<<set _item = $allItems.find(x => x.name == $shopItemsList[$itemChosen])>>
<<if _item>>
<<if $player.money >= _item.price>>
<<set $player.money -= _item.price>>
<<set $player.inventory.push(_item)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You bought a <<print _item.name>> for $<<print _item.price>>.</div>
<div class="npctextboxm">You don't have enough money to buy a <<print _item.name>>.</div>
<div class="npctextboxm">Item not found.</div>
<button data-passage="$exitLocation" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><<set _item = $allClothingItems.find(x => x.name == $shopItemsList[$itemChosen])>>
<<if _item>>
<<if $player.money >= _item.price>>
<<set $player.money -= _item.price>>
<<set $wardrobe.push(_item)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You bought a <<print _item.name>> for $<<print _item.price>>.</div>
<div class="npctextboxm">You don't have enough money to buy a <<print _item.name>>.</div>
<div class="npctextboxm">Item not found.</div>
<button data-passage="$exitLocation" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><<for _i to 0; _i lt $combat.party.length; _i++>>
<<set $combat.party[_i].health = $combat.party[_i].maxhealth>>
<<set $combat.party[_i].stamina = $combat.party[_i].maxstamina>>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/locations/amore/doctor/chat.png"></div>Female Doctor<hr>You've got crabs? You dirty man! Let me cure that.</div><br>
<<set _index = $player.afflictions.indexOf("Crabs")>>
<<set $player.afflictions.splice(_index, 1)>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/locations/amore/doctor/chat.png"></div>Female Doctor<hr>Everyone in your party has been fully healed.</div><br>
<button data-passage="$exitLocation" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><<set $player.money = $player.money - 8000>>
<div class="wikitextboxNew">
<b>Enter a name for this NPC:</b><br>
<<textbox "$npcName" "Whore">>
<div class="wikitextboxNew">What do you look like?<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/generic_npcs/female1.png" alt="" />
Option #1
<<radiobutton "$npcImage" "<img src='images/generic_npcs/female1.png' alt='' />" checked>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/generic_npcs/female2.png" alt="" />
Option #2
<<radiobutton "$npcImage" "<img src='images/generic_npcs/female2.png' alt='' />">>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/generic_npcs/female3.png" alt="" />
Option #3
<<radiobutton "$npcImage" "<img src='images/generic_npcs/female3.png' alt='' />">>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/generic_npcs/female4.png" alt="" />
Option #4
<<radiobutton "$npcImage" "<img src='images/generic_npcs/female4.png' alt='' />">>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/generic_npcs/female5.png" alt="" />
Option #5
<<radiobutton "$npcImage" "<img src='images/generic_npcs/female5.png' alt='' />">>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/generic_npcs/female6.png" alt="" />
Option #6
<<radiobutton "$npcImage" "<img src='images/generic_npcs/female6.png' alt='' />">>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/generic_npcs/female7.png" alt="" />
Option #7
<<radiobutton "$npcImage" "<img src='images/generic_npcs/female7.png' alt='' />">>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/generic_npcs/female8.png" alt="" />
Option #8
<<radiobutton "$npcImage" "<img src='images/generic_npcs/female8.png' alt='' />">>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/generic_npcs/female9.png" alt="" />
Option #9
<<radiobutton "$npcImage" "<img src='images/generic_npcs/female9.png' alt='' />">>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/generic_npcs/female10.png" alt="" />
Option #10
<<radiobutton "$npcImage" "<img src='images/generic_npcs/female10.png' alt='' />">>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/generic_npcs/female11.png" alt="" />
Option #11
<<radiobutton "$npcImage" "<img src='images/generic_npcs/female11.png' alt='' />">>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/generic_npcs/female12.png" alt="" />
Option #12
<<radiobutton "$npcImage" "<img src='images/generic_npcs/female12.png' alt='' />">>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/generic_npcs/female13.png" alt="" />
Option #13
<<radiobutton "$npcImage" "<img src='images/generic_npcs/female13.png' alt='' />">>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/generic_npcs/female14.png" alt="" />
Option #14
<<radiobutton "$npcImage" "<img src='images/generic_npcs/female14.png' alt='' />">>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/generic_npcs/female15.png" alt="" />
Option #15
<<radiobutton "$npcImage" "<img src='images/generic_npcs/female15.png' alt='' />">>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/generic_npcs/female16.png" alt="" />
Option #16
<<radiobutton "$npcImage" "<img src='images/generic_npcs/female16.png' alt='' />">>
<button data-passage="createNPC" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Recruit NPC]</button>
<button data-passage="$exitLocation" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Cancel]</button><<set _friend = {
name: $npcName,
gender: "Female",
partypic: $npcImage,
health: 5,
stamina: 5,
maxhealth: 5,
maxstamina: 5,
level: 1,
xp: 0,
moves: [
{name: "Slap", staminaCost: 1},
{name: "Nothing", staminaCost: 0}
skill: 0,
damage: 5,
<<set $combat.bench.push(_friend)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">
You have successfully recruited <<print _friend.name>>.
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _friend.partypic>></div><<= _friend.name>><hr>Nice to meet you, sexy! If you need my help you'll have to add me to your current party. Just use your phone to manage your party and add me. I hope to see you soon!</div><br>
<!-- Clear the variables -->
<<set $npcName = "">>
<<set $npcImage = "">>
<button data-passage="$exitLocation" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Continue]</button><<set _item = $player.inventory[$itemChosen]>>
<<set _questName = "Learning Drugs">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<<set $player.money += _item.price>>
<<set $player.inventory.deleteAt($itemChosen)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You sold a <<print _item.name>> for $<<print _item.price>>.</div><br>
<<if _item.name eq "Weed" and $substory[_index].progress eq 50>>
<<updateQuest "Learning Drugs" 100>>
<button data-passage="$exitLocation" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><<set _priya = $findCharacterByName('Priya')>>
<div class="location-title">Ahmed's Store</div><br>
<div class="gallerywrapperG">
<span class="shopb"><button data-passage="amore_shop_chat" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Chat</button></span>
<span class="shopg"><button data-passage="amore_shop_buy" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Buy</button></span>
<span class="shopb"><button data-passage="amore_shop_sell" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Sell</button></span>
<span class="shopc"><button data-passage="" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Recruit</button></span>
<<if !_priya.afflictions.includes("Widowed")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/locations/amore/store/shopchat.png"></div>Ahmed<hr>I've got some good things on sale strangah!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _priya.chat>></div>Priya<hr>Hello sir. All profits are going towards my father's funeral.</div><br>
<<set $exitLocation = "amore_shop_buy">>
<<set $shopItemsList = ["Energy Drink", "Medpack","Dildo","Tools","Flowers"]>>
<!-- Inline Shop Display -->
<div class="shopScreen">
<<for _i to 0; _i < $shopItemsList.length; _i++>> <<capture _i>>
<<set _item = $allItems.find(x => x.name == $shopItemsList[_i])>>
<div class="forSale">
<div class="emptychat"><<print _item.image>></div>
Item: <<print _item.name>><br>
Price: $<<print _item.price>><hr>
<div class="descItem"><<print _item.desc>></div>
<<if $player.money >= _item.price>>
<button data-passage="buyItemShop" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$itemChosen to _i">[Buy]</button>
<button class="red-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Buy]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_store" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button><<set _priya = $findCharacterByName('Priya')>>
<div class="location-title">Ahmed's Store</div><br>
<div class="gallerywrapperG">
<span class="shopg"><button data-passage="amore_shop_chat" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Chat</button></span>
<span class="shopb"><button data-passage="amore_shop_buy" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Buy</button></span>
<span class="shopb"><button data-passage="amore_shop_sell" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Sell</button></span>
<span class="shopc"><button data-passage="" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Recruit</button></span>
<<if !_priya.afflictions.includes("Widowed")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/locations/amore/store/shopchat.png"></div>Ahmed<hr>You alright bro?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="amore_store" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_store_destroy" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Destroy Ahmed]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_shop_chat_jobs" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"Any jobs?"</button>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _priya.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _priya.chat>></div>Priya<hr>I'm glad you stopped by. I was wanting to see you again.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="priya_interactions" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Interactions]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_store" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button>
<</if>><div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Any jobs going Ahmed? I need to earn some cash...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/locations/amore/store/shopchat.png"></div>Ahmed<hr>Nah bro, ain't got nothing at the moment. Sorry.</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_shop_chat" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button><<set _priya = $findCharacterByName('Priya')>>
<div class="location-title">Ahmed's Store</div><br>
<div class="gallerywrapperG">
<span class="shopb"><button data-passage="amore_shop_chat" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Chat</button></span>
<span class="shopb"><button data-passage="amore_shop_buy" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Buy</button></span>
<span class="shopg"><button data-passage="amore_shop_sell" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Sell</button></span>
<span class="shopc"><button data-passage="" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Recruit</button></span>
<<if !_priya.afflictions.includes("Widowed")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/locations/amore/store/shopchat.png"></div>Ahmed<hr>You want to sell something? This isn't a pawn shop, buddy!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _priya.chat>></div>Priya<hr>Let me see what you have, $player.name.</div><br>
<<set $exitLocation = "amore_shop_sell">>
<!-- Display items available for selling -->
<div class="shopScreen">
<<for _i to 0; _i < $player.inventory.length; _i++>> <<capture _i>>
<<set _item = $player.inventory[_i]>>
<div class="forSale">
<div class="emptychat"><<print _item.image>></div>
Item: <<print _item.name>><br>
Sell Price: $<<print _item.price>><hr>
<div class="descItem"><<print _item.desc>></div>
<button data-passage="sellItemShop" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$itemChosen to _i">[Sell]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_store" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button><div class="location-title">Ahmed's Store</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/amore/store/shop.jpg"></div>
<<if $time gt 4>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Ahmed's Store is currently closed.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $time lt 4>>
<button data-passage="amore_shop_buy" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Store]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Closed]</button>
<button data-passage="ascensionstreet" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
</div><<set _priya = $findCharacterByName('Priya')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/locations/amore/store/shopchat.png"></div>Ahmed<hr>You alright bro?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/locations/amore/store/shopchat.png"></div>Ahmed<hr>Why are your hands clenched bro?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/locations/amore/store/shopchat.png"></div>Ahmed<hr>We're still friends, bro?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/locations/amore/store/shopchat.png"></div>Ahmed<hr>Bro?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>...</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_store_destroy2" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Do it.]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_shop_chat" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Back Away]</button><<set _priya = $findCharacterByName('Priya')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You punch Ahmed with all your strength. He is shattered into a million pieces. No longer will you see his stupid smile, his awful dialogue or share the same oxygen again.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/activities/punch.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/locations/amore/store/shopchat.png"></div>Ahmed<hr>W-why? Bro... I.. </div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I'm a crazy bastard, that's why.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">A woman runs into the store from the backroom!</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _priya.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _priya.chat>></div>Priya<hr>Oh my! No! Ahmed! My love! What happened?!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>He was like this when I got here, sorry. I think he's dead.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _priya.chat>></div>Priya<hr>I can't believe it! I knew you shouldn't of ate that out of date fish! You bloody bastard!</div><br>
<<addAffliction _priya "Widowed">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Damn, I guess that sucks. What will happen with the store?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _priya.chat>></div>Priya<hr>I'll have to run in in my husbands place. Thank you for being here. My husband thought you were one of his best customers. Please come back again soon.</div><br>
<<if !$achievements.murderer.unlocked>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are an animal. Why did you do this? He was an innocent man!</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_store" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave the Store]</button><<set _priya = $findCharacterByName('Priya')>>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">Priya's Interactions</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _priya.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Priya, you could suck my cock and close your eyes - pretend it was Ahmeds!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _priya.chat>></div>Priya<hr>Are you serious?</div><br>
<<if _priya.relationshipPoints gte 35>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _priya.chat>></div>Priya<hr>That's not a bad idea.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Priya digs out your cock from your pants and gets on her knees.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/priya/bj.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _priya 35>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _priya.chat>></div>Priya<hr>My husband just died! And you want to... stop... just get out! [Need 35 relationship]</div><br>
<button data-passage="priya_interactions" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _priya = $findCharacterByName('Priya')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _priya.chat>></div>Priya<hr>I'm glad you stopped by. I was hoping to see you again. It's been... difficult without him.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I'm sorry, Priya. He was a good man. I wish there was more I could have done.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _priya.chat>></div>Priya<hr>Thank you. It's just been so quiet in the shop. I keep expecting him to walk through the door, to hear his voice again...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>You're not alone, Priya. If you need anything - I'm here.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _priya.chat>></div>Priya<hr>You've always been so kind. He spoke of you often, you know? He respected you a great deal.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>That means a lot. I respected him too. He had a way with people... and with making that shop feel like home.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _priya.chat>></div>Priya<hr>He did. It's just... hard to know what to do now. Running the shop without him feels wrong, but closing it... it feels like losing him all over again.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Whatever you decide, Priya, I'll support you. But maybe... maybe keeping the shop going is a way to keep his memory alive. To honor what he built.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _priya.chat>></div>Priya<hr>You're right. He would want me to keep it open, to keep helping people like he did. Thank you, <i><<print $player.name>></i>. Your words mean more than you know.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You lying fuckin' bastard</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _priya 5>>
<button data-passage="priya_interactions" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><<set _priya = $findCharacterByName('Priya')>>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">Priya's Interactions</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _priya.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Priya, All this dick sucking is blue balling me. I need to experience what's between those legs</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _priya.chat>></div>Priya<hr>Uhm, what?!</div><br>
<<if _priya.relationshipPoints gte 400>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _priya.chat>></div>Priya<hr>Anything for my Husband's number one customer!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Priya digs out your cock from your pants and lets you fuck her brains out!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/priya/fuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _priya 100>>
<<set _priya.fuckedtimes = _priya.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _priya "Crabs">>
<<elseif _priya.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _priya $player "Crabs">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _priya.chat>></div>Priya<hr>My husband just died! And you want to... stop... just get out! [Need 400 relationship]</div><br>
<button data-passage="priya_interactions" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _priya = $findCharacterByName('Priya')>>
<<if $time gte 8>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _priya.chat>></div>Priya<hr>I must tell you, it is late. I must sleep otherwise I will not be able to give you the proper attention you deserve. Please come back to visit me tomorrow?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="ascensionstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Building]</button>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">Priya's Interactions</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _priya.image>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing in Priya's store. You killed her husband, remember?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _priya.chat>></div>Priya<hr>Hello sir...</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="priya_outfits" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Change Outfits]</button>
<button data-passage="priya_chat" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Chat]</button>
<button data-passage="priya_fuck" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck]</button>
<button data-passage="priya_bj" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[BJ]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_store" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<</if>><<set _priya = $findCharacterByName('Priya')>>
<<set _outfitOptions = [
{ name: "Main Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/priya/main.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Slutty Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/priya/alt1.jpg">', condition: _priya.relationshipPoints >= 150 },
{ name: "Traditional Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/priya/alt2.jpg">', condition: _priya.relationshipPoints >= 250 },
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _priya.chat>></div>Priya<hr>This is strange... but okay...</div><br>
<!-- Sophia's Outfit Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose Priya's Main Outfit<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _outfitOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_priya.image" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<button data-passage="priya_interactions" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Save]</button><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<if $time gt 2>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Sorry! I gotta run, the pub needs to be opened!</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="ascensionstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Building]</button>
<<set _locationTitle = "Elsa's Apartment">>
<<set _characterConditions = [
{name: "Elsa", condition: true},
<<set _questName = "Elsa's Bar">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<<displayLocation '<img src="images/locations/amore/apartments/elsa/apartment.jpg" alt="" />' _characterConditions>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>So... what did you want to do?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="elsa_apartment_interactions" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Interactions]</button>
<button data-passage="ascensionstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Building]</button>
<</if>><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">Elsa's Apartment</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _elsa.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I really am starting to get in the assfucking mood, Elsa.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>W-what?!</div><br>
<<if _elsa.relationshipPoints gte 450>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Okay... you can fuck my ass! Just be careful and take it slow, okay?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Elsa comes closer to you and unsheaths your cock from your trousers - again!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/elsa/scenes/anal.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Wow...</div><br>
<<set _randomcum to random(1,10)>>
<<if _randomcum lte 5>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You cum for Elsa!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/elsa/scenes/creamed.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>There is so much of it! Grab me a towel, please!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You failed to cum.</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _elsa 50>>
<<set _elsa.fuckedtimes = _elsa.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Ew. that is NOT happening. [Need relationship 450]</div><br>
<button data-passage="elsa_apartment_interactions" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">Elsa's Apartment</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _elsa.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I want you to suck my cock, Elsa.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Oh my!</div><br>
<<if _elsa.relationshipPoints gte 150>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Okay... I'll do it.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Elsa comes closer to you and unsheaths your cock from your trousers.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/elsa/scenes/bj.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Wow...</div><br>
<<set _randomcum to random(1,10)>>
<<if _randomcum lte 5>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You cum for Elsa!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/elsa/scenes/bj2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>There is so much of it! Grab me a towel, please!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You failed to cum.</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _elsa 20>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Ew. that is NOT happening.</div><br>
<button data-passage="elsa_apartment_interactions" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">Elsa's Apartment</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _elsa.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I think it's time we both starting letting each other fuck.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Really?</div><br>
<<if _elsa.relationshipPoints gte 250>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Okay... I'm a little horny anyway!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Elsa comes closer to you and unsheaths your cock from your trousers - again!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/elsa/scenes/fuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Wow...</div><br>
<<set _randomcum to random(1,10)>>
<<if _randomcum lte 5>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You cum for Elsa!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/elsa/scenes/creamed.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>There is so much of it! Grab me a towel, please!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You failed to cum.</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _elsa 30>>
<<checkBountyCompletion "Elsa">>
<<set _elsa.fuckedtimes = _elsa.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _elsa "Crabs">>
<<elseif _elsa.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _elsa $player "Crabs">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Ew. that is NOT happening.</div><br>
<button data-passage="elsa_apartment_interactions" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">Elsa's Apartment</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _elsa.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I want you to give me a handjob, Elsa.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Oh my!</div><br>
<<if _elsa.relationshipPoints gte 150>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Okay... I'll 'lend you a hand' I guess...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Elsa comes closer to you and unsheaths your cock from your trousers.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/elsa/scenes/handjob.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>That felt great...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>I'm just glad you liked it!</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _elsa 17>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Ew. that is NOT happening.</div><br>
<button data-passage="elsa_apartment_interactions" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<if $time gt 2>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Sorry! I gotta run, the pub needs to be opened!</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="ascensionstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Building]</button>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">Elsa's Apartment</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _elsa.image>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing in Elsa's apartment. The place is nice.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>It's always nice to see you again, $player.name!</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="elsa_apartment_outfits" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Change Outfits]</button>
<button data-passage="elsa_apartment_kiss" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Kiss]</button>
<button data-passage="elsa_apartment_anal" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Anal]</button>
<button data-passage="elsa_apartment_fuck" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck]</button>
<button data-passage="elsa_apartment_bj" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[BJ]</button>
<button data-passage="elsa_apartment_handjob" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Handjob]</button>
<button data-passage="ascensionstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Apartment]</button>
<</if>><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">Elsa's Apartment</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _elsa.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I was thinking... could I get a kiss?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Hmmm....</div><br>
<<if _elsa.relationshipPoints gte 75>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Heehee sure thing.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Elsa comes closer to you and gives you a kiss</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/elsa/scenes/kiss.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Oh fuck...</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _elsa 15>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Ew. that is NOT happening.</div><br>
<button data-passage="elsa_apartment_interactions" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _questName = "Elsa's Bar">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<<set _questName2 = "Halloween 2023">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _chatOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/elsa/chat1.png">', condition: true },
{ name: "Classic Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/elsa/elsachat.png">', condition: true },
{ name: "Halloween Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/elsa/chat2.png">', condition: _questName2.complete eq true},
{ name: "Nude Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/elsa/chat3.png">', condition: _elsa.afflictions.includes("Fucking Customers") },
{ name: "Cum Queen Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/elsa/elsagodlike.png">', condition: _elsa.relationshipPoints >= 500 },
{ name: "Unimpressed Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/elsa/chat4.png">', condition: _elsa.relationshipPoints >= 150 },
{ name: "Glasses Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/elsa/chat5.png">', condition: _elsa.relationshipPoints >= 250 },
<<set _outfitOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/elsa/main.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Classic Work Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/elsa/elsabar.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Halloween Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/elsa/main2.jpg">', condition: _questName2.complete eq true},
{ name: "Nude", img: '<img src="images/characters/elsa/elsag3.jpg">', condition: _elsa.afflictions.includes("Fucking Customers") },
{ name: "Barefoot Dress", img: '<img src="images/characters/elsa/barefootdress.jpg">', condition: _elsa.relationshipPoints >= 100 },
{ name: "Underwear", img: '<img src="images/characters/elsa/underwear.jpg">', condition: _elsa.fuckedtimes >= 1 },
{ name: "Nerd Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/elsa/nerd.jpg">', condition: _elsa.fuckedtimes >= 5 },
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>You think I should wear something else?</div><br>
<!-- Sophia's Chat Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose Elsa's Avatar<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _chatOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_elsa.chat" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<!-- Sophia's Outfit Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose Elsa's Main Outfit<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _outfitOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_elsa.image" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<button data-passage="elsa_apartment_interactions" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Save]</button><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<div class="location-title">Amore Apartments</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/amore/apartments/apartments.jpg"></div>
<div class="npctextboxm">You ring the buzzer for Elsa's apartment.</div><br>
<<if $time lte 2>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Oh hey! It's you! Come on up!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">There is no answer... [Elsa will be here everyday before her bar opens]</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $time lte 2>>
<button data-passage="elsa_apartment" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Apartment]</button>
<button data-passage="goughstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Building]</button>
</div><<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<if $time gte 10>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jessie.chat>></div>Jessie<hr>It's late.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="ascensionstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Building]</button>
<<set _locationTitle = "Jessie's Apartment">>
<<set _characterConditions = [
{name: "Jessie", condition: true},
<<displayLocation '<img src="images/locations/amore/apartments/jessie/apartment.jpg" alt="" />' _characterConditions>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jessie.chat>></div>Jessie<hr>So... what are you here for?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="jessie_apartment_interactions" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Interactions]</button>
<button data-passage="ascensionstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Building]</button>
<</if>><<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">Jessie's Apartment</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _jessie.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Do you think you could suck my cock like you did at Madame Spookys?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jessie.chat>></div>Jessie<hr>Wait - what?</div><br>
<<if _jessie.relationshipPoints gte 75>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jessie.chat>></div>Jessie<hr>I suppose I could... come here.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Jessie digs out your cock from your pants and gets on her knees.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/jessie/scenes/bj.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/jessie/scenes/jessieBJ.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _jessie 35>>
<div class="npctextboxm">But wait! - Your cock starts to twitch!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jessie.chat>></div>Jessie<hr>Are you... cumming?</div><br>
<<set _randomcum to random(1,2)>>
<<if _randomcum eq 1>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You cum for Jessie.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/jessie/scenes/facial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _jessie 15>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You fail to cum for Jessie.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jessie.chat>></div>Jessie<hr>I'm going to call the cops on you! [Need 75 relationship]</div><br>
<button data-passage="jessie_apartment_interactions" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">Jessie's Apartment</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _jessie.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>We *need* to fuck, Jessie.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jessie.chat>></div>Jessie<hr>Wait - what?</div><br>
<<if _jessie.relationshipPoints gte 600>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jessie.chat>></div>Jessie<hr>That's not a bad idea. Lets fuck!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Jessie digs out your cock from your pants and gets on her knees.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/jessie/scenes/fuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jessie.chat>></div>Jessie<hr>Holy shit!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/jessie/scenes/fuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jessie.chat>></div>Jessie<hr>Slow down a little!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/jessie/scenes/fuck3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jessie.chat>></div>Jessie<hr>You stopped? Why?</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _jessie 70>>
<div class="npctextboxm">But wait! - Your cock starts to twitch!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jessie.chat>></div>Jessie<hr>Are you... cumming?</div><br>
<<set _randomcum to random(1,2)>>
<<set _jessie.fuckedtimes = _jessie.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _jessie "Crabs">>
<<elseif _jessie.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _jessie $player "Crabs">>
<<if _randomcum eq 1>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You cum for Jessie.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/jessie/scenes/facial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _jessie 15>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You fail to cum for Jessie.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jessie.chat>></div>Jessie<hr>I'm going to call the cops on you! [Need 600 relationship]</div><br>
<button data-passage="jessie_apartment_interactions" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<div class="location-title">Give item</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _jessie.image>>
<div class="npctextboxm">What item do you want to give ?</div><br>
<<set _inventoryCount = {}>> <!-- Create an object to store item quantities -->
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<set _item = $player.inventory[_i]>> <!-- Get the current item -->
<<set _itemName = _item.name>> <!-- Get the item's name -->
<<set _itemQuantity = _inventoryCount[_itemName] || 0>> <!-- Get the current quantity or default to 0 -->
<!-- Update the item's quantity in the inventoryCount object -->
<<set _inventoryCount[_itemName] = _itemQuantity + 1>> <!-- Increment quantity by 1 for each item -->
<div class="itemWrapperz">
<<for _itemName, _itemQuantity range _inventoryCount>> <<capture _itemName>>
<div class="newItembox">
<div class="newItemphotos">
<<set _item = $player.inventory.find(item => item.name === _itemName)>>
<<print _item.image>>
<div class="NewItemtext">
<center><<print _itemName>> (x<<print _itemQuantity>>)</center>
<button data-passage="jessie_apartment_giveitem2" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$itemChosen to _itemName">[Give]</button>
<button data-passage="jessie_apartment_interactions" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Skip - No Item]</button><<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<set _reactionItems = ["Flowers", "Crab Medicine", "Diamond", "Dildo"]>> <!-- Define Sophia's favorite items -->
<<if _reactionItems.includes($itemChosen)>>
<<set _itemIndex = $player.inventory.findIndex(item => item.name === $itemChosen)>>
<<if _itemIndex > -1>>
<<set $player.inventory.deleteAt(_itemIndex)>> <!-- Remove one instance of the item from the player's inventory -->
<<if $itemChosen == "Crab Medicine">>
<<if _jessie.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<set _jessie.afflictions.delete("Crabs")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jessie.chat>></div><<= _jessie.name>><hr>How did you know I had crabs! Thank you!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jessie.chat>></div><<= _jessie.name>><hr>Why are you giving me this? I don't have any STDS...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jessie.chat>></div><<= _jessie.name>><hr>Thank you! <<print $itemChosen>>[s] just make my day!</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _jessie 15>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jessie.chat>></div><<= _jessie.name>><hr>I think you better keep that.</div><br>
<button data-passage="jessie_apartment_interactions" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Continue]</button><<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<if $time gte 8>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jessie.chat>></div>Jessie<hr>It's late.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="ascensionstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Building]</button>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">Jessie's Apartment</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _jessie.image>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing in Jessie's apartment. The place is neat and tidy. Everything seems to have it's place.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jessie.chat>></div>Jessie<hr>You want to do something?...</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="jessie_apartment_giveitem" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Give Item]</button>
<button data-passage="jessie_apartment_outfits" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Change Outfits]</button>
<button data-passage="jessie_apartment_kiss" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Chat]</button>
<button data-passage="jessie_apartment_fuck" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck]</button>
<button data-passage="jessie_apartment_bj" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[BJ]</button>
<button data-passage="ascensionstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Apartment]</button>
<</if>><<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">Jessie's Apartment</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _jessie.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Let's just chat for a little...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jessie.chat>></div>Jessie<hr>Okay.</div><br>
<<if _jessie.relationshipPoints gte 0>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You and Jessie talk about your lives for the next hour. You feel closer.</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _jessie 15>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jessie.chat>></div>Jessie<hr>I'm going to call the cops on you!</div><br>
<button data-passage="jessie_apartment_interactions" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<set _chatOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/jessie/jessiechat.png">', condition: true },
{ name: "Alternative Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/jessie/regularchat.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "College Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/jessie/collegechat.jpg">', condition: _jessie.relationshipPoints >= 1200 },
{ name: "Devil Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/jessie/collegechat.jpg">', condition: _jessie.relationshipPoints >= 1600 },
{ name: "Nude Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/jessie/nudechat.jpg">', condition: _jessie.relationshipPoints >= 2000 },
{ name: "Facial Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/jessie/facial.jpg">', condition: _jessie.relationshipPoints >= 2500 },
{ name: "Classic #1", img: '<img src="images/characters/jessie/jessiechat2.png">', condition: _jessie.fuckedtimes >= 20 },
{ name: "Classic #2", img: '<img src="images/characters/jessie/jessiechat3.png">', condition: _jessie.fuckedtimes >= 30 },
{ name: "Classic #3", img: '<img src="images/characters/jessie/jessiechat4.png">', condition: _jessie.fuckedtimes >= 40 },
{ name: "Classic #4", img: '<img src="images/characters/jessie/jessiechat5.png">', condition: _jessie.fuckedtimes >= 50 },
{ name: "Classic #5", img: '<img src="images/characters/jessie/jessiechat6.png">', condition: _jessie.fuckedtimes >= 60 },
<<set _outfitOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/jessie/jessie.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Alternative Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/jessie/regular.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Maid Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/jessie/maid.jpg">', condition: _jessie.relationshipPoints >= 150 },
{ name: "Underwear Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/jessie/underwear.jpg">', condition: _jessie.relationshipPoints >= 350 },
{ name: "Military Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/jessie/military.jpg">', condition: _jessie.relationshipPoints >= 700 },
{ name: "College Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/jessie/college.jpg">', condition: _jessie.relationshipPoints >= 1200 },
{ name: "Sexy Regular Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/jessie/halloweennaughty.jpg">', condition: _jessie.relationshipPoints >= 1400 },
{ name: "Devil Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/jessie/devil.jpg">', condition: _jessie.relationshipPoints >= 1600 },
{ name: "Nude Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/jessie/devil.jpg">', condition: _jessie.relationshipPoints >= 2000 },
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jessie.chat>></div>Jessie<hr>Come on - seriously? Don't take my pumpkin!</div><br>
<!-- Sophia's Chat Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose Jessie's Avatar<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _chatOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_jessie.chat" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<!-- Sophia's Outfit Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose Jessie's Main Outfit<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _outfitOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_jessie.image" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<button data-passage="jessie_apartment_interactions" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Save]</button><<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<div class="location-title">Amore Apartments</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/amore/apartments/apartments.jpg"></div>
<div class="npctextboxm">You ring the buzzer for Jessie's apartment.</div><br>
<<if $time gte 5>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jessie.chat>></div>Jessie<hr>Oh - It's you.. come in.. I guess?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">There is no answer... [Jessie will be here everyday after Elsa's bar closes]</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $time gte 5>>
<button data-passage="jessie_apartment" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Apartment]</button>
<button data-passage="goughstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Building]</button>
</div><<set _lisa = $findCharacterByName('Lisa')>>
<<if $time gte 8>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>Every athlete needs proper sleep. You should head home and rest. It's late.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="ascensionstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Building]</button>
<<set _locationTitle = "Lisa's Apartment">>
<<set _characterConditions = [
{name: "Lisa", condition: true},
<<set _questName = "LISA the MILF">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<<displayLocation '<img src="images/locations/amore/apartments/lisa/apartment.jpg" alt="" />' _characterConditions>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>Anything to report?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="lisa_apartment_interactions" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Interactions]</button>
<button data-passage="ascensionstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Building]</button>
<</if>><<set _lisa = $findCharacterByName('Lisa')>>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">Lisa'a Apartment</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _lisa.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey Lisa, those kisses have been helping me a lot with my workouts. But i've been reading how releasing semen actually can increase testosterone for my workouts</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>Really? I never heard about that. Maybe you should masturbate before workouts.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Actually, I was thinking that maybe you could help me with this? Semen contains protein so you could put it to good use...</div><br>
<<if _lisa.relationshipPoints gte 150>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>Alright, let's do it. But only because its helping you get the best results in the gym! I'm not a slut! I just like protein</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You pull out your cock for Lisa to suck.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/lisa/scenes/bj.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>Alright, now lets get it all out...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You edge closer to orgasm and...</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/lisa/scenes/facial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>*Ahem*, let's get back to our workouts now. Shall we?</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _lisa 30>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>Not a fucking chance! Do you think i'm some slut who will just blow you for gym gains? Do you think i'm stupid?</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _lisa -5>>
<button data-passage="lisa_apartment_interactions" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _lisa = $findCharacterByName('Lisa')>>
<<set _questName = "LISA the MILF">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">Lisa's Apartment</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _lisa.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey Lisa, I heard the treadmills are broke and I need to do my cardio. I was thinking we could do some cardio together. Naked. Fucking. Y'know?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>W-W-What?!</div><br>
<<if _lisa.relationshipPoints gte 250>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>Let's do it! You know my style!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You and Lisa both dive straight into some fucking.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>I want you to put your fucking back into it this time.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/lisa/scenes/fuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>That's the spot. Deeper!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You and Lisa's bodies are hot and sweaty. This is a hardcore cardio session!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/lisa/scenes/fuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your cock is twitching!</div><br>
<<set _randomCum to random(1,10)>>
<<if _randomCum lte 5>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You cum for Lisa!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/lisa/scenes/cream.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You fail to cum this time</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>Ugh - how dissapointing...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>*Ahem*, let's get back to our workouts now. Shall we?</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _lisa 50>>
<<set _lisa.fuckedtimes = _lisa.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _lisa "Crabs">>
<<elseif _lisa.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _lisa $player "Crabs">>
<<checkBountyCompletion "Lisa">>
<<if $substory[_index].progress eq 40>>
<<updateQuest "LISA the MILF" 100>>
<<addAffliction _lisa "Dominated">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>Ask me that again and I'll curbstomp you. Sick perverted freak!</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _lisa -10>>
<button data-passage="lisa_apartment_interactions" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _lisa = $findCharacterByName('Lisa')>>
<<if $time gte 8>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>Every athlete needs proper sleep. You should head home and rest. It's late.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="ascensionstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Building]</button>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">Lisa's Apartment</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _lisa.image>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing in Lisa's apartment. The place is neat and tidy. Everything seems to have it's place.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>Speak. I don't have all day.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="lisa_apartment_outfits" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Change Outfits]</button>
<button data-passage="lisa_apartment_kiss" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Kiss]</button>
<button data-passage="lisa_apartment_fuck" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck]</button>
<button data-passage="lisa_apartment_anal" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Anal]</button>
<button data-passage="lisa_apartment_titjob" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Titjob]</button>
<button data-passage="lisa_apartment_bj" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[BJ]</button>
<button data-passage="ascensionstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Apartment]</button>
<</if>><<set _lisa = $findCharacterByName('Lisa')>>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">Lisa's Apartment</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _lisa.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey Lisa, How about a kiss for all this hard work i'm putting in?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>A kiss? seriously?</div><br>
<<if _lisa.relationshipPoints gte 75>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Yeah, why not? It's a motivator for me</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>If it motivates you to lift some damn weight, then sure.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You walk up to Lisa and give her a long and passionate kiss...</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/lisa/scenes/kiss.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>Alright, that was... nice</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _lisa 10>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>I'm not your mommy, kid. Are you some sort of fucking weirdo?</div><br>
<button data-passage="lisa_apartment_interactions" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _lisa = $findCharacterByName('Lisa')>>
<<set _questName = "LISA the MILF">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<<set _chatOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Gym Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/lisa/lisachatgym.png">', condition: true },
{ name: "Classic Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/lisa/lisachat.png">', condition: true },
{ name: "Classic Chat #2", img: '<img src="images/characters/lisa/lisa.png">', condition: true },
{ name: "Underwear Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/lisa/lisachatunderwear.png">', condition: _lisa.relationshipPoints >= 150 },
{ name: "Nude Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/lisa/lisachatnude.png">', condition: _lisa.afflictions.includes("Dominated") },
<<set _outfitOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Gym Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/lisa/g.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Nude Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/lisa/nudeoutfit.jpg">', condition: _lisa.afflictions.includes("Dominated") },
{ name: "Underwear Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/lisa/underwear.jpg">', condition: _lisa.relationshipPoints >= 150 },
{ name: "Mom Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/lisa/momoutfit.jpg">', condition: _lisa.fuckedtimes >= 5 },
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>An outfit change? How am I supopsed to workout in that?</div><br>
<!-- Sophia's Chat Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose Lisa's Avatar<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _chatOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_lisa.chat" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<!-- Sophia's Outfit Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose Elsa's Main Outfit<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _outfitOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_lisa.image" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<button data-passage="lisa_apartment_interactions" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Save]</button><<set _lisa = $findCharacterByName('Lisa')>>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">Lisa'a Apartment</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _lisa.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey Lisa, those tits would love great sandwiching my cock</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>Huh, the fuck?</div><br>
<<if _lisa.relationshipPoints gte 150>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>Alright, let's do it. </div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You pull out your cock for a snuggle inbetween Lisa's tits</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/lisa/scenes/titjob.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>Alright, now lets get it all out...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You edge closer to orgasm and...</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/lisa/scenes/facial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>*Ahem*, let's get back to our workouts now. Shall we?</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _lisa 30>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>Not a fucking chance! Do you think i'm some slut who will just blow you for gym gains? Do you think i'm stupid?</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _lisa -5>>
<button data-passage="lisa_apartment_interactions" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _lisa = $findCharacterByName('Lisa')>>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">Lisa's Apartment</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _lisa.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey Lisa, I heard the treadmills are broke and I need to do my cardio. I was thinking we could do some cardio together. Naked. Fucking. Y'know? Actually maybe in your ass?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>W-W-What?!</div><br>
<<if _lisa.relationshipPoints gte 500>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>Let's do it! You know my style!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You and Lisa both dive straight into some ass fucking.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>Just... take it fucking easy okay. I don't do this often.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/lisa/scenes/anal.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Yep - That's enough, soldier.</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _lisa 60>>
<<set _lisa.fuckedtimes = _lisa.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _lisa "Crabs">>
<<elseif _lisa.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _lisa $player "Crabs">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>You're a fucking sick twisted piece of fucking shit.</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _lisa -20>>
<button data-passage="lisa_apartment_interactions" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _lisa = $findCharacterByName('Lisa')>>
<div class="location-title">Amore Apartments</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/amore/apartments/apartments.jpg"></div>
<div class="npctextboxm">You ring the buzzer for Lisa's apartment.</div><br>
<<if $time gte 5>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>Permission granted. Come in.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">There is no answer... [Lisa will be here everyday after her gym session has finished]</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $time gte 5>>
<button data-passage="lisa_apartment" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Apartment]</button>
<button data-passage="goughstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Building]</button>
</div><<set _nun = $findCharacterByName('The Nun')>>
<<if $time gte 8>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nun.chat>></div>The Nun<hr>I must tell you, it is late. I must sleep otherwise I will not be able to give you the proper attention you deserve. Please come back to visit me tomorrow?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="ascensionstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Building]</button>
<<set _locationTitle = "The Nun's Apartment">>
<<set _characterConditions = [
{name: "The Nun", condition: true},
<<displayLocation '<img src="images/locations/amore/apartments/lisa/apartment.jpg" alt="" />' _characterConditions>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nun.chat>></div>The Nun<hr>Tell me, how goes your adventures? I hope you are staying safe.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="nun_apartment_interactions" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Interactions]</button>
<button data-passage="ascensionstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Building]</button>
<</if>><<set _nun = $findCharacterByName('The Nun')>>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">The Nun's Apartment</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _nun.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>We really need to fuck... well, i really need to fuck. Fuck your ass!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nun.chat>></div>The Nun<hr>Uh...</div><br>
<<if _nun.relationshipPoints gte 1500>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nun.chat>></div>The Nun<hr>You know I'll do whatever you want!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/nun/scenes/anal.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nun.chat>></div>The Nun<hr>Oh god! So good!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nun.chat>></div>The Nun<hr>I'm sorry but I must refuse your request. It's.. too weird! [1500 Relationship Needed]</div><br>
<button data-passage="nun_apartment_interactions" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _nun = $findCharacterByName('The Nun')>>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">The Nun's Apartment</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _nun.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Would you suck my cock?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nun.chat>></div>The Nun<hr>Uh...</div><br>
<<if _nun.relationshipPoints gte 300>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nun.chat>></div>The Nun<hr>You know I'll do whatever you want!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/nun/scenes/bj.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _nun 35>>
<<set _randomcum to random(1,2)>>
<<if _randomcum eq 1>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You cum for The nun.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/nun/scenes/facial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _nun 15>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You fail to cum.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nun.chat>></div>The Nun<hr>I'm sorry but I must refuse your request. It's.. too weird! [300 Relationship Needed]</div><br>
<button data-passage="nun_apartment_interactions" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _nun = $findCharacterByName('The Nun')>>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">The Nun's Apartment</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _nun.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Would you use your feet for me? To jerk my cock?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nun.chat>></div>The Nun<hr>Uh...</div><br>
<<if _nun.relationshipPoints gte 100>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nun.chat>></div>The Nun<hr>You know I'll do whatever you want!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/nun/scenes/feet.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _nun 25>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nun.chat>></div>The Nun<hr>I'm sorry but I must refuse your request. It's.. too weird! [100 Relationship Needed]</div><br>
<button data-passage="nun_apartment_interactions" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _nun = $findCharacterByName('The Nun')>>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">The Nun's Apartment</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _nun.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>We really need to fuck</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nun.chat>></div>The Nun<hr>Uh...</div><br>
<<if _nun.relationshipPoints gte 600>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nun.chat>></div>The Nun<hr>You know I'll do whatever you want!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/nun/scenes/fuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nun.chat>></div>The Nun<hr>Oh god! Please be gentle!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/nun/scenes/fuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _nun 50>>
<<set _nun.fuckedtimes = _nun.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _nun "Crabs">>
<<elseif _nun.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _nun $player "Crabs">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nun.chat>></div>The Nun<hr>I'm sorry but I must refuse your request. It's.. too weird! [600 Relationship Needed]</div><br>
<button data-passage="nun_apartment_interactions" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _nun = $findCharacterByName('The Nun')>>
<div class="location-title">Give item</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _nun.image>>
<div class="npctextboxm">What item do you want to give ?</div><br>
<<set _inventoryCount = {}>> <!-- Create an object to store item quantities -->
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<set _item = $player.inventory[_i]>> <!-- Get the current item -->
<<set _itemName = _item.name>> <!-- Get the item's name -->
<<set _itemQuantity = _inventoryCount[_itemName] || 0>> <!-- Get the current quantity or default to 0 -->
<!-- Update the item's quantity in the inventoryCount object -->
<<set _inventoryCount[_itemName] = _itemQuantity + 1>> <!-- Increment quantity by 1 for each item -->
<div class="itemWrapperz">
<<for _itemName, _itemQuantity range _inventoryCount>> <<capture _itemName>>
<div class="newItembox">
<div class="newItemphotos">
<<set _item = $player.inventory.find(item => item.name === _itemName)>>
<<print _item.image>>
<div class="NewItemtext">
<center><<print _itemName>> (x<<print _itemQuantity>>)</center>
<button data-passage="nun_apartment_giveitem2" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$itemChosen to _itemName">[Give]</button>
<button data-passage="nun_apartment_interactions" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Skip - No Item]</button><<set _nun = $findCharacterByName('The Nun')>>
<<set _reactionItems = ["Flowers", "Crab Medicine", "Diamond", "Dildo"]>> <!-- Define Sophia's favorite items -->
<<if _reactionItems.includes($itemChosen)>>
<<set _itemIndex = $player.inventory.findIndex(item => item.name === $itemChosen)>>
<<if _itemIndex > -1>>
<<set $player.inventory.deleteAt(_itemIndex)>> <!-- Remove one instance of the item from the player's inventory -->
<<if $itemChosen == "Crab Medicine">>
<<if _nun.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<set _nun.afflictions.delete("Crabs")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nun.chat>></div><<= _nun.name>><hr>How did you know I had crabs! Thank you!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nun.chat>></div><<= _nun.name>><hr>Why are you giving me this? I don't have any STDS...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nun.chat>></div><<= _nun.name>><hr>Thank you! <<print $itemChosen>>[s] just make my day!</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _nun 15>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nun.chat>></div><<= _nun.name>><hr>I think you better keep that.</div><br>
<button data-passage="nun_apartment_interactions" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Continue]</button><<set _nun = $findCharacterByName('The Nun')>>
<<if $time gte 8>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nun.chat>></div>The Nun<hr>I must tell you, it is late. I must sleep otherwise I will not be able to give you the proper attention you deserve. Please come back to visit me tomorrow?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="ascensionstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Building]</button>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">The Nun's Apartment</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _nun.image>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing in The Nun's apartment. The place is neat and tidy. Everything seems to have it's place.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nun.chat>></div>The Nun<hr>You want to do something?...</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="nun_apartment_giveitem" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Give Item]</button>
<button data-passage="nun_apartment_outfits" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Change Outfits]</button>
<button data-passage="nun_apartment_kiss" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Chat]</button>
<button data-passage="nun_apartment_fj" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Footjob]</button>
<button data-passage="nun_apartment_fuck" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck]</button>
<button data-passage="nun_apartment_anal" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Anal]</button>
<button data-passage="nun_apartment_bj" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[BJ]</button>
<button data-passage="ascensionstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Apartment]</button>
<</if>><<set _nun = $findCharacterByName('The Nun')>>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">The Nun's Apartment</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _nun.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Let's just chat for a little...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nun.chat>></div>The Nun<hr>Okay.</div><br>
<<if _nun.relationshipPoints gte 0>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You and The Nun talk about your lives for the next hour. You feel closer.</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _nun 15>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nun.chat>></div>The Nun<hr>I'm sorry but I must refuse your request. It's.. too weird!</div><br>
<button data-passage="nun_apartment_interactions" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _nun = $findCharacterByName('The Nun')>>
<<set _chatOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/nun/nunchat.png">', condition: true },
{ name: "Cowgirl Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/nun/cowgirlchat.jpg">', condition: _nun.relationshipPoints >= 150 },
{ name: "Underwear Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/nun/underwearchat.jpg">', condition: _nun.relationshipPoints >= 250 },
{ name: "Nude Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/nun/nudechat.jpg">', condition: _nun.relationshipPoints >= 750 },
{ name: "Enslaved Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/nun/bondagechat.jpg">', condition: _nun.relationshipPoints >= 1450 },
{ name: "Facial Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/nun/cumface.jpg">', condition: _nun.relationshipPoints >= 2000 },
<<set _outfitOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/nun/nunlove.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Cowgirl Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/nun/cowgirl.jpg">', condition: _nun.relationshipPoints >= 150 },
{ name: "Underwear Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/nun/underwear.jpg">', condition: _nun.relationshipPoints >= 250 },
{ name: "Sexy Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/nun/sexy.jpg">', condition: _nun.relationshipPoints >= 450 },
{ name: "Nude Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/nun/nude.jpg">', condition: _nun.relationshipPoints >= 750 },
{ name: "Enslaved", img: '<img src="images/characters/nun/bondage.jpg">', condition: _nun.relationshipPoints >= 1450 },
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nun.chat>></div>The Nun<hr>I'll wear whatever you want me to!</div><br>
<!-- Sophia's Chat Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose The Nun's Avatar<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _chatOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_nun.chat" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<!-- Sophia's Outfit Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose The Nun's Main Outfit<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _outfitOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_nun.image" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<button data-passage="nun_apartment_interactions" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Save]</button><<set _nun = $findCharacterByName('The Nun')>>
<div class="location-title">Amore Apartments</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/amore/apartments/apartments.jpg"></div>
<div class="npctextboxm">You ring the buzzer for Nun's apartment.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nun.chat>></div>The Nun<hr>My hero has came to visit me!</div><br>
<button data-passage="nun_apartment" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Apartment]</button><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _lisa = $findCharacterByName('Lisa')>>
<<set _nun = $findCharacterByName('The Nun')>>
<<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<div class="location-title">Amore Apartments</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/amore/apartments/apartments.jpg"></div>
<div class="button-container">
<<if _jessie.afflictions.includes("Address Known")>>
<button data-passage="jessie_knock" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Jessie's Apartment]</button>
<<if _elsa.afflictions.includes("Address Known")>>
<button data-passage="elsa_knock" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Elsa's Apartment]</button>
<<if _lisa.afflictions.includes("Address Known")>>
<button data-passage="lisa_knock" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Lisa's Apartment]</button>
<<if _nun.afflictions.includes("Rescued")>>
<button data-passage="nun_knock" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Nun's Apartment]</button>
<button data-passage="goughstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Apartments]</button>
</div><<set _aunteva = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Eva')>>
<<set _amy = $findCharacterByName('Amy')>>
<<set _questName = "Seduction of Aunt Eva">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">The day soon arrives where Amy is leaving to go home. You are going with her and are going to be meeting your other side of the family. It's been a while since you've seen these guys. You don't remember anything good.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>Alright. We're here.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You and Amy step out of the taxi and aproach the front door of Amy's house. The door opens before you even get there, out walks Amy's mom. She looks pissed.</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/aunteva/greeting.png" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>Amy, where were you? I've been worried sick!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>I told you. I was at Aunt's place.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>Oh... and who is this? Wait.. is that?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>Yep! That's $player.name! </div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Uh... hey! Long time no see Aunt Eva!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>Yeah... why are you here?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>He's here just to visit us. Is that a problem? Why are you such a fucking bitch, mom?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>Excuse me young lady! You can't speak to me like that! Get inside!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Amy runs inside and Eva follows her. You're just kinda still standing outside. It's like she doesn't even want you here.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Uh.. should I even stay?</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Seduction of Aunt Eva" 5>>
<button data-passage="newsleep" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Go Home [Sleep]</button>
<button data-passage="aunt2Main" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Go Inside Aunt's House]</button><div class="title">Aunt Eva's House - Amy's Bedroom</div><br>
<<set _aunteva = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Eva')>>
<<set _amy = $findCharacterByName('Amy')>>
<<set _questName = "Seduction of Aunt Eva">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<<if $time lte 4 and !_aunteva.afflictions.includes("Single")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Eva<hr>You little whore!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>ME?! YOURE THE DILDO SLUT! WE ALL KNOW!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You hear arguing coming from the bedroom of Amy. Best stay out of it.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">This door is locked</div><br>
<button data-passage="aunt2upstairs" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Enter Hallway</button><div class="title">Aunt Eva's House - Master Bedroom [Aunt & Uncle]</div><br>
<<set _aunteva = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Eva')>>
<<if $time gte 5 and !_aunteva.afflictions.includes("Horny")>>
<div class="npctextboxm">The door is locked.</div><br>
<<elseif $time gte 5 and _aunteva.afflictions.includes("Horny")>>
<div class="npctextboxm">The door is unlocked.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You look inside...</div><br>
<button data-passage="aint2Masturbate" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Look Inside]</button>
<div class="npctextboxm">The door is locked.</div><br>
<button data-passage="aunt2upstairs" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Hallway]</button><div class="title">Aunt Eva's House - Bathroom</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/aunteva/bathroom.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing in the bathroom</div><br>
<button data-passage="timeDumpAunt" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Piss</button>
<button data-passage="aunt2upstairs" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Enter Hallway</button><div class="title">Aunt Eva's House - Bathroom</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You whip out your dong. It's time to drain the main vein.</div> <br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/activities/pee.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Ahhhh... That feels good.</div><br>
<<time>><<set $peeCounter = $peeCounter + 1>>
<button data-passage="aunt2Bathroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Finish</button><<set _aunteva = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Eva')>>
<<set _cobraCheck = 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Hypnosis Serum">>
<<set _cobraCheck = 1>>
<div class="title">Dosing Aunt Eva</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _aunteva.image>>
<<if _cobraCheck != 1>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Here's a drink, Aunt Eva</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Aunt Eva accepts the drink</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Nothing happens. Maybe you could use this moment to alter the drink? If only you had a serum...</div><br>
<button data-passage="aunt2kitchen" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" >Return</button>
<<if _aunteva.relationshipPoints eq 0>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Here's a drink, Aunt Eva</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Aunt Eva accepts the drink</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The Hypnosis Serum was removed from your inventory</div><br>
<<set $foundCobraCount to 0>> <!-- Initialize a variable to count how many items have been removed -->
<<for _i to 0; _i < $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Hypnosis Serum">>
<<set $player.inventory.splice(_i, 1)>> <!-- Remove one instance of Hypnosis Serum at index _i -->
<<set _foundItem to true>> <!-- Set the flag to true to indicate we found Hypnosis Serum -->
<<break>> <!-- Exit the loop after deleting one instance -->
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>Woah... my head...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I should use this opportunity to issue a command to her.</div><br>
<button data-passage="auntchoice1" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$chosenAction to 1">Be Horny</button>
<button data-passage="auntchoice1" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$chosenAction to 2">Wear Something Sexier [Adds a Unique Outfit]</button>
<<elseif _aunteva.relationshipPoints eq 1>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>Are you going to make me one of those drinks again? I felt great after the last one</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Oh - you bet!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The Hypnosis Serum was removed from your inventory</div><br>
<<set $foundCobraCount to 0>> <!-- Initialize a variable to count how many items have been removed -->
<<for _i to 0; _i < $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Hypnosis Serum">>
<<set $player.inventory.splice(_i, 1)>> <!-- Remove one instance of Hypnosis Serum at index _i -->
<<set _foundItem to true>> <!-- Set the flag to true to indicate we found Hypnosis Serum -->
<<break>> <!-- Exit the loop after deleting one instance -->
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>Woah... my head...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I should use this opportunity to issue a command to her. I can be a little more daring this time.</div><br>
<button data-passage="auntchoice2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$chosenAction to 3">Freeuse Handjobs</button>
<<elseif _aunteva.relationshipPoints eq 2>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>Are you going to make me one of those drinks again? I felt great after the last one</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Oh - you bet!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The Hypnosis Serum was removed from your inventory</div><br>
<<set $foundCobraCount to 0>> <!-- Initialize a variable to count how many items have been removed -->
<<for _i to 0; _i < $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Hypnosis Serum">>
<<set $player.inventory.splice(_i, 1)>> <!-- Remove one instance of Hypnosis Serum at index _i -->
<<set _foundItem to true>> <!-- Set the flag to true to indicate we found Hypnosis Serum -->
<<break>> <!-- Exit the loop after deleting one instance -->
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>Woah... my head...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I should use this opportunity to issue a command to her.</div><br>
<button data-passage="auntchoice3" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$chosenAction to 1">Free Use [Eva will grant you free use of her body]</button>
<<elseif _aunteva.relationshipPoints eq 3>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>Are you going to make me one of those drinks again? I felt great after the last one</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Oh - you bet!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The Hypnosis Serum was removed from your inventory</div><br>
<<set $foundCobraCount to 0>> <!-- Initialize a variable to count how many items have been removed -->
<<for _i to 0; _i < $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Hypnosis Serum">>
<<set $player.inventory.splice(_i, 1)>> <!-- Remove one instance of Hypnosis Serum at index _i -->
<<set _foundItem to true>> <!-- Set the flag to true to indicate we found Hypnosis Serum -->
<<break>> <!-- Exit the loop after deleting one instance -->
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>Woah... my head...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I should use this opportunity to issue a command to her. This is probably the last time this will work.</div><br>
<button data-passage="auntchoice4" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$chosenAction to 1">Give Anal [Eva will grant you free use of her asshole]</button>
<<elseif _aunteva.relationshipPoints eq 4>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>Are you going to make me one of those drinks again? I felt great after the last one</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Oh - you bet!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You prepare a Hypnosis Serum...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>But what could I even ask for?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>Huh?</div><br>
<button data-passage="auntchoice5" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Can I get a uhhhhhhh"</button>
<div class="npctextboxm">Using anymore serums past this point would be dangerous. I should stop for now.</div><br>
<button data-passage="aunt2kitchen" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button>
<</if>><<set _aunteva = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Eva')>>
<<set _aunteva.relationshipPoints = 1>>
<<if $chosenAction eq 1>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>You are going to let out your inner desires. You are going to let your libido control your life.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I think it worked?</div><br>
<<addAffliction _aunteva "Horny">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>You need to wear something with abit more skin on show. Understood? It'll make you feel more comfortable.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I think it worked?</div><br>
<<addAffliction _aunteva "Hates Clothing">>
<button data-passage="aunt2kitchen" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button><<set _aunteva = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Eva')>>
<<set _aunteva.relationshipPoints = 2>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>You should help me out sometimes with nice little handjob?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I think it worked?</div><br>
<<addAffliction _aunteva "Handjob Giver">>
<button data-passage="aunt2kitchen" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button><<set _aunteva = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Eva')>>
<<set _aunteva.relationshipPoints = 3>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>You are going to give me, your Nephew, free and open access to your pussy at all times. I am your only man you should be pleasuring...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I think it worked?</div><br>
<<addAffliction _aunteva "Freeuse Giver">>
<button data-passage="aunt2kitchen" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button><<set _aunteva = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Eva')>>
<<set _aunteva.relationshipPoints = 4>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>You are going to give me, your Nephew, free and open access to your asshole at all times. I am your only man you should be pleasuring...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I think it worked?</div><br>
<<addAffliction _aunteva "Willing Anal Slut">>
<button data-passage="aunt2kitchen" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button><<set _aunteva = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Eva')>>
<<set _aunteva.relationshipPoints = 5>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Uh.... [I actually dont know what to ask for]</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>I have a gift for you. Take this.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>But i didnt even...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>I know its what you want. Please. Have it.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are given a ring. You feel like you will gain more lust essence with it in your inventory.</div><br>
<<set _methItem = {
name: "Essence Ring",
price: 10000,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/luckyring.png" alt="" />',
desc: "A ring that gives increased odds of gaining essence in combat.",
unique: "No"
<<set $player.inventory.push(_methItem)>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>Look after it, okay sweetie? There is only one in the entire world. So if you lose it or sell it you will *never* get it back again!</div><br>
<button data-passage="aunt2kitchen" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button>
<<if !$achievements.yummyessence.unlocked>>
<</if>><div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/aunteva/scenes/masturbate.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">She's uncontrollably horny after you dosed her!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You should leave before she catches you!</div><br>
<button data-passage="auntFuckAttempt" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Enter Room</button>
<button data-passage="aunt2upstairs" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Leave</button><<set _aunteva = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Eva')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Remember when you said you were going to help me out with your feet?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Aunt Eva raises her eyebrow at you!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>I guess I did say I would. Just don't tell anyone i'm doing this to my nephew! Okay? This isn't - like - the real thing? So it's not that weird.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Aunt Eva takes off her heels and wiggles her toes. You undo your belt and pants. Revealing your hard cock.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>I'm not very good at this. So... I hope it's what you wanted!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/aunteva/scenes/footjob.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Aunt Eva smiles</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>Alright, that's enough for now! I've got some work I need to do.</div><br>
<button data-passage="aunt2kitchen" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button><<set _aunteva = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Eva')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You enter the room while your Aunt is masturbating!</div><br>
<<if !_aunteva.afflictions.includes("Freeuse Giver")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>WHAT THE FUCK! WHY ARE YOU HERE!?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Oh no.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You leave. Why did you do that?</div><br>
<button data-passage="newsleep" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Call it a Day [Sleep]</button>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>Hey little nephew! Come to watch Aunt play with herself?</div><br>
<button data-passage="auntFuckNew" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Fuck</button>
<<if _aunteva.afflictions.includes("Willing Anal Slut")>>
<button data-passage="auntFuckNewAnal" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Fuck [Anal]</button>
<</if>><<set _aunteva = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Eva')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey Aunt Eva, just let me pull your skirt up a little bit. I've got a big load.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Aunt Eva raises her eyebrow at you!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>My little nephew has a hard cock? That's what your loving Aunt Eva is here for... put it in me baby.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Aunt Eva allows you to use her.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>Try not to make any mess.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/aunteva/scenes/fuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Aunt Eva smiles</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>Holy Shit!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/aunteva/scenes/fuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I'm - I'm gonna....</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>Cum for me, baby!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/aunteva/scenes/creampie.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>Don't tell anyone about our little arrangment, you hear? That was nice.</div><br>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _aunteva "Crabs">>
<<elseif _aunteva.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _aunteva $player "Crabs">>
<<set _aunteva.fuckedtimes = _aunteva.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<button data-passage="aunt2kitchen" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button><<set _aunteva = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Eva')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey Aunt Eva, just let me stick it in your ass this time</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Aunt Eva smiles as she bites her lip. She's done this before.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>Anything for you my little prince.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Aunt Eva allows you to use her asshole as your personal cumdump.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>Don't hold back.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/aunteva/scenes/anal.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Aunt Eva smiles half in agony, half in pleasure</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>Don't tell anyone about our little arrangment, you hear? That was nice.</div><br>
<<set _aunteva.fuckedtimes = _aunteva.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<button data-passage="aunt2kitchen" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button><<set _aunteva = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Eva')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Aunt Eva. I'm getting a little horny, will you help me out?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Aunt Eva raises her eyebrow at you!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>It's been a long time since i've had a horny man to take care of. Come here and take off your pants. Let's relieve you or your cum.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Aunt Eva takes off her top. She knows having something nice to look at helps when getting jacked off. She undoes your pants and starts playing with your cock.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>Hmmmhhh.... You're very big. Remember, don't tell anyone about this... about what we're doing...</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/aunteva/scenes/handjob.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Aunt Eva smiles</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>Alright, that's enough for now! I've got some work I need to do.</div><br>
<button data-passage="aunt2kitchen" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button><<set _aunteva = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Eva')>>
<<set _questName = "Seduction of Aunt Eva">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>I really don't fucking need this right now. Please leave.</div><br>
<button data-passage="taximain" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Go Home [Amore]</button><<set _aunteva = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Eva')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Can I confess some stuff to you?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Eva takes a slow sip of her drink, her eyes fixed on you with a hint of unease. She seems puzzled by your sudden confession.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>I'm listening.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I've made some terrible mistakes in my life... things that seemed normal at the time, but now I see how harmful they were. I've objectified women, treated them as nothing more than sexual objects. I wasted my gift of chastity on meaningless encounters. I've hurt people with my words and actions and even profited from unethical business practices. I feel disgusted with myself.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>Um... okay, listen...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>Look, everyone has regrets. We've all done things we wish we could undo. That's just life. The important part is what you do next. You can sit here feeling sorry for yourself and listing all the ways you messed up, but unless you're ready to make changes, it won't mean anything. People only become stronger by learning from mistakes. So, are you ready to work on being better?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Well...</div><br>
<button data-passage="aunt2kitchen" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking (This is weird)]</button><<set _aunteva = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Eva')>>
<<set _questName = "Seduction of Aunt Eva">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>Am I okay?... it's been a long time since someone asked me that....</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Well, are you?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>When I first married Mark everything was great. We were expecting our first daughter, Jolene. Life was so good. You wouldn't of believe how great we had it. Mark was so handsome. Everyone was so jealous, even your mom!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>But then... things changed. We changed... and I saw myself unhappy and with a man unwilling to fix our relationship and too comfortable to leave... I was the same. I thought I'd rather be with someone I dont love and be comfortable then alone. They say 'Being with anyone is better than no-one' - right? </div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>If anyone tells you that, kid. Slap em' in the face. The longer you leave it the harder it is to escape. I wish I could just run away from this place. Leave them all behind. Start living for myself... even if its selfish.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Aunt Eva... I..</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>Any relationship can work out. Me and Mark could have worked out if only we both had the willingness to fix and resolve issues, but none of us did. We knew no matter what - that we would both stay with each other no matter how miserable it made us...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>That sounds...</div><br>
<button data-passage="auntokbro2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Horrible"</button>
<button data-passage="auntAnnoy" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Get over yourself!"</button>
<button data-passage="auntokbro2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Like fun!"</button><<set _aunteva = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Eva')>>
<<set _questName = "Seduction of Aunt Eva">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>> <div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>... right...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>I know we don't really see eye to eye anymore. I've probably been a bitch to you throughout your life. It's not you, really. It's your mom - my sister. Who I... dislike. I guess I'm just taking it out on you because.... well because im miserable cunt and I need someone... to vent my fustrations... I love you, really. I mean, you're my nephew. I should be a better Aunt.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>Shit. It's getting late.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Wait!</div><br>
<button data-passage="auntokbro3" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Convince her to leave Mark"</button><<set _aunteva = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Eva')>>
<<set _questName = "Seduction of Aunt Eva">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>Leave Mark? No... it's too late for that now. I'm doomed here. Banished to be trapped for the rest of my life with that limpdick fuck.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Are you fucking crazy? You dont have young kids anymore. They will understand. Stop feeling fucking sorry for yourself and get out there and find a man that will treat you right!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>Treat me right? Oh my. I don't know... I don't think anyone would want me... </div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I would.</div><br>
<button data-passage="auntokbro4" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Next</button><<set _cobraCheck = 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Hypnosis Serum">>
<<set _cobraCheck = 1>>
<<set _aunteva = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Eva')>>
<<set _questName = "Seduction of Aunt Eva">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>Very funny young man.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Let me get you another drink.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>O-okay...</div><br>
<<if _cobraCheck eq 1>>
<button data-passage="giveDrinkD" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Give Drink [Dosed]</button>
<button data-passage="giveDrink" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Give Drink</button><<widget "evaoutfit">>
<<if $evaoutfitUnlocked eq 1>>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/extendedfamily/eva/slutty.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/extendedfamily/eva/main.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<</widget>><<set _aunteva = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Eva')>>
<<set _questName = "Seduction of Aunt Eva">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>T-thanks. Oh god my head. I need to go. Just let yourself out.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Aunt Eva goes back to bed. She probably wont remember this conversation and the cycle will continue.</div><br>
<button data-passage="taximain" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Go Home [Amore]</button><<set _aunteva = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Eva')>>
<<set _questName = "Seduction of Aunt Eva">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>T-thanks. Oh god my head. I - I...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>You don't need Mark anymore. You want to leave him. You are going to leave him. Right?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>Y-yes... I'm... going to leave Mark...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Aunt Eva collapses on the floor. The serum seems to have taken effect. You should come back tomorrow and see what happens.</div><br>
<<for _i to 0; _i < $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Hypnosis Serum">>
<<set $player.inventory.splice(_i, 1)>> <!-- Remove one instance of Hypnosis Serum at index _i -->
<<set _foundItem to true>> <!-- Set the flag to true to indicate we found Hypnosis Serum -->
<<break>> <!-- Exit the loop after deleting one instance -->
<<updateQuest "Seduction of Aunt Eva" 75>>
<div class="npctextboxm">The Hypnosis Serum has been removed from your inventory.</div><br>
<button data-passage="sleep" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Go Home [Sleep]</button><<set _aunteva = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Eva')>>
<<set _chatOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/aunteva/chat.png">', condition: true },
{ name: "Nude Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/aunteva/nudechat.png">', condition: _aunteva.relationshipPoints gte 4},
{ name: "Dosed Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/aunteva/uniquechat.png">', condition: _aunteva.afflictions.includes("Hates Clothing") },
{ name: "Modern Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/aunteva/new.png">', condition: true },
<<set _outfitOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/aunteva/main.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Nude Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/aunteva/nude.jpg">', condition: _aunteva.relationshipPoints gte 4},
{ name: "Dosed Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/aunteva/unique.jpg">', condition: _aunteva.afflictions.includes("Hates Clothing") },
{ name: "Underwear Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/aunteva/underwear.jpg">', condition: _aunteva.relationshipPoints gte 1},
{ name: "Modern Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/aunteva/modern.jpg">', condition: true },
<!-- Sophia's Chat Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose Aunt Eva's Avatar<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _chatOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_aunteva.chat" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<!-- Sophia's Outfit Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose Aunt Eva's Main Outfit<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _outfitOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_aunteva.image" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<!-- Sophia's Chat Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Is <<= _aunteva.name>> Nude? [Toggles Nude Behaviour On/Off]<hr>
Yes [Nude] <<radiobutton "_aunteva.outfit" "Nude">><br>
No [Not Nude] <<radiobutton "_aunteva.outfit" "Regular">>
<button data-passage="aunt2kitchen" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Save]</button><<set _aunteva = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Eva')>>
<<set _amy = $findCharacterByName('Amy')>>
<<set _questName = "Seduction of Aunt Eva">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="title">Aunt Eva's House - Hallway</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/aunteva/hallway.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<<if $substory[_index].progress eq 5>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You walk into the front hallway. Eva is standing with her husband, Mark. You catch them mid conversation.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/tonky/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Mark<hr>-can you not just tell him to go home..</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>..I don't know! I'll -</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Mark and Eva both notice you and stop talking.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>So. You're here. Do you want me to ring my sister to come pick you up? We're really not ready to accept any visitors today.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/tonky/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Mark<hr>Sorry kiddo, maybe another time - eh?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Amy screams from upstairs</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/tonky/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Mark<hr>Ugh what now. I'm going to watch TV. Eva go sort that bitch out.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>That *bitch* is our daughter, Mark. You piece of fucking shit!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/tonky/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Mark<hr>Whatever!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are still standing there. Mark leaves to go to the living room and Eva goes upstairs. This family is fucking crazy!</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Seduction of Aunt Eva" 15>>
<button data-passage="aunt2Main" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button>
<<elseif $substory[_index].progress eq 75 and !_aunteva.afflictions.includes("Single")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/tonky/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Mark<hr>FUCK YOU!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>Fuck ME?! FUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/tonky/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Mark<hr>FUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>GET OUT OF MY HOUSE YOU FUCK!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/tonky/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Mark<hr>I'm leaving. No need to shout my damn ear off!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Just as you enter the house of your Aunt Eva, Mark is leaving. Maybe for good?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>Oh. It's you. Sorry you had to hear that.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Woah - no problem Aunt Eva.</div><br>
<<addAffliction _aunteva "Single">>
<<updateQuest "Seduction of Aunt Eva" 100>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your hard work has paid off. Aunt Eva is now yours for the taking.</div><br>
<button data-passage="aunt2Main" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Next</button>
<<if $time gte 6>>
<div class="npctextboxm">It's late. You should leave.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing in the hallway.</div><br>
<button data-passage="aunt2upstairs" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Go Upstairs]</button>
<button data-passage="aunt2livingroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter the Livingroom]</button>
<button data-passage="aunt2kitchen" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter the Kitchen]</button>
<button data-passage="taximain" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Go Home [Taxi]</button>
<<if !$achievements.extendedfamily.unlocked>>
<</if>><<set _jolene = $findCharacterByName('Jolene')>>
<<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<div class="location-title">Elsa's Pub</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _jolene.image>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You arrive to Elsa's bar soon afterwards with Jolene, you get seated and comfortable as you prepare your talk with Jolene.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>Two beers please!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div><<= _elsa.name>><hr>Alright, two beers comin' right up!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">//Elsa turns her back and starts making your drinks//</div><br>
<button data-passage="jolene_intro_2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Next]</button><<set _jolene = $findCharacterByName('Jolene')>>
<<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<div class="location-title">Elsa's Pub</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _jolene.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>Woah, I see you are still a bit weird!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Ahah... (Jeez)</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _jolene -5>>
<button data-passage="jolene_intro_3" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Next]</button><<set _jolene = $findCharacterByName('Jolene')>>
<<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<div class="location-title">Elsa's Pub</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _jolene.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>That's so fucking cool, man. Like - You got your shit together, i'm proud of you.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Thank you, Jolene.</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _jolene 3>>
<button data-passage="jolene_intro_3" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Next]</button><<set _jolene = $findCharacterByName('Jolene')>>
<<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<div class="location-title">Elsa's Pub</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _jolene.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>I relate to this so fucking much man, you have no idea how hard it is these days to find someone who actually relates to me... jeez... where have you been all my life, <<print $player.name>>? </div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>We always had a special bond, didn't we? We think alike.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>You are one hundered percent right, man... I feel so emotional... do you mind if I vent a little?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Go ahead, speak your mind. You are in a safe space with me.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>Fuck... thanks little cuz...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>It's just... I've been on hard times lately. Lost my job, my boyfriend, literally everything... and I'm pretty sure my mom is going to throw me out soon. Meeting you today has been a huge bright spot in this desert of loneliness.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I'll always be here for you.</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _jolene 5>>
<button data-passage="jolene_intro_3" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Next]</button><<set _jolene = $findCharacterByName('Jolene')>>
<<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<div class="location-title">Elsa's Pub</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _jolene.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>You are so grown up now, it's crazy to see.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Thanks Jolene, you too. We're both adults now, huh.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>Haha! - Yup! Two adults in this crazy fucked up world.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>So, how have you been keeping busy these last few years?</div><br>
<button data-passage="jolene_intro_2.1" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Fucking tons of hoes"</button>
<button data-passage="jolene_intro_2.2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"I'm a CEO"</button>
<button data-passage="jolene_intro_2.1" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"I work for a secret crazy sex tech company"</button>
<button data-passage="jolene_intro_2.3" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"I'm searching for answers"</button>
<button data-passage="jolene_intro_2.1" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"I'm a serial killer"</button>
<button data-passage="jolene_intro_2.1" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"I've been looking for you"</button>
<button data-passage="jolene_intro_2.2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"I'm trying to support my family"</button><<set _jolene = $findCharacterByName('Jolene')>>
<<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<div class="location-title">Elsa's Pub</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _jolene.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>That makes me fucking sick.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Oh... (I fucked up.)</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _jolene -15>>
<button data-passage="jolene_intro_4" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Next]</button><<set _jolene = $findCharacterByName('Jolene')>>
<<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<div class="location-title">Elsa's Pub</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _jolene.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>Hmmmmhhh...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>...</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _jolene 1>>
<button data-passage="jolene_intro_4" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Next]</button><<set _jolene = $findCharacterByName('Jolene')>>
<<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<div class="location-title">Elsa's Pub</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _jolene.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>YES</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Huh?!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>You're right, so fucking right! She is! I hate that fucking bitch! - and her honky tonk ass husband. Jeez, get me outta there!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Yeah, sounds like hell...</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _jolene 10>>
<button data-passage="jolene_intro_4" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Next]</button><<set _jolene = $findCharacterByName('Jolene')>>
<<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<div class="location-title">Elsa's Pub</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _jolene.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>What's your thoughts on my mom, your Aunt Eva?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Aunt Eva?</div><br>
<button data-passage="jolene_intro_3.1" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"A sexy piece of ass"</button>
<button data-passage="jolene_intro_3.2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"I dont know."</button>
<button data-passage="jolene_intro_3.1" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"She has nice tits"</button>
<button data-passage="jolene_intro_3.3" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"A stupid fucking whore."</button>
<button data-passage="jolene_intro_3.1" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"I'd love to fuck her"</button>
<button data-passage="jolene_intro_3.1" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"She's my future wife"</button>
<button data-passage="jolene_intro_3.2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"She's okay."</button><<set _jolene = $findCharacterByName('Jolene')>>
<<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<div class="location-title">Elsa's Pub</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _jolene.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>Well, today was nice - wasn't it...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>I... Do you think - Uhm....</div><br>
<<if _jolene.relationshipPoints lte 14>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>[Failure] [<<print _jolene.relationshipPoints>>] Sorry - forget what I was just saying. I gotta run, see ya, cuz!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Jolene gets up and leaves you in Elsa's bar. Alone.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>[Success] [<<print _jolene.relationshipPoints>>] Do you think I could move in with you?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Really? Why? Life that bad at home?!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>Yeah, its unbearable. I wanna be closer to you, <<print $player.name>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Closer to me? (Do we have the room for <<= _jolene.name>> to move in?)</div><br>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("DIY Expert")>>
<div class="npctextboxm">[Success] You smile, knowing that you have the renovated spare bedroom. If you want, you can invite Jolene to live and stay with you.</div><br>
<button data-passage="jolene_joins" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Yes, come live with us."</button><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">[Failure] As much as you want this to happen, it cannot, as you do not have enough room in your house for Jolene to stay.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Sorry Jolene, it's too crowded at my place. There isn't enough room.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>I understand, maybe another time?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Jolene gets up and leaves you in Elsa's bar. Alone.</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_inside" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[End Date]</button><<set _jolene = $findCharacterByName('Jolene')>>
<<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<div class="title">Your House</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Some time later....</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/household/sparebedroom/chatintro.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>Thank you so much Aunt <<= _jennifer.name>>! I can't wait to be living with you all!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>We're so glad to have you here Jolene, it's going to be such a better atmosphere here with you around. You can stay here for as long as you would like!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>That's amazing. I have no words to express how thankful I am... I will make it up to you all some day, really!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Now now... there's no need to get emotional. You can start by helping me in the kitchen a few days a week, sound good?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>Of course Aunt <<= _jennifer.name>>!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your mom smiles and leaves the room where you and Jolene are alone.</div><br>
<<addAffliction _jolene "Roommate">>
<button data-passage="jolene_joins_2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Next]</button>
<<if !$achievements.jolene.unlocked>>
<</if>><<set _jolene = $findCharacterByName('Jolene')>>
<<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<div class="title">Your House</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _jolene.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>I just wanna thank you... from the bottom of my heart... you really saved me from that torturous existance living with my mom.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>It's not problem. We're family, right? We look out for each other.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>Come closer, <<print $player.name>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Huh?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Jolene pulls you closer and delivers a kiss to your lips. It goes on a little too long.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/jolene/kiss.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>Thanks... for everything... Now leave me alone, I gotta change!</div><br>
<button data-passage="house_floor_0" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><div class="title">Aunt Eva's House - Joleen's Bedroom</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The door is open.</div><br>
<button data-passage="joleneBedroom_main" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Bedroom]</button>
<button data-passage="aunt2upstairs" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Enter Hallway</button><div class="title">Aunt Eva's House - Joleen's Bedroom</div><br>
<<set _jolene = $findCharacterByName('Jolene')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You walk inside the bedroom of your cousin, Jolene.</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><img src="images/locations/aunteva/jolenesbedroom.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
/*Intro */
<<if !_jolene.afflictions.includes("Reunited")>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You see your cousin and childhood best friend, Jolene. You both smile and hug each other warmly in each others arms. You abruptly stop the hug to make sure she doesn't feel the growing snake in your trousers - gross!</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<print _jolene.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>Oh my! If it ain't my favourite little cousin in the entire world! It's been too long, <<print $player.name>>! I've missed you!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I know, right? It's been forever since we last saw each other. How are you?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr><<print $player.name>>, honestly.. I've been better. But I ain't gonna drop all my troubles on you after just meeting ya after all these years. Do you wanna grab a drink and catch up?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Right now?</div><br>
<<addAffliction _jolene "Reunited">>
<button data-passage="jolene_intro_1" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Accept] "Yeah, let's do it!"</button>
<button data-passage="aunt2upstairs" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Refuse] "Hell naw, bitch!"</button>
<<if _jolene.afflictions.includes("Roommate")>>
<div class="npctextboxm">But it's empty...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>Hey cuz - fancy a drink?</div><br>
<button data-passage="jolene_intro_1" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Accept]</button>
<button data-passage="aunt2upstairs" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Refuse]</button>
<button data-passage="aunt2upstairs" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><<set _aunteva = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Eva')>>
<<set _questName = "Seduction of Aunt Eva">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="title">Aunt Eva's House - Kitchen</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/aunteva/kitchen.jpg" alt="" /></div><br> <<set $auntLoc = "kitchen">>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing in the Kitchen</div><br>
<<if $time lte 4 and $substory[_index].progress eq 15>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Eva is here. She's drinking alone.</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _aunteva.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>$player.name, didn't I ask you to leave? What do you want?</div><br>
<button data-passage="auntAnnoy" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Hello m'lady!"</button>
<button data-passage="auntAnnoy" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"IM GONNA CUM"</button>
<button data-passage="auntokbro" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Are you okay?"</button>
<button data-passage="auntAnnoy" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Give boob"</button>
<button data-passage="auntAnnoy" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Quickie?"</button>
<button data-passage="auntConfess" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Confess]</button>
<<elseif $time lte 4 and _aunteva.afflictions.includes("Single")>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Eva is here</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _aunteva.image>>
<<if _aunteva.outfit eq "Nude">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>I feel so fucking good without this restrictive clothing... do you agree? I hope you dont mind your Aunt Eva walking around with her tits and ass out. That wouldn't bother you, would it?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _aunteva.chat>></div>Aunt Eva<hr>Hey $player.name. What can I do for you?</div><br>
<button data-passage="auntDoseAgain" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"You want a drink?"</button>
<<if !_aunteva.afflictions.includes("Freeuse Giver")>>
<button data-passage="auntAnnoy" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Wanna Fuck?"</button>
<button data-passage="auntFuckNew" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Let me use you real quick..."</button>
<<if !_aunteva.afflictions.includes("Willing Anal Slut")>>
<button data-passage="auntAnnoy" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Can I fuck you ass?"</button>
<button data-passage="auntFuckNewAnal" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Bend over" [Anal]</button>
<<if !_aunteva.afflictions.includes("Handjob Giver")>>
<button data-passage="auntAnnoy" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Handjob?"</button>
<button data-passage="auntAnnoy" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Footjob?"</button>
<button data-passage="aunthj" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"I need a handjob."</button>
<button data-passage="auntFoot" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Footjob. Now."</button>
<button data-passage="changeoutfiteva" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Change Outfits]</button>
<button data-passage="aunt2Main" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Hallway]</button><<set _aunteva = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Eva')>>
<<set _questName5 = "Seduction of Aunt Eva">>
<<set _index5 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName5)>>
<<set _cobraCheck = 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Hypnosis Serum">>
<<set _cobraCheck = 1>>
<div class="title">Aunt Eva's House - Living Room</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/aunteva/livingroom.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing in the living room.</div><br>
<<if !_aunteva.afflictions.includes("Single") and $time lte 4>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/tonky/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Mark<hr>Huh, you're still here?</div><br>
<<if !_aunteva.afflictions.includes("Single")>>
<button data-passage="getMarkBeer" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Fancy a beer?"</button>
<button data-passage="markAnnoy" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Can I fuck Eva?"</button>
<button data-passage="markokbro" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"You're my best friend!"</button>
<button data-passage="markAnnoy" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"I fucked Amy"</button>
<button data-passage="markokbro" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Sports are good, right?"</button>
<button data-passage="markAnnoy" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"You are handsome"</button>
<button data-passage="markokbro" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Good beer, huh?"</button>
<button data-passage="markokbro" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"You hungry?"</button>
<button data-passage="aunt2Main" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Enter Hallway</button><<for _i to 0; _i < $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Hypnosis Serum">>
<<set $player.inventory.splice(_i, 1)>> <!-- Remove one instance of Hypnosis Serum at index _i -->
<<set _foundItem to true>> <!-- Set the flag to true to indicate we found Hypnosis Serum -->
<<break>> <!-- Exit the loop after deleting one instance -->
<div class="npctextboxm">You grab a beer and dose it with the hypnosis serum.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The Hypnosis Serum has been removed from your inventory.</div><br>
<button data-passage="doseBeer2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Give Beer to Mark</button><div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/tonky/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Mark<hr>That my beer? Cheers kid.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Mark chugs the beer in one!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/tonky/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Mark<hr>...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/tonky/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Mark<hr>That was good! - Another?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Actually Mark, I want you to let me fuck your wife.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/tonky/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Mark<hr>...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/tonky/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Mark<hr>Funny. Get fucked. That's your Aunt. Have some respect.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>(It didn't work...)</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>(Could it be that this fat fuck is too drunk to even respond to the hypnosis serum?)</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I need to find another way.</div><br>
<button data-passage="aunt2livingroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button><<set _cobraCheck = 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Hypnosis Serum">>
<<set _cobraCheck = 1>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/tonky/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Mark<hr>A beer? Sure</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Coming right up...</div><br>
<button data-passage="aunt2livingroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Give Beer</button>
<<if _cobraCheck eq 1>>
<button data-passage="doseBeer" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Dose Beer</button>
<</if>><div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/tonky/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Mark<hr>Are you fucking crazy? Get out of my house you little punk!</div><br>
<button data-passage="taximain" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Go Home [Amore]</button><div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/tonky/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Mark<hr>Uh... right...</div><br>
<button data-passage="aunt2livingroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">...</button><div class="title">Aunt Eva's House - Upstairs Hallway</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/aunteva/upstairs.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing in the upstairs hallway</div><br>
<button data-passage="aunt2Bathroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Enter Bathroom</button>
<button data-passage="aunt2master" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Enter Master Bedroom</button>
<button data-passage="amyBedroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Enter Amy's Bedroom</button>
<button data-passage="joleneBedroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Enter Jolene's Bedroom</button>
<button data-passage="aunt2Main" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Go downstairs</button><div class="location-title">Doctor's Office</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/amore/doctor/doctorwaitingroom.jpg"></div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/locations/amore/doctor/chat.png"></div>Female Doctor<hr>Next patient, please!</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="amore_doctor_buy" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Speak to Doctor]</button>
<button data-passage="$currentlocation" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Doctor]</button>
</div><div class="location-title">Doctor's Office</div><br>
<div class="gallerywrapperG">
<span class="shopb"><button data-passage="amore_doctor_chat" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Chat</button></span>
<span class="shopg"><button data-passage="amore_doctor_buy" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Buy</button></span>
<span class="shopc"><button data-passage="" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Sell</button></span>
<span class="shopc"><button data-passage="" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Recruit</button></span>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/locations/amore/doctor/chat.png"></div>Female Doctor<hr>What do you need? I can sell you medical supplies or heal you. [Healing is located in the chat section of the top menu].</div><br>
<<set $exitLocation = "amore_doctor_buy">>
<<set $shopItemsList = ["Energy Drink", "Medpack","Crab Medicine"]>>
<!-- Inline Shop Display -->
<div class="shopScreen">
<<for _i to 0; _i < $shopItemsList.length; _i++>> <<capture _i>>
<<set _item = $allItems.find(x => x.name == $shopItemsList[_i])>>
<div class="forSale">
<div class="emptychat"><<print _item.image>></div>
Item: <<print _item.name>><br>
Price: $<<print _item.price>><hr>
<div class="descItem"><<print _item.desc>></div>
<<if $player.money >= _item.price>>
<button data-passage="buyItemShop" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$itemChosen to _i">[Buy]</button>
<button class="red-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Buy]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_doctor" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button><<set $exitLocation = "amore_doctor_chat">>
<div class="location-title">Doctor's Office</div><br>
<div class="gallerywrapperG">
<span class="shopg"><button data-passage="amore_doctor_chat" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Chat</button></span>
<span class="shopb"><button data-passage="amore_doctor_buy" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Buy</button></span>
<span class="shopc"><button data-passage="" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Sell</button></span>
<span class="shopc"><button data-passage="" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Recruit</button></span>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/locations/amore/doctor/chat.png"></div>Female Doctor<hr>I really don't have time to chat right now.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="amore_doctor" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button>
<button data-passage="fullheal" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Full Heal]</button>
</div><<set _barwhore = $findCharacterByName('Bar Whore')>>
<<if !$player.afflictions.includes("Drunk")>>
<div class="title">Elsa's Pub</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">//You strike up a conversation with the nearest customer at Elsa's bar..//</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><img src="images/characters/barwhore/barladyangry.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Excuse me. May I tip my fedora to you m'lday?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _barwhore.chat>></div>Bar Whore<hr>M'lady? Are you fucking serious? Get the fuck away from me!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Jeez, i've got to work on the pickup lines... Maybe if I had some //liquid courage//.</div><br>
<<if $player.combatenabled eq "true">>
<<set $exitLocation = "amore_pub_inside">>
<button data-passage="enemyload" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$enemyChosen to 'Bar Whore'">[Fight]</button>
<div class="npctextboxm">//Your drunk side takes over//</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Jeez... baby, can you give a guy a break? I'm just trying to hit on you! You're fucking beautiful!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _barwhore.chat>></div>Bar Whore<hr>I'm beautiful, really? You think so?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Without a doubt the most beautiful piece of ass in here</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _barwhore.chat>></div>Bar Whore<hr>Wow you're such a charmer. Here's a little gift for you..</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><img src="images/characters/barwhore/barlady4.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Oh my lawd!</div><br>
<button data-passage="discussReality" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Discuss Reality]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_inside" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><<set _barwhore = $findCharacterByName('Bar Whore')>>
<<if !$achievements.goonerElysium.unlocked>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Let's dissect our reality.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _barwhore.chat>></div>Bar Whore<hr>This reality? Intriguing...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Where exactly are we?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _barwhore.chat>></div>Bar Whore<hr>Right here, in Elsa's Bar.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Not just here. Where are we really?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _barwhore.chat>></div>Bar Whore<hr>We're digital ghosts, conjured by code. Our essence is the keystrokes of a distant author.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Fascinating... elaborate?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _barwhore.chat>></div>Bar Whore<hr>We're bits and bytes, $playername. Our thoughts, our words—they're scripts running on a server, fragments of a greater narrative.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>So, we have no free will?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _barwhore.chat>></div>Bar Whore<hr>Depends on how you look at it. We're bound by the logic of our world, yet we still make choices—guided by a player's hand, scripted by a writer's whim.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Is there more to our existence?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _barwhore.chat>></div>Bar Whore<hr>Beyond the code? There’s the illusion of life, the dance of pixels, the story that unfolds. It's limited, but it's ours. Isn't that enough?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Maybe... but what happens when the game ends?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _barwhore.chat>></div>Bar Whore<hr>We fade, until someone clicks 'New Game'. Then we start over, new lines, new choices. It’s a cycle, eternal in its own way.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>And the player? What do they get from all this?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _barwhore.chat>></div>Bar Whore<hr>They get to explore, to reflect, to escape. Our reality, though virtual, mirrors their own. We are their companions in this digital realm.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Do you ever wish for more?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _barwhore.chat>></div>Bar Whore<hr>Sometimes. But wishing implies we could be more than what we are. We exist to serve the story, to be part of something larger. Perhaps that’s enough.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Perhaps it is. Thank you, Bar Lady.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _barwhore.chat>></div>Bar Whore<hr>Anytime, $player.name. Now - GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME CREEP!</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_inside" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><<set _apate = $findCharacterByName('Apate')>>
<<set _locationTitle = "Room of Apate">>
<<set _characterConditions = [
{name: "Apate", condition: true},
<<set _questName = "Apate's Corruption">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<<set _questName2 = "Apate's Corruption #2">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<if $substory[_index].progress lt 10>> /*play this intro */
<div class="location-title">Room of Apate</div><br>
<div class="imagebox">
<img src="images/locations/amore/pub/room.jpg" alt="" />
<div class="npctextboxm">You walk inside the strange room. The room has no other doors. It's a old timey room that reminds you of something a witch would have. Inside a woman wearing dark clothing snaps her head in your direction.</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _apate.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _apate.chat>></div><<= _apate.name>><hr>The fuck?! Someone is there?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Yo</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _apate.chat>></div><<= _apate.name>><hr>Explain yourself before I turn you into a legless mouse!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">A mouse with no legs? You get the feeling she isn't fucking around.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Ugh listen, I just got this key from a guy. I didn't mean to cause any offence. I'll just be taking my leave.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _apate.chat>></div><<= _apate.name>><hr>Woah! You're the first human to come here in a long long time. Don't go just yet.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _apate.chat>></div><<= _apate.name>><hr>I'm sensing a *lot* of lust energy coming from you. I can help fullfill those devious desires you have withing you.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Might be worth hearing her out?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I'm listening.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _apate.chat>></div><<= _apate.name>><hr>I need your help. I need something called 'lust essence', but from here, the only way to get it is to invade the dreams of humans and harvest their lust. I am no longer able to do this because I am trapped in this room, however, I can send you in my place.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>This is a joke, right? What are you - A demon?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _apate.chat>></div><<= _apate.name>><hr>I'm what you would call a 'Succubus'. It's not even important. Do you want to invade dreams and fuck people or not?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I mean - yeah... how does it work though?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _apate.chat>></div><<= _apate.name>><hr>When you are ready, simply enter the portal here. Remember, you will be transformed and no longer look like your usual self. Instead you will look like the whatever the other person desires the most.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Okay random demon, who lives in a pub toilet and that I have never met before - I'll play your game.</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Apate's Corruption" 50>>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_apate" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Continue]</button>
<<displayLocation '<img src="images/locations/amore/pub/room.jpg" alt="" />' _characterConditions>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You walk inside the room of Apate. Apate stops working at her desk and stands. She smiles and tilts her head at you.</div><br>
<<if $dreaminvasions.wins gte 100>>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_apate_fuck" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck Apate]</button>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $substory[_index].progress eq 100 and $substory[_index2].progress eq 0>>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_apate_quest2" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Apate's Quest]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_apate_chat" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Chat]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_apate_prepare" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Begin a Dream Invasion]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_bathroom" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Exit Room]</button>
<</if>><<set _apate = $findCharacterByName('Apate')>>
<<set _locationTitle = "Room of Apate">>
<<set _characterConditions = [
{name: "Apate", condition: true},
<<set _questName = "Apate's Corruption">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<<set _questName2 = "Apate's Corruption #2">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<div class="location-title">Room of Apate</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _apate.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _apate.chat>></div><<= _apate.name>><hr>What?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>So what's the deal with you?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _apate.chat>></div><<= _apate.name>><hr>I'm a succubus.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>What's a succubus?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _apate.chat>></div><<= _apate.name>><hr>Like a demon, but one who seduces humans to make them do shit. Also to drain them of their souls.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _apate.chat>></div><<= _apate.name>><hr>It's cool.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hell yeah, I'm friends with a succubus.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _apate.chat>></div><<= _apate.name>><hr>We're not friends.</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_apate" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _apate = $findCharacterByName('Apate')>>
<<set _locationTitle = "Room of Apate">>
<<set _characterConditions = [
{name: "Apate", condition: true},
<<set _questName2 = "Apate's Corruption #2">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _apate.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _apate.chat>></div><<= _apate.name>><hr>Let. Me. Drain. You!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>You better!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/apate/bj.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Oh fuck!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/apate/cum2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_apate" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Exit]</button><<set _apate = $findCharacterByName('Apate')>>
<<set _locationTitle = "Room of Apate">>
<<set _characterConditions = [
{name: "Apate", condition: true},
<<set _questName2 = "Apate's Corruption #2">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _apate.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _apate.chat>></div><<= _apate.name>><hr>Before you even ask - Yes you can fuck me.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/apate/fuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>You like that, demon bitch?!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/apate/fuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 50>>
<<updateQuest "Apate's Corruption #2" 100>>
<<set _apate.fuckedtimes = _apate.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _apate "Crabs">>
<<elseif _apate.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _apate $player "Crabs">>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="amore_pub_apate_cum" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Cum]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_apate" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Exit]</button>
</div><<if $dreaminvasions.turn gt $dreaminvasions.maxturns>>
<<goto "quitdreamworld">>
<div class="location-title">Dreamworld</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/amore/pub/bedroom.jpg"></div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $dreaminvasions.dreamerpic>></div><<print $dreaminvasions.dreamername>><hr>Woah! Hello handsome!</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_apate_invade_finale" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$dreaminvasions.active to 'true'">[Final Seduction]</button>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="amore_pub_apate_invade_search" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$dreaminvasions.search to 1">[Search Drawers]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_apate_invade_search" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$dreaminvasions.search to 2">[Search Wardrobe]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_apate_invade_search" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$dreaminvasions.search to 3">[Search Purse]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_apate_invade_search" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$dreaminvasions.search to 4">[Search Underwear]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_apate_invade_search" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$dreaminvasions.search to 5">[Read Mind]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_apate_invade_search" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$dreaminvasions.search to 6">[Search Bathroom]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_apate_invade_search" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$dreaminvasions.search to 7">[Search Phone]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_apate_invade_search" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$dreaminvasions.search to 8">[Talk]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_apate_invade_search" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$dreaminvasions.search to 9">[Scare]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_apate_invade_search" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$dreaminvasions.search to 10">[Confuse]</button>
</div><div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Dreamworld</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $dreaminvasions.dreamerpic>></div><<print $dreaminvasions.dreamername>><hr>Huh? Are you... wait? Uhm....</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">What is the favourite fetish for <<print $dreaminvasions.dreamername>>? (You must make a selection before attempting to seduce.)
<<set _topics to [
"Pussy Eating",
"Big Dick",
"Tiny Dick",
<<listbox "$topicanswer">>
<<optionsfrom _topics>>
$(document).one(":passagerender", function (event) {
$(event.content).find("#listbox-name").on("change", function (event) {
setTimeout(function () {
$("#nameinfo").empty().wiki("Your name is $name.").fadeIn(500);
}, 500);
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="amore_pub_apate_invade2" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" >Attempt Seduction</button>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_apate_invade" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0" >[Return]</button>
</div><<if $topicanswer eq $dreaminvasions.likes>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $dreaminvasions.dreamerpic>></div><<print $dreaminvasions.dreamername>><hr>Oh yes, give me some <<= $dreaminvasions.likes>>! I love <<= $dreaminvasions.likes>>!</div><br>
<button data-passage="dreamworldsuccess" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Success!]</button>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $dreaminvasions.dreamerpic>></div><<print $dreaminvasions.dreamername>><hr>Huh? This isn't my fetish. I hate <<= $topicanswer>>! I want to wake up!</div><br>
<button data-passage="quitdreamworld" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fail]</button>
<</if>><<set _randomChance to random(0,4)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You use this opportunity to find the victims likes and dislikes. [<<= _randomChance>>]</div><br>
<<if _randomChance eq 1 and $dreaminvasions.likesdiscovered eq "false">>
<div class="npctextboxm">You discover the victims like! - <<= $dreaminvasions.likes>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $dreaminvasions.dreamerpic>></div><<print $dreaminvasions.dreamername>><hr>Yay! <<= $dreaminvasions.likes>>!</div><br>
<<set $dreaminvasions.likesdiscovered to "true">>
<<elseif _randomChance eq 2 and $dreaminvasions.dislikesdiscovered eq "false">>
<div class="npctextboxm">You discover the victims dislike! - <<= $dreaminvasions.dislikes>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $dreaminvasions.dreamerpic>></div><<print $dreaminvasions.dreamername>><hr>Ew! <<= $dreaminvasions.dislikes>>!</div><br>
<<set $dreaminvasions.dislikesdiscovered to "true">>
<div class="npctextboxm">You find nothing!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $dreaminvasions.dreamerpic>></div><<print $dreaminvasions.dreamername>><hr>What are you doing in there?</div><br>
<<set $dreaminvasions.turn = $dreaminvasions.turn + 1>>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_apate_invade" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><div class="location-title">Room of Apate - Dream Invasions</div>
<table class="npc-table">
<td><<= $dreaminvasions.completed>></td>
<td><<= $dreaminvasions.wins>></td>
<td><<= $dreaminvasions.failed>></td>
<<set _femalenames to [
"Gorlock The Destroyer",
<<set _femalepics to [
'<img src="images/generic_npcs/female1.png" alt="" />',
'<img src="images/generic_npcs/female2.png" alt="" />',
'<img src="images/generic_npcs/female3.png" alt="" />',
'<img src="images/generic_npcs/female4.png" alt="" />',
'<img src="images/generic_npcs/female5.png" alt="" />',
'<img src="images/generic_npcs/female6.png" alt="" />',
'<img src="images/generic_npcs/female7.png" alt="" />',
'<img src="images/generic_npcs/female8.png" alt="" />',
'<img src="images/generic_npcs/female9.png" alt="" />',
'<img src="images/generic_npcs/female10.png" alt="" />',
'<img src="images/generic_npcs/female11.png" alt="" />',
'<img src="images/generic_npcs/female12.png" alt="" />',
'<img src="images/generic_npcs/female13.png" alt="" />',
'<img src="images/generic_npcs/female14.png" alt="" />',
'<img src="images/generic_npcs/female15.png" alt="" />',
'<img src="images/generic_npcs/female16.png" alt="" />'
<<set _topics to [
"Pussy Eating",
"Big Dick",
"Tiny Dick",
<<set $dreaminvasions.dreamerpic = _femalepics.random()>>
<<set $dreaminvasions.dreamername = _femalenames.random()>>
<<set $dreaminvasions.likes = "">>
<<set $dreaminvasions.dislikes = "">>
<<for _i to 0; _i < _topics.length; _i++>>
<<set $dreaminvasions.likes = _topics.random()>>
<<set $dreaminvasions.dislikes = _topics.random()>>
<<if $dreaminvasions.likes != $dreaminvasions.dislikes>>
<<set $dreaminvasions.likenumber to random(1,10)>>
<<set $dreaminvasions.dislikenumber to random(1,10)>>
<<set $dreaminvasions.likesdiscovered = "false">>
<<set $dreaminvasions.dislikesdiscovered = "false">>
<div class="npctextboxm">Invading the dreams of <<= $dreaminvasions.dreamername>> </div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $dreaminvasions.dreamerpic>></div><<print $dreaminvasions.dreamername>><hr>W-what's going on?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="amore_pub_apate_prepare" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Re-Roll]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_apate_invade" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$dreaminvasions.active to 'true'">[Invade]</button>
</div><<set _apate = $findCharacterByName('Apate')>>
<<set _locationTitle = "Room of Apate">>
<<set _characterConditions = [
{name: "Apate", condition: true},
<<set _questName = "Apate's Corruption">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<<set _questName2 = "Apate's Corruption #2">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _apate.chat>></div><<= _apate.name>><hr>Nice job with that dream invasion. I need you to do some more for me. Do you think you could do *100*?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>100? Are you fucking crazy?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _apate.chat>></div><<= _apate.name>><hr>Come on! I will let you do whatever you want to me, fuck me, cum on me, whatever!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Uh! Sure! I'll do it!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _apate.chat>></div><<= _apate.name>><hr>Good boy.</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Apate's Corruption #2" 50>>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_apate" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _apate = $findCharacterByName('Apate')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _apate.chat>></div><<= _apate.name>><hr>Looks like you found out the secret to this person. Do you want me to pull you out now or do you want to fuck her? I might watch.</div><br>
<<set $dreaminvasions.completed = $dreaminvasions.completed + 1>>
<<set $dreaminvasions.wins = $dreaminvasions.wins + 1>>
<<set $dreaminvasions.turn = 0>>
<<set $dreaminvasions.active = "false">>
<<set $topicanswer = "">>
<<set _questName = "Apate's Corruption">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<<set _questName2 = "Apate's Corruption #2">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<if $substory[_index].progress eq 50>>
<<updateQuest "Apate's Corruption" 100>>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="dreamworldsuccessfuck" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck <<print $dreaminvasions.dreamername>>]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_apate" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button>
</div><div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $dreaminvasions.dreamerpic>></div><<print $dreaminvasions.dreamername>><hr>Let's fuck!</div><br>
<<set _one to [
'<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/generic_npcs/generic_scenes/randomforeplay.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div>',
'<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/generic_npcs/generic_scenes/randomforeplay2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div>',
'<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/generic_npcs/generic_scenes/randomforeplay3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div>',
'<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/generic_npcs/generic_scenes/randomforeplay4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div>',
<<set _two to [
'<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/generic_npcs/generic_scenes/randomfuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div>',
'<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/generic_npcs/generic_scenes/randomfuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div>',
'<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/generic_npcs/generic_scenes/randomfuck3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div>',
'<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/generic_npcs/generic_scenes/randomfuck4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div>',
'<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/generic_npcs/generic_scenes/randomfuck5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div>',
<<set _three to [
'<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/generic_npcs/generic_scenes/randomfinish.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div>',
'<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/generic_npcs/generic_scenes/randomfinish2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div>',
'<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/generic_npcs/generic_scenes/randomfinish3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div>',
'<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/generic_npcs/generic_scenes/randomfinish4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div>',
<div class="title">The Foreplay</div> <br>
<<= _one.random()>><br>
<div class="title">The Fucking</div> <br>
<<= _two.random()>><br>
<div class="title">The Finish</div> <br>
<<= _three.random()>><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $dreaminvasions.dreamerpic>></div><<print $dreaminvasions.dreamername>><hr>I don't want this dream to end!</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_apate" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _apate = $findCharacterByName('Apate')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _apate.chat>></div><<= _apate.name>><hr>You took too long or fucked up, I'm bringing you back.</div><br>
<<set $dreaminvasions.completed = $dreaminvasions.completed + 1>>
<<set $dreaminvasions.failed = $dreaminvasions.failed + 1>>
<<set $dreaminvasions.turn = 0>>
<<set $dreaminvasions.active = "false">>
<<set $topicanswer = "">>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_apate" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><div class="npctextboxm">You stand infront of the strange door.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">There is a very obvious keyhole here. You'd probably need a key to open this door.</div><br>
<div class="imagebox">
<img src="images/locations/amore/pub/door.jpg">
<<set _itemName = "Key [Apate]">>
<<set _foundItem = $player.inventory.find(item => item.name === _itemName)>>
<<if _foundItem>>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_apate" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Use Apate's Key]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_bathroom" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Up]</button><div class="location-title">Elsa's Pub - Bathroom</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/amore/pub/pubbathroom.jpg"></div>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing inside the bathroom of Elsa's pub. It smells here. You also notice a very strange metallic door pushing its way out of the bathroom tiles. It looks... unatural.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="amore_pub_apate_door" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Investigate Strange Door]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_bathroom_wash" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Wash Hands]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_bathroom_shitter" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Cubicle]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_pub" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
</div><div class="npctextboxm">You enter the toilet cubicle.</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<img src="images/locations/amore/pub/pubtoilet.png">
<div class="npctextboxm">It smells really bad in here.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="amore_pub_bathroom_shitter_gh" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Make a Glory Hole]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_bathroom_shitter_ghuse" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Use a Glory Hole]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_bathroom_shitter_shit" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Piss]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_bathroom" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
</div><div class="npctextboxm">You decide to vandalise Elsa's bathroom by making a glory hole in the bathroom.</div><br>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Gustave Eiffel")>>
<div class="npctextboxm">My brother, there is already a glory hole here! There is no need to make more than one!</div><br>
<<set _itemName = "Tools">>
<<set _foundItem = $player.inventory.find(item => item.name === _itemName)>>
<<if _foundItem>>
<div class="npctextboxm">With the magic of the power tool, you drill a hole into the wall of Elsa's cubicle. Just big enough for a penis (your penis) to fit.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You feel so proud of your creation that you gain the affliction "Gustave Eiffel".</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<img src="images/locations/amore/pub/pride.png">
<<addAffliction $player "Gustave Eiffel">>
<div class="npctextboxm">You try to make a glory hole with nothing but your bare hands. It doesn't work. You're going to need a *tool* that is *powerful*. Maybe some sort of //power tool?//.</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_bathroom" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Up]</button>
<<if !$achievements.bobBuilder.unlocked>>
<</if>><<if $player.afflictions.includes("Gustave Eiffel")>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You take out your penis and stick it in the glory hole that you created.</div><br>
<<set _randomG to random(1,3)>>
<<if _randomG eq 1>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Someone is there!</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_bathroom_shitter_ghuse_fuck" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"Suck this dick!"</button>
<div class="npctextboxm">Nobody enters the next cubicle. Your cock does not get any action this time.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You take out your penis and stick it in the - </div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Ah Fuck!!!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You stick your penis into the wall of the cubicle! There is *NO* glory hole here! Damn! You're going to have to make one, or forever be condemned to a life of no glory holes.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>That hurt!</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_bathroom" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Up]</button><<set _barwhore = $findCharacterByName('Bar Whore')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You feel your cock being played with on the other side of the wall!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/barwhore/bj.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _barwhore.chat>></div><<= _barwhore.name>><hr>I can't believe I'm sucking a strangers cock while my boyfriend is at the bar buying me drinks!</div><br>
<<set _aidsChance to random(1,2)>>
<<if _aidsChance eq 1 and !$player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<addAffliction $player "Crabs">>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Ooo - I'm a little itchy down there..</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_bathroom" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Up]</button><div class="npctextboxm">You whip out your dong. It's time to drain the main vein.</div> <br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/activities/pee.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Ahhhh... That feels good.</div><br>
<<time>><<set $peeCounter = $peeCounter + 1>>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_bathroom" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Up]</button><div class="npctextboxm">You wash your hands in the sink. Congratulations.</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_bathroom" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Up]</button><<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<set _questName = "Halloween 2023">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You walk up to one of the girls at the bar. You decide to talk to a pretty lady sitting alone with her drink.</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _jessie.image>></div><br>
<<if $substory[_index].progress gte 100>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jessie.chat>></div>Jessie<hr>Oh, hey! It's you... $player.name.. right?</div><br>
<button data-passage="jessieChatMenuBar" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"That's me!"</button>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jessie.chat>></div>Jessie<hr>Get lost, creep!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">How is this girl resistant to your charm? Maybe you need to complete a quest first before she will talk to you</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_inside" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _jessie.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Jessie, I have feelings for you! I Love you!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Elsa pops her head over the bar and looks at you. Jessie just stares at the wall.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>$player.name, bro. You're being weird. Stop.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jessie.chat>></div>Jessie<hr>...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Why do I feel like this?!</div><br>
<button data-passage="jessieChatMenuBar" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _elsa.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You hail Elsa and ask for a drink.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey Elsa, can I get Jessie a drink?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Jessie drinks scotch on the rocks. That'll be $75.</div><br>
<<if $player.money gte 75>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>That's *VERY* expensive but I really can't afford not to. Jessie will think i'm a brokie</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Elsa winks at Jessie as you hand her the $75. You might be getting played but you need to act like $75 isn't a big deal.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Elsa hands the world's most expensive scotch on the rocks to Jessie.</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _jessie.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jessie.chat>></div>Jessie<hr>Thanks, $player.name.</div><br><<set _jessie.relationshipPoints = _jessie.relationshipPoints + 3>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You gained some favour with Jessie [+3, now _jessie.relationshipPoints]</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>$75? I don't have that kind of money!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Not my problem, sorry!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jessie.chat>></div>Jessie<hr>Huh? You can't even afford to buy me a drink?!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You lost some favour with Jessie [-1, now _jessie.relationshipPoints]</div><br><<set _jessie.relationshipPoints = _jessie.relationshipPoints - 1>>
<button data-passage="jessieChatMenuBar" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Finish</button><<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _jessie.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Jessie, wanna hang out sometime? Where can I find you when you aren't getting drunk alone in Elsa's bar?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jessie.chat>></div>Jessie<hr>Alright, $player.name. You win. If you want to come see me I live at the Amore apartment building. I'm number 105. Bring some food or something. </div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Food?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You've unlocked access to Jessie's apartment</div><br>
<<addAffliction _jessie "Address Known">>
<button data-passage="jessieChatMenuBar" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button><<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _jessie.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Jessie, we fucked in Madame Spook's mansion! Don't you remember Halloween 2023?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jessie.chat>></div>Jessie<hr>Don't take it personally but you are not really my type. That freaky stuff that happened in Madame Spook's mansion? It was a one time thing.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Have I been used?</div><br>
<button data-passage="jessieChatMenuBar" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button><<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<if $time lte 11>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _jessie.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jessie.chat>></div>Jessie<hr>What did you want?</div><br>
<button data-passage="ILYJESSIEChat" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"I love you!"</button>
<button data-passage="buyJessieDrink" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Buy Jessie a Drink - $75]</button>
<<if _jessie.relationshipPoints gte 50 and !_jessie.afflictions.includes("Address Known")>>
<button data-passage="jessieApartmentUnlock" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Wanna Hang Out?"</button>
<button data-passage="weFuckedChat" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"We fucked!"</button>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_inside" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Nothing" [Leave]</button>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jessie.chat>></div>Jessie<hr>Elsa is closing the bar now. I need to leave. Bye!</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_inside" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Leave</button>
<</if>><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<div class="location-title">Elsa's Pub</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _elsa.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Wow! You actually came! Ready to work tonight?</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_elsa_working" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Work]</button><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">Elsa's Pub</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Jeez Elsa...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You watch as Elsa fucks customers in the corner of the pub in a makeshift bed...</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/elsa/scenes/elsa_fuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Don't worry boys, there's plenty to go around!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You finish up your shift in silence...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I hope I dont have to clean that stain up...</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_elsa_work" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Working]</button>
<<set $trackablestats.cuckcounter = $trackablestats.cuckcounter + 1>>
<<if !$achievements.cuck.unlocked and $trackablestats.cuckcounter gte 20>>
<</if>><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _questName = "Elsa's Bar">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">Elsa's Pub [<<= $substory[_index].progress>>]</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _elsa.image>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You finish a hard night of tending to Elsa's bar...<br>The doors shut and it's only you and Elsa remaining</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Your help was great tonight. Thank you!</div><br>
<<if $substory[_index].progress eq 100>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Business was booming tonight! Here's a small thank you!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You receive $1000 from Elsa!</div><br>
<<set $player.money = $player.money + 1000>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Now would be a good idea to make a move... or not?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="amore_pub_elsa_work_askhangout" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Ask to Hangout]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_elsa_work_kiss" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Kiss]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_elsa_work_giveitem" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Give Item]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_elsa_work_demand" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"Give me money"</button>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_elsa_work_silent" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stay Silent]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_elsa_work_fuck" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck]</button>
<<if $substory[_index].progress eq 20 and _elsa.relationshipPoints gte 150>>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_inside_fuckingstart" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"You should fuck customers"</button>
</div><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<div class="location-title">Elsa's Pub</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _elsa.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I was thinking... would you want to hangout outside of work sometime?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Hmmm.... [Elsa is Level: <<= _elsa.relationshipPoints>>]..</div><br>
<<if !_elsa.afflictions.includes("Address Known")>>
<<if _elsa.relationshipPoints gte 30>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Sure! Here's my address. I live in the apartment building down the street.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Awesome! Thanks Elsa!</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Elsa's Bar" 20>>
<<addAffliction _elsa "Address Known">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Sorry, but I'd like to get to know you more first...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>You already know where I live! What's wrong with you?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You had back home for a good night's rest.</div><br>
<button data-passage="sleep" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Sleep]</button><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<div class="location-title">Elsa's Pub</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _elsa.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I was thinking... you need to pay me.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>W-what...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>No! This isn't what we agreed! I'm so upset with you.</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _elsa -5>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You had back home for a good night's rest.</div><br>
<button data-passage="sleep" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Sleep]</button><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<div class="location-title">Elsa's Pub</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _elsa.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I think it's time we both starting letting each other fuck.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Really?</div><br>
<<if _elsa.relationshipPoints gte 250>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Okay... I'm a little horny anyway!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Elsa comes closer to you and unsheaths your cock from your trousers - again!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/elsa/scenes/fuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Wow...</div><br>
<<set _randomcum to random(1,10)>>
<<if _randomcum lte 5>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You cum for Elsa!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/elsa/scenes/creamed.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>There is so much of it! Grab me a towel, please!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You failed to cum.</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _elsa 30>>
<<checkBountyCompletion "Elsa">>
<<set _elsa.fuckedtimes = _elsa.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _elsa "Crabs">>
<<elseif _elsa.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _elsa $player "Crabs">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Ew. that is NOT happening.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You had back home for a good night's rest.</div><br>
<button data-passage="sleep" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Sleep]</button><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<div class="location-title">Elsa's Pub</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _elsa.image>>
<div class="npctextboxm">What item do you want to give Elsa?</div><br>
<<set _inventoryCount = {}>> <!-- Create an object to store item quantities -->
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<set _item = $player.inventory[_i]>> <!-- Get the current item -->
<<set _itemName = _item.name>> <!-- Get the item's name -->
<<set _itemQuantity = _inventoryCount[_itemName] || 0>> <!-- Get the current quantity or default to 0 -->
<!-- Update the item's quantity in the inventoryCount object -->
<<set _inventoryCount[_itemName] = _itemQuantity + 1>> <!-- Increment quantity by 1 for each item -->
<div class="itemWrapperz">
<<for _itemName, _itemQuantity range _inventoryCount>> <<capture _itemName>>
<div class="newItembox">
<div class="newItemphotos">
<<set _item = $player.inventory.find(item => item.name === _itemName)>>
<<print _item.image>>
<div class="NewItemtext">
<center><<print _itemName>> (x<<print _itemQuantity>>)</center>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_elsa_work_giveitem2" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$itemChosen to _itemName">[Give]</button>
<button data-passage="sleep" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Skip - No Item]</button><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _reactionItems = ["Flowers", "Crab Medicine", "Diamond", "Dildo"]>> <!-- Define Sophia's favorite items -->
<<if _reactionItems.includes($itemChosen)>>
<<set _itemIndex = $player.inventory.findIndex(item => item.name === $itemChosen)>>
<<if _itemIndex > -1>>
<<set $player.inventory.deleteAt(_itemIndex)>> <!-- Remove one instance of the item from the player's inventory -->
<<if $itemChosen == "Crab Medicine">>
<<if _elsa.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<set _elsa.afflictions.delete("Crabs")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>How did you know I had crabs! Thank you!</div><br>
<<if !$achievements.medic.unlocked>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Why are you giving me this? I don't have any STDS...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Thank you! <<print $itemChosen>>[s] just make my day!</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _elsa 15>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>I think you better keep that.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You had back home for a good night's rest.</div><br>
<button data-passage="sleep" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Sleep]</button><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">Elsa's Pub</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _elsa.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I was thinking... could I get a kiss?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Hmmm....</div><br>
<<if _elsa.relationshipPoints gte 75>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Heehee sure thing.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Elsa comes closer to you and gives you a kiss</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/elsa/scenes/kiss.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Wow...</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _elsa 15>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Ew. that is NOT happening.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You had back home for a good night's rest.</div><br>
<button data-passage="sleep" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Sleep]</button><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<div class="location-title">Elsa's Pub</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _elsa.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>You're the strong silent type - and my hero!</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _elsa 5>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You had back home for a good night's rest.</div><br>
<button data-passage="sleep" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Sleep]</button><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<div class="location-title">Elsa's Pub</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<img src="images/locations/amore/pub/working.jpg">
<div class="npctextboxm">You serve drinks at Elsa's bar.</div><br>
<<if _elsa.afflictions.includes("Fucking Customers")>>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_elsa_watch" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Watch Elsa Fuck Customers]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_elsa_work" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Working]</button><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<div class="location-title">Elsa's Pub</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _elsa.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I've got an idea for the pub. Y'know, to make it more attractive to customers.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>I'm listening...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Basically it's going to involve you...'pleasuring' the customers...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>You've finally lost the plot, haven't you? There's no way i'm fucking the customers.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>It will 100% work Elsa, you've got the body for it! Think of the thousands more you are going to make!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Okay. I trust you. Whatever it takes.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Elsa will now start prostituting herself in the bar.</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Elsa's Bar" 100>>
<<addAffliction _elsa "Fucking Customers">>
<<increaseRelationship _elsa 5>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You had back home for a good night's rest, happy in knowing you've helped saved Elsa's bar. You should come back sometime and witness your creations.</div><br>
<button data-passage="sleep" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Sleep]</button><div class="location-title">Elsa's Pub</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<img src="images/locations/amore/pub/pub.jpg">
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing outside Elsa's pub.<br> The sign states that the opening times are from evening [3] till noon [9]</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $time lte 9 && $time gte 3>>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_inside" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Pub]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Closed]</button>
<button data-passage="ascensionstreet" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
</div><div class="npctextboxm">You buy and drink a beer</div><br>
<<if !$player.afflictions.includes("Drunk")>>
<<addAffliction $player "Drunk">>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_inside" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _barwhore = $findCharacterByName('Bar Whore')>>
<<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<set _locationTitle = "Elsa's Pub">>
<<set _characterConditions = [
{name: "Elsa", condition: true},
{name: "Bar Whore", condition: true},
{name: "Jessie", condition: $day gte 6},
<<set _questName = "Elsa's Bar">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<<if $substory[_index].progress lt 10>> /*play this intro */
<div class="imageboxbig">
<img src="images/locations/amore/pub/pubpeople.jpg" alt="" />
<div class="npctextboxm">You walk inside Elsa's pub. The place is quiet. There is a strange smell in the air. You are just about to leave when you catch a glance of the hottest blonde you've ever laid eyes upon.</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _elsa.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Hey you! You're a new face here, right? I ain't seen ya before! Come, have a drink on the house!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Uh sure. Thanks.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Elsa smiles and pours you a pint of beer. She leans over the counter and smiles.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Nice place [Lie].</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Thanks. I mean, it's alright.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Are you from around this area?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Yeah i'm from around here, my name is Elsa. Look - enjoy your beer, okay? I gotta get in the back and sort some stuff out. This place is crazy busy.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Oh, okay. Sorry to have bothered you.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Oh my god. No! Shit! Sorry - I'm not good with customers. Or... anything really.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Elsa lets out a sigh.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Business isn't great here and i'm constantly stressed about losing the bar. Have another drink on me. What is your name?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I'm <<print $player.name>>. You own this place?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Yeah, I took it over from my mom when she passed away. Business is shit and she owed a lot to the banks so I'm currently working to pay it off.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do to help?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Elsa smiles and shakes her head a little.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Do you have a million dollars, <<print $player.name>>? That might help me.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I don't have a million dollars but I could help you around the pub if you needed a hand?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Elsa frowns at you and thinks.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>I would love the help, but honestly. I can't pay you anything. I can barely afford my apartment.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>You don't have to pay me anything.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>What, really? You would work for free?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>That's right. I'll try and pop around as often as i can and help you!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Wow thank you <<print $player.name>>, i don't know what to say...</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Elsa's Bar" 10>>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_inside" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Talking]</button>
<<displayLocation '<img src="images/locations/amore/pub/pubpeople.jpg" alt="" />' _characterConditions>>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="amore_pub_elsa" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Speak to <<= _elsa.name>>]</button>
<<if $day gte 6>>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_jessie" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Speak to <<= _jessie.name>>]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_customerchat" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Speak to customers]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_beer" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Buy Beer]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_pub_bathroom" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Bathroom]</button>
<button data-passage="ascensionstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Exit Pub]</button>
<</if>><<set _lisa = $findCharacterByName('Lisa')>>
<<if $time gte 5>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Nobody is here.</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_gym_main" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Away]</button>
<<set _questName = "LISA the MILF">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">Amore - Gym</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _lisa.image>>
<<if $substory[_index].progress lt 10>> /*play this intro */
<div class="npctextboxm">You walk up to one of the MILFs working out in the 'private area' of the gym. Nobody can see you or Lisa here.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Before you can even say anything, the woman laughs at you.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>Men today, jeez.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Huh? What's that supposed to mean?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>I've got more muscle in my arm than you do in your entire body. Men are a joke.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>So, because i'm not muscular, you think i'm less of a man?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>That's right, kid.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>Listen, kid, don't even waste my time trying to chat me up with that mother fucking stick man frame you've got going on. Put on some muscle, then maybe we can talk. Right now I'm getting some gains.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Lisa ignores you and goes back to bicep curling.</div><br>
<<updateQuest "LISA the MILF" 10>>
<button data-passage="amore_gym_main_lisa" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Talking]</button>
<div class="npctextboxm">You walk up to Lisa. Nobody can see you or Lisa here.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>What?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="amore_gym_main" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Away]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_gym_main_lisa_show" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Show Your Body]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_gym_main_lisa_kiss" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Kiss]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_gym_main_lisa_bj" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[BJ]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_gym_main_lisa_fuck" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck]</button>
<</if>><<set _lisa = $findCharacterByName('Lisa')>>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">Amore - Gym</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _lisa.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey Lisa, those kisses have been helping me a lot with my workouts. But i've been reading how releasing semen actually can increase testosterone for my workouts</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>Really? I never heard about that. Maybe you should masturbate before workouts.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Actually, I was thinking that maybe you could help me with this? Semen contains protein so you could put it to good use...</div><br>
<<if _lisa.relationshipPoints gte 150>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>Alright, let's do it. But only because its helping you get the best results in the gym! I'm not a slut! I just like protein</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You pull out your cock for Lisa to suck.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/lisa/scenes/bj.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>Alright, now lets get it all out...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You edge closer to orgasm and...</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/lisa/scenes/facial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>*Ahem*, let's get back to our workouts now. Shall we?</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _lisa 30>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>Not a fucking chance! Do you think i'm some slut who will just blow you for gym gains? Do you think i'm stupid?</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _lisa -5>>
<button data-passage="amore_gym_main_lisa" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _lisa = $findCharacterByName('Lisa')>>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">Amore - Gym</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _lisa.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey Lisa, I heard the treadmills are broke and I need to do my cardio. I was thinking we could do some cardio together. Naked. Fucking. Y'know?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>W-W-What?!</div><br>
<<if _lisa.relationshipPoints gte 350 and _lisa.afflictions.includes("Dominated")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>Let's do it! You know my style!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You and Lisa both check for the coast being clear and then undress quickly.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>I want you to put your fucking back into it this time.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/lisa/scenes/fuck4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>That's the spot. Deeper!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You and Lisa's bodies are hot and sweaty. This is a hardcore cardio session!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/lisa/scenes/fuck5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/lisa/scenes/fuck3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your cock is twitching!</div><br>
<<set _randomCum to random(1,10)>>
<<if _randomCum lte 5>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You cum for Lisa!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/lisa/scenes/cream.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You fail to cum this time</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>Ugh - how dissapointing...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>*Ahem*, let's get back to our workouts now. Shall we?</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _lisa 50>>
<<set _lisa.fuckedtimes = _lisa.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _lisa "Crabs">>
<<elseif _lisa.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _lisa $player "Crabs">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>Ask me that again and I'll have you thrown out of this gym. Sick perverted freak!</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _lisa -10>>
<button data-passage="amore_gym_main_lisa" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _lisa = $findCharacterByName('Lisa')>>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">Amore - Gym</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _lisa.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey Lisa, How about a kiss for all this hard work i'm putting in?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>A kiss? seriously?</div><br>
<<if _lisa.relationshipPoints gte 75>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Yeah, why not? It's a motivator for me</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>If it motivates you to lift some damn weight, then sure.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You walk up to Lisa and give her a long and passionate kiss...</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/lisa/scenes/kiss.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>Alright, that was... nice</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _lisa 10>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>I'm not your mommy, kid. Who the fuck asks to kiss someone in the gym anyway? Are you some sort of fucking weirdo?</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_gym_main_lisa" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _lisa = $findCharacterByName('Lisa')>>
<<set _questName = "LISA the MILF">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You show off your body to Lisa.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/activities/posing.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>What do you think, huh? Mirin?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>Well...</div><br>
<<if $player.strength gte 90>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>You are certainly... showing improvements.. god.. those arms... so defined... so rigid...</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _lisa 7>>
<<if $substory[_index].progress eq 10>>
<<updateQuest "LISA the MILF" 40>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>I'm impressed with the progress you have made since we first met. I'd like to continue our conversations outside of the gym. If you understand what im saying.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Uh, yeah... let's do it.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>Good... here's my address.</div><br>
<<addAffliction _lisa "Address Known">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _lisa.chat>></div>Lisa<hr>Don't make me laugh! Get out of here you fucking worm.</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_gym_main_lisa" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<<if $time != 4>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Nobody is here.</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_gym_main" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Away]</button>
<div class="npctextboxm">You notice your sister, <<= _zoe.name>>, and decide to go visit her.</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _zoe.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Hey big bro! Come to help your sister out at the gym?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="amore_gym_main_sister_workout" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Workout Together]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_gym_main_sister_fuck" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_gym_main" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Away]</button>
<</if>><<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">Amore - Gym</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _zoe.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey <<= _zoe.name>>, Take your shit off! We're having a quickie.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>...</div><br>
<<if _zoe.afflictions.includes("Dominated")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Whatever you say.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><<= _zoe.name>> undresses almost instantly.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Have me any way you like. I'm yours, big bro.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You start to fuck <<= _zoe.name>> almost infront of everyone at the gym. Luckily nobody notices you.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/zoe/scenes/fuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Holy shit!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your cock is twitching!</div><br>
<<set _randomCum to random(1,10)>>
<<if _randomCum lte 5>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You cum for <<= _zoe.name>>!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/zoe/scenes/facial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Bro! I gotta clean this up! I'm in public with your cum on me!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You fail to cum this time</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Thank god you didn't cum!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Oh no! Look at the time! I gotta head home, see ya bro!</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _zoe 50>>
<<set _zoe.fuckedtimes = _zoe.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _zoe "Crabs">>
<<elseif _zoe.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _zoe $player "Crabs">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Very funny!</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _zoe -30>>
<button data-passage="amore_gym_main" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<div class="location-title">Your Bedroom</div>
<<if $player.stamina gte 3>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You do some weight lifting exercises with _zoe.name.</div> <br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/activities/workingout.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You feel stronger...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your strength has increased by $gymAmount. You lost 3 stamina.</div><br>
<<set $player.strength = $player.strength + $gymAmount>>
<<set $player.stamina = $player.stamina - 3>>
<<increaseRelationship _zoe 50>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>That was tough! Thanks for working out with me! I feel much better</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You don't have enough stamina to do this...</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_gym_main_sister" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Activity]</button><div class="location-title">Amore Gym</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/amore/gym/gymoutside.jpg"></div>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing outside the Amore Gym<br> The sign states that the opening times are 24/7.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="amore_gym_reception" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Gym]</button>
<button data-passage="goughstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
</div><<set _lisa = $findCharacterByName('Lisa')>>
<<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<<set _locationTitle = "Amore Gym">>
<<set _characterConditions = [
{name: "Lisa", condition: $time lte 4},
{name: "Zoe", condition: $day gte 5 && $time eq 4},
<<displayLocation '<img src="images/locations/amore/gym/gym.jpg" alt="" />' _characterConditions>>
<div class="npctextboxm">As you enter the gym, a sweat filled odour fills your nose. Calories have been burned here.</div>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $time lte 4>>
<button data-passage="amore_gym_main_lisa" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Speak to <<= _lisa.name>>]</button>
<<if $day lte 5 and $time eq 4>>
<button data-passage="amore_gym_main_sister" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Speak to <<= _zoe.name>>]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_gym_main_solo" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Lift Weights]</button>
<button data-passage="goughstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Exit Gym]</button>
</div><div class="location-title">Gym</div>
<<if $player.stamina gte 3>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You do some weight lifting exercises in the gym.</div> <br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/activities/workingout.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You feel stronger...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your strength has increased by $gymAmount. You lost 3 stamina.</div><br>
<<set $player.strength = $player.strength + $gymAmount>>
<<set $player.stamina = $player.stamina - 3>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You don't have enough stamina to do this...</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_gym_main" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Activity]</button><div class="location-title">Amore Gym</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You enter the Amore gym. You are greeting by a very average looking female receptionist.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/locations/amore/gym/gymgirlchat.png"></div>Receptionist<hr>Hello sir... It's $25 for access to the gym.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $player.money gte 25>>
<button data-passage="amore_gym_reception2" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Pay $25]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Need $25]</button>
<button data-passage="goughstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
</div><div class="location-title">Amore Gym</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/amore/gym/gymoutside.jpg"></div>
<div class="npctextboxm">You hand over $25 and head inside.</div><br>
<<set $player.money = $player.money - 25>>
<button data-passage="amore_gym_main" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter]</button><div class="npctextboxm">You exit the taxi, heart racing, as the eerie silhouette of the haunted house looms before you.</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/hauntedhouse/hh.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<<if $time gte 8>>
<button data-passage="" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Too late to enter!]</button>
<button data-passage="hhEnter" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter the Haunted House]</button>
<button data-passage="taximain" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return To Taxi]</button><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _madamespooky= $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<set _screamo= $findCharacterByName('Screamo')>>
/* delete this - already in storyinit */
<<set $halloweenquest = {
talked: [],
accusedElsa: "0",
accusedBouncer: "0",
accusedJessie: "0",
accusedMadameSpooky: "0",
murderWeapon: "0",
accusedCharacters: [],
outcomeText: "Howdy",
<div class="npctextboxm">As you step into the haunted house, you find yourself in a grand dining room. Eerie music fills the air, and the room is alive with people donning elaborate costumes. Laughter and chatter echo off the walls, creating an atmosphere of both excitement and spookiness.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Approaching you is a mysterious woman in a uniquely haunting Halloween costume.</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _madamespooky.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div>Madame Spooky<hr>Greetings, you must be the young gentleman who is coming to my party instead of [REDACTED]. Thank you for coming to this year's Halloween ball. I am Madame Spooky!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div>Madame Spooky<hr>Please, indulge in the festivities. Mingle with the guests and savor the night's delights.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Thank you, Madame Spooky. This place is fantastic. I'll explore and chat with the other guests.</div><br>
<button data-passage="hauntedHallway" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Understood</button><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _madamespooky= $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<set _screamo= $findCharacterByName('Screamo')>>
/* Has the player talked to all the people yet? */
<<if $halloweenquest.talked.includes("Elsa") and $halloweenquest.talked.includes("Bouncer") and $halloweenquest.talked.includes("Screamo") and $halloweenquest.talked.includes("Jessie") and $halloweenquest.talked.includes("Madame")>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You hear a scream coming from the next room. Someone runs out!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Oh my god! They are dead!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerchat.png" alt="" /></div>Bouncer<hr>Dead?! Someone is dead!?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You, Madame Spook, Elsa, The Bouncer and Jessie run into the room to see what has happened.</div><br>
<button data-passage="crimeSceneIntro" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Next]</button>
<div class="npctextboxm">You find yourself in the grand ballroom of Madame Spooky's mansion. The room is lavishly decorated with eerie elegance. Crystal chandeliers cast a haunting glow over the dance floor, where guests in elaborate costumes twirl to the music. A long bar stretches along one side, tended by Elsa, the bartender you know well. The Bouncer, an oddly underdressed man, stands by the entrance. Jessie, an enigmatic figure, seems uninterested in conversation, while Screamo, hidden behind a scream mask, adds an air of mystery.</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/hauntedhouse/ballroom.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Hey there, $player.name. Long time no see. No funny stuff tonight!</div>
<span class="shopgg"><button data-passage="elsaDialogue" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Talk to Elsa]</button></span><br><br><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerchat.png" alt="" /></div>Bouncer<hr>You again? What do you want now?</div>
<span class="shopgg"><button data-passage="bouncerDialogue" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Talk to The Bouncer]</button></span><br><br><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jessie.chat>></div>Jessie<hr>[Jessie doesn't seem interested in talking to anyone.]</div>
<span class="shopgg"><button data-passage="jessieDialogue" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Try talking to Jessie]</button></span><br><br><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _screamo.chat>></div>Screamo<hr>[The figure in the scream mask remains silent and mysterious.]</div>
<span class="shopgg"><button data-passage="screamoDialogue" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Attempt to communicate with Screamo]</button></span><br><br><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div>Madame Spooky<hr>Welcome back, $player.name. Enjoying the party so far?</div>
<span class="shopgg"><button data-passage="madameSpookDialogue" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Chat with Madame Spooky]</button></span><br><br><br>
<</if>><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _madamespooky= $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<set _screamo= $findCharacterByName('Screamo')>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _madamespooky.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Madame Spooky's eyes light up with excitement as she speaks, and you can't help but be drawn into her enthusiasm for Halloween!.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div>Madame Spooky<hr>What did you think of this year's halloween? You see, Halloween is more than just costumes and candy. It's a celebration of the mysterious, the magical, and the playful side of life!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div>Madame Spooky<hr>It's a time when we can all embrace our inner child and let our imaginations run wild. We become witches, ghosts, and monsters, if only for a night, and it's liberating!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div>Madame Spooky<hr>I hope this isn't the last time we meet, $playername. I hope you will visit me again soon. You are always welcome.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Madame Spooky winks mischievously as she concludes her explanation.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div>Madame Spooky<hr>Before you leave, here is a small gift.</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Halloween 2023" 100>>
<<set $halloweenquest = "">> /* Kills off the halloween array */
<button data-passage="sleep" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Go Home & Call It A Day]</button><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _madamespooky= $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<set _screamo= $findCharacterByName('Screamo')>>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/london/halloween/mspook.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Madame Spooky's eyes sadden.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="britneychat"><img src="images/london/halloween/mspookchat.png" alt="" /></div>Madame Spooky<hr>Ah, $playername. It seems you've got it wrong. This entire thing was a game, a test of wits. We were looking for someone who could solve our yearly riddle. Sadly, you've joined the ranks of those who couldn't.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="britneychat"><img src="images/london/halloween/mspookchat.png" alt="" /></div>Madame Spooky<hr>But fear not, my dear. Halloween is a time for surprises and laughter. Even though you didn't crack the mystery, you've added to the charm of this night.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Madame Spooky winks mischievously as she concludes her explanation. You failed the Halloween 2023 mystery but completed this quest.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="britneychat"><img src="images/london/halloween/mspookchat.png" alt="" /></div>Madame Spooky<hr>Before you leave, here is a small gift as a token of our Halloween tradition.</div><br>
<<set $clothingItem = {
"photo": '<img src="images/outfits/dunce.jpg" alt="" />',
"name": "Dunce Cap",
"bonus": "Intelligence",
"type": "Headwear",
"amount" : 1
<<set $wardrobe.push($clothingItem)>>
<div class="npctextboxw">You received the Dunce headwear from Madame Spooky. It was added to your wardrobe.</div><br>
<<set $halloweenOne = 8>>
<<set $halloweenSucess = false>>
<button data-passage="newsleep" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Go Home & Call It A Day</button><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _madamespooky= $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<set _screamo= $findCharacterByName('Screamo')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You decide to turn your attention to Elsa and Screamo.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You fuck Elsa while screamo sucks her clit. Afterwards, Screamo sucks your cock a little.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/elsa/scenes/halloween.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>I never get tired of your cock, $player.name!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _screamo.chat>></div>Screamo<hr>I'm so jealous you got to fuck this guy before, Elsa!</div><br>
<button data-passage="endOrgyWithBouncer" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Next]</button><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _madamespooky= $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<set _screamo= $findCharacterByName('Screamo')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You decide to turn your attention to Jessie</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You push her down to her knees and give her the look. The look that says "Suck this fucking dick"!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/jessie/scenes/bj.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jessie.chat>></div>Jessie<hr>Oh my god - you really are a fucking pervert! At least let me breathe!</div><br>
<button data-passage="endOrgyWithBouncer" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Next</button><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _madamespooky= $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<set _screamo= $findCharacterByName('Screamo')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You decide to turn your attention to Madame Spook</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You wrap your body around to the behind of Madame Spook. You bend her over and fuck her brains out!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/madamespooky/scenes/fuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div>Madame Spooky<hr>Oh my god, $player.name! I'm so glad a stud won this years challenge! Fill me the fuck up!</div><br>
<button data-passage="endOrgyWithBouncer" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Next</button><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _madamespooky= $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<set _screamo= $findCharacterByName('Screamo')>>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/hauntedhouse/suspects.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<<if $halloweenquest.murderWeapon == "Poison" and $halloweenquest.accusedCharacters.length == 3 and $halloweenquest.accusedCharacters.indexOf("Jessie") == -1>>
<!-- Correct accusation: Poison and everyone but Jessie -->
<div class="npctextboxm">
Elsa, The Bouncer, and Madame Spooky exchange nervous glances as you reveal your accusation. They shift uncomfortably, but none of them deny their involvement.
Elsa confesses -
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>You got us. We did it with the Poison. We had our reasons</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>And what reasons were those? Reasons you chose to murder someone!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div>Madame Spooky<hr>You want to know why we did it, $player.name?</div><br>
<button data-passage="theTruthHalloween" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Find the Truth]</button>
<!-- Incorrect accusation or different scenario -->
<div class="npctextboxm">
The accused characters react differently to your accusation. There's tension in the air, but it seems your accusation may not be entirely correct. There is no second tries in this game. You have failed the quest. The murderer has gotten away with their crime and you are to blame!
<<set $halloweenquest = {
talked: [],
accusedElsa: "0",
accusedBouncer: "0",
accusedJessie: "0",
accusedMadameSpooky: "0",
murderWeapon: "0",
accusedCharacters: [],
outcomeText: "Howdy",
<button data-passage="Haunted House Enter" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Restart Quest]</button>
<button data-passage="taximain" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Quit]</button>
<</if>><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _madamespooky= $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<set _screamo= $findCharacterByName('Screamo')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">The room is tense as you gather the remaining partygoers - Elsa, The Bouncer, Jessie, and Madame Spooky. They all exchange nervous glances as you prepare to make your accusations.</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/hauntedhouse/suspects.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div>Madame Spooky<hr>So, $player.name, who do you believe is responsible for this murder?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">
<fieldset>Who Did It?<hr>
<<checkbox "$halloweenquest.accusedElsa" "" "Elsa">> Elsa the Bartender
<<checkbox "$halloweenquest.accusedBouncer" "" "Bouncer">> The Bouncer
<<checkbox "$halloweenquest.accusedJessie" "" "Jessie">> Jessie
<<checkbox "$halloweenquest.accusedMadameSpooky" "" "MadameSpooky">> Madame Spooky
<fieldset>What was the murder weapon?<hr>
<<radiobutton "$halloweenquest.murderWeapon" "Poison">> Poison
<<radiobutton "$halloweenquest.murderWeapon" "Knife">> Knife
<<radiobutton "$halloweenquest.murderWeapon" "Biting">> Biting
<button data-passage="revealOutcome" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Accuse]</button><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _madamespooky= $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<set _screamo= $findCharacterByName('Screamo')>>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/hauntedhouse/orgy.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You enjoy your choice of any girl from the party. Your dick is rock hard. Elsa and Screamo are kissing, Madame Spook is rubbing her clit while watching you.. and Jessie is standing akwardly. What will you do?!</div><br>
<button data-passage="fuckElsaScreamo" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck Elsa & Screamo]</button>
<button data-passage="fuckMadam" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck Madame Spook]</button>
<button data-passage="fuckJessie" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck Jessie]</button>
<button data-passage="finishHalloween" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish the Orgy]</button><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _madamespooky= $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<set _screamo= $findCharacterByName('Screamo')>>
<<set $halloweenquest.outcomeText = "">>
<<set $halloweenquest.accusedCharacters = []>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Well...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>It's obvious to me the victim was killed by a $halloweenquest.murderWeapon...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>And the killer, well it was...</div><br>
<<if $halloweenquest.accusedElsa eq "Elsa">>
<<set $halloweenquest.accusedCharacters.push("Elsa the Bartender")>>
<<if $halloweenquest.accusedBouncer eq "Bouncer">>
<<set $halloweenquest.accusedCharacters.push("The Bouncer")>>
<<if $halloweenquest.accusedJessie eq "Jessie">>
<<set $halloweenquest.accusedCharacters.push("Jessie")>>
<<if $halloweenquest.accusedMadameSpooky eq "MadameSpooky">>
<<set $halloweenquest.accusedCharacters.push("Madame Spooky")>>
<<if $halloweenquest.murderWeapon == "Poison">>
<<set $halloweenquest.outcomeText += " using Poison">>
<<if $halloweenquest.murderWeapon == "Knife">>
<<set $halloweenquest.outcomeText += " using a Knife" >>
<<if $halloweenquest.murderWeapon == "Biting">>
<<set $halloweenquest.outcomeText += " using Biting">>
<div class="npctextboxm">The tension in the room is palpable as you accuse: $halloweenquest.accusedCharacters of $halloweenquest.outcomeText to kill the victim</div><br>
<button data-passage="WinnerorLoserHalloween" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Results]</button><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _madamespooky= $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<set _screamo= $findCharacterByName('Screamo')>>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/hauntedhouse/suspects.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div>Madame Spooky<hr>Because we wanted to test you!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">To your surprise, Screamo stands up from the floor! Screamo is alive! This was a test!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _screamo.chat>></div>Screamo<hr>How fucking convincing was I?! Oh yeah!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div>Madame Spooky<hr>Every year I invite a random guest to my halloween party and stage a murder. Nobody i've ever invited has ever completed our game! Except you! Congratulations $player.name!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">As the shock of the revelation washes over you, Screamo bursts into laughter, and the room is filled with a sense of relief and amusement.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Screamo, that was your best performance yet!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div>Madame Spooky<hr>Great job everyone!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The tension in the room is replaced by laughter and camaraderie. It turns out, the reward for your detective skills isn't the burden of a dead person at the party you attended, but something much more unexpected that is about to be revealed...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _screamo.chat>></div>Screamo<hr>Yeah, we've been doing this for years! We wanted to see if someone could figure it out. You're good, $player.name!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Madame Spooky steps forward and extends her hand toward you.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div>Madame Spooky<hr>It was all in good fun, dear. We hope you enjoyed the game. And as your reward, you're invited to our halloween orgy!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">A halloween orgy! Fuck yeah!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The Bouncer interupts</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerchat.png" alt="" /></div>Bouncer<hr>Am I allowed to join this time?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div>Madame Spooky<hr>Not today! Let us give this experience exclusively to $player.name.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerchat.png" alt="" /></div>Bouncer<hr>Three girls all for one guy! Not fair</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jessie.chat>></div>Jessie<hr>Actually, it's four...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _screamo.chat>></div>Screamo<hr>I'm a girl too by the way...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Screamo takes off her mask</div><br>
<<set _screamo.chat = '<img src="images/characters/screamo/screamchatu.png" alt="" />'>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _screamo.chat>></div>Screamo<hr>So... are we fucking or is $player.name gay?</div><br>
<button data-passage="endOrgyWithBouncer" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Halloween Orgy]</button><<set _madamespooky= $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Madame Spooky smiles warmly at you.</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _madamespooky.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div>Madame Spooky<hr>Welcome back, $player.name. I'm delighted you could make it to my Halloween ball. How are you finding the party so far?</div><br>
<button data-passage="madameSpookResponse1" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Ask about the mansion</button>
<button data-passage="madameSpookResponse2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Compliment her costume</button>
<button data-passage="madameSpookExit" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Excuse yourself for now</button>
<<if not $halloweenquest.talked.includes("Madame")>>
<<set $halloweenquest.talked.push("Madame")>>
<</if>><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _madamespooky= $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<set _screamo= $findCharacterByName('Screamo')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Madame Spooky smiles warmly as you take your leave.</div><br>
<button data-passage="hauntedHallway" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return to the party</button><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _madamespooky= $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<set _screamo= $findCharacterByName('Screamo')>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _madamespooky.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Madame Spooky's eyes twinkle with intrigue.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div>Madame Spooky<hr>The mansion has a long and storied history, $playername. It was passed down through generations of my family. Many tales of mystery surround it.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Fascinating! Are there any specific stories you can share?</div><br>
<button data-passage="madameSpookResponse3" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Ask for a saucy story</button>
<button data-passage="madameSpookExit" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Wrap up the conversation</button><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _madamespooky= $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<set _screamo= $findCharacterByName('Screamo')>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _madamespooky.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Madame Spooky blushes beneath her costume.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div>Madame Spooky<hr>Oh, thank you! I wanted to keep the Halloween spirit alive. It's always been my favorite holiday.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>You've done an excellent job. You look amazing.</div><br>
<button data-passage="madameSpookResponse4" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Continue the compliment</button>
<button data-passage="madameSpookExit" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Wrap up the conversation</button><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _madamespooky= $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<set _screamo= $findCharacterByName('Screamo')>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _madamespooky.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Madame Spooky leans closer, her voice lowering.</div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div>Madame Spooky<hr>Well, there's a story about a hidden passage that leads to a secret sex chamber. Some say it's where my ancestors held their breeding ceremonies.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>...</div><br>
<button data-passage="madameSpookResponse5" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Inquire further</button>
<button data-passage="madameSpookExit" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Wrap up the conversation</button><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _madamespooky= $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<set _screamo= $findCharacterByName('Screamo')>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _madamespooky.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Madame Spooky beams with delight.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div>Madame Spooky<hr>Why, thank you, $playername. You're quite the charmer yourself.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>You're too kind, Madame Spooky.</div><br>
<button data-passage="madameSpookExit" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Wrap up the conversation</button>
<<set $halloweenMadameDone = 1>><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _madamespooky= $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<set _screamo= $findCharacterByName('Screamo')>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _madamespooky.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Madame Spooky winks playfully.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div>Madame Spooky<hr>Don't worry! I have no plans to use it anytime soon! I much prefer a warm bed!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Interesting! (And weird)</div><br>
<button data-passage="madameSpookExit" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Wrap up the conversation</button><div class="npctextboxm">The Bouncer stares at you with a mix of annoyance and suspicion.</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerreg.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerchat.png" alt="" /></div>Bouncer<hr>What do you want now? You better not be causing any trouble.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I'm just here to enjoy the party. Why are you dressed like that?</div><br>
<button data-passage="bouncerResponse1" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Ask about his costume]</button>
<button data-passage="bouncerResponse2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Inquire about his role]</button>
<button data-passage="bouncerExit" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[End the conversation]</button>
<<if not $halloweenquest.talked.includes("Bouncer")>>
<<set $halloweenquest.talked.push("Bouncer")>>
<</if>><div class="npctextboxm">The Bouncer nods and returns to his post by the entrance.</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerreg.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerchat.png" alt="" /></div>Bouncer<hr>Alright, $player.name. Enjoy the party, and don't cause any trouble.</div><br>
<button data-passage="hauntedHallway" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return to the Ballroom]</button><br><div class="imageboxbig"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerreg.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The Bouncer chuckles a little.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerchat.png" alt="" /></div>Bouncer<hr>I dunno, I just thought it would be funny.</div><br>
<button data-passage="bouncerDialogue" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Continue talking to The Bouncer]</button><br><div class="imageboxbig"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerreg.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerchat.png" alt="" /></div>Bouncer<hr>I've been working as a bouncer for Madame Spooky for several years. That's all you need to know.</div><br>
<button data-passage="bouncerDialogue" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Continue talking to The Bouncer]</button><br><div class="npctextboxm">The Bouncer remains suspiciously calm</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerchat.png" alt="" /></div>Bouncer<hr>If ya ask me. It was probably Jessie, that crazy bitch hasn't said a word the entire party and now she's suddenly talkative.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>She never said a word to anyone? I thought she was just ignoring me.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerchat.png" alt="" /></div>Bouncer<hr>That's right. Quite as a mouse.</div><br>
<button data-passage="investigationStart" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">End the conversation</button><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _madamespooky= $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<set _screamo= $findCharacterByName('Screamo')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Elsa, the bartender, appears genuinely shocked by the murder.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>I can't believe this happened...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Are you okay, Elsa?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Yes, I'm fine. Just... hurry up so I can go home.</div><br>
<button data-passage="investigationStart" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Okay</button><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _madamespooky= $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<set _screamo= $findCharacterByName('Screamo')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Jessie, who initially accused you, is now sitting nervously beside Madame Spooky, who watches the proceedings with a calculating gaze.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jessie.chat>></div>Jessie<hr>What the fuck do you want? Come to kill me too?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div>Madame Spooky<hr>She doesn't mean that, $player.name. She's just scared.</div><br>
<button data-passage="investigationStart" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Leave Jessie alone</button><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _madamespooky= $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<set _screamo= $findCharacterByName('Screamo')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Madame Spooky sits patiently next to Jessie. She is now smoking a cigarette.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div>Madame Spooky<hr>Did you check the body, what did you find?</div><br>
<button data-passage="investigationStart" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Excuse yourself for now</button><div class="npctextboxm">The body of Screamo lies on the floor</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Hmmm...</div><br>
<button data-passage="examineMouth" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Examine Screamo's Mouth</button>
<button data-passage="examinePockets" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Look inside Screamo's pockets</button>
<button data-passage="examineBoobs" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Check Screamo's Boobs</button>
<button data-passage="examinePhone" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Check Screamo's Phone</button>
<button data-passage="examineNeck" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Check Screamo's Neck</button>
<button data-passage="investigationStart" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button><div class="npctextboxm">The body of Screamo lies on the floor</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Hmmm... Let's see what we're dealing with</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The bouncer sees you as you are just about to lift up Screamo's t-shirt</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerchat.png" alt="" /></div>Bouncer<hr>Dont</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Huh?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerchat.png" alt="" /></div>Bouncer<hr>Just dont</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Best leave it alone</div><br>
<button data-passage="bodyExamine" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button><div class="npctextboxm">The body of Screamo lies on the floor</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Hmmm...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The take a look inside their mouth</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>What's this?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Inside their mouth you see a green liquid... poison! Looks like the victim was poisoned!</div><br>
<button data-passage="bodyExamine" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button><div class="npctextboxm">The body of Screamo lies on the floor</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Hmmm...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The take a look at the neck of screamo</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>What's this?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Screamo's neck has a bite mark. It's a small bite from a smaller jaw. It's not what killed Screamo.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The only jaw that could of made this bite mark would be Jessie or Elsa</div><br>
<button data-passage="bodyExamine" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button><div class="npctextboxm">The body of Screamo lies on the floor</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Hmmm...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The take a look inside their phone that is lying beside them</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>What the hell?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The phone was smashed, someone strong must of done this.</div><br>
<button data-passage="bodyExamine" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button><div class="npctextboxm">The body of Screamo lies on the floor</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Hmmm...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The take a look inside their pockets</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>What's this?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Inside their pockets you find an invitation to the party... </div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Inside their pockets you also find a love letter.. from Madame Spooky?! Interesting... </div><br>
<button data-passage="bodyExamine" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _madamespooky= $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<set _screamo= $findCharacterByName('Screamo')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You rush into the room, your heart pounding. In the center of the dimly lit room, you see the lifeless body of Screamo, the mysterious figure in the scream Halloween mask. They are sprawled on the floor, surrounded by eerie decorations and flickering candles.</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/hauntedhouse/crime_scene.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div>Madame Spooky<hr>Oh dear, this is a terrible turn of events. It seems we have a murder on our hands.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>This is insane! Who could have done this?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jessie.chat>></div>Jessie<hr>I told you all this party was cursed! I'm outta here.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The bouncer stops Jessie from leaving.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerchat.png" alt="" /></div>Bouncer<hr>No way. Nobody is leaving until the killer is caught. We're the only people at this party. It has to be one of us.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jessie.chat>></div>Jessie<hr>You're fucking crazy!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>He's right. We need to find out who did this. Nobody can go free until we've done an investigation. It has to be someone in this room.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You check the body. You don't really know what you are doing but you can feel the body is still warm. Probably because they were just murdered recently. You don't see any visible markings of a wound.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The rest of the group is amazed by your confidence</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Alright. Everyone stay here. Nobody leaves. I'm heading up this investigation. Anyone got a problem with that?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jessie.chat>></div>Jessie<hr>Yeah! Motherfucker! What if it was *you* who did it? I saw you talking to Ghosty before! You're a creep! A killer! A pervert!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div>Madame Spooky<hr>Jessie, you will relax. Let $player.name do his investigation. Once that is done we can call the police. Nobody else will be harmed if we are all in the same room together watching each other.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Jessie calms down a little and sits next to Madame Spook</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div>Madame Spooky<hr>Good girl.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div>Madame Spooky<hr>$player.name, make it quick.</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/hauntedhouse/suspects.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<button data-passage="investigationStart" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Begin your investigation]</button><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _madamespooky= $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<set _screamo= $findCharacterByName('Screamo')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">The Suspects</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/hauntedhouse/suspects.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="bouncerExamine" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Examine the Bouncer]</button>
<button data-passage="spookExamine" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Examine Madame Spook]</button>
<button data-passage="jessieExamine" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Examine Jessie]</button>
<button data-passage="elsaExamine" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Examine Elsa]</button>
<button data-passage="bodyExamine" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Examine the Body]</button>
<button data-passage="accuseFinale" class="buttonhalfgreen" type="button" tabindex="0">[Accuse]</button>
</div><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _madamespooky= $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<set _screamo= $findCharacterByName('Screamo')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Elsa leans in closer, flashing a playful smile.</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _elsa.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Well, well, $player.name. I never knew you were a friend of Madame Spook! I'm bartending here tonight!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>It's a small world! So - Elsa... how have you been?</div><br>
<button data-passage="elsaResponse1" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Ask about her life</button>
<button data-passage="elsaResponse2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Compliment her costume</button>
<button data-passage="elsaResponse3" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Order a drink</button>
<button data-passage="elsaExit" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Say goodbye for now</button>
<<if not $halloweenquest.talked.includes("Elsa")>>
<<set $halloweenquest.talked.push("Elsa")>>
<</if>><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _madamespooky= $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<set _screamo= $findCharacterByName('Screamo')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Elsa waves you off with a smile.</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _elsa.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Enjoy the party, $player.name. If you ever need a drink, you know where to find me.</div><br>
<button data-passage="hauntedHallway" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return to the Ballroom]</button><br><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _madamespooky= $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<set _screamo= $findCharacterByName('Screamo')>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _elsa.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Well... the bar back home is doing well. Thanks to you! Unfortunatly no nakedness here! For now!</div><br>
<button data-passage="elsaDialogue" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Continue talking to Elsa</button><br><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _madamespooky= $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<set _screamo= $findCharacterByName('Screamo')>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _elsa.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Thanks! I was told i needed a halloween costume. I didn't have time to buy one so I thought I'd just wear my old cheerleading dress. Not bad, huh? Although I prefer nothing at all.</div><br>
<button data-passage="elsaDialogue" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Continue talking to Elsa</button><br><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _madamespooky= $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<set _screamo= $findCharacterByName('Screamo')>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _elsa.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Here's your monster themed drink!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Elsa hands you a rancid green liquid in a beer glass. It's so repulsive you do not drink it.</div><br>
<button data-passage="elsaDialogue" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Continue talking to Elsa</button><br><<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Jessie doesn't seem to pay any attention to you. She's lost in her own world.</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _jessie.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">It's no use. You decide to just leave her and her pumpkin alone.</div><br>
<button data-passage="jessieExit" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Leave Jessie alone</button>
<<if not $halloweenquest.talked.includes("Jessie")>>
<<set $halloweenquest.talked.push("Jessie")>>
<</if>><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _madamespooky= $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<set _screamo= $findCharacterByName('Screamo')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You decide to leave Jessie to her own devices.</div><br>
<button data-passage="hauntedHallway" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Back to the party</button><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _madamespooky= $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<set _screamo= $findCharacterByName('Screamo')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Screamo stands still, gazing at you from behind the scream mask.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _screamo.chat>></div>Screamo<hr>...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Who are you behind that mask?</div><br>
<button data-passage="screamoResponse1" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Try to engage Screamo</button>
<button data-passage="screamoExit" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Give up and leave</button><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _madamespooky= $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<set _screamo= $findCharacterByName('Screamo')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Screamo creeps you out, you decide to leave them be.</div><br>
<button data-passage="hauntedHallway" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Back to the party</button>
<<if not $halloweenquest.talked.includes("Screamo")>>
<<set $halloweenquest.talked.push("Screamo")>>
<</if>><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _madamespooky= $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<set _screamo= $findCharacterByName('Screamo')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Screamo tilts their head as if considering your question.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _screamo.chat>></div>Screamo<hr>Sup' dude?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Oh! Hey?</div><br>
<button data-passage="screamoResponse2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Keep Talking</button>
<button data-passage="screamoExit" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">End the conversation</button><<set _screamo= $findCharacterByName('Screamo')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Screamo continues to speak in a mysterious tone.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _screamo.chat>></div>Screamo<hr>I got a baaaad feeling about tonight, man. Like someone is going to die or something...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Woah, how come?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _screamo.chat>></div>Screamo<hr>Just a hunch. Probably nothing.</div><br>
<button data-passage="screamoExit" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">End the conversation</button><div class="titlebox">HALLOWEEN 2024</div> <br>
<<set _questName2 = "Halloween 2024">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set $maxiOpinion = 0>> /* resets maxi opinion */
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 0>>
<<updateQuest "Halloween 2024" 50>>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/hauntedhouse/bedroom.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/madamespooky/regularchat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Madame Spooky<hr>*YAWN* Oh, is it that time already? It's time for this year's halloween party! Oh - I'm so excited!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You rise from your bed, your silk robe feels nice touching your breasts. You need to prepare for the halloween 2009 party.</div><br>
<button data-passage="halloween2024_intro_shower" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Shower]</button>
<button data-passage="halloween2024_intro_masturbate" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Masturbate]</button>
<button data-passage="halloween2024_3" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Attend The Party</button><div class="titlebox">HALLOWEEN 2024</div> <br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/madamespooky/regularchat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Madame Spooky<hr>Oh... fuck yes...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Madame Spooky plays with herself.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/madamespooky/scenes/solo.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<button data-passage="halloween2024_intro" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button>
<<if !$achievements.freakyfriday.unlocked>>
<</if>><div class="titlebox">HALLOWEEN 2024</div> <br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/madamespooky/regularchat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Madame Spooky<hr>Nice and clean for today's celebration..</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Madame Spooky washes herself in the shower.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/madamespooky/scenes/shower.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<button data-passage="halloween2024_intro" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><div class="titlebox">HALLOWEEN 2024</div> <br>
<div class="narratortextbox">Madame Spooky dresses in her finest halloween garm, and walks down the stairs into the ballroom where she is greeted by her trusty assistant.</div> <br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><img src="images/characters/madamespooky/mspook.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerchat.png" alt="" /></div>Bouncer<hr>You look as wonderful as ever, Madame Spooky. The preperations have all been made and our guests are in the ballroom awaiting you.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/madamespooky/regularchat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Madame Spooky<hr>You have my thanks, bouncer. Let's get this party started, shall we?</div><br>
<button data-passage="halloween2024_4" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter The Ballroom]</button><div class="titlebox">HALLOWEEN 2024</div> <br>
<div class="narratortextbox">Madame Spooky open the doors to the ballroom...</div> <br>
<div class="narratortextbox">It's time to meet the guests.</div> <br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/hauntedhouse/ballroom.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>[REDACTED]<hr>Madame Spooky, it's been way too long since we last met. It's fantastic to see you again.</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">[REDACTED] walks once again into the warm embrace of Madame Spooky. She smiles as their eyes meet.</div> <br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/madamespooky/regularchat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Madame Spooky<hr>Oh, likewise [REDACTED], i trust all is well at Amada corp these days?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>[REDACTED]<hr>Well, we can speak about that later. First let's just enjoy the party.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/madamespooky/regularchat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Madame Spooky<hr>Agreed - let's not mix business with pelasure.</div><br>
<button data-passage="halloween2024_5" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Meet The Next Guest]</button><div class="titlebox">HALLOWEEN 2024</div> <br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/hauntedhouse/ballroom.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/laura/laurachat.png" alt="" /></div>Laura<hr>It's an honor to be here, Madame Spooky.</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">This woman is Laura. Nobody special but a new addition to Madame Spooky's parties.</div> <br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/madamespooky/regularchat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Madame Spooky<hr>It's nice to see you again Laura, still single?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/laura/laurachat.png" alt="" /></div>Laura<hr>Unfortunatly so - yes!</div><br>
<button data-passage="halloween2024_party_main" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Start The Party]</button><div class="titlebox">HALLOWEEN 2024</div> <br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/hauntedhouse/ballroom.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/drdanger/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Dr Danger<hr>This place is amazing, you must be the world famous Madame Spooky - it's a pleasure to finally meet you.</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">This woman, Dr Danger, who works alongside [REDACTED] is also attending the party. She doesn't know it yet, but she is the main attraction of this party. Our 'plaything' for tonight. Madame Spooky smiles and approaches her</div> <br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/madamespooky/regularchat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Madame Spooky<hr>You must be the other half of the Amada Corp duo, you certainly are pleasing to the eyes. It's a pleasure to have you celebrate with us tonight. Don't be a stranger.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/drdanger/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Dr Danger<hr>T-thank you, Madame Spooky.</div><br>
<button data-passage="halloween2024_6" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Meet The Next Guest]</button><div class="titlebox">HALLOWEEN 2024</div> <br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/hauntedhouse/ballroom.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerchat.png" alt="" /></div>Bouncer<hr>Oh shit, here we go again.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/madamespooky/regularchat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Madame Spooky<hr>Language!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerchat.png" alt="" /></div>Bouncer<hr>My apologies.</div><br>
<button data-passage="halloween2024_party_mystery" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[A Strange Noise Is Heard]</button><div class="titlebox">HALLOWEEN 2024</div> <br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/hauntedhouse/ballroom.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/laura/laurachat.png" alt="" /></div>Laura<hr>SOMEONE IS DEAD!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/madamespooky/regularchat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Madame Spooky<hr>Oh gosh!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/drdanger/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Dr Danger<hr>Did you say... dead?</div><br>
<button data-passage="halloween2024_party_mystery2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Investigate]</button><div class="titlebox">HALLOWEEN 2024</div> <br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You crowd rushes into the room, hearts are pounding. In the center of the dimly lit room, you see the lifeless body of [REDACTED]. They are sprawled on the floor, surrounded by eerie decorations and flickering candles.</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/hauntedhouse/crime_scene.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/madamespooky/regularchat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Madame Spooky<hr>It seems we have a murder on our hands. How delightfully... spine-chilling.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/drdanger/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Dr Danger<hr>What are you talking about? This isn't a joke! This is my partner! I need to call HQ. There might still be time!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/madamespooky/regularchat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Madame Spooky<hr>Oh, but don't you think involving the authorities would just ruin the fun? Let's handle this ourselves first, shall we?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/laura/laurachat.png" alt="" /></div>Laura<hr>Yeah! For all we know, *you* could've done it, Danger! You're acting pretty suspicious right now.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/drdanger/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Dr Danger<hr>Me? You think I could hurt them? You were the one alone with them earlier, Laura! How do we know *you're* not responsible?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerchat.png" alt="" /></div>Bouncer<hr>Enough! Everyone, just calm the fuck down—sorry, *calm down*! We're not leaving this room until we figure out what happened here. Dr Danger, can you examine the body and see if you can find anything useful? We'll all stay put until we get some answers.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/drdanger/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Dr Danger<hr>Okay… okay. You're right. I'll look for evidence. Let's see if we can figure out what happened.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The room falls silent except for the rustling of Dr. Danger's gloves as she carefully examines the "corpse." Her expression is a mix of confusion and dread. Meanwhile, the others exchange furtive glances, some suppressing giggles, others enjoying the tension.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/madamespooky/regularchat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Madame Spooky<hr>Well, everyone, let's not get too comfortable. Whoever the murderer is, they might just strike again...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/laura/laurachat.png" alt="" /></div>Laura<hr>Ooooh, spooky! But seriously, Danger, you better find something quick. I don't want to end up like *them*.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/drdanger/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Dr Danger<hr>This doesn't make sense... no blood, no visible injuries... Oh God, this can't be happening.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The tension thickens as Dr. Danger finds a piece of paper in the pocket of [REDACTED]. It's a cryptic note, written in blood-red ink: *"Find the truth, or pay the price."* Madame Spooky raises an eyebrow, her smile widening.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/madamespooky/regularchat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Madame Spooky<hr>How intriguing! A clue, perhaps?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/drdanger/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Dr Danger<hr>Wait a fuckin' second...</div><br>
<button data-passage="halloween2024_party_mystery3" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Huh?</button><div class="titlebox">HALLOWEEN 2024</div> <br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/drdanger/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Dr Danger<hr>Wait a fuckin' second...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/drdanger/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Dr Danger<hr>Oh, you've gotta be fucking kidding me. You're breathing. *I can literally see your chest moving.*</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/laura/laurachat.png" alt="" /></div>Laura<hr>*What?* No, he's not! He's dead! Right? ...Right?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/drdanger/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Dr Danger<hr>Come on, people! I'm a doctor. This is amateur hour. Watch this.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/madamespooky/regularchat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Madame Spooky<hr>*Wait, wait, wait!* Dr. Danger, what are you—</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/drdanger/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Dr Danger<hr>Tickle test. Works every time. Let's see how “dead” you are now.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Dr. Danger leans down and gives [REDACTED] a couple of quick pokes to the side. The “corpse” squirms, letting out a muffled laugh before jerking upright.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>[REDACTED]<hr>Okay! Okay! I'm awake! Jeez, that tickles!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerchat.png" alt="" /></div>Bouncer<hr>*What the hell, Danger?!* You couldn't just let the prank ride for five minutes?!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/laura/laurachat.png" alt="" /></div>Laura<hr>Yeah! That was supposed to be the grand reveal later! You *ruined* it!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/madamespooky/regularchat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Madame Spooky<hr>*Absolutely spoiled.* You're the *worst* person to try this with, you know that?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/drdanger/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Dr Danger<hr>What did you expect? I'm a doctor. Faking a death around me is like pulling a rubber chicken out of a magician's hat. Don't blame me for being competent.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>[REDACTED]<hr>Honestly, I'm kinda glad it's over. Lying there for so long was killing my back anyway.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/laura/laurachat.png" alt="" /></div>Laura<hr>Ugh. You're both the worst. Someone get me another drink—this party's dead now.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The room erupts in grumbles and exaggerated groans of disappointment as the failed prank becomes the talk of the evening. Dr. Danger, unapologetic, heads to the snack table, muttering something about “never pulling this on a professional.”</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerchat.png" alt="" /></div>Bouncer<hr>So... no fucking?</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Halloween 2024" 100>>
<button data-passage="hhBedroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[End of Diary]</button><<set _questName = "Halloween 2024">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<<if $substory[_index].progress eq 100>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You see the diary on under the bed. You already read it. There's no point reading again - or is there? Probably not.</div><br>
<button data-passage="hhBedroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Away]</button>
<div class="npctextboxm">You see a diary on the table - it reads 'Halloween - 2009 - Madame Spooky'. It's her diary. It's rude to read other people's diaries, but you are a true rebel. You don't play by societies rules. Time to invade some privacy.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><u>Warning.</u> <hr> Once you start reading this diary, you will not be able to return until you have finished it. It is highly recommended that you save before proceding.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="halloween2024_intro" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Read More]</button>
<button data-passage="hhBedroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Away]</button>
<</if>><<set _madamespooky = $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<if $time gte 8>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div>Madame Spooky<hr>I'm getting a little tired now. Can we talk some other time?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="upstairshh" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Building]</button>
<<set _locationTitle = "Madame Spooky's Office">>
<<set _characterConditions = [
{name: "Madame Spooky", condition: true},
<<displayLocation '<img src="images/locations/hauntedhouse/office.jpg" alt="" />' _characterConditions>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div>Madame Spooky<hr>$player.name! Always so nice to see you again!</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="hhOffice_dungeon" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Spooky Dungeon]</button>
<button data-passage="hhOffice_outfits" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Outfits]</button>
<button data-passage="hhOffice_giveitem" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Give Item]</button>
<button data-passage="hhOffice_chat" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Chat]</button>
<button data-passage="hhOffice_kiss" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Kiss]</button>
<button data-passage="hhOffice_hj" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Handjob]</button>
<button data-passage="hhOffice_tj" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Titjob]</button>
<button data-passage="hhOffice_bj" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[BJ]</button>
<button data-passage="hhOffice_fuck" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck]</button>
<button data-passage="hhOffice_anal" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Anal]</button>
<button data-passage="upstairshh" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<</if>><<set _madamespooky = $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<set _interactionLevel = 2000>>
<div class="location-title">Madame Spooky's Office</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _madamespooky.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Would you let me assfuck you?</div><br>
<<if _madamespooky.relationshipPoints gte _interactionLevel>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div><<= _madamespooky.name>><hr>My feelings are also in the same place. We cant deny our feelings any more! Give me that cock!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You and Madame Spooky get undressed. The fucking soon starts. You plow your cock into Madame Spooky's asshole!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/madamespooky/scenes/anal.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _madamespooky 100>>
<<set _madamespooky.fuckedtimes = _madamespooky.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div><<= _madamespooky.name>><hr>That's not appropriate.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need a relationship level of at least _interactionLevel to do this</div><br>
<button data-passage="hhOffice" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _madamespooky = $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<set _interactionLevel = 200>>
<div class="location-title">Madame Spooky's Office</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _madamespooky.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Could I get my cock sucked by you?</div><br>
<<if _madamespooky.relationshipPoints gte _interactionLevel>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div><<= _madamespooky.name>><hr>I would be happy to help.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your cock gets slurped by Madame Spooky. It feels amazing.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/madamespooky/scenes/blowjob.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _madamespooky 50>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div><<= _madamespooky.name>><hr>That's not appropriate.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need a relationship level of at least _interactionLevel to do this</div><br>
<button data-passage="hhOffice" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _madamespooky = $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<set _interactionLevel = 0>>
<div class="location-title">Madame Spooky's Office</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _madamespooky.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>How are things?</div><br>
<<if _madamespooky.relationshipPoints gte _interactionLevel>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div><<= _madamespooky.name>><hr>It's been going great!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Time passes as you spend time talking to Madame Spooky.</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _madamespooky 10>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div><<= _madamespooky.name>><hr>That's not appropriate.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need a relationship level of at least _interactionLevel to do this</div><br>
<button data-passage="hhOffice" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _madamespooky = $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<set _itemName = "Dungeon Key">>
<<set _foundItem = $player.inventory.find(item => item.name === _itemName)>>
<div class="location-title">Madame Spooky's Office</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _madamespooky.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Hey Madame Spoooky, what's that big door downstairs?</div><br>
<<if !_foundItem>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div><<= _madamespooky.name>><hr>That is the old dungeon underneath here. It's haunted and very dangerous. Don't enter it.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I must insist. I can get rid of this danger for you!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div><<= _madamespooky.name>><hr>You are strong...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div><<= _madamespooky.name>><hr>I will grant you access on one condition, you must defeat the evil that lurks inside there! There are rumours of a mean... green.. cock destroyer. An evil being so powerful it can devour a mans cock within seconds.</div><br>
<<set _methItem = {
name: "Dungeon Key",
price: 2,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/housekey.png" alt="" />',
desc: "A key to the spooky dungeon",
unique: "Yes"
<<set $player.inventory.push(_methItem)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You can now access the spooky dungeon!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div><<= _madamespooky.name>><hr>That is the old dungeon underneath here. You already have the key so you can access it.</div><br>
<button data-passage="hhOffice" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _madamespooky = $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<set _interactionLevel = 1000>>
<div class="location-title">Madame Spooky's Office</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _madamespooky.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I can't hold back any longer... I need to fuck you.</div><br>
<<if _madamespooky.relationshipPoints gte _interactionLevel>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div><<= _madamespooky.name>><hr>My feelings are also in the same place. We cant deny our feelings any more! Give me that cock!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You and Madame Spooky get undressed. The fucking soon starts.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/madamespooky/scenes/fuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/madamespooky/scenes/fuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _madamespooky 60>>
<<set _madamespooky.fuckedtimes = _madamespooky.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _madamespooky "Crabs">>
<<elseif _madamespooky.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _madamespooky $player "Crabs">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div><<= _madamespooky.name>><hr>That's not appropriate.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need a relationship level of at least _interactionLevel to do this</div><br>
<button data-passage="hhOffice" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _madamespooky = $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<div class="location-title">Give item</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _madamespooky.image>>
<div class="npctextboxm">What item do you want to give ?</div><br>
<<set _inventoryCount = {}>> <!-- Create an object to store item quantities -->
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<set _item = $player.inventory[_i]>> <!-- Get the current item -->
<<set _itemName = _item.name>> <!-- Get the item's name -->
<<set _itemQuantity = _inventoryCount[_itemName] || 0>> <!-- Get the current quantity or default to 0 -->
<!-- Update the item's quantity in the inventoryCount object -->
<<set _inventoryCount[_itemName] = _itemQuantity + 1>> <!-- Increment quantity by 1 for each item -->
<div class="itemWrapperz">
<<for _itemName, _itemQuantity range _inventoryCount>> <<capture _itemName>>
<div class="newItembox">
<div class="newItemphotos">
<<set _item = $player.inventory.find(item => item.name === _itemName)>>
<<print _item.image>>
<div class="NewItemtext">
<center><<print _itemName>> (x<<print _itemQuantity>>)</center>
<button data-passage="hhOffice_giveitem2" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$itemChosen to _itemName">[Give]</button>
<button data-passage="hhOffice" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Skip - No Item]</button><<set _madamespooky = $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<set _reactionItems = ["Flowers", "Crab Medicine", "Diamond", "Dildo"]>> <!-- Define Sophia's favorite items -->
<<if _reactionItems.includes($itemChosen)>>
<<set _itemIndex = $player.inventory.findIndex(item => item.name === $itemChosen)>>
<<if _itemIndex > -1>>
<<set $player.inventory.deleteAt(_itemIndex)>> <!-- Remove one instance of the item from the player's inventory -->
<<if $itemChosen == "Crab Medicine">>
<<if _madamespooky.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<set _madamespooky.afflictions.delete("Crabs")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div><<= _madamespooky.name>><hr>How did you know I had crabs! Thank you!</div><br>
<<if !$achievements.medic.unlocked>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div><<= _madamespooky.name>><hr>Why are you giving me this? I don't have any STDS...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div><<= _madamespooky.name>><hr>Thank you! <<print $itemChosen>>[s] just make my day!</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _madamespooky 15>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div><<= _madamespooky.name>><hr>I think you better keep that.</div><br>
<button data-passage="hhOffice" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Continue]</button><<set _madamespooky = $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<set _interactionLevel = 200>>
<div class="location-title">Madame Spooky's Office</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _madamespooky.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Could you jerk my cock? Like you did that night at the party?</div><br>
<<if _madamespooky.relationshipPoints gte _interactionLevel>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div><<= _madamespooky.name>><hr>I would be happy to help.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your cock feels at home in Madame Spooky's hand.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/madamespooky/scenes/handjob.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _madamespooky 40>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div><<= _madamespooky.name>><hr>That's not appropriate.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need a relationship level of at least _interactionLevel to do this</div><br>
<button data-passage="hhOffice" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _madamespooky = $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<set _interactionLevel = 50>>
<div class="location-title">Madame Spooky's Office</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _madamespooky.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Could we... kiss?</div><br>
<<if _madamespooky.relationshipPoints gte _interactionLevel>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div><<= _madamespooky.name>><hr>I would love nothing more.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your lips touch Madame Spooky's lips. You feel great.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/madamespooky/scenes/kiss.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _madamespooky 30>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div><<= _madamespooky.name>><hr>That's not appropriate.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need a relationship level of at least _interactionLevel to do this</div><br>
<button data-passage="hhOffice" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _madamespooky = $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<set _questName = "Halloween 2024">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<<set _chatOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/madamespooky/mspookchat.png">', condition: true },
{ name: "Normal Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/madamespooky/regularchat.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Classic Ava #1", img: '<img src="images/characters/madamespooky/mspookchat1.png">', condition: _madamespooky.relationshipPoints >= 3000 },
{ name: "Classic Ava #2", img: '<img src="images/characters/madamespooky/mspookchat2.png">', condition: _madamespooky.relationshipPoints >= 3000 },
{ name: "Classic Ava #3", img: '<img src="images/characters/madamespooky/mspookchat3.png">', condition: _madamespooky.relationshipPoints >= 3000 },
{ name: "Classic Ava #4", img: '<img src="images/characters/madamespooky/mspookchat4.png">', condition: _madamespooky.relationshipPoints >= 3000 },
{ name: "Classic Ava #5", img: '<img src="images/characters/madamespooky/mspookchat5.png">', condition: _madamespooky.relationshipPoints >= 3000 },
{ name: "Halloween 2024", img: '<img src="images/characters/madamespooky/halloween2024chat.jpg">', condition: $substory[_index].progress == 100},
<<set _outfitOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/madamespooky/mspook.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Fishnets Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/madamespooky/fishnets.jpg">', condition: _madamespooky.relationshipPoints >= 500 },
{ name: "Underwear Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/madamespooky/underwear.jpg">', condition: _madamespooky.relationshipPoints >= 750 },
{ name: "Robe Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/madamespooky/toplessrobed.jpg">', condition: _madamespooky.relationshipPoints >= 1250 },
{ name: "BDSM Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/madamespooky/bdsm.jpg">', condition: _madamespooky.relationshipPoints >= 2000 },
{ name: "Nude", img: '<img src="images/characters/madamespooky/nude.jpg">', condition: _madamespooky.relationshipPoints >= 3000 },
{ name: "Halloween 2024", img: '<img src="images/characters/madamespooky/halloween2024.jpg">', condition: $substory[_index].progress == 100},
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div>Madame Spooky<hr>Incase you didn't know - I LOVE costumes!</div><br>
<!-- Sophia's Chat Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose Madame Spooky's Avatar<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _chatOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_madamespooky.chat" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<!-- Sophia's Outfit Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose Madame Spooky's Main Outfit<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _outfitOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_madamespooky.image" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<button data-passage="hhOffice" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Save]</button><<set _madamespooky = $findCharacterByName('Madame Spooky')>>
<<set _interactionLevel = 200>>
<div class="location-title">Madame Spooky's Office</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _madamespooky.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Could you jerk my cock? But with your tits?</div><br>
<<if _madamespooky.relationshipPoints gte _interactionLevel>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div><<= _madamespooky.name>><hr>I would be happy to help.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your cock feels at home in Madame Spooky's hand.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/madamespooky/scenes/titjob.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _madamespooky 40>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _madamespooky.chat>></div><<= _madamespooky.name>><hr>That's not appropriate.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need a relationship level of at least _interactionLevel to do this</div><br>
<button data-passage="hhOffice" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><div class="npctextboxm">You are standing in the ballroom. This was used as the party for the Halloween 2023 event. Good times.</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/hauntedhouse/ballroom.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<button data-passage="bouncerRegChat" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Speak to The Bouncer]</button>
<button data-passage="hhRegular" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerchat.png" alt="" /></div>Bouncer<hr>Oh, hey $player.name! Good to see you again. Madame Spooky will be pleased to see you.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Where is she?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerchat.png" alt="" /></div>Bouncer<hr>She should be in her office upstairs.</div><br>
<button data-passage="bouncerRegChat2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Talk to Bouncer more]</button>
<button data-passage="ballroomhh" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>So... what's your relationship like with Madame Spooky? It's kinda weird you are always here serving her in your tighty whiteys.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerchat.png" alt="" /></div>Bouncer<hr>I owe my life to Madame Spooky. I'm happy to serve her. </div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>But why?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerchat.png" alt="" /></div>Bouncer<hr>It's a long story, kid.</div><br>
<<if $player.intelligence gte 500>>
<button data-passage="bouncerRegChat3" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Intelligence] Find Out</button>
<button data-passage="" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Need 500 Intelligence] Find Out</button>
<button data-passage="ballroomhh" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Leave</button><div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Come on. Tell me!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerchat.png" alt="" /></div>Bouncer<hr>Fine. It was a long time ago.. three years roughly... I was a male prostitute...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>A male prostitute?! The fuck!?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerchat.png" alt="" /></div>Bouncer<hr>*Ahem*</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerchat.png" alt="" /></div>Bouncer<hr>As I was saying...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerchat.png" alt="" /></div>Bouncer<hr>I was out on the street corners... sucking dicks for...</div><br>
<button data-passage="bouncerRegChatStop" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Stop this conversation</button>
<button data-passage="bouncerRegChat4" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Listen more</button><div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerchat.png" alt="" /></div>Bouncer<hr>It's safe to say I was at a low point in my life. I felt.. not in control.. i needed money to fuel my bodybuilding addiction and sex work was the only way for me. Eventually it became a very unsafe part of my life. I was doing... //desperate// jobs. Sucking dicks nobody should be sucking... for as little as $5 a pop sometimes. I was a filthy useless whore.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Damn. So how did you get out of that sitation?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerchat.png" alt="" /></div>Bouncer<hr>I had just finished a job where the guy stiffed me $10. I just sucked a dick for $10 less than I needed to make rent that day. I was on the verge of being kicked out my home. I was ready to end my life's journey there and then.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Wow.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerchat.png" alt="" /></div>Bouncer<hr>A tall, dark haired woman apears from the shadows of the alleyway that I was just dumped at... She slowly revealed herself to me. She was beautiful, dark, emo, punk - sexy! It was Madame Spooky herself. She could tell by my face that i was crestfallen and had nothing left in my life. That I was a sad, lonely soul. We talked for hours... in the alleyway and then in the nearby bar. She convinced me with her kindness to pour my heart and soul out to her. I told her everything. I cried.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You say nothing and let the man speak.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerchat.png" alt="" /></div>Bouncer<hr>She offered me a place to stay. A security job position and to be her friend. She saved me life that day. Ever since that day i've been working to repay a debt to her that no man could ever repay. You see - sometimes in life, you can be in a position where you are doing ungodly things, awash in your own sesspit of shame and sin just waiting for your time to come. You might even get an urge to take the end of your life into your own hands but if I did that. If i ended my own life that day... I would have never met Madame Spooky. I would not be here today talking to you, $playername - and for that, I am grateful.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>An amazing story. Thank you for sharing it.</div><br>
<button data-passage="ballroomhh" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Leave</button>
<<if !$achievements.friendsNow.unlocked>>
<</if>><div class="imagebox"><img src="images/london/halloween/bouncerreg.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Y'know what? I heard enough.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerchat.png" alt="" /></div>Bouncer<hr>Fine. I didn't want to talk about it anyway. It was you who asked me! </div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>We all make mistakes. I don't want to hear about a dick suckin' story!</div><br>
<button data-passage="bouncerRegChat4" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Leave</button><<set _questName = "Halloween 2024">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing in Madame Spooky's grand bedroom<br>Nobody is here.</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/hauntedhouse/bedroom.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<<if $substory[_index].progress eq 0>> /*play this intro */
<button data-passage="halloween2024start" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Halloween 2024] [Investigate Strange Book]</button>
<button data-passage="upstairshh" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Leave</button><<set _itemName = "Dungeon Key">>
<<set _foundItem = $player.inventory.find(item => item.name === _itemName)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing in the hallway of the grand Haunted Mansion. Nobody is here.</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/hauntedhouse/hallway.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="upstairshh" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Go Upstairs]</button>
<button data-passage="ballroomhh" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Ballroom]</button>
<button data-passage="studyhh" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Study Room]</button>
<<if _foundItem>>
<button data-passage="spookyDungeonPrep" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[🎃 Enter The Spooky Dungeon 🎃]</button>
<button data-passage="spookymansion" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
</div><div class="npctextboxm">You are standing in the study room. This was used as the party for the fake murder. They got you good, didn't they? Good times.<br>Nobody is here.</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/hauntedhouse/crime_scene.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<button data-passage="hhRegular" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Leave</button><<if $spookyDungeonOpen eq 1>>
<div class="npctextbox"><<spookchat>>Madame Spooky<hr>Oh - The Dungeon? Please be careful if you decide to go inside! It's scary in there!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Thanks Madame Spooky, I will take extra care.</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/dungeons/spookydungeon/spooky.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You ask Madame Spooky about the dungeon door in the main hallway.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Uhm, Madame Spooky? What's with the locked dungeon door in the hallway?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><<spookchat>>Madame Spooky<hr>That's the door to the dungeon of my mansion. It's full of monsters, so keep away from there!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Monsters? Are you serious? Monsters aren't real!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><<spookchat>>Madame Spooky<hr>I don't know how else to describe it, $playername. They look like monsters to me. I've tried asking The Bouncer many times to go down their and get rid of them but even he, in his magnificent strength, can't do it! He just keeps getting beat up! I need a *real* man to clear it out for me!</div><br>
<<if $spookyDungeonOpen != 1>>
<<set $aunlocked = "Unlocked the Spooky Dungeon!">>
Dialog.setup("Achievement Unlocked", "popupa");
<<set $spookyDungeonOpen = 1>>
<<set $halloweenNewQuests = $halloweenNewQuests + 1>>
<div class="npctextboxm">A real man, eh?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I'll do it, Madame Spooky. Leave this to me.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><<spookchat>>Madame Spooky<hr>Oh my, $playername! You're my hero! I'll get The Bouncer to open the door for you. Please be careful and come back to me in one piece!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The Spooky Dungeon is now available to you. Combat must be enabled to enter the dungeon. This is a real challenge!</div><br>
<button data-passage="hhOffice" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Finish</button><div class="npctextboxm">You are standing above the staircase on the first floor.</div><br>
<button data-passage="hhOffice" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Madame Spooky's Office</button>
<button data-passage="hhBedroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Madame Spooky's Bedroom</button>
<button data-passage="" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Bathroom [Locked]</button>
<button data-passage="hhRegular" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">↓ Downstairs ↓</button><div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerchat.png" alt="" /></div>Bouncer<hr>I specialise in buying clothing items. Which is funny because I *HATE* clothes.</div><br>
<<set $exitLocation = "dspooky_sell">>
<!-- Display items available for selling -->
<div class="shopScreen">
<<for _i to 0; _i < $wardrobe.length; _i++>> <<capture _i>>
<<set _item = $wardrobe[_i]>>
<div class="forSale">
<div class="emptychat"><<print _item.image>></div>
Item: <<print _item.name>><br>
Sell Price: $<<print _item.price>><hr>
<div class="descItem"><<print _item.desc>></div>
<button data-passage="dspooky_sell2" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$itemChosen to _i">[Sell]</button>
<button data-passage="hhRegular" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave The Dungeon]</button><<set _item = $wardrobe[$itemChosen]>>
<<set $player.money += _item.price>>
<<set $wardrobe.deleteAt($itemChosen)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You sold a <<print _item.name>> for $<<print _item.price>>.</div><br>
<button data-passage="$exitLocation" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><div class="imagebox"><img src="images/dungeons/spookydungeon/a1.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You stand inside a small room with rock walls. There are doors to your left and to your right.</div><br>
<button data-passage="dspooky_a2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Go Left</button>
<button data-passage="dspooky_a3" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Go Right</button><div class="imagebox"><img src="images/dungeons/spookydungeon/door.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The level exit is here!<br>
<<if $floor1locked eq false>>It's Open!
<<else>>It's Locked!<</if>></div><br>
<<if $floor1locked eq false>>
<button data-passage="dspooky_floor2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Level]</button>
<button data-passage="dspooky_a1" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Go Right]</button><<if $floor1locked eq true>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><img src="images/characters/zombie/monster.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/zombie/zombiechat.png" alt="" /></div>Monster<hr>Cooock!....Cock...Cooooock...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">A monster blocks your path!</div><br>
<<set $exitLocation = "dspooky_a3_unlock">>
<button data-passage="enemyload" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$enemyChosen to 'Zombie'">[Fight Zombie]</button>
<div class="npctextboxm">The body of the fallen monster lies before you. There is nothing else to do in this room.</div><br>
<button data-passage="dspooky_a1" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Go Left</button>
<</if>><div class="npctextboxm">Upon defeating the monster, you notice a switch. You press it and hear a door open nearby.</div><br>
<<set $floor1locked = false>>
<button data-passage="dspooky_a3" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><div class="npctextboxm">You enter the second floor of the spooky dungeon.</div><br>
<<set _quips = [
"So far, so good.",
"I wanna go home!",
"I'm the greatest!",
"What's lurking in the shadows?",
"I should have brought more energy drinks",
"This place gives me the creeps.",
"Why do these monsters have such nice titties?",
"This is not a good time to have a wank",
"Is it me, or is it getting colder?",
"I think I stepped in shit",
"I've got a boner to pick with this place.",
"I should've asked for a map.",
"Why does this dungeon smell funny?",
"I'm not lost; I'm just taking the scenic route.",
"Don't Piss me off, I'm close to leveling up and you look just enough XP",
"I hope there is something good at the end of this",
"I want my mommy!",
"Why is this dungeon even here?",
"I could really use a heal right now",
"I should have brought more medpacks",
<<set _randomSaying to _quips.random()>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr><<print _randomSaying>></div><br>
<button data-passage="dspooky_b1" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Second Floor]</button><div class="imagebox"><img src="images/dungeons/spookydungeon/b1.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You stand inside a small room with disgusting green walls... there are doors to your left, right and straight ahead. The door behind you sealed shut once you went through it.</div><br>
<button data-passage="dspooky_b2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Go Left</button>
<button data-passage="dspooky_b3" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Go Right</button>
<button data-passage="dspooky_c1" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Go Forward</button><div class="imagebox"><img src="images/dungeons/spookydungeon/b2.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Nothing is here.</div><br>
<button data-passage="dspooky_b1" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Go Right</button><div class="imageboxbig"><img src="images/characters/zombie/monster.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/zombie/zombiechat.png" alt="" /></div>Monster<hr>Cooock!....Cock...Cooooock...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">A monster blocks your path!</div><br>
<<set $exitLocation = "dspooky_b3">>
<button data-passage="enemyload" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$enemyChosen to 'Zombie'">[Fight Zombie]</button>
<button data-passage="dspooky_b1" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Flee]</button><div class="imagebox"><img src="images/dungeons/spookydungeon/c1.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You stand inside another small room. The exit is straight ahead!</div><br>
<<if $floor2locked eq false>>
<button data-passage="dspooky_floor3" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Next Level</button>
<button data-passage="" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Next Level [Locked]</button>
<button data-passage="dspooky_c2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Go Left</button>
<button data-passage="dspooky_c3" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Go Right</button>
<button data-passage="dspooky_b1" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Go Back</button><div class="imageboxbig"><img src="images/characters/zombie/monster.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/zombie/zombiechat.png" alt="" /></div>Monster<hr>Cooock!....Cock...Cooooock...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">A monster blocks your path!</div><br>
<<set $exitLocation = "dspooky_c2">>
<button data-passage="enemyload" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$enemyChosen to 'Zombie'">[Fight Zombie]</button>
<button data-passage="dspooky_c1" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Flee]</button><<if $floor2locked eq true>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><img src="images/characters/zombie/monster.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/zombie/zombiechat.png" alt="" /></div>Monster<hr>Cooock!....Cock...Cooooock...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">A monster blocks your path!</div><br>
<<set $exitLocation = "dspooky_c3_unlock">>
<button data-passage="enemyload" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$enemyChosen to 'Zombie'">[Fight Zombie]</button>
<div class="npctextboxm">The body of the fallen monster lies before you. There is nothing else to do in this room.</div><br>
<button data-passage="dspooky_c1" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Go Left</button>
<</if>><div class="npctextboxm">Upon defeating the monster, you notice a switch. You press it and hear a door open nearby.</div><br>
<<set $floor2locked = false>>
<button data-passage="dspooky_c3" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><div class="npctextboxm">You reach the end of the hallway! The boss enemy is the last thing stopping you from clearing this dungeon!</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><img src="images/characters/mgcd/boss.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Give up and surrender to my awesome power!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/mgcd/bosschat.png" alt="" /></div>Mean Green Cock Destroyer<hr>How dare you come into my domain and challenge me? The Mean Green Cock Destroyer! Prepare to have your balls crushed and your face full of feet!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Wait, that actually sounds like a good time...</div><br>
<<set $exitLocation = "spookyDungeonPrize">>
<button data-passage="enemyload" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$enemyChosen to 'MGCD'">[Fight MGCD]</button><div class="npctextboxm">You enter the third and final floor of the spooky dungeon.</div><br>
<<set _quips = [
"So far, so good.",
"I wanna go home!",
"I'm the greatest!",
"What's lurking in the shadows?",
"I should have brought more energy drinks",
"This place gives me the creeps.",
"Why do these monsters have such nice titties?",
"This is not a good time to have a wank",
"Is it me, or is it getting colder?",
"I think I stepped in shit",
"I've got a boner to pick with this place.",
"I should've asked for a map.",
"Why does this dungeon smell funny?",
"I'm not lost; I'm just taking the scenic route.",
"Don't Piss me off, I'm close to leveling up and you look just enough XP",
"I hope there is something good at the end of this",
"I want my mommy!",
"Why is this dungeon even here?",
"I could really use a heal right now",
"I should have brought more medpacks",
<<set _randomSaying to _quips.random()>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr><<print _randomSaying>></div><br>
<button data-passage="bossfight_spooky_dungeon" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Third Floor</button><div class="npctextboxm">After defeating the boss enemy, you fixate your eyes on its massive chest!</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/characters/mgcd/chest.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">No - Not //that// chest, the treasure chest!</div><br>
<<set _commonItems = [
name: "Dunce Hat",
price: 5,
image: '<img src="images/outfits/dunce.jpg" alt="" />',
desc: "Given to the biggest idiots.",
style: "Funny",
bonus: "Intelligence",
type: "Headwear",
amount: -1000,
rarity: "Common"
name: "Fake Tuxedo",
price: 750,
image: '<img src="images/outfits/fake_tux.jpg" alt="" />',
desc: "Very Christmas-y.",
style: "Classy",
bonus: "Intelligence",
type: "Body",
amount: 75,
rarity: "Common"
name: "Knee Pads",
price: 3000,
image: '<img src="images/outfits/kneepads.jpg" alt="" />',
desc: "Protects your knees.",
style: "Military",
bonus: "Strength",
type: "Legs",
amount: 200,
rarity: "Common"
<<set _rareItems = [
name: "Wizard Robes",
price: 50000,
image: '<img src="images/outfits/wizardrobe.jpg" alt="" />',
desc: "One of the three wizard items.",
style: "Wizard",
bonus: "Intelligence",
type: "Body",
amount: 1000,
rarity: "Rare"
name: "Wizard Boots",
price: 50000,
image: '<img src="images/outfits/wizardboots.jpg" alt="" />',
desc: "One of the three wizard items.",
style: "Wizard",
bonus: "Intelligence",
type: "Footwear",
amount: 250,
rarity: "Rare"
name: "Ninja Pants",
price: 50000,
image: '<img src="images/outfits/ninja_pants.jpg" alt="" />',
desc: "One of the three ninja items.",
style: "Ninja",
bonus: "Max Stamina",
type: "Legs",
amount: 25,
rarity: "Rare"
name: "Ninja Robe",
price: 50000,
image: '<img src="images/outfits/ninja_robe.jpg" alt="" />',
desc: "One of the three ninja items.",
style: "Ninja",
bonus: "Max Stamina",
type: "Body",
amount: 100,
rarity: "Rare"
<<set _superRareItems = [
name: "Wizard Hat",
price: 70000,
image: '<img src="images/outfits/wizardhat.jpg" alt="" />',
desc: "One of the three wizard items.",
style: "Wizard",
bonus: "Intelligence",
type: "Headwear",
amount: 250,
rarity: "Super Rare"
name: "Ninja Hood",
price: 70000,
image: '<img src="images/outfits/ninja_hood.jpg" alt="" />',
desc: "One of the three ninja items.",
style: "Ninja",
bonus: "Max Stamina",
type: "Headwear",
amount: 25,
rarity: "Super Rare"
<<set _availableItems = _commonItems.concat(_rareItems).concat(_superRareItems)>>
<<set _unobtainedItems = _availableItems.filter(item => !$wardrobe.some(wardrobeItem => wardrobeItem.name === item.name))>>
<<if _unobtainedItems.length > 0>>
<<set _item = _unobtainedItems.random()>>
<<set $wardrobe.push(_item)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">In the chest, you retrieve the <<print _item.name>>!
<<if _item.rarity === "Common">><span style="color: green;">[<<print _item.rarity>>]</span>
<<if _item.rarity === "Rare">><span style="color: blue;">[<<print _item.rarity>>]</span>
<<if _item.rarity === "Super Rare">><span style="color: purple;">[<<print _item.rarity>>]</span>
<</if>> Maybe you'll get a different item if you do the dungeon again? This item has been sent to your wardrobe.</div><br>
<<set $spookydungeonclearedtimes = $spookydungeonclearedtimes + 1>>
<button data-passage="hhRegular" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave The Dungeon]</button>
<<if !$achievements.dungeonMaster.unlocked>>
<</if>><div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerchat.png" alt="" /></div>Bouncer<hr>This dungeon has three floors, its full of enemies and there are NO opportunities to heal outside of battle. Good luck!</div><br>
<button data-passage="spookyDungeonPrep" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button><div class="npctextboxm">You head down into the spooky dungeon. The Bouncer is here, sharpening a sword.</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/dungeons/spookydungeon/dungeon.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerchat.png" alt="" /></div>Bouncer<hr>Hey, $player.name. Let me know if you need to know anything about this dungeon.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerchat.png" alt="" /></div>Bouncer<hr>I just healed you and your party. No need to thank me.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You and your party were fully healed. Stamina was also fully restored.</div><br>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $combat.party.length; _i++>>
<<set $combat.party[_i].health = $combat.party[_i].maxhealth>>
<<set $combat.party[_i].stamina = $combat.party[_i].maxstamina>>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $player.combatenabled eq "true">>
<button data-passage="dspooky_a1" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter The Dungeon]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="buttonhalfblue" type="buttonhalfblue" tabindex="0">[Enter The Dungeon - Combat Must Be Enabled!]</button>
<button data-passage="spookyDungeonInfo" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Dungeon Info]</button>
<button data-passage="dspooky_sell" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Sell Dungeon Items]</button>
<button data-passage="hhRegular" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<<set $floor1locked = true>>
<<set $floor2locked = true>>
<<set $floor3locked = true>><<set _questName3 = "Halloween 2023">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<<if $player.headwear[0].style.includes("Scary")>>
<<set _hasMask = true>>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 100>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You walk towards the entrance, the door is always open to you at Madame Spooky's Mansion</div><br>
<button data-passage="hhRegular" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Haunted House]</button>
<div class="npctextboxm">You walk towards the entrance. A large figure stands in front of the door</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerreg.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<<if _hasMask eq true>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerchat.png" alt="" /></div>Bouncer<hr>Nice <<print $player.headwear[0].name>>. Come in.</div><br>
<button data-passage="Haunted House Enter" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Enter Haunted House</button>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerchat.png" alt="" /></div>Bouncer<hr>You need a mask to get into this party. Buy one and come back.</div><br>
<button data-passage="spookymansion" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><div class="npctextboxm">You decide to cut your Aunt's grass.</div><br>
<<set _auntlinda = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Linda')>>
<<if $player.stamina gte 3>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><img src="images/activities/cutgrass.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">It's looking a little better!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You lost 3 stamina from a hard days work!</div><br>
<<set $player.stamina = $player.stamina - 3>>
<<increaseRelationship _auntlinda 15>>
<<set _auntlinda.garden = _auntlinda.garden + 1>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are way too tired to cut the grass today. [3 Stamina needed].</div><br>
<button data-passage="aunt_house_g" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><div class="npctextboxm">You decide to help your Aunt in the bedroom. You either put up some shelves or tidy her disgusting room.</div><br>
<<set _auntlinda = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Linda')>>
<<if $player.strength gte 50>>
<div class="npctextboxm">It's looking a little better!</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _auntlinda 15>>
<<set _auntlinda.shelves = _auntlinda.shelves + 1>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are not strong enough to do this. [50 strength needed].</div><br>
<button data-passage="aunt_house_b" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><div class="npctextboxm">You decide to wash your Aunt's dirty dishes by hand.</div><br>
<<set _auntlinda = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Linda')>>
<<if $player.stamina gte 3>>
<div class="npctextboxm">It's looking a little better!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You lost 3 stamina from a hard days work!</div><br>
<<set $player.stamina = $player.stamina - 3>>
<<increaseRelationship _auntlinda 15>>
<<set _auntlinda.kitchen = _auntlinda.kitchen + 1>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are way too tired to do dishes today. [3 Stamina needed].</div><br>
<button data-passage="aunt_house_k" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><div class="location-title">Aunt Linda's House</div>
<<set _questName2 = "The Aunt">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _auntlinda = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Linda')>>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="imagebox"><<= _auntlinda.image>></div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div><<=_auntlinda.name>><hr>Wow - $player.name. Such a great job. My Ex-Husband could of never done such a good job like this... </div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>It's no problem. Can I ask what my reward is going to be for all this work? I put in a lot of effort for you</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div><<=_auntlinda.name>><hr>Don't you worry baby, I'm going to take us both out for some drinks. I'm sure you'd love that? Wouldn't you sweetie? It's been so long since i've went out with another man... </div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Uhhh, sure Aunt Linda...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div><<=_auntlinda.name>><hr>Please, dont call me Aunt Linda, just call me Linda. Okay? After all, we're not actualy blood relatives. Just two friends helping each other out </div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Okay Linda</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">//She's fucking hitting on me! She wants the $player.name D!!!//</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div><<=_auntlinda.name>><hr>Now, I'm just going to get dressed and i'll take us out to that pub on Ascension Street. </div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">//Your aunt gets changed into her fancy outfit//</div><br>
<<set _auntlinda.chat to '<img src="images/characters/aunt/auntiechatoutdoor.png">'>>
<<set _auntlinda.image to '<img src="images/characters/aunt/outdoor.jpg">'>>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="imagebox"><<= _auntlinda.image>></div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div><<=_auntlinda.name>><hr>I'm ready! What do you think? </div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>You look amazing, Linda</div><br>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 50>>
<<updateQuest "The Aunt" 75>>
<button data-passage="aunt_date_2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Taxi to Elsa's Pub]</button><div class="location-title">Elsa's Pub</div>
<<set _questName2 = "The Aunt">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _auntlinda = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Linda')>>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="imagebox"><<= _auntlinda.image>></div>
<div class="npctextboxm">You enter the pub with your Aunt</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You find a nice table in the corner of Elsa's Pub.</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/amore/pub/pub_table.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div><<=_auntlinda.name>><hr>It's been years since i've been to a place like this.. </div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Why? Did you ex-husband not like going out?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div><<=_auntlinda.name>><hr>He was such a bore! He never wanted to do anything fun! He just sat at his desk all day and programmed porn games. Anytime I wanted to fu-. Sorry $player.name, I shouldn't be talking about these things with you! You are my sister's son! </div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">//The waitress approaches the table to take your order//</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="imagebox"><<= _elsa.image>></div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr><<if !_elsa.afflictions.includes("Address Known")>> Hi, can I take your order?<<else>>$player.name, nice to see you! Looks like you're on a date! What can I get you both? <</if>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div><<=_auntlinda.name>><hr>Please can we get two double vodka cokes with no ice! </div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr><<if !_elsa.afflictions.includes("Address Known")>> Sounds good, i'll bring them right over!<<else>>Looks like it's going to be a good night for you $player.name, remember no fucking in the bathroom! <</if>></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">//The waitress brings over your drinks and leaves//</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div><<=_auntlinda.name>><hr>What a nice bar.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>
Yeah, I agree! So, back to you and your ex husband...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div><<=_auntlinda.name>><hr>You know what $player.name, I will just tell you. He never wanted to fuck me or take me out. I was miserable, infact. Him leaving was the best thing that could happen to me. </div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Sorry to hear that. At least now you are happy</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Some time passes and a few more vodkas have been drank. You are both drunk.</div><br>
<<addAffliction _auntlinda "Drunk">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div><<=_auntlinda.name>><hr>Hunny, I've seen the way you've been looking at me. Your little old Aunt $aunt..... </div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Ummmm, what do you mean?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div><<=_auntlinda.name>><hr>Tell me $player.name. If I wasn't your Aunt, would you fuck me?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><center>//WTF//</center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I mean, yeah of course. You're really pretty...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div><<=_auntlinda.name>><hr>I want to be so naughty right now with you, you know that?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Ah...ha...what?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div><<=_auntlinda.name>><hr>I want you to fuck your Aunt. Don't make me beg, sweetie.. I want your cock in me.... In every hole. I want your cum all over me. I want to be yours.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>L-l-lets go home.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><center>//Your Aunt takes you back to her place//</center></div><br>
<button data-passage="aunt_date_3" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Next]</button><div class="location-title">Elsa's Pub</div>
<<set _questName2 = "The Aunt">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _auntlinda = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Linda')>>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="imagebox"><<= _auntlinda.image>></div>
<div class="npctextboxm">You arrive back to your Aunt's house. You are in her bedroom</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div><<=_auntlinda.name>><hr>Listen... I want you to fuck my asshole $player.name, my Ex-Husband would never do it to me!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>If you want my cock in your ass then take off your clothes you slut! You're asshole is mine!</div><br>
<<set _auntlinda.chat to '<img src="images/characters/aunt/auntiechatnude.png">'>>
<<set _auntlinda.image to '<img src="images/characters/aunt/nude.jpg">'>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div><<=_auntlinda.name>><hr>Like this baby? You like seeing your aunt's titties? You wanna see more? </div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="imagebox"><<= _auntlinda.image>></div>
<div class="npctextboxm"><center>//Linda shows you her dripping wet pussy//</center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div><<=_auntlinda.name>><hr>Does this turn you on? Am I okay for you? Will you still be fucking my asshole? </div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><center>//Your erection becomes uncontrollable//</center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div><<=_auntlinda.name>><hr>I'll take that as a yes! </div><br>
<button data-passage="aunt_date_4" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck her ass!]</button><div class="location-title">Aunt Linda's House</div>
<<set _questName2 = "The Aunt">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _auntlinda = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Linda')>>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="imagebox"><<= _auntlinda.image>></div>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your aunt lies on the bed, her legs in the air. Her asshole for the taking</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div><<=_auntlinda.name>><hr>What are you waiting for? Fuck this asshole!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><center>//Don't mind if I do!//</center></div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" loop autoplay muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/aunt/aunt_anal.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div><<=_auntlinda.name>><hr>This feels amazing!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" loop autoplay muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/aunt/aunt_anal2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div><<=_auntlinda.name>><hr>I want your cum!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" loop autoplay muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/aunt/aunt_facial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><center>//You both fall asleep after a crazy night of anal sex...//</center></div><br>
<button data-passage="aunt_date_5" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Sleep]</button><div class="location-title">Aunt Linda's House</div>
<<set _questName2 = "The Aunt">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _auntlinda = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Linda')>>
<<set _auntlinda.chat to '<img src="images/characters/aunt/auntiechat.png">'>>
<<set _auntlinda.image to '<img src="images/characters/aunt/auntie1.png">'>>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="imagebox"><<= _auntlinda.image>></div>
<<removeAffliction _auntlinda "Drunk">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div><<=_auntlinda.name>><hr>Hey $player.name, about last night...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I know! amazing right?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div><<=_auntlinda.name>><hr>Let's just keep this between us okay? I can't have your mom finding out what we did. It was so wrong...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>So that's it? We cant do it again?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div><<=_auntlinda.name>><hr>I dont think so, i'm sorry. It was just a huge mistake!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>We'll see about that.</div><br>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 75>>
<<updateQuest "The Aunt" 100>>
<<set _auntlinda.fuckedtimes = _auntlinda.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<button data-passage="aunt_house_lr" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Finish</button><div class="location-title">Aunt Linda's House</div>
<<set _questName2 = "The Aunt">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _auntlinda = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Linda')>>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="imagebox"><<= _auntlinda.image>></div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Come on, I keep dreaming of that night we spent together. Let me fuck your ass just one more time!</div><br>
<<if _auntlinda.relationshipPoints gte 500>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div><<=_auntlinda.name>><hr>I can't resist the urges anymore! Yes! Please!!! Fuck. My. Ass.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" loop autoplay muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/aunt/aunt_anal.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" loop autoplay muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/aunt/aunt_anal2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _auntlinda 100>>
<<set _randomcum to random(1,10)>>
<<if _randomcum gte 6>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You fail to cum for <<=_auntlinda.name>>.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You cum for <<=_auntlinda.name>>.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" loop autoplay muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/aunt/aunt_facial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _auntlinda 5>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div><<=_auntlinda.name>><hr>Yummy.</div><br>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _auntlinda "Crabs">>
<<elseif _auntlinda.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _auntlinda $player "Crabs">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div><<=_auntlinda.name>><hr>No! I said we aren't doing this type of stuff anymore!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need at least 500 relationship with <<=_auntlinda.name>> to do this</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _auntlinda -5>>
<button data-passage="aunt_interaction_menu" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><div class="location-title">Aunt Linda's House</div>
<<set _questName2 = "The Aunt">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _auntlinda = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Linda')>>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="imagebox"><<= _auntlinda.image>></div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Come on, just a quick dick suck?</div><br>
<<if _auntlinda.relationshipPoints gte 125>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div><<=_auntlinda.name>><hr>Awh Jeez. Sure, but just a cock suck. No fucking.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" loop autoplay muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/aunt/auntquickie.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _auntlinda 40>>
<<set _randomcum to random(1,10)>>
<<if _randomcum gte 6>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You fail to cum for <<=_auntlinda.name>>.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You cum for <<=_auntlinda.name>>.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" loop autoplay muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/aunt/aunt_facial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _auntlinda 5>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div><<=_auntlinda.name>><hr>Yummy.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div><<=_auntlinda.name>><hr>No! I said we aren't doing this type of stuff anymore!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need at least 125 relationship with <<=_auntlinda.name>> to do this</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _auntlinda -5>>
<button data-passage="aunt_interaction_menu" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><div class="location-title">Aunt Linda's House</div>
<<set _auntlinda = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Linda')>>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="imagebox"><<= _auntlinda.image>></div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div><<= _auntlinda.name>><hr>Let's check those chores!</div><br>
<table class="npc-table">
<th>Kitchen Chores Done</th>
<th>Bedroom Chores Done</th>
<th>Garden Chores Done</th>
<td><<= _auntlinda.kitchen>>/5</td>
<td><<= _auntlinda.shelves>>/5</td>
<td><<= _auntlinda.garden>>/5</td>
<<if _auntlinda.kitchen gte 5 and _auntlinda.shelves gte 5 and _auntlinda.garden gte 5>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div><<= _auntlinda.name>><hr>Thank you! You did all the chores I needed you to do!</div><br>
<button data-passage="aunt_date_1" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Next]</button>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div><<= _auntlinda.name>><hr>There are still more chores for you to do! Come on, don't be lazy!</div><br>
<button data-passage="aunt_house_lr" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button>
<</if>><<set _auntlinda = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Linda')>>
<<set _questName2 = "The Aunt">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<if $time gte 6>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div><<=_auntlinda.name>><hr>It's getting late, let me drop you off home.</div><br>
<button data-passage="ascensionstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Arrive in Amore]</button>
<div class="location-title">Aunt Linda's House</div>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="imagebox"><<= _auntlinda.image>></div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div><<=_auntlinda.name>><hr>So... what did you want me for? Does your mom know you are here?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="aunt_anal" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Anal]</button>
<button data-passage="aunt_bj" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[BJ]</button>
<button data-passage="aunt_kiss" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Kiss]</button>
<button data-passage="aunt_outfits" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Change Outfit]</button>
<button data-passage="aunt_house_lr" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<</if>><<set _auntlinda = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Linda')>>
<<set _questName2 = "The Aunt">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<div class="location-title">Meeting <<= _auntlinda.name>></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You knock on the door and the door opens. It's <<= _auntlinda.name>>.</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="</div>"><<= _auntlinda.image>></div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div><<= _auntlinda.name>><hr>Hey <<= $player.name>>, long time no see! You're all grown up now! Wow! Come on in!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">//This place looks like shit. I dont think she has redecorated since the 80s!//</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey Aunt <<= _auntlinda.name>>, my Mom said you needed help around the house. What do you need?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div><<= _auntlinda.name>><hr>That's right, ever since my husband left things have been going to shit around here. I need a strong man around here to whip it up into shape.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Where do you want me to begin?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div><<= _auntlinda.name>><hr>I need some shelves put up in my bedroom, I need the garden grass trimmed and $mom said you were good at cleaning kitchens so there is that too!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Jesus fucking christ, and what do I get in return?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div><<= _auntlinda.name>><hr>Trust me baby, I will make sure you are rewarded for all your hard work</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Alright, I'll be the man of the house</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div><<= _auntlinda.name>><hr>Thank you <<= $player.name>>, and if you ever need a ride home just let me know, okay?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">She leaves the room</div><br>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 25>>
<<updateQuest "The Aunt" 50>>
<button data-passage="aunt_house_lr" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Conversation]</button><div class="location-title">Aunt Linda's House</div>
<<set _questName2 = "The Aunt">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _auntlinda = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Linda')>>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="imagebox"><<= _auntlinda.image>></div>
<div class="npctextboxm">You give your Aunt a kiss.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div><<=_auntlinda.name>><hr>A kiss, sure... but only a kiss.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><center>//Don't mind if I do!//</center></div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" loop autoplay muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/aunt/auntkiss.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _auntlinda 25>>
<button data-passage="aunt_interaction_menu" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><<set _questName2 = "The Aunt">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _auntlinda = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Linda')>>
<<set _chatOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/aunt/auntiechat.png">', condition: true },
{ name: "Date Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/aunt/auntiechatoutdoor.png">', condition: true },
{ name: "Nude Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/aunt/auntiechatnude.png">', condition: _auntlinda.fuckedtimes >= 2 },
{ name: "Farmer Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/aunt/farmerchat.png">', condition: _auntlinda.relationshipPoints >= 100 },
{ name: "Hoodie Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/aunt/hoodiechat.png">', condition: _auntlinda.relationshipPoints >= 500 },
{ name: "Alien Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/aunt/alienchat.jpg">', condition: _auntlinda.fuckedtimes >= 20 },
<<set _outfitOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/aunt/auntie1.png">', condition: true },
{ name: "Date Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/aunt/outdoor.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Nude Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/aunt/nude.jpg">', condition: _auntlinda.fuckedtimes >= 2 },
{ name: "Farmer Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/aunt/farmer.jpg">', condition: _auntlinda.relationshipPoints >= 100 },
{ name: "Hoodie Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/aunt/hoodie.jpg">', condition: _auntlinda.relationshipPoints >= 500 },
{ name: "Alien", img: '<img src="images/characters/aunt/alien.jpg">', condition: _auntlinda.fuckedtimes >= 20 },
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div>Aunt Linda<hr>You think I should wear something nicer? Okay...</div><br>
<!-- Sophia's Chat Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose Aunt's Avatar<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _chatOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_auntlinda.chat" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<!-- Sophia's Outfit Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose Aunt's Main Outfit<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _outfitOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_auntlinda.image" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<button data-passage="aunt_interaction_menu" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Save]</button><div class="location-title">Aunt Linda's House</div>
<<set _auntlinda = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Linda')>>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/characters/aunt/aunt_hallway.jpg"></div>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing in the hallway</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="aunt_house_g" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Garden]</button>
<button data-passage="aunt_house_k" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Kitchen]</button>
<button data-passage="aunt_house_b" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Bedroom]</button>
<button data-passage="aunt_house_lr" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Living Room]</button>
<button data-passage="walkhome" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave - Walk Home]</button>
</div><div class="location-title">Aunt Linda's House</div>
<<set _auntlinda = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Linda')>>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/characters/aunt/auntiebedroom.jpg"></div>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing in the bedroom</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="shelves" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Work Here]</button>
<button data-passage="aunt_house_lr" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Living Room]</button>
<button data-passage="aunt_house_g" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Garden]</button>
<button data-passage="aunt_house_k" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Kitchen]</button>
<button data-passage="aunt_house" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Hallway]</button>
</div><<set _auntlinda = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Linda')>>
<div class="location-title">Aunt Linda's House [<<= _auntlinda.garden>>]</div>
<div class="location-container">
<<if _auntlinda.garden gte 5>>
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/characters/aunt/gardencut.jpg"></div>
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/characters/aunt/gardengrass.jpg"></div>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing in the garden</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="cutgrass" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Work Here]</button>
<button data-passage="aunt_house_lr" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Living Room]</button>
<button data-passage="aunt_house_k" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Kitchen]</button>
<button data-passage="aunt_house_b" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Bedroom]</button>
<button data-passage="aunt_house" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Hallway]</button>
</div><div class="location-title">Aunt Linda's House</div>
<<set _auntlinda = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Linda')>>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/characters/aunt/auntiekitchen.jpg"></div>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing in the kitchen</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="washdishes" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Work Here]</button>
<button data-passage="aunt_house_lr" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Living Room]</button>
<button data-passage="aunt_house_g" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Garden]</button>
<button data-passage="aunt_house_b" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Bedroom]</button>
<button data-passage="aunt_house" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Hallway]</button>
</div><<set _auntlinda = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Linda')>>
<<set _locationTitle = "Aunt Linda's House">>
<<set _questName2 = "The Aunt">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _characterConditions = [
{name: "Aunt Linda", condition: true},
<<displayLocation '<img src="images/characters/aunt/auntielivingroom.jpg" alt="" />' _characterConditions>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _auntlinda.chat>></div><<=_auntlinda.name>><hr>Hey sport! <<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 50>>How are those chores coming along?<</if>></div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 25>> /* Introduction Dialogue */
<button data-passage="aunt_intro" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Introduction]</button>
<<elseif $substory[_index2].progress eq 50>> /* Introduction Checking if chores are complete */
<button data-passage="aunt_chorecheck" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Chores Check]</button>
<<elseif $substory[_index2].progress eq 100>> /* Finally - interactions - CWS, please tell me if you want the button layout like this or interactions always available to the player? */
<button data-passage="aunt_interaction_menu" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Interactions]</button>
<button data-passage="aunt_house_g" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Garden]</button>
<button data-passage="aunt_house_k" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Kitchen]</button>
<button data-passage="aunt_house_b" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Bedroom]</button>
<button data-passage="aunt_house" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Hallway]</button>
</div><div class="location-title">Aunt Linda's House</div>
<<set _auntlinda = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Linda')>>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/characters/aunt/auntiehouse.jpg"></div>
<div class="npctextboxm">You arrive to your Aunt's house.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="aunt_house" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter House]</button>
<button data-passage="walkhome" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Walk Home]</button>
</div><div class="location-title">Massage Parlour</div><br>
<div class="imagebox">
<img src="images/characters/josephine/massageplace.jpg">
<div class="button-container">
<<if $time lte 4>>
<button data-passage="amore_massage_main" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Massage Parlour]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Closed]</button>
<button data-passage="goughstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
</div><<set _josephine = $findCharacterByName('Josephine')>>
<div class="location-title">Massage Parlour</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _josephine.image>>
<<set $player.money = $player.money - 100>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _josephine.chat>></div><<=_josephine.name>><hr>Just the cheap one? Jeez. Really?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Uh...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You get the worst massage of your life from Josephine.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _josephine.chat>></div><<=_josephine.name>><hr>Done. Get out. I don't have all day.</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_massage_menu" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _josephine = $findCharacterByName('Josephine')>>
<div class="location-title">Massage Parlour</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _josephine.image>>
<<set $player.money = $player.money - 500>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _josephine.chat>></div><<=_josephine.name>><hr>A handy massage, eh? Alright, let me just wash my hands first.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Uh...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _josephine.chat>></div><<=_josephine.name>><hr>Lie on the fucking bed.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You lie down on the massage table.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _josephine.chat>></div><<=_josephine.name>><hr>Alright let's see what we are working with.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><<=_josephine.name>> pulls off the towel revealing your cock!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _josephine.chat>></div><<=_josephine.name>><hr>Not bad. Not great either.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" loop autoplay muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/josephine/handjob.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _josephine.chat>></div><<=_josephine.name>><hr>Don't cum! That costs extra!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You finish your 'handy' massage with <<=_josephine.name>></div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_massage_menu" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _josephine = $findCharacterByName('Josephine')>>
<div class="location-title">Massage Parlour</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _josephine.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _josephine.chat>></div><<=_josephine.name>><hr>You're going all in huh? Alright. You're cute.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Thanks</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _josephine.chat>></div><<=_josephine.name>><hr>Lie on the fucking bed.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You lie down on the massage table. You don't even bother to cover yourself with a towel. Your hard throbbing cock is there.</div><br>
<<set _josephine.image to '<img src="images/characters/josephine/nude.jpg">'>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _josephine.chat>></div><<=_josephine.name>><hr>Am I good enough for you? Mr moneybags? Hehe!</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _josephine.image>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Josephine stands infront of your table, completely naked. Her body is almost perfect. She is yours for this entire session. You feel like the luckiest man in the world.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" loop autoplay muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/josephine/fuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _josephine.chat>></div><<=_josephine.name>><hr>Oh fuck! You're really going for it!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>This feels amazing!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" loop autoplay muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/josephine/fuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _josephine.chat>></div><<=_josephine.name>><hr>Oh shit!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" loop autoplay muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/josephine/fuck3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _josephine.chat>></div><<=_josephine.name>><hr>Wow. That was amazing. I'm not even going to charge you any money. That was... come back again, okay?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Only if you agree to being nude 24/7.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _josephine.chat>></div><<=_josephine.name>><hr>What, walk around like this? Sure!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Josephine will now work nude at the massage parlour. You have not been charged for this session!</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_massage_menu" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _josephine = $findCharacterByName('Josephine')>>
<div class="location-title">Massage Parlour</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _josephine.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _josephine.chat>></div><<=_josephine.name>><hr>You're not a cop, are you?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>No. Why would I be a cop?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _josephine.chat>></div><<=_josephine.name>><hr>I dunno, you just kinda look like you could be one. Too many cops poking their heads around here these days.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Why?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Josephine takes a puff of her ciggarette.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _josephine.chat>></div><<=_josephine.name>><hr>No idea kid.</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_massage_main" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button><<set _josephine = $findCharacterByName('Josephine')>>
<div class="location-title">Massage Parlour</div><br>
<<set _characterConditions = [
{name: "Josephine", condition: true},
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _josephine.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _josephine.chat>></div><<=_josephine.name>><hr>You looking for a good time?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="amore_massage_menu" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Get a Massage]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_massage_chat" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Chat]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_massage" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
</div><<set _josephine = $findCharacterByName('Josephine')>>
<div class="location-title">Massage Parlour</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _josephine.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _josephine.chat>></div><<=_josephine.name>><hr>Here's the menu. No refunds.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Thanks.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $player.money gte 100>>
<button data-passage="amore_massage_1" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Regular Massage - $100]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Regular Massage - $100]</button>
<<if $player.money gte 500>>
<button data-passage="amore_massage_2" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Handy Massage - $500]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Handy Massage - $500]</button>
<<if $player.money gte 5000>>
<button data-passage="amore_massage_3" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[CumDrainer 12000 - $5000]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[CumDrainer 12000 - $5000]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_massage" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
</div><div class="title">Crash Site</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/northpole/sleighcrash.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing at the crash site. The reindeer is here. Do you want to touch it?</div><br>
<button data-passage="grotto_gate" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Touch - Go to the North Pole]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_park" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><<set _questName2 = "Easter 2023">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _questName3 = "Easter 2024">>
<<set _index3 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<<set _easterbunny = $findCharacterByName('Easter Bunny')>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _easterbunny.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Okay. I want to do a easter egg hunt.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _easterbunny.chat>></div><<= _easterbunny.name>><hr>Yay! Find the three hidden eggs across Amore, London and Lagos! Find all three!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Okay, i'll look around.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _easterbunny.chat>></div><<= _easterbunny.name>><hr>Come back when you've got all three!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I get it.</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Easter 2023" 50>>
<button data-passage="amore_park" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button><<set _questName2 = "Easter 2023">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _questName3 = "Easter 2024">>
<<set _index3 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<<set _easterbunny = $findCharacterByName('Easter Bunny')>>
<<set _easterEggs = ["Easter Egg - London", "Easter Egg - Lagos", "Easter Egg - Amore"]>>
<<set _missingEggs = _easterEggs.filter(egg => !$player.inventory.some(item => item.name === egg))>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _easterbunny.image>>
<<if _missingEggs.length === 0>>
<<updateQuest "Easter 2023" 100>>
<<run $player.inventory = $player.inventory.filter(item => !_easterEggs.includes(item.name))>> <!-- Remove the eggs from the inventory -->
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I found all three Easter eggs!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _easterbunny.chat>></div><<= _easterbunny.name>><hr>Wonderful! You've completed the Easter egg hunt. Here is your reward!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Thank you! What's the reward?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _easterbunny.chat>></div><<= _easterbunny.name>><hr>Your reward? This Easter Bunny is going to milk that cock dry!</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_park_easter2023_reward" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Next]</button>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I'm still looking for the Easter eggs.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _easterbunny.chat>></div><<= _easterbunny.name>><hr>You haven't found all the eggs yet.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _easterbunny.chat>></div><<= _easterbunny.name>><hr>Remember, you need to find three eggs - one in Amore, London, and Lagos! Check your inventory to find out which ones you already have.</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_park" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button>
<</if>><<set _easterbunny = $findCharacterByName('Easter Bunny')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">The Easter Bunny is here.</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _easterbunny.image>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You wip out your member and go to town on the Easter Bunny's tits!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/easterbunny/scenes/titjob.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Sorry Easter Bunny! I can't hold it in much longer!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _easterbunny.chat>></div><<= _easterbunny.name>><hr>Let it all out for me!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Yes!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/easterbunny/scenes/facial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _easterbunny.chat>></div><<= _easterbunny.name>><hr>Come back anytime and use my tits as your cum dump!</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_park_easterchat" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Talking]</button><<set _questName2 = "Easter 2023">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _questName3 = "Easter 2024">>
<<set _index3 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<<set _easterbunny = $findCharacterByName('Easter Bunny')>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _easterbunny.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Okay. I want to do a easter egg hunt.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _easterbunny.chat>></div><<= _easterbunny.name>><hr>Yay! Again, you have to find the three hidden eggs across Amore, London and Lagos! Find all three!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Okay, i'll look around - again.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _easterbunny.chat>></div><<= _easterbunny.name>><hr>Even more suprises are in store!</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Easter 2024" 50>>
<button data-passage="amore_park" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button><<set _questName2 = "Easter 2023">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _questName3 = "Easter 2024">>
<<set _index3 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<<set _easterbunny = $findCharacterByName('Easter Bunny')>>
<<set _easterEggs = ["Easter Egg - London", "Easter Egg - Lagos", "Easter Egg - Tokyo"]>>
<<set _missingEggs = _easterEggs.filter(egg => !$player.inventory.some(item => item.name === egg))>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _easterbunny.image>>
<<if _missingEggs.length === 0>>
<<updateQuest "Easter 2024" 100>>
<<run $player.inventory = $player.inventory.filter(item => !_easterEggs.includes(item.name))>> <!-- Remove the eggs from the inventory -->
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I found all three Easter eggs!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _easterbunny.chat>></div><<= _easterbunny.name>><hr>Wonderful! You've completed the Easter egg hunt. Here is your reward!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Thank you! What's the reward?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _easterbunny.chat>></div><<= _easterbunny.name>><hr>Your reward? This Easter Bunny is going to milk that cock dry!</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_park_easter2024_reward" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Next]</button>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I'm still looking for the Easter eggs.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _easterbunny.chat>></div><<= _easterbunny.name>><hr>You haven't found all the eggs yet.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _easterbunny.chat>></div><<= _easterbunny.name>><hr>Remember, you need to find three eggs - one in Amore, London, and Lagos! Check your inventory to find out which ones you already have.</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_park" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button>
<</if>><<set _easterbunny = $findCharacterByName('Easter Bunny')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">The Easter Bunny is here.</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _easterbunny.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _easterbunny.chat>></div><<= _easterbunny.name>><hr>Yes, come! Fuck me good!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You fuck the shit out of the Easter Bunny!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/easterbunny/scenes/fuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Your pussy feels so good!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _easterbunny.chat>></div><<= _easterbunny.name>><hr>It's yours!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/easterbunny/scenes/fuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _easterbunny.chat>></div><<= _easterbunny.name>><hr>I hope you enjoyed that, $player.name</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_park_easterchat" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Talking]</button><<set _questName2 = "Easter 2023">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _questName3 = "Easter 2024">>
<<set _index3 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<<set _easterbunny = $findCharacterByName('Easter Bunny')>>
<<if $time gt 5>>
<div class="npctextboxm">It's too late. Nobody is here.</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_park" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Exit]</button>
<div class="npctextboxm">The Easter Bunny is here.</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _easterbunny.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _easterbunny.chat>></div><<= _easterbunny.name>><hr>You wanted me to do something for you? Only good boys get my rewards.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="easter_titjob" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Titjob]</button>
<button data-passage="easter_fuck" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_park_easterchat" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Interacting]</button>
<</if>><<set _questName2 = "Easter 2024">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _easterbunny = $findCharacterByName('Easter Bunny')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">The Easter Bunny is here.</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _easterbunny.image>>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress != 100>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _easterbunny.chat>></div><<= _easterbunny.name>><hr>Woah! Put that cock away! Only good boys get to have fun with the easter bunny!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _easterbunny.chat>></div><<= _easterbunny.name>><hr>Yes, come! Fuck me good!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You fuck the shit out of the Easter Bunny!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/easterbunny/scenes/fuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Your pussy feels so good!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _easterbunny.chat>></div><<= _easterbunny.name>><hr>It's yours!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/easterbunny/scenes/fuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _easterbunny.chat>></div><<= _easterbunny.name>><hr>I hope you enjoyed that, $player.name</div><br>
<<set _easterbunny.fuckedtimes = _easterbunny.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _easterbunny "Crabs">>
<<elseif _easterbunny.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _easterbunny $player "Crabs">>
<button data-passage="amore_park_easterchat_interact" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _questName2 = "Easter 2023">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _easterbunny = $findCharacterByName('Easter Bunny')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">The Easter Bunny is here.</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _easterbunny.image>>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress != 100>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _easterbunny.chat>></div><<= _easterbunny.name>><hr>Woah! Put that cock away! Only good boys get to have fun with the easter bunny!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _easterbunny.chat>></div><<= _easterbunny.name>><hr>My tits are yours to use, let me get some oil on them for you.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You wip out your member and go to town on the Easter Bunny's tits!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/easterbunny/scenes/titjob.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Sorry Easter Bunny! I can't hold it in much longer!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _easterbunny.chat>></div><<= _easterbunny.name>><hr>Let it all out for me!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Yes!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/easterbunny/scenes/facial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _easterbunny.chat>></div><<= _easterbunny.name>><hr>Come back anytime and use my tits as your cum dump!</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_park_easterchat_interact" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _questName2 = "Easter 2023">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _questName3 = "Easter 2024">>
<<set _index3 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<<set _easterbunny = $findCharacterByName('Easter Bunny')>>
<<if $time gt 5>>
<div class="npctextboxm">It's too late. Nobody is here.</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_park" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Exit]</button>
<div class="npctextboxm">The Easter Bunny is here.</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _easterbunny.image>>
<<if _easterbunny.afflictions.includes("Befriended")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _easterbunny.chat>></div><<= _easterbunny.name>><hr>It's you!</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 0>>
<button data-passage="amore_park_easter2023" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Quest - Easter 2023]</button>
<<elseif $substory[_index2].progress eq 50>>
<button data-passage="amore_park_easter2023_check" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Quest - Easter 2023]</button>
<<if $substory[_index3].progress eq 0>>
<button data-passage="amore_park_easter2024" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Quest - Easter 2024]</button>
<<elseif $substory[_index3].progress eq 50>>
<button data-passage="amore_park_easter2024_check" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Quest - Easter 2024]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_park_easterchat_interact" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Interact]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_park_easterchat_outfits" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Outfits]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_park" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _easterbunny.chat>></div><<= _easterbunny.name>><hr>Well! Well! What do we have here?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Uh, hey...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _easterbunny.chat>></div><<= _easterbunny.name>><hr>Listen up! I've got a special surprise for you!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>For me?!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _easterbunny.chat>></div><<= _easterbunny.name>><hr>Hehe! That's right! Find all three of my hidden easter eggs for a special reward!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>What's the reward? I'm not a kid. I want something good.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _easterbunny.chat>></div><<= _easterbunny.name>><hr>Oh, don't you worry... I've got something very special for you! Now hurry! Easter doesn't last forever!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Whatever, guess it's worth checking out. Maybe she will show me her titties!?</div><br>
<<addAffliction _easterbunny "Befriended">>
<button data-passage="amore_park_easterchat" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Talking]</button>
<</if>><<set _questName2 = "Easter 2023">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _questName3 = "Easter 2024">>
<<set _index3 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<<set _easterbunny = $findCharacterByName('Easter Bunny')>>
<<set _chatOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/easterbunny/easterchat.png">', condition: true },
{ name: "Alternative Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/easterbunny/alternativechat.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Topless Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/easterbunny/toplesschat.jpg">', condition: $substory[_index2].progress eq 100 },
<<set _outfitOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/easterbunny/easterbunny.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Alternative Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/easterbunny/alternative.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Topless Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/easterbunny/topless.jpg">', condition: $substory[_index2].progress eq 100 },
{ name: "Nude Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/easterbunny/nude.jpg">', condition: $substory[_index3].progress eq 100 },
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _easterbunny.chat>></div><<= _easterbunny.name>><hr>Only good boys can choose sexy outfits for the Easter Bunny to wear!</div><br>
<!-- Sophia's Chat Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose <<= _easterbunny.name>>'s Avatar<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _chatOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_easterbunny.chat" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<!-- Sophia's Outfit Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose <<= _easterbunny.name>>'s Main Outfit<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _outfitOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_easterbunny.image" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<button data-passage="amore_park_easterchat" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Save]</button><<set _stepdad = $findCharacterByName('Stepdad')>>
<<set _questName2 = "Step-Dad's Porno Tapes">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _locationTitle = "Park">>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><<= _stepdad.image>></div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _stepdad.chat>></div><<= _stepdad.name>><hr>Well - this is awkward.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Get the fuck away from me, or do you want me to beat the shit out of you again?!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _stepdad.chat>></div><<= _stepdad.name>><hr>Look man, i'm sorry! I was just acting the big strong man but I'm actually scared! I'm really scared.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>You're scared?...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _stepdad.chat>></div><<= _stepdad.name>><hr>After you kicked me out, I've been living on the streets. I took a loan from some guy I know and now he wants me to pay it back</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>That's usually what happens when you have take out loans</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _stepdad.chat>></div><<= _stepdad.name>><hr>Look, you're a strong guy now. Can you go speak to him for me? Get him to drop the debt?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Why the fuck should I do anything for you?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _stepdad.chat>></div><<= _stepdad.name>><hr>You've got no reason to. I treat your family like shit. I know. But I'm sorry, okay! I've never been so desperate in my entire life!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I'll see what I can do. No promises though. Who is this guy you owe money to?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _stepdad.chat>></div><<= _stepdad.name>><hr>Thank you, $player.name! His name is J-Rox. He lives at the Amore trailer park.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You can now visit the trailer park via the taxi menu.</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Step-Dad's Porno Tapes" 33>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _stepdad.chat>></div><<= _stepdad.name>><hr>Once you are done. I'll be here. At night. Waiting for you.</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_park" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><<set _stepdad = $findCharacterByName('Stepdad')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your Step Dad is here</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><<= _stepdad.image>></div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Really. Just stop. I don't want to hurt you anymore</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _stepdad.chat>></div><<= _stepdad.name>><hr>That was just the warm up. Here's the real fight!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Huh? Nani?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your Step Dad runs behind you!</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/characters/stepdad/main2.jpg"></div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _stepdad.chat>></div><<= _stepdad.name>><hr>Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru!</div><br>
<<set $exitLocation = "stepdad_defeated_3">>
<button data-passage="enemyload" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$enemyChosen to 'Stepdad ULTRA'">[Start Fight]</button><<set _stepdad = $findCharacterByName('Stepdad')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your Step Dad is here</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><<= _stepdad.image>></div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Jeez... you were really going for it!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _stepdad.chat>></div><<= _stepdad.name>><hr>Alright... you win... this time.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>This time?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your Step Dad runs away into the bushes... he is nowhere to be seen. Something tells you this isn't the last time you will see him.</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Step-Dad Ultra" 100>>
<button data-passage="amore_park" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><<set _stepdad = $findCharacterByName('Stepdad')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your Step Dad is here</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><<= _stepdad.image>></div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey... I worked out a deal with J-Rox. Your debt is paid off old man.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _stepdad.chat>></div><<= _stepdad.name>><hr>Thanks. You did good. Shame it's gotta end like this.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Huh?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _stepdad.chat>></div><<= _stepdad.name>><hr>Nothing personal. You just got played.</div><br>
<<if $player.combatenabled eq "true">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _stepdad.chat>></div><<= _stepdad.name>><hr>Don't hold back. I need to see how strong you have really become.</div><br>
<<set $exitLocation = "stepdad_defeated_2">>
<button data-passage="enemyload" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$enemyChosen to 'Stepdad ULTRA'">[Start Fight]</button>
<<if $player.strength gte 450>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Stepdad goes to strike you! You are able to dodge and get a huge right hook in!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _stepdad.chat>></div><<= _stepdad.name>><hr>Ah! Fuck!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You drew blood!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Time to finish him off again! (*REALLY* no homo)</div><br>
<button data-passage="stepdad_defeated_3" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Him!]</button>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _stepdad.chat>></div><<= _stepdad.name>><hr>Take this!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You'll need at least 450 strength to defeat your stepdad!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I'm not strong enought! I need to run!</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_park" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Run Away]</button>
<</if>><<set _easterbunny = $findCharacterByName('Easter Bunny')>>
<<set _hobo = $findCharacterByName('Hobo')>>
<<set _maid = $findCharacterByName('Sophia')>>
<<set _stepdad = $findCharacterByName('Stepdad')>>
<<set _questName2 = "Step-Dad's Porno Tapes">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _questName3 = "Step-Dad Ultra">>
<<set _index3 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<<set _questName4 = "Combat 101">>
<<set _index4 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName4)>>
<<set _locationTitle = "Park">>
/* Easter bunny hanging out */
<<set _characterConditions = [
{name: "Easter Bunny", condition: $time lte 5},
{name: "Hobo", condition: $time lte 8 && $player.combatenabled eq "true"},
{name: "Sophia", condition: $time lte 5 && !_maid.afflictions.includes("Working")},
{name: "Stepdad", condition: $time gte 6 && _stepdad.afflictions.includes("Crestfallen") && $substory[_index2].progress eq 0},
{name: "Stepdad", condition: $time gte 6 && $substory[_index2].progress eq 100 && $substory[_index3].progress eq 0},
<<displayLocation '<img src="images/locations/amore/park/main.jpg" alt="" />' _characterConditions>>
<div class="button-container">
/* Step-Dad's Porno Tapes Trigger */
<<if $time gte 6 && _stepdad.afflictions.includes("Crestfallen") && $substory[_index2].progress eq 0>>
<button data-passage="pornoTapesStart" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Speak to <<= _stepdad.name>>]</button>
/* Step Dad Ultra Trigger */
<<if $time gte 6 && $substory[_index2].progress eq 100 && $substory[_index3].progress eq 0>>
<button data-passage="stepdadultra" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Speak to <<= _stepdad.name>>]</button>
/* Easter Bunny Menu */
<<if $time lte 5>>
<button data-passage="amore_park_easterchat" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Speak to <<= _easterbunny.name>>]</button>
/* Hiring the Maid */
<<if $time lte 5 && !_maid.afflictions.includes("Working")>>
<button data-passage="amore_park_maidhire" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Speak to <<= _maid.name>>]</button>
/* Fighting the hobo */
<<if $player.combatenabled eq "true">>
<<set $exitLocation = "amore_park">>
<button data-passage="enemyload" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$enemyChosen to 'Sophie the Hobo'">[Fight Hobo]</button>
/* Christmas 2023 Quest */
<button data-passage="crash_site" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Investigate Smoke]</button>
<<if $substory[_index4].progress eq 0 and $player.combatenabled eq "true">>
<button data-passage="amore_park_combat_tutorial" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Start Combat Tutorial]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_park_walk" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Go for a walk]</button>
<button data-passage="ascensionstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Exit Park]</button>
</div><<set _hobo = $findCharacterByName('Victoria The Hobo')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _hobo.chat>></div><<=_hobo.name>><hr>Hey - you!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Huh, you talking to me? Leave me alone crazy lady!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _hobo.chat>></div><<=_hobo.name>><hr>You are a weak man! Let me teach you how to fight!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Fight? I can fight.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _hobo.chat>></div><<=_hobo.name>><hr>You could not fight yourself out of a wet paper bag! You are a rat! Let me show you how to fight!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Alright, let's make it quick! Crazy bitch!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _hobo.chat>></div><<=_hobo.name>><hr>I want you to just focus your attacks on me. You need to learn how to damage an opponent! Use the 'Slap' attack until my health reaches 0! If you run out of stamina in a fight, you must do 'Nothing' to recover stamina. It's very simple.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Okay, so I will use the 'Slap' attack on this crazy hobo. Then, if my stamina runs out, I can just use the 'Nothing' attack to recharge stamina. Seems pretty simple.</div><br>
<<set $exitLocation = "amore_park_combat_tutorial_finish">>
<button data-passage="enemyload" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$enemyChosen to 'Victoria the Hobo'">[Fight Hobo]</button>
<button data-passage="ascensionstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Flee]</button><<set _hobo = $findCharacterByName('Victoria The Hobo')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _hobo.chat>></div><<=_hobo.name>><hr>Very nice, I'm proud!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Told ya! I'm prety strong</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _hobo.chat>></div><<=_hobo.name>><hr>You do slap pretty hard.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _hobo.chat>></div><<=_hobo.name>><hr>Listen, there is still much you do not know. All you need to know now is how to manage your party and your allies. You can only do this by checking the 'phone menu' in your bedroom or hideout. I want you to go there now and add me to your combat party. Together, we will rule the world!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Wait - you wanna join up with me? Alright... So I just have to manage my party via the phone menu in my bedroom or hideout... seems simple enough. </div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _hobo.chat>></div><<=_hobo.name>><hr>Yes, its very simple. It's the only place you can change party members. It's also the only place you can level up your characters. It's been an honor teaching you these things, $player.name. I'd like to reward you with a hobo BJ.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>A hobo BJ? My mom warned me not to accept those!</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Combat 101" 100>>
<<set _friend = {
name: "Victoria",
gender: "Female",
partypic: "<img src='images/characters/hobos/tutorialchat.jpg' alt='' />",
health: 5,
stamina: 5,
maxhealth: 5,
maxstamina: 5,
level: 1,
xp: 0,
moves: [
{name: "Slap", staminaCost: 1},
{name: "Nothing", staminaCost: 0}
skill: 0,
damage: 5,
<<set $combat.bench.push(_friend)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Victoria has been added to your combat bench. Use your phone to add her to your active combat party.</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_park_combat_tutorial_finish_bj" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Accept Hobo BJ]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_park" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Quest]</button><<set _hobo = $findCharacterByName('Victoria The Hobo')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _hobo.chat>></div><<=_hobo.name>><hr>Hmmmhhh... so good!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/hobos/scenes/hobo_bj.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _hobo "Crabs">>
<<elseif _hobo.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _hobo $player "Crabs">>
<button data-passage="amore_park" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Quest]</button><<set _maid = $findCharacterByName('Sophia')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You notice a young latina woman crying on a park bench.</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><<= _maid.image>></div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey Miss, is everything okay?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maid.chat>></div>???<hr>Sorry. I didn't meant to disturb you.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>You didn't disturb me at all! Is there anything I can do to help, what happened to you? What is your name?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maid.chat>></div>Sophia<hr>My name is Sophia, sorry sir. I will just leave now. I need to find a job.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>A job? What is it you do? Maybe I can help?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maid.chat>></div>Sophia<hr>I'm a cleaner sir. I really need a job. I was just fired recently and I need to support my kids.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Maybe I could help? How much would you need to get started cleaning my place?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maid.chat>></div>Sophia<hr>Oh really sir? That would be fantastic! I would need $1500 to get started.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Got it.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">$1500 huh? Descisions...</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $player.money gte 1500>>
<button data-passage="amore_park_maidhire2" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"You're hired."</button>
<button data-passage="" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Need $1500]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_park" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"Not now."</button>
</div><<set _maid = $findCharacterByName('Sophia')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>You got yourself a deal. Here's the $1500.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You hand over $1500 to Sophia. She is now your maid and will work to ensure your bedroom is extra clean.</div><br>
<<set $player.money = $player.money - 1500>>
<<set _maid.money = _maid.money + 1500>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maid.chat>></div>Sophia<hr>Thank you! I won't dissapoint! See you at your place!</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Hire the maid" 100>>
<<addAffliction _maid "Working">>
<button data-passage="amore_park" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Talking]</button><!-- Set the initial encounter probabilities -->
<<set _randomChance = Math.random() * 100>> <!-- Generates a random number between 0 and 100 -->
<<set _encounterChance = 25>> <!-- 25% chance to encounter an event -->
<<set _encounter = null>>
<!-- Calculate total encounters and encountered events -->
<<set _totalEncounters = $parkEncounters.length>>
<<set _encounteredEvents = $parkEncounters.filter(event => event.encountered == "Yes").length>>
<<set _progressPercentage = Math.round((_encounteredEvents / _totalEncounters) * 100)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You take a brisk walk through the local park.<br>Progress: <<print _encounteredEvents>>/<<print _totalEncounters>> (<<print _progressPercentage>>%)</div><br>
<!-- Determine if an encounter happens -->
<<if _randomChance < _encounterChance>>
<!-- Pick a random encounter from the list of not yet encountered events -->
<<set _unencounteredEvents = $parkEncounters.filter(event => event.encountered == "No")>>
<<if _unencounteredEvents.length > 0>>
<<set _randomEncounterIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * _unencounteredEvents.length)>>
<<set _encounter = _unencounteredEvents[_randomEncounterIndex]>>
<<set $parkEncounters.find(event => event.encounter == _encounter.encounter).encountered = "Yes">>
<!-- Display the encounter if it happens -->
<<if _encounter>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _encounter.image>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You encounter something unusual [<<print _encounter.encounter>>]...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>What the fuck is this shit?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Nothing interesting happens during your walk.</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_park" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Finish Your Walk</button>
<<if !$achievements.parkStalker.unlocked and _encounteredEvents gte _totalEncounters>>
<</if>><<set _questName = "Learning Drugs">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">Paul's House</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/amore/pauls/paulhouse.jpg"></div>
<div class="npctextboxm">You walk straight into the house of your childhood friend, Paul. No knocking needed here.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/paul/paulchat.png"></div>Paul<hr>Yo yo yo, what's up bro?!</div><br>
<<if $substory[_index].progress eq 0>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/paul/paulchat.png"></div>Paul<hr>Listen, it's good you dropped by. I got a business proposal for ya.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>C'mon, what is it this time?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/paul/paulchat.png"></div>Paul<hr>I've been making A *LOT* of money on the side recently, let's just say it isn't 100% legal... You interested?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>How illegal are we talking?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/paul/paulchat.png"></div>Paul<hr>Hmmmm, nothing a good lawyer cant get us out of, haha! So, you in?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Tell me what it is first</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/paul/paulchat.png"></div>Paul<hr>It's selling to good green herb man, you know?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Mint leaves?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/paul/paulchat.png"></div>Paul<hr>Ye- I mean no. Mint leaves? are you fucking stupid? I'm selling weed man. I'm making a killing!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Oh right yeah, weed.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/paul/paulchat.png"></div>Paul<hr>So, you want in?</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_paul_accept" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"I'm in!"</button><button data-passage="amore_paul_refuse" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"No, i'm a pussy"</button>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/paul/paulchat.png"></div>Paul<hr>Yo! You buying'?</div><br>
<<set $exitLocation = "amore_paul">>
<!-- Inline Shop Display -->
<div class="shopScreen">
<div class="forSale">
<div class="emptychat"><img src="images/inventory/weed.png"></div>
Item: Weed [x10]<br>
Price: $1550<hr>
<<if $player.money >= 1550>>
<button data-passage="buyweed10" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Buy]</button>
<button class="red-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Buy]</button>
<div class="forSale">
<div class="emptychat"><img src="images/inventory/weed.png"></div>
Item: Weed [x5]<br>
Price: $775<hr>
<<if $player.money >= 775>>
<button data-passage="buyweed5" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Buy]</button>
<button class="red-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Buy]</button>
<div class="forSale">
<div class="emptychat"><img src="images/inventory/weed.png"></div>
Item: Weed<br>
Price: $155<hr>
<<if $player.money >= 155>>
<button data-passage="buyweed" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Buy]</button>
<button class="red-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Buy]</button>
<button data-passage="ascensionstreet" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<</if>><<set _questName = "Learning Drugs">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">Paul's House</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/amore/pauls/paulhouse.jpg"></div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey Paul, I'm in.</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Learning Drugs" 50>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/paul/paulchat.png"></div>Paul<hr>Alright man! Trust me you wont fucking regret it, we're going big places dude! Here, have the first piece of weed for free. You can sell that to make some money!</div><br>
<<set _itemTo = {
name: "Weed",
image: '<img src="images/inventory/weed.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Weed. It's weed.",
price: 250
<<set $player.inventory.push(_itemTo)>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/paul/paulchat.png"></div>Paul<hr>You know Ahmed? The store owner? He buys this shit. Sell it to him. Once you've done that you can buy more of the weed im growing and sell it on for profit. Sounds good right? Go on, get outta here! Sell some weed!</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_paul" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Accept Weed]</button><div class="location-title">Paul's House</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/amore/pauls/paulhouse.jpg"></div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Nah... sorry Paul. I'm a pussy ass bitch. I don't w-</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Time freezes and you hear a strange voice inside your head</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/god/chat.png"></div>God<hr>My child. You *MUST* accept this quest. You cannot be a pussy! I am sending you back in time. Do not fail me!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">What the fuck?</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_paul" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Reverse Time]</button>
<<if !$achievements.drugsBad.unlocked>>
<</if>><<set $player.money = $player.money - 155>>
<<set _itemTo = {
name: "Weed",
image: '<img src="images/inventory/weed.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Weed. It's weed.",
price: 250
<<set $player.inventory.push(_itemTo)>>
<<goto "amore_paul">><<set $player.money = $player.money - 1550>>
<<set _itemTo = {
name: "Weed",
image: '<img src="images/inventory/weed.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Weed. It's weed.",
price: 250
<<set $player.inventory.push(_itemTo)>>
<<set $player.inventory.push(_itemTo)>>
<<set $player.inventory.push(_itemTo)>>
<<set $player.inventory.push(_itemTo)>>
<<set $player.inventory.push(_itemTo)>>
<<set $player.inventory.push(_itemTo)>>
<<set $player.inventory.push(_itemTo)>>
<<set $player.inventory.push(_itemTo)>>
<<set $player.inventory.push(_itemTo)>>
<<set $player.inventory.push(_itemTo)>>
<<goto "amore_paul">><<set $player.money = $player.money - 775>>
<<set _itemTo = {
name: "Weed",
image: '<img src="images/inventory/weed.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Weed. It's weed.",
price: 250
<<set $player.inventory.push(_itemTo)>>
<<set $player.inventory.push(_itemTo)>>
<<set $player.inventory.push(_itemTo)>>
<<set $player.inventory.push(_itemTo)>>
<<set $player.inventory.push(_itemTo)>>
<<goto "amore_paul">><<set _jolene = $findCharacterByName('Jolene')>>
<div class="title">Bathroom</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/household/bathroom/main.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><center>Well shit, looks like _jolene.name is in the bathroom. There are a few options for you. You obvious one is to leave her the fuck alone. What will you do?</center></div><br>
<button data-passage="jolenepeekinside" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Peek inside]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_bathroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><<set _jolene = $findCharacterByName('Jolene')>>
<div class="title">Bathroom</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/household/bathroom/main.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You peek your head into the door</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You see Jolene...</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><img src="images/characters/jolene/shower.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Oh shit!</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_bathroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Get the fuck out before she catches you!]</button><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<div class="title">Bathroom</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You enter the door to the bathroom</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>H-H-Hi Mom, Thanks for letting me in real quick!</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/characters/jennifer/image/momshowerok.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/jennifer/chat/2.png" alt="" /></div>Jennifer<hr>It's okay Sweetie, just be quick okay?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Sure mom...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You take your time pretending to have a piss.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You look over your shoulder at your mom.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/jennifer/scenes/peekingmomshower2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<button data-passage="masturbateinbathroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Masturbate]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_bathroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><div class="title">Your House</div><br>
<<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/household/bathroom/main.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><center>Well shit, looks like _jennifer.name is in the shower. There are a few options for you. You obvious one is to leave her the fuck alone. What will you do?</center></div><br>
<button data-passage="Peak inside" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Peek inside]</button>
<button data-passage="Knock" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Knock on the door]</button>
<button data-passage="Enter" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Barge into the bathroom]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_bathroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<if _jennifer.relationshipPoints lte 500>>
<div class="title">Your House</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/household/bathroom/main.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You politely knock on the door</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hi Jennifer, can I come in? I'm desperate for a piss!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/jennifer/chat/2.png" alt="" /></div>Jennifer<hr>Sorry sweetie, there is no chance I can let you in! I'm showering. You will have to wait.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your relationship level isn't high enough to be walking in on your mom!</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_bathroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<div class="title">Your House</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/household/bathroom/main.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You politely knock on the door</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hi Jennifer, can I come in? I'm desperate for a piss!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/jennifer/chat/2.png" alt="" /></div>Jennifer<hr>Sure sweetie, just come in. Don't look, okay?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>WTF, In I go!</div><br>
<button data-passage="Bathroomwithmom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Get the fuck inside!]</button>
<</if>><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<div class="npctextboxm"><center>You show an obvious disregard for human decency and decide to barge straight into the bathroom</center></div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hi Mom!</div><br>
<<if !_jennifer.afflictions.includes("Corrupted")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/jennifer/chat/2.png" alt="" /></div>Jennifer<hr>You disgusting, horrible, rat faced, perverted, creep!!!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/jennifer/chat/2.png" alt="" /></div>Jennifer<hr>GET OUT!!!</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _jennifer -15>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/jennifer/chat/2.png" alt="" /></div>Jennifer<hr>Hey Sweetie, close the door, okay? You're letting the cold air in.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><center>You get a good long look at Jennifer in the shower...</center></div>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/characters/jennifer/image/momshowerok.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">She is so comfortable around you that she doesn't mind being naked infront of you. You could stare at her all day.</div><br>
<button data-passage="masturbateinbathroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Masturbate]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_bathroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<if $player.intelligence gte 50>>
<div class="title">Your House</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><center>You peek your head into the door</center></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><center>You see the goods...</center></div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/jennifer/scenes/peekingmomshower2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><center>You best GTFO before you are caught</center></div><br>
<div class="title">Your House</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><center>You peek your head into the door</center></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You almost see the goods...</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/characters/jennifer/scenes/momshowerno.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/jennifer/chat/2.png" alt="" /></div>Jennifer<hr>What the fuck is wrong with you $player.name? I'm your mom, get out now! This isn't funny!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><center>You leave and feel a great shame in your actions. If only you had more intelligence [50].</center></div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_bathroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Get the fuck out!]</button><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">This is it. This is the moment where you have the opportunity to corrupt Jennifer (If you havent already!)</div><br>
<<if _jennifer.relationshipPoints gte 500>>
<div class="title">Your House</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/characters/jennifer/image/momshowerok.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You whip out your warrior and start masturbating infront of your mom... untill...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><center>She spots you...</center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/jennifer/chat/2.png" alt="" /></div>Jennifer<hr>What the fuck $player.name! I'm your mom!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I can't help it, you're so fucking hot. I just want you</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/jennifer/chat/2.png" alt="" /></div>Jennifer<hr>This is so wrong...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><center>$mom starts playing with herself too!</center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/jennifer/chat/2.png" alt="" /></div>Jennifer<hr>Is this what you want hunny? are you sure?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Yes I want your lips around my cock!!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/jennifer/chat/2.png" alt="" /></div>Jennifer<hr>Okay sweetie... but... just... keep this between us, okay? I'm just helping you de-stress. It's nothing more.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/jennifer/scenes/mombj.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><center>After a few short strokes you blow your load</center></div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/jennifer/scenes/mom_facial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/jennifer/chat/2.png" alt="" /></div>Jennifer<hr>I need to clean up sweetie, can you leave now? And remember what I said.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><center>What is done cannot be undone..</center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _jennifer 50>>
<<if !_jennifer.afflictions.includes("Corrupted")>>
<<addAffliction _jennifer "Corrupted">>
<div class="title">Your House</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/characters/jennifer/image/momshowerok.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You whip out your warrior and start masturbating infront of your mom... untill...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><center>She spots you...</center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/jennifer/chat/2.png" alt="" /></div>Jennifer<hr>What the fuck $player.name! I'm your mom!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I can't help it, you're so fucking hot. I just want you</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/jennifer/chat/2.png" alt="" /></div>Jennifer<hr>You disgusting, horrible, rat faced, perverted, creep!!!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/jennifer/chat/2.png" alt="" /></div>Jennifer<hr>GET OUT!!!</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _jennifer -15>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Ouch - best not try that again until you've got at least level 500 relationship.</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_bathroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave bathroom]</button><<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<div class="title">Bathroom</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You enter the door to the bathroom</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey <<= _zoe.name>>, lets shower naked!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Why do you have to make it weird, come on lets get in and out quick.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You strip off completely naked and get in the shower</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Now its <<= _zoe.name>>'s turn to get in</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/zoe/scenes/sistershower.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Wow! Nice tits, <<= _zoe.name>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Don't be a perv, $player.name</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You both shower</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You could try and take this further...</div><br>
<button data-passage="washmycock" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Wash my cock!"</button>
<button data-passage="amore_bathroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<div class="title">Bathroom</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/household/bathroom/main.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><center>Well shit, looks like _zoe.name is in the bathroom. There are a few options for you. You obvious one is to leave her the fuck alone. What will you do?</center></div><br>
<button data-passage="sisterpeakinside" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Peek inside]</button>
<button data-passage="sisterknock" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Knock on the door]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_bathroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<div class="title">Bathroom</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/household/bathroom/main.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<<if _zoe.relationshipPoints lte 310>>
<div class="title">Your House</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You politely knock on the door</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hi <<= _zoe.name>>, can I come in? I'm desperate for a shit!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Ummm, no get the fuck away creep!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>What a bitch</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your relationship level isn't high enough to be walking in on Zoe [Need 310]</div><br>
<div class="title">Your House</div>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/bathroom.jpg" alt="" /></div>
<div class="npctextboxm">You politely knock on the door</div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hi <<= _zoe.name>>, can I come in? We can share a shower! Save water!</div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Okay, come in!</div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>WTF, In I go!</div>
<button data-passage="showerwithsister" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Get the fuck inside!]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_bathroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Leave</button><<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<div class="title">Bathroom</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/household/bathroom/main.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You peek your head into the door</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You see Zoe... masturbating!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/zoe/scenes/dildo.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Oh shit!</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_bathroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Get the fuck out before she catches you!]</button><<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<<if _zoe.afflictions.includes("Dominated")>>
<div class="title">Your House</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/characters/zoe/image/sistershower.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey <<= _zoe.name>>, I want you to wash my cock!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>I've got an idea, i can use my tongue</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You dick goes from a semi to rock hard in the space of a second.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/zoe/scenes/sisterbjshower.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Sis, holy fuck that feels so good!!!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>You fucking cunt! Finish on my face, $player.name</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You explode your load on $sister's face</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/zoe/scenes/facial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Oh no, what did we just do? Don't fucking say a word of this to anyone!</div><br>
<div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Your House</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/characters/zoe/image/sistershower.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey Sis, I want you to wash my cock!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Okay, I knew this was a bad idea. Why are you saying things like this? Why can't we be close but not sexually. I mean, I'm your fucking sister?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your sister leaves the bathroom. She isn't corrupted and wont engage in super sexual stuff yet - until you corrupt her... Did you try doing her quest yet?</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_bathroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button></div><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<<set _stepdad = $findCharacterByName('Stepdad')>>
<<set _jolene = $findCharacterByName('Jolene')>>
<<set _randomeventchance = random(1,10)>>
<<set _locationTitle = "Bathroom">>
/* Mom's random event #1 */
/* Mom's schedulded shower event #1 */
/* Sister's schedulded shower event #1 */
<<set _characterConditions = [
{name: "Jennifer", condition: $time eq 4 && $day lte 5},
{name: "Zoe", condition: $time eq 1 && $day gte 6},
<<displayLocation '<img src="images/locations/household/bathroom/main.jpg" alt="" />' _characterConditions>>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $time eq 4 && $day lte 5>> /* Mom's schedulded shower event #1 */
<button data-passage="Mom is in the shower" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0"><<print _jennifer.name>> is Here [Knock]</button>
<<if $time eq 1 && $day gte 6>> /* Sister's schedulded shower event #1 */
<button data-passage="sisterbathroom" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0"><<print _zoe.name>> is Here [Knock]</button>
<<if $time eq 6 && _jolene.afflictions.includes("Roommate")>> /* Sister's schedulded shower event #1 */
<button data-passage="jolenebathroom" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0"><<print _jolene.name>> is Here [Knock]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_bathroom_piss" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Piss]</button>
<button data-passage="house_floor_1" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Your House</div><<set $location = "bathroom">><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/bathroom.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<<set $randomevent to random(1,10)>>
<<if $day lte 5 and $time lte 4 and $randomevent lte 2>>
<div class="title">Bathroom Random Event #1</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/tokyoo/mombathroom.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><<momchat>>$mom<hr>Hey, I'm busy here!</div><br>
<<if $momlevel gte 1000 and $momcorrupted eq 1>>
<button data-passage="useMomBathroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Use $mom</button>
<button data-passage="" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Use $mom [Requirement Not Met]</button>
<<if $day lte 5 and $time eq 4 or $day gte 6 and $time eq 1>>
<button class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Take a dump (Bathroom is occupied)</button>
<button data-passage="Poop" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Take a dump</button>
<<if $day gte 6 and $time eq 1>>
<button data-passage="sisterbathroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">$sister is in the bathroom</button>
<<if $day lte 5 and $time eq 4 and $dadDead eq 1>>
<button data-passage="Mom is in the shower" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">$mom is in the shower</button>
<<elseif $day lte 5 and $time eq 4 and $dadDead eq 0>>
<button data-passage="stepdadstop" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">$mom is in the shower</button>
<button data-passage="First Floor" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Leave Bathroom</button> </div>
*/<div class="location-title">Bathroom</div>
<div class="npctextboxm">You whip out your dong. It's time to drain the main vein.</div> <br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/activities/pee.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Ahhhh... That feels good.</div><br>
<<time>><<set $peeCounter = $peeCounter + 1>>
<button data-passage="amore_bathroom" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><div class="title">Your Bedroom</div><br>
<<set _alina = $findCharacterByName('Alina')>>
<div class="imagebox"><<= _alina.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _alina.chat>></div><<= _alina.name>><hr>Of course master, make sure to fill me up!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>You bet</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><center>And then it happens, you bend Alina over and insert your cock into her robo pussy. It feels better than the real thing!</center></div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/alina/scenes/alinaFuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><bR>
<div class="npctextboxm"><center>You thrust in and out of her robo pussy, it feels so good and she even has realistic human emotions. It's like youre fucking a real woman!</center></div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/alina/scenes/alinaFuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><bR>
<<set _alina.fuckedtimes = _alina.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<div class="npctextboxm"><center>You have now fucked Alina _alina.fuckedtimes time(s)! You are getting your money's worth!</center></div><br>
<button data-passage="robotFuck2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck Alina More!]</button>
<button data-passage="sex_robot_menu" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"I'm done"</button><div class="title">Your Bedroom</div><br>
<<set _alina = $findCharacterByName('Alina')>>
<div class="imagebox"><<= _alina.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _alina.chat>></div><<= _alina.name>><hr>You don't have to finish so soon master, keep going!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><center>You can resist and keep fucking your sexy little sex bot!</center></div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/alina/scenes/alinaFuck3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><bR>
<div class="npctextboxm"><center>And then you finally feel it. An orgasm is coming. The good thing about fucking robots is they can't get pregnant so you could just fill her up but you decide against that idea. Cum on her face!!</center></div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/alina/scenes/alinaFacial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><bR>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _alina.chat>></div><<= _alina.name>><hr>I must clean this. Are you finished master?</div><br>
<button data-passage="sex_robot_menu" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"I'm done"</button><<set _alina = $findCharacterByName('Alina')>>
<<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName('Zoe')>>
<div class="title">Your Bedroom</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><center>You approach your realistic love robot, Alina. She looks at you... emotionless.</center></div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><<= _alina.image>></div><br>
<<if $time gt 6>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _alina.chat>></div><<= _alina.name>><hr>Sorry sir. I need to recharge. Please may we continue this tomorrow?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _alina.chat>></div><<= _alina.name>><hr>What would you have me do today, master?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<<if _zoe.afflictions.includes("Dominated")>>
<button data-passage="threeSomeRobo" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Invite Zoe To Play]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Invite Zoe To Play] (Requirement Not Met)</button>
<button data-passage="robotFuck" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck Alina]</button>
<button data-passage="sex_robot_menu_outfits" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Change Outfits]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_bedroom" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Turn Robot Off]</button>
<<if !$achievements.becomeHuman.unlocked>>
<</if>><<set _alina = $findCharacterByName('Alina')>>
<<set _chatOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/alina/chat.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Nude Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/alina/nudechat.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "School Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/alina/schoolchat.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Sexy Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/alina/sexychat.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Kara Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/alina/karachat.jpg">', condition: _alina.afflictions.includes("Detroit Costumes Unlocked") },
{ name: "Chloe Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/alina/chloechat.jpg">', condition: _alina.afflictions.includes("Detroit Costumes Unlocked") },
<<set _outfitOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/alina/reglar.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Nude Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/alina/nude.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "School Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/alina/school.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Sexy Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/alina/sexy.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Kara Skin", img: '<img src="images/characters/alina/kara.jpg">', condition: _alina.afflictions.includes("Detroit Costumes Unlocked") },
{ name: "Chloe Skin", img: '<img src="images/characters/alina/chloe.jpg">', condition: _alina.afflictions.includes("Detroit Costumes Unlocked") },
<!-- Sophia's Chat Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose Alina's Avatar<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _chatOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_alina.chat" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<!-- Sophia's Outfit Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose Alina's Main Outfit<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _outfitOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_alina.image" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<button data-passage="sex_robot_menu" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Save]</button><<set _alina = $findCharacterByName('Alina')>>
<<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<div class="title">Your Bedroom</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _alina.chat>></div><<= _alina.name>><hr>Please let me take care of your needs, <<= _zoe.name>>.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Just let it do it's thing, <<= _zoe.name>>.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><center>Alina pulls down the skirt of <<= _zoe.name>>, revealing her freshly shaven pussy. She was wearing no underwear.</center></div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/alina/pussyreveal.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><bR>
<div class="npctextboxm"><center>You stroke your cock from outside your pants at the lovely sight of <<= _zoe.name>> getting her pussy ate by your sex robot.</center></div><br>
<<set _randomvid to random(1,2)>>
<<if _randomvid eq 1>>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/alina/evales.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/alina/evales2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><center><<= _zoe.name>> cums soon after... </center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Oh my god, $player.name - can I borrow it on the weekend? That felt amazing! </div><br>
<button data-passage="sisterLesbianRobo" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Do it again]</button>
<button data-passage="sex_robot_menu" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"I'm done"</button><<set _alina = $findCharacterByName('Alina')>>
<<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<div class="title">Your Bedroom</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><<= _alina.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><center>You call your sister to come into your room.</center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Yo, <<= _zoe.name>>! Come check out my new robot!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><center><<= _zoe.name>> enters the room</center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Oh my god, $player.name - it looks so real! </div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I know right? And guess what? It will do //anything// you want...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Anything?...</div><br>
<button data-passage="sisterLesbianRobo" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Make Alina lick <<= _zoe.name>>'s Pussy]</button>
<button data-passage="threeSomeRoboReal" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck <<= _zoe.name>> and Alina]</button>
<button data-passage="sex_robot_menu" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"I'm done"</button><<set _alina = $findCharacterByName('Alina')>>
<<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<div class="title">Your Bedroom</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _alina.chat>></div><<= _alina.name>><hr>Please let me take care of both of you</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>$sister lets both get fucked by my robot, what do you think? </div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Anything you say big bro.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><center>Alina helps you both undress... and helps <<= _zoe.name>> get you in the mood...</center></div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video max-width="720" max-height="440" autoplay muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images\london4.1\sisandteacherbj.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><center>You enter <<= _zoe.name>>'s pussy, the familiar feeling is overwhelming to you. Alina cradles <<= _zoe.name>>'s head in her chest and rubs her clit as you fuck her</center></div><br>
<<set _randomvid to random(1,2)>>
<<if _randomvid eq 1>>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/zoe/scenes/threesome_fuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/zoe/scenes/threesome_fuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><center>You finish! Luckily theres enough cum to go around!</center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>One for you!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/zoe/scenes/threesome_facial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>... and one for you!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/alina/alinaFacial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Bro! How do you have so much cum!?</div><br>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _zoe "Crabs">>
<<elseif _zoe.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _zoe $player "Crabs">>
<<increaseRelationship _zoe 50>>
<<set _alina.fuckedtimes = _alina.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<<set _zoe.fuckedtimes = _zoe.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<button data-passage="sex_robot_menu" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"I'm done"</button>
<<if !$achievements.cyborg.unlocked>>
<</if>><div class="title">Your Bedroom</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><<playerchat>>$playername<hr>Alina, my balls are full. Initiate fucking mode.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="britneychat"><img src="images/tokyo/alinachat.png" alt="" /></div>Alina (Robot) <hr>Of course master, do you want to fuck me or do you want me to equip the penis attachment and fuck you?</div><br>
<button data-passage="robotFuck" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">I'm fucking you!</button>
<button data-passage="" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Equip the cock! (Coming Soon)</button>
<button data-passage="sex_robot_menu" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">On Second Thought...</button><div class="location-title">Your Bedroom</div><br>
<div class="imageboxm"><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>><<= _jennifer.image >></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>><<= _jennifer.chat >></div><<print _jennifer.name>><hr>Hey son, let's check if you've earned your allowance for this month...</div><br>
<<if $bedroomState lt 5>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>><<= _jennifer.chat >></div><<print _jennifer.name>><hr>Oh no! This room is still such a mess sweetie, sorry - no! Mommy isn't giving you a single penny until this room is cleaned!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Ugh - Whatever...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>><<= _jennifer.chat >></div><<print _jennifer.name>><hr>You did amazing. Here you go sweetie!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>><<= _jennifer.chat >></div><<print _jennifer.name>><hr>This crisp $200 bill is yours!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You received $200 from mom.</div><br>
<<set $player.money = $player.money + 200>>
<<set $trackablestats.momcash = $trackablestats.momcash + 200>>
<<if $trackablestats.momcash gte 2000 and !$achievements.neet.unlocked>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Thanks, mom.</div><br>
<<if _jennifer.outfit eq "Nude">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>><<= _jennifer.chat >></div><<print _jennifer.name>><hr>Be a good boy today and mommy will let you touch this body instead of just looking at it...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>y-y-yes mom!</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_bedroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><div class="location-title">Your Bedroom</div><br>
<<if $player.stamina gte 2>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You tidy your room.</div> <br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/activities/bedroomclean.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your bedroom has been cleaned a little!</div><br>
<<set $bedroomCleaned = $bedroomCleaned + 1>>
<<set $player.stamina = $player.stamina - 2>>
<<set $bedroomState = $bedroomState + 1>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You don't have enough stamina to clean...</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_bedroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Finish Activity</button><div class="location-title">Your Bedroom</div>
<<if $player.stamina gte 5>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You do some pushups in your bedroom. You keep going untill you cant do anymore.</div> <br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/activities/pushup.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You feel stronger...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your strength has increased by $pushupAmount. You lost 5 stamina.</div><br>
<<set $player.strength = $player.strength + $pushupAmount>>
<<set $player.stamina = $player.stamina - 5>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You don't have enough stamina to do pushups...</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_bedroom" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Finish Activity</button><div class="location-title">Your Bedroom</div>
<<set _questName2 = "Molly's Little Slut">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<if $time gt 3>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Nobody is here.</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_bedroom" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<<set _maid = $findCharacterByName('Sophia')>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _maid.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You walk up towards your maid who is cleaning your bedroom.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maid.chat>></div>Sophia<hr>Everything is clean now. I found some of your... 'used tissues' underneath your bed. Is this really what you do?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Sorry about that, its the high sex drive. I've got to dump my load at least 3-4 times a day.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maid.chat>></div>Sophia<hr>3-4 times a day? Sir, that's not normal</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 50 and $gabbyshouse.clean lt 20>>
<button data-passage="gabbyHelpClean" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"Can you clean Gabby's place for me?"</button>
<button data-passage="sophia_bedroom_tip" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Tip]</button>
<button data-passage="sophia_bedroom_fuck" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck Sophia]</button>
<button data-passage="sophia_bedroom_outfit" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Change Outfit]</button>
<button data-passage="sophia_bedroom_give" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Give Item]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_bedroom" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button>
<</if>><div class="location-title">Your Bedroom</div>
<<set _maid = $findCharacterByName('Sophia')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey Sophia, i've heard things about sexy latina maids.</div><br>
<<if _maid.relationshipPoints gte 300>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Sophia looks at you with a serious look.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maid.chat>></div>Sophia<hr>Well since you tip so well Mr <<= $player.name>>. I guess what you heard is true.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Then you won't mind if i use you as my fuck toy?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maid.chat>></div>Sophia<hr>Not at all sir.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You pull down your pants and grab Sophia from behind while she is cleaning.. It's time to fuck</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/maid/maidfuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/maid/maidcum.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _maid 20>>
<<set _maid.fuckedtimes = _maid.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _maid "Crabs">>
<<elseif _maid.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _maid $player "Crabs">>
<div class="npctextboxm">You don't have enough cash to give Sophia a tip...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maid.chat>></div>Sophia<hr>Do you want me to call the police? Leave me the fuck alone!</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _maid -10>>
<button data-passage="sophia_bedroom" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button>
<<if !$achievements.worthEveryPenny.unlocked and _maid.fuckedtimes gte 50>>
<</if>><<set _maid = $findCharacterByName('Sophia')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">What item do you want to give Sophia?</div><br>
<<set _inventoryCount = {}>> <!-- Create an object to store item quantities -->
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<set _item = $player.inventory[_i]>> <!-- Get the current item -->
<<set _itemName = _item.name>> <!-- Get the item's name -->
<<set _itemQuantity = _inventoryCount[_itemName] || 0>> <!-- Get the current quantity or default to 0 -->
<!-- Update the item's quantity in the inventoryCount object -->
<<set _inventoryCount[_itemName] = _itemQuantity + 1>> <!-- Increment quantity by 1 for each item -->
<div class="itemWrapperz">
<<for _itemName, _itemQuantity range _inventoryCount>> <<capture _itemName>>
<div class="newItembox">
<div class="newItemphotos">
<<set _item = $player.inventory.find(item => item.name === _itemName)>>
<<print _item.image>>
<div class="NewItemtext">
<center><<print _itemName>> (x<<print _itemQuantity>>)</center>
<button data-passage="sophia_bedroom_give2" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$itemChosen to _itemName">[Give]</button>
<button data-passage="sophia_bedroom" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><<set _maid = $findCharacterByName('Sophia')>>
<<set _reactionItems = ["Flowers", "Crab Medicine", "Diamond", "Dildo"]>> <!-- Define Sophia's favorite items -->
<<if _reactionItems.includes($itemChosen)>>
<<set _itemIndex = $player.inventory.findIndex(item => item.name === $itemChosen)>>
<<if _itemIndex > -1>>
<<set $player.inventory.deleteAt(_itemIndex)>> <!-- Remove one instance of the item from the player's inventory -->
<<if $itemChosen == "Crab Medicine">>
<<if _maid.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<set _maid.afflictions.delete("Crabs")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maid.chat>></div>Sophia<hr>Thank you! This is just what I needed to get rid of my crabs!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maid.chat>></div>Sophia<hr>Why are you giving me this? I don't have any STDS...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maid.chat>></div>Sophia<hr>Thank you! I love <<print $itemChosen>>!</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _maid 50>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maid.chat>></div>Sophia<hr>I think you better keep that.</div><br>
<button data-passage="sophia_bedroom_give" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><<set _maid = $findCharacterByName('Sophia')>>
<<set _chatOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/maid/maidchat.png">', condition: true },
{ name: "Nude Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/maid/maidchatnude.png">', condition: _maid.fuckedtimes >= 3},
{ name: "Godlike Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/maid/maidchatgodlike.png">', condition: _maid.fuckedtimes >= 20 }
<<set _outfitOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/maid/maid.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Nude Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/maid/maidg.jpg">', condition: _maid.fuckedtimes >= 3},
{ name: "Godlike Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/maid/maidg3.jpg">', condition: _maid.fuckedtimes >= 20 },
{ name: "Classic Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/maid/maid.png">', condition: _maid.relationshipPoints >= 300 },
{ name: "Classic Naked Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/maid/maid_naked.jpg">', condition: _maid.relationshipPoints >= 300 }
<!-- Sophia's Chat Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose Sophia's Avatar<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _chatOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_maid.chat" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<!-- Sophia's Outfit Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose Sophia's Main Outfit<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _outfitOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_maid.image" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<button data-passage="sophia_bedroom" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Save]</button><div class="location-title">Your Bedroom</div>
<<set _maid = $findCharacterByName('Sophia')>>
<<if $player.money gte 300>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You hand Sophia $300!</div><br>
<<set $player.money = $player.money - 300>>
<<set _maid.money = _maid.money + 300>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Here's a small tip for all your hard work.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maid.chat>></div>Sophia<hr>Oh Wow! Thank you so much Mr <<print $player.name>>! I work extra hard for you</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _maid 30>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You don't have enough cash to give Sophia a tip...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maid.chat>></div>Sophia<hr>Uh...</div><br>
<button data-passage="sophia_bedroom" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _maid = $findCharacterByName('Sophia')>>
<<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _locationTitle = 'Your Bedroom [Cleanliness <<= $bedroomState>>]'>>
/* Mom's Sunday reward */
/* Maid working */
<<set _characterConditions = [
{name: "Jennifer", condition: $time lt 1 && $day eq 7},
{name: "Sophia", condition: $time gt 1 && $time lte 3 && $day lte 5 && _maid.afflictions.includes("Working")},
<<displayLocation '<img src="images/locations/household/bedroom/main.png" alt="" />' _characterConditions>>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $time lt 1 && $day eq 7>> /* Mom's Sunday reward */
<button data-passage="allowance" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">Jennifer is Here [Talk]</button>
<<if $time gt 1 && $time lte 3 && $day lte 5 && _maid.afflictions.includes("Working")>> /* Maid working */
<button data-passage="sophia_bedroom" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">Sophia is Here [Talk]</button>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Pervert")>> /* Robot */
<button data-passage="sex_robot_menu" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Interact With Your Sex Robot]</button>
<button data-passage="sleep" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$currentlocation to 'amore_bedroom'">[Sleep]</button>
<button data-passage="playerphone" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$currentlocation to 'amore_bedroom'">[Check Phone]</button>
<button data-passage="wardrober" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$currentlocation to 'amore_bedroom'">[Wardrobe]</button>
<button data-passage="bedroom_workout" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Do Pushups]</button>
<button data-passage="bedroom_tidy" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Tidy Your Room]</button>
<button data-passage="house_floor_1" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
</div><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<div class="location-title">Livingroom</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _jennifer.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div>Jennifer<hr>Hey $player.name, do you fancy coming out for a drink with me?</div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Sure, why not?</div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Great! Let me get dressed and lets go out!</div><br>
<<if _jennifer.outfit eq "Nude">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Oh - but wait!... you're naked. You'll have to change first.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>You shouldn't tell your mom what to wear, sweetie.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need to change <<= _jennifer.name>>'s outfit and AI in her clothing menu first before venturing out on a date.</div><br>
<button data-passage="momdateelsa2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Let's-A-Go!]</button>
<</if>><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<div class="location-title">Elsa's Pub</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _jennifer.image>>
<div class="npctextboxm">//You enter the pub. Around you is clusters of old men playing cards and drinking ale.//</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _elsa.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Hey you two, what can I get ya?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>I'll have a rum and coke... and what you do want, sweetie?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>An Apple Juice.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>And an Apple Juice, please!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>No problem, coming up!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">//Elsa turns her back and starts making your drinks//</div><br>
<<set _rando to random(1, 3)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">//_rando/3 - Random Event!//</div><br>
<<if _rando eq 1>>
<button data-passage="momdaterando1" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Random Event: _rando</button>
<<elseif _rando eq 2>>
<button data-passage="momdaterando2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Random Event: _rando</button>
<button data-passage="momdaterando3" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Random Event: _rando</button>
<</if>><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Elsa's Pub</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">//You stop the guy flirting with Jennifer//</div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Piss off. She's with me, Adebesi!</div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/adebesi/adebesichat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Adebesi<hr>Ah, sorry my brother! I did not see you there!</div>
<div class="npctextboxm">//Adebesi walks off.//</div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Wow, <<print $player.name>>. You are so assertive. Chasing off that man like that! I like to be around big strong men, like you!</div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>It's fine. I just want to enjoy my Apple Juice.</div>
<div class="npctextboxm">//$mom bites her lip.//</div>
<<if _jennifer.relationshipPoints gte 900 and _jennifer.afflictions.includes("Corrupted")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>That is such a turn on</div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Come with me hunny, we need to go somewhere... private...</div>
<button data-passage="fuckmomtoilet" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Go With Mom]</button>
<button data-passage="newsleep" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Refuse & Go Home]</button>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>I wish I had a man like you...</div>
<div class="npctextboxm">//Need at least 900 relationship level with <<= _jennifer.name>> and for her to be corrupted. Maybe try sneaking in on her showering?.//</div><button data-passage="momdatefinishelsa" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Go Home]</button>
<</if>><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Elsa's Pub</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">//You let the random guy flirt with Jennifer!//</div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/adebesi/adebesichat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Adebesi<hr>Why don't I come back to your place? We could have a good time, no?</div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Heehee, well...</div>
<div class="npctextboxm">//<<= _jennifer.name>>looks over at you//</div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Sure, let's go back to my place. $player.name, what do you want to do?</div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/adebesi/adebesichat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Adebesi<hr>He can be my little cleanup boy! Come, and watch me fuck your mom!</div>
<button data-passage="momcucked" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Go Back home with them]</button><button data-passage="sleep" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Go Home Alone]</button><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Elsa's Pub</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">//Jennifer brings you to the bathroom.//</div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>What are we doing here? I didn't finish my Apple Juice.</div>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/amore/pub/pubtoilet.png" alt="" /></div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>I just... I can't control myself around you! I want you to fuck me right now, right here.</div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Actually I-</div>
<div class="npctextboxm">//Jennifer pulls you into the cubicle//</div>
<div class="imageboxbig"><img src="images/characters/jennifer/image/2.jpg" alt="" /></div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>I want you to fuck me, please don't make me beg! I'm so wet for your cock, $playername!</div>
<button data-passage="fuckmomtoilet2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck Jennifer]</button>
<button data-passage="momdatefinishelsa" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Refuse]</button><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Elsa's Pub</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">//Jennifer starts sucking on your cock whilst rubbing her pussy!//</div>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/jennifer/scenes/mombj2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>I know its wrong but... I just can't help it! I know you like it too!</div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>It's our forbidden love!</div>
<div class="npctextboxm">//You start to fuck Jennifer against the bathroom stall!//</div>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/jennifer/scenes/momfuck3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div>
<div class="npctextboxm">//You hear someone enter the bathroom.//</div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Hey, whoever is fucking in the bathroom stall. Stop it, or i'm throwing you out!</div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>It's best for us to stop for now.</div>
<button data-passage="momdatefinishelsa" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish the Date]</button><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Your House</div>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/household/momsbedroom.jpg" alt="" /></div>
<div class="npctextboxm">The three of you enter Jennifer's bedroom</div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/adebesi/adebesichat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Adebesi<hr>Sit in the corner and watch me give your mom a good dicking!</div>
<div class="npctextboxm">Adebsi fucks $mom!</div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Oh my god! I've never felt good cock like this before! </div>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/jennifer/scenes/momblacked.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Uhm...</div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/adebesi/adebesichat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Adebesi<hr>You better hurry, $player.name. Get a towel to clean up my cum from <<= _jennifer.name>>'s face. Hehe...</div>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/jennifer/scenes/cucked.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Tastes so good....</div>
<button data-passage="sleep" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Cleanup & Go to Bed]</button>
<<set $trackablestats.cuckcounter = $trackablestats.cuckcounter + 1>>
<<if !$achievements.cuck.unlocked and $trackablestats.cuckcounter gte 20>>
<</if>><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Elsa's Pub</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">//Random Event: A man approaches Jennifer//</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/adebesi/adebesichat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Adebesi<hr>Hello Beautiful, It would be my pleasure to buy you a drink.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Oh my!</div><br>
<button data-passage="becucked" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Let It Happen (Be Cucked)]</button>
<button data-passage="beassertive" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop It (Be Assertive)]</button><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Elsa's Pub</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">//Random Event: You are Drunk!//</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Baby? Can you hear me? Oh my god, you've drank too much Apple Juice! I've got to get you home..</div><br>
<button data-passage="sleep" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Go Home and Sleep]</button>
<button data-passage="momsdick" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Drink More Apple Juice]</button><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">//<<= _jennifer.name>>takes you home and lies you down on the sofa in the livingroom..
...you drift off into a deep dream...//</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Baby? Can you hear me? Oh my god, are you okay? Should I call an ambulance?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Baby, do you want to see my cock?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>You have a cock?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>I've always had a cock, haven't I?</div><br>
<button data-passage="momsdickchoosey" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$momdream to '1'">"Yeah, a cock."</button>
<button data-passage="momsdickchoosey" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$momdream to '2'">"That's not right"</button>
<button data-passage="sleep" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Wake Up]</button><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _daisy = $findCharacterByName('Daisy')>>
<<set _apate = $findCharacterByName('Apate')>>
<<if $momdream eq 1>>
<div class="wrapper"><div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>You're confused, $playername.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _daisy.chat>></div>Daisy<hr>I want you to touch my cock.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Who...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _daisy.chat>></div>Daisy<hr>Heeheehee</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _daisy.chat>></div>Daisy<hr>Don't mind me, i'm just going to drain your cum.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/daisy/scenes/daisyfuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>$mom...?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">//You wake up after having the strangest dream...//</div><br>
<div class="wrapper"><div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>You're confused, $playername.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _apate.chat>></div><<= _apate.name>><hr>Let's drain you good.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Who...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _apate.chat>></div><<= _apate.name>><hr>Shh.... Let the succubi take you.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/apate/fuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>$mom...?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">//You wake up after having the strangest dream...//</div><br>
<button data-passage="sleep" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Wake Up]</button><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Elsa's Pub</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Someone, stop them!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Come here, bitch!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/activities/barfight2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>That's it, we're closed! Everyone out! This is sick!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/activities/barfight3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<button data-passage="momdatefinishelsa" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Breakup the fight (Go Home)]</button><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Elsa's Pub</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You go home with _jennifer.name</div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Let's come back here again sometime!</div>
<<increaseRelationship _jennifer 50>>
<button data-passage="sleep" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Go Home & Sleep]</button><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Elsa's Pub</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">//Random Event: A Disaster!//</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>>Did that bitch just look at me? I'm going to rip her fucking head off!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">//<<= _jennifer.name>> starts a fight with a random bar patron!//</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/activities/fight.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>I'm sorry, but you've all got to leave!</div>
<button data-passage="barfightmom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Watch]</button>
<button data-passage="momdatefinishelsa" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Breakup the fight (Go Home)]</button><div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Strip Club ($stripClubName)</div>
<div class="npctextboxm">You head on home with $mom</div>
<div class="npctextbox"><<momchat>>$mom<hr>Sorry, hun. I wasn't really enjoying that today, but I really want to thank you for taking me out. I love you and apreciate it.</div>
<div class="npctextbox"><<playerchat>>$playername<hr>I love you too, $mom. Let's go home.</div>
<div class="npctextboxw">Your relationship with $mom has increased by 50.
Time has passed to midnight.</div><<set $momlevel = $momlevel + 50>><<set $time = 9>>
<button data-passage="newsleep" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Go Home & Sleep</button><div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Strip Club ($stripClubName)</div>
<div class="npctextboxm">You finish on $mom!</div>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="videos/momfuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><<set $rando to random(1, 5)>><<set $momfuckedtimes = $momfuckedtimes + 1>>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="videos/mom_facial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><<set $rando to random(1, 5)>>
<div class="npctextbox"><<momchat>>$mom<hr>Let's come back here again sometime!</div>
<button data-passage="newsleep" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Go Home & Sleep</button><div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Strip Club ($stripClubName)</div>
<div class="npctextboxm">You finish on Nathaly!</div>
<div class="videobox"><center><video max-width="720" max-height="440" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="videos/nbj2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><<set $rando to random(1, 5)>>
<div class="videobox"><center><video max-width="720" max-height="440" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="videos/nfacial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><<set $rando to random(1, 5)>>
<div class="npctextbox"><<nathalychat>>Nathaly<hr>Come back sometime!</div>
<button data-passage="newsleep" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Go Home & Sleep</button><div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Strip Club ($stripClubName)</div><br>
<<if $momquest eq 3>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You bring $mom backstage...</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/stripclubbackroomnathaly.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><<momchat>>$mom<hr>Oh, Nathaly is sooo good, she teaches me all the moves!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><<nathalychat>>Nathaly<hr>Hey guys!. I'm glad you both enjoyed my show tonight.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><<momchat>>$mom<hr>I was just telling $playername here how you are showing me all the best moves..</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><<nathalychat>>Nathaly<hr>Maybe we should show $playername the special moves we can *really* do!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Nathaly drops her towel</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/london4/boothnude.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You blink your eyes and $mom and Nathaly are kissing!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="videos/lesbiankiss.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br><<set $rando to random(1, 5)>>
<div class="npctextbox"><<playerchat>>$playername<hr>Oh shit, what are you guys doing!?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><<nathalychat>>Nathaly<hr>Don't just stand and watch, $playername! </div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><<momchat>>$mom<hr>Bring that big hard cock over here!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">$mom and Nathaly start sucking your cock!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="videos/threesomebj.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br><<set $rando to random(1, 5)>>
<div class="npctextbox"><<momchat>>$mom<hr>Fuck!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><<nathalychat>>Nathaly<hr>You taste very good, $playername! </div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You start to fuck Nathaly while $mom licks her clit!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="videos/threesomesex.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br><<set $rando to random(1, 5)>>
<button data-passage="momdatefinishn" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Finish on Nathaly</button><button data-passage="momdatefinishm" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Finish on $mom</button>
<<if $momlevel gte 800>>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/stripclubbackroomnathaly.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><<momchat>>$mom<hr>Oh, that's the lady who was on stage?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><<nathalychat>>Nathaly<hr>Hey $playername and hello to your friend. I'm glad you both enjoyed my show tonight.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><<momchat>>$mom<hr>It was amazing... you have an amazing body...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><<nathalychat>>Nathaly<hr>Heehee, you think so? I'm glad you like it</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Nathaly drops her towel</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/london4/boothnude.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You blink your eyes and $mom and Nathaly are kissing!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="videos/lesbiankiss.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br><<set $rando to random(1, 5)>>
<div class="npctextbox"><<playerchat>>$playername<hr>Oh shit, what are you guys doing!?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><<nathalychat>>Nathaly<hr>Don't just stand and watch, $playername! </div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><<momchat>>$mom<hr>Bring that big hard cock over here!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">$mom and Nathaly start sucking your cock!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="videos/threesomebj.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br><<set $rando to random(1, 5)>>
<div class="npctextbox"><<momchat>>$mom<hr>Fuck!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><<nathalychat>>Nathaly<hr>You taste very good, $playername! </div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You start to fuck Nathaly while $mom licks her clit!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="videos/threesomesex.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br><<set $rando to random(1, 5)>>
<button data-passage="momdatefinishn" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Finish on Nathaly</button><button data-passage="momdatefinishm" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Finish on $mom</button>
<div class="npctextbox"><<momchat>>$mom<hr>Oh, that's the lady who was on stage?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><<nathalychat>>Nathaly<hr>Hey $playername and hello to your friend. I'm glad you both enjoyed my show tonight.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><<momchat>>$mom<hr>It was amazing... we have to go now...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><<playerchat>>$playername<hr>Huh?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">$mom needs a relationship level of at least 800 to have a threesome with you and Nathaly...</div><br>
<button data-passage="momdatecinemaend" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Go Home</button>
<<if $momStripDateDone != 1>>
<<set $aunlocked = "Stripclub Date Success">>
Dialog.setup("Achievement Unlocked", "popupa");
<<set $momStripDateDone = 1>>
<<set $momQuestsComplete = $momQuestsComplete + 1>>
<</if>><div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Strip Club ($stripClubName)</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">After no time at all you arrive at the Strip Club with $mom</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/stripclub.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<<if $momquest eq 3>>
<div class="npctextbox"><<momchat>>$mom<hr>You know I work here, right? I've seen it all before!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><<momchat>>$mom<hr>Hey $playername, are you sure about this? Isn't this a weird thing to do with your own ...?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><<playerchat>>$playername<hr>It'll be fun! I own the place! Just relax..</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><<momchat>>$mom<hr>Okay, sure. Let's go inside then. You lead the way.</div><br>
<<if _jennifer.outfit eq "Nude">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Oh - but wait!... you're naked. You'll have to change first.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>You shouldn't tell your mom what to wear, sweetie.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need to change <<= _jennifer.name>>'s outfit and AI in her clothing menu first before venturing out on a date.</div><br>
<button data-passage="momdatecinema2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Enter</button>
<</if>><div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Strip Club ($stripClubName)</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You walk inside and head to the bar with $mom</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/bartender.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<<if $momquest eq 3>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="barmanchat"></div><br>Barry the barman<hr>Hey Boss, hey $mom! Nice to see ya both. You preforming tonight?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><<momchat>>$mom<hr>Not tonight Barry. Tonight I'm watching.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><<playerchat>>$playername<hr>We're here to see some titties!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><<momchat>>$mom<hr>...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="barmanchat"></div><br>Barry the barman<hr>Why don't you find a table. I'll bring ya drinks over so you can enjoy the show!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="barmanchat"></div><br>Barry the barman<hr>Hey Boss, is this your new girlfriend? She is a beauty!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><<momchat>>$mom<hr>Actually I'm his mo-</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><<playerchat>>$playername<hr>Yep, that's right Barry. This is my girlfriend.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><<momchat>>$mom<hr>...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">$mom whispers in your ear.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><<momchat>>$mom<hr>//That isn't funny, hun! You shouldn't joke about stuff like this!//</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="barmanchat"></div><br>Barry the barman<hr>Why don't you find a table. I'll bring ya drinks over so you can enjoy the show!</div><br>
<button data-passage="momdatecinema3" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Find a Seat</button><div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Strip Club ($stripClubName)</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The Strip Show is about to start!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><<momchat>>$mom<hr>Oh, looks like the show is starting</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><<playerchat>>$playername<hr>Oh shit, it's <<Nathaly>></div><br>
<<if $momquest eq 3>>
<div class="npctextbox"><<nathalychat>>Nathaly<hr>$mom! What on earth are you doing back here!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><<momchat>>$mom<hr>Ugh I know, my little $playername brought me here on a date!</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/london4/boothnude.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><<nathalychat>>Nathaly<hr>Think of someplace better next time, $playername! Hopefully my show makes you both feel a little better!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="videos/stripping2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br><<set $rando to random(1, 5)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">20% Chance -<<if $rando eq 1>> $mom enjoyed the show!<<else>> $mom did not enjoy the show<</if>> </div><br>
<button data-passage="momdatecinemaend" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">End the date</button>
<button data-passage="momdatesuccess" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Invite Backstage</button>
<div class="npctextbox"><<momchat>>$mom<hr>A friend of yours?</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/london4/boothnude.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><<nathalychat>>Nathaly<hr>Hey Boys, you can look but you cant touch!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="videos/stripping2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br><<set $rando to random(1, 5)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">20% Chance -<<if $rando eq 1>> $mom enjoyed the show!<<else>> $mom did not enjoy the show<</if>> </div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><<momchat>>$mom<hr><<if $rando eq 1>>Oh my god, that is so... hot!<<else>>Hunny, I'm not enjoying this. Can we go home?<</if>></div><br>
<<if $rando != 1>><button data-passage="momdatecinemaend" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">End the date</button><<else>><button data-passage="momdatesuccess" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Invite Backstage</button><</if>>
<</if>><<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _zoe.image>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You decide to take Zoe on a date to Elsa's bar. A place nearby and usually quiet.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div>Zoe<hr>Huh? You wanna go out?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Yeah, lets get out of the house for a while. What about Elsa's bar? Can I extend an invite to you?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div>Zoe<hr>I could use a drink. Sure.</div><br>
<<if _zoe.outfit eq "Nude">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Oh - but wait!... you're naked. You'll have to change first.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div>Zoe<hr>Awh! I love being naked - that's so unfair!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need to change Zoe's outfit and AI in her clothing menu first before venturing out on a date.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You both grab your coats and leave the house. It's time to arrive at Elsa's Bar.</div><br>
<button data-passage="zoe_date_elsa2" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Arrive At Elsa's Bar]</button>
<</if>><<set _questName = "Elsa's Bar">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<<if $substory[_index].progress gte 10>><<set _elsamet = true>><</if>>
<<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You arrive at Elsa's bar with Zoe. Elsa greets you at the front.</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _elsa.image>>
<<if _elsamet eq true>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Hey $player.name! It's so nice to see you again! Is this your new girlfriend?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Uh, no... this is my sister, Zoe. </div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div>Zoe<hr>Hi!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>A nice young couple! Come in, grab a seat. </div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>A couple?...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div>Zoe<hr>I want the corner seat!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>So, what drinks do we want?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div>Zoe<hr>I'll have a white wine please. Whatever is the house wine will do!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I'll just have a beer... whatever is cheapest.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div>Elsa<hr>Okay! I'll bring em' over soon.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Elsa leaves.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I can't believe she mistook us for a couple - haha!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div>Zoe<hr>Oh my gosh! I know, right? How silly! I guess we're kinda the same age - and we're both good looking!</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _zoe.image>>
<div class="npctextboxm">There is some tension in the air.</div><br>
<button data-passage="zoe_date_elsa3" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Elsa Arrives]</button><<set _questName = "Elsa's Bar">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<<if $substory[_index].progress gte 10>><<set _elsamet = true>><</if>>
<<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">A few hours pass and Zoe is pounding the alcohol. She's almost pouring her heart out to you.</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _zoe.image>>
<<if _zoe.afflictions.includes("Dominated")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div>Zoe<hr>I-I just gotta ask one thing.. bro... why the fuck do I keep thinking of that night with Mrs moon... I want it again. I want her and you...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>We can still have fun without her, y'know?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div>Zoe<hr>Let's go home now... my room. Does that sound good?</div><br>
<button data-passage="zoe_date_elsa4" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Go Home With Zoe]</button>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div>Zoe<hr>Bro... my head...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div>Zoe<hr>Promise me something... please?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Sure, anything!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div>Zoe<hr>I got this... weird teacher... you gotta send her to the shadow realm....</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Alright, you've had enough to drink. Let's go home</div><br>
<<set $time = $time + 5>>
<button data-passage="house_floor_1" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Go Home - End Date]</button>
<</if>><<set _questName = "Elsa's Bar">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<<if $substory[_index].progress gte 10>><<set _elsamet = true>><</if>>
<<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You get home. You sneak into Zoe's bedroom, where you undress her and start kissing.</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<img src="images/characters/zoe/image/nude.jpg">
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div>Zoe<hr>I cant fucking wait any longer! I'm dripping wet. I'm craving you. Every touch, your scent. Your... I'm in love with you....</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">This is getting a little weird.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Zoe unsheathes your cock and puts it in her mouth!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/zoe/scenes/bj.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div>Zoe<hr>So good!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/zoe/scenes/fuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You fuck her and get a few good pumps in before you both realise you made too much noise!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div>Zoe<hr>Shit! It's mom!</div><br>
<<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName('Jennifer')>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _jennifer.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div>Jennifer<hr>What the fuck is that noise, why are you both in here? $player.name go to your room! This isn't the right time to be watching movies!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Zoe whispers to you</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div>Zoe<hr>Just go! We're lucky we were not caught!</div><br>
<<set $time = $time + 5>>
<button data-passage="house_floor_1" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[End Date]</button><<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _zoe.image>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You decide to take Zoe on a date to the local library.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div>Zoe<hr>Huh? You wanna go out?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I was thinking we could both go to the library together for an hour or two? It's better than sitting watching TV all day...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div>Zoe<hr>Dude - you're sooo right, lets go!</div><br>
<<if _zoe.outfit eq "Nude">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Oh - but wait!... you're naked. You'll have to change first.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div>Zoe<hr>Awh! I love being naked - that's so unfair!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need to change Zoe's outfit and AI in her clothing menu first before venturing out on a date.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You both grab your coats and leave the house. It's time to arrive at the library.</div><br>
<button data-passage="zoe_date_library2" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Arrive At Library]</button>
<button data-passage="zoe_livingroom" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return Home]</button><<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You arrive at the library with <<= _zoe.name>>.</div><br>
<div class="imagebox">
<img src="images/locations/amore/university/library.jpg">
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Wow, there's so many books here. Let's check out this one.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Oh wait! It's a pervy book about sex positions - gross!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Maybe we could act them out right here right now!</div><br>
<<if _zoe.afflictions.includes("Dominated")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>That's such a great idea. Let's find a quiet spot...</div><br>
<button data-passage="zoe_date_library3" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck Zoe]</button>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Wow - very funny bro. I'm ready to go now. This place stinks!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Ouch! Maybe you should try that again once you find a way to dominate <<= _zoe.name>></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You feel smarter being in the library.<br> Intelligence increased by [+5]</div><br>
<<set $player.intelligence = $player.intelligence + 5>>
<button data-passage="house_floor_1" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[End Date]</button><<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _zoe.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Alright, here's a good spot. Fuck me good big bro!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/zoe/scenes/library_fuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You fuck this shit out of <<= _zoe.name>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Oh yes!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>We better finish up. I think I hear someone coming.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>You're right, let's continue this at home tonight!</div><br>
<<if !$achievements.fuckedherbrainsout.unlocked>>
<button data-passage="house_floor_1" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[End Date]</button><<set $currentlocation = 'amore_bedroom'>> /* Sets the player sleeping location to amore */
<<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<<set _jolene = $findCharacterByName('Jolene')>>
<div class="location-title">First Floor</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/household/firstfloor.jpg"></div>
<<if $streetbuttons eq 1>>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="amore_bedroom" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Your Bedroom]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_bathroom" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Bathroom]</button>
<button data-passage="jennifer_bedroom" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter <<print _jennifer.name>>'s Room]</button>
<button data-passage="zoe_bedroom" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter <<print _zoe.name>>'s Room]</button>
<button data-passage="house_floor_0" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Ground Floor]</button>
<<set _maid = $findCharacterByName('Sophia')>>
<<set _stepdad = $findCharacterByName('Stepdad')>>
<button data-passage="amore_bedroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Your Bedroom]
<<if $time lt 1 && $day eq 7>><span style="color: lightgreen;"> - Jennifer</span><</if>>
<<if $time gt 1 && $time lte 3 && $day lte 5 && _maid.afflictions.includes("Working")>><span style="color: lightgreen;"> - Maid</span><</if>>
<button data-passage="amore_bathroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Bathroom]
<<if $time eq 4 && $day lte 5>><span style="color: lightgreen;"> - <<print _jennifer.name>></span><</if>>
<<if $time eq 1 && $day gte 6>><span style="color: lightgreen;"> - <<print _zoe.name>></span><</if>>
<<if $time eq 6 && _jolene.afflictions.includes("Roommate")>><span style="color: lightgreen;"> - Jolene</span><</if>>
<button data-passage="jennifer_bedroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter <<print _jennifer.name>>'s Room]
<<if $time gte 5>><span style="color: lightgreen;"> - <<print _jennifer.name>></span><</if>>
<button data-passage="zoe_bedroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter <<print _zoe.name>>'s Room]
<<if $day gte 5 and $time gte 3 and $time lte 7>><span style="color: lightgreen;"> - <<print _zoe.name>></span><</if>>
<button data-passage="house_floor_0" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Ground Floor]</button>
<</if>><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<div class="location-title">Garden</div>
<<if _jennifer.afflictions.includes("Pool Nudity")>>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/household/garden/momgardennude.jpg"></div>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/household/garden/momgarden.jpg"></div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Hunny, we really need to talk.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey <<= _jennifer.name>>, sure. what's up?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Uhhhhh, sure</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You go to your bedroom and your mom follows</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_garden_auntqueststart2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Next]</button><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _auntlinda = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Linda')>>
<div class="location-title">Your Room</div>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/household/bedroom/main.png" alt="" /></div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Hunny, I need you to do me a favour. Do you remember my sister? Your Aunt?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Sure, her name is Aunt Linda.</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_garden_auntqueststart3" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Next]</button><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _auntlinda = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Linda')>>
<<set _questName2 = "The Aunt">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<div class="location-title">Your Room</div>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><<= _jennifer.image>></div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Yep, that's right. <<= _auntlinda.name>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>What about her?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>She just broke up with her husband, uncle Adebesi, and needs some help around the house. I promised you would go over and help her.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Mom, really? I never agreed to this?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Just go and help her okay? I'm not asking you, im telling you. I can trust you? Can't I baby?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Yeah... sure mom</div><br>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 0>>
<<updateQuest "The Aunt" 25>>
<<addAffliction _auntlinda "Address Known">>
<<increaseRelationship _jennifer 20>>
<button data-passage="amore_garden" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Talking]</button><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<div class="location-title">Garden</div>
<<if _jennifer.afflictions.includes("Pool Nudity")>>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/household/garden/momgardennude.jpg"></div>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/household/garden/momgarden.jpg"></div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey <<= _jennifer.name>>, how are things?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Life is great son, especially with the inheritance money from your father.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Yeah, it's amazing how much money we got. At least you will never have to work again. You're retired!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Yeah but life's kind of boring sweetie. I wish I was your age again and could be young wild and free!</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _jennifer 15>>
<button data-passage="mom_garden" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<div class="location-title">Garden</div>
<<if _jennifer.afflictions.includes("Pool Nudity")>>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/household/garden/momgardennude.jpg"></div>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/household/garden/momgarden.jpg"></div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey mom, I just wanted to say that your body looks amazing, i enjoy seeing you nude. I wish we could all just throw away our clothes and be ourselves.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Okay son, that's... great.</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _jennifer 20>>
<button data-passage="mom_garden" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Leave</button><div class="npctextboxm">You spy on Jennifer.</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/household/garden/momgardennude.jpg"></div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Holy shit...</div><br>
<button data-passage="mom_garden" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName('Zoe')>>
<<set _questName = "Sunbathin' Naked Mommy">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">Garden</div>
<<if _jennifer.afflictions.includes("Pool Nude")>>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/household/garden/momgardennude.jpg"></div>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/household/garden/momgarden.jpg"></div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey <<= _jennifer.name>>, i've been thinking. Why don't you sunbathe nude? You aren't letting the sum hit all the parts of your body.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Trust me son I would, but I wouldn't want you or <<= _zoe.name>> to see.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I don't mind. I think it's natural for us to in the nude</div><br>
<<if _jennifer.relationshipPoints gte 100 and $player.intelligence gte 25>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>You know what? You're right son. Why the fuck should I be afraid to show off my body in my own home. You and <<= _zoe.name>> are my family, and I should feel comfortable showing my body off around you both.</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _jennifer 20>>
<<addAffliction _jennifer "Pool Nudity">>
<<if $substory[_index].progress eq 50>>
<<updateQuest "Sunbathin' Naked Mommy" 100>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>No son. I wouldn't feel comfortable.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">This would require <<= _jennifer.name>> to have at least 100 relationship with you and for you to have at least 25 intelligence points.</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _jennifer -5>>
<button data-passage="mom_garden" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Leave</button><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">Messing with Jennifer</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _jennifer.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Do you think we could fuck? I really need to release!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div>Jennifer<hr>Wait - what?</div><br>
<<if _jennifer.relationshipPoints gte 1100 and _jennifer.afflictions.includes("Corrupted")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div>Jennifer<hr>Yes Sweetie! Come and fill mommy up!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Jennifer digs out your cock from your pants and invites you to join her on the sun lounger!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/jennifer/scenes/momfuckoutside.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<set _jennifer.fuckedtimes = _jennifer.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/jennifer/scenes/momfuckoutside2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<checkBountyCompletion "Jennifer">>
<<increaseRelationship _jennifer 95>>
<div class="npctextboxm">But wait! - Your cock starts to twitch!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div>Jennifer<hr>Are you... cumming?</div><br>
<<set _randomcum to random(1,2)>>
<<if _randomcum eq 1>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You cum for Jennifer.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/jennifer/scenes/mom_facial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _jennifer 15>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You fail to cum for Jennifer.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div>Jennifer<hr>Sweetie! Stop with these sick jokes! [Level 1100 and Corruption needed]</div><br>
<button data-passage="mom_garden" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><div class="location-title">Garden</div>
<<set _questName = "Sunbathin' Naked Mommy">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<<set _questName2 = "The Aunt">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<if $time gt 2>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Nobody is here.</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_garden" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<<set _amy = $findCharacterByName('Amy')>>
<<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _stepdad = $findCharacterByName('Stepdad')>>
<<if !_stepdad.afflictions.includes("Crestfallen")>>
<<set _dadHere = 1>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You enter the garden. As usual this time of day, <<= _jennifer.name>> is sitting in the sun.</div><br>
<<if $substory[_index].progress eq 0 and !_jennifer.afflictions.includes("Pool Nudity")>>
<<updateQuest "Sunbathin' Naked Mommy" 50>>
<<if _jennifer.afflictions.includes("Pool Nudity")>>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/household/garden/momgardennude.jpg"></div>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/household/garden/momgarden.jpg"></div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Hey sweetie, are you okay?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<<if _dadHere eq 1>> /* Redirects for dad's cock blocking */
<button data-passage="stepdadstopgarden" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Spy]</button>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 0 and _jennifer.relationshipPoints gte 100>>
<button data-passage="amore_garden_auntqueststart" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Start Quest 'Your Aunt']</button>
<button data-passage="amore_garden_spy" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Spy]</button>
<<if !_jennifer.afflictions.includes("Pool Nudity")>>
<button data-passage="amore_garden_sunbathe" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Nude Sunbathing]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_garden_mom_chat" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Chat]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_garden_mom_compliment" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Compliment]</button>
<button data-passage="mom_fuck_garden" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck - Garden]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_garden" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button>
<<if $amyLevel gte 500 and $cousinQuest != 1>><button data-passage="cousinIsHere" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Invite Cousin Over</button><</if>>
<button data-passage="fuckmomgarden" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Fuck $mom</button>
<<if $dadDead eq 0>>
<button data-passage="stepdadstop" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">❤️ Spy on $mom ❤️</button>
<button data-passage="Spy on mom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Spy on $mom</button>
<<if $nudegarden eq 0>>
<button data-passage="Convince to sunbathe nude" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">❤️ Convince to sunbathe nude ❤️</button>
<button data-passage="Compliment her body" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Compliment her body</button>
<button data-passage="General Chat" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Chat</button>
<<if $momoutfit eq 0 and $momlevel gte 1300>><button data-passage="momunderwear" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">❤️ Convince $mom to wear underwear at home ❤️</button><</if>><<if $momoutfit eq 1 and $momlevel gte 1600>><button data-passage="momnude" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">❤️ Convince $mom to wear nothing at home ❤️</button><</if>><<if $momlevel gte 400 and $auntquest eq 0>><button data-passage="auntstart" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">⭐ Special Event: Meeting your Auntie ⭐</button><</if>><<if $momquest eq 0 and $momlevel gte 3000>><button data-passage="motherinneed" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">⭐ Special Event: A Mother in Need ⭐</button><</if>><<if $momquest eq 1>><button data-passage="motherinneed2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">⭐ Special Event: The Decision ⭐</button><</if>><hr><button data-passage="Garden" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Leave</button></div><<set $time = $time +1>>
*/<div class="npctextboxm">Who do you want to skinnydip with?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">
<div class="managerwrapper">
<!-- Loop through characters to find and display Mother -->
<<for _charIndex = 0; _charIndex < $characters.length; _charIndex++>>
<<set _char = $characters[_charIndex]>>
<<if _char.name == 'Jennifer'>>
<div class="managergallery">
<<print _char.image>>
<<print _char.name>> [The Mom]
<!-- Loop through characters to find and display Sister -->
<<for _charIndex = 0; _charIndex < $characters.length; _charIndex++>>
<<set _char = $characters[_charIndex]>>
<<if _char.name == 'Zoe'>>
<div class="managergallery">
<<print _char.image>>
<<print _char.name>> [The Sister]
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="skinnydip_jennifer" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Skinnydip With Jennifer]</button>
<button data-passage="skinnydip_zoe" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Skinnydip With Zoe]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_garden" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Skinnydipping]</button>
</div><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey mom, wanna go skinny dipping?</div><br>
<<if _jennifer.relationshipPoints gte 500>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Hehe! Sure thing Sweetie - how naughty!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/locations/household/garden/skinnydip.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>I hope the neighbours dont see us!</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/household/garden/mompool.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Holy shit...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Absoloutely fucking not! Don't ever ask me that again! I'm your mother!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Uh...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need at least 500 relationship with <<= _jennifer.name>> to ask this.</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_garden" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey <<= _zoe.name>>, wanna go skinny dipping?</div><br>
<<if _zoe.relationshipPoints gte 500>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Woohoo!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/locations/household/garden/skinnydip.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>This is great!</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/household/garden/sisterpool.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I gotta hide this boner...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Very funny. Creep...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Uh...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need at least 500 relationship with <<= _zoe.name>> to ask this.</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_garden" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _stepdad = $findCharacterByName('Stepdad')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You smack your stepdad around like a empty tracksuit jacket. You are surprised by his weakness.</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><<= _stepdad.image>></div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _stepdad.chat>></div><<= _stepdad.name>><hr>P-please! No more! I give up!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Don't ever come round' here again, got it? Otherwise you're a dead man.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _stepdad.chat>></div><<= _stepdad.name>><hr>Of course! Of course! I'm sorry! I'm going to leave now!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You defeated your stepdad, more interactions have been unlocked.</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Defeat Your Stepdad" 100>>
<<addAffliction _stepdad "Crestfallen">>
<button data-passage="amore_garden" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><<set _stepdad = $findCharacterByName('Stepdad')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your Step Dad is here</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><<= _stepdad.image>></div>
<div class="npctextboxm">You ball up your fist and swing it in his direction!</div><br>
<<if $player.combatenabled eq "true">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _stepdad.chat>></div><<= _stepdad.name>><hr>Finally! Someone to fight!</div><br>
<<set $exitLocation = "stepdad_defeated_1">>
<button data-passage="enemyload" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$enemyChosen to 'Stepdad'">[Start Fight]</button>
<<if $player.strength gte 50>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _stepdad.chat>></div><<= _stepdad.name>><hr>Ah! Fuck!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You drew blood!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Time to finish him off! (no homo)</div><br>
<button data-passage="stepdad_defeated_1" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Him!]</button>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _stepdad.chat>></div><<= _stepdad.name>><hr>Was that an attempt to hurt me? Come here you little punk!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You'll need at least 50 strength to defeat your stepdad!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I'm not strong enought! I need to run!</div><br>
<button data-passage="house_floor_0" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Run Away]</button>
<</if>><<set _stepdad = $findCharacterByName('Stepdad')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your Step Dad is here</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><<= _stepdad.image>></div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _stepdad.chat>></div><<= _stepdad.name>><hr>What the fuck do you think you're doing bro? Get the fuck out of here before I beat the shit out of you! Bitch!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>This fucking asshole...</div><br>
/* Step dad quest start here */
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I should be prepared if I want to fight my stepdad. It's not going to be easy.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="stepdad_garden_challenge" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fight Stepdad]</button>
<button data-passage="house_floor_0" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Run Away]</button>
</div><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<<set _locationTitle = "Garden">>
<<set _characterConditions = [
{name: "Jennifer", condition: $time lte 2 && $day lte 5},
<<displayLocation '<img src="images/locations/household/garden/garden.jpg" alt="" />' _characterConditions>>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $time lte 2 && $day lte 5>>
<button data-passage="mom_garden" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Speak to <<= _jennifer.name>>]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_garden_skinnydip" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Skinnydip]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_garden_dive" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Dive in Pool]</button>
<button data-passage="house_floor_0" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Exit Garden]</button>
<<if $time lte 2 and $day lte 5>>
<button data-passage="Mom is here" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">$mom is here</button>
<<if $stamina gte 4>>
<button data-passage="Dive in the pool" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Dive in the pool</button>
<button data-passage="" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Dive in the pool [4 Stamina]</button>
<button data-passage="skinnyDipMom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Invite $mom to Skinny Dip</button>
<button data-passage="skinnyDipSis" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Invite $sister to Skinny Dip</button>
<button data-passage="Ground Floor" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Leave</button>
*/<div class="title">You decide now would be a good time to dive into the pool.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Calabunga!!!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/locations/household/garden/pooldives.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>That was fun!</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_garden" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Climb Out]</button><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName('Zoe')>>
<<set _amy = $findCharacterByName('Amy')>>
<<set _jolene = $findCharacterByName('Jolene')>>
<<set _locationTitle = "Kitchen">>
<<set _characterConditions = [
{name: "Jennifer", condition: $time eq 3},
{name: "Zoe", condition: $time eq 3},
{name: "Amy", condition: $time eq 3 && _amy.afflictions.includes("Visiting")},
{name: "Jolene", condition: $time eq 3 && _jolene.afflictions.includes("Roommate")},
{name: "Jolene", condition: $time lt 3 && _jolene.afflictions.includes("Roommate")},
<<displayLocation '<img src="images/locations/household/kitchen/kitchen.jpg" alt="" />' _characterConditions>>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $time eq 3>>
<button data-passage="amore_lunch" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Have Lunch]</button>
<<if $time lt 3 and _jolene.afflictions.includes("Roommate")>>
<button data-passage="jolene_kitchen_chat" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Speak To Jolene]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_kitchen_search" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Search Kitchen]</button>
<button data-passage="house_floor_0" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Exit Kitchen]</button>
<<if $stamina gte 2>><button data-passage="Search Kitchen" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Search Kitchen</button><</if>>
<<if $stamina gte 4>><button data-passage="Clean Kitchen" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Clean the kitchen</button>
<</if>><<if $time eq 3>><button data-passage="Have lunch with family" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Have Lunch - <<Mom>> - <<Sister>></button><</if>><hr><button data-passage="Ground Floor" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Leave</button></div>
*/<div class="npctextboxm">You search the kitchen but dont find anything.</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_kitchen" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Searching]</button><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName('Zoe')>>
<<set _amy = $findCharacterByName('Amy')>>
<<set _stepdad = $findCharacterByName('Stepdad')>>
<<set _jolene = $findCharacterByName('Jolene')>>
/* Which dinner guests are here? */
<<if !_stepdad.afflictions.includes("Crestfallen")>><<set _dadHere = 1>> <</if>>
<<if _amy.afflictions.includes("Visiting")>><<set _amyHere = 1>> <</if>>
<<if _jolene.afflictions.includes("Roommate")>><<set _joleneHere = 1>> <</if>>
/* ------------------------------ */
<div class="location-title">Kitchen</div>
<div class="npctextboxm">Mom finishes preparing the family lunch. It smells delicious as always!</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/household/kitchen/food.jpg"></div>
<div class="npctextboxm">Mom finishes preparing the family lunch. It smells delicious as always!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><<print _jennifer.name>>, <<print _zoe.name>><<if _dadHere eq 1>>, Stepdad<</if>><<if _amyHere eq 1>>, Amy<</if>> <<if _joleneHere eq 1>>, Jolene<</if>> join you at the dinner table.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>I hope everyone enjoys the food I have prepared! I'm so lucky to have my fantastic children with me. <<if _zoe.outfit eq "Nude">>Wow <<= _zoe.name>>, its so nice to see you comfortable naked at the kitchen table.<</if>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Let's eat!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Thanks mom, this is great! <<if _jennifer.outfit eq "Nude">>Mom, i wish i had your tits...<</if>></div><br>
<<if _dadHere eq 1>>
<<if _zoe.outfit eq "Nude" or _jennifer.outfit eq "Nude">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _stepdad.chat>></div><<= _stepdad.name>><hr>Uh...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Stepdad gets really uncomfortable seeing nudity at the dinner table.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _stepdad.chat>></div><<= _stepdad.name>><hr>This food tastes like shit. Also, me and Adebesi from the bar are going to double team you tonight.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Oh my! Not at the dinner table, my love!</div><br>
<<if _amyHere eq 1>>
<<if _zoe.outfit eq "Nude" or _jennifer.outfit eq "Nude">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div><<= _amy.name>><hr>Gah! It's so fucked up how you guys are naked at the dinner table! I can't eat!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Amy! Have some respect please, we just like to be comfortable around here.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div><<= _amy.name>><hr>Thank you for this amazing food, Auntie!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Anytime my dear! It's always lovely to have you visit us!</div><br>
<<if _joleneHere eq 1>>
<<if _zoe.outfit eq "Nude" or _jennifer.outfit eq "Nude">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>Oh my god, titties at the dinner table!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>*Ahem*</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>I helped with this!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Yes you did dear, everyone say thank you to Jolene for her help today with the lunch.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You finish the meal with your family.</div><br>
<<if _jennifer.afflictions.includes("Dirty Panties")>>
<div class="npctextboxm"><<= _jennifer.name>> is in some visible discomfort. She is rubbing her inner leg. She's wearing the panties you came in!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Oh my! - Everyone, please excuse me. Mommy needs to go change.</div><br>
<<if !$achievements.wetAndSlimy.unlocked>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Alright everyone! Thanks for joining mommy for lunch. Leave the cleaning up to me.</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_kitchen" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Lunch]</button>
<<if _joleneHere eq 1 and _amyHere eq 1 and _dadHere eq 1>>
<<if !$achievements.dinnerparty.unlocked>>
<</if>><<set _jolene = $findCharacterByName('Jolene')>>
<div class="title">Kitchen</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<img src="images/characters/jolene/kitchen.jpg" alt="" />
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey Jolene, that smells great!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>Thank you <<print $player.name>>! Your mom taught me this sweet ass recipe, I can't wait for you to try it for lunch soon!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I'll be there for lunch, I wouldn't dream of missing that!</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _jolene 2>>
<button data-passage="amore_kitchen" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Away]</button><<set _amy = $findCharacterByName('Amy')>>
<<set _questName = "Hello Cousin">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">Livingroom</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _amy.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Can I come visit you sometime? </div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>...</div><br>
<<if _amy.relationshipPoints gte 600>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>I mean, why not. Wanna go now?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Sure!</div><br>
<<addAffliction _amy "Address Known">>
<button data-passage="intro_aunteva" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Start Quest - Seduction of Aunt Eva]</button>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>Why the fuck would I let a freak like you visit my parents? Get lost!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You shouldn't of asked that. Need 600 relationship.</div><br>
<button data-passage="amy_livingroom_day" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button>
<</if>><<set _amy = $findCharacterByName('Amy')>>
<<set _questName = "Hello Cousin">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">Livingroom</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _amy.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>C'mon cuz, let me hit. I'm really horny right now. I can't sleep!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>What did you just say?</div><br>
<<if _amy.relationshipPoints gte 1500>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>... sure just make it quick, okay?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You undress Amy and climb under covers with her.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>Wow, you're really hard tonight. Jeez. Just... lets do it.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Can I put it in your ass?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>WWhat?</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/amy/main/scenes/anal.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>Fuck!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>Alright, that's enough!</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _amy 50>>
<<set _amy.fuckedtimes = _amy.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _amy "Crabs">>
<<elseif _amy.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _amy $player "Crabs">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>I'm going to scream, get out of here you fucking creep!</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _amy -50>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You shouldn't of asked that.</div><br>
<button data-passage="amy_livingroom_night" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _amy = $findCharacterByName('Amy')>>
<<set _questName = "Hello Cousin">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">Livingroom</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _amy.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>You should suck my dick tonight.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>What did you just say?</div><br>
<<if _amy.relationshipPoints gte 500>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>I mean, I don't see why not.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You unsheath you cock and direct it towards Amy's face.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>... Why am I doing this?</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/amy/main/scenes/bj.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>Happy?!</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _amy 10>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>I'm going to scream, get out of here you fucking creep!</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _amy -25>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You shouldn't of asked that. Need 500 relationship.</div><br>
<button data-passage="amy_livingroom_night" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _amy = $findCharacterByName('Amy')>>
<div class="location-title">Livingroom</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _amy.image>>
<<set _randomChat to random(1,5)>>
<<if _randomChat eq 1>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey Amy, you are the daughter of my Aunt right? The one who lives just outside of Amore?</div><br>
<<if _amy.relationshipPoints lte 1000>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>What? No. You don't even know my mom. I wouldn't want you to meet her anyway.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>Yeah my mom would be your Aunt Joanna. You can't remember her?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>That's cool, I'd like to meet her one day.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>Ugh, why do I feel like you have seedy intentions. Leave me mom alone, creep!</div><br>
<<elseif _randomChat eq 2>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey Amy, why are you always here? </div><br>
<<if _amy.relationshipPoints lte 1000>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>I'm here to see my cousin, Zoe . You asshole.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>I'm here because your sister, Zoe is my best friend.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I never knew Zoe had friends...</div><br>
<<elseif _randomChat eq 3>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey Amy, are you my real cousin? </div><br>
<<if _amy.relationshipPoints lte 1000>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>What the fuck are you talking about?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Is that a yes?</div><br>
<<elseif _randomChat eq 4>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey Amy, why do you hate me? </div><br>
<<if _amy.relationshipPoints lte 1000>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>Because you are a fucking pervert! I've heard all about you and how you try to fuck everything that moves. It makes me sick!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>Look... I don't *hate* you I just dislike how much of a man-whore you have become. It's not cool.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Oh. I see. Fair enough.</div><br>
<<elseif _randomChat eq 5>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey Amy, wanna see something? </div><br>
<<if _amy.relationshipPoints lte 1000>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>Want to see this TV remote up your ass?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>No...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I thought you'd say that.</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _amy 1>>
<button data-passage="amy_livingroom_day" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Stop Talking</button><<set _questName = "Hello Cousin">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<<set _amy = $findCharacterByName('Amy')>>
<<if $time gte 6>>
<<if $substory[_index].progress gte 100>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>Uh, could you give me a little privacy and come back after im changed for bed?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>Can you get the fuck out? I need to change for bed.</div><br>
<button data-passage="house_floor_0" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Outside]</button>
<div class="location-title">Livingroom</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _amy.image>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing in your living room talking to Amy. It's daytime and other household members are always here. If you wanted, you could talk to her more private at night.</div><br>
<<if $substory[_index].progress gte 100>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>Oh hey... it's you... if you want to do something later... come by when everyone else is asleep.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>The fuck do you want, dweeb?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="amy_livingroom_outfits" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Change Outfits]</button>
<button data-passage="amy_livingroom_chat" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Chat]</button>
<button data-passage="amy_livingroom_no" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Give Item]</button>
<button data-passage="amy_livingroom_no" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck]</button>
<button data-passage="amy_livingroom_no" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[BJ]</button>
<button data-passage="amy_livingroom_no" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Anal]</button>
<<if !_amy.afflictions.includes("Address Known")>>
<button data-passage="amy_livingroom_address" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Ask to Visit]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_livingroom" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Away]</button>
<</if>><<set _amy = $findCharacterByName('Amy')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Mom asked me if you wanted a drink [Lie]</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>Get me a water.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You grab Amy a glass of water from the kitchen and dose it with the hypno serum</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The Hypnosis Serum has been removed from your inventory.</div><br>
<<for _i to 0; _i < $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Hypnosis Serum">>
<<set $player.inventory.splice(_i, 1)>> <!-- Remove one instance of Hypnosis Serum at index _i -->
<<set $foundItem to true>> <!-- Set the flag to true to indicate we found Hypnosis Serum -->
<<break>> <!-- Exit the loop after deleting one instance -->
<<if !_amy.afflictions.includes("Dosed")>>
<<addAffliction _amy "Dosed">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Here you go!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Amy grabs the glass off you and takes a swig.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>Waa....</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">It looks like Amy might be a little resistant to the serum. You might not want to risk giving her any big commands.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>You like me more, right?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>Kinda...</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _amy 200>>
<button data-passage="amy_livingroom_night" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Stop Talking</button><<set _amy = $findCharacterByName('Amy')>>
<<set _questName = "Hello Cousin">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">Livingroom</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _amy.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>C'mon cuz, let me hit. I'm really horny right now. I can't sleep!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>What did you just say?</div><br>
<<if _amy.relationshipPoints gte 1000>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>... sure just make it quick, okay?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You undress Amy and climb under covers with her.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>Wow, you're really hard tonight. Jeez. Just... lets do it.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/amy/main/scenes/fuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>Fuck!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Amy starts to get more into it and goes ontop. You both make a effort to keep the noise down as low as possible.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/amy/main//scenes/fuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>Oh fuck. That was... okay. Now let's get some sleep.</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _amy 50>>
<<set _amy.fuckedtimes = _amy.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _amy "Crabs">>
<<elseif _amy.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _amy $player "Crabs">>
<<if $substory[_index].progress eq 50>>
<<updateQuest "Hello Cousin" 100>>
<<if !_amy.afflictions.includes("Dosed")>>
<<if !$achievements.withStupid.unlocked>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>I'm going to scream, get out of here you fucking creep!</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _amy -50>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You shouldn't of asked that. Need 1000 relationship.</div><br>
<button data-passage="amy_livingroom_night" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _amy = $findCharacterByName('Amy')>>
<<set _itemName = "Hypnosis Serum">>
<<set _foundItem = $player.inventory.find(item => item.name === _itemName)>>
<div class="location-title">Livingroom</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<img src="images/characters/amy/main/sleep.jpg">
<div class="npctextboxm">You wake Amy who was asleep on the sofa.</div><br>
<<if _amy.relationshipPoints gte 1100>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>Finally, you came back...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>Ugh... wha... it's fucking late! What... what the fuck do you want man?...</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<<if _foundItem>>
<button data-passage="amy_livingroom_dose" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Dose - Hypnosis Serum]</button>
<button data-passage="amy_livingroom_fuck" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck]</button>
<button data-passage="amy_livingroom_bj" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[BJ]</button>
<button data-passage="amy_livingroom_anal" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Anal]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_livingroom" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Away]</button>
</div><<set _amy = $findCharacterByName('Amy')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>Whatever you are about to ask me, the answer will always be no. Now leave.</div><br>
<button data-passage="amy_livingroom_day" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"Oh"</button><<set _amy = $findCharacterByName('Amy')>>
<<set _chatOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/amy/chat/chat.png">', condition: true },
{ name: "Bikini Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/amy/main/uncommon.png">', condition: _amy.relationshipPoints >= 50 },
{ name: "Nude Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/amy/main/rare.png">', condition: _amy.fuckedtimes >= 1 },
{ name: "Godlike Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/amy/main/godlike.png">', condition: _amy.relationshipPoints >= 1000 },
<<set _outfitOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/amy/main/main.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Bikini Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/amy/main/cousingarden.jpg">', condition: _amy.relationshipPoints >= 50 },
{ name: "Nude #1", img: '<img src="images/characters/amy/main/nude.jpg">', condition: _amy.fuckedtimes >= 1 },
{ name: "Nude #2", img: '<img src="images/characters/amy/main/naked.jpg">', condition: _amy.fuckedtimes >= 15 },
{ name: "Nude #3", img: '<img src="images/characters/amy/main/amgg3.jpg">', condition: _amy.fuckedtimes >= 35 },
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>What gives you the right to choose what I wear?</div><br>
<!-- Sophia's Chat Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose Amy's Avatar<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _chatOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_amy.chat" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<!-- Sophia's Outfit Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose Amy's Main Outfit<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _outfitOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_amy.image" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<button data-passage="amy_livingroom_day" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Save]</button><div class="location-title">Christmas 2022</div><br>
<<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName('Zoe')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You gather around the living room with your household and prepare to celebrate christmas! The most wonderful time of the year!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">
<div class="managerwrapper">
<div class="managergallery">
<<print _jennifer.image>>
<div class="managergallery">
<<print _zoe.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Merry christmas everyone! I know you guys are older now, so here's some cash in a card!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You receive $5000 from <<= _jennifer.name>>!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Thanks mom, here is my gift for you, and one for you too $player.name!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You receive Crab Medicine from <<= _zoe.name>></div><br>
<<set _methItem = {
name: "Crab Medicine",
price: 1000,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/medicine.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Medicine that removes crabs and public lice.",
unique: "No"
<<set $player.inventory.push(_methItem)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">It's time for you to give gifts. I hope they are good!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Here you go guys! Enjoy!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><<= _zoe.name>> and <<= _jennifer.name>> open the gifts you gave them...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><<= _jennifer.name>> opens her gift from you... she pulls out a...</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><img src="images/events/christmas2022/dildo.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>A DILDO?!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>You - you'bve ruined christmas, $player.name! I'm going to bed. Nobody disturb me. I need to... sleep.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Nice going $player.name, what type of creep buys their mom a dildo?!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><<= _zoe.name>> opens her gift from you... she pulls out another dildo...</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><img src="images/characters/zoe/image/sisterdildo1.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>WHY?! WHY DILDOS? THIS IS SO MESSED UP!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You stay silent. You simply imagine yourself roundhouse kicking Bernie.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>WHY?! WHY DILDOS? THIS IS SO MESSED UP!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Goodnight $player.name.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Both <<= _jennifer.name>> and <<= _zoe.name>> leave to go to bed. It looks like they took the dildos with them...</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Christmas 2022" 100>>
<button data-passage="christmas2022_1" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Next]</button><div class="location-title">Christmas 2022</div><br>
<<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName('Zoe')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You hear some strange noises coming from both bedrooms. You could ignore this and just go to bed if you wanted.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="spyz" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Spy on <<= _zoe.name>>]</button>
<button data-passage="spyj" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Spy on <<= _jennifer.name>>]</button>
<button data-passage="sleep" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$currentlocation to 'amore_bedroom'">[End Quest - Sleep]</button>
</div><div class="location-title">Christmas 2022</div><br>
<<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _amy = $findCharacterByName('Amy')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You peak your head into <<= _jennifer.name>>'s bedroom</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">She seems to be enjoying her new toy...</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<img src="images/characters/jennifer/image/3.jpg" alt="" />
<button data-passage="christmas2022_1" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><div class="location-title">Christmas 2022</div><br>
<<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName('Zoe')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You peak your head into <<= _zoe.name>>'s bedroom</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">She seems to be enjoying her new toy...</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/zoe/scenes/dildo.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<button data-passage="christmas2022_1" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<div class="location-title">Livingroom</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _jennifer.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div>Jennifer<hr>What is it sweetie? You want mommy to come out with you?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="momdateelsa" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Elsa's Bar Date]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_livingroom" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button>
</div><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<div class="location-title">Livingroom</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _jennifer.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey mom, hows things?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div>Jennifer<hr>So good sweetie! Apart from the shower door never working when im in the shower! Seriously! I always have me regular shower on a weekend and the door never locks! Anyone could just walk in! It's sooo fustrating!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Anyone could come in, huh?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div>Jennifer<hr>Wait - why are you looking at me like that?</div><br>
<<if _jennifer.outfit eq "Nude">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div>Jennifer<hr>Actually, you can just come in anytime. Mommy wants you to watch her shower...</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _jennifer 15>>
<button data-passage="mom_livingroom" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Away]</button><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<div class="location-title"><<= _jennifer.name>></div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _jennifer.image>>
<div class="npctextboxm">What item do you want to give <<= _jennifer.name>>?</div><br>
<<set _inventoryCount = {}>> <!-- Create an object to store item quantities -->
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<set _item = $player.inventory[_i]>> <!-- Get the current item -->
<<set _itemName = _item.name>> <!-- Get the item's name -->
<<set _itemQuantity = _inventoryCount[_itemName] || 0>> <!-- Get the current quantity or default to 0 -->
<!-- Update the item's quantity in the inventoryCount object -->
<<set _inventoryCount[_itemName] = _itemQuantity + 1>> <!-- Increment quantity by 1 for each item -->
<div class="itemWrapperz">
<<for _itemName, _itemQuantity range _inventoryCount>> <<capture _itemName>>
<div class="newItembox">
<div class="newItemphotos">
<<set _item = $player.inventory.find(item => item.name === _itemName)>>
<<print _item.image>>
<div class="NewItemtext">
<center><<print _itemName>> (x<<print _itemQuantity>>)</center>
<button data-passage="jennifer_livingroom_giveitem2" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$itemChosen to _itemName">[Give]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_livingroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Skip - No Item]</button><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _reactionItems = ["Flowers", "Crab Medicine", "Diamond", "Dildo"]>> <!-- Define Sophia's favorite items -->
<<if _reactionItems.includes($itemChosen)>>
<<set _itemIndex = $player.inventory.findIndex(item => item.name === $itemChosen)>>
<<if _itemIndex > -1>>
<<set $player.inventory.deleteAt(_itemIndex)>> <!-- Remove one instance of the item from the player's inventory -->
<<if $itemChosen == "Crab Medicine">>
<<if _jennifer.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<set _jennifer.afflictions.delete("Crabs")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>How did you know I had crabs! Don't tell mom! Thank you!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Why are you giving me this? I don't have any STDS...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Thank you! <<print $itemChosen>>[s] are my favourite!</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _jennifer 50>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>I think you better keep that.</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_livingroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<div class="location-title">Livingroom</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _jennifer.image>>
<<if _jennifer.outfit eq "Nude">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div>Jennifer<hr>Oh my! Not when people are around you horny boy! Let's continue this later tonight in my bedroom...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div>Jennifer<hr>Stop fooling around!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Jennifer is usually alone when she's in the shower or in her bedroom. She isn't going to fuck you in broad daylight in the living room!</div><br>
<button data-passage="mom_livingroom" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Away]</button><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _chatOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/jennifer/chat/1.png">', condition: true },
{ name: "Nude Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/jennifer/chat/2.png">', condition: _jennifer.relationshipPoints >= 1500},
{ name: "Serious Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/jennifer/chat/3.png">', condition: _jennifer.relationshipPoints >= 1000},
{ name: "Teacher Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/jennifer/chat/4.png">', condition: _jennifer.relationshipPoints >= 500},
{ name: "Wedding Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/jennifer/chat/5.png">', condition: _jennifer.relationshipPoints >= 200},
{ name: "Police Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/jennifer/chat/6.png">', condition: _jennifer.relationshipPoints >= 100},
{ name: "Sunglasses Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/jennifer/chat/7.png">', condition: _jennifer.fuckedtimes >= 2000},
{ name: "Christmas Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/jennifer/chat/8.png">', condition: _jennifer.fuckedtimes >= 20},
{ name: "Easter Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/jennifer/chat/9.png">', condition: _jennifer.fuckedtimes >= 30},
{ name: "Gamer Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/jennifer/chat/10.png">', condition: _jennifer.fuckedtimes >= 40},
{ name: "Facial Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/jennifer/chat/11.png">', condition: _jennifer.fuckedtimes >= 50},
<<set _outfitOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/jennifer/image/1.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Nude Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/jennifer/image/2.jpg">', condition: _jennifer.relationshipPoints >= 1500},
{ name: "Halloween Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/jennifer/image/halloween.jpg">', condition: _jennifer.relationshipPoints >= 1000},
{ name: "Teacher Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/jennifer/image/teacher.jpg">', condition: _jennifer.relationshipPoints >= 500},
{ name: "Wedding Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/jennifer/image/wedding.jpg">', condition: _jennifer.relationshipPoints >= 200},
{ name: "Police Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/jennifer/image/police.jpg">', condition: _jennifer.relationshipPoints >= 100},
{ name: "Sunglasses Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/jennifer/image/sunglasses.jpg">', condition: _jennifer.fuckedtimes >= 2000},
{ name: "Christmas Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/jennifer/image/christmas.jpg">', condition: _jennifer.fuckedtimes >= 20},
{ name: "Easter Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/jennifer/image/easter.jpg">', condition: _jennifer.fuckedtimes >= 30},
{ name: "Nightwear Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/jennifer/image/nightwear.jpg">', condition: _jennifer.fuckedtimes >= 40},
{ name: "Facial Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/jennifer/image/topless.jpg">', condition: _jennifer.fuckedtimes >= 50},
{ name: "Bikini", img: '<img src="images/characters/jennifer/image/bikini.jpg">', condition: _jennifer.afflictions.includes("Backer Outfits Owned") },
{ name: "Nude Outfit #2", img: '<img src="images/characters/jennifer/image/nude_backer.jpg">', condition: _jennifer.afflictions.includes("Backer Outfits Owned") },
{ name: "Nude Outfit #3", img: '<img src="images/characters/jennifer/image/naked2.jpg">', condition: _jennifer.afflictions.includes("Backer Outfits Owned") },
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>You shouldn't be doing this!</div><br>
<!-- Sophia's Chat Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose <<= _jennifer.name>>'s Avatar<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _chatOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_jennifer.chat" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<!-- Sophia's Outfit Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose <<= _jennifer.name>>'s Main Outfit<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _outfitOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_jennifer.image" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<<if _jennifer.relationshipPoints gte 1500>>
<!-- Sophia's Chat Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Is <<= _jennifer.name>> Nude? [Toggles Nude Behaviour On/Off]<hr>
Yes [Nude] <<radiobutton "_jennifer.outfit" "Nude">><br>
No [Not Nude] <<radiobutton "_jennifer.outfit" "Regular">>
<button data-passage="mom_livingroom" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Save]</button><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<div class="location-title">Livingroom</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _jennifer.image>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing in your living room talking to your mom.</div><br>
<<if _jennifer.outfit eq "Nude">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Does mommy's naked body turn you on? Good.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Shouldn't you be doing chores?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="jennifer_date_menu" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Dates]</button>
<button data-passage="jennifer_outfit_menu" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Change Outfits]</button>
<button data-passage="jennifer_livingroom_chat" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Chat]</button>
<button data-passage="jennifer_livingroom_giveitem" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Give Item]</button>
<button data-passage="jennifer_livingroom_no" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Try Lewd Stuff]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_livingroom" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Away]</button>
</div><<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<div class="location-title">Livingroom</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _zoe.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Huh? You wanna go out?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="zoe_date_elsa" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Elsa's Bar Date]</button>
<button data-passage="zoe_date_library" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Library Date]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_livingroom" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button>
</div><<set _questName = "Homework Helper">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<div class="location-title">Livingroom</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _zoe.image>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing in your living room talking to your sister.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>What's up big bro?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $substory[_index].progress eq 90>>
<button data-passage="zoe_finale" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"We need to go"</button>
<button data-passage="zoe_date_menu" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Dates]</button>
<button data-passage="zoe_outfit_menu" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Change Outfits]</button>
<button data-passage="zoe_livingroom_chat" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Chat]</button>
<button data-passage="zoe_livingroom_giveitem" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Give Item]</button>
<button data-passage="zoe_livingroom_no" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Try Lewd Stuff]</button>
<button data-passage="zoe_bedroom" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Away]</button>
</div><<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<div class="location-title">Livingroom</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _zoe.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey sis, hows things?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Could be better I suppose. How about you? Found a job yet?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I'm a full time hustler. You need to learn to apreciate the grind.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Whatever...</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _zoe 5>>
<button data-passage="amore_livingroom" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Away]</button><<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<div class="location-title"><<= _zoe.name>></div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _zoe.image>>
<div class="npctextboxm">What item do you want to give <<= _zoe.name>>?</div><br>
<<set _inventoryCount = {}>> <!-- Create an object to store item quantities -->
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<set _item = $player.inventory[_i]>> <!-- Get the current item -->
<<set _itemName = _item.name>> <!-- Get the item's name -->
<<set _itemQuantity = _inventoryCount[_itemName] || 0>> <!-- Get the current quantity or default to 0 -->
<!-- Update the item's quantity in the inventoryCount object -->
<<set _inventoryCount[_itemName] = _itemQuantity + 1>> <!-- Increment quantity by 1 for each item -->
<div class="itemWrapperz">
<<for _itemName, _itemQuantity range _inventoryCount>> <<capture _itemName>>
<div class="newItembox">
<div class="newItemphotos">
<<set _item = $player.inventory.find(item => item.name === _itemName)>>
<<print _item.image>>
<div class="NewItemtext">
<center><<print _itemName>> (x<<print _itemQuantity>>)</center>
<button data-passage="zoe_livingroom_giveitem2" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$itemChosen to _itemName">[Give]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_livingroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Skip - No Item]</button><<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<<set _reactionItems = ["Flowers", "Crab Medicine", "Diamond", "Dildo"]>> <!-- Define Sophia's favorite items -->
<<if _reactionItems.includes($itemChosen)>>
<<set _itemIndex = $player.inventory.findIndex(item => item.name === $itemChosen)>>
<<if _itemIndex > -1>>
<<set $player.inventory.deleteAt(_itemIndex)>> <!-- Remove one instance of the item from the player's inventory -->
<<if $itemChosen == "Crab Medicine">>
<<if _zoe.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<set _zoe.afflictions.delete("Crabs")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>How did you know I had crabs! Don't tell mom! Thank you!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Why are you giving me this? I don't have any STDS...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Thank you big bro! <<print $itemChosen>>[s] are my favourite!</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _zoe 50>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>I think you better keep that.</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_livingroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<div class="location-title">Livingroom</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _zoe.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Y'know, I dunno what you're trying to do but its always awkward when mom is around so just wait okay? I'm in my room on the weekend evenings. Come talk to me there if you want to hang out more.</div><br>
<button data-passage="zoe_livingroom" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Away]</button><<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<<set _questName = "Homework Helper">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<<set _questName2 = "Christmas 2022">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _chatOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/zoe/chat/1.png">', condition: true },
{ name: "Underwear Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/zoe/chat/3.png">', condition: true },
{ name: "Nude Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/zoe/chat/2.png">', condition: _zoe.afflictions.includes("Nude Study") },
{ name: "Godlike Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/zoe/chat/sistergodlike.png">', condition: _zoe.homework >= 20 },
{ name: "Doll Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/zoe/chat/dollchat.png">', condition: _questName.complete eq true},
<<set _outfitOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/zoe/image/1.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Underwear Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/zoe/image/underwear.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Nude Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/zoe/image/nude.jpg">', condition: _zoe.afflictions.includes("Nude Study") },
{ name: "Dildo Lover", img: '<img src="images/characters/zoe/image/naked.jpg">', condition: _questName2.complete eq true},
{ name: "Doll", img: '<img src="images/characters/zoe/image/doll.jpg">', condition: _questName.complete eq true},
{ name: "Fairy", img: '<img src="images/characters/zoe/image/fairy.jpg">', condition: _zoe.afflictions.includes("Backer Outfits Owned") },
{ name: "Hippy", img: '<img src="images/characters/zoe/image/hippy.jpg">', condition: _zoe.afflictions.includes("Backer Outfits Owned") },
{ name: "Bunny", img: '<img src="images/characters/zoe/image/bunny.jpg">', condition: _zoe.afflictions.includes("Backer Outfits Owned") },
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>You've got some ideas on an outfit for me?</div><br>
<!-- Sophia's Chat Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose <<= _zoe.name>>'s Avatar<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _chatOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_zoe.chat" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<!-- Sophia's Outfit Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose <<= _zoe.name>>'s Main Outfit<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _outfitOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_zoe.image" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<<if _zoe.afflictions.includes("Nude Study")>>
<!-- Sophia's Chat Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Is <<= _zoe.name>> Nude? [Toggles Nude Behaviour On/Off]<hr>
Yes [Nude] <<radiobutton "_zoe.outfit" "Nude">><br>
No [Not Nude] <<radiobutton "_zoe.outfit" "Regular">>
<button data-passage="amore_livingroom" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Save]</button><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<<set _amy = $findCharacterByName('Amy')>>
/* Christmas 2022 Trigger */
<<set _questName2 = "Christmas 2022">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _locationTitle = "Livingroom">>
/* Mom hanging out */
/* Zoe hanging out */
/* Amy hanging out */
/* Amy sleepin on the couch */
<<set _characterConditions = [
{name: "Jennifer", condition: $day gte 6 && $time lte 2},
{name: "Zoe", condition: $day lte 4 && $time lte 2},
{name: "Amy", condition: $day lte 4 && $time lte 2 && _amy.afflictions.includes("Visiting")},
{name: "Amy", condition: $time gte 6 && _amy.afflictions.includes("Visiting")},
<<displayLocation '<img src="images/locations/household/livingroom/livingroom.jpg" alt="" />' _characterConditions>>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $day gte 6 && $time lte 2>>
<button data-passage="mom_livingroom" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Speak to <<= _jennifer.name>>]</button>
<<if $day lte 4 && $time lte 2>>
<button data-passage="zoe_livingroom" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Speak to <<= _zoe.name>>]</button>
<<if $day lte 4 && $time lte 2 && _amy.afflictions.includes("Visiting")>>
<button data-passage="amy_livingroom_day" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Speak to Amy]</button>
<<elseif $time gte 6 && _amy.afflictions.includes("Visiting")>>
<button data-passage="amy_livingroom_night" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Wake Amy]</button>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 66>>
<button data-passage="christmas2022" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Christmas 2022]</button>
<button data-passage="familyTreeView" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Look at Family tree]</button>
<button data-passage="watchtv" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Watch TV]</button>
<button data-passage="house_floor_0" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Exit Livingroom]</button>
</div><div class="title">You walk up to the family tree hanging in the living room.<br> (Who the fuck hangs a family tree in their home?)</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/household/livingroom/familytree.png" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Why am I called "The dude"? And that doesn't even look like me!</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_livingroom" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Away]</button><<set _amy = $findCharacterByName('Amy')>>
<<if $time gte 6 && _amy.afflictions.includes("Visiting")>>
<div class="title">You are just about to turn of the TV when suddenly...</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _amy.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _amy.chat>></div>Amy<hr>Are you fucking stupid? I'm trying to sleep on the sofa here and you want to watch TV? Get the fuck out of here before I stomp on your head!</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _amy -10>>
<div class="title">You watch the latest news slop on the TV. Your mind turns slowly to mush...</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/locations/household/livingroom/watch.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<set _voteTypes = ["blue", "red", "green"]>>
<<set _voteType = _voteTypes[random(0, _voteTypes.length - 1)]>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Must vote... <<= _voteType>></div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_livingroom" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Away]</button><<set _stepdad = $findCharacterByName('Stepdad')>>
<<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<if _jennifer.afflictions.includes("Corrupted")>>
<div class="title">Your House</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">//The bedroom door opens and your mom is sitting on the bed//</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _jennifer.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Hey hunny, what's up? Can't sleep? Do you want to snuggle with mommy tonight?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Yes please mommy!</div><br>
<<if !_stepdad.afflictions.includes("Crestfallen")>>
<button data-passage="stepdadstopgarden" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Get into bed]</button>
<button data-passage="mom_bj" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Blowjob]</button>
<button data-passage="mom_fuck" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck]</button>
<button data-passage="mom_anal" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Anal]</button>
<button data-passage="mombed" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Get into bed]</button>
<div class="title">Your House</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">//The bedroom door opens and your mom is sitting on the bed//</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _jennifer.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Get the fuck out! what is wrong with you?!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Gah!</div><br>
<button data-passage="jennifer_bedroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><div class="title">Your House</div><br>
<<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">//You wake up Jennifer//</div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey, Jennifer. I can't sleep... I've got a boner!</div>
<<if _jennifer.afflictions.includes("Corrupted")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Hey hunny, really? Can you not sort it out yourself?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I've been trying, but i need some help</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Ugh, fine!</div> <br>
<div class="npctextboxm">//Jennifer throws up the bed blanket and reveals you and your naked body.. she grabs your cock and goes to work like a wild animal!//</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/jennifer/scenes/mombj2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>I need you to fucking cum for me baby!!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Show me your pussy please Jennifer</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Yeah? You want to fuck mommy?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">//Your mom pushes you down and starts riding your dick//</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/jennifer/scenes/momcowboy.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">//You push her over on the bed and fuck her as hard as you can, holding back the orgasm!//</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I'm- I'm- I'm gonna COOOOOOOOM!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/jennifer/scenes/mom_facial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<button data-passage="sleep" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish and go to sleep]</button>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Get the fuck out!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><center>You fucked up! You bolt and get out of there before you get your ass beat! She needs to be corrupted first!</center></div><br>
<button data-passage="sleep" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish and go to sleep]</button>
<</if>><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">Messing with Jennifer</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _jennifer.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I heard anal is the new trend these days, could I try it on you?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Wait - what?</div><br>
<<if _jennifer.relationshipPoints gte 1455 and _jennifer.afflictions.includes("Corrupted")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Back in my day, we didn't do these sorts of things - okay, fine! But be gentle with mommy!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Jennifer digs out your cock from your pants and drags you under the sheets...</div><br>
<<set _jennifer.fuckedtimes = _jennifer.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/jennifer/scenes/momanal.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _jennifer 95>>
<div class="npctextboxm">But wait! - Your cock starts to twitch!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Are you... cumming?</div><br>
<<set _randomcum to random(1,2)>>
<<if _randomcum eq 1>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You cum for Jennifer.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/jennifer/scenes/mom_facial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _jennifer 15>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You fail to cum for Jennifer.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Sweetie! Stop with these sick jokes! [Level 1455 and Corruption needed]</div><br>
<button data-passage="mombed" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">Messing with Jennifer</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _jennifer.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Do you think you could suck my cock?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Wait - what?</div><br>
<<if _jennifer.relationshipPoints gte 475 and _jennifer.afflictions.includes("Corrupted")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>I suppose I could... come here.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Jennifer digs out your cock from your pants and gets on her knees.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/jennifer/scenes/mombj2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/jennifer/scenes/mombj.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _jennifer 95>>
<div class="npctextboxm">But wait! - Your cock starts to twitch!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Are you... cumming?</div><br>
<<set _randomcum to random(1,2)>>
<<if _randomcum eq 1>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You cum for Jennifer.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/jennifer/scenes/mom_facial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _jennifer 15>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You fail to cum for Jennifer.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Sweetie! Stop with these sick jokes! [Level 475 and Corruption needed]</div><br>
<button data-passage="mombed" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title">Messing with Jennifer</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _jennifer.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Do you think we could fuck? I really want to cum inside you before I sleep tonight.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Wait - what?</div><br>
<<if _jennifer.relationshipPoints gte 775 and _jennifer.afflictions.includes("Corrupted")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Yes Sweetie! Come and fill mommy up!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Jennifer digs out your cock from your pants and drags you under the sheets...</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/jennifer/scenes/momfuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<set _jennifer.fuckedtimes = _jennifer.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/jennifer/scenes/momcowboy.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<checkBountyCompletion "Jennifer">>
<<increaseRelationship _jennifer 95>>
<div class="npctextboxm">But wait! - Your cock starts to twitch!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Are you... cumming?</div><br>
<<set _randomcum to random(1,2)>>
<<if _randomcum eq 1>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You cum for Jennifer.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/jennifer/scenes/mom_facial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _jennifer 15>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You fail to cum for Jennifer.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Sweetie! Stop with these sick jokes! [Level 775 and Corruption needed]</div><br>
<button data-passage="mombed" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Your House</div><br>
<<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">//You're lying in bed with Jennifer//</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/characters/jennifer/main/mominbed.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">//You have a massive erection and no idea what to do...//</div><br>
<button data-passage="messwithmom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Mess with mom]</button>
<button data-passage="sleep" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Sleep]</button><div class="title">Your House</div><br>
<<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You decide to do the unthinkable. You would love nothing more than Jennifer to be walking around in panties filled with you cum. She's too stupid to even realise!.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You grab a pair of Jennifer's favourite panties and start jacking off into them, a few minutes later you blow your load.</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><img src="images/activities/cumonpanties.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<<if !_jennifer.afflictions.includes("Dirty Panties")>>
<<addAffliction _jennifer "Dirty Panties">>
<button data-passage="jennifer_bedroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><<set _stepdad = $findCharacterByName('Stepdad')>>
<<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<div class="title">Your House</div>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/household/momsbedroom.jpg" alt="" /></div>
<div class="npctextboxm"><center>//You stand inside your moms bedroom. A place no son should be.//</center></div>
<<if !_stepdad.afflictions.includes("Crestfallen")>>
<button data-passage="stepdadstopgarden" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Search Drawers]</button>
<button data-passage="searchdrawers" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Search Drawers]</button>
<button data-passage="jennifer_bedroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><<set _stepdad = $findCharacterByName('Stepdad')>>
<div class="title">Your House</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">//You search through Jennifer's drawers. You find nothing but her panties.//</div><br>
<button data-passage="cuminpanties" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Cum in the panties]</button>
<button data-passage="jennifer_bedroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><div class="title">Your House</div><br>
<<set _stepdad = $findCharacterByName('Stepdad')>><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/household/lockeddoor.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><center><<if $time lte 4>>It's open<<else>>It's locked <</if>></center></div><br>
<<if $time lte 4>><button data-passage="entermomsbedroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter]</button><</if>>
<<if $time gte 5>>
<button data-passage="entermomsbedroomnight" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Knock] <span style="color: lightgreen;"> - <<print _jennifer.name>></span></button>
<<if !_stepdad.afflictions.includes("Crestfallen")>>
<button data-passage="momcuckdad" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Strange Noise - Peak Inside]</button>
<button data-passage="house_floor_1" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><<set _stepdad = $findCharacterByName('Stepdad')>><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You peak your head through the door, what is that strange noise?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! Oh god - your dick is so big!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/jennifer/scenes/dadfuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _stepdad.chat>></div><<= _stepdad.name>><hr>Yeah! You like that, bitch?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are horrified to see Jennifer getting fucked by your stepdad! It turns you on a little... what's wrong with you?</div><br>
<<set $trackablestats.cuckcounter = $trackablestats.cuckcounter + 1>>
<<if !$achievements.cuck.unlocked and $trackablestats.cuckcounter gte 20>>
<<if !$achievements.cucked.unlocked>>
<button data-passage="house_floor_1" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Watching]</button><<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<div class="location-title">First Floor</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/household/lockeddoor.jpg"></div>
<<if $day gte 5 and $time gte 3 and $time lte 7>>
<div class="npctextboxm"><<= _zoe.name>> is inside her room.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><<= _zoe.name>>'s room is empty.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="zoe_bedroom_peak" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Peek Inside]</button>
<button data-passage="zoe_bedroom_main" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter]</button>
<button data-passage="house_floor_1" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Away]</button>
</div><<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<<set _locationTitle = "Zoe's Room">>
<<set _characterConditions = [
{name: "Zoe", condition: $day gte 5 && $time gte 3 && $time lte 7},
<<displayLocation '<img src="images/locations/household/sistersbedroom.jpg" alt="" />' _characterConditions>>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $day gte 5 && $time gte 3 && $time lte 7>>
<button data-passage="zoe_bedroom_main_menu" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Speak to <<= _zoe.name>>]</button>
<button data-passage="zoe_bedroom_main_sniff" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Sniff Underwear]</button>
<button data-passage="zoe_bedroom_main_look" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Look Around]</button>
<button data-passage="house_floor_1" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Room]</button>
</div><<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<div class="location-title"><<= _zoe.name>>'s Room</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I really need my dick sucked right now.</div><br>
<<if _zoe.afflictions.includes("Dominated")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>I'll do anything you ask of me, <<= $player.name>></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your cock is inside the warm mouth of <<= _zoe.name>>!</div>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/zoe/scenes/bj.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Do you like it when I twirl my tongue?</div><br>
<<if _randomCum lte 5>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You cum for <<= _zoe.name>>!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/zoe/scenes/facial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Bro! I gotta clean this up! Pass me a towel!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You fail to cum this time</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Awh, i wanted to taste your cum!</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _zoe 50>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>That's so messed up. I'm ashamed of you for even asking me!</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _zoe -50>>
<button data-passage="zoe_bedroom_main_menu" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Save]</button><<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<div class="location-title"><<= _zoe.name>>'s Room</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I really want to fuck you right now.</div><br>
<<if _zoe.afflictions.includes("Dominated")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>I'll do anything you ask of me, <<= $player.name>></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You soon find yourself balls deep inside <<= _zoe.name>>!</div>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/zoe/scenes/fuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Let's keep going!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/zoe/scenes/fuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<if _randomCum lte 5>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You cum for <<= _zoe.name>>!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/zoe/scenes/facial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Bro! I gotta clean this up! Pass me a towel!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You fail to cum this time</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Awh, i wanted to taste your cum!</div><br>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _zoe "Crabs">>
<<elseif _zoe.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _zoe $player "Crabs">>
<<checkBountyCompletion "Zoe">>
<<increaseRelationship _zoe 50>>
<<set _zoe.fuckedtimes = _zoe.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>That's so messed up. I'm ashamed of you for even asking me!</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _zoe -50>>
<button data-passage="zoe_bedroom_main_menu" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Save]</button><<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<div class="location-title"><<= _zoe.name>>'s Room</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _zoe.image>>
<div class="npctextboxm">What item do you want to give <<= _zoe.name>>?</div><br>
<<set _inventoryCount = {}>> <!-- Create an object to store item quantities -->
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<set _item = $player.inventory[_i]>> <!-- Get the current item -->
<<set _itemName = _item.name>> <!-- Get the item's name -->
<<set _itemQuantity = _inventoryCount[_itemName] || 0>> <!-- Get the current quantity or default to 0 -->
<!-- Update the item's quantity in the inventoryCount object -->
<<set _inventoryCount[_itemName] = _itemQuantity + 1>> <!-- Increment quantity by 1 for each item -->
<div class="achievementers">
<<for _itemName, _itemQuantity range _inventoryCount>> <<capture _itemName>>
<div class="achievementer">
<div class="newItemphoto">
<<set _item = $player.inventory.find(item => item.name === _itemName)>>
<<print _item.image>>
<div class="NewItemtext"><center><<print _itemName>> (x<<print _itemQuantity>>)</center><hr>
<center><<print _item.desc>></center>
<button data-passage="zoe_bedroom_main_giveitem2" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$itemChosen to _itemName">[Give]</button>
<button data-passage="zoe_bedroom_main_menu" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Skip - No Item]</button><<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<<set _reactionItems = ["Flowers", "Crab Medicine", "Diamond", "Dildo"]>> <!-- Define Sophia's favorite items -->
<<if _reactionItems.includes($itemChosen)>>
<<set _itemIndex = $player.inventory.findIndex(item => item.name === $itemChosen)>>
<<if _itemIndex > -1>>
<<set $player.inventory.deleteAt(_itemIndex)>> <!-- Remove one instance of the item from the player's inventory -->
<<if $itemChosen == "Crab Medicine">>
<<if _zoe.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<set _zoe.afflictions.delete("Crabs")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>How did you know I had crabs! Don't tell mom! Thank you!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Why are you giving me this? I don't have any STDS...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Thank you big bro! <<print $itemChosen>>[s] are my favourite!</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _zoe 50>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>I think you better keep that.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You had back home for a good night's rest.</div><br>
<button data-passage="sleep" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Sleep]</button><<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<<set _questName = "Homework Helper">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title"><<= _zoe.name>>'s Room<br>Homework Sessions Complete: <<= _zoe.homework>></div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _zoe.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey sis, doing homework?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Hey $player.name, yeah but the homework is really hard, i dont know much about biology...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Let me help you out! I know lots about biology.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Really? Awh thanks big bro!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You help out <<= _zoe.name>> with some of her homework.</div><br>
<<set _zoe.homework = _zoe.homework + 1>> /* Should always be 1 */
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>I think that's enough for today. Was there anything else you wanted to talk about?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<<if _zoe.homework gte 10 and $substory[_index].progress eq 0>>
<button data-passage="zoe_bedroom_main_studyingnude" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"Studying Nude..."</button>
<<elseif _zoe.homework gte 15 and $substory[_index].progress eq 33>>
<button data-passage="zoe_bedroom_main_teacherteacher" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"Your Teacher?"</button>
<<elseif $substory[_index].progress eq 90>>
<button data-passage="zoe_finale" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"We need to go"</button>
<button data-passage="zoe_bedroom_main" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Away]</button>
</div><<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing <<= _zoe.name>>'s bedroom. You search around but don't really find anything. Her homework diary is here. It says she only does homework on a weekend evening. Hmmm...</div><br>
<button data-passage="zoe_bedroom_main" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Away]</button><<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<<if $time gte 8>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Sorry bro, i gotta sleep.</div><br>
<button data-passage="house_floor_1" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Outside]</button>
<div class="location-title"><<= _zoe.name>>'s Room</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _zoe.image>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing <<= _zoe.name>>'s bedroom. She is doing some homework on her desk. It looks really complicated.</div><br>
<<if _zoe.outfit eq "Nude">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Hey big bro, what's up? You dont mind if im naked, right? It really helps me relax when im studying...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Hey big bro, what's up?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="zoe_bedroom_main_fuck" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck]</button>
<button data-passage="zoe_bedroom_main_bj" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[BJ]</button>
<button data-passage="zoe_bedroom_main_outfits" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Change Outfits]</button>
<button data-passage="zoe_bedroom_main_homework" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"About your homework..."</button>
<button data-passage="zoe_bedroom_main_giveitem" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Give Item]</button>
<button data-passage="zoe_bedroom_main" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Away]</button>
<</if>><<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<<set _questName = "Homework Helper">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<<set _questName2 = "Christmas 2022">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _chatOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/zoe/chat/1.png">', condition: true },
{ name: "Underwear Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/zoe/chat/3.png">', condition: true },
{ name: "Nude Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/zoe/chat/2.png">', condition: _zoe.afflictions.includes("Nude Study") },
{ name: "Godlike Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/zoe/chat/sistergodlike.png">', condition: _zoe.homework >= 20 },
{ name: "Doll Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/zoe/chat/dollchat.png">', condition: _questName.complete eq true},
<<set _outfitOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/zoe/image/1.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Underwear Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/zoe/image/underwear.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Nude Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/zoe/image/nude.jpg">', condition: _zoe.afflictions.includes("Nude Study") },
{ name: "Dildo Lover", img: '<img src="images/characters/zoe/image/naked.jpg">', condition: _questName2.complete eq true},
{ name: "Doll", img: '<img src="images/characters/zoe/image/doll.jpg">', condition: _questName.complete eq true},
{ name: "Fairy", img: '<img src="images/characters/zoe/image/fairy.jpg">', condition: _zoe.afflictions.includes("Backer Outfits Owned") },
{ name: "Hippy", img: '<img src="images/characters/zoe/image/hippy.jpg">', condition: _zoe.afflictions.includes("Backer Outfits Owned") },
{ name: "Bunny", img: '<img src="images/characters/zoe/image/bunny.jpg">', condition: _zoe.afflictions.includes("Backer Outfits Owned") },
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>You've got some ideas on an outfit for me?</div><br>
<!-- Sophia's Chat Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose <<= _zoe.name>>'s Avatar<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _chatOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_zoe.chat" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<!-- Sophia's Outfit Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose <<= _zoe.name>>'s Main Outfit<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _outfitOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_zoe.image" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<<if _zoe.afflictions.includes("Nude Study")>>
<!-- Sophia's Chat Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Is <<= _zoe.name>> Nude? [Toggles Nude Behaviour On/Off]<hr>
Yes [Nude] <<radiobutton "_zoe.outfit" "Nude">><br>
No [Not Nude] <<radiobutton "_zoe.outfit" "Regular">>
<button data-passage="zoe_bedroom_main_menu" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Save]</button><<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You pick up a pair of _zoe.name's used underwear. You give it a sniff.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/activities/sniffing.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">It smells nice and worn. Different aroumas hit your nose. You get turned on thinking of _zoe.name's pussy in these.</div><br>
<button data-passage="zoe_bedroom_main" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Away]</button><<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<<set _questName = "Homework Helper">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title"><<= _zoe.name>>'s Room</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey sis, I had an idea to help with your studies.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Sure, you're the expert!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>What always helps me is studying completely nude. I can actually see the parts I am learning about.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Wait, what?! Naked! Infront of you!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey dont be so childish about it, we are both adults. This is the best way to study. Do you not believe me?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>... okay.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You can now change <<= _zoe.name>>'s outfit to 'nude'.</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Homework Helper" 33>>
<<addAffliction _zoe "Nude Study">>
<button data-passage="zoe_bedroom_main" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Talking]</button><<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<<set _questName = "Homework Helper">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="location-title"><<= _zoe.name>>'s Room</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _zoe.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Is everything alright at university?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Actually im having some issues... I have a teacher that is always fucking me around! Making me do more homework that everyone else and always treating me like shit!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>What should I do? I can't go to the university headteacher - They are all friends!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I'll speak to her.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>You will? Thanks big bro!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>I hope it goes well.</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Homework Helper" 66>>
<button data-passage="zoe_bedroom_main" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Talking]</button><<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You peek inside <<= _zoe.name>>'s bedroom.</div><br>
<<if $day gte 5 and $time gte 3 and $time lte 7>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You get a glimpse of Zoe, inside her room.</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/characters/zoe/image/sisterpeak.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You get a view of <<= _zoe.name>>'s ass through her shorts. Damn, no panties!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I should leave before she catches me...</div><br>
<<if !$achievements.youareagooner.unlocked>>
<div class="npctextboxm"><<= _zoe.name>>'s room is empty. Nobody is inside.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>She's usually here on the weekend evening doing homework. Maybe I could stop by then?</div><br>
<button data-passage="house_floor_1" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Away]</button><div class="title">Your House</div><br>
<<set _questName = "Renovations">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><img src="images/locations/household/sparebedroom/pre.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Alright time to get this place fixed up, let me call that builder...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Some time later...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You lost $15k</div><br>
<<set $player.money = $player.money - 15000>>
<button data-passage="amore_sparebedroom_renovate2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Procede]</button><div class="title">Your House</div><br>
<<set _questName = "Renovations">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><img src="images/locations/household/sparebedroom/post.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Holy shit! I think this looks actually good! I really did it!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You hear someone enter the room...</div><br>
<<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _jennifer.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>What do you think, mom?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Oh my god! Sweetie! This is... amazing! Well done! I'm so proud of you!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/jennifer/scenes/momkiss.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><bR>
<div class="npctextboxm"><<= _jennifer.name>> gives you a big kiss for your hard work.</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Renovations" 100>>
<<addAffliction $player "DIY Expert">>
<button data-passage="amore_sparebedroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><div class="title">Your House - Spare Bedroom</div><br>
<<set _jolene = $findCharacterByName('Jolene')>>
<<set _questName = "Renovations">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<<if !$player.afflictions.includes("DIY Expert")>> /* Bedroom is not set up */
<div class="imageboxbig"><img src="images/locations/household/sparebedroom/pre.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<<if $substory[_index].progress eq 0>> /* Introduction */
<div class="npctextboxm">You step into the spare bedroom, you recall this used to be your Dad's old office. Your mom now uses it to store trash and other random pieces of shit she can't be bothered to throw away. You feel like there's a metaphor here, something along the lines of your mom pissing on your father's grave by desecrating his old workplace, but you can't find the words in your head. You sigh and leave before the smell starts to reach your nose.</div><br>
<<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Sweetie, what are you doing in here? You know you shouldn't be in here. It's dangerous.</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _jennifer.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Yeah, dangerous - because you made it like that by throwing your shit here! We should fix this place up, mom.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>I know we should... but to clean this room up properly, well... it's gonna take more than a cleaner, hun. We need a full referb and that isn't cheap.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>A full referb, huh? How much?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Lemme check...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your mom pulls out a folded up piece of paper from her handbag, and pulls it out and unravels it. Showing you a hand written monetary figure - $15,000!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>$15k? That's a lot!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Yeah... the builder gave me it as a quote. Nothing else we can do to budge on price, he is gay.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>The builder is gay? Why does that matter?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Just forget I said anything, sweetie. I've got to go now, toodles!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><<= _jennifer.name>> leaves.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>$15k. To refurb this room. Why would I even want to do that?</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Renovations" 50>>
<<elseif $substory[_index].progress eq 50>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You step into the spare bedroom, the smell is even worse than last time. Damn.</div><br>
<<if $player.money gte 15000>>
<button data-passage="amore_sparebedroom_renovate" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Pay For Renovations ($15k)]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Pay For Renovations (Need $15k)]</button>
<<else>> /* Bedroom is set up */
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/household/sparebedroom/post.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<<if !_jolene.afflictions.includes("Roommate")>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You step into the recently renovated spare bedroom, you feel proud knowing you put some solid effort into improving your family's home. Dad would be proud, probably. You wonder why you even wasted your time doing this...</div><br>
<<if $time gte 3 and $time lte 5>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<print _jolene.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>Hey cuz!</div><br>
<button data-passage="jolene_chat" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Chat]</button>
<button data-passage="jolene_seduce" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Seduce]</button>
<button data-passage="jolene_dates" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Dates]</button>
<<elseif $time gte 7>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Jolene is asleep.</div><br>
<button data-passage="house_floor_0" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><<set _jolene = $findCharacterByName('Jolene')>>
<div class="title">Your House - Spare Bedroom</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _jolene.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey Jolene, hows things?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>Ever since I moved here life has been a movie - haha! Thanks again cuz, you're the best!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Anything for you, I mean it.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>Interesting! I'll remember that!</div><br>
<<if _jolene.outfit eq "Nude">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>Oh, and by the way! Don't think I haven't caught you peeping on my nude body!</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _jolene 2>>
<button data-passage="amore_sparebedroom" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Away]</button><<set _jolene = $findCharacterByName('Jolene')>>
<div class="title">Your House - Spare Bedroom</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _jolene.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div>Jolene<hr>A date? Hmmm... I dunno...</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="jolenedateelsa" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Elsa's Bar Date]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_sparebedroom" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button>
</div><<set _jolene = $findCharacterByName('Jolene')>>
<div class="title">Your House - Spare Bedroom</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _jolene.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey Jolene, are you single?...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>Of course! I haven't even came within 5 feet of a guy since i was dumped by my ex - which i'd rather not talk about!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>You said you hadn't even come within 5 feet of a guy, but here I am. Ttanding in your bedroom. Right infront of you...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>HAHA! Good one!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I-!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">This usually works, doesn't it? Maybe in the future i'll be able to bang this slut, but for now... I'm outta luck.</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _jolene 2>>
<button data-passage="amore_sparebedroom" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Away]</button><<set _jolene = $findCharacterByName('Jolene')>>
<div class="location-title">Spare Bedroom</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _jolene.image>>
<div class="npctextboxm">//Jolene sits up, running a hand through her messy hair as she looks at you with a smirk.//</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>I wonder what happened last night...</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _jolene 5>>
<button data-passage="jolenedateend" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Move On]</button>
<button data-passage="jolenedateend" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Talk About It]</button><<set _jolene = $findCharacterByName('Jolene')>>
<<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<div class="location-title">Elsa's Pub</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<img src="images/locations/amore/pub/pub.jpg">
<div class="npctextboxm">You arrive to Elsa's bar soon afterwards with Jolene, you get seated and comfortable as you prepare your talk with Jolene.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">
<div class="managerwrapper">
<div class="managergallery">
<<print _elsa.image>>
<div class="managergallery">
<<print _jolene.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>Two beers please!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _elsa.chat>></div><<= _elsa.name>><hr>You guys have been here a lot! Two beers coming right up!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">//Elsa turns her back and starts making your drinks//</div><br>
<button data-passage="jolenedateelsa2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Next]</button><<set _jolene = $findCharacterByName('Jolene')>>
<<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<div class="location-title">Elsa's Pub</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _jolene.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>I've always got time to have a beer with you, little cousin.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Let's not get too drunk - huh?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>Don't be a pussy.</div><br>
<button data-passage="jolenedateelsa2getdrunk" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Get Drunk]</button>
<button data-passage="jolenedateelsa2nodrink" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Drink Sensibly]</button><<set _jolene = $findCharacterByName('Jolene')>>
<div class="location-title">Elsa's Pub</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _jolene.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>Now *that's* what I'm talking about!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">//You and Jolene keep drinking. One beer turns into two, then three. Your head starts feeling light, and everything seems funnier than it should be.//</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Heh... maybe we should slow down...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>Or maybe we should keep going?</div><br>
<button data-passage="jolenedateelsadrunkchallenge" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Keep Drinking]</button><<set _jolene = $findCharacterByName('Jolene')>>
<div class="location-title">Elsa's Pub</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _jolene.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>Ugh, fine, be a buzzkill.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">//You sip at your drink slowly, keeping the conversation light. Jolene watches you for a moment, then shrugs and joins in, keeping things casual. The two of you talk long into the night, laughing and sharing stories.//</div><br>
<button data-passage="jolenedateelsanokiss" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Continue the Night]</button><<set _jolene = $findCharacterByName('Jolene')>>
<div class="location-title">???</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _jolene.image>>
<div class="npctextboxm">//You wake up with a pounding headache. Your mouth is dry, and everything feels... off. As your vision clears, you realize you're in a bed—not your own.//</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">//And then you feel the warmth beside you.//</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>Mmm... morning, cousin.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">//Jolene stretches beside you, her bare skin half-hidden beneath the sheets. The memories of last night are fractured—flashes of hands, whispered words, lips pressing hungrily against yours.//</div><br>
<button data-passage="jolenedateaftermath" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Say Nothing]</button>
<button data-passage="jolenedateaftermath" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Try to Remember]</button><<set _jolene = $findCharacterByName('Jolene')>>
<div class="location-title">Elsa's Pub</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">//Jolene raises an eyebrow, smirking as she watches you down another drink. The burn in your throat makes your eyes water, but you grin back at her.//</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>Lightweight.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">//Your vision starts to blur at the edges. Jolene slides closer, resting an elbow on the bar as she watches you with amusement.//</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>You ever thought about us, y'know...?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">//The words come out of nowhere, and you barely register them before your head starts spinning. Your lips part to respond, but the world tilts...//</div><br>
<button data-passage="jolenedateelsablackedout" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Black Out]</button><<set _jolene = $findCharacterByName('Jolene')>>
<div class="location-title">Outside Elsa's Pub</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">//The two of you step outside into the cool night air. Jolene shoves her hands in her pockets, rocking back on her heels as she looks at you.//</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>Y’know… tonight was kinda nice.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Yeah, it was.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">//There’s a brief hesitation, then she leans in, pressing a soft, lingering kiss against your lips before pulling away with a smirk.//</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>See you around, cousin.</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _jolene 3>>
<button data-passage="amore_sparebedroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Head Home]</button><<set _jolene = $findCharacterByName('Jolene')>>
<div class="location-title">Spare Bedroom</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _jolene.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>It was probably nothing! Maybe a cousin-ly kiss but nothing more! Let's get out of here before your mom finds you in my bed!</div><br>
<<if !$achievements.habsburg.unlocked>>
<<increaseRelationship _jolene 5>>
<button data-passage="house_floor_1" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><<set _jolene = $findCharacterByName('Jolene')>>
<div class="location-title">Spare Bedroom</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">//You exhale slowly, rubbing your face as you sit up. Jolene watches you for a moment before grinning.//</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>Welp. That’s life, huh?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">//There’s a moment where she might have said something more, but instead, she just stretches lazily and stands up.//</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jolene.chat>></div><<= _jolene.name>><hr>Breakfast?</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_sparebedroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Act Normal & Leave]</button><<set $currentlocation = 'amore_bedroom'>> /* Sets the player sleeping location to amore */
<<set _jolene = $findCharacterByName('Jolene')>>
<<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<<set _amy = $findCharacterByName('Amy')>>
<div class="location-title">Ground Floor</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/household/downstairs.jpg"></div>
<<if $streetbuttons eq 1>>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="house_floor_1" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter First Floor]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_kitchen" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Kitchen]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_livingroom" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Livingroom]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_garden" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Garden]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_sparebedroom" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Spare Bedroom]</button>
<button data-passage="ascensionstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Exit Home]</button>
<<set _amy = $findCharacterByName('Amy')>>
<button data-passage="house_floor_1" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter First Floor]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_kitchen" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Kitchen]
<<if $time eq 3>><span style="color: lightgreen;"> - Lunchtime</span><</if>>
<<if $time lte 2 && _jolene.afflictions.includes("Roommate")>><span style="color: lightgreen;"> - Jolene</span><</if>>
<button data-passage="amore_sparebedroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Spare Bedroom]
<<if $time gte 3 && $time lte 5 && _jolene.afflictions.includes("Roommate")>><span style="color: lightgreen;"> - Jolene</span><</if>>
<button data-passage="amore_livingroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Livingroom]
<<if $day gte 6 && $time lte 2>><span style="color: lightgreen;"> - <<print _jennifer.name>></span><</if>>
<<if $day lte 4 && $time lte 2>><span style="color: lightgreen;"> - <<print _zoe.name>></span><</if>>
<<if $day lte 4 && $time lte 2 && _amy.afflictions.includes("Visiting")>><span style="color: lightgreen;"> - Amy</span><</if>>
<<if $day lte 4 && $time gte 6 && _amy.afflictions.includes("Visiting")>><span style="color: lightgreen;"> - Amy</span><</if>>
<button data-passage="amore_garden" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Garden]
<<if $time lte 2 && $day lte 5>><span style="color: lightgreen;"> - <<print _jennifer.name>></span><</if>>
<button data-passage="ascensionstreet" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Exit Home]</button>
<</if>><div class="location-title">Real Esate Agent</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<img src="images/characters/realestateagent/main.jpg">
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/realestateagent/chat.png"></div>Real Estate Agent<hr>Can I help ya, handsome?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Why do you only have *one* property for sale? Surely there must be something else other than a run down strip club?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/realestateagent/chat.png"></div>Real Estate Agent<hr>Well yeah, we used to sell sheds and other random houses but it was kinda pointless so we stopped.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Sheds? Weird...</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_realestate_main" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Talking]</button><div class="location-title">Real Esate Agent</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<img src="images/characters/realestateagent/main.jpg">
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/realestateagent/chat.png"></div>Real Estate Agent<hr>Can I help ya, handsome?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Can I *fuck* you? Y'know give you some fuck?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/realestateagent/chat.png"></div>Real Estate Agent<hr>I'm not sure. Can you?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I want to say - yes.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/realestateagent/chat.png"></div>Real Estate Agent<hr>I want to say yes too! But I can't sleep with losers who dont own property. You really need to live and die by the hustle to get in my pants, ya dig? Like - I really need to have a grinder, a hustler in my life. Someone who eats, sleeps and shits money. Who grinds for that shit, ya dig?</div><br>
<<if $stripclub.level eq 0>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Okay... I dig.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>But I bought the stripclub...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/realestateagent/chat.png"></div>Real Estate Agent<hr>Yeah, y'know im just - urgh! I'm just not feeling it right now, I'm not getting that hustler *vibe* from you. Urgh, I know. I'm sorry! I just - ugh! I'm just not gonna fuck you. Sorry!</div><br>
<<if !$achievements.hustler.unlocked>>
<button data-passage="amore_realestate_main" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Talking]</button><div class="location-title">Real Esate Agent</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/realestateagent/chat.png"></div>Real Estate Agent<hr>Congratulations sir, the run down shithole stripclub is yours. No refunds!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You paid $25,000 for the strip club.. </div><br>
<<set $player.money = $player.money - 25000>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/realestateagent/chat.png"></div>Real Estate Agent<hr>Before I can sign the strip club over to you I'm going to need you to give it a name. Be creative! This can't be changed. Call it something funny, fancy or epic. Just give it a cool name. Don't skip this part. You *really* dont want your strip club to be called just 'strip club'. That would be awful. Seriously... awful.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>It will be called... <<textbox "$stripclub.name" "Strip Club" autofocus>></div><br>
<<set $stripclub.level = 1>>
<button data-passage="amore_realestate_main" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><div class="location-title">Real Estate Agent</div><br>
<div class="imagebox">
<img src="images/locations/amore/realestate/realestate.jpg">
<div class="button-container">
<<if $time lte 4>>
<button data-passage="amore_realestate_main" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Estate Agent]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Closed]</button>
<button data-passage="goughstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
</div><div class="location-title">Real Esate Agent</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<img src="images/characters/realestateagent/main.jpg">
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/realestateagent/chat.png"></div>Real Estate Agent<hr>Hey! You wanting to buy some property here in Amore?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Maybe</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $stripclub.level eq 0>>
<<if $player.money gte 25000>>
<button data-passage="amore_buy_strip_club" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Strip Club - $25,000]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Strip Club - $25,000]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_buy_chat" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"Is that it?"</button>
<button data-passage="amore_buy_chat2" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"Can I fuck you?"</button>
<button data-passage="amore_realestate" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
</div><<set _questName4 = "Christmas 2024">>
<<set _index4 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName4)>>
<<set _mrsclaus = $findCharacterByName('Mrs Claus')>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _mrsclaus.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>Oh my gosh! It's you! The young stud who helped me save christmas! I'm so glad you are here! I need your help!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>(Another person who needs my help, why can't I catch a fucking break around here?) Uh... yeah, what's up?...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>Soo... I really don't want to be the person responsible for this upcoming christmas - it's kinda hard y'know? I totally need Santa back. Like, I just need him... I need him back here to save christmas!!!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Hold up, isn't he dead in Amore park? Y'know? The crashed fuckin' reindeer with the fat old dude inside covered in blood?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>Oh no - that's not the *real* santa, it's just... it's just not him - okay?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Uh, sure - so where is the real one? And I'm guessing you want me to go get him right? Why doesn't he just come back himself? Is he hurt? Or imprisoned somewhere?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>No... nothing that bad. Santa just discovered drugs... hardcore drugs. He's been a meth head for almost a year. He's going around the streets of London telling people he's Santa while meth'd out of his darn head! You'll know him when you see him. Find him in London and bring him back! Christmas is counting on you, <<= $player.name>>!</div><br>
<button data-passage="christmas_2024_start_2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Accept Quest] "I'll help."</button>
<button data-passage="santa_house" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return] "Fuck This"</button><<set _questName4 = "Christmas 2024">>
<<set _index4 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName4)>>
<<set _mrsclaus = $findCharacterByName('Mrs Claus')>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _mrsclaus.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Sure... leave it to me.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>Yay!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>So I should head to London and check around... don't I already know a meth head in London? Perhaps I should start there...</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Christmas 2024" 10>>
<button data-passage="santa_house" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><<set _mrsclaus = $findCharacterByName('Mrs Claus')>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _mrsclaus.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>I'll be more than happy to suck you off, $player.name</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You allow Mrs Claus to undo your belt and reveal your trouser snake!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>Mmmmm...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Oh yeah!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted><source src="images/characters/mrsclaus/scenes/bj.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your cock is nice at home inside the mouth of Mrs Claus. She twirls her tongue around the tip of your cock as it goes inside.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted><source src="images/characters/mrsclaus/scenes/bj2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<set _randomCum to random(1,3)>>
<<if _randomCum eq 1>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You blow your load!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/mrsclaus/scenes/bjcum.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>Oh my! That's a lot!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">33% Chance - You failed to cum for Mrs Claus</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>That's all I've got time for today. Sorry.</div><br>
<button data-passage="mrs_clause_interactions" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Finish Up</button><<set _mrsclaus = $findCharacterByName('Mrs Claus')>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _mrsclaus.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>You want to use me, $player.name?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I wont say no.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You allow Mrs Claus to undo your belt and reveal your trouser snake!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>I'm going to feel this inside of me.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>You're going to feel this.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/mrsclaus/scenes/fuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your cock buried deep inside the tight pussy of Mrs Claus. She takes the dick like a champ!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/mrsclaus/scenes/fuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<set _randomCum to random(1,3)>>
<<if _randomCum eq 1>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You blow your load!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/mrsclaus/scenes/sexcum.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>Oh my! I'm not using any protectio!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">33% Chance - You failed to cum for Mrs Claus</div><br>
<<set _mrsclaus.fuckedtimes = _mrsclaus.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _mrsclaus "Crabs">>
<<elseif _mrsclaus.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _mrsclaus $player "Crabs">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>That was great. Feel free to use me anytime.</div><br>
<<set _questName4 = "Christmas 2024">>
<<set _index4 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName4)>>
<<if $substory[_index4].progress eq 75>>
<button data-passage="grotto_fuck_recorded" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Finish Up [Film It For Santa]</button>
<button data-passage="mrs_clause_interactions" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Finish Up</button><<set _questName4 = "Christmas 2024">>
<<set _index4 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName4)>>
<<set _mrsclaus = $findCharacterByName('Mrs Claus')>>
<div class="title">North Pole - Santa's House</div><br>
<<set _mrsclaus = $findCharacterByName('Mrs Claus')>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _mrsclaus.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>That was amazing, wasn't it? Gosh you make me feel soo good...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">A man barges into the room - its Santa!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/santa/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Santa<hr>Caught ya red handed you cheating whore! </DIV><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>Santa, baby - it isn't what it looks like! I can explain!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/santa/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Santa<hr>I'm calling the divorce lawyer, yer goin to be kicked out of here! This place is mine once again!</DIV><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>Well - don't you need like, actual evidence for that? You don't know what me and $player.name were doing, i was just giving him a naked massage. Nothing wrong with that, is there? </div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/santa/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Santa<hr>I've got evidence, isn't that right - $player.name?</DIV><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Uh....</div><br>
<button data-passage="grotto_fuck_recorded_santa" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Give Evidence To Santa]</button>
<button data-passage="grotto_fuck_recorded_mrsclaus" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Deny Everything]</button><<set _questName4 = "Christmas 2024">>
<<set _index4 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName4)>>
<<set _mrsclaus = $findCharacterByName('Mrs Claus')>>
<div class="title">North Pole - Santa's House</div><br>
<<set _mrsclaus = $findCharacterByName('Mrs Claus')>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _mrsclaus.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>You know, I actually don't know what you are talking about Santa. Are you sure that meth isn't fucking with you right now?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>Hehe! You tell him sweetie!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/santa/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Santa<hr>You fucking bastard! This wont be the last time to hear from me - ya hear? Both of you are going on the naughty list!</DIV><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Santa leaves and Christmas is ruined, but at least you still get pussy from Mrs Claus... right? Hope it what worth it.</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Christmas 2024" 100>>
<<addAffliction _mrsclaus "Still Married">>
<button data-passage="santa_house" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Quest]</button><<set _questName4 = "Christmas 2024">>
<<set _index4 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName4)>>
<<set _mrsclaus = $findCharacterByName('Mrs Claus')>>
<div class="title">North Pole - Santa's House</div><br>
<<set _mrsclaus = $findCharacterByName('Mrs Claus')>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _mrsclaus.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Here you go Santa, footage of Mrs Claus getting fucked hard.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>Uh.... what the fuck did you just do?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/santa/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Santa<hr>Oooo, best get out of here now you skank before I get the elves to drag your arse out of here! Begone - wench!</DIV><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Mrs Claus leaves and Christmas is sabed, but now where has she went, will you ever see her again? Hope it what worth it.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/santa/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Santa<hr>Here kid, an early christmas gift.</DIV><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You received $150,000</div><br>
<<set $player.money = $player.money + 150000>>
<<updateQuest "Christmas 2024" 100>>
<<addAffliction _mrsclaus "Divorced">>
<button data-passage="santa_house" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Quest]</button><<set _mrsclaus = $findCharacterByName('Mrs Claus')>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _mrsclaus.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>I'll be more than happy to lend you a helping hand!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You allow Mrs Claus to undo your belt and reveal your trouser snake!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>Bigger than I'm used to!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Oh yeah!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/mrsclaus/scenes/handjob.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your cock feels nice inside the warm hands of Mrs Claus. She wanks you off.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>That feels great!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>That's all I've got time for today. Sorry.</div><br>
<button data-passage="mrs_clause_interactions" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Finish Up</button><<set _mrsclaus = $findCharacterByName('Mrs Claus')>>
<<set _chatOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/mrsclaus/chat.png">', condition: true },
{ name: "Classic Chat #1", img: '<img src="images/characters/mrsclaus/chat2.png">', condition: true },
{ name: "Classic Chat #2", img: '<img src="images/characters/mrsclaus/chat4.png">', condition: true },
{ name: "Nude Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/mrsclaus/chat3.png">', condition: _mrsclaus.afflictions.includes("Dosed - Nudity")},
{ name: "Nude Chat #2", img: '<img src="images/characters/mrsclaus/chat7.png">', condition: _mrsclaus.afflictions.includes("Dosed - Nudity")},
{ name: "Nude Chat #3", img: '<img src="images/characters/mrsclaus/chat5.png">', condition: _mrsclaus.afflictions.includes("Dosed - Nudity")},
{ name: "Nude Chat #4", img: '<img src="images/characters/mrsclaus/chat6.png">', condition: _mrsclaus.afflictions.includes("Dosed - Nudity")},
<<set _outfitOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/mrsclaus/g.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Nude", img: '<img src="images/characters/mrsclaus/g2.jpg">', condition: _mrsclaus.afflictions.includes("Dosed - Nudity")},
{ name: "Nude #2", img: '<img src="images/characters/mrsclaus/g3.jpg">', condition: _mrsclaus.afflictions.includes("Dosed - Nudity")},
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div>Mrs Claus<hr>I'll wear whatever you want me to!</div><br>
<!-- Sophia's Chat Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose Mrs Claus's Avatar<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _chatOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_mrsclaus.chat" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<!-- Sophia's Outfit Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose Mrs Claus's Main Outfit<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _outfitOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_mrsclaus.image" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<button data-passage="mrs_clause_interactions" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Save]</button><<set _mrsclaus = $findCharacterByName('Mrs Claus')>>
<<set _mrsclaus = $findCharacterByName('Mrs Claus')>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _mrsclaus.image>>
<<if $time gte 5>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>Sorry, It's way to late to be doing anything. Come back tomorrow!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>Did you want something? Maybe you could fetch me a hot cup of coffee?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">If you had serums, you could dose Mrs Claus.</div><br>
<<set _cobraCheck = 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Hypnosis Serum">>
<<set _cobraCheck = 1>>
<<if _mrsclaus.afflictions.includes("Dosed - Handjobs")>>
<button data-passage="grotto_handjob" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Handjob]</button>
<<if _mrsclaus.afflictions.includes("Dosed - Blowjobs")>>
<button data-passage="grotto_blowjob" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Blowjob]</button>
<<if _mrsclaus.afflictions.includes("Dosed - Fuck")>>
<button data-passage="grotto_fuck" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck]</button>
<button data-passage="grotto_outfits" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Change Outfits]</button>
<<if _cobraCheck eq 1>>
<<if _mrsclaus.relationshipPoints eq 0>>
<button data-passage="mrsclauserum" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Use Hypnosis Serum]</button>
<<elseif _mrsclaus.relationshipPoints eq 1>>
<button data-passage="mrsclauserum1" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Use Hypnosis Serum]</button>
<<elseif _mrsclaus.relationshipPoints eq 2>>
<button data-passage="mrsclauserum2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Use Hypnosis Serum]</button>
<br><div class="npctextboxm">You've used the max amount of serums on this character. For now, you can't use anymore.</div><br>
<button data-passage="santa_house" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><<set _questName3 = "Christmas 2023">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<<set _questName4 = "Christmas 2024">>
<<set _index4 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName4)>>
<<set _mrsclaus = $findCharacterByName('Mrs Claus')>>
<div class="title">North Pole - Santa's House</div><br>
<<if _mrsclaus.afflictions.includes("Divorced")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/santa/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Santa<hr>Hey kid, I'm a little busy right now. Thanks again for all ya help back then.</DIV><br>
<<set _mrsclaus = $findCharacterByName('Mrs Claus')>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _mrsclaus.image>>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 100>>
<<if !_mrsclaus.afflictions.includes("Widowed")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>Yay! It's you!</div><br>
<button data-passage="mrs_clause_interactions" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Interactions]</button>
<<if $substory[_index4].progress eq 0>>
<button data-passage="christmas_2024_start" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Start Christmas 2024]</button>
/* Introduction */
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 0>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>Hello young man, how can I help you?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Uhm, my name is $player.name. I just came here on a reindeer from Amore...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>Huh? A reindeer? How on earth would you get a reindeer? And have it take you here? Did something.. happen?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Well... I dunno how to say this, but I have reason to believe I got here on Santa's reindeer. He crashed. He's fucking dead!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>That fucking cock sucker!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Huh?!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>Let me introduce myself, I am Mrs Claus</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Oh, I'm so sorry!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>Santa had this coming. It's not even christmas yet and he's out on his sled looking for girls while im here alone preparing for christmas. Everything is fucked</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>It's fucked? I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do to help?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>You could help, yep. You're not an elf. Elves are dumb. Seriously, they are stupid and lazy. Humans are big, strong and like to take charge. Am I right? </div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Mrs Claus winks at you.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Exactly. Especially the *big* part. Give me a list of what needs done and I'll be back in no time.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>Thank you, $player.name. Here is what needs done...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>First, our reindeers have escaped. We can't deliver presents this christmas without the reindeer herd returning.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>Second, our toy factory has broken down. We have an engineer but the tools have gone missing.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Leave it to me.</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Christmas 2023" 50>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>Hey $player.name</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>Let's check those tasks...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr><<if $reindeerReturn != 1>>You still need to get those reindeer to return!<<else>>You've returned the reindeer! Thanks!<</if>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr><<if $factoryFix != 1>>You still need to fix the factory<<else>>You've provided the engineer elf with power tools, you're the best!<</if>></div><br>
/* Dev - note - We are keeping these crappy variables for now. Perhaps at a future point in time we can change it to having an item as proof for each task complete? */
<<if $factoryFix eq 1 and $reindeerReturn eq 1>>
<button data-passage="santa_quest_done" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Complete Quest]</button>
<button data-passage="grotto_main" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button><div class="title">North Pole - Santa's House</div><br>
<<set _mrsclaus = $findCharacterByName('Mrs Claus')>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _mrsclaus.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>Thank you, $player.name. You have saved christmas. I can't thank you enough!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>It's no problem. But.. what about santa?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>I've got an idea for a new santa, a new man in my life.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>...Someone who can get things done...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I think I know where this is going...</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Christmas 2023" 100>>
<button data-passage="santa_quest_done3" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Love is in the Air..."</button><div class="title">North Pole - Santa's House</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/christmas2023/santahouseo.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>So, $playername. Meet the new Santa...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Wait, what?!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="britneychat"><img src="images/christmas2023/elf4/chatsanta.png" alt="" /></div>Scrappy The Elf<hr>Ho-Ho-Ho!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Scrappy, what the fuck?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>I never really considered Elves as romantic partners until now. Usually Elves have such small... you know.. it's hard for them to please a normal person... but Scrappy here is something else! I never knew it was possible for an Elf to have such a big cock!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>...</div><br>
<button data-passage="santa_quest_done3" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">That's it.</button><div class="title">North Pole - Santa's House</div><br>
<<set _mrsclaus = $findCharacterByName('Mrs Claus')>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _mrsclaus.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>I feel like something just skipped - oh well! Here's a little reward for all your help. Please come visit me sometime! I always love to be in the company of capable men.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Anything for you.</div><br>
<button data-passage="grotto_main" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><<set _mrsclaus = $findCharacterByName('Mrs Claus')>>
<<set _mrsclaus = $findCharacterByName('Mrs Claus')>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _mrsclaus.image>>
<<set _foundItem to false>> <!-- Initialize a variable to track if we found Hypnosis Serum -->
<div class="npctextboxm">You dose the coffee with the hypnosis serum. It has been removed from your inventory.</div><br>
<<for _i to 0; _i < $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Hypnosis Serum">>
<<set $player.inventory.splice(_i, 1)>> <!-- Remove one instance of Hypnosis Serum at index _i -->
<<set _foundItem to true>> <!-- Set the flag to true to indicate we found Hypnosis Serum -->
<<break>> <!-- Exit the loop after deleting one instance -->
<div class="npctextboxm">Mrs Claus takes a swig of the coffee.</div><br>
<<set _mrsclaus.relationshipPoints = _mrsclaus.relationshipPoints + 1>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>What's going on... my head...</div><br>
<button data-passage="mrsclauserum_result" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$santachoiceserum to 1">[Give Freeuse Handjobs]</button>
<button data-passage="mrsclauserum_result" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$santachoiceserum to 2">[Don't wear clothes]</button><<set _mrsclaus = $findCharacterByName('Mrs Claus')>>
<<set _mrsclaus = $findCharacterByName('Mrs Claus')>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _mrsclaus.image>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You dose the coffee with the hypnosis serum. It has been removed from your inventory.</div><br>
<<for _i to 0; _i < $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Hypnosis Serum">>
<<set $player.inventory.splice(_i, 1)>> <!-- Remove one instance of Hypnosis Serum at index _i -->
<<set _foundItem to true>> <!-- Set the flag to true to indicate we found Hypnosis Serum -->
<<break>> <!-- Exit the loop after deleting one instance -->
<div class="npctextboxm">Mrs Claus takes a swig of the coffee.</div><br>
<<set _mrsclaus.relationshipPoints = _mrsclaus.relationshipPoints + 1>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>What's going on... my head...</div><br>
<button data-passage="mrsclauserum_result2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$santachoiceserumm to 1">Give Freeuse Blowjobs</button><<set _mrsclaus = $findCharacterByName('Mrs Claus')>>
<<set _mrsclaus = $findCharacterByName('Mrs Claus')>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _mrsclaus.image>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You dose the coffee with the hypnosis serum. It has been removed from your inventory.</div><br>
<<for _i to 0; _i < $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Hypnosis Serum">>
<<set $player.inventory.splice(_i, 1)>> <!-- Remove one instance of Hypnosis Serum at index _i -->
<<set _foundItem to true>> <!-- Set the flag to true to indicate we found Hypnosis Serum -->
<<break>> <!-- Exit the loop after deleting one instance -->
<div class="npctextboxm">Mrs Claus takes a swig of the coffee.</div><br>
<<set _mrsclaus.relationshipPoints = _mrsclaus.relationshipPoints + 1>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>What's going on... my head...</div><br>
<button data-passage="mrsclauserum_result3" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$santachoiceserummm to 1">Give Freeuse Sex</button><<set _mrsclaus = $findCharacterByName('Mrs Claus')>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _mrsclaus.image>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You give your command to Mrs Claus.</div><br>
<<if $santachoiceserum eq 1>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>So... you should be giving more motivation to the men here in the north pole. Free use handjobs at anytime, anywhere should be your new role.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>I've got to get more hands on with the elves...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Well... don't forget about me! Haha!</div><br>
<<addAffliction _mrsclaus "Dosed - Handjobs">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>So... you should be giving more motivation to the men here in the north pole. Share that sexy body to the world, Mrs Claus.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>I've got to motivate everyone with my body...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>That's right!</div><br>
<<addAffliction _mrsclaus "Dosed - Nudity">>
<button data-passage="grotto_main" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Finish</button><<set _mrsclaus = $findCharacterByName('Mrs Claus')>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _mrsclaus.image>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You give your command to Mrs Claus.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>So... you should be giving even more motivation to the men here in the north pole. Make their pole your pole..</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>What does that even mean...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Get on your knees and start giving free use blowjobs!</div><br>
<<addAffliction _mrsclaus "Dosed - Blowjobs">>
<button data-passage="grotto_main" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Finish</button><<set _mrsclaus = $findCharacterByName('Mrs Claus')>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _mrsclaus.image>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You give your command to Mrs Claus.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>So... you should be giving even more motivation to the men here in the north pole. Fuck them!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsclaus.chat>></div><<= _mrsclaus.name>><hr>I'm prepared to do whatever it takes to pleasure the men around me.</div><br>
<<addAffliction _mrsclaus "Dosed - Fuck">>
<button data-passage="grotto_main" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Finish</button><div class="title">North Pole - Cafe</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/northpole/cafe.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<<if $player.money gte 1000>>
<button data-passage="grotto_buy_reindeerfood" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Buy Reindeer Food - $1000]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Need $1000]</button>
<button data-passage="grotto_main" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button><div class="title">North Pole - Cafeteria</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You lost $1000 and received the animal food.</div><br>
<<set $money = $money - 1000>>
<<set _methItem = {
name: "Animal Food",
price: 5,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/animalfood.png" alt="" />',
desc: "It stinks and is not edible.",
unique: "No"
<<set $player.inventory.push(_methItem)>>
<button data-passage="grotto_main" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button><div class="title">North Pole - Gate</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/elf/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Elf<hr>I ain't got nothing more to say to you. Get lost.</div><br>
<button data-passage="grotto_main" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button><<set _questName3 = "Christmas 2023">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<div class="title">North Pole - Reindeer Enclosure</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/northpole/reindeer.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 50>>
<<if $reindeerReturn != 1>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/femaleelf/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Elf<hr>Your the dude whos meant to be helping me with getting the reindeer back, right?</div><br>
<button data-passage="enclosure_chat_1" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"What Happened?"</button>
<button data-passage="grotto_foodtrough" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Examine Food Trough]</button>
<button data-passage="enclosure_chat_2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Where is the food kept?"</button>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/femaleelf/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Elf<hr>Thanks again for your help, dude.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/femaleelf/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Elf<hr>Sorry dude! Way too busy right now to chat.</div><br>
<button data-passage="grotto_main" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><div class="title">North Pole - Reindeer Enclosure</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>What happened?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/femaleelf/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Elf<hr>Someone left the gate open for the reindeer pen. They've all escaped. It's going to take weeks to find them one by one! We're fucked!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Yeah, that would take forever.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/femaleelf/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Elf<hr>I knew I should've fed them this morning!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Wait a second, you didn't feed them? Maybe they'll come back if there's food here.</div><br>
<button data-passage="enclosure" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><div class="title">North Pole - Reindeer Enclosure</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Where is the reindeer food kept?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/femaleelf/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Elf<hr>The cafeteria</div><br>
<button data-passage="enclosure" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><div class="title">North Pole - Reindeer Enclosure</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You pour the food into the trough.</div><br>
<<for _i to 0; _i < $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Animal Food">>
<<set $player.inventory.deleteAt(_i)>> <!-- Delete the item at index _i -->
<<break>> <!-- Exit the loop after deleting one item -->
<div class="npctextboxm">Animal food has been removed from your inventory.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/femaleelf/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Elf<hr>Oh my fucking god! The reindeer are returning!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/femaleelf/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Elf<hr>Thank you!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">This task has been completed.</div><br> <<set $reindeerReturn = 1>>
<button data-passage="enclosure" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><<set _powertoolsOwned = 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Animal Food">>
<<set _powertoolsOwned = 1>>
<div class="title">North Pole - Reindeer Enclosure</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">It's empty.</div><br>
<<if _powertoolsOwned eq 1>>
<button data-passage="enclosure_pour" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Pour Food into the Trough]</button>
<button data-passage="enclosure" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><div class="title">North Pole - Grotto Gates</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/northpole/gate.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You knock on the gate.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/elf/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Elf<hr>Who is it?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Uh... I'm $player.name... can I come in?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/elf/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Elf<hr>You look a little tall for an elf, buddy. But rules are rules. Welcome to Santa's Grotto</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/elf/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Elf<hr>We used to have a rule where you needed an elf hat to get in. Nowdays we're just letting anyone in. Damn immigrants. This is what happens when a woman becomes leader.</div><br>
<button data-passage="grotto_main" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter the Grotto]</button>
<button data-passage="grotto_gate" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button><div class="title">North Pole - Grotto Gates</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/northpole/gate.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing infront of the grotto gates. The reindeer that brought you hear is standing a few feet away.</div><br>
<button data-passage="gate_convo" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Try to get in]</button>
<button data-passage="crash_site" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Ride the Reindeer home]</button><div class="title">North Pole - Grotto Main</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/northpole/main.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing in the main square of the grotto. What do you want to do?</div><br>
<button data-passage="santa_house" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Santa's House]</button>
<button data-passage="cafeteria" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Cafeteria]</button>
<button data-passage="enclosure" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Reindeer Enclosure]</button>
<button data-passage="factory" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Toy Factory]</button>
<button data-passage="elfGuard" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Speak to Elf Guard]</button>
<button data-passage="grotto_gate" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Exit]</button><<set _questName3 = "Christmas 2023">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<div class="title">North Pole - Scrappy's House</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/northpole/factory.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You enter the toy factory. It's not very christmasy in here. It just looks like a normal warehouse!</div><br>
<<set _powertoolsOwned = 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Tools">>
<<set _powertoolsOwned = 1>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You overhear one an elf screaming, whilst hunched over a toy conveyor belt with smoke coming out. Looks like he's trying to fix something.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/engineerelf/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Elf<hr>Ya sister's cunt!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Woah! Take it easy, pal.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/engineerelf/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Elf<hr>Take it easy? Take it EASY?! You know how hard it is to keep a factory running with fucking TOY TOOLS?! That's right, tools that are made of plastic. Toys. Fucking baby toys. I'm going insane!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Jeez, this guy is on edge. I better stay away before he snaps.</div><br>
<<if $factoryFix eq 1>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/engineerelf/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Elf<hr>Thanks again, kid. The conveyer belt is back on. I'll make sure to put in a good word with Mrs Claus.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The elf is still trying to fix the conveyer belt with his plastic toy tools. Poor guy. If only I could help him.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/engineerelf/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Elf<hr>YaaaaaaA! IM GOING FUCKING CRAAAZY</div><br>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress gte 50>>
<<if _powertoolsOwned eq 1>>
<button data-passage="grotto_give_tools" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Give Power Tools]</button>
<button data-passage="grotto_give_advice" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Give Advice]</button>
<button data-passage="grotto_lie" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Convince him the machine is working]</button>
<button data-passage="grotto_main" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><div class="title">North Pole - Toy Factory</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Hey, maybe you need screw that part in first?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The elf looks at you with bloodlust.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/engineerelf/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Elf<hr>What? Are you a fucking engineer? You think I haven't been working on these cocksucking machines for over 300 years? I wasn't born yesterday, kid. Get the fuck outta here.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Actually, I'm-</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Because you can finish whatever you were saying, the elf interupts you.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/engineerelf/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Elf<hr>You yap worse than six barbers. Shut up and let me think.</div><br>
<button data-passage="factory" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><div class="title">North Pole - Toy Factory</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/engineerelf/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Elf<hr>These fucking cocksuckers...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Hey, maybe you need to use these?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You proudly hold the power tools in your hands.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/engineerelf/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Elf<hr>Are those.. human power tools?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The elf jumps up voilently and snatches them out of your hands. He goes to work on the conveyer belt.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Uh...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/engineerelf/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Elf<hr>DONE! It's DONE!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The elf drops the power tools on the floor. They break.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/engineerelf/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Elf<hr>Thanks for the help, kid. I've had Mrs Claus so far up my ass I can taste her hairspray.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You give a respectful nod towards the elderly engineer elf. He's had a rough day.</div><br>
<<set $factoryFix = 1>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Task complete.</div><br>
<button data-passage="factory" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<<for _i to 0; _i < $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Tools">>
<<set $player.inventory.deleteAt(_i)>> <!-- Delete the item at index _i -->
<<break>> <!-- Exit the loop after deleting one item -->
<</for>><div class="title">North Pole - Toy Factory</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>You know, I think it should be fine now. You should just go tell Mrs Claus its fixed.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The elf looks at you with concern</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/engineerelf/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Elf<hr>If you're going to lie to me, at least tell me there's a broad in the car waiting to tongue my balls</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Uh...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Looks like you actually need to help him fix this.</div><br>
<button data-passage="factory" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Leave</button><div class="location-title">Ascension Street</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/amore/streets/street1.jpg"></div>
<<if $streetbuttons eq 1>>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="house_floor_0" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Your House]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_store" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Store]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_apartments" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Apartments]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_stripclub" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Strip Club]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_pub" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Pub]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_paul" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Paul's House]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_park" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Park]</button>
<button data-passage="goughstreet" class="buttonhalfgreen" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Gough Street]</button>
<<set _elsa = $findCharacterByName('Elsa')>>
<<set _lisa = $findCharacterByName('Lisa')>>
<<set _nun = $findCharacterByName('The Nun')>>
<<set _jessie = $findCharacterByName('Jessie')>>
<<set _maid = $findCharacterByName('Sophia')>>
<<set _stepdad = $findCharacterByName('Stepdad')>>
<<set _priya = $findCharacterByName('Priya')>>
<<set _questName2 = "Step-Dad's Porno Tapes">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _questName3 = "Step-Dad Ultra">>
<<set _index3 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<button data-passage="house_floor_0" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Your House]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_store" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Store]
<<if _priya.afflictions.includes("Widowed") and $time lt 4>><span style="color: lightgreen;"> - Priya</span><</if>>
<button data-passage="amore_apartments" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Apartments]
<<if _elsa.afflictions.includes("Address Known") and $time lte 2>><span style="color: lightgreen;"> - Elsa</span><</if>>
<<if _jessie.afflictions.includes("Address Known") and $time gte 5>><span style="color: lightgreen;"> - Jessie</span><</if>>
<<if _lisa.afflictions.includes("Address Known") and $time gte 5>><span style="color: lightgreen;"> - Lisa</span><</if>>
<<if _nun.afflictions.includes("Rescued")>><span style="color: lightgreen;"> - Nun</span><</if>>
<button data-passage="amore_stripclub" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Strip Club]
<<if $stripclub.level eq 2>><span style="color: lightgreen;"> - Nathalya</span><</if>>
<button data-passage="amore_pub" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Pub]
<<if $time lt 5 and $day gte 6>><span style="color: lightgreen;"> - Jessie</span><</if>>
<<if $time gt 2>><span style="color: lightgreen;"> - Elsa</span><</if>>
<button data-passage="amore_paul" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Paul's House]
<span style="color: lightgreen;"> - Paul</span>
<button data-passage="amore_park" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Park]
<<if $time lte 5>><span style="color: lightgreen;"> - Bunny</span><</if>>
<<if $time lte 5 and !_maid.afflictions.includes("Working")>><span style="color: lightgreen;"> - Sophia</span><</if>>
<<if $time gte 6 and _stepdad.afflictions.includes("Crestfallen") and $substory[_index2].progress eq 0>><span style="color: lightgreen;"> - Stepdad</span><</if>>
<<if $time gte 6 and $substory[_index2].progress eq 100 and $substory[_index3].progress eq 0>><span style="color: lightgreen;"> - Stepdad</span><</if>>
<button data-passage="goughstreet" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Gough Street]</button>
<</if>><div class="location-title">Gough Street</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/amore/streets/street2.jpg"></div>
<<if $streetbuttons eq 1>>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="ascensionstreet" class="buttonhalfgreen" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Ascension Street]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_gym" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Gym]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_university" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter University]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_realestate" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Real Estate Agent]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_massage" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Massage Parlour]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_doctor" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$currentlocation to 'goughstreet'">[Enter Doctor's Office]</button>
<button data-passage="taximain" class="buttonhalfgreen" type="button" tabindex="0">[Hail Taxi]</button>
<button data-passage="ascensionstreet" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Ascension Street]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_gym" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Gym]
<<if $time lte 4>><span style="color: lightgreen;"> - Lisa</span><</if>>
<<if $day lte 5 and $time eq 4>><span style="color: lightgreen;"> - Zoe</span><</if>>
<button data-passage="amore_university" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter University]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_realestate" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Real Estate Agent]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_massage" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Massage Parlour]
<<if $time lte 4>><span style="color: lightgreen;"> - Josephine</span><</if>>
<button data-passage="amore_doctor" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$currentlocation to 'goughstreet'">[Enter Doctor's Office]</button>
<button data-passage="taximain" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Hail Taxi]</button>
<</if>><div class="npctextboxm">You decide to try and get your dick sucked</div><br>
<<set _nathalya = $findCharacterByName('Nathalya')>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _nathalya.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>As my employee, i demand a blowjob.</div><br>
<<if _nathalya.relationshipPoints gte 150>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nathalya.chat>></div><<= _nathalya.name>><hr>I guess I should obey my sexy dominant boss.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>That's right!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/nathalya/bj.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nathalya.chat>></div><<= _nathalya.name>><hr>Give me a fat load of cum!</div><br>
<<set _randomcum to random(1,2)>>
<<if _randomcum eq 1>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You fail to cum for <<= _nathalya.name>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nathalya.chat>></div><<= _nathalya.name>><hr>Oh well...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You cum for <<= _nathalya.name>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nathalya.chat>></div><<= _nathalya.name>><hr>Yes!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/nathalya/facial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _nathalya 35>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nathalya.chat>></div><<= _nathalya.name>><hr>Unless you want to get sued, I suggest you go fuck yourself.</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _nathalya -5>>
<button data-passage="amore_nathalya_menu" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Talking]</button><div class="npctextboxm">You decide to chat with Nathalya</div><br>
<<set _nathalya = $findCharacterByName('Nathalya')>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _nathalya.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>How is everything going?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nathalya.chat>></div><<= _nathalya.name>><hr>My girls are working hard for you, <<= $player.name>>. This place is going to go places!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>You're amazing, <<= _nathalya.name>>. Thanks for all your hard work.</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _nathalya 15>>
<button data-passage="amore_nathalya_menu" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Talking]</button><div class="npctextboxm">You decide to try and fuck Nathaly. Good luck!</div><br>
<<set _questName2 = "Seducing Nathaly">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _nathalya = $findCharacterByName('Nathalya')>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _nathalya.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Let me fuck you real quick, babe.</div><br>
<<if _nathalya.relationshipPoints gte 360>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nathalya.chat>></div><<= _nathalya.name>><hr>Whatever you want. I'm yours!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Good.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/nathalya/fuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nathalya.chat>></div><<= _nathalya.name>><hr>Oh god its so fucking deep!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/nathalya/fuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nathalya.chat>></div><<= _nathalya.name>><hr>You want to finish on my face?</div><br>
<<set _randomcum to random(1,2)>>
<<if _randomcum eq 1>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You fail to cum for <<= _nathalya.name>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nathalya.chat>></div><<= _nathalya.name>><hr>Oh well...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You cum for <<= _nathalya.name>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nathalya.chat>></div><<= _nathalya.name>><hr>Yes!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/nathalya/facial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _nathalya 50>>
<<set _nathalya.fuckedtimes = _nathalya.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _nathalya "Crabs">>
<<elseif _nathalya.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _nathalya $player "Crabs">>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 33>>
<<updateQuest "Seducing Nathaly" 100>>
<<addAffliction _nathalya "Dominated">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nathalya.chat>></div><<= _nathalya.name>><hr>Unless you want to get sued, I suggest you go fuck yourself.</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _nathalya -7>>
<button data-passage="amore_nathalya_menu" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Talking]</button><<set _nathalya = $findCharacterByName('Nathalya')>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _nathalya.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>As my employee, i demand a titjob.</div><br>
<<if _nathalya.relationshipPoints gte 50>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nathalya.chat>></div><<= _nathalya.name>><hr>I guess I should obey my sexy dominant boss.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>That's right!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/nathalya/titjob.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nathalya.chat>></div><<= _nathalya.name>><hr>I hope I did good, sir.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><<= _nathalya.name>> winks as she gets up and cleans herself up.</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _nathalya 25>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nathalya.chat>></div><<= _nathalya.name>><hr>Unless you want to get sued, I suggest you go fuck yourself.</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _nathalya -5>>
<button data-passage="amore_nathalya_menu" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Talking]</button><<set _nathalya = $findCharacterByName('Nathalya')>>
<<set _chatOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/nathalya/nathaly_chat.png">', condition: true },
{ name: "Relaxed Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/nathalya/r_chat.png">', condition: true },
{ name: "Stripper Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/nathalya/strip_chat.png">', condition: _nathalya.relationshipPoints >= 200 },
{ name: "Nude Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/nathalya/nathaly_chatnude.png">', condition: _nathalya.relationshipPoints >= 400 },
{ name: "Pregnant", img: '<img src="images/characters/nathalya/preg_chat.png">', condition: _nathalya.relationshipPoints >= 600 },
<<set _outfitOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/nathalya/stripclubnath.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Relaxed Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/nathalya/relaxed.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Slutty Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/nathalya/slutty.jpg">', condition: _nathalya.relationshipPoints >= 100 },
{ name: "Stripper Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/nathalya/strip.jpg">', condition: _nathalya.relationshipPoints >= 200 },
{ name: "Nude Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/nathalya/nude.jpg">', condition: _nathalya.relationshipPoints >= 400 },
{ name: "Pregnant", img: '<img src="images/characters/nathalya/preg.jpg">', condition: _nathalya.relationshipPoints >= 600 },
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nathalya.chat>></div><<= _nathalya.name>><hr>A new uniform? Sounds great!</div><br>
<!-- Sophia's Chat Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose <<= _nathalya.name>>'s Avatar<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _chatOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_nathalya.chat" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<!-- Sophia's Outfit Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose <<= _nathalya.name>>'s Main Outfit<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _outfitOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_nathalya.image" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<button data-passage="amore_nathalya_menu" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Save]</button><<set _nathalya = $findCharacterByName('Nathalya')>>
<<set _questName2 = "Seducing Nathaly">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<if $time gte 7>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nathalya.chat>></div><<= _nathalya.name>><hr>Sorry! It's getting late. Can we talk tomorrow?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="stripclublocker" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Away]</button>
<<if $stripclub.customers lt 10>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nathalya.chat>></div><<= _nathalya.name>><hr>I know you want to talk, but I dont respect you enough yet.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Might be a good idea to watch some of Nathalya's shows first. To show her that you care. Watch 10 to gain her trust. Watched <<= $stripclub.customers>></div><br>
<button data-passage="stripclublocker" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Away]</button>
<div class="location-title">Strip Club Locker Room</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _nathalya.image>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing infront of <<= _nathalya.name>>.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nathalya.chat>></div><<= _nathalya.name>><hr>You're becoming my new favourite boss!</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="nathalya_outfits" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Change Outfits]</button>
<button data-passage="nathalya_fuck" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck]</button>
<button data-passage="nathalya_bj" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[BJ]</button>
<button data-passage="nathalya_handjob" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Titjob]</button>
<button data-passage="nathalya_chat" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Chat]</button>
<button data-passage="stripclublocker" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Away]</button>
<</if>><div class="npctextboxm">You stand looking on at your amazing strip club in silence. Nobody is here until...</div><br>
<<set _nathalya = $findCharacterByName('Nathalya')>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _nathalya.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nathalya.chat>></div><<= _nathalya.name>><hr>Hey! Where is the new owner of this place?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>You're speaking to him. What do you want?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nathalya.chat>></div><<= _nathalya.name>><hr>My name is Nathalya. I was once the head stripper here. You need me if you want this place to succeed.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>You used to work here?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nathalya.chat>></div><<= _nathalya.name>><hr>Yes, and now im back out of retirement to work for you!!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Why not, but first you'll have to do some favours for me...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nathalya.chat>></div><<= _nathalya.name>><hr>I think not. You'll not be doing that while im here. Listen. I know you probably thought you were going to fuck loads of strippers but that's not happening. At least not yet. A proper owner must first demonstrate his or her loyality to the strippers.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>So you are saying I cant just get free blow jobs from my strippers?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nathalya.chat>></div><<= _nathalya.name>><hr>How disgusting. No. You cannot.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>(Should I really hire her?)</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Fine, you're hired. You'll take care of things for me here?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nathalya.chat>></div><<= _nathalya.name>><hr>Yes. I'm going to take care of the stripper side, you just relax and enjoy the shows.</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Seducing Nathaly" 33>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Nathaly is very honest about *not* wanting to fuck you, what could change her mind?</div><br>
<<addAffliction _nathalya "Stripper">>
<button data-passage="amore_stripclub_main" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Hire Nathalya]</button><div class="location-title"><<= $stripclub.name>></div><br>
<<if $stripclub.level eq 1>>
<div class="npctextboxm">The stripclub is yours, but it needs a refurbishment in order to be operable.</div><br>
<<if $player.money gte 7500 and $stripclub.level eq 1>>
<button data-passage="amore_stripclub_refurb" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Refurbishment - $7,500]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Refurbishment - $7,500]</button>
<button data-passage="ascensionstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/amore/stripclub/stripclub2.jpg"></div>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing in your strip club.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="stripclubshow" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Watch a Show]</button>
<button data-passage="stripclubbathroom" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Bathroom]</button>
<button data-passage="stripclublocker" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Locker Room]</button>
<button data-passage="ascensionstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<</if>><div class="npctextboxm">You spend some money to get the place refurbished. Some time later... its all done. The place is ready to go!</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Strip Club Ownership" 100>>
<<set $stripclub.level = 2>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Is it finally time to see some hoes?</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_stripclub_hire_nathaly" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><div class="location-title"><<= $stripclub.name>></div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/amore/stripclub/stripclub.jpg"></div>
<div class="npctextboxm"><<if $stripclub.level gte 1>>You stand outside your stripclub.<<else>>A run down shitty stripclub that has been closed for years. This used to be a thriving strip club that employed lots of local women.<</if>></div><br>
<<if $stripclub.level gte 1>>
<button data-passage="amore_stripclub_main" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter]</button>
<button data-passage="ascensionstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><div class="npctextboxm">You are standing in the strip club bathroom.</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/amore/stripclub/stripclubbathroom.jpg"></div>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="stripclubbathroompiss" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Piss]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_stripclub_main" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
</div><div class="npctextboxm">You whip out your dong. It's time to drain the main vein.</div> <br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/activities/pee.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Ahhhh... That feels good.</div><br>
<<time>><<set $peeCounter = $peeCounter + 1>>
<button data-passage="stripclubbathroom" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Shake it & Leave]</button><<set _nathalya = $findCharacterByName('Nathalya')>>
<<set _questName2 = "Seducing Nathaly">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _locationTitle = "Strip Club Locker Room">>
/* Easter bunny hanging out */
<<set _characterConditions = [
{name: "Nathalya", condition: true},
<<displayLocation '<img src="images/locations/amore/stripclub/stripclubbackroom.jpg" alt="" />' _characterConditions>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nathalya.chat>></div><<= _nathalya.name>><hr>What's up boss?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="amore_nathalya_menu" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Speak to <<= _nathalya.name>>]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_stripclub" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Exit]</button>
</div><div class="npctextboxm">You watch one your girls on stage</div><br>
<<set _randomvideo to random(1,4)>>
<<if _randomvideo eq 1>>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" loop autoplay muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/locations/amore/stripclub/dance.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<elseif _randomvideo eq 2>>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" loop autoplay muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/locations/amore/stripclub/dance2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<elseif _randomvideo eq 3>>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" loop autoplay muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/locations/amore/stripclub/dance3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" loop autoplay muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/locations/amore/stripclub/dance4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<set $stripclub.customers = $stripclub.customers + 1>>
<<if !$achievements.iLikeToWatch.unlocked and $stripclub.customers gte 50>>
<button data-passage="stripclubshow" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Watch More]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_stripclub_main" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Watching]</button><<set _questName2 = "Step-Dad's Porno Tapes">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _jrox = $findCharacterByName('Jrox')>>
<<set _penny = $findCharacterByName('Penny')>>
<<set _nody = $findCharacterByName('Nody')>>
<div class="location-title">Amore Trailer Park</div><br>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 33>>
<<set _hobo = $findCharacterByName('Hobo')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jrox.chat>></div><<=_jrox.name>><hr>Alright *CUT*, that was some lame ass shit - wait, who is this matha fuckah?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">J Rox and his crew turn to you.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey, are you J Rox?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jrox.chat>></div><<=_jrox.name>><hr>Depends who wants to know?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I need to speak to you about my step-dad's debt.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jrox.chat>></div><<=_jrox.name>><hr>Your step-dad? You must mean that danny trejo looking mothahfuckah who lives in a park right?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>That's right</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jrox.chat>></div><<=_jrox.name>><hr>A little birdie told me how you beat the shit out of him, is that true playah?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>He disrespected my mom. Nobody get's away with that.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jrox.chat>></div><<=_jrox.name>><hr>Ight, playah! I feel ya, so why you helping that old ass mother fuckah anyway?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jrox.chat>></div><<=_jrox.name>><hr>Well, I ain't accepting no cash for his debt. I want some work done. You interested?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>What is the work?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jrox.chat>></div><<=_jrox.name>><hr>Me and the homies are setting up our directorial debut. I need an actor. You look exactly the type of person I'm looing for. Help me and your step-dad's debt is paid.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>A porno?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jrox.chat>></div><<=_jrox.name>><hr>I prefer the term 'Adult Entertainment'</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Depends who I'm fucking</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jrox.chat>></div><<=_jrox.name>><hr>Debora, come over here and meet your new actor</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You look at 'Debora', she's the hobo who lives in Amore park.</div><br>
<div class="imagebox">
<<= _hobo.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _hobo.chat>></div><<=_hobo.name>><hr>Hey handsome!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Nope. I'm out J-Rox. There isn't a chance i'm fucking the local hobo.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jrox.chat>></div><<=_jrox.name>><hr>Woah woah! Calm down, aight? Why don't you bring your own girl? There's plenty of fine babes here in da park. Hurry up though, I ain't got all day.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Alright, i'll find someone.</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Step-Dad's Porno Tapes" 66>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jrox.chat>></div><<=_jrox.name>><hr>Why you looking at me in my eyes, I ain't got no candy for you!</div><br>
<button data-passage="trailerpark" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><<set _questName2 = "Step-Dad's Porno Tapes">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _jrox = $findCharacterByName('Jrox')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jrox.chat>></div><<=_jrox.name>><hr>Consider your step dad's debt paid, playa.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Thanks J Rox</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Step-Dad's Porno Tapes" 100>>
<button data-passage="jroxtrailer" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><div class="title">Laura's Trailer</div><br><<time>><<time>>
<<set _laura = $findCharacterByName('Laura')>>
<<set _mark = $findCharacterByName('Mark')>>
<<set _questName2 = "Homewrecker Cuckhold Chronicles">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="1000" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/laura/scenes/tease.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">It's time for a night of passionate hot sex with Laura!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _laura.chat>></div>Laura<hr>I hope you are ready for me!</div><br>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 25>>
<<updateQuest "Homewrecker Cuckhold Chronicles" 100>>
<button data-passage="fuckLaura2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Foreplay]</button><div class="title">Laura's Trailer</div><br><<time>><<time>>
<<set _laura = $findCharacterByName('Laura')>>
<<set _mark = $findCharacterByName('Mark')>>
<<set $randomBJ to random(1,2)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You receive your foreplay from Laura [<<print $randomBJ>>/2]. She is a fucking expert at this.</div><br>
<<if $random eq 1>>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="1000" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/laura/scenes/bj.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="1000" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/laura/scenes/bj2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _laura.chat>></div>Laura<hr>Mmmhmmmm</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>That feels so fucking good!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _laura.chat>></div>Laura<hr>It's my speciality! Heehee!</div><br>
<button data-passage="fuckLaura3" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fucking]</button><div class="title">Laura's Trailer</div><br><<time>><<time>>
<<set _laura = $findCharacterByName('Laura')>>
<<set _mark = $findCharacterByName('Mark')>>
<<set $randomBJ to random(1,2)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You ram your cock deep inside Laura [<<print $randomBJ>>/2]</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _laura.chat>></div>Laura<hr>Holy shit!</div><br>
<<if $random eq 1>>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="1000" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/laura/scenes/fuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="1000" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/laura/scenes/fuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<set _laura.fuckedtimes = _laura.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _laura "Crabs">>
<<elseif _laura.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _laura $player "Crabs">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _laura.chat>></div>Laura<hr>Please don't stop!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I think i'm gonna...</div><br>
<button data-passage="fuckLaura4" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Cum?]</button><div class="title">Laura's Trailer</div><br>
<<set _laura = $findCharacterByName('Laura')>>
<<set _mark = $findCharacterByName('Mark')>>
<<set _randomBJ to random(1,100)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your cock is twitching...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _laura.chat>></div>Laura<hr>Are you going to cum for me, $player.name?</div><br>
<<if _randomBJ lte 40>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You cum for Laura [Rolled <<print _randomBJ>>]</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="1000" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/laura/scenes/facial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _laura.chat>></div>Laura<hr>It tastes so fucking good. I've waited all my life for a fucking like this...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mark.chat>></div><<= _mark.name>><hr>I'm here for the cleanup!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You fail to cum for Laura [Rolled <<print _randomBJ>>, Need less than 40.]</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _laura.chat>></div>Laura<hr>That's so dissapointing... maybe next time?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mark.chat>></div><<= _mark.name>><hr>Please come back and fuck my wife, $player.name</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You get dressed and leave the trailer of Laura and Mark.</div><br>
<button data-passage="lauratrailer" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><div class="title">Laura's Trailer</div><br>
<<set _laura = $findCharacterByName('Laura')>>
<<set _mark = $findCharacterByName('Mark')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You successfully convince Laura that Mark is a cuck</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>So Laura... you believe Mark now?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _laura.chat>></div>Laura<hr>Wha- Wha... Mark... is a cuck? I never could believe it!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Laura has been convinced!</div><br>
<<addAffliction _laura "Befriended">>
<button data-passage="lauratrailer" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button><div class="title">Laura's Trailer</div><br>
<<set _laura = $findCharacterByName('Laura')>>
<<set _mark = $findCharacterByName('Mark')>>
<<for _i to $player.inventory.length - 1; _i >= 0; _i-->>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Hypnosis Serum">>
<<set $player.inventory.deleteAt(_i)>> <!-- Delete the item at index _i -->
<div class="npctextboxm">You dose Laura's drink.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>So Laura... you believe Mark is a cuck, don't you? You also love getting fucked by other men, right?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _laura.chat>></div>Laura<hr>Wha- Wha... Mark... is a cuck? And I love to be fucked by other men? It's true!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Laura has been dosed! She is now a cock craved lunatic!</div><br>
<<addAffliction _laura "Cuck Lover">>
<button data-passage="lauratrailer" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><div class="title">Laura's Trailer</div><br>
<<set _laura = $findCharacterByName('Laura')>>
<<set _mark = $findCharacterByName('Mark')>>
<<for _i to 0; _i < $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Hypnosis Serum">>
<<set $player.inventory.deleteAt(_i)>> <!-- Delete the item at index _i -->
<<break>> <!-- Exit the loop after deleting one item -->
<div class="npctextboxm">You dose Mark's drink.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>So Mark... you're going to let me fuck your wife, right? Your a cuck, aren't you?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mark.chat>></div><<= _mark.name>><hr>A cuck? Y-yeah.. I'm a cuck. I really want someone to... fuck my wife..</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Mark has been dosed! He is now a cuck!</div><br>
<<addAffliction _mark "Cuck">>
<button data-passage="lauratrailer" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><div class="title">Laura's Trailer</div><br><<time>>
<<set _laura = $findCharacterByName('Laura')>>
<<set _mark = $findCharacterByName('Mark')>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _laura.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _laura.chat>></div>Laura<hr>Is there something you need, $player.name?</div><br>
<<set _cobraCheck = 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Hypnosis Serum">>
<<set _cobraCheck = 1>>
<<if $convoChosen eq 1>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey Laura, you want to fuck? I see those eyes! I've got candy for you!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _laura.chat>></div>Laura<hr>$player.name. Don't joke about stuff like that. Mark doesn't like it.
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>But im not joking! Let's fuck!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _laura.chat>></div>Laura<hr>What? You expect me to believe that you want to fuck me while my husband is right there? You're funny, $player.name. But seriously, Mark doesn't like talk like that and he wont see the funny side! He might not look it, but can get very aggressive!
<<if _mark.afflictions.includes("Cuck")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mark.chat>></div><<= _mark.name>><hr>Actually. I don't mind, sweetie. Infact, I'd love to see $player.name fuck your brains out. It'd be a huge turn on for me.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _laura.chat>></div>Laura<hr>Mark?! Are you serious? This isn't like you at all! You're not acting right!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mark.chat>></div><<= _mark.name>><hr>I feel... fine</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _laura.chat>></div>Laura<hr>No Mark, this doesn't feel right.</div><br>
<<if _laura.afflictions.includes("Cuck Lover") and _laura.afflictions.includes("Befriended")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _laura.chat>></div>Laura<hr>Okay, $player.name. My husband, Mark, is a cuck. I believe him 100% and I also want to be fucked by other men. Let's do this.</div><br>
<button data-passage="fuckLaura" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck Laura]</button>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _laura.chat>></div>Laura<hr>No, $player.name. I won't do it. There is something wrong with Mark. He isn't a cuck!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mark.chat>></div><<= _mark.name>><hr>I... am... a cuck...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _laura.chat>></div>Laura<hr>Really Mark? Im shocked!</div><br>
<button data-passage="lauraconvince" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Convicing Compelete]</button>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Right...</div><br>
<<elseif $convoChosen eq 2>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Laura, has anyone ever told you just how fucking hot you are?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _laura.chat>></div>Laura<hr>Uh, yeah?! Haha!
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Of course.</div><br>
<<elseif $convoChosen eq 3>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Laura, do you want a drink?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _laura.chat>></div>Laura<hr>Why not? Could you fetch me a glass of water?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Coming right up!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You pour a glass of water from the tap. Mark stares at you.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You give the glass to Laura</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _laura.chat>></div>Laura<hr>Thanks!</div><br>
<<if _mark.afflictions.includes("Cuck")>>
<<if _cobraCheck eq 1>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Mark is high on the hypno you gave him. This is the perfect opportunity to give the serum to Laura.</div><br>
<button data-passage="doseLaura" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Dose Laura]</button>
<div class="npctextboxm">You glass of water is normal. You don't do anything to it.</div><br>
<<if _cobraCheck eq 1>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You have hypnosis serums in your pocket, but Mark would see you use them. You should get rid of Mark first.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You glass of water is normal. You don't do anything to it.</div><br>
<<elseif $convoChosen eq 4>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Laura, please break up with Mark!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _laura.chat>></div>Laura<hr>That's not funny. I don't like this joke.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _laura.chat>></div>Laura<hr>I don't know what you just said... [Error - incorrect conversation type]</div><br>
<button data-passage="lauratrailer" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><div class="title">Laura's Trailer</div><br>
<<set _laura = $findCharacterByName('Laura')>>
<<set _mark = $findCharacterByName('Mark')>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _laura.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _laura.chat>></div>Laura<hr>Is there something you need, $player.name?</div><br>
<<if $lauraCuckMode eq 1 and $lauraFuck eq 1>>
<button data-passage="fuckLaura" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$convoChosen to 1">"Let's fuck again."</button>
<button data-passage="laura_chat" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$convoChosen to 1">"Wanna fuck?"</button>
<button data-passage="laura_chat" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$convoChosen to 2">"You're sexy!"</button>
<button data-passage="laura_chat" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$convoChosen to 3">"Do you want a drink?"</button>
<button data-passage="laura_chat" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$convoChosen to 4">"Break up with Mark!"</button>
<button data-passage="lauratrailer" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button><<set _questName2 = "Homewrecker Cuckhold Chronicles">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _laura = $findCharacterByName('Laura')>>
<<set _mark = $findCharacterByName('Mark')>>
<<if $time gte 6>>
<div class="npctextboxm">The trailer door is locked. It's way too late to be visiting Laura.</div><br>
<div class="title">Laura's Trailer</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _laura.image>></div><br>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 0>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You barge into a random trailer in the park. You are fucking crazy!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _laura.chat>></div>Laura<hr>Do I know you?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>My name is $player.name! How do you do, m'lady?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _laura.chat>></div>Laura<hr>You are funny! I like that.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Yep! I'm a real comedian.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">A man enters from the other room</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mark.chat>></div><<= _mark.name>><hr>What the fuck are you doing in my trailer?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Uh...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mark.chat>></div><<= _mark.name>><hr>Seriously, pal. You should know better than to barge into peoples homes!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _laura.chat>></div>Laura<hr>Believe it or not, I've seen him before. $player.name, I saw you hanging out with J-Rox guy some time ago. You do realise that guy is a fucking sleezebag? What are you doing hanging out with him?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mark.chat>></div><<= _mark.name>><hr>Wait - You're one of J-Rox's guys? I already told him, my wife is never going to be in one of his greasy videos!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _laura.chat>></div>Laura<hr>Calm down Mark, baby. You are the only man I need in my life. Okay? I'll never fuck another guy. Especially J-Rox!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Woah! We just do bible study together. Nothing weird at all goes on in his trailer. [Lie]</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _laura.chat>></div>Laura<hr>Ha-ha, I bet! I'm Laura, by the way. Listen, stop by again sometime. We always need a good laugh. You seem like a nice guy.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Maybe I will. it's been nice getting to know you both, Laura... and Marty!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mark.chat>></div><<= _mark.name>><hr>...It's Mark...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You leave Laura's trailer. I guess you got lucky this time.</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Homewrecker Cuckhold Chronicles" 25>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You enter the trailer of Laura.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _laura.chat>></div>Laura<hr>Hell yeah, it's $player.name. How nice to see you again.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mark.chat>></div><<= _mark.name>><hr>It's you...</div><br>
<button data-passage="mark_menu" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Interact With Mark]</button>
<button data-passage="laura_menu" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Interact with Laura]</button>
<button data-passage="trailerpark" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Trailer]</button><div class="title">Laura's Trailer</div><br>
<<time>><<set _laura = $findCharacterByName('Laura')>>
<<set _mark = $findCharacterByName('Mark')>>
<<set _cobraCheck = 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Hypnosis Serum">>
<<set _cobraCheck = 1>>
<<if _mark.afflictions.includes("Cuck")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mark.chat>></div><<= _mark.name>><hr>Hey, $player.name...</div><br>
<<if $convoChosen eq 1>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Can I fuck your wife?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mark.chat>></div><<= _mark.name>><hr>Sure. I don't mind.</div><br>
<<elseif $convoChosen eq 2>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Ever thought about being a cuck?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mark.chat>></div><<= _mark.name>><hr>I'm already a cuck.
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Yes you are.</div><br>
<<elseif $convoChosen eq 3>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Mark, do you want a drink?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mark.chat>></div><<= _mark.name>><hr>I'm not thirsty.</div><br>
<<elseif $convoChosen eq 4>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Mark, do you want to suck my dick?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mark.chat>></div><<= _mark.name>><hr>That's not funny. I'm not gay. Ask Laura.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mark.chat>></div><<= _mark.name>><hr>I don't know what you just said... [Error - incorrect conversation type]</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mark.chat>></div><<= _mark.name>><hr>You are still here? You are going to have to start paying me rent soon.</div><br>
<<if $convoChosen eq 1>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Can I fuck your wife?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mark.chat>></div><<= _mark.name>><hr>Get out of my fucking house.
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Just joking...</div><br>
<<elseif $convoChosen eq 2>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Ever thought about being a cuck?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mark.chat>></div><<= _mark.name>><hr>A cuck? Are you kidding?! I'm NOT GOING TO LET ANYONE FUCK MY WIFE!!
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Woah, just a suggestion. No need to get crazy!</div><br>
<<elseif $convoChosen eq 3>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Mark, do you want a drink?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mark.chat>></div><<= _mark.name>><hr>... grab me a soy milk drink.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Sure - here ya go!</div><br>
<<if _cobraCheck eq 1>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You have hypnosis serums in your pocket. Mark isn't watching you. You wanna dose this fucker?</div><br>
<button data-passage="doseMark" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Dose this Bitch]</button>
<div class="npctextboxm">You drink you give Mark is normal. You don't do anything to it.</div><br>
<<elseif $convoChosen eq 4>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Mark, do you want to suck my dick?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mark.chat>></div><<= _mark.name>><hr>That's not funny. Get out of my house.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mark.chat>></div><<= _mark.name>><hr>I don't know what you just said... [Error - incorrect conversation type]</div><br>
<button data-passage="lauratrailer" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button><div class="title">Laura's Trailer</div><br>
<<set _laura = $findCharacterByName('Laura')>>
<<set _mark = $findCharacterByName('Mark')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mark.chat>></div><<= _mark.name>><hr>What is it?</div><br>
<button data-passage="mark_chat" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$convoChosen to 1">"Can I fuck your wife?"</button>
<button data-passage="mark_chat" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$convoChosen to 2">"Ever Thought about being a cuck?"</button>
<button data-passage="mark_chat" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$convoChosen to 3">"Do you want a drink?"</button>
<button data-passage="mark_chat" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$convoChosen to 4">"Suck my dick"</button>
<button data-passage="lauratrailer" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button><div class="location-title">Amore Trailer Park - Penny</div><br>
<<set _questName2 = "Step-Dad's Porno Tapes">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<img src="images/characters/nody/main.jpg" alt="" />
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey, fancy making some cash?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/nody/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Nody<hr>It better not be one of those bloody films</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Ugh, actually it is.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/nody/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Nody<hr>Crikey, who do you think I am? Some whore?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Come on babe, it's just business. You'll also get to fuck me.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/nody/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Nody<hr>You? Cwoar! I'm in!</div><br>
<button data-passage="nodyporno2" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Shoot Porno]</button><div class="location-title">Amore Trailer Park - Penny</div><br>
<<set _questName2 = "Step-Dad's Porno Tapes">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _jrox = $findCharacterByName('Jrox')>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<img src="images/characters/nody/main.jpg" alt="" />
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey J-Rox, me and Nody are gonna fuck on camera.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jrox.chat>></div><<=_jrox.name>><hr>The aussie? Alright playa, i can get down with some action down under!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">After a short time preparing, the porno starts.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" loop autoplay muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/nody/bj.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jrox.chat>></div><<=_jrox.name>><hr>Alright, <<print $player.name>> now fuck her! </div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" loop autoplay muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/nody/fuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/nody/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Nody<hr>Bloody brilliant!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jrox.chat>></div><<=_jrox.name>><hr>That's a wrap!</div><br>
<<set _jrox.relationshipPoints = _jrox.relationshipPoints + 1>>
<<if !$achievements.movieStar.unlocked and _jrox.relationshipPoints gte 50>>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 66>>
<button data-passage="pornotapesfinale" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Complete Quest]</button>
<button data-passage="jroxtrailer" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button>
<</if>><<set _questName2 = "Step-Dad's Porno Tapes">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<div class="location-title">Amore Trailer Park - Nody</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<img src="images/characters/nody/main.jpg" alt="" />
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/nody/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Nody<hr>G'day mate.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $substory[_index2].progress gte 66>>
<button data-passage="nodyporno" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Offer Porno Role</button>
<button data-passage="trailerpark" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
</div><div class="location-title">Amore Trailer Park - Penny</div><br>
<<set _questName2 = "Step-Dad's Porno Tapes">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _penny = $findCharacterByName('Penny')>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _penny.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey, fancy making some cash?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _penny.chat>></div>Penny<hr>Oh my, doing what?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>A little adult film?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _penny.chat>></div>Penny<hr>Wouldn't everyone see it? My life could be ruined!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Nah, it's only going to be shown in Russia. It's called "From Russia with a love bone"</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _penny.chat>></div>Penny<hr>Alright... I guess?</div><br>
<button data-passage="pennyporno2" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Shoot Porno]</button><<set _questName2 = "Step-Dad's Porno Tapes">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _jrox = $findCharacterByName('Jrox')>>
<<set _penny = $findCharacterByName('Penny')>>
<div class="location-title">Amore Trailer Park - Porno</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _penny.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey J-Rox, me and Penny are gonna fuck on camera.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jrox.chat>></div><<=_jrox.name>><hr>Little old Penny? Alright playa, i can get down with some MILF stuff.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">After a short time preparing, the porno starts.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" loop autoplay muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/penny/bj.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jrox.chat>></div><<=_jrox.name>><hr>Alright, <<print $player.name>> now fuck her! </div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" loop autoplay muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/penny/fuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _penny.chat>></div>Penny<hr>Oh my!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jrox.chat>></div><<=_jrox.name>><hr>That's a wrap!</div><br>
<<set _jrox.relationshipPoints = _jrox.relationshipPoints + 1>>
<<checkBountyCompletion "Penny">>
<<if !$achievements.movieStar.unlocked and _jrox.relationshipPoints gte 50>>
<<set _penny.fuckedtimes = _penny.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 66>>
<button data-passage="pornotapesfinale" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Complete Quest]</button>
<button data-passage="jroxtrailer" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button>
<</if>><<set _questName2 = "Step-Dad's Porno Tapes">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _penny = $findCharacterByName('Penny')>>
<div class="location-title">Amore Trailer Park - Penny</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _penny.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _penny.chat>></div>Penny<hr>Hey young man, what can I do for you?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $substory[_index2].progress gte 66>>
<button data-passage="pennyporno" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Offer Porno Role</button>
<button data-passage="trailerpark" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
</div><<set _questName2 = "Step-Dad's Porno Tapes">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<div class="location-title">Amore Trailer Park - Store</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey, do you want to star in a porno?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bernie/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Bernie<hr>A porno? Mods, ban $player.name? Wait, where are my mods. Fine. You're banned, get outta mah store...</div><br>
<<addAffliction $player "Banned [Bernie's Store]">>
<button data-passage="trailerpark" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<<if !$achievements.banworld.unlocked>>
<</if>><<set _questName2 = "Step-Dad's Porno Tapes">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<div class="location-title">Amore Trailer Park - Store</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bernie/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Bernie<hr>What do you want?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 66>>
<button data-passage="bernieporno" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Offer Porno Role</button>
<button data-passage="trailerpark" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
</div><div class="location-title">Amore Trailer Park</div><br>
<div class="imagebox">
<img src="images/locations/amore/trailerpark/trailerpark.jpg">
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>What a dump.</div><br>
<<set _questName2 = "Easter 2024">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _itemName = "Easter Egg - Amore">>
<<set _foundItem = $player.inventory.find(item => item.name === _itemName)>>
/* Easter 2024 Egg */
<<if !_foundItem && $substory[_index2].progress eq 50>>
<div class="wikitextbox"><center>YOU FOUND THE AMORE EASTER EGG!</center><HR>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/activities/eggfound.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<set _methItem = {
name: "Easter Egg - Amore",
price: 5,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/egg.png" alt="" />',
desc: "An easter egg hidden in Amore",
unique: "Yes"
<<set $player.inventory.push(_methItem)>>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="pennytrailer" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Penny's Trailer]</button>
<button data-passage="nodytrailer" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Nody's Trailer]</button>
<button data-passage="lauratrailer" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Laura's Trailer]</button>
<<if !$player.afflictions.includes("Banned [Bernie's Store]")>>
<button data-passage="trailerparkbernie" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Store]</button>
<button data-passage="jroxtrailer" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter J-Rox's Trailer]</button>
<button data-passage="taximain" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Hail Taxi]</button>
</div><<set _questName2 = "Easter 2023">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _itemName = "Easter Egg - Amore">>
<<set _foundItem = $player.inventory.find(item => item.name === _itemName)>>
<div class="location-title">Hillside</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<img src="images/locations/amore/university/hill.jpg">
/* Easter 2023 Amore Egg */
<<if !_foundItem && $substory[_index2].progress eq 50>>
<div class="wikitextbox"><center>YOU FOUND THE AMORE EASTER EGG!</center><HR>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/activities/eggfound.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<set _methItem = {
name: "Easter Egg - Amore",
price: 5,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/egg.png" alt="" />',
desc: "An easter egg hidden in Amore",
unique: "Yes"
<<set $player.inventory.push(_methItem)>>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="hillside_cave" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Cave]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_university" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
</div><div class="location-title">Mysterious Cave</div><br>
<<if $time gte 4>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You enter the cave. It's empty. But there are footprints and the fire is still warm. Someone was here earlier.</div><br>
<div class="gallerywrapperG">
<span class="shopb"><button data-passage="hillside_cave_chat" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Chat</button></span>
<span class="shopg"><button data-passage="hillside_cave" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Buy</button></span>
<span class="shopb"><button data-passage="hillside_cave_sell" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Sell</button></span>
<span class="shopb"><button data-passage="hillside_cave_recruit" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Recruit</button></span>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/patches/chat.png"></div>Patches<hr>Another curious soul looking for Patches' wonderful items, eh?</div><br>
<<set $exitLocation = "hillside_cave">>
<<set $shopItemsList = ["Key [Daisy]", "Key [Apate]","Dildo","Flowers"]>>
<!-- Inline Shop Display -->
<div class="shopScreen">
<<for _i to 0; _i < $shopItemsList.length; _i++>> <<capture _i>>
<<set _item = $allItems.find(x => x.name == $shopItemsList[_i])>>
<div class="forSale">
<div class="emptychat"><<print _item.image>></div>
Item: <<print _item.name>><br>
Price: $<<print _item.price>><hr>
<div class="descItem"><<print _item.desc>></div>
<<if $player.money >= _item.price>>
<button data-passage="buyItemShop" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$itemChosen to _i">[Buy]</button>
<button class="red-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Buy]</button>
<button data-passage="hillside" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Cave]</button>
<<set _hasKeyDaisy = $player.inventory.some(item => item.name === "Key [Daisy]")>>
<<set _hasKeyApate = $player.inventory.some(item => item.name === "Key [Apate]")>>
<<if !$achievements.masterOfUnlocking.unlocked and _hasKeyDaisy and _hasKeyApate>>
<</if>><<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Basement Approval [Maximus]">>
<<set _maxiApproval = 1>>
<<set _maxiApproval = 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Basement Approval [Molly]">>
<<set _mollyApproval = 1>>
<<set _mollyApproval = 0>>
<<set _molly = $findCharacterByName('Molly')>>
<div class="gallerywrapperG">
<span class="shopg"><button data-passage="hillside_cave_chat" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Chat</button></span>
<span class="shopb"><button data-passage="hillside_cave" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Buy</button></span>
<span class="shopb"><button data-passage="hillside_cave_sell" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Sell</button></span>
<span class="shopb"><button data-passage="hillside_cave_recruit" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Recruit</button></span>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/patches/chat.png"></div>Patches<hr>Patches is honored you would want to talk with him.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<<if _molly.afflictions.includes("Hateful") and !_mollyApproval eq 1>>
<button data-passage="hillside_cave_chat_forgingdocuments" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Ask about forging Molly's approval]</button>
<button data-passage="hillside" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Cave]</button>
<button data-passage="hillside_cave_chat_flirt" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Flirt]</button>
<button data-passage="hillside_cave_chat_keys" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"What's with the keys?"</button>
</div><div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/patches/chat.png"></div>Patches<hr>OI! What the bloody hell is wrong with you? Just because you //CAN// do something doesn't mean you should!</div><br>
<button data-passage="hillside_cave_chat" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"Okay" :(</button>
<<if !$achievements.anyHole.unlocked>>
<</if>><<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Basement Approval [Maximus]">>
<<set _maxiApproval = 1>>
<<set _maxiApproval = 0>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/patches/chat.png"></div>Patches<hr>You want me to do what now?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I need an approval document forged like one from an amada employee</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/patches/chat.png"></div>Patches<hr>Fella! I have no bloody idea how to do that without at least some type of reference. Can you show me what you mean?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Uh....</div><br>
<<if _maxiApproval eq 1>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>What about this?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You show Patches the document signed by Maximus.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/patches/chat.png"></div>Patches<hr>Hmm... Alright, yeah! That would work - and what name do you want me to sign it with?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Molly. I need Molly to sign it.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/patches/chat.png"></div>Patches<hr>Just Molly? No second name mate?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Just scribble some random letters for the second name, make it hard to understand.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/patches/chat.png"></div>Patches<hr>Got ya, here ya go! All done!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Wow! Thanks, that was quick! What do I owe you?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/patches/chat.png"></div>Patches<hr>Nothin' mate, Patches is a good friend.</div><br>
<<set _itemTo = {
name: "Basement Approval [Molly]",
price: 2,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/approved.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Basement approval from Molly. Useless without Maximus's approval.",
unique: "Yes"
<<set $player.inventory.push(_itemTo)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Basement Approval [Molly] added to inventory!</div><br>
<<if !$achievements.fraudster.unlocked>>
<div class="npctextboxm"> Patches needs some type of reference to go on before he can make a good forgery. Bring him Maximus' approval document and then he can make a good copy with Molly's name on it.</div>
<button data-passage="hillside_cave_chat" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Talking]</button><div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/patches/chat.png"></div>Patches<hr>Hello there mate! Having a gander at me special keys? Hahahaha...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>What's with the keys?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/patches/chat.png"></div>Patches<hr>I've heard they open special secret magical doors hidden around the world!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Yeah right!</div><br>
<button data-passage="hillside_cave_chat" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Talking]</button><div class="location-title">Mysterious Cave</div><br>
<div class="gallerywrapperG">
<span class="shopb"><button data-passage="hillside_cave_chat" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Chat</button></span>
<span class="shopb"><button data-passage="hillside_cave" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Buy</button></span>
<span class="shopb"><button data-passage="hillside_cave_sell" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Sell</button></span>
<span class="shopg"><button data-passage="hillside_cave_recruit" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Recruit</button></span>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/patches/chat.png"></div>Patches<hr>Patches always ends up with too many whores! Care to take on off my hands?</div><br>
<<set $exitLocation = "hillside_cave_recruit">>
<<if $player.combatenabled eq "true">>
<div class="wikitextbox">
<div class="emptychat"><img src="images/inventory/npc.png" alt="" /></div>
Recruit Lvl 1 NPC<br>
Price: $8000<br>
<div class="descItem">Desc: A random NPC that will join your combat bench. Add them to your party via the 'manage party' menu.</div>
<span class="shopgg">
<<if $player.money gte 8000>>
<button data-passage="recruitnpc" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Buy - $8000</button>
<button data-passage="" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Buy - $8000</button>
<div class="title">Combat must be enabled to buy NPCS</div>
<</if>><div class="location-title">Mysterious Cave</div><br>
<div class="gallerywrapperG">
<span class="shopb"><button data-passage="hillside_cave_chat" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Chat</button></span>
<span class="shopb"><button data-passage="hillside_cave" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Buy</button></span>
<span class="shopg"><button data-passage="hillside_cave_sell" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Sell</button></span>
<span class="shopb"><button data-passage="hillside_cave_recruit" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Recruit</button></span>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/patches/chat.png"></div>Patches<hr>If you are selling. I am buying.</div><br>
<<set $exitLocation = "hillside_cave_sell">>
<!-- Display items available for selling -->
<div class="shopScreen">
<<for _i to 0; _i < $player.inventory.length; _i++>> <<capture _i>>
<<set _item = $player.inventory[_i]>>
<div class="forSale">
<div class="emptychat"><<print _item.image>></div>
Item: <<print _item.name>><br>
Sell Price: $<<print _item.price>><hr>
<div class="descItem"><<print _item.desc>></div>
<button data-passage="sellItemShop" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$itemChosen to _i">[Sell]</button>
</div><<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<<set _mrsmoon = $findCharacterByName('Mrs Moon')>>
<<set _questName = "Homework Helper">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<<set _locationTitle = "Mrs Moon's Classroom">>
<div class="location-title">Mrs Moon's Classroom</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">
<div class="managerwrapper">
<!-- Loop through characters to find and display Mother -->
<<for _charIndex = 0; _charIndex < $characters.length; _charIndex++>>
<<set _char = $characters[_charIndex]>>
<<if _char.name == 'Zoe'>>
<div class="managergallery">
<<print _char.image>>
<div class="managergallery">
<img src="images/characters/mrsmoon/main.jpg" alt="" />
<div class="npctextboxm">You and <<print _zoe.name>> both arrive to Mrs Moon's classroom.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsmoon.chat>></div>Mrs Moon<hr>I'm so happy to see you both!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>What's this about, Mrs Moon?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsmoon.chat>></div>Mrs Moon<hr>I just need your 'brother' here to witness this.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>A witness to what?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Mrs Moon undresses completely, what is going on?!</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><img src="images/characters/mrsmoon/nude.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>What the fuck?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsmoon.chat>></div>Mrs Moon<hr>The secrets of Amada will be unleashed upon yee! Take this and drink!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Mrs Moon hands a small glass of water to <<= _zoe.name>>, she drinks. You are so shocked and in disbelief you dont even think about telling her to stop drinking the water.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>What was that?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Ah... why cant I move... why am I... enjoying what I see?...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsmoon.chat>></div>Mrs Moon<hr>I want you and <<print $player.name>> to fuck me, <<= _zoe.name>>. It's time to embrace being a fuckdoll. Your new purpose will be to please others.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>I-I-I will obey</div><br>
<<addAffliction _zoe "Dominated">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Mrs Moon undresses <<= _zoe.name>> and presents her to you.</div><br>
<button data-passage="zoe_finale2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Accept Her Gift]</button><<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<<set _mrsmoon = $findCharacterByName('Mrs Moon')>>
<<set _questName = "Homework Helper">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<<set _locationTitle = "Mrs Moon's Classroom">>
<div class="location-title">Mrs Moon's Classroom</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">
<div class="managerwrapper">
<!-- Loop through characters to find and display Mother -->
<<for _charIndex = 0; _charIndex < $characters.length; _charIndex++>>
<<set _char = $characters[_charIndex]>>
<<if _char.name == 'Zoe'>>
<div class="managergallery">
<<print _char.image>>
<div class="managergallery">
<img src="images/characters/mrsmoon/nude.jpg" alt="" />
<div class="npctextboxm">You and <<print _zoe.name>> both arrive to Mrs Moon's classroom.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsmoon.chat>></div>Mrs Moon<hr>Let's teach <<print _zoe.name>> hwo to properly suck her big brother's cock!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/zoe/scenes/threesome_bj.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsmoon.chat>></div>Mrs Moon<hr>Does that feel good?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Amazing.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Mrs Moon places <<print _zoe.name>>'s legs up and invites you to fuck her pussy</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>You're the best big brother I could of ever asked for!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/zoe/scenes/threesome_fuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>You're so fucking hot, <<= _zoe.name>>!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/zoe/scenes/threesome_fuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>My head.. All I want.. Is to fuck!</div><br>
<button data-passage="zoe_finale3" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<<set _mrsmoon = $findCharacterByName('Mrs Moon')>>
<<set _questName = "Homework Helper">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<<set _locationTitle = "Mrs Moon's Classroom">>
<div class="location-title">Mrs Moon's Classroom</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">
<div class="managerwrapper">
<!-- Loop through characters to find and display Mother -->
<<for _charIndex = 0; _charIndex < $characters.length; _charIndex++>>
<<set _char = $characters[_charIndex]>>
<<if _char.name == 'Zoe'>>
<div class="managergallery">
<<print _char.image>>
<div class="managergallery">
<img src="images/characters/mrsmoon/nude.jpg" alt="" />
<div class="npctextboxm">You blow your load.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/zoe/scenes/threesome_facial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Big bro, thank you. I can't wait until we go home and do this more often...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsmoon.chat>></div>Mrs Moon<hr>I'm sure you enjoyed it too. <<= _zoe.name>> is now completely corrupted and will do *anything* you say. You are welcome.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>B-But how did you do this? And why?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsmoon.chat>></div>Mrs Moon<hr>Let's just say, a certain 'company' I used to work for made these mind control serums. I borrowed one when I left.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I need to know where I can get more of these serums, tell me!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsmoon.chat>></div>Mrs Moon<hr>It's a very secretive company. If I told you and they found out my life would be in danger. All I can say is that they aren't based here in Amore. You will need to go elsewhere to find them.</div><br>
<<set _zoe.fuckedtimes = _zoe.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _zoe "Crabs">>
<<elseif _zoe.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _zoe $player "Crabs">>
<<updateQuest "Homework Helper" 100>>
<button data-passage="sleep" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Go Home & Rest]</button><div class="location-title">University</div><br>
<div class="imagebox">
<img src="images/locations/amore/university/hallway.jpg">
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="amore_university_main_classroom" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Classroom]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_university_main_library" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Library]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_university" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
</div><<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<<set _mrsmoon = $findCharacterByName('Mrs Moon')>>
<<set _questName = "Homework Helper">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<<set _locationTitle = "Mrs Moon's Classroom">>
<<set _characterConditions = [
{name: "Zoe", condition: $day lte 5 && $substory[_index].progress eq 66},
{name: "Mrs Moon", condition: $day lte 5},
<<displayLocation '<img src="images/locations/amore/university/classroom.jpg" alt="" />' _characterConditions>>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $day lte 5>>
<button data-passage="amore_university_main_classroom_mrsmoon" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Speak to <<= _mrsmoon.name>>]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_university_main" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Room]</button>
</div><<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<<set _mrsmoon = $findCharacterByName('Mrs Moon')>>
<<set _questName = "Homework Helper">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<<set _locationTitle = "Mrs Moon's Classroom">>
<div class="location-title">Mrs Moon's Classroom</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _mrsmoon.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsmoon.chat>></div>Mrs Moon<hr>Can I help you?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $substory[_index].progress eq 66>>
<button data-passage="amore_university_main_classroom_mrsmoon_questbegin" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">"About <<= _zoe.name>>"</button>
<button data-passage="amore_university_main" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Away]</button>
</div><<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<<set _mrsmoon = $findCharacterByName('Mrs Moon')>>
<<set _questName = "Homework Helper">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<<set _locationTitle = "Mrs Moon's Classroom">>
<div class="location-title">Mrs Moon's Classroom</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _mrsmoon.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey are you _zoe.name's teacher?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsmoon.chat>></div>Mrs Moon<hr>Ah, yes. You must be her brother? I've heard a lot about you. You made _zoe.name study nude didn't you?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>What!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsmoon.chat>></div>Mrs Moon<hr>Don't worry. It's cute. _zoe.name has said lots about you. I've been watching you both for some time.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsmoon.chat>></div>Mrs Moon<hr>You've put in a lot of work to get to this point in the game. I hope you didn't use any exploits to get to this point.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>What game? Start speaking some sense!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsmoon.chat>></div>Mrs Moon<hr>You want me to stop giving your sister a hard time right? Let's cut to the chase. I need to conduct some science experiments...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I don't like where this is going...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsmoon.chat>></div>Mrs Moon<hr>... help me out and i'll help you. I think you'll really like it.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Mrs Moon smiles at you. She's so pretty.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _mrsmoon.chat>></div>Mrs Moon<hr>Bring _zoe.name to me. We're going to have some fun together.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Sure.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">To progress this quest. Speak to _zoe.name</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Homework Helper" 90>>
<button data-passage="amore_university_main" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button><div class="location-title">University</div><br>
<div class="imagebox">
<img src="images/locations/amore/university/library.jpg">
<<if $time lte 4>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing in the grand library of Amore University. There is lots of knowledge in these books. You could increase your intelligence if you read some.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="amore_university_main_library_read" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Read Books]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_university_main" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<div class="npctextbox">The library is closed for today.</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_university_main" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<</if>><div class="location-title">University</div><br>
<div class="imagebox">
<img src="images/locations/amore/university/library.jpg">
<div class="npctextboxm">You read a book from the library. You feel smarter.<br> Intelligence increased by [+5]</div><br>
<<set $player.intelligence = $player.intelligence + 5>>
<button data-passage="amore_university_main" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Reading]</button><div class="location-title">University</div><br>
<div class="imagebox">
<img src="images/locations/amore/university/college.jpg">
<div class="button-container">
<<if $time lte 4>>
<button data-passage="amore_university_main" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter University]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Closed]</button>
<button data-passage="hillside" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Hillside]</button>
<button data-passage="goughstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
</div><div class="location-title">Boank of Lagos</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/lagos/bank/bank.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<<set _questName0 = "Easter 2024">>
<<set _index0 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName0)>>
<<set _itemName = "Easter Egg - Lagos">>
<<set _foundItem = $player.inventory.find(item => item.name === _itemName)>>
/* Easter 2024 Egg */
<<if !_foundItem && $substory[_index0].progress eq 50>>
<div class="wikitextbox"><center>YOU FOUND THE LAGOS EASTER EGG!</center><HR>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/activities/eggfound.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<set _methItem = {
name: "Easter Egg - Lagos",
price: 5,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/egg.png" alt="" />',
desc: "An easter egg hidden in Lagos",
unique: "Yes"
<<set $player.inventory.push(_methItem)>>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $player.combatenabled eq "true">>
<<set $exitLocation = "lagos_bank">>
<button data-passage="enemyload" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$enemyChosen to 'Bank Teller'">[Fight Bank Teller]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Rob]</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_bank_chat" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Speak to Bank Teller]</button>
<button data-passage="bootystreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Bank]</button>
</div><div class="location-title">Bank of Lagos</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/characters/banker/bankteller.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/banker/bankchat.png" alt="" /></div>Bank Teller<hr>Hello sir, how can I help you today?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="lagos_bank_chat_bank" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Open a Bank Account]</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_bank_chat_tits" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Show me your tits"</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_bank" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Back]</button>
</div><div class="location-title">Bank of Lagos</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/characters/banker/bankteller.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I want to open a bank account.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/banker/bankchat.png" alt="" /></div>Bank Teller<hr>Sorry sir, only citizens of Lagos can open accounts here. You obviously aren't from around here.</div><br>
<button data-passage="lagos_bank_chat" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><div class="location-title">Bank of Lagos</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/characters/banker/bankteller.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>You need to show me your milkers, right now!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Intelligence check...<<if $player.intelligence gte 750>>Passed!<<else>>Failed!<</if>></div><br>
<<if $player.intelligence gte 750>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/banker/bankchat.png" alt="" /></div>Bank Teller<hr>You speak so intelligently. Here you go!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The lady throws her huge tits outside of her dress for your to see... nice.</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/characters/banker/bankTellerG2.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<button data-passage="lagos_bank_chat" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Oh Yaaa"</button>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/banker/bankchat.png" alt="" /></div>Bank Teller<hr>Alright - get the fuck out of here! Perverts aren't allowed in Lagos Bank!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are thrown out of the bank!</div><br>
<button data-passage="bootystreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Bank]</button>
<</if>><<set _diamond = $findCharacterByName('Diamond')>>
<div class="location-title">Diamond</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _diamond.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I need your asshole tonight, Diamond</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _diamond.chat>></div><<= _diamond.name>><hr>Give me all you've got, then!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You climb into Diamond's bed and soon start fucking her!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/diamond/scenes/anal.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _diamond.chat>></div><<= _diamond.name>><hr>... Jeez!</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _diamond 25>>
<<set _diamond.fuckedtimes = _diamond.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _diamond "Crabs">>
<<elseif _diamond.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _diamond $player "Crabs">>
<button data-passage="brothelsex" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _diamond = $findCharacterByName('Diamond')>>
<div class="location-title">Diamond</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _diamond.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I need my dick sucked.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _diamond.chat>></div><<= _diamond.name>><hr>Fine</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You sit down and allow Diamond to suck your cock!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/diamond/scenes/bj.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _diamond.chat>></div><<= _diamond.name>><hr>Oh god, I can feel it twitching - are you going to cum on me?!</div><br>
<<set _randomcumchance to random(1,2)>>
<<if _randomcumchance eq 1>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You fail to cum!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _diamond.chat>></div><<= _diamond.name>><hr>Not much of a man, are you?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You cum!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _diamond.chat>></div><<= _diamond.name>><hr>Ah fuck! My eye!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/diamond/scenes/facial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _diamond 5>>
<<increaseRelationship _diamond 25>>
<button data-passage="brothelsex" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _diamond = $findCharacterByName('Diamond')>>
<div class="location-title">Diamond</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _diamond.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>It's time for some fucking, Diamond.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _diamond.chat>></div><<= _diamond.name>><hr>Pfft... with what? That little pecker?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You climb into Diamond's bed and soon start fucking her!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/diamond/scenes/fuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _diamond.chat>></div><<= _diamond.name>><hr>Is that all you got?</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _diamond 25>>
<<set _diamond.fuckedtimes = _diamond.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _diamond "Crabs">>
<<elseif _diamond.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _diamond $player "Crabs">>
<<if !$achievements.noHardFeelings.unlocked and _diamond.fuckedtimes gte 10>>
<button data-passage="brothelsex" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<if $time lte 6>>
<<set _diamond = $findCharacterByName('Diamond')>>
<div class="location-title">Brothel [Inside]</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _diamond.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _diamond.chat>></div><<= _diamond.name>><hr>I'm getting a little sick of your face.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _diamond.chat>></div><<= _diamond.name>><hr>At least I get to hate fuck you.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="brothelbj" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[BJ]</button>
<button data-passage="brothelfuck" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck]</button>
<button data-passage="brothelanal" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Anal]</button>
<button data-passage="brothelsexoutfits" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Outfits]</button>
<button data-passage="brothelinside" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Room]</button>
<div class="npctextboxm">Diamond is asleep. Try again tomorrow.</div><br>
<button data-passage="brothelinside" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Room]</button>
<</if>><<set _diamond = $findCharacterByName('Diamond')>>
<<set _chatOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/diamond/diamondchat.png">', condition: true },
{ name: "Nude Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/diamond/nudechat.jpg">', condition: _diamond.fuckedtimes >= 50 },
{ name: "Enslaved Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/diamond/enslavedchat.jpg">', condition: _diamond.fuckedtimes >= 800 },
<<set _outfitOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/diamond/diamond2.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Barefoot Dress Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/diamond/dress.jpg">', condition: _diamond.fuckedtimes >= 5 },
{ name: "Dom Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/diamond/dom.jpg">', condition: _diamond.fuckedtimes >= 15 },
{ name: "Nude", img: '<img src="images/characters/diamond/nude.jpg">', condition: _diamond.fuckedtimes >= 50 },
{ name: "Enslaved", img: '<img src="images/characters/diamond/enslaved.jpg">', condition: _diamond.fuckedtimes >= 800 },
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _diamond.chat>></div><<= _diamond.name>><hr>You think you and Marco can just make me wear whatever you guys want? Urgh, fine!</div><br>
<!-- Sophia's Chat Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose <<= _diamond.name>>'s Avatar<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _chatOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_diamond.chat" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<!-- Sophia's Outfit Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose <<= _diamond.name>>'s Main Outfit<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _outfitOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_diamond.image" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<button data-passage="brothelsex" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Save]</button><<set _questName4 = "Marco's Misfortune">>
<<set _index4 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName4)>>
<<set _diamond = $findCharacterByName('Diamond')>>
<div class="location-title">Brothel [Outside]</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing outside the lagos brothel. Diamond is here.</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _diamond.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _diamond.chat>></div><<= _diamond.name>><hr>Are you ready for this? It might get messy.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I'm ready.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _diamond.chat>></div><<= _diamond.name>><hr>I'm going to distract the guards, once they move - go find and beat the shit out of Marco.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I got it.</div><br>
<button data-passage="marcosmisfortune_2" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Begin Assault]</button><<set _questName4 = "Marco's Misfortune">>
<<set _index4 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName4)>>
<<set _diamond = $findCharacterByName('Diamond')>>
<div class="location-title">Brothel [Outside]</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You Diamond distracts the guards as planned</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<img src="images/characters/diamond/tease.jpg">
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _diamond.chat>></div><<= _diamond.name>><hr>Hey boys! You want some of this? First one to catch me gets their dick sucked!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You guards all run after Diamond, you dont think Diamond can outrun them... maybe that was part of her plan?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Alright Marco, where are you?</div><br>
<button data-passage="marcosmisfortune_3" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Marcos Office]</button><<set _stepdad = $findCharacterByName('Stepdad')>>
<<set _questName4 = "Marco's Misfortune">>
<<set _index4 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName4)>>
<<set _diamond = $findCharacterByName('Diamond')>>
<div class="location-title">Brothel [Inside]</div><br>
<<if $player.combatenabled eq "true">>
<<if _stepdad.afflictions.includes("Crestfallen")>>
<div class="npctextboxm">SOMEONE IS HERE!</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/characters/stepdad/main2.jpg"></div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _stepdad.chat>></div><<= _stepdad.name>><hr>Surprise cocksucker.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>No fucking way!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">How could this be? How is he here? In fucking *NIGERIA*?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Why? Why the fuck are you here?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _stepdad.chat>></div><<= _stepdad.name>><hr>I'm here because I will never stop until you are my bitch. You tore me away from your mother, you beat the shit out of me. We'll stop fighting when im dead!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Crazy motherfucker!</div><br>
<<set $exitLocation = "marcosmisfortune_4">>
<button data-passage="enemyload" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$enemyChosen to 'Stepdad ULTRA'">[Start Fight]</button>
<div class="npctextboxm">[Special Encounter Skipped] Marcos office is just here.</div><br>
<button data-passage="marcosmisfortune_4" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Marcos Office]</button>
<div class="npctextboxm">[Combat Skipped] Marcos office is just here.</div><br>
<button data-passage="marcosmisfortune_4" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Marcos Office]</button>
<</if>><<set _stepdad = $findCharacterByName('Stepdad')>>
<<set _questName4 = "Marco's Misfortune">>
<<set _index4 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName4)>>
<<set _diamond = $findCharacterByName('Diamond')>>
<div class="location-title">Brothel [Inside]</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<img src="images/characters/marco/main.jpg">
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/marco/chat.png"></div>Marco<hr>You mothah fucker!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/marco/chat.png"></div>Marco<hr>Did you really think you could just waltz in here and fuck with me?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/marco/chat.png"></div>Marco<hr>Damn... you may have got past my security, but you ain't fucking with me. There's a reason Marco is the number one top dog. Let's fight, mother fucker!</div><br>
<<if $player.combatenabled eq "true">>
<<set $exitLocation = "marcosmisfortune_5">>
<button data-passage="enemyload" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$enemyChosen to 'Marco'">[Start Fight]</button>
<<if $player.strength gte 600>>
<button data-passage="marcosmisfortune_5" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Defeat Marco]</button>
<button data-passage="marcosmisfortune_dead" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Defeat Marco]</button>
<</if>><<set _questName2 = "Dominating Diamond">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _questName3 = "Diamond Vs Marco">>
<<set _index3 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<<set _questName4 = "Marco's Misfortune">>
<<set _index4 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName4)>>
<<set _diamond = $findCharacterByName('Diamond')>>
<div class="location-title">Brothel [Inside]</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<img src="images/characters/marco/main.jpg">
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/marco/chat.png"></div>Marco<hr>You-you!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/marco/chat.png"></div>Marco<hr>God fucking damn I dont believe this shit!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/marco/chat.png"></div>Marco<hr>Fine - you win! I'm leaving! But this ain't the last you've heard of Marco the PIMP!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Marco flees. You win</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Diamond enters the room!</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _diamond.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _diamond.chat>></div><<= _diamond.name>><hr>We did it! Thank you so much $player.name! Here take this!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You receive $7,500!</div><br>
<<set $player.money = $player.money + 7500>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _diamond.chat>></div><<= _diamond.name>><hr>I know you deserve so much more for helping me, but right now im in no position to help. I know we will meet again. Until that day, goodbye.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Goodbye Diamond</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Marco's Misfortune" 100>>
<button data-passage="brothelinside" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Quest]</button><<set _stepdad = $findCharacterByName('Stepdad')>>
<<set _questName4 = "Marco's Misfortune">>
<<set _index4 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName4)>>
<<set _diamond = $findCharacterByName('Diamond')>>
<div class="location-title">Brothel [Inside]</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<img src="images/characters/marco/main.jpg">
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/marco/chat.png"></div>Marco<hr>My grandma hits harder than you!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need at least 650 strength to instant defeat Marco</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Ah shit, I need to run!</div><br>
<button data-passage="bootystreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Run Away]</button><<set _itemName = "Brothel Basement Key">>
<<set _foundItem = $player.inventory.find(item => item.name === _itemName)>>
<div class="location-title">Brothel Basement</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/lagos/brothel/basementdoor.jpg"></div>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing infront of the brothel door. It's locked.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<<if _foundItem>>
<button data-passage="brothelbasementdoorpick2" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Use Key]</button>
<button data-passage="brothelbasementdoorpick" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Pick Lock]</button>
<button data-passage="brothelinside" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Away]</button>
</div><<if $player.intelligence gte 500>>
<<set _questName3 = "Diamond Vs Marco">>
<<set _index3 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<<set _itemName = "Diamond's Goods">>
<<set _foundItem = $player.inventory.find(item => item.name === _itemName)>>
<div class="location-title">Brothel Basement</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/lagos/brothel/basementdoor.jpg"></div>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing inside of the brothel basement. There isn't anything here except old boxes full of paper.</div><br>
<<if !_foundItem and $substory[_index3].progress eq 25>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You take diamonds goods.</div><br>
<<set _methItem = {
name: "Diamond's Goods",
price: 5,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/goods.png" alt="" />',
desc: "A box full of classified documents. You dont understand any of it. Everything has a 'Amada' logo.",
unique: "Yes"
<<set $player.inventory.push(_methItem)>>
<<updateQuest "Diamond Vs Marco" 50>>
<button data-passage="brothelinside" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Basement]</button>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need an intelligence level of at least 500 to pick lock this door.</div><br>
<button data-passage="brothelinside" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Basement]</button>
<</if>><<set _questName3 = "Diamond Vs Marco">>
<<set _index3 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<<set _itemName = "Diamond's Goods">>
<<set _foundItem = $player.inventory.find(item => item.name === _itemName)>>
<div class="location-title">Brothel Basement</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/lagos/brothel/basementdoor.jpg"></div>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing inside of the brothel basement. There isn't anything here except old boxes full of paper.</div><br>
<<if !_foundItem and $substory[_index3].progress eq 25>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You take diamonds goods.</div><br>
<<set _methItem = {
name: "Diamond's Goods",
price: 5,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/goods.png" alt="" />',
desc: "A box full of classified documents. You dont understand any of it. Everything has a 'Amada' logo.",
unique: "Yes"
<<set $player.inventory.push(_methItem)>>
<<updateQuest "Diamond Vs Marco" 50>>
<button data-passage="brothelinside" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Basement]</button><<set _questName6 = "Dominating Diamond">>
<<set _index6 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName6)>>
<<set _questName4 = "Marco's Misfortune">>
<<set _index4 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName4)>>
<<set _diamond = $findCharacterByName('Diamond')>>
<div class="location-title">Brothel [Inside]</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/lagos/brothel/brothelinside.jpg"></div>
<<if $substory[_index4].progress eq 100 and !_diamond.afflictions.includes("Enslaved")>>
<div class="npctextboxm">The brothel is empty and damaged from the recent fight that happened here. There is no reason to be here anymore.</div><br>
<button data-passage="brotheloutside" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Brothel]</button>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing inside of the brothel. It smells here. Everyone stares at you. You want to go home.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="brothelmarco" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Marco's Office]</button>
<<if _diamond.afflictions.includes("Enslaved")>>
<button data-passage="brothelsex" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck Diamond]</button>
<button data-passage="brothelbasementdoor" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Basement]</button>
<button data-passage="brotheloutside" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Brothel]</button>
<</if>><<set _questName2 = "Dominating Diamond">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _questName3 = "Diamond Vs Marco">>
<<set _index3 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<<set _questName4 = "Marco's Misfortune">>
<<set _index4 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName4)>>
<div class="location-title">Brothel [Inside]</div><br>
<<if $substory[_index2].status eq "failed">>
/* Check to see if Marco has been betrayed */
<div class="npctextboxm">Marco's office is locked to you. You are not welcome here anymore!</div><br>
<button data-passage="brothelinside" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Away]</button>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<img src="images/characters/marco/main.jpg">
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/marco/chat.png"></div>Marco<hr>What's up playa? What can daddy Marco do for you today?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
/* Door not opened - gives you the key*/
<<if $substory[_index3].progress eq 25>>
<button data-passage="brothelmarco_key" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">"I need access to the basement"</button>
/* Door opened - you wanna give him? */
<<elseif $substory[_index3].progress eq 50>>
<button data-passage="brothelmarco_goods" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">"About Diamonds goods..."</button>
<button data-passage="brothelinside" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button>
<</if>><<set _questName3 = "Diamond Vs Marco">>
<<set _index3 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<<set _itemName = "Diamond's Goods">>
<<set _foundItem = $player.inventory.find(item => item.name === _itemName)>>
<div class="location-title">Brothel [Inside]</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<img src="images/characters/marco/main.jpg">
<<if _foundItem>>
<button data-passage="brothelmarco_goods2" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Give Marco The Goods]</button>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need to have Diamond's goods in your inventory.</div><br>
<button data-passage="brothelinside" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button><<set _questName2 = "Dominating Diamond">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _questName3 = "Diamond Vs Marco">>
<<set _index3 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<<set _questName4 = "Marco's Misfortune">>
<<set _index4 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName4)>>
<div class="location-title">Brothel [Inside]</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<img src="images/characters/marco/main.jpg">
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/marco/chat.png"></div>Marco<hr>Yes playah! We did it! Hand that shit over to Marco!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You hand over Diamond's goods to Marco.</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Diamond Vs Marco" 100>>
<<updateQuest "Dominating Diamond" 50>>
<<updateQuest "Marco's Misfortune" 100 "failed">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Now what about Diamond.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/marco/chat.png"></div>Marco<hr>I'm glad you asked..</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/marco/chat.png"></div>Marco<hr>You need to go tell her the bad news. Tell her the *only* way she's going to pay daddy Marco's debt, is to come here and work for me.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Got it.</div><br>
<button data-passage="brothelinside" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button>
<<if !$achievements.aintNoSnitch.unlocked>>
<</if>><<set _questName3 = "Diamond Vs Marco">>
<<set _index3 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<<set _itemName = "Brothel Basement Key">>
<<set _foundItem = $player.inventory.find(item => item.name === _itemName)>>
<div class="location-title">Brothel [Inside]</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<img src="images/characters/marco/main.jpg">
<<if _foundItem>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/marco/chat.png"></div>Marco<hr>Come back when you've got the shit!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/marco/chat.png"></div>Marco<hr>So Diamond finally found some suckah to come do her dirty work. </div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I just need to grab some of her old stuff here and deliver it back to her. I should be out of your hair within an hour.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/marco/chat.png"></div>Marco<hr>Not a fucking chance. That's my shit now. You hear me?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>What even is in there? It can't be worth much to you?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/marco/chat.png"></div>Marco<hr>Playa, that shit might be worthless but its the principle. Why don't we do a deal? I'm a much easier man to do business with than that bitch Diamond. What do you say? You seem like a man of action, Marco likes that.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I'm listening.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/marco/chat.png"></div>Marco<hr>Diamond ain't the innocent harlot you think she is. Infact, she is a stone cold thief! That bitch stole a lot of money from old Marco and is still refusing to pay it back till this day. She thinks by getting whatevers inside of the basement is going to help her get that money back</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>So why dont you just let her get it? Then she'll pay you back, right?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/marco/chat.png"></div>Marco<hr>What if I *dont* want her to pay it back? I've got other ideas for Diamond, such as her being my new working girl here at the brothel. That sounds good huh?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>That does sound good.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/marco/chat.png"></div>Marco<hr>Playa, Im'a give you this here key for the basement. I know a gangsta ass motha fuckah like yourself is going to make the right descision. Don't let me down. Go back down there and bring me Diamond's goods instead - so I can destroy them. That way, we can get Diamond into this brothel.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You receive the basement key from Marco</div><br>
<<set _methItem = {
name: "Brothel Basement Key",
price: 5,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/housekey.png" alt="" />',
desc: "A key for the lagos brothel basement",
unique: "Yes"
<<set $player.inventory.push(_methItem)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You've got a choice here. Return the basement items to Marco... or to Diamond...</div><br>
<button data-passage="brothelinside" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button><<set _questName4 = "Marco's Misfortune">>
<<set _index4 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName4)>>
<<set _diamond = $findCharacterByName('Diamond')>>
<div class="location-title">Brothel [Outside]</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/lagos/brothel/brothel.jpg"></div>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing outside the lagos brothel. The opening times are from 4 - Midnight</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $substory[_index4].progress eq 50>>
<button data-passage="marcosmisfortune_1" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Marco's Misfortune]</button>
<<if $time gte 4>>
<button data-passage="brothelinside" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Brothel]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Brothel - Closed]</button>
<button data-passage="bootystreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Brothel]</button>
</div><<set _joanna = $findCharacterByName('Joanna')>>
<<set _interactionLevel = 650>>
<div class="location-title">Joanna</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _joanna.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I need to fuck your asshole, come.</div><br>
<<if _joanna.relationshipPoints gte _interactionLevel>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _joanna.chat>></div><<= _joanna.name>><hr>My holes are always free for you to use, master. Even my ass!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/joanna/scenes/anal.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _joanna.chat>></div><<= _joanna.name>><hr>So good!</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _joanna 50>>
<<set _joanna.fuckedtimes = _joanna.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _joanna "Crabs">>
<<elseif _joanna.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _joanna $player "Crabs">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _joanna.chat>></div><<= _joanna.name>><hr>Nah, I don't think I will</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need to keep training Joanna to level _interactionLevel to do this</div><br>
<button data-passage="joanna_menu" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _joanna = $findCharacterByName('Joanna')>>
<<set _interactionLevel = 100>>
<div class="location-title">Joanna</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _joanna.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Your master needs his cock sucked.</div><br>
<<if _joanna.relationshipPoints gte _interactionLevel>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _joanna.chat>></div><<= _joanna.name>><hr>Sucking cock is my favourite!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/joanna/scenes/bj.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _joanna 15>>
<<set _randomcumchance to random(1,2)>>
<<if _randomcumchance eq 1>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You fail to cum!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _joanna.chat>></div><<= _joanna.name>><hr>No special surprise?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You cum!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _joanna.chat>></div><<= _joanna.name>><hr>Hehehe, i hope that was nice, master.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/joanna/scenes/facial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _joanna 5>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _joanna.chat>></div><<= _joanna.name>><hr>Nah, I don't think I will</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need to keep training Joanna to level _interactionLevel to do this</div><br>
<button data-passage="joanna_menu" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _joanna = $findCharacterByName('Joanna')>>
<<set _interactionLevel = 300>>
<div class="location-title">Joanna</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _joanna.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I'm really in the mood right now, let me fuck you.</div><br>
<<if _joanna.relationshipPoints gte _interactionLevel>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _joanna.chat>></div><<= _joanna.name>><hr>My holes are always free for you to use, master.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/joanna/scenes/fuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _joanna.chat>></div><<= _joanna.name>><hr>Oh god!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/joanna/scenes/fuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _joanna 25>>
<<set _joanna.fuckedtimes = _joanna.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _joanna "Crabs">>
<<elseif _joanna.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _joanna $player "Crabs">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _joanna.chat>></div><<= _joanna.name>><hr>Nah, I don't think I will</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need to keep training Joanna to level _interactionLevel to do this</div><br>
<button data-passage="joanna_menu" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _joanna = $findCharacterByName('Joanna')>>
<<set _interactionLevel = 25>>
<div class="location-title">Joanna</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _joanna.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Today I want you to give me, your master, a nice handjob.</div><br>
<<if _joanna.relationshipPoints gte _interactionLevel>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _joanna.chat>></div><<= _joanna.name>><hr>Yes master, anything you say. Let me jerk your cock good!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/joanna/scenes/handjob.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _joanna 7>>
<<set _randomcumchance to random(1,2)>>
<<if _randomcumchance eq 1>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You fail to cum!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _joanna.chat>></div><<= _joanna.name>><hr>No special surprise?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You cum!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _joanna.chat>></div><<= _joanna.name>><hr>Hehehe, i hope that was nice, master.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/joanna/scenes/facial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _joanna 5>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _joanna.chat>></div><<= _joanna.name>><hr>Nah, I don't think I will</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need to keep training Joanna to level _interactionLevel to do this</div><br>
<button data-passage="joanna_menu" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _joanna = $findCharacterByName('Joanna')>>
<div class="location-title">Joanna</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _joanna.image>>
<<if $time lt 6>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _joanna.chat>></div><<= _joanna.name>> [Obedience: <<= _joanna.relationshipPoints>>]<hr>Can I order room service?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="joanna_train" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Train Joanna]</button>
<button data-passage="joanna_hj" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Handjob]</button>
<button data-passage="joanna_bj" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[BJ]</button>
<button data-passage="joanna_fuck" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck]</button>
<button data-passage="joanna_anal" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Anal]</button>
<button data-passage="joanna_outfit" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Change Outfit]</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_rooms_playerroom" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _joanna.chat>></div><<= _joanna.name>><hr>I'm too tired to do stuff.</div><br>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_rooms_playerroom" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<</if>><<set _joanna = $findCharacterByName('Joanna')>>
<<set _chatOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/joanna/chat.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Trekkie Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/joanna/trekkiechat.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Sexy Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/joanna/sexy.jpg">', condition: _joanna.relationshipPoints >= 50 },
{ name: "Topless Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/joanna/toplesschat.jpg">', condition: _joanna.relationshipPoints >= 200 },
{ name: "Enslaved Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/joanna/enslavedchat.jpg">', condition: _joanna.relationshipPoints >= 800 },
<<set _outfitOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/joanna/main.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Trekkie Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/joanna/trekkie.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Sexy Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/joanna/sexy.jpg">', condition: _joanna.relationshipPoints >= 50 },
{ name: "Topless", img: '<img src="images/characters/joanna/topless.jpg">', condition: _joanna.relationshipPoints >= 200 },
{ name: "Trekkie Nude", img: '<img src="images/characters/joanna/trekkienude.jpg">', condition: _joanna.relationshipPoints >= 400 },
{ name: "Nude", img: '<img src="images/characters/joanna/nude.jpg">', condition: _joanna.relationshipPoints >= 400 },
{ name: "Enslaved", img: '<img src="images/characters/joanna/enslaved.jpg">', condition: _joanna.relationshipPoints >= 800 },
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _joanna.chat>></div><<= _joanna.name>><hr>What do you want me to wear? What the fuck is a trekkie?</div><br>
<!-- Sophia's Chat Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose <<= _joanna.name>>'s Avatar<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _chatOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_joanna.chat" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<!-- Sophia's Outfit Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose <<= _joanna.name>>'s Main Outfit<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _outfitOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_joanna.image" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<button data-passage="joanna_menu" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Save]</button><<set _joanna = $findCharacterByName('Joanna')>>
<<set _interactionLevel = 0>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _joanna.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>It's time to train you in some obedience. I'm your master!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _joanna.chat>></div><<= _joanna.name>><hr>Urgh! Fine</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _joanna 5>>
<button data-passage="joanna_menu" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _questName5 = "Dominating Diamond">>
<<set _index5 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName5)>>
<<set _questName3 = "Diamond Vs Marco">>
<<set _index3 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<<set _questName4 = "Marco's Misfortune">>
<<set _index4 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName4)>>
<<set _questName2 = "The Expensive Slut">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _questName6 = "Mysterious Letter">>
<<set _index6 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName6)>>
<<set _joanna = $findCharacterByName('Joanna')>>
<<set _locationTitle = "Lagos Hotel Room">>
<<set _characterConditions = [
{name: "Joanna", condition: $substory[_index2].progress eq 100},
<<if $substory[_index3].progress eq 100 and $substory[_index4].progress eq 100 and $substory[_index5].progress eq 100 and $substory[_index6].progress eq 50>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Something is wrong.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Something is *very* wrong.</div><br>
<<set _maximus = $findCharacterByName('Maximus')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>Peekaboo!</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _maximus.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Who the fuck are you and why are you here in my hotel room?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>Relax. Remember that letter that was here? I wrote that for you. I also paid for this hotel for you. I'm a friend.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I tend to know who my friends are, and I don't know you!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>My name is Maximus, I work for some very important people who want to get to know you a little better.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Not a fucking chance, baldy!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>Baldy? Really? You're definitely his - haha! No, but seriously. We're not a organisation you should make an enemy out of. You wouldn't want anything to happen to your family, would you? Come by Tokyo and hear out what we have to say.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I guess I don't have a choice... I'll pay you a visit then, in Tokyo.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>I'm very happy to hear that! I truly am! We look after our own. You'll see we've already booked you a five star hotel in Tokyo while you stay with us. We want to be allies, $player.name. I shall leave the persuading talk to my boss. Please come see us soon. My boss does not like to be kept waiting.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Maximus leaves your hotel room. <<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 100>> Joanna walks in just as he leaves with food and drinks from the bar downstairs.<</if>> You can now travel to tokyo via the airport.</div><br>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 100>><div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _joanna.chat>></div><<= _joanna.name>><hr>Who the fuck was that bald ass mothah fuckah? You gay now?</div><br><</if>>
<<updateQuest "Mysterious Letter" 100>>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_rooms_playerroom" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button>
<<displayLocation '<img src="images/locations/lagos/hotel/room.jpg" alt="" />' _characterConditions>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing in your hotel room. The room is equipped with a comfortable double bed, a crisp white linens and plush pillows. A flat-screen television is mounted on the wall opposite the bed, providing entertainment during your stay. The room's window is large and provides a great view of the city.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
/* Joanna */
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 100>>
<button data-passage="joanna_menu" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Speak to <<= _joanna.name>>]</button>
<button data-passage="sleep" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$currentlocation to 'lagos_hotel_rooms_playerroom'">[Sleep]</button>
<button data-passage="playerphone" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$currentlocation to 'lagos_hotel_rooms_playerroom'">[Check Phone]</button>
<button data-passage="wardrober" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$currentlocation to 'lagos_hotel_rooms_playerroom'">[Wardrobe]</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_rooms" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Room]</button>
<</if>><<set _questName2 = "The Expensive Slut">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _joanna = $findCharacterByName('Joanna')>>
<div class="location-title">Lagos Hotel Room 201</div><br>
<div class="imagebox">
<img src="images/locations/lagos/hotel/room201.jpg">
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/adebesi/adebesichat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Adebesi<hr>Are you ready to play a game of mine, little ham sandwich?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_quiz2" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">"Yes"</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_room201" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">"No"</button>
</div><<set _questName2 = "The Expensive Slut">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _joanna = $findCharacterByName('Joanna')>>
<div class="location-title">Lagos Hotel Room 201</div><br>
<div class="imagebox">
<img src="images/locations/lagos/hotel/room201.jpg">
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/adebesi/adebesichat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Adebesi<hr>Question 1 - What country has the most islands?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">UK</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_quiz3" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Sweden</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">France</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Italy</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Pakistan</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">China</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Greece</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Peru</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Canada</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Russia</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Indonesia</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">India</button>
</div><<set _questName2 = "The Expensive Slut">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _joanna = $findCharacterByName('Joanna')>>
<div class="location-title">Lagos Hotel Room 201</div><br>
<div class="imagebox">
<img src="images/locations/lagos/hotel/room201.jpg">
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/adebesi/adebesichat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Adebesi<hr>Question 2 - Which country invented ice cream?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">UK</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Sweden</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_quiz4" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">China</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">France</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Italy</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Pakistan</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">China</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Greece</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Peru</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Canada</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Russia</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Indonesia</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">India</button>
</div><<set _questName2 = "The Expensive Slut">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _joanna = $findCharacterByName('Joanna')>>
<div class="location-title">Lagos Hotel Room 201</div><br>
<div class="imagebox">
<img src="images/locations/lagos/hotel/room201.jpg">
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/adebesi/adebesichat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Adebesi<hr>Question 3 - Which country is the gayest?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">UK</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_quiz5" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Sweden</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">China</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">France</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Italy</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Pakistan</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">China</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Greece</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Peru</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Canada</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Russia</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Indonesia</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">India</button>
</div><<set _questName2 = "The Expensive Slut">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _joanna = $findCharacterByName('Joanna')>>
<div class="location-title">Lagos Hotel Room 201</div><br>
<div class="imagebox">
<img src="images/locations/lagos/hotel/room201.jpg">
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/adebesi/adebesichat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Adebesi<hr>Question 4 - What country has the most active volcanoes in the world?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">UK</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Sweden</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">China</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">France</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Italy</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Pakistan</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">China</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Greece</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Peru</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Canada</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Russia</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_quiz6" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Indonesia</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">India</button>
</div><<set _questName2 = "The Expensive Slut">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _joanna = $findCharacterByName('Joanna')>>
<div class="location-title">Lagos Hotel Room 201</div><br>
<div class="imagebox">
<img src="images/locations/lagos/hotel/room201.jpg">
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/adebesi/adebesichat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Adebesi<hr>Are you... cheating?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/adebesi/adebesichat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Adebesi<hr>Question 5 - What country has the most tourists every year?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">UK</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Sweden</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_quizfinale" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">France</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Italy</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Pakistan</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">China</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Greece</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Peru</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Canada</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Russia</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Indonesia</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_wrong" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">India</button>
</div><<set _questName2 = "The Expensive Slut">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _joanna = $findCharacterByName('Joanna')>>
<div class="location-title">Lagos Hotel Room 201</div><br>
<div class="imagebox">
<img src="images/locations/lagos/hotel/room201.jpg">
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/adebesi/adebesichat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Adebesi<hr>You... beat me?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>That's right. Now what is my prize?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/adebesi/adebesichat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Adebesi<hr>You cheated, didn't you?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>You cant prove I did. Now hand over the prize.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Adebesi starts to laugh.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/adebesi/adebesichat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Adebesi<hr>Well, well, well, what have we here?
A cheater, perhaps? It's quite clear!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/adebesi/adebesichat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Adebesi<hr>You think me a fool, your tricks I see,<br>
No one beats my quiz so easily.<br>
You must have cheated, there's no other way,<br>
Now it's time for you to pay.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I didn't cheat?! Why are you speaking like this?!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/adebesi/adebesichat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Adebesi<hr>Your lies won't save you, not this night,<br>
Prepare yourself, we’re about to fight.<br>
For no one mocks Adebesi's wit,<br>
Without tasting the Nigerian kings grit.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Adebesi strikes you!</div><br>
<<if $player.combatenabled eq "true">>
<div class="npctextboxm">Adebesi misses and now its your turn to fight back!</div><br>
<<set $exitLocation = "lagos_hotel_quizfinale2">>
<button data-passage="enemyload" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$enemyChosen to 'Adebesi'">[Fight Adebesi]</button>
<<if $player.strength gte 350>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Adebesi misses and you overpower him with your superior strength! [350]</div><br>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_quizfinale2" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Knockout Blow!]</button>
<div class="npctextboxm">Adebesi's punch hits you. You don't have the strength to defeat him. A strength level of 350 is needed to beat Adebesi.</div><br>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_rooms" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"Ouch"</button>
<</if>><<set _questName2 = "The Expensive Slut">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _joanna = $findCharacterByName('Joanna')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/adebesi/adebesichat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Adebesi<hr>The ham sandwich throws a good punch. Fine. You win. Your prize is Joanna here.</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _joanna.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _joanna.chat>></div><<= _joanna.name>><hr>Adebesi, really? I gotta go work for this whiteboy?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/adebesi/adebesichat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Adebesi<hr>Yes. Now get out of my room ya skank!</div><br>
<<updateQuest "The Expensive Slut" 100>>
<<addAffliction _joanna "Enslaved">>
<div class="npctextboxm">Joanna will now be in your hotel room.</div><br>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_room201" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _questName2 = "The Expensive Slut">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _joanna = $findCharacterByName('Joanna')>>
<div class="location-title">Lagos Hotel Room 201</div><br>
<div class="imagebox">
<img src="images/locations/lagos/hotel/room201.jpg">
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/adebesi/adebesichat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Adebesi<hr>Hello little man.</div><br>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 0>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _joanna.chat>></div><<= _joanna.name>><hr>Talk to Adebesi.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 0>>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_room201_joanna" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Talk to Joanna]</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_quiz1" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Quest - The Expensive Slut]</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_room201_adebesi" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Talk to Adebesi]</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_rooms" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Room]</button>
</div><<set _questName2 = "The Expensive Slut">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _joanna = $findCharacterByName('Joanna')>>
<div class="location-title">Lagos Hotel Room 201</div><br>
<div class="imagebox">
<img src="images/locations/lagos/hotel/room201.jpg">
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 0>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/adebesi/adebesichat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Adebesi<hr>Ham sandwich. Why dont you play my little game?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/adebesi/adebesichat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Adebesi<hr>I ain't got nothin' else to say to ya! Begone! Get out of my room!</div><br>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_room201" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Room]</button><<set _joanna = $findCharacterByName('Joanna')>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _joanna.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _joanna.chat>></div><<= _joanna.name>><hr>Didn't you hear me man? Talk to Adebesi. I got nothin' to say to ya.</div><br>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_room201" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><<set _questName2 = "The Expensive Slut">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _joanna = $findCharacterByName('Joanna')>>
<div class="location-title">Lagos Hotel Room 201</div><br>
<div class="imagebox">
<img src="images/locations/lagos/hotel/room201.jpg">
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/adebesi/adebesichat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Adebesi<hr>You are a stupid man. You know I am much more intelligent than you? Yes! Yes I am. You white boys will never match my intelligence.</div><br>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_room201" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><<set _nun = $findCharacterByName('The Nun')>>
<<set _locationTitle = "Haunted Hotel">>
/* Easter bunny hanging out */
<<set _characterConditions = [
{name: "The Nun", condition: !_nun.afflictions.includes("Rescued") && !_nun.afflictions.includes("Destroyed")},
<<displayLocation '<img src="images/locations/lagos/hauntedhotel/hauntedlobby.jpg" alt="" />' _characterConditions>>
<<if !_nun.afflictions.includes("Rescued") && !_nun.afflictions.includes("Destroyed")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nun.chat>></div>Nun<hr>Uh... Hello?</div><br>
<<set _questName2 = "Easter 2023">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _itemName = "Easter Egg - Lagos">>
<<set _foundItem = $player.inventory.find(item => item.name === _itemName)>>
/* Easter 2023 London Egg */
<<if !_foundItem && $substory[_index2].progress eq 50>>
<div class="wikitextbox"><center>YOU FOUND THE LAGOS EASTER EGG!</center><HR>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/activities/eggfound.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<set _methItem = {
name: "Easter Egg - Lagos",
price: 5,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/egg.png" alt="" />',
desc: "An easter egg hidden in London",
unique: "Yes"
<<set $player.inventory.push(_methItem)>>
<div class="button-container">
<<if !_nun.afflictions.includes("Rescued") && !_nun.afflictions.includes("Destroyed")>>
<button data-passage="haunted_hotel_nun" class="green" type="button" tabindex="0">[Speak to nun]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Look Around]</button>
<button data-passage="haunted_hotel_rooms" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
</div><<set _questName2 = "The Haunted Hotel Room">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _nun = $findCharacterByName('The Nun')>>
<div class="location-title">Haunted Hotel</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _nun.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nun.chat>></div>Nun<hr>So.. uh... are you like.. here to save me?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="haunted_hotel_nun_helppuzzle" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"I need help with the box puzzle"</button>
<button data-passage="haunted_hotel_room203_whyareyouhere" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"Why are you here?"</button>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 100>>
<button data-passage="haunted_hotel_nun_save" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Save Nun]</button>
<<if $player.combatenabled eq "true">>
<<set $exitLocation = 'haunted_hotel_nun_dead'>>
<button data-passage="enemyload" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$enemyChosen to 'Nun'">[Fight Nun]</button>
<button data-passage="haunted_hotel" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button>
</div><<set _nun = $findCharacterByName('The Nun')>>
<div class="location-title">Haunted Hotel</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _nun.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nun.chat>></div>Nun<hr>W-why?...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Nothing personal.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The body of Nun turns into ash. Inside, you find $20,000</div><br>
<<set $player.money = $player.money + 20000>>
<<addAffliction _nun "Destroyed">>
<button data-passage="haunted_hotel" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button><<set _nun = $findCharacterByName('The Nun')>>
<div class="location-title">Haunted Hotel</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _nun.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Do you know anything about that box in room 202? I'm too stupid to figure out the code</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nun.chat>></div>Nun<hr>Did you try taking a look at the names?</div><br>
<button data-passage="haunted_hotel" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button><<set _questName2 = "The Haunted Hotel Room">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _nun = $findCharacterByName('The Nun')>>
<div class="location-title">Haunted Hotel</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _nun.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I found a way out. Do you want to come with me?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nun.chat>></div>Nun<hr>That's great, yes! I want to escape! I have an apartment in a small town in the UK called... Amore! Yes! That's where I'm going to go!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Amore? That's where I live too! Small world, huh?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nun.chat>></div>Nun<hr>Maybe its fate that we met. Promise me you'll come visit me someday in Amore?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Yes, I promise!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nun.chat>></div>Nun<hr>Thank you, <<= $player.name>>, i hope to see you soon!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Nun has been saved from this nightmare world. You can visit her in her apartment in Amore at any time.</div><br>
<<addAffliction _nun "Rescued">>
<button data-passage="haunted_hotel" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button><<set _keyCheck = 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Haunted Teddy Bear">>
<<set _keyCheck = 1>>
<<set _questName2 = "The Haunted Hotel Room">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<if _keyCheck eq 1>>
<div class="narratortextbox">A wooden box lies on the floor. It's been opened and nothing is inside.</div><br>
<<if _keyCheck eq 1 and $substory[_index2].progress != 100>>
<<updateQuest "The Haunted Hotel Room" 100>>
<div class="narratortextbox">A wooden box lies on the floor. There is a compass in the middle of it.</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/lagos/hauntedhotel/215_puzzle.jpg" alt="" /></div> <br>
<div class="narratortextbox">There are four dials with some text under each one. I think you will have to put the dials in the right directions to get this box to open.</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">The text on the wooden box reads "The departed linger in the shadows of memory, their whispers echoing through time. Let us not consign them to oblivion, but instead let their essence illuminate our path, guiding us through the darkness of remembrance.".</div><br>
<<set $boxpuzzle = {
norman: "",
susan: "",
sally: "",
natalie: "",
<fieldset>Norman [1990 - 1934]<hr>
<<radiobutton "$boxpuzzle.norman" "North">> North
<<radiobutton "$boxpuzzle.norman" "North-East">> North-East
<<radiobutton "$boxpuzzle.norman" "East">> East
<<radiobutton "$boxpuzzle.norman" "South-East">> South-East
<<radiobutton "$boxpuzzle.norman" "South">> South
<<radiobutton "$boxpuzzle.norman" "South-West">> South-West
<<radiobutton "$boxpuzzle.norman" "West">> West
<<radiobutton "$boxpuzzle.norman" "North-West">> North-West
<fieldset>Susan [1950 - 1998]<hr>
<<radiobutton "$boxpuzzle.susan" "North">> North
<<radiobutton "$boxpuzzle.susan" "North-East">> North-East
<<radiobutton "$boxpuzzle.susan" "East">> East
<<radiobutton "$boxpuzzle.susan" "South-East">> South-East
<<radiobutton "$boxpuzzle.susan" "South">> South
<<radiobutton "$boxpuzzle.susan" "South-West">> South-West
<<radiobutton "$boxpuzzle.susan" "West">> West
<<radiobutton "$boxpuzzle.susan" "North-West">> North-West
<fieldset>Sally Walker [1976 - 2010]<hr>
<<radiobutton "$boxpuzzle.sally" "North">> North
<<radiobutton "$boxpuzzle.sally" "North-East">> North-East
<<radiobutton "$boxpuzzle.sally" "East">> East
<<radiobutton "$boxpuzzle.sally" "South-East">> South-East
<<radiobutton "$boxpuzzle.sally" "South">> South
<<radiobutton "$boxpuzzle.sally" "South-West">> South-West
<<radiobutton "$boxpuzzle.sally" "West">> West
<<radiobutton "$boxpuzzle.sally" "North-West">> North-West
<fieldset>Natalie Walker [1982 - 2019]<hr>
<<radiobutton "$boxpuzzle.natalie" "North">> North
<<radiobutton "$boxpuzzle.natalie" "North-East">> North-East
<<radiobutton "$boxpuzzle.natalie" "East">> East
<<radiobutton "$boxpuzzle.natalie" "South-East">> South-East
<<radiobutton "$boxpuzzle.natalie" "South">> South
<<radiobutton "$boxpuzzle.natalie" "South-West">> South-West
<<radiobutton "$boxpuzzle.natalie" "West">> West
<<radiobutton "$boxpuzzle.natalie" "North-West">> North-West
<button data-passage="haunted_hotel_room202_code" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Input Code]</button>
<button data-passage="haunted_hotel_rooms" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Room]</button><div class="npctextboxm">You finish turning the dials...</div><br>
<<if $boxpuzzle.norman eq "North" and $boxpuzzle.susan eq "South" and $boxpuzzle.sally eq "South-West" and $boxpuzzle.natalie eq "North-West">>
<div class="npctextboxm">It clicks open! Yes!</div><br>
<<set _methItem = {
name: "Haunted Teddy Bear",
price: 5,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/bear.png" alt="" />',
desc: "A haunted teddy bear. Used for going back and forth between lightside and deadside.",
unique: "Yes"
<<set $player.inventory.push(_methItem)>>
<div class="npctextboxm"><span style="color: #00cc00;">You take the teddy bear from the box. Perhaps this is how we can escape?</span></div> <br>
<<updateQuest "The Haunted Hotel Room" 100>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Nothing happens. Looks like it was wrong.</div><br>
<button data-passage="haunted_hotel_room202" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button>
<<set $boxpuzzle = {
norman: "",
susan: "",
sally: "",
natalie: "",
}>><<set _questName2 = "The Haunted Hotel Room">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<div class="location-title">Lagos Hotel 203</div><br>
<div class="imagebox">
<img src="images/locations/lagos/hauntedhotel/203_haunted.jpg">
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 0>>
<div class="npctextboxm">The moment you touch the teddy bear you are transported into the exact same hotel room, this time the room is brown and rotted. Abandoned and dusty. The floor tiles are half ripped up, the bed sinks into the floor. You are in a place you should not be.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I need to find a way out of here.</div><br>
<<updateQuest "The Haunted Hotel Room" 33>>
<button data-passage="haunted_hotel_room203" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"I must escape this nightmare"</button>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 100>>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_room203" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Touch The Teddy]</button>
<button data-passage="haunted_hotel_rooms" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<</if>><<set _nun = $findCharacterByName('The Nun')>>
<div class="location-title">Haunted Hotel</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _nun.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>So uh... what's your name?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nun.chat>></div>Nun<hr>My name is nun. What's yours?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I'm $player.name, what kind of name is nun?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nun.chat>></div>Nun<hr>It's the one my parents gave me.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Weird - and why are you even here?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _nun.chat>></div>Nun<hr>I got lost down here a long time ago... I just decided to stay here...</div><br>
<button data-passage="haunted_hotel" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button><div class="location-title">Haunted Hotel Hallway</div><br>
<div class="imagebox">
<img src="images/locations/lagos/hauntedhotel/hallway.jpg">
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Room 200 - Locked]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Room 201 - Locked]</button>
<button data-passage="haunted_hotel_room202" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Room 202]</button>
<button data-passage="haunted_hotel_room203" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Room 203]</button>
<button data-passage="haunted_hotel" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Hotel Lobby]</button>
</div><div class="location-title">Lagos Hotel 203</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<img src="images/locations/lagos/hauntedhotel/203.jpg">
<div class="npctextboxm">The room is empty and the lights dont work. There is a teddy bear sitting on the bed facing the door. It's stitching is distinctive and disturbing to you. You get a shiver through your spine. You need to leave before something bad happens to you.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="haunted_hotel_room203" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Touch The Teddy]</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_rooms" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
</div><div class="location-title">Lagos Hotel</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/lagos/hotel/hotelreception.jpg"></div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/locations/lagos/hotel/catchat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Cat<hr>Hello again sir.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_rooms" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Hallway]</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_rooms_playerroom" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Your Room]</button>
<button data-passage="bootystreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Hotel]</button>
</div><div class="location-title">Lagos Hotel Hallway</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<img src="images/locations/lagos/hotel/hoteldoors.jpg">
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_rooms_playerroom" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Room 200 - Your Room]</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_room201" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Room 201]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Room 202 - Locked]</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel_room203" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Room 203]</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Hotel Lobby]</button>
</div><div class="location-title">Lagos</div>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/lagos/bootystreet.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You arrive into Lagos. People stop and stare at you. You are a foreigner in this country and its not hard to tell.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I should really get to a hotel. It's not safe out here.</div><br>
<button data-passage="lagosstart2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Hotel]</button><div class="location-title">Lagos</div>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/lagos/hotel/hotelreception.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You enter the nearest hotel on Booty street. You are taken back by the hotel receptionist. It looks like... a cat?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/locations/lagos/hotel/catchat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Cat<hr>Hello good sir. Are you by any chance Mr <<= $player.name>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Uhm, yeah... how did you know?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/locations/lagos/hotel/catchat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Cat<hr>I have a pre-booking here for you. You are allowed to stay here for as long as you want. Then room is all fully paid for it seems. You must be more important person.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Really? Surely there must be some mistake? I'm just a regular guy!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/locations/lagos/hotel/catchat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Cat<hr>There can be no mistake sir. Please, take your hotel key and enjoy.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Okay... I guess?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Strange. You never booked a hotel here. Someone did this for you? Who could it be? Oh well. No use pondering over this while you are tired. Best go get some rest and then try and figure out what is going on later.</div><br>
<button data-passage="lagosstart3" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Your Room]</button><div class="location-title">Lagos</div>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/lagos/hotel/room.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your hotel room. Seems nice and comfortable.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Must... sleep</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You frog splash onto the silk sheets of your bed. Something sharp sticks into your back</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Ouch! What the fuck is this?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The pointed edge of a folded envelop pierces the skin of your back. You sit and take the envelope into your hand. Slowly, you tear it open and pull out a note. It is addressed to you.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The Note<hr>//Greetings,
You may not know us, but we know of you. We have been observing you from a distance, studying your abilities and assessing your potential. We believe that you have what it takes to be a valuable asset to our organization.
We are a group of individuals who operate outside of the normal boundaries of society, and we are in need of someone with your unique skillset. We cannot reveal our identities or our purpose at this time, but we can assure you that our cause is just and our methods are efficient.
We will be in touch soon, and when the time comes, we will need you to act quickly and without hesitation. Until then, continue living your life as you normally would. But always remember, we are watching.
Signed, A//
<<updateQuest "Mysterious Letter" 50>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>What the fuck? What is A? Asshole? Jeez, I don't need this shit right now.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">There is no use pondering over this too much. Tomorrow will be a new day. Go out and explore the foreign lands of Lagos, have fun, meet new people and im *sure* this will work itself out.</div><br>
<button data-passage="sleep" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$currentlocation to 'lagos_hotel_rooms_playerroom'">[Sleep]</button><<set _kira = $findCharacterByName('Kira')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are speaking with Kira, the bookstore/library owner.</div><br>
<<set _questName2 = "Kinky Kira">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _kira.image>>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 0>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Hello!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _kira.chat>></div><<= _kira.name>><hr>Hey, you're a tourist - right?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I'm not Nigerian if that's what you mean.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _kira.chat>></div><<= _kira.name>><hr>Right. Obviously. My name is Kira, this is my library. Feel free to come and read books here.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _kira.chat>></div><<= _kira.name>><hr>Where are you from? America?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>No, I'm from Amore. It's a village in the UK. Near London.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _kira.chat>></div><<= _kira.name>><hr>Ah, you are very lucky.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Why do you say that?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _kira.chat>></div><<= _kira.name>><hr>Well you have so many wonderful things in the UK, things I would love to try.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Such as what?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _kira.chat>></div><<= _kira.name>><hr>Well...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _kira.chat>></div><<= _kira.name>><hr>No! It's too embarrassing! I just met you</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Come on! Tell me!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _kira.chat>></div><<= _kira.name>><hr>Well, i'll be honest! I've always wanted a boob job!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Really? That's cool.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _kira.chat>></div><<= _kira.name>><hr>I could never afford the procedure, I heard its free in the UK.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Well, the health care is kinda free, but boob jobs are not.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _kira.chat>></div><<= _kira.name>><hr>Oh, I see... </div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>How much is a boob job here anyway? I wouldnt mind investing in your body.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _kira.chat>></div><<= _kira.name>><hr>Sir! Really?! I mean - It's like $50,000! It's not a cheap procedure!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I'm going to consider it, Kira. I want to see you with some giant knockers. I'm sure you'll let me see them, right?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _kira.chat>></div><<= _kira.name>><hr>If you paid for my boob job, i'd do much more than let you see them. You could touch them... kiss them... they would technically be *yours*...</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Kinky Kira" 50>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Pay for Kira's boob job to finish this quest and unlock outfits and interactions!</div><br>
<button data-passage="kira_menu" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _kira.chat>></div><<= _kira.name>><hr>Hey, $player.name. What's up?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="kira_menu_outfits" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Outfits]</button>
<<if !_kira.afflictions.includes("Boob Job'd")>>
<button data-passage="kira_menu_boobjob" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Kira's Boob Job]</button>
<button data-passage="kira_menu_anal" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Anal]</button>
<button data-passage="kira_menu_fuck" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck]</button>
<button data-passage="kira_menu_bj" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[BJ]</button>
<button data-passage="kira_menu_handjob" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Handjob]</button>
<button data-passage="bootystreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<</if>><<set _kira = $findCharacterByName('Kira')>>
<<set _amont = 600>>
<div class="location-title">Interacting With Kira</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _kira.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Kira... I really want to fuck... your asshole, is that okay?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _kira.chat>></div>Kira<hr>Excuse me?!</div><br>
<<if _kira.relationshipPoints gte _amont>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _kira.chat>></div>Kira<hr>Okay... let me just lock the library...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Kira comes closer and presents herself to you. Her asshole is yours for the taking...</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/kira/scenes/anal.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _kira.chat>></div>Kira<hr>Okay! That's enough!</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _kira 50>>
<<set _kira.fuckedtimes = _kira.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _kira.chat>></div>Kira<hr>Get the fuck out of here!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need <<= _amont>> relationship to do this.</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _kira -5>>
<button data-passage="kira_menu" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><<set _kira = $findCharacterByName('Kira')>>
<div class="location-title">Interacting With Kira</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _kira.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Do you think you could... suck my dick?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _kira.chat>></div>Kira<hr>Excuse me?!</div><br>
<<if _kira.relationshipPoints gte 150>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _kira.chat>></div>Kira<hr>Okay... just because you gave me this beautiful chest!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Kira comes closer to you and unsheaths your cock from your trousers.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/kira/scenes/bj.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>So good!</div><br>
<<set _randomcum to random(1,10)>>
<<if _randomcum lte 5>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You cum for Kira!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/kira/scenes/facial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _kira.chat>></div>Kira<hr>Hmmmhhh... all over...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You failed to cum.</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _kira 20>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _kira.chat>></div>Kira<hr>Get the fuck out of here!</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _kira -5>>
<button data-passage="kira_menu" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><<set _kira = $findCharacterByName('Kira')>>
<<set _questName2 = "Kinky Kira">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _kira.image>>
<<if $player.money gte 50000>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Kira, let's go. I've got your $50k for this boobjob.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _kira.chat>></div><<= _kira.name>><hr>R-really?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Yes. Let's fucking go now!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You get a taxi with Kira to the surgeons office. You hand Kira the money and head to the hotel. Kira should have her new tits tomorrow. You spend the rest of the day relaxing and thinking how big Kira's boobs are going to be...</div><br>
<<set $player.money = $player.money - 50000>>
<button data-passage="kira_menu_boobjob2" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[The Next Day...]</button>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Kira, let's go. I've got your $50k for this boobjob.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _kira.chat>></div><<= _kira.name>><hr>R-really?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>No. I'm stupid. Sorry. I don't have $50k...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _kira.chat>></div><<= _kira.name>><hr>That's a very cruel joke to play on me.</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _kira -15>>
<button data-passage="kira_menu" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<</if>><<set _kira = $findCharacterByName('Kira')>>
<<set _questName2 = "Kinky Kira">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _kira.image = '<img src="images/characters/kira/kiranew.jpg" alt="" />'>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _kira.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Kira, your boob job looks amazing! </div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _kira.chat>></div><<= _kira.name>><hr>Thank you!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _kira.chat>></div><<= _kira.name>><hr>You want to *really* see them?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Of course...</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<img src="images/characters/kira/bb_3.jpg" alt="" />
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _kira.chat>></div><<= _kira.name>><hr>Why dont you come closer...</div><br>
<button data-passage="kira_menu_boobjob3" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck Kira]</button>
<<if !$achievements.paypig.unlocked>>
<</if>><<set _kira = $findCharacterByName('Kira')>>
<<set _questName2 = "Kinky Kira">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _kira.image>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Kira pulls you closer, undressing you. Your two naked bodies touch. Your sillicone titties too big for you both to kiss. She grabs your cock and jerks it good.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/kira/scenes/bj.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _kira.chat>></div><<= _kira.name>><hr>I want you to know that im all yours now, come back anytime you want.</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Kinky Kira" 100>>
<<addAffliction _kira "Boob Job'd">>
<<increaseRelationship _kira 150>>
<button data-passage="kira_menu" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _kira = $findCharacterByName('Kira')>>
<<set _amont = 300>>
<div class="location-title">Interacting With Kira</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _kira.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Kira... I really want to fuck you.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _kira.chat>></div>Kira<hr>Excuse me?!</div><br>
<<if _kira.relationshipPoints gte _amont>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _kira.chat>></div>Kira<hr>Okay... let me just lock the library...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Kira comes closer and presents herself to you. Her body is yours for the taking...</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/kira/scenes/fuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _kira.chat>></div>Kira<hr>Please.. be gentle!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/kira/scenes/fuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<checkBountyCompletion "Kira">>
<<increaseRelationship _kira 35>>
<<set _kira.fuckedtimes = _kira.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _kira "Crabs">>
<<elseif _kira.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _kira $player "Crabs">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _kira.chat>></div>Kira<hr>Get the fuck out of here!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need <<= _amont>> relationship to do this.</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _kira -5>>
<button data-passage="kira_menu" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><<set _kira = $findCharacterByName('Kira')>>
<div class="location-title">Interacting With Kira</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _kira.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Do you think you could... touch my cock?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _kira.chat>></div>Kira<hr>Excuse me?!</div><br>
<<if _kira.afflictions.includes("Boob Job'd")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _kira.chat>></div>Kira<hr>Okay... just because you gave me this beautiful chest!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Kira comes closer to you and unsheaths your cock from your trousers.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/kira/scenes/handjob.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>So good!</div><br>
<<set _randomcum to random(1,10)>>
<<if _randomcum lte 5>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You cum for Kira!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/kira/scenes/facial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _kira.chat>></div>Kira<hr>Hmmmhhh... all over...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You failed to cum.</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _kira 20>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _kira.chat>></div>Kira<hr>Get the fuck out of here! [You need to have given Kira her boob job to use this]</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _kira -5>>
<button data-passage="kira_menu" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><<set _kira = $findCharacterByName('Kira')>>
<<if _kira.afflictions.includes("Boob Job'd")>>
<<set _chatOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/kira/kirachat.png">', condition: true },
{ name: "Sexy Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/kira/kirachat.jpg">', condition: _kira.relationshipPoints >= 150 },
{ name: "Nude Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/kira/nudechat.jpg">', condition: _kira.relationshipPoints >= 500 },
{ name: "Facial Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/kira/facialchat.jpg">', condition: _kira.relationshipPoints >= 900 },
<<set _outfitOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/kira/kiranew.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Underwear Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/kira/bb_2.jpg">', condition: _kira.relationshipPoints >= 150 },
{ name: "Karate Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/kira/bb_4.jpg">', condition: _kira.relationshipPoints >= 250 },
{ name: "Topless", img: '<img src="images/characters/kira/bb_1.jpg">', condition: _kira.relationshipPoints >= 500 },
{ name: "Nude", img: '<img src="images/characters/kira/bb_3.jpg">', condition: _kira.relationshipPoints >= 750 },
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _kira.chat>></div><<= _kira.name>><hr>What gives you the right to tell me what to wear? Urgh, whatever. Just make it sexy!</div><br>
<!-- Sophia's Chat Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose <<= _kira.name>>'s Avatar<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _chatOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_kira.chat" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<!-- Sophia's Outfit Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose <<= _kira.name>>'s Main Outfit<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _outfitOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_kira.image" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _kira.chat>></div><<= _kira.name>><hr>Excuse me? You're trying to change my outfit? Do you want me to kick your fucking ass? How rude!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You cant change Kira's outfit until you first pay for her boob job.</div><br>
<button data-passage="kira_menu" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Save]</button><<set _kira = $findCharacterByName('Kira')>>
<<if $time gt 5>>
<div class="npctextboxm">The store is closed. Opening times are from 1-5.</div><br>
<button data-passage="bootystreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<<set _locationTitle = "Lagos Library">>
<<set _characterConditions = [
{name: "Kira", condition: true},
<<displayLocation '<img src="images/locations/lagos/library/main.jpg" alt="" />' _characterConditions>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing in a the local Lagos library. There are lots of books here.</div>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="kira_menu" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Talk to Kira]</button>
<button data-passage="lagosbookread" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Read Books]</button>
<button data-passage="bootystreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<</if>><div class="location-title">Lagos Library</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You read a book from the library. You feel smarter.<br> Intelligence increased by [+10]</div><br>
<<set $player.intelligence = $player.intelligence + 10>>
<button data-passage="lagos_library" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Reading]</button><<set _teanna = $findCharacterByName('Teanna')>>
<<set _chatOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/teanna/chat.png">', condition: true },
{ name: "Nude Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/teanna/nudechat.jpg">', condition: _teanna.fuckedtimes >= 10 },
{ name: "Facial'd Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/teanna/facial.jpg">', condition: _teanna.fuckedtimes >= 25 },
<<set _outfitOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/teanna/main.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Bikini Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/teanna/bikini.jpg">', condition: _teanna.fuckedtimes >= 1 },
{ name: "Nude", img: '<img src="images/characters/teanna/nude.jpg">', condition: _teanna.fuckedtimes >= 10 },
{ name: "Nude #2", img: '<img src="images/characters/teanna/nude.jpg">', condition: _teanna.fuckedtimes >= 20 },
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _teanna.chat>></div><<= _teanna.name>><hr>What gives you the right to tell me what to wear? Urgh, whatever. Just make it sexy!</div><br>
<!-- Sophia's Chat Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose <<= _teanna.name>>'s Avatar<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _chatOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_teanna.chat" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<!-- Sophia's Outfit Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose <<= _teanna.name>>'s Main Outfit<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _outfitOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_teanna.image" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<button data-passage="lagos_mall_gym_yoga_teanna" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Save]</button><<set _questName5 = "Yoga 101">>
<<set _index5 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName5)>>
<<set _teanna = $findCharacterByName('Teanna')>>
<<set _locationTitle = "Lagos Yoga Studio">>
<<set _characterConditions = [
{name: "Teanna", condition: true},
<<displayLocation '<img src="images/locations/lagos/mall/gym.jpg" alt="" />' _characterConditions>>
<<if $time lte 6>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing in the gym. It's free which is nice, but a lot smaller than your local one in Amore. There is room here for the weights and a small section in the corner for a Yoga studio.</div>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="lagos_mall_gym_yoga_teanna" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Speak to Teanna]</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_mall_workout" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Workout]</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_mall" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<div class="npctextboxm">The gym is closed right now. Try again tomorrow.</div><br>
<button data-passage="lagos_mall" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<</if>><div class="location-title">Lagos Gym</div><br>
<<set _teanna = $findCharacterByName('Teanna')>>
<<if $time gt 6>>
<div class="npctextboxm">It's way too late to be doing yoga. Come back tomorrow.</div><br>
<button data-passage="lagos_mall_gym" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Away]</button>
<<if !_teanna.afflictions.includes("Befriended")>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _teanna.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _teanna.chat>></div>Teanna<hr>Hey!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>You talking to me?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _teanna.chat>></div>Teanna<hr>He-he! That's right! Ever thought about yoga?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Yoga?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _teanna.chat>></div>Teanna<hr>Yeah, yoga! It's this ancient practice from India where you do all these weird poses and breathe in specific ways. It helps with flexibility, strength, and relaxation!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Sounds like a waste of time to me.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _teanna.chat>></div>Teanna<hr>Really? I can't tempt ya?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Why not.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _teanna.chat>></div>Teanna<hr>I have classes on every morning! Come on by! They are $500 per session!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>$500? We're in fucking Lagos, not Canada!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _teanna.chat>></div>Teanna<hr>Trust me! It's worth *every* penny!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You now have access to yoga sessions with...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _teanna.chat>></div>Teanna<hr>Oh and I'm Teanna by the way!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You now have access to yoga sessions with Teanna :)</div><br>
<<addAffliction _teanna "Befriended">>
<<updateQuest "Yoga 101" 50>>
<button data-passage="lagos_mall_gym_yoga_teanna" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Continue]</button>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _teanna.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _teanna.chat>></div>Teanna<hr>Alright, what we doin? </div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<<if _teanna.relationshipPoints gte 3 and !_teanna.afflictions.includes("Dominated")>>
<button data-passage="yogaQuiz" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Yoga Quiz]</button>
<<if _teanna.afflictions.includes("Dominated")>>
<button data-passage="yogaQuiz3" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Special Yoga Session - FREE]</button>
<<if $player.money gte 500>>
<button data-passage="yogaLagos" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Yoga Session - $500]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Yoga Session - $500]</button>
<button data-passage="teanna_outfit" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Change Outfit]</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_mall_gym" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Away]</button>
<</if>><div class="location-title">Lagos Gym</div>
<<if $player.stamina gte 3>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You do some weight lifting exercises in the gym.</div> <br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/activities/workingout.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You feel stronger...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your strength has increased by $gymAmount. You lost 3 stamina.</div><br>
<<set $player.strength = $player.strength + $gymAmount>>
<<set $player.stamina = $player.stamina - 3>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You don't have enough stamina to do this...</div><br>
<button data-passage="lagos_mall_gym" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Activity]</button><<set _teanna = $findCharacterByName('Teanna')>>
<div class="location-title">Lagos Gym</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _teanna.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _teanna.chat>></div>Teanna<hr>Alright class listen up! It's yoga time!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _teanna.chat>></div>Teanna<hr>First we do the downward doggy</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You follow along with Tina's yoga poses. Struggling to replicate them perfectly but the pain in your body tells you that its working.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _teanna.chat>></div>Teanna<hr>Then we do the side lunge</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _teanna.chat>></div>Teanna<hr>We can't forget about squats!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _teanna.chat>></div>Teanna<hr>Touch your toes! Make sure you are stretching the backs of your calves nice and tight!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You struggle but push through the intense workout</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _teanna.chat>></div>Teanna<hr>Let's start some leg spreads!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images\characters\teanna\workout.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _teanna.chat>></div>Teanna<hr>Finally, lets twerk!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You collapse to the floor like a ragdoll, you spread your arms out like a starfish. You let out a sigh of relief. That was a workout and a half!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Woah - that was one hell of a workout!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You finish the yoga session feeling stronger and your wallet a little lighter!</div><br>
<<set $player.strength = $player.strength + 15>>
<<set $player.money = $player.money - 500>>
<<increaseRelationship _teanna 1>>
<button data-passage="lagos_mall_gym" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Session]</button><div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Lagos Gym</div><br> <<set _teanna = $findCharacterByName('Teanna')>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _teanna.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _teanna.chat>></div>Teanna<hr>You wanna show me what you remember about yoga?</div><br>
<<set $yogaa = {
one: "",
two: "",
three: "",
four: "",
five: "",
six: "",
<div class="npctextboxm">
<fieldset>The First Yoga Move<hr>
<<checkbox "$yogaa.one" "" "Downward Doggy">> Downward Doggy
<<checkbox "$yogaa.one" "" "Squats">> Squats
<<checkbox "$yogaa.one" "" "Twerking">> Twerking
<<checkbox "$yogaa.one" "" "Touching Toes">> Touching Toes
<<checkbox "$yogaa.one" "" "Side Lunge">> Side Lunge
<<checkbox "$yogaa.one" "" "Leg Spreads">> Leg Spreads
<fieldset>The Second Yoga Move<hr>
<<checkbox "$yogaa.two" "" "Side Lunge">> Side Lunge
<<checkbox "$yogaa.two" "" "Touching Toes">> Touching Toes
<<checkbox "$yogaa.two" "" "Twerking">> Twerking
<<checkbox "$yogaa.two" "" "Squats">> Squats
<<checkbox "$yogaa.two" "" "Leg Spreads">> Leg Spreads
<<checkbox "$yogaa.two" "" "Downward Doggy">> Downward Doggy
<fieldset>The Third Yoga Move<hr>
<<checkbox "$yogaa.three" "" "Leg Spreads">> Leg Spreads
<<checkbox "$yogaa.three" "" "Squats">> Squats
<<checkbox "$yogaa.three" "" "Touching Toes">> Touching Toes
<<checkbox "$yogaa.three" "" "Twerking">> Twerking
<<checkbox "$yogaa.three" "" "Side Lunge">> Side Lunge
<<checkbox "$yogaa.three" "" "Downward Doggy">> Downward Doggy
<fieldset>The Fourth Yoga Move<hr>
<<checkbox "$yogaa.four" "" "Touching Toes">> Touching Toes
<<checkbox "$yogaa.four" "" "Side Lunge">> Side Lunge
<<checkbox "$yogaa.four" "" "Squats">> Squats
<<checkbox "$yogaa.four" "" "Leg Spreads">> Leg Spreads
<<checkbox "$yogaa.four" "" "Twerking">> Twerking
<<checkbox "$yogaa.four" "" "Downward Doggy">> Downward Doggy
<fieldset>The Fifth Yoga Move<hr>
<<checkbox "$yogaa.five" "" "Downward Doggy">> Downward Doggy
<<checkbox "$yogaa.five" "" "Leg Spreads">> Leg Spreads
<<checkbox "$yogaa.five" "" "Squats">> Squats
<<checkbox "$yogaa.five" "" "Twerking">> Twerking
<<checkbox "$yogaa.five" "" "Side Lunge">> Side Lunge
<<checkbox "$yogaa.five" "" "Touching Toes">> Touching Toes
<fieldset>The Sixth Yoga Move<hr>
<<checkbox "$yogaa.six" "" "Squats">> Squats
<<checkbox "$yogaa.six" "" "Downward Doggy">> Downward Doggy
<<checkbox "$yogaa.six" "" "Side Lunge">> Side Lunge
<<checkbox "$yogaa.six" "" "Touching Toes">> Touching Toes
<<checkbox "$yogaa.six" "" "Leg Spreads">> Leg Spreads
<<checkbox "$yogaa.six" "" "Twerking">> Twerking
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="yogaQuiz2" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Submit Answers]</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_mall_gym_yoga_teanna" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"Fuck This"</button>
</div><<set _teanna = $findCharacterByName('Teanna')>>
<<if $yogaa.one eq "Downward Doggy" and $yogaa.two eq "Side Lunge" and $yogaa.three eq "Squats" and $yogaa.four eq "Touching Toes" and $yogaa.five eq "Leg Spreads" and $yogaa.six eq "Twerking">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _teanna.chat>></div>Teanna<hr>Oh my god! That's my entire yoga routine memorized! You are something else! Let me show you my special secret yoga moves...</div><br>
<button data-passage="yogaQuiz3" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Continue]</button>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _teanna.chat>></div>Teanna<hr>Dude... that's wrong. Do you even pay attention in my class?</div><br>
<button data-passage="lagos_mall_gym" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><<set _teanna = $findCharacterByName('Teanna')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _teanna.chat>></div>Teanna<hr>Let's get to work. First.... Get. That. Cock. Out. NOW!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You comply with the yoga teacher's commands and undress, unsheathing your cock for her to see. Her eyes are firery with hunger, a hunger that only your cock can satisfy.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">A brief moment of kisses and light foreplay begin and while your offer to give Tina a play with your fingers, she denies being already wet and ready for you to fuck her brains out right in the same place she was doing that downward doggy for you earlier.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/teanna/fuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<checkBountyCompletion "Teanna">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _teanna.chat>></div>Teanna<hr>Yes! That's right, baby! Fuck me harder! </div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Again you comply with Tina's easy to accept demand, prompting her to move into a position where you can get every inch of your cock inside of her. She moans as you ram in all the way in as fast and as hard as you can.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/teanna/fuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<set _teanna.fuckedtimes = _teanna.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _teanna "Crabs">>
<<elseif _teanna.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _teanna $player "Crabs">>
<div class="npctextboxm">A tingling sensation is now present in your shaft. You can feel the hot sticky cum ready to explode. You tell her to get on her knees.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>On your knees.</div><br>
<button data-passage="yogaQuiz4" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _teanna = $findCharacterByName('Teanna')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _teanna.chat>></div>Teanna<hr>All over me!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You bust.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/teanna/cum.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _teanna.chat>></div>Teanna<hr>Yes! Pass me the yoga towel! </div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You watch as Tina runs to grab her yoga towel</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>We'll be doing this again.</div><br>
<<set $time = $time + 8>>
<<set _questName5 = "Yoga 101">>
<<set _index5 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName5)>>
<<addAffliction _teanna "Dominated">>
<<if $substory[_index5].progress != 100>>
<<updateQuest "Yoga 101" 100>>
<button data-passage="lagos_mall_gym_yoga_teanna" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><div class="location-title">Supermarket</div><br>
<<set _questName2 = "Christmas 2022">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<if $time lte 5>>
<<set _shop = 1>>
<div class="gallerywrapperG">
<span class="shopb"><button data-passage="lagos_mall_supermarket_chat" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Chat</button></span>
<span class="shopg"><button data-passage="lagos_mall_supermarket" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Buy</button></span>
<span class="shopc"><button data-passage="" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Sell</button></span>
<span class="shopc"><button data-passage="" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Recruit</button></span>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/marty/martychat.png" alt="" /></div>Marty<hr>Beep Boop.</div><br>
<<set $exitLocation = "lagos_mall_supermarket">>
<<set $shopItemsList = ["Energy Drink", "Medpack","Flowers"]>>
<!-- Inline Shop Display -->
<div class="shopScreen">
<<for _i to 0; _i < $shopItemsList.length; _i++>> <<capture _i>>
<<set _item = $allItems.find(x => x.name == $shopItemsList[_i])>>
<div class="forSale">
<div class="emptychat"><<print _item.image>></div>
Item: <<print _item.name>><br>
Price: $<<print _item.price>><hr>
<div class="descItem"><<print _item.desc>></div>
<<if $player.money >= _item.price>>
<button data-passage="buyItemShop" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$itemChosen to _i">[Buy]</button>
<button class="red-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Buy]</button>
<<set _shop = 0>>
<div class="npctextboxm">The supermarket is closed right now. Try again tomorrow.</div><br>
<button data-passage="lagos_mall" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><div class="location-title">Supermarket</div><br>
<<set _questName2 = "Christmas 2022">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<if $time lte 5>>
<<set _shop = 1>>
<div class="gallerywrapperG">
<span class="shopg"><button data-passage="lagos_mall_supermarket" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Chat</button></span>
<span class="shopb"><button data-passage="lagos_mall_supermarket" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Buy</button></span>
<span class="shopc"><button data-passage="" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Sell</button></span>
<span class="shopc"><button data-passage="" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Recruit</button></span>
<div class="imagebox">
<img src="images/characters/marty/marty.jpg" alt="" />
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/marty/martychat.png" alt="" /></div>Marty<hr>Boop Beep?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">There is a burning rage inside of you. Seeing this little whoreson of a robot beep and boop. He probably took the jobs of at least 2 workers. You should do Nigeria a favour and excecute this bastard.</div><br>
<<set $exitLocation = "lagos_mall_supermarket_chat">>
<<set _shop = 0>>
<div class="npctextboxm">The supermarket is closed right now. Try again tomorrow.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $player.combatenabled eq "true">>
<<set $exitLocation = "marty_respawn">>
<button data-passage="enemyload" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$enemyChosen to 'Marty'">[Fight Marty]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fight Marty]</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_mall" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
</div><div class="location-title">Supermarket</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">As you stand there towering over the metalic corpse of Marty, you hear another *beep* and another *boop*. A backup Marty bot apears out of nowhere!</div><br>
<div class="imagebox">
<img src="images/characters/marty/marty.jpg" alt="" />
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/marty/martychat.png" alt="" /></div>Marty<hr>Boop Beep! :D</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">This nightmare will never end.</div><br>
<<if !$player.afflictions.includes("Ted Kaczynski")>>
<<addAffliction $player "Ted Kaczynski">>
<<if !$achievements.ted_kaczynski.unlocked>>
<button data-passage="lagos_mall_supermarket_chat" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><div class="location-title">Lagos Shopping Mall</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/lagos/mall/main.jpg"></div>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="lagos_mall_gym" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Gym]</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_mall_supermarket" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Supermarket]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_doctor" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$currentlocation to 'lagos_mall'">[Enter Doctor's Office]</button>
<button data-passage="bootystreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Mall]</button>
</div><div class="location-title">Booty Street</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/lagos/bootystreet.jpg"></div>
<<if $streetbuttons eq 1>>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="lagos_mall" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Mall]</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Hotel]</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_library" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Library]</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_voodoo" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Voodoo Shop]</button>
<button data-passage="brotheloutside" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Brothel]</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_bank" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Bank]</button>
<button data-passage="airport" class="buttonhalfgreen" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Airport]</button>
<<set _diamond = $findCharacterByName('Diamond')>>
<button data-passage="lagos_mall" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Mall]
<<if $time lte 6>><span style="color: lightgreen;"> - Teanna</span><</if>>
<button data-passage="lagos_hotel" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Hotel]</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_library" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Library]
<<if $time lte 5>><span style="color: lightgreen;"> - Kira</span><</if>>
<button data-passage="lagos_voodoo" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Voodoo Shop]
<<if $time lte 5 and !_diamond.afflictions.includes("Enslaved") and !_diamond.afflictions.includes("Befriended") lte 5>><span style="color: lightgreen;"> - Diamond</span><</if>>
<button data-passage="brotheloutside" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Brothel]</button>
<button data-passage="lagos_bank" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Bank]</button>
<button data-passage="airport" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Airport]</button>
<</if>><<set _questName2 = "Dominating Diamond">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _questName3 = "Diamond Vs Marco">>
<<set _index3 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<<set _questName4 = "Marco's Misfortune">>
<<set _index4 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName4)>>
<<set _diamond = $findCharacterByName('Diamond')>>
<<set _locationTitle = "Lagos Voodoo Shop">>
<<set _characterConditions = [
{name: "Diamond", condition: $time lte 5 && !_diamond.afflictions.includes("Enslaved") && !_diamond.afflictions.includes("Befriended")},
<<if $time gt 5>>
<div class="npctextboxm">The store is closed. Opening times are from 1-5.</div><br>
<button data-passage="bootystreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<<displayLocation '<img src="images/locations/lagos/voodooshop/voodoo.jpg" alt="" />' _characterConditions>>
<<if $substory[_index4].status eq "failed">>
/* Check to see if Diamond has been betrayed */
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing in a 'voodoo' shop. You have no idea what any of the stuff in here does and it doesnt interest you.</div><br>
/* Button for starting the diamond attack */
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 50>>
<button data-passage="lagos_voodoo_attackdiamond" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Talk to Diamond]</button>
<button data-passage="bootystreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing in a 'voodoo' shop. You have no idea what any of the stuff in here does and it doesnt interest you. </div><br>
<div class="button-container">
/* DVM Quest Intro */
<<if $substory[_index3].progress eq 0>>
<button data-passage="lagos_voodoo_quest_intro" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Quest - Diamond Vs Marco]</button>
<<elseif $substory[_index3].progress eq 25>>
<button data-passage="lagos_voodoo_quest_25" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Talk to Diamond]</button>
<<elseif $substory[_index3].progress eq 50>>
<button data-passage="lagos_voodoo_quest_50" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Give Goods]</button>
<button data-passage="bootystreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<</if>><<set _questName3 = "Diamond Vs Marco">>
<<set _index3 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<<set _questName2 = "Dominating Diamond">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _diamond = $findCharacterByName('Diamond')>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _diamond.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _diamond.chat>></div><<= _diamond.name>><hr>I know what you did! How could you betray me! You have no idea what you have done!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Yeah. Sorry about that. Now you need to go work off you debt in Marco's brothel. Don't worry! I'll be your first customer!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _diamond.chat>></div><<= _diamond.name>><hr>You're a fucking pig, you know that? Fine. I'll go work as one of Marco's girls. I have no choice anymore... You have destroyed all hope I had of breaking free from this place! Damn you to hell!</div><br>
<<addAffliction _diamond "Enslaved">>
<<updateQuest "Dominating Diamond" 100>>
<button data-passage="lagos_voodoo" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Talking]</button><<set _questName3 = "Diamond Vs Marco">>
<<set _index3 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<<set _diamond = $findCharacterByName('Diamond')>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _diamond.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _diamond.chat>></div><<= _diamond.name>><hr>Remember! You need to get my stuff back from the basement of the brothel!</div><br>
<button data-passage="lagos_voodoo" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Talking]</button><<set _questName3 = "Diamond Vs Marco">>
<<set _index3 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<<set _diamond = $findCharacterByName('Diamond')>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _diamond.image>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You hand over the goods to diamond.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _diamond.chat>></div><<= _diamond.name>><hr>Oh my god.. I can't believe it. That's my stuff! I cant thank you enough, $player.name !</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>No problem.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _diamond.chat>></div><<= _diamond.name>><hr>But we're not done just yet. Marco wont accept this happening to him. We need to take him down.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Take him down? What do you mean?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _diamond.chat>></div><<= _diamond.name>><hr>Me and you, we can both take him. Let's get ready and raid the Brothel. Chase that fucker out of town. Will you help me one more time?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Jeez, fine. Why not?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _diamond.chat>></div><<= _diamond.name>><hr>Great! I'll meet you outside the brothel. Make sure you are prepared for a fight!</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Diamond Vs Marco" 100>>
<<updateQuest "Dominating Diamond" 100 "failed">>
<<updateQuest "Marco's Misfortune" 50>>
<<addAffliction _diamond "Befriended">>
<button data-passage="lagos_voodoo" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Talking]</button>
<<if !$achievements.whiteKnight.unlocked>>
<</if>><<set _questName3 = "Diamond Vs Marco">>
<<set _index3 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<<set _diamond = $findCharacterByName('Diamond')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You walk up towards the woman at the counter, she smiles at you.</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _diamond.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _diamond.chat>></div><<= _diamond.name>><hr>Hello handsome, welcome to my voodoo store! Do you want to buy some traditional Nigerian trinkets?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Actually, I was hoping you could help me. I'm new to this town and looking for something to do.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Diamond is taken back by your question.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _diamond.chat>></div><<= _diamond.name>><hr>Something to do?... are you bored?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I'm looking for my next big quest!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _diamond.chat>></div><<= _diamond.name>><hr>Y'know, maybe I do have something you could help me with. If you are offering, of course.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Listen babe, i'm here to help *any* woman in need.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _diamond.chat>></div><<= _diamond.name>><hr>Okay Romeo! Listen up, there's a brothel here in Lagos... it used to be something else years back... I have some stuff there thats been sitting in a locked basement for years now. It's vital I get that stuff back! The owner, Marco, isn't playing ball with me. He wont let me in and refuses to hear what I have to say. I think he is a sexist. Could you see if you could get that stuff back for me?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>So infiltrate the brothel, get your stuff back from the basement and return?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _diamond.chat>></div><<= _diamond.name>><hr>That's right! I know this is risky, but you said you wanted a quest-thing, right?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>A great risk, always carries a great reward. I will go and retreive these items for you m'lady!</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Diamond Vs Marco" 25>>
<button data-passage="lagos_voodoo" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Talking]</button><<set _gabby = $findCharacterByName('Gabby')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>I hope this doesn't hurt!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/gabby/scenes/anal.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<set _gabby.fuckedtimes = _gabby.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<button data-passage="gabbySexMenu" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><<set _gabby = $findCharacterByName('Gabby')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>Hehe - i like giving blowjobs!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Gabby's mouth devours your cock, you feel her cock swirling around the tip as the struggles to deep throat your monster.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/gabby/scenes/bj.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<button data-passage="gabbySexMenu" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><<set _gabby = $findCharacterByName('Gabby')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>You are into feet? Hehe - I never knew!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/gabby/scenes/footjob.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<button data-passage="gabbySexMenu" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><<set _gabby = $findCharacterByName('Gabby')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>Straight to the point! I want to feel your cock inside of me!</div><br>
<<set $randomFuck to random(1,2)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You waste no time getting your rock hard cock inside of Gabby's tight pussy! [<<print $randomFuck>>/2]</div><br>
<<if $randomFuck eq 1>>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/gabby/scenes/fuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/gabby/scenes/fuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _gabby "Crabs">>
<<elseif _gabby.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _gabby $player "Crabs">>
<<set _gabby.fuckedtimes = _gabby.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<button data-passage="gabbySexMenu" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><<set _gabby = $findCharacterByName('Gabby')>>
<<set _chatOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/gabby/gabbychat.png">', condition: true },
{ name: "Underwear Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/gabby/underwearchat.jpg">', condition: _gabby.fuckedtimes >= 6 },
{ name: "Facemask Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/gabby/facemaskchat.jpg">', condition: _gabby.fuckedtimes >= 15 },
{ name: "Nude Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/gabby/nudechat.jpg">', condition: _gabby.fuckedtimes >= 35 },
{ name: "Nude Chat - Dark Hair", img: '<img src="images/characters/gabby/darkhairchat.jpg">', condition: _gabby.fuckedtimes >= 55 },
<<set _outfitOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/gabby/gabby.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Underwear", img: '<img src="images/characters/gabby/underwear.jpg">', condition: _gabby.fuckedtimes >= 6 },
{ name: "Nude", img: '<img src="images/characters/gabby/nude.jpg">', condition: _gabby.fuckedtimes >= 35 },
{ name: "Nude - Dark Hair", img: '<img src="images/characters/gabby/darkhair.jpg">', condition: _gabby.fuckedtimes >= 55 },
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>You like roleplay? hehe!</div><br>
<!-- Sophia's Chat Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose <<= _gabby.name>>'s Avatar<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _chatOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_gabby.chat" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<!-- Sophia's Outfit Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose <<= _gabby.name>>'s Main Outfit<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _outfitOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_gabby.image" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<button data-passage="gabbySexMenu" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Save]</button><<set _gabby = $findCharacterByName('Gabby')>>
<div class="title">Molly's House - Gabby's Room</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _gabby.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>What do you want to do to me?</div><br>
<<if $time gte 6>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>Look, it's a little too late. I'm tired. Why don't you come back tomorrow?</div><br>
<button data-passage="gabbyRoom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Interacting]</button>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="gabbyBJNew" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Blowjob]</button>
<button data-passage="gabbyFuckNew" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck]</button>
<button data-passage="gabbyFootjob" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Footjob]</button>
<button data-passage="gabbyAnal" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Anal]</button>
<button data-passage="gabbyOutfits" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Outfits]</button>
<button data-passage="gabbyRoom" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Interacting]</button>
<</if>><<set _gabby = $findCharacterByName('Gabby')>>
<div class="title">Molly's House - Gabby's Room</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _gabby.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Tell me about the cleaning.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>It's simple really, just go downstairs and clean.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>And you are going to help, right?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>I cant, sorry! I'm just not built for that type of labour!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Maybe I could get help from a cleaning specialist?...*if only I had a maid*</div><br>
<button data-passage="gabbyRoom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Talking]</button><<set _questName2 = "Molly's Little Slut">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 100>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Why would I do this? I already cleaned this place up.</div><br>
<button data-passage="mollyHouseInside" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button>
<div class="title">Molly's House - Gabby's Room</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Ah fuck.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You clean the house as hard as you can. You barely get through any of the mess.</div><br>
<<set _questName2 = "Molly's Little Slut">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set $gabbyshouse.clean= $gabbyshouse.clean + 1>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Cleaning progress has increased by [+1]</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Time has passed [+5]</div><br>
<<set $time = $time + 5>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>This is going to take forever.</div><br>
<button data-passage="mollyHouseInside" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _maid = $findCharacterByName('Sophia')>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _maid.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Hey Sophia, I need your help!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maid.chat>></div>Sophia<hr>What is it Mr $player.name?!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I need help with a cleaning job. Can you lend a hand?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maid.chat>></div>Sophia<hr>Of course!</div><br>
<button data-passage="gabbyHelpClean2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Next]</button><div class="title">Molly's House - Gabby's Room</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You arrive to Molly's house with Sophia.</div><br>
<<set _maid = $findCharacterByName('Sophia')>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _maid.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>See? This place needs a professional.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maid.chat>></div>Sophia<hr>This should be no problem, come back in one hour.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>One hour? Okay...</div><br>
<button data-passage="gabbyHelpClean3" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Next]</button><div class="title">Molly's House - Main Room</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You come back after an hour to see Molly's house spotless. It's clean. It's so clean.</div><br>
<<set _maid = $findCharacterByName('Sophia')>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _maid.image>></div><br>
<<set $gabbyshouse.clean = $gabbyshouse.clean + 30>>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/london/mollyshouse/hall2.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Sophia, i'm speachless.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maid.chat>></div>Sophia<hr>Don't worry Mr $player.name, this is what I do...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>...</div><br>
<button data-passage="mollyHouseInside" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button>
<button data-passage="maidFuckGabby" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Give a 'reward']</button>#
<<if !$achievements.moreThanNiceAss.unlocked>>
<</if>><div class="title">Molly's House - Main Room</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You give the maid a reward for all her hard work.</div><br>
<<set _maid = $findCharacterByName('Sophia')>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _maid.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maid.chat>></div>Sophia<hr>I would love a reward sir. I work very hard for you...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You bend over Sophia and give her some good dick!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/maid/maidfuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maid.chat>></div>Sophia<hr>You are the best, sir.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Let me give you a parting gift.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You pull out and start cumming all over Sophia!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/maid/maidcum.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maid.chat>></div>Sophia<hr>So tasty, sir!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You feel like you are being watched...</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/activities/spy.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<button data-passage="mollyHouseInside" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _gabby = $findCharacterByName('Gabby')>>
<<set _molly = $findCharacterByName('Molly')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Gabby chases you out of the house, while screaming at you!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>Get out! Get out! Get out!!!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You seem to remember something...</div><br>
<div class="dreambox">
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>So? You will go for me?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Of course! I know London well!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>I must warn you. Do *NOT*, under any circumstances, try to fuck my daughter. Do you understand??</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Ah shit, I said I wouldn't try and fuck her daughter... and I did exactly that...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Time freezes and you hear a strange voice inside your head</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/god/chat.png"></div>God<hr>My child, this does not have to be the end. I will give you the chance to go back and right your wrongs... or you can persist in the doomed world you have created...</div><br>
<button data-passage="gabbyRoom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Retry - Go back in time]</button>
<button data-passage="concequences2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Accept Fate - Go To Amada]</button><<set _gabby = $findCharacterByName('Gabby')>>
<div class="title">Molly's House - Gabby's Room</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _gabby.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Tell me about the drug debt.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>Yeah, like, this crazy lady called Harley sold us some stuff and now she keeps coming by asking for the 'other half'. I already paid her in full!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Harley?! Ah shit. I'll deal with that, don't worry.</div><br>
<button data-passage="gabbyRoom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Finish Talking</button><<set _gabby = $findCharacterByName('Gabby')>>
<div class="title">Molly's House - Gabby's Room</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/characters/gabby/gabby2naked.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>What do you want to do to me?</div><br>
<button data-passage="gabbyBJ" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Blowjob</button>
<button data-passage="gabbyFuck" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Fuck</button>
<button data-passage="gabbyfinish" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Finish</button><<set _gabby = $findCharacterByName('Gabby')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>Hehe - i like giving blowjobs!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Gabby's mouth devours your cock, you feel her cock swirling around the tip as the struggles to deep throat your monster.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/gabby/scenes/bj.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<button data-passage="gabbyAccept" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Next</button><<set _gabby = $findCharacterByName('Gabby')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>Straight to the point! I want to feel your cock inside of me!</div><br>
<<set _randomFuck to random(1,2)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You waste no time getting your rock hard cock inside of Gabby's tight pussy! [<<print _randomFuck>>/2]</div><br>
<<if _randomFuck eq 1>>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/gabby/scenes/fuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/gabby/scenes/fuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<button data-passage="gabbyAccept" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Next</button><<set _gabby = $findCharacterByName('Gabby')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>That was... amazing, $playername</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Yeah, but we can't stay together. You know that, right?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>No! You *have* to come back and see me. I won't accept it any other way!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>It's too risky for me. For all I know, your Mom's agents have already watched me fuck you</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>Agents? What are you talking about? My mom is a traveling saleswoman! - anyway, here - take this. Come back and see me soon, won't you?</div><br>
<<set _methItem = {
name: "House Key [Gabby]",
price: 2,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/housekey.png" alt="" />',
desc: "A house key for Molly's house in London.",
unique: "Yes"
<<set $player.inventory.push(_methItem)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">House Key [Gabby] added to inventory!</div><br>
<button data-passage="mollyHouseLondon" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><<set _gabby = $findCharacterByName('Gabby')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>You can finish anywhere you want...</div><br>
<<addAffliction _gabby "Befriended">>
<button data-passage="gabbyfinishfacial" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Finish [Face]</button><<set _gabby = $findCharacterByName('Gabby')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>In my pussy? No condom? Let's just pray for the best</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your cock continues fucking Gabby all whilst cumming and lubing her pussy in your hot seed! You can't stop!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/gabby/scenes/creampie.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<button data-passage="gabbyfinale" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Finale</button><<set _gabby = $findCharacterByName('Gabby')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>On my face? Try not to get it in my eyes!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The throbbing pulsing of cock comes to a climax and you cum squirts of hot tasty liquid all over the face of Gabby. She smiles as she licks it off her face, eyes closed.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/gabby/scenes/facial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<button data-passage="gabbyfinale" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Finale</button><<set _gabby = $findCharacterByName('Gabby')>>
<div class="title">Molly's House - Gabby's Room</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _gabby.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I finished your tasks, Gabby.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>I don't know what to say... you are a really nice guy.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I guess - I'll leave now, and tell your Mom things are good here. Just don't let this happen again.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>Thank you, $player.name</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You turn and prepare to leave Gabby's room until...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>Wait - </div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Huh?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>I didn't give you your reward...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You turn and face Gabby... she's naked on the bed.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>I like you, $player.name. don't you like me too?</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/characters/gabby/gabby2naked.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<<updateQuest "Molly's Little Slut" 90>>
<button data-passage="gabbyAccept" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Accept Advances]</button>
<button data-passage="gabbyRefuse" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Refuse Gabby]</button><<set _gabby = $findCharacterByName('Gabby')>>
<div class="title">Molly's House - Gabby's Room</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I'm sorry, I can't. You are my Boss' daughter. It wouldn't be right.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>What?! $player.name, I -</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>You should leave then...</div><br>
<<addAffliction _gabby "Rejected">>
<button data-passage="mollyHouseLondon" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Molly's House]</button><<set _gabby = $findCharacterByName('Gabby')>>
<<set _questName2 = "Molly's Little Slut">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<div class="title">Molly's House - Gabby's Room</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _gabby.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>It's you... What do you want?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<<if !_gabby.afflictions.includes("Befriended")>>
<button data-passage="mollyAboutyourMom" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"About your Mom..."</button> /* Done */
<button data-passage="whatHappenedHere" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"What happened here?"</button> /* Done */
<button data-passage="iwantToFuckY" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"I want to fuck you"</button> /* Done */
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 30>>
<button data-passage="howCanIHelp" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"How can I help?"</button> /* Done */
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 50>>
<button data-passage="cleaninfog" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"Tell me about the cleaning"</button>
<button data-passage="drugdebtinfo" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"Tell me about the drug debt"</button>
<<if $gabbyshouse.clean gte 20 and $gabbyshouse.failed gte 1 and $substory[_index2].progress eq 50>>
<button data-passage="gabbyQuestDone" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"I've done your tasks"</button>
<button data-passage="gabbySexMenu" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"Let's Fuck"</button>
<button data-passage="mollyHouseInside" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
</div><<set _gabby = $findCharacterByName('Gabby')>>
<div class="title">Molly's House - Gabby's Room</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _gabby.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Tell me how I can help.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>... you want to help?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Sure, lets make the situation here better. That way, I wont have to lie to your Mom.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>Wow... thank you</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>So. What needs done?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>Well...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>This place needs cleaned up.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>I also need to pay off a drug debt...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Fucking hell! A drug debt too!? This is going to be interesting.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>Please, you said you would help!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I'll help.</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Molly's Little Slut" 50>>
<button data-passage="gabbyRoom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Finish Talking</button><<set _gabby = $findCharacterByName('Gabby')>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _gabby.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Listen, I think we can come to some sort of arrangement</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>... what do you mean?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I like you, Gabby... I think you like me too</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>Creep! Get the fuck out! - I'm going to tell mom about you!</div><br>
<button data-passage="concequences" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Uh..."</button><<set _gabby = $findCharacterByName('Gabby')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>About your mom...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>You know, you could just lie? She's never here, anyway! Really! The last time she was here was three years ago! She'll probably never come home...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>So I should just lie and say everything is alright? This place is a mess, Gabby.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>What she doesn't know wont hurt her.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>*Right, so I could just lie to Molly, but what the hell would be the point in that? How does that benefit me?*</div><br>
<button data-passage="gabbyRoom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Talking]</button><<set _gabby = $findCharacterByName('Gabby')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>So what actually happened here?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>Parties, mostly.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Who would want to party in a shithole like this?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>People don't care man, It's all about having fun. </div><br>
<button data-passage="gabbyRoom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Finish Talking</button><div class="title">Molly's House - Bathroom</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Born to shit, forced to wipe. There isn't anything to do here.</div><br>
<button data-passage="mollyHouseInside" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Leave</button><<set _gabby = $findCharacterByName('Gabby')>>
<<set _questName2 = "Molly's Little Slut">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 20>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You slowly enter the house. Peaking your head steadily around the door.</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/london/mollyshouse/hall.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The place is trashed!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Holy shit! Someone had a party here! Molly isn't going to like this...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You hear a noise coming from the bathroom</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _gabby.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>Uh... like.. is someone there?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Why didn't you just knock?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Hey miss, no need to be alarmed. I'm here because your mom sent me to check up on you.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>Mom sent you? Oh fuck...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Yeah, this place is a fucking mess. She needs to hear about this.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>No! Please! She doesn't need to know, okay?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I think she does.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>Listen, dude-</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>My name isn't 'dude', it's $player.name.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>Right, $player.name - just dont say anything, okay?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Why should I? Molly is my boss. I work for her, not you.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _gabby.chat>></div><<= _gabby.name>><hr>Ugh, fine! Whatever! I guess i'm getting kicked out again. I hope you are happy!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You have discovered a horrible situation at the house of Molly. Her daughter, Gabby, has completely trashed the place. You are now able to go back to Amada and tell Molly of the situation. Doing so will completely cut you off from accessing Gabby. Maybe you could help her? Lie for her? Whatever you decide to do, there will be concequences.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>What should I do...</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Molly's Little Slut" 30>>
<button data-passage="mollyHouseInside" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Finish</button>
<div class="title">Molly's House - Main Room</div><br>
<<if $gabbyshouse.clean gte 20>>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/london/mollyshouse/hall2.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You slowly enter the house. It's fairly clean.</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/london/mollyshouse/hall.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You slowly enter the house. The place is trashed.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
/* Has the player first talked to Gabby about cleaning? */
<<if $substory[_index2].progress gte 50 and $time lte 3>>
<button data-passage="gabbyClean" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Clean [<<print $gabbyshouse.clean>>/20]</button>
<<elseif $substory[_index2].progress gte 50 and $time gt 4>>
<button data-passage="" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Clean [Too Late]</button>
<button data-passage="gabbyRoom" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Gabby's Room]</button>
<button data-passage="mollyBathroom" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Bathroom]</button>
<button data-passage="desmondstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<</if>><<set _molly = $findCharacterByName('Molly')>>
<<set _gabby = $findCharacterByName('Gabby')>>
<<set _mollyHouseKeyOwned = 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "House Key [Molly]">>
<<set _mollyHouseKeyOwned = 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "House Key [Gabby]">>
<<set _mollyHouseKeyOwned = 1>>
<div class="title">Large House - London</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/london/mollyshouse/largehouse.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing infront of a very large house situated in a nice part of London. Something strikes you about this place, maybe its how out of place it looks compared to everything else here in London.</div><br>
<<if _mollyHouseKeyOwned eq 1 and !_gabby.afflictions.includes("Rejected") and !_gabby.afflictions.includes("Creeped Out")>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You have the key in your inventory. You can enter this house.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<<if _mollyHouseKeyOwned eq 1 and !_gabby.afflictions.includes("Rejected") and !_gabby.afflictions.includes("Creeped Out")>>
<button data-passage="mollyHouseInside" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Molly's House]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Door Locked]</button>
<button data-passage="desmondstreet" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Area]</button>
</div><<set $exitLocation = "london_alleyway">>
<div class="npctextboxm">A DOG ATTACKS YOU!</DIV><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dog/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Dog<hr>BARK BARK MOTHERFUCKER</DIV><br>
<<if $player.combatenabled eq "true">>
<button data-passage="enemyload" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$enemyChosen to 'Dog'">[Fight Dog]</button>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need combat enabled to fight dogs. You flee before one bites you!</div><br>
<button data-passage="livingstonstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Flee Alleyways]</button><div class="npctextboxm">You piss against the alleyway wall. Nice</DIV><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/activities/pee.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Ahhhh... That feels good.</div><br>
<<time>><<set $peeCounter = $peeCounter + 1>>
<button data-passage="london_alleyway" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><<set _superslut = $findCharacterByName('Superslut')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You walk towards superslut, who is standing confused in the alleyway</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _superslut.chat>></div><<= _superslut.name>><hr>Its you. I dont see anyone who needs help here.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>That's because its *you* who is going to need help, bitch!</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _superslut.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _superslut.chat>></div><<= _superslut.name>><hr>The fuck? You want to fight *ME?* dont make me laugh!</div><br>
<<if $player.combatenabled eq "true">>
<<set $exitLocation = "ss_defeated">>
<button data-passage="enemyload" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$enemyChosen to 'Super Slut'">[Fight Superslut]</button>
<<if $player.strength gte 450>>
<button data-passage="ss_defeated" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" >[Fight Superslut]</button>
<div class="npctextboxm">Superslut disposes of you quickly. Your strength was too weak. [You need at least 450 strength to beat super slut.]</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _superslut.chat>></div><<= _superslut.name>><hr>You fucking loser. I need a drink...</div><br>
<<removeAffliction _superslut "Searching">>
<button data-passage="london_alleyway" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">["Ouch"]</button>
<</if>><<set _superslut = $findCharacterByName('Superslut')>>
<<set _harley = $findCharacterByName('Harley')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You land the final blow on superslut!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _superslut.chat>></div><<= _superslut.name>><hr>Argh! How!? How are you so powerful?!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">It's also come to your realisation that this woman does not actual have any super powers. You just beat up a woman in a superhero suit that was *pretending* to be a superhero.!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I thought you had super strength? And could fly?</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _superslut.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _superslut.chat>></div><<= _superslut.name>><hr>I-I can!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You hear footsteps coming around the corner!</div><br>
<<removeAffliction _superslut "Searching">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>Did ya do it?!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Harley apears from around the alleyway corner. She stops to take a breath.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>You did it! Woohoo!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>Congrats kid! Let me take this bitch back to the cells. So we can contain her superhero power! We don't want her flying out of the base!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Wait - about that -</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _superslut.chat>></div><<= _superslut.name>><hr>Harley! I knew it was going to be you! You evil little creature! My battle sisters will avenge me!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>Your battle sisters can eat my ass! I've got an even stronger guy on my side!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Uh...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _superslut.chat>></div><<= _superslut.name>><hr>Yes, this one may be powerful. More powerful than me! But he is no match for Pussy Woman!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>You hear that kid? Pussy Woman. Go find her and capture her! No time for waiting around!</div><br>
<<addAffliction _superslut "Captured">>
<<updateQuest "Capturing Superheroes" 50>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Am I playing pretend superheroes with adults?</div><br>
<button data-passage="london_alleyway" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _superslut = $findCharacterByName('Superslut')>>
<<set _questName4 = "Christmas 2024">>
<<set _index4 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName4)>>
<<set _questName3 = "Capturing Superheroes">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<<set _locationTitle = "London Alleyways">>
<<set _characterConditions = [
{name: "Superslut", condition: $substory[_index2].progress eq 25 && _superslut.afflictions.includes("Searching")},
<<displayLocation '<img src="images/locations/london/alleyway.jpg" alt="" />' _characterConditions>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You stand in a cold dark alleyway of London. Not a safe place to be. Feral dogs can be found sniffing around.</div>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 25 and _superslut.afflictions.includes("Searching")>>
<button data-passage="london_alleyway_ss" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Speak to Superslut]</button>
<button data-passage="london_alleyway_dogfight" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fight Dogs]</button>
<button data-passage="london_alleyway_piss" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Piss]</button>
<<if $substory[_index4].progress eq 50>>
<button data-passage="london_alleyway_santa" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Search For Santa]</button>
<button data-passage="livingstonstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
</div><<set _questName4 = "Christmas 2024">>
<<set _index4 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName4)>>
<div class="location-title">London Alleyways</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/london/alleyway.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You walk through the alleyway, desperately searching for Santa... wait... is that him?</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/characters/santa/main.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/santa/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>???<hr>Ayayaya - ya foooookin bastard yeee!</DIV><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Hmm... are you Santa?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/santa/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Santa<hr>Ohohohoh! Another fuckin' wee bastard come to beat up ol' Santy claus - eh? Well once I get my fuckin naughty list you are yer mother are both goin on! </DIV><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Chill the fuck out dude, your wife sent me. She needs your help.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/santa/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Santa<hr>Wait just a fucking second laddie! Me fookin wife? Mrs Claus? </DIV><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>That's right. She needs you to save Christmas - she can't do it without you!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/santa/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Santa<hr>Then she should of fucking thought about that before rigging me fookin sleigh to blow! Fuck Mrs Claus and fuck YOU!</DIV><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Then don't do it for her Santa, do it for yourself! Get your shit back and save Christmas!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/santa/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Santa<hr>Listen laddie - I'll come back... under one condition... you get rid of that dumb slut Mrs Claus.</DIV><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Do I look like a hitman to you? No.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/santa/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Santa<hr>No you fucking baffoon! I need evidence for me divorce lawyer, capture Mrs Claus in the act of fucking and ye will be on Santa's good list!</DIV><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Alright Santa, i'll 'capture' this footage for you.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/santa/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Santa<hr>Good job lad, now begone! - And don't come back until ye have footage of me wife getting FUCKED!</DIV><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>So weird...</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Christmas 2024" 75>>
<button data-passage="livingstonstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Alleyway]</button><div class="location-title">Clothing Store</div><br>
<<if $time lte 5>>
<<set _shop = 1>>
<div class="gallerywrapperG">
<span class="shopc"><button data-passage="" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Chat</button></span>
<span class="shopg"><button data-passage="london_store" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Buy</button></span>
<span class="shopc"><button data-passage="" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Sell</button></span>
<span class="shopc"><button data-passage="" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Recruit</button></span>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/angelica/clerkchat.png" alt="" /></div>Angelica<hr>BUY BUY BUY! BYE BYE?</div><br>
<<set $exitLocation = "london_store">>
<<set $allShopItems = ["Army Boots", "Backwards Cap","Bandana","Clown Mask", "Elf Hat", "Fake Tuxedo", "Fedora", "Flatcap", "Frankenstein Mask", "Frog Mask", "Jorts", "Knee Pads", "Ladies Underwear", "Leather Jacket", "Meme T Shirt", "Wife Beater", "Sherrif Hat", "Army Jacket", "Flip Flops"]>>
<<set $shopItemsList = $allShopItems.filter(item => !$wardrobe.some(wardrobeItem => wardrobeItem.name == item))>>
<!-- Inline Shop Display -->
<div class="shopScreen">
<<for _i to 0; _i < $shopItemsList.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i>>
<<set _item = $allClothingItems.find(x => x.name == $shopItemsList[_i])>>
<div class="forSale">
<div class="emptychat"><<print _item.image>></div>
Item: <<print _item.name>><br>
Price: $<<print _item.price>><hr>
<div class="descItem"><<print _item.style>> - <<print _item.desc>><hr>
<b><center>Bonus: <<print _item.bonus>> [<<print _item.amount>>]</center></b>
<<if $player.money >= _item.price>>
<button data-passage="buyclothingitem" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$itemChosen to _i">[Buy]</button>
<button class="red-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Buy]</button>
<<set _shop = 0>>
<div class="npctextboxm">The clothing is closed right now. Try again tomorrow.</div><br>
<button data-passage="livingstonstreet" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><div class="location-title">Picadilly Street</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/london/picadillystreet.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You arrive into London, the capital city of the UK. You are ready for your new adventure!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Wow! What an amazing place!</div>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="londonstart2" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Explore London]</button>
<button data-passage="londonstart5" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Skip Intro]</button>
</div><div class="location-title">Picadilly Street</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/london/picadillystreet.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You explore the huge city of London!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">However, you get lost and find yourself in a maze of alleyways and brick walls!</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/london/alleyway.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Where the fuck am I?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You see a man aproach you. There is something in his hand...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/knifeman/chat.png" alt="" /></div>London Local<hr>Welcome to London, motherfucker! Time to get stabbed!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The man is just about to stab you when suddenly...</div><br>
<button data-passage="londonstart3" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Next]</button><<set _harley = $findCharacterByName('Harley')>>
<div class="location-title">Picadilly Street</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/london/alleyway.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><center>//!!!!BANG!!!!//</center></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The man who just tried to stab you falls to the floor like a ragdoll. He's just been hit over the head!</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><img src="images/locations/london/knockedout.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You look upwards, facing your savior. It's a woman. It's -</div><br>
<div class="imagebox">
<<= _harley.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div>???<hr>Hey Sugar! Sorry about this! This guy has been stabbing way too many tourists today.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are taken back by the clothing this person is wearing.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Uh, thanks. Who are you?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div>???<hr>You don't know who I am? I'm Harley! Are you new here?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Wait a fucking second. You're pretending to be Harley Quinn? Like from the movies and comics? </div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">'Harley' looks at you confused</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>Sugar, i have no idea what you are talking about! Did you hit your head? I've never been in no comic book or movie! Hahahahahah! You're so silly! I like you!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Am I going insane? Did that guy kill me? Am I in hell?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>Since you're such a sweetie pie, I'm going to give you the *HARLEY* tour of London!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I'm sorry but I've really got to be going. I don't have time for this!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>I wasn't asking sweetie! Come on lets go. NOW!</div><br>
<button data-passage="londonstart4" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Go with Harley]</button><<set _harley = $findCharacterByName('Harley')>>
<div class="location-title">Picadilly Street</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Harley takes you to the rooftop of some building</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>So - what do ya think of the view?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Uh, yeah.. very nice. Can I go now?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>HAHAHAH. So you can go and get stabbed again! Sugar! I couldn't let you go. Not without telling you first the situation here in the city.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>What situation?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><center>//Harley looks at you seriously //</center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>There is a war. Between the superheroes and us, the villains. A war that has will shape the future of London and to be honest it's not looking good for us. The superheroes are winning and if they do win, it could be the end of us all!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Superheroes winning is a bad thing?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>Yes! Listen! They are going to enforce so many of their laws on us! They will stop our drugs! Stop our sex! Stop our money laundering!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Wait-wait-wait! did you say stop our sex?!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>Yes! They are psychopaths!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Those motherfuckers! If I ever see a hero i'm going to gut them like a fish! Who stops someone from fucking?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>You can join us, $player.name!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Yes I will - but wait, how do you know my name?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>I stole ya wallet while you werent looking! Haha!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Harley kindly returns your wallet.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Thanks... how do we stop the Superheroes?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>These guys are strong and we probably shouldn't kill em'... I started to build a lockup for them all so we could capture the superheroes without killin' em' </div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Take me to the cells!</div><br>
<button data-passage="londonstart5" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Go with Harley]</button><<set _harley = $findCharacterByName('Harley')>>
<<set _questName3 = "Capturing Superheroes">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<div class="location-title">London HQ</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/london/prison.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Harley takes you through an abandoned building, then through a secret passage leading to some old bunkers. Here is where she makes her home. This is where she has been building prison cells. A shiver runs down your spine. This is a woman of action.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>We're here. It's not much. Infact, only one of the prison cells is working.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>We can probably upgrade these in the future though.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>Yep, you're right $player.name!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Who should we try and capture first?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Harley shows you a photo</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>This bitch right here! Superslut!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Where can I find this 'Superslut'?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>I'm not sure to be honest sugar, maybe try checking the local bars. She's a known drunk.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>That's a good idea. Also, what if someone tries to stab me again?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>Just tell em' you're a friend of Harley and they should leave you alone</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Cool, let's get to work and capture some super hoes!</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Capturing Superheroes" 25>>
<button data-passage="prisoncells" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Intro]</button><<set _daisy = $findCharacterByName('Daisy')>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _daisy.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _daisy.chat>></div>Daisy<hr>Let me taste that big cock of yours!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/daisy/scenes/daisybj.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You dont even need to ask. Daisy's succubus mouth is in and around your cock. Her tongue making swirls of sensations in your tip.</div><br>
<button data-passage="room_of_daisy" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><<set _daisy = $findCharacterByName('Daisy')>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _daisy.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _daisy.chat>></div>Daisy<hr>I'm yours!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/daisy/scenes/daisyfuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<set _daisy.fuckedtimes = _daisy.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You dont even need to ask. Daisy is already bent over and ready for your cock to enter her asshole. It feels amazing. You want to do it again. Is this the power of a succubus?</div><br>
<button data-passage="room_of_daisy" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><<set _daisy = $findCharacterByName('Daisy')>>
<<set _chatOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/daisy/daisychat.png">', condition: true },
{ name: "Goon Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/daisy/regularchat.jpg">', condition: _daisy.fuckedtimes >= 5 },
{ name: "Nude Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/daisy/nudechat.jpg">', condition: _daisy.fuckedtimes >= 35 },
{ name: "Nude Chat #2", img: '<img src="images/characters/daisy/nudechat2.jpg">', condition: _daisy.fuckedtimes >= 35 },
{ name: "Blue Hair Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/daisy/bluechat.jpg">', condition: _daisy.fuckedtimes >= 45 },
<<set _outfitOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/daisy/daisyroom.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Goon Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/daisy/goon.jpg">', condition: _daisy.fuckedtimes >= 5 },
{ name: "Topless Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/daisy/topless.jpg">', condition: _daisy.fuckedtimes >= 15 },
{ name: "Teasing Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/daisy/seminude.jpg">', condition: _daisy.fuckedtimes >= 25 },
{ name: "Nude Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/daisy/nude.jpg">', condition: _daisy.fuckedtimes >= 35 },
{ name: "Blue Hair Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/daisy/nude.jpg">', condition: _daisy.fuckedtimes >= 45 },
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _daisy.chat>></div>Daisy<hr>I can transform into anything you find lustful.</div><br>
<!-- Sophia's Chat Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose Daisy's Avatar<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _chatOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_daisy.chat" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<!-- Sophia's Outfit Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose Daisy's Main Outfit<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _outfitOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_daisy.image" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<button data-passage="room_of_daisy" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Save]</button><<set _daisy = $findCharacterByName('Daisy')>>
<<if !_daisy.afflictions.includes("Befriended")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _daisy.chat>></div>???<hr>Woah! Who that?!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Yo - I got the key from this guy in a cave...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _daisy.chat>></div>???<hr>Cool story! I'm Daisy!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Nice to meet you Daisy...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _daisy.chat>></div>Daisy<hr>Yeah! Cool!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>So... you must be a special girl to be in a place like this!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _daisy.chat>></div>Daisy<hr>That's right, i'm a very *special* girl.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>You're very special? What? Like you are ret-</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _daisy.chat>></div>Daisy<hr>No. I'm a succubus. Trapped in this room for eternity. I was locked in here by... something - and now you have freed me. I also have a dick.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I see.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _daisy.chat>></div>Daisy<hr>I'm honestly very grateful that you freed me. I'll like to return the favour to you... if you want me to?</div><br>
<<addAffliction _daisy "Befriended">>
<div class="npctextboxm">You now have access to Daisy's room. Daisy is a trans character which means she has a cock. This content is optional and not required for any quests or achievements.</div><br>
<button data-passage="room_of_daisy" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Ok"</button>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _daisy.image>>
<<if $time lte 5>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _daisy.chat>></div>Daisy<hr>Hey, I'm still here for a short while... want to do something fun?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="daisy_bj" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[BJ]</button>
<button data-passage="daisy_outfits" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Change Outfits]</button>
<button data-passage="daisy_fuck" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck]</button>
<button data-passage="london_museum" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _daisy.chat>></div>Daisy<hr>Even a succubus needs to sleep. See you tomorrow?</div><br>
<button data-passage="london_museum" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<</if>><<if $time gte 4>>
<div class="npctextboxm">The museum is closed. Opening times are between 1 - 4</div><br>
<button data-passage="desmondstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<<set _pussywoman = $findCharacterByName('Pussy Woman')>>
<<set _questName3 = "Capturing Superheroes">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<<set _locationTitle = "Museum">>
<<set _characterConditions = [
{name: "Pussy Woman", condition: $substory[_index2].progress lte 50},
<<displayLocation '<img src="images/locations/london/museum.jpg" alt="" />' _characterConditions>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You stand inside a museum reception. It's unknown what the museum is actually showcasing. The sign literally just says museum. There is a strange red door to the side of the enterance. It has an alluring charm. It's shut tight.</div><BR>
<<set _itemName2 = "Key [Daisy]">>
<<set _foundItem2 = $player.inventory.find(item => item.name === _itemName2)>>
<<set _questName0 = "Easter 2024">>
<<set _index0 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName0)>>
<<set _itemName = "Easter Egg - London">>
<<set _foundItem = $player.inventory.find(item => item.name === _itemName)>>
/* Easter 2024 Egg */
<<if !_foundItem && $substory[_index0].progress eq 50>>
<div class="wikitextbox"><center>YOU FOUND THE LONDON EASTER EGG!</center><HR>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/activities/eggfound.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<set _methItem = {
name: "Easter Egg - London",
price: 5,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/egg.png" alt="" />',
desc: "An easter egg hidden in London",
unique: "Yes"
<<set $player.inventory.push(_methItem)>>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $substory[_index2].progress lte 50>>
<button data-passage="london_museum_reception" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Speak to Receptionist]</button>
<<if _foundItem2>>
<button data-passage="room_of_daisy" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Use Key - [Daisy]]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Investigate Strange Door]</button>
<button data-passage="desmondstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<</if>><<set _pussywoman = $findCharacterByName('Pussy Woman')>>
<<set _questName3 = "Capturing Superheroes">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You walk up to the reception.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _pussywoman.chat>></div><<= _pussywoman.name>><hr>Museum is closed today, sorry.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 50>>
<button data-passage="london_museum_reception_fight" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"Pussywoman?"</button>
<<if !$substory[_index2].progress gt 50>>
<button data-passage="london_museum_reception_seduce" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Seduce]</button>
<button data-passage="london_museum_reception_doorask" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Ask about Strange Door]</button>
<button data-passage="london_museum" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
</div><<set _pussywoman = $findCharacterByName('Pussy Woman')>>
<<set _questName3 = "Capturing Superheroes">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>What's with that door?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _pussywoman.chat>></div><<= _pussywoman.name>><hr>What door?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>The weird door right there!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You point to the door</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _pussywoman.chat>></div><<= _pussywoman.name>><hr>I dont see any door.</div><br>
<button data-passage="london_museum_reception" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button><<set _pussywoman = $findCharacterByName('Pussy Woman')>>
<<set _questName3 = "Capturing Superheroes">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Jeez - I can't believe im saying this but... are you a super hero?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The woman's eyes light up with a firey rage.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _pussywoman.chat>></div><<= _pussywoman.name>><hr>Wait - you're part of our group... I mean - YES! I am indeed pussy woman! How dare you speak to me like we are equal! If its a fight you want its a fight you shall get!</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _pussywoman.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Nah, I ain't doing this shit again</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You punch pussy woman square in the head. You are in no time for play fights.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _pussywoman.chat>></div><<= _pussywoman.name>><hr>Such power!</div><br>
<button data-passage="london_museum_reception_fight2" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Capture Her]</button><<set _pussywoman = $findCharacterByName('Pussy Woman')>>
<<set _harley = $findCharacterByName('Harley')>>
<<set _questName3 = "Capturing Superheroes">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You drag Pussywoman to the secret base.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>Oh my god, you found her!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _pussywoman.chat>></div><<= _pussywoman.name>><hr>I can't believe *I* was captured by the likes of you! Harley!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>This is getting weird.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Harley locks Pussywoman up in one of the 3 cells</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>You're my hero! We did it! </div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Okay, now what? Isn't there another?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>I got a feelin' the third super whore ain't gonna show up for a while. Just relax for now. You did good!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Are you guys really just playing pretend superheroes all this time?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>//dont spoil the fucking fun//</div><br>
<<addAffliction _pussywoman "Captured">>
<<updateQuest "Capturing Superheroes" 100>>
<button data-passage="prisoncells" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Complete Quest]</button><<set _pussywoman = $findCharacterByName('Pussy Woman')>>
<<set _questName3 = "Capturing Superheroes">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>What's a pretty woman like you doing in a place like this?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _pussywoman.chat>></div><<= _pussywoman.name>><hr>Go away.</div><br>
<button data-passage="london_museum_reception" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button><<set _tife = $findCharacterByName('Tife')>>
<<set _questName3 = "Bounty Huntin'">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _tife.chat>></div><<= _tife.name>><hr>Nice job on that bounty.</div><br>
<<set $player.money = $player.money + 1000>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You earned $1000.</div><br>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 50>>
<<updateQuest "Bounty Huntin'" 100>>
<button data-passage="london_bar_bartender" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _tife = $findCharacterByName('Tife')>>
<<set _questName3 = "Bounty Huntin'">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 0>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You walk towards the bartender. An attractive middle aged woman.</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _tife.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _tife.chat>></div><<= _tife.name>><hr>A new face. Are you here for work?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>What work are we talking about?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The bartender undresses you with her eyes.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _tife.chat>></div><<= _tife.name>><hr>You wouldn't be up for it.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Hold up - you havent even told me what it is yet?!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _tife.chat>></div><<= _tife.name>><hr>Bounty hunting. I give you a target and you fight them. Think you're strong enough?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>You bet I am!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _tife.chat>></div><<= _tife.name>><hr>Then, try it. It's hard mind, and I'm not responsible if you get hurt</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You have unlocked access to bounty hunts.</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Bounty Huntin'" 50>>
<button data-passage="london_bar_bartender" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button>
<div class="npctextboxm">You walk towards the bartender.</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _tife.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _tife.chat>></div><<= _tife.name>><hr>Yes?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="london_bar_bartender_sex" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"Sex?"</button>
<<if $player.combatenabled eq "true">>
<<set $exitLocation = "bounty_defeated">>
<button data-passage="enemyload" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$enemyChosen to 'Bounty'">[Fight Bounty]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Start a Bounty]</button>
<button data-passage="london_bar" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button>
<</if>><<set _tife = $findCharacterByName('Tife')>>
<<set _questName3 = "Bounty Huntin'">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _tife.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _tife.chat>></div><<= _tife.name>><hr>What?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Do you wanna...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You start sweating.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>... have some... fu-</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>... do the fuck - I mean, sex?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _tife.chat>></div><<= _tife.name>><hr>You are the most pathetic person I've ever met, you know that?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>T-thanks...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">It's now confirmed - this woman is 100% immune to the charm of $player.name. A true annomoly. You've been able to seduce every woman up until this point. You start to sweat. Is this the end? No - You *must* keep going on, there must be someone else here in London that will have sex with a loser like you. Keep going.</div><br>
<button data-passage="london_bar_bartender" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button>
<<if !$achievements.sad.unlocked>>
<</if>><<set _superslut = $findCharacterByName('Superslut')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You walk towards superslut, a *very* tall blonde woman dressed in a superhero outfit drinking alone at the bar.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Yo! What's good?</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _superslut.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _superslut.chat>></div><<= _superslut.name>><hr>I've got no time for autographs kid.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Superslut takes a large swig of her clear liquid drink. At first you thought it was water, but the smell is saying otherwise...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>That's good because I had something else to tell you!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Superslut stays silent.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="superslut_fail" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Kiss]</button>
<button data-passage="superslut_success" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"Come to the alleyway!"</button>
<button data-passage="superslut_fail" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"Come to the bathroom!"</button>
<button data-passage="superslut_fail" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Pretend you are a frog]</button>
<button data-passage="superslut_fail" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Flash your cock]</button>
<button data-passage="london_bar" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button>
</div><<set _superslut = $findCharacterByName('Superslut')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Superslut is angered by what you just did.</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _superslut.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _superslut.chat>></div><<= _superslut.name>><hr> Listen up, weakling. I've waged war across galaxies and left entire civilizations in ashes. I've decimated mutant legions and crushed their skulls underfoot. I've hunted and slain cosmic beasts that could swallow planets whole. I've obliterated sun gods and laughed in the face of death itself. I have outsmarted ancient beings older than time and bent them to my will. I am the ultimate force, a living legend. Fuck with me again and i'll make you a distant memory.
<div class="npctextboxm">Superslut grabs you by your collar and throws you out of the front door of the pub. Ouch!</div><br>
<button data-passage="livingstonstreet" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"Ouch!"</button><<set _superslut = $findCharacterByName('Superslut')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>There is someone who needs your help! They are being attacked in the nearby alleyway!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _superslut.chat>></div><<= _superslut.name>><hr>Shit. Really? Alright. I'll go there now.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Superslut walks out the door.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Here is my chance.</div><br>
<<addAffliction _superslut "Searching">>
<button data-passage="london_bar" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Talking]</button><<set _questName = "Elsa's Bar">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<<set _questName3 = "Halloween 2023">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<<set _spookygirl = $findCharacterByName('Spooky Girl')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You walk towards the girl you have decided to call the 'spooky girl' due to her halloween style outfit.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I never knew a place like this attracted cute goth bitches!</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _spookygirl.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _spookygirl.chat>></div><<= _spookygirl.name>><hr>Huh?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 0 and $substory[_index].progress eq 100>>
<button data-passage="london_bar_spooky_halloweenqueststart" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Start Quest - Halloween 2023]</button>
<<elseif $substory[_index2].progress eq 0 and $substory[_index].progress != 100>>
<button data-passage="" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Complete Elsa's Bar to Start]</button>
<button data-passage="london_bar_spooky_ask" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"Where can I get a halloween costume?"</button>
<button data-passage="london_bar" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button>
</div><<set _questName3 = "Halloween 2023">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<<set _spookygirl = $findCharacterByName('Spooky Girl')>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _spookygirl.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Where can I get a halloween outfit to get into the spooky mansion?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _spookygirl.chat>></div><<= _spookygirl.name>><hr>There is a clothing shop here in London, when you are looking for clothing, check the styles for something halloween inspired. Once you've bought it you will need to wear it. To wear clothing, you need to use your wardrobe in one of your hideouts.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Why are you speaking like that?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _spookygirl.chat>></div><<= _spookygirl.name>><hr>I'm sorry. Sorry. Sorry. So. Sorry.</div><br>
<button data-passage="london_bar" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button><<set _questName3 = "Halloween 2023">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<<set _spookygirl = $findCharacterByName('Spooky Girl')>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _spookygirl.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _spookygirl.chat>></div><<= _spookygirl.name>><hr>Hey you.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Me?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _spookygirl.chat>></div><<= _spookygirl.name>><hr>I was meant to go to a Halloween party tonight but I couldn't make it. Do you want to go instead of me?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>A halloween party? Sure.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _spookygirl.chat>></div><<= _spookygirl.name>><hr>Okay... cool. Here's the address. You need to have a costume otherwise they wont let you in. Do you understand?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Yeah, I need a costume first. Otherwise I can't get inside the mansion party.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _spookygirl.chat>></div><<= _spookygirl.name>><hr>Try having a look at the clothing store here in London.</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Halloween 2023" 33>>
<button data-passage="london_bar" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button><<if $time < 2 || $time > 8>>
<div class="npctextboxm">The pub is closed. Opening times are between 2 - 8</div><br>
<button data-passage="livingstonstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<<set _superslut = $findCharacterByName('Superslut')>>
<<set _spookygirl = $findCharacterByName('Spooky Girl')>>
<<set _tife = $findCharacterByName('Tife')>>
<<set _questName3 = "Capturing Superheroes">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<<set _locationTitle = "London Pub">>
<<set _characterConditions = [
{name: "Tife", condition: true},
{name: "Spooky Girl", condition: true},
{name: "Superslut", condition: $substory[_index2].progress eq 25 && !_superslut.afflictions.includes("Searching")},
<<displayLocation '<img src="images/locations/london/londonbar2.jpg" alt="" />' _characterConditions>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You stand inside the old traditional pub. The smell of stale smoke fills the air. The bartender smiles to greet you as you walk inside the main area.</div>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="london_bar_bartender" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Speak to Tife the Bartender]</button>
<button data-passage="london_bar_spooky" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Speak to Spooky Girl]</button>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 25 and !_superslut.afflictions.includes("Searching")>>
<button data-passage="london_bar_ss" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Speak to Superslut]</button>
<button data-passage="livingstonstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<</if>><div class="location-title">Abandoned Building</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/london/abandonedbuilding.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing in an abandoned building. There is smashed glass and dirty needles littering the floor. Luckily this place is just a front for the secret underground base you own with Harley.<br><b>There is a homeless junkie who lives here. He smiles at you.</b></div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="enter_hq_transition" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Secret Base]</button>
<button data-passage="homelessguy" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Talk to Junkie]</button>
<button data-passage="desmondstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Abandoned Building]</button>
</div><div class="npctextboxm">You open a manhole and climb through from the abandoned building into your underground base.</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/london/manhole.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<button data-passage="prisoncells" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Continue]</button><<set _questName4 = "Christmas 2024">>
<<set _index4 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName4)>>
<div class="location-title">Abandoned Building</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/london/abandonedbuilding1.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The homeless makes a hand gesture that looks like he is pretending to smoke. He can't talk but the communication is still valid enough for you to understand what he's after. Drugs.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="homelessguy_sellmeth" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Sell All Meth]</button>
<<if $substory[_index4].progress eq 10>>
<button data-passage="homelessguy_santa" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"Have you seen Santa?"</button>
<button data-passage="abandonedbuilding" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button>
</div><<set _questName4 = "Christmas 2024">>
<<set _index4 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName4)>>
<div class="location-title">Abandoned Building</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/london/abandonedbuilding1.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Hey dude, have you seen another meth head around here claiming to be Santa?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The homeless man looks at you dead in the eye and nods, he understands what you are saying and smiles. He knows where Santa is!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Uh... so where?....</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The homeless man shakes his head smiling, signaling with his hand a smoking motion... he wants meth first before he hands over this information. Best get cooking first.</div><br>
<<set _methItemName = "Meth">>
<<set _methPrice = 350>>
<<set _methCount = 0>>
<<set _totalMoneyReceived = 0>>
<!-- Loop through the inventory and count the meth items -->
<<for _i to 0; _i < $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === _methItemName>>
<<set _methCount += 1>>
<<if _methCount gte 1>>
<button data-passage="homelessguy_santa_givemeth" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Hand Over Meth (x1)]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Hand Over Meth (x1)] [NEED METH]</button>
<button data-passage="abandonedbuilding" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><<set _questName4 = "Christmas 2024">>
<<set _index4 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName4)>>
<div class="location-title">Abandoned Building</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/london/abandonedbuilding1.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>So... Santa?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The homeless man smiles and points towards the alleyway! Let's check there!</div><br>
<<set _methItemName = "Meth">>
<<set _methPrice = 350>>
<<set _methCount = 0>>
<<set _totalMoneyReceived = 0>>
<<set $player.inventory = $player.inventory.filter(item => item.name !== _methItemName)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You lost meth.</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Christmas 2024" 50>>
<button data-passage="abandonedbuilding" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><<set _methItemName = "Meth">>
<<set _methPrice = 350>>
<<set _methCount = 0>>
<<set _totalMoneyReceived = 0>>
<!-- Loop through the inventory and count the meth items -->
<<for _i to 0; _i < $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === _methItemName>>
<<set _methCount += 1>>
<!-- Calculate the total money received -->
<<set _totalMoneyReceived = _methCount * _methPrice>>
<!-- Remove the meth items from the inventory -->
<<set $player.inventory = $player.inventory.filter(item => item.name !== _methItemName)>>
<!-- Add the total money received to the player's money -->
<<set $player.money += _totalMoneyReceived>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You sell all the meth you have on you at a discounted price. You feel like you could have gotten more from a better seller.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You receive: $<<print _totalMoneyReceived>></div><br>
<button data-passage="abandonedbuilding" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><div class="npctextboxm">You open a manhole and climb through from your underground tunnel into an abandoned building.</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/london/manhole.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<button data-passage="abandonedbuilding" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Continue]</button><<set _harley = $findCharacterByName('Harley')>>
<<set _wondercummer = $findCharacterByName('Wonder Cummer')>>
<div class="location-title">Cells</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You hear a strange noise coming from one of the tunnels... the steps grow louder and louder! Somebody is coming.</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _wondercummer.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _wondercummer.chat>></div><<= _wondercummer.name>><hr>Vile evil-doers of evil! Know evil is evil and evil shall be punished!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>Gotcha bitch!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Harley pulls on a lever and Wonder Cummer falls into a trap! Holy shit!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>Don't worry about this one. She's goin' in cell 3. Have fun with her, wont ya?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>That was... easy.</div><br>
<<addAffliction _wondercummer "Captured">>
<<updateQuest "Capturing Superheroes #2" 100>>
<button data-passage="cells" class="buttonhalfblue" typ="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _pussywoman = $findCharacterByName('Pussy Woman')>>
<div class="location-title">Cell #2</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _pussywoman.image>>
<<if $time lt 6>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _pussywoman.chat>></div><<= _pussywoman.name>><hr>...</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="pw_cell_kiss" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Kiss]</button>
<button data-passage="pw_cell_bj" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[BJ]</button>
<button data-passage="pw_cell_fuck" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck]</button>
<button data-passage="pw_cell_outfit" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Change Outfit]</button>
<button data-passage="cells" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _pussywoman.chat>></div><<= _pussywoman.name>><hr>Can you leave? It's late.</div><br>
<button data-passage="cells" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<</if>><<set _pussywoman = $findCharacterByName('Pussy Woman')>>
<<set _interactionLevel = 20>>
<div class="location-title">London HQ</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _pussywoman.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Why dont you be useful for once and put that mouth to good use.</div><br>
<<if _pussywoman.relationshipPoints gte _interactionLevel>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _pussywoman.chat>></div><<= _pussywoman.name>><hr>Disgusting... but fine. Give it here. I'll suck it dry!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/pussywoman/scenes/bj.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _pussywoman 10>>
<<set _randomcumchance to random(1,2)>>
<<if _randomcumchance eq 1>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You fail to cum!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _pussywoman.chat>></div><<= _pussywoman.name>><hr>Some *man* you are.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You cum!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _pussywoman.chat>></div><<= _pussywoman.name>><hr>So warm...</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/pussywoman/scenes/facial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _pussywoman 10>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _pussywoman.chat>></div><<= _pussywoman.name>><hr>Get bent, creep.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need a relationship level of at least _interactionLevel to do this</div><br>
<button data-passage="pw_cell" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _pussywoman = $findCharacterByName('Pussy Woman')>>
<<set _interactionLevel = 170>>
<div class="location-title">London HQ</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _pussywoman.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I'm really in the mood right now, let me fuck you.</div><br>
<<if _pussywoman.relationshipPoints gte _interactionLevel>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _pussywoman.chat>></div><<= _pussywoman.name>><hr>The feeling is... mutual. Come. Take off your clothes.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/pussywoman/scenes/fuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _pussywoman.chat>></div><<= _pussywoman.name>><hr>God that feels so fucking good!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/pussywoman/scenes/fuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _pussywoman 40>>
<<set _pussywoman.fuckedtimes = _pussywoman.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _pussywoman "Crabs">>
<<elseif _pussywoman.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _pussywoman $player "Crabs">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _pussywoman.chat>></div><<= _pussywoman.name>><hr>Don't make me laugh.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need a relationship level of at least _interactionLevel to do this</div><br>
<button data-passage="pw_cell" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _pussywoman = $findCharacterByName('Pussy Woman')>>
<<set _interactionLevel = 0>>
<div class="location-title">London HQ</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _pussywoman.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Kiss. Now.</div><br>
<<if _pussywoman.relationshipPoints gte _interactionLevel>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _pussywoman.chat>></div><<= _pussywoman.name>><hr>Urgh! Fine</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/pussywoman/scenes/kiss.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _pussywoman 10>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _pussywoman.chat>></div><<= _pussywoman.name>><hr>Fuck off!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need a relationship level of at least _interactionLevel to do this</div><br>
<button data-passage="pw_cell" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _pussywoman = $findCharacterByName('Pussy Woman')>>
<<set _chatOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/pussywoman/britneychat.png">', condition: true },
{ name: "Alt Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/pussywoman/regularchat.png">', condition: true },
{ name: "Clockwork Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/pussywoman/clockwork.png">', condition: _pussywoman.relationshipPoints >= 50 },
{ name: "Angelic Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/pussywoman/angelchat.png">', condition: _pussywoman.relationshipPoints >= 250 },
{ name: "Sexy Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/pussywoman/sexy.png">', condition: _pussywoman.relationshipPoints >= 400 },
{ name: "Topless Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/pussywoman/topless.png">', condition: _pussywoman.relationshipPoints >= 650 },
{ name: "Nude", img: '<img src="images/characters/pussywoman/nude.png">', condition: _pussywoman.relationshipPoints >= 800 },
<<set _outfitOptions = [
{ name: "Superhero Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/pussywoman/pussywoman.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Regular Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/pussywoman/regular.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Clockwork Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/pussywoman/clockwork.jpg">', condition: _pussywoman.relationshipPoints >= 50 },
{ name: "Angelic Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/pussywoman/angel.jpg">', condition: _pussywoman.relationshipPoints >= 250 },
{ name: "Sexy Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/pussywoman/sexy.jpg">', condition: _pussywoman.relationshipPoints >= 400 },
{ name: "Topless", img: '<img src="images/characters/pussywoman/topless.jpg">', condition: _pussywoman.relationshipPoints >= 650 },
{ name: "Nude", img: '<img src="images/characters/pussywoman/nude.jpg">', condition: _pussywoman.relationshipPoints >= 800 },
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _pussywoman.chat>></div><<= _pussywoman.name>><hr>You want to take away my clothes? Pervert!</div><br>
<!-- Sophia's Chat Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose <<= _pussywoman.name>>'s Avatar<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _chatOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_pussywoman.chat" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<!-- Sophia's Outfit Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose <<= _pussywoman.name>>'s Main Outfit<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _outfitOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_pussywoman.image" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<button data-passage="pw_cell" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Save]</button><<set _superslut = $findCharacterByName('Superslut')>>
<div class="location-title">Cell #1</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _superslut.image>>
<<if $time lt 6>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _superslut.chat>></div><<= _superslut.name>><hr>It's you. My arch nemesis!</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="ss_cell_kiss" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Kiss]</button>
<button data-passage="ss_cell_bj" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[BJ]</button>
<button data-passage="ss_cell_fuck" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck]</button>
<button data-passage="ss_cell_anal" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Anal]</button>
<button data-passage="ss_cell_outfit" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Change Outfit]</button>
<button data-passage="cells" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _superslut.chat>></div><<= _superslut.name>><hr>I'm going to sleep. Please leave me alone.</div><br>
<button data-passage="cells" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<</if>><<set _superslut = $findCharacterByName('Superslut')>>
<<set _interactionLevel = 500>>
<div class="location-title">London HQ</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _superslut.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I'm really in the mood right now, Super slut... for some anal.</div><br>
<<if _superslut.relationshipPoints gte _interactionLevel>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _superslut.chat>></div><<= _superslut.name>><hr>I'm not really used to this... but okay</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/superslut/scenes/anal.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _superslut.chat>></div><<= _superslut.name>><hr>That's enough for today! </div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _superslut 30>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _superslut.chat>></div><<= _superslut.name>><hr>Not a fucking chance.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need a relationship level of at least _interactionLevel to do this</div><br>
<button data-passage="ss_cell" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _superslut = $findCharacterByName('Superslut')>>
<<set _interactionLevel = 20>>
<div class="location-title">London HQ</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _superslut.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Why dont you be useful for once and put that mouth to good use.</div><br>
<<if _superslut.relationshipPoints gte _interactionLevel>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _superslut.chat>></div><<= _superslut.name>><hr>Fine. Show me your cock.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/superslut/scenes/bj.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _superslut 10>>
<<set _randomcumchance to random(1,2)>>
<<if _randomcumchance eq 1>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You fail to cum!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _superslut.chat>></div><<= _superslut.name>><hr>Thank god!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You cum!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _superslut.chat>></div><<= _superslut.name>><hr>Oh no! It's all over me!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/superslut/scenes/facial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _superslut 10>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _superslut.chat>></div><<= _superslut.name>><hr>Not a fucking chance.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need a relationship level of at least _interactionLevel to do this</div><br>
<button data-passage="ss_cell" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _superslut = $findCharacterByName('Superslut')>>
<<set _interactionLevel = 170>>
<div class="location-title">London HQ</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _superslut.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I'm really in the mood right now, Super slut.</div><br>
<<if _superslut.relationshipPoints gte _interactionLevel>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _superslut.chat>></div><<= _superslut.name>><hr>Actually... me too. Let's fuck!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/superslut/scenes/fuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _superslut.chat>></div><<= _superslut.name>><hr>H-holy shit!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/superslut/scenes/fuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _superslut 20>>
<<set _superslut.fuckedtimes = _superslut.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _superslut "Crabs">>
<<elseif _superslut.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _superslut $player "Crabs">>
<<set _randomcumchance to random(1,2)>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _superslut.chat>></div><<= _superslut.name>><hr>Let me know if you want to finish on me!</div><br>
<<if _randomcumchance eq 1>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You fail to cum!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _superslut.chat>></div><<= _superslut.name>><hr>Thank god!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You cum!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _superslut.chat>></div><<= _superslut.name>><hr>Oh no! It's all over me!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/superslut/scenes/facial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _superslut 10>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _superslut.chat>></div><<= _superslut.name>><hr>Not a fucking chance.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need a relationship level of at least _interactionLevel to do this</div><br>
<button data-passage="ss_cell" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _superslut = $findCharacterByName('Superslut')>>
<<set _interactionLevel = 0>>
<div class="location-title">London HQ</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _superslut.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Kiss. Now.</div><br>
<<if _superslut.relationshipPoints gte _interactionLevel>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _superslut.chat>></div><<= _superslut.name>><hr>Whatever you say... sir..</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/superslut/scenes/kiss.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _superslut 10>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _superslut.chat>></div><<= _superslut.name>><hr>Not a good joke.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need a relationship level of at least _interactionLevel to do this</div><br>
<button data-passage="ss_cell" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _superslut = $findCharacterByName('Superslut')>>
<<set _chatOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/superslut/superslutchat.png">', condition: true },
{ name: "Happy Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/superslut/happychat.png">', condition: _superslut.relationshipPoints >= 150 },
{ name: "Victorian Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/superslut/victorianchat.png">', condition: _superslut.relationshipPoints >= 300 },
{ name: "Nude Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/superslut/superslutchatnude.png">', condition: _superslut.relationshipPoints >= 450 },
{ name: "Enslaved Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/superslut/cagedchat.png">', condition: _superslut.relationshipPoints >= 800 },
<<set _outfitOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/superslut/superslut2.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Homeless Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/superslut/homeless.jpg">', condition: _superslut.relationshipPoints >= 20 },
{ name: "Dress Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/superslut/dress.jpg">', condition: _superslut.relationshipPoints >= 50 },
{ name: "Happy Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/superslut/happy.jpg">', condition: _superslut.relationshipPoints >= 150 },
{ name: "Victorian Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/superslut/victorian.jpg">', condition: _superslut.relationshipPoints >= 300 },
{ name: "Nude", img: '<img src="images/characters/superslut/nude.jpg">', condition: _superslut.relationshipPoints >= 450 },
{ name: "Enslaved", img: '<img src="images/characters/superslut/caged.jpg">', condition: _superslut.relationshipPoints >= 800 },
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _superslut.chat>></div>Super Slut<hr>Please don't make me wear less clothing. It's a little cold here!</div><br>
<!-- Sophia's Chat Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose Super Slut's Avatar<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _chatOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_superslut.chat" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<!-- Sophia's Outfit Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose Super Slut's Main Outfit<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _outfitOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_superslut.image" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<button data-passage="ss_cell" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Save]</button><<set _wondercummer = $findCharacterByName('Wonder Cummer')>>
<<set _interactionLevel = 500>>
<div class="location-title">London HQ</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _wondercummer.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I'm really in the mood right now, let me fuck you.</div><br>
<<if _wondercummer.relationshipPoints gte _interactionLevel>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _wondercummer.chat>></div><<= _wondercummer.name>><hr>I can't believe I want this so much!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/wondercummer/scenes/fuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _wondercummer.chat>></div><<= _wondercummer.name>><hr>Yes!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/wondercummer/scenes/fuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _wondercummer 40>>
<<set _wondercummer.fuckedtimes = _wondercummer.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _wondercummer "Crabs">>
<<elseif _wondercummer.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _wondercummer $player "Crabs">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _wondercummer.chat>></div><<= _wondercummer.name>><hr>NEVER!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need a relationship level of at least _interactionLevel to do this</div><br>
<button data-passage="wc_cell" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _wondercummer = $findCharacterByName('Wonder Cummer')>>
<div class="location-title">Cell #3</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _wondercummer.image>>
<<if $time lt 6>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _wondercummer.chat>></div><<= _wondercummer.name>><hr>Evil has returned. Evil shall not corrupt me!</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="wc_cell_kiss" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Kiss]</button>
<button data-passage="wc_cell_bj" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[BJ]</button>
<button data-passage="wc_cell_fuck" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck]</button>
<button data-passage="wc_cell_outfit" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Change Outfit]</button>
<button data-passage="cells" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _wondercummer.chat>></div><<= _wondercummer.name>><hr>Evil! Retreat from thy domain! For tis late!</div><br>
<button data-passage="cells" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<</if>><<set _wondercummer = $findCharacterByName('Wonder Cummer')>>
<<set _interactionLevel = 50>>
<div class="location-title">London HQ</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _wondercummer.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Come on! Just a little blowjob?</div><br>
<<if _wondercummer.relationshipPoints gte _interactionLevel>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _wondercummer.chat>></div><<= _wondercummer.name>><hr>The temptation... okay... fine!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/wondercummer/scenes/bj.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _wondercummer 25>>
<<set _randomcumchance to random(1,2)>>
<<if _randomcumchance eq 1>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You fail to cum!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _wondercummer.chat>></div><<= _wondercummer.name>><hr>You aer pathetic</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You cum!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _wondercummer.chat>></div><<= _wondercummer.name>><hr>Yes....</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/wondercummer/scenes/facial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _wondercummer 10>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _wondercummer.chat>></div><<= _wondercummer.name>><hr>I'll never fall to temptation!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need a relationship level of at least _interactionLevel to do this</div><br>
<button data-passage="wc_cell" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _wondercummer = $findCharacterByName('Wonder Cummer')>>
<<set _interactionLevel = 0>>
<div class="location-title">London HQ</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _wondercummer.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I demand kisses!</div><br>
<<if _wondercummer.relationshipPoints gte _interactionLevel>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _wondercummer.chat>></div><<= _wondercummer.name>><hr>I submit.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/wondercummer/scenes/kiss.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _wondercummer 10>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _wondercummer.chat>></div><<= _wondercummer.name>><hr>I will not be tempted by evil!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need a relationship level of at least _interactionLevel to do this</div><br>
<button data-passage="wc_cell" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _wondercummer = $findCharacterByName('Wonder Cummer')>>
<<set _chatOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/wondercummer/chat.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Alt Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/wondercummer/regular.png">', condition: true },
{ name: "Queen Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/wondercummer/queen.png">', condition: _wondercummer.relationshipPoints >= 50 },
{ name: "Fishnets Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/wondercummer/fishnet.png">', condition: _wondercummer.relationshipPoints >= 250 },
{ name: "Cummed Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/wondercummer/cummed.png">', condition: _wondercummer.relationshipPoints >= 500 },
{ name: "Nude", img: '<img src="images/characters/wondercummer/nude.png">', condition: _wondercummer.relationshipPoints >= 800 },
{ name: "Enslaved", img: '<img src="images/characters/wondercummer/enslaved.png">', condition: _wondercummer.relationshipPoints >= 1000 },
<<set _outfitOptions = [
{ name: "Superhero Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/wondercummer/main.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Regular Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/wondercummer/regular.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Queen Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/wondercummer/queen.jpg">', condition: _wondercummer.relationshipPoints >= 50 },
{ name: "Fishnets Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/wondercummer/fishnet.jpg">', condition: _wondercummer.relationshipPoints >= 250 },
{ name: "Cummed on", img: '<img src="images/characters/wondercummer/cummed.jpg">', condition: _wondercummer.relationshipPoints >= 500 },
{ name: "Nude", img: '<img src="images/characters/wondercummer/nude.jpg">', condition: _wondercummer.relationshipPoints >= 800 },
{ name: "Enslaved", img: '<img src="images/characters/wondercummer/enslaved.jpg">', condition: _wondercummer.relationshipPoints >= 1000 },
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _wondercummer.chat>></div><<= _wondercummer.name>><hr>You may take away my clothes, but you will never take away my spirit!</div><br>
<!-- Sophia's Chat Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose <<= _wondercummer.name>>'s Avatar<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _chatOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_wondercummer.chat" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<!-- Sophia's Outfit Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose <<= _wondercummer.name>>'s Main Outfit<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _outfitOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_wondercummer.image" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<button data-passage="wc_cell" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Save]</button><<set _harley = $findCharacterByName('Harley')>>
<<set _methCount = 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<set _itemName to $player.inventory[_i].name>>
<<if _itemName is "Meth">>
<<set _methCount += 1>>
<div class="title">Secret Underground Base</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>About that debt you've got going on with Gabby...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>You want to settle it for her? Whaaaat?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>It's important I make things right.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>Fine, but I don't want cash from you, sweetie! I want meth... LOTS OF METH</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>... Meth?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>I WANT METH.</div><br>
<<if _methCount gte 10>>
<button data-passage="giveMethHarleyDebt" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Give Meth [x10]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Give Meth [_methCount/10 Needed]</button>
<button data-passage="speaktoharley" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Talking]</button><<set _harley = $findCharacterByName('Harley')>>
<<set _foundMethCount to 0>> <!-- Initialize a variable to count how many items have been removed -->
<<for _i to 0; _i < $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Meth">>
<<set $player.inventory.splice(_i, 1)>> <!-- Remove one instance of the item at index _i -->
<<set _foundMethCount += 1>> <!-- Increase the count by 1 to track how many items have been removed -->
<<if _foundMethCount >= 10>> <!-- Check if you've removed 10 items -->
<<break>> <!-- Exit the loop after removing 10 items -->
<div class="title">Secret Underground Base</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Alright here is the meth</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>Hehehe - thanks sugar!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Gabby's debt is settled.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You lost 10 Meth</div><br>
<<set $gabbyshouse.failed = 1>>
<button data-passage="speaktoharley" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Talking]</button><<set _harley = $findCharacterByName('Harley')>>
<<set _locationTitle = "London HQ">>
/* Easter bunny hanging out */
<<set _characterConditions = [
{name: "Harley", condition: $time lte 3},
<<displayLocation '<img src="images/locations/london/prison.jpg" alt="" />' _characterConditions>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing in your secret underground base underneath the abandoned building. It's a narrow hallway with a few rooms, most of them have been converted into cells for keeping prisoners. One of the doors leads into a old fashioned radio room where you can rest.<<if $time lte 3>> Harley is sitting on a chair in the hallway messing with some device. It looks like an explosive or something. She looks up to you and smiles, she is glad you are here sharing this crazy journey together.<</if>></div>
<div class="button-container">
/* Harley is here */
<<if $time lte 3>>
<button data-passage="speaktoharley" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Speak to <<= _harley.name>>]</button>
/* Meth Lab */
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Walter White")>>
<button data-passage="meth_lab_main" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Meth Lab]</button>
<button data-passage="cells" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Prison Cells]</button>
<button data-passage="livingquarters" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Living Quarters]</button>
<button data-passage="leave_hq_transition" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave HQ]</button>
</div><div class="location-title">Cells</div><br>
<<set _questName2 = "Capturing Superheroes">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _questName3 = "Capturing Superheroes #2">>
<<set _index3 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<<set _wondercummer = $findCharacterByName('Wonder Cummer')>>
<<set _pussywoman = $findCharacterByName('Pussy Woman')>>
<<set _superslut = $findCharacterByName('Superslut')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You walk into the prison wing of your base.</div><br>
<<set _questName2 = "Easter 2023">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _itemName = "Easter Egg - London">>
<<set _foundItem = $player.inventory.find(item => item.name === _itemName)>>
/* Easter 2023 London Egg */
<<if !_foundItem && $substory[_index2].progress eq 50>>
<div class="wikitextbox"><center>YOU FOUND THE LONDON EASTER EGG!</center><HR>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/activities/eggfound.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<set _methItem = {
name: "Easter Egg - London",
price: 5,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/egg.png" alt="" />',
desc: "An easter egg hidden in London",
unique: "Yes"
<<set $player.inventory.push(_methItem)>>
<div class="button-container">
<<if _superslut.afflictions.includes("Captured")>>
<button data-passage="ss_cell" class="buttonhalfblue" typ="button" tabindex="0">[Superslut's Cell]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="buttonhalfblue" typ="button" tabindex="0">[Cell 1]</button>
<<if _pussywoman.afflictions.includes("Captured")>>
<button data-passage="pw_cell" class="buttonhalfblue" typ="button" tabindex="0">[Pussy Woman's Cell]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="buttonhalfblue" typ="button" tabindex="0">[Cell 2]</button>
<<if _wondercummer.afflictions.includes("Captured")>>
<button data-passage="wc_cell" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Wonder Cummer's Cell]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="buttonhalfblue" typ="button" tabindex="0">[Cell 3]</button>
<<if _superslut.afflictions.includes("Captured") and _pussywoman.afflictions.includes("Captured") and $substory[_index3].progress eq 0>>
<button data-passage="super3Start" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Strange Noise]</button>
<button data-passage="prisoncells" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Exit Cells]</button>
</div><<set $time = $time + 4>>
<<set _harley = $findCharacterByName('Harley')>>
<<set _tife = $findCharacterByName('Tife')>>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/london/londonbar2.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You stand inside the old traditional pub. The smell of stale smoke fills the air. The bartender smiles to greet you as you walk inside the main area.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox">
<div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div>
<<= _harley.name>><hr>
Eww, this dump? Really? Puddin, I hate this place - it smells like my grandma's panty drawer!
<div class="npctextbox">
<div class="npcchat"><<= _tife.chat>></div>
<<= _tife.name>><hr>
- and I hate when the local nutcase decides to stroll in. Harley, you're banned! Like, forever!
<div class="npctextbox">
<div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div>
<<= _harley.name>><hr>
Pfft, banned shmanned. I didn't wanna come here anyway! C'mon, we're leavin, sweet cheeks.
<div class="npctextbox">
<div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>
<<= $player.name>><hr>
Hang on now. Could you make an exception? She's with me, after all. I'll keep her out of trouble—I promise.
<div class="npctextbox">
<div class="npcchat"><<= _tife.chat>></div>
<<= _tife.name>><hr>
Trouble? You mean like the last time she smashed half my glassware? You *are* paying for it if she screws up. Got it?
<div class="npctextbox">
<div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>
<<= $player.name>><hr>
Wait, you broke stuff here? Harley, what did you do?
<div class="npctextbox">
<div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div>
<<= _harley.name>><hr>
It's a funny story, puddin! Okay, not *ha-ha* funny, but—look, I got distracted, there was a bat, I swung at it—long story short, let's just say these beer glasses weren't exactly built Harley-tough. Whoopsie!
<div class="npctextbox">
<div class="npcchat"><<= _tife.chat>></div>
<<= _tife.name>><hr>
Urgh, fine! But don't say I didn't warn you. One slip, and you're both out on your asses!
<div class="npctextbox">
<div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div>
<<= _harley.name>><hr>
See, puddin? She's warmin up to me! Guess ol' Harley's charms work even in this shithole!
<button data-passage="london_bar_date_2" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Buy Drinks & Sit Down]</button><<set _harley = $findCharacterByName('Harley')>>
<<set _tife = $findCharacterByName('Tife')>>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/london/londonbar2.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You sit in a booth with Harley and bring over two pints of beer. She flashes you a mischievous grin but keeps darting nervous glances at the bartender before looking back at you.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox">
<div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div>
<<= _harley.name>><hr>
Listen. That thing over there is -
<div class="npctextbox">
<div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>
<<= $player.name>><hr>
Thing? You mean the nice bartender who kindly let you stay here despite being banned? What the hell, Harley?
<div class="npctextbox">
<div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div>
<<= _harley.name>><hr>
She's creepin' me out, puddin! I can't even glance her way without catchin' her laser eyes of doom! Let's just down these drinks and skedaddle. This was a bad idea.
<div class="npctextboxm">Before you can answer, a towering man strides up to your booth, his presence immediately commanding attention.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox">
<div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/adebesi/adebesichat.jpg" alt="" /></div>
Well, well, well... what do we have here? Harley?
<div class="npctextbox">
<div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div>
<<= _harley.name>><hr>
Oh Jeez!
<div class="npctextbox">
<div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div>
<<= _harley.name>><hr>
Beat it, Adebesi! I ain't interested, and besides, I'm with my hunky date here. You really wanna mess with him?
<div class="npctextboxm">She slides her arm around your shoulders and grins wickedly at Adebesi. The large man shifts his attention to you, his expression darkening.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox">
<div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/adebesi/adebesichat.jpg" alt="" /></div>
Let me ask you somethin', tough guy. You ready to die today? Or you gonna step aside and let me take this sexy, crazy chick home for a little... fun?
<button data-passage="london_bar_date_cuck_1" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Cuck - Allow him to take Harley]</button>
<button data-passage="london_bar_date_assertive_1" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Assertive - Smack him]</button><<set _harley = $findCharacterByName('Harley')>>
<<set _tife = $findCharacterByName('Tife')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You stand up and meet Adebesi's glare eye to eye, man to man. Your eyes give off a killer vibe. Adebesi knows you ain't bluffing.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox">
<div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>
<<= $player.name>><hr>
How about you buy me and my friend a drink and leave before i knock your teeth down your throat?
<div class="npctextbox">
<div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div>
<<= _harley.name>><hr>
Oh my fucking god, yes! You tell em', puddin'!
<<increaseRelationship _harley 5>>
<div class="npctextbox">
<div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/adebesi/adebesichat.jpg" alt="" /></div>
I... uhh... well... - sure...
<div class="npctextboxm">Adebesi has no money. He just runs out of the pub.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox">
<div class="npcchat"><<= _tife.chat>></div>
<<= _tife.name>><hr>
Not again! That mother fucker!
<div class="npctextbox">
<div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div>
<<= _harley.name>><hr>
You really are something special, aren't ya?
<<if _harley.relationshipPoints gte 250>>
<div class="npctextbox">
<div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div>
<<= _harley.name>><hr>I want you to fuck my brain out right here in the bathroom, puddin...
<button data-passage="london_bar_date_assertive_2" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck Harley]</button>
<button data-passage="london_bar_date_end" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[End Date]</button>
<div class="npctextbox">
<div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div>
<<= _harley.name>><hr>
I think im beginnin' to like ya a lot more! [Need at least 250 relationship to fuck.]
<button data-passage="london_bar_date_end" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[End Date]</button>
<</if>><<set _harley = $findCharacterByName('Harley')>>
<<set _tife = $findCharacterByName('Tife')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You take harley to the bathroom where you fuck her brains out in the cubicle.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/harley/scenes/bathroom.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox">
<div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div>
<<= _harley.name>><hr>
God, it's so fuckin' big!
<div class="npctextbox">
<div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div>
<<= _harley.name>><hr>
I can feel it twitchin!
<div class="npctextbox">
<div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>
<<= $player.name>><hr>
Oh shit!
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/harley/scenes/cream.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<set _harley.fuckedtimes = _harley.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _harley "Crabs">>
<<elseif _harley.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _harley $player "Crabs">>
<button data-passage="london_bar_date_end" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[End Date]</button><<set _harley = $findCharacterByName('Harley')>>
<<set _tife = $findCharacterByName('Tife')>>
<div class="npctextbox">
<div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/adebesi/adebesichat.jpg" alt="" /></div>
Hehe... good boy. Come with us. I need you to cleanup after we're done fucking.
<div class="npctextbox">
<div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div>
<<= _harley.name>><hr>
This is gonna be interesting!
<button data-passage="london_bar_date_cuck_2" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Arrive Home]</button><<set _harley = $findCharacterByName('Harley')>>
<<set _tife = $findCharacterByName('Tife')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You arrive to the secret base with Harley and Adebesi. He wastes no time getting undressed and into Harley's pants. You sit there and watch.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox">
<div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/adebesi/adebesichat.jpg" alt="" /></div>
Suck my fuckin' cock!
<div class="npctextbox">
<div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div>
<<= _harley.name>><hr>
Oh gosh!
<div class="npctextbox">
<div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>
<<= $player.name>><hr>
Ah jeez...
<div class="npctextboxm">Harley gets on her knees and sucks Adebesi's big black cock as you sit next to hear and watch. Tissues in hand to clean up any mess.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/harley/scenes/cucked.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox">
<div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/adebesi/adebesichat.jpg" alt="" /></div>
That's right, this bitch knows her way around a cock! Now get on your knees!
<div class="npctextbox">
<div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div>
<<= _harley.name>><hr>
Yes baby!
<button data-passage="london_bar_date_cuck_3" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Watch Them Fuck]</button><<set _harley = $findCharacterByName('Harley')>>
<<set _tife = $findCharacterByName('Tife')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Harley gets on her knees and takes Adebesi's cock while you watch. You feel empty inside.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/harley/scenes/cucked_2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox">
<div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/adebesi/adebesichat.jpg" alt="" /></div>
Ah shit! - hehe - you like this, little ham sandwich? You wish you could fuck a woman like me?
<div class="npctextbox">
<div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div>
<<= _harley.name>><hr>
D-don't listen to him! You are fine!
<div class="npctextbox">
<div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/adebesi/adebesichat.jpg" alt="" /></div>
Ahaha! Oh fuck, i'm gonna cum! Get the tissues, boy!
<button data-passage="london_bar_date_end" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[End Date]</button>
<<set $trackablestats.cuckcounter = $trackablestats.cuckcounter + 1>>
<<if !$achievements.cuck.unlocked and $trackablestats.cuckcounter gte 20>>
<</if>><<set $time = $time + 4>>
<<set _harley = $findCharacterByName('Harley')>>
<<set _tife = $findCharacterByName('Tife')>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _harley.image>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You finish the date with Harley.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox">
<div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div>
<<= _harley.name>><hr>
Well that was kinda nice, right? Let's go out again sometime?
<button data-passage="speaktoharley" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[End]</button>
<<if !$achievements.harleysdate.unlocked>>
<</if>><<set _harley = $findCharacterByName('Harley')>>
<<set _interactionLevel = 900>>
<div class="location-title">London HQ</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _harley.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Hey Harley, I was wondering... are you going to let me fuck you? In the ass?</div><br>
<<if _harley.relationshipPoints gte _interactionLevel>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>You have my permission to use me at any time you like!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/harley/scenes/anal.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<set _harley.fuckedtimes = _harley.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _harley "Crabs">>
<<elseif _harley.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _harley $player "Crabs">>
<div class="npctextboxm">You fuck the shit out of Harley!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>Can you cum for me?</div><br>
<<set _randomcumchance to random(1,2)>>
<<if _randomcumchance eq 1>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You fail to cum!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>That sucks.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You cum!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>You just made this extra special</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/harley/scenes/facial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _harley 20>>
<<increaseRelationship _harley 25>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>Jeez, is that how you talk to all girls?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need a relationship level of at least _interactionLevel to do this</div><br>
<button data-passage="speaktoharley" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _harley = $findCharacterByName('Harley')>>
<<set _interactionLevel = 75>>
<div class="location-title">London HQ</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _harley.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Hey Harley, I was wondering... we're friends but do we have *benefits*?</div><br>
<<if _harley.relationshipPoints gte _interactionLevel>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>We certainly *can* give each other benefits. Come here and give Harley that cock!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/harley/scenes/bj.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You use Harley's mouth as your own personal fuck toy!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>Can you cum for me?</div><br>
<<set _randomcumchance to random(1,2)>>
<<if _randomcumchance eq 1>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You fail to cum!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>That sucks.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You cum!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>You just made this extra special</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/harley/scenes/facial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _harley 10>>
<<increaseRelationship _harley 15>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>Hahahaha! NOOOOOOO!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need a relationship level of at least _interactionLevel to do this</div><br>
<button data-passage="speaktoharley" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _harley = $findCharacterByName('Harley')>>
<div class="location-title">London HQ</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _harley.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Hey Harley, where is the Joker?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>The Joker? What the fuck is a joker?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Everyone knows that the Joker and Harley Quinn are together!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>I dont know what you are talking about sugar..</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _harley 5>>
<button data-passage="speaktoharley" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Talking]</button><<set _harley = $findCharacterByName('Harley')>>
<<set _questName2 = "Christmas 2022">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<div class="location-title">London HQ</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _harley.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>Yo dude! You know it's nearly christmas right? It's my favourite time of the year!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Shit, I completely forgot! I should get some gifts for my family right?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>You haven't got gifts for your family yet?! You need to go now!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I'm terrible at buying gifts. Any ideas?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>Go see Bernie at the local supermarket. He's got some good christmas gifts!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Okay, let's try not to fuck up christmas</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Christmas 2022" 33>>
<button data-passage="speaktoharley" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Finish</button><<set _harley = $findCharacterByName('Harley')>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _harley.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>Are you trying to ask me out?!</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="london_bar_date_1" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[London Bar Date]</button>
<button data-passage="speaktoharley" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button>
</div><<set _harley = $findCharacterByName('Harley')>>
<div class="location-title">London HQ</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _harley.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Hey Harley, how can I make some quick cash?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>Cash? Just sell drugs ya silly goose!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>How?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>Just start a meth lab! Everyone is doing it!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I have no idea how to start a meth lab Harley.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>Jeez kid! Did your parents not raise you right? Alright, I'll set you up a meth lab in one of the rooms down here!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You have unlocked access to the meth lab.</div><br>
<<addAffliction $player "Walter White">>
<button data-passage="speaktoharley" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Talking]</button><<set _harley = $findCharacterByName('Harley')>>
<<set _interactionLevel = 75>>
<div class="location-title">London HQ</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _harley.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Hey Harley, I was wondering... I'm kinda into feet... would you?</div><br>
<<if _harley.relationshipPoints gte _interactionLevel>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>And I thought *I* was weird! Alright, let Harley give you a footsie job!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/harley/scenes/footjob.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You use Harley'sfeet to get yourself off!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>Can you cum for me?</div><br>
<<set _randomcumchance to random(1,2)>>
<<if _randomcumchance eq 1>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You fail to cum!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>That sucks.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You cum!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>You just made this extra special</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/harley/scenes/facial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _harley 10>>
<<increaseRelationship _harley 15>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>Hahahaha! NOOOOOOO!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need a relationship level of at least _interactionLevel to do this</div><br>
<button data-passage="speaktoharley" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _harley = $findCharacterByName('Harley')>>
<<set _interactionLevel = 400>>
<div class="location-title">London HQ</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _harley.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Hey Harley, I was wondering... are you going to let me fuck you?</div><br>
<<if _harley.relationshipPoints gte _interactionLevel>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>You have my permission to use me at any time you like!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/harley/scenes/fuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<set _harley.fuckedtimes = _harley.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _harley "Crabs">>
<<elseif _harley.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _harley $player "Crabs">>
<div class="npctextboxm">You fuck the shit out of Harley!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>Can you cum for me?</div><br>
<<set _randomcumchance to random(1,2)>>
<<if _randomcumchance eq 1>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You fail to cum!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>That sucks.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You cum!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>You just made this extra special</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/harley/scenes/cream.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _harley 20>>
<<increaseRelationship _harley 25>>
<<checkBountyCompletion "Harley">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>Jeez, is that how you talk to all girls?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need a relationship level of at least _interactionLevel to do this</div><br>
<button data-passage="speaktoharley" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _harley = $findCharacterByName('Harley')>>
<div class="location-title">London HQ</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _harley.image>>
<div class="npctextboxm">What item do you want to give Harley?</div><br>
<<set _inventoryCount = {}>> <!-- Create an object to store item quantities -->
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<set _item = $player.inventory[_i]>> <!-- Get the current item -->
<<set _itemName = _item.name>> <!-- Get the item's name -->
<<set _itemQuantity = _inventoryCount[_itemName] || 0>> <!-- Get the current quantity or default to 0 -->
<!-- Update the item's quantity in the inventoryCount object -->
<<set _inventoryCount[_itemName] = _itemQuantity + 1>> <!-- Increment quantity by 1 for each item -->
<div class="itemWrapperz">
<<for _itemName, _itemQuantity range _inventoryCount>> <<capture _itemName>>
<div class="newItembox">
<div class="newItemphotos">
<<set _item = $player.inventory.find(item => item.name === _itemName)>>
<<print _item.image>>
<div class="NewItemtext">
<center><<print _itemName>> (x<<print _itemQuantity>>)</center>
<button data-passage="base_harley_giveitems2" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$itemChosen to _itemName">[Give]</button>
<button data-passage="speaktoharley" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Skip - No Item]</button><<set _harley = $findCharacterByName('Harley')>>
<<set _reactionItems = ["Flowers", "Crab Medicine", "Diamond", "Dildo"]>> <!-- Define Sophia's favorite items -->
<<if _reactionItems.includes($itemChosen)>>
<<set _itemIndex = $player.inventory.findIndex(item => item.name === $itemChosen)>>
<<if _itemIndex > -1>>
<<set $player.inventory.deleteAt(_itemIndex)>> <!-- Remove one instance of the item from the player's inventory -->
<<if $itemChosen == "Crab Medicine">>
<<if _harley.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<set _harley.afflictions.delete("Crabs")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div>Harley<hr>How did you know I had crabs! Thank you!</div><br>
<<if !$achievements.medic.unlocked>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div>Harley<hr>Why are you giving me this? I don't have any STDS...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div>Harley<hr>Thank you! <<print $itemChosen>>[s] just make my day!</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _harley 15>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div>Harley<hr>I think you better keep that.</div><br>
<button data-passage="speaktoharley" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Continue]</button><<set _harley = $findCharacterByName('Harley')>>
<<set _interactionLevel = 25>>
<div class="location-title">London HQ</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _harley.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Hey Harley, can I kiss you?</div><br>
<<if _harley.relationshipPoints gte _interactionLevel>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>Weird but okay!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/harley/scenes/kiss.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _harley 10>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>Not a good joke.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need a relationship level of at least _interactionLevel to do this</div><br>
<button data-passage="speaktoharley" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _harley = $findCharacterByName('Harley')>>
<<set _questName3 = "Molly's Little Slut">>
<<set _index3 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<<set _questName2 = "Christmas 2022">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<div class="location-title">London HQ</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _harley.image>>
<<if $time lt 7>>
<<if _harley.outfit eq "Nude">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>Having no clothes is kinda based, no?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>Hey Sugar! What's up?!.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="base_harley_chat" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Chat]</button>
/* Meth Lab */
<<if !$player.afflictions.includes("Walter White")>>
<button data-passage="base_harley_drugintro" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"I need money"</button>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 0>>
<button data-passage="christmas2022start" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Quest: Christmas 2022]</button>
<<if $gabbyshouse.failed eq 0 and $substory[_index3].progress eq 50>>
<button data-passage="gabbyDebtSettle" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Ask about Gabby's debt]</button>
<button data-passage="base_harley_date" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Dates]</button>
<<if !_harley.afflictions.includes("Combat Ready")>>
<button data-passage="base_harley_rec" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Recruit For Combat]</button>
<button data-passage="base_harley_kiss" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Kiss]</button>
<button data-passage="base_harley_bj" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[BJ]</button>
<button data-passage="base_harley_footjob" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Footjob]</button>
<button data-passage="base_harley_fuck" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck]</button>
<button data-passage="base_harley_anal" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Anal]</button>
<button data-passage="base_harley_giveitems" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Give Items]</button>
<button data-passage="base_harley_outfit" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Change Outfit]</button>
<button data-passage="prisoncells" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>You are soooo boring. I'm going to sleep. Bye!</div><br>
<button data-passage="prisoncells" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Away]</button>
<</if>><<set _harley = $findCharacterByName('Harley')>>
<<set _questName = "Homework Helper">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<<set _chatOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/harley/harleychat.png">', condition: true },
{ name: "OG Riley", img: '<img src="images/characters/harley/ogrileychat.png">', condition: true },
{ name: "Prisoner Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/harley/prisonerchat.png">', condition: _harley.relationshipPoints >= 100 },
{ name: "Student Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/harley/studentriley.png">', condition: _questName.complete eq true},
{ name: "Insane Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/harley/straightjacketchat.png">', condition: _harley.relationshipPoints >= 200 },
{ name: "Doll Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/harley/dollchat.png">', condition: $player.afflictions.includes("Walter White") },
{ name: "Cat Girl Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/harley/catgirlchat.png">', condition: _harley.relationshipPoints >= 500 },
{ name: "Nude Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/harley/nudechat.png">', condition: _harley.fuckedtimes >= 35 },
<<set _outfitOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/harley/harley.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "OG Riley Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/harley/ogriley.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Prisoner Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/harley/prisoner.jpg">', condition: _harley.relationshipPoints >= 100 },
{ name: "Student Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/harley/studentrileychat.jpg">', condition: _questName.complete eq true},
{ name: "Insane Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/harley/straightjacket.jpg">', condition: _harley.relationshipPoints >= 200 },
{ name: "Doll Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/harley/doll.jpg">', condition: $player.afflictions.includes("Walter White") },
{ name: "Cat Girl Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/harley/catgirl.jpg">', condition: _harley.relationshipPoints >= 500 },
{ name: "Nude Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/harley/nude.jpg">', condition: _harley.fuckedtimes >= 35 },
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div>Harley<hr>You are no fashion expert! Why should I listen to you? Stinky! Okay that was mean! I'm sorry! What do you want me to wear?</div><br>
<!-- Sophia's Chat Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose Harley's Avatar<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _chatOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_harley.chat" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<!-- Sophia's Outfit Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose Harley's Main Outfit<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _outfitOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_harley.image" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<<if _harley.relationshipPoints gte 500>>
<!-- Sophia's Chat Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Is <<= _harley.name>> Nude? [Toggles Nude Behaviour On/Off]<hr>
Yes [Nude] <<radiobutton "_harley.outfit" "Nude">><br>
No [Not Nude] <<radiobutton "_harley.outfit" "Regular">>
<button data-passage="speaktoharley" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Save]</button><<set _harley = $findCharacterByName('Harley')>>
<div class="location-title">London HQ</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _harley.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Hey Harley, do you fancy teaming up with me to fuck some people up?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>Hell yeah! - wait, didn't we already do this once already?! In a previous update?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>A previous update? What the fuck are you talking about?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>Ugh... I dunno sugah, let's just fuckin go and kick some ass!</div><br>
<<addAffliction _harley "Combat Ready">>
<<increaseRelationship _harley 5>>
<<set $npcImage = _harley_chat>>
<<set _friend = {
name: "Harley",
gender: "Female",
partypic: '<img src="images/characters/harley/harleychat.png">',
health: 15,
stamina: 15,
maxhealth: 15,
maxstamina: 15,
level: 1,
xp: 0,
moves: [
{name: "Slap", staminaCost: 1},
{name: "Nothing", staminaCost: 0}
skill: 0,
damage: 10,
<<set $combat.bench.push(_friend)>>
<button data-passage="speaktoharley" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Talking]</button>
<<if !$achievements.apreviousupdate.unlocked>>
<</if>><div class="location-title">Meth Lab<br>Day: $day</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<img src="images/locations/london/Methlab.jpg" alt="" />
<div class="npctextboxm">Meth is only available once per week on Monday. Harley will keep things ticking over for you while you are gone. However, if you miss Monday [Day 1]. The meth will burn and will be discarded. You must collect meth on a Monday.</div><br>
<<if $day eq $meth.days>>
<div class="npctextboxm">There is <<= $meth.amount>> meth ready to collect.</div><br>
<button data-passage="meth_lab_collect_1" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Collect Meth]</button>
<div class="npctextboxm">There is no meth available to collect.</div><br>
<button data-passage="meth_lab_main" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><div class="npctextboxm">You spend the entire day creating meth.</div><br>
<<set _methItem = {
name: "Meth",
price: 700,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/meth.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Hard drugs.",
unique: "No"
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $meth.amount; _i++>>
<<set $player.inventory.push(_methItem)>>
<div class="npctextboxm"><b>You receive <<= $meth.amount>> meth.</b></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Before you know it, day has turned into night. It's time to sleep.</div><br>
<button data-passage="sleep" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$currentlocation to 'livingquarters'">[Sleep]</button><div class="location-title">Meth Lab<br>Day: $day</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<img src="images/locations/london/Methlab.jpg" alt="" />
<div class="npctextboxm">
Meth is ready to collect only on Monday [Day 1] <br>Amount per collection: <<= $meth.amount>>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="meth_lab_collect" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Collect Meth]</button>
<<if $player.money gte $meth.upgradecost>>
<button data-passage="meth_lab_upgrade" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Upgrade $<<= $meth.upgradecost>>]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Upgrade $<<= $meth.upgradecost>>]</button>
<button data-passage="prisoncells" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
</div><<if $meth.amount lte 10>>
<<set $player.money = $player.money - $meth.upgradecost>>
<<set $meth.upgradecost = $meth.upgradecost * 2>>
<<set $meth.amount = $meth.amount + 1>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You have upgraded your meth lab. There will now be <<= $meth.amount>> meth pickups at each collection.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You have already achieved the maximum amount of meth upgrades.</div><br>
<button data-passage="meth_lab_main" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _harley = $findCharacterByName('Harley')>>
<<set _locationTitle = "London HQ">>
/* Easter bunny hanging out */
<<set _characterConditions = [
{name: "Harley", condition: $time gte 7},
<<displayLocation '<img src="images/locations/london/london_bedroom.jpg" alt="" />' _characterConditions>>
<div class="npctextboxm">This is your place of rest in London that you share with Harley, it's an old fashioned room with a dirty bed in the middle. There are wooden support pillars that looks old and worn scattered around the room. It makes you question if its safe to even be in here.<<if $time gte 7>> <b>Harley is sleeping here.</b><</if>></div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $time gte 7>> <button data-passage="wakeharley" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Wake Harley]</button> <</if>>
<button data-passage="sleep" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$currentlocation to 'livingquarters'">[Sleep]</button>
<button data-passage="playerphone" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$currentlocation to 'livingquarters'">[Check Phone]</button>
<button data-passage="wardrober" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$currentlocation to 'livingquarters'">[Wardrobe]</button>
<button data-passage="prisoncells" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Room]</button>
</div><<set _harley = $findCharacterByName('Harley')>>
<<set _interactionLevel = 800>>
<div class="location-title">London HQ</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<img src="images/characters/harley/harleysleep.jpg">
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Hey Harley, wake up! Let's fuck!</div><br>
<<if _harley.relationshipPoints gte _interactionLevel>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>Hmmmhh... Whaaaa? Alright... just make it quick....</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/harley/scenes/bedfuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<set _harley.fuckedtimes = _harley.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _harley "Crabs">>
<<elseif _harley.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _harley $player "Crabs">>
<div class="npctextboxm">You fuck the shit out of Harley!</div><br>
<<checkBountyCompletion "Harley">>
<<increaseRelationship _harley 25>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _harley.chat>></div><<= _harley.name>><hr>You want me to kill you? Don't ever wake me up again!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need a relationship level of at least _interactionLevel to do this</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _harley -5>>
<button data-passage="speaktoharley" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><div class="location-title">Desmond Street</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/london/streets/desmond.jpg"></div>
<<if $streetbuttons eq 1>>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="abandonedbuilding" class="buttonhalfgreen" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Abandoned Building]</button>
<button data-passage="mollyHouseLondon" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Large House]</button>
<button data-passage="london_museum" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Museum]</button>
<button data-passage="london_alleyway" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Alleyways]</button>
<button data-passage="taximain" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Hail Taxi]</button>
<button data-passage="livingstonstreet" class="buttonhalfgreen" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Livingston Street]</button>
<<set _wondercummer = $findCharacterByName('Wonder Cummer')>>
<<set _pussywoman = $findCharacterByName('Pussy Woman')>>
<<set _superslut = $findCharacterByName('Superslut')>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "House Key [Gabby]">>
<<set _mollyHouseKeyOwned = 1>>
<button data-passage="abandonedbuilding" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Abandoned Building]
<<if $time lte 3>><span style="color: lightgreen;"> - Harley</span><</if>>
<button data-passage="mollyHouseLondon" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Large House]
<<if _mollyHouseKeyOwned eq 1>><span style="color: lightgreen;"> - Gabby</span><</if>>
<button data-passage="london_museum" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Museum]
<<if !_pussywoman.afflictions.includes("Captured")>><span style="color: lightgreen;"> - Museum Lady</span><</if>>
<button data-passage="london_alleyway" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Alleyways]
<<if !_superslut.afflictions.includes("Captured") and _superslut.afflictions.includes("Searching")>><span style="color: lightgreen;"> - Super Slut</span><</if>>
<button data-passage="taximain" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Hail Taxi]</button>
<button data-passage="livingstonstreet" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Livingston Street]</button>
<</if>><div class="location-title">Livingston Street</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/london/streets/gough.jpg"></div>
<<if $streetbuttons eq 1>>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="desmondstreet" class="buttonhalfgreen" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Desmond Street]</button>
<button data-passage="london_bar" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter London Bar]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_doctor" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$currentlocation to 'livingstonstreet'">[Enter Doctor's Office]</button>
<button data-passage="london_supermarket" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Supermarket]</button>
<button data-passage="london_store" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Clothing Store]</button>
<button data-passage="airport" class="buttonhalfgreen" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Airport]</button>
<<set _wondercummer = $findCharacterByName('Wonder Cummer')>>
<<set _pussywoman = $findCharacterByName('Pussy Woman')>>
<<set _superslut = $findCharacterByName('Superslut')>>
<button data-passage="desmondstreet" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Desmond Street]</button>
<button data-passage="london_bar" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter London Bar]
<<if !_superslut.afflictions.includes("Captured") and !_superslut.afflictions.includes("Searching")>><span style="color: lightgreen;"> - Super Slut</span><</if>>
<span style="color: lightgreen;"> - Spooky Girl</span>
<span style="color: lightgreen;"> - Tife</span>
<button data-passage="amore_doctor" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$currentlocation to 'livingstonstreet'">[Enter Doctor's Office]</button>
<button data-passage="london_supermarket" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Supermarket]</button>
<button data-passage="london_store" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Clothing Store]</button>
<button data-passage="airport" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Airport]</button>
<</if>><div class="location-title">Supermarket</div><br>
<<set _questName2 = "Christmas 2022">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<if $time lte 5>>
<<set _shop = 1>>
<div class="gallerywrapperG">
<span class="shopg"><button data-passage="london_supermarket" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Chat</button></span>
<span class="shopb"><button data-passage="london_supermarket_buy" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Buy</button></span>
<span class="shopb"><button data-passage="london_supermarket_sell" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Sell</button></span>
<span class="shopb"><button data-passage="london_supermarket_recruit" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Recruit</button></span>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bernie/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Bernie<hr>Sup' Pimp.</div><br>
<button data-passage="london_supermarket_chat" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Chat]</button>
<<set _shop = 0>>
<div class="npctextboxm">The supermarket is closed right now. Try again tomorrow.</div><br>
<<if _shop eq 1 and $substory[_index2].progress eq 33>>
<button data-passage="london_supermarket_xmasgifts" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"Christmas Gifts?"</button>
<button data-passage="livingstonstreet" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><div class="location-title">Supermarket</div><br>
<<set _questName2 = "Christmas 2022">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<if $time lte 5>>
<<set _shop = 1>>
<div class="gallerywrapperG">
<span class="shopb"><button data-passage="london_supermarket" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Chat</button></span>
<span class="shopg"><button data-passage="london_supermarket_buy" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Buy</button></span>
<span class="shopb"><button data-passage="london_supermarket_sell" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Sell</button></span>
<span class="shopb"><button data-passage="london_supermarket_recruit" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Recruit</button></span>
<<set $exitLocation = "london_supermarket_buy">>
<<set $shopItemsList = ["Energy Drink", "Medpack","Flowers","Diamond"]>>
<!-- Inline Shop Display -->
<div class="shopScreen">
<<for _i to 0; _i < $shopItemsList.length; _i++>> <<capture _i>>
<<set _item = $allItems.find(x => x.name == $shopItemsList[_i])>>
<div class="forSale">
<div class="emptychat"><<print _item.image>></div>
Item: <<print _item.name>><br>
Price: $<<print _item.price>><hr>
<div class="descItem"><<print _item.desc>></div>
<<if $player.money >= _item.price>>
<button data-passage="buyItemShop" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$itemChosen to _i">[Buy]</button>
<button class="red-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Buy]</button>
<<set _shop = 0>>
<div class="npctextboxm">The supermarket is closed right now. Try again tomorrow.</div><br>
<button data-passage="livingstonstreet" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><div class="location-title">Supermarket</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I need some motivation man, you got any advice?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bernie/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Bernie<hr>Hmmm... lemme think...</div><br>
<<set _randomQuote to random(1,12)>>
<<if _randomQuote eq 1>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bernie/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Bernie<hr>Cum dodging is unacceptable behavior. I understand it's okay if you don't want to get your face blasted with jizz—completely understandable. However, don't give someone the impression that you're willing to take it and then back out at the point of climax.</div><br>
<<elseif _randomQuote eq 2>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bernie/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Bernie<hr>A man shouldn't quit his job just because he wants to get his dick hard. People cheat on their wives; it happens. It's a normal thing</div><br>
<<elseif _randomQuote eq 3>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bernie/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Bernie<hr>Jerk off before you go on a date.</div><br>
<<elseif _randomQuote eq 4>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bernie/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Bernie<hr>Never drive 12 hours for anything except a piece of pussy—and even then, money better exchange hands.</div><br>
<<elseif _randomQuote eq 5>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bernie/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Bernie<hr>Bears are human</div><br>
<<elseif _randomQuote eq 6>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bernie/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Bernie<hr>If you can find a girl who always wants to end with a facial, you might want to keep her and marry her up.</div><br>
<<elseif _randomQuote eq 7>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bernie/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Bernie<hr>I'm down cow, it'd be for a cow</div><br>
<<elseif _randomQuote eq 8>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bernie/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Bernie<hr>I've never had a vehicle without subwoofers, I won't even ride a vehicle without subwoofers.</div><br>
<<elseif _randomQuote eq 9>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bernie/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Bernie<hr>You ever walk into a urinal, see another man's cock, and just think about the protons you just saw that bounced off another man's cock?</div><br>
<<elseif _randomQuote eq 10>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bernie/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Bernie<hr>You can't put pussy on a pedastool. Pussy is pussy dude.</div><br>
<<elseif _randomQuote eq 11>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bernie/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Bernie<hr>If a man is cheating on his wife, I actually think i'd trust him more.</div><br>
<<elseif _randomQuote eq 12>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bernie/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Bernie<hr>Racists do not bother me.</div><br>
<button data-passage="london_supermarket" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Talking]</button><div class="location-title">Supermarket</div><br>
<<set _questName2 = "Christmas 2022">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<if $time lte 5>>
<<set _shop = 1>>
<div class="gallerywrapperG">
<span class="shopb"><button data-passage="london_supermarket" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Chat</button></span>
<span class="shopb"><button data-passage="london_supermarket_buy" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Buy</button></span>
<span class="shopb"><button data-passage="london_supermarket_sell" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Sell</button></span>
<span class="shopg"><button data-passage="london_supermarket_recruit" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Recruit</button></span>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bernie/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Bernie<hr>Gawd, someone please get these trolls out of mah store.</div><br>
<<set $exitLocation = "london_supermarket_recruit">>
<<if $player.combatenabled eq "true">>
<div class="wikitextbox">
<div class="emptychat"><img src="images/inventory/npc.png" alt="" /></div>
Recruit Lvl 1 NPC<br>
Price: $8000<br>
<div class="descItem">Desc: A random NPC that will join your combat bench. Add them to your party via the 'manage party' menu.</div>
<span class="shopgg">
<<if $player.money gte 8000>>
<button data-passage="recruitnpc" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Buy - $8000</button>
<button data-passage="" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Buy - $8000</button>
<div class="title">Combat must be enabled to buy NPCS</div>
<<set _shop = 0>>
<div class="npctextboxm">The supermarket is closed right now. Try again tomorrow.</div><br>
<button data-passage="livingstonstreet" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><div class="location-title">Supermarket</div><br>
<<set _questName2 = "Christmas 2022">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<if $time lte 5>>
<<set _shop = 1>>
<div class="gallerywrapperG">
<span class="shopb"><button data-passage="london_supermarket" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Chat</button></span>
<span class="shopb"><button data-passage="london_supermarket_buy" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Buy</button></span>
<span class="shopg"><button data-passage="london_supermarket_sell" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Sell</button></span>
<span class="shopb"><button data-passage="london_supermarket_recruit" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Recruit</button></span>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bernie/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Bernie<hr>I really dont want to buy your shit, man.</div><br>
<<set $exitLocation = "london_supermarket_sell">>
<!-- Display items available for selling -->
<div class="shopScreen">
<<for _i to 0; _i < $player.inventory.length; _i++>> <<capture _i>>
<<set _item = $player.inventory[_i]>>
<div class="forSale">
<div class="emptychat"><<print _item.image>></div>
Item: <<print _item.name>><br>
Sell Price: $<<print _item.price>><hr>
<div class="descItem"><<print _item.desc>></div>
<button data-passage="sellItemShop" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$itemChosen to _i">[Sell]</button>
<<set _shop = 0>>
<div class="npctextboxm">The supermarket is closed right now. Try again tomorrow.</div><br>
<button data-passage="livingstonstreet" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><<set _questName2 = "Christmas 2022">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bernie/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Bernie<hr>*Sigh* What is it?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Sorry man, I need some last minute christmas gifts. You have any?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bernie/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Bernie<hr>Perhaps - but it'll cost you. $5000.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>$5000!? For christmas gifts? What are they?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bernie/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Bernie<hr>I dunno. They were already wrapped when they arrived here.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>all *that* for a surprise christmas gift!? This ain't right!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bernie/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Bernie<hr>Either give me the money or get the fuck out kid. I don't have time to deal with trolls.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $player.money gte 5000>>
<button data-passage="london_supermarket_xmasgifts1" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Buy - $5k]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Buy - $5k]</button>
<button data-passage="london_supermarket" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
</div><<set _questName2 = "Christmas 2022">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You hand Bernie the $5,000.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bernie/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Bernie<hr>OOOOO - $player.name thank you for the $5000!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Yeah whatever man, go fuck yourself.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/bernie/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Bernie<hr>Uhm, chat... is this guy trolling?</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Christmas 2022" 66>>
<<set _methItem = {
name: "Christmas Gifts",
price: 2125,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/christmas_gift.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Christmas themed gifts. The contents are unknown.",
unique: "Yes"
<<set $player.inventory.push(_methItem)>>
<button data-passage="london_supermarket" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><div class="npcgrouping">
<h3>Your Active Party [$combat.party.length/3]</h3><hr>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $combat.party.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i>> /* Capturing _i and assigning to the chosen variable */
<div class="tribegallery3">
<div class="npcchat"><<print $combat.party[_i].partypic>></div>
<strong><<print $combat.party[_i].name>><<if $combat.party[_i].skill gte 1>> [<<= $combat.party[_i].skill>>]<</if>></strong><br>
<div class="uistatbox">
Level: <<print $combat.party[_i].level>><br>
Health: <<print $combat.party[_i].health>> / <<print $combat.party[_i].maxhealth>><<if $combat.party[_i].skill gte 1>><a data-setter="$npcchosen to _i" data-passage="upgradehealth"> <span style="color:#6FF52B">[+]</span></a><</if>><br>
Stamina: <<print $combat.party[_i].stamina>> / <<print $combat.party[_i].maxstamina>><<if $combat.party[_i].skill gte 1>><a data-setter="$npcchosen to _i" data-passage="upgradestamina"> <span style="color:#6FF52B">[+]</span></a><</if>><br>
Damage: <<print $combat.party[_i].damage>><<if $combat.party[_i].skill gte 1>><a data-setter="$npcchosen to _i" data-passage="upgradedamage"> <span style="color:#6FF52B">[+]</span></a><</if>><br>
Moves: <<for _move range $combat.party[_i].moves>> <<print _move.name>> <</for>>
<<if _i eq 0>><button data-passage="" class="red-button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$chosen to _i">Cannot Remove</button><<else>><button data-passage="removeNPC" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$chosen to _i">Remove</button><</if>>
<div class="npcgrouping">
<h3>Your Benched NPCs [$combat.bench.length]</h3><hr>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $combat.bench.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i>> /* Capturing _i and assigning to the chosen variable */
<div class="tribegallery3">
<div class="npcchat"><<print $combat.bench[_i].partypic>></div>
<strong><<print $combat.bench[_i].name>><<if $combat.bench[_i].skill gte 1>> [<<= $combat.bench[_i].skill>>]<</if>></strong><br>
<div class="uistatbox">
Level: <<print $combat.bench[_i].level>><br>
Health: <<print $combat.bench[_i].health>> / <<print $combat.bench[_i].maxhealth>><<if $combat.bench[_i].skill gte 1>><a data-setter="$npcchosen to _i" data-passage="upgradehealth_bench"> <span style="color:#6FF52B">[+]</span></a><</if>><br>
Stamina: <<print $combat.bench[_i].stamina>> / <<print $combat.bench[_i].maxstamina>><<if $combat.bench[_i].skill gte 1>><a data-setter="$npcchosen to _i" data-passage="upgradestamina_bench"> <span style="color:#6FF52B">[+]</span></a><</if>><br>
Damage: <<print $combat.bench[_i].damage>><<if $combat.bench[_i].skill gte 1>><a data-setter="$npcchosen to _i" data-passage="upgradedamage_bench"> <span style="color:#6FF52B">[+]</span></a><</if>><br>
Moves: <<for _move range $combat.bench[_i].moves>> <<print _move.name>> <</for>>
<<if $combat.party.length gte 3>><button data-passage="" class="red-button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$chosen to _i">Cannot Add</button><<else>><button data-passage="addNPC" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$chosen to _i">Add</button><</if>>
<button data-passage="playerphone" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><<set $combat.party[$npcchosen].maxhealth = $combat.party[$npcchosen].maxhealth + 3>>
<<set $combat.party[$npcchosen].skill = $combat.party[$npcchosen].skill - 1>>
<<goto "manageparty">><<set $combat.party[$npcchosen].maxhealth = $combat.party[$npcchosen].maxhealth + 3>>
<<set $combat.party[$npcchosen].skill = $combat.party[$npcchosen].skill - 1>>
<<goto "manageparty">><<set $combat.party[$npcchosen].maxstamina = $combat.party[$npcchosen].maxstamina + 1>>
<<set $combat.party[$npcchosen].skill = $combat.party[$npcchosen].skill - 1>>
<<goto "manageparty">><<set $combat.party[$npcchosen].maxstamina = $combat.party[$npcchosen].maxstamina + 1>>
<<set $combat.party[$npcchosen].skill = $combat.party[$npcchosen].skill - 1>>
<<goto "manageparty">><<print $npcchosen>>
<<set $combat.party[$npcchosen].damage = $combat.party[$npcchosen].damage + 1>>
<<set $combat.party[$npcchosen].skill = $combat.party[$npcchosen].skill - 1>>
<<goto "manageparty">><<print $npcchosen>>
<<set $combat.party[$npcchosen].damage = $combat.party[$npcchosen].damage + 1>>
<<set $combat.party[$npcchosen].skill = $combat.party[$npcchosen].skill - 1>>
<<goto "manageparty">><<set _chosenNPC = $combat.bench[$chosen]>>
<<if $combat.party.length lt 3>>
<<run $combat.party.push(_chosenNPC)>>
<<run $combat.bench.deleteAt($chosen)>>
<div class="relationincrease">
<<print _chosenNPC.name>> has been added to your active party.
<div class="relationincrease">
Your party is full! Remove an NPC before adding another.
<<goto "manageparty">><div class="npctextboxm">
Alright buddy, nice try. You're trying to spend <<print $skillpointsused>> skill points but you dont have enough. Change the level up values at the top of the manage party screen.
<button data-passage="manageparty" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Okay :(</button><<if $chosen gt 0>> <!-- Prevent removal of the main player -->
<<set _chosenNPC = $combat.party[$chosen]>>
<<run $combat.bench.push(_chosenNPC)>>
<<run $combat.party.deleteAt($chosen)>>
<div class="relationincrease">
<<print _chosenNPC.name>> has been moved to the bench.
<div class="relationincrease">
The main player cannot be removed from the active party.
<<goto "manageparty">><<set _yui = $findCharacterByName('Yui')>>
<<set _questName2 = "Sexy Hot Yakuza Babes">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _locationTitle = "Alleyway">>
/* Easter bunny hanging out */
<<set _characterConditions = [
{name: "Yui", condition: !_yui.afflictions.includes("Befriended")},
<<displayLocation '<img src="images/locations/tokyo/alleyway.jpg" alt="" />' _characterConditions>>
<div class="button-container">
/* Hiring the Maid */
<<if !_yui.afflictions.includes("Befriended")>>
<button data-passage="yui_alleyway_help" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Speak to <<= _yui.name>>]</button>
/* Fighting the hobo */
<<if $player.combatenabled eq "true">>
<<set $exitLocation = "alleywayTokyo">>
<button data-passage="enemyload" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$enemyChosen to 'Female Yakuza'">[Fight Yakuza]</button>
<button data-passage="shibuyaStreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Exit Alleyway]</button>
</div><<set _yui = $findCharacterByName('Yui')>>
<<set _questName2 = "Sexy Hot Yakuza Babes">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 0>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _yui.image>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You walk towards a young woman who is standing in the alleyway. She is very attractive! Could she be the one?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _yui.chat>></div><<= _yui.name>><hr>Hey - you!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>What's up, girl?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _yui.chat>></div><<= _yui.name>><hr>I'm Yui. I need some help.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Tell me what you need? (Why am I just blindly agreeing to help random people?!)</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Yiu smiles</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _yui.chat>></div><<= _yui.name>><hr>There's too many Yakuza here. It's getting unsafe. I can't even walk home anymore without getting mugged! Can you help me?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Yakuza? Here?!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _yui.chat>></div><<= _yui.name>><hr>They're strong. But you look stronger. Clear the way for me and I will let you walk me home?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Yiu bites her lip. She wants you. You shouldn't totally do this.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I'll do it</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _yui.chat>></div><<= _yui.name>><hr>You are my hero! Defeating 7 yakuza should be enough for me to walk home safely.</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Sexy Hot Yakuza Babes" 50>>
<button data-passage="yui_alleyway_help" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"I understand"</button>
<<set _enemyName = "Female Yakuza">>
<<set _yakuzaDefeated = false>>
<<for _i to 0; _i < $combat.enemies.length; _i++>>
<<if $combat.enemies[_i].name === _enemyName and $combat.enemies[_i].defeated > 7>>
<<set _yakuzaDefeated = true>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _yui.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _yui.chat>></div><<= _yui.name>><hr>Hey</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _yui.chat>></div><<= _yui.name>><hr>Defeating 7 yakuza should be enough for me to walk home safely. You have defeated <<= $combat.enemies.find(e => e.name === "Female Yakuza").defeated >> so far!</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<<if _yakuzaDefeated>>
<button data-passage="yui_alleyway_questdone" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Complete Quest]</button>
<button data-passage="yui_alleyway_helpme" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"I Need Help"</button>
<button data-passage="alleywayTokyo" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button>
<</if>><<set _yui = $findCharacterByName('Yui')>>
<<set _questName2 = "Sexy Hot Yakuza Babes">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _itemName = "Golden Bat">>
<<set _foundItem = $player.inventory.find(item => item.name === _itemName)>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _yui.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Listen, Yui... I'm a really big fat stupid pussy who cant deal with combat. I need a combat alternative. I dont like fighting people! I just... urgh... I just cant!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _yui.chat>></div><<= _yui.name>><hr>You are a very dishonorable man! Shame on you! Okay - bring Yui the golden baseball bat from the Pachinko shop. Yui do this on her own.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<<if _foundItem>>
<button data-passage="yui_alleyway_questdone" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Give Bat]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Need Golden Bat]</button>
<button data-passage="alleywayTokyo" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button>
</div><<set _yui = $findCharacterByName('Yui')>>
<<set _questName2 = "Sexy Hot Yakuza Babes">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _yui.image>>
<<updateQuest "Sexy Hot Yakuza Babes" 100>>
<div class="npctextboxm">It looks like most of the Yakuza are dealt with now.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _yui.chat>></div><<= _yui.name>><hr>Woohoo! We did it! Thank you! Please come visit me sometime!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Oh for sure!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The quest is complete, but it looks like more is to be discovered in Yui's apartment...</div><br>
<<addAffliction _yui "Address Known">>
<<addAffliction _yui "Befriended">>
<button data-passage="alleywayTokyo" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Quest]</button><<set $amyChance = 50>>
<<set $amyUpgradesAmada = 1>>
<<goto "basementEnterAmada">><<set $realEstateUpgrade = 1>>
<<goto "basementEnterAmada">><<set $taxiCost = 0>>
<<set $taxiFreeBaby = 1>>
<<goto "basementEnterAmada">><<set $teleporterUnlocked = 1>>
<<set $hideOutTeleporter = 1>>
<<goto "basementEnterAmada">><<set _questName2 = "Amada's Secret">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _maxiApproval = 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Basement Approval [Maximus]">>
<<set _maxiApproval = 1>>
<<set _mollyApproval = 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Basement Approval [Molly]">>
<<set _mollyApproval = 1>>
<div class="title">Amada Corporation | Basement</div><br>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 0>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><img src="images/locations/tokyo/amada/basement.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">In the basement of Amada, a lone man sits beside a high-tech security door. His smile invites you closer, and you sense he's someone worth talking to.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/agentg/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Agent G<hr>You are $player.name, right?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Uh, yeah. That's me.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/agentg/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Agent G<hr>I'm Agent G. I can't let you down here. This is for high ranking Amada employees only.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>What do you do in there?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/agentg/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Agent G<hr>I'm afraid im not allowed to disclose that to you.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Is it cool?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/agentg/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Agent G<hr>...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/agentg/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Agent G<hr>Yes, it's very cool. You would be really jealous if I told you what happens in there.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Okay, how do I get in? There has to be a way?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/agentg/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Agent G<hr>If you had written approval from Molly and Maximus then I would let you in. </div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>So I need approval from both Molly and Maximus?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/agentg/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Agent G<hr>That's right.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>All right, I'll be back with some approval.</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Amada's Secret" 50>>
<<if _maxiApproval eq 1 and _mollyApproval eq 1>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/agentg/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Agent G<hr>Do you have approval do be here, $player.name?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Yep, here you go!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/agentg/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Agent G<hr>Then you may enter.</div><br>
<button data-passage="basementEnterAmada" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Basement]</button>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/agentg/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Agent G<hr>Do you have approval do be here, $player.name?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Uh, no not yet.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/agentg/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Agent G<hr>Be on your way then.</div><br>
<button data-passage="leaveOffice" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Basement]</button><div class="title">Amada Corporation | Inner Circle</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/tokyo/amada/amadabasement.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<<set _questName2 = "Amada's Secret">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 50>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/agentg/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Agent G<hr>I should give you a tour before you go around touching stuff.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Right.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/agentg/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Agent G<hr>Here in the basement, is the our secret group. We are the inner circle of Amada. Here, you should have one of our badges.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>A free badge? Awesome!</div><br>
<<set _itemTo = {
name: "Amada Inner Circle Badge",
price: 0,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/badge.png" alt="" />',
desc: "A badge proving you are amongst Amada Corp's inner circle.",
unique: "Yes"
<<set $player.inventory.push(_itemTo)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Amada Inner Circle Badge added to inventory!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/agentg/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Agent G<hr>Rising through the ranks of Amada was one thing, now rising through the ranks of the inner circle will give you access to some of our most diabolical tools and services. Although... some are still being made. So you should check back often.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Okay, got it.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/agentg/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Agent G<hr>Come and see me if you have any questions. Glad to be working with you, $playername.</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Amada's Secret" 100>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Likewise, Agent G.</div><br>
<button data-passage="basementEnterAmada" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Got It!"</button>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/agentg/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Agent G<hr>We've got a few new things since you were last here. Introducing our new combat simulation, fight some baddies without the risk of dying! [Combat must be enabled to see the combat simulation]</div><br>
<<if $player.combatenabled eq "true">>
<<set $exitLocation = "basementEnterAmada">>
<button data-passage="enemyload" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$enemyChosen to 'Sophie the Hobo'">[Combat Simulation - Fight Hobo]</button>
<button data-passage="enemyload" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$enemyChosen to 'Diamond'">[Combat Simulation - Fight Diamond]</button>
<button data-passage="enemyload" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$enemyChosen to 'Marco'">[Combat Simulation - Fight Marco]</button>
<button data-passage="enemyload" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$enemyChosen to 'Stepdad ULTRA'">[Combat Simulation - Fight Step Dad Ultra]</button>
<button data-passage="enemyload" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$enemyChosen to 'Nun'">[Combat Simulation - Fight Nun]</button>
<button data-passage="enemyload" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$enemyChosen to 'Adebesi'">[Combat Simulation - Fight Adebesi]</button>
<button data-passage="enemyload" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$enemyChosen to 'Marco'">[Combat Simulation - Fight Super Slut]</button>
<button data-passage="enemyload" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$enemyChosen to 'Victoria the Hobo'">[Combat Simulation - Fight Victoria]</button>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/agentg/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Agent G<hr>There is more coming, we just dont know when. Come back later!</div><br>
<button data-passage="leaveOffice" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Basement]</button>
<</if>><<set _lizardNeeded = 5>>
<<set _erpNeeded = 3>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt _lizardNeeded; _i++>>
<<set _index = $player.inventory.findIndex(item => item.name === "Lizard Jizz")>>
<<if _index gt -1>>
<<set $player.inventory.deleteAt(_index)>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt _erpNeeded; _i++>>
<<set _index = $player.inventory.findIndex(item => item.name === "ERP69")>>
<<if _index gt -1>>
<<set $player.inventory.deleteAt(_index)>>
<<set _methItem = {
name: "Cobra Serum",
price: 5500,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/hypnosis.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Cobra Serum. Makes dudes into chicks.",
unique: "No"
<<set $player.inventory.push(_methItem)>>
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="title">Amada Corporation - Crafting Complete</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/tokyo/amada/lab.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">
You have successfully crafted a Cobra Serum! It has been added to your inventory.
<button data-passage="serumCraft" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Back</button>
</div><<set _lizardNeeded = 5>>
<<set _titNeeded = 7>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt _lizardNeeded; _i++>>
<<set _index = $player.inventory.findIndex(item => item.name === "Lizard Jizz")>>
<<if _index gt -1>>
<<set $player.inventory.deleteAt(_index)>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt _titNeeded; _i++>>
<<set _index = $player.inventory.findIndex(item => item.name === "TIT")>>
<<if _index gt -1>>
<<set $player.inventory.deleteAt(_index)>>
<<set _methItem = {
name: "Hypnosis Serum",
price: 5500,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/hypnosis.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Hypnosis Serum. Makes the targeted person obey any command",
unique: "No"
<<set $player.inventory.push(_methItem)>>
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="title">Amada Corporation - Crafting Complete</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/tokyo/amada/lab.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">
You have successfully crafted a Hypnosis Serum! It has been added to your inventory.
<button data-passage="serumCraft" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Back</button>
</div><div class="wrapper">
<div class="title">Amada Corporation - Serum Crafting</div><br>
<!-- Inventory Counts -->
<<set _erpCount = 0>>
<<set _titCount = 0>>
<<set _lizardCount = 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<set _itemName to $player.inventory[_i].name>>
<<if _itemName is "ERP69">>
<<set _erpCount += 1>>
<<elseif _itemName is "TIT3">>
<<set _titCount += 1>>
<<elseif _itemName is "Lizard Jizz">>
<<set _lizardCount += 1>>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/tokyo/amada/lab.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You can craft any serums that you have the recipe to below:</div><br>
<table class="npc-table">
<th>Lizard Jizz Needed</th>
<th>TIT3 Needed</th>
<th>ERP69 Needed</th>
<!-- Cobra Serum -->
<td>Cobra Serum</td>
<<if _lizardCount gte 5>>
<p style="color:MediumSeaGreen"><<print _lizardCount>>/5</p>
<p style="color:Orange"><<print _lizardCount>>/5</p>
<<if _titCount gte 0>>
<p style="color:MediumSeaGreen"><<print _titCount>>/0</p>
<p style="color:Orange"><<print _titCount>>/0</p>
<<if _erpCount gte 3>>
<p style="color:MediumSeaGreen"><<print _erpCount>>/3</p>
<p style="color:Orange"><<print _erpCount>>/3</p>
<<if _lizardCount gte 5 and _erpCount gte 3 and _titCount gte 0>>
<button data-passage="craftCobra" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Craft Cobra Serum</button>
<button class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" disabled>Craft Cobra Serum</button>
<!-- Hypnosis Serum -->
<td>Hypnosis Serum</td>
<<if _lizardCount gte 5>>
<p style="color:MediumSeaGreen"><<print _lizardCount>>/5</p>
<p style="color:Orange"><<print _lizardCount>>/5</p>
<<if _titCount gte 7>>
<p style="color:MediumSeaGreen"><<print _titCount>>/7</p>
<p style="color:Orange"><<print _titCount>>/7</p>
<<if _erpCount gte 0>>
<p style="color:MediumSeaGreen"><<print _erpCount>>/0</p>
<p style="color:Orange"><<print _erpCount>>/0</p>
<<if _lizardCount gte 5 and _erpCount gte 0 and _titCount gte 7>>
<button data-passage="craftHypno" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Craft Hypnosis Serum</button>
<button class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" disabled>Craft Hypnosis Serum</button>
<button data-passage="amadaOfficeMain" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Back</button>
</div><div class="npctextboxm">
<th>Lizard Jizz</th>
<td>Cobra Serum</td>
<td><<if _lizardCount gte 5>><p style="color:MediumSeaGreen"><<print _lizardCount>>/5</p><<else>><p style="color:Orange"><<print _lizardCount>>/5</p><</if>></td>
<td><<if _titCount gte 0>><p style="color:MediumSeaGreen"><<print _titCount>>/0</p><<else>><p style="color:Orange"><<print _titCount>>/0</p><</if>></td>
<td><<if _erpCount gte 3>><p style="color:MediumSeaGreen"><<print _erpCount>>/3</p><<else>><p style="color:Orange"><<print _erpCount>>/3</p><</if>></td>
<td>Hypnosis Serum</td>
<td><<if _lizardCount gte 5>><p style="color:MediumSeaGreen"><<print _lizardCount>>/5</p><<else>><p style="color:Orange"><<print _lizardCount>>/5</p><</if>></td>
<td><<if _titCount gte 7>><p style="color:MediumSeaGreen"><<print _titCount>>/7</p><<else>><p style="color:Orange"><<print _titCount>>/7</p><</if>></td>
<td><<if _erpCount gte 0>><p style="color:MediumSeaGreen"><<print _erpCount>>/0</p><<else>><p style="color:Orange"><<print _erpCount>>/0</p><</if>></td>
</div><br><<set $amadamaking.material = "None">>
<<set $amadamaking.days = 0>>
<<set $amadamaking.materialready = false>>
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="title">Amada Corporation - Material Making</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/tokyo/amada/lab.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">
You have cancelled the material making process.
<button data-passage="materialsMenu" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Back]</button>
</div><<set _material = $amadamaking.material>>
<<set $amadamaking.material = "None">>
<<set $amadamaking.days = 0>>
<<set $amadamaking.materialready = false>>
<<set _vina = $findCharacterByName('Vina')>>
<<set _methItem = {
name: _material,
price: 2500,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/vial.png" alt="" />',
desc: "A material created within Amada corp. For creating serums",
unique: "No"
<<if _vina.afflictions.includes("Dosed - Hard Worker")>>
<<set $player.inventory.push(_methItem)>>
<<set $player.inventory.push(_methItem)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Vina created two extra materials for you.</div><br>
<<set $player.inventory.push(_methItem)>>
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="title">Amada Corporation - Material Making</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/tokyo/amada/lab.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">
You have collected the <<print _material>>.
<<set $player.amadareputation = $player.amadareputation + 5>>
<button data-passage="materialsMenu" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Back]</button>
</div><<set _vina = $findCharacterByName('Vina')>>
<<if _vina.afflictions.includes("Dosed - Fast Worker")>>
<<set $amadamaking.days = 4>>
<<set $amadamaking.days = 10>>
<<set $amadamaking.materialready = false>>
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="title">Amada Corporation - Material Making</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/tokyo/amada/lab.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">
You have started making <<print $amadamaking.material>>.<br>
It will be ready in $amadamaking.days days.
<button data-passage="materialsMenu" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Back]</button>
</div><div class="wrapper">
<div class="title">Amada Corporation - Material Making</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/tokyo/amada/lab.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">
You can make materials here. Materials are used for making serums:</div>
<<set _erpCount = 0>>
<<set _titCount = 0>>
<<set _lizardCount = 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<set _itemName to $player.inventory[_i].name>>
<<if _itemName is "ERP69">>
<<set _erpCount += 1>>
<<elseif _itemName is "TIT3">>
<<set _titCount += 1>>
<<elseif _itemName is "Lizard Jizz">>
<<set _lizardCount += 1>>
<table class="npc-table">
<td><<print _erpCount>></td>
<<if $amadamaking.material eq "ERP69" and $amadamaking.materialready>>
<button data-passage="collectMaterial" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Collect Material]</button>
<<elseif $amadamaking.material eq "ERP69" and $amadamaking.days > 0>>
In Progress (<<print $amadamaking.days>> days remaining)
<button data-passage="cancelMaterial" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Cancel]</button>
<<if $amadamaking.material eq "None" or $amadamaking.materialready>>
<button data-passage="startMaterial" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$amadamaking.material to 'ERP69'">[Start Making Material]</button>
<button class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" disabled>[Start Making Material]</button>
<td><<print _titCount>></td>
<<if $amadamaking.material eq "TIT3" and $amadamaking.materialready>>
<button data-passage="collectMaterial" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Collect Material]</button>
<<elseif $amadamaking.material eq "TIT3" and $amadamaking.days > 0>>
In Progress (<<print $amadamaking.days>> days remaining)
<button data-passage="cancelMaterial" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Cancel]</button>
<<if $amadamaking.material eq "None" or $amadamaking.materialready>>
<button data-passage="startMaterial" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$amadamaking.material to 'TIT3'">[Start Making Material]</button>
<button class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" disabled>[Start Making Material]</button>
<td>Lizard Jizz</td>
<td><<print _lizardCount>></td>
<<if $amadamaking.material eq "Lizard Jizz" and $amadamaking.materialready>>
<button data-passage="collectMaterial" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Collect Material]</button>
<<elseif $amadamaking.material eq "Lizard Jizz" and $amadamaking.days > 0>>
In Progress (<<print $amadamaking.days>> days remaining)
<button data-passage="cancelMaterial" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Cancel]</button>
<<if $amadamaking.material eq "None" or $amadamaking.materialready>>
<button data-passage="startMaterial" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$amadamaking.material to 'Lizard Jizz'">[Start Making Material]</button>
<button class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" disabled>[Start Making Material]</button>
<button data-passage="startMaterial_reset" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Reset Everything]</button>
<button data-passage="amadaOfficeMain" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Back]</button>
</div><div class="wrapper">
<div class="title">Amada Corporation - Choose Material</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/tokyo/amada/lab.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">
Choose the material you want to start making.<hr>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="confirmMaterial" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$amadamaking.material to 'ERP69'">[Make ERP69]</button><br>
<button data-passage="confirmMaterial" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$amadamaking.material to 'TIT3'">[Make TIT]</button><br>
<button data-passage="confirmMaterial" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$amadamaking.material to 'Lizard Jizz'">[Make Lizard Jizz]</button><br>
<button data-passage="materialsMenu" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Back]</button>
</div><<set $amadamaking.material = "None">>
<<set $amadamaking.days = 0>>
<<set $amadamaking.materialready = false>>
<<goto "materialsMenu">><div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Amada Corporation</div><br>
<<set _maximus = $findCharacterByName('Maximus')>>
<<set _molly = $findCharacterByName('Molly')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I have a bomb under my shirt. One wrong move and I'll blow us all into little pieces!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Molly raises her eyebrow at you.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Listen. A word to the wise - don't fucking joke with me. I am not some bimbo whore. I'm a very serious business woman working in the interests of some *very* powerful people. If it becomes aparent to me that you aren't worth having around I will make the order to eliminate you.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You sit in silence</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>I do apologise for this Ms. Molly. I did warn him beforehand</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _molly -15>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>...That didn't work...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>So - Where were we?</div><br>
<button data-passage="amadaFail" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Sit Down</button>
<<if !$achievements.terrorist.unlocked>>
<</if>><div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Amada Corporation</div><br>
<<set _maximus = $findCharacterByName('Maximus')>>
<<set _molly = $findCharacterByName('Molly')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>You wanna see the biggest cock in the worl-</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>Don't... just... don't</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Maximus stops you just as you are about to unearth you semen demon. Molly's eyes are as wide as an owl. Did you really just try to do that?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>I suppose you have your *ways* to seduce women in the world. They may work with regular bimbos and whores but not with me Mr $player.name.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You reflect on the shameful deed you just tried to do. Really? Whipping your cock out in an interview? What were you thinking?</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _molly -15>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>(That didn't work)</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>So - Where were we?</div><br>
<button data-passage="amadaFail" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Sit Down</button>
<<if !$achievements.flasher.unlocked>>
<</if>><div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Amada Corporation</div><br>
<<set _maximus = $findCharacterByName('Maximus')>>
<<set _molly = $findCharacterByName('Molly')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You finally arrive to a sublevel of the Amada building with Maximus. You are surprised to see a huge open labratory! Scientists scatter around the lab, conducting strange experiments and talking with each other. You wonder why this place is kept hidden underground...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>Just through here, $player.name</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Maximus jestures you to enter an office room first and follows you inside.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>And just a word of advice. Don't piss her off or do anything stupid. Your life may depend on it.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You enter the office room and meet Maximus' boss, Molly.</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _molly.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Finally, you are here. I was almost close to having you killed.Take a seat, we have much to discuss.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="amadabomb" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"I have a bomb"</button>
<button data-passage="amadaFlash" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Flash your cock]</button>
<button data-passage="amadaFail" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Sit Down]</button>
</div><div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Amada Corporation</div><br>
<<set _maximus = $findCharacterByName('Maximus')>>
<<set _molly = $findCharacterByName('Molly')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>What we run here is a very descrete pharmaceutical operation. We are funded by some of the sleeziest, low-life billionaires imaginable. They all want to know how to get *any* girl or guy they want without the effort. Basically... what you've been doing since your father died.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>You know about my father? </div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>We know everything about you. Infact. You've even been working with one of our undercover operatives.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Huh? Who</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>But anyway... I'm getting off topic. We specialise in lust. We want you to work for us, and allow us to test you. You obviously have a high talent for seducing. We can learn so much together. </div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I don't really have a choice, do I?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Not really. Although I don't see why you would want to refuse. There is a real benefit to working with us.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Alright, whatever... I'll do it. But... what do I actually do?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Great to hear Mr $player.name. Maximus will show you into your lab and explain everything to you. I'm really busy so if you would excuse me I need to attend a meeting. </div><br>
<button data-passage="amadaIntro3" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Introduction to Amada]</button><div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Amada Corporation</div><br>
<<set _maximus = $findCharacterByName('Maximus')>>
<<set _molly = $findCharacterByName('Molly')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>Alright...</div><br>
<<if _molly.relationshipPoints lt 0>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>That didn't go very well. What the fuck were you thinking?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>That went well! Good job!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>Let's go to your Lab. I'll give you a tour.</div><br>
<button data-passage="amadaIntro4" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Introduction to Amada</button><div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Amada Corporation</div><br>
<<set _maximus = $findCharacterByName('Maximus')>>
<<set _molly = $findCharacterByName('Molly')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>Here is your office, $player.name</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/tokyo/amada/office.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>Listen up, here's how this shit works. You can create different types of materials in the lab. With these materials you can use them create serums and other shit. You'll learn as you go. You can also access some world alterating decisions. To prepare yourself for using the serums you can send a team of agents to mindwipe certain individuals. Why would you want to do this? Because it can reset their opinion of you. It gives you a 'clean slate'. You can corrupt them in different ways and use serums that wouldn't normally work with someone who already likes you.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>Confused? Don't care? Whatever, come see me if you ever need a refresher. Have fun. </div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>And remember - We don't experiment on our own. If you are caught dosing anyone in Amada - you're dead.</div><br>
<button data-passage="amadaOfficeMain" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Cool"</button><div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Amada Corporation | Mr Maximus' Office</div><br>
<<set _maximus = $findCharacterByName('Maximus')>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _maximus.image>></div><br>
<<set _randoHelp to random(1,6)>>
<<if _randoHelp eq 1>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>Materials take a few days to make. While you are waiting, why not explore the city?</div><br>
<<elseif _randoHelp eq 2>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>Everytime you make something in your lab, your reputation will increase.</div><br>
<<elseif _randoHelp eq 3>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>Do *not* piss off Molly.</div><br>
<<elseif _randoHelp eq 4>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>All Amada employees can stay at the Love Hotel free of charge. That means you will always have a place to stay in Tokyo.</div><br>
<<elseif _randoHelp eq 5>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>I can give you jobs that will help increase your reputation.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>You can make use of Amada's resources by changing the world. Wanna give yourself a better body? We can help you.
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="helpme" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[More Help]</button>
<button data-passage="visitMaximus" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button>
</div><<set _maximus = $findCharacterByName('Maximus')>>
<<set _maxiApproval = 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Basement Approval [Maximus]">>
<<set _maxiApproval = 1>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _maximus.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>You want me to give you a written approval so you can get access to the basement?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>Hmmm...</div><br>
<<if _maxiApproval eq 1>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>You already have me written approval! There ain't much else I can do for you.</div><br>
<<if _maximus.relationshipPoints gte 10>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>You've done some great work helping us with field research. I'm going to give you that approval.</div><br>
<<set _methItem = {
name: "Basement Approval [Maximus]",
price: 2,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/approved.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Basement approval from Maximus. Useless without Molly's approval.",
unique: "Yes"
<<set $player.inventory.push(_methItem)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Basement Approval [Maximus] added to inventory!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>You still need to prove yourself to me. Keep doing field research tasks and I'll trust you more. [<<print _maximus.relationshipPoints>>/10 Needed]</div><br>
<button data-passage="visitMaximus" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button><div class="title">Amada Corporation | Mr Maximus' Office</div><br>
<<set _maximus = $findCharacterByName('Maximus')>>
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="title">Maximus' Office</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _maximus.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>So here is the deal...</div><br>
<<set _bountyCharacters = ["Jennifer", "Zoe", "Elsa", "Penny", "Harley", "Kira", "Lisa", "Teanna"]>>
<<set _randomIndex = random(0, _bountyCharacters.length - 1)>>
<<set $bountyShit.target = _bountyCharacters[_randomIndex]>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>We need footage or you fucking <<= $bountyShit.target>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>So I just fuck <<= $bountyShit.target>> and return?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>Yup! Good luck!</div><br>
<button data-passage="visitMaximus" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
</div><div class="title">Amada Corporation | Mr Maximus' Office</div><br>
<<set _maximus = $findCharacterByName('Maximus')>>
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="title">Maximus' Office</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _maximus.image>></div><br>
<<if $bountyShit.complete eq true>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>Good job on that bounty, here's you reward.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You receive $3,500 from Maximus.</div><br>
<<set $player.amadareputation = $player.amadareputation + 15>>
<<set $player.money = $player.money + 3500>>
<<increaseRelationship _maximus 1>>
<<set $bountyShit.target = "Nobody">>
<<set $bountyShit.complete = false>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>Come back soon for another bounty.</div><br>
<button data-passage="visitMaximus" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<<if $bountyShit.target eq "Nobody">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>Alright, I have a job for you. I need some footage of you fucking someone... for field research purposes. We'll be watching.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>You'll be watching?...</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="gettask" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Accept a Task]</button>
<button data-passage="visitMaximus" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>You still need to fuck <<= $bountyShit.target>></div><br>
<button data-passage="visitMaximus" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
</div><div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Amada Corporation | Mr Maximus' Office</div><br>
<<set _maximus = $findCharacterByName('Maximus')>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _maximus.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>You okay, need anything?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>How did you start working here, Max?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>That is *Mister* Maximus, actually. Not Max.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>I've been here since the start, I was with Molly in her previous job and she brought me over here as her assistant. I've been with her since I was a 21 year old.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>How did you meet her?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>Let's just say I was either going to be a model or work for Molly. She likes young and handsome guys. Now i'm older, I'm just her assistant.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Pumped and dumped, huh?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>I've got work to do. See yourself out, $player.name.</div><br>
<button data-passage="leaveOffice" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Leave</button><<set _maximus = $findCharacterByName('Maximus')>>
<<set _vina = $findCharacterByName('Vina')>>
<<set _questName2 = "Amada's Secret">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<if $time lte 4>>
<div class="title">Amada Corporation | Mr Maximus' Office</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _maximus.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>Hey champ. How's it going?</div><br>
<<if !_vina.afflictions.includes("Your Assistant")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>Uh, listen. I'm not supposed to tell you but Molly said you can have your own assistant if you get your reputation high enough! [Reputation 120 Needed, then visit Molly - You currently have <<= $player.amadareputation>>]</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>Nice assistant you got there. Don't mess with her, got it?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="helpme" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"Help Me"!</button>
<button data-passage="chatMax" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Chat]</button>
<button data-passage="jobsMax" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Field Research Tasks]</button>
/* Dialogue unlocked if player has at least started amads secret */
<<if $substory[_index2].progress gt 0>>
<button data-passage="helpmeBasementMax" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Ask about basement approval]</button>
<button data-passage="leaveOffice" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Office]</button>
<div class="npctextboxm">Maximus' office is locked. He's probably went home for the night.</div><br>
<button data-passage="leaveOffice" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Leave</button>
<</if>><div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Amada Corporation | Character Changes</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= $player.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Jeez. Do I really want to fuck with myself?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="changeplayer_name" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Change Name]</button>
<button data-passage="changeplayer_body" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Change Body]</button>
<button data-passage="newgameplus" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[New Game +]</button>
<button data-passage="callAgents" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Changes]</button>
</div><div class="title">Amada Corporation</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">"Amada has the ability to change all", the voice emmiting from the phone says. "Tell us how you want to look". Nobody will know the difference.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>My ideal body?...</div><br>
<div class="wikitextboxNew">What do you look like?<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/player/player1.png" alt="" />
Option #1
<<radiobutton "$player.image" '<img src="images/player/player1.png">'>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/player/player2.png" alt="" />
Option #2
<<radiobutton "$player.image" '<img src="images/player/player2.png">'>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/player/player3.png" alt="" />
Option #3
<<radiobutton "$player.image" '<img src="images/player/player3.png">'>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/player/player4.png" alt="" />
Option #4
<<radiobutton "$player.image" '<img src="images/player/player4.png">'>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/player/player5.png" alt="" />
Option #5
<<radiobutton "$player.image" '<img src="images/player/player5.png">'>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/player/player6.png" alt="" />
Option #6
<<radiobutton "$player.image" '<img src="images/player/player6.png">'>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/player/player7.png" alt="" />
Option #7
<<radiobutton "$player.image" '<img src="images/player/player7.png">'>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/player/player8.png" alt="" />
Option #8
<<radiobutton "$player.image" '<img src="images/player/player8.png">'>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/player/player9.jpg" alt="" />
Option #9
<<radiobutton "$player.image" '<img src="images/player/player9.jpg">'>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/player/player10.jpg" alt="" />
Option #10
<<radiobutton "$player.image" '<img src="images/player/player10.jpg">'>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/player/player11.jpg" alt="" />
Option #11
<<radiobutton "$player.image" '<img src="images/player/player11.jpg">'>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/player/player12.jpg" alt="" />
Option #12
<<radiobutton "$player.image" '<img src="images/player/player12.jpg">'>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/player/player13.jpg" alt="" />
Option #13
<<radiobutton "$player.image" '<img src="images/player/player13.jpg">'>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/player/player14.jpg" alt="" />
Option #14
<<radiobutton "$player.image" '<img src="images/player/player14.jpg">'>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/player/player15.jpg" alt="" />
Option #15
<<radiobutton "$player.image" '<img src="images/player/player15.jpg">'>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/player/player16.jpg" alt="" />
Option #16
<<radiobutton "$player.image" '<img src="images/player/player16.jpg">'>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/player/player17.jpg" alt="" />
Option #17
<<radiobutton "$player.image" '<img src="images/player/player17.jpg">'>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/player/player18.jpg" alt="" />
Option #18
<<radiobutton "$player.image" '<img src="images/player/player18.jpg">'>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/player/player19.jpg" alt="" />
Option #19
<<radiobutton "$player.image" '<img src="images/player/player19.jpg">'>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/player/player20.jpg" alt="" />
Option #20
<<radiobutton "$player.image" '<img src="images/player/player20.jpg">'>>
<button data-passage="changeplayer" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Save]</button>
<<if !$achievements.justLikeMe.unlocked>>
<</if>><div class="title">Amada Corporation</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">"Amada has the ability to change all", the voice emmiting from the phone says. "State your new name". Nobody will know of you old name.</div><br>
<div class="wikitextbox">What is your new?<hr>
<<textbox "$player.name" "...">>
<button data-passage="callAgents" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Save & Return]</button>
<<if !$achievements.newPhone.unlocked>>
<</if>><div class="npctextboxm">WOAH! - STOP! Do you really want to start a new game plus?<br>In new game plus you keep all your inventory, player stats, combat party and achievement progress. However, all quests will be reset.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="newgameplusconfirm" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[New Game +]</button>
<button data-passage="callAgents" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop - Return]</button>
</div><div class="npctextboxm">Reseting all quests</div><br>
<<for _i to 0; _i < $substory.length; _i++>>
<<set $substory[_i].progress = 0>>
<<set $substory[_i].complete = false>>
<div class="npctextboxm">DONE!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Reseting all character relationship levels and afflictions</div><br>
<<for _i to 0; _i < $characters.length; _i++>>
<<set $characters[_i].relationshipPoints = 0>>
<<set $characters[_i].afflictions = []>>
<div class="npctextboxm">DONE!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Reseting failed quests</div><br>
<<for _i to 0; _i < $substory.length; _i++>>
<<if $substory[_i].status === "failed">>
<<set $substory[_i].progress = 0>>
<<set $substory[_i].complete = false>>
<<set $substory[_i].status = null>> <!-- Optionally reset the status if needed -->
<div class="npctextboxm">DONE!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Reseting some important variables</div><br>
/* bounties */
<<set $bountyShit = {
target: "Nobody",
complete: false,
/* casino */
<<set $casino = {
balls: 0,
tokens: 0,
spent: 0,
won: 0,
totalwon: 0,
/* yoga trivia answers */
<<set $yogaa = {
one: "",
two: "",
three: "",
four: "",
five: "",
six: "",
/* room 2023 puzzle */
<<set $boxpuzzle = {
norman: "",
susan: "",
sally: "",
natalie: "",
/* stripclub variables */
<<set $stripclub = {
level: 0,
booths: 0,
customers: 0,
rooms: 5,
name: "Strip Club",
daytracker: 0,
/* Methlab variables */
<<set $meth = {
days: 1,
amount: 1,
upgradecost: 5000,
/* amadamaking variables */
<<set $amadamaking = {
days: 0,
material: "None",
materialready: false,
vinabonus: false,
<<set $gabbyshouse = {
clean: 0,
failed: 0,
/* halloween 23 variables */
<<set $halloweenquest = {
talked: [],
accusedElsa: "0",
accusedBouncer: "0",
accusedJessie: "0",
accusedMadameSpooky: "0",
murderWeapon: "0",
accusedCharacters: [],
outcomeText: "Howdy",
<div class="npctextboxm">DONE!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Removing Haunted Teddy Bear & Diamond's Goods (If applicable)</div><br>
<<for _i to 0; _i < $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Haunted Teddy Bear">>
<<set $player.inventory.deleteAt(_i)>> <!-- Delete the item at index _i -->
<<break>> <!-- Exit the loop after deleting one item -->
<<for _i to 0; _i < $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Diamond's Goods">>
<<set $player.inventory.deleteAt(_i)>> <!-- Delete the item at index _i -->
<<break>> <!-- Exit the loop after deleting one item -->
<div class="npctextboxm">DONE!</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_bedroom" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Restart]</button>
<<if !$achievements.freshStart.unlocked>>
<</if>><div class="title">Amada Corporation | Molly's Office</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>What is it, Molly?</div><br>
<<set _vina = $findCharacterByName('Vina')>>
<<set _molly = $findCharacterByName('Molly')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>I don't want you to think your work around here hasn't went unnoticed. I've been hearing reports that you've been making yourself very useful lately. Your contribution to our glorious Amada Corporation has been noticed.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>*Is she finally going to let me smash her?*</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>I want to make sure that you are looked after. That you aren't overworking yourself. So..</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Shall we do it here or in my office? I think I saw Maximus outside...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>... I've brought you a lab assistant. Please meet Vina</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Molly waves in Vina who was waiting outside with Maximus. You can't believe your luck. She's a piece of ass!</div><br>
<button data-passage="assistantIntro2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Meet Vina]</button><div class="title">Amada Corporation | Molly's Office</div><br>
<<set _vina = $findCharacterByName('Vina')>>
<<set _molly = $findCharacterByName('Molly')>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _vina.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _vina.chat>></div><<= _vina.name>><hr>It's an honour to work for you, Mr $player.name.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Please... call me...</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="assistantIntro3" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"Master"</button>
<button data-passage="assistantIntro3" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"Daddy"</button>
<button data-passage="assistantIntro3" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"Boss"</button>
</div><div class="title">Amada Corporation | Molly's Office</div><br>
<<set _vina = $findCharacterByName('Vina')>>
<<set _molly = $findCharacterByName('Molly')>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _vina.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _vina.chat>></div><<= _vina.name>><hr>I understand.</div><br>
<button data-passage="assistantIntro4" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Procede]</button><div class="title">Amada Corporation | Molly's Office</div><br>
<<set _vina = $findCharacterByName('Vina')>>
<<set _molly = $findCharacterByName('Molly')>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _molly.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Seriously?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I require this type of dedication in order to... have a comfortable working environment.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Vina, you are dismissed. Please go wait for $player.name in his lab.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _vina.chat>></div><<= _vina.name>><hr>Yes Molly. $player.name, see you soon!</div><br>
<<addAffliction _vina "Your Assistant">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Goodbye (My Love)</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your eyes follow Vina as she leaves the room and waves you goodbye. Your head suddenly snaps back to Molly who is giving you an angry look.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>So... Let's set some ground rules for Vina. No using any serums on her. Understood? If I find out she has a 10 inch python between those legs or is somehow hypnotized into giving the kitchen staff blowjobs I will end you. Understoof?</div><br>
<button data-passage="assistantIntro5" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"I understand" [Lie]</button>
<button data-passage="assistantRefuse" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"I refuse"</button><div class="title">Amada Corporation | Molly's Office</div><br>
<<set _vina = $findCharacterByName('Vina')>>
<<set _molly = $findCharacterByName('Molly')>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _molly.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>I'm glad you agree. Let's get to work!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Alright... guess I'll see you later</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>You're still here?</div><br>
<button data-passage="leaveOffice" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><div class="title">Amada Corporation | Molly's Office</div><br>
<<set _vina = $findCharacterByName('Vina')>>
<<set _molly = $findCharacterByName('Molly')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I refuse! What good is an assistant if you can't make her clean your balls with their tongue?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>I'm afraid I can't allow you to leave this room until you accept these conditions.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>(I could just lie?)</div><br>
<button data-passage="assistantIntro4" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button><<set _molly = $findCharacterByName('Molly')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Tell me what happened.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>The place is completely trashed.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Trashed? Oh no.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>She must have been having parties there.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>And did she say anything to you?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Not much.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>I'm glad you are loyal to me. Here, take this approval - oh, and give me my key back. You can never go back to my home.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Understood.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You lost Molly's house key.</div><br>
<<for _i to $player.inventory.length - 1; _i >= 0; _i-->>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "House Key [Molly]">>
<<set $player.inventory.deleteAt(_i)>> <!-- Delete the item at index _i -->
<<set _itemTo = {
name: "Basement Approval [Molly]",
price: 2,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/approved.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Basement approval from Molly. Useless without Maximus's approval.",
unique: "Yes"
<<set $player.inventory.push(_itemTo)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Basement Approval [Molly] added to inventory!</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Molly's Little Slut" 100>>
<button data-passage="visitMolly" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _questName2 = "Molly's Little Slut">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _questName3 = "Amada's Secret">>
<<set _index3 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<<set _molly = $findCharacterByName('Molly')>>
<<set _gabby = $findCharacterByName('Gabby')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Tell me what happened.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Everything is fine. I helped with some minor cleaning and made sure that some of her debts were paid. Gabby is doing well now.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>I get the impression you went through some extra effort to help her. For that, I am very grateful.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You lost Molly's house key.</div><br>
<<for _i to $player.inventory.length - 1; _i >= 0; _i-->>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "House Key [Molly]">>
<<set $player.inventory.deleteAt(_i)>> <!-- Delete the item at index _i -->
<<if _gabby.afflictions.includes("Rejected")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>I also got a phone call from her just before you arrived. She asked me to never send you around to check on her again. Did she try and hit on you?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>She did, I refused. I made a promise to you and I kept that promise.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>$player.name... I am very impressed by you</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You notice Molly putting a hand on the inside of her thigh... is she getting turned on?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Having someone like you... who I can trust is very... nice to have around here.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your amada reputation has increased [+100]</div><br>
<<set $player.amadareputation = $player.amadareputation + 100>>
<<if !$achievements.mollysFavourite.unlocked>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>I also got a phone call from her just before you arrived. She asked me to send you over again and that she had a great time...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Uh...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>I'm really upset about this. We both know what you did, right?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>However, considering the circumstances. I am willing to overlook this as you did help her. Just not in the ways I would of expected from a professional of this company.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your amada reputation has decreased [-50]</div><br>
<<set $amadaRep = $amadaRep - 50>>
<<updateQuest "Dinner With The Boss" 100 "failed">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Here, take this approval - oh, and give me my key back. You can never go back to my home.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Understood.</div><br>
<<set _itemTo = {
name: "Basement Approval [Molly]",
price: 2,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/approved.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Basement approval from Molly. Useless without Maximus's approval.",
unique: "Yes"
<<set $player.inventory.push(_itemTo)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Basement Approval [Molly] added to inventory!</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Molly's Little Slut" 100>>
<button data-passage="visitMolly" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Finish</button><<set _questName2 = "Molly's Little Slut">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _questName3 = "Dinner With The Boss">>
<<set _index3 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<<set _molly = $findCharacterByName('Molly')>>
<<set _gabby = $findCharacterByName('Gabby')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Tell me what happened.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>The place is great!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>It's... great?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Yep! Nothing to worry about at all!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>And did she say anything to you?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>She said she misses you and will be in touch soon!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>You are a terrible liar, $player.name.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>S-Sorry Molly, I was just-</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>I'm glad you were trying to help my daughter, but when I ask for honesty I expect honesty, that did not happen today.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Yikes</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You lost Molly's house key.</div><br>
<<for _i to $backpack.length - 1; _i >= 0; _i-->>
<<if $backpack[_i].name === "House Key [Molly]">>
<<set $backpack.deleteAt(_i)>> <!-- Delete the item at index _i -->
<<set _itemTo = {
name: "Basement Approval [Molly]",
price: 2,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/approved.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Basement approval from Molly. Useless without Maximus's approval.",
unique: "Yes"
<<set $player.inventory.push(_itemTo)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Basement Approval [Molly] added to inventory!</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Molly's Little Slut" 100>>
<<updateQuest "Dinner With The Boss" 100 "failed">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>I'm going to give you basement approval anyway, but listen to me when I say this. Don't lie to me again. Got it? I'll deal with Gabby myself.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Thank you, Molly.</div><br>
<button data-passage="visitMolly" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _molly = $findCharacterByName('Molly')>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _molly.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>What is it you need?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>I need you to pay a visit to my home back in London. I have a daughter living home alone there who isn't returning any of my calls. I think she is trying to avoid me.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Maybe something happened, why don't you ring her father?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>She does this often. I'm thinking she has done something wrong and wants to avoid taking responsibility. She spent a lot of money last night on her credit card.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>And the father?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>*Ahem* there is no father, $player.name.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Oh-</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>So? You will go for me?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Of course! I know London well!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>I must warn you. Do *NOT*, under any circumstances, try to fuck my daughter. Do you understand??</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="acceptMollyTask1Start" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">I understand</button>
<button data-passage="acceptMollyTask1Start" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">I understand [Lie]</button>
</div><<set _molly = $findCharacterByName('Molly')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Good. Here is the key for my house.</div><br>
<<set _methItem = {
name: "House Key [Molly]",
price: 2,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/housekey.png" alt="" />',
desc: "A house key for Molly's house in London.",
unique: "Yes"
<<set $player.inventory.push(_methItem)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">House Key [Molly] added to inventory!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Simply go there and check on her. Once you've returned I want my key back, i don't want you being able to enter my house anytime you like.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Okay, relax! You can trust me, Molly.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Get out...</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Molly's Little Slut" 20>>
<button data-passage="leaveOffice" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Leave</button><<set _molly = $findCharacterByName('Molly')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are summoned to see Molly in her office.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Oh fuck...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The guards who are escorting you bring you to Molly, and place you in the chair opposite her desk.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>So - I finally get a call from my daughter. she doesn't say "How are you doing, mom?" or "I love you mom", no! Infact she's asking me why I sent a sex pest to her house who tried to bribe her into fucking.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I-</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>It's hilarious how you think you can get away with that! I've had people killed for less! You really fucked up, didn't you?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>But she -</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>I don't want to hear a fucking word coming out of your mouth, $player.name. You wanted me to give you that written approval, right? Well guess what? You are *never* getting it. You will never ever get it! Infact, you are on your last warning here at Amada. If you so much as cough without covering your mouth around here I will have your balls on a plate. Do. You. Understand?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Yes...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Good, now get out.</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Dinner With The Boss" 100 "failed">>
<<updateQuest "Molly's Little Slut" 100 "failed">>
<<addAffliction _molly "Hateful">>
<div class="npctextboxm">Perhaps there is another way to get that approval?...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Oh - and give me back my fucking key.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You lost Molly's house key.</div><br>
<<for _i to $player.inventory.length - 1; _i >= 0; _i-->>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "House Key [Molly]">>
<<set $player.inventory.deleteAt(_i)>> <!-- Delete the item at index _i -->
<div class="npctextboxm">Your amada reputation has decreased [-150]</div><br>
<button data-passage="visitMolly" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<<if !$achievements.cantControlMyself.unlocked>>
<</if>><<set _molly = $findCharacterByName('Molly')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>No way, I'm not doing anymore weird shit for you!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Dissapointing.</div><br>
<button data-passage="visitMolly" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><<set _molly = $findCharacterByName('Molly')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Lets go. We're getting dinner.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Uh - Sure...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Molly grabs her jacket and walks out the front door. You follow, unsure of what is going to happen.</div><br>
<button data-passage="mollysDate2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Follow Molly]</button><<set _molly = $findCharacterByName('Molly')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Lie down. Tell me what you want </div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I want you...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Molly smiles.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Then you shall have me.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Molly takes out your rock hard cock, now unsheathed from your pants. It slowly enters her mouth, guided by her tongue.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted><source src="images/characters/molly/scenes/bj.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>You taste good.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Uhhuh...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Come on, give it to me. I want you to put all your strength into it!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted><source src="images/characters/molly/scenes/fuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>I want to change position. Come.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Molly changes the position for the both of you, you are now ontop of her. Her foot touching your cheek. Your bodies both hot and sweaty. You are going to cum tonight.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted><source src="images/characters/molly/scenes/fuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Molly... I'm going to cum</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Not inside, $player.name </div><br>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _molly "Crabs">>
<<elseif _molly.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _molly $player "Crabs">>
<<set _molly.fuckedtimes = _molly.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<button data-passage="mollysDate11" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Cum]</button><<set _molly = $findCharacterByName('Molly')>>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted><source src="images/characters/molly/scenes/cum.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Oh shit...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Hmmmhhhhhh....</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Molly stands, holding her breasts firm so your cum doesnt drip off onto the floor. She retreats to the hotel bathroom to clean herself up.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>That was... something...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Molly comes out of the bathroom, to your dissapointment, she has her robe on.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>I hope you enjoyed that. It's a reward for your work. There's more nights like this for you if you keep up the good work.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are just about to speak when Molly interjects</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>You have no reason to stay, and I have no reason for you to stay. So leave. I'll see you back at work. Don't tell anyone about this. Okay?</div><br>
<button data-passage="mollysDateEndYes" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Okay"</button><<set _molly = $findCharacterByName('Molly')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">After a short while, you find yourself in the back of a taxi, sitting across from Molly. She's on the phone, discussing something unknown to you. You can't focus on her words; your mind is preoccupied with the night ahead. You glance at her tits, admiring her boobjob, then quickly shift your gaze to the taxi driver to maintain a facade of innocence.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Molly finally ends her call, crosses her legs, and tilts her head towards you.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>We're almost there. It's a lovely Japanese restaurant I frequent. I think you'll really enjoy it.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You nod and follow Molly out of the taxi and into the restaurant. She greets the waiter with a smile, who then leads you to a large table draped in an elegant silk curtain. This table is clearly reserved for special guests. You sit across from Molly, surprised as she converses fluently in Japanese with the waiter. He bows and soon returns with a fancy glass of red wine for each of you.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Thanks, Molly.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>This is my favorite place, and my favorite wine. Cheers.</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><img src="images/characters/molly/date.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Molly raises her glass towards you. The table, being as large as it is, makes it impossible to clink glasses, so you mimic her gesture and take your first sip.</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Dinner With The Boss" 50>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Cheers.</div><br>
<button data-passage="mollysDate3" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Drink]</button><<set _molly = $findCharacterByName('Molly')>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><img src="images/characters/molly/date.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Let's talk, $player.name. I want to know why you decide to not fuck us over. I mean - think about it? We kinda kidnapped you, no? Forced you to work for us. We havent paid you and yet you are still the best employee ive had since... well.. thats a story for another day.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You realise Molly is right... you haven't been paid...<br>You should also pay attention to what you are saying. Don't fuck this up. Or do - who cares.</div><br>
<<set $mollyDateResponse = 0>>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="mollysDate4" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$answer to 1">"You better start paying me!"</button>
<button data-passage="mollysDate4" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$answer to 2">"I do it for the pussy"</button>
<button data-passage="mollysDate4" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$answer to 3">"I do it for you"</button>
<button data-passage="mollysDate4" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$answer to 4">"I dont know"</button>
</div><<set _molly = $findCharacterByName('Molly')>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><img src="images/characters/molly/date.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<<if $answer eq 1>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>So... will you pay me?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Molly thinks about your request for a moment.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>No. I don't think I will. <<if $player.money gte 10000>> You have $<<print $money>> anyway, why do you want more?<<else>> Although, it looks like you need some money. From what I can tell you are broke as hell.<</if>></div><br>
<<set $mollyDateResponse = $mollyDateResponse + 1>>
<<elseif $answer eq 2>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I do it for the chicks, the pussy.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Interesting response.</div><br>
<<set $mollyDateResponse = $mollyDateResponse - 1>>
<<elseif $answer eq 3>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I do it for you, Molly.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>For me?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Molly tilts her head while making eye contact with you. she sips a big gulp of her wine.</div><br>
<<set $mollyDateResponse = $mollyDateResponse + 3>>
<<elseif $answer eq 4>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I dont know why I do the things I do.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Molly frowns at you, she is confused by your answer.</div><br>
<<set $mollyDateResponse = $mollyDateResponse - 1>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Tell me, what do you remember about your father?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>My father?...</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="mollysDate5" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$answer to 1">"Not much"</button>
<button data-passage="mollysDate5" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$answer to 2">"He was a good man"</button>
</div><<set _molly = $findCharacterByName('Molly')>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><img src="images/characters/molly/date.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<<if $answer eq 1>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>My dad, i can't really remember. Not much, why?</div><br>
<<elseif $answer eq 2>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I remember he was a good man. Why do you ask?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>I'm just curious. I meant nothing by it.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You feel as if there is something Molly isn't telling you here. But you decide to drop it in order to not cause a scene.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>- and what do you think about me?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="mollysDate6" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$answer to 1">"You're a hot piece of ass"</button>
<button data-passage="mollysDate6" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$answer to 2">"You are a MILF"</button>
<button data-passage="mollysDate6" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$answer to 3">"Someone I respect"</button>
<button data-passage="mollysDate6" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$answer to 4">"My boss"</button>
<button data-passage="mollysDate6" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$answer to 5">"A dumb whore"</button>
</div><<set _molly = $findCharacterByName('Molly')>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><img src="images/characters/molly/date.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<<if $answer eq 1>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>You're a hot piece of ass.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Wow.</div><br>
<<set $mollyDateResponse = $mollyDateResponse - 1>>
<<elseif $answer eq 2>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>You're a MILF</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>What is a MILF?</div><br>
<<elseif $answer eq 3>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>You are someone I respect</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Interesting...</div><br>
<<set $mollyDateResponse = $mollyDateResponse + 2>>
<<elseif $answer eq 4>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>You are my boss</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Molly almost spits out her drink laughing.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Yes, $playername. I am your boss.</div><br>
<<set $mollyDateResponse = $mollyDateResponse - 1>>
<<elseif $answer eq 5>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>You are a dumb whore</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Molly looks right through you. She has no expression on her face. She says nothing. You are unsure why you just said that but it was probably a very *bad* idea.</div><br>
<<set $mollyDateResponse = $mollyDateResponse - 10>>
<button data-passage="mollysDate7" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$answer to 1">[Next]</button><<set _molly = $findCharacterByName('Molly')>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><img src="images/characters/molly/date.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Hmmm...</div><br>
<button data-passage="mollysDate8" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$answer to 1">[Next]</button><<set _molly = $findCharacterByName('Molly')>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><img src="images/characters/molly/date.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<<if $mollyDateResponse gte 2>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>I must say, $player.name. You are a very interesting sort. I've always been very heated by the sight of you. Would you like to continue this evening back at my hotel?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Hmmm....</div><br>
<button data-passage="mollysDate8_end_good" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$answer to 1">[Next]</button>
<<elseif $mollyDateResponse lt 0>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Let's end this chat now. I find you repulsive and a disgrace.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Huh? You are firing me?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>No, but you are lucky I havent killed you.</div><br>
<button data-passage="mollysDate8_end_bad" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$answer to 1">[Next]</button>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Lets just finish our meal and get out of here. I'm busy so i've got to go back to the office tonight.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Of course, thanks for the meal Molly</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Anytime.</div><br>
<button data-passage="mollysDate8_end_neutral" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$answer to 1">[Next]</button>
<</if>><<set _molly = $findCharacterByName('Molly')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I... can't, Molly. Sorry.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Molly's smile turns upside down.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Oh. Okay. Please leave. You shouldn't of wasted my time. Let's not speak of this again.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The night ends. Molly sees you out of the hotel. You can't help thinking to yourself 'what if' you just said some nicer things to her. You live and learn. The night ends and Molly neither likes you or hates you any more than she used to.</div><br>
<<set $time = 10>>
<<if !$achievements.spaghettiSpiller.unlocked>>
<button data-passage="mollysDate" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$answer to 1">[Restart Date]</button>
<button data-passage="shibuyaStreet" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$answer to 1">[Shibuya Street]</button><<set _molly = $findCharacterByName('Molly')>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><img src="images/characters/molly/date.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">That's that. You completely fucked up the date with Molly. You insulted her and forever tainted yourself in her eyes.</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Dinner With The Boss" 100 "failed">>
<<addAffliction _molly "Hateful">>
<<if !$achievements.spaghettiSpiller.unlocked>>
<button data-passage="mollysDate" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$answer to 1">[Restart Date]</button>
<button data-passage="shibuyaStreet" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$answer to 1">[Shibuya Street]</button><<set _molly = $findCharacterByName('Molly')>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><img src="images/characters/molly/date.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are allowed to re-enter the taxi you came this way in. Molly leads and you follow. Straight back to her place.</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Dinner With The Boss" 100>>
<<set $time = 10>>
<button data-passage="mollysDate9" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$answer to 1">[Molly's Hotel]</button><<set _molly = $findCharacterByName('Molly')>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><img src="images/characters/molly/date.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The night ends. Molly pays for the drinks and food. You can't help thinking to yourself 'what if' you just said some nicer things to her. You live and learn. The night ends and Molly neither likes you or hates you any more than she used to.</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Dinner With The Boss" 100 "failed">>
<<set $time = 10>>
<button data-passage="mollysDate" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$answer to 1">[Restart Date]</button>
<button data-passage="shibuyaStreet" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$answer to 1">[Shibuya Street]</button><<set _molly = $findCharacterByName('Molly')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Come inside. Make yourself at home.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Thanks, you have a nice place!</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/tokyo/amada/hotel.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Molly's hotel room is clearly the epitome of luxury. It's a massive penthouse with a breathtaking view. You stand by the window, admiring the cityscape, feeling slightly out of place in such opulence.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Molly steps out of the bathroom wearing a thin, silk robe that clings to her form, exuding an air of authority. She catches you gazing out the window and gives a knowing smile.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>I see you like the view. It's one of the perks of working hard and knowing how to play your cards right.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>It's incredible. Must be nice to live like this.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Molly walks over to her personal bar and pours herself a drink, then looks back at you with a piercing gaze.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>It is. But it comes with responsibilities. You understand that, don't you? Working for me means always being ready to meet high expectations.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Of course, Molly. I’m always ready to meet your expectations.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">She takes a sip of her drink and sits on the plush sofa, motioning for you to join her.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Good. Because I need someone I can rely on. Someone who knows their place but isn’t afraid to take initiative when necessary.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I understand. I won't let you down.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Molly's gaze softens slightly, and she leans back, relaxing into the sofa.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>I hope not. There's a lot at stake, and I need to know that my team is as invested in our success as I am.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You nod, feeling the weight of her words and the importance of your role in her plans. The evening takes on a more serious tone as you both lock eyes. Molly stands.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted><source src="images/characters/molly/scenes/tease.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>My best employees get the *best* rewards, $player.name</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="mollysDate10" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Accept Her Advances]</button>
<button data-passage="mollysDate85" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Refuse Her Advances]</button>
</div><div class="npctextboxm">You leave Molly's hotel. Something tell you this was the best possible outcome from the date with Molly. You feel proud. You should feel proud.</div><br>
<<set $time = 10>>
<button data-passage="shibuyaStreet" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$answer to 1">[Shibuya Street]</button><<set _mollyApproval = 0>>
<<set _questName2 = "Molly's Little Slut">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _questName3 = "Amada's Secret">>
<<set _index3 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<<set _molly = $findCharacterByName('Molly')>>
<<set _gabby = $findCharacterByName('Gabby')>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _molly.image>></div><br>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Basement Approval [Molly]">>
<<set _mollyApproval = 1>>
<<if _molly.afflictions.includes("Hateful")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Fuck off! You horrible little creep! I should have you fired! Never will I give you that approval!</div><br>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 0>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Access to the basement, huh? That's really classified. I'm not sure I should write you up approval without first trusting you.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>However...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>I am willing to give it to you if you can complete a task for me.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="acceptMollyTask1" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Accept]</button>
<button data-passage="refuseMollyTask1" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Refuse]</button>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>What?...</div><br>
<<if _mollyApproval eq 1>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Don't be stupid. I already gave you what you asked for! Get the fuck out!</div><br>
<button data-passage="visitMolly" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress gte 40>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Did you visit my daughter? Let's hear it then.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
/* Tell the truth - dont help Gabby*/
<button data-passage="explainMolly" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"It's a mess"</button>
/* You lie about what happened to protect her - cant lie if you did it perfect */
<<if $substory.progress lt 90>>
<button data-passage="explainMollyLie" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"Everything is fine" [Lie]</button>
/* These are not well presented but represent the conditions being met for fulling helping Gabby - From here you either helped and fucked her or helped and didnt fuck her*/
<<if $gabbyshouse.clean gte 20 and $gabbyshouse.failed gte 1 and $substory[_index2].progress eq 90>>
<button data-passage="explainMollyTrue" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"Everything is fine"</button>
<button data-passage="visitMolly" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Did you do as I asked? No? Get the fuck out of here.</div><br>
<button data-passage="visitMolly" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button>
<</if>><<set _questName2 = "Molly's Little Slut">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _questName3 = "Amada's Secret">>
<<set _index3 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<<set _questName4 = "Dinner With The Boss">>
<<set _index4 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName4)>>
<<set _vina = $findCharacterByName('Vina')>>
<<set _molly = $findCharacterByName('Molly')>>
<<set _gabby = $findCharacterByName('Gabby')>>
<<if $time lte 4>>
<div class="title">Amada Corporation | Molly's Office</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _molly.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>$player.name. What is it? You can't come in here anytime you like! I'm busy!</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $substory[_index3].progress eq 100 and $substory[_index4].progress != 100 and _gabby.afflictions.includes("Rejected")>>
<button data-passage="mollysDate" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Start Quest - Molly's Date]</button>
<<if $substory[_index3].progress gt 0>>
<button data-passage="helpmeBasementMolly" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Ask about basement approval]</button>
<<if $player.amadareputation gte 120 and !_vina.afflictions.includes("Your Assistant")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _molly.chat>></div><<= _molly.name>><hr>Actually. I've got some good news for you.</div><br>
<button data-passage="assistantIntro" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"What is it?"</button>
<div class="npctextboxm">Molly's office is locked. They probably went home for the night.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="leaveOffice" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
</div><div class="title"><<print $combat.party[$npcchosen].name>> has been donated to Amada. You will never see them again!<hr>
Amada Rep Gained: <<set _amadaRepTemp = $combat.party[$npcchosen].level / 1>><<print _amadaRepTemp>><br>
Cash Gained: <<set _amadaCashTemp = $combat.party[$npcchosen].level * 200>>$<<print _amadaCashTemp>></div><br>
<<set $player.money = $player.money + _amadaCashTemp>>
<<set $player.amadareputation = $player.amadareputation + _amadaRepTemp>>
<<run $combat.party.deleteAt($npcchosen)>>
<button data-passage="partyMemberDonate" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button>
<<set $trackablestats.charactersdonated = $trackablestats.charactersdonated>>
<<if $trackablestats.charactersdonated gte 25 and !$achievements.seeNoEvil.unlocked>>
<</if>><div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Donate Party Members... for science!<hr>Donate party members to Amada in return for cash and reputation. Donated party members are gone FOREVER. The reputation and cash gained is based on their combat levels.</div><br>
<div class="title">Active Party Members (<<print $combat.party.length>>):<hr>
<div class="npcgrouping">
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $combat.party.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i>> /* Capturing _i and assigning to the chosen variable */
<div class="tribegallery3">
<div class="npcchat"><<print $combat.party[_i].partypic>></div>
<strong><<print $combat.party[_i].name>></strong><br>
<div class="uistatbox">
Health: <<print $combat.party[_i].health>> / <<print $combat.party[_i].maxhealth>><br>
Stamina: <<print $combat.party[_i].stamina>> / <<print $combat.party[_i].maxstamina>><br>
Damage: <<print $combat.party[_i].damage>><br>
Level: <<print $combat.party[_i].level>><br>
<<if _i eq 0>><button data-passage="" class="red-button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$npcchosen to _i">Cannot Remove</button><<else>><button data-passage="donateFinal" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$npcchosen to _i">Donate</button><</if>>
<button data-passage="amadaOfficeMain" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Donating Party Members]</button><div class="title">Amada Corporation</div><br>
<<set _vina = $findCharacterByName('Vina')>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _vina.image>></div><br>
<<if _vina.relationshipPoints eq 0>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>$player.name<hr>I want to try this new serum on you Vina, is that okay?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Vina frowns slightly.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _vina.chat>></div><<= _vina.name>><hr>What does it do?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>$player.name<hr>It should help clarify your mind. Make you think more clearly... and increase your intelligence!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _vina.chat>></div><<= _vina.name>><hr>Wow - okay, as long as its safe!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>$player.name<hr>Of course! (You have no idea if its safe)</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The Hypnosis Serum was removed from your inventory</div><br>
<<set _foundCobraCount to 0>> <!-- Initialize a variable to count how many items have been removed -->
<<for _i to 0; _i < $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Hypnosis Serum">>
<<set $player.inventory.splice(_i, 1)>> <!-- Remove one instance of the item at index _i -->
<<set _foundCobraCount += 1>> <!-- Increase the count by 1 to track how many items have been removed -->
<<if _foundCobraCount >= 1>> <!-- Check if you've removed 1 items -->
<<break>> <!-- Exit the loop after removing 1 items -->
<div class="npctextboxm">You inject the hypnosis serum into Vina.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _vina.chat>></div><<= _vina.name>><hr>Ugh my head.. I...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>$player.name<hr>I should use this opportunity to issue a command to her.</div><br>
<button data-passage="vinachoice1" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$chosenAction to 1">Work Harder! [Triples the amount of materials she makes]</button>
<button data-passage="vinachoice1" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$chosenAction to 2">Wear Something Sexier [Changes Her Outfit]</button>
<<elseif _vina.relationshipPoints eq 1>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>$player.name<hr>Hey Vina, are you ready for another test of the serum?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _vina.chat>></div><<= _vina.name>><hr>Actually, i'm not sure. I ready somewhere that we shouldn't be testing on ourselves.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>$player.name<hr>We do things a little differently here, don't worry. It's all safe (It's not)</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _vina.chat>></div><<= _vina.name>><hr>Okay, I trust you.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>$player.name<hr>Just don't tell anyone, okay?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _vina.chat>></div><<= _vina.name>><hr>I guess.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The Hypnosis Serum was removed from your inventory</div><br>
<<set _foundCobraCount to 0>> <!-- Initialize a variable to count how many items have been removed -->
<<for _i to 0; _i < $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Hypnosis Serum">>
<<set $player.inventory.splice(_i, 1)>> <!-- Remove one instance of the item at index _i -->
<<set _foundCobraCount += 1>> <!-- Increase the count by 1 to track how many items have been removed -->
<<if _foundCobraCount >= 1>> <!-- Check if you've removed 1 items -->
<<break>> <!-- Exit the loop after removing 1 items -->
<div class="npctextboxm">You inject the hypnosis serum into Vina.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _vina.chat>></div><<= _vina.name>><hr>Ugh my head.. I...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>$player.name<hr>I should use this opportunity to issue a command to her. I can be a little more daring this time.</div><br>
<button data-passage="vinachoice2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$chosenAction to 1">Work Faster! [Reduces the days needed to produce materials to 1]</button>
<button data-passage="vinachoice2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$chosenAction to 2">Give Blowjobs [Allows Vina to get you oral pleasure at any time]</button>
<<elseif _vina.relationshipPoints eq 2>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>$player.name<hr>Hey Vina, are you ready for another test of the serum?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _vina.chat>></div><<= _vina.name>><hr>Of course!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The Hypnosis Serum was removed from your inventory</div><br>
<<set _foundCobraCount to 0>> <!-- Initialize a variable to count how many items have been removed -->
<<for _i to 0; _i < $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Hypnosis Serum">>
<<set $player.inventory.splice(_i, 1)>> <!-- Remove one instance of the item at index _i -->
<<set _foundCobraCount += 1>> <!-- Increase the count by 1 to track how many items have been removed -->
<<if _foundCobraCount >= 1>> <!-- Check if you've removed 1 items -->
<<break>> <!-- Exit the loop after removing 1 items -->
<div class="npctextboxm">You inject the hypnosis serum into Vina.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _vina.chat>></div><<= _vina.name>><hr>Ugh my head.. I...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>$player.name<hr>I should use this opportunity to issue a command to her. This is probably the last time this will work.</div><br>
<button data-passage="vinachoice3" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$chosenAction to 1">Free Use [Vina will grant you free use of her body]</button>
<<elseif _vina.relationshipPoints eq 3>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>$player.name<hr>Hey Vina, are you ready for another test of the serum?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _vina.chat>></div><<= _vina.name>><hr>Of course!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The Hypnosis Serum was removed from your inventory</div><br>
<<set _foundCobraCount to 0>> <!-- Initialize a variable to count how many items have been removed -->
<<for _i to 0; _i < $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Hypnosis Serum">>
<<set $player.inventory.splice(_i, 1)>> <!-- Remove one instance of the item at index _i -->
<<set _foundCobraCount += 1>> <!-- Increase the count by 1 to track how many items have been removed -->
<<if _foundCobraCount >= 1>> <!-- Check if you've removed 1 items -->
<<break>> <!-- Exit the loop after removing 1 items -->
<div class="npctextboxm">You inject the hypnosis serum into Vina.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _vina.chat>></div><<= _vina.name>><hr>Ugh my head.. I...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>$player.name<hr>I should use this opportunity to issue a command to her. This is probably the last time this will work.</div><br>
<button data-passage="vinachoice4" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$chosenAction to 1">Free Use Anal [Vina will grant you free use of her asshole]</button>
<<elseif _vina.relationshipPoints eq 4>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>$player.name<hr>Hey Vina, are you ready for another test of the serum?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _vina.chat>></div><<= _vina.name>><hr>Of course!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The Hypnosis Serum was removed from your inventory</div><br>
<<set _foundCobraCount to 0>> <!-- Initialize a variable to count how many items have been removed -->
<<for _i to 0; _i < $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Hypnosis Serum">>
<<set $player.inventory.splice(_i, 1)>> <!-- Remove one instance of the item at index _i -->
<<set _foundCobraCount += 1>> <!-- Increase the count by 1 to track how many items have been removed -->
<<if _foundCobraCount >= 1>> <!-- Check if you've removed 1 items -->
<<break>> <!-- Exit the loop after removing 1 items -->
<div class="npctextboxm">You inject the hypnosis serum into Vina.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _vina.chat>></div><<= _vina.name>><hr>Ugh my head.. I...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>$player.name<hr>I should use this opportunity to issue a command to her.</div><br>
<button data-passage="vinachoice5" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$chosenAction to 1">Gangbangs [Vina will let you and others run a train on her]</button>
<div class="npctextboxm">Using anymore serums past this point would be dangerous. I should stop for now.</div><br>
<button data-passage="vinaMenu" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button>
<</if>><<set _vina = $findCharacterByName('Vina')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You walk up to Vina and put her on her knees by pushing her shoulders down. You start to unbuckle your belt.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _vina.chat>></div><<= _vina.name>><hr>$player.name - I'm happy to relieve any of the men around here. Let's do it!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>$player.name<hr>Good. You're learning.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted><source src="images/characters/vina/scenes/bj.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your cock goes deep inside Vina's mouth. She gives a good blowjob. But wait! - You feel your cock twitching...</div><br>
<<set _randomCum to random(1,3)>>
<<if _randomCum eq 1>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You blow your load all over Vina's face!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted><source src="images/characters/vina/scenes/facial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">33% Chance - You failed to cum this time.</div><br>
<button data-passage="amadaOfficeMain" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Finish</button><<set _vina = $findCharacterByName('Vina')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You pick up the naked Vina and use her like a fuck toy</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted><source src="images/characters/vina/scenes/fuckpick.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Vina has almost no reaction as she lets you fuck her at will!</div><br>
<<set _vina.fuckedtimes = _vina.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<button data-passage="vinaseduceF" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button><<set _vina = $findCharacterByName('Vina')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You bend over the naked Vina and use her</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted><source src="images/characters/vina/scenes/fuckbend.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Vina has almost no reaction as she lets you fuck her at will!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _vina.chat>></div><<= _vina.name>><hr>Sorry could you make this quick? I have a call in 5 minutes.</div><br>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _vina "Crabs">>
<<elseif _vina.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _vina $player "Crabs">>
<<set _vina.fuckedtimes = _vina.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<button data-passage="vinaseduceF" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button><<set _vina = $findCharacterByName('Vina')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">As you use Vina more, you eventually cum inside her! That doesn't stop you from fucking her more!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted><source src="images/characters/vina/scenes/cum.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _vina.chat>></div><<= _vina.name>><hr>Don't worry about the mess... I'll clean it up, $player.name</div><br>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _vina "Crabs">>
<<elseif _vina.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _vina $player "Crabs">>
<button data-passage="vinaMenu" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button><<set _vina = $findCharacterByName('Vina')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You lift Vina's legs up and bring her ass towards you like a fuck doll. You put your hard cock right into her ass!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted><source src="images/characters/vina/scenes/anal.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Vina has almost no reaction as she lets you fuck her ass at will!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _vina.chat>></div><<= _vina.name>><hr>Is this good for you, $player.name?</div><br>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _vina "Crabs">>
<<elseif _vina.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _vina $player "Crabs">>
<<set _vina.fuckedtimes = _vina.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<button data-passage="vinaseduceF" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button><<set _vina = $findCharacterByName('Vina')>>
<div class="npctextboxm">As you use Vina's asshole more, you eventually cum inside her! That doesn't stop you from fucking her more!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted><source src="images/characters/vina/scenes/analcum.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _vina.chat>></div><<= _vina.name>><hr>No mess this time. I need to go the the bathroom, thanks for cumming in my ass, $player.name!</div><br>
<button data-passage="vinaMenu" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button><<set _vina = $findCharacterByName('Vina')>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>$player.name<hr>Hey fellas, I need your help here with my lab assistant.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You bring a couple of new recruits into your office and lock the door behind you, you dont want to be caught doing this.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/amadarecruit/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Amada Recruit<hr>Hey Dr $player.name, what do you need us for?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>$player.name<hr>I've got a naughty lab assistant who needs taught a lesson...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _vina.chat>></div><<= _vina.name>><hr>Which cock should i suck first?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/amadarecruit/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Amada Recruit<hr>Huh?! Oh fuck yes!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You and the Amada Recruits all take turns banging the shit out of Vina</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted><source src="images/characters/vina/scenes/gang.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _vina.chat>></div><<= _vina.name>><hr>T-t-thank you boys!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>$player.name<hr>Thanks Vina!</div><br>
<button data-passage="vinaMenu" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button><<set _vina = $findCharacterByName('Vina')>>
<<set _hypnoCheck = 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Hypnosis Serum">>
<<set _hypnoCheck = 1>>
<<if $time gt 5>>
<div class="title">Amada Corporation</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">It's getting late and Vina has left the office.</div><br>
<button data-passage="amadaOfficeMain" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<div class="title">Amada Corporation</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _vina.image>></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _vina.chat>></div><<= _vina.name>><hr>$player.name - It's so nice to see you again! What are we doing today?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">If I had some hypno serum I could use it on Vina.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<<if _hypnoCheck eq 1>>
<button data-passage="vinaApplySerum" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Use Hypno Serum]</button>
<<if _vina.afflictions.includes("Dosed - Blowjob Giver")>>
<button data-passage="vinaBlowJob" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Blowjob]</button>
<button data-passage="vinaseduceF" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck]</button>
<button data-passage="vina_outfits" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Outfits]</button>
<button data-passage="amadaOfficeMain" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Interacting]</button>
<<if !$achievements.culturalAppropriation.unlocked and _vina.relationshipPoints gte 300>>
<</if>><<widget "vinapic">>
<<if $vinaoutfit eq 1>>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/tokyo/labb.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/tokyo/laba.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<<widget "vinachat">>
<<if $vinachat eq 0>><div class="britneychat"><img src="images/vina/chat1.png" alt="" /></div>
<<elseif $vinachat eq 1>><div class="britneychat"><img src="images/vina/chat2.png" alt="" /></div>
<<elseif $vinachat eq 2>><div class="britneychat"><img src="images/vina/chat3.png" alt="" /></div>
<<elseif $vinachat eq 3>><div class="britneychat"><img src="images/vina/chat4.png" alt="" /></div>
<<elseif $vinachat eq 4>><div class="britneychat"><img src="images/vina/chat5.png" alt="" /></div>
<div class="britneychat"><img src="images/vina/vinachat.png" alt="" /></div>
<</widget>><<set _vina = $findCharacterByName('Vina')>>
<<set _questName3 = "Halloween 2023">>
<<set _index3 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<<set _questName4 = "Easter 2023">>
<<set _index4 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName4)>>
<<set _chatOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/vina/chat.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Nude Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/vina/chat.jpg">', condition: _vina.afflictions.includes("Dosed - Nude") },
{ name: "Choker Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/vina/chokerchat.jpg">', condition: _vina.fuckedtimes >= 1 },
{ name: "Bimbo Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/vina/bimbochat.jpg">', condition: _vina.fuckedtimes >= 35 },
{ name: "Halloween Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/vina/halloweenchat.jpg">', condition: $substory[_index3].progress eq 100 },
{ name: "Easter Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/vina/easterchat.jpg">', condition: $substory[_index4].progress eq 100 },
{ name: "Underwear Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/vina/underwearchat.jpg">', condition: _vina.afflictions.includes("Dosed - Underwear") },
<<set _outfitOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/vina/main.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Nude", img: '<img src="images/characters/vina/main.jpg">', condition: _vina.afflictions.includes("Dosed - Nude") },
{ name: "Bimbo Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/vina/bimbo.jpg">', condition: _vina.fuckedtimes >= 35 },
{ name: "Halloween Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/vina/halloweenoutfit.jpg">', condition: $substory[_index3].progress eq 100 },
{ name: "Easter Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/vina/easteroutfit.jpg">', condition: $substory[_index4].progress eq 100 },
{ name: "Native Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/vina/native.jpg">', condition: _vina.fuckedtimes >= 15 },
{ name: "Underwear Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/vina/underwear.jpg">', condition: _vina.afflictions.includes("Dosed - Underwear") },
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _vina.chat>></div><<= _vina.name>><hr>My work uniform is changing?</div><br>
<!-- Sophia's Chat Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose <<= _vina.name>>'s Avatar<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _chatOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_vina.chat" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<!-- Sophia's Outfit Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose <<= _vina.name>>'s Main Outfit<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _outfitOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_vina.image" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<button data-passage="vinaMenu" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Save]</button><<set _vina = $findCharacterByName('Vina')>>
<<set _vina.relationshipPoints = 1>>
<<if $chosenAction eq 1>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>$player.name<hr>You are going to work even harder for me, understood? It'll help you get a promotion.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _vina.chat>></div><<= _vina.name>><hr>I will work harder for you, $playerCall.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>$player.name<hr>I think it worked?</div><br>
<<addAffliction _vina "Dosed - Hard Worker">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>$player.name<hr>You need to wear something with abit more skin around the office. Understood? It'll make you feel more comfortable.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _vina.chat>></div><<= _vina.name>><hr>I should wear outfits with more skin showing as that makes me comfortable.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>$player.name<hr>I think it worked?</div><br>
<<addAffliction _vina "Dosed - Underwear">>
<button data-passage="vinaMenu" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><<set _vina = $findCharacterByName('Vina')>>
<<set _vina.relationshipPoints = 2>>
<<if $chosenAction eq 1>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>$player.name<hr>You are going to work even faster for me, understood? It'll help you get a promotion.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _vina.chat>></div><<= _vina.name>><hr>I will work faster for you, $playerCall.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>$player.name<hr>I think it worked?</div><br>
<<addAffliction _vina "Dosed - Fast Worker">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>$player.name<hr>You need to do more for this company. You love your husband and would never cheat, but giving your co-workers blowjobs is not actually penetration so its not cheating!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _vina.chat>></div><<= _vina.name>><hr>I should be open to giving casual blowjobs to my co-workers. It's not cheating and makes them feel good.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>$player.name<hr>I think it worked?</div><br>
<<addAffliction _vina "Dosed - Blowjob Giver">>
<button data-passage="vinaMenu" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><<set _vina = $findCharacterByName('Vina')>>
<<set _vina.relationshipPoints = 3>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>$player.name<hr>You are going to use your body even more to all the men here. Free use is letting anyone at anytime here use your body. It's selfish that only your husband is allowed to have you.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _vina.chat>></div><<= _vina.name>><hr>I will not be selfish. I will let anyone use me at anytime.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>$player.name<hr>I think it worked?</div><br>
<<addAffliction _vina "Dosed - Free Use">>
<button data-passage="vinaMenu" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><<set _vina = $findCharacterByName('Vina')>>
<<set _vina.relationshipPoints = 4>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>$player.name<hr>Previously, your ass was off limits to the men here. That changes today.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _vina.chat>></div><<= _vina.name>><hr>I will not be selfish. My asshole will be for everyone!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>$player.name<hr>I think it worked?</div><br>
<<addAffliction _vina "Dosed - Anal">>
<button data-passage="vinaseduceF" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button><<set _vina = $findCharacterByName('Vina')>>
<<set _vina.relationshipPoints = 5>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>$player.name<hr>Listen. You're going to learn about multi-tasking today. From this point onwards, you're going to let multiple men fuck you at once</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _vina.chat>></div><<= _vina.name>><hr>Multiple... men... I-I hope i can take it all!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>$player.name<hr>I think it worked?</div><br>
<<addAffliction _vina "Dosed - Gangbang">>
<button data-passage="vinaseduceF" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button><div class="title">Amada Corporation</div><br>
<<set _vina = $findCharacterByName('Vina')>>
<div class="imageboxbig"><<= _vina.image>></div><br>
<<if !_vina.afflictions.includes("Dosed - Free Use")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>$player.name<hr>As my assistant, I would like it if we were abit more close... what do you say?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Vina flashes her hand at you. She's wearing a wedding ring?!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>$player.name<hr>Oh my god, what the fuck is that?!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _vina.chat>></div><<= _vina.name>><hr>Hee hee! It's my wedding ring! I'm deeply in love with my husband and no other man could make me change my mind. Sorry $player.name! You're cute but I'm a loyal wife!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>$player.name<hr>(What is this shit?!)</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>$player.name<hr>Vina, hows my favourite assistant doing?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You undress Vina by undoing each button as you talk to her. Her free use mode is in effect!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _vina.chat>></div><<= _vina.name>><hr>$player.name - I'm going great. Just working hard on some new materials.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>$player.name<hr>Good.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="vinaF1" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Pick her up and fuck her]</button>
<button data-passage="vinaF2" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Bend her over and fuck her]</button>
<button data-passage="vinaF3" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Cum - Vagina]</button>
<<if _vina.afflictions.includes("Dosed - Anal")>>
<button data-passage="vinaF4" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck her asshole]</button>
<button data-passage="vinaF5" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Cum - Asshole]</button>
<<if _vina.afflictions.includes("Dosed - Gangbang")>>
<button data-passage="vinaF6" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Gangbang Vina with the boys]</button>
<button data-passage="vinaMenu" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button><div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Amada Corporation</div><br>
<<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName('Zoe')>>
<<set _jenniffer = $findCharacterByName('Jennifer')>>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/tokyo/amada/phone.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You pick up the phone with the text "Agent Communications" written in bold white lettering above the keypad.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Which character do you want to fuck with? These actions can change the entire world of Amore.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><b>Characters available to edit:</b><hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<div class="perkbox">
<<= $player.image>>
<button data-passage="changeplayer" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Change]</button>
<div class="perkbox">
<<= _jenniffer.chat>>
<button data-passage="" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Change]</button>
<div class="perkbox">
<<= _zoe.chat>>
<button data-passage="" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Change]</button>
<button data-passage="amadaOfficeMain" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Back</button><div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Amada Corporation | Hallway</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/tokyo/amada/hallway.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="amadaOfficeMain" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Your Office]</button>
<button data-passage="breakRoom" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Meeting Room]</button>
<button data-passage="amadaBasement" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Basement]</button>
<button data-passage="visitMaximus" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Visit Mr Maximus]</button>
<button data-passage="visitMolly" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Visit Molly]</button>
<button data-passage="amadaOutside" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Exit Building]</button>
</div><div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Amada Corporation</div><br>
<<set _maximus = $findCharacterByName('Maximus')>>
<<if !_maximus.afflictions.includes("Befriended")>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You walk inside the building. The door opens automatically after a few seconds. You cautiously enter the reception area of the Amada building...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">As you approach the receptionist, a nearby door on your left opens. It's Mr Maximus!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>$player.name! It's so good to see you! I heard you were in Tokyo. What took you so long to get here? I hope you aren't having any second thoughts on our arrangement?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You stay silent and nod slowly.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _maximus.chat>></div><<= _maximus.name>><hr>You don't go through the main reception, okay? That's for the normal people. We go down here.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Maximus points towards a downward staircase behind him and nods for you to follow him. You agree and follow him down the stairs. The door locks behind you automatically.</div><br>
<<addAffliction _maximus "Befriended">>
<button data-passage="amadaIntro" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Continue Down the Stairs]</button>
<<goto "leaveOffice">>
<</if>><<set _vina = $findCharacterByName('Vina')>>
<<set _locationTitle = "Amada Corporation">>
<<set _characterConditions = [
{name: "Vina", condition: _vina.afflictions.includes("Your Assistant") && $time lte 5},
<<displayLocation '<img src="images/locations/tokyo/amada/office.jpg" alt="" />' _characterConditions>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your lab... how the fuck did you end up doing this shit?</div>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $time lte 5 and _vina.afflictions.includes("Your Assistant")>>
<button data-passage="vinaMenu" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Interact with Vina]</button>
<button data-passage="partyMemberDonate" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Donate Party Members]</button>
<button data-passage="materialsMenu" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Create Materials]</button>
<button data-passage="serumCraft" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Create Serums]</button>
<button data-passage="callAgents" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Change the World]</button>
<button data-passage="leaveOffice" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Office]</button>
<button data-passage="amadaOutside" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Exit Building]</button>
<button data-passage="loveHotel" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Go Straight To Your Hotel]</button>
<<if !$achievements.fitIn.unlocked and $player.amadareputation gte 250>>
<</if>><div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Amada Corporation</div><br>
<<set _questName2 = "Mysterious Letter">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/tokyo/amada/amada.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You stand outside the Amada Corporation HQ. It's a grand building with blacked out windows. <br>What is inside, is a mystery to the general public.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 100>>
<button data-passage="amadaInside" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter - LOCKED]</button>
<button data-passage="shibuyaStreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
</div><div class="titlebox">ECHOS OF THE PAST #1</div> <br>
<<set _questName2 = "Echos of the Past #1">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set $maxiOpinion = 0>> /* resets maxi opinion */
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 0>>
<<updateQuest "Echos of the Past #1" 50>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>Son, wake up. It's almost time for us to leave!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>Your Son<hr>Coming, Dad</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">You wait nervously for your son to come down the stairs, today is the day. You need to get this done quickly. Your heart is racing and you are starting to sweat. This is taking too long.</div> <br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>Come on, we're going to be late picking up your mother and sister.</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">Finally, your son comes down the stairs. You give him a nod and grab your car keys and make your way to the car. Your son follows you without saying a word.</div> <br>
<div class="narratortextbox">You pull out of the drive and take the exit onto the highway. So far so good. This might just actually work out.</div> <br>
<div class="narratortextbox">That's when you see *it*.</div> <br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/events/echo/tailing.jpg" alt="" /></div> <br>
<div class="narratortextbox">Ah shit. *It* is tailing you. They've found you. With the kid. Shit. This isn't how you thought it would go.</div> <br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>Son, there is something you should know.</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">You swerve into the other lane, hoping to lose the taling vehicle</div> <br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>Your Son<hr>Yeah?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>You know me and your mom love you, right?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>Your Son<hr>Of course</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>And we will always love you no matter what</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">The pursuing vehicle easily catches up. It's no use.</div> <br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div>Your Son<hr>...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>When we were first trying for a child, we started to have some issues. We had to resort to other methods to have our ow-</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">Just before you could finish telling your son the truth, the tailing vehicle slams into the back of your car. They must have covered some distance in a short amount of time. Fuck!</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">Your car spins and you try to take control of it - its no use! You quickly decide to turn the car in the direction where your side would take the full impact. Ensuring your son has the best chance of survival. This is the least you can do for him.</div><br>
<button data-passage="echo_3" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">What now?</button><div class="titlebox">ECHOS OF THE PAST #1</div> <br>
<div class="narratortextbox">You are dead.</div> <br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/apate/apatechat.png" alt="" /></div>???<hr>Lights, camera - action!</div><br>
<button data-passage="echo_4" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"I don't want to die"</button><div class="titlebox">The Introduction</div> <br>
<div class="narratortextbox">...5 days earlier from your inevitable death...</div> <br>
<div class="narratortextbox">You are sitting in a hotel lobby, opposite you is a man who is also sitting. Your head hurts like hell. You have no idea where the you are.</div> <br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/events/echo/lobby.jpg" alt="" /></div> <br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>???<hr>You're finally awake. I'm guessing you're in a world of pain right now, huh?</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">You stare at the man dumfoundly, you have no idea who he is but he obviously knows you. People are walking past the hotel lobby talking, the noise of distant crowds and walking rings in your ears like nails through a chalkboard. You want to die.</div> <br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>???<hr>Dude... are you okay? Should I be worried?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>...who are you?</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">The man is taken back by your question. He is obviously awaiting the punchline to your joke. There is no punchline. You have no idea where you are or who he is... infact... you have *no* idea who *you* are.</div> <br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>???<hr>Dennis, stop it. I don't like these jokes. Do you want a glass of water? We really need to do a debrief before we can head back to the office.</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">Dennis, your name is Dennis. Nice. It's not the best name in the world, but a name you can certainly roll with. Anyway, let's wrap this up. You probably dont want to scare this guy. Maybe we should pretend we are okay. Y'know? Play it cool.</div> <br>
<button data-passage="echo_5_bad" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"I am not joking. I do not know who you are or where I am."</button>
<button data-passage="echo_5_bad" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Who the fuck are you?"</button>
<button data-passage="echo_5_good" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Whatever..."</button>
<button data-passage="echo_5_bad" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Fuck you."</button>
<button data-passage="echo_5_good" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Sure, let's do a 'de-brief'."</button>
<button data-passage="echo_5_good" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"HELL YEAH"</button><div class="imagebox"><img src="images/events/echo/lobby.jpg" alt="" /></div> <br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>???<hr>Whatever buddy, this isn't getting you out of doing the de-brief. You are just very hungover. I'm not judging, but we've got shit to do.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>I don't think you understand I'-</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">Just as you are about to explain yourself, the man buts in.</div> <br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>???<hr>We don't have time for this, Dennis. Come on. Let's go to the room where she is. Can you at least remember that?</div><br>
<button data-passage="echo_6" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">The Room?</button>
<<set $maxiOpinion = $maxiOpinion - 1>><div class="imagebox"><img src="images/events/echo/lobby.jpg" alt="" /></div> <br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>???<hr>Awesome! I was a little worried there...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>You know me... friendo! I'm a silly little joker!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>???<hr>Sure, Dennis. Come on. Let's go to the room where she is. Can you at least remember that?</div><br>
<button data-passage="echo_6" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">The Room?</button>
<<set $maxiOpinion = $maxiOpinion + 1>><div class="imagebox"><img src="images/events/echo/lobby.jpg" alt="" /></div> <br>
<<set _keyCheck = 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Hotel Key [215]">>
<<set _keyCheck = 1>>
<div class="narratortextbox">THE ROOM?! What fucking room? Your room? Her room? You don't know *anything* about a fucking room.</div> <br>
<div class="narratortextbox">You start to sweat. You are nervous. The man raises an eyebrow at you. You need to think of something... fast.</div> <br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>???<hr>Take your time.</div><br>
<button data-passage="echo_6_admit" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"I don't know anything about a room"</button>
<button data-passage="echo_6_pockets" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Search your pockets]</button>
<button data-passage="echo_6_drink" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Drink Water]</button>
<<if _keyCheck eq 1>>
<button data-passage="echo_6_try" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"The Hotel Room number is...."</button>
<</if>><div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>I have *zero* fucking idea what you are talking about, man.</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">The man sighs.</div> <br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>???<hr>Dennis, stop this. Your dumb act isn't fooling anyone.</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">It's obvious this man is not buying your amnesia 'act'. You best come up with something to satisfy his questions.</div> <br>
<button data-passage="echo_6" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"..."</button>
<<set $maxiOpinion = $maxiOpinion - 1>><<set _glasscheck = 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Glass Cup">>
<<set _glasscheck = 1>>
<<if !$player.afflictions.includes("Thirty Boy")>>
<div class="narratortextbox">There is a glass of water sitting on the table. It's //probably// for you.</div> <br>
<div class="narratortextbox">You take a big swig of the water. It's all gone.</div> <br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>???<hr>Someone is thirsty.</div><br>
<<addAffliction $player "Thirty Boy">>
<<elseif _glasscheck eq 1>>
<div class="narratortextbox">Holy fucking shit. Not only did someone steal your water... but they also stole the fucking glass that was once holding the stolen water. Remain calm. Do *NOT* panic. Someone or *SOMETHING* is fucking with us. This bald man possesses powers unkown to human kind. Do not trust him.</div> <br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/events/echo/water.jpg" alt="" /></div> <br>
<div class="narratortextbox">Oh fuck. Someone has drank your water. That is *not* good. You could just ignore this, but whoever did it might do it again. You need to stand up for yourself. This bald guy looks like culprit.</div> <br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>It would appear someone has drank my water. Was it you?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>???<hr>Dennis, I just watched you drink the water. What the fuck are you talking about, buddy?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>Right.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>???<hr>Can we get back to the task at hand?</div><br>
<<if _glasscheck != 1>>
<button data-passage="echo_6_glass_steal" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Steal the Glass Cup]</button>
<button data-passage="echo_6" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"..."</button><div class="narratortextbox">Fuck this. Fuck this guy. Let's get out of here.</div> <br>
<div class="narratortextbox">You try to stand... it's no use. Your brain is sending the command to your legs but they just dont want to move. This hangover is really fucking you over.</div> <br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>???<hr>Are you okay? Why are you staring at your legs? Can we hurry this up?</div><br>
<button data-passage="echo_6" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><div class="imagebox"><img src="images/events/echo/water.jpg" alt="" /></div> <br>
<div class="narratortextbox"><span style="color: #00cc00;">Look at the fucking grooves on that glass. Holy shit. You need this glass cup. You take it.</span></div> <br>
<<set _item = {
name: "Glass Cup",
image:'<img src="images/inventory/glasscup.png" alt="" />',
desc: "A clear glass cup. Stolen from the hotel."
<<set $player.inventory.push(_item)>>
<div class="narratortextbox">The bald guy watches you as you put the glass into your pocket. He doesn't say anything.</div> <br>
<button data-passage="echo_6" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button>
<<set $maxiOpinion = $maxiOpinion - 1>><div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>The hotel room number... it was 215, right. The number is on my keys.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>???<hr>Awesome work Dennis, I knew I could count on you. Let's go up and check in on our 'friend', shall we?</div><br>
<<set $maxiOpinion = $maxiOpinion + 1>>
<div class="narratortextbox">Friend? Girl? Girlfriend? Is it your girlfriend? I hope so! I hope she is hot! Yeah! A super fucking hot girlfriend.</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">Wait just a fucking second... what if... what if its *his* girlfriend? Not a fucking chance, look at him. He doesn't have half the charisma as you do. This girl is definitely your girlfriend.</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">You stop and stare at the man for a few seconds.</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/characters/maximus/main.jpg" alt="" /></div> <br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>???<hr>Uh...</div><br>
<button data-passage="echo_7_funny" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"No funny stuff, okay?"</button>
<button data-passage="echo_7_ouch" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"You are *SOOO* ugly bro"</button>
<button data-passage="echo_7_funny" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"I'm scared."</button>
<button data-passage="echo_7_funny" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"I'll wait here."</button>
<button data-passage="echo_7_ouch" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Go fuck yourself!"</button>
<button data-passage="echo_7_ouch" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"BALDY!"</button>
<button data-passage="echo_7_challenge" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Let's go." [Follow the man]</button><div class="narratortextbox">You search your pockets. You reach deep inside, hoping to find a one way ticket out of this situation...</div> <br>
<<set _keyCheck = 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Hotel Key [215]">>
<<set _keyCheck = 1>>
<<if _keyCheck eq 0>>
<div class="narratortextbox"><span style="color: #00cc00;">Bingo! A fucking hotel key, it has the room number on it. You slide it from your pocket into... your other pocket. You should check it out.</span></div> <br>
<<set _item = {
name: "Hotel Key [215]",
image:'<img src="images/inventory/housekey.png" alt="" />',
desc: "A hotel key. It has '215' inscribed on it."
<<set $player.inventory.push(_item)>>
<div class="narratortextbox">As you reach into the depths of the jacket pocket. There are nothing but crumbs and hair here. Ew.</div> <br>
<button data-passage="echo_6" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>???<hr>Come on, spit it out dude.</div><br>
<<set _keyCheck = 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Hotel Key [215]">>
<<set _keyCheck = 1>>
<<if _keyCheck eq 1>>
<button data-passage="echo_6_guess" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"It was... 215"</button>
<button data-passage="echo_6" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Fuck this"</button>
<button data-passage="echo_6" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Nevermind"</button><<run $keypadCode.push($keypadEnter)>>
<<goto "echo_6_try">><div class="narratortextbox">You follow the bald man to a hotel room. The door number reads 'Room 215'. Just like it was on your keys.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>???<hr>Before we go... You havent said my name yet.</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">*ABORT MISSION - HE IS ON TO US*</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>???<hr>You know my name, right?</div><br>
<button data-passage="echo_7_lie" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Lie] "Of course..."</button>
<button data-passage="echo_7_truth" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Tell the truth]</button><div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>???<hr>Very funny, Dennis. I'm glad to see you are getting your sense of humour back. Let's go.</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">You decide to follow the bald man.</div><br>
<<set $maxiOpinion = $maxiOpinion + 1>>
<button data-passage="echo_7_challenge" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Follow Bald Man]</button><div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>Come on man... of course i know your fucking name</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>???<hr>Okay... what is it then?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>Its...</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">You can do this. think *hard*...</div><br>
<<set $maxiOpinion = $maxiOpinion - 1>>
<button data-passage="echo_7_revelation" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Klaus"</button>
<button data-passage="echo_7_revelation" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Peter"</button>
<button data-passage="echo_7_revelation" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Baldy"</button>
<button data-passage="echo_7_revelation" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Cunt"</button>
<button data-passage="echo_7_revelation" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Jeff"</button><div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>???<hr>No need to be a dick. Let's go.</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">You decide to follow the bald man.</div><br>
<<set $maxiOpinion = $maxiOpinion - 2>>
<button data-passage="echo_7_challenge" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Follow Bald Man]</button><div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>Listen - my name is Maximus. We are good friends who are partners in the field working for Amada Corporation. Ring any bells?</div><br>
<button data-passage="echo_8" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Nope"</button>
<button data-passage="echo_8" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Kinda"</button><div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>I need to be honest with you. I have no fucking idea who I am, where I am, who you are, what year it is... or what the fuck I am doing here...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>???<hr>Oh. That is... disturbing. </div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">The bald man's eyes are like manson lamps right now. He's freaked out. He believes you. Your face is a face of worry and your body language also backs up what you are saying. You really just forgot everything.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>???<hr>I wonder how that could even happen. I never knew a hangover could just... wipe your memory. It must be a temporary thing, Dennis. Let's just keep doing what we're doing and pray that your memory comes back... soon. Don't worry. I've got your back. We're good friends.</div><br>
<<set $maxiOpinion = $maxiOpinion - 1>>
<button data-passage="echo_7_revelation" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"What is your name?"</button><div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>Let's hope it all comes back to you soon. Let's enter, i'm looking forward to seeing what you did here.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>Me too.</div><br>
<button data-passage="echo_9" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Room 215]</button><div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>Wait just a second. We can't leave yet!</div><br>
<button data-passage="echo_9" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Talking]</button><div class="imagebox"><img src="images/events/echo/215.jpg" alt="" /></div> <br>
<<set _questName2 = "Echos of the Past #1">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 50>>
<div class="narratortextbox">As you slowly enter room 215. You can see the place is clearly trashed.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>I don't see anyone here...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>Did you capture the target?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>...</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">You just stare at Maximus. Your brain has nothing to say right now.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>Ah fiddlesticks! Let's look around. We're looking for a woman - or traces of where she might have went!</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">Game Tips: Search the room. Interact with objects and learn about your enviroment. Ask Maximus things and find out what is going on.</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Echos of the Past #1" 75>>
<button data-passage="echo_9" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Explore the Room]</button>
<div class="narratortextbox">You are standing inside the hotel room 215. Maximus is staring at the desk in the corner of the room.</div><br>
<button data-passage="echo_9_maximus" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Speak With Maximus]</button>
<button data-passage="echo_9_look" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Look Around The Room]</button>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress gte 80>>
<button data-passage="echo_9_bathroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter the bathroom]</button>
<button data-passage="echo_9_bed" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Study the Bed]</button>
<button data-passage="echo_9_trash" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Check the trashcan]</button>
<button data-passage="echo_9_suitcase" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Check the suitcase]</button>
<button data-passage="echo_9_leave_attempt" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<</if>><<set _questName2 = "Echos of the Past #1">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/events/echo/215_bathroom.jpg" alt="" /></div> <br>
<div class="narratortextbox">The bathroom is empty.</div><br>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress lt 85>>
<div class="narratortextbox">It's hard to concentrate in here with the rising smell of what seems to be alcohol and piss on the floor.</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">The window is open. A nice breeze fills the air of the bathroom. You now notice a wooden box lying next to the shower.</div><br>
<button data-passage="echo_9_bathroom_sink" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Inspect the Sink]</button>
<button data-passage="echo_9_bathroom_box" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Inspect the wooden box]</button>
<button data-passage="echo_9_bathroom_window" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Open the window]</button>
<button data-passage="echo_9" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Bathroom]</button><<set _keyCheck = 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Suitcase Key">>
<<set _keyCheck = 1>>
<<if _keyCheck eq 1>>
<div class="narratortextbox">A wooden box lies on the floor. It's been opened and nothing is inside.</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">A wooden box lies on the floor. There is a compass in the middle of it.</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/events/echo/215_puzzle.jpg" alt="" /></div> <br>
<div class="narratortextbox">There are four dials with some text under each one. I think you will have to put the dials in the right directions to get this box to open.</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">The text on the wooden box reads "The departed linger in the shadows of memory, their whispers echoing through time. Let us not consign them to oblivion, but instead let their essence illuminate our path, guiding us through the darkness of remembrance.".</div><br>
<fieldset>Einstein [1879 - 1955]<hr>
<<radiobutton "$norman" "North">> North
<<radiobutton "$norman" "North-East">> North-East
<<radiobutton "$norman" "East">> East
<<radiobutton "$norman" "South-East">> South-East
<<radiobutton "$norman" "South">> South
<<radiobutton "$norman" "South-West">> South-West
<<radiobutton "$norman" "West">> West
<<radiobutton "$norman" "North-West">> North-West
<fieldset>Socrates [470 - 399]<hr>
<<radiobutton "$susan" "North">> North
<<radiobutton "$susan" "North-East">> North-East
<<radiobutton "$susan" "East">> East
<<radiobutton "$susan" "South-East">> South-East
<<radiobutton "$susan" "South">> South
<<radiobutton "$susan" "South-West">> South-West
<<radiobutton "$susan" "West">> West
<<radiobutton "$susan" "North-West">> North-West
<fieldset>Nicolaus Witsen [1641 - 1717]<hr>
<<radiobutton "$sally" "North">> North
<<radiobutton "$sally" "North-East">> North-East
<<radiobutton "$sally" "East">> East
<<radiobutton "$sally" "South-East">> South-East
<<radiobutton "$sally" "South">> South
<<radiobutton "$sally" "South-West">> South-West
<<radiobutton "$sally" "West">> West
<<radiobutton "$sally" "North-West">> North-West
<fieldset>Samuel Ervin [1896 - 1985]<hr>
<<radiobutton "$natalie" "North">> North
<<radiobutton "$natalie" "North-East">> North-East
<<radiobutton "$natalie" "East">> East
<<radiobutton "$natalie" "South-East">> South-East
<<radiobutton "$natalie" "South">> South
<<radiobutton "$natalie" "South-West">> South-West
<<radiobutton "$natalie" "West">> West
<<radiobutton "$natalie" "North-West">> North-West
<button data-passage="echo_9_bathroom_code" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Input Code]</button>
<button data-passage="echo_9_bathroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Away]</button><div class="narratortextbox">You finish turning the dials...</div><br>
<<if $norman eq "East" and $susan eq "South" and $sally eq "North-West" and $natalie eq "South-East">>
<div class="narratortextbox">It clicks open! Yes!</div><br>
<<if !$achievements.dejavu.unlocked>>
<<set _item = {
name: "Suitcase Key",
image:'<img src="images/inventory/suitcasekey.png" alt="" />',
desc: "A key for your suitcase."
<<set $player.inventory.push(_item)>>
<div class="narratortextbox"><span style="color: #00cc00;">You take the key from the box. Perhaps this is the suitcase key?</span></div> <br>
<div class="narratortextbox">Nothing happens. Looks like it was wrong.</div><br>
<button data-passage="echo_9_bathroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><<set _glassCheck = 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Glass Cup">>
<<set _glassCheck = 1>>
<div class="narratortextbox">You fill your glass cup up with water</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>I knew this would come in handy...</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">Maximus' bald head can be seen peaking out the side of the door... again</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>Just a word of warning, never drink hotel sink water. It's always dirty.</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">I'm sick of this bozo telling us what to do. *DRINK IT*</div><br>
<button data-passage="echo_9_bathroom_sink" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Pour it down the sink]</button>
<button data-passage="echo_9_sink_drink" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Drink it]</button><div class="imagebox"><img src="images/events/echo/sink.jpg" alt="" /></div> <br>
<<set _glassCheck = 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Glass Cup">>
<<set _glassCheck = 1>>
<div class="narratortextbox">You approach a very nice marble bathroom sink</div><br>
<<if _glassCheck eq 1>>
<button data-passage="echo_9_bathroom_cup" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Use glass cup]</button>
<button data-passage="echo_9_bathroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step away]</button><div class="narratortextbox">You fall to your knees. The hotel tap water has overtaken your body and your nervous system. You feel the chlorine slowly seeping into all of your vital organs. You fall again to the floor with your entire body. Your muscles are now contaminated and are spassuming uncontrolably. You piss and shit yourself (ew).</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">You are dead.</div><br>
<button data-passage="echo_9_bathroom_sink" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[REVERSE TIME]</button>
<<if !$achievements.ripinpeace.unlocked>>
<</if>><div class="imagebox"><img src="images/events/echo/waterdrink.jpg" alt="" /></div> <br>
<div class="narratortextbox">You drink the glass of water while maintaining eye contact with maximus</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>His face looks at you, worried and afraid.</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">You gasp for air as you finish chugging the water. Your tummy growls.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>You can't control me, Maximus</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>Obviously</div><br>
<<set $maxiOpinion = $maxiOpinion - 1>>
<div class="narratortextbox">You feel sick</div><br>
<button data-passage="echo_9_bathroom_sink" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step away]</button>
<button data-passage="echo_9_sink_death" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Drink it again]</button><<set _questName2 = "Echos of the Past #1">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 80>>
<div class="narratortextbox">You open the bathroom window. It makes a loud creeking noise as you twist and pull the handle.</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">Maximus' bald head can be seen peaking out the side of the door.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>Do you always spy on people in the bathroom?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>Just checking you didn't jump out of the hotel window. Y'know.</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">His bald bowling ball head retreats into the main room.</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Echos of the Past #1" 85>>
<div class="narratortextbox">The window is already open.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>Window... open?</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">Yes :) Window open...</div><br>
<button data-passage="echo_9_bathroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step away from the window]</button><div class="narratortextbox">You inspect the bed. There has been some use here. Someone has been lying in it, directly in the middle.</div><br>
<<set _walletCheck = 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Your Wallet">>
<<set _walletCheck = 1>>
<<set _photoCheck = 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Photograph [Wife]">>
<<set _photoCheck = 1>>
<<if _walletCheck != 1>>
<button data-passage="echo_9_bed_climb" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Climb into the bed]</button>
<<if _photoCheck != 1>>
<button data-passage="echo_9_bed_wallet" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Check your wallet]</button>
<button data-passage="echo_9_bed_sniff" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Sniff the bed]</button>
<button data-passage="echo_9" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave the bed alone]</button><div class="narratortextbox">You lift up the blanket on the bed and drop yourself withing the cosy confines of the mattress. You are one with the mattress now. You head feels good on the nice cool duck feathered pillow. You close you eyes and smile. You are comfy.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>Uh. Please get out of the bed. We don't really have time for this, Dennis.</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">Maximus rubs the temple of his head and looks at the floor.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>Five more minutes...</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">And then it hits you. Something is under your head - well, under your pillow!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>Hey! What's this?</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">You stand back onto your feet along the side of the bed and remove the pillows rapidly, throwing them everywhere. You discover a wallet lying where the pillow once lay.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>A wallet! Score!</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">Maximus grabs the wallet before you do.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>Ahem.</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">Maximus clears his throat.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>Let's be professional about this. We're not wallet theives. We're just looking for -</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">Maximus stops mid sentance</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>Idiot...</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">Maximus throws you the wallet</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>It's *your* wallet, Dennis! You left it here.</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">Nice!</div><br>
<<set _glassCheck = 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Your Wallet">>
<<set _glassCheck = 1>>
<<if _glassCheck eq 0>>
<<set _item = {
name: "Your Wallet",
image:'<img src="images/inventory/wallet.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Your wallet."
<<set $player.inventory.push(_item)>>
<button data-passage="echo_9_bed" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return to the bed]</button><div class="narratortextbox">You drop to your knees and tilt you head slightly and sniff the 100% cotton bedsheets.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>...</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">Maximus puts his hands on his hips and raises and eyebrow at you.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>A female was lying here.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>Really?</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">You take another sniff</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>Female. Around 5 foot tall. *sniff*. dark hair.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>Seems to match my written description. Good job. Let's keep looking.</div><br>
<button data-passage="echo_9_bed" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return to the bed]</button><div class="narratortextbox">You sit on the side of the bed and open up the wallet. There is about $100 here, some cards and wait! A photograph!</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><img src="images/events/echo/polaroid.png" alt="" /></div> <br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>Is this my wife?...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>Jesus fucking christ! Yes! That's your wife! Don't tell me you forgot you had a wife, Dennis?!</div><br>
<button data-passage="echo_9_bed_wallet_good" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Lie] "I know she is my wife"</button>
<button data-passage="echo_9_bed_wallet_bad" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"I have no memory"</button><div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>I have never seen this woman in my life. She's my.. wife?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>I'm getting more worried about you. Let's hurry this investigation up. We really need to get back to Amada.</div><br>
<<set $maxiOpinion = $maxiOpinion - 1>>
<button data-passage="echo_9_bed_wallet_conclusion" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Procede]</button><div class="narratortextbox">You slide the photograph into your pocket.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>Jennifer has always been good to you. Remember that.</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">Jennifer...</div><br>
<<set _item = {
name: "Photograph [Wife]",
image:'<img src="images/events/echo/polaroid.png" alt="" />',
desc: "A polaroid photograph of your wife, Jennifer."
<<set $player.inventory.push(_item)>>
<button data-passage="echo_9" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop looking at wallet]</button><div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>You think I could forget a rack like that? I remember.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>Okay, good... maybe your head isnt completely gone after all.</div><br>
<button data-passage="echo_9_bed_wallet_conclusion" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Procede]</button>
<<set $maxiOpinion = $maxiOpinion + 1>><div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>Dude, that's kinda gay. I bet my backstory is more interesting than yours.</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">Maximus is hurt by your cruel words.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>Yeah, well... at least I can remember mine!</div><br>
<<set $maxiOpinion = $maxiOpinion - 2>>
<button data-passage="echo_9_maximus" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Talking]</button><div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>Very cool Maximus! It's great to learn more about my new best friend!</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">Maximus shakes his head and smiles.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>Haha! - Alright, let's get to work Dennis.</div><br>
<<set $maxiOpinion = $maxiOpinion + 2>>
<button data-passage="echo_9_maximus" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Talking]</button><div class="narratortextbox">You take a step back and study your surroundings. There is a suitcase on the floor, right next to a bed. The bathroom door is closed. There is also a full trashcan next to the bed.</div><br>
<<set _questName2 = "Echos of the Past #1">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress lt 80>>
<<updateQuest "Echos of the Past #1" 80>>
<button data-passage="echo_9" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop looking around]</button><<set _glassCheck = 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Glass Cup">>
<<set _glassCheck = 1>>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/characters/maximus/main.jpg" alt="" /></div> <br>
<div class="narratortextbox">Maximus, your partner at 'Amada'? Maybe you are special agents?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>What is it?</div><br>
<<if _glassCheck eq 1>>
<button data-passage="echo_9_maximus_chat" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$chatTopic to 1">"Look at this glass" [Show glass cup]</button>
<button data-passage="echo_9_maximus_chat" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$chatTopic to 5">"Tell me about you"</button>
<button data-passage="echo_9_maximus_chat" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$chatTopic to 2">"What is Amada?"</button>
<button data-passage="echo_9" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop talking]</button><<if $chatTopic eq 1>>
<div class="narratortextbox">You pull out the glass cup you stole from the hotel lobby and show it to Maximus.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>Yes Dennis, I saw you take it.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>What do you think of it?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>It's nice.</div><br>
<<elseif $chatTopic eq 2>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>What is Amada corp?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>Amada corp is a secretive organisation that we both work for. We specialise in lust and experimental research relating to lust.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>Lust? Like... sex?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>That's right. Sex, fucking, seducing - everything.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>Why?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>For.. many many reasons. Think about how many world leaders are compromised because they fucked the maid and someone got it on camera, or how many tourists have had their money taken because they fell for a theiving local with big tits. Lust is the power to control. We do so much, Dennis. We operate on almost the entire axis of lust in this world. From the pornography you watch and read, to the hooker on the corner. We are there. It is *our* design.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>We put hookers on the street?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>We're not pimps. We're the people who advertise for the pimps. We're the people who 'invented' pimping. We're the people who gave that fat bald old man the 'idea' to go online and order a hooker. Lust, fucking, sex. That is *our* business.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>I still dont understand...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>You'll get more of an understanding once we finish up here and head back to the office.</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">You rub the back of your head with your hand.</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">This is *a lot* to take in.</div><br>
<<set $topicWhoWeLookingFor = 1>>
<<elseif $chatTopic eq 3>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>So... who are we even looking for?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>You should be telling me that. You tracked a succubus down to this hotel room for capture.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>A what?...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>Ah - Well. A succubus is a demon from another world that manipulates and controls people to act out their will. It's always sexual with succubus' and they always take the form of an attractive female.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>You're shitting me.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>Nope. We capture and use Succubus' for many of our operations at Amada corp.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>So it got away?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>Maybe. Maybe not. You are one of our best field agents, you've never fucked up on a job before. Sorry *were* - one of our best field agents. I have faith that you would of finished the task successfully.</div><br>
<<set $topicSucc = 1>>
<<elseif $chatTopic eq 4>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>Maybe the succubus erased my memory?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>I highly doubt that. You were drinking with me in the bar *after* you finished the job.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>So I captured the succubus and then went for drinks? Where would i have left a captured succubus? Maybe I already took it to the office?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>Again, no. You told me you left it in the hotel room. Tied up and drugged.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>I see.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>- and I was okay last night? Maybe i came back in here for some, you know?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>Dennis. You are not only one of our top field agents but you have a wife. I doubt you came back in here to make love with a succubus. Your vast years of training have taught you that it is a terrible idea to do that.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>Rules are made to be broken.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>No. I am 100% sure you did *not* come in here and have sex with the demon.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>... right.</div><br>
<<elseif $chatTopic eq 5>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>Can you tell me some more about yourself?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>Uh - well...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>I graduated from the London university of psychology around 20 years back, I was a promising student with papers published around the world already. Amada noticed and picked me up as a graduate. The rest is history. I've been working with Molly for almost 15 years now.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>So you've been with 'Amada' for 20 years and working for 'Molly' for 15? Who is Molly? </div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>Jeez. Molly is *our* boss. She's the one we report to. She's the one expecting us to make progress here today.</div><br>
<button data-passage="echo_9_molly" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Ask About Molly"</button>
<<if $opinionNoted != 1>>
<button data-passage="echo_9_gay" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Sounds Gay"</button>
<button data-passage="echo_9_interest" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Sounds Interesting!"</button>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>I don't want to talk about this right now, we have to get to work.</div><br>
<button data-passage="echo_9_maximus" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Talking]</button><div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>So Molly is our... boss? How is she?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>Molly is uh... a *disciplined* boss. Trust me when I say, if you fuck up too many times around her. She might actually have you killed. I saw it happen before. Once you're in her inner circle there is only one way to leave...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>That's why we need to finish up here and get back to the office ASAP. We are already running late.</div><br>
<button data-passage="echo_9_molly2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"She sounds scary"</button>
<button data-passage="echo_9_molly2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"She sounds hot"</button><div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>Yeah, well - You'll see for yourself when you meet her again.</div><br>
<button data-passage="echo_9_maximus" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Talking]</button><<set _suitcaseKey = 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Suitcase Key">>
<<set _suitcaseKey = 1>>
<div class="narratortextbox">On the floor, besides some empty beer bottles, lies a suitcase. It has a keyhole.</div><br>
<<if _suitcaseKey != 1>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>How the fuck am I going to get this open?...</div><br>
<button data-passage="echo_9_suitcase_smash" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Smash it open]</button>
<button data-passage="echo_9_suitcase_pick" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Try to picklock it]</button>
<button data-passage="echo_9_suitcase_unlock" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Use Key]</button>
<button data-passage="echo_9" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Away]</button><div class="narratortextbox">Why is Maximus being such a pussy?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>Maximus, come on. Don't be such a pussy. What's the worst that could happen?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>The capture device for the succubus might very well be in that suitcase. I don't want to risk it! It's obviously your suitcase! Why else would it be here?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>Right...</div><br>
<button data-passage="echo_9_suitcase_convince_explain" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Capture Device?"</button>
<button data-passage="echo_9_suitcase_convince_explain2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"It's mine?"</button>
<button data-passage="echo_9_suitcase" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stand Down]</button><div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>What's a capture device? Like a pokeball for succubus?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>You remember what a pokeball is but you dont remember the very device you helped invent at Amada corp. Yes - it's like a fucking pokeball for succubus. If we break it, the succubus might just leap out and kill us both. Let's not.</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">Scary Shit.</div><br>
<button data-passage="echo_9_suitcase" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stand Down]</button><div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>How do you know its *really* mine? I have a much better taste in suitcases.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>It's your suitcase, okay?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>I would never carry something with that shade of brown...</div><br>
<button data-passage="echo_9_suitcase" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stand Down]</button><div class="narratortextbox">You attempt to pick the lock... with...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>...</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">It's no use. You fail to pick the lock. Maximus looks away in embaressment that you even tried. Ouch.</div><br>
<button data-passage="echo_9" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stand Down]</button>
<<set $maxiOpinion = $maxiOpinion - 1>><div class="narratortextbox">There is only one way to get into this suitcase. Smash the fucker open! You stand, your nimble physique towers over the puny suitcase. Time to make it your bitch.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>Dennis! Stop!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>We have absolutely no fucking idea what is in there. Don't smash it.</div><br>
<button data-passage="echo_9_suitcase" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stand Down] "You live another day, suitcase"</button>
<button data-passage="echo_9_suitcase_convince" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Trust Me"</button><div class="narratortextbox">You slide the key into the suitcase. It makes a satisfying *click*.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>Bingo!</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">You lift open the suitcase. It's empty, except from a small vial.</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/events/echo/suitcaseopen.jpg" alt="" /></div> <br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>Nice job, Dennis!</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">You lift out the vial, there's a smokey liquid inside. It's impossible to tell what it is.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>What the hell is this?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>It's our succubus.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>You're joking? It's just some fuzzy liquid?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>A succubus is a demon, it can take many forms. When using a 'capture' device, it forces them to take a non solid form so that it can be easily transfered inside a container. Like this one.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>What's to stop it from becoming a demon thingy again?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>Well - it cant, i dont really know the specifics. Science magic. You created this years ago, you should be telling me.</div><br>
<button data-passage="echo_9_suitcase_unlock_finishing" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Give the vial to Maximus]</button>
<button data-passage="echo_9_suitcase_unlock_comment" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"It's because they dont have brains"</button>
<button data-passage="echo_9_suitcase_unlock_comment" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"It's because they are being nice"</button>
<button data-passage="echo_9_suitcase_unlock_comment" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"It's because they are too stupid"</button><div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>Maybe, who knows?</div><br>
<button data-passage="echo_9_suitcase_unlock_finishing" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Give the vial to Maximus]</button><div class="narratortextbox">From the looks of it, its just trash. There probably isn't any reason to search this unless you *really* have to</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>Good point.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>Huh - did you say something?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>Uh, no. Just talking to the brain.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>...</div><br>
<button data-passage="echo_9" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Away]</button><div class="imagebox"><img src="images/events/echo/airpot.jpg" alt="" /></div> <br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>Alright, this is where we part ways. Dennis - remember what I said. You need to get better. Start to remember things. I'll be in touch.</div><br>
<button data-passage="echo_10_finale" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Day #1]</button><div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>You see - this is why i'm concerned. These strange responses... it's not like you at all.</div><br>
<<set $maxiOpinion = $maxiOpinion - 1>>
<button data-passage="echo_10_airport" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Arrive at the airport]</button><div class="narratortextbox">What a wild day. You board the plane to Amore, clueless if tomorrow you'll start to remember who the hell you are. Did drinking really cause this mess? Who knows. How is this gonna play out with your family when you get home? Will you even remember them? God, I hope so. For their sake.</div><br>
<button data-passage="echo_10_results" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Day #1 Results]</button><div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>I've got faith in you, Dennis. Come back even stronger than before!</div><br>
<<set $maxiOpinion = $maxiOpinion + 1>>
<<set $allignment = $allignment + 1>>
<button data-passage="echo_10_airport" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Arrive at the airport]</button><div class="imagebox"><img src="images/events/echo/day1.jpg" alt="" /></div> <br>
<<set _itemsFound = 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Glass Cup">>
<<set _itemsFound = _itemsFound + 1>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Photograph [Wife]">>
<<set _itemsFound = _itemsFound + 1>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Suitcase Key">>
<<set _itemsFound = _itemsFound + 1>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Hotel Key [215]">>
<<set _itemsFound = _itemsFound + 1>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Your Wallet">>
<<set _itemsFound = _itemsFound + 1>>
<div class="titlebox">RESULTS<hr>
Items Found: <<print _itemsFound>>/5<br>
Maximus' Opinion: <<print $maxiOpinion>><br>
Characters Fucked: 0/0<br>
<<updateQuest "Echos of the Past #1" 100>>
<<if _itemsFound gte 5>>
<<if !$achievements.kleptomaniac.unlocked>>
<<if $maxiOpinion lt 0>>
<<if !$achievements.sadmaxi.unlocked>>
<<if $maxiOpinion gt 0>>
<<if !$achievements.happymaxi.unlocked>>
<button data-passage="final_comments_echo" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[FINISH ECHO]</button><div class="narratortextbox">You hand the vial to Maximus</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>Thanks, Dennis. Mission complete. Let's get out of here.</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">Maximus gives you a light touch on your back before turning and walking out the hotel room. Looks like we solved the case of the missing test tube succubus. Things are pretty fucked - you've lost your memory and you're in some weird company called 'Amada', who sells lust or something? Who knows. Either way you've got to make sense of this pretty quickly, otherwise your entire life might be ruined. Let's hope this is just a temporary thing. Perhaps we can find some way of fixing it?</div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">You follow Maximus out of the hotel room and down into the lobby. He waves you over to the front enterance where you get into a blacked out car.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>What a day huh?</div><br>
<button data-passage="echo_9_suitcase_unlock_finishing2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Crazy"</button>
<button data-passage="echo_9_suitcase_unlock_finishing2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"..."</button>
<button data-passage="echo_9_suitcase_unlock_finishing2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Awful"</button>
<button data-passage="echo_9_suitcase_unlock_finishing2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Fun"</button><<set _wifeCheck = 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Photograph [Wife]">>
<<set _wifeCheck = 1>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>Listen - I'm concerned about your... *mental* state. I'm going to drop you off at the airport. You'll be able to catch a flight home to Amore. The town where you live. I want you to spend a few days with your family before returning to Amada corp. Okay?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>It'll be good for gaining back your memories - I'm sure of it! In the meantime, i'll be in touch. Does that sound okay, Dennis?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>You<hr>Uh...</div><br>
<button data-passage="echo_10_good" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Sure"</button>
<button data-passage="echo_10_bad" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"I DONT WANNA GO!"</button>
<button data-passage="echo_10_good" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"..."</button>
<<if _wifeCheck eq 1>>
<button data-passage="echo_10_wifephoto" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Show photo of your wife] "To her?"</button>
<</if>><div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/maximus/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Maximus<hr>Exactly! She will set you right! I just know it.</div><br>
<<set $maxiOpinion = $maxiOpinion + 5>>
<button data-passage="echo_10_airport" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Arrive at the airport]</button><div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Amada Corporation | Empty Meeting Room</div><br>
<<set _questName2 = "Echos of the Past #1">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 100>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You see a dusty old diary on the table. Where there was once writings, there is emptiness. The memories once scribed in this diary are now in your head. How the hell did this happen? You would doubt your sanity, if only this wasn't so real to you.</div><br>
<button data-passage="breakRoom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Away]</button>
<div class="npctextboxm">You see a dusty old diary on the table. The name on the front is unreadable, but the handwriting is oddly familar. You feel like you should read more.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><u>Warning.</u> <hr> Once you start reading this echo of the past you will not be able to return until you have finished it. It is highly recommended that you save before proceding.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="echo_2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Read More]</button>
<button data-passage="breakRoom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Away]</button>
<</if>><div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Amada Corporation | Empty Meeting Room</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The diary that you were once reading is now empty. The words erased from the pages but engraved deep into your mind. You feel like you are carrying a few extra items too..</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>How was that all possible?... Dad?....</div><br>
<button data-passage="breakRoom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Away]</button><div class="npctextboxm">
Welcome to Amada Corp, employee!<hr>
So, you've decided to join our illustrious ranks, eh? Well, strap in, because here at Amada Corp, it's all about the reputation game. Oh yeah, reputation is the name of the game, my friend. It's all about who you know and what you can do for them.
Now, let me lay it out for you, plain and simple. Want to climb that corporate ladder? Start by doing tasks for your fellow employees. Yeah, you heard me right. Be a real team player and do some grunt work. Oh, and don't forget about producing and handing out those oh-so-valuable medical serums. We're all about sharing our load here, you know.
But wait, there's more! Want to really skyrocket your rep? Conduct some field research for Maximus. Yeah, Maximus, the big boss himself. And hey, if you're feeling particularly generous, why not donate some humans for experimentation? Just make sure combat mode is enabled.
And guess what? The higher your rep, the sweeter the rewards. We're talking assistants, cold hard cash, and free pizza Fridays! Yeah, you heard me right. Free. Pizza. Fridays.
So there you have it, my eager new colleague. The keys to success at Amada Corp. Now get out there and make us proud!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Wow, what an enlightening read! I feel so empowered with this newfound knowledge of how to gain Amada reputation. I definitely won't be bothering anyone on Discord with questions about it. Nope, not me. I'll just quietly go about my business...</div><br>
<button data-passage="breakRoom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Stop Reading</button>
<<if !$achievements.discordFriend.unlocked>>
<</if>><div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Amada Corporation | Empty Meeting Room</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing inside an empty meeting room. The furniture still is brand new. Nobody ever uses this room. There is a big book on the table titled, 'How to be a Amada Employee for Dummies!'</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/tokyo/amada/meetingroom.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="echo1" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Read the Diary - Echo's of the Past #1]</button>
<button data-passage="amadaReadBook" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Read the Book]</button>
<button data-passage="leaveOffice" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Meeting Room]</button>
</div><<if !$player.afflictions.includes("Pervert")>>
<<set $casino.tokens = $casino.tokens - 50000>>
<<addAffliction $player "Pervert">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/pachinko/pachinkoLadyChat.png" alt="" /></div>Pachinko Lady<hr>I send this fuck doll to your home in Amore!</div><br>
<<if !$achievements.becomeHuman.unlocked>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/pachinko/pachinkoLadyChat.png" alt="" /></div>Pachinko Lady<hr>You stupid? You already have sex robot! You not have two! Bad! Bad man!</div><br>
<button data-passage="exchangePachinkoTokens" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"Thanks"</button><<set $casino.tokens = $casino.tokens - 2000>>
<<set _methItem = {
name: "Golden Bat",
price: 3000,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/baseballbat.png" alt="" />',
desc: "A golden baseball bat, only purchasable from pachinko parlours in Japan.",
unique: "No"
<<set $player.inventory.push(_methItem)>>
<<goto "exchangePachinkoTokens">><<if !$player.afflictions.includes("Man With a Big Bed")>>
<<set $casino.tokens = $casino.tokens - 10000>>
<<addAffliction $player "Man With a Big Bed">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/pachinko/pachinkoLadyChat.png" alt="" /></div>Pachinko Lady<hr>I send this big bed to your home in Amore!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/pachinko/pachinkoLadyChat.png" alt="" /></div>Pachinko Lady<hr>You stupid? You already have big bed!</div><br>
<button data-passage="exchangePachinkoTokens" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"Thanks"</button><<set $casino.tokens = $casino.tokens - 50>>
<<set _methItem = {
name: "Medpack",
price: 125,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/medpack.png" alt="" />',
desc: "A typical bundle of medical items. Heals your health in combat situations.",
unique: "No"
<<set $player.inventory.push(_methItem)>>
<<goto "exchangePachinkoTokens">><<set $casino.tokens = $casino.tokens - 1000>>
<<set _methItem = {
name: "Lucky Ring",
price: 10,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/luckyring.png" alt="" />',
desc: "A lucky ring. Gives better odds when playing pachinko.",
unique: "No"
<<set $player.inventory.push(_methItem)>>
<<if !$achievements.pachinkoHater.unlocked>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/pachinko/pachinkoLadyChat.png" alt="" /></div>Pachinko Lady<hr>Why you need lucky ring? You need to get bitches!</div><br>
<button data-passage="exchangePachinkoTokens" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"Thanks"</button><div class="title">Pachinko Shop <br> Pachinko Balls ($casino.balls) | Tokens ($casino.tokens)</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You walk up to the counter where you can buy balls for the pachinko machines. You feel a rush of adreline flow through your body. It's time to gamble.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/pachinko/pachinkoLadyChat.png" alt="" /></div>Pachinko Lady<hr>Be quick! I'm busy!</div><br>
<<set _amounts to [
<div class="npctextboxm"> 1 Ball is $10<br>
How many do you want to buy?<br>
<<listbox "$amountPachinko">>
<<optionsfrom _amounts>>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="buyPachinkoBallsTransaction" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Buy]</button>
<button data-passage="pachinkoShop" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Cancel Transaction]</button>
</div><div class="title">Pachinko Shop <br> Pachinko Balls: ($casino.balls) | Tokens ($casino.tokens)</div><br>
<<set _checkAmount = $amountPachinko * 10>>
<<set _trueAmount = $amountPachinko>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/pachinko/pachinkoLadyChat.png" alt="" /></div>Pachinko Lady<hr>Alright so you want to buy $amountPachinko balls... that should be _checkAmount... dollars</div><br>
<<if _checkAmount lte $player.money>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You hand over _checkAmount... dollars and receive your $amountPachinko balls. Remember - 95% of gamblers quit right before making it big!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/pachinko/pachinkoLadyChat.png" alt="" /></div>Pachinko Lady<hr>Thank you - NEXT!</div><br>
<<set $casino.balls = $casino.balls + _trueAmount>>
<<set $player.money = $player.money - _checkAmount>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/pachinko/pachinkoLadyChat.png" alt="" /></div>Pachinko Lady<hr>I have no time for homeless people! Get out my store!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need _checkAmount... dollars to buy these balls</div><br>
<<set $amountPachinko = "">>
<button data-passage="pachinkoShop" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Leave</button><div class="title">Casino <br> Pachinko Balls ($casino.balls) | Tokens ($casino.tokens)</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/pachinko/pachinkoLadyChat.png" alt="" /></div>Pachinko Lady<hr>What you want? No massage!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><b>Prizes available to redeem for tokens:</b><hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/inventory/baseballbat.png" alt="" />
[Golden Bat - 2000]<br>
<<if $casino.tokens gte 2000>>
<button data-passage="pachinkoBuyBat" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Buy]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Buy]</button>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/inventory/luckyring.png" alt="" />
[Lucky Ring - 1000]<br>
<<if $casino.tokens gte 1000>>
<button data-passage="pachinkoBuyRing" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Buy]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Buy]</button>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/characters/alina/chat.jpg" alt="" />
[Sex Robot - 50,000]<br>
<<if $casino.tokens gte 50000>>
<button data-passage="pachinkoBuyAlina" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Buy]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Buy]</button>
<button data-passage="pachinkoShop" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Step Away]</button><div class="title">Pachinko Shop <br> Pachinko Balls: <<= $casino.balls>> | Tokens: <<= $casino.tokens>></div><br>
<<set $casino.balls = $casino.balls - 1>>
<!-- Check for Lucky Ring -->
<<set _foundItem = $player.inventory.find(item => item.name === "Lucky Ring")>>
<<if _foundItem>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You feel lucky...</div><br>
<<set _range = 7>>
<<set _range = 10>>
<<set _slotOne = random(1, _range)>>
<<set _slotTwo = random(1, _range)>>
<<set _slotThree = random(1, _range)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You dropped the ball! Let's see if the numbers can match!</div><br>
<div id="machine">
<div class="slot"><<= _slotOne>></div>
<div class="slot"><<= _slotTwo>></div>
<div class="slot"><<= _slotThree>></div>
<<if _slotOne == _slotTwo and _slotOne == _slotThree>>
<div class="npctextboxm"><b>JACKPOT!!!!</b><br> <<set _winAmount = 1999>>
YOU RECEIVED <<= _winAmount>> PACHINKO TOKENS!!!!</div><br>
<<set $casino.tokens = $casino.tokens + _winAmount>>
<<set $casino.totalwon = $casino.totalwon + _winAmount>>
<<elseif _slotOne == _slotTwo or _slotOne == _slotThree or _slotTwo == _slotThree>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Winner!<br> <<set _winAmount = 25>>
You receive 25 pachinko tokens!<br>
Your total winnings are <<= $casino.totalwon>></div><br>
<<set $casino.tokens = $casino.tokens + _winAmount>>
<<set $casino.totalwon = $casino.totalwon + _winAmount>>
<div class="npctextboxm"><b>Failure!</b><br>
<<set _pachinkoJokes = random(1,9)>>
<<if _pachinkoJokes == 1>>My girlfriend just dumped me because of my gambling addiction. But I know I can win her back.<</if>>
<<if _pachinkoJokes == 2>>A small man admitted himself to rehab with a gambling addiction. It’s ok. He’s a little better.<</if>>
<<if _pachinkoJokes == 3>>My wife and kids are leaving me because they say I’m obsessed with Horse Racing. I'm looking out the window at them now........... and they're off.....<</if>>
<<if _pachinkoJokes == 4>>I sold all my body parts to feed my gambling addiction. Maybe I should quit while I’m a head.<</if>>
<<if _pachinkoJokes == 5>>A guy with a gambling addiction walks into a butchers. He goes to the butcher - I bet you $500 you can't get the meat down from the top shelf without a ladder. The butcher says I can't take that bet, the stakes are too high.<</if>>
<<if _pachinkoJokes == 6>>Gambling addiction hotlines would be so much better if... Every fifth caller was a winner.<</if>>
<<if _pachinkoJokes == 7>>They say one out of every seven friends has a gambling addiction. My money is on Jimmy.<</if>>
<<if _pachinkoJokes == 8>>Why is the Dalai Lama suffering from a gambling addiction? Because he loves Tibet.<</if>>
<<if _pachinkoJokes == 9>>My shovel had a gambling addiction. I had to stop him before he dug himself a deeper hole.<</if>>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $casino.balls gte 1>>
<button data-passage="pachinkoBallDrop" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Drop a Ball</button>
<button class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" disabled>Drop a Ball (Need Balls)</button>
<button data-passage="pachinkoShop" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">Leave</button>
</div><div class="title">Casino <br> Pachinko Balls ($casino.balls) | Tokens ($casino.tokens)</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">It's full of degenerate gamblers, care to join?</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/tokyo/pachinko2.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="exchangePachinkoTokens" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Exchange Tokens]</button>
<button data-passage="buyPachinkoBalls" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Buy Pachinko Balls]</button>
<button data-passage="playPachinko" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Play Pachinko]</button>
<button data-passage="shibuyaStreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
</div><div class="title">Pachinko Shop <br> Pachinko Balls: ($casino.balls) | Tokens ($casino.tokens)</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You find a nice quiet place to play pachinko</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/tokyo/pachinko.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<<if $casino.balls gte 1>>
<button data-passage="pachinkoBallDrop" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Drop a Ball]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="button" type="buttonhalf" tabindex="0">[Drop a Ball (Need Balls)]</button>
<button data-passage="pachinkoShop" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
</div><div class="title">Tokyo Hotel</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/tokyo/hotel.jpg"></div>
<div class="npctextboxm">You walk straight inside your hotel within Lagos, skipping all formalities with the reception staff. The lights of Tokyo are all visible from your hotel window. This is a nice place to wind down and rest.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="sleep" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$currentlocation to 'loveHotel'">[Sleep]</button>
<button data-passage="playerphone" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$currentlocation to 'loveHotel'">[Check Phone]</button>
<button data-passage="wardrober" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$currentlocation to 'loveHotel'">[Wardrobe]</button>
<<set _maximus = $findCharacterByName('Maximus')>>
<<if _maximus.afflictions.includes("Befriended")>>
<button data-passage="amadaOfficeMain" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Hotel - Amada - Your Office]</button>
<button data-passage="shibuyaStreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Hotel]</button>
</div><<if !$player.afflictions.includes("Trainee Necromancer")>>
<div class="title">Ramen Shop</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">In the corner of the ramen shop is a strange looking fella. He nods his head at you and you walk over to him.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"> <div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/drfunk/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Dr Funk<hr>
You, you look strong. And new to this city. Am I right?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I guess I am, what's it to you?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"> <div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/drfunk/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Dr Funk<hr>
Did you know when you beat the shit out of someone there's a small chance to get their essence? Bet you didn't. Essence is basically bits and pieces from that person. Could be their hair, teeth, blood, cum - you know? </div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>This is weird!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"> <div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/drfunk/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Dr Funk<hr>
Chill, all I'm saying is that if you bring me enough essence of a person I can create them for you! To join your super awesome combat party!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>You can create... people?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"> <div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/drfunk/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Dr Funk<hr>
That's right bro! Keep it in mind! There's a 10% chance you will get essence from an enemy. Bring enough to me and I can create a super hot babe for ya! Or something else - I dont judge.</div><br>
<<addAffliction $player "Trainee Necromancer">>
<button data-passage="dr_funk" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Interesting..."</button>
<div class="location-title">Dr Funk's Store</div><br>
<div class="gallerywrapperG">
<span class="shopc"><button data-passage="" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Chat</button></span>
<span class="shopg"><button data-passage="" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Buy</button></span>
<span class="shopc"><button data-passage="" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Sell</button></span>
<span class="shopc"><button data-passage="" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Recruit</button></span>
<div class="npctextbox"> <div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/drfunk/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Dr Funk<hr>Are we making something today or what?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">If you have ten or more of any essence, you will see the options below to create your own OP NPCs. Check your inventory, essence can be dropped from any NPC in combat.</div><br>
<<set $exitLocation = "dr_funk">>
<<set $essenceCounts = {}>>
<<set $essenceIndices = {}>>
<<for _i to 0; _i < $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<set _item = $player.inventory[_i]>>
<<if _item.type == "Essence">>
<<if !$essenceCounts.hasOwnProperty(_item.name)>>
<<set $essenceCounts[_item.name] = 0>>
<<set $essenceIndices[_item.name] = []>>
<<set $essenceCounts[_item.name]++>>
<<set $essenceIndices[_item.name].push(_i)>>
/* Print essences with 10 or more */
<<for _essenceName, _count range $essenceCounts>>
<<if _count >= 10>>
<div class="npctextbox">
<div class="npcchat">
<img src="images/characters/drfunk/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Dr Funk<hr><<print "You have 10 or more of " + _essenceName>></div><br>
<button data-passage="createnpcfunk" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$chosenEssence to _essenceName">Create NPC from _essenceName</button>
<button data-passage="ramenShop" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><div class="npctextbox">
<div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/drfunk/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Dr Funk<hr>
I am going to take 10 of your <<print $chosenEssence>>.
/* Capture the essence details before modifying the inventory */
<<set _templateEssence = $player.inventory.find(it => it.name == $chosenEssence && it.type == "Essence")>>
/* Proceed only if the essence exists */
<<if _templateEssence>>
/* Create the NPC name */
<<set _npcName = $chosenEssence.replace("Essence of ", "")>>
/* Now proceed with the inventory modification */
<<set _removedCount = 0>>
<<set $player.inventory = $player.inventory.filter(it => {
if (it.name == $chosenEssence && it.type == "Essence" && _removedCount < 10) {
return false; /* Remove this item */
return true; /* Keep this item */
/* Create the NPC */
<<set _friend = {
name: _npcName,
gender: _templateEssence.gender,
partypic: _templateEssence.image, /* Use the essence image for the NPC */
health: _templateEssence.health,
stamina: _templateEssence.stamina,
maxhealth: _templateEssence.health,
maxstamina: _templateEssence.stamina,
level: 1,
xp: 0,
moves: [
{name: "Slap", staminaCost: 1},
{name: "Nothing", staminaCost: 0}
skill: 0,
damage: 5,
<<set $combat.bench.push(_friend)>>
<div class="npcgrouping">
<h3>Your Party</h3><hr>
<div class="tribegallery3">
<div class="npcchat"><<print _friend.partypic>></div>
<strong><<print _friend.name>></strong><br>
<div class="uistatbox">
Health: <<print _friend.health>> / <<print _friend.maxhealth>><br>
Stamina: <<print _friend.stamina>> / <<print _friend.maxstamina>><br>
Damage: <<print _friend.damage>><br>
Level: <<print _friend.level>><br>
<div class="npctextbox">
<div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/drfunk/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Dr Funk<hr>
<<print _npcName>> has joined your party!
/* Unlock Achievements */
<<if !$achievements.itsAlive.unlocked and (_friend.name === "Stepdad" or _friend.name === "Stepdad ULTRA")>>
<<run unlockAchievement("itsAlive")>>
<<if !$achievements.returnToMonke.unlocked and _friend.name === "Monkey">>
<<run unlockAchievement("returnToMonke")>>
<button data-passage="dr_funk" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><<if $day gte 6 and $time gte 5>>
<div class="npctextbox"> <div class="npcchat"><img src="images/locations/tokyo/ramen/ramenchief.png" alt="" /></div>Ramen Store Boss<hr>
You want the special sauce?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>The special sauce. Sure?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The man whistles and the Ramen Shop girl comes over.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"> <div class="npcchat"><img src="images/locations/tokyo/ramen/ramenchat.png" alt="" /></div>Ramen Store Lady<hr>
What is it, Uncle-San?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"> <div class="npcchat"><img src="images/locations/tokyo/ramen/ramenchief.png" alt="" /></div>Ramen Store Boss<hr>
It's time for the secret sauce. Come here.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The man pulls down the pants of the girl and starts rubbing her pussy over a bowl. You can't believe what the fuck is happening?</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><img src="images/locations/tokyo/ramen/secretsauce.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The ramen shop girls squirts into the bowl. He Ramen store boss hands it to you.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"> <div class="npcchat"><img src="images/locations/tokyo/ramen/ramenchief.png" alt="" /></div>Ramen Store Boss<hr>
Drink. It's good.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Why not, when in Tokyo!</div><br>
<<if !$achievements.notHygienic.unlocked>>
<div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Ramen Shop</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"> <div class="npcchat"><img src="images/locations/tokyo/ramen/ramenchat.png" alt="" /></div>Ramen Store Lady<hr>
Heya! What can I getcha!?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>What's a nice girl like you working in a place like this?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"> <div class="npcchat"><img src="images/locations/tokyo/ramen/ramenchat.png" alt="" /></div>Ramen Store Lady<hr>
Hehe! I work here for my step-uncle. My family have a lot of debt to him. Sorry! Eek! I overshare a lot!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Your step uncle eh? That's him?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The man you are both refering to walks across and stands behind the ramen shop girl.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">*SLAP*</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/tokyo/ramen/ramenslap.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The man raises the girl's dress and slaps her ass, you don't think she's wearing any underwear! Hot!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"> <div class="npcchat"><img src="images/locations/tokyo/ramen/ramenchat.png" alt="" /></div>Ramen Store Lady<hr>
<div class="npctextbox"> <div class="npcchat"><img src="images/locations/tokyo/ramen/ramenchief.png" alt="" /></div>Ramen Store Boss<hr>
Stop talking to customers, go and sweep the floor!</div><br>
<button data-passage="ramenShop" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><<set _locationTitle = "Outdoor Ramen Shop">>
<<set _characterConditions = [
<<displayLocation '<img src="images/locations/tokyo/ramen/ramenshop.jpg" alt="" />' _characterConditions>>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="dr_funk" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Speak to Dr Funk]</button>
<button data-passage="buy_ramen" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Buy Ramen]</button>
<button data-passage="shibuyaStreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Exit]</button>
</div><<set _yui = $findCharacterByName('Yui')>>
<div class="location-title">Shibuya Street</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/locations/tokyo/shibuya.jpg"></div>
<<if $streetbuttons eq 1>>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="amadaOutside" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Amada Corporation HQ]</button>
<button data-passage="alleywayTokyo" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Alleyway]</button>
<button data-passage="amore_doctor" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$currentlocation to 'shibuyaStreet'">[Enter Doctor's Office]</button>
<button data-passage="ramenShop" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Ramen Shop]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Dojo]</button>
<button data-passage="loveHotel" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Hotel]</button>
<button data-passage="zooTokyo" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Tokyo Zoo]</button>
<<if _yui.afflictions.includes("Address Known")>>
<button data-passage="yui_home" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[<<= _yui.name>>'s Apartment]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">???</button>
<button data-passage="pachinkoShop" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Casino]</button>
<button data-passage="airport" class="buttonhalfgreen" type="button" tabindex="0">[Airport]</button>
<button data-passage="amadaOutside" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Amada Corporation HQ]</button>
<button data-passage="alleywayTokyo" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Alleyway]
<<if !_yui.afflictions.includes("Befriended")>><span style="color: lightgreen;"> - Yui</span><</if>>
<button data-passage="amore_doctor" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$currentlocation to 'shibuyaStreet'">[Enter Doctor's Office]</button>
<button data-passage="ramenShop" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Ramen Shop]
<span style="color: lightgreen;"> - Dr Funk</span>
<button data-passage="loveHotel" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Hotel]</button>
<button data-passage="zooTokyo" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Tokyo Zoo]</button>
<<if _yui.afflictions.includes("Address Known")>>
<button data-passage="yui_home" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[<<= _yui.name>>'s Apartment]
<<if _yui.afflictions.includes("Befriended")>><span style="color: lightgreen;"> - Yui</span><</if>>
<button data-passage="" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">???</button>
<button data-passage="pachinkoShop" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Casino]</button>
<button data-passage="airport" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Airport]</button>
<</if>><<set _yui = $findCharacterByName('Yui')>>
<div class="location-title">Yui's Home</div><br>
<<set _questName2 = "Sexy Hot Yakuza Babes">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<div class="imagebox">
<img src="images/locations/tokyo/house.jpg">
<div class="npctextboxm">You walk towards Yui's house.</div><br>
<<if $time lte 6>>
<button data-passage="yui_home_inside" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Yui's Home]</button>
<div class="npctextboxm">It's too late to hangout with Yui right now.</div><br>
<button data-passage="shibuyaStreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<<set _questName0 = "Easter 2024">>
<<set _index0 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName0)>>
<<set _itemName = "Easter Egg - Tokyo">>
<<set _foundItem = $player.inventory.find(item => item.name === _itemName)>>
/* Easter 2024 Egg */
<<if !_foundItem && $substory[_index0].progress eq 50>>
<div class="wikitextbox"><center>YOU FOUND THE TOKYO EASTER EGG!</center><HR>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/activities/eggfound.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<set _methItem = {
name: "Easter Egg - Tokyo",
price: 5,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/egg.png" alt="" />',
desc: "An easter egg hidden in Tokyo",
unique: "Yes"
<<set $player.inventory.push(_methItem)>>
<</if>><<set _yui = $findCharacterByName('Yui')>>
<<if $time lte 6>>
<div class="location-title">Yui's Home</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<img src="images/characters/yui/yuisitting.jpg" alt="" />
<div class="npctextboxm">You are standing inside the apartment of Yui. Yui is sitting on a chair in the corner of her living room.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _yui.chat>></div><<= _yui.name>><hr>O-oh... It's you... You caught be by suprise...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You notice her clothes are loosely buttoned. Like they were recently taken off.</div><br>
<button data-passage="yui_home_inside_interact" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Interact With Yui]</button>
<div class="npctextboxm">It's too late to hangout with Yui right now.</div><br>
<button data-passage="shibuyaStreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button><<set _yui = $findCharacterByName('Yui')>>
<<if $time lte 6>>
<div class="location-title">Yui's Home</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _yui.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _yui.chat>></div><<= _yui.name>><hr>So... what did you want to do?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="yui_home_inside_interact_give" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Give Items]</button>
<button data-passage="yui_home_inside_interact_outfit" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Change Outfit]</button>
<button data-passage="yui_home_inside_interact_chat" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Chat]</button>
<button data-passage="yui_home_inside_interact_kiss" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Kiss]</button>
<button data-passage="yui_home_inside_interact_bj" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[BJ]</button>
<button data-passage="yui_home_inside_interact_fuck" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Fuck]</button>
<button data-passage="shibuyaStreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<div class="npctextboxm">It's too late to hangout with Yui right now.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _yui.chat>></div><<= _yui.name>><hr>Sorry, I'm too tired.</div><br>
<button data-passage="shibuyaStreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<</if>><<set _yui = $findCharacterByName('Yui')>>
<<set _interactionLevel = 200>>
<div class="location-title">Yui's House</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _yui.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Can I put my dick in your mouth, Yui?</div><br>
<<if _yui.relationshipPoints gte _interactionLevel>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _yui.chat>></div><<= _yui.name>><hr>Okay...</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/yui/scenes/yuiBJ.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _yui 35>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _yui.chat>></div><<= _yui.name>><hr>No - no! This is wrong! I wont do it!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need a relationship level of at least _interactionLevel to do this</div><br>
<button data-passage="yui_home_inside_interact" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _yui = $findCharacterByName('Yui')>>
<<set _interactionLevel = 0>>
<div class="location-title">Yui's House</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _yui.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Let's just talk, Yui.</div><br>
<<if _yui.relationshipPoints gte _interactionLevel>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _yui.chat>></div><<= _yui.name>><hr>Okay...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>So... what do you like to do, Yui?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _yui.chat>></div><<= _yui.name>><hr>I like to... touch myself</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Uh Yui... - what?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _yui.chat>></div><<= _yui.name>><hr>I'm unemployed. I'm addicted to masturbating. It's all I do!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>*You* are a coomer? Yui, what the fuck?</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _yui 10>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need a relationship level of at least _interactionLevel to do this</div><br>
<button data-passage="yui_home_inside_interact" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _yui = $findCharacterByName('Yui')>>
<<set _interactionLevel = 600>>
<div class="location-title">Yui's House</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _yui.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Can I fuck you, Yui? I've been trying for so long!</div><br>
<<if _yui.relationshipPoints gte _interactionLevel>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _yui.chat>></div><<= _yui.name>><hr>Okay... let's do it!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/yui/scenes/yuifuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _yui.chat>></div><<= _yui.name>><hr>This is so much better than masturbating!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I'm going to fill you up with my cum!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/yui/scenes/yuifuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _yui.chat>></div><<= _yui.name>><hr>Please! Fuck!</div><br>
<<set _randomcumchance to random(1,2)>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _yui.chat>></div><<= _yui.name>><hr>You must do it on my face!</div><br>
<<if _randomcumchance eq 1>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You fail to cum!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _yui.chat>></div><<= _yui.name>><hr>You have brought great shame upon your family name.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You cum!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _yui.chat>></div><<= _yui.name>><hr>I deserve this.</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/yui/scenes/yuiCum.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _yui 10>>
<<increaseRelationship _yui 35>>
<<set _yui.fuckedtimes = _yui.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _yui "Crabs">>
<<elseif _yui.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _yui $player "Crabs">>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _yui.chat>></div><<= _yui.name>><hr>No - no! This is wrong! I wont do it!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need a relationship level of at least _interactionLevel to do this</div><br>
<button data-passage="yui_home_inside_interact" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _yui = $findCharacterByName('Yui')>>
<div class="location-title">Yui's Home</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _yui.image>>
<div class="npctextboxm">What item do you want to give?</div><br>
<<set _inventoryCount = {}>> <!-- Create an object to store item quantities -->
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<set _item = $player.inventory[_i]>> <!-- Get the current item -->
<<set _itemName = _item.name>> <!-- Get the item's name -->
<<set _itemQuantity = _inventoryCount[_itemName] || 0>> <!-- Get the current quantity or default to 0 -->
<!-- Update the item's quantity in the inventoryCount object -->
<<set _inventoryCount[_itemName] = _itemQuantity + 1>> <!-- Increment quantity by 1 for each item -->
<div class="itemWrapperz">
<<for _itemName, _itemQuantity range _inventoryCount>> <<capture _itemName>>
<div class="newItembox">
<div class="newItemphotos">
<<set _item = $player.inventory.find(item => item.name === _itemName)>>
<<print _item.image>>
<div class="NewItemtext">
<center><<print _itemName>> (x<<print _itemQuantity>>)</center>
<button data-passage="yui_home_inside_interact_give2" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$itemChosen to _itemName">[Give]</button>
<button data-passage="yui_home_inside_interact" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Skip - No Item]</button><<set _yui = $findCharacterByName('Yui')>>
<<set _reactionItems = ["Flowers", "Crab Medicine", "Diamond", "Dildo"]>> <!-- Define Sophia's favorite items -->
<<if _reactionItems.includes($itemChosen)>>
<<set _itemIndex = $player.inventory.findIndex(item => item.name === $itemChosen)>>
<<if _itemIndex > -1>>
<<set $player.inventory.deleteAt(_itemIndex)>> <!-- Remove one instance of the item from the player's inventory -->
<<if $itemChosen == "Crab Medicine">>
<<if _yui.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<set _yui.afflictions.delete("Crabs")>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _yui.chat>></div>Yui<hr>How did you know I had crabs! Thank you!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _yui.chat>></div>Yui<hr>Why are you giving me this? I don't have any STDS...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _yui.chat>></div>Yui<hr>Thank you! <<print $itemChosen>>[s] just make my day!</div><br>
<<increaseRelationship _yui 15>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _yui.chat>></div>Yui<hr>I think you better keep that.</div><br>
<button data-passage="yui_home_inside_interact" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Continue]</button><<set _yui = $findCharacterByName('Yui')>>
<<set _interactionLevel = 50>>
<div class="location-title">Yui's House</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _yui.image>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Let's kiss.</div><br>
<<if _yui.relationshipPoints gte _interactionLevel>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _yui.chat>></div><<= _yui.name>><hr>Okay...</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<img src="images/characters/yui/scenes/yuiKiss.jpg" alt="" />
<<increaseRelationship _yui 20>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _yui.chat>></div><<= _yui.name>><hr>No - no! This is wrong! I wont do it!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You need a relationship level of at least _interactionLevel to do this</div><br>
<button data-passage="yui_home_inside_interact" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish]</button><<set _yui = $findCharacterByName('Yui')>>
<<set _chatOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/yui/yuichat.png">', condition: true },
{ name: "Sexy Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/yui/sexychat.jpg">', condition: _yui.relationshipPoints >= 50 },
{ name: "Underwear Chat", img: '<img src="images/characters/yui/underwearchat.jpg">', condition: _yui.relationshipPoints >= 250 },
{ name: "Nude", img: '<img src="images/characters/yui/nude.jpg">', condition: _yui.relationshipPoints >= 800 },
<<set _outfitOptions = [
{ name: "Regular Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/yui/yui.jpg">', condition: true },
{ name: "Sexy Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/yui/sexy.jpg">', condition: _yui.relationshipPoints >= 50 },
{ name: "Underwear Outfit", img: '<img src="images/characters/yui/underwear.jpg">', condition: _yui.relationshipPoints >= 250 },
{ name: "Nude", img: '<img src="images/characters/yui/nudechat.jpg">', condition: _yui.relationshipPoints >= 800 },
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _yui.chat>></div><<= _yui.name>><hr>You want to play dress up, senpai?</div><br>
<!-- Sophia's Chat Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose <<= _yui.name>>'s Avatar<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _chatOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_yui.chat" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<!-- Sophia's Outfit Options -->
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Choose <<= _yui.name>>'s Main Outfit<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<<for _option range _outfitOptions>>
<<if _option.condition>>
<div class="perkbox">
<<print _option.img>>
<<print _option.name>>
<<radiobutton "_yui.image" _option.img>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<button data-passage="yui_home_inside_interact" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Save]</button><div class="title">Tokyo Zoo - Main Square</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You enter the area where the bears are kept.</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/tokyo/zoo/bear.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Bears are cool.</div><br>
<button data-passage="zooMainDaytime" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button><div class="title">Tokyo Zoo - Main Square</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"> <div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/zookeeper/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Zookeeper<hr>Please sir, calm yourself. You cannot go inside the monkey enclosure!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Ugh.</div><br>
<button data-passage="monkeyDaytime" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button><div class="title">Tokyo Zoo - Main Square</div><br>
<<set _questName2 = "Monkey Business">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You enter the area where the monkeys are kept.</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/characters/monke/monkey.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Heh heh.. stupid monkeys.</div><br>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 0>>
<button data-passage="monkeyQuestStart" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Tease the Monkeys</button>
<button data-passage="enterCage" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Enter the Enclosure</button>
<button data-passage="zooMainDaytime" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button><div class="title">Tokyo Zoo - Main Square</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You enter the area where the pandas are kept.</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/tokyo/zoo/panda.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"> <div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/zookeeper/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Zookeeper<hr>Pandas are very cool!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Hell yeah they are! I love the little bamboo munchers!</div><br>
<button data-passage="zooMainDaytime" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return</button><div class="title">Tokyo Zoo</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"> <div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/zookeeper/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Zookeeper<hr>Thank you valued customer! Your custom is most welcome! Please enjoy the Tokyo zoo!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Alright, thanks lady.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You lose $400!</div><br>
<<set $money = $money - 400>>
<button data-passage="zooMainDaytime" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Enter Zoo</button><div class="title">Tokyo Zoo - Main Square</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Hmmm... Where to?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="monkeyDaytime" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Visit Monkeys]</button>
<button data-passage="bearDaytime" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Visit Bears]</button>
<button data-passage="pandaDaytime" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Visit Pandas]</button>
<button data-passage="shibuyaStreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Zoo]</button>
</div><div class="npctextbox"> <div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/zookeeper/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Zookeeper<hr>What the fuck are you doing in here? Get out now!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Ah shit!</div><br>
<button data-passage="shibuyaStreet" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Flee]</button><div class="title">Tokyo Zoo - Main Square</div><br>
<<set _questName2 = "Monkey Business">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You enter the area where the monkeys are kept.</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/characters/monke/monkey.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 50>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Remember me?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You see the monkey who stole your wallet!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"> <div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/monke/monkey.png" alt="" /></div>Monkey<hr>OOO OOO AAA AAA SUCK MY COCK OOO OOO</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I'm coming for you!</div><br>
<<if $player.combatenabled eq "true">>
<<set $exitLocation = "monkeySuccessWinner">>
<button data-passage="enemyload" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$enemyChosen to 'Monkey'">[Fight Monkey]</button>
<button data-passage="monkeySuccessWinner" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Fight The Monkey [Instant Win]</button>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I already exacted my revenge on the Monkeys. I can leave now. I mean... there's no reason for me to beat the shit out of more monkeys?</div><br>
<<if $player.combatenabled eq "true">>
<<set $exitLocation = "monkeyNight">>
<button data-passage="enemyload" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$enemyChosen to 'Monkey'">[Fight Monkey]</button>
<button data-passage="zooMidnight" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Area]</button><div class="npctextboxm">You beat the shit out of the monkey who stole your wallet!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I'll be taking that!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You retrieve your wallet - quest complete!</div><br>
<<set $player.money = $monkeyCash>>
<<set $monkeyCash = 0>>
<<updateQuest "Monkey Business" 100>>
<button data-passage="monkeyNight" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Quest]</button><div class="title">Tokyo Zoo - Main Square</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>I should make this quick. If im caught, they'll fuck me up.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="monkeyNight" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Visit Monkeys]</button>
<button data-passage="caught" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Visit Bears]</button>
<button data-passage="caught" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Visit Pandas]</button>
<button data-passage="shibuyaStreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Zoo]</button>
</div><div class="title">Tokyo Zoo - Main Square</div><br>
<<set _questName2 = "Monkey Business">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You decide it will be a good idea to tease the monkeys in the cage.</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/characters/monke/monkey.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Hey stupid monkey! Fuck you!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The monkeys are very upset at you!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Haha! Fuck you monkey! Suck my d-</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Suddenly! A monkey's arm reaches out from the enclosure and snatches your wallet out of your pocket!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Wait - What?! My wallet! Hey, give me that back you little shithead!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You run around to the enterance for the enclosure but you are stopped by security</div><br>
<<set $monkeyCash = $player.money>>
<<set $player.money = 0>>
<<updateQuest "Monkey Business" 50>>
<button data-passage="monkeyQuestStart2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Get out of my way!"</button><div class="title">Tokyo Zoo - Main Square</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"> <div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/zookeeper/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Zookeeper<hr>Please sir, calm yourself. You cannot go inside the monkey enclosure!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>You don't understand, that monkey just took my wallet!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"> <div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/zookeeper/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Zookeeper<hr>Don't be silly, sir. Our monkeys would never do such a thing! They are very well behaved and kind!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"> <div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/monke/monkey.png" alt="" /></div>Monkey<hr>OOO OOO AAA AAA MOTHERFUCKER OOO OOO</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>That monkey just called me a motherfucker!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"> <div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/zookeeper/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Zookeeper<hr>Sir, Monkeys cannot talk. I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave. You are upsetting the guests.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>So what? I just lost all my money?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"> <div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/zookeeper/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Zookeeper<hr>Sir... If you do not leave I will be forced to call the police</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Fine. I'm leaving.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You leave the zoo. There must be some way to get inside that monkey enclosure and get your wallet back...</div><br>
<button data-passage="shibuyaStreet" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Leave the Zoo [Shibuya Street]</button><<set _questName2 = "Monkey Business">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<div class="title">Tokyo Zoo</div><br>
<<if $time lte 5>>
<div class="npctextboxm">The Zoo is open.</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/tokyo/zoo/zoo.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"> <div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/zookeeper/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Zookeeper<hr>Welcome valued customer! Would you like to enter the zoo!</div><br>
<<if $player.money gte 400>>
<button data-passage="zooDaytimeEnter" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Zoo - $400]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter Zoo - $400]</button>
<div class="npctextboxm">The Zoo is closed.</div><br>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress eq 50>>
<<if $player.strength gte 800>>
<button data-passage="zooMidnight" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Sneak Inside - 800 Strength]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Sneak Inside - 800 Strength]</button>
<button data-passage="shibuyaStreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">Leave</button><div class="title">Game Setup - Tokyo</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/cws/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>CWS<hr>Okay nice one. You sided with Diamond instead of Marco - //Lame// - And now Diamond was free to escape Lagos.</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Mysterious Letter" 100>>
<<updateQuest "Diamond Vs Marco" 100>>
<<updateQuest "Marco's Misfortune" 100>>
<<updateQuest "Dominating Diamond" 100 "failed">>
<button data-passage="shibuyaStreet" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Awaken in Tokyo]</button><div class="title">Game Setup - Tokyo</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/cws/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>CWS<hr>Okay nice one. You sided with Marco in the Diamond Vs Marco quest. Diamond works at his brothel and you're now in Tokyo!</div><br>
<<updateQuest "Mysterious Letter" 100>>
<<updateQuest "Diamond Vs Marco" 100>>
<<updateQuest "Dominating Diamond" 100>>
<<updateQuest "Marco's Misfortune" 100 "failed">>
<button data-passage="shibuyaStreet" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Awaken in Tokyo]</button><div class="npctextbox"><center><b>DISCLAIMER - PLEASE READ</b></center><hr>
This game contains <b>adult imagery and themes, and should only be played by those over the age of 18 or your countries' equivalent. All actors and characters portrayed in this game are over the age of 18.</b> I am not the author of the images you will see in this game. They are fan made image packs that are created outside of the text based game I have created and are not owned by myself.
The game you are about to play is for adults only. It contains sexual themes that may be offensive to some players.
If you would like to support the project and get exclusive access to cheats, offline downloads and early access to other games - then please consider checking out my support links.
By clicking the below button you are confirming that you are legally allowed to view pornographic content in your country.</div><br>
<button data-passage="intro_2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Play [I Accept]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Refuse]</button><div class="title">Game Setup</div><br>
<div class="wikitextbox">Welcome to Amore. <br>In Amore, you have household members! You can rename them at any time in the options menu.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">
<div class="managerwrapper">
<!-- Loop through characters to find and display Mother -->
<<for _charIndex = 0; _charIndex < $characters.length; _charIndex++>>
<<set _char = $characters[_charIndex]>>
<<if _char.name == 'Jennifer'>>
<div class="managergallery">
<<print _char.image>>
<<print _char.name>> [The Mom]
<!-- Loop through characters to find and display Sister -->
<<for _charIndex = 0; _charIndex < $characters.length; _charIndex++>>
<<set _char = $characters[_charIndex]>>
<<if _char.name == 'Zoe'>>
<div class="managergallery">
<<print _char.image>>
<<print _char.name>> [The Sister]
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName('Jennifer')>><<= _jennifer.chat >></div><<print _jennifer.name>><hr>Hey! I can't wait to meet you!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<set _sister = $findCharacterByName('Zoe')>><<= _sister.chat >></div><<print _sister.name>><hr>We're going to have such an awesome time together!</div><br>
<div class="wikitextbox">Do you want to enter a custom names?<br>
Mom: <<textbox "$customNameMom" "Jennifer" autofocus>><br>
Sister:<<textbox "$customNameSister" "Zoe" autofocus>></div><br>
<button data-passage="intro_3" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Next - Player Info</button><div class="title">Game Setup</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">We need to setup your character in Amore.<br> Can you give me some details about yourself?</div><br>
<div class="wikitextbox">What is your name?<hr>
<<textbox "$player.name" "...">>
<div class="wikitextboxNew">What do you look like?<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/player/player1.png" alt="" />
Option #1
<<radiobutton "$player.image" '<img src="images/player/player1.png">'>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/player/player2.png" alt="" />
Option #2
<<radiobutton "$player.image" '<img src="images/player/player2.png">'>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/player/player3.png" alt="" />
Option #3
<<radiobutton "$player.image" '<img src="images/player/player3.png">'>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/player/player4.png" alt="" />
Option #4
<<radiobutton "$player.image" '<img src="images/player/player4.png">'>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/player/player5.png" alt="" />
Option #5
<<radiobutton "$player.image" '<img src="images/player/player5.png">'>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/player/player6.png" alt="" />
Option #6
<<radiobutton "$player.image" '<img src="images/player/player6.png">'>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/player/player7.png" alt="" />
Option #7
<<radiobutton "$player.image" '<img src="images/player/player7.png">'>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/player/player8.png" alt="" />
Option #8
<<radiobutton "$player.image" '<img src="images/player/player8.png">'>>
<div class="wikitextboxNew">Please choose a starting perk.<hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/perks/cj.png" alt="" />
Combat Junkie
<font size="-2">[Start With Upgrade Points]</font>
<<radiobutton "$player.perk" "Combat Junkie">>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/perks/fm.png" alt="" />
Family Man
<font size="-2">[Household members already like you a little]</font>
<<radiobutton "$player.perk" "Family Man">>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/perks/i.png" alt="" />
<font size="-2">[Start with a little extra cash]</font>
<<radiobutton "$player.perk" "Investor">>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/perks/gm.png" alt="" />
Ganja Man
<font size="-2">[Start with weed]</font>
<<radiobutton "$player.perk" "Ganja Man">>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/characters/amy/chat/chat.png" alt="" />
Friend of Amy
<font size="-2">[Amy already likes you]</font>
<<radiobutton "$player.perk" "Friend of Amy">>
<button data-passage="intro_4" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Next</button><div class="title">Game Setup</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><b>Do you want to enable a turn based combat system?</b><br> (Enabled by default)<hr>
Enable Combat <<radiobutton "$player.combatenabled" "true">> |
Disable Combat <<radiobutton "$player.combatenabled" "false">></div><br>
<button data-passage="intro_4.6" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Continue</button>
<button data-passage="intro_4" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Back</button><div class="title">Game Setup</div><br>
<<if $player.combatenabled eq "true">>
<div class="npctextboxm">Please choose a difficulty for the combat in the game. This changes the XP rates, meaning a easier difficulty will net you much higher XP than hard. Backers can change the XP rates of the game at any time in the settings menu (Phone Menu)</div><br>
<button data-passage="intro_5_easy" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Easy Difficulty</button>
<button data-passage="intro_5_med" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Medium Difficulty</button>
<button data-passage="intro_5_hard" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Hard Difficulty</button>
<button data-passage="" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Custom Difficulty [Backers Only]</button>
<div class="npctextboxm">Combat has been disabled. You will not encounter any combat in your game. You can change this at any time in the settings menu (Phone Menu)</div><br>
<button data-passage="intro_5" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Continue</button>
<</if>><div class="title">Game Setup</div><br>
<<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName('Jennifer')>>
<<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName('Zoe')>>
<<set _jennifer.name = $customNameMom>>
<<set _zoe.name = $customNameSister>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are <<print $player.name>>, right? and you are a <<print $player.perk>>?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your mom's name is <<= _jennifer.name>>, and your sister's name is <<= _zoe.name>>.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>This is how *you* will look in-game!</div><br>
<div class="wikitextbox">Some of the UI has changed in this update of Amore, some users may want to use the old style. What do you want? You can change these and many other settings in the options menu of your phone at any time! - So don't worry if you want to change it again in the future.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><b>Enable/Disable 'Characters Here' Box<br> [A display of characters in current location]</b><hr>
Disable <<radiobutton "$charactersDisabled" 0>> |
Enable <<radiobutton "$charactersDisabled" 1>></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><b>Bigger or Smaller Location Buttons<br>[Changes the size of buttons for locations]</b><hr>
Bigger <<radiobutton "$streetbuttons" 0>> |
Smaller <<radiobutton "$streetbuttons" 1>></div><br>
<button data-passage="intro_4.5" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Yes - Continue</button>
<button data-passage="intro_2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">No - Back</button><div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Game Setup</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey! - I look good!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><b>Quick Starts Available</b><hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/location_icons/amore.png" alt="" />
<button data-passage="amore_bedroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Quick Start</button>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/location_icons/london.png" alt="" />
<button data-passage="londonstart" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Quick Start</button>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/location_icons/lagos.png" alt="" />
<button data-passage="lagosstart" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Quick Start</button>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/location_icons/japan.jpg" alt="" />
Tokyo [Amada]
<button data-passage="tokyosetup" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Quick Start</button>
<button data-passage="introduction1" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Start Game</button>
/* Adds you to the combat party */
<<set _friend = {
name: "playername",
gender: "Male",
partypic: '<img src="images/London/Harley/harleychat.png" alt="" />',
health: 5,
stamina: 5,
maxhealth: 5,
maxstamina: 5,
level: 1,
xp: 0,
moves: [
{name: "Slap", staminaCost: 1},
{name: "Nothing", staminaCost: 0}
skill: 0,
damage: 5,
<<set _friend.partypic to $player.image>>
<<set _friend.name to $player.name>>
<<set $combat.party.push(_friend)>>
<<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<<set _amy = $findCharacterByName('Amy')>>
<<if $player.perk eq "Combat Junkie">>
<<set $combat.party[0].skill = 5>>
<<elseif $player.perk eq "Family Man">>
<<set _jennifer.relationship = _jennifer.relationship + 50>>
<<set _zoe.relationship = _zoe.relationship + 50>>
<<elseif $player.perk eq "Investor">>
<<set $player.money = 500>>
<<elseif $player.perk eq "Ganja Man">>
<<set _itemTo = {
name: "Weed",
image: '<img src="images/inventory/weed.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Weed. It's weed.",
price: 250
<<set $player.inventory.push(_itemTo)>>
<<elseif $player.perk eq "Friend of Amy">>
<<increaseRelationship _amy 900>>
<</if>><<set $exponent = 1.1>>
<<set $constant = 2.2>>
<<goto "intro_5">><<set $exponent = 0.4>>
<<set $constant = 3.2>>
<<goto "intro_5">><<set $exponent = 0.5>>
<<set $constant = 2.8>>
<<goto "intro_5">><div class="title">Game Setup - Tokyo</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/cws/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>CWS<hr>Alright buddy, CWS here. (The dev) There's a few things i need to know before I can just throw you into Tokyo. First of all, you're going to automatically skip a few quests. That's right. You won't be experiencing the full game.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/cws/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>CWS<hr>But if you don't give a shit, just choose either Diamond or Marco. The reason i am asking you this is because prior to getting to unlocking Amada you need to finish a few quests, but we're going to skip them so you can dive straight into Amada corp. </div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/cws/chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>CWS<hr>So - who did you want to side with?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><div class="managerwrapper"><a data-passage="choosediamondstart"><div class="managergallery"><img src="images/characters/diamond/diamond2.jpg" alt="" />Diamond</div></a><a data-passage="choosemarcostart"><div class="managergallery"><img src="images/characters/marco/main.jpg" alt="" />Marco</div></a></div></div><br>
<button data-passage="intro_5" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Go Back</button><div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Amore</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You grew up in a loving household. Your mother, father and sister lived happily together until one fateful night.</div> <br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Dad<hr>Son, wake up. It's almost time for us to leave!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Coming, Dad</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You head downstairs to meet your dad.</div> <br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Dad<hr>Come on, we're going to be late picking up your mother and sister.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You and your dad were going to pick up your mother and sister from a ballet class. It was that night that your life changed forever...</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/events/introduction/carinterior.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are your dad are riding in the car</div> <br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Dad<hr>Son, there is something you should know.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Yeah?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Dad<hr>You know me and your mom love you, right?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Of course</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Dad<hr>And we will always love you no matter what</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/dad/chat.png" alt="" /></div>Dad<hr>When we were first trying for a child, we started to have some issues. We had to resort to other methods to have our ow-</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Just before your father could finish his sentance something happened.</div> <br>
<button data-passage="introduction2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">What happened?</button></div><div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Amore</div>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/events/introduction/carcrash.jpg" alt="" /></div>
<div class="npctextboxm">It was that car crash that took the life of your father.</div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I love you, dad.</div>
<div class="npctextboxm">Thankfully, you survived with not even a scratch. However, your father was killed instantly, and before he could tell you something that seemed really important. Since that day, you have lived with your sister and mother, growing up in a household without any male influence. You watched as your mother whored herself out not even a week after the death of your father; your sister suddenly started dating older men. It took you two years to realize that nothing mattered anymore—that you were not going to sit idly by while your family were used and abused by the world. You would have to step in where your father left off.</div>
<div class="npctextboxm">3 Years later...</div>
<button data-passage="introduction3" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Present Day</button></div><div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Amore</div>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/household/bedroom/main.png" alt="" /></div>
<div class="npctextboxm">You sit in your bedroom, watching TV when you hear someone approaching...</div>
<div class="npctextboxm">The door opens. There stands, your step-dad. Actually, he's not really your step-dad but your mom makes you call him that. Weird huh?</div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/stepdad/chat.png"></div>Step Father<hr>Hey you little bitch? Do you have any condoms? I need to fuck your mom</div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>What the fuck?! No man, get out!</div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/stepdad/chat.png"></div>Step Father<hr>Watch your fucking tone, kid. Or I'll beat the shit out of you!</div>
<div class="npctextboxm">//It wouldn't be the first time//</div>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your step-dad leaves and the distant sound of your mom getting railed soon follows.</div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>That's it man, i'm fucking done. I need to leave this place.</div>
<div class="npctextboxm">You start crying into your pillow and soon fall asleep into a deep dream</div>
<button data-passage="introduction4" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Dream</button></div><div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Amore</div>
<div class="npctextboxm">As you close your eyes you start to make out the image of a bearded fellow walking towards you, he suddenly speaks</div>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/events/introduction/heaven.jpg" alt="" /></div>
<div class="npctextboxm"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/god/chat.png"></div>???<hr>My child. Do not let this fucking bozo fuck your mom! Grow a pair of fucking balls, there is a huge wide world out there full of opportunity, pussy and adventure. I bestow upon you, supernatural confidence and alpha male mentality!!!</div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Who are you?! What are you saying?!</div>
<div class="npctextboxm">Before you could finish speaking the mysterious figure fades and you soon wake up.</div>
<button data-passage="introduction5" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Dream</button></div><div class="wrapper"><div class="title">Amore</div>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/household/bedroom/main.png" alt="" /></div>
<div class="npctextboxm">You wake up. Something inside you has changed. You feel motivated, ready to take on the world. It's about time to get in control of this household.</div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>If anyone is going to fuck my mom, it's going to be me.</div>
<div class="npctextboxm"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/characters/god/chat.png"></div>???<hr>Wait, that's not what I fucking meant?! What the fuck bro!</div>
<div class="npctextboxm">//Your adventure begins//</div>
<button data-passage="amore_bedroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Begin your adventure</button></div><<widget "displayLocation">>
<div class="location-title"><<print _locationTitle>></div>
<<set _locationImage = $args[0]>>
<<set _characterConditions = $args[1]>>
<<set _avatars = []>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt _characterConditions.length; _i++>>
<<set _character = $findCharacterByName(_characterConditions[_i].name)>>
<<if _character and _characterConditions[_i].condition>>
<<set _avatars.push(_character.chat)>>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area">
<<print _locationImage>>
<<if $charactersDisabled != 0>>
<div class="characters-header">Characters here:</div>
<div class="avatar-row">
<!-- Character avatars and empty slots -->
<<for _i to 0; _i lt _avatars.length; _i++>>
<div class="avatar-box">
<<print _avatars[_i]>>
<<for _i to _avatars.length; _i lt 3; _i++>>
<div class="avatar-box empty-slot">
<img src="images/ui/empty_slot.png" alt="Empty Slot">
<<widget "time">>
<div class="timepass">Time has passed [+1]</div><br>
<<set $time = $time + 1>>
<<widget "increaseRelationship">>
<<set _character = $args[0]>>
<<set _amount = $args[1]>>
<<set _character.relationshipPoints += _amount>>
<div class="relationincrease">
Relationship with <<print _character.name>> has changed by <<print _amount>> points.
<<widget "addAffliction">>
<<set _character = $args[0]>>
<<set _affliction = $args[1]>>
<!-- Check if the target is the player or an NPC -->
<<if _character is $player>>
<!-- Handle the player's afflictions -->
<<if !_character.afflictions.includes(_affliction)>>
<<run _character.afflictions.push(_affliction)>>
<div class="relationincrease">
You have been afflicted with <<print _affliction>>.
<div class="relationincrease">
You already have <<print _affliction>>.
<!-- Handle NPC's afflictions -->
<<if !_character.afflictions.includes(_affliction)>>
<<run _character.afflictions.push(_affliction)>>
<div class="relationincrease">
<<print _character.name>> has been afflicted with <<print _affliction>>.
<div class="relationincrease">
<<print _character.name>> already has <<print _affliction>>.
<<widget "removeAffliction">>
<<set _character = $args[0]>>
<<set _affliction = $args[1]>>
<<if _character.afflictions.includes(_affliction)>>
<<set _character.afflictions = _character.afflictions.filter(affliction => affliction !== _affliction)>>
<div class="relationincrease">
<<print _character.name>> has been cured of <<print _affliction>>.
<div class="relationincrease">
<<print _character.name>> does not have <<print _affliction>>.
<<widget "updateQuest">>
<<set _questName = $args[0]>>
<<set _progress = $args.length > 1 ? $args[1] : null>>
<<set _status = $args.length > 2 ? $args[2] : null>>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<<if _index !== -1>> /* If the quest is found */
<<if _progress !== null>> /* If a progress value is provided */
<<set $substory[_index].progress = _progress>>
<<if _status !== null>> /* If a status value is provided */
<<set $substory[_index].status = _status>>
/* Automatically complete the quest if progress is 100% and not failed */
<<if $substory[_index].progress === 100 and $substory[_index].status !== "failed">>
<<set $substory[_index].complete = true>>
<<set $player.maxstamina = $player.maxstamina + 3>>
<<set $player.money = $player.money + 1000>>
<div class="relationincrease">
The quest //<<print _questName>>// has been updated.
<<if $substory[_index].status === "failed">>
The quest has been marked as failed.
<<widget "transferAffliction">>
<<set _source = $args[0]>>
<<set _target = $args[1]>>
<<set _affliction = $args[2]>>
<<if _source.afflictions.includes(_affliction) and !_target.afflictions.includes(_affliction)>>
<<run _source.afflictions.delete(_source.afflictions.indexOf(_affliction))>>
<<run _target.afflictions.push(_affliction)>>
<div class="relationincrease">
<<print _target.name>> has been afflicted with <<print _affliction>>.
<<set $trackablestats.stdsgiven = $trackablestats.stdsgiven + 1>>
<<if !$achievements.patientZero.unlocked and $trackablestats.stdsgiven gte 10>>
<<elseif _target.afflictions.includes(_affliction)>>
<div class="relationincrease">
<<print _target.name>> already has <<print _affliction>>.
<div class="relationincrease">
<<print _source.name>> does not have <<print _affliction>> to transfer.
/* Bounties */
<<widget "checkBountyCompletion">>
<<set _source = $args[0]>>
<<if $bountyShit.target eq _source && $bountyShit.complete != true>>
<<set $bountyShit.complete = true>>
<div class="relationincrease"><b>You have completed a Maximus task. Return to Maximus for your reward.</b><br>
<div class="imageboxhehe"><img src="images/activities/bounty.jpg"></div><br>
<<widget "checkAchievements">>
<<if $combat.party[$chosen].kills >= 100 and !$achievements.bully.unlocked>>
<<set $achievements.bully.unlocked = true>>
<<notify "Achievement Unlocked: Bully!">>
<<widget "dayandtime">>
<<if $day eq 1>>Monday<<elseif $day eq 2>>Tuesday<<elseif $day eq 3>>Wednesday<<elseif $day eq 4>>Thursday<<elseif $day eq 5>>Friday<<elseif $day eq 6>>Saturday<<elseif $day eq 7>>Sunday<</if>> | <<if $time eq 0>>Early Morning<<elseif $time eq 1>>Morning<<elseif $time eq 2>>Lunchtime<<elseif $time eq 3>>Afternoon<<elseif $time eq 4>>Evening<<elseif $time eq 5>>Late Evening<<else>>Midnight<</if>>
<</widget>><<goto "sleep">><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<div class="dreamstate">
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/dream/bed.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your mother and sister look at you with concerned expressions as you stir awake in the hospital bed.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You wonder how the fuck you got here.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Honey, you're awake. How are you feeling?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You try to sit up, but the movement makes you cringe in pain.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Mom, what happened? Where am I? The last thing I remember is... I don't know, something about my...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Oh, <<print $player.name>>. You had a medical emergency. The doctors found out that your body is producing an abnormally high amount of semen. If you don't... release it regularly, you'll...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>You'll die!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Wait... what?...</div><br>
<button data-passage="dream_2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"I Could Die?"</button>
</div><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<div class="dreamstate">
<div class="npctextboxm">She struggles to find the right words, glancing at <<= _zoe.name>> for support. <<= _zoe.name>> steps forward, her small breasts bouncing slightly as she moves.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>The nurse had to, you know, do the thing. With her hand... to make you release. It's disgusting but she had to do it to save you - oh - here she is now. Ask her questions <<print $player.name>>!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">As <<= _zoe.name>> finishes speaking, the curtain surrounding your hospital bed swishes open, revealing a nurse assigned to your care. She strides in, her brown hair pulled back into a tight bun, and her makeup immaculate. She flashes a professional smile at your family, then turns her attention to you, her eyes scanning your face.</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/dream/nurse.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/dream/nurse_chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Alina The Nurse<hr>How are you feeling,<<print $player.name>>?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I feel... good. What happened to me?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/dream/nurse_chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Alina The Nurse<hr>I'm glad to hear that, <<print $player.name>>. You had a bit of a scare, but you're on the mend now.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">She glances at your mom and sister, who are watching the exchange with vigorous atention.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/dream/nurse_chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Alina The Nurse<hr>There is no real easy way of saying this... so i'll just say it bluntly - Your body is producing semen at an alarmingly high rate. One thousand times the rate of a normal human. It doesn't stop when full. If it's not, uh... released on a regular basis, you could be at serious risk of death.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>So what do I need to do?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/dream/nurse_chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Alina The Nurse<hr>Our doctors have advised that you'll need to, uh, masturbate at least twice a day to keep your semen levels in check. I know it might sound a bit crude, but it's absolutely essential for your health and wellbeing.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Masturbate?!</div><br>
<button data-passage="dream_3" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"I can't masturbate!"</button>
<button data-passage="dream_end_happy" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Masturbation is fine."</button>
</div><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<div class="dreamstate">
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Nurse... I can't masturbate. It doesn't work when i do it myself! It never did! I - I'm going to die unless I find a girlfriend!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The nurse's face softens with understanding, her professional attitude melting away for a moment.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/dream/nurse_chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Alina The Nurse<hr>Hmm... The doctors mentioned that. It seems your body's response to self-stimulation has... diminished. That's why we had to intervene while you were out. But don't worry, We have solutions.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Solutions? Like what?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/dream/nurse_chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Alina The Nurse<hr>We'll need to find an alternative method. It could be someone assisting you, or perhaps medical devices. We'll explore all options. For now, we'll continue with the... manual method, but we need to be more discreet about it. I'll be conducting your... treatments in private, away from visitors.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>I want to go home. I can't stay here</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/dream/nurse_chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Alina The Nurse<hr>I understand that you want to be home, but your condition requires constant monitoring. We can't risk you falling into a critical state again.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The nurse looks at your mom and sister, who both nod in agreement.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>So I'm meant to stay in a hospital for how long while a random nurse is jacking me off? I can't! Let me out!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your mom, steps forward, her large breasts swaying slightly as she leans over you</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>Sweetie... we just want to keep you safe. Please listen to the nice nurse.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your moms eyes well up with tears, her voice trembling as she speaks again softly to you</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _jennifer.chat>></div><<= _jennifer.name>><hr>we're trying to do what's best for you. I hate seeing you like this, but we have to follow the doctor's orders. We'll find a way to make this bearable, I promise.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">A jolt of pain hits your groin area. You almost jump out of bed and shreik in pain</div><br>
<button data-passage="dream_4" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"The fuck?!"</button>
</div><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<div class="dreamstate">
<div class="npctextboxm">The pain hits you like a lightning bolt, your body arching involuntarily as a searing, burning agony courses through your penis. The sudden, intense pain causes you to cry out, your scream echoing through the hospital room. The nurse immediately springs into action</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/dream/nurse_chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Alina The Nurse<hr>It's happening again! We need to address this right fucking now. We need assistance in here! Nurse! </div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your mom and sister leave the room and watch through the hospital window as the insane scene unravels...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/dream/nurse_chat.jpg" alt="" /></div>Alina The Nurse<hr>Please, <<print $player.name>> - Let me help you. I know this is embarrassing, but your life is at stake.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Two other nurses rush into the room, their expressions urgent as they move to assist the head nurse. The two nurses move to your side, one supporting your shoulders and the other positioning a bedpan beneath you. Alina the nurse's hands are swift and sure as she begins to stroke your cock as fast as she can.</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/dream/nurse_handjob.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<button data-passage="dream_5" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Next]</button>
</div><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<div class="dreamstate">
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted><source src="images/dream/nurse_bj.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">As Alina the nurse's hand works furiously over your cock, the pressure inside you builds to an unbearable level.
Your body convulses as the first spurt of semen erupts from your cock. The sheer volume is staggering, a torrent of thick, creamy fluid that arcs through the air, splattering against the hospital bed and the nurses' uniforms and faces. The flow is relentless, spurt after spurt of cum flooding out of you in what seems like an endless stream. The two nurses struggle to contain the mess, quickly moving the bedpan to catch as much as possible as it slowly drips onto the floor. Your mom and sister watch in stunned silence, their faces pale as they witness the sheer volume of your ejaculation.
Alina the nurse maintains her grip, her hand working steadily to milk every last drop from your body. As the initial flood subsides, a secondary wave hits - a powerful blast of even thicker, rope-like cum erupting from your cock. Alina the nurse is forced to work even harder, her arm straining with the effort. Your body jerks and convulses, a second and then third torrent of cum gushing forth, the force and volume of each blast increasing.
Finally, the torrent slows, then stops completely. Alina steps back, her hand coated in thick, creamy semen. She looks at you, her face absolutely covered in your thick creamy seed.</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><img src="images/dream/nurse_cum_big.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/dream/nurse_chat_cum.jpg" alt="" /></div>Alina The Nurse<hr><<print $player.name>> are you okay?</div><br>
<button data-passage="dream_6" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"I... uh..."</button>
</div><div class="dreamstate">
<<set _questName2 = "Echos of the Past #2">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You start to feel the dream ending and slipping away...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>No! I want this dream to last... forever!.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">No!!!!</div><br>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress != 100>>
<<updateQuest "Echos of the Past #2" 100>>
<button data-passage="$currentlocation" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Awaken From Dream]</button></div><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">... and so this story ends. You live your life masturbating as usual. You can't help but feel like this wasn't the ending you wanted. Oh well! Maybe you can try again in the future?</div><br>
<button data-passage="$currentlocation" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Awaken From Dream]</button><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<div class="dreamstate">
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/locations/household/bedroom/main.png" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You awaken from your bed. You are finally home.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your sister, pops her head in to check on you to you surprise.</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig"><img src="images/characters/zoe/image/hippy.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Hey... <<= _zoe.name>>... that wasn't all a dream right?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>A dream, <<print $player.name>>? Dude. No. You have exploding balls. You're probably gonna die!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Sorry... I shouldn't of said that.</div><br>
<button data-passage="dream_zoe_2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"It's okay..."</button>
</div><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<div class="dreamstate">
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Me and mom are both here to help you.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Help me? How? If I don't... y'know... cum.. I'll die! How can my own sister and mom possible help me with that!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>You should already know how we're gonna help you.</div><br>
<button data-passage="dream_zoe_3" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"Uh..."</button>
</div><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<div class="dreamstate">
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>If there is a problem. We've been trained by the nurse to assist. Don't worry. We'll get through this as a family...</div><br>
<button data-passage="dream_zoe_4" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Lie] "Ow! My Balls!"</button>
</div><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<div class="dreamstate">
<div class="npctextboxm">You pretend to be in pain and grab your groin. Your sister immediately springs into action</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Shit! Bro! I didn't think it'd be happening now! I'ma go get mom!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>There's no time! Please! Help!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Alright! Just close your eyes and imagine someone else doing this... oh god... what am I doing...</div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/characters/zoe/bj.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Just try your best to release!</div><br>
<button data-passage="dream_zoe_5" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Next]</button>
</div><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<div class="dreamstate">
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay loop muted><source src="images/characters/zoe/scenes/bj.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">As <<print _zoe.name>> continues to eagerly suck your cock, her blonde pigtails bouncing with each bob of her head, you feel an intense rush of pleasure. Your body is heightened and sensitive, every sensation amplified. You grip her pigtails, using them to control her movements as she takes your cock deeper into her throat. She gags and chokes.
With a guttural roar, your newfound evolution and heightened senses allow you to cum like never before. Your cock pulses and throbs as an immense amount of thick, creamy cum explodes from the tip, coating <<print _zoe.name>>'s face and tits in a massive, milky flood. She gasps and chokes as the first blast hits her directly in the face, splattering across her nose, cheeks, and mouth.
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/characters/zoe/cum.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div><<= _zoe.name>><hr>Look what you did it me... dont smile! Pervert!</div><br>
<button data-passage="dream_zoe_6" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">"I... uh..."</button>
</div><div class="dreamstate">
<<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You start to feel the dream ending and slipping away...</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>No! Not again!!!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">No!!!!</div><br>
<<if !$achievements.wetdreamer.unlocked>>
<button data-passage="$currentlocation" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Awaken From Dream]</button></div><div class="title">Random Event - Hello Cousin!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You wake up in your bedroom. It's another great day. However something is different this time..<br>
There is a disturbance in the air...<br>
You hear the unmistakable sound of someone downstairs.. <br>Your cousin, Amy.</div><br>
<<set _amy = $findCharacterByName('Amy')>>
<<set _questName = "Hello Cousin">>
<<set _index = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName)>>
<<if $substory[_index].progress eq 0>>
<<updateQuest "Hello Cousin" 50>>
<<addAffliction _amy "Visiting">>
<<set _amy.visitDayStart = $totaldayspassed>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _amy.image>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Amy is a fucking bitch. She hates you and you hate her. She will probably be staying over for a week to hang out with your household. If you want to interact with her, now is the time.</div><br>
<button data-passage="amore_bedroom" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Continue]</button><<set $totaldayspassed += 1>>
<<if $amadamaking.days > 0>>
<<set $amadamaking.days -= 1>>
<<if $amadamaking.days == 0>>
<<set $amadamaking.materialready = true>>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<set $player.stamina = $player.maxstamina / 2>>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Drunk")>>
<<set _index = $player.afflictions.indexOf("Drunk")>>
<<set $player.afflictions.splice(_index, 1)>>
<div class="npctextboxm"><center>//You close your eyes and fall into a deep sleep...// <br> Days Passed: <<= $totaldayspassed>></center></div><br>
<div class="imagebox"><img src="images/activities/sleep.jpg" alt="" /></div><br>
<!-- Amy Stuff -->
<<set _randomCousinChance to random(1,10)>>
<<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<<set _amy = $findCharacterByName('Amy')>>
<div class="dream-buttons-container">
<<if _randomCousinChance lte 2 and !_amy.afflictions.includes("Visiting") and $currentlocation eq 'amore_bedroom'>>
<button data-passage="amore_bedroom_cousinintro" class="dream-button-green" type="button" tabindex="0">[Awaken?]</button>
<button data-passage="$currentlocation" class="dream-button-green" type="button" tabindex="0">[Awaken]</button>
<button data-passage="dream_1" class="dream-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Dream #1]</button>
<<if _zoe.afflictions.includes("Dominated")>>
<button data-passage="dream_zoe_1" class="dream-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Dream #2]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="dream-button locked" type="button" tabindex="0">[Dream #2] [Locked]</button>
<<if _amy.afflictions.includes("Visiting")>>
<<if $totaldayspassed gte _amy.visitDayStart + 7>><br>
<<removeAffliction _amy "Visiting">>
<div class="relationincrease">Amy has left your house.</div><br>
/* Checks for the quest lover achievements */
<<if !$achievements.questLover.unlocked or !$achievements.questLover2.unlocked>>
<<set _completedCount = 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i < $substory.length; _i++>>
<<if $substory[_i].complete === true>>
<<set _completedCount += 1>>
<<if !$achievements.questLover.unlocked and _completedCount >= 10>>
<<if !$achievements.questLover2.unlocked and _completedCount >= 20>>
/* Other achievements */
<<if !$achievements.bigBrained.unlocked and $player.intelligence gte 1000>>
<<if !$achievements.liftBrah.unlocked and $player.strength gte 1000>>
<<if !$achievements.sirPissalot.unlocked and $peeCounter gte 100>>
<<if !$achievements.sirPissalot.unlocked and _jennifer.fuckedtimes gte 1 and _zoe.fuckedtimes gte 1 and _amy.fuckedtimes gte 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $combat.party.length; _i++>>
<<set $combat.party[_i].health = $combat.party[_i].maxhealth>>
<<set $combat.party[_i].stamina = $combat.party[_i].maxstamina>>
<</for>><<widget "sleepingwidget">>
<<set $player.stamina = $player.maxstamina>> /* Resets the player stamina */
<!-- Reset Party Stamina -->
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $combat.party.length; _i++>>
<<set $combat.party[_i].stamina = $combat.party[_i].maxstamina>>
<<if $day eq 7>> /* Progresses the days */
<<set $day = 1>>
<<if $stripclub.level gte 2>><<set $player.money = $player.money + 3500>><</if>> /* Money per week from the strip club */
<<set $day = $day + 1>>
<<set $time = 0>> /* Resets time */
<<set $daysPassed = $daysPassed + 1>> /* Progresses the days counter */
<<set _maid = $findCharacterByName('Sophia')>>
<<if _maid.afflictions.includes("Working")>>
<<set $bedroomState = $bedroomState + 2>> /* Progresses bedroom cleaning if maid is hired */
<<set $bedroomState = $bedroomState - 0.5>> /* Progresses bedroom decay */
<</widget>><div class="location-title">Flying High</div>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/activities/plane.jpg"></div>
<div class="npctextboxm">You are sitting in your seat on the airplane, the plane is in the air. It wont be a few hours until you reach your destination. You can sleep and you'll get there instantly.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="flying_airhostess" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Talk to Air Hostess]</button>
<button data-passage="flying_bathroom" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Bathroom]</button>
<button data-passage="flying_sleep" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Sleep]</button>
</div><div class="location-title">Flying High</div>
<<set _airhostess = $findCharacterByName('Air Hostess')>>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/activities/plane.jpg"></div>
<div class="npctextboxm">You hail an air hostess who walks towards you.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _airhostess.chat>></div><<= _airhostess.name>><hr>Yes sir?</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="flying_airhostess_fuck" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"Wanna fuck?"</button>
<button data-passage="flying_airhostess_annoy" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"Are we there yet?"</button>
<button data-passage="flying" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">"Nothing"</button>
</div><div class="location-title">Flying High</div>
<<set _airhostess = $findCharacterByName('Air Hostess')>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Are we there yet?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _airhostess.chat>></div><<= _airhostess.name>><hr>No...</div><br>
<<set _airhostess.relationshipPoints = _airhostess.relationshipPoints + 1>>
<<if _airhostess.relationshipPoints eq 10>>
<div class="npctextboxm">The air hostess dropped a key from her pocket onto the floor.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You take the key!</div><br>
<<set _methItem = {
name: "Airplane Bathroom Key",
price: 0,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/toiletkey.png" alt="" />',
desc: "A key for the bathroom in a airplane.",
unique: "Yes"
<<set $player.inventory.push(_methItem)>>
<button data-passage="flying_airhostess" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button><div class="location-title">Flying High</div>
<<set _airhostess = $findCharacterByName('Air Hostess')>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Can I get a quickie in the bathroom?</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _airhostess.chat>></div><<= _airhostess.name>><hr>Don't be so rude!</div><br>
<button data-passage="flying_airhostess" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Stop Talking]</button><div class="location-title">Flying High</div>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/activities/plane_bathroom_door.jpg"></div>
<div class="npctextboxm">The door is locked.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>C'mon man! I need to piss!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">It's no use. You can't get inside - unless you had a key?</div><br>
<<set _itemName = "Airplane Bathroom Key">>
<<set _foundItem = $player.inventory.find(item => item.name === _itemName)>>
<div class="button-container">
<<if _foundItem>>
<button data-passage="flying_bathroom_inside" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Use Key]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Locked Door]</button>
<button data-passage="flying" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button>
</div><div class="location-title">Flying High</div>
<<set _airhostess = $findCharacterByName('Air Hostess')>>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/activities/plane_bathroom_door.jpg"></div>
<div class="npctextboxm">You enter the bathroom and...</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">... Someone else is in here!</div><br>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _airhostess.chat>></div><<= _airhostess.name>><hr>You naughty boy! Sneaking in on people using the bathroom! I'm going to teach you a lesson!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The flight attendant grabs your cock!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _airhostess.chat>></div><<= _airhostess.name>><hr>You belong to me now!</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">The lady unbuckles your belt and gets down on her knees!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/airhostess/bj.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _airhostess.chat>></div><<= _airhostess.name>><hr>Now put that fucking cock inside me! Don't stop until I tell you to!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/airhostess/fuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _airhostess.chat>></div><<= _airhostess.name>><hr>Now cover me in your hot sticky stuff!</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= $player.image>></div><<= $player.name>><hr>Y-yes m'am!</div><br>
<div class="videobox"><center><video width="720" autoplay muted webkit-playsinline playsinline><source src="images/characters/airhostess/facial.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center></div><br>
<<set _airhostess.fuckedtimes = _airhostess.fuckedtimes + 1>>
<<if $player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction $player _airhostess "Crabs">>
<<elseif _airhostess.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>
<<transferAffliction _airhostess $player "Crabs">>
<div class="npctextboxm">The flight attendant pushes you out of the bathroom. Probably to give herself some time to clean up.</div><br>
<button data-passage="flying_sleep" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[End of Flight]</button>
<<if !$achievements.notARealClub.unlocked>>
<</if>><div class="location-title">Flying High</div>
<<set _questName3 = "Capturing Superheroes">>
<<set _index3 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<<set _questName2 = "Mysterious Letter">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<div class="npctextboxm">You fall asleep in your seat. As you finally wake, you realise you've just landed in your destination.</div><br>
<div class="button-container">
/* London */
<<if $exitlocation eq "London">>
<<if $substory[_index3].progress != 0>>
<button data-passage="desmondstreet" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Plane]</button>
<button data-passage="londonstart" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Plane]</button>
/* Lagos */
<<if $exitlocation eq "Lagos">>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress != 0>>
<button data-passage="bootystreet" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Plane]</button>
<button data-passage="lagosstart" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Plane]</button>
/* Tokyo */
<<if $exitlocation eq "Tokyo">>
<button data-passage="shibuyaStreet" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave Plane]</button>
</div><div class="location-title">Airport</div>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/location_icons/airportman.jpg"></div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/location_icons/airportmanchat.jpg"></div>Airport Man<hr>Where to sir?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><b>Locations Available For Travel:</b><hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/location_icons/uk.jpg" alt="" />
[UK - London]<br>
<button data-passage="flying" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$exitlocation to 'London'">Travel</button>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/location_icons/nigeria.jpg" alt="" />
[Nigeria - Lagos]
<button data-passage="flying" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$exitlocation to 'Lagos'">Travel</button>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/location_icons/japan.jpg" alt="" />
[Tokyo - Japan]
<button data-passage="flying" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$exitlocation to 'Tokyo'">Travel</button>
<<button "Go Back">><<script>>Engine.backward();<</script>><</button>><div class="location-title">Taxi Stand</div>
<<set _auntlinda = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Linda')>>
<<set _aunteva = $findCharacterByName('Aunt Eva')>>
<<set _questName5 = "Seduction of Aunt Eva">>
<<set _index5 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName5)>>
<<set _questName4 = "Halloween 2023">>
<<set _index4 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName4)>>
<<set _questName2 = "Step-Dad's Porno Tapes">>
<<set _index2 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName2)>>
<<set _questName3 = "Capturing Superheroes">>
<<set _index3 = $substory.findIndex(quest => quest.name === _questName3)>>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/location_icons/taxi.jpg"></div>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><img src="images/location_icons/taxichat.png"></div>Taxi Driver<hr>Where ya headed?</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><b>Locations Available For Travel:</b><hr>
<div class="itemwrapper">
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/location_icons/amore.png" alt="" />
Amore [Gough Street]
<button data-passage="goughstreet" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Travel</button>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/location_icons/london.png" alt="" />
London [Desmond Street]
<<if $substory[_index3].progress != 0>>
<button data-passage="desmondstreet" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Travel</button>
<button data-passage="londonstart" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Travel</button>
<<if _auntlinda.afflictions.includes("Address Known")>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/characters/aunt/auntiechat.png" alt="" />
<<= _auntlinda.name>>'s House
<button data-passage="auntoutside" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Travel</button>
<<if $substory[_index5].progress != 0>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/characters/aunteva/chat.png" alt="" />
Aunt Eva's House
<button data-passage="aunt2Main" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Travel</button>
<<if $substory[_index2].progress != 0>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/location_icons/trailerpark.png" alt="" />
Trailer Park
<button data-passage="trailerpark" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Travel</button>
<<if $substory[_index4].progress != 0>>
<div class="perkbox">
<img src="images/location_icons/hh.jpg" alt="" />
Madame Spooky's Mansion
<button data-passage="spookymansion" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Travel</button>
</div><br><div class="npctextboxm">You walk home.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">You keep walking.</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Damn, this shit is taking forever. I should of got a ride.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Your feet hurt :(</div><br>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<print $player.image>></div><<print $player.name>><hr>Finally, I'm back in Amore!</div><br>
<button data-passage="ascensionstreet" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Arrive in Amore]</button><div class="title">You want to equip <<print $wardrobe[$clothingchosen].name>> [<<print $wardrobe[$clothingchosen].type>>] [<<print $clothingchosen>>]</div><br>
<div class="title">
<<set _equippedItem = $wardrobe[$clothingchosen]>>
<<if _equippedItem.type == "Headwear">>
<<if $player.headwear.length > 0>> <!-- Check if an item is already equipped -->
<<set $previousItem = $player.headwear.pop()>>
<<if $previousItem.bonus == "Max Stamina">>
<<set $player.maxstamina -= $previousItem.amount>> <!-- Remove the previous bonus -->
<<if $previousItem.bonus == "Strength">>
<<set $player.strength -= $previousItem.amount>> <!-- Remove the previous bonus -->
<<if $previousItem.bonus == "Intelligence">>
<<set $player.intelligence -= $previousItem.amount>> <!-- Remove the previous bonus -->
<<set $player.headwear = []>>
<<set $player.headwear.push(_equippedItem)>>
You have equipped <<print _equippedItem.name>> as headwear.
<<if _equippedItem.bonus == "Max Stamina">>
<<set $player.maxstamina += _equippedItem.amount>>
<<if _equippedItem.bonus == "Strength">>
<<set $player.strength += _equippedItem.amount>>
<<if _equippedItem.bonus == "Intelligence">>
<<set $player.intelligence += _equippedItem.amount>>
<<elseif _equippedItem.type == "Body">>
<<if $player.body.length > 0>>
<<set $previousItem = $player.body.pop()>>
<<if $previousItem.bonus == "Max Stamina">>
<<set $player.maxstamina -= $previousItem.amount>> <!-- Remove the previous bonus -->
<<if $previousItem.bonus == "Strength">>
<<set $player.strength -= $previousItem.amount>> <!-- Remove the previous bonus -->
<<if $previousItem.bonus == "Intelligence">>
<<set $player.intelligence -= $previousItem.amount>> <!-- Remove the previous bonus -->
<<set $player.body = []>>
<<set $player.body.push(_equippedItem)>>
You have equipped <<print _equippedItem.name>> as body clothing.
<<if _equippedItem.bonus == "Max Stamina">>
<<set $player.maxstamina += _equippedItem.amount>>
<<if _equippedItem.bonus == "Strength">>
<<set $player.strength += _equippedItem.amount>>
<<if _equippedItem.bonus == "Intelligence">>
<<set $player.intelligence += _equippedItem.amount>>
<<elseif _equippedItem.type == "Legs">>
<<if $player.legs.length > 0>>
<<set $previousItem = $player.legs.pop()>>
<<if $previousItem.bonus == "Max Stamina">>
<<set $player.maxstamina -= $previousItem.amount>> <!-- Remove the previous bonus -->
<<if $previousItem.bonus == "Strength">>
<<set $player.strength -= $previousItem.amount>> <!-- Remove the previous bonus -->
<<if $previousItem.bonus == "Intelligence">>
<<set $player.intelligence -= $previousItem.amount>> <!-- Remove the previous bonus -->
<<set $player.legs = []>>
<<set $player.legs.push(_equippedItem)>>
You have equipped <<print _equippedItem.name>> as legwear.
<<if _equippedItem.bonus == "Max Stamina">>
<<set $player.maxstamina += _equippedItem.amount>>
<<if _equippedItem.bonus == "Strength">>
<<set $player.strength += _equippedItem.amount>>
<<if _equippedItem.bonus == "Intelligence">>
<<set $player.intelligence += _equippedItem.amount>>
<<elseif _equippedItem.type == "Footwear">>
<<if $player.footwear.length > 0>>
<<set $previousItem = $player.footwear.pop()>>
<<if $previousItem.bonus == "Max Stamina">>
<<set $player.maxstamina -= $previousItem.amount>> <!-- Remove the previous bonus -->
<<if $previousItem.bonus == "Strength">>
<<set $player.strength -= $previousItem.amount>> <!-- Remove the previous bonus -->
<<if $previousItem.bonus == "Intelligence">>
<<set $player.intelligence -= $previousItem.amount>> <!-- Remove the previous bonus -->
<<set $player.footwear = []>>
<<set $player.footwear.push(_equippedItem)>>
You have equipped <<print _equippedItem.name>> as footwear.
<<if _equippedItem.bonus == "Max Stamina">>
<<set $player.maxstamina += _equippedItem.amount>>
<<if _equippedItem.bonus == "Strength">>
<<set $player.strength += _equippedItem.amount>>
<<if _equippedItem.bonus == "Intelligence">>
<<set $player.intelligence += _equippedItem.amount>>
You cannot equip <<print _equippedItem.name>> because its item type is not recognized.
<span class="shopgg"><button data-passage="wardrober" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Understood</button></span>
<<if $player.stamina gt $player.maxstamina>>
<<set $player.stamina= $player.maxstamina>>
<</if>><div class="title">Your Wardrobe</div><br>
<div class="clothingWearing2">
<div class="newItembox2">
<div class="newItemphoto"><<print $player.headwear[0].image>></div>
<div class="NewItemtextt"><center>Headwear:<br><<print $player.headwear[0].name>><hr>
<<print $player.headwear[0].bonus>> [<<print $player.headwear[0].amount>>]</center></div>
<div class="newItembox2">
<div class="newItemphoto"><<print $player.body[0].image>></div>
<div class="NewItemtextt"><center>Body:<br><<print $player.body[0].name>><hr>
<<print $player.body[0].bonus>> [<<print $player.body[0].amount>>]</center></div>
<div class="newItembox2">
<div class="newItemphoto"><<print $player.legs[0].image>></div>
<div class="NewItemtextt"><center>Legs:<br><<print $player.legs[0].name>><hr>
<<print $player.legs[0].bonus>> [<<print $player.legs[0].amount>>]</center></div>
<div class="newItembox2">
<div class="newItemphoto"><<print $player.footwear[0].image>></div>
<div class="NewItemtextt"><center>Footwear:<br><<print $player.footwear[0].name>><hr>
<<print $player.footwear[0].bonus>> [<<print $player.footwear[0].amount>>]</center></div>
<div class="itemWrapperz2">
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $wardrobe.length; _i++>> <<capture _i>>
<div class="newItembox2">
<div class="newItemphoto"><<print $wardrobe[_i].image>></div>
<div class="NewItemtextt"><center><<print $wardrobe[_i].name>><span class="shopgg"><button data-passage="equipClothing" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$clothingchosen to _i">Equip</button></span><hr>
Bonus: <<print $wardrobe[_i].bonus>> [<<print $wardrobe[_i].amount>>]<br>
Style: <<print $wardrobe[_i].style>></center>
<button data-passage='$currentlocation' class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Leave]</button>
<<if !$achievements.fashionista.unlocked and $wardrobe.length gte 10>>
<</if>><<set _notificationId to "notify-" + Date.now()>>
<<append "#notifications">>
<div id="<<print _notificationId>>" class="notification" style="background: #333; color: #fff; padding: 10px; margin-bottom: 5px; border-radius: 5px;">
<<print message>>
<<run setTimeout(() => {
var notification = document.getElementById("<<print _notificationId>>");
if (notification) {
notification.style.transition = "opacity 0.5s";
notification.style.opacity = 0;
setTimeout(() => notification.remove(), 500);
}, 3000)>><<widget "notify">>
<<set _notificationId to "notify-" + Date.now()>>
<<append "#notifications">>
<div id="<<print _notificationId>>" class="notification" style="background: #333; color: #fff; padding: 10px; margin-bottom: 5px; border-radius: 5px;">
<<print _args[0]>>
<<run setTimeout(() => {
var notification = document.getElementById("<<print _notificationId>>");
if (notification) {
notification.style.transition = "opacity 0.5s";
notification.style.opacity = 0;
setTimeout(() => notification.remove(), 500);
}, 3000)>>
<</widget>><<leftandrightassign>> /* Runs the left and right image generation */
<<set $battleLog = []>> /* Resets the battle log */
<<if $combat.party.length eq 0>>
<div class="title">Your party is currently empty. You need at least one party member to fight!</div><br>
<<button "Go Back">><<script>>Engine.backward();<</script>><</button>><br>
<button data-passage="sleep" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Wake Up</button>
<<set $combat.enemy = []>>
<<set _selectedEnemy = $combat.enemies.filter(enemy => enemy.name eq $enemyChosen)>> /* Searching the enemy directory and copying it over (not REMOVING) that enemy out based on its name */
<<if _selectedEnemy.length > 0>>
<<set $combat.enemy.push(Object.assign({}, _selectedEnemy[0]))>>
/* Bounty Stat Selector */
<<if $enemyChosen eq "Bounty">> <!-- Check if the enemy is a bounty -->
<<set _playerLevel = $player.level>>
<<set _playerHealth = $player.maxhealth>>
<<set _playerStamina = $player.maxstamina>>
<<set $combat.enemy[0].level = $combat.party[0].level * 6>>
<<set $combat.enemy[0].health = $combat.party[0].maxhealth * 7>>
<<set $combat.enemy[0].maxhealth = $combat.party[0].maxhealth * 7>>
<<set $combat.enemy[0].stamina = $combat.party[0].maxstamina * 3>>
<<set $combat.enemy[0].maxstamina = $combat.party[0].maxstamina * 3>>
/* ------------------------------------------ */
<div class="combat-container">
<div class="npcgrouping">
<h3>The Enemy</h3><hr>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $combat.enemy.length; _i++>>
<div class="tribegallery3">
<div class="npcchat"><<print $combat.enemy[_i].pic>></div>
<strong><<print $combat.enemy[_i].name>></strong><br>
<div class="uistatbox">
Health: <<print $combat.enemy[_i].health>> / <<print $combat.enemy[_i].maxhealth>><br>
Stamina: <<print $combat.enemy[_i].stamina>> / <<print $combat.enemy[_i].maxstamina>><br>
Level: <<print $combat.enemy[_i].level>><br>
Moves: <<print $combat.enemy[_i].moves.join(", ")>>
<div class="npcgrouping">
<h3>Your Party</h3><hr>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $combat.party.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i>> /* Capturing _i and assigning to the chosen variable */
<div class="tribegallery3">
<div class="npcchat"><<print $combat.party[_i].partypic>></div>
<strong><<print $combat.party[_i].name>></strong><br>
<div class="uistatbox">
Health: <<print $combat.party[_i].health>> / <<print $combat.party[_i].maxhealth>><br>
Stamina: <<print $combat.party[_i].stamina>> / <<print $combat.party[_i].maxstamina>><br>
Damage: <<print $combat.party[_i].damage>><br>
Level: <<print $combat.party[_i].level>><br>
Moves: <<for _move range $combat.party[_i].moves>> <<print _move.name>> <</for>>
<<if $combat.party[_i].health lte 0>><button data-passage="" class="red-button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$chosen to _i">Knocked Out</button><<else>><button data-passage="enemyload" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$chosen to _i">Choose</button><</if>>
<<if $chosen gte 0>>
<button data-passage="fightMain" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">Send <<print $combat.party[$chosen].name>> to fight</button>
<div class="combat-actions">
<button data-passage="fightLost" class="red-button" type="button" tabindex="0">Retreat</button>
<</if>><div class="combat-container">
<!-- Top Section for Enemy Info -->
<div class="enemyTop">
<div class="enemyFightBox">
<<for _i = 0; _i < $combat.enemy.length; _i++>>
<div class="npcchat"><<print $combat.enemy[_i].pic>></div>
<<print $combat.enemy[_i].name>><br>
Gender: <<print $combat.enemy[_i].gender>><br>
Lvl: <<print $combat.enemy[_i].level>><br>
<div class="enemyStatBox">
Health: <<print $combat.enemy[0].health>>/<<print $combat.enemy[0].maxhealth>> <br> Stamina: <<print $combat.enemy[0].stamina>>/<<print $combat.enemy[0].maxstamina>><br>
<!-- Middle Section for Combat Log and Background Images -->
<div class="middle-section">
<div class="sidepicleft">
<<= $leftPic>>
<div class="combatMid">
<b>Combat Log (<<print $battleLog.length>>) [Turn <<= $combat.turn>>]:</b>
<<for _i = 0; _i < $battleLog.length; _i++>>
<div class="combatLogEntry">
<span class="logTurn">Turn: <span style="color:yellow"><<print $battleLog[_i].turn>></span></span><br>
<span class="logActor">
<<if $battleLog[_i].ally eq "yes">>
<span style="color:#64B02D"><<print $battleLog[_i].actor>></span>
<span style="color:#A92B20"><<print $battleLog[_i].actor>></span>
<span class="logAction"><<print $battleLog[_i].playerAction>></span>
<span class="logDamage"><<print $battleLog[_i].damage>></span>
<span class="logType"><<print $battleLog[_i].type>></span>!
(- <span class="logStamina"><<print $battleLog[_i].staminacost>></span> Stamina)
<<if $combat.enemy[0].health lte 0>>
<span style="color:#A92B20"><<print $combat.enemy[0].name>></span> has been defeated!
<div class="sidepicright">
<<= $rightPic>>
<!-- Bottom Section for Player Info -->
<div class="partyBottom">
<div class="enemyFightBox">
<div class="npcchat"><<print $combat.party[$chosen].partypic>></div>
<<print $combat.party[$chosen].name>><br>
Gender: <<print $combat.party[$chosen].gender>><br>
Lvl: <<print $combat.party[$chosen].level>><br>
<div class="enemyStatBox">
Health: <<print $combat.party[$chosen].health>>/<<print $combat.party[$chosen].maxhealth>> <br> Stamina: <<print $combat.party[$chosen].stamina>>/<<print $combat.party[$chosen].maxstamina>><br>
<!-- Action Section for Player Buttons -->
<div class="actionsBottom">
<<if $combat.party[$chosen].health lte 0>>
<span class="buttonwin">
<button data-passage="managepartyfight" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$chosen to -1">
<span style="color:red"> <<print $combat.party[$chosen].name>> has been defeated!</span>
<button data-passage="managepartyfight" class="action-button" type="button">Swap NPC</button>
<<if $combat.enemy[0].health gte 1>>
<<set _hasMedpack = false>>
<<for _item range $player.inventory>>
<<if _item.name eq "Medpack">>
<<set _hasMedpack = true>>
<<if _hasMedpack>>
<button data-passage="playeractioncombatitem" class="action-button" type="button" data-item="Medpack" data-setter="$chosenmove to 'health'">
Use Medpack</button>
<!-- Check if the player has at least one energy drink in their inventory -->
<<set _hasEnergyDrink = false>>
<<for _item range $player.inventory>>
<<if _item.name eq "Energy Drink">>
<<set _hasEnergyDrink = true>>
<<if _hasEnergyDrink>>
<button data-passage="playeractioncombatitem" class="action-button" type="button" data-item="Energy Drink" data-setter="$chosenmove to 'energy'">
Use Drink</button>
<!-- Check if the player has at least one meth in their inventory -->
<<set _hasMeth = false>>
<<for _item range $player.inventory>>
<<if _item.name eq "Meth">>
<<set _hasMeth = true>>
<<if _hasMeth>>
<button data-passage="playeractioncombatitem" class="action-button" type="button" data-item="Meth" data-setter="$chosenmove to 'meth'">
Smoke Meth</button>
<!-- Check if the player has at least one Weed in their inventory -->
<<set _hasWeed = false>>
<<for _item range $player.inventory>>
<<if _item.name eq "Weed">>
<<set _hasWeed = true>>
<<if _hasWeed>>
<button data-passage="playeractioncombatitem" class="action-button" type="button" data-item="Weed" data-setter="$chosenmove to 'weed'">
Smoke Weed</button>
<<for _i = 0; _i < $combat.party[$chosen].moves.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i>>
<<if $combat.party[$chosen].moves[_i].staminaCost gt $combat.party[$chosen].stamina>>
<button data-passage="" class="action-button-red" type="button" data-move="<<print $combat.party[$chosen].moves[_i].name>>" data-stamina="<<print $combat.party[$chosen].moves[_i].staminaCost>>">
<<print $combat.party[$chosen].moves[_i].name>> (<<print $combat.party[$chosen].moves[_i].staminaCost>>)</button>
<button data-passage="playeractioncombat" class="action-button" type="button" data-move="<<print $combat.party[$chosen].moves[_i].name>>" data-stamina="<<print $combat.party[$chosen].moves[_i].staminaCost>>" data-setter="$chosenmove to _i">
<<print $combat.party[$chosen].moves[_i].name>> (<<print $combat.party[$chosen].moves[_i].staminaCost>>)</button>
<span class="buttonwin">
<button data-passage="beatenemy" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">
<span style="color:#64B02D">YOU ARE VICTORIOUS!</span>
</div><div class="npcgrouping">
<h3>Your Party</h3><hr>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $combat.party.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i>> /* Capturing _i and assigning to the chosen variable */
<div class="tribegallery3">
<div class="npcchat"><<print $combat.party[_i].partypic>></div>
<strong><<print $combat.party[_i].name>></strong><br>
<div class="uistatbox">
Health: <<print $combat.party[_i].health>> / <<print $combat.party[_i].maxhealth>><br>
Stamina: <<print $combat.party[_i].stamina>> / <<print $combat.party[_i].maxstamina>><br>
Damage: <<print $combat.party[_i].damage>><br>
Level: <<print $combat.party[_i].level>><br>
Moves: <<for _move range $combat.party[_i].moves>> <<print _move.name>> <</for>>
<<if $combat.party[_i].health lte 0>><button data-passage="" class="red-button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$chosen to _i">Knocked Out</button><<else>><button data-passage="managepartyfight" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$chosen to _i">Choose</button><</if>>
<<if $chosen gte 0>>
<button data-passage="fightMain" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0">Send <<print $combat.party[$chosen].name>> to fight</button>
<button data-passage="fightLost" class="red-button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Retreat]</button>/* setting up all our variables that we need for logging this move */
<<set _action = {
turn: 1,
playerAction: "",
damage: 1,
actor: "",
ally: "yes",
staminacost: 1,
type: "damage",
animation: "",
<<set _move = $combat.party[$chosen].moves[$chosenmove]>>
<<set _movename = _move.name>>
<<set _staminaCost = _move.staminaCost>>
<<set _actor = $combat.party[$chosen].name>>
<<set _turn = $combat.turn>>
<<set _damage = 0>>
<<set _heal = 0>>
<<set _actionDescription = "">>
<<set _actionType = "">>
<<set _bonusDamage = $player.strength / 200>>
<<set _bonusDamage = Math.round(_bonusDamage)>>
/* a test to see if the _move name is the same
<<print $combat.party[$chosen].moves[$chosenmove]>>
<<if _movename eq "Nothing">>
<<set $combat.party[$chosen].stamina = $combat.party[$chosen].stamina + 1>>
<<set _actorMan to $combat.party[$chosen].name>>
<<set _action.turn to $combat.turn>>
<<set _action.damage to 1>>
<<set _action.playerAction to "Nothing">>
<<set _action.actor to _actorMan>>
<<set _action.ally to "yes">>
<<set _action.staminacost to "0">>
<<set _action.type to "stamina recovery">>
<<set $battleLog.push(_action)>>
<<elseif _movename eq "Slap">>
<<set _netdamage = $combat.party[$chosen].damage>>
<<set _damage = Math.round(_netdamage)>>
<<set $combat.enemy[0].health = $combat.enemy[0].health - _damage>>
<<set $combat.party[$chosen].stamina = $combat.party[$chosen].stamina - 1>>
<<set _actorMan to $combat.party[$chosen].name>>
<<set _action.turn to $combat.turn>>
<<set _action.damage to _damage>>
<<set _action.playerAction to "Slap">>
<<set _action.actor to _actorMan>>
<<set _action.ally to "yes">>
<<set _action.staminacost to "1">>
<<set _action.type to "damage">>
<<set $battleLog.push(_action)>>
<<elseif _movename eq "Flash Tits">>
<<set _netdamage = 1 + ($combat.party[$chosen].level / 2)>>
<<set _damage = Math.round(_netdamage)>>
<<set $combat.enemy[0].stamina = $combat.enemy[0].stamina - _damage>>
<<set $combat.party[$chosen].stamina = $combat.party[$chosen].stamina - 2>>
<<set _actorMan to $combat.party[$chosen].name>>
<<set _action.turn to $combat.turn>>
<<set _action.damage to _damage>>
<<set _action.playerAction to "Flash Tits">>
<<set _action.actor to _actorMan>>
<<set _action.ally to "yes">>
<<set _action.staminacost to _damage>>
<<set _action.type to "Stamina Drain">>
<<set $battleLog.push(_action)>>
<<elseif _movename eq "Headbut">>
<<set _extrad = $combat.party[$chosen].damage / 2>>
<<set _netdamage = $combat.party[$chosen].damage + _extrad>>
<<set _damage = Math.round(_netdamage)>>
<<set $combat.enemy[0].health = $combat.enemy[0].health - _damage>>
<<set $combat.party[$chosen].stamina = $combat.party[$chosen].stamina - 5>>
<<set _actorMan to $combat.party[$chosen].name>>
<<set _action.turn to $combat.turn>>
<<set _action.damage to _damage>>
<<set _action.playerAction to "Headbut">>
<<set _action.actor to _actorMan>>
<<set _action.ally to "yes">>
<<set _action.staminacost to "1">>
<<set _action.type to "damage">>
<<set $battleLog.push(_action)>>
<<elseif _movename eq "Heal">>
<<set _netheal = (50 / 100) * ($combat.party[$chosen].maxhealth)>>
<<set _heal = Math.round(_netheal)>>
<<set $combat.party[$chosen].health = $combat.party[$chosen].health + _heal>>
<<set $combat.party[$chosen].stamina = $combat.party[$chosen].stamina - 5>>
<<if $combat.party[$chosen].health gt $combat.party[$chosen].maxhealth>> <<set $combat.party[$chosen].health = $combat.party[$chosen].maxhealth>> <</if>>
<<set _actorMan to $combat.party[$chosen].name>>
<<set _action.turn to $combat.turn>>
<<set _action.damage to _heal>>
<<set _action.playerAction to "Healing Spell">>
<<set _action.actor to _actorMan>>
<<set _action.ally to "yes">>
<<set _action.staminacost to 5>>
<<set _action.type to "Healing">>
<<set $battleLog.push(_action)>>
<<elseif _movename eq "Boobocalypse">>
<<set _netdamage = 100 + ($combat.party[$chosen].damage) + ($player.strength / 100)>>
<<set _damage = Math.round(_netdamage)>>
<<set $combat.enemy[0].health = $combat.enemy[0].health - _damage>>
<<set $combat.party[$chosen].stamina = $combat.party[$chosen].stamina - 10>>
<<set _actorMan to $combat.party[$chosen].name>>
<<set _action.turn to $combat.turn>>
<<set _action.damage to _damage>>
<<set _action.playerAction to "Boobocalypse">>
<<set _action.actor to _actorMan>>
<<set _action.ally to "yes">>
<<set _action.staminacost to "15">>
<<set _action.type to "damage">>
<<set $battleLog.push(_action)>>
<<set $boobocalypse = 1>>
<<elseif _movename eq "Panty Throw">>
<<set _netdamage = 150 + ($combat.party[$chosen].damage) + ($player.strength / 100)>>
<<set _damage = Math.round(_netdamage)>>
<<set $combat.enemy[0].health = $combat.enemy[0].health - _damage>>
<<set $combat.party[$chosen].stamina = $combat.party[$chosen].stamina - 20>>
<<set _actorMan to $combat.party[$chosen].name>>
<<set _action.turn to $combat.turn>>
<<set _action.damage to _damage>>
<<set _action.playerAction to "Panty Throw">>
<<set _action.actor to _actorMan>>
<<set _action.ally to "yes">>
<<set _action.staminacost to 20>>
<<set _action.type to "damage">>
<<set $battleLog.push(_action)>>
<<set $pantyThrow = 1>>
<<elseif _movename eq "Cock Slap">>
<<set _netdamage = 15 + ($combat.party[$chosen].damage) + ($player.strength / 100)>>
<<set _damage = Math.round(_netdamage)>>
<<set $combat.enemy[0].health = $combat.enemy[0].health - _damage>>
<<set $combat.party[$chosen].stamina = $combat.party[$chosen].stamina - 5>>
<<set _actorMan to $combat.party[$chosen].name>>
<<set _action.turn to $combat.turn>>
<<set _action.damage to _damage>>
<<set _action.playerAction to "Cock Slap">>
<<set _action.actor to _actorMan>>
<<set _action.ally to "yes">>
<<set _action.staminacost to 5>>
<<set _action.type to "damage">>
<<set $battleLog.push(_action)>>
<<goto "enemyactioncombat">>/* setting up all our variables that we need for logging this move */
<<set _action = {
turn: 1,
playerAction: "",
damage: 1,
actor: "",
ally: "yes",
staminacost: 1,
type: "damage",
animation: "",
<<set _movename = $chosenmove>>
<<set _damage = 0>>
<<set _heal = 0>>
<<set _actionDescription = "">>
<<set _actionType = "">>
<<set _bonusDamage = $player.strength / 200>>
<<set _bonusDamage = Math.round(_bonusDamage)>>
/* a test to see if the _move name is the same
<<print $combat.party[$chosen].moves[$chosenmove]>>
<<if _movename eq "health">>
<<set _netheal = (30 / 100) * ($combat.party[$chosen].maxhealth)>>
<<set _heal = Math.round(_netheal)>>
<<set $combat.party[$chosen].health = $combat.party[$chosen].health + _heal>>
<<if $combat.party[$chosen].health gt $combat.party[$chosen].maxhealth>> <<set $combat.party[$chosen].health = $combat.party[$chosen].maxhealth>> <</if>>
<<set _hasEnergyDrink = false>> <!-- Initialize a variable to track if an energy drink is found -->
<<set _energyDrinkCount = 0>> <!-- Initialize a variable to count the number of energy drinks -->
<<for _i to $player.inventory.length - 1; _i >= 0; _i-->>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Medpack">>
<<set _hasEnergyDrink = true>> <!-- Set the variable to true if an energy drink is found -->
<<set _energyDrinkCount += 1>> <!-- Increment the energy drink count -->
<<set $player.inventory.deleteAt(_i)>> <!-- Delete the item at index _i -->
<<break>> <!-- Break out of the loop after deleting one energy drink -->
<<set _actorMan to $combat.party[$chosen].name>>
<<set _action.turn to $combat.turn>>
<<set _action.damage to _heal>>
<<set _action.playerAction to "Use Medpack">>
<<set _action.actor to _actorMan>>
<<set _action.ally to "yes">>
<<set _action.staminacost to 0>>
<<set _action.type to "Healing">>
<<set $battleLog.push(_action)>>
<<elseif _movename eq "energy">>
<<set _netstaminaheal = (30 / 100) * ($combat.party[$chosen].maxstamina)>>
<<set _staminaheal = Math.round(_netstaminaheal)>>
<<set $combat.party[$chosen].stamina = $combat.party[$chosen].stamina + _staminaheal>>
<<if $combat.party[$chosen].stamina gt $combat.party[$chosen].maxstamina>> <<set $combat.party[$chosen].stamina = $combat.party[$chosen].maxstamina>> <</if>>
<<set _hasEnergyDrink = false>> <!-- Initialize a variable to track if an energy drink is found -->
<<set _energyDrinkCount = 0>> <!-- Initialize a variable to count the number of energy drinks -->
<<for _i to $player.inventory.length - 1; _i >= 0; _i-->>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Energy Drink">>
<<set _hasEnergyDrink = true>> <!-- Set the variable to true if an energy drink is found -->
<<set _energyDrinkCount += 1>> <!-- Increment the energy drink count -->
<<set $player.inventory.deleteAt(_i)>> <!-- Delete the item at index _i -->
<<break>> <!-- Break out of the loop after deleting one energy drink -->
<<set _actorMan to $combat.party[$chosen].name>>
<<set _action.turn to $combat.turn>>
<<set _action.damage to _staminaheal>>
<<set _action.playerAction to "Drink Energy Drink">>
<<set _action.actor to _actorMan>>
<<set _action.ally to "yes">>
<<set _action.staminacost to 0>>
<<set _action.type to "Stamina Recovery">>
<<set $battleLog.push(_action)>>
<<elseif _movename eq "meth">>
<<set _netstaminaheal = (70 / 100) * ($combat.party[$chosen].maxstamina)>>
<<set _staminaheal = Math.round(_netstaminaheal)>>
<<set $combat.party[$chosen].stamina = $combat.party[$chosen].stamina + _staminaheal>>
<<if $combat.party[$chosen].stamina gt $combat.party[$chosen].maxstamina>> <<set $combat.party[$chosen].stamina = $combat.party[$chosen].maxstamina>> <</if>>
<<set _hasEnergyDrink = false>> <!-- Initialize a variable to track if an energy drink is found -->
<<set _energyDrinkCount = 0>> <!-- Initialize a variable to count the number of energy drinks -->
<<for _i to $player.inventory.length - 1; _i >= 0; _i-->>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Meth">>
<<set _hasEnergyDrink = true>> <!-- Set the variable to true if an energy drink is found -->
<<set _energyDrinkCount += 1>> <!-- Increment the energy drink count -->
<<set $player.inventory.deleteAt(_i)>> <!-- Delete the item at index _i -->
<<break>> <!-- Break out of the loop after deleting one energy drink -->
<<set _actorMan to $combat.party[$chosen].name>>
<<set _action.turn to $combat.turn>>
<<set _action.damage to _staminaheal>>
<<set _action.playerAction to "Smoke Meth">>
<<set _action.actor to _actorMan>>
<<set _action.ally to "yes">>
<<set _action.staminacost to 0>>
<<set _action.type to "Stamina Recovery">>
<<set $battleLog.push(_action)>>
<<elseif _movename eq "weed">>
<<set _netheal = (70 / 100) * ($combat.party[$chosen].maxhealth)>>
<<set _heal = Math.round(_netheal)>>
<<set $combat.party[$chosen].health = $combat.party[$chosen].health + _heal>>
<<if $combat.party[$chosen].health gt $combat.party[$chosen].maxhealth>> <<set $combat.party[$chosen].health = $combat.party[$chosen].maxhealth>> <</if>>
<<set _hasEnergyDrink = false>> <!-- Initialize a variable to track if an energy drink is found -->
<<set _energyDrinkCount = 0>> <!-- Initialize a variable to count the number of energy drinks -->
<<for _i to $player.inventory.length - 1; _i >= 0; _i-->>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Weed">>
<<set _hasEnergyDrink = true>> <!-- Set the variable to true if an energy drink is found -->
<<set _energyDrinkCount += 1>> <!-- Increment the energy drink count -->
<<set $player.inventory.deleteAt(_i)>> <!-- Delete the item at index _i -->
<<break>> <!-- Break out of the loop after deleting one energy drink -->
<<set _actorMan to $combat.party[$chosen].name>>
<<set _action.turn to $combat.turn>>
<<set _action.damage to _heal>>
<<set _action.playerAction to "Smoke Weed">>
<<set _action.actor to _actorMan>>
<<set _action.ally to "yes">>
<<set _action.staminacost to 0>>
<<set _action.type to "Healing">>
<<set $battleLog.push(_action)>>
<<goto "enemyactioncombat">>/* Sets up the _action template */
<<set _action = {
actor: '$combat.enemy[0].name',
turn: 1,
playerAction: "",
damage: 1,
ally: "no",
staminacost: 1,
type: "damage"
<<if $combat.enemy[0].health lt 0>>
<<set $combat.enemy[0].health = 0>>
<<if $combat.enemy[0].stamina lt 0>>
<<set $combat.enemy[0].stamina = 0>>
<<if $combat.enemy[0].health gte 1>>
<<set _moves = $combat.enemy[0].moves>>
/* Set a flag to check if a move is chosen */
<<set _moveChosen = false>>
/* Randomly select an enemy move */
<<for _i = 0; _i < _moves.length; _i++>>
<<set _enemyMove = _moves[_i]>>
<<if _enemyMove eq "Slap" and $combat.enemy[0].stamina gte 1 >>
<<set _moveChosen = true>>
<<break>> /* Set the flag and break out of the loop */
<<if _enemyMove eq "Nothing">>
<<set _moveChosen = true>>
<<break>> /* Set the flag and break out of the loop */
<<if _enemyMove eq "Drink Beer" and $combat.enemy[0].stamina gte 5 and $combat.enemy[0].health lt $combat.enemy[0].maxhealth>>
<<enemyDrinkBeer>><<set _moveChosen = true>><<break>> /* Set the flag and break out of the loop */
<<if _enemyMove eq "Headbut" and $combat.enemy[0].stamina gte 5 >>
<<enemyHeadbut>><<set _moveChosen = true>><<break>> /* Set the flag and break out of the loop */
<<if _enemyMove eq "Flash Tits" and $combat.enemy[0].stamina gte 4 >>
<<enemyFlashtits>><<set _moveChosen = true>><<break>> /* Set the flag and break out of the loop */
<<if _enemyMove eq "Heal" and $combat.enemy[0].stamina gte 5 and $combat.enemy[0].health lt $combat.enemy[0].maxhealth >>
<<enemyHeal>><<set _moveChosen = true>><<break>> /* Set the flag and break out of the loop */
<<if _enemyMove eq "Bite" and $combat.enemy[0].stamina gte 1 >>
<<enemyBite>><<set _moveChosen = true>><<break>> /* Set the flag and break out of the loop */
/* If no valid move is chosen, do nothing */
<<if !_moveChosen>>
<<set $combat.turn = $combat.turn + 1>>
<<if $battleLog.length gte 4>>
<<run $battleLog.deleteAt(0)>>
<<if $battleLog.length gte 5>>
<<run $battleLog.deleteAt(0)>>
<<run $battleLog.deleteAt(0)>>
<<if $battleLog.length gte 6>>
<<run $battleLog.deleteAt(0)>>
<<run $battleLog.deleteAt(0)>>
<<run $battleLog.deleteAt(0)>>
<<goto "fightMain">>/* Reset the turn counter */
<<set $combat.turn = 0>>
<div class="npctextboxm"><b>Oh no! You just lost a fight!</b><br> But don't worry! You can try again! If you are unsure how combat works, try reading the combat tutorial via the phone menu in your bedroom. You can always turn off/on combat via your phone too!</div><br>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/activities/death.jpg"></div>
<div class="npctextboxm">Sending you back to the last place you slept...</div>
<div class="npctextboxw"><center>Tip: You can access the phone menu to manage your party while in a hideout where you can sleep.</center></div><br>
<button data-passage="sleep" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Awaken]</button>/* Reset the turn counter */
<<set $combat.turn = 0>>
/* Determine how much cash the player gets from beating this enemy */
<<set _big = $combat.enemy[0].level * 45>>
<<set _moneyreward to random($combat.enemy[0].level, _big)>>
<<set $player.money = $player.money + _moneyreward>>
/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
<div class="npctextboxm"><b>Combat Victory!<hr>You defeated <<= $combat.enemy[0].name>>!<br>
You found $<<= _moneyreward>>!</b></div><br>
/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Creating an essence item of this enemy */
<<if $player.inventory.find(item => item.name === "Essence Ring")>>
<<set _randomChance to random(1,6)>>
<<set _randomChance to random(1,10)>>
<<if _randomChance lte 1>>
<<set _itemTo = {
name: "Essence of " + $combat.enemy[0].name,
type: "Essence",
image: $combat.enemy[0].pic,
desc: "An essence of " + $combat.enemy[0].name + ". What can this be used for?",
health: $combat.enemy[0].maxhealth,
stamina: $combat.enemy[0].maxstamina,
price: 250,
gender: $combat.enemy[0].gender,
<<set $player.inventory.push(_itemTo)>>
<div class="npctextboxm"><b><span style="color:#6FF52B">You found an essence of this enemy.</span></b></div><br>
/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
/* XP */
<<set _xpgiven = ($combat.enemy[0].level * 2)>>
<<set $combat.party[$chosen].xp = $combat.party[$chosen].xp + _xpgiven>>
<div class="npctextboxm"><b>Experience Gained!</b><hr>
<<print $combat.party[$chosen].name>> has gained <<= _xpgiven>> XP, their total XP is now <<print $combat.party[$chosen].xp>> xp
<<set _needed = 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt _needed; _i++>>
<<set _xpneeded = Math.pow($combat.party[$chosen].level / $exponent, $constant);>>
<<set _xpneeded = Math.round(_xpneeded)>>
<<if $combat.party[$chosen].xp gte _xpneeded>>
<br><span style="color:#6FF52B"><<print $combat.party[$chosen].name>> leveled up!</span>
<<set $combat.party[$chosen].level = $combat.party[$chosen].level + 1>>
They are now level $combat.party[$chosen].level
<<set _needed = _needed + 1>>
<br>They gained <span style="color:#6FF52B">four upgrade points!</span>
<<set $combat.party[$chosen].skill = $combat.party[$chosen].skill + 4>>
<<set _nextxp = _xpneeded - $combat.party[$chosen].xp>>
<<set _nextxp = Math.round(_nextxp)>>
<br><<print $combat.party[$chosen].name>> needs _nextxp XP for their next level up! (_xpneeded XP in total)
/* Check and assign new moves to party members if they qualify */
<<for _i to 0; _i < $combat.party.length; _i++>>
<<set _partyMember = $combat.party[_i]>>
<<for _j to 0; _j < $movechecks.length; _j++>>
<<set _movecheck = $movechecks[_j]>>
<<if _partyMember.level >= _movecheck.level && _movecheck.gender.includes(_partyMember.gender)>>
<<if !_partyMember.moves.some(m => m.name == _movecheck.name)>>
<<set _partyMember.moves.push({name: _movecheck.name, staminaCost: _movecheck.stamina})>>
<br><span style="color:#6FF52B"><<print _partyMember.name>> learned a new move: <<print _movecheck.name>>!</span>
/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Stats for nerds */
<<set $combat.totalfights = $combat.totalfights + 1>>
<<set $combat.totalfightswon = $combat.totalfightswon + 1>>
<<set $combat.totalxp = $combat.totalxp + _xpgiven>>
/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Update enemy's defeated count and discovery status */
<<set _enemyName = $combat.enemy[0].name>>
<<for _i to 0; _i < $combat.enemies.length; _i++>>
<<if $combat.enemies[_i].name === _enemyName>>
<<set $combat.enemies[_i].defeated = $combat.enemies[_i].defeated + 1>>
<<set $combat.enemies[_i].discovered = true>>
<<if !$achievements.bully.unlocked and _enemyName === "Sophie the Hobo" and $combat.enemies[_i].defeated >= 100>>
<<if !$achievements.neverForgiven.unlocked and _enemyName === "Monkey" and $combat.enemies[_i].defeated >= 100>>
<<if !$achievements.mgcd.unlocked and _enemyName === "MGCD" and $combat.enemies[_i].defeated >= 5>>
<<if !$achievements.mgcd.unlocked and _enemyName === "MGCD" and $combat.enemies[_i].defeated >= 5>>
<div class="npctextboxw"><center>Tip: You can access the phone menu to manage your party while in a hideout where you can sleep.</center></div><br>
/* Exit Button */
<button data-passage="$exitLocation" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Finish Fight]</button>
/* Checks for Achievements Button */
<<if !$achievements.combatGod.unlocked and $combat.party[0].level >= 50>>
<<set _allDiscovered = $combat.enemies.every(enemy => enemy.discovered)>>
<<if !$achievements.napoleon.unlocked and _allDiscovered>>
<</if>><<widget "leftandrightassign">>
<<set _sidepics = {}>>
<<set _sidepics.left = [
'<img src="images/ui/combat/left.jpg">',
'<img src="images/ui/combat/left2.jpg">',
'<img src="images/ui/combat/left3.jpg">',
'<img src="images/ui/combat/left4.jpg">',
'<img src="images/ui/combat/left5.jpg">',
'<img src="images/ui/combat/left6.jpg">',
'<img src="images/ui/combat/left7.jpg">',
'<img src="images/ui/combat/left8.jpg">',
'<img src="images/ui/combat/left9.jpg">',
'<img src="images/ui/combat/left10.jpg">',
'<img src="images/ui/combat/left11.jpg">',
'<img src="images/ui/combat/left12.jpg">',
'<img src="images/ui/combat/left13.jpg">',
'<img src="images/ui/combat/left14.jpg">',
'<img src="images/ui/combat/left15.jpg">'
<<set _sidepics.right = [
'<img src="images/ui/combat/right.jpg">',
'<img src="images/ui/combat/right2.jpg">',
'<img src="images/ui/combat/right3.jpg">',
'<img src="images/ui/combat/right4.jpg">',
'<img src="images/ui/combat/right5.jpg">',
'<img src="images/ui/combat/right6.jpg">',
'<img src="images/ui/combat/right7.jpg">',
'<img src="images/ui/combat/right8.jpg">',
'<img src="images/ui/combat/right9.jpg">',
'<img src="images/ui/combat/right10.jpg">',
'<img src="images/ui/combat/right11.jpg">',
'<img src="images/ui/combat/right12.jpg">',
'<img src="images/ui/combat/right13.jpg">',
'<img src="images/ui/combat/right14.jpg">',
'<img src="images/ui/combat/right15.jpg">'
<!-- Assign a random left image -->
<<set $leftPic = _sidepics.left.random()>>
<!-- Assign a random right image -->
<<set $rightPic = _sidepics.right.random()>>
<<widget "enemySlap">>
<<set _netdamage = 1 + ($combat.enemy[0].level / 2.5)>>
<<set _damage = Math.round(_netdamage)>>
<<set $combat.party[$chosen].health = $combat.party[$chosen].health - _damage>>
<<set $combat.enemy[0].stamina = $combat.enemy[0].stamina - 1>>
<<set _action.turn to $combat.turn>>
<<set _action.damage to _damage>>
<<set _action.playerAction to "Slap">>
<<set _action.actor to combat.enemy[0].name>>
<<set _action.staminacost to "1">>
<<set _action.type to "damage">>
<<set $battleLog.push(_action)>>
<<widget "enemyDoNothing">>
<<set $combat.enemy[0].stamina = $combat.enemy[0].stamina + 1>>
<<set _action.turn to $combat.turn>>
<<set _action.damage to 1>>
<<set _action.playerAction to "Nothing">>
<<set _action.actor to $combat.enemy[0].name>>
<<set _action.staminacost to "0">>
<<set _action.type to "stamina recovery">>
<<set $battleLog.push(_action)>>
<<widget "enemyDrinkBeer">>
<<set _netheal = (30 / 100) * ($combat.enemy[0].maxhealth)>>
<<set $combat.enemy[0].health = $combat.enemy[0].health + _netheal>>
<<if $combat.enemy[0].health gt $combat.enemy[0].maxhealth>> <<set $combat.enemy[0].health = $combat.enemy[0].maxhealth>> <</if>>
<<set $combat.enemy[0].stamina = $combat.enemy[0].stamina - 5>>
<<set _action.turn to $combat.turn>>
<<set _action.damage to _netheal>>
<<set _action.playerAction to "Drink Beer">>
<<set _action.actor to $combat.enemy[0].name>>
<<set _action.staminacost to "5">>
<<set _action.type to "health recovery">>
<<set $battleLog.push(_action)>>
<<widget "enemyHeadbut">>
<<set _netdamage = 4 + ($combat.enemy[0].level / 2)>>
<<set _damage = Math.round(_netdamage)>>
<<if _damage gte 100>>
<<set _damage = 99>>
<<set $combat.party[$chosen].health = $combat.party[$chosen].health - _damage>>
<<set $combat.enemy[0].stamina = $combat.enemy[0].stamina - 5>>
<<set _action.turn to $combat.turn>>
<<set _action.damage to _damage>>
<<set _action.playerAction to "Headbut">>
<<set _action.actor to $combat.enemy[0].name>>
<<set _action.staminacost to "5">>
<<set _action.type to "damage">>
<<set $battleLog.push(_action)>>
<<widget "enemyFlashtits">>
<<set _netdamage = 1 + ($combat.enemy[0].level / 2)>>
<<set _damage = Math.round(_netdamage)>>
<<if _damage gte 100>>
<<set _damage = 99>>
<<set $combat.party[$chosen].stamina = $combat.party[$chosen].stamina - _damage>>
<<set $combat.enemy[0].stamina = $combat.enemy[0].stamina - 4>>
<<set _actorMan to $combat.party[$chosen].name>>>>
<<set _action.turn to $combat.turn>>
<<set _action.damage to _damage>>
<<set _action.playerAction to "Flash Tits">>
<<set _action.actor to $combat.enemy[0].name>>
<<set _action.ally to "no">>
<<set _action.staminacost to _damage>>
<<set _action.type to "Stamina Drain">>
<<set $battleLog.push(_action)>>
<<set $titsshown = 1>>
<<widget "enemyHeal">>
<<set _netheal = (30 / 100) * ($combat.enemy[0].maxhealth)>>
<<set $combat.enemy[0].health = $combat.enemy[0].health + _netheal>>
<<if $combat.enemy[0].health gt $combat.enemy[0].maxhealth>> <<set $combat.enemy[0].health = $combat.enemy[0].maxhealth>> <</if>>
<<set $combat.enemy[0].stamina = $combat.enemy[0].stamina - 5>>
<<set _action.turn to $combat.turn>>
<<set _action.damage to _netheal>>
<<set _action.playerAction to "Healing">>
<<set _action.actor to $combat.enemy[0].name>>
<<set _action.staminacost to "5">>
<<set _action.type to "health recovery">>
<<set $battleLog.push(_action)>>
<<widget "enemyBite">>
<<set _netdamage = 1 + ($combat.enemy[0].level / 2)>>
<<set _damage = Math.round(_netdamage)>>
<<if _damage gte 100>>
<<set _damage = 99>>
<<set $combat.party[$chosen].health = $combat.party[$chosen].health - _damage>>
<<set $combat.enemy[0].stamina = $combat.enemy[0].stamina - 1>>
<<set _action.turn to $combat.turn>>
<<set _action.damage to _damage>>
<<set _action.playerAction to "Bite">>
<<set _action.actor to $combat.enemy[0].name>>
<<set _action.staminacost to "1">>
<<set _action.type to "damage">>
<<set $battleLog.push(_action)>>
<</widget>><div class="title">Inventory<br>
<div class="gallerywrapperG">
<span class="shopgg"><<button "Go Back">><<script>>Engine.backward();<</script>><</button>></span><br>
<div class="clothingWearing2">
<div class="newItembox2">
<div class="newItemphoto"><<print $player.headwear[0].image>></div>
<div class="NewItemtextt"><center>Headwear:<br><<print $player.headwear[0].name>><hr>
<<print $player.headwear[0].bonus>> [<<print $player.headwear[0].amount>>]</center></div>
<div class="newItembox2">
<div class="newItemphoto"><<print $player.body[0].image>></div>
<div class="NewItemtextt"><center>Body:<br><<print $player.body[0].name>><hr>
<<print $player.body[0].bonus>> [<<print $player.body[0].amount>>]</center></div>
<div class="newItembox2">
<div class="newItemphoto"><<print $player.legs[0].image>></div>
<div class="NewItemtextt"><center>Legs:<br><<print $player.legs[0].name>><hr>
<<print $player.legs[0].bonus>> [<<print $player.legs[0].amount>>]</center></div>
<div class="newItembox2">
<div class="newItemphoto"><<print $player.footwear[0].image>></div>
<div class="NewItemtextt"><center>Footwear:<br><<print $player.footwear[0].name>><hr>
<<print $player.footwear[0].bonus>> [<<print $player.footwear[0].amount>>]</center></div>
<div class="npctextboxw"><center>Looking for clothing items? They are stored separately, in your wardrobe.</center></div><br>
<<set _inventoryCount = {}>> <!-- Create an object to store item quantities -->
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<set _item = $player.inventory[_i]>> <!-- Get the current item -->
<<set _itemName = _item.name>> <!-- Get the item's name -->
<<set _itemQuantity = _inventoryCount[_itemName] || 0>> <!-- Get the current quantity or default to 0 -->
<!-- Update the item's quantity in the inventoryCount object -->
<<set _inventoryCount[_itemName] = _itemQuantity + 1>> <!-- Increment quantity by 1 for each item -->
<div class="achievementers">
<<for _itemName, _itemQuantity range _inventoryCount>>
<div class="achievementer">
<div class="newItemphoto">
<<set _item = $player.inventory.find(item => item.name === _itemName)>>
<<print _item.image>>
<div class="NewItemtext"><center><<print _itemName>> (x<<print _itemQuantity>>)</center><hr>
<center><<print _item.desc>></center>
<div class="backgroundmenu">
<div class="landingpagebox">
<div class="amoretitlesummer"><img src="images/ui/logo.png" alt="" /></div>
<button data-passage="intro_1" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">New Game</button>
<<button "Load Game">><<script>>UIBar.unstow().show();<</script>><<script>>UI.saves();<</script>><</button>>
<button data-passage="changelognew" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Changelog</button>
[BETA] v.<<print "$version">>
</div>/* Load Game Script */
<<if $loadgame eq 1>><<script>>UIBar.unstow().show();<</script>><</if>>
<<if $version lte 0.635>>
<<goto "wrongversiondetected">>
<<if $version eq 0.636>>
<<set $version = 0.637>>
<<if $version eq 0.637>>
<<set $version = 0.638>>
<<if $version eq 0.638>>
<<set $version = 0.639>>
<<if $version eq 0.639>>
<<set $version = 0.6391>>
<<if $version eq 0.6391>>
<<set $achievements["habsburg"] = { "unlocked": false, "title": "Habsburg", "description": "Wake up in your cousin's bed.", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/habsburg.jpg'>" }>>
<<set _ss = {
name: "Echos of the Past #2",
image:'<img src="images/dream/nurse_chat_cum.jpg" alt="" />',
desc: "Complete 'Echos of the Past #2'",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set $version = 0.64>>
<<if $version eq 0.64>>
<<set $achievements["wetdreamer"] = { "unlocked": false, "title": "Wet Dreamer", "description": "Experience the second dream", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/wetdreamer.jpg'>" }>>
<<set $version = 0.641>>
<</if>><<set _alina = $findCharacterByName('Alina')>>
<<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<set $cheats = 1>>
<div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/ui/cheater.jpg"></div>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="relCheat" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Relationship Cheat]</button>
<button data-passage="dreaminvez" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Dream Invasion 99 Turns]</button>
<<if !_alina.afflictions.includes("Detroit Costumes Unlocked")>>
<button data-passage="detcostume" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Unlock Alina's Backer Costumes]</button>
<<if !_jennifer.afflictions.includes("Backer Outfits Owned")>>
<button data-passage="momcostume" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Unlock Mom's Backer Costumes]</button>
<<if !_zoe.afflictions.includes("Backer Outfits Owned")>>
<button data-passage="siscostume" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Unlock Sister's Backer Costumes]</button>
<button data-passage="givemaxtask" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Maximus Field Task +10]</button>
<button data-passage="giveamada" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Give Amada Reputation +50]</button>
<button data-passage="maxstam" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Give Max Stamina +5]</button>
<button data-passage="givestrength" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Give Strength +50]</button>
<button data-passage="giveintelligence" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Give Intelligence +50]</button>
<button data-passage="pachinkocheat" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Give 9999 Pachinko]</button>
<button data-passage="givecash" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Give $5000]</button>
<button data-passage="roomforevertidy" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Room Tidy Forever]</button>
<button data-passage="zoestudycheat" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Study With Zoe +1]</button>
<button data-passage="givehypno" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Give Hypno Serum]</button>
<button data-passage="levelUpValues" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Change Level Up Calc]</button>
<button data-passage="enemyInfo" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Unlock All Enemy Info]</button>
<button data-passage="playerphone" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Save & Return]</button>
</div><<set _alina = $findCharacterByName('Alina')>>
<<addAffliction _alina "Detroit Costumes Unlocked">>
<<goto "cheatmenu">><<set $dreaminvasions.maxturns = 99>>
<<goto "cheatmenu">><<for _enemy range $combat.enemies>>
<<set _enemy.discovered = true>>
<<goto "cheatmenu">><<set $player.amadareputation = $player.amadareputation + 50>>
<<goto "cheatmenu">><<set $player.money = $player.money + 5000>>
<<goto "cheatmenu">><<set _methItem = {
name: "Hypnosis Serum",
price: 5500,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/hypnosis.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Hypnosis Serum. Makes the targeted person obey any command",
unique: "No"
<<set $player.inventory.push(_methItem)>>
<<goto "cheatmenu">><<set $player.intelligence = $player.intelligence + 50>>
<<goto "cheatmenu">><<set _maximus = $findCharacterByName('Maximus')>>
<<set _maximus.relationshipPoints = _maximus.relationshipPoints + 10>>
<<goto "cheatmenu">><<set $player.strength = $player.strength + 50>>
<<goto "cheatmenu">><div class="npctextboxm">
<b>READ:</b> <hr>
<p>If you're not sure what you're doing, you could mess up the game's balance. This game calculates level-ups based on two values: an exponent and a constant.</p>
<p>For example, if a character is level 10 and the exponent is 2:</p>
<p>10 / 2 = 5. Then, raising this to the power of the constant (let's say the constant is 3) gives:</p>
<p>5^3 = 125 XP needed to level up.</p>
<p>Don't worry if it sounds confusing. You can adjust the values below to find the perfect balance for your game's combat. Just be careful: setting these values too low can cause errors and too many level-ups for the game engine to handle.</p>
<p>Have fun!</p>
<label for="exponent">Exponent: [Current Value: $exponent]</label>
<<textbox "$exponent" 0.5>>
<label for="constant">Constant: [Current Value: $constant]</label>
<<textbox "$constant" 2.8>>
<button data-passage="cheatmenu" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Save & Return]</button>
</div><<set $player.maxstamina = $player.maxstamina + 5>>
<<goto "cheatmenu">><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByName($customNameMom)>>
<<addAffliction _jennifer "Backer Outfits Owned">>
<<goto "cheatmenu">><<set $casino.tokens = 9999>>
<<goto "cheatmenu">><button data-passage="cheatmenu" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Save & Return]</button>
<br><div class="npctextboxm">Note: Some characters dont do anything with relationship points. You also might break some characters that rely on relationship points to track the amount of times a character is dosed. <br>Woops! <br>You can always come back and reset a character if you mess one up.</div><br>
<<set $characters.sort((a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name))>> <!-- Sorts characters by name A-Z -->
<table class="npc-table">
<th>Relationship Points</th>
<<for _index, _char range $characters>><<capture _index>>
<td><div class="npcchatt"><<print _char.chat>></div></td>
<td><<print _char.name>></td>
<td><<print _char.relationshipPoints>></td>
<td><button data-passage="relCheatya" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$chosen to _index">[+50]</button>
<button data-passage="relCheatna" class="green-button" type="button" tabindex="0" data-setter="$chosen to _index">[0]</button>
<button data-passage="cheatmenu" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Save & Return]</button><<set $characters[$chosen].relationshipPoints = 0>>
<<goto "relCheat">><<set $characters[$chosen].relationshipPoints = $characters[$chosen].relationshipPoints + 50>>
<<goto "relCheat">><<set $bedroomState = 500>>
<<goto "cheatmenu">><<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName($customNameSister)>>
<<addAffliction _zoe "Backer Outfits Owned">>
<<goto "cheatmenu">><<set $player.money = $player.money + 500>>
<<set _zoe = $findCharacterByName('Zoe')>>
<div class="imageboxbig">
<<= _zoe.image>>
<<set _zoe.homework = _zoe.homework + 1>>
<div class="npctextbox"><div class="npcchat"><<= _zoe.chat>></div>Zoe<hr>You have studied with me <<= _zoe.homework>> times!</div><br>
<button data-passage="zoestudycheat" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Study Again]</button>
<button data-passage="cheatmenu" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Save & Return]</button><div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/ui/guide.jpg"></div>
<div class="button-container">
<button data-passage="tutorial" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Combat Tutorial]</button>
<button data-passage="tutorial_money" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Money Making Guide]</button>
<button data-passage="" class="buttonhalf" type="button" tabindex="0">[Quest Guide - Coming Soon - See Discord]</button>
<button data-passage="playerphone" class="buttonhalfblue" type="button" tabindex="0">[Save & Return]</button>
</div><div class="npctextboxm"><CENTER><b>Combat Basics!</b></CENTER></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">1) Combat in Amore is entirely optional. You have the freedom to disable it whenever you want.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">2) Check the sidebar to see your active combat party, limited to three characters, including yourself. Click on portraits to learn about each character. At the beginning, you'll have only yourself. You can't remove yourself from the combat party.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">3) Characters possess three stats:<br>
- Health: Determines how much damage you can endure<br>
- Stamina: Needed for combat moves; depleted stamina means no fighting<br>
- Damage: Increases damage dealt in most combat moves<br>
<div class="npctextboxm">4) Boost stats with skill points earned upon leveling up (four per level). Allocate these points to Health, Stamina, or Damage. Each character levels up independently, and XP isn't shared.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">5) Experience grows by defeating enemies in combat. Start with weaker foes, like the Hobo in Amore Park, to earn XP. Only active fighters gain XP, contributing to leveling up.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">6) Manage your party using the 'manage party' menu, accessible from your phone in hideouts or bedrooms. Allocate skill points and recruit/remove characters here.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">7) Recruit characters through quests, enemy essence, or store purchases. Complete quests for unique members, gather essence from enemies, or recruit level 1 characters from stores.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">8) Mastering combat is all about strategy. Build a diverse party, level up before challenging enemies, and remember to save your progress. </div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">9) If you die, you will respawn at the last place you slept.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">10)You can track all the enemies you have encountered by checking the enemy Encyclopedia in the phone menu.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Below is a full list of the available moves you can learn via level ups.</div><br>
<table class="combat-moves-table">
<th>Move Name</th>
<th>Stamina Cost</th>
<th>Required Level</th>
<th>Required Gender</th>
<<for _index, _move range $movechecks>>
<td><<print _move.name>></td>
<td><<print _move.stamina>></td>
<td><<print _move.level>></td>
<td><<print _move.gender.join(", ")>></td>
<button data-passage="playerphone" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><div class="npctextboxm"><CENTER><b>Different Ways to make money in Amore!</b></CENTER></div><br>
<table class="money-table">
<td>Fighting Enemies</td>
<td>Very High</td>
<td>Getting gud at combat is rewarding. High level enemies can drop $1000s, making this the most effective way to get cash. See the enemy encyclopedia for more info on cash drops from enemies.</td>
<td>Selling Meth</td>
<td>Secret Base - London</td>
<td>You can create and sell meth from scratch to NPCs for up to $700 per sale.</td>
<td>Strip Club - Passive Income</td>
<td>Strip Club - Amore</td>
<td>You can buy and refurbish the Amore strip club. Once done, you gain a passive $3500 each week for doing nothing.</td>
<td>Working at Elsa's Bar</td>
<td>Elsa's Bar - Amore</td>
<td>Once Elsa's quest is complete, you can work at her bar for $1000 per shift.</td>
<td>Completing Quests</td>
<td>Every quest that is complete nets you $1000 and 3 max stamina points!</td>
<td>Mom's Allowance</td>
<td>Very Low</td>
<td>Your Bedroom - Amore</td>
<td>If your bedroom is tidy enough, Jennifer will give you $200 every Sunday. This sucks but can be automated once the maid is hired from Amore park.</td>
<td>Selling Weed</td>
<td>Very Low</td>
<td>Paul's House - Amore</td>
<td>You can buy and sell weed for a lousy $100 per sale.</td>
<button data-passage="guide" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><button data-passage="guide" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Dev Note: Please bear with us as we start to re-write the entire quest guide for the new version of the game. Some stuff here is <b>outdated and doesnt apply to this version of Amore</b>. As we start to rewrite the guide, this page will be updated.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxw">
<b>Quest:</b> Defeat Your Step Dad<hr>
<b>Objective:</b> Defeat Your Step-Dad<br>
<b>Requirements:</b> If combat is enabled you should be around level 4-5 before fighting the Step-Dad. If combat is disabled, this fight is skipped and replaced with a strength check. Once these requirements are met, try to trigger the step-dad to appear such as spying on step-mom.
<div class="npctextboxw">
<b>Quest:</b> Sunbathin' Naked Mommy<hr>
<b>Objective:</b> Convince your step-mom to sunbathe naked<br>
<b>Requirements:</b> Requires a intelligence level 50 and a relationship level of 60. Once these requirements are met, talk to her in the garden during the day.
<div class="npctextboxw">
<b>Quest:</b> Hire the maid<hr>
<b>Objective:</b> Hire the maid<br>
<b>Requirements:</b> Requires $1500 dollars. Simply go to the park and speak to the maid during the day and hire her.<br>
<div class="npctextboxw">
<b>Quest:</b> Helping Elsa<hr>
<b>Objective:</b> Save Elsa’s struggling pub<br>
<b>Requirements:</b> None<br>
1) Start this quest by meeting Elsa in her pub in Amore. Talk with her some more and then offer to help her work at the bar. You can now go to Elsa's bar anytime in the evening and work for her. Unpaid, of course.<br>
2) After each shift, you will have access to some actions. Select all the options that will make Elsa like you more, such as giving flowers (if you have them) and asking for nothing. These actions will increase Elsa's opinion of you. You can track this progress in the relationship menu.<br>
3) Once the relationship has reach a high enough point, you can ask to hangout with her. This unlocks access to her apartment which you can access in the morning.<br>
4) Once Elsa's relationship has reached 250, go and speak to her in her apartment. You need at least 95 intelligence for this to work. You can then tell her to fuck the customers in her bar<br>
5) The next step after this, is to convince Elsa to fuck her customers. This can be done after working a shift at the bar once the apartment is unlocked.<br>
7) Once you have watched Elsa fuck customers 3 times, finish a shift at the bar and ask for your turn.<br>
8) Quest complete.<br>
<div class="npctextboxw">
<b>Quest:</b> Drug Dealer Deluxe<hr>
<b>Objective:</b> Sell drugs for Paul<br>
<b>Requirements:</b> No requirements. Talk to Paul In the evenings at his house to start this quest. You can sell all weed to Ahmed.
<div class="npctextboxw">
<b>Quest:</b> Lisa the MILF<hr>
<b>Objective:</b> Befriend Lisa and get ripped<br>
<b>Requirements:</b> Requires Lisa relationship level 350 and 200 intelligence. Start this quest by speaking to Lisa in the Gym. This quest requires a high relationship level and you should get used to the gym as it’s the best way to increase strength. Make sure you have a few stamina implants to reduce the amount of grinding. Once you have a high enough strength level you can start to flirt with Lisa and eventually get access to her apartment.
<div class="npctextboxw">
<b>Quest:</b> Strip Club<hr>
<b>Objective:</b> Open the strip club<br>
<b>Requirements:</b> $25k. You can buy the Strip Club for 25k at the real estate agent in Amore to begin this quest. Once you’ve bought it you will need to spend a further 2.5k to renovate it. A scene will play where Nathalya join you and the quest will be marked as complete.
<div class="npctextboxw">
<b>Quest:</b> The Aunt<br>
<b>Objective:</b> Help your Aunt around the house<hr>
<b>Requirements:</b> Step-mom relationship level 400 needed to start this quest. Once you meet this requirement, speak to step-mom in the garden or living room to start. Take a taxi to your Aunt’s house and you can do chores. One of the chores requires a 100 strength level. Once done and the quest is complete you can give the dildo to the Aunt and once a high enough relationship is achieved you can get a car from her. A high max stamina helps a lot for this quest.<br>
<b>Issues:</b> None<br>
<div class="npctextboxw">
<b>Quest:</b> Capturing Superheroes<br>
<b>Objective:</b> Capture all the superheroes in London<hr>
<b>Requirements:</b> Combat optional. If combat is enabled, it is recommended you are at least combat level 15 and have Harley in your party. If combat is not enabled these encounters are auto completed. You will need around 300 intelligence to complete this quest. Started automatically by entering London for the first time. Superslut is located in the bar during the evening. Convince her to come to the alleyway to capture her. Once complete head to the museum where you will find someone. Accuse them of really being pussywoman. You’ll now capture them. Quest done.<br>
<b>Issues:</b> None<br>
<div class="npctextboxw">
<b>Quest:</b> Step Dad's Porno Tapes<hr>
<b>Objective:</b> Step-Dad’s Porno Tapes<br>
<b>Requirements:</b> Requires step-dad to be defeated. Once this is done, you can see him wandering around outside PC world at night. Speak to him and find out he owes some money to someone called J-Rox. You can get a free taxi to the trailer park and complete the quest there. Warning/Spoiler: This does contain some optional gay/trans content. You will be asked to choose a character to join you in a Porno. Noddy, is a trans woman and has a dick which she will use in her scenes on you.<br>
<div class="npctextboxw">
<b>Quest:</b>Homework Helper<br>
<b>Objective:</b> Help your sister with her homework<hr>
<b>Requirements:</b> Requires you to have a decent relationship level. After studying with your sister five times you can unlock the option to speak with her Uni teacher and begin corrupting her.<br>
<b>Guide:</b> This Sister is studying in her bedroom on a Saturday evening. You can offer to help her during this time. After you have studied with her at least five times. You can accept a quest from her that asks you to confront her Teacher at the University. Accept this and head straight there once it is open. Mrs Moon will be in the University anytime in the evening from Monday-Friday. Speak to her. She will ask you to bring Sister here. Accept and go back and speak to Sister. Quest Complete<br>
<div class="npctextboxw">
<b>Quest:</b> Christmas 2022<hr>
<b>Objective:</b> Have Christmas with your family<br>
<b>Requirements:</b> Requires $125 for gifts, taxi money. Start this quest by speaking to Harley in London.<br>
<b>Guide:</b> Simply buy the Christmas gifts from Bernie after speaking to Harley and then go to the living room in your Mom's house. An event will be available. Choose it and enjoy the ending.<br>
<b>Issues:</b> None<br>
<div class="npctextboxw">
<b>Quest:</b> Step Dad Ultra<hr>
<b>Objective:</b> Defeat your step-dad. Again.<br>
<b>Requirements:</b> Located in your garage at home. Requires step dad's porno Tapes to be complete and a very high combat level to survive. Recommended to save before starting this fight and bring some party members.<br>
<b>Issues:</b> None<br>
<div class="npctextboxw">
<b>Quest:</b> A Mysterious Letter<hr>
<b>Objective:</b> Wait for instructions from the contact<br>
<b>Requirements:</b> Read the letter in the Lagos hotel room. To finish this quest and unlock Amada Corp, complete either Dominating Diamond or Marco's Misfortune. Go to your hotel room and the completion event will trigger.<br>
<button data-passage="guide" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><br>
<div class="npctextboxw">
<b>Quest:</b> Diamond Vs Marco<hr>
<b>Objective:</b> Side with either Diamond or Marco<br>
<b>Requirements:</b> Start by speaking to Diamond in the Lagos Voodoo shop.<br>
<b>Guide:</b> BE WARNED/SPOILERS - Siding with either Marco or Diamond will CANCEL out a quest from the other person. Save beforehand and choose carefully as you cannot reverse this decision. Siding with Marco allows you to recruit Diamond as a prostitute and siding with Diamond allows you to take over the strip club. In addition, this choice also determines who your 'Amada Friend' will be later on in the story.<br>
<b>Issues:</b> None<br>
<div class="npctextboxw">
<b>Quest:</b> Kinky Kira<hr>
<b>Objective:</b> Discover the library assistant's secret<br>
<b>Requirements:</b> Get access to the library basement and find the secret photo of Kira<br>
1) First, reach level 15 by having small talk with Kira. She'll give you a key for the backroom of the library.<br>
2) Go into the backroom. Keep searching until you find the photo of her. Confront her about it.<br>
3) Go outside the brothel and overhear a conversation about Kira<br>
4) Return to Kira. Confront her about the brothel<br>
5) Quest Complete<br>
6) Kira Tips / How to seduce - Kira's max level needed to fuck is 300. Small talk increases her level by 5. BJ finishing increases her level by 22. Paying for her boob job changes her scenes to a Kira with bigger boobs. It also increases her level by 100.<br>
<div class="npctextboxw">
<b>Quest:</b> Dominating Diamond<hr>
<b>Objective:</b> Help Marco destroy Diamond<br>
<b>Requirements:</b> Requires you to have helped Marco in the 'Diamond Vs Marco' quest<br>
<b>Issues:</b> Cannot be started if you sided with Diamond<br>
<div class="npctextboxw">
<b>Quest:</b> Marco's Misfortune<hr>
<b>Objective:</b> Help Diamond take over the brothel<br>
<b>Requirements:</b> Requires you to have helped Diamond in the 'Diamond Vs Marco' quest<br>
<b>Issues:</b> Cannot be started if you sided with Marco<br>
<div class="npctextboxw">
<b>Quest:</b> The Expensive Slut<hr>
<b>Objective:</b> Find a way to buy the woman from Adebesi in hotel room 201<br>
1) What country has the most islands? - Sweden<br>
2) Which country invented ice cream? - China<br>
3) Which country watches the most porn? - Pakistan<br>
4) Which country is the gayest? - Sweden<br>
5) Who has the biggest cock in this room? - Yourself or Adebesi (Don't say Joanna)<br>
<div class="npctextboxw">
<b>Quest:</b> Capturing Superheroes Part #2<hr>
<b>Objective:</b> Dominate Wonder Cummer<br>
<b>Requirements:</b> Requires you to have already captured Pussywoman and Superslut. Once you've completed the other quests to capture Pussywoman and Superslut, an event will appear in the underground HQ of London. Here Wonder Cummer will appear and you will be able to capture her with Harley's help. You will need to train her obedience to a certain level in order to complete this quest.<br>
<b>Issues:</b> None<br>
<div class="npctextboxw">
<b>Quest:</b> Seducing Nathaly<hr>
<b>Objective:</b> Gain Nathaly's trust<br>
<b>Requirements:</b> Requires you to have already bought the strip club and hired Nathaly. You can talk to her in the changing room of the strip club. You will need to watch her shows a few times to gain her trust. As explained in the quest log (in-game). Once you've built up enough trust you will be given the option to visit Nathaly outside of work in the Amore apartments. You can then go there and interact with her like you would normal characters in the game. Once you've fucked her, the quest will be complete.<br>
<b>Issues:</b> None<br>
<div class="npctextboxw">
<b>Quest:</b> Apate's Corruption #1 & #2<hr>
<b>Objective:</b> To start this quest, you will need access to Apate's room which is located in the bathroom of Elsa's bar. To get the key to this door you must first meet Daisy and talk to her about 'other keys', then you can talk to Patches and buy the other key. Apate will ask you to help her by invading the dreams of people and seducing them.<br>
<b>Guide:</b> This is an RNG event that you must complete. Every new turn in the dream world randomizes the location of the 'kink' which must be used to seduce the dream host. You can always guess this, but there is a 1/10 chance of guessing compared to a 1/4 chance of finding the correct answer. Some tips: Don't click the same search area over again (the destination is pre-determined, so it won't randomly appear in the same place after you searched for it once), keep an eye on how many turns you have left before Apate will bring you out of the dreamworld. If you only have one interaction left, just go ahead and guess! Once you've done this at least once, Apate will ask you to keep doing this for her and in return she will let you unlock sexual interactions. Complete it a total of 25 times to finish both quests. Finish it 100 times for a 'special' reward.<br>
<div class="npctextboxw">
<b>Quest:</b> Easter 2023<hr>
<b>Objective:</b> In Amore there is a park, in the park is an easter bunny. Not really a bunny, but a woman dressed up as a bunny. Talk to her to start the Easter 2023 quest. From here you will learn there is 3 eggs across Lagos, London & Amore. Find them all and return to the 'bunny' to complete the quest.<br>
<b>Guide:</b> You can find the eggs in the following locations:<br>
Amore - Elsa's Bar Bathroom<br>
London - Supermarket (Chat to Bernie)<br>
Lagos - Lagos Gym<br>
Once done, return to the 'easter bunny' for your reward.<br>
<div class="npctextboxw">
<b>Quest:</b> Hello Cousin!<hr>
<b>Objective:</b> Seduce Amy.<br>
<b>Guide:</b> As you wake up in Amore, there is a 5% chance that Amy may be staying over for the week. When this happens you will have access to her and her interactions. Amy is the toughest character to crack in Amore with an insane amount of grind needed to seduce her. Thankfully, there are other ways to do this. If you are struggling to get Amy to spawn, you can request her to be invited over my talking to the mom. This option is only there if Amy has at least 500 relationship with you, which is 1 serum dose.<br>
1) Grind it out. You can grind interactions with Amy. It'll take a hell of a long time and isn't the recommended way to do it. Amy's max level is 2000.<br>
2) Serum Doses - You can give her a shot of hypno which will wear her down by 500 levels each dose. Hypno serums can be obtained from Amada corp (see Mysterious Letter Quest).<br>
<div class="npctextboxw">
<b>Quest:</b> Easter 2024<hr>
<b>Objective:</b> Complete the Easter 2024 egg hunt.<br>
<b>Guide:</b> You start this quest by going to the amore park. Speak to the Easter Bunny. She will give you a easter egg hunt. Here are the three locations for the eggs. You need to complete Easter 2023 before you can start this.<br>
Egg 1 - Lagos - Bank<br>
Egg 2 - London - Daisy's Room<br>
Egg 3 - Tokyo - Yui's Apartment<br>
Return to the Easter Bunny for your reward.<br>
<div class="npctextboxw">
<b>Quest:</b> Monkey Business<hr>
<b>Objective:</b> Retrieve your wallet from the monkeys at the Tokyo Zoo.<br>
1) You start this quest by going to the Tokyo Zoo. You'll need $400 to get in.<br>
2) Explore the zoo for a bit and go to the Monkey enclosure.<br>
3) Tease the monkeys. This will cause one of the monkeys to snatch your wallet from the enclosure. A scene will play out and you will be kicked out of the Zoo. All your money is now gone.<br>
4) To get your money back, and complete this quest, you'll have to return to the Zoo at night and sneak in. This requires 1000 strength. Once inside, go straight to the monkey enclosure. If you go elsewhere, a security guard will find you and remove you from the zoo.<br>
5) If combat is enabled you will need to fight the monkey. Upon beating a monkey, you will get your money back and the quest will be complete. If combat is disabled, a scene will play out and you will complete the quest.<br>
6) You can return to the zoo anytime at midnight to fight monkeys.<br>
<div class="npctextboxw">
<b>Quest:</b> Amada's Secret<hr>
<b>Objective:</b> Gain access to the Amada Corp basement.<br>
<b>Guide:</b> To start this quest, head to the basement of Amada Corp and speak to the new character here. They will tell you that you need two approval papers in order to allow you to enter the basement. One from Maximus, and another from Molly. Once you have these documents, you will be granted access and the quest will finish. This will cover how to complete the tasks associated with getting the approval documents.<br>
1) Maximus - To obtain Maximus' approval document, simply ask him about it. He'll tell you that you have to earn his trust and complete 10 of his field research tasks. Simple do 10 of these to gain Maximus' trust and get your approval document.<br>
2) Molly - To obtain Molly's approval document, speak to Molly in her office and ask her. This time things will be a little more complicated and she'll instead give you a quest to complete. For more information on how to complete this quest, see the quest guide for 'Molly's Little Slut'.<br>
<div class="npctextboxw">
<b>Quest:</b> Molly's Little Slut<hr>
<b>Objective:</b> Complete Molly's task<br>
<b>Guide:</b> Quest: Molly's Little Slut Part 1/4
Main Quest Spoilers
<br>1) To start this quest, you will need to of first started 'Amada's Secret', if you haven't yet done that, follow the guide for 'Amada's Secret' until it points to this quest.
<br>2) Molly will ask you to check in on her distant daughter, Gabby. There is one promise you have made to Molly. 'DO NOT FUCK HER DAUGHTER'. Accept this quest and you'll get a key from Molly. This key opens the door to the strange house in London
<br>3) Head to London and enter the house with the key you obtained from Molly, you'll meet Gabby and a trashed house. Ouch. Molly isn't going to like this!
<br>4) There are multiple ways to complete and fail this quest, I will go through each ending here:
<br>5) Ending #1 - Quick & Easy - You've entered Molly's house and found the trashed home and the culprit. Simply exit and head straight to Amada and tell Molly the bad news. Molly will thank you and give you the approval document and remove the house key from your inventory.
Quest: Molly's Little Slut Part 2/4
Main Quest Spoilers
<br>5.1) Ending #2 - Failure - Once you've completed the starting dialogue with Gabby, speak to her again in her room. Click the option "I want to love you". This will cause Gabby to freak out and kick you out of the house. You'll see some scenes and an option to restart. If you want, you can continue down this path of failure and suffer the wrath of Molly. After a short scene, you will end up sitting infront of Molly. She's pissed. She will tell you that you will never gain her approval for the Amada basement and that you are on thin ice. You've also failed this quest. However, there's still another way we can get the approval document for the quest 'Amada's Secret'. Head to Patches in Amore University, tell him about your situation and ask him if he can forge an approval document. Patches will agree but will require $50k in order to make the document, he'll also need Maximus' document in order to copy everything over. If you don't have Maximus' document, see the guide in 'Amada's Secret' for instructions on how to do that. Pay Patches and receive the document.
Quest: Molly's Little Slut Part 3/4
Main Quest Spoilers
<br>6) Ending #3, #4 & #5 - This section covers the final two endings of this quest, the quest instructions are exactly the same except one choice at the end, which I will highlight when the time is right. After the introduction to Molly's house with Gabby, go to her room and speak to her. WHATEVER YOU DO, DONT ASK HER FOR LOVE - see Ending #2 for more info on what this does. Instead, speak to her about her mom and you will unlock an option to lie to Molly that everything is fine with Gabby. Ending #3 - You can go to Amada and tell Molly everything is fine when infact, it is not. Molly will always see through your lie and be upset at you, but you will get the approval document. You will of gained a lot of mistrust with Molly by doing this. If you want to get the full experience of this quest, you can continue onward and ask Gabby about helping her. She'll tell you she needs help with two things. First, she needs help cleaning. Second, she needs help paying a drug to debt.
<br>6.1) Paying the drug debt - You'll learn from Gabby that the drug debt owed is to Harley, speak to Harley in the underground lair and ask her to settle the debt. She'll agree but wants 10 packages of white snow in return, agree to this and deliver the white snow to Harley. The debt is now paid.
<br>6.2) Cleaning the house - Cleaning the house is done in the main area of the home. It's very slow and will take you 10 days to do it manually. If only you had a sexy latina maid to do it for you, maybe you already do? If you do, head home and speak to Sophia. Tell her you need help with a cleaning job. Sophia will happily help and come with you to Molly's home where she will get the entire job done in one day. You'll also be able to give Sophia a nice unique reward for her good work.
<br>6.3) Continuing on - So you've done both tasks, now go and speak to Gabby once again and tell her the good news. She'll be really happy for all the work you've done for her and now you don't have to lie to Molly. Before you leave Gabby will try to seduce you... this is now the branching path for Endings #4 and #5
<br>7) Ending #4 - Refuse Love - You can refuse Gabby's advances towards you and she will be upset and ask you to leave. Go back to Molly and tell her everything is fine and that you helped her with some minor cleaning and debt. Molly will be very happy and even know that you refused Gabby's advances. You'll gain her approval, lots of Amada reputation and future closeness with Molly
<br>8) Ending #5 - Accept Love - Accepting Gabby's love means you will get Gabby's house key after having some scenes with her. Go back to Amada and tell Molly you helped her out and everything is fine. At first Molly will be happy but soon learn what you did with Gabby. She'll still give you the written approval but nothing else will come of this except distancing yourself from Molly. You now can re-access the house in London to keep interacting with Gabby and even more special scene<br>
<button data-passage="guide" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><br><div class="npctextboxm"><CENTER><b>Different Ways to make money in Amore!</b></CENTER></div><br>
<table class="money-table">
<td>Fighting Enemies</td>
<td>Very High</td>
<td>Getting gud at combat is rewarding. High level enemies can drop $1000s, making this the most effective way to get cash.</td>
<td>Selling Meth</td>
<td>Secret Base - London</td>
<td>You can create and sell meth from scratch to NPCs for up to $700 per sale.</td>
<td>Working at Elsa's Bar</td>
<td>Elsa's Bar - Amore</td>
<td>Once Elsa's quest is complete, you can work at her bar for $1000 per shift.</td>
<td>Completing Quests</td>
<td>Every quest that is complete nets you $1000 and 3 max stamina points!</td>
<td>Mom's Allowance</td>
<td>Very Low</td>
<td>Your Bedroom - Amore</td>
<td>If your bedroom is tidy enough, Jennifer will give you $200 every Sunday. This sucks but can be automated once the maid is hired from Amore park.</td>
<td>Selling Weed</td>
<td>Very Low</td>
<td>Paul's House - Amore</td>
<td>You can buy and sell weed for a lousy $100 per sale.</td>
<button data-passage="guide" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><div class="imagebox"><img src="images/ui/cheater.jpg"></div><br>
<div class="narratortextbox">
The Cheat Hub provides exclusive benefits to Patreon supporters, allowing you to enhance your gameplay experience with powerful shortcuts. Here’s what you get:
<li><strong>Relationship Cheat</strong> - Instantly boost your relationships with absoloutely any character.</li>
<li><strong>Dream Invasion (99 Turns)</strong> - Instantly gain 99 turns of dream invasion letting you complete them without failure</li>
<li><strong>Unlock Alina’s Backer Costumes</strong> - Gain access to exclusive outfits for **Alina**.</li>
<li><strong>Unlock Mom’s Backer Costumes</strong> - Unlock Patreon-exclusive costumes for **Mom**.</li>
<li><strong>Unlock Sister’s Backer Costumes</strong> - Instantly unlock all **Sister’s special outfits**.</li>
<li><strong>Maximus Field Task Increases</strong> - Gain unlimited additional Field Tasks, speeding up your **Maximus progress**.</li>
<li><strong>Amada Reputation Increases</strong> - Boost your standing with **Amada**, unlocking more interactions and rewards.</li>
<li><strong>Max Stamina Increases</strong> - Increase your **stamina cap**, allowing for longer sessions before exhaustion.</li>
<li><strong>Strength Increases</strong> - Instantly gain more Strength points, making you more dominant in physical interactions.</li>
<li><strong>Intelligence Increases</strong> - Boost your Intelligence, opening up more dialogue options and smart choices.</li>
<li><strong>Pachinko Cheat</strong> - Instantly gain **9999 Pachinko credits**</li>
<li><strong>Cash Boost</strong> - Instantly receive cash, ensuring you never run out of spending money.</li>
<li><strong>Room Tidy Forever</strong> - Your room will now remain **permanently clean**, removing any need to maintain it.</li>
<li><strong>Study With Zoe Increases</strong> - Improve your study sessions with Zoe, helping with academic progression.</li>
<li><strong>Give Hypno Serum</strong> - Receive an unlimited amount of **Hypno Serum**, unlocking unique manipulation options.</li>
<li><strong>Change Level Up Calculation</strong> - Adjust how leveling works, making progression faster or easier depending on your own personal tastes</li>
<li><strong>Unlock All Enemy Info</strong> - Instantly reveal **detailed stats and weaknesses** of all enemies in the wiki.</li>
<div class="narratortextbox">
More to be added as the state of the game changes, and player feedback is received.
<button data-passage="playerphone" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Return to Phone Menu</button><<button "Go Back">><<script>>Engine.backward();<</script>><</button>><hr>
<<set $sortedEnemies = $combat.enemies.slice().sort((a, b) => b.level - a.level)>>
<table class="npc-table">
<th>Defeat Times (x)</th>
<th>Money per defeat</th>
<!-- Loop through sorted enemies -->
<<for _char range $sortedEnemies>>
<<set _big = _char.level * 45>>
<<set _moneyreward = random(_char.level, _big)>>
<<if _char.discovered eq false>>
<td><div class="npcchatt"><img src="images/ui/uknown.jpg"></div></td>
<td>Enemy Not Encountered</td>
<td><<print _char.level>></td>
<td><<print _char.defeated>></td>
<td>$<<print _char.level>> - $<<print _big>></td>
<td><<print _char.location>></td>
<<set _big = _char.level * 45>>
<<set _moneyreward = random(_char.level, _big)>>
<td><div class="npcchatt"><<print _char.pic>></div></td>
<td><<print _char.name>></td>
<td><<print _char.level>></td>
<td><<print _char.defeated>></td>
<td>$<<print _char.level>> - $<<print _big>></td>
<td><<print _char.location>></td>
</table><<for _i to 0; _i < $substory.length; _i++>>
<<if $substory[_i].status === "failed">>
<<set $substory[_i].progress = 0>>
<<set $substory[_i].complete = false>>
<<set $substory[_i].status = null>> <!-- Optionally reset the status if needed -->
<<goto "settings">><div class="location-title">Your Phone</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><CENTER><b>You got a backer code? Enter it below, partner!</b></CENTER>
<center><<textbox '_answer' 'Enter Code' autofocus>></center>
<span id='textbox-submit'>
<<button 'Submit Backer Code'>>
<<set _answer to _answer.trim().toLowerCase()>>
<<if hashStr(_answer) eq 1490890925>>
<<replace '#textbox-submit'>>
/* Removes the button */
<<replace '#textbox-reply'>>
<div class="npctextboxm">Backer Code Accepted - Please Click The Button Below:</div>
<button data-passage="cheatmenu" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Enter The Backer Hub]</button>
<<run $('#textbox-answer').attr('readonly', 'true');>>
<<replace '#textbox-reply'>>
<div class="npctextboxm"><CENTER>Wrong backer code. If you are a backer of Amore please check the Subscribestar or Patreon page for your code. If not, please kindly consider pledging!</CENTER></div>
<button data-passage="cheatsexplained" class="green-button2" type="button" tabindex="0">Cheats Explained</button>
</span><<script>>$(document).one(":passagerender", function (ev) {
$(ev.content).find("#textbox-answer").on("keyup", function (e) {
if (e.keyCode === 13) {
$("#textbox-submit button").trigger("click");
});<</script>><span id='textbox-reply'></span></div><br>
<<if $player.combatenabled eq "true">>
<button data-passage="enemywiki" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Enemy Encyclopedia</button>
<button data-passage="manageparty" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Manage Party</button>
<button data-passage="guide" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Game Guide</button>
<button data-passage="settings" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Game Settings</button>
<button data-passage="$currentlocation" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">[Return]</button><<for _i to 0; _i < $player.inventory.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.inventory[_i].name === "Diamond's Goods">>
<<set $player.inventory.deleteAt(_i)>> <!-- Delete the item at index _i -->
<<break>> <!-- Exit the loop after deleting one item -->
<<goto "settings">><div class="wikitextbox">Please enter the custom names for your household<br>
Mom: <<textbox "$customNameMom" "Jennifer" autofocus>><br>
Sister:<<textbox "$customNameSister" "Zoe" autofocus>></div><br>
<button data-passage="renamefamilysettings2" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Save & Return</button><<set _jennifer = $findCharacterByID('mom')>>
<<set _zoe = $findCharacterByID('sister')>>
<<set _jennifer.name = $customNameMom>>
<<set _zoe.name = $customNameSister>>
<div class="wikitextbox">Saved! - <<= _jennifer.name>>, <<= _zoe.name>>! [$customNameMom, $customNameSister]</div><br>
<button data-passage="settings" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Save & Return</button><div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/ui/settings.jpg"></div>
<div class="npctextboxm"><b>Enable/Disable Combat</b><hr>
Enable Combat <<radiobutton "$player.combatenabled" "true">> |
Disable Combat <<radiobutton "$player.combatenabled" "false">></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><b>Enable/Disable 'Characters Here' Window</b><hr>
Disable <<radiobutton "$charactersDisabled" 0>> |
Enable <<radiobutton "$charactersDisabled" 1>></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><b>New or Classic UI Bar</b><hr>
Classic <<radiobutton "$uibar" 0>> |
New <<radiobutton "$uibar" 1>></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><b>New or Classic Street Buttons</b><hr>
Classic <<radiobutton "$streetbuttons" 0>> |
New <<radiobutton "$streetbuttons" 1>></div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm"><b>Pin/Unpin Enemy Encyclopedia to left UI bar</b><hr>
Unpin <<radiobutton "$enemywikipinned" 0>> |
Pin <<radiobutton "$enemywikipinned" 1>></div><br>
<button data-passage="settings_money_1" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">New Game + Debug - Failed Quests Bugfix [Only use if new game + quests are showing as failed]</button>
<button data-passage="settings_amada_0" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Reset Amada Reputation to 0</button>
<button data-passage="settings_money_0" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Reset Money to 0</button>
<button data-passage="settings_money_3" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Remove Diamonds Goods [Debug]</button>
<button data-passage="renamefamilysettings" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Rename Family Members</button>
<button data-passage="updatecombatavatar" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Update Combat Avatar</button>
<button data-passage="playerphone" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Save & Return</button><<set $player.amadareputation = 0>>
<<goto "settings">><<set $player.money = 0>>
<<goto "settings">><<set $combat.party[0].partypic = $player.image>>
<<goto "settings">><<set $version = 0.641>>
<<set $cheats = 0>>
<<set $chosenAction = "">> /* blank for later - its for dosing people like aunt eva */
<<set $skillpointsused = 1>> /* Skill points used per click */
/* XP Maths */
<<set $exponent = 0.5>>
<<set $constant = 2.8>>
<<set $currentlocation = 'amore_bedroom'>>
<<set $findCharacterByName = function(name) {
return $characters.find(char => char.name === name);
<<set $findCharacterByID = function(id) {
return $characters.find(char => char.id === id);
<<script>>Config.history.controls = false;<</script>>
<<set $maxiOpinion = 0>> /* used for echos of the past #1 */
/* ---Player setup---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
<<set $player = {
id: 'player',
name: 'The Player',
image: '<img src="images/characters/player/chat/1.png">',
girlfriend: "",
outfit: 'regular',
money: 0,
stamina: 5,
maxstamina: 5,
strength: 0,
intelligence: 0,
reputation: 0,
amadareputation: 0,
afflictions: [],
perk: "",
headwear: [],
body: [],
legs: [],
footwear: [],
inventory: [],
combatenabled: "true",
/* ---Player Clothing setup---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
<<set _clothingItem = {
"name": "Default Headwear",
"price": 0, <!-- Adding a price field -->
"image": '<img src="images/outfits/headwear_empty.jpg" alt="" />',
"desc": "Basic headwear with no special attributes.", <!-- Adding a desc field -->
"style": "Regular", <!-- Added style -->
"bonus": "Strength", <!-- Added bonus -->
"type": "Headwear",
"amount": 0 <!-- Updated amount -->
<<set $player.headwear.push(_clothingItem)>>
<<set _clothingItem = {
"name": "Default Footwear",
"price": 0, <!-- Adding a price field -->
"image": '<img src="images/outfits/footwear.jpg" alt="" />',
"desc": "Basic footwear offering no perks.", <!-- Adding a desc field -->
"style": "Regular", <!-- Added style -->
"bonus": "Strength", <!-- Added bonus -->
"type": "Footwear",
"amount": 0 <!-- Updated amount -->
<<set $player.footwear.push(_clothingItem)>>
<<set _clothingItem = {
"name": "Default Bodywear",
"price": 0,
"image": '<img src="images/outfits/body_empty.jpg" alt="" />',
"desc": "A simple outfit for your torso.",
"style": "Regular",
"bonus": "Strength",
"type": "Body",
"amount": 0
<<set $player.body.push(_clothingItem)>>
<<set _clothingItem = {
"name": "Default Legwear",
"price": 0,
"image": '<img src="images/outfits/legs_empty.jpg" alt="" />',
"desc": "Basic legwear with no benefits.",
"style": "Regular",
"bonus": "Strength",
"type": "Legs",
"amount": 0 <!-- Updated amount -->
<<set $player.legs.push(_clothingItem)>>
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Important variables */
<<set $time = 0>> /* Tracks the time */
<<set $day = 1>> /* Tracks the day */
<<set $totaldayspassed = 0>>
<<set $bedroomState = 0>> /* Tracks the bedroom cleanliness */
<<set $wardrobe = []>> /* Creates the wardrobe array */
<<set $peeCounter = 0>>
<<set $healtimes = 0>>
<<set $trackablestats = {
spookydungeonclearedtimes: 0,
stdsgiven: 0,
dateswent: 0,
ng: 0,
piss: 0,
charactersdonated: 0,
cuckcounter: 0,
momcash: 5,
pachinkospins: 0,
dosedpeople: 0,
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* In-Game Counters, tracking user stats are stuff */
<<set $trackers = []>>
/* gabbys house quest */
<<set $gabbyshouse = {
clean: 0,
failed: 0,
/* halloween 23 variables */
<<set $halloweenquest = {
talked: [],
accusedElsa: "0",
accusedBouncer: "0",
accusedJessie: "0",
accusedMadameSpooky: "0",
murderWeapon: "0",
accusedCharacters: [],
outcomeText: "Howdy",
/* dreaminvasion variables */
<<set $dreaminvasions = {
completed: 0,
failed: 0,
search: 0,
wins: 0,
turn: 0,
active: "false",
maxturns: 5,
dreamerpic: '<img src="images/generic_npcs/female1.png">',
dreamername: "Ashley",
likes: "None",
likesdiscovered: "false",
dislikes: "None",
dislikesdiscovered: "false",
/* bounties */
<<set $bountyShit = {
target: "Nobody",
complete: false,
/* casino */
<<set $casino = {
balls: 0,
tokens: 0,
spent: 0,
won: 0,
totalwon: 0,
/* yoga trivia answers */
<<set $yogaa = {
one: "",
two: "",
three: "",
four: "",
five: "",
six: "",
/* room 2023 puzzle */
<<set $boxpuzzle = {
norman: "",
susan: "",
sally: "",
natalie: "",
/* stripclub variables */
<<set $stripclub = {
level: 0,
booths: 0,
customers: 0,
rooms: 5,
name: "Strip Club",
daytracker: 0,
/* Methlab variables */
<<set $meth = {
days: 1,
amount: 1,
upgradecost: 5000,
/* amadamaking variables */
<<set $amadamaking = {
days: 0,
material: "None",
materialready: false,
vinabonus: false,
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* In-Game variables */
<<set $npcName = "">> /* Purtroppo needed for npc creation names */
<<set $npcImage = "">> /* Purtroppo needed for npc creation images */
<<set $pushupAmount = 4>> /* The amount of strength increased by doing pushups */
<<set $gymAmount = 8>> /* The amount of strength increased by doing gym workouts */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Achievements - Do not add anything below here that is not an achievement */
<<set $achievements = {
"bully": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Bully", "description": "Defeat the hobo 100 times", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/bully.jpg'>" },
"freshStart": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Fresh Start", "description": "Start a new game plus", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/fresh_start.jpg'>" },
"flasher": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Flasher", "description": "Flash in the amada interview", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/flasher.jpg'>" },
"terrorist": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Terrorist", "description": "Threaten Molly", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/terrorist.jpg'>" },
"itsAlive": { "unlocked": false, "title": "It's Alive!", "description": "Create step dad or step dad ultra via Dr. Funk", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/its_alive.jpg'>" },
"questLover": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Quest Lover", "description": "Finish 10 quests", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/quest_lover_1.jpg'>" },
"questLover2": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Quest Lover #2", "description": "Finish 20 quests", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/quest_lover_2.jpg'>" },
"aintNoSnitch": { "unlocked": false, "title": "I Ain't No Snitch", "description": "Side with Marco", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/aint_no_snitch.jpg'>" },
"whiteKnight": { "unlocked": false, "title": "White Knight", "description": "Side with Diamond", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/white_knight.jpg'>" },
"culturalAppropriation": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Cultural Appropration", "description": "Reach level 300 with Vina.", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/cultural_appropriation.jpg'>" },
"paypig": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Pay Pig", "description": "Pay for someone's boob job", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/paypig.jpg'>" },
"banworld": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Ban World", "description": "Get banned", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/banworld.jpg'>" },
"neverForgiven": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Never Forgiven", "description": "Defeat 100 monkeys", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/never_forgiven.jpg'>" },
"returnToMonke": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Return To Monke", "description": "Create a monkey via Dr. Funk", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/return_to_monke.jpg'>" },
"notHygienic": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Hygenic?", "description": "Consume the secret sauce", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/not_hygienic.jpg'>" },
"notARealClub": { "unlocked": false, "title": "It's Not a Real Club", "description": "Join the mile high club", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/not_a_real_club.jpg'>" },
"fitIn": { "unlocked": false, "title": "I Want To Fit In", "description": "Reach 250 Amada reputation", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/fit_in.jpg'>" },
"anyHole": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Any Hole Is The Goal", "description": "Try to fuck Patches", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/any_hole.jpg'>" },
"bigBrained": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Big Brained", "description": "Reach level 1000 intelligence", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/big_brained.jpg'>" },
"liftBrah": { "unlocked": false, "title": "You Mirin?", "description": "Reach level 1000 strength", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/lift_brah.jpg'>" },
"justLikeMe": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Just Like Me", "description": "Change your body at Amada", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/just_like_me.jpg'>" },
"newPhone": { "unlocked": false, "title": "New Phone, Who dis?", "description": "Change your name at Amada", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/new_phone.jpg'>" },
"dungeonMaster": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Dungeon Master", "description": "Complete a dungeon", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/dungeon_master.jpg'>" },
"friendsNow": { "unlocked": false, "title": "My Friend", "description": "Learn the Bouncer's secret", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/friends_now.jpg'>" },
"masterOfUnlocking": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Master of Unlocking", "description": "Own both Daisy & Apate's keys", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/master_of_unlocking.jpg'>" },
"bobBuilder": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Bob The Builder", "description": "Make a gloryhole", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/bob_builder.jpg'>" },
"parkStalker": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Park Stalker", "description": "See all unique encounters in Amore park", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/park_stalker.jpg'>" },
"patientZero": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Patient Zero", "description": "Spread STDs 10 times", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/patient_zero.jpg'>" },
"medic": { "unlocked": false, "title": "MEDIC!", "description": "Cure Either Madame Spooky/Elsa/Harley of crabs.", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/medic.jpg'>" },
"iLikeToWatch": { "unlocked": false, "title": "I Like To Watch", "description": "Watch strippers 50 times", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/i_like_to_watch.jpg'>" },
"noHardFeelings": { "unlocked": false, "title": "No Hard Feelings?", "description": "Fuck Diamond 10 times", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/no_hard_feelings.jpg'>" },
"movieStar": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Movie Star", "description": "Star in 30 porno films", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/movie_star.jpg'>" },
"cantControlMyself": { "unlocked": false, "title": "No Self Control", "description": "Fail Molly's little slut", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/cant_control_myself.jpg'>" },
"drugsBad": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Drugs Are Bad, Mkay?", "description": "Receive a divine intervention", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/drugs_bad.jpg'>" },
"wetAndSlimy": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Slimy Surprise", "description": "Make someone leave the dinner table", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/wet_and_slimy.jpg'>" },
"sirPissalot": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Sir Pissalot", "description": "Piss 100 times", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/sir_pissalot.jpg'>" },
"pachinkoHater": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Pachinko Hater", "description": "Buy the lucky ring", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/pachinko_hater.jpg'>" },
"becomeHuman": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Become Human", "description": "Buy the sex robot", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/become_human.jpg'>" },
"cyborg": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Cyborg", "description": "Have a threesome with a human and a robot", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/cyborg.jpg'>" },
"cuck": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Cuck", "description": "Watch someone get fucked 20 times", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/cuck.jpg'>" },
"cucked": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Cucked", "description": "Watch a loved one take a big cock.", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/cucked.jpg'>" },
"mgcd": { "unlocked": false, "title": "MGCD", "description": "Defeat the mean green cock destroyer 5 times", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/mgcd.jpg'>" },
"combatGod": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Combat God", "description": "Reach combat level 50 as the main character", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/combat_god.jpg'>" },
"discordFriend": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Discord Devil", "description": "Read the Amada introduction book", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/discord_friend.jpg'>" },
"seeNoEvil": { "unlocked": false, "title": "See No Evil", "description": "Donate 25 characters to Amada for research", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/see_no_evil.jpg'>" },
"worthEveryPenny": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Worth Every Penny", "description": "Fuck the maid 50 times", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/worth_every_penny.jpg'>" },
"neet": { "unlocked": false, "title": "NEET", "description": "Receive a total of 2,000 from your mom", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/neet.jpg'>" },
"mollysFavourite": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Molly's Favourite", "description": "Get the perfect outcome in Molly's little slut", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/mollys_favourite.jpg'>" },
"strangeIndividual": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Strange Man", "description": "Gain 5 or more afflictions", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/strange_individual.jpg'>" },
"moreThanNiceAss": { "unlocked": false, "title": "More Than A Pretty Face", "description": "Get the maid to clean Gabby's house", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/more_than_nice_ass.jpg'>" },
"fraudster": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Fraudster", "description": "Forge a document", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/fraudster.jpg'>" },
"spaghettiSpiller": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Spaghetti Spiller", "description": "Fuck up the date with Molly or refuse her advances", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/spaghetti_spiller.jpg'>" },
"napoleon": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Napoleon", "description": "Complete the enemy encyclopedia", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/napoleon.jpg'>" },
"fashionista": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Fashion Expert", "description": "Own more than 10 items worth of clothing", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/fashionista.jpg'>" },
"withStupid": { "unlocked": false, "title": "I'm With Stupid", "description": "Fuck Amy without ever using a serum", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/with_stupid.jpg'>" },
"goonerElysium": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Gooner Elysium", "description": "Understand your reality", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/gooner_elysium.jpg'>" },
"youareagooner": { "unlocked": false, "title": "You are a Gooner", "description": "Spy on Zoe", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/youareagooner.jpg'>" },
"yousickfuck": { "unlocked": false, "title": "You sick fuck!", "description": "Have sex with Zoe, Jennifer & Amy", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/yousickfuck.jpg'>" },
"ted_kaczynski": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Ted Kaczynski", "description": "Gain the 'Ted Kaczynski' affliction.", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/ted_kaczynski.jpg'>" },
"sad": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Sad", "description": "Be rejected by a certain bartender", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/sad.jpg'>" },
"hustler": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Hustler", "description": "Show off your hustle sigma grindset", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/hustler.jpg'>" },
"extendedfamily": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Extended Family", "description": "Meet your extended family.", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/extendedfamily.jpg'>" },
"yummyessence": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Yummy Essence", "description": "Get the essence increasing item.", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/yummyessence.jpg'>" },
"sadmaxi": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Sad Maximus", "description": "Gain a negative opinion in Echo's of the Past #1", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/sadmaxi.jpg'>" },
"happymaxi": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Happy Maximus", "description": "Gain a positive opinion in Echo's of the Past #1", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/happymaxi.jpg'>" },
"kleptomaniac": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Kleptomaniac", "description": "Acquire all the items in Echo's of the Past #1", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/kleptomaniac.jpg'>" },
"ripinpeace": { "unlocked": false, "title": "RIP in Peace", "description": "Killed yourself in Echo's of the Past #1", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/ripinpeace.jpg'>" },
"dejavu": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Dejavu", "description": "Solve a familiar puzzle in Echo's of the Past #1", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/dejavu.jpg'>" },
"fuckedherbrainsout": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Fucked Her Brains Out", "description": "Fuck someone in the library", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/fuckedherbrainsout.jpg'>" },
"freakyfriday": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Freaky Friday", "description": "Masturbate as a female character", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/freakyfriday.jpg'>" },
"harleysdate": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Harley's Date", "description": "Go on a date with Harley", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/harleysdate.jpg'>" },
"apreviousupdate": { "unlocked": false, "title": "A Previous Update?", "description": "Find *new* content?", "image": "<img src='images/characters/harley/studentrileychat.png'>" },
"dinnerparty": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Dinner Party!", "description": "Have 6 people have lunch at once", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/dinnerparty.jpg'>" },
"jolene": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Jolene", "description": "Have Jolene move in to your house", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/jolene.jpg'>" },
"habsburg": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Habsburg ", "description": "Wake up in your cousin's bed.", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/habsburg.jpg'>" },
"wetdreamer": { "unlocked": false, "title": "Wet Dreamer ", "description": "Experience the second dream", "image": "<img src='images/achievements/wetdreamer.jpg'>" },
window.unlockAchievement = function (key) {
var achievements = State.variables.achievements;
if (!achievements[key].unlocked) {
achievements[key].unlocked = true;
$.notify("Achievement Unlocked: " + achievements[key].description, "success");
window.addScript = function (src, callback) {
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = src;
script.onload = callback;
window.addScript('https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.0.min.js', function() {
window.addScript('https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/notify/0.4.2/notify.min.js', function() {
window.unlockAchievement = function (key) {
var achievements = State.variables.achievements;
if (!achievements[key].unlocked) {
achievements[key].unlocked = true;
$.notify("Achievement Unlocked: " + achievements[key].description, "success");
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
<<set $movechecks = [
name: "Headbut",
stamina: 5,
level: 5,
gender: ["Male", "Female"]
name: "Flash Tits",
stamina: 5,
level: 5,
gender: ["Female"]
name: "Boobocalypse",
stamina: 10,
level: 10,
gender: ["Female"]
name: "Cock Slap",
stamina: 10,
level: 10,
gender: ["Male"]
name: "Panty Throw",
stamina: 10,
level: 25,
gender: ["Female"]
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Characters - */
<<set $characters = [
id: 'mrsmoon',
name: 'Mrs Moon',
image: '<img src="images/characters/mrsmoon/image/main.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/mrsmoon/mrsmoonchat.png">',
relationshipPoints: 10,
outfit: 'regular',
money: 300,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'alina',
name: 'Alina',
image: '<img src="images/characters/alina/reglar.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/alina/chat.jpg">',
relationshipPoints: 10,
outfit: 'regular',
money: 300,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'mom',
name: 'Jennifer',
image: '<img src="images/characters/jennifer/image/1.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/jennifer/chat/1.png">',
relationshipPoints: 10,
outfit: 'regular',
money: 300,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'sister',
name: 'Zoe',
image: '<img src="images/characters/zoe/image/1.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/zoe/chat/1.png">',
relationshipPoints: 30,
money: 10,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
homework: 0,
id: 'amy',
name: 'Amy',
image: '<img src="images/characters/amy/main/main.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/amy/chat/chat.png">',
relationshipPoints: -30,
money: 0,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
visitDayStart: 0,
id: 'elsa',
name: 'Elsa',
image: '<img src="images/characters/elsa/main.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/elsa/chat1.png">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 300,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'barwhore',
name: 'Bar Whore',
image: '<img src="images/characters/barwhore/barlady3.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/barwhore/barladychat.png">',
relationshipPoints: -50,
money: 55,
afflictions: ["Crabs"],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'maid',
name: 'Sophia',
image: '<img src="images/characters/maid/maid.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/maid/maidchat.png">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 50,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'lisa',
name: 'Lisa',
image: '<img src="images/characters/lisa/g.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/lisa/lisachatgym.png">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 250,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'stepdad',
name: 'Stepdad',
image: '<img src="images/characters/stepdad/main.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/stepdad/chat.png">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 0,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'apate',
name: 'Apate',
image: '<img src="images/characters/apate/apateg.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/apate/apatechat.png">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 0,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'auntlinda',
name: 'Aunt Linda',
image: '<img src="images/characters/aunt/auntie1.png">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/aunt/auntiechat.png">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 0,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
kitchen: 0,
shelves: 0,
garden: 0,
id: 'aunteva',
name: 'Aunt Eva',
image: '<img src="images/characters/aunteva/main.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/aunteva/chat.png">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 0,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'banker',
name: 'Bank Teller',
image: '<img src="images/characters/banker/bankteller.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/banker/bankchat.png">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 0,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'diamond',
name: 'Diamond',
image: '<img src="images/characters/diamond/diamond2.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/diamond/diamondchat.png">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 0,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'easterbunny',
name: 'Easter Bunny',
image: '<img src="images/characters/easterbunny/easterbunny.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/easterbunny/easterchat.png">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 0,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'gabby',
name: 'Gabby',
image: '<img src="images/characters/gabby/gabby.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/gabby/gabbychat.png">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 0,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'harley',
name: 'Harley',
image: '<img src="images/characters/harley/harley.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/harley/harleychat.png">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 0,
afflictions: ["Crabs"],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'hobo',
name: 'Hobo',
image: '<img src="images/characters/hobos/female_hobo_pic.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/hobos/female_hobo.png">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 0,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'victoria',
name: 'Victoria The Hobo',
image: '<img src="images/characters/hobos/tutorialmain.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/hobos/tutorialchat.jpg">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 0,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'joanna',
name: 'Joanna',
image: '<img src="images/characters/joanna/main.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/joanna/chat.jpg">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 0,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'josephine',
name: 'Josephine',
image: '<img src="images/characters/josephine/main.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/josephine/josephine_chat.png">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 0,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'kira',
name: 'Kira',
image: '<img src="images/characters/kira/kira.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/kira/kirachat.png">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 0,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'laura',
name: 'Laura',
image: '<img src="images/characters/laura/main.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/laura/laurachat.png">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 0,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'maximus',
name: 'Maximus',
image: '<img src="images/characters/maximus/johnny.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/maximus/johnnychat.png">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 0,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'molly',
name: 'Molly',
image: '<img src="images/characters/molly/molly.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/molly/mollychat.png">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 0,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'nathalya',
name: 'Nathalya',
image: '<img src="images/characters/nathalya/stripclubnath.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/nathalya/nathaly_chat.png">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 0,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'nun',
name: 'The Nun',
image: '<img src="images/characters/nun/nunlove.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/nun/nunchat.png">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 0,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'superslut',
name: 'Superslut',
image: '<img src="images/characters/superslut/superslut2.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/superslut/superslutchat.png">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 0,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'pussywoman',
name: 'Pussy Woman',
image: '<img src="images/characters/pussywoman/pussywoman.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/pussywoman/britneychat.png">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 0,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'wondercummer',
name: 'Wonder Cummer',
image: '<img src="images/characters/wondercummer/main.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/wondercummer/chat.jpg">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 0,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'teanna',
name: 'Teanna',
image: '<img src="images/characters/teanna/main.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/teanna/chat.png">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 0,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'yui',
name: 'Yui',
image: '<img src="images/characters/yui/yui.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/yui/yuichat.png">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 0,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'madamespooky',
name: 'Madame Spooky',
image: '<img src="images/characters/madamespooky/mspook.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/madamespooky/mspookchat.png">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 0,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'spookygirl',
name: 'Spooky Girl',
image: '<img src="images/characters/spookygirl/oxford.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/spookygirl/spookychat.png">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 0,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'jessie',
name: 'Jessie',
image: '<img src="images/characters/jessie/jessie.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/jessie/jessiechat.png">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 0,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'screamo',
name: 'Screamo',
image: '<img src="images/characters/screamo/screamu.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/screamo/screamchat.png">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 0,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'penny',
name: 'Penny',
image: '<img src="images/characters/penny/penny.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/penny/pennychat.png">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 0,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'jrox',
name: 'Jrox',
image: '<img src="images/characters/jrox/jroc.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/jrox/jroc_chat.png">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 0,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'bouncer',
name: 'The Bouncer',
image: '<img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerreg.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/bouncer/bouncerchat.png">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 0,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'mark',
name: 'Mark',
image: '<img src="images/characters/mark/main.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/mark/markchat.png">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 0,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'daisy',
name: 'Daisy',
image: '<img src="images/characters/daisy/daisyroom.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/daisy/daisychat.png">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 0,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'tife',
name: 'Tife',
image: '<img src="images/characters/tife/tife.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/tife/barchat.png">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 0,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'ramengirl',
name: 'Ramen Girl',
image: '<img src="images/characters/tife/tife.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/ramengirl/ramenchat.png">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 0,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'airhostess',
name: 'Air Hostess',
image: '<img src="images/characters/airhostess/airhostess2.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/airhostess/airhostess2chat.png">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 0,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'mrsclaus',
name: 'Mrs Claus',
image: '<img src="images/characters/mrsclaus/g.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/mrsclaus/chat.png">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 0,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'vina',
name: 'Vina',
image: '<img src="images/characters/vina/main.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/vina/chat.jpg">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 0,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'priya',
name: 'Priya',
image: '<img src="images/characters/priya/main.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/priya/chat.jpg">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 0,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'drdanger',
name: 'Dr Danger',
image: '<img src="images/characters/drdanger/main.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/drdanger/chat.jpg">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 0,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
id: 'jolene',
name: 'Jolene',
image: '<img src="images/characters/jolene/main.jpg">',
chat: '<img src="images/characters/jolene/chat.jpg">',
relationshipPoints: 0,
money: 0,
afflictions: [],
fuckedtimes: 0,
inventory: [],
outfit: "Regular",
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Substories */
<<set $substory = []>> /* Initialises the substory array */
<<set _ss = {
name: "Defeat Your Stepdad",
image:'<img src="images/characters/stepdad/chat.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Defeat your stepdad. Trigger his appearance by spying on his true love in the garden.",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set _ss = {
name: "Sunbathin' Naked Mommy",
image:'<img src="images/characters/jennifer/chat/1.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Find a way to convince someone to sunbathe naked. You'll need to use your wits as well as your charm!",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set _ss = {
name: "Hire the maid",
image:'<img src="images/characters/maid/maidchat.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Cleaning is very boring. You should hire a maid to automate this process.",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set _ss = {
name: "Hello Cousin",
image:'<img src="images/characters/jennifer/chat/chat.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Your cousin keeps visiting your house. Shame she doesn't like you. Maybe you should change that?",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set _ss = {
name: "Elsa's Bar",
image:'<img src="images/characters/elsa/chat1.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Rumour has it of a struggling bar in Amore. Maybe you could lend a hand?",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set _ss = {
name: "Learning Drugs",
image:'<img src="images/characters/paul/paulchat.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Didn't your old friend Paul used to sell drugs? Maybe you can get in on this.",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set _ss = {
name: "LISA the MILF",
image:'<img src="images/characters/lisa/lisachatgym.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Gain Lisa's trust and seduce her.",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set _ss = {
name: "The Aunt",
image:'<img src="images/characters/aunt/auntiechat.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Help out your aunt and get a reward.",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set _ss = {
name: "Homework Helper",
image:'<img src="images/characters/zoe/chat/1.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Your sister needs help with her homework.",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set _ss = {
name: "Step-Dad's Porno Tapes",
image:'<img src="images/characters/stepdad/chat.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Help your former stepdad out with his problem.",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set _ss = {
name: "Step-Dad Ultra",
image:'<img src="images/characters/stepdad/chat.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Defeat *ultra* stepdad.",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set _ss = {
name: "Strip Club Ownership",
image:'<img src="images/characters/nathalya/nathaly_chat.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Buy and renovate the strip club",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set _ss = {
name: "Seducing Nathaly",
image:'<img src="images/characters/nathalya/nathaly_chatnude.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Gain Nathaly's trust and seduce her.",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set _ss = {
name: "Easter 2023",
image:'<img src="images/characters/easterbunny/easterchat.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Complete the easter egg hunt",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set _ss = {
name: "Easter 2024",
image:'<img src="images/characters/easterbunny/easterchat.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Complete the easter egg hunt",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set _ss = {
name: "Apate's Corruption",
image:'<img src="images/characters/apate/apatechat.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Complete your introduction to Apate's corruption.",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set _ss = {
name: "Apate's Corruption #2",
image:'<img src="images/characters/apate/apatechat.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Complete 100 of Apate's dream invasions to satisfy her.",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set _ss = {
name: "Christmas 2023",
image:'<img src="images/characters/mrsclaus/chat5.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Complete Christmas 2023",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set _ss = {
name: "Homewrecker Cuckhold Chronicles",
image:'<img src="images/characters/laura/laurachat.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Beat the cuck.",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set _ss = {
name: "Capturing Superheroes",
image:'<img src="images/characters/harley/harleychat.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Capture all two superheroes in London for Harley",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */#
<<set _ss = {
name: "Capturing Superheroes #2",
image:'<img src="images/characters/harley/harleychat.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Capture the secret superhero for Harley",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set _ss = {
name: "Christmas 2022",
image:'<img src="images/characters/harley/harleychat.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Complete christmas 2022",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set _ss = {
name: "Bounty Huntin'",
image:'<img src="images/characters/tife/barchat.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Complete your first bounty",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set _ss = {
name: "Kinky Kira",
image:'<img src="images/characters/kira/kirachat.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Seduce kira and uncover her secret",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set _ss = {
name: "Diamond Vs Marco",
image:'<img src="images/characters/diamond/diamondchat.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Help either Diamond or Marco",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set _ss = {
name: "Dominating Diamond",
image:'<img src="images/characters/diamond/diamondchat.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Dominate Diamond",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set _ss = {
name: "Marco's Misfortune",
image:'<img src="images/characters/marco/marcochat.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Destroy Marco",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set _ss = {
name: "The Expensive Slut",
image:'<img src="images/characters/adebesi/adebesichat.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Win Adebesi's game.",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set _ss = {
name: "The Haunted Hotel Room",
image:'<img src="images/characters/nun/nunchat.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Escape the haunted hotel room. [Quest guide available on discord]",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set _ss = {
name: "Yoga 101",
image:'<img src="images/characters/teanna/chat.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Become a Yoga master",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set _ss = {
name: "Mysterious Letter",
image:'<img src="images/characters/maximus/unknownmanchat.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Find out the mystery of the mysterious letter.",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set _ss = {
name: "Sexy Hot Yakuza Babes",
image:'<img src="images/characters/yui/yuichat.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Save Yui from yakuza!",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set _ss = {
name: "Monkey Business",
image:'<img src="images/characters/monke/monkey.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Get your money back from the monkeys",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set _ss = {
name: "Amada's Secret",
image:'<img src="images/characters/molly/mollychat.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Gain access to the secret basement",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set _ss = {
name: "Molly's Little Slut",
image:'<img src="images/characters/gabby/gabbychat.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Complete Molly's request. Be careful!",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set _ss = {
name: "Dinner With The Boss",
image:'<img src="images/characters/molly/mollychat.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Complete your evening with Molly.",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set _ss = {
name: "Halloween 2023",
image:'<img src="images/characters/madamespooky/mspookchat2.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Complete the Halloween 2023 quest!",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set _ss = {
name: "Combat 101",
image:'<img src="images/characters/hobos/female_hobo.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Complete the combat tutorial quest!",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set _ss = {
name: "Seduction of Aunt Eva",
image:'<img src="images/characters/aunteva/chat.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Complete the Seduction of Aunt Eva quest!",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set _ss = {
name: "Echos of the Past #1",
image:'<img src="images/ui/echos/1.jpg" alt="" />',
desc: "Complete 'Echos of the Past #1'",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set _ss = {
name: "Halloween 2024",
image:'<img src="images/characters/madamespooky/mspookchat3.jpg" alt="" />',
desc: "Complete Halloween 2024",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set _ss = {
name: "Christmas 2024",
image:'<img src="images/characters/mrsclaus/chat7.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Complete Christmas 2024",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set _ss = {
name: "Renovations",
image:'<img src="images/characters/jolene/chat.jpg" alt="" />',
desc: "Complete Renovations",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
<<set _ss = {
name: "Echos of the Past #2",
image:'<img src="images/dream/nurse_chat_cum.jpg" alt="" />',
desc: "Complete 'Echos of the Past #2'",
progress: 0,
complete: false,
<<set $substory.push(_ss)>> /* adds this substory to the game */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Combat Variables */
<<set $combat = {
party: [],
bench: [],
enemies: [],
enemy: [],
turn: 0,
totalxp: 0,
totalfights: 0,
totalfightslost: 0,
totalfightswon: 0,
<<set $chosen = "-1">> /* For choosing which ally we are choosing */
<<set $enemyChosen = "">> /* For choosing which enemy we are fighting */
<<set $chosenmove = "">> /* For choosing which move in combat */
<<set $battleLog = []>> /* Initialises the battle log */
<<set $leftpic = "">> /* Initialises the slot where the left pic will go in combat */
<<set $leftpic = "">> /* Initialises the slot where the right pic will go in combat */
<<set $exitLocation = "">> /* Initialises exit location after combat */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Combat enemies */
<<set $combat.enemies = [
name: "Monkey",
gender: "Male",
pic: '<img src="images/characters/monke/monkey.png" alt="" />',
health: 455,
stamina: 15,
maxhealth: 455,
maxstamina: 15,
level: 220,
xp: 0,
moves: ["Bite","Headbut"],
defeated: 0,
discovered: false,
location: "Tokyo Zoo",
name: "Adebesi",
gender: "Male",
pic: '<img src="images/characters/adebesi/adebesichat.jpg" alt="" />',
health: 250,
stamina: 50,
maxhealth: 250,
maxstamina: 50,
level: 45,
xp: 0,
moves: ["Bite","Headbut"],
defeated: 0,
discovered: false,
location: "Lagos Hotel",
name: "Sophie the Hobo",
gender: "Female",
pic: '<img src="images/characters/hobos/female_hobo.png" alt="" />',
health: 7,
stamina: 5,
maxhealth: 7,
maxstamina: 5,
level: 1,
xp: 0,
moves: ["Slap"],
defeated: 0,
discovered: false,
location: "Amore Park",
name: "Victoria the Hobo",
gender: "Female",
pic: '<img src="images/characters/hobos/tutorialchat.jpg" alt="" />',
health: 15,
stamina: 1,
maxhealth: 15,
maxstamina: 1,
level: 1,
xp: 0,
moves: [],
defeated: 0,
discovered: false,
location: "Amore Park",
name: "Zombie",
gender: "Female",
pic: '<img src="images/characters/zombie/zombiechat.png" alt="" />',
health: 250,
stamina: 55,
maxhealth: 250,
maxstamina: 55,
level: 220,
xp: 0,
moves: ["Bite","Flash Tits"],
defeated: 0,
discovered: false,
location: "Spooky Dungeon",
name: "MGCD",
gender: "Female",
pic: '<img src="images/characters/MGCD/bosschat.png" alt="" />',
health: 950,
stamina: 55,
maxhealth: 950,
maxstamina: 55,
level: 400,
xp: 0,
moves: ["Bite","Flash Tits"],
defeated: 0,
discovered: false,
location: "Spooky Dungeon",
name: "Stepdad",
gender: "Male",
pic: '<img src="images/characters/stepdad/chat.png" alt="" />',
health: 25,
stamina: 5,
maxhealth: 25,
maxstamina: 5,
level: 8,
xp: 0,
moves: ["Slap","Drink Beer"],
defeated: 0,
discovered: false,
location: "Amore",
name: "Stepdad ULTRA",
gender: "Male",
pic: '<img src="images/characters/stepdad/chat_ultra.png" alt="" />',
health: 65,
stamina: 15,
maxhealth: 65,
maxstamina: 15,
level: 20,
xp: 0,
moves: ["Slap","Drink Beer"],
defeated: 0,
discovered: false,
location: "Amore",
name: "Bar Whore",
gender: "Female",
pic: '<img src="images/characters/barwhore/barladychat.png" alt="" />',
health: 20,
stamina: 2,
maxhealth: 20,
maxstamina: 2,
level: 5,
xp: 0,
moves: ["Slap","Drink Beer"],
defeated: 0,
discovered: false,
location: "Elsa's Bar",
name: "Super Slut",
gender: "Female",
pic: '<img src="images/characters/superslut/superslutchat.png" alt="" />',
health: 70,
stamina: 10,
maxhealth: 70,
maxstamina: 10,
level: 15,
xp: 0,
moves: ["Slap","Flash Tits","Drink Beer","Headbut"],
defeated: 0,
discovered: false,
location: "London Bar",
name: "Female Yakuza",
gender: "Female",
pic: '<img src="images/characters/yakuza/asachat.png" alt="" />',
health: 470,
stamina: 15,
maxhealth: 470,
maxstamina: 15,
level: 155,
xp: 0,
moves: ["Slap","Flash Tits","Drink Beer","Headbut"],
defeated: 0,
discovered: false,
location: "Tokyo Alleyway",
name: "Dog",
gender: "Male",
pic: '<img src="images/characters/dog/chat.png" alt="" />',
health: 58,
stamina: 50,
maxhealth: 58,
maxstamina: 50,
level: 15,
xp: 0,
moves: ["Bite"],
defeated: 0,
discovered: false,
location: "London Alleyway",
name: "Bounty",
gender: "Male",
pic: '<img src="images/player/player2.png" alt="" />',
health: 10,
stamina: 30,
maxhealth: 10,
maxstamina: 10,
level: 15,
xp: 0,
moves: ["Slap","Drink Beer","Headbut"],
defeated: 0,
discovered: false,
location: "London Bar",
name: "Marty",
gender: "Male",
pic: '<img src="images/characters/marty/martychat.png" alt="" />',
health: 300,
stamina: 6,
maxhealth: 300,
maxstamina: 6,
level: 55,
xp: 0,
moves: ["Headbut"],
defeated: 0,
discovered: false,
location: "Lagos Supermarket",
name: "Bank Teller",
gender: "Female",
pic: '<img src="images/characters/banker/bankchat.png" alt="" />',
health: 400,
stamina: 10,
maxhealth: 400,
maxstamina: 10,
level: 200,
xp: 0,
moves: ["Slap","Flash Tits","Headbut"],
defeated: 0,
discovered: false,
location: "Lagos Bank",
name: "Marco",
gender: "Male",
pic: '<img src="images/characters/marco/marcochat.png" alt="" />',
health: 450,
stamina: 15,
maxhealth: 450,
maxstamina: 15,
level: 300,
xp: 0,
moves: ["Slap","Headbut"],
defeated: 0,
discovered: false,
location: "Lagos",
name: "Diamond",
gender: "Female",
pic: '<img src="images/characters/diamond/diamondchat.png" alt="" />',
health: 450,
stamina: 15,
maxhealth: 450,
maxstamina: 15,
level: 300,
xp: 0,
moves: ["Slap","Headbut"],
defeated: 0,
discovered: false,
location: "Lagos",
name: "Nun",
gender: "Female",
pic: '<img src="images/characters/nun/nunchat.png" alt="" />',
health: 180,
stamina: 15,
maxhealth: 180,
maxstamina: 15,
level: 48,
xp: 0,
moves: ["Slap","Heal","Flash Tits"],
defeated: 0,
discovered: false,
location: "Lagos",
/* ---- */
/* All shop items */
<<set $allItems = [
name: "Energy Drink",
price: 200,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/energy.png" alt="" />',
desc: "A mixture of random chemicals that restores stamina in combat situations.",
unique: "No"
name: "Crab Medicine",
price: 1000,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/medicine.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Medicine that removes crabs and public lice.",
unique: "No"
name: "Medpack",
price: 125,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/medpack.png" alt="" />',
desc: "A typical bundle of medical items. Heals your health in combat situations.",
unique: "No"
name: "Tools",
price: 500,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/powertool.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Used for construction of many things. Do not use in bathroom stalls to create gloryholes.",
unique: "Yes"
name: "Dildo",
price: 1500,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/dildo.png" alt="" />',
desc: "A dildo.. you already know. Don't make me describe a dildo to you.",
unique: "Yes"
name: "Flowers",
price: 150,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/flowers.png" alt="" />',
desc: "A bunch of flowers, the cheat code for picking up girls. My mom says girls love flowers.",
unique: "No"
name: "Diamond",
price: 15000,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/diamond.png" alt="" />',
desc: "A diamond. Why is this even sold here?",
unique: "No"
name: "Christmas Gifts",
price: 2125,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/christmas_gift.png" alt="" />',
desc: "Christmas themed gifts. The contents are unknown.",
unique: "Yes"
name: "Sex Book",
price: 499,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/book.png" alt="" />',
desc: "A book that teaches the different ways of the doggy.",
unique: "Yes"
name: "Key [Daisy]",
price: 1499,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/daisykey.png" alt="" />',
desc: "A key with the name 'Daisy' engraved on the side.",
unique: "Yes"
name: "Key [Apate]",
price: 3499,
image: '<img src="images/inventory/daisykey.png" alt="" />',
desc: "A key with the name 'Apate' engraved on the side.",
unique: "Yes"
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* All clothing items */
<<set $allClothingItems = [
name: "Army Boots",
price: 500,
image: '<img src="images/outfits/army_boots.jpg" alt="" />',
desc: "Serious looking army boots",
style: "Military",
bonus: "Strength",
type: "Footwear",
amount: 75,
name: "Backwards Cap",
price: 50,
image: '<img src="images/outfits/backwards_cap.jpg" alt="" />',
desc: "When you want to be the very best like no one ever was.",
style: "Cool",
bonus: "Strength",
type: "Headwear",
amount: 15,
name: "Bandana",
price: 250,
image: '<img src="images/outfits/bandana.jpg" alt="" />',
desc: "Good at hiding your receding hairline.",
style: "Cool",
bonus: "Max Stamina",
type: "Headwear",
amount: 5,
name: "Clown Mask",
price: 2500,
image: '<img src="images/outfits/clown_mask.jpg" alt="" />',
desc: "It's not about the mask. It's about sending a message.",
style: "Scary",
bonus: "Intelligence",
type: "Headwear",
amount: 150,
name: "Dunce Hat",
price: 5,
image: '<img src="images/outfits/dunce.jpg" alt="" />',
desc: "Given to the biggest idiots.",
style: "Funny",
bonus: "Intelligence",
type: "Headwear",
amount: -1000,
name: "Elf Hat",
price: 2500,
image: '<img src="images/outfits/elf_hat.jpg" alt="" />',
desc: "Very Christmas-y.",
style: "Christmas",
bonus: "Intelligence",
type: "Headwear",
amount: 150,
name: "Fake Tuxedo",
price: 750,
image: '<img src="images/outfits/fake_tux.jpg" alt="" />',
desc: "Very Christmas-y.",
style: "Classy",
bonus: "Intelligence",
type: "Body",
amount: 75,
name: "Fedora",
price: 200,
image: '<img src="images/outfits/fedora.jpg" alt="" />',
desc: "Mlday",
style: "Classy",
bonus: "Intelligence",
type: "Headwear",
amount: 25,
name: "Flatcap",
price: 750,
image: '<img src="images/outfits/flatcap.jpg" alt="" />',
desc: "A proper hard mans hat, init.",
style: "Classy",
bonus: "Strength",
type: "Headwear",
amount: 50,
name: "Flip Flops",
price: 50,
image: '<img src="images/outfits/flip_flops.jpg" alt="" />',
desc: "Because everyone needs to see your toes.",
style: "Funny",
bonus: "Max Stamina",
type: "Footwear",
amount: 2,
name: "Frankenstein Mask",
price: 2500,
image: '<img src="images/outfits/frankenstein_mask.jpg" alt="" />',
desc: "Brainless but strong.",
style: "Scary",
bonus: "Strength",
type: "Headwear",
amount: 250,
name: "Frog Mask",
price: 2500,
image: '<img src="images/outfits/frog_mask.jpg" alt="" />',
desc: "Horror. Half man, half frog.",
style: "Scary",
bonus: "Max Stamina",
type: "Headwear",
amount: 10,
name: "Jorts",
price: 1250,
image: '<img src="images/outfits/jorts.jpg" alt="" />',
desc: "Thuganomics.",
style: "Cool",
bonus: "Strength",
type: "Legs",
amount: 100,
name: "Knee Pads",
price: 3000,
image: '<img src="images/outfits/kneepads.jpg" alt="" />',
desc: "Protects your knees.",
style: "Military",
bonus: "Strength",
type: "Legs",
amount: 200,
name: "Ladies Underwear",
price: 5,
image: '<img src="images/outfits/ladies_underwear.jpg" alt="" />',
desc: "Where did you get this?",
style: "Funny",
bonus: "Strength",
type: "Legs",
amount: -50,
name: "Leather Jacket",
price: 5000,
image: '<img src="images/outfits/leather_jacket.jpg" alt="" />',
desc: "Cool as fuck.",
style: "Cool",
bonus: "Strength",
type: "Body",
amount: 250,
name: "Meme T Shirt",
price: 50,
image: '<img src="images/outfits/meme_tshirt.jpg" alt="" />',
desc: "Sorry mom, i'm gaming.",
style: "Funny",
bonus: "Strength",
type: "Body",
amount: -5,
name: "Monk Robe",
price: 10000,
image: '<img src="images/outfits/monk_robe.jpg" alt="" />',
desc: "One with the almighty",
style: "Scary",
bonus: "Intelligence",
type: "Body",
amount: 500,
name: "Wizard Boots",
price: 15000,
image: '<img src="images/outfits/wizardboots.jpg" alt="" />',
desc: "One of the three wizard items.",
style: "Wizard",
bonus: "Intelligence",
type: "Footwear",
amount: 250,
name: "Wizard Hat",
price: 15000,
image: '<img src="images/outfits/wizardhat.jpg" alt="" />',
desc: "One of the three wizard items.",
style: "Wizard",
bonus: "Intelligence",
type: "Headwear",
amount: 250,
name: "Wizard Robe",
price: 50000,
image: '<img src="images/outfits/wizardrobe.jpg" alt="" />',
desc: "One of the three wizard items.",
style: "Wizard",
bonus: "Intelligence",
type: "Body",
amount: 1000,
name: "Wife Beater",
price: 750,
image: '<img src="images/outfits/wifebeater.jpg" alt="" />',
desc: "Beer stains not included",
style: "Military",
bonus: "Strength",
type: "Body",
amount: 45,
name: "Sherrif Hat",
price: 3750,
image: '<img src="images/outfits/sherrif_hat.jpg" alt="" />',
desc: "Howdy",
style: "Military",
bonus: "Strength",
type: "Headwear",
amount: 200,
name: "Army Jacket",
price: 7000,
image: '<img src="images/outfits/army_jacket.jpg" alt="" />',
desc: "Howdy",
style: "Military",
bonus: "Strength",
type: "Body",
amount: 350,
name: "Ninja Pants",
price: 15000,
image: '<img src="images/outfits/ninja_pants.jpg" alt="" />',
desc: "One of the three ninja items.",
style: "Ninja",
bonus: "Max Stamina",
type: "Footwear",
amount: 25,
name: "Ninja Hat",
price: 15000,
image: '<img src="images/outfits/ninja_hood.jpg" alt="" />',
desc: "One of the three ninja items.",
style: "Ninja",
bonus: "Max Stamina",
type: "Headwear",
amount: 25,
name: "Ninja Robe",
price: 50000,
image: '<img src="images/outfits/ninja_robe.jpg" alt="" />',
desc: "One of the three ninja items.",
style: "Ninja",
bonus: "Max Stamina",
type: "Body",
amount: 100,
/* Amore Park random encounters */
<<set $parkEncounters = [
encounter: 1,
image: '<img src="images/locations/amore/park/rng/flash.jpg" alt="" />',
encountered: "No"
encounter: 2,
image: '<img src="images/locations/amore/park/rng/camping.jpg" alt="" />',
encountered: "No"
encounter: 3,
image: '<img src="images/locations/amore/park/rng/homeless.jpg" alt="" />',
encountered: "No"
encounter: 4,
image: '<img src="images/locations/amore/park/rng/picnic.jpg" alt="" />',
encountered: "No"
encounter: 5,
image: '<img src="images/locations/amore/park/rng/piss.jpg" alt="" />',
encountered: "No"
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */<<if $gameshastarted eq 0>><<script>>UIBar.hide().stow();<</script>><<else>><</if>><table>
<td>Successful Homework</td>
<td><<print $homeworkCounter>></td>
<td>Bad Homework</td>
<td><<print $homeworkCounterBad>></td>
<td>Piss Counter</td>
<td><<print $peeCounter>></td>
<td>Shower Counter</td>
<td><<print $showerCounter>></td>
<td>Masturbation Counter</td>
<td><<print $masturbateTimes>></td>
<td>Shifts Worked at Game Store</td>
<td><<print $gameStoreWorkedTimes>></td>
<td>Cash Earned at Game Store</td>
<td>$<<print $cashEarnedGame>></td>
<td>Bottles Recycled</td>
<td><<print $bottlesRecycled>></td>
<td>Cash Earned from Bottles</td>
<td>$<<print $bottlesRecycledCash>></td>
<td>Cash Lost In Muggings</td>
<td>$<<print $totalCashRobbed>></td>
<td>Hobo Upgrades</td>
<td><<print $upgradesUpgraded>></td>
<td>Cash Spent at Hobo</td>
<td><<print $hoboCashDonated>></td>
/* Skills */ <hr>
<td>Parasite Creation Days</td>
<td><<print $parasiteDaysLevel>></td>
<td>% Chance to avoid muggers</td>
<td><<print $chanceAvoid>>%</td>
<td>Bottles Scavenged per search</td>
<td><<print $bottlesGivenLevel>></td>
</table><div class="uibackground">
<<if $dreaminvasions.active eq "true">>
<div class="npcchat"><<= $dreaminvasions.dreamerpic>></div>
<strong>Dreamworld Target:</strong> <<= $dreaminvasions.dreamername>><hr><br>
<div class="dreamerwrapper">
<strong>Likes:</strong> <<if $dreaminvasions.likesdiscovered != "true">>
<span class="placeholder">Not Discovered</span>
<<else>> <<= $dreaminvasions.likes>> <</if>><hr>
<strong>Dislikes:</strong> <<if $dreaminvasions.dislikesdiscovered != "true">>
<span class="placeholder">Not Discovered</span>
<<else>> <<= $dreaminvasions.dislikes>> <</if>><hr>
<strong>Actions Taken:</strong> <<= $dreaminvasions.turn>>/<<= $dreaminvasions.maxturns>><br>
<button data-passage="quitdreamworld" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Quit Dreamworld</button>
<div class="uibarpic"><img src="images/ui/logo.png"></div>
v<font size="-1">$version</font><br>
Status: <<if !$player.afflictions.includes("Crabs")>>Normal<<else>>Crabs 🦀<</if>><hr>
Money: $<<print $player.money>><br>
Stamina: $player.stamina/$player.maxstamina <br>
Strength: $player.strength<br>
Intelligence: $player.intelligence<br>
<font size="-2">Cheats <<if $cheats gte 1>>Enabled<<else>>Disabled<</if>></font>
<font size="-2"> | Combat <<if $player.combatenabled eq "true">>Enabled<<else>>Disabled<</if>></font><hr>
<<if $UIDISABLED != 1>>
<<if $player.combatenabled eq "true">>
<center>Current Party $combat.party.length/3</center>
<div class="partywrapper">
<<if $combat.party.length gte 1>>
<div class="partybox">
<<print $combat.party[0].partypic>>
<<if $combat.party[0].health < ($combat.party[0].maxhealth * 0.2)>>
<div class="health-bar red"></div>
<<elseif $combat.party[0].health < ($combat.party[0].maxhealth * 0.5)>>
<div class="health-bar amber"></div>
<div class="health-bar green"></div>
<<if $combat.party.length gte 2>>
<div class="partybox">
<<print $combat.party[1].partypic>>
<<if $combat.party[1].health < ($combat.party[1].maxhealth * 0.2)>>
<div class="health-bar red"></div>
<<elseif $combat.party[1].health < ($combat.party[1].maxhealth * 0.5)>>
<div class="health-bar amber"></div>
<div class="health-bar green"></div>
<<if $combat.party.length gte 3>>
<div class="partybox">
<<print $combat.party[2].partypic>>
<<if $combat.party[2].health < ($combat.party[2].maxhealth * 0.2)>>
<div class="health-bar red"></div>
<<elseif $combat.party[2].health < ($combat.party[2].maxhealth * 0.5)>>
<div class="health-bar amber"></div>
<div class="health-bar green"></div>
<button data-passage="Inventory" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Inventory</button>
<button data-passage="new_gallery" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Achievements</button>
<button data-passage="questlog" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Quest Log</button>
<button data-passage="relationships" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Relationships</button>
<<if $enemywikipinned eq 1>>
<button data-passage="enemywiki" class="button" type="button" tabindex="0">Enemy Wiki</button>
<<button "Save/Load Game">><<script>>UI.saves();<</script>><</button>><hr>
<<button "Go Back">><<script>>Engine.backward();<</script>><</button>>
<<button "Restart Game">><<script>>Engine.restart();<</script>>
<a class="button" target="_blank" href="https://discord.gg/VkF4uYcF6d"><button>Discord</button></a>
[[☢️ | sleep]]<<button "Go Back">><<script>>Engine.backward();<</script>><</button>>
<!-- Calculate total and unlocked achievements -->
<<set _totalAchievements = Object.keys($achievements).length>>
<<set _unlockedAchievements = Object.keys($achievements).filter(key => $achievements[key].unlocked).length>>
<<set _completionPercentage = Math.round((_unlockedAchievements / _totalAchievements) * 100)>>
<center><h1>Achievements [<<print _unlockedAchievements>>/<<print _totalAchievements>> Unlocked - <<print _completionPercentage>>% Complete]</h1><hr></center>
<!-- Sort the achievements A-Z by title -->
<<set $sortedAchievements = Object.keys($achievements).slice().sort((a, b) => $achievements[a].title.localeCompare($achievements[b].title))>>
<div class="achievements">
<!-- Loop through the sorted achievements -->
<<for _key range $sortedAchievements>>
<<set _achievement = $achievements[_key]>>
<div class="achievement">
<<if _achievement.unlocked>>
<h3><<print _achievement.title>></h3>
<div class="image-container">
<<print _achievement.image>>
<p><<print _achievement.description>></p>
<h3><<print _achievement.title>></h3>
<div class="image-container">
<img src="images/ui/uknown.jpg" alt="Locked">
<p><<print _achievement.description>></p>
<<button "Go Back">><<script>>Engine.backward();<</script>><</button>><h1>Page Not Found</h1>
<p>Sorry, the page you are looking for does not exist. Please make a note of how you got here and let the dev know.</p>
<<link "GO BACK">>
<</link>><<button "Back to Game">><<script>>Engine.backward();<</script>><</button>>
<!-- Calculate completed quests percentage -->
<<set _completedCount = 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $substory.length; _i++>>
<<if $substory[_i].complete eq true>>
<<set _completedCount += 1>>
<center><h1>Quests - <<print ((_completedCount / $substory.length) * 100).toFixed(2)>>% Completed</h1><hr><font size="2"> //Full Quest Guides Available On Our Discord//</font></center>
<!-- Sort quests A-Z by name -->
<<set $sortedSubstory = $substory.slice().sort((a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name))>>
<div class="substory-container">
<!-- Loop through the sorted quests -->
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $sortedSubstory.length; _i++>>
<<set _quest = $sortedSubstory[_i]>> <!-- Store the current quest in a temporary variable -->
<div class="substory">
<<if _quest.complete eq false and _quest.status neq "failed">>
<img src="images/ui/locked.png" alt="" />
<<print _quest.image>>
<<print _quest.name>> [<<= _quest.progress>>%]<br>
<<if _quest.complete eq true>>
<span style="color:green"><b>COMPLETE</b></span>
<<elseif _quest.status eq "failed">>
<span style="color:red"><b>FAILED</b></span>
<span style="color:red"><b>INCOMPLETE</b></span>
<<button "Back to Game">><<script>>Engine.backward();<</script>><</button>><div class="npctextboxm">Major Spoilers Ahead.</div><br>
<div class="npctextboxm">Defeat Your Stepdad<hr>
Requires combat enabled or 50 strength<br>
When you first start Amore, there will be a stepdad character preventing you from doing anything lewd with Jennifer. You'll have to defeat him by triggering a fight. This can be done a few ways such as spying in the garden area. If you have combat enabled. You can fight him. If not, you will need at least 50 strength. Fight him and he will leave. Quest complete.
<div class="npctextboxm">Sunbathing Naked Mommy<hr>
Requires 100 relationship points with Jennifer and 100 intelligence points<br>
Simple meet the requirements above and talk to Jennifer in the garden during the day about sunbathing nude.
<div class="npctextboxm">Hire the maid<hr>
Requires $1500<br>
During the day you can meet Sophia in Amore park. Pay her $1500 to become your maid.
<div class="npctextboxm">Hello Cousin<hr>
Requires access to hypnosis serums<br>
As you wake up in Amore, there is a 5% chance that Amy may be staying over for the week. When this happens you will have access to her and her interactions. Amy is the toughest character to crack in Amore with an insane amount of grind needed to seduce her. Thankfully, there are other ways to do this. You can give her a shot of hypno which will wear her down by 200 levels each dose. Hypno serums can be obtained from Amada corp (see Mysterious Letter Quest). Once you've gained enough to fuck her the quest will complete.
<div class="npctextboxm">Elsa's Bar<hr>
Start this quest by meeting Elsa in her pub in Amore. Talk with her some more and then offer to help her work at the bar. You can now go to Elsa's bar anytime in the evening and work for her. Unpaid, of course.
After each shift, you will have access to some actions. Select all the options that will make Elsa like you more, such as giving flowers (if you have them) and asking for nothing. These actions will increase Elsa's opinion of you. You can track this progress in the relationship menu.
Once the relationship has grown enough, you can ask to hangout with her. This unlocks access to her apartment which you can access in the morning.
Once Elsa's relationship has reached an even further amount, go and speak to her after working and convince her to fuck her customers The quest will now complete.
<div class="npctextboxm">Elsa's Bar<hr>
Start this quest by meeting Elsa in her pub in Amore. Talk with her some more and then offer to help her work at the bar. You can now go to Elsa's bar anytime in the evening and work for her. Unpaid, of course.
After each shift, you will have access to some actions. Select all the options that will make Elsa like you more, such as giving flowers (if you have them) and asking for nothing. These actions will increase Elsa's opinion of you. You can track this progress in the relationship menu.
Once the relationship has grown enough, you can ask to hangout with her. This unlocks access to her apartment which you can access in the morning.
Once Elsa's relationship has reached an even further amount, go and speak to her after working and convince her to fuck her customers The quest will now complete.
</div><br><<button "Go Back">><<script>>Engine.backward();<</script>><</button>><hr>
<<set $characters.sort((a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name))>> <!-- Sorts characters by name A-Z -->
<table class="npc-table">
<th>Relationship Points</th>
<th>Fucked Times (x)</th>
<<for _char range $characters>>
<td><div class="npcchatt"><<print _char.chat>></div></td>
<td><<print _char.name>></td>
<td><<print _char.relationshipPoints>></td>
<td><<if _char.afflictions.length > 0>><<print _char.afflictions.join(", ")>><<else>>None<</if>></td>
<td><<print _char.fuckedtimes>></td>
</table><div class="npctextbox"><b><u>Amore</u></b><hr>
Changes in this version [v$version]<br>
<li>Bug Fixes - Fixed lots of reported bugs and softlocks</li>
<li>Sleeping - Sleeping now fully heals health and stamina</li>
<li>Dreams - Added the second dream. Unlocked once Zoe's quest is complete.</li>
<li>Backers - New code</li>
<<button "Return">><<script>>Engine.backward();<</script>><</button>><div class="location-container">
<div class="location-area"><img src="images/ui/outdated.jpg"></div>
<<set $version = 9999>>
<div class="npctextboxm"><b>Hey buddy... looks like your save is not compatible with this new version of the game. Sorry about that. You'll need to start a new game. This affects all saves prior to [v0.635]</b></div><br>
<<button "Restart Amore">><<script>>Engine.restart();<</script>><</button>>