<<if $guildVisited is false && $currentTime != "Night">>
<<goto "Guild First Visit">>
<<elseif $currentTime != "Night">>
<p>Adventurers are scattered about the room conversing with each other or inspecting their gear. Mina can see <<Allaya>> standing near the contracts board.</p>
<p>On the notices boards there is a <<poster>> with a curious sketch on it.</p>
<p>[[View the request board|Request Board]]</p>
<p><<if $askedAboutBridge is true && $caveContractInformation is false>>
[[Ask about putting up a contract|Cave Contract]] <<eventCheck "guild" "guild">>
<<if $bridgeCelebration is true && $forestContractInformation is false>>
[[Ask about putting up a contract to scout out the deep forest|Forest Contract]] <<eventCheck "guild" "guild">>
/*<<if $forestScoutedInformed is true && $ruinContractInformation is false>>
[[Ask about putting up a contract to circumvent the rapids blocking access to the ruins|Ruin Contract]] <<print " ⬤">>
<p><<if $caveContractInformation is true && $caveContractPaid is false>>
<<if $player.gold < setup.contracts["Cave Bridge"][0]>>
Pay for the ravine bridge contract - Not enough gold
[[Pay for the ravine bridge contract|Cave Contract Paid]] <<eventCheck "guild" "guild">>
<<if $forestContractInformation is true && $forestContractPaid is false>>
<<if $player.gold < setup.contracts["Scout Forest"][0]>>
Pay for the forest scouting contract - Not enough gold
[[Pay for the forest scouting contract|Forest Contract Paid]] <<eventCheck "guild" "guild">>
/*<<if $ruinContractInformation is true>>
<<if $player.gold < setup.contracts["Ruins Access"][0]>>
[[Pay for the rapids bridge contract|Ruin Contract Paid]] <<eventCheck "guild" "guild">>
<p>[[Speak to Allaya|Allaya]] <<lewdCheck "allaya" "allayaDay">></p>
<p>[[Leave the guild|Home]]</p>
<p>The guild isn't open to the public at night.</p>
<<if $allayaInformed["Homuncuties"]>>
<p>Mina does however see Allaya leaning against the wall of the guild, seemingly waiting for Mina.</p>
<p>[[Go and speak to Allaya|Allaya Night Visit]]</p>
<</if>><<if $firstReagent == $secondReagent>>
<p>Two of the same reagents can't be added together!</p>
<<set _currentRecipe to [$firstReagent, $secondReagent, $medium, $catalyst]>>
<<set _addedAlchemyExp to 0>>
<<set _addedStaminaExp to 0>>
<<set _usedStamina to 0>>
<<set _amount to 0>>
<<set _recipes to Object.keys(setup.recipes)>>
<<set _validRecipe to false>>
<<for _recipeSearch = 0; _recipeSearch lt _recipes.length; _recipeSearch++>>
<<if _currentRecipe.includesAll(setup.recipes[_recipes[_recipeSearch]])>>
<<set _createdRecipe to _recipes[_recipeSearch]>>
<<set _validRecipe to true>>
<<if setup.potionRecipes.includes(_createdRecipe)>>
<<calculateBonus "Alchemy" $bulkCraft>>
<<set _amount to $bulkCraft + $skillBonus>>
<p>Mina creates _amount units of _createdRecipe!</p>
<<set $cauldronContents to [_createdRecipe, _amount]>>
<<elseif setup.itemRecipes.includes(_createdRecipe)>>
<<if _createdRecipe is "Magic Scryer" && $player.items.has("Magic Scryer") is false>>
<p>Mina created a _createdRecipe!</p>
<<pickup $player.items _createdRecipe 1>>
<<elseif _createdRecipe is "Magic Scryer" && $player.items.has("Magic Scryer") is true>>
<p>There's no need to create another _createdRecipe!</p>
<<set $bulkCraft to 0>>
<<elseif $homunculusStoneCreated is false>>
<<include "First Homunculus Stone">>
<<pickup $player.items _createdRecipe 1>>
<<set $homunculusStoneCreated to true>>
<p>Mina created a _createdRecipe!</p>
<<pickup $player.items _createdRecipe 1>>
<<if $bulkCraft is 1>>
<<set _usedStamina to setup.recipeStaminaUsage[_createdRecipe]>>
<<elseif $bulkCraft is 0>>
<<set _usedStamina to 0>>
<<set _usedStamina to (setup.recipeStaminaUsage[_createdRecipe] - 5) * $bulkCraft>>
<<drop $player.reagents $firstReagent $bulkCraft $secondReagent $bulkCraft>>
<<if $medium isnot "Water">>
<<drop $player.mediums $medium $bulkCraft>>
<<pickup $player.items "Empty Bottle" $bulkCraft>>
<<set $recipesDiscovered[_recipes[_recipeSearch]] to true>>
<<set _addedAlchemyExp to setup.recipeAlchemyExp[_createdRecipe] * $bulkCraft>>
<<set _addedStaminaExp to setup.recipeStaminaExp[_createdRecipe] * $bulkCraft>>
<<if _validRecipe is false>>
<<set _createdRecipe to "Useless Goop">>
<<calculateBonus "Alchemy">>
<<set _amount += 1 + $skillBonus>>
<<set _addedAlchemyExp += setup.recipeAlchemyExp[_createdRecipe]>>
<<set _addedStaminaExp += setup.recipeStaminaExp[_createdRecipe]>>
<<set _usedStamina += setup.recipeStaminaUsage[_createdRecipe]>>
<<drop $player.reagents $firstReagent 1 $secondReagent 1>>
<<if $medium isnot "Water">>
<<drop $player.mediums $medium 1>>
<<pickup $player.items "Empty Bottle" 1>>
<<set $cauldronContents to [_createdRecipe, _amount]>>
<p>The concoction fails, filling the cauldron with bubbling, multi-coloured goop.</p>
<<addExp "Alchemy" _addedAlchemyExp>>
<<addExp "Stamina" _addedStaminaExp>>
<<reduceStamina _usedStamina>>
<<goto "Cauldron">>
<<if $bulkCraft is 1>>
<<elseif $bulkCraft is 0>>
<<link "Back">>
<<run Dialog.close();>>
<</link>><p>As Mina exits the library she hears a commotion going on somewhere down the street, near one of the village entrances. Curious, she starts heading in that direction.</p>
<p>Upon getting close enough Mina can see that a caravan of merchant wagons is limping in, pulled by some very spooked looking beasts of burden. She can see some superficial damage to some of the wagons and one of them looks like it's had its entire top ripped off and its contents taken, leaving little more than a flat piece of wood on wheels.</p>
<p>Dismayed Mina looks around to see if anyone is hurt, but almost everyone she can see appears unharmed. Then she spots a familiar figure! It's Jessica's daughter and one of Mina's closest childhood friends growing up, <<Allaya>></p>
<p>While Allaya looks unharmed, Mina still rushes over with concern on her face!</p>
<<minaSpeak "Allaya! Are you alright? What happened" "surprise">>
<p>Allaya turns at the sound of the voice and, upon seeing Mina, scowls briefly before schooling her expression.</p>
<<allayaSpeak "Oh, it's you. Found your way out of your den, huh?" "neutral">>
<p>Mina sighs. Ever since Allaya decided to take after her father and become an adventurer she's become increasingly distant from Mina. Forcing a grin she tries again.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Yeah! I've been making some real progress with my alchemy thanks for asking! And what about you are you okay?" "pout">>
<p>Allaya blinks in surprise, clearly taken aback by that answer.</p>
<<allayaSpeak "I- Yes, I'm fine. Some weirdo attacked the caravan but they didn't seriously hurt anyone. They just smashed up the wagons and took a lot of goods." "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Huh? Just one person?" "surprise">>
<p>Allaya scowls, this time appearing more annoyed at herself than anything.</p>
<<allayaSpeak "Yeah. Whoever they were they were just so <i>fast</i>. I barely even caught a glimpse of them. Just flashes of what looked like silver scale armour." "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Weird! I'm glad you're alright though." "happy">>
<<allayaSpeak "...yeah. Thanks." "neutral">>
<p>With that Allaya turns and starts to leave. Mina goes to follow but after a moment pauses and then stops. She doesn't think that Allaya is going to be much more talkative today.</p>
<p>Watching Allaya disappear into the Adventurers Guild Mina sighs.</p>
<<minaSpeak "I wonder if there's anything I can do to get her to trust me again..." "think">>
<<set $allayaMet to true>>
<p>[[Leave|Home]]</p><<if $allayaNightVisit is false>>
<p>Mina steps over to Allaya with a big grin.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Hiiii!~" "happy">>
<p>Allaya just stares at Mina for a second, looks around at the dark street, then looks back at Mina.</p>
<<allayaSpeak "Do you have to be so... like this, all the time?" "annoyed">>
<<minaSpeak "I don't know what you mean! But yes, I guess!" "happy">>
<p>Allaya sighs.</p>
<<allayaSpeak "Alright, fine." "annoyed">>
<<allayaSpeak "Look, I... I've been wanting to talk to you. You spent what, a year, holed up in your house doing nothing. And now suddenly you're always so full of energy and running about in the wilds as much as an adventurer! What happened?" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Hm... well, after Mum disappeared I was pretty bummed. She'd only just really started teaching me and suddenly she just up and vanished! Really bummed me out. So I just, uh... didn't have the motivation to do anything. Just sat around and... occupied myself." "blush">>
<<minaSpeak "Anyway! Then I ran out of gold, so I kinda had to start doing stuff. Your mum told me she'd buy potions off of me, so I did some study at the library, made some potions, then one thing just kind of led to another!" "happy">>
<<allayaSpeak "Sure... but... none of that explains what you meant when we were talking about your 'Homuncuties.' How exactly does messing around with magical creatures get you alchemy materials?" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Hm, kinda of hard to explain... might be easier to just show you!" "think">>
<<allayaSpeak "...what? You mean you want to just take off into the forest or something? Right now?" "surprise">>
<<minaSpeak "Sure, why not? Long as I got the right potion it'll be much simpler to just demonstrate my methods..." "neutral">>
<<allayaSpeak "The right potion...?" "neutral">>
<<if $player.potions.has("Allure Potion") is false>>
<<minaSpeak "Haha, doesn't look like I've got one at the moment. Oops!" "embarrassed">>
<<set $allayaNightVisit to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["allaya"] to false>>
<<sceneLink "Head out into the forest with Allaya" "Allaya and the Vayra">>
<p>Mina steps over to Allaya with a wave.</p>
<<allayaSpeak "Hey. Did you... bring a potion along tonight?" "neutral">>
<<if $scenesSeen["Allaya and the Vayra"] is false>>
<<if $player.potions.has("Allure Potion") is false>>
<<minaSpeak "Uh... hm..." "neutral">>
<p>Mina rummages through her satchel.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Nope!" "embarrassed">>
<<minaSpeak "Yup! Ready to go?" "happy">>
<<allayaSpeak "I... guess so." "neutral">>
<<sceneLink "Head out into the forest with Allaya" "Allaya and the Vayra">>
<<minaSpeak "Not tonight! Just saw you out and thought I'd say hello." "neutral">>
<<allayaSpeak "I see. Hello then. Nice to see you." "happy">>
<p>[[Leave|Adventurer Guild]]<br>
[[Head Home|Home]]</p><div class="accordion">
<h3>Allaya meets a Vayra</h3>
<p>Mina laughs and almost skips through the forest as her old childhood friend Allaya follows behind her. It feels like it's been so long since Allaya and her have gone out on one of these outings! She's so very excited to reconnect with her friend and show Allaya the results of her alchemy at the same time!</p>
<p>Allaya stomps along after Mina, trying not to look too interested as Mina skips ahead of her. While she wants to trust her friend again, she can't help but feel a bit weirded out by what she's heard about what Mina gets up to out here in the wilderness.</p>
<<allayaSpeak "Where are you taking me anyway?" "annoyed">>
<p>With a laugh Mina turns around and starts walking backwards, grinning mischievously at her friend.</p>
<<minaSpeak "We're going to go see Mister Vayra!" "happy">>
<p>Allaya looks Mina in the eyes for a bit with a slightly wary look before sighing and rubbing the bridge of her nose. Of course Mina would refer to it as 'Mister Vayra'. She can't help but let out an exasperated sigh before shaking her head.</p>
<<allayaSpeak "And I assume you have something specific in mind when you say we're going to visit it?" "annoyed">>
<<minaSpeak "Sure! I'll sprinkle a potion on it and you can see just what I've been getting up to!" "happy">>
<p>Mina replies before giggling and turning back around to keep leading Allaya further into the forest. Soon enough though she finds what she's looking for and comes to a stop. There stands a Vayra, with its large distinctive flower and its many vines coiling around its base. Allaya can't help but raise an eyebrow and let out an exaggerated sigh.</p>
<<allayaSpeak "Seriously Mina? You brought me all out here just to mess with one of these plants?" "neutral">>
<p>With an innocent look on her face Mina laughs.</p>
<<minaSpeak "I'm doing a little bit more than just messing with it... buuuut it's for my alchemy! To find out how they react to my potions and so I can collect some of that sticky sap of theirs. It has some...interesting properties." "happy">>
<p>She looks off to the side for a moment, a small smile quirking up the corner of her mouth.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Isn't that why you came out here with me, so I could show you?" "neutral">>
<p>Allaya blinks in surprise for a second before letting out an annoyed "hmph" and crossing her arms over her chest. She can feel her face start to warm up a little from the implications behind Mina's words.</p>
<<allayaSpeak "I...I didn't come out here for...that." "surprise">>
<p>She mutters, averting her gaze as her mind starts to wander to all sorts of inappropriate thoughts.</p>
<<allayaSpeak "I just wanted to see what it was that had you spending so much time out here by yourself." "blush">>
<<minaSpeak "Well, alright then!" "happy">>
<p>Mina smiles widely as she reaches into her satchel, pulling out a bottle of her trusty Allure Potion.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Time for the main event!" "happy">>
<p>She declares before upending the bottle right into a cluster of the vines!</p>
<p>The vines react to the Allure Potion almost instantly. They start to writhe against the central stalk, as if trying to free themselves. Soon after, one of the vines nearest to Mina begins to slither its way towards her, the tapered tip already beginning to ooze some of its slippery green fluids!</p>
<p>Allaya's eyes widen as she watches the vine make its way over towards Mina. She can't help but take a few steps back, suddenly second guessing whether or not this was such a good idea.</p>
<<allayaSpeak "Mina, are you sure this is wise?" "surprise">>
<p>Mina turns towards Allaya.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Huh? Why, what's wrong?" "neutral">>
<p>She asks innocently before turning back towards the plant, biting her lip in excitement.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Hey, look at that!" "horny">>
<p>She says excitedly as more and more of the plant's vines start to come alive. Some of them start to coil around each other while others just continue to grow and snake around the area.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Wow... it really is reacting strongly to the potion today..." "horny">>
<p>She says quietly as she begins to pull off her shirt. As if reacting to Mina's action more vines seem to come alive while the air starts to fill with the sweet smell of their oozing fluids. More of them start to squirm their way over towards Mina, getting closer by the moment. Allaya's eyes can't help but follow the movement of the vines as they start to make their way towards Mina. </p>
<<allayaSpeak "Mina! Why are you taking your clothes off?" "surprise">>
<p>She hisses. Despite it all though, she feels herself starting to get a bit hot under her skin. She can't help but find herself unconsciously biting down on her lower lip as her eyes continue to watch in fascination.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Well, you'll understand soon enough!" "horny">>
<p>Mina giggles before answering Allaya. She then pulls off her shorts and underwear, leaving her just in her socks. She turns towards the Vayra plant and grins while throwing her arms open wide!</p>
<<minaSpeak "C'mon then mister vines! Come and show me a good time!" "happy">>
<p>At that moment the vines finally reach Mina and a thick, prehensile one wraps around her left ankle. Another thick vine comes up and wraps snugly around her waist just under her stomach, while another thick vine wraps around her right wrist. More vines coil and squeeze around her thighs and her other wrist. They start to lift her up, holding her suspended as they press her arms and legs out straight. More vines continue to wrap around her body, squeezing her in while others stroke up and down her limbs. The tip of another vine oozes its slippery fluids onto her chest and stomach, the viscous substance slick and cool on her skin as it begins to slide downwards.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/allaya/vine-start.png">
<p>Allaya can't tear her eyes away from Mina as more and more vines wrap around her friend's body. She swallows hard and unconsciously licks her lips a little. For some reason, the sight is stirring up some very inappropriate thoughts in her head and she can feel her body reacting in kind as she starts to feel a bit warm and tingly all over.</p>
<<allayaSpeak "M-Mina... are you sure about this..." "horny">>
<p>Mina moans, her face flushing in pleasure as more vines continue to wrap around her body.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Of course! I'm only getting started~" "horny">>
<p>Vines continues to wrap themselves around Mina's body, squeezing and stroking. A particularly thick vine slides up her torso and under her breasts. The vine strokes slowly under them and between them, sliding up and down as Mina moans in pleasure. Another thick vine moves to stroke up and down her legs, getting closer by the moment to her flushing folds. The vines oozing the slippery green fluid onto Mina's skin cause it to slide down and coat her stomach and lower regions, leaving dark green streaks on her pale skin as the fluid slides down. More vines squeeze tightly around various parts of her body as a few more ooze their fluid onto her, coating more of her skin in the slick and shiny substance.</p>
<p>Allaya bites her lip hard as she watches more and more vines wrap themselves around Mina. She can't tear her eyes away and she feels a tightness in her chest along with a strange warmth pooling in her lower belly.</p>
<<allayaSpeak "Mina, please! This looks... dangerous!" "horny">>
<p>Mina moans as she continues to writhe and squirm in the grasp of the vines.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Haaah... ooooh it's not dangerous Allaya... it's just me and the p-plant having some fun... I've done thi- nnnnh! Done this sooo many times now~" "horny">>
<p>Despite the grip on her body the vines have she tries to pull her legs apart and show off her glistening wet cunt.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Speaking of having fun~" "horny">>
<p>As the squeeze and stroke Mina's body the one stroking her inner thighs begins to prod at her dripping entrance. The vine probes and rubs at her slowly, smearing her juices around as she moans in pleasure. Slowly it starts to push inside, sliding into her and stroking around inside of her wet passage as her inner walls clench and spasm around it. More vines wrap and squeeze her body as a few others ooze more of their slippery fluid onto her, adding more slickness to the parts they are gripping.</p>
<p>Allaya closes her eyes and shakes her head, biting down hard on her lower lip while trying to hold back a soft whimper that threatens to escape from her lips. For some reason the sight of that vine moving in and out of Mina is making her feel... excited. She finds herself unconsciously rubbing her thighs together as more inappropriate thoughts flood her mind.</p>
<<allayaSpeak "M-Mina! Just... just stop, please!" "blush">>
<p>She says in a shaky voice, her cheeks flushed and her chest tight. Even as she says this however her eyes keep darting back to the scene, unable to look away for long.</p>
<p>Mina giggles as she feels the thick vine moving in and out of her slick entrance.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Mmmm... Allaya! Don't be such a spoil sport!" "horny">>
<p>Then she's throwing her head back, letting out a throaty moan as the vine suddenly thrusts deep inside of her with a wet squelch.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Haaaah... feels s-so good~!" "cum">>
<p>The vines continue their assault on Mina's body. The one in her pussy throbs and undulates, stroking every inch of her tight walls as it plunges in and out of her. Another vine rubs and massages at one of her nipples while a thicker one strokes up and down her entire length, pressing into the arch of her back as it slides between her shoulder blades. More vines wrap and squeeze her thighs and biceps while a few others ooze their slick fluids onto various parts of her body, coating her in their slippery sap.</p>
<p>Allaya's cheeks burn as she bites down hard on her lip. She can't believe the effect the plant is having on her friend and yet she finds herself unable to tear her gaze away.</p>
<<allayaSpeak "Oh... oh Goddess..." "horny">>
<p>She mumbles almost inaudibly as her eyes remain fixated on the scene before her. She rubs her thighs together a bit more, unconsciously pushing her legs together as she does. The feeling between her legs is getting more intense by the second. She's not sure if she should feel ashamed for getting this turned on from watching Mina but at this point she doesn't really care. All she knows is that she needs some kind of relief and soon!</p>
<<minaSpeak "Haaaaah... It's... ooooh... It's so goooood~! C'mon Allaya... don't you want to... to try and get a taste of the f-fun~?" "cum">>
<p>Mina cries out before letting out another moan, throwing her head back in pure bliss as the vines continue their work.</p>
<p>Allaya feels like she's about to pass out from arousal. Her mind is completely hazy from how turned on she is and Mina's words are like a spell that's put her under. Without really thinking about what she's doing she takes a few steps forward before kneeling down in front of the plant while reaching behind herself to unstrap her chest armour to let it fall to the ground. She looks at Mina, panting a little as a deep blush spreads across her cheeks.</p>
<<allayaSpeak "I...I want to try it too..." "horny">>
<p>She admits in a quiet, almost shy voice. She slowly reaches out a trembling hand towards one of the vines, not quite touching it yet.</p>
<p>The vine Allaya reaches out to sways and slithers towards her open hand, the tapered tip oozing a glistening droplet of its sap onto her knuckles. Mina lets out a sudden and loud moan as the vine buried deep in her pussy begins to thrust in and out of her with increasing vigor.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Ooooh fuck! Yes! Deeper! Deeper!" "cum">>
<p>Mina moans wantonly, completely lost in pleasure as the vine pounds away at her sopping wet pussy.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Haahh... A-Allaya... You're... gonna love this~" "horny">>
<p>Allaya bites down hard on her lip as she looks between the vigorously-thrusting vine inside of Mina and the one swaying enticingly in front of her. Hesitantly she reaches out and wraps her fingers around the vine wriggling against her hand, giving it a firm squeeze.</p>
<p>Almost immediately, the vine starts to slide its way up her arm, the tapered tip leaving a slimy trail as it slithers its way up her forearm before suddenly starting to push its way underneath her sleeve. Allaya lets out a soft gasp as the vine presses further until its rubbing against her chest, the sensation making her suck in a sharp breath.</p>
<<allayaSpeak "Ahh...! I-it's...!" "surprise">>
<p>It slithers across her chest, rubbing against her breasts as they swell from her arousal. The vine prods at one nipple, circling it with the tapered end, teasing at it mercilessly. Another thick vine wraps around Allaya's waist just above her hips, squeezing her and pulling her towards the rest of the writhing mass of tendrils.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Mmmm... that's it Allaya~ Doesn't it feel... so good?" "horny">>
<p>She asks before throwing her head back and letting out a loud, delighted moan as the thick vine buried inside of her is suddenly joined by a second coiling its way into her sopping wet cunt.</p>
<<allayaSpeak "A-ahh! M-Mina!" "horny">>
<p>Allaya exclaims, her voice coming out far breathier and more desperate than she would have liked. She can't tear her gaze away from Mina's form, her eyes fixated on the multiple vines now thrusting in and out of her friend's pussy. She swallows thickly as she feels the vine against her chest continue to tease her nipple, leaving goosebumps in its wake.</p>
<<allayaSpeak "It f-feels... weird... but... good..." "horny">>
<p>She admits, unable to hide the tremor in her voice as her hips subconsciously twitch forward, seeking more of that strange but enticing sensation.</p>
<p>The vine under Allaya's shirt continues its teasing motions against her breast, circling her nipple and sending jolts of pleasure through her. Another thick vine wraps around Allaya from behind, sliding between her back and the ground as it coils around her, squeezing her firmly. In front of her, Mina's legs are now held up and apart by several vines, the tips dripping with her juices as they stroke up and down between her thighs.</p>
<p>Suddenly the vines wrapping around Allaya's waist tug her forward forcefully, forcing her to her hands and knees as the plant pulls her into place. Another vine slips into the band of her pants, where it abruptly prods forward, pushing between her legs. The tip of the vine oozes a thick drop of its sap directly onto Allaya's clit, causing her to let out an involuntary gasp as her entire body shudders at the intense stimulation.</p>
<<allayaSpeak "Ahh! Ohh F-fuck..." "horny">>
<p>Allaya gasps, unable to keep the tremor from her voice as the vine prods against her most sensitive spot. She feels a warm wetness start to pool under her as her body begins to respond, her hips giving an instinctive twitch as she seeks more of that pleasurable sensation.</p>
<<allayaSpeak "Nnn... Mina..." "horny">>
<<minaSpeak "Ohhh... Allaya... J-just- nnnnNH- just let them have their f-fun~" "horny">>
<p>Mina moans out, squirming and trembling as the pair of vines drill in and out of her pussy.</p>
<p>The vines continue to slither and wrap themselves around Allaya, more coiling around her body to squeeze and tease. The vine in her pants pushes forward, sliding against her folds before suddenly thrusting into her entrance with a wet squelch. It begins pumping in and out of Allaya at a quick pace, the tapered tip catching against her walls in a way that sends jolts through her with each thrust.</p>
<<allayaSpeak "NnnnNNNHGH!" "cum">>
<p>On either side of her hips, thick vines grab hold of Allaya's pants and yank them down before they wrap around Allaya's thighs, squeezing them and spreading them wider apart. From there, two more vines emerge from the main flower and slide their way over, prodding against Allaya's wet entrance from behind. The tips leave glistening trails of their sap onto her lower lips, oozing and dripping down as they circle around before one of them suddenly pushes its way inside alongside the other vine already buried there.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/allaya/vine-fucking.png">
<<allayaSpeak "AH! Ooooh... Oooh Goddess...!" "cum">>
<p>Allaya cries out, unable to hold back her moans of pleasure as the two vines start thrusting away at her tight depths. She squirms on the ground, one hand reaching back under herself to grab at the vines squeezing her thighs before moving up to brush her fingers against the ones pumping in and out of her pussy. Her nails dig into the soft, almost rubbery flesh as she holds onto it tightly, lost in pleasure.</p>
<<allayaSpeak "Hah... Hahh... Mina!" "horny">>
<p>Her hips thrust back to meet each stroke, grinding herself against the vines with each thrust of their length. Her inner walls clench tightly around them, her fluids soaking their length and dripping down to coat the other vines still wrapped around her lower half. Her whole body is flushed, sweat rolling down her body as she pants heavily.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Haahhh... ohh Allaya~! That's it!" "horny">>
<p>Mina cries out. Her own body is flushed red and similarly coated in a layer of sweat, her hips grinding themselves up against the vines buried inside of her as they continue to thrust in and out at a feverish pace.</p>
<<minaSpeak "You're... haah... taking them so weellLLL-!" "cum">>
<p>She's reduced to short moans and gasps of pleasure, her whole body shaking with the intense stimulation the vines are giving her.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Don't stop... c-can't... haaahhh... can't stop now! G-gotta... gotta c-cum...!" "cum">>
<p>She throws her head back, her words becoming broken up as she's overcome by her own pleasure, completely lost to the world around her.</p>
<p>The vines continue their vigorous assault on both Allaya and Mina. The ones buried deep in their pussies pump in and out rapidly, the tapered tips rubbing firmly against their inner walls with each stroke. More vines coil and wrap around their bodies, squeezing and massaging every inch of exposed skin they can find. The vines oozing fluids continue to drip their sap onto them, leaving their bodies coated and glistening in the plant's secretions, mixing with their sweat and their own leaking juices.</p>
<p>Allaya can feel her mind start to go blank, unable to think of anything beyond the feeling of the vines moving in and out of her. She rolls her hips back to meet each thrust, feeling the tip of one of the vines buried inside of her start to prod at her walls in a way that makes her gasp for breath. Her body begins to tense up, the muscles in her thighs and lower stomach tensing tightly as she rapidly approaches her limit.</p>
<<allayaSpeak "Oh... oh Goddess...! I-I'm... I'm g-gonna...!" "cum">>
<p>She's unable to finish her sentence before her whole body tenses up again, her pussy clamping down tightly around the vines buried inside of her. She throws her head back and cries out as she's overtaken by her pleasure, juices gushing out to coat the vines plunging into her cunt and the ground below. She shudders and trembles from the force of it, her whole body going limp as she collapses onto the ground beneath her, face and chest landing on the soft loam below while the vines keep her rear raised.</p>
<p>Mina lets out an even louder moan than Allaya as her own orgasm rips through her, her inner walls spasming and squeezing tightly around the vines pumping into her pussy.</p>
<<minaSpeak "OHH F-FUCK YESSS!!! SO G-GOOD! C-CUMMING...!" "cum">>
<p>Her whole body goes taut, her knuckles white as she grips the vines wrapped around her chest in a tight grip while her cunt squirts wildly.</p>
<p>Even as she's coming down from that intense climax the vines continue to pump into her even through the aftermath of her orgasm. She gasps and moans weakly as her body is wracked by aftershocks.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Hah... haahh... s-so... so good..." "cum">>
<p>She pants, her body still shaking and quivering from the intense pleasure the vines are still giving her.</p>
<p>The vines continue to pump and thrust into Allaya and Mina well after their orgasms, squeezing their length against the spasming walls of their cunts, forcing them both to squirm as their oversensitive walls keep on being fucked. More vines continue to wrap around their bodies as other ooze their fluids all over them.</p>
<p>Just when it seems like Mina might be approaching another orgasm, her gasps and moans reaching a fever pitch, the vines buried in her pussy suddenly stop moving, going still inside her. A moment later thick bulges move up through the lengths of those vines, heavy loads of sap heading straight for Mina's insides.</p>
<p>At the same time, the vines around Allaya begin to shift. Two of the thicker vines holding her legs and hips squeeze tighter, keeping her rear end raised in the air as they rub and stimulate her sensitive entrance. From behind, the vines stuffing her pussy also cease their rapid pumping, instead going still as deep inside her as they can go.</p>
<p>Moments later, the vines inside Mina begin to spray, shooting heavy spurts of their thick sap straight into her pussy. Simultaneously, the vines around and inside of Allaya twitch and pulsate, squeezing around her insides as they too start to pump their fluids into the adventurer, their tapered tips jabbing at rear wall and sending jolts of intense sensation through her body with each prod. The pulsing and squeezing intensifies, the sensation becoming too much for Allaya as she throws her head back and lets out another scream of pleasure.</p>
<<allayaSpeak "Ahhh! Ahhhh! Nnnghh! Oooh f-fuck!" "cum">>
<p>She gasps for air as the jabs of the tapered tips against her rear wall send shockwaves through her whole body, making her legs tremble violently. The hot sap flooding into her seems to be making her even more sensitive, every little prod sending her into fits of writhing ecstasy. She can feel it flowing out of her in equal measure to the amount the vines are pumping into her.</p>
<<allayaSpeak "Hah... hahh... so... so much...!" "horny">>
<p>She manages to pant out as the flow of sap seems to die down for just a moment. But the respite is short-lived as the vines resume their assault, if anything pumping even more of their fluid into Allaya's spasming depths. The overstimulation is becoming too much to bear and Allaya knows she won't last long before going into another orgasm.</p>
<<allayaSpeak "Cumming...! Cumming again...! Ohhh fuck!" "cum">>
<p>Mina moans loudly, throwing her head back as the vines pump their hot sap deep inside of her pussy. She grips the vines wrapped around her chest, using the grip to pull them closer as her chest heaves with each heavy breath.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Hah... haahhh... S-so... so much...! F-filling me up...!" "cum">>
<p>She gasps and moans as she feels the hot fluids filling up her insides, coating her inner walls completely in the thick, sticky substance. Her hips buck and spasm as the vines continue to pump into her at a rapid pace, pushing her into another toe-curling, back-arching orgasm almost immediately.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/allaya/vine-cum.png">
<p>The vines keep on spraying and pumping their fluids into Mina and Allaya throughout their orgasms. More vines coil around their bodies to squeeze and rub every inch of skin not already covered in their fluids. Mina's screams and moans grow louder and more desperate as the overstimulation sends her into one intense orgasm after another with no respite.</p>
<p>Allaya's entire body convulses and shudders violently from the overwhelming pleasure, the hot sap flooding her insides with each twitch and spasm of the vines. Her face is bright red and she's panting heavily, drool leaking from the corner of her mouth as her mind blanks out from the constant stimulation.</p>
<p>Eventually though the flood of sap peters out as the vines seem satisfied. They all go still inside both Mina and Allaya before starting to slide out of them slowly, their movements causing them to rub heavily against their now slick inner walls. With a wet sound, they slip free of the girl's pussies and retreat back towards the main stalk, leaving both Mina and Allaya slumped on the ground.</p>
<p>Allaya pants heavily, her whole body still shuddering from the aftershocks of her orgasms. The sight of Mina in a similar state beside her draws a weak, breathless giggle from Allaya.</p>
<<allayaSpeak "Th-that... was... incredible... You really know how to... haah... show a girl a good time..." "horny">>
<p>She says, her cheeks flushed as she looks at Mina with a tired but satisfied smile. Mina giggles as she starts crawling over towards Allaya before flopping down onto her back next to her friend.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/allaya/vine-aftermath.png">
<<minaSpeak "Haahh... heh... I told ya... you'd... haahh... love it..." "happy">>
<<set $sceneSkip to false>>
<<if $replayMemory is false>>
<<usePotion "Allure Potion">>
<<addExp "Lewd" 12>>
<<reduceStamina 40>>
<<addExp "Stamina" 8>>
<<set $scenesSeen["Allaya and the Vayra"] to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["allaya"] to false>>
<p><<link "Head home once Mina and Allaya recover and retrieve their things" "Home">>
<p><<link "Return" "Memories">>
<<set $replayMemory to false>>
<<set $alternateScene to false>>
<</if>><div id="speaking">
<<if $allayaRespect is 0>>
<p>Allaya looks up for only a moment, sniffs dismissively and returns her attention to the contracts board.</p>
<<elseif $allayaRespect > 0 && $allayaRespect < 15>>
<<allayaSpeak "I hear you've been helping out around here a little." "neutral">>
<<allayaSpeak "...well done." "blush">>
<<allayaSpeak "Hi Mina, nice to see you." "happy">>
<span id="allure">
<<if $recipesDiscovered["Allure Potion"] is true && $allayaInformed["Allure Potion"] is false>>
<<link "Tell Allaya about the Allure Potion">>
<<if $allayaRespect is 0>>
<<replace "#speaking">>
<<minaSpeak "Hi Allaya! I discovered a new kind of potion!" "happy">>
<<allayaSpeak "...I'll admit, I'm impressed. What does it do?" "surprise">>
<<minaSpeak "It... um... it makes things horny!" "embarrassed">>
<p>Taken by surprise, Allaya just barely manages to stifle a snort of laughter.</p>
<<allayaSpeak "What possible use could that be?" "blush">>
<<if $allurePotionUsed is true>>
<<minaSpeak "Oh you'd be surprised!" "horny">>
<<minaSpeak "...not sure yet!" "blush">>
<<run scroll(0, 0)>>
<<set $allayaInformed["Allure Potion"] to true>>
<<remove "#allure">>
<span id="elasticity">
<<if $recipesDiscovered["Elasticity Elixir"] is true && $allayaInformed["Elasticity Elixir"] is false>>
<<link "Tell Allaya about the Elasticity Elixir">>
<<if $allayaRespect is 0>>
<<replace "#speaking">>
<p>Before Mina can even speak Allaya raises an eyebrow at seeing her friend so excited.</p>
<<allayaSpeak "Let me guess. A new potion?" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Yep! I call it the 'Elasticity Elixir'!" "happy">>
<<allayaSpeak "And do I even want to know what it does?" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "It makes you <b>stretchy!</b>" "happy">>
<<if $scenesSeen["Jessica Nipple Toy"] is true>>
<<minaSpeak "You should ask your mum about it some time~" "horny">>
<p>Allaya blinks is surprise.</p>
<<allayaSpeak "W-what?! What do you mean? Mina what do you mean?!" "surprise">>
<<run scroll(0, 0)>>
<<set $allayaInformed["Elasticity Elixir"] to true>>
<<remove "#elasticity">>
<span id="estradi">
<<if $recipesDiscovered["Estradi Potion"] is true && $allayaInformed["Estradi Potion"] is false>>
<<link "Tell Allaya about the Estradi Potion">>
<<if $allayaRespect is 0>>
<<replace "#speaking">>
<<minaSpeak "Hiiii Allaya!" "happy">>
<<allayaSpeak "What has you so excited?" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "I made a new potion!" "happy">>
<p>Allaya raises an eyebrow.</p>
<<allayaSpeak "Can I assume it has some kind of weird, lewd purpose?" "happy">>
<<minaSpeak "I, um, no! It turns you into a girl, if you want to be a girl!" "pout">>
<<allayaSpeak "Oh? That's actually pretty cool." "happy">>
<<run scroll(0, 0)>>
<<set $allayaInformed["Estradi Potion"] to true>>
<<remove "#estradi">>
<span id="shrinking">
<<if $recipesDiscovered["Shrinking Elixir"] is true && $allayaInformed["Shrinking Elixir"] is false>>
<<link "Tell Allaya about the Shrinking Elixir">>
<<if $allayaRespect is 0>>
<<replace "#speaking">>
<<minaSpeak "Hey Allaya!" "happy">>
<<allayaSpeak "What's brought you in today?" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "I wanted to tell you about my new potion! It's a shrinking elixir!" "happy">>
<<allayaSpeak "Shrinking huh? I think I heard someone talking about needing some of those. No idea what for though." "surprise">>
<<run scroll(0, 0)>>
<<set $allayaInformed["Shrinking Elixir"] to true>>
<<remove "#shrinking">>
<span id="homuncuties">
<<if $totalHomuncuties > 0 && $allayaInformed["Homuncuties"] is false>>
<<link "Tell Allaya about the Homuncuties">>
<<if $allayaRespect is 0>>
<<replace "#speaking">>
<<minaSpeak "Hi Allaya! Want to hear about-" "happy">>
<p>Allaya holds up a hand to quieten Mina and then eyes the alchemist girl suspiciously.</p>
<<allayaSpeak "Mina. I've hears some strange rumours and I'm hoping perhaps you might be able to shed some light on things." "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Huh? What rumours?" "surprise">>
<<allayaSpeak "Some of the other adventurers have been making reports about seeing strange creatures out in the wilds. Humanoid figures that look like they're made of colourful slime." "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Oh, that's probably a Homuncutie! Oh! I hope the adventurers haven't hurt them!" "surprise">>
<<allayaSpeak "A... Homuncutie? What are you talking about?" "annoyed">>
<<minaSpeak "Yeah! They're my servants! They go out and help gather me materials for my alchemy!" "happy">>
<<allayaSpeak "...really. Because at least one of the reports indicated this 'Homuncutie' was spotted... interacting with a magical creature in a rather... inappropriate manner." "annoyed">>
<<minaSpeak "Hm? Yeah, that doesn't surprise me! That's how I get some of my reagents..." "embarrassed">>
<<allayaSpeak "...Mina. Could you... come back later so you can properly explain to me just what you mean by that? I'm now... curious to know what you're actually doing out there." "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Uh, sure!" "happy">>
<<run scroll(0, 0)>>
<<set $allayaInformed["Homuncuties"] to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["allaya"] to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["allayaDay"] to false>>
<<remove "#homuncuties">>
<p>[[Return|Adventurer Guild]]</p><<if $aloethApartmentVisited is false>>
<p>Mina steps up to the door leading to her friend's apartment and softly knocks on the door, trying to minimize her noise for the sake of the other apartments nearby. A few moments later the door opens and Alo'Eth greets Mina, still in his meticulous suit.</p>
<<aloethSpeak "Ah, Mina. Please come in." "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Hi Eth! Ok!" "happy">>
<p>With a big smile for her friend, Mina steps past Alo'Eth and into the small but well-kept room beyond. She looks around for a moment before turning to the elf.</p>
<<minaSpeak "So tidy as always!" "neutral">>
<<aloethSpeak "Of course. It is only natural to keep your living space in good order." "eyebrow">>
<<minaSpeak "Haha, yeah! Of course!" "embarrassed">>
<<minaSpeak "Aaaaanyway, still want to test out that potion for me?" "neutral">>
<<aloethSpeak "I... yes Mina, I would." "neutral">>
<p>As he speak Alo'Eth's cheeks start to flush and he begins to appear uncharacteristically flustered.</p>
<<aloethSpeak "In fact... there is nothing else I'd like to do more..." "blush">>
<p>Mina blinks a few times in confusion. Then her eyes suddenly go <b>wide!</b></p>
<<minaSpeak "Oh. Oooooooh! Eth... are you... do you... follow the Goddess' path?" "surprise">>
<p>Alo'Eth goes quiet for several long seconds, turning his gaze down to the floor while biting his lip nervously. Finally, he speaks.</p>
<<aloethSpeak "...yes. It's been within me for... a long time." "blush">>
<<minaSpeak "Oh my Goddess Eth! That's amazing!" "happy">>
<p>Rushing forward Mina reaches out and grabs hold of Alo'Eth's hands and grips them tight in her own.</p>
<<minaSpeak "We have to get you that potion then!" "happy">>
<<if $player.potions.has("Estradi Potion") is false>>
<<minaSpeak "...if I had remembered to bring one..." "blush">>
<p>Alo'Eth sighs softly, seeming a little heartbroken.</p>
<<minaSpeak "I'm so sorry! I'll bring one next time I promise! I double promise!" "blush">>
<<sceneLink "Give Alo'Eth an Estradi Potion" "Alo'Eth First Step">>
<<set $aloethApartmentVisited to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["aloeth"] to false>>
<<set $aloethTrueGender to true>>
<p>Alo'Eth lets Mina into her apartment with a happy smile.</p>
<<aloethSpeak "Greetings Mina. Nice to see you!" "happy">>
<<aloethSpeak "Did you bring a potion this time?" "blush">>
<<if $scenesSeen["Alo'Eth First Step"] is false>>
<<if $palyer.potions.has("Estradi Potion")>>
<<minaSpeak "I sure did!" "happy">>
<<minaSpeak "Oh, um... oops~" "embarrassed">>
<<aloethSpeak "Oh..." "sad">>
<<sceneLink "Give Alo'Eth an Estradi Potion" "Alo'Eth First Step">>
<<minaSpeak "Hiya Eth! I haven't brought any potions tonight, just wanted to say hi~" "happy">>
<<aloethSpeak "Ah. Well, I do hope I can help you 'experiment' some more another time then." "blush">>
[[Head Home|Home]]</p><div class="accordion">
<h3>Alo'Eth's Truth</h3>
Mina smiles reassuringly at Alo'Eth and reaches a hand up to pat him, no she guesses it should be 'her', on the arm. She reaches into her satchel to pull out a bottle filled with Estradi Potion, the pastel pink fluid sloshing about within.
<<minaSpeak "Alright then Eth, let's do this!" "happy">>
<<minaSpeak "Long as you're ready of course." "neutral">>
<p>Alo'Eth reaches for the vial of potion, her hand trembling ever so slightly as she takes it from Mina's grasp.</p>
<<aloethSpeak "I am... I've never wanted anything more in my life." "blush">>
<p>The elf girl admits softly, gazing at the shimmering liquid in her hand as if it holds all of her deepest dreams and desires. With a steadying breath, Alo'Eth unstoppers the vial, the heady floral scent wafting up to fill her nostrils and send a shiver down her spine.</p>
<p>Tilting her head back, Alo'Eth presses the vial to her lips and drinks deeply of the potion's intoxicating nectar, the liquid burning sweetly as it slides down her throat. She shudders as the first waves of warmth blossom through her body, the changes beginning deep within her core.</p>
<p>Alo'Eth sets the now empty vial aside and grips onto Mina, her slender frame tensing in anticipation of what is to come.</p>
<<aloethSpeak "I...I feel strange." "blush">>
<p>Mina grins as she watches Alo'Eth drink the potion down in one go. She's so very happy that Alo'Eth gets the chance to live her dream, even if it's only for as long as the potion lasts. Feeling how nervous Alo'Eth is, she gives Alo'Eth an encouraging smile while squeezing Eth's hand.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Don't worry Eth, it'll all be fine!" "happy">>
<p>Alo'Eth's eyes widen, her gaze fixed on Mina's face as her body trembles, the potion's magic coursing through her veins with searing heat. She can feel something deep inside her shifting, morphing, transforming as the liquid alchemy works its miracles.</p>
<p>A strange sensation of stretching and tightness blooms around Alo'Eth's chest and hips. She gasps as the pressure intensifies, her frame subtly reshaping itself with feminine curves blossoming where they never were before. Her posture changes too, shifting to accommodate new breasts that swell against her shirt.</p>
<p>The changes continue rippling outward, altering her physique from head to toe. Alo'Eth shivers, a rosy blush spreading across her cheeks as her body reshapes itself into a flawless facsimile of the elven woman she's long wished she could be. She looks down at herself, marvelling at the changes.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/aloeth/changed.png">
<<aloethSpeak "Oh... Mina... it's amazing..." "happy">>
<p>Mina smiles brightly, her blue eyes shining with pure happiness and delight at seeing Alo'Eth become such a stunningly beautiful woman.</p>
<<minaSpeak "You really do look absolutely gorgeous Eth! I mean wow!" "happy">>
<p>She exclaims excitedly, drinking in the sight of Alo'Eth's new, feminine frame and features with unbridled admiration. Mina leans in and hugs Alo'Eth tightly, overjoyed at being able to share in her dear friend's momentous transformation. She squeezes her friend close to herself, wiggling in excitement and glee.</p>
<<minaSpeak "I'm so happy for you!" "happy">>
<p>Alo'Eth blushes at Mina's joyful praise, the warmth of the compliment suffusing her newly transformed body with a pleasant tingle. She returns Mina's enthusiastic embrace, relishing the feel of feminine curves against Mina's body, so different than any hug they had shared before.</p>
<<aloethSpeak "Thank you Mina... I never imagined it would feel like...like coming home." "happy">>
<p>Then Alo'Eth pauses, biting her lip as she works up the nerve to ask her next question, a plea and request all rolled into one.</p>
<<aloethSpeak "There's...there's more I wish to do, if I may...experiences I want to have while I still can..." "blush">>
<<minaSpeak "You're very welcome, Eth! And of course you should enjoy every second you have of being in the body you've always wanted." "happy">>
<p>Alo'Eth feels a rush of excitement course through her at Mina's wholehearted encouragement. The promise of being able to live out her deepest fantasies while the transformation potion lasts sends a shiver of anticipation down her spine. She smiles shyly at Mina, tucking a stray lock of hair behind a delicate ear.</p>
<<aloethSpeak "There are...certain desires I've had to keep buried for so long... Experiences and intimacies I've yearned for, but could never openly pursue as a man." "blush">>
<p>Alo'Eth's voice takes on a hushed, almost reverent tone.</p>
<<aloethSpeak "I want to feel what it's like to experience pleasure... as a woman." "blush">>
<p>She meets Mina's gaze, her own eyes alight with fragile hope.</p>
<<aloethSpeak "So please Mina, if you would be so kind...would you help me live out those dreams, at least for a little while? I know it's selfish of me, but..." "blush">>
<p>Mina's blue eyes sparkle at Alo'Eth's shyly made request and she smiles a huge smile. She reaches out to place a comforting hand on her friend's delicate shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Oh Eth, you shouldn't feel selfish for wanting this! After all, you're such a cutie now, of course I'll help you experience all <b>kinds</b> of things~""horny">>
<p>Alo'Eth beams at Mina, her face lighting up with unrestrained joy while bouncing a little where she stands in unbridled enthusiasm. The elf throws her arms around Mina and pulls her into another tight hug. Alo'Eth can scarcely contain her excitement as she thinks about all the things she and Mina can now explore together in this fleetingly feminine body.</p>
<p>Mina laughs brightly at the enthusiasm radiating from Alo'Eth and she gives her friend another affectionate squeeze. She then pulls back and holds Alo'Eth by her shoulders so she can look into the elf's eyes.</p>
<<minaSpeak "I guess we better get you out of this stuffy suit then, huh?" "horny">>
<p>Alo'Eth's eyes go wide as Mina's teasing words penetrate the euphoric fog of her joy. The elf glances down at her suit, its seams straining at her chest and hips. She bites her lip, a blush rising to her cheeks.</p>
<<aloethSpeak "I... I suppose you're right..." "blush">>
<p>With trembling hands, Alo'Eth begins undoing the buttons one by one, shrugging her jacket and waistcoat off her shoulders to pool around her waist. Underneath she wears a crisp white shirt that also strains against her new bust, the fabric whispering softly as she shrugs free of that garment as well.</p>
<p>Her slim frame is now clad only in her black suit pants. She shivers at the feeling of air against her skin, goosebumps prickling across the supple curves of her new figure. Alo'Eth meets Mina's eyes, a hint of nervous excitement dancing in her crimson orbs while her cheeks flush a deep red.</p>
<<aloethSpeak "I think... I would like your assistance with the rest, if that is suitable to you?" "blush">>
<<minaSpeak "Absolutely! I'd be more than happy to help you get out of those restricting pants~" "horny">>
<p>Mina crouches down and reaches out to unbutton Eth's pants, before hooking her fingers into the waistband. Then she gives them a good yank downward, peeling them over Alo'Eth's newly rounded hips. As she tugs the pants further down, Alo'Eth's smooth pussy comes into view between her thighs, now revealed in all its naked glory.</p>
<p>Alo'Eth inhales sharply as her pants slide down her legs, exposing the most intimate parts of her newly transformed anatomy to Mina's hungry gaze. A shiver races through her as cool air kisses the warm folds of her womanhood. She instinctively moves her legs together, feeling the unfamiliar slickness of her pussy lips sliding against one another.</p>
<p>Her chest flushes hotly at being so vulnerably and intimately displayed, a deep rose blush staining her cheeks. And yet, some small thrill of exhilaration blossoms in her core at the thought of Mina's eyes devouring this private view.</p>
<p>Alo'Eth's hands drift unconsciously to cover herself as she steps out of the crumpled pile of her pants and suit coat. The elf meets Mina's gaze shyly through the veil of her lashes, her lips parting in a soft sigh.</p>
<<aloethSpeak "Well... now you see me in my true form, at long last..." "blush">>
<p>Mina's sapphire eyes roam over Alo'Eth's nude form hungrily, drinking in every newly revealed detail with unrestrained delight.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Oh yes, and what a pretty form it is~" "horny">>
<p>She purrs appreciatively, reaching out to trail teasing fingers along the smooth curves of the elf's thighs. Her touch drifts higher, ghosting over the supple mound of Alo'Eth's sex. Mina grins impishly as the elf shudders and sucks in a sharp breath at the intimate contact.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Mmm, and such a responsive one at that~" "horny">>
<p>With a suddenness that belies her playful tone, Mina stands and closes the distance between their bodies, capturing Alo'Eth's lips in a deep, heated kiss that sends shockwaves of pleasure coursing through the elf. Her hand slides boldly between Alo'Eth's legs, fingers delving into the slick folds of her pussy without preamble or apology.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/aloeth/kissing.png">
<p>Alo'Eth mewls helplessly into the passionate kiss as Mina's questing fingers delve boldly into her slick depths, stroking and teasing places that only now exist on her transformed body. The intimate caress ignites a firestorm of sensation she has never known before, pleasure sparking and arcing through every nerve.</p>
<p>A shiver of rapture shudders through Alo'Eth's lithe frame as Mina's nimble fingers begin to circle and tease her sensitive nub. Her thighs clench involuntarily, squeezing together as her hips begin to roll in instinctive search of deeper stimulation, a silent plea for more.</p>
<p>Mina breaks the heated kiss with a husky chuckle, drinking in the delicious sight of Alo'Eth lost in the throes of ecstasy. Her fingers continue their merciless teasing, dipping lower to slide through the copious wetness gathering in Alo'Eth's core before circling her slick entrance.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Mmm, look how easily aroused you are~ Does it feel good, being played with like this?~" "horny">>
<p>She punctuates her question with a smooch against Alo'Eth's ear, sending another jolt of electric sensation sparking through the elf. An excited grin curves Mina's lips as Alo'Eth writhes and mewls beneath her sensual ministrations, utterly enthralled by the new world of carnal bliss Mina is introducing her too.</p>
<p>A breathless whimper slips past Alo'Eth's lips as Mina's teasing questions send a fresh pulse of rapturous tingling racing through her quivering body.</p>
<<aloethSpeak "Yes...oh Mina, yes it feels <b>wonderful...</b>" "cum">>
<p>Her back arches as she presses closer to Mina's tantalizing touch, silently begging for more of this exquisite torment. The slick glide of Mina's fingers against her most intimate flesh is dizzying in its intensity, every caress igniting explosions of pleasure unlike anything Alo'Eth has ever known.</p>
<p>The elf's mind feels hazy, thoughts scattered to the wind by the sheer force of sensations overwhelming her senses. She can scarcely form a coherent thought beyond an endless litany of 'More...more...please Mina, give me more...'</p>
<p>A desperate, keening cry tears itself from Alo'Eth's throat as Mina's clever fingers brush against a spot inside that makes her see stars, the pleasure so intense it borders on pain. Her thighs fall open in shameless invitation, welcoming Mina to explore this brave new world of bliss with reckless abandon.</p>
<p>Mina grins, a glint in her blue eyes as Alo'Eth's wanton moans fill the room. Her fingers continue to stroke and tease the elf's most sensitive places with practiced skill.</p>
<<minaSpeak "You like that, don't you Eth? You want more..." "horny">>
<p>It's not a question. Mina <b>knows</b> how desperately Alo'Eth craves more pleasure, how much she needs it. And Mina's so very happy to give it to her friend! The elf squirms shamelessly, grinding down against Mina's hand, too far gone in ecstasy to feel any shred of modesty or shame.</p>
<<minaSpeak "I want to make you feel so good~" "horny">>
<p>Mina promises huskily, leaning down to drag her tongue along the slender column of Alo'Eth's neck. She suckles hard at the elf's racing pulse point, determined to leave her mark on this new, feminine skin.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Going to make you cum so hard you'll forget your own name~" "horny">>
<p>With those wicked words, Mina plunges two fingers knuckle deep into Alo'Eth's weeping cunt, stroking her inner walls with a ruthless pace that steals the breath from the elf girl's lungs and makes her legs tremble, while eliciting a breathless, broken keen from Alo'Eth's parted lips. The lewd squelch of her arousal fills the room as Mina sets a relentless rhythm, plunging her fingers in and out with an intensity that steals the breath from Alo'Eth's lungs.</p>
<p>It's almost too much, the overwhelming assault of raw sensation threatening to shatter Alo'Eth into a million glittering shards of rapture. She writhes helplessly against Mina's touch, her body wracked by full-body shudders that make her newly abundant curves jiggle and bounce with each plunging thrust of those skilled fingers.</p>
<<aloethSpeak "Mina! Oh, Mina..." "cum">>
<p>Alo'Eth wails, arms wrapping around Mina to hold the alchemist girl close as she arches up into the blistering pace Mina sets, chasing the rapidly building crest of her climax with wanton desperation. She's never known pleasure this intense before, her transformed nerves alight with rapture that borders on pain in its sheer force.</p>
<p>It only takes a few more rapid strokes before Alo'Eth shatters, her lithe body convulsing uncontrollably as ecstasy crashes through her like a tidal wave, washing her away in a deluge of rapture so intense she almost passes out.</p>
<p>Mina's heart races in exhilaration as Alo'Eth falls apart in her arms, the elf's climax triggering an answering throb of desire deep in her own core. But it's Alo'Eth's pleasure that matters tonight. Mina works her fingers with skillful intensity, coaxing out every last shudder and quake of rapture she can, until her friend goes limp, nearly falling to the floor. Only then does she withdraw her hand, bringing her soaked fingers to her mouth to lick them clean with a low, appreciative moan at the heady taste of the elf's desire.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Mmmm...you taste divine, Eth~" "horny">>
<p>Mina's blue eyes gleam as they roam over her friend's flushed form. Alo'Eth slouches, partly held up by Mina, eyes slightly vacant. Her breasts rise and fall rapidly with each shaky breath.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Think you're up for more?" "horny">>
<p>Mina asks huskily, even as she starts to push Eth towards the nearby bed. Alo'Eth flushes even deeper at Mina's suggestive question, still drowning in the lingering euphoria of her earth-shattering climax.</p>
<<aloethSpeak "More...? I... I think I need a moment..." "blush">>
<p>The elf's newly sensitive flesh tingles with delicious aftershocks of pleasure, the intensity of her transformation's changes making each touch electric against her nerves. Her thighs tremble and quiver, scarcely able to support her own weight in the wake of such an intense peak.</p>
<<aloethSpeak "You are...insatiable~" "blush">>
<p>Alo'Eth manages with a weak chuckle. The words emerge slightly slurred, as if her brain is still trying to process the overwhelming cascade of sensation flooding her senses. She blinks slowly up at Mina through half-lidded eyes, lips parted in soft, panting breaths.</p>
<<minaSpeak "And you love me for it!" "happy">>
<p>Mina teases. She guides Alo'Eth closer to the bed until her friend is able to sit on the edge and rest those trembling legs. Alo'Eth flops gracelessly back onto the mattress with a soft 'oof', chest still heaving as the lingering pulses of pleasure spark through her nerves like electric fire. She stares up at the ceiling in dazed euphoria, a lazy, sated smile playing at her lips.</p>
<<aloethSpeak "You're terrible... I think...I may have underestimated you, Mina." "blush">>
<p>Slowly, almost reluctantly, she pushes herself up onto her elbows to look at Mina more fully, crimson eyes bright and eager.</p>
<<aloethSpeak "You're going to ruin me at this rate. I'll admit though, it feels... nice. Feeling... this... desired~" "blush">>
<p>Mina grins happily. She kneels down beside the bed and puts her hands on Alo'Eth's thighs and gently pushes them open, then leans in close enough that Eth can feel Mina's breath on her glistening folds.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Good~ I want you to feel good. Really good. Make the most of your time~" "horny">>
<p>A full body shiver wracks Alo'Eth's frame at the wicked promise lacing Mina's sultry words, desire already kindling anew at the mere suggestion of what her friend has in store for her. The elf's thighs fall open eagerly under Mina's urging hands, welcoming the intimate caress of Mina's heated breath ghosting across her still-slick folds.</p>
<<aloethSpeak "Mina... please..." "blush">>
<p>The plea tumbles unbidden from Alo'Eth's lips, laced with equal parts desperation and wanton need. Her back arches, offering up the newly revealed expanse of her supple, feminine flesh in unspoken invitation to be tasted and devoured at her friend's whim.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Your wish is my command~" "horny">>
<p>Mina purrs, before she lowers her face until it hovers just above Alo'Eth's dripping pussy. Her blue eyes dance with mischief and lust as they meet the elf's hooded, darkened crimson gaze. Then she presses a tender kiss against Alo'Eth's lower lips, her tongue delving into Eth's soaked folds without a second of hesitation.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/aloeth/licking.png">
<p>Alo'Eth keens breathlessly at the first delicate brush of Mina's lips and tongue against her aching flesh. Her hips jerk upwards involuntarily, seeking more of that divine contact. The touch is electric against her sensitive nerves, igniting a cascade of rapture that ripples through her core in pulsing waves of ecstasy.</p>
<p>Her fingers clutch desperately at the sheets beneath her and her thighs tremble and fall open wider, welcoming Mina deeper into the slick, silky folds of her sex.</p>
<p>Mina's tongue traces maddeningly light, teasing patterns against Alo'Eth's swollen clit before delving deeper, spearing into the fluttering entrance of her pussy with lewd, slurping sounds that send tingling heat searing through her veins. The lewd noises fill Alo'Eth's ears, punctuated by breathy gasps and groans of wanton bliss.</p>
<p>The elf writhes helplessly, back arching high off the mattress as Mina feasts on her with reckless abandon. Pleasure coils tight in Alo'Eth's core like a drawn bowstring, building to an inevitable crescendo of euphoria.</p>
<<aloethSpeak "M-Mina...I...ah!" "cum">>
<p>The warning cry is torn from Alo'Eth's throat a moment before she comes apart again, Mina's name a broken prayer on her lips as her pussy gushes into her friend's eager mouth.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/aloeth/cumming.png">
<p>Mina hums against Alo'Eth's spasming cunt, lapping up every drop of her release as it gushes onto her tongue. She wraps her arms around her friend and digs her fingers into Eth's hips as the elf squirms in ecstasy, holding her in place. The taste is divine, sending a fresh surge of heat pulsing through Mina's core.</p>
<p>She works Alo'Eth through every pulse of her orgasm before gentling the assault of her tongue. A few final kittenish licks and suckles to the swollen bud of Eth's clit elicits one last shuddering whine of overstimulated bliss.</p>
<p>Mina withdraws, licking the gloss of feminine essence from her lips with a throaty, pleased moan. She meets Alo'Eth's dazed crimson gaze, eyes glinting with playful wickedness as she purrs.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Delicious~" "horny">>
<p>Alo'Eth whimpers softly at the loss of Mina's tongue, her overwrought flesh still tingling and pulsing with residual sparks of blissful pleasure. The aftermath of her earth-shattering release leaves her utterly spent and dazed, limbs trembling from the sheer intensity.</p>
<p>She blinks slowly, gaze hazy and unfocused as she struggles to string together a coherent thought past the euphoric static flooding her senses. The slick, swollen folds of her sex glisten with a mixture of her own copious arousal and Mina's saliva in the afterglow, twitching in the open air as her breathing slowly evens out.</p>
<<aloethSpeak "Mina... That... was... incredible..." "cum">>
<p>Alo'Eth whispers hoarsely, reaching up with a shaky hand to thread through her disheveled hair. Her lips part in a lazy, sated grin as her mind finally starts to clear, the haze of rapture receding just enough for thoughts to penetrate through. A husky, playful giggle escapes Alo'Eth as the full impact of their activities registers in her still pleasure-addled brain.</p>
<<aloethSpeak "I don't know what came over you... But...I think I like this side of you. Very much indeed~" "happy">>
<p>The wicked, teasing lilt in Alo'Eth's voice is a stark departure from her typical stoic composure, an enticing glimpse of a new facet to the normally reserved elf's personality. She rolls over onto her side with a sinuous grace belying her still quivering legs, crimson eyes dancing with mirth.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Heh~, you like me deviant? Oh Eth, you have no idea~" "horny">>
<p>Mina grins mischievously, crawling up Eth's body until the pair are nose-to-nose. She brings her hand up and rests it on her friend's cheek then captures Eth's lips with her own. The kiss is heated and intense, conveying the depths of desire burning in her blue eyes. After several intense moments of passion, she breaks the kiss with a sultry giggle.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Mmm, now let me have my way with you, cutie~" "horny">>
<p>Mina gently pushes on Alo'Eth's shoulder, urging her back onto her back before straddling the elf's trim waist. The blue-haired alchemist looks down at her friend, grinning a huge grin. As long as that potion lasts, Mina is determined to give her friend the night of her life!</p>
<<set $sceneSkip to false>>
<<if $replayMemory is false>>
<<usePotion "Estradi Potion">>
<<addExp "Lewd" 8>>
<<reduceStamina 40>>
<<addExp "Stamina" 8>>
<<set $scenesSeen["Alo'Eth First Step"] to true>>
<<set $estradiPotionUsed to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["aloeth"] to false>>
<p><<link "Head Home once Eth's curiousity has been sated and the potion wears off" "Home">>
<p><<link "Return" "Memories">>
<<set $replayMemory to false>>
<<set $alternateScene to false>>
<</if>><div id="speaking">
<<aloethSpeak "Good day Mina." "neutral">>
<span id="allure">
<<if $recipesDiscovered["Allure Potion"] is true && $aloethInformed["Allure Potion"] is false>>
<<link "Tell Alo'Eth about the Allure Potion">>
<<replace "#speaking">>
<<minaSpeak "Hullo Eth!" "happy">>
<<minaSpeak "Guess what? I learned a new potion!" "happy">>
<<aloethSpeak "Very impressive Mina. Do you know what the potion can do?" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "I... I think it makes things eager to mate?" "blush">>
<p>Alo'Eth raises an eyebrow.</p>
<<aloethSpeak "I see. I'm sure you will find a use for it." "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Haha. Yeah..." "blush">>
<<set $aloethInformed["Allure Potion"] to true>>
<<remove "#allure">>
<span id="elasticity">
<<if $recipesDiscovered["Elasticity Elixir"] is true && $aloethInformed["Elasticity Elixir"] is false>>
<<link "Tell Alo'Eth about the Elasticity Elixir">>
<<replace "#speaking">>
<<minaSpeak "Hiiii Eth!" "happy">>
<<minaSpeak "Want to know who is the greatest alchemist in all the land? It's me!" "happy">>
<<aloethSpeak "Can I assume you've made another breakthrough then?" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Suuuuure did!" "happy">>
<<aloethSpeak "And what unconventional effect does this new concoction have?" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Hey!" "pout">>
<<minaSpeak "How'd you know it was another weird one?" "happy">>
<p>Alo'Eth only responds by raising an eyebrow.</p>
<<if $elasticityElixirUsed is false>>
<<minaSpeak "Anyway it makes the user more elastic! Not really sure what that means, but it sounds like it could be fun." "happy">>
<<aloethSpeak "Hm. That does sound intriguing." "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Anyway it makes the user more elastic! And hooboy can it get weird... fun though!" "happy">>
<<aloethSpeak "Hm. That does sound intriguing." "neutral">>
<<set $aloethInformed["Elasticity Elixir"] to true>>
<<remove "#elasticity">>
<span id="estradi">
<<if $recipesDiscovered["Estradi Potion"] is true && $aloethInformed["Estradi Potion"] is false>>
<<link "Tell Alo'Eth about the Estradi Potion">>
<<replace "#speaking">>
<<minaSpeak "Hey, hey, Eth! Guess what?" "happy">>
<<aloethSpeak "I couldn't possibly begin to imagine, Mina. Please do go on." "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "I... Mina... made a new potion!" "happy">>
<<aloethSpeak "Goodness. And what does this one do?" "eyebrow">>
<<minaSpeak "It's called the Estradi Potion! It's named for the Divine Goddess, it makes the user a girl. At least until it wears off anyway." "happy">>
<p>As Alo'Eth goes to make what is probably a snarky reply, his brain catches up with his ears and he pauses.</p>
<<aloethSpeak "Is... is that so?" "blush">>
<<minaSpeak "Yep! I haven't had a chance to try it out yet, since y'know, I'm already a girl. Oh! Would you like to test it for me?" "neutral">>
<<aloethSpeak "I... Y-yes, I would be happy to assist you in this, certainly. Feel free to come and visit me in my apartment later." "blush">>
<<minaSpeak "Sure, sounds good!" "happy">>
<<set $aloethInformed["Estradi Potion"] to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["aloethDay"] to false>>
<<remove "#estradi">>
<<print " ❤︎">><br>
<span id="shrinking">
<<if $recipesDiscovered["Shrinking Elixir"] is true && $aloethInformed["Shrinking Elixir"] is false>>
<<link "Tell Alo'Eth about the Shrinking Elixir">>
<<replace "#speaking">>
<<minaSpeak "Hi Eth!" "happy">>
<<aloethSpeak "Judging by your mood, I am guessing you've made a new discovery?" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Sure did! It's all thanks to the books here! I made a Shrinking Elixir!" "happy">>
<<aloethSpeak "That's quite impressive, I'll admit." "eyebrow">>
<<minaSpeak "I know right!" "happy">>
<<set $aloethInformed["Shrinking Elixir"] to true>>
<<remove "#shrinking">>
<span id="homuncuties">
<<if $totalHomuncuties > 0 && $aloethInformed["Homuncuties"] is false>>
<<link "Tell Alo'Eth about the Homuncuties">>
<<replace "#speaking">>
<<minaSpeak "Hi Eth! Want to hear about my latest creation?" "happy">>
<<aloethSpeak "You're likely going to tell me no matter what, yes?" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Haha yeah probably!" "embarrassed">>
<<minaSpeak "I figured out how to make homunculi!" "happy">>
<p>Alo'Eth raises an eyebrow.</p>
<<aloethSpeak "Oh? That is interesting. What do you have them doing?" "eyebrow">>
<<minaSpeak "Yeah isn't it! I call them my homuncuties, because they're really cute! I've got them gathering me alchemy ingredients." "happy">>
<<aloethSpeak "Homun... cuties? How very you, Mina." "happy">>
<<run scroll(0, 0)>>
<<set $aloethInformed["Homuncuties"] to true>>
<<remove "#homuncuties">>
<p>[[Say goodbye|Library]]</p><<minaSpeak "Hi Jessica!" "happy">>
<<jessicaSpeak "Hello Mina. Lovely to see you today." "happy">>
<<if $bridgeBuiltInformed is true>>
<<jessicaSpeak "I understand you've been contributing some back to the community. Well done!" "happy">>
<<minaSpeak "Haha yeah! Thanks!" "embarrassed">>
<<jessicaSpeak "What can I do for you? Here for some more empty bottles?" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Not at the moment!" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "I was actually hoping you could maybe help me source something a bit rarer!" "neutral">>
<<jessicaSpeak "Oh? What might that be?" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "I need a new alchemical catalyst. Mum's old quartz isn't going to cut it forever!" "neutral">>
<<jessicaSpeak "Ah, I see... Leave it with me for a few days dear, I should be able to source one." "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Thanks Jessica! You're the best!" "happy">>
<<jessicaSpeak "Yes yes, I am aware." "happy">>
<<if $allayaRespect > 0>>
<<jessicaSpeak "Oh, and I'm happy to hear that you and Allaya are working things out." "happy">>
<<minaSpeak "Oh... uh, I'm glad to! Do you... do you know why she was so mad at me?" "sad">>
<<jessicaSpeak "Hm. I think it would be best if she told you herself, yes?" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Yeah, I guess so..." "sad">>
<<set $currentTimer to "Amethyst">>
<<set $timerLength to 3>>
<<set $eventNotification["market"] to false>>
[[Back|Market]]<<widget 'homuncutieCollect'>>
<<set _collectedInv to Inventory.create()>>
<<set _cuties to Object.keys($homuncutie)>>
<<for _qt = 0; _qt lt _cuties.length; _qt++>>
<<merge _collectedInv $homuncutie[_cuties[_qt]].inventory>>
<<dropall $homuncutie[_cuties[_qt]].inventory>>
<<if $manualCollect is true>>
<<if _collectedInv.length is 0>>
<<run UI.alert("There's nothing to collect!")>>
<<run Dialog.create("Collected"); Dialog.wiki("<<inv _collectedInv>>"); Dialog.open()>>
<<if _collectedInv.length > 0>>
<<set _items to Object.keys(_collectedInv.data)>>
<<for _it = 0; _it lt _items.length; _it++>>
<<set _itemName to _items[_it]>>
<<if Item.get(_itemName).hasTag("reagent")>>
<<set _itemCount to _collectedInv.count(_itemName)>>
<<pickup $player.reagents _itemName _itemCount>>
<<set _itemCount to _collectedInv.count(_itemName)>>
<<pickup $player.mediums _itemName _itemCount>>
<<set $manualCollect to false>>
<<widget 'homuncutieGather'>>
<<set _cuties to Object.keys($homuncutie)>>
<<for _qt = 0; _qt lt _cuties.length; _qt++>>
<<set _cutie to _cuties[_qt]>>
<<if $homuncutie[_cutie].born is true>>
<<set _lootList to setup.lootTables[_cutie]>>
<<set _roll = Math.floor(Math.random()*_lootList.length)>>
<<set _loot to _lootList[_roll]>>
<<set _skill to Item.get(_lootList[_roll]).tags[1]>>
<<calculateBonus _skill 1>>
<<set _looted to 1 + $skillBonus>>
<<if Item.get(_loot).hasTag("reagent")>>
<<pickup $homuncutie[_cutie].inventory _loot _looted>>
<<if $player.items.count("Empty Bottle") >= _looted>>
<<pickup $homuncutie[_cutie].inventory _loot _looted>>
<<drop $player.items "Empty Bottle" _looted>>
<</widget>><<calculateBonus "Botany" 2>>
<<set _foundHerbs to (1 + $skillBonus)>>
<<addReagent "Forest Herb" _foundHerbs>>
<<addExp "Botany" 2>>
<<addExp "Stamina" 1>>
<<reduceStamina 10>>
<<if $homuncutie["forest"].born is true>>
<<if Math.floor(Math.random()*3) is 1>>
<p data-nokeys="true">
Nearby Mina can see $homuncutie["forest"].name
<<link "gathering some herbs.">>
<<set $spottedCutie to "forest">>
<<set $cutieAction to "basic">>
<<run Dialog.create("Homuncutie").wikiPassage("Homuncutie Image").open()>>
<<if $player.stamina > 0>>
<p>[[Explore some more|Explore the Forest]]<br>
[[Return to the Forest|Forest]]</p>
<p>Mina is too tired to explore.</p>
<p>[[Return Home|Home]]</p><<calculateBonus "Geology" 2>>
<<set _found to (1 + $skillBonus)>>
<<addReagent "Trueschist Marble" _found>>
<<addExp "Geology" 4>>
<<addExp "Stamina" 2>>
<<reduceStamina 10>>
<<if $homuncutie["deep-cave"].born is true>>
<<if Math.floor(Math.random()*3) is 1>>
<p data-nokeys="true">
Nearby Mina can see $homuncutie["deep-cave"].name
<<link "finding some marbles.">>
<<set $spottedCutie to "deep-cave">>
<<set $cutieAction to "basic">>
<<run Dialog.create("Homuncutie").wikiPassage("Homuncutie Image").open()>>
<<if $player.stamina > 0>>
<p>[[Explore some more|Explore the Deep Caves]]<br>
[[Return to the Caves|Cave]]</p>
<p>Mina is too tired to explore.</p>
<p>[[Return Home|Home]]</p><<calculateBonus "Botany" 2>>
<<set _foundMushrooms to (1 + $skillBonus)>>
<<addReagent "Cave Mushroom" _foundMushrooms>>
<<addExp "Botany" 2>>
<<addExp "Stamina" 1>>
<<reduceStamina 10>>
<<if $homuncutie["cave"].born is true>>
<<if Math.floor(Math.random()*3) is 1>>
<p data-nokeys="true">
Nearby Mina can see $homuncutie["cave"].name
<<link "carrying a mushroom around.">>
<<set $spottedCutie to "cave">>
<<set $cutieAction to "basic">>
<<run Dialog.create("Homuncutie").wikiPassage("Homuncutie Image").open()>>
<<if $player.stamina > 0>>
<p>[[Explore some more|Explore the Caves]]<br>
[[Return to the Caves|Cave]]</p>
<p>Mina is too tired to explore.</p>
<p>[[Return Home|Home]]</p><<calculateBonus "Botany" 2>>
<<set _found to (1 + $skillBonus)>>
<<if $hintsLearned["Greenthorn Bark"] is false>>
<p>Mina comes across a tree that looks much like any other, apart from a strange scent that gets worse as she gets closer. Curious she starts to make her way towards it, only to stop short with a gasp when pointy thorns as long as her arm suddenly sprout from the tree, stopping only inches away from her!</p>
<<minaSpeak "Phew! I might have to come back to this one..." "surprise">>
<p>Mina carefully approaches a Greenthorn tree in a crouch, slowly coming up to its base where she can collect some fallen bark.</p>
<<addReagent "Greenthorn Bark" _found>>
<<addExp "Botany" 8>>
<<addExp "Stamina" 4>>
<<reduceStamina 20>>
<<if $homuncutie["deep-forest"].born is true>>
<<if Math.floor(Math.random()*3) is 1>>
<p data-nokeys="true">
Mina finds $homuncutie["deep-forest"].name
<<link "already at the base of the tree">>
<<set $spottedCutie to "deep-forest">>
<<set $cutieAction to "basic">>
<<run Dialog.create("Homuncutie").wikiPassage("Homuncutie Image").open()>>
picking up some bark as well.
<<if $player.stamina > 0>>
<p>[[Explore some more|Explore the Deep Forest]]<br>
[[Return to the Forest Entrance|Forest]]</p>
<p>Mina is too tired to explore.</p>
<p>[[Return Home|Home]]</p><<if (ndef $bethHouseVisited is true) || ($bethHouseVisited is false)>>
<p>Mina knocks quietly on Beth's door and a few moments later the minotaur woman pulls the door open with a wide smile. She's changed out of her work clothes in favour of a rather luxurious looking sleeping robe.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/beth/robe.png">
<<bethSpeak "Mina! I'm so glad you decided to come visit! Please, come in." "happy">>
<p>Mina stares for a moment, a little stunned to see her friend in such... intimate attire. After a few moments she blinks and then smiles up at the larger woman, looking a little embarrassed.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Hi Beth! Thanks for having me." "embarrassed">>
<p>Still smiling Beth takes a step back and gestures for Mina to follow her inside. She leads Mina through to a large living area, clearly built for a woman of Beth's size with comfort in mind. A huge, plush looking sofa sits up against one wall and Beth moves over to sit down on it, reclining into the soft cushions with a sigh. Then she pats the space on the sofa next to her. Without hesitation Mina walks on over and plops herself down next to her bigger friend.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Soooo what did you want to talk about that you couldn't say at work?" "happy">>
<p>Beth laughs.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Oh, come on babe. You're a smart girl, you should be able to figure it out!" "happy">>
<<minaSpeak "Hm... wanting to know how stretchy someone could be taking my new potion..." "think">>
<<minaSpeak "Nope, I got nothing!" "neutral">>
<p>Beth rolls her eyes and gives Mina a little hip bump, which makes the alchemist girl fall slightly to the side and have to catch herself with one arm on the sofa.</p>
<<bethSpeak "...are you really going to make me spell it out?" "blush">>
<<minaSpeak "Whaaaaaaat? I'm really not sure!" "blush">>
<p>Beth lets out a long sigh and then takes in a deep breath to steady herself.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Ok look, you know I'm the only minotaur in the village, right?" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "...yeah?" "neutral">>
<<bethSpeak "And there's no one else around who is of... similar stature to me either..." "blush">>
<<minaSpeak "True..." "think">>
<<bethSpeak "So, you know, I haven't had a chance to... um... mess about with anyone! In a while!" "blush">>
<<minaSpeak "Ok... but why would you need someone to be stre-" "think">>
<<minaSpeak "Oh!" "embarrassed">>
<<minaSpeak "Beth... do you have a...?" "blush">>
<<bethSpeak "...yes." "blush">>
<<minaSpeak "...can I see?" "embarrassed">>
<<bethSpeak "W-what?!" "surprise">>
<<minaSpeak "What? I wanna see!" "horny">>
<p>Beth stares at her friend for several long seconds. Then, finally, she sighs dramatically.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Fine!" "blush">>
<p>Slowly Beth unties her robe and then pulls it open. It seems that she hadn't been wearing anything underneath, as right there between her legs sits an absolute monster of a shaft. Mina's eyes go wide as she stares at it, visually tracing one of the distinct veins that run up its length. A small gasp escapes her lips when that vein throbs, while the rest of the heavy looking cock jerks upwards a little before flopping back down.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/beth/showingoff.png">
<<minaSpeak "Oh..." "horny">>
<<bethSpeak "So... do you think your potion would work?" "blush">>
<p>Mina takes a few seconds the answer, her attention still stuck on that rod of flesh sitting between Beth's legs. Finally she blinks a couple times and looks up, cheeks flushed a deep red.</p>
<<minaSpeak "I... I think so!" "blush">>
<<set $eventNotification["beth"] to false>>
<<set $scenesSeen["Beth Mating Press"] to false>>
<<set $bethHouseVisited to true>>
<<if $player.potions.has("Elasticity Elixir") is true>>
<<minaSpeak "Want to try it out? Right now?" "horny">>
<p>Beth blinks in surprise.</p>
<<bethSpeak "I... um... yes! Yes babe I really would!" "happy">>
<<sceneLink "Take an Elasticity Elixir and have some fun with Beth" "Beth Mating Press">>
<<bethSpeak "Then... can I buy one from you?" "blush">>
<<minaSpeak "Beth... how about I just bring one along next time I visit and we can try it out?" "horny">>
<p>Beth's eyes widen.</p>
<<bethSpeak "O-oh! Ok!" "blush">>
<p><<link "Leave for now" "Workshops">>
<p>Mina ducks into Beth's home to find her minotaur friend lounging on her comfortable sofa. She looks up as Mina enters and she grins widely.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Mina! Welcome!" "happy">>
<<bethSpeak "Did you... have you brought your potions?" "blush">>
<<if $scenesSeen["Beth Mating Press"] is false>>
<<if $player.potions.has("Elasticity Elixir") is false>>
<<minaSpeak "Oops. Looks like I forgot!" "embarrassed">>
<p>Beth just sighs.</p>
<<minaSpeak "You know I have~" "horny">>
<<sceneLink "Take an Elasticity Elixir and have some fun with Beth" "Beth Mating Press">>
<<elseif $scenesSeen["Beth Mating Press"] is true && $scenesSeen["Beth and Shrink Potion"] is false && $bethInformed["Shrinking Elixir"]>>
<<if $player.potions.hasAll("Elasticity Elixir", "Shrinking Elixir")>>
<<minaSpeak "More than one!" "horny">>
<<minaSpeak "Oh. Um... I forgot to bring them... sorry~" "embarrassed">>
<<sceneLink "Shrink down for Beth and see where things go" "Beth and Shrink Potion">>
<<elseif $bethInformed["Philia"] && $philiaInformed["Beth"] && $scenesSeen["Introducing Philia to Beth"] is false>>
<<if $player.potions.count("Elasticity Elixir") > 1>>
<<minaSpeak "I've got more than just potions tonight~" "horny">>
<p>Mina bites her lip.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Oops~" "embarrassed">>
<<sceneLink "Invite Philia into Beth's home" "Introducing Philia to Beth">>
<<minaSpeak "Not tonight! I just wanted to say hello, since you're always so busy at work." "happy">>
<<bethSpeak "Ah, that's fair babe!" "happy">>
<p>Mina and Beth chat idly for a while.</p>
[[Head Home|Home]]</p><div class="accordion">
<h3>Beth gets to let loose</h3>
<p>Mina grins and reaches into her satchel. She pulls out an Elasticity Elixir, a curious blue fluid with a faint glow, and swirls it around in its bottle a few times. Then, after taking a deep breath, she uncorks the bottle and drinks down the concoction in one quick gulp!</p>
<p>She licks her lips after a second and tilts her head slightly.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Hm... tastes... weird." "neutral">>
<<bethSpeak "...so? Did it work?" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Only one way to find out!" "happy">>
<p>With a big grin Mina starts to shimmy out of her clothing, pulling her top off first shamelessly. Her simple bra goes next and Beth's eyes widen a little at seeing Mina's pale, modest breasts bared. She had no idea her alchemist friend was quite this... open about her body!</p>
<p>Having noticed Beth's surprise Mina winks in her direction as she hooks her thumbs into the waistband of her shorts.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Like what you see big lady? Want to see more?" "happy">>
<p>Before even waiting for an answer Mina pulls her shorts and underwear down in one smooth movement and kicks them aside, leaving only her socks on. With her pussy on full display she starts stalking over towards Beth, a wide grin still splitting her face.</p>
<p>Beth's eyes are wide as she stares, her chest starting to rise and fall in shorter, sharper breaths. A tent has started to form in her sleeping robe, right between her legs, and so she promptly pulls the fabric aside to reveal her massive shaft. It's jerking and throbbing as Mina gets closer, swelling even wider and longer, engorging gradually to its full size while an oozing line of precum leaks out of the winking hole near the centre of its flared tip.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Mmm, can't believe you've been hiding this from me this whole time..." "horny">>
<p>As she gets closer Mina leans down, bending at the waist, and purses her lips. With a loud and exaggerated "mwah!" she gives the head of Beth's length a brief kiss, causing the twitching shaft to jerk.</p>
<p>Then, carefully, she climbs up onto the sofa with Beth, pushing herself up until she's straddling the larger woman's lap. That throbbing cock sticks through the gap between Mina's thighs, twitching and throbbing almost hypnotically.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Mina..." "horny">>
<p>With a crooked grin Mina tilts her body forward and grinds the folds of her pussy hard against Beth's thick cock, shuddering with delight at the heat and texture rubbing over her sensitive slit.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/beth/grinding.png">
<p>After thoroughly coating the base of Beth's shaft with her leaky, flushing sex Mina settles back to sit on Beth's thighs. Reaching forward she grasps that huge cock with both hands and pulls it towards her, until the heavy shaft thuds against her belly. Her grin widens at the sight, seeing that monster of a dick reaching all the way up to her chest.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Oooooh, I'd never get something like this inside me normally..." "horny">>
<p>Beth's eyes are wide, staring with a mixture of deep arousal and alarm. She too sees just how big she is compared to Mina and it worries her deeply. But at the same time she feels a thrill running through her, a spark that runs up her spine and makes her shiver. She <b>wants</b> to take it further, to see Mina stretching around her.</p>
<<bethSpeak "You're sure about this Mina?" "horny">>
<<minaSpeak "<b>Goddess</b> yes!" "horny">>
<p>And with those words Mina pushes herself up while keeping a tight hold of Beth's cock. She slides all the way up and along that length until the flared tip lewdly kisses her flushed, dripping wet pussy. She moans at the sensation, her body trembling a moment as a jet of precum pushes out with enough force that it oozes into her entrance.</p>
<p>She starts to rock herself back and forth, grinding her folds hard against that wide flare, while slowly allowing gravity to start pulling her back down. Bit by bit she feels herself stretching, the growing pressure against her pussy forcing her nethers to part and walls to stretch. She starts to pant as the pressure grows and grows until all at once she drops down an inch with a jerk of movement!</p>
<p>A loud keening moan escapes Mina's lips and she throws her head back. Her legs lock up and her body starts trembling, reacting to the thick stretch so completely unfamiliar to her. Already there's a bulge in her abdomen, skin pushing outwards from the sheer size of the cock invading her, and yet she quickly realizes that she feels no pain. Only the incredible pleasure of being filled so thoroughly and the deep ache of being stretched so far. And she's only fit the tip inside so far!</p>
<p>Below Beth snorts loudly, her own eyes going wide as she feels a tight grip around the head of her cock unlike anything she's ever felt before. Like a vice it squeezes her, making her grunt. Then she snorts again, louder this time, and her strong arms snap upwards and take hold of Mina, one gripping a thigh and the other wrapping around her waist.</p>
<<minaSpeak "H-huh? W-wait, Beth, w-waaaaaAAAIIIII~" "surprise">>
<p>Before Mina can finish Beth pulls her down, hard. The bulge in Mina's belly shifts, moving even further up her body, pushing her navel out. Mina gasps then lets out a loud squeal as she comes undone! Her limbs stiffen, her back arches and her pussy clamps down even tight around Beth's cock. Then as her blue eyes roll back into their sockets her legs start to shudder and tremble as a gush of clear fluid sprays from her wide-stretched sex, splattering onto Beth's abdomen.</p>
<p>Beth grunts as Mina's spasming, climaxing passage grips her cock that much tighter, massaging her shaft while squeezing it tight. Quickly losing control over herself she tries to savagely yank Mina even further down, only to find her progress stymmied. Again she pulls down and again Mina only sinks lower less than an inch. The minotaur woman snorts with frustration, with so much of her jerking, throbbing length still remaining outside of Mina's snug embrace.</p>
<p>With a surge of movement Beth rolls over, pinning Mina onto the sofa under her, pale legs pushed up under Beth's furry bulk. With one hand remaining firm around one of Mina's legs Beth shifts the other arm to get a tight grip on the head of the sofa and then she <b>slams</b> down hard enough to make the floor shake and the sofa creak.</p>
<<minaSpeak "G-goddesSSSS FUCK!" "horny">>
<p>Pulsing minotaur cock fills Mina, forcefully shoved into the depths of her pussy, slamming hard up against the limits of her passage. She stares down with wide, amazed eyes at the bulge sticking out of her belly, while her body shudders at the intense sensation of all that pressure now smashing against her cervix.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/beth/press.png">
<<minaSpeak "Ffffuuuck Beth~ you're gonna~ break me~" "horny">>
<p>Snorting and grunting more like an animal, it almost seems like Beth is now aiming to do exactly that. She slamfucks into Mina again and again, the sofa creaking and groaning loudly with the abuse, using her weight and this position to drive herself down with incredible force. Mina can do little more than take it, moaning and squealing with pleasure as her unnaturally stretchy body is forced to take all that cock without mercy. The entrance to her womb swells and quivers, shuddering each time Beth's cock hits it like a battering ram, the constant pressure forcing even that tight ring of muscle to start distending.</p>
<<minaSpeak "W-wait, Beth, you're about to- AAAAHNNNN~" "horny">>
<p>Mina screams and her pussy gushes out another spray as she crashes over the edge again as she feels her cervix give way and that throbbing cock punching right through into her very core. Moaning, tears of bliss forming at the corners of her rolling eyes, she cums and cums and cums again as Beth fucks into her womb and barely even slows down. That flared crown fucks its way into her stretched out cervix as if it's just a second pussy, pushing the bulge in her belly up far enough that it's almost touching her ribcage, and all Mina can do is take it while she feels her mind being carried away on a cloud of pure bliss.</p>
<p>Finally though, Beth reaches her limit. With a grunt and then a low growl that rumbles out of her she slams into Mina as deep as she can go. Her balls clench up towards her body as the first hot rope of minotaur cum surges out of them. What little remains of Mina's conscious thoughts registers the bulge of that gooey load pushing up through the fat cock stretching her so good, and with a delighted moan another orgasm is torn out of her beleaguered nervous system as an eruption of heat floods into her.</p>
<p>Beth's cock jerks with pump after pump, filling Mina's womb, swelling it outwards even further. Like a balloon filling with water it bloats larger and larger, visibly swelling with each contraction of Beth's nuts, until it can hold no more and excess comes rushing back up and out of Mina's pussy. It pours out in a flood, leaking down in gooey ropes onto the sofa below, a small puddle forming under Mina now as Beth unloads all those years of pent up lust into her alchemist friend.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/beth/pressinflation.png">
<p>When the deluge finally ends Mina is left a dazed, moaning wreck. Her body lies limp on the sofa, twitching occasionally as her nerves fire with the aftershocks of her countless climaxes. Beth grunts and rolls off of her smaller friend, cock slipping free of Mina's slippery pussy and flopping down as she herself collapses back onto the sofa as well.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Goddess Mina... that was... incredible..." "happy">>
<<set $sceneSkip to false>>
<<if $replayMemory is false>>
<<usePotion "Elasticity Elixir">>
<<addExp "Lewd" 8>>
<<reduceStamina 40>>
<<addExp "Stamina" 8>>
<<set $scenesSeen["Beth Mating Press"] to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["beth"] to false>>
<<set $elasticityElixirUsed to true>>
<p><<link "Leave once Mina properly recovers her wits" "Workshops">>
<p><<link "Return" "Memories">>
<<set $replayMemory to false>>
<<set $alternateScene to false>>
<</if>><div class="accordion">
<h3>Shrinking for Beth</h3>
<p>Mina lets out a relaxed sigh as she flops down onto the large, plush couch in Beth's home. She looks up at her minotaur friend and grins a wide, teasing grin.</p>
<<minaSpeak "So... you want me to try and take a Shrinking Elixir? But you're already so much bigger than me already~" "happy">>
<p>Beth laughs and shakes her head at Mina's teasing, her large breasts and the thick bulge between her muscular thighs bouncing.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Oh, but think how much more fun it'd be if I could just pick you up, babe! C'moooon, I promise I won't get too rough!" "horny">>
<p>With a shrug and a laugh Mina reaches into her satchel and pulls out a Shrinking Elixir, along with an Elasticity Elixir.</p>
<<minaSpeak "I'll admit, I'm curious to know what it'll feel like~" "horny">>
<p>And with those words, her cheeks flushing red, she pops the cork off the shrinking elixir and downs it. After just a few moments the potion starts to work its magic. Mina lets out a little squeak as she starts to shrink right there in her clothes! In just a few seconds she loses nearly two whole feet in height, her top now hanging loosely over her while her socks are almost slipping off already. She grins over at Beth.</p>
<<minaSpeak "What do you think?" "horny">>
<p>Beth's eyes light up as she sees how much Mina has shrunk compared to her own massive body. She reaches out a hand, offering Mina a friendly smile.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Mmm, now that's a cute look, Mina~! C'mere and let's get a closer look at you..." "happy">>
<p>Mina laughs and starts to extricate herself from her clothing, letting her socks fall completely while she's climbing out of her shorts and pulling her top off and over her head. She stands up and proudly shows herself off to Beth, hands on hips and naked body on full display!</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/beth/minimina.png">
<p>The minotaur licks her lips, eyes roaming over Mina's naked form hungrily. She reaches over and pulls Mina towards her, manhandling the alchemist girl easily thanks to her hand being able to practically wrap itself entirely around Mina's waist.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Mmmm, you look good enough to eat, babe... Why don't you come on up here and let me get a taste of that cute lil' body, hmm~?" "horny">>
<p>Beth's huge hand wrapping around her has Mina giggling, shocked at how large it is compared to her. Before Beth can really get started though she quickly pops open the Elasticity Elixir bottle and downs that potion as well!</p>
<<minaSpeak "Can't be too careful~" "horny">>
<p>The minotaur grins as she pulls Mina into her lap, letting out a pleased moan as the alchemist girl's bare skin presses against her own. Beth wraps an arm around Mina, holding her in place as the minotaur leans down and drags her tongue over Mina's small chest. Mina giggles, squirming as that big, wet tongue slides over her front!</p>
<<minaSpeak "Well, what are you waiting for? Get that big monster of yours out here~" "horny">>
<p>She teases with a wink and a small sway of her hips. The minotaur grins and reaches down to grasp her huge cock, giving it a few strokes while Mina turns around and licks her lips. Beth pulls her shaft up and presses it against Mina's bare front.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Mmmm, I bet you're looking forward to seeing how this stretches you out now, huh?" "horny">>
<p>Beth says with a teasing chuckle, slowly rubbing her cock up and down Mina's body. The feeling of Beth's monster cock sliding along her body makes Mina gasp and shudder, eyes going wide with lust while she bites her lip with anticipation.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/beth/prettybig.png">
<<minaSpeak "Oh I can hardly wait to find out!" "horny">>
<p>With an excited wiggle Mina wraps her arms around Beth's cock as if it was a pole and then gives the flared head a big, sloppy kiss. Between her legs her pussy quivers with need and aching to be filled, making Mina squirm while rivulets of her arousal run down her thighs.</p>
<p>Beth moans loudly as she feels Mina kissing the flared head of her cock, the minotaur's muscular shaft throbbing with need. She grunts, reaching down to wrap a hand around the thick base. Beth strokes her shaft slowly, giving the tip a little nudge against Mina's soft lips.</p>
<<bethSpeak "C'mon, gimme another kiss~" "horny">>
<p>With her free hand, the minotaur reaches between Mina's legs to feel at her quivering pussy. She grins as her thick fingers easily slide into Mina's tight, elastic hole, collecting her arousal. Beth's other hand continues teasing the tip of her huge cock against Mina's lips, the musky scent and heat of her minotaur shaft filling the alchemist girl's senses. Beth's grin grows, her lust-darkened eyes drinking in every twitch and gasp that crosses Mina's cute face.</p>
<p>Mina eagerly opens her mouth, tongue darting out to lick over the flared head of Beth's cock!</p>
<<minaSpeak "Mmmm... I can barely get my mouth around this monster, Beth..." "horny">>
<p>Mina's pussy is sopping wet at this point, and when Beth slips her thick finger into that hole Mina bucks her hips eagerly, moaning against Beth's cock as her minotaur lover easily works a second digit inside then starts sliding both fingers in and out of Mina's clenching cunt. Mina's mouth hangs open as she pants and moans, her lips kissing that huge cock as she slurps messily, drool running down her chin and spattering Beth's shaft.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Goddess Beth... I need this thing inside me~" "horny">>
<p>Beth groans as Mina messily laps and sucks at the head of her cock. She pulls her thick fingers out of the alchemist girl's soaked pussy, a satisfied grin crossing her face at how Mina whimpers at the loss. The minotaur brings her slick-covered fingers to her lips and licks them clean.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Mmm, you're so fuckin' tight, babe... Can't wait to stretch you out niiiiice and wide~" "horny">>
<p>Beth's muscular body tenses as Mina's words filter into her lust-addled brain and she grunts with arousal. In one smooth motion the minotaur grabs hold of Mina, effortlessly hoisting the small human girl up and lining her drooling, flared head up with Mina's entrance.</p>
<p>With a flex of Beth's hips her cock sinks a few inches into Mina's soaked cunt, easily parting the alchemist girl's folds thanks to the effects of the elasticity elixir.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Oooooh yeah, there we go! Unf, you feel amazing, babe!" "horny">>
<p>Beth groans as she slowly works more and more of her immense shaft into Mina, with every inch drawing a wanton moan from the shrunken girl.</p>
<p>Mina gasps loudly as Beth's flared cock sinks into her sopping pussy. The huge flare stretches Mina wide, her magically granted elasticity allowing her to take the whole width, even though the girth is greater than Mina's whole thigh. </p>
<<minaSpeak "Ffffuuuuuuck! So biiiiiig!" "cum">>
<p>Mina's thighs quake from the stretch and fullness as Beth slowly fills her. Mina's slick-drenched walls squeeze and clench around that massive intruder, gripping it tightly as her hips squirm and grind wantonly, unable to stay still with Beth's thick cock stuffing itself up inside her! Looking down she can see her abdomen pushing out, Beth's monstrous cock stretching her body in ways it never could without her potion's effects.</p>
<p>The minotaur grins with satisfaction as Mina moans and squirms around her thick cock, Beth's lust-darkened eyes roaming hungrily over the petite girl's stretched out body.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Haaa, there we go, babe... Mmm, your little body takes me so well!" "horny">>
<p>She starts to slowly thrust her hips, sliding her shaft in and out of Mina's tight hole with long, deep strokes that make the girl's thighs quiver. The wet <i>shlop shlop</i> of the minotaur's thick cock pistoning in and out of Mina's soaked folds fills the air. Beth reaches up to wrap her hands around the back of Mina's head and neck, using the grip to pull the girl down and grind against her with every thrust. She grunts with effort, muscular arms easily holding up Mina's in place as her cock plunges deep.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/beth/nelson.png">
<<bethSpeak "Hnnngh! You like being filled up like this Mina?" "horny">>
<<minaSpeak "Oh Goddess, yes!" "cum">>
<p>Mina moans as Beth's grip on her body lets the minotaur girl start fucking into her with powerful strokes! Her hands cling tightly to Beth's fur as the minotaur pistons into her over and over.</p>
<<minaSpeak "I love your cock, Beth... it's stretching me out so gooooOOOD!~" "cum">>
<p>With her words Mina suddenly clenches down, the walls of her cunt rippling and massaging Beth's thick shaft as her pussy gushes slick arousal with each powerful thrust.</p>
<p>Beth growls loudly, gripping Mina tighter and using the leverage to plunge even deeper into the petite alchemist girl's stretched pussy! Her hips crash against Mina's with heavy slaps, making the girl's small breasts jiggle with every impact.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Mmm, fuck yes! Take my huge cock deep inside that lil' cunt!" "horny">>
<p>Beth snarls through clenched teeth. She starts to bounce Mina up and down, using Mina like her personal fucktoy as she rams into her tight hole again and again! The slick squelches of Beth's girthy shaft plunging through Mina's slick folds fills the air, mixing with the minotaur's bestial grunts.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Nnnnh... yessss!" "cum">>
<p>Mina cries out, throwing her head back in rapture as Beth rails into her, powerful hips smashing up into the shrunken girl and driving that flared cock in so deep Mina can feel it punching against her cervix! She starts to let out unintelligeble babble as Beth uses her tiny body, the alchemist's mind lost in a sea of pleasure as she's fucked into again and again, used like a cock-sleeve by her minotaur friend.</p>
<p>Beth's thick digits dig into Mina's hair as the minotaur fucks into her at a brutal pace, Mina's whole body jolting from the force of those bestial thrusts. Mina's chest bounces wildly, the girl letting out choked moans each time Beth's cock bottoms out inside her stretched pussy, the flare tenting Mina's cervix as Beth grunts and snarls!</p>
<p>The minotaur lets out a victorious bellow, powerful body flexing as she ruts into Mina at a truly relentless pace. Beth's heavy breasts jiggle wildly from the force, thick nipples brushing against Mina's back each time she smashes into the girl. The alchemist can only moan in rapture, Beth's fat cock splitting her open and stuffing her to the brim.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Take it! Fucking TAKE MY COCK! Unngh... Gonna flood your little cunt... Breed this slutty body..." "horny">>
<<minaSpeak "NnnnnNNNNGGGAAAAAHHHHH!" "cum">>
<p>Mina cries out at the top of her lungs, eyes rolling back and tongue lolling out of her mouth as she comes undone! Beth's relentless fucking pushes Mina over the edge and the tiny girl convulses, pussy spasming wildly around the minotaur's invading cock, spraying a deluge of slick squirt onto Beth and the shaft pistoning in and out of her lewdly stretched pussy.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Aaarghhh, FUCK! Take it all!" "horny">>
<p>The minotaur roars in ecstasy, slamming Mina down hard, burying her cock as deep into Mina's convulsing cunt as she can, ramming right past Mina's cervix and stretching out the womb beyond. Thick spurts of searing minotaur seed erupt from her cock's tip, pumping what feels like gallons of hot cum into Mina's uterus! The minotaur snarls in bliss, powerful arms squeezing Mina tight as her huge body tenses and flexes from the sheer force of her climax. Rope after thick rope of musky seed floods Mina's stuffed pussy, bloating her abdomen out even more with how much she's taking!</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/beth/nelsoncum.png">
<p>The feeling of all that thick, searing cum pumping into Mina's womb has her eyes rolling back in ecstasy as she moans loudly. Her whole body tenses, back arching as much as it can with the force of the orgasm Beth is pushing her through, pussy rippling around the flared cock buried in her womb! Mina's voice cracks, throat raw with the sheer intensity of her pleasure!</p>
<<bethSpeak "Ohhhh yessss... Take it all, my lil' breeder..." "horny">>
<p>The minotaur moans as Mina spasms uncontrollably in her strong arms. Beth slowly rolls her wide hips, grinding against Mina's overfilled body and making sure every last drop of her hot seed gets pumped into that tight hole. The alchemist girl is limp, twitching weakly in the minotaur's grip as Beth fills her up completely.</p>
<p>Finally the minotaur slumps back against the couch, chest heaving with exertion as she cradles Mina's limp body close. Her softening cock still throbs inside Mina's thoroughly stretched cunt.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Haaa... Mmm, I filled you up good, babe~" "happy">>
<p>Mina's eyes are unfocused and her expression is one of pure bliss as the tiny girl lays limp and quivering in Beth's arms. Her pussy clenches weakly around the minotaur's huge, still-throbbing shaft buried deep inside her, a few stray drops of slick leaking out from her thoroughly fucked hole. Sweat covers her face, matting Mina's blue hair to her forehead. She moans weakly as Beth holds her tight, a blissed-out smile crossing the alchemist's lips as she snuggles back into Beth's large chest, basking in the afterglow.</p>
<p>The minotaur grins down at Mina, strong arms cradling her close and large hand rubbing soothingly along her back. She nuzzles her snout against Mina's hair and breathes in deep.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Awww, look at you~ All tuckered out after taking such a good dicking. Mmm... I could get used to having such a cute lil' toy around. Maybe I ought to keep you as my pet..." "happy">>
<p>Beth reaches down to give Mina's swollen, cum-stuffed belly an affectionate pat. Her softening cock shifts inside Mina's overstuffed hole with the movement, a trickle of seed leaking out to run down the shaft. Mina nuzzles against Beth, grinning lazily as her petite body tingles all over with afterglow. When Beth pats her tummy Mina lets out a squeak of surprise and squirms against the minotaur!</p>
<<minaSpeak "Mmmm~ You really did fill me up, Beth... I can barely move. Nngh, and I'll definitely be walking funny tomorrow." "horny">>
<p>Mina giggles, then her eyes go wide as she realizes what Beth just said!</p>
<<minaSpeak "P-pet??" "surprise">>
<p>Then a sly grin crosses her lips. She wiggles in Beth's embrace teasingly, clenching around that semi-erect cock buried in her sloppy cunt.</p>
<<minaSpeak "I'll be whatever you want me to be, Beth, at least until these potions wear off~" "horny">>
<p>Beth grins and wraps her muscular arms tighter around Mina as the tiny girl clenches her pussy, purring as Mina squirms teasingly against her body. She rumbles, her semi-erect shaft flexing back towards full mast inside Mina's cum-flooded cunt!</p>
<<bethSpeak "Oooh, is that so~? Well, I better have my fill of this lil' body while I can then~" "horny">>
<<set $sceneSkip to false>>
<<if $replayMemory is false>>
<<usePotion "Shrinking Elixir">>
<<usePotion "Elasticity Elixir">>
<<addExp "Lewd" 12>>
<<reduceStamina 60>>
<<addExp "Stamina" 12>>
<<set $scenesSeen["Beth and Shrink Potion"] to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["beth"] to false>>
<<set $shrinkingElixirUsed to true>>
<p><<link "Head home once the potions wear off" "Home">>
<p><<link "Return" "Memories">>
<<set $replayMemory to false>>
<<set $alternateScene to false>>
<</if>><div class="accordion">
<h3>Philia meets Beth's Surprise</h3>
<p>With a huge grin Mina opens the door to Beth's home and leads Philia inside.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Hiiii Beth! I've brought Philia with me tonight~" "happy">>
<<bethSpeak "Ohh hey Mina, hey Philia! Always great to see you ladies. What's new? Come on in." "happy">>
<p>Beth grins welcoming the pair inside. Her ears flick happily and her tail swishes behind her as she pats some spots on the plush sofa.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Hello Beth. Not much, just working my ass off as usual." "neutral">>
<p>Philia says as she moves to take a seat on the sofa.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Oh, you know! Making potions, gathering materials. The usual." "happy">>
<p>Mina then smiles mischievously. She pulls out a vial filled with a shimmering liquid.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Potions like this one. Philia and I've been using this potion to have a little 'fun' in the stables." "horny">>
<p>Philia's eyes light up while her ears flush red. She holds a hand up as if to say 'hold that thought' to Mina, then turns her attention fully to Beth. The goblin girl grins, showing off her sharp teeth.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Ooh yes, Mina and I've been sneaking into the stables and using this potion to get the animals all riled up. It's so much fun! They're so big and strong... I love how they just pin me down and rut into me with those massive dicks..." "horny">>
<p>She bites her lip, letting her eyes roam hungrily over Beth's powerful, muscular form.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Mmmm, maybe you could show me how to do it with something even bigger though? Mina tells me you have an absolutely monster of a cock, Beth." "horny">>
<p>Beth's eyes light up hearing Philia's little tale. Her lips curl into a lustful grin as she turns and poses with a hand on her hip. Her voice turns low and sultry. </p>
<<bethSpeak "Well now, I don't know if I can match up to a horse, but I've got something of a monster alright." "horny">>
<p>With that, the minotaur slowly unbuckles her belt, pulling it from her trousers and letting her pants fall to the floor. A truly massive, flared cock springs free. It throbs in Beth's hands as she reaches down to hold it as it emerges from her sheath and a huge grin splits open her face.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Damn, Beth... I'm impressed, every time..." "horny">>
<p>The goblin girl's eyes go wide at the sight of the minotaur's enormous endowment. Her cheeks flush and she licks her lips.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Oh fuck... I want that huge fucking cock in me...">>
<p>Beth grins, slowly stroking her flared cock as it throbs in her hands.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Well girls, you know I'm always down to help my favorite girls out..." "horny">>
<p>Mina grins and without a hint of hesitation she starts stripping out of her clothes, pulling her shirt off first and then her shorts and underwear. As she puts them aside in a pile with her satchel she reaches inside and pulls out a pair of Elasticity Elixirs.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Wouldn't want to try taking that thing inside me without one of these..." "horny">>
<p>Philia grins and starts to undress eagerly herself, pulling off her dress and letting her breasts bounce free, her perky pink nipples already stiffening with excitement. Seeing Mina pull out the familiar elixir, the goblin girl shuffles over and takes one of them for herself. With a grin she pops the cork and downs the potion in one big gulp. She moans at the strong taste, shuddering as the effects quickly begin to take hold.</p>
<p>Beth chuckles as she watches the two smaller girls eagerly strip for her. Her cock throbs excitedly between her legs as she takes in the sight of Mina's cute, perky tits and Philia's larger, bouncier chest.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Goddess... if you'd told me I'd have two beautiful girls stripping down in my home a year ago I'd have trouble believing you..." "horny">>
<p>Mina's eyes roam over Beth's body. She grins excitedly and downs her own Elixir, shivering as it begins to take effect. She tosses the empty vial aside and gestures to Beth, beckoning the minotaur girl over with a crooked finger, eyeing that massive, throbbing cock.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Mmmm... get over here already~" "horny">>
<<philiaSpeak "Fuck yes, come over here with that monster cock Beth!" "horny">>
<<bethSpeak "Ohhh fuck yesss..." "horny">>
<p>The minotaur growls under her breath. Unable to resist any longer, she lets out a low, rumbling growl before slowly striding over towards the pair of smaller females. With a huge grin she flops onto the couch between Philia and Mina, her huge cock standing proudly at attention.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Well?" "happy">>
<p>Mina grins excitedly, scooting in close to Beth and leans forward, pressing her chest up against that throbbing shaft. She shivers at the heat of it, pulsing between her pert tits.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Ooooh~" "horny">>
<p>Not wanting to be left out, the goblin girl quickly moves in opposite Mina, pressing herself against the other side of Beth's cock, wrapping her larger boobs around that heated rod.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Mmmm... it's so fucking hot..." "horny">>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/beth/philia-titjob.png">
<p>Beth groans happily at the feeling of both smaller females pressed up against her, their warm soft bodies wrapped around her throbbing cock, hugging it between their boobs.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Ohhh fuck that's so good... You girls are the fucking best..." "horny">>
<p>Mina moans quietly and looks over at Philia.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Mmmm... isn't this great?" "horny">>
<p>She asks the other girl with a mischievous grin, relishing the warmth of Beth's huge, throbbing shaft between her modest tits as she starts to slide herself up and down against it.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Oh fuck yes!" "horny">>
<p>Philia moans in return, her body shivering with delight. The goblin girl starts to move her larger breasts up and down as well, massaging Beth's massive cock between her soft tits.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "It feels so fucking good... your cock is unreal, Beth!" "cum">>
<p>The minotaur groans loudly. She bites her lower lip, her eyes rolling back in pleasure from the dual sensations of the smaller girls' tits gliding along her shaft.</p>
<<bethSpeak "That feels... fucking amazing..." "cum">>
<p>Beth says in between panting breaths, clearly loving the dual attention her cock is getting. Precum starts to build up in a large bead at the large, winking hole at the end of that huge cock, getting larger by the second as that slippery warm goo is pumped up through Beth's throbbing length. Soon enough gravity takes hold and the precum starts sliding down Beth's shaft where it starts coating the two girls' chests.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Ohhh... look at all that precum..." "horny">>
<p>Mina purrs as she feels that warm, slippery fluid starting to coat her breasts. She scoops some up with her fingers and brings it to her mouth, sucking them clean.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Mmmm... tasty." "horny">>
<p>She says with a moan, grinning mischievously.</p>
<p>Philia moans, scooping some of the slick precum up with her own fingers to suck clean as well.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Fuck yes... that tastes so good... I want to taste more of this fat cock..." "horny">>
<p>With a lustful look she turns her attention towards the throbbing, flared head of that massive dick. She sticks out her little pink tongue, extending it towards the tip to try and catch some of that drooling precum. She moans as she licks hungrily at Beth's cock head, savoring that salty-sweet flavor.</p>
<p>Beth's lips curl into a huge, lusty grin at the feeling of Philia's small pink tongue lapping at the tip of her cock.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Oh fuuuuuck..." "cum">>
<p>The minotaur says in between panting breaths. She grabs Philia by her hair and pulls her in closer until Philia's face is pressing against the flared head of her cock.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Mmmm... good girl..." "horny">>
<p>She keeps the goblin girl pinned in place, forcing her head up and down along the thick head of her cock. As she does that her other hand slides around to grope at Mina's perky little tits, tweaking at the girl's stiff nipples.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Goddess... I think I love you two..." "horny">>
<p>Mina gasps and lets out a little whine as Beth begins to play with her modest tits, pinching at her sensitive nipples. She looks over to Philia eagerly.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Mmmm... looks like you're really getting to Beth, Philia..." "horny">>
<p>With a grin Mina leans forward and gives a kiss to Beth's twitching cock before running her small tongue along that soft, leathery skin.</p>
<<minaSpeak "I wonder which one of us you'll want to take first~" "horny">>
<<philiaSpeak "Mmm... I really hope it's me..." "cum">>
<p>Philia mumbles as Beth rubs her face against the flared cocktip, her mouth open to let her tongue slide back and forth.</p>
<p>Beth lets out a huge groan as Philia's tongue works over the flared tip of her cock. She moans loudly, her hands gently holding the goblin girl's head as she slides the thick head of her cock back and forth against Philia's face.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Ohh... fuck... Philia you dirty girl..." "horny">>
<p>Beth growls out, loving how eagerly the goblin girl is lapping at her cock. Her other hand gropes Mina's tits again, giving one of them a tight squeeze and pinch.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Nnngghhhh... you like that, Mina? You like watching Philia worhsip my cock like a good girl?" "horny">>
<p>As she waits for a response she grips Philia's head and holds her in place, forcing the goblin's lips tight against the leaking head of Beth's cock in a lewd kiss. The thick shaft pulses against Philia's mouth, smearing that drooling pre all over the inside of the girl's cheeks and lips.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/beth/philia-kiss.png">
<<minaSpeak "Mmph!~ mmmm..." "horny">>
<p>Mina moans, squirming as the minotaur roughly toys with her sensitive breast. Her fingers slide up to grip the base of Beth's cock, squeezing it lightly in encouragement as Philia works her mouth along that throbbing cockhead.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Mmm... she looks so hot kissing that big cock..." "horny">>
<p>Mina purrs with a lusty grin, continuing to lightly stroke the thick shaft, feeling it throb and pulse in her smaller grip.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Don't stop, Philia~ show Beth how much you love worshipping big dicks!" "horny">>
<p>With that, Mina leans in closer and lets her own tongue join the party, extending it to lap at the thick veins running along the underside of Beth's shaft. At the same time her hand slides up and down the lower half of that thick cock, gripping it and holding it in place to let both Philia and her own tongue continue lapping at it.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Mmmm!~ ohhhh... Beth your cock tastes so good..." "cum">>
<p>Philia moans out as she keeps her lips tightly wrapped around the hole at the tip of Beth's cock. Hearing Mina's encouragement she doubles down, sliding her tongue into the precum spewing opening, practically making out with the twitching cockhole.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Mmmmphh!~ hnnnghhh..." "cum">>
<p>The goblin girl moans deeply, her tongue swirling and her eyes rolling back slightly into their sockets as she's overwhelmed with the taste of smell of Beth.</p>
<p>Beth's whole body quivers as the two smaller females pleasure her cock.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Ohhhh... ohhhh fuck..." "cum">>
<p>The minotaur grips Philia's head tight, holding the goblin girl's face in place against her cock. Her other hand reaches over to grip Mina's wrist, guiding that hand to the thick veins and pulsing arteries running along the underside of her shaft. She presses Mina's fingers against that hot, tight skin, letting the smaller girl feel her pulse.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Can you feel that, Mina? Can you feel how hard you two are making me?" "horny">>
<p>Beth growls, biting her lower lip. With her other hand she grips Philia's hair and presses that goblin's nose right up against the leaking tip of her cock, letting that girl breathe in that thick, heady musk.</p>
<p>Mina shudders, her cheeks flushed and her blue hair a mess as she kneels next to Beth. She leans forward and presses a cheek to Beth's huge cock, shivering with delight as it throbs hard against her face, smearing sticky precum all over her cheeks as Philia slurps and laps at the fat head.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Ohhh fuck... your cock smells so good, Beth..." "cum">>
<p>Mina groans, nuzzling into that thick shaft, breathing it in deeply. She wraps her fingers around the base of that monstrous thing, giving it a few tight squeezes. Looking over with lustful eyes, she grins at her goblin friend.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Mmm... how's it taste Phili?~" "horny">>
<<philiaSpeak "Oh... ohhhh it tastes... it tastes so fucking good Mina..." "cum">>
<p>Philia's eyes are wide as she moans out her words, rubbing the flared head of Beth's cock firmly against her lips and nose, her face smeared with sticky precum.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "The smell... the taste... fuck... it's driving me insane..." "cum">>
<p>She says between kisses and licks. Her tongue works the head eagerly, lapping up every drop of precum she can.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Beth... Please, Beth... let me take it... let me feel that monster cock stretching my throat~" "horny">>
<p>Beth groans deeply, her body shuddering with pleasure from Philia's eager worshipping of her cock. She bites her lower lip, staring hungrily down at the little goblin girl with a lustful grin.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Ohhh... well aren't you an eager little thing, Philia..." "horny">>
<p>Beth rumbles out. She moves her other hand to Philia's head and grabs hold. She hold Philia in place as she presses the flared head of her cock against those begging lips, letting the goblin taste more that dribbling pre.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Mmmph... since you asked so nicely..." "horny">>
<p>With that she slowly starts pulling Philia towards her, letting that huge cock slowly slide over Philia's lips, stretching her jaw wide and sinking into that warm, welcoming mouth.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Oh fuck yes..." "horny">>
<p>Mina moans as she watches Beth force her cock into Philia's eager mouth. She bites her lip and blushes hard as she sees that massive flared cockhead disappear past those plush green lips, stretching them wide.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Mmmm... that's gotta feel so good sliding down her throat..." "horny">>
<p>Mina purrs before leaning down and forward so she can start peppering the base of that cock with kisses, tasting the salty, musky flavor of Beth's precum on her lips.</p>
<p>The goblin girl moans loudly as Beth's cock starts sliding over her lips and into her warm mouth.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Mmmnghhh..." "cum">>
<p>The goblin's eyes go wide as the flared cockhead pushes up to the back of her throat, her entire body shivering with delight at the taste, smell and sensation. She moans around that thick length, her cheeks hollowing as she starts suckling on the underside, pressing her tongue up against the pulsing veins.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Ohhhh... fuck yes Philia... just like that..." "horny">>
<p>The minotaur groans, her voice low and gravelly as she slowly sinks her cock deeper into the goblin's warm, willing mouth. The sight of Philia eagerly taking her cock, her eyes rolled back as it sinks over her lips is more than enough to make Beth's balls tighten up. She grips the goblin's head tight with both hands and pulls Philia towards her, forcing her veiny shaft down the goblin's throat.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Nnnngghh... take it all, take that fat fucking cock..." "cum">>
<<minaSpeak "Oh fuck Beth... I can feel your balls throbbing..." "horny">>
<p>Mina purrs as she rubs her cheek on the base of Beth's cock while one of her hands massages that heavy sack.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Mmmngghhhh...!" "cum">>
<p>Is all Philia can manage as Beth forces her to take that huge flared cock deeper down her throat. The goblin girl's entire body is trembling as she forces herself down over and over, gagging and slurping noisily as that thick cock sinks over her lips, bulging out her neck obscenely.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/beth/philia-facefuck.png">
<p>Beth groans, her hips starting to slowly rock forward. The minotaur keeps the goblin held tight, her grip on Philia's hair firm as she slides her cock back and forth inside Philia's gullet.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Ohhh... that's fucking good... Take... that fat... cock..." "horny">>
<p>She growls. With each word she slowly pulls Philia off her cock by the hair before slamming back down, over and over, using the goblin's mouth like a cock sleeve.</p>
<p>Mina shudders at the erotic sounds coming from Philia's throat as that huge cock slides in and out over her lips and pushes down her bulging throat. The blue-haired girl rubs her thighs together, biting her lip to hold back a moan.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Mmm... I love when you get rough Beth~" "horny">>
<<philiaSpeak "Ggghhhkkk! Ggglrk!" "cum">>
<p>The goblin's eyes roll back as she chokes on that thick rod. Drool starts pouring down her chin and tears start leaking from the corners of her eyes as she struggles for air, her throat bulging obscenely each time Beth slams her back down. Despite all that, she's still moaning with delight, her own arousal dripping down her thighs as Beth uses her. With each rough face-fucking her body is trembling with anticipation and arousal, her hand reaching down to frantically rub at her throbbing clit.</p>
<p>Beth groans as she watches Philia's arm push down underneath herself, knowing the goblin girl must be furiously rubbing at her clit, pushing herself closer to her own release. She smiles with delight, loving the sounds of the goblin gagging and choking on her thick cock. With a grunt she pulls the goblin off her shaft before slamming back down again, driving that flared tip deep into Philia's throat.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Ohhh fuck yes... take that fucking cock you little slut..." "cum">>
<p>The minotaur growls as she starts slamming Philia's face into her groin at a rapid pace. She grips the back of Philia's head, holding her in place as her hips piston back and forth rapidly, fucking the goblin's pretty face with reckless abandon.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "GGGHHHKKK!~ GGGHHKK!~ MMPPPHH!!" "cum">>
<p>The little goblin's throat bulges obscenely with each thrust from Beth, her eyes rolled back and her tongue hanging out as she chokes and sputters on that fat minotaur cock. Tears stream down her face as she's used like a cocksleeve, her cunt dripping down her thighs with her overwhelming arousal. With a muffled moan her orgasm hits, her entire body shaking with pleasure as she cums from having her throat violated by her friend's monster cock.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Ohhh... look at you take that cock, Philia... you look so hot choking on it, cumming on it~" "horny">>
<p>Mina purrs as she watches Beth ruthlessly slam into Philia's waiting mouth. Mina leans back and spreads her legs so she can start furiously rubbing at her own aching clit, the schlckshlck of her fingers rapidly attacking her pleasure button adding to the cacophony filling the room.</p>
<p>Beth grunts and growls, her eyes wide with lust as she watches Philia's little body shaking on the end of her cock. She grips Philia's head tighter, forcing the goblin's mouth wide open as she buries herself to the hilt, her swollen cockhead pushing almost into Philia's stomach itself.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Take... it... you fucking slut..." "cum">>
<p>As Philia cums Beth feels her own orgasm rapidly approaching, her balls tightening up as she races towards release. With a deep grunt Beth's body starts shaking as she climaxes hard, pumping Philia full of her hot, sticky seed. Her cock jerks and spasms between the goblin's lips as she fills those warm insides, ropes of thick cum shooting down Philia's throat.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "GGGHHHLLLKKK!!" "cum">>
<p>Philia's entire body shudders as Beth hilts herself inside her throat, cutting off the goblin's air as that fat cock spasms and pulses. Thick streams of hot, sticky cum shoot into her stomach with each twitch of Beth's cock, the goblin girl gagging and sputtering around that pumping shaft as her belly is flooded with minotaur jizz. The thick shaft stays lodged in her throat for several moments, Beth holding Philia's face tight against her groin as she empties her heavy balls into the goblin's stomach. Finally the minotaur pulls off with a wet plop, a thick stream of cum spewing from Philia's gaping maw and landing on her heaving chest with a splat.</p>
<p>Mina moans as she watches Beth's cock twitch and spurt down Philia's throat, clapping her hands together excitedly as she strokes her clit furiously, her legs trembling as she approaches her own release.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Ohhh... fuck that felt amazing..." "horny">>
<p>Beth moans as she slumps back onto the couch while her cock flops down between her legs. Thick globs of cum splatter onto the floor as the minotaur's shaft continues to throb, sticky strands connecting her cock to the goblin girl for a moment before snapping and splattering onto the carpet. The minotaur bites her lower lip, staring hungrily down at Philia's cum-splattered face and chest, her cock still half-hard as she surveys the aftermath of her orgasm.</p>
<<bethSpeak "That's... a really good look on you, Philia..." "horny">>
<p>She says with a breathless chuckle before glancing over to Mina.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Mmm... how about you, Mina? Ready for your turn?" "horny">>
<<philiaSpeak "Ohhh... ohhh fuck... I'm so full of your cum Beth..." "cum">>
<p>Philia moans, her entire body trembling from the intensity of her throat-fucking. She slowly sits up, thick globs of jizz sliding down her chin to drip onto her heaving tits. She scoops some of it up with her fingers, popping them into her mouth to suck them clean, moaning with delight at the taste, while her other hand rubs at her now cum-swollen belly. Hearing Beth's words, Philia looks over with a lusty grin and licks her cum-covered lips.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Mmm... yeah Mina~" "horny">>
<p>Mina bites her lip as she hears Beth's low, sultry tone.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Mmm... always~" "horny">>
<p>With a giggle she leans forward towards Beth. She presses her lips to the base of Beth's cock, lapping up the residual cum that's covering it and dripping down to pool on the floor below.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Ohhh yes, come here Mina..." "horny">>
<p>The minotaur rumbles out, biting her lower lip as she stares hungrily at Mina's eager approach. She can't help but grin, her cock giving a second wind of arousal as she sees the alchemist girl dragging her tongue along her shaft, licking up her cum.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Mmmm... good girl, get that tongue all over my cock..." "horny">>
<p>She encourages, her free hand reaching down to grip the base of her cock and hold it in place for Mina. Slowly her hips start to move, rocking her cock against Mina's eager lips, smearing them with her musky scent. A moment later she uses her other hand to take hold of Mina by the back of her head and positions the human girl's mouth directly in front of her flared cockhead.</p>
<<bethSpeak "How about... you give my cock a little kiss, hm?" "horny">>
<p>Philia giggles as she watches Mina's eyes light up with delight as Beth presents that thick, musky cockhead between her lips.</p>
<p>Mina grins widely as the fat, flared head of Beth's cock presses between her lips. She eagerly parts her lips wider in welcome, her blue eyes fixed hungrily on the winking, oozing hole. She starts lapping eagerly at the thick head, swirling her tongue around it as she slurps up all those lingering traces of Philia's saliva and Beth's cum. She shivers with delight as she savours that mixed flavour, moaning loudly as she lavishes that sensitive flare with her warm, wet attention.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Mmmph... you're such a cock slut, Mina..." "horny">>
<p>Philia giggles before leaning down to start licking along the shaft where Mina's mouth isn't covering, massaging that thick cock with her large tits as well.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Nnnmm... mmmmm... you're so fucking yummy, Beth~" "horny">>
<p>Mina moans as she wraps her lips around Beth's thick cock, the flared head immediately expanding between her cheeks, filling her mouth and forcing her to adjust to that thick girth. With a wet squelch she starts to bob her head eagerly, slurping and suckling that musky shaft, while her tongue laps and teases at the pulsing opening in the centre of the flare cockhead. Her tongue swirls and massages that sensitive flesh as she bobs up and down, coating every inch in her saliva, the slimy schlickschlickschlick of her greedy mouth filling the room. Her fingers grip the shaft, squeezing and stroking what her lips aren't covering.</p>
<p>She extends her tongue further to drag it through the cockslit, savouring that salty, bitter taste before curling it around and pushing inside, thrusting it deep inside that hot, pulsating tunnel.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Ohhhhh... fuck yessss... Mina you're a fucking... cock hungry slut... isn't she, Philia?" "horny">>
<p>Beth growls out, her fingers tightening in Mina's hair as she starts to slowly rock her hips. She keeps the alchemist pinned in place as she starts to sink that thick shaft into Mina's eager mouth, the tip of her cock pushing into her throat.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Mmmm... you're right, Beth..." "horny">>
<p>Philia purrs, grinning widely as she continues to lick and massage Beth's shaft where Mina's greedy mouth isn't covering. The goblin girl nuzzles into Beth's groin, inhaling deeply as she takes in that thick, heady musk.</p>
<p>The minotaur bites her lower lip as she starts to fuck Mina's mouth in earnest, her thick cock gliding over the girl's tongue, grinding against her palate as she sinks deeper and deeper. Her eyes flick to Philia, watching the goblin massage and lick at the thick shaft where Mina's mouth isn't covering it, her heavy breaths rumbling in her chest.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Ohhh... you're both such cock hungry sluts..." "cum">>
<<philiaSpeak "We're both just... cock-hungry sluts~ We can't get enough of your huge, yummy cock~" "horny">>
<p>Mina moans hotly around the thick shaft stretching her lips wide, the flared head already bulging into her throat as she eagerly starts bobbing her head up and down that slick length. With a loud slurp she pulls back to let the thick tip slap against her chin before diving back down to engulf it, swallowing as hard as she can to force that cock as deep down as possible. Her nostrils flare as she takes in a deep, laboured lungful of Beth's musk before her airways can be blocked, her throat spasming and bulging obscenely as that massive cock pushes down her throat.</p>
<p>Pulling back with a wet pop Mina looks up at Beth with lusty eyes, her cheeks flushed and strands of drool sliding down her chin.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Nnnghh... your cock feels so gooood~" "horny">>
<p>Mina purrs hotly before diving back down to start sucking fervently once more. She bobs her head up and down rapidly, loud slurping noises filling the air as she thoroughly works that thick shaft with her eager mouth. Her fingers shift down to start fondling Beth's heavy balls, rolling and squeezing them in her palm.</p>
<p>Beth moans and groans deeply, gripped by intense waves of pleasure as both girls eagerly pleasure her throbbing, veiny cock. She bites her lower lip, watching Mina enthusiastically bob up and down that thick shaft. She starts rocking her hips in earnest, thrusting her cock deeper into Mina's mouth, that swollen cockhead pushing down into her gullet, the thick shaft pulsing and throbbing between those warm, slick lips.</p>
<p>Beth's hands move, both grabbing hold of Mina's head as Beth starts fucking the smaller girl's throat hard. Her heavy balls start to slap against Mina's chin with each forceful thrust, the lewd slurps and gurgles echoing in the room as Beth uses the alchemist like her own personal fucktoy.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Nggghh... mmmph~" "horny">>
<p>Mina moans loudly as Beth starts pistoning that thick cock in and out of her eager mouth. Her eyes roll back as she's forced down over and over on that throbbing shaft, the flared tip punching into her throat and bulging her neck obscenely. Wet, sloppy sounds fill the room as Mina gags and chokes on that plunging cock, strands of drool flying from her stretched lips.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Mmmph... look at you, Mina... you're absolutely devouring Beth's fat fucking cock..." "horny">>
<p>Philia purrs, licking along the thick veins on the underside of Beth's shaft. Her large breasts envelop and massage the thick shaft where Mina's hungry mouth isn't yet reaching.</p>
<p>Beth growls between ragged, heavy breaths as she forces her cock over and over into Mina's gurgling, spasming throat. The minotaur grips Mina tight, holding her firmly in place as her hips piston rapidly. Her balls draw up tight, the heavy sack slapping wetly against Mina's chin as Beth rapidly approaches another peak.</p>
<p>With a deep growl the minotaur slams Mina's face down into her groin, burying her cock as deep as it will go, shoving her nose into the fur at her crotch. Beth's eyes roll back and she lets out a bellowing moan as her balls clench in tight.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Swallow it... fucking take it... cum for me!" "cum">>
<p>She roars as she explodes, her cock erupting down Mina's spasming throat, flooding the alchemist's stomach with thick, sticky ropes of jizz.</p>
<<minaSpeak "GGLLKKGGHH! GGHHLLGG!" "cum">>
<p>Mina gurgles and chokes as thick ropes of jizz blast straight down her throat, expanding in her gut, making her stomach swell. She sputters and chokes, tears streaming from the corners of her eyes, her whole body trembling with each powerful throb of Beth's erupting shaft. Without even touching herself she tumbles right over her own edge, legs spasming as she starts cumming hard enough to see stars. Her cunt gushes again and again, squirting onto the couch, as she temporarily loses all sense of self, lost in bliss.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Ohhh... look at Mina... she's cumming... just from having your cock stuffed down her throat~" "horny">>
<p>Philia purrs, still eagerly lapping and massaging Beth's shaft with her hands and mouth. She nuzzles into Beth's crotch, inhaling deeply of that thick, heady musk as Beth continues to pump Mina full of jizz.</p>
<p>Beth groans loudly as her cock pulses and throbs within Mina's spasming throat, the smaller girl choking and gurgling loudly around that thick shaft. With each spurt of hot, thick cum the swell of Mina's belly grows, jizz pumping down her gullet and into her stomach, filling the alchemist with thick ropes of sticky seed. The minotaur growls deeply, gripping the back of Mina's head tight, her hips still rocking in shallow thrusts, grinding her swollen cockhead into the girl's throat. She watches with half-lidded eyes as Mina's legs spasm and twitch, the blue-haired girl cumming hard around her shaft from the sheer depravity of being facefucked with a monster girl-cock.</p>
<p>After several long, blissfully intense moments Beth's climax starts to subside. With a deep groan she pulls her spit-soaked, jizz-smeared cock out of Mina's throat and mouth, letting the smaller girl gasp and gasp for air, thick ropes of cum drooling down her chin. She bites her lip, looking down at Mina's wrecked face with lusty eyes, her shaft still rock hard despite having just pumped the alchemist full of seed.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Mmmm... you took my cock so well, Mina... such a good little cum dump" "horny">>
<p>Mina gasps and pants as Beth finally pulls her cock from her throat, sucking in desperate lungfuls of air as thick globs of jizz pour from her gaping maw. She coughs and sputters for a few moments, her head spinning from the lack of air and the mind-numbing orgasm. When she is finally able to speak again she looks up at Beth with a wide, euphoric grin, strands of drool and cum sliding down her flushed cheeks.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Ohhh fuck... Beth... that was so fucking good~" "cum">>
<<philiaSpeak "Mmmm... it really was..." "horny">>
<<set $sceneSkip to false>>
<<if $replayMemory is false>>
<<usePotion "Elasticity Elixir">>
<<usePotion "Elasticity Elixir">>
<<addExp "Lewd" 14>>
<<reduceStamina 40>>
<<addExp "Stamina" 8>>
<<set $scenesSeen["Introducing Philia to Beth"] to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["beth"] to false>>
<p><<link "Head home" "Home">>
<p><<link "Return" "Memories">>
<<set $replayMemory to false>>
<<set $alternateScene to false>>
<</if>><div id="speaking">
<<bethSpeak "Heya Mina." "neutral">>
<span id="allure">
<<if $recipesDiscovered["Allure Potion"] is true && $bethInformed["Allure Potion"] is false>>
<<link "Tell Beth about the Allure Potion">>
<<replace "#speaking">>
<<minaSpeak "Beth Beth Beth! I discovered a new potion!" "happy">>
<<bethSpeak "Nice! What kinda potion is it?" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "It's a, uh... it makes stuff randy maybe." "blush">>
<<bethSpeak "Hahaha oh wow!" "neutral">>
<p>Beth grins and winks at Mina.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Tried it out yet?" "neutral">>
<<if ndef $allurePotionUsed || $allurePotionUsed is false>>
<<minaSpeak "Not... not yet!" "blush">>
<<minaSpeak "Maaaaaaaaybe~" "blush">>
<<bethSpeak "Interesting! You'll have to tell me more some time~" "neutral">>
<<run scroll(0, 0)>>
<<set $bethInformed["Allure Potion"] to true>>
<<remove "#allure">>
<span id="elasticity">
<<if $recipesDiscovered["Elasticity Elixir"] is true && $bethInformed["Elasticity Elixir"] is false>>
<<link "Tell Beth about the Elasticity Elixir">>
<<replace "#speaking">>
<p>Mina bounces up and down with excitement.</p>
<<minaSpeak "I did it Beth! Another new potion!" "happy">>
<<bethSpeak "That's great babe! What's this one do?" "happy">>
<<minaSpeak "It... makes someone more elastic?" "neutral">>
<p>Beth suddenly seems much more interested.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Really? Have you tested it out?" "surprise">>
<<if $elasticityElixirUsed is false>>
<<minaSpeak "...not yet, no..." "blush">>
<<bethSpeak "Do... do you want to?" "blush">>
<p>Mina's eyes go wide!</p>
<<minaSpeak "Um! Maybe!" "blush">>
<<minaSpeak "Did you... have something in mind?" "neutral">>
<p>Beth smiles widely.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Why don't you pop by my place while I'm not at work? We can talk more about it then yeah?" "happy">>
<<minaSpeak "Maybe I have, yeah!" "blush">>
<<bethSpeak "So it works then? Just how... stretchy does it make you?" "blush">>
<<minaSpeak "Preeeeetty stretchy! Why do you ask?" "happy">>
<p>Beth smiles widely.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Why don't you pop by my place while I'm not at work? We can talk more about it then yeah?" "happy">>
<<run scroll(0, 0)>>
<<set $bethInformed["Elasticity Elixir"] to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["beth"] to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["bethDay"] to false>>
<<remove "#elasticity">>
<<print " ❤︎">><br>
<span id="estradi">
<<if $recipesDiscovered["Estradi Potion"] is true && $bethInformed["Estradi Potion"] is false>>
<<link "Tell Beth about the Estradi Potion">>
<<replace "#speaking">>
<<minaSpeak "Hi Beth! Thanks for the help with the guild stuff the other day." "happy">>
<<bethSpeak "Oh, no worries at all babe! What can I do for you today?" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "I came to tell you about a new potion I made! It's the Estradi Potion. Makes the user turn into a girl for a bit." "neutral">>
<<bethSpeak "Interesting! You just keep coming up with these huh? I knew you had it in you!" "happy">>
<<minaSpeak "Aw, thanks Beth~" "embarrassed">>
<<run scroll(0, 0)>>
<<set $bethInformed["Estradi Potion"] to true>>
<<remove "#estradi">>
<span id="shrinking">
<<if $recipesDiscovered["Shrinking Elixir"] is true && $bethInformed["Shrinking Elixir"] is false>>
<<link "Tell Beth about the Shrinking Elixir">>
<<replace "#speaking">>
<<minaSpeak "Nice to see you Beth! Want to know about my new potion?" "happy">>
<<bethSpeak "Sure! What is it?" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "It's a Shrinking Elixir!" "happy">>
<<bethSpeak "...oh really?" "surprise">>
<<bethSpeak "I uh, wouldn't mind helping you try it out if you like..." "horny">>
<<if $bethHouseVisited is true>>
<<minaSpeak "Hm? Oooooh~" "horny">>
<<minaSpeak "Ok sure!" "happy">>
<<run scroll(0, 0)>>
<<set $bethInformed["Shrinking Elixir"] to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["bethDay"] to false>>
<<remove "#shrinking">>
<<print " ❤︎">><br>
<span id="homuncuties">
<<if $totalHomuncuties > 0 && $bethInformed["Homuncuties"] is false>>
<<link "Tell Beth about the Homuncuties">>
<<replace "#speaking">>
<<minaSpeak "Hey Beth! Want to hear about my latest creation?" "happy">>
<<bethSpeak "Sure! What is it this time? A potion that... hm... gives you... wings?" "happy">>
<<minaSpeak "Nope, not this time! It's not even a potion!" "happy">>
<<minaSpeak "I made a Homculus!" "happy">>
<<bethSpeak "That's like... a golem right? But made with alchemy?" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Yeah! Mine are like... girls, made of slime. I have them gathering things for me!" "happy">>
<<bethSpeak "Girls made of... slime? You'll have to show me one of these days!" "surprise">>
<<run scroll(0, 0)>>
<<set $bethInformed["Homuncuties"] to true>>
<<remove "#homuncuties">>
<span id="philia">
<<if $scenesSeen["Beth and Shrink Potion"] && $scenesSeen["Philia and the Stallion"] && $bethInformed["Philia"] is false>>
<<link "Chat with Beth about Philia">>
<<replace "#speaking">>
<<minaSpeak "Hi Beth!" "happy">>
<<bethSpeak "Did you want to talk with me about something?" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Hm, kinda... You know how you like girls that... y'know... smaller than you..." "embarrassed">>
<<bethSpeak "...yes...?" "blush">>
<<minaSpeak "Well, see, you know Philia over at the inn..." "embarrassed">>
<<bethSpeak "Of course, what about... oh. What... what're you saying?" "blush">>
<<minaSpeak "Um... well, see... I've kinda discovered that she's got a bit of a thing for... partners bigger than her. I was wondering if, maybe..." "embarrassed">>
<p>Beth bites her lip a moment and then sighs.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Look Mina, I... don't know if you should be just telling me that. But... if you talk to her and she says she wouldn't mind visiting, well... I wouldn't be against it." "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "O-ok!" "embarrassed">>
<<run scroll(0, 0)>>
<<set $bethInformed["Philia"] to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["bethDay"] to false>>
<<remove "#philia">>
<p>[[Say goodbye|Workshops]]</p><<minaSpeak "Hi Jessica!" "happy">>
<<jessicaSpeak "Good day Mina. How can I help you?" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Hey, so, I was wondering. I've been coming round and buying so many bottles lately and I was kinda hoping that maybe I could just pay you to send some round to my house regularly instead?" "think">>
<<jessicaSpeak "Oh? Yes of course, that's certainly possible. If you tell me how many you'd like to keep in stock I can send a porter over every morning if you like." "happy">>
<<minaSpeak "Really? That's awesome! Once again, you're the best Jessica." "happy">>
<p><b>Mina has unlocked the ability to keep Empty Bottles in stock!</b></p>
<<set $bottleAutomation to true>>
<<set $automationScreen to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["market"] to false>>
[[Back|Market]]<p>With a large grin Mina moves over to join the group of adventurers and builders that had completed the birdge contract for her. Beth is amongst them and she sends a wave Mina's way.</p>
<<bethSpeak "Hey babe, I hear these lads and lasses got a big pay day thanks to you!" "happy">>
<<minaSpeak "Haha yeah, something like that!" "happy">>
<p>Mina takes a seat next to one of the adventurers, who nudges her good-naturedly.</p>
<<npcSpeak "Glad you could join us! Can we buy you a drink?" "adventurer">>
<p>Just as the adventurer is speaking Philia bustles past and pauses at the mention of someone buying a drink. She moves over, expecting to take an order, and startles when she realizes that it's Mina sitting here with the big group!</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Mina? Since when did you have all these friends?" "surprise">>
<<minaSpeak "Hey! I have lots of friends! There's you, Beth, Jess-" "pout">>
<<philiaSpeak "Oh shush I'm only teasing!" "happy">>
<<philiaSpeak "Can I get you anything?" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Um... I'll have whatever everyone is having?" "embarrassed">>
<<philiaSpeak "One ale it is! Coming right up!" "happy">>
<p>And with that Philia bustles off. The adventurer looks to Mina with an approving nod.</p>
<<npcSpeak "You're friends with the barmaid here? Think you could introduce me?" "adventurer">>
<<if $stablesVisited is true>>
<<minaSpeak "Um... maybe. I don't think you're her type, though..." "blush">>
<<npcSpeak "Ah really? Shame! She's a real cutie." "adventurer">>
<<minaSpeak "I could, maybe!" "neutral">>
<p>Mina settles back as her drink is delivered, smiling at Philia in thanks as she takes the mug of ale. She takes small sips from it as she listens to the builders and adventurers chatting amiably amongst themselves, content to enjoy herself in silence. She starts to get lost in her own thoughts, marveling at how her life has so quickly turned around. It wasn't that long ago that she was lazing about in her home, getting by on the cheapest food she could get while barely seeing her friends. She's beginning to think that perhaps her mother's disappearance has affected her more than she originally thought.</p>
<p>As Mina contemplates she overhears a conversation happening nearby.</p>
<<npcSpeak "I swear I heard one, I did! It was a rockbiter for sure!" "adventurer">>
<p>The laughter that follows that statement seems to indicate that the others are a little skeptical, but the adventurer continues to insist!</p>
<<npcSpeak "I'm serious! And I might not have seen it but I did see one of those little pits they make when they eat!" "adventurer">>
<p>At that point the conversation shifts. They begin talking about how strange rockbiters are, how they just gobble down rock whenever they like. Just as the conversation begins to move onto other odd magical creatures one of the more inebriated adventurers suddenly speaks up.</p>
<<npcSpeak "Y-you know what I heard? I heard that it'sh not just their spit that can melt rocks. I heard that when they're in their mating sheason a weird tube comes outta their butt and that sprays out a bunch of the melty shtuff!" "adventurer">>
<<npcSpeak "It'sh true a scholar told me about it! The male one melts a little pocket of rock and then the female one puts an egg in there! Or shomething like that... 'parently it means the little baby bug will have shomething to eat when it hatches" "adventurer">>
<p>Despite the raucous laughter and jeers that statement receives from the adventurers fellows, Mina blearily reaches into her satchel for her journal and a pencil.</p>
<<minaSpeak "I should write that down... could come in handy later..." "think">>
<p>The celebrations continue into the evening until eventually people start to head home in ones and twos. Finally Mina finds herself alone with Beth and Philia, who came to sit with Mina after her shift finished.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Who would've thought? Mina, putting out big contracts with the guild." "happy">>
<<minaSpeak "Y-yeah! Pretty crazy huh? If you told me I'd have that much gold to my name a few months ago I wouldn't have believed you!" "embarrassed">>
<p>Beth slaps Mina gently on the back with a grin.</p>
<<bethSpeak "It was a good job too! I've already heard a couple prospectors talking about wanting to head down and take a look for themselves." "happy">>
<<philiaSpeak "That's great! You know, I've heard a few rangers talking about wanting to set up an expedition deep into the forests. Maybe you could help fund that Mina! I bet there's some alchemy stuff out there!" "happy">>
<<minaSpeak "Haha, maybe!" "happy">>
<<set $time to 4>>
<<set $currentTime to $timeIncrements[$time]>>
<<set $bridgeCelebration to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["inn"] to false>>
[[Head home|Home]]<<minaSpeak "Hi Beth!" "happy">>
<<bethSpeak "Howdy Mina! Here to tell me about another new potion?" "happy">>
<<minaSpeak "Not today! I came by to ask you about something actually." "neutral">>
<<bethSpeak "Oh? What's on your mind?" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Welllll I've been doing some exploring in the caves nearby, but there's this big ravine that I can't get over. I was wondering if you or one of the other builders could build a bridge or something over it." "think">>
<p>Beth raises an eyebrow, as she didn't expect such an ambitious request from Mina.</p>
<<bethSpeak "That's... well, it's possible! But down in the caves? Aren't there a lot of slimes down there?" "surprise">>
<<minaSpeak "There are some sure! They're harmless though." "neutral">>
<<bethSpeak "Maybe that's the case, but they're still wild magical creatures. Union regs say I can't take a team down there without an adventuring party to support." "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Awww maaaan! Union regs?" "pout">>
<<bethSpeak "The Artisan's Union, yeah! Near every craftsperson on the continent is part of it. Gives us some leverage over upstart nobles or merchants who might take advantage of us. Like say, sending some of us into a potentially dangerous cave to do some work without adequate precautions, just as an example..." "happy">>
<p>Mina lets out a huff.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Ok that's fair! I guess!" "pout">>
<<bethSpeak "Look, just go and talk to someone at the guild. They'll help up you put up a contract! The Guild works pretty closely with the Union, it's pretty much the same thing after all but for adventurers." "happy">>
<p>Beth laughs heartily and lightly slaps Mina on the back.</p>
<<bethSpeak "I never thought I'd ever see the day you'd be considering posting up adventurer contracts though! You'll be just like your mum soon enough babe!" "happy">>
<p>Mina can't help it, her face splits into a wide grin despite the somewhat backhanded compliment.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Thanks Beth, you're the best!" "happy">>
<<set $askedAboutBridge to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["workshop"] to false>>
<p>[[Back|Workshops]]</p><h2>Items for sale:</h2>
<p class="shopScreen">
<span class="shopHeader">Item</span>
<span class="shopHeader">Price</span>
<span class="shopHeader"></span>
<<buyLink "Empty Bottle">>
<<if $amethystInformed is true && $purchasedUniques["Luminous Amethyst"] is false>>
<<buyLinkUnique "Luminous Amethyst">>
[[Back|Market]]<h2>Sellable Items:</h2>
<div class="shop">
<p class="shopScreen">
<span class="shopHeader">Item</span>
<span class="shopHeader">Amount Owned</span>
<span class="shopHeader">Price</span>
<span class="shopHeader"></span>
<<for _itemReagent, _amountReagent range $player.reagents.table>>
<<sellLink _itemReagent _amountReagent "reagents">>
<<for _itemPotion, _amountPotion range $player.potions.table>>
<<sellLink _itemPotion _amountPotion "potions">>
[[Back|Market]]<<set _currentReagents to $player.reagents.list>>
<<set _currentMediums to ['Water']>>
<<set _currentCatalysts to $player.catalysts.list>>
<<if $player.mediums.list.length > 0>>
<<run _currentMediums.push($player.mediums.list)>>
<<run _currentMediums = _currentMediums.flat()>>
<div class="titleImage">
<<if $cauldronVisited is false>>
<<run Dialog.create("Cauldron Instructions"); Dialog.wikiPassage("Cauldron Instructions"); Dialog.open()>>
<<set $cauldronVisited to true>>
<<if $hintsLearned["Homunculus Creation"] is true && $homunculusConsideration is false && $allurePotionUsed>>
<<run Dialog.create("Considering the Homunculus"); Dialog.wikiPassage("Homunculus Consideration"); Dialog.open()>>
<<set $eventNotification["cauldron"] to false>>
<<set $homunculusConsideration to true>>
<h3>Cauldron Contents</h3>
<div id="bottles">
<<if $cauldronContents.length == 0>>
<p>Currently Empty</p>
<p>@@#amount;<<=$cauldronContents[1]>>@@ units of $cauldronContents[0]</p>
<<if $cauldronContents[0] is "Useless Goop">>
<<link "Fill one bottle">>
<<if $player.items.has("Empty Bottle") is true>>
<<set $cauldronContents[1]-->>
<<drop $player.items "Empty Bottle" 1>>
<<if Item.get($cauldronContents[0]).hasTag("medium")>>
<<pickup $player.mediums $cauldronContents[0] 1>>
<<pickup $player.potions $cauldronContents[0] 1>>
<<replace "#amount">><<=$cauldronContents[1]>><</replace>>
<<if $cauldronContents[1] is 1>>
<<remove "#fillAll">>
<<replace "#bottleAmount">><<=$player.items.count("Empty Bottle")>><</replace>>
<<run UI.alert("Mina doesn't have any bottles!")>>
<<if $cauldronContents[1] is 0>>
<<set $cauldronContents to []>>
<<goto "Cauldron">>
<<if $cauldronContents[1] > 1>>
<<if $cauldronContents[1] > $player.items.count("Empty Bottle")>>
<<set _fillAmount to $player.items.count("Empty Bottle")>>
<<set _fillAmount to $cauldronContents[1]>>
<p id="fillAll"><<link "Fill _fillAmount bottles">>
<<if $player.items.has("Empty Bottle") is true>>
<<for $cauldronContents[1] > 0>>
<<if $player.items.has("Empty Bottle") is true>>
<<set $cauldronContents[1]-->>
<<drop $player.items "Empty Bottle" 1>>
<<if Item.get($cauldronContents[0]).hasTag("medium")>>
<<pickup $player.mediums $cauldronContents[0] 1>>
<<pickup $player.potions $cauldronContents[0] 1>>
<<replace "#bottleAmount">><<=$player.items.count("Empty Bottle")>><</replace>>
<<remove "#fillAll">>
<<if $cauldronContents[1] is 0>>
<<set $cauldronContents to []>>
<<goto "Cauldron">>
<<replace "#amount">><<=$cauldronContents[1]>><</replace>>
<<run Dialog.create("No Bottles"); Dialog.wiki("Mina has run out of bottles!");Dialog.open()>>
<p>Mina currently has @@#bottleAmount;<<=$player.items.count("Empty Bottle")>>@@ bottles.</p>
<<if $hintsLearned["Homunculus Creation"] is true && $cauldronContents[0] is "Allure Potion" && $player.reagents.has("Greenthorn Bark")>>
<<link "Add Greenthorn Bark to the cauldron to create Alluring Base" "Cauldron">>
<<set $cauldronContents[0] to "Alluring Base">>
<<drop $player.reagents "GreenthornBark" 1>>
<p><<link "Empty cauldron contents into 'The Pit'" "Cauldron">>
<<if $cauldronContents[0] is "Useless Goop">>
<<set $dumpedGoop += $cauldronContents[1]>>
<<set $cauldronContents to []>>
<<run Dialog.create("Confirm"); Dialog.wikiPassage("Cauldron Empty Warning");Dialog.open()>>
<<if _currentReagents.length < 2>>
<p>Mina doesn't have enough reagents for alchemy!</p>
<<elseif $cauldronContents.length > 0>>
<p>There's something still in the cauldron.</p>
<<elseif $player.stamina < 10>>
<p>Mina is too tired for alchemy.</p>
<div class="cauldron">
<div class="firstReagent"><<reagent "First Reagent:">><br>
<<listbox "$firstReagent" autoselect>>
<<optionsfrom _currentReagents>>
<div class="secondReagent"><<reagent "Second Reagent:">><br>
<<listbox "$secondReagent" autoselect>>
<<optionsfrom _currentReagents>>
<div class="cauldronMedium"><<medium "Medium:">><br>
<<listbox "$medium" autoselect>>
<<optionsfrom _currentMediums>>
<div class="catalyst"><<catalyst "Catalyst:">><br>
<<listbox "$catalyst" autoselect>>
<<optionsfrom _currentCatalysts>>
<div class="quickAlchemy">
<p>Known Recipes:</p>
<<set _discoveredRecipes to setup.potionRecipes>>
<<for _i = 0; _i lt _discoveredRecipes.length; _i++>>
<<set _recipe to _discoveredRecipes[_i]>>
<<if $recipesDiscovered[_recipe] is true>>
<<capture _recipe>>
<<link _recipe>>
<<set $bulkCraft to 1>>
<<set $quickAlchemyRecipe to setup.recipes[_recipe]>>
<<set $quickRecipeName to _recipe>>
<<print " | ">>
<<link "x5">>
<<set $bulkCraft to 5>>
<<set $quickAlchemyRecipe to setup.recipes[_recipe]>>
<<set $quickRecipeName to _recipe>>
<<set _discoveredItemRecipes to setup.itemRecipes>>
<<for _j = 0; _j lt _discoveredItemRecipes.length; _j++>>
<<set _recipe to _discoveredItemRecipes[_j]>>
<<if $recipesDiscovered[_recipe] is true>>
<<capture _recipe>>
<<if _recipe != "Magic Scryer">>
<<link _recipe>>
<<set $bulkCraft to 1>>
<<set $quickAlchemyRecipe to setup.recipes[_recipe]>>
<<set $quickRecipeName to _recipe>>
<div class="alchemize">
<p><<link "Alchemize">>
<<set $bulkCraft to 1>>
<<run Dialog.create("Alchemization"); Dialog.wikiPassage("Alchemize"); Dialog.open()>>
<p><<link "Show instructions again">>
<<run Dialog.create("Cauldron Instructions"); Dialog.wikiPassage("Cauldron Instructions"); Dialog.open()>>
<p>[[Back|Home]]</p><p>Potion dumped into the Pit cannot be recovered.</p>
<p><<link "Yes empty the cauldron">>
<<set $dumpedGoop += $cauldronContents[1]>>
<<set $cauldronContents to []>>
<<run Dialog.close()>>
<<goto "Cauldron">>
<p><<link "Do not empty the cauldron">><<run Dialog.close()>><</link>></p><p>Mina stands at the entrance to a local cave system.</p>
<p><<if $currentContract is "Cave Bridge">>
<p>There's a small camp set up near the cave entrance, where some labourers and builders are either on break from working inside the cave or preparing materials for the bridge out here where it's safer and easier. Some of them give Mina a wave.</p>
<p><<if $contractsComplete["Cave Bridge"] is true && $bridgeBuiltInformed is false>>
<p>The worker camp is nearly all packed up. One of the builders spots Mina and rushes over to let her know that the bridge is built and that she can now access the deeper caves! They warn her that one of the adventurers thought they'd heard some kind of bug in the depths but wasn't able to spot anything</p>
<p>They then ask Mina if she'd like to join the builders and adventurers at the inn later to celebrate the completed contract.</p>
<<set $bridgeBuiltInformed to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["cave"] to false>>
<p><<if $player.stamina > 0>>
[[Explore the Caves]]<br>
<<if $contractsComplete["Cave Bridge"] is true>>
[[Explore the Deep Caves|Explore the Deep Caves]]
Mina is too tired to explore.
<p><<if $player.stamina > 0 && $hintsLearned["Trueschist Marble"] is true && $foundTrueMarble is false>>
<<minaSpeak "Perhaps I should search around for some of these magic marbles..." "think">>
[[Search for Trueschist Marbles|Finding Marbles]]
<p><<if $foundTrueMarble is true && $currentContract isnot "Cave Bridge" && $contractsComplete["Cave Bridge"] is false>>
<<minaSpeak "I think I'm going to need to find a way past that ravine if I want to find more marbles." "think">>
<h2>Version 0.10</h2>
<p>Alright so to start with, sorry for the long delay on this one. I've been slowly chipping away at the next big update with the new area, which means new ingredients and new potions, but I'll admit some of the manic motivation I had at the start of this project has started to wane a little. And with a certain big game I'm very interested in coming out in the next few days I'll probably have less time for development as well.</p>
<p>With that in mind I've decided to put this small update out with a few scenes and some fixes for mobile users.</p>
<li>I've added some notifications on the Journal page that will show up if you haven't discovered the recipe associated with a given entry.</li>
<li>Played around with the UI some more. When viewed on a vertical phone screen things will move around that should hopefully make the game more playable.</li>
<li>Added a link to a discord I've set up. This is very much an experiment. If it proves to be too distracting then I'll get rid of it haha</li>
<li>New scene with Allaya this time! You'll be able to go down her route once you've made your first Homuncutie. Being an adventurer, her scenes will revolve around exploring the magical critters that are out there in the wild.</li>
<li>New scene with both Philia and Beth! You get the opportunity to chat with the ladies about this after you've seen Beth's second scene and Philia's third scene. I might go back and add an image to this one later but I don't know. Getting it do what I want lately has been a real headache.</li>
<h2>Version 0.9.2</h2>
<li>Fixed the Sell screen being non-functional under certain circumstances</li>
<li>Tweaked the scene and repeatable links. They'll now tell you what potions are needed for them when you mouse over them</li>
<h2>Version 0.9.1</h2>
<li>Just a quick little change to hopefully make the Homunculus process easier to follow.</li>
<h2>Version 0.9 - Meet the Homuncuties!</h2>
<p>I had no clear idea what I was doing going into this update. I just started adding little features that I thought would make the game more enjoyable and some of those features ballooned out into a whole thing! The Homuncuties were never originally in the plan, but after I added the ability to automate bottles I thought to myself "hey, what about homunculi for automating resources too?" so here we are.</p>
<li>You can now make another donation at the library. You can only research a couple things there at the moment though.</li>
<li>One of the things you can research allows you to go through the process of creating a Homunculus servant! These will gather resources for you at a slow but reasonable rate, and they'll scale with Mina's own skill levels. You can also occasionally see them out and about in the world once you've made them. I hope I've made this process clear enough, but we'll have to see</li>
<li>Added the ability to automatically keep a stock of bottles. This feature becomes available after your first visit to the Adventurers Guild.</li>
<li>You can now display your inventory and a journal entry on any screen, toggleable at any time.</li>
<li>You now have the ability to hide any full scene as well as being able to toggle hiding repeatable scenes. Hiding a scene won't prevent you from gaining experience or items and you can unhide any scene by clicking on the title bar for that scene that appears on the page.</li>
<li>You'll also see tags related to a scene before you click on it</li>
<li>Speaking of scenes, there's a new scene for Philia. She finally gets to try out the Elasticity Elixir</li>
<li>The Memories screen now shows how many scenes you've yet to see</li>
<li>Tweaked the notifications. They'll now be a bit smarter about if you can afford to do a contract, buy a unique item, donate to the libraryor have the potions needed for a scene</li>
<li>Added some indications on the home screen for how long timed events have to go until completion</li>
<li>Fixed the forest guild contract being free</li>
<h2>Version 0.8.3</h2>
I've gone mad with power. I can put out little patches with one click of a button!
<li>Fixed a bug that would prevent access to the Salamander research in certain conditions</li>
<h2>Version 0.8.2</h2>
<li>Discovered that the third vine scene hasn't actually been accessible this whole time. Sorry about that!</li>
<li>Experimenting with keyboard shortcuts</li>
<h2>Version 0.8.1</h2>
<p>Just a few small changes. I've finally got around to figuring out the more effecient way of uploading to itch so small updates might become more common going forward. </p>
<li>Organized the Memories screen to make it a little more readable</li>
<li>Added some extra dialogue to night interactions with Mina's friends to make it clear if there are no pending scenes</li>
<h2>Version 0.8 - Enter the Deep Forest</h2>
<p>Here we are again! A new location means new materials, means new potions, means new scenes. Enjoy!</p>
<li>The deep forest is now accessible via another guild contract</li>
<li>One scene with the new critter found in the deep forest</li>
<li>As such journal entries associated with the deep forest have been updated. Remember you can always check these entries at any time once you've researched them so make sure to have another look now!</li>
<li>With access to the new resources in the deep forest there are now three new potions that are craftable! One is useful for a new potion request at the guild, two have scenes assocatiated with them</li>
<li>Two scenes added with Mina's friends. One with Beth, and now Alo'Eth finally gets to have a turn! I don't know if this is the direction people thought Alo'Eth was going to go, so I hope it doesn't disappoint</li>
<li>Reagents now have associated images</li>
<li>Few more shortcuts added to reduce needless clicking</li>
<li>There are now little notifications that show up next to locations if there's something going on there that you haven't seen yet. ⬤ indicates something that will progress the game. ❤︎ indicates a scene, or progress towards a scene.</li>
<h2>Version 0.7 - Rockbiters and Research</h2>
<p>We've got two new scenes and a big change to how the library works in this update. Some of these changes came about thanks to some excellent feedback I received from a very awesome individual. I'm now considering perhaps putting together a small discord or something, somewhere players can directly interact and provide feedback. Maybe, I dunno. Anyway hope you enjoy this update!</p>
<li>The library overhaul is here! No more random rolls to determine if you found some research. Instead you are given the option to choose which subject you want to study and will be shown directly how much progress you're making towards finding the next hint. I hope that people like this system more than the old one.</li>
<li>Consolidated the navigation screens down a little. Was really getting sick of how many clicks it took to go back and rest when it was needed haha</li>
<li>Tweaked the cauldron screen and bottle filling. You'll now see how many bottles you've got without having to check the inventory and if there's only enough for one bottle it won't show the fill all option. You can also empty the cauldron now regardless of what's in it, but there is a warning in place if you try to empty something that isn't goop.</li>
<li>Interactions with the Rockbiter are now possible. I may have bitten off more than I can chew with this guy, getting consistent results out of the AI for it is tough.</li>
<li>There's also a new scene with the Vine, accessible if Mina has spent some time with Jessica and learnt about the possibilities of the Elasticity Elixir.</li>
<li>If Mina finds a recipe that calls for a new kind of catalyst she can now ask Jessica about acquiring one. It doesn't have any uses just yet though, sorry!</li>
<h2>Version 0.6.1</h2>
<li>Fixed a bug with the requests board in the guild that was affecting new saves</li>
<li>Fixed a bug with the wrong flag being checked for preventing access to the new area</li>
<h2>Version 0.6 - The guild opens!</h2>
<p>Updates are probably going to be a bit spaced out for now. New year started and work takes away my time. But I'll try to keep things coming at a steady pace, as best I can!</p>
<p>This is a big update in terms of mechanics. I've done a lot of bugtesting but I'm sure there's probably still some hidden away somewhere. Please let me know if you find any!</p>
<li>One new scene in this update, go and see Philia! Mina will need more than one potion this time around~</li>
<li>The Journal is now accessible from the sidebar for the sake of convenience</li>
<li>To go along with the journal, the First Wing of the library is now properly accessible! I've tried to make it more obvious when there are still hints to learn, as there are more this time around. This is still I feel the weakest mechanic in the game and I'd like to do things differently but I'm not sure how yet</li>
<li>Mina can now access the Adventurer Guild! There's a few things going on here.</li>
<li>Allaya will hang around the guild. She might not want to chat to Mina right away though. Perhaps if Mina shows a willingness to help out?</li>
<li>Requests are available at the guild. These are orders for bulk potions that are more profitable by far than just selling them directly. Mina can fulfill one of each every in-game day and more will open up as more potions are discovered.</li>
<li>There is also one other function that the guild serves but you should be able to discover that on your own!</li>
<li>Completely, definitely unrelated to the last line there is now a method of unlocking the second location in the caves. There's a new reagent here, as well as a new critter. Can't do anything with the new critter at the moment though, sorry to say.</li>
<li>Speaking of the critters, I've added a little link in their encounters that let you have a look at them</li>
<h2>Version 0.5.1</h2>
<li>Fixed some flags related to the vine scene not being properly set that was preventing progression</li>
<h2>Version 0.5 - Making and spending money</h2>
<p>New year, new update! Hope you like the new character introduced in this one.</p>
<li>Mina can now craft potions in batches of five once she knows the recipe. This is more time efficient, both in clicks and in-game, and also more stamina efficient. In the future there may be cauldron upgrades that can make even larger batches possible.</li>
<li>Two more scenes added, one with the vine and one with the slime. These will result in higher yields of their respective resources to better facilitate all the potion brewing Mina will be doing!</li>
<li>Mina can make a donation at the library! The current amount of gold is subject to change, depending on what feedback I get.</li>
<li>The next wing of the library isn't implemented yet, but making the donation is still worth it in this version, as it triggers a particular event to occur.</li>
<h2>Version 0.4 - A new potion!</h2>
<p>This update comes with quite a few improvements in the background that should make certain things in the future a lot easier to do. Apart from that, there's also a fair amount of content!</p>
<li>You can now view the version number and changelog within the game! Just click the version number on the start screen.</li>
<li>Mina's friends can now be just as expressive as Mina in conversation!</li>
<li>There's a new option on the Home screen called Memories. You can use this to replay main scenes that you've already seen. There's also an option to view any alternate endings a scene may have, though for now this only applies to the vine scene.</li>
<li>Mina can now pick up some pollen after coaxing out some sap from the vine plant, assuming she has the energy for it</li>
<li>Doing some experiments with the hints found at the library to make things clearer. Still not completely satisfied with this solution, so please provide feedback if you like the changes!</li>
<li>Speaking of hints from the library. Make sure to re-read the slime hint if you've already seen it! There may be an addition at the end for a new potion recipe~</li>
<li>New potion added!</li>
<li>Two new scenes! One with Beth and one with Jessica. This potion will lead to more than a few more scenes in the future as well, probably, and not just with Mina's friends</li>
<h2>Version 0.3 - The friend update!</h2>
<p>A small content update! Saves from the previous version should work just fine I hope. Let me know if it seems like you're unable to access any of the new stuff or if any errors pop up somewhere I haven't looked though. </p>
<li>Mina's friends now have full sized images so you can get a better look at them. Just click their names when they look like links!</li>
<li>Mina can now tell her friends about new potions she discovers. This will primarily be the way you find scenes for them. Certain friends will lean towards certain potions/kinks</li>
<li>Speaking of, there is one new scene! Let Philia know about your fancy new potion and then track her down at the time she requests. Philia's focus will be obvious right away and if it's not to your tastes my apologies!</li>
<h2>Version 0.2.1</h2>
<li>fixed collecting Slime Jelly the second time around</li>
<li>you should now get back Empty Bottles after using alchemy mediums that aren't water</li>
[[Back|Start]]<<set _price to setup.contracts["Cave Bridge"][0]>>
<p>Mina walks back over to the reception desk and waves to the receptionist to get her attention.</p>
<<npcSpeak "Oh, miss Mina. Lovely to see you again. How can I help you today?" "receptionist">>
<<minaSpeak "Hii! I was hoping I could get some advice on putting up a contract for a job?" "happy">>
<p>The receptionist raises one eyebrow.</p>
<<npcSpeak "Certainly, I can assist you with that. What kind of contract are you looking to place" "receptionist">>
<<minaSpeak "I've been told I need to hire a party to provide protection for a team of builders to go into the nearby caves." "neutral">>
<<npcSpeak "I see. Yes, that is something we can do for you. Can you give me some more details?" "receptionist">>
<p>With a nod Mina starts explaining to the receptionist about the ravine in the cave and how she'd like to have a bridge built over it. With some prompting she gives the receptionist a rough estimate on the width of the ravine and some of the other relevant factors.</p>
<p>Once writing it all down the receptionist starts to do some figures on a sheet of parchment, while consulting a few tomes she pulls out from under the desk. Finally she looks up.</p>
<<npcSpeak "Alright then miss Mina. For a contract like this we would need you to provide _price gold coins. This will cover both the compensation to the adventurers themselves as well as the costs for the construction itself." "receptionist">>
<p>Mina gasps, covering her mouth with her hand.</p>
<<minaSpeak "That much?! Geez, maybe I should be an adventurer..." "surprise">>
<p>The woman behind the desk laughs.</p>
<<npcSpeak "It's a hard life miss, but we're always willing to take on new recruits." "receptionist">>
<<minaSpeak "I'm kidding, I'm kidding!" "embarrassed">>
<<minaSpeak "But wow... ok, _price gold. I can do that. I can do it!" "neutral">>
<<set $caveContractInformation to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["guild"] to false>>
<<if $player.gold > _price>>
<p>[[Pay for the contract right now|Cave Contract Paid]]</p>
<p>[[Back|Adventurer Guild]]</p><<set _price to setup.contracts["Cave Bridge"][0]>>
<p>With a huge grin Mina plops down a sack of gold coins onto the reception desk counter.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Here! _price coins!" "happy">>
<<npcSpeak "Excellent!" "receptionist">>
<p>The woman takes the sack and places it on a set of scales on her desk and writes down the result. Then she carefully stores the gold away in a lockbox under the desk.</p>
<<npcSpeak "Congratulations on registering your first Adventuring Contract miss Mina. I'm sure that work can begin within the day." "receptionist">>
<<minaSpeak "Wow, so fast! That's great!" "happy">>
<<npcSpeak "Indeed." "receptionist">>
<<minusGold _price>>
<<set $caveContractPaid to true>>
<<set $currentContract to "Cave Bridge">>
<<set $contractProgress to setup.contracts["Cave Bridge"][1]>>
<<set $eventNotification["guild"] to false>>
<p>[[Back|Adventurer Guild]]</p><<set _price to setup.contracts["Scout Forest"][0]>>
<p>Mina walks over to the receptionist desk with a big smile on her face.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Hello again!" "happy">>
<<npcSpeak "Ah, miss Mina! How delightful. How can the guild be of service to you?" "receptionist">>
<<minaSpeak "I uh, I heard that there might be some rangers looking to explore more of the forests around here?" "neutral">>
<<npcSpeak "Hm? Oh yes, I have heard something about that certainly. I understand there have been some reports of ruins near the base of Yorruk Mountain and as such some parties are interested in having better established trails through the forest between here and there." "receptionist">>
<<minaSpeak "That's interesting! I've never heard of any ruins being out there... Anyway I was wondering if maybe I could help out?" "neutral">>
<<npcSpeak "Certainly! A backer providing some funding for such an expedition would surely move things along. Would you be interested in posting a contract?" "receptionist">>
<<minaSpeak "Um, sure, I guess!" "happy">>
<<npcSpeak "Very well. One moment." "receptionist">>
<p>The receptionist turns to her tomes and ledgers and starts to write things down. After only a minute or so she looks up.</p>
<<npcSpeak "A contract of this nature will be _price gold coins." "receptionist">>
<<minaSpeak "Woah... um, ok!" "surprise">>
<<set $forestContractInformation to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["guild"] to false>>
<<if $player.gold > _price>>
<p>[[Pay for the contract right now|Forest Contract Paid]]</p>
<p>[[Back|Adventurer Guild]]</p><<set _price to setup.contracts["Scout Forest"][0]>>
<p>With a sigh of reluctance Mina deposits a pile of gold coins on the receptionist's desk.</p>
<<minaSpeak "There you go! _price gold." "neutral">>
<<npcSpeak "Very good! I'll draw up the details of the contract right now and get it posted up." "receptionist">>
<<minaSpeak "Great! Tell the parties that take it that I wish them the best of luck!" "happy">>
<<npcSpeak "Of course!" "receptionist">>
<<minusGold _price>>
<<set $forestContractPaid to true>>
<<set $currentContract to "Scout Forest">>
<<set $contractProgress to setup.contracts["Scout Forest"][1]>>
<<set $eventNotification["guild"] to false>>
<p>[[Back|Adventurer Guild]]</p><<set _price to setup.contracts["Ruins Access"][0]>>
<p>Mina steps up to the receptionist desk with her hands behind her back and a smile on her face.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Hi there!" "happy">>
<<npcSpeak "Good day miss Mina. How can I help you today?" "receptionist">>
<<minaSpeak "I would like to follow up on the last contract! The scouts told me there was a big river stopping them from getting to the ruins at the base of the mountain." "neutral">>
<<npcSpeak "Ah yes, I did see something about that in the report. Were you looking to organize a bridge across?" "receptionist">>
<<minaSpeak "Yeah, pretty much!" "happy">>
<<npcSpeak "Very good. Give me a moment then." "receptionist">>
<p>The receptionist opens up some ledgers on her desk and starts cross referencing various entries while doing some sums on a piece of parchment. Eventually she looks up with a small, conciliatory smile.</p>
<<npcSpeak "Given the distance and materials required, not to mention the danger fee the union will want covered, this will not be a cheap request I'm sorry to say. _price gold is what I can do for you." "receptionist">>
<<minaSpeak "...woah! Th-that's a lot!" "surprise">>
<<minaSpeak "Um. Hm... ok." "think">>
<<set $ruinContractInformation to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["guild"] to false>>
<<if $player.gold > _price>>
<p>[[Pay for the contract right now|Ruin Contract Paid]]</p>
<p>[[Back|Adventurer Guild]]</p><<widget 'minaSpeak'>>
<<set _icon to "images/mina/" + _args[1] + ".png">>
<div class="minaDialogue"><img class="dialogueImage" @src="_icon"><p>_args[0]</p></div>
<<widget 'aloethSpeak'>>
<<set _icon to "images/aloeth/" + _args[1] + ".png">>
<div class="aloethDialogue"><img class="dialogueImageNPC" @src="_icon"><p>_args[0]</p></div>
<<widget 'jessicaSpeak'>>
<<set _icon to "images/jessica/" + _args[1] + ".png">>
<div class="jessicaDialogue"><img class="dialogueImageNPC" @src="_icon"><p>_args[0]</p></div>
<<widget 'bethSpeak'>>
<<set _icon to "images/beth/" + _args[1] + ".png">>
<div class="bethDialogue"><img class="dialogueImageNPC" @src="_icon"><p>_args[0]</p></div>
<<widget 'philiaSpeak'>>
<<set _icon to "images/philia/" + _args[1] + ".png">>
<div class="philiaDialogue"><img class="dialogueImageNPC" @src="_icon"><p>_args[0]</p></div>
<<widget 'allayaSpeak'>>
<<set _icon to "images/allaya/" + _args[1] + ".png">>
<div class="allayaDialogue"><img class="dialogueImageNPC" @src="_icon"><p>_args[0]</p></div>
<<widget 'allayaAnnoyed'>>
<<replace "#speaking">>
<<allayaSpeak "Whatever it is you're about to say, I don't care." "annoyed">>
<<widget 'npcSpeak'>>
<<set _icon to "images/npc/" + _args[1] + ".png">>
<div class="npcDialogue"><img class="dialogueImageNPC" @src="_icon"><p>_args[0]</p></div>
<<widget 'Aloeth'>>
<span data-nokeys="true"><<link "Alo'Eth">>
<<run Dialog.create("Alo'Eth"); Dialog.wikiPassage("Alo'Eth Image"); Dialog.open()>>
<<widget 'Jessica'>>
<span data-nokeys="true"><<link "Jessica">>
<<run Dialog.create("Jessica"); Dialog.wikiPassage("Jessica Image"); Dialog.open()>>
<<widget 'Beth'>>
<span data-nokeys="true"><<link "Beth">>
<<run Dialog.create("Beth"); Dialog.wikiPassage("Beth Image"); Dialog.open()>>
<<widget 'Philia'>>
<span data-nokeys="true"><<link "Philia">>
<<run Dialog.create("Philia"); Dialog.wikiPassage("Philia Image"); Dialog.open()>>
<<widget 'Allaya'>>
<span data-nokeys="true"><<link "Allaya">>
<<run Dialog.create("Allaya"); Dialog.wikiPassage("Allaya Image"); Dialog.open()>>
<<widget 'poster'>>
<span data-nokeys="true"><<link "poster">>
<<run Dialog.create("Information Requested"); Dialog.wikiPassage("Poster Image"); Dialog.open()>>
<</widget>><<set _randomEncounter = Math.floor(Math.random()*6)>>
<<switch _randomEncounter>>
<<case 0>>
<p>Mina takes a casual stroll through the caves and feels refreshed. Sadly she finds nothing of interest.</p>
<<if $homuncutie["cave"].born is true>>
<<if Math.floor(Math.random()*3) is 1>>
<p data-nokeys="true">
Nearby Mina can see $homuncutie["cave"].name
<<link "taking a rest">>
<<set $spottedCutie to "cave">>
<<set $cutieAction to "rest">>
<<run Dialog.create("Homuncutie").wikiPassage("Homuncutie Image").open()>>
for herself.
<<restoreStamina 5>>
<<if $player.stamina > 0>>
<p>[[Explore some more|Explore the Caves]]</p>
<p>Mina is too tired to explore.</p>
<<case 1 2 3>>
<<goto "Found Mushroom">>
<<case 4 5>>
<<goto "Cave Slime Encounter">>
[[Return Home|Home]]</p><<set _randomEncounter = Math.floor(Math.random()*6)>>
<<switch _randomEncounter>>
<<case 0>>
<p>Mina wanders through the dark passages of the deep caves. She sadly doesn't come across anything of interest.</p>
<<if $homuncutie["deep-cave"].born is true>>
<<if Math.floor(Math.random()*3) is 1>>
<p data-nokeys="true">
Nearby Mina can see $homuncutie["deep-cave"].name
<<link "taking a rest">>
<<set $spottedCutie to "deep-cave">>
<<set $cutieAction to "rest">>
<<run Dialog.create("Homuncutie").wikiPassage("Homuncutie Image").open()>>
for herself.
<<if $player.stamina > 0>>
<p>[[Explore some more|Explore the Deep Caves]]</p>
<p>Mina is too tired to explore.</p>
<<case 1 2 3>>
<<goto "Found Marble">>
<<case 4 5>>
<<goto "Rockbiter Encounter">>
[[Return Home|Home]]</p><<set _randomEncounter = Math.floor(Math.random()*6)>>
<<switch _randomEncounter>>
<<case 0>>
<p>Mina takes a stroll through the forest and feels refreshed. Sadly she finds nothing of interest.</p>
<<if $homuncutie["forest"].born is true>>
<<if Math.floor(Math.random()*3) is 1>>
<p data-nokeys="true">
As she's walking Mina comes across $homuncutie["forest"].name
<<link "taking a rest">>
<<set $spottedCutie to "forest">>
<<set $cutieAction to "rest">>
<<run Dialog.create("Homuncutie").wikiPassage("Homuncutie Image").open()>>
as well.</p>
<<restoreStamina 5>>
<<if $player.stamina > 0>>
<p>[[Explore some more|Explore the Forest]]</p>
<p>Mina is too tired to explore.</p>
<<case 1 2 3>>
<<goto "Found Herbs">>
<<case 4 5>>
<<goto "Forest Vine Encounter">>
[[Return Home|Home]]</p><<set _randomEncounter = Math.floor(Math.random()*6)>>
<<switch _randomEncounter>>
<<case 0>>
<p>Mina takes a stroll through the deep forest, admiring the huge trees that surround her. Sadly she finds nothing of interest.</p>
<<if $homuncutie["deep-forest"].born is true>>
<<if Math.floor(Math.random()*3) is 1>>
<p data-nokeys="true">
As she's walking Mina comes across $homuncutie["forest"].name
<<link "taking a rest">>
<<set $spottedCutie to "deep-forest">>
<<set $cutieAction to "rest">>
<<run Dialog.create("Homuncutie").wikiPassage("Homuncutie Image").open()>>
as well.</p>
<<if $player.stamina > 0>>
<p>[[Explore some more|Explore the Deep Forest]]</p>
<p>Mina is too tired to explore.</p>
<<case 1 2 3>>
<<goto "Found Greenthorn">>
<<case 4 5>>
<<goto "Salamander Encounter">>
[[Return Home|Home]]</p><p>Mina carefully combs through the caves, checking small piles of pebbles, looking under rocks, peering into cracks. Everywhere she looks she only finds mundane rocks, nothing like what the book described.</p>
<p>That is until she comes across a wide ravine in the deepest part of the cave she's ever been in.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Woah..." "surprise">>
<p>She peers out over the gap, quickly coming to the conclusion that there's no way she's going to be able to cross it, not without help. Just as she's turning away to search somewhere else however, she spots something out of the corner of her eye. Right near the edge of the ravine, sitting in a pile of otherwise innocuous stones.</p>
<p>With a gasp she moves over towards it, getting down on her hands and knees as she get so close to that edge that seems to fall into endless darkness. She crawls up to pile of stones and, with a trembling hand, reaches out to pluck the small sphere up. It's just as the book had described! A perfectly smooth marble of stone.</p>
<p>Mina backs up and once she feels she's far enough away from the ravine she leaps up into the air with a whoop of excitement!</p>
<<minaSpeak "Wooo, yeah, I found one!" "happy">>
<p>After taking some time to marvel at her find she turns her attention back to the ravine with a thoughtful expression.</p>
<<minaSpeak "I wonder if this means there are more on the other side of the ravine..." "think">>
<<minaSpeak "Maybe I should talk to a builder or something, they could build me a bridge!" "happy">>
<p>Mina found one Trueschist Marble!</p>
<p><b>Mina has developed a budding sense for Geology!</b></p>
<<pickup $player.reagents "Trueschist Marble" 1>>
<<set $skills["Geology"] to setup.skill("Geology", 1, 2, 10)>>
<<set $foundTrueMarble to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["cave"] to false>>
<p>[[Return to the cave entrance|Cave]]</p><p>Mina stands at the edge of the wild forest.</p>
<p><<if $currentContract is "Scout Forest">>
<p>Near the edge of the tree line there's a small camp of rangers and scouts. One waves jovially at Mina as she passes by.</p>
<p><<if $contractsComplete["Scout Forest"] is true && $forestScoutedInformed is false>>
<p>Upon seeing Mina one of the scouts rushes over towards her.</p>
<<npcSpeak "Hi there! It's Mina right, the one who put up this contract? We're all done!" "ranger">>
<<minaSpeak "Oh that's great! Does that mean there's a trail out to the mountain now?" "happy">>
<<npcSpeak "Not quite. We got pretty close but there's a big stretch of rapids that stretch around a good portion of the mountain base." "ranger">>
<<minaSpeak "Aw damn! I was hoping to see those ruins." "sad">>
<<npcSpeak "Ha, so were we! We did still clear out some trails into the deeper parts of the forest though, there's some interesting stuff out there." "ranger">>
<<npcSpeak "I even saw a Salamander!" "ranger">>
<<minaSpeak "Oh cool!" "surprise">>
<<if $hintsLearned["Salamander Scale"] is true>>
<<minaSpeak "You got any hints on how I could maybe get a scale from one?" "blush">>
<<npcSpeak "Hm... if you can get close to one then usually they have a few loose scales that you can brush off. It's the getting close part that's hard, they're pretty wary of people!" "ranger">>
<<minaSpeak "Ok! I'll think of something I hope!" "happy">>
<<set $forestScoutedInformed to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["forest"] to false>>
<<run $requestsAvailable["Fire Resistance Required"] = true>>
<<run $requestsAvailable["Not for crime, honest"] = true>>
<<if $player.stamina > 0>>
[[Explore the Forest]]<br>
<<if $contractsComplete["Scout Forest"] is true>>
[[Explore the Deep Forest]]
<p>Mina is too tired to explore.</p>
<p>[[Back|Home]]</p><<if $scenesSeen["Vine Fuck First Time"] is false>>
<<calculateBonus "Botany">>
<<set _foundPollen = (1 + $skillBonus)>>
<p>It seems that the Vayra plants have been a lot more active ever since Mina used that first Allure Potion on them and are now producing more pollen.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Hm. I'm sure this is fine and won't become a problem at some point!" "embarrassed">>
<<calculateBonus "Botany" 2>>
<<set _foundPollen = (2 + $skillBonus)>>
<<addReagent "Vine Pollen" _foundPollen>>
<<addExp "Stamina" 2>>
<<addExp "Botany" 3>>
<<reduceStamina 10>>
<<if $player.stamina > 0>>
<p>[[Explore some more|Explore the Forest]]<br>
[[Return to the Forest|Forest]]</p>
<p>Mina is too tired to explore.</p>
<p>[[Return Home|Home]]</p><<widget 'usePotion'>>
<<drop $player.potions _args[0] 1>>
<<pickup $player.items "Empty Bottle" 1>>
<<widget 'reagent'>>
<span style="color:red; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #fff, -1px 1px 0 #fff, 1px -1px 0 #fff, -1px -1px 0 #fff;">_args[0]</span>
<<widget 'medium'>>
<span style="color:#948300; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #fff, -1px 1px 0 #fff, 1px -1px 0 #fff, -1px -1px 0 #fff;">_args[0]</span>
<<widget 'catalyst'>>
<span style="color:blue; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #fff, -1px 1px 0 #fff, 1px -1px 0 #fff, -1px -1px 0 #fff;">_args[0]</span>
<<widget 'eventCheck'>>
<<if $currentTime isnot "Night" && $eventNotification[_args[0]] is true>>
<<print " ⬤">>
<<if ndef _args[1] is false && $currentTime is "Night" && $eventNotification[_args[1]] is true>>
<<print " ⬤">>
<<widget 'lewdCheck'>>
<<if $currentTime is "Night" && $eventNotification[_args[0]] is true>>
<<print " ❤︎">>
<<if $currentTime isnot "Night" && $eventNotification[_args[1]] is true>>
<<print " ❤︎">>
<<widget 'addReagent'>>
<<set _type to _args[0]>>
<<set _count to _args[1]>>
<<set _thumbnail to "images/items/" + _type + ".png">>
<div style="display: flex;align-items: center;">
<b><<print "Mina gathered " + _count + " ">></b>
<<reagent _type>>
<span data-nokeys="true" class="thumbnailImage"><<link [img[_thumbnail]]>>
<<run Dialog.create(_type); Dialog.wikiPassage(_type + " Image"); Dialog.open()>>
<<pickup $player.reagents _type _count>>
<<widget 'fillBottles'>>
<<set _material to _args[0]>>
<<set _amount to _args[1]>>
<div id="bottles">
<p>There is enough _material here to fill @@#amount;<<=_amount>>@@ bottles!</p>
<<link "Fill one bottle">>
<<if $player.items.has("Empty Bottle") is true>>
<<set _amount-->>
<<drop $player.items "Empty Bottle" 1>>
<<pickup $player.mediums _material 1>>
<<replace "#amount">><<=_amount>><</replace>>
<<if _amount is 1>>
<<remove "#fillAll">>
<<replace "#bottleAmount">><<=$player.items.count("Empty Bottle")>><</replace>>
<<run Dialog.create("No Bottles"); Dialog.wiki("Mina has run out of bottles!");Dialog.open()>>
<<if _amount is 0>>
<<replace "#bottles">><p>There's nothing else to bottle.</p><</replace>>
<<if _amount > 1>>
<<if _amount > $player.items.count("Empty Bottle")>>
<<set _fillAmount to $player.items.count("Empty Bottle")>>
<<set _fillAmount to _amount>>
<p id="fillAll"><<link "Fill _fillAmount bottles">>
<<if $player.items.has("Empty Bottle") is true>>
<<for _amount > 0>>
<<if $player.items.has("Empty Bottle") is true>>
<<set _amount-->>
<<drop $player.items "Empty Bottle" 1>>
<<pickup $player.mediums _material 1>>
<<replace "#bottleAmount">><<=$player.items.count("Empty Bottle")>><</replace>>
<<remove "#fillAll">>
<<if _amount is 0>>
<<replace "#bottles">><p>There's nothing else to bottle.</p><</replace>>
<<replace "#amount">><<=_amount>><</replace>>
<<run Dialog.create("No Bottles"); Dialog.wiki("Mina has run out of bottles!");Dialog.open()>>
<p>Mina currently has @@#bottleAmount;<<=$player.items.count("Empty Bottle")>>@@ bottles.</p>
<<widget 'quickAlchemy'>>
<<set _missingReagents to []>>
<<if $player.reagents.count($quickAlchemyRecipe[0]) < $bulkCraft>>
<<run _missingReagents.push($quickAlchemyRecipe[0])>>
<<if $player.reagents.count($quickAlchemyRecipe[1]) < $bulkCraft>>
<<run _missingReagents.push($quickAlchemyRecipe[1])>>
<<if $quickAlchemyRecipe[2] isnot "Water" && $player.mediums.count($quickAlchemyRecipe[2]) < $bulkCraft>>
<<run _missingReagents.push($quickAlchemyRecipe[2])>>
<<if _missingReagents.length > 0>>
<<run Dialog.create("Missing Reagents!"); Dialog.wiki("Mina doesn't have enough _missingReagents"); Dialog.open();>>
<<elseif $player.stamina < (setup.recipeStaminaUsage[$quickRecipeName] - 5)*$bulkCraft>>
<<run Dialog.create("Not enough stamina"); Dialog.wiki("Mina won't have enough stamina for this much alchemy!"); Dialog.open();>>
<<set $firstReagent to $quickAlchemyRecipe[0]>>
<<set $secondReagent to $quickAlchemyRecipe[1]>>
<<set $medium to $quickAlchemyRecipe[2]>>
<<set $catalyst to $quickAlchemyRecipe[3]>>
<<run Dialog.create("Alchemization"); Dialog.wikiPassage("Alchemize"); Dialog.open()>>
<<widget 'addExp'>>
<<set $skills[_args[0]].exp += _args[1]>>
<<if ($skills[_args[0]].exp >= $skills[_args[0]].maxExp)>>
<<set $skills[_args[0]].level += 1>>
<<set $skills[_args[0]].exp -= $skills[_args[0]].maxExp>>
<<set _newmaxexp = Math.trunc($skills[_args[0]].maxExp * 1.1)>>
<<set $skills[_args[0]].maxExp = _newmaxexp>>
<<set $player.maxStamina = 90 + $skills["Stamina"].level*10>>
<p><b>Mina's <<print $skills[_args[0]].name>> skill has increased to <<print $skills[_args[0]].level>>!</b></p>
<<widget 'calculateBonus'>>
<<set _bonus to 0>>
<<set _skillChance to ($skills[_args[0]].level -1)*5>>
<<if ndef _args[1] is true>>
<<set _rolls to 1>>
<<set _rolls to _args[1]>>
<<for _bonusRoll = 0; _bonusRoll lt _rolls; _bonusRoll++>>
<<for _skillChance > 100>>
<<set _bonus++>>
<<set _skillChance -= 100>>
<<set _percentile to Math.floor(Math.random()*100)>>
<<if _percentile < _skillChance>>
<<set _bonus++>>
<<set $skillBonus to _bonus>>
<<widget 'reduceStamina'>>
<<if ndef _args[0] is false>>
<<timed 0s>>
<<set $player.stamina -= _args[0]>>
<<if $player.stamina < 0>>
<<set $player.stamina = 0>>
<<replace "#stamina">>$player.stamina<</replace>>
<<widget 'restoreStamina'>>
<<set $player.stamina += _args[0]>>
<<if $player.stamina > $player.maxStamina>>
<<set $player.stamina = $player.maxStamina>>
<<replace "#stamina">><<= $player.stamina>><</replace>>
<<widget 'sceneLink'>>
<<set _sceneDescription to _args[0]>>
<<set _sceneName to _args[1]>>
<<set _sceneTags to tags(_sceneName)>>
<<run _sceneTags.deleteLast("hideSideBars")>>
<<set _sceneRequirements to setup.sceneRequirements[_sceneName]>>
<<if $player.potions.compare(_sceneRequirements)>>
<span class="scene-link" data-nokeys="true">[[_sceneDescription|_sceneName]]</span>
<span class="missing-requirements" data-nokeys="true">_sceneDescription</span>
<sub data-nokeys="true">
<<print _sceneTags>>
<<if $player.potions.compare(_sceneRequirements)>>
<<link "Hide Scene" _sceneName>>
<<set $sceneSkip to true>>
<b>Missing Required potions</b>
<<replace "#tooltip">><<inv _sceneRequirements>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><</replace>>
<<widget 'repeatableLink'>>
<<set _sceneDescription to _args[0]>>
<<set _sceneName to _args[1]>>
<<set _sceneRequirements to setup.repeatableRequirements[_sceneName]>>
<<run _tooltip_id = "tooltip-" + _sceneName.replace(/\s+/g, '');>>
<<set _tooltip to "#"+_tooltip_id>>
<<capture _sceneName _sceneDescription _sceneRequirements _tooltip_id _tooltip>>
<<if $player.potions.compare(_sceneRequirements)>>
<<checkbox "$hiddenRepeatables[_sceneName]" false true autocheck>>
<sub>Hide image</sub>
<span class="missing-requirements">_sceneDescription<sub><b>Missing Required potions</b></sub></span>
<span @id="_tooltip_id"></span>
<<replace _tooltip>><<inv _sceneRequirements>><</replace>>
<<replace _tooltip>><</replace>>
<<widget 'setupAccordion'>>
<<if $hiddenRepeatables[passage()] is false>>
$(document).one(":passageend", function (event) {
$( ".accordion" ).accordion({
collapsible: true,
heightStyle: "content",
$(document).one(":passageend", function (event) {
$( ".accordion" ).accordion({
collapsible: true,
heightStyle: "content",
active: false
<<widget 'hideScene'>>
<<if $sceneSkip is false>>
$(document).one(":passageend", function (event) {
$( ".accordion" ).accordion({
collapsible: true,
heightStyle: "content",
$(document).one(":passageend", function (event) {
$( ".accordion" ).accordion({
collapsible: true,
heightStyle: "content",
active: false
<<widget 'displayInventory'>>
<<replace "#left-side-bar">>
<<if tags().includes("hideSideBars") is false && $toggleInventory is "toggle-on">>
<<if $player.reagents.length > 0>>
<p><<inv $player.reagents>></p>
<<if $player.mediums.length > 0>>
<p><<inv $player.mediums>></p>
<p><<inv $player.catalysts>></p>
<<if $player.items.length > 0>>
<p><<inv $player.items>></p>
<<if $player.potions.length > 0>>
<p><<inv $player.potions>></p>
<<widget 'displayJournal'>>
<<replace "#page-selector">>
<<if tags().includes("hideSideBars") is false && $toggleJournal is "toggle-on">>
<<set _allEntries to Object.keys($hintsLearned)>>
<<set _unlockedEntries to []>>
<<for _entries = 0; _entries lt _allEntries.length; _entries++>>
<<set _currentEntry to _allEntries[_entries]>>
<<if $hintsLearned[_currentEntry] is true>>
<<run _unlockedEntries.push(_currentEntry)>>
<<listbox "$journalEntry" autoselect>>
<<optionsfrom _unlockedEntries>>
<<replace "#displayed-page">><<include $journalEntry>><</replace>>
<</widget>><p>Warily Mina steps up to the large double doors that lead into the Adventurer's Guild and then pauses. Behind this door she'd find hard working, diligent adventurers who regularly go out and put their lives on the line fighting dangerous creatures. She is a little worried how they'll react to her, a kinda slobby alchemist who looks like she's never even been near a fight.</p>
<p>While she's dithering there's a clatter of armour behind her and then a loud and boisterous voice.</p>
<<npcSpeak "Hello there! Would you mind stepping out of the way miss?" "adventurer">>
<p>With a startled little yelp Mina steps to the side. She sees three adventurers had been patiently waiting for her, all smiling good naturedly. The one in front, evidently the one that had spoken, waves at Mina.</p>
<<npcSpeak "Oh, I know you! It's Mina right? One of my friends bought a potion of yours from mistress Jessica the other day. They said it really helped them out, good work!" "adventurer">>
<p>And with that the adventurer steps past Mina and pushes open the door to let themselves and their companions inside. Mina stares in shock after them, dumb-founded. Not only had she been recognized, but also been praised? She feels a blush blooming in her cheeks and a grin coming unbidden across her face. Maybe this won't be so bad after all!</p>
<p>A newfound sense of confidence filling her Mina pushes open the door herself and walks right into the guild! Only to walk head first into <<Allaya>> and bounce off her shiny breastplate. Mina winces and gives Allaya an awkward smile.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Oh, um, hi!" "embarrassed">>
<<allayaSpeak "...what are you doing here?" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "I, um, I just thought I'd visit! Maybe see if anyone wanted some of my potions!" "blush">>
<<allayaSpeak "Hmph. Just try to stay out of the way." "neutral">>
<p>With those words Allaya spins around and walks away, leaving Mina standing awkwardly in place.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Geez, what's even her problem..." "sad">>
<p>Putting thoughts of her supposed friend out of her mind, Mina turns her attention to the guild itself. There are about a dozen adventurers scattered about the room, sitting or standing in small groups, chatting amongst themselves. Most look to be some mix of ranger or warrior, with simple but effective looking leather and steel armour and functional weapons.</p>
<p>In one corner Mina can see what looks to be a desk with some form of clerk or receptionist sitting behind it. Mina figures this is probably the best place to ask about offering her services to the guild and so she heads this way next.</p>
<p>As Mina gets closer the woman behind the desk looks up. One eyebrow raises behind her spectacles.</p>
<<npcSpeak "Welcome to the Adventurer's Guild miss. Is there something you require?" "receptionist">>
<<minaSpeak "Haha, hi! Yes! Thank you!" "blush">>
<<minaSpeak "U-um, I'm Mina, an alchemist! I was just wondering if maybe I might be able to offer my services to the adventurers here?" "neutral">>
<<npcSpeak "Lovely to meet you Mina. And is that so?" "receptionist">>
<p>The woman taps a finger against her desk for a moment and then smiles. Lifting a hand she points over towards one wall of the guild. On the wall there appears to be three boards covered in various slips of parchment pinned into them.</p>
<<npcSpeak "The leftmost board there might be of interest to you miss Mina. On it are requests made by adventurers for assistance for their contracts, some of which might include requests for goods such as potions." "receptionist">>
<<minaSpeak "Oh wow, that's cool! What are the other boards for?" "happy">>
<<npcSpeak "The middle board is where unclaimed contracts are posted. Unless you're planning on joining the guild as an adventurer, this one likely isn't going to be of any interest to you. The board on the right is where we post notices and public contracts." "receptionist">>
<<minaSpeak "Public contracts?" "think">>
<<npcSpeak "Simply contracts that aren't claimable by any one adventuring party. Normally this means requests for information on certain subjects or potential threats to the surrounding area." "receptionist">>
<<minaSpeak "Oh I see! Cool!" "happy">>
<<minaSpeak "Thank you so much for the help! I'll go and have a look at the requests board then!" "happy">>
<<npcSpeak "I'm happy to be of service." "receptionist">>
<<set $eventNotification["guild"] to false>>
[[View the requests board|Request Board]]<<if $automationScreen is true>>
<div class="automation-window">
<div class="accordion" style="border-bottom: 3px solid grey">
<h4 id="automation-header">Automation</h4>
<div style="border-left:3px solid lightgrey; border-right:3px solid grey;">
<<if $bottleAutomation is true>>
<span id="bottle-text">Bottles to keep in stock: <<textbox "$stockedBottles" $stockedBottles>></span>
<label id="bottle-checkbox"><<checkbox "$stockingBottles" false true autocheck>><sub>Enabled</sub></label><br>
<<if $homuncutieAutomation is true>>
<<button "Collect from Homuncuties">>
<<set $manualCollect to true>>
<span id="homuncutie-help" data-nokeys="true"><<link "[?]">><<run Dialog.create("Homuncutie Help").wikiPassage("Homuncutie Instructions").open()>><</link>></span>
<label style="width: 26%; float:right;"><<checkbox "$autoCollect" false true autocheck>><sub>Auto</sub></label>
<<if $automationHidden is false>>
$(document).one(":passageend", function (event) {
$( ".accordion" ).accordion({
collapsible: true,
heightStyle: "content"
$(document).one(":passageend", function (event) {
$( ".accordion" ).accordion({
collapsible: true,
heightStyle: "content",
active: false
<p><span data-nokeys="true"><<link "Mina's Home">>
<<run Dialog.create("Home"); Dialog.wiki("A small house on the outskirts that Mina once shared with her mother. Now, Mina lives here alone."); Dialog.open()>>
[[Cauldron]] <<eventCheck "cauldron" "cauldron">><br>
[[The Pit]] <<eventCheck "pit" "pit">><br>
<p><span data-nokeys="true"><<link "Village">>
<<run Dialog.create("Village"); Dialog.wiki("The bustling little village of Tenderbrook. Straddling a large river it has become somewhat of a hub for trade and sees quite a variety of people living here or passing through."); Dialog.open()>>
<p data-nokeys="true">
[[Library]] <<eventCheck "library">> <<lewdCheck "aloeth" "aloethDay">><br>
[[Nightshade Inn]] <<eventCheck "inn">> <<lewdCheck "philia" "philiaDay">><br>
[[Workshops]] <<eventCheck "workshop">> <<lewdCheck "beth" "bethDay">><br>
[[Market]] <<eventCheck "market">> <<lewdCheck "jessica" "jessicaDay">>
<<if $currentTimer is "Amethyst">>
<span p style="font-size: 75%;">Days remaining to find requested item: $timerLength</span>
<<if $allayaMet is true>>
[[Adventurer Guild]] <<eventCheck "guild">> <<lewdCheck "allaya" "allayaDay">><br>
<p>Local Surrounds</p>
<<eventCheck "forest" "forest">>
<<if $currentContract is "Scout Forest">>
<span p style="font-size: 75%;">Days remaining until contract completion: $contractProgress</span>
<<eventCheck "cave" "cave">>
<<if $currentContract is "Cave Bridge">>
<span p style="font-size: 75%;">Days remaining until contract completion: $contractProgress</span>
</p><p>Mina taps a finger against her chin as she enters her workshop, considering the information on Homunculus creation she discovered.</p>
<<minaSpeak "So I'd need to pick a potion to act as a base huh..." "think">>
<<minaSpeak "Well, thinking about it, of all the potions I've made the most useful has got to be the Allure Potion..." "blush">>
<<minaSpeak "And if I use that as a base then maybe the Homunculi would be able to gather stuff without needing to use a potion every time?" "think">>
<<minaSpeak "Something to consider trying!" "happy">><p>Mina stares at her creation, her cheeks flushing brighter and brighter.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/items/Homunculus Stone.png">
<<minaSpeak "Haha... I guess the book did say it would be shaped by my temperament..." "embarrassed">><p>Mina walks out to the back of her house and looks at the Pit there, tapping her foot and musing aloud.</p>
<<minaSpeak "So this is probably the right place to charge up the Homunculus Stone, but how can I tell if there's enough magic around?" "think">>
<<minaSpeak "Well, I guess there's that Magic Scryer that I read about, that should work." "neutral">>
<<if $player.items.has("Magic Scryer") is false>>
<<minaSpeak "Guess I better make one then!" "happy">>
<<minaSpeak "Good thing I already made one!" "happy">>
<<minaSpeak "And what about the training part? I guess... I guess I could throw in some stuff from the places I want the Homunculus to work?" "think">>
<<minaSpeak "Worth a shot I think!" "happy">><<set $dumpedGoop -= 10>>
<<if $homuncutieAutomation is false>>
<p>Mina sets the Homunculus Stone and the "training" materials out in the Pit and then settles down to watch and wait, eager to see what's going to happen.</p>
<p>After only a few minutes Mina begins to notice some changes. The Stone itself has begun to fill with an odd internal glow, while the items arrayed around it have started to lose saturation, as if colour itself is being drained out of them. Taking a look at the Magic Scryer, Mina's shocked to see that the magic concentration has dropped quite a lot!</p>
<<minaSpeak "Wow! That was fast!" "happy">>
<p>As she continues to watch eventually the other items surrounding the Homunculus Stone are practically all dust at this point, while the Stone itself sits there happily glowing, thrumming with energy.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Ok... what now?" "think">>
<p>Mina thinks to herself as she picks up the Stone, eyes going wide when she feels just how warm it's gotten.</p>
<<minaSpeak "The book said it needs to incubate... somewhere warm... hm..." "think">>
<p>Slowly a blush starts to spread across her cheeks as she stares at the Stone, at its peculiar shape...</p>
<<minaSpeak "Hm... maybe..." "horny">>
<<sceneLink "Attempt to incubate the Homunculus Stone within Mina's own body" "Mina Lays an Egg">>
<p>Once again Mina lays out a Homunculus Stone and some materials before settling in to wait, biting her lip in anticipation.</p>
<<minaSpeak "I hope it feels just as good as last time..." "horny">>
<p>Mina lays on her back, panting, face flushed and her mouth parted in a wide and goofy grin.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Goddess that feels amazing..." "cum">>
<p>After nearly a minute of just hard breathing she feels confident enough to at least sit up. And after a few more seconds of panting she actually does so, giving her the chance to marvel at the new egg sitting on the ground between her spread legs.</p>
<p>With a grin Mina leans forward and taps on the shell.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Come on out cutie!" "happy">>
<p>As soon as Mina taps the egg cracks begin to form and soon enough of the shell falls away to reveal another colourful woman looking back at Mina with bright blue eyes.</p>
<<set _homunculusImage to "images/homuncuties/" + $createdHomunculus + "-hatch.png">>
<img class="passageImage" @src="_homunculusImage">
<<minaSpeak "Hi you! I think I'll name you..." "think">>
<p><b>Name the newly created Homuncutie:</b> <<textbox "$homuncutie[$createdHomunculus].name" $homuncutie[$createdHomunculus].name>></p>
<<minaSpeak "Welcome to the world!" "happy">>
<<reduceStamina 80>>
<<addExp "Lewd" 16>>
<<addExp "Stamina" 16>>
<<set $homuncutie[$createdHomunculus].born to true>>
<<set $totalHomuncuties++>>
<<set $eventNotification["pit"] to false>>
<p>[[Return to the Pit|The Pit]]<br>
[[Return Home|Home]]</p>
<</if>><div class="accordion">
<h3>Creating a Homunculus</h3>
<p>Mina holds the Homonculus Stone gingerly in her hands, marveling at the strange warmth that seems to be pulsing away inside it. She stares for several long seconds, biting her lip. Finally she nods with determination.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Right! If this doesn't work, well... I'll be very upset!" "neutral">>
<p>And with those words she shimmies out of her shorts to reveal her bare pussy, already glistening a little with arousal. After all, Mina can't help but be a little horny at the thought of what she's about to do. Carefully she kneels down onto the soft grass and brings the Homonculus Stone to the folds of her sex where she rubs its somewhat bulbous head against herself. A shiver runs up her spine as the warm smoothness of the magical object feels novel, but nice.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/homuncuties/insertion.png">
<p>The Stone pulses with a strange warmth as Mina caresses its bulbous head with her folds. It seems to come alive with that brief touch and starts to throb in time with the young woman's pulse.</p>
<p>Suddenly the stone tugs against Mina's grip as the magical object starts to push itself into Mina's pussy of its own volition! Its pulsing warmth seems to be drawing it forward, forcing itself into Mina's increasingly wet cunt!</p>
<<minaSpeak "Ohhh fuck! W-Wait... It's going in on its own!" "horny">>
<p>Mina can only watch in stunned silence as the Homonculus Stone plunges into her. She tries to speak again but all she can manage is a breathless gasp as the thick object stretches her pussy deliciously. It's incredibly pleasurable but also a little overwhelming - the warmth radiating from the stone is turning Mina's thoughts all nice and mushy. All she can focus on is the increasingly invasive object splitting her open and filling her up...</p>
<p>The Homonculus Stone continues to throb in time with Mina's pulse as it forces itself deeper into her wet cunt. Its pulsing warmth seems to be drawing the magical object forward, as if it has a will of its own! Soon the entire length of the object is buried inside Mina's pussy. The bulbous head seems to press right up against her cervix, causing a particularly strong pleasurable sensation to wash over the alchemist.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Hnngghh...! It... It went all the way in...!" "horny">>
<p>Mina's eyes go wide and she lets out a strained moan, her toes curling in the grass. She can feel her walls gripping at the Homonculus Stone's smooth surface, feeling like they're trying to push it back out just as much as they're trying to draw it inside. It's an incredibly overwhelming feeling, especially with the way it is pulsing with heat right against her cervix!</p>
<<minaSpeak "F-fuuuuck~ Is it going to push into my womb? I-I don't know if I can... Ahhhn!" "cum">>
<p>The Stone throbs harder in time with Mina's heartbeat. Its smooth surface seems to pulse with a dim, inner light that shines through Mina's abdomen, illuminating some of her inner anatomy. With a sudden, violent lurch forward, the bulbous head of the magical stone plunges right through Mina's cervix where it plants itself deep inside her womb!</p>
<<minaSpeak "Oh! Oh Goddess! It... It went into my womb! Ohhh fuck...! I can feel it!" "cum">>
<p>Mina arches her back with a cry, her hands fisting into the grass as another powerful wave of pleasure washes over her. The sensation of the Homonculus Stone pulsing deep inside her most sacred place is incredibly intense - it's almost like an orgasm just from the penetration alone!</p>
<<minaSpeak "I-I... I'm going to... Ahhhhhn~!" "cum">>
<p>The Homonculus Stone throbs even harder as it starts to expand rapidly inside of Mina's womb! It seems to draw on Mina's energy itself as it grows, getting rounder and stretching the alchemist's innermost chamber to its limits as it grows to fill her up completely! Her stomach swells, growing rounder, taking on a very pregnant appearance.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Hnngghh! It's... It's growing! Ohhh... ohhh fuck! I feel so full! It's so big! I... I... Aaahh~!" "cum">>
<p>With a cry Mina comes undone with an intense orgasm, her pussy spasming and gushing her fluids onto the grass below as her body trembles.</p>
<p>Soon enough the Homonculus Stone finally stops growing, having filled Mina's womb to capacity. It has taken on a very egg-like shape inside her uterus, a heavy mass that pulsates with a gentle heat within her.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Haaahh... Haahhh... Oh my... oh my fucking Goddess..." "horny">>
<p>Mina pants heavily as she flops backwards onto the ground, legs spread and back propped up by the wall of her home. She can feel the Homonculus Stone nestled deep inside her, a solid but strangely pleasant weight in her belly. It sends waves of tingling pleasure through Mina's nerves with each throb.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Ohhh... oh fuck..." "horny">>
<p>After several long moments of half-conscious bliss, Mina slowly starts to recover. Her breathing starts to even out, her body no longer trembling, although her walls still clench occasionally against nothing. When she can finally think clearly again she looks down at herself and she's stunned by what she sees. Her belly has swelled outwards to an almost comical degree, as if she is several months pregnant already!</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/homuncuties/pregnant.png">
<<minaSpeak "Oh fuck! It worked!" "happy">>
<p>Mina cries out in happiness. Within her the Homonculus Stone pulses one final time, and then begins to put pressure on her cervix from the inside, coaxing Mina's body into letting it back out.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Hnnngg... Oh Goddess, and now it wants out..." "horny">>
<p>Mina grunts in discomfort as the egg-shape begins to press through her cervix and slowly force its way back out of her pussy. Her abdominal muscles strain with the effort of pushing out the object that has been nestled inside of her, and she can feel an increasingly intense pressure building up inside of her...</p>
<<minaSpeak "Oh... ohh... I-It's happening...! I'm going to...! Hnnggaaahhh~!" "cum">>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/homuncuties/birth.png">
<p>Mina cries out in ecstasy as a massive orgasm rocks through her. Her pussy convulses around the egg as it pushes through her passage, causing more gushes of her juices to splash onto the ground beneath her. The pleasure is so intense that she nearly blacks out from it, collapsing against the wall behind her.</p>
<p>The egg continues to push its way out of Mina's pussy with the help of her convulsing walls, peeking further and further out from her flushed, swollen pussy.</p>
<p>Mina pants heavily, looking down between her legs with wide eyes as she watches another gush of fluid spill from her still twitching pussy lips, parted around the brightly coloured egg still emerging from her body.</p>
<<minaSpeak "It... it's so fucking big! Hnnngh!" "cum">>
<p>Mina grunts with effort as she pushes, her stomach and vagina bulging obscenely as the egg slowly emerges, her pussy squirting almost with every contraction. Her eyes roll back, tongue lolling out as her mind goes blank from the constant stream of orgasmic bliss.</p>
<p>Finally, with a drawn out cry from Mina, the last of the egg pops free of her stretched hole. It drops to the ground with a heavy thud. Mina's body convulses one final time before she collapses bonelessly against the wall, gasping for breath. Her face is flushed, hair wild about her as she pants and quivers with the aftershocks.</p>
<p>After several long minutes she finally seems to regain some semblance of composure. Slowly, as if approaching a dangerous animal, she reaches down and strokes the egg with a trembling hand.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Fuck... That was... Oh Goddess..." "horny">>
<p>She looks at the egg, marveling at the swirling colours and patterns that dance across the shell. Then, very tentatively, she gives it a gentle tap with a finger.</p>
<<minaSpeak "What... What happens now?" "neutral">>
<<set $sceneSkip to false>>
<<if $replayMemory is false>>
<p>Almost as soon as Mina gives the egg that little tap it starts to wobble in place, making Mina lean back and gasp.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Oh!" "surprise">>
<p>Back and forth the egg wobbles, as whatever is inside gets more and more insistent. Until finally there's a loud 'crack!' and lines appear on the egg's surface, long spider-webbing cracks. Mina watches with fascination, wondering just what's about to emerge. A part of her is reeling with the idea that this, whatever it might be, is in some way her own child.</p>
<p>The creature within the egg shoves against the shell holding it place and after a moment the top half of the egg falls away. Mina's eyes go wide at what is revealed! It looks like... a small woman! A woman made of what looks like a semi-translucent slime with coloured skin and hair a rainbow of colour, who looks up at Mina with bright blue eyes just like her own.</p>
<<set _homunculusImage to "images/homuncuties/" + $createdHomunculus + "-hatch.png">>
<img class="passageImage" @src="_homunculusImage">
<<minaSpeak "W-woooow. Um. Hello!" "surprise">>
<p>The strange gooey woman continues to look up at Mina for a few seconds before she moves to climb out of what remains of her egg. Even as she does so she seems to growing, getting larger even as Mina watches. In less than a minute she stands nearly up to Mina's waist.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Haha, wow! You sure grew up fast! And so pretty too! Homnuculus, more like homuncutie!" "happy">>
<p>The woman seems pleased with the praise, a smile forming on her lips, but she does not seem to be able to respond verbally.</p>
<p>Mina bites her lips as she looks down at her creation, or perhaps she should consider the gooey girl her daughter? No, thoughts for another time! A homunculus is designed to carry out a task, and so Mina decides to set her to it!</p>
<<minaSpeak "Ok! Lemme think up a name for you and then I can send you on your way. You should know where to go, thanks to how you were made." "happy">>
<p><b>Name the newly created Homuncutie:</b> <<textbox "$homuncutie[$createdHomunculus].name" $homuncutie[$createdHomunculus].name>></p>
<p>The Homuncutie nods her head and starts to head off. Mina bites her lip, but then grins widely.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Good luck out there!" "happy">>
<<reduceStamina 80>>
<<addExp "Lewd" 16>>
<<addExp "Stamina" 16>>
<<set $homuncutie[$createdHomunculus].born to true>>
<<set $totalHomuncuties++>>
<<set $automationScreen to true>>
<<set $homuncutieAutomation to true>>
<<set $scenesSeen["Mina Lays an Egg"] to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["pit"] to false>>
<p>[[Return to the Pit|The Pit]]<br>
[[Return Home|Home]]</p>
<<set $replayMemory to false>>
<</if>><<set _src to "images/homuncuties/" + $spottedCutie + "-" + $cutieAction + ".png">>
<img class="passageImage" @src="_src"><img class="boxImage" src="images/allaya/fullbody.png"><img class="boxImage" src="images/aloeth/fullbody.png"><img class="boxImage" src="images/beth/fullbody.png"><img class="boxImage" src="images/jessica/fullbody.png"><img class="boxImage" src="images/philia/fullbody.png"><p>Posted up on the notice board is a public request for information on a mysterious armoured bandit. Mina wonders if this is the person that had attacked Allaya's caravan not long ago.</p>
<img class="boxImage" src="images/poster.png"><img class="boxImage" src="images/rockbiter/fullbody.png"><img class="boxImage" src="images/slime/fullbody.png"><img class="boxImage" src="images/vine/fullbody.png"><img class="boxImage" src="images/salamander/fullbody.png"><img class="boxImage" src="images/items/Forest Herb.png"><img class="boxImage" src="images/items/Cave Mushroom.png"><img class="boxImage" src="images/items/Slime Jelly.png"><img class="boxImage" src="images/items/Trueschist Marble.png"><img class="boxImage" src="images/items/Vine Pollen.png"><img class="boxImage" src="images/items/Salamander Scale.png"><img class="boxImage" src="images/items/Greenthorn Bark.png"><img class="boxImage" src="images/items/Homunculus Stone.png"><<if $innVisited is false && $currentTime != "Night">>
<p>The Nightshade Inn is the largest inn in Tenderbrook. Every day new travellers cycle through, heading to or from larger settlements. Mina doesn't really have much cause to visit, however her friend <<Philia>> works as a barmaid in the common room.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Hiiii Philia, how's things?" "happy">>
<<philiaSpeak "Oh, hi Mina! I'm run off my feet right now so I can't talk long bye!" "neutral">>
<<set $innVisited to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["inn"] to false>>
<<elseif $currentTime != "Night">>
<p>The inn bustles with activity. <<Philia>> rushes about the common room, serving drinks and food to the patrons.</p>
<<if $bridgeBuiltInformed is true && $bridgeCelebration is false>>
<p>[[Join the builders and adventurers for a quick drink|Bridge Celebration]]</p>
<p>[[Speak with Philia|Philia]] <<lewdCheck "philia" "philiaDay">></p>
<p>Most of the guests appear to have retired to their rooms.</p>
<<if $philiaInformed["Allure Potion"] is true && $stablesVisited is false>>
<p>Mina looks around to see if Philia is available to talk. At first it doesn't look like she is but then Mina spots a bright red ponytail ducking through the door that leads to the inn's stables.</p>
<p>[[Head to the stables to check it out|Stables]]</p>
<<elseif $stablesVisited is true>>
<p>[[Head out to the stables|Stables]]</p>
<<elseif $innVisited is true>>
<p>There's no sign of Philia however.</p>
<p>[[Back|Home]]</p><p>When you get right down to it, alchemy is a simple process! One needs only reagents, a medium to mix the reagents in, and a catalyst to get the reaction going.</p>
<p>Reagents come in many forms such as plants, various kinds of minerals or metals, and even sometimes something from a living creature. You need two different reagents to get a proper alchemical process going.</p>
<p>Mediums on the other hand are almost universally a fluid. Water is the most commonly used medium and is something Mina always has access to, thanks to her home sitting right at the bank of a river. Other mediums do exist though and can be used for more advanced potions!</p>
<p>Finally there are catalysts. Catalysts are usually some kind of gem or other precious stone infused with magic. Catalysts are not used up in the alchemical process, but more advanced ones can be quite expensive or hard to find. Thankfully Mina's mother left her with a chunk of glowing quartz!</p>
<p>Feel free to experiment with any reagents and mediums you find out there, any failed creations can always be dumped out into 'The Pit' behind Mina's house. This will surely have zero repercussions!</p>
<p>There are hints for new recipes out there however. Mina already has one in her journal and the local library may have more.</p><p>The Homuncuties are industrious creations! Every day they'll explore their respective areas searching high and low for materials useful for Mina.</p>
<p>Mina can collect anything they've collected at any time, however if Auto is activated then the Homuncuties will come home at the end of every night to deposit their goods by themselves.</p>
<p><b>Note: Homuncuties will need empty bottles to collect certain materials and will take them from Mina's supply if needed. If there are no bottles available the gathered material will be lost!</b></p><p>Mina blinks her eyes open and stares up at the ceiling.</p>
<<minaSpeak "What am I doing today..." "neutral">>
<p>It has been nearly a year since Mina's mother disappeared without a word, leaving behind her home and some basic alchemical tools. Mina's still not sure what caused this disappearance and what, if anything, she can do to get her mother to come back home.</p>
<p>In that time what gold her mother left behind has slowly but surely dwindled down to nothing, until now finally Mina has only a few coins to her name. Coins, and her rudimentary skill at her mother's craft of alchemy.</p>
<<minaSpeak "I... I guess I better figure something out!" "happy">>
<<minaSpeak "First things first. Better go over my notes in my journal, see if there's any potions I might be able to make!" "happy">>
<p>[[Get Started!|Home]]</p><<if ndef $jessicaHouseVisited is true || $jessicaHouseVisited is false>>
<p>Without thinking Mina pushes the door to Jessica's home open, just as she used to when she had come visiting with her mother, and steps inside. She grins wide as soon as she enters, immediately noticing how little has changed.</p>
<p>Shelves of precious mementos, knickknacks and keepsakes surround Mina, all carefully organized and preserved. The results of a lifetime of successful adventuring. And there, right in the centre of the room, a huge greatsword displayed with great pride. Mina waves to the sword.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Hiya Lucas!" "happy">>
<p>At the sound of Mina's voice there's a laugh from an adjacent room and Jessica steps through a door, shaking her head with amusement.</p>
<<jessicaSpeak "His sword is not a Farspeaking Crystal dear, he can't hear you through it." "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Maaaaybe, but still! I haven't seen Lucas since I was a kid so it's not like I get to say hello the normal way!" "pout">>
<p>Jessica rolls her eyes, but she's still smiling.</p>
<<jessicaSpeak "It would be nice to see the great Guildmaster of the illustrious Adventurer's Guild one of these days, it's true." "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Yeah! You and Allaya must get pretty lonely!" "pout">>
<<jessicaSpeak "Oh, Allaya is fine. She's very busy with her own adventuring career. Me on the other hand... well, there is a reason I've asked you to come visit!" "blush">>
<p>Mina blinks, taken aback by that response.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Uh... what do you mean?" "blush">>
<<jessicaSpeak "Well, you mentioned you'd developed a new kind of potion, yes? One that... increases elasticity?" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Yeah...." "think">>
<<jessicaSpeak "Your mother used to make something similar and her, Lucas and I made great use of it!" "happy">>
<<minaSpeak "Wait... Lucas, you AND Mum?" "surprise">>
<<jessicaSpeak "Oh yes! Lucas and I have always been <b>very</b> open about who we share our time with. Your mother was a favourite, considering all the concoctions she could whip up!" "happy">>
<p>Mina is dumbfounded, staring at Jessica with wide eyes. Then she starts to blush, a deep red flush that spreads out over her cheeks and even down her neck.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Ohmigosh! That's! That's...!" "blush">>
<<minaSpeak "...Wow!" "blush">>
<p>The corner of Jessica's mouth turns up in a small, knowing smile.</p>
<<jessicaSpeak "So then! I was hoping I could purchase one of these potions from you for my own, personal use." "neutral">>
<<jessicaSpeak "Unless, of course... you'd like to join me?" "happy">>
<p>Mina's mouth opens and closes a few times, her face stunned at the offer. After a few moments she shakes her head and rallies her thoughts.</p>
<<minaSpeak "I, um, yeah! I would! I'd like to see what you want to use it for... for a better understanding of my alchemy of course!" "blush">>
<<jessicaSpeak "Hm, yes, of course." "neutral">>
<<jessicaSpeak "Well, do you have one on you at the moment?" "neutral">>
<<set $scenesSeen["Jessica Nipple Toy"] to false>>
<<if $player.potions.has("Elasticity Elixir") is true>>
<<minaSpeak "I sure do!" "happy">>
<<jessicaSpeak "Then please, come join me in my room~" "horny">>
<<sceneLink "Follow Jessica into her room" "Jessica Nipple Toy">>
<<minaSpeak "Not right now, sorry." "sad">>
<<jessicaSpeak "Perfectly alright dear. You know where to find me once you brew up another one~" "happy">>
<<set $jessicaHouseVisited to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["jessica"] to false>>
<p>Mina enters Jessica's house again and finds the older woman polishing one of the mementos. She looks up at Mina's entrance.</p>
<<jessicaSpeak "Ah Mina, how lovely!" "happy">>
<<if $scenesSeen["Jessica Nipple Toy"] is false>>
<<if $player.potions.has("Elasticity Elixir") is true>>
<<jessicaSpeak "You wouldn't happen to have brought along any potions, would you?" "horny">>
<<minaSpeak "Yup!" "happy">>
<<jessicaSpeak "Excellent. Come along then~" "horny">>
<<jessicaSpeak "You wouldn't happen to have brought along any potions, would you?" "horny">>
<<minaSpeak "Oh, um, no actually sorry. I forgot~" "embarrassed">>
<<jessicaSpeak "Ah, so like your mother~" "neutral">>
<<sceneLink "Follow Jessica into her room" "Jessica Nipple Toy">>
<<minaSpeak "Evening Jessica! Just thought I'd pop in. How's things?" "happy">>
<<jessicaSpeak "I'm well, thank you for asking. And you?" "happy">>
<p>Mina and Jessica spend a little time catching up.</p>
[[Head Home|Home]]</p><div class="accordion">
<h3>Jessica's Stretchy Nipples</h3>
<p>With a big smile on her face Jessica leads Mina into a comfortable, well appointed room with a large and luxurious bed in its centre. More mementos are to be found here, trinkets and other precious items displayed on the tops of various pieces of furniture.</p>
<p>Mina is initially distracted by it all, wanting to get a look at each shiny amulet and glittering ring but with a laugh Jessica pulls her over towards the bed and sits her down. A moment later Jessica takes a seat next to the alchemist girl.</p>
<<jessicaSpeak "Well?" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Oh, right!" "embarrassed">>
<p>Reaching down Mina slips a hand into her satchel and retrieves an Elasticity Elixir. She holds it up, swirling the slightly luminescent blue fluid around a few times. Jessica watches with interest.</p>
<<jessicaSpeak "Hm, not quite what I remember... but let's give it a try!" "happy">>
<p>Jessica holds out a hand and accepts the bottle from Mina and takes out the cork. With careful grace she downs the contents and hands the empty bottle back. After a few more seconds a smile spreads across her face and she shivers with happiness.</p>
<<jessicaSpeak "Oooh yes, there it is!" "happy">>
<p>Then, before Mina can even say anything, Jessica takes hold of her blouse and pulls it over her head! Her bra quickly follows, leaving Mina wide eyed and staring at the bare and naked chest of her long time family friend.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/jessica/bare.png">
<<minaSpeak "W-wow... you're very pretty Jessica..." "blush">>
<<jessicaSpeak "Why thank you dear." "happy">>
<p>Then, Jessica lifts a hand up and cups one of her breasts. She slides her palm over the soft brown skin, smiling and fully aware that she is in a way putting on a show for Mina. As her fingers brush over her areola and then her nipple she lets out a soft, delighted sigh.</p>
<<jessicaSpeak "Oh yes... I can feel it, it's definitely working~" "horny">>
<<minaSpeak "In... in your nipple?" "surprise">>
<p>Instead of answering with words Jessica only smiles and squeezes her nipple between finger and thumb. She rolls it back and forth a few times in that light grip, feeling the sensitive nub swell with her rapidly growing arousal.</p>
<p>Mina leans forward, about to ask another question, only to be interrupted by Jessica's other hand lifting up to place a delicate finger on Mina's lips, accompanied by a shooshing sound from the older woman.</p>
<p>With a nod Mina keeps quiet and watches, her gaze locked on Jessica's breast and the nipple being massaged by Jessica's fingers. Then she lets out a gasp as Jessica presses the tip of one of her fingers against her nipple and begins to push!</p>
<p>Moaning with delight Jessica pushes her finger inside of her nipple, down to the first knuckle, and starts to wriggle it back and forth, until she can squeeze another finger in, and then another.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/jessica/fingering.png">
<<jessicaSpeak "Oh how I've missed this~" "horny">>
<p>Mina's cheeks are flushed a bright, bright red and she licks her lips as she stares wide eyed and almost in a whisper she mutters.</p>
<<minaSpeak "...those get stretchy as well...?" "surprise">>
<p>Jessica smiles at Mina and pushes her fingers in a little further to demonstrate, and then pulls them apart to spread her nipple out even futher.</p>
<<jessicaSpeak "Oh yes~ And it feels so very good~" "horny">>
<p>She closes her eyes for a moment and lets out another soft moan as she wiggles her fingers around some more. Then she opens one eye and looks at Mina while using her free hand to point over towards a particular shelf.</p>
<<jessicaSpeak "Would you like to test it yourself? How about you go and grab that toy over there?" "horny">>
<p>Mina looks to where Jessica's pointing and after a second she sees what's being indicated. There, sitting in pride of place, is a long, thick cylindrical object that appears to be made of gold. One side ends in a tapered tip, the other flat and embedded with a jewel.</p>
<p>A giggles escapes Mina as she tries to imagine just where such an artifact might have come from, but she quickly stifles it and picks the object up. Despite its smooth metallic surface it isn't nearly as cool to the touch as she expected, and in fact it's almost a little warmer than room temperature.</p>
<p>Curiosity filling her she carries the golden relic back to the bed and Jessica laughs at seeing the expression on Mina's face.</p>
<<jessicaSpeak "Perhaps I'll let you inspect it another time dear! Right now I think you should have a more pressing concern~" "happy">>
<p>Mina gasps and flushes with embarrassment. She looks to Jessica sheepishly and then, at the older woman's urging, she climbs up onto the bed and kneels down next to the merchant.</p>
<<minaSpeak "So... do I just...?" "blush">>
<<jessicaSpeak "Yes! Please, I need to feel it again!" "horny">>
<p>Not wanting to disappoint, Mina lifts the toy into place and lines it up with Jessica's nipple, which has gotten puffy with the woman's arousal and questing fingers moving about inside it. Jessica lets out a low moan at the sensation of that warm, smooth tip pressing against her.</p>
<p>Slowly, still a little cautious, Mina starts to push. At once the thinner, tapered tip of the object slips into the puffy nipple. Jessica groans and then urges Mina onwards, pushing her chest forward, trying to push more of the golden rod into her. Seeing that Jessica certainly doesn't seem to be in any pain Mina gets a better grip on the toy and pushes it forward again!</p>
<p>With a wet shlk well over an inch of the smooth shaft sinks into Jessica's breast, stretching her nipple around it. Jessica leans back, moaning with pure delight.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/jessica/dildopenetration.png">
<<jessicaSpeak "Oh Goddess yes! More Mina! Please more!" "horny">>
<p>Much more confident now Mina starts to pump the dildo back and forth, pushing it just a little deeper into Jessica's breast each and every time. She watches with fascination as more of that golden shaft disappears inside the soft, jiggling mound. It's so incredibly arousing that her thighs start rubbing together, a vain attempt to ease the growing heat between her legs.</p>
<p>Jessica's moans get louder and louder, interspersed now with little gasps and squeaks. Her breaths get faster and faster and between her own legs her pussy is gushing with her arousal, a veritable flood that starts to stain her skirt.</p>
<<jessicaSpeak "So close Mina... just a little more...!~" "horny">>
<p>Caught up in the moment Mina increases the speed and depth of her pumping hand, shoving that toy in so deep that the flat base depresses Jessica's nipple a little, while the gem flashes in the flickering light of the room's lamps. Again and again she shoves it in deep until finally Jessica's back arches and a keening wail escapes her lips.</p>
<<jessicaSpeak "C-CummmmmiiiIIIIINNNGGGGGGGGG!" "horny">>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/jessica/dildocum.png">
<p>Jessica's legs spasm and under her skirt her pussy quivers and sprays out her juices as that climax tears through her. Mina watches on, blushing furiously and biting her lip, still squirming with her own arousal and wondering just what it must feel like to have her own nipple stretched like this. One of her hands rises up to her chest and squeezes at one of her small breasts through her tip, eliciting a soft moan from her.</p>
<p>Ideas tumble through her brain, possibilities and fantasies all jumbling together. A shaky grin splits her face as the panting Jessica recovers enough to look up at her.</p>
<<jessicaSpeak "Thank you Mina dear, with all of my heart~" "happy">>
<<set $sceneSkip to false>>
<<if $replayMemory is false>>
<<usePotion "Elasticity Elixir">>
<<addExp "Lewd" 10>>
<<reduceStamina 30>>
<<addExp "Stamina" 6>>
<<set $scenesSeen["Jessica Nipple Toy"] to true>>
<<set $elasticityElixirUsed to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["jessica"] to false>>
<p><<link "Cuddle with Jessica for a little and then say goodbye" "Market">>
<p><<link "Return" "Memories">>
<<set $replayMemory to false>>
<<set $alternateScene to false>>
<</if>><div id="speaking">
<<jessicaSpeak "Hello Mina~" "neutral">>
<span id="allure">
<<if $recipesDiscovered["Allure Potion"] is true && $jessicaInformed["Allure Potion"] is false>>
<<link "Tell Jessica about the Allure Potion">>
<<replace "#speaking">>
<<minaSpeak "Hey Jessica I have great news!" "happy">>
<<jessicaSpeak "Oh? Do tell~" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "I discovered a new potion recipe! It apparently has 'luring' effects." "neutral">>
<p>Jessica contemplates Mina for a few moments before one corner of her mouth lifts in a knowing smile.</p>
<<jessicaSpeak "I think I know which one you mean. Your mother told me many interesting stories about how she made use of it." "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "O-oh! That's, um... that's good to know!" "blush">>
<<run scroll(0, 0)>>
<<set $jessicaInformed["Allure Potion"] to true>>
<<remove "#allure">>
<span id="elasticity">
<<if $recipesDiscovered["Elasticity Elixir"] is true && $jessicaInformed["Elasticity Elixir"] is false>>
<<link "Tell Jessica about the Elasticity Elixir">>
<<replace "#speaking">>
<<minaSpeak "Hiya Jessica!" "happy">>
<<jessicaSpeak "You seem to be in a good mood dear." "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Oh I am! I found a new potion!" "happy">>
<<jessicaSpeak "That's wonderful! And what does this one do?" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "It <<if $elasticityElixirUsed is false>>supposedly<</if>> makes the user stretchier!" "happy">>
<p>Jessica raises a hand to her mouth and gasps with surprise!</p>
<<jessicaSpeak "Oh my! Your mother used to make something quite similar. I do remember it quite fondy." "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Really? What did you use it for?" "neutral">>
<<jessicaSpeak "Ah, that's not something I can just share out in public Mina, please!" "neutral">>
<<jessicaSpeak "Why don't you swing by my home tonight? You remember where it is yes?" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Sure do! Is Allaya still living there as well? I haven't seen her in ages!" "happy">>
<<jessicaSpeak "She is yes. She's often out hunting however, or guarding caravans. You know how it is for adventurers." "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Aaaah yeah I should have figured." "neutral">>
<<jessicaSpeak "In any case, I hope to see you later on! In the meantime, I can likely take that new potion off your hands for a decent amount of gold, if you're willing to part with it." "neutral">>
<<run scroll(0, 0)>>
<<set $jessicaInformed["Elasticity Elixir"] to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["jessica"] to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["jessicaDay"] to false>>
<<remove "#elasticity">>
<<print " ❤︎">><br>
<span id="estradi">
<<if $recipesDiscovered["Estradi Potion"] is true && $jessicaInformed["Estradi Potion"] is false>>
<<link "Tell Jessica about the Estradi Potion">>
<<replace "#speaking">>
<<minaSpeak "Hi Jessica! You'll never guess who discovered a new potion!" "happy">>
<<jessicaSpeak "Oh? Hm... was it that friend of yours, Philia?" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Hmph! No, it was me!" "pout">>
<<minaSpeak "It's the Estradi Potion!" "happy">>
<<jessicaSpeak "Oh? Named for the Divine Goddess? I think I can guess what it does then." "surprise">>
<<minaSpeak "Haha yeah!" "happy">>
<<if $aloethInformed["Estradi Potion"] is false>>
<<minaSpeak "Not sure what use I'll get out of it." "neutral">>
<<jessicaSpeak "Oh I don't know. I'm sure there's somebody you know who might like to try it out~" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Huh?" "surprise">>
<<run scroll(0, 0)>>
<<set $jessicaInformed["Estradi Potion"] to true>>
<<remove "#estradi">>
<span id="shrinking">
<<if $recipesDiscovered["Shrinking Elixir"] is true && $jessicaInformed["Shrinking Elixir"] is false>>
<<link "Tell Jessica about the Shrinking Elixir">>
<<replace "#speaking">>
<<minaSpeak "Hello Jessica, it's me the alchemy genius!" "happy">>
<<jessicaSpeak "Ah, I expect this means you've found a new concoction?" "happy">>
<<minaSpeak "Sure have! It's a Shrinking Elixir!" "happy">>
<<jessicaSpeak "Hm, I see. Interesting. Had a chance to try it out yet?" "neutral">>
<<if $shrinkingElixirUsed is true>>
<<minaSpeak "Um... maybe!" "embarrassed">>
<<minaSpeak "Not yet!" "happy">>
<<run scroll(0, 0)>>
<<set $jessicaInformed["Shrinking Elixir"] to true>>
<<remove "#shrinking">>
<span id="homuncuties">
<<if $totalHomuncuties > 0 && $jessicaInformed["Homuncuties"] is false>>
<<link "Tell Jessica about the Homuncuties">>
<<replace "#speaking">>
<<minaSpeak "Hi Jessica! Guess what I've figured out how to make!" "happy">>
<<jessicaSpeak "Hm... I really couldn't begin to guess. A new kind of potion?" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Not this time! This time I've made a Homunculus! Or a Homuncutie as I like to call them." "happy">>
<<jessicaSpeak "Oh! Well that is impressive!" "surprise">>
<<jessicaSpeak "It took your mother quite some time before she figured that one out. She would make the truly strangest critters..." "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Huh! Really? I never saw any!" "surprise">>
<<jessicaSpeak "Yes indeed. She stopped making them by the time you came along, I remember her saying she didn't need them anymore." "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Oh, ok! I wonder what she meant..." "think">>
<<jessicaSpeak "I really couldn't say. Your mother's mind was always somewhat of a mystery to me." "happy">>
<<run scroll(0, 0)>>
<<set $jessicaInformed["Homuncuties"] to true>>
<<remove "#homuncuties">>
<p>[[Return|Market]]</p><p>A passage copied over from a tattered, partially burnt page left behind by Mina's mother.</p>
<p>'Alonge with <<catalyst "shining quartz">> and <<medium "cleare aqua">>, an alchemiste may adde <<reagent "leaf of red">> and <<reagent "cuppe of blue">> to produce a mixture that wille energize and rejuvenate.'</p><p>'The common Cave Slime'</p>
<p>'The origin of this curious creature is as yet unknown. Many have speculated that they form deep underground near veins of high-magic minerals or ores before seeping up through cracks in the rock to search for sustenance. As no one has seen this process occur however there is no real evidence to support this theory.'</p>
<p>'What is known is that the cave slime is a mostly harmless organism content to consume plants and refuse by taking matter into their gelatinous bodies which is broken down. Whatever the mechanics behind this process are, it is not enough to break down anything more solid than that, so slimes pose little threat to a person or animal.'</p>
<p>'Slimes will generally ignore other slimes. However it has been found that in certain, unknown circumstances, slimes will perform what may very well be considered "mating". They will push their bodies into each other and deposit a thicker substance commonly known as "Slime Jelly" into their partner. While dormant on its own, this jelly will coalesce when inside the body of a slime and slowly form a new slime.'</p>
<p>'There have been some reports that "Slime Jelly" may be used in alchemical reactions. One unverified account is that an alchemist found some success combining the <<reagent "jelly">> with the <<reagent "leaf">> of a particular plant within an unknown <<medium "sticky, sappy">> medium. The alchemist claims to have used basic <<catalyst "quartz">> as the catalyst. The alchemist claimed that the resulting elixir allowed for "increased elasticity of the body" however no verification for this claim was provided.'</p><p>'Amongst the magical creatures that populate our world, Rockbiters are one of the more curious specimens. Unlike nearly any other living being they subsist solely on magic itself.'</p>
<p>'They achieve this remarkable feat by consuming minerals that absorb magic, using a substance they produce within their bodies which will quickly combine with and break down rock and other similar materials into a kind of mineral gruel.'</p>
<p>'Despite their size and appearance, Rockbiters pose no threat to people. They have no territorial instinct that has been observed, potentially because there is nothing that is really a threat to their food supply. Predators similarly avoid them as their diet leads them be oddly nutritionless.'</p>
<p>'They are exceedingly rare in the modern day. This is because in the past they have been hunted so that their rock-melting saliva can be harvested. The saliva has shown some use in wartime application, but is also potentially useful as an alchemical medium.'</p>
<p>'There have been some reports that the <<reagent "bark">> of the shifting Greenthorn tree, along with a reagent sourced from <<reagent "other creatures">> that may be be found near a Rockbiter habitat performs well in <<medium "Rockbiter Goo">> alongside an <<catalyst "amethyst">> to catalyze the reaction.'</p>
<p>'The resulting potion will reportedly allow the imbiber to "shape" themselves into a more feminine form. Many theorize this is a combination of the morphable nature of the medium and reagents along with the influence of the amethyst, which has long been associated with the Divine Goddess Estradi. As such this is often called the Estradi Potion'</p>
<<if $bridgeCelebration is true>>
<p style="color:cyan;">I heard that rockbiters will use some kind of organ to deposit a lot of their rock melting fluid when they're trying to mate. I wonder if I could make use of that?</p>
<</if>><p>'Salamanders are an interesting species. For a long time they were not even considered a magical creature, just a mundane variety of lizard of unusual size and colouration. This was of course revised once their true nature was discovered.'</p>
<p>'Why it was never particularly questioned that a Salamander egg had never been found before is a mystery to me, but I am no great scholar of antiquity so perhaps they had other concerns diverting their attentions. Perhaps they were thrown off because outside of reproduction Salamanders tend to reside in more forested locales over volcanic regions.'</p>
<p>'Regardless, when an enterprising pair of rangers made the remarkable discovery that Salamanders lay their eggs in <b>lava</b>, or the next hottest place they can find, they were quickly reclassified.'</p>
<p>'Being so resilient to heat has lead to a rather sharp decline in Salander populations however, as they began to be hunted down in droves for their scales. Thankfully many regions of the world have now made it a crime to poach them. There are however less restrictions on acquiring their scales with less violent approaches.'</p>
<p>'This is perhaps a good thing as a Salamander Scale is indeed a remarkable thing. They can be used as effective heat shields in all sorts of applications, and they are also a useful reagent in alchemy. For example a common Fire Resistance Potion is created via these <<reagent "scales">> along with the <<reagent "jelly">> of a slime, using <<medium "water">> as a medium and <<catalyst "amethyst">> as a catalyst'</p><p>'The large flower species known as Vayra is an interesting specimen. Its pollen is a well known alchemical reagent, but what is not as well known is that its sap can also be used as an alchemical medium.'</p>
<p>'How one can ethically acquire this sap is however a cause for debate. It has been proposed that 'stimulating' the vines of the plant may result in some sap being released without harm to the organism.'</p>
<p>'There has been some measure of success in producing a mixture with luring effects using both <<reagent "pollen">> and the <<medium "sap">> of the Vayra along with certain <<reagent "fungi">> catalyzed with <<catalyst "quartz.">>'</p><p>'One can often find useful alchemical reagents in places one might least expect. Everyone knows that a glowing mushroom or the scale of a cockatrice are likely to cause a reaction, as they are after all known to be likely infused with magic.'</p>
<p>'It is the objects and materials in this world that are not so obviously magical that a discerning alchemist must keep an eye out for. A perfect example is the common <<reagent "trueschist marble.">></p>
<p>'Schist, as any scholar worth their salt should know, is a common rock, found all over the world, and has little use in the craft of alchemy. However in highly magical areas, often indicated by an abundance of magical creatures such as slimes or rockbiters, mundane minerals can sometimes also absorb some of this high ambient magic.'</p>
<p>'Trueschist is one example. As the schist absorbs this magic it will begin to coalesce together, some mechanism prompting the rock to form into small spheres. This often happens deep within the rock, creating small pockets underground.'</p>
<p>'When this process occurs within a cave however the spheres may remain embedded within the exposed wall, where an observant individual might find them and retrieve them. They can also fall to the cave floor, often ending up in mixed piles of pebbles. An enterprising alchemist may find them there.'</p>
<p>'There are many known mixtures one can create with a <<reagent "thrueschist marble.">> One popular example is the common Healing Potion which is often created by a reaction using <<catalyst "quartz">> and <<medium "water">> along with the restorative properties of <<reagent "Thurman's Redleaf.">>'</p><p>'The Greenthorn tree is quite peculiar. At first glance it appears to be no different from any normal tree. That is until one gets close enough to take note of the distinctive smell. While being quite offensive to our senses, the Greenthorn seems to use this scent to attract a particular variety of insect. These insects take up residence in burrows around the roots of the tree and their presence appears to provide sustenance to the tree, though we are not yet entirely sure how.'</p>
<p>'The other and much more impressive trait of the Greenthorn is its ability to defend itself. If something large enough, such as a bear, approaches the tree its surface will drastically change. Large thorns sharp and sturdy enough to pierce even some armour will erupt out of the tree's bark. Why it does this is still unclear. One theory is that it is to protect its the insects it hosts. Another is that it is sensitive to damage to its bark and as such does what it can to prevent anything from scratching at it.'</p>
<p>'Whatever the case, the Greenthorn can be dangerous to the unwary. If one is small and careful enough however, it is possible to get close enough to a Greenthorn to retrieve bark that has fallen loose on its own. This is well worth the effort as the bark itself has some magical properties. Enough that some alchemists have found use for it.'</p>
<p>'One such example is the Shrinking Elixir. A sample of Greenthorn <<reagent "bark">> mixed with <<reagent "pollen">> of the Vayra in a <<medium "mineral solvent">> is the most commonly known recipe. It does however require a powerful catalyst of at least an <<catalyst "amethyst">> grade.'</p><p>'Over the course of history there have been many methods of determining the amount of ambient magic there is concentrated in a single location. Certain plants or animals can be sensitive to magic and can be used somewhat reliably for this purpose, for instance. Some people are simply born with an innate sense for magic. Certain practioners of the mystic arts such as witches have rituals they may perform.'</p>
<p>'What I will be discussing here however is a tried, true and reliable method: alchemy! Through what must have been much trial and error, the alchemists of yore found and perfected the creation of an item that will reliably react in predictable ways to the presence of concentrated magic nearby. This item has come to be known as a Magic Scryer.'</p>
<p>'Creating one is quite simple. Any <<reagent "stone sufficiently infused with magic">> is used as a base for the item. This is combined with another durable reagent such as the <<reagent "scale of a Salamander.">> If catalyzed correctly and quickly within the <<medium "secretions of a Rockbiter">> with an <<catalyst "amethyst">> a skilled alchemist can reproduce this useful item for themselves.'</p><div id="homunculus-page">
<<include "Homunculus Creation Page 1">>
</div><p>'The humble Homunculus. A loyal and diligent servant that can serve an alchemist for many years. But how are they created?'</p>
<p>'There are, as one might expect, many methods. Some of these are lost to time, others hoarded as secrets by the wealthy or powerful. All that said however, there is one method that is well known: the Homunculus Stone'</p>
<p>'The Homunculus Stone is a alchemically created stone that, under the right conditions, can manifest a Homunculus. I will go over these conditions later, for now I would like to focus on how one may create a Homunculus Stone.'</p>
<p>'Like many alchemically created items made of stone, magically infused rock such as <<reagent "Trueschist">> makes for a good base reagent. As an "egg" of sorts, an object with the potential for life, <<reagent "Slime Jelly">> can act as a kind of guiding force for the Stone. As for a catalyst, simple quartz is not enough. For less powerful Homunculus an <<catalyst "amethyst">> should suffice however.'</p>
<p>'It is however the medium that is the key factor in the creation of a Stone. Unlike more mundane alchemical reactions, a stone requires a medium that will give the resulting Homunculus its purpose, and for that we use a potion. For example a Homunculus created for hauling heavy objects might use a Potion of Strength as its medium.'</p>
<p>'Ah, but you might be asking how you can use a potion as a medium? "Surely all alchemists know that attempting to catalyze an already catalyzed concoction is dangerous!" you might be saying to yourself. And this is true! However, there is a way. There are substances that can, when added to a potion, negate its volatility. This will of course render the potion unusable for its original purpose, but will make it suitable for catalyzing.'</p>
<p>'I will not list all substances that can serve this purpose, as there are many, but I can note down one that is relatively common: the bark of a Greenthorn. Add <<medium "this to a potion still fresh within a cauldron to create your Homunculus medium.">>'</p>
<p data-nokeys="true">Page 1 - <<link "Page 2">><<replace "#homunculus-page">><<include "Homunculus Creation Page 2">><</replace>><</link>></p><p>'Creating a Homunculus Stone is of course only the first step, there are three more.'</p>
<p>'The second step is to charge the stone with magic. This can be done in a few ways, but the easiest is to place it in a location high in concentrated magic. You might think such a location might be hard to come across, but fret not. An alchemist already has the tools to <b>create</b> such a location. After all, what is an alchemical concoction if not concentrated magic? Even failed catalyzations are still rich in magic. <b>Any location an alchemist discards their creations is ideal for charging a Homunculus stone, provided they have discarded enough.</b>'</p>
<p>'The third step is to "train" the Homunculus. If you provide the Stone information while it is charging, it will imprint that knowledge. In the example used earlier of a hauling Homunculus, one might surround the Stone with the objects the Homunculus is intended to haul during this process.'</p>
<p>'The final step is to "activate" the Stone. This means something to trigger it to transform, to create life, albeit artificial life, where there was none before. The method for doing so can vary, as it is strangely dependent on the temperament of the alchemist creating the Homculus. <b>A good rule of thumb is to provide the Stone somewhere warm and snug, within which it can "incubate."</b>'</p>
<p>'Provided you've done everything correctly, you'll soon have yourself a perfect servant! This is an important step for any true alchemist.'</p>
<p data-nokeys="true"><<link "Page 1">><<replace "#homunculus-page">><<include "Homunculus Creation Page 1">><</replace>><</link>> - Page 2</p><p>Mina inspects the new shelves she has access to with a big grin.</p>
<<if $hintsLearned["Rockbiter"] is false || $hintsLearned["Trueschist Marble"] is false || $hintsLearned["Salamander Scale"] is false || $hintsLearned["Greenthorn Bark"] is false>>
<<minaSpeak "Time to do some research!" "happy">>
<<minaSpeak "I think I've found everything there is to find here!" "happy">>
<div style="display: inline-block; min-width: 600px;">
<p class="researchLine">
<span class="researchItem">
<<if $hintsLearned["Greenthorn Bark"] is false>>
<<link "Research something botanical">>
<<set $research["Botanical"] += (15 + $skills["Botany"].level)>>
<<updateMeter "Botanical" "#botanicalMeter" "BotanyMeter">>
<<reduceStamina 10>>
<<if $research["Botanical"] >= setup.researchLimits["Botanical"]>>
<<run Dialog.create("Research Complete!"); Dialog.wiki("<p>Mina searches through the books and tomes and finds an interesting passage about a plant.</p>");Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Greenthorn Bark").text); Dialog.open()>>
<<set $hintsLearned["Greenthorn Bark"] to true>>
<<set $research["Botanical"] to 0>>
<<goto "Library">>
<<elseif $currentTime is "Night" || $player.stamina is 0>>
<<goto "Library">>
<<run Dialog.close()>>
All botanical research discovered!
<span class="researchItem" id="botanicalMeter">
<<if $hintsLearned["Greenthorn Bark"] is false>>
<<set _Value to $research["Botanical"]>>
<<set _Limit to setup.researchLimits["Botanical"]>>
<progress class="BotanyMeter" @value="_Value" min= 0 @max="_Limit"></progress>
<p class="researchLine">
<span class="researchItem">
<<if $hintsLearned["Trueschist Marble"] is false>>
<<link "Research something geological">>
<<set $research["Geological"] += (25)>>
<<updateMeter "Geological" "#geologicalMeter" "GeologyMeter">>
<<reduceStamina 10>>
<<if $research["Geological"] >= setup.researchLimits["Geological"]>>
<<run Dialog.create("Research Complete!"); Dialog.wiki("<p>Mina searches through the books and tomes and finds an interesting passage about some minerals.</p>");Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Trueschist Marble").text); Dialog.open()>>
<<set $hintsLearned["Trueschist Marble"] to true>>
<<set $research["Geological"] to 0>>
<<goto "Library">>
<<elseif $currentTime is "Night" || $player.stamina is 0>>
<<goto "Library">>
<<run Dialog.close()>>
All geological research discovered!
<span class="researchItem" id="geologicalMeter">
<<if $hintsLearned["Trueschist Marble"] is false>>
<<set _Value to $research["Geological"]>>
<<set _Limit to setup.researchLimits["Geological"]>>
<progress class="GeologyMeter" @value="_Value" @max="_Limit"></progress>
<p class="researchLine">
<span class="researchItem">
<<if $hintsLearned["Rockbiter"] is false || $hintsLearned["Salamander Scale"] is false>>
<<link "Research magical creatures">>
<<set $research["Creature"] += (15 + $skills["Lewd"].level)>>
<<updateMeter "Creature" "#creatureMeter" "StaminaMeter">>
<<reduceStamina 10>>
<<if $research["Creature"] >= setup.researchLimits["Creature"]>>
<<if $hintsLearned["Rockbiter"] is false>>
<<set _discoveredCreature to "Rockbiter">>
<<set _discoveredCreature to "Salamander Scale">>
<<run Dialog.create("Research Complete!"); Dialog.wiki("<p>Mina searches through the books and tomes and finds an interesting passage about a magical creature.</p>");Dialog.wiki(Story.get(_discoveredCreature).text); Dialog.open()>>
<<set $hintsLearned[_discoveredCreature] to true>>
<<set $research["Creature"] to 0>>
<<goto "Library">>
<<elseif $currentTime is "Night" || $player.stamina is 0>>
<<goto "Library">>
<<run Dialog.close()>>
All creature research discovered!
<span class="researchItem" id="creatureMeter">
<<if $hintsLearned["Rockbiter"] is false || $hintsLearned["Salamander Scale"] is false>>
<<set _Value to $research["Creature"]>>
<<set _Limit to setup.researchLimits["Creature"]>>
<progress class="StaminaMeter" @value="_Value" min= 0 @max="_Limit"></progress>
</div><p>Mina looks over the selection of shelves she has access to, tapping a finger against her chin in thought.</p>
<<if $hintsLearned["Vayra Sap"] is false || $hintsLearned["Common Cave Slime"] is false>>
<<minaSpeak "What to research..." "think">>
<<minaSpeak "I think I've found everything there is to find here!" "happy">>
<p class="researchLine">
<span class="researchItem">
<<if $hintsLearned["Vayra Sap"] is false>>
<<link "Research something botanical">>
<<set $research["Botanical"] += (30 + $skills["Botany"].level)>>
<<updateMeter "Botanical" "#botanicalMeter" "BotanyMeter">>
<<reduceStamina 10>>
<<if $research["Botanical"] >= setup.researchLimits["Botanical"]>>
<<run Dialog.create("Research Complete!"); Dialog.wiki("<p>Mina searches through the books and tomes and finds an interesting passage about a plant.</p>");Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Vayra Sap").text); Dialog.open()>>
<<set $hintsLearned["Vayra Sap"] to true>>
<<set $research["Botanical"] to 0>>
<<goto "Library">>
<<elseif $currentTime is "Night" || $player.stamina is 0>>
<<goto "Library">>
<<run Dialog.close()>>
All botanical research discovered!
<span class="researchItem" id="botanicalMeter">
<<if $hintsLearned["Vayra Sap"] is false>>
<<set _Value to $research["Botanical"]>>
<<set _Limit to setup.researchLimits["Botanical"]>>
<progress class="BotanyMeter" @value="_Value" min= 0 @max="_Limit"></progress>
<p class="researchLine">
<span class="researchItem">
<<if $hintsLearned["Common Cave Slime"] is false>>
<<link "Research magical creatures">>
<<set $research["Creature"] += (34)>>
<<updateMeter "Creature" "#creatureMeter" "StaminaMeter">>
<<reduceStamina 10>>
<<if $research["Creature"] >= setup.researchLimits["Creature"]>>
<<run Dialog.create("Research Complete!"); Dialog.wiki("<p>Mina searches through the books and tomes and finds an interesting passage about a magical creature.</p>");Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Common Cave Slime").text); Dialog.open()>>
<<set $hintsLearned["Common Cave Slime"] to true>>
<<set $research["Creature"] to 0>>
<<goto "Library">>
<<elseif $currentTime is "Night" || $player.stamina is 0>>
<<goto "Library">>
<<run Dialog.close()>>
All creature research discovered!
<span class="researchItem" id="creatureMeter">
<<if $hintsLearned["Common Cave Slime"] is false>>
<<set _Value to $research["Creature"]>>
<<set _Limit to setup.researchLimits["Creature"]>>
<progress class="StaminaMeter" @value="_Value" min= 0 @max="_Limit"></progress>
</div><<if true>>
<p>Mina puts her hands on her hips and marvels at all the new tomes she has access to!</p>
<<minaSpeak "So much to learn!" "happy">>
<<minaSpeak "I think I must have found everything there is to find here!" "happy">>
<div style="display: inline-block; min-width: 600px;">
<p class="researchLine">
<span class="researchItem">
<<if ndef $falsevariable is false>>
<<link "Research something botanical">>
<<set $research["Botanical"] += (15 + $skills["Botany"].level)>>
<<updateMeter "Botanical" "#botanicalMeter" "BotanyMeter">>
<<reduceStamina 10>>
<<if $research["Botanical"] >= setup.researchLimits["Botanical"]>>
<<run Dialog.create("Research Complete!"); Dialog.wiki("<p>Mina searches through the books and tomes and finds an interesting passage about a plant.</p>");Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Greenthorn Bark").text); Dialog.open()>>
<<set $hintsLearned["Greenthorn Bark"] to true>>
<<set $research["Botanical"] to 0>>
<<goto "Library">>
<<elseif $currentTime is "Night" || $player.stamina is 0>>
<<goto "Library">>
<<run Dialog.close()>>
No botanical research here this version!
<span class="researchItem" id="botanicalMeter">
<<if $hintsLearned["Greenthorn Bark"] is false>>
<<set _Value to $research["Botanical"]>>
<<set _Limit to setup.researchLimits["Botanical"]>>
<progress class="BotanyMeter" @value="_Value" min= 0 @max="_Limit"></progress>
<p class="researchLine">
<span class="researchItem">
<<if ndef $falsevariable is false>>
<<link "Research something geological">>
<<set $research["Geological"] += (25)>>
<<updateMeter "Geological" "#geologicalMeter" "GeologyMeter">>
<<reduceStamina 10>>
<<if $research["Geological"] >= setup.researchLimits["Geological"]>>
<<run Dialog.create("Research Complete!"); Dialog.wiki("<p>Mina searches through the books and tomes and finds an interesting passage about some minerals.</p>");Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Trueschist Marble").text); Dialog.open()>>
<<set $hintsLearned["Trueschist Marble"] to true>>
<<set $research["Geological"] to 0>>
<<goto "Library">>
<<elseif $currentTime is "Night" || $player.stamina is 0>>
<<goto "Library">>
<<run Dialog.close()>>
No geological research here this version!
<span class="researchItem" id="geologicalMeter">
<<if $hintsLearned["Trueschist Marble"] is false>>
<<set _Value to $research["Geological"]>>
<<set _Limit to setup.researchLimits["Geological"]>>
<progress class="GeologyMeter" @value="_Value" @max="_Limit"></progress>
<p class="researchLine">
<span class="researchItem">
<<if ndef $falsevariable is false>>
<<link "Research magical creatures">>
<<set $research["Creature"] += (15 + $skills["Lewd"].level)>>
<<updateMeter "Creature" "#creatureMeter" "StaminaMeter">>
<<reduceStamina 10>>
<<if $research["Creature"] >= setup.researchLimits["Creature"]>>
<<if $hintsLearned["Rockbiter"] is false>>
<<set _discoveredCreature to "Rockbiter">>
<<set _discoveredCreature to "Salamander Scale">>
<<run Dialog.create("Research Complete!"); Dialog.wiki("<p>Mina searches through the books and tomes and finds an interesting passage about a magical creature.</p>");Dialog.wiki(Story.get(_discoveredCreature).text); Dialog.open()>>
<<set $hintsLearned[_discoveredCreature] to true>>
<<set $research["Creature"] to 0>>
<<goto "Library">>
<<elseif $currentTime is "Night" || $player.stamina is 0>>
<<goto "Library">>
<<run Dialog.close()>>
No creature research here this version!
<span class="researchItem" id="creatureMeter">
<<if $hintsLearned["Rockbiter"] is false || $hintsLearned["Salamander Scale"] is false>>
<<set _Value to $research["Creature"]>>
<<set _Limit to setup.researchLimits["Creature"]>>
<progress class="StaminaMeter" @value="_Value" min= 0 @max="_Limit"></progress>
<p class="researchLine">
<span class="researchItem">
<<if $hintsLearned["Magical Scrying"] is false || $hintsLearned["Homunculus Creation"] is false>>
<<link "Research magical artifacts">>
<<set $research["Artifacts"] += (15 + $skills["Lewd"].level)>>
<<updateMeter "Artifacts" "#artifactMeter" "LewdMeter">>
<<reduceStamina 10>>
<<if $research["Artifacts"] >= setup.researchLimits["Artifacts"]>>
<<if $hintsLearned["Magical Scrying"] is false>>
<<set _discoveredArtifact to "Magical Scrying">>
<<set _discoveredArtifact to "Homunculus Creation">>
<<run Dialog.create("Research Complete!"); Dialog.wiki("<p>Mina searches through the books and tomes and finds an interesting passage about a magical artifact.</p>");Dialog.wiki(Story.get(_discoveredArtifact).text); Dialog.open()>>
<<set $hintsLearned[_discoveredArtifact] to true>>
<<set $research["Artifacts"] to 0>>
<<goto "Library">>
<<elseif $currentTime is "Night" || $player.stamina is 0>>
<<goto "Library">>
<<run Dialog.close()>>
All artifact research discovered!
<span class="researchItem" id="artifactMeter">
<<if $hintsLearned["Magical Scrying"] is false || $hintsLearned["Homunculus Creation"] is false>>
<<set _Value to $research["Artifacts"]>>
<<set _Limit to setup.researchLimits["Artifacts"]>>
<progress class="LewdMeter" @value="_Value" min= 0 @max="_Limit"></progress>
</div><<widget 'updateMeter'>>
<<replace _args[1]>>
<<set _Value to $research[_args[0]]>>
<<set _Limit to setup.researchLimits[_args[0]]>>
<progress @class=_args[2] @value="_Value" min= 0 @max="_Limit"></progress>
<</widget>><<minusGold setup.donations["First"]>>
<p>With a simple nod the librarian accepts the gold from Mina.</p>
<<npcSpeak "The library thanks you for your generous donation, miss." "librarian">>
<p>Reaching under his desk he pulls out a small, flat block of wood with an intricate carving on one face. Treating it with great care he hands it over to Mina.</p>
<<npcSpeak "Please, take this. Showing it to one of the librarians at the door's to the first wing of the private section will let them know that you are a trusted friend of the library and that you should be given access." "librarian">>
<p>As he speaks he gestures to one of the doors that lead out of the public section, where another of the well dressed librarians is stationed behind a small desk.</p>
<p>Taking the offered piece of wood Mina grins widely.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Thank you so very much sir!" "happy">>
<<set $firstWingAccessible to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["library"] to false>>
<p>[[Return|Library]]</p><<minusGold setup.donations["Second"]>>
<p>The elderly librarian takes the gold offered by Mina and stores it away.</p>
<<npcSpeak "The Master will be very pleased. This will allow the library to procure some rare tomes indeed." "librarian">>
<p>Once again he reaches under his desk and pulls out another carved piece of wood to hand over to Mina.</p>
<<npcSpeak "Here you are. Treat this with great care if you would be so kind." "librarian">>
<<minaSpeak "Of course! Thanks very much sir!" "happy">>
<<set $secondWingAccessible to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["library"] to false>>
<p>[[Return|Library]]</p><<if $libraryVisited is false && $currentTime != "Night">>
<p>Mina enters the village library, eyes wide as always. This large collection of tomes and scrolls is owned by a local wealthy individual, one whose identity is mostly a mystery. While some of it is open to the public, much of it is not.</p>
<p>The library is run and maintained by a small group of librarians hired by the wealthy owner. One of these is <<Aloeth>> who has been a friend of Mina's since they were kids. Upon spotting him Mina rushes over to say hello!</p>
<<minaSpeak "Hiiii~" "happy">>
<<minaSpeak "What's up Alo'eth?" "neutral">>
<<aloethSpeak "Ah, Mina. Greetings. How can I help you today?" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Wellll, I was wondering if maybe I could just take a quick pee-" "neutral">>
<<aloethSpeak "Please Mina. How many times must I tell you? The owner will not allow you entry into the restricted sections without reason. A small donation to the library maybe..." "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Awwww c'mon Eth you know I don't have any money!" "neutral">>
<<aloethSpeak "Well in that case Mina perhaps you should make some?" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Hmph!" "pout">>
<p>Alo'Eth lets out a small sigh.</p>
<<aloethSpeak "Are you absolutely certain you have checked everything within the public section Mina? Why not search some more for now?" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Hmph again! But I suppooooose I can do that." "pout">>
<<set $libraryVisited to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["library"] to false>>
<p><<link "Search the public library">>
<<run Dialog.create("Search the library");
Dialog.wikiPassage("Library Public Section");
<<goto "Library">>
<<elseif $currentTime != "Night">>
<p>The library is quiet apart from a few librarians moving about through the stacks. Mina can see <<Aloeth>> moving quietly between the shelves, doing whatever inscrutable thing it is librarians do.</p>
<p>[[Speak to Alo'Eth|Alo'Eth]] <<lewdCheck "aloeth" "aloethDay">></p>
<<if $player.stamina > 0>>
<<link "Search the public library">>
<<run Dialog.create("Search the Public Section");
Dialog.wikiPassage("Library Public Section");
<<if $firstWingAccessible is true>>
<<link "Search the First Wing">>
<<run Dialog.create("Search the First Wing");
Dialog.wikiPassage("Library First Wing");
<<if $secondWingAccessible is true>>
<<link "Search the Second Wing">>
<<run Dialog.create("Search the Second Wing");
Dialog.wikiPassage("Library Second Wing");
Mina is too tired for study.
<p>[[Donate to the Library|Library Donation]] <<eventCheck "library" "library">></p>
<p>The library is closed after dark. Its doors are locked to Mina.</p>
<<if $aloethInformed["Estradi Potion"] is true>>
<p>Attached to the library is a set of apartments that some of the librarians make use of.</p>
<p>[[Visit Alo'Eth's Apartment|Alo'Eth Apartment]]</p>
<p><<if $firstWingAccessible is true && $allayaMet is false>>
[[Back|Allaya Appears]]
<</if>></p><<set _donationFirst to setup.donations["First"]>>
<<set _donationSecond to setup.donations["Second"]>>
<<if $donationVisited is false>>
<p>Mina heads over to the main desk to be found within the public library, where an elderly librarian is currently sitting in a chair and perusing some ledgers.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Hello there!" "happy">>
<p>After several long moments, with Mina almost coming to the conclusion that the librarian hadn't heard her, the aged face looks up and peers at her.</p>
<<npcSpeak "Hm? Yes? What is it miss?" "librarian">>
<<minaSpeak "I'd like to make a donation to the library please! I've been told that doing so will let me have a peek into one of the more restricted sections..." "happy">>
<p>The librarian continues to peer at Mina, looking her up and down a little skeptically.</p>
<<npcSpeak "And who exactly told you that, hm?" "librarian">>
<<minaSpeak "Oh, uh, hm... I can't remember sorry!" "embarrassed">>
<p>The librarian grunts and shakes his head. Then he inspects Mina all over again, a little more carefully this time.</p>
<<if $hintsLearned["Vayra Sap"] is true && $hintsLearned["Common Cave Slime"] is true>>
<<npcSpeak "Hm, well, in any case. You do seem dedicated to your studies young miss. Perhaps such an arrangement <i>might</i> be possible." "librarian">>
<<minaSpeak "Yay!" "happy">>
<<npcSpeak "I believe a fair donation for such a privilege might be..." "librarian">>
<p>He goes over one ledger, running a finger down one of the number columns.</p>
<<npcSpeak "Yes. Yes I think _donationFirst gold coins would be sufficient." "librarian">>
<p>Mina is stunned. She stares at the librarian for several long, drawn out seconds, her eyes wide and her mouth falling open.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Th-Thr-three hundred?!" "surprise">>
<<npcSpeak "Indeed yes. I believe that would satisfy the Master at least." "librarian">>
<<set $firstDonationEligible to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["library"] to false>>
<<npcSpeak "Hm... no, I do not think you have the respect for the library that warrants such a privilege. My apologies. Please demonstrate a healthy willingness to devote time to study before you make this request again." "librarian">>
<<minaSpeak "Aww that's no fun..." "pout">>
<<set $firstDonationEligible to false>>
<<set $donationVisited to true>>
<<elseif $firstWingAccessible is false>>
<p>The elderly librarian looks up as Mina approaches.</p>
<<if $firstDonationEligible is true>>
<<npcSpeak "Welcome back Miss. Have you brought the required gold today?" "librarian">>
<<elseif $hintsLearned["Vayra Sap"] is true && $hintsLearned["Common Cave Slime"] is true>>
<<npcSpeak "Ah, young miss. I understand you have been devoting your time to study. Commendable!" "librarian">>
<<minaSpeak "So you'll let me donate then?" "happy">>
<<npcSpeak "Certainly. As a show of respect to the library and the Master, a small donation of _donationFirst gold pieces would grant you access to the first private wing." "librarian">>
<p>Mina's eyes go wide.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Wh-what?! That's so much!" "surprise">>
<p>The librarian simply shrugs and goes back to his reading.</p>
<<set $firstDonationEligible to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["library"] to false>>
<<npcSpeak "I still do not think you have been putting enough time into study, miss." "librarian">>
<<elseif $secondWingAccessible is false>>
<<if $secondDonationEligible is true>>
<p>The librarian smiles as Mina approaches.</p>
<<npcSpeak "Good day to you miss. Are you here to make a donation?" "librarian">>
<p>The librarian smiles as Mina approaches.</p>
<<npcSpeak "Good day to you miss. I take it you are interested in making another generous donation to the library?" "librarian">>
<<minaSpeak "Um, yeah, if I can!" "happy">>
<<if $hintsLearned["Trueschist Marble"] && $hintsLearned["Rockbiter"] && $hintsLearned["Salamander Scale"] && $hintsLearned["Greenthorn Bark"]>>
<p>The librarian glances down at some notes on his desk.</p>
<<npcSpeak "Ah yes. I do see you have been quite the diligent little researcher. I do believe the Master would be happy to accept your gracious assistance." "librarian">>
<<minaSpeak "Hm. And just how much assistance would that be?" "think">>
<<npcSpeak "Oh, I think perhaps _donationSecond would be suitable." "librarian">>
<<minaSpeak "Hm<b>mmmm.</b>" "pout">>
<<set $secondDonationEligible to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["library"] to false>>
<p>The librarian shakes his head.</p>
<<npcSpeak "No, I regret to inform you that I do not think you have some sufficient interest in the art of learning miss." "librarian">>
<<minaSpeak "Whaaat? Hmph!" "pout">>
<<npcSpeak "Come back another time miss." "librarian">>
<<if $firstDonationEligible is true && $firstWingAccessible is false>>
<<if $player.gold < _donationFirst>>
<b>Not enough gold to donate!</b>
<<link "Donate _donationFirst Gold" "First Wing Open">>
<<if $secondDonationEligible is true && $secondWingAccessible is false>>
<<if $player.gold < _donationSecond>>
<b>Not enough gold to donate!</b>
<<link "Donate _donationSecond Gold" "Second Wing Open">>
<p>[[Return|Library]]</p><<widget 'plusGold'>>
<<set $player.gold to Math.clamp($player.gold + _args[0], 0, Infinity)>>
<<replace "#gold">><<= $player.gold>><</replace>>
<<widget 'minusGold'>>
<<set $player.gold to Math.clamp($player.gold - _args[0], 0, Infinity)>>
<<replace "#gold">><<= $player.gold>><</replace>>
<<widget 'buyLink'>>
<<set _item to _args[0]>>
<<set _price to setup.prices[_item] || 1>>
<p class="shopScreen">
<span class="shopItem">_item</span>
<span class="shopItem">_price G</span>
<span class="shopItem">
<<capture _item, _price>>
<<link "Buy">>
<<if $player.gold < _price>>
<<run UI.alert("Mina doesn't have enough gold!")>>
<<minusGold _price>>
<<pickup $player.items _item 1>>
<<link "Buy x5">>
<<if $player.gold < _price * 5>>
<<run UI.alert("Mina doesn't have enough gold!")>>
<<set _multipliedPrice to _price * 5>>
<<minusGold _multipliedPrice>>
<<pickup $player.items _item 5>>
<<link "Buy x10">>
<<if $player.gold < _price * 10>>
<<run UI.alert("Mina doesn't have enough gold!")>>
<<set _multipliedPrice to _price * 10>>
<<minusGold _multipliedPrice>>
<<pickup $player.items _item 10>>
<<widget 'buyLinkUnique'>>
<<set _item to _args[0]>>
<<set _price to setup.prices[_item] || 1>>
<p @data-item="_item" class="shopScreen">
<span class="shopItem">_item</span>
<span class="shopItem">_price G</span>
<span class="shopItem">
<<capture _item, _price>>
<<link "Buy">>
<<if $player.gold < _price>>
<<run UI.alert("Mina doesn't have enough gold!")>>
<<minusGold _price>>
<<pickup $player.catalysts _item 1>>
<<set $purchasedUniques[_item] to true>>
<<remove `"p.shopScreen[data-item=\"" + _item + "\"]"`>>
<<set $eventNotification["market"] to false>>
<</link>> <<if $player.gold >= setup.prices["Luminous Amethyst"]>><<print " ⬤">><</if>>
<<widget 'sellLink'>>
<<set _item to _args[0]>>
<<set _amount to _args[1]>>
<<set _bag to _args[2]>>
<<set _price to setup.prices[_item] || 1>>
<p @data-item="_item" class="shopScreen">
<span class="shopItem">_item</span>
<span class="shopItem count">$player[_bag].data[_item]</span>
<span class="shopItem">_price G</span>
<span class="shopItem">
<<capture _item, _amount, _price, _bag>>
<<link "Sell">>
<<plusGold _price>>
<<drop $player[_bag] _item 1>>
<<if $player[_bag].data[_item] > 0>>
<<replace `"p.shopScreen[data-item=\"" + _item + "\"] > .count"`>>$player[_bag].data[_item]<</replace>>
<<remove `"p.shopScreen[data-item=\"" + _item + "\"]"`>>
<<link "x5">>
<<if $player[_bag].data[_item] >= 5>>
<<set _multiplePrice to _price * 5>>
<<plusGold _multiplePrice>>
<<drop $player[_bag] _item 5>>
<<if $player[_bag].data[_item] > 0>>
<<replace `"p.shopScreen[data-item=\"" + _item + "\"] > .count"`>>$player[_bag].data[_item]<</replace>>
<<remove `"p.shopScreen[data-item=\"" + _item + "\"]"`>>
<<run Dialog.create("Not Enough"); Dialog.wiki("Mina doesn't have enough to sell that many!"); Dialog.open()>>
<<link "Sell All">>
<<set _multiplePrice to _price * $player[_bag].data[_item]>>
<<plusGold _multiplePrice>>
<<drop $player[_bag] _item $player[_bag].data[_item]>>
<<remove `"p.shopScreen[data-item=\"" + _item + "\"]"`>>
<</widget>><<if $marketVisited is false && $currentTime != "Night">>
<p>The markets of Tenderbrook are a bustling, busy place, packed to the brim with local merchants and traders passing through. One can find many things here.</p>
<p><<Jessica>> is one of the local merchants and she was a good friend to Mina's mother. Mina spots her at her stall and heads over to greet her with a friendly wave.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Hello Jessica!" "happy">>
<<jessicaSpeak "Oh my, if it isn't my favourite customer. How are you today Mina?" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Haha, oh, you know, can't complain!" "happy">>
<<minaSpeak "I can't really be your favourite customer though Jessica, I can barely afford to buy anything at this point..." "blush">>
<<jessicaSpeak "Is that so? Hm..." "neutral">>
<<jessicaSpeak "You know, I would be willing to buy potions off of you, or perhaps even some reagents. I'm sure I could sell them on to one of the travelling traders!" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "No way! Really? That would be amazing Jessica oh wow I love you!" "happy">>
<<jessicaSpeak "Speak nothing of it darling. I used to do something similar for your mother, back when she was just getting started. Ah, the good old days..." "neutral">>
<<set $marketVisited to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["market"] to false>>
[[Buy Items]]<br>
[[Sell Items]]<br>
<<elseif $currentTime != "Night">>
<p>The sounds of wares being hawked and deals being struck are everywhere. Thankfully there is a small bubble of peace surrounding <<Jessica>> and her stall.</p>
<<if $timersComplete["Amethyst"] is true && $amethystInformed is false>>
<<jessicaSpeak "Mina! You'll be happy to know that I found you a lovely piece of infused amethyst. I'll keep it put aside until you want to buy it!" "happy">>
<<set $amethystInformed to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["market"] to false>>
<p>[[Speak to Jessica|Jessica]] <<lewdCheck "jessica" "jessicaDay">></p>
<<if ($hintsLearned["Rockbiter"] is true || $hintsLearned["Greenthorn Bark"] is true) && $currentTimer is "nil" && $timersComplete["Amethyst"] is false>>
<<minaSpeak "Hm, I wonder if Jessica would know where to get new catalysts..." "think">>
<p>[[Ask Jessica about acquiring an Amethyst catalyst|Amethyst Discussion]] ⬤</p>
<<if $guildVisited is true && $bottleAutomation is false>>
<p>[[Ask Jessica about keeping Mina stocked with bottles|Bottle Discussion]] ⬤</p>
[[Buy Items]]
<<if $amethystInformed is true && $player.catalysts.has("Luminous Amethyst") is false>>
<<if $player.gold >= setup.prices["Luminous Amethyst"]>>
<<print " ⬤">>
[[Sell Items]]<br>
<p>The markets remain bustling even at night.</p>
<<if $marketVisited is true && $jessicaInformed["Elasticity Elixir"] is false>>
<p>Jessica's stall appears to have closed up for the night however.</p>
<<elseif $marketVisited is false>>
<p>Mina doesn't see anything of interest to her however.</p>
<p>Jessica has closed up her stall but Mina can see that a lamp is lit inside Jessica's house nearby.</p>
<p>[[Go visit Jessica|Jessica's House]]</p>
<p>[[Back|Home]]</p><<if Object.values($scenesSeen).includesAny(true) != true>>
<p>There's nothing to reminisce about just yet!</p>
<<set _totalMemories to Object.keys($scenesSeen).length>>
<<set _unlockedMemories to Object.values($scenesSeen).count(true)>>
<p>Memories unlocked - _unlockedMemories / _totalMemories</p>
<p>View alternate ending if it exists?
<<checkbox "$alternateScene" false true>></p>
<<set _memories = setup.sceneOrder>>
<div id="memory-list"><hr></div>
<<timed 0s>>
<<for _i = 0; _i lt _memories.length; _i++>>
<<if $scenesSeen[_memories[_i]] is true>>
<<set _sceneTags to tags(_memories[_i])>>
<<run _sceneTags.deleteLast("hideSideBars")>>
<<append "#memory-list">>
<span><<link _memories[_i] _memories[_i]>>
<<set $replayMemory to true>>
<sub><<print _sceneTags>></sub></span><br>
<<elseif _memories[_i] is "-">>
if($("#memory-list").children().last()[0].nodeName != "HR") {
<p>[[Return|Home]]</p><<goto Home>><<goto Home>><<replace "#right-side-bar">><div id="page-selector"></div><br><div id="displayed-page"></div><</replace>>
$("#listbox-journalentry").on('change', function() {
<<if passage() is "Home">>
$( "#automation-header" ).on('click', function (event) {
variables().automationHidden = !variables().automationHidden;
<</if>><<if ndef $version3 is true || $version3 is false>>
<<if $slimeCollected is true>>
<<set $allurePotionUsed to true>>
<<if ndef $philiaAllureInformed is true>>
<<set $philiaAllureInformed to false>>
<<if ndef $stablesVisited is true>>
<<set $stablesVisited to false>>
<<set $version3 to true>>
<<if ndef $version4 is true || $version4 is false>>
<<if ndef $elasticityElixirUsed is true>>
<<set $elasticityElixirUsed to false>>
<<if ndef $bethElasticityInformed is true>>
<<set $bethElasticityInformed to false>>
<<if ndef $jessicaElasticityInformed is true>>
<<set $jessicaElasticityInformed to false>>
<<if ndef $scenesSeen>>
<<set $scenesSeen to {
"Vine First Time" : false,
"Slime First time" : false,
"Philia Dog First Time" : false
<<if $sapCollected is true>><<set $scenesSeen["Vine First Time"] to true>><</if>>
<<if $slimeCollected is true>><<set $scenesSeen["Slime First time"] to true>><</if>>
<<if $philiaDogFirst is true>><<set $scenesSeen["Philia Dog First Time"] to true>><</if>>
<<if ndef $replayMemory is true>>
<<set $replayMemory to false>>
<<if ndef $recipesDiscovered is true>>
<<set $recipesDiscovered to {
"Stamina Potion" : false,
"Allure Potion" : false,
"Elasticity Elixir" : false
<<if $staminaPotionDiscovered is true>>
<<set $recipesDiscovered["Stamina Potion"] to true>>
<<if $allurePotionDiscovered is true>>
<<set $recipesDiscovered["Allure Potion"] to true>>
<<set $version4 to true>>
<<if ndef $version5 is true || $version5 is false>>
<<if ndef $scenesSeen["Vine Fuck First Time"]>>
<<set $scenesSeen["Vine Fuck First Time"] to false>>
<<if ndef $scenesSeen["Slime Ride First Time"]>>
<<set $scenesSeen["Slime Ride First Time"] to false>>
<<if ndef $donationVisited is true>>
<<set $donationVisited to false>>
<<if ndef $firstWingAccessible is true>>
<<set $firstWingAccessible to false>>
<<if ndef $allayaMet is true>>
<<set $allayaMet to false>>
<<set $version5 to true>>
<<if ndef $version5_1 is true>>
<<if ndef $scenesSeen["Vine Fuck First Time"]>>
<<set $scenesSeen["Vine Fuck First Time"] to false>>
<<if ndef $scenesSeen["Slime Ride First Time"]>>
<<set $scenesSeen["Slime Ride First Time"] to false>>
<<if ndef $scenesSeen["Beth Mating Press"]>>
<<set $scenesSeen["Slime Ride First Time"] to false>>
<<if ndef $scenesSeen["Jessica Nipple Toy"]>>
<<set $scenesSeen["Slime Ride First Time"] to false>>
<<if $sapCollected is true && $scenesSeen["Vine First Time"] is false>>
<<set $scenesSeen["Vine First Time"] to true>>
<<set $version5_1 to true>>
<<if ndef $version6 is true || $version6 is false>>
<<if ndef $geologyHintLearned is true>>
<<set $geologyHintLearned to false>>
<<if ndef $recipesDiscovered["Healing Potion"] is true>>
<<set $recipesDiscovered["Healing Potion"] to false>>
<<if ndef $foundTrueMarble is true>>
<<set $foundTrueMarble to false>>
<<if ndef $guildVisited is true>>
<<set $guildVisited to false>>
<<if ndef $hintsLearned is true>>
<<set $hintsLearned to {
"Tattered Page" : true,
"Vayra Sap" : false,
"Common Cave Slime" : false,
"Trueschist Marble" : false,
"Rockbiter" : false,
"Salamander Scale" : false,
"Greenthorn Bark" : false
<<if $sapHintLearned is true>>
<<set $hintsLearned["Vayra Sap"] to true>>
<<if $slimeHintLearned is true>>
<<set $hintsLearned["Common Cave Slime"] to true>>
<<if $geologyHintLearned is true>>
<<set $hintsLearned["Trueschist Marble"] to true>>
<<if ndef $requestsAvailable is true>>
<<set $requestsAvailable to {
"Stamina Potions Needed" : true,
"Basic Potions Please" : true
<<if ndef $allayaRespect is true>>
<<set $allayaRespect to 0>>
<<if ndef $askedAboutBridge is true>>
<<set $askedAboutBridge to false>>
<<if ndef $caveContractInformation is true>>
<<set $caveContractInformation to false>>
<<if ndef $caveContractPaid is true>>
<<set $caveContractPaid to false>>
<<if ndef $currentContract is true>>
<<set $currentContract to "nil">>
<<if ndef $contractsComplete is true>>
<<set $contractsComplete to {
"Cave Bridge" : false
<<if ndef $scenesSeen["Philia and Mina Dogs"] is true>>
<<set $scenesSeen["Philia and Mina Dogs"] to false>>
<<set $version6 to true>>
<<if ndef $version6_1 is true>>
<<set $requestsAvailable to {
"Stamina Potions Needed" : true,
"Basic Potions Please" : true
<<set $version6_1 to true>>
<<if ndef $version7 is true>>
<<if ndef $bridgeBuiltInformed is true>>
<<set $bridgeBuiltInformed to false>>
<<if ndef $bridgeCelebration is true>>
<<set $bridgeCelebration to false>>
<<set $requestsAvailable to {
"Stamina Potions Needed" : true,
"Basic Potions Please" : true
<<if ndef $timersComplete is true>>
<<set $timersComplete to {
"Amethyst" : false
<<if ndef $currentTimer is true>>
<<set $currentTimer to "nil">>
<<if ndef $amethystInformed is true>>
<<set $amethystInformed to false>>
<<if ndef $purchasedUniques is true>>
<<set $purchasedUniques to {
"Luminous Amethyst" : false
<<if ndef $research is true>>
<<set $research to {
"Botanical" : 0,
"Creature" : 0,
"Geological" : 0
<<if ndef $hintsLearned["Trueschist Marble"] is true>>
<<set $hintsLearned["Trueschist Marble"] to false>>
<<if ndef $hintsLearned["Greenthorn Bark"] is true>>
<<set $hintsLearned["Greenthorn Bark"] to false>>
<<if ndef $hintsLearned["Rockbiter"] is true>>
<<set $hintsLearned["Rockbiter"] to false>>
<<if ndef $hintsLearned["Salamander Scale"] is true>>
<<set $hintsLearned["Salamander Scale"] to false>>
<<if ndef $rockbiterMarbleTrap is true>>
<<set $rockbiterMarbleTrap to false>>
<<if ndef $scenesSeen["Vine Nipple Fuck"] is true>>
<<set $scenesSeen["Vine Nipple Fuck"] to false>>
<<if ndef $scenesSeen["Rockbiter Fuck"] is true>>
<<set $scenesSeen["Rockbiter Fuck"] to false>>
<<set $version7 to true>>
<<if ndef $version8 is true || $version8 is false>>
<<if ndef $eventNotification is true>>
<<set $eventNotification to {
'forest' : false,
'cave' : false,
'library' : false,
'market' : false,
'inn' : false,
'guild' : false,
'workshop' : false,
'aloeth' : false,
'philia' : false,
'jessica' : false,
'beth' : false,
'allaya' : false,
'aloethDay' : false,
'philiaDay' : false,
'jessicaDay' : false,
'bethDay' : false,
'allayaDay' : false
<<if ndef $forestContractInformation is true>>
<<set $forestContractInformation to false>>
<<set $forestContractPaid to false>>
<<set $forestScoutedInformed to false>>
<<if ndef $contractsComplete["Scout Forest"] is true>>
<<set $contractsComplete["Scout Forest"] to false>>
<<if ndef $scenesSeen["Salamander Sucking"] is true>>
<<set $scenesSeen["Salamander Sucking"] to false>>
<<set $scenesSeen["Beth and Shrink Potion"] to false>>
<<set $scenesSeen["Alo'Eth First Step"] to false>>
<<if ndef $recipesDiscovered["Estradi Potion"]>>
<<set $recipesDiscovered["Estradi Potion"] to false>>
<<set $recipesDiscovered["Fire Resistance Potion"] to false>>
<<set $recipesDiscovered["Shrinking Elixir"] to false>>
<<if ndef $bethInformed is true>>
<<set $bethInformed to {
"Allure Potion" : false,
"Elasticity Elixir" : false,
"Estradi Potion" : false,
"Shrinking Elixir" : false
<<set $jessicaInformed to {
"Allure Potion" : false,
"Elasticity Elixir" : false,
"Estradi Potion" : false,
"Shrinking Elixir" : false
<<set $philiaInformed to {
"Allure Potion" : false,
"Elasticity Elixir" : false,
"Estradi Potion" : false,
"Shrinking Elixir" : false
<<set $aloethInformed to {
"Allure Potion" : false,
"Elasticity Elixir" : false,
"Estradi Potion" : false,
"Shrinking Elixir" : false
<<set $allayaInformed to {
"Allure Potion" : false,
"Elasticity Elixir" : false,
"Estradi Potion" : false,
"Shrinking Elixir" : false
<<if $bethElasticityInformed is true>>
<<set $bethInformed["Elasticity Elixir"] to true>>
<<if $jessicaElasticityInformed is true>>
<<set $jessicaInformed["Elasticity Elixir"] to true>>
<<if $philiaAllureInformed is true>>
<<set $philiaInformed["Allure Potion"] to true>>
<<unset $bethElasticityInformed>>
<<unset $jessicaElasticityInformed>>
<<unset $philiaAllureInformed>>
<<if ndef $shrinkingElixirUsed is true>>
<<set $shrinkingElixirUsed to false>>
<<if ndef $aloethApartmentVisited is true>>
<<set $aloethApartmentVisited to false>>
<<if ndef $estradiPotionUsed is true>>
<<set $estradiPotionUsed to false>>
<<if ndef $aloethTrueGender is true>>
<<set $aloethTrueGender to false>>
<<set $version8 to true>>
<<if ndef $version8_1 is true or $version8_1 is false>>
<<unset $philiaDogFirst>>
<<set $version8_1 to true>>
<<if ndef $version9 is true or $version9 is false>>
<<if ndef $recipesDiscovered["Magic Scryer"] is true>>
<<set $recipesDiscovered["Magic Scryer"] to false>>
<<if ndef $toggleInventory is true>>
<<set $toggleInventory to "toggle-off">>
<<set $toggleJournal to "toggle-off">>
<<if ndef $sceneSkip is true>>
<<set $sceneSkip to false>>
<<if ndef $hiddenRepeatables is true>>
<<set $hiddenRepeatables to {
"Vine Fuck" : false,
"Vine Handjob" : false,
"Vine Nipple Repeatable" : false,
"Slime Fuck" : false,
"Slime Ride" : false,
"Rockbiter Fuck Repeatable" : false,
"Salamander Suck Repeatable" : false
<<if ndef $bottleAutomation is true>>
<<set $bottleAutomation to false>>
<<set $automationScreen to false>>
<<if ndef $stockedBottles is true>>
<<set $stockedBottles to 20>>
<<set $stockingBottles to false>>
<<if ndef $automationHidden is true>>
<<set $automationHidden to false>>
<<if ndef $createdHomunculus is true>>
<<set $createdHomunculus to "">>
<<set $createdHomunculus to "">>
<<set $homuncutie to {
"forest" : {
"name" : "Hypatia",
"born" : false,
"inventory" : Inventory.create()},
"cave" : {
"name" : "Isabella",
"born" : false,
"inventory" : Inventory.create()},
"deep-forest" : {
"name" : "Cleo",
"born" : false,
"inventory" : Inventory.create()},
"deep-cave" : {
"name" : "Caterina",
"born" : false,
"inventory" : Inventory.create()}
<<if ndef $homuncutieAutomation is true>>
<<set $homuncutieAutomation to false>>
<<if ndef $scenesSeen["Mina Lays an Egg"] is true>>
<<set $scenesSeen["Mina Lays an Egg"] to false>>
<<if ndef $autoCollect>>
<<set $autoCollect to false>>
<<set $manualCollect to false>>
<<set $backupInventory to Inventory.create()>>
<<if ndef $secondWingAccessible>>
<<set $secondWingAccessible to false>>
<<set $research["Artifacts"] to 0>>
<<set $hintsLearned["Magical Scrying"] to false>>
<<set $hintsLearned["Homunculus Creation"] to false>>
<<set $secondDonationEligible to false>>
<<if ndef $firstDonationEligible is true>>
<<set $firstDonationEligible to false>>
<<if ndef $eventNotification["cauldron"] is true>>
<<set $eventNotification["cauldron"] to false>>
<<set $eventNotification["pit"] to false>>
<<set $homunculusConsideration to false>>
<<set $pitConsideration to false>>
<<set $homunculusStoneCreated to false>>
<<if ndef $scenesSeen["Philia and the Stallion"] is true>>
<<set $scenesSeen["Philia and the Stallion"] to false>>
<<unset $sapCollected>>
<<unset $sapHintLearned>>
<<unset $slimeHintLearned>>
<<unset $slimeCollected>>
<<unset $geologyHintLearned>>
<<unset $libraryPublicHints>>
<<unset $libraryFirstWing>>
<<set $version9 to true>>
<<if ndef $version10 is true || $version10 is false>>
<<if ndef $ruinContractInformation>>
<<set $ruinContractInformation to false>>
<<set $ruinContractPaid to false>>
<<set $ruinAccessInformed to false>>
<<set $contractsComplete["Ruins Access"] to false>>
<<unset $staminaPotionRecipe>>
<<unset $allurePotionRecipe>>
<<unset $elasticityElixirRecipe>>
<<unset $staminaPotionDiscovered>>
<<unset $allurePotionDiscovered>>
<<unset $elasticityElixirDiscovered>>
<<if ndef $totalHomuncuties>>
<<set $totalHomuncuties to 0>>
<<if $homuncutie["forest"].born>><<set $totalHomuncuties++>><</if>>
<<if $homuncutie["cave"].born>><<set $totalHomuncuties++>><</if>>
<<if $homuncutie["deep-forest"].born>><<set $totalHomuncuties++>><</if>>
<<if $homuncutie["deep-cave"].born>><<set $totalHomuncuties++>><</if>>
<<set $allayaInformed["Homuncuties"] to false>>
<<set $bethInformed["Homuncuties"] to false>>
<<set $aloethInformed["Homuncuties"] to false>>
<<set $jessicaInformed["Homuncuties"] to false>>
<<set $philiaInformed["Homuncuties"] to false>>
<<set $allayaNightVisit to false>>
<<set $scenesSeen["Allaya and the Vayra"] to false>>
<<set $scenesSeen["Introducing Philia to Beth"] to false>>
<<set $bethInformed["Philia"] to false>>
<<set $philiaInformed["Beth"] to false>>
<<set $version10 to true>>
/* Event Notifications */
/* Forest Events */
<<if $contractsComplete["Scout Forest"] is true && $forestScoutedInformed is false>>
<<set $eventNotification["forest"] to true>>
/* Cave Events */
<<if $contractsComplete["Cave Bridge"] is true && $bridgeBuiltInformed is false>>
<<set $eventNotification["cave"] to true>>
<<if $hintsLearned["Trueschist Marble"] is true && $foundTrueMarble is false>>
<<set $eventNotification["cave"] to true>>
/* Library Events */
<<if $hintsLearned["Vayra Sap"] && $hintsLearned["Common Cave Slime"] && $firstDonationEligible is false>>
<<set $eventNotification["library"] to true>>
<<if $firstWingAccessible is false && $firstDonationEligible>>
<<if $player.gold >= setup.donations["First"]>>
<<set $eventNotification["library"] to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["library"] to false>>
<<if $hintsLearned["Trueschist Marble"] && $hintsLearned["Rockbiter"] && $hintsLearned["Salamander Scale"] && $hintsLearned["Greenthorn Bark"] && $secondDonationEligible is false>>
<<set $eventNotification["library"] to true>>
<<if $secondWingAccessible is false && $secondDonationEligible>>
<<if $player.gold >= setup.donations["Second"]>>
<<set $eventNotification["library"] to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["library"] to false>>
/* Market Events */
<<if ($hintsLearned["Rockbiter"] is true || $hintsLearned["Greenthorn Bark"] is true) && $currentTimer is "nil" && $timersComplete["Amethyst"] is false>>
<<set $eventNotification["market"] to true>>
<<if $guildVisited is true && $bottleAutomation is false>>
<<set $eventNotification["market"] to true>>
<<if $amethystInformed is true && $player.catalysts.has("Luminous Amethyst") is false>>
<<if $player.gold >= setup.prices["Luminous Amethyst"]>>
<<set $eventNotification["market"] to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["market"] to false>>
<<if $timersComplete["Amethyst"] is true && $amethystInformed is false>>
<<set $eventNotification["market"] to true>>
/* Inn Events */
<<if $bridgeBuiltInformed is true && $bridgeCelebration is false>>
<<set $eventNotification["inn"] to true>>
/* Workshop Events */
<<if $foundTrueMarble is true && $askedAboutBridge is false>>
<<set $eventNotification["workshop"] to true>>
/* Guild Events */
<<if $askedAboutBridge is true && $caveContractInformation is false>>
<<set $eventNotification["guild"] to true>>
<<if $caveContractInformation is true && $currentContract is "nil" && $contractsComplete["Cave Bridge"] is false>>
<<if $player.gold >= setup.contracts["Cave Bridge"][0]>>
<<set $eventNotification["guild"] to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["guild"] to false>>
<<if $bridgeCelebration is true && $forestContractInformation is false>>
<<set $eventNotification["guild"] to true>>
<<if $forestContractInformation is true && $currentContract is "nil" && $contractsComplete["Scout Forest"] is false>>
<<if $player.gold >= setup.contracts["Scout Forest"][0]>>
<<set $eventNotification["guild"] to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["guild"] to false>>
/* Cauldron Events */
<<if $hintsLearned["Homunculus Creation"] is true && $homunculusConsideration is false && $allurePotionUsed>>
<<set $eventNotification["cauldron"] to true>>
/* Pit Events */
<<if $pitConsideration is false && $player.items.has("Homunculus Stone")>>
<<set $eventNotification["pit"] to true>>
<<if $player.items.has("Magic Scryer") && $pitConsideration && $player.items.has("Homunculus Stone")>>
<<if $player.reagents.hasAll("Forest Herb", "Vine Pollen") && $player.mediums.has("Vine Sap") && $homuncutie["forest"].born is false>>
<<set _forestStone to true>>
<<if $player.reagents.hasAll("Cave Mushroom", "Slime Jelly") && $homuncutie["cave"].born is false>>
<<set _caveStone to true>>
<<if $player.reagents.has("Trueschist Marble") && $player.mediums.has("Rockbiter Goo") && $homuncutie["deep-cave"].born is false>>
<<set _deepCaveStone to true>>
<<if $player.reagents.hasAll("Greenthorn Bark", "Salamander Scale") && $homuncutie["deep-forest"].born is false>>
<<set _deepForestStone to true>>
<<if _forestStone || _caveStone || _deepCaveStone || _deepForestStone>>
<<set $eventNotification["pit"] to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["pit"] to false>>
/* Allaya Events */
<<if $totalHomuncuties > 0 && $allayaInformed["Homuncuties"] is false>>
<<set $eventNotification["allayaDay"] to true>>
<<if $allayaInformed["Homuncuties"] && $allayaNightVisit is false>>
<<set $eventNotification["allaya"] to true>>
<<if $allayaNightVisit && $scenesSeen["Allaya and the Vayra"] is false>>
<<if $player.potions.has("Allure Potion")>>
<<set $eventNotification["allaya"] to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["allaya"] to false>>
/* Alo'Eth Events */
<<if $recipesDiscovered["Estradi Potion"] is true && $aloethInformed["Estradi Potion"] is false>>
<<set $eventNotification["aloethDay"] to true>>
<<if $aloethInformed["Estradi Potion"] is true && $aloethApartmentVisited is false>>
<<set $eventNotification["aloeth"] to true>>
<<if $aloethApartmentVisited is true && $scenesSeen["Alo'Eth First Step"] is false>>
<<if $player.potions.has("Estradi Potion") is true>>
<<set $eventNotification["aloeth"] to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["aloeth"] to false>>
/* Philia Events */
<<if $recipesDiscovered["Allure Potion"] is true && $philiaInformed["Allure Potion"] is false>>
<<set $eventNotification["philiaDay"] to true>>
<<if $recipesDiscovered["Elasticity Elixir"] is true && $philiaInformed["Elasticity Elixir"] is false>>
<<set $eventNotification["philiaDay"] to true>>
<<if $scenesSeen["Philia and the Stallion"] && $scenesSeen["Beth and Shrink Potion"] && $philiaInformed["Beth"] is false>>
<<set $eventNotification["philiaDay"] to true>>
<<if $stablesVisited is false && $philiaInformed["Allure Potion"] is true>>
<<set $eventNotification["philia"] to true>>
<<if $scenesSeen["Philia Dog First Time"] is false && $stablesVisited is true>>
<<if $player.potions.has("Allure Potion") is true>>
<<set $eventNotification["philia"] to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["philia"] to false>>
<<if $scenesSeen["Philia Dog First Time"] is true && $scenesSeen["Philia and Mina Dogs"] is false>>
<<if $player.potions.count("Allure Potion") >= 2>>
<<set $eventNotification["philia"] to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["philia"] to false>>
<<if $scenesSeen["Philia Dog First Time"] && $scenesSeen["Philia and Mina Dogs"] && $philiaInformed["Elasticity Elixir"] is true && $scenesSeen["Philia and the Stallion"] is false>>
<<if $player.potions.has("Allure Potion") && $player.potions.has("Elasticity Elixir")>>
<<set $eventNotification["philia"] to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["philia"] to false>>
/* Beth Events */
<<if $recipesDiscovered["Elasticity Elixir"] is true && $bethInformed["Elasticity Elixir"] is false>>
<<set $eventNotification["bethDay"] to true>>
<<if $recipesDiscovered["Shrinking Elixir"] is true && $bethInformed["Shrinking Elixir"] is false>>
<<set $eventNotification["bethDay"] to true>>
<<if $scenesSeen["Philia and the Stallion"] && $scenesSeen["Beth and Shrink Potion"] && $bethInformed["Philia"] is false>>
<<set $eventNotification["bethDay"] to true>>
<<if $bethHouseVisited is false && $bethInformed["Elasticity Elixir"] is true>>
<<set $eventNotification["beth"] to true>>
<<if $bethHouseVisited is true && $scenesSeen["Beth Mating Press"] is false>>
<<if $player.potions.has("Elasticity Elixir") is true>>
<<set $eventNotification["beth"] to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["beth"] to false>>
<<if $scenesSeen["Beth Mating Press"] is true && $scenesSeen["Beth and Shrink Potion"] is false>>
<<if $player.potions.hasAll("Shrinking Elixir", "Elasticity Elixir") is true>>
<<set $eventNotification["beth"] to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["beth"] to false>>
<<if $bethInformed["Philia"] && $philiaInformed["Beth"] && $scenesSeen["Introducing Philia to Beth"] is false>>
<<if $player.potions.count("Elasticity Elixir") > 1>>
<<set $eventNotification["beth"] to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["beth"] to false>>
/* Jessica Events */
<<if $recipesDiscovered["Elasticity Elixir"] is true && $jessicaInformed["Elasticity Elixir"] is false>>
<<set $eventNotification["jessicaDay"] to true>>
<<if $jessicaHouseVisited is false && $jessicaInformed["Elasticity Elixir"] is true>>
<<set $eventNotification["jessica"] to true>>
<<if $jessicaHouseVisited is true && $scenesSeen["Jessica Nipple Toy"] is false>>
<<if $player.potions.has("Elasticity Elixir") is true>>
<<set $eventNotification["jessica"] to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["jessica"] to false>>
<</if>><div class="accordion">
<h3>Philia enjoys her first dog</h3>
<p>Both girls are fidgety as they make their way over to the section of the stables where the dogs owned by the inn's guests stay. Philia seems to have a particular dog in mind as she heads straight towards one of the pens.</p>
<p>Mina follows along afterwards and peeks into the pen. Inside is a large wolfhound, or some similar breed, with thick grey fur. Its head lifts at Mina's appearance and dark yellow eyes stare out at her, wary and a little threatening. With a quiet "Eep!" Mina ducks out of sight.</p>
<<minaSpeak "This one? He seems a little... mean." "neutral">>
<p>Philia grins wickedly,</p>
<<philiaSpeak "I know right? Quick, gimme the potion." "happy">>
<p>Mina nods apprehensively. If her friend is sure about this then who is she to argue? She reaches into her satchel and pulls out an Allure Potion and hands the swirling green and purple concoction over to the grinning goblin girl.</p>
<p>Philia snatches the bottle and then ducks right into the dog's pen. Immediately the beast's hackles raise and a low growl rumbles from its chest and for a moment Philia pauses, concern briefly flashing over her face. Then her expression changes to one of resolve and she starts walking forward.</p>
<p>As Philia gets closer the animal gets up onto all fours and Mina immediately sees just why Philia has chosen this boy. Because he is, indeed, quite the boy! Between his hind legs his a plump sheath and behind that a set of balls that makes Mina gasp and blush a deep red.</p>
<p>Philia's attention is, for now at least, entirely on the big boy's face however. She watches carefully as she stalks closer, potion bottle in hand, ready to bolt should things go south. Slowly she reaches her free hand into the pocket of her apron and from there she pulls out some kind of meaty dog treat. She holds the treat out in front of her like a talisman.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Good boy, goooood boy... let me get just a liiiiittle closer~" "neutral">>
<p>Despite that low growl the dog doesn't make any further aggressive moves, his attention now shifting to the tantalizing treat. So much so that Philia is able to get right up close and as soon as she does she pops open the potion bottle and pours its contents onto the treat. A shiver passes through her as she breaths in the sweet scent of the mixture and the tips of her ears flush brighter and then she tosses the treat right at the wolfhound.</p>
<p>With practiced ease the beast's head moves and he snaps his jaws closed on the flying morsel, almost as if he's operating on instinct. The effect is almost instantaneous. Mina watches as the yellow eyes of the dog go wide, and the growl rumbling out of him shifts in tone. It becomes less aggressive and more... confused.</p>
<p>Mina then blushes a deep, deep red when she spots the other noticeable effect of the potion. Between the dog's hindlegs his sheath has started to bulge a little, twitching as the shaft within stirs to life. Just as Philia drops to her knees under the animal the bright red tip of the dog's cock pushes free from his fur.</p>
<p>Philia grins and shudders with delight, while her legs squirm as her thighs rub against each other. With her eyes wide she watches as another inch of that red flesh comes jerking out from its hiding place.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Goddess... dog dick looks so..." "drool">>
<p>Before she can even finish her sentence she's shuffling forward and lifting her hands up to take hold of the object of worship in front of her. One hand wraps around the tapered tip of the cock while the other cups one of the beast's now throbbing balls.</p>
<p>Slowly she starts to stroke, sliding her hand back and forth, drawing out more of the twitching cock. Her eyes are glued to its tip when the opening there starts to wink open and a bead of thin, slippery precum comes oozing out. Reverently she leans forward, sticks out her tongue, and allows that first drop to fall right into her open and waiting mouth.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Mmmmm~" "horny">>
<p>She closes her eyes and leans back, savouring the taste while taking in deep, shakey breaths of the dog's heady, animal scent through her flaring nose. All the while her hands work, stroking that growing shaft and massaging those heavy balls.</p>
<p>From outside the pen Mina squirms. She slides a hand down her tummy and under her shorts where her fingers find her now dripping wet folds. Immediately she starts to lightly stroke herself, while watching her best friend worship that doggy dick.</p>
<p>As the cock starts to reach its full, impressive length Philia's other hand joins the first in stroking the girthy stick. At this point her fingers can't even wrap all the way around the hot, twitching rod and it only seems to be making her more excited. She bites her lip staring at this gift from the Goddess, her mind racing as she considers the possibilities that the Allure Potion has granted her.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/philia/dogstroke.png">
<p>Suddenly the dog's body jerks, hind legs pushing forward as if he's trying to rut into Philia's gripping hands. The movement causes his cock to slap against one of Philia's cheeks and her eyes go wide. For a second she's just stunned, mind trying to process. Then a low, throaty moan escapes her and her body acts by instinct. Her mouth opens wide and her lips close on the meaty dog dick, wrapping around the thin and tapered tip. She moans again, the feeling of that hot and slick shaft pressing down onto her tongue making her shudder with pleasure.</p>
<p>Philia barely gets to enjoy suckling on the end of that cock for more then a few seconds however. At the sensation of a hot, wet hole enveloping his length the dog's reacts in a very predictable fashion. With a huff his hind legs snap forward again and this time his cock slams forward. Philia's eyes widen as she feels pressure building at the back of her throat, the beast pushing harder and harder, until all at once doggy dick sinks down into her throat.</p>
<p>Philia's eyes roll back into their sockets and her neck bulges from the sheer size of the monster stretching her jaw and pushing down into her gullet. Mina gasps and almost rushes into the pen to help her friend, only to stop when she notices Philia's legs trembling, back arching and a sudden spray of fluids gushing out from under the goblin's dress.</p>
<p>With free reign to now rut into Philia as he pleases the dog does just that, jerking his hind quarters back and forth, slamming himself into the girl's throat over and over again rapidly. The base of his cock, now swollen into an impressive knot, smacks wetly against Philia's lips and makes her groan and moan happily each time.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/philia/dogsuck.png">
<p>Much to Philia's dismay however the dog is only a dog, and the potion has not done anything to increase his natural amount of stamina when it comes to mating. All too soon his jerking thrusts lose their rhythm, become more and more desperate and shallow. His knot remains almost permanently pressed up against Philia's lips, bouncing off of them with each jerk of the dog's body, as he tries and tries and fails to push it inside and properly tie his bitch.</p>
<p>Instead his balls give out first. They clench up suddenly, pulling in towards the dog's body, and a moment later Philia makes a muffled squeal as she suddenly feels a veritable flood of hot, sticky dog cum blasting deep into her gullet almost directly into her stomach. Her body jerks each time another rope of that mess is pumped into her, while her eyes roll so far back into her head that her irises almost completely disappear. Under her dress her sopping wet pussy clenches around nothing, twitching and gushing as Philia experiences one of the strongest orgasms of her life, completely handsfree.</p>
<p>Mina's hand goes wild on her own sex, rubbing up and down furiously, chasing the same high as her friend until she squeals as a climax crashes down over her as well. She drops to the floor of the stables, panting hard, a big part of her wishing it was actually her under that feral beast.</p>
<p>Some time passes and Philia manages to extricate herself from the beast, its softening cock slipping free of her lips after she recovers enough of her wits to pull away. Her mouth remains hanging open a little, a long string of cum dripping down from it, her jaws slack and sore from the unexpected but very welcome face fucking.</p>
<p>Slowly she makes her way out of the pen, crawling her way along the floor until she can push the door open enough to let her slip through. She collapses down next to Mina, breathing hard, a huge grin now splitting her face.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Goddess... that was... amazing~" "drool">>
<<minaSpeak "Haha... it certainly looked like fun... I'll have to bring enough potions for the both of us next time~" "blush">>
<p>Philia's flushed, messy face brightens even more at the suggestion.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Oh yes! You really, really should!" "happy">>
<<set $sceneSkip to false>>
<<if $replayMemory is false>>
<<addExp "Lewd" 4>>
<<addExp "Stamina" 4>>
<<reduceStamina 20>>
<<usePotion "Allure Potion">>
<<set $scenesSeen["Philia Dog First Time"] to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["philia"] to false>>
<p><<link "Get out of here before someone comes to investigate all the noise" "Home">>
<p><<link "Return" "Memories">>
<<set $replayMemory to false>>
<<set $alternateScene to false>>
<</if>><div class="accordion">
<h3>Philia and Mina have fun with dogs</h3>
<p>Mina's heart is racing as Philia leads her back over to the dog pens. This time the grinning goblin takes them to a pen where two dogs appear to be resting. Both are quite large, with one dark furred and the other grey. With one hand on the gate to the pen, Philia looks back at Mina, eyes sparkling in the dim light of the stable, with a wide and toothy grin.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "So, still want to do this?" "happy">>
<p>Mina takes a deep breath and then nods with determination.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Y-yeah!" "neutral">>
<p>Before she can talk herself out of it Mina's hand joins Philia, who feels a thrill rush through her at her best friend's affirmation, on the gate and as a pair they push it open. This immediately gets the attention of the two dogs within, both of which lift their heads up to see who is disturbing at this time of night.</p>
<p>Unlike Philia's first partner neither of the canines seem particularly fussed about the arrival of the two girls. Instead they seem almost seem disappointed to see unfamiliar faces and their heads drop back down to rest on their forepaws.</p>
<p>Still grinning, Philia reaches into her apron and pulls out a pair of treats. She gestures towards Mina to hand over the potions, who quickly obliges. Treats in hand Philia approaches the two dogs while Mina watches, a deep blush forming on the human girl's cheeks.</p>
<p>The dogs look up again as Philia approaches, eyeing her warily, until their attentions both turn to the treats in her hand. Philia giggles, amused at how single minded the big, handsome doggies are. With a deft hand she pops the corks on the potion bottles and doses the treats. She tosses one to the grey furred canine, who quickly snaps it out of the air, and then approaches the dark furred dog herself.</p>
<p>She holds out the treat towards him and lets out a delighted laugh when he eats the treat right out of her hand. His warm, wet tongue tickles her fingers deliciously as he takes in the treat. While he chews and swallows she reaches both hands out to give the big boy a pat and some scritches.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Who's a good boy? It's you!" "happy">>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/philia/patpat.png">
<p>Both dogs start panting as the potion takes effect, tails starting to swish and ears perking up. They quickly get to their feet at that point and their now almost hungry gazes land on Philia and Mina. Philia turns and gestures to Mina.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "C'mon, get over here!" "horny">>
<p>She whispers, and Mina obeys after a big gulp. Mina only manages to take a few steps however, before her foot catches on something under the straw and with a muffled gasp she tumbles forward! She manages to catch herself on her hands at the last second, ending up on her hands and knees with two increasingly horny dogs now staring right at her. Her cheeks flush a deep brighter red.</p>
<p>Philia on the other hand grins hugely, showing off her pointed teeth, and immediately drops down to join Mina, shuffling over towards her.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "I guess you're eager to get started huh?" "horny">>
<p>She teases, making Mina's blush spread even further.</p>
<p>With their blood pumping and now two females appearing to be presenting themselves, the dogs react in the expected way. One moves behind Mina and pokes his snout directly between her legs, nosing at the crotch of her shorts and making her gasp.</p>
<<minaSpeak "O-oh!" "horny">>
<p>Philia takes Mina's hand and grips it tightly, grinning at her friend.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/philia/sniffing.png">
<<philiaSpeak "You'd better pull those shorts down Mina, else he might try ripping them open~" "horny">>
<p>To put some weight behind her own words Philia pulls her dress up with her free hand, just in time for the other dog to get behind her and poke his own snout in-between her thighs. She coos with delight at the canine's warm breath blowing across her exposed folds and wiggles her rear enticingly.</p>
<p>And as if on cue the first dog shoves his cold, wet nose right up against Mina's crotch, huffing at the junction between her legs as he nuzzles her through her shorts. His rough, hot tongue pokes out, lapping at the fabric, making Mina squirm.</p>
<p>Philia's pulse quickens as she watches her best friend blushing furiously at the dogs' attention. The horny hounds were just getting started! She could hardly contain her excitement.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Aww he wants to play already, Mina! Why don't you give your doggie a treat? Show off that cute butt!" "horny">>
<p>The large dark-furred dog continues nuzzling his cold snout between Mina's trembling thighs, rough tongue lapping hungrily at the dampening crotch of her shorts. Mina lets out another little gasp, face flushing darker with each wet stroke against her most sensitive place. It's so unlike her other experiences so far that it's sending a delicious thrill all through her body.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Oh, I bet he can smell how wet you're getting, Min~" "drool">>
<p>Philia teases, voice husky with desire. Her own rear end is sticking up in the air enticingly for her grey-furred canine companion, swaying from side to side. She shudders as his warm wet tongue suddenly drags itself over her bare folds, leaving a sheen of slobber behind.</p>
<p>Mina bites her lips, mind racing. With a shaky hand she reaches down beneath herself and fumbles with the button of her shorts. Just then the dog behind her roughly shoves his snout up against her groin again, at just the right angle to smoosh against her clit and make her tremble and moan.</p>
<<minaSpeak "F-fuck!~" "horny">>
<p>Cheeks burning with lust and embarrassment, Mina finally gets her fingers to work the button. She then pushes her shorts and panties down over the curve of her hips... and her round ass. Cool night air caresses her bare skin as her shorts hang around her thighs.</p>
<p>The dark-furred dog presses his cold, wet nose back in, shoving it against Mina's now bare pussy and inhales deeply. She jolts at the sudden sensation, eyes going wide and another moan escapes her lips.</p>
<p>Philia can't hold back a moan of her own at the sight and grins wickedly at Mina.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Fuck yes~ Give that good boy a taste of your cute pussy!" "horny">>
<p>Mina blushes even deeper and bites her lip as the dark furred beast presses his snout eagerly into her most intimate place. His rough tongue drags up along her wet slit, making her whimper and tense.</p>
<p>Philia whines softly as her own canine companion once again brushes his tongue over her sensitive folds. Her thighs tremble and she grips Mina's hand harder, panting. She can't believe that she's sharing this moment with her best friend, euphoric with the knowledge that they'll both soon be mounted by these hunky beasts.</p>
<p>Mina whimpers and trembles, slick juices trickling freely down her thighs as the beast continues to shove his rough tongue over her bare, dripping slit. She pants breathlessly, her whole body shuddering from the sensation.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Aaahn... Oh fuck... it feels so good Phili!" "horny">>
<p>Beside her, Philia lets out a lusty moan of her own as she grinds back against the other horny animal.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Mmm yeah, Keep it up doggy! Oohh!" "horny">>
<p>The lewd sounds of their heavy panting fill the air. Mina can't focus on anything else but the incredible pleasure between her legs. Her toes curl and she lets out another whimpering cry.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Ahhh! I'm gonna... gonna cu- AAH!" "cum">>
<p>Suddenly her thighs tense hard and her back arches sharply. Mina cums hard right there, pussy spasming wildly and gushing her juices onto the beast's probing tongue as he starts to lap eagerly at her climaxing slit.</p>
<p>With the big dog's snout buried into her pussy, his tongue doing everything it can to lap up her sweet juices, Mina arm gives out and she collapses forward onto her face, chest heaving, thighs quaking from her intense orgasm.</p>
<p>Philia lets out a lewd moan as she watches her friend come undone right in front of her.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Fuuck, yes! That's so hot, Min!" "drool">>
<p>Behind the goblin girl the grey-furred dog starts to lap even more hungrily at Philia's dripping slit, his warm tongue flicking rapidly over her swollen clit. The sensation makes Philia gasp and whine needily, her hips rocking in little circles.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Ohh fuck... I can't... can't wait anymore! I need that big fat dick in my pussy, now!" "horny">>
<p>She pants, voice hitching with arousal. Reaching back with both hands, Philia grabs the dog's fur and tries desperately to pull him closer.</p>
<p>Mina whimpers and trembles, aftershocks of pleasure still zinging through her nerves as she comes down from her high. The hound is still shoving his rough tongue eagerly up between her sensitive legs, slurping up the copious slick juices flooding down her inner thighs.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Aaahn... ooh fuck... I-I'm all sensitive now..." "horny">>
<p>She whimpers. Her bare pussy clenches weakly around nothing, aching to be filled. Mina head fills like it's full of fog, a haze of lust overwhelming her! Behind her, the beast lets out a soft whine and the tip of his red cock starts poking out from its sheath. Mina bites her lip hard when she spots it, staring. It was so big and thick, throbbing with need...</p>
<p>As it pushes further out of its sheath it throbs and bounces hypnotically with each little movement the dog makes, the tapered head glistening with pre-cum the oozes out in a long string towards the stable floor.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Oh fuck... it's so big..." "horny">>
<p>Mina whimpers breathlessly, unconsciously licking her lips as her gaze remains locked onto the beast's impressive length.</p>
<p>In front of Mina, Philia moans loudly, her body shuddering violently. The grey furred stud has apparently decided to follow her urging and has jumped up onto her to claim his goblin prize. With a powerful thrust of his muscular haunches, he shoves his own fat red doggie dick deep into Philia's tight, dripping pussy!</p>
<<philiaSpeak "OH FUCK YESSSS!!!" "cum">>
<p>Philia squeals, her back arching sharply and toes curling against the dirt as several inches of thick canine cock invades her eager cunt all at once.</p>
<p>The horny goblin's hands ball up in the straw, fingers gouging furrows as her hips jerk backwards, impaling herself further on the stud's throbbing erection. More of the beast's length sink into her slick depths, stretching her puffy walls around his girth.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/philia/philiadoggy.png">
<p>Mina, distracted from staring at her own partner's cock by the sound, watches with awe, mouth agape and heart racing wildly in her chest. This is easily one of the most incredibly erotic things she's seen in her life! Part of her feels jealous, even as arousal pulses through her veins, knowing that she'll soon be in the same situation. The wet squelching noises and lewd moans fill her ears as the stud ruts hard into her best friend.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Yesss... yes, fill me up with your thick doggy dick!" "horny">>
<p>Philia babbles incoherently between lust-drunk moans and gasps. Her hips move frantically, slamming back to meet the dog's powerful thrusts as best she can.</p>
<p>Mina whimpers softly, squirming as she watches the beast's powerful hips pistoning rapidly back and forth. Wet squelching noises fill the night air, intermingling with Philia's lewd moans of bliss. Her best friend's tight green cunt makes obscene squishing sounds as it's relentlessly pounded.</p>
<p>Having had enough waiting, the big beast behind Mina huffs and moves to mount his own human bitch. She barely has time to react as she suddenly feels a heavy furred weight fall onto her back. Then she yelps and cries out, eyes going wide as the beast's swollen red cock spears deep into her aching, dripping pussy in one powerful thrust!</p>
<<minaSpeak "AAAAAAHHHH!!! Oh goddess! Oh FUCK!" "surprise">>
<p>Her hands scrabble uselessly against the ground as her body jerks forward violently from the sheer force of the penetration. Several inches of fat, veiny canine meat invade Mina's most intimate place in that moment. The sensation of being so abruptly stretched and stuffed sends a lightning bolt of pure ecstasy searing up Mina's spine!</p>
<p>Breathless cries continue spilling from the blue haired girl's lips as the beast begins to rut, his swollen cock pistoning rapidly back and forth between Mina's quivering thighs. She can feel his heavy balls smacking against her thighs with each frenzied thrust, adding to the mind-numbing pleasure wracking her body.</p>
<p>Her mouth falls open slack, drool starting to leak out onto the ground below. She feels like her body is going to split apart from the relentless pounding, yet a part of her that's getting very hard to ignore only wants more! She's starting to crave the feeling of that big, red canine cock stretching out her needy hole as it fucks her stupid.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Oooooh yes, yesssss! Breed me with your big cock, knot meeeee!" "cum">>
<p>Philia moans alongside Mina, voice hitching with each powerful thrust. Her body shudders and jerks like a ragdoll, brown eyes rolling back from the force of the dog's rutting.</p>
<p>Then her ears start to twitch as the sound of Mina being rutted registers. Glancing over, she bites back a groan of arousal at the lewd sight. Mina looks dazed from the pleasure, one eye half-lidded the other twitching, as the wild beast ruts her into the ground. Clear slick juices spurted from her stuffed hole with each thrust.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/philia/minadoggy.png">
<<philiaSpeak "Mmmmnnfff... that's so hot... you look so fucking good, Mina..." "horny">>
<p>Philia pants while her hips jerk, the horny stud somehow pounding even harder into her. She can feel his knot starting to flare, smashing against her entrance with each powerful thrust.</p>
<p>Then with a sudden wet squelch that growing knot sinks inside Philia, making her yelp. Quickly it starts to expand inside her, locking her to the beast.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Oooh fuck! He's tying... knotting me!" "horny">>
<p>Philia's hands ball up fistfuls of straw as she braces herself, back arched and hips bucking. She cranes her neck, green ears twitching as she glances over towards her fuckdrunk human bestie. Mina's still taking her own mounting, the dark-furred beast
pounding away between her quivering legs with relentless force.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Ahhn! Yesss! Fuck your bitch full of cum, boy! Knock her up with your puppies!" "cum">>
<p>She babbles, drool running down her chin and her eyes fluttering from the intense sensation. The hound suddenlys rams as deep as he can, the bulge of his knot stretching her even more and pressing almost directly against her g-spot. Philia shrieks, voice jumping several octaves as she feels that throbbing shaft twitch violently inside of her just as hot jets of dog cum start flooding her spasming pussy.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "FFFFFUUUUCCKK... AAHH! YESYESYES!!" "cum">>
<p>She wails, shaking violently as a powerful orgasm claims her. Her cunt squeezes rhythmically, milking every last drop from the stud's pulsing cock and heavy balls.</p>
<p>Beside her cumming friend, Mina can only cry out weakly in response. Her friend's screams set every nerve on fire, her pussy clenching desperately around the hound's pistoning shaft as it pounds away at her most cunt. The wet sounds of the beast's heavy balls smacking lewdly against Mina join the crescendo filling the stables.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Oh goddess... oh f-fuuck... I'm gonna... I'm cumMMMIIIINNNG!!" "cum">>
<p>Her back arches sharply as the intense sensations reach their peak. Her mind goes blank, whited out by the overwhelming, mind-shattering pleasure as she climaxes for the second time just as the dog's knot sinks into her pussy and locks itself in place inside her convulsing walls.</p>
<p>Mina groans hoarsely as she is stuffed impossibly full, the dog's knot stretching her tight passage wide. It holds him buried deep, his pulsing member starting to twitch. Her pussy clamps down hard, trying instinctively to milk him of his seed even as Mina shudders violently from the orgasm still gripping her.</p>
<p>When she immediately feels the eruption of hot, gooey warmth of dog cum deep inside her, she almost loses her mind. Another climax mercilessly crashes into her, and her knot-stuffed pussy gushes, spraying her fluids onto the straw below. With each pumping rope of hot seed splattering into her rear wall she twitches and shudders, while drool leaks out of her slackened jaw.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Mmmm yeah... you make such a sexy doggy bitch Mina~" "horny">>
<<set $sceneSkip to false>>
<<if $replayMemory is false>>
<<addExp "Lewd" 10>>
<<reduceStamina 40>>
<<addExp "Stamina" 8>>
<<usePotion "Allure Potion">>
<<usePotion "Allure Potion">>
<<set $scenesSeen["Philia and Mina Dogs"] to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["philia"] to false>>
<p><<link "Extricate from the dogs once Mina recovers her wits enough" "Home">>
<p><<link "Return" "Memories">>
<<set $replayMemory to false>>
<<set $alternateScene to false>>
<</if>><div class="accordion">
<h3>Philia and Mina have fun with dogs</h3>
<p>Mina follows Philia to one of the horse pens within the stables and her eyes widen as she realizes just what her goblin friend is planning to do with an Elasticity Elixir. With a huge grin she hands a bottle of it over to Philia, along with an Allure Potion Philia can use on the horse to get it ready to go as well.</p>
<p>Philia grins wide, showing her pointy goblin teeth as she accepts the bottles from Mina.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "You are the best friend ever!" "happy">>
<p>She chuckles as she heads toward one of the stalls, her hips swaying side to side as she walks.</p>
<p>Inside the stall is a large, powerful destrier, one of the larger horses bred for battle. Philia opens the stall door quiety and slips inside, then moves over to the stallion's feeding trough. She pours the allure potion slowly onto the feed there, attracting the attention of the horse. The destrier soon eats it up, snorting as it begins to have effect on the beast.</p>
<p>Philia cackles happily and then downs the elasticity elixir, feeling her body tingling as it takes hold. She squirms with excitement, wanting nothing more in that moment than for this huge beast to stretch her body to its now magically enhanced limits!</p>
<p>Mina watches with a grin as the potion takes effect on the powerful destrier. Its nostrils flare as it snorts, tossing its head from side to side. It paws at the ground with a hoof, clearly becoming agitated from the aphrodisiac.</p>
<<minaSpeak "He looks more than raring to go Phili~" "horny">>
<p>Mina can't help but feel a throb of arousal within her own core at the thought of what's about to happen.</p>
<p>Philia licks her lips hungrily as she looks over the now agitated destrier, her body trembling with excitement as her heightened senses take in the horse's powerful form and growing arousal.</p>
<p>She steps closer to the beast, reaching out to stroke along its side.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Mmm yes... you're going to fuck me so hard, aren't you boy..." "horny">>
<p>She murmurs to the horse as her fingers trail lower, rubbing along the horse's sheath and then grasping the emerging horsecock.</p>
<p>Philia strokes the growing equine member slowly, watching with delight as it hardens and grows larger, the aphrodisiac making sure this was going to be a productive breeding session. With a final few strokes she steps back, cheeks flushed and panting. She looks around desperately, looking for something she can use to prop herself up, to put her at the right level to let this stallion have his way.</p>
<p>Seeing the delight in her friends eyes as she gets ready to be bred by the huge destrier, Mina grins and looks around for something that will work. She spots a wooden crate nearby and moves it over and into the stall, setting it on end so Philia can climb up onto it.</p>
<<minaSpeak "There ya go, climb up there. You'll be at the perfect height for him to mount you~" "horny">>
<p>Philia giggles with excitement and grins at Mina. She quickly strips out of her dress and then moves over to climb up onto the wooden crate. She lays onto her back and spreads her legs wide and invitingly.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Yesss... this big boy breed me so full, over and over..." "horny">>
<p>Her voice quivers a little with both excitement and nerves at what is about to happen. She licks her lips, gazing hungrily at the huge horse cock the stallion is sporting, dripping with precum now and pulsing with need.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Please... Mina... can you... hold me still as he mounts me? I don't know how strong he is going to be..." "horny">>
<p>Mina nods and grins, then steps closer to help support her friend. The alchemist girl kneels down next to the crate and takes hold of Philia, holding her steady. As she does so the stallion moves over, enticed by Philia's inviting green pussy, and mounts the crate. The powerful beast snorts and tosses its head from side to side, clearly ready to have its way. With a soft grunt it shuffles its hind legs until it's able to line its large equine cock up with Philia's dripping entrance. Mina takes a firmer grip of Philia's shoulders and helps hold her friend still.</p>
<p>Philia let's out a soft gasp as the horse's huge cock presses against her dripping wet mound, her mouth falling open as she feels the pressure of something so large and throbbing with heat pushing against her folds.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/philia/horse-imminent.png">
<<philiaSpeak "Ohhh yesss... Just a little more..." "horny">>
<p>She moans, body trembling with anticipation. Her hands move down between her legs, grasping around the huge shaft. With a giggle she gives it a few strokes, grinding the tip against her slick folds. The tip spreads her open as the stallion tries to push forward, making her gasp as it forces her folds apart and starts to truly stretch her entrance.</p>
<p>Mina watches wide eyed as Philia grinds herself against the huge equine cock, whimpering and moaning with delight. Then, with a loud neigh and toss of its head, the destrier pushes forward and with a loud squelch begins to impale the goblins dripping wet pussy onto its enormous horsecock.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Nnnh! Ohh yes! Fuck! Just like that Philia! Let him fill that greedy little cunt!" "horny">>
<p>Mina moans excitedly, hands taking a firmer grip on Philia as the massive animal begins to thrust into her friend. The huge cock stretches Philia wide, forcing her abdomen to bulge and making her legs splay out to the sides bouncing with the ferocity of the stallion's thrusts.</p>
<p>Philia's mouth falls open in a silent scream, eyes rolling back in her head as each impact of the stallion's thrusts towards her sends waves of pleasure crashing through her. The goblin barmaid's belly bulges obscenely as the equine shaft plunges in and out, reshaping her insides to the shape of the beast's length.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Ohhh fuck... oh yes... so huge..." "cum">>
<p>She can only moan between gasps and whimpers as the horse fucks her into oblivion. She grasps onto Mina tightly, legs splayed out uselessly as her body is bounced on the huge cock. Her pussy clenches and squelches, the horsecock's thickness and heat forcing her body to tremble and sparks of ecstasy to flash inside her skull.</p>
<p>Mina grins, her hands moving to stroke along Philia's bulging abdomen, feeling the huge horsecock moving inside her friend.</p>
<<minaSpeak "That's it Phili! Take that massive cock! Nnnh... Look at your stomach bulge! Fffuck that's so hot..." "horny">>
<<minaSpeak "Goddess, that must feel sooo good... Mmmph... Look at you... That greedy little cunt... Being stuffed to full!" "horny">>
<p>Mina rambles, entranced by the sight of the huge horse rutting her goblin friend with such ferocity.</p>
<p>The goblin barmaid can only moan and gasp in response to the overwhelming ecstasy consuming her. Her eyes are rolling back and forth, tongue hanging from her mouth as her entire body is overwhelmed by the relentless pounding of the massive horse cock. Each powerful thrust causes her body to rock against the wooden crate she lays on, causing more waves of pleasure to course through her.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/philia/horse-fucking.png">
<p>The feeling of Mina's hands rubbing along her distended stomach only adds to her delight.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Yes...oh yes! Don't stop!" "horny">>
<p>She manages to gasp out.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Gonna... gonna cum... ohh fuck yesss!" "cum">>
<p>Her entire body seizes up as an intense orgasm crashes through her, her pussy clamping down and spasming around the massive shaft in her. Her vision goes white, body shaking intensely as she cums, hard.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "OHHH FUUUUUCCCKKK YESSSS!" "cum">>
<p>Mina watches wide-eyed and grinning as Philia is fucked silly underneath the stallion, overwhelmed by the intense orgasm caused by the huge animal's relentless thrusting. Mina's fingers move from Philia's abdomen to grasp and massage the goblin's heaving breasts. Her thumbs move over Philia's nipples, feeling them stiffen beneath her touch.</p>
<p>She chuckles, enjoying the feeling of Philia's soft, pliant flesh beneath her hands. The horse continues to rut away, completely lost in its own lust as it breeds its willing companion.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Nnngh... He's so virile... How about it Philia? Do you want this beast to put a foal in you?~" "horny">>
<p>Mina pants, feeling her own arousal building. The sight and sounds of such a powerful beast taking her friend so forcefully and thoroughly was undeniably exciting. She moves a hand and starts lightly stroking her fingers against Philia's cheek.</p>
<p>Just as the waves of Philia's first orgasm start to fade the stallion's cock suddenly slams into Philia's womb, making the goblin shriek! She is still shaking from the last orgasm as another one crashes into her. She goes limp for a second, eyes rolling up into her skull as she blacks out from the sheer amount of pleasure she's experiencing.</p>
<p>After a moment she starts to regain her senses, eyes focusing on Mina as her friend strokes her cheek. She let's out a low moan, cheeks flushed a deep red as her nipples are teased.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Ohh yes! Yes! Put a foal in me!" "cum">>
<p>She cries out excitedly, her body trembling as the horse continues to pound away at her. Her entire body rocks back and forth as the stallion takes her, each impact of the beast's smashing against the rear wall of her womb sending new waves of ecstasy through her.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Ohh yes... keep going! Gonna... gonna breed me... oh fuck yes!" "cum">>
<p>Her nails dig into Mina's arms as the pleasure courses through her body, forcing her muscles to seize up once again. Philia's eyes roll up, her body going stiff for a moment as another intense orgasm rips through her. Her cunt clamps down like a vice, gripping the huge equine cock as waves of ecstasy threaten to sweep her away once again.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Ohh... ohhh fuck! Yess... cumming... cumming again!" "cum">>
<p>She screams, grasping desperately onto Mina. Her entire body goes limp, swaying with the motion of the stallion as it continues to fuck her through her intense orgasm. Her eyes roll back, tongue lolling from her mouth as her mind completely goes blank, lost in a daze of pure ecstasy.</p>
<p>Philia's limp, trembling body sways from side to side, completely overwhelmed by the relentless waves of pleasure from the horse fucking her through another intense climax. Her eyes remain rolled back, vacant and mindless with pleasure, tongue hanging limp from her parted lips.</p>
<p>Mina grins as she watches the huge horse rutting her friend, taking Philia again and again in such a feral, ferocious way. Seeing the goblin barmaid completely overwhelmed by ecstasy as she is fucked silly by this powerful beast fills Mina with excitement and arousal.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Goddess that looks soooo good... The way you're being rutted like a bitch in heat is so incredibly hot~" "horny">>
<p>Her free hand moves between her own legs, rubbing along her stiffening clit as she continues to watch Philia be bred over and over by this relentless beast.</p>
<<minaSpeak"That's it, take that horse cock, every thrust, every spurt of cum..." "cum">>
<p>Her other hand moves, gently stroking Philia's heaving breasts, teasing the goblin's stiff nipples, then moves down to the barmaid's bulging belly.</p>
<<minaSpeak "I can feel him getting so deep inside you with every thrust... He really is trying to foal you~" "horny">>
<p>She bites her lips, intensely aroused by the ferocity of the breeding.</p>
<<minaSpeak "I think he's going to cum soon... Are you ready Phili? Ready to be filled to the brim?" "horny">>
<<philiaSpeak "Hnnnghh! Yes... oh fuck yes..." "cum">>
<p>The goblin's words come out as barely a whimper, her mind completely overwhelmed by the feeling of the beast pounding into her. Her eyes remain rolled up, vacant as her body is used like a simple breeding hole.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Fill meeeeeee... fill me uuuuuup!" "cum">>
<p>She gasps, body shuddering as the horse slams into her harder and faster. Each impact makes her core tremble, the beast's cock stretching and reshaping her womb to its own thick shape.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Cumming! Cum with me! Give it to meeeeeeeee!" "cum">>
<p>Philia screams, body seizing up as another orgasm takes her. Her pussy clamps down around the huge equine shaft, milking it for all it's worth as the intense pleasure forces her to cum over and over, one climax rolling into another on the beast's fat cock.</p>
<p>The horse snorts, biting at the air as its own orgasm takes it. Its cock pulses and throbs inside Philia, while its balls clench tight towards its body. A heartbeat later its shaft erupts inside her and floods her womb with a deluge of thick, potent seed. Jet after jet of hot cum is pumped into her, filling her to the brim with the beast's virile seed.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Ohhh yesssss! So much! So hot!" "cum">>
<p>Philia screams in delight, entire body shaking with the force of the horse's cum filling her.</p>
<p>Mina grins, watching wide-eyed in fascination as the stallion's huge cock continues to erupt and fill Philia with its potent seed. She can see the goblin girl's stomach bulging even more, swelling up and showing just how much of a heavy load the horse is releasing inside of her.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/philia/horse-cumming.png">
<<minaSpeak "Goddess... there's so much..." "horny">>
<p>Mina's hands start to explore Philia's body again. One hand moves down to rub along her friend's lower stomach, feeling the cum inside sloshing with each movement. The other hand moved to tease along Philia's chest, tweaking one of those swollen nipples. She leans in close to whisper into Philia's ear</p>
<<minaSpeak "Does it feel good being pumped so full of his virile cum? Do you want it to take root in you, give you a litter of little horse babies?~" "horny">>
<<minaSpeak "Don't worry, if you do get bred I'll help you raise them. Or... maybe play with them as they grow up~" "cum">>
<p>Mina babbles, her own arousal making it difficult to think clearly.</p>
<p>The goblin's mind is similarly completely lost in a daze, eyes vacant as she lays there in a semi-conscious state. Her body shudders and shakes with the aftershocks of her intense orgasms. Her stomach bulges, stuffed full of potent horse seed. Each movement causes the cum inside her to slosh about.</p>
<p>She lets out a low moan at Mina's words, her nipples stiffening under her friend's touch.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "Yes... oh yes... fill me... keep filling me... Gonna have... gonna have so many babies..." "cum">>
<p>She doesn't even seem to realize the absurdity of the statement. Her mind is completely overwhelmed, lost in the haze of the intense breeding she just received.</p>
<<set $sceneSkip to false>>
<<if $replayMemory is false>>
<<addExp "Lewd" 12>>
<<reduceStamina 40>>
<<addExp "Stamina" 8>>
<<usePotion "Allure Potion">>
<<usePotion "Elasticity Elixir">>
<<set $scenesSeen["Philia and the Stallion"] to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["philia"] to false>>
<p><<link "Head home after spending some quiet time with Philia to help her recover her senses" "Home">>
<p><<link "Return" "Memories">>
<<set $replayMemory to false>>
<<set $alternateScene to false>>
<</if>><div id="speaking">
<<philiaSpeak "I've got maybe a second Mina what's up?" "neutral">>
<span id="allure">
<<if $recipesDiscovered["Allure Potion"] is true && $philiaInformed["Allure Potion"] is false>>
<<link "Tell Philia about the Allure Potion">>
<<replace "#speaking">>
<<minaSpeak "Ohmygoddess Phili I finally learned how to make a new potion!" "happy">>
<<philiaSpeak "Oh really what's it do?" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Um, I think it makes things... horny?" "blush">>
<p>Philia stares blankly at Mina for a few moments.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "That's, uh... that's interesting! Maybe... maybe come back at night when I'm less busy, you can explain it better then!" "blush">>
<<run scroll(0, 0)>>
<<set $philiaInformed["Allure Potion"] to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["philia"] to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["philiaDay"] to false>>
<<remove "#allure">>
<<print " ❤︎">><br>
<span id="elasticity">
<<if $recipesDiscovered["Elasticity Elixir"] is true && $philiaInformed["Elasticity Elixir"] is false>>
<<link "Tell Philia about the Elasticity Elixir">>
<<replace "#speaking">>
<<minaSpeak "Hi Philia! I've made another new kind of potion!" "happy">>
<<philiaSpeak "Oooo, exciting! What's this one do?" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "It makes whoever takes it more elastic!" "happy">>
<<philiaSpeak "Oh? That sounds... potentially useful..." "blush">>
<<if $stablesVisited is true>>
<p>Mina stares for a moment and then her mouth widens in a big grin.</p>
<<run scroll(0, 0)>>
<<set $philiaInformed["Elasticity Elixir"] to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["philiaDay"] to false>>
<<remove "#elasticity">>
<span id="estradi">
<<if $recipesDiscovered["Estradi Potion"] is true && $philiaInformed["Estradi Potion"] is false>>
<<link "Tell Philia about the Estradi Potion">>
<<replace "#speaking">>
<<minaSpeak "Yo Phili! Want to hear about my newest potion?" "happy">>
<<philiaSpeak "Sure, if it doesn't take too long!" "happy">>
<<minaSpeak "It's called the Estradi Potion! It makes the user a girl temporarily." "happy">>
<<philiaSpeak "Estradi, like the Goddess? Yeah I guess that makes sense then!" "happy">>
<<run scroll(0, 0)>>
<<set $philiaInformed["Estradi Potion"] to true>>
<<remove "#estradi">>
<span id="shrinking">
<<if $recipesDiscovered["Shrinking Elixir"] is true && $philiaInformed["Shrinking Elixir"] is false>>
<<link "Tell Philia about the Shrinking Elixir">>
<<replace "#speaking">>
<<minaSpeak "Hey! I just wanted to quickly tell you about the new potion I made!" "happy">>
<<philiaSpeak "Another one? Geez Mina you're unstoppable!" "happy">>
<<minaSpeak "Aw, thanks! It's a shrinking potion." "happy">>
<<philiaSpeak "That's cool! I wonder... hm, another time!" "happy">>
<<run scroll(0, 0)>>
<<set $philiaInformed["Shrinking Elixir"] to true>>
<<remove "#shrinking">>
<span id="homuncuties">
<<if $totalHomuncuties > 0 && $philiaInformed["Homuncuties"] is false>>
<<link "Tell Philia about the Homuncuties">>
<<replace "#speaking">>
<<minaSpeak "Hiiii Philia! Guess what? I made a homunculus!" "happy">>
<<philiaSpeak "Mina I do not know what that is." "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Oh, uh... it's like a magical servant made with alchemy. Mine look like cute girls!" "happy">>
<<philiaSpeak "I... see. And what do you have them doing?" "surprise">>
<<minaSpeak "Oh they go out and get me stuff. Pretty useful!" "happy">>
<p>Philia just shakes her head with amusement.</p>
<<run scroll(0, 0)>>
<<set $philiaInformed["Homuncuties"] to true>>
<<remove "#homuncuties">>
<span id="beth">
<<if $scenesSeen["Beth and Shrink Potion"] && $scenesSeen["Philia and the Stallion"] && $philiaInformed["Beth"] is false>>
<<link "Chat with Philia about Beth">>
<<replace "#speaking">>
<<minaSpeak "Hi Phili! Just wanted to ask you quick question." "neutral">>
<<philiaSpeak "Ok sure, what's up?" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "So, uh, you looked like you had a lot of fun with that horse the oth-" "happy">>
<<philiaSpeak "Shhh! Don't just talk about that in here! What about it?" "pout">>
<<minaSpeak "Oh, sorry! I just, I wanted to know if you'd like to come visit another friend of mine. She's... kind of equipped in a... similar fashion..." "embarrassed">>
<p>Philia blinks a few times, processing just what Mina said.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "You... what? Um... ok? Who is it?" "surprise">>
<<minaSpeak "It's Beth!" "happy">>
<<philiaSpeak "...what? Beth has a... huh. Well, if she's ok with it, I don't mind visiting..." "blush">>
<<minaSpeak "Great!" "happy">>
<<run scroll(0, 0)>>
<<set $philiaInformed["Beth"] to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["philiaDay"] to false>>
<<remove "#beth">>
<p>[[Say goodbye|Nightshade Inn]]</p><<set _missingReagents to []>>
<<if $player.reagents.count($quickAlchemyRecipe[0]) < $bulkCraft>>
<<run _missingReagents.push($quickAlchemyRecipe[0])>>
<<if $player.reagents.count($quickAlchemyRecipe[1]) < $bulkCraft>>
<<run _missingReagents.push($quickAlchemyRecipe[1])>>
<<if $quickAlchemyRecipe[2] isnot "Water" && $player.mediums.count($quickAlchemyRecipe[2]) < $bulkCraft>>
<<run _missingReagents.push($quickAlchemyRecipe[2])>>
<<if _missingReagents.length > 0>>
<p>Mina doesn't have enough _missingReagents</p>
<<elseif $player.stamina < (setup.recipeStaminaUsage[$quickRecipeName] - 5)*$bulkCraft>>
<p>Mina won't have enough stamina for this much alchemy!</p>
<<set $firstReagent to $quickAlchemyRecipe[0]>>
<<set $secondReagent to $quickAlchemyRecipe[1]>>
<<set $medium to $quickAlchemyRecipe[2]>>
<<set $catalyst to $quickAlchemyRecipe[3]>>
<<goto Alchemize>>
<p>[[Back|Cauldron]]</p><<if $guildVisited is false>>
<p>Mina steps up to the board and starts looking over it with interest. Many of the requests she can see are for new pieces of equipment such as weapons and armour. Others look to be notifications of openings in adventuring parties, or adventurers looking for parties to join.</p>
<p>Soon enough though Mina spots something of interest to her specifically.</p>
<<set $guildVisited to true>>
<h3>Requests currently available:</h3>
<p><<set _requestList to Object.keys($requestsAvailable)>>
<<for _p = 0; _p lt _requestList.length; _p++>>
<<if $requestsAvailable[_requestList[_p]] is false>>
<<print _requestList[_p] + " - Request Fulfilled">><br>
<<capture _p>>
<<link _requestList[_p]>>
<<set $viewedRequest to _requestList[_p]>>
<<run Dialog.create("Request"); Dialog.wikiPassage("View Request"); Dialog.open()>>
<p>New requests may be available tomorrow.</p>
[[Back|Adventurer Guild]]<p>A request for the following potions:</p>
<<newinv _requiredPotions>>
<<set _requiredPotions to setup.requests[$viewedRequest][0]>>
<<set _reward to setup.requests[$viewedRequest][1]>>
<<set _respect to setup.requests[$viewedRequest][2]>>
<p><<inv _requiredPotions>></p>
<p>Reward: _reward G</p>
<p><<link "Fulfill Request">>
<<if $player.potions.compare(_requiredPotions)>>
<<run Dialog.create("Request Complete!"); Dialog.wiki("Mina finds the adventurers and hands over the potions with a big grin!<br>");Dialog.wiki("She receives _reward gold coins as a reward!");Dialog.open()>>
<<plusGold _reward>>
<<set $allayaRespect += _respect>>
<<unmerge $player.potions _requiredPotions>>
<<set $requestsAvailable[$viewedRequest] to false>>
<<goto "Request Board">>
<<run UI.alert("Mina doesn't have enough of the required potions!")>>
<</link>></p><p>Mina gets a good few hours sleep, restoring her energy.</p>
<<set $player.stamina to $player.maxStamina>>
<<if $currentTime is "Night">>
<p>[[Back|Home]]</p><p data-nokeys="true">Mina comes across a curious sight. A <<link "large insect">><<run Dialog.create("Insect"); Dialog.wikiPassage("Rockbiter Image"); Dialog.open()>><</link>> is crawling along the wall of the cave, until it stops to nibble at a rocky protrusion with its mandibles. As she watches the bug seems to spit out a strange fluid and a few moments later the rock appears to dissolve into a kind of slurry, allowing the bug to consume it.</p>
<<if $homuncutie["deep-cave"].born is true>>
<<if Math.floor(Math.random()*3) is 1>>
<p data-nokeys="true">
Nearby Mina can see $homuncutie["deep-cave"].name
<<link "has introduced a Rockbiter">>
<<set $spottedCutie to "deep-cave">>
<<set $cutieAction to "creature">>
<<run Dialog.create("Homuncutie").wikiPassage("Homuncutie Image").open()>>
to her bountiful chest.
<<if $hintsLearned["Rockbiter"] is false>>
<<minaSpeak "What a weird critter! Doesn't look too dangerous though... I wonder if I can find a use for it...?" "think">>
<<if $rockbiterMarbleTrap is false>>
<<minaSpeak "This must be a Rockbiter! Wow! I wonder if I might be able to get some of its saliva somehow... " "think">>
<<minaSpeak "Maybe if I put some trueschist in a bottle?" "think">>
<<if $player.items.has("Empty Bottle") && $player.reagents.has("Trueschist Marble")>>
[[Do some experimenting with Trueschist Marbles and a bottle|Rockbiter Marble Trap]]
<<minaSpeak "I'd need both an empty bottle and at least one marble for that though..." "neutral">>
<<if $rockbiterMarbleTrap is true && $bridgeCelebration is true && $scenesSeen["Rockbiter Fuck"] is false>>
<<minaSpeak "Hm... I wonder if that story the adventurer told is true..." "think">>
<<minaSpeak "Perhaps this might be another job for an Allure Potion~" "horny">>
<<if $player.potions.has("Allure Potion") is true>>
<<sceneLink "Try out an Allure Potion on the Rockbiter" "Rockbiter Fuck">>
<<minaSpeak "So I should probably go and get one I guess!" "embarrassed">>
<<if $player.items.has("Empty Bottle") is false && $rockbiterMarbleTrap is true>>
<<minaSpeak "I'll need some bottles if I want to collect its saliva." "neutral">>
<<if $rockbiterMarbleTrap is true>>
[[Set out a bottle with a Trueschist Marble|Rockbiter Marble Repeatable]]<br>
<<if $scenesSeen["Rockbiter Fuck"] is true>>
<<if $player.potions.has("Allure Potion")>>
<<repeatableLink "Use an Allure Potion to extract some goo" "Rockbiter Fuck Repeatable">>
<<minaSpeak "I'll need an Allure Potion if I want to entice the critter." "neutral">>
<p>[[Explore some more|Explore the Deep Caves]]<br>
[[Go back to the cave entrance|Cave]]</p><div class="accordion">
<h3>Fucking a Rockbiter</h3>
<p>Mina shimmies out of her shorts and then approaches the Rockbiter cautiously, not wanting to spook it. As soon as she's close enough she kneels down in front of it with a prepared Allure Potion, which she promptly pours onto the large insect.</p>
<<minaSpeak "I really hope this works..." "blush">>
<p>She whispers to herself as she then sits down and spreads her legs open, presenting her bare pussy to the bug.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/rockbiter/spread.png">
<p>The Rockbiter's antennae twitch as the potion soaks it and is absorbed. The bug turns towards Mina and takes a cautious step closer to the alchemist, the potion taking effect as its instincts are aroused. It tilts its head to the side quizzically as it regards her. Suddenly its long, conical cock emerges from the opening at the end of its abdomen, drawn out by Mina's enticing scent and the effects of the aphrodisiac.</p>
<p>Mina bites her lower lip nervously as the Rockbiter approaches her. She keeps her legs spread open, giving it full access to her glistening wet folds. Her chest rises and falls rapidly with each anxious breath. Soon enough her nose detects the strange, earthy scent that accompanies the creature's extending appendage and her gaze shifts. Her eyes widen at the sight of it and she swallows hard, staring at the alien shaft as it gets closer to her.</p>
<<minaSpeak "It's so... different..." "horny">>
<p>The Rockbiter cocks its head further as Mina speaks, her words meaningless but her tone and scent communicating a willingness to mate. Its antennae flutter at her breathy words, and its conical cock twitches as it exudes a drop of viscous pre onto the ground below it. The creature steps forward, climbing up onto Mina, until the tapered tip of its cock presses against the opening of Mina's exposed pussy lips.</p>
<p>A sharp inhale hisses through Mina's clenched teeth as she feels Rockbiter's tapered cock tip pressing between her wet folds, seeking entry to her human depths. The alien appendage, slick with its odd goo, glides against her sensitive folds with surprising gentleness despite the creature's instinctual nature. Mina's thighs tremble slightly, the cool breeze caressing her sweat-slicked.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Oh Goddess..." "horny">>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/rockbiter/fuckimminent.png">
<p>Her glasses sit slightly askew on her nose from the nervous shifting of her head, and her fingers scrape against the stony cave floor as she tries to relax and open herself up fully to the large bug about to take her.</p>
<<minaSpeak "C'mon buggy... just a biiiit more..." "horny">>
<p>The Rockbiter tilts its body, pressing its conical tip more insistently against the opening to Mina's pussy. It pushes in slowly, stretching her delicate human folds around its tapered insectoid member. The bug lets out a low clicking noise from deep in its throat, almost a growl, as it breaches the first inch of her tight hole.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Aaahn! O-oh fuck..." "horny">>
<p>Mina cries out as she feels the alien cock spearing her open, its tapered tip spreading her delicate folds around it. The hard stone beneath her naked rear provides a sharp contrast to the hot, slick, pulsating walls of her pussy gripping the intruding appendage. She gasps as the thick bug shaft presses relentlessly deeper into her most intimate depths. Her legs tremble violently, feet scrabbling for purchase against the rocky cave floor, and she can only move her arms to cling onto the creature as it claims her tight hole.</p>
<p>The Rockbiter continues pressing forward, forcing Mina's slick pussy walls to stretch wider around its girth. It clicks its mandibles, the noise growing louder as it pushes deeper. Its conical cock throbs within Mina, growing slick with her arousal and its own goo. It soon begins thrusting, sliding its thick shaft back and forth inside her snug passage.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Oh Goddess!" "horny">>
<p>Mina gasps, eyes squeezing shut as the Rockbiter's thick insectoid shaft stretches her pussy wide. The large bug's surprisingly heavy weight pins her down, its long legs gripping at her sides. The bug's mandibles clack loudly with each powerful thrust, driving its slick cock deep into her aching cunt. Mina can only wrap her trembling thighs around Rockbiter, nails scrabbling against its chitinous carapace, and moan as it claims her.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Hnnghh... Y-yesss... M-more! Fuck me harder buggy!" "horny">>
<p>She cries out shamelessly, letting the pleasure and adrenaline overwhelm her.</p>
<p>The creature starts pounding its thick shaft into Mina's stretched hole faster and faster. Its conical cock pulses within her, growing even thicker as it pushes deeper, driving into her most intimate depths. Its antennae twitches at her words and cries, somehow seeming like it understands her intent even if it doesn't understand her words, as it ruthlessly mates with her.</p>
<p>Mina gasps sharply, back arching off the rocky cave floor as the Rockbiter drives its thick cock in and out of her stretched hole. Her thighs quiver with the force of the bug's powerful thrusts, and her toes curl as she feels her pussy being reshaped around the invading shaft.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Hnnghh... Fuck... It's so fucking g-good..." "horny">>
<p>Mina whimpers between desperate cries. She looks down, blue eyes crossing as she stares transfixed at where their bodies are joined - at that strange alien cock plunging in and out of her soaking wet pussy, her body shaking with each slam of the bug against her thighs.</p>
<p>The Rockbiter's clicking mandibles have gotten intensely loud with its conical shaft now fully sheathed inside her, stretching her human pussy as wide as possible. It grinds against her with each thrust, its heavy body weight pinning Mina down against the stone floor. The bug's antennae are fully extended as it focuses intently on the pleasure of mating. Its thick goo drips down the sides of Mina's thighs, her pussy walls being coated with each inward stroke. The Rockbiter clicks loudly, almost aggressively, as it ruts faster and faster, seeking release inside its willing mate.</p>
<p>Mina moans desperately as the bug pounds her cunt, its smooth, hard chitin rubbing roughly against her sensitive clit. She pants and writhes beneath it, the intense pleasure almost overwhelming as it rails her with wild abandon.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Y-yesss buggy... C-cum inside... Fill me up..." "horny">>
<p>Mina cries, back arching off the ground and toes curling tight as the Rockbiter slams into her sopping wet pussy over and over. She grips its carapace tightly with trembling hands and legs, drawing it as deep into her body as physically possible as she surrenders fully to the overwhelming sensations. With a scream she throws her head back and grips the bug stuffing her pussy full tight to her body.</p>
<<minaSpeak "F-FUCK! C-CUMMING!" "cum">>
<p>Mina's body convulses uncontrollably beneath the bug as it slams into her quivering cunt again and again, its chitin grinding roughly against her throbbing clit with each powerful stroke.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Hnnnggghh fuck! I'm cumming! CUMMING!" "cum">>
<p>She cries out again at the top of her voice, back arching sharply off the stone floor and toes curling violently tight as her orgasm crashes through her, her pussy gushing as it sprays out onto the underside of the Rockbiter.</p>
<p>The Rockbiter lets out a loud series of clicks, the sounds rising in both volume and pitch as Mina's cunt clenches down hard around its cock, gripping it like a vice. It feels her juices gushing out around its shaft, the warm fluid dripping down over its carapace. The scent of its mate's release fills Rockbiter's senses, driving it towards its own release. It pounds Mina through her intense orgasm, not stopping its ruthless thrusts even for a second. Rockbiter grinds against Mina's clit, almost as if it's determined to make her cum even harder.</p>
<p>Mina's frame spasms intensely against the unforgiving stone floor beneath her as the bug continues rutting into her convulsing pussy, drawing out her climax. Her glasses slip askew and her freckled face flushes deep crimson. She gasps out in a quavering moan between the loud wet smacks of Rockbiter's cock pounding her oversensitive walls.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Oh f-fuuuck! Y-yess... M-more! Don't stop!" "cum">>
<p>The creature continues to rut into Mina's spasming cunt, pounding into her. Its conical cock stretches her pussy to its absolute limits, the tip now slamming against her cervix with each thrust. It feels her tight walls clench around its shaft as it plows into her relentlessly. Until finally it can't take any more either. The Rockbiter lets out another aggressive clicking sound and slams as deep as it can into Mina's pussy and starts grinding against her. A thick stream of hot goo jets directly into Mina's cunt, filling her up with its massive load. It twitches inside her as it continues unloading more and more of its buggy spunk into her helpless body, painting her insides white.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/rockbiter/fuckcum.png">
<p>Finally, after what feels like forever, the Rockbiter pulls its thick shaft free of Mina's gaping cunt with a loud squelch. Viscous cum pours out of her stretched hole and pools beneath her now limp form as the bug steps back. The Rockbiter's orange eyes stare at Mina for a long moment, watching the cum dripping from her pussy before finally it turns and starts to walk away, leaving the aclhemist lying in a puddle of its goo.</p>
<p>Eventually Mina's eyes start to regain some focus and she startles, her conscious mind reasserting itself after it had given in to all those intense orgasms. She looks down at herself with a tired but supremely satisfed smile.</p>
<<if ($player.items.has("Empty Bottle") != true) || $alternateScene is true>>
<p>Mina turns to her nearby satchel and lets out an embarrassed laugh.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Oh. I don't think I brought any bottles with me..." "embarassed">>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/rockbiter/fucknobottle.png">
<p>After giving herself another minute to get her breath back Mina crawls over to her satchel and starts retrieving empty bottles from it. Slowly, tenderly, she gets up into a kneeling position and starts to empty the contents of her flushed pussy into the bottles.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/rockbiter/fuckbottle.png">
<<minaSpeak "Goddess... that was fun..." "horny">>
<<set $sceneSkip to false>>
<<if $replayMemory is false>>
<<usePotion "Allure Potion">>
<<if $player.items.has("Empty Bottle") is true>>
<<calculateBonus "Lewd" 2>>
<<set _amount to (2 + $skillBonus)>>
<<fillBottles "Rockbiter Goo" _amount "medium">>
<<reduceStamina 40>>
<<addExp "Lewd" 8>>
<<addExp "Stamina" 8>>
<<set $scenesSeen["Rockbiter Fuck"] to true>>
<p>[[Return to the Caves|Cave]]</p>
<p><<link "Return" "Memories">>
<<set $replayMemory to false>>
<<set $alternateScene to false>>
<</if>><p>Moving carefully, so as to not scare the creature away, Mina takes an empty bottle out of her satchel along with a Trueschist Marble. She pops the cork off the bottle and then places the marble inside. Then she places the bottle down on the ground before taking several steps back to hide behind a large rock formation to watch.</p>
<p>It takes what feels like <b>forever</b> but eventually whatever senses the Rockbiter uses to track down suitable minerals to consume pulls it over towards the bottle. It's mandibles clink against the glass as it tries and fails to get at the marble within. Finally it gives up trying to access the marble directly and seems to decide to try melting it anyway. Mandibles click together and then it holds its mouth opening over the top of the bottle.</p>
<p>Mina watches with interest as the first few dollops of the strange, viscous goo hits the bottom of the bottle and almost immediately the marble within is swallowed up and dissolved. Still unable to get at its meal the bug keeps on drooling, adding more and more to the bottle until the mixture within starts to overflow.</p>
<p>The Rockbiter starts to take the slurry into its mouth, attempting it seems to get as much sustenance as it can out of the diluted mixture. Eventually though it wanders away, leaving the bottle behind. With a jolt Mina dashes out of her hiding place and takes up the bottle to cork it before more of the rock-melting goo can escape.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Hm. This should work I hope but geez, not very efficient.." "think">>
<p>Mina gained a bottle of Rockbiter Goo!</p>
<<pickup $player.mediums "Rockbiter Goo" 1>>
<<drop $player.items "Empty Bottle" 1>>
<<reduceStamina 10>>
<<addExp "Stamina" 2>>
<<set $rockbiterMarbleTrap to true>>
<p><<if $player.stamina != 0>>
[[Explore the deep caves some more|Explore the Deep Caves]]<br>
Mina is very tired.<br>
[[Back|Cave]]</p><p>Mina sets out a bottle and marble once again and settles down to wait. After a while the Rockbiter does its thing, leaving the bottle full of the strange substance.</p>
<p>Mina gained a bottle of Rockbiter Goo!</p>
<<pickup $player.mediums "Rockbiter Goo" 1>>
<<drop $player.items "Empty Bottle" 1>>
<<reduceStamina 10>>
<<addExp "Stamina" 2>>
<p><<if $player.stamina != 0>>
[[Explore the deep caves some more|Explore the Deep Caves]]<br>
Mina is very tired.<br>
[[Back|Cave]]</p><div class="accordion">
<h3>Rockbiter Fuck</h3>
<p>Mina wiggles happily and pulls down her shorts, exposing her pussy while is already flushed with anticipation. She steps over to the Rockbiter and gives the creature a nice big dose of Allure Potion.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Fuck me good buggy~" "horny">>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/rockbiter/fuckrepeatable.png">
<<usePotion "Allure Potion">>
<<calculateBonus "Lewd" 2>>
<<set _sapCollected to (2 + $skillBonus)>>
<<fillBottles "Rockbiter Goo" _sapCollected "medium">>
<<addExp "Lewd" 8>>
<<reduceStamina 40>>
<<addExp "Stamina" 8>>
<<if $player.stamina != 0>>
<p>[[Explore the deep caves some more|Explore the Deep Caves]]<br>
[[Go back to the cave entrance|Cave]]</p>
<p>Mina is too tired for any more activity.</p>
<p>[[Return Home|Home]]</p><p data-nokeys="true">In the distance Mina spies a flash a <<link "brightly coloured scales">><<run Dialog.create("Lizard"); Dialog.wikiPassage("Salamander Image"); Dialog.open()>><</link>> moving between the trees.</p>
<<if $homuncutie["deep-forest"].born is true>>
<<if Math.floor(Math.random()*3) is 1>>
<p data-nokeys="true">
Nearby Mina can see $homuncutie["deep-forest"].name
<<link "has found a salamander of her own">>
<<set $spottedCutie to "deep-forest">>
<<set $cutieAction to "creature">>
<<run Dialog.create("Homuncutie").wikiPassage("Homuncutie Image").open()>>
to play with.
<<if $hintsLearned["Salamander Scale"] is false>>
<<minaSpeak "Some kind of big lizard? Better not get too close..." "think">>
<<minaSpeak "Oooo, a Salamander!" "happy">>
<<if $scenesSeen["Salamander Sucking"] is false>>
<<minaSpeak "Hm, I wonder how I can get close enough to nab some scales..." "think">>
<<minaSpeak "The Allure Potion has yet to fail me, might as well give that a try!" "horny">>
<<if $player.potions.has("Allure Potion") is false>>
<<minaSpeak "Assuming I had one that is!" "blush">>
<<sceneLink "Try to tempt the Salamander with an Allure Potion" "Salamander Sucking">>
<<elseif $scenesSeen["Salamander Sucking"] is true>>
<<if $player.potions.has("Allure Potion") is false>>
Suck off the Salamander and yoink some scales - Requires Allure Potion<br>
<<repeatableLink "Suck off the Salamander and yoink some scales" "Salamander Suck Repeatable">><br>
<p>[[Explore the deep forest some more|Explore the Deep Forest]]<br>
[[Go back to the forest entrance|Forest]]</p><div class="accordion">
<h3>Salamander Sucking</h3>
<p>With a huge grin Mina repeats her trick with the bait and the Allure Potion. In no time at all she's got the Salamander looming over her prone form all over again~</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/salamander/facefuckrepeat.png">
<<usePotion "Allure Potion">>
<<calculateBonus "Lewd" 2>>
<<set _found to (2 + $skillBonus)>>
<<addReagent "Salamander Scale" _found>>
<<addExp "Lewd" 8>>
<<reduceStamina 40>>
<<addExp "Stamina" 8>>
<p><<if $player.stamina != 0>>
[[Explore the deep forest some more|Explore the Deep Forest]]<br>
[[Go back to the forest entrance|Forest]]
Mina is very tired.<br>
<p>[[Return Home|Home]]</p><div class="accordion">
<h3>Salamander Coaxing</h3>
<p>Mina watches the Salamander from a distance, weighing up her options. Finally she makes up her mind and nods. She crouches down and pours out an Allure Potion on a piece of dried meat she hopes will get the Salamander's attention. Then she moves away and lays down onto the grassy forest ground in the hopes that the large lizard won't notice her there and settles in to wait.</p>
<p>The Salamander sniffs the air, its tongue flicking out. It catches the scent of something enticing not far away. It starts to scuttle over on all fours towards the source, sharp claws digging into the forest floor. Once it reaches the bait it brushes its tongue over the dried meat a few times before it gobbles it down. Almost immediately the allure potion takes effect. Its pupils blow wide as primal urges awaken inside it. The creature turns in a slow circle, nostrils flaring as the desire to mate suddenly overwhelms it.</p>
<p>Soon it catches a glimpse of movement out of the corner of its eye - a flash of blue hair against the green grass and leaves. The Salamander stalks forward, its ridged length emerging from the slit between its legs, growing thicker and harder with each step. Strings of precum dribble from the tip onto the loamy forest floor below.</p>
<p>Mina's cheeks flush with excitement and she grins seeing the Salamander take the bait and start making its way over towards her.</p>
<<minaSpeak "It worked!" "happy">>
<p>She whispers to herself. Then her blush deepens and she bites her lip.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Now I just need to get some scales while it's... getting that potion out of its system~" "horny">>
<p>The Salamander closes in, its powerful legs propelling it forward with increasing urgency. It sniffs the air, tasting Mina's scent. A deep rumble builds in its throat as the potion floods its senses, drowning out all but that wild, primal instinct. It soon steps right up to Mina, its thick ridged cock bobbing heavily between its hind legs. It starts to sniff along her body, its hot breath washing over her skin. A string of drool falls from its open mouth onto her top.</p>
<p>As the lizard creature steps over her body to taste her scent with its nose and long, questing tongue, Mina finds herself staring right up at the pinkish-red shaft hanging down between the Salamander's hind legs.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Goddess... this one is interesting~" "horny">>
<p>When the Salamander shifts again Mina is treated to having that twitching reptilian cock smack against her face, hot and slimy against her skin. She shudders at the sensation, a thrill running down her spine.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/salamander/cockface.png">
<p>The Salamander sways forward when it feels something warm and soft rubbing against his sensitive shaft as Mina stares wide-eyed at its erect cock throbbing against her face. A bead of clear fluid drips from the tip of its ridged pink length and lands on her cheek with a splash. It's so close that Mina can see every bump and ridge along its thick girth.</p>
<p>The reptile above shifts, leaning forward with a guttural growl that vibrates through its body and against Mina. The pink shaft presses up against her cheek and the creature grinds itself against her, smearing her more with its musky precum. It rumbles with pleasure, spurred on by the intoxicating effect of the potion coursing through it.</p>
<p>Mina gasps as the Salamander grinds against Mina, smearing its pre against her face, forcing her to take in deep gulping lungfuls of its scent. Her cheeks flush a deep red as she stares at the ridged length now pressing against her with a nervous, excited smile.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Fuck... this one is very enthusiastic~" "horny">>
<p>Mina giggles with delight. Before she even realizes what she's doing she pokes out her tongue to get a taste of the musky ridged cock as it grinds against her mouth.</p>
<p>The Salamander lets out a loud groan of pleasure as Mina's tongue swipes across the ridged shaft pressing against her lips and cheeks. Thick strings of clear fluid dribble out an earthy not-quite-bitter taste coating her tongue. The creature sways, grinding itself against her face with increasing desperation. The pink cock throbs as it pumps more of its slick juices over her lips and cheek. Mina tasting the sharp musk and feeling the heat emanating from its length.</p>
<p>It growls gutturally, the rumbling sound vibrating through its body as the potion intensifies its burning need to mate. It rocks forward, the slick head of its cock pressing into Mina's open mouth finally. Its thick length pushes against her lips insistently as ropes of pre dribble onto her tongue.</p>
<p>A few moments later Mina's eyes widen as the Salamander suddenly thrusts forward, its ridged and dripping cock-head pushing further into her mouth. Her cheeks flush bright pink and her body tingles with excitement. She lets out a soft moan and then her lips wrap around the head of the Salamander's cock instinctively, her tongue sliding along the shaft as she tastes it's thick musk.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Mmmmph!" "surprise">>
<p>Her eyes close in bliss, ready to take that delicious cock, while her hands reach up to grab hold of the lizard's flanks, getting a grip on its scales.</p>
<p>Above her the reptile snarls in feral bliss as feels its throbbing cock-head embraced by the warmth of Mina's mouth. It rocks its hips, pumping more of the clear slick fluid onto her eager tongue. It rumbles gutturally and starts to rock forward, pressing its heavy length deeper past Mina's lips. Its thick, ridged girth fills her mouth completely. Ropes of saliva mixed with precum dribble down her face as she takes the pink length deep, the tip pushing towards her throat.</p>
<p>It lets out a hiss of pleasure as Mina's hands get a grip on its scales and its hips begin to buck, driving its drooling cock into the tight wet heat of her mouth. The head bumps against the entrance of her throat and it gurgles, rumbling with deep pleasure at her enthusiastic response.</p>
<p>Mina lets her eyes flutter shut, shuddering as she feels that musky, dripping cock sliding into her mouth and filling it so completely. Her fingers scrape against the Salamander's scales and she moans at the exquisite taste of its length and gooey precum. She feels her pussy growing soaked between her legs just from the Salamander fucking her mouth like this.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/salamander/facefuck.png">
<<minaSpeak "Mmmmmph... So delicious..." "horny">>
<p>She thinks to herself before looking back up at the lizard above her with an excited and lusty look in her eyes. Her tongue swirls around that delicious cock filling her mouth.</p>
<p>The Salamander gurgles loudly in delight, hips pumping as it starts to drive its drooling, ridged shaft into the wet heat of Mina's throat. Those thick ridges massage the soft flesh as more ropes of the clear pre fluid dribble out straight into her gullet now.</p>
<p>Mina moans around the Salamander's length as the creature sways above her. Its sharp claws dig into the dirt and leaves as it rocks its hips faster. Saliva and thick fluid drip down over her face and cheeks as she swallows around the pink cock pumping into her mouth at an ever increasing rate. The creature rumbles, consumed by its burning urge to mate as the allure potion intensifies the sensation. Its heavy, dripping shaft drives deeper into her throat, making Mina gag and sputter around its length.</p>
<p>With the creature's hips pumping faster as it fucks Mina's throat, her eyes flutter shut as she shudders with delight. Her heart races as she feels that delicious thick, ridged cock pumping in and out of her throat, filling her with such delight. She gags as the head pushes right down her throat, but she doesn't mind. She's enjoying this so much, she wraps her arms around the lizard's flanks and starts pulling it closer as if begging for more.</p>
<p>Mina lets out another excited, choked moan around the length, her tongue swirling around it, before the Salamander's cock-head rams deep into her throat again, causing her to sputter and gag, her eyes watering a little. Her back arches slightly off the ground and her pussy quivers, soaking the crotch of her shorts as the feeling of being so thoroughly used by the wild creature drives her wild with lust.</p>
<p>The Salamander snarls and shoves itself forawrd as Mina arches her back, grinding its drooling, ridged length deeper into her convulsing throat. Thick strands of pre spurt from its twitching cock-head to dribble over her tongue as the creature loses itself to primal pleasure. Mina's muffled moans of bliss vibrate around the reptile's thick pink shaft. Her fingers clench against those bright orange scales as the lizard ruts into her, pumping faster and faster. Its ridged girth fills her completely, pulsing in the tight, wet heat of her throat with every powerful thrust.</p>
<p>The Salamander rumbles loudly as Mina runs her hands along its muscular flanks. It sways atop her, hips bucking with increasing desperation, overcome with an all-consuming urge to breed. Its claws dig deep furrows in the forest floor as it fucks roughly into Mina's face. Then, with a final powerful surge of its muscular legs, Salamander's throbbing cock plunges as deep into Mina's throat as it can go. The scales of its underbelly press against her lips as a torrent of hot, sticky fluid erupts down her gullet. The reptile convulses above her, gurgling rapturously as it empties itself directly into her stomach.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/salamander/facecum.png">
<p>As the Salamander empties its hot and sticky seed straight into Mina's stomach she moans at the suddenness of the feeling, her hands clutching at the Lizard's scaly flanks.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Ohhh fuuuuuck yesss! So warm! Mmmph~!" "cum">>
<p>She thinks excitedly, continuing her moans around the creature's throbbing cock as she feels it unloading inside her stomach. Her eyes flutter shut again and her hips squirm a little with her soaking pussy as the feeling sends her into a euphoric state of bliss. Mina can feel herself getting light-headed, that fat lizard cock rammed straight down her throat almost completely cutting off her air but she loves every second of it. The salty musky taste, the throbbing heat filling her stomach and the way the creature trembles with delight above her as she is so thoroughly and deliciously used by it.</p>
<p>The Salamander sways unsteadily on top of Mina, gurgling softly as it empties the last pulses of thick seed down her throat. Rivulets of its sticky spend leak from the corners of her mouth and trickle down over her cheeks as she continues suckling at its pulsing length.</p>
<p>Soon though its claws finally still, no longer digging furrows into the loam. It collapses heavily atop Mina with a final rumble, the hot weight of its body pinning her. The ridged cock softens inside her gullet and with a wet squelch and a jerk of the lizard's hips, it slips free, leaving Mina gasping for breath. Thick ropes of pearlescent cum hang from her chin and splatter onto the forest floor.</p>
<p>After several long moments, the Salamander staggers to its feet with a hiss. Its cock, sated for the moment, slips back into the scaled sheath between its hind legs. It sways drunkenly, the last vestiges of the allure potion's influence beginning to fade. With one last inquisitive sniff in Mina's direction, it lurches off into the underbrush and disappears from sight.</p>
<p>It takes some time but eventually Mina gets her breath back and she manages to sit up, still panting softly. Her mouth widens in a huge grin.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/salamander/faceaftermath.png">
<p>She looks down and there in her hand are some scales, ones that must have come loose while she'd been gripping onto her bestial lover.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Awesome~" "happy">>
<<set $sceneSkip to false>>
<<if $replayMemory is false>>
<<calculateBonus "Lewd" 2>>
<<set _amount to (2 + $skillBonus)>>
<<addReagent "Salamander Scale" _amount>>
<<usePotion "Allure Potion">>
<<reduceStamina 40>>
<<addExp "Lewd" 8>>
<<addExp "Stamina" 8>>
<<set $scenesSeen["Salamander Sucking"] to true>>
<p>[[Return to the Forest|Forest]]</p>
<p><<link "Return" "Memories">>
<<set $replayMemory to false>>
<<set $alternateScene to false>>
<</if>><<if $player.reagents.length > 0>>
<<inv $player.reagents drop inspect>>
<<if $player.mediums.length > 0>>
<<inv $player.mediums drop inspect>>
<<inv $player.catalysts inspect>>
<<if $player.items.length > 0>>
<<inv $player.items drop inspect>>
<<if $player.potions.length > 0>>
<<inv $player.potions use drop inspect>>
<</if>><p class="shopScreen">
<span class="shopHeader">Skill</span>
<span class="shopHeader">Level</span>
<span class="shopHeader">Experience</span>
<<for _i to 0, _skillNames to Object.keys($skills); _i lt _skillNames.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i>>
<<set _maxExp to $skills[_skillNames[_i]].maxExp>>
<<set _class to _skillNames[_i] + "Meter">>
<p class="shopScreen">
<span class="shopItem">_skillNames[_i]</span>
<span class="shopItem"><<print $skills[_skillNames[_i]].level>></span>
<span class="shopItem"><progress @class="_class" @value="$skills[_skillNames[_i]].exp" @max="_maxExp"></progress></span>
<</for>><<set _journalPage = Object.keys($hintsLearned)>>
<div id="page">
<p>Mina keeps a journal of all the alchemy notes she's picked up.</p>
<<for _pages = 0; _pages lt _journalPage.length; _pages++>>
<<if $hintsLearned[_journalPage[_pages]] is true>>
<<capture _pages>>
<<link _journalPage[_pages]>>
<<replace "#page">>
<<include _journalPage[_pages]>>
<<link "Back">>
<<run Dialog.create("Journal"); Dialog.wikiPassage("Journal"); Dialog.open()>>
<<set _linkedPotion to setup.journalPotions[_journalPage[_pages]]>>
<<if $recipesDiscovered[_linkedPotion] is false>>
<<print " ⬤">>
<p><<link "Close Journal">>
<<run Dialog.close()>>
<</link>></p><p data-nokeys="true">There's a <<link "slime">><<run Dialog.create("Slime"); Dialog.wikiPassage("Slime Image"); Dialog.open()>><</link>> meandering about.</p>
<<if $homuncutie["cave"].born is true>>
<<if Math.floor(Math.random()*3) is 1>>
<p data-nokeys="true">
Nearby Mina can see $homuncutie["cave"].name
<<link "has found a slime of her own">>
<<set $spottedCutie to "cave">>
<<set $cutieAction to "creature">>
<<run Dialog.create("Homuncutie").wikiPassage("Homuncutie Image").open()>>
to play with.
<<if $hintsLearned["Common Cave Slime"] is true>>
<<if $player.potions.has("Allure Potion") is true>>
<<if $scenesSeen["Slime First time"] is false>>
<<minaSpeak "Hm, I wonder if..." "blush">><br>
Mina eyes her potion satchel where she can see the neck of an Allure Potion peeking out. Perhaps she could use that to get the slime to try and "mate"?<br>
But where would it try to put the jelly...<br>
<<sceneLink "Use an Allure Potion on the slime" "Slime First time">>
<<if $scenesSeen["Slime First time"] is true>>
<<repeatableLink "Use an Allure Potion to collect some jelly" "Slime Fuck">><br>
<<if $scenesSeen["Slime Ride First Time"] is true>>
<<repeatableLink "Use an Allure Potion and ride the slime properly" "Slime Ride">><br>
<<if $scenesSeen["Slime First time"] is true && (ndef $scenesSeen["Slime Ride First Time"] || $scenesSeen["Slime Ride First Time"] is false)>>
<<if $skills.Lewd.level < 5>>
<<minaSpeak "I think with a bit more experience I could probably keep the slime around long enough to wring out a few more jellies~" "horny">>
<<sceneLink "Ride the slime for all it's worth!" "Slime Ride First Time">>
<<minaSpeak "I'll need an allure potion if I want to gather some jelly." "neutral">>
<p>[[Explore the caves some more|Explore the Caves]]<br>
[[Go back to the cave entrance|Cave]]</p><div class="accordion">
<h3>Slime Fun</h3>
<p>Steeling her resolve Mina approaches the Slime while reaching into her satchel. As she steps in front of the jiggling creature she pulls out an allure potion. Holding it one hand she stares at the bottle for a few seconds, watching the curious green and purple fluid swirl about within.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Alright. Here we go!" "neutral">>
<p>With a smooth motion she pops the cork off the bottle and upends its contents straight onto the slime. As the gooey mixture seeps down she starts to feel a strange warm, fuzzy feeling building deep in her core, as if just smelling the sweet smelling potion is enough to cause a reaction in her. Or, she considers as she bites her lip, perhaps it's just nerves and anticipation.</p>
<p>The potion pools on top of the blue slime for a few moments before it's drawn into the gelatinous body, spreading out within like a cloud of ink in water. A few seconds later it seems to be quickly absorbed, leaving only the clear blue slime once again.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Did it work...?" "neutral">>
<p>Suddenly the slime's behaviour changes. No longer content to move along the ground at a snails pace it soon begins to move faster, rolling forward at an alarming rate. Before Mina can take a step back the cool surface of the slime is wrapping around her legs! Startled, Mina tries to retreat only to find her feet are quite stuck in place. The movement causes her to lose her balance and a moment later she falls back onto her rear.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Ooomph!" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Careful buddy!" "happy">>
<p>With a deep red blush filling her cheeks she watches the slime climb move forward more, taking more of her legs into its body. Quickly she realizes it must be searching for somewhere to deposit its jelly and her blush only deepens as a result.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Well then... I guess there's nothing for it..." "blush">>
<p>With some difficulty Mina manages to pull herself free of the slime long enough to shimmy out of her shorts and underwear. By the time she's discarding them off to one side the slime is already climbing up onto her again and she grins.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Ok buddy, I know juuuust where you can put some of that jelly~" "blush">>
<p>As the slime rolls up over her thighs Mina spreads her legs wide and slides a hand down her abdomen to her sex. Her cheeks flush a bright, bright red and she bites her lip hard as she contemplates just what she's about to let this slime do... but she has to admit to herself that she's very, very excited to know what it will feel like.</p>
<p>Using her fingers she parts her folds just as the slime moves up over her mound. She shivers at the smooth, cool touch that envelops her outer folds. For a one brief agonizing moment it seems the slime is about to keep on sliding up her body. Then all of a sudden she feels it, a pressure pushing against her entrance, teasing at her opening.</p>
<<minaSpeak "O-oh... oh Goddess..." "blush">>
<p>With inexorable slowness the slime keeps on pushing, clearly now focused on squeezing part of itself into this tight passage it has found. Mina squirms and moans as she feels her folds parting further, then her walls spreading to make room for the undulating slime sliding its way into her body.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/slime/slime.png">
<<minaSpeak "F-fuck... that feels... HNNNHNG!" "blush">>
<p>A tremor passes through her body as the slime also envelops her clit, gently squeezing that sensitive little nub. After a few short, sharp breaths she realizes that the creature had almost made her cum there and a low groan escapes her lips.</p>
<p>Eager to chase that high she rolls her hips, pushing back at the slime, trying to coax more of it into her. It obliges, oozing its way even deeper into her pussy, rippling against her walls. She shivers as she feels it reach what must be the limits of her passage, as its progress stops and a pressure seems to be building within in her abdomen.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Goooood slime, yesssss... so close... fill me up with that jelly~" "blush">>
<p>Then she feels it. Deep inside her pussy an addition to the strange sense of fullness of the squishy slime body. Something firmer, more solid. It's deposited so deep that a part of her worries how she's going to get it out. That part of her is, however, drowned up by the powerful orgasm that tears through Mina. Her back arches, her legs tremble and she lets out a keening wail of delight. Within the body of the slime hot fluid gushes from her pussy, a spreading discolouration within the clear blue gel which quickly disappears as it's consumed by the slime.</p>
<p>Still trembling and slightly dazed from the aftershocks of that mindnumbing orgasm Mina barely even registers the slime rolling back down off of her body. Its instincts to reproduce sated it quite happily shuffles away, blobbing off to blob about somewhere else in the cave.</p>
<p>When she finally does get her breath back Mina props herself up and looks down at herself. Her pussy is flushed and glistens but otherwise shows no signs of what it just went through and she grins. She could get used to this...</p>
<p>Then she frowns. She glares at her abdomen and wiggles, feeling the lump the slime left behind shift within her.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Well this is going to be annoying..." "pout">>
<p>Some time passes and Mina has a thin sheen of sweat covering her cheeks are flushed with exhaustion but despite it all she still has a wide smile on her face as she looks down at the firm lump of blue jelly sitting in her hand.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Gotcha~!" "happy">>
<<set $sceneSkip to false>>
<<if $replayMemory is false>>
<<calculateBonus "Lewd" 1>>
<<set _jellyFound to (1 + $skillBonus)>>
<<addReagent "Slime Jelly" _jellyFound>>
<<usePotion "Allure Potion">>
<<addExp "Lewd" 5>>
<<reduceStamina 20>>
<<set $allurePotionUsed to true>>
<<set $scenesSeen["Slime First time"] to true>>
<p><<link "Return" "Memories">>
<<set $replayMemory to false>>
<<set $alternateScene to false>>
<</if>><div class="accordion">
<h3>Slime Fuck</h3>
<<usePotion "Allure Potion">>
<p>With a little wiggle Mina strips down out of her shorts once more and approaches the slime with a big grin. Without hesitation she pops the cork on the potion and tips it out onto the slime again.</p>
<p>Just as before the creature climbs up onto Mina and just like before it pushes its way into her pussy and deposits some jelly deep inside.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/slime/slime.png">
<<calculateBonus "Lewd">>
<<set _jellyFound to (1 + $skillBonus)>>
<<addReagent "Slime Jelly" _jellyFound>>
<<addExp "Lewd" 4>>
<<reduceStamina 20>>
<<addExp "Stamina" 3>>
<p><<if $player.stamina != 0>>
[[Explore the caves some more|Explore the Caves]]<br>
[[Go back to the cave entrance|Cave]]
Mina is very tired.<br>
<p>[[Return Home|Home]]</p><div class="accordion">
<h3>Slime Riding</h3>
<p>Mina strips out of her shorts and approaches the slime with a little sashay of her hips. She tips an allure potion out on the slime and then plops herself down on top with a satisfied sigh.</p>
<p>Almost straight away the slime starts to slip its way into her holes, making her wiggle with pleasure and happiness.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Good slimey!" "horny">>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/slime/riding.png">
<<usePotion "Allure Potion">>
<<calculateBonus "Lewd" 2>>
<<set _jellyFound to (2 + $skillBonus)>>
<<addReagent "Slime Jelly" _jellyFound>>
<<addExp "Lewd" 8>>
<<reduceStamina 40>>
<<addExp "Stamina" 8>>
<p><<if $player.stamina != 0>>
[[Explore the caves some more|Explore the Caves]]<br>
[[Go back to the cave entrance|Cave]]
Mina is very tired.<br>
<p>[[Return Home|Home]]</p><div class="accordion">
<h3>Slime Riding</h3>
<p>Mina watches the slime for almost a minute, taking mental notes of its size and the curious way it moves about. Then she nods with determination and strips down her shorts and underwear.</p>
<p>Stepping forward she looks down at the slime and grins hugely.</p>
<<minaSpeak "I hope you're ready for this slimey~" "horny">>
<p>Reaching out she upends a bottle of allure potion onto the round blue mass and watches with increasing anticipation as the mixture spreads out into the slimey mass and is quickly dissolved. The slime's body starts to jiggle and like the other times it starts to roll towards her.</p>
<p>This time however Mina takes the initiative. She steps over the slime instead and straddles it, sitting herself down on top of the creature while her hands steady herself. As she suspected she doesn't just sink into it, and instead the surface tension holds her up.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/slime/straddle.png">
<p>Feeling the cool, gooey surface of the slime rubbing against her slickened folds gets a light moan to escape Mina's lips. Almost straight away she can feel the creature's form start to morph, pushing back against her to explore her for openings. A shiver runs down her spine at the feeling and she moans again at the pressure building at her entrance.</p>
<p>Then her eyes widen as she realizes she can also feel the slime pressing against her back door.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Ooooh, what an adventurous fellow you are~" "horny">>
<p>Rather than trying to stop the creature she leans into it, rolling her hips back and forth against the slime, pushing back against it to try and help it along. Soon enough she can feel her folds parting and undulating slime starts to slip inside her. A few seconds later her rear entrance starts to stretch as well.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Mmmph~ Fuck that feels good~" "horny">>
<p>Slowly but surely more and more slime forces its way into her, spreading her holes and making her squirm and shudder. The more she's filled the closer she can feel herself getting to an explosive release and it only makes her grind herself more forcefully down onto the slime that's now partly enveloping her legs.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Gooood slimey~ Keep it up~" "horny">>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/slime/ride.png">
<p>As the questing goo finds the rear wall of her pussy a small gasp escapes her followed by a squeal. Her back arches and a shiver passes through her as she's gripped by a powerful climax, making her eyes rolls back and her body shake.</p>
<<minaSpeak "FffffuuuuUUUCCCCKKK!~" "cum">>
<p>With both her passages milking the slime for all they're worth it soon follows its own desires. Its whole body ripples as Mina feels it depositing the strangely firm jelly inside both her pussy and ass, lumps that sit within her filling her with a strange sense of satisfaction.</p>
<p>Before the slime can get away she grinds herself down onto it a few more times, chasing the aftershocks of her orgasm, dragging it out for as long as she can, but the creature is spent. With a schlorp is pulls itself free of Mina and then starts to slide away, undulating across the stony ground.</p>
<p>Mina flops down and sighs deeply, cheeks flushed a deep red and her mouth hanging open a little slack in her satisfaction.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Goddess that feels good~" "happy">>
<<minaSpeak "Though I guess I gotta squeeze these out now..." "embarrassed">>
<<set $sceneSkip to false>>
<<if $replayMemory is false>>
<<calculateBonus "Lewd" 2>>
<<set _amount to (2 + $skillBonus)>>
<<addReagent "Slime Jelly" _amount>>
<<usePotion "Allure Potion">>
<<reduceStamina 40>>
<<addExp "Lewd" 8>>
<<addExp "Stamina" 8>>
<<set $scenesSeen["Slime Ride First Time"] to true>>
<p>[[Return to the Cave|Cave]]</p>
<p><<link "Return" "Memories">>
<<set $replayMemory to false>>
<<set $alternateScene to false>>
<</if>><<if $stablesVisited is false>>
<p>Mina surreptitiously heads out to the stables herself, keeping an eye out for her friend.</p>
<p>As soon as she enters the building the smell of animals hits her, making her wrinkle her nose for a moment. Horses, hunting dogs, oxen and sometimes more fantastic beasts, the Nightshade's stables are well equipped to handle whatever a traveller might require for their beasts of burden or animal companion. And all of that certainly has a distinct scent.</p>
<p>After getting her bearings Mina looks around. She can see a few horses poking their heads up out of their stalls but apart from that there is no sign of her small goblin friend. That is until Mina hears something shuffling around within one of the occupied stalls.</p>
<p>Curious, Mina moves over towards the stall to get a better look. Peeking over the door her eyes go wide with shock! There, kneeling under the horse, is Philia.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/philia/horseworship.png">
<p>She seems mesmerized by the slab of meat hanging down in front of her, eyes staring vacantly at the thick shaft of horse flesh while she breathes in and out with short, panting breaths.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Ph-phili? What're you...?" "blush">>
<p>Philia startles at Mina's choked, whispered question. Her attention snaps away from the horse cock and she stares right at Mina, eyes widening in shock. After a few seconds of the two girls just staring at each other Philia lets out a squeak!</p>
<<philiaSpeak "M-Mina! What... why are you here?!" "surprise">>
<<minaSpeak "Y-you told me to come at night!" "blush">>
<<philiaSpeak "Oh... oh yeah I did do that... I was busy I forgot!" "neutral">>
<p>As she speaks Philia starts shuffling out from under the horse, navigating around the big equine shaft in the process.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "I guess now you know my secret..." "blush">>
<<minaSpeak "Do you... do this often?" "blush">>
<<philiaSpeak "Yeah..." "blush">>
<<philiaSpeak "I come in here most nights and just... admire the stallions. I also try with the dogs but they just bark or growl at me if I go in their pens." "pout">>
<p>Mina's face is flushed a bright red and she can't help but keep glancing at the horse's cock. She can certainly see why her friend is so fascinated.</p>
<<minaSpeak "And have you ever, um... tried to do more?" "blush">>
<<philiaSpeak "...maybe. Once or twice." "blush">>
<<philiaSpeak "I can't get them worked up enough though. I can coax them out of their sheaths, but any more than that... I guess I'm not mare enough!" "sad">>
<p>Mina considers this, tilting her head one way and then the other as her mind races. Finally she smiles tentatively.</p>
<<minaSpeak "You know... my new potion might be able to help you out... if you're willing?" "blush">>
<<philiaSpeak "Huh? O-oh! You mean the one that makes things horny!" "happy">>
<<philiaSpeak "You might be right..." "blush">>
<p>Philia looks at the horse cock and bites her lips, her cheeks and points of her ears flushing bright red.</p>
<<philiaSpeak "I don't know if I want to jump right into the deep end though... would your potion work on a dog?" "horny">>
<<minaSpeak "Probably!" "happy">>
<<philiaSpeak "...and do you have one on you right now?" "happy">>
<<set $stablesVisited to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["philia"] to false>>
<<if $player.potions.has("Allure Potion")>>
<p>Mina grins a big, toothy grin.</p>
<<minaSpeak "I sure do~" "happy">>
<<sceneLink "Head to a dog pen" "Philia Dog First Time">>
<<minaSpeak "Not at the moment sorry... should I come back another night?" "neutral">>
<<philiaSpeak "...yes. Yes I think I would really like that." "blush">>
<p>Mina finds Philia waiting in the stables, sitting quietly in a corner near the horse stalls. She keeps glancing at the stalls, as if wanting to sneak into one.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Hi Phili!" "happy">>
<<philiaSpeak "Hi Mina! I hope you've brought some potion~" "horny">>
<<if $scenesSeen["Philia Dog First Time"] is false>>
<<if $player.potions.has("Allure Potion")>>
<<minaSpeak "Sure have~" "blush">>
<<minaSpeak "Oh, um, I forgot..." "neutral">>
<p>Philia scowls at Mina and crosses her arms.</p>
<<sceneLink "Head to a dog pen" "Philia Dog First Time">>
<<elseif $scenesSeen["Philia Dog First Time"] is true && $scenesSeen["Philia and Mina Dogs"] is false>>
<<if $player.potions.count("Allure Potion") >= 2>>
<<minaSpeak "This time I've brought two~" "horny">>
<<philiaSpeak "Fuck yes~" "horny">>
<<minaSpeak "Ah damn I don't think I brought enough for the both of us..." "embarrassed">>
<<philiaSpeak "Awwww" "sad">>
<<sceneLink "Head into the dog pens" "Philia and Mina Dogs">>
<<elseif $scenesSeen["Philia Dog First Time"] && $scenesSeen["Philia and Mina Dogs"] && $philiaInformed["Elasticity Elixir"] && $scenesSeen["Philia and the Stallion"] is false>>
<<if $player.potions.hasAll("Allure Potion", "Elasticity Elixir")>>
<<minaSpeak "I've got an Allure, and I've also brought an Elasticity Elixir~" "horny">>
<<philiaSpeak "Oh! Well in that case..." "horny">>
<p>Mina startles and opens up her satchel to check.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Hm... oh. I don't think so. Sorry..." "sad">>
<<sceneLink "Follow Philia to a horse stall" "Philia and the Stallion">>
<<minaSpeak "Not tonight! Just thought I'd drop by and say hello, since you never have a chance to talk during the day!" "happy">>
<<philiaSpeak "Oh, ok! Hello then!" "happy">>
<p>Philia and Mina chat for a while about little things, catching up on each other's lives.</p>
<p>[[Leave|Nightshade Inn]]<br>
[[Head Home|Home]]</p><img style="width:70%;display:block;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto" src="images/titleimage.png">
<p>[[Version - 0.10|Changelog]]<br>
<a href="https://discord.gg/JgrqQDexGT">Discord</a></p><<if tags().includes("title")>><<else>>
Time of Day: @@#time;<<=$currentTime>>@@<br>
Stamina: <span id="stamina">$player.stamina</span>/$player.maxStamina<br>
/*Stamina: @@#stamina;<<=$player.stamina>>@@/$player.maxStamina<br>*/
Gold: @@#gold;<<= $player.gold>>@@<br>
<span id="inventory-button" title="Inventory"><<button "Inventory">>
<<run Dialog.create("Inventory"); Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Inventory").text); Dialog.open()>>
<</button>></span><span id="inventory-toggle" @class="$toggleInventory"><<button "≡">>
<<if $toggleInventory is "toggle-off">>
<<set $toggleInventory to "toggle-on">>
<<run $("#inventory-toggle button").css("background-color", "green");>>
<<set $toggleInventory to "toggle-off">>
$("#inventory-toggle button").css("background-color", "black");
<span id="journal-button"><<button "Journal">>
<<run Dialog.create("Journal"); Dialog.wikiPassage("Journal"); Dialog.open()>>
<</button>></span><span id="journal-toggle" @class="$toggleJournal"><<button "≡">>
<<if $toggleJournal is "toggle-off">>
<<set $toggleJournal to "toggle-on">>
<<run $("#journal-toggle button").css("background-color", "green");>>
$("#listbox-journalentry").on('change', function() {
<<set $toggleJournal to "toggle-off">>
$("#journal-toggle button").css("background-color", "black");
<span id="skills-button"><<button "Skills">>
<<run Dialog.create("Skills"); Dialog.wikiPassage("Skills"); Dialog.open()>>
<</if>><<set $player to {
'reagents' : Inventory.create(),
'mediums' : Inventory.create(),
'catalysts' : Inventory.create(),
'items' : Inventory.create(),
'potions' : Inventory.create(),
'maxStamina' : 100,
'stamina' : 100,
'gold' : 10
} >>
<<set $version3 to true>>
<<set $version4 to true>>
<<set $version5 to true>>
<<set $version5_1 to true>>
<<set $version6 to true>>
<<set $version6_1 to true>>
<<set $version7 to true>>
<<set $version8 to true>>
<<set $version8_1 to true>>
<<set $version9 to true>>
<<set $version10 to true>>
<<set $time = 0>>
<<set $timeIncrements to ['Morning', 'Midday', 'Afternoon', 'Evening', 'Night']>>
<<set $currentTime to $timeIncrements[$time]>>
<<set $skills to {
'Alchemy' : setup.skill("Alchemy", 1, 0, 10),
'Botany' : setup.skill("Botany", 1, 0, 10),
'Stamina' : setup.skill("Stamina", 1, 0, 10)
<<set $eventNotification to {
'forest' : false,
'cave' : false,
'library' : true,
'market' : true,
'inn' : true,
'guild' : true,
'workshop' : true,
'aloeth' : false,
'philia' : false,
'jessica' : false,
'beth' : false,
'allaya' : false,
'aloethDay' : false,
'philiaDay' : false,
'jessicaDay' : false,
'bethDay' : false,
'allayaDay' : false,
'cauldron' : false,
'pit' : false
<<set $libraryVisited to false>>
<<set $marketVisited to false>>
<<set $workshopVisited to false>>
<<set $innVisited to false>>
<<set $guildVisited to false>>
<<set $cauldronVisited to false>>
<<set $stablesVisited to false>>
<<set $bethHouseVisited to false>>
<<set $jessicaHouseVisited to false>>
<<set $aloethApartmentVisited to false>>
<<set $allayaNightVisit to false>>
<<set $aloethTrueGender to false>>
<<set $donationVisited to false>>
<<set $firstWingAccessible to false>>
<<set $secondWingAccessible to false>>
<<set $firstDonationEligible to false>>
<<set $secondDonationEligible to false>>
<<set $allayaMet to false>>
<<set $askedAboutBridge to false>>
<<set $caveContractInformation to false>>
<<set $caveContractPaid to false>>
<<set $currentContract to "nil">>
<<set $currentTimer to "nil">>
<<set $allayaRespect to 0>>
<<set $bridgeBuiltInformed to false>>
<<set $bridgeCelebration to false>>
<<set $amethystInformed to false>>
<<set $forestContractInformation to false>>
<<set $forestContractPaid to false>>
<<set $forestScoutedInformed to false>>
<<set $ruinContractInformation to false>>
<<set $ruinContractPaid to false>>
<<set $ruinAccessInformed to false>>
<<set $replayMemory to false>>
<<set $scenesSeen to {
"Vine First Time" : false,
"Vine Fuck First Time" : false,
"Vine Nipple Fuck" : false,
"Slime First time" : false,
"Slime Ride First Time" : false,
"Rockbiter Fuck" : false,
"Salamander Sucking" : false,
"Philia Dog First Time" : false,
"Philia and Mina Dogs" : false,
"Beth Mating Press" : false,
"Beth and Shrink Potion" : false,
"Jessica Nipple Toy" : false,
"Alo'Eth First Step" : false,
"Mina Lays an Egg" : false,
"Philia and the Stallion" : false,
"Allaya and the Vayra" : false,
"Introducing Philia to Beth" : false
<<set setup.sceneRequirements to {
"Vine First Time" : Inventory.create(),
"Vine Fuck First Time" : Inventory.create({"Allure Potion" : 1}),
"Vine Nipple Fuck" : Inventory.create({"Allure Potion" : 1, "Elasticity Elixir" : 1}),
"Slime First time" : Inventory.create({"Allure Potion" : 1}),
"Slime Ride First Time" : Inventory.create({"Allure Potion" : 1}),
"Rockbiter Fuck" : Inventory.create({"Allure Potion" : 1}),
"Salamander Sucking" : Inventory.create({"Allure Potion" : 1}),
"Philia Dog First Time" : Inventory.create({"Allure Potion" : 1}),
"Philia and Mina Dogs" : Inventory.create({"Allure Potion" : 2}),
"Beth Mating Press" : Inventory.create({"Elasticity Elixir" : 1}),
"Beth and Shrink Potion" : Inventory.create({"Elasticity Elixir" : 1, "Shrinking Elixir" : 1}),
"Jessica Nipple Toy" : Inventory.create({"Elasticity Elixir" : 1}),
"Alo'Eth First Step" : Inventory.create({"Estradi Potion" : 1}),
"Mina Lays an Egg" : Inventory.create(),
"Philia and the Stallion" : Inventory.create({"Allure Potion" : 1, "Elasticity Elixir" : 1}),
"Allaya and the Vayra" : Inventory.create({"Allure Potion" : 1}),
"Introducing Philia to Beth" : Inventory.create({"Elasticity Elixir" : 2})
<<set setup.repeatableRequirements to {
"Vine Handjob" : Inventory.create(),
"Vine Fuck" : Inventory.create({"Allure Potion" : 1}),
"Vine Nipple Repeatable" : Inventory.create({"Allure Potion" : 1, "Elasticity Elixir" : 1}),
"Slime Fuck" : Inventory.create({"Allure Potion" : 1}),
"Slime Ride" : Inventory.create({"Allure Potion" : 1}),
"Rockbiter Fuck Repeatable" : Inventory.create({"Allure Potion" : 1}),
"Salamander Suck Repeatable" : Inventory.create({"Allure Potion" : 1})
<<set setup.sceneOrder to [
"Vine First Time",
"Vine Fuck First Time",
"Vine Nipple Fuck",
"Slime First time",
"Slime Ride First Time",
"Rockbiter Fuck",
"Salamander Sucking",
"Mina Lays an Egg",
"Philia Dog First Time",
"Philia and Mina Dogs",
"Philia and the Stallion",
"Beth Mating Press",
"Beth and Shrink Potion",
"Introducing Philia to Beth",
"Jessica Nipple Toy",
"Alo'Eth First Step",
"Allaya and the Vayra"
<<set $hiddenRepeatables to {
"Vine Fuck" : false,
"Vine Handjob" : false,
"Vine Nipple Repeatable" : false,
"Slime Fuck" : false,
"Slime Ride" : false,
"Rockbiter Fuck Repeatable" : false,
"Salamander Suck Repeatable" : false
<<set $cauldronContents to []>>
<<set $dumpedGoop to 0>>
<<set $research to {
"Botanical" : 0,
"Creature" : 0,
"Geological" : 0,
"Artifacts" : 0
<<set setup.researchLimits to {
"Botanical" : 100,
"Creature" : 100,
"Geological" : 100,
"Artifacts" : 100
<<set $hintsLearned to {
"Tattered Page" : true,
"Vayra Sap" : false,
"Common Cave Slime" : false,
"Trueschist Marble" : false,
"Rockbiter" : false,
"Salamander Scale" : false,
"Greenthorn Bark" : false,
"Magical Scrying" :false,
"Homunculus Creation" : false
<<set setup.journalPotions to {
"Tattered Page" : "Stamina Potion",
"Vayra Sap" : "Allure Potion",
"Common Cave Slime" : "Elasticity Elixir",
"Trueschist Marble" : "Healing Potion",
"Rockbiter" : "Estradi Potion",
"Salamander Scale" : "Fire Resistance Potion",
"Greenthorn Bark" : "Shrinking Elixir",
"Magical Scrying" : "Magic Scryer",
"Homunculus Creation" : "Homunculus Stone"
<<set $createdHomunculus to "">>
<<set $homuncutie to {
"forest" : {
"name" : "Hypatia",
"born" : false,
"inventory" : Inventory.create()},
"cave" : {
"name" : "Isabella",
"born" : false,
"inventory" : Inventory.create()},
"deep-forest" : {
"name" : "Cleo",
"born" : false,
"inventory" : Inventory.create()},
"deep-cave" : {
"name" : "Caterina",
"born" : false,
"inventory" : Inventory.create()}
<<set $totalHomuncuties to 0>>
<<set $journalEntry to "Tattered Page">>
<<set $toggleInventory to "toggle-off">>
<<set $toggleJournal to "toggle-off">>
<<set $automationScreen to false>>
<<set $automationHidden to false>>
<<set $bottleAutomation to false>>
<<set $homuncutieAutomation to false>>
<<set $stockedBottles to 20>>
<<set $stockingBottles to false>>
<<set $autoCollect to false>>
<<set $manualCollect to false>>
<<set $backupInventory to Inventory.create()>>
<<set $foundTrueMarble to false>>
<<set $rockbiterMarbleTrap to false>>
<<set $homunculusConsideration to false>>
<<set $pitConsideration to false>>
<<set $homunculusStoneCreated to false>>
<<item "Forest Herb">>
<<tags "reagent" "Botany">>
<div style="display: flex;align-items: center;">
<span>A bright red leaf of a herb from the forest.</span>
<span class="thumbnailImage"><<link [img[images/items/Forest Herb.png]]>>
<<run Dialog.create("Forest Herb"); Dialog.wikiPassage("Forest Herb Image"); Dialog.open()>>
<<item "Cave Mushroom">>
<<tags "reagent" "Botany">>
<div style="display: flex;align-items: center;">
<span>A bright blue mushroom from the caves.</span>
<span class="thumbnailImage"><<link [img[images/items/Cave Mushroom.png]]>>
<<run Dialog.create("Cave Mushroom"); Dialog.wikiPassage("Cave Mushroom Image"); Dialog.open()>>
<<item "Slime Jelly">>
<<tags "reagent" "Lewd">>
<div style="display: flex;align-items: center;">
<span>The jelly of a simple cave slime.</span>
<span class="thumbnailImage"><<link [img[images/items/Slime Jelly.png]]>>
<<run Dialog.create("Slime Jelly"); Dialog.wikiPassage("Slime Jelly Image"); Dialog.open()>>
<<item "Vine Pollen">>
<<tags "reagent" "Botany">>
<div style="display: flex;align-items: center;">
<span>Pollen from a forest vine flower.</span>
<span class="thumbnailImage"><<link [img[images/items/Vine Pollen.png]]>>
<<run Dialog.create("Vine Pollen"); Dialog.wikiPassage("Vine Pollen Image"); Dialog.open()>>
<<item "Trueschist Marble">>
<<tags "reagent" "Geology">>
<div style="display: flex;align-items: center;">
<span>A small perfectly round stone.</span>
<span class="thumbnailImage"><<link [img[images/items/Trueschist Marble.png]]>>
<<run Dialog.create("Trueschist Marble"); Dialog.wikiPassage("Trueschist Marble Image"); Dialog.open()>>
<<item "Salamander Scale">>
<<tags "reagent" "Lewd">>
<div style="display: flex;align-items: center;">
<span>Orange scales reportedly very resistant to heat.</span>
<span class="thumbnailImage"><<link [img[images/items/Salamander Scale.png]]>>
<<run Dialog.create("Salamander Scale"); Dialog.wikiPassage("Salamander Scale Image"); Dialog.open()>>
<<item "Greenthorn Bark">>
<<tags "reagent" "Botany">>
<div style="display: flex;align-items: center;">
<span>Seemingly normal tree bark. Its shape does seem to change ever so slightly over time however.</span>
<span class="thumbnailImage"><<link [img[images/items/Greenthorn Bark.png]]>>
<<run Dialog.create("Greenthorn Bark"); Dialog.wikiPassage("Greenthorn Bark Image"); Dialog.open()>>
<<item "Vine Sap">>
<<tags "medium" "Lewd">>
A gooey sap from a vine found in the forest.\
<<item "Rockbiter Goo">>
<<tags "medium" "Lewd">>
A strange viscous fluid that can dissolve minerals.\
<<item "Alluring Base">>
<<tags "medium">>
Allure Potion converted into a suitable medium for further alchemy.\
<<item "Glowing Quartz">>
A chunk of glowing quartz inherited from Mina's mother.\
<<item "Luminous Amethyst">>
A lovely piece of cut amethyst. It glows from within with a soft pink light.\
<<item "Empty Bottle">>
An empty glass bottle, perfect for keeping potions and other liquids in.\
<<consumable "Stamina Potion">>
<<tags "potion">>
<<restoreStamina 25>>
<<pickup $player.items "Empty Bottle" 1>>
A delicious stamina potion that will refresh your energy a little.\
<<item "Allure Potion">>
<<tags "potion">>
A curious potion that will reportedly "lure" a creature.\
<<item "Elasticity Elixir">>
<<tags "potion">>
Will supposedly increase the body's elasticity. Whatever that might mean!\
<<item "Healing Potion">>
<<tags "potion">>
A simple healing potion. Cheap, but effective.\
<<item "Estradi Potion">>
<<tags "potion">>
A pastel pink concoction said to give girls the body they desire.\
<<item "Fire Resistance Potion">>
<<tags "potion">>
A potion that grants the user a measure of resistance against heat and flames.\
<<item "Shrinking Elixir">>
<<tags "potion">>
Shrinks the user temporarily.\
<<item "Magic Scryer">>
A unique lodestone that will show the user the magic levels within a small area around them.\
<<item "Homunculus Stone">>
<div style="display: flex;align-items: center;">
<span>A curiously shaped stone that is warm to the touch.</span>
<span class="thumbnailImage"><<link [img[images/items/Homunculus Stone.png]]>>
<<run Dialog.create("Homunculus Stone"); Dialog.wikiPassage("Homunculus Stone Image"); Dialog.open()>>
<<set setup.lootTables to {
"forest" : ["Forest Herb", "Vine Pollen", "Vine Sap"],
"cave" : ["Cave Mushroom", "Slime Jelly"],
"deep-forest" : ["Salamander Scale", "Greenthorn Bark"],
"deep-cave" : ["Trueschist Marble", "Rockbiter Goo"]
<<set setup.prices to {
"Forest Herb" : 1,
"Cave Mushroom" : 1,
"Vine Pollen" : 2,
"Slime Jelly" : 2,
"Trueschist Marble" : 3,
"Empty Bottle" : 2,
"Stamina Potion" : 10,
"Allure Potion" : 15,
"Elasticity Elixir" : 30,
"Healing Potion" : 40,
"Fire Resistance Potion" : 60,
"Estradi Potion" : 60,
"Shrinking Elixir" : 60,
"Luminous Amethyst" : 300
<<set setup.donations to {
"First" : 300,
"Second" : 1200
<<set setup.contracts to {
"Cave Bridge" : [650, 5],
"Scout Forest" : [800, 5],
"Ruins Access" : [2000, 6]
<<set $contractsComplete to {
"Cave Bridge" : false,
"Scout Forest" : false,
"Ruins Access" : false
<<set $timersComplete to {
"Amethyst" : false
<<set $purchasedUniques to {
"Luminous Amethyst" : false
<<set setup.requests to {
"Stamina Potions Needed" : [Inventory.create({"Stamina Potion" : 5}), 120, 1],
"Basic Potions Please" : [Inventory.create({"Healing Potion" : 1, "Stamina Potion" : 5}), 270, 2],
"Fire Resistance Required" : [Inventory.create({"Fire Resistance Potion" : 3}), 400, 2],
"Not for crime, honest" : [Inventory.create({"Shrinking Elixir" : 3}), 400, 2]
<<set $requestsAvailable to {
"Stamina Potions Needed" : true,
"Basic Potions Please" : true
<<set setup.recipes to {
"Stamina Potion" : ['Cave Mushroom', 'Forest Herb', 'Water', 'Glowing Quartz'],
"Allure Potion" : ['Cave Mushroom', 'Vine Pollen', 'Vine Sap', 'Glowing Quartz'],
"Elasticity Elixir" : ['Slime Jelly', 'Forest Herb', 'Vine Sap', 'Glowing Quartz'],
"Healing Potion" : ['Trueschist Marble', 'Forest Herb', 'Water', 'Glowing Quartz'],
"Estradi Potion" : ['Greenthorn Bark', 'Slime Jelly', 'Rockbiter Goo', 'Luminous Amethyst'],
"Fire Resistance Potion" : ['Salamander Scale', 'Slime Jelly', 'Water', 'Luminous Amethyst'],
"Shrinking Elixir" : ['Greenthorn Bark', 'Vine Pollen', 'Rockbiter Goo', 'Luminous Amethyst'],
"Magic Scryer" : ['Trueschist Marble', 'Salamander Scale', 'Rockbiter Goo', 'Luminous Amethyst'],
"Homunculus Stone" : ['Trueschist Marble', 'Slime Jelly', 'Alluring Base', 'Luminous Amethyst']
<<set setup.potionRecipes to [
"Stamina Potion",
"Allure Potion",
"Elasticity Elixir",
"Healing Potion",
"Estradi Potion",
"Fire Resistance Potion",
"Shrinking Elixir"
<<set setup.itemRecipes to [
"Homunculus Stone",
"Magic Scryer"
<<set setup.recipeAlchemyExp to {
"Useless Goop" : 1,
"Stamina Potion" : 2,
"Allure Potion" : 3,
"Elasticity Elixir" : 5,
"Healing Potion" : 5,
"Estradi Potion" : 8,
"Fire Resistance Potion" : 8,
"Shrinking Elixir" : 8,
"Magic Scryer" : 15,
"Homunculus Stone" : 10
<<set setup.recipeStaminaExp to {
"Useless Goop" : 1,
"Stamina Potion" : 1,
"Allure Potion" : 2,
"Elasticity Elixir" : 2,
"Healing Potion" : 2,
"Estradi Potion" : 3,
"Fire Resistance Potion" : 3,
"Shrinking Elixir" : 3,
"Magic Scryer" : 5,
"Homunculus Stone" : 5
<<set setup.recipeStaminaUsage to {
"Useless Goop" : 10,
"Stamina Potion" : 10,
"Allure Potion" : 15,
"Elasticity Elixir" : 15,
"Healing Potion" : 15,
"Estradi Potion" : 20,
"Fire Resistance Potion" : 20,
"Shrinking Elixir" : 20,
"Magic Scryer" : 30,
"Homunculus Stone" : 30
<<set $recipesDiscovered to {
"Stamina Potion" : false,
"Allure Potion" : false,
"Elasticity Elixir" : false,
"Healing Potion" : false,
"Estradi Potion" : false,
"Fire Resistance Potion" : false,
"Shrinking Elixir" : false,
"Magic Scryer" : false,
"Homunculus Stone" : false
<<pickup $player.catalysts "Glowing Quartz" 1>>
<<set $sceneSkip to false>>
<<set $allurePotionUsed to false>>
<<set $elasticityElixirUsed to false>>
<<set $shrinkingElixirUsed to false>>
<<set $estradiPotionUsed to false>>
<<set $bethInformed to {
"Allure Potion" : false,
"Elasticity Elixir" : false,
"Estradi Potion" : false,
"Shrinking Elixir" : false,
"Homuncuties" : false,
"Philia" : false
<<set $jessicaInformed to {
"Allure Potion" : false,
"Elasticity Elixir" : false,
"Estradi Potion" : false,
"Shrinking Elixir" : false,
"Homuncuties" : false
<<set $philiaInformed to {
"Allure Potion" : false,
"Elasticity Elixir" : false,
"Estradi Potion" : false,
"Shrinking Elixir" : false,
"Homuncuties" : false,
"Beth" : false
<<set $aloethInformed to {
"Allure Potion" : false,
"Elasticity Elixir" : false,
"Estradi Potion" : false,
"Shrinking Elixir" : false,
"Homuncuties" : false
<<set $allayaInformed to {
"Allure Potion" : false,
"Elasticity Elixir" : false,
"Estradi Potion" : false,
"Shrinking Elixir" : false,
"Homuncuties" : false
<</script>><p>This pit has been out the back of her home for as long as Mina can remember. The sides and bottom of the pit are coated in a layer of strange looking grime, a mixture of failed alchemical projects that have been accumulating since before Mina was even born.</p>
<<if $pitConsideration is false && $player.items.has("Homunculus Stone")>>
<<run Dialog.create("Considering the Pit").wikiPassage("Pit Consideration").open()>>
<<set $pitConsideration to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["pit"] to false>>
<<if $pitConsideration>>
<<if $player.items.has("Magic Scryer") && $player.items.has("Homunculus Stone")>>
<p>Mina holds out the Magic Scryer and peers at it.</p>
<<if $dumpedGoop < 10>>
<<minaSpeak "Hm... I don't think there's enough magic yet..." "think">>
<<elseif $dumpedGoop >= 10>>
<<minaSpeak "If I'm reading this right there should be more than enough magic. Now I just need to put the Stone in there along with some materials!" "happy">>
<<if$homuncutie["forest"].born is false>>
<<if $player.reagents.hasAll("Forest Herb", "Vine Pollen") && $player.mediums.has("Vine Sap")>>
<<link "Charge up a Homunculus Stone along with Forest Herb, Vine Pollen and Vine Sap" "Charging Homunculus Stone">>
<<set $createdHomunculus to "forest">>
<<drop $player.reagents "Forest Herb" 1 "Vine Pollen" 1>>
<<drop $player.mediums "Vine Sap" 1>>
<<drop $player.items "Homunculus Stone" 1>>
Charge up a Homunculus Stone - Forest Herb, Vine Pollen and Vine Sap required!<br>
<<if $homuncutie["cave"].born is false>>
<<if $player.reagents.hasAll("Cave Mushroom", "Slime Jelly")>>
<<link "Charge up a Homunculus Stone along with Cave Mushroom and Slime Jelly" "Charging Homunculus Stone">>
<<set $createdHomunculus to "cave">>
<<drop $player.reagents "Cave Mushroom" 1 "Slime Jelly" 1>>
<<drop $player.items "Homunculus Stone" 1>>
Charge up a Homunculus Stone - Cave Mushroom and Slime Jelly required!<br>
<<if $homuncutie["deep-cave"].born is false>>
<<if $player.reagents.has("Trueschist Marble") && $player.mediums.has("Rockbiter Goo")>>
<<link "Charge up a Homunculus Stone along with Trueschist Marble and Rockbiter Goo" "Charging Homunculus Stone">>
<<set $createdHomunculus to "deep-cave">>
<<drop $player.reagents "rueschist Marble" 1>>
<<drop $player.mediums "Rockbiter Goo" 1>>
<<drop $player.items "Homunculus Stone" 1>>
Charge up a Homunculus Stone - Trueschist Marble and Rockbiter Goo required!<br>
<<if $homuncutie["deep-forest"].born is false>>
<<if $player.reagents.hasAll("Greenthorn Bark", "Salamander Scale")>>
<<link "Charge up a Homunculus Stone along with Greenthorn Bark and Salamander Scale" "Charging Homunculus Stone">>
<<set $createdHomunculus to "deep-forest">>
<<drop $player.reagents "Greenthorn Bark" 1 "Salamander Scale" 1>>
<<drop $player.items "Homunculus Stone" 1>>
Charge up a Homunculus Stone - Greenthorn Bark and Salamander Scale required!<br>
<<elseif $player.items.has("Homunculus Stone") && $player.items.has("Magic Scryer") is false>>
<<minaSpeak "Hm, no idea if there's enough magic concentrated here yet. I think I need to make that Magic Scryer to be certain..." "think">>
<<elseif $player.items.has("Homunculus Stone") is false>>
<<if $homuncutieAutomation is true>>
<<minaSpeak "I'll need another Homunculus Stone if I want to make another Homuncutie" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Where did I put that Homunculus Stone..." "pout">>
<p>[[Back|Home]]</p><<widget 'resetRequests'>>
<<set _requests to Object.keys($requestsAvailable)>>
<<for _p = 0; _p lt _requests.length; _p++>>
<<set $requestsAvailable[_requests[_p]] to true>>
<<widget 'progressTimers'>>
<<if $currentContract isnot "nil">>
<<set $contractProgress -= 1>>
<<if $contractProgress is 0>>
<<set $contractsComplete[$currentContract] to true>>
<<set $currentContract to "nil">>
<<if $currentTimer isnot "nil">>
<<set $timerLength -= 1>>
<<if $timerLength is 0>>
<<set $timersComplete[$currentTimer] to true>>
<<set $currentTimer to "nil">>
<<widget 'stockBottles'>>
<<if $stockingBottles is true>>
<<if $player.items.count("Empty Bottle") < $stockedBottles>>
<<set _amountStocked to $stockedBottles - $player.items.count("Empty Bottle")>>
<<set _cost to _amountStocked * setup.prices["Empty Bottle"]>>
<<if $player.gold > _cost>>
<<minusGold _cost>>
<<pickup $player.items "Empty Bottle" _amountStocked>>
<<set $stockingBottles to false>>
<<set $automationHidden to false>>
<<widget 'advanceTime'>>
<<if $time == 4>>
<<set $time = 0>>
<<if $autoCollect is true>>
<<if Math.floor(Math.random()*3) is 0>>
<<set $time += 1>>
<<set $currentTime to $timeIncrements[$time]>>
<<replace "#time">><<= $currentTime>><</replace>>
<</widget>><p data-nokeys="true">Mina comes across an <<link "interesting plant">><<run Dialog.create("Plant"); Dialog.wikiPassage("Vine Image"); Dialog.open()>><</link>>. It has a large colourful flower and many vines coiling around its base.</p>
<<if $homuncutie["forest"].born is true>>
<<if Math.floor(Math.random()*3) is 1>>
<p data-nokeys="true">
Nearby Mina can see $homuncutie["forest"].name has jumped into
<<link "a pile of vines">>
<<set $spottedCutie to "forest">>
<<set $cutieAction to "creature">>
<<run Dialog.create("Homuncutie").wikiPassage("Homuncutie Image").open()>>
<<if $skills["Botany"].level > 1>>
[[Gather some pollen from the plant|Gather Pollen]]<br>
<<minaSpeak "Hm, wish I knew a little more about plants and stuff. I might be able to get something from this if I did!" "think">>
<p><<if $player.items.has("Empty Bottle") is false && $scenesSeen["Vine First Time"] is true>>
<<minaSpeak "Should probably have some bottles with me if I want to gather some sap!" "neutral">>
<<if $scenesSeen["Vine First Time"] is true>>
<<repeatableLink "Collect some sap by hand" "Vine Handjob">><br>
<<if $scenesSeen["Vine Fuck First Time"] is true>>
<<repeatableLink "Use an allure potion to collect some sap" "Vine Fuck">><br>
<<if $scenesSeen["Vine Nipple Fuck"] is true>>
<<repeatableLink "Use an allure potion and an elasticity elixir to collect some sap" "Vine Nipple Repeatable">>
<p><<if $hintsLearned["Vayra Sap"] is true && $scenesSeen["Vine First Time"] is false>>
<<if $skills["Botany"].level > 2>>
<<sceneLink "Attempt to 'stimulate' a vine" "Vine First Time">>
<<minaSpeak "Um... where would I even look to find the right vine... if only I was a bit better at plants!" "pout">>
<<if $allurePotionUsed is true && (ndef $scenesSeen["Vine Fuck First Time"] || $scenesSeen["Vine Fuck First Time"] is false)>>
<<if $skills.Lewd.level < 4>>
<<minaSpeak "Hm... I wonder if I could use an allure potion to get the plant more excited... Better get some more practice in before I try!" "think">>
<<elseif $player.potions.has("Allure Potion")>>
<<sceneLink "Use an Allure Potion on the plant" "Vine Fuck First Time">>
<<minaSpeak "I think I'd like to try using an Allure Potion on a vine, just to see what it does~" "horny">>
<<minaSpeak "That is, if I had one!" "embarrassed">>
<p><<if $scenesSeen["Vine Fuck First Time"] is true && $scenesSeen["Jessica Nipple Toy"] is true && $scenesSeen["Vine Nipple Fuck"] is false>>
<<minaSpeak "I wonder if I can learn from Jessica's example..." "think">>
<<if $skills.Lewd.level < 6>>
<<minaSpeak "That might be a bit too much. At least, not until I practice a bit more" "horny">>
<<elseif $player.potions.hasAll("Elasticity Elixir", "Allure Potion") is true>>
<<sceneLink "Use an Allure Potion on the plant while taking an Elasticity Elixir" "Vine Nipple Fuck">>
<<minaSpeak "I'd need an Elasticity Elixir and probably an Allure Potion to do so though!" "embarrassed">>
<p>[[Explore the forest some more|Explore the Forest]]<br>
[[Go back to the forest entrance|Forest]]</p><div class="accordion">
<h3>Milking a vine</h3>
<p>Mina cautiously approaches the large plant. She swears she can see the large flower atop it almost turning ever-so-slightly towards her as she gets closer and some of those vines coiled around it definitely look like they twitch a little!</p>
<<minaSpeak "Don't be afraid Mina! This is all to further your alchemy!" "happy">>
<p>Plastering a look of determination across her face Mina steps right up to the base of the plant. She stares up at the enormous flower for a moment and then turns her attention down, to the thick collection of vines.</p>
<p>She crouches down and inspects them, until finally she finds what she's looking for. The end of one of those vines. It looks to terminate with a rounded tip and Mina cocks her head as she inspects it.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Interesting..." "happy">>
<p>Slowly, carefully, she reaches out a hand towards the vine. This time she definitely sees it twitch as her fingers close in but it otherwise doesn't try to move away. And so once her hand is close enough she wraps her fingers around the vine to get a feel for it.</p>
<p>The vine is firmer than she expected but still has a sort of... sponginess to it, an amount of give that makes its surface squish a little when she gives it a quick, gentle squeeze. Mina can't help but let out a small giggle at the sensation.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Feels kinda- oh!" "happy">>
<p>She's interrupted when she notices a small opening right at the tip of the vine seem to wink open, which allows a small bead of some kind of gooey liquid to seep out. Her cheeks flush a bright red at the sight, as her mind immediately goes to certain places.</p>
<p>Mina has never been with another in any kind of intimate fashion, but she has read books. Many, many books, some of which were quite... graphic in nature. And seeing that somewhat bulbous tip oozing out its slimey emission... it certainly evoked some images within her imaginative mind.</p>
<<minaSpeak "L-let's see if we can't get some more out..." "blush">>
<p>Her fingers grip the vine a little more firmly and she begins to stroke her hand up and down, while her other hand reaches out to get a grip lower down on the vine to help hold it in place.</p>
<p>Up and down up and down Mina's hand goes and with delight she sees that opening in the vines keeps on leaking more and more of the sticky substance. Enough that it starts to stain her hands, strangely warm on her skin. A shiver runs up her spine at the feeling of it and her cheeks flush an even deeper red.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/vine/stroke.png">
<<minaSpeak "C'mon buddy, just a little more..." "blush">>
<p>And then she feels it. The vine, along with the entire plant itself, shudders. A moment later she can practically see a bulge moving up through the vine she's stroking, starting from somewhere deep in the mass of coils at the base of the flower. It moves fast, pushing through the vine closer and closer to Mina...</p>
<p>With her eyes going wide Mina panics! One hand lets go of the vine and reaches into her pack to rummage about within it, desperately searching for something that can store what's coming.</p>
<<if ($player.items.has("Empty Bottle") != true) || $alternateScene is true>>
<p>Too late Mina realizes that she did not in fact come prepared for this. She opens her mouth to unthinkingly curse herself, only for that bulge to reach the end of its journey through the vine. All at once thick, sticky goo bursts out from the vine in her grip, all of it aimed directly at Mina's face.</p>
<p>It blasts onto her cheeks, her glasses, into her open mouth, over her tongue. The taste of it is strangely sweet and Mina can't help but feel a thrill rush through her. Before her brain can even catch up she's swallowing down the first load inside her mouth quickly, feeling it produce a warm glow within her, and opening her mouth wide with an "Aaaaaaah~" to catch some more. As her face is made an absolute mess she swallows down as much of the delicious slime as she can, unable to stop herself.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/vine/sapgokkun.png">
<<minaSpeak "W-woooooow..." "blush">>
<p>She moans as the flood ceases, leaving only a string of the sticky sap to hang down from the vine, dripping towards the soft forest ground.</p>
<p>Success! Her fingers find the smooth glass surface of one of her empty bottles and she pulls it free just in time. Just as that bulge reaches the tip of the vine Mina holds the uncorked bottle out in front of the tip. All in a rush thick, gooey sap bursts out of the vine in an eruption, with almost enough force that Mina nearly drops the bottle. Even with the bottle in the way some of the mess splatters out wide, spraying Mina's hands, her arms and some even leaves a stain on her shirt.</p>
<p>Mina doesn't care though. She lifts the bottle up once the vine stops spurting to admire her work. The green slime swirls around within the bottle and Mina grins a huge grin.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/vine/sapbottle.png">
<<minaSpeak "This is it! I'm gonna be a real alchemist" "happy">>
<<set $sceneSkip to false>>
<<if $replayMemory is false>>
<<set $scenesSeen["Vine First Time"] to true>>
<<if ($player.items.has("Empty Bottle") != true)>>
<<set _newSkill to {
'Lewd' : setup.skill("Lewd", 2, 0, 11)
<<if $sceneSkip is true>>
<p><b>Mina was unable to gather any sap due to a lack of bottles to store it in!</b></p>
<<set _newSkill to {
'Lewd' : setup.skill("Lewd", 1, 3, 10)
<p><b>Mina gained a bottle of Vine Sap!</b></p>
<<pickup $player.mediums "Vine Sap" 1>>
<<drop $player.items "Empty Bottle" 1>>
<p><b>Mina has learnt a new skill: Lewd</b></p>
<<run jQuery.extend($skills, _newSkill)>>
<p><<link "Return" "Memories">>
<<set $replayMemory to false>>
<<set $alternateScene to false>>
<</if>><div class="accordion">
<h3>Fucking a vine</h3>
<p>Mina circles the plant a few times, trying to determine just where might be the best spot to make use of the allure potion. Upon finding what seems to be the largest clump of the right kind of vine Mina grins. She pulls down her shorts and underwear and then steps up to the tangled mess.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Let's see if this works..." "horny">>
<p>Pulling out the multi-coloured brew she swirls it around a few times in its bottle and then upends it right onto the clump of vines! At first there's almost no reaction and Mina begins to slump with disappointment.</p>
<p>And then all at once vines start to move. They twitch and jerk at first, shifting around each other, until one pulls free! Then another, and another! Like a pile of snakes Mina finds herself crouching over a host of squirming, wriggling vines!</p>
<p>A small jolt of panic runs down her spine but it's very quickly overwritten by the intense excitement she feels at this sight, knowing that her idea worked and just what all these vines might do to her!</p>
<p>She doesn't have to wait long to find out. One of the shifting, coiling vines wraps around first an ankle and then coil further up her leg. Others take hold of her arms and pull her down towards the writhing mass. With a gasp and a low moan she finds herself held in place, ass raised a little in the air, with her already dripping wet pussy on full display to the excited plant.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/vine/presenting.png">
<<minaSpeak "C'mon then planty~ have your way~" "horny">>
<p>Mina moans out before she bites her lips and wiggles her hips back and forth. Almost if it can understand her one of the free vines lifts up out of the mass and moves right towards her glistening folds. As it gets close it teases at the flushed slit, sliding its tip back and forth, parting those folds ever so slightly to get a feel for her.</p>
<p>Back and forth it moves, making Mina squirm and squeak out in building frustration. She tries to push herself back against the vine, desperately wanting to feel it pressing harder against her, to feel it parting her folds and wriggling into her body.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Pleeeeease~" "horny">>
<p>Once again, as if following her directions, the vine starts to apply greater pressure. It rubs against Mina hard enough to part her folds and grind over her entrance and the sensitive clit, making her shudder and moan with pleasure. Then it slides back far enough that the tapered tip can kiss her entrance.</p>
<p>It starts to move in a small, tight circle, teasing at the tight opening, until with a sudden jerk it shoves forward! Mina throws her head back and cries out in delight as she feel her walls suddenly parting around the wriggling vine now pushing its way inside her!</p>
<p>Mina flops forward, letting her head rest against the ground, and allows herself to simply enjoy the moment. The vines pistons in and out of her, squirming about even as it drives deeper and deeper into her passage. As she feels it reach the limits of her pussy she keens with delight, body shuddering with the delightful sensation.</p>
<p>And then her eyes snap open wide and her mouth opens in a wide, shocked 'O'! Another vine has moved up to join in, sliding up to tease at her stretched entrance. Each time the plant tendril currently inside her pulls back for another thrust this second vine tries to squeeze its way in as well.</p>
<<minaSpeak "W-wait hang on you can't just do thaAAAAAAAAAT!" "surprise">>
<p>She screams as that second vine manages to squirm its way inside her, stretching her even further. Her back arches as a shiver runs down her back and a gush of her juices flood out from her spasming folds. The intense feeling of being filled by two seperate vines moving out of synch and undulating against her walls has her panting and moaning uncontrollably.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Fuck fuckfuck aaaaahnnn~" "horny">>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/vine/double.png">
<p>Over and over again those vines pump into her, sliding against each other and making her squirm with the pleasure of it. She can feel herself being rapidly shoved towards the edge, a powerful climax building up in her core, making her mind fog and her tummy flutter.</p>
<<minaSpeak "So- close- gonna- FUCK- gonna... c-cuUUUMMMMMNNNN~" "cum">>
<p>Mina's back arches and her legs tremble as that orgasm tears through her, making her pussy spasm wildly around the vines still pistoning in and out of her. Though the vines don't last for long under the girl's body's attempts to milk them. Just as Mina can feel herself coming down from that climax she's suddenly catapulted over the line into a second one as she starts to feel a veritable flood of cool, gooey sap erupts out of those vines deep within her.</p>
<p>It splatters against her rear wall, making her feel even more full, and then as more bulges of the sticky subtance pushes its way through those tendrils they pull back a little. The next explosion of goo inside her fills up the next part of her passage, then they pull back for another shot, then again for another. Finally however they both pull out of Mina's shuddering folds and deposit the last few ropes of sap onto her ass instead. It splatters over her soft cheeks and up across her back, cool and sticky on her sweaty, flushed skin.</p>
<p>Mina breathes in deep, panting gulps of air as she recovers from her back-to-back orgasms. She's almost ready to relax and collapse onto the forest floor when she notices a string line of green goo dripping down from her still throbbing pussy.</p>
<p>Letting out a gasp she scrambles, waving her arms around until almost by chance one of her hands smacks into her satchel. Quickly, she reaches inside.</p>
<<if ($player.items.has("Empty Bottle") != true) || $alternateScene is true>>
<p>Mina rummages through her satchel for several seconds before she lets go with an annoyed grunt. She slumps down onto the loamy forest floor and breathes out a long, resigned sigh, before a tired smile crosses her face.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/vine/pussynobottle.png">
<<minaSpeak "Such a dope, Mina..." "embarrassed">>
<<minaSpeak "Guess this means I'll just have to do this again~" "horny">>
<p>With a sigh of relief she pulls out an empty bottle and slides it down under herself. Grinning a huge grin she watches as the goo oozes its way into the open top of the bottle, filling it quickly.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/vine/pussybottle.png">
<<minaSpeak "Mmm, this is kinda easier and definitely a lot more fun than the other way for sure~" "happy">>
<<set $sceneSkip to false>>
<<if $replayMemory is false>>
<<usePotion "Allure Potion">>
<<if $player.items.has("Empty Bottle") is true>>
<<calculateBonus "Lewd" 2>>
<<set _amount to (2 + $skillBonus)>>
<<fillBottles "Vine Sap" _amount "medium">>
<<reduceStamina 40>>
<<addExp "Lewd" 8>>
<<addExp "Stamina" 8>>
<<set $scenesSeen["Vine Fuck First Time"] to true>>
<p>[[Return to the Forest|Forest]]</p>
<p><<link "Return" "Memories">>
<<set $replayMemory to false>>
<<set $alternateScene to false>>
<</if>><div class="accordion">
<h3>'Milking' some sap</h3>
<p>Mina bites her lip thinking about what she's about to attempt. Then before she can change her mind she gulps down an Elasticity Elixir before she pulls up her top and looks down at her small breasts with their pudgy inverted nipples.</p>
<<minaSpeak "I hope this works..." "horny">>
<p>Cautiously she lifts both hands and starts to massage her own breasts, kneading them gently and making herself moan a little. Then she starts to rub at her nipples, cooing a little at the soft but pleasant sensation. Finally she starts to tease her fingers against her nipples, pushing into the puffy areola and then with a gasp of surprise realizes that she's also squeezing her finger into her nipple!</p>
<<minaSpeak "O-oh wow... that feels so... mmmf~" "horny">>
<p>Eager now to try out her experiment she reaches into her potion satchel and pulls out an Allure Potion. She tips the contents of the potion down onto the vines and waits to see how they react.</p>
<p>The plant shudders as the potent potion's affects starts to course through it, the vines beginning to pulsate. They quickly reach out to Mina, vines coiling around her body. Almost as if they sense the growing heat building within Mina's chest they gravitate towards her small breasts. The tapered tips, already starting to ooze out its slick sap, starts to wrap around and massage her pliant mounds. Mina's face flushes pink at the Vines' brazen exploration, her small breasts tingling pleasantly from their attentions.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Mmm, someone's excited!" "happy">>
<p>She giggles breathily, squirming as the thick, slick vines massage her chest. The cool sap smearing across her heated skin makes Mina shudder and let out a soft gasp.</p>
<p>Emboldened, Mina arches her back, pressing her pert breasts more firmly against the questing vines. She mewls, nipples pebbling under their slippery ministrations. The feeling of the pulsating, leaking vinetips teasing her sensitive nubs sends tingles down Mina's spine straight to her core.</p>
<p>Mina bites her lip, looking at the vines with a bright and excited expression. Her body trembles under their touch, skin flushed and dewy with a thin sheen of sweat. She pants softly as she carefully pushes her fingers into her nipples and then parts those normally inaccessible openings, inviting the vines to explore further.</p>
<<minaSpeak "More...please..." "horny">>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/vine/nipplestretch.png">
<p>The vines shiver and quiver, their sap dripping faster in excitement as Mina pushes her fingers inside her nipples. They can feel her heat, her eagerness, and they respond in kind. The tip of a vine slithers inside one of Mina's nipples, exploring the tight, slick passage. It pulses and writhes, the tapered tip at the end wriggling about, sending shockwaves of pleasure through Mina's body. Another vine follows suit, pushing into her other nipple and mimicking the movements of the first.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Ffffuuuck... oh Goddess..." "horny">>
<p>The vines inside Mina's nipples start to move in tandem, pulsing and twisting, stroking the insides of her breasts with their textured surface. They grind back and forth inside her sensitive and now thoroughly stretched nipples, making Mina gasp and arch her back, pushing her chest further into their embrace.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Mmmph...ah! It's...it's so much..." "horny">>
<p>Mina pants, her voice breathy and laced with pleasure. She can feel the vines throbbing inside her, their movements growing faster and faster, pushing as deep into her pert breasts as they can go.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/vine/nipplefuck.png">
<p>Mina cries out, her body tensing up as the vines plunge faster into her sensitive nipples. The intense, almost overwhelming sensation causes her small breasts to quiver and bounce, her flesh jiggling with every movement of the thick, pulsating vines. Mina's hands instinctively come up to grip the vines, trying to ground herself amidst the whirlwind of pleasure. Her fingers squeeze and stroke the thick, slippery vines as they explore her tits, their movements sending electric shocks of bliss down her spine.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Mmmm...ah...ah!" "horny">>
<p>Mina pants and moans, her breaths coming out in short, sharp gasps. The vines' pulsing, twisting motions are driving her wild, pushing her towards a precipice so very quickly. Her hips buck involuntarily, grinding against nothing as she loses herself to the sensations. The vines seem to sense Mina's impending climax, their movements becoming more erratic, more frenzied. They pulse and throb inside her nipples, stroking her sensitive walls with increasing urgency. The slick, oozing tips at the end of each vine start to swell and twitch, as if preparing for their own release.</p>
<p>Mina's whole body tenses, her muscles clenching as the vines bring her closer and closer to the edge. She's right on the brink, teetering on the cusp of a powerful, mind-blowing orgasm.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Please...please...I need... nnnggh..." "horny">>
<p>She gasps out between moans, her words trailing off into incoherent babble. Her hands grip the vines tighter, her body quaking with anticipation and desire.</p>
<p>The tips of the vines swell even more, their textures undulating and shifting against the insides of Mina's breasts in a dizzying dance. They pulse faster, their movements growing more and more erratic as they bring Mina closer and closer to the brink of ecstasy. Mina's small breasts bounce and quake with every pulse, every stroke, every thrust of the vines. Her flesh is flushed a deep, rosy red, slick with sweat. Her nipples are engorged and throbbing, the soft puffy mounds gripping the vines stuffing them tight.</p>
<p>The intense pulsations from the vines prove finally prove to be too much for Mina, her body seizing up as a powerful climax crashes over her. She cries out sharply, her voice echoing in the forest as waves of pleasure wash over her.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Ooh! Oooooh!! I'm c-cummmMMMIINNNGGGGG!!!" "cum">>
<p>Her hips buck wildly, grinding against nothing as she rides out the high of her orgasm. The muscles in her legs quiver and strain and her pussy gushes, spraying her slick arousal into the crotch of her shorts. The thick, pulsating vines grinding and massaging the insides of her nipples and breasts prolong her climax, making Mina whimper and moan, her body jerking and shaking under the continued stimulation.</p>
<p>The vines pulse and shudder against Mina's fluttering insides, their own limits rapidly approaching from the intense stimulation of her breasts and nipples. As Mina's orgasm crashes through her, the vines let out a series of lewd, slick sounds as swells of sap rush through them. Mina can feel them swelling impossibly larger inside her, stretching her tight nipple holes deliciously wide as they throb and shudder. Then, with a lewd squelch, they begin to unload spurts of slick sap directly into the depths of Mina's chest, filling her with their thick seed.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Ohh! Oh Goddess!" "cum">>
<p>Mina gasps as those first pulses of the vines' release flood into her breasts. She clutches at her chest desperately, feeling her mounds fill with the gooey substance. Each powerful spurt makes Mina's frame jerk and twitch with the intensity of it all. The vines pulse and throb inside Mina as they continue to unload into her, pumping rope after rope into the depths of her small, sensitive breasts. Mina moans and whimpers, her hands gripping her tits as she feels them start to swell up with the sheer volume of sap erupting out of those vines.</p>
<p>The feeling of those vines erupting deep within her breasts sends Mina spiraling into another intense orgasm. She throws her head back with a sharp cry, her body convulsing wildly.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/vine/nipplecum.png">
<<minaSpeak "A-Ah! M-More! P-Pump...me full!" "cum">>
<p>She can feel her petite breasts stretching wider and wider to accommodate the massive volume of thick, viscous sap erupting into their depths. With each powerful spurt, Mina's tits swell outward, growing larger and larger with the sheer amount of fluid filling them up. The skin on her chest stretches taut over her swollen mounds, flushed an even deeper red as her breasts continue to expand under the relentless eruption.</p>
<p>Mina moans as her hands knead and grip the fleshy mounds of her inflating tits. The pressure inside is immense, and she can feel her nipples bulging obscenely from the force of all that sap gushing into them. She feels so full, stuffed to the brim, her skin straining as it tries to contain the massive amount of fluid pumped into her chest.</p>
<p>Finally the eruption begins to taper off, the throbbing of the vines slowing as they fill Mina's chest to absolute capacity. She can feel them swell with one final burst, then their movements cease completely, leaving her filled to the absolute brim.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Oh...Oh Goddess...that was...w-wow... I can see why Jessica loves this..." "cum">>
<p>Mina pants as her orgasms finally start to subside, leaving her trembling in the afterglow of that incredible session. She can hardly believe how large and full her tits have gotten - they feel so heavy on her petite frame.</p>
<p>After taking a few moments to get her breath back, watching her heaving chest and green goop oozing out of her nipples, Mina reaches for her satchel.</p>
<<if ($player.items.has("Empty Bottle") != true) || $alternateScene is true>>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/vine/nipplenobottle.png">
<<minaSpeak "Oh no, I forgot to bring bottles!" "embarrassed">>
<<minaSpeak "Oopsie! What a shame I'll just have to do this all over again~" "horny">>
<p>Carefully she starts to milk herself, holding bottles under her leaking nipples and coaxing out the sap while letting out the occasional soft moan.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/vine/nipplebottle.png">
<<set $sceneSkip to false>>
<<if $replayMemory is false>>
<<usePotion "Allure Potion">>
<<usePotion "Elasticity Elixir">>
<<if $player.items.has("Empty Bottle") is true>>
<<calculateBonus "Lewd" 3>>
<<set _amount to (3 + $skillBonus)>>
<<fillBottles "Vine Sap" _amount>>
<<reduceStamina 40>>
<<addExp "Lewd" 10>>
<<addExp "Stamina" 8>>
<<set $scenesSeen["Vine Nipple Fuck"] to true>>
<p>[[Return to the Forest|Forest]]</p>
<p><<link "Return" "Memories">>
<<set $replayMemory to false>>
<<set $alternateScene to false>>
<</if>><div class="accordion">
<h3>Vine Fuck</h3>
<p>With a large grin Mina approaches the Vayra plant, potion bottle in hand and shorts already removed and placed somewhere retrievable. She settles down onto the ground, spreads her legs and then swings her arm around, spreading the potion out over a mass of vines.</p>
<<minaSpeak "C'mon then planty, come have some fun~" "horny">>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/vine/vinefuck.png">
<<usePotion "Allure Potion">>
<<calculateBonus "Lewd" 2>>
<<set _sapCollected to (2 + $skillBonus)>>
<<fillBottles "Vine Sap" _sapCollected "medium">>
<<addExp "Lewd" 8>>
<<reduceStamina 40>>
<<addExp "Stamina" 8>>
<<if $player.stamina != 0>>
<p>[[Grab some pollen on the way|Gather Pollen]]<br>
[[Explore the forest some more|Explore the Forest]]<br>
[[Go back to the forest entrance|Forest]]</p>
<p>Mina is too tired for any more activity.</p>
<p>[[Return Home|Home]]</p><div class="accordion">
<h3>Vine Handjob</h3>
<p>Once again Mina approaches the Vayra plant, this time much more confidently. Without hesitation she reaches out to some of the closer vines and pulls them into her grip. As soon as her fingers wrap around the squishy appendages she starts stroking and pumping, quickly coaxing out a trickle of the now familiar sticky goo.</p>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/vine/handjob.png">
<p>Soon enough she sees the bulge of the plant's release pushing up through the vine and she prepares her bottles to collect as much as she can.</p>
<<calculateBonus "Lewd">>
<<set _sapCollected to (1 + $skillBonus)>>
<<fillBottles "Vine Sap" _sapCollected "medium">>
<<addExp "Lewd" 2>>
<<reduceStamina 10>>
<<if $player.stamina != 0>>
<p>[[Grab some pollen on the way|Gather Pollen]]<br>
[[Explore the forest some more|Explore the Forest]]<br>
[[Go back to the forest entrance|Forest]]</p>
<p>Mina is too tired for any more activity.</p>
<p>[[Return Home|Home]]</p>
</div><div class="accordion">
<h3>Vine Nipple Fuck</h3>
<p>Mina gulps down an Elasticity Elixir and then approaches the Vayra plant. She pours out an Allure Potion on the mass of vines and then spreads her nipples open with her fingers.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Come and fill me up already~" "horny">>
<img class="passageImage" src="images/vine/nipplefuckrepeatable.png">
<<usePotion "Allure Potion">>
<<usePotion "Elasticity Elixir">>
<<calculateBonus "Lewd" 3>>
<<set _sapCollected to (3 + $skillBonus)>>
<<fillBottles "Vine Sap" _sapCollected "medium">>
<<addExp "Lewd" 10>>
<<reduceStamina 40>>
<<addExp "Stamina" 8>>
<<if $player.stamina != 0>>
<p>[[Grab some pollen on the way|Gather Pollen]]<br>
[[Explore the forest some more|Explore the Forest]]<br>
[[Go back to the forest entrance|Forest]]</p>
<p>Mina is too tired for any more activity.</p>
<p>[[Return Home|Home]]</p><<if $workshopVisited is false && $currentTime != "Night">>
<p>Even in a small village like Tenderbrook there are more than a few artisans. Carpenters, blacksmiths, builders, tanners and more. Most of them have setup their workshops and other facilities in a sort of small community on the eastern side of the river.</p>
<p>One of these artisans is a friend of Mina. Her name is <<Beth>> and while she is predominantly a builder she does try her hand at smaller works of carpentry now and then. Mina spots the big lady and rushes over to greet her.</p>
<<minaSpeak "Hiiii Beth!" "happy">>
<<bethSpeak "Hey babe! What're you doing over here? Finally decided to look for some work?" "neutral">>
<<minaSpeak "Pffft no, just wanted to say hello!" "happy">>
<<set $workshopVisited to true>>
<<set $eventNotification["workshop"] to false>>
<<elseif $currentTime != "Night">>
<p>The sounds of hammers beating metal and saws cutting timber surrounds Mina. <<Beth>> is nearby, working on some project or another.</p>
<<if $foundTrueMarble is true && $askedAboutBridge is false>>
<p>[[Ask Beth about building a way across the ravine in the cave|Building a Bridge]]</p>
<p>[[Speak to Beth|Beth]] <<lewdCheck "beth" "bethDay">></p>
<p>There are some quiet sounds of work being done in some of the buildings here but for the most part it seems everyone has gone to bed.</p>
<<if $bethInformed["Elasticity Elixir"] is true>>
<p>Mina can see a light flickering in one of the windows of Beth's home, looks like she's still up.</p>
<p>[[Go visit Beth|Beth's House]]</p>