trusted the stuff, ordering it to stay in the vault. ?Morgana assured me there's nothing to be scared off though, it should be completely safe.<</leopold>>
<<leopold>>Do you wish to take this artifact as your reward?<</leopold>>
<<decision 'Pick this artifact'>>
<<player>>Yes, I would love to keep this one, it seems quite interesting.<</player>>
<<leopold>>Very good, ?title. Be sure to take good care of it.<</leopold>>
?Leopold leads you out of the vault again, now that you have received your reward. You hear the large metal vault door close behind you with a heavy thud.
<<decision 'Leave' 'Treasury'>>
<<completequest 'retrieve-artifact'>>
<<addtag 'has-artifact'>>
<<run $artifacts.chalk.unlocked = true>>
<<decision 'Look at the other artifacts' 'Artifacts Selection'>>
<</decision>><<img 'artifacts/sword.jpg' 'ridge-border' '12em'>>
The pedestal in the middle is holding some kind of sword. It looks quite slim and almost transparent in a way. Once you get closer it almost looks like the wind itself is merging with the blade of this sword.
<<leopold>>You're looking at ?sword. A legendary blade that came into your father's possession after raiding a wealthy keep almost a decade ago.<</leopold>>
<<if hasRead('duel') and hasCompletedQuest('wymerus-book')>>
Wait, this is the sword that ?Wymerus was talking about! The one used by Lord Lysander in the book you found in the library! You can take the sword and bring it to ?Wymerus to learn how to use it.
<<player>>This is the sword that belonged to Lord Lysander. I have read about it.<</player>>
<<leopold>>Ah good, then you know of it's importance. If this artifact interests you I reckon you could take it to ?Wymerus. He is more than willing to teach you how to use it.<</leopold>>
<<decision 'Pick this artifact'>>
<<player>>Yes, I would love to keep this one, it seems quite interesting.<</player>>
<<leopold>>Very good, ?title. Be sure to take good care of it.<</leopold>>
?Leopold leads you out of the vault again, now that you have received your reward. You hear the large metal vault door close behind you with a heavy thud.
<<decision 'Leave' 'Treasury'>>
<<completequest 'retrieve-artifact'>>
<<addtag 'has-artifact'>>
<<startquest wymerus-sword>>
<<run $artifacts.sword.unlocked = true>>
<<decision 'Look at the other artifacts' 'Artifacts Selection'>>
You move your hand over to the hilt of the sword but before you can touch it ?Leopold stops you.
<<leopold>>Careful, ?title. This is a dangerous weapon. You know how your father gets over his mythical swords. I'm willing to give the sword to you but only if you understand it's importance.<</leopold>>
You look at him with a questioning look.
<<leopold>>?Title, can you tell me who this sword once belonged to?<</leopold>>
If ?Leopold is hinting at someone specific you must admit you have no idea who he means.
<<player>>I have no clue, ?Leopold.<</player>>
<<leopold>>I'm afraid I cannot give the sword to you then, your father simply wouldn't approve of it then. If you wish to learn about the history of the sword, I'm quite certain there's a book in the library that mentions it.<</leopold>>
You back off the sword and focus your attention on the other artifacts again.
<<decision 'Look at the other artifacts' 'Artifacts Selection'>>
<</if>><<img 'artifacts/mirror.jpg' 'ridge-border' '12em'>>
You walk up to the full-length mirror standing next to the other artifacts. The intricate golden frame looks beautiful in a very chaotic way.
<<leopold>>That mirror has some magical capabilities. ?Morgana told me it is able to show you how your body has changed in a recent time frame.<</leopold>>
You are slightly anxious about immediately staring into the mirror when ?Leopold says that so you instead just look at him as he explains what the mirror is.
<<leopold>>Supposedly the mirror has stood in the personal quarters of important aristocrats who wanted to ensure they were not gaining weight.<</leopold>>
<<leopold>>Not that you really need to worry about that, ?title. But perhaps it could be a good fit for your room regardless.<</leopold>>
<<decision 'Pick this artifact'>>
<<player>>Yes, I would love to keep this one, it seems quite interesting.<</player>>
<<leopold>>Very good, ?title. I will have the mirror delivered to your room. Be sure to take good care of it.<</leopold>>
?Leopold leads you out of the vault again, now that you have received your reward. You hear the large metal vault door close behind you with a heavy thud.
<<decision 'Leave' 'Treasury'>>
<<completequest 'retrieve-artifact'>>
<<addtag 'has-artifact'>>
<<run $artifacts.mirror.unlocked = true>>
<<decision 'Look at the other artifacts' 'Artifacts Selection'>>
<</decision>><<img 'artifacts/book.jpg' 'ridge-border' '12em'>>
There is a large book lying on one of the pedestals, it's wrapped in brown leather. It seems to be missing a title on the front.
<<leopold>>Ah yes, that's a magical book which belonged to ?Godric. He left it in his study and we have since moved it to the vault here. He supposedly kept his private notes in there.<</leopold>>
<<player>>That seems mysterious, has anyone investigated it?<</player>>
<<leopold>>Not as far as I know, I did hear from ?Morgana you took an interesting in her magics. I thought perhaps this book might be useful to you, there might be something important in there.<</leopold>>
<<leopold>>All I know is that the book requires some sort of passcode for it to display certain entries, feel free to take it as your reward if you're interested.<</leopold>>
It definitely seems like there's more going on with this book...
<<decision 'Pick this artifact'>>
<<player>>Yes, I would love to keep this one, it seems quite interesting.<</player>>
<<leopold>>Very good, ?title. Be sure to take good care of it.<</leopold>>
?Leopold leads you out of the vault again, now that you have received your reward. You hear the large metal vault door close behind you with a heavy thud.
<<decision 'Leave' 'Treasury'>>
<<completequest 'retrieve-artifact'>>
<<addtag 'has-artifact'>>
<<run $artifacts.book.unlocked = true>>
<<decision 'Look at the other artifacts' 'Artifacts Selection'>>
<</decision>><<img 'artifacts/orb.jpg' 'ridge-border' '12em'>>
On top of the pedestal, a crystal orb is resting on a velvet pillow. Inside it you can see a swirling mass which almost seems to be expanding as you come closer. The swirling blue light inside of it intrigues you.
<<leopold>>Beautiful, isn't it? It's called the Orb of Scrying.<</leopold>>
You look at him with a puzzled expression.
<<player>>Orb of Scrying... What does it do?<</player>>
<<leopold>>If you hold your hand on the orb while closing your eyes and focusing your mind on a person, the orb will let you watch them through magical means.<</leopold>>
<<player>>What? That is extremely useful! There must be some kind of drawback to this, it seems too good to just work like that.<</player>>
<<leopold>>Well, yes, there are a few. Firstly, you can only spy on people that you personally know... And secondly...<</leopold>>
?Leopold seems to shuffle awkwardly and suddenly avoids eye contact. You look at him slightly confused getting curious about what he's going to say next. There's a short pause before he continues his explanation.
<<leopold>>Uhm, well, the orb will only work if the person you are observing is currently in an <i>aroused</i> state...<</leopold>>
You blush as you instantly feel slightly awkward as well.
<<player>>Oh, I see... Well, I suppose it could still be useful...<</player>>
<<leopold>>Perhaps, yes... It is a Royal artifact and therefor it is not my place to judge that, ?title.<</leopold>>
<<player>>Right. Well, thanks for the information, ?Leopold.<</player>>
It seems like the orb is really only useful for one thing. Though it's morally probably not a great idea, the thought of spying on people in private moments using a magical artifact does seem enticing...
<<decision 'Pick this artifact'>>
<<player>>Yes, I would love to keep this one, it seems quite interesting.<</player>>
<<leopold>>Very good, ?title. Be sure to take good care of it.<</leopold>>
?Leopold leads you out of the vault again, now that you have received your reward. You hear the large metal vault door close behind you with a heavy thud.
<<decision 'Leave' 'Treasury'>>
<<completequest 'retrieve-artifact'>>
<<addtag 'has-artifact'>>
<<run $artifacts.orb.unlocked = true>>
<<decision 'Look at the other artifacts' 'Artifacts Selection'>>
<</decision>><<img 'artifacts/book.jpg' 'ridge-border' '12em'>><<img 'artifacts/chalk.jpg' 'ridge-border' '12em'>>
You grab the chalk and feel the magical power emitted from the powdery stick as you hold it. Like ?Leopold told you, the blue chalk can be used to draw a pair of teleportation circles on the floor, binding them together and allowing you to warp between the circles. This is the closest thing to magic you have ever done.?nl
You can simply take the chalk and start drawing on the floor, the first one you draw in your bedroom and the next one can be placed at any location you want.?nl
<<if $artifacts.chalk.drawing>>
You are currently drawing a new teleportation circle, go to another location to draw the second circle there.
<<elseif $artifacts.chalk.location>>
<<decision `'Teleport to the ' + $artifacts.chalk.location`>>
Engine.play("Magic Circle");
<<decision 'Draw a new teleportation circle' 'Bedroom'>>
<<run $artifacts.chalk.location = null>>
<<run $artifacts.chalk.drawing = true>>
<<run $closedareas.pushUnique("Magic Circle")>>
<<decision 'Remove the teleportation circle' 'Bedroom'>>
<<run $artifacts.chalk.location = null>>
<<run $closedareas.pushUnique("Magic Circle")>>
<<decision 'Draw a teleportation circle' 'Bedroom'>>
<<run $artifacts.chalk.location = null>>
<<run $artifacts.chalk.drawing = true>>
<<run $closedareas.pushUnique("Magic Circle")>>
<<decision 'Go back' 'Bedroom'>>
/* :: Magic Circle
<<if not tags($artifacts.chalk.location).includes('castle')>>
<<outfit disguise>>
<<goto $artifacts.chalk.location>>
<<effect flash "rgba(250, 241, 77, 0.5)" 400>> */<<img 'artifacts/mirror.jpg' 'ridge-border' '12em'>>
You stare into the mirror and let the magic look through your body. Supposedly it can analyse the recent changes to your form and show them to you.?nl
You feel the magic of the mirror wash over you. You see your own image reflected in many different ways, focusing on specific body parts in rapid succession. Even though you are wearing clothes right now, some reflections are of your naked body.?nl
The mirror shows you, the young adult prince with brown hair and green eyes. The hopeful look in your eyes and finely sewn princely outfits.?nl
<<if hasCompletedQuest('morgana-ointment')>>
The mirror shows you that your skin has become significantly smoother now that you've used the ointment ?Morgana gave you.?nl
<<if $player.status is 'egg'>>
The mirror focuses specifically on showing you changes that recently happened after you drank the potion. You hair has grown longer, your waist has grown slimmer and your ass has grown slightly. Your shoulders have slimmed and your muscle mass has moved slightly around in your body, turning a slightly more feminine form. Your lips have grown fuller and your eye lashes seem to have grown as well. Your chest has grown more profound.?nl
<<if getStat('masculinity') > 95>>
The mirror shows your manly body. Your clear jawline and strong arms. It shows the lean bod you have acquired from your workout sessions. It feels good to see yourself getting the acknowledgement you deserve.?nl
<<if hasEquipmentTag('chastity') and settings.sph>>
The mirror suddenly reflects your ?dick very clearly. Seeing it projected in front of you makes you realise much more clearly how small it is. While you are watching this you suddenly see the mirror project your pink chastity cage over it and it then shows you how your ?dick has grown even smaller now because of that.
<<if getStat('submissiveness') > 25>>
The mirror then shows your shy disposition. How you prefer to be lead by others instead of leading yourself. In depicts you in several events that happened recently where you decided to simply do what someone else tells you to do instead of making decisions yourself.?nl
<<if getStat('dominance') > 25>>
The mirror then shows your confident attitude. It shows you multiple moments in the recent past where you are ordering other people around. It feels like you are a born leader, ready to take the throne one day.?nl
After having shown this, the mirror suddenly doesn't emit light and projections anymore. Looks like that's all there is to show you now.
<<decision 'Go back' 'Bedroom'>>
<</decision>><<img 'artifacts/orb.jpg' 'ridge-border' '12em'>>
<<setlocation 'Bedroom'>>
In your bedroom, you have put the orb on velvet pillow lying on a wooden side table standing in the corner.?nl
<<if getTime() !== 'night'>>
Before you take the orb and use it to spy on people you realise you're probably not going to get much of a result during daytime. Seeing as the orb works only when observing feelings of arousal, you're probably not going to get much of that at this hour and it might be better to do this later at night.
<<decision 'Go back' 'Bedroom'>><</decision>>
You take the orb into your hands and lie down on your bed. How did this thing work again? Simply think of someone and if they're currently aroused you will get to spy on them? Seems easy enough...
<<if not hasCounter('caspar-night')>>
<<decision 'Spy on Caspar and Wymerus' 'Artifact orb spy Caspar and Wymerus'>><</decision>>
/* <<if not hasCounter('orson-night')>>
<<decision 'Spy on Orson' 'Artifact orb spy Orson'>><</decision>>
<</if>> */
<<if not hasCounter('quinn-night')>>
<<decision 'Spy on Captain Quinn' 'Artifact orb spy Quinn'>><</decision>>
<<if not hasCounter('sybille-night')>>
<<decision 'Spy on Sybille' 'Artifact orb spy Sybille'>><</decision>>
<<if not hasCounter('kathryn-night') and getCharacterLocation('kathryn') === 'Garden'>>
<<decision 'Spy on Kathryn' 'Artifact orb spy Kathryn'>><</decision>>
<<if hasTag('leopold-mystery') and not hasCounter('leopold-night') and getCharacterLocation('leopold') === 'Treasury'>>
<<decision 'Spy on Leopold' 'Artifact orb spy Leopold'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Spy on Morgana' 'Artifact orb spy Morgana'>><</decision>>
/* <<decision 'Spy on Andreas' 'Artifact orb spy Andreas'>><</decision>> */
<<decision 'Go back' 'Bedroom'>><</decision>>
<</if>><<setlocation 'Dungeons'>>
<<addcounter 'sybille-night' 2>>
Honing your mind towards the dungeons, the orb locates ?Sybille. The white of her hair shines in stark contrast to the darkness of the dungeon. She seems to be in her room, and in the process of changing. You notice her normal black dress lies neatly folded on a chair next to her, before your gaze pans to take in the bareness of her form. Though you've always thought her complexion rather pallid, in the warm glow of her hearth you must admit she looks as radiant as an angel.?nl
Her back is turned to you, giving you a marvelous view of her ass. You focus your mind futher, trying to get a closer look. ?Sybille bends over to pull her leather suit onto her legs, and you see what has allowed the orb to atune to her so readily. Though she has yet to begin her nightly interrogations, you can clearly see her wetness practically dripping down her legs. Though you were well aware of her... <i>methods</i>... she is always so professional with you and the council that it is easy to forget <i>this</i> side of her.?nl
As she pulls the suit up over her hips, she turns towards a nearby table, highlighting the immaculate curvature of her breasts in the dim fire light. Given the nature of her work she is always two steps ahead, so the idea of having caught her unaware is electrifying...?nl
Continuing to slide the suit over her ample chest, you could swear you see a self-satisfied smirk as she surveys the contents of the table before her. Having finished donning her dominatrix outfit, now an angel of darkness, she grabs the key and riding crop from the table. The anticipation of what she has in store for her prisoners tonight leaves you with an unshakable feeling in the pit of your stomach - maybe excitement, maybe fear, maybe jealousy, definitely arousal.?nl
<<img "sybille/sybille_dominatrix_{theme}.jpg">>
<<sybille>>Lets see if we can't break someone's will tonight...<</sybille>>
Sybille walks deliberately out of her quarters and into the hallway towards the cells.
<<sybille>>Now, which one of you wretches wants my attention most tonight?<</sybille>>
You feel the orb's connection to ?Sybille begin to waver as she moves further down the hall. You can feel the anticipation of the prisoners as she passes their cells, the orb's magic distorting with the sheer concentration of their arousal. The scene is not dissimilar to watching an apex preditor toy with its meal.
<<say 'Prisoner'>>Please Mistress! <em>Pick me</em>! I will tell you what I know! I will do anything for you! Just please, <i>touch me<i>, <i><strong>break me</strong></i>!<</say>>
Your vision blurs sharply, the prisoner's desperation and arousal overwhelming the orb's magic. Your connection is strained to breaking, but you can still clearly hear ?Sybille's strong, confident voice echoing through the dungeon.
<<sybille>>Well, well, well. It seems I have an <i>eager</i> volunteer, and one that has finally learned her place... Good little prisoner.<</sybille>>
The orb can no longer maintain an image, and your body reacts by automatically heightening your other senses. With the image now faded, you now consciously notice how every muscle in your body was tightly clenched, ready to pounce - or flee? Though you can no longer make out any discernable image, you get the mental impression of ?Sybille with a wicked grin on her face as she enters the cell.?nl
Your world narrows to just the echoes of the prisoner's muffled cries of pleasure and pain as she begins her work, transmitted by the last dregs of the orb's magic. A final static bolt runs down your spine, lingering for a moment until your brain regains control over your nervous system. Did you narrowly escaped the notice of a predator, or did your prey just narrowly escape your grasp?
<<disable hasEquipmentTag('chastity')>>
<<decision 'Masturbate, imagining yourself as a prisoner' submissiveness medium>>
Using the memory of ?Sybille tormenting her prisoners, you imagine the feeling of being restrained by someone else, your own orgasm not yours to control... Though you try to hold out, you quickly reach your climax.
<<decision "Put the orb away and go to bed" 'Bedtime'>><</decision>>
You are locked in chastity. Your ?penis throbs in stifled arousal.
<<disable hasEquipmentTag('chastity')>>
<<decision 'Masturbate, imagining yourself punishing a prisoner' dominance medium>>
Using the memory of ?Sybille tormeting her prisoners, you imagine the feeling of absolute control over someone else's pleasure, driving them to the brink but holding them back until you give the word. You quickly reach your climax.
<<decision "Put the orb away and go to bed" 'Bedtime'>><</decision>>
You are locked in chastity. Your ?penis throbs in stifled arousal.
<<decision "Put the orb away and go to bed" 'Bedtime'>><</decision>><<setlocation 'Barracks'>>
<<addcounter 'quinn-night' 2>>
As you focus your thoughts towards ?Quinn, the image the orb produces is initially quite blurry. As the orb focuses in on her arousal, you can begin make out the captain's sparsely-furnished quarters. In the flickering torch light you recognize ?Quinn, laying back on her bed with a soldier kneeling between her legs.
/* <<img "sergeant/quarters_soldier_licking_{theme}.jpg">> */
The soldiers all look alike to you, but you could swear this is a different guy than last time...
<<quinn>>Come on, work that tongue soldier! Do you want to be the disappointment of the entire garrison? I know you've got more in you so <i>give it to me</i>, that is an order!<</quinn>>
You watch as the hapless soldier continues to lick her pussy. You hear a low, distant droning sound and focus on it more closely... Yep, he's humming the ABCs to himself as he licks through the alphabet.?nl
You can't help but feel a little bad for ?Quinn, if you didn't know better you'd say the soldier was teasing her on purpose. For her part, the captain seems to be losing both patience and arousal. The orb's picture momentarily dissolves into a milky kaleidoscope of multi-color clouds, before refocusing on the exasperated, near desperate face of the captain.
<<quinn>>Seriously, is that the best you've got? Put in some effort!<</quinn>>
Frustrated, she grabs the hapless soldier's head and starts grinding against his mouth. You didn't know what you were expecting, but you were certainly caught off guard by how roughly she handled him, though honestly you are kind of into it.?nl
You notice sweat beads beginning to form and roll off of her toned abs. She grabs his hair, man-handling him as she tries to find stimulation for her clit. As she hunts her orgasm, you find yourself entranced by the carnal rhythm of her breasts in the low torchlight.?nl
Suddenly, the vibrance of that same torchlight seems to flare as the orb senses her approaching climax. The soldier was struggling to breath, but as he tries to retreat she wraps her legs around his head, holding his mouth against her sopping hole while she bites her lip and continues to grind into him.
<<quinn>>Fuck... So close...<</quinn>>
?Quinn bucks her hips, riding out and trying to extend an ultimately disappointing finish. She eventually releases the soldier who gratefully gasps for air. As he recovers, he seems to look expectantly at the her.
<<quinn>>You must have lost your mind if you think that performance was worthy of a reward, soldier. I've trained you better than that; you'll be on cleaning duty until that form improves. Dismissed!<</quinn>>
You watch as the soldier quickly grabs his clothing and leaves the room, head hung in defeat. As your view begins to dim, fading with her afterglow, you take this opportunity to study the captain's splayed form...
<<include 'Artifact orb Masturbate'>><<setlocation 'Workshop'>>
As you're holding the magical orb and focus your mind on ?Morgana, you find that the orb is struggling to produce a clear image. You can slightly make out the surroundings of her workshop. A very vague silhouette of the sorceress appears but you can't seem to see more than that. You wonder if the orb is working badly because she's not currently aroused but that theory is quickly proven wrong as you suddenly her ?Morgana moaning loudly.?nl
You try to survey the area but it feels like navigating a thick fog. You get the sense that there's nobody else here... Does that mean she's masturbating alone in her workshop?... The more you try to observe of her form performing a devious activity, the more blurry the image becomes. Soon, the orb seems unable to show any visual reflection at all while you continue to hear her moaning. It looks like ?Morgana has some kind of warding magic to counteract your attempts at spying on her...
<<decision 'Return' 'Artifact orb'>><</decision>><<setlocation 'Grand hall'>>
You decide it might be fun to spy on ?Andreas for a bit. You actually have no idea what he gets up to at night. As you focus your mind on him, the orb shows you the image of the grand hall.?nl
The hearth is burning softly next to ?Andreas's desk as you see him setting there, reading through documents and writing a letter. He's still working this late at night? You take another good look around but spot nothing out of the ordinary, ?Andreas is simply spending his evening fulfilling his duties as chancellor. Although this peeping session is much less interesting than you hoped, it feels good to see ?Andreas's diligence here. You feel that you're lucky to have him as your mentor and chancellor.
<<decision 'Return' 'Artifact orb'>><</decision>><<changeschedule leopold 'night' 'None'>>
<<addcounter 'leopold-night' 2>>
<<setlocation 'Treasury'>>
Instead of trying to spy on ?Leopold again the old fashioned way, why not spy on him the magical way and finally figure out who the mysterious blowjob person is? A genius plan!?nl
You focus your mind on ?Leopold and are instantly transported to the treasury. It seems like ?Leopold is quite aroused, seeing how quickly the orb was able to locate him. You look around through your glass ball and once again make out his form sitting behind the desk, except you are looking much closer this time.?nl
His lustful state is not really apparent when you are observing him, it seems like he's simply working behind his desk. As you focus your attention on him it becomes apparent that the things he's writing down on a piece of parchment are completely unintelligible. Is he pretending to be working? Curiously, you now notice he's actually softly moaning and you also see his strange posture sitting behind the desk. Heh, looks like he's enjoying another late night blowjob by his mysterious benefactor.?nl
Indeed, the soft wet sounds coming from under the desk now become more apparent to you. You currently can't make out anything of the person under the desk as ?Leopold is completely obscuring the view. You wonder whether doing these things while pretending to work is some kind of extra turn on for him...
<<leopold>>Ah, good... Keep going just like that while I finish this paperwork...<</leopold>>
Is this some kind of role-playing to him?
<<leopold>>A- almost have this balance sheet done... So close now...<</leopold>>
Even though you're very far from understanding all of ?Leopold's stewardship lessons, you're pretty damn sure he's not working on anything remotely related to a balance sheet. The hidden service provider seems to take the message though as the slurping sound coming from below becomes louder and louder. They're clearly speeding up now. ?Leopold seems unable to contain his feeling, letting go of his pretending role for a moment as he lets out an intense groan, clearly enjoying a strong orgasm.
<<leopold>>Ahhh! Great jeweled riches, that was wonderful!<</leopold>>
?Leopold lets out a loud blissful sigh before he scoots back and looks down below his desk.
<<if settings.cum>>
<<leopold>>Remember, I paid extra for you to <i>keep the change</i>.<</leopold>>
For some reason he's speaking with a strange emphasis and a sly smile. The meaning of his words only dawn on you the moment you hear an audible gulp coming from the darkness beneath the table. ?Leopold gives an approving nod and continues to speak in a satisfied demeanor.
<<leopold>>You are really talented, consider me a happy customer. I am definitely interested in hiring your services again in the future...<</leopold>>
Hiring them? You had no idea that the person that ?Leopold invited here every time is someone who is paid to do so. This explains so much but creates a whole load of new questions. Your mind is going crazy, unintentionally thinking of new theories on who this mysterious person could be. Is it anyone you know? As you're processing the whole situation, ?Leopold suddenly sticks out a hand to help the unknown person out from under the desk. A slender arm reaches out to meet him. You feel your heart thumping as you're finally going to learn the answer to this big question...
<<decision 'Watch excitedly' 'Artifact orb spy Leopold 2'>>
<</decision>><<setlocation 'Bedroom'>>
You vaguely see a form crawl out from under the desk. You're so excitedly observing what happens next that you don't even realise the vision is getting gradually darker, the usual sign that the orb will soon stop working as there's no longer any aroused energy on the other side that it requires to function.?nl
The timing of this couldn't be worse as the moment that you try to focus on the person, the orb suddenly stops working. Flabbergasted, you immediately let out an annoyed shout.
<<player>>What? No! You can't be serious!<</player>>
You're not sure if the orb is playing with you or something but you can't believe that after all this you still have no idea who the person is that's servicing ?Leopold so often... At least you have now learned that they are actually hired by ?Leopold to do this sort of thing. That's a small step forward, you guess... You begrudgingly decide to leave it for what it is and just head to bed with an annoyed feeling.
<<decision 'Sleep' 'Bedtime'>><</decision>><<addcounter 'orson-night' 2>>
<<include 'Artifact orb Masturbate'>><<changeschedule kathryn 'night' 'None'>>
<<addcounter 'kathryn-night' 2>>
<<setlocation 'Garden'>>
As you focus your attention on ?Kathryn, you get a glimpse of the gazebo out in the castle gardens. You see ?Kathryn and this nobleman make out quite passionately while sitting next to each other. The man starts to grope her through her red dress, fondling her breasts while sticking his tongue in her mouth.?nl
She starts to take off the top part of her dress, freeing her ample breasts to the open garden at night. You must say the look is quite stunning.
<<img "kathryn/garden_peeking_{theme}.jpg">>
<<say `getNoble()`>><<name kathryn 'Lady'>>... You are so beautiful...<</say>>
You're actually quite jealous of what this nobleman is doing to her. While making out, they passionately embrace each other. Their bodies are completely intertwined on this bench outside in the garden. The nobleman slowly starts to grind his groin into her, sending a very clear message.
<<kathryn>>Ah... <<noble>>... Please continue...<</kathryn>>
The nobleman seems to accept the invitation as he's fumbling with his belt and subsequently starts lowering his trousers, revealing his fully erect member.<<if settings.sph>> You think you finally spot the reason ?Kathryn chose this man in particular as he's presenting a very respectably sized cock, it's definitely much bigger than your ?dick.<</if>>?nl
?Kathryn lustfully raises the skirt part of her dress, opening the way for him. You get a good view of ?Kathryn's exposed private parts, it looks like she wasn't even wearing any panties under her dress, probably counting on the night leading to this exact moment.?nl
Her pussy seems visibly wet as you see <<noble>> align his cock with her opening. They make intense eye contact as he slowly starts pushing into her. The moment that he enters her, ?Kathryn starts loudly moaning, not seeming to think about the fact they're outside on a gazebo bench and anyone could spot them.
<<kathryn>>Ah fuck... Yes... Take me, <<noble>>... Fuck me with your big dick...<</kathryn>>
The man seems to really enjoy the feeling of being inside of her, he starts pumping in and out of her faster and faster. Their intense love-making is combined with passionate kisses before the nobleman starts to speed up even more. ?Kathryn suddenly holds him with a flared-up intensity.
<<kathryn>>Keep going just like that... I'm getting close... Fuck!<</kathryn>>
He seems to follow her commands exactly, fucking her with the exact same intensity and letting her relish the moment. This seems to quickly bring ?Kathryn over the edge as she arches her back and lets out an intense moan.
<<kathryn>>I'm cumming! <<if settings.sph>>Your big cock is<<else>>You are<</if>> making me cum, <<noble>>!<</kathryn>>
<<if settings.sph>>
Hearing ?Kathryn focus so much on the size of his cock is making you feel strange about your own much more modestly sized penis... You know for a fact you couldn't bring her to orgasm with your ?dick, like the nobleman is doing right now. Could you even satisfy her at all??nl
?Kathryn is very clearly enjoying an intense orgasm. This very quickly brings <<noble>> to the edge as well. He's loudly panting as he suddenly pulls out of her and starts quickly stroking his cock, aimed at her bare breasts. Even though she's recovering from the heavy climax, she suddenly reaches over and forcibly turns the nobleman sideways, nudging him to aim his cock to the ground instead of on her. It seems like she would prefer that he doesn't stain her dress like that.?nl
The man is grunting loudly, letting her take charge as she expertly uses her hand to help him reach his climax. He starts moaning as you see him reach his orgasm as well.?nl
<<if settings.cum>>
Even though it wasn't her intention at all, by pure happenstance in redirecting the nobleman's discharge it looks like he's now aimed directly towards you from your orb's perspective. You see his cock erupt with several vivid spurts of white strands flying directly towards your point of view. It almost feels like ?Kathryn wanted you to catch his cum for her, you imagine her guiding him to shoot it all over your face instead of the gazebo floor. For some reason you instinctively close your eyes and even open your mouth slightly...?nl
You quickly snap yourself out of it, this strange event is nothing more than a coincidence. There's no way ?Kathryn knows you would be watching them, but the thought of her doing something like this for real makes you feel quite... Well... You think it's probably best to avoid thinking about whether this arouses you...
<<include 'Artifact orb Masturbate'>><<disablemusic>>
<<addcounter 'wymerus-night' 2>>
<<addcounter 'caspar-night' 2>>
<<setlocation 'Courtyard'>>
You hold your hand over the magical orb and focus your mind on ?Caspar and ?Wymerus. You already have an idea of what they're doing and your suspicions are confirmed the moment you see the castle courtyard through the orb.?nl
<<include `either('Caspar Peeping 1', 'Caspar Peeping 2', 'Caspar Peeping 3')`>>
<<include 'Artifact orb Masturbate'>><<disable hasEquipmentTag('chastity')>>
<<decision "Masturbate while watching the orb" depravity small depravity 10 1>>
<<addsin 'masturbation'>>
While you're holding the orb in one hand you use the other to free your ?dick and start masturbating while scrying at this exciting display coming to you through this magical glass ball.?nl
It's quite exhilarating, being able to stroke yourself from the comfort of your own bed without relying only on your own perverted fantasies. Instead, you have now managed to harness a magical artifact to provide this depraved stimulation for you. Well, that and the carnal sins that you are actively peeking on...?nl
You hold your ?dick <<if settings.sph>>with your index and thumb fingers<<else>>in your hand<</if>> and gently start stroking up and down.
<<if settings.vids>>
<<if settings.sph>>
<<video 'player/masturbate_sph.webm'>>
<<video 'player/masturbate.webm'>>
You very quickly manage to bring yourself to climax, feeling an intense release.
<<if settings.cum>>
Cum starts flying out of your ?dick all over your stomach.
<<decision "Scoop it up and eat it" depravity small depravity 20 1>>
You're not sure what's driving this perverse craving but looking at your sperm makes you wish it actually landed in your mouth. You greedily start gathering it in your hand and very quickly start lapping up your own cum, feeling the bitter and salty taste as you swallow it all down.
<<addsin 'cum-eating'>>
<<if settings.vids>>
<<video 'player/swallow{2}.webm'>>
You are locked in chastity.
<<decision "Unchannel the orb and go to bed" 'Bedtime'>><</decision>><<img 'artifacts/sword.jpg' 'ridge-border' '12em'>>
You examine the mythical wind sword up close. It seems like there's some engraving on the sword but it's rather difficult to read with the wind flowing around the blade.?nl
You can decide to either carry the blade with you or leave it here in your bedroom.
<<if $artifacts.sword.equipped>>
<<decision 'Leave the sword here' 'Artifact sword'>>
<<set $artifacts.sword.equipped = false>>
<<decision 'Take the sword with you' 'Artifact sword'>>
<<set $artifacts.sword.equipped = true>>
<<decision 'Go back' 'Bedroom'>>
<</decision>>You retrieve the copper dildo from the nightstand and take a moment to caress the entirety of it's shape. As you're holding it, you feel the comfortable warmth and the surprisingly lifelike sensation. You notice the subtle magical hum that produces these enjoyable effects. It actually almost feels like a real cock... You now appreciate ?Beau's craftsmanship much more intimately.?nl
<<img "equipment/dildo_copper.jpg" null '250px'>>
<<if settings.sph>>
Seeing as this is the smallest size that ?Beau offers at her store. It actually feels quite humiliating that it's already considerably larger than your own ?penis.?nl
You've taken a good moment of caressing this delightful tool and now that the foreplay is done, it's time to decide what to do with it...?nl
<<decision 'Practice your blowjob skills' depravity small>>
You realise your mouth started watering the moment you grabbed this dildo. You lick your lips with horny anticipation.?nl
To get yourself in the right mood you have decided to take the correct position for this kind of work as you get off the bed and kneel down on the floor. You hold the dildo in front of you and press the small glyph on the base of the toy, activating the aura that locks the tool in mid-air, floating at your perfect mouth-height.?nl
To start things off, you decide to give the entire length a few long licks, getting the tool nice and wet. It glistens quite beautifully as you finish covering the entire thing in your saliva.?nl
You decide it's time to get practising as you slowly take the dildo into your mouth, only the head at first. It's only now that you can truly experience the passion that was put into creating this toy. If you were to close your eyes you wouldn't really know the difference between this and a real cock.?nl
<<if hasEquipmentTag('chastity')>>
You would actually want to take out your own cock right now and use a hand to pleasure yourself, but unfortunately you are currently locked away. All your ?penis can is twitch and let out trickles of pre-cum as you're getting more and more turned on by what you're doing.?nl
It is at this point that you decide to take out your own ?penis and use one of your hands to start stroking yourself. You're completely hard from arousal. The blowjob probably gets a slight reduction in quality as you're now splitting the attention and slowly masturbating while you have a fake cock in your mouth.?nl
You patiently starting taking in more of the cock, bit by bit. No need to rush things. You move your mouth back and forth over the dildo, carefully feeling the details in the shape. You moan softly as you work the shaft using only your mouth.?nl
You decide to take things up a notch as you attempt to take the entire length into your mouth. You slowly work up, getting closer and closer to the base before you feel your gag reflex set in.?nl
It takes quite a bit of effort before you actually feel the dildo reach the entrance of your throat. <<if settings.sph>>Somewhere that your ?penis could never reach in a mouth.<</if>> Finally reaching this point makes you feel ecstatic and strangely proud of yourself.?nl
<<if settings.cum>>
And it seems like you're not the only one happy with this as the enchanted dildo suddenly starts twitching subtly. As the entire length is current in your mouth and throat, there's not much you can do when you suddenly feel it reach it's magical-induced climax.?nl
You feel the fake cum shooting straight down your throat, skipping the usual process of first getting a taste when it slides over your tongue. This is quickly mitigates as the climaxing dildo catches you entire off-guard and you reflexively slide your mouth back off the still-spewing cock. A few strands land on your tongue, and, as you decided to take it out of your mouth, a few more spurts accidentally fly all over your face.?nl
<<if hasEquipmentTag('chastity')>>
Your ?penis is straining hard against it's cage as this is happening. It's actually quite torturous.?nl
While this is happening, your hand has not been idle in it's appointed task and the horny situation actually brings you to a satisfying climax.?nl
<<if settings.cum>>
With that, it looks like the dildo is finally done. You were definitely not expecting to be covered in magical cum from this. Not that you're complaining... You take a moment to clean yourself up - by swallowing of course - and enjoy the once-again lifelike experience, tasting very much like real cum.?nl
When you're finished, you plant a final loving kiss on the head of the fake penis. You take a moment to calm down from the whole ordeal and stow away your toy.
<<if getTime() === 'night'>>
Looks like it's getting late already.
<<decision 'Time to head to bed' 'Bedtime'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Leave' 'Tavern'>>
<<increasetime 1 true>>
<<decision 'Insert it and train your anal proficiency' depravity small>>
You lie down on your back and raise your legs, quickly exposing your excited asshole. You almost try to immediately insert the toy before you remember you will need to do some preparation first. It's a good thing ?Eve gave you that training otherwise you'd surely be lost with this.?nl
You reach over, open the second drawer of the nightstand and retrieve a magical lubrication potion. Comes complimentary with the room, surely. You remove the tiny cork from the bottle and start massaging it over the dildo. The potion seeps into the copper itself as it now glows softly and is noticeably more slippery. You take a dollop of fluid left in the potion and start massaging your tight asshole.?nl
You let out an involuntary moan as you slip a lubricated finger through your sphincter. You apply ample lubrication, making the massaging feel nice and soft. Instead of simply lubing yourself, you are now just fingering yourself as you go with the horny flow of things.?nl
You get visibly turned on, your ?dick <<if hasEquipmentTag('chastity')>>straining hard in it's cage<<else>>standing at full mast<</if>>. Before you get too much into just the foreplay you catch a glimpse of the copper dildo, lubed and ready to go. While you continue to pleasure yourself with one hand, you use the other to grab the phallic object firmly and move it into position. You remove your finger from your asshole and hold the dildo against your opening, making you feel all kinds of excitement.?nl
<<if settings.sph>>
Looking at the tool about the penetrate you, you can't believe how much bigger it is than your ?dick. Whatever depth this thing could reach inside someone will always be unknown to your ?dick.?nl
You slowly push the tool inside of you. You moan loudly as you feel the head of cock breaching your tight little hole. The pleasure is intense and beautiful as you start pushing in more and more of the fake cock, though, you must admit the warmth and sensation of it doesn't feel fake at all. If it wasn't for you moving the thing yourself, you probably wouldn't be able to differentiate between this and a real cock. You close your eyes and let out another moan as you find a steady rhythm to fuck yourself with.?nl
<<if hasEquipmentTag('chastity')>>
You would actually want to take out your own cock right now and use a hand to pleasure yourself, but unfortunately you are currently locked away. All your ?penis can is twitch and let out trickles of pre-cum as you're getting more and more turned on by what you're doing.?nl
It is at this point that you decide to use your other hand to start stroking your own ?dick. You're completely hard from arousal. The ass-fucking probably gets a slight reduction in quality as you're now splitting the attention and slowly masturbating while you have a fake cock in your ass.?nl
You decide to try something different as you take the dildo out with a wet plop, just for a second so you can reposition yourself. You flip over and get on all fours, intending to take this thing doggy-style. To make things even better, you decide to use one of this magical dildo's special features as you position it in-front of your ass and touch the small glyph at the base. The dildo hums as you activate the aura that locks the tool in mid-air, floating at perfect ass-fucking height.?nl
Slowly but surely you back up and find the cock head with your hungry asshole. You once again moan loudly as you feel the dildo entering your body. You slowly start moving yourself back and forth, sensationally fucking yourself doggy-style as the dildo hangs in place. <<if !hasEquipmentTag('chastity')>>You once again take hold of your ?penis as you're actively fucking the dildo.<</if>>?nl
Picking up the pace, you are panting more and more as you get used to the entire length of this cock. You are in a perfect flow, at one with the fake cock.
<<if settings.cum>>
And it seems like you're not the only one happy with this as the enchanted dildo suddenly starts twitching subtly. As the entire length is current in your asshole, there's not much you can do when you suddenly feel it reach it's magical-induced climax.?nl
You feel the fake cum shooting into your ass. The climaxing dildo catches you entire off-guard and you reflexively slide your asshole back off the still-spewing cock. You then feel a few strands spurt all over your butt, violently covering you in cum.?nl
<<if hasEquipmentTag('chastity')>>
Your ?penis is straining hard against it's cage as this is happening. It's actually quite torturous.?nl
While this is happening, your hand has not been idle in it's appointed task and the horny situation actually brings you to a satisfying climax.?nl
<<if settings.cum>>
With that, it looks like the dildo is finally done. You were definitely not expecting to be covered in magical cum from this. Not that you're complaining... You take a moment to clean yourself.?nl
When you're finished, you clean the toy and plant a final loving kiss on the head of the fake penis. You take a moment to calm down from the whole ordeal and stow away your toy.
<<if getTime() === 'night'>>
Looks like it's getting late already.
<<decision 'Time to head to bed' 'Bedtime'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Leave' 'Tavern'>>
<<increasetime 1 true>>
<</decision>><<if $location is 'Grand hall'>>
[[You see Andreas here, looking through some papers | Andreas Ask]]
<</if>><<acknowledgement Andreas>>
<<mention failed>>
<<andreas>>?Title, I didn't yet get a chance to clarify my position in the council meeting recently. It must feel like we are working against you with our harshness but you must understand that we simply want to tutor you to become the awe-inspiring ruler that you are meant to be.<</andreas>>
You suppose his encouragement makes you feel a bit better...
<<mention assassination>>
<<andreas>>Glad to see you do well, ?title. I have been assured by ?Wymerus that the castle is secured and there is no chance of anyone being able to do something like that again.<</andreas>>
<<player>>Thank you, ?Andreas. That is reassuring.<</player>>
<<mention status>>
<<if $player.status is 'egg'>>
?Andreas, the Chancellor of the council, is known for his keen observational skills. He's always been good at noticing little changes in people and events.
As you enter the council chamber, he gives you a once-over. He can sense that something is different about you. You've been feeling more feminine lately, and it shows in your appearance. He gives you a knowing look but it looks like he decides not to mention it to you.
<<elseif $player.status is 'andro'>>
<<elseif $player.status is 'fem'>>
<<elseif $player.status is 'man'>>
<<mention history-book>>
You take out the large history book you brought from the library and put it down on his desk with a heavy thud and a proud smile.
<<andreas>>What's this? "The Extended History of Avelon", ?title, have you read this book?<</andreas>>
You nod at him, trying to contain your pride.
<<player>>That's right, took a while. I wanted to show you the effort I went through. It's a huge book and it's very boring but I managed to finish it! I suppose it was pretty informative as well.<</player>>
<<andreas>>Ha! Very direct, ?title. I suppose I'll take that feedback in consideration for the next edition.<</andreas>>
You stare at him with a confused look. He notices your befuddlement and points to the small faded letters at the bottom of the book. Yup, that clearly lists ?Andreas as one of the writers of this massive tome. You feel rather silly for not noticing this earlier.
<<player>>Oh! I- uh- I didn't know you wrote this, ?Andreas. I'm so sorry!<</player>>
?Andreas looks at you as he starts laughing. You've rarely seen him so amused before.
<<andreas>>Hahaha, it's all right, ?title! I suppose you just wanted to show me what great strides you went through to continue your training. I'm impressed, really! The contents of that book are very important for you to know as future ruler. And you're right actually, the book is quite long and boring. Not my best work, history is a monotonous subject.<</andreas>>
You smile at him, you actually feel rewarded in your efforts now that ?Andreas acknowledges your strife.
<</acknowledgement>><<name Andreas 'Chancellor'>> is sitting at his desk in the grand hall.
<<andreas>>It's good to see you, ?title.<</andreas>>
As soon as he sees you enter he stands up and gives you a bow.?nl
<<include 'Andreas Acknowledgement'>>
<<if getStatLevel('statesmanship') < $player.levelexpectation + 1>>
<<andreas>>Are you here to learn? I have time for you now, should you be interested.<</andreas>>
He smiles at you with his usual politeness as he awaits your answer.
/* <<decision 'Write' 'Minigame Writing'>><</decision>> */
<<decision "Accept" 'Andreas Lessons'>><</decision>>
<<decision "Politely decline">>
<<player>>I'm sorry, <<name andreas 'Chancellor'>>. I was simply here to visit.<</player>>
<<andreas>>Of course, please let me know if you want to continue your lessons. The things I teach you are important to learn for when you one day sit on the throne.<</andreas>>
His constant reminding of importance is slightly annoying but unfortunately you know he's right in what he says.
<<decision "Leave" 'Hallway'>><</decision>>
You move over to the chair, expecting to start another lesson from him.
<<andreas>>Ah, I'm very sorry, ?title, but I have no time to tutor you right now.<</andreas>>
<<player>>Oh, well that's alright, ?Andreas.<</player>>
<<andreas>>I admire your diligence but we've been spending so much time discussing statecraft that I haven't had enough time to see to my responsibilities. How about we reconvene after the next council meeting? I think I will be all caught up by then.<</andreas>>
<<player>>That sounds good, ?Andreas. Good luck with the work.<</player>>
<<decision "Leave" 'Hallway'>><</decision>>
<</if>><<include `either('Andreas Lessons 1', 'Andreas Lessons 2', 'Andreas Lessons 3')`>>
<<changestat statesmanship 1>>
<<decision 'Thank Andreas and take your leave' 'Hallway'>><<addcounter 'andreas' 1>><<increasetime 1 true>><</decision>><<include `either('Andreas Lessons 1', 'Andreas Lessons 2', 'Andreas Lessons 3')`>>
Now sitting at his desk, ?Andreas hands you a journal together with quill and ink.
<<andreas>>It would be a good idea to write a short report of today's lesson. Take this moment to summarize what you learned, I feel like this is the best way to remember your tutoring.<</andreas>>
<<decision 'Start writing' 'Minigame Writing'>><</decision>><<changestat statesmanship 1>>
You lay down the quill as you finish writing. It's quite annoying that ?Andreas makes you write down every lesson but you must say that it helps you learn better.
<<andreas>>Very good, ?title. This looks like a nice report. I will keep the journal for you so you can use it again next time.<</andreas>>
<<decision 'Thank Andreas and take your leave' 'Hallway'>><<addcounter 'andreas' 1>><<increasetime 1 true>><</decision>>Today's lesson is definitely one of the more boring ones. ?andreas takes you through all sorts of written agreements that are important to the kingdom, from international treaties to contracts between landowners.
He tries to explain the nuances described in the texts but by the end of the lesson you can't even keep all the documents apart anymore.Today, ?andreas talks about how to lead meetings and make sure intricate conversations stay on point. Even though normally you would be the one to lead the council meetings in your father's absence, ?andreas has been given that role because of his experience. He gives you tips on how to be a neutral leader in these discussions and giving everyone time and space to share their opinions.For this lesson, ?andreas decided it's a good time to learn about diplomacy as he takes you with him to a meeting. There you find several diplomats from a neighboring kingdom waiting to meet with <<name andreas 'Chancellor'>>. He told you to sit in and observe while he welcomes the diplomats and converses with them. The discussions last for quite a while but you feel like you learned a lot.<<if getTime() !== 'night'>>
<<if hasQuest('blacksmith-intro')>>
<<decision 'Asks Beau about what she\'s selling' 'Blacksmith Intro'>><</decision>>
<<elseif hasCompletedQuest('blacksmith-intro')>>
<<decision 'Visit the blacksmith' 'Blacksmith Visit'>><</decision>>
<</if>>You walk into the smithy and take a good look around. There's a whole collection of finely crafted weapons displayed all over the walls. A dummy stands in the middle of her shop, proudly displaying a set of intricate plate armor.?nl
The blacksmith herself is currently working at the forge and when you walk in that direction you are immediately met with the intense heat. A loud clanging echoes through the shop - and only when ?Beau notices you enter - does she stop hammering. The horseshoe can wait, a customer is here.?nl
She excitedly welcomes you and walks over to the counter.
<<beau>>A new customer! Welcome, friend!<</beau>>
You walk up to the counter and smile at her.
<<player>>Ah, yes, hi ?Beau.<</player>>
For a minute there you forgot that you're wearing a disguise and she doesn't recognize your royal self. Probably should've acted like you don't know her. Oops.
<<beau>>You know my name already? Word must travel fast of ?Beau's legendary forge! What is your name then, friend?<</beau>>
<<player>>Oh, I'm ?newname. Yes, it's a lovely smithy you have here.<</player>>
She raises her arms and gestures heroically at all the fine armors and blades that are hanging all over the shop.
<<beau>>It is indeed magnificent, thank you for noticing, ?newname. Don't feel intimidated by the sheer quality and craftsmanship of my creations. I always charge a fair price.<</beau>>
Her booming demeanor is strangely intense but still feels friendly.
<<beau>>Now, friend, tell me how I can help you. Are you looking for some nails? A horseshoe? Or perhaps a sword and armor? That would be something wouldn't it! Hahaha!<</beau>>
Her bellowing laugh echoes loudly through the shop, almost as loud as the clanging of her hammer just a moment earlier.
<<decision 'Tell her you\'re interested in her more intimate section.' 'Blacksmith Intro 2'>><</decision>>Seeing as you're here simply because of what ?Eve told you... You're kind of interested to see what she has to offer in that area.
<<player>>Well, uhm- I actually came to look at your... <em>private collection</em>...<</player>>
You say that with such a sly tone, you're convinced that must've come across incredibly stupid. How do people normally subtly hint they want to look at sex toys?
<<beau>>Oh! You're a ?man of romance! I should have guessed!<</beau>>
You awkwardly nod at her before she continues.
<<beau>>I hadn't even known word has spread about my new gifts collection! Here, allow me to show you.<</beau>>
Gifts? Why would someone gift these things??nl
She takes out a glass display case and puts it on the counter. Surprisingly, inside you find no dildos but a collection of small items instead. You see all kinds of finely crafted objects. From a metal quill with a magnificent feather to a beautiful golden flower pendant.
<div id="toys">
<div class="toy">
<img class="toy-img" src="images/equipment/gift_quill.jpg">
<div class="toy">
<img class="toy-img" src="images/equipment/gift_pendant.jpg">
<<beau>>Take a good look, this is the all new gifts section of my store. Every item is hand made, just look at the fine details! You'll win over anyone's heart with these romantic presents!<</beau>>
You take a moment to appreciate her work as you consider how to bring up that you actually meant something different when you wanted to view her private collection.
<<player>>Uhm. That looks really nice, ?Beau. I'll definitely take it into consideration but I was actually looking for something slightly different...<</player>>
<<decision 'Try to tell her you\'re interested in her more intimate section, again.' 'Blacksmith Intro 3'>><</decision>><<player>>You see, I actually heard you're also selling <em>private</em> items. More private than romantic gifts. Intimate even.<</player>>
She looks at you with a broad smile that slowly turns into another bellowing laugh.
<<beau>>Hahaha! That's what you meant! Well why didn't you say so, friend. Follow me!<</beau>>
You awkwardly laugh with her as she goes on for a good minute. Though she's finding this situation much too entertaining, her laugh is quite infectious.?nl
Meanwhile, she moves over to a corner of the shop and walks behind a display rack that seems to be hiding a secret backside of the shop. You follow her through the dark opening and find yourself in a cramped space, immediately feeling how much bigger this blacksmith is than you.
<<beau>>Here we are. The best toys in the kingdom.<</beau>>
She opens the hatch of a small window, letting in some light into this little alcove. The light illuminates your surroundings and you are met with the shining view of about a hundred different sex-toys in all shapes and sizes. Your mouth instantly falls agape, taking in the lewd view.
<<beau>>It's a nice collection, right? I started this more as a hobby but now it has turned into a pretty lucrative business. Apparently people are really craving something to help fulfil their lustful desires! Hahaha!<</beau>>
She starts another hollering laugh. Now much more intense because of the small space and close vicinity, but somehow you're not even bothered by it as you're still studying the different toys you see before you.?nl
In the dildo section, it seems like ?Beau is selling four different levels of tools, from copper to crystal.
<div id="toys">
<div class="toy">
<img class="toy-img" src="images/equipment/dildo_copper.jpg">
<div class="toy">
<img class="toy-img" src="images/equipment/dildo_iron.jpg">
<div class="toy">
<img class="toy-img" src="images/equipment/dildo_gold.jpg">
<div class="toy">
<img class="toy-img" src="images/equipment/dildo_crystal.jpg">
<<beau>>Ah, you're looking at the dildos? They're really something actually. I've currently got four tiers, with the lowly copper dildo being a good beginner's choice and the pricey crystal dildo being only suitable for the really experienced.<</beau>>
<<beau>>I feel like I've only really perfected my magic smithing with these beauties. Even though they're made of solid metals and minerals, they are enchanted with powerful spells, making them feel <em>entirely realistic</em> when used.<</beau>>
You look at her with an unexpected amazement. You had no idea ?Beau was running this kind of operation and you definitely wouldn't have guessing she put this much effort into this...
<<beau>>I'll give you a moment to look around. I'll be at the counter if you need me.<</beau>>
<<player>>Uh- yeah, thank you, ?Beau.<</player>>
She leaves you alone in the small backroom as you take some more time looking over all the toys.?nl
<<if hasEquipmentTag('chastity')>>
At this point you spot something you are much more familiar with. There's a whole wall of chastity cages in all colors and sizes. ?Kathryn mentioned sending your measurements to the blacksmith and having the one you're wearing now custom made... This is the first time you're getting a good look at all the different options.?nl
There's a bunch of metal ones in sizes that are much larger than yours, but strangely enough there seems to be a few that look much smaller than what you're wearing. They almost look... flat? How could someone ever wear something like that? Thinking about it slightly intimidates you so you decide to just go back to ?Beau and leave this section for now.
After standing there for at least twenty seconds, the awkwardness of it makes you decide to simply leave and you head back to ?Beau.
<<beau>>So? Did you find something you like?<</beau>>
Well, you've worked at the tavern for a bit now, you could actually consider buying something...
<<decision 'Leave the smithy'>>
<<player>>Uhm- I'm not sure, I'm going to have to uh- think it over a bit more. Thank you for showing me though.<</player>>
<<beau>>Of course, be welcome any time, friend! The store is open to you, secret sections and all!<</beau>>
<<decision 'Take your leave'>>
<<increasetime 1 true>>
<<completequest 'blacksmith-intro'>>
<<decision 'Pick something to buy' 'Beau Store'>>
<<increasetime 1 true>>
<<completequest 'blacksmith-intro'>>
<</decision>>You walk into the smithy and find it empty except for ?Beau, who's smithing away at her anvil.
<<beau>>Ah! Welcome back, friend! What can I do for you?<</beau>>
<<decision 'Browse the store' 'Beau Store'>>
<<decision 'Leave the store'>>
<<player>>Uh- Sorry- I was just visiting, ?Beau.<</player>>
She looks at you and loudly starts with her iconic laugh again.
<<beau>>Walking into a store and immediately leaving again! How odd! Hahaha!<</beau>>
You laugh awkwardly with her before you step out of the store again. She's probably right. Pretty weird to leave right after walking into a store but she just doesn't understand the struggles of being a royal prince undercover in a town full of people that almost recognize you. Stuff's rough.
<<decision 'Take your leave' 'Town square'>><</decision>>
<</decision>><<if $location is 'Courtyard'>>
<<if getTime() === 'night'>>
[[You hear strange noises coming from the far corner of the courtyard... | Caspar Night]]
<</if>><<acknowledgement Caspar>>
<<mention failed>>
<<caspar>>Hey, ?title, I heard the council wasn't happy with your progress... I just wanted to say I'm here for you to spar whenever you need it. If you ask me they're asking way too much of you but I'll be sure to do whatever I can to help you meet their expectations!<</caspar>>
<<mention assassination>>
<<wymerus>>?Title, I want to take a moment to reassure you that the castle is now completely secure. There is no way another assassin can get close to you. At least not on my watch.<</wymerus>>
<<if hasTag('fought-assassin')>>
<<wymerus>>I also heard from ?Morgana how to fought off the attacker and actually managed to disarm him! I am proud to see you mastering your training already, let's hope you don't have to use it again soon.<</wymerus>>
<<player>>Thank you, ?Wymerus. I suppose it does really show the importance of your training.<</player>>
<<mention status>>
<<if $player.status is 'egg'>>
<<caspar>>Did you change your hairstyle or something?<</caspar>>
You blush slightly. <<player>>No, Caspar. Why would you think that?<</player>>
<<caspar>>You just look... different. Something about your face, or maybe your voice? It's hard to say. But you seem different today.<</caspar>>
He seems to quickly let go his line of questioning though, as he continues back to the training.
<<elseif $player.status is 'andro'>>
<<elseif $player.status is 'fem'>>
<<elseif $player.status is 'man'>>
<</acknowledgement>><<addcounter 'wymerus-night' 2>>
<<addcounter 'caspar-night' 2>>
<<if not hasTag('wymerus-peeped')>>
While walking the dark courtyard, you swear you're hearing strange noises coming from the other side of the courtyard. You carefully sneak in that direction and you notice two figures beneath an archway. You're not quite sure but the soft sounds coming from them seem carnal in nature.
You once again find <<name wymerus 'Lord'>> in the dark together with his squire, <<name caspar>>. You can sneak closer to find a good spot and peep on them.
<<decision "Find a hiding spot closer to peep on them (M/M content)" 'Caspar Peeping' depravity small>><</decision>>
<<decision "Quietly leave" 'Bedtime' virtue small>><</decision>><<disablemusic>>
<<addsin 'peeping'>>
<<addtag 'wymerus-peeped'>>
Once you manage to sneak a bit closer you make out the large figure of <<name wymerus 'Lord'>>. He's leaning against a pillar and you can hear him let out soft, approving grunts. Only now do you recognise what the second figure is doing, they're kneeled in front of <<name wymerus>>, apparently providing a certain kind of stimulation to him, using their mouth. It only takes a small amount of moonlight reflected off the face of the one giving service for you to recognise the red, curly hair of <<name caspar>>, the squire of <<name wymerus 'Lord'>>.?nl
The soft wet sounds you heard earlier are definitely caused by the blowjob you see happening here.
Another thing that draws your attention now is the surprisingly large size of <<name wymerus>>'s cock. It's intriguing to see <<name caspar>> being able to take that thing so far in his mouth.
<<if settings.vids>>
<<video "caspar/caspar_blowjob.webm">>
<<img "caspar/peeping_blowjob_{theme}.jpg">>
While seeing this scene happening, you notice your own dick started to get hard.
<<if settings.sph>>
A thought enters your mind: your own member compares nothing to the size you see here, you're not even sure if you're half as big as <<name wymerus>>. You tell yourself that's because his is just massive, but secretly you know yours is definitely on the tiny side as well.
<<include 'Caspar Peeping 2'>>
<<include 'Caspar Peeping 1'>>
<<include 'Caspar Peeping 3'>>
<<include `either('Caspar Peeping 1', 'Caspar Peeping 2', 'Caspar Peeping 3')`>>
<<decision "Let lust take over and masturbate in the dark" depravity small depravity 10 1>>
<<addsin 'masturbation'>>
You take out your cock and start masturbating while looking at this exciting display of carnal sins.
<<if settings.vids>>
<<if settings.sph>>
<<video 'player/masturbate_sph.webm'>>
<<video 'player/masturbate.webm'>>
While fapping in the dark you imagine yourself as a part of their secret sexual acts. Whose place do you imagine taking in this fantasy??nl
<<decision "Caspar's position" submissiveness medium null null 1>>
You imagine yourself in <<name caspar>>'s position, servicing <<name wymerus>>. You think about yourself prioritising his pleasure above all else. You even wonder if you could take his big cock and how you could be his little slut.?nl
<<if settings.cum>>
<<decision "Cum in your hand and eat it" depravity small depravity 20 1>>
<<addsin 'cum-eating'>>
<<if settings.vids>>
<<video 'player/swallow{2}.webm'>>
As you let your mind wander to thoughts of being rewarded with cum, like <<name caspar>> is right now, you immediately orgasm, you spurt a few streams of cum all over your hand. Your eyes filled with lust you immediately take it in your mouth and let it slide down your throat, imagining it as <<name wymerus>>' cum.
<<decision "Climax on the floor" 1>>
As you let your mind wander to thoughts of being rewarded with cum, like <<name caspar>> is right now, you immediately orgasm, as your ?penis lets out streams of white cum on the cold dark stones of the courtyard.
These thoughts very quickly bring you to orgasm, afterwards you quickly recover and clean yourself up.
<<decision "Wymerus' place" dominance medium null null 1>>
You imagine yourself as <<name wymerus>>, dominating over <<name caspar>>. You run your hands through his soft curly hair while he services you. As you imagine yourself making him your bitch, you reach your climax and cum on the cold courtyard stones, covered by darkness.
<<decision "Having seen enough, you quietly sneak away" 'Bedtime'>><</decision>>You see <<name wymerus>> walking over to <<name caspar>>, who is kneeled on the floor. You can already see the massive bulge <<name wymerus>> is packing while he fumbles with his belt and unleases his big cock. You hear a smacking sound as it immediately hits <<name caspar>> in the face.
<<wymerus>>Clean my big sword for me, my squire. Why don't you use your mouth again?<</wymerus>>
Without hesitation, <<name caspar>> takes his cock in his mouth and starts slobering over his shaft.
<<if settings.vids>>
<<video "caspar/caspar_blowjob.webm">>
<<img "caspar/peeping_blowjob_{theme}.jpg">>
You notice <<name caspar>> takes out his own much smaller penis and starts masturbating while servicing the lord. It only takes a little bit before <<name wymerus>> smacks his hand away.
<<wymerus>>Did I tell you you could masturbate, boy? I know you are a little slut and nothing turns you on as much as this but you should really be focusing on cleaning my shaft. We've had quite a long training session today and I'm all sweaty now.<</wymerus>>
<<name caspar>> takes the cock out of his mouth and slowly massages it while looking up at his master.
<<caspar>>I'm sorry my lord, I'm your squire and of course I will do anything to make sure your sword is nice and clean. I will e- mhaarfhm<</caspar>>
<<name caspar>> is quickly interrupted as <<name wymerus>> suddenly grabs his head with both hands and violently shoves his cock down his throat.
<<wymerus>>Enough excuses, this is taking too long, I will take matters in my own hand.<</wymerus>>
You watch as <<name wymerus>> pushes him against the stone wall and starts face-fucking the young squire. They've completely forgotten to mind their secrecy as you can hear the lord loudly grunting while pumping his massive cock in and out of his mouth.?nl
<<name caspar>> is completely relaxed as he lets his mouth be used by his knight. After a little while you notice the situation he finds himself in is turning him on too much and he starts masturbating his little dick again while being face-fucked.?nl
Shortly later the lord starts pumping faster and faster, suddenly he shoves his cock in all the way to the base, holding it there. His balls slapping against <<name caspar>>'s chin as <<name wymerus>> loudly grunts and presumably deposits all his cum down his squire's throat. While his mouth and throat is completely filled with cock and cum, you can somehow still hear <<name caspar>> moan as he faps his dick faster and faster before cumming on the courtyard floor, letting out a few white strands of cum from his penis.?nl
<<name wymerus>> leaves his cock in his squire's mouth for a bit before taking it out. A thick strain of cum connects the cock-head to <<name caspar>>'s lips. The young squire makes sure there is no cum left on his master's tool before giving the cock a wet kiss and looking up to him to say thanks for letting him provide service.?nlYou see <<name wymerus>> and <<name caspar>> standing next to a training dummy. You can hear a slight argument happening as they're discussing training exercises.
<<caspar>>My lord, you know I would do anything for you but what I simply mean to say is- aah<</caspar>>
The squire is interrupted as <<name wymerus>> suddenly grabs him, flips him around and bends him over.
<<wymerus>>Enough of this back-talk, let me remind you exactly who the squire is and who the knight is.<</wymerus>>
<<name caspar>> leans against the training dummy as <<name wymerus>> rips down his pants, revealing his bare ass. The squire moans as his master spits directly on his asshole and starts massaging it. With his other hand <<name wymerus>> unbuckles his belt and takes out his hardening cock.
<<caspar>>My lord, please, I meant no offense- Ah!<</caspar>>
His pleading is interrupted by loud moaning as <<name wymerus>> aligned his massive cock with the entrance and pushed forward.
<<if settings.vids>>
<<video "caspar/caspar_doggy1.webm">>
<<img "caspar/peeping_doggy_{theme}.jpg">>
<<wymerus>>What was that, squire? Do you want me to stop?<</wymerus>>
He slowly pushes in and out of <<name caspar>>'s asshole while the squire moans louder and louder.
<<caspar>> No, my lord, please use me- Ah! Please fuck me hard, my lord!<</caspar>>
<<if settings.vids>>
<<video "caspar/caspar_doggy2.webm">>
The young squire is bent over, holding on to the training dummy with both hands while he is being railed from behind. The lord grunts louder and louder and you can definitely make out the sound of his balls slapping. After this goes on for a while, <<name wymerus>> speeds up and suddenly pulls out of his squire's ass. <<name caspar>> immediately turns around and kneels down, he opens his mouth and sticks out his tongue.
<<wymerus>>Show me how good of a squire you are.<</wymerus>>
The lord is masturbating his cock, aimed at <<name caspar>>'s face when you see thick ropes of cum flying all over the squire's face and onto his tongue. His curly red hair is covered with white cum and he holds one of his eyes closed. <<name caspar>> shows his master what landed in his mouth, proceeds to swallow it and now shows his empty mouth with a proud smile.
<<if settings.vids>>
<<video "caspar/caspar_facial.webm">>
<<wymerus>> Well done, boy. Now, you're not allowed to clean that up yet, I enjoy seeing you walk around while I marked my territory all over your face.<</wymerus>>From your peeping place you can see <<name caspar>> standing over <<name wymerus>>. It looks like the lord is drunk, lying in the center of the training field.
<<caspar>>My lord, please get up. I think you've had too much to drink during practise today, let's get you to bed.<</caspar>>
He tries pulling on the lord's much bigger body, to no avail.
<<wymerus>>No, my boy.. *hic* I am horny, squire... *hic* Take care of my shaft again while I lie here...<</wymerus>>
<<caspar>>What? Right in the middle of the courtyard? What if someone walks by? We should at least hide somewhere in the corner like normally, my lord.<</caspar>>
<<wymerus>>I am too tired and horny to move right now. *hic* I have given you a command, I expect you to follow it.<</wymerus>>
You hear <<name caspar>> sigh loudly as he starts unbuckling his master's belt. He kneels down beside him and starts massaging his soft cock.
<<if settings.sph>>
Even limp, <<name wymerus>>' cock is much bigger than your ?dick.
<<name caspar>> looks slightly annoyed to be masturbating his lord in the middle of the courtyard, he keeps looking around to make sure nobody spots them, luckily he hasn't been able to see you hiding. After a little while you can clearly see that <<name wymerus>>' member is standing full mast, you can see the outline of the large cock in the dark.
<<caspar>>I'm still surprised how little the alcohol affects your stamina, my lord<</caspar>>
He says before lowering his head on his lord's cock and giving him a sloppy blowjob. You see <<name caspar>>'s head going up and down really quickly, it looks like he wants to get this over with as soon as possible.
<<if settings.vids>>
<<video "caspar/caspar_lying_blowjob.webm">>
<<wymerus>>Good, my squire. *hic* But I need more. *hic* Sit on top of it.<</wymerus>>
You hear a suction plop sound as <<name caspar>> takes his master's cock out of his mouth.
<<caspar>>My lord, have you gone mad? Someone will definitely spot us if I start riding you right now.<</caspar>>
<<wymerus>>I have *hic* given you an order, squire. *hic* Get on top of me.<</wymerus>>
You again hear a loud sigh coming from <<name caspar>>. <<name wymerus 'Lord'>> is giving commands while not moving a single inch, it looks like he expects his squire to do all the work here. His loyal squire switches position, he takes off his pants and moves ontop of him, squatting right above his large member.?nl
He slowly moves down, having properly wetted the massive cock he takes his lord inside of him and immediately let out a loud moan before putting his hand over his mouth, seeming surprised by his reaction.?nl
He tries to stay quiet while finding the right pace but still, everytime he moves down he lets out a soft moan. Seeing him work for his master like this so out in the open is really thrilling.
<<if settings.vids>>
<<video "caspar/caspar_riding.webm">>
<<img "caspar/peeping_riding_{theme}.jpg">>
Finally, <<name wymerus>> shows some real signs of life as he suddenly grabs his squire by his sides and starts pumping him up and down even faster.?nl
They both start moaning very loudly as the squire lowers himself, completely enveloping his master's cock as they both cum at the same time.
You suddenly hear a guard open the door to the courtyard.
<<guard>>Is anyone there? Show yourself!<</guard>>
Both the lord and the squire scramble to their feet and run out of here, right before the guard could spot them.<<acknowledgement Dominic>>
<<mention assassination>>
<<mention status>>
<<if $player.status is 'egg'>>
<<elseif $player.status is 'andro'>>
<<elseif $player.status is 'fem'>>
<<elseif $player.status is 'man'>>
<</acknowledgement>><<if hasTag('sexwork') and getTime() === 'night'>>
<<if hasQuest('brothel-intro')>>
<<decision 'Talk to Eve about working at the brothel' 'Brothel Eve Intro'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Work at the brothel' 'Brothel Work'>><</decision>>
<</if>><<setlocation 'Tavern'>>
You don't see ?Eve in the main room of the tavern, but you've often seen her disappear into the section of the tavern with lodgings. In fact, you realize you're not sure you've ever seen ?Eve leave the tavern before. Does she live here? As you're wondering this, you come across a door marked with her name.?nl
You knock lightly. After a few moments ?Eve opens the door dressed in an elegant pink silk robe. The shape of her body is evident through the robe, and you try not to stare at the outline of her breasts as she greets you with a smile.
<<eve>>Oh, hello, ?newname! To what do I owe the pleasure?<</eve>>
You find yourself suddenly lost for words standing in front of this gorgeous woman. She looks to you encouragingly.
<<player>>U-um, well, ?Velma said that it was time for me to receive the additional training.<</player>>
?Eve's smile grows even brighter.
<<eve>>Well, then, you have come to the right place! Please, come on in.<</eve>>
<<decision 'Step into her room' 'Eve Sex Education Intro 2'>><</decision>><<setlocation 'Eve\'s Room'>>
She stands aside and you walk in, staring at the incredible finery in this room. ?Eve's quarters are somehow even more elaborately decorated than any room you've seen in the palace. Fine silks line the walls, vases of fresh flowers fill the room with a sweet scent, and precious jewelry drapes across a dressing table by the window. Where did she get the money for all this?
<<player>>W-wow, your room is really nice...<</player>>
?Eve reclines on an elaborate sofa in the center of the room and pats the space next to her, inviting you to sit down.
<<eve>>I appreciate you saying that. I've worked hard to make this a beautiful, comfortable space.<</eve>>
You sit down next to her, suddenly feeling very awkward. What is this additional training that ?Velma mentioned? ?Eve's room is lovely, but you're not sure what she could teach you in her personal bedroom.
<<eve>>Now, darling, I must ask you a question. Have you had many experiences in this realm? Is this all perhaps quite new to you?<</eve>>
You suppose that ?Eve doesn't know your full history, but you had thought it was fairly obvious that you're new to being a ?barworker.
<<player>>Yes, uh, I think that would be accurate.<</player>>
?Eve smiles again and gently pats your hand.
<<eve>>Well, then, I'll be sure to take it slow.<</eve>>
She sits up and pours two glasses of wine from a carafe. She hands you a glass, taking a sip of her own.
<<eve>>Some clients, especially those who are new to the experience, feel most comfortable with a gradual build up. I start with conversation, a bit of wine, and light physical contact to ease in. A pat on the hand, a touch on the arm, a gentle caress of the face...<</eve>>
As she says this, she runs her fingers softly along the side of your face. Your mind starts to race. Clients? Physical contact to ease in? What is this training that ?Velma has sent you to?
<<eve>>When the time feels right, I escalate. Sometimes just a visual escalation is best, but often a client is ready to jump into something more active.<</eve>>
As though it's the most natural thing in the world, she lets her robe slip from her shoulders, revealing her breasts to you. <<if hasTag('eve-waterfall')>>Below, you see her bulge through the thin fabric of her robe.<<else>>Your eyes trail down, and through the thin robe you see what looks like...a bulge at her crotch? You realize with shock that it seems as though ?Eve has not a vulva, but a penis.<</if>>?nl
She smiles softly and runs a hand through your hair.
<<eve>>If the client responds well, this is a good time for a more sensual touch.<</eve>>
She leans in as if to kiss you, and suddenly everything makes sense. You don't know how it took you this long to realize it, but this part of the tavern must be a brothel, and ?Eve a sex worker. You freeze in a moment of panic. Having sex with ?Eve could be an amazing experience, but on the other hand, you weren't at all prepared for this... You could just ask her to stop...
<<decision 'Let Eve give you the full training' 'Eve Sex Education Physical' depravity medium>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Ask Eve to skip the demonstration' 'Eve Sex Education Verbal' virtue medium>><</decision>>You're already feeling aroused just looking at ?Eve's body, and if she's leaning in to kiss you, you're certainly not going to stop her. Her lips meet yours and she kisses you softly, gently, noticing and responding to every movement you make with ease.?nl
You've soon forgotten the entire premise of this interaction, and you become focused only on kissing ?Eve. Your kisses become deeper, and she starts to run her hands lightly along your body, passing over your hardening ?dick. ?Eve pulls away to look at you.
<<eve>>What sounds better today, ?newname? Would you prefer to be bottom or top?<</eve>>
The question sends a jolt through you. It feels strange to be asked this question so directly, but ?Eve looks completely unphased. Since <<if hasTag('eve-waterfall')>>you know she<<else>>she apparently<</if>> has a penis, you suppose she could just as easily take either role...
<<decision 'Choose to top' 'Eve Sex Education Physical Top'>>
<<disableif hasEquipmentTag('chastity')>>
You are locked in chastity.
<<decision 'Choose to bottom' 'Eve Sex Education Physical Bottom'>>
<</decision>><<player>>I would, uh, like to be the top...<</player>>
?Eve gives you a bright smile and stands, letting the robe fall from her shoulders and onto the floor. <<if hasTag('eve-waterfall')>>You see she's already hard<<if settings.sph>>, and certainly much bigger than you<</if>>. <<else>>Sure enough, you see not a vulva but a penis, already standing at attention. <<if settings.sph>>You realize that even this beautiful woman has a larger cock than you.<</if>><</if>>?nl
She leads you by the hand to her large bed and begins pulling off your clothes. You never realized being undressed could be so sensual, but somehow her every movement is dripping with raw sexuality. <<if settings.sph>>She seems completely unphased when your tiny dick is revealed, though you're sure it must be one of the smallest penises she's ever seen. You start to wonder whether you'll even be able to top her with such a small dick.<</if>>
<<eve>>Now, we always use protection to keep everyone safe, but I like to make it fun.<</eve>>
She produces a small blue potion bottle from a drawer and holds it up, showing it to you.
<<player>>Oh, do I...drink it?<</player>>
?Eve chuckles and pours some into her hand.
<<eve>>Not quite. It's topical!<</eve>>
<<if settings.sph>>
Using her fingers, she begins to rub it onto your ?dick. She strokes you expertly up and down, sending waves of pleasure through your body. You watch as the potion sinks into your skin and disappears. As soon as it does, ?Eve wraps her mouth around your ?dick and begins sucking you off. The pleasure of it catches you off-guard and you moan loudly.?nl
She begins to rub it onto your ?dick. She strokes you expertly up and down, sending waves of pleasure through your body. You watch as the potion sinks into your skin and disappears. As soon as it does, ?Eve wraps her mouth around your ?dick and begins sucking you off. The pleasure of it catches you off-guard and you moan loudly.?nl
?Eve pulls your ?dick out of her mouth with a wet sound and smiles at you.
<<eve>>A bonus effect of this potion is that it acts as long-lasting magical lubrication!<</eve>>
She takes your hand and pulls you onto the bed, lowering her mouth onto you again as you recline on the comfortable sheets. She works your ?dick up and down enthusiastically, making eye contact with you as she does. Her mouth feels like a warm, wet embrace around your ?dick, in the best way possible.?nl
<<if settings.sph>>
She pulls your ?dick out of her mouth again and looks at you with a sultry expression.
<<eve>>Are you ready to be inside me, darling?<</eve>>
Your mind overcome by lust, you can only manage a nod. You watch as ?Eve stretches out on the bed and spreads her legs, presenting her hole to you. The entrance seems awfully small, especially for an average size cock. You wonder whether she's skipping any additional preparation steps because your dick is so small.
<<eve>>Don't be shy, ?newname! I'm ready for you...<</eve>>
After a brief moment of hesitation, you approach her entrance, your ?dick feeling impossibly hard.
She pulls your ?dick out of her mouth again and looks at you with a sultry expression.
<<eve>>Are you ready to be inside me, darling?<</eve>>
Your mind overcome by lust, you can only manage a nod. You watch as ?Eve reaches over to the bedside table for a bulbous, flared object. She rubs some of the potion on it before handing it to you, then stretches out on the bed and spreads her legs.
<<eve>>That will help prepare me for your cock, darling. Insert it gently for a few moments, then remove it and repeat a few more times.<</eve>>
After a brief moment of hesitation, you gently push the object into her hole. You watch with some fascination as the ring of muscle seems to tighten automatically, then relaxes. After several insertions, the muscle seems much looser.
<<eve>>I'm ready for you...<</eve>>
You abandon the bulbous object and approach her entrance, your ?dick feeling impossibly hard.
Slowly, you push the tip of your ?dick through her hole. It feels amazing as the circle of muscle squeezes the head tight, and you have to pause just to take in the sensation.
<<if settings.sph>>
After you've taken a moment to breathe, you look down and realize that you're already as far inside her as you can get. It's a bit disappointing, but still the feeling is euphoric. You focus on thrusting as much as possible with your tiny dick, hardly believing that you're inside ?Eve right now.
Ever so slowly, you begin to push deeper and deeper, feeling ?Eve relax from the inside the further you go. Once you're completely inside her, her body squeezing your dick from every angle, you begin thrusting slowly. You watch as ?Eve moans in response to your movements.
<<player>>Oh, w-wow, ?Eve...<</player>>
You continue thrusting into her. It takes some time before you realize the loud moaning you're hearing is not only coming from ?Eve, but also from your own mouth.
<<eve>>Oh, yes, fuck my little hole, ?newname!<</eve>>
You watch ?Eve's body moving in pleasure as you move inside of her. The feeling is almost impossibly good, and you can feel yourself quickly building toward a climax. Part of you wants to slow down, but a stronger part of you can't stop shoving your ?dick into her.
<<player>>Fuck, that feels so good...<</player>>
?Eve starts stroking her cock in time with your thrusts, her moans mixing with yours as you move together.
<<eve>>It feels so good having you inside me, ?newname...<</eve>>
You thrust as deep inside of her as you can and feel the end of your ?dick explode as your cum shoots inside of her. Seeing you orgasm, ?Eve increases her speed on her own cock and cums shortly after.?nl
Suddenly exhausted, you collapse onto the bed next to her, breathing hard.
<<decision 'Catch your breath' 'Eve Sex Education After'>><</decision>><<player>>Oh, I suppose I would like to be the, uh, bottom...<</player>>
?Eve gives you a bright smile and stands, letting the robe fall from her shoulders and onto the floor. <<if hasTag('eve-waterfall')>>You see she's already hard<<if settings.sph>>, and certainly much bigger than you<</if>>. <<else>>Sure enough, you see not a vulva but a penis, already standing at attention. <<if settings.sph>>You realize that even this beautiful woman has a larger cock than you.<</if>><</if>>?nl
She leads you by the hand to her large bed and begins pulling off your clothes. You never realized being undressed could be so sensual, but somehow her every movement is dripping with raw sexuality. <<if settings.sph>>She seems completely unphased when your tiny dick is revealed, though you're sure it must be one of the smallest penises she's ever seen.<</if>>
<<if hasEquipmentTag('chastity')>>
Seeing your chastity cage, she raises her eyebrows at you.
<<eve>>I had no idea you wore a chastity cage, ?newname. What a fun surprise!<</eve>>
The story feels too long to explain now, right before you're about to have sex, so you simply nod.
You watch as ?Eve produces a small blue potion bottle from a drawer and holds it up, showing it to you.
<<eve>>Now, we always use protection to keep everyone safe, but I like to make it fun.<</eve>>
<<player>>Oh, do you...drink it?<</player>>
?Eve chuckles and pours some into her hand.
<<eve>>Not quite. It's topical!<</eve>>
You watch as she begins to rub the potion onto her cock. She strokes herself up and down sensually, looking as though she's thoroughly enjoying the process. After a few moments, the liquid sinks into her skin and disappears.
<<eve>>A bonus effect of this potion is that it acts as long-lasting magical lubrication!<</eve>>
She takes your hand and pulls you onto the bed, leading you to recline comfortably on the sheets.
<<eve>>Now, when topping a client it's important to ensure they're as relaxed as possible. You can approach that in many ways, but I have my favorites...<</eve>>
<<if hasEquipmentTag('chastity')>>
She runs her hands gently along your body, trailing closer and closer to your ass. She seems to be building your anticipation on purpose, and by the time she rubs a finger along your entrance, the touch is enough to send a shiver through your body. She pours more of the potion onto her fingers and gently massages your hole. You can feel the magical lubricating effect making her fingers glide across your skin.
<<player>>Oh, that's good...<</player>>
Just as her fingers are starting to feel like a tease, she leans down and runs her tongue around your hole. The pleasure of it catches you off-guard and you moan loudly. ?Eve works your ass with her tongue enthusiastically, and soon you're feeling as though you want something more.?nl
?Eve looks up as smiles at you.
She runs her hands gently along your body, trailing closer and closer to your ?dick. She seems to be building your anticipation on purpose, and by the time she wraps <<if settings.sph>>her fingers<<else>>her hand<</if>> around your ?dick the touch is enough to send a wave of pleasure through your body. She strokes you up and down expertly, spitting on her hand between strokes.
<<player>>Oh, that's good...<</player>>
Just as her <<if settings.sph>>fingers are<<else>>hand is<</if>> starting to feel like a tease, she leans down and wraps her mouth arond you. The pleasure of it catches you off-guard and you moan loudly. ?Eve works your ?dick up and down enthusiastically, making eye contact with you as she does. Her mouth feels like a warm, wet embrace around your ?dick, in the best way possible.?nl
?Eve pulls your ?dick out of her mouth with a wet sound and smiles at you.
<<eve>>How are you feeling, darling? Are you ready to have something inside you?<</eve>>
You feel pretty relaxed, but you can't help but glance at her large cock and wonder how it could possibly fit inside you. ?Eve seems to notice your hesitation, and she smiles gently.
<<eve>>Don't worry, we'll start with something more manageable.<</eve>>
She reaches over to the bedside table for a bulbous, flared object. She rubs some of the potion on it and softly guides your legs open.
<<eve>>This will help prepare you for my cock, darling. I'll insert it gently for a few moments, then remove it and repeat a few times. As I'm going, try to breathe deeply and focus on relaxing your muscles as much as you can.<</eve>>
You nod, and watch as ?Eve slowly begins to push the object against your hole. You feel a heavy pressure until the object pops through your ring of muscle and enters your ass. You hear a moan escape your lips from some combination of pleasure and pain.
<<eve>>How is that for you?<</eve>>
She lets the object sit inside your ass for a moment then withdraws it again carefully. You stare at her, the sensation already quite overwhelming.
<<player>>Wow, that was- uh, well, really nice... It hurt a little, but I think I just need to relax more...<</player>>
?Eve gives you a genuine smile.
<<eve>>That's great! Learning to relax is definitely a skill, but you'll see the muscle starts to stretch out with just a bit of help.<</eve>>
She inserts the object inside you again, her movements still slow and careful. The second time feels more comfortable, and the third even more so. It's not long before you're feeling much more relaxed and in control of your body's reaction.
<<eve>>What do you think? Are you ready for me?<</eve>>
Your mind is overcome with lust, and all you can manage is a nod. You watch as ?Eve slowly approaches your entrance and pushes the tip of her cock against your hole. You feel that pressure again, then her dick moves through the circle of muscle and slides inside you.?nl
You gasp, and ?Eve pauses there, just the tip of her dick inside of you. You breathe deeply and focus on relaxing. As you do so, ?Eve gradually pushes deeper and deeper inside of you. It takes some time, but eventually she is fully buried inside your ass.
<<player>>Oh, w-wow, ?Eve...<</player>>
She looks at you, her face full of pleasure.
<<eve>>Fuck, ?newname, it feels so good to be inside you.<</eve>>
Slowly, she starts to thrust her cock inside you. She begins gently at first, then increases her speed as your body relaxes even further. Soon she is properly fucking you, and you realize the loud moaning you're hearing is not only coming from ?Eve, but also from your own mouth.?nl
You never expected having your ass full of cock could feel this good, but every time ?Eve thrusts inside you, a wave of incredible pleasure ripples through your body. You close your eyes and focus on taking her into you, moving with her as she pushes repeatedly into your ass.
<<eve>>You're really a natural at this, ?newname...<</eve>>
You can only moan in response as ?Eve continues fucking you<<if !hasEquipmentTag('chastity')>>, and you can feel yourself already building toward a climax<</if>>. Part of you wants ?Eve to slow down and make this last longer, but a stronger part of you wants her to keep shoving her cock inside you as fast as she can.
<<player>>Fuck, that feels so good...<</player>>
<<if hasEquipmentTag('chastity')>>
Your ?dick is straining mightily against the chastity cage. You wish you could touch yourself, to increase the pleasure of this moment even more, but you can't. Luckily, ?Eve seems to be enjoying herself greatly. She continue thrusting inside of you as deep as she can, her moans mixing with yours as you move together.
<<eve>>Oh, I wish I could see you cum, ?newname...<</eve>>
You feel her push her cock deep into you one final time and watch as she orgasms with a cry, her cock pulsing inside you as her cum shoots into your ass.
Without even thinking about it, you grab your ?dick and start to pleasure yourself as ?Eve continues thrusting inside of you. ?Eve seems to be on the same page. She's now thrusting as deep inside you as she can, her moans mixing with yours as you move together.
<<eve>>I want to see you cum, ?newname...<</eve>>
Hearing her say this as she's buried inside your ass pushes you over the edge. You feel the end of your ?dick explode as your cum shoots into the air. ?Eve pushes her cock deep into you one final time and orgasms as well. You feel her pulse inside you as her cum shoots into your ass.?nl
?Eve stays there for a moment, coming down from her orgasm, before slowly withdrawing her cock from your ass and collapsing next to you on the bed.
<<decision 'Catch your breath' 'Eve Sex Education After'>><</decision>>You lean back slightly. ?Eve notices and immediately pulls back, respecting your body language.
<<player>>Ah- uh, would it be alright if we skipped the...um...physical demonstration?<</player>>
<<eve>>Of course, ?newname! That's not a problem at all.<</eve>>
Cheerfully, she pulls her robe back up and reclines comfortably on the sofa, taking a sip of her wine.
<<eve>>This is actually a great example of how we always make sure to stop if a client isn't completely into the experience! They are paying to have a good time, after all. Now, if the client did want to keep going, here's what I what do next...<</eve>>
She spends the next hour explaining her full process to you, including an incredible amount of detail about many ways to have sex. When she's finally done, she looks at you with a bright smile.
<<eve>>Well, there you have it, ?newname! You have finished the training. All you have to do is ask ?Velma if you'd like to try working in the brothel yourself.<</eve>>
You almost choke at this. You, a sex worker in a brothel? It's not something you ever imagined for yourself. Still, ?Eve seems to be quite happy in her work, and judging by her room she's clearly well-paid for it.
<<player>>Thank you, I will...uh, think about it.<</player>>
You finally leave, walking out in a daze. That was a lot of very direct information about sex, and now you have this new possibility of working in the brothel yourself... Despite the strangeness of the experience, you feel as though you've learned a great deal.
<<decision 'Return to Velma' 'Velma After Sex Education'>>
<<increasetime 1 true>>
<</decision>><<increasetime 1 true>>
You lie there with ?Eve, both of you catching your breath. At some point ?Eve fetches your wine cups, and a board of cheeses and fruits appears, seemingly from nowhere. You recline together on her bed in open bathrobes, the conversation flowing more naturally than you would have expected after such an experience.?nl
?Eve pops a grape into her mouth and looks at you cheerfully.
<<eve>>So, ?newname, how was that for you? <</eve>>
You stare off into the distance for a moment, trying to put it into words.
<<player>>It was...amazing. I mean, I suppose you are, um, an expert, but I'm not sure I even knew I could feel that good.<</player>>
?Eve chuckles, looking delighted.
<<eve>>I'm so happy to hear it. I know that these things can be overwhelming at times, but it did look like you were enjoying yourself...<</eve>>
She winks at you and takes a sip of wine. There is a comfortable pause as you meet her eyes, and ?Eve looks at you with a broad smile on her face.
<<eve>>So, since you had such a nice time, do you think you might want to try it again sometime?<</eve>>
The question catches you off-guard. Does she mean in the sense of her work, as in you could hire her some time for more sex? Or could she possibly mean something more...personal? She is undoubtedly very good at sex, but could you be open for something more with ?Eve?
<<decision 'Subtly indicate your romantic interest' 'Eve Sex Education Indicate interest'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Keep your relationship non-romantic' 'Eve Sex Education Rejected'>><</decision>><<addtag 'eve-romance'>>
You smile back at her, holding her gaze a long time.
<<player>>Yes, I certainly would... I meant it when I said I've never, uh, felt that way before...<</player>>
Her smile brightens and she reaches out a hand to rest over your hand. Even though you literally just had sex, suddenly this touch feels nearly as intimate.
<<eve>>In case it's not clear, I wouldn't charge you. That felt different for me, too. I would love to have sex with you again.<</eve>>
Her total directness about sex almost makes you laugh.
<<player>>Yes, I think I would like that.<</player>>
With zero hesitation, she leans forward and kisses you. Even though you've already kissed her today, it feels different now. You relax into the kiss, enjoying the feeling of having her close to you.?nl
After some time, she pulls away, still smiling at you.
<<eve>>You know, ?newname, now that you've done the training, all you have to do is speak with ?Velma if working in the brothel is something you'd like to try.<</eve>>
You almost choke at this. You, a sex worker in a brothel? It's not something you ever imagined for yourself. Still, ?Eve seems to be quite happy in her work, and judging by her room she's clearly well-paid for it.
<<player>>Oh, yes, I will...uh, think about it.<</player>>
You continue easily chatting and occasionally kissing until the wine, cheese, and fruit is all gone. Eventually you put your clothes back on and bid farewell to ?Eve. You kiss her a final time before you leave her room, still a bit dazed from the amazing sex, turning over the idea of working in the brothel in your mind.
<<decision 'Return to Velma' 'Velma After Sex Education'>><</decision>>You smile back at her.
<<player>>Of course, ?Eve, I would happily hire you in an instant. I'm sure your fee is quite substantial, given how good you are.<</player>>
You try to catch if ?Eve has any reaction to this, but her smile is as warm as ever.
<<eve>>You would be right about that, ?newname. You're lucky that the training is free!<</eve>>
She laughs good-naturedly and takes another sip of her wine.
<<eve>>Speaking of which, since you've had the training now, all you have to do is speak with ?Velma if working in the brothel is something you'd like to try.<</eve>>
You almost choke on the grape you're eating as she says this. You, a sex worker in a brothel? It's not something you ever imagined for yourself. Still, ?Eve seems to be quite happy in her work, and she's well paid for it.
<<player>>Thank you, I will...uh, think about it.<</player>>
You continue chatting easily until the wine, cheese, and fruit is all gone. Eventually you put your clothes back on and bid farewell to ?Eve. You leave her room, still a bit dazed from the amazing sex, turning over the idea of working in the brothel in your mind.
<<decision 'Return to Velma' 'Velma After Sex Education'>><</decision>>[[Speak to Hyssop | Hyssop Talk]]<<hyssop>>Oh hi, ?player! How nice of you to visit again, let me get you a cup of tea!<</hyssop>>
You sit down at their table and accept the nice hot mug of herbal tea.
<<hyssop>>So, what brings you to this neck of the woods?<</hyssop>>
<<decision 'View clothes'>>
<<player>>I'd actually love to have another look at what clothes you have been working on!<</player>>
<<hyssop>>Awesome! I just finished a new royal outfit, I think you'll love it!<</hyssop>>
Before ?Hyssop hurriedly moves to grab their tailoring work, you stop them to ask them a question.
<<player>>Actually, ?Hyssop... I was wondering how I can pay you for these clothes, I have some gold on me but I don't know what your prices are.<</player>>
They look at you a little confused. ?Hyssop suddenly starts laughing.
<<hyssop>>Gold? What use would I have for that?<</hyssop>>
Okay, not a fan of gold, you guess. You're still not sure how you can pay them for the clothes...
<<player>>Uhm, wait, so you want to give me the clothes for free?<</player>>
?Hyssop strokes their fingers along their chin as if looking for an idea.
<<hyssop>>Hmm... No, I suppose that wouldn't be quite fair...<</hyssop>>
Suddenly they point up a finger, it seems like they have an idea.
<<hyssop>>Aha! I know how you can pay me! Why don't you bring over more of those mushrooms you and ?Morgana found in the woods! If you spend some time gathering mushrooms, you can use them to buy the clothes from me. I'm a genius!<</hyssop>>
Their excitement for thinking of a bargaining system is kind of cute.
<<player>>I suppose that sounds like a fair deal, I'll see if I can find more mushrooms for you later.<</player>>
<<hyssop>>Amazing! We have a deal then, pleasure doing business! Now, why don't you have a look at the goods I'm offering, see what exactly it is you'll be gathering those shrooms for!<</hyssop>>
<<hyssop>>Gladly! You just keep those mushrooms coming and you can have all clothes that you want!<</hyssop>>
<<decision 'Browse clothes' 'Hyssop Store'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Simply visiting'>>
<<player>>I happened to be around and wanted to give my favourite forest druid a visit!<</player>>
<<hyssop>>Awwh, I didn't know I was your <em>favorite</em> forest druid! That's quite the honor!<</hyssop>>
You spend some time together with ?Hyssop in their hut. They tell you all kinds of things about the forest and their new hobbies. Even though they pick up new creative activities almost daily, tailoring still seems to be their favorite.?nl
After drinking quite a few cups of ?Hyssop's lovely tea you bid farewell to them. They thank you for stopping by and even hand you a small bag of homemade treats when you leave. Even though they pretty much chose the life of a hermit, ?Hyssop seems to really like receiving visitors.
<<decision 'Leave' 'Forest'>><<increasetime 1 true>><</decision>>
<<if hasQuest('rosa-flowers') and !hasTag('rosa-purple-flower')>>
<<decision 'Ask about the flowers Rosa mentioned' 'Rosa Find Flower Hyssop'>><</decision>>
<</if>><<if $location is 'Garden'>>
<<if getTime() === 'night'>>
[[You spot Kathryn fooling around together with some noble | Kathryn Peeking]]
<<elseif $location is 'Dining hall'>>
<<if getTime() == 'evening'>>
[[Kathryn seems to be hosting a dinner party in the hall right now | Kathryn Dinner Party]]
[[You see Kathryn ordering around a bunch of servants | Kathryn Dinner Preparation]]
<<if !hasCounter('kathryn-chastity-timer') and hasEquipmentTag('chastity')>>
<<if !hasQuest('kathryn-chastity')>>
[[Ask to be unlocked from chastity | Kathryn Chastity Unlock]]
[[Ask to be unlocked from chastity | Kathryn Repentance]]
<<if hasTag('kathryn-hurt')>>
[[Apologize for your outburst | Kathryn Apology]]
<<if hasTag('chastity-rejected')>>
[[Ask to be locked up again | Kathryn Undo Rejection]]
<</if>><<acknowledgement Kathryn>>
<<mention assassination>>
?Kathryn suddenly looks at you with probably the most sincere expression she has ever given you as she lowers her voice.
<<kathryn>>In full sincerity, I'm glad to see you survived that bloody assassin. If ?Sybille would allow it, I would take revenge on him in the dungeon right now. Nobody touches my little prince.<</kathryn>>
<<player>>That's, well... Thanks, ?Kathryn. That's strangely sweet.<</player>>
It's strange seeing her be this honest with you. You almost want to comment on it before you see her nod, signaling the end to her to her caring attitude.
<<mention status>>
<<if $player.status is 'egg'>>
She stops and squints slightly as she looks you up and down.
<<kathryn>>Look at you, ?titleK. So soft and delicate. Have you really become a princess, or are you just a boy pretending to be one?<</kathryn>>
You ignore her, but her words sting.
<<kathryn>>That's okay. I don't mind. In fact, I kind of like it. You're a bit prettier than before. Maybe you'll start to catch some attention.<</kathryn>>
She smirks, and you try to push down the embarrassment and shame that her words bring.
<<elseif $player.status is 'andro'>>
She stops and squints slightly as she looks you up and down.
<<kathryn>>Are you... Looking even more feminine?<</kathryn>>
She gets a mischievous smile as she sees you blush and cuts you off before you can utter a response.
<<kathryn>>Oh my god, so it's really true isn't it, you're turning into a little sissy princess!<</kathryn>>
You try to argue back but she just starts full on laughing at you.
<<kathryn>>That is is just too good to be true! ?Morgana is actually turning you into a sissy! What are you going to do wear a pink sissy dress tomorrow?<</kathryn>>
<<player>>No! Stop it! It's not true!<</player>>
You try to make her stop but she's not believing you for a second. It takes a full minute for her to stop laughing at you.
<<kathryn>>Hahahaha! Oh... That's just golden. I can't believe you used to call yourself a man... Pathetic.<</kathryn>>
She has to wipe a tear from her eyes from laughing too much.
<<elseif $player.status is 'fem'>>
<<elseif $player.status is 'man'>>
<<mention chastity>>
You see her eyes peeking down towards your crotch area and a sly smile appear on her face. You stare at her in confusion as she lets out a slight laugh and whispers to you.
<<kathryn>>So how does the cage feel, ?titleK? It's probably quite frustrating to have that ?dick of yours locked up like that...<</kathryn>>
You instantly starts blushing as you can't believe she's mentioning this to you while you're in public. You're not quite sure what to do so you very awkwardly try to change the subject. Luckily, probably because she has achieved her bullying, ?Kathryn decides to let you ignore the situation.
<<mention kathryn-peeking>>
She looks at you with a very angry grimace. She's probably still mad about how you've been peeking on her. Luckily she seems to not want to chastise you in front of other people so she chooses to be silent about it here. You choose to do the same.
<<mention royal-houses-1>>
You mention something from the book on royal houses you read, trying to sound smart. She starts nodding her head, looking interested, so you continue. Eventually you run out of facts about local noble houses, and look at her expectantly.
<<kathryn>>Very impressive, ?titleK, though as much as I'd love to stand here all day listening to you recite common knowledge, I've got things to attend to.<</kathryn>>
Ah, she was being sarcastic all along... Time to change the subject.
<<mention royal-houses-2>>
Determined to impress her this time, you casually mention something about the noble families from the north. She looks at you with a raised eyebrow, clearly unimpressed.
<<kathryn>>Cute, you read another book. I'm sure that will come in handy when you're ruling the kingdom. Now, unless you need something, I have to finish these preparations so your kingdom doesn't fall to anarchy before you get that chance.<</kathryn>>
You feel a bit sheepish, and decide to change the subject.
<<mention royal-houses-3>>
Surely the third time will be the charm - you ask her a question about an obscure western clan that you read about. She seems taken aback for a moment, then gives you a small smile.
<<kathryn>>Well, I must admit, I didn't expect to see the day that you actually had a worthwhile question about our neighboring rivals. Though, I'm afraid I don't have many answers on the subject of the old western kingdom - contemporary politics are more my forte. Regardless, well done, ?titleK.<</kathryn>>
Success! She was finally impressed by your knowledge. You feel a bit more confident now.?nl
<<kathryn>>Was there anything else you wanted to discuss, ?titleK?<</kathryn>>
<<mention royal-houses-4>>
You bring up the sorrowful tale of the western kingdom's third prince, and his regretful time in the dungeons of some southern Lord. Once again, you see her eyes light up with interest.
<<kathryn>>Ah, a tragic tale indeed. Let's hope you don't end up ransomed by pirates, eh, ?titleK?<</kathryn>>
She shoots you a wry wink, and you chuckle at her joke.
<<kathryn>>In all seriousness, the Southern Isles have mellowed out in recent times. Why, I've had a few pleasant visits from their nobles myself... But alas, I can't chat now. Was there anything else you needed, ?titleK?<</kathryn>>
<<mention royal-houses-5>>
<<player>>?Kathryn, I was wondering if you could clarify the etiquette for greeting an eastern noble, the text I read was unclear.<</player>>
As you describe the greeting from the book, she listens intently.
<<kathryn>>Ah, I see where the confusion lies. Here, let me show you the proper greeting. It's all in the wrist, you see...<</kathryn>>
She demonstrates the proper bow, flourishing her hand gracefully. You try to mimic her, and she nods approvingly.
<<kathryn>>There you go, ?titleK. I'm a little surprised at how quickly you picked that up. Perhaps you have a future in diplomacy after all.<</kathryn>>
You feel a bit more confident in your knowledge of courtly etiquette, and thank her for her help.
<<kathryn>>Was there anything else?<</kathryn>>
You gesture broadly to all the work going on in the background.
<<addcounter 'kathryn-dining-hall' 2>>
<<changeschedule kathryn 'night' 'Garden'>><<if hasTag('kathryn-hurt')>>
You walk into the grand dining hall and you immediately see the large table set for a small dinner party. At the head of the table sits ?Kathryn, she very interested in some nobleman that's sitting next to her. The moment she notices you, her charming demeanor instantly stops.
<<kathryn>>Oh, ?Title, how unexpected...<</kathryn>>
You awkwardly stand near the doorway as all eyes are fixed on you. You seem to have interrupted the gregarious atmosphere, but ?Kathryn gestures to the servants who promptly roll out the next course.
<<kathryn>>My distinguished guests, please excuse me for a moment. I must attend to whatever urgent matter has brought the ?Prince here.<</kathryn>>
She rises and gestures for you to join her in the hallway.
<<kathryn>>What do you want, <i>your highness?</i><</kathryn>>
Her voice is fully of thinly veiled contempt as she addresses you.
<<player>>I was simply curious about how tonight's party was going, ?Kathryn.<</player>>
<<kathryn>><i>That is all?</i> I hardly think someone of <i>your station</i> need concern himself with the <i>petty affairs</i> of a dinner party full of lesser nobles. I mean, I didn't invite you, <i>did I?</i> Why don't you just go do something royal and let us <i>little people</i> get on with the evening.<</kathryn>>
She practically spits the words at you, her emphasis echoing your own outburst back at you. You feel a pang of guilt at her words, but you can hardly blame her for her anger...
<<player>>I... I apologize, ?Kathryn. I didn't mean to intrude.<</player>>
<<kathryn>>Well, you did. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a room full of <i>other</i> self-important nobility to host. I trust there won't be any further disruptions this evening, <i>my liege.</i><</kathryn>>
She leaves you standing alone in the hallway, and you hear her voice resume its charming tone as she returns to her guests.
<<decision 'Collect yourself' 'Hallway'>><</decision>>
<<elseif hasQuest('kathryn-dinner-invitation') && !hasCompletedQuest('kathryn-dinner-invitation')>>
<<addcounter 'kathryn-dining-hall' 2>>
<<changeschedule kathryn 'night' 'none'>>
<<completequest 'kathryn-dinner-invitation'>>
You walk into the grand dining hall and hear a servant announce your presence. At the head of the table sits ?Kathryn, who pauses her conversation with the nobleman sitting next to her as the servant narrates your arrival. She rises with the crowd, somehow more graceful than everyone else, standing out of respect for your presence.
<<kathryn>>Oh. ?Title, how nice of you to join us.<</kathryn>>
You bow slightly towards ?Kathryn, before starting towards the head of the table. You scan the room, recalling heraldry and symbols that mark the higher born of the attendees. You make it a point to acknowledge those highest ranking guests as you make your way to ?Kathryn.?nl
As you approach her, she gives you a warm smile and a nod of approval, and the other nobles reclaim their seats. You catch the eye of the nobleman next to her and address him directly after a polite greeting appropriate to his region and station.
<<player>><<noble>>, what a pleasure to have you in attendance. I trust your journey was not too arduous?<</player>>
<<say `getNoble()`>>The pleasure is all mine, ?title, and I must complement the quality of your roads here in the capital - never has a carriage ride passed so pleasantly.<</say>>
You share a brief laugh with the nobleman before turning your attention back to the rest of the room.
<<player>>I am sure everyone is enjoying the dinner party hosted by our marvelous, <<name kathryn 'Lady'>>.<</player>>
A few of the guests nod in agreement, and ?Kathryn gives a small curtsy in thanks. You motion the servants away from preparing a seat for you, instead choosing to stand beside ?Kathryn, tastefully resting a hand on her waist.
<<player>>I have other matters to attend, so I must eschew dinner tonight, but I wanted to make sure you all knew how much we value your continued loyalty and support.<</player>>
<<kathryn>>Oh, ?title, that's quite alright. We understand the burdens of your station. Thank you for gracing us, even if only for a moment.<</kathryn>>
With that, she raises a glass in toast of your health and you take your leave, the guests returning to their meals and conversation as you exit the dining hall.
<<decision 'Return to the hallway' 'Hallway'>><<increasetime 1 true>><</decision>>
<<elseif hasTag('basic-noble-history')>>
<<include 'Kathryn Dining hall'>>
You walk into the grand dining hall and you immediately see the large table set for a small dinner party. At the head of the table sits ?Kathryn, she very interested in some nobleman that's sitting next to her. The moment she notices you, her charming demeanor instantly stops.
<<kathryn>>Oh. ?Title, how nice of you to join us.<</kathryn>>
You take it as your que to walk closer as the entire table greets you. You seem to have interrupted the gregarious atmosphere but some servants quickly make room for you and pull up a chair so you can join the table.
<<player>>Greetings everyone, I hope it isn't too conspicuous of me to attend tonight?<</player>>
<<kathryn>>Ah, your presence is never unwelcome, ?title. It's a dinner hosted for our friends here. I assume you have heard of <<noble>>?<</kathryn>>
The man sitting next to ?Kathryn gives you a respectful nod. You recall some notes on his family line from the books you read.
<<player>>I can't say that we have had the pleasure to meet, <<noble>>, it's nice to meet you.<</player>>
<<say `getNoble()`>>The pleasure is all mine, ?title.<</say>>
<<kathryn>>We were just discussing the finer points of court etiquette. Perhaps you could enlighten us with your thoughts?<</kathryn>>
You bow to ?Kathryn before taking a seat, intent on projecting the proper image of a prince, though you still feel a bit uneasy under ?Kathryn's watchful gaze.
<<player>>If I may be so bold, I have always found the customs of your lineage to be quite fascinating, <<noble>>.<</player>>
You share an example and the nobleman replies, explaining some of the finer points that were lost in the books you read. You find the conversation enlightening, and ?Kathryn seems pacified by your contribution.?nl
The rest of the dinner continues uneventfully, though you overhear some whispers about your unannounced arrival, and consorting with the lesser nobility. You finish the meal and rise to leave, admonishing the guests to enjoy the rest of the evening.?nl
?Kathryn stands as well, pulling you aside for a hushed word.
<<kathryn>>You did well enough tonight, ?titleK, but I would appreciate it if you would inform me of your intentions before attending my events in the future. Tonight's guest list was hardly suited for your station, and I would hate for rumors to start that you are slumming it with the lesser nobility.<</kathryn>>
<<player>>I apologize, ?Kathryn. I will try to be more mindful in the future.<</player>>
<<kathryn>>Good, see that you do. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have <<noble>> to entertain... Good evening, ?title.<</kathryn>>
You watch as she returns to the table, putting on a show of mock flirtation with the nobleman.
<<decision 'Take your leave' 'Hallway'>><<increasetime 1 true>><</decision>>
<<include 'Kathryn Dining hall'>>
You walk into the grand dining hall and you immediately see the large table set for a small dinner party. At the head of the table sits ?Kathryn, she very interested in some nobleman that's sitting next to her. The moment she notices you, her charming demeanor instantly stops.
<<kathryn>>Oh. ?Title, how nice of you to join us.<</kathryn>>
You take it as your que to walk closer as the entire table greets you. You seem to have interrupted the gregarious atmosphere but some servants quickly make room for you and pull up a chair so you can join the table.
<<player>>I did not know you were hosting a dinner party this evening, ?Kathryn.<</player>>
<<kathryn>>Ah, I must have forgotten to inform you, ?title. It's a dinner hosted for our friends here. I assume you have heard of <<noble>>?<</kathryn>>
The man sitting next to ?Kathryn gives you a respectful nod. You have never heard of this man before in your life.
<<player>>I can't say that I have, it's nice to meet you, <<noble>>.<</player>>
<<say `getNoble()`>>The pleasure is all mine, ?title.<</say>>
<<kathryn>>We were just discussing the finer points of court etiquette. Perhaps you could enlighten us with your thoughts?<</kathryn>>
You take a seat, feeling a bit uneasy under ?Kathryn's watchful gaze. The conversation continues, with Kathryn directing subtle barbs in your direction.
<<kathryn>>It's fascinating how etiquette varies from court to court, isn't it, <<noble>>? For instance, our dear prince here has such... unique interpretations of protocol. Don't you agree, ?title?<</kathryn>>
You notice a faint smirk playing on ?Kathryn's lips, though she maintains her ladylike demeanor.
<<player>>Etiquette is indeed a complex subject, ?Kathryn. It's always a learning experience.<</player>>
<<kathryn>>Oh, absolutely. One must always strive to improve. Like remembering to bow to the host before sitting at a table, for example. A small detail, but so important. Don't you think, <<noble>>?<</kathryn>>
<<say `getNoble()`>>Indeed, <<name kathryn 'Lady'>>. Such details reflect one's respect and upbringing.<</say>>
You realize ?Kathryn is subtly pointing out that you did not bow to her before you sat down at the table.
<<player>>You are quite right, ?Kathryn. It's a custom I shall remember.<</player>>
<<kathryn>>I'm sure you will, ?title. After all, we all have our little lapses now and then. It's what makes us human.<</kathryn>>
The rest of the dinner continues in a similar fashion, with ?Kathryn deftly steering the conversation to highlight your perceived shortcomings while maintaining her charming facade for <<noble>>. After quite some time the guests start to leave the table as the dinner comes to a conclusion. ?Kathryn has been staring at you with a slight grimace for a while, it seems like she is annoyed with your lack of decorum during the dinner, oh well, you don't care about that much anyways. You find the right moment to thank the other guests for their company any take your leave out of the dining hall.
<<decision 'Take your leave' 'Hallway'>><<increasetime 1 true>><</decision>>
<</if>>You walk into the grand dining hall and you see ?Kathryn giving orders to servants in quick succession. You see one of them run over with the finest silver cutlery of the castle, ?Kathryn then gives the servant clear instructions on how to best lay them in a pleasing order. She's always been a micromanager.?nl
<<if hasQuest('kathryn-dinner-invitation') && !hasCompletedQuest('kathryn-dinner-invitation')>>
I should not bother ?Kathryn any more before the dinner starts...
<<elseif hasTag('kathryn-hurt')>>
When she notices you, she scowls and struts over indignantly.
<<kathryn>>What do you want, ?prince?<</kathryn>>
She snaps, clearly still upset about your outburst earlier. You try to keep your tone as neutral as possible.
<<player>>I was just curious about what you were preparing the dining hall for, ?Kathryn.<</player>>
<<kathryn>>Oh, please, like you don't already know. Another day, another dinner party, and you're still not invited. Now, wouldst the <i>high-and-mighty</i> ?Prince deign to let me return to my preparations, or are you planning to waste more of my time?<</kathryn>>
You feel a pang of hurt at her words, but you can hardly blame her after your outburst...
<<player>>I... Quite right, <<name 'kathryn' 'Lady'>>. I'll leave you to your preparations.<</player>>
You turn to leave, feeling the weight of her gaze on your back as you exit the dining hall.
<<kathryn>>Oh hello there, ?title.<</kathryn>>
<<include 'Kathryn Acknowledgement'>>
<<if hasTag('basic-noble-history')>>
<<changeschedule kathryn 'night' 'Garden'>>
/* Cannot include Kathryn Dining hall as the counter will block the evening's meal */
<<player>>Another dinner party, ?Kathryn? Always quite the hostess.<</player>>
<<kathryn>>Well, the duties of a courtly lady are never done, ?titleK. I must always be prepared to entertain guests and keep up appearances. It's a burden, but one I bear with grace.<</kathryn>>
<<player>>Indeed you do...<</player>>
You trail off, recalling the many times you've seen her hosting events like this. You're frankly impressed by her ability to keep up with it all.?nl
She gently snaps her fingers in front of your face, bringing you back to the present.
<<player>>Ah, sorry, I was lost in thought. I was intending to beg an invitation to tonight's dinner, if you'd have me?<</player>>
<<kathryn>>Oh, I'm afraid it wouldn't be proper for your royal highness to partake with such lowly attendees. Why, <<noble>> will be the only landed noble tonight...<</kathryn>>
She notices your face fall in disappointment, and appears to think for a moment.
<<kathryn>>Perhaps a brief appearance instead? You could greet the guests and then retire to your chambers. It would be a good show of respect - something to let them buzz about to their acquaintances. Besides which, you'd give me a reprieve from their constant attention... Would that interest you?<</kathryn>>
You fail to contain a smile as you nod in agreement, happy to finally garner some approval from her - time to put your book learning into practice.
<<kathryn>>Good, now I must get back to my preparations. See you tonight, ?titleK!<</kathryn>>
She turns back to the servants, but stops and looks back with a final remark.
<<kathryn>>And do try to be on your best behavior, won't you? I'd hate to have to scold you in front of my guests. If you don't feel up to it, you don't have to attend, I'll manage on my own.<</kathryn>>
<<player>>Accommodating as always, ?Kathryn. Amazing that you can be so considerate to me and yet still make the lesser nobles squirm with a mere look!<</player>>
You say with a smile, eliciting an actual laugh from her.
<<player>>Thank you for the invitation, and good luck as always.<</player>>
You swear you see a twinkle in her eye as she turns back to her work.
<<startquest 'kathryn-dinner-invitation'>>
<<include 'Kathryn Dining hall'>>
<<player>>What are you preparing the dining hall for?<</player>>
<<kathryn>>Well, what does it look like? I'm putting together a small dinner party for a delegation coming to visit me.<</kathryn>>
She gives you a quick answer before going back to 'managing' the servants.
<<player>>Oh I was not aware of this, anyone of note coming over?<</player>>
?Kathryn sighs and turns to you, giving you her full attention now.
<<kathryn>>Anyone of note? Of course they're of note! Even <<noble>> is coming to visit.<</kathryn>>
You stare at her with a dumbfounded expression. Are you supposed to know who that is?
<<player>>I've never heard of him.<</player>>
She now looks even more agitated.
<<kathryn>>And this exactly why you were not invited, I don't want you to embarrass me in front of my guests. Now run along ?titleK, I'm far too busy to keep chatting.<</kathryn>>
Even though she's far too degrading towards you, you never really liked to attend any royal dinner parties so you are more than happy to not join her this evening.
<<decision 'Take your leave' 'Hallway'>><</decision>>You walk up to ?Kathryn as she's busy and carefully approach her.
<<player>>?Kathryn? Can I talk to you?... Privately?<</player>>
She turns around to face you with a smirk.
<<kathryn>>What? No, can't you see I'm busy? I'm preparing for a dinner party. If you need to discuss something we can do that right here.<</kathryn>>
Before you respond she shouts a few more commands to the servants setting up the room. You try to whisper to her in the rowdy room.
<<player>>Can you please... Unlock me?<</player>>
<<kathryn>>What? ?titleK, it's very loud in here, you're going to have to speak up.<</kathryn>>
You look at her angrily as she's clearly bullying you. You really need your dick free right now so you decide to just go along with it.
<<player>>Can you please unlock my chastity cage?!<</player>>
She looks at you contentedly, you're not sure if anyone here heard but she definitely did. She leans closer to you, whispering now.
<<kathryn>>Ah you want me to unlock the cage of your ?dick? Why didn't you say so... Here let's excuse ourself for now.<</kathryn>>
<<decision 'Follow her' 'Kathryn Chastity Unlock 2'>>
<</decision>><<setlocation 'Bedroom'>>
You move to your bedroom together and as she closes the door she takes out the tiny key that locks your dick.
<<kathryn>>Now I'm not just going to unlock you for nothing. You have to promise to me that you won't peek on me again.<</kathryn>>
<<player>>Fine... I promise, just please unlock me.<</player>>
She nods and exposes your cage. She inserts the tiny key and unlocks the cage, taking it with her.
<<kathryn>>There, now don't go do anything perverted. I have to get back to my preparations.<</kathryn>>
She exits your bedroom, leaving you alone.
<<unequip 'crotch'>>
<<decision 'Leave' 'Bedroom'>><</decision>>
<<kathryn>>Alright you little pervert, you're going to need to convince me you deserve to be unlocked again.<</kathryn>>
<<player>>What? What do you mean? Why can't you just unlock it? I promise I'll be good...<</player>>
She raises an eyebrow, and lets out a dismissive chuckle.
<<kathryn>>Oh, my ?titleK, you have already shown how little you can be trusted. You should have behaved yourself, now you are going to have to work for it.<</kathryn>>
Her face now bears a mischievous grin, as if she has been looking forward to the opportunity to make you squirm.
<<decision 'Give in' submissiveness large>>
You lower your head in submission, knowing that you have no choice but to comply with her demands.
<<player>>Alright, ?Kathryn. What do you want me to do?<</player>>
Kathryn smirks, clearly pleased with how quickly you folded.
<<kathryn>>That's what I thought. Now, ?titleK, your first task is to kneel before me and beg for my forgiveness. Do it now.<</kathryn>>
You feel a surge of humiliation that you struggle to choke down. Your pride bucks against the command, trying to retain its royal dignity, but you know that you have no choice but to obey if you want control of your cock back.
<<kathryn>>I do not have all day, and this is your only warning: obey without hesitation or I will leave you locked up <i>permanently</i>.<</kathryn>>
Your cock inexplicably jumps at the threat, leaving you with a confused mix of feelings - don't you want to be freed? You don't have time to process this new inner conflict, however, as your pride finally buckles under her impatient gaze.?nl
You kneel before her, looking up at her with as much sincerity as you can manage.
<<player>>I am sorry for disobeying you, there is no excuse for my behavior. I can only ask for your benevolence, ?Kathryn.<</player>>
Another satisfied smirk flits across her face as you speak.
<<kathryn>>Good <<if hasTag('kathryn-sissy')>>girl<<else>>boy<</if>>. But you need to learn how to control that <<if hasTag('kathryn-sissy')>>clitty<<else>>cock<</if>> before I release it.<</kathryn>>
She turns away from you, and your eyes dart to her ass, the soft folds of her dress emphasizing her curvaceous figure. Your <<if hasTag('kathryn-sissy')>>clitty<<else>>cock<</if>> painfully strains against its confinement.
<<kathryn>>You will remain caged for the next week, as punishment for your disobedience, and only after such time will I offer you a chance at freedom. If I catch you watching me, well, it should be obvious that your punishment will be <i>severe</i>.<</kathryn>>
<<player>>An entire week?<</player>>
She whirls around abruptly, fixing you with a look that steals every ounce of rebellion in your body.
<<player>>I mean, of course I will do that, I deserve nothing less.<</player>>
Her eyes stay fixed to your for a moment, evaluating your sincerity, before she nods and takes her leave of you.
<<addcounter 'kathryn-chastity-timer' 7>>
<<startquest 'kathryn-chastity'>>
<<decision 'Leave' 'Bedroom'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Demand your release' dominance large>>
Your expression sours as an indignant fire rises in your heart. You will not <em>beg</em> for release, you are <strong>royalty</strong>. You spit out your demand with a tone of authority.
<<player>>You forget your place, <i>ward</i>. I am the prince, and you will release me this instant!<</player>>
Kathryn actually takes a step back, shocked by your sudden burst of assertiveness. She looks at you with a mix of confusion, hurt, and indignance, clearly feeling the sting of your words.?nl
After a few stunned seconds she composes herself enough to stammer out a response to your outburst.
<<kathryn>>?Prince, I... I did not mean to... I was merely trying to help you control your urges.<</kathryn>>
She pauses for a moment, and you can plainly see her fighting back tears that are welling up in her eyes.
<<kathryn>>Is... Is that how you <i>truly</i> feel about me then? That I am nothing more than a ward to you?<</kathryn>>
<<decision 'Apologize for being so harsh' virtue small>>
<<player>>I- No, I'm sorry, ?Kathryn, I did not mean to snap at you. That was cruel, I did not mean it. And I do appreciate your support, I just... I want to be free.<</player>>
Kathryn's eyes soften as she looks at you, and you can see the hurt in her expression slowly fade away.
<<kathryn>>It's... It's okay, ?titleK. I understand. I will give you the key, but please don't continue to spy on me.<</kathryn>>
<<decision 'Of course'>>
<<unequip 'crotch'>>
<<addtag 'chastity-rejected'>>
<<changeschedule kathryn 'night' 'None'>>
<<player>>Of course, ?Kathryn. I promise I won't do it again.<</player>>
She nods, and you see a small, gentle smile grace her lips as she hands you the key to your cage. You quickly unlock yourself and hand the cage and key back to her.
<<kathryn>>Remember, you are in control of yourself ?titleK. I believe in you, you can behave if you try, but if you ever need help I am always here for you. Now, go and enjoy your freedom.<</kathryn>>
You watch as she gracefully exits the room.
<<decision 'Stand to leave, relishing your returned freedom' 'Bedroom'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Yes, that is how I feel' dominance small>>
<<player>>?Kathryn, I... I don't mean to be harsh, but I am the prince, it is improper for you to treat me as anything less. I can't allow you to exert such control over me.<</player>>
Your words seem to be the breaking point for her tears as you see her wipe her eyes with a trembling hand before turning away from you.
<<kathryn>>Very well, ?Prince, I will remember my <i>place</i>.<</kathryn>>
She spits out the last word, evidently trying to work up some venom, but her voice cracks and she can't quite manage it. She tosses the little key to the floor in front of you.
<<kathryn>>Here, ?Prince. Might I ask that you remember <i>your</i> place as well, and not spy on me again.<</kathryn>>
You watch as she hastily exits the room, leaving you alone with your thoughts. You weren't expecting her to take it so personally... Perhaps you should apologize - or maybe you prefer ignoring each other??nl
<<unequip 'crotch'>>
<<addtag 'kathryn-hurt'>>
<<changeschedule kathryn 'night' 'None'>>
<<decision 'Stand to leave' 'Bedroom'>><</decision>>
<</first>><<setlocation 'Bedroom'>>
<<removetag 'kathryn-hurt'>>
<<changestat virtue 10>>
Kathryn begrudgingly follows you into your bedroom, shutting the door behind her as she enters.
<<kathryn>>What do you want, ?title? I'm very busy, you know.<</kathryn>>
<<player>>I just wanted to apologize for my behavior earlier. I was out of line, and I shouldn't have snapped at you like that.<</player>>
She looks at you with a raised eyebrow, clearly suspicious of your apology.
<<kathryn>>Oh, really? And why the sudden change of heart? I thought you were the ?prince, and I a <i>mere ward</i>.<</kathryn>>
Her sneering tone makes you feel a pang of guilt, but you push through it.
<<player>>I was wrong to speak to you like that, ?Kathryn. You were only trying to help me, and I should have been more appreciative of that, and of everything else you do.<</player>>
She studies you for a moment, her expression unreadable, before she finally nods.
<<kathryn>>Very well, ?title er- ?titleK. I accept your apology. Just... tell me honestly, how do you really see me - do you actually look down on me?<</kathryn>>
<<player>>No, not at all, ?Kathryn! I- I Was scared and I lashed out in a way I knew would hurt you. I have been searching for the right way to apologize since...<</player>>
Her eyes soften, taken aback by your sincerity.
<<kathryn>>I... I appreciate that, ?titleK. You mean a great deal to me, and I'm glad you don't think so lowly of me. I will forgive you, but please, don't let it happen ever again.<</kathryn>>
She gives you a slight smile, still clearly processing her own feelings, but it seems like she took your apology to heart.
<<decision 'Ask her to lock you up again' submissiveness large>>
<<equip 'chastity_pink_1'>>
<<player>>There is one more thing... I don't know how to ask this but... Er- I would-<</player>>
You sigh, frustrated that the right words aren't coming. ?Kathryn raises an eyebrow, waiting for you to continue.
<<player>>I would like you to be my keyholder again.<</player>>
Her expression is pure shock, and you can see her struggling to process your request.
<<kathryn>>You... You want me to... ?titleK, I am flattered, but I don't know if I feel safe doing that again. You have to understand, I appreciate your apology, but you hurt me deeply when you snapped at me.<</kathryn>>
<<player>>I- I understand, ?Kathryn. Please don't feel pressured, I just realized that, frankly, I was a better person when you were in control of my chastity. You were someone I could trust as a partner, and I want to have that back, but I understand it was my own actions that ruined that trust.<</player>>
She looks at you for a long while, silence stretching between you as she is lost in thought. Finally, she looks into your eyes, studying your eyes for any hint of insincerity.
<<kathryn>>If you are serious, and are willing to prove that I can trust you again, then I will do it. But let me be exceptionally clear, ?titleK, royalty or not I will not tolerate any more disrespect like that from you. If you get scared or anxious again, you must tell me instead of lashing out. Do you understand?<</kathryn>>
<<player>>I promise, ?Kathryn. I will not fail you again.<</player>>
?Kathryn smiles, and abruptly pulls you into a hug, surprising you with the sudden display of affection. You feel a warmth in your chest as she holds you, and you can't help but return the embrace. As you part, she shifts her gaze to the floor, a slight blush on her cheeks.
<<kathryn>>Now, ?titleK, since you are so eager to be locked up again, I will need to go get your cage. I will be back shortly.<</kathryn>>
She leaves in a flurry, almost as if she was running away from the moment you just shared. Your thoughts replay that hug, and though you never thought of her romantically before, you can't help but feel a flutter in your chest.?nl
Upon her return, she offers you the cage, and you take it from her, solemnly locking yourself back in and handing her the key.
<<kathryn>>Since you promised to prove yourself to me, I will hold you to that. Shall we pick up where we left off? I want you to prove that you are worthy of my trust by staying in chastity while I convince ?Andreas to let me take you into town for an... errand. Can you do that for me?<</kathryn>>
You are curious what the errand will be, but you are determined to prove your submission to her, so you merely nod.
<<player>>I can, ?Kathryn. I will not let you down.<</player>>
<<kathryn>>Good, I'm glad to hear it. I will see you later, ya' little pervert.<</kathryn>>
She concludes with a wry wink, and an elbow in your side.?nl
After she leaves you alone in your room, you ruminate on your pride in yourself for making amends with her. You feel lighter, and you can't help but smile to yourself.
<<decision 'Continue with your day' 'Bedroom'>>
<<changeschedule kathryn 'night' 'Garden'>>
<<addcounter 'kathryn-chastity-timer' 7>>
<<startquest 'kathryn-chastity-2'>>
<<decision 'That will be all' virtue small>>
<<player>>Thank you, ?Kathryn. That will be all.<</player>>
<<kathryn>>Of course, ?titleK. I will see you later. Though... Please don't continue to spy on me, okay?<</kathryn>>
You nod, and watch as she leaves your room, leaving you alone once more. You feel a lot lighter with the air cleared between you.
<<decision 'Stand to leave' 'Bedroom'>>
<<addtag 'chastity-rejected'>>
<<changeschedule kathryn 'night' 'None'>>
<</decision>><<setlocation 'Bedroom'>>
<<removetag 'chastity-rejected'>>
Kathryn follows you into your bedroom, shutting the door behind her as she enters.
<<kathryn>>What do you want, ?titleK? I'm very busy, you know.<</kathryn>>
<<player>>I... Don't know how to ask this, but... I want you to lock me up again.<</player>>
She looks at you with a raised eyebrow, clearly suspicious of your request.
<<kathryn>>Are you sure? I mean, you had some pretty strong feelings last time I suggested it. What has changed?<</kathryn>>
<<player>>I... I realized that, frankly, I was a better person when you were in control of my chastity. You were someone I could trust as a partner and I want to have that back, though I understand it was my own actions that got in the way last time...<</player>>
She studies you for a moment, hunting your face for any hint of insincerity. Finally, she nods.
<<kathryn>>If you are serious, I will agree to hold your key again. But let me be exceptionally clear, ?titleK, royalty or not I will not tolerate any more disrespect like last time from you. If you get scared or anxious again, you must tell me instead of lashing out. Do you understand?<</kathryn>>
<<decision 'Yes, thank you' submissiveness large>>
<<equip 'chastity_pink_1'>>
<<player>>Yes, Lady ?Kathryn, and thank you. I promise I will not fail you again.<</player>>
?Kathryn smiles, and abruptly pulls you into a hug, surprising you with the sudden display of affection. You feel a warmth in your chest as she holds you, and you can't help but return the embrace. As you part, she shifts her gaze to the floor, a slight blush on her cheeks.
<<kathryn>>Now, ?titleK, since you are so eager to be locked up again, I will need to go get your cage. I will be back shortly.<</kathryn>>
She leaves in a flurry, almost as if she was running away from the moment you just shared. Your thoughts replay that hug, and though you never thought of her romantically before, you can't help but feel a flutter in your chest.?nl
Upon her return, she offers you the cage, and you take it from her. You feel some trepidation but also a sense of excitement as you solemnly lock yourself back up.
<<kathryn>>Since you promised to prove yourself to me, I will hold you to that. Shall we pick up where we left off? I want you to prove that you are worthy of my trust by staying in chastity while I convince ?Andreas to let me take you into town for an... errand. Can you do that for me?<</kathryn>>
You are curious what the errand will be, but you are determined to prove yourself to her, so you merely nod.
<<player>>I can, ?Kathryn. I will not let you down.<</player>>
<<kathryn>>Good, I'm glad to hear it. I'll see you later, ya' little pervert.<</kathryn>>
She concludes with a wry wink, and an elbow in your side.?nl
After she leaves you alone in your room, you ruminate on how... <i>right</i> it feels to be back in chastity. You aren't sure why you ever threw a fit about this in the first place...?nl
Then again, was the cage always this tight? Maybe you should have thought this through a bit more...
<<decision 'Continue with your day' 'Bedroom'>>
<<changeschedule kathryn 'night' 'Garden'>>
<<addcounter 'kathryn-chastity-timer' 7>>
<<startquest 'kathryn-chastity-2'>>
<</decision>><<setlocation 'Bedroom'>>
<<completequest 'kathryn-chastity'>>
Kathryn leads as you walk to your bedroom, shutting the door behind you after you follow her in.
<<if hasTag('kathryn-chastity-failed')>>
<<kathryn>>Get on your knees, you don't deserve to stand. Or did you think I forgot about you watching me again?<</kathryn>>
You sheepishly kneel down in front of her, head bowed, feeling a rare shame as she belittles you to your face. If you are truthful with yourself though, you find the humiliation surprisingly exhilarating...
<<kathryn>>Honestly, I was hoping I could let you off the hook, but you are just too much of a pervert. You need to be taught a <i>lesson</i>, and I'm going to make sure you learn it well.<</kathryn>>
Your ?dick jumps at the threat of punishment, still constrained by the cage.
<<kathryn>>I will get permission from ?Andreas to take you into town. I will need you and your <<if settings.sph>>tiny <</if>>cock with me on this excursion.<</kathryn>>
Your head swirls with questions, but a stern look from ?Kathryn as you make to speak shuts you down.
<<kathryn>>I expect the next words out of your mouth to be 'Yes, Lady Kathryn, thank you for helping me control myself.'<</kathryn>>
<<decision 'Yes Lady Kathryn' submissiveness medium>>
<<player>>Yes, Lady Kathryn, thank you for helping me control myself.<</player>>
A broad smile plays across her face, and she gently runs a hand through your hair.
<<kathryn>>Good ?titleK<</kathryn>>
She suddenly tightens her grip on a hank of your hair, pulling your head back and bringing your eyes to hers. The light pain and her man-handling of you fuels your arousal to new heights. Your ?dick threatens to break from its cage as it futilely throbs.?nl
You let out an involuntary whimper, causing her to smirk before she leans in and kisses you on the cheek.
<<kathryn>>Just the way I want you... Now, I will retrieve you when the preparations are complete for our excursion, be ready.<</kathryn>>
She releases your hair and struts out, leaving you to sort through the morass of your emotions.?nl
Eventually you compose yourself enough to leave.
<<decision 'Stand to leave' 'Bedroom'>>
<<addcounter 'kathryn-chastity-timer' 7>>
<<startquest 'kathryn-chastity-2'>>
<<decision 'Resist'>>
<<player>>What makes you think I'll just come with you?<</player>>
?Kathryn's look is not stern as you had expected, but more... bemused? She crouches down to your level, placing her hand on your cheek to direct your eyes to hers.
<<kathryn>>Oh, ?titleK, it's cute when you struggle, but we both know how this will end.<</kathryn>>
She brushes her hand down your neck, causing your ?dick to jump in its cage as you feel the light scratch of her nails as they trail over your skin.
<<kathryn>>You'll put on this bratty air, I'll give you the attention you crave, and you'll fold like so much cloth.<</kathryn>>
You gasp as she reaches her other hand down to your crotch, feeling the hardness of your cage beneath your clothes. She grips it tightly, <<if settings.sph>>though even caged you don't even fill her palm<<else>>the tips of her fingers grazing your balls<</if>>, making the throbbing of your ?dick even more pronounced.
<<kathryn>>This <<if settings.sph>>little <</if>>thing is mine now. Have you forgotten already?<</kathryn>>
She holds you, feeling your futile pulsations, and with her free hand begins to grope her chest in front of you. You stare with rapt attention as she massages her breast through her dress, the soft curves pillowing out around her touch. She speaks in a faux mocking tone as she smirks at your helpless state.
<<kathryn>>Poor ?titleK, I bet you wish you could see these again... If only you had behaved yourself for me, perhaps you would be free now.<</kathryn>>
She tugs on your cage as if to make a point, sending a jolt of pain up your spine. Moving her hand from her breast to your chin, she draws your eyes from her chest to her own gaze.
<<kathryn>>Remember something my ?titleK, I am doing this for your own good. You'll be a lot happier if you just let me help you, so what do you say - will you be a good <<if hasTag('kathryn-sissy')>>girl<<else>>boy<</if>> and come with me?<</kathryn>>
<<player>>Y-yes, Lady Kathryn, I'll come with you.<</player>>
She releases your chin and cage, standing up and smoothing out her dress as she does so.
<<kathryn>>Good, I'll come for you when I'm ready. Be prepared, ?titleK.<</kathryn>>
She leaves you alone, your mind a whirlwind of emotion and frustrated arousal. The sight of her playing with herself is burned into your mind, and you can't help but find your own helplessness arousing, despite the frustration at being unable to satisfy yourself now.?nl
Eventually, you manage to compose yourself enough to leave.
<<decision 'Stand to leave' 'Bedroom'>>
<<addcounter 'kathryn-chastity-timer' 7>>
<<startquest 'kathryn-chastity-2'>>
<<unequip 'crotch'>>
<<kathryn>>Now, ?titleK, you did well to control yourself. How do you feel?<</kathryn>>
You look at her, feeling a mix of pride and shame. You know you did well, but you also know you shouldn't have needed the cage in the first place.
<<player>>I feel... I feel like I've learned a lot, ?Kathryn. I'm sorry for my behavior, and I'm grateful for your help.<</player>>
?Kathryn smiles, and abruptly pulls you into a hug, surprising you with the sudden display of affection. You feel a warmth in your chest as she holds you, and you can't help but return the embrace. As you part, she shifts her gaze to the floor, a slight blush on her cheeks.
<<kathryn>>Er- I'm glad to hear that. I'm proud of you, ?titleK. Now, I think it's time to remove your cage. You've earned it.<</kathryn>>
She takes the key from her pocket and hands it to you, and you unlock the cage, feeling the weight of it lift from your body. You're free, and you feel a sense of relief wash over you.
<<kathryn>>Remember, ?titleK, you are in control of yourself. You don't need a cage to keep you in line. I trust you to behave, but if you ever need help, I'm here for you. Now, go and enjoy your freedom.<</kathryn>>
You nod as she leaves, feeling a rare sense of true gratitude for ?Kathryn.
<<decision 'Stand to leave, feeling lighter than you have in a long time' 'Bedroom' virtue large>>
<<addtag 'chastity-successful'>>
<</if>><<addcounter 'kathryn-night' 2>>
You spot ?Kathryn, over in small gazebo in the center of the castle gardens. She seems to be with a nobleman who you don't recognise. She always enjoys inviting aristocrats over for 'diplomatic' reasons. One of these reasons is very visible right now as she's currently making out with him on a bench in the middle of the gardens.
You once again spot ?Kathryn over in the small gazebo, making out with another aristocrat. You could try to sneak closer and take a good peek. Though, you're sure she's not going to be happy if you get caught...
<<decision 'Peek from the bushes' 'Kathryn Peeking 2' depravity small>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Allow them their privacy and leave' 'Bedtime' virtue small>><</decision>><<changeschedule kathryn 'night' 'None'>>
You manage to sneak into some bushes where you have quite a nice view of the events happening here. You see ?Kathryn and this nobleman make out quite passionately while sitting next to each other. The man starts to grope her through her red dress, fondling her breasts while sticking his tongue in her mouth.?nl
She starts to take off the top part of her dress, freeing her ample breasts to the open garden at night. You must say the look is quite stunning.
<<img "kathryn/garden_peeking_{theme}.jpg">>
<<say `getNoble()`>><<name kathryn 'Lady'>>... You are so beautiful...<</say>>
You're actually quite jealous of what this nobleman is doing to her. While making out, she slowly starts to spread her legs as he is actually full on humping her now.
<<kathryn>>Ah... <<noble>>... Please continue...<</kathryn>>
He's now moving on top of her and it becomes difficult for you to see what happens next.
<<if hasQuest('kathryn-chastity-2') and not hasCompletedQuest('kathryn-chastity-2')>>
<<decision 'Try to sneak closer to get a better view' 'Kathryn Caught'>><</decision>>
You are already facing further punishment, you had better not risk provoking ?Kathryn more...
<<elseif hasTag('chastity-rejected')>>
<<decision 'Try to sneak closer to get a better view' 'Kathryn Caught'>><</decision>>
?Kathryn has already shown you that she doesn't appreciate your voyeuristic tendencies. You should respect her privacy.
<<decision 'Try to sneak closer to get a better view' 'Kathryn Caught'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Leave before you get caught' 'Bedtime'>><</decision>><<startquest 'kathryn-peeking'>>
<<acknowledgechanges kathryn-peeking kathryn>>
You see a small path through the bushes leading closer to the gazebo. You try to make as little noise as possible though it's not like it really matters, the loud moaning and grunting is hard to overpower. At least, that's what you think before you accidentally step on a branch that makes a very loud snapping sound. Oops.?nl
You wonder whether the noise was even loud enough for them to notice while they're so busy but that question is quickly answered when you suddenly hear the nobleman shout in your direction.
<<say `getNoble()`>>Who goes there?! Show yourself, vagrant!<</say>>
You are unsure what to do as you see both of them stand up now, they're going to spot you any moment. You decide it's best to sneak out of hear but as soon as you turn around you walk straight into a tree branch, knocking you out of the bushes.?nl
?Kathryn looks at you with a face of anger and disgust.
<<kathryn>>You... You little shit! You're the pervert who is peeking on us?!<</kathryn>>
You get up from the ground, unsure what to do when you see <<noble>> looking at you and then back at her with a quite surprised look, mouth agape. He says something to her with a much more hushed tone.
<<say `getNoble()`>>Isn't that the prince? Should you talk to him like that?<</say>>
<<kathryn>>Shut up, you. Now, <<name player 'prince'>>, I knew you were a little pervert but I didn't think you would stoop so low.<</kathryn>>
<<player>>I- I'm sorry, ?Kathryn. I'll uh- I'll just leave you two.<</player>>
While you try to turn around she walks over to you adn quickly grabs your arm.
<<kathryn>>Oh you think it's that easy? That I'll just let you go after this?<</kathryn>>
There's a certain fire in her eyes as she's gabbing you.
<<decision 'Break free and run' dominance medium>>
You break free from her grasp and make a run for it. She stumbles back but before falling the nobleman moves to catch her.
<<kathryn>>Get back here you little shit! I'm not done with you!<</kathryn>>
You shout back at her as you're running back into the castle towards your bedchambers.
<<player>>Sorry ?Kathryn, I have to go! Have a nice rest of the night!<</player>>
<<decision 'Quickly hide in your bedroom' 'Bedtime'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Plead with her' submissiveness medium>>
<<player>>Please, ?Kathryn, let me go. I swear it won't happen again.<</player>>
You look at her with a face full of embarrassment. Your puppy dog eyes seem to be effective as she looks you up and down and slowly let's go of you.
<<kathryn>>Pathetic... I'll have to punish you somehow, ?titleK. I will have to think on that... Now leave, before I change my mind.<</kathryn>>
You quickly scamper away back to the castle.
<<decision 'Quickly go to your bedroom' 'Bedtime'>><</decision>>
You see a small path through the bushes leading closer to the gazebo. You try to make as little noise as possible though it's not like it really matters, the loud moaning and grunting is hard to overpower. You have experience with this now, almost a professional voyeur, one might say. You know precisely how to avoid that treacherous branch and you cockily grin while doing so. At least, that's what you think before you accidentally step on <<= either("a cat's tail", "a different branch", "a surprisingly splashy puddle", "a fat toad", "a swarm of sleeping bees", "another man having a peek")>> that now suddenly makes a very loud noise. Oops.?nl
You try to make a sneaky run for it but it has little effect. You have a real déjà vu moment as you hear someone shout out in your direction.
<<if hasTag('chastity-successful')>>
You watch as ?Kathryn excuses herself from the nobleman and walks over to you, her face a mix of confusion and disappointment.
<<kathryn>>?TitleK, what are you doing here? I thought you were... better than this now.<</kathryn>>
<<player>>Er- To be honest, ?Kathryn, I was just unable to resist the temptation. It seems I still have a long way to go...<</player>>
<<decision 'Can you help me again?'>>
You pause before trying to stammer out a dignified request for help.
<<player>>I... Well... I was a better person when you were holding my key. Can you help me again, ?Kathryn?<</player>>
You struggle to read her expression, but you could swear you saw a mix of pride and excitement flicker across her eyes. She looks at you for a moment before nodding.
<<kathryn>>I... I would be happy to help you, ?titleK. But it seems clear that playing the nice lady isn't working. I'll have to think of something else...<</kathryn>>
The ominous implication of her words sends a shiver down your spine, but you know that she is your only hope at curbing your deviant behavior.
<<player>>Thank you, ?Kathryn. I will leave you to your... business.<</player>>
?Kathryn chuckles before replying as she moves to return to the nobleman.
<<kathryn>>Don't worry, I'm sure I'll figure out some way to keep you in line. Goodnight, ?titleK.<</kathryn>>
As you leave the garden you hear her resume chatting with the nobleman. Glancing back, you manage to catch her eye and barely make out a gentle smile cross her face before she turns back to him.
<<decision 'Go to bed' 'Bedtime'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'It won\'t happen again...'>>
Pausing to compose yourself, you continue.
<<player>>I... I'm sorry, ?Kathryn. I don't know what came over me. It won't happen again, I swear.<</player>>
?Kathryn actually raises an eyebrow at you, pure disbelief on her face.
<<kathryn>>Perhaps you learned less than I thought, ?titleK. You seem to be back to your old ways already, and making promises you demonstrably cannot keep at that.<</kathryn>>
She ponders you, seemingly lost in thought.
<<kathryn>>I'll have to think of something to keep you in line, ?titleK. I can't have you running around like a pervert, spying on me. I think this nice lady routine is not working, I will need to mix things up...<</kathryn>>
The ominous implication of her words sends a shiver down your spine. You quickly interject, trying to head off her train of thought.
<<player>>My good lady, I'm sorry, I will leave you to your... business.<</player>>
?Kathryn chuckles before replying as she moves to return to the nobleman.
<<kathryn>>Oh, ?titleK, you're nothing if not predictable. Don't worry, I will figure out some way to keep you in line... Goodnight, my prince.<</kathryn>>
You wander back to your room, filled with a mix of dread and... excitement? Only one way to find out what she has in store for you...
<<decision 'Go to bed' 'Bedtime'>><</decision>>
<<elseif hasQuest('kathryn-chastity') and not hasCompletedQuest('kathryn-chastity')>>
<<addtag 'kathryn-chastity-failed'>>
<<completequest 'kathryn-peeking'>>
<<kathryn>>?TitleK, is that you? Get over here!<</kathryn>>
Your heart sinks as you know you're in for a scolding. You walk over to her with your head held low.
<<say `getNoble()`>><<name kathryn 'Lady'>>, what is the meaning of this?<</say>>
As you walk onto the gazebo, you notice the nobleman looking at you with undisguised disgust.
<<kathryn>>This is the prince I was telling you about earlier, the insatiable peeping tom...<</kathryn>>
Kathryn's blunt condemnation of you makes the nobleman chuckle.
<<say `getNoble()`>>Ah, I remember now. How pitiful that he must resort to peeping to get any satisfaction.<</say>>
<<kathryn>>The sad thing is he keeps peeping even though he can't touch himself. ?titleK, show good <<noble>> your little problem.<</kathryn>>
You feel a familiar sense of shame as you reluctantly expose yourself, knowing better than to fight ?Kathryn's orders.
<<img 'chastity/chastity_check.gif' 'ridge-border' '15em'>>
<<kathryn>>You can see what we do to hopeless perverts like him in the royal court.<</kathryn>>
The nobleman laughs at your predicament, clearly enjoying your humiliation. Your ?dick shrivels in the cold night air.
<<if settings.sph>><<say `getNoble()`>>My Lady, if I may be so bold, I don't think I've ever seen such a tiny specimin.<</say>><</if>>
<<kathryn>>Indeed, he is quite the spectacle. And I think we will have to find a harsher punishment for him since he seems to enjoy it so much.<</kathryn>>
?Kathryn's threat sends a shiver down your spine, but protesting now would only make things worse.
<<kathryn>>Now, ?titleK, you should leave us. We were just getting to the good part...<</kathryn>>
The nobleman wastes no time as ?Kathryn once again spreads her legs. You can hear their sordid grunts and moans echoing in your ears as you retreat into the garden and back to your room.
<<decision 'Go to bed' 'Bedtime'>><</decision>>
<<elseif !hasEquipmentTag('chastity')>>
<<say `getNoble()`>>What was that?! Reveal yourself!<</say>>
Before you can even respond you hear ?Kathryn speak to the nobleman.
<<kathryn>>Ugh... leave this to me, <<noble>>. I will be right back.<</kathryn>>
You are caught like a deer in headlights as you see her coming your way. She stands in front of you with a <em>very</em> disappointed look on her face.
<<kathryn>>Again? Really?! Are you really that perverted that you can't leave me alone even when I tell you to?<</kathryn>>
You just gulp as you're not really sure how to respond to her.
<<kathryn>>You perverted little shit... I will speak to you in the morning. Now do us all a favour and <em>leave.</em><</kathryn>>
<<if settings.sph>>
<<kathryn>>I know you're jealous of what <<noble>> is packing but just take your little baby dick and go tug on that someplace else.<</kathryn>>
She turns around and walks back towards the gazebo. That was real ire in her voice, you feel kind of lucky being able to leave while only being scolded.
<<decision 'Leave to your bedroom' 'Bedtime'>><</decision>>
<<acknowledgechanges chastity kathryn>>
<<completequest 'kathryn-peeking'>>
<<kathryn>>Oh hello, ?titleK. How nice of you to visit us, why don't you join us on the gazebo?<</kathryn>>
You don't really have much of a choice in this situation, you are already called out, you could simply run away but you're kind of curious why she is inviting you. You walk onto the gazebo with a very ashamed look on your face.?nl
The nobleman looks quite confused at the situation, ?Kathryn is still half naked now with a smile on her face.
<<kathryn>><<noble>>, this is the prince. He sometimes likes to play peeping tom...<</kathryn>>
The nobleman nods to you, not sure what to do.
<<kathryn>>I think he likes to hide in the bushes and jerk his ?dick while we are having our fun here. Isn't that right, ?titleK?<</kathryn>>
<<player>>No- I uh- I was just-<</player>>
Before you can even finish your stammering thought you are immediately interrupted by ?Kathryn.
<<kathryn>>However, this time he's probably having a bit of trouble with that part.<</kathryn>>
She makes eye contact with you as she glares at you. You definitely don't like where this is going.
<<kathryn>>Why don't you show <<noble>> why that is, ?titleK?<</kathryn>>
<<decision 'Obey' submissiveness small>>
You lower your head in shame as you're actually considering exposing yourself.
<<kathryn>>Come on, ?titleK. Show good <<noble>> why you can't currently masturbate to us having sex.<</kathryn>>
Your hands are shaking as you slowly expose your underwear and lower it, revealing the pink chastity cage around your ?dick.
<<img 'chastity/chastity_check.gif' 'ridge-border' '15em'>>
<<kathryn>>Hahaha, wow look at that! It is so pathetic!<</kathryn>>
The nobleman's look of confusion quickly turns into laughter as he sees your cage.
<<say `getNoble()`>>That is absurd, what kind of man are you? Why can't you simply unlock the thing?<</say>>
?Kathryn deftly produces a small key from her dress and looks at the nobleman.
<<kathryn>>Because I'm not letting him...<</kathryn>>
<<say `getNoble()`>>Hahaha! Oh my, you are quite something, <<name kathryn 'Lady'>>.<</say>>
?Kathryn's disposition seems to have an arousing effect on the nobleman as he suddenly moves to embrace her again, completely ignoring the fact that you are here. He's kissing her neck as ?Kathryn makes eye contact with you.
<<kathryn>>Now why don't you leave us to our personal time, ?titleK.<</kathryn>>
You turn around with a defeated posture, instantly obeying anything ?Kathryn tells you to do.
<<decision 'Leave to your bedroom' 'Bedtime'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Run away without explanation'>>
<<player>>What- No, I can't...<</player>>
You're unsure what to do in this conversation so you decide to just quickly leave this place as you run back your bedroom.
While you leave the gazebo you can hear ?Kathryn laugh together with the nobleman.
<<kathryn>>He'll come around next time...<</kathryn>>
<<decision 'Leave to your bedroom' 'Bedtime'>><</decision>>
You open your eyes, startled from the sudden cold as you see ?Kathryn standing next to your bed, holding your blanket and looking angry.
<<kathryn>>Wake up, ?titleK. How do you like it when someone else is peeking on you, you little pervert?<</kathryn>>
<<if hasEquipmentTag('feminine', 'underwear')>>
<<addsin 'wearing-panties'>>
You realise now that all you are wearing are the very girly panties and she has full view of them.
<<kathryn>>Wait, are you wearing panties? That is hilarious, I didn't know you're actually a sissy!<</kathryn>>
She completely starts laughing at you while pointing at your panties. Before you can respond she suddenly reaches forward and forcefully lowers them.
You're unsure what's really happening as you're lying in bed with nothing but your pyjama shorts on, she suddenly lurches forward and pulls down your shorts.
You let out a surprised yelp as you quickly try to cover yourself up but it's too late, she caught you by surprise as she stares at your naked ?dick.?nl
<<if settings.sph>>
As soon as she sees your ?dick she immediately starts laughing.
<<kathryn>>Oh my god, that is the smallest little thing I've ever seen!<</kathryn>>
You quickly grab a pillow and cover yourself up.
<<player>>Shut up, ?Kathryn, what are you doing here?!<</player>>
<<kathryn>>Well I was going to give you payback for spying on me but... wow... I didn't expect your little one to be so...<</kathryn>>
She looks at your crotch and speaks with a tone genuine interest.
<<kathryn>>Please, ?titleK, don't cover yourself. Come on, let me have another look, I promise I won't laugh again!<</kathryn>>
<<decision 'Slowly remove the pillow again' submissiveness medium>>
You slowly lift the pillow. Her humiliation seems to have some effect on you as you feel your ?dick starting to get hard.
<<kathryn>>That is so pathetic... Are you actually getting hard from me calling your dick tiny? It's barely grown any bigger at all!<</kathryn>>
She can't contain her laugh as she moves her hand close to your ?dick.
<<kathryn>>Look! It's as small as my pinky!<</kathryn>>
<<player>>Sh- Shut up, ?Kathryn...<</player>>
This is probably one of the most humiliating things in your life, the worst part is how your body is responding to this. You can't believe her belittlement is actually turning you on.
<<kathryn>>Oh but you like this, don't you? You like it when I call you pathetic. How can you even call that a cock? It's basically a clit at this point. Can you even call yourself a man, ?titleK?<</kathryn>>
She walks away from you while laughing loudly still. Before she exits the room she turns to you.
<<kathryn>>Well I think I've seen enough. That was the most pathetic thing I have seen my entire life. I don't think you would be able to satisfy anyone with that tiny thing. Now, don't go spying on me again or I will go tell everything what a pathetic little cocklet you have, got that?<</kathryn>>
She then slams the door shut, leaving you alone in your bedroom. Your ?dick is still rock hard from the humiliation.?nl
<<include 'Kathryn End Visit'>>
<<decision 'Tell her to leave' virtue medium>>
<<player>>What? No! Are you crazy?! Get out of my room, ?Kathryn!<</player>>
She sighs and heads over to your door.
<<kathryn>>Fine... I already saw everything I needed to anyways... I can't believe your ?dick is so pathetic, ?titleK.<</kathryn>>
You still need to recover from what just happened, you can
<<decision 'Continue' 'Next Day'>><</decision>>
You grab a pillow and hold it in front of you as you feel embarrassed by the blatant intrusion.
<<player>>What the hell are you doing, ?Kathryn?!<</player>>
She looks quite angry at you.
<<kathryn>>You're not a fan of this voyeurism now that you are the victim, are you, you sick pervert?<</kathryn>>
<<player>>What?! Well maybe you shouldn't go fuck that noble in the <em>public</em> gardens!<</player>>
Just before you think she can't look any angrier right now she suddenly punches you on the pillow you're holding right in front of your nuts, sending you reeling.
<<kathryn>>Don't let it happen again, you pervert!<</kathryn>>
She quickly exits the room while you are recovering from the quite powerful blow to your private area.
<<decision 'Continue' 'Next Day'>><</decision>>
You open your eyes, startled from the sudden cold as you once again see ?Kathryn standing next to your bed, holding your blanket and looking angry.
<<if hasTag('chastity-successful')>>
<<kathryn>>Alright, ?titleK, last night you proved that you need a firmer hand to control yourself. Now, kneel.<</kathryn>>
You sheepishly kneel down in front of her, ashamed to need her help once more. She tosses an all-too familiar object to the floor in front of you.
<<kathryn>>As of right now your cock has become my property, as you clearly cannot handle the responsibility of controlling it on your own, and I will be keeping it locked up until further notice. Any objections?<</kathryn>>
<<decision 'No'>>
<<player>>No, my Lady, I will do whatever you ask if it will help me control my urges.<</player>>
Only somewhat reluctantly, you pull down your pants and undergarments and insert your ?dick into the cage once more. You feel the familiar, restrictive confines squeeze around you as the lock clicks shut.
<<kathryn>>Good ?titleK, now I am not convinced this alone will be enough - it wasn't last time, after all. I have more in store for you...<</kathryn>>
Your ?dick jumps at the threat of further punishment, not used to being constrained by the cage once more.
<<kathryn>>I will get permission from ?Andreas to take you into town. I will need you and your <<if settings.sph>>tiny <</if>>cock with me on this excursion.<</kathryn>>
<<player>>Into town? To do what?<</player>>
?Kathryn chuckles, stepping closer to you until she towers over your kneeling form. You stare up, trying to avoid obviously glancing at her breasts.
<<kathryn>>Oh, ?titleK, that is for me to know, and for you to worry about over these next days.<</kathryn>>
She bends down, close enough you can feel the heat of her body, and whispers directly into your ear causing shivers to course through your body.
<<kathryn>>Just keep being a good <<if hasTag('kathryn-sissy')>>girl<<else>>boy<</if>> and I'll make sure you don't suffer too much.<</kathryn>>
As she stands back up you realize you've been holding your breath, and finally force yourself to exhale.
<<kathryn>>Now, I will retrieve you when the preparations are complete for our excursion, be ready.<</kathryn>>
She closes the door lightly behind her as she leaves, placing you into silence while your mind swims.?nl
Eventually, you compose yourself enough to stand.
<<decision 'Stand up' 'Bedroom'>>
<<addcounter 'kathryn-chastity-timer' 7>>
<<startquest 'kathryn-chastity-2'>>
<<decision 'Actually...'>>
<<player>>Actually, ?Kathryn, I don't think I need that. I can control myself, I promise.<</player>>
<<kathryn>>Oh, really? You think you can control yourself after what happened last night? I don't think so, ?titleK. You need to be taught a lesson.<</kathryn>>
She grabs your arm and pulls you up, forcing you to stand in front of her. You feel the crisp morning air on your hard ?dick as she pulls down your pants, exposing you.
<<kathryn>><<if settings.sph>>Wow, I will never get over how... Cute... Your little thing is.<<else>>Well, clearly part of you is excited at the thought of me being in control.<</if>><</kathryn>>
Her words elicit a twitch from your member in response, causing ?Kathryn to chuckle.?nl
She grabs your ?dick, <<if settings.sph>>gently squeezing it between her thumb and pointer finger<<else>>gently wrapping her hand around it<</if>>, before beginning to slowly stroke you.
<<kathryn>>Today's lesson is that when you obey me, good things happen.<</kathryn>>
Your legs nearly go weak, as she increase her pace. Without missing a stroke, she steps behind you, wrapping her other arm around your chest almost like a hug.?nl
She leans her face in and whispers into your ear.
<<kathryn>>I just want what is best for you, ?titleK...<</kathryn>>
Her words nearly bring you over the edge, as your orgasm fast approaches. You moan out loud, causing ?Kathryn to slow.
<<kathryn>>But when you disobey, bad things happen too...<</kathryn>>
She suddenly stops stroking, and removes her hand. You were desperately close, and reach to finish yourself off with your own hand, but she easily restrains you, using her advantageous position behind you to lock your arms back.
<<kathryn>>You will not be allowed to cum until I say so, ?titleK. You will learn to obey me, and you will learn to control yourself. Do you understand?<</kathryn>>
You try futilely to break from her grasp, but she has you completely under her control, swaying with your every movement.?nl
Frustrated, you finally relent.
<<player>>Fine, ?Kathryn, I will do as you ask, just please let me cum...<</player>>
She releases your arms, pushing you so you fall gently forward onto your bed. A moment later the cage is tossed onto the bed next to you.
<<kathryn>>Oh, ?titleK, by now you should know that your words are meaningless. If you truly submit, put the cage back on and lock yourself in.<</kathryn>>
You look at the cage, and then back at her, before finally relenting and reaching for the cage. She watches you with a satisfied smile as you struggle to stuff yourself in, making sure you don't get too much pleasure from the process. <<if settings.sph>>Luckily you aren't very big even when hard, so after a little effort your cage is in-place.<<else>>You try thinking about flowers and puppies, finally managing to squeeze yourself in as your erection wanes.<</if>>?nl
You hesitate before clicking the lock shut, on the precipice of sealing your ?dick once more...
<<kathryn>>Go on, ?titleK. Lock yourself in, you know you want to. Or, do you want help?<</kathryn>>
<<decision 'Yes, please'>>
<<player>>P-please help me, ?Kathryn...<</player>>
She steps over, reaching her hand down and placing it on yours, guiding you to lock the cage shut. She squeezes your fingers, and together your hands click the lock shut. You blush at the odd intimacy of the moment, and she kisses your forehead as she stands straight again.
<<kathryn>>Good <<if hasTag('kathryn-sissy')>>girl<<else>>boy<</if>>. Now, I am going to get permission from ?Andreas to take you into town. I will need you and your <<if settings.sph>>tiny <</if>>cock with me on this excursion.<</kathryn>>
<<player>>Wait - into town? Why?<</player>>
<<kathryn>>Don't worry yourself, I will retrieve you when the preparations are complete for our excursion, just be ready.<</kathryn>>
?Kathryn straightens her dress before leaving, gently shutting the door behind her. You are left to process a whirlwind of emotions.?nl
Eventually, you compose yourself enough to stand.
<<decision 'Stand up' 'Bedroom'>>
<<addcounter 'kathryn-chastity-timer' 7>>
<<startquest 'kathryn-chastity-2'>>
<<decision 'Do it yourself'>>
With a final deep breath, you click the lock shut, surrendering yourself to her whim. A broad smile grows across her face, and she leans down to kiss your forehead.
<<kathryn>>Good <<if hasTag('kathryn-sissy')>>girl<<else>>boy<</if>>. Now, I am going to get permission from ?Andreas to take you into town. I will need you and your <<if settings.sph>>tiny <</if>>cock with me on this excursion.<</kathryn>>
<<player>>Wait - into town? Why?<</player>>
<<kathryn>>Don't worry yourself, I will retrieve you when the preparations are complete for our excursion, just be ready.<</kathryn>>
?Kathryn straightens her dress before leaving, gently shutting the door behind her. You are left to process a whirlwind of emotions.?nl
Eventually, you compose yourself enough to stand.
<<decision 'Stand up' 'Bedroom'>>
<<addcounter 'kathryn-chastity-timer' 7>>
<<startquest 'kathryn-chastity-2'>>
<<kathryn>>Again, ?titleK?! I can't believe even you would stoop that low... But then again, I suppose there really are no perverts like you.<</kathryn>>
<<if hasEquipmentTag('feminine', 'underwear') and !hasTag('kathryn-sissy')>>
<<addsin 'wearing-panties'>>
<<addtag 'kathryn-sissy'>>
You realise now that all you are wearing are the very girly panties and she has full view of them since she pulled away the blanket.
<<kathryn>>Wait, are you kidding me... I was going to punish you by making you wear panties but it looks like I'm too late...<</kathryn>>
She actually starts laughing at you now.
<<kathryn>>Tell me, ?titleK. Why are you wearing the panties? Are you actually a sissy?<</kathryn>>
<<player>>What? No, it's not like that! I'm not a sissy!<</player>>
She suddenly lurches forward and pins you down, her knee is pushing into your crotch, hard.
<<kathryn>>Don't lie to me, ?titleK! Admit you are a sissy and I will leave.<</kathryn>>
<<player>>Ah! Stop! Get off me!<</player>>
<<kathryn>>Come on, just say it! Tell me you are nothing but a little sissy who likes wearing little frilly panties!<</kathryn>>
She is really hurting you and you just want to get out of this humiliating situation...
<<player>>Fine! I'm a little sissy who likes wearing little frilly panties... Now get off me!<</player>>
Your pain is relieved as she gets up from you and walks towards the door.
<<kathryn>>See? That wasn't so hard, was it? I'll consider this your punishment for now. Peek on me again and you will regret it even more. Goodbye little sissy.<</kathryn>>
<<decision 'Continue' 'Next Day'>><</decision>>
<<if !hasTag('kathryn-sissy')>>
You are once again in this very vulnerable position with just your shorts on. While you think this over you notice her stare at them.
<<kathryn>>Take them off.<</kathryn>>
<<elseif hasEquipmentTag('feminine', 'underwear')>>
You are once again in this very vulnerable position, showing your underwear. Even worse, you're actually wearing very girly panties right now...
<<kathryn>>You're wearing the panties. Good little sissy. Now be a good girl and take them off for me.<</kathryn>>
You are once again in this very vulnerable position, showing your underwear. Problem is, you're wearing the wrong kind... You remember she ordered you to wear the panties at all times and here you are, disobeying her.
<<kathryn>>Didn't I order you to wear your panties at all times? This underwear is not girly enough for a pervert like you, take them off!<</kathryn>>
The angry look on her face makes it very clear she is not asking. Instead of her forcing your underwear down herself, she will simply have you strip naked for her now instead.
<<decision 'Obey' 'Kathryn Waking Obey' submissiveness medium>>
<<decision 'Object' dominance medium>>
<<player>>Absolutely not, get out of here, ?Kathryn!<</player>>
She starts steaming at your response.
<<kathryn>>How dare you?! First you spy on me multiple times and then you just tell me no?! You little shit, I will murder you!<</kathryn>>
She is about to lurch at you when you stand up from the bed and shout back.
<<player>>I am the <em>Prince</em>! You will do as a say so long as you're a member of my court!<</player>>
<<kathryn>>Fuck you! Stop fucking spying on me you pervert!<</kathryn>>
You see her reconsider her hostile actions after her outburst and seeing you stand your ground.
<<kathryn>>Fine! Have it your way! I'm out of here, spy on me again and I'll come back, you asshole!<</kathryn>>
She storms out your room and slams the door shut behind her.
<<decision 'Continue' 'Next Day'>><</decision>>
<</first>>You reluctantly reach down and lower your underwear for her.
<<kathryn>>Good girl...<</kathryn>>
<<if settings.sph>>
As soon as she sees your ?dick she immediately starts laughing again.
<<kathryn>>Wow, the patheticness of that thing really does cheer me up every time!<</kathryn>>
You quickly grab a pillow and cover yourself up.
<<player>>Shut up, ?Kathryn, why are you doing this again?!<</player>>
<<kathryn>>That is so pathetic... Are you actually getting hard from me calling your dick tiny? It's barely grown any bigger at all!<</kathryn>>
<<player>>Sh- Shut up, ?Kathryn...<</player>>
This is probably one of the most humiliating things in your life, the worst part is how your body is responding to this. You can't believe her belittlement is actually turning you on.
<<kathryn>>Oh but you like this, don't you? I threatened you I would tell everyone about your pathetic little dicklet and yet you still decide to spy on me again...<</kathryn>>
<<player>>Why do you want to see my dick again?<</player>>
She looks quite angry at you.
<<kathryn>>Revenge, idiot. You're not a fan of this voyeurism now that you are the victim, are you, you sick pervert?<</kathryn>>
<<kathryn>>Now, good thing I have thought of a fitting punishment for you, ?titleK.<</kathryn>>
<<addtag 'kathryn-sissy'>>
<<addsin 'wearing-panties'>>
<<equip 'panties'>>
<<unlockequipment 'panties'>>
As you're wondering what she has in mind she suddenly takes out some very girly, very frilly panties and throws them on the bed.
<<kathryn>>Put it on.<</kathryn>>
You stare at her in disbelief.
<<player>>What, are you kidding me? Those are for girls, I can't put them on!<</player>>
She suddenly looks even more angry, taking a step towards you which instantly makes you flinch.
<<kathryn>>I wasn't asking, you are a little pervert and now you will need to wear the panties. Put. Them. On.<</kathryn>>
You really don't want to argue with her while she's so angry so you slowly start putting on the panties. They feel very soft on your skin and they very nicely envelop your ?dick.
<<if settings.sph>>
<<kathryn>>You would think there would be more of a bulge when a man wears panties, but not for you it seems. You really do have just a little clitty.<</kathryn>>
<<kathryn>>Well done... They look like they fit you. Now, you will wear them throughout the day and if I ever see you walk around without them I will punish you.<</kathryn>>
<<player>>You can't be serious, what if people notice?<</player>>
<<kathryn>>Better make sure they don't notice then. Wouldn't want people to know you're a sissy, right?<</kathryn>>
That word... Sissy... it sounds so humiliating...
<<kathryn>>That's enough punishment for now, I think. Don't forget to wear the panties at all times, and if I catch you peeking on me again, there will be even more consequences...<</kathryn>>
She walks over to the door and leaves you alone in your room. You feel vulnerable and feminine as you realise you're now doing something you've never done before: You're wearing panties...
<<include 'Kathryn End Visit'>>
She suddenly takes out a thin piece of cloth and moves close to you, reaching for your private area.
<<kathryn>>Hold still, ?titleK.<</kathryn>>
She expertly wraps it around the base of your ?dick and unwraps it again. You now notice the markings on the piece of cloth, is she <em>measuring</em> your penis??nl
<<if settings.sph>>
She has a mean grin on her face while she's working.
<<kathryn>>I wasn't wrong, this is literally the smallest dick I have ever seen! ?TitleK, you are absolutely pathetic...<</kathryn>>
<<if settings.vids>>
<<if settings.sph>>
<<video 'kathryn/kathryn_measuring_sph.webm'>>
<<video 'kathryn/kathryn_measuring.webm'>>
You stare quite perplexed as you see this event unfolding before you. After less than a minute she suddenly gets up again.
<<kathryn>>There! That should be all I need.<</kathryn>>
<<player>>What was that? Why did you measure my penis?<</player>>
<<kathryn>>That's your punishment for now, I have figured out exactly what to do with that thing of yours...<</kathryn>>
She's already walking towards the door, leaving you no time to ask questions.
<<kathryn>>Spy on me again and you will find out exactly what I'm talking about...<</kathryn>>
She slams the door shut behind her, leaving you alone in your bed.
<<include 'Kathryn End Visit'>>
<<acknowledgechanges chastity kathryn>>
She walks closer to you with one hand behind her back.
<<kathryn>>You've let your ?dick guide you into perverted actions for too long, ?titleK. I have a solution for it. Look away.<</kathryn>>
She points to the side, ordering you to not look at what she's doing. You meekly comply with her request as you stare at your bedroom wall while she inches closer to you.?nl
She suddenly takes a hold of your ?dick and you feel it being enveloped in something. You feel your ?dick starting to get hard but then she immediately pinches it, hurting you.
<<player>>Ouch! What are you doing?<</player>>
<<kathryn>>Quiet you, I know you don't get much intimate contact so it instantly turns you on when someone is rough with your ?dick but I need you to stay soft for this.<</kathryn>>
You focus on the wall as you hear a small metallic locking sound.
<<kathryn>>There! All done!<</kathryn>>
You look down at your ?dick in complete disbelief as she seems to have locked your ?dick in a small pink cage. Even though it definitely weirds you out it feels kind of snug, the thing seems to be exactly your size.
<<img 'chastity/chastity.jpg' 'ridge-border' '15em'>>
<<player>>Wha- What is this?!<</player>>
<<kathryn>>Can't you tell? It's a chastity cage. I gave the measurements to <<name beau 'the blacksmith' none>> in town and had her make one specifically for you.<</kathryn>>
She waves around a tiny key in front of you. You look down and notice the lock attached to the key.
<<kathryn>>I will be keeping this key for you. The cage will keep your ?dick in check and hopefully prevent you from doing perverted things all the time like peeking on me.<</kathryn>>
<<player>>Wait, you can't be serious ?Kathryn. How am I supposed to...<</player>>
<<kathryn>>Oh I'm very serious, ?titleK. Don't worry, you can still pee just fine in that thing. It's just the sinful things you will have problems with now...<</kathryn>>
<<img 'chastity/chastity_touching.webp' 'ridge-border' '30em'>>
She bends down and taps the cage to emphasise her point. She then turns around and hides the key in her dress.
<<kathryn>>If you're nice to me I might let you out at some point.<</kathryn>>
She moves out of your bedroom with a smug smile and closes the door behind her. You stare at your ?dick in utter disbelief, now trapped in a pink cage.
<<equip 'chastity_pink_1'>>
<<include 'Kathryn End Visit'>>
<<acknowledgechanges chastity kathryn>>
She walks closer to you, clearly holding the chastity cage in her hand.
<<kathryn>>Well you know how this works, you've been peeking on me again so now you're going in chastity again.<</kathryn>>
You watch as she simply grabs your ?dick in a fluid motion and jams it inside the cage. It hurts but that doesn't seem to make her care.?nl
After only a few moments she has your ?dick locked up again. You look down in shame at the pink cage.
<<img 'chastity/chastity.jpg' 'ridge-border' '15em'>>
<<kathryn>>I'm not sure I'll be quick to let you out again, you didn't hold your promise so maybe I should just throw this key away now...<</kathryn>>
Before you can even object she walks out your bedroom with the key to your locked cage.
<<equip 'chastity_pink_1'>>
<<include 'Kathryn End Visit'>>
<</first>><<if settings.sph>>
<<decision 'Masturbate thinking about what just happened' depravity small depravity 10 1>>
You grab your ?dick with two fingers and start to massage it up and down. You feel a very strange combination of shame and lust as you think back on how she laughed at your pathetic excuse of a penis.?nl
<<if settings.vids>>
<<video 'player/masturbate_sph.webm'>>
Would she actually go and tell everyone how little it is? How you are just a pathetic excuse of a man who can't use his ?dick for anything? What if she told ?Rosa, what would she think of you knowing you're hiding mostly empty space in your underwear? ?nl
It doesn't take long for you to cum while thinking about these things, in fact, you would guess you masturbated for only around fifteen seconds after she left and now you are spurting cum over yourself. ?nl
<<if settings.cum>>
<<decision 'Eat your cum' depravity small depravity 20 1>>
<<if settings.vids>>
<<video 'player/swallow{2}.webm'>>
Even though the feelings of shame hit you harder after climax, you are just too horny to let your cum go to waste so you gather it up and slowly lift it to your mouth as you feel your own semen slide down your throat. Being a cum-slut is much more efficient cleaning after masturbating.
<<disableif hasEquipmentTag('chastity')>>
You are locked in chastity.
<<decision 'Start your day' 'Next Day'>><</decision>><<if $location is 'Treasury'>>
<<if getTime() === 'night'>>
As you walk by ?Leopold's office, you notice there's still light coming out of his room. Is he still working, this late at night?
[[Check on Leopold | Leopold Night]]
[[See if Leopold can tutor you | Leopold Ask]]
<<if hasQuest('retrieve-artifact')>>
[[Ask Leopold about receiving your reward | Leopold Artifact]]
<</if>><<if hasAvailableArtifact()>>
You excitedly walk into ?Leopold's office and see him sitting behind his desk.
<<leopold>>Ah, ?title. You must be here for your reward, am I correct?<</leopold>>
<<player>>That's right, ?Leopold. I'm eager to see what the ?reliquary holds for me.<</player>>
?Leopold matches your enthusiasm and from his robes he excitedly produces a set of keys.
<<leopold>>Of course! You know, ?title, I am glad the council could agree on this for you. Our artifacts will be more than safe in your personal possession and I think I speak for the whole council when I say that you have definitely deserved this reward.<</leopold>>
He gets up from his desk and starts walking down the spiral staircase set in the floor of his office.
<<leopold>>Please follow me, ?title. I will let you into the vault.<</leopold>>
Going down the spiral steps, you enter a dark hallway that ends into a large iron vault door. You have only ever seen this door, never going inside as your father would not allow it. ?Leopold fishes out the biggest key from his chain. He dramatically inserts it into the big keyhole. A loud 'clunk' can be heard as the door cracks open. You see ?Leopold put some real strength in his heaving as he pulls open the gate for you. He then stands aside and motions for you to enter.
<<leopold>>After you, ?title.<</leopold>>
<<decision 'Enter the Royal Reliquary' 'Leopold Artifact 2'>><</decision>>
You excitedly walk into ?Leopold's office and see him sitting behind his desk.
<<leopold>>Ah, ?title. You must be here for your reward, am I correct?<</leopold>>
<<player>>That's right, ?Leopold. I'm eager to see what else the ?reliquary holds for me.<</player>>
<<leopold>>About that... I'm afraid I have some bad news. I should've mentioned this in the council meeting but it seems like we've already given you any artifacts from the ?reliquary that we could bestow on you.<</leopold>>
You look at him with a disappointed face.
<<leopold>>Any artifacts left are too unsafe. I'm sorry, ?title, I simply cannot give you another artifact right now.<</leopold>>
<<player>>It's alright, ?Leopold. I understand.<</player>>
You give him a respectful nod and move to exit his office.
<<decision 'Leave' 'Hallway'>><</decision>>
<</if>><<setlocation 'Royal Reliquary'>>
You slowly walk into the ?reliquary, amazed at what you are seeing. The room is lit by glowing stones laid into the pillars of the vault. You can't help but feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of treasure surrounding you. There are golden chalices and jewel-encrusted baubles. The walls are lined with ancient swords, passed down through generations.?nl
You have never actually seen the inside of this magnificent room before. Your father would never allow you to interact with the artifacts, citing it's too dangerous for kids. Now grown up, you're happy the council has given you opportunity to enter this place. Something still surprises you about that decision though.
Even though you have been here before now, the sheer magnificence of the room still baffles you. Something still surprises you about the council's decision to allow you to take an artifact under your care.
However, it definitely attests to the importance they feel for your tutelage when they're willing to give this great of a reward.?nl
?Leopold follows you closely into the room, it almost feels like he is just as amazed as you are at seeing this. He must come here much more often though, being the holder of the key that opens it.
<<leopold>>This way, ?title. I have a selection of artifacts that you can choose from.<</leopold>>
You follow the man to the center of the large vault. A collection of artifacts are displayed on pedestals for you to inspect.
<<leopold>>Feel free to inspect them, they're not dangerous.<</leopold>>
<<decision 'Choose an artifact' 'Artifacts Selection'>><</decision>><<acknowledgement Leopold>>
<<mention failed>>
<<leopold>>Sorry about the heavy council session recently, ?title. I'm very happy to see you're here to continue studying though. Don't worry, with a bit more diligence on your part and we'll be more than happy!<</leopold>>
<<mention assassination>>
<<leopold>>I am glad to see you doing so well after the attempt on your life, ?title. It was an awful ordeal.<</leopold>>
<<mention status>>
<<if $player.status is 'egg'>>
He keeps staring at you, and you can't tell if he's intrigued or confused.
<<leopold>>?Title, if you don't mind me asking, have you changed your appearance recently?<</leopold>>
<<player>>What do you mean?<</player>>
You try to feign innocence.
<<leopold>>Well, you look different. I can't quite put my finger on it, but there's something... feminine about you.<</leopold>>
You're not sure what to say. Should you admit the truth to him? Would he believe you?
<<player>>I'm not sure what you're talking about, Leopold.<</player>>
<<leopold>>Hmmm... Well, whatever it is, it looks good on you.<</leopold>>
The compliment makes you blush.
<<elseif $player.status is 'andro'>>
<<elseif $player.status is 'fem'>>
<<elseif $player.status is 'man'>>
<</acknowledgement>>You walk into <<name leopold 'Master'>>'s office and see him sitting behind his desk, his eyes fixed on a ledger on his desk.
<<leopold>>Ah hello, ?title.<</leopold>>
<<include 'Leopold Acknowledgement'>>
<<if getStatLevel('stewardship') < $player.levelexpectation + 1>>
He looks up and smiles at you, gesturing for you to take a seat.
<<leopold>>Are you here for your lessons on stewardship? I am keen to tutor you again, my prince.<</leopold>>
Your father always said it's important to learn good financial responsibility so he asked <<name leopold 'Master'>> to teach you sometimes. You never cared for it much but you get a sense that <<name Leopold>> really enjoys teaching you.
<<if hasCounter('leopold-night') or getStat('depravity') < 10>>
<<decision "Indulge him and sit down" 'Leopold Lessons'>><</decision>>
<<decision "Indulge him and sit down" 'Leopold Lessons Horny'>><</decision>>
<<decision "Politely decline">>
<<player>>I unfortunately have no time for that, <<name leopold 'Master'>>.<</player>>
<<leopold>>That's quite alright, my prince. Come by anytime.<</leopold>>
You feel like he's slightly disappointed but he won't make it noticable.
<<decision "Leave his office" 'Hallway'>><</decision>>
<<leopold>>I'm afraid I'm going to have to disappoint you.<</leopold>>
You were just about to take a seat at his desk but stop halfway through to listen to him.
<<leopold>>You've been doing so well with the lessons that you have run me out of material to teach you right now! I'm very sorry, ?title. Perhaps you could come back after the next council meeting? I will likely have more lessons to teach you then.<</leopold>>
<<player>>Ah alright, I will come by another time then.<</player>>
<<decision "Leave his office" 'Hallway'>><</decision>>
<</if>><<changestat stewardship 1>>
<<leopold>>Very well done, ?title! Isn't it fun to see all those different kinds of coins and learn about the currencies of our nation?<</leopold>>
You stare at him while you contemplate why he made you do a task fit for a child... He seems genuine though, perhaps he does enjoy this kind of thing.
<<leopold>>Well, that should be it for our lesson of today. Thank you for coming, ?title.<</leopold>>
<<decision 'Thank Master Leopold and take your leave' 'Hallway'>><<addcounter 'leopold' 0.5>><<increasetime 1 true>><</decision>><<include `either('Leopold Lessons 1', 'Leopold Lessons 2', 'Leopold Lessons 3')`>>
Although the lesson is probably very important, you can't help from drifting off. While you stare out of the window thinking about the fun things you could be doing instead right now you suddenly notice ?Leopold make eye contact with you as he closes the book he was just reading from.
<<leopold>>Perhaps it's more fun to put in some practical experience... Would ?title be interested in helping me sort this box for me?<</leopold>>
He walks over to his cupboard and retrieves a large grey box. He puts four bowls on the table and empties the rest of the box in front of you, a large collection of coins in different colors and sizes. It looks like he expects you to help him sort his collection.
<<decision 'Sort the coins' 'Minigame Coins'>><</decision>>
<<if settings.skipminigames>>
<<decision '(Cheat) Skip minigame' 'Leopold Coins Finish'>><</decision>>
<</if>>You listen as he explains the basics of bookkeeping and how to keep track of income and expenses. He shows you how to use a ledger to record transactions, and he gives you tips for staying organized.<<name leopold>> shows you all the different coins used as currency in the kingdom. He tells you all about the history of the royal mint and how one day you will also be printed on a coin.Today, <<name leopold>> takes you through the castle ledgers. He shows you all the expenses necessary for upkeep and lists the taxes that are owed from the nearby villages.<<changeschedule leopold 'night' 'Treasury'>>
While tutoring you, you notice ?leopold seems a bit different than normal. He's shifting in his seat quite a bit.
At one point during the lesson, you ask him to clarify a certain part of the ledger. He stands up and moves around the desk to look at it with you. The moment he leans over your shoulder to look at the book, you suddenly see why he has been acting uncomfortable before. The massive package in his pants is very visible, mere inches from your face.
<<decision "Stare at his bulge" depravity small>>
<<img "leopold/tutor_bulge_{theme}.jpg">>
For some reason, you can't keep your eyes off of his package. Every time you try to focus on what he's explaining, you find your eyes trailing back to his crotch. When he's standing close to you, you are really surprised at how big it is. You start wondering how big it is without the pants and find yourself getting slightly aroused.
<<if settings.sph>>
Your own boner could never make such a big bulge in your pants. Your ?penis is nothing comparing to the thing you see here.
After a while he sits down again across from you and smiles at you.
<<leopold>>Everything alright, ?title? You seem a little distracted.<</leopold>>
<<if getStat('depravity') > 25>>
<<decision "Make up an excuse and ignore it">>
<<player>>Y- yes, it's nothing. I was just daydreaming!<</player>>
<<leopold>>Hahaha, believe me, I understand why. This subject is definitely not as exciting as swordfighting with ?wymerus!<</leopold>>
As he's laughing it off you realise you have not paid any attention to the lesson this time. Unfortunately the situation distracted you so much that you learned nothing from this.
<<decision "Thank him for the lesson and leave his office" 'Hallway'>><<addcounter 'leopold' 0.5>><<increasetime 1 true>><</decision>>
<<decision "Try to ignore it and continue the lesson" 'Leopold Lessons' virtue small>><</decision>><<changeschedule leopold 'night' 'None'>>
<<addcounter 'leopold-night' 2>>
As you enter ?Leopold's office to check on him, you can hear him softly saying something but you can't quite hear what exactly. You slowly open the door and see him sitting behind his desk. It looks like he is alone in the room so who was he talking to? ?nl
?Leopold is leaning back in his chair until he sees you, he immediately sits upright, slightly startled.
<<leopold>>?Title! I'm sorry, you surprised me, what are you doing here so late?<</leopold>>
<<player>>I was coming to check on you, ?Leopold. I was walking through the hallway and I notices the light coming from your office. Are you still working this later?<</player>>
He stammers slightly as he gives his reply.
<<leopold>>Ah! Of course, yes, I was- uhm- simply finishing up a few things. I should be done soon, ?title. Thank you for your concern.<</leopold>>
As he's talking you see him shift slightly awkwardly in his chair. You walk closer with an inquisitive look, there's some kind of strange wet noises you are hearing coming from his desk. Your suspicion causes him to immediately try and draw your attention.
<<leopold>>Ah but ?title, you should not worry yourself about such trivial things! Please, go sleep for the night and I will be done- ah- very shortly.<</leopold>>
You suspiciously look him up and down.
<<leopold>>You know how it is, the financial work of the kingdom never ends.<</leopold>>
<<player>>Yeah... It never ends... Well alright, I'll leave you to it, ?Leopold. Try not to make it too late.<</player>>
<<leopold>>Of course, ?title.<</leopold>>
<<decision "Leave his office" "Bedtime">><</decision>>
You once again notice ?Leopold is in his office at night. He was acting very suspicious last time you caught him. This time, instead of barging in, you could be quiet and see if you can hear something. He might be talking again.?nl
<<decision "Spy on him" depravity small>>
He's been acting too weird to not investigate this further. You decide it's best to spy on him and see what you can find out. You open the door ever so slightly and you can barely make out his figure, once again sitting behind his desk. He's leaning back and looking down towards something you can't see. Once again, you hear him softly speak but this time, because you listen attentively, you can make out what he's saying.
<<leopold>>Ah, that is good... Keep going...<</leopold>>
Who is he talking to right now?
<<leopold>>Yeah, do you like my big cock, you slut?<</leopold>>
Now even more noticeable, you hear the wet sounds coming from under his desk. Someone is giving him a blowjob under there!
<<leopold>>I know you do... Look up at me while you take my big dick down your throat... Ah yeah that's good!<</leopold>>
This suddenly got very exciting, who is the mystery person under the desk right now?
<<leopold>>Keep going... Just like that... I'm getting closer...<</leopold>>
You hear the blowjob sounds increasing in frequency. It looks like whoever is under there is trying their best to make ?Leopold reach his climax right now.
<<leopold>>Ah fuck! I'm coming!... Yes... Take it all you fucking slut, let my seed slide down your throat like that.<</leopold>>
?Leopold groans loudly for quite a while, afterwards you see him relax and you can hear a gasping for air sound coming from the desk followed by some coughing.
<<leopold>>That was wonderful, nicely done. Now get out of here while I clean up.<</leopold>>
?Leopold starts to stand up and close his pants. You hear the mystery person crawling out from under the desk but you can't quite see them just yet. As you're waiting to get a look at them, ?Leopold is now walking around the desk and stands perfectly in the way from you seeing this person. Damn.?nl
He's now standing so close to the door that there's a high chance he will spot you soon, you need to get out of here. You can't believe you didn't manage to see who the mystery person is.
<<decision "Leave before you get caught" "Bedtime">><</decision>>
<<decision "Leave him alone" "Bedtime" virtue small>><</decision>>
<<addtag 'leopold-mystery'>>
You once again notice ?Leopold is in his office at night, probably getting another blowjob. You still don't know who the mystery person is, you could try to peek on them again.?nl
<<decision "Spy on them" depravity small>>
You open the door ever so slightly and you can barely make out his figure, once again sitting behind his desk. He's leaning back and looking down towards the mystery person. Once again, you hear him softly speak and you can make out what he's saying.
<<leopold>>Ah, that is good... Keep going...<</leopold>>
<<leopold>>Yeah, do you like my big cock, you slut?<</leopold>>
<<leopold>>I know you do... Look up at me while you take my big dick down your throat... Ah yeah that's good!<</leopold>>
Who is this mysterious blowjob person under the desk right now?
<<leopold>>Keep going... Just like that... I'm getting closer...<</leopold>>
You hear the blowjob sounds increasing in frequency. It looks like whoever is under there is trying their best to make ?Leopold reach his climax right now.
<<leopold>>Ah fuck! I'm coming!... Yes... Take it all you fucking slut, let my seed slide down your throat like that.<</leopold>>
?Leopold groans loudly for quite a while, afterwards you see him relax and you can hear a gasping for air sound coming from the desk followed by some coughing.
<<leopold>>That was wonderful, nicely done. Now get out of here while I clean up.<</leopold>>
?Leopold starts to stand up and close his pants. You hear the mystery person crawling out from under the desk but you can't quite see them just yet. As you're waiting to get a look at them, ?Leopold is now walking around the desk and stands perfectly in the way from you seeing this person. Damn.?nl
He's now standing so close to the door that there's a high chance he will spot you soon, you need to get out of here. You can't believe you didn't manage to see who the mystery person is, again.
<<decision "Leave before you get caught" "Bedtime">><</decision>>
<<decision "Leave him alone" "Bedtime" virtue small>><</decision>>
<</first>><<if $location is 'Library' and hasQuest('meet-morgana')>>
<<set _quest to true>>
[[You see Morgana here, reading some magic tome | Meet Morgana 1]]
<<if $location is 'Bedroom' and getTime() === 'night'>>
<<if hasQuest('morgana-bedroom')>>
<<set _quest to true>>
[[You hear a knocking on your bedroom door | Morgana Bedroom 1]]
<<if hasQuest('morgana-potion')>>
<<set _quest to true>>
[[You hear a knocking on your bedroom door, sounds like it's Morgana again | Morgana Potion 1]]
<<if $location is 'Workshop'>>
<<if hasQuest('morgana-workshop-visit') and !hasCounter('morgana-quest-delay')>>
[[Talk about the next steps | Morgana Forest Plan]]
<<elseif hasQuest('morgana-potion-store')>>
[[Inquire about the new potions | Morgana Workshop New Potion]]
[[Visit Morgana | Morgana Workshop Visit]]
<<if hasQuest('morgana-ointment')>>
/* <<set _quest to true>> */
[[Talk to Morgana about the ointment | Morgana Ointment 3]]
<<if hasQuest('morgana-kitchen')>>
<<set _quest to true>>
[[Meet Morgana to discuss the expedition | Morgana Kitchen 1]]
<<if hasQuest('morgana-confront')>>
[[Confront Morgana about the effects of the potion | Morgana Confront]]
<<if $location is 'Garden'>>
<<if hasQuest('morgana-ointment-garden') and getTime() === 'morning'>>
<<set _quest to true>>
[[You spot Morgana, standing next to the flowerbeds | Morgana Ointment 1]]
<<elseif !_quest>>
[[You see Morgana painting on a canvas in the grass | Morgana Painting]]
<</if>><<acknowledgement morgana>>
<<mention assassination>>
<<morgana>>Glad to see you doing well again after that whole ordeal.<</morgana>>
<<if hasTag('fought-assassin')>>
<<morgana>>I have taken the liberty of telling people about your brave fought out there. You were quite impressive in such a stressful situation.<</morgana>>
<<mention status>>
<<if $player.status is 'egg'>>
As soon as ?Morgana sees you she looks at you with a face of pure joy and excitement.
<<morgana>>Wow... The potion worked! ?Title, I never thought it would work so well!<</morgana>>
She looks you up and down, taking in the noticeable changes to your body.
<<elseif $player.status is 'andro'>>
<<elseif $player.status is 'fem'>>
<<elseif $player.status is 'man'>>
<</acknowledgement>>As you walk through the castle gardens you spot ?morgana, standing in front of her easel and canvas, painting the flowerbeds filled with roses. She notices you as you approach.
<<morgana>>Ah, ?title! Perfect timing, I was about to start painting the beautiful gardens of our castle. Would you perhaps join me and share your artistic vision?<</morgana>>
<<include 'Morgana Acknowledgement'>>
<<decision 'Accept'>>
/* <<addcounter 'morgana-garden-morning' 2>> */
<<player>>I would be delighted to.<</player>>
<<morgana>>Wonderful! Please grab a brush whenever you're ready.<</morgana>>
She grabs some extra painting supplies and sets up a second canvas, you notice she has two separate palettes holding different sets of colors.
<<morgana>>I must confess, there's a certain magic that I have infused these colors with. Certain ingredients make for <em>interesting</em> magical effects that could even flow from painting into artist. Please, ?title, take your pick from the palettes.<</morgana>>
<<decision 'Choose the light pastel colors, with mainly pink hues' 'Minigame Painting' femininity 0>>
<<script>>variables().minigames.painting.palette = "pastel"<</script>>
<<decision 'Choose the palette with mostly deep and aggressive colors' 'Minigame Painting' masculinity 0>>
<<script>>variables().minigames.painting.palette = "dark"<</script>>
<<if settings.skipminigames>>
<<decision '(Cheat) Skip minigame with femininity' 'Morgana Painting Finish' femininity 0>>
variables().minigames.painting.palette = "pastel";
variables().minigames.painting.colors = 20;
variables().minigames.painting.filled = 100;
<<decision '(Cheat) Skip minigame with masculinity' 'Morgana Painting Finish' masculinity 0>>
variables().minigames.painting.palette = "dark";
variables().minigames.painting.colors = 20;
variables().minigames.painting.filled = 100;
<<decision 'Decline'>>
<<player>>I'm sorry, ?morgana. I'm afraid I don't have the time for that right now.<</player>>
<<morgana>>Of course, ?title. I will be here should you need me.<</morgana>>
<<decision 'Leave' 'Garden'>><</decision>>
<</decision>>?Morgana takes a long look at your canvas, having a moment to take in all your work.
<<if $minigames.painting.colors < 5 or $minigames.painting.filled < 30>>
<<morgana>>An original piece, I suppose, ?title. But perhaps it would capture more of your personality if you were to use more paint... I'm afraid the magical properties of this paint only work when you impart enough of your own personality on the canvas.<</morgana>>
<<player>>I'm sorry, ?Morgana. Perhaps I could try that for next time.<</player>>
<<effect charm>>
<<if $minigames.painting.colors > 10 and $minigames.painting.filled > 70>>
<<set _statAmount = 3>>
<<morgana>>?Title, this is simply wonderful! I love the shapes and different colors, very well done!<</morgana>>
<<set _statAmount = 1>>
<<morgana>>This is a nice painting, ?title. Though I do wonder if you were would use more colors and paint it would be even more powerful of an image.<</morgana>>
You feel a strange sensation as your painting hums with a soft magic that you can almost feel flowing through you.
<<if $minigames.painting.palette is 'pastel'>>
<<changestat femininity _statAmount>>
<<morgana>>Such a feminine design you have gone for, ?title. They say an artist's choice of colors reflect their own personality. Do you feel the magic of the paint flow through you?<</morgana>>
<<changestat masculinity _statAmount>>
<<morgana>>Quite a powerful image you have made, ?title. They say an artist's choice of colors reflect their own personality. Do you feel the magic of your art flow through you?<</morgana>>
<<player>>Yes... It's quite a strange feeling...<</player>>
You catch yourself staring at the art a bit before looking back at ?Morgana.
<<player>>Though it was quite fun, thanks for letting me paint with you, ?Morgana.<</player>>
<<morgana>>Of course, ?title. I'm usually here painting in the morning should you want to join me again.<</morgana>>
<<decision 'Take your leave' 'Garden'>><<effect charm off>><<addcounter 'morgana-garden' 1>><<increasetime 1 true>><</decision>>You walk into the castle library and see <<name morgana>>, the royal sorceress, sitting at a table. She looks up from her book and smiles.
<<morgana>>Thank you for meeting me, ?title. I called you here to discuss the pressing matter.<</morgana>>
<<player>>You mean the matter about my marriage? Why did you want to meet with just the two of us about that anyways?<</player>>
It seems like she ignores the question, as she holds out her hand to you. <<morgana short>>May I?<</morgana>> Gesturing for you to let her examine your hand.
<<decision "Give her your hand" 'Meet Morgana 2' submissiveness medium>><</decision>>
<<decision "Tell her you want to know what this is about first" dominance medium>>
<<player>>No, first tell me what this is about.<</player>>
<<morgana>>It's nothing to be afraid of, ?title. I simply wish to examine your hands. I have a plan to help with the marriage issue but I need to examine you first.<</morgana>>
You sigh and decide it's best to play along for now.
<<decision "Give her your hand" 'Meet Morgana 2'>><</decision>>
<</decision>>You lay your hand in hers and she starts carefully examining it. She runs her fingers along the lines in the palm of your hand.
<<morgana>>You have beautiful hands, ?title. Quite delicate and soft.<</morgana>>
You look at her, slightly uncomfortable. She continues and palpates your fingers slowly. You feel a slight magical energy coming from her touches.
<<morgana short>>Just hold still like that.<</morgana>>
You feel more and more energy running from her hands. A soft purple glow starts emanating from it, it feels warm and soft but also strange.
The warmth gets more and more, she's definitely casting some kind of spell on you.
<<decision "Let her complete the spell" femininity medium>>
<<effect charm>>
<<addsin 'magic'>>
You feel a strong warmth wash over you, purple light shines from your hand briefly. She looks at you, happily.
<<morgana>>I didn't expect it to work that well, interesting.<</morgana>>
<<changerelation morgana 10>>
The warm feeling flowing through your body feels good, it fades after a short moment. You look at her, slightly concerned.
<<player>>What was that spell?<</player>>
<<decision "Listen to her explain the spell" 'Meet Morgana 3'>>
<<effect charm off>>
<<decision "Rip your hand away" virtue small>>
You quickly pull your hand away before the spell could finish.
<<player>>Stop, I didn't ask you to start casting spells on me!<</player>>
She looks at you, concerned.
<<morgana>>I'm sorry, ?title. I should've explained the spell first. It's fine, we don't have to do it.<</morgana>>
You calm down and listen to her explanation.
<<decision "Listen to her explain the spell" 'Meet Morgana 3'>><</decision>>
<</decision>><<morgana>>That spell was simply to test how well my transformative magic works on you. It feels like your body responds very well to it, ?title.<</morgana>>
<<player>>And why are you doing this to me now?<</player>>
She looks at you with a serious face.
<<morgana>>My predecessor, ?Godric, was always careful about using transformation magic. I, however, am quite a bit more adept in that field. I believe this kind of magic can be used to our benefit.<</morgana>>
You look at her, puzzled.
<<player>>Benefit how?<</player>>
<<morgana>>Well, right now, with the marriage issue. This magic can not only help you look exactly as visually pleasing as you wish to be, but it can also alter your behaviour. It could help you adapt to courtly etiquette better.<</morgana>>
You give her a slightly offended look.
<<morgana>>I'm sorry, ?title. Please, by no means see the wonderful opportunity of this magic as nothing more as something to help you, it is by no means evidence of anything you are lacking but simply there to improve you even more.<</morgana>>
<<player>>Very well... However, the issue with my marriage is not related to me but it lies in the fact there are no eligible princesses.<</player>>
<<morgana>>Of course, it's difficult to explain, but just trust me when I say that this magic will help with that issue. See it as a way to easily impress the councillors on how good of a prince you are. You want to impress them, don't you?<</morgana>>
You are a bit reluctant but decide to let her help you.
<<player>>I suppose... What is it that you would need me to do?<</player>>
<<morgana>>Join me in the garden in the morning, ?title. There's some ingredients for one of the spells I need to get there.<</morgana>>
This whole situation confuses you slightly. But she is the court sorceress and she is here to help you, it might be interesting to help her.
<<player>>Fine, I will see you in the garden.<</player>>
<<decision "Leave her" 'Library'>>
<<changeschedule morgana 'noon' 'Garden'>>
<<completequest meet-morgana>>
<<startquest morgana-ointment-garden>>
<<addcounter morgana 1>>
<<increasetime 1 true>>
<</decision>>As you stand in the garden with Morgana, you can feel the sun warming your back. She is pointing to a bed of flowers and telling you which ones to pick.
<<morgana>>Those ones, over there. They're perfect for what I need.<</morgana>>
She gestures to a row of purple flowers. You nod and begin plucking the flowers, filling your basket with them. Morgana watches you intently.
<<player>>What are these for exactly?<</player>>
<<morgana>>A transformative salve, the exact nature is not important, just that it's important for you.<</morgana>>
She takes the basket from you and begins walking back towards the castle. You follow her, feeling a bit confused and intrigued. She leads you to your bedroom and stands at the door.
<<morgana>>Would you mind waiting in here, ?title? I will be back shortly.<</morgana>>
She walks off in the direction of her workshop. You wonder what she is up to, but you know that you'll find out soon enough.
<<decision 'Wait for her to return' 'Morgana Ointment 2'>><</decision>><<setlocation 'Bedroom'>>
You wait inside your bedroom for quite a while before she finally returns. She enters your chambers with a small jar filled with pink ointment and hands it to you.
<<morgana>>This is for you, ?title. It is important that you use it. Apply it to your skin before bathing in the morning.<</morgana>>
<<img 'morgana/ointment.jpg' null '200px'>>
You take the jar and examine it, feeling a bit skeptical.
<<player>>What does it do?<</player>>
<<morgana>>It will make your skin softer, which is more desirable from a young prince.<</morgana>>
You're not sure if you have the desire to have softer skin, but she seems adamant that you try it.
<<morgana>>Come see me once you have applied the salve three times before morning baths, the effects should be noticeable by then<</morgana>>
<<player>>Very well, if I won't forget, I guess I could try it..<</player>>
<<decision 'She says goodbye and leaves your bedroom' 'Bedroom'>>
<<addcounter morgana 1>><<completequest morgana-ointment-garden>><<addtag ointment>>
<<startquest morgana-ointment>>
<<increasetime 1 true>>
<</decision>>You walk over to Morgana to talk to her. Before you say anything she takes your hand and runs her hand along your arm.
<<if getStat('femininity') < -85>>
<<morgana>>Hmm... You haven't used the ointment much, have you? Come back to me once it's settled in more, you'll need to used it before morning bathes several times.<</morgana>>
You nod to her.
<<player>>I'll suppose I'll be back later then, <<name morgana>>.<</player>>
[[Leave | Hallway]]
<<completequest morgana-ointment>>
<<morgana>>Wonderful! Your skin feels much smoother, looks like there's less hairs as well. This is all very important for being a good prince. It's time we look at the next steps.<</morgana>>
<<player>>Next steps? What more could you want?<</player>>
She laughs slightly and looks at you.
<<morgana>>It's not about what <em>I</em> want, ?title. You must remember that we are doing this for you. I'm simply here to serve you. Anything for you, ?title.<</morgana>>
She runs her hands along your arms.
<<player>>F- fine, whatever you say, I suppose. What are the next steps of the plan then?<</player>>
<<morgana>>It's quite a delicate matter, ?title. We should discuss it where nobody can bother us. It's best if we go over this somewhere private...<</morgana>>
She stares at you with a strange glint in her eyes. Does she mean what you think she means...? While you ponder that question the answer becomes increasingly clear as she starts undoing the top part of her dress, giving a better view of her ample cleavage.
<<morgana>>Would it be okay if I visited you in your bedroom tomorrow night? We can go over the plan on how to help you, and in turn, the kingdom.<</morgana>>
You can't deny you're attracted to the beautiful mage. You have always found her looming mystique quite interesting but you would never have guessed she would come onto you like this. Totally caught off guard, you stammer out a response.
<<player>>Uh- right- well- if that's what's needed to help the kingdom, of course.<</player>>
She smiles at you and touches your hand one more time as she starts leaving the room, winking at you.
<<morgana>>Very good. See you then, ?title.<</morgana>>
<<decision 'Take your leave' 'Hallway'>>
<<addcounter 'morgana' 1>>
<<changeschedule morgana 'night' 'Bedroom'>>
<<startquest morgana-bedroom>>
<</if>>You open the door to your bedroom and once again find <<name morgana>> standing there, this time during much a much later hour. She smiles at you and walks inside. You can't help but notice that she's wearing something a little more revealing: a dress that barely covers her shape.
<<img "morgana/bedroom_visit_{theme}.jpg">>
You look at her sheepishly while she smiles mischievously.
<<morgana>>Do you approve of the outfit, ?title?<</morgana>>
<<player>>Y- yes, you are looking very nice, <<name morgana>>.<</player>>
She laughs, walks over to your bed and sits down, patting her hand on the mattress next to her. You follow her and sit down on the bed. She immediately scooches closer to you. It definitely feels like she's making a move on you when she reaches a hand around you. You reluctantly welcome the advances but notice too late that her hands starts glowing purple as she casts a spell on you.
[[The purple light washes over you | Morgana Bedroom 2]]<<effect charm>>
You feel a rush of lust wash over you. You're pretty sure she cast some kind of aphrodisiac spell but you don't really care right now. All you care about is her beautiful body. You have never been close to a woman before, nothing like this.
<<morgana>>There... I'm very happy you agreed to meet with me here, ?title. You see, for the next step to help you, I've been working on a potion. There's just one ingredient I am missing.<</morgana>>
You are far too distracted to attentively listen to her, you give her a nod while you keep staring at her breasts. She smiles at you as she continues.
<<morgana>>I require your essence, ?title... A pure extract of your most lustful desires. I thought it would be only fair for me to help you in the extraction process...<</morgana>>
You noticed after the spell was cast you immediately got a boner.
<<if settings.sph>>
You see her staring down at your crotch with a slightly suspicious look.
Your first instinct was to hide it but it looks like you can't even do that anymore. She seems to have taken notice as you see her smile while looking down at your crotch.
<<morgana>>?Title, I know it is forbidden for a woman to have intimate contact with you, but the royal principles say nothing about pleasing yourself while simply looking at a woman. Is this be something you want?<</morgana>>
[[Yes, it is definitely something you want. | Morgana Bedroom 3]]You lustfully nod at her as she slowly starts undoing the straps of her dress as she's sitting next to you. You stare in amazement as the top part of her dress falls off.
<<img "morgana/bedroom_visit_naked_{theme}.jpg">>
She smiles at you as she stares at your crotch.
<<morgana>>If this sight pleases ?title, he could start pleasuring himself.<</morgana>>
You are completely overtaken with lust but you are somehow still reluctant, never having done anything like this before together with someone else.
<<player>><<name morgana>>... I don't know if I should...<</player>>
She comes closer to your face and tries to reassure you.
<<morgana>>?Title, please, we need to extract your essence in order to finish the potion. It will help you become a great leader. Please, while you pleasure yourself do not only think of my beauty but also the kingdom you will be helping by doing this.<</morgana>>
<<if settings.sph>>
She looks down at your crotch again and looks slightly confused.
<<morgana>>?Title, I'm sorry, does my form not please you? I could try the spell again if you want? I expected it to more noticeable affect you.<</morgana>>
You now realise the origin of her confusion, she probably expected you to have a more visible bulge in your pants by now.
<<player>>No- uh- you are looking wonderful, it's just uh-<</player>>
<<morgana>>Is something wrong, ?title? You can show me.<</morgana>>
You are much too horny, she was asking you to masturbate anyways so you start taking off your pants.
She looks at you with a slightly worried look, but then quickly realises why she didn't see a bulge once you take off your underpants, revealing your tiny dick.
You look down at your penis, still small even though you are completely hard and look up at her face. She has a big smile as she stares at your little dick. It almost looks like she's holding back a laugh.
<<morgana>>Ah, it's quite alright, ?title. Nothing to be ashamed off, it looks very cute!<</morgana>>
She awkwardly laughs a bit.
<<morgana>>And big, of course. Not just cute!<</morgana>>
Your first instinct was to hide it but it looks like you can't even do that anymore. She seems to have taken notice as you see her smile while looking down at your crotch, anticipatively.
You pull down your pants, revealing your erect cock.
<<morgana>>Very good, ?title...<</morgana>>
<<morgana>>Now, please feel free to pleasure yourself- Oh, right, let me provide visual stimulation, of course.<</morgana>>
She says as she starts playing with her boobs. She looks down at them and starts moaning slightly. It would be very clear she's acting the part but in your horny state it doesn't matter much. You start masturbating your dick to her sitting next to you.
<<if settings.vids>>
<<if settings.sph>>
<<video 'player/masturbate_sph.webm'>>
<<video 'player/masturbate.webm'>>
You have no time to think about how surreal the situation feels to you. All you can focus on now is her perfect form. It doesn't take long before you feel yourself getting close to the climax. You don't stop to think that it might be embarrassing cumming so quickly already and start going faster and faster.
<<player>>I- I'm close, <<name morgana>><</player>>
<<morgana>>Oh yes! Very good, ?title, keep going!<</morgana>>
She immediately takes a vial that she was holding and moves it next to your dick. You start masturbating faster and faster. You look at her as you start cumming. She suddenly grabs your ?dick and aims it right at the vial, making sure all the cum lands in it.
You moan as you let her catch your entire cumshot.
<<if settings.vids>>
<<if settings.sph>>
<<video 'player/cum_in_vial_sph.webm'>>
<<video 'player/cum_in_vial.webm'>>
<<morgana>>Yes, very nice, ?title! That's more than enough!<</morgana>>
She looks very happy as she holds up the vial of cum. She puts a tiny cork in it and puts on her dress again.
<<morgana>>Thank you for this, ?title. I will start crafting the potion immediately.<</morgana>>
She says as she gets up to leave the room.
<<player>>Wait, you're leaving already?<</player>>
You look at her, still recovering from what just happened.
<<morgana>>I'm sorry, ?title, there's really not much time. The potion is most potent when distilled while fresh. I will finish the potion and come visit another night, we might have more fun like this, if ?title would want that.<</morgana>>
There's nothing you would rather have than spending more time with her so you give her a nod, completely charmed. She smiles at you as she leaves the room.
<<decision 'Go to sleep' 'Sleep'>>
<<effect charm off>>
<<addcounter morgana 3>>
<<completequest morgana-bedroom>>
<<addsin 'masturbation'>>
<<startquest morgana-potion>>
<</decision>>You open the door for her and she immediately enters the room. The revealing outfit is once again very noticeable.
<<morgana>>I did it, ?title! The potion is ready!<</morgana>>
She holds up a glass bottle, it has a white swirling substance inside. You look at her, quizzically.
<<player>>So... What does it do exactly?<</player>>
<<morgana>>Lots of things, here, let me explain.<</morgana>>
She takes your hand and takes you to the bed. She sits down on the center and guides you to lay down next to her. Her black hair touches your skin as you can feel her warmth close to you. She has a mystifying and enchanting smell to her. As you lay down you see her hands glow purple again, but this time she looks at you with a questioning look. You're not sure why she feels the need to ask for permission this time, but you're used to her magical charms by now.
<<decision 'Allow her to cast a spell on you again' 'Morgana Potion 2'>><</decision>><<effect charm>>
<<addsin 'magic'>>You feel a warmth run through you again, your ?dick immediately starts swelling up even more.
Even though you simply want to see her naked again, this potion sounds pretty important and you are still reluctant about it. She caresses your cheeks with her hands.
<<morgana>>This potion will help guide you to become an even better prince. Do you remember that transformative spell I cast on you? It showed us how much your body accepts this kind of magic. This potion will start the process of the transformation.<</morgana>>
You look at her slightly concerned.
<<player>>Transformation into what exactly? And I don't mean to sound improper, but didn't you say one ingredient of this potion was my own sperm?<</player>>
She smiles at you and then you feel her hand moving down your body. She's softly touching your leg as she's sitting next to you.
<<morgana>>You have to believe I simply want what's best for you, ?title. I am here to serve you.<</morgana>>
You've never had a woman caress you this much before and it feels heavenly. You stare at her as she starts stripping her dress again.
<<img "morgana/bedroom_visit_naked_{theme}.jpg">>
<<morgana>>I know the main ingredient is a little unorthodox but many a great kings have used similar magic, all in the pursuit of betterment. The potion will help guide you. Will you trust me, ?title?<</morgana>>
Even though you are completely charmed by her, you are still doubtful. She notices your reluctant expression and you are suddenly overwhelmed by the feeling of her as she lays her hand on your crotch. You feel her hand tightening around your ?dick. Even though you very much welcome the touch you try to object but she puts a finger on your mouth.
<<morgana>>Shhh... It's alright, ?title. Let me take care of you...<</morgana>>
She starts slowly massaging your ?dick through your pants as you let out a soft moan.
<<morgana>>You trust me, right? Will you drink the potion, ?title? For me?<</morgana>>
You make intense eye contact as she's masturbating you faster. You are guided almost completely by lust as you feel yourself growing closer to an orgasm.
As she's caressing your ?dick you notice she's holding the potion in her other hand, opened close to your mouth.
<<if settings.vids>>
<<if settings.sph>>
<<video 'morgana/morgana_handjob_sph.webm'>>
<<video 'morgana/morgana_handjob.webm'>>
<<morgana>>Yes, that's it, ?title. I'm simply here to serve you, let me make you cum, ?title.<</morgana>>
You moan as you wet your pants with cum. Right at that moment <<name morgana>> moves the potion vial to your mouth and starts to lift it.
<span class="notice danger">This is an important decision that can only be made once in the story!</span>
<<decision 'Let her pour the potion in your mouth' 'Morgana Potion Accepted' submissiveness huge>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Quickly surprise her by forcing the potion in her mouth instead' 'Morgana Potion Denied' dominance huge>><</decision>>Overcome with lust you cum as you let her pour the contents of the potion in your mouth, you can taste the bitterness as the white substance enter your mouth.
<<morgana>>There, please swallow, ?title.<</morgana>>
You stare at her, completely at her mercy as you do exactly what she asks. You swallow as you feel the thick liquid slide down your throat. You immediately feel this intense warmth wash over you. It kind of feels like the spells <<name morgana>> has been casting on you but much more extreme. Instead of just the lustful feeling, you get the idea this affects something deeper within you.
<<morgana>>Show me.<</morgana>>
She motions for you to open your mouth and you instinctively open it to show her you swallowed all of it. It almost felt like you obeyed her automatically...
<<morgana>>Good boy...<</morgana>>
She lies down next to you and stares at you with a big smile.
<<morgana>>?Title, I am so proud of you. You are going to be wonderful, we're going to have so much fun together!<</morgana>>
Her enthusiasm is slightly infecting but you also feel yourself tiring really quickly as you have trouble keeping your eyes open.
<<morgana>>Oh yes, the potion can be quite energy draining when adjusting to it. Let it wash over you ?title, go to sleep. We will see each other soon, ?title.<</morgana>>
Your eyes start closing right after you see her get up and leave your room.
<<decision 'Go to sleep' 'Sleep'>>
<<effect charm off>>
<<completequest morgana-potion>>
<<addsin 'cum-eating'>>
<<startquest potion-transformation>>
<<changeschedule morgana night 'None'>>
<</decision>><<effect charm off>>
She looks at you in shock as you take the potion and quickly pour it into her mouth. She starts objecting but you look at her intensely.
<<player>>It's all right, I'm just going to need you to try out the potion for me. It's completely safe, right? You wouldn't mind showing me how it works first?<</player>>
She seems very reluctant and as you're making sure that she doesn't spit it out it looks like she decided to obey you, swallowing the liquid.
<<morgana>>?title... Why did you do that...<</morgana>>
You would feel bad for manipulating her into drinking that were it not for the fact that she was planning to do the exact same thing to you.
<<player>>I'm sorry, ?morgana. I'm not just going to drink the magic potion you give me without seeing what it does first.<</player>>
She looks slightly confused and you see her cheeks flush red.
<<morgana>>Well, ?title... I cannot tell you what it does but I can share that the potion is quite different when drank by another person than it was intended for...<</morgana>>
You look at her with annoyed suspicion. Once again, ?morgana is withholding information from you. While mulling over what to say next you decide to just be forward and tell her you've had enough of that.
<<player>>No, ?morgana. I'm done with the secrecy. You will elaborate on what the potion does and tell me about it right now!<</player>>
You see her strain against something, it's almost like she suddenly gets very distracted, like her mind is not completely here. Then, when she seemingly snaps out of it she gives you a strange look that you haven't seen before.
<<morgana>>Of course, ?title. I will stop hiding information from you. The potion contains strong transformative power. Seeing as it contains your 'essence', this would help your body accept magical transformations more easily and even stimulate physical changes to yourself based on your own behaviour.<</morgana>>
Interesting, she seemed very intent on not telling you much until you directly ordered her to. She's never listened to you like that before, is this an effect of the potion?
<<morgana>>When another person ingests the potion, I'm genuinely not entirely sure what happens... The transformative magic should inhibit them still, but in a much different way. Perhaps linking the two in some way?<</morgana>>
You think you already have some idea of the effects of it as they're very visible now. ?Morgana's mysterious nature seems to not be as important to her now as she suddenly gives much more information about the potion. Which suddenly brings you to a very important question.
<<player>>Why did you want me to drink this potion?<</player>>
You once again see her strain against something, like she's trying to fight the effects of the potion. Once she snaps out of it, she answers you.
<<morgana>>I wanted to help change you, I believed I saw a different path for you, the potion would simply let you be who you might have been on the inside... But perhaps I was wrong...<</morgana>>
That's... A vague but genuine sounding answer... You sit there, thinking about the implications of this.
<<morgana>>I'm sorry, ?title... The potion is draining my energy, I must rest. Perhaps we can speak another time.<</morgana>>
<<player>>Of course, ?morgana. I'm feeling quite tired as well.<</player>>
As she gets up from the bed she gives you a long look, she seems to be thinking something over, contemplating whether to say something but she instead just nods.
<<morgana>>Good night, ?title.<</morgana>>
<<player>>Good night, ?morgana.<</player>>
She exits your room with a creaked closing of the door. Now alone, you feel impacted by the weight of this strange night. It's probably best to sleep on it.
<<decision 'Go to sleep' 'Chapter'>>
<<completequest morgana-potion>>
<<startquest morgana-confront>>
<<set $chapter = 'Chapter Two'>>
<<set $chaptertarget = 'Sleep'>>
<<set $chaptertimeskip = false>>
<<changeschedule morgana night 'None'>>
<</decision>><<completequest morgana-confront>>
<<changeschedule morgana evening 'Workshop'>>
<<run $closedareas.delete("Workshop")>>
<<if $player.status is 'egg'>>
<<addcounter 'morgana-quest-delay' 3>>
<<startquest morgana-workshop-visit>>
As soon as ?Morgana sees you, she looks at you with a face of pure joy and excitement.
<<morgana>>Wow... The potion worked! ?Title, I never thought it would work so well!<</morgana>>
She looks you up and down, taking in the noticeable changes to your body.
<<morgana>>Such soft skin, so delicate. Wonderful!<</morgana>>
You want to be mad at her, you want to shout at her to give you an explanation but before you can gather yourself to do so, something inside you doesn't want to do that. She's the one who transformed you... You feel so much better in your current body, you really can't be mad at her, can you?
<<player>>I- uhm... Yes, the potion seems to have worked... I just wanted to know... Why did you make me do this?<</player>>
<<morgana>>Make you? ?title, I'm sorry but I did not make you do anything. I told you why you needed to take these steps and you wisely chose to listen to my council.<</morgana>>
You difficult to argue with her. Though her reasoning is far from sound, you accept her explanation like that for now.
<<player>>Very well, I do admit that the transformation feels better than expected...<</player>>
<<morgana>>I'm very glad to hear it, ?title. Now, before we continue to take any next steps you must allow your body to adjust.<</morgana>>
<<player>>More next steps, does that mean we are still not done with these things?<</player>>
<<morgana>>Of course not, ?title. You have seen the real benefit to these transformations now, wouldn't you want to keep pursuing this to make yourself an even better prince?<</morgana>>
You do admit that you are quite intrigued in the process by now.
<<player>>I think so, yes...<</player>>
<<morgana>>I'm happy to hear that from you. Let's first give you some time to adjust and then discuss the next plan in my workshop. Meanwhile, you can come visit me there in the evenings, I'll make sure it's open to you, ?title.<</morgana>>
?Morgana's workshop? The sorcerer's tower is the part of the castle that's completely locked off from the rest. Only the Royal Sorceress decides who goes in or out, it's quite a privilege to be allowed in there.
<<player>>Thank you, ?Morgana. I will come by to visit you.<</player>>
<<addtag 'morgana-dominated'>>
<<addcounter 'morgana-quest-delay' 3>>
<<startquest morgana-workshop-visit>>
You walk up to ?Morgana and she immediately gives you a very courteous bow. Something feels... different about her.
<<morgana>>I'm at your service, ?title.<</morgana>>
She has always been respectful to you but you must say she has ever acted so... servile towards you.
<<player>>I'm glad to hear it, ?Morgana. I was hoping to discuss the recent events.<</player>>
<<morgana>>Of course, ?title. Do you wish to know more about the effects of the potion on me?<</morgana>>
<<player>>Uhm, well yes, that would be a good start.<</player>>
She immediately answers you without so much as a hint of reluctancy.
<<morgana>>It seems the potion has had quite a strong mental effect on me. It has changed me to become much more submissive towards you, ?title. I find it more and more difficult to not follow through on the orders you give me and now prefer to be completely transparent with you.<</morgana>>
You would feel kind of bad about the whole situation but you must say it mostly intrigues you right now.
<<player>>That's very interesting to hear, how long do you think the effect lasts?<</player>>
<<morgana>>That is difficult to say, ?title. I first felt the effect should wear out soon but it might also have a permanent effect, I'm not sure yet.<</morgana>>
A strange though suddenly pops into your mind.
<<player>>And say, do you think it's possible to make more of these potions?<</player>>
<<morgana>>Of course, ?title. I can get right on that. I'm busy in my workshop most evenings, I could come by to extract more of your necessary essence and then distill it in my workshop then.<</morgana>>
Extracting essence... Her plain way of putting such deviant acts does make you feel turned on slightly.?nl
You think to yourself: Wouldn't it be more efficient to handle the extraction process right there in her workshop? But that's likely difficult, the sorcerer's tower is the part of the castle that's completely locked off from the rest. Only the Royal Sorceress decides who goes in or out, it's quite a privilege to be allowed in there and you've not heard of ?Morgana ever inviting someone in yet.
<<player>>Perhaps I could come visit you in your workshop instead?<</player>>
Without skipping a beat she answers you.
<<morgana>>Certainly, ?title. I will make sure you have access to my workshop. I will be there most evenings and you are welcome to visit.<</morgana>>
Well... That was easy. That potion definitely is some strong stuff.
<<morgana>>If you come visit in a few days I might have a plan on some next steps, ?title.<</morgana>>
<<player>>Alright, uh- I suppose I'll see you there then.<</player>>
She bows to you again as you leave her alone for now.
<<decision 'Leave' 'Hallway'>><<increasetime 1 true>><</decision>><<completequest morgana-workshop-visit>>
<<addcounter morgana 1>>
?Morgana welcomes you to her workshop and sits you down on a chair next to her desk.
<<morgana>>It's time we take a little trip, we will leave the castle and go to the nearby forest to gather some ingredients.<</morgana>>
<<player>>Very well, I will ask the guard captain to set up an escort-<</player>>
You get cut off by her.
<<morgana>>No, ?title. It's important we go together with no one else. I can't be expected to work my magic in peace while we have a whole escort, drawing attention from everyone nearby. Besides, I'll be there to protect you so you have nothing to fear. I am quite formidable, as you know.<</morgana>>
<<player>>But the guards will never allow this. You know they would never let me out of the castle on my own. Once they spot me trying to leave the castle they would stop me.<</player>>
<<morgana>>That's why we have to make sure they won't spot you. I'll explain later, meet me tomorrow, whenever you're ready to go to the forest.<</morgana>>
<<player>>Well, okay then, I will see you tomorrow...<</player>>
<<decision 'Take your leave' 'Hallway'>>
<<startquest morgana-kitchen>>
<</decision>><<morgana>>There you are, ?title! Are you ready for our little expedition into the forest? Fear not, all we need to do is gather some mushrooms in the woods. There's a nice place I want to show you out there.<</morgana>>
<<player>>Well, I'm not quite ready as you haven't shared how I'm supposed to get past the guards yet.<</player>>
<<morgana>>Of course, don't worry. I have a good plan that will help you get past them. All you need is a disguise. Follow me to the kitchen.<</morgana>>
[[Follow her | Morgana Kitchen 2]]
[[Follow her to the kitchen again | Morgana Kitchen 2]]
<</first>><<setlocation 'Kitchen'>>
<<name morgana>> takes you to the kitchen, where she opens a supply closet and asks you to step inside.
<<morgana>>All you need is a proper disguise, inside you will find a kitchen maid outfit, nobody will recognise you in that.<</morgana>>
You stare at her, dumbfounded.
<<player>>You want me to wear a girls uniform? Why would I do that??<</player>>
<<morgana>>It's the only reliable way to make sure nobody recognises you. Nobody will expect you to dress up like a girl.<</morgana>>
<<player>>But why not disguise like a man? Can't I simply wear some different kind of clothes?<</player>>
<<morgana>>Because you would be checked, they can't simply have any man go in or out. Kitchen girls, however, enter and leave the castle all the time. Wear the outfit and you'll have no trouble getting past the guards.<</morgana>>
Is she actually expecting you to step into the larder and change into such an outfit just like that? You can't believe you're actually considering this... You feel that her reasoning behind not being able to use a masculine disguise doesn't makes that much sense though. There's plenty of male servants in the castle, you could probably blend in if you wanted to. She does seem very convinced about the plan and you have learned that when ?Morgana is determined, she doesn't relent easily. Perhaps it might be better to just go along with her plan, she must have a reason to do it this way...
<span class="notice danger">This is an important decision that can only be made once in the story!</span>
<<decision "Give in and enter the supply closet" "Morgana Kitchen 3" femininity small>><</decision>>
<<decision "Demand a different disguise" "Morgana Kitchen Masculine" masculinity small>><</decision>>
<<decision "Decline this insane plan" virtue small>>
<<player>>No, I can't do this, this goes way too far!<</player>>
She takes a moment to consider your outburst before the responds calmly.
<<morgana>>Very well, of course I wouldn't want to force you to do something you are uncomfortable. Unfortunately, it has to be just the two of us when we go out in the woods, I can't help you another way. Come find me when you reconsider.<</morgana>>
<<decision "Take your leave" 'Hallway'>><<addcounter 'morgana' 1>><</decision>>
<</decision>><<addtag crossdresser>>
<<setlocation 'Larder'>>
<<name morgana>> closes the closet door behind you and leaves you to get changed. Luckily the kitchen maid uniform is very modest, it consists of an apron over a long dress that covers you up to your ankles and a large white bonnet that covers your hair and part of your face. Wanting to get this over with as soon as possible, you start undressing.
After you rifle through the different articles of clothing you will have to put on, you suddenly notices one piece you didn't see before: A white pair of girls panties. Either <<name morgana>> put this here by accident or she really expects you to wear it. There's really no reason to wear it though, it serves no purpose to the disguise.
<<decision "Keep your own underwear on" virtue small>>
Yeah no way you're doing <em>that</em>. You quickly change your clothes and leave the panties there.
<<decision "Finish changing and leave the closet" 'Morgana Kitchen 4'>><</decision>>
<<decision "Put on the girly panties" femininity small>>
<<unlockequipment 'panties'>>
<<equip 'panties'>>
<<addsin 'wearing-panties'>>
<<if hasEquipmentTag('chastity')>>
You're not exactly sure why you're doing what you're doing right now but you start taking off your own underwear and slip the white panties on. You are simply too curious. The panties feel smooth on your skin, though you struggle to get them over your cage. Once they are on completely, they are nice and snug around your caged ?dick. For some reason, you feel very aroused right now, and your ?dick pulses uncomfortably inside its prison. You almost let these arousing feelings completely take over before you hear from the other side of the door.
You're not exactly sure why you're doing what you're doing right now but you start taking off your own underwear and slip the white panties on. You are simply too curious. The panties feel smooth on your skin and once you get them on completely, nice and snug around your ?dick, you immediately see the effect it has on you. The tip of your ?dick is sticking out above the panties. For some reason, you feel very aroused right now. While trying to get your ?dick situated in the panties, you almost let these arousing feelings completely take over before you hear from the other side of the door.
<<morgana>>Is everything alright, ?title? Do you require assistance?<</morgana>>
<<player>>Yes- I mean, no, it's alright and I don't need assistance! I'll be out in a second!<</player>>
<<decision "Finish changing and leave the closet" 'Morgana Kitchen 4'>><</decision>>
<</decision>><<player>>?Morgana, I thank you for the effort you put into this plan but I won't be going along with it like this. I like the idea of sneaking out of the castle but I am not going to crossdress for it. Find me a masculine disguise and I will join you.<</player>>
Her plan is absurd to you and you won't be having it like this. She doesn't seem to accept your disagreement with her plan immediately as she tries to still convince you before she stops herself.
<<morgana>>I think you could perhaps-<</morgana>>
As she's attempting to coerce you still, you look at her with a strong determination in your eyes. You are the prince and your preference is mandate, this is a fact you often find that needs reminding to your councillors. She meets your gaze as she's talking and very quickly cuts herself off as she looks down at the floor.
<<morgana>>Uh- Of course, ?title. I believed this plan could work better with the disguise I prepared but perhaps you are right, it could just as well work with a different outfit.<</morgana>>
You nod at her approvingly. You're actually quite proud of yourself of convincing ?Morgana like that.
<<morgana>>Very well, I will try to find a manservant's outfit. It will get you past the guards and we can then enter the forest together. I will come find you in your room when I have everything ready.<</morgana>>
<<player>>Thank you, ?Morgana. I look forward to our excursion.<</player>>
<<morgana>>Me too, ?title. I will come to your room soon.<</morgana>>
She smiles at you as she leaves the kitchen, leaving you alone.
<<decision "Leave the kitchen" 'Hallway'>><<completequest morgana-kitchen>><<startquest morgana-forest>><<increasetime 1 true>><</decision>><<setlocation 'Kitchen'>>
<<equip 'flats'>>
<<equip 'kitchen_maid'>>
You walk out of the closet, changed into a kitchen maid outfit while you are still fumbling with the bonnet. <<name morgana>> looks you up and down and gives you a smile. You try to avoid eye contact as to hide your embarrassment.
<<morgana>>You look great, ?title. Here, let me help you with that, once we get the bonnet on nobody will recognise you.<</morgana>>
She takes the bonnet off your head and starts untying the bad knot you made. Right at that moment the kitchen door suddenly opens and you see <<name rosa>> walk in with a basket full of bread. She sees both of your standing there.
<<rosa>>Oh! My apologies, <<name morgana 'Lady'>>, I didn't know you were here. Who's the new-<</rosa>>
She squints and looks at you a bit puzzled.
<<rosa>>M'lord? What are you doing wearing-<</rosa>>
<<name morgana>> immediately cuts her off.
<<morgana>>Maybe it's best you leave us alone for a bit, <<name rosa>>.<</morgana>>
She looks slightly confused and embarrassed about catching you here.
<<rosa>>Of course! I am very sorry for interrupting!<</rosa>>
She very quickly leaves the kitchen again. You immediately dash into the supply closet again and start to change back.
<<player>>See? Everyone recognises me immediately! There's no way this works! I'm not doing this!<</player>>
<<name morgana>> tries to calm you down while you furiously start getting out of the dress.
<<morgana>>You weren't wearing the bonnet yet, ?title. It would cover you up more and ensure nobody recognises you. Don't worry, I'll have a chat with <<name rosa>>, she wont be telling anyone.<</morgana>>
<<player>>We're not doing this now, <<name morgana>>. I don't know why I agreed to get changed in the kitchen in the first place!<</player>>
<<morgana>>You're right, ?title. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have suggested to do this here. I think we can finish the outfit with an extra shawl, that way nobody will recognise you. How about I give you some time to consider it? When you're ready for it we can simply get you changed in your own bedroom instead.<</morgana>>
You realise you want to get out of this dress as quickly as possible but the thing is still quite new to you. You step back into the larder and quietly ask her for help with the dress, almost defeatedly.
<<player>>Fine, can you please just help me out of this dress now?<</player>>
She looks at you like someone looks at a hurt puppy and silently follows you into the larder, closing the door behind her.
<<decision 'Undress with the help of Morgana' 'Morgana Kitchen 5'>><</decision>><<setlocation 'Larder'>>
?Morgana moves behind you and starts undoing the straps of your dress. She expertly guides you with raising the dress over your head.
<<if hasEquipmentTag('feminine', 'underwear')>>
In your panicked state of undressing, you completely forgot you still have the panties on. You are reminded of exactly this fact the moment you step out of the dress and stand there, panties full in view in front of ?Morgana. She looks down and you can see a mischievous smile on her face as she helps undress you.
<<morgana>>The panties suit you, ?title. Perhaps you should consider to keep wearing them, nobody will notice anyways.<</morgana>>
You feel very ashamed and are unsure how to respond to such a suggestion, before you say something she already cuts you off.
<<if hasEquipmentTag('chastity')>>
Morgana raises an eyebrow as she notices your oddly shaped bulge, barely managing to suppress a wry chuckle while commenting on it.
<<morgana>>Oh, you're wearing a chastity cage? That's quite interesting, ?title, I wasn't aware someone had collared you... I suppose that's a good way to keep your urges in check.<</morgana>>
You feel very embarrassed as she points out the cage, though an odd shock of arousal runs through you at the same time. Are you really excited to be seen like this? You quickly try to cover yourself up as you feel her eyes linger on you.
<<morgana>>I'll give you some privacy so you can finish getting dressed. Don't worry, the plan will still work, take some time to think it over. I will visit you in your bedroom in a few days, ?title. We can try again then.<</morgana>>
You gives you a slight bow and then exits the small room, leaving you alone.
<<addcounter 'morgana-bedroom' 2>>
<<if hasEquipmentTag('feminine', 'underwear')>>
Even after that embarrassing situation, for some reason you are still considering to do something very taboo: nobody would know if you kept wearing the panties right? What harm is there in keeping them on?
<<decision "Change back to your own clothes including your underwear and leave the closet again" 'Hallway'>>
<<completequest morgana-kitchen>>
<<startquest morgana-forest>>
<<equip underwear_1>>
<<outfit standard>>
<<increasetime 1 true>>
<<decision "Finish changing and leave the closet again, but keep wearing the panties" 'Hallway' femininity small>>
<<completequest morgana-kitchen>>
<<startquest morgana-forest>>
<<increasetime 1 true>>
<<changeoutfitslot standard underwear 'panties'>>
<<outfit standard>>
<<decision "Finish changing and leave the closet again" 'Hallway'>>
<<completequest morgana-kitchen>>
<<startquest morgana-forest>>
<<increasetime 1 true>>
<</if>>You open the door and see <<name morgana>> standing there.
<<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>
She's holding the kitchen maid outfit.
She's carrying a folded up manservant's outfit, you've seen these clothes many times worn by attendants all around the castle.
She walks past you while handing you the package and enters your bedroom.
<<morgana>>Here you go, get changed, ?title. Time we head to the forest.<</morgana>>
You look at the clothes and look back at her.
<<player>>Do we have to do this now? It's really early...<</player>>
<<morgana>>Yes, it's much easier to sneak out at this time and gathering the mushrooms will take a while.<</morgana>>
You could ask her to do this another time, she probably wouldn't mind, or you could get changed right now.
<<decision "Get changed" "Morgana Forest 2">><</decision>>
<<decision "Tell her you can't do this right now">>
<<addcounter 'morgana' 2>>
<<player>>I'm sorry, <<name morgana>>. I have a really busy day today so I can't go to the forest with you. Maybe some other time?<</player>>
<<morgana>>That's quite alright, ?title. I will come by some other time.<</morgana>>
She takes the clothes and leaves your bedroom.
<<decision "Get back to your day" 'Bedroom'>><</decision>>
<</decision>>You start undressing, she turns around and looks out the window.
<<morgana>>I'll face the other way, don't worry, ?title.<</morgana>>
<<if hasEquipmentTag('feminine', 'underwear')>>
You take off your pyjama pants and try to change as quickly as possible to make sure she doesn't notice you're currently wearing panties. As you fiddle with the clothes, you look back in her direction and see her head turn quickly, was she looking at you??nl
<<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>
<<unequip 'head'>>
<<equip 'flats'>>
<<equip 'kitchen_maid'>>
Putting on these clothes feels less strange now as you have already done it before but it still feels embarrassing.
You finish putting on the outfit and successfully put on the bonnet this time as well. <<name morgana>> turns to you and looks you up and down.
<<morgana>>That's a really good disguise, ?title. Dare I say, it suits you.<</morgana>>
<<player>>Yeah right... I'm just doing this so we can get those ingredients for you or whatever...<</player>>
She nods as she walks over to you. In her hands she holds a brown shawl that she starts winding over your shoulders, covering a part of your face.
<<morgana>>There, now nobody will recognise you. Are you ready to walk past the guards?<</morgana>>
<<player>>I suppose so...<</player>>
You stand there with complete lack of confidence as <<name morgana>> takes you out of your bedroom, ready to escort you through the halls.
<<equip manservant>>
<<equip boots>>
<<equip hat_1>>
You put on the manservant's outfit. The clothes seem to fit you perfectly and are actually quite comfortable. It's quite strange to wear this garb, being a prince. You somehow immediately feel like you fit in more with the average people.?nl
You finish putting on the outfit as ?morgana turns to you to inspect you.
<<morgana>>That's a really good disguise, ?title. How does it feel?<</morgana>>
<<player>>It feels okay. I suppose I'm just doing this so we can get those ingredients for you from the forest.<</player>>
She nods as she walks over to you. In her hands she holds a brown hat that she puts over your head, apparently part of the disguise.
<<morgana>>There, I doubt anyone will recognise you like this. Are you ready to walk past the guards?<</morgana>>
<<player>>I suppose so...<</player>>
You stand there with some lack of confidence as <<name morgana>> takes you out of your bedroom, ready to escort you through the halls.
<<decision "Leave your bedroom" 'Morgana Forest 3'>><</decision>><<setlocation Gatehouse>>
<<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>
You take a deep breath and step out of your bedroom. The two of you walk together through the halls, ?Morgana walks slightly in front, clearly signalling you to be a working maid. Further down the hallway lies the main gate to the castle. You see two guards standing watch, terrifying you. ?Morgana leans close to you and whispers in your ear.
<<morgana>>It's going to be alright.<</morgana>>
?Morgana walks up to the gate as the guards greet her.
<<guard>>Hail, <<name morgana 'Lady'>>. Are you going out for the day?<</guard>>
<<morgana>>Yes, I have business in the forest. I won't be needing an escort.<</morgana>>
The other guard turns to you and looks you up and down. You awkwardly nod at him in a greeting and then quickly look away.
<<guard>>Very well. Is this a new maid? I don't remember seeing her before.<</guard>>
It feels strange being examined up and down, looking like this.
<<morgana>>Quite so, I need her to carry some items I'm gathering outside.<</morgana>>
The guard stares at you for longer than feels comfortable, is he onto you?
<<guard>>Well, I wish her the best of luck. Good luck in the woods, my lady.<</guard>>
The guards move to open the gate for you.
You take a step out of your bedroom. The two of you walk together through the halls, ?Morgana walks slightly in front, clearly signalling you to be her servant. Further down the hallway lies the main gate to the castle. You see two guards standing watch. ?Morgana walks up to the gate as the guards greet her.
<<guard>>Hail, <<name morgana 'Lady'>>. Are you going out for the day?<</guard>>
<<morgana>>Yes, I have business in the forest. I won't be needing an escort.<</morgana>>
The other guard turns to you and looks you up and down. You awkwardly nod while trying to look away and not show them your face as much.
<<guard>>Very well. Is this a new manservant? I don't remember seeing him before.<</guard>>
It feels strange being regarded in a much different way now by the same guards who normally greet you every time you go through these gates.
<<morgana>>Quite so, I need him to carry some items I'm gathering outside.<</morgana>>
<<guard>>Well, I wish her the best of luck. Good luck in the woods, my lady.<</guard>>
The guards move to open the gate for you.
<<decision "Leave the castle" 'Morgana Forest 4'>><</decision>><<setlocation Meadow>>
You step outside in the sunlight and make your way down the castle hill into the meadow path leading to the forest. You feel yourself calm down much more now that you are outside.
<<morgana>>See? That wasn't so hard, was it? They suspected nothing.<</morgana>>
<<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>
<<player>>I'm not sure... That one guard was staring at me quite long...<</player>>
?Morgana looks at you with a slight smirk.
<<morgana>>I don't believe that's because he was suspicious of you, ?title...<</morgana>>
<<player>>What are you getting at, ?Morgana?<</player>>
<<morgana>>I believe he simply liked the way you look, ?title. The guards can get a little improper with the kitchen maids and forget they aren't supposed to stare. You could see it as a compliment.<</morgana>>
<<player>>He liked... How I looked? Like this?<</player>>
You are really unsure whether to take it as a compliment. You are afraid to admit that hearing this does make you feel something... You spend some time trying to suppress this feeling as you walk across the meadow, getting closer to the forest.
<<player>>I suppose... It just felt weird disguising for them like that.<</player>>
<<morgana>>I understand, ?title. Unfortunately, they're not going to let you through otherwise.<</morgana>>
You must admit that it feels nice to get out of the castle on your own volition again. You have certainly missed walking through this meadow. You spend some time enjoying the outside air as you walk closer to the forest together with ?Morgana.
<<morgana>>We're almost here, ?title.<</morgana>>
<<decision "Continue into the forest" 'Morgana Forest 5'>><</decision>><<setlocation Forest>>
After about an hour of walking you are now in the forest. It is strangely peaceful, birds are singing in the trees as nature is now completely surrounding you.
<<player>>So... Why are we here?<</player>>
<<morgana>>We need ingredients. Well, not for us, but we're gathering them for a friend of mine who I will introduce you to later.<</morgana>>
<<player>>Wait... That's it? Why couldn't we do that with an escort? I thought you needed privacy for a secret ritual or something.<</player>>
She looks at you, slightly embarrassed
<<morgana>>Yes, I'm sorry, ?title. I may have misled you slightly.<</morgana>>
She pauses for her but you simply wait for her to give an explanation.
<<morgana>>I mean I do prefer the privacy, I don't think we needed the escort but the reason why I asked you to wear the disguise is so you could experience this freedom again now...<</morgana>>
<<morgana>>?Andreas is far too protective of you, I don't think he planned on letting you out of the castle at all anytime soon... This way, you can still get out of the castle on your own accord.<</morgana>>
She looks at you with genuine concern in her eyes. Is that really why she made you do this? <<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>Why she made you wear the dress? <</if>>Whatever her motivations you must agree it's nice to be able to leave the castle again...
<<morgana>>For now, let's just focus on the mushrooms and if you're still mad at me later I will make it up to you somehow.<</morgana>>
<<player>>Fine... What kind of mushrooms do you need?<</player>>
She walks with you deeper in the forest as she explains what it is that she's looking for.
<<morgana>>Yellow capped mushrooms, but not the ones with teal dots. They should smell faintly like the sea.<</morgana>>
You're kind of mad at her for taking you all the way out here for such a menial task.
<<player>>Okay then... Perhaps we should split up to cover more grounds more quickly...<</player>>
<<morgana>>?Title, I'm not sure if that's wise-<</morgana>>
She suddenly interrupts herself as she sees your annoyed look. She probably realises you just want to get away from her for a little bit.
<<morgana>>Very well, ?title. How about I cover this area and you can go check over near the waterfall, there should be quite a few over there. Let's meet again here once you have enough.<</morgana>>
You nod to her and walk off deeper into the forest.
<<decision 'Find some mushrooms' 'Morgana Forest Bandit 1'>><</decision>><<setlocation Waterfall>>
<<increasetime 1>>
You spend quite some time looking for the specific mushrooms. It's difficult to keep the mushrooms apart, you've found a bunch of yellow mushrooms that don't smell like seawater and some that definitely do but are spotted instead... Still, you managed to find <<money mushrooms false 8>> mushrooms and put them in your basket while making your way over to the waterfall.?nl
Next to the water you find a few yellow capped mushrooms with teal dots, was this the kind ?Morgana told you to avoid? What could be so bad about them??nl
The sound of rushing water is pretty loud with how close you are to the waterfall. While you're crouching down to gather some mushrooms you don't even hear it when someone walks up behind you.?nl
<<changemoney mushrooms 8>>
<<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>
<<bandit>>What do we have here? A girl all on her own in the dark woods?<</bandit>>
You hear the gruff voice as you quickly turn around and see a man standing, looking rugged.
<<bandit>>Are you lost, woman?<</bandit>>
You try to keep your voice soft and as feminine as possible.
<<player>>Uh- No, I'm just out on a stroll...<</player>>
You're really not sure what to do. This man definitely looks like a bandit, he's slowly walking closer to you as he speaks to you.
<<bandit>>It's a dangerous place to walk around all alone... Allow me to help you find your way back.<</bandit>>
You slowly walk backwards, trying to match the speed that he's inching towards you. You realise walking backwards in the woods while attempting to sound feminine is quite difficult, especially when you suddenly find yourself tripping on a branch.
<<player>>Oh thank you but I'm quite alright, thank you- Ack!<</player>>
You tumble down to the ground, falling backwards. You're hoping your outburst didn't break your disguise to him. As you free your dress from the thick bushes and quickly lift yourself up again, you see the bandit looking at you with an inquisitive expression.
<<bandit>>Wait... Are you... Are you even a woman?<</bandit>>
You look at him, feeling very embarrassed. You don't give him an answer but your awkwardness is clear enough to him. For some reason he's still staring at you, it almost feels like he's ogling you.
<<bandit>>Well I suppose it doesn't really matter, you are looking pretty enough...<</bandit>>
You wonder why he's acting so strange when you suddenly notice something growing in his crotch area. You have never been in a situation like this and find yourself very much unsure what to do. Getting caught crossdressing made you feel immensely embarrassed. Seeing the man actually enjoying it makes it feel even weirder. Unfortunately the result of your indecisiveness is you just standing there, mindlessly staring at him...
<<bandit>>You know, I can still help find your way out of these dark woods but first I was wondering whether you could help me with a little problem...<</bandit>>
Is he seriously asking you do what you think he means? Even before you can think on his question, something inside of you snaps as you feel like you need to get out of this situation.
<<bandit>>What do we have here? A boy all on his own in the dark woods?<</bandit>>
You hear the gruff voice as you quickly turn around and see a man standing, looking rugged.
<<bandit>>Are you lost?<</bandit>>
<<player>>Uh- No, I'm just out on a stroll...<</player>>
You're really not sure what to do. This man definitely looks like a bandit, he's slowly walking closer to you as he speaks to you.
<<bandit>>It's a dangerous place to walk around all alone... Allow me to help you find your way back.<</bandit>>
You slowly walk backwards, trying to match the speed that he's inching towards you. You realise walking backwards in the woods while attempting to keep an eye on him is quite difficult, especially when you suddenly find yourself tripping on a branch.
<<player>>Oh thank you but I'm quite alright, thank you- Ack!<</player>>
You almost tumble down to the ground as you fall backwards, the only thing stopping your from falling butt-first into the bushes is the outstretched arm of the bandit, holding you upright.
<<bandit>>Careful there, fella, wouldn't want to see you fall down.<</bandit>>
You look at him, feeling very embarrassed. He lets go of your clothes and allows you to regain your footing but your awkwardness is clear enough to him. For some reason it feels like he's staring at you, it almost feels like he's ogling you.
<<bandit>>Well- uh, if you need any help, feel free to ask. I'm uh- always here to catch you if you fall!<</bandit>>
He's sort of stammering as you see him stare at you. You wonder why he's acting so strange, you have never been in a situation like this and find yourself very much unsure what to do. Unfortunately the result of your indecisiveness is you just standing there, mindlessly staring at him...
<<bandit>>Uhm- you know, I can still help find your way out of these dark woods but first I was wondering whether you could help me with a little problem...<</bandit>>
Is he seriously asking you do what you think he means? You see him not-so-subtly put attention on his crotch area as he suddenly starts scratching. Does he currently have a boner? Even before you can think on his question, something inside of you snaps as you feel like you need to get out of this situation.
<<decision 'Lash out' 'Morgana Forest Bandit 2'>><</decision>>You snap out of your embarrassment and look at him with an angry face.
<<player>>I'm not doing anything like that, leave me alone!<</player>>
The bandit, somehow actually startled, takes a few steps back to give you space. He's holding both hands halfway in the air, trying to deescalate the situation.
<<bandit>>Whoa there, I wasn't going to force you to do anything! Who do you think I am?<</bandit>>
You look at him, quite surprised he is responding so well.
<<player>>Well, you're a bandit, aren't you? I don't know what kind of things you get up to in these woods...<</player>>
He looks at you, slightly offended and gives a retort back.
<<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>
<<bandit>>Hey you're the one who's crossdressing out in the woods on your own! I just wanted to see if you were down for some fun...<</bandit>>
<<bandit>>Hey you're the one who's wandering the woods on your own. I just wanted to see if you were down for some fun...<</bandit>>
You must say he felt much more intimidating before, which obviously is a red flag when he's casually looking for things like that in the woods but then again, he didn't actually put his hands on you.
<<player>>Oh... Well... I'm not.<</player>>
<<bandit>>Okay, that's fine. I'm going to leave then. Try not to get lost.<</bandit>>
You stutter a response as he turns to walk away.
<<player>>Right... Uhm... Thanks. Goodbye then.<</player>>
The bandit casually strolls off, back from where he came. While walking away he suddenly turns his head towards you again, reluctantly shouting one last thing to you.
<<bandit>>If you ever change your mind... Come find me in my camp south of here...<</bandit>>
Before you can respond he's already to far off to listen to you. That's probably one of the more awkward interactions you've had in a while. You decide it's probably best to just head back to ?Morgana with the mushrooms you have found.
<<decision 'Make your way back to Morgana' 'Morgana Forest 6'>><</decision>><<setlocation 'Forest'>>
You make your way back to the place where you split up from ?Morgana and after a little while you spot her, gathering mushrooms. She seems to have way more of the things in her basket than you managed to get. To be fair, you didn't expect to be jumped by a bandit out there...
<<morgana>>Ah, ?title. You brought some mushroom, very good. How did it go?<</morgana>>
<<player>>Uh- Yeah- I mean, yes, it went fine. Do you think we have enough?<</player>>
She looks at you a little suspiciously but you decide not to share anything about the bandit. She inspects the baskets of mushrooms and looks at you.
<<morgana>>Yes, this should be enough. Follow me, ?title.<</morgana>>
<<player>>Where are we going?<</player>>
<<morgana>>I want you to meet a friend of mine, they have a hut deeper in the woods.<</morgana>>
Without asking to many more questions, you follow her deeper in the forest.
<<decision 'Follow Morgana' 'Morgana Forest 7'>><</decision>><<setlocation 'Druid Hut'>>
After walking for a short while you make it to an opening in the forest, it's filled with patches of flowers. Red roses, blue lilies and daffodils are lined in flower gardens bordering the woods. In the middle of this flowery glade stands a lone hut. Once you get closer you realise the outside of the hut is lined with small decorations like dried flowers and wooden totems.
<<player>>That looks cozy, who's this friend of yours that lives here?<</player>>
<<morgana>>Their name is ?Hyssop. They're the local forest druid, I used to study magic together with them. Even though ?Hyssop had a real gift for it, they never shared my ambition and instead they're simply content living in the woods and working on their hobbies.<</morgana>>
It's interesting hearing ?Morgana talk about an old friend like this, you kind of assumed she always just wanted to be a councillor and serve the kingdom, you never wondered about her life before that.
<<player>>So why do you want me to meet this druid, is it another spell that you need their help with?<</player>>
<<morgana>>Well, not at all, actually. Funnily enough it's one of their hobbies that I think could be useful to you. Let me take you inside, you'll see.<</morgana>>
As you're walking towards the door of the cabin you get a closer look at all the cute decorations out here. It looks like ?Hyssop has chosen a few of their favorite flowers, ones you can't even recognise, and put them in a small flowerbed out here. You inspect the windowsill and try to peek inside but can't see much at all. Before you even get close to the door, it suddenly flies open, sending you jumping.
<<decision 'Meet Hyssop' 'Morgana Forest Hyssop 1'>><</decision>>You startle backwards as the door is blasted open with an immense gust of wind. The wooden door bangs loudly against the outside of the hut. Inside the open doorframe you see a person standing there, holding a hand forwards with magical energy evaporating from it, probably the cause of the outburst. The druid looks at both of you and very excitedly starts running towards both of you.
<<hyssop>>?Morgana! You're back!<</hyssop>>
?Hyssop runs towards the overwhelmed sorceress and immediately gives her a big hug. ?Morgana seems a bit flustered but she looks like she's used to this from ?Hyssop. After the warm embrace ?Hyssop takes a moment to look her over and then proceeds to look at you.
<<hyssop>>Sorry about the startle, I was just excited when I felt your energy, ?Morgana. Who's the friend you brought?<</hyssop>>
<<morgana>>It's good to see you again, friend. I'm sorry for not visiting earlier, it's been too long. Allow me to introduce you to <<name 'player' 'Prince'>>. ?Title, this is my friend ?Hyssop.<</morgana>>
<<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>
You immediately feel very awkward as ?Morgana just outed you as the prince while currently crossdressing as a kitchen maid in the woods. You actually notice ?Hyssop staring and as you're waiting for them to make a comment about that, it looks like they instead simply move in to also give you a nice hug.
<<hyssop>>It's a pleasure to meet you, any friend of ?Morgana is a friend of mine. I really like your outfit, ?player!<</hyssop>>
You blush slightly at her comment, the embarrassment slowly seeping away.
?Hyssop immediately moves to give you a hug as well and you awkwardly accept it.
<<hyssop>>It's a pleasure to meet you, ?player. Any friend of ?Morgana is a friend of mine!<</hyssop>>
<<hyssop>>Oh! I totally forgot to welcome you inside! Please, follow me and I'll make us some tea!<</hyssop>>
<<decision 'Go inside the cabin' 'Morgana Forest Hyssop 2'>><</decision>>You move inside the hut and are amazed at how much is able to fit in such a small house. It feels like the polar opposite to the palace that you are used to. A small room with many things instead of a huge space with few decorations. The walls are lined with knick-knacks and colorful decorations. From embroidery to beautiful flowers. Once you enter the main living space, you notice the room is filled with half-painted canvasses and, more predominantly, mannequins that hold unfinished garbs that ?Hyssop seems to be sewing. Even though there is quite a lot going on, the house doesn't feel chaotic per se. It seems like every little thing has their own space and lives in their own corner, a well managed accumulation of creativity.
<<hyssop>>Have a seat, I'll put some water on! Now, tell me what I can help you with.<</hyssop>>
<<morgana>>Thank you, ?Hyssop. Well to get right to it...<</morgana>>
?Morgana takes both baskets of mushrooms and puts them on the table.
<<hyssop>>That's... For me? ?Morgana! You shouldn't have!<</hyssop>>
?Hyssop moves to instantly give ?Morgana another loving hug before inspecting the mushrooms.
<<morgana>>Well, I kind of felt bad for not visiting in a while, I know you always need more mushrooms for your decorations and potions. And I know these are your favorite kind so we got quite a few of them.<</morgana>>
?Hyssop smiles at you as well.
<<hyssop>>It almost sounds like you're trying to bribe me...<</hyssop>>
<<morgana>>Well... Perhaps we are. You see, I was wondering if you could be of assistance to <<name 'player' 'the prince' none>>.<</morgana>>
?Morgana turns to you while accepting a cup of tea from ?Hyssop.
<<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>
<<morgana>>You see, ?title. ?Hyssop is an amazing tailor, probably the best I know. I realise the royal tailors normally make your outfits for you but seeing as you are now trying other kinds of clothes as well, perhaps you could go to ?Hyssop if you would want to look at some options that are too taboo to ask the royal tailors about.<</morgana>>
<<player>>You mean... More girly clothes?<</player>>
?Morgana turns to ?Hyssop, trying to explain your reluctance.
<<morgana>><<name player 'The prince' none>> is having some issues getting used to this expansion of his wardrobe. He's very new to crossdressing like this and I was wondering if you could perhaps help with that, ?Hyssop?<</morgana>>
?Hyssop looks a little confused, as if they only now realise that you are crossdressing. Almost as if the taboo side of what you're doing finally clicks now that it's directly mentioned. For some reason, this realization seems to be funny to ?Hyssop.
<<hyssop>>Hahaha! What's with you people and all those arbitrary expectations? Just wear dresses if you want to, silly!<</hyssop>>
Wow, you've never heard anyone with that particular world view. Their reaction makes you think ?Hyssop isn't concerned with gender norms at all... As you stare at them slightly flabbergasted, they seem to change their attitude slightly.
<<hyssop>>But, if fitting in better while "crossdressing" is what you need help with, I'd love to help, of course! Wait, I think I have something that could fit you!<</hyssop>>
You look at them reluctantly but they have already darted to another room to grab something for you. ?Morgana looks at you with a friendly smile.
<<morgana>>It's only if you would want to, ?title. I just wanted you to meet ?Hyssop so you could consider going to them in the future.<</morgana>>
<<player>>I suppose it's good to know of the druid's skills and they do seem very nice...<</player>>
After a few movements, ?Hyssop returns holding a beautiful long wig in their hands. The brown wig has long strait hair with two thick braids running from the front to the back.
<<hyssop>>This'll probably help you fit in better, much better than covering your face with that shawl! I think it should fit you well!<</hyssop>>
You look at them a bit awkwardly but realise it's difficult to decline them now that they've given you a gift.
<<player>>Ah thanks, ?Hyssop. I suppose I'll try it on.<</player>>
<<morgana>>I didn't know you also picked up wig-making as a hobby, ?Hyssop. That looks like some really fine work!<</morgana>>
<<decision 'Try on the wig' 'Morgana Forest Hyssop 3'>><</decision>>
<<morgana>>You see, ?title. ?Hyssop is an amazing tailor, probably the best I know. I realise the royal tailors normally make your outfits for you but seeing as you are now trying other kinds of clothes as well, perhaps you could go to ?Hyssop if you would want to look at some options that work better as disguises and have a less royal feel to them.<</morgana>>
<<hyssop>>Oh definitely! I would gladly make some clothes for you, ?player! You can come visit me anytime.<</hyssop>>
You look to ?Morgana and then to ?Hyssop. You must say that having a new tailor that could help you make more disguises does sound enticing.
<<player>>Thank you, ?Hyssop. I would love to come by sometime, thank you for the invitation.<</player>>
?Morgana looks at you with a warm smile. You must admit ?Morgana's planning works out nicely for you, getting out of the castle like this was a good idea in the end. Though something has you feeling like it's probably time to head back.
<<player>>We've probably been away from the castle for some time now though, perhaps we could be getting back.<</player>>
<<hyssop>>Ah of course! Thank you so much for stopping by, if you ever need any help with your clothes, feel free to stop by!<</hyssop>>
<<morgana>>I can't thank you enough, ?Hyssop. I promise I'll come by soon again, the council work just has be preoccupied quite a lot.<</morgana>>
<<hyssop>>Don't worry about it, I'll be here!<</hyssop>>
You accept another warm hug from ?Hyssop before you both leave the cabin.
<<decision 'Head back to the castle' 'Morgana Forest 8'>><</decision>>
<</if>><<equip 'wig_1'>>
You let ?Hyssop lower the wig over your head and align it correctly.
<<morgana>>You look really good, ?title.<</morgana>>
<<hyssop>>Yes, it goes perfect with that outfit! If you also want another outfit I can show you some things I have that would fit you well. I think I have a pink skirt somewhere that really goes well with your body, now where did I put that...<</hyssop>>
Before ?Hyssop runs off again, ?Morgana puts a hand on their arm to stop them.
<<morgana>>Thank you, ?Hyssop. But that should be enough for now, we don't want to overwhelm <<name 'player' 'the prince' none>> just yet.<</morgana>>
You look at her with a thankful expression as you are starting to definitely feel a bit overwhelmed.
<<player>>Yes, thank you for the wig, ?Hyssop. Perhaps we should be heading back to the castle though.<</player>>
<<hyssop>>Ah of course! Thank you so much for stopping by, if you ever need any help with your clothes, feel free to stop by!<</hyssop>>
<<morgana>>I can't thank you enough, ?Hyssop. I promise I'll come by soon again, the council work just has be preoccupied quite a lot.<</morgana>>
<<hyssop>>Don't worry about it, I'll be here!<</hyssop>>
You accept another warm hug from ?Hyssop before you both leave the cabin.
<<decision 'Head back to the castle' 'Morgana Forest 8'>><</decision>><<setlocation 'Meadow'>>
You make your way back through the woods and head towards the castle.
<<player>>Thanks for introducing me to your friend, ?Morgana. It was really nice.<</player>>
<<morgana>>Of course, I hope you consider the offer to go out here again, I hope this has inspired you to live more freely, you should go outside whenever you feel like it, even though it's with a disguise.<</morgana>>
<<player>>Thanks, ?Morgana. I will take it into consideration. I'm definitely done for now... I miss my old clothes.<</player>>
It takes some time to head back to the castle and enter through the gatehouse again. The guards are none the wiser that you were gone this whole time. You head back to your bedroom and there you say farewell to ?Morgana as you want to change back to your old clothes.
<span class="notice good">You have now unlocked the forest area that you can visit while being disguised.</span>
<<decision 'Change clothes and go on with your day' 'Bedroom'>>
<<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>
<<unlockequipment 'flats'>>
<<unlockequipment 'kitchen_maid'>>
<<unlockequipment 'wig_1'>>
<<changeoutfit disguise 'wig_1' 'kitchen_maid' 'flats'>>
<<unlockequipment 'manservant'>>
<<unlockequipment 'hat_1'>>
<<changeoutfit disguise 'hat_1' 'manservant'>>
<<increasetime 1 true>>
<<completequest morgana-forest>>
<<outfit standard>>
<<changeschedule exit_castle 'morning' 'Gatehouse'>>
<<changeschedule exit_castle 'noon' 'Gatehouse'>>
<<changeschedule exit_castle 'evening' 'Gatehouse'>>
<<changeschedule exit_castle 'night' 'Gatehouse'>>
<</decision>><<if hasCompletedQuest('morgana-potion-store')>>
<<money essence true>>
You walk into the witches' workshop and are greeted by ?Morgana, sitting at her alchemy table, surrounded by vials, books, and strange ingredients.
<<if !hasCompletedQuest('morgana-potion-store')>>
<<morgana>>Hello, ?title. It's actually great timing that you're visiting...<</morgana>>
<<morgana>>You see, I was working on some more experiments with our specific form of alchemy... I was wondering... Would you be willing to provide more of your essence for me to use?<</morgana>>
Is she asking to use your ?essence again?
<<decision 'Accept' depravity small>>
<<include 'Morgana Workshop Extraction'>>
<<decision 'Decline'>>
<<player>>Sorry, ?Morgana. I have no interest in that right now.<</player>>
<<morgana>>As you wish, ?title.<</morgana>>
<<decision 'Take your leave' 'Hallway'>><</decision>>
<<morgana>>Ah, welcome, ?title. Are you here to look at the potions?<</morgana>>
<<if hasCounter('morgana-extraction')>>
<<decision 'Browse Potions' 'Morgana Store'>>
She stands up and turns away for you to grab something from a shelf while she continues talking, suddenly shifting to a slightly more conspicuous tone of voice.
<<morgana>>...Or are you here to extract more ?essence for me?<</morgana>>
<<decision 'Browse Potions' 'Morgana Store'>>
<<decision 'Extract essence' depravity small>>
<<include 'Morgana Workshop Extraction'>>
<<decision 'Take your leave'>>
<<player>>Sorry, ?Morgana, I was simply stopping by.<</player>>
<<morgana>>Of course, ?title.<</morgana>>
<<decision 'Leave' 'Hallway'>><</decision>>
<</if>><<player>>Uhm, yes, of course we can extract more essence, ?Morgana.<</player>>
She immediately reaches towards your crotch, aiming to free your ?dick. Her extreme directness has you take a step back.
<<player>>Perhaps you would like to undress for me again first?<</player>>
<<morgana>>Ah, of course. How could I forget.<</morgana>>
She efficiently gets rid of her dress for you.
<<img "morgana/bedroom_visit_naked_{theme}.jpg">>
The sight of this has you racing and you immediately move to free your ?dick. She moves next to you, ready to help you out.
<<morgana>>Let me take care of this, ?title.<</morgana>>
You moan loudly as she takes your ?dick in hand and starts stroking it.
<<if settings.vids>>
<<if settings.sph>>
<<video 'morgana/morgana_handjob_sph.webm'>>
<<video 'morgana/morgana_handjob.webm'>>
She whispers in your ear while she keeps jerking you faster and faster.
<<morgana>>I'm here to serve you, ?title... Let me make you feel good...<</morgana>>
<<if settings.sph>>
<<morgana>>Don't worry about your lack of size... You don't need a big dick to feel good...<</morgana>>
Her unfortunate attempt to try and make you feel less insecure does actually make you feel more turned on... Why does the humiliation always work on you... Was that actually her intention??nl
Bizarre as it is, this whole situation has you extremely aroused and you feel yourself coming closer and closer.
<<player>>Ah, ?Morgana... I- I'm close...<</player>>
<<morgana>>Yes... Let it all out...<</morgana>>
She jerks you off so efficiently you are about to burst. She quickly takes out the vial and holds it to your ?dick.
<<if settings.vids>>
<<if settings.sph>>
<<video 'player/cum_in_vial_sph.webm'>>
<<video 'player/cum_in_vial.webm'>>
Your ?dick erupts in a white fountain of cum, straight into the vial.
?Morgana immediately holds it up after you are finished and starts inspecting it.
<<morgana>>Yes, this is perfect! Thank you, ?title.<</morgana>>
<<if hasCompletedQuest('morgana-potion-store')>>
<<addcounter 'morgana-extraction' 1>>
She immediately start analyzing the vial while you catch your breath. With that extraction done you have successfully gathered <<money essence false 1>> vial of ?essence.
<<changemoney essence 1>>
<<decision 'Take your leave' 'Workshop'>>
<<increasetime 1 true>>
<<addcounter 'morgana-workshop' 1>>
You suppose that's it then, you fix your clothes and get ready to leave her to her work. She looks to already be completely focused on that.
<<player>>You're welcome, ?Morgana. Good luck with the potion.<</player>>
<<decision 'Take your leave' 'Hallway'>>
<<increasetime 1 true>>
<</if>><<startquest 'morgana-potion-store'>>
<<changeschedule morgana 'noon' 'Workshop'>>
<<changeschedule morgana 'evening' 'Workshop'>>
<<changemoney essence 3>>
Just as you are about to leave your room for the day, you hear a knock at the door. You open it to see ?Morgana, who smiles at you and walks inside your bedroom.
<<morgana>>Good morning, ?title. I have come to tell you some exciting news.<</morgana>>
<<player>>What news?<</player>>
<<morgana>>I have been experimenting, ?title, and the possibilities for creating novel potions with your essence are very promising. I have already concocted several new recipes.<</morgana>>
You look at her closely, feeling slightly strange that she has been playing around with your ?essence in such a way.
<<player>>Novel potions? You mean there are other effects beyond the potion you already made?<</player>>
?Morgana smiles knowingly.
<<morgana>>Indeed, ?title. If you come to my workshop I will show you what I have come up with. All I require now to finish a potion is a small supply of your essence.<</morgana>>
<<player>>R-right, of course. I'll come take a look soon, then.<</player>>
She nods and leaves your room, leaving you to ponder what these new potions might do.
<<decision 'Get up' 'Bedroom'>><</decision>><<completequest 'morgana-potion-store'>>
When you enter the workshop, you see ?Morgana hard at work over a bubbling cauldron, an intense look on her face. She gives it a careful stir and straightens to look at you.
<<morgana>>Ah, ?title, I assume you have come to see the potions I mentioned.<</morgana>>
<<player>>Yes, I must admit I'm quite curious. What do the potions do?<</player>>
?Morgana points to a small collection of potion bottles.
<<morgana>>Here they are. These use the same kind of magic as my previous potion, but they are more targeted. They affect only specific parts of your being.<</morgana>>
Does ?Morgana mean that these potions will transform specific parts of your body? This is certainly an intruiging idea.
<<morgana>>Does this possibility appeal to you, ?title? I have enough of your essence on hand to finish a potion right away.<</morgana>>
<<decision 'Inspect the potions' 'Morgana Store'>><</decision>><<if $location is 'Bathroom'>>
[[Orson is preparing a bath for you | Orson Bathroom]]
<<if $location is 'Bedroom'>>
[[Orson is here, tidying your bedchambers | Orson Bedroom]]
<<if $location is 'Library'>>
<<if getTime() === 'evening'>>
<<if hasQuest('orson-date-1')>>
<<decision 'Find Orson to start your date' 'Orson Date 1 Start'>><</decision>>
<<elseif hasQuest('orson-gift-quill')>>
<<decision 'Present your gift to Orson' 'Orson Gift Quill'>><</decision>>
<<elseif hasQuest('orson-date-2')>>
<<decision 'Find Orson to start your date' 'Orson Date 2 Start'>><</decision>>
<</if>><<acknowledgement Orson>>
<<mention assassination>>
<<mention status>>
<<if $player.status is 'egg'>>
<<orson>>I don't know what it is, but you look... different today, ?title. Are you feeling well?"<</orson>>
<<player>>Yes, I'm fine, ?Orson. I just decided to wear my hair differently today.<</player>>
His slightly suspicious look turns into a warm smile.
<<orson>>Well, I think you look perfectly splendid today, ?title.<</orson>>
<<elseif $player.status is 'andro'>>
<<elseif $player.status is 'fem'>>
<<elseif $player.status is 'man'>>
<</acknowledgement>><<addcounter 'orson-bathroom' 1>>
<<if getDay() !== 'wednesday'>>
You enter the bathroom to find ?Orson here, preparing a bath for you.
<<orson>>Good morning, ?title. I have prepared a bath for you, the water is nice and warm.<</orson>>
<<include 'Orson Acknowledgement'>>
He stands next to you, holding a bath towel.
?Orson is already busy making your bath.
In your morning-zombie state all you can muster is to slowly walk over to the tub. Hopefully the warm water can bring some life in your still half-sleeping state. Council meetings are such a drag.
<<include 'Orson Acknowledgement'>>
<<decision 'Let him help you undress.'>>
<<orson>>Allow me.<</orson>>
He says as he motions for you to lift your arms. He takes off your top and unknots the string that keeps your shorts up. You lower your shorts, now naked as the day you were born.
It's ?Orson's utmost professionalism that lets you feel unbothered by him seeing you naked.
<<if hasTag('ointment')>>
You suddenly remember the jar of ointment ?Morgana gave to you earlier. You could ask ?Orson to help you apply it.
<<img 'morgana/ointment.jpg' null '200px'>>
<<decision 'Mention the ointment' femininity large>>
<<addsin 'magic'>>
<<player>>One more thing, ?Orson. ?Morgana gave me a specific ointment and told me I should apply it before taking a bath in the morning. It's supposed to help with my skin. Could you help me with this?<</player>>
You hand the strange jar to ?Orson as he inspects it.
<<orson>>Certainly, ?title. Let me help you, please relax while I apply the salve.<</orson>>
He opens the jar and starts slathering your skin with the strange substance. It immediately seems to have an effect on you, it feels quite tingly and your skin already feels much smoother. It takes a little while for ?Orson to apply a thin layer everywhere. So far he has carefully avoided your more private area but once he covered everything else he stops and looks up at you.
<<orson>>Does the salve need to go <em>everwhere</em>, ?title?<</orson>>
It's quite clear he's asking whether he needs to rub it on your dick as well. ?Orson's cold professionalism about the situation continues to amaze you.
<<decision 'Give confirmation'>>
<<player>>Yes. If you'd please, ?Orson.<</player>>
?Orson nods, takes a bit more of the liquid from the jar and starts to softly apply this to your ?dick.
<<if settings.sph>>
He's using a single finger to rub it over your ?dick, there's not much area to cover but he's working it dilligently.
It doesn't take long for this treatment to jumpstart the natural response of your body. Your ?dick starts growing and after a little while of ?Orson applying the salve you are suddenly standing at full mast.
This situation must have definitely caught his attention but somehow even now he remains stoically set on his mission as he continues applying the salve. He moves to your backside as he starts to rub your butt cheeks. Once done he moves to part your buttcheeks to apply salve even there, it seems ?Orson take his job very seriously.
<<decision 'Request of him to give you some relief' dominance small depravity 10>>
<<addsin 'masturbation'>>
<<player>>?Orson, could you do me a favour and provide me with some relief?<</player>>
You seem to have suddenly taken his professionalism away as he's taken aback slightly.
<<orson>>Uhm- Certainly, ?title.<</orson>>
He looks at you, waiting for you to tell him what to do.
<<player>>Kneel, ?Orson. And take off your clothes.<</player>>
He follows your command to the letter as he kneels in front of you. He starts stripping his uniform as he looks up at you. You take in his lean body, a certain twink-like stature. You move your ?dick closer as you motion for him to give you a handjob. He takes your ?dick in hand and starts stroking slowly.?nl
Simply commanding your loyal attendant to do something like this is turning you on quite a lot. You feel his soft hand intensely masturbating your ?dick.?nl
You close your eyes as you take in his intense hand-job, even this task he takes very seriously, it seems like he's quite good at this. He's stroking you exactly how you like it, it doesn't take long for you to feel your climax approaching.
<<if settings.vids>>
<<if settings.sph>>
<<video 'player/masturbate_sph.webm'>>
<<video 'player/masturbate.webm'>>
<<player>>Ah! I'm close...<</player>>
?Orson holds up his other hand as he expertly brings you to orgasm. Your cum starts flying over his hand as he catches all of it.
<<orson>>There you go, ?title. Now for your bath.<</orson>>
He grabs a tissue to clean your cum, he also takes a moment to wipe your dick for you before he gets up from his knees.
<<decision 'Hop in the bath' 'Orson Bath'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Moan slightly as he puts a finger close to your asshole' submissiveness small depravity 10>>
<<addsin 'fingered'>>
You let out a slightly girly moan as he's spreading the salve in a very private area. ?Orson definitely seems to notice that as you suddenly feel him rub your asshole slightly more.
<<orson>>Oh? I didn't know this is something ?title enjoys...<</orson>>
You finally managed to break his professionalism as this seemed to have awakened something in ?Orson. You feel him slowly start to prod your hole as you let out another moan. You feel completely under his control as he bends you over slightly and starts to whisper in your ear.
<<orson>>Let me take care of you, ?title...<</orson>>
As you listen to his soothing voice you suddenly feel him penetrate you with a finger and you let out your loudest moan so far. The feeling of ecstacy is overwhelming you as you feel your legs shake slightly.
<<player>>?Orson... Ah... So intense...<</player>>
He takes the cue as he now starts slowing fingering you while you're standing there, naked in the bathroom.
The feeling is overwheling you as you take your ?dick in hand and start masturbating while being finger-fucked. You turn slightly to look at his face and you see him smiling back at you. It's definitely not the smile he normally gives you, his face looks like he knows he is the one who is in control now.
<<orson>>Do you want this, ?title? Why don't you ask for it? Beg me for my service.<</orson>>
He starts slowing down while you want him to speed up right now. The feeling of your asshole being fingered by ?Orson feels amazing right now.
<<player>>?Orson... Please... keep finger-fucking me...<</player>>
<<orson>>Of course, ?title. All you had to do is ask.<</orson>>
<<if settings.vids>>
<<video 'orson/fingering.webm'>>
You feel him speeding up more and more and you feel your own orgasm coming closer and closer. You suddenly groan as you feel him sticking in a second finger. This super intense feeling brings you over the edge as you start cumming and moaning loadly.
<<player>>Ahh! I'm cumming!<</player>>
Your cum flies out, making a stain on the bathroom floor. ?Orson takes out his fingers as he looks down at you.
<<if settings.cum>>
<<orson>>Very good, ?title. You made quite a mess though, are you going to clean this up?<</orson>>
You must say it's quite strange to hear ?Orson asking you to clean up your own mess since he is usually the one to do that. It's a new experience to have him in charge.
<<decision 'Lick your cum from the floor' depravity small depravity 25>>
<<addsin 'cum-eating'>>
<<if settings.vids>>
<<video 'player/swallow{2}.webm'>>
You hear his command and immediately kneel down to lick your own cum off of the floor. The salty bitter taste moves over your tongue as you feel your own cum sliding into your mouth. You lick up all the cum and then look up at ?Orson, presenting him with your empty mouth.
<<orson>>Good job, ?title. You are such a little cumslut, aren't you?<</orson>>
You hesitantly nod as he humiliates you.
<<orson>>Now it's time for your bath, get up.<</orson>>
<<decision 'Hop in the bath' 'Orson Bath'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Clean up your cum using a tissue and hop in the bath' 'Orson Bath'>><</decision>>
<<orson>>Very good, ?title. Allow me to clean up while you take your bath.<</orson>>
<<decision 'Go in the bath' 'Orson Bath'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Let him finish his task'>>
You feel slightly strange in this situation, both because the salve has an even more intense effect in the areas ?Orson is working now and because of the intimacy of this current moment. It doesn't seem to bother ?Orson though, a more loyal servant you could not ask for.?nl
He suddenly gets up once he's done with his service.
<<orson>>There you go, ?title. Now for your bath.<</orson>>
<<decision 'Hop in the bath' 'Orson Bath'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Tell him that\'s not necessary'>>
<<player>>No, thank you, ?Orson. That should be enough.<</player>>
<<orson>>Certainly, ?title. Let's get you in the bath then.<</orson>>
<<decision 'Hop in the bath' 'Orson Bath'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Hop in the bath' 'Orson Bath'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Have him leave you to your bath.'>>
<<player>>Thank you, ?Orson. That'll be all.<</player>>
<<orson>>Certainly, ?title. I'll leave you to it then.<</orson>>
He turns away and walks towards the door.
<<if hasTag('orson-caught')>>
Before leaving he turns around and looks in your direction.
<<orson>>And don't worry, ?title. I will be sure to leave you alone this time.<</orson>>
He's definitely referring to the time he caught you masturbating in the tub. Thought you feel slightly ashamed, it is strangely reassuring to know he won't disturb you and you can do whatever you in privacy now.
You undress yourself and get ready to enter the bath.
<<if hasTag('ointment')>>
You suddenly remember the jar of ointment ?Morgana gave to you earlier. Now would be a good time to apply it to your skin.
<<img 'morgana/ointment.jpg' null '200px'>>
<<decision 'Apply the ointment to your skin before going in the bath' femininity large null 0 1>>
<<addsin 'magic'>>
You open the strange jar and start applying the salve to your skin. It immediately seems to have an effect on you, it feels quite tingly when you rub it on yourself and your skin already feels much smoother. It takes a little while to get the ointment applied everywhere but you actually feel much better once you're finally done.
<<decision 'Hop in the bath' 'No Orson Bath'>><</decision>>
<</decision>>You settle into the tub and lean back, feeling your body relax. The warm water feels wonderful against your skin. You take a moment to really enjoy this bath, however, you do get a slightly indecent thought as you look down and see your ?dick bobbing in the water.
<<decision 'Enjoy some "me"-time' 1 depravity small>>
<<include [[No Orson Bath Masturbate]]>>
<<if getDay() !== 'wednesday'>>
<<decision 'Finish your bath and get dressed' 'Bedroom'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Finish your bath and go to the council' 'Council Entrance'>><</decision>>
<</if>>?Orson holds out a hand to help you into the bathtub.
As you hold his hand you step into the tub and sink into the hot water. You can feel the warm water envelop your body.
<<orson>>There you are, your highness. Enjoy your bath.<</orson>>
He gives a slight bow and leaves you alone in the bathroom.
<<if getDay() !== 'wednesday'>>
<<decision 'Finish your bath and get dressed' 'Bedroom'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Finish your bath and go to the council' 'Council Entrance'>><</decision>>
<</if>><<if !hasTag('orson-caught')>>
<<include [[Introduction Masturbate]]>>
<<addsin 'masturbation'>>
You take your ?dick in hand and stroke it gently, feeling a tingle of pleasure run through your body. <<if settings.sph>>You have always used only two fingers to masturbate, your ?dick is not quite long enough to use a full hand.<</if>> You close your eyes and let your mind wander. You find yourself thinking of ?Morgana with her perfect body.
<<if hasCompletedQuest('morgana-bedroom')>>
Images of her naked body once again enter your mind. You still can't believe how you got to see her naked.
<<img "morgana/bedroom_visit_naked_{theme}.jpg">>
Your mind wanders further as you think about what might happen next time she gives you a night-time visit. Would she actually have sex with you? The though alone is driving you insane with lust as you feel yourself getting closer and closer to completion.
You wonder what she would look like in a more intimate setting. You can't deny you really long to see her naked. Perhaps it's her mysterious aura but she definitely has some effect on you. Thinking of her, what you could do with her, is driving you wild. You feel yourself getting closer and closer as you stroke yourself.
<<if settings.vids>>
<<if settings.sph>>
<<video 'player/masturbate_bath_sph.webm'>>
<<video 'player/masturbate_bath.webm'>>
You let out a loud grunt as you cum in the bathtub. You stare at the water as you see your sperm float around in it.
<</if>><<include 'Orson Acknowledgement'>>
You enter your bedroom to see ?Orson here, tidying up the place. He's folding some of your freshly washed clothes and putting them in your wardrobe.
<<orson>>Hello, ?title. How may I be of service?<</orson>>
<<player>>Oh there's nothing, ?Orson. I was just coming to say hi.<</player>>
<<orson>>Ah, splendid, ?title. Please let me know if I can help you with anything. I am at your service.<</orson>>
<<player>>Of course. Thank you for cleaning up, ?Orson.<</player>>
He nods to you as he continues cleaning your bedroom.
<<decision 'Take your leave' 'Bedroom'>>
<</decision>>As you're getting up, you notice an unfamiliar piece of folded paper lying on your desk. Your name is written on the front in curling letters. Could this be a note from ?Sybille? <<if hasCompletedQuest('rosa-date')>>Or perhaps a sweet note from ?Rosa?<</if>>?nl
You get out of bed and open the note quickly to find...a poem?
Thine eyes glitter like emeralds,<br>
Thy hair strands of amber deep,<br>
Fair skin soft as pillow down,<br>
Thy laugh a chime I wish to keep.?nl
Thou art the subject of my dreams,<br>
The scent of blooms on summer morns,<br>
A whisper low of sighs in love,<br>
My heart a creature caught in thorns.?nl
I wish always thy face to see,<br>
And, mayhaps, thy hand to hold,<br>
For though thou may'st love me not,<br>
Thy notice is worth more than gold.<br>
You look around the room as though the person who wrote the note might suddenly emerge from the shadows. <<if hasCompletedQuest('rosa-date')>>Could ?Rosa really have written this? She hasn't mentioned writing poetry, and you're fairly sure she knows you like her. Could this mean you have a secret admirer?<<else>>You're really not sure who this could be from. Do you have a secret admirer?<</if>>
<<decision 'Put the note away for now' 'Bedroom'>><</decision>>As you come to consciousness, you feel yourself being poked in the neck by something. You sit up and feel under your pillow, finding another note with your name on it.
Shall I compare thee to a winter's day?<br>
Thou art more warm and more full of sunlight:<br>
Rough winds make bare December branches sway,<br>
And autumn's yellows soon submit to white;?nl
Sometime too long does heaven's bright eye close,<br>
And often is his grey complexion dim;<br>
And every snow from snow is oft unfroze,<br>
By chance or winter's ever-changing whim;?nl
But thine eternal brilliance shall not fade,<br>
Nor lose possession of the heart thou ow'st;<br>
Nor shall enternal cold make thee unmade,<br>
When my sun-bright affection for thee grow'st:?nl
So long as my lungs breathe, or mine eyes see,<br>
So long lives love, and this I give to thee.
Wow, whoever is writing these seems to be putting a lot of effort into their poems. You're not sure what all the lines mean, but it definitely seems like the author has a crush on you. Unfortunately the poems don't really give away much. Maybe if you wait for more poems, the writer will reveal some hints as to their identity...
<<decision 'Put the note away for now' 'Bedroom'>><</decision>>You almost don't see it, but as you are getting out of bed a small piece of crumpled paper catches your eye in the waste paper basket under your desk. Could this be a discarded note from your secret admirer? You retrieve the paper and smooth it out. You see another poem, shorter this time.
There once was a prince of such beauty,<br>
That working for him was no duty.<br>
The castle staff swooned,<br>
While verses they crooned,<br>
Their dreams filled with that royal booty.
You put down the note slowly. It strikes you that this poem is much less...refined than the previous ones, which is probably why the author threw it away.?nl
It feels a bit strange that some anonymous person is apparently dreaming about your ass. Still, perhaps this poem provides you some clues as to their identity. It seems like they work at the castle, though that leaves several possibilities. You could talk to someone who would know more about the castle staff... Or maybe it would be better to just forget about this and pretend you never saw the notes...
<<decision 'Resolve to discover who the writer is'>>
<<removetag 'orson-poem-1'>>
<<removetag 'orson-poem-2'>>
<<startquest 'find-poet'>>
<br>You're not sure how, but you're going to figure out who this poet is. It seems like a good place to start would be to talk to someone who knows a lot of the staff. Perhaps ?Rosa could help?
<<decision 'Slip the note into your pocket for now' 'Bedroom'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Ignore the mystery and get on with your day'>>
<<addcounter 'orson-poem' 7>>
<br>It would be too awkward to try to figure out who the author is, and in any case, it's a bit strange that they only leave you notes and haven't tried to talk to you. You crumple up the paper and throw it back in the trash can, resolving to forget about this whole situation.
<<decision 'Go about your day' 'Bedroom'>><</decision>>
<</decision>><<completequest 'find-poet'>>
You approach ?Rosa in the kitchen as she is hard at work chopping a mountain of vegetables. She notices you come in and gives you a bright smile.
<<rosa>>Oh, hello, ?titleR! How can I be of service?<</rosa>>
You realize suddenly that asking ?Rosa about the poems is a rather awkward situation. <<if hasCompletedQuest('rosa-date')>>Will she be jealous if someone else on the kitchen staff is interested in you?<<else>>Before you can even say a word, you feel your cheeks growing a bit warm.<</if>>
<<player>>Uh, well, it's rather a delicate question I suppose...<</player>>
?Rosa sets down her knife and gives you an encouraging nod, inviting you to continue speaking.
<<player>>I, uh, well, I received these anonymous notes...<</player>>
You look at her quickly to see if there is any sign of recognition in her face, but she just looks curious.
<<player>>They are of a...well...romantic nature. I believe that someone on the castle staff may be, uh, interested in me?<</player>>
?Rosa giggles, covering her mouth with her hand.
<<if hasCompletedQuest('rosa-date')>>
<<rosa>>So, I suppose that makes two, then? That's so sweet! What do the notes say?<</rosa>>
<<rosa>>Oh my goodness, how sweet! You have a secret admirer, ?titleR! May I ask what the notes say?<</rosa>>
It occurs to you that receiving romantic notes does indicate that you are desirable, so you're not sure why this feels so embarrassing. <<if hasCompletedQuest('rosa-date')>>At least ?Rosa doesn't seem to be upset that someone else is romantically interested in you.<</if>>
<<player>>Well, that's what I wanted to ask you about. They are all in the form of poems. Do you know anyone on the staff who writes poetry?<</player>>
?Rosa considers your question for a moment, looking thoughtful.
<<rosa>>No, I don't believe poetry is a common activity for everyday folk! Perhaps you might ask ?Sybille? She seems to know everything happening in this castle, and I hear she's quite good at puzzles.<</rosa>>
You're not sure why you didn't think of asking ?Sybille in the first place. She'll probably take one look at a poem and know who wrote it simply based on type of paper or something.
<<player>>Of course, that's a wonderful idea. Thank you, ?Rosa.<</player>>
You bid farewell to ?Rosa, making a mental note to discuss this topic with ?Sybille at the next opportunity.
<<decision 'Leave the kitchen' 'Hallway'>>
<<increasetime 1 true>>
<<startquest 'find-poet-2'>>
<</decision>><<completequest 'find-poet-2'>>
<<changeschedule orson 'evening' 'Library'>>
You find ?Sybille working at her desk, writing something on a piece of paper. You catch a glimpse of what looks like a set of grids with numbers in some of the boxes before she whips the paper out of sight. Was she working on some kind of puzzle?
<<sybille>>How can I assist you, ?title?<</sybille>>
You realize that asking ?Sybille, a council member, about this question is somehow even more awkward than asking ?Rosa.
<<player>>I was, um, hoping your skill in spycraft might assist me with a...um...rather personal question...<</player>>
?Sybille raises a single eyebrow at you.
<<sybille>>A personal question? Of what nature?<</sybille>>
You figure you may as well just show ?Sybille one of the notes. You pull the most recent one out of your pocket and hand it to her.
<<player>>I have been receiving anonymous poems expressing...uh, affection for me, and I was, well, wondering if you might have any idea who- who they're from...<</player>>
?Sybille reads the poem, and you watch as a slight smirk whispers across her face.
<<sybille>>I was wondering if he would ever get up the courage...<</sybille>>
<<player>>What? You know who wrote this?<</player>>
?Sybille hands the paper back to you, her face once again completely neutral.
<<sybille>>Indeed. This poem was written by ?Orson.<</sybille>>
You take a step back, feeling a moment of shock as she says this.
<<player>>What?! How do you know this?<</player>>
<<sybille>>I have my ways. I will simply say that ?Orson enjoys hiding in dark corners in the library, writing by candlelight. This is a match for his handwriting.<</sybille>>
You can't believe that these notes are from ?Orson. He has always acted so professional in your company. He even bathes you without so much as a twitch on his face. Still, ?Sybille seems very certain...
<<player>>Well, thank you, ?Sybille... I will have to mull this over...<</player>>
<<decision 'Leave the dungeons' 'Hallway'>>
<<increasetime 1 true>>
<<startquest 'find-poet-3'>>
<</decision>>You creep through the dim space, your eyes peeled for any signs of candlelight. You've never noticed how many dark corners the library has. It would be easy to hide here. As you're peering into one such corner, craning your neck to see over a large pile of books, a shock of white hair comes into view.?nl
Maybe this was a bad idea. You could just leave and pretend you don't know it's ?Orson who is writing the poems. On the other hand, maybe confronting the issue head-on would be smarter...
<<decision 'Approach and confront Orson about the poems' 'Orson Poems Confront'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Walk out silently and never speak of this again' 'Hallway'>>
<<completequest 'find-poet-3'>>
<</decision>><<completequest 'find-poet-3'>>
You creep closer. ?Orson doesn't seem to have noticed you, so you tap him on the shoulder. He jumps, spilling ink across the parchment he was writing on.
<<orson>>Oh, goodness! ?Title!<</orson>>
He stands quickly, immediately adopting his usual professional demeanor. You notice he is standing in such a way as to block your view of what he was writing.
<<player>>Oh no- I didn't mean to startle you, ?Orson. My apologies.<</player>>
He gives you a slight bow.
<<orson>>No, ?title, the fault is mine. I will clean this mess up immediately. But first, how can I be of service to you, ?title?<</orson>>
Yet again, you feel your cheeks growing hot, and find yourself at a loss for words. It occurs to you that you had no plan for how this conversation would go. Could you possibly return ?Orson's feelings someday? Should you tell him you're not interested? Isn't this whole situation a bit inappropriate, anyway?
<<decision 'Indicate your interest to Orson' 'Orson Indicate Interest'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Turn Orson down gently' 'Orson Reject Submissive' submissiveness medium>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Admonish Orson for his inappropriate behavior' 'Orson Reject Dominant' dominance medium>><</decision>><<player>>I- uh- well, ?Orson... I know about the poems you've been writing me...<</player>>
For just a moment, you see a crack appear in ?Orson's professional demeanor. He's hard to read, but it looks like some mixture of surprise and possibly...excitement?
<<player>>They were, uh, very nice poems. You are an excellent writer.<</player>>
?Orson inclines his head at you, a hint of a smile on his face.
<<orson>>Well, thank you, ?title. I find you an excellent muse.<</orson>>
You're definitely blushing now. He seems to notice this, and a genuine smile breaks on his face. You realize you're smiling back at him.
<<player>>Do you, um, often write poetry?<</player>>
<<orson>>Oh! Yes, I have always considered myself a poet of sorts. I was just crafting a verse before you came in...<</orson>>
He moves aside, revealing the piece of parchment, so stained with ink now that the words are illegible. He chuckles lightly.
<<orson>>No matter, I will recreate the lines from memory. I have always been so inspired by things of beauty; I'm sure the lines will come right back to me...<</orson>>
He trails off, looking you in the eyes. Your face somehow seems to grow even hotter at this. ?Orson thinks you're a thing of beauty?
<<player>>Oh, well, th-thank you for saying so... Perhaps you could, um, show me some more of your poetry sometime?<</player>>
<<orson>>I would love to, ?title. Perhaps one of these evenings we could share some wine and poetry in the meadow?<</orson>>
<<player>>That would be lovely.<</player>>
<<orson>>Wonderful. I look forward to it, as a bird awaits the plump seed of spring.<</orson>>
Wondering vaguely if this is some kind of intimate metaphor, you give him another smile and head back out of the library in a daze. You can't believe that you've just arranged a date with, of all people, your faithful servant. Not only that, but he also writes poetry about you. Your day has been very strange indeed.
<<decision 'Exit the library' 'Hallway'>>
<<addcounter 'orson' 1>>
<<startquest 'orson-date-1'>>
<</decision>><<player>>I- uh- well, ?Orson... I know about the poems you've been writing me...<</player>>
For just a moment, you see a crack appear in ?Orson's professional demeanor. He's hard to read, but it looks like some mixture of surprise and possibly...excitement?
<<player>>They were, uh, very nice poems. You are an excellent writer.<</player>>
?Orson inclines his head at you, a hint of a smile on his face.
<<orson>>Well, thank you, ?title. I find you an excellent muse.<</orson>>
<<player>>Ah, yes, well, about that... I'm very sorry, but I don't know if I'm, um, interested...<</player>>
?Orson's face returns instantly to a neutral, polite expression.
<<orson>>Of course, ?title. You need say nothing more. We can simply forget this ever happened.<</orson>>
You are a bit taken aback by how quickly he has accepted your rejection. It feels a bit sudden, but on the other hand, you're happy to speak about this as little as possible.
<<player>>Oh, uh, yes, I think that would be best. Thank you, ?Orson.<</player>>
He inclines his head as you turn and walk away, hoping you haven't hurt his feelings too much. As you're about to leave the library, you hear something that sounds like crumpling parchment.
<<decision 'Exit the library' 'Hallway'>><</decision>><<player>>I know about the poems you've been writing, ?Orson.<</player>>
For just a moment, you see a crack appear in ?Orson's professional demeanor. He's hard to read, but it looks like some mixture of surprise and possibly...excitement?
<<player>>I must say, this behavior is inappropriate for a servant to display toward his prince. I can overlook this incident given your history of excellent service, but I must ask you to maintain your professionalism going forward.<</player>>
?Orson's face returns instantly to a neutral, polite expression.
<<orson>>Of course, ?title. I apologize for my untoward behavior. You will hear nothing more of it.<</orson>>
<<player>>Thank you, ?Orson. I will take my leave.<</player>>
He inclines his head as you turn and walk away. As you're leaving the library, you hear something that sounds like crumpling parchment.
<<decision 'Exit the library' 'Hallway'>><</decision>><<completequest 'orson-date-1'>>
You make your way through the library, the warm glow of the evening sun lighting patches on the marble floors. You find ?Orson in the same place as last time, his hair falling into his eyes as he leans over a sheet of parchment, his quill moving quickly. He notices you approach and stands, folding the parchment and slipping it into his pocket.
<<orson>>Good evening, ?title. Are you here for our meadow excursion?<</orson>>
<<player>>Indeed I am, ?Orson!<</player>>
He turns around a pulls a leather bag from underneath the desk he was working at. You can just make out what looks like the top of a wine bottle sticking out of the bag. Has ?Orson been carrying this around in anticipation of your date?
<<orson>>Wonderful! I have prepared some necessary supplies and am ready to depart immediately. You, however, cannot leave the castle looking like yourself. Please, follow me, ?title.<</orson>>
You follow him curiously as he leads you out of the library.
<<decision 'Follow Orson' 'Orson Date 1 Outfit'>><</decision>><<setlocation 'Bedroom'>>
You trail behind ?Orson as he leads you into your own bedroom. He stands aside, revealing your disguise outfit laid neatly on the bed. You stare at him.
<<player>>H-how long have you known about this, ?Orson?<</player>>
He chuckles, clasping his hands behind his back.
<<orson>>Did you never wonder, ?title, how your outfit always stayed perfectly clean?<</orson>>
You almost have to laugh at your own cluelessness. Of course ?Orson knows about your disguise. Even though you hid the clothes deep in your wardrobe, it has always been his job to ensure your entire room is clean and tidy. It was silly of you to think he wouldn't notice.<br>
<<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>
<br>You feel suddenly self-conscious, knowing that ?Orson is perfectly aware of your maid outfit. That said, he did lay it out for you, so perhaps he doesn't mind.
<<orson>>Shall I help you dress, ?title?<</orson>>
You look at him quickly, trying to read his face, but as usual he keeps an impressively professional expression. Knowing how he feels about you, allowing him to dress you suddenly sounds like a sensual choice... Perhaps it would be less awkward just to dress yourself...
<<decision 'Change into the disguise yourself'>>
<<outfit disguise>>
<<player>>Oh, I appreciate that ?Orson, but there is, um, no need...<</player>>
He nods, giving you a warm smile.
<<orson>>Of course. You have been doing it yourself so far, after all.<</orson>>
He leaves the bedroom, allowing you to change in private. Once in your disguise, you meet him outside the door.<br>
<<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>
<br>You feel your cheeks grow hot as you stand before him in your dress. It feels strange to wear this outfit in front of him, but he doesn't so much as flinch when he sees you.
<<orson>>You look lovely in this dress, and now the guards will give us no trouble. To the meadow?<</orson>>
Does he really think you look good in this outfit? Your cheeks still feel hot, but you feel yourself relax a bit.
<<decision 'Leave the castle with Orson' 'Orson Date 1 Leave'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Allow Orson to help you change into the disguise'>>
<<outfit disguise>>
<<player>>O-oh, um, yes, I would appreicate that, ?Orson.<</player>>
<<orson>>Of course, ?title, I am happy to help.<</orson>>
He approaches you and begins undoing the various buckles, clasps, and fasteners on your elaborate princely outfit. After a moment, he removes the top layer of garments and lays them carefully on your bed. He then continues his methodical movements, removing your undergarments and leaving you completely naked in the cool air.?nl
He glances up and catches you watching him. He gives you a warm smile.
<<orson>>I hope it is not too forward of me to say, ?title, but you really are quite beautiful.<</orson>>
He picks up your disguise clothes and begins to dress you in them, his movements still incredibly gentle. You feel your cheeks growing hot at the intimacy of the moment and the warm touch of his careful fingers.
<<player>>Th-thank you, ?Orson.<</player>>
He finishes dressing you and sweeps his hands gently across the fabric on your shoulders to smooth it. <<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>It feels strange to stand before him in a dress, but he doesn't flinch at your new outfit.<</if>>
<<orson>><<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>There. You look lovely in this dress, and now the guards will give us no trouble.<<else>>There, now the guards will give us no trouble.<</if>> To the meadow?<</orson>>
<<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>Does he really think you look good in this outfit? Your cheeks still feel hot, but you feel yourself relax a bit.<</if>>
<<decision 'Leave the castle with Orson' 'Orson Date 1 Leave'>><</decision>>
<</decision>><<setlocation 'Gatehouse'>>
You walk with ?Orson past the guards. They pay little attention to you, but you notice them watching ?Orson leave with mildly curious expressions. In turn, ?Orson gives them a polite nod as you pass by together.?nl
You get the sense that ?Orson probably doesn't leave the castle very often, considering how dedicated he is to serving you.
<<decision 'Head to the meadow' 'Orson Date 1 Meadow Arrive'>><</decision>><<setlocation 'Meadow'>>
You walk with ?Orson into the meadow and find a picturesque spot amidst the flowers that is blocked from view of the castle by a small hillock. To your surprise, ?Orson pulls a small rug from his leather bag and spreads in on the ground. He waits for you to take a seat, then sits down comfortably next to you.
<<orson>>Well, ?title, I think we have plenty of time to take in the splendor of the sunset.<</orson>>
He pulls two silver goblets from his bag and fills them with wine, handing you one. You look at him, the glow of the evening's low sun warming his pale skin and making his white hair look golden.
<<player>>Please, ?Orson, call me by my name.<</player>>
He makes eye contact with you and smiles warmly.
<<orson>>I would like nothing more, ?player.<</orson>>
You take a sip of your wine and find yourself surprised. You are used to tasting fine wines in the castle, but something about this one seems particularly special. It is a red wine, deep and rich, with complex flavor notes you couldn't even begin to describe.
<<player>>?Orson, where did you find this wine?<</player>>
As you say this, ?Orson seems to let his guard down, looking suddenly excited.
<<orson>>Do you like it? I chose this bottle based on your taste preferences. You may notice notes of dark, brambly fruit, exotic spices, and just the barest hint of leather.<</orson>>
You stare into your goblet. You're not sure you can taste any of those things, but it is still a delicious wine.
<<player>>You seem to know much about wine!<</player>>
<<orson>>It is a recent passion of mine. I have actually been corresponding with a master wine steward. Once a month he sends a bottle and a description of its history, along with tasting notes and prompts to develop one's palate. It's really very interesting.<</orson>>
You don't think you've ever seen ?Orson become so animated about any topic before. He must really like wine.
<<player>>I would love to hear more about it.<</player>>
<<decision 'Continue your conversation' 'Orson Date 1 Meadow Poem'>><</decision>>You continue talking with ?Orson as the sun drifts lower on the horizon and the wine causes you to become a bit tipsy. As the light starts to grow dim, you think of the piece of paper that ?Orson slipped into his pocket.
<<player>>What was it that you were, um, writing in the library when I found you?<</player>>
<<orson>>Ah, that was a poem for you. I suppose now is the time to read it, while we still have light.<</orson>>
He pulls the piece of paper from his pocket and unfolds it. You can just make out the words on the page as he reads the poem dramatically.
Within thy chest,<br>
Thou guardst a gold-hammered seed,<br>
Crafted, shining, lovely,<br>
Hidden, grasping under dirt,<br>
Like light through the door crack,<br>
Like stem under snow,<br>
To make jealous spring's first sparrow,<br>
To birth a twining vine,<br>
Growing 'til overgrown,<br>
Both cage and nest, bonds and bed,<br>
The new-year melting of the icy core of me.
He puts down the paper, looking at you expectantly.
<<orson>>Do you like it? I was experimenting with a non-metrical approach. It sounds a bit different, but there is a lovely freedom of artistic expression when one can eschew a rhyming scheme...<</orson>>
You can't help but wonder at how ?Orson wrote what could only be described as a love poem for you. It is incredibly strange to know that your long-time servant has these feelings for you, but at the same time sitting here with him drinking wine and has felt almost...natural??nl
The sky is now bathed in shades of red and orange, and ?Orson is looking at you with a soft expression you've never seen on his face before. He seems to really care for you... There's not a soul around... You could kiss him right now, if you wanted to...
<<decision 'Lean in to kiss him' 'Orson Date 1 Kiss'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Let the moment pass' 'Orson Date 1 Rejected'>><</decision>><<addtag 'orson-romance'>>
You lean in to kiss him and ?Orson immediately responds, meeting your lips with his own. He sighs into you as your mouths move together, dropping the poem to circle his arms around you. You let your own hand trail up to hold the side of his face, and when you pull away to look at him, he's smiling.
<<orson>>The sky is beautiful right now, ?player, but it has nothing on you.<</orson>>
The line is cheesy enough that you almost laugh, but he seems serious, so instead you lean in to kiss him again. This time you let yourself get closer, moving your body next to his, feeling the heat of his chest and tasting the wine on his tongue. It doesn't take long for your movements to become faster, and you feel the arousal building inside yourself.?nl
You fall together to lie on the rug, kissing each other deeply. Involuntarily, you find yourself moving against him, wanting to get closer to him. You know he wants you too. You could just keep kissing him, or you could do something more...
<<decision 'Get closer to him' 'Orson Date 1 Blowjob Choice'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Just keep kissing him' 'Orson Date 1 Come Down'>><</decision>>You break eye contact with ?Orson and clear your throat.
<<player>>It was a nice poem, ?Orson. When did you first become interested in poetry?<</player>>
Noticing the shift in your tone, ?Orson sits up straighter and his soft expression slips into a more neutral one.
<<orson>>Well, I was first given a book of poetry as a young boy...<</orson>>
You spend some more time discussing books and poetry until the sky grows dark and a chill takes the air. You pack up together and head back to the castle, parting ways for the night with a friendly wave.?nl
Though you had a nice time with ?Orson, you're not sure you're interested in pursuing a romantic relationship with him. Luckily, if his past behavior is any indication, you're sure you can count on him to continue serving you with the utmost professionalism.
<<decision 'Return to your bedroom and remove your disguise' 'Bedroom'>>
<<outfit standard>>
<<increasetime 1>>
<</decision>>?Orson seems in no hurry to end your date, and you have the feeling that he would have happily done more than just kiss you this evening, if you had wanted. But he knows you well, and seems to wordlessly understand that this is all you want to do today.?nl
You're not sure how much time passes, but after a while the sky darkens and a chill takes the air. Even in the warmth of ?Orson's arms, you find yourself shivering.
<<orson>>Much as I would like to stay here forever, perhaps we should return to the castle now.<</orson>>
<<player>>Y-yes, I'm a b-bit c-cold...<</player>>
You chuckle together, kissing one last time before packing up and heading back to the castle. You sneak in a final kiss before parting for the night.
<<decision 'Return to your bedroom and remove your disguise' 'Bedroom'>>
<<outfit standard>>
<<increasetime 1>>
<</decision>>Without even thinking about it, you find yourself pushing your crotch against his as you kiss him. You can feel your ?dick getting hard <<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>under your dress<<else>>in your pants<</if>>, and you can feel him growing hard under his own clothing.?nl
Suddenly, all these clothes are starting to feel annoying. It seems as though ?Orson is thinking the same thing. He starts undoing the tie of his pants, where in the golden light you can see a bulge waiting to be let free. You feel your own ?dick straining against your underwear.?nl
You start tearing your clothes off. ?Orson removes his pants, revealing his erect cock, long and gracefully curved. He looks at you with lust in his eyes, watching you undress. <<if settings.sph>>Even though your penis is so small, you're sure he would happily pleasure you here in this meadow.<<else>>You're sure he would happily pleasure you in this meadow.<</if>> On the other hand, he has always been so focused on serving you; perhaps it would be enticing for you to serve him for once...
<<decision 'Let Orson pleasure you' 'Orson Date 1 Blowjob' dominance medium>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Pleasure Orson' 'Orson Date 1 Blowjob Role Reversal' submissiveness medium>><</decision>>You strip naked and lean back on the rug. Though it's nothing he hasn't seen before, ?Orson drinks in the sight of you like a man dying of thirst. His eyes roam over your entire body, lingering hungrily on your ?dick.
<<orson>>The best muse one could hope for...<</orson>>
He sweeps his hair out of his eyes and leans forward to kiss you, his cock rubbing against yours. Leaving your mouth, he trails gentle kisses along your neck, down your chest, to the base of your ?dick. You watch him hover there, looking up at you with his icy blue eyes.
<<orson>>You want me to do this, ?player?<</orson>>
You nod emphatically, incredibly hard, barely able to stand the anticipation. You watch as he slowly wraps his mouth around you and you feel your ?dick enveloped in a soft, warm wetness that sends ripples of pleasure through your body.
<<player>>Augh- oh, fuck...<</player>>
?Orson smiles around your ?dick and begins <<if settings.sph>>to suck, moving his tongue around the tip.<<else>>to move his mouth up and down on the shaft, his tongue wrapping around the tip as he pulls up.<</if>> You hear yourself moaning involuntarily as the pleasure builds inside you.?nl
He increases his speed, suckling on your ?dick with the same deft confidence he brings to all his work. Your focus narrows to the sensations in your ?dick, the way ?Orson is enveloping you while somehow achieving a perfect level of suction and stimulation with his tongue. You are so overcome by the pleasure that the watercolor sky above and the heady smell of the wildflowers in the evening sun barely register to you as he bobs on your ?dick.
<<player>>Fuck, ?Orson, that's good...<</player>>
<<if settings.sph>>
?Orson shifts his position slightly and starts to thrust his mouth on you so that the tip of your ?dick hits the back of his mouth. Combined with the wet sucking, the additional stimulation builds the ecstasy to a peak inside you.
He wraps a hand around the base of your ?dick and begins to pump it in time with the movements of his mouth, bringing a whole new layer of pleasure to the experience. Then he thrusts his mouth onto you so far that the tip of your ?dick hits the back of his throat, and you feel the ecstasy building to a peak inside you.
<<player>>Ah- fuck- I'm going to cum...<</player>>
?Orson keeps his mouth on you as you orgasm hard, your cum splattering down his throat. He swallows your cum and gently sucks along your ?dick a few more times before pulling you out of his mouth. It is only now that you realize he has been pleasuring himself with his own hand, and he throws his head back as he too orgasms, his own cum splashing across the rug.?nl
You lie together on the rug, breathing heavily, kissing idly as the sun dips below the horizon.
<<player>>You are...very skilled, ?Orson.<</player>>
?Orson turns his head to look at you and smiles.
<<orson>>It is not difficult to perform well when one is so inspired.<</orson>>
You smile back at him, only now starting to process that you just received a blowjob from your personal manservant. The fresh pleasure of it is still too great for you to care, however.?nl
The sky darkens and a chill takes the air. Reluctantly, you get dressed again and pack up to head back to the castle. You share a long kiss before parting for the night.
<<decision 'Return to your bedroom and remove your disguise' 'Bedroom'>>
<<outfit standard>>
<<increasetime 1>>
<</decision>><<addsin 'blowjob'>>
<<addtag 'orson-role-reversal'>>
?Orson seems to notice you hesitating. He leans back comfortably on the rug, his cock on full display.
<<orson>>Perhaps just for this evening, ?player, you could...serve me?<</orson>>
You finish stripping naked. Though it's nothing he hasn't seen before, ?Orson drinks in the sight of you like a man dying of thirst.
<<player>>I-I think I would like that very much...<</player>>
He smiles at you softly and you lean over him to kiss him, feeling your ?dick rub against his. The touch makes you even harder, and you want desperately to get him inside your mouth. You move to kiss down his pale neck and his chest, making your way to the base of his shaft. You look up to meet his icy blue eyes and he gives you a nod.?nl
You can hardly believe you're doing this with your personal manservant, of all people, but lust has taken over your mind. You put a hand on his dick and begin to stroke it gently, watching as he sighs in pleasure at your touch.
<<orson>>Look how beautiful you are...<</orson>>
Slowly, hesitatingly, you lean down and wrap your mouth around the head of his penis. You try to use just the soft parts of your mouth and lightly suck on the tip, eliciting a low moan from ?Orson as he watches you. This gives you some confidence so you begin to move your mouth along his length, sucking around the shaft.
<<orson>>Agh, fuck, ?player...<</orson>>
His dick is too big to fit comfortably in your mouth, so you wrap a hand around the base and start to pump in time with the movements of your mouth. ?Orson is moaning loudly now as you pleasure his cock, his eyes closed and head thrown back.?nl
You use your tongue to circle around the glans of his cock and then push it deeper in your mouth. His dick hits the back of your throat and you gag involuntarily, but try to relax into the sensation as you continue pushing yourself down on him. You look up and meet his eyes, your lips still wrapped around his cock, and he tangles a hand in your hair.
<<orson>>Fuck, look how well you serve me...<</orson>>
You start to bob your head on his dick, moving fast in time with your hand. ?Orson's moans grow louder as you do so, and he begins bucking his hips to thrust his cock deeper inside your mouth.
<<orson>>You're going to make me cum, ?player...<</orson>>
You feel a sense of pride in providing so much pleasure to ?Orson. Will you swallow his cum, or let him cum on the ground?<br>
<<decision 'Swallow his cum greedily'>>
<<addsin 'cum-eating'>>
<br>You continue your movements, pleasuring ?Orson's cock until his hips suddenly jerk as he pushes into your mouth a final time and his hot cum splatters down your throat. You swallow his cum enthusiastically and clean his dick off with your tongue.?nl
Watching him cum has you so aroused that when you start to masturbate your own ?dick, it takes only moments for you to reach your climax too, and your semen sprays across the rug. You collapse next to him and lie there, breathing heavily, kissing idly as the sun dips below the horizon.
<<orson>>You are very skilled, ?player.<</orson>>
You turn your head to look at him and smile.
<<player>>I guess I was...inspired, as you might say.<</player>>
He smiles back at you, and you only now start to process that you just gave a blowjob to your personal manservant. The fresh pleasure of it is still too great for you to care, however.?nl
The sky darkens and a chill takes the air. Reluctantly, you get dressed again and pack up to head back to the castle. You share a long kiss before parting for the night.
<<decision 'Return to your bedroom and remove your disguise' 'Bedroom'>>
<<outfit standard>>
<<increasetime 1>>
<<decision 'Finish him off with your hand'>>
<br>You pull your mouth off him with a wet slurp and continue working the shaft with your hand. After a few moments, his hips jerk as he pushes into your hand and his hot cum splatters into the air, falling on your hand and the rug.?nl
Watching him cum has you so aroused that when you start to masturbate your own ?dick, it takes only moments for you to reach your climax too. Your semen sprays across the rug, mixing with his. You collapse next to him and lie there, breathing heavily, kissing idly as the sun dips below the horizon.
<<orson>>You are very skilled, ?player.<</orson>>
You turn your head to look at him and smile.
<<player>>I guess I was...inspired, as you might say.<</player>>
He smiles back at you, and you only now start to process that you just gave a blowjob to your personal manservant. The fresh pleasure of it is still too great for you to care, however.?nl
The sky darkens and a chill takes the air. Reluctantly, you get dressed again and pack up to head back to the castle. You share a long kiss before parting for the night.
<<decision 'Return to your bedroom and remove your disguise' 'Bedroom'>>
<<outfit standard>>
<<increasetime 1>>
<</decision>><<completequest 'orson-gift-quill'>>
You find ?Orson in his usual spot in the library, bent over a sheet of parchment. Hearing you approach, he straightens and nods at you, the hint of a smile breaking through his professional expression.
<<orson>>Ah, ?player! You've caught me in the middle of composing a sonnet. How may I be of service?<</orson>>
<<player>>Actually, ?Orson, I brought a gift for you.<</player>>
His look of curiosity turns to one of excitement as you produce the engraved quill from behind your back.
<<orson>>Oh, my goodness, ?player! This is absolutely gorgeous.<</orson>>
You watch anxiously as he takes the quill from you. To your relief, he turns it over in his hands with a look of pleasure on his face.
<<player>>You like it?<</player>>
<<orson>>I adore it. The craftsmanship is superb. Those fine lines in the metal there must be so difficult to achieve...<</orson>>
You can't help but smile as you watch his excitement over your gift.
<<player>>I'm so glad you like it.<</player>>
He looks around the library, then stands up and takes a step toward you. Smoothly, he reaches a hand out to cup the side of your face and kisses you. You breathe in his scent and find yourself sighing into him.?nl
He pulls away, a real smile playing on his lips.
<<orson>>Truly, thank you, ?player.<</orson>>
You lean in to kiss him again, enjoying being close to him like this. When you pull apart again, he looks thoughtful.
<<orson>>You know, a favorite musician of mine will be playing at ?tavern over the next few days. Would you perhaps extend me another kindness and accompany me to one of his shows?<</orson>>
<<decision 'Accept his offer'>>
<<addcounter 'orson-library' 1>>
<<startquest 'orson-date-2'>>
<<player>>I would love to, ?Orson.<</player>>
He breaks into a true smile.
<<orson>>Wonderful! Come find me one of these evenings, then.<</orson>>
<<decision 'Leave him to his work' 'Hallway'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Decline his offer'>>
<<player>>Ah, thank you for the invite, ?Orson, but I think I'll have to skip this one.<</player>>
A look of disappointment flashes across ?Orson's face before returning to a neutral expression.
<<orson>>Ah, of course, I understand. Perhaps next time.<</orson>>
You give him a nod and leave him to his work.
<<decision 'Leave the library' 'Hallway'>><</decision>>
<</decision>><<completequest 'orson-date-2'>>
You find ?Orson in the library. You immediately notice that instead of his usual work suit, he has changed into an equally formal, yet more colorful suit. It is made of a pale blue silk and is richly embroidered with silver threads.
<<player>>?Orson, you look amazing!<</player>>
?Orson gives you a small smile.
<<orson>>And you look as <<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>lovely as a spring bloom<<else>>handsome as a winter evergreen<</if>>, ?player. Shall we head to town?<</orson>>
<<player>>Yes! I just have...uh, one request. While I'm in my disguise, I have been going by the name ?newname. Could you, um, call me that while we're in town?<</player>>
You smile at him awkwardly, hoping he doesn't find this ask too strange. To your relief, he seems to take your request in stride.
<<orson>>Of course, ?newname, that makes a great deal of sense.<</orson>>
It feels quite strange to hear ?Orson call you by that name, but you're glad he has reacted so well.
<<decision 'Change into your disguise and go to the tavern' 'Orson Date 2 Walk Town'>>
<<outfit disguise>>
<</decision>><<setlocation 'Road'>>
You leave the castle with ?Orson, the guards paying you little notice as you pass by, and walk together toward the town. The evening air is pleasantly cool and the warm light of the setting sun plays on ?Orson's face, turning his white hair a sunny golden yellow.
<<player>>So, who is this musician we're going to see?<</player>>
<<orson>>Oh, he's something very special. I've never heard a bard with such a masterful command of language before. His lyrics are pure poetry spun into melodies, and his lute playing is so energetic, he'll turn any crowd to dancing within minutes.<</orson>>
<<player>>W-wow, I'm excited to hear him perform, then!<</player>>
?Orson meets your eyes and gives you a wink.
<<orson>>It doesn't hurt that he's...well, rather easy on the eyes.<</orson>>
You chuckle and continue your walk, laughing and chatting together until you arrive at the tavern.
<<decision 'Go inside' 'Orson Date 2 Enter Tavern'>><</decision>><<setlocation 'Tavern'>>
You follow ?Orson inside the tavern. A small stage has been set up in one corner, and most of the tables are already full with cheerful patrons who seem to be waiting for the music to start. You squeeze into a small table with ?Orson and order a bottle of wine just as applause picks up in the room.?nl
You look around and to see a man step out onto the stage carrying a lute. His dark hair falls in perfect curls across his eyes, the locks interwoven with small pink flowers. He wears a flowing purple robe that seems to defy gravity as it flutters around him, his neck and wrists are dripping with shining jewelry, and his green eyes pop against perfectly applied outlines of makeup. You have to admit he is one of the most gorgeous men you have ever seen.?nl
As the man gives an exaggerated bow, flashing a brilliant smile at the crowd, you lean in to whisper in ?Orson's ear.
<<player>>I, uh, see what you mean... He's beautiful...<</player>>
?Orson smiles at you and watches as the show starts.
<<merry>>Hello, one and all! Aren't you all looking <i>dashing</i> on this fine evening. To those who don't know me, I'm <<name merry 'Meriwether' none>> -- but please, call me <i><<name merry 'Merry' none>></i>.<</merry>>
<<changename merry Merry>>
The bard flashes a wink to a girl in a plain peasant dress. She whimpers, swooning at the attention.
<<merry>>And to those who do know me, well, it's lovely to see you again, my darlings.<</merry>>
He winks at a young farmer man, who blushes visibly.
<<merry>>I think some of you may recognize this first little number about a certain lady who spent the night with a rather dashing swan...<</merry>>
The man picks up the lute and begins to play. You've seen plenty of court musicians before, as well as the occasional everyday town bard. This man is neither of those things. He sparkles with an almost inhuman energy. Despite being just one person, his performance on the lute and his pure voice seem to expand to fill the room as though an entire band were playing, beautiful lyrics flowing from him like a river of sweet wine. It is undeniably intoxicating, and soon the whole tavern has begun to dance.?nl
?Orson downs his goblet of wine and stands, holding out a beckoning hand.
<<decision 'Dance with him' 'Orson Date 2 Dance'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Stay seated' 'Orson Date 2 Refuse Dance'>><</decision>><<increasetime 1 true>>
You take ?Orson's hand and stand to dance. You quickly feel out of your depth, as this is nothing like the stuffy, perfectly orchestrated dances of the castle. ?Orson, on the other hand, seems well versed in both formal dance and the unbridled, freeform enthusiasm of the townspeople. He melds them perfectly and you do your best to follow suit, only stepping on his toes a handful of times in the process.?nl
By the end of the night, you're sweaty and laughing, nearly bursting with the energy of the evening. You join the rest of the tavern in raucus cheers and applause.?nl
?Orson pulls you close, whispering into your ear over the cheers.
<<orson>>How did you like that, then, ?newname?<</orson>>
You meet his eyes, suddenly distracted by how much you'd like to kiss him right now.
<<player>>It was...amazing. I've never seen anything like it.<</player>>
Out of the corner of your eye, you catch the bard disappearing into a back room with a winning smile and a wave. It suddenly occurs to you that, as a ?barworker, you could easily slip into that back room and give ?Orson a chance to meet this musician he's so obsessed with...
<<decision 'Head toward the back room' 'Orson Date 2 Pay And Stay'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Pay your bill and leave' 'Orson Date 2 Pay And Leave'>><</decision>><<increasetime 1 true>>
You feel totally out of your depth in this context, having only ever attended the stuffy, formal dances of the castle. You're quite certain you would look ridiculous if you tried to emulate the unbridled, freeform way the townspeople are dancing. You shake your head at ?Orson. He looks disappointed, but sits back down at the table with you and pours himself another glass of wine.?nl
You pass the evening watching the bard's performance with awe, though at times it's difficult to see over the throng of dancing peasants. By the end of the night you're bursting with the energy of the evening, and you join the rest of the tavern in raucus cheers and applause. ?Orson leans in to whisper in your ear.
<<orson>>How did you like that, then, ?newname?<</orson>>
You meet his eyes, suddenly distracted by how much you'd like to kiss him right now.
<<player>>It was...amazing. I've never seen anything like it.<</player>>
Out of the corner of your eye, you catch the bard disappearing into a back room with a winning smile and a wave. It suddenly occurs to you that, as a ?barworker, you could easily slip into that back room and give ?Orson a chance to meet this musician he's so obsessed with...
<<decision 'Head toward the back room' 'Orson Date 2 Pay And Stay'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Pay your bill and leave' 'Orson Date 2 Pay And Leave'>><</decision>>Just as you decide that it would be better to leave the bard in peace, ?Eve comes around to collect your payment for the evening. You reach automatically into your purse, figuring it's only fair that you pay since you technically have access to the entire castle treasury. Before you can pull any gold out, however, ?Orson steps forward.
<<orson>>Please, ?newname, you have already given me the immense pleasure of your company this evening. Allow me to pay.<</orson>>
?Eve smiles slyly as ?Orson drops a handful of coins into her palm. He gives her a small bow.
<<orson>>Thank you for the wonderful service, and for hosting such a delightful musician. Have a wonderful evening!<</orson>>
<<eve>>I'm sure you'll be having a wonderful evening, as well!<</eve>>
?Orson seems not to notice ?Eve's flirty tone. <<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>He holds out his arm for you to take and leads you out of the tavern.<<else>>He takes your hand and leads you out of the tavern.<</if>> As you leave you look back at ?Eve, who wiggles her eyebrows at you suggestively.
<<decision 'Walk back to the castle' 'Orson Date 2 Walk Back'>><</decision>><<setlocation 'Road'>>
Though you saw ?Orson drink several goblets of wine, he walks as steadily as ever, looking up at the night sky with a small smile.
<<orson>>I've truly had a lovely time this evening with you. <<if hasVisited('Orson Date 2 Back Room')>>And thank you for arranging for us to meet Merry. He was <i>almost</i> as charming as you.<<else>>I'm so glad you came with me to the show.<</if>><</orson>>
<<if hasVisited('Orson Date 2 Back Room')>>You feel somewhat awkward about cutting off the meeting with Merry, so ?Orson's compliment catches you off-guard.<<else>>Even though you've also had a lovely time, ?Orson's easy honesty catches you off-guard.<</if>>
<<player>>S-so have I, ?Orson. Thank you for inviting me.<</player>>
?Orson smiles at you, then breathes in deeply.
<<orson>>You know, the air smells familiar. Like some kind of wildflower that must have been growing around our picnic spot.<</orson>>
You blush, thinking of the time you spent together in the meadow.
<<player>>Y-you know, I might like to do something like that again...<</player>>
<<orson>>Oh, good, because I don't think I can wait.<</orson>>
?Orson meets your eyes and, seeing your receptiveness, crushes his mouth into yours. You stand there in the middle of the road, kissing him deeply, your hands running over each other's bodies. Lust takes over your brain, and you want badly to be closer to him. You could sneak off the road right now and do more than just kiss him... On the other hand, it's getting late; maybe you should just head back to the castle and go to bed...
<<decision 'Sneak off the road and have some fun' 'Orson Date 2 Road Blowjob'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'End the kiss and head to bed' 'Orson Date 2 Go Bed'>><</decision>><<setlocation 'Road'>>
<<if hasTag('orson-role-reversal')>>
<<addsin 'cum-eating'>>
?Orson pulls away and smiles at you slyly, his hair tousled.
<<orson>>How about you serve me again, ?player? You did such a wonderful job last time...<</orson>>
He pulls you off the road and into a thick circle of bushes. Gently, he pushes you onto your knees and pulls his pants down, revealing his thick cock to you, already hard and erect.
<<orson>>Now, suck me off like a good little servant.<</orson>>
It still feels a bit strange to take orders from ?Orson, but at the same time, you can't help but feel yourself getting very turned on. Hungrily, you stuff his cock into your mouth and begin to suck him off enthusiastically.?nl
You look up as you bob on his dick and see him throw his head back under the stars as he lets out a loud moan.
<<orson>>Fuck, that's my good servant... You service me just how I like it...<</orson>>
There's something incredibly erotic about servicing your manservant like this, working your mouth for his pleasure alone. You stuff his cock deep into your throat, relaxing yourself so that you can thrust him even farther down. He moans louder, which only makes you ram yourself onto his dick even more.
<<orson>>Oh, fuck, you're taking me in so deep...<</orson>>
?Orson grabs the back of your head and starts to push you onto his cock even more. You choke a bit, but you're so turned on that you manage to relax into it and let his cock slide even further down your throat. You keep working his cock under the moonlight, not caring how loud he's moaning, fully giving yourself over to his pleasure.?nl
He lets out a final loud moan as he suddenly cums, his hot load shooting straight down your throat. You don't even taste it as it goes down. <<if hasEquipmentTag('chastity')>>You can't touch yourself because you are locked in chastity, but you're glad that ?Orson has enjoyed himself so much.<<else>>Suddenly, you realize how hard you yourself are. You free your erection and masturbate yourself frantically, bringing yourself quickly to orgasm as you let your own cum spill across the ground.<</if>>?nl
?Orson chuckles and pulls you up. You feel your <<if hasEquipmentTag('chastity')>>chastity cage<<else>>own ?dick<</if>> rub against him as he kisses you deeply.
<<orson>>I absolutely love the way you pleasure me. That was amazing.<</orson>>
You kiss him back, feeling somewhat proud of yourself. You stay there in the bushes, kissing for a bit longer before you head back to the castle and part ways for the night with a final kiss.
<<if hasEquipmentTag('chastity')>>
?Orson pulls away and smiles at you slyly, his hair tousled.
<<orson>>How about we sneak off the road and have some fun?<</orson>>
He pulls you off the road and into a thick circle of bushes. Your own ?dick is locked in its cage, so you will need to be the one to pleasure ?Orson tonight. You get onto your knees and watch as ?Orson pulls his pants down, revealing his thick cock to you, already hard and erect.?nl
Hungrily, you stuff his cock into your mouth and begin to suck him off enthusiastically. You look up as you bob on his dick and see him throw his head back under the stars as he lets out a loud moan.
<<orson>>Fuck, that's good...<</orson>>
There's something incredibly erotic about servicing your manservant like this, working your mouth for his pleasure alone. You stuff his cock deep into your throat, relaxing yourself so that you can thrust him even farther down. He moans louder, which only makes you ram yourself onto his dick even more.
<<orson>>Oh, fuck, you're taking me in so deep...<</orson>>
?Orson grabs the back of your head and starts to push you onto his cock even more. You choke a bit, but you're so turned on that you manage to relax into it and let his cock slide even further down your throat. You keep working his cock under the moonlight, not caring how loud he's moaning, fully giving yourself over to his pleasure.?nl
He lets out a final loud moan as he suddenly cums, his hot load shooting straight down your throat. You don't even taste it as it goes down. You can't touch yourself, but you're glad that ?Orson has enjoyed himself so much.?nl
?Orson chuckles and pulls you up. You feel your chastity cage rub against him as he kisses you deeply.
<<orson>>I absolutely love the way you pleasure me. That was amazing.<</orson>>
You kiss him back, feeling somewhat proud of yourself. You stay there in the bushes, kissing for a bit longer before you head back to the castle and part ways for the night with a final kiss.
You grab ?Orson's hand and pull him off the road into a thick circle of bushes. Keeping his eyes on yours, he slowly lowers himself into a kneeling position and pulls your pants down, revealing your hard ?dick.
<<orson>>Please, allow me to serve you, ?player...<</orson>>
You can only nod frantically in anticipation and watch as he teases you, kissing the soft skin around your pelvis. It feels a bit strange to be so intimate with a man who is currently employed as your manservant, but at the same time, you can't help but feel incredibly turned on.?nl
You watch as he quickly abandons the kissing and hungrily stuffs your ?dick into his mouth. You throw your head back under the stars and let out a moan as he begins to suck you off.
<<player>>Fuck, that's good...<</player>>
There's something incredibly erotic about receiving a blowjob from your servant like this, watching him work his mouth for your pleasure alone. <<if settings.sph>>Obviously it's not hard to take your entire ?dick into his mouth, but still, his movements feel amazing. Involuntarily, you moan even louder.<<else>>He stuffs your ?dick deep into his throat, relaxing himself so that he can thrust you even farther down. Involuntarily, you moan even louder, which only makes him ram himself onto your ?dick even more.<</if>>
<<player>>Augh, fuck, ?Orson...<</player>>
Without thinking about it, you grab the back of ?Orson's head and start to push him onto your ?dick even more. <<if settings.sph>>It doesn't feel much different, and he's clearly having no trouble taking you in completely, but it's still enjoyable to control his movements in this way.<<else>>He chokes a bit, but he seems so turned on that he manages to relax into it and let your ?dick slide even further down his throat. He keeps working your ?dick under the moonlight, and you don't care how loud you're moaning. You give yourself fully over to your pleasure.<</if>>?nl
The pleasure builds to a peak and you let out a final, loud moan as you suddenly cum, your hot load shooting straight down his throat. After a few moments he moans loudly as well, and you look down to see him cumming onto the ground.?nl
?Orson chuckles and stands up. You feel your ?dick rub against his as he kisses you deeply.
<<orson>>I absolutely love serving you. It's beautiful to see.<</orson>>
You kiss him back, noticing the taste of yourself on his tongue.
<<player>>I think I like being served by you.<</player>>
You stay there in the bushes, kissing for a bit longer before you head back to the castle and part ways for the night with a final kiss.
<<decision 'Sneak back to your bedroom and remove your disguise' 'Bedtime'>>
<</decision>>You pull away from ?Orson, breathing heavily. He looks at you, questioning in his face.
<<player>>It's not that I don't enjoy kissing you, ?Orson, but it's late and I need to get to bed.<</player>>
?Orson nods, straightening his clothing out.
<<orson>>Of course, let's get you to bed.<</orson>>
You walk together back to the castle, your conversation more subdued. ?Orson gives you a final kiss before heading off to his room.
<<decision 'Sneak back to your bedroom and remove your disguise' 'Bedtime'>>
<</decision>>Just as you decide to sneak into the back room, ?Eve comes around to collect your payment for the evening. You reach automatically into your purse, figuring it's only fair that you pay since you technically have access to the entire castle treasury. Before you can pull any gold out, however, ?Orson steps forward.
<<orson>>Please, ?newname, you have already given me the immense pleasure of your company this evening. Allow me to pay.<</orson>>
?Eve smiles slyly as ?Orson drops a handful of coins into her palm. He gives her a small bow.
<<orson>>Thank you for the wonderful service, and for hosting such a delightful musician. Have a wonderful evening!<</orson>>
<<eve>>I'm sure you'll be having a wonderful evening, as well!<</eve>>
?Orson seems not to notice ?Eve's suggestive tone. He turns away to finish off the last mouthful in his goblet, and you take the opportunity to whisper to ?Eve.
<<player>>Hey, my, uh, companion here is a huge fan of the bard who played this evening. Do you think it would be alright if we went and said hello?<</player>>
?Eve grins at you.
<<eve>>Your date is just as much of a handsome charmer as Merry! Yes, of course, I'll cover for you and make sure no one interrupts your little meet and greet.<</eve>>
<<player>>Thanks so much, ?Eve.<</player>>
You turn to ?Orson, who is now looking at you expectantly.
<<player>>I have a little surprise for you. Follow me...<</player>>
<<decision 'Take Orson into the back room' 'Orson Date 2 Back Room'>><</decision>>You lead ?Orson toward the back room. Nervously, you knock softly on the door. A smooth voice calls for you to enter, and you step inside with ?Orson behind you.?nl
You see the bard reclining on a long sofa, a goblet of wine in his hand. His shirt has been undone slightly, revealing a glimpse of his chest, and as your eyes trail downward you notice a prominent lump underneath the fine silk fabric of his trousers. You feel a heat rising over your cheeks as he flashes a wide smile your way.
<<merry>>Ah, hello there, beautiful friends! How did you like the show?<</merry>>
Taken aback by how casual he is about being interrupted in his private room, you find yourself suddenly lost for words. Before you can say anything, ?Orson steps up and shakes the man's hand.
<<orson>>Oh, Merry, I am such a fan. I've seen you play several times, and each time I find myself enthralled by your talent in not only the music but also the composition of your lyrics. You're a true artist.<</orson>>
The bard sits up, clearly touched by ?Orson's compliments.
<<merry>>Well, thank you kindly. That means a lot to hear, especially from such a dashing patron.<</merry>>
He winks at ?Orson, looking him up and down with a broad smile. You feel suddenly awkward, as though you're intruding on a private moment, but Merry's eyes suddenly shift to you. He looks you up and down as well, an unexpectedly lustful expression on his face.
<<merry>>And thank you as well for coming to my show! It seems I had a particularly attractive crowd this evening.<</merry>>
You're cheeks are definitely hot now. You chuckle awkwardly, smiling back at him. Is this man hitting on both you and ?Orson at the same time?
<<player>>I must agree with ?Orson. Your talent is exceptional.<</player>>
Merry's smile grows somehow even broader.
<<merry>>Please, my alluring friends, sit and share this platter they brought me. It is far too much for one man, though it may satisfy the desires of three...<</merry>>
He gestures toward a large plate of fruits and cheeses on a nearby table and shifts slightly to make space on the couch. ?Orson sits down, and you hesitate a moment before following suit. Merry hands you each a piece of fruit, his hands lingering as they graze across yours.?nl
You glance at ?Orson. Though still as collected as ever, he's looking at Merry with an intense expression. The tension in the room is palpable now, and you get the impression that this could very quickly become something much more sensual... Maybe you should stop this right now and leave with ?Orson before things get out of control. On the other hand, ?Orson seems really into this bard; maybe you should leave him here to have his fun... You have to admit, though, that part of you in intrigued to discover what fun might be possible with three people...
<<decision 'Leave Orson to his fun' 'Orson Date 2 Leave Without Orson'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Stay and have fun with both Orson and Merry' 'Orson Date 2 Threesome' depravity large>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Leave with Orson before things get too exciting' 'Orson Date 2 Stop Threesome'>><</decision>>You look back and forth between Merry and ?Orson. Though the idea of getting intimate with a bard you just met is exciting, you're not sure it's something you want to do today. It seems as though ?Orson is open to it, though, and you don't want to spoil his fun. Maybe you should just head home and let them enjoy themselves...?nl
You stand up suddenly, and both Merry and ?Orson look at you.
<<player>>I just, uh, remembered something I need to do this evening... I think I'm going to head home!<</player>>
?Orson looks at you with an expression of concern.
<<orson>>Are you alright? Should I come with you?<</orson>>
You start backing out of the room awkwardly.
<<player>>No, no, don't let me interfere! I really do have to go. Just- uh, pretend I wasn't here...<</player>>
As you open the door and start backing into the hallway, you hear ?Orson call behind you.
<<orson>>Oh, alright, I'll see you tomorrow, then!<</orson>>
You wave to him and shut the door. You lean against it, breathing heavily, then slip out of the tavern.?nl
As you walk back to the castle, you run over the experience in your mind. You leaving like that was definitely awkward, but you've only been on a couple dates with ?Orson. If he wants to stay and possibly have some fun with his favorite musician, why should you get in his way? It's possible nothing will happen, anyway...?nl
By the time you arrive back at the castle, it's quite late and sleep is calling to you.
<<decision 'Sneak into your bedroom and remove your disguise' 'Bedtime'>>
<</decision>>You stand up suddenly, and both Merry and ?Orson look at you.
<<player>>It's been lovely to meet you, Merry. It's getting quite late and I think we might actually need to head home now.<</player>>
?Orson meets your eyes and you see him give you a small nod. He stands up next to you and reaches out to shake Merry's hand again.
<<orson>>Yes, my <<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>lovely<<else>>handsome<</if>> companion is correct. It was a pleasure to meet you, Merry, and I hope that I will be able to see you perform again soon.<</orson>>
Merry gives you both a gracious nod.
<<merry>>Ah, of course, my friends. I am sad that I won't have the chance to share this food with you, but I thank you for your kind words and wish you a wonderful evening. May we meet again soon!<</merry>>
You give him a parting wave and head out of the room with ?Orson. You leave the tavern together into the cool night air.
<<decision 'Walk back to the castle' 'Orson Date 2 Walk Back'>><</decision>><<addsin 'cum-eating'>>
Merry locks eyes with you as he hands you the piece of fruit. You look back at him and smile, your breathing coming heavier as you allow yourself to lean into the sensuality of the interaction. Merry seems to pick up on this and moves his hand to brush across your arm.
<<merry>>Say, my friends, should we enjoy the fruit before, or after?<</merry>>
Merry winks slyly at you both, and you share a quick glance with ?Orson. You can immediately see the arousal in his face, and you sense that he is just as interested in this becoming more than a friendly meeting as you are.
<<orson>>A sensible question. I vote after.<</orson>>
Merry smiles and puts down the piece of fruit. Effortlessly, without a hint of hesitation, he leans in and begins to kiss ?Orson. ?Orson responds immediately, kissing him back with a raw enthusiasm that is in itself arousing. You glance down and see ?Orson's obvious arousal through his trousers.?nl
?Orson breaks away from Merry and pulls you in to begin kissing you. You kiss him back, drinking him in with enthusiasm, enjoying the softness of his lips. After a few moments you come apart again, and you feel the touch of Merry's hand on your cheek. You turn to see him looking into your eyes.
<<merry>>May I?<</merry>>
You nod, and he begins to kiss you. It's an entirely different experience from kissing ?Orson. Whereas ?Orson is intense and passionate, Merry kisses almost leisurely, as though he has all the time in the world to spend exploring you. There's something incredibly erotic about sharing pleasure with both these men at the same time, and you feel <<if settings.sph>>yourself growing quite hard<<else>>your underwear growing uncomfortably tight<</if>>.
<<orson>>I think all these clothes are rather getting in the way...<</orson>>
You look over to see ?Orson loosening his trousers. Merry begins to slowly remove his as well, freeing his large, thick erection. It feels a bit awkward to be the only one clothed, so you stand and remove yours, revealing your <<if settings.sph>>tiny dick<<else>>hard ?dick<</if>><<if hasTag('titties')>> and your ?titties to them. You feel quite exposed, standing there naked with this new change in your body, but both ?Orson and Merry seem to be just as aroused as ever.<<else>>.<</if>>
<<merry>>Oh, aren't you both gorgeous...<</merry>>
The next moments are a blur as you come together, sharing kisses and running your hands along each other's bodies. You lose yourself in the experience and simply enjoy meeting your body with theirs, the intimacy of exploring two men at the same time.?nl
Soon you find yourself on your hands and knees, ?Orson's cock stuffed in your mouth as he reclines on the plush sofa, his head thrown back and as he lets out a series of moans. You feel Merry's hands running along your back from behind, and the gentle probe of something against your back entrance. While you're sucking ?Orson off, Merry leans down and whispers in your ear.
<<merry>>Would you like this, darling?<</merry>>
You feel yourself grow somehow even more excited at the idea of being penetrated from behind while pleasuring ?Orson. You manage to nod enthusiastically while still taking ?Orson's dick deep in your throat.?nl
While you continue to pleasure ?Orson, you feel Merry begin to gently insert something small and slick into your entrance. You focus on relaxing and the object slides easily inside you. You realize it must be a finger as Merry begins to move it carefully in and out, allowing you to adjust to the sensation. You feel yourself quickly relaxing, probably because you're already so turned on with ?Orson's cock stuffed in your mouth. It's not long before you feel Merry remove the finger and slide his lubricated cock inside you.
<<player>>Mnffff, fuck...<</player>>
The combination of pleasure and slight pain eases as you once again focus on relaxing, and after a few gentle strokes Merry begins to properly fuck your ass, his thick cock pushing deep inside you. You realize you're been somewhat distracted from ?Orson's dick as he places a hand on the back of your head and begins to fuck your face.
<<merry>>Fuck, your ass feels amazing...<</merry>>
<<orson>>Your <i>mouth</i> feels amazing...<</orson>>
Waves of pleasure move through your body as Merry thrusts luxuriously into your ass on one end and ?Orson face-fucks you on the other end. The sensation is almost overwhelmingly good, and it's all you can do to hold yourself up as you take the members of these two men at the same time. You close your eyes and focus on the sensations of being stuffed on both ends with two large cocks.
<<orson>>I think I'm going to cum...<</orson>>
?Orson increases the speed of his thrusts, jamming his cock down your throat as cum explodes from the end of it. At the same moment, Merry picks up his speed, moving inside you with smooth, deep thrusts. He sighs in pleasure as he cums as well, and you feel his cock pulsing as his semen spurts inside you.?nl
<<if hasEquipmentTag('chastity')>>
Both breathing heavily from their orgasms, ?Orson pulls his cock from your mouth and Merry gently withdraws himself from your ass. ?Orson pulls you up and begins to kiss you, and Merry's hands move across your back as he reaches around for your ?dick.
<<merry>>Oh, what's this little contraption?<</merry>>
You pull away from kissing ?Orson and realize that Merry has encountered your chastity cage.
<<player>>Ah, it's a...um...chastity device.<</player>>
<<merry>>Ha, well, it doesn't seem to have worked, does it? I wouldn't call this a particularly chaste evening. I suppose your pleasure can't be relieved, then?<</merry>>
You laugh awkwardly.
<<player>>Um, no, I suppose not...<</player>>
Merry seems to accept this without further questions and flops onto the couch, languidly kissing ?Orson's bare thigh. ?Orson gives you another long kiss and smiles at you, leaning back to relax on the couch. There are a few moments of comfortable silence as the two men come down from their orgasms, though you feel your own ?dick straining against its cage.
<<merry>>I must say, I've never met such wonderful fans before. You two really are lovely. In fact, I think I might be fans of yours now! Shall we have that fruit?<</merry>>
You and ?Orson share the platter of food with Merry, chatting idly for some time before eventually it grows late and sleep beckons. You re-dress and part ways with Merry, leaving the tavern into the cool night air.
Both breathing heavily from their orgasms, ?Orson pulls his cock from your mouth and Merry gently withdraws himself from your ass. ?Orson pulls you up onto the couch and starts kissing you. At the same time, you feel Merry's hands trail gently up your thighs and his warm, wet mouth closes around your ?dick. He begins to expertly suck you off, his movements full of confidence.?nl
After some minutes of Merry's expert blowjob skills, you find yourself building to your peak and you spill yourself inside his mouth. He swallows your cum with pleasure, and grins at you with his winning smile.
<<merry>>I think you enjoyed that, darling.<</merry>>
<<player>>Mmmf, uh, yes, you know how to use your mouth...<</player>>
Merry rises and flops onto the couch, languidly kissing your bare thigh. ?Orson gives you another long kiss and smiles at you, leaning back to relax on the couch. There are a few moments of comfortable silence as the three of you come down from your orgasms.
<<merry>>I must say, I've never met such wonderful fans before. You two really are lovely. In fact, I think I might be fans of yours now! Shall we have that fruit?<</merry>>
You and ?Orson share the platter of food with Merry, chatting idly for some time before eventually it grows late and sleep beckons. You re-dress and part ways with Merry, leaving the tavern into the cool night air.
<<decision 'Walk back to the castle' 'Orson Date 2 Threesome Walk Back'>><</decision>><<setlocation 'Road'>>
You and ?Orson set out onto the road for the castle. You feel the tiredness settling in after all the excitement.
<<orson>>?Player, that was simply...amazing. You have given me an unforgettable night.<</orson>>
<<player>>S-so have you, ?Orson. I didn't, uh, expect to do what we did, but I really enjoyed it.<</player>>
?Orson smiles at you.
<<orson>>Neither did I, but it was great fun.<</orson>>
You walk back up to the castle together, sharing a final kiss before parting ways for the night.
<<decision 'Sneak into your bedroom and remove your disguise' 'Bedtime'>>
<</decision>><<if hasQuest('rosa-date') and getTime() === 'noon'>>
<<decision 'Go with Rosa to the forest' 'Rosa Start Date'>><</decision>>
<<elseif hasTag('rosa-pink-flower') and hasTag('rosa-blue-flower') and hasTag('rosa-purple-flower')>>
<<decision 'Give Rosa the flowers you collected' 'Rosa Give Flowers 2'>><</decision>>
<<elseif hasQuest('rosa-flowers')>>
<<decision 'Ask Rosa to remind you about her favorite flowers' 'Rosa Remind About Flowers'>><</decision>>
<<elseif hasQuest('rosa-date-2') and getTime() === 'evening'>>
<<decision 'Ask Rosa to go with you to the tavern' 'Rosa Start Date 2'>><</decision>>
<<elseif isQuestUnstarted('rosa-date-2') and hasCompletedQuest('rosa-flowers') and hasCompletedQuest('sybille-tavern')>>
<<decision 'Ask Rosa on another date' 'Rosa Ask Date 2'>><</decision>>
[[You see Rosa working in the kitchen | Rosa Ask]]
<<if hasQuest('find-poet')>>
<<decision 'Ask Rosa about the anonymous poems' 'Orson Poems Ask Rosa'>><</decision>>
<<if hasTag('ask-about-cat-food')>>
<<decision 'Ask Rosa about cat food' 'Rosa Get Cat Food'>><</decision>>
<<if hasTag('rosa-date-2-done') and !hasCounter('rosa-intimacy')>>
<<decision 'Sneak away with Rosa for some alone time' 'Rosa Intimacy Kitchen'>><</decision>>
<</if>><<acknowledgement Rosa>>
<<mention assassination>>
<<rosa>>I am so happy you're well, ?title! I got so scared when I heard the news about the assassin.<</rosa>>
<<if hasTag('fought-assassin')>>
<<rosa>>I even heard how you bravely fought off the offender, you are so heroic, m'lord!<</rosa>>
<<mention status>>
<<if $player.status is 'egg'>>
<<rosa>>Are you looking different today, M'lord? I don't know what it is but I'm loving your look now, M'lord!<</rosa>>
<<elseif $player.status is 'andro'>>
<<elseif $player.status is 'fem'>>
<<elseif $player.status is 'man'>>
<</acknowledgement>>You see <<name rosa>> working in the kitchen, cooking some food.
<<rosa>>Hello M'lord, come to check on the kitchen? If your highness is bored, I could use a hand preparing the potatoes.<</rosa>>
She looks at you, waiting for your response. Accepting the request feels strange for a prince but denying her feels rude.
<<rosa>>Hello M'lord, welcome back. Should your highness be in a very gracious mood, I could use a hand again.<</rosa>>
She looks at you, waiting for your response. Normally it's quite unusual for one of the staff to ask you for help, but this isn't the first time <<name rosa>> has done this.
<<include 'Rosa Acknowledgement'>>
<<if not hasTag('rosa-humiliated')>>
<<decision 'Help her with the food' 'Rosa Potato Peeling'>><</decision>>
<<elseif getStat('femininity') < 20>>
<<decision 'Help her with the food' 'Rosa Apron'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Put on your apron and get to work' 'Rosa Help'>><</decision>>
<<decision "Remind her that she's here to serve you, not the other way around" dominance medium>>
<<addcounter 'rosa-kitchen' 1>>
You have a serious tone as you reply to her.
<<player>><<name rosa>>, you can't ask me to help you with such menial tasks, you should know this.<</player>>
<<rosa>>Of course, your highness. I meant nothing by it, I was just wondering if you were looking for something to pass the time.<</rosa>> She continues peeling the potatoes on her own.
<<decision "Nod to her and take your leave" 'Hallway'>><</decision>>
<</decision>><<addcounter 'rosa-kitchen' 1>>
You are a bit reluctant to help her, but decide to step to the kitchen table. She notices your doubtfulness.
<<rosa>>It's fine, M'lord, I'll show you how to peel the potatoes.<</rosa>>
She hands you a knife and a potato. She shows you how to properly cut the skin off and wash it.?nl
You reluctantly help her once more.
<<rosa>>Here, M'lord, let's peel the potatoes again.<</rosa>> She says as she hands you a knife and a potato.?nl
You struggle a bit with cutting them quickly, there's so many of them and you're not used to doing work like this. <<name rosa>> sees you struggling, she moves behind you and grabs the knife with your hands and helps you peel them more efficiently. With her standing so close, you enjoy the smell of her blonde hair before she moves away to let you continue peeling.
<<rosa>>Just like that, M'lord, you're doing great.<</rosa>>
After a quite some time of peeling potatoes, you managed to finish an entire batch of them.
<<rosa>>Thank you for the help M'lord, if you're ever in the mood to help out again and would like to learn more about the kitchen work, come by again.<</rosa>>
<<decision "Tell her you liked it and you're more than happy to help out again" submissiveness medium>>
<<addtag 'rosa-humiliated'>>
An excited smile forms on her face.
<<rosa>>Yay! I will teach you to how to be a great kitchen maid, M'lord!<</rosa>>
You blush from her statement and she looks a bit embarrassed that she blurted that out.
<<rosa>>Great kitchen <em>helper</em>, I meant, M'lord!<</rosa>>
She quickly darts away to continue with her tasks.
<<decision "Leave the kitchen" 'Hallway'>><<increasetime 1 true>><</decision>>
<<decision "Nod to her and take your leave" 'Hallway'>><<increasetime 1 true>><</decision>><<rosa>>Thank you, M'lord! You're quite eager to do some kitchen work, aren't you?<</rosa>>
She gives a slight laugh and smiles at you.
<<rosa>>First things first, let's get you some proper attire now. We don't want your beautiful clothes to get dirty, now do we?<</rosa>>
She hands you an apron, you notice it looks rather feminine.
<<decision 'Wear the apron' 'Rosa Help' submissiveness medium>><</decision>>
<<decision "Decline the apron">>
<<player>>I can't wear this! This is much too feminine!<</player>> You say to her with a serious tone.
<<rosa>>Of course, your highness. I'm afraid I don't have anything more 'manly' and I wouldn't want your clothes to get dirty. It's fine, I'll do the work myself.<</rosa>> She looks slightly disappointed.
<<decision "Take your leave" 'Hallway'>><</decision>>
<</decision>><<addcounter 'rosa-kitchen' 1>>
You spend some time helping in the kitchen. She is very grateful to you.
<<if getStat('femininity') >= 10 and getStat('femininity') < 20>>
<<rosa>>Thank you, my prince. I must say I am surprised you are so keen to do a woman's work, it's refreshing to spend time with not such a 'manly' man for once, if you get what I mean.<</rosa>>
She smiles at you. You know she meant it in a friendly way but it feels a bit strange.
<<decision "Leave" 'Hallway'>><<increasetime 1 true>><</decision>><<addcounter 'rosa-breakfast' 3>>
Before you can get out of bed, you hear a gentle knock on the door and ?Rosa's voice calling softly from the other side.
<<rosa>>M'lord, are you awake? I've brought you your breakfast!<</rosa>>
Reflexively, you pull the covers up to cover your body. ?Rosa doesn't usually bring you breakfast in bed. Why is she doing so now?
<<decision 'Invite her in' 'Rosa Brings Breakfast'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Stay quiet and hope that she goes away' 'Rosa Goes Away Sub' submissiveness small>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Order her to leave you' 'Rosa Goes Away Dom' dominance small>><</decision>>You hold your breath silently, waiting for ?Rosa to go away. After a few moment, you hear a small disappointed sigh and the sound of soft footsteps retreating back into the castle.
<<decision 'Get up' 'Next Day'>><</decision>>?Rosa should know better than to bring you your breakfast in such a personal way without instruction from you. You speak loudly so that she can hear you through the door.
<<player>>This behavior is unbefitting of someone of your station, ?Rosa. I will take my breakfast in the dining hall as usual. Leave me, and do not do this again.<</player>>
You hear a muffled sniff from the other side of the door.
<<rosa>>Yes, m'lord, I apologize for my behavior.<</rosa>>
After a moment, you hear hurried footsteps as ?Rosa retreats back into the castle.
<<decision 'Get up' 'Next Day'>><</decision>><<addtag rosa-bouquet>>
At your invitation, ?Rosa opens the door carefully, balancing a tray on one hand. She closes the door again and approaches you, setting the tray down in your lap with a smile.
<<rosa>>Good morning, m'lord! I made you a special breakfast today. I hope you enjoy it.<</rosa>>
On the tray, you see a feast. There are warm pastries and bread, a crock of creamy yellow butter, eggs, fresh fruits, a variety of cheeses and meats, porridge, and herbed potatoes. A single flower in a tiny vase decorates the tray.?nl
This breakfast is extravagant, even for a royal standard. You wonder at how ?Rosa even managed to fit it all on the tray.
<<player>>It would be hard not to enjoy such an assortment, ?Rosa. But why have you brought me this?<</player>>
You swear you see a slight blush on ?Rosa's cheeks as she looks down, averting your gaze.
<<rosa>>No reason, m'lord, I just thought that you would appreciate it.<</rosa>>
<<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>
?Rosa is obviously holding something back. Is she doing this because she feels bad about seeing you in the maid outfit? She must be. Nothing else could explain this sudden change in behavior.
?Rosa is obviously holding something back. You think back to the past few days, trying to remember if anything happened that would warrant such behavior. Perhaps she heard of how you snuck out of the castle with ?Morgana?
<<player>>Well, I do appreciate it, very much. This looks delicious. Thank you, ?Rosa.<</player>>
?Rosa looks up and meets your gaze for just a moment. She gives you another sweet smile and looks down again quickly.
<<rosa>>I must return to my work now, m'lord. As you know, I'm always in the kitchen, if you need me.<</rosa>>
?Rosa makes her way back out of the room. As she's leaving, you catch sight of her face one last time and see that her cheeks are definitely rosy now.?nl
You devour the breakfast. It is indeed delicious, and a pleasant change of pace to enjoy in the privacy of your own room before tackling the duties of the day. As you set down the tray, the flower ?Rosa placed there catches your eye.?nl
Perhaps you could return the favor by bringing her flowers from the garden.
<<decision 'Get up' 'Bedroom'>><</decision>>While strolling through the garden, you notice how many fragrant, colorful flowers are growing here. The beauty of the flowers reminds you of ?Rosa and how she so thoughtfully brought you breakfast.
<<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>
Even if she only brought you the food because she felt bad for seeing you in the maid outfit, it was still a sweet gesture.
Perhaps you could pick her a bouquet to show your appreciation.
<<decision 'Make your best bouquet and take them to Rosa' 'Rosa Make Bouquet'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Do this another time' 'Garden'>><</decision>>
/* :: Rosa Rejected
<<removetag rosa-bouquet>>
Giving ?Rosa a bouquet is a nice idea, but you don't want her to get the wrong impression about your relationship. After all, she is a kitchen maid and you are a prince. Giving her such a gift would be improper.
<<decision 'Continue your walk through the garden' 'Garden'>><</decision>> */You start to pick some flowers, realizing quickly that creating a bouquet is more difficult than you expected. There seems to be some secret combination of colors, shapes, and heights that florists must know, because the bundle of flowers you're making looks nothing like those you see at royal events.?nl
Still, the flowers in soft shades of pink and blue remind you of ?Rosa, so you focus on collecting those into your best attempt at a bouquet. The result is rustic, but pretty and sweet-smelling.
<<decision 'Bring the flowers to Rosa' 'Rosa Give Flowers'>><</decision>><<setlocation 'Kitchen'>>
<<removetag rosa-bouquet>>
When you enter the kitchen, ?Rosa is chopping vegetables while a stew bubbles in a large pot. She looks up as you enter.
<<rosa>>Hello, m'lord! My, what lovely flowers you have there.<</rosa>>
<<player>>These are actually for you.<</player>>
?Rosa looks surprised, but then breaks into a bright smile.
<<rosa>>For me, m'lord? Goodness, how thoughtful of you!<</rosa>>
She accepts the bouquet and fetches a clay jug to place them in. They look cheerful on the wooden table.?nl
<<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>
While ?Rosa is arranging the flowers, the supply closet where you changed into the maid uniform catches your eye. You remember how ?Rosa walked in on you. She seems to be pretending that none of that happened. You don't think she would tell anyone; she's always been so nice, after all. But what if she did??nl
Seeing your face, ?Rosa seems to guess what you're thinking about.
<<rosa>>M'lord, I must assure you that I saw nothing! While I must say that the new maid I saw in the kitchen looked quite lovely, I have no idea who she was. I swear on it!<</rosa>>
<<player>>Wait- you thought I looked nice?<</player>>
?Rosa gives a small chuckle.
<<rosa>>Well, yes, of course! You looked very cute.<</rosa>>
<<player>>Oh- well, thank you, I suppose.<</player>>
?Rosa smiles at you. You realize that she is one of the few people in the castle who expects nothing from you, and yet she has always been so kind. It seems as though she simply enjoys your presence, regardless of your station.
<<decision 'Ask her on a date' 'Rosa Ask Date'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Thank Rosa again and take your leave'>>
<<addcounter 'rosa-breakfast' 3>>
<<player>>I must take my leave now. Thank you again for the delicious breakfast.<</player>>
<<rosa>>Of course, m'lord. I'm sure you have many important tasks to attend to.<</rosa>>
<<decision 'Leave the kitchen' 'Hallway'>><<increasetime 1 true>><</decision>>
<</decision>><<player>>I was wondering, ?Rosa, whether you might like to spend a little time together, away from the castle?<</player>>
?Rosa looks surprised, but happy at the suggestion.
<<rosa>>Oh my goodness, m'lord, that would be lovely! What do you have in mind?<</rosa>>
<<player>>Perhaps we could go to the forest one afternoon. I felt free there, away from expectations.<</player>>
<<rosa>>That sounds wonderful. You know, there's a beautiful waterfall in the forest. We could go there. I'll pack us some sandwiches!<</rosa>>
You're surprised at how smoothly this is going. ?Rosa doesn't seem to think your suggestion is strange at all. She just looks excited.
<<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>
<<rosa>>You can wear your new outfit you looked so cute in!<</rosa>>
<<player>>I- well, I suppose that makes sense. Yes.<</player>>
<<rosa>>I wonder though, won't the guards stop you from going out the castle, m'lord?<</rosa>>
<<player>>Yes, they would. But luckily, ?Morgana has thought of a solution to that for me, I'll be wearing a disguise to sneak out.<</player>>
She looks at you with a certain kind of awe.
<<rosa>>How exciting, m'lord!<</rosa>>
<<rosa>>I'll put together a nice basket for us. As usual, I'll be here when you're ready to go.<</rosa>>
?Rosa smiles at you and returns to chopping vegetables, humming a cheerful tune.
<<decision 'Leave the kitchen' 'Hallway'>>
<<startquest rosa-date>>
<<increasetime 1 true>>
<</decision>><<completequest rosa-date>>
When you find ?Rosa, she is finishing packing a large picnic basket. She looks pretty even in her work outfit, and seems to have changed her hair for the occasion into two long braids woven with pink and blue flowers. You realize they must be from your bouquet.
<<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>
<<rosa>>Once you change into your outfit, we'll be ready to go, m'lord!<</rosa>>
<<player>>Uh, yes, of course. Just give me a moment.<</player>>
<<decision 'Change into the maid outfit in the supply closet'>>
<<outfit disguise>>
?Rosa smiles at you as you emerge from the supply closet.
<<rosa>>You look just as cute as last time! Shall we?<</rosa>>
You and ?Rosa leave the castle together. It feels strange to walk past the guards as two kitchen maids, but they pay you no notice.
<<decision 'Walk to the forest' 'Rosa Date Forest'>><</decision>>
<<rosa>>I'm ready to go, m'lord. It looks like you still have to put on your disguise though!<</rosa>>
<<player>>Of course, give me a moment.<</player>>
<<decision 'Change into the disguise in the supply closet'>>
<<outfit disguise>>
?Rosa smiles at you as you emerge from the supply closet.
<<rosa>>You're looking quite dapper, m'lord! Shall we?<</rosa>>
You and ?Rosa leave the castle together. It feels strange to walk past the guards as two servants, but they pay you no notice.
<<decision 'Walk to the forest' 'Rosa Date Forest'>><</decision>>
<</if>><<setlocation 'Waterfall'>>
<<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>
As you walk through the meadow and into the forest, ?Rosa throws you a quick, encouraging glance.
<<rosa>>I just wanted to say, m'lord, that I think it's nice that you're doing this. Wearing the outfit, I mean.<</rosa>>
You're not sure how to respond to this, but she looks like she's waiting for you to say something.
<<player>>Well, thank you for saying so, ?Rosa.<</player>>
You and ?Rosa chat idly as you walk together to the waterfall. When you arrive, you lay out a blanket together and sit down, watching the water cascading from the falls.
<<rosa>>I'm happy that you asked me here, m'lord.<</rosa>>
<<player>>I'm happy that you came, ?Rosa. Why don't you call me by my name, since no one is watching us here?<</player>>
?Rosa laughs, her eyes crinkling adorably at the edges.
<<rosa>>Of course, ?player. It feels funny, but I like saying your name.<</rosa>>
She meets your eyes, a smile playing on her lips. You can't help but smile back.
<<rosa>>Are you hungry after our walk?<</rosa>>
She opens the picnic basket and pulls out a spread of picnic foods. There are the promised sandwiches, but also fresh fruit, salads, pastries, and a jug of wine.
<<player>>?Rosa, you didn't have to bring so much food for just the two of us!<</player>>
<<rosa>>I know, ?player, I just like to take care of you, is all.<</rosa>>
<<decision 'Enjoy the food and drink' 'Rosa Date Forest 2'>><</decision>>You enjoy a long, slow lunch together, chatting and laughing about any topic that comes to mind. After what must have been hours, you feel comfortably full and slightly tipsy as you lie back on the blanket. ?Rosa joins you, her cheeks pink from the wine, staring up at the canopy above.
<<rosa>>I'm so happy right now, ?player. I wish I could stay here forever.<</rosa>>
She twirls a finger absent-mindedly through your hair. The sudden contact surprises you, but you can't help but relax into it. For a few moments, you lie in comfortable silence.
<<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>
<<player>>Do you really believe I look good in the maid outfit, ?Rosa?<</player>>
She continues to play with your hair, a soft smile on her face.
<<rosa>>I really do, ?player. I would be happy if you wore it every day.<</rosa>>
<<player>>Do you really not care that I'm a prince, ?Rosa?<</player>>
She continues to play with your hair, a soft smile on her face.
<<rosa>>I care not for titles, ?player. I simply enjoy you and your company.<</rosa>>
You reach a hand up to cover hers, and feel her soft, warm skin beneath yours. Still smiling, her eyes meet yours.
<<decision 'Lean in for a kiss' 'Rosa Kiss'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Allow the moment to pass' 'Rosa End Date'>><</decision>>You lean in for a kiss and feel ?Rosa's soft lips meet yours, her fingers still tangled in your hair. She kisses you back slowly and deliberately, as though she is savoring every moment. When you pull away for air, she is smiling again.
<<rosa>>Oh, ?player, how I've wanted to do that for so long.<</rosa>>
<<player>>You- really?<</player>>
<<rosa>>I think I was hiding it, even from myself. But I have.<</rosa>>
You kiss her again, this time even more deeply, desire growing in your chest. She moves closer to you and the smell of her hair fills your nose. When you pull apart again, she looks a little flustered.
<<rosa>>I can't believe I get to do this with you, ?player. I don't want to move too fast now that it's really happening.<</rosa>>
<<player>>Let's just do this today, then?<</player>>
Looking reassured, she leans back in for another kiss. You stay this way, sharing kisses, until the light starts to dim and you realize it is time to head back to the castle. You pack up the remainder of the picnic and walk back together, sharing sweet conversation. You share a final, secret kiss before ?Rosa returns to her work in the kitchen.
<<decision 'Change out of your disguise and part ways with Rosa' 'Hallway'>>
<<increasetime 1 true>>
<<outfit standard>>
<<addcounter 'rosa-breakfast' 3>>
<</decision>>After a moment, you remove your hand. ?Rosa looks away and withdraws her own hand from your hair. For a few moments, you both watch the leaves above gently swaying in the breeze.
<<player>>It will be getting dark soon. Perhaps we should make our way back to the castle now.<</player>>
?Rosa nods, looking disappointed.
<<rosa>>Yes, of course, m'lord. Allow me to pack up.<</rosa>>
<<decision 'Head back to the castle'>>
?Rosa packs up the remainders of the picnic and you walk back to the castle together, the conversation more awkward than before.
<<decision 'Change out of your disguise and part ways with Rosa' 'Hallway'>>
<<increasetime 1 true>>
<<outfit standard>>
<<addcounter 'rosa-breakfast' 3>>
<</decision>>Before you can get out of bed, you hear a soft knock on the door and ?Rosa's voice from the other side.
<<rosa>>Are you awake, m'lord? I've brought you your breakfast again!<</rosa>>
You quickly sit upright in bed and do your best to fix your hair.
<<player>>Come in, ?Rosa!<</player>>
She brings a tray into the room, shutting the door behind herself, and places it carefully on your lap. You see yet again a luxurious array of breakfast foods, plus a small bouquet in a tiny pot. You notice that the crock of butter has a small image of a flower drawn in it.
<<player>>This looks absolutely wonderful, ?Rosa. I am grateful for all the time you must have put into this meal.<</player>>
She gives you a cheerful smile.
<<rosa>>I woke up early to get started on the pastries, and to pick the flowers! Did you know that the best time to pick flowers is early in the morning, once the dew has dried?<</rosa>>
You feel a flutter in your stomach as she looks at you, and you remember the feeling of her lips on yours... But you also remember her asking not to move too fast, so you try to focus on the conversation.
<<player>>It seems like you have a special appreciation for flowers.<</player>>
<<rosa>>Oh, I do, they're just so beautiful, aren't they? I know most of the flowers that grow in this area. As a girl I would spend hours in the forest looking for the rarest blooms...<</rosa>>
She looks into the distance wistfully. This gives you an idea. Perhaps to show your appreciation to ?Rosa, you could bring her some of those rare flowers.
<<player>>That sounds lovely. Which were your favorites, may I ask?<</player>>
She looks thrilled to be asked about this topic.
<<rosa>>Goodness, what a difficult choice!<</rosa>>
She pauses, considering the question. Your eyes stray to her hair, and you remember the scent when you were close to her.
<<rosa>>I adore a species of blue flower that grows by the waterfall. They glow in the dark, and if you pick them at night, they keep glowing for days. I also love the pink flowers with heart-shaped petals that grow in the south of the forest.<</rosa>>
She smiles to herself, clearly thinking back to her adventures as a girl.
<<rosa>>I also used to love the special purple roses that the forest druid ?Hyssop grows. They have the most wonderful smell, though I hear ?Hyssop uses them for dye.<</rosa>>
<<player>>You seem to know a lot about flowers. Perhaps you could tell me more some time, away from the castle.<</player>>
?Rosa gives you a bright look.
<<rosa>>You know I would love that, ?player.<</rosa>>
There is a brief moment as you look at each other. Subconsciously, you lean in toward her.
<<rosa>>I really must return to my work now, but I hope that you enjoy the breakfast.<</rosa>>
She looks at though she is about to turn away, but then stops herself. Instead, she leans forward and plants a short but sweet kiss on your cheek. You breath in deeply, the scent of her filling your nose. She pulls away, blushing.
<<rosa>>I'll see you later, then.<</rosa>>
<<player>>You can count on it, ?Rosa.<</player>>
She smiles at you, then turns and scurries out of the chamber.
<<decision 'Get up' 'Bedroom'>>
<<startquest rosa-flowers>>
<</decision>>You find ?Rosa rolling out a large amount of pie dough. She looks up as you enter.
<<rosa>>Hello, there, m'lord! Can I help you with anything?<</rosa>>
<<player>>Yes, actually. I was wondering if you could tell me again about your favorite flowers.<</player>>
She puts down her rolling pin, looking confused.
<<rosa>>Well, there are the blue flowers that grow by the waterfall. They're the ones that glow when you pick them in darkness. Then there are the pink ones with heart-shaped petals that grow in the south of the forest, and the purple roses that ?Hyssop cultivates.<</rosa>>
<<player>>Thank you, that's all I needd to know...<</player>>
?Rosa narrows her eyes at you for a moment and then gives you an amused expression.
<<rosa>>I'm sure there's no reason at all why you're asking.<</rosa>>
<<player>>None at all!<</player>>
She chuckles and continues rolling out her pie dough.
<<rosa>>Well, I'll see you later then, m'lord!<</rosa>>
<<decision 'Leave the kitchen' 'Hallway'>><</decision>><<addtag rosa-blue-flower>>
<<img "rosa/blue_flower.jpg">>
Though your surroundings are unfamiliar in the dark, you quickly find your way to the waterfall by following the sound of rushing water. As you approach the falls, you immediately see a patch of glowing blue flowers near the water.?nl
You pick a handful of the flowers. Their soft glow illumates the space around you like a candle, making the forest seem less foreboding. You're sure ?Rosa will love these.
<<decision 'Make your way back into the forest' 'Forest'>><</decision>><<money 'mushrooms' true>>
<<player>>I heard that you grow some very special purple roses.<</player>>
?Hyssop looks at you with excitement.
<<hyssop>>Ah, my Tyrian Roses? Yes, I bred them specially to use as dye! They also smell lovely. How did you hear about them?<</hyssop>>
<<player>>Well, ?Rosa mentioned them. I actually was hoping to take a few back for her, since she is such a fan.<</player>>
?Hyssop looks thrilled that anyone would be interested in their flowers. Thankfully, they also seem completely oblivious to the implications of you bringing ?Rosa flowers.
<<hyssop>>I remember ?Rosa used to come by and ask for my roses! That was before I invented my system of trading my creations for mushrooms. I gave her so many flowers for free!<</hyssop>>
?Hyssop chuckles cheerfully.
<<player>>I suppose you'll want some mushrooms, then, in exchange for some of the roses?<</player>>
<<hyssop>>That would be nice! It saves me so much time when I don't have to go looking for them myself, after all. I think three hundred would be appropriate?<</hyssop>>
You stare at ?Hyssop for a moment. Three hundred mushrooms? Where are you ever going to find that many?
<<player>>?Hyssop, that's ten times more than the outfits you sell! How special are these roses?!<</player>>
?Hyssop looks thoughtful.
<<hyssop>>Well, I suppose you're right, ?player. I did used to give them away for free, after all! I'll give you a discount. You can have a bouquet for just fifty mushrooms!<</hyssop>>
This still feels like way too many mushrooms for a few flowers, but ?Hyssop seems firm on this point, and you do really want those flowers...
<<if money('mushrooms') >= 50>>
<<decision 'Begrudgingly hand over 50 mushrooms'>>
<<include 'Rosa Buy Flower Hyssop'>>
<<decision 'Come back later to buy the flowers'>>
<<include 'Rosa Find Flower Hyssop Leave'>>
<<include 'Rosa Find Flower Hyssop Leave'>>
<</if>><<player>>In that case I will come back another time to buy the flowers.<</player>>
<<hyssop>>That's no problem! I'll be waiting here for you when you're ready.<</hyssop>>
<<decision 'Leave the hut' 'Forest'>><</decision>><<addtag rosa-purple-flower>>
<<img "rosa/purple_flower.jpg">>
<<changemoney 'mushrooms' -50>>
You hand over the mushrooms, wondering if you should have haggled more. ?Hyssop leaves the hut for a moment and returns with a bouquet of undeniably beautiful purple roses.
<<hyssop>>Here you are! A pleasure doing business with you, ?player! I hope ?Rosa loves them.<</hyssop>>
<<decision 'Thank Hyssop and return to the forest' 'Forest'>><</decision>>You sneak toward the bandit camp, doing your best to stick to the shadows. Is this really where ?Rosa was referring to when she mentioned the "south of the forest"? It seems as though she can't have been speaking about anywhere else, but it's hard to imagine someone like ?Rosa walking around here.?nl
You creep close enough to hear the sounds of voices and raucous laughter. You pause for a moment, obvserving between the trees. It looks as though most of the camp is currently grouped in a circle, watching and cheering on some kind of competition. You can't quite make out what, exactly.?nl
Your eyes land on a patch of pink flowers growing near to the edge of the camp. This could be a good moment to collect them, while the bandits are occupied...
<<decision 'Sneak forward and collect the flowers' 'Rosa Find Flower Bandit Interrupted'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Think better of it and return to the forest' 'Forest'>><</decision>><<addtag rosa-pink-flower>>
<<img "rosa/pink_flower.jpg">>
You make your way forward carefully and gather a handful of the pink flowers. As the petals brush your hand, their sweet scent fills your nose, reminding you of ?Rosa...
<<bandit>>Well, what do we have here? Are you stealing my flowers?<</bandit>>
You look around to see the familiar bandit watching you as he leans against a tree. You stumble to your feet, still clutching the flowers.
<<player>>Ah- well, I hardly think this counts as stealing...<</player>>
The bandit smirks at you, looking you up and down with a suggestive expression.
<<bandit>>You can't exactly put them back, now, can you? So...what are you going to give me in return?<</bandit>>
His intentions seem pretty clear at this point, not least because of the bulge growing in his pants. Based on your interactions with him so far, you can only guess that he has some strange attraction to meeting strangers in the woods...?nl
You realize that instead of responding, you have just been staring at the bandit for several seconds. He seems to interpret your silence as confusion.
<<bandit>>What I mean is that you could blow me, if you want. It's alright if you don't want to...<</bandit>>
You almost have to laugh as he says this. He seems to be strangely respectful of your boundaries, especially for a bandit.?nl
You have to admit there's something exciting about being caught alone in the woods like this... On the other hand, maybe it would be best to get these flowers back to ?Rosa...
<<decision 'Get on your knees in front of him' 'Bandit Blowjob' depravity large>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Get out of the situation' 'Rosa Find Flower Bandit Rejected' virtue large>><</decision>><<player>>I'm not interested. In fact, I'm gathering these flowers for a lovely woman who I am interested in.<</player>>
The bandit looks disappointed as you say this.
<<bandit>>Oh, I see. I guess I misjudged the situation. I just thought you'd come here to find me...<</bandit>>
<<player>>I really just came for the flowers.<</player>>
He stuffs his hands into his pockets and starts walking back towards the camp. He calls back to you as he walks away.
<<bandit>>I'll be here if you ever change your mind.<</bandit>>
You watch him go with some bemusement. What a strange man.
<<decision 'Sneak away from the camp' 'Forest'>><</decision>><<completequest rosa-flowers>>
<<removetag rosa-pink-flower>>
<<removetag rosa-blue-flower>>
<<removetag rosa-purple-flower>>
When you enter the kitchen, ?Rosa is hard at work preparing the next meal of the day. She looks up as you enter and a smile breaks across her face.
<<rosa>>M'lord! To what do I owe the pleasure?<</rosa>>
You proudly produce the three varieties of flowers you collected from the forest. ?Rosa gives a small gasp as she takes in the sight of them.
<<player>>You said you loved these flowers, so I collected them for you.<</player>>
?Rosa looks genuinely touched as she accepts the flowers from you.
<<rosa>>I can't believe you spent the time to get these for me, m'lord! They're beautiful!<</rosa>>
She immediately busies herself arranging the flowers into one large bouquet. The colors look beautiful together, and the blue glow of the flowers from the waterfall is especially lovely.?nl
When she finishes with the flowers, she looks around to make sure no one is nearby and speaks in a conspiratorial whisper.
<<rosa>>If you keep this up, ?player, I might truly fall for you.<</rosa>>
You feel a slight heat spread across your cheeks as she looks at you happily.
<<if hasCompletedQuest('sybille-tavern')>>
<<decision 'Ask her on another date' 'Rosa Ask Date 2'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Take your leave'>>
<<player>>I must be going, ?Rosa, but I'm so happy you like the flowers.<</player>>
<<rosa>>See you later, then, m'lord!<</rosa>>
<<decision 'Leave the kitchens' 'Hallway'>><</decision>>
<</decision>><<player>>I was wondering, ?Rosa, whether you might enjoy spending some more time together, away from the castle?<</player>>
?Rosa's smile grows somehow even bigger.
<<rosa>>I would like that very much, ?player! I really would.<</rosa>>
<<player>>Now that I have my disguise, perhaps we could go to the local tavern for a drink? Like normal people do.<</player>>
?Rosa giggles at the thought of this.
<<rosa>>That sounds lovely. I could go in the evening sometime, after my work is done.<</rosa>>
<<player>>Consider it a date, then.<</player>>
?Rosa tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, blushing slightly.
<<rosa>>I'll see you then!<</rosa>>
<<decision 'Leave the kitchens' 'Hallway'>>
<<startquest rosa-date-2>>
<</decision>><<completequest rosa-date-2>>
You find ?Rosa tidying the kitchen after her day's work. She neatly stacks away some pots under the counter and straightens to greet you, smiling shyly.
<<rosa>>Good evening, m'lord! Are you here to go on a little <i>excursion</i>, as you called it?<</rosa>>
She gives you a conspiratorial wink. You realize that she, adorably, has a little bit of flour on one cheek.
<<player>>Indeed I am. Although, I can't help but notice you have something on your face...<</player>>
?Rosa looks mortified and starts rubbing at her face, but totally misses the spot.
<<player>>Ah, no, there's a bit of flour, just there...<</player>>
Blushing, ?Rosa takes a step closer to you.
<<rosa>>I can't see it. Do you mind?<</rosa>>
You feel a slight flutter in your stomach as you reach out to her, gently wiping the flour off yourself. She keeps eye contact with you the whole time.
<<rosa>>Thank you so much. How embarrassing! I must have rubbed some on my face when I was baking earlier...<</rosa>>
<<player>>No need to be embarrassed. Are you ready to go?<</player>>
?Rosa nods, looking around the kitchen.
<<rosa>>I'll just put away the last couple things while you change.<</rosa>>
<<decision 'Change into your disguise and leave the castle' 'Rosa Date 2 Walk Town'>><</decision>><<outfit disguise>>
<<setlocation 'Road'>>
You change into your disguise and walk out of the castle with ?Rosa. You pass by the guards without issue, and it occurs to you that they have likely started to recognize you as a regular <<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>castle maid<<else>>castle manservant<</if>>.?nl
On your way to the tavern, ?Rosa gives you a shy look out of the corner of her eye.
<<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>
<<rosa>>I feel lucky, you know.<</rosa>>
You throw her a quick glance.
<<player>>What do you mean?<</player>>
<<rosa>>To be spending the evening with you, especially when you look so pretty.<</rosa>>
This comment takes you aback, so you find yourself just staring at her for a moment. She smiles at you encouragingly.
<<player>>Well, thank you, ?Rosa. I could say the same about you.<</player>>
She blushes, still smiling at you.
<<rosa>>I feel lucky, you know.<</rosa>>
You throw her a quick glance.
<<player>>What do you mean?<</player>>
<<rosa>>To be spending the evening with you, away from the castle, like normal folks.<</rosa>>
She seems very sincere about this comment, and you have to smile.
<<player>>I feel lucky, too.<</player>>
You continue walking, chatting and laughing together until you arrive at the tavern.
<<decision 'Go inside and find a table' 'Rosa Date 2 Tavern'>><</decision>><<setlocation 'Tavern'>>
The tavern is even more bustling than usual. There are few empty seats left, so you and ?Rosa squeeze into a tiny table in a corner. The table is so small that your knees touch, not that you mind. A barmaid comes to take your orders, and after a few moments you settle in with your drinks.?nl
?Rosa takes a sip of her ale and looks at you happily.
<<rosa>>So, ?player, what is it like living something like a normal life for the first time?<</rosa>>
You gulp awkwardly as you only now realise you haven't yet told her your new name. You look around quickly to see if anyone is listening to your conversation. Luckily, the other patrons seem absorbed in their own affairs, as you quietly speak to her.
<<player>>Uhm, ?Rosa, there's something I haven't told you yet. For this disguise to work well I've decided to take up a new name: ?newname. I know it's a little weird but could you please refer to me with that when we're outside like this?<</player>>
You look at her with an awkward smile, it probably sounds like you're being paranoid but you really hope she understands.
<<rosa>>Oh! I am so sorry, I hadn't even though of that! Of course I will do that, ?titleR!... I mean ?newname!<</rosa>>
<<player>>Thank you for understanding. I hope you don't mind.<</player>>
<<rosa>>Of course not! I will get used to it. It's a nice name.<<if hasClothesTag('feminine')>> And very pretty too, that fits you.<</if>><</rosa>>
<<if hasClothesTag('feminine')>>
You blush and look away awkwardly.
<<rosa>>But enough about that, I still want to ask my question: What is it like for you to pretend to be a normal person like this?<</rosa>>
You look around the table again to make sure nobody is watching as you lean closer to ?Rosa whisper in her ear.
<<player>>Well, one of the best parts is being able to do things like this with you.<</player>>
?Rosa pulls back to look you in the eyes. Seeing your sincerity, she smiles broadly.
<<rosa>>That's my favorite part, as well.<</rosa>>
She lays a hand palm-up on the tiny table, and locks eyes with you, as if inviting you to place your hand on hers. You do so, and feel her warm skin beneath yours. She squeezes your hand tightly.?nl
You continue chatting happily. She tells how she came to work in the castle, her love of cooking, and somehow even more information about her favorite flowers. In turn, you tell her about your experiences so far outside of the castle. You can't help but feel invigorated speaking to her, like a small fire is burning in your chest. Even more than last time, you want to be close to her.
<<decision 'Continue chatting until late in the night' 'Rosa Date 2 Tavern More'>><</decision>><<increasetime 1 true>>
Before you know it, you have talked for hours and it has grown quite late. Most of the other patrons at the tavern have gone home. ?Rosa giggles at you tipsily over her drink, looking around the room. You smile at her blurrily, your vision swimming from the alcohol.
<<rosa>>Looks like it's just us left. Should we head back to the castle?<</rosa>>
As she says this, a barmaid comes around to collect payment.
<<if money('gold') >= 10>>
You realize with relief that you have enough wages from working in this very tavern to pay your bill. You figure it's only fair that you pay, considering you technically have access to the entire castle treasury. You hand over the gold and stand up with ?Rosa to leave the tavern.
<<changemoney 'gold' -10>>
You realize with embarrassment that you have no gold with you. You've never had to carry your own gold before, nor have you had to pay for goods yourself. ?Rosa identifies your look of panic and smiles at you.
<<rosa>>It's no problem, ?name, I'm sure you're not used to having to pay for things like this! I can settle our bill.<</rosa>>
She hands over the gold to the barmaid, who looks very confused. You stand up together and leave the tavern.
<<decision 'Walk back to the castle' 'Rosa Date 2 Walk Back'>><</decision>><<setlocation 'Road'>>
You walk together back to the castle, the buildings and fields around you silent as the townspeople sleep. You're finding walking in a straight line a bit difficult, but ?Rosa looks as beautiful as ever under the starlight. She clings close to you in the cold of the darkness.?nl
<<decision 'Act on your desire to kiss her'>>
You pass together through a small copse of trees. As you do so, you seem to both have the same idea at the same time, and you fall into an embrace against a tree. You find each other's mouths and kiss each other deeply.
<<rosa>>Oh, ?player...<</rosa>>
With some surprise, you feel her pushing her body against yours. While still kissing her, you run your hands across her back. She sighs into your mouth, and you get the impression she's enjoying this just as much as you.
You let your hands travel further, until they are moving over the curves of her breasts. She lets out a small moan as you do so, and you feel <<if settings.sph>>your tiny dick<<else>>yourself<</if>> growing hard.
?Rosa presses herself even more into you, and you wonder whether she can feel how aroused you are. She tangles her hands in your hair, kissing you passionately.?nl
In the middle of kissing you, she somehow manages to lose her balance and falls to the ground. She giggles as you help pull her back to her feet.
<<rosa>>Oh, ?player, I love being with you like this, but I do believe I have had too much to drink.<</rosa>>
You desperately want to continue touching her, to be as close to her as possible, but you also don't want to push too hard. In any case, your own stomach is feeling queasy from the drink.
<<player>>So have I, I think.<</player>>
You laugh together for a moment, exchanging more kisses.
<<player>>Shall we head back to the castle, then?<</player>>
?Rosa nods, smiling at you. She tangles her fingers in yours and gives you another kiss.
<<decision 'Keep walking back to the castle' 'Rosa Date 2 End'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Keep walking back to the castle' 'Rosa Date 2 End'>><</decision>><<setlocation 'Kitchen'>>
<<outfit standard>>
<<addtag 'rosa-date-2-done'>>
<<addcounter 'rosa-intimacy' 1>>
You return to the kitchen, where you change out of your disguise. Before parting ways, ?Rosa makes sure no one else is around before giving you a parting kiss.
<<rosa>>Goodnight, ?player. I had a lovely time. I hope we can spend more time together soon.<</rosa>>
<<player>>As do I, ?Rosa.<</player>>
She squeezes your hand and disappears toward her chambers. You watch her go, arousal simmering inside you, before heading to bed yourself.
<<decision 'Go to your bedroom' 'Bedroom'>><</decision>>You make sure no one is around as you head into the kitchen. ?Rosa is at the oven, checking on a huge loaf of bread that looks to be partway through baking.
<<rosa>>Oh, ?titleR! Aren't you looking <<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>lovely<<else>>handsome<</if>> today.<</rosa>>
She smiles at you, and you feel a warmth spread through your chest. Embarrassingly, you also feel yourself blushing. She approaches you, coming just close enough be an appropriate distance if someone were to see you, but you sense that she wishes she could move closer.?nl
You want to be closer to her, too. You look around the room, noticing the closed door to the larder.
<<player>>Ah, could you perhaps...help me with something in the larder? I'm on the hunt for some...uh...peaches, but I'm not sure where to look.<</player>>
?Rosa catches the look on your face and gives you a conspiratorial wink.
<<rosa>>Of course, ?titleR, I can certainly help you with that.<</rosa>>
<<decision 'Go with Rosa into the larder' 'Rosa Handjob Larder'>><</decision>><<setlocation 'Larder'>>
You follow ?Rosa into the larder and close the door. The smell of fresh pastries hits your nose at the same moment that ?Rosa starts kissing you.?nl
You fall together against a stack of wine barrels and you kiss her back, drinking in the smell of her hair as she moves against you. Your noses bump together awkwardly and she pulls away for a moment, chuckling.
<<rosa>>You know, ?player, I've been wanting this since I last saw you.<</rosa>>
You realize she is being totally sincere, and at the same moment, you realize you feel the same. Still, it feels difficult to say.
<<player>>I-, uh, well, I want that too, ?Rosa.<</player>>
She gives you a playful smile, a light pink color rising on her cheeks.
<<rosa>>Do you think we could maybe, well, try something new?<</rosa>>
You're not sure what she's referring to, but you can't imagine you would say no to whatever it is.
<<player>>Um, y-yes, I would like that very much.<</player>>
She runs her hand tentatively down your body, gently grazing her fingers over your crotch. You were already aroused by this situation, and now you feel <<if settings.sph>>your tiny dick<<else>>yourself<</if>> growing quite hard.
<<if settings.sph>>
As her hands run across your nearly non-existant bulge, she looks momentarily confused. She seems to come to terms with how small you are, however, because she quickly continues running her fingers over your crotch.?nl
You lean forward to kiss her again. She kisses you back while her hand gently massages you through your pants. Her touch already feels amazing, and you can hardly believe that you get to do something like this with ?Rosa.
<<rosa>>I hope this feels good for you?<</rosa>>
Good is such an understatement that you almost laugh.
<<player>>It feels, uh, amazing...<</player>>
As she continues to massage you, you reach your hands out and run them along her breasts. They feel warm and full in your hands, and you can't help but give them a light squeeze. ?Rosa giggles lightly while still kissing you.?nl
Feeling the arousal building inside yourself, you reach a hand lower to dip under the folds of her dress. Though you aren't particularly experienced in this area, you find the space between her legs and begin to rub her gently through the fabric of her undergarment.
<<rosa>>Ahhh, oh, yes, ?player, just a little to the left...<</rosa>>
You move your hand a bit and continue to move your fingers on her. You are now very hard, <<if settings.sph>>not that this fact is very visible through your pants<<else>>and you're creating quite the tent in your pants<</if>>.?nl
<<if settings.sph>>
?Rosa pulls away from kissing you, her face flushed. She gives you a quick look and, seeing the pleasure on your face, slowly pulls your pants down to reveal your tiny, hard cock. Not able to put her whole hand on it, she begins to massage you with a few fingers. She smiles at you playfully.
<<rosa>>It's so cute!<</rosa>>
You're not sure what to say to this, but her touch feels so good that you can't really focus on her comment anyway.
?Rosa pulls away from kissing you, her face flushed. She gives you a quick look and, seeing the pleasure on your face, slowly pulls your pants down to reveal your erect penis. She wraps her hand around the shaft and begins to massage up and down.
<<player>>Oh, fuck, ?Rosa...<</player>>
You can feel a wetness spreading through the fabric of her underwear now. Wanting to get closer to her, you fumble for a moment, reaching your hand inside the underwear. You feel the soft, warm wetness between her legs and continue to rub your fingers there.?nl
Still kissing you, ?Rosa moans into your mouth as she moves herself against your hand. This somehow makes you even harder, watching her body move in pleasure like this.
<<rosa>>That feels so good, ?player...<</rosa>>
The movement of her <<if settings.sph>>fingers<<else>>hand<</if>> on your cock speeds up and you throw your head back, marvelling at how good this feels. You are both moaning together now, your breaths coming faster as the pleasure builds in your bodies.?nl
Suddenly, ?Rosa gasps and closes her eyes in pleasure as a series of orgasmic waves move through her body. Just the sight of her cumming brings you to your climax as well, and you feel a euphoric release as your cum splatters over ?Rosa's hand.
<<player>>Oh, ?Rosa...<</player>>
There's a brief pause as you both come down from your orgasms, breathing heavily. You find yourself laughing a little bit, realizing that you just got a handjob in the castle larder. ?Rosa seems to realize why you are laughing and she laughs along with you.?nl
As you're chuckling together, the smell of burning reaches your nose.
<<rosa>>Oh no, the bread!<</rosa>>
<<decision 'Leave the larder' 'Rosa Handjob Larder 2'>><</decision>>?Rosa rushes to the oven and pulls out a totally blackened loaf of bread.
<<player>>Oh no, I-I'm sorry about the bread, ?Rosa!<</player>>
?Rosa sets the bread down on a counter and starts to laugh again.
<<rosa>>Don't worry, ?titleR, I can make more bread! It was worth it to be able to...find some peaches for you in the larder.<</rosa>>
You laugh with her as well, and immediately start coughing when you breathe in the smoke.
<<rosa>>Really though, I should start making more bread now, otherwise there won't be any for dinner!<</rosa>>
<<player>>Of course. I'll, uh, leave you to it, but I'll be back just as soon as I am...looking for some more fruit...<</player>>
She giggles and waves as you turn to leave the kitchen, the pleasure you shared with her still fresh in your mind.
<<decision 'Leave the kitchen' 'Hallway'>><</decision>><<if $location is 'Dungeons'>>
<<if getTime() === 'night'>>
[[Try to find Sybille | Sybille Night]]
<<elseif hasQuest('find-poet-2')>>
<<decision 'Ask Sybille about the anonymous poems' 'Orson Poems Ask Sybille'>><</decision>>
[[Sybille is here, doing her work in the dungeons | Sybille Dungeons]]
<</if>><<acknowledgement Sybille>>
<<mention assassination>>
Before you can answer she continues herself.
<<sybille>>I must inform you that your would-be assassin has been locked here in the dungeons. I am currently in the process interrogating him.<</sybille>>
<<mention status>>
<<if $player.status is 'egg'>>
?Sybille eyes you up and down. She is very obviously looking at the changes to your body.
<<sybille>>I see the potion ?Morgana made has had some effect on you.<</sybille>>
Distraught by how she knows of this, you reply slightly shocked.
<<player>>?Sybille, how do you know about this? I thought ?Morgana wouldn't tell anyone of this!<</player>>
She tries to calm you down as you are embarrassed.
<<sybille>>She didn't. It is simply my job to know what is happening in this place. Fear not, ?title, your secret is safe with me. If you wish to know, I think this transformation quite suits you.<</sybille>>
<<elseif $player.status is 'andro'>>
<<elseif $player.status is 'fem'>>
<<elseif $player.status is 'man'>>
<</acknowledgement>>You see ?Sybille here, sitting at a desk in the room just outside the dungeons. She's writing something in a file. As soon as you approach, she closes the folder and greets you.
<<sybille>>Hello, ?title. What brings you to this part of the castle?<</sybille>>
<<include 'Sybille Acknowledgement'>>
<<if hasQuest('sybille-note')>>
<<decision 'Mention the note she left' 'Sybille Assassination Investigation'>><</decision>>
<<elseif getTime() === 'morning' and hasQuest('sybille-tavern')>>
<<decision 'Tell her you\'re ready for her plan' 'Sybille Tavern Preparation'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Just passing by'>>
<<player>>I was simply passing by, I was curious to see what you were up to, ?Sybille.<</player>>
<<sybille>>Of course, ?title. I would like to show you around the place more but I fear I must insist this is not really a place for you. Perhaps I could introduce you to the dungeons sometime in the future should you still be curious.<</sybille>>
You are slightly disappointed but you don't feel the need to press the issue.
<<player>>That sound good, ?Sybille. I will leave you to your work now.<</player>>
<<decision 'Take your leave' 'Hallway'>><</decision>>
<</decision>><<addcounter 'sybille-night' 2>>
<<if not hasTag('sybille-peeped')>>
Descending the steps toward the dungeon, you see that ?Sybille's desk is dark and empty. Candlelight flickers from deeper within the dungeon, and a low sound echoes through the stone hallways. It sounds like moaning, though you're not sure whether from pain or pleasure.
You once again see ?Sybille's empty desk and gather that she must be hard at work in the dungeon. You can creep closer and find a place to watch.
<<decision "Creep closer to watch Sybille at her work" 'Sybille Peeping' depravity small>><</decision>>
<<decision "Retreat quietly back up the stairs" 'Bedtime' virtue small>><</decision>><<addsin 'peeping'>>
<<addtag 'sybille-peeped'>>
<<include 'Sybille Peeping 1'>>
<<include 'Sybille Peeping 2'>>
<<include 'Sybille Peeping 3'>>
<<include `either('Sybille Peeping 1', 'Sybille Peeping 2', 'Sybille Peeping 3')`>>
<<decision "Sneak back out of the dungeons" 'Bedtime'>><</decision>>You sneak further into the dungeons, staying hidden in the shadows. From the darkness, you make out a white-haired figure standing inside one of the locked dungeon cells. This must be ?Sybille, but instead of her usual black dress, she is now wearing a skin-tight black leather suit that reveals every curve of her body. Your eyes linger over her elegant shape for a moment before you realize she is standing over another figure.
<<img "sybille/sybille_dominatrix_{theme}.jpg">>
<<sybille>>Do you like this, prisoner? I thought I ordered you to <i>moan</i> when your mistress touches you. This transgression of yours will require punishment.<</sybille>>
In the dim candlelight you can just make out that the prisoner is a dark-haired woman. She is on her hands and knees on the cold stone ground, unclothed except for a set of manacles around her wrists and a blindfold around her eyes. She is faced away from you. You can see her small asshole and the soft folds below, shiny with wetness.?nl
The prisoner moans loudly in pleasure as ?Sybille whips her ass, leaving red marks behind.
<<sybille>>I see how wet you are, prisoner. I know you want me to touch you. Stand up and spread your legs.<</sybille>>
The prisoner stands up and ?Sybille locks her wrists to metal rings set into the dungeon cell wall. The prisoner moans as she spreads her legs submissively.?nl
?Sybille runs the end of her whip down the prisoner's body, moving over the curve of her breasts and stopping just before the space between her legs.
<<sybille>>Do you want your mistress to touch you, prisoner?<</sybille>>
The prisoner opens her mouth to speak, but ?Sybille immediately whips her again, this time across the breasts.
<<sybille>>I told you not to speak, girl. You are only allowed to moan.<</sybille>>
The prisoner lets out a load moan as the whip hits and nods forcefully.?nl
?Sybille retrieves a small set of metal clamps that had been hanging on the wall and clips them to the prisoner's erect nipples. The woman cries out in a mixture of pain and pleasure.
<<sybille>>I will allow you to speak to your mistress but one time. If you want me to touch you, you must whisper into my ear all that you know about Master ?Leopold's private affairs.<</sybille>>
?Sybille leans her head expectantly toward the prisoner's mouth. You watch with amazement as the woman begins to whisper into ?Sybille's ear, her legs shaking in orgasmic anticipation. Is this how ?Sybille acquires her information??nl
After a few moments, ?Sybille straightens and smiles dangerously.
<<sybille>>That's a good prisoner. You deserve to be rewarded.<</sybille>>
?Sybille trails a hand down the woman's body, moving torturously slowly, until she reaches the wetness between her legs. She slowly inserts a finger into the prisoner's pussy. The prisoner moans again, barely able to remain standing on her shaky legs. ?Sybille begins to fuck the woman with her fingers, her other hand rubbing her wet clit.
<<sybille>>Since you are a good little prisoner, you will cum when I tell you to. Until then, you are not allowed to cum.<</sybille>>
The prisoner barely manages to nod, her body moving in waves of pleasure as ?Sybille moves between her legs.
<<sybille>>Not yet, girl...<</sybille>>
The woman's moans become louder as she is clearly approaching orgasm. She slides down the wall slightly, pushing herself harder onto ?Sybille's fingers as her legs lose the ability to hold her upright.
<<sybille>>Not quite yet, good little prisoner...<</sybille>>
?Sybille's hands are moving furiously, and the prisoner's moans are now echoing forcefully through the dungeon.
<<sybille>>Good prisoner. Cum for your mistress.<</sybille>>
The woman gives a final shout as she cums, her body rippling over ?Sybille's fingers as her orgasm hits her in a series of waves. Her legs give out and she hangs from her manacles, exhausted.
<<sybille>>You have pleased your mistress, prisoner. Perhaps I will return to you tomorrow, if you are lucky.<</sybille>>
As ?Sybille begins to turn from the prisoner, you realize that this is your cue to leave.<<addtag 'lumberjack-peeped'>>
You sneak deeper into the dungeons until you find ?Sybille inside an unlocked dungeon cell. She is standing straddled above a man who is lying on the floor. From your position, you can see that he is large, burly, and muscled, with ruddy skin and a bushy beard. He is currently gagged and naked except for a black leather harness that attaches to a metal ring that is snug around the base of his large, hard cock.
<<if settings.sph>>
Before you can even imagine wearing such a ring yourself, you realize it would be impossible. Your own penis is small enough that the ring would simply fall off.
Sybille is once again wearing the black dominatrix outfit.
<<img "sybille/sybille_dominatrix_{theme}.jpg">>
<<sybille>>That's a good boy. Your mistress enjoys seeing you become so hard.<</sybille>>
?Sybille lifts a foot and slowly presses her black leather boot onto the large man's penis. Despite the aggressiveness of the act, you're surprised at how careful ?Sybille is with her movements. She is obviously not trying to hurt the man.
<<sybille>>I think you deserve a special treat this time, my little woodcutter, considering you have brought me such <i>valuable</i> information recently.<</sybille>>
From the floor, the man lets out a low moan through his gag. Underneath ?Sybille's foot, his cock twitches.
<<sybille>>You are a lucky boy. Today, your mistress will allow you to pleasure <i>her</i>.<</sybille>>
You watch as ?Sybille, still straddling the man, undoes a series of small buttons around the crotch of her black leather suit. As the suit opens it reveals a small tuft of white hair and a glimpse of her soft, parted lips.?nl
She removes the man's gag and lowers herself gracefully onto his mouth. He begins to lick and suck at her clit, eager and sloppy. ?Sybille throws her head back with a sigh of pleasure.
<<sybille>>Ahh, that's my good little woodcutter. You exist to serve your mistress.<</sybille>>
You watch for several minutes as ?Sybille rides the man's face, letting out soft moans. The man's cock is almost bursting out of its metal ring now, and he too is moaning into her.
<<sybille>>Fuck, my good little fuck-toy...<</sybille>>
The man increases his speed, his face now shining with wetness, as ?Sybille pushes herself hungrily into him.
<<sybille>>Mmm, keep going, boy...<</sybille>>
With a final thrust of her hips against the man's mouth, ?Sybille cries out softly as she orgasms, her back arching and her mouth open in bliss. Beneath her, the man moans low into her as his own cock explodes. Cum shoots into the air, splattering over his body.?nl
After catching her breath for a few moments, ?Sybille stands up slowly and surveys the man with a smile. She drags a boot across his chest, smearing his cum over his skin.
<<sybille>>I see you have made a mess of yourself. I will allow it this time, since you performed so well for your mistress, but I will not be so lenient next time.<</sybille>>
As ?Sybille begins to rebutton her suit, you suspect it is again time to leave.The sound of a woman moaning leads you deeper in the dungeons, to a familiar cell. ?Sybille is inside, dressed in her tight black leather suit. The dark-haired woman prisoner you saw before is tied to a bare wooden cot with a series of intricate knots. She is naked, in a prostrate position, her face on the cot and her ass facing upward.
<<img "sybille/sybille_dominatrix_{theme}.jpg">>
<<sybille>>I see how much you are enjoying this, prisoner. I am sure you want nothing more than for me to touch you right now.<</sybille>>
The woman moans as ?Sybille gently moves a large white feather across her clit, teasing her. Even from the shadows, you can see the space between the woman's legs is shining wet and swollen with arousal.
<<sybille>>I want to hear you beg.<</sybille>>
<<say 'Prisoner'>>Please, mistress... Please touch me...<</say>>
?Sybille smiles, withdrawing the feather. The woman moans, begging louder.
<<sybille>>You belong to your mistress, prisoner. I decide when you feel pleasure.<</sybille>>
Breathing heavily, the woman moves within her bonds, searching desperately for stimulation.
<<say 'Prisoner'>>Yes, mistress... Please touch me, please...<</say>>
?Sybille strokes the woman's clit with the feather again. The woman's moans grow louder and louder as ?Sybille teases her. Just before the moans reach a crescendo, she removes the feather once more.?nl
Though her back is turned to you, you swear you hear a smile in ?Sybille's voice when she speaks.
<<sybille>>This is the third time you have come to watch me at my work, ?title. Why don't you step out of the shadows and come closer?<</sybille>>
You freeze, as though ?Sybille might forget you're there if you stay quiet. How did she know you were watching this whole time, and why didn't she mention it before? You could run out of the dungeons right now and pretend this never happened... On the other hand, she seems to be inviting you to join this exciting situation; perhaps you should step out of the shadows...
<<decision 'Step forward and join Sybille' 'Sybille Peeping 3 Join' depravity medium>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Flee out of the dungeons' 'Hallway' virtue small>><</decision>>You step forward from the shadows as ?Sybille turns to face you. Her smile grows wider.
<<sybille>>Step into the cell, then, ?title.<</sybille>>
She produces a key from a small pocket in her suit and unlocks the cell door. As you step inside, still processing how ?Sybille could have known about all your little excursions to the dungeons, she looks you up and down with an exacting eye.
<<sybille>>This prisoner needs punishing, ?title. She may yet tell us valuable information. Would you prefer to join in, or watch?<</sybille>>
You look at the prisoner, still breathing heavily in her vulnerable state. Could you be someone so dominant, and do with her as you wish? Perhaps there is also something enticing about imagining yourself in her place, the one being dominated...
<<decision 'Help punish the prisoner' 'Sybille Peeping 3 Dom' dominance medium>>
<<decision 'Watch, imagining yourself as the prisoner' 'Sybille Peeping 3 Sub' submissiveness medium>>
<</decision>><<player>>I will assist, ?Sybille.<</player>>
A flash of something like satisfaction flits across ?Sybille's face. She pulls a black leather flogger from the wall and hands it to you.
<<sybille>>Try this, ?title. Strike her on the buttocks, here. You must be firm, but gentle in your punishment. True masters know the most information is learned from prisoners who are begging for more.<</sybille>>
You grasp the flogger and release it onto the woman's ass. She moans, straining against her bonds in pleasure. It's a new feeling, being so intimately in control of someone's body in this way. You can see why ?Sybille seems to like it so much.
<<sybille>>Do you like this, prisoner? The prince himself is punishing you. You are a lucky girl.<</sybille>>
<<say 'Prisoner'>>?Title, I am yours to do with as you wish...<</say>>
You continue striking the woman with the flogger, enjoying the flush of pink spreading across her ass. She moans louder with each hit. Behind you, ?Sybille watches with a dark smile.
<<sybille>>Tell your prince what you want, prisoner.<</sybille>>
<<say 'Prisoner'>>Let me cum, ?title... Please, let me cum...<</say>>
While you continue flogging her, ?Sybille pulls a phallic leather object from the wall and runs it slowly along the prisoner's back and across her face.
<<sybille>>You want to cum, prisoner? You know what you must give me.<</sybille>>
?Sybille leans close to the prisoner's mouth. The woman is now shaking, a brief touch away from orgasm. She whispers desperately into ?Sybille's ear.?nl
?Sybille straightens and smiles at you, looking satisfied.
<<sybille>>Shall we allow her to cum, ?title?<</sybille>>
Is ?Sybille really letting you make this decision? It could feel powerful, denying the prisoner her peak after so much teasing and build-up. But it could also be powerful to be the one to allow her to orgasm, to watch her body move through the pleasure at your command...
<<decision 'Allow the prisoner to cum' 'Sybille Peeping 3 Dom Allowed'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Do not allow the prisoner to cum' 'Sybille Peeping 3 Dom Denied'>><</decision>><<player>>Good prisoners should be rewarded, ?Sybille.<</player>>
?Sybille nods at you.
<<sybille>>The prince is right, prisoner. You have earned your pleasure.<</sybille>>
?Sybille runs the leather dildo down the prisoner's body and slowly pushes it inside of her. The woman cries out in pleasure, her body moving in a wave of ecstasy. You are distracted for a moment as you watch the prisoner's swollen lips stretch around the thick phallus, shining with slippery wetness.?nl
Shaking your head, you refocus on your task. As you continue to flog the prisoner, her moans grow louder with each impact.
<<if settings.sph>>
You have to admit that being in control here is turning you on, though even the hardness in your pants is not enough to create even a small bulge.
You have to admit that being in control here is turning you on, and you feel a bulge growing in your pants.
<<sybille>>Good little prisoner.<</sybille>>
?Sybille pushes the dildo into the woman rhythmically, drawing cries of pleasure each time it reaches its deepest point. With practiced, coordinated movement, her other hand rubs the woman's clit. She increases her speed and soon the woman's cries are echoing through the dungeon.
<<sybille>>You may cum now.<</sybille>>
With a great shudder, the woman orgasms around the dildo as a final moan escapes her lips. She collapses as much as she can while tied up, her skin still shining pink in the places where you flogged her.?nl
?Sybille turns to you and holds out a hand for the flogger.
<<sybille>>Excellent work, ?title. I think that concludes your education for today. I will see to it that the prisoner is made presentable again.<</sybille>>
You can hardly believe what you just took part in, but at the same time you have to admit the whole experience was intoxicating. Perhaps you might return again some time...
<<decision 'Leave the dungeons' 'Hallway'>><</decision>><<player>>No, I do not think every little secret should be so highly rewarded, ?Sybille.<</player>>
?Sybille gives you a long look. If you didn't know better, you might think she was impressed.
<<sybille>>Indeed not, ?title.<</sybille>>
The prisoner struggles futilely against her bonds.
<<say 'Prisoner'>>Please, ?title! Please let me cum!<</say>>
You flog her again, this time a touch harder, to remind her of her place.
<<if settings.sph>>
You have to admit that being in control here is turning you on, though even the hardness in your pants is not enough to create even a small bulge.
You have to admit that being in control here is turning you on, and you feel a bulge growing in your pants.
<<player>>Not today, prisoner.<</player>>
?Sybille runs the leather phallus along the woman's body again, stopping just before reaching the space between her legs. The woman moans in anticipation, then in disappointment.
<<sybille>>Perhaps you will be luckier tomorrow, girl.<</sybille>>
?Sybille turns to you and holds out a hand for the flogger.
<<sybille>>Excellent work, ?title. I think that concludes your education for today. I will see to it that the prisoner is cleaned up.<</sybille>>
You can hardly believe what you just took part in, but at the same time you have to admit the whole experience was intoxicating. Perhaps you might return again some time...
<<decision 'Leave the dungeons' 'Hallway'>><</decision>><<player>>I would prefer to watch you as you work.<</player>>
?Sybille smiles, as though you are confirming what she already knows. She turns back to the prisoner.
<<sybille>>You are lucky, prisoner. Today the prince himself is watching your punishment.<</sybille>>
She retrieves a black leather flogger from the wall and begins to strike the woman's ass. The woman moans, straining against her bonds in pleasure. You imagine yourself in her place, tied with ropes, the feeling of the flogger hitting your own bare skin.
<<say 'Prisoner'>>Mistress, I am yours to do with as you wish...<</say>>
?Sybille continues hitting the woman with the flogger, eliciting a flush of pink across her buttocks. The woman moans louder with each hit. You imagine your own ass burning from the impact of the flogger, the sting as it hits your flesh repeatedly.?nl
<<if settings.sph>>
You have to admit that imagining yourself in the prisoner's place is turning you on, though your tiny penis causes no bulge in your pants. Even ?Sybille would have no idea how your body is reacting right now.
You have to admit that imagining yourself in the prisoner's place is turning you on, and you feel a bulge growing in your pants.
<<sybille>>Tell your mistress what you want, prisoner.<</sybille>>
<<say 'Prisoner'>>Let me cum, mistress... Please, let me cum...<</say>>
<<sybille>>You want to cum, prisoner? You know what you must give me.<</sybille>>
?Sybille leans close to the prisoner's mouth. The woman is now shaking and sweaty with desire. She whispers fervently into ?Sybille's ear. After a moment, ?Sybille straightens, looking satisfied.
<<sybille>>Since the prisoner has given me what I want, I will reward her. Do you know how, ?title?<</sybille>>
?Sybille runs the flogger gently, tantalizingly along your shoulder and down your arm. She does not strike, but simply allows you to feel its touch. You are surprised at how arousing this simple gesture of power is.
<<player>>Ah- well, I can guess...<</player>>
?Sybille smiles at you, withdrawing the flogger. She hangs the flogger back on the wall and retrieves a phallic leather object.
<<sybille>>What she wants is to be dominated, ?title. You might know something about that.<</sybille>>
?Sybille turns away from you. Slowly, gently, she runs the leather phallus down the prisoner's body and pushes it inside of her. The woman moans, moving against her bonds in a wave of pleasure. For a moment, you imagine someone doing the same to you.
<<sybille>>Good little prisoner...<</sybille>>
?Sybille pushes the dildo into the woman rhythmically, drawing cries of ecstasy each time it reaches its deepest point. With practiced, coordinated movement, her other hand rubs the woman's clit. She increases her speed and soon the woman's cries are echoing through the dungeon. You find yourself, in some way, jealous of this prisoner.
<<sybille>>You may cum now.<</sybille>>
With a great shudder, the woman orgasms around the dildo as a final moan escapes her lips. She collapses as much as she can while tied up, her skin still shining pink in the places where ?Sybille flogged her.?nl
?Sybille turns to you, a smirk on her lips.
<<sybille>>I hope you learned something while watching me work, ?title. I think that concludes your education for today. I will see to it that the prisoner is cleaned up.<</sybille>>
You can hardly believe that you just watched this interaction, but at the same time you have to admit the whole experience was intoxicating. Perhaps you might return again some time...
<<decision 'Leave the dungeons' 'Hallway'>><</decision>><<player>>I received the note you left me. What's with all the secrecy, ?Sybille? Did you learn anything about the assassin?<</player>>
She stands infront of you clasping her hands as she looks at you with an intense expression.
<<sybille>>I'm sorry, ?title. Normally I would announce this kind of news to the entire council during a meeting but the nature of my discovery has lead me to believe it to be best to share it with only you.<</sybille>>
You stare at her with a puzzled look on your face as you wait for her to explain further.
<<sybille>>Unfortunately, after interrogating the would-be assassin, I now have reason to believe the plan behind this failed attempt on your life did not originate from some other nation but instead was orchestrated by another member of the royal council.<</sybille>>
Shocked, you take a step back as you look at her in disbelief.
<<player>>?Sybille, are you certain? Why would someone betray me like that?<</player>>
<<sybille>>I'm afraid I am quite certain about this, the assassin shared about a meeting with his secret benefactor, clearly describing a royal councillor. Curiously, he can't seem to give any specifications that narrow it down more than that. You can see now why I opted not to share this with the rest of the councillors now and instead wanted to discuss this only with you, ?title.<</sybille>>
You're not quite sure what to say, this news troubles you deeply.
<<sybille>>As for the motive behind such a heinous act, I am not quite sure why one of the councillors would want this. None of the councillors would stand to gain with your demise. Currently, since ?Andreas has ordered the entire castle on lockdown, there's no opportunity for something like this to happen again. You are - of course - under constant protection here.<</sybille>>
You look away slightly concerned, the castle may be entirely secured but your new secret hobby of disguising yourself and sneaking out of the place is very likely a safety concern... As you look back at her you catch a glint in her eyes and the slightest hint of a knowing smile.
<<sybille>>Is something troubling you, ?title? Something you would like to share?<</sybille>>
Well... Perhaps it's best to share this with her...
<<player>>Well, ?Sybille, I have actually been...<</player>>
You stumble over your words as you feel like a kid that has to admit to their bad behaviour.
<<sybille>>Sneaking off in a disguise together with ?Morgana?<</sybille>>
<<player>>Wha... How did you know?<</player>>
You have a look of utter surprise on your face as soon as she mentions this, how does she know about this?
<<sybille>>It is my job to know, ?title. And fear not, your secrets are safe with me, of course. As for the safety concern, I think ?Morgana is right actually, from what I've gathered your disguise works quite well and perhaps ?Andreas is being overly protective right now.<</sybille>>
You nod at her.
<<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>
You feel yourself blush at the thought that ?Sybille mentions your kitchen maid outfit like that.
<<sybille>>We cannot allow any council members to catch wind of what we know. What we need now is more information. Luckily, these little excursions of yours can prove to be useful to us right now.<</sybille>>
<<player>>H- how so?<</player>>
<<sybille>><<name andreas 'Chancellor'>> has a fondness for the ale at the local tavern and likes to do some of his dealings there as well. If you went undercover, working there, you could listen to the conversations. I could even tutor you in the art of spycraft.<</sybille>>
<<player>>But why me? Why not use any official spy in your network? You must have someone in town, right?<</player>>
<<sybille>>Yes, many. But unfortunately I cannot depend on them right now. I may be the official royal spymistress but that does not mean other councillors have their own network of information. You are one of the few people I know I can trust right now.<</sybille>>
Working undercover at the tavern? That sounds extremely far outside of your comfort zone... But then again, getting out of the castle like that does sound very adventurous... You are quite conflicted and unsure what to do...
<<sybille>>Take some time to think it over, ?title. I know it sounds like a dangerous idea but I believe you to be more than capable of it. I urge you to consider the importance of this mission.<</sybille>>
<<player>>Very well... I will think it over... Thank you for sharing this all with me, ?Sybille.<</player>>
<<sybille>>Of course, ?title. Please come find me in the morning when you are ready.<</sybille>>
With that, you exit the dungeons and make your way back to the castle halls. You are quite perplexed by all this. Are you actually going to work at the tavern in order to spy on one of the councillors?
<<decision 'Leave Sybille' 'Hallway'>>
<<increasetime 1 true>>
<<completequest sybille-note>>
<<startquest sybille-tavern>>
<</decision>><<completequest sybille-tavern>>
You clear your throat as you stammer out the reason you are here.
<<player>>I'm uh- r-ready for your plan ?Sybille.<</player>>
Great, that was about the confidence level of a sack of potatoes.
<<sybille>>Right. Well today will be simple, you'll just be giving a quick visit to the tavern to get yourself acquainted with the working environment. Don't worry, we'll have plenty of time to make you sound more self-assured later. Did you bring your disguise?<</sybille>>
You nod at her as you show her your now trusted disguise.
<<sybille>>Splendid. You can get changed here. I will be right back, I have some business down in the dungeon.<</sybille>>
She opens the drawer of her desk and retrieves some kind of flogger as she stands up and leaves you in her office. The room is dark and the cold cobblestones keep a clear conformity to the dungeons itself, deeper down through the door ?Sybille just left through.?nl
While she's gone, you suddenly get a spark of curiosity as you look over her now unguarded desk. On it, you see a letter that seems quite interesting and you quickly open it.
<<name sybille 'Lady Whispers' none>>,?nl
Your wish is my command.<br>
I will happily take on this important friend of yours as a new ?barworker.?nl
- V
You read through the strange letter with suspicion. Is this talking about you? Before you get completely lost in thought, you quickly focus back to the task at hand.
<<decision 'Change into your disguise' 'Sybille Tavern Preparation 2'>>
<</decision>><<outfit disguise>>
You deftly put on the <<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>maid dress<<else>>manservant uniform<</if>>. You're strangely enough getting quite used to these clothes now, something you'd have never expected before.
As if just on cue, you hear ?Sybille knock on the door to check if you are done before entering.
<<player>>All finished!<</player>>
She opens the door and enters the room. She moves over and leans against her desk as she eyes you up and down.
<<sybille>>My, that is quite a good disguise, ?title. It looks like my reports were correct<<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>, you look very pretty<</if>>. I highly doubt people will recognise you in this.<</sybille>>
<<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>You blush as she mentions this, does she really think you look pretty in the dress? <</if>>You nod at her, you feel kind of proud that she actually approves of your disguise.
<<player>>So does this mean I am now officially one of your spies?<</player>>
A smile draws over her face.
<<sybille>>Hah, well, there is one thing we are missing, ?title. Any good undercover spy needs to have a persona. Normally we would take time to craft an entire backstory but I don't feel that's necessary for now. All we need now is a name.<</sybille>>
A new name? The feeling of using a new name somehow has you quite excited for this whole thing. You look at her as she continues.
<<sybille>>Give yourself a new name, ?title. <<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>If you were a woman, what would you want to call yourself?<<else>>Any plausible name is fine.<</if>><</sybille>>
You look at her, quite overwhelmed by this sudden but important decision. <<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>The idea of having to pick a feminine name somehow has you feeling quite strange... A thought crosses your mind: would this actually be your name if you were a woman instead?<</if>>
<<player>>Uhm... a new name, that's difficult...<</player>>
You stare towards the cold cobblestone walls as you go over a list of possible names in your head. ?Sybille is patiently waiting for your response. After a while you look at her, a fresh idea in your mind.
<<timed 40ms>>
<<player>>How about <div id='name-picker'><<textbox "$player.newname" `hasTag('crossdresser') ? 'Alexandra' : 'James'`>></div>?<</player>>
<<decision 'Decide on the name'>>
<<replace '#name-picker' 'transition'>>?newname<</replace>>
<<replace "#portrait-container">><<include 'Portrait'>><</replace>>
You look at her as she judges your new name. She stares at you with an intense look, seemingly mulling over your idea very seriously. The anticipation makes you quite nervous. After a mere few seconds that feel much longer to you she has seemingly made her decision as she makes an approving nod.
<<sybille>>?newname... I like it. It fits you.<</sybille>>
Hearing yourself being referenced with this new name has you feeling strangely confident. You're definitely going to need to get used to refer to yourself like that when you're disguised from now on.
<<sybille>>Good, that settles it. You should have everything needed for us to start this little operation. Are you ready to be a spy, ?newname?<</sybille>>
<<player>>I- I think so. I'm ready.<</player>>
Your reluctance is definitely noticed by ?Sybille but it seems like she accepts that this is the best she's going to get from you now.
<<sybille>>Glad to hear it. I have great confidence in you, ?title. And don't fret too much, today you won't be doing anything important yet. Simply head to the tavern and my contact will explain everything to you there. The goal is simply to get yourself acquainted with the environment.<</sybille>>
You're not sure if she's actually telling the truth but hearing her say that she believes in you does give you a bit of confidence regardless.
<<player>>Sounds like a plan... Well here I go then... Thank you, ?Sybille.<</player>>
You say farewell to her as you step out of her office, now wearing your disguise and wielding a brand new name to go along with it.
<<decision 'Head outside' 'Sybille Tavern Preparation 3'>><</decision>>
<</decision>><<setlocation 'Gatehouse'>>
You step into the castle halls and head toward the front gates. Even though you're quite used to the guards checking you over whenever you leave the castle like this, you still feel anxious as you head in the direction of the exit. Strangely, it looks like you won't have to deal with any of that today, there seems to be no guard in sight. Curious. You've never seen this happen before.?nl
You decide not to mull on the thought for too long as slowly push open the castle gates and carefully peek outside. No guards outside either. It seems like ?Sybille set this up for you to make your exit easier. Though her methods are quite mysterious, you realise it's pretty nice to have the Royal Spymistress look out for you like this.?nl
<<decision 'Exit the castle' 'Sybille Tavern Preparation 4'>>
<</decision>><<setlocation 'Road'>>
As you exit the castle, you take a breath of fresh air and head down the road towards town. Here you are, dressed like a <<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>maid<<else>>servant<</if>>, on your way to work at the local tavern. It's a very strange feeling, you've never really worked a single day in your life and you never expected to work like this.?nl
You walk down the dirt road, passing the mighty stone walls and leave them behind you. A heap of mixed feelings flow through you in this very moment. Are you even good enough for this whole spying thing? Is it really safe to go out on your own? <<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>Why do you actually keep crossdressing like this?<<else>>Why are you pretending to be servant like this?<</if>> The overwhelming thoughts nearly get to you as you feel your breath quickening, panic setting in...?nl
You stop to lean against a tree, trying to catch your breath before you actually break down. It doesn't seem to work, countless thoughts of your current situation start flooding your mind and you feel a cold sweat setting in. Your eyes quickly dart around, looking for something to focus on to try and distract yourself. In a moment of careful coincidence, something seems to find you instead.?nl
Like a slow giant, peeking out over the trees, the piercing warmth of a morning sun washes over you. The rising light, both ponderous and sudden, makes you cover your eyes from it's full might. The morning cold making way for a new dawn. Your panic unexpectedly retreated, a moment of peace catches you off-guard and by force.?nl
Excitement. The word somehow now dangles in your mind. It's the answer you instinctively cling to. It's why it doesn't matter whether's safe. It's why you think you'll make a somewhat decent spy. It's the <<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>frightening <</if>>answer to why you disguise yourself like this. It excites you. And that is enough.?nl
You take a deep breath and continue your journey down the dirt path, feeling quite different. It feels like a new chapter in your life. Prince ?player, the undercover tavern spy. Or, well, ?newname, actually...
<<decision 'Set out for the tavern' 'Chapter'>>
<<set $chapter = 'Chapter Three'>>
<<set $chaptertarget = 'Tavern Velma Intro'>>
<<set $chaptertimeskip = false>>
<</decision>><<if hasQuest('tavern-intro')>>
<<decision 'Get starting with your first day of working' 'Tavern Eve Intro'>><</decision>>
<<elseif hasQuest('tavern') and getTime() === 'evening'>>
<<money 'gold' true>>
<<decision 'Work at the tavern' 'Tavern Work'>><</decision>>
<<if hasQuest('velma-progress') and getTime() === 'evening'>>
<<decision 'Talk to Velma about your progress' 'Velma Talk Progress'>><</decision>>
<<if hasQuest('boarding-room') and getTime() !== 'night'>>
<<decision 'Talk to Velma about your reward' 'Velma Boarding Room'>><</decision>>
<</if>><<completequest 'velma-progress'>>
<<setlocation 'Velma\'s Office'>>
You've been working at the tavern for quite a bit now and you get the sense that you're doing quite well, it might be time to discuss the next steps with ?Velma. As soon as you enter the tavern you try to spot her. She doesn't seem to be anywhere in the main room, it seems like she must be in her office so you head in that direction.?nl
You carefully knock on her door and wait patiently for a response.
<<velma>>Come in.<</velma>>
You head into her small office and see her writing something in a large book, it looks like the financial accounts of the place. You sit across from her as she stops what she's doing to give you the full attention.
<<velma>>Ah, ?newname. What can I do for you?<</velma>>
<<player>>?MadameV, I have been working here for a bit of time now and I'm starting to feel like I'm really fitting in. I think the cover is really working and I think I'm ready for the next steps in spying on ?Andreas.<</player>>
She looks at you with a serious expression.
<<velma>>Hmm... Yes, I suppose it's time to discuss our next steps. As you know, ?Andreas prefers to rent a private room in the tavern. He is an exacting customer, with high expectations. To be able to serve him, you will need to complete additional training.<</velma>>
You suppose this makes sense. ?Andreas is used to the service in the castle, and you would hate to blow your cover by raising his suspicions.
<<player>>Yes, of course ?MadameV. Where can I acquire this additional training?<</player>>
<<velma>>?Eve is one of our best here at the tavern. She'll tell you everything you need to know. Just come find me when you're done.<</velma>>
<<player>>Thank you, ?MadameV. I'll return to you when I've completed the training.<</player>>
?Velma nods to you and you head out of her office to look for ?Eve.
<<decision 'Go find Eve' 'Eve Sex Education Intro'>><</decision>><<setlocation 'Velma\'s Office'>>
<<addcounter 'velma-tavern' 1>>
You wander dazedly through the halls of what you now realize is a brothel before remembering that you're meant to check back in with ?Velma. You go find her in her office again, where she appears to still be working in that large book. She looks up as you enter.
<<velma>>Hello, ?newname. How did your additional training go?<</velma>>
You can't believe ?Velma is being so nonchalant about sending you to sex training. You feel your cheeks getting hot.
<<player>>Uh, well... You know... I sure learned a lot about sex!<</player>>
?Velma stares at you for a moment, then starts to chuckle.
<<velma>>Oh no, dear, did ?Eve mix those two up again? I only wanted her to give you the private room server training!<</velma>>
You stare back at her.
<<player>>Ah, no, she definitely gave me...another kind of training...<</player>>
?Velma gives a knowing smile.
<<velma>>She's very good at what she does, isn't she? I'm sure you learned a lot. Well, if anything you're simply overprepared now. If I'm being honest, the private room training is quite similar, just without the sex part.<</velma>>
<<player>>Ah- okay then. So, I can work in ?Andreas's room now?<</player>>
?Velma looks you up and down with a critical eye.
<<velma>>Yes dear, I think you're ready. The man is quite unpredictable in his planning so I am unsure when he will visit next. I will let you know as soon as he makes a reservation.<</velma>>
<<player>>Thank you, ?madame. I will be ready for it.<</player>>
<<velma>>Very good. Now if there is nothing else.<</velma>>
You can't help but be excited that you'll finally have a chance to learn some real information soon. As you start to turn to leave, you remember what ?Eve said. Since you've had the training, you could ask ?Velma about working in the brothel...
<span class="notice danger">This is an important decision that can only be made once in the story!</span>
<<decision 'Ask about working in the brothel' 'Velma Work Brothel' depravity large>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Think better of the idea' 'Velma Work No Brothel'>>
<</decision>><<addtag 'sexwork'>>
<<startquest 'brothel-intro'>>
<<addcounter 'eve-tavern' 1>>
You turn back around to face ?Velma.
<<player>>?MadameV, I was wondering... Now that I've received that training, could I work in the brothel as well?<</player>>
?Velma looks at you with surprise.
<<velma>>You, ?newname, would like to work in the brothel?<</velma>>
You feel suddenly embarrassed having even asked the question.
<<player>>I- um, just learned a lot from ?Eve, and I guess I am interested after all...<</player>>
<<velma>>There's no need to be embarrassed, ?newname, this is certainly a possibility. You must know, however, that sex work is not always as glamorous or as fun as it may seem when you're with ?Eve. It is still a job, and one you are well-compensated for. Do you understand that?<</velma>>
You can hardly believe you're having this conversation, and even though the idea of being a sex worker is a little scary, you can't help but feel excited as well.
<<player>>Yes, I understand that.<</player>>
<<velma>>Why don't you think it over a bit more? Go tell ?Eve your decision once you're ready. I am more than willing to give you this opportunity then.<</velma>>
<<player>>Uhm- okay, that sounds good, ?madameV.<</player>>
?Velma gives you a small smile.
<<velma>>I should hope so, dear. Now please, I must return to my work.<</velma>>
You nod your thanks and leave her office, your head buzzing with the choice you have just made. You suppose it's best to think it over a bit more before going to ?Eve. When you walk out into the tavern you see it's already closed for the night.
<<decision 'Leave the tavern' 'Bedtime'>><</decision>><<startquest 'boarding-room'>>
Working in a brothel is certainly an...interesting proposition, but right now you're content to keep working in the tavern as a normal ?barworker. You nod farewell to ?Velma and just as you're about to leave she calls out to you.
<<velma>>Oh, ?newname, one more thing before you leave. I have a certain reward for you, a token for the good work you do here. It's already late though, so please come find me another day and I will give it to you.<</velma>>
Okay... Certainly mysterious.
<<player>>Uhm, of course, ?madame. I will come find you later.<</player>>
She nods to you, signalling for you to leave. You walk out into the street, heading back to the castle. It's already late after all.
<<decision 'Leave the tavern' 'Bedtime'>><</decision>><<setlocation 'Velma\'s Office'>>
<<completequest 'boarding-room'>>
<<run $closedareas.delete("Boarding Room")>>
You once again knock on ?Velma's office door and enter as soon as she responds.
<<velma>>Ah, there you are, ?newname. I realize I was slightly vague last time you were here. Allow me to show me what your reward is.<</velma>>
She suddenly gets up from her desk and opens the door to leave.
<<velma>>Please, follow me.<</velma>>
<<player>>Uh- Of course, ?madame.<</player>>
You follow ?Velma through the tavern as she leads you to the brown door at the back of the place. This is the door that leads to the brothel, the one that you've seen ?Eve go through numerous times. Once you go through, ?Velma heads down the long corridor that connect all the different private rooms. She stops in front of a door and uses a key to open it.
<<decision 'Follow Velma inside the room' 'Velma Boarding Room 2'>><</decision>><<setlocation 'Boarding Room'>>
You step into a small boarding room, it's decorated rather practically. You take a good look around as you walk inside. There's a bed, a wardrobe, a small dressing table with a mirror, and that's basically it. The place feels rather dusty but the sheets look fresh. ?nl
?Velma steps inside after you and closes the door behind her.
<<velma>>So, welcome to your new room, ?newname. I know it's not quite what you're used to but it is all I could spare right now. Consider it yours for as long as you work here.<</velma>>
That's your reward? You look at her while going over the situation in your head. The place feels cramped and absolutely less refined than what you have at the castle but somehow you find that it actually makes you feel... happy.?nl
Through strange happenstance you have actually received something for yourself, your own tiny little room at a tavern. The fact that you have earned this by proving yourself through honest work makes you feel surprisingly positive. A feeling that is quickly revealed through the beaming smile on your face.
<<player>>You're giving me a room of my own?<</player>>
<<velma>>I'm glad you like it. I've had some correspondence with ?Sybille and we thought it might be a good idea to give you a little room of your own. It also helps the disguise, I think. Let this be your reward for working so hard.<</velma>>
<<player>>Thank you, ?madame. It's actually lovely. I'm really grateful.<</player>>
She gives you a caring smile before she turns to open the door again.
<<velma>>Good. Take some time to settle in. I imagine you'd still prefer sleeping at the castle but at least you can have your own little space here now.<</velma>>
?Velma leaves you alone in the room. Well, your room now, actually. You take a moment to sit on the bed and take it all in. It's quite a nice bed, actually.?nl
After sitting there and staring at a wall for a good five minutes suddenly you hear a knock on the door.
<<decision 'Open the door' 'Velma Boarding Room 3'>>
<</decision>>You open the door and are suddenly greeted by ?Eve, standing in front of your door.
<<eve>>Hey, ?newname! I heard this room has been assigned to you now, that's so cool! This actually used to be mine a while ago and I never got around to moving some of my stuff, do you mind if I come in to get rid of that for you?<</eve>>
<<player>>Oh, of course, ?Eve! Come on in!<</player>>
?Eve walks past you into the small room and heads over to the nightstand next to your bed. She immediately opens a drawer and takes out a cylindrical object. You immediately think it's pretty funny how the thing looks slightly phallic before you actually realize that yup, that is in fact a dildo.
<<img "equipment/dildo_copper.jpg" null '250px'>>
<<eve>>Alright, that should be everything. I'll be out of your hair now.<</eve>>
Not entirely sure what's going on you quickly respond to her.
<<player>>Uhm, hey, ?Eve?<</player>>
She casually holds the dildo as she turns to you.
<<eve>>Mmhmm, yeah, what's up?<</eve>>
<<player>>Did you just take a dildo from my nightstand?<</player>>
<<eve>>Oh yes, like I said, I forgot to bring this ol' thing when I moved rooms. I got a better one now but didn't want to leave this poor buddy all abandoned.<</eve>>
She waves the thing around to emphasize it.
<<player>>Okay, uhm- well-<</player>>
You're not even sure what to say at this point. How can she act so casual around this? Before you can formulate your next sentence she seems to confuse your lack of words for timid interest.
<<eve>>Oh! Did you want to use this? I mean, it's probably not a good idea to go second-hand but if you want to get your own, you should visit the blacksmith in town, ?Beau. She sells all kinds of cool stuff - like these dildos - that she makes herself in the smithy. She even enchants them to make them feel more realistic, isn't that awesome!<</eve>>
<<decision 'Respond with interest' depravity small>>
<<player>>?Beau sells sex-toys? I had no idea... I should... probably check that out, yeah...<</player>>
<<eve>>Yay! You definitely should! She has a biiig selection to pick from and some nice sizes for you to get started with!<</eve>>
Talking about buying dildo's has you feeling your usual awkward again.
<<player>>That sounds pretty uh- interesting, yes.<</player>>
<<include 'Velma Boarding Room Ending'>>
<<decision 'Tell her you\'re not really interested in that'>>
<<player>>Uhm- Thank you for sharing this, ?Eve. But I don't think I'm really interested in that.<</player>>
<<eve>>Oh I'm sorry! That's totally fine! Just wanted to tell you about the secret sex-toy shop ?Beau is running, you can get all sorts of things there.<</eve>>
<<player>>That's good to know, it's definitely surprising, I had no idea ?Beau was doing something like that...<</player>>
<<include 'Velma Boarding Room Ending'>>
<</decision>>Smiles at you and continues her journey to save the abandoned dildo.
<<eve>>Well, think it over, ?newname. Thanks for letting me get this little buddy. I'll see you around!<</eve>>
<<if hasTag('eve-romance')>>
Before she leaves, ?Eve suddenly catches you off guard as she plants a soft kiss on your cheek, instantly making you blush.
<<eve>>Also... If you need any more... <em>private lessons</em>, feel free to come by sometime.<</eve>>
You stammer out a reply.
<<player>>Uh- Y- yes, that would be nice...<</player>>
She affectionately chuckles at your awkwardness and turns to leave your room.?nl
She leaves your room.?nl
With that handled, you sit back down on your bed. You curiously open the drawer of the nightstand, not sure what you're really hoping to find, but you feel a slight disappointment as you see that it's empty now. Well, at least you've learned a bit more about this new room of yours.
<<decision 'Leave the room' 'Tavern'>>
<<startquest 'blacksmith-intro'>>
<<increasetime 1 true>>
<</decision>><<if $location is 'Courtyard'>>
<<if getTime() !== 'night'>>
[[You see Wymerus here, training together with Caspar | Wymerus Ask]]
<<if hasQuest('wymerus-book')>>
[[Take the book from the library to Wymerus | Wymerus Book]]
<<if hasQuest('wymerus-sword')>>
[[Proudly show Wymerus the mythical sword | Wymerus Sword]]
<</if>><<acknowledgement Wymerus>>
<<mention assassination>>
<<mention status>>
<<if $player.status is 'egg'>>
<<elseif $player.status is 'andro'>>
<<elseif $player.status is 'fem'>>
<<elseif $player.status is 'man'>>
<</acknowledgement>>You walk into the courtyard and see <<name wymerus 'Lord Marshal'>> there, standing next to the training dummies together with his squire. He waves you over when he sees you.
<<if getStatLevel('swordsmanship') < $player.levelexpectation + 1>>
<<wymerus>>Young prince! Are you here to practice your skills with the sword? You can spar with my squire, <<name caspar>>, if you want.<</wymerus>>
/* <<include 'Wymerus Acknowledgement'>> */
<<name caspar>> looks at you, a bit surprised.
<<caspar>>I- It would be my honor, your highness.<</caspar>>
You have seen <<name wymerus>>' squire once or twice but never practiced with him before.
<<caspar>>I promise to go easy on you, your highness!<</caspar>>
<<if hasTag('wymerus-peeped')>>
You think it's probably best not to mention the things you have seen them do here at night. After all, you're the one peeping on them.
<<include 'Caspar Acknowledgement'>>
<<decision "Agree to practice swordfighting" 'Wymerus Lessons'>><</decision>>
<<decision "Politely decline">>
<<player>>I'm sorry, I was simply passing through.<</player>>
<<wymerus>>?Title, you know you're going to have to practice those swordsmanship skills sometime, come by later then!<</wymerus>>
<<decision "Leave" 'Hallway'>><</decision>>
<<wymerus>>Ah, ?title! Nice of you to visit us.<</wymerus>>
You walk over to the training dummy and grab a wooden sword.
<<player>>I'm ready for another sparring session, <<name wymerus 'Lord'>>. Let's have at it.<</player>>
?Wymerus and ?Caspar both stand there, unmoving.
<<wymerus>>I'm sorry, ?title. I fear we already went through all your forms for this week. I don't want to tire you out with any more training. Please, give your body some time to rest. Your muscles could use a breather.<</wymerus>>
Slightly disappointed, you put down the sparring blade again.
<<player>>Oh, well. I suppose it's good to take a rest sometimes.<</player>>
<<wymerus>>Yes, please come back after the next council meeting, I think it's good to start the next lessons then.<</wymerus>>
You nod at ?Wymerus and walk away from them.
<<decision "Leave" 'Hallway'>><</decision>>
<</if>><<addcounter 'wymerus' 0.5>>
<<addcounter 'caspar' 0.5>>
<<increasetime 1 true>>
You grab a wooden sparring sword and take your place opposite to <<name caspar>>.
<<include `either('Wymerus Lessons 1', 'Wymerus Lessons 2', 'Wymerus Lessons 3')`>>
<<changestat swordsmanship 1>>
<<decision 'Thank Caspar and Wymerus and take your leave' 'Hallway'>><</decision>>You have an exciting sparring match while <<name wymerus>> shouts commands from the sideline. Even though you got a few good hits in, <<name caspar>> manages to connect his sword with your neck, winning him the match.After a bit of practicing, <<name wymerus>> comes over and stands behind <<name caspar>> to give him tips on his stance. Being much larger than <<name caspar>>, he reaches over his arms and shows him how to properly hold the sword. You're not quite sure but you think you notice <<name caspar>>'s cheeks blushing.<<name wymerus>> is especially fierce in his coaching today, he's shouting at you over and over. While you're figuring out how to take a proper defensive stance, <<name caspar>> spots an opening and managed to knock you over. While you're lying on the floor, <<name wymerus>> walks over and offers you a hand. As he lifts you, you feel how his big muscled arm easily pulls you up again.You walk up to ?Wymerus and without even properly greeting him you show him the book you found in the library.
<<player>>Look, ?Wymerus! I found an interesting book in our library, it's describing a strange fighting technique used after a heated debate.<</player>>
<<wymerus>>Oh, hello, ?title. An interesting book, you say? Let me take a look at this thing.<</wymerus>>
He takes the blue book from your hands and inspects it, he flips through it for a little bit and then hands it back to you.
<<wymerus>>Ah yes, "The Duel of Words and Blades", I'm familiar with it.<</wymerus>>
<<player>>You know of it? Great! I was actually wondering if we could perhaps practice the moves described in the book, it reads to be quite effective.<</player>>
<<wymerus>>It's definitely effective, yes. Lord Lysander uses a technique that seems like it must be impossible to perform, defeating a far more skilled opponent like that. But that's just it: it's impossible.<</wymerus>>
You look at him perplexed as you wait for him to continue explaining.
<<wymerus>> I have studies this technique in the past and I have found Lord Lysander's secret. It's not about his skillful stance at all, well, partly I suppose. But, the effectiveness of his moves are due to one thing only: that magical sword he's carrying.<</wymerus>>
<<player>>Wait, he used a special sword to win that fight?<</player>>
<<wymerus>>Yes, ?sword, a mythical sword that bestows the wielder with an abundance of finesse in battle. With proper training, the sword allows you to dance around your foes, a force of wind. Lord Lysander used the sword to win the duel and then played it off like a secret technique he mastered. The story is nothing more than a fabrication...<</wymerus>>
<<player>>So that means I won't be able to fight like that as well?<</player>>
Only now does ?Wymerus notice your disappointment from learning you won't be able to fight like that.
<<wymerus>>Well, I suppose I could teach you the technique, but it's really no use without having that sword. I actually heard your father mention it a few years ago, something about trying to find it by raiding a specific castle. But even if he did find it, you know how possessive the ?King gets about his magical swords...<</wymerus>>
Even though the book is a lie, a plan hatches in your mind. If your father raided the castle holding the sword, would it be a great coincidence if the ?reliquary currently holds the blade? With this idea given form you nod to ?Wymerus.
<<player>>Thank you, ?Wymerus. I'll keep an eye out for the sword!<</player>>
He salutes you as you take your leave.
<<wymerus>>Any time, ?title. Let me know if you somehow run into the thing, I'll be more than happy to show you how to use it.<</wymerus>>
<<completequest wymerus-book>>
<<decision 'Leave' 'Hallway'>>
<<addcounter 'wymerus' 0.5>>
<<addcounter 'caspar' 0.5>>
<<increasetime 1 true>>
<</decision>>You walk up to ?Wymerus and without saying a word you brandish your new magical sword: ?sword. ?Wymerus has a look of utter disbelief on his face.
<<wymerus>>That sword... Is that... ?sword? How did you find it?<</wymerus>>
<<player>>The ?reliquary. I got it as a reward from ?Leopold.<</player>>
Suddenly ?Wymerus starts laughing.
<<wymerus>>Hahaha! You're saying this legendary sword has been here the whole time?<</wymerus>>
You nod at him, surprised by his joyousness.
<<wymerus>>That's hilarious. I knew your father was rather protective of his swords but I can't believe he never told me he has this...<</wymerus>>
<<wymerus>>Well, that's a wonderful find, ?title. You will make a good owner to this beautiful sword. Would you like me to teach you how to use it?<</wymerus>>
<<player>>Yes please, that would be wonderful!<</player>>
With your permission, ?Wymerus takes the mythical sword and shows you how to hold a proper stance. You spend the next few hours going over forms on how to use the thing. Strangely enough, it's rather similar than using a normal sword, the only change is that ?Wymerus tells you to focus your energy on the sword more and help it guide you through the wind more effectively.?nl
After only a few hours you already feel quite confident with it. It feels like you have spent years mastering the blade, this sword definitely has magical power in it. You show your apparent mastery by slicing up one of the training dummies right in front of ?Wymerus.
<<wymerus>>Very good, ?title. Your form is good, your focus is keen and you move with the sword instead of against it. That's basically all there is to it, I wish you the best of luck with this artifact.<</wymerus>>
<<player>>Thank you for teaching me, ?wymerus. I'm very happy to have you guiding me.<</player>>
<<decision 'Leave' 'Hallway'>>
<<completequest wymerus-sword>>
<<addcounter 'wymerus' 0.5>>
<<addcounter 'caspar' 0.5>>
<<increasetime 1 true>>
<</decision>><<if $location is 'Barracks'>>
<<if getTime() === 'night'>>
<<decision 'Sneak around the barracks while it\'s dark' 'Soldiers Night'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Visit the soldiers in the barracks' 'Soldiers Day'>><</decision>>
<</if>><<addcounter 'quinn' 1>>
<<include 'Soldiers Workout'>>
<<include 'Soldiers Sparring'>>
<<include 'Soldiers Bully'>>
<<include `either('Soldiers Workout', 'Soldiers Sparring', 'Soldiers Bully')`>>
<</first>><<addcounter 'quinn' 0.5>>
Creeping around the barracks at night is a risky endeavor, but you're curious to see what the soldiers get up to after hours. The air is still thick with the smell of sweat from the day's training, and the sounds of snoring soldiers fill the room. You can hear the occasional rustle of blankets and the creak of bedsprings as the soldiers settle in for the night.
Creeping around the barracks at night is a risky endeavor, but you know that the soldiers are usually too tired to notice much. Nobody stirs as you sneak around, though that does little to quell your fear of getting caught.
<<include `either('Quinn Peeping', 'Soldiers Peeping', 'Soldiers Peeping 2')`>><<addcounter 'quinn-night' 2>>
<<set _soldierGender to either(0,1)>>
<<set _soldierPronounSet to [['his','him','he\'s','he'],['her','her','she\'s','she']]>>
You manage to make your way back to the captain's quarters without getting noticed. The door is cracked open, and you can hear grunting and heavy breathing coming from inside. Your ?penis spasms involuntary at the thought of the captain's hard body, naked just behind the door. You peek through the crack and see one of the soldiers bent over in front of ?Quinn, <<print _soldierPronounSet[_soldierGender][0]>> head rolled back in pleasure as the captain rails <<print _soldierPronounSet[_soldierGender][1]>> with a strap-on.?nl
You suck in a breath, barely stifling the sound as you watch the soldier moan and writhe at her thrusts, clearly enjoying every moment of it. The captain's face is a mask of concentration, her movements precise and controlled as she guides the soldier towards the edge of pleasure. 'If only...' you catch yourself thinking, a train of thought only interrupted by the sudden unrestrained pleading of the soldier.?nl
<<say 'Soldier'>>Oh fuck, captain... Just like that!<</say>>
You feel a flush of heat spread through your body as you watch the intimate scene unfold before you, and realizing that the cries of the soldier may well awaken more witnesses. The soldier's moans grow louder and more urgent, and you can tell <<print _soldierPronounSet[_soldierGender][2]>> close to the edge. With a final, powerful thrust, the captain sends <<print _soldierPronounSet[_soldierGender][1]>> over the edge, and <<print _soldierPronounSet[_soldierGender][3]>> cries out in ecstasy.?nl
The captain pulls back, a satisfied smile on her face as she gently removes herself from the solder's tired hole. She helps the soldier sit on the bed while <<print _soldierPronounSet[_soldierGender][3]>> catches <<print _soldierPronounSet[_soldierGender][0]>> breath. You quickly duck away from the crack in the door, your heart pounding in your chest. Your mind swims with what you just witnessed, but you can't deny the heat that's still burning in your veins.?nl
<<decision "Leave quietly and go to sleep" 'Bedtime' virtue small>><</decision>>
<<disable hasEquipmentTag('chastity')>>
<<decision "Sneak back to your room to masturbate" depravity small>>
You make your way back to your room, your mind racing with thoughts of the captain and the soldier. You waste no time starting to pleasure yourself.?nl
<<if settings.vids>>
<<if settings.sph>>
<<video 'player/masturbate_sph.webm'>>
<<video 'player/masturbate.webm'>>
In no time at all you have brought yourself over your peak.
<<decision "Go to sleep" 'Bedtime'>><</decision>>
You are locked in chastity.
<<decision "Keep watching..." 'Quinn Peeping Continued' depravity small>><</decision>>The sound of your own heartbeat drums in your ears as you turn back to the crack in the door, unable to resist the temptation to keep watching. The captain is now standing before the soldier, thrusting her hips forward so they can lap at her dripping sex. You see the soldier's own fluids leaking onto the floor below them, their face dripping with the captain's juices. Your own loins are frankly not much drier, and are practically begging for any touch at all.?nl
The captain's knees nearly buckle as the soldier's tongue works its magic, and you can see the tension building in her body. Your own body tenses in anticipation, and your hand falls to your groin with a mind of its own, groping yourself through your clothes as your better judgement fails you. You see a visible wave pass through her as she reaches her peak, her body shuddering with pleasure as she squirts all over the soldier's face.?nl
<<disable hasEquipmentTag('chastity')>>
<<decision "Touch yourself in the hallway" depravity medium>>
Transfixed by the sight before you, you can't wait any longer to get off. Your ?penis is already leaking all over itself as you reach into your pants and begin to pleasure yourself in the hallway. Thankfully nobody seems to be awake right now.?nl
You quickly climax, coating your underwear with your fluids. As you come down from your high you realize the soldier has donned their clothes and is walking towards the doorway. You sneak away as quickly as possible, hoping nobody notices the squeak of the floorboards under your feet.
<<decision "Return to your room and go to sleep" 'Bedtime'>><</decision>>
<<decision "Hurry back to your room to masturbate" depravity small>>
You rush back to your room, replaying the sight of the captain's orgasm in your mind.?nl
<<if settings.vids>>
<<if settings.sph>>
<<video 'player/masturbate_sph.webm'>>
<<video 'player/masturbate.webm'>>
Within seconds you are bringing yourself over the edge, your mind blacking out for a few moments as your body spasms with pleasure.?nl
<<decision "Go to sleep" 'Bedtime'>><</decision>>
You are locked in chastity.
<<decision "Go to bed frustrated" 'Bedtime' submissiveness small>><</decision>>As you sneak through the barracks you can hear noises coming from the bathrooms. Overcoming your entirely reasonable trepidation, you peek inside and see three soldiers. Your mind struggles to comprehend what you are seeing: one of them is standing in front of the sink, gripping it tightly for support; the second is on the floor, sucking the first's cock, all while the third is behind the first soldier, thrusting into him with a strap-on.?nl
The carnal moans of the middle soldier overcome your initial shock, and begin to trigger your arousal. You watch the woman in the back thrust into the muscular middle soldier, her small breasts moving with subtle bounces as she plows him.?nl
With each thrust, she pushes the cock of the middle soldier down the throat of the soldier in front. He takes it admirably, not surrendering to the assault on his gag reflex. Your lust is momentarily replaced with pure admiration, until you see the soldier in the middle appear to tense, groaning with satisfaction as he fully sheaths his cock in his comrade's mouth, shooting his load down their throat.?nl
Before your sex-fogged mind can abandon all caution and offer to take sloppy fourths, you hear stirring noises in the room behind you that shock you back to reality, and you quickly retreat from your vantage point. You certainly hope you will have another opportunity to see <i>that</i> again...
<<decision "Sneak back out of the barracks" 'Bedtime'>><</decision>><<set _soldierGender to `either('male', 'female')`>>
Before you can get very far into the barracks, you hear rustling fabric in front of you. Instantly paralyzed by fear, and gratefully still hidden in the shadows of the room you peer out with heightened senses.?nl
<<if _soldierGender is 'male'>>
<<if settings.sph>>
You eventually locate the source of the disturbance. Two beds away from you, you can see faint movement. As your eyes fully adjust to the dim light you can see a soldier stroking his large dick. You can't help but feel like your ?dick is worthless when you see what a real man's cock looks like.?nl
His speed increases, and you hear a few barely stifled groans before his orgasm takes him.<<if settings.cum>> You watch as he shoots strand after strand of cum onto his chest. Hope he had a plan to clean that up... Maybe you should offer to he- Never mind. You're the Prince, that is stupid.<</if>> Though it makes you feel rather inferior, the image of his big, hard cock is seared into your mind - perhaps you can use that later.
You eventually locate the source of the disturbance. Two beds away from you, you can see faint movement. As your eyes fully adjust to the dim light you can see a soldier stroking his dick.?nl
His speed increases, and you hear a few barely stifled groans before his orgasm takes him.<<if settings.cum>> You watch as he shoots strand after strand of cum onto his chest. Hope he had a plan to clean that up...<</if>> Regardless of how you felt about this experience, the image of his erect cock is seared into your mind - available for later use should you find need of it...
You eventually locate the source of the disturbance. Two beds away from you, you can see faint movement. As you focus your ears in that direction, you hear a faint whimper set over a soft, rhythmic squelching sound. Your eyes finally adjust and you can make out a female soldier, chest slowly heaving as she tries to control her heavy breathing.?nl
Your heartbeat quickens as you scan her covered form and begin identifying curves and edges. Though a blanket still covers her, from its drape you can tell her legs are spread wide underneath. A tantalizing proposition, made more alluring as you hear her breath quicken, barely audible over the quiet, continual, slick squishing of her fingers in her pussy. Surely she could use someone to help her...?nl
Before you accidentally expose yourself as a voyeur, you hear her breathing stop as she holds her breath. This change is accompanied by the soft rustle of the wool blanket as her legs close, her whole body tensing in erotica bliss. You can't see her face, but you can imagine the look of concentration as she struggles to remain silent while coasting into her climax. With a soft exhale, you realize she is done, and soon you see her rise and head to the bathroom. You suppose it is time to make your way out as well, before you are discovered.?nl
<<decision "Sneak back out of the barracks" 'Bedtime'>><</decision>>You enter the barracks to find the soldiers in the middle of an intense workout session. The air is thick with the smell of sweat, and the sounds of grunts and heavy breathing fill the room. Soldiers of all ranks are engaged in various exercises: lifting weights, doing push-ups, and wrestling each other.
You take a walk around the barracks, inspecting the dedicated workout session of the group. Several soldiers notice you and you feel like they're actually pushing harder after learning that you're here, perhaps looking to make a good impression on you.
<<guard>>Good day, ?title! It's an honor to have you here.<</guard>>
<<player>>Good day. Keep up the hard work. Your dedication is appreciated.<</player>>
As you walk through the barracks, you can't help but notice the soldiers' toned and sweaty bodies. The sight leaves you feeling slightly flustered, especially when you see the lean body of the captain walking up to you. She is using a towel to wipe off some sweat from her forehead as she greets you.
<<quinn>>?Title, welcome to the barracks, nice of you to visit us. Perhaps you would care to join us in our workout? I know the troops would really appreciate it.<</quinn>>
<<decision 'Join in on the workout'>>
You decide to take up the offer and join their workout. You quickly get changed in something a bit more comfortable for exercises and make your way over to the captain.
<<quinn>>That's the spirit, ?title! We're currently lifting weights, do you need any help? I can help you with your pose if you want.<</quinn>>
<<decision 'Decline and show off as much as possible' masculinity small>>
You want to make a good impression so you decide to act a bit cocky to her.
<<player>>Pff! Captain, I have more than enough experience with lifting those sacks of sand. Now hand me the bar.<</player>>
You point to the long wooden stick with a heavy sack filled with sand attached on both sides. The captain cocks and eyebrow but does as you say, probably waiting to see if your attitude is deserved.?nl
You lift the bar over your head and actually surprise yourself as you manage to lift it over your head a few times. Your balance is flimsy and your stance is wobbly but you manage to actually get in a few repetitions. You throw the sacks down, muscles aching from the exercise.
<<quinn>>Hah! I must say I'm actually impressed, ?title. Let's see if you can keep this up for the entire workout.<</quinn>>
You spend quite some time in the barracks working out with the troops. Though you're definitely not as experienced at this as your hardened soldiers, you're doing quite well and it seems like the men are impressed with you being here, especially the captain.
<<decision 'Finish the workout' 'Hallway'>><<increasetime 1 true>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Accept and follow her instructions' submissiveness small>>
<<player>>That would actually be nice, yes.<</player>>
<<quinn>>Very good, ?title. Please, follow me.<</quinn>>
While you are lifting a long wooden stick with heavy sacks of sands attached, the captain spends quite some time correcting your pose. She gets quite close to you and wraps her arms around you to help you achieve the right position. You feel quite vulnerable as her scent starts having a titillating effect on you.?nl
After only ten minutes you are already completely exhausted from the workout and fall to the floor, panting.
<<quinn>>A bit too much for you, eh ?title? It's no shame to admit you need to stop for now.<</quinn>>
<<player>>Maybe that's for the best, yes...<</player>>
The captain lends you a hand and gets you back on your feet. Some of the soldiers look at you with a slightly surprised look, they probably expected you to last a bit longer with this.
<<quinn>>Don't worry, ?title. You gave it your all! We'll be continuing the workout but you can go get cleaned up.<</quinn>>
You thank her for the help while you make your way over to get freshened up and leave the barracks.
<<decision 'Finish the workout' 'Hallway'>><<increasetime 1 true>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Decline the offer'>>
<<player>>Sorry, captain. I was just having a look around. I unfortunately don't have time for such things right now.<</player>>
The captain nods to you and lets you get on with your day.
<<decision 'Leave' 'Hallway'>><</decision>>
<</decision>>You enter the barracks to find the soldiers engaged in lively sparring matches. The clashing of swords and the shouts of exertion echo through the room. Soldiers of all ranks are testing their skills against one another, their movements swift and precise.
As you walk through the barracks, you can't help but admire their technique and dedication. Several soldiers notice you and pause their matches to offer respectful nods.
<<guard>>Good day, ?title! It's an honor to have you here.<</guard>>
<<player>>Good day. Your sparring looks impressive. Keep up the hard work.<</player>>
You continue to observe the matches, feeling a mixture of admiration and excitement. The captain approaches you, a grin on her face.
<<quinn>>?Title, would you care to join us for a sparring match? It's a great way to keep your skills sharp.<</quinn>>
<<decision 'Join in the sparring match'>>
<<player>>Why not? It's been a while since I had a good sparring session.<</player>>
<<quinn>>Excellent! Let's see what you've got, ?title!<</quinn>>
The soldiers form a circle around you as you take up a practice sword. Your opponent, a seasoned soldier, steps forward and bows respectfully before taking his stance.
<<if getStatLevel('swordsmanship') < $player.levelexpectation>>
<<changestat swordsmanship small>>
Despite your best efforts, your opponent's skill and experience quickly overwhelm you. You find yourself struggling to keep up with his swift and precise movements. After a few intense minutes, he disarms you with a final, decisive strike.
<<guard>>Well fought, ?title! You've got spirit, that's for sure.<</guard>>
<<player>>Thank you. It seems I still have much to learn.<</player>>
<<quinn>>Don't be discouraged, ?title. Every defeat is a lesson. Keep training and you'll improve.<</quinn>>
After giving a respectful bow to your opponent you move over to the side and spend some time watching the other sparring matches before moving on.
<<decision 'Take your leave' 'Hallway'>><<increasetime 1 true>><</decision>>
<<changestat swordsmanship small>>
You hold your ground, matching your opponent's movements with skill and precision. The clash of swords echoes through the barracks as you anticipate and counter his attacks. With a final, well-placed strike, you disarm your opponent, sending his sword clattering to the ground.
<<guard>>Impressive, ?title! Your skills are truly remarkable.<</guard>>
<<player>>Thank you. It's been a while since I've had such a challenging match.<</player>>
<<quinn>>Well done, ?title! It's clear you've been practicing hard. Keep up the excellent work.<</quinn>>
After giving a respectful bow to your opponent you move over to the side and spend some time watching the other sparring matches before moving on.
<<decision 'Take your leave' 'Hallway'>><<increasetime 1 true>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Decline the offer'>>
<<player>>Sorry, captain. I was just having a look around. I unfortunately don't have time for such things right now.<</player>>
The captain nods to you and lets you get on with your day.
<<decision 'Take your leave' 'Hallway'>><</decision>>
<</decision>>You enter the barracks to find the soldiers engaged in their usual activities. As you walk through, observing the troops, you notice ?Caspar in the middle of a small group of soldiers, he looks slightly uncomfortable. The soldiers seem to be teasing him, their tone mocking.
<<guard>>Look who it is, the <<name wymerus 'Lord Marshal' none>>'s favorite! Thinks he's better than us because he's got connections, huh?<</guard>>
<<caspar>>It's not like that. I work hard just like everyone else. That's why he made me his squire!<</caspar>>
The soldiers laugh, clearly enjoying themselves at ?Caspar's expense. You feel a surge of indignation on his behalf.
<<decision 'Stand up for Caspar' dominance small>>
You decide to stand up for ?Caspar.
<<player>>That's enough! ?Caspar works hard and deserves respect. I won't tolerate this kind of behavior.<</player>>
The soldiers immediately stop their teasing, looking surprised and a bit ashamed.
<<guard>>?Title, we were just having a bit of fun. No harm meant.<</guard>>
<<player>>Fun or not, everyone here deserves respect. Especially someone as dedicated as ?Caspar.<</player>>
The soldiers nod, muttering apologies, and disperse. ?Caspar gives you a grateful look.
<<caspar>>Thank you, ?title. I appreciate it.<</caspar>>
<<player>>You're welcome, ?Caspar. Don't let them get to you.<</player>>
<<decision 'Take your leave' 'Hallway'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Do not intervene' submissiveness small>>
You decide not to intervene and see how the situation unfolds.
Before you can decide whether to walk away, the captain steps in, her eyes blazing with anger.
<<quinn>>What's going on here? Bullying a fellow soldier, especially in front of the prince? You should be ashamed of yourselves!<</quinn>>
The soldiers immediately straighten up, looking embarrassed.
<<quinn>>I don't care if he's ?Wymerus's favorite or not. Everyone here deserves respect. Consider this your warning. If I see this behavior again, there will be consequences.<</quinn>>
The soldiers nod, muttering apologies, and quickly disperse. The captain turns to you and ?Caspar.
<<quinn>>I apologize for their behavior, ?title. It won't happen again.<</quinn>>
<<player>>Thank you, captain. I appreciate your intervention.<</player>>
<<caspar>>Thank you, ?Quinn. I... I'll be fine.<</caspar>>
The captain nods and returns to her duties, leaving you and ?Caspar.
<<decision 'Take your leave' 'Hallway'>><</decision>>
<</decision>><<decision 'Find a book to read' 'Read'>><</decision>><<addcounter 'reading-library' 1>>
<<if not hasRead('dancing-knight')>>
As you enter the library, the scent of old books and the flickering candlelight greet you. The shelves are lined with volumes of all sizes, each one waiting to be picked up and read. You begin wandering around, running your fingers over the spines of the books. The library is a comforting space, a place where you can lose yourself in the stories of the past.?nl
<<include "Book dancing-knight">>
<<elseif not hasRead('servant-1')>>
<<include "Book servant-1">>
<<elseif not hasRead('histories-1')>>
<<include "Book histories-1">>
<<elseif not hasRead('duel')>>
<<include "Book duel">>
<<elseif not hasRead('histories-2')>>
<<include "Book histories-2">>
<<elseif not hasRead('servant-2')>>
<<include "Book servant-2">>
<<elseif not hasRead('servant-3')>>
<<include "Book servant-3">>
<<elseif not hasRead('histories-3')>>
<<include "Book histories-3">>
You feel like you have read most actual interesting things this library has to offer so you instead opt to just grab a book you have already read.?nl
<<include `either('Book dancing-knight', 'Book servant-1', 'Book servant-2', 'Book servant-3', 'Book duel')`>>
<<elseif not hasRead('royal-houses-1')>>
<<include "Book royal-houses-1">>
<<elseif not hasRead('royal-houses-2')>>
<<include "Book royal-houses-2">>
<<elseif not hasRead('royal-houses-3')>>
<<include "Book royal-houses-3">>
<<elseif not hasRead('royal-houses-4')>>
<<include "Book royal-houses-4">>
<<elseif not hasRead('royal-houses-5')>>
<<include "Book royal-houses-5">>
<</if>>As you reach the end of a row of shelves, you spot a book that catches your eye. It's a thin volume, bound in leather, with a faded lettering on the spine. It's got quite a long-winded title... Nevertheless, you give the strange book a try.?nl
<<book 'dancing-knight' 'dancing-knight' 'The Knight and the Unusual Battle Technique' 'How to Use an Unexpected Approach to Defeat Your Enemies.'>>
Once upon a time, there was a knight named Sir Edmund. He was known throughout the land for his prowess in combat and his bravery in battle.?nl
One day, Edmund was tasked with facing a group of bandits who were terrorizing a nearby village. As he approached, he could see the fear in their eyes. They were used to facing ordinary soldiers and peasants, not someone like him.
When the battle began, Edmund took out his sword and prepared for the fight. But the bandits were crafty, and they attacked from all sides.?nl
He was quickly surrounded, and it looked like the end for him.
Just when it seemed like he was done for, Edmund did something unexpected. He threw his sword down and began to dance. It was a strange sight to behold, but the bandits were so shocked that they didn't know how to react.?nl
Edmund danced and twirled, moving faster and faster, until he was a blur of motion. His opponents were unable to keep up, and he was able to strike them down one by one.?nl
By the end of the battle, Edmund was exhausted, but he had won. And he had proven that sometimes, the most unexpected strategies are the most effective...
<<increasetime 1>>
Well... You don't think you learned much from that book... You reckon the author didn't actually know much about sword-fighting at all, and you've also never heard of this "Sir Edmund".?nl
What a fantastic waste of time.
<<decision 'Leave' 'Library'>>
<</book>>As you reach the end of a row of shelves, you spot a book that catches your eye. It's an elegant volume, bound in fine leather, with aged letters embossed on the cover. The title reads, "The Duel of Words and Blades." Intrigued, you decide to give this book a try.?nl
<<book 'duel' 'duel' 'The Duel of Words and Blades'>>
Once upon a time, in a grand court filled with nobles and scholars, there were two men known for their sharp wit and eloquence. <em>Lord Lysander</em>, a master wordsmith whose tongue was as quick as a rapier, and <em>Sir Reginald</em>, a knight renowned for his strength and prowess.?nl
One day, a debate was arranged between the two, to be held before the court and the king himself.
<em>Lord Lysander:</em> Oh Sir Reginald, thy words are as clumsy as thy feet. Dost thou stumble through life as thou dost through this debate??nl
<em>Sir Reginald:</em> Master Lysander, thy words may dance like the wind, but it is substance, not air, that doth make a man. What use is a tongue that can prattle but cannot act??nl
The court watched with bated breath as the two men exchanged barbs, each one more cutting than the last.
<em>Lord Lysander:</em> To act without thought is but folly, Sir Knight. Thy sword may be swift, but it is the mind that guides the hand. Tell me, dost thou ever think, or merely swing blindly??nl
<em>Sir Reginald:</em> And to think without act is but cowardice, Lord Lysander. Thy tongue is sharp, but can it defend thee when steel is drawn? Perhaps we should test which is mightier: the pen or the sword.?nl
The court gasped as Sir Reginald's challenge hung in the air. Unexpectedly, he drew his sword, the glint of steel catching the candlelight.
Taken aback, Lord Lysander nonetheless accepted the challenge, drawing a slender rapier from his side, seemingly emitting a soft white glow. The court watched in stunned silence as the duel began, their verbal sparring replaced by the clash of steel.?nl
<em>Sir Reginald:</em> Prepare thyself, wordsmith. Thy wit will not save thee now.?nl
Sir Reginald lunged, his sword aiming for Lysander's heart. But Lysander, with surprising agility, parried the blow with a technique so precise and unexpected that it seemed almost magical.?nl
<em>Lord Lysander:</em> Thou underestimateth me, Sir Knight. Words are not my only weapon.?nl
His rapier moved with a fluid grace, his strikes aimed with such precision that Reginald struggled to keep up. The technique was a blend of quick feints and swift counters, a dance of steel that mesmerized the onlookers.
<em>Sir Reginald:</em> What sorcery is this? Thy blade moves as if it were an extension of thy very will.?nl
<em>Lord Lysander:</em> 'Tis a technique learned through years of study, Sir Knight. To wield a blade as one would wield words, with precision and intent. Observe closely, for it may be thy undoing.?nl
Lysander's final strike disarmed Reginald, his rapier sending the knight's sword clattering to the floor. A sly smile sprouts on the Lord's face while Sir Reginald slumps down, defeated. The court erupted in applause, astonished by the display. Who knew such a witty man of words could use his blade so elegantly.
<<increasetime 1>>
You close the book, feeling a strange sense of enlightenment. The technique Lord Lysander used resonates with you, and you realize that it could be applied to your own swordsmanship.
<<if not hasRead('duel')>>
Perhaps you could bring this book to ?Wymerus, he might be able to teach you more about these graceful moves.?nl
<<startquest wymerus-book>>
<<decision 'Leave' 'Library'>>
<</book>>You take quite some time picking a book to read. Curious about the secrets that the top shelves keep, you climb a ladder to scale this mountain of books. These, on the summit, you spot a small book lodged deep in between two much larger encyclopedias. It's bright red and looks quite weathered. You take the book down and examine it. The title seems very interesting to say the least...
<<book 'servant' 'servant-1' 'The Virile Agrarian Servant' 'Volume one'>>
<b>Act IV, Scene X, continued</b>?nl
<em>Robin:</em> Certainly not, kind sir! I am here but to clean your chambers.?nl
<em>Magister Colto:</em> Is that all you have come here for, little one? My chambers??nl
<em>Robin:</em> I have no idea what it is you imply, magister. I am but a poor agrarian servant.?nl
<em>Magister Colto:</em> So you are, my dumpling. And a good one at that. Such strong legs and shapely bust.?nl
<em>Robin:</em> You embarrass me, sir!?nl
<em>Magister Colto:</em> Fear not. You are safe here with me.?nl
<em>Robin:</em> I must finish my cleaning, sir. The mistress will have my head if I do not!?nl
<em>Magister Colto:</em> Cleaning, eh? I have something for you. Here, polish my spear.?nl
<em>Robin:</em> But it is huge! It could take me all night!?nl
<em>Magister Colto:</em> Plenty of time, my sweet. Plenty of time.?nl
<<increasetime 1>>
What was that... How did this story get here... You have a lot of questions right now that you unfortunately do not have the answer to.?nl
At least the writing's better than that stupid knight book. Perhaps you could find a second volume here somewhere...
<<decision 'Leave' 'Library'>>
<</book>>You make your way over to the bookshelf where you left the large tome about the nation's history. The moment you slide it out of it's place you suddenly spot something to the side. It's another one of those small red books and it's not where you left the first volume. Could it be... Yup, that's it. <em>The Virile Agrarian Servant, volume two</em>.?nl
Perhaps it's unnecessary for you to be productive in your reading everyday. This very sound reasoning makes you put back the book on history and go read this virile one instead.
/* After reading that strange virile servant book you realise you cannot simply forget about that strange book. It was marked with "Volume one" so there must be a second one here somewhere...?nl
You spend quite some time searching, and just before you're about to give up you suddenly spot another small red book hidden in the back of a shelf somewhere. */
<<book 'servant' 'servant-2' 'The Virile Agrarian Servant' 'Volume two'>>
<b>Act VI, Scene IX, continued</b>?nl
<em>Robin:</em> My goodness, that's quite a loaf! But how ever shall it fit my oven??nl
<em>Magister Colto:</em> This loaf isn't ready for baking, my sweet. It has yet to rise.?nl
<em>Robin:</em> If only we could hurry that along. How would I accomplish such a task??nl
<em>Magister Colto:</em> Oh, my foolish little agrarian servant, you must use your hands.?nl
<em>Robin:</em> You wish me to knead the loaf? Here??nl
<em>Magister Colto:</em> Of course.?nl
<em>Robin:</em> But what if the mistress catches me? Your loaf was meant to satisfy her appetite.?nl
<em>Magister Colto:</em> Don't fret, my delicate flower. I'll satisfy the mistress's cravings later.?nl
<em>Robin:</em> Very well, but I'm afraid my oven isn't hot enough. It could take hours!?nl
<em>Magister Colto:</em> Plenty of time, my sweet. Plenty of time.?nl
<<increasetime 1>>
Well... That really doesn't answer any questions about the first volume... What is this weird relationship between the magister and the servant? ?nl
This is probably all the answers you're going to get for now...
<<decision 'Leave' 'Library'>>
<</book>>After reading those strange virile servant books you realise you cannot simply forget about that series. It was marked as the volumes one and two, so perhaps there is a third one here somewhere...?nl
This thought motivates you to spend hours searching the library for it. Just before you're about to give up you suddenly spot another small red book hidden in the back of a shelf somewhere.
<<book 'servant' 'servant-3' 'The Virile Agrarian Servant' 'Volume three'>>
<b>Act X, Scene XXX, continued</b>?nl
<em>Robin:</em> I am but a simple servant, I couldn't possibly do that with you!?nl
<em>Magister Colto:</em> My sweet, you are wonderful and most deserving to ride with me.?nl
<em>Robin:</em> That's very kind, magister. But I was attesting to my lack of experience...?nl
<em>Magister Colto:</em> Oh, that is unexpected, have you no experience riding like this before??nl
<em>Robin:</em> I have mounted some here and there but I have never climbed on top a beast like this!?nl
<em>Magister Colto:</em> Ah yes, many say mine is the biggest they have seen.?nl
<em>Robin:</em> How would I ever lower myself on top of it??nl
<em>Magister Colto:</em> Fear not, my sunshine. I will lift you on top. Grab hold of my lance for me while I guide you in position.?nl
<em>Robin:</em> Thank you. I've never mounted something so big before. I want to enjoy this ride for hours to come.?nl
<em>Magister Colto:</em> Plenty of time, my sweet. Plenty of time.?nl
<<increasetime 1>>
That's... Uhm... Somehow even more descriptive than the other volumes... You are actually more worked up by the strange book than you expected... After finishing it you find yourself letting your imagination run wild for a bit.?nl
<<decision 'Imagine yourself as the virile servant' submissiveness large>>
You imagine yourself as Robin, the virile agrarian servant, doing everything to please your magister... The very clear sexual innuendos make you feel like there's not much left to the imagination. Polishing his spear, kneading his bread, riding his... You'd do it all for him...?nl
It's probably best you leave the library for now...
<<decision 'Leave' 'Library'>>
<<decision 'Imagine yourself as the magister' dominance large>>
You imagine yourself as Magister Colto and having your own virile servant to play with. The very clear sexual innuendos make you feel like there's not much left to the imagination. Polishing your spear, kneading your bread, riding your... You'd have the servant do it all for you...?nl
It's probably best you leave the library for now...
<<decision 'Leave' 'Library'>>
<</book>>While perusing the large shelves filled with books, you set your eyes on a very thick tome. Normally you would completely skip over a book that big and probably boring but something draws you to this one. Perhaps because it concerns the history of your own Kingdom. You never cared much about studying this extensively but your annoying conscience suddenly tells you that you should know these things already, especially as a ruler.?nl
You sigh as you lift the heavy book from it's shelf and set it down at a table. You sit down, preparing yourself for your very sudden spark to do something productive by reading this long book.
<<book 'histories' 'histories-1' 'The Extended History of Avelon' 'A compact overview'>>
Nullam molestie, turpis in lacinia imperdiet, diam lorem eleifend leo, et gravida lorem turpis eu tellus. Ut tempus et lectus quis auctor. Donec eget justo sapien. Sed diam urna, mattis eget felis et, vulputate cursus lorem. Nunc venenatis felis eu nisi rhoncus vehicula. Sed dapibus ut nisi a ultricies. Nulla non aliquam nibh. Mauris dictum dui posuere felis semper, sollicitudin egestas tellus commodo. Duis pellentesque ante ut lorem rutrum volutpat. Morbi non ligula sit amet neque malesuada pulvinar. Duis ut auctor sapien. Suspendisse a dolor eget magna laoreet vehicula in at ex. Quisque vel nisl imperdiet dolor volutpat blandit. Cras vitae risus quis nisl blandit interdum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pharetra libero sit amet urna pellentesque, a pharetra lacus porta. Cras sed vestibulum ex. Pellentesque dictum, nibh eu rhoncus scelerisque, magna sapien consectetur nunc, nec semper eros arcu ac ipsum. Curabitur fringilla, magna in mattis ullamcorper, arcu felis bibendum ante, at rutrum felis enim id leo. Maecenas interdum mauris velit, interdum mattis mi malesuada eu. Sed molestie, libero non mattis efficitur, mauris erat convallis felis, et efficitur sapien tortor et leo. Integer dictum est orci, ac pretium ex pellentesque quis. Vestibulum tellus quam, varius semper ultricies sit amet, luctus ut dolor.
Curabitur ut dui a est malesuada blandit ac non urna. Phasellus ut convallis justo. Nunc a ipsum sit amet libero tincidunt lacinia non vitae nunc. Nulla in nisi dapibus, cursus purus ac, sagittis eros. Nunc vel sem ac magna faucibus lacinia sit amet consectetur nulla. Quisque lacinia tellus eu turpis efficitur, non ultrices lectus molestie. Nam hendrerit suscipit quam, id pharetra leo malesuada in. Aliquam egestas enim non neque venenatis, id auctor orci sodales. Nullam molestie erat vel dignissim tincidunt. Proin a nisi quis libero aliquet fringilla. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Sed mattis venenatis sem, quis gravida nibh ultrices facilisis. Aenean erat ex, ullamcorper ut massa eu, pretium mattis nulla. Maecenas ornare, ex at volutpat tincidunt, massa justo ornare eros, non varius nulla metus nec lacus. Phasellus eget lacinia est. Mauris lacus nunc, faucibus nec interdum vel, efficitur nec metus. Integer porta, arcu ut accumsan aliquet, odio nunc laoreet nisl, ac aliquet sem diam vitae erat. Vestibulum sollicitudin tortor eu sapien ultricies tempor. Vestibulum feugiat velit sit amet magna commodo, non aliquam nisl congue. Mauris suscipit accumsan pharetra. Nunc eleifend sagittis iaculis.
Mauris scelerisque tincidunt auctor. Sed in lorem ut lacus commodo bibendum lacinia eu mauris. Phasellus lacinia lacinia mollis. Vivamus sodales molestie efficitur. Maecenas hendrerit nunc sem, at ornare risus consequat posuere. Donec id elit blandit, suscipit elit eget, auctor dui. Nunc tristique eros et vulputate ultricies. Pellentesque nisi mauris, elementum quis ultrices et, rutrum sit amet est. Aliquam metus odio, imperdiet sit amet aliquam at, eleifend nec magna. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Morbi imperdiet nulla leo, suscipit sodales diam consectetur ac.
<<increasetime 1>>
<<startquest history-book>>
You close the book in an annoyed sigh. Why must the book be so long? That's about all the pages you have motivation for today.?nl
You must admit that the history of your Kingdom is more interesting than you thought, it also seems important to study this. ?Andreas would probably be proud of your for doing this but you will have to continue this adventure another time when you have the courage to open the book again.
<<decision 'Leave' 'Library'>>
<</book>>You somehow once again convince yourself that it is important to pursue this sudden flash of productivity as you once again reach for the heavy book on history.?nl
You put down the book and open it to the page that continues where you left off.
<<book 'histories' 'histories-2' 'The Extended History of Avelon' 'A compact overview'>>
Maecenas vitae ullamcorper tellus. Morbi pulvinar dolor sapien, id lobortis nibh maximus in. Praesent consequat lorem eu massa luctus, mollis euismod magna imperdiet. Aenean risus urna, efficitur eu magna vitae, efficitur finibus arcu. Mauris ac lectus vel mi rutrum luctus eu a tellus. Mauris pretium, leo consequat ultricies dapibus, erat lorem laoreet tellus, id lobortis neque nisl feugiat risus. Duis imperdiet, dolor eget varius sagittis, orci dui faucibus augue, vitae consequat justo mauris id justo. Ut sodales massa et ante faucibus congue.
Suspendisse tincidunt lorem nec nisl lobortis, vitae volutpat eros luctus. Ut mollis lectus quis magna mollis viverra. Vestibulum pharetra orci eget nibh tincidunt pretium. Nunc in fringilla dolor. Aenean pharetra sit amet magna nec tincidunt. Curabitur pellentesque erat fermentum massa dictum dictum. Quisque interdum varius odio vitae ornare. Donec blandit rutrum purus. Aliquam sed massa sodales, dapibus ipsum in, tincidunt leo. Curabitur ac volutpat nisl. Sed fringilla ac tortor mattis tristique. Nunc vitae sapien iaculis, ullamcorper felis quis, ultricies nulla.
Nam mattis nisl sed lacus lobortis, sit amet pellentesque neque viverra. Cras et urna nec sem auctor dapibus. Phasellus tincidunt ornare magna at porttitor. Integer tempus dui ac erat euismod eleifend. Vivamus nec vehicula tellus. Sed porttitor erat quis nisi varius, sed aliquam odio mattis. Pellentesque vitae odio nec risus laoreet suscipit ut cursus odio. Aenean ornare nisl id pharetra cursus. Vestibulum neque nibh, interdum id tempus a, dapibus quis urna. Nam sed auctor dolor, vitae porttitor nibh. Donec odio lacus, interdum quis erat id, imperdiet rutrum ipsum. Praesent tempus ipsum nec risus pulvinar, in dignissim lectus porta.
Sed vel congue orci. Nam sed lacus a odio blandit lobortis. Etiam euismod, dolor quis gravida sagittis, sem mauris luctus ipsum, vitae egestas risus orci a leo. Etiam sed justo hendrerit, suscipit ex quis, scelerisque quam. Nam nec ultrices justo. Morbi sed dui at ipsum vulputate euismod quis nec leo. Phasellus ornare lacus ac dolor auctor lobortis. Mauris et nibh eu justo imperdiet vestibulum. Curabitur dictum semper ante sed lacinia. Cras lectus libero, vestibulum sit amet augue ut, aliquam porttitor enim. Quisque convallis dictum magna, non interdum lectus viverra et. Cras molestie elit eget urna euismod, feugiat efficitur massa pretium.
Ut blandit dolor non elit rhoncus, at feugiat mi iaculis. Sed non arcu nec nisl ultrices mattis. Pellentesque id laoreet mi. Maecenas eu rhoncus enim. Ut vitae risus ac sapien pharetra pellentesque ac vel eros. Sed sed dictum sapien, ac bibendum purus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aenean dapibus dui non ullamcorper ornare. Pellentesque gravida neque vitae nisl cursus finibus.
<<increasetime 1>>
You feel yourself getting drowsy so you take the sign to quickly close the book. You've made quite some headway into the book but really can't read anymore today.?nl
You think you could definitely finish the book with one more solid reading session. That's for another time though.
<<decision 'Leave' 'Library'>>
<</book>>Enough distractions of sultry written books, it's time to finish this history monster! You feel completely determined and pumped full of energy as you once again lift the heavy book, hopefully for the last time.?nl
However, that energy is quickly fading the moment you open the book to where you left off and are reminded of how small the lettering is...
<<book 'histories' 'histories-3' 'The Extended History of Avelon' 'A compact overview'>>
Etiam elementum arcu at ipsum elementum, vitae aliquam nulla efficitur. Cras scelerisque cursus interdum. Nulla nec tortor urna. Ut gravida metus sed turpis dapibus, at interdum massa tempor. Fusce bibendum porta tellus eu ultrices. Donec ac accumsan augue. Nullam vel purus arcu. Morbi tristique, dui quis maximus ornare, odio justo euismod nisi, eu accumsan magna ligula in odio. Sed velit lorem, ornare sit amet dui vel, iaculis accumsan metus. Quisque quis turpis magna. Ut eu justo tempus, tincidunt mi in, semper ligula.
Fusce elementum, tellus nec semper elementum, leo quam fermentum leo, egestas rutrum magna purus non arcu. Nullam blandit bibendum massa, sit amet rutrum ante sagittis at. Nulla venenatis sapien a varius ultrices. Fusce a pretium tellus, nec fringilla augue. Duis in neque orci. Donec id quam vel enim tempor pulvinar. Fusce malesuada aliquam tellus vel fringilla. Nulla in iaculis dui. Mauris ullamcorper urna at lorem eleifend, sed lacinia metus interdum. Suspendisse tincidunt ante quis nisi consectetur ornare. Mauris vel blandit tortor.
Ut placerat eu ex id mollis. Maecenas vitae orci eros. Vivamus id dignissim arcu. Maecenas aliquam lobortis quam, a vulputate nisi lobortis at. Suspendisse sodales quam convallis tellus vestibulum, non placerat felis varius. Aenean non sodales purus. Donec id ex non eros ultrices gravida. Vivamus urna eros, venenatis non condimentum eget, tincidunt eget erat. Phasellus sed malesuada ligula, quis hendrerit erat. Integer tristique orci eros, id elementum risus blandit sed. Vestibulum dictum nisl et purus blandit rutrum. Nulla ultricies orci et nibh feugiat iaculis. Ut condimentum elementum augue, in tristique dui.
Nam rutrum libero ut placerat congue. Sed dapibus scelerisque sollicitudin. Cras vestibulum bibendum lacinia. Nam maximus suscipit convallis. Vivamus lectus sem, aliquet nec ullamcorper eu, vehicula a tellus. Maecenas pulvinar sodales turpis, ac volutpat velit aliquet ut. Morbi eleifend arcu at sagittis faucibus.
Duis vitae tortor nec mauris molestie feugiat. Cras luctus erat eu aliquet facilisis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam at tristique turpis. Suspendisse venenatis diam metus, eget volutpat urna consequat non. Praesent vestibulum at risus id elementum. Integer ornare dolor ullamcorper, sodales neque in, mollis tortor. Fusce condimentum metus nulla, eget congue purus dictum in. Cras varius elit sed sapien fringilla, vel lacinia velit varius. Aliquam quis nisl in tortor dictum aliquam sed quis nisi. Mauris enim sapien, fringilla vel erat ut, congue viverra elit.
<<increasetime 1>>
<<if not hasRead('histories-3')>>
<<changestat statesmanship 2>>
<<acknowledgechanges history-book andreas>>
<<completequest history-book>>
You close the book with a heavy thud. You have never finished a book with such satifaction before. Not because of the compelling story but just because it is now finally <em>over</em>. You actually did it, and to be honest? The stuff you read was quite interesting, you actually feel like you learned a lot from this book.?nl
You feel like this knowledge of history you now gained has actually set you ahead in your statesmanship experience and you can definitely impress ?Andreas with this.?nl
Now, time to leave this library. You've definitely done enough reading for a while.
<<decision 'Leave' 'Library'>>
<</book>>In an act of oddly determined spontanaeity, you pick a random book off the shelves and determine to read it from cover to cover!?nl
Upon reading the title, your fervor substantially diminishes. Settling into a nice chair you can only hope the authors found a way to make lists of royal families and their sigils interesting <i>somehow</i>...
<<book 'royal-houses' 'royal-houses-1' 'The Illuminated Compendium of Noble Bloodlines' 'Vol 1: An Intricate and Complete Record of Esteemed Lineages Within the Central Realms'>>
Though we, the authors, expect our readers are already quite familiar with the various noble houses of our great kingdom, we have taken the liberty of providing a brief overview of the most relevant histories, before delving into the more obscure and scandalous tales of our royal families. We hope you find our work enlightening and entertaining.?nl
It is well known that the royal family goes back for centuries. What is less known is that the greater nobility have been intermarrying for just as long. The result is a tangled web of alliances and betrayals that have shaped the course of our history.?nl
Among the central houses, honor is considered both a shield and a weapon. From ancient times, we have held that family honor is the highest ideal. This fierce loyalty, however, has not prevented betrayals.?nl
Indeed, we recall a particular great house whose patriarch was found to have orchestrated the assassination of his own son. While the court of the time became aware of the father's treachery in due time, they could not unearth the motive, but we are pleased to write that we have discovered the reason for this heinous act.?nl
Having been caught in a compromising position with his son's wife, the father feared that his son would discover the truth and reveal him before the court. In a desperate bid to protect his reputation, the father hired an assassin to kill his son.?nl
It is believed that this assassin fled the kingdom and was never caught. The father, however, was ultimately executed for a completely different crime - a theft from the royal treasury.?nl
More on that later; before that, we must cover the story of the youngest daughter of a lesser foriegn house who for reasons we will yet get into was betrothed to a prince of the realm. The prince, however, was already romantically involved with a distant step-cousin from a branch of the royal family that had fallen out of favor.?nl
The king of the time, in an effort to save face, ordered that the prince's step-cousin be married off to a prince from another kingdom. This, of course, led to a rather outrageous scandal culminating in treason. Allow me to elaborate...?nl
<<increasetime 1>>
The book continues in its oddly conversational tone for hundreds of pages, reading like a soap opera with intrigue and betrayal aplenty. You find yourself oddly engrossed in the tales of the noble families, including a rather salacious few stories regarding your great-grandmother, and before you know it you've finished the first volume.?nl
<<if not hasRead('royal-houses-1')>>
Oddly enough, you find that you have retained some knowledge of the local noble lines. You feel as though you could stumble through a conversation about the various local houses, if you were unable to avoid it.
<<changestat statesmanship 1>>
<<acknowledgechanges royal-houses-1 kathryn>>
<<decision 'Leave' 'Library'>>
<</book>>Picking a book at random from the cavernous shelves, you groan as you read the title.?nl
While the first volume felt torturous at times, you must admit that the section documenting royal scandals from ages past was rather entertaining. Who would have known your great-grandmother was such a <i>seductress</i>? Besides, you've always been curious about your northern neighbors...
<<book 'royal-houses' 'royal-houses-2' 'The Illuminated Compendium of Noble Bloodlines' 'Vol 2: A Detailed Account of the Northern Dynasties and Relevant Heraldric Insignias'>>
We greet you once again, reader, and hope that you have found our previous volume to be both enlightening and entertaining. We have taken great care to ensure that our work is both accurate and engaging, and we hope that you will find our efforts to be worthwhile.?nl
Without further delay, we shall delve into the histories of the northern houses, and the tales of their rise and fall. These dynasties are truly a breed apart from our local kingdoms, ruling through violence and subterfuge rather than honor and tradition.?nl
Unlike the nobility of other realms, who preoccupy themselves with idle pleasures, the northern dynasties puruse their own ideal of perfection. In the north, the strong are entitled to exert absolute control, while the weak seek to perfect endurance by weathering the trials of the strong.?nl
Might does not have a monopoly on strength in the north, with guile valued often above brute power. This has led to a vast history of intrigue, which we shall begin to elaborate upon as we discuss a set of great coups which greatly shaped the region's development.?nl
As they say, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. This has not always worked to the favor of the ruling house, as evidenced by the plight of the 4th dynasty of the previous age.?nl
Indeed, their rule was ended as much by the machinations of their allies as by the swords of their enemies. The dynastic head was widely known to have a weakness for the ladies, which his allies used to their advantage.?nl
Due to an affair with the wife of a powerful ally general that led to the creation of a bastard, the patriarch of a minor house was able to extract certain concessions from the ruling house, one of which allowed them to elevate their own ill-reared sons as generals in the dynastic military.?nl
Now, we must discuss briefly the greatest enemy of this house, who would eventually usher in the 5th dynasty. Through the aid of a powerful sorceress, and good old fashioned bribery, they were able to seduce several of these sub-par generals to their cause. This greatly undermined the stability of the ruling dynasty, kickstarting this next series of events...?nl
<<increasetime 1>>
As in the first volume, the authors continue to discuss the intricacies of northern politics at considerable length. Honestly, you have read tales of heroic adventurers with less bloodshed and posturing, but it keeps your attention throughout the tome.?nl
<<if not hasRead('royal-houses-2')>>
Though almost none of the ancient dynastic families yet remain, the lesson on northern history and culture was quite helpful. You feel as though you wouldn't make a <i>complete</i> fool of yourself if you were to interact with a northern noble.
<<changestat statesmanship 1>>
<<acknowledgechanges royal-houses-2 kathryn>>
/* <<acknowledgechanges roval-houses-2 sybille>> */
<<decision 'Leave' 'Library'>>
<</book>>You head to the library with grand plans to broaden your knowledge, selecting a tome with a sturdy spine and a promisingly shiny cover.?nl
Once again, you have played yourself. You nearly put it back, but you recall how <i>suspenseful</i> the overlapping coup attempts from 3 dynastic families back were in the 2nd volume. Why not see what the western kingdoms are getting up to...
<<book 'royal-houses' 'royal-houses-3' 'The Illuminated Compendium of Noble Bloodlines' 'Vol 3: A Faithful Enumeration of Distinguished Rulers and Clans of the Western Dominance'>>
It is a delight for us to welcome you once more, reader. In this, our third volume, we delve into the mysteries of the western kingdom prior to its fall and fragmentation. We begin with the tale of a princess - the same that we mentioned in our first volume, that married into our kingdom's royal bloodline.?nl
The princess herself was, as you already know, particularly adept at the art of seduction. Before she was sent to wed our prince, she made a rather scandalous round throughout the western courts, leading the church to make a rare request directly to her father, the King of the West, requesting he reign her in lest her deviance prove contagious.?nl
Now, it should be mentioned, we are not ones to judge the lives of the nobility. However, the princess' actions were so scandalous as to include a number of affairs with the wives of various nobles. That is normal enough, but the scandal which sealed her plight with the church was how... verbose... the wives' confessionals were. It seems the church of the time thought she might well be the end of noble progeny altogether were it not for timely intervention.?nl
The one saving grace for her was that these copious dalliances did result in a rather prodigious number of powerful acquaintanecs she could blackmail for her own safety. On no less than 57 documented occassions she was able to stave off censure by calling upon these ranks for champions.?nl
Despite the swath of deadly duels over her honor, the king was regrettably unfruitful, with only the princess and a meager three male heirs to his lineage. Though he could not simply discard her, he was presented with a fine opportunity when our kingdom approached him about a royal marriage.?nl
And here we leave her story, as you already know the rest from our first volume. There is much yet to be said of the western kingdom and its tumultuous fracture into the noble clans we know of in the modern era. For you see, the first and second prince were targeted for assassination for their own reasons.?nl
The first prince's fate is, we must say, a rather tragic case. Poisoned by his own wife, he was left to die in agony while she fled to the southern kingdom - smuggled by supporters from one of the most powerful clans. This deeply aggrieved the king, who had been quite fond of his eldest son.?nl
Following the passing of the first prince, the king took ill and left many duties to the second prince. The court stirred with growing rivalry and treasonous whispers, culminating in the kidnapping and eventual execution of the second prince by another faction of the court. This leaves the plight of the third son...?nl
<<increasetime 1>>
You cannot look away from the pages as the book elaborates on the internal power struggles that western kingdom suffered, the flight of the 3rd prince under cover of night, and the subsequent fracturing of the once-great kingdom.?nl
<<if not hasRead('royal-houses-3')>>
Reflecting on this volume, you find that you better understand the power dynamic between the factions, clans, and would-be-kings of the west. Though far from confident, you expect that you could handle a brief discussion on the political state of the western dominance.
<<changestat statesmanship 1>>
<<acknowledgechanges royal-houses-3 kathryn>>
<<decision 'Leave' 'Library'>>
<</book>>At this point you have to admit you are just a glutton for punishment. You find the 4th volume of The Illuminated Compendium of Noble Bloodlines right away. Is it sad that you've learned where the series is shelved? Probably.?nl
Still, you can't help your curiosity about just <i>what</i> happened to the 3rd prince of the old western kingdom who fled south after its fall. You've always been a sucker for a good hero's journey...
<<book 'royal-houses' 'royal-houses-4' 'The Illuminated Compendium of Noble Bloodlines' 'Vol 4: The Exhaustive Chronicle of Venerated Families and Emblems Across the Southern Isles and Beyond'>>
Reader, you may be astonished at the volume of information we have compiled for you in this, our fourth volume. Indeed, our contact with the south has been limited for many ages now, but we are happy to present the most complete collection of southern lore yet assembled.?nl
We begin where we left off in our previous tome with the 3rd prince of the western kingdom. After his flight south following the collapse of centralized rule in the western dominance, he was captured by pirates and ransomed to one of the many southern kingdoms.?nl
While in the dungeon of this kingdom, he was subjected to various humiliations and magical experiments. After countless years, he was finally released - the kingdom's spymasters convinced they had extracted every iota of value from his mind and body.?nl
Now alone on the streets, the prince was forced to beg for scraps of food and shelter. It was during this time that he met a mysterious individual, who offered him a chance to regain his honor and avenge his family.?nl
This individual we believe to actually be an agent of our kingdom, though almost every record has been destroyed. They provided for him the whereabouts of the first prince's wife and a vial of strength potion. You recall, she had fled to the southern kingdom after poisoning his brother, her husband the first prince.?nl
The prince, now less man than revenant wraith, set out to find her. He tracked her to a remote isle, where she had taken up residence after drinking a brew that changed her body into a man's. The prince had also been subjected to transformation magic in the dungeon, however, and was able to get in close without being noticed.?nl
Downing the strength vial, the prince revealed himself and challenged the vile rogue to a duel. When they tried to run, he finished them in mere moments, taking their life and finally avenging his family and restoring his honor.?nl
Regrettably, his victory was short-lived. They had nicked him with a poisoned needle, and his ravaged body was unable to withstand the toxins. He died on the beach, as would his story had not the mysterious individual brought back this tale and secreted it in the catacombs beneath the royal palace...?nl
<<increasetime 1>>
The authors spend a great deal of time discussing the political fallout in the south. Evidently the release of a prisoner who went on to murder a citizen of a neighboring kingdom mere days later was something of a diplomatic incident. Admittedly you lost a great deal of interest when the 3rd prince died.?nl
<<if not hasRead('royal-houses-4')>>
Despite the latter portions of this volume being rather dull, you feel like you learned something about the laws and customs of the southern isles. You think you could probably avoid a diplomatic incident of your own now, not that you are keen to try your luck.
<<changestat statesmanship 1>>
<<acknowledgechanges royal-houses-4 kathryn>>
/* <<acknowledgechanges royal-houses-4 morgana>> */
<<decision 'Leave' 'Library'>>
<</book>>Having completed the other volumes, you find yourself inexplicably drawn to the 5th and final volume of The Illuminated Compendium of Noble Bloodlines.?nl
Not so long ago you would have scoffed at reading countless pages describing noble lineage. Now you find you are more engrossed in court drama than the maids! You find yourself almost saddened that this is the last volume. <i>Almost</i>...
<<book 'royal-houses' 'royal-houses-5' 'The Illuminated Compendium of Noble Bloodlines' 'Vol 5: The Compilation of the Noble Heritage and Ritual Practices Within the Eastern Kingdoms'>>
It is our great pleasure to present you the final tome of our great compendium, reader. With this volume, we shall have covered every corner of the known world and the many kings, queens, and lesser nobles therein. And thus, we begin our discussion of the eastern kingdoms.?nl
The noble houses of the east have even more ancient roots than our own. The first queen of the east was said to have been a god, who gifted her followers with the knowledge of herbs and magic. The eastern kingdoms are still highly regarded in both respects to this day.?nl
Throughout the ages, our kingdom has sent many princesses to the east to marry into their royal families. It is a well-known fact that the eastern kingdoms are almost exclusively matriarchal, which lends great value to our princesses who are less regarded by our other neighbors.?nl
We have benefitted quite substantially from these marriages, as our princesses have sent back many valuable inventions and secrets from the east. You may not realize, but honeyed cake was also an imported recipe and the roles of our royal advisors are largely based on eastern courts.?nl
It is almost impossible to fathom, but the eastern kingdoms of today are a mere shadow of what they once were. A great magical calamity reportedly arose that wiped out entire civilizations and histories that pre-date the contemporary eastern powers by centuries, all in a mere night.?nl
Now, latent magic still roams the wilds of the east and ancient structures call out to adventurers who hope hope to find occult relics that can be traded for a life of plenty.?nl
It has been many years since we last solidified an alliance with any major eastern kingdom. With no princesses to represent us to the matriarchs of the east, we have had to resort to espionage and subterfuge to maintain our influence in the region.?nl
It is a delicate balance, as the eastern kingdoms are known to be quite ruthless in their dealings with unwelcome outsiders. That reminds us of the tale of an eastern noblewoman whose untimely death led to a war that lasted for 3 generations...?nl
<<increasetime 1>>
While the authors ramble on about various foreign royal families, their courts, their wars, and their beguiling rituals and customs, you find your thoughts drifting to mythical lost civilizations and the magic that could have unmade them.?nl
<<if not hasRead('royal-houses-5')>>
When you think about it, your own traditions and customs are quite similar to those of the eastern kingdoms. You think you could probably survive a conversation with an eastern noble, though there is far more to noble etiquette that you have not learned.
<<changestat statesmanship 2>>
<<acknowledgechanges royal-houses-5 kathryn>>
<<acknowledgechanges royal-houses-5 andreas>>
<<addtag 'basic-noble-history'>>
/* This tag will be referenced in future content, and will also change the text for Kathryn's dinner parties to reflect your new-found cultural knowledge, though you will still need etiquette lessons to not make a complete fool of yourself */
<<decision 'Leave' 'Library'>>
<</book>><<outfit standard>>
You once again get woken up by ?Orson with the same message as last week.
<<orson>>I'm sorry to wake you, ?title. The council meeting will be starting soon and they are expecting you.<</orson>>
<<player>>Ugh... Fine. Would you please prepare a bath for me, ?Orson?<</player>>
You get up groggily, why must the council always meet this early? The sun is barely up.
<<decision 'Have your morning bath before going to the council' 'Orson Bathroom'>><</decision>>As you enter the grand hall you can see the councillors are already present. ?Andreas, ?Leopold, ?Morgana, ?Wymerus, ?Sybille, and ?Dominic are all seating around the large table. It seems like they were waiting for you to arrive before starting the meeting.
<<andreas>>Welcome, ?title. I am glad you could join us. Please, have a seat and we can start the meeting.<</andreas>>
Currently, there are two chairs vacant for you to pick from. One is an ordinary councillors chair and the other is the throne at the head of the table where your father would normally sit to preside over the council. You're not sure whether ?Andreas is actively testing you, having you make this decision in front of everyone but he is currently waiting for you to take your seat before starting the meeting. Which means all the councillors currently have their attention on you.
<<decision 'Sit down in a normal councillors chair' submissiveness large>>
It feels quite rash to suddenly take the place where your father would normally sit, you don't feel quite comfortable with that. Besides, you are not a king yet so it's probably against protocol.
You see ?Andreas look at you for a moment before starting the meeting.
<<andreas>>Very well, let us start. I hereby open the meeting of the ?king's council.<</andreas>>
<<decision 'Listen to Andreas' 'Council Quests'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Take your seat at your father\'s throne' dominance huge>>
You take your time to walk up to the throne, it is sitting slightly higher than the other council chairs and it's fittingly much more extravagant. You feel all the councillors look at you as you sit down on the throne.
?Andreas looks at you with a slightly surprised look, it almost looks like he's impressed.
<<andreas>>Very well, let us start. I hereby open the meeting of the ?king's council.<</andreas>>
<<decision 'Listen to Andreas' 'Council Quests'>><</decision>>
<</decision>><<if !hasCompletedQuest('assassination-attempt')>>
<<name andreas 'Chancellor'>> stands up to address the rest of the council.
<<andreas>>Let us get right to it. The assassination attempt on the <<name player 'prince' none>>'s life has been a devastating blow to the security of our royal court.<</andreas>>
He speaks with clarity and decisiveness. Nobody can argue ?Andreas is not taking the case seriously.
<<andreas>><<name sybille 'Lady'>>, where are we with the assassin? Do we have any idea who sent him?<</andreas>>
<<sybille>>Unfortunately not much progress has been made, <<name andreas 'Chancellor' 'none'>>. The man is difficult to crack. Unfortunately, I cannot estimate the motive behind his stunt with any certainly. Give me more time and I can assure you the assassin will tell me what we want to know, my dungeons always get people to talk.<</sybille>>
?Wymerus stands up from his seat.
<<wymerus>>It must have been one of our neighboring rulers! They have been looking to exploit us even since the ?King left!<</wymerus>>
?Andreas makes a calming motion at the <<name wymerus 'Lord Marshal' none>>
<<andreas>>Careful, Lord. We cannot make assumptions without evidence. Instead, please tell about the security of the castle, what measurements have you taken?<</andreas>>
<<wymerus>>Of course, <<name andreas 'Chancellor'>>. I have doubled the castle guard ever since that last Sunday. I have sent more and more patrols into town. After several sweeps of interrogations, we have found no collaborators. It looks like the assassin acted alone.<</wymerus>>
The council is looking to ?Andreas again. It feels strange having all these experienced people talk about a situation that happened to you without really including you much in the conversation.
<<andreas>>Hmm... I am glad the castle seems secure but we need to know why this happened. I expect answers as soon as you have them, <<name sybille 'Spymaster' none>>.<</andreas>>
?Sybille nods to ?Andreas before he continues the meeting.
<<decision 'Listen to Andreas' 'Council Meeting'>>
<<completequest assassination-attempt>>
<<include 'Council Meeting'>>
<</if>>?Andreas now turns to you as he addresses you.
<<andreas>>?Title, as you know we have been charged with overseeing your education. We would like to inquire about your progress.<</andreas>>
You want to give an answer but it looks like ?Andreas wasn't really looking to hear it from you as he turns to ?Leopold suddenly. You see the <<name leopold 'Tradesmaster' none>> stand up and clear his throat.
<<if getStatLevel('stewardship') >= $player.levelexpectation>>
<<leopold>>The prince's education in stewardship is going very well, he is picking up on vital subjects like the different currencies and bookkeeping rather well. I expect to be covering more complicated subject matter with him soon.<</leopold>>
<<leopold>>Unfortunately, I must report the prince's education in stewardship has been quite slow. ?Title, I implore you to please visit me more at the Treasury so we can continue your education.<</leopold>>
After ?Leopold is done, ?Wymerus stands up to address the room.
<<if getStatLevel('swordsmanship') >= $player.levelexpectation>>
<<wymerus>>The prince has been performing above expectations with his swordfighting. He is already trying more advanced fighting forms and he is a very good match to my personal squire, ?Caspar.<</wymerus>>
<<wymerus>>?Title, I know sword fighting can be difficult but it is always expected of a good king to have good experience with it. I must ask you to come spar more often, you could use more training with your forms.<</wymerus>>
?Andreas nods to the other two councillors as he takes over again.
<<if getStatLevel('statesmanship') >= $player.levelexpectation>>
<<andreas>>And finally, I must say that I am impressed with the prince's keen sense of governing. He has taken more than enough time with me learning the basics of statesmanship. I feel you are ready for a more difficult challenge now.
<<andreas>>And finally, I must report that the prince could use more time learning about matter of state. ?Title, I know it might be more fun to swing a sword around, but learning how to govern this kingdom is of utmost important.<</andreas>>
With all accounts over with, ?Andreas directly addresses you once again.
<<if getStatLevel('stewardship') >= $player.levelexpectation and getStatLevel('swordsmanship') >= $player.levelexpectation and getStatLevel('statesmanship') >= $player.levelexpectation>>
<<andreas>>I think it is clear to see that you have been surpassing our expectations, ?title. Keep up the good work and you will be ready to become a great monarch. If your father was here, he too would be proud of your progress.<</andreas>>
The councillors give a small applause as they all look at you and smile. You feel good being this appreciated, it feels nice that they recognise your efforts.
<<player>>Thank you, my lords. I very much value your mentorship.<</player>>
You now look to ?Leopold, anxiously waiting to hear about your reward.
<<leopold>>Ah, yes! As promised, ?title, I will let you into the ?reliquary and you will be able to pick out and artifact that you can use. Please come by the Treasury whenever you have time.<</leopold>>
You are smiling at the prospect of getting an artifact as you enthusiastically nod at him.
<<startquest retrieve-artifact>>
<<set $player.levelexpectation += 1>>
<<andreas>>?Title, I am afraid we have higher expectations of you than what you have currently shown us. It is important that you grasp these subjects before you can learn what it mean to be a good ruler. I hope you will make more time for your education in the future.<</andreas>>
The councillors give you a stern look as you sit there in your chair.
<<leopold>>I am sorry, ?title, but this means I can't let you into the ?reliquary to pick out an artifact this week. Perhaps next week you could enter, if you study hard enough.<</leopold>>
<<player>>Very well... I will see what I can do.<</player>>
<<andreas>>Next meeting we will continue to review your progress. I personally look forward to tutoring you again, ?title.<</andreas>>
<<andreas>>And with that, I will close this meeting of the council. Thank you, Lords and Ladies, that will be all.<</andreas>>
The councillors get up one by one to leave the chambers.
<<decision 'Leave the hall' 'Hallway'>><<increasetime 1 true>><</decision>>You look back to the guard, trying to keep your breathing steady. You've never had to answer to authority in this way before, let alone be in trouble with the law. Being powerless to change the situation feels awful, but revealing your identity is simply untenable.?nl
You take a deep breath and stand up straight, trying to salvage your dignity.
<<player>>I will choose a night in the dungeons.<</player>>
You catch a vague expression of disappointment, but don't have long to dwell on it before you find yourself being marched up to the castle. You walk in a daze, an eternity seeming to pass before you approach an entrance on the side of the castle that leads directly to the dungeon. You marvel briefly at how you never knew this entrance existed before you feel yourself being pushed into a cell and hear the click of the door locking behind you.
<<say 'Guard'>>Someone will come let you out...eventually. Good luck getting any sleep tonight.<</say>>
You hear footsteps retreating into the dungeons and find yourself left there, shivering in the cold cell.
<<decision 'Settle in for the night' 'Dungeons Locked Up Wait'>><</decision>><<setlocation 'Dungeons'>>
You look around the dungeon cell. There are a handful of others already here, most of them slumped against the cell bars in a drunken stupor. A stench of body odor and stale beer lingers in the air, mixing with an aroma of piss coming from a bucket in the corner. You sit down and try to get comfortable on the hard, hay-strewn floor.?nl
You stay there for some time, your mind racing as you replay the events of the day. Eventually you start drifting in and out of consciousness, your sense of time stretching until it feels as though you have been in this dungeon cell forever.
<<decision 'Try to find some rest' 'Dungeons Sybille Rescue'>><</decision>><<settime 'Night'>>
You have no idea what time it is or how many hours have passed when a familiar voice brings you back to wakefulness.
<<sybille>>Come on, let's get you up.<</sybille>>
The other cell inhabitants glance up hopefully, but you see that ?Sybille is looking at you. In the darkness, her white hair shines like a beacon of hope.
<<player>>Oh, thank you, ?Sybille...<</player>>
You stumble blearily out of the cell, which ?Sybille locks behind you. She leads you out of the dungeons and into her office, where she sits down at her desk and gives you an amused look.
<<sybille>>So, you've been naughty, I see.<</sybille>>
You avoid her gaze, looking away in embarrassment. Out of the corner of your eye, you see ?Sybille smile.
<<sybille>>We all have to be naughty sometimes, ?title. In fact, I believe it is essential for our health. I only apologize that I could not release you sooner. I wanted to avoid any undue attention.<</sybille>>
<<player>>Oh... Yes, I understand. Thank you again, ?Sybille.<</player>>
She looks at you closely, clearly noting the exhaustion in your face.
<<sybille>>Please, ?title, don't let me keep you from your rest.<</sybille>>
You nod your thanks and retreat to your bedroom, careful to avoid any others wandering the castle in the middle of the night.
<<decision 'Collapse in bed and fall asleep' 'Sleep'>>
<<outfit standard>>
<<setlocation 'Bedroom'>>
<</decision>><<store morgana>>
[[Return | Workshop]]<<addtag 'titties'>>
?Morgana uncorks the potion bottle and pours your ?essence inside, swirling the bottle gently to incorporate the mixture. As she does so, the potion glimmers brightly.
<<morgana>>Ah, excellent. I believe this will work quite potently.<</morgana>>
She holds out the potion to you, the cork still off, and you realize she's expecting you to drink it in front of her. It feels a bit intimate, but it's not as though you haven't had close experiences with ?Morgana before...
<<morgana>>Drink up, ?title. As you know, the essence is best used fresh.<</morgana>>
Well, you wouldn't want the potion to lose its efficacy. You open your mouth and swallow it down. The taste is both bitter and sweet, with a hint of...peach flavor??nl
The moment you finish drinking the potion, you feel a strange aching sensation in your chest. You look down and watch as two small mounds slowly spring into existence under your clothes. As they do, you feel the skin of your chest stretching, and you become instantly more aware of the sensation in your nipples as they rub against your clothes.
<<morgana>>How do you feel?<</morgana>>
You see ?Morgana closely inspecting your chest. It seems as though your new ?titties are not obvious under your clothes, but you are very aware of their presence.
<<player>>Uhm, certainly different...<</player>>
<<morgana>>Excellent! It seems as though the potion has worked nicely. I think that is enough for today, but if you become interested in more potions, don't forget I will require more essence.<</morgana>>
You nod to her and leave the workshop. As you walk down the steps of the tower, you can't help feeling your new ?titties over your clothes.
<<decision 'Return to the castle' 'Hallway'>><</decision>>?Morgana uncorks the potion bottle and pours your ?essence inside, swirling the bottle gently to incorporate the mixture. As she does so, the potion glimmers brightly.
<<morgana>>If you're sure, ?title, I believe this will work quite potently.<</morgana>>
She holds out the potion to you. You take the potion and swallow it down. The taste is both bitter and sweet, with that same hint of peach as before.?nl
You immediately feel your chest shrinking in size. As the transformation completes, ?Morgana looks closely at your new ?titties.
<<morgana>>Well, it seems to have worked just as anticipated. If you change your mind, you can always take another potion...<</morgana>>
You nod to her and leave the workshop. As you walk down the steps of the tower, you can't help feeling your new ?titties over your clothes.
<<decision 'Return to the castle' 'Hallway'>><</decision>>?Morgana uncorks the potion bottle and pours your 'essence' inside, swirling the bottle gently to incorporate the mixture. As she does so, the potion glimmers brightly.
<<morgana>>Ah, excellent. I believe this will work quite potently.<</morgana>>
She holds out the potion to you, the cork still off, and you realize she's expecting you to drink it in front of her. It feels a bit intimate, but it's not as though you haven't had close experiences with ?Morgana before...
<<morgana>>Drink up, ?title. As you know, the essence is best used fresh.<</morgana>>
Well, you wouldn't want the potion to lose its efficacy. You open your mouth and swallow it down. The taste is bitter and vegetal, with a hint of...eggplant flavor??nl
The moment you finish drinking the potion, you feel your ?dick begin to swell. It feels not disimilar from getting an erection, and as it grows, your member strains against your underclothes.
<<morgana>>How do you feel?<</morgana>>
<<if settings.sph>>
<<set settings.sph = false>>
You see ?Morgana closely inspecting your now-visible bulge.
<<addtag 'mighty-oak'>>
You see ?Morgana closely inspecting your massive bulge.
<<player>>Wow, certainly different!<</player>>
<<morgana>>Excellent! It seems as though the potion has worked nicely. I think that is enough for today, but if you become interested in more potions, don't forget I will require more essence.<</morgana>>
You nod to her and leave the workshop. As you walk down the steps of the tower, you can't help feeling your ?dick through your clothes.
<<decision 'Return to the castle' 'Hallway'>><</decision>>?Morgana uncorks the potion bottle and pours your 'essence' inside, swirling the bottle gently to incorporate the mixture. As she does so, the potion glimmers brightly.
<<if settings.sph>>
<<morgana>>I must warn you, ?title, though this potion is quite potent, I'm not sure if it will have much of an effect in this case.<</morgana>>
She holds out the potion to you, the cork still off, waiting for you to drink it nonetheless. You open your mouth and swallow it down. The taste is bitter and vegetal, with a hint of...eggplant flavor??nl
You finish drinking the potion, waiting for some kind of change to occur in your body. Nothing happens, however, and your ?dick feels the same as before.
<<morgana>>My apologies, ?title. As I feared, the potion has its limits, and isn't able to reduce what is already so small.<</morgana>>
You feel your cheeks grow hot with embarrassment.
<<player>>Uh, right, I suppose it was foolish to even try...<</player>>
?Morgana smiles at you gently.
<<morgana>>I think that is enough for today. If you become interested in more potions, don't forget I will require more essence.<</morgana>>
You nod to her and leave the workshop, walking down the tower steps back into the castle.
<<morgana>>Ah, excellent. I believe this will work quite potently.<</morgana>>
She holds out the potion to you, the cork still off, and you realize she's expecting you to drink it in front of her. It feels a bit intimate, but it's not as though you haven't had close experiences with ?Morgana before...
<<morgana>>Drink up, ?title. As you know, the essence is best used fresh.<</morgana>>
Well, you wouldn't want the potion to lose its efficacy. You open your mouth and swallow it down. The taste is bitter and vegetal, with a hint of...eggplant flavor??nl
The moment you finish drinking the potion, you feel your ?dick begin to shrink. The sensation is not disimilar to losing an erection, and as your ?dick decreases in size, you feel a strange amount of space become available in your underclothes.
<<morgana>>How do you feel?<</morgana>>
<<if hasTag('mighty-oak')>>
<<removetag 'mighty-oak'>>
You see ?Morgana closely inspecting your bulge, which has reduced in size from its previously massive state.
<<set settings.sph = true>>
You see ?Morgana closely inspecting where your bulge used to be.
<<player>>Uhm, certainly different...<</player>>
<<morgana>>Excellent! It seems as though the potion has worked nicely. I think that is enough for today, but if you become interested in more potions, don't forget I will require more essence.<</morgana>>
You nod to her and leave the workshop. As you walk down the steps of the tower, you can't help feeling your ?dick through your clothes.
<<decision 'Return to the castle' 'Hallway'>><</decision>><<setlocation 'Bedroom'>>
<<if hasClothesTag('disguise')>>
It's getting late so you quickly make your way back to the castle. You quietly sneak to your room and stow away your disguise. You put on your sleep attire before you fall down on your bed, exhausted.
It's getting late so you make your way over to your bedroom and change into your sleep attire.
<<outfit sleep>>
[[Sleep]]<<outfit sleep>>
<<include 'Dream Events'>>
<<decision 'Wake up' 'Increase Day'>><</decision>><<timed 40ms>>
<<skipday false>>
You spend the day doing menial tasks, nothing of importance.
<<fadein 3s 3s>><<decision 'Next day' 'Next Day'>><</decision>><</fadein>><<timed 40ms>>
<<increasetime 1>><<increaseday 1>>
<<include 'Next Day'>>
<</timed>><<outfit standard>>
<<run Save.autosave.save(getDay().toUpperFirst() + ' morning.')>>
<<if hasQuest('kathryn-dinner-invitation')>>
<<completequest 'kathryn-dinner-invitation'>>
<<if hasQuest('potion-transformation') >>
<<effect charm off>>
<<completequest potion-transformation>>
<<startquest morgana-confront>>
<<set $player.status = 'egg'>>
<<acknowledgechanges 'status'>>
<<set $chapter = 'Chapter Two'>>
<<set $chaptertarget = 'Next Day'>>
<<set $chaptertimeskip = false>>
<img class="portrait themed centered" character="player" @src="getPortrait('player');" width='400px'>
You wake up feeling changed. The memory of your dreams last night fade quickly but the feeling of them remain. You get out of bed and feel slightly lighter, your skin feels softer than ever and as you walk over to the mirror you notice the changes in your body. Your hair has grown out significantly overnight and your facial features feel slightly more androgynous. Someone might have a moment of doubt before placing your gender.
The rest of your body also feels different, you feel slightly more slender in your arms and shoulders. But your butt feels a little larger. When you look down at your ?dick, it feels slightly smaller as well.
You definitely feel alarmed, it's very surprising to see yourself like this. But then again, you can't deny you also feel a sense of longing, something in you feels like this feels right. You very much try to ignore that sense for now.
You feel like it's probably best to confront <<name morgana>> about these changes.
<<decision 'Continue' 'Chapter'>><</decision>>
<<elseif hasQuest('kathryn-peeking')>>
<<completequest 'kathryn-peeking'>>
<<outfit sleep>>
You wake up quite abruptly as you suddenly feel your blankets being pulled away.
<<decision 'Face your assailant' 'Kathryn Waking Abrupt'>>
<<elseif getDay() === 'sunday'>>
Today is <<showcycle 'day' upperfirst>>, it's time to head to church.
<<decision 'Prepare to go to church' 'Church Bedroom'>><</decision>>
<<elseif getDay() === 'wednesday'>>
Today is <<showcycle 'day' upperfirst>>, it's time to head to the council meeting.
<<decision 'Prepare to go to the council meeting' 'Council Bedroom'>><</decision>>
<<elseif hasQuest('morgana-forest') and not hasCounter('morgana-bedroom')>>
Today is <<showcycle 'day' upperfirst>>, after you wake up, you hear someone knocking on the door.
<<decision 'Open the door' 'Morgana Forest 1'>><</decision>>
<<elseif hasTag('sybille-note-counter') and !hasCounter('sybille-note-counter')>>
<<removetag 'sybille-note-counter'>>
<<startquest 'sybille-note'>>
As you wake up and get out of your bed, you notice a small note that someone seems to have slipped under your door. Curiously, you walk over and grab it from the floor. You quickly fold open the piece of paper.?nl
Come find me in the dungeons. I have news about the assassin.?nl
- <<name sybille 'S' none>>
Curious. Apparently ?Sybille has made progress interrogating the assassin that made an attempt on your life not too long ago. About time, you suppose. What mostly stumps you now is why she's sending secret notes instead of just talking to you directly. Is she just being mysterious again or is there a reason for this secrecy??nl
Probably best to pay her a visit and find out...
<<decision 'Go on with your day' 'Bedroom'>><</decision>>
<<elseif hasCompletedQuest('morgana-forest') and not hasTag('rosa-bouquet') and not hasCompletedQuest('rosa-date') and not hasQuest('rosa-date') and not hasCounter('rosa-breakfast')>>
<<include 'Rosa Knocks'>>
<<elseif hasCompletedQuest('rosa-date') and not hasCounter('rosa-breakfast') and not hasQuest('rosa-flowers') and not hasCompletedQuest('rosa-flowers')>>
<<include 'Rosa Brings Breakfast 2'>>
<<elseif hasCompletedQuest('morgana-forest') and isQuestUnstarted('find-poet') and not hasCounter('orson-poem')>>
<<if hasTag('orson-poem-2')>>
<<include 'Orson Poem 3'>>
<<elseif hasTag('orson-poem-1')>>
<<addtag 'orson-poem-2'>>
<<include 'Orson Poem 2'>>
<<addtag 'orson-poem-1'>>
<<include 'Orson Poem 1'>>
<<addcounter 'orson-poem' 2>>
<<elseif hasCompletedQuest('tavern-intro') and isQuestUnstarted('morgana-potion-store')>>
<<include 'Morgana Tells About Potions'>>
Today is <<showcycle 'day' upperfirst>>.
<<decision 'Get up' 'Bedroom'>><</decision>>
<</if>><<if hasQuest('potion-transformation')>>
<<effect charm on>>
<<changestat femininity 20>>
Tonight, you rest with the strangest sleep you have ever had. You feel like you have a high fever but at the same time you feel better than ever, you wake up multiple times in an almost delirious state but a strange sense that you are becoming better. A new you. You feel your body and mind adapting to this potion.
You have strange dreams about serving other people. Instead of how you're usually the one being served, in these dreams you receive immense satisfaction from obeying others and prioritising their happiness above all. You want to help others. Who says a prince needs to be only a leader? You could be a great follower too.
A sense of peace flows through you as you feel yourself being changed permanently by this magical potion.
<</if>><<setlocation 'Wardrobe'>>
<div id="wardrobe-return-button">
<<include 'Wardrobe Return Button'>>
</div><<if hasClothesTag('disguise')>>
Since you are currently wearing a disguise, you can try to slip out of the castle. It's probably not a good idea to prance around this place in your current outfit so you would need to change to your royal attire again to do that.
<<decision 'Sneak out of the castle'>>
<<if isWearing('clothes')>>
<<goto 'Sneak out'>>
<<replace "#wardrobe-return-button">>
You're not wearing an outfit!
<<include 'Wardrobe Return Button'>>
<<decision 'Return'>>
<<if isWearing('clothes')>>
<<goto 'Bedroom'>>
<<replace "#wardrobe-return-button">>
You're not wearing an outfit!
<<include 'Wardrobe Return Button'>>
<</if>><<outfit standard>><<outfit disguise>><<if getTime() === 'night'>>
<img src="images/maps/castle_night.png" class="navigation-map" usemap="#castle-map">
<img src="images/maps/castle.png" class="navigation-map" usemap="#castle-map">
<map name="castle-map">
<area data-passage="Bathroom" alt="Bathroom" center="693,215" coords="465,114,921,315" shape="rect">
<area data-passage="Treasury" alt="Treasury" center="691,857" coords="463,749,919,964" shape="rect">
<area data-passage="Grand hall" alt="Grand hall" center="690,532" coords="461,318,919,745" shape="rect">
/* <area data-passage="Council chambers" alt="Council chambers" title="Council chambers" center="679,850" coords="436,732,922,968" shape="rect"> */
<area data-passage="Barracks" alt="Barracks" center="1841,274" coords="1560,116,2121,432" shape="rect">
<area data-passage="Hallway" alt="Hallway" center="1917,544" coords="1562,436,2272,651" shape="rect">
<area data-passage="Gatehouse" alt="Gatehouse" center="2371,543" coords="2274,438,2467,648" shape="rect">
<area data-passage="Dining hall" alt="Dining hall" center="1785,805" coords="1559,646,2010,964" shape="rect">
<area data-passage="Larder" alt="Larder" center="2369,968" coords="2369,968,88" shape="circle">
<area data-passage="Bedroom" alt="Bedroom" center="288,340" coords="113,530,111,208,128,204,141,202,157,195,172,186,183,177,194,167,200,156,205,142,207,129,211,114,461,114,459,537" shape="poly" vertical="true">
<area data-passage="Kitchen" alt="Kitchen" center="2188,804" coords="2012,648,2367,651,2367,876,2352,879,2341,881,2330,885,2319,892,2312,900,2301,909,2293,920,2284,933,2280,946,2273,960,2273,968,2012,964" shape="poly">
<area data-passage="Library" alt="Library" center="284,738" coords="111,530,457,539,457,964,214,966,211,946,205,929,198,916,190,903,179,892,168,883,157,876,146,874,137,870,124,865,113,865" shape="poly" vertical="true">
<area data-passage="Magic Circle" alt="Magic Circle" center="111,111" coords="111,111,94" shape="circle">
<area data-passage="Dungeons" alt="Dungeons" center="2242,273" coords="2122,110,2273,110,2273,96,2277,83,2284,68,2290,57,2297,46,2308,35,2319,28,2332,22,2343,15,2358,15,2372,15,2387,18,2400,22,2413,28,2426,37,2437,48,2446,59,2455,72,2461,90,2461,107,2461,125,2457,140,2450,153,2444,164,2437,177,2426,188,2413,197,2400,202,2385,204,2369,206,2367,429,2117,425" shape="poly" vertical="true">
<area data-passage="Courtyard" alt="Courtyard" center="1240,620" coords="922,804,922,274,1067,276,1067,254,1071,234,1080,215,1089,197,1100,182,1111,169,1124,158,1137,147,1152,136,1170,127,1192,118,1209,114,1231,112,1253,110,1277,114,1299,120,1321,129,1339,140,1356,153,1371,171,1387,188,1400,210,1409,232,1413,254,1415,276,1555,274,1558,808,1415,806,1411,833,1407,857,1398,879,1385,900,1369,920,1354,933,1339,944,1319,955,1299,966,1282,971,1260,975,1233,975,1209,971,1185,964,1163,953,1141,940,1122,922,1104,907,1091,887,1076,861,1069,835,1063,808" shape="poly">
<area data-passage="Garden" alt="Garden" center="661,1137" coords="214,1034,2266,1233" shape="rect">
<area data-passage="Workshop" alt="Workshop" center="111,967" coords="111,967,98" shape="circle">
/* <area data-passage="Magic Circle" alt="Magic Circle" title="Magic Circle" center="111,114" coords="111,114,98" shape="circle"> */
</map><p id="location-description">
Your bedroom is adorned with lavish tapestries depicting scenes from the legends of your ancestors. The bed is made of the finest wood and draped in expensive silken sheets. The windows overlook the gardens, where the roses are in full bloom and the lilies sway in the breeze. Your room also contains a desk, where you write letters or read books, and an armoire, where you store your clothing.
</p><p id="location-description">
Your extensive walk-in wardrobe is filled to the brim with royal outfits and options to pick from. Silk robes decorated with fine embroidery is all too common to you. The average peasant would be flabbergasted at the amount of clothes you have at your disposal.
</p><p id="location-description">
The bathroom attached to your bedroom is a luxurious affair, with a large bathtub made of white marble and a separate shower. There are plush towels and bathrobes hanging on the hooks, and the shelves are stocked with expensive soaps and shampoos.
</p><p id="location-description">
The hallway is lined with portraits of your ancestors, each wearing the same regal expression. The walls are painted a deep red, and the floor is made of polished marble. You can hear the sound of your footsteps echoing down the corridor as you walk.
</p><p id="location-description">
The grand hall is an imposing space. The walls are adorned with tapestries depicting scenes from history. In the center of the hall stands a big table surrounded by chairs, this is where the council usually gathers. At the head of the table sits an empty throne which belongs to your father.
</p><p id="location-description">
The servant's kitchen is a bustling place, filled with the aromas of freshly baked bread and simmering stews. The walls are lined with shelves of pots and pans, and there is a large stove in the center of the room.
</p><p id="location-description">
The dining hall is a grand space, with a long table in the center and ornate chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. There is a fireplace on one wall, and the floors are made of polished marble.
</p><p id="location-description">
The castle garden is a beautiful space, with a pond in the center and a cobblestone path winding through it. There are flowerbeds filled with roses, lilies, and other colorful blooms.
</p><p id="location-description">
The castle courtyard is an open area surrounded by tall walls. There is a fountain in the center, and the cobblestone path leads out to the city beyond the gates.
</p><p id="location-description">
The castle library is a magnificent space, with walls lined with books and shelves stacked with scrolls and manuscripts. There is a large fireplace in the center of the room, and the floors are made of polished marble.
</p><p id="location-description">
The treasury consists of a small office, home to <<name leopold 'Master'>>, with next to it the door leading to the royal vault and reliquary.
/* :: Boudoir [location castle]
<p id="location-description">
The boudoir is a room in the castle where courtesans would prepare themselves to look the most pleasing. It is decorated with silk curtains and a vanity mirror. The walls are painted red and gold, and the floor is covered by a carpet.
</p> */<p id="location-description">
The larder is a small room filled with foodstuffs. There are barrels of wine, stacks of bread, and chests full of meat. The air is thick with the smell of fresh bread and cooking meat.
</p><p id="location-description">
This large room is where most of the castle garrison sleeps. It is bustling with soldiers either practicing or making their beds.
</p><p id="location-description">
The castle dungeon is a dark, dank place with many corridors and cells. There are also torture chambers and a large room with a pit in the middle.
</p><p id="location-description">
The <<name morgana 'Royal Sorceress' none>>' Workshop is a large room located in one of the tall castle towers. It is filled with magical items, ingredients, and books. There is also a cauldron in the center of the room that can be used to create potions.
</p><p id="location-description">
The castle gates stand tall and sturdy, with massive wooden doors reinforced by iron fittings. Flanked by solid stone walls, the entrance exudes a sense of security.
</p><p id="location-description">
The Royal Reliquary is filled to the brim with artifacts and gold. You see several chests filled with valuable pieces and the walls are lined with different artifacts and relics.
</p>You see two guards standing next to the castle gates.
<<decision 'Grab your disguise and sneak out the castle' 'Disguise Change'>>
<</decision>><<if hasTag('has-artifact')>>
<<decision 'View Artifacts' 1>>
<<decision 'Open your wardrobe' 'Wardrobe Clothes'>><</decision>>
<<if getTime() === 'night'>>
<<decision 'Sleep' 'Sleep'>><</decision>>
<<elseif getTime() === 'morning'>>
<<decision 'Skip day' 'Skipday'>><</decision>>
<</if>><<if hasTag('rosa-bouquet')>>
<<decision 'Pick a bouquet of flowers for Rosa' 'Rosa Pick Flowers'>><</decision>>
<</if>><<if hasTag('adopt-cats')>>
<<decision 'Visit the cats' 'Visit Cats Kitchen'>><</decision>>
<</if>><<if hasQuest('find-poet-3')>>
<<decision 'Look for Orson' 'Orson Find Library'>><</decision>>
<</if>><<decision 'Sneak up to the bandit camp' 'Bandit Encounter'>><</decision>><<addcounter bandit 2>>
You know this is definitely the dangerous part of the woods. That bandit you met when harvesting mushrooms together with ?Morgana told you his camp was in this direction. You're not sure why you've now decided to sneak in that direction but something has you curious...?nl
Even though you can't see anyone around you for a while you still find yourself crouching through the bushes. It's not the most comfortable path<<if hasClothesTag('feminine')>>, especially in this dress<</if>>. After sneaking for quite a while you finally notice the signs of the bandit camp in the distance. You can see the campfire and you can hear the rowdy laughter of drunk highwaymen over there. You make your way as close as you feel comfortable. Curiosity has made you do many things in life, but none of them quite as crazy as this. You get close enough to actually make out the bandits themselves, there's quite a number of them. They seem to be having a gathering complete with drunken feast. It's at this moment that you decide it's probably best to head back before you get caught.?nl
<<if hasClothesTag('feminine')>>
As soon as you turn around you see a man standing right behind you. It's the same bandit that caught you gathering mushrooms near the waterfall...
<<bandit>>Look at that, you actually came to the camp.<</bandit>>
You can't believe you got caught so easily, even worse, by the same bandit who caught you before. You slowly back away but realise you can't really go backwards that far otherwise you'll be seen by the other bandits in camp. Nevertheless, the man standing in front of you is taking a step in your direction.
<<bandit>>So what is it you came here to find? Perhaps you were hoping to get caught in the woods again...<</bandit>>
You look at him quite befuddled as you stammer a response.
<<player>>No- uh, I was just curious about the camp here. N- nothing more...<</player>>
The bandit looks you up and down with leering eyes.
<<bandit>>Is that why you came crossdressing again? Doesn't seem practical for sneaking through the woods...<</bandit>>
He's got a point there. Why is it that you came out here now, looking for trouble? You're not sure how to respond to his question and the bandit takes the moment to get even closer to you. You're suddenly thinking about the large gathering of bandits behind you. What if this guy decides to take you back to his camp? You look behind you towards the bandit camp and then look back to the guy standing in front of you with a scared look.
<<bandit>>Are you worried I'm going to alert the rest of the camp? Well don't be scared, I would much rather not get anyone else involved here.<</bandit>>
Hearing this gives you some slight relief which is immediately replaced with worries about his intentions.
<<bandit>>Maybe the proposal I made last time had you intrigued. Maybe that's why you came back... Why don't you help me out with this issue I'm having now...<</bandit>>
You see the bandit not so subtly touch his crotch area which is apparently already sporting quite the bulge. You're strangely fixated on it as he slowly puts a hand on your shoulder and softly pushes downward, indicating he wants you to go down on your knees.?nl
Is he seriously asking you to... Last time you met the bandit, he seemed to sort of handle your rejection pretty well. You could probably just back off from this situation if you want to. Strangely enough, something in you is actually considering his request as well... All alone in the woods... Who would know about this...
<<decision 'Back off' 'Bandit Encounter Deny' virtue large>>
<<decision 'Get down on your knees...' 'Bandit Blowjob' depravity large>>
You slowly start making your way back to the safer parts of the woods. Bandits are not for you to deal with right now, it's a good thing you didn't get caught.
<<decision 'Return to the woods' 'Forest'>><</decision>>
<</if>>You don't budge to his attempts to get you to your knees and take a step back.
<<player>>How many times do I have to tell you no?! I'm not interested!<</player>>
The bandit, quickly startled, looks at you with a flabbergasted expression.
<<bandit>>Well now, you came all the way over here in your dress simply to reject me again? I even told you where to find me and you came looking for me!<</bandit>>
<<player>>Uhm, yeah. Just because I was curious about your camp here doesn't mean I want to do <em>that</em> with you.<</player>>
He looks at you, slightly offended and gives a retort back.
<<bandit>>I mean, that's all good. I'm not going to force you or anything...<</bandit>>
He seems to be thinking some things over.
<<bandit>>Sorry, I suppose I misread the situation...<</bandit>>
<<player>>It's fine, I'm just not interested. I'm going to go now.<</player>>
<<bandit>>Alright, see you around I guess.<</bandit>>
The bandit walks past you in the direction of the camp, looking a bit disappointed. You decide to make your way back to the safer parts of the woods.
<<decision 'Return' 'Forest'>><</decision>><<disablemusic>>
<<addsin 'blowjob'>>
You can't believe you're actually doing this... It's almost like your body is on auto control. Something about this bandit has you worked up and you're secretly quite curious of what's about to happen...
<<bandit>>There's a good girl... Now lower my trousers for me.<</bandit>>
Seriously? He's going to give you commands and wants you to do everything? You think about backing out but the burning feeling inside you wants you to keep going. Your hands move forward, searching for a way to lower his pants. You stumble on a bulge right in front of your face... Is that his...??nl
You slowly manage to lower his pants and the answer to your questions suddenly hits you in the face. Literally.?nl
His cock is big. <<if settings.sph>>Much bigger than your ?dick.<</if>>
You stare at it in disbelief.
<<bandit>>Yeah you like that, don't you? Come on, why don't you give it a kiss?<</bandit>>
You stare up at him slightly annoyed. You actually don't follow his command right away but instead you do find yourself taking hold of his shaft, exploring his massive cock. Somehow you are already stroking this random bandit you met in the woods right now...
<<bandit>>Go on... Kiss it...<</bandit>>
His tone turns slightly more demanding but it's strange to note that the actual thing convincing you are your own thoughts, wanting to continue with this. Underneath your dress, your ?dick is already rock hard. You're not sure why the situation is turning you on so much and you push the thought away as you give the penis head a wet kiss, taking in the smell and taste of his dick. It tastes... Surprisingly nice...
<<bandit>>Yes... Good girl... Now take it into your mouth...<</bandit>>
Perhaps it's his scent that makes you so horny or perhaps you just like being submissive to this man but you somehow instantly obey his command this time. You take the dick in your mouth, at first only the cock head as you swirl your tongue around it. It doesn't take long before you try to take it more and more.
<<img 'morgana/bandit_blowjob.gif' 'ridge-border' '36em'>>
<<bandit>>Ahhh... That's nice... Keep going...<</bandit>>
Somehow hearing his moaning and pleased remarks makes you feel sort of... Proud... Like you're actually happy that you're providing a good blowjob to this man you never met before.?nl
You eagerly take in more and more of his cock and bob your head back and forth faster and faster. His moaning continues as you do everything you can to make him feel good.
<<bandit>>I knew you were a cock-slut the moment I saw you... Actually, you don't mind if I'm a little rough, right?<</bandit>>
Did he just call you a cock-slut? Why does that make you feel more turned on...? Also, what does he mean with being more rough? You can hardly answer the question right now with his cock in your mouth and it seems like he won't actually be waiting for a response.?nl
He suddenly grabs your head with both hands and starts pulling and pushing you over his cock. It looks like he wants total control of the situation as he starts pushing his cock deeper and deeper.?nl
You feel his cock slowly starting to enter your throat as you try not to let your gag reflex kick in.
<<bandit>>Just relax your jaw and throat and let me take care of it. You'll make for a good face-fuck, slut.<</bandit>>
Strangely enough his advice to relax somehow works as you focus hard to accommodate more and more of his cock down your throat. Instead of moving your head up and down his shaft, he is now simply holding your head in place as he starts pumping his cock back and forth using his hips. He's actually face-fucking you.?nl
The whole situation has you burning with passion, it's not really a conscious decision when you find your hand tuck itself under your dress to grab your ?dick so you can start masturbating while he's skull-fucking you.?nl
Your ?dick is rock hard as you start stroking yourself while the bandit is pumping his cock in and out of your mouth. This increasingly humiliating situation has you completely turned on.
<<bandit>>Ah fuck! Are you ready for my cum, you slut? I'm going to coat the inside of your throat with it.<</bandit>>
You stroke your ?dick faster and faster as you feel him speeding up as well. He suddenly grunts loudly as he pushes his cock in your mouth all the way to the base. You feel a thick liquid slide down your throat, you don't even have a choice in whether you swallow this or not as he's simply dumping it in your throat. At least that saves you from having the bad taste in your mouth, at least, that's what you think until he suddenly pulls his cock out your mouth and shoots a last rope right over your tongue.?nl
You don't even hesitate as you quickly swallow his cum and for some reason even look up at him to present your empty mouth to him...
<<bandit>>Fuck that was great... I didn't realise you are a cumslut as well... I can cum on your face next time if you want, make you walk around with my seed presented everywhere.<</bandit>>
You should be done... He already came... He took his cock out of your mouth and is finished... But for some reason you are still down on your knees. You don't know whether it's the hotness of the situation or the fact that he continues to degrade you but you can only focus on one thing right now. You're really close to climaxing so you continue stroking, looking up at him. It probably looks kind of strange, a guy on his knees in a dress, rigorously masturbating himself...?nl
<<bandit>>Oh... I see... The sissy isn't done yet... Very well, I'll help you a bit. I need to clean this cock anyways.<</bandit>>
The bandit suddenly grabs your head and simply shoves his slightly softening cock and forces it all the way down to the base. Your nose is stuffed in his pubes as you take a big inhale, seeping in his scent. You start masturbating faster and faster as he's simply holding you in place with his cock down your mouth. Does this bandit even know he just shot his cum down the prince's mouth? That he used your royal mouth as his personal fucktoy? The thoughts of him finding out have you even more turned on.?nl
It doesn't take long for you to feel your orgasm approach. You let out a very muffled moan as your mouth is currently occupied with cock as your own ?dick spurts out the biggest orgasm you've had probably ever, completely soiling the inside of your dress.
<<bandit>>Ah there we go, glad to see you had a good time too.<</bandit>>
The bandit slowly starts to pull his cock out of your mouth and takes a step back, fixing his trousers. You're still down on your knees, panting as you take in what just happened.
<<bandit>>You did very well, little slut.<</bandit>>
/* <<bandit>>You should come visit us next time you're here though, I have some friends at my camp who would love to meet you and learn of your particular skills.<</bandit>> */
You start to rise from your knees and fix your dress. He starts to walk away from you, looking satisfied.
<<bandit>>Now I must really be going. Good luck in the woods out here, try not to suck too many cocks on your way out.<</bandit>>
You can't believe you actually just did that... And most of all enjoy it too...
<<decision 'Make your way back' 'Forest'>><</decision>><<store hyssop>>
[[Return | Druid Hut]]?Hyssop hands you the new dress with a gleeful smile on their face.
<<hyssop>>Go on, try it on! I can't wait to see how it looks!<</hyssop>>
You look around their hut kind of awkwardly, it definitely feels too intense to change in front of their. They suddenly seems to notice your reluctance.
<<hyssop>>Oh! Right, you'd probably want to change in my bedroom, go ahead!<</hyssop>>
Relieved, you take the dress into their bedroom and try it on there. You're not sure why you're doing this but it feels really nice to try on these clothes. You take off your earlier garbs and slide the dress over your head. Strangely enough it actually seems to fit perfectly. You double check whether you put it on correctly and take a deep breath before stepping out of the bedroom to show ?Hyssop.
<<hyssop>>Oh my, that looks amazing! I know I'm basically complimenting myself when I say that but I actually think you're looking great in it! How does it feel?<</hyssop>>
You blush slightly and look away, hearing their compliments.
<<player>>T- thanks ?Hyssop. I think I really like it...<</player>>
<<hyssop>>Yeah, and it fits almost perfectly, look at that! I'll just need to make some small adjustment here...<</hyssop>>
?Hyssop moves to adjust your side, measuring how the dress fits your body.
<<hyssop>>There, should be completely perfect now! Give us a twirl!<</hyssop>>
Something about their enthusiasm makes you feel excited as well. You try to give a quick but beautiful twirl. While you spin, the bottom part of your dress moves upwards in the air. There's something about wearing the dress that actually feels freeing. You look at yourself in the mirror and suddenly catch yourself getting a glimpse of a different person. You know that it's actually yourself looking back but looking at that now, you feel like a different person altogether. This moment has you feeling excited and strange at the same time.
<<player>>It- It's wonderful, ?Hyssop. Thank you.<</player>>
They look at you with a proud smile.
<<hyssop>>I'm glad you like it! Feel free to ask if there's anything else you need!<</hyssop>>
You nod to them, still cherishing the strangely euphoric moment.
<<decision 'Return' 'Hyssop Store'>><</decision>>You set out in the woods to find some mushrooms. You know exactly the kind that ?Hyssop likes and which to avoid.?nl
<<include `either('Gather Mushrooms Bad', 'Gather Mushrooms Good', 'Gather Mushrooms Great')`>>
You managed to find <<money mushrooms false _gathered>> mushrooms.
<<changemoney mushrooms _gathered>>
<<decision 'Return' 'Forest'>><<increasetime 1 true>><<addcounter 'mushrooms' 1>><</decision>>Feeling the adventurous spirit, you make your way into a part of the woods you haven't been to before. After a long time travelling without any luck in mushrooms you manage to find a nice patch of them next to some trees. At least... Whatever's left of them. It seems like something came through here and trampled all the mushrooms, completely destroying most of them. You manage to pick out a few that are still mostly intact but unfortunately that's all you have managed to gather today.?nl
<<set _gathered = random(2, 4)>>You spend some time following your usual paths, gathering any mushrooms you have missed last time. It results in a decent amount, you manage to find quite a few of them.?nl
<<set _gathered = random(6, 8)>>Once you set out deeper in the woods you manage to find a grove you haven't been to before and luckily it is crawling with mushrooms! It takes quite a bit of time to gather all of them but at the end, you're left with a basket completely filled with mushrooms!?nl
<<set _gathered = random(10, 12)>><<addcounter 'mushroom-gathering' 1>>
<<decision 'Return' 'Forest'>><<increasetime 1>><</decision>><<addcounter 'waterfall' 1>>
<<include 'Waterfall Find Mushroom'>>
<<include 'Lumberjack Meeting Waterfall'>>
<<include 'Eve Meeting Waterfall'>>
You approach the waterfall and take a seat beside the pool. For a time, you sit in peace with only the sounds of nature surrounding you. You feel as though you have all the time in the world and may leave whenever you wish.
<<decision 'Return to the forest' 'Forest'>><</decision>>
<</first>>You approach the waterfall, admiring the rainbow of colors shimmering around the falling water. There is no one else around and you hear only the crashing of water and the singing of birds.?nl
You take a seat on a mossy rock near the edge of the pool and take a moment to enjoy the silence. It's nice to be alone outside of the castle, where no one has any expectations of you and you can simply be yourself.?nl
As you sit there quietly, a glimpse of teal catches your eye amidst the grasses growing around the pool. Is it the mushroom that you saw last time you were here? Leaning forward to get a better view, you see a yellow mushroom covered in bright teal spots that almost glow in contrast to the surrounding vegetation. This must be that other kind of mushroom ?Morgana told you about. Though you know you are alone, something in the sound of the rushing water seems to beckon you to taste the mushroom....
<<decision 'Pick the mushroom and eat it' 'Waterfall Mushroom Trip'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Resist the urge and simply enjoy the waterfall' 'Waterfall Meditation'>><</decision>>You wisely decide not to touch the mushroom. ?Morgana told you not to pick this kind; for all you know, it could be a deadly poison.?nl
You sit back on the mossy rock and continue to enjoy the sounds of the water and the birds. After a time, your eyes close, and you allow your cares to drift away.?nl
When you open your eyes again, you're not sure how much time has passed, but you feel a sense of inner peace.
<<decision 'Find your way back out of the forest' 'Meadow'>><</decision>>Almost as if you are in a trance, you pluck the mushroom and swallow it. Bizarrely, it tastes the way that the earth smells after rain. It is a strange flavor, but not unpleasant.?nl
For several minutes, you sit on the rock and contemplate why you just did that. It seems like a terrible idea to eat a strange mushroom you found in the forest, especially when ?Morgana told you not to collect this kind. However, you don't feel immediately ill...?nl
As you're scanning your body for any signs of illness, you notice that the water in the waterfall seems to suddenly be moving...upwards rather than downwards? Not only that, but the rainbow colors in the water are now becoming physical, manifesting into pure whisps of color that separate into a hundred tiny dancing figures around the edge of the pool. Some of them separate from the dance and curl around your body. Each time they touch you, you feel a warm, pleasant tickling sensation. Yup, the mushroom is definitely affecting you.
<<decision 'Lie down' 'Waterfall Mushroom Trip 2'>><</decision>><<effect charm on "rgba(0,255,127, 0.5)">>
You feel an intense need to lie down. You settle into the grasses next to the pool, which are impossibly soft as they envelop your body. You feel as though you are sinking into the grass for hours, your body heavy as a boulder.?nl
After what could have been days, you become aware that an inconceivably perfect voice has been singing to you from the waterfall. As you crane your neck to see, you spot something emerging from the waterfall.?nl
A being made of roiling water walks toward you, surrounded by a rainbow light so bright you can barely stand to look at it. Even though you can't quite make out the features of this being, you know with certainty that they are the most beautiful creature you have ever seen in your life.
<<say 'Spirit'>>I have seen you once before.<</say>>
When they speak, their voice sounds like the rush of fast-moving water.
<<player>>I- wha- who are you?<</player>>
As you speak, you trip over your tongue, which feels like a heavy river stone. Though you try to enunciate, your words come out slurred.
<<say 'Spirit'>>I am the inhabitant of this waterfall, a guardian of the forest.<</say>>
<<player>>You are so beautiful.<</player>>
The being makes a sound that is both laughter and the burbling of water in a stream.
<<say 'Spirit'>>You are also beautiful. All creatures of the earth are beautiful. The trees shelter all those who walk below them, and the stream cools all feet that walk in it.<</say>>
Before you can say anything in response, the grasses around your body grow taller and seem to embrace you around your maid outfit.
<<player>>I- thank you. Why are you telling me this?<</player>>
<<say 'Spirit'>>The wind carries glimpses of the future. You are beautiful and you will be beautiful.<</say>>
The colors around the spirit grow brighter, so bright that you shut your eyes involuntarily against the glare...
<<hyssop>>?player, is that you?<</hyssop>>
<<decision 'Open your eyes' 'Hyssop Interrupts Trip'>><</decision>>When you open your eyes, the water spirit is gone and you instead see ?Hyssop standing over you, a look of concern on their face.
<<hyssop>>Oh my goodness, ?player, did you eat one of the yellow spotted mushrooms? Oh, no, I surely would have expected ?Morgana to warn you about them! She always performed so well in our herbalism classes, too...<</hyssop>>
Groggily, you attempt to sit up, but when you try to move your limbs they feel impossibly heavy. Your mouth feels so dry.
<<hyssop>>No, no ?player! Please stay lying down. You are not in any danger, but you are going to have an interesting next few hours! Allow me to bring you back to my cottage.<</hyssop>>
<<decision 'Go with Hyssop to their cottage' 'Hyssop Trip Sits'>><</decision>>You're not sure how ?Hyssop transports you back to their cottage, but for the next several minutes your body becomes weightless and you feel as though you must be flying. You are sure that this is how birds feel when they flit effortlessly between the trees.
<<hyssop>>Ah, we are back at my home! I will set you down on this pile of cushions here. I'm sure you will be very comfortable!<</hyssop>>
The feeling of weightlessness ends and you find yourself comfortably embraced in a pile of multicolored pillows that all smell faintly of dried herbs and flowers. Lying on your back, you watch in fascination as a multitude of flowers begins to grow out of the roof and down the walls of the hut.?nl
?Hyssop disappears from your vision briefly and returns with a cup hollowed from a tree branch and a bowl of plump blue berries.
<<hyssop>>You must drink! This water is from the freshest brook nearby. It will also do you good to get some food in your belly. These berries are my favorite treat.<</hyssop>>
With some effort, you are able to drink the water and eat some of the berries. Feeling more comfortable now in your body, you sink back into the pillows and watch the ceiling for a time as visions of colors, plants, and flowers growing and shrinking throughout the hut engulfs your consciousness.?nl
<<decision 'Drift asleep' 'Hyssop Trip Sits 2'>><<effect charm off>><<increasetime 1 true>><</decision>>When the visions finally recede and you come back to yourself, you see that ?Hyssop has been sitting nearby weaving a large basket.
<<hyssop>>Ah, ?player! Welcome back!<</hyssop>>
<<player>>How long have I been...uh, out?<</player>>
<<hyssop>>For about four hours. I have already made two baskets!<</hyssop>>
You see that there are indeed two completed baskets next to ?Hyssop. You sit up and clear your throat.
<<player>>I must thank you, ?Hyssop, for kindly taking care of me during that, uh, experience. I did not know that would happen if I consumed that particular mushroom.<</player>>
?Hyssop smiles brightly.
<<hyssop>>I am always happy to help, ?player. You might be surprised at how common an occurrence this is for me! People are always mixing up those two kinds of mushrooms. Perhaps I should put up some signs...<</hyssop>>
You realize you have been gone from the castle now for quite a while.
<<player>>I must be getting back to the castle. Thank you again, and I will be sure to bring you some mushrooms in the future as further thanks for your assistance.<</player>>
?Hyssop gives you a cheerful wave as you exit the hut.
<<decision 'Make your way back out of the forest' 'Meadow'>><</decision>>You approach the waterfall, feeling instantly calmed by the familiar sound of rushing water. As you settle down onto a mossy rock, you close your eyes for a moment and enjoy the sound of nearby birds and the wind in the leaves. It would be difficult to <i>not</i> feel at peace in this place, with no one else around...
<<jack>>Oh, well, hello there!<</jack>>
You startle and jump to your feet instinctively. Looking around, you see a large, burly man holding an axe over one shoulder. He is smiling at you through a bushy beard.?nl
<<if hasTag ('lumberjack-peeped')>>
With a jolt, you realize you recognize this man. He is the lumberjack you saw in ?Sybille's dungeon. Your eyes stray automatically to his crotch before you catch yourself.
<<if settings.sph>>
It's impossible to forget how much bigger his cock was than yours.
You've never seen this man before, but based on his appearance you have to assume that he is some kind of lumberjack.
<<if hasClothesTag('feminine')>>
<<include 'Lumberjack Meeting Waterfall Crossdress'>>
<<if hasClothesTag('disguise')>>
<<include 'Lumberjack Meeting Waterfall Disguise'>>
<<decision 'Head back into the forest' 'Forest'>><</decision>>Remembering how you appear, you adjust your voice to be as feminine as possible.
<<player>>Hello, sir...<</player>>
<<jack>>Lovely day to spend some time by the waterfall. I don't believe we've met before. Do you work at the castle?<</jack>>
Though he's still smiling, he's giving you a long look. Can he tell that you're wearing a disguise? Did he ask about the castle because he recognizes you as the prince?
<<player>>Uh, ah... Well, you see, uh...<</player>>
The man tilts his head, clearly confused at your anxious response.
<<changename jack Jack>>
<<jack>>Do not worry, good lady, I mean nothing by my questions. I am simply passing by on my day's work. Well met, my name is ?Jack.<</jack>>
He gives you an encouraging smile, and you can't help but relax a little. If he's noticed anything strange about you, he isn't mentioning it.
<<player>>Uh, nice to meet you, ?Jack. Are you a woodcutter of some sort?<</player>>
He laughs, hoisting the axe on his muscled shoulder.
<<jack>>Yes, indeed. Secretly, though, my other profession is carving...well, <i>delicate</i> statues for my wife.<</jack>>
You have no idea what he means by this, but you swear you see some kind of twinkle in his eye. You pause a moment, unsure how to respond.
<<player>>That sounds nice, I suppose.<</player>>
He laughs again good-naturedly at your confusion.
<<jack>>Well, good lady, I can see I've taken up enough of your time. Please, continue enjoying the waterfall. Perhaps we will meet again sometime. Good day for now!<</jack>>
He waves cheerfully and disappears into the trees. You stay a while longer by the waterfall, pondering what he could have possibly meant by <i>delicate statues</i>...<<player>>Hello there, sir.<</player>>
<<jack>>Lovely day to spend some time by the waterfall. I don't believe we've met before. Do you work at the castle?<</jack>>
Though he's still smiling, he's giving you a long look. Can he tell that you're wearing a disguise? Did he ask about the castle because he recognizes you as the prince?
<<player>>Uh, ah... Well, you see, uh...<</player>>
The man tilts his head, clearly confused at your anxious response.
<<changename jack Jack>>
<<jack>>Do not worry, good sir, I mean nothing by my questions. I am simply passing by on my day's work. Well met, my name is ?Jack.<</jack>>
He gives you an encouraging smile, and you can't help but relax a little. He doesn't seem to have recognized you as anything more than a common man, at least not yet.
<<player>>Uh, nice to meet you, ?Jack. Are you a woodcutter of some sort?<</player>>
He laughs, hoisting the axe on his muscled shoulder.
<<jack>>Yes, indeed. Secretly, though, my other profession is carving...well, <i>delicate</i> statues for my wife.<</jack>>
He gives you a conspiratorial wink, though you really have no idea what he could mean by this. You pause a moment, unsure how to respond.
<<player>>That sounds nice, I suppose.<</player>>
He laughs again good-naturedly at your confusion.
<<jack>>Well, good sir, I can see I've taken up enough of your time. Please, continue enjoying the waterfall. Perhaps we will meet again sometime. Good day for now!<</jack>>
He waves cheerfully and disappears into the trees. You stay a while longer by the waterfall, pondering what he could have possibly meant by <i>delicate statues</i>...<<addtag 'eve-waterfall'>>
As you're approaching the waterfall, you catch sight of someone through the trees. A woman seems to be bathing in the water. Her long pink hair floats in swirling patterns around her, and you catch glimpses of her breasts as she swims lazily around the pool.<<if hasCompletedQuest('tavern-intro')>> You now notice it's ?Eve, looks like she's enjoying a swim in the woods.<</if>>
Before you can do anything, she spots you through the trees and gives you a wave.
<<eve>>Oh,<<if hasCompletedQuest('tavern-intro')>> ?newname, hey!<<else>> hello!<</if>> Don't be shy, I'm just enjoying a swim.<</eve>>
You cautiously approach the waterfall, noticing how she makes no effort to cover herself in your presence. You feel suddenly embarrassed, as though you should look away.
<<if hasClothesTag('feminine')>>
Is she so comfortable because you look like just another woman to her?
<<eve>>This place is so relaxing, don't you think?<</eve>>
She looks at you expectantly, as though nothing is out of the ordinary. You try unsuccessfully not to stare at her breasts, which are currently on full display as she stands partly out of the water.
<<if hasClothesTag('feminine')>>
You clear your throat and adjust your voice to be more feminine.
<<player>>Ah, yes, it is lovely, is it not. Do you - uh - often swim here?<</player>>
She dips her head back in the water, her body arching gracefully. As she straightens again, droplets running down her chest, she gives you a smile.
<<eve>>It's a secret pleasure of mine. <<if !hasCompletedQuest('tavern-intro')>>I work in the tavern, you see, so<</if>> I love coming here for a bit of quiet. Do you mind if I join you on the shore?<</eve>>
<<player>>I- well, be my guest.<</player>>
She starts to walk out of the pool towards you. Though you try not to look, you can't help but take in the curves of her body as she emerges from the water.?nl
As she walks closer, you realize with shock that the space between her legs is not a vulva, as you expected, but a penis. It moves casually as she walks, water dripping off the tip.
<<if settings.sph>>
Even soft and unerect, she is much bigger than you have ever been. You realize with shame that even this beautiful woman has a larger penis than you.
<<eve>>It's so warm today. I think I'll dry in the sun.<</eve>>
She sits down on the grass next you, and looks up with a smile. She pats the ground.
<<if !hasCompletedQuest('tavern-intro')>>
<<if hasClothesTag('feminine')>>
You freeze for a moment, aware of how you currently look. Surely if you were to sit so close, she would realize that you are not just a simple village girl. She might even recognize you as the prince.?nl
You freeze for a moment, remembering your disguise. Surely if you were to sit so close, she might recognize who you are.?nl
She laughs good-naturedly.
<<eve>>You're not used to nakedness, are you? It's quite natural. Try to relax.<</eve>>
She seems insistent, and you have to admit there's something enticing about this whole experience. So you sit next to her, trying not to stare too openly at her naked body.?nl
<<if hasClothesTag('feminine')>>
After you sit down, she gives you a long look.
<<eve>>You remind me of myself, some time ago. Before I quite knew myself, or at least before I fully realized my own beauty.<</eve>>
You look away from her, feeling uncomfortable under her gaze.
<<player>>H-how do you mean?<</player>>
Out of the corner of her eye, you see her smile in understanding.
<<eve>>We all must come to know ourselves over time.<</eve>>
You're not sure what she's referring to. How could you remind her of herself? You look out at the water and awkwardly change the subject.
As you sit down, she looks at you and smiles warmly. Luckily there seems to be no recognition in her eyes, and you sense that she has no idea you are the prince.
<<player>>Is it not cold? The water, I mean? You seem so comfortable.<</player>>
She reclines lazily in the grass. The sunlight shines warmly on her body, her breasts and penis on full display.
<<eve>>The water <i>is</i> cold, darling. That's what makes the sunlight feel so good.<</eve>>
She sighs comfortably, closing her eyes. You sit in silence for some moments, wondering about this strange woman who is so secure in herself. Despite her chaste approach to nudity, or perhaps because of it, there is something arousing about her. Are you attracted to her body? Is there possibly some part of you that wants what she has??nl
After some time passes, she opens her eyes and smiles at you.
<<eve>>Well, I believe I'm dry. It's been lovely chatting. Perhaps I'll see you in the tavern sometime.<</eve>>
She gives you a wink and pulls a delicate dress from the grass, slipping it over her head in one swift movement.
<<eve>>My name is ?Eve, by the way.<</eve>>
As she turns away, you manage a short farewell through your bewilderment. She walks lightly into the forest, leaving you by the waterfall with only your thoughts as company.?nl
You sit next to her, quite embarrassed by the interaction.
<<eve>>You a little on edge, something wrong?<</eve>>
<<player>>Uhm, well it's just, that uh- you are...<</player>>
She look at you with a puzzled expression.
<<eve>>I'm naked? Oh, you're not really used to that are you, ?newname?<</eve>>
You nod at her with a timid expression.
<<eve>>I suppose this is a little different to seeing each other at the tavern, but it's lovely running into you!<</eve>>
<<player>>Is it not cold? The water, I mean? You seem so comfortable.<</player>>
She reclines lazily in the grass. The sunlight shines warmly on her body, her breasts and penis on full display.
<<eve>>The water <i>is</i> cold, darling. That's what makes the sunlight feel so good.<</eve>>
After some time passes, she opens her eyes and smiles at you.
<<eve>>Well, I believe I'm dry. It's been lovely chatting. I suppose I'll see you at work, ?newname!<</eve>>
As she turns away, you manage a short farewell through your bewilderment. She walks lightly into the forest, leaving you by the waterfall with only your thoughts as company.?nl
You stay a few moments more, pondering this strange interaction before you too head back into the forest.
<<decision 'Leave the waterfall' 'Forest'>><</decision>><img src="images/maps/forest.png" class="navigation-map" usemap="#forest-map">
<map name="forest-map">
<area data-passage="Waterfall" alt="Waterfall" title="Waterfall" center="345,541" coords="203,68,97,149,36,267,10,386,21,438,34,491,65,539,104,589,148,629,185,648,225,659,264,668,297,668,341,666,391,666,433,655,477,644,507,635,536,624,562,616,593,600,612,578,639,563,656,539,671,515,693,493,709,469,711,436,711,410,717,379,715,353,713,320,707,294,700,265,691,241,669,213,654,193,630,167,612,153,584,129,564,116,536,96,516,83,485,66,459,64,424,57,400,55,367,50,345,46,306,53,286,57,246,61" shape="poly">
<area data-passage="Bandit camp" alt="Bandit camp" title="Bandit camp" center="766,1071" coords="347,850,301,898,271,942,251,997,227,1058,220,1120,225,1174,262,1203,308,1222,384,1222,446,1222,505,1227,562,1227,621,1225,687,1220,746,1218,807,1216,864,1216,926,1216,989,1216,1044,1214,1105,1214,1167,1209,1219,1181,1259,1141,1272,1087,1265,1027,1245,977,1215,918,1167,885,1121,850,1070,815,1031,795,985,789,919,782,864,780,801,780,744,782,680,782,623,780,564,782,505,791,444,797,391,824" shape="poly">
<area data-passage="Druid Hut" alt="Druid Hut" title="Druid Hut" center="1309,291" coords="1105,322,1136,359,1171,399,1213,418,1235,421,1267,425,1296,429,1355,434,1414,432,1471,421,1528,405,1585,386,1629,346,1653,298,1670,237,1668,177,1660,138,1651,116,1614,81,1559,55,1500,35,1445,24,1397,15,1324,28,1267,44,1208,66,1186,74,1167,92,1134,136,1112,195,1101,234,1103,283" shape="poly">
<area data-passage="Meadow" alt="Meadow" title="Meadow" center="2238,986" coords="2014,716,2005,776,2005,837,2012,892,2021,955,2029,1014,2047,1069,2080,1115,2119,1159,2178,1168,2238,1170,2301,1166,2358,1150,2408,1122,2443,1071,2454,1019,2463,955,2466,894,2474,837,2477,776,2470,719,2466,662,2466,600,2461,539,2452,478,2446,423,2439,390,2428,362,2404,329,2383,318,2343,309,2321,313,2282,324,2260,335,2234,364,2205,399,2183,432,2159,467,2139,504,2120,537,2102,572,2078,607,2043,657" shape="poly">
<area data-passage="Forest" alt="Forest" title="Forest" center="1478,784" coords="902,504,877,550,873,622,877,659,897,677,948,710,1002,738,1029,754,1061,751,1083,760,1116,773,1169,802,1215,837,1241,863,1261,885,1278,909,1291,927,1309,953,1329,981,1362,1003,1383,1017,1410,1019,1436,1017,1495,999,1550,973,1598,938,1635,892,1660,835,1679,778,1695,719,1695,655,1697,600,1690,546,1668,506,1646,491,1596,471,1535,464,1478,489,1419,500,1359,500,1300,495,1243,482,1186,462,1134,438,1114,436,1075,438,1059,434,1018,451,980,458,941,473" shape="poly">
</map><p id="location-description">
You stand in the midst of the meadow, surrounded by a kaleidoscope of wildflowers swaying in the breeze. A dirt road leads towards the edge of the forest.
</p><p id="location-description">
The forest is a lush expanse of towering trees, their verdant canopies creating a cathedral-like atmosphere of serenity. Sunlight filters through the leaves, dappling the mossy ground with a gentle, enchanting glow.
</p><p id="location-description">
Nestled within the shadows of towering trees, the bandit camp in the forest is a makeshift haven of secrecy and danger. Tattered tents and flickering campfires blend with the dense foliage, creating an ominous ambiance.
</p><p id="location-description">
A hidden gem in the heart of the forest, the waterfall cascades down rugged rocks with an invigorating roar, sending a fine mist into the air. Sunlight pierces through the dense foliage, creating iridescent rainbows that dance in the spray, adding a touch of magic to the serene woodland scene.
</p><p id="location-description">
Seemingly in the middle of nowhere, a lonely shack stands proudly in the middle of this secluded grove deep inside the forest. The hut is surrounded by several large swatches of flower patches, which appear to be intentionally cultivated. The house itself is covered in stick embezzlements, like charms and tiny totems in the shape of forest critters.
</p><<decision 'Head back to the castle'>>
<<if hasClothesTag('disguise')>>
<<goto 'Sneak in'>>
<<goto 'Walk in no disguise'>>
<<if hasCompletedQuest('sybille-tavern')>>
<<decision 'Head down the road that goes into town' 'Road'>><</decision>>
<</if>><<money 'mushrooms' true>>
<<if !hasCounter('mushrooms') and getTime() !== 'night'>>
<<decision 'Gather mushrooms in the woods' 'Gather Mushrooms'>><</decision>>
<</if>><<if hasQuest('rosa-flowers') and !hasTag('rosa-pink-flower')>>
<<decision 'Look for the pink flowers Rosa mentioned' 'Rosa Find Flower Bandit Camp'>><</decision>>
<</if>><<if hasQuest('rosa-flowers') and getTime() === 'night' and !hasTag('rosa-blue-flower')>>
<<decision 'Look for the blue flowers Rosa mentioned' 'Rosa Find Flower Waterfall'>><</decision>>
<<elseif !hasCounter('waterfall') and getTime() !== 'night'>>
<<decision 'Relax by the waterfall' 'Waterfall Relax'>><</decision>>
<</if>><<addcounter 'alley-explore' 1>>
<<if getTime() === 'night'>>
<<if not hasVisited('Alley Mugger')>>
<<goto 'Alley Mugger'>>
<<goto `either('Alley Find Drunkard', 'Alley Find Couple', 'Alley Mugger')`>>
<<if not hasVisited('Alley Find Cat')>>
<<goto 'Alley Find Cat'>>
<<elseif not hasVisited('Alley Find Drunkard')>>
<<goto 'Alley Find Drunkard'>>
<<elseif not hasVisited('Alley Find Couple')>>
<<goto 'Alley Find Couple'>>
<<goto `either('Alley Find Drunkard', 'Alley Find Couple')`>>
<</if>>You wander down the alley, taking in the sights and smells of refuse. It's not particularly pleasant, and you suspect this is not a place you should be spending much time. Just as you're turning to leave, however, you hear a small, muffled cry.?nl
It takes some minutes, but eventually you move a rotten wooden crate aside to find a striped orange cat crouched in a pile of tattered rags. The cat looks quite skinny, except for a large, round belly. You're fairly certain this cat must be pregnant.?nl
The cat arches her back and hisses at you, her eyes wide. She seems scared of people, but she also seems hungry... Perhaps you could bring her some food??nl
<<decision 'Leave the cat alone'>>
This alley cat's wellbeing really isn't your problem, and in any case, she doesn't seem to want your help. You carefully place the wooden crate back and realize you should probably get out of this alley.
<<decision 'Leave the alley' 'Town square'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Resolve to bring the cat some food'>>
<<addtag ask-about-cat-food>>
You can't just leave this hungry, pregnant cat to fend for herself. You know the castle has several cats in residence to catch mice. Perhaps ?Rosa would know where to get some appropriate food??nl
You speak to the cat in soothing tones and promise to bring her something to eat. She hisses at you, her fur standing on end, but you know she's just scared.
<<decision 'Put the crate back and leave the alley' 'Town square'>><</decision>>
<</decision>>You wander through the alley, wrinkling your nose at the faint whiff of urine. You notice little except for an old man who is currently slumped against the wall of the tavern, snoring loudly. As you approach, the smell of urine and stale beer grows stronger; he seems to have soiled himself in his drunken stupor.?nl
There doesn't seem to be much of interest here.
<<decision 'Leave the alley' 'Town square'>><</decision>>As you start to enter the alley, you realize that there are two men already there, pushed up against the side of a building. You pull back to not be seen and listen for a moment. You're quite certain that you hear the sound of moaning, and something like a rhythmic slapping.?nl
They seem far too busy to have noticed you. You could just sneak away and leave them to their business... On the other hand, you could just as easily creep forward and hide behind a pile of crates to watch...
<<decision 'Creep closer to watch' 'Alley Couple Anal' depravity small >><</decision>>
<<decision 'Back out of the alley' 'Town square' virtue small>><</decision>><<addsin 'peeping'>>
You crouch and make your way silently into the alley. From a hiding place behind old crates you can see the two men better. They are wearing simple peasant clothes, but their faces are handsome and their bodies are strong from regular physical labor. One is pressed up against the wall of the building, his back arched and his blonde hair falling into his eyes. The other, a man with pale skin and dark curly hair, is moving rhymically against him.?nl
You crouch there watching until your eyes adjust to the dim light and you can make out more detail. You can see the blonde man stroking his own thick member while pushing himself repeatedly backwards, moaning each time the dark-haired man thrusts deep inside him.
<<say 'Dark-Haired Man'>>Fuck, your ass is good...<</say>>
The blonde man throws his head back and moans even louder. The dark-haired man stuffs a hand over his mouth and lets out a low chuckle.
<<say 'Dark-Haired Man'>>Not so loud, we don't want anyone to hear...<</say>>
The blonde man moans through the fingers over his mouth, still pushing himself backward onto the other man's cock. The dark-haired man increases the speed of his thrusts, pounding hard into the blonde man with a look of hunger in his eyes.?nl
The blonde man gives up trying to coordinate his movements and allows himself to be fucked hard against the building, still moaning through the other man's fingers. Finally, he cries out as he orgasms, his cum splattering across the side of the building.
<<say 'Dark-Haired Man'>>Oh, fuck...<</say>>
The dark-haired man seems to reach his orgasm as well. He pulls out of the other man for a brief moment, shooting cum onto his hole before thrusting deep inside to finish his orgasm. The blonde man leans exhaustedly against the wall, moaning softly as he is filled up.?nl
As the men come down from their excitement, you realize you should probably sneak back out of the alley before they notice you...
<<decision 'Quietly leave the alley' 'Town square'>><</decision>><<removetag ask-about-cat-food>>
?Rosa appears to be rolling out some kind of pastry dough when you enter the kitchen, and the delicious scent of warm spices fills the air. She looks up as you enter.
<<rosa>>Hello, m'lord! Can I help you with something?<</rosa>>
<<player>>I hope you can. You see, on one of my...well, excursions, I came across a very hungry looking cat who also appeared to be pregnant. I don't suppose you know where I could find some food I could bring her?<</player>>
?Rosa looks touched that you have come to her with such a question.
<<rosa>>How kind of you, m'lord! Well, normally the mousing cats catch their own food throughout the castle. But I think I have something you could use...<</rosa>>
She disappears into the larder and re-emerges a few moments later with a small cloth bundle, which she hands to you.
<<rosa>>I had a bit of meat left on a chicken carcass from today's dinner. This should be enough to feed a very hungry cat.<</rosa>>
<<player>>Thank you so much, ?Rosa. I'll be sure she gets this.<</player>>
<<decision 'Bring the cat the food' 'Alley Cat Food 1'>><</decision>><<addcounter 'fed-cat' 1>>
<<setlocation 'Alley'>>
<<outfit disguise>>
<<addtag feeding-cat>>
You make your way out of the castle in disguise and head to the town. You duck into the alley and quickly find the cat, this time curled up asleep in her bed of rags. You open the cloth of food and place it next to her gently.?nl
She wakes slowly, sniffing the air. When she sees you, she starts to recoil, but then stops when she notices the food. She immediately wolfs the food down, keeping a careful watch on you the whole time.?nl
She still looks scared, but she's no longer hissing at you. Most importantly, she's got food in her belly. You resolve to bring some scraps from your next meal the next time you come to town.
<<decision 'Sneak back into the castle and remove your disguise' 'Bedroom'>>
<<increasetime 1 true>>
<<outfit standard>>
<<decision 'Stay in town for a while longer' 'Town square'>>
<<increasetime 1 true>>
<</decision>><<addcounter 'fed-cat' 1>>
<<include 'Alley Cat Food 2'>>
<<include 'Alley Cat Food 3'>>
<<include 'Alley Cat Food 4'>>
<<include 'Keep Feeding Mother Cat'>>
<</first>>You find the cat in her usual spot. She is sleeping when you uncover her, but starts to wake as you set down a piece of meat you stashed away from your last dinner. She eats the meat, less hungrily than last time, and looks at you warily.?nl
You slowly reach out a hand and let her sniff it. She doesn't shrink away this time, so you brush a hand very gently across her fur. She still seems wary, but allows you to give her some light pats before moving away again. You figure she has had enough; you can always come back another time to give her more food.
<<decision 'Leave the alley' 'Town square'>><</decision>>You find the cat awake. She's looking even more pregnant than before, and perhaps a little uncomfortable with her big belly. She accepts the scraps you saved for her from your last dinner gratefully, and seems to almost relax as you run your hand gently across her fur. You realize happily that she seems to be starting to trust you.?nl
After you spend some time petting the cat, you promise her you'll be back again soon with more food.
<<decision 'Leave the alley' 'Town square'>><</decision>>Before you even get to the cat's hiding spot, you notice something is different than last time. In the quiet of the alley, you can just make out a chorus of tiny mewling voices. You pull aside the rotten crate eagerly, and see a pile of tiny kittens, their eyes not yet open. The mother cat is curled around them as they nurse, and she looks at you with trust as you approach.?nl
You gently place down another offering of meat scraps and watch as the mother cat eats gratefully. When she has finished, she even allows you to pet her kittens. They are warm and soft, and so small that they could fit in the palm of your hand.?nl
You realize that this cat will probably need even more help now that her kittens are born. Perhaps you could just keep bringing her food a while longer, until she can get it herself... On the other hand, perhaps you could bring the cat and her kittens to the castle... ?Rosa would probably know what to do with a litter of kittens...?nl
<<decision 'Leave the cat here'>>
You think better of trying to move a mother cat and all her kittens. You can keep bringing food any time you're in town, after all, and the castle probably doesn't need any more cats. You pet the kittens a while longer before heading back out of the alley.
<<decision 'Leave the alley' 'Town square'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Bring the cats to Rosa' 'Put Cats In Box'>>
<<addtag adopt-cats>>
<<removetag feeding-cat>>
<</decision>>You find the cat and her kittens in their usual place. The mother cat looks at you expectantly as you hand her a pile of choice pieces from your last dinner. She eats them and happily lets you pet her and her kittens, who seem to have gotten bigger since last time. After a while you stand up and say goodbye to them.
<<decision 'Leave the alley' 'Town square'>><</decision>>You salvage a good-condition wooden crate from the alley and line it with some scraps of fabric. The mother cat watches you with concern as you start to place the kittens in the box, but then calms when you make room for her to jump in too. She seems willing to let you take her and her kittens with you.
<<decision 'Bring the crate to Rosa' 'Bring Cats Rosa'>><</decision>><<setlocation 'Kitchen'>>
You bring the crate of kittens into the kitchen, just as ?Rosa is pulling a loaf of bread out of the stone oven. She recognizes you in your disguise and looks at you curiously.
<<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>
<<rosa>>Hello there, fellow maid! What do you have in the box?<</rosa>>
<<rosa>>Hello there, sir! What do you have in the box?<</rosa>>
<<player>>Come, look!<</player>>
?Rosa approaches and peeks inside the box. She gasps with delight.
<<rosa>>The kittens! And the mother cat! They all look so healthy, thanks to you!<</rosa>>
A huge smile is on ?Rosa's face as she reaches in and gently pets one of the kittens.
<<player>>I realized that the mother cat was going to need some extra help now that her kittens are born. Do you know how we could take care of them for a while?<</player>>
?Rosa looks suddenly excited.
<<rosa>>I would be happy to take care of them! I've raised many a litter myself already. I have a warm spot under the counter they can stay for now, and then when they're a bit older, they can become castle mousers!<</rosa>>
You're a bit relieved ?Rosa knows what to do, as you've never had to take care of such helpless creatures before. You hand her the crate, and she places it down carefully in a safe corner of the kitchen.
<<rosa>>Don't worry, I'll take the very best care of them.<</rosa>>
<<player>>Thank you so much, ?Rosa.<</player>>
<<decision 'Remove your disguise and head back into the castle' 'Hallway'>>
<<outfit standard>>
<<decision 'Return to town' 'Town square'>><</decision>>You crouch down and find the mother cat curled around her litter. She happily allows you to pet her and her kittens, and purrs loudly as you scratch gently behind her ears. When you eventually pull your arm away she even bats her head against your hand, as though asking for more scratches.?nl
You stay there for a while, contentedly petting the cats until you've had your fill.
<<decision 'Say goodbye to the cats for now' 'Kitchen'>><</decision>>You make your way down the alley, finding it difficult to navigate in the darkness. You stumble across something under your feet, and turn around to see an old chair leg laid across the path. Just as you're wondering why someone would leave this in the middle of the walkway, a man emerges from behind a stack of crates, pointing a large knife at you.
<<say 'Mugger'>>Oi, you, give me your purse or I'll give you the end of my knife!<</say>>
Instinctively, you throw your hands up, keeping your eyes on the knife. Is this why people talk about not going into dark alleyways?
<<if money('gold') < 15>>
You think of the coin purse in your pocket, and know <<if money('gold') < 1>>it is completely empty<<else>>you have just a few coins inside<</if>>.
<<player>>I- I have <<if money('gold') < 1>>no<<else>>very little<</if>> gold!<</player>>
<<say 'Mugger'>>Haha, I've heard that one before. Throw it over, <<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>little lady<<else>>good sir<</if>>.<</say>>
<<player>>No, really, I'm not lying...<</player>>
You throw your <<if money('gold') < 1>>empty<<else>>mostly empty<</if>> coin purse at his feet. He kicks it to double-check your claim.
<<say 'Mugger'>>Well, you could still have plenty of coins on your person. You won't mind if I double-check, of course.<</say>>
It doesn't really seem like a question, so you keep your hands up while he pats you down, still pointing the knife at you. When he's satisfied you aren't lying, he takes a step back.
<<say 'Mugger'>>Well, damn, are you really that poor? I guess you can give me something else instead...<</say>>
In the darkness, you can just make out him winking at you.
<<player>>L-like what?<</player>>
<<say 'Mugger'>>Oh, you know... You could give me a bit of relief with that mouth of yours...<</say>>
You stare at him. Because you don't have <<if money('gold') < 1>>any<<else>>a lot of<</if>> money, this mugger wants you to give him a blowjob? You suppose the situation is exciting in a way, but on the other hand, he's the one who's the criminal here. You shouldn't have to do this if you don't want to...
<<decision 'Get out of the situation' 'Alley Mugger Rejected' virtue small>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Acquiesce to his request' 'Alley Mugger Blowjob' depravity medium>><</decision>>
<<player>>W-why should I? I earned this gold, fair and square!<</player>>
<<say 'Mugger'>>And I take it, fair and square, or you get the knife! Your choice, <<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>little lady<<else>>good sir<</if>>.<</say>>
You stare at him, words escaping you. You could just hand over the gold, and he would probably leave you alone. Then again, would he really stab you if you refused?
<<decision 'Hand over your purse'>>
<<changemoney 'gold' -15>>
<br>Reluctantly, you remove your coin purse from your <<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>dress<<else>>pants<</if>> and throw it to him. He rifles through, pulling out a handful of gold and stuffing it into his pocket. He throws the purse back to you.
<<player>>You're not, uh, taking all of it?<</player>>
<<say 'Mugger'>>I'm not an animal! Anyway, pleasure doing business with you. Have a great night.<</say>>
You watch, dumbfounded, as he strolls out of the alley, whistling to himself. You've never had to worry about money before, but now that you're earning your own gold, having it taken from you feels quite unpleasant. Still, from what you've heard of muggings, this one was probably a best case scenario.?nl
You stuff your now-lighter coin purse back in your <<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>dress<<else>>pants<</if>> and sigh deeply before heading back out of the alley.
<<decision 'Leave the alley' 'Town square'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Refuse to give him any gold'>>
<<player>>N-no, I won't! I earned this gold, fair and square!<</player>>
It's hard to tell in the dim light, but you think you see a look of confusion on the man's face.
<<say 'Mugger'>>Huh. You know, no one's ever refused before. They usually just throw over the money and I leave them in peace, fair and square...<</say>>
You gain a bit of confidence hearing his words. Clearly this man isn't used to casually stabbing people.
<<player>>Well, then, there's a first time for everything. Go find someone else to mug!<</player>>
<<say 'Mugger'>>Hey, listen, you've got to give me something, that's how this works. I guess you can give me something other than gold...<</say>>
In the darkness, you can just make out him winking at you.
<<player>>L-like what?<</player>>
<<say 'Mugger'>>Oh, you know... You could give me a bit of relief with that mouth of yours...<</say>>
You stare at him. Because you won't give him any money, this mugger wants you to give him a blowjob? You suppose the situation is exciting in a way, but on the other hand, he's the one who's the criminal here. You shouldn't have to do this if you don't want to...
<<decision 'Get out of the situation' 'Alley Mugger Rejected' virtue small>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Acquiesce to his request' 'Alley Mugger Blowjob' depravity medium>><</decision>>
<</if>>Even though this situation is obviously dangerous, you can't help but feel a bit angry at his suggestion. Before you can think of a more tactful way to get away, you find yourself raising your voice.
<<player>>Because you're not going to get any gold from me, you want me to suck you off? What's wrong with you?<</player>>
The man takes a step back, lowering his knife.
<<say 'Mugger'>>Woah, <<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>little lady<<else>>good sir<</if>>, I'm just a simple businessman trying to complete a transaction here. I'm not some kind of criminal!<</say>>
You stare at him, an obvious criminal, attempting to commit a crime.
<<say 'Mugger'>>Haha, I mean, not that kind of criminal. Anyway, I guess I'll let you off this time, but I hope next time we can complete our transaction, fair and square!<</say>>
You watch, dumbfounded, as he strolls out of the alley, whistling to himself. You've never had to worry about money before, but now that you're earning your own gold, the thought of having it taken from you is quite unpleasant. You certainly hope you don't see this mugger again.
<<decision 'Leave the alley' 'Town square'>><</decision>><<addsin 'blowjob'>>
<<addsin 'cum-eating'>>
<<player>>If I, uh, help you out, you'll leave me alone?<</player>>
The man looks suddenly excited.
<<say 'Mugger'>>Woah, I didn't expect that to work! Of course, then our transaction would be complete.<</say>>
You're not sure why, but something about this situation is turning you on. Without another word, you get on your knees in front of the man.?nl
He grunts and lowers his pants to reveal his cock, already beginning to stiffen in front of your eyes. You hesitate for a moment, then reach out and place your hand on the shaft. Slowly, you begin to stroke, watching as he grows harder in your hand. You look up and in the dim light you can see him throw his head back.
<<say 'Mugger'>>Oh, yeah... Spit on it...<</say>>
You pause for a second. He wants you to spit on it? Well, you're already pleasuring him with your hand; you might as well add some lubrication. You do as he says and spit on his cock, causing him to let out a low moan. As you continue moving your hand along the shaft, it slides effortlessly over your own saliva.
<<say 'Mugger'>>Come on, put your mouth on it...<</say>>
Are you really going to do this? Suck off a mugger in an alleyway? It seems you are, and some part of you is enjoying it, too. You might as well go all in.?nl
You lean forward and take his cock into your mouth, a light salty flavor coating your tongue. You begin to suck, still stroking the base of the shaft with your hand.
<<say 'Mugger'>>Fuck, yeah, slobber all over it...<</say>>
You're starting to get into your task now. You pull the cock out of your mouth and spit liberally, then slide it back into your mouth. As you continue moving your mouth along the shaft, you notice that the sloppier you are, the more he seems to enjoy it.
<<say 'Mugger'>>Ugh, that's so good...<</say>>
<<img 'morgana/bandit_blowjob.gif' 'ridge-border' '36em'>>
You continue sloppily sucking him off, feeling the wetness spreading on your face as you pleasure him. As you increase your speed he begins moaning loudly, clearly enjoying the loud sucking noises you're making.
<<say 'Mugger'>>Nearly there...<</say>>
You increase your speed even more, enthusiastically bobbing your head up and down on his dick, the wet sounds echoing through the alleyway. He lets out a long moan as he suddenly orgasms, the cum shooting unexpectedly into the back of your mouth. You almost choke for a moment, but try to relax and allow his load to slide down your throat. When you pull his cock out of your mouth with a final, wet squelch, he looks down at you, impressed.
<<say 'Mugger'>>Damn, that was way better than any gold. I think that makes us even, fair and square.<</say>>
You stand up, feeling suddenly awkward as he tucks his wet cock back into his pants.
<<say 'Mugger'>>Hey, maybe we can do this again sometime. Have a nice day, <<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>little lady<<else>>good sir<</if>>!<</say>>
You watch, dumbfounded, as he strolls out of the alley, whistling to himself. You can hardly believe that you just gave a criminal a blowjob in a sketchy alleyway. It's also getting late, you should probably leave before anything else happens.
<<decision 'Head back to the castle' 'Bedtime'>><</decision>><<store beau>>
[[Return | Smithy]]You point at the intricately crafted quill and ?Beau retrieves it for you from the glass case.
<<beau>>Good choice! A beautiful gift for a beautiful person!<</beau>>
You hand her the gold coins and she happily accepts them, giving you your item in return.
<<player>>Thank you, ?Beau. It looks really nice!<</player>>
<<beau>>You're welcome, as always!<</beau>>
You're sure ?Orson is going to love this quill. You pocket the gift and save it for a good moment to give to him.
<<decision 'Leave' 'Smithy'>>
<<startquest 'orson-gift-quill'>>
<</decision>>You bring the copper dildo to the counter and lay it in front of ?Beau. You awkwardly try to avoid eye contact as you try to make this purchase.
<<beau>>This one then? Good starting choice! It's got all kinds of nice features: modestly sizes, realistic sensation and warmth, positional locking, all that to achieve a nice climax! For you and the dildo! Hahaha!<</beau>>
You're not sure what she means exactly as she suddenly bursts out laughing again. You awkwardly join in and hand her the required amount of gold coins as she puts the dildo in a little baggie for you.
<<beau>>Enjoy, friend! Be sure not to get worn out, the tool for sure wont! Hahaha!<</beau>>
<<player>>Uhm- yeah. Thank you.<</player>>
You quickly decide to get out of here before her laugh draws any attention to this place.
<<decision 'Quickly take your leave' 'Smithy'>><</decision>><<setlocation 'Boarding Room'>>
You head over to your room to prepare yourself for the work tonight. Now what are you thinking of doing this fine evening, full of lustful opportunities?
<<decision 'Training time with toys' 'Brothel Work Training'>>
<<decision 'Work the gloryholes' 'Brothel Work Gloryhole'>>
<<disableif true>>
Coming soon!
<<decision 'Pick a client entertain in your room' 'Brothel Work Client'>>
<<disableif true>>
Coming soon!
<<decision 'Change your mind' 'Tavern'>><</decision>>You lie down on your bed and excitedly open your nightstand drawer.
<<decision 'Change your mind' 'Tavern'>><</decision>>You step through a door into the backside of the tavern, where the most sinful happenings are neatly kept separate from the rest of the tavern. You see ?Eve standing in the hallway of the boarding rooms and smiles at you as you walk up to her.
<<eve>>Hey, ?newname! Are you ready for a shift of fun activities?<</eve>>
She gives you a quick eyebrow raise as she's basically shouting your intentions for coming here through the hallway, making you blush. You nod at her, still feeling completely awkward about the kind of work you're here to do.
<<eve>>Awesome! We've got lots of clients waiting for attention tonight. As always it's up to you to choose who you want to take on. Here, I'll walk you to the waiting room.<</eve>>
Both of you walk over to the foyer area of the brothel proper. ?Eve opens a small latticed window to let you peek at the waiting clients.
<<decision 'Choose a client' 'Brothel Work Selection'>>
<</decision>><<setlocation 'Brothel'>>
<<eve>>You just let me know who you want and I'll send them over to your room.<</eve>>
You take a good look at the people lounging while they wait to be seen. There's quite a selection tonight.
<<set $paycheck = 10>>
<<decision 'Start working'>>
- noblewoman from the inn, wants to be serviced, selfish lover, kink is having sex with lower class people - Lucas
- woodcutter Jack who wants to be dommed - Chloe
- flamboyant colorful person, very fancy, Merry - Chloe
- woman looking for first time sex
- old man, actually very sweet, spend the night just talking
- someone looking for the girlfriend experience
- the bandit, jocky dude, very dominant but sweet afterwards
- sergeant quinn? caspar?
<<if !hasVisited('Brothel Work Event Dominant Man')>>
<<goto 'Tavern Work Event Gossip'>>
<<elseif !hasVisited('Tavern Work Event Noblewoman')>>
<<goto 'Tavern Work Event Noblewoman'>>
<<startquest 'velma-progress'>>
<<goto `either('Tavern Work Event Gossip', 'Tavern Work Event Noblewoman', 'Tavern Work Event Pee', 'Tavern Work Event Failure', 'Tavern Work Event Merchant', 'Tavern Work Event Rude Grandma', 'Tavern Work Event Bathroom')`>>
<</decision>><<setlocation 'Tavern'>>
<<addcounter 'eve-tavern' 1>>
Luckily, after this eventful shift, you say goodbye and are quickly left alone in your room, giving you a moment to recover from what happened.?nl
You take a moment to count the money left by your client, making a total of <<money gold false $paycheck>> gold for your hard work!?nl
Even though you have your own room here, you still feel totally uncomfortable actually spending the night here. What if someone came to your castle quarters in the morning and found you missing? You couldn't handle the total lock-down they would put you in once they find you... Yes, it's best to simply sneak back to the castle now and sleep in your royal bed.
<<changemoney gold $paycheck>>
<<decision 'Head in for the night' 'Bedtime'>>
<</decision>>It's late at night when you're walking through the tavern. There are still some patrons sipping drinks - even a few looking at you expectantly - but you're here now for an altogether different reason than serving ale.?nl
You walk up to the bar where you spot ?Eve, washing some mugs.
<<eve>>Hey ?newname! Isn't it already past your shift?<</eve>>
You look away awkwardly and scratch your arm while you make your voice softer.
<<player>>Uhm- Yes, I'm actually here for the... other work...<</player>>
Her puzzled expression is quickly broken by a sly smile the moment she realizes what you mean.
<<eve>>Oh! ?madameV gave you permission then! You can come and work at the brothel?!<</eve>>
She lets out an excited squeal and jumps up happily, not really worrying about making a scene or your embarrassment.
<<player>>Uh- Yes, she told me I can try it out... Please don't shout about this too loud, ?Eve.<</player>>
You quickly look around to see if anyone heard her mention the brothel work as she immediately places her hands over her mouth.
<<eve>>Oh, I'm sorry! I just got excited is all! This is going to be so much fun, you get to do the best part of working here with me!<</eve>>
She abruptly gives you a quick hug and then looks at you intensely.
<<eve>>Don't worry, this must be new and scary to you but I'll be there with you! I think it's best we go to ?madameV first and let her know you're ready.<</eve>>
You nod at her as she takes your hand and guides you to ?Velma's office.
<<decision 'Go to Velma' 'Brothel Eve Intro 2'>>
<</decision>><<setlocation 'Velma\'s Office'>>
?Eve knocks on the ?madame's door before entering. You step into the room, right behind ?Eve and see ?Velma sitting behind her desk. She's looking at you both expectantly.
<<velma>>Yes, my dears, what can I help you with?<</velma>>
?Eve clears her throat and gives a playful bow before responding to her.
<<eve>>My illustrious ?madame, I am proud to present to you: your amazing and promising new <em>prostitute</em>! More than ready to fulfill this ancient and honorable profession, ?he is ready for ?his onboarding!<</eve>>
She holds out both arms as she turns to you, presenting you like you're the volunteer in a magic show. Your cheeks immediately turn bright red as you want to do nothing more than punch ?Eve for catching you off guard like that. You embarrassingly look at ?Velma, waiting for her response. You see an amused smile appear on her face.
<<velma>>Well, dramatics aside, it looks like you made your decision then, ?newname? Do you wish to become a sexworker at my brothel?<</velma>>
<<player>>Uh- Yes, ?madame. I wish to increase my service to you. I promise to perform any duties that the profession requires.<</player>>
?Eve let's out a quiet excited gasp while ?Velma leans back in her chair and looks you up and down.
<<velma>>Whoa there, no need to make any promises like that, ?newname. We're a very refined establishment, you won't be required to do anything you're not comfortable with.<</velma>>
You give her a quick nod as she continues.
<<velma>>But that fact aside, I must say I am pleasantly surprised to hear you make this decision. Even though ?Eve has a flair for dramatics, she is correct. It is a noble profession and I will gladly give you the opportunity for it.<</velma>>
She stands up from her chair and walks past her desk.
<<velma>>Let us start the onboarding right now then, I have already prepared a room for you. Please follow me.<</velma>>
<<if hasTag('eve-romance')>>
?Eve immediately takes you by the arm, excitedly clinging to you as you both walk behind ?Velma.
<<eve>>Yay! This is so exciting!<</eve>>
?Velma takes the both of you through the elusive brown door at the back of the tavern that you have seen ?Eve sneak through on multiple occasions. Behind it you find the long hallway that leads to the different boarding rooms.?nl
Someone unaware of the tavern's lewd dealings might be inclined to think this just a normal inn, it certainly looks unremarkable. At the far end of the long hallway you see a large door ordained with bright red curtains. It looks so fancy that it feels like it would better belong in your castle than this place.?nl
Though it leaves you curious for what's behind it, the mystery will have to wait. ?Velma stops halfway down the corridor and opens one of the doors, gesturing for you to step inside. Before ?Eve can excitedly step into the room first, ?Velma puts a hand in front of her to stop her.
<<velma>>Give us a moment, ?Eve. I will call you when we're ready.<</velma>>
She nods and turns to lean against the hallway wall, waiting patiently.
<<decision 'Step inside the room' 'Brothel Eve Intro 3'>>
<</decision>><<setlocation 'Boarding Room'>>
<<completequest 'boarding-room'>>
You step into a small boarding room, it's decorated rather practically. You take a good look around as you walk inside. There's a bed, a wardrobe, a small dressing table with a mirror, and that's basically it. The place feels rather dusty but the sheets look fresh. ?nl
?Velma steps inside after you and closes the door behind her.
<<velma>>So, welcome to your new room, ?newname. I know it's not quite what you're used to but it is all I could spare right now. Consider it yours for as long as you work here.<</velma>>
You look at her while going over the situation in your head. The place feels cramped and absolutely less refined than what you have at the castle but somehow you find that it actually makes you feel... happy.?nl
Through strange happenstance you have actually received something for yourself, your own tiny little room at a brothel. The fact that you have earned this by proving yourself through honest - and now unconventional - work makes you feel surprisingly positive. A feeling that is quickly revealed through the beaming smile on your face.
<<player>>It's actually lovely, ?madame. I'm really thankful.<</player>>
<<velma>>I'm glad you like it. After you first mentioned wanting to pursue this vocation I've had correspondence with our mutual benefactor. ?Sybille actually reasoned it might be good for you to have your own room here if you wish to do this kind of work.<</velma>>
You stare at her quite baffled. ?Sybille already knows you want to work here at the brothel?! ?Velma seems to spot your panic and quickly interjects.
<<velma>>Before you start wondering, she didn't seem wholly surprised that you want to do this. She showed no animosity for it, in fact, I get the sense she actually encourages it.<</velma>>
<<player>>Ah- uhm- well that is good to hear, I suppose. Perhaps it is good to keep her in the loop, I guess.<</player>>
<<velma>>I'm sorry, she's handed you to my care and this is something I am required to report on. Besides, she would find out sooner anyways.<</velma>>
You look at her and nod, accepting her reasoning. She gives you a caring smile before she turns to open the door again.
<<velma>>Good. Take some time to settle in while ?Eve shows you the ropes. She'll show you how we handle picking our clients. With that I will leave you for now. Welcome to the team, ?newname.<</velma>>
?Eve excitedly walks into the room as ?Velma leaves the two of you alone.
<<decision 'Listen to Eve' 'Brothel Eve Intro 4'>>
<</decision>><<eve>>Oh ?newname, I'm so excited to have you work here with us! We're going to have such a fun time!<</eve>>
<<player>>Yes- uhm- I'm also excited... But perhaps a bit nervous as well...<</player>>
She doesn't seem surprised by your awkwardness anymore as she moves closer to comfort you. <<if hasTag('eve-romance')>>She gives you a warm hug. Being so close to her makes you immediately think of the time you spent together when she was teaching you...<</if>>
<<eve>>Relax, sweetie! We'll take things slow, you're not expected to work tonight, I'm just showing you how it all works!<</eve>>
She takes a step back and sits down on the bed. Your bed now, actually.
<<eve>>So, crash course prostitution! It's a good thing I already went through the practical side with you otherwise we'd have a lot to go over tonight!<</eve>>
You stay quiet and let her continue as you sit down next to her.
<<eve>>First of all, like the ?madame already mentioned, we are a very refined establishment. What that means is that you don't have to worry about entertaining anyone you don't want to spend the night with. At this place, us courtesans pick which clients we want to see, not the other way around.<</eve>>
She actually seems rather proud while explaining this, you suppose this is part of the reason why she likes working here so much.
<<eve>>Also! All clients are briefed on our house rules beforehand and if any of them do something you are not okay with, simply call me or ?madameV and they will be swiftly evicted!<</eve>>
<<player>>That actually sounds like a pretty good system...<</player>>
<<eve>>Exactly! Now, there are two ways you can service customers. The first is quite simple: You can head over to the bathroom and work the gloryhole. Those are really popular so you can always make some money there! You can pick whichever side you want, left or right. I assume you're already familiar with the system since the ?madame sent you there to clean, right?<</eve>>
You blush awkwardly at her directness. How can she be so nonchalant about that? It's good information but you decide to quickly move on from the subject.
<<player>>Ah- Uhm- Yes, I've seen the sign explaining it in the bathrooms... What about the other way to uhm... <em>help</em> clients?<</player>>
<<eve>>Oh, yes! That's the whole reason you got this room, you can host visitors here. Here, I'll show you how it works, this is actually my favourite part!<</eve>>
Without skipping a beat, ?Eve excitedly takes your hand again and drags you along. She leads you out of your room and down the long corridor.?nl
At the end of the hallway, she turns left, past the fancy looking door. Before you get a chance to ask her about it, she walks towards what seems like a dead-end in a dark corner. ?nl
She opens up a small hatch, hidden in the wall. You see a dim light coming through a small wooden lattice. She pulls you close to her and peeks through the secret window. A peeping hole.?nl
<<eve>>That's the waiting area. Go on, take a good look around.<</eve>>
<<decision 'Peek through the hatch' 'Brothel Eve Intro 5'>>
<</decision>><<setlocation 'Brothel'>>
Through the hatch you see a luxurious lounge area. This must be the foyer of the brothel, which you notice now has it's own separate entrance from the tavern.?nl
You see all kinds of people lounging while they wait. People are chatting away, kind of like they're casually conversing at the tavern. Except here it seems like they're served wine, cheese on crackers and grapes.?nl
What strikes you the most is how common these people look, granted, it seems like there's a wide variety of folk here but that's probably what baffles you. You kind of expected a hall filled with perverts. Old men looking to sin. But no, there's all kinds of people here. Men, women, commoners, even some nobility.
<<eve>>Oh! I think I see a client that you simply <em>must</em> pick sometime! He's actually one of my regulars.<</eve>>
?Eve nudges you to look into a certain direction through the viewing hatch. You're not really sure who she's talking about, you take a good look through the crowd until you finally spot who she's trying to point out.?nl
<<decision 'Look where she\'s pointing' 'Brothel Eve Intro 6'>>
<</decision>>In a little alcove you now spot him sitting there. ?Leopold, casually drinking some wine while he's waiting. Seeing him here suddenly has you feeling very anxious. You can <em>not</em> let him see you here and you can <em>definitely not</em> take him on as a client tonight.
<<player>>Him? No, uhm- no, I can't, I'm sorry.<</player>>
You slowly back off from the peeping hole, making sure he can't accidentally see you somehow.
<<eve>>Don't worry, he's great! He's actually a royal councillor and occasionally invites me up to the castle. He has this funny thing where he enjoys being 'serviced' while he's pretending to do work.<</eve>>
<<if hasTag('leopold-mystery')>>
Wait... ?Eve is the one giving blowjobs to ?Leopold at night?! What a weird way to finally figure out that mystery! You immediately want to ask her more about it but you realize that it's probably not smart to mention that you peeking on them.?nl
You look at her with a very shocked expression, trying to process the current situation.
<<eve>>If you're not into men you could always pick other people, of course! Whenever you come to work you can look through the hatch to see who's available. There's a sign-in sheet where they list what they're looking for. You always have final say in who you spend the night with, that's how it works here.<</eve>>
While she's explaining she closes the hatch again.
<<eve>>I guess that's everything you need to know about choosing clients. How about we finish up in my room? There's one more thing I need to show you.<</eve>>
<<decision 'Follow her to her room' 'Brothel Eve Intro 7'>><</decision>><<setlocation 'Eve\'s Room'>>
You enter her room and even though this isn't the first time you're here, you are even more aware of the extravagance of this place simply because of the contrast with your room. You suppose working here can definitely have it's benefits.
<<eve>>There's one more thing part of this little masterclass that I have to show you.<</eve>>
She walks over to the nightstand next to her bed, opens a drawer and starts rummaging in it.
<<if hasVisited('Eve Sex Education Physical Bottom')>>
<<eve>>You were a wonderful bottom during our introduction course. But... should you wish to practice that more - especially now that you're preparing for this work - there's a really easy way to do that...<</eve>>
<<eve>>This is probably only useful advice if you're planning to be on the receiving end when entertaining clients, but there is a tried and tested way to practice these skills...<</eve>>
From the nightstand she produces a large sex-toy. In her hand she holds a crystal phallic object, clearly shaped like a penis. The thing is so big she uses two hands to hold it as she presents it to you.
<<img "equipment/dildo_crystal.jpg" null '250px'>>
<<eve>>This here is my favorite. It's got a wonderful curve to it and the ridges feel wonderful.<</eve>>
You stare at it with stupid amazement. It's strange how many times ?Eve has made you speechless this night alone but here you are once again, unsure what to say as you stare at her crystal dildo. <<if hasTag('eve-romance') and settings.sph>>If that's what ?Eve is used to, how could you ever satisfy her with what you're packing?<</if>>
<<player>>That's... quite something...<</player>>
<<eve>>I know, right! I really love it! Don't worry, this is probably a bit bigger than what you can handle but that is why I am showing you this. If you desire to be a better bottom, you will need to practice!<</eve>>
She starts freely swinging the dildo around while she's excitedly talking about it.
<<eve>>If you want to get your own, you should visit the blacksmith in town, ?Beau. She sells all kinds of cool stuff - like these dildos - that she makes herself in the smithy. She even enchants them to make them feel more realistic, isn't that awesome!<</eve>>
<<decision 'Respond with interest' depravity small>>
<<player>>?Beau sells sex-toys? I had no idea... I should... probably check that out, yeah...<</player>>
<<eve>>Yay! You definitely should! She has a biiig selection to pick from and some nice sizes for you to get started with!<</eve>>
Talking about buying dildo's has you feeling your usual awkward again.
<<player>>That sounds pretty uh- interesting, yes.<</player>>
<<include 'Brothel Eve Intro Ending'>>
<<decision 'Tell her you\'re not really interested in that'>>
<<player>>Uhm- Thank you for showing me this, ?Eve. But I don't think I'm really interested in that.<</player>>
<<eve>>Oh I'm sorry! That's totally fine! Just wanted to tell you about the secret sex-toy shop ?Beau is running, you can get all sorts of things there.<</eve>>
<<player>>That's good to know, it's definitely surprising, I had no idea ?Beau was doing something like that...<</player>>
<<include 'Brothel Eve Intro Ending'>>
<</decision>>She stows the dildo back in it's hiding spot before she continues.
<<eve>>Awesome, with that settled I think that makes you completely ready for working here! You've been a wonderful student today, ?newname!<</eve>>
She takes a moment to give you a deep hug.
<<player>>Thanks, ?Eve! It's actually been really informative. I guess I'll be back to do some work another time.<</player>>
<<eve>>You bet! I've spent all this time training you now so you better come back to put in some actual work!<</eve>>
Her playful tone is cute as ever.
<<if hasTag('eve-romance')>>
As you turn to leave, ?Eve suddenly catches you off guard as she plants a soft kiss on your cheek, instantly making you blush.
<<eve>>If you need any more... <em>private lessons</em>, feel free to come by.<</eve>>
You stammer out a reply.
<<player>>Uh- Y- yes, that would be nice...<</player>>
She affectionately chuckles at your awkwardness and gives you another hug before you take your leave.
You wave her goodbye as you make your way outside.
<<decision 'Leave the tavern' 'Brothel Eve Intro 9'>>
<</decision>><<setlocation 'Road'>>
You step out of the tavern and into the dark night. You're walking down the road and find your head buzzing with thoughts about the events of this evening. Are you actually going to be working at a brothel now??nl
Before you start spiralling about your decision-making again you put those worrying thoughts aside and focus on the fun side of it. Though this is probably not something that will be written about in a history book, it's definitely an adventure that you're on and you actually have a much more eventful life because of this!?nl
With those sort-of comforting thoughts you casually make your way back to the castle.
<<decision 'Go to bed' 'Bedtime'>>
<<startquest 'blacksmith-intro'>>
<<completequest brothel-intro>>
<<run $closedareas.delete("Brothel")>>
<<run $closedareas.delete("Boarding Room")>>
<</decision>><<outfit church>>
?Orson enters your chambers with the soft creak of the wooden doors, the morning sun casting a warm glow through the open window. He approaches your bed, a gentle smile on his face, as he begins to draw back the heavy curtains.
<<orson>>Good morning, your highness. It's a beautiful Sunday, and the church bells will be ringing soon.<</orson>>
You stretch beneath the covers, the thought of leaving the warm embrace of your bed unappealing. Yet, the reminder of your duties nudges at you, a silent call to start the day.
<<player>>Is it that time already, ?Orson? I suppose I should get ready then.<</player>>
?Orson nods, moving to your wardrobe to pick out your attire for the morning service. He lays out your finely made royal vestments, specifically meant for your Sunday visitations, on the bed.?nl
As you got out of bed, ?Orson helps you dress, ensuring each piece of clothing is perfectly adjusted. The fabric felt soft against your skin, a testament to the skill of the kingdom's tailors.?nl
Once dressed, ?Orson led you to the mirror, where you took a moment to examine your reflection. The outfit was indeed regal, fitting for a prince of your stature.
<<orson>>You look splendid, prince. Now, let's not keep the chaplain waiting. Remember, after the service, <<name dominic Father>> has requested your presence for confession.<</orson>>
You nod, a sense of duty settling over you. The thought of confession always brought a mix of anticipation and unease, especially with ?Dominic's peculiar demeanor.
<<player>>Thank you, ?Orson. I'll head to the church then. I wouldn't want to be late.<</player>>
[[Head outside | Church Walking]]<<if !hasCompletedQuest('assassination-attempt')>>
<<setlocation "Town square">>
Leaving the castle's protective walls behind, you venture into the heart of the town, where the rhythm of daily life plays out with vibrant energy. The market is a bustling hub, filled with vendors hawking fresh produce, textiles, and artisan crafts. Laughter and chatter fill the air, blending with the smells of baked goods and smoked meats.<br>
As you make your way through the crowded streets, you pass by the local tavern, its doors open wide, inviting in early patrons with the promise of hearty meals and ale. Further on, you walk by ?Beau, the town's blacksmith, working at her forge.<br>
There's quite a large number of people in the town square right now. Looks like there's more people slightly late for church. In the busy crowd you somehow manage to lose your footing on a loose cobblestone. You awkwardly fall to the ground but right before the impact you feel a strong arm lifting you back up.
<<beau>>Careful there, ?title. Wouldn't want you getting your nice clothes dirty.<</beau>>
Her voice is gentle, but standing so close, you can't help but feel overshadowed by her towering presence.
<<player>>Thank you, ?Beau. I'll watch my step more carefully.<</player>>
Your words are brief, the encounter leaving you feeling slightly embarrassed but grateful for her quick reflexes.
<<beau>>No trouble at all. Off to the church, then? A good day for it.<</beau>>
Nodding, you quickly resume your journey, eager to leave the moment behind. ?Beau's friendly chuckle follows you as you move away, the church now just a short distance ahead.
<<setlocation Gatehouse>>
At the castle gates, a small regiment of soldiers stand ready to escort you to church. You are quite annoyed by the council's ruling that you cannot leave the castle without an escort but you don't quite have it in you to stand up to ?Andreas on this topic, so you agree to let the soldiers protect you on your way to church. You suppose they're useful to have around for when another assassin decides to pop out of the bushes...
[[Head to the church | Church Sermon]]<<setlocation "Church">>
As you step through the ornate doors of the church, the bustling noise of the town fades into a hushed silence of the many people already sitting in the pews, waiting for the sermon to begin. ?nl
You make your way to the front, where the councilors have already gathered in their designated pews. ?Andreas, ?Wymerus, ?Leopold, ?Morgana, and ?Sybille all nod in acknowledgment as you join them, each offering a silent greeting. ?nl
<<name dominic Father>> steps up to the pulpit. His presence commands attention, and as he begins his sermon, the congregation falls into a hushed attentiveness.
<<dominic>>Welcome, everyone. Let us begin the sermon.<</dominic>>
His voice echoes through the hall, speaking of duty, sacrifice, and the virtues of faith. Despite his sometimes unnerving demeanor, there is an undeniable wisdom in his words that somewhat resonate with you.?nl
As the sermon concludes and the final hymn was sung, the congregation begins to disperse, leaving in a quiet reflection of the morning's teachings. You, however, remain seated, gathering your thoughts for the confession that awaited.
[[Enter the confession booth | Confessions]]The confession booth is a small, enclosed space that feels even more confining today. As you enter, the familiar sense of apprehension settles over you. Father Dominic's voice, now softened, greets you from the other side of the screen.
<<dominic>>Bless you, ?titleD. What burdens do you wish to lay down today?<</dominic>>
You take a deep breath, searching for the right words. Confession was always a moment of vulnerability, a time to confront your own flaws and seek guidance.
<<player>>Father, I find myself struggling with doubt and the weight of my responsibilities. How can I be sure I'm making the right choices for my people?<</player>>
The silence that followed feels heavy, but when Father Dominic speaks, his voice carried a comforting certainty.
<<dominic>>Doubt is a sign of a thoughtful heart, my prince. It is through questioning that we find our path. Trust in your faith, in your council, and in yourself. The right choices are those made with a true heart and a mind open to wisdom.<</dominic>>
His words offer a measure of solace, a reminder that even in moments of uncertainty, there is guidance to be found in faith and the support of those around you.
[[Enter the confession booth | Confessions]]<<setlocation "Confession booth">>
<<set $confessions = 0>>
In the dimly lit confession booth, the air heavy with the scent of old wood and incense, you kneel, the silence enveloping you. Through the lattice, Father Dominic's presence is felt more than seen, you can sense him stare at you from the other side of the compartment as he speaks to you.
<<dominic>>?TitleD, what confessions do you wish to share today? Speak your heart, confess your sins, and seek forgiveness.<</dominic>>
[[I have nothing to confess, Father | No confessions]]<<if hasSins()>>
<<player>>Father, I don't think I really have anything to confess right now... I must've not done anything bad lately because I simply can't think of anything.<</player>>
You know you are lying, but you're hoping you sound believable enough to fool him. Your admission hangs in the air, an unusual confession of having no confession.
<<dominic>>Hmm... Well, I suppose that is a good thing, ?titleD. If you are really sure you have nothing to confess then I can only commend you for it... Just know that not confessing your sins will simply make them hang more heavily on your mind. Go in peace, ?titleD.<</dominic>>
Even though you feel like he has no right to know all your personal business, you must say you feel slightly more bad for lying to him like that.
<<changestat depravity 3>>
<<player>>Father, I find myself at a loss today. I've reflected on my actions, my thoughts, and my duties, and I realize I have nothing specific to confess. No single deed weighs heavily on my conscience at this moment.<</player>>
Your admission hangs in the air, an unusual confession of having no confession. It's a rare occurrence, especially in the tradition of weekly confessions, where the soul's burdens are laid bare.
<<dominic>>It is a commendable state to be in, ?titleD, to find oneself at peace with one's actions and conscience. I am happy to hear you have committed no sinful acts. Go in peace, fortified by faith and the knowledge that you are on a righteous path.<</dominic>>
<<changestat virtue 15>>
[[Leave the booth | Leave Church]]<<dominic>>Are there any other sins you have to confess, ?titleD?<</dominic>>
[[Nothing more | End confessions]]<<set $confessions += 1>>
<<player>>Father, I have allowed myself to be swayed by influences that I know should have been resisted. I permitted ?Morgana to use her magic on me as she promised it is helpful to me.<</player>>
Your voice is steady, but the weight of your admission hangs heavily in the air. The use of magic, especially for personal gain or to alter one's natural state, is often frowned upon by the church, seen as meddling in realms beyond human reach.
<<dominic>>I already feared the new royal sorceress would have a bad influence on you, ?titleD. I am aware more royalty tend to use this kind of magic for personal improvement but I must warn you that it can be a dangerous endeavor as well. The church does not advice any magic that influences the human body. Please be wary next time ?Morgana promises to help you.<</dominic>>
[[Continue confessions | Confessions continue]]<<set $confessions += 1>>
<<player>>Father, I come before you with a heavy heart. I confess to an act of impropriety; I have peeped on others as they committed acts that are carnal in nature.<</player>>
Your voice trembles slightly with the admission, the words a tangible release of the guilt you've carried.
<<dominic>>The violation of another's privacy is a serious matter, reflecting a lapse in judgment and respect for the dignity of others. I understand it might be tempting to observe other's acts of carnal pleasures but it is vital that you pay no mind to such temptations in the future.<</dominic>>
[[Continue confessions | Confessions continue]]<<set $confessions += 1>>
<<player>>Father, I must confess... I have given in to carnal desires, to acts of self-pleasure. I know it goes against the virtues I am meant to uphold. I seek forgiveness for these actions.<</player>>
Your voice is barely above a whisper, the admission bringing with it a flush of shame. Such matters are rarely spoken of, especially within the sacred confines of the church.
There's a brief pause before <<name dominic Father>> responds, his tone imbued with a certain amount of judgment.
<<dominic>>?TitleD, you are but a victim to the frailties of our human nature. It is important that you avoid such temptations in the future. Strive for purity of heart and mind. Seek to channel your energies into more noble pursuits instead.<</dominic>>
[[Continue confessions | Confessions continue]]<<set $confessions += 1>>
<<player>>Father, I must confess... I have had some strange desires lately. For some reason, I felt pleasure as I decided to wear undergarnments that actually belong to a lady.<</player>>
Your voice is barely above a whisper, the admission bringing with it a flush of shame. You are quite sure nobody has ever shared a confession like this.
There's quite a long pause, you're not sure if <<name dominic Father>> is thinking of a response or just completely caught of guard by this confession.
<<dominic>>I see... This is unorthodox indeed... I must confess I have trouble finding the reasoning behind the sinful nature of this... I can offer no guidance, I must think on this...<</dominic>>
His staggered response betrays a strange feeling he is having, is he... excited? It's difficult to say.
[[Continue confessions | Confessions continue]]<<set $confessions += 1>>
<<player>>Father, this is difficult for me to confess but I've done deeds very carnal in nature. You see, father... I have had oral sex recently...<</player>>
You speak softly and ashamedly. It's suddenly much more quiet before ?Dominic starts asking you to clarify.
<<dominic>>?TitleD, this is a grave matter indeed... May I ask, who is the one that has performed oral sex on you?<</dominic>>
His question makes things all the more awkward but you decide to just be honest and give the full confession.
<<player>>Well uh- Nobody... It is was me that performed the oral sex, father... On a man...<</player>>
There is a long, haunting pause before the priest responds to you.
<<dominic>>I see... That is... unexpected. I must contemplate on this... Perhaps it is best we continue with your confessions for now... Please know you must avoid such temptations in the future.<</dominic>>
[[Continue confessions | Confessions continue]]<<set $confessions += 1>>
<<player>>Father, this confession might sound strange... After indulging myself in carnal pleasures to completion I somehow found myself... uhm...<</player>>
You stammer slightly as you suddenly very much regret confessing this sin to <<name dominic 'Father'>>.
<<dominic>>It's all right, ?titleD. Tell me your sins, whatever you share is only between you, me, and God.<</dominic>>
You very reluctantly continue your story.
<<player>>Well... I sort of followed my urge to, uhm, <em>swallow</em> the seed, as it were...<</player>>
<<dominic>>I see... This is rather unorthodox... And does this sort of thing give pleasure to you?<</dominic>>
You get quite embarrassed by the sudden question. It almost sounds like he is actually intrigued.
<<player>>Uhm- well- yes, I suppose it does...<</player>>
<<dominic>>Very well. It does indeed sound sinful in nature but I must confess I am unsure there's precedent for this kind of sin... I suppose you are not hurting anyone in doing this kind of thing but I doubt drinking climax is a virtuous thing. It's good that you share this with me, ?titleD.<</dominic>>
[[Continue confessions | Confessions continue]]<<set $confessions += 1>>
<<player>>Father, I must confess... I have once again given in to carnal desires... I have found pleasure through not only the usual methods but by stimulating other areas as well.<</player>>
He thinks for a moment before he asks you an inquisitive question.
<<dominic>>Other areas?<</dominic>>
<<player>>Uhm- well, through stimulation of my anus...<</player>>
The confession hangs heavy in the air.
<<dominic>>?TitleD, this is quite worrisome... Carnal pleasures should only be achieved through the tool that God has given you. It is important that you avoid such temptations in the future.<</dominic>>
[[Continue confessions | Confessions continue]]/* <<= $confessions>> */
<<dominic>>Thank you for your confessions, ?titleD. Everyone sins, but I hope you reflect on your mistakes and avoid such behaviour in the future. Now, let me absolve of these sins so that your mind can rest at ease. It is important that you take this moment to reflect on your actions, ?titleD.<</dominic>>
You hear the priest softly speak some words in latin, he seems focused on absolving you. You know that this process requires you to actually focus on what you have done wrong, but do you really want ?dominic to absolve you of this? Something in you thinks it might be more fun to let you keep these depraved thoughts live on in your mind.?nl
<<decision 'Focus on your sins and let him absolve you of them' virtue 0>>
<<changestat virtue confessions>>
While meditating under ?dominic's soft chants you feel a certain serenity wash over you. It almost feels like a holy power actually reaches down and cleanses you a little.
<<dominic>>There. That should lift the weight off your shoulders, ?titleD. I hope you let these confessions bolster you and help you walk the right path. Go in peace, ?titleD.<</dominic>>
[[Thank him and take your leave | Leave Church]]
<<decision 'Ignore his call for contemplation and forgo absolution' depravity 0>>
<<changestat depravity confessions>>
You sit quietly in this booth, waiting for ?dominic to finish his latin rambling. You have no intention of having him absolve you so easily. Instead of letting go of this sinful past, you start thinking about how great it felt to do those kinds of things this week... Perhaps you will not heed his advice to avoid it at all, perhaps you will come back and confess even more depravity.?nl
<<if getStat('depravity') < 60>>
It takes a little while for ?dominic to finish his ritual. Once he's done, you feel him looking at you as he addresses you.
<<dominic>>?TitleD, I fear that you have gone down a sinful path. Do not let your heart be corrupted. Please remember that you can confess any sins to me and I will be here to listen and guide you. I hope you reflect on these concerning developments and avoid such sinful behaviour in the future. Go in peace.<</dominic>>
[[Take your leave | Leave Church]]
?dominic stops halfway through a sentence as you feel him look at you. It seems like he has noticed that you have no intention of letting him absolve you.
<<dominic>>?TitleD, it seems you are unable to stray from your sinful path with the guidance I have given you so far... Perhaps it's better that we guide you in other ways...<</dominic>>
In the darkness of the confession booth, you can vaguely see <<name dominic Father>> stand up from his seat.
<<dominic>>Perhaps it is best if we satiate these sinful desires in this confession booth, so that you are not tempted outside of here anymore...<</dominic>>
You hear a small hatch being opened in the lattice separating you two in the confession booth. You look up from your kneeling position and notice something strange pointing in your direction. You see some light shine down on <<name dominic Father>>'s hardening member, sticking out through an opened hole in the wooden lattice.
<<dominic>>?TitleD, in order to receive my blessing, you will satisfy your sinful nature and perform carnal acts right here in this confession booth. This way you will not be tempted in the future.<</dominic>>
You see his cock twitch in the dimly lit confession booth, waiting for your response.
[[Blow him (unfinished) | Leave Church]]
<</decision>><<setlocation Church>>
<<unset $confessions>>
Having finished confessions, it's time to head back to the castle.
<<if !hasCompletedQuest('assassination-attempt')>>
[[Head back to the castle | Assassination]]
Your soldiers await you outside of the church, ready to escort you back to the castle. You make your way through the town, it's bustling with people in the marketplace but with some shouting from your bodyguard, people make way for you to pass.
You can see the open tavern ready to invite people in after the church sermon is now finished. Even though you might want to get a drink, you realise the councillors would be deeply disappointed if you let yourself get in harm's way like that.
<<decision 'Head back to the castle' 'Gatehouse'>><<increasetime 1 true>><<equip 'prince_outfit_1'>><</decision>>
<</if>><<addcounter 'church-wandering' 1>>
<<include 'Church Money Box'>>
<<include 'Church Stained Glass'>>
<<include 'Church Saint Statue'>>
<<include `either('Church Money Box', 'Church Stained Glass', 'Church Saint Statue')`>>
<</first>>You make your way into the church, the bustle of the town fading into silence as you pass through the ornate doors. It seems you have entered at a rare moment when the church is totally vacant. The pews stand empty, and even ?Dominic is nowhere to be seen. You imagine he must be in his office, working on his next sermon.?nl
You walk between the pews, the sound of your footsteps echoing lightly through the room. As you do so, your eyes fall on the wooden collection box at the end of the aisle. The box is normally locked, but for some reason the iron padlock is currently missing.?nl
Considering how much time you're spending in disguise now, you could really use a few more coins in your pocket. It would be so easy to take a small handful. After all, how many hundreds of coins have you yourself dropped into that very box? You would simply be borrowing from your past self...
<<decision 'Open the collection box' 'Church Money Box Open' depravity medium>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Resist the temptation' 'Church Money Box Ignore' virtue medium>><</decision>>Looking around one more time to ensure no one is watching, you approach the box and flip open the lid. Just as you're leaning over the box to look inside, you hear footsteps approaching. You rush to close the lid but before you can do so, ?Dominic enters the room and locks eyes with you. His face hardens as he quickly approaches, and before you can move he has your arm in a tight grasp.
<<dominic>>Stealing from the church, are we? God does not look kindly upon thieves, and nor do the town guards.<</dominic>>
He looks at you closely, as though wondering if he has seen you somewhere before. You avert his gaze, looking to the ground. Knowing he is accustomed to hearing your voice, you try to alter it as much as possible.
<<player>>Forgive me, Father, I was only...well...<</player>>
You trail off, realizing lying is probably not going to help your situation.
<<dominic>>At least we need not add bearing false witness to your list of sins.<</dominic>>
He pulls a padlock from his robes and locks the money box with a large key. As he does so, you see inside and realize that the box is completely empty. ?Dominic must have just finished emptying it. He turns to you, his face softening slightly.
<<dominic>>I am inclined to forgive such sins, my child. Only the Lord knows what desperate circumstances pushed you to such a low act. However, stealing is not merely a religious sin but also a societal ill. I regret that I must bring you to the town guards for commensurate punishment.<</dominic>>
He gestures to follow you out of the church. For a wild moment you imagine running away, but ?Dominic has gotten quite a good look at you in your disguise now. There's nothing for it but to submit to whatever punishment the guards dole out. It can't be that bad, can it??nl
You walk with him for a moment, and together you quickly encounter a guard on the street. ?Dominic explains the situation and then leaves you, retreating back into the church.
<<decision 'Face your fate' 'Church Money Box Open Guard'>><</decision>>The guard looks you up and down, a small smile forming on his face.
<<say 'Guard'>>So, a petty thief, huh? Since you didn't actually manage to steal anything, your punishment will be light. I'll even let you choose. A cold night in the dungeons, or a warm few hours in the pillory...<</say>>
He chuckles, still looking at you intensely. An entire night on a cold, hard dungeon ground certainly sounds unpleasant, but something tells you there's more to the pillory option than you realize.
<<player>>W-why is time in the pillory...warm?<</player>>
<<say 'Guard'>>Oh, you don't know? Offenders locked in the pillory are freely available for the public's use and pleasure. You certainly won't go cold.<</say>>
You stare at the guard. Is he implying that people in the pillory are available for the sexual whims of any random passerby? Suddenly an evening in the pillory sounds frightening, but an entire night in the cold dungeon doesn't sound particularly nice, either. Both feel like steep punishments, especially since you didn't even steal anything...
<<decision 'Choose the pillory' 'Pillory Locked Up' depravity medium>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Choose the dungeons' 'Dungeons Locked Up' virtue small>><</decision>>You ignore the temptation of the collection box and turn away to look at one of the beautiful stained glass windows lining the church walls. Just as you do so, you hear footsteps enter the room. You look over your shoulder to see ?Dominic reattaching the padlock to the collection box and locking it with a large key.?nl
You feel relieved that you didn't approach the box. There would have been some very awkward questions if ?Dominic had caught you, let alone if he recognized who you were...?nl
You figure you should probably leave now, before ?Dominic tries to come talk to you.
<<decision 'Leave the church' 'Town square'>><</decision>>You enter the church, feeling a sense of calm wash over you as you step into the quiet. There are several townspeople in the pews, hands clasped and heads lowered in prayer. You catch a glimpse of ?Dominic as he ducks into a confessional booth.?nl
You wander around the edges of the church, admiring the way the light filters through the stained glass windows, casting colorful patterns on the floor. You stop by one window and take a closer look. You aren't sure exactly which stories are depicted in the glass, but you appreciate the bright blue in the robes of one figure, and the deep red of a bowl of apples.?nl
You spend some time wandering around the church, enjoying the stained glass and the quiet, before you feel ready to leave.
<<decision 'Leave the church' 'Town square'>><</decision>>You stroll into the church. It seems to be a quiet day, with just one person praying silently in a pew. ?Dominic, who is arranging some papers by the pulpit, looks up as you enter. You accidentally make eye contact with him, and before you can do anything, he leaves the pulpit and approaches you.
<<dominic>>Hello, my child. Do you seek guidance or confession this day?<</dominic>>
Luckily he doesn't seem to have recognized you yet, though you're painfully aware that of anyone, he may be the most accustomed to recognizing your voice without seeing your appearance. <<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>You alter your voice to sound as feminine as possible.<<else>>You alter your voice to sound lower than usual.<</if>>
<<player>>Ah, no, Father, I was simply...admiring this statue.<</player>>
You point to a nearby statue of a man in long robes holding a pair of shoes in one hand and a sword in the other. ?Dominic looks at the statue and back to you, a slight look of confusion breaking through his normally composed expression.
<<dominic>>Saint Edmund? A venerable man, indeed. He was known as Sir Edmund in his day, and serves as a model to us all for eradicating sin through...unconventional means.<</dominic>>
<<if hasRead('dancing-knight')>>
You realize you've heard the name Sir Edmund before, in that ridiculous book about the dancing knight. This couldn't be the same Sir Edmund, could it?
You're not sure you've ever heard of a "Saint Edmund" before. He can't have been a very important saint.
You want to escape this conversation, but curiosity gets the better of you.
<<player>>Why is he holding a pair of shoes, then?<</player>>
?Dominic looks vaguely ruffled at this question.
<<dominic>>Well, that is illustrative of part of the parable. He used the medium of...dance...as a way to distract his opponents. Thus, those are his...dancing shoes.<</dominic>>
You have to admit ?Dominic's discomfort at explaining this story is amusing, but you don't want to push your luck by talking to him for too long.
<<player>>I must be going, but thank you, Father, for this wisdom.<</player>>
?Dominic gives you a small nod.
<<dominic>>Go in peace, my child.<</dominic>>
<<decision 'Leave the church' 'Town square'>><</decision>>You start your shift at the tavern, ready for a good day of working. It still feels weird to be doing this, nobody knowing you are the prince but you are excited for what this evening will bring.?nl
<<set $paycheck = 5>>
<<decision 'Start working'>>
<<if !hasVisited('Tavern Work Event Gossip')>>
<<goto 'Tavern Work Event Gossip'>>
<<elseif !hasVisited('Tavern Work Event Noblewoman')>>
<<goto 'Tavern Work Event Noblewoman'>>
<<elseif !hasVisited('Tavern Work Event Failure')>>
<<goto 'Tavern Work Event Failure'>>
<<elseif !hasVisited('Tavern Work Event Merchant')>>
<<goto 'Tavern Work Event Merchant'>>
<<elseif !hasVisited('Tavern Work Event Bathroom')>>
<<goto 'Tavern Work Event Bathroom'>>
<<elseif !hasVisited('Tavern Work Event Rude Grandma')>>
<<goto 'Tavern Work Event Rude Grandma'>>
<<elseif !hasVisited('Tavern Work Event Drunks Catcalling') and hasClothesTag('feminine')>>
<<goto 'Tavern Work Event Drunks Catcalling'>>
<<elseif !hasVisited('Tavern Work Event Pee')>>
<<startquest 'velma-progress'>>
<<goto 'Tavern Work Event Pee'>>
<<startquest 'velma-progress'>>
<<goto `either('Tavern Work Event Gossip', 'Tavern Work Event Noblewoman', 'Tavern Work Event Pee', 'Tavern Work Event Failure', 'Tavern Work Event Merchant', 'Tavern Work Event Rude Grandma', 'Tavern Work Event Bathroom')`>>
<</decision>><<setlocation 'Tavern'>>
<<addcounter 'velma-tavern' 1>>
<<increasetime 1 true>>
The rest of your shift passes by uneventfully. It takes a bit of time to clean up the place before you can leave.?nl
You've made a total of <<money gold false $paycheck>> gold for your hard work today!
<<changemoney gold $paycheck>>
<<decision 'Leave the tavern' 'Town square'>>
<</decision>>In the middle of your shift, a small group of young women in peasant dresses comes into the tavern. They take a seat in a corner, giggling loudly together.?nl
As you approach to take their orders, you overhear some of their conversation. They seem to be talking about...you?
<<say "Brown-haired peasant girl">>Did you ladies see how <<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>cute<<else>>handsome<</if>> the prince looked at church? I wish he would leave the castle more often...<</say>>
<<say "Redhead peasant girl">>He's so dreamy... Do you think he would ever fall for a town girl?<</say>>
<<say "Blonde peasant girl">>Maybe he already has! He smiled at me last Sunday and my heart almost melted!<</say>>
You clear your throat. The young women look at you with some annoyance, as though you have just interrupted an incredibly important discussion, and give you their orders quickly. You head back to the bar, thinking how strange it is to overhear townspeople talking about you like this. Not only that, but they also seem to think you're...attractive??nl
Before you can dwell on it too much, activity in the tavern picks up and you are distracted with an influx of orders.
<<decision 'Finish your shift' 'Tavern Work End'>><</decision>>It's a slow shift at the tavern. You are quite bored until one woman walks in you've never seen before. She is dressed in the lavish clothes of a noblewoman, and is conspicuously alone. She enters, takes a seat at the bar, and waves you over.?nl
As you approach, you see this woman is attractive and seems to know it. She carries herself gracefully, and wears a beautiful dress that accentuates her features without being revealing. She looks you up and down.
<<say "Noblewoman">>Well, hello there, <<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>lovely girl<<else>>handsome boy<</if>>. I require a glass of your finest wine, and perhaps some company, if you're as bored as I would be working here.<</say>>
<<player>>Uh, yes, of course, my lady...<</player>>
It feels a bit strange, someone being so forward with you, and you're not sure what she means by "company." Still, you bring her a glass of the good wine and she gives you a smile that seems almost calculating.
<<say "Noblewoman">>I see you have no other customers to serve right now. Stay with me at the bar for a moment.<</say>>
<<player>>I- well, I suppose...<</player>>
<<say "Noblewoman">>I will share a secret with you. I have escaped my travelling companions to come here, so that I could drink in peace.<</say>>
This woman is intriguing, and you have little else to do, so you figure you might as well listen to her.
<<player>>Is that so?<</player>>
<<say "Noblewoman">>Indeed. I have rather particular taste.<</say>>
<<player>>In wine?<</player>>
The noblewoman inclines her head.
<<say "Noblewoman">>In wine, yes, but also company. I find lords and ladies to be dull. Everyday people such as yourself have so much more to offer.<</say>>
She gives you a long, suggestive look. Is she trying to seduce you? You can't think of any other reason she would act like this. She seems to notice you considering her words and leans forward slightly on the bar, revealing the barest glimpse of her ample cleavage.?nl
Part of you is definitely excited by this woman. There aren't many customers this evening; you could easily sneak into the alley with her for some fun. On the other hand, you are in the middle of your shift, and you wouldn't want to get caught fooling around on the clock...?nl
<<decision 'Pretend to be unaware of her flirting' 'Tavern Work Event Noblewoman Rejected' virtue medium>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Subtly show her your interest' depravity medium>>
You open your mouth to say something suave, but in your excitement a jumble of sounds embarrassingly unlike words comes out. You feel your cheeks grow hot. If anything, the noblewoman seems to enjoy your awkwardness.
<<say "Noblewoman">>I walked through an alley on my way here. Perhaps you could show me what you have to offer there?<</say>>
She subtly points toward the back door of the tavern, a smile playing on her lips. Then, without another word, she downs her drink, stands, and exits the building toward the alley.?nl
Feeling a mixture of excitement and anxiety, you wait a few moments until no one is looking and follow.
<<decision 'Find her in the alley' 'Tavern Work Event Noblewoman Oral'>><</decision>>
<</decision>><<set $paycheck += 2>>
<<player>>I'm sure I wouldn't know, my lady. I really must get back to my work now.<</player>>
The noblewoman leans back and gives you a polite nod, slipping effortless back into formality.
<<say "Noblewoman">>Of course.<</say>>
This whole interaction made you feel quite awkward, so you pretend to be busy with something in the kitchen until she leaves. When you come to take away her glass, you find her payment plus a small tip of <<money gold false 2>>gold on the counter.
<<decision 'Finish your shift' 'Tavern Work End'>><</decision>><<setlocation 'Alley'>>
<<set $paycheck += 2>>
You walk out of the tavern and see the woman leaning against the wall of a building. In the low light, you can just make out a smile on her face.
<<say "Noblewoman">>Come here, <<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>beautiful girl<<else>>handsome boy<</if>>.<</say>>
You find yourself obeying her words as you approach her.
<<say "Noblewoman">>Do you wish to pleasure a lady? It's not an honor many common people can attest to.<</say>>
Though this situation has you turned on, you have to stop yourself from laughing at her perception of you as a simple townsperson. If anything, you are the opposite of what she believes.
<<player>>I- uh, that is, yes, my lady...<</player>>
<<say "Noblewoman">>Wonderful. Then get on your knees, my <<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>pretty little<<else>>dashing<</if>> peasant.<</say>>
You lower yourself onto your knees and watch as she lifts the hem of her skirt. You expect to see her underwear, but instead come suddenly face-to-face with the bare lips between her legs.?nl
Trying not to get distracted by thinking about how much of a turn your evening has taken, you reach out a hand and trace it cautiously between her legs. She moans softly, and your fingers come away surprisingly wet.
<<say "Noblewoman">>Don't tease me, <<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>girl<<else>>boy<</if>>. Put your mouth on it.<</say>>
You reach your head forward and tentatively begin to lick between her soft folds. It tastes a bit strange, but you enjoy the way that your tongue elicits a low moan from her. Your movements, slow at first, speed up as you notice what she likes and gain confidence in your movements.
<<say "Noblewoman">>Fuck, that's a good <<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>girl<<else>>boy<</if>>, pleasuring a noblewoman above your station in a dirty little alley...<</say>>
You wonder vaguely whether this woman has some strange attraction to sexual encounters with peasants. Would she be disappointed if she knew you were a royal? You try to ignore these thoughts and focus on your movements.
<<say "Noblewoman">>Just like that, keep going...<</say>>
You continue moving your tongue around her clitoris, feeling her start to push herself onto your mouth as she seeks out the sensation. You feel your ?dick hard in your pants, but it would be difficult to touch yourself in this position.
<<say "Noblewoman">>I'm close...<</say>>
You are starting to have some difficulty breathing as she presses herself onto you, but you keep up the motion that she seems to like. Your face is now covered in her wetness. It feels both messy and somehow incredibly alluring.
<<say "Noblewoman">>Oh, I'm cumming...<</say>>
You feel her move through a series of spasms as she orgasms on your mouth, letting out a moan of pleasure. After a moment of quiet, she runs a hand casually through your hair.
<<say "Noblewoman">>You have performed wonderfully for your noblelady. I must return to my companions before they become too concerned for my whereabouts.<</say>>
As you stand up, she gives you a handful of coins and disappears back into the town without another word. As you stand there, watching her go, you realize she has left you a small tip of <<money gold false 2>>gold.?nl
You're still hard, but you really need to get back to your shift before ?Velma notices you're gone. <<if settings.sph>>Luckily your bulge is too small to be visible through your <<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>dress<<else>>pants<</if>>, so you head back quickly into the tavern.<<else>>You adjust your erection so that it doesn't show through your <<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>dress<<else>>pants<</if>> and head back into the tavern.<</if>>
<<decision 'Finish your shift' 'Tavern Work End'>><</decision>>At the beginning of your shift, a very old woman enters the tavern and sits down at a long table normally used by large groups. She proceeds to spend the rest of the evening berating you about everything you do, complaining that you bring her drinks too slowly, that your manner is boorish, your clothes unkempt, and that the drinks are of poor quality. To your chagrin, she even stays past closing time, and you have to ask her to leave. As you stand there, waiting for her to get up from the table while she complains about poor service, something inside you snaps.
<<player>>Why are you like this?<</player>>
The old woman finally gets up and starts walking toward the door.
<<say 'Old woman'>>This is just how I get my frustrations out! Don't take it personally, <<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>girl<<else>>boy<</if>>.<</say>>
Without another word, she walks out the door, leaving you speechless. You're not sure you've ever met a more unpleasant person.
<<decision 'Finish your shift' 'Tavern Work End'>><</decision>>It's pretty early in your shift and the place is already packed. Plates and mugs clatter as the evening rush peaks, but for you, it feels like everything is slipping through your fingers.
<<eve>>?newname, that table over there asked for wine, not ale!<</eve>>
?Eve's voice is as bright as ever, but there's a tinge of worry underneath. You glance at the table she's pointing to and see a burly man staring at you with raised eyebrows, the ale you just brought sitting in front of him.
<<player>>Oh! My apologies, I'll fix it right away!<</player>>
You turn toward the kitchen, tray in hand, but your footing falters. A mug of ale wobbles dangerously and tumbles off the tray, hitting the floor with a loud crash. Your face burns as you crouch to clean up the mess, muttering apologies under your breath.
<<velma>>Are you doing alright, ?newname?<</velma>>
You look up to see ?Velma standing behind the bar, her arms crossed, her expression a mixture of concern and disappointment.?nl
Before you can answer, disaster strikes again. As you dart around the bar, your sleeve snags on a precarious pile of tankards, cautiously laid out in preparation for the evening. Time seems to slow as they tip, fall, and scatter across the floor in a cascade of clanging sounds. To you, the moment seems to last one full eternity as all the noise in the room is suddenly drowned out with the loud breaking and bouncing of mugs. The frequency of clattering sounds starts to decrease as the pile seems to finally be expended.?nl
Only after the last tankard falls, the room erupts with laughter and some concerned murmurs. You quickly try to gather them up, most of them seem intact but a good amount are definitely broken as you find some lonely ears and chipped off pieces. ?Eve quickly hurries over with a broom and takes a moment to kneel beside you.
<<eve>>It's okay! It's just mugs. Happens to the best of us... though, um, maybe not all at once!<</eve>>
You manage a weak smile, but it fades as ?Velma approaches, her face firm.
<<velma>>That's enough for tonight, ?newname. You're clearly exhausted.<</velma>>
<<player>>I'm so sorry ?madame, I can clean this up!<</player>>
<<velma>>No, please, just go home and leave this to ?Eve. Take some rest, ?newname. Everyone has an off day, but pushing through when you're like this will only make things worse.<</velma>>
?Velma is likely disappointed but doesn't seem to let that show much. ?Eve gives you an encouraging nod as she starts cleaning up.
<<eve>>She's right, you know. And hey, tomorrow I'll teach you my trick for not dropping everything all at once. It's a lifesaver!<</eve>>
You can't help but chuckle faintly, despite the embarrassment tightening your chest.
<<player>>Thanks... I'm sorry you have to do this.<</player>>
She smiles at you to let you know it's okay. You reluctantly make your way to exit the tavern, leaving much earlier than planned. It seems like all the patrons have already forgotten about the moment and the loud carousing has resumed in full effect.?nl
You step outside feeling a bit disappointed in yourself but you do feel a lot better after how ?Velma and ?Eve responded to them. You're already thinking on how you can make it up to them, you'll be much more aware the next time.?nl
Pretty unfortunate to not get paid today though.
<<decision 'Leave' 'Town square'>>
<<addcounter 'velma-tavern' 1>>
<</decision>><<set $paycheck += 15>>
The tavern is alive with the evening rush, the clinking of mugs and hum of conversations creating a familiar, comforting rhythm. Tonight, everything seems to fall into place. Orders come quickly, and you move with confidence, balancing trays and weaving through crowded tables like you've been doing this your whole life.
<<eve>>?newname, you're on fire tonight! That table over there just said you brought out the best ale they've ever had. It's the same ale we've always served, but hey, take the win!<</eve>>
Eve laughs as she nudges you playfully, her energy infectious. You grin back, your spirits soaring. Even ?Velma, ever watchful behind the bar, gives you an approving nod.
<<velma>>Good work, ?newname. Keep this up, and I might start calling you a natural.<</velma>>
Her praise feels monumental to you, it fuels your determination as you deliver an ale to a man seated at one of the quieter tables. His sharp, well-tailored clothing suggests he's a man of wealth, and he surveys you with a discerning gaze as you set the plate down.
<<player>>Here's your drink, sir. If there's anything else you need, just let me know.<</player>>
<<say 'Merchant'>>Thank you. The service has been impeccable tonight.<</say>>
You smile politely as thanks and move on, continuing your smooth rhythm of clearing tables and delivering drinks. It's only later, as you return to clear his table, that you find something unexpected. A coin pouch resting on the table.?nl
When you pick it up, its weight surprises you. Opening it, you find <<money gold false 15>> gleaming gold coins, far more than the cost of his meal. You glance around, but the man is already gone.
<<player>>?Eve, look at this! He left me... this much? Is that normal around here?<</player>>
?Eve peers into the pouch and lets out a low whistle.
<<eve>>That's... a lot. That's way more than he usually tips. Like, way, way more. I mean, he's a wealthy merchant and a regular here, but he's not known for generosity.<</eve>>
<<player>>Then why would he...<</player>>
?Eve pauses, her expression turning sly as a grin spreads across her face.
<<eve>>Ohhh, I get it now. He's got an eye on you! Makes sense, <<if hasClothesTag('feminine')>>pretty<<else>>handsome<</if>> thing like you, he probably liked looking at more than just our cozy scenery.<</eve>>
Your face flushes instantly, cheeks red.
<<player>>That can't be it. He probably just had a good night... or... liked the ale!<</player>>
<<eve>>Uh-huh. Sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night, ?newname.<</eve>>
Her teasing grin doesn't let up as she bounces away to take another order. You're still standing there, flustered, when ?Velma calls out to you.
<<velma>>?newname, stop gawking at that coin pouch and get back to work. You're doing too well tonight to slack off now.<</velma>>
<<player>>Right! On it!<</player>>
Tucking the pouch away carefully, you throw yourself back into the shift, though the flush on your face doesn't fade for a while.
<<decision 'Finish your shift' 'Tavern Work End'>><</decision>>The evening shift begins as usual, the tavern gradually filling with the chatter of patrons and the clink of mugs. You slip behind the bar, preparing yourself for another night of balancing trays and dodging rowdy drinkers.
<<velma>>?newname, come over here for a moment.<</velma>>
Her voice is calm, as it usually is, but there's an air of expectation in it that makes you pause. She's standing by the supply closet, her hands resting lightly on the handle of a mop propped against a bucket.
<<player>>Yes, ?madame?<</player>>
She gestures to the mop and bucket and looks at you with a stoic expression.
<<velma>>Tonight, your job is cleaning the bathrooms.<</velma>>
You blink, unsure if you've heard her correctly.
<<player>>The bathrooms? You want <em>me</em> to...<</player>>
She takes a step closer, she tilts her head and talks softy as to gently remind you of something.
<<velma>>Part of your job here is fitting in. That means taking on all the same tasks that I give your colleagues, whatever they are. People will start to notice if I keep skipping you for bathroom duty.<</velma>>
Though you hate admitting it, she's right... You'll have to do <em>shit</em> jobs like this from time to time as well if you want to work here.
<<velma>>The tools are here. Do it properly, and it won't take as long as you think.<</velma>>
<<player>>Right. I... I'll get to it.<</player>>
She nods, stepping back toward the bar without another word. You grab the bucket and mop and make your way toward the bathrooms. You take a breath, steel yourself, and push open the door to get started.
<<decision 'Start cleaning the bathroom' 'Tavern Work Event Bathroom Cleaning'>><</decision>><<setlocation Toilets>>
You make your way into the bathroom. The place reeks of piss and spilled beer, the latter also contributing to the ambience by making the floor stickier, or well, you hope it's the latter. You suddenly realise that you don't quite notice how dirty a place is until you've been given the task to clean it.?nl
This is probably the most extreme example of work that is complete opposite to what your royal hands are used to. Nevertheless, you grab a sponge from the bucket and start scrubbing the sinks. Since everything is dirty you figure there's not much point to thinking about what to clean first.?nl
After a long while you somehow do find yourself in this decision-making thought process though. You stand before the bathroom stalls, delaying the worst by taking your time to meaninglessly decide what toilet to clean first. At least, you think it is meaningless until you stare at the doors of the last two stalls and read a cryptic note displayed between them.
Hark, fair traveler!?nl
If thou seek'st thy sword well polished, turn thee left to get your way.?nl
Yet if thou art a harlot, step to the right, without delay.?nl
Thine deeds within are cloaked from sight; none shall say.?nl
Let mouths meet wood for secret glory. Callooh callay!
Well, you're not really sure what that's all about... Probably best to just pick a stall and get this all over with.
<<decision 'Pick the left stall' 'Tavern Work Event Bathroom Gloryhole Receiving' dominance small>>
<<decision 'Pick the right stall' 'Tavern Work Event Bathroom Gloryhole Giving' submissiveness small>>
<<decision 'Just focus on cleaning as fast as possible' 'Tavern Work Event Bathroom Cleaning Finish'>>
<</decision>>You enter the small bathroom stall and waste no time to start cleaning. You get momentarily distracted as you notice a perfectly round hole on the right wall, opening up to the stall next to you. You quickly decide to not pay it any mind and continue your toilet scrubbing.?nl
Luckily the toilet wasn't in too bad a state and you quickly get done cleaning it. Even now, you are still not used to this dirty feeling and you take a moment to carefully wash your hands before you enter the stall again to start mopping the floor.?nl
The moment that you enter the stall you hear someone else walk into the bathroom, you quickly lock your stall door to make sure they don't accidentally walk in while you're still cleaning, close one too as they seem to be entering the stall right next to you. The strange hole definitely decreases both your privacy. Fortunately, it's dark enough that it's difficult to really look through the hole at all.?nl
You're almost done mopping the floor, taking care of every nook and cranny. The moment you turn around, you make out something strange.?nl
Through the hole in the wall, you notice an open mouth and extended tongue pointing in your direction. You stare at this for quite some time, unsure what to do until the person on the other side starts talking.
<<say 'Anonymous person'>>Psst, are you going to give it to me or what?<</say>>
Unsure what to do, you still stand there, frozen in place.
<<player>>Uhm... Give you what exactly?<</player>>
The hole person lets out an annoyed sigh and moves away from the hole, retreating back into the darkness.
<<say 'Anonymous person'>>Ugh... Do you even know what stall you are in? I'm talking about your cock, of course!<</say>>
Oh... OH... Huh, the purpose of the hole and that note outside suddenly make a lot more sense now... After having a brief moment of this strange situation finally making sense you realise you still haven't answered the person in the stall next to you as you consider what to do next. Are you actually thinking about sticking your ?cock through this hole? <<if settings.sph>>You can't help but wonder if the person is even looking for someone with a penis of your size...<</if>>?nl
<<decision 'Stick your cock through the hole' depravity small>>
<<addtag 'gloryhole'>>
You decide to simply go with the flow of the situation and quickly free your ?penis. You move towards the hole and slowly stick it through, awkwardly hugging the wall at the same time.?nl
<<if settings.sph>>
Shortly after showing your ?dick, you hear a surprised snicker coming from the other side.
<<say 'Anonymous person'>>Oh my, you're not really a shower then? Here, let me help you out with that.<</say>>
You immediately feel a warm mouth envelop your ?penis. A tongue is deftly licking all over your soft shaft and you instantly feel blood flowing to harden it. This anonymous mouth quickly gets to sucking, which rapidly makes you stand full mast.?nl
The person takes a short break as you feel them release your ?penis, probably to inspect if you're hard.
<<say 'Anonymous person'>>Wow. Not a grower either then... That's... disappointing... I was hoping to suck some big cock tonight, not this tiny thing.<</say>>
The embarrassment of the situation somehow turns you on even more, making your ?dick twitch. You somehow feel the need to apologise for being this way.
<<player>>I'm- I'm sorry that it's not bigger...<</player>>
Suddenly they seem to quickly change their tone a bit.
<<say 'Anonymous person'>>Oh shit, don't apologise, that's even more pathetic. Here, can't believe I'm saying this but I'll suck you off, okay? Come to think of it, you're probably the easiest to deepthroat I've ever experienced...<</say>>
They finish that thought by instantly taking your entire ?cock into their mouth and sucking it up and down a few times, stimulating you with their tongue. They pull their mouth away to say something degrading again while stroking you with two fingers.
<<say 'Anonymous person'>>Well, it's not really deepthroating since you can't even reach my throat at all...<</say>>
Your cock twitches at their remarks. Why does this humiliation always turn you on like this so much...
<<say 'Anonymous person'>>Ah, you like it when I call your cock tiny, don't you?<</say>>
Great, now they know. Before you respond they immediately start sucking again.
<<player>>M- Maybe...<</player>>
Their expert blowjob skills takes you very close to your climax, though you painfully wonder to yourself if that could also be because of all the degrading remarks. There's not much cock-length to use so they're moving up and down the entire size rather quickly.
<<player>>Ah! I'm getting c- close...<</player>>
The person immediately stops sucking as they opt to switch to their two-finger stroking instead. Your cock is being stroked faster and faster. You once again hear their soft voice making fun of your manhood.
<<say 'Anonymous person'>>I've never stroked a cock with only two fingers before, any more would be too much for you.<</say>>
You're getting closer to the edge as you hear these remarks.
<<say 'Anonymous person'>>Come on, just like that. Tell me you have a pathetic tiny penis and I'll let you cum.<</say>>
You really don't like the idea of them stopping the handjob so close to your finish so you decide to go along with it almost instantly.
<<player>>Ah! I- I have a p- pathetic... t- tiny... penis... Ah- I'm cumming!<</player>>
Speaking out loud what you were commanded to say instantly brings you over the edge as you enjoy your intense orgasm. You don't even pay any mind to their laughter as your ?penis cums through the hole.
<<say 'Anonymous person'>>Wow, that was actually kind of fun. Just a word of advice though: You might want to reconsider entering that stall again. Not everyone will be as lenient as me when you show that thing. Come to think of it, maybe you'd be better off on this side of the wall instead... Anyways, I'll be going now.<</say>>
<<player>>Uhm, okay. Thanks...<</player>>
Shortly after showing your ?dick, you immediately feel your entire length being enveloped by a warm mouth. A tongue is deftly licking all over your soft shaft and you instantly feel blood flowing to harden it. This anonymous mouth quickly gets to sucking, which rapidly makes you stand full mast.?nl
The person seems to be totally into it, sucking you rapidly and stroking the rest of your length at the same time. They take a quick break to switch to handjob only while you hear their soft moans as they're working your ?cock, they must really enjoy giving blowjobs.
<<say 'Anonymous person'>>That's a great cock... Do you want to try fucking my face?<</say>>
Without waiting for a response, you let your cock be pushed backwards. You see the soft lips appear through the hole as you look down, prepared to let you fuck their mouth. You immediately take the opportunity as you force your cock through her gaping mouth. They carefully hold it in place to let you pump in and out of their head with ease.
<<img 'tavern/gloryhole/gloryhole_receiving.gif' 'ridge-border'>>
You fuck their mouth for a good amount of time before they back off, signalling that they'll take over again. Their precise stroking and expert blowjob skills very quickly bring you close to the edge.
<<player>>Ah! I'm getting c- close...<</player>>
The person immediately stops sucking as they opt to switch to a handjob instead. Your cock is being stroked faster and faster.
<<say 'Anonymous person'>>Ah fuck yeah... Cum for me, baby.<</say>>
You let out a long moan as you are brought over the edge, enjoying your intense orgasm. You retreat out of the hole right after you feel an affectionate kiss placed on the tip of your penis.
<<say 'Anonymous person'>>That was great, thanks honey!<</say>>
You hear them open their stall door and quickly leave the bathroom. You sit down on the toilet, taking some time to recover from your intense orgasm. Did that just really happen? You decide to not spend too much time thinking about the situation as you still have to finish your cleaning.
<<decision 'Finish cleaning the bathrooms' 'Tavern Work Event Bathroom Cleaning Finish'>>
<<disableif hasEquipmentTag('chastity')>>
You are locked in chastity.
<<decision 'Decline' virtue small>>
<<player>>Ah I'm sorry, I'm just here to clean the toilets, I didn't know about this.<</player>>
<<say 'Anonymous person'>>Oh, that's okay, I didn't know you're new here. I'll just wait for the next one.<</say>>
<<player>>Okay, uhm- have fun.<</player>>
You awkwardly continue you with your work, opting to leave the person in their stall alone.
<<include 'Tavern Work Event Bathroom Cleaning Finish'>>
<</decision>>You enter the small bathroom stall and waste no time to start cleaning. You get momentarily distracted as you notice a perfectly round hole on the left wall, opening up to the stall next to you. You quickly decide to not pay it any mind and continue your toilet scrubbing.?nl
Luckily the toilet wasn't in too bad a state and you quickly get done cleaning it. Even now, you are still not used to this dirty feeling and you take a moment to carefully wash your hands before you enter the stall again to start mopping the floor.?nl
The moment that you enter the stall you hear someone else walk into the bathroom, you quickly lock your stall door to make sure they don't accidentally walk in while you're still cleaning, close one too as they seem to be entering the stall right next to you. The strange hole definitely decreases both your privacy. Fortunately, it's dark enough that it's difficult to really look through the hole at all.?nl
You're almost done mopping the floor as you crouch down to be able to reach every nook and cranny. The moment you turn around and look up, you see something poking out of the hole.
<<img 'tavern/gloryhole/gloryhole_dick.gif' 'ridge-border'>>
Yup. That's a cock. You're currently crouched down in a bathroom stall and looking up at a cock, mere inches from your face. After staring at it for some time your mind has a vivid moment of the whole thing finally making sense, the note on the doors, the hole in the wall. Yup. It's for cock.?nl
You're staring for an awkward amount of time now, unsure what to do while the cock is just sitting there. The silence is finally broken by a voice, probably coming from the person that owns the cock.
<<say 'Anonymous person'>>Are you going to do help me out here or what?<</say>>
Wow. The cock-owner is definitely impatient. But maybe it's fair since you're the one simply sitting here like a deer caught in lantern-lights. Your mind refocuses on the now and you finally decide to move. Are you seriously considering touching that thing? <<if settings.sph>>Your mind can't help but compare this big stick to your own much smaller twig, it's definitely at least twice the size.<</if>>?nl
<<decision 'Pleasure the cock' depravity small>>
<<addtag 'gloryhole'>>
<<addsin 'blowjob'>>
Deciding to go the adventurous route, you position yourself properly in front of the hole as you get down on your knees and answer the impatient person.
<<player>>Y- Yes...<</player>>
In full exploration mode - like a caveman first discovering fire - you give a single poke to the already hard boner to see how it responds. The massive thing bounces back at your prod and you take the opportunity to hold the shaft in your hand. The cock feels nice and warm as you start moving up and down.
<<say 'Anonymous person'>>New to this, are you? Well don't worry, I have all the time in the world for you. Get a good feel for it. It's impressive, isn't it?<</say>>
You roll your eyes as he's being cocky about his cock. You don't take your hands off of it though. It's difficult to admit but he's definitely right... You decide that maybe you should actually play into his ego.
<<player>>Yeah... It's really big...<</player>>
I mean it might be because you're literally face to face with it now but the thing is massive. Your vertical vision is entirely covered with cock, balls to tip.
<<say 'Anonymous person'>>I know, right? Why don't you give it a kiss.<</say>>
You are taken slightly aback by his suggestion before you actually consider doing it. You stare at his cock head as you start licking your lips. You lean slightly forward and plant a soft wet kiss on the tip of his penis.
<<say 'Anonymous person'>>That's a good slut... Why don't you take it into your mouth while you're at it.<</say>>
He wouldn't have to ask you twice, your mouth is already watering at the prospect and quickly lean forward even more to take the cock into your mouth, tongue swirling around the head of his penis. The taste is strangely pleasant as you feel the rod going deeper in your mouth.?nl
You can't seem to get the entire cock into your mouth, only getting about halfway before your gag reflex kicks in. You quickly decide to make up for the rest by stroking the base.
<<say 'Anonymous person'>>Ah fuck, that's great. Keep going.<</say>>
You're getting really into it as you start blowing the cock faster and faster.
<<img 'tavern/gloryhole/gloryhole_giving.webp' 'ridge-border'>>
You mind feels at peace as your head is slowly filled with more and more cock. How would he respond when he learns that it is the prince who's currently sucking him off? You consider the fact that this might be your true purpose in life, sucking off anonymous people in a dirty bathroom stall. The thought strangely enough brings you a satisfied feeling and you continue your current task with more diligence. You try taking the cock deeper and deeper, and you actually feel yourself making good progress as you feel his tip in the back of your throat.
<<say 'Anonymous person'>>Wow, that feels amazing! It's like you're made for this!<</say>>
His compliments actually make you feel a mix of pride and arousal as you continue your work.
<<if hasEquipmentTag('chastity')>>
You feel your ?cock straining inside your chastity cage, you can't believe you're actually this turned on and can't do anything about it. You instead opt to focus your arousal on the most important thing instead: his pleasure.
It's only now that you realise your ?dick is standing at full mast under your clothes. While you're working on his cock with your mouth and one hand, you slip the other one in your underwear and start stroking yourself. <<if settings.sph>>Two fingers is always your go-to for masturbating, that would never be enough for the massive thing in your mouth though.<</if>>
You feel like you're getting in a majestic cock-sucking flow, at one with nature. You would want to enjoy this moment forever before you are suddenly interrupted by his voice.
<<say 'Anonymous person'>>Ah fuck, I'm getting close! Get ready for my cum!<</say>>
Well, all good things must come to an end, you suppose.
<<if settings.cum>>
Though, this ending does have you quite excited and turned on. What will you do with that sweet batch of white goo you're about to receive??nl
<<decision 'Let him cum in your mouth and swallow' depravity small>>
<<addsin 'cum-eating'>>
You can't wait to get his sperm in your mouth and the thought alone drives you crazy. It's the same for him apparently as you are now basically just holding your mouth against the hole and he's fucking your face-hole. He's panting heavily as you feel his cock starting to pulse in your mouth. He moans loudly while he cums.
<<img 'tavern/gloryhole/gloryhole_swallow.gif' 'ridge-border'>>
You immediately take a moment to enjoy the taste of his semen and proceed to swallow his entire load, proudly presenting your empty mouth as you open it and show it through the hole.
<<say 'Anonymous person'>>Damn, I didn't know you're a cum-slut as well... That was amazing...<</say>>
<<include 'Tavern Work Event Bathroom Gloryhole Giving End'>>
<<decision 'Let him cum on the floor'>>
It doesn't take long for his warning to turn real as you bring him over the edge. You quickly dodge to the side as his orgasm approaches. He's moaning loudly while experiencing this.
<<img 'tavern/gloryhole/gloryhole_spit.gif' 'ridge-border'>>
<<say 'Anonymous person'>>Fuuuckkk, that feels amazing... Wow, thank you for that.<</say>>
<<include 'Tavern Work Event Bathroom Gloryhole Giving End'>>
It doesn't take long for his warning to turn real as you bring him over the edge. You quickly dodge to the side as his orgasm approaches. He's moaning loudly while experiencing this.
<<say 'Anonymous person'>>Fuuuckkk, that feels amazing... Wow, thank you for that.<</say>>
<<include 'Tavern Work Event Bathroom Gloryhole Giving End'>>
<<decision 'Decline him' virtue small>>
<<player>>Ah I'm sorry, I'm just here to clean the toilets, I didn't know about this.<</player>>
The cock quickly retreats back through the hole.
<<say 'Anonymous person'>>Oh, that's okay, I didn't know you're new here. Sorry about that. I'll just wait to see if someone else comes along.<</say>>
<<player>>Okay, uhm- have fun.<</player>>
You awkwardly continue you with your work, opting to leave the person in their stall alone.
<<include 'Tavern Work Event Bathroom Cleaning Finish'>>
<</decision>><<if hasEquipmentTag('chastity')>>
You actually find yourself out of breath as you mutter out a reply.
<<addsin 'masturbation'>>
Though your job is done, you still find yourself on your knees with one hand around your ?penis, mind only focused on what just happened. You are masturbating rapidly, not really caring if he hears you or not. It seems like he does, as you don't hear him moving around anymore. Suddenly, you once again see his majestic cock as he pushes it through the hole again.?nl
Even though it's now soft, it's still impressive and it seems like he wants to let you play with it to help you reach your orgasm. You take his softening cock into your mouth<<if settings.cum>> and savor the taste of his cum still on it<</if>>.
<<say 'Anonymous person'>>Yeah, you like that, don't you? Keep stroking your cock while you clean mine with your tongue.<</say>>
His commanding voice very quickly sends you over the edge. You take his cock as deep as you can and moan loudly, muffled by his member as you cum all over the bathroom floor. You savor the moment before you notice you're not really breathing anymore and let yourself slide off of his dick. You quickly give him a loving kiss on the tip before he pulls it back through the hole.
<<player>>Thank you for the cock...<</player>>
He gives a satisfied chuckle as you hear him open his stall door and exit the bathroom, leaving you alone on your knees in front of the gloryhole. You take some time to recover from what just happened. Did that just really happen? You decide to not spend too much time thinking about the situation as you still have to finish your cleaning.
<<decision 'Finish cleaning the bathrooms' 'Tavern Work Event Bathroom Cleaning Finish'>>
<</decision>><<setlocation 'Tavern'>>
You're definitely tired by now but luckily it doesn't take too long for you to finish your task. You finally make your way out of the bathroom, clothes dirty as you start putting away the mop and bucket.
<<eve>>Hey, ?newname. Nice work on the bathroom!<</eve>>
<<player>>Thanks... That's definitely some work...<</player>>
<<if hasTag('gloryhole')>>
You still can't believe what happened inside there. Why is there even a gloryhole in the first place? As you're lost in thought you see her stare at you with a mischievous smile.
<<eve>>I bet... You were in there for so long, weren't you?<</eve>>
Unsure what she means exactly, her intent becomes immediately clear as she raises her eyebrows and rephrases her question.
<<eve>>Did you have any <em>fun</em> while you were in there?<</eve>>
Does she... Does she know that you went to the gloryhole? You immediately feel embarrassed and your cheeks start reddening. She doesn't seem to be awkward about it at all, strangely enough.
<<eve>>Hehe, I thought so. Well, you don't have to tell me about it if you don't want to.<</eve>>
She gives you a cute wink as she walks away to finish her work for the evening. Probably time for you to do the same.
<<decision 'Finish your shift' 'Tavern Work End'>><</decision>>You're pretty far through your shift when you're tasked to bring a tray of drinks to the rowdiest table at the tavern. Half a dozen rough looking guys have claimed this corner of the place as their own. They seem to pay no mind to their obnoxiously loud carousing. Two of them are having some kind of fight when one of them crashes into a nearby table, causing other patrons to quickly leave that side of the tavern.?nl
You gulp as you anxiously bring the tray of drinks to the table at the center of them. Their revelry seems to stop for a moment as you suddenly feel all their eyes on you. You immediately feel miles out of your comfort zone, there's a bunch of drunk louts staring at you in your - clearly working - feminine disguise.?nl
You set down the tray with drinks and some of the men immediately reach for a mug. One man, seated in your direct vicinity, whistles loudly at you with a lecherous smile.
<<say 'Drunkard'>>Wew, you're quite the beauty, lass. Why don't you join us and we can get to know each other a bit better?<</say>>
His not so subtle invitation seems to immediately get the other drunks invested as well as they start lustfully cheering you on by whistling and trying to peer pressure you into joining them. The man who asked the question holds out a drink to you, waiting expectantly at your response. It feels like a very stupid idea to join them, it's probably best to get out of this situation as fast as possible. Though coincidentally, you are close to your break time, perhaps all they want is to share one drink...?nl
<<decision 'Make eye contact with Eve and have her save you' 'Tavern Work Event Drunkards Catcalling Intervention'>>
<<decision 'Decline them directly' dominance medium>>
While the man is holding out the drink to you, you suddenly start laughing at him.
<<player>>Hahaha! You really think you'd have a shot at me with that line? Come on!<</player>>
He looks at you, quite confused and the whooping from the other guys quickly quiets down as well.
<<player>>I mean for real, you all reek like the piss-drenched alley outside, why would I ever want to drink with you?<</player>>
The man awkwardly tries to respond, apparently trying to actually give a serious answer to that question in a now quite desperate display. You quickly spare him the situation by interjecting him.
<<player>>That was a rhetorical question, dear. If you can't even recognize that perhaps you've had enough to drink for tonight. How about you all finish your drinks and then get out of here in an orderly manner before you start bothering more people?<</player>>
The men around somehow actually seem hurt by your directness. Good. You turn to the instigator drunkard one last time.
<<player>>To make it clear: That's also rhetorical. In fact, it's more of an order, actually.<</player>>
You gather some empty tankards and make your way back to the bar where you see ?Velma looking at you with a smile.
<<velma>>Well done, ?newname. I've been looking for a reason to make them leave. Quite impressive.<</velma>>
You nod at her and try to act cool in this intense internal moment of feeling like a boss ass bitch and gaining her approval for it.
<<decision 'Finish your shift' 'Tavern Work End'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Accept the drink' submissiveness small>>
This is probably a mistake but what the hell, might as well have one drink.
<<player>>Ah- uhm- sure- I can probably join for one drink...<</player>>
You accept the mug and take a swig. The men around seem to be quite happy with this as they start cheering you on. The drunk next to you still has that lecherous smile as he pats the empty chair next to him.
<<say 'Drunkard'>>Can't have a fine lady like you simply stand there! Take a seat, pretty!<</say>>
You awkward sit down and only after notice the chair is placed suspiciously close to this gentleman. You can clearly smell his alcoholic odour from here.?nl
Though all of them are abundantly aware of your presence, most other men resume loudly talking with each other. You don't really pay attention to the conversation, still confused as to how you ended up in this situation.?nl
As you're wondering what it is exactly that you're doing here you feel the drunken man next to you move to slowly put his hand over your hand and hold it, resting on your lap under the table. You look at him confused as he gives you a lustful wink.?nl
<<decision 'Quickly get out of the situation' 'Tavern Work Event Drunkards Catcalling Intervention'>>
<<decision 'Let him move your hand' 'Tavern Work Event Drunkards Catcalling Handjob' depravity medium>>
<</decision>>You quickly look over the bar and try to spot ?Eve. It looks like she was already watching out for you as she seems to be observing the situation closely. The look of desperation on your face is all that was needed to set her off. She nods at you with an angry look on her face and storms over, full of determination to safe you from this situation.
<<eve>>Hey! That's enough, you wretches! She's clearly not having it!<</eve>>
She immediately pulls you away from the group and uses a fiery gaze that you have never seen her don before as she stares at the drunks.
<<say 'Drunkard'>>Ah come on, ?Eve! We we're just playing with the new barmaid is all! No harm done, right lass?<</say>>
The man looks at you, hoping that you vouch for him in order to deflate the situation. It seems like ?Eve isn't even waiting to hear what you have to say as she has already made her own assessment of the situation.
<<eve>>Nope, harm's definitely done. Just like you. You're drunk, way too rowdy, and now rude to the staff as well. Time to get out of here before I call ?madameV.<</eve>>
She forcefully takes some tankards from the men as they are groan with annoyance. Luckily they know when to call it quits as they all reluctantly get up and start leaving the establishment. Most of them seem to direct their anger at the guy who invited you in the first place, calling him all kinds of stupid for his stupid actions.?nl
?Eve keeps staring daggers at them until they all leave and she turns to you look at you with a smile.
<<eve>>You alright, dear?<</eve>>
You nod at her and give her a quick hug, thanking her for the intervention.
<<player>>Thanks, ?Eve. I'm doing much better now.<</player>>
<<eve>>Don't worry, you can always call on me when something like that happens. I was looking for a reason to kick them out anyways, I'm glad you called me over!<</eve>>
<<decision 'Finish your shift' 'Tavern Work End'>><</decision>><<set $paycheck += 5>>
Something about this situation has you feeling strangely aroused and you respond to his wink by giving him a slight nod. Having received your approval, the man softly grabs your hand and starts moving it in his direction. Being seated so close to him makes it easy for him to take your hand and place it directly on his crotch without drawing too much attention. You immediately feel the hardness in his pants as it seems he's already at full mast for you.?nl
You use your fingers to timidly feel the entirety of his manhood. Strangely enough, he's still holding on to your wrist as you're exploring the details of his cock through the fabric of his pants.?nl
Though it seems like most of the other guys are focused on the conversation, you catch a few glances towards your arm, currently rotated towards this man's crotch under the table. While you're anxiously wondering whether they're on to the situation, the man whose bulge you're currently palpating leans over to whisper in your ear.
<<say 'Drunkard'>>Don't worry, I just need to borrow your hand for a bit, you won't even have to do anything, you pretty thing...<</say>>
You feel the man suddenly start to move your hand up and down under the table, keeping hold of your wrist. You tighten your grip around his bulge as he starts actively using your hand as a masturbation tool. His upper body is still turned slightly towards you as you hear his breathing turn into the hint of moans. You would focus more on keeping this thing a secret but unfortunately the situation has you too aroused to pay real mind to that.?nl
Something about having a man you don't know use your hand as a sex toy in the middle of a busy tavern has you extremely aroused. You actually find your eyes drifting down and looking at his bulge while he's pumping your hand aggressively over the entirety of it.?nl
<<if hasEquipmentTag('chastity')>>
It's a good thing you're wearing a chastity cage, otherwise you'd have to worry about people spotting your boner now too. Downside is that your cock is absolutely straining in your little cage, somehow making you even more aroused. What would these rough men do if they found out you've got your ?penis locked up in a cage? Would they all laugh and call you a sissy, knowing you could never be as manly as them?
<<elseif settings.sph>>
It's a good thing your own cock is not quite nearly as big as the one you're currently pleasuring, otherwise you'd have to worry about people spotting your boner now too. The thought of that strangely arouses you as well. What would these rough men do if they found out you're not a girl but actually have the smallest little penis they've ever seen? Would they laugh at you and draw the attention of the entire tavern, pointing it out for everyone?
You suddenly find yourself worried about a whole new problem. Your own ?penis is now also full mast, making a tent inside your dress. It would be so embarrassing if they spotted it... Well... The idea of them seeing you crossdressing somehow intrigues you. What would they do if they found out you're not actually a woman but simply pretending right now? Is the thought of that actually turning you on as well?
You let your mind pervertedly wander about these questions simultaneously as your hand is being used to pump up and down faster and faster. Your arousal brings you in a lustful autopilot as you subconsciously help the man stroke himself as much as possible. You tighten your hand more for him and he seems to be approving of this.?nl
Perhaps he approves a little too much. Your kinky day-dreaming has you notice far too late that the man currently occupying your hand with his cock seems to let go of the idea of doing this secretly as he's leaned back, displaying his new toy for all to see as he pumps aggressively some last few times and groans loudly.?nl
You suddenly feel the wetness through the his pants as he climaxes using only your hand.<<if settings.cum>> You can clearly feel his warm cum seeping through the fabric as you see the dark stain appear on his crotch. That's quite a load... Even though he's already let go of your wrist, you seem to be holding on for a bit longer, allowing your hand to be soiled by his seed.<</if>>?nl
Time freezes for a moment as you try to process what just happened. You are forcefully brought to the now as you hear all the guys around burst out laughing. Luckily, they seem to only be laughing at the guy you just helped orgasm.
<<say 'Other drunkard'>>Hahaha! Look at his pants! Did you just seriously cum after getting touched for only like twenty seconds?!<</say>>
Now that you think about it, he's right, that did go rather quickly. Granted the whole thing probably took closer to a full minute but maybe you lustfully zoned out for a bit as well there...?nl
The man is quickly taken out of his post-orgasm high as all his friends seem to be turning on him. His cheeks turn bright red as he stammers an excuse. It doesn't seem like they're having it though, one guy is laughing so hard he fell off his chair. They're all making pretty brutal jokes about him with premature ejaculation being the main theme. You kind of feel bad for the man as he's now decided to get up and quickly leave the tavern, trousers clearly stained. His "friends" don't seem quite finished as they decide to follow him, laughing loudly as they exit together. Poor guy.?nl
You reflect on this weird moment while cleaning out their table, you can't believe you actually gave a drunk stranger a handjob in front of his friends. As you take away the tankards, you notice <<money gold false 5>> golden coins laid on the table in front of the empty seat of your now slightly-better acquainted drunkard. Even though he was being pestered, it looks he didn't forget to give you a nice tip for letting him use your hand. You pocket the coin and wash your hands before continuing your shift.
<<decision 'Finish your shift' 'Tavern Work End'>><</decision>>@TODO shady merchant comes over to sell snake oil stuff
<<decision 'Finish your shift' 'Tavern Work End'>><</decision>>@TODO Classic D&D group, complain about crazy event (e.g.fighting dragons) and tips an obscene amount
<<decision 'Finish your shift' 'Tavern Work End'>><</decision>>@TODO level 1 adventurer trying to get a quest (asks if there are any rats in the basement that need dealing with)
<<decision 'Finish your shift' 'Tavern Work End'>><</decision>><<setlocation 'Town square'>>
You make your way through the town in the direction of the tavern. The town square already feels fully alive with the hustle and bustle of merchants peddling their goods out here. There's a bit of a crowd you have to make your way through before you can get closer to the tavern.?nl
It's strange, you've never really experienced a mass of people while in your disguise like this. It almost feels like you are fitting in, like you are one of the common people. You really hope nobody notices that you have no idea what it's like to not be royalty.?nl
After a short you have found your way to the destination. You take some time to stand in front of the tavern and look at it, delaying the moment you will have to go inside. The wooden sign sways softly above the entrance, showing ?tavern proudly in bold letters.?nl
You take a deep breath before you step forward and over the tavern doors.
<<decision 'Head inside' 'Tavern Velma Intro 2'>><</decision>><<setlocation 'Tavern'>>
You set foot inside the tavern, taking a good look around. It seems to be very quiet, not many people visiting the place in the morning makes sense, you suppose. It's quite spacious inside, there's lots of different tables for people but with enough room to make your way around them. It would probably feel more cramped when the place is packed at night, probably.?nl
You take some steps forward, very much not sure of yourself. Behind the bar, you notice a woman staring at you with a certain intrigue. She has an assertive air to her and she looks slightly aged. She nods at you and makes a hand wave suggesting for you to step up the bar. You immediately do as she says, probably best to report to the staff right away.
<<velma>>Welcome to ?tavern. What can I do for you, dear?<</velma>>
<<player>>Thanks... Uhm... I'm actually supposed to- uh- work here...<</player>>
Great, what an intro... She looks you up and down with a curious expression.
<<velma>>Ah, you're the one ?Sybille told me about... Wow, you're really new to this whole thing, aren't you dear?<</velma>>
She must be ?Sybille's contact at the tavern. You immediately feel embarrassed that she notices how new you are to this, you're also not really sure what exactly ?Sybille has told her and what she is referring to.
<<player>>Uhm, yes, I'm not really... used to this environment.<</player>>
<<velma>>It's okay, dear. I was made aware of that and ?Sybille asked me to help you with that.<</velma>>
Her wisened eyes look at your with a sincere concern, you can definitely sense something motherly here, like she just decided that she wants to take care of you are take you under her wing. You take a seat at the bar.
<<velma>>My name is ?Velma. I'm the owner of this little place, I'm very glad to have you here.<</velma>>
She's the owner? Somehow you didn't quite expect that but it makes sense, she already feels quite commanding in a gentle way.
<<player>>Ah, thank you, ?Velma. I'm glad to have the opportunity to work here. My name is ?player.<</player>>
You look at her with a smile that quickly fades the moment you realise your mistake from her slightly quizzical reaction on her face.
<<velma>>Now, that doesn't sound quite right, does it? Why don't you try that again, dear.<</velma>>
You slightly bow your head in shame. How can you instantly forget the first rule of working undercover...
<<player>>Uhm- Yes, sorry! My name is ?newname, that's it, of course!<</player>>
<<velma>>Much better. Try to practise that more often. You must be sure to not make a mistake like that again, if that happens with anyone else it could be detrimental to your cause.<</velma>>
<<player>>Yes, of course, sorry ?Velma.<</player>>
<<velma>>As you'll be working for me it will also be important that you refer to me as ?madame or ?madameV, never just ?Velma. Is that clear?<</velma>>
<<player>>Yes, Vel- ?madameV. Of course.<</player>>
Wow, you are really doing great stuff here... How could this whole conversation have gone any worse? Luckily, it seems like she's not really mad at you at all, it's almost like she expected these little hiccups from you.
<<velma>>Good. We're ready continue then. I suppose it's important for you that your schedule remains flexible. You can work here any day during the evening. I will pay you five gold pieces for every shift that you work and any tips you receive are for you to keep. Does this all sound agreeable to you?<</velma>>
You're getting paid for this? Strangely enough you hadn't even thought about that, you don't really need the money at all but it would probably be bad for your cover if people find out you're not getting paid.
<<player>>Uh- yes, ?madame.<</player>>
<<velma>>Splendid, dear. I have been informed not to overwhelm you too much on your first day so I suppose we will leave it at that for now. Come back another day to start your first shift.<</velma>>
<<player>>Sounds good, thank you for the explanation, ?madame. I will come back soon to start working.<</player>>
You stand up and make your way back outside, that's all for today, you suppose.
<<decision 'Head back to the castle' 'Tavern Velma Intro 3'>><</decision>><<increasetime 1 true>>
<<setlocation 'Road'>>
The sun, now higher in the sky, shines down on you as you walk this same path back with a reinvigorated spring in your step. The plan now actually starting to unfold feels very exciting. It doesn't take you long before you are back at the castle.
<span class="notice good">You have now unlocked the town area that you can visit while being disguised.</span>
<<decision 'Head to your bedroom and get changed' 'Bedroom'>>
<<addcounter 'velma-tavern' 1>>
<<startquest 'tavern-intro'>>
<<outfit standard>>
<</decision>>As you head inside the tavern you see ?Velma standing in front of the bar talking with someone. It looks like she also works here, she's wearing a very cute barmaid outfit, <<if hasClothesTag('feminine')>>sort of similar to what you're wearing, except it has a much shorter skirt than what you have.<<else>>with a very short skirt.<</if>> It looks very good on her.<<if hasTag('eve-waterfall')>> Something makes you feel like you've seen her before, but you're not sure when.<</if>>?nl
?Velma notices you and waves you over to join them.
<<velma>>?newname, you're on time, very good. Are you ready for your first day of working?<</velma>>
<<player>>Yes, I'm ready to work, ?madameV!<</player>>
You feel kind of embarrassed about how your conversation with ?Velma went last time you were here so you have opted to try and make yourself come across more confident this time.
<<velma>>Good. This is ?Eve, I will leave you in her hands as she'll be the one guiding you and show you the ropes today. It shouldn't be too busy this evening so I believe you will do fine, dear. I'll be in my office if you need me.<</velma>>
You nod to her and ?Velma smiles to you as she leaves you two alone. You turn to face ?Eve to introduce yourself to her.
<<if hasTag('eve-waterfall')>>
It is at this moment that you recognise what you know her from. You have seen her before in the forest by the waterfall, she was taking a swim, naked, and you walked in on her. You instinctively look down towards her crotch, remembering the moment you saw her- No, you quickly snap yourself out of it and look at her, cheeks red with embarrassment.
<<eve>>Oh wow! It's you! I remember seeing you at the waterfall! You're the new ?barworker? That's so exciting!<</eve>>
She doesn't seem to feel any embarrassment about the face that you have already seen her naked, apparently.
<<eve>>I just realised I never asked you your name that time, such bad manners!<</eve>>
You sheepishly smile at her.
<<player>>That's okay, I'm ?newname. I'm glad to meet you for real now.<</player>>
It looks like she beats you to it, though.
<<eve>>Hi, I'm ?Eve! You're the new ?barworker? That's very exciting! What's your name?<</eve>>
You sheepishly smile at her intense enthusiasm, it's quite endearing and makes you want to match her energy.
<<player>>I'm ?newname. Glad to meet you!<</player>>
<<eve>>Me too! So tell me, ?newname, are you excited for your first day on the job?<</eve>>
You're probably a bit more scared than excited, but you probably shouldn't keep saying that.
<<player>>Yes, I can't wait to get started, I might be a bit out of my depth so I'm not sure what to do first...<</player>>
<<eve>>That's okay! That's what I'm here for. We're going to start off easy, cleaning tankards, wiping tables, that sort of thing. Afterwards I'll show you how to make some drinks and how to serve the patrons in an orderly way. It's going to be great!<</eve>>
<<decision 'Start working' 'Tavern Eve Intro 2'>><</decision>>You spend a good few hours working together with ?Eve. She's a very gentle teacher as it must be very apparent that you have absolutely no experience doing anything close to this at all. Your royal self has never even had to do any chores yourself, let alone serve patrons at a tavern before. She doesn't seem to mind your lack of experience at all and with her guidance you very quickly pick up on how things work.
<<eve>>And that's how to tap open a new barrel, simple as that! Don't worry though, if it's being difficult you can always ask me for help!<</eve>>
She has shown you how to correctly pour beers and how to keep the bar clean. Luckily, it's not too busy at the tavern so you have all the time to let ?Eve teach you things. It's strange, not being used to doing service work yourself, you were scared you would absolutely hate it but it actually feels like the opposite.
<<eve>>?newname! Can you bring these beers to the people over there?<</eve>>
<<player>>On it!<</player>>
While you bring the three tankards for the customers sitting by the window you realise you get into this satisfied feeling of flow. It feels like this is the first time that you're actually part of the common folk, even though you know that you aren't. It seems like the disguise is finally working for you now. You return some empty cups to the bar, you see ?Eve talking to a customer and ?Velma walks by, smiling at you.
<<velma>>Look at you, you're doing great, dear. All used to being a ?barworker, I see.<</velma>>
<<player>>Ah, thank you ?madame. ?Eve is a great teacher.<</player>>
?Velma nods to you with a proud smile and leaves towards her office again. You spend some time cleaning the bar when ?Eve walks up to you.
<<eve>>I have to help a customer for a little while but I'll be back soon, you okay with holding the fort while I'm gone?<</eve>>
You immediately feel some doubtfulness creep over you but somehow your new sense of security seems to bat the panick away.
<<player>>Uh- Yes, of course, I'll be fine!<</player>>
?Eve gives you a happy smile and she walks off through a door in the back of the tavern of which you're not really sure where it leads. Next to the door, you see a man who was apparently waiting for her as she nods to him and he immediately follows behind her, closing the door behind them. Strange.?nl
<<decision 'Continue working' 'Tavern Eve Intro 3'>><</decision>>Only a little while later, you realise that telling ?Eve you'll be fine was actually a failed attempt at manifesting that. She's been gone for quite some time now and you are completely overwhelmed with the amount of people that you still have to serve. You bring new drinks to one table and some woman at another table starts shouting for you to hurry up.
<<say 'Patron'>>Hey, you! ?Barworker! Where's my drink?! I've been waiting for so long now!<</say>>
<<player>>Yes, sorry, madam. I'll be with you shortly!<</player>>
You quickly run back to the bar but almost run into another customer that decided to stand up the exact moment you were about to dart behind his chair. Narrowly avoiding the collision you quickly start grabbing more tankards before you realise there are no clean ones anymore. You almost panic completely when at that moment, ?Eve returns.?nl
She has a satisfied smile on her face as she fixes the shoulder strap of her blouse. Her hair is slightly disheveled.
<<eve>>I'm back! Sorry, that took <em>way</em> longer than expected! How's it going here?<</eve>>
You tell her what's going on and she immediately reads the panic in your eyes. She puts a comforting hand on your shoulders before she tells you how you're going to fix the situation together. Her calm solution immediately makes you feel a lot better and together you manage to bring everything back in order.?nl
The rest of your shift goes by much more smoothly. Even though ?Eve still leaves you alone to see a customer quite a few more time, you think you're doing pretty well. After a few more hours, the last patrons start to leave the bar as you're cleaning up. ?Velma comes out of her office to come and speak to you.
<<decision 'Speak to Velma' 'Tavern Eve Intro 4'>><<increasetime 1 true>><</decision>>?Velma looks you up and down as you take a break from cleaning to talk to her. She looks over towards ?Eve, who then comes to join the two of you.
She has a very serious tone, you're not sure what she wants you to say to that question so you're slow to stammer something before you realise the question was not for you.
<<eve>>Yes, <<if hasClothesTag('feminine')>>s<</if>>he's good. Fitted in quickly, obviously new to the service work but that would be the same for any new ?barworker. I think it works!<</eve>>
It's strange hearing ?Eve give ?Velma very intentful analysis about you while still keeping her enthusiasm. ?Velma gives a decisive nod and smiles at you, breaking the serious air. She swiftly dismisses ?Eve, who turns away to continue cleaning.
<<velma>>Good, that settles it then. You have done well on your trial day, dear. I think this operation will work and I will let our mutual contact know.<</velma>>
Wait so does that mean ?Eve knew you are working undercover and ?Velma asked her to test you? This day feels much more intense than it already but you are so happy you managed to get through it.
<<player>>Thank you, ?madame. I won't disappoint you.<</player>>
<<velma>>Glad to hear it, dear. Now, I also was informed about your target, spying on <<name andreas 'Councillor'>> will be difficult. He's an infrequent but specific customer, always rents a private room in the back of the tavern and he actually prefers to pick the staff that serves his table for the evening himself. You will have to become a more regular ?barworker first, this will mean that you'll have to spend some time working here now.<</velma>>
Even though it's important information she's giving you, you also feel that not everything is landing after the long evening of working.
<<velma>>I will speak to you when you are ready for the next part. For now, welcome to ?tavern and we're glad to have you on board. Now go home and get some rest, dear.<</velma>>
You give ?Velma a nod and thank her for the opportunity before you leave the tavern, very tired after a long evening of working. It looks like ?Sybille's plan is slowly starting to work, now to first get good at this whole ?barworker thing.
<<decision 'Leave the place' 'Town square'>><<completequest 'tavern-intro'>><<startquest 'tavern'>><<addcounter 'velma-tavern' 1>><</decision>>The tavern is full to bursting this evening, apparently due to a traveling caravan that has stopped in the town for the night. You rush to fill orders, barely having time to catch your breath, and as the hours pass your bladder is starting to feel just as full as the tavern.?nl
When you finally catch a spare moment, you head to the bathroom to see that there is a long line of people waiting their turn. The line barely seems to be moving at all, and you can hear what sounds like muffled moaning coming from some of the stalls. It doesn't seem like the line will be moving faster any time soon.?nl
As you're standing there, you hear patrons calling impatiently for more drinks. You could wait however long it takes to get through this line, or you could just slip out to the alley for a moment and get back to work...
<<decision 'Wait your turn in the line' 'Tavern Work Event Pee Wait'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Sneak into the alley to piss' 'Tavern Work Event Pee Alley'>><</decision>><<set $paycheck -= 2>>
You wait your turn in the line, which moves excruciatingly slowly. The sounds of patrons calling for service only seems to increase the longer you're in line, and so does the annoyance in their voices.?nl
Finally you make it into a stall and release your bladder with relief. By the time you get back to your shift, however, an entire table has left without paying. You don't want this to cause any problems with ?Velma, so with a sigh you slip <<money gold false 2>>gold from tonight's paycheck into the till to cover the drinks.
<<decision 'Finish your shift' 'Tavern Work End'>><</decision>><<setlocation 'Alley'>>
You slip out the back door of the tavern into the alley. You don't see anyone around, so you turn against the side of the building, feeling as though your bladder is about to burst. Hurriedly, you <<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>lift up your skirt<<else>>undo the tie of your pants<</if>>, pull out your ?dick, and release your bladder with a sigh of relief.?nl
As you're in the middle of relieving yourself, two shadows pass by at the end of the alley and stop, looking your way. Before you can attempt to hide, you hear an authoritative voice call down the road.
<<say 'Guard'>>You there, halt!<</say>>
Your bladder was so full that now you've started, you simply can't stop. You finish pissing as the guards approach and quickly stuff your ?dick away. One steps forward to speak, while the other lingers behind, a hand casually on his weapon.
<<say 'Guard'>>Come now, <<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>my good woman<<else>>my good man<</if>>, you know it is a punishable offense to relieve oneself in public.<</say>>
<<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>The guard seems to be looking you up and down curiously, and you realize that from his perspective, he just saw a woman peeing standing up. Luckily, he seems more surprised than skeptical, as if he had no idea women could do such a thing.<<else>>The guard seems to be looking you up and down, as though trying to ascertain if he recognizes you.<</if>>
<<player>>Ah, I, uh, apologize sir, I work at this establishment and the bathrooms were completely full, and there were so many customers who needed drinks, so I just slipped out quickly... I assure you I don't normally do this, and it won't happen again, though I really do need to get back to my shift...<</player>>
<<say 'Guard'>>Oh, you're not going back to your shift tonight.<</say>>
The guard looks you up and down again, a small smile forming on his face. He looks back to the other guard, who smirks as well.
<<say 'Guard'>>You do have a choice, of course. A cold night in the dungeons, or a warm few hours in the pillory...<</say>>
He chuckles, still looking at you intensely. An entire night on a cold, hard dungeon ground certainly sounds unpleasant, but something tells you there's more to the pillory option than you realize.
<<player>>W-why is time in the pillory...warm?<</player>>
<<say 'Guard'>>Oh, you don't know? Offenders locked in the pillory are freely available for the public's use and pleasure. You certainly won't go cold.<</say>>
You stare at the guard. Is he implying that people in the pillory are available for the sexual whims of any random passerby? Suddenly time in the pillory sounds frightening, but an entire night in the cold dungeon doesn't sound particularly nice, either. Both feel like steep punishments, and you're definitely going to miss the rest of your shift...
<<decision 'Choose the pillory' 'Pillory Locked Up' depravity medium>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Choose the dungeons' 'Dungeons Locked Up' virtue small>><</decision>>You look back to the guard, trying to keep your breathing steady. You've never had to answer to authority in this way before, let alone be in trouble with the law. Being powerless to change the situation feels awful, but revealing your identity is simply untenable.?nl
You take a deep breath and stand up straight, trying to salvage your dignity.
<<player>>I will choose the pillory.<</player>>
In a daze, you allow yourself to be marched to the pillory in the middle of the town square. You feel your head being roughly stuffed into the center hole of a post, and your hands in the two side holes. You hear the click of a lock and the laughter of a guard.
<<say 'Guard'>>Someone will unlock you later, once the lesson has fully...penetrated. Enjoy your time.<</say>>
You hear retreating footsteps and find yourself left there, bent over and on display for the entire town to see. Your mind races as you replay the events of the day, and you realize both how vulnerable and how humiliated this punishment has made you.
<<decision 'Wait out your sentence' 'Pillory Blowjob'>><</decision>><<setlocation 'Town square'>>
<<addsin 'blowjob'>>
<<addsin 'cum-eating'>>
<<increasetime 1>>
You wait there in the pillory, your body starting to hurt in the unnatural position. The townspeople who pass by look at you curiously or laugh at your misfortune. Some throw old food at your head, or yell insults your way. They all eventually move on, leaving you plenty of time to reflect. You chose this option over the dungeons, even though any of these people could apparently stop and use you sexually any time they wanted. There must be some part of you that finds this arousing...?nl
As you're realizing this, a man stumbles out of ?tavern and stops, looking at you across the town square. There is a moment's pause, then he starts to swagger toward you.
<<say 'Drunk man'>>Hello there, <<if hasTag('crossdresser')>>pretty girl<<else>>handsome boy<</if>>. You seem to be in an unfortunate situation...<</say>>
You struggle to look up at him from your awkward position. You can already see a bulge in his pants, and you wonder if he's going to pull it out and use you as he wishes. The thought of this is already turning you on.
<<player>>Y-yes, I sure am... I'm, uh, pretty stuck here...<</player>>
<<say 'Drunk man'>>That's too bad. Anyone could do what they want with you.<</say>>
<<player>>Uh, yes, so I've been told...<</player>>
You swear you can see his erection growing in his pants as you say this.
<<say 'Drunk man'>>I could use your mouth right now to gratify myself.<</say>>
<<player>>Y-yes, you certainly could...<</player>>
He slowly lowers his pants, revealing his already erect cock. You stare at it, feeling your own ?dick growing hard as you imagine him using your mouth for his own pleasure. Almost automatically, you find yourself opening your mouth to receive him.?nl
The man smiles and rubs the end of his cock slowly along your cheek, then stuffs himself inside your mouth. You can hardly believe you're doing this, but the situation is too exciting for you to care. With difficulty, you try to shape your mouth so that he hits only the softest parts.
<<say 'Drunk man'>>Fuck, you like getting used, huh?<</say>>
Maybe he's right, but you're not going to think about it right now. You can't move much while locked in the pillory, so you focus on taking him in as he begins to fuck your mouth. You swirl your tongue around the tip of his cock and he moans, stuffing his dick even deeper in your mouth.
<<say 'Drunk man'>>Unfh... They should lock you up more often...<</say>>
Your saliva builds up as he continues fucking your mouth, your spit getting all over your face and the squelching growing louder. You realize that anyone could walk by and see this man freely using you for his sexual gratification in the middle of the town square. You're already quite hard, but it's not like you can touch yourself right now.?nl
The sound of loud wooping and whistling hits your ears. Your mouth still full of cock, you tilt your head slightly and see a group of men passing through the square, apparently cheering on your blowjob.
<<say 'Drunk man'>>Ignore them, they can wait their turn...<</say>>
Apparently unbothered by the attention, the man grabs your head and starts, as much as possible, to pull you down onto himself. His cock slides into the back of your throat and you gag involuntarily, but let yourself be face-fucked.
<<say 'Drunk man'>>Fuck, I'm going to cum down your throat...<</say>>
His dick spasms as he shoots his hot load down your throat. It's thick and plentiful, and you almost choke as it spurts into the back of your mouth. You suck lightly on his dick as he cums, helping him through his orgasm.?nl
When he's finished, he pulls out of your mouth with a wet sound and stuffs his cock back in his pants. He gives you a genuine smile.
<<say 'Drunk man'>>Hey, that was great. Maybe I'll see you around some time...<</say>>
He tips his hat at you and stumbles off into the town, humming a tune drunkenly to himself.?nl
The taste of his cum is still lingering in your mouth when a smirking guard comes to unlock you from the pillory some time later. You stretch your body with relief and consider how if you'd chosen the dungeons, you'd probably still be locked up right now.
<<decision 'Leave the pillory' 'Town square'>>
<</decision>><img src="images/maps/town.png" class="navigation-map" usemap="#town-map">
<map name="town-map">
<area data-passage="Smithy" alt="Smithy" title="Smithy" center="1998,951" coords="1615,791,2392,1113" shape="rect">
<area data-passage="Road" alt="Road" title="Road" center="2051,624" coords="1617,502,2476,743" shape="rect">
<area data-passage="Tavern" alt="Tavern" title="Tavern" center="1818,234" coords="955,46,2059,46,2062,451,1612,451,1446,285,955,283" shape="poly">
<area data-passage="Alley" alt="Alley" title="Alley" center="2232,276" coords="2110,88,2351,456" shape="rect" vertical="true">
<area data-passage="Town square" alt="Town square" title="Town square" center="1275,618" coords="997,502,1163,335,1398,335,1566,502,1564,736,1398,905,1161,903,995,736" shape="poly">
<area data-passage="Church" alt="Church" title="Church" center="324,609" coords="127,500,208,497,210,418,449,418,451,497,944,500,944,738,451,743,447,822,210,819,208,740,127,738,127,712,110,710,96,703,83,699,72,688,59,679,53,662,44,644,44,624,39,607,44,587,55,570,68,556,81,541,99,532,112,526,125,526" shape="poly">
</map><p id="location-description">
You stand in the midst of the meadow, surrounded by a kaleidoscope of wildflowers swaying in the breeze. A dirt road leads towards the edge of the forest.
</p><p id="location-description">
The square is the bustling heart of the town. It is here that they gather to celebrate festivals and ceremonies. It's close to both the local tavern and smithy. There is a beautiful fountain in the middle of the square.
</p><p id="location-description">
The smithy is a small building, made of wood and brick, with a large chimney and a stone floor. It contains a furnace and a large anvil. It is used to make iron tools, weapons, and armor. It is owned and operated by ?Beau the blacksmith.
</p><p id="location-description">
The local tavern, ?tavern, is located in the heart of town. Every evening the townsfolk flock to carouse and drink ale. It is the prime evening location to go to in this place. It's owned and operated by a friendly, if somewhat eccentric, lady named ?Velma. She makes her living selling beer, cider, and ale to the locals.
</p><p id="location-description">
The Tavern's Bathroom is a dirty, smelly place filled with stale beer and urine. They consist of a series of wooden stalls containing buckets with holes through the floors that lead to the sewers below.
</p><p id="location-description">
The alley is a dingy place filled with garbage and rats. It leads to the back door of the tavern and is used by the bums and drunks to access the establishment without paying. A faint smell of urine hangs heavy in the air, mingling with the sweet scent of alcohol.
</p><p id="location-description">
The interior of the church is bathed in the soft, colorful light filtering through the stained glass windows, casting patterns on the stone floor. The air carries the scent of incense and polished wood, a comforting aroma that always brought a sense of peace.
</p><p id="location-description">
The confession booth is a small and cramped wooden box. It has a wooden lattice between you and where the priest sits.
</p><p id="location-description">
The foyer and lounge area of the brothel owned by ?madameV. Clients enter through guarded door from the alley behind the tavern and staff seems to enter through the brown door that leads to the tavern.
</p><p id="location-description">
Your own room little room inside the tavern. It's slightly cramped and everything from the floor to the bed creaks loudly but you still love it, simply because it's yours.
</p><p id="location-description">
?Eve's room in the tavern is almost more extravagant than what you're used to. The king sized bed is covered in fine pink silken sheets and besides the ample make-up collection around her vanity table she's got lots of fragrant flowers in vases all around the room.
</p><p id="location-description">
?MadameV's office is surprisingly small and modestly furnished. The only thing decorating the walls is a calender to keep track of working days and tavern events. She has a small desk filled with paperwork. Her financial ledger looks quite intimidating and you're pretty sure you haven't followed ?Leopold's classes enough to handle that massive thing.
</p><<decision 'Head back to the castle'>>
<<if hasClothesTag('disguise')>>
<<goto 'Sneak in'>>
<<goto 'Walk in no disguise'>>
<<decision 'Head over to the meadow that leads to the forest' 'Meadow'>><</decision>><<if !hasCounter('church-wandering')>>
<<decision 'Wander around the church' 'Church Wandering'>><</decision>>
<</if>><<if !hasCounter('alley-explore')>>
<<decision 'Look around the alley'>>
<<include 'Alley Explore'>>
<<if hasTag('feeding-cat') and !hasCounter('fed-cat')>>
<<decision 'Bring the alley cat food' 'Alley Cat Continue Feeding'>><</decision>>
<</if>><<decision 'Take out a sex toy for some fun time'>>
You lie down on your bed and excitedly open your nightstand drawer.
<<decision 'Change your mind' 'Tavern'>><</decision>>
<</decision>><<if !hasTag('sexwork') and hasCompletedQuest('boarding-room')>>
<<decision 'Go to your room' 'Boarding Room'>><</decision>>
<</if>><<dialog 'Changelog' 'changelog-menu'>> \
- Added an entire introduction to the brothel. Once you have completed the additional training with ?Eve you can choose to tell ?Velma that you want to work in the brothel. You will then be shown around by ?Eve and she will tell you exactly how everything works.
- Option to receive your very own room in the tavern, whether you decide to work at the brothel or not. This room will serve as a little hub in town that the prince can choose to sleep in the future.
- You will be able to visit the store of the blacksmith, ?Beau, after you have unlocked your boarding room in the tavern. ?Beau secretly sells sex toys and romantic gifts. You will need to buy a gift to unlock the next date with your romantic interest. Currently, you can buy the following things at her shop:
>- An eloquent metal quill as a gift for ?Orson.
>- The lowest tier magical dildo, a copper dildo, which can be used in your room in the tavern.
- The exciting second date with ?Orson takes place in the tavern, where you watch the performance of a famous bard together. Your familiarity with the tavern will allow you to go backstage and introduce ?Orson to his idol.
- You can now use hotkeys to go through the story. Pressing the 1-9 keys will control which decision you go for, with the top-most button being number 1.
- Gave ?Beau a new pixel art portrait, one that actually looks like pixel art.
- A continuation of the tavern story: Once you go to ?Velma to talk about your progress she will send you to ?Eve for additional training.
- A new random scene in the tavern while crossdressing: Some rough guys will try to hit on you while you're working. You can choose to scold them, have ?Eve save you, or even go along with it...
- If the prince gets caught doing something illegal in town they will now be punished accordingly. He will have to option to either serve out the sentence in the castle dungeons or instead ask to be put in the town square pillory. This can currently happen in two ways:
>- Trying to steal from the church donation box.
>- A new tavern working event where the prince is pushed to do something slightly illegal.
- Added a new potion store. Once you have completed the tavern introduction, ?Morgana will come visit you in the morning to tell you she has made great strides experimenting with potions. ?Morgana simply requires the prince's essence to make the potions, which is now turned into a new kind of currency. There are currently four kinds of a potions you can purchase: "Tittynflate", "Bosomsbane", "Mighty Oak" and "Bulge Begone". More content for them and different kinds of potions will be available later.
- Overhauled the wardrobe system. You are now able to change outfits that are automatically worn at different moments. It's no longer necessary to manually change your outfit every time. Currently there are 4 different outfits:
>- Standard outfit
>- Church outfit
>- Disguise outfit
>- Sleep outfit
- Added a new icon to indicate how to exit the castle on the map when that part of the story becomes available.
- The local blacksmith has been changed from Berg to ?Beau. She will soon have more content in town when you visit her alone or together with ?Kathryn.
- ?Quinn has received a promotion! She's now referred to as the captain instead of the sergeant.
- New date with ?Orson. After figuring out he wrote the poems you can find him in the library during the evening and take him on a nice date for some fun in the Meadow.
- Several new interactions with ?Kathryn regarding your chastity cage.
>- You will have to show your dedication to her before she will let you out of the cage, if you continue to peek on her after promising not to she will actually be disappointed in you now.
>- Several changes to existing passages to include references to your chastity cage when you wear one.
>- Fixed a bug where ?Kathryn commends you for wearing panties even though you are not.
- Changed the Waterfall meeting with Eve if you have already met her at the tavern.
- Added a button to add Gold in the cheat menu.
- New morning events where you find poetry from a secret admirer and go on a small quest to find out who it is.
- Added a new scene when exploring the alley in town at night. A mugger will try to take your money but you can also choose to pay another way…
- Added a small extra tavern working scene when you are crossdressing.
- Added an in-game changelog that will automatically open when you load an older save.
- Fixed several typo's and ?Dominic's popup color in some scenes.
- Fixed a bug when continuing your play through from an old save where you would not correctly be classified as a crossdresser and would be disguised in the waiter outfit instead of the kitchen maid disguise.
- Fixed a bug where your femininity stat would not return to the right value after crossdressing.
- Fixed several typos in different passages.
- Fixed an error where the next passage couldn't be found when going to tavern right after starting chapter 3.
- Fixed some writing issues in tavern passages.
- New area: ''the Town!''
The town is opened up after starting a new questline with ?Sybille and starting chapter 3. She will contact you a week's time after you complete the forest expedition together with ?Morgana. This new town area has a bunch of different locations that can be explored, with the main one being the local tavern.
>- After completing the tavern intro quest, you can go there during the evening to start a working shift. This will prompt one of (currently) six events to happen while working. Two of which are very explicit. (I won't spoil any more than that)
>- Wander around the alley to find drunken people, people in the middle of an intimate moment, and best of all, a stray kitten that you can pet, feed and eventually adopt to become an official castle cat!
>- Head to the church to have some minor interactions wandering the place and see a silly reference to the very first book added to the game.
- Wearing feminine clothes now temporarily increases your femininity stat for as long as you wear them.
- Changed theme and character colors to make everything a lot more readable. Please let me know if some color combinations are still bad for you.
- New romance content for ?Rosa.
>- A new gathering quest where you have to gather different flowers for her around the map.
>- Once you have brought her the flowers and you have unlocked the town area, you can ask her out on a new date where you will spend a night at the tavern together.
>- After completing the date, you can head to the kitchen to slip away together with ?Rosa for some fun in the larder.
- A new castle map! This new map is custom made to show you a glimpse of the different rooms in the castle. I also made a night-time version of the map, complete with lit braziers and candles to make it all the more sneaky when the prince goes on his nightly escapades.
>- The map now also has a fancy hover popup that tells you the name of the area and also a list of whoever's currently at that location.
- Once the magic chalk is unlocked and placed, there is now a clickable area part of the bedroom that can be used to instantly teleport using the magical chalk.
- The Sergeant that hangs out at the barracks now officially has a name: ?Quinn!
- New scenes to peek around the barracks at night. Find soldiers doing naughty things together, sometimes even with ?Quinn.
- New Orb of Scrying scenes for peeking on ?Sybille and on ?Quinn.
- A new castle map! This new map is custom made to show you a glimpse of the different rooms in the castle. I also made a night-time version of the map, complete with lit braziers and candles to make it all the more sneaky when the prince goes on his nightly escapades.
- Once the magic chalk is unlocked and places, there is now a clickable area part of the bedroom that can be used to instantly teleport using the magical chalk.
- ?Rosa had a new quest where you have to gather different flowers for her around the map. Once you bring all the flowers you will be able to take her on a second date that will be available in the next update.
- The Sergeant that hangs out at the barracks now officially has a name: Sergeant ?Quinn!
- New scenes to peek around the barracks at night. Find soldiers doing naughty things together, sometimes even with Sergeant ?Quinn.
- New Orb of Scrying scenes for peeking on ?Sybille and on Sergeant ?Quinn.
- New artifact: ''The Orb of Scrying''
>- This glass ball lets you observe any person you want, the catch is that the magic only works if you're watching people who are currently aroused. This brings the prince's peeking game to a whole new level…
>- Currently, the orb allows you to peek on the following characters:
>>- ?Kathryn, where you finally get to see what happens if you don't get caught while peeking on her together with a nobleman.
>>- ?Leopold, only after you have peeked on him in his office three times.
>>- ?Caspar and ?Wymerus while they're busy in the courtyard. (Basically the same scene)
- ?Morgana's forest quest can now also be completed without crossdressing. With this option you will instead disguise yourself as a manservant to sneak out of the castle together. Currently, the decision here defines whether or not you are a crossdresser at all throughout the game.
- You can no longer leave the castle if you have enough dominance, to get past the guards you will always need to wear a disguise which can be either the kitchen maid or the manservant outfits, depending on what you chose during ?Morgana's quest.
- Added two new scenes when relaxing by the waterfall, one of which introduces you to a new character: ?Eve. She will have a bigger role in the upcoming updates where we introduce the town area, as she works at the local tavern.
- Added a new quest with ?Rosa. After you've finished the quest where you go to the forest with ?Morgana, ?Rosa will come to your room to bring you breakfast in the morning, starting the new quest where you can ask her out on a date.
- Added a third peeking scene with ?Sybille in the dungeon where she includes the prince in her devious torturing.
- Added a new content setting: cum fetish. Most passages related to cum-play or cum swallowing will now no longer appear if you have this turned off.
- Most masturbation options are now disabled while you are wearing a chastity cage.
- Changed the pixel art portrait theme to be the default selected theme.
- New artifact: ''The Orb of Scrying''
>- This glass ball lets you observe any person you want, the catch is that the magic only works if you're watching people who are currently aroused. This brings the prince's peeking game to a whole new level…
>- Currently, the orb allows you to peek on the following characters:
>>- ?Kathryn, where you finally get to see what happens if you don't get caught while peeking on her together with a nobleman.
>>- ?Leopold, only after you have peeked on him in his office three times.
>>- ?Caspar and ?Wymerus while they're busy in the courtyard. (Basically the same scene)
- Added a new quest with ?Rosa. After you've finished the quest where you go to the forest with ?Morgana, ?Rosa will come to your room to bring you breakfast in the morning, starting the new quest where you can ask her out on a date.
- Added a third peeking scene with ?Sybille in the dungeon where she includes the prince in her devious torturing.
- Added a new content setting: cum fetish. Most passages related to cum-play or cum swallowing will now no longer appear if you have this turned off.
- Most masturbation options are now disabled while you are wearing a chastity cage.
- Changed the pixel art portrait theme to be the default selected theme.
- New area: ''the Forest''!
>- The area opens up to be explored after ?Morgana has taken you there for the first time. Simply go to your wardrobe, don a good disguise and make your way out of the castle. (For the non crossdressing route, the forest can be reached after reaching halfway through dominance and ordering the guards to let you out of the castle. Do not there is currently less content than with the other route).
>- ?Hyssop can be found in their little Druid Hut. They're a very experienced tailor and will gladly offer their expertise to the prince in exchange for mushrooms that can be found in the forest.
>- Find a strange mushroom next to the Waterfall in the forest and see where the experience will take you.
>- The scene with the bandit in the woods is rewritten to no longer feel like straight up rape. Instead the prince will now have to choose themselves to head down to the bandit camp after the initial interaction.
- Clothing! With this new custom-made basic paper doll system, you can now go to your Bedroom and open your Wardrobe to change your outfit. Currently it's a mix of AI generated images and real life pictures, this is likely temporary before I find a fitting style.
>- You start with a selection of 3 outfits and can buy more once you unlock the Forest and can go to ?Hyssop.
>- After unlocking feminine outfits, selecting these in the wardrobe will allow you to sneak out of the castle and go to the forest.
>- Wearing panties can now be toggled in your wardrobe.
>- When ?Kathryn forces you to wear a chastity cage, it will now show up in your under clothes section.
- New scenes where you can spy on ?Sybille at nighttime in her dungeons to get a glimpse of how she does her work.
- Rewritten a large part of your trip to the forest together with ?Morgana, she will now want to introduce you to ?Hyssop, the Forest druid.
- Added an option to skip straight to Chapter 2 at the start.
- Changed the prince's portrait in the Fantasy theme to no longer look slightly child-like.
- Added a debug mode for testing purposes. (Warning: Using this can potentially ruin your unsaved progress).
- Artifacts! These are the weekly rewards that the council will give you for keeping up with your tutoring. Every week they will allow you to pick out one reward from the Royal Reliquary. Currently there are three rewards implemented:
>- Circle Chalk: Magical chalk that can be used to draw teleportation circles, allowing you to teleport between the location where you draw it and your bedroom.
>- Zephyr, the Wind's Edge: A mythical sword that allows you to win any dangerous encounter that normally requires your swordfighting level in a very cool fashion. To be able to use the sword you must first learn how to use it by reading about it in a book and bringing it to ?Wymerus.
>- The Magic Mirror: This mirror can be used to scan your body to show any changes to your body due to the transformations. If you have become more feminine than you started, the mirror will show that and list what exactly has changed about your body.
- New scenes with ?Morgana as you head into the dangerous forest. Going off on your own is a dangerous idea…
- New scenes with ?Kathryn where she blackmails you into wearing a chastity cage if you keep peeking on her. Currently the chastity cage does not stop you from masturbating in several scenes yet.
- You can now visit the barracks during the day in order to train together with the troops and meet the new sergeant.
- ?Andreas now mentions the book you read in the library and is proud of you once you complete it.
- Added a small scene where you can join ?Kathryn's dinner party.
- Added autosaves that are made at the start of every day.
- Sidebars that are manually stowed will now stay that way.
- A new recurring scene with ?Morgana where she asks you for your essence once more to create more potions in her workshop.
- Several scenes with ?Morgana that will lead up to you leaving the castle together on a certain quest. The current content reaches right before you are ready to leave the castle.
- Several scenes with ?Kathryn, where she will punish you if you keep spying on her in the garden at night. Make sure to speak to her at the dining hall so you learn what noble it is for her to actually hook up with him during nighttime.
- Several books have been added to the library. Come back each day to take a look at the different things the old tomes have to offer.
- Major refactors to the save system, this also means your old saves are unfortunately not compatible with the new version. You will have to restart the game when playing.
- You are no longer able to define the kingdom name at the start. Though I very much enjoy player agency, it makes writing about the kingdom much easier when the name is defined beforehand.
- Added an option to hide stat gain icons on the decision buttons. This makes it so you'll have to guess yourself how a decision affects your stats.
- After reaching the week's required level of your Princely stats, you will no longer be able to train them anymore.
//Note: As people have mentioned to me before. They felt it was necessary to spend almost all time raising their Princely stats but mindlessly raising some stats was never the intention of the game. Hopefully by locking the level until the council meeting has taken place will make people feel like they can also spend some time doing fun things that don't really give you any rewards as well.//
- Fixed a bug regarding an Object.hasOwn error message.
- Added a short new scene when giving ?Morgana the potion instead of drinking it. This is so both paths now end at the same point. The scene gives some sense of where I'm thinking of bringing the dominant main questline, using magical potions to influence (and eventually transform) other characters.
- Reworked the confession system. After confessing all your sins, you can now choose to accept ?Dominic's absolution or reject it, turning it either into virtue or depravity points. If you lie to him at the start by saying you have no sins you will now instead gain some depravity points instead of virtue.
- Reworked the coins minigame slightly. It is now much quicker as there are about a third less coins spawned and the coins itself bounce a bit more, giving a bit of a ‘billiards' effect.
>//Note: The intention of this minigame is that it's very quick and fun to play around with. It should not simply feel like a chore. I hope these changes will help achieve that goal, in the future I'm planning to add some sound effects, that should also help.//
- Added mobile support for both minigames.
>//Note: When initially releasing the game I didn't test anything on mobile and intended to release without mobile support. However, I have since gotten the feedback that pretty much most of the game works on mobile except for the minigames. This was quite unexpected and after testing it a bit myself, there are definitely some styling changes I will need to implement to make it better but for now I have added working touch controls on the minigames so that the game is at least playable on your phone.//
- Added an option to skip minigames in the cheats menu.
- Fixed the invalid passages when training with ?Wymerus after some time.
- Fixed the missing passages when confessing to ?Dominic.
- Fixed ?Morgana's spell effect sometimes sticking around even when not charmed.
<</dialog>><<decision 'Castle' `passage()`>><<setlocation 'Hallway'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Forest' `passage()`>><<setlocation 'Forest'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Town' `passage()`>><<setlocation 'Town square'>><</decision>>
<<for _i to 0; _i < getCharacters().length; _i++>>
<<name `getCharacters()[_i]`>>:
<<say `getCharacters()[_i]`>>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus sapien eros, sagittis non mattis sed, convallis vitae neque. Etiam viverra.
<</for>><<setlocation 'Wardrobe'>>
<<outfit disguise>>
You head into your bedroom and open your wardrobe. You pull out your disguise and get changed.?nl
Feeling ready to head out of the castle, you get ready to walk past the guards using your trusted disguise.
<<decision 'Sneak out of the castle' 'Sneak out'>><</decision>><<setlocation 'Gatehouse'>>
As you're making your way through the long corridors of the castle, you feel your heartbeat thumping in your chest. The closer you get to the gate, the more you start to think this is a really stupid idea. What if they recognise you? How would the guards feel about finding their Prince, trying to sneak out with a disguise like this. ?Andreas would be so disappointed...?nl
You're forced to swallow your insecurities as you're walking towards the big gates of the castle. Just a few more meters...
<<guard>>You! Stop right there!<</guard>>
You stop dead in your tracks as you see the guard pointing towards you.
<<player>>Uhm, yes, how can I help you sir?<</player>>
<<if hasClothesTag('feminine')>>
You try to use your most feminine voice as you give him your reply. You hope you don't sound as stupid as you think you do.
<<guard>>You're that new kitchen maid right? Please state the reason for leaving the castle.<</guard>>
You pull up your shawl and try to avoid eye contact. You feel the guard's leering gaze pass over you as he's inspecting you.
<<player>>I'm out on some errands, sir. I need to pick up some ingredients for the kitchen from town.<</player>>
You feel very small standing in front of this strong guardsman. As prince, you could easily command him to stand aside but that's obviously not an option now.
<<guard>>Ah, very well. Good luck at the market then, be sure not to stay away for long.<</guard>>
<<player>>Thank you, sir. I'll be careful.<</player>>
You hurriedly walk past him through the open gate and let out a big sigh of relief. How have they not recognised you? The idea of their prince crossdressing to get out of the castle is so ridiculous, the thought probably hasn't even crossed their minds.
You try to not let the guard see your face as much, taking to look at the floor instead.
<<guard>>You're that new manservant right? Please state the reason for leaving the castle.<</guard>>
You feel the guard's leering gaze pass over you as he's inspecting you.
<<player>>I'm out on some errands, sir. I need to pick up some ingredients for the kitchen from town.<</player>>
You feel very strange standing in front of this guardsman. As prince, you could easily command him to stand aside but that's obviously not an option now.
<<guard>>Ah, very well. Good luck at the market then, be sure not to stay away for long.<</guard>>
<<player>>Thank you, sir. I'll be careful.<</player>>
You hurriedly walk past him through the open gate and let out a big sigh of relief. How have they not recognised you? The idea of their prince disguising as a pauper to get out of the castle is so ridiculous, the thought probably hasn't even crossed their minds.
Even though it's not the first time you leave the castle like this, it still feels scary walking towards the gates. You walk by the guards, hoping that they don't stop you before you go outside. One of the guards looks you over and gives you a nod as you move towards the exit. It seems like they're used to you as a new <<if hasClothesTag('feminine')>>kitchen maid<<else>>manservant<</if>> now.
<<decision 'Head to the forest' 'Meadow'>>
<<if hasCompletedQuest('sybille-tavern')>>
<<decision 'Head to town' 'Road'>>
<</if>><<setlocation 'Gatehouse'>>
You quickly make your way through the castle gates, hoping not to be stopped by the guards again. As you slowly walk through and look over to the guard post, it seems to be your lucky day. The guard on duty is currently leaning against a wall with his eyes closed and snoring loudly. You easily walk back inside, deciding to ignore this slightly worrying security breach and accept it as a blessing right now.?nl
Very deftly, you make your way through the hallways until you reach the door to your bedroom and you quickly make your way inside. From here, it's probably smart to head to your wardrobe right away and change into one of your normal outfits.
<<decision 'Sneak into your bedroom and change clothes' 'Bedroom'>>
<<outfit standard>>
<</decision>><<setlocation 'Gatehouse'>>
You try to nonchalantly make your way through the gate, but as you could have expected, you are stopped by the guards.
<<guard>>Halt- Uh, ?title, why did you come from outside? Aren't you supposed to stay in the castle? ?Andreas specifically ordered it.<</guard>>
<<player>>Well, yes... I was just outside for a little bit...<</player>>
You're not quite sure how to handle this situation where you obviously disobeyed the rules.
<<guard>>Uhm, we'll have to report this to <<name andreas 'Chancellor'>>. He's not going to like this.<</guard>>
Oh no, you definitely don't want them to do that. ?Andreas is going to be so disappointed in you...
<<player>>Yes, you could do that, but then again... ?Andreas is not going to be happy with the guards who failed to protect the prince by letting him leave the castle, right? You're the ones on duty so unfortunately it is your responsibility...<</player>>
You do your best to try and persuade them.
<<player>>Perhaps it's best if we both just look the other way, there's no need to get ?Andreas involved in this.<</player>>
The guard looks at you a little reluctantly.
<<guard>>Fine... Perhaps that is for the best. But please, ?title. I must urge you not to leave the castle again without an escort. There might be more assassins about.<</guard>>
<<player>>Thank you for your concern, soldier. I must be going now though.<</player>>
The guard stands back and resumes their position. You nod at the guard and make your way down the hallway.
<<decision 'Leave' 'Hallway'>>
<</decision>><<setlocation Introduction>>
<<changename 'player' $player.name>>
/* <<updatemeter gender `getStatFraction('gender')`>> */
<div class="sound-button">
<<button `settings.sound ? '🔊' : '🔈'`>><<togglesound>><</button>>
You are <<name player '' both>>, prince of a small kingdom called ''Avelon''. You've never liked the high expectations people have of you as prince. Your father wanted you to spend more time training, honing your skills with a sword. He frequently presented you in court to try and show you the art of oratory. After some time, it was clear this was never your thing, you much preferred reading books and spending time in the castle gardens.?nl
Recently, your father has left the kingdom with a contingent of knights on a 'perilous' mission. He always liked his adventurous past. To you, it sounded like he made an excuse to experience some thrill again. That's all fine to you, normally it would give you time to focus on things <em>you</em> like to do, but, in his infinite wisdom, <<name king 'the'>> has decided that he will leave some matters of state to your responsibility. He said it's the perfect time for you to learn this, you are an adult, these things will be expected of you. Your father has ordered you to take his place on the royal council, you're actually quite anxious about this.?nl
Your father will be gone for quite some time, who knows how well you will manage the kingdom in the meantime...
<<decision 'Wake up' 'Chapter'>><<startquest introduction>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Skip ahead (Not recommended for first time)' 'Skip'>><</decision>><<decision 'Skip to Chapter 1' 'Chapter'>>
<<include 'Introduction Finish'>>
<<increasetime 2 true>>
<<decision 'Skip to Chapter 2 (Took the potion)' 'Chapter'>>
<<set $chapter = 'Chapter Two'>>
<<set $chaptertarget = 'Bedroom'>>
<<set $chaptertimeskip = false>>
<<addtag ointment>>
<<completequest introduction>>
<<completequest meet-morgana>>
<<completequest morgana-ointment-garden>>
<<completequest morgana-ointment>>
<<completequest morgana-bedroom>>
<<completequest morgana-potion>>
<<completequest assassination-attempt>>
<<completequest potion-transformation>>
<<set $player.status = 'egg'>>
<<acknowledgechanges 'status'>>
<<startquest morgana-confront>>
<<startquest level-expectation>>
<<changeschedule morgana 'noon' 'Garden'>>
<<changeschedule morgana night 'None'>>
<<increasetime -3>>
<<increaseday -2>>
<<changestat femininity 50>>
/* <<increasetime 2 true>> */
<<decision 'Skip to Chapter 2 (Didn\'t take the potion)' 'Chapter'>>
<<set $chapter = 'Chapter Two'>>
<<set $chaptertarget = 'Bedroom'>>
<<set $chaptertimeskip = false>>
<<addtag ointment>>
<<completequest introduction>>
<<completequest meet-morgana>>
<<completequest morgana-ointment-garden>>
<<completequest morgana-ointment>>
<<completequest morgana-bedroom>>
<<completequest morgana-potion>>
<<completequest assassination-attempt>>
<<startquest morgana-confront>>
<<startquest level-expectation>>
<<changeschedule morgana 'noon' 'Garden'>>
<<changeschedule morgana night 'None'>>
<<increasetime -3>>
<<increaseday -2>>
<<changestat dominance 20>>
/* <<increasetime 2 true>> */
<<setlocation 'Bedroom'>>
You wake up to the sound of a gentle knock on your bedroom door. You slowly sit up in your bed as you groggily give a reply.
<<player>>Come in...<</player>>
The door opens and your attendant, <<name orson>>, enters the room.
<<orson>>Good morning, ?title.<</orson>>
He says with a bow. <<orson>>You're going to be late for the council meeting.<</orson>>
You rub your eyes and look around the room. Sunlight streaks through your bedroom and lands on your face as <<name orson>> starts opening the curtains.
<<player>>I'm sorry, ?orson. I must have overslept.<</player>>
<<orson>>It's no trouble, ?title. I'll get a bath ready and help you look presentable.<</orson>>
You step out of bed and stretch, feeling a bit sore from your night of sleep.
<<name orson>> opens the bathroom door and fills the bathtub with hot water. While you make your way to the bathroom, he prepares a fresh towel and robe for you to use after your bath.
<<decision 'Let him help you undress.' 'Introduction Bathroom'>><<addtag 'orson-undress'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Motion for him to leave you to your bath.' 'Introduction Bathroom' virtue medium>><</decision>><<setlocation 'Bathroom'>>
<<if hasTag('orson-undress')>>
<<include [[Introduction-bath-undress]]>>
<<include [[Introduction-bath-alone]]>>
You settle into the tub and lean back, feeling your body relax. Your body is lithe and lean, with barely any muscle definition to speak of. You've always been a little bit on the smaller side, with a slight frame and delicate features.
You look down and see your cock bobbing in the water. <<if settings.sph>>It's definitely a bit on the smaller side as far as you know.<</if>>
A naughty thought enters your mind as you think about pleasuring yourself right now.
<<player>>Maybe there's enough time...<</player>>
<<decision 'Enjoy some "me"-time' 1 depravity small>>
<<include [[Introduction Masturbate]]>>
<<decision 'Get dressed and head down the hallway.' 'Introduction Hallway'>><</decision>><<orson>>Let me help you with that.<</orson>>
He says as he motions for you to lift your arms. He takes off your top and unknots the string that keeps your shorts up. You lower your shorts, now naked as the day you were born.
Even though <<name orson>> only attends to you for a few years, you already feel quite close to him. It's his utmost professionalism that lets you feel unbothered by him seeing you naked. He holds out a hand to help you into the bathtub.
You step into the tub and sink yourself into the hot water. You can feel the warm water envelop your body.
<<orson>>There you are, ?title. Enjoy your bath.<</orson>> He turns to leave you alone in the bathroom.?nl<<orson>>Of course, ?title. Enjoy your bath.<</orson>> He says as he leaves you alone in the bathroom.
You undress, step into the tub and sink into the hot water. As you step into the bath, you can feel the warm water envelop your body.?nlYou take your dick in hand and stroke it gently, feeling a tingle of pleasure run through your body. You close your eyes and let your mind wander. There is a new servant who works in the kitchen, <<name rosa>>. You would love to get closer with her - not that you have any experience with <em>that</em> - but simply thinking of her makes you feel ecstatic. You think of her smooth skin, blonde hair, and that beautiful summer dress she wore that one time. If only you didn't lack the confidence to compliment her on it.
<<if settings.vids>>
<<if settings.sph>>
<<video 'player/masturbate_bath_sph.webm'>>
<<video 'player/masturbate_bath.webm'>>
As you continue stoking your cock in the bath, you feel your orgasm coming closer and closer, when right at that moment, the door opens.
<<orson>>Sorry, ?title, I forgot to bring you some clean clothes - oh!<</orson>>
You stare at him, looking embarrassed. He quickly turns away from you and places some clothes next to the bath.
<<orson>>I'm very sorry, ?title, I will give you some privacy.<</orson>>
Feeling ashamed, it's probably best to just get out of the bath now.
<<addsin 'masturbation'>>
<<addtag 'orson-caught'>><<setlocation 'Hallway'>>
You quickly get dressed and head down the hallway. As you walk down the hall, you see a guard standing at attention <<guard>>Good morning, ?title.<</guard>> he says, bowing slightly. The guard looks you up an down, slight smile on his face. <<guard>>You look nice today.<</guard>>
<<decision "Awkwardly thank him, as the compliment catches you off guard" submissiveness medium>>
You blush slightly under his gaze and stammer a response.
<<player>>T-thank you.. Good morning to you, too<</player>>
You nod to him and continue down the hallway, you can't help but feel a little self-conscious. It's a nice compliment but why did he have to look you up and down like that?
<<decision "Head into the grand hall" 'Introduction Council'>><</decision>>
<<decision "Remind the guard he should focus on his duty" dominance medium>>
<<player>>Shouldn't you focus on your guard duties, soldier?<</player>> You say to him with a serious tone.
<<guard>>Of course, ?title. I meant nothing by it.<</guard>> He immediately faces forwards, eyes peeled to the empty hallway.
You nod to him. As you continue down the hallway you wonder why the guard suddenly thinks it's okay to be so friendly with you.
<<decision "Head into the grand hall" 'Introduction Council'>><</decision>>
<<decision "Ignore his compliment and head into the grand hall" 'Introduction Council'>>
<</decision>><<setlocation 'Grand hall'>>
You walk into the grand hall and make your way around the large table to take your seat. You see <<name orson>> standing in the corner, ready to attend to you. <<if hasTag('orson-caught')>>You accidentally make eye contact, and quickly look away. It feels slightly embarrassing, knowing what he saw you do just a few moments ago. You push the thoughts from your mind and turn your attention to the council meeting at hand.<</if>> It looks like the councillors had already started the meeting.
<<andreas>>Ah, ?title, welcome! We we're just initiating the newest member of the council. I hereby welcome the new Royal Sorceress to our council, <<name morgana 'Lady'>>. I think I speak for everyone when I say that I have the utmost belief that she will be of great benefit to the crown.<</andreas>>
<<name morgana>> stands up and looks to the other councillors.
<<morgana>>Thank you, <<name andreas 'Chancellor'>>. I am glad to be here. I hope to be of much service to you and the realm.<</morgana>>
She stares at you with a slight smile as you nod to her. Her predecessor, <<name godric 'Master'>>, used to be your teacher until he left to accompany your father. Thinking about it, you've never really interacted with this disciple of his besides saying hello a few times. She has quite the mysterious air to her.
[[Listen to Andreas as he continues the meeting | Introduction Council 2]]<<andreas>>Now for the matter at hand. Honourable council, when the <<name king>> left he told me we have a job to do: We need to find an alliance with one of our neighboring kingdoms. It is high time we strengthen our position, forging a pact with a powerful ally will do exactly that.<</andreas>>
You see <<name leopold 'Trademaster'>> stand up from his chair.
<<leopold>>Hear hear! I have been advocating for this plan for years now, I am glad the <<name king>> agrees as well.<</leopold>>
<<name wymerus 'Lord Marshal'>> speaks up.
<<wymerus>>I agree with this strategy. With the <<name king>> away on his quest, I fear we are less defensible. Our army is in need of a strengthening alliance.<</wymerus>>
Suddenly <<name sybille 'Spymaster'>> stands up. She has a soft spoken voice but is very direct in her tone.
<<sybille>> My Lords, I agree with the necessity of the plan, however, our diplomatic relations have been strained recently. It seems that currently only one reliable method of alliance-making remains: A royal marriage.<</sybille>>
Suddenly you feel the room looking at you. You respond with a certain uncertainty in the your voice as the proposition catches you off guard.
<<player>>Marriage? I am the my father's only child, are you saying you're looking for someone to marry me?<</player>>
<<sybille>>I am, ?title. But do not fear, there is a complication that makes this solution quite difficult. Unfortunately, none of our neighboring nations have an available princess in the royal family, only eligible bachelors.<</sybille>>
You feel slightly relieved, it's unfortunate that you can't help the kingdom this way, but you are definitely <em>not</em> ready for marriage.
<<andreas>>Well, about that matter, I gathered <<name morgana 'Lady'>> has a solution to this problem. My lady, would you care to elaborate on this?<</andreas>>
As you shift your attention to <<name morgana 'the sorceress' none>>, you notice she has been staring at you. She makes eye contact with you and you see the hint of a smile on her face. She stands up slowly and addresses the room.
<<morgana>>That matter is best discussed between myself and the young prince. ?Title, perhaps you could offer me a visit in the library sometime later?<</morgana>>
You are confused as to why she is being so secretive, but you nod towards her.
<<player>>Of course, if that's what the new royal sorceress asks.<</player>>
While looking at the rest of the council you notice <<name dominic 'Father'>>, the religious representation in the council, eying <<name morgana>> suspiciously. He was never in favor on letting wizards and witches on the council.
[[Turn to Andreas as he addresses you directly | Introduction Council 3]]<<andreas>>Very well. In the mean time, the <<name king>> has also charged us councillors with continuing your education while he is gone, ?title. It's important that you keep up your skills in matters of state and sword. You can always come by to start your training, the councillors will make time for you.<</andreas>>
Each of your instructors stands up to address you.
<<leopold>>?Title, come find me in the Treasury whenever you want to continue your education in stewardship.<</leopold>>
<<wymerus>>If you're looking to improve your skills in swordsmanship, I'm usually sparring together with my squire out in the Courtyard. You are more than welcome to join us, ?title.<</wymerus>>
<<andreas>>And you can find me right in this room, visit me so we can continue your education in statesmanship.<</andreas>>
People have great expectations of the heir to the kingdom, your father and the council find it utmost important that you improve your necessary skills. You haven't been that keen to do this yourself. It's rather boring. But alas, royalty requires conciliation so you give them all an understanding nod.
<<andreas>>During the next council sessions we will review your progress, ?title. I know feels quite invasive but know that we only mean the best for you. Your father has charged us with this task and we will do everything we can to help you in this regard. And to make these matters more appealing to you I have decided together with the other councillors to give you a reward should you live up to our expectations.<</andreas>>
/* <<player>>If my father has decided this is important... Fine, I will try to do my best.<</player>> */
You are immediately much more intrigued at hearing about a reward when ?Andreas turns to ?Leopold.
<<player>>A reward? What is it?<</player>>
You sit up in your chair, waiting anxiously to hear more about this reward.
<<leopold>>Yes, ?title. We have decided that should you pass our inquiry on our weekly council meetings, I will allow you to enter the ?reliquary and pick out an artifact. Of course, not all of them are safe so I wouldn't be able to lend those to you but there are quite a few magical items that you might find particularly interesting.<</leopold>>
An artifact from the ?reliquary! Your father never allowed you to touch the things in there, this is amazing! You struggle containing your excitement as you try to hold back a beaming smile.
<<player>>A royal artifact? That is quite something... Thank you councillors, I will do my very best to impress you and pass your examination next week!<</player>>
<<andreas>>Very good, ?title. And with that, I suppose that concludes the meeting of this council, thank you my lords, my lady. ?Title, it was good to have you in attendance.<</andreas>>
All the council members start to leave the chamber to get back to their respective duties.
<<decision 'Leave the grand hall' 'Introduction Kathryn'>><</decision>><<setlocation Hallway>>
As you make your way through the large doors of the grand hall, you notice ?Kathryn down the hallway walking towards you. Because of her family's importance, your father took her in as his ward some time ago. Since then, she's been noticeably jealous of you for having a more prominent position than her. While all nobles of the court usually respect you because of your title, she is one of the few people who never adhered to that. She likes bullying you for all kinds of stuff. You can't remember the last conversation you've had where she wasn't condescending towards you about any arbitrary thing she decides to belittle you for.?nl
You've learning to recognise that when she's approaching you this intently with that deviously smile on her face, it usually means bad times for you.
<<kathryn>>Hello there, ?titleK. What's this talk I hear of your upcoming royal marriage?<</kathryn>>
<<player>>No, that's a lie! Who told you that? How are you supposed to know that? Isn't that secret council information?<</player>>
She gives a slight laugh as she sees your irritation growing.
<<kathryn>>Ah well let's just say that I have my ways... Anyways, relax my ?titleK, I was just kidding. I know the plans can't really go through because there are no available princesses. That must give you quite a relief, or who knows, maybe you could marry another prince instead. Does that thought excite you?<</kathryn>>
<<decision 'Reply flabbergasted by her suggestion' submissiveness medium>>
<<player>>What?- No, of course not!<</player>>
<<kathryn>>It's fine, ?titleK. No need to admit to any feelings right now. I'm just very keen to see what our new <<name morgana 'sorceresses' none>> solution is to your little 'no princess' problem... I hear she has quite the experience with some powerful magic.<</kathryn>>
<<player>>What's that supposed to mean? Also, how do you even know about that as well?<</player>>
Her remarks are making you quite anxious which is very noticeable from the worried tone in your questions.
<<kathryn>>You're easily scared, aren't you, ?titleK? Don't worry, you'll probably get your answers soon. Now just run along, don't you have any princely business to attend to or something?<</kathryn>>
You never really enjoy your interactions with ?Kathryn, it seems like you always get humiliated somehow. She's right though, you have enough to do for today. With ?Morgana expecting you in the library and the rest of the council waiting for you to start training, it's probably going to be quite busy.
<<decision 'Leave to find Morgana' 'Chapter'>><<include 'Introduction Finish'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Respond in kind' dominance medium>>
<<player>>Really? You're going to bully me with something so trivial? I suppose you're just jealous I'm the one that everyone looks to when it comes to actual important stuff. Nobody cares about little <<name kathryn 'Lady'>>, a member of <em>my</em> court.<</player>>
She looks quite shocked by your bold reply.
<<kathryn>>Wha- You little shi- Fine, have fun being coddled by all the councillors over unimportant stuff like this. I'm actually keen to see how our new <<name morgana 'sorceress' none>> will solve this 'no princess' issue for you...<</kathryn>>
And how did she know about that? While you wonder that she already walks off, leaving you alone.?nl
Well, you can't keep chatting anyways, you have enough to do for today. With ?Morgana expecting you in the library and the rest of the council waiting for you to start training, it's probably going to be quite busy.
<<decision 'Leave to find Morgana' 'Chapter'>><<include 'Introduction Finish'>><</decision>>
<</decision>><<set $chapter = 'Chapter One'>>
<<set $chaptertarget = 'Hallway'>>
<<completequest introduction>>
<<startquest meet-morgana>>
<<startquest level-expectation>><canvas width="864" height="432"></canvas><<stowsidebars true>>
<img src="images/backgrounds/table.jpg" class='background-big' draggable="false">
/* <<fadein 0.5s 1s>>
<<fadeout 0.5s 5s>>
<<andreas>>Open the book and start writing, ?title.<</andreas>>
<</fadein>> */
<div id="writing-parent">
<div class="v-center"></div>
<div id="container">
<div class="book">
<div class="first paper">
<div class="page front contents">
<div class="intro">
/* <h2>DIARY</h2>
<h1>2019</h1> */
<div class="page back"></div>
<div class="second paper">
<div class="page front contents">
<div id="vara-container"></div>
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/* <div class="third paper">
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</div> */
<div class="side"></div>
<div class="bottom"></div>
<div class="shadow"></div>
<<decision 'Finish' 'Andreas Writing Finish'>><<showsidebars true>><</decision>>
</div><<stowsidebars true>>
<img src="images/backgrounds/table.jpg" class='background-big' draggable="false">
<<fadein 0.5s 1s>>
<<fadeout 0.5s 5s>>
<<leopold>>Try to sort the coins into the correct bowls, ?title.<</leopold>>
<div id="coins-parent">
<div id="coins-background"></div>
<canvas width="864" height="432"></canvas>
<div class="small-coins">
<img class="coin" id="coin-1" src="images/minigames/franc_nickel.svg" draggable="false"/>
<img class="coin" src="images/minigames/franc_nickel.svg" draggable="false"/>
<img class="coin" src="images/minigames/franc_nickel.svg" draggable="false"/>
<div class="medium-coins">
<img class="coin" id="coin-2" src="images/minigames/Franc_or.svg" draggable="false"/>
<img class="coin" src="images/minigames/Franc_or.svg" draggable="false"/>
<img class="coin" src="images/minigames/Franc_or.svg" draggable="false"/>
<div class="large-coins">
<img class="coin" id="coin-3" src="images/minigames/franc_bronze.svg" draggable="false"/>
<img class="coin" src="images/minigames/franc_bronze.svg" draggable="false"/>
<img class="coin" src="images/minigames/franc_bronze.svg" draggable="false"/>
<div class="huge-coins">
<img class="coin" id="coin-4" src="images/minigames/coste.svg" draggable="false"/>
<img class="coin" src="images/minigames/coste.svg" draggable="false"/>
<img class="coin" src="images/minigames/coste.svg" draggable="false"/>
<img class="bowl" id="bowl-1" src="images/minigames/bowl.webp" draggable="false"/>
<img class="bowl" id="bowl-2" src="images/minigames/bowl.webp" draggable="false"/>
<img class="bowl" id="bowl-3" src="images/minigames/bowl.webp" draggable="false"/>
<img class="bowl" id="bowl-4" src="images/minigames/bowl.webp" draggable="false"/>
<<decision 'Finish' 'Leopold Coins Finish'>><<showsidebars true>><</decision>>
</div><<stowsidebars true>>
<img src="images/backgrounds/gardens-big.png" class='background-big' draggable="false">
<<fadein 0.5s 1s>>
<<fadeout 0.5s 5s>>
<<morgana>>I am keen to see what you will bring to the canvas, ?title.<</morgana>>
<div id="painting-parent">
<img src="images/minigames/easel.webp" class='easel' draggable="false">
<canvas width="564" height="435"></canvas>
<<fadein 0.5s 10s>>
<<decision 'Finish' 'Morgana Painting Finish'>><<showsidebars true>><<finishminigame 'painting'>><</decision>>
<</fadein>>Feeling the need to relief yourself, you quickly make your way over to the toilet.
<<decision 'Sit down to pee'>>
You <<if hasTag('crossdressing')>>raise your skirt<<else>>lower your pants<</if>> and sit down on the toilet. You aim your ?dick down between your legs and unleash the stream of piss into the toilet. You instantly feel relieved, letting out a satisfied sigh.?nl
/* <<if settings.watersports && getTime() !== 'night' && !hasCounter('orson-pee') && randomFloat(1) > 0.6>>
You are pretty much done peeing when suddenly ?Orson enters the bathroom, looking quite hasted. He practically runs over to you with an awkward looking jog before he stops dead in his tracks when he sees you on the toilet.
<<orson>>Oh! ?Title, I am so sorry! I really have to use the bathroom and I thought I could quickly use yours. I did not see you here at all!<</orson>>
He's awkwardly standing there sort of wobbling side to side, it seems like he <em>really</em> needs to pee <em>right now</em>.
<<player>>Ehm, well yes, as you see, I'm currently- Wait, what are you doing?<</player>>
Your faithful butler, ?Orson, seems to not even let you finish talking when he suddenly walks forward, overcome by the need to relieve himself.
<<orson>>I'm so sorry ?title, I really have to go right now. I can't stop it...<</orson>>
It seems like he expects you to quickly get out of the way... But what is he going to do if you don't? Just pee on you as you're sitting here?
<<decision 'Stay seated and let it happen' submissiveness small>>
<<decision 'Order him to hold it in' dominance small>>
<<decision 'Quickly get out of the way' virtue small>>
You quickly get up, your ?dick flying free as you jump aside. ?Orson immediately fishes his cock out of his underwear and starts blasting the most powerful stream of piss you've probably ever heard. He let's out a huge sigh of relief that sounds like it comes straight from his soul.
<<orson>>Ahhh... Wow, I'm so sorry, ?title. I was holding that in for a while and I definitely wouldn't have enough time to get to the other bathroom...<</orson>>
You <<if hasTag('crossdressing')>>fix your skirt<<else>>put your trousers back on<</if>> and look at him with a mix of annoyance and confusion at this very strange chain of events happening.
<</if>> */
<<decision 'Pee standing'>>
You aim your ?dick straight at the toilet and unleash a stream of piss. You instantly feel relieved, letting out a satisfied sigh.?nl
<</decision>><<setlocation Road>>
You make your way along the road back to the castle. You always enjoy this walk by yourself on Sundays after church. It's a good moment to reflect on <<name dominic 'Father'>> teachings, or mostly just think about critical he is of you in that confession booth. It's unfortunate that going to church isn't really an optional thing for you.?nl
As you're walking across the narrow cobbled path up the hill you notice someone walking a small distance behind you. You take a quick peek back at him, you can barely see his face under his hood but it looks like he has a large scar across his face. Strange, what business would this unknown man have at the castle??nl
As you contemplate this, it almost seems like he is in a hurry as he suddenly starts walking faster, inching closer towards you. You think to yourself: <<player short>>Perhaps he's one of ?Leopold's new tradesmen.<</player>>, but the moment you take a peek behind you to get another look at him you now notice he has pulled out a knife and is running towards you.
<<say 'Assassin' 'images/portraits/assassin.jpg'>>It's nothing personal, prince.<</say>>
<<decision 'Fight him off' dominance large swordsmanship 1>>
<<addtag 'fought-assassin'>>
<<startquest 'assassination-attempt'>>
You quickly turn around and get ready to fight him. He's running full sprint, dagger held high. Adrenaline now pumping through your body, you think back to all the training with ?Wymerus. You're trying to take a defensive stand, he'd probably still tell you your footwork is horrible but you're actually surprised you somehow managed to remember the training in this moment at all.?nl
You spot a clear weakness in the assassin's charge, as he's running at you, you notice he's only holding the dagger with one hand. The moment he closes enough distance towards you, you decide to lunge at the dagger. Taking his blade from him is the only way you're going to win this fight, seeing as you are unarmed.?nl
The man didn't seem to expect this as your pounce immediately brings him off balance, you manage to knock both of you down in the dirt, his dagger is knocked out of his hands and rolls a short distance away from the both of you.<br>
You both are grunting on the ground as you wrestle each other in the dirt. At least you already made this assassination attempt more difficult for him.?nl
He gives you a foul headbutt to your cheek, you don't have time to think about the pain all you can focus on is getting that dagger. As you are on top, you quickly push yourself off the ground and sprint for the dagger lying close by.?nl
He pulls at your leg and tries to run past you. He's desperately trying to get there before but unfortunately for him, you manage to get there faster. You grab the short blade and with a flourish you turn around at immediately hold the blade to the man's neck.?nl
Thinking you have bested him, you are quickly snapped back to reality as this man seems to care little for your threat, you are caught by surprise as he still tries to take the blade from you, pushing you back to the ground.
<<decision 'You think you are defeated' 'Assassination 2'>><</decision>>
<<decision 'Try to run'>>
<<startquest 'assassination-attempt'>>
As soon as you see this you decide that 'flight' is definitely the best option in this situation. You make a run for it, trying to quickly climb the hill towards the castle. This man seemed to anticipate this though as he quickly manages to catch up with you. You yelp out as he suddenly tackles you to the ground. You try to crawl out of his grasp when you see him lower the blade to your abdomen.
<<decision 'You think you are defeated' 'Assassination 2'>><</decision>>
<</decision>><<effect flash>>
Right before you think it is all over, a purple light streaks across the sky and collides with the man on the back of the head. A thunderous blast is heard as the light blinds you for a moment. You hear the man suddenly drop to the floor as he falls over besides you, the purple light now emanating from the place where it hit him.
<<decision 'You see Morgana run towards you from a distance' 'Assassination 3'>><</decision>><<morgana>>?Title, are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?<</morgana>>
She takes a look at you as you're now a bit in shock, delaying your response.
<<player>>I- I think I'm fine. Thank you, ?Morgana.<</player>>
?Morgana quickly inspects you with a spell, ensuring you aren't hurt anywhere. Luckily you aren't wounded except for a few bruises but things could've turned out quite differently if she wasn't here.She helps you get back on your feet and you look over to the man lying face-first in the dirt, effectively shot by one of ?Morgana's spells.
<<player>>You saved me ?Morgana. I don't know what would've happened if you weren't here...<</player>>
<<if hasTag('fought-assassin')>>
<<morgana>>I actually doubt he would have won, ?title. You fought very bravely, I only knocked him out with a spell. Now, let's get you inside, the council will want to hear of this.<</morgana>>
<<morgana>>Don't think about that, ?title. I knocked him unconscious. Let's get you inside, the council will want to hear of this.<</morgana>>
You lean on ?Morgana's shoulder as she takes you the rest of the way to the castle.
<<decision 'Go to the Grand Hall' 'Assassination Meeting'>><</decision>><<increasetime 1>>
<<setlocation 'Grand hall'>>
You are still in a bit of a haze, shocked by the events of nearly being killed. You focus on ?Morgana's face as she's both escorting you with care and at the same time shouting commands across the halls. You make out several soldiers now running all over the place.
?Morgana is carrying you to the Grand hall and helps you sit in one of the chairs. She looks at you with a smile.
<<morgana>>It's okay, ?title. You're still in shock but you will feel better soon.<</morgana>>
After a little while, the large doors of the grand hall are thrown open as you see ?Andreas walk hurriedly towards you, behind him are most of the other councillors and a retinue of guards surrounding the hall.
<<andreas>>What has happened? Is the prince well?<</andreas>>
?Andreas was always a stern man but you have never heard him speak so direct with such a shocked expression.
?Morgana takes a moment to talk explain the assassination attempt that happened earlier and reassure them you are doing well.
?Andreas gives a nod and addresses the councillors here.
<<andreas>>In light of this, I open this emergency meeting of the council. We need to act swiftly. <<name wymerus 'Lord'>>, secure the castle, we are on complete lockdown until further notice. <<name sybille 'Lady'>>, apprehend the perpetrator and lock him in the dungeons.<</andreas>>
<<sybille>>He is already being fetched, my lord.<</sybille>>
<<andreas>>Good, we need to know who sent him. This might have been an act of aggression coming from one of our neighbors, and if so, it might be the start of a larger attack. We need to secure our position.<</andreas>>
The councillors take some time to discuss emergency measures taken in response to this event. Even though it's very stressful environment right now, you feel yourself calming down now that you know you are once again safe.
?Andreas looks at you as he gives out another order.
<<andreas>>?Title. We must ensure your security from now on. I think it is best that you stay inside the castle for now, and only ever leave with armed escort when going outside.<</andreas>>
Before you can give a response, ?Andreas looks at the rest of the council. <<andreas>>All in favour of these measures? Good, then I close this meeting, there's work to do.<</andreas>>
One by one the councillors leave except for ?Morgana.
<<morgana>>Fear not, ?title. Everyone is just on edge because of what happened. We all want to protect you. How are you feeling?<</morgana>>
<<player>>I'm doing much better, I have to thank you again, ?Morgana. I don't know how I could repay you.<</player>>
<<morgana>>Don't worry yourself about that, ?title. I was only doing my job. Now, do you need any help getting back to your chambers?<</morgana>>
<<player>>Thank you but I'm alright. I think I just need to take a rest.<</player>>
<<decision 'Take a rest in your chambers' 'Assassination Bedroom'>>
<</decision>>As you enter your bedchambers, ready to just hop into your bed, you see ?Orson here, seemingly waiting for you.
<<orson>>?Title, I heard what happened, I am so glad to see you are alright.<</orson>>
<<player>>Thank you, ?Orson. It was quite an eventful day and I think I might just want to take a rest.<</player>>
<<orson>>Of course, ?title. Allow me to help you get changed, no need to wrinkle your nice sunday suit<</orson>>
?Orson prepares your pyjamas and helps you get ready for bed, it's not even evening yet but you already feel wrecked. You decide it's best to go to bed early.
<<decision 'Sleep' 'Sleep'>>
<<acknowledgechanges 'assassination'>>
<<increasetime 2 true>>
<<equip 'prince_outfit_1'>>